Re: Enrutar correo con smail

1999-03-16 Thread Andres Herrera

On Mon, Mar 15, 1999 at 01:45:16PM +0100, Netman wrote:
 Uso smail como gestor de correo en dos máquinas. Quizá me sobre en una,
 puesto que la otra es la pasarela. Pero no sé hacer que todo el correo de
 hamm vaya al smail de bo sin estar conectado a internet y sin tener que
 usar bind - bueno, con bind tampoco me salió, pero paso de utilizarlo -.
 ¿Alguna sugerencia?

No termino de captar. ¿El problema es que te lo rechaza por problemas de
resolucion de nombres? ¿Que errores te da? Me suena a que debe ser una

En inet_hosts (en routers), has modificado para tener -defer_no_connect?

POWERED BY Linux. Debian 2.0 - Kernel 2.2.1 - User reg. 66054
Andres Herrera [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Antequera (Malaga) - Spain
 Grupo LIMA (Asociacion de Usuarios de Linux de Malaga)

KDE slink

1999-03-16 Thread Gerardo Aburruzaga Garcia

Si no recuerdo mal, KDE estaba en hamm, pero no lo veo en slink.

¿Es cierto que estaba en hamm?  
Si lo es, ¿es cierto que no está en slink? 
Si no está, ¿por qué? 

Tenía entendido que los problemas pseudo-legales con la biblioteca Qt de
Troll Tech. ya estaban medio resueltos, y ahora resulta que no está ni en
non-free.  Los paquetes DEB de KDE sí están por ahí, pero hay que
instalarlos a mano y dan un montón de problemas de dependencias. Por
ejemplo, KDE 1.1, que según KDE está ya en stable, depende de una
versión de Qt que en Debian está en potato, con lo cual empiezas a
instalar y acabas con una mezcla de bo, hamm, slink, potato y la madre que
los parió que parece que tengas Windows 96 OSR4.87 (más Internet Explóter
y Pus!). Yo me he puesto al final a mano KDE 1.0 (2:980710-1.0-1), pero he
sufrido un poco.

¿Cómo se dice, el ka-de-é o las ka-de-é? Supongo que el ka-de-é es
el Kool Desktop Environment (el Entorno de Eskritorio Guay del
Paraguay -o tal vez guay de Wyoming-), mientras que las ka-de-é son
las aplikaciones que siguen el estilo de KDE.

G. A. Gª - C.I.T.I. - S.I.C.Y.N.T.E. - Dpto. L.S.I. - U.C.A.
 Lo importante es participar. (Uno que perdió)

(sin asunto)

1999-03-16 Thread Jose Luis Guerra

Re: Actualizar a slink con apt

1999-03-16 Thread Santiago Vila
On Thu, 11 Mar 1999, Jose Illescas wrote:

 2) Se tenían que haber borrado los viejos paquetes de fuentes de X/Window
 xfnt... pero ahi siguen. Tampoco se han instalado las nuevas fuentes xfont

Si crees que esto es un bug, manda un informe de bug.

Yo ya lo hice en su día, pero no me hicieron mucho caso (según parece, por
dar demasiado la paliza), pero si más gente cree que esto es realmente un
bug y manda el informe correspondiente, tal vez entonces el encargado
entre en razón, y lo solucione (nos guste o no, *tiene* solución).


 d6fbe4ca808c169dcea25fe63ea1fe4b (a truly random sig)


1999-03-16 Thread Angel Vicente Perez
Hola a todos...

He visto que se esta tratando de lanzar el glib2.1, y como supongo, que el
cambio desde 2.0.7, puede ser algo traumatico, me gustaria documentarme
sobre el proceso de actualizacion, pero no se donde buscar esta
documentacion. ¿Me podeis ayudar?

Gracias y saludos.

Re: glibc2.1

1999-03-16 Thread Santiago Vila
On Tue, 16 Mar 1999, Angel Vicente Perez wrote:

 He visto que se esta tratando de lanzar el glib2.1, y como supongo, que el
 cambio desde 2.0.7, puede ser algo traumatico, me gustaria documentarme
 sobre el proceso de actualizacion, pero no se donde buscar esta
 documentacion. ¿Me podeis ayudar?

El proceso de actualización es muy sencillo, y es el siguiente:

* Esperar a que salga potato oficialmente (ahora mismo es unstable solamente).
* Comprarse el CD o bajárselo por FTP.
* Decirle a dselect que lo actualice todo.

Bueno, es una pequeña broma... Lo que quiero decir es que ahora más que
nunca la gente debe ser consciente de lo que significa la palabra
unstable. Puede ocurrir cualquier cosa.

AVISO: potato es unstable. Actualizarse a potato ahora mismo puede dar
como resultado la aparición de numerosos problemas.

Mientras potato sea unstable, y mientras no se vayan resolviendo los
problemas que glibc 2.1 genere, esos problemas estarán ahí, en potato, y
todo el que se actualice topará con ellos.

Se espera que cuando potato esté listo, la actualización no debe dar
ningún problema, pero eso ahora mismo no ocurre.


 1714db9184ad405c944dee55bc952429 (a truly random sig)

RE: glibc2.1

1999-03-16 Thread Angel Vicente Perez
 Bueno, es una pequeña broma... Lo que quiero decir es que
 ahora más que
 nunca la gente debe ser consciente de lo que significa la palabra
 unstable. Puede ocurrir cualquier cosa.

Si, como cuando salio perl 5.005. Realmente llevo algun tiempo instalando
paquete de potato, y
consideraba que era estable en un grado bastante alto. No es lo mismo que
una version de un gestor de ventanas sea mas o menos estable, a que lo sea
el bash, por ejemplo. Todavia recuerdo, cuando empece a pasar de bo a hamm
(libc5 a libc6): una aventura, tuve que reinstalar el bo un para de veces,
me quede una vez sin bash..., si no es por la lista, dejo de usar Debian.

Por eso, cuando he visto que habia salido el glibc2.1, un sudorcillo helado,
me recorrio la espalda, y me he dicho cuidadin y a leer, que la otra vez no
lo hice y mira.

Ahora tengo la oportunidad de dar marcha atras, dispongo de un ordenador en
el trabajo, con dos discos duros, en uno tengo una potato bastante probada,
y en otro un duplicado, he empezado a cambiar cosas ayer mismo con extraños
resultados. Ayer instale libc6, y hoy me decia que no estaba instalada, en
fin no desesperemos.


URGENTE: Visita de Miguel de ICAZA a Madrid, Marzo99

1999-03-16 Thread Ismael Olea

Lo primero es pedir disculpas a todos los que recibáis este mensaje que
no podáis venir a Madrid. Sé lo que es vivir en la periferia, pero el
anuncio es tan importante que se merece la máxima distribución.

La próxima semana Miguel de Icaza visita España, en concreto Madrid por
gentileza de la Universidad Carlos III. Entre el programa de actividades
figura una serie de conferencias y seminarios y una gran conferencia en
la Carlos III donde además participaremos otros ponentes. 

Tendremos la oportunidad de conocer de primera mano la arquitectura y
desarrollo de GNOME  de la mano de un programador internacionalmente
reconocido. Estamos hablando de la persona de habla hispana con más
méritos en el mundo Linux y del software libre en general.

Se prevé incluso organizar un FIESTORRO en algún pub de la capital.

Para los que no lo sepáis, la Universidad Carlos III está en Leganés
pero debo señalar que es FRANCAMENTE SENCILLO llegar hasta allí en
transporte público. No os desaniméis por ello.

Una cosa más: para la tarde el martes tenemos un aforo de unas 2000


 ¡¡Estáis TODOS convocados!!

PD: Este anuncio ha sido publicado en varios foros. Si tenéis
constancia de que no lo he enviado a algún foro concreto, por favor,
remitid una copia. Aseguraos de que llega a las listas privadas de
vuestras universidades, donde probablemente tendrán interés.

Ismael Olea

[EMAIL PROTECTED]   [EMAIL PROTECTED]Title: Actividades relacionadas con software libre y GNOME

  Grupo de Sistemas y Comunicaciones

Universidad Carlos III Versiones disponibles: [ps.gz][html.tar.gz][dvi.gz]



 Superior: Actividades del GSyC

Actividades relacionadas con software libre y GNOME

23 de marzo de 1999: Tarde de software libre

24 a 26 de marzo de 1999: Seminario sobre GNOME

25 a 26 de marzo: Seminario avanzado sobre GNOME

23 de marzo (martes): Tarde de software libre

Aprovechando la oportunidad única de tener en Madrid a Miguel de Icaza,
coordinador del proyecto GNOME, se ha
organizado una tarde de charlas relacionadas con el software libre.
Tenemos reservado un auditorio con unas 2.000 plazas. ¡¡A ver si lo

23 de marzo de 1999 (martes), 16:30-21:00.

Edificio Padre Soler, Campus de Leganés 

Universidad Carlos III de Madrid 

avd. Universidad, 30, Leganés (Madrid)
Programa provisional:

Miguel de Icaza (GNOME):
  El proyecto GNOME.

Antonio Larrosa (KDE): Cómo será

José Moya (Hurd): La
distribución Debian de Hurd.

Ismael Olea (Hispalinux): Presente y futuro de GNU/Linux.

Jesús M. González (SoBre): ¿Qué es sl software libre?

(por confirmar): La nueva distribución de Debian GNU/Linux

Juan Jesús Muñoz Esteban: (Ministerio de Administraciones
públicas) ``Software libre en las administraciones públicas''

Más información:
  ATI (Asociación de Técnicos en
  Informática), GUL
  (Grupo de Ususarios de Linux de la Universidad
  CarlosIII), SoBre
  (Grupo sobre software libre), Universidad Carlos III de

Nota: Estos datos son aún preliminares. Los iremos
actualizando y completando. 

A continuación, algunos datos más concretos sobre alguans charlas:

Miguel de Icaza: ``El proyecto GNOME''

En esta charla se hablará de la arquitectura de el sistema GNOME: que
ofrece GNOME al programador, el estado del proyecto y el futuro del

Miguel de Icaza es administrador de sistemas en la Ciudad de
México. En la acutalidad coordina el proyecto GNOME.

Ismael Olea: ``Presente y futuro de GNU/Linux''

GNU/Linux es un sistema operativo tipo Unix desarrollado a través de
  Internet y protegido bajo una licencia «libre». Desde su discreto
  nacimiento en 1991, el suyo ha sido un crecimiento extraordinario,
  demostrando unas prestaciones magníficas y siendo portado a una docena
  creciente de plataformas. El año 1998 fue importante ya que significó la
  mayoría de edad de GNU/Linux en el mundo comercial. El 99 es el año del
  gran boom en los medios de todo el mundo. El software para el pueblo
  pero con fiabilidad y economía.

Antonio Ismael Olea González es diplomado en Informática por la
  Universidad de Almería y linuxero/gnudista desde hace más tiempo del que
  puede recordar. Es miembro de Hispalinux, coordinador de LuCAS y
  responsable de algunos de los encuentros más importantes celebrados
  hasta la fecha en España.

Juan Jesús Muñoz Esteban: ``Software libre en las
  adminsitraciones públicas''

Durante el trienio 1994-1997 se implantó una intranet en el ámbito de
  los Servicios Centrales y Periféricos del Ministerio del Interior
  (temporalmente Justicia e Interior), con más de 80 edificios

¡Urgente! Red en el curro

1999-03-16 Thread Manuel Trujillo

¡Por fin me ha llegado la 2.1, y he quitado la Red Hat 5.2 para instalar la
Pero me encuentro con un problema:
Tengo una tarjeta de red Intel EtherExpress Pro, que la Red Hat me encontró
sin problemas durante la instalación, pero durante la instalación de Debian
me encuentro con que, en la sección módulos, escojo el eepro (igual que en
Red Hat), le digo de instalar, y me sale un recuadro que reza Enter command
line arguments Realmente no sé la forma en que se debe colocar. La IRQ
es la 11, y he probado poniendo irq=11, irq 11, pero nada... :-(

Por favor, sin superar éste pequeño problemilla no voy a poder meter la
Debian 2.1 en el curro (joder, tanto tiempo esperando...)

Muchas gracias por todo.

Have a nice day  ;-)


1999-03-16 Thread Angel Vicente Perez
Hola a todos...

Sigo haciendo pruebas, y he observado lo siguiente: cuando instalo
libreadlineg2 me quedo sin interprete de comandos. Esto ya me paso en el
cambio de bo a hamm, y no consigo recordar porque fue, y como lo arregle.

Menos mal que tengo dos discos.

Re: ¡Urgente! Red en el curro

1999-03-16 Thread Santiago Vila
On Tue, 16 Mar 1999, Manuel Trujillo wrote:

 Tengo una tarjeta de red Intel EtherExpress Pro, que la Red Hat me encontró
 sin problemas durante la instalación, pero durante la instalación de Debian
 me encuentro con que, en la sección módulos, escojo el eepro (igual que en
 Red Hat), le digo de instalar, y me sale un recuadro que reza Enter command
 line arguments Realmente no sé la forma en que se debe colocar. La IRQ
 es la 11, y he probado poniendo irq=11, irq 11, pero nada... :-(

Yo tengo una Inter EtherExpress Pro 100, uso el módulo eepro100
y no tengo que ponerle nada como argumento.

¿Has probado a no ponerle nada?

 d1c4047a7f9f6dc959e148f20740e740 (a truly random sig)

Montar imagen iso.

1999-03-16 Thread Area Tecnica, Externo17

¿Sabe alguien si sería posible montar un fichero de unos 600MB (es
una imagen iso de un CD) para que el contenido fuera accesible como un arbol
de directorios normal y corriente?.

Pablo Villanueva.

Re: Montar imagen iso.

1999-03-16 Thread Santiago Vila
On Tue, 16 Mar 1999, Area Tecnica, Externo17 wrote:

   ¿Sabe alguien si sería posible montar un fichero de unos 600MB (es
 una imagen iso de un CD) para que el contenido fuera accesible como un arbol
 de directorios normal y corriente?.

Sí, usando el dispositivo de loopback, era algo así:

mount fichero /mnt -o loop

(Esto se puede hacer incluso con las imágenes de los discos de arranque).

 fd84b8ec59037a0068733a6722448e19 (a truly random sig)

Instalacion de KDE

1999-03-16 Thread Jose Luis Guerra
Hola, soy nuevo en el mundo de Linux (tengo kernel 2.0.34), y
llevo un tiempo cacharreando con él (ya lo he tenido que instalar 3

En la revista CDACTUAL de Febrero, venía un CD en el que estaban
los programas KDE 1.1, NetScape 4.5 y XFree86 3.3.3 y quisiera hacer
una preguntas sobre le mismo.

* ¿Si instalo KDE 1.1 me sirve para algo la instalación del XFree86
3.3.3?¿Cual de todos los ficheros el KDE debo instalar y en que

* ¿Como se instala KDE 1.1 (del cd) en el sistema? ( no tengo tarjeta
de sonido) ¿

* ¿Como se instala el Netscape?

He estado mirando los ficheros y vienen con extensión .rpm por lo
que me ve bajado de Inet la versión 2.5.6 de RPM

En caso de no conocer el contenido del CD, ¿es posible que me
digáis donde conseguir los citados programas?

Gracias (un novato que espera dejar de serlo con vuestra ayuda)

Instalación de varias aplicaciones

1999-03-16 Thread Jose Luis Guerra
Hola, soy nuevo en el mundo de Linux (tengo kernel 2.0.34), y
llevo un tiempo cacharreando con él (ya lo he tenido que instalar 3

En la revista CDACTUAL de Febrero, venía un CD en el que estaban
los programas KDE 1.1, NetScape 4.5 y XFree86 3.3.3 y quisiera hacer
una preguntas sobre le mismo.

* ¿Si instalo KDE 1.1 me sirve para algo la instalación del XFree86
3.3.3?¿Cual de todos los ficheros el KDE debo instalar y en que

* ¿Como se instala KDE 1.1 (del cd) en el sistema? ( no tengo tarjeta
de sonido) ¿

* ¿Como se instala el Netscape?

He estado mirando los ficheros y vienen con extensión .rpm por lo
que me ve bajado de Inet la versión 2.5.6 de RPM

En caso de no conocer el contenido del CD, ¿es posible que me
digáis donde conseguir los citados programas?

Gracias (un novato que espera dejar de serlo con vuestra ayuda)

Re: tty con caracteres extranos

1999-03-16 Thread Netman
On Sat, Mar 13, 1999 at 02:58:33PM +0100, Hue-Bond wrote:
 El jueves 11 de marzo de 1999 a la(s) 23:45:11 +, Jose Rodriguez contaba:
  2) Teclear la orden: echo '\033c'
  No lo he probado, pero si lo dicen las FAQ, por algo será. Tiene el
 mismo problema que el anterior.
  3) Mi favorito: Teclear ^V^O (Control-V, Control-O). Este no viene en
 las FAQ. A mi me funciona siempre sin problemas.
  Pues a mí me sale esto:
 $ ^O
(no pasa nada, pulso Enter y...)
 bash: : command not found
  También se puede reproducir el 2) pulsando ^V Esc c Enter.

A mí me pasa lo mismo. Creo que los dos usamos el bash que viene en Hamm.
Quizá ésta sea la razón por la que Debian no documenta el ^V^O.

Computer Hangs After 49.7 Days
After 49.7 days of continuous operation, your Windows 95-based computer may
stop responding (hang).
CAUSE: There is a problem with the timing algorithm in the Vtdapi.vxd file.

Powered by Debian/GNU Linux 2.0 - Kernel 2.0.35

Description: PGP signature

Re: cambio de nombre de maquina

1999-03-16 Thread Netman
On Sat, Mar 13, 1999 at 07:49:43PM +, Tinguaro Barreno Delgado wrote:

 On Fri, Mar 12, 1999 at 11:26:40PM +0100, Jon Noble wrote:
  Hola ¿hay algun modo elegante de cambiar el nombre de una maquina sin
  recorrer todos los ficheros?
  Gracias y un saludo,
   Modifica el fichero /etc/hostname. Este fichero tan sólo contiene una
 palabra: el nombre de la máquina.
 Hasta luego.

Una pregunta: ¿Para qué sirve además la variable de entorno $HOSTNAME?
Es que yo, por ejemplo tengo en /etc/hostname apolo, y he puesto como
$HOSTNAME, y no tengo ningún problema. Digo yo que las
aplicaciones también harán uso de esa variable, ¿no? 

Salu2, netman
Computer Hangs After 49.7 Days
After 49.7 days of continuous operation, your Windows 95-based computer may
stop responding (hang).
CAUSE: There is a problem with the timing algorithm in the Vtdapi.vxd file.

Powered by Debian/GNU Linux 2.0 - Kernel 2.0.35

Description: PGP signature

Hay un ftp de donde bajarse mensajes antiguos de la lista?

1999-03-16 Thread Netman
Pues estaría muy agradecido. Además así evitaría preguntar por cosas que ya
se han solucionado antes.

Salu2, netman.

Computer Hangs After 49.7 Days
After 49.7 days of continuous operation, your Windows 95-based computer may
stop responding (hang).
CAUSE: There is a problem with the timing algorithm in the Vtdapi.vxd file.

Powered by Debian/GNU Linux 2.0 - Kernel 2.0.35

Description: PGP signature

Re: KDE slink

1999-03-16 Thread Juanmi Mora

Es cierto, pero la situación del gnome, que está en un directorio de mi
disco duro en formato deb, y que no puedo instalar, creo que aún es peor.
No puedo instalar por problemas de dependencias... O:-)

Alguién ha compilado el gnome? Puede llegar a ser más sencillo que ir buscando
todos los paquetitos de dependencia en dependencia hasta el infinito?
Que pinta tiene? me refiero si se ve tan pesado como el KDE o es algo más

Sobre el KDE... yo compilé la 1.0 por culpa del los famosos iconos que nunca
salían en las barras de herramientas. Supongo que no sería dificil hacer lo
mismo con el 1.1. Lo has probado?


 Juanmi Mora 
  Barcelona - España

 - Powered by Linux -
Debian 2.0 Hamm

Preciso de ajuda

1999-03-16 Thread Rodrigo Herefeld
Como eu conectio na ibnternet com um modem  pnp?
Eu ja configurei parte do nescessario com o isapnp
(até a mensagem de enabled--ok)
E agora?
Por favor  se alguem souber  eu agradeço

Get Your Private, Free Email at

Re: Preciso de ajuda

1999-03-16 Thread Orion the Hunter
Quoting Rodrigo Herefeld [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Como eu conectio na ibnternet com um modem  pnp?
 Eu ja configurei parte do nescessario com o isapnp
 (até a mensagem de enabled--ok)
 E agora?
 Por favor  se alguem souber  eu agradeço


Voce tentou ja' discar com o modem?  Se sim, qual foi o problema?  Voce
ja' usou o comando /bin/setserial -a /dev/modem (assumindo que voce tem
um symlink para o device necessario)?  Isto deve lhe dar informacao
sobre a porta serial.  Se voce ja' configurou com sucesso usando o
isapnp e a porta serial esta' com as informacoes corretas, o modem deve
funcionar.  Se nao, mande as mensagens de erro.  Tchau,

Hermano Cabral

PS: Eu assumo e' claro que voce tem uma ISP aonde se conectar...

dselect screwed up

1999-03-16 Thread Max
I just did something really bad.  I somehow managed to convince
dselect that I want to uninstall pretty much all the packages on my
system.  I haven't actually told it to do this yet, but the command is
stored somewhere in its memory.  In the select list, the following
appears for almost every package:


I want it to be ***, just like it's supposed to, but I don't want to
have to go through every single package to change it.  Any clues as to
how I can just tell it to look at what's already installed and
preserve it?


The hopeful depend on a world without end
Whatever the hopeless may say
 Neil Peart, 1985

Description: PGP signature

xfs and fonts

1999-03-16 Thread Pere Camps

Does xfs need to be running in order to have the fonts installed
in /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/* in your system or with the references in
/etc/X11/XF86Config is enough?

I suppose is the later.


-- p.

re: exim and smarthost

1999-03-16 Thread Pere Camps

(this is a reply to message I accidentally deleted, please try to
find the original in order to understand it).

I consider an email is difficult to send when it has been more
than 4 hours in my mailq or when it's something like uucp. All of these
mails I'd like to send to the smarthost.

Can exim be tricked for these settings?

Thanks for your help,

-- p.

Re: strange log messages/behavior

1999-03-16 Thread Paul Miller
Chris R. Martin wrote:
 Has anyone ever seen these messages before? Does anyone know what they mean?
 Mar 14 17:27:19 server init: Id 1 respawning too fast: disabled for 5
 Mar 14 17:28:50 server init: Id 2 respawning too fast: disabled for 5
 Mar 14 17:29:39 server init: Id 3 respawning too fast: disabled for 5
 Mar 14 17:29:42 server init: Id 4 respawning too fast: disabled for 5
 Mar 14 17:29:45 server init: Id 5 respawning too fast: disabled for 5
 Mar 14 17:29:49 server init: Id 6 respawning too fast: disabled for 5
 Mar 14 17:29:49 server init: no more processes left in this runlevel
If you take a look in your /etc/inittab file you will see lines like 

1:2345:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty1 
2:23:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty2
3:23:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty3
4:23:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty4
5:23:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty5
6:23:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty6

This is what sets up your virtual terminals. The init process detects
when you are done with a terminal and respawns getty to run on the
terminal. The most likely problem is that getty was terminating
abnormally or was not being loaded properly so init will just keep
retying to respawn it. That is what will cause the errors you saw.

 How should I have dealt with this problem? Any ideas how it occured?
I usually have the luck of one of the terminals still being functional
for me to kill the offending getty and all is OK. As for your situation,
you could have waited the five minutes and see if the getties respawned
properly. Beyond that I'm sure I would have reached for the reset button

As for what actually causes the problem I have not been able to figure
out. It does not happen to me often enough.

Hope this is usefull.

Paul Miller
[EMAIL PROTECTED]begin:vcard 
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
note:The Spirit of the University of North Texas
fn:Paul Miller

RPC: Program not registered (mount command)

1999-03-16 Thread Ben Frame
I've got a new debian 2.1 install...   and when I try to use 
the mount command, I get:

mount:  RPC:  Program not registered

I've never seen this before and don't know what it means.  
I've got NFS and IPX installed into the kernel.  If anyone 
has suggestions I would really appreciate some help.  

Ben Frame

Re: strange log messages/behavior

1999-03-16 Thread Laurent PICOULEAU
On Sun, 14 Mar, 1999 à 06:12:57PM -0600, Chris R. Martin wrote:
 Has anyone ever seen these messages before? Does anyone know what they mean?
 Mar 14 17:27:19 server init: Id 1 respawning too fast: disabled for 5
 Mar 14 17:28:50 server init: Id 2 respawning too fast: disabled for 5
 Mar 14 17:29:39 server init: Id 3 respawning too fast: disabled for 5
 Mar 14 17:29:42 server init: Id 4 respawning too fast: disabled for 5
 Mar 14 17:29:45 server init: Id 5 respawning too fast: disabled for 5
 Mar 14 17:29:49 server init: Id 6 respawning too fast: disabled for 5

I had this problem once : it was due to an error of syntax int he lines

1:2345:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty1
2:23:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty2
3:23:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty3
4:23:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty4
5:23:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty5
6:23:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty6

in /etc/inittab. Doublecheck them.

 Mar 14 17:29:49 server init: no more processes left in this runlevel

For this problem I'm clueless. 

 ( -   Laurent PICOULEAU  - )
 /~\   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /~\
|  \)Linux : mettez un pingouin dans votre ordinateur !(/  |
 \_|_Seuls ceux qui ne l'utilisent pas en disent du mal.   _|_/

Re: Slink upgrade and xwindows

1999-03-16 Thread Laurent PICOULEAU
On Mon, 15 Mar, 1999 à 01:37:58AM -0500, Branden Robinson wrote:

 I sometimes wonder why I bother writing any documentation at all.  People
 will just ignore it and then chime in with profound insights like
 when anything changes.
 I have tried very hard to get the Debian XFree86 packages into a state
 where they reliably meet two goals:
   1) they help out the user who doesn't know X inside and out
   2) they stay out of the way of the user who knows exactly what he's doing
 Needless to say, they are far from perfect in achieving these ends, but if
 you have an argument that the X packages as they were a year ago when I
 took over maintainership were better at doing the above than they are now,
 I'd like to hear it.

There was a point that I liked before : the possibility to not start xdm even
if it was installed. Why ? Well sometimes I'm trying to advocates linux to
friends and showing them that you can have a graphical loggin just by replacing
no-start-xdm by start-xdm was more convincing than just wait a few minutes
that I install xdm Not a big point but keeping this one could be nice.

I have an other problem with the upgrade : there are still packages dependant
on xbase on my system and I'm relunctant to spend about six hours to get these
by phone. I'm waiting for the release of the slink CD in France. Until this 
time I'll have a wandering empty xbase just to satisfy dependancies of not
up to date packages : not a big deal.

 ( -   Laurent PICOULEAU  - )
 /~\   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /~\
|  \)Linux : mettez un pingouin dans votre ordinateur !(/  |
 \_|_Seuls ceux qui ne l'utilisent pas en disent du mal.   _|_/

Hardware Detection App to compliment apt

1999-03-16 Thread Paul Nathan Puri
I was wondering...

RedHat has it's install app, SuSE has YAST, and now Caldera has LIZARD.

All these have one thing in common:  automatic hardware detection and

Does debian have anything like this in the making?

Apt is good at what it does, but the newbie market wants that kind of ease
with hardware.  When we say it is easy to install debian we don't mean
hardware detection.  We mean apt-get update, apt-get dist-upgrade is easy.

In the setup for X, pppconfig, and for network cards, it would be nice if
debian had an equivalent install app with the other leading distros.  If
debian is going to shine in a new area (where stablity, upgrade, and
package management is already the best), it should be in the install app.

I'm not a coder, so I can't complain (I love debian); but this would be a
great addition... 

Whaddy'all think?

Certified Law Student
 Debian GNU/Linux Monk
McGeorge School of Law

Re: Slink upgrade and xwindows

1999-03-16 Thread servis
*- On 16 Mar, Laurent PICOULEAU wrote about Re: Slink upgrade and xwindows

 There was a point that I liked before : the possibility to not start xdm even
 if it was installed. Why ? Well sometimes I'm trying to advocates linux to
 friends and showing them that you can have a graphical loggin just by 
 no-start-xdm by start-xdm was more convincing than just wait a few minutes
 that I install xdm Not a big point but keeping this one could be nice.

Since you had to edit a file in that case you can still achive the same
effect by editing different files, depending on what you want.  

1) Edit the /etc/X11/xdm/Xservers file and commenting out the local
   server line. Xdm will be running but no local Xserver will
   be running, it will just be listening for XDMCP connections.

2) Edit /etc/init.d/xdm and insert an 'exit 0' at the top of the file.
   Xdm will not even start or listen with this option.
 I have an other problem with the upgrade : there are still packages dependant
 on xbase on my system and I'm relunctant to spend about six hours to get these
 by phone. I'm waiting for the release of the slink CD in France. Until this 
 time I'll have a wandering empty xbase just to satisfy dependancies of not
 up to date packages : not a big deal.

That is one reason that package is even there.  Otherwise the package
manager would go nuts.

Never criticize anybody until you have walked a mile in their shoes,  
 because by that time you will be a mile away and have their shoes. 
   - unknown  

Mechanical Engineering[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University

Re: Hardware Detection App to compliment apt

1999-03-16 Thread servis
Read the thread 'Device detection' on debian-devel that is going on
right now.

*- On 15 Mar, Paul Nathan Puri wrote about Hardware Detection App to 
compliment apt
 I was wondering...
 RedHat has it's install app, SuSE has YAST, and now Caldera has LIZARD.
 All these have one thing in common:  automatic hardware detection and
 Does debian have anything like this in the making?
 Apt is good at what it does, but the newbie market wants that kind of ease
 with hardware.  When we say it is easy to install debian we don't mean
 hardware detection.  We mean apt-get update, apt-get dist-upgrade is easy.
 In the setup for X, pppconfig, and for network cards, it would be nice if
 debian had an equivalent install app with the other leading distros.  If
 debian is going to shine in a new area (where stablity, upgrade, and
 package management is already the best), it should be in the install app.
 I'm not a coder, so I can't complain (I love debian); but this would be a
 great addition... 
 Whaddy'all think?
 Certified Law Student
  Debian GNU/Linux Monk
 McGeorge School of Law

Never criticize anybody until you have walked a mile in their shoes,  
 because by that time you will be a mile away and have their shoes. 
   - unknown  

Mechanical Engineering[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University

package libdb2- new libc6

1999-03-16 Thread wb4mle
Should the new libc6 have removed this libdb2 package or just placed
any updates to libdb2 in conflict? Tonight's bleeding edge potato
updates put libdb2 in over libc6 and I had to reinstall libc6 to get
manpages to work. Something has also broken the wall command since
Saturday's updates to potato.
Eddie Seymour, WB4MLE
PGP KEYS D/H 0xB65DC61A   RSA 0x935801A9

Re: dselect screwed up

1999-03-16 Thread mike shupp
On Mon, 15 Mar 1999, Max wrote:

 I just did something really bad.  I somehow managed to convince
 dselect that I want to uninstall pretty much all the packages on my
 system.  I haven't actually told it to do this yet, but the command is
 stored somewhere in its memory.  In the select list, the following
 appears for almost every package:

How about killing the process?  

   Mike Shupp
   California State University, Northridge
   Graduate Student, Dept. of Anthropology

Re: dselect screwed up

1999-03-16 Thread Max
* mike shupp [EMAIL PROTECTED] [03/15/99 17:30] wrote:
 On Mon, 15 Mar 1999, Max wrote:
  I just did something really bad.  I somehow managed to convince
  dselect that I want to uninstall pretty much all the packages on my
  system.  I haven't actually told it to do this yet, but the command is
  stored somewhere in its memory.  In the select list, the following
  appears for almost every package:
 How about killing the process?  

Sorry, I wasn't very clear.  It turns out that the
/var/lib/dpkg/status file was screwed up.  I just ended up replacing
it with one of the backup status files and voila.


The hopeful depend on a world without end
Whatever the hopeless may say
 Neil Peart, 1985

Description: PGP signature

Re: Slink upgrade and xwindows

1999-03-16 Thread William Lacy
I would like to say a couple of things, I am just seeing this for the
first time.  I do understand now the reason that these packages were
activated, and I do appreciate the work that Branden and others do/have
done for Debian.  I am sorry if I offended any developers as my comment
was pretty harsh.

I also have some comments about the upgrade, development in general,
etc. which I will insert in context below.

On Sun, Mar 14, 1999 at 07:32:59PM -0800, George Bonser wrote:
 Well, maybe I should READ those package descriptions :) 

I *did* read the description in question.

I should make this the offical motto of the Debian X packages

I don't know how I am supposed to support XFree86 if people won't read:

1) the Debian release notes
2) the Debian package descriptions
3) anything in /usr/doc/* with the string README in the filename
4) anything in /usr/doc/* with the string FAQ in the filename
5) a prompt in the xbase postinst that says:

I honestly feel that this is a bit much to ask of someone who is
installing or especially upgrading software.
If people read all of these documents they wouldnt have time for
anything else especially considering that x is only one part of the
whole distribution.  That is why people use distributions- so that they
won't have to read every document about every package in the
distribution.  I believe that the job of developers is to make
installation and maintainance easy.

I upgraded to stay up to date, install a couple of new packages and be
able to install new packages in the future without hassles.  I did read
a lot of the great x reorganization but I just don't have all the time
in the world.

Also, I uninstalled xbase as soon as my upgrade was done.  However I
don't remember anything telling me to uninstall the two packages xdm and
xfs, although I did remember something about them in the great x

The xbase package is obsolete and may be removed (with dpkg --remove xbase).
If you are upgrading from Debian 2.0 or earlier, you should read the
usr/doc/xbase/README.Debian file.  Read this file now? (y/n) [y]

Did that.

There is NO WAY this message did not appear at the time the xbase package
was upgraded.

I sometimes wonder why I bother writing any documentation at all.  People
will just ignore it and then chime in with profound insights like

Your documentation is fine.  Keep up the good job.


when anything changes.

I don't say that everytime that something changes.

This was a big system change that could have been avoided. To be
specific, you could have written into the install script something that
asked the user if they wanted x to run at bootup and also mention that
getting a console will be undoable, or a real hassle anyway.

I got rid of the problem in short order.  I read about linux all the
time, I am no expert but know more than the average linux user I have
met- I'm not trying to brag, I'm just saying that I really work at it
and I feel I do pretty good.  I read but aren't we trying to make linux
usable by a broader spectrum of user?

I have tried very hard to get the Debian XFree86 packages into a state
where they reliably meet two goals:
  1) they help out the user who doesn't know X inside and out
  2) they stay out of the way of the user who knows exactly what he's doing

I don't mean to slam your work Branden, I think its great.  Please just
take this as a suggestion and a lesson in development.  Being a good
developer is a hard job, it requires a lot of insight into not only
users needs but thier limitations.  If I had not read the great x
reoganization (and I imagine that a great many upgraders didn't) I would
have had a much harder time of it.

Please don't slam people for not reading everything.  That is why you
are needed- because they don't have time, or maybe they just aren't
capable of understanding everything- again, that is why you are needed.

Needless to say, they are far from perfect in achieving these ends, but if
you have an argument that the X packages as they were a year ago when I
took over maintainership were better at doing the above than they are now,
I'd like to hear it.

I like the new organization, I switched from Red Hat just because of the
additional level of control in debian- just because I was bummed about
one thing doesn't mean that *I* don't like the new organization.

Thanks for the great system, I'm sorry I offended you. Please consider
what I said about avoiding this sort of thing and when that approach
might be called for.

Bill Lacy
G. Branden Robinson  |
Debian GNU/Linux |   If encryption is outlawed, only outlaws
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   will @goH7OjBd7*dnfk=q4fDj]Kz?. |

PGP signature

Moving to different HDD

1999-03-16 Thread Fraser Campbell
I have installed a Debian system on a 1.2 GB hard drive.  I now want to move
it to a much smaller drive (200 MB).  Is there some way to do this other than
reinstalling ... dd perhaps?

The 1.2 GB drive has 64 MB swap on /dev/hda1 and the system is installed on
/dev/hda2 which fills the remainder of the drive.  I will mirror this on the
new drive except a 32 MB swap partition and a much smaller root partition.



Re: Custom compiled stuff.

1999-03-16 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans

On Mon, 15 Mar 1999, Steve Lamb wrote:

 Is there a way that Debian can, in some fashion or another, emulate
 FreeBSD's ports tree?  IE, allow the person to download source and compile
 from that source while retaining the packaging from dpkg?

Well, this may not be exactly what you're looking for, but when I need
something custom built, I'll often download the Debian source packages
(.orig.tar.gz, .diff, and .dsc), use dpkg-source to unpack and patch the
sources, then make whatever changes I need to the source.  Then I can just
run 'debian/rules binary' in the source directory and get a customized
Debian package.  I usually make a note in the control file that this is a
local build and should not necessarily be upgraded when a new version of
the Debian package comes along.

This works well, for example, when I want to custom compile a dynamically
linked Motif application against OSF/Motif (which I have on my system)
instead of Lesstif (which all dynically linked Motif apps are built
against in Debian).


  PGP public key available at
  or by 'finger -l [EMAIL PROTECTED]'

  This message was composed in a 100% Microsoft free environment.

Version: 2.6.2


Re: use the serialport from perl

1999-03-16 Thread John Hasler
michael legart writes:
 If i connect to the Internet for a couple of minutes with pppd,
 disconnects again and start my script, it just hangs at that line!  I can
 see it grabs the modem, but i cannot communicate with it - and as i said,
 the script just hangs. :(

 Any ideas?

What version of pppd do you have?  pppd changes the permissions on the
modem port for security reasons.  It didn't used to restore them properly,
but as far as I know 2.3.5 does.
John HaslerThis posting is in the public domain.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Do with it what you will.
Dancing Horse Hill Make money from it if you can; I don't mind.
Elmwood, Wisconsin Do not send email advertisements to this address.

Re: Moving to different HDD

1999-03-16 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans

On Mon, 15 Mar 1999, Fraser Campbell wrote:

 I have installed a Debian system on a 1.2 GB hard drive.  I now want to move
 it to a much smaller drive (200 MB).  Is there some way to do this other than
 reinstalling ... dd perhaps?

Once you've formatted the new drive and created a filesystem on it, mount
it to some directory ('mount -t ext2 /dev/hdb /mnt').  Then you could
actually use the following command:
Try 'cp -ax / /mnt'

See the manpage for cp for info on the -a flag.  I used -x in this case to
tell cp to not copy stuff on other filesystems.  In this case, it's
important to keep cp from copying the contents of /mnt back over itself.

Of course, this is by no means the cleanest way of doing things...But it's
relatively quick and painless.  There are other ways to do this involving
tar or cpio that work just as well.  I moved my Debian installation from a
single partition on a 1.2 gig drive to 6 different partitions on a 6.4 gig
drive without any trouble using cp -a.  That was over a year ago, and
things have worked flawlessly ever since.


  PGP public key available at
  or by 'finger -l [EMAIL PROTECTED]'

  This message was composed in a 100% Microsoft free environment.

Version: 2.6.2


Re: Using Procmail

1999-03-16 Thread Jeremy
On Mon, 8 Mar 1999, XRDLAB wrote:

 account and to read/send the messages respectively. As the number of
 messages I am getting has increased, I
 am feeling the need to use procmail to sort the mail into different
 folders. How do I go about putting the messages in different folders
 (should be readable by pine)? Much of the documentation talks about MH

Maybe an example will help... Here, fetchmail connects to ISP's mail
server over dynamic ip, gets mail, passes it to sendmail, which hands it
over to procmail.  Here are the lines out of my .procmailrc which puts
all mail from this list into it's own folder:

* ^TOdebian-user

This tells procmail that all messages with debian-user in the To:
field should be put in the file `mail/debian-user'.  Then I start pine,
switch to my debian-user folder and read the mail.  BTW, if procmail
finds that the file (mail/debian-user) doesn't exist, it is created.

pgp key : 

Upgrading 2.1 - Potato

1999-03-16 Thread Rootguru
This is a wide open question and ideally I'd like to be pointed to a FAQ or
some other documentation.

Mainly I want to know the best way to upgrade from slink to potato.  I'm
quite knowledgeable about Debian (I've been using slink for a loong time
now) but the last time I tried it, the new glibc2.1 broke just about
everything (including dpkg/gzip!).  Is there a specific order in which I
should upgrade?

Would an apt-get upgrade to the unstable branch suffice?

{ in fact, this is twice in a row
{ that the angels have slipped through our landslide
{ and filled up our garden with snow

new kernel wows

1999-03-16 Thread Geoffrey Deasey KD4WVF

I upgraded from 2.0.34 to 2.0.36 (monolithic)
and if I try to run newaliases it complains about a writable 
directory /tmp and locks up the task.

anyone have any ideas what thats about ?;

  Geoffrey Deasey/ /__  __
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]/ / ( ) \ \/ /
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] / / __     __  __ \  /
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  / / / / / _  \ / / / / /  \
 / /___  / / / / ) // (_/ / / /\ \
(__)(_/ (_/ (_/ \/ (_/  \_)

Re: use the serialport from perl

1999-03-16 Thread badpixel
On Mon, Mar 15, 1999 at 06:55:15PM -0600, John Hasler wrote:
 What version of pppd do you have?  pppd changes the permissions on the
 modem port for security reasons.  It didn't used to restore them properly,
 but as far as I know 2.3.5 does.

I use pppd 2.3.5 and the permissions look like:
0 crw-r--r--   1 root dialout4,  65 Mar 16 04:22 ttyS1
But i doesn't even work if i start the script as root!

michael legart, [EMAIL PROTECTED] muuuh.

potato, sendmail, and newaliases...

1999-03-16 Thread Evan Van Dyke
Well, I've had a fun night.  it appears that the new potato packages
do something to break sendmail... apparently in the code which
makes up a new aliases.db.  when I run newaliases by itself I get
errors saying that it can't find/open aliases/aliases.db
I would paste in the errors, but I'd have to reinstall sendmail which
would break my mailing again which I can't do.  In any case, I'm
not sure if the problem is with glibc2.1, the database routines, or
just sendmail.  I was getting similar errors with smail.  The only
package which seems to work is zmailer... so it's staying around
for a while.  Anyone know what is going on?


Evan Van Dyke   E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Page: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ICQ#: 15442232
DNRC's Minister of Lost Internet Packets.   O-
Amateur Radio Call Sign:  KB8PVEElder ResCon at Northwestern

GCS/S d+(-) s:+ a--- C UH+I++LS++V P+ L+++ E W++ N++ 
w-- O- M-- !V PS+ PE+ Y+ PGP t+ 5+++ X+ R+ tv+ b+++ DI D+ g e h !r

   Quoth the Raven...  'Nevermore!' --Edgar Allen Poe
   I'll bet that all you can do is watch the ball bounce around the
  --Dilbert to Management

Re: fmirror/mirror/lftp ?

1999-03-16 Thread A. M. Varon
On Mon, 15 Mar 1999, Ian Keith Setford wrote:

 I would like to mirror the unstable tree at work.  I have tried to
 accomplish this with several tools (fmirror/mirror/lftp) but I can't
 figure out how to get exactly what I want.
 When I use fmirror (which I like), most of what is downloaded are symbolic
 links to slink which are not useful to me.  I would like to download the
 actual target and not the symbolic link (remember, I only want unstable.)  
 When I use lftp, I can use the --dereference to download the file
 instead of the synlink but I have to manually change
 directories to only the unstable trees (binary-all|binary-i386.)
 Can someone offer some advice on how to mirror *only* the unstable tree?  

mirrordir. Works very well for me.

It's available as a .deb binary.


= = Andre M. Varon  Lasaltech Incorporated
= =  == Technical Head  Fax-Tel: (034)435-0836
= == =
=  = =  E-mail  : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 =  WebPage :

Acrobat plug in crashes netscape

1999-03-16 Thread Luiz Otavio L. Zorzella


my acrobat reader plugin to netscape crashes it.

Any hint?

Debian GNU/Linux slink 2.1 Pentium 100

# dpkg -l acro* comm*
| Status=Not/Installed/Config-files/Unpacked/Failed-config/Half-installed
|/ Err?=(none)/Hold/Reinst-required/X=both-problems (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)
||/ NameVersionDescription
ii  acroread3.02-0.1   Adobe Acrobat Reader: Portable Document Form
ii  communicator-ba 4.5-1  Popular World-Wide-Web browser software (bas
un  communicator-br none (no description available)
un  communicator-ne none (no description available)
ii  communicator-sm 4.5-1  Popular World-Wide-Web browser software (ful
un  communicator-sp none (no description available)

Luiz Otavio L. ZorzellaComputer Engineer

Re: Slink upgrade and xwindows

1999-03-16 Thread Branden Robinson
On Mon, Mar 15, 1999 at 07:45:23PM -0600, William Lacy wrote:
 I don't know how I am supposed to support XFree86 if people won't read:
 1) the Debian release notes
 2) the Debian package descriptions
 3) anything in /usr/doc/* with the string README in the filename
 4) anything in /usr/doc/* with the string FAQ in the filename
 5) a prompt in the xbase postinst that says:
 I honestly feel that this is a bit much to ask of someone who is
 installing or especially upgrading software.
 If people read all of these documents they wouldnt have time for
 anything else especially considering that x is only one part of the

I wasn't saying they have to read all of them.  Any ONE of them would
suffice to clue them in about the big changes to X between Debian 2.0 and
2.1.  I was wondering where else I need to place announcements so that they
won't escape people's attention.

In the specific case of X, replace the * with xfree86-common in items 3
and 4 above.

G. Branden Robinson  |
Debian GNU/Linux |The software said it required Windows
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |3.1 or better, so I installed Linux. |

Description: PGP signature

Re: Sound solution

1999-03-16 Thread James Dietrich
On Mon, Mar 15, 1999 at 03:02:20PM -0800, Paul Nathan Puri wrote:
 I have an Ensoniq AudioPCI.  I don't know how to get my sound working.
 What is the answer?  Please advise.

Have you tried the  Ensoniq AudioPCI support in the kernel -- it's not in
the OSS modules section?

Of course, ALSA is another option.  Last week I set up ALSA on a computer
with an Ensoniq AudioPCI card.  I encountered a couple of interesting
difficulties, but in the end it seemed to work much better for me than
the kernel driver did.  I can give more details on what I did if anyone
is interested.


out of paper??

1999-03-16 Thread Pollywog
I am getting the error shown below, and I don't know why.  I am not attempting
to print and have no printer connected.  I installed postgresql yesterday and
suspect it has something to do with this.  Any way to stop it?

Unusual System Events
Mar 16 04:30:06 lilypad kernel: lp1 out of paper 
Mar 16 04:30:46 lilypad kernel: lp1 out of paper 
Mar 16 04:30:56 lilypad kernel: lp1 out of paper 
Mar 16 04:31:46 lilypad kernel: lp1 out of paper 
Mar 16 04:32:36 lilypad kernel: lp1 out of paper 



[PGP5.0 Key ID 0x5EE61C37]

RE: /bin/sh

1999-03-16 Thread Shaleh

YAY another believer (-:

I use ash as my sh on all boxen I admin.  Only hassle is occasional bash-isms
(submit bugs and they get fixed) and that updates of bash overwrite my /bin/sh

RE: /bin/sh

1999-03-16 Thread Shaleh
FYI Debian policy states that if you call /bin/sh in a script, it should be a
bourne script and not a bash script -- so if anything fails submit a bug report.

RE: Xfree86 debs?

1999-03-16 Thread Shaleh

On 15-Mar-99 Jim Harritt wrote:
 Is there a source for Xfree86 debian packages?

unofficial ones at

Re: /bin/sh

1999-03-16 Thread Shaleh
 And, if I remember correctly, package maintainers whose packages break
 with ash as /bin/sh are more than willing to make their scripts and
 such work with ash as your /bin/sh.

More so if you point out the cause or send patches.

The big offenders are:

function foo() instead of foo()
printf and family

Re: Kernel 2.2.1 question.

1999-03-16 Thread Paul Miller
Person, Roderick wrote:
 I compiled this kernel and I noticed that the vmlinuz image was not set as
 executable. So I chmod so it would be and I got a kernel panic. I compile
 again and tried to boot, leaveing it as not executable and got module load
 errors that left me only able to reboot to my old kernel. I use loadlin to
 boot from DOS. With a boot disk the same things happen. Any clues?
The answer will be found in the details. What were the 'module load
errors' you recieved? If you can't reproduce the errors, just recompile
a new kernel, and we'll go from there.

Paul Miller
[EMAIL PROTECTED]begin:vcard 
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
note:The Spirit of the University of North Texas
fn:Paul Miller

Re: out of paper??

1999-03-16 Thread Pollywog

On 16-Mar-99 George Bonser wrote:
 lpq -Plp1 
 and see if anything shows up. If something appears to be spooled for
 printing you can use lprm to remove it or
 lpc clean all
 to just blow away everything in the queues.
lilypad:/home/pollywog# lpq -Plp1
Host 'localhost' - cannot open connection to [EMAIL PROTECTED]' - Connection

I used kill pid to close some lpd stuff.


 On Tue, 16 Mar 1999, Pollywog wrote:
 I am getting the error shown below, and I don't know why.  I am not
 to print and have no printer connected.  I installed postgresql yesterday
 suspect it has something to do with this.  Any way to stop it?
 Unusual System Events
 Mar 16 04:30:06 lilypad kernel: lp1 out of paper 
 Mar 16 04:30:46 lilypad kernel: lp1 out of paper 
 Mar 16 04:30:56 lilypad kernel: lp1 out of paper 
 Mar 16 04:31:46 lilypad kernel: lp1 out of paper 
 Mar 16 04:32:36 lilypad kernel: lp1 out of paper 
 [PGP5.0 Key ID 0x5EE61C37]
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 George Bonser
From our family to you, a toast. Peace, Health, and Prosperity.  

[PGP5.0 Key ID 0x5EE61C37]

Virtual Domains

1999-03-16 Thread Paul Nathan Puri
Where can I get more information on setting up virtual domains in apache?

Certified Law Student
 Debian GNU/Linux Monk
McGeorge School of Law

Re: Bootup path?

1999-03-16 Thread Paul Miller
Shawn Nguyen wrote:
 I was looking in my Hamm Dist. for the file which has all the path to 
 for executable program when it bootup.  Can anyone help me?  Also, when I
 tried to install Netscape it told me to install motifnls which I did but
 afterward it said that I have to set my XNLSPATH environment variable to
 /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/nls does anyone knows what this is all about?
  Appreciate any help at all.
You can set these environment variables globaly for all users in
/etc/profile. To set them just for individuall users depends upon what
shell they use eg. bash is $HOME/.bash_profile. The search path is would
you believe PATH.

NLS is native language support. It allows programs to display text in
other languages eg. Japanese. 

Paul Miller
[EMAIL PROTECTED]begin:vcard 
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
note:The Spirit of the University of North Texas
fn:Paul Miller

Re: Debian on IBM thinkpad 380XD

1999-03-16 Thread Sergey V Kovalyov
Well, a month ago I've installd slink on ThinkPad 385D. The tecra disks
did not help. I ended up compiling a custom kernel as zImage on another
workstation and replacing the kernel image and modules on installation
disks. If you need, I can try to send you these floppy images, if they are
still alive. 


On Mon, 15 Mar 1999, Brian Morgan wrote:

 Anyone have info on installing Debian on an IBM thinkpad 380XD?  I'm
 installing the latest 2.1 version, and not having much luck with the rescue
 disk.  It comes to the boot: screen.  I press enter, and then it reboots
 the system.  Repeats with different rescue disks on different thinkpads (all
 Brian Morgan
 Computer Support Specialist   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 IBM Mobile Systems Support618.664.2800 ext. 4241
 Greenville College IT Dept.   618.338.4963 - pager
 Never criticize anybody until you have walked a mile in their shoes,
  because by that time you will be a mile away and have their shoes.

Static binaries :how to create

1999-03-16 Thread John Leget
hello all,

Ive come accross a couple of static binaries in my search for windoze
replacements, and since i download the occasional source to apps not in
deb's i was wondering how one makes these.

Now from what i understand they do not depend on lib's on my system as
they are compiled in - thus making them much bigger - is this right.

Anyway i have some favorite apps and thought if i can make static
version myself then i dont have to worry about them breaking when i
upgrade in future, which most invariably do
and not all of these are kept up to date with newer libs.

sigh i had hoped that with linux id escape that loathsome M$ style dll
hell goes not.

With my latest upgrade ( running potato ) i broke star office, and now
question wheter if i buy a commercial app or game im going to eventually
have to chuck it, or fork out for a upgrade , Since no doubt newer apps
will require newer lib's etc sighh

Im somewhat dissapointed to find im still stuck with that sort of mess
:( Id hoped to escape it with linux. Of course its ussually not a
problem with free source but ive found unless those are kept up to date
eventually they just break as well.

( Yes i know update them yourself etc, id like to learn c++ but linux
seems to be mostly c, so ive settled on learning the bash shell...
first, then i'll aim higher :) )

Anyway linux now is my preffered OS though ive still got some windoze
apps i have not found replacements for.  ie Quicken, diary, several
games .
And yes i know about wine ( great effort :) )  ( windoze does it better
)- i just want to lose windows completely.

Re: Using Procmail

1999-03-16 Thread XRDLAB
On Tue, 16 Mar 1999, Jeremy wrote:

Maybe an example will help... Here, fetchmail connects to ISP's mail
over to procmail.  Here are the lines out of my .procmailrc which puts
all mail from this list into it's own folder:

As mentioned earlier, the mail is received on the spool
correctly. But procmail does not seem to be doing its job.

Well, here is something which might help in troubleshooting. 

1. As soon as I dial-up and the ppp link is established, the root 
   does not do a fetchmail. I do it as a normal user. Does it in any
   way affect the behaviour of fetchmail?  

2. I am using pine to send mails directly after having redefined the server 
   in the configuration (giasbg rather than localhost). Does the
   MTA come into picture here?

If it helps, .fetchmailrc and .procmailrc are given below:


poll proto pop3
user mysxrd password 
limit 10

* $HOME/.procmailrc 




Hope I can get some answers/clues to get procmail working.


Sridhar M. A
Department of Physics
University of Mysore, Manasagangotri
Mysore 570 006, INDIA


Where's the CGI bin?

1999-03-16 Thread Paul Nathan Puri
I have a normal apache installation; where is the cgi-bin?

Certified Law Student
 Debian GNU/Linux Monk
McGeorge School of Law

Re: kernel panic, no init found

1999-03-16 Thread Paul Miller
Jianming YOU wrote:
 Hi, Experts,
 I just upgraded my box from 2.0.34 to 2.2.1 and I got
 kernel panic, no init found... when I tried to boot with the new
 kernel. The problem have been reported by several people. However, I
 still don't know how to recover the system after reading those replies,
 I'd appreciate if anyone can outline a procedure to recover from this
 situation. For the moment, I can only boot with a 2.0.34 floppy and see
 the hard disk.
 Any guidance is very much appreciated.
After booting from the rescue floppy, find the file called /vmlinuz on
your hard drive (yes in the root directory). It is a symbolic link to a
file called /boot/vmlinuz-2.2.1. Delete the /vmlinuz file and make a new
symbolic link

ln -s /boot/vmlinuz-2.0.34 /vmlinuz

Now rerun lilo by simply typing 'lilo'. Now you can reboot off the hard
drive with your old kernel.

As for what caused the 'no init found' error. My guess is lack of block
device support in the new kernel. Under the block device section, there
is a sub-section for 'Enhanced IDE/MFM/RLL disk/cdrom/tape/floppy
support'. Be sure to select it then select 'Include IDE/ATA-2 DISK
support'. Of coarse this assuming you are using an IDE hard drive.

Paul Miller
[EMAIL PROTECTED]begin:vcard 
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
note:The Spirit of the University of North Texas
fn:Paul Miller

Re: Slink and Kernel-Source.

1999-03-16 Thread Paul Miller
John Maheu wrote:
 On Mon, 15 Mar 1999, Tony Schonfeld wrote:
  i've just upgrade one server to slink at work and i'm confuse
  when i've see that kernel-source are in the tgz form after
  the installation.
  I think it's necessary to use the 'old method' without problem :
  * unpack the package
  * create a symlink from kernel-source-x.x.x to linux
  * make-kpkg kernel_image
 Yes, it appears we do the unpacking and symlink. Why doesn't the deb
 package do this anymore?
If you use the tarball from a kernel archive, it unpacks into a 'linux'
subdirectory not a 'kernel-version' directory. Maybe it has something to
do with this.

 Is it still necessary to link /usr/include/linux,asm,scsi to the
 kernel source, as the kernel-source README suggests?
This is necessarry if you wish to compile your programs againt the new
kernel headers. Take a look at /usr/doc/libc6/FAQ.Debian.gz for the
reason why Debian does not do this.

Paul Miller
[EMAIL PROTECTED]begin:vcard 
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
note:The Spirit of the University of North Texas
fn:Paul Miller

Re: RPC: Program not registered (mount command)

1999-03-16 Thread Paul Miller
Ben Frame wrote:
 I've got a new debian 2.1 install...   and when I try to use
 the mount command, I get:
 mount:  RPC:  Program not registered
What is the exact mount command you issuing? If you trying to mount an
NFS volume, maybe the host you are trying to connect to is not running
an NFS server.

Paul Miller
[EMAIL PROTECTED]begin:vcard 
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
note:The Spirit of the University of North Texas
fn:Paul Miller

Re: new kernel wows

1999-03-16 Thread Paul Miller
Geoffrey Deasey KD4WVF wrote:
 I upgraded from 2.0.34 to 2.0.36 (monolithic)
 and if I try to run newaliases it complains about a writable
 directory /tmp and locks up the task.
 anyone have any ideas what thats about ?;
Does the /tmp directory exist, and does it have the permissions
'rwxrwxrwt'. If not 

mkdir /tmp
chmod 1777 /tmp

and try newaliases again.
Paul Miller
[EMAIL PROTECTED]begin:vcard 
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
note:The Spirit of the University of North Texas
fn:Paul Miller

Hardware woes/make-kpkg

1999-03-16 Thread Michael Bonetsmueller

I can't find make-kpkg (neither locate nor dpkg -S finds anything),
and so I compiled the kernel using the 
make config zImage modules modules_install zlilo 

Now I get unresolved symbols when loading the 3c509.o module. All of
the symbols start with 'mca_' which sounds like a micro channel

But I don't have and want micro channel. Can anybody tell me what I'm
missing here?

Where can I find make-kpkg?


Michael Bonetsmüller   The least we can do is wave to each other
[EMAIL PROTECTED] --Van der Graaf Generator

Re: Acrobat plug in crashes netscape

1999-03-16 Thread Mark Wagnon
I don't know about adobe acrobat, but I am using xpdf just fine. Try it out

-Original Message-
From: Luiz Otavio L. Zorzella [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Debian-user list
Date: Monday, March 15, 1999 8:25 PM
Subject: Acrobat plug in crashes netscape


my acrobat reader plugin to netscape crashes it.

Any hint?

Debian GNU/Linux slink 2.1 Pentium 100

iso9660 module in kernel 2.0.34

1999-03-16 Thread G. Crimp

Anybody know what an unresolved symbol is ?  I've just compiled a
kernel making iso9660 support a module.  I've done this in bo with no
problems.  In hamm, however, when I try to mount a cd, I get an error saying
that the kernel does not support iso9660 filesystems.  kerneld is running. 
If I do insmod isofs I get the following errors:

# insmod -p isofs
/lib/modules/2.0.34/fs/isofs.o: unresolved symbol load_nls_default_R86e263f4
/lib/modules/2.0.34/fs/isofs.o: unresolved symbol unload_nls_R3f17924a
/lib/modules/2.0.34/fs/isofs.o: unresolved symbol load_nls_Rbc00b63b
/lib/modules/2.0.34/fs/isofs.o: unresolved symbol utf8_wctomb_Rf531b5d3

Seems to me I've done pretty much the same thing as in previous
compiles, but it ain't workin' this time.  Any answers ?



Iomega zip drive

1999-03-16 Thread Alessandro Z
Hi everybody,

I'm trying to have my Iomega zip drive working under Linux.
I previously successfully compiled the kernel to support the zip drive
with a SuSE distro, now I'm trying with Debian and Red Hat on different
In both cases there's something wrong.
After compiling the kernel including:
-- scsi support=yes
scsi disk support=yes
Iomega Zip support as a module
parallel printer as module
and running lilo to use the new kernel I get an error when trying to
install ppa:

insmod ppa

-- PPA: unable to initialise controller at 0x378, error 1
scsi: 0 hosts

init_module: Device or resource busy

Any idea to help me?
Thanks in advance to everybody!


Please help RTL 8029

1999-03-16 Thread Piotr Perko
I'M LOOking for drivers for that Eternet device for Linux Slackware
Please help me - i don't know where i can find it.

quickie Question

1999-03-16 Thread
hello everyone ! 
  i have a quickie question for those who have already tried slink.  is apt and 
apt-get already built w/in the base or required field ?
  because ive already downloaded /disks-i386/ and was wondering whether its all 
i need to get to tell my debian afterwards to install this and that for me.

Re: Please help RTL 8029

1999-03-16 Thread STEFAN_CYRIS
 I'm using the same card with NE2000 drivers and it works fine for me.

__ Reply Separator _
Subject: Please help RTL 8029
Author:  Non-HP-piotter ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) at HP-Germany,mimegw6
Date:12.03.99 13:19

I'M LOOking for drivers for that Eternet device for Linux Slackware 
Please help me - i don't know where i can find it. 
Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/nu

mpich in potato?

1999-03-16 Thread Obi

I'm running potato on my laptop and  I had a weird bahaviour from mpich. I
upgraded and everthing went fine but 2 days ago I noticed that man was barfing
on some pages. In particular the MPI man pages: it looks like the mpi pages in
/usr/man were symlink to man pages in /usr/lib/mpich/man that were symlink to
man pages in /usr/man etc ... 

Anyone else? 


Cu do sceccu ni fa mulu i primu cauci e' u so

Playing Sound

1999-03-16 Thread Cuno Sonnemans

My soundcard is working.
But I only can play cd's as root.
Is there a way to play cd's as user in X-windows, fvwm95.

I can't mount cd's as user with the TK-Desk Application Bar.
How can I Change this.

I already can mount CD-rom's as user in the Text-mode.
But how can I mount CD's and CD-rom's as user in x-window with the
application bar ??

I can also play .au files only as root, how can I change that.


Re: Where's the CGI bin?

1999-03-16 Thread Mitch Blevins
In foo.debian-user, you wrote:
 I have a normal apache installation; where is the cgi-bin?


Re: Upgrade to 2.2.1 kernel, sound problems

1999-03-16 Thread Antal Ritter

Sorry for replying my own post, but...

On Fri, Mar 12, 1999 at 12:58:09PM +0100, Antal Ritter wrote:
  ... However when I attempt to use mpg123 to
  play mp3 files I recieve the following error.
  Can't open /dev/dsp!
 I had the same problem. 

That's true...

 I compiled sound support as modules, so
 I need to specify io,irq,dma and dma16 parameters when the
 modules are loaded. Without specifying dma16 I could use bplay, 
 the mixer worked, but mpg123 was not able to play. Providing dma16 
 solved the problem for me. HTH

That's also true, but has nothing to do with the mentioned error
message. The Cant't open /dev/dsp error seemed to be going 
away after I stopped NAS. Sorry again for the mis-information...


Re: Where's the CGI bin?

1999-03-16 Thread L. Besselink

On Mon, 15 Mar 1999, Paul Nathan Puri wrote:

 I have a normal apache installation; where is the cgi-bin?

well, mine is in /usr/lib/cgi-bin (I can't check I'm not home right, now),
I think. What I do remeber it is, in a /lib dir somewhere and very likely
on /usr

Hope this helps.

 Certified Law Student
  Debian GNU/Linux Monk
 McGeorge School of Law
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

more ram and larger harddrive then the bios can take

1999-03-16 Thread Per-Olof Widstrom

 I have seen that people get the advise to add a line in lilo.conf that
tells how much RAM the system have, if they have more then 64 mb, and that
it is possible to have a larger harddirve then the BIOS can handle. I just
would like to ask two simple questons about this:

  I have a motherboard with a bios that take 128 ram, no more, that is
what the manual says, can I have 256 mb if I add memory=256 in lilo.conf.

  My bios manual say that it´s limit is 8,4 gb harddrive. But if i have
the root inside the 8,4 gb limit is it possible to have, lets say, a 15 gb

/have a nice day - pow

Re: Iomega zip drive

1999-03-16 Thread Conrado Badenas
Alessandro Z wrote:
 After compiling the kernel including:
 -- scsi support=yes
 scsi disk support=yes
 Iomega Zip support as a module
 parallel printer as module
 and running lilo to use the new kernel I get an error when trying to
 install ppa:

What about rebooting after running lilo?

 insmod ppa

I also get error messages with insmod because ppa depends on modules
that could not be installed in the kernel. The file
/lib/modules/2.2.1/modules.dep says that ppa depends on scsi_mod, and
parport. But when I modprobe ppa I get no error messages if the ZIP
drive is connected. Now it is not here, and so I get:

/lib/modules/2.2.1/scsi/ppa.o: init_module: Device or resource busy
parport: Device or resource busy

 -- PPA: unable to initialise controller at 0x378, error 1
 scsi: 0 hosts
 init_module: Device or resource busy

I see that you use kernel 2.0.xx. I didn't know that kernel in the 2.0
series supported ZIP drives. I think that my last 2.0.35 didn't included
ZIP drives. Nevertheless, I include below some of the critical CONFIG's
in file /usr/src/kernel-source-2.2.1/.config after running make
menuconfig for paralel port ZIP drive, in case you want to compile
kernel 2.2.1:

# Loadable module support

# General setup

# Plug and Play support

# Additional Block Devices
# CONFIG_PARIDE is not set

# SCSI support

# SCSI support type (disk, tape, CD-ROM)

# SCSI low-level drivers
# CONFIG_SCSI_IMM is not set

# Character devices

Conrado Badenas (Assistant Lecturer)
Department of Thermodynamics. University of Valencia
c/. Doctor Moliner, 50   | e-m: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
46100 Burjassot (Valencia)   | Phn: +34-63864350
SPAIN| Fax: +34-63983385

Re: StarOffice Installation Error

1999-03-16 Thread John Leget

Also running 2.2.3 and potato
having a somewhat similar problem StarOffice has died R.I.P :(.
Anyhow the following error message comes up when i try to run it
"An unrecoverable error has occured, All modified files have been saved
and can probably be recovered at program start"
Yuk reminds me of a cetain OS im trying to loose >;0)
Anyone else come across this

Emil Soleyman-Zomalan wrote:
I am running potato with kernel 2.2.3 and just ran
into an installation problem with StarOffice. I recently upgraded my packages
including libc6 through dselect. However, I could run StarOffce just fine
with libc6 2.07 but with libc6 2.1 I am receiving a handful of errors that
simply say that I do not have glibc2.1 (=libc6) is not installed. I was
wondering if anyone has run into this problem and would anyone recommend
downgarding to libc6 2.07?
Any help on this would be helpful and deeply appreciated.
Emil Soleyman-Zomalan
University of California - Berkeley

Re: Please help RTL 8029

1999-03-16 Thread Daniel Mashao
On Fri, 12 Mar 1999, Piotr Perko wrote:

 I'M LOOking for drivers for that Eternet device for Linux Slackware
 Please help me - i don't know where i can find it.
I do not know anything about Slackware but use NE2000 drivers. All cards
should be able to work with these drivers.

Daniel J. Mashao
Electrical Engineering  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
University of Cape Town 
Rondebosch, 7700, S. Africa (w) 27+21+650 2816  (h) 27+21+705 8469

Re: Remote Unix printer - Permissions

1999-03-16 Thread Daniel Mashao
On Mon, 15 Mar 1999, John Stevenson wrote:

 I am running a linux print server that is working very nicely
 with win95 clients (using samba) but am having trouble
 connecting to the printer from linux clients.
 I have read the printing howto (see snippet below) and it refers
 to the /etc/hosts.lpd file, but I have know idea what the
 structure of this file is supposed to be.
I am not sure if this will help you but looking at the machine that we are
printing to, the contents of its file is

comic5 % more /etc/hosts.lpd 
# /etc/hosts.lpd: list of hosts that are allowed to use the printing
# services of this machine.  See lpd(8).
# $Id: hosts.lpd,v 2.0 1994/06/30 17:14:15 imurdock Exp $

Which I think means allow all machines with ips matching * 
Somehow this machines must appear in /etc/hosts.  Good luck - as I said I
do not know if it will be helpful but at least it shows the contents of
our /etc/hosts.lpd file

Daniel J. Mashao
Electrical Engineering  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
University of Cape Town 
Rondebosch, 7700, S. Africa (w) 27+21+650 2816  (h) 27+21+705 8469

Re: Sound solution

1999-03-16 Thread Doug Dine
At 3/15/99 5:14:00 PM, you wrote:

I may be wrong, but from my experience with OSS you don't have to use
isapnp at all.
Thats the reason OSS is out on the market: It replaces isapnp, in a more
efficient way. You still need to compile kernel, though. Just read the
README file that comes with OSS. I think they describe it all there.

Yes, but I would still like to be able to figure it out without OSS.

The kernel just needs to be configured without sound support.

Doug Dine


NetZero - We believe in a FREE Internet.  Shouldn't you?
Get your FREE Internet Access and Email at

kernel module dependencies

1999-03-16 Thread G. Crimp
I compiled a kernel with NLS and iso9660 as modules.  When I tried
to mount a cd I got a message saying that iso9660 was not supported by the
kernel.  Tried installing iso9660 with insmod and got a bunch of unresolved
symbol errors all relating to nls.  If I run 'insmod nls' first and then try
to mount the cd, it works great.

I figure that kerneld should see that when mounting a cd, isofs is
needed which in turn needs nls and deal with the dependencies.  Am I right
about this ?  I didn't have this problem with kernel 2.0.30 although I
couldn't swear that I made nls a module when I was compiling 2.0.30.

If I am right about this, should I be reporting this as a bug to
someone,and if so, to whom ?



Re: Using Procmail

1999-03-16 Thread homega
XRDLAB dixit:
 As mentioned earlier, the mail is received on the spool
 correctly. But procmail does not seem to be doing its job.
 Well, here is something which might help in troubleshooting. 
 1. As soon as I dial-up and the ppp link is established, the root 
does not do a fetchmail. I do it as a normal user. Does it in any
way affect the behaviour of fetchmail?  

is .procmailrc in your user's home dir?

 * $HOME/.procmailrc 

I don't know which header you expect to find under To.  I might be wrong,
but you might mean To:;  also, the dot . right after the @ sign... means
that procmail will look for a dot after the @ sign (which will not find, of
course);  and just in case there's something else between debian-user-diges
and the @ sign, I would suggest to ommit @, thus:

* ^To:.*debian-user-digest*

But sometimes the address won't be in the To: header, but in From:, or
Cc:... so this is what I do:

* ^(To|From|Cc):.*debian-user-digest*


Re: interesting

1999-03-16 Thread homega
George Bonser dixit:,4,33762,00.html
 Looks like Caldera is building a nice linux install wizard ... called
 lizard.  They say they might open-source it.

They might?  I thought everything developed under Linux has to be GPL'ed,
and thus open source!

Re: Connect script failed

1999-03-16 Thread Anthony Campbell
On 15 Mar 1999q, John Hasler wrote:
 Anthony Campbell writes:
  Mar 15 17:12:57 achc chat[1139]: expect (ogin:achc)
 This looks like /etc/chatscripts/provider is garbled.  Could you send me a
 copy of that file?
 John HaslerThis posting is in the public domain.
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]Do with it what you will.
 Dancing Horse Hill Make money from it if you can; I don't mind.
 Elmwood, Wisconsin Do not send email advertisements to this address.

Thanks for the reply and helpful offer; yes it was garbled. I've now
discovered there should be a space after the colon (ogin: achc). Script is
now working fine.


Anthony Campbell  -  running Linux Debian 2.0 (Windows-free zone)
Book Reviews:

The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ,
Moves on...   - Edward Fitzgerald (Rubaiat of Omar Khayyam)

Re: interesting

1999-03-16 Thread E.L. Meijer \(Eric\)
 George Bonser dixit:,4,33762,00.html
  Looks like Caldera is building a nice linux install wizard ... called
  lizard.  They say they might open-source it.
 They might?  I thought everything developed under Linux has to be GPL'ed,
 and thus open source!

No that is not true.  If someone derived a new kernel from the linux
kernel, the GPL would require it to be GPL-ed.  But it is perfectly
legal to distribute closed-source binaries with linux.  If you don't
like this, debian is the distribution for you!


 E.L. Meijer ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  | tel. office +31 40 2472189
 Eindhoven Univ. of Technology | tel. lab.   +31 40 2475032
 Lab. for Catalysis and Inorg. Chem. (TAK) | tel. fax+31 40 2455054

Re: Too many subdirectories

1999-03-16 Thread Richard Lyon
 I hate to ask, but... why???  I duplicated this for the sake of making
 sure this script would work, and it brought my system to it's knees.

A classic troll technique.

Re: Choosing a database package

1999-03-16 Thread sjb

I believe mySQL and PostgreSQL would both fit your needs. I'm not sure
which languages you are familiar with but Perl probably has the best
balance of ease and functionality. There are interfaces to get Perl
working with postgresql/mysql and also interfaces to get perl working with

Hope this helps.


Sarel Botha

On Tue, 9 Mar 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I hope this is the correct place for this question. If not plase be gentle
 as you point me in the right direction. I am looking for a database package
 for our home network. The initial uses will be simple, such as a phone list,
 and ease of use will be the major concern. Later on we intend to do some
 more complex databases and versatility and the tools to access it from a
 variety of front ends, including web pages and programs we write will be 
 I would prefer SQL if that doesn't involve too much of a performance hit.
 But we will initially be running both server and clients on 486 machines
 and SQL is not a requirement.
 At this point PostgreSQL looks like the best bet. But that is based on the
 barest of information. I would appreciate hearing people experiances and
 recomendations. I have a lot of experiance with designing and writing hard
 coded databases and som experiance with SQL. But I am on disability with
 some fairly severe cognative impairments. My son is learning to be a decent
 programmer but has no experiance with databases. Other users will include
 people who are not computer people. So ease of instalation and use of
 available front ends is important.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null


1999-03-16 Thread Benoit Joly
Hi, I want to setup procmail to forward every email sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

here is my .procmailrc



the first command work ok... the problem is when i receive mail from debian
user, my email address is not in Cc or To section... it's on the 3rd line aft
er the Received section.

the last command dont work... what's wrong?

Benoit Joly

Sound-config with isapnp

1999-03-16 Thread Kurt Stallknecht
I ve problems with the configuration of an Aztech soundcard. The 
first straightforward try wasn t very satisfactory, so I wanted to 
start a second one with isapnp. I downloded it from Red Hat and 
installed alien for the translation into a debian-package, but it 
didn t work. In the man-page of alien I was told that I need the 
package-manager of Red Hat. Now I have a big Problem:
1. I don t now much about Red Hat and so I don t know what package I 
have to look for.
2. How can I install the package-manager of Red Hat when I m not able 
to convert the packages? It s something like going round a 

Can anybody give me a hint?

Thanks in advance,


RE: Sound-config with isapnp

1999-03-16 Thread Benoit Joly

why dont you use the isapnptools package in debian?
it's a great package :), and it should work very well...

so throw away your .rpm...


On 16-Mar-99 Kurt Stallknecht wrote:
 I ve problems with the configuration of an Aztech soundcard. The 
 first straightforward try wasn t very satisfactory, so I wanted to 
 start a second one with isapnp. I downloded it from Red Hat and 
 installed alien for the translation into a debian-package, but it 
 didn t work. In the man-page of alien I was told that I need the 
 package-manager of Red Hat. Now I have a big Problem:
 1. I don t now much about Red Hat and so I don t know what package I 
 have to look for.
 2. How can I install the package-manager of Red Hat when I m not able 
 to convert the packages? It s something like going round a 
 Can anybody give me a hint?
 Thanks in advance,
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

E-Mail: Benoit Joly [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 16-Mar-99
Time: 07:08:28

This message was sent by XFMail

Re: interesting

1999-03-16 Thread Ted Harding
On 16-Mar-99 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 George Bonser dixit:,4,33762,00.html
 Looks like Caldera is building a nice linux install wizard ... called
 lizard.  They say they might open-source it.
 They might?  I thought everything developed under Linux has to be
 GPL'ed, and thus open source!

Not so. You may develop any application or tool you wish on/under Linux
on a commercial basis and impose whatever licence conditions you like,
so long as this does not depend on GPL'ed code, and market it as you

A lot of people have been doing just this for quite some time.

What you may not do is treat anything of GPL origin in this way: for that
you have to make the source available and you have to include the GPL
itself (or state clearly how it may be obtained).

Best wishes,

E-Mail: (Ted Harding) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 16-Mar-99   Time: 11:59:39
-- XFMail --

Re: procmail

1999-03-16 Thread Matt Folwell
On Tue, Mar 16, 1999 at 06:53:25AM -0500, Benoit Joly wrote:
 Hi, I want to setup procmail to forward every email sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 here is my .procmailrc
 the first command work ok... the problem is when i receive mail from debian
 user, my email address is not in Cc or To section... it's on the 3rd line aft
 er the Received section.
 the last command dont work... what's wrong?

I think grep only compares one line at a time, so that won't work.  For
the debian-user list I identify it by the Resent-Sender header, with this


Hope that helps,

Matt Folwell, Trinity College, Cambridge.  CB2 1TQ

Obtain hostnames from IP addresses

1999-03-16 Thread Conrado Badenas

Does anyone know how to obtain hostnames (e.g.,
from IP addresses (e.g., I've written this program:

#include netdb.h
#include sys/socket.h
#include stdio.h
#include string.h

int main() {
int l;
char addr[]=;
struct hostent *ph;

if (ph!=NULL) fprintf(stderr,%d:\t%s\n,i,ph-h_name);
else  perror(gethostbyaddr());
return 0;

following the recommendations of a informatic friend of mine about using
function gethostbyaddr, but I obtain: gethostbyaddr(): Address family not supported by protocol

With man 3 gethostbyaddr I read The only valid address type is
currently AF_INET, and when reading /usr/include/sys/socket.h and
/usr/include/socketbits.h I see that AF_INET is 2 for the IP protocol

Thus, what is wrong?

Is there any program (like a filter: input address in stdin, output name
in stdout) that could do it? I've tried with nslookup but doesn't work
(and it worked last month).

Conrado Badenas (Assistant Lecturer)
Department of Thermodynamics. University of Valencia
c/. Doctor Moliner, 50   | e-m: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
46100 Burjassot (Valencia)   | Phn: +34-63864350
SPAIN| Fax: +34-63983385

Re: interesting

1999-03-16 Thread ivan
At 11:02 AM 3/16/99 +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
George Bonser dixit:,4,33762,00.html
 Looks like Caldera is building a nice linux install wizard ... called
 lizard.  They say they might open-source it.

They might?  I thought everything developed under Linux has to be GPL'ed,
and thus open source!

Not at all - IIRC, the GPL says (in short) if you use the code of a GPL'ed
programme then the resulting programme must also be GPL but if you want to
write original code to run using the Linux OS then you can release it under
what ever license you like or even not license it at all.

Also IIRC, the preamble discusses this in depth.


Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: Where's the CGI bin?

1999-03-16 Thread servis
*- On 15 Mar, Paul Nathan Puri wrote about Where's the CGI bin?
 I have a normal apache installation; where is the cgi-bin?

Look in /etc/apache/access.conf  or try 'locate cgi-bin'.

Never criticize anybody until you have walked a mile in their shoes,  
 because by that time you will be a mile away and have their shoes. 
   - unknown  

Mechanical Engineering[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University

Re: RPC: Program not registered (mount command)

1999-03-16 Thread Norris Preyer
Ben Frame [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I've got a new debian 2.1 install...   and when I try to use 
 the mount command, I get:
 mount:  RPC:  Program not registered
 I've never seen this before and don't know what it means.  
 I've got NFS and IPX installed into the kernel.  If anyone 
 has suggestions I would really appreciate some help.  
 Ben Frame

I had errors like that recently caused by my security; editing
/etc/hosts.allow and restarting both /etc/init.d/netbase and
/etc/init.d/netstd_nfs (I think these are the right two) fixed the

I have a local network of two dual-PII's ( and
that I want to be able to NSF-mount a local mirror of the distribution
and have relaxed security, so relevant parts of my hosts.allow looks like:
# /etc/hosts.allow: list of hosts that are allowed to access the system.
#   See the manual pages hosts_access(5), hosts_options(5)
#   and /usr/doc/netbase/portmapper.txt.gz
# Example:ALL: LOCAL @some_netgroup
# If you're going to protect the portmapper use the name portmap for the
# daemon name. Remember that you can only use the keyword ALL and IP
# addresses (NOT host or domain names) for the portmapper. See portmap(8)
# and /usr/doc/netbase/portmapper.txt.gz for further information.

# Allow np1 and np2 to NFS mount files and rsh in here
rpc.mountd: 192.168.1.
rpc.nfsd: 192.168.1.
in.rshd: 192.168.1.
in.rlogind: 192.168.1.
in.ugidd: 192.168.1.
I'm not sure I need to allow ugidd, and rsh/rlogin is for pvm and mpi,
but the others are needed.

Hope this helps, and comments from someone who knows more are
gratefully accepted.


Dr. Norris Preyer   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dept. of Physics and Astronomy  (843) 953-7997 (voice)
College of Charleston   (843) 953-4824 (fax)
Charleston, SC  29424

Use the source luke

1999-03-16 Thread Shaun Lipscombe

I really really want to install Gnome, but the only reason I haven't
done so yet is because I cannot decide whether to install by source,
or by .deb.  Normally I wouldn't worry about this, as I used to use
another distribution (name not mentioned to protect the guilty) and so
I had no choice.  I recently installed debian and it is *very* good.
The dselect program confused me at first, but now I am very familiar
with it, and have changed my opinion regarding package management.
Arghhh!!! what shall I do??

Any opinions are welcome :)


Shaun 'new debian convert' Lipscombe


colonel Legion of Doom Serbian BATF Mossad CIA supercomputer kibo bomb
$400 million in gold bullion class struggle nuclear cryptographic
assassination fissionable

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