/etc/rc.d/rc.local [era: somente uma ajuda :)]

1999-05-24 Thread Rafael Caetano dos Santos
pedro bastos - strm writes:
  ola colegas usuarios do debian :) estou 'migrando' do slackware e estou
  enfrentando uma serie de dificuldades, la vao umas perguntas ... :
  - ha algum arquivo que substitua o /etc/rc.d/rc.local do slack ?

Eu não me lembro como é na Slackware, mas na Debian você tem um diretório
/etc/init.d, que tem os scripts de inicialização, e os diretórios
/etc/rcN.d (onde N é o runlevel), que tem links para esses scripts.

Leia a documentação em /usr/doc/sysvinit (se não souber inglês, não hesite
em perguntar de novo).

Rafael Caetano [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Estou preparando uma revista

1999-05-24 Thread Lalo Martins
Gente, que mancada, eu perdi meu HD e estou acessando do
trabalho, com probleminhas de configuração eu acabei ficando
duas semanas sem ler essa lista :-)

On Mon, May 17, 1999 at 01:24:52PM -0300, Thiago Jung Bauermann wrote:
 Sim, acho q esses modos de coordenacao sao suficientes. A pagina teria
 mais a funcao de atrair colaboradores, postar FAQs, etc, e a lista
 seria para a coordenacao do projeto.
 Existe algum espaco q possa ser usado para sediar a pagina e a lista?

A página provavelmente deveria estar em algum outro lugar. A
lista deveria, é claro, ficar em @lists.debian.org - com a mesma
facilidade que eu criei essa, podemos criar
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (é exatamente por isso que
essa lista chama debian-USER-portuguese) :-)

  I am Lalo of deB-org. You will be freed.
 Resistance is futile.

http://www.webcom.com/lalo  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 pgp key in the web page

Debian GNU/Linux   --http://www.debian.org

Re: Core Debian

1999-05-24 Thread Lalo Martins
On Mon, May 17, 1999 at 02:47:49PM -0300, Nelson Novaes Neto wrote:
 Bom galera,
 Venho acompanhando vc's ao longo desses dias, Estou comecando a
 programacao em Cshell, e gostaria de saber se algum conhece bem prog em GTK,
 assim posso colocar em modo grafico meu scripts

É sério isso?

Não existe como colocar interface GTK em scripts cshell. Você
vai precisar aprender ao menos Python ou Perl.

  I am Lalo of deB-org. You will be freed.
 Resistance is futile.

http://www.webcom.com/lalo  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 pgp key in the web page

Debian GNU/Linux   --http://www.debian.org

Re: Core Debian

1999-05-24 Thread Lalo Martins
On Sun, May 16, 1999 at 12:58:30PM -0300, Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira 
 Eu quero virar developer, mas nao encontro nenhum programa
 para empacotar. Todos interessantes a Debian ja tem. :)

Correndo o risco de soar repetitivo... `é sério isso?'

Dá uma boa navegada em http://freshmeat.net/appindex/ e você
verá dezenas de programas excelentes. Se gostar de um, vá em
http://www.debian.org/distrib/packages e verifique se está
empacotado. A quantidade de não-empacotados é suficiente para
qualquer um precisando de trabalho :-)

E, claro, verifique o `Work Needing and Prospective Packages no
`Developers Corner' do site da Debian. Ali tem uma lista de
pacotes precisando de maintainer, pacotes órfãos, etc. Apesar
que fica meio desatualizado às vezes... até hj ele lista o
FreeCiv como `needing a maintainer', e não está :-)

  I am Lalo of deB-org. You will be freed.
 Resistance is futile.

http://www.webcom.com/lalo  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 pgp key in the web page

Debian GNU/Linux   --http://www.debian.org

Re: setting up a news server

1999-05-24 Thread Matt Garman
On Sun, May 23, 1999 at 06:41:42PM -0400, Sean wrote:
 I like slrn.  It was simple for me to configure (which means it must be 
 _real_ easy),
 and runs great.

Slrn is just an agent, isn't it?  I already use slrn, but online.  In
other words, I currently point slrn to my news server and read while
the modem is connected.  I want to have the articles downloaded
automatically (say, in the middle of the night) so I can read them at
my leasure, offline.


And though the window in the wall
 Come streaming in on sunlight wings
 A million bright ambassadors of morning. 
--Pink Floyd, Echoes

Re: tulip 100mps card; need advice

1999-05-24 Thread Eugene Sevinian

George, thanks for advices,
The need for such setup was due to the estimated bandwith of overall
network transaction of about 0.5Gps. Thus, using CISCO or any other 
non-PC based solution we need to establish high speed interface between
this switcher and some proxy server. The idea is that attaching network
interface directly to PC would allow us to solve this task. Is it
sounds stupid?
On Sun, 23 May 1999, George Bonser wrote:

 On Mon, 24 May 1999, Eugene Sevinian wrote:
  are working reliable at heaivy load. The main goal is to setup a network
  with star topology, i.e. one central box with 6-7 100mps channels attached
  to it as well 4-5 10mps ones. Any suggesions concerning hardware
  components for this central box? How much ROM, which CPU and motherboard I
  should look for? 
 I have had good luck with the Intel Pro 10/100+ cards. The trouble with
 going into 10MB mode might not be the network card, many hubs do not
 auto-negotiate properly. Just force it in the driver at boot.
Do you mean linux network driver or card's SETUP utility?
I  have noticed that hub was able to detect 100mps up to linux loading
stage :(

 Well, looks like money is no object here. 
  Hhmmm  :) not quite right, unfortunatly ...

 Get three of the quad adaptec
 tulip cards, thats $500-$600 each and gives you 12 ethernet ports on three

Are they supported in linux kernel?

 PCI slots. Make sure those boards will fit ... they are LONG. If you
 really want to get fancy, you can get a dual-PCI bus machine and put your
 network on one PCI bus and your disk on the other. Your bottleneck is
 going to be the PCI bus, you are probably better off getting something
 like  a Cisco 2900 or 3000 series switch rather than trying to do this
 with a PC.

Then we should connect this switch to the server at ~500mps. Is there any
standard solution? May be fiber optic?

 CPU should be SMP Alpha processors. SCSI disk. You are probably in the
 $10-$15K range for a good system if I am reading this correctly.

Eugene Sevinian

CRD, YerPhI, 375036, Armenia
URL: http://crdlx5.yerphi.am/
Phone: 374-2-344873

Re: setting up a news server

1999-05-24 Thread Sean
Then you need to get slrnpull, as it allows you to pull down newsgroups either 
manually or
as a cron job.


Matt Garman wrote:

 On Sun, May 23, 1999 at 06:41:42PM -0400, Sean wrote:
  I like slrn.  It was simple for me to configure (which means it must be 
  _real_ easy),
  and runs great.

 Slrn is just an agent, isn't it?  I already use slrn, but online.  In
 other words, I currently point slrn to my news server and read while
 the modem is connected.  I want to have the articles downloaded
 automatically (say, in the middle of the night) so I can read them at
 my leasure, offline.


 And though the window in the wall
  Come streaming in on sunlight wings
  A million bright ambassadors of morning.
 --Pink Floyd, Echoes

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

EMERGENCY 'umount /'

1999-05-24 Thread per_adua32


I have a problem. Whilst trying to change the 
keyboard mapping my system got very messed up. 

I ran kbdconfig, choose sunt5-fi-something and 
that was that. First there was total confusion on 
my keyboard, the spacebar ,for instance, printed
r when I pressed it and R when I pressed pause
and spacebar at the same time. Then the system 
froze and I was forced to switch the computer
off and then on again.

My most immediate problem is getting into my 
system at all, so that I can find some way of 
fixing this problem. When I tried to boot normally
I couldn't login because the keyboard was stil messed

So I decided to try the rescue disk. 

After booting with linux-init=/bin/sh I was dropped
into bash. I then tried to unmount the root filesystem
so that I could mount it again as read/write. However,
when I entered the command

umount /

I got some message like can't open mtab: file doesn't 
exist or something like this.

Can someone please. I would to solve this without having
to re-install the whole system.

Thanx in advance.


Master.debian.org and Email

1999-05-24 Thread Jason Gunthorpe

Hi all!

It seems that with our recent IP change on master.debian.org Novare has
inherited an IP space that has previously been used to send spam.

I would like it if everyone could check that these two IPs are not listed
in any spam listing services: 
  master.debian.org   A
  murphy.debian.org   A

Please only let me know if you find a listing, I don't need to have a full
email box tomorrow :


Re: setting up a news server

1999-05-24 Thread Craig Sanders
On Sun, May 23, 1999 at 04:50:33PM -0500, Matt Garman wrote:
 I want to set up a NNTP server for reading Usenet news offline.  I
 was reading in the ISP-Hookup-HOWTO about some possible solutions,
 CNews+NewsX or CNews+suck or Leafnode...  I see Debian has these all

 My question is: which setup is typically the easiest to setup and get
 running?  I don't need anything too fancy except the ability to read
 from more than one server (e.g. my ISP's news server and my school's
 news server).  Also, my school's server needs to be sent a login and
 password before I can access it.

other answers seem to have missed the main point of your question, so
i'll have a go :)

leafnode is what you want. it can use more than one news server, and it
supports login/password access to them. it fetches new articles in all
groups you're interested(*) in and stores them in a local news cache
(under /var/spool/news).

it's very simple to set up - just install the package, and edit the
config file in /etc/news/leafnode.

BTW, CNews is basically obsolete these days. if you want a real
news-server (as opposed to a caching news server like leafnode) then
inn is a much better choice. however, both inn and cnews are quite
complicated pieces of software and take a lot of work to keep them
running smoothly. this is especially true if this is your first time as
a news admin and you haven't yet written a swag of scripts to deal with
all the little quirks of news.

leafnode doesn't require any maintainence. it just works.  IMO, it is
pretty much ideal for the scenario you describe.

(*) interest level is based on whether you are actively reading a
newsgroup or not. if you always want to fetch a newsgroup regardless of
how often you read it, then just set up a cron job which runs at least
once/day and does something like:

touch /var/spool/news/interesting.groups/news.group.name

here's my /usr/local/sbin/touch-leafnode script to do that:

---cut here---
#! /bin/sh


umask 002

cd $newsdir/interesting.groups

cat $interesting | xargs touch
---cut here---

i also added the following line to /etc/cron.d/leafnode:

---cut here---
0 0 * * * news  /usr/local/sbin/touch-leafnode
---cut here---

to mark a newsgroup as always interesting, i just add it to the file
/var/spool/news/always.interesting. leafnode still fetches it even when
i don't read any news for a few days or a few weeks.


craig sanders

mounting nfs when server down

1999-05-24 Thread Pere Camps

I now have a mini NIS-network with /home directories mounted from
a central server.

Imagine this sceneraio: the two systems boot up together. The
server is slower while booting up and the clients can't mount the
nfs-partitions, but 2 minutes after the server is up and running.

When my users try to log on the client machine, they can't because
their directories are not mounted. 

Is there a standard solution for this besides a cron'ed script
that looks for well-mounted directories?


-- p.

Re: mounting nfs when server down

1999-05-24 Thread Joey Hess
Pere Camps wrote:
   Is there a standard solution for this besides a cron'ed script
 that looks for well-mounted directories?

hard   The program accessing a file on a NFS mounted file system will hang
   when the server crashes. The pro­ cess cannot be interrupted or
   killed unless you also specify intr.  When the NFS server is back
   online the program will continue undisturbed from where it was. This
   is probably what you want.

Try adding that to the nfs options in your fstab.

see shy jo

passing ENV var's w/kfm (KDE) launched shell scripts

1999-05-24 Thread Ralph Cramden
I thought for a while that I could not launch shell scripts from kfm in
my [slink] debian dist. (my slackware dist. works no problem) but it was

the environment variables that I was referencing inside the scripts...
e.g. below I simply create a kdelnk file using the below script file,
and point and click should just work:

if [ -f $HOME/.Xstuff ]; then
  xrdb -merge $HOME/.Xstuff

if [ -f $XAPPDIR/xappbinary ]; then
  cd $XAPPDIR ; exec $XAPPDIR/xappbinary

If I simply replace the above PATH env variables with the real
pathnames, the scripts launch fine. So curiousity has  the better of
me...  Now why would kfm be able to interpret the SHELL enviroment
variables in Slackware and not  in Debian. Not that it matters likely,
but I run in tcsh.


remove 'no-soc' for personal replies should someone be kind enough to
save me face.

Re: tulip 100mps card; need advice

1999-05-24 Thread Eugene Sevinian
George, thanks for info, 
I'll think about it.


On Sun, 23 May 1999, George Bonser wrote:

 Why not use gigabit ethernet? There are a few cards that are supported
 under Linux. See
 for more details.

smail config

1999-05-24 Thread Robert Rati
I want to be able to send mail to another server and have that server send
the mail to it's appropriate address on the internet.  I ran smailconfig
and used option: 3 (No mail is to be delivered or routed here.  Any mail
generated on this system is sent to a central mail switch using SMTP. This
configuration is for workstation, which have mounted /var/spool/mail from
a central server) which sounds like what I wanted to do.  I setup to run
smail as a daemon at boottime.  After entering the information needed, I
tried to send a test message only to have it not work.  I then stopped the
smail daemon figuring it might need to be restarted.  When I try to
restart it, it fails.  Can anyone help me out?  TIA.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] : Role-Player, Babylon 5 fanatic  1998-99
Aka Khyron the Backstabber : ICQ# 2325055
Homepage: www.cs.purdue.edu/homes/ratirh 

Happiness comes in short spurts.  Don't be fooled.

deb for qvwm?

1999-05-24 Thread Wayne Cuddy
Does anyone know where I might find a package for qvwm?


Re: deb for qvwm?

1999-05-24 Thread Wayne Cuddy
Nevermind, found it at the Japanese Debian Project.


On Sun, 23 May 1999, Wayne Cuddy wrote:

 Date: Sun, 23 May 1999 22:01:45 -0400 (EDT)
 From: Wayne Cuddy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: debian-user list debian-user@lists.debian.org
 Subject: deb for qvwm?
 Resent-Date: 24 May 1999 02:12:58 -
 Resent-From: debian-user@lists.debian.org
 Resent-cc: recipient list not shown: ;
 Does anyone know where I might find a package for qvwm?
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Fetchmail problems

1999-05-24 Thread Peter Ludwig
On Sat, 22 May 1999, XRDLAB wrote:
 I upgraded my hamm system to slink. Everything went well. The old
 configurations generated by ppconfig run equally well under the new
 system also. But I am having some trouble with regard to getting the
 mail from my isp. This has happened after upgrading to slink. When I
 do a fetchmail, I get the following error message:
 mysxrd-in-haralu:~$ fetchmail
 1 message for mysxrd at giasbg01.vsnl.net.in (1241 octets).
 reading message 1 of 1 (1241 octets) fetchmail: SMTP listener doesn't
 like recipient address [EMAIL PROTECTED]'
 fetchmail: can't even send to mysxrd!
 fetchmail: SMTP transaction error while fetching from
 fetchmail: Query status=10
 With this I am not able to download the messages from the isp to my
 machine. Can anyone suggest some remedy for this?

This occurs because of a minor change in the initial setup scripts with
exim (The new default email server).

To fix this problem, edit your /etc/exim.conf file and change the
following line :-

local_domains = yourbasedomainname


local_domains = yourbasedomainname : localhost

This should fix the problem you are having.  If you don't use exim, then
unfortunately I don't have a clue as to what is happening :)

Peter Ludwig

Re: setting up a news server

1999-05-24 Thread Joey Hess
Matt Garman wrote:
 I want to set up a NNTP server for reading Usenet news offline.  I was 
 reading in the ISP-Hookup-HOWTO about some possible solutions,
 CNews+NewsX or CNews+suck or Leafnode...  I see Debian has these all
 My question is: which setup is typically the easiest to setup and get
 running?  I don't need anything too fancy except the ability to read
 from more than one server (e.g. my ISP's news server and my school's
 news server).  Also, my school's server needs to be sent a login and
 password before I can access it.

Slrnpull which someone suggested it out because it cannot handle multiple
upstream news servers. I'm sure that cnews can, but it's a full-fledged news
server and isn't very easy to set up. That leaves leafnode, which supports
multiple upstream servers, passwords, and is designed to be easy to use, and
to require no maintanance.

see shy jo

kde headers

1999-05-24 Thread Alan
Hello people, 
  I was wondering if anyone can help me with me with KDE headers. Im trying to
install a few programs that keep comming up with a prefix error when I run
'configure', but i can't seem to find out where they are supose to be or get
any info on the KDE site.  Im using debian 2.1 with kernel 2.2.3 if it matters.

Thanks Alan.

Sound Card Config/Kernel Compile Problems

1999-05-24 Thread Chris Hoover
I'm having some problems with my yamaha pci sound card that I just installed.  
After reading the kernel documentation, I compiled in every thing it said to 
for the olp3-sa stuff.  However, on the reboot of my system, it looks like some 
of the sound card parameters are wrong, and I'm not sure what they should be.

Here is what the kernel said:

OSS: OPL3-SA chip not found
Found OPL3-SAx (YMF719)
MSS: I/O port conflict
Sound initialization complete

Alright, the kernel found my card and called thinks it's a YMF719, although it 
really is a YMF724E-V.  Anyway, how can I tell what the MSS i/o port should be? 
 Here is some other information I've found while snooping around the proc dir.

Load type: Driver compiled into kernel
Kernel: Linux debian 2.3.1 #2 Sun May 23 23:48:52 EST 1999 i586
Config options: 0

Installed drivers: 
Type 10: MS Sound System
Type 27: Compaq Deskpro XL
Type 42: OPL3SA2
Type 43: OPL3SA2 MIDI
Type 1: OPL-2/OPL-3 FM
Type 5: Roland MPU-401
Type 26: MPU-401 (UART)
Type 38: Yamaha OPL3-SA
Type 40: OPL3-SA MIDI
Type 36: SoftOSS Virtual Wave Table

Card config: 
(Yamaha OPL3-SA at 0x530 irq 11 drq 0,3)
(OPL3-SA MIDI at 0x330 irq 9 drq 0)
SoftOSS Virtual Wave Table
(OPL3SA2 MIDI at 0x330 irq 9 drq 0)
OPL3SA2 at 0x530 irq 9 drq 0,1
(Compaq Deskpro XL at 0x530 irq 11 drq 3)
(Roland MPU-401 at 0x330 irq 9 drq 0)
(OPL-2/OPL-3 FM at 0x388 drq 0)

Audio devices:

Synth devices:
0: SoftOSS

Midi devices:

0: System clock
1: SoftOSS


PCI devices found:
  Bus  0, device   0, function  0:
Host bridge: VIA Technologies VT 82C585 Apollo VP1/VPX (rev 35).
  Medium devsel.  Fast back-to-back capable.  Master Capable.  Latency=32.  
  Bus  0, device   7, function  0:
ISA bridge: VIA Technologies VT 82C586 Apollo ISA (rev 39).
  Medium devsel.  Master Capable.  No bursts.  
  Bus  0, device   7, function  1:
IDE interface: VIA Technologies VT 82C586 Apollo IDE (rev 6).
  Medium devsel.  Fast back-to-back capable.  Master Capable.  Latency=32.  
  I/O at 0x6000 [0x6001].
  Bus  0, device   8, function  0:
Multimedia audio controller: Unknown vendor Unknown device (rev 5).
  Vendor id=1073. Device id=4.
  Medium devsel.  IRQ 11.  Master Capable.  Latency=32.  Min Gnt=5.Max 
  Non-prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xe200 [0xe200].
  Bus  0, device  10, function  0:
Ethernet controller: 3Com 3C595 100bTX (rev 0).
  Medium devsel.  IRQ 10.  Master Capable.  Latency=248.  Min Gnt=3.Max 
  I/O at 0x6200 [0x6201].
  Bus  0, device  11, function  0:
VGA compatible controller: NVidia Unknown device (rev 4).
  Vendor id=10de. Device id=20.
  Medium devsel.  Fast back-to-back capable.  IRQ 9.  Master Capable.  
Latency=32.  Min Gnt=5.Max Lat=1.
  Non-prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xe000 [0xe000].
  Prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xe100 [0xe108].

Thanks for any help you can provide.


RE: kde headers

1999-05-24 Thread Pollywog

On 24-May-99 Alan wrote:
 Hello people, 
   I was wondering if anyone can help me with me with KDE headers. Im trying
 install a few programs that keep comming up with a prefix error when I run
 'configure', but i can't seem to find out where they are supose to be or get
 any info on the KDE site.  Im using debian 2.1 with kernel 2.2.3 if it

Try your /usr/bin/X11/include directory if you installed from debs.


Re: tulip 100mps card; need advice

1999-05-24 Thread Manoj Srivastava
tulip.c:v0.89H 5/23/98 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
eth0: Digital DS21140 Tulip at 0x6100, 00 c0 f0 17 16 0d, IRQ 11.
eth0:  EEPROM default media type Autosense.
eth0:  Index #0 - Media MII (#11) described by a 21140 MII PHY (1) block.
eth0:  MII transceiver found at MDIO address 1, config 3000 status 7829.
eth0:  Advertising 01e1 on PHY 1, previously advertising 01e1.

Works fine at 100MB on an autosensing 10/100 ProCurve hub. The
 load is non-existant to moderate, though, but I have heard good
 things about this card from other people.

 I believe that Ronald Reagan will someday make this country what it
 once was... an arctic wilderness. Steve Martin
Manoj Srivastava   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/
Key C7261095 fingerprint = CB D9 F4 12 68 07 E4 05  CC 2D 27 12 1D F5 E8 6E

Re: sourcing the new install

1999-05-24 Thread John Foster
 One thing I was hoping to avoid...I haven't seen slink/apt yet, but I am aware
 that it will install from multiple CD's...under the previous release, I had
 copied the binaries of Contrib/Non-Free/Non-US to my hard drive, left the i386
 CD in the tray, and told dselect that I was installing from the hard drive.
 Then, I could tell dselect the paths to each of the sets of packages, and it
 installed all without my having to change CD's (which the previous release
 wouldn't do, anyway).
 Will I be able to get a Non-Free and Non-US CD, and will apt do the multiple
 install from them?  Or, if not, how do I make apt aware of where I am keeping
 those sets of files?
 Steven C. Martin

I had very good results with the Debian  4 pak CD set that I gotr here
for $4.95 +shipping and handling.

John Foster
AdVance-Computing Systems

Making a Debian CD?

1999-05-24 Thread Fu-Dong Chiou

I was wondering if any one can tell me if it's possible to make one's own 
Debian CD.  MkLinux has a 648MB CD image file for people to download and 
make CD of.  I don't know if this is the case for Debian.  Thanks!

Best wishes,

Re: Staroffice 5.1 under slink

1999-05-24 Thread John Leget

I use wget for all downloads, i cut and paste urls into a text file as i come 
across them
which in turn is set up to be read by wget when it starts.
I then start wget up in ip-up.d no problem, apart from being impatient 
sometimes :)

wget is included with debian to ;0)

Shao Zhang wrote:

 I don't understand why they don't split the one big tar into pieces.
 With the daily use of the telephone, it is nearly impossible for me
 to download the whole thing.

 Is there any programs similar to Go Right in linux?



 On Sun, May 23, 1999 at 01:40:40PM +1200, John Leget wrote:
  Unfortunately it seems the tar file i downloaded is corrupt :(. The sum of 
  files is less than the originall tar file bugger
  Paul Harris wrote:
   i didn't have a single problem: i just downloaded the tarball again to be
   download it, untar it. cd so51inst/office51
   thats it... its there (in the tarball from mirror.aarnet.edu.au), along
   with shitloads of f_..._. files, setup.ins and setup.zip
   you didn't just forget to look at the whole dir right? ls | less ?
   just try typing the binary name and see if it works...
   On Sun, 23 May 1999, John Leget wrote:
Im about to try under potato except i cant find the .office51/setup 
file there
lots off f files and a setup.ins
and thats it.
I had a look inside the older 5.0 version and it does have a setup 
and also a
setup.zip ,thing is the
file i have appears ok same size as on the server - file length of the 
tar is72336K
as on the ftp site i got it ?
Did i miss something obvious.
Paul Harris wrote:

 yeah it works under slink fine... but i'm wondering if that is all 
 changed... apart from some small user interface diffs in the 
 section, nothing seems to have changed... i still see the little
 annoyances from 5.0...


 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

 Shao Zhang - Running Debian 2.1  ___ _   _
 Department of Communications/ __| |_  __ _ ___  |_  / |_  __ _ _ _  __ _
 University of New South Wales   \__ \ ' \/ _` / _ \  / /| ' \/ _` | ' \/ _` |
 Sydney, Australia   |___/_||_\__,_\___/ /___|_||_\__,_|_||_\__, |

Re: sourcing the new install

1999-05-24 Thread John Pearson
On Sun, May 23, 1999 at 04:52:24PM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote
  Sounds like more trouble that it is work. Slink packages (usually) don't 
  because they are the stable distribution. Right now, packages in unstable 
  changing. I use apt-get in the apt package to do what you want to do,
  keep my system up to date.
 One thing I was hoping to avoid...I haven't seen slink/apt yet, but I am aware
 that it will install from multiple CD's...under the previous release, I had
 copied the binaries of Contrib/Non-Free/Non-US to my hard drive, left the i386
 CD in the tray, and told dselect that I was installing from the hard drive.
 Then, I could tell dselect the paths to each of the sets of packages, and it
 installed all without my having to change CD's (which the previous release
 wouldn't do, anyway).
 Will I be able to get a Non-Free and Non-US CD, and will apt do the multiple
 install from them?  Or, if not, how do I make apt aware of where I am keeping
 those sets of files?

Dselect in slink provides a 'multi-CD' access method that works well with
properly-made CD sets.  Apt in slink doesn't support multiple CDs well at
all, although apt-0.3.4 from potato does and works fine for me on slink

Slink doesn't fit onto a single CD, so you will need some way of dealing
with at least two CDs anyway; multi-CD access is the most straightforward,
but your old scheme should still work.  I don't use the 'official' CDs, but
I think non-free  non-US will make it three CDs or so; if you want to use
multi-CD access in dselect I believe that the CDs must be designed to work
together as a set (or at least, one of them must be designed to work with
the other two), as the contents of the entire set are read from one of the
CDs.  apt-0.3.4 appears extremely flexible, and I expect that it would work
with just about any collection of reasonably well organised CDs.

If you 'need' non-US and non-free packages you should be able to find a set
that puts slink, contrib, non-US and the re-distributable bits of non-free
onto 2 CDs (but that would exclude, among other things, Netscape). If you
use apt-0.3.4 or working equivalent you can use apt with the official CD set
for main and contrib, and http for non-free  non-US, 'transparently'.

John P.
Oh - I - you know - my job is to fear everything. - Bill Gates in Denmark


1999-05-24 Thread あなたの名前

laptop netconfig

1999-05-24 Thread Justin Hagemeier
I have a laptop with three possible network configurations that I would like to 
1. Ethernet 10 Mbps DHCP-sv
2. PPP daild
3. None at all
is there any suggestions on tools for configuration techniques for this kind of 
setup. It looks as if I could do it if one of the init.d scripts sniffed out 
the PCMCIA to see if there where activity, then if there was not it would start 
daild instead of DHCP.  I have no idea where to begin on such a thing though.  
Any thoughts?
Thanks in advance,

Re: help /var is filling up!!!

1999-05-24 Thread Johann Spies at Johann
I have two large files in my /var/log:

-rw-r--r--   1 root root 18523020 May 24 07:14 lastlog -

-rw-r--r--   1 root adm871296 May 24 07:14 wtmp
-rw-r--r--   1 root adm   7499904 May  5 14:07 wtmp.0  -
-rw-r--r--   1 root adm 49369 Oct  1  1998 wtmp.1.gz
-rw-r--r--   1 root adm 26365 Aug  1  1998 wtmp.2.gz
-rw-r--r--   1 root adm 56427 Jun  9  1998 wtmp.3.gz
-rw-r--r--   1 root adm 18072 Mar  1  1998 wtmp.4.gz
-rw-r--r--   1 root adm   652 Feb  1  1998 wtmp.5.gz
-rw-r--r--   1 root root   130944 Aug 21  1998 wtmp.libc5

It seems as if wtmp.0 is on its way to become wtmp.1.gz some time but what
about lastlog?  Is this normal?

I have tried to look at the contents of lastlog and it contains thousands
of ^@'s.

On 21 May 1999, Carl Johnson wrote:

 Bruno Boettcher [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
   You really should find the real problem before you try changing
   logging.  Try something like the command 'find /var -xdev -size +5000k
   -print'.  This will print out the names of all files more than 5MB
   (there probably shouldn't be any).  Then look into the file and see if
  right found another big file.. daemon 

 My /var/log directory is only a little over 2MB, but mine is mostly just a
 workstation for me.  Just for reference, I only have 5 files over 100KB, and
 the largest is only 300KB.


| Johann Spies Windsorlaan 19  |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]3201 Pietermaritzburg |
| Tel/Faks Nr. +27 331-46-1310 Suid-Afrika (South Africa)  |

 I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully 
  made...   Psalms 139:14 

writing Debian CD images

1999-05-24 Thread scratch
(Sorry I lost the original message to reply to, hope the person who asked
this question will read this)

For your Debian CD images to write yourself, take a look at:


You can find the official CD images for Debian there. Beware that it's a
huge download though, hope you don't pay on a per megabyte basis :)

-- nico

--:: Nico Galoppo ::--
--:: scratch at ace.ulyssis.student.kuleuven.ac.be ::-
  ::   ::
--:: Linux - Free power for the masses ::: 

Re: Making a Debian CD?

1999-05-24 Thread Wojciech Zabolotny
On Mon, May 24, 1999 at 02:34:41AM -0400, Fu-Dong Chiou wrote:
 I was wondering if any one can tell me if it's possible to make one's own 
 Debian CD.  MkLinux has a 648MB CD image file for people to download and 
 make CD of.  I don't know if this is the case for Debian.  Thanks!

Take a look at http://cdimage.debian.org/
I've got the CD images from one of the mirrors, to prepare CD's for 
debian users in our institute.

Wojtek Zabolotny

http://www.gnupg.org - Gnu Privacy Guard: protect your mail  data
   with the FREE cryptographic system

Re: EMERGENCY 'umount /'

1999-05-24 Thread Conrado Badenas
per_adua32 wrote:
 After booting with linux-init=/bin/sh I was dropped
 into bash. I then tried to unmount the root filesystem
 so that I could mount it again as read/write. However,
 when I entered the command
 umount /
 I got some message like can't open mtab: file doesn't
 exist or something like this.

I don't know what the option linux-init=/bin/sh makes. Rescue disk
creates a root filesystem in memory (doesn't use any hard disk, the
device for that fs is /dev/ram0) which is loaded from the diskette with
the kernel image. The root fs in the hard disk is not mounted.
Nevertheless, it can be mounted for example in /target with:

# mount /dev/hdb3 /target
(/dev/hdb3 is the device for the disk partition where my working Linux
has the root filesystem)

Now, your mtab can be read in /target/etc/mtab. In order to know which
filesystems are mounted and where, try df.

BTW: You cannot umount / if it is busy (open files or processes with
their working directory under it). If umount find it not busy
(unbusy?) then it will umount it, and then will try to write the new
situation in /etc/mtab but... /etc/mtab does not exist because / is not
mounted. After this, you will be able to do nothing but running programs
already in memory (e.g., shell and built-in commands). For example, you
will not be able to mount because this program was somewhere under /.

Conrado Badenas (Assistant Lecturer)
Department of Thermodynamics. University of Valencia
c/. Doctor Moliner, 50   | e-m: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
46100 Burjassot (Valencia)   | Phn: +34 - 963 864 350
SPAIN| Fax: +34 - 963 983 385

Re: mounting nfs when server down

1999-05-24 Thread Pere Camps

 hard   The program accessing a file on a NFS mounted file system will hang
when the server crashes. The pro­ cess cannot be interrupted or
killed unless you also specify intr.  When the NFS server is back
online the program will continue undisturbed from where it was. This
is probably what you want.

I've tried it, but I see two problems with it:

a. 'root' can not login as it looks for it's mail on
/var/spool/mail (also nfs-mail). I can put a .hushlogin and anyway root
never receives email (admin does it for him), but if root tries to ls
/var/spool/mail it hangs. Maybe I'm too much of a purist here.

b. Imagine bot the client and the server fall (power out, for
example). The client boots up faster than the server and when it tries to
mount the partition it can't. Idea for this: make a C program that looks
for well mounted directories and if they aren't good it mounts them. C
because the program will run 'suid' from /etc/profile (and mount is not
suid). Of course the C program will not accept any parameters nor
configuration (I don't know much of C program security, so better make it

What I'm looking for exactly is if it exists a standard solution
for problem b.

Thanks for your help!

-- p.

2.0.36 source .deb - installs REDHAT dir - piss take?

1999-05-24 Thread Martin Waller


I don't know what's going on, but when I try to install (from my slink CD) 
the 2.0.36 kernel package .deb, I get a 2.0.36 aource .tgz  under /usr/src 
(with a rehat package icon under tkdesk...!) and a directory under /usr/src 
of REDHAT, with al it's associated sub dirs!

Is this a practical joke???

I wasn't amused!

Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com

Re: strange msg in bootup

1999-05-24 Thread Ali Onur UYAR
On Sat, 22 May, Graham Aston wrote:

On Friday 21 May, Dan Willard wrote:

 The route command now requires a netmask.  Just add one in to both of the
 route commands and it should go away.

if you read the 2.2 docs in /usr/src/linux/Changes (or whatever it's
called) then you should find a bit that tells you that routes for local
interfaces are added automatically by the kernel. comment out the
route... lines in /etc/init.d/network and the problem should go away.

Thanks, the problem is solved now. The correct solution seems to be commenting
out the appropriate lines in  the file /etc/init.d/network

Re: gui progs as root in x under normal user?

1999-05-24 Thread Martin Waller

I just use Xnest -query localhost :1 

and login via the xdm prompt as root.

voila - a root session in a window under a normal users session.

No faffing about with authorities and crap.

  How do i start graphical programs under X as root while I'm logged in 
as a

  normal user?

Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com

Re: Sound blaster 16 pnp

1999-05-24 Thread Ali Onur UYAR
I've just configured my SoundBlaster Vibra 16pnp card on Friday.
I started off sending a posting to this newsgroup, compiled a 2.2 kernel,
read plenty of docs and manuals and if you have the some card that is
Vibra 16, than I guess you may be experiencing the same problems I have
experienced a week before.

The answer is in the kernel docs. I have installed kernel 2.2.9 and looking
up  ./Documentation/sound/VIBRA16 will be helpful. The following paragraph
is from the mentioned file.

So, the big problem still remains, because the sb module wants a
8-bit and a 16-bit dma, which we could not allocate for vibra... it supports

only two 8-bit dma channels, the second one will be passed to the module
as a 16 bit channel, the kernel will yield about that but everything will
be okay, trust us.

What this means is that, as the 16-bit dma channel you have to pass another
8-bit dma channel that is instead of passing irq 5,6,7 etc. you have to pass irq
At some point an error message is displayed, something similar to
Bad dma channel.
Simply IGNORE THIS MSG. Everthing works fine once configuration is complete.
The message is displayed because the sb module expectes one  8-bit an another
16-bit dma channel, but you have to pass teo 8-bit dma channels to the module.

Another tip that might be helpful; if you are using slink, install pciutils
package, which provides
lspci utility which can be invoked by pnpdump when called with the argument '-c
Once lspci is installed pnpdump worked fine for me, I did not have to make any
modifications in /etc/isapnp.conf

Before invoking pnpdump, do not forget to remove all the sound modules first.
This was one of the mistakes I made. If you skip this step some of the irq's
might be marked as being used. and pnpdump will not produce the correct results.
Using lsmod and rmmod may be helpful.

Install pci utils
pnpdump -c  /etc/isapnp.conf
Install the following modules: sb, sound. soundcore, uart401, opl3

Using insmod what I did for testing was
insmod soundcore
insmod sound
insmod uart401
insmod sb irq=5 dma=1 dma16=3 io=0x220 mpu_io=0x330
insmod opl3 io=0x388
cat /dev/sndstat

That's all.
Send a mail, for further questions.

Installing from source

1999-05-24 Thread Otgonbayar Uuye

I have a couple of questions.

1. How am I supposed to install programs from tarball source code? I can untar 
and compile them,
but then the debian package system doesn't recognize it. 

For instance I have downloaded qt-1.44.tar.gz, compiled and installed it. Then 
qt installs itself in
/usr/local which violates the debian policy as I understand. KDE does the same 
thing. As my
system doesn't recognize them, it wouldn't configure it properly. Also how do I 
uninstall them  then?   

2. I have Creative AudioPCI 64, and got it working with es1370 module. Now I 
can play xgalaga 
with sound, watch movies with MpegTV, but none of the cdplayers  play CD. No 
sound at all.
Gom says CD channel is 64, so it's not closed. What could be wrong?

Thanks a lot.

Re: netscape menubar blackwhite

1999-05-24 Thread Judith Elaine Bush

*- On 23 May, Fethi A. Okyar wrote about netscape menubar
Brian Servis [EMAIL PROTECTED] replied:

 Don't run your X server in 24bpp mode.  Netscape has a known problem
 with 24bpp, use 16bpp or 32bpp.

Other than the icons being in bw (and i like the reduced visual
clutter) is there any other reason you shouldn't run Netscape under



Translation of Debian User Manual

1999-05-24 Thread Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira
Hi Debian users,
I'm interested in translate the Debian User Manual to portuguese.
I found one time it and downloaded. I have only a .html copy. How to
translate it? Is there a sgml copy? Where to get it? Who contact to coordinate
Have a nice day,Paulo Henrique

pciutils package (was: Sound blaster 16 pnp)

1999-05-24 Thread Hans van den Boogert
Another tip that might be helpful; if you are using slink, install pciutils
package, which provides
lspci utility which can be invoked by pnpdump when called with the
argument '-c
Once lspci is installed pnpdump worked fine for me, I did not have to make
modifications in /etc/isapnp.conf

That explains something I experienced before. Thanks for the tip.

BTW, this pciutils package is not in the basic Debian 2.1 set up, yet with
every boot up the kernel invokes lspci, which is doesn't find of course. Is
this an oversight from the team who compiled the installation list, or is
there a reason for omitting? Seems a bit strange to me.


Re: mail clients

1999-05-24 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 JB == Jim B [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Dispite some vocal mails from other users, I have a simple solution
for you.

JB Someone sends to joe and the mail is filtered into his
JB mailbox... meanwhile, tom's mail is filtered into his mailbox.

No problem. postilion does this without any problems. You can have
local or remote folders (like pop3, imap), and for each folder, you
define name, emailaddress etc.

It has some other nice features as well.

Another option is to use fetchmail, and add an indication for the
mailbox you fetch to the program call in the mda option. This way you
have sorted them into different folders. Now you just need to use a
mail client that uses different identities depending on the folder you 
are in. AFAIK, this is no problem with mutt. Gnus, *the* news/mail
client, does this with ease as well.

Try the first suggestion first. If you want to try the second
possibility as the firstone doesn't fulfil your needs, I can get more



1999-05-24 Thread Kenneth Scharf
I downloaded an mp3 file of an interview with Bob Young (RH CEO) on
friday from LinuxToday.com.  Now I needed a way to hear it!  So I
finally rebuilt my kernel (and moved up to 2.0.36) with support for my
sound card (and also added scsi emulation to support my new cd rom
burner).  The only mp3 software I could find on the slink cd was
freeamp, and it didn't like the downloaded file for some reason, so I
went to the debian ftp site and downloaded the source to x11amp from
potato and built it (tried to make a debian package but I don't have
pgp installed.  What mirror site has it?)  Oh well , just do it the old
way, 'make', 'make install', and oops 'chmod +s x11amp'.  Great this
works! (Bob's interview is worth the work to hear) X11amp is a playback
only though?  What software is available for recording mp3's?  Now I'd
like to compile my own cd's. (hmm, I can fit between 10-20 cd's worth
on one cdr in mp3, and give that cdr drive something to do)
Any ideas?
Amateur Radio, when all else fails!


Debian Gnu Linux, Live Free or .

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Re: MPEG-3

1999-05-24 Thread Rob
 works! (Bob's interview is worth the work to hear) X11amp is a playback
 only though?  What software is available for recording mp3's?  Now I'd

Check the stuff on freshmeat. Personally, I use mpg123 for playback and
bladeenc for encoding. The latter isn't free, but the (few) free projects
that were around seem to have disappeared because of patent problems :(


Re: Installing from source

1999-05-24 Thread Mavroyanopoulos Nikos
On Mon, May 24, 1999 at 07:30:02PM +0900, Otgonbayar Uuye wrote:
 I have a couple of questions.
 1. How am I supposed to install programs from tarball source code? I can 
 untar and compile them,
 but then the debian package system doesn't recognize it. 
There is an instmon package intended to do that. You may found it at
It checks which files are being installed and creates a .deb (or rpm) file.

 Thanks a lot.

Nikos Mavroyanopoulos

Re: mail clients

1999-05-24 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 SP == Stephen Pitts [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

SP Windows is designed for the causal user. That's great,
SP initially. There is no learning curve,


Sorry. I work parttime on phone support to pay for my studies. I can
assure you, that a current Linux is no more complicated to learn than
Windows, when the user is new to computers.

I just got your CD. What do I do now? - Well, you put it in your CD 
drive and start setup from the CD. - How do I do this?

Set someone (a relative or such) infront of windows 95 and tell them
to copy a file a textfile you have on the harddisk to a floppy. They
won't be able to do this. So far about no learning curve.

Also users comming from Windows 3.1 can't use Windows95
initially. They have to learn *much* as well, as many things
changed. I also casually spek to them. Therefore you often still find
windows3.11 at work (at least here), even on new computers. It is
sufficient, it is what the employees know, the sysadmins know the
quirks of the different software acting together (win + lotus +
whatever), and you don't have to spend a huge amount of money to
teach them a new windows.

If you take a person, who isn't spoilt by windows paradigmen, and give 
hin/her a current Linux distribution, they won't have more problems
using it than windows. But they have to have someone to ask
questions. They will do this when then install windows as well.

Hmm, quite off topic now.


Re: EMERGENCY 'umount /'

1999-05-24 Thread David B.Teague

On Mon, 24 May 1999, per_adua32 wrote:

 After booting with linux-init=/bin/sh I was dropped
 into bash. I then tried to unmount the root filesystem
 so that I could mount it again as read/write. However,
 when I entered the command

 umount /

 I got some message like can't open mtab: file doesn't 
 exist or something like this.

 Can someone please. I would to solve this without having
 to re-install the whole system.

In /etc/init.d, I find the lines:

  # Ensure that root is quiescent and read-only before fsck'ing.
  mount -n -o remount,ro /

This command should remount an rw root file system read only.

Debian GNU/Linux Because software support is free, timely,
 useful, technically accurate, and friendly.
 (Hope this qualifies.)


1999-05-24 Thread Timothy C. Phan

  I'd like to know if there is a tools in debian distribution similar the
linuxconf in



Re: netscape menubar blackwhite

1999-05-24 Thread John Foster
Judith Elaine Bush wrote:
 *- On 23 May, Fethi A. Okyar wrote about netscape menubar
 Brian Servis [EMAIL PROTECTED] replied:
  Don't run your X server in 24bpp mode.  Netscape has a known problem
  with 24bpp, use 16bpp or 32bpp.
 Other than the icons being in bw (and i like the reduced visual
 clutter) is there any other reason you shouldn't run Netscape under
I have it running in 24bpp and the only thing I have noticed is it
crashes on some play requests for some animated scripts. esp shockwave.
I suspect that is because of the depth setting, BUT that is only a
suspicion. Anyone else have any ideas about this? I just have not had
the time to reconfigure the xserver, to see if that fixes it
John Foster
AdVance-Computing Systems

Re: 2.0.36 source .deb - installs REDHAT dir - piss take?

1999-05-24 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 MW == Martin Waller [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

MW I don't know what's going on, but when I try to install (from my
MW slink CD) the 2.0.36 kernel package .deb, I get a 2.0.36 aource
MW .tgz under /usr/src

Yes, this is intended. You unpack it when you need it (with tar xfvz ) 
and it is also easier to handle by the packages manager.
MW (with a rehat package icon under tkdesk...!)

I don't know tkdesk, but if it uses a red hat icon for tarballs, then
I would call it a bug. Use the bug package to report it.

MW and a directory under /usr/src of REDHAT, with al it's associated
MW sub dirs!

It you install the rpm package, it will create these directories, as
you can check with dpkg -S /usr/src/redhat.


Gnome themes

1999-05-24 Thread Jason Murray
I'm having a little trouble attempting to install themes for gnome (gtk). I've
downloaded a few from gtk.themes.org. When I go to install them from the
control center it doesn't seem to work.

Here's what I do. In the Theme Selector I hit the Install new theme...
button. Then I navigate my way to the directory that contains the gtkrc file.
I select that file. It tells me: Error installing theme: .../gtkrc Unknown
file format

Obviously I am doing something wrong. I don't know what.

When I get this method working (with some help) does it make this theme only
available to the user who installed it? I am assuming yes. If that is the
case, how do I make the themes available to the other users on the system?
I.e. do I put it in /usr/share/some/path?

BTW I have GNOME from potato, and I've got the gtk-engines-* packages

Jason Murray - jmurray (at) computer (dot) org
Against stupidity, the gods themselves contend in vain

Re: Unsupported protocols??

1999-05-24 Thread David Wright
Quoting Jens B. Jorgensen ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 Some kinda error I'd guess. I took a look at the assigned numbers RFC and the 
 only one
 of those defined is 0x7f and its:
 007freserved (compression inefficient)[RFC1662]
 I'm thinking there must've been some sort of corruption of the data. This 
 happen though since the ppp frames FCS should've discarded any corrupted 
 frame which
 is received. Very odd.

Worse than that, they're not just unsupported protocols (I get one of
these, 0x8029, whenever I connect to a certain ISP) but they should
be flagged as unrecognisable. PPP protocols are all supposed to be
odd at the end and even in the middle, i.e. XeXo, and many of those
quoted aren't.

 Sean wrote:
  I was glancing at tail /var/log/messages, and noticed the following:
  pppd[1007]: Unsupported protocol (0x7f) received
  pppd[1007]: Unsupported protocol  (0x88fc) received
  pppd[1007]: Unsupported protocol (0x67ec) received
  pppd[1007]: Unsupported protocol (0x7432) received
  pppd[1007]: Unsupported protocol (0x4822) received
  pppd[1007]: Unsupported protocol (0xfe39) received
  pppd[1007]: Unsupported protocol (0x8c73) received
  pppd[1007]: Protocol-Reject for unsupported protocol 0x61
  pppd[1007]: Unsupported protocol (0x848c) received
  pppd[1007]: Unsupported protocol (0xbacd) received
  etc, etc, etc


Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Tel: +44 1908 653 739  Fax: +44 1908 655 151
Snail:  David Wright, Earth Science Dept., Milton Keynes, England, MK7 6AA
Disclaimer:   These addresses are only for reaching me, and do not signify
official stationery. Views expressed here are either my own or plagiarised.

Sound Card

1999-05-24 Thread Adilson dos Santos Dantas

I still have problems in configuring my sound card
in linux. I search at mail archives, FAQs
HOWTOs,documentations, downloading the OSSfree
evaluation software and I didn's have sucess.My
sound card is an Aztech Sound Galaxy that uses
2316/R Chipset. 

Is this card supported by kernel 2.2.9?

If yes, how to setup the drivers?

If not, I thing that it's time to buy a new sound

I's using a slink with kernel 2.2.9

Any help is welcome.



Re: pciutils package (was: Sound blaster 16 pnp)

1999-05-24 Thread Remco van de Meent
Hans van den Boogert wrote:
 BTW, this pciutils package is not in the basic Debian 2.1 set up, yet with
 every boot up the kernel invokes lspci, which is doesn't find of course.
 Is this an oversight from the team who compiled the installation list, or
 is there a reason for omitting? Seems a bit strange to me.

It's strange indeed; it has come up before, and because the default
Debian 2.1 install comes with 2.0.36, which doesn't support the
/proc/bus/pci interface of the 2.2 kernels (the interface that pciutils
uses) it might have been better to not to include that call to lspci.


Re: netscape menubar blackwhite

1999-05-24 Thread Dave Swegen
On Mon, May 24, 1999 at 07:37 -0500, Judith Elaine Bush wrote:
 *- On 23 May, Fethi A. Okyar wrote about netscape menubar
 Brian Servis [EMAIL PROTECTED] replied:
  Don't run your X server in 24bpp mode.  Netscape has a known problem
  with 24bpp, use 16bpp or 32bpp.
 Other than the icons being in bw (and i like the reduced visual
 clutter) is there any other reason you shouldn't run Netscape under

I might be incorrect about this, but I recall reading somewhere that
running the xserver at 32 bpp is faster than running it at 24 bpp, as it
can then take advanatage of the fact that image data is nicely aligned
along word boundaries (I presume the data is padded with an extra 8 bits in
24 bpp mode, which would slow things down). Not so much a reason for not
running Netscape at 24 bpp, but rather a general reason for running X at
either 16 or 32 bpp...


 Dave Swegen   | Debian 2.1 on Linux i386 2.2.3
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | PGP key available on request
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Linux: The Choice of a GNU Generation

Re: [Help] Memory

1999-05-24 Thread Gary L. Hennigan
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Nguyen Hai Ha) writes:
| Hi folks,
| I've just installed the debian 2.0.34 on my machine.
| Everything seems to work well excepts the memory.
| The real memory consists of 2 DIMM 128M+32M. But it
| seems to me that the kernel doesn't think so.
| % cat /proc/meminfo
| total:used:free:  shared: buffers:  cached:
| Mem:  15171584 13418496  1753088  7012352   593920  6090752
| Swap: 119697408  5156864 114540544
| MemTotal: 14816 kB
| MemFree:   1712 kB
| MemShared: 6848 kB
| Buffers:580 kB
| Cached:5948 kB
| SwapTotal:   116892 kB
| SwapFree:111856 kB
| I think this is the problem of the kernel's configuration.
| Please tell me something. Thanks in advance.

It's probably something strange going on with the BIOS function used
by linux to detect the amount of memory in your computer. I have two
suggestions you can try:

1) Manually edit /etc/lilo.conf and add a line like:


or, if you already have an append line add it to the line like:


2) Alternatively, upgrade to kernel 2.0.36 or higher. Starting with
2.0.36 the memory detection uses an extended BIOS call to get the
amount of memory and this could solve your problem. If Windows can
properly find the amount of RAM then a Linux kernel = 2.0.36 will
also, since they use the same BIOS call.


Key board and mouse lockup

1999-05-24 Thread Tommy Malloy
Every once in a blue moon, when I am in X  my keyboard and mouse lockup.
I am forced to turn the computer off. This is bad.  Is there a log file
that I could look at that might help me to figure out what the problem
is? Also is there a particular grep syntax that I should us on the log



Re: /bin/bash - /bin/sh

1999-05-24 Thread Werner Reisberger
On Sun, May 23, 1999 at 11:30:37AM -0500, Brad wrote:
 Just out of curiousity, which important startup script has the /bin/bash?
 So i can watch out for it if i ever have a broken bash

I had bash in /etc/init.d/rcS (hamm).


RE: linuxconf

1999-05-24 Thread Person, Roderick
There is a linuxconf in the debian experimental archives. It requires libc6
from potatoe and some other stuff from there, it works and is better that
the linuxconf that I used (redhat 5.1 version). The X version of the
linuxconf is really cool. But, the libc6 from potatoe did like some stuff on
my slink box, so I had to get rid of it.

 -Original Message-
 From: Timothy C. Phan [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, May 24, 1999 9:24 AM
 To:   debian-user@lists.debian.org
 Subject:  linuxconf
   I'd like to know if there is a tools in debian distribution similar the
 linuxconf in
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

help: clock resets on reboot

1999-05-24 Thread Rob Mahurin
My clock resets when I reboot, pretty much at random.  Doesn't matter how long
it's been off; when I check in the CMOS before it boots, it's still right.  But
sometime between when lilo loads and I get a login prompt, it sets, pretty much
at random.  date and hwclock agree, but they're wrong.  Sometimes it's back half
an hour; sometimes it's a couple of hours; once it went to march 1997.  Never
goes forward.  This never happened before a couple of weeks ago.  I have no
idea.  Does anybody?


Keyboard not detected.  Press F4 to reboot.

Re: Installing from source

1999-05-24 Thread Brad
On Mon, 24 May 1999, Otgonbayar Uuye wrote:

 1. How am I supposed to install programs from tarball source code? I can 
 untar and compile them,
 but then the debian package system doesn't recognize it. 
 For instance I have downloaded qt-1.44.tar.gz, compiled and installed it. 
 Then qt installs itself in
 /usr/local which violates the debian policy as I understand. KDE does the 
 same thing. As my
 system doesn't recognize them, it wouldn't configure it properly. Also how do 
 I uninstall them  then?   

Actually, that is exactly Debian policy: programs you install yourself go
under /usr/local, the distro never touches it.

If you make a deb from the sources, then you should of course make it not
touch /usr/local.

International characters

1999-05-24 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Thanks for all help,

regarding international characters for the swedish language. It seems to
be more than one solution to the problem. The first one is:

export LC_CTYPE=sv_SE.iso-8859-1

insert this line in /etc/profile. And, all users on the system will been
able to use the swedish characters.

And, the second solution is:

set convert-meta off
set input-meta on
set output-meta on

insert these lines in /etc/inputrc. And, it works as well.

However, are there any advantages/disadvantages using the first or the
second method?

My system already had the set input-meta on and set output-meta on in
the /etc/inputrc, but the set convert-meta off was not activated. Why?

Christian Ericsson

Re: 2.0.36 source .deb - installs REDHAT dir - piss take?

1999-05-24 Thread Martin Waller

From: Martin Bialasinski [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 MW == Martin Waller [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

MW I don't know what's going on, but when I try to install (from my
MW slink CD) the 2.0.36 kernel package .deb, I get a 2.0.36 aource
MW .tgz under /usr/src

Yes, this is intended. You unpack it when you need it (with tar xfvz )
and it is also easier to handle by the packages manager.

so this has changed from hamm then which used to unpack it all for you and 
make the link from /usr/src/linux to /usr/src/kernel version ?

MW (with a rehat package icon under tkdesk...!)

I don't know tkdesk, but if it uses a red hat icon for tarballs, then
I would call it a bug. Use the bug package to report it.

MW and a directory under /usr/src of REDHAT, with al it's associated
MW sub dirs!

It you install the rpm package, it will create these directories, as
you can check with dpkg -S /usr/src/redhat.

Ah - that explains it.  Excuse my confusion!  It all makes sense now.


Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com

running programs from other computers on local net (window manager)

1999-05-24 Thread Micha Feigin
How do i start a window manager from another computer on the local net
(university) when I start up a xwindows session?
Alternatly, can i check on what local computer i am running in order to
chose the local available window manager, and if so, how do i encorperate
this into xsession?

Re: help /var is filling up!!!

1999-05-24 Thread Carl Johnson
Johann Spies at Johann [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I am not an expert on this, so I had to search a little to find this, so
if anybody finds any problems with this, please correct me.

The lastlog file appears to be an array of structures of binary data,
with an entry for each UID (except 'nobody' on mine).  The size of
yours would indicate that your last UID is 63434 if your is a x86
based system.  You could do a 'ls -s' /var/log/lastlog to get the real
size in blocks to see if the file has holes in it.  The structure
information is in /usr/include/utmpbits.h, which is included from
/usr/include/lastlog.h.  The lastlog file simply holds the last time
each user logged in, so is appears to never be rotated.

The wtmp file should be an array of structures of all logins and
reboots.  The size of yours might be correct if your system has a lot
of users, although I just discovered that my wtmp.0 file is corrupt.
The 'last' command will show a decoded version of the file, and the
option '-f file' will also allow you to specify another file.  This
file appears to be rotated from the /etc/cron.monthly/standard script.
The dates of your files indicate it has not been rotating properly in
the past, so your wtmp.0 file probably has 7 months of logs.  The
utmp(5) manpage has further details on the file, if you need it.

 I have two large files in my /var/log:
 -rw-r--r--   1 root root 18523020 May 24 07:14 lastlog -
 -rw-r--r--   1 root adm871296 May 24 07:14 wtmp
 -rw-r--r--   1 root adm   7499904 May  5 14:07 wtmp.0  -
 -rw-r--r--   1 root adm 49369 Oct  1  1998 wtmp.1.gz
 -rw-r--r--   1 root adm 26365 Aug  1  1998 wtmp.2.gz
 -rw-r--r--   1 root adm 56427 Jun  9  1998 wtmp.3.gz
 -rw-r--r--   1 root adm 18072 Mar  1  1998 wtmp.4.gz
 -rw-r--r--   1 root adm   652 Feb  1  1998 wtmp.5.gz
 -rw-r--r--   1 root root   130944 Aug 21  1998 wtmp.libc5
 It seems as if wtmp.0 is on its way to become wtmp.1.gz some time but what
 about lastlog?  Is this normal?
 I have tried to look at the contents of lastlog and it contains thousands
 of ^@'s.
 On 21 May 1999, Carl Johnson wrote:
  My /var/log directory is only a little over 2MB, but mine is mostly just a
  workstation for me.  Just for reference, I only have 5 files over 100KB, and
  the largest is only 300KB.


X server and pseudo-color

1999-05-24 Thread Mark Tucker

I've got some slink systems running at 1024x768 at 24bpp.  Several of the apps
that need to run on these systems require exactly 8bit color and refuse to run
if the display is set to anything other than 8bpp.  I still need the high color
(16 or 24 bpp) for other work which must be done concurrently.  How do I define
pseudo-colors for the current display?  Yes, I've done some reading of the
docs and searched dejanews, so far without results.  The graphics cards have 4mb
video RAM which should be enough for this task. 


Mark Tucker
Information Technology
Lyndon State College

Re: linuxconf

1999-05-24 Thread Shao Zhang
On Mon, May 24, 1999 at 08:23:58AM -0500, Timothy C. Phan wrote:
   I'd like to know if there is a tools in debian distribution similar the
 linuxconf in
Yep!. Debian has linuxconf as well. Since Redhat and Debian do things
differently, the Debian folks are now working on it.

It should be ready for testing in potato soon. Read the DWN news to
find more.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null


Shao Zhang - Running Debian 2.1  ___ _   _
Department of Communications/ __| |_  __ _ ___  |_  / |_  __ _ _ _  __ _ 
University of New South Wales   \__ \ ' \/ _` / _ \  / /| ' \/ _` | ' \/ _` |
Sydney, Australia   |___/_||_\__,_\___/ /___|_||_\__,_|_||_\__, |
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |___/ 

Problems: setserial, mgetty

1999-05-24 Thread Mike Patterson


First: I'm trying to get my Palmtop (HP680- Jornada) to dial into my system.
My system is a Debian 2.1 machine with an internal Zoom modem jumpered for 
com3. Although the system has com1/com2 configured, there are no devices on

There are two problems. 

First, I seem to have problems getting /dev/ttyS3 to recognize the modem in
the first place. I use the following command to set up the port:

/bin/setserial /dev/ttyS3 port 0x03e8 irq 4

Seems simple enough, but a review of /proc/ioports shows nothing:

# more ioports 
-001f : dma1
0020-003f : pic1
0040-005f : timer
0060-006f : keyboard
0080-008f : dma page reg
00a0-00bf : pic2
00c0-00df : dma2
00f0-00ff : npu
01f0-01f7 : ide0
0378-037f : lp
03c0-03df : vga+
03f0-03f5 : floppy
03f6-03f6 : ide0
03f7-03f7 : floppy DIR
1000-101f : eth0
1400-147f : eth1

This isn't always true. sometimes, after dinking around with various port 
settings, it'll show up, but it is unreproducable. I double-checked my 
settings, comparing them to the jumpers on the card, and they are the same.
(The fact that I sometiems get it working with these values is proof)


Second problem. When I do get the modem working, the WinCE palmtop connects, 
tried to negotiate password, then disconnects without a reason. There is no
useful information in the mgetty docs. I followed the win95 documentation that
was provided with mgetty. 

Any ideas would be appreciated, since I'm going on a trip in two days, and it
would be nice to be able to check email. 

Also, if responses could be CCed to my email, it'd be appreciated, since I 
don't know yet if I'm successfully reading the mailing list.


Debian applications - where to get them???

1999-05-24 Thread Nadarajah, Dinesh
I am running into problems getting applications for Debian.

1.  I wanted to get the Communicator 4.5 and so I checked the Debian
archives. There is a listing for Communicator 4.5 but when I add up the file
sizes, they don't match nowhere close to the Netscape Binary posting (of
around 12MB). Are there any other files that I should be installing along
with these (there are no other dependencies shown on the package listing)

2.  I have seen posting on Real G2 player for Linux but I could not find
it at www.real.com http://www.real.com . Is there a G2 player for Linux
yet or is it still version 5.0?

3.  I wanted to download x11amp (also called winamp in the Windows
world) to play MP3 files but could not find it anywhere. Any suggestions on
where I might be able to get a copy (preferably in .deb format)? (Any
suggestions for a better player are also welcome :-)  ).



Installing Base System from Floppies

1999-05-24 Thread Xela Wren
I am trying to install the latest stable Debian on a Dell 486DX and am running 
into trouble installing teh base system.  Having tried it with FOUR different 
sets of install floppies (no CD, no network connection, no other machine 
nearby) I always get the same message when it finishes copying the 7 install 
disks and begins extracting the base2_1.tgz file:  Error extracting file.  

The REALLY strange thing is that when I try to install the Base System again it 
will stop in between disks 6  7 (once between 5  6 and once between 4  5) 
after having copied the whole disk with no problem and will display an error 
somtehing to the effect of, Error outputting file: Success.  THis happens 
whenever I try to install the Base System again without starting the 
installation from scratch.

Any ideas?  Thanks for helping the newbie in advance.

how to make modem silent?

1999-05-24 Thread Karen Hu
Is there a way will make pon dial my modem silently?
I'm still using Hamm (version 2.0).


(Note: I'm not on debian-user@, so plz include this address in your


Postgres SQL - potato installation problem

1999-05-24 Thread Jon Marler
I am having a problem installing postgresql into a potato i386 system.

I did not have a previous version of postgres installed.  Here is the
errors I'm getting ...  I apologize for the length.

Vacuuming template1
/usr/lib/postgresql/bin/initdb: /dev/null: Permission denied
/usr/lib/postgresql/bin/initdb: /dev/null: Permission denied
Creating public pg_user view
/usr/lib/postgresql/bin/initdb: /dev/null: Permission denied
/usr/lib/postgresql/bin/initdb: /dev/null: Permission denied
/usr/lib/postgresql/bin/initdb: /dev/null: Permission denied
mv: /var/postgres/data/base/template1/xpg_user: No such file or directory
/usr/lib/postgresql/bin/initdb: /dev/null: Permission denied
/usr/lib/postgresql/bin/initdb: /dev/null: Permission denied
Creating view pg_rules
/usr/lib/postgresql/bin/initdb: /dev/null: Permission denied
/usr/lib/postgresql/bin/initdb: /dev/null: Permission denied
/usr/lib/postgresql/bin/initdb: /dev/null: Permission denied
mv: /var/postgres/data/base/template1/xpg_rules: No such file or directory
/usr/lib/postgresql/bin/initdb: /dev/null: Permission denied
Creating view pg_views
/usr/lib/postgresql/bin/initdb: /dev/null: Permission denied
/usr/lib/postgresql/bin/initdb: /dev/null: Permission denied
/usr/lib/postgresql/bin/initdb: /dev/null: Permission denied
mv: /var/postgres/data/base/template1/xpg_views: No such file or directory
/usr/lib/postgresql/bin/initdb: /dev/null: Permission denied
Creating view pg_tables
/usr/lib/postgresql/bin/initdb: /dev/null: Permission denied
/usr/lib/postgresql/bin/initdb: /dev/null: Permission denied
/usr/lib/postgresql/bin/initdb: /dev/null: Permission denied
mv: /var/postgres/data/base/template1/xpg_tables: No such file or
/usr/lib/postgresql/bin/initdb: /dev/null: Permission denied
Creating view pg_indexes
/usr/lib/postgresql/bin/initdb: /dev/null: Permission denied
/usr/lib/postgresql/bin/initdb: /dev/null: Permission denied
/usr/lib/postgresql/bin/initdb: /dev/null: Permission denied
mv: /var/postgres/data/base/template1/xpg_indexes: No such file or
/usr/lib/postgresql/bin/initdb: /dev/null: Permission denied
Loading pg_description
/usr/lib/postgresql/bin/initdb: /dev/null: Permission denied
/usr/lib/postgresql/bin/initdb: /dev/null: Permission denied
/usr/lib/postgresql/bin/initdb: /dev/null: Permission denied
dpkg: error processing postgresql (--configure):
 subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1
Errors were encountered while processing:
E: Sub-process returned an error code (1)

Any ideas?


Description: PGP signature

(OT?) Enlightenment memory hogging

1999-05-24 Thread William R Pentney
Is there any way that I can reduce the amount of memory used by Enlightenment? 
Currently,with GNOME on top of it, it occupies about 95% of my memory wny 
programs loaded up. Any tips on making it use memory more efficiently would be 

- Bill

Re: bios q

1999-05-24 Thread Jens B. Jorgensen
Koyote wrote:

 I'm rebuilding a 486/33 to be our internet server (when I get that

 The cmos setup isn't handling the hdd (1 gig), nor the cdrom- I've
 heard that  Linux bypasses the system setup, or it can use devices in
 spite of it. How much of this is true?

This is indeed all true. However, LILO, the most commonly used boot utility, 
(as it must) on BIOS calls to load the kernel into memory and start the system. 
may have to rely on a floppy to boot the system. Once the thing is booted you 
need the BIOS.

Jens B. Jorgensen

[solved] g2player (fwd)

1999-05-24 Thread scratch

I've solved the lib bugs by installing the stdlibc++-2.8 package. (I only
had the stdlibc++-2.9 package installed).

Works fine now. If only I knew how to install it properly on my Debian
system. The way I did it now, I used Alien to convert the .rpm from
real.com to a .deb. Of course this is not how it should be, as, for
example, Netscape plugin support isn't there. 

Anyone has got some pointers on how to enable the plugin support in
Netscape? (ie. which plugin *.so files to put where probably).

Thanks, Nico.

--:: Nico Galoppo ::--
--:: scratch at ace.ulyssis.student.kuleuven.ac.be ::-
  ::   ::
--:: Linux - Free power for the masses ::: 

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sun, 23 May 1999 01:47:33 +0200 (CEST)
From: scratch [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
Subject: g2player

Does Real G2 player need glibc2.1 ? I downloaded the binaries from
real.com, but it refuses to run on my slink system.

intra:~# realplay
realplay: error in loading shared libraries
: undefined symbol: __eh_pc

That's really all it does. Anyone?


--:: Nico Galoppo ::--
--:: scratch at ace.ulyssis.student.kuleuven.ac.be ::-
  ::   ::
--:: Linux - Free power for the masses ::: 

Re: Modem GM56PCI-L

1999-05-24 Thread Jens B. Jorgensen
I'm not sure if Linux supports any PCI modems yet. Check out the latest Hardware

Luiz Felipe wrote:

 Hello, now I use Debian 2.0 and a modem GM56PCI-L of Genius. My minicom
 (ttyS1) don't recive responce, in Windows my modem is COM3 it's put in
 PCI2 on my MotherBord, and how I can use it?
 Sorry my english but I'm Brazilian.!!!

 Wait your mail!

Jens B. Jorgensen

kde locale

1999-05-24 Thread Serge Gavrilov

Today I install kde 1.1.1 (unofficial debian packages) on my Slink system.
But kde localization does not work. Does anybody have this problem? 
And how I can overcome this problem? 

Thank you!


Re: laptop netconfig

1999-05-24 Thread Jens B. Jorgensen
I don't know if anyone's come up with a slick way to do this. I too would like 
to have such a thing at my disposal. You might be able to do something like 
this by just running dhcp and then checking to see if dhcp succeeded in getting 
an address and starting diald if it didn't.

Good luck,

Justin Hagemeier wrote:

 I have a laptop with three possible network configurations that I would like 
 to use.
 1. Ethernet 10 Mbps DHCP-sv
 2. PPP daild
 3. None at all
 is there any suggestions on tools for configuration techniques for this kind 
 of setup. It looks as if I could do it if one of the init.d scripts sniffed 
 out the PCMCIA to see if there where activity, then if there was not it would 
 start daild instead of DHCP.  I have no idea where to begin on such a thing 
 though.  Any thoughts?
 Thanks in advance,

Jens B. Jorgensen

pciutils package (was: Sound blaster 16 pnp)

1999-05-24 Thread Kenneth Scharf

That explains something I experienced before. Thanks for the tip.

BTW, this pciutils package is not in the basic Debian 2.1 set up, yet
every boot up the kernel invokes lspci, which is doesn't find of
course. Is
this an oversight from the team who compiled the installation list,
there a reason for omitting? Seems a bit strange to me.

I was wondering about that message at boot up too.  It started after
upgrading to slink from hamm.  I had no idea WTF lspci was, thought it
was a hardware reference.  Guess I'll have to install pciutils.  BTW I
did not have any problems configuring my SB16 (which I thought was a
vibra), it's a 16 bit ISA card, PNP.  Just let pnpdump do it's thing,
edit the dump and then rebuild the kernel with the settings found.
Then tested it with X11Amp (compiled from potatoe sources under slink).
 Now to get some real speakers instead of the 2 by nothing ones I have now.
Amateur Radio, when all else fails!


Debian Gnu Linux, Live Free or .

Do You Yahoo!?
Free instant messaging and more at http://messenger.yahoo.com

Re: postgresql installation trouble ...

1999-05-24 Thread Jon Marler
I figured it out ...

The permissions on /dev/null by default are set to 0600 root root.  I set
them to 0666 root root.  Problem solved.


Re: mail clients

1999-05-24 Thread Rob Browning
Stephen Pitts [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 See /usr/doc/exim/filter.txt.gz
 It answered all of my questions.

See also info exim-filter.

Rob Browning [EMAIL PROTECTED] PGP=E80E0D04F521A094 532B97F5D64E3930

DHCP and debian

1999-05-24 Thread Mark Wright
I'm adding a debian workstation to our Windows network, and I'd like to use
our DHCP server to assign it's ip-address, DNS servers, netmask, etc.  Is
this possible?

Mark Wright

Re: linuxconf

1999-05-24 Thread Johannes Beigel

Person, Roderick [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 There is a linuxconf in the debian experimental archives.

Where can I get experimental packages?

Are they even more unstable than packages from unstable/potato?

  Johannes Beigel   |  Gravity.
  http://come.to/jojob  |   It's not just a good idea, it's the law!

List archives? was: Re: fetchmail problems

1999-05-24 Thread Lazarus Long
On Thursday, May 20, 1999 at 11:17:01 -0500, Matt Garman wrote:
  Subject: Re: fetchmail problems
  X-UIDL: 685403a47c42011da0baee50b375ebfe
  Also, I read through the fetchmail FAQ, and searched the debian-user
  list archives.

How did you search the archives?  Do you have a working URL for this
handy?  I just filed a bug against www.debian.org since the link from
there appears to be broken recently.  Is there another I overlooked?


PGP Public Key available on request:
Type Bits/KeyIDDate   User ID
pub  1024/CFED2D11 1998/03/05 Lazarus Long [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Key fingerprint = 98 2A 56 34 16 76 D5 21  39 93 99 EA 89 D4 B5 A2

Re: We need centralized accounts -- Any docs for ldap passwords?

1999-05-24 Thread Rob Browning
Sergey V Kovalyov [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 When you install libnss-ldap, there is a short howto in
 I also suggest downloading conversion tools from www.padl.com, which will
 help populate the LDAP database

OK.  I'm back working on this, and I've gotten openldap
etc. installed, and I've gotten the migration tools, read the HOWTO,
and played with gq to see that I can actually see my database, and I'm
about ready to try and cram my passwd/group stuff in there.  However,
from looking at the migration tools, it seems that they can translate
a lot more than just passwd/group stuff like services, protocols,
aliases, fstab, etc.

So I'm a little curious now.  I'd like to get a brief overview of the
overall picture.  Are people using ldap much for things like fstab?
If so, how would that actually work, and how would it interact with
other package upgrades?  (I can see how accounts work via glibc2 and
libpam-ldap/libnss-ldap.)  Also, I'm wondering what, if any, the
security concerns are relating to ldap access to passwd etc.

Can someone give me a brief overview or point me at an appropriate
doc?  I haven't found one yet.


Rob Browning [EMAIL PROTECTED] PGP=E80E0D04F521A094 532B97F5D64E3930

Re: mounting nfs when server down

1999-05-24 Thread Joey Hess
Pere Camps wrote:
   b. Imagine bot the client and the server fall (power out, for
 example). The client boots up faster than the server and when it tries to
 mount the partition it can't.

Yes, and then it hangs until the server comes up.

see shy jo

NDN: Re: 2.0.36 source .deb - installs REDHAT dir - piss take?

1999-05-24 Thread Post Office
Sorry. Your message could not be delivered to:

Jorge Araya (Mailbox or Conference is full.)

enlightenment, rpm

1999-05-24 Thread Anonymous Coward
ok i wanted the latest version of enlightenment on my debian 2.1 so i
took the rpm off of the RH6 cd and copied it to /.  then i did alien -d
theenlightenmnetrpm.rpm on the rpm and it generated it.  i also did it
on the enlightenment-conf rpm.  then i used dpkg -i on the .deb files
and everything went smoothly except for warnings about libungif.  then i
attempted to start enlightenment but it said no libungif so i got that
off of the RH6 cd also and did alien, dpkg etc. and installed it
everything went smoothly also.  then i try to start enlightenment and i
get segmentation fault.  can anyone tell me either how to fix this or
how to get the latest (latest being 15) ver. of enlightenment on my sys
using apt or dselect or something like that (either of which i do not
have much knowledge).  is there a way i can get it on there without
installing it from tarballs?  i'd like to keep my system homogenous of
debian packages.  thank you

Re: Installing from source

1999-05-24 Thread Carl Mummert
There is a package named 'alien' that can take care of some of this, depending
on exactly what you are needing to install.

What you do is to layout the files in some remote directory, like you
would want them installed: 

--- and so forth

You can do this automtically with most makefiles by chainging the
INSTALL_PREFIX or similar variable to point to some remote directory
that you create for this purpose (then, 'make install' will put the files
in that remote place.. just go slow.)  You can also just build up
the directories by hand.  

Make sure the permissions on all the files are correct.

Then, cd to that remote directory.  Notice that, in some sense, it is the
root directory for your installation.  What you will do is to package the
files in this direcotry; then, when they are installed from the root
directory, they will fall where they should. 

From that remote directory, run 'tar czvf package.tgz'.  This will amke
a file named 'package.tgz' that has all of the files that were in
your current directory and below. Don't use the name 'package'!

Now run 'alien package.tgz' as root - you will get a package.deb
file.  Now, run dpkg -i pacakge.deb.  You cen rm the tgz file and
the files in the remote directory.  

To uninstall, 'dpkg --purge package' will work.


Re: Sound blaster 16 pnp

1999-05-24 Thread Brad
On Mon, 24 May 1999, Ali Onur UYAR wrote:

 What this means is that, as the 16-bit dma channel you have to pass another
 8-bit dma channel that is instead of passing irq 5,6,7 etc. you have to pass 
 At some point an error message is displayed, something similar to
 Bad dma channel.
 Simply IGNORE THIS MSG. Everthing works fine once configuration is complete.
 The message is displayed because the sb module expectes one  8-bit an another
 16-bit dma channel, but you have to pass teo 8-bit dma channels to the module.

Odd. All this time i've been passing dma16=5 to the sb module and
everything worked fine. pnpdump (and windows, for that matter) gave the
same number for 16-bit dma.
insmod sb io=0x220 irq=9 dma=1 dma16=5 mpu_io=0x300 type=6
(the type=6 came from the soundcard manual, i'm not completely sure if
the sb module uses it at all... or where i even got the option 'type'

 Before invoking pnpdump, do not forget to remove all the sound modules first.
 This was one of the mistakes I made. If you skip this step some of the irq's
 might be marked as being used. and pnpdump will not produce the correct 
 Using lsmod and rmmod may be helpful.

If it's not too late, do the pnpdump before booting to a kernel that even
has sound support. That way you can't have the modules causing problems.

Check the output anyway, especially if you know what the numbers should

 Install pci utils
 pnpdump -c  /etc/isapnp.conf
 Install the following modules: sb, sound. soundcore, uart401, opl3

adlib_card too.

 Using insmod what I did for testing was
 insmod soundcore
 insmod sound
 insmod uart401
 insmod sb irq=5 dma=1 dma16=3 io=0x220 mpu_io=0x330

Pull the numbers out of isapnp.conf, they could easily be different for
your computer.

 insmod opl3 io=0x388

Instead of the line above, i do this:
  modprobe adlib_card io=0x388
Probably a well-placed modprobe could be used in place of a good number of
the other insmods, but i'm too lazy to mess around with it when it works

 cat /dev/sndstat

Just to check if things are sane. Another good check is to try playing a
sound and see if it works! i do this every time i compile a new kernel (as
well as checking net access and my printer)

how to spy out serial line communication?

1999-05-24 Thread Ingo Hohmann

I need to know the commands a windows based program
sends to the modem. How is it possible to read what 
it's sending and receiving? (I'll start it under 
wine or dosemu/win311).



Re: Modem GM56PCI-L

1999-05-24 Thread Wayne Topa

Subject: Modem GM56PCI-L
Date: Sat, May 22, 1999 at 03:57:56PM -0300

In reply to:Luiz Felipe

Quoting Luiz Felipe([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 Hello, now I use Debian 2.0 and a modem GM56PCI-L of Genius. My minicom
 (ttyS1) don't recive responce, in Windows my modem is COM3 it's put in
 PCI2 on my MotherBord, and how I can use it?
 Sorry my english but I'm Brazilian.!!!
 Wait your mail!

Try to set up minicom to usr COM3 = Linux /dev/ttyS2.
WIN COM1 = /dev/ttyS0
WIN COM2 = /dev/ttyS1
WIN COM3 = /dev/ttyS2
WIN COM4 = /dev/ttyS3

Be sure your mouns is not on the same port!


COBOL programs are an exercise in Artificial Inelegance.

Re: fetchmail problems

1999-05-24 Thread Wayne Topa

Subject: Re: fetchmail problems
Date: Thu, May 20, 1999 at 11:17:01AM -0500

In reply to:Matt Garman

Quoting Matt Garman([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 On Thu, May 20, 1999 at 09:10:03AM -0500, Marc Mongeon wrote:
  Make sure you have a line like this in your /etc/exim.conf:
  local_domains = localhost
 Yup, I have that in my /etc/exim.conf
  And one like this in your /etc/hosts:   localhost
 Mine actually looks like the following: loopback localhost
 ...but that shouldn't make a difference, right?

  Here is something I have in my log files about your problem.
Configuring exim:
I finally! got the beast to work.  I have
a suggestion for how to install it.  When the install script starts
give it the following answers:

Question #  Answer
1.  Your HOME network.domain
2   none
3   none
4   none
5   No Filter
6   Your.ISP's.domain.name
7   Any user (I made one called boss)
8   Yes - Replace /etc/aliases  ( after
you have the #7 already created) 
Then go into the /etc/exim.conf and check the following:

qualify_domain = Your Home.domain
local_domains = localhost  # This made it deliver mail from
 the ISP to me.


There are two ways to write error-free programs.  Only the third one works.

Re: daylight savings time aint savin' ME time

1999-05-24 Thread Wayne Topa

Subject: daylight savings time aint savin' ME time
Date: Sat, May 22, 1999 at 03:40:15PM -0400

In reply to:Michael Stenner

Quoting Michael Stenner([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 Ever since Daylight savings time struck, my clock has been incorrect.
 I've tried setting it with hwclock --set --date=bla bla
 which seems to work, according to hwclock --show
 but when I reboot, the clocks (system AND hardware) are still wrong.
 I've also tried setting it in the BIOS.  Again, my computer outsmarts
 Once, I used hwclock --set --date=   followed by hwclock --systohw
 (or whichever one makes the system clock the same as the hardware clock)
 this did permanently change my clock (i.e. upon reboot it was still
 changed), but it changed it by TWO hours!!
 What am I doing wrong, here?

Michael - Try man tzconfig

 Other info:  slink
   Michael Stenner Office Phone: 919-660-2513
   Duke University, Dept. of Physics [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Box 90305, Durham N.C. 27708-0305
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

COBOL programs are an exercise in Artificial Inelegance.

Re: pciutils package (was: Sound blaster 16 pnp)

1999-05-24 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 RvdM == Remco van de Meent [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

RvdM It's strange indeed; it has come up before, and because the
RvdM default Debian 2.1 install comes with 2.0.36, which doesn't
RvdM support the /proc/bus/pci interface of the 2.2 kernels (the
RvdM interface that pciutils uses) it might have been better to not
RvdM to include that call to lspci.

I think it has been done to allow to drop in a 2.2 kernel (I think you 
have to update netbase though). And as it doesn't do any harm on 2.0
kernels, it is easier to let keep the program execution in, as to
advice the user to add it to the startup file.


Re: 2.0.36 source .deb - installs REDHAT dir - piss take?

1999-05-24 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 MW == Martin Waller [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

MW so this has changed from hamm then which used to unpack it all for
MW you and make the link from /usr/src/linux to /usr/src/kernel
MW version ?



RE: Debian applications - where to get them???

1999-05-24 Thread Pollywog

On 24-May-99 Nadarajah, Dinesh wrote:
 I am running into problems getting applications for Debian.
 1.I wanted to get the Communicator 4.5 and so I checked the Debian
 archives. There is a listing for Communicator 4.5 but when I add up the file
 sizes, they don't match nowhere close to the Netscape Binary posting (of
 around 12MB). Are there any other files that I should be installing along
 with these (there are no other dependencies shown on the package listing)

What you saw on Debian's website is just an installer for Communicator.  You
also have to get the Netscape Communicator binary from Netscape's ftp site and
then you place it in /tmp.  Make sure it is owned by root.root when you have
placed it there.  Once that is done, use the installer (just install it as
usual) and it will install Netscape as though it were a deb package.

 2.I have seen posting on Real G2 player for Linux but I could not find
 it at www.real.com http://www.real.com . Is there a G2 player for Linux
 yet or is it still version 5.0?

I believe it is still 5.0 but I am not certain.  A similar situation exists
with respect to RealAudio and Debian.  You can download an installer and then
install RealAudio in a fashion much as the one I described above.


NDN: Re: linuxconf

1999-05-24 Thread Post Office
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NDN: Re: help /var is filling up!!!

1999-05-24 Thread Post Office
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