Re: Caracter `

1999-09-17 Thread Juanjo Martinez
El Wed, Sep 15, 1999 at 07:32:25PM +0200, Emilio Hernández Martín escribió:
Hola a todos/as:

 ¿Cómo puedo conseguir que salga el caracter ` en los ficheros editados
 con joe?
Pues yo lo hago asi, no sé si habrá otra forma:
- pulso la tecla ` y luego el espaciador,
- ahora joe te pide, en una barra en el border inferior, el primer nº del
  código ascii (tb hexadecimal u octal) entre 0 y 9,
- pulsa 0, abajo veras que te pide los dos nº siguientes, pulsas 96 (su
  código ascii) y listo.

Lo que no he sabido sacar todavía son, por ejemplo, los caracteres ascii
para dibujar cajas con marco simple o doble, aunque sí las siguientes con la
clásica combinación ALT+num-teclado_numérico, que no se corresponden con los
números de las tablas ascii, es decir, a partir del 127 en adelante. :-?
Se admiten sugerencias. :)

¢ 162   £ 163   ¥ 165   § 167   « 171
° 176   ± 177   ² 178   µ 181   ¶ 182
» 187   ¼ 188   ½ 189   Å 197   Æ 198

Ø 216   ß 223   å 229   æ 230   ÷ 247
ø 248

 Muchas gracias.
De nada, poco es, pero seguro que alguien nos tira un cable.

|Juanjo Martinez  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |
|  --  -- |
|  |
|   [Por favor quita 'NOSPAM' para responder]   |
| Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 [2.2.10]Linux Registered User #68887 |

Re: No puedo hacer telnet a mi propia maquina

1999-09-17 Thread J. Carlos Muro

Sergio Blanco Cuaresma escribió:

 Hola a todos,

 insisto en el problema, intento hacer telnet a mi propia maquina como
 usuario normal escribiendo:


 pero me da un mensaje de error que indica network unreachable (o algo
 parecido, lo escribo de memoria).

Busca lo que te dice exactamente. De todas maneras, prueba a hacer un 
'ifconfig' a ver si
existe el bucle local (supongo que sí existirá). Podría ser que no tuvieses el 
soporte de red
en el kernel, o que lo tengas como módulo y no lo hayas insertado, no se ... De 
todas maneras,
¿estás seguro de que tienes el puerto abierto?
Puedes probar también instalando el wu-ftp y haciendo un ftp a localhost, y si 
funciona, se
puede decir que a nivel de kernel tienes lo necesario. Incluso, si tienes las X 
puedes probar haciendo un 'xhost localhost'  en una sesion X como usuario, y 
luego, te haces
root y ejecutas export DISPLAY=':0';xclock Si te funciona, pues lo mismo, se 
supone que el
kernel está bien (aunque no podemos decir lo contrario, claro).

 Tengo el demonio inetd instalado y
 teoricamente el puerto de telnet esta abierto. No entiendo que es lo que
 hago mal. ¿quizas necesito algun otro demonio? ¿o es problema de

¿Te has fijado si lo tienes cargado (el inetd) con un 'ps -a'? Mira a ver si te 
lo carga al
iniciar el sistema.

No sé ... espero que estas ideas te ayuden un poco. De todas maneras, no es una 
cosa difícil
de instalar/configurar, así que tiene que ser una tontería.

Juan Carlos Muro

Problemas instalacion Citius

1999-09-17 Thread rquin66
 Hola, amigos:
 He tenido problemas para instalar tanto Redhat 6.0 como la Citius de Linux 
 Actual. Parece que el problema era debido a mi CD-ROM, que ya he cambiado por 
 un Samsung 32X. Puedo instalar la RedHAt6.0 pero no la Citius.
 Gracias a la inestimable ayuda de Tinguaro Barreno he sabido que, aunque ni 
 en la revista ni en las instrucciones del CD (que todo lo mas hacían 
 referencia al método dpkg-multicd), existe el método apt-cdrom, que sale en 
 el dselect si descomprimes el fichero add-ons.tgz en el directorio raíz.
 Pues bien, el problema es que al instalar con el CD no me sale el método 
 apt-CDROM, así que instalo un sistema base con el deselect (da varias pasadas 
 y tarda mucho) y luego, una vez instalado éste, descomprimo add-ons.tgz en el 
 directorio raíz.
 Me sale en el deselect el método apt-CDROM. Sin embargo cuando lo selecciono 
 y empieza a leer el primer CD, etc. me dice El controlador ha fallado 
 ¿Alguien sabe qué significa? ¿Es un problema del controlador IDE del CDROM 
 (lo he puesto de master en la IDE2, pero me decía lo mismo como esclavo de 
 IDE1)o he hecho algo mal? 
 He instalado la REDHat6.0 sin problemas,y aunque es comodísima de instalar 
 (se instala sola),se me queda corta de aplicaciones: por ejemplo, no lleva 
 LyX ni kLyX, que me interesan para confeccionar mis apuntes.
 Espero que me podais ayudar. Gracias por adelantado, y un saludo.
 Rafael Quintanilla
 Get Your Free Email at

Get Your Free Email at

Re: dudas con rsync

1999-09-17 Thread Hue-Bond
El jueves 16 de septiembre de 1999 a la(s) 08:19:57 +0200, Fernando Sanchez 

Para hacer mirrors es más útil
por más razones, de todas formas... y desde luego, mucho mejor que el famoso
'mirror' en perl ':-)

 Y hablando de mirrors, ¿qué tal 'wget --mirror'? ¿Alguien lo ha
 probado? Es  que me apetecía  tener por  aquí un pequeño  mirror de
 Debian (un)stable :^).

 Just do it.

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Linux Registered User no. 87069 love with TuX - Linux 2.2.12
PGP Public key at

Re: Caracter `

1999-09-17 Thread Hue-Bond
El jueves 16 de septiembre de 1999 a la(s) 11:07:09 +0200, Juanjo Martinez 

Lo que no he sabido sacar todavía son, por ejemplo, los caracteres ascii
para dibujar cajas con marco simple o doble, aunque sí las siguientes con la
clásica combinación ALT+num-teclado_numérico, que no se corresponden con los
números de las tablas ascii, es decir, a partir del 127 en adelante. :-?

 Problema  de página  de  códigos  y tal.  Es  un tema  bastante
 lioso (al  menos para  mí). En el  Keyboard-and-Console-HOWTO quizá
 encuentres alguna idea.


 Just do it.

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Linux Registered User no. 87069 love with TuX - Linux 2.2.12
PGP Public key at

Re: XEmacs

1999-09-17 Thread TooMany


Vuelvo a poner el mensaka éste, a ver si alguien me puede hacer el
favorcillo y ayudarme un poco.


On Thu, Sep 16, 1999 at 12:22:04PM +0200, TooMany wrote:
 Resulta que cuando cargo el xemacs, v.20, me crea un .emacs y un
 .xemacs-options. Dentro del fichero .emacs hace una llamada al
 .xemacs-options para cargar los valores allí creados. Hasta aquí todo va
 bien, pero el principal problema viene porque pasa olímpicamente de todo
 ésto, y cada vez que inicio el programa tengo que estar tocando los
 settings que ya están definidos en el .xemacs-options... :(
 ¿Alguna ayudita, por favor?
 Muchas gracias por todo.
\|/  \|/
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Re: dudas con rsync

1999-09-17 Thread Fernando Sanchez
On Fri, 17 Sep 1999, Hue-Bond wrote:

  Y hablando de mirrors, ¿qué tal 'wget --mirror'? ¿Alguien lo ha
  probado? Es  que me apetecía  tener por  aquí un pequeño  mirror de

Yo suelo usarlo, pero para sitios que no permiten rsync. Está bien por lo de
comparar fechas de ficheros y no andar trayendo lo mismo todos los días si
no cambia, pero pudiendo usar rsync siempre es mejor opción, desde luego.

Re: DWN 33 y 34

1999-09-17 Thread Hue-Bond
El viernes 17 de septiembre de 1999 a la(s) 00:12:32 +0200, Jesus M. 
Gonzalez-Barahona contaba:

   No preocuparse. Están en ello. Como dice un poco más abajo,
hay al menos dos opciones que se están considerando (distribuir la
parte de bind que si es libre

 Yo apuesto por esto, pero dicen que es algo complicado...

   Si tienes interés, se ha hablado largo y tendido de esto en
debian-devel, echa un vistazo en el archivo.

 Ya veo.  Por lo visto  parece que van  a hacer dos  BIND's, uno
 libre y otro con código de cifrado. Menos mal.


 Just do it.

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Linux Registered User no. 87069 love with TuX - Linux 2.2.12
PGP Public key at

Apagado por todos.

1999-09-17 Thread Diego Bote Barco
Hola Linuxeros.

Os escribo para comentaros una pequeña cuestión.

Tengo Debian en casa y he habilitado varios usuarios. Me gustaría que
todos pudieran apagar el ordenador de forma adecuada pero por supuesto sin
darles la contraseña del root. Lo que ocurre es que las órdenes de halt y
shutdown no se pueden ejecutar por quien no tiene los privilegios y ese solo es
ahora mismo el root. ¿Cómo lo soluciono?

Otro tema es que quiero instalar Kde o Gnome pero no sé cómo poner
en esos programas los manejadores de ventanas y éstas me sales sin
márgenes y sin reglas, por lo que no las puedo mover ni pasar.

Tengo otra duda sobre una tarjeta de sonido pero como no tengo aqui
toda la información esto os lo propondré otro día.

Gracias por las respuestas y hasta pronto.


RE: Apagado por todos.

1999-09-17 Thread lah

--- Original Message ---
Diego Bote Barco [EMAIL PROTECTED] Wrote on 
Fri, 17 Sep 1999 13:38:54 +0200
Me gustaría que todos pudieran apagar el ordenador de
forma adecuada pero por supuesto sin darles la 
contraseña del root.

Yo lo he arreglado en el inittab, de manera que al
pulsar ctrl-alt-del en vez de 'resetear' se ejecuta halt.

Otro tema es que quiero instalar Kde o Gnome pero no sé 
cómo poner en esos programas los manejadores de ventanas 
y éstas me sales sin márgenes y sin reglas, por lo que no las
puedo mover ni pasar.

¿Como arrancas las X con xdm o con startx?
¿Tienes instalado algun 'window manager'?
¿kwm, afterstep, windowmaker, icewm...?
¿Que mensajes te da?

Luis Arocha

Sent using ( http://MailStart.Com/welcome.html )
The FREE way to access your mailbox via any web browser, anywhere!

RE: Apagado por todos.

1999-09-17 Thread Lauren Benedito
Yo me instalaria el paquete de la herramienta sudo, que permite especificar
aplicaiones que quieras que ciertos usuarios ejecuten como root, es decir
puedes hacer que los usuarios que tuquieras ejecuten el comando halt con
privilegios de root (pero sin ser root y sin tener su password) de esta
manera sólo das permisos en las aplicaciones que tu quieras y sólo para
ciertos usuarios

Un saludo
Lauren Benedito

- Mensaje original -
De: Diego Bote Barco [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Enviado: viernes 17 de septiembre de 1999 13:38
Asunto: Apagado por todos.

Hola Linuxeros.

Os escribo para comentaros una pequeña cuestión.

Tengo Debian en casa y he habilitado varios usuarios. Me gustaría que
todos pudieran apagar el ordenador de forma adecuada pero por supuesto sin
darles la contraseña del root. Lo que ocurre es que las órdenes de halt y
shutdown no se pueden ejecutar por quien no tiene los privilegios y ese solo
ahora mismo el root. ¿Cómo lo soluciono?

Otro tema es que quiero instalar Kde o Gnome pero no sé cómo poner
en esos programas los manejadores de ventanas y éstas me sales sin
márgenes y sin reglas, por lo que no las puedo mover ni pasar.

Tengo otra duda sobre una tarjeta de sonido pero como no tengo aqui
toda la información esto os lo propondré otro día.

Gracias por las respuestas y hasta pronto.


Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Apagado por todos.

1999-09-17 Thread dfm


Se me ocurre que podrías o bien añadir a estos usuarios al grupo root en
/etc/groups , pero claro, tendrían más acceso aunque no fueran root, o bien
cambiar los accesos de estos dos archivos en /sbin (halt o shutdown).
También se me ocurre que podrías instalar el paquete sudo (creo que se
llama) y añadir a la lista de /etc/sudoers a estos usuarios, aunque inlcuso
esto me parece más peligroso si los usuarios no son muy de fiar... Bueno, a
tu elección... Con mis conocimientos no llego a poder sugerirte nada más...
probablemente alguien más tenga alguna solución algo más segura...

Un saludo

Daniel con fecha 17/09/99 13:37:40

CC:  (cci: Daniel Ferradal Marquez/INFO/URQUIJO)
Asunto: Apagado por todos.

 Hola Linuxeros.

 Os escribo para comentaros una pequeña cuestión.

 Tengo Debian en casa y he habilitado varios usuarios. Me gustaría que
todos pudieran apagar el ordenador de forma adecuada pero por supuesto sin
darles la contraseña del root. Lo que ocurre es que las órdenes de halt y
shutdown no se pueden ejecutar por quien no tiene los privilegios y ese
solo es ahora mismo el root. ¿Cómo lo soluciono?

 Otro tema es que quiero instalar Kde o Gnome pero no sé cómo poner
en esos programas los manejadores de ventanas y éstas me sales sin
márgenes y sin reglas, por lo que no las puedo mover ni pasar.

 Tengo otra duda sobre una tarjeta de sonido pero como no tengo aqui
toda la información esto os lo propondré otro día.

 Gracias por las respuestas y hasta pronto.


Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Apagado por todos.

1999-09-17 Thread Agustín Martín Domingo
 Se me ocurre que podrías o bien añadir a estos usuarios al grupo root en
 /etc/groups , pero claro, tendrían más acceso aunque no fueran root, o bien
 cambiar los accesos de estos dos archivos en /sbin (halt o shutdown).

No te funcionará, si así fuera copiarías el ejecutable halt a tu
directorio, le darías los permisos que te diera la gana y lo lanzarías
parando la máquina y echando a todo otro usuario sin restricciones, lo
que obviamente no es tolerable bajo ningún concepto. Si lo intentas te
saldrá algo así como

~/basura$ ls -l halt 
-rwxr-xr-x   1 agmartin agmartin 7752 Sep 17 14:35 halt
~/basura$ ./halt
halt: must be superuser.

 También se me ocurre que podrías instalar el paquete sudo (creo que se
 llama) y añadir a la lista de /etc/sudoers a estos usuarios, aunque inlcuso
 esto me parece más peligroso si los usuarios no son muy de fiar...

Si quieres permitirles sólo apagar la máquina y nada más el paquete sudo
te vale bien, porque puedes decir exactamente que permites hacer. Si
intentan hacer otra cosa para la que no estén autorizados, no sólo no
les dejará, sino que mandará un mail al administrador del sistema

Si tú vas a ser el único usuario con distintos nombres, no te dará
ningún problema. Si puede haber varios usuarios distintos, hay que tener
cuidado, no vaya uno a apagar la máquina, y esté otro haciendo cosas
desde otra consola a través de un telnet o similar, o tenga un proceso
corriendo en background.


Agustín Martín Domingo, Dpto. de Física, ETS Arquitectura Madrid, 
(U. Politécnica de Madrid)  tel: +34 91-336-6536, Fax: +34 91-336-6554, 

Codigo php GPL que accede a Bases d Datos

1999-09-17 Thread Inaki Fernandez Villanueva
Hola lista,
Os envío este forward pq. creo que a más de alguno le puede
interesar para acceder remótamente y con un navegador a su base de datos
en Linux.

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 15:09:03 +0200 (CET)
From: Iñaki Fernández Villanueva [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: David Charro Ripa [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: php

On Thu, 25 Nov 1999, David Charro Ripa wrote:

 He leido tu mensaje en la lista de debian. ¿De donde has sacado ese
 software para gestionar una base de datos desde un navegador? ¿Que
 puedes hacer con el? ¿Creas tablas, indices, usuarios?

Hola David,

El software PHP del que te hablo está todavía en un estado alpha,
sin embargo merece la pena probarlo. Puedes crear o borrar una base de
datos, crear tablas nuevas indicando los campos que son claves,
(actualmente sólo en los campos de tipo varchar se puede especificar el
tamaño), añadir registros,borrar registros,buscar registros,listar
registros (aunque sólo los 200 primeros si la tabla es mayor),etc. Tiene
la posibilidad de trabajar con PostgreSql y Mysql. 
La parte de seguridad no está implementada (eso sería utilizar
SSL-Leay) pq. estaba orientado a una red local sin restringir el acceso,y
como has podido comprobar faltan algunas cosas además de poder añadir
usuarios e índices. Sin embargo lo más importante está hecho ;-))
El autor es Álvaro del Castillo (Linux Actual,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]) y el código es GPL gracias a Álvaro y al
apoyo de la empresa DyR. El software se puede obtener de ,aunque si lo prefieres te lo puedo enviar por 
e-mail (sólo ocupa 18Kb).
Creo que si alguien está interesado en algo de así el código se
podría mejorar sin mucho esfuerzo y obteniendo un importante y
potente producto.

Si tienes alguna duda aquí me tienes.



  .~.Iñaki Fernández Villanueva
 // \\   Linux registered user #93164
   SLINK 2.1/(   )\  Student in Computer Engineering
 ^^-^^   University of San Sebastian (Spain)

Re: No puedo hacer telnet a mi propia maquina

1999-09-17 Thread Paco Brufal
On Fri, 17 Sep 1999, Sergio Blanco Cuaresma wrote:

 insisto en el problema, intento hacer telnet a mi propia maquina como
 usuario normal escribiendo:

# ifconfig lo

15:03:phucksys:root# cat /etc/hosts   phucksyslocalhost

Si quieres saber cómo pertenecer a
Paco Brufal [EMAIL PROTECTED] Fidonet, la red de correo con más
Fidonet 2:346/3.68  CALIDAD del Mundo y SIN SPAM,
preguntame como.

...Blow Your Mind. Sigma 909. 1993
--- Pine 4.10 + Sendmail 8.9.3
 * Origin: FAQ de R34.LINUX: (2:346/3.68)

Estava yo compilando el 2.2.12 ...

1999-09-17 Thread Ricard P.G.
Cuando me encontre a mi amiga PAGE_OFFSET_RAW

Bueno, en serio, me he roto la cabeza con el dselect para saber que
librerias/paquetes/etc... necesito para que me acabe de compilar bien, por lo
que parece hay una funcion que esta definida pero no encuentra, por potra parte
tambien parece que todo gira entorno a esta funcion y nada mas (cuando te falta
una libreria suelen saltar 3000 errores ...)

Os vuelco la salida del gcc ...

Icaro:/usr/src/linux# make zlilo
gcc -D__KERNEL__ -I/usr/src/kernel-source-2.2.12/include -Wall
-Wstrict-prototypes -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer  -pipe -fno-strength-reduce -m486
-malign-loops=2 -malign-jumps=2 -malign-functions=2 -DCPU=686  -c -o
init/main.o init/main.c
/usr/src/kernel-source-2.2.12/include/linux/pagemap.h: In function
In file included from /usr/src/kernel-source-2.2.12/include/linux/locks.h:8,
 from /usr/src/kernel-source-2.2.12/include/linux/blk.h:5,
 from init/main.c:23:
/usr/src/kernel-source-2.2.12/include/linux/pagemap.h:17: `PAGE_OFFSET_RAW'
undeclared (first use this function)
/usr/src/kernel-source-2.2.12/include/linux/pagemap.h:17: (Each undeclared
identifier is reported only once
/usr/src/kernel-source-2.2.12/include/linux/pagemap.h:17: for each function it
appears in.)
/usr/src/kernel-source-2.2.12/include/linux/pagemap.h:18: warning: control
reaches end of non-void function
/usr/src/kernel-source-2.2.12/include/asm/pgtable.h: In function
In file included from /usr/src/kernel-source-2.2.12/include/linux/vmalloc.h:7,
 from /usr/src/kernel-source-2.2.12/include/asm/io.h:101,
 from init/main.c:26:
/usr/src/kernel-source-2.2.12/include/asm/pgtable.h:408: `PAGE_OFFSET_RAW'
undeclared (first use this function)
/usr/src/kernel-source-2.2.12/include/asm/pgtable.h: In function
/usr/src/kernel-source-2.2.12/include/asm/pgtable.h:497: `PAGE_OFFSET_RAW'
undeclared (first use this function)
/usr/src/kernel-source-2.2.12/include/asm/pgtable.h: In function `pte_alloc':
/usr/src/kernel-source-2.2.12/include/asm/pgtable.h:515: `PAGE_OFFSET_RAW'
undeclared (first use this function)
/usr/src/kernel-source-2.2.12/include/asm/io.h: In function `virt_to_phys':
In file included from init/main.c:26:
/usr/src/kernel-source-2.2.12/include/asm/io.h:112: `PAGE_OFFSET_RAW'
undeclared (first use this function)
/usr/src/kernel-source-2.2.12/include/asm/io.h: In function `phys_to_virt':
/usr/src/kernel-source-2.2.12/include/asm/io.h:117: `PAGE_OFFSET_RAW'
undeclared (first use this function)
/usr/src/kernel-source-2.2.12/include/asm/io.h: In function `check_signature':
/usr/src/kernel-source-2.2.12/include/asm/io.h:175: `PAGE_OFFSET_RAW'
undeclared (first use this function)
make: *** [init/main.o] Error 1

A ver si a alguien se le ocurre que puede ser 

Sea como sea muchas gracias

. (O)   See you, Nos vemos, Ens veiem ab.
   o  M  d88b.
  /| ..  /:M\--- 8PYPY88
(O)[]XX[]I:K+}= TOR NEC DONAVAM == 8|o||o|88
  \| ^^  \:W/--- 8'.88
   o  W   Microsoft gives you Windows ...   8`._.' Y8
  (O)  Linux gives you the whole house  d/  `8b.
Do You Yahoo!?
Bid and sell for free at

Re: No puedo hacer telnet a mi propia maquina

1999-09-17 Thread dfm

Yo tengo en hosts localhost y me chuta de maravilla.

Y en /etc/init.d/network tengo esto otro:
ifconfig lo
route add -net -- Esta línea la has de quitar si tienes un
kernel 2.2.x,
 en la máquina linux del trabajo tengo Debian 2.0 hamm. con el 2.0.34...

Un saludo

Daniel con fecha 17/09/99 15:38:34

Destinatarios: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
CC: (cci: Daniel Ferradal
Asunto: Re: No puedo hacer telnet a mi propia maquina

On Fri, 17 Sep 1999, Sergio Blanco Cuaresma wrote:

 insisto en el problema, intento hacer telnet a mi propia maquina como
 usuario normal escribiendo:

# ifconfig lo

15:03:phucksys:root# cat /etc/hosts   phucksyslocalhost

 Si quieres saber cómo pertenecer a
Paco Brufal [EMAIL PROTECTED] Fidonet, la red de correo con más
Fidonet 2:346/3.68CALIDAD del Mundo y SIN SPAM,
 preguntame como.

...Blow Your Mind. Sigma 909. 1993
--- Pine 4.10 + Sendmail 8.9.3
 * Origin: FAQ de R34.LINUX: (2:

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: No puedo hacer telnet a mi propia maquina

1999-09-17 Thread Manuel Fonseca
el Fri, Sep 17, 1999 at 12:09:15AM +0200, Sergio Blanco Cuaresma dijo:
 Hola a todos,
 insisto en el problema, intento hacer telnet a mi propia maquina como
 usuario normal escribiendo:
 pero me da un mensaje de error que indica network unreachable (o algo
 parecido, lo escribo de memoria). Tengo el demonio inetd instalado y
 teoricamente el puerto de telnet esta abierto. No entiendo que es lo que
 hago mal. ¿quizas necesito algun otro demonio? ¿o es problema de

umm, estooo, no se que kernel tienes, pero me parece que esto es un error
causado por el route. Es decir, que no te enruta desde tu red al localhost
te has mirado la salida del route? te sale la red enrutada a eth0?
el fichero /etc/init.d/network como lo tienes? tienes algo parecido a:
ifconfig lo
route add -net
IPADDR=la ip que tengo configurada en mi maquina
NETMASK=la mascara de red que tengo en mi maquina es decir
NETWORK=la ip mia con el ultimo numero a 0
BROADCAST=la ip mia con el ultimo numero a 255
y luego viene lo del IFCONFIG eth0
me parece que lo que pasa es que no te añade la ruta de la red hacia, por eso cuando haces un telnet a no te responde el

si me he liao que alguien con sabiduria nos lo aclare.


Manuel Fonseca [EMAIL PROTECTED]

casi proyecto Aguila-Linux Terrassa


Re: Estava yo compilando el 2.2.12 ...

1999-09-17 Thread dfm

qué equipo tienes?

has compilado más kernels?

En cualquier caso... lo del kernel ya no tiene que estar en /usr/src/linux
con el kernel 2.2.12? (yo tengo hasta el 2.2.10 y juraría que hasta ahi
siempre se descomprimía en /usr/src/linux...

Y...  disculpad mi ignoracian, pero eso de /include/asm asm que es? no
será otro tipo de máquina distinta de i386 o algo así, no? en fin... por
favor que alguien me diga

...In file included from
 from /usr/src/kernel-source-2.2.12/include/asm/io.h:101,

Un saludo

Daniel ;) con fecha 17/09/99 15:55:42

CC:  (cci: Daniel Ferradal Marquez/INFO/URQUIJO)
Asunto: Estava yo compilando el 2.2.12 ...

Content-type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Cuando me encontre a mi amiga PAGE_OFFSET_RAW

Bueno, en serio, me he roto la cabeza con el dselect para saber que
librerias/paquetes/etc... necesito para que me acabe de compilar bien, por
lo que parece hay una funcion que esta definida pero no encuentra, por
potra parte tambien parece que todo gira entorno a esta funcion y nada mas
(cuando te falta una libreria suelen saltar 3000 errores ...)

Os vuelco la salida del gcc ...

Icaro:/usr/src/linux# make zlilo
gcc -D__KERNEL__ -I/usr/src/kernel-source-2.2.12/include -Wall
-Wstrict-prototypes -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer  -pipe -fno-strength-reduce
-m486 -malign-loops=2 -malign-jumps=2 -malign-functions=2 -DCPUh6  -c -o
init/main.o init/main.c
/usr/src/kernel-source-2.2.12/include/linux/pagemap.h: In function
In file included from
 from /usr/src/kernel-source-2.2.12/include/linux/blk.h:5,
 from init/main.c:23:
/usr/src/kernel-source-2.2.12/include/linux/pagemap.h:17: `PAGE_OFFSET_RAW'
undeclared (first use this function)
/usr/src/kernel-source-2.2.12/include/linux/pagemap.h:17: (Each undeclared
identifier is reported only once
/usr/src/kernel-source-2.2.12/include/linux/pagemap.h:17: for each function
appears in.)
/usr/src/kernel-source-2.2.12/include/linux/pagemap.h:18: warning: control
reaches end of non-void function
/usr/src/kernel-source-2.2.12/include/asm/pgtable.h: In function
In file included from
 from /usr/src/kernel-source-2.2.12/include/asm/io.h:101,
 from init/main.c:26:
/usr/src/kernel-source-2.2.12/include/asm/pgtable.h:408: `PAGE_OFFSET_RAW'
undeclared (first use this function)
/usr/src/kernel-source-2.2.12/include/asm/pgtable.h: In function
/usr/src/kernel-source-2.2.12/include/asm/pgtable.h:497: `PAGE_OFFSET_RAW'
undeclared (first use this function)
/usr/src/kernel-source-2.2.12/include/asm/pgtable.h: In function
`pte_alloc': /usr/src/kernel-source-2.2.12/include/asm/pgtable.h:515:
`PAGE_OFFSET_RAW' undeclared (first use this function)
/usr/src/kernel-source-2.2.12/include/asm/io.h: In function `virt_to_phys':
In file included from init/main.c:26:
/usr/src/kernel-source-2.2.12/include/asm/io.h:112: `PAGE_OFFSET_RAW'
undeclared (first use this function)
/usr/src/kernel-source-2.2.12/include/asm/io.h: In function `phys_to_virt':
/usr/src/kernel-source-2.2.12/include/asm/io.h:117: `PAGE_OFFSET_RAW'
undeclared (first use this function)
/usr/src/kernel-source-2.2.12/include/asm/io.h: In function
`check_signature': /usr/src/kernel-source-2.2.12/include/asm/io.h:175:
undeclared (first use this function)
make: *** [init/main.o] Error 1

A ver si a alguien se le ocurre que puede ser 

Sea como sea muchas gracias

==. (O)   See you, Nos vemos, Ens veiem ab.
   o  M  d88b.
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(O)[]XX[]I:K+}= TOR NEC DONAVAM == 8|o||o|88
  \| ^^  \:W/--- 8'.88
   o  W   Microsoft gives you Windows ...   8`._.' Y8
  (O)  Linux gives you the whole house  d/  `8b.
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Re: Estava yo compilando el 2.2.12 ...

1999-09-17 Thread Luis Arocha Hernandez
On Fri, Sep 17, 1999 at 04:48:29PM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Y...  disculpad mi ignoracian, pero eso de /include/asm asm que es? no
 será otro tipo de máquina distinta de i386 o algo así, no? en fin... por
 favor que alguien me diga

Son las partes del kernel que estan en ensamblador (ASseMbler)


Re: Programas y juegos para Linux

1999-09-17 Thread Cosme Perea Cuevas
Perdona(d)  el retraso,  que me  dio por  jugar con  hdparm(1)
y  quedo  el  sistema  de  ficheros  tan  corrupto  que  había
bloques  que  no  se  arreglaban  ni  con  varias  pasadas  de
`e2fsck'... Total, se esfumaron unos megas de datos de nada...

El Fri, Sep 10, 1999,

 :: apt-get install appindex
 Cosme:: ¿Este paquete viene con la Slink? Yo no lo tengo, :-?
 Cosme:: ¿O `apt-get' es para instalar via ftp?
 Me olvidé de aclarar la  distribución :-| apt-get es el modo
 de invocar  apt, que es  en realidad el nombre  del paquete.
 Por aquí  se ha comentado que  venía con la Citius  de Linux
 Actual (creo recordar), y en los servidores de Debian seguro
 que hay versiones  compiladas para slink.  Yo  uso potato, y
 no estoy muy seguro de qué está en slink y qué no.
No,  en  la  Citius  no   viene,  como  tampoco  viene  PGP,
zip/unzip, alguna librería y el mutt-i!
 De  dónde  instales  depende   de  lo  que  especifiques  en
 /etc/apt/sources.list,  y puede  ser tanto  un servidor  ftp
 como un CD-ROM o cualquier otro medio.

Lo jodido  es que no  hay forma de instalar  sin guardar. Me
refiero a que si instalas todo  el sistema, pues te mete todos
los debs y luego hay que decirle que los borre. A veces uno va
corto  de espacio  y  si  te da  por  hacer una  actualización

 Appindex  tiene dos  programas:  appindex propiamente  dicho
 y  fetchappindex.   Fetchappindex   descarga  una  lista  de
 todos los  paquetes incluidos en Freshmeat  clasificados por
 función/[consola|X] y  appindex te  permite navegar  por esa
 lista.  Sólo  necesitas estar conectado cuando  te decides a
 descargar.  Por eso es tan cómodo: puedes darle vueltas a la
 lista durante  todo el tiempo  que quieras sin  necesidad de

Pues sí, :-)

 Cosme:: A  propósito, se  puede  acceder  al sevidor  de
 Cosme:: news de  Freshmeat. No es  complicado configurar
 Cosme:: Inn+Suck para varios

 Esto  es  interesante.   ¿Puedes  contar cómo  se  hace  (no
 lo  de INN+Suck,  sino  la dirección  del servidor,  grupos,
 etc.)?  Una  buena forma  sería tener  appindex a  una fecha
 dada y utilizarlo como  base para las existencias.  Después,
 en lugar de renovar cada  día el paquete entero (es bastante
 grande) con recibir las novedades vía news valdría.

Sólo   hayun   grupo,   fm.announce. Elservidor   es

A disfrutarlo!

Saludos de uno que se gha comprado una IomegaZip, ;-)

  -=-=-  A través de Debian GNU/Linux  -=-=-
  -=-=- Software Libre -=-=-  S.O. Multi-[plataforma, tarea, usuario]   Free Software Foundationón en Castellano Open Resources
LuCAS/LinuxFocus/pub/mirror/LinuxFocus/Castellano/  LinuxFocus

Description: PGP signature

Re: Nuevo en la lista

1999-09-17 Thread Cosme Perea Cuevas
El Tue, Sep 14, 1999,
Raul GN...

 Perdonadme  que  escriba  con   win  pero  aunque  ya  tengo
 instalado  Debían  2.1  aún   no  he  conseguido  configurar
 correctamente pppd. El log me dice que no encuentra el Login
 y el password, aunque creo que podré solventarlos sin muchos

Prueba a configurar la  conexión con `pppconfig'. Es un script
que se ejecuta como root y te va pidiendo los datos.

Sin duda, donde si necesitaré ayuda va a ser con smail y mutt
por que por ahora no me funciona la ñ y los acentos.

Para el tema de los caracteres debes establecer la variable de
entorno `LANG'.  Por ejemplo, en `/etc/environment' pones:

export LANG


  -=-=-  A través de Debian GNU/Linux  -=-=-
  -=-=- Software Libre -=-=-  S.O. Multi-[plataforma, tarea, usuario]   Free Software Foundationón en Castellano Open Resources
LuCAS/LinuxFocus/pub/mirror/LinuxFocus/Castellano/  LinuxFocus

Description: PGP signature

Re: No puedo hacer telnet a mi propia maquina

1999-09-17 Thread Cosme Perea Cuevas
El Fri, Sep 17, 1999,
Sergio Blanco Cuaresma...

 insisto en  el problema,  intento hacer  telnet a  mi propia
 maquina como usuario normal escribiendo:
 pero  me  da  un  mensaje   de  error  que  indica  network
 unreachable (o algo

Yo  también tengo  la  Citius Debian  2.1. Puedo conectar  por
`ftp' con  localhost y  el ping  a  también. Pero el
telnet  falla más  o menos. Haciendo  telnet localhost  me
ofrece el login  y conecto, pero con el  telnet da
el error:

telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: La red es inaccesible


[anarres]~# route -C

Destination Gateway Source  Flags Metric RefUse Iface
localhost   localhost 0  0   16 lo

[anarres]~# route -F

Kernel IP routing table
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric RefUse Iface

[anarres]~# ifconfig
loLink encap:Local Loopback  
  inet addr:  Mask:
  RX packets: errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets: errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0

No se qué falla, pero sospecho de `/etc/hosts':   localhost anarres


Eps! lo he solucionado modificando `/etc/networks'. Lo tenía:


y he añadido la línea:


¿Es una solución ortodoxa?


  -=-=-  A través de Debian GNU/Linux  -=-=-
  -=-=- Software Libre -=-=-  S.O. Multi-[plataforma, tarea, usuario]   Free Software Foundationón en Castellano Open Resources
LuCAS/LinuxFocus/pub/mirror/LinuxFocus/Castellano/  LinuxFocus

Description: PGP signature

Re: Apagado por todos.

1999-09-17 Thread Jon Noble

On vie, 17 sep 1999 13:38:54 Diego Bote Barco wrote:
   Otro tema es que quiero instalar Kde o Gnome pero no sé cómo poner 
 en esos programas los manejadores de ventanas y éstas me sales sin 
 márgenes y sin reglas, por lo que no las puedo mover ni pasar.

¿Qué gestores de ventanas tienes instalados? En GNOME se pueden seleccionar 
desde el centro de control. En cuanto a KDE creo que trae su propio gestor. 
¿Cómo entras en las X?

Un saludo,


Cilindro 1024

1999-09-17 Thread Dardo S Botto
Hola lista:

Tengo que arrancar linux desde una partición que está más allá  del
cilindro 1024.

Sin usar disquetes, hay alguna forma de indicarle al lilo para que
busque allí el kernel?.
Ví algo de geometría del disco, pero no me queda claro. Será algo
así como append=hdc=xx,xx,xx ?

Gracias desde ya.

|   Dardo Sergio Botto|
|   E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
|  |

Re: Apagado por todos.

1999-09-17 Thread Antonio Beamud Montero

Re: No puedo hacer telnet a mi propia maquina

1999-09-17 Thread Hue-Bond
El viernes 17 de septiembre de 1999 a la(s) 13:41:38 +0200, Cosme Perea Cuevas 

Haciendo  telnet localhost  me
ofrece el login  y conecto, pero con el  telnet da
el error:

 Qué raro.  Cuando pones telnet localhost  y aparece Trying,
 ¿qué dirección aparece a continuación?

Eps! lo he solucionado modificando `/etc/networks'. Lo tenía:


y he añadido la línea:


¿Es una solución ortodoxa?

 Nop. localhost no es una red.

 Just do it.

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Linux Registered User no. 87069 love with TuX - Linux 2.2.12
PGP Public key at

monitorización de mail

1999-09-17 Thread M. Angel Esteban


¿Sabéis alguna manera de monitorizar mediante slink como van entrando los
mails a mi máquina (mediante cónsola, nada de X) basada en dhis?.

Si pudiera ser mediante un doc o referencia muxo mejo,ke kiero aprendé :-D


Re: Cilindro 1024

1999-09-17 Thread Hue-Bond
El viernes 17 de septiembre de 1999 a la(s) 12:05:15 -0300, Dardo S Botto 

   Tengo que arrancar linux desde una partición que está más allá  del
cilindro 1024.

 A mí con la opción linear me funciona.


 Just do it.

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Linux Registered User no. 87069 love with TuX - Linux 2.2.12
PGP Public key at

Re: xemacs y del

1999-09-17 Thread RESET
: En el artículo [EMAIL PROTECTED],
Roberto Suarez Soto [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió:

Roberto:: On 13/Sep/1999, Juli-Manel Merino Vidal wrote:
:: viene compilado con soporte gpm :). Una pregunta... es xemacs GNU /
:: GPL ?

Roberto:: Bueno, es que si XEmacs no es GNU ... no sé si
Roberto:: concretamente en XEmacs, pero en Emacs gran parte del
Roberto:: código viene de Richard Stallman :-) Supongo que
Roberto:: compartirán algo de código, así que XEmacs también lo
Roberto:: será :-) (no lo dice con dpkg -I, y no quiero instalarlo
Roberto:: para comprobarlo ;-)). El hecho de que venga en main ya
Roberto:: dice algo en favor de eso, ¿no? :-)


Para historia y XEmacs y diferencias con Emacs:

Por otro lado, para el que lo tenga instalado, las respuestas están en 
la FAQ.

- - -

¿Qué es XEmacs?

Una alternativa a GNU Emacs, basada originalmente en una temprana
versión alfa de la versión 19 de la FSF, que se ha diferenciado
bastante desde entonces.  XEmacs fue conocido como Lucid Emacs en su
versión 19.10.  XEmacs presenta casi todas las capacidades de Emacs.
Los mantenedores de XEmacs siguen activamente los cambios de Emacs y
además trabajan para añadir nuevas características.

- - -


Un saludo.




1999-09-17 Thread peter karlsson
Installerade telnetd-ssl nyss, men jag kan inte logga in utifrån:

 telnet dat95pkn
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
telnetd: /dev/ttyp2: Permission denied
Debian Linux/BSD/GNU/XFree86/etc potato (2.2)
Connection closed by foreign host.

Inte så bra... Någon som har några idéer?

Peter -

 When answering to mailing list or news posting, please do not Cc me
 personally. Thanks.

Acentuação no XFree86 3.3.4 em sistemas Debian versão Potato

1999-09-17 Thread Fernando Cesar Carreira
kov wrote:
 Gostei muito dos seus mails sobre acentuacao q me ajudaram inclusive
 a resolver um desentendimento meu com meu PC... hehehe
 Gostaria de receber a lib do Quinot compilada (meu PC eh um 486
 demoraria dias pra compilar) uso atualmente Xkbbr mas quero 'c = ç
 no Wordperfect heheh o problema: uso X (e xlib) 3.3.4-1 algum problema
 em usar a lib do 3.3.3???

Olá Kov

Uma das razões que me fizeram aplicar a solução do Quinot à distribuição
Debian foi o fato que na página dele o arquivo com a biblioteca
modificada estava defasado (se não me engano, a versão era a 3.3.1). Que
eu saiba, você pode usar a biblioteca do, uma vez que já foi
compilada com a libc6 2.1.1 e não haveria incompatibilidades QUANTO a
isso, a não ser o fato da defasagem de versão. Sinceramente, se eu
estivesse utilizando atualmente a versão Potato, eu recompilaria os
pacotes do XFree86 3.3.4 com o maior prazer.
Você ou alguém da lista não quer se aventurar nisso ? Repare que os
arquivos que disponibilizei possuem o código fonte do patch.

Um abraço

Acentuação em sistemas Debian 2.X

1999-09-17 Thread Fernando Cesar Carreira
Adriano Freitas wrote:
 Parabéns Fernando!!! Vc fez o trabalho mais completo sobre acentuação
 no linux que eu já vi!!

Olá Adriano,

Obrigado pelo elogio, mas o crédito deve ser dado àquelas pessoas que
antes de mim pesquisaram o assunto, produziram howtos, escreveram o
patch, etc etc. Como usuário da Debian, eu procurei sintetizar as
soluções e mostrá-las ao pessoal para que decidissem a melhor forma de
terem um sistema X com acentuação.

Um abraço

Acentuação no XFree86 3.3.4 em sistemas Debian versão Potato

1999-09-17 Thread Fernando Cesar Carreira
kov wrote:
 Gostei muito dos seus mails sobre acentuacao q me ajudaram inclusive
 a resolver um desentendimento meu com meu PC... hehehe
 Gostaria de receber a lib do Quinot compilada (meu PC eh um 486
 demoraria dias pra compilar) uso atualmente Xkbbr mas quero 'c = ç
 no Wordperfect heheh o problema: uso X (e xlib) 3.3.4-1 algum problema
 em usar a lib do 3.3.3???

Olá Kov

Uma das razões que me fizeram aplicar a solução do Quinot à distribuição
Debian foi o fato que na página dele o arquivo com a biblioteca
modificada estava defasado (se não me engano, a versão era a 3.3.1). Que
eu saiba, você pode usar a biblioteca do, uma vez que já foi
compilada com a libc6 2.1.1 e não haveria incompatibilidades QUANTO a
isso, a não ser o fato da defasagem de versão. Sinceramente, se eu
estivesse utilizando atualmente a versão Potato, eu recompilaria os
pacotes do XFree86 3.3.4 com o maior prazer.
Você ou alguém da lista não quer se aventurar nisso ? Repare que os
arquivos que disponibilizei possuem o código fonte do patch.

Um abraço

Acentuação em sistemas Debian 2.X

1999-09-17 Thread Fernando Cesar Carreira
Adriano Freitas wrote:
 Parabéns Fernando!!! Vc fez o trabalho mais completo sobre acentuação
 no linux que eu já vi!!

Olá Adriano,

Obrigado pelo elogio, mas o crédito deve ser dado àquelas pessoas que
antes de mim pesquisaram o assunto, produziram howtos, escreveram o
patch, etc etc. Como usuário da Debian, eu procurei sintetizar as
soluções e mostrá-las ao pessoal para que decidissem a melhor forma de
terem um sistema X com acentuação.

Um abraço

wwwofle and netscape (under win$)

1999-09-17 Thread Jean-Yves Barbier

I have installed wwwofle on my server, but verytime I tryied to setup netscape
under win$ with the proxy address, at the first (re)load of a page, I'm thrown
out of win$ (returning directly to boot!).

Any idea???

Jean-Yves Barbier   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Membre fondateur du CGE
La mort n'est, en definitive, que le resultat d'un manque d'education
puisqu'elle est la consequence d'un manque de savoir vivre. P. DAC
Boycott Intel, watch:

Re: Couldn't update dpkg (works now)

1999-09-17 Thread Patrik Magnusson
 Or, from dselect, hold dpkg.  Upgrade.  Unhold dpkg. Upgrade.
 Worked fine for me.

Actually I had to: hold dpkg, install, unhold dpkg + hold dpkg-dev, install,
unhold dpkg-dev, install.

But I'm fine now.

Thanks to you and Adam Powell and Seth Arnold who also responded.


lprng probs.

1999-09-17 Thread Dave Dash
I keep getting this error:

dd:~# dpkg -i debs/l/lprng_3.6.8-2_i386.deb
Selecting previously deselected package lprng.
(Reading database ... 50046 files and directories
currently installed.)
Unpacking lprng (from debs/l/lprng_3.6.8-2_i386.deb)
Setting up lprng (3.6.8-2) ...
Starting printer spooler: dpkg: error processing lprng
 subprocess post-installation script returned error
exit status 35
Errors were encountered while processing:

the newer lprng will not let me use my remote printer
propperly (I have to specify it by doing
[EMAIL PROTECTED] lest it assume it's a local printer).

The newer lprng will still give me this error anyway.

Dave Dash
Do You Yahoo!?
Bid and sell for free at

Re: Apache+PHP3

1999-09-17 Thread Marcin Owsiany
On Thu, Sep 16, 1999 at 04:44:21PM +0700, Usef Saiful Ulum wrote:
 Hi there,
 I have installed Apache 1.3.9 with PHP3:
 # tar xvzf apache_1.3.9.tar.gz
 # tar xvzf php-3.0.12.tar.gz
 # cd apache_1.3.9
 # ./configure --prefix=apache-install-dir
 # cd ../php-3.0.12
 # ./configure --with-mysql=path-to-mysql-src
   --with-apache=../apache_1.3.9 --enable-track-vars
 # make; make install
 # cd ../apache_1.3.9
 # ./configure --prefix=apache-install-dir
 # make

err... shouldn't it be make  make install instead?

 # cd ../php-3.0.12
 # cp php3.ini-dist /usr/local/lib/php3.ini
 The problem is: I didn't get any files on  apache-install-dir ???
 # ls -al apache-install-dir
 total 0
 How this could be, and how to solve the problem?

hope this helps



Marcin Owsiany

Re: installing debian

1999-09-17 Thread Marcin Owsiany
On Thu, Sep 16, 1999 at 09:12:41PM +0200, Tino van Uffelen wrote:
 I want to try and install debian. As I have a rather old computer (i486, 4mb
 ram and 60 mb Hard disk), I don't think I have room for both dos/windows and
 linux so I want to remove dos completely first. This means I don't have
 anything to fall back on when installing linux doesn't work. Could you
 please advise as what to do and which debian packages I should install.
 I have read the intallation guide to debian/linux. So I think I am
 comfortable with the first few steps. But what then.
 I've read that on a computer as old as mine, debian version 1.3.2 will work
 a bit quicker then the latest version, so I am intending to install that

If I were you, I would install 2.1.
I think the small performance boost isn't comparable to the bugfixes made
since 1.3.

Just a thought

 Will debian/linux partition my harddrive to my needs (I don't have a clou as
 to how to do that!)

I don't think it will do it without your help :)
But don't worry, it's simple when you use the cfdisk tool!
If I were in your shoes, I would just wipe all the partitions existing
and then make a 16 MB swap partition (you have to change the type) and a
linux partition from what is left. Also activate the linux partition (mark
it as bootable)
Probably making just one linux partition and then adding a swap file instead
of a swap partition would be better on such small disk, but this requires
some hand tweaking:
after the first reboot, when the installation process wants to start
dselect, switch to another virtual terminal (Alt-F2), log in as root and
issue the following commands:

dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile bs=1048576 count=n
(put number of megabytes of swap in place of n)
mkswap /swapfile
chmod 600 /swapfile
swapon /swapfile

if you want the swap to be activated every boot (if you are not sure, then
you want :)) you also should do:

echo /swapfile none swap swap  /etc/fstab

after the swapon command above

now, if for any reason you want more disk space just do:
swapoff /swapfile
rm /swapfile

and repeat the above commands with another amount of megabytes (no need to
repeat the echo command)
NOTE: changing the size of swap partition is impossible without deleting whole

 I want to use my computer as a simple wordprocessor (maybe something
 compareble to works for windows 3.0??? a bit wordprocessor, a bit database
 and a bit spreadsheet.), nothing fancy and I want to be able to surf the
 internet, send and receive e-mail, and make my own webpages.

wow! you will probably need a larger hard drive if you want to do all of
Recently I have installed an unstable version of Debian with the following:
1) X (including only 1 Xserver, xterm, icewm as a window manager and Polish
2) Netscape Navigator
3) Myslq database server and client
4) apache Web server
5) PHP3
6) wget, MidnightCommander and joe - an editor

and it all took some 130 MB

Even not counting apache and PHP3 it will be hard for you to do all the
tasks you want with only 60 MB minus swap size of disk...

but again, I may be wrong



Marcin Owsiany

Re: System slows to REAL slug on boot

1999-09-17 Thread Marcin Owsiany
On Wed, Sep 15, 1999 at 09:53:01PM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm having problems with my system on rebooting to a new kernel.  I don't 
 what is causing the problem, and have found nothing yet in the archives about 
 similar circumstances. The new kernel is 2.2.9, the old was 2.0.36.
 Once on reboot the system halted while starting lpd.  Another time on gpm,
 which seemed to respond to a ^X.  All times, though, things ground down to a

[cut a description of system sluggishness]

 Are there incompatibilities between slink and potato which need to be
 managed?  Especially with respect to networking or other daemons, which I
 may encounter on this upgrade?  Is this sluggishness possibly due to the
 dhcp client, which is said to not work with the 2.2 kernels (though it seems
 to, here)??
 Anyone else see this kind of behavior??  Any thoughts??  Would it help if I
 got a list of the file names in /etc/init.d to list services in place?

I would say something is eating up your resources so much you can't log in.
I would boot system into emergency or single mode and try switching off some
services and see if it/what helps... dhcpd would be number 1.

just a thought



Marcin Owsiany

Re: mutt questions

1999-09-17 Thread Wayne Topa

Subject: Re: mutt questions
Date: Thu, Sep 16, 1999 at 11:14:40AM -0700

In reply to:Mark Wagnon

Quoting Mark Wagnon([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 On Wed 09/15/99 12:11PM, Shao Zhang wrote:
   2) How do I define a default 'save to' folder?
  save-hook '~A' your-default-folder
 I've never saved my out-going email while I've used mutt (most of my
 posts are to mailing lists and usenet, so I can always get a copy
 when I need one), but this thread had inspired me to try to get a
 default folder set up for out-going email. I've tried 
   save-hook '~A' your-default-folder
   save-hook mutt +mutt.`date +%m%y`
As I was gilty of posting the line
NOTE the ?

# next puts mutt mail in dated monthly folders ???
save-hook mutt  +mutt.`date +%m%y`

i just checked my .muttrc again and found what I 'should'
have posted

set record=+sent-mail-`date +%Y-%m`

This 'is' the line used to save my mail, not the one I posted while in
a rush.


I wish life had a scroll back buffer.

Re: System slows to REAL slug on boot

1999-09-17 Thread kvaughan
On Fri, Sep 17, 1999 at 12:55:04AM +0200, Marcin Owsiany wrote:
 On Wed, Sep 15, 1999 at 09:53:01PM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I'm having problems with my system on rebooting to a new kernel.  I don't 
  what is causing the problem, and have found nothing yet in the archives 
  Anyone else see this kind of behavior??  Any thoughts??  Would it help if I
  got a list of the file names in /etc/init.d to list services in place?
 I would say something is eating up your resources so much you can't log in.
 I would boot system into emergency or single mode and try switching off some
 services and see if it/what helps... dhcpd would be number 1.

Thanks Marcin.  I have already tried changing the dhclient (ISC) to dhcpcd
1.3 and still had the same slowdown.  

Is 2.2.9 known to be an ugly kernel w.r.t. networking or other??

When suggesting that services be switched off, do you mean to remove them
fron init.d?  My own approach to this has been to modify the names of the
daemons so the script fails... make sense?  

Rookie question--how can I boot into single user mode... can that be done at
the LILO prompt?



Re: mutt questions

1999-09-17 Thread Mark Wagnon
On Thu 09/16/99 04:54PM, Wayne Topa wrote:
 i just checked my .muttrc again and found what I 'should'
 have posted
 set record=+sent-mail-`date +%Y-%m`
 This 'is' the line used to save my mail, not the one I posted while in
 a rush.
Excellent! That works like a charm. Now I'm happy :)

 (   __   _
Mark Wagnon   ) Debian GNU/ -o) / /  (_)__  __   __
Chula Vista, CA  (  /\\/ /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ) _\_v/_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\

Re: Apache+PHP3

1999-09-17 Thread Seth R Arnold
On Fri, Sep 17, 1999 at 12:47:02AM +0200, Marcin Owsiany wrote:
 On Thu, Sep 16, 1999 at 04:44:21PM +0700, Usef Saiful Ulum wrote:
  # make; make install
 err... shouldn't it be make  make install instead?

The  means execute the next one only if this one worked. If you really
trust the source, make ; make install works fine. If you are not so sure it
will compile, make  make install might save some headaches by preventing
a not-fully-compiled program from being installed.

Unfortunatly, it is unlikely to help Usef directly in this case, though it
*is* good practice. :)

Seth Arnold |
Hate spam? See for help
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your ~/.signature to help me spread!

Re: emacs or xemacs ?

1999-09-17 Thread Miles Bader
Jan Vroonhof [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Even if selfishness were a proper descriptions of motivations of
 previous XEmacs maintainers (which it isn't)

Perhaps that is too strong; I suspect the original problem was simply
laziness.  But it still pulled a major wedgy on the emacs community.

 then may I remark that almost all of the people who work on XEmacs in
 some major way have copyright assignments on file at the FSF and
 people who contribute to XEmacs are all encouraged to do so (although
 it is not a requirement).

No doubt the current maintainers are all-around great guys, but bad
tastes tend to linger, no matter how spotless the current reality.


Love is a snowmobile racing across the tundra.  Suddenly it flips over,
pinning you underneath.  At night the ice weasels come.  --Nietzsche

Re: What happened to /usr/sbin/in.ftpd?

1999-09-17 Thread Kristopher Johnson
Dpk wrote:
 I believe they are starting to seperate programs previously included
 in netstd into their own packages.
 apt-get install ftpd

Thanks.  I figured it had been moved, but couldn't find where.

The description for ftpd recommends to use wu-ftpd or proftpd
instead.  My needs are very simple--I just want a way to transfer
files between my PC and work or a few friends.  I'm not running a
major ftp site.  Can anyone advise me as to which ftp server is
easier to set up and use?

- Kris

Token Ring Driver Question

1999-09-17 Thread Ryan McKinney

Greetings All,

I have been trying to get some of my old Token Ring cards to
work with Linux, but I can't get the Kernal to recognize the

I've searched everywhere I could think of, looking for a linux
driver, to no avail.

Any suggestions or advice are welcome.

Card Info:
Thomas Conrad
TC4145 16/4 Mb 8/16 Bit ISA NIC


Get Your Private, Free Email at

Re: What happened to /usr/sbin/in.ftpd?

1999-09-17 Thread Seth R Arnold
On Thu, Sep 16, 1999 at 09:15:42PM -0400, Kristopher Johnson wrote:
 The description for ftpd recommends to use wu-ftpd or proftpd
 instead.  My needs are very simple--I just want a way to transfer
 files between my PC and work or a few friends.  I'm not running a
 major ftp site.  Can anyone advise me as to which ftp server is
 easier to set up and use?

ProFTPd comes basically working out of the box. Its config file is very
easy, (I haven't tried wu_ftpd, but it has historically had many security
bugs in it... I don't know how it is these days. The recent spat of security
bugs in ProFTPd have always been patched and released within hours
(minutes? :) by the debian maintainer ([EMAIL PROTECTED] :) There is a bit
of a hint that there might still be a security bug lurking in proftpd, but
the bug-finder said more details in a few days. shrug

Seth Arnold |
Hate spam? See for help
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your ~/.signature to help me spread!

HELP buttons are useless!!

1999-09-17 Thread John Foster
Is there some reason that the HELP buttons on all Linux applications do
not really serve up helpful info. The only thing they seem to do is
provide info about the authors. That seems like it should be maybe a
drop down menu item. HELP buttons should pull up helpful info or at
least connect to the man or info page. This should be mandatory before
an application is included in a stable release. Just my opinion, if any
developers are watching. 
John Foster
AdVance-Computing Systems
ICQ# 19460173

ICE-WM desktop icons question

1999-09-17 Thread John Foster
I am running ice-wm with gnome as my desktop. When I first installed it,
I could move the icons around with the cursor and they stayed where I
put them, now they all are locked in place and I can not move them. I'm
sure I did it, but I don't know when or how. I'm somewhat new to gnome
so anyone with experience please try to shed a little light.
John Foster
AdVance-Computing Systems
ICQ# 19460173

Re: spreadsheet (excel, WingzPro)

1999-09-17 Thread rich
I remember reading today / yesterday that someone had problems with
Wingz on a 48MB system... I just downloaded both Wingz and WingzPro,
installed them in under 5 minutes and both run very smoothly and quickly
on my 32MB 200Mhz Pentium I running Slink... The Excel and HTML import /
export functions seem to work flawlessly... Gnumeric (at least the
version packaged for Slink) has a LONG way to go before it comes close
to this (excel compatiblity is very nice when your colleagues all work
w/ macs or windows)... I too did not see a shareware request for $50
(but haven't poured over the docs yet - maybe it's hidden somewhere)...
I also haven't really been able to tell the difference between the Wingz
and the Pro versions

Just my 2 cents on a seemingly pretty cool program (so far, anyway)

Regex and memory gone.. was Re: spreadsheet (excel, WingzPro)

1999-09-17 Thread kvaughan
On Thu, Sep 16, 1999 at 10:52:17PM -0500, rich wrote:
 I remember reading today / yesterday that someone had problems with
 Wingz on a 48MB system... I just downloaded both Wingz and WingzPro,
 installed them in under 5 minutes and both run very smoothly and quickly
 on my 32MB 200Mhz Pentium I running Slink... The Excel and HTML import /
 export functions seem to work flawlessly... Gnumeric (at least the

Ah, that was me.  Perhaps I set it up wrong?  Wingz complined about not
having libg++27 and libstdc++27.  Was I wrong to soft-link and ldconfig the
libg++2.7.2 and libstdc++2.7.2 libs to these?  

The complaints then vanished and I then got the memory exhausted error from 


Re: mc not working (?)

1999-09-17 Thread Ed Cogburn
Patrik Magnusson wrote:
 In article [EMAIL PROTECTED],
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jens Carsten Hansen) writes:
  Hi, I use mc frequently ( also to edit textfiles, I'm not a vi guy ), but
  recently it stopped working.
 Try 'mc.real'.

Better yet, modify the /usr/bin/mc script to change the reference
to mc to mc.real.  Right now the mc script is referring to
itself, when it should be calling the real binary; thats the

 It gives out some error-messages:
 params.c:OpenConfFile() - Unable to open configuration file /etc/smb.conf:
 No such file or directory
 Can't load /etc/smb.conf - run testparm to debug it
 load_client_codepage: filename /usr/lib/codepages/codepage.850 does not exist.
 But it seems to be working fine. (I haven't checked that hard.)

Ed C.

Debian Progress and iBCS

1999-09-17 Thread Mike Barton
Hi all!

I have Debian 2.1 running with the default 2.0.36 kernel. iBCS for 2.0.36
isn't available as a *.deb so I Debinized an iBCS Redhat RPM and installed
it. After moving things around to the proper directories,
modprobe iBCS
seems to work as far as I and lsmod know. However, trying to run _progres
produces a segmentation fault. I have this version of Progress running on
Debian 2.0 with a 2.0.33 kernel since there is an iBCS.deb for that kernel.
I suspect I'm missing some SCO libs but, from looking at the two machines, I
can't figure out what the differences are. The Progress version is 5.2 for
SCO. The SCO box is going to be retired along with the OS as soon as I can
get Progress running on the new Debian 2.1 box.

Any comments, leads or othr help very much appreciated...

Re: Another Dselect cockup 2

1999-09-17 Thread Ed Cogburn
Paul wrote:
 Hello Dean and Brad
 Thanks for the help, it seems to have worked. The original trouble was,
 and still is that in order to get a number of applications (Wordperfect,
 WindowMaker etc) working I`ve installed a mixture of libraries,some of
 which just don`t get on together.At least according to deselect. However
 now I`ve restored dselect to a functional state I can hopefully sort
 these conflicts out one at a time. Fortunately Dean I didn`t proceed
 with the choices which would have destroyed my system, mainly because of
 the dire warnings given me  by dselect at the time.
 Paul Walton

I'm not aware of WindowMaker requiring any old, compatible libs
to work.  WP does need the old libc5 and two other old libs
(xpm4.7 and libc++ something or other, been a long time).  This
libs are in the oldlibs section in dselect's display.  These
libs are safe to have with newer libs on same system (let dselect
install them), they should not be giving you any trouble.
If you are trying to use the WP demo from the Corel website, be
aware that the WP demo is time limited; it will self destruct in a
little while.  Of course, if you are using the purchased version,
then ignore my ramblings.

Ed C.

Re: Regex and memory gone.. was Re: spreadsheet (excel, WingzPro)

1999-09-17 Thread kvaughan
On Thu, Sep 16, 1999 at 06:31:32PM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Ah, that was me.  Perhaps I set it up wrong?  Wingz complined about not
 having libg++27 and libstdc++27.  Was I wrong to soft-link and ldconfig the
 libg++2.7.2 and libstdc++2.7.2 libs to these?  

Sorry, I meant and linked to and


getting dhcpcd to use MY hostname??

1999-09-17 Thread kvaughan
I am frustrated with trying to use dhcpcd... after it hooks up with our
network, my machine becomes UNKNOWN_27 instead of kvaughan.  The hostname is
correctly set up if I keep dhcpcd from starting up.  Can someone tell me how
to fix this?  I've even tried using HOSTNAME='cat /etc/hostname' in the
init.d script, as suggested in the how-to, with no luck.



Re: getting dhcpcd to use MY hostname??

1999-09-17 Thread Seth R Arnold
I think the _right_ fix is asking your admins to add hostnames to their
dhcp config files... as for what you can do, well... could you run a cron
script every five minutes, or everyminute?

On Thu, Sep 16, 1999 at 07:10:32PM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am frustrated with trying to use dhcpcd... after it hooks up with our
 network, my machine becomes UNKNOWN_27 instead of kvaughan.  The hostname is
 correctly set up if I keep dhcpcd from starting up.  Can someone tell me how
 to fix this?  I've even tried using HOSTNAME='cat /etc/hostname' in the
 init.d script, as suggested in the how-to, with no luck.
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Seth Arnold |
Hate spam? See for help
Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into
your ~/.signature to help me spread!

correct way to move /usr to a new partition...

1999-09-17 Thread rich
Howdy all,

I have decided that I need more room for my Slink system... my 1GB linux
partition that stores my entire system is now over 80% full... I was
thinking of using another empty 1GB partition (/dev/hdb1 - currently
mounted as /linux2a) for /usr. My thinking is:

1. as root, cp -r -p /usr /linux2a
2. change fstab to mount /dev/hdb1 as /usr (with options set to
defaults, errors=remount -ro ???)
3. rm /usr
4. mount -a

My question is, will I get screwed somehow, or is this the correct way
to do it?

Thanks in advance,


Re: correct way to move /usr to a new partition...

1999-09-17 Thread William T Wilson
On Fri, 17 Sep 1999, rich wrote:

 I have decided that I need more room for my Slink system... my 1GB linux

Didn't we just do this one? :}

First go to single user mode.  It is probably not necessary but won't

 1. as root, cp -r -p /usr /linux2a

The correct sequence is:

cd /usr
tar cf - . | (cd /linux2a; tar xvf - )

cp gets things subtly wrong from time to time.  That includes sparse
files, device files and pipes, and hard links.  You probably won't
encounter any of these on /usr (although you might!).  But why do it wrong
when you can do it right?

 2. change fstab to mount /dev/hdb1 as /usr (with options set to
 defaults, errors=remount -ro ???)

You should use the same mount options that you have for /usr currently.  I
see no reason why this process should generate filesystem errors.

 3. rm /usr

This will not work.  You want 'umount /usr'.  You'll have to be in the /
directory to do that and you can't have any processes running that are
using any directory under /usr as their current directory, or which have
any files open on that partition.  You can use 'fuser' to determine which
processes are using the /usr partition.  In practice it may be simpler to
reboot at this point.

 4. mount -a

ok.  That should work. :}

when must I reboot?

1999-09-17 Thread Rob Mahurin
I'm a little curious as to under exactly what circumstances a reboot
is actually necessary.  I know a reboot is necessary to load a new
kernel and that the power inside the box must be off to install or
remove internal hardware --- are there any other times when a reboot
is not optional?

For example, you can plug and unplug an idle printer without any
difficulty.  I've heard that if you shut down gpm and X and any other
rodent-listening programs you can also change the mouse without any
problems.  I'm guessing there's a way to do this with the keyboard or
the monitor, if maybe you could remotely shut down the console or
something.  I think you can do an init 1 to get into single-user and
do single-user things without losing uptime, even repartition a disk
if you're brave.  (I might try this in a couple of weeks and thought
it would be a cool thing to tell my winfriends (and also my
unixfriends) that I did without rebooting.)  

I don't intend to try all of these things (I like my peripherals,
thanks).  I'm just curious: when is a hardware reboot absolutely


Eat right, stay fit, and die anyway.

Re: when must I reboot?

1999-09-17 Thread William T Wilson
On Fri, 17 Sep 1999, Rob Mahurin wrote:

 I'm a little curious as to under exactly what circumstances a reboot
 is actually necessary.  I know a reboot is necessary to load a new

Internal hardware and kernel changes.

 difficulty.  I've heard that if you shut down gpm and X and any other
 rodent-listening programs you can also change the mouse without any
 problems.  I'm guessing there's a way to do this with the keyboard or
 the monitor, if maybe you could remotely shut down the console or

You can do this with anything that plugs into the back, except SCSI, I
think (and that would probably work too if you unloaded the driver for
your SCSI card first).  I have my mouse, monitor, and keyboard on a switch
box so they can control two computers.  As a result they're only plugged
in to one computer at a time.  Works fine.  You don't need to reboot or in
fact do anything special at all to change ethernet and/or telephone
cables.  Multimedia cables likewise.  I don't know about USB, but it
probably works too.  Most stuff is pretty flexible about this sort of

 something.  I think you can do an init 1 to get into single-user and
 do single-user things without losing uptime, even repartition a disk

Right.  Repartitioning a disk is tricky.  It's not really safe to
repartition your boot disk without rebooting.  Others are fine.  The boot
disk is fine most of the time too, given that you don't change your root

Re: correct way to move /usr to a new partition...

1999-09-17 Thread Seth R Arnold
On Fri, Sep 17, 1999 at 12:10:49AM -0500, rich wrote:
 Howdy all,
 I have decided that I need more room for my Slink system... my 1GB linux
 partition that stores my entire system is now over 80% full... I was
 thinking of using another empty 1GB partition (/dev/hdb1 - currently
 mounted as /linux2a) for /usr. My thinking is:
 1. as root, cp -r -p /usr /linux2a
 2. change fstab to mount /dev/hdb1 as /usr (with options set to
 defaults, errors=remount -ro ???)
 3. rm /usr

I am more cautious -- I would rename /usr to /old_usr rather than delete it.
No need to paint yourself into a corner you can avoid.. delete it after a
few days of it running perfectly. :)

 4. mount -a
 My question is, will I get screwed somehow, or is this the correct way
 to do it?

You may wish to use cpio or tar instead of cp. I have heard cp isn't great
at copying files. (hehe :)  (the normal reason for cpio or tar instead is
the wierd filetypes -- but cp does some wierdness with sparse files, right?

Seth Arnold |
Hate spam? See for help
Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into
your ~/.signature to help me spread!

Re: correct way to move /usr to a new partition...

1999-09-17 Thread Seth R Arnold
On Fri, Sep 17, 1999 at 01:39:44AM -0400, William T Wilson wrote:
 On Fri, 17 Sep 1999, rich wrote:
  I have decided that I need more room for my Slink system... my 1GB linux
 Didn't we just do this one? :}
 First go to single user mode.  It is probably not necessary but won't
  1. as root, cp -r -p /usr /linux2a
 The correct sequence is:
 cd /usr
 tar cf - . | (cd /linux2a; tar xvf - )

You can get away without p on that second tar?? I would rather use:
tar cf - . | (cd /linux2a  tar xvfp - )

 cp gets things subtly wrong from time to time.  That includes sparse
 files, device files and pipes, and hard links.  You probably won't
 encounter any of these on /usr (although you might!).  But why do it wrong
 when you can do it right?
  2. change fstab to mount /dev/hdb1 as /usr (with options set to
  defaults, errors=remount -ro ???)
 You should use the same mount options that you have for /usr currently.  I
 see no reason why this process should generate filesystem errors.
  3. rm /usr
 This will not work.  You want 'umount /usr'.  You'll have to be in the /
 directory to do that and you can't have any processes running that are
 using any directory under /usr as their current directory, or which have
 any files open on that partition.  You can use 'fuser' to determine which
 processes are using the /usr partition.  In practice it may be simpler to
 reboot at this point.
  4. mount -a
 ok.  That should work. :}
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Seth Arnold |
Hate spam? See for help
Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into
your ~/.signature to help me spread!

Re: when must I reboot?

1999-09-17 Thread Aaron Solochek
USB should be fine, it was designed so that you could just plug something into 
it and
be ready to go. However you are not supposed to mess with ps/2 while the 
is on... That really doesn't stop me, sometimes nothing happens, sometimes the
machine reboots...

-Aaron Solochek

William T Wilson wrote:

 On Fri, 17 Sep 1999, Rob Mahurin wrote:

  I'm a little curious as to under exactly what circumstances a reboot
  is actually necessary.  I know a reboot is necessary to load a new

 Internal hardware and kernel changes.

  difficulty.  I've heard that if you shut down gpm and X and any other
  rodent-listening programs you can also change the mouse without any
  problems.  I'm guessing there's a way to do this with the keyboard or
  the monitor, if maybe you could remotely shut down the console or

 You can do this with anything that plugs into the back, except SCSI, I
 think (and that would probably work too if you unloaded the driver for
 your SCSI card first).  I have my mouse, monitor, and keyboard on a switch
 box so they can control two computers.  As a result they're only plugged
 in to one computer at a time.  Works fine.  You don't need to reboot or in
 fact do anything special at all to change ethernet and/or telephone
 cables.  Multimedia cables likewise.  I don't know about USB, but it
 probably works too.  Most stuff is pretty flexible about this sort of

  something.  I think you can do an init 1 to get into single-user and
  do single-user things without losing uptime, even repartition a disk

 Right.  Repartitioning a disk is tricky.  It's not really safe to
 repartition your boot disk without rebooting.  Others are fine.  The boot
 disk is fine most of the time too, given that you don't change your root

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: correct way to move /usr to a new partition...

1999-09-17 Thread William T Wilson
On Thu, 16 Sep 1999, Seth R Arnold wrote:

 You can get away without p on that second tar?? I would rather use:

uhm... no.  I stand corrected. :}

Re: when must I reboot?

1999-09-17 Thread William T Wilson
On Fri, 17 Sep 1999, Aaron Solochek wrote:

 USB should be fine, it was designed so that you could just plug
 something into it and be ready to go. However you are not supposed
 to mess with ps/2 while the computer is on... That really doesn't stop
 me, sometimes nothing happens, sometimes the machine reboots...

The machine will only reboot if you accidentally touch one of the signal
or voltage pins to ground, which is very possible to do with a PS/2
connector.  :}

It's true that you're not supposed to mess with PS/2 connectors while the
machine is running, but I for the life of me cannot explain why.  Other
than the keyboard being confused as to which lights (num lock, etc.) are
supposed to be lit, I have never suffered any ill effects.  And even that
goes away the first time you actually press one of those keys...

Re: when must I reboot?

1999-09-17 Thread Jon Leonard
On Fri, Sep 17, 1999 at 02:29:38AM -0400, William T Wilson wrote:
 On Fri, 17 Sep 1999, Aaron Solochek wrote:
  USB should be fine, it was designed so that you could just plug
  something into it and be ready to go. However you are not supposed
  to mess with ps/2 while the computer is on... That really doesn't stop
  me, sometimes nothing happens, sometimes the machine reboots...
 The machine will only reboot if you accidentally touch one of the signal
 or voltage pins to ground, which is very possible to do with a PS/2
 connector.  :}
 It's true that you're not supposed to mess with PS/2 connectors while the
 machine is running, but I for the life of me cannot explain why.  Other
 than the keyboard being confused as to which lights (num lock, etc.) are
 supposed to be lit, I have never suffered any ill effects.  And even that
 goes away the first time you actually press one of those keys...

In contrast, I've killed a computer (requiring a new motherboard) by
hot-swapping a PS/2-style mouse.

It is a stress on the system -- most of the time you'll get away with it,
sometimes it weakens it, and sometimes stuff can break.  Don't hot-swap
stuff unless the documentation says it'll work, or you're willing to fix it.

I think the actual mechanism for damage a mix of overcurrent leading to
electromigration and overheating.  You'd have to check with an
autority on chip reliability to be sure.

Jon Leonard

Re: Known Windows 98 and Linux partition problems

1999-09-17 Thread John
Ill second that, a copy of the partition table has saved me on a number of 
AS LONG as you have not formatted.

Particularly with certain predatory operating systems :)

Richard E. Hawkins wrote:

 noah noted,
  As you can imagine, I quickly ran out of space on the Win98 partition, so,
  using Linux's fdisk, I created a new FAT partition.  Then I booted to
  Win98 and formatted this new partition.  Windows was fine with this.

  When I rebooted to Linux, all the logical partitions were gone, and the
  extended partition had really screwed up attributes.  ARGH!  I was able to
  use the gpart program to scan the disk for ext2 superblocks and rescue a
  couple of the partitions, but not all of them.  So, it seems to me that
  Win98 must have all its partitions in place and formatted before Linux is
  installed...I think.  Maybe Win98 will always screw up extended
  partitions, not just when it's used to format them.

 I'vehad a couple of catastrophesthat have hammered partition tables.
 I've found that if I create new partitions in the exact same places, I
 get my data back.  It's useful to have an fdisk printout of your
 configuration around.

 Also, if you partitioned with cfdisk during setup, you may need to
 use it to create those partitions--I've seen sligthly different
 behavior from them, and haven't been always been able to recreate cfdisk
 partitions with fdisk



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Re: when must I reboot?

1999-09-17 Thread Seth R Arnold
On Fri, Sep 17, 1999 at 02:00:39AM -0400, Rob Mahurin wrote:
 I'm a little curious as to under exactly what circumstances a reboot
 is actually necessary.  I know a reboot is necessary to load a new
 kernel and that the power inside the box must be off to install or
 remove internal hardware --- are there any other times when a reboot
 is not optional?

Well, sometimes scsi scanners get finicky and the system needs a reboot. Oh
yeah, ps/2 mice. If that comes unplugged, the machine needs a reboot for
that to work.

Anyone else? :)

 For example, you can plug and unplug an idle printer without any
 difficulty.  I've heard that if you shut down gpm and X and any other
 rodent-listening programs you can also change the mouse without any
 problems.  I'm guessing there's a way to do this with the keyboard or
 the monitor, if maybe you could remotely shut down the console or
 something.  I think you can do an init 1 to get into single-user and
 do single-user things without losing uptime, even repartition a disk
 if you're brave.  (I might try this in a couple of weeks and thought
 it would be a cool thing to tell my winfriends (and also my
 unixfriends) that I did without rebooting.)  
 I don't intend to try all of these things (I like my peripherals,
 thanks).  I'm just curious: when is a hardware reboot absolutely
 Eat right, stay fit, and die anyway.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Seth Arnold |
Hate spam? See for help
Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into
your ~/.signature to help me spread!

My mails don't show up on linux.debian.user.

1999-09-17 Thread Patrik Magnusson
For about a week now, the mails I've sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
haven't shown up on the newsgroup. I have seen replies to my
mails there though.
I'm not subscribed to the mailinglist as I prefer reading the 

Has there been some change of policy recently?


I pieced together an XF86Config. Rock-solid, but I'm scared!

1999-09-17 Thread John Miskinis


As some of you, I have recently installed debian 2.1 on my Thinkpad 560.  I 
have tried MANY of the XF86Config files on the net, but I

could not arrive at one that worked flicker-free on my 800x600
dual scan screen.  Light grays would have wavy lines, etc.

SO, I have pieced together one that works rock solid, but I am
not sure how to tell if the setting will damage my video card
or display.  The IBM 560 Technical Reference does not mention any
frequency specs for the LCD, only external monitor usage.

So, I started playing around.  One modeline setting I tried
was flicker free, but unless I used the no_accel option, it
would leave a couple dots wrong on the screen.  But when I used
the no_accel option it would REALLY slow it down.

The one I am using now, I put together after many trials and errors,
using a mix of frequencies works GREAT, but I am a little scared that
I might damage my screen.

Is there a definative way to find out?  This is what I am most worried
about.  I believe the 28.32 was changed from 40.0...

Modeline  800x60028.32 800 848 1000 1056 600 605 607 633 +hsync +vsync

Many thanks for any info.  By the way Eterm is REALLY COOL!


Get Your Private, Free Email at

xt gtkglarea

1999-09-17 Thread Art Lemasters
xt needs gtkglarea, but gtkglarea is not available.  Will
gtkglarea4 work well enough with xt?  ;-)


Re: emacs or xemacs ?

1999-09-17 Thread Johann Spies
On Wed, 15 Sep 1999, Rob Mahurin wrote:

 On Tue, Sep 14, 1999 at 07:32:22PM -0400, Kristopher Johnson wrote:
  I honestly don't mean to start a holy war here, but I'd like to
  know:  Is there anyone who prefers Emacs to XEmacs, and why?
 I use emacs when I'm in a text terminal (like right now) because I
 haven't figured out how to use Xemacs' menus from the text terminal
 and some of the functions of Xemacs (e.g., syntax highlighting) seem
 inaccessible without mouse access to the proper menus.  

I started to use xemacs for my latex work because emacs and auctex (at
least on slink) has some sort of bug which causes the ``quotation'' marks
not to work correctly as soon as you work on a file which already exists.

On a tty screen I still use emacs20 because xemacs's behaviour involving
the backspace and delete keys is giving me problems in that environment.
I would prefer to use emacs all the time if it was not for the auctex
problem I am experiencing.


| Johann Spies Windsorlaan 19  |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]3201 Pietermaritzburg |
| Tel/Faks Nr. +27 331-46-1310 Suid-Afrika (South Africa)  |

 Honor the LORD with thy substance, and with the  
  firstfruits of all thine increase; So shall thy barns 
  be filled with plenty, and thy presses shall burst out
  with new wine.  Proverbs 3:9,10 

[OT] How to find the exact time, when the serial data arrived?

1999-09-17 Thread Wojciech Zabolotny
Hi All!

I'm writing an application requiring the exact knowledge of arrival time
of serial data (resolution below 0.1 sec is desired).
Is there any way to arrange it in the standard Linux kernel, or should I
modify the serial driver? (Or even use the RT Linux?)
  Wojciech M. Zabolotny  -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Linux - free OS for free people!

Unix98 ptys

1999-09-17 Thread Seth R Arnold
Hello once again.

aterm requires Unix98 ptys. This is something I know nothing about. All I
know is that they are different from oldstyle pty stuff.

I run 2.0.36 on potato right now. (I am hesitant to upgrade to 2.2.x due to
problems I have had in the past with dhcp I did the 2.0.x to 2.2.x
upgrade manually under SuSE, and things didn't work quite right afterwards.)

Should I go through the steps listed in the aterm's README.Unix98PTY (stolen
from the 2.2.x series of kernels..) to make it work? Will my current Eterms
break? How about rxvt? Console logins?

Should I go through those steps, but after upgrading to 2.2.x? 

Can someone give nice links to detailed info on the Unix98 pty thingy?

thanks. :)

Seth Arnold |
Hate spam? See for help
Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into
your ~/.signature to help me spread!

sound under 2.2.x

1999-09-17 Thread Seth R Arnold
(This is a sort-of unrelated email, so it gets its own thread. :)

When I upgraded from 2.0.37 under SuSE to 2.2.6, I had to change a few
things, but sound worked still. When 2.2.7 was released, I upgraded, and
sound promptly broke. The prevailing wisdom at the time said 2.2.7 had some
very drastic memory fragmentation issues, and the sound driver required
larger chunks of memory than the fragmented memory could offer. (I saw a
summary of this fragmentation, (and lack of, under 2.2.6) using the magic
sysrq key..)

Would someone please confirm or deny that the latest 2.2.x plays sounds
quite nicely? And, would someone please confirm or deny that the latest
2.2.x no longer munges up filesystems? I would like to upgrade to 2.2.x (no
real reason, it just seems cooler. :) but I would like to avoid the trouble
I had the last time I did it. (I even followed the Changes suggestions for
everything except NFS -- which I don't use..)

Thanks. :)

Seth Arnold |
Hate spam? See for help
Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into
your ~/.signature to help me spread!

Re: sound under 2.2.x

1999-09-17 Thread Ingo Reimann
HI Seth,

I have nice sound with my AWE64 under OSS/Lite and ALSA, even with Wavetables 
Kernel 2.2.12, still SuSE6.1, ready to become Deb 2.1...



Seth R Arnold wrote:

 (This is a sort-of unrelated email, so it gets its own thread. :)

 When I upgraded from 2.0.37 under SuSE to 2.2.6, I had to change a few
 things, but sound worked still. When 2.2.7 was released, I upgraded, and
 sound promptly broke. The prevailing wisdom at the time said 2.2.7 had some
 very drastic memory fragmentation issues, and the sound driver required
 larger chunks of memory than the fragmented memory could offer. (I saw a
 summary of this fragmentation, (and lack of, under 2.2.6) using the magic
 sysrq key..)

 Would someone please confirm or deny that the latest 2.2.x plays sounds
 quite nicely? And, would someone please confirm or deny that the latest
 2.2.x no longer munges up filesystems? I would like to upgrade to 2.2.x (no
 real reason, it just seems cooler. :) but I would like to avoid the trouble
 I had the last time I did it. (I even followed the Changes suggestions for
 everything except NFS -- which I don't use..)

 Thanks. :)

 Seth Arnold |
 Hate spam? See for help
 Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into
 your ~/.signature to help me spread!

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null


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D-48149 Muenster

Re: [OT] How to find the exact time, when the serial data arrived?

1999-09-17 Thread E.L. Meijer \(Eric\)
On Fri, Sep 17, 1999 at 10:14:28AM +0200, Wojciech Zabolotny wrote:
 Hi All!
 I'm writing an application requiring the exact knowledge of arrival time
 of serial data (resolution below 0.1 sec is desired).
 Is there any way to arrange it in the standard Linux kernel, or should I
 modify the serial driver? (Or even use the RT Linux?)

You can use gettimeofday, which returns the time in a struct:

   struct timeval {
   long tv_sec;/* seconds */
   long tv_usec;  /* microseconds */

(see the man page)
I think the real resolution of this is 0.01 seconds.  If that is not
enough, there is high resolution timer device you can compile into the
kernel.  If you look for it in the kernel configuration (make xconfig or
equivalent) you should be able to find it.


 Eindhoven Univ. of Technology
 Lab. for Catalysis and Inorg. Chem. (SKA)


1999-09-17 Thread Paolo Nenzi

Re: System slows to REAL slug on boot

1999-09-17 Thread lexchive
On Thu, Sep 16, 1999 at 02:24:11PM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Rookie question--how can I boot into single user mode... can that be done at
 the LILO prompt?
'linux single' at the lilo prompt. Under some systems this can give you
easy unauthorized root access, too ;-)


Description: PGP signature

Re: System slows to REAL slug on boot

1999-09-17 Thread Marcin Owsiany
On Thu, Sep 16, 1999 at 02:24:11PM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Fri, Sep 17, 1999 at 12:55:04AM +0200, Marcin Owsiany wrote:
  On Wed, Sep 15, 1999 at 09:53:01PM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I'm having problems with my system on rebooting to a new kernel.  I don't 
   what is causing the problem, and have found nothing yet in the archives 
   Anyone else see this kind of behavior??  Any thoughts??  Would it help if 
   got a list of the file names in /etc/init.d to list services in place?
  I would say something is eating up your resources so much you can't log in.
  I would boot system into emergency or single mode and try switching off some
  services and see if it/what helps... dhcpd would be number 1.
 Thanks Marcin.  I have already tried changing the dhclient (ISC) to dhcpcd
 1.3 and still had the same slowdown.  
 Is 2.2.9 known to be an ugly kernel w.r.t. networking or other??

Nothing that i would know of, but again - I'm no guru...

 When suggesting that services be switched off, do you mean to remove them
 fron init.d?  My own approach to this has been to modify the names of the
 daemons so the script fails... make sense?  

I don't know The Right Way to disable init.d scripts.
The proper way seems to be to run update-rc.d with appropiate arguments so
that all the links in rcx.d disappear, but than, to restore them you have to
remember the number (the sequence is important in some places)
Some people chmod -x /etc/init.d/script, but this gives nasty messages at
I personally add a exit 0 line near the top of the /etc/init.d/script...

 Rookie question--how can I boot into single user mode... can that be done at
 the LILO prompt?

single mode: (runs only rcS)
your_kernel_name single

emergency mode: (runs only init, which only runs sulogin, / is ro)
your_kernel_name emergency

hope this helps



Marcin Owsiany

dst cache overflow

1999-09-17 Thread Luis Quintano

Once again with the same problem.
It keeps giving this messages:

dst cache overflow
NET: 7 messages suppressed.
dst cache overflow
NET: 6 messages suppressed.
dst cache overflow
dst cache overflow

Any idea of the causes and/or solutions.

Luis Quintano

Re: Apache+PHP3

1999-09-17 Thread Marcin Owsiany
On Thu, Sep 16, 1999 at 06:02:38PM -0700, Seth R Arnold wrote:
 On Fri, Sep 17, 1999 at 12:47:02AM +0200, Marcin Owsiany wrote:
  On Thu, Sep 16, 1999 at 04:44:21PM +0700, Usef Saiful Ulum wrote:
   # make; make install
  err... shouldn't it be make  make install instead?
 The  means execute the next one only if this one worked. If you really
 trust the source, make ; make install works fine. If you are not so sure it
 will compile, make  make install might save some headaches by preventing
 a not-fully-compiled program from being installed.
 Unfortunatly, it is unlikely to help Usef directly in this case, though it
 *is* good practice. :)

but I'm not saying:
do make  make install   instead of make;make install
do make  make install   instead of just make



Marcin Owsiany

Re: when must I reboot?

1999-09-17 Thread Kenneth Scharf
Regarding the thread about ps2 connectors.

We have a computer here that has ps2 style mouse and kb connectors, and
someone tried to use it with an older kb with an AT connector and an
adaptator.  The adapator  must have be nfg-afu because the computer
wouldn't boot (not even any video!) with the combo pluged in. 
Switching to a real ps2 kb fixed the problem.  The KB was NOT bad, it
still worked on another computer (without the adapator).
Amateur Radio, when all else fails!

Debian Gnu Linux, Live Free or .

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Re: [OT] How to find the exact time, when the serial data arrived?

1999-09-17 Thread Wojciech Zabolotny
On Fri, Sep 17, 1999 at 11:23:29AM +0200, E.L. Meijer Eric wrote:
 On Fri, Sep 17, 1999 at 10:14:28AM +0200, Wojciech Zabolotny wrote:
  Hi All!
  I'm writing an application requiring the exact knowledge of arrival time
  of serial data (resolution below 0.1 sec is desired).
  Is there any way to arrange it in the standard Linux kernel, or should I
  modify the serial driver? (Or even use the RT Linux?)
 You can use gettimeofday, which returns the time in a struct:
struct timeval {
long tv_sec;/* seconds */
long tv_usec;  /* microseconds */
 (see the man page)
 I think the real resolution of this is 0.01 seconds.  If that is not
 enough, there is high resolution timer device you can compile into the
 kernel.  If you look for it in the kernel configuration (make xconfig or
 equivalent) you should be able to find it.

Thanks, but the real problem is that I need to know when the serial data
reaches the port, not when my process receives them :-(.
My process may be suspended and other process may be running, when the data
arrives. The delay may be as long as a few seconds (especially in Debian,
when shortly after switching on, it performs the system scans, updatedb and
similar tasks :-) ).
What I really need is an information when the serial interrupt occured.
Probably it could be done by serious modification of the kernel's serial
driver so, that it would buffer not only the arriving chars, but their
arrival time too. (Or writing the own driver...).
I'd like to have a function like this:
int get_char_with_time(timeval * t);
returning the received char, and writing it's arrival time to the structure

  Wojciech M. Zabolotny  -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Gnu Privacy Guard - protect your mail  data
  with the FREE cryptographic system

Re: #!/Perl question

1999-09-17 Thread David Wright
Quoting Manoj Srivastava ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 Joey == Joey Hess [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
   The following works under more shells (and also is a man page ;-)
 #!/usr/bin/perl -- # -*- Mode: Perl -*- #
 true || eval 'exec perl -S $0 $argv:q';
 eval '(exit $?0)'  eval 'exec perl -S $0 ${1+$@}'
  eval 'exec perl -S $0 $argv:q'
 if $running_under_some_shell;
  Joey Yes, but it doesn't address the orginial problem: It will fail if perl 
  Joey not in /usr/bin.
 Well. Just get rid of the #! line, and it works as expected (I
  really shouyld have caught that).
 See, if not invoked under Perl, the first two lines are shell
  no-ops, and the third line execs Perl.
 I still use parts of the template.
 I remember seeing a program that was legel in 7 languages ...

Nice, but you're all more fortunate than me!

~$ uname -a
SunOS tyne 5.4 Generic_101945-61 sun4m sparc
~$ which perl
~$ cd /usr/bin
/usr/bin$ ls -l perl*
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root other  19 Feb 22  1996 perl - /usr/local/bin/perl
/usr/bin$ cd /usr/local/bin
/usr/local/bin$ ls -l perl*
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root other   9 Jun 20  1997 perl - perl4.036  ===
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root other  339420 Dec 15  1995 perl4.036
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root other  11 Jun 20  1997 perl5 - perl5.00401
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root other  545656 Feb 23  1996 perl5.002
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root other  617948 Jun 20  1997 perl5.00401
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root other   25020 Jun 20  1997 perlbug
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root other   11215 Jun 20  1997 perldoc


Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Tel: +44 1908 653 739  Fax: +44 1908 655 151
Snail:  David Wright, Earth Science Dept., Milton Keynes, England, MK7 6AA
Disclaimer:   These addresses are only for reaching me, and do not signify
official stationery. Views expressed here are either my own or plagiarised.


1999-09-17 Thread Jorge Viana
I didn't manage to install sb16 on linux. I have already run make
menuconfig and make config, the command make clean, and so on. Then
compiling and installing the kernel again. However, i did not even get
an sound.. message in the startup.
I have instaled SuSE 6.1, which i think is Debian, onto a AMD 5x85 with
sb16 value.
As I am not very familiar (yet) on  linux, i would appreciatte if
someone could help me with plain language and full descriptions (i.e.
which commands should i type and where).
Thanks in advance for your help.

Please answer to [EMAIL PROTECTED] or to the from mail adress.

[OT] How to make a critical section in user program?

1999-09-17 Thread Wojciech Zabolotny
Hi All!

I have yet another real time question.
Is it possible to make a part of my program a critical section, so that
during execution of this part of code my program can not be suspended?
I'd like to be able to send a data through the serial port at the known time,
using something like this (CommFd is the comm device descriptor):

timeval tv;
char c=0;

How to do such thing? 
  Wojciech M. Zabolotny  -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Gnu Privacy Guard - protect your mail  data
  with the FREE cryptographic system

Re: small fonts in Netscape packaged with Slink

1999-09-17 Thread Pedro Sanchez
Take a look at

Pedro I. Sanchez


Why is that even though I have both the 75dpi and 100dpi fonts installed
for X windows, Netscape still uses tiny unreadable fonts?

[Fwd: small fonts in Netscape packaged with Slink]

1999-09-17 Thread Pedro Sanchez
Probably even better, see also

which is debian specific.

 Take a look at
 Pedro I. Sanchez
 Why is that even though I have both the 75dpi and 100dpi fonts installed
 for X windows, Netscape still uses tiny unreadable fonts?

Pedro I. Sanchez

Re: X Configuration

1999-09-17 Thread Simon Martin
Thanks Martyn et al.

Creating the mem device worked. I now have X up and running. The next thing is 
to get this geometry thing right...
__ _   Debian GNU User
   / /(_)_ __  _   ___  __   Simon Martin
  / / | | '_ \| | | \ \/ /   Project Manager
 / /__| | | | | |_| |  Isys
 \/_|_| |_|\__,_/_/\_\   mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

'I used to be schizophrenic, but now both of us are all right'

- Original Message - 
From: Martyn Pearce [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Simon Martin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 16 September 1999 15:38
Subject: Fw: X Configuration

 Simon Martin writes:
 | Hi I sent this message a couple of days ago with no answer. It seems
 | like I have a problem with no /dev/mem device. MAKEDEV doesn't know
 | this device so can anyone tell me what the major/minor node numbers
 | are for this device (ls -l /dev/mem should do, unless it is dependant
 | on the memory configuration, etc.)
 I didn't see the question; and can't comment on the implications of no
 /dev/mem... (might be a kernel-generated pseudo device).  But his the
 info. for which you asked...
 [martyn]$ ls -l /dev/mem
 crw-rw   1 root kmem   1,   1 Mar  2  1999 /dev/mem

RE: I pieced together an XF86Config. Rock-solid, but I'm scared

1999-09-17 Thread Bryan Scaringe
Try this.  Check the Models link, towards the top of the page.

On 17-Sep-99 John Miskinis wrote:
 As some of you, I have recently installed debian 2.1 on my Thinkpad 560.  I 
 have tried MANY of the XF86Config files on the net, but I
 could not arrive at one that worked flicker-free on my 800x600
 dual scan screen.  Light grays would have wavy lines, etc.
 SO, I have pieced together one that works rock solid, but I am
 not sure how to tell if the setting will damage my video card
 or display.  The IBM 560 Technical Reference does not mention any
 frequency specs for the LCD, only external monitor usage.
 So, I started playing around.  One modeline setting I tried
 was flicker free, but unless I used the no_accel option, it
 would leave a couple dots wrong on the screen.  But when I used
 the no_accel option it would REALLY slow it down.
 The one I am using now, I put together after many trials and errors,
 using a mix of frequencies works GREAT, but I am a little scared that
 I might damage my screen.
 Is there a definative way to find out?  This is what I am most worried
 about.  I believe the 28.32 was changed from 40.0...
 Modeline  800x60028.32 800 848 1000 1056 600 605 607 633 +hsync +vsync
 Many thanks for any info.  By the way Eterm is REALLY COOL!
 Get Your Private, Free Email at
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: correct way to move /usr to a new partition...

1999-09-17 Thread Keith G. Murphy
William T Wilson wrote:
 On Fri, 17 Sep 1999, rich wrote:
  I have decided that I need more room for my Slink system... my 1GB linux
 Didn't we just do this one? :}
 First go to single user mode.  It is probably not necessary but won't
  1. as root, cp -r -p /usr /linux2a
 The correct sequence is:
 cd /usr
 tar cf - . | (cd /linux2a; tar xvf - )
 cp gets things subtly wrong from time to time.  That includes sparse
 files, device files and pipes, and hard links.  You probably won't
 encounter any of these on /usr (although you might!).  But why do it wrong
 when you can do it right?
I have used 'cp -a' with success.  It is the same as 'cp -dpR'.  '-d' is
supposed to take care of hard links properly.  If there are other
problems with 'cp -a', I'd like to know about them!


1999-09-17 Thread peter karlsson
I just installed telnetd-ssl, but now I can't log in remotely:

 telnet dat95pkn
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
telnetd: /dev/ttyp2: Permission denied
Debian Linux/BSD/GNU/XFree86/etc potato (2.2)
Connection closed by foreign host.

Not very good... Anyone have any idea what I'm doing wrong?

Peter -

 When answering to mailing list or news posting, please do not Cc me
 personally. Thanks.

Re: telnetd-ssl

1999-09-17 Thread J.H.M. Dassen \(Ray\)
On Fri, Sep 17, 1999 at 15:59:57 +0200, peter karlsson wrote:
 telnetd: /dev/ttyp2: Permission denied

Looks like the permissions on your ttyp devices are wrong; they should look
like this:
crw-rw-rw-   1 root tty3,   2 Mar 13  1999 /dev/ttyp2

Cyberspace, a final frontier. These are the voyages of my messages, 
on a lightspeed mission to explore strange new systems and to boldly go
where no data has gone before. 

Re: when must I reboot?

1999-09-17 Thread Mark Brown
On Fri, Sep 17, 1999 at 02:29:38AM -0400, William T Wilson wrote:

 It's true that you're not supposed to mess with PS/2 connectors while the
 machine is running, but I for the life of me cannot explain why.  Other
 than the keyboard being confused as to which lights (num lock, etc.) are
 supposed to be lit, I have never suffered any ill effects.  And even that
 goes away the first time you actually press one of those keys...

It can fry the motherboard and/or whatever you're (un)plugging.  The
electronics in a PS/2 port are not particularly robust and are not
designed with that sort of thing in mind.

Mark Brown  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Trying to avoid grumpiness)

Description: PGP signature

Re: telnetd-ssl

1999-09-17 Thread Ben Collins
On Fri, Sep 17, 1999 at 04:02:40PM +0200, J.H.M. Dassen Ray wrote:
 On Fri, Sep 17, 1999 at 15:59:57 +0200, peter karlsson wrote:
  telnetd: /dev/ttyp2: Permission denied
 Looks like the permissions on your ttyp devices are wrong; they should look
 like this:
 crw-rw-rw-   1 root tty3,   2 Mar 13  1999 /dev/ttyp2

Also could you check the version of the login package you have installed, I
have another person who is having problems after upgrading to the latest
potato version (19990827-#).


Re: sb16

1999-09-17 Thread Craig B
 However, i did not even get
 an sound.. message in the startup.

I am running an SB16 as well.  If you don't see something like this;

Sound initialization started
Sound Blaster 16 (4.13) at 0x220 irq 5 dma 1,5
Sound Blaster 16 at 0x330 irq 5
Yamaha OPL3 FM at 0x388
Sound initialization complete

during kerenel initialization, then you have not compiled support into
your kernel.  Do a make mrproper then make config from withing your
kernel source directory.  You will need to make sure you answer yes to
sound supprort and sound blaster compatible support.  You will need to
make sure you answer yes to sound supprort and sound blaster compatible
support.  Use make zlilo to compile your kernel and install it. Make
zImage will only build the kernel and will not install it for you.  You
could also support the card by building and loading a kernel module
which is a somewhat different procedure.

  1   2   >