Re: ipchains

1999-10-16 Thread RESET
: En el artículo [EMAIL PROTECTED],
Hue-Bond [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió:

Hue-Bond:: El martes 05 de octubre de 1999 a la(s) 13:49:54 +0200,
Hue-Bond:: Hue-Bond contaba:
::: Lo único que puedo sugerir es que quites la dirección de
::: destino y pruebes (o la sustituyas por un -d 0/0).
:: Esperaremos al siguiente port scan, a ver...

Hue-Bond:: # ipchains -L input|head -3 Chain input (policy DENY):
Hue-Bond:: target prot opt source destination ports DENY all
Hue-Bond:: -- anywhere n/a

Hue-Bond:: Y en los logs:

Hue-Bond:: Oct 8 20:32:09 genus ippl: port 1059 connection attempt
Hue-Bond:: from unknown@ []
Hue-Bond:: ( Oct 8 20:32:14
Hue-Bond:: genus ippl: port 1058 connection attempt from unknown@
Hue-Bond:: []
Hue-Bond:: ( Oct 8 20:32:19
Hue-Bond:: genus ippl: port 1055 connection attempt from unknown@
Hue-Bond:: []
Hue-Bond:: ( Oct 8 20:32:24
Hue-Bond:: genus ippl: port 1064 connection attempt from unknown@
Hue-Bond:: []
Hue-Bond:: (

Hue-Bond:: Joer estoy harto  :^(

No me extraña.  Cosas seguras son:

* que ipchains funciona,
* que el escaneo está pasando el firewall.

Así que tiene que haber algún error en las reglas.  En la que dices no
parece que esté, de modo que tiene que ser otra cosa.  Tal vez haya
reglas contradictorias en input.  Como tienes una política DENY,
tienes que tener una buena serie de excepciones, así que a lo peor el
problema está en que después de la regla del capullo este introduces
otra permisiva (por ejemplo, una que abra los puertos del 1023 en
adelante a todo el mundo, o algo semejante).

También puedes probar a utilizar un firewall estándar (Godot,
Isinglass, el de xeo que anda rodando por ahí, o cualquiera de los de
freshmeat).  En general, con eso se terminarán los problemas.



Instalador de música

1999-10-16 Thread Cándido A. Bastidas B.


1999-10-16 Thread cygar
Muchisimas gracias jordi, mira no eh podido encontrar nada.
 mi notebook es una AST , ascentia serie A. y... dices que no se podra
jumpear y volverla a 0? es que la verdad todabia ni la eh abierto pero me
han dicho que las mother de las notebooks no tienen el jumper para
si me ayudarias a encotnrarla te lo agradeceria muchimo


1999-10-16 Thread cygar
Hola les escribo porque tras el error que mande ya me han alertado acerca
del problema
el problema viene con modutils_2.3.5-1, los que hayan actualizado que
vuelvan a su version anterior que vino con muchisimos problemas.tira
problemas diciendo que hay irqs compartidas que no hay y tira muchos
problemas con los modulos de sonido. el error que mande antes preguntando

Re: Off-topic Actualizar la hora

1999-10-16 Thread Juanjo Martinez
Hola a todos/as:

El Wed, Oct 13, 1999 at 12:22:30PM +0200, Hue-Bond escribió:
 El miércoles 13 de octubre de 1999 a la(s) 05:34:43 +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 He visto en varios mensajes referentes a ip-up que se puede actualizar la 
 hora del sistema en internet, podeis indicarme como se hace o donde conseguir
 informacion, gracias.
 $ grep rdate /etc/crontab 
 0 */6 * * *   rootrdate -s

No sé donde he visto o leído que, por cortesía, hay que pedir permiso al
administardor del site para usar algún servicio como este. ¿Me podríais
decir a quien me tengo que dirigir para usar este servicio?

Gracias por todo.

 David Serrano 

|Juanjo Martinez  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |
|  |
|   [Por favor quita 'NOSPAM' para responder]   |
| Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 [2.2.10]Linux Registered User #68887 |

Re: Apt-get

1999-10-16 Thread Jose Rodriguez

Raul GN wrote:

 Alguien me podría hacer un cursillo rápido de apt-get; una simple
 descripción de los comandos básicos y sobre todo qué poner en
 sources.list. Esta mañana -a lo burro- he intentado bajarme la ultima
 versión del paquete slrn junto con todos los paquetes de los que depende
 y me solto esto:

  Leyendo la lista de paquetes... Hecho
  Construyendo el árbol de dependencias... Hecho

  Utilize 'apt-get -f install' para corregirlos.

¿Has probado a usar
apt-get -f install
como te dice la linea anterior?

  Lo siento, pero los siguientes paquetes poseen dependencias desconocidas:
   libpopt0: Depends: libc6 (= 2.1) pero está instalado
  E: Dependencias desconocidas. Pruebe con la opción '-f'.

 el comanto que hice fué:
   apt-get update slrn

Hmmm. Bueno, haz otra vez
apt-get update
para que te relea la lista de paquetes, y luego
apt-get -f install
¿Qué version de apt usas?

 y el resultado fue el mismo. Realmente ¿qué es lo que hace la opción '-f'?

man apt
La opción -f básicamente comprueba dependencias rotas, e intenta corregirlas
quitando e instalando los paquetes que sean necesarios.

 Un saludo.



Compilación de ORbit

1999-10-16 Thread Antonio Beamud Montero
Hola a todos:
 Queria saber si alguien le da este problema:
 Me baje del CVS la última  versión de gnome, pero al intentar
 compilarla, ORBit me da problemas, no se si es por la debian, o por
 el paquete libtool, o por el propio ORBit, pero he probado de todo y
 no me funciona.

 /bin/sh ./libtool --mode=link gcc  -Wall -g -O2  -o   popt.lo 
findme.lo poptparse.lo poptconfig.lo popthelp.lo  -L/usr/ucblib
libtool: link: you must specify an installation directory with `-rpath'
Try `libtool --help --mode=link' for more information.
make[4]: *** [] Error 1

 Si alguien me puede ayudar. Muchas Gracias.

 Saludos, Antonio.

Particionar Win 98 con FIPS

1999-10-16 Thread Jose Rodriguez

Un amigo mío tiene un problema: Quiere instalar Linux en su máquina que
tiene Windows 98. Tras defragmentar el disco duro, y correr el Fips
este  le dice que todo esta bien, pero que no hay espacio para una nueva
particion porque hay algun fichero que ocupa los últimos clusters. Mi
amigo tiene 1 Giga libre, así que no es por problema de espacio. Hace
tiempo yo tuve ese mismo problema y lo solucione borrando un fichero
oculto del disco duro (uno como el de swapping o el C:\BOOTLOG.TXT, pero
no recuerdo cual) ¿Alguien sabe qué fichero es el que tiene que borrar?
Sé que es uno que Windows 98 crea cada vez que arranca, así que no hay
problema de que lo borre.



Re: Como se hacen debs?

1999-10-16 Thread Fernando Sanchez
On Fri, 15 Oct 1999, Gorka Olaizola wrote:

 ¿Hay algún documento que diga como se hacen?
 por ahora he hecho deb-make dentro del directorio de fuentes y me ha creado 
 directorio debian. ¿Tengo que tocar algo ahí?

Casi todo, de hecho :-) Puedes instalar el paquete maint-guide-es, que te
explica todo el proceso muy bien, y en castellano y todo.

Re: compilación de ORbit

1999-10-16 Thread Antonio Beamud Montero
Me contesto yo mismo:
 El error es de ORbit, la versión que intentaba compilar es la 0.5.1,
 ahora acabo de bajarme la 0.5.0, y compila perfecto. Puede que sea un
 bug, asi que dare cuenta a los maintainers.

 Gracias y perdón por las molestias.

Re: He vuelto :-)

1999-10-16 Thread Antonio Fernández Fernández
He tenido que volver a la Debian Hamm 2.0, debido a que todos los CDs 
que he
recibido, incluidos los de Agora, no ne van bien. Hasta que no tenga seguridad 
de que existe
una versión tan buena como ésta, no pienso instalar, instalar e instalar nuevas 
En fin, creo que he tenido muy mala suerte con las copias que me han enviado y 
también con
las de las revistas.  A ver si alguien me da pistas de copias con más garantía 
que las que
Recibid un cordial saludo de Ant.Fdez.-GRANADA.-Spain.


 Después de estar una larga temporadita con SuSE 5.3, me he vuelto a pasar a
 Debian 2, ya tenía ganas de hacerlo.

 No sé quien habrá en la lista, si habrá cambiado mucho o no, pero bueno, por
 si alguien se acordaba, pues aquí estoy de nuevo.

 Un saludo
 ICQ: 12433233
 Phones: +34932967792, +34619541839
 PGP Public Key Available
 3ª ala de combate de
 las fuerzas reVeldes

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

RE: Timifometro

1999-10-16 Thread Ricardo Villalba

-Mensaje original-
De: Xose Manoel Ramos [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Fecha: jueves 14 de octubre de 1999 12:02
Asunto: Timifometro

Creo que en la lista participa el programador del Timifómetro y que
hay un paquete Debian del programa. Me podría decir ¿donde?

Sí claro:

Por cierto acabo de sacar la versión 0.13.

Ricardo Villalba

Re: makeinfo en slink?

1999-10-16 Thread Cosme Perea Cuevas
El Fri, Oct 15, 1999,
Gorka Olaizola...

 ¿Tiene slink este programa?
 como puedo averiguar en que paquete esta?

$ dpkg -S makeinfo
tetex-bin: /usr/man/man1/makeinfo.1.gz
tetex-doc: /usr/doc/texmf/programs/makeinfo.dvi.gz
tetex-bin: /usr/bin/makeinfo
sendmail: /usr/share/
emacs20: /usr/share/emacs/20.3/lisp/textmodes/makeinfo.elc
xemacs20-support: /usr/lib/xemacs-20.4/lisp/packages/makeinfo.elc

No se si  es este `makeinfo' (el binario de  tetex-bin) el que


Cosme P. Cuevas --- Claves GnuPG/PGP disponibles.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Como se hacen debs?

1999-10-16 Thread Cosme Perea Cuevas
El Fri, Oct 15, 1999,
Gorka Olaizola...

 Estoy  intentando hacer  unos  .debs pero  no  se por  donde
 tirar.  ¿Hay  algún documento  que diga  como se  hacen? por
 ahora he hecho deb-make dentro del directorio de fuentes y
 me ha  creado el directorio debian. ¿Tengo  que tocar algo

Este artículo te será de ayuda:

También puedes pasar  por al archivo de la  lista (no recuerdo
la URL, mira en la web de  Debian) porque si no me equivoco se
envió algo al respecto no hace mucho.


Cosme P. Cuevas --- Claves GnuPG/PGP disponibles.

Description: PGP signature

=?us-ascii?Q?=3D=3Fiso-8859-1=3FQ=3FKcore =?us-ascii?Q?=3D5Fo=3D5Fque=3D5F=3D3DE9=3D5Fisso=3D3D3F=3F=3D

1999-10-16 Thread Crash Override
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
User-Agent: Mutt/1.0pre3i

Olá pessoal,

Gostaria de saber o que é esse aquivo que fica em /proc/kcore
esse tal de kcore está comendo 25mb do meu HD. Ele está com a atribuição só
de leitura e não dá p/ modificá-lo pelo menos eu tentei, bom dependendo que
que ele seja queria saber uma maneira de apagá-lo bele

Até + galera


Feel free to contact me (flames about my english and the useless of this
driver will be redirected to /dev/null, oh no, it's full...).
-- Michael Beck, describing the PC-speaker sound device

Re: =?us-ascii?Q?=3D=3Fiso-8859-1=3FQ=3FKcore =?us-ascii?Q?=3D5Fo=3D5Fque=3D5F=3D3DE9=3 D5Fisso=3D3D3F=3F=3D

1999-10-16 Thread Eduardo Marcel Macan
On Sat, Oct 16, 1999 at 03:10:23PM -0200, Crash Override wrote:
 Olá pessoal,
 Gostaria de saber o que é esse aquivo que fica em /proc/kcore
 esse tal de kcore está comendo 25mb do meu HD. Ele está com a atribuição só
 de leitura e não dá p/ modificá-lo pelo menos eu tentei, bom dependendo que
 que ele seja queria saber uma maneira de apagá-lo bele

Os arquivos sob /proc nao sao arquivos de verdade e nao ocupam espaco
do hd, nao se preocupe. o /proc e' uma virtualizacao que mapeia parametros
do kernel e outras cositas mas no formato de arquivos e diretorios.
 Até + galera

t+ ,


how to autostart the samba daemon(s)

1999-10-16 Thread Charles Lewis
I have the samba script in /etc/init.d, and when I do an 'update-rc.d samba
defaults', it says that the symlinks already exists. However, after a
reboot, I have to manually start the daemons by typing in smbd and nmbd.
What am I not doing? I've looked at the smb HOWTO and it does not seem to
conform to debian policy. doesn't seem to address this question
Charles Lewis, Director of Administrative Computing
Southwestern Adventist University, Keene, TX
(817)556-4720  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  FAX (360)397-7952

Re: modprobe errors after apt-get upgrade

1999-10-16 Thread Christian Dysthe
On 16 Oct, Martin Fluch wrote:

 Then recompile the kernel ... that should work.

Nope, did that. Same errors. 


Christian Dysthe
ICQ 3945810
Powered by Debian GNU/Linux

Clones are people two


1999-10-16 Thread Steve George

Does anyone know of any tools to convert from SGML (or any output jade can 
make) to PDF?

The tutorials all show jadetex but this keeps failing for me.  I get this error 
if anyone knows how to fix it:

This is TeX, Version 3.14159 (Web2C 7.3) (format=jadetex 1999.8.24)  16 OCT 1999
JadeTeX 1999/03/30: 2.5
LaTeX Font Info:Try loading font information for T1+ptm on input line 1.
File: t1ptm.fd 1998/07/06 Fontinst v1.800 font definitions for T1/ptm.
File: isoents.tex
! TeX capacity exceeded, sorry [pool size=5114].
l.526 \expandafter\def\csname Enteacgr\endcsname
If you really absolutely need more capacity,
you can ask a wizard to enlarge me.
Here is how much of TeX's memory you used:
524 strings out of 4666
5114 string characters out of 5114
114005 words of memory out of 263001



Re: LaTeX? (was: Newbie Non-FAQ(I think) questions)

1999-10-16 Thread Martin Fluch
On Fri, 15 Oct 1999, Dwayne C . Litzenberger wrote:

 Okay, where can I find a good tutorial on LaTeX?  I want to get started in
 it, but I don't know where to start.

Helmut Kopka: LaTeX -- A Document Preperation System, Addison-Wesley


If the box says 'Windows 95 or better', it should run on Linux, right?
   - anonymous

For public PGP-key: finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Mutt and From: line in mail

1999-10-16 Thread Greg Wooledge

 There must be something I misunderstand, then. I put the following into
 my_hdr From: Mark Zimmerman [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Is it possible that your upstream SMTP server is rewriting the header
line?  Looking at the Received: headers on your message, there's an
intermediate step ( between your system and

If you're saving copies of your outgoing message (highly recommended),
then check to see whether mutt changed the header before sending it.
(I suspect that mutt is not the problem)

If you can't figure out anything locally, you might want to try manually
sending a message through your upstream SMTP server using telnet.
Like so:

  telnet 25
  mail from:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  From: Mark Zimmerman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: Mark Zimmerman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: test


Then see what the message looks like.

Greg Wooledge| Distributed.NET
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | because a CPU is a terrible thing to waste. |

Description: PGP signature

Re: modprobe errors after apt-get upgrade

1999-10-16 Thread Martin Fluch
On Fri, 15 Oct 1999, Christian Dysthe wrote:

 On 16 Oct, Martin Fluch wrote:
  Then recompile the kernel ... that should work.
 Nope, did that. Same errors. 

Then there seems to be some modules in the directory, wich are not needed,
e.g. they are left from the previous kernel... (have a look at their date)
... I guess you can savely remove them ... or move /lib/modules/2.2.12 to
/lib/modules/2.2.12.old and install the modules again...


If the box says 'Windows 95 or better', it should run on Linux, right?
   - anonymous

For public PGP-key: finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: how to autostart the samba daemon(s)

1999-10-16 Thread Brian Servis
*- On 15 Oct, Charles Lewis wrote about how to autostart the samba daemon(s)
 I have the samba script in /etc/init.d, and when I do an 'update-rc.d samba
 defaults', it says that the symlinks already exists. However, after a
 reboot, I have to manually start the daemons by typing in smbd and nmbd.
 What am I not doing? I've looked at the smb HOWTO and it does not seem to
 conform to debian policy. doesn't seem to address this question

Run sambaconfig and answer the question to start as daemon.


Edit /etc/samba/debian_config and make sure the run_mode line is


Edit /etc/inittab and comment out the netbios-ssn and netbios-ns lines,
then execute 

kill -HUP `pidof inetd`

Brian Servis

Mechanical Engineering  |  Never criticize anybody until you  
Purdue University   |  have walked a mile in their shoes,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |  because by that time you will be a   |  mile away and have their shoes.

Help needed also - Enlightenment/Gnome on slink

1999-10-16 Thread John Miskinis


I could also use some help trying to get later gnome versions
and enlightenment running on slink (2.0.36 kernel).

I originally installed the gnome and enlightenment that came on
the slink CD.  But the enlightenment-conf had problems installing.
I grabbed a bunch of .debs of newer gnome and enlightenment
recently.  It appears that freetype2 needs libc6 - 2.1 and I
cant seem to find this.  When I run enlightenment now, there is
no text at all, and wierd things happen to my screen.

Is there a place that has everything needed for a later gnome and
enlightenment, and what it needs? (and that will run under 2.0.36)

I am not sure how to get dselect
to recognize the dependencies that exist when I try to install from
hard disk, using seperate .deb files that I grab individually.  I
currently have to use WIN95/AOL to grab files, and I use dpkg -i
to install these one by one.  I then note the configuration errors
and install each of the dependency .deb files one by one, and
then finally use dpkg --configure --pending to get everything
setup after all pieces have been installed.  Until I get an
ISP that allows linux connectivity, I can't use apt-get.


Get Your Private, Free Email at

Re: modprobe errors after apt-get upgrade

1999-10-16 Thread Christian Dysthe
On 16 Oct, Martin Fluch wrote:

 Then there seems to be some modules in the directory, wich are not needed,
 e.g. they are left from the previous kernel... (have a look at their date)
 ... I guess you can savely remove them ... or move /lib/modules/2.2.12 to
 /lib/modules/2.2.12.old and install the modules again...
There are no old modules in there. Only the new ones created and
installed by using make-kpkg and dpkg. These errors started a couple of
days ago after a dselect upgrade. 

I have not touched the kernel and the modules since I kernel 2.2.9 came
out a while back until I did the recompile today.

I suppose I just have to wait and keep upgrading my potato box and hope
these errors disappear just as mysteriously as they appeared?


Christian Dysthe
ICQ 3945810
Powered by Debian GNU/Linux

Clones are people two

A driver for VIA Technologies, Inc Nile ISA 10 Base T VT86C916 Ethernet controller ?

1999-10-16 Thread shaul
Is there a driver for this chipset ? 

Re: What is the status of GNOME for slink.

1999-10-16 Thread Dave Baker
 Recently, the GNOME project stopped mirroring the debianized packages of
 GNOME because GNOME has been included in the main Debian distribution.
 This is fine for potato users. However, I have Gnumeric 0.25 installed on
 my slink machine. I would like to use 0.38 because of many improvements.
 Compiling the GNOME packages myself is not a realistic option.
 Are there any updated GNOME packages available for slink? If so, where do
 I point my apt sources.list?

I use the following (combine to form one line) for slink

deb slink

   | oOOooO   /  
 --|oOobodoO/   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 --| ooOoOo   /
   |   II   / The wise man tells you where you have fallen
   |   II /  and where you may fall - Invaluable secrets.


1999-10-16 Thread Peter Good

Hi, I have a 2 computer setup, runnin Debian 
2.0.36 as the server,

I am having a problem with dcc send on the 
windows computer, receive works fine.

I feel it must be in the ipfwadm somewhere but i 
can't find where.

I have the ip_masq_irc module loaded 

Thanks in advance.

Re: udma66 ...

1999-10-16 Thread Laurent PICOULEAU
On Fri, 15 Oct, 1999 à 10:45:28PM +0200, Jean-Yves BARBIER wrote:
 Hi all,
 I installed a 2.2.12 kernel and the hedridck patch for udma66;
 I had:
   append=mem=127M ide2=0x1e8,0x3ee,11
 in /etc/lilo.conf, but I still have problems; detection is well done 
 BUT not for the good drive:
 PIIX4: IDE controller on PCI bus 00 dev 39
 PIIX4: not 100% native mode: will probe irqs later
 ide0: BM-DMA at 0xf000-0xf007, BIOS settings: hda:DMA, hdb:pio
 ide1: BM-DMA at 0xf008-0xf00f, BIOS settings: hdc:DMA, hdd:pio
 HPT366: onboard version of chipset, pin1=1 pin2=2
 PCI: HPT366: Fixing interrupt 11 pin 2 to ZERO
 HPT366: IDE controller on PCI bus 00 dev 98
 HPT366: not 100% native mode: will probe irqs later
 ide3: BM-DMA at 0xbc00-0xbc07, BIOS settings: hdg:DMA, hdh:pio
 hda: Maxtor 91728D8, ATA DISK drive
 hdc: Maxtor 91080D5, ATA DISK drive
 hdg: IBM-DJNA-351520, ATA DISK drive
 ide0 at 0x1f0-0x1f7,0x3f6 on irq 14
 ide1 at 0x170-0x177,0x376 on irq 15
 ide3 at 0xb400-0xb407,0xb802 on irq 11

BTW, you don't have an ide interface at 0x1e8. As you declare one as ide2 in
your append line, the kernel give ide3 to the interface it detects...

 hda: Maxtor 91728D8, 16479MB w/512kB Cache, CHS=2232/240/63, UDMA(33)
 hdc: Maxtor 91080D5, 10300MB w/512kB Cache, CHS=20928/16/63, UDMA(33)
 hdg: IBM-DJNA-351520, 14664MB w/430kB Cache, CHS=29795/16/63, UDMA(66)
 Floppy drive(s): fd0 is 1.44M
 Why does the 3rd HD's on /dev/hdg, instead of /dev/hde?

Mst  Slv
ide0 - hda, hdb 
ide1 - hdc, hdd
ide2 - hde, hdf
ide3 - hdg, hdh

 and why does the speed (hdparm -t ..) still the same than under
 udma33? (and I'm sure that udma66 is Ok on this drive, through the
 dos utility).

Wich version of hdparm ? Have you activated udma66 ?

 ( -   Laurent PICOULEAU  - )
 /~\   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /~\
|  \)Linux : mettez un pingouin dans votre ordinateur !(/  |
 \_|_Seuls ceux qui ne l'utilisent pas en disent du mal.   _|_/

Re: Problems with Linux partitions after installing FreeBSD

1999-10-16 Thread Laurent PICOULEAU
On Fri, 15 Oct, 1999 à 04:37:21PM -0400, Arcady Genkin wrote:
 Hi all:
 I had a Slink install on my second machine, and I wanted to give
 FreeBSD a try. After I installed it into the first primary partition,
 I can find no way to boot into Linux. I have a boot diskette, which I
 figured I would use, but it isn't happening (the booter loads, prints
 out correctly that it's going to use /dev/hda5 as a root partition,
 but then neither the kernel on the floppy, nor the kernel on the HD
 boot; in the first case, it just hangs after 4 dots, and in the second
 case it just outputs Boot falure, and boots into FBSD right away).
 I have the following setup of partitions on HD:
 /dev/hda1 FreeBSD (a5)
 /dev/hda2 Linux native (83)
 /dev/hda3 Linux swap (82)
 /dev/hda4 Extended (5)
 /dev/hda5 Linux native (bootable) (83)
 /dev/hda6 Linux native (83)
 /dev/hda7 Linux native (83)
 I tried booting with a rescue disk. It would mount /dev/hda2 w/o
 problems, but not any of the partitions within the extended one.
 When I try to mount /dev/hda5 or /dev/hda7, it says ufs not supported by
 kernel. When I try to mount /dev/hda6, it gives a screenful of error
 messges having something to do with inodes.
 Any ideas what could have happened?
Yes : your linux kernel is compiled with BSD Disklabel (BSD partition
tables) support activated. So your kernel sees the partition inside the
FreeBSD slice (/dev/hda1) wich is, at large, similar ton an extended
partition. Your logical partitions are shifted by an amount equal to the
number of the BSD partitions inside the BSD slice. So, boot with rescue disk
and do an fdisk -l, your logical linux partitions are still there but they're 
labelled /dev/hda9, /dev/hda10, /dev/hda11 (I sppose you've only made 4 BSD

I think that you can solve the problem with the following procedure :

* boot linux rescue disk
* run fdisk
* write down the *exact* location (I mean the cylinder) of /dev/hda1, hda4,
hda5, hda6 /hda7 (well for the last three they could have differing numbers,
get the position of the logical partition inside /dev/hda4)
* delete hda1, hda4, hda5, hda6 hda7
* create hda4 type a5 on the previous position of hda1
* create hda1 type extended 5 (or 85 as you wish) on the previous position
of hda4 
* recreate /dev/hda5, hda6, hda7 on their previous location.
* double (or triple)-check that you didn't make any mistake. The neat effect
of the suggested procedure is to exchange the names of /dev/hda1 and
/dev/hda4 but not their location nor their contents. hda5, 6 and 7 should
also remain untouched.
* if sure write your mods and reboot. Lilo should boot linux but I don't
know if FreeBSD will remains bootable but *all* your datas on any partition
are untouched.
 in case it would be helpful, here's fdisk's output from FreeBSD
 (meanwhile I'll try investigating how to mount those partitions from
 door:/# fdisk
disklabel (I think) would be far more useful... It would give the partitions
inside the BSD slice. As I don't use BSD, I'm not sure of the name of tis


 ( -   Laurent PICOULEAU  - )
 /~\   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /~\
|  \)Linux : mettez un pingouin dans votre ordinateur !(/  |
 \_|_Seuls ceux qui ne l'utilisent pas en disent du mal.   _|_/

Re: modprobe errors after apt-get upgrade

1999-10-16 Thread Pollywog

On 16-Oct-99 Christian Dysthe wrote:
 On 16 Oct, Martin Fluch wrote:
 Then there seems to be some modules in the directory, wich are not needed,
 e.g. they are left from the previous kernel... (have a look at their date)
 ... I guess you can savely remove them ... or move /lib/modules/2.2.12 to
 /lib/modules/2.2.12.old and install the modules again...
 There are no old modules in there. Only the new ones created and
 installed by using make-kpkg and dpkg. These errors started a couple of
 days ago after a dselect upgrade. 
 I have not touched the kernel and the modules since I kernel 2.2.9 came
 out a while back until I did the recompile today.
 I suppose I just have to wait and keep upgrading my potato box and hope
 these errors disappear just as mysteriously as they appeared?

That is what I am going to do :)


Re: Mail refusing to leave my machine

1999-10-16 Thread Steve George

On Fri, Oct 15, 1999 at 07:11:57PM +0100, Anthony Campbell wrote:
 On 15 Oct 1999, Dave Baker wrote:
 Many thanks for this reply. I certainly need some help with this;
 tearing out my hair in handfulls!
  Hi Anthony,
  I'm guessing somewhat here, since I've only used sendmail and exim, so
  smail might work differently.
  Here are a few comments that might help you in the right direction:
  - your /etc/resolv.conf looks broken - I don't think you can have more
  than 3 nameserver lines (or if you do, the rest are ignored).  do you have
  a mechanism to replace this depending on what service you dial?  I have
  scripts that run from /etc/ppp/ip-up.d and ip-down.d that change my
  resolv.conf depending on the network state ...

IFAIK you can have as many nameservers in there as you want but only the first 
3 will be used because they are used from first to last and the timeout backs 
off in such a manner that it will fail if the third server doesn't reply.

Your underlying problem probably lies in the fact that you are calling two 
ISP's but your configuration doesn't reflect this - so at least 50% of the time 
some of your settings are more applicable for the other ISP.

Normally when you dial an ISP you resolve from their DNS server, because it is 
closest to you it makes sense to do so.  However, there is no requirement to do 
so and because queries are made using UDP it is difficult for ISP's to stop you 
resolving from them even if you are not connected through them.  Hence, I'd 
suggest that you put two nameservers in, one from each ISP, and then don't 
change the config.  Long term you could write a script to edit your resolv.conf 
and using a caching name server might help.

Mail is a different matter because the ISP can effectively stop you relaying 
through them to another location on the Net if you are not on one of their 
IP's: in fact they need to do so to stop spammers.  So if you are using the 
ISP's smarthost to dekiver your outgoing mail to for further transit then at 
least half of the time you won't be able to deliver through it - it will refuse 
your mail because you're not on one of it's IP's.  Only solution would be to 
use a script to change the smarthost config and restart the mailserver  - 
nasty.  So, in your case it may be better to deliver directly, which may be 
what your doing..the timeout you are receiving could be a result of this if 
it cannot reach the mailserver at the other end.

I did write some stuff here about checking freeserves DNS and mailservers but 
having had a quick look at their setup it does seem a little strange shall we 
say.  Perhaps I'm tired.  I guess as someone who works in an ISP I show my own 
bias here by remarking that you get what you pay for, a rule that also applies 
to ISP accounts ;-)

If I was you I'd rerun smailconfig and set it to deliver directly with 
defaulting to a smarthost on failure.  It's really not ideal but will probably 
work more-often than not - writing the scripts is probably the longterm answer.

Hope this is of some use,


Re: LaTeX? (was: Newbie Non-FAQ(I think) questions)

1999-10-16 Thread Brett Shand
At 04:18 PM 10/15/99 -0600, Dwayne C . Litzenberger wrote:

Also, any good tutorials/references on SGML?

Try here:


tetex-nonfree -- Potato -- foils.cls is gone?

1999-10-16 Thread Alexander Kushnirenko

I used to prepare transparencies with foils.cls.  Apparently it's gone from 
potato release of tetex-nonfree.  It worked fine on my slink computer.

Should I report a bug or am I missing something?


Re: Debian/Slink Connection Speed...too slow

1999-10-16 Thread Dwayne C . Litzenberger
 peer refused to autheticate

Jeeze!  Why didn't you say so?  Basically, your ISP wants you to
authenticate using CHAP, instead of PAP, or vice-versa.  I've never used
CHAP, myself, so I can't help you there, but I have seen this discussed

Try coping your /etc/ppp/chap-secrets and /etc/ppp/pap-secrets from your
working redhat system to Debian.  That could be it.

-- I already have all the latest software.
 -- Laura Winslow, Family Matters

Dwayne C. Litzenberger - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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GnuPG Public Key:
 Fingerprint:   0535 F7CF FF5F 8547 E5A5  695E 4456 FB6C BC39 A4B0

Description: PGP signature

Re: playing MP3s with xmms

1999-10-16 Thread Alexis Maldonado

On Fri, Oct 15, 1999 at 07:06:37PM -0400, Salman Ahmed wrote:
 I have SoundBlaster PCI128 sound card for which I have configured sound
 support into the kernel (2.2.12) as follows:

Have the same card here.


That sounds right.

 This is good enough to let me play audio CDs. But when I tried to play some
 MP3s with xmms, I kept getting error messages about the sound card being
 locked or in use by some other app.

Can you play audio with other apps? Like splay?

Did you make the devices for the card? 

You can do it like this:

cd /dev
./MAKEDEV audio

 Do I need the Alsa drivers ??
I tried them, but their support for these cards isn't very good, I had to
switch back to the kernel drivers.

Have a good weekend,

Alexis Maldonado
Engineering College
University of Costa Rica

Re: Banner

1999-10-16 Thread Dwayne C . Litzenberger
I know that on our IBM machines at school, our BIOS displays the school
board's logo and says This computer is Y2K-compatible (the hype hit our
school's admin this summer).  These are old machines doing this, so although
you may have to flash your BIOS, there might be some way of doing it
semi-easily.  (I wish I knew how.  That'd be sooo cool!) 

On Fri, Oct 15, 1999 at 12:31:37PM -0500, Phil Brutsche wrote:
 A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far way, someone said...
  I have Debian (slink) installed in a Packard Bell, and I want to get rid
  of the Packard Bell banner that shows up at the beginning, when it is
  rebooted. I would like to replace it with the Debian logo, or the Linux
  penguin may be. How do I do it?
 That, I'm afraid, can't be done without replacing the BIOS (the stuff
 that's on the motherboard), which not something for the faint of heart.
I already have all the latest software.
 -- Laura Winslow, Family Matters

Dwayne C. Litzenberger - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Advertising Policy:
GnuPG Public Key:
 Fingerprint:   0535 F7CF FF5F 8547 E5A5  695E 4456 FB6C BC39 A4B0

Description: PGP signature

Re: udma66 ...

1999-10-16 Thread Alexis Maldonado

  though i'm yet to meet drive which could saturate even UDMA(33)
 I'll have to second this. If you try this drive on a 33M bus, and it's
 the only device on the bus, you're not likely to see any improvement
 just by sticking it on a 66M bus. The drive is the limiting factor
 here. I don't think there's a single-disk system that does much above
 20M or so. 

I'm using a Western Digital Expert (2MB Cache, 7200RPM), with a Promise
Ultra/66 board, and kernel 2.2.12 with the hedrick patches.

hdparm -t /dev/hde gives me 22.5 MB/s

If I don't turn on the UDMA/66 feature (through this line in lilo.conf:
append = ide2=ata66) the drive runs noticeably slower, I think hdparm -t
gave me around 17MB/s.

I think that proves that at least in my case, there is some benefit of the
UDMA/66 bus.


Alexis Maldonado
Engineering College
University of Costa Rica


1999-10-16 Thread pplaw

i'm tring to pon.  nothing happens.

here's the /var/log/ppp.log:

pppd 2.3.5 started by root, uid0
tcgetattr:  input/output error(5)
pppd 2.3.5 started by root, uid0
using interface ppp0
connect:  ppp0 -- /dev/tty1
lcp:  timout sending config-requests
connection terminated
receive serial link is not 8-bit clean:
problem: all had bit 7 set to 0
pppd 2.3.5 started by pppd, uid0
tcgetattr: input/output error(5)

q:  what does all of that mean?  and,  what's the fix?

(the modem is set to com 4 (/dev/ttyS3) @ irq 3.)

ia, t.

bentley taylor.


Re: test

1999-10-16 Thread Dwayne C . Litzenberger
SVP do not clutter our list with messages as these.  This messages was
forwarded to hundreds of people's personal e-mail boxes.  Just as you would
not like all of us to send you messages that waste your time, we do not want
others sending us messages that waste our time.

Note that if you have something useful to contribute to this list
(questions/answers), we will gladly receive it, but wasting our time and
money on test messages is simple not acceptable.

Thank you.

On Fri, Oct 15, 1999 at 06:05:29PM +, ezz kha wrote:
I already have all the latest software.
 -- Laura Winslow, Family Matters

Dwayne C. Litzenberger - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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GnuPG Public Key:
 Fingerprint:   0535 F7CF FF5F 8547 E5A5  695E 4456 FB6C BC39 A4B0

Description: PGP signature

Re: Smail help needed from newbie

1999-10-16 Thread Dwayne C . Litzenberger
How far does the mail get before it bounces? (does it get to your ISP's mail
server?)  It could be that your machine name is not a valid domain name, and
therefore DNS confirmation fails.

BTW I use exim instead of smail, and it works like a charm.

On Fri, Oct 15, 1999 at 07:16:53PM +, Abdul Aziz wrote:
 Hi, I'm new to Debian and am trying to get smail working (using Elm) on
 2.1 Slink - standard install from CD's. I keep getting the message
 cannot parse fully qualified domain. I filled in the name of my ISP
 ( for the smarthost part of the config (I also tried which got the same message). I'm a bit lost, here as
 you'll see straightaway.
 I have the DNS of the ISP in /etc/resolv.conf and can connect OK to the
 net and send e-mail from netscape (please help me get smail working!). 
 Any information to get me on the right track much appreciated - or point
 me to some info. I've read the man, which didn't mean much to me, and
 the docs in /usr/doc - ditto. Is the smarthost my ISP and do I have to
 configure another file or files somewhere to get smail working? Thanks.
I already have all the latest software.
 -- Laura Winslow, Family Matters

Dwayne C. Litzenberger - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Advertising Policy:
GnuPG Public Key:
 Fingerprint:   0535 F7CF FF5F 8547 E5A5  695E 4456 FB6C BC39 A4B0

Description: PGP signature

Re: Mail refusing to leave my machine

1999-10-16 Thread John Hasler
Steve George writes:
 I'd suggest that you put two nameservers in, one from each ISP, and then
 don't change the config.  Long term you could write a script to edit your

The pppconfig in potato does this.

 So, in your case it may be better to deliver directly,...

Many ISP are now refusing connections from IP's known to be in dynamic

 Your underlying problem probably lies in the fact that you are calling
 two ISP's but your configuration doesn't reflect this - so at least 50%
 of the time some of your settings are more applicable for the other ISP.

For mail you will just have to hack up a script to edit the right
smart_host and visible_name into /etc/smail/config.
John HaslerThis posting is in the public domain.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Do with it what you will.
Dancing Horse Hill Make money from it if you can; I don't mind.
Elmwood, Wisconsin Do not send email advertisements to this address.

Re: SECOND TRY: Re: Group adm?

1999-10-16 Thread Eric Gillespie, Jr.
On Fri, Oct 15, 1999 at 09:09:52AM -0400,
Ed Cogburn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 drwxrwsr-x   3 ed   ed   1024 Aug 11  1998 home
   I don't know how the above happened for /home.  What should the
 owner/permissions of /home be?

drwxrwsr-x  10 root staff1024 Oct 11 04:01 /home

 drwxrwxr-x  30 ed   ed   3072 Oct 15 05:41 ed
   Its not SGID.  Should it be?

I don't know. I just looked and some of the users have sgid, some don't. I
don't remember setting it myself, so I'm not sure what's going on.

   P.S.  The group 'ed' does exist, and it doesn't matter whether user
 'ed' is a member of 'adm' or not.  'mkdir temp' in /home/ed (executed by
 the user 'ed') always results in the group owner of the temp subdir
 being 'adm'.

This is why I didn't reply to your original post. I have no idea what's
wrong. Sorry.

Eric Gillespie, Jr. * [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Man is a rope, tied between beast and overman--a rope over an abyss.
 A dangerous across, a dangerous on-the-way, a dangerous looking-back,
 a dangerous shuddering and stopping.
 --Friedrich Nietzsche

Description: PGP signature

Re: playing MP3s with xmms

1999-10-16 Thread Alexis Maldonado

On Fri, Oct 15, 1999 at 10:59:06PM -0400, Salman Ahmed wrote:
  AM == Alexis Maldonado [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 AM Have the same card here.
 AM Can you play audio with other apps? Like splay?
 Hmmm, haven't heard of splay. I basically only tried playing audio CDs -
 mainly using wmcdplay and xmcd. Without any problems.

Splay is a package that you can find in contrib. You can also try sox.

I would try to play sounds using different programs, and when they work,
then I would try xmms.

Can you send us the output of dmesg regarding to the card? It should be
something like this:

es1370: version ...
es1370: found adapter at io ...
es1370: features ...

 I hadn't done that before. Just did that now, but xmms still can't play

I'm not sure it is xmms's problem, it seems that you can't get play any
sounds at all... (CDs don't count since they don't get generated by the
sound card).

 I am using xmms- from potato. The error dialog says Couldn't open
 audio, Please check that:

I have the same version here, which I compiled for a slink system.


Alexis Maldonado
Engineering College
University of Costa Rica

Re: ppp not working

1999-10-16 Thread Samuel Varghese
the answer to both your questions is yes.

On Fri, 15 Oct 1999, W. Paul Mills wrote:
 Make sure ppp is in your /etc/modules file.
 Also make sure the module exists -- /lib/modules/2.?.??/net/ppp.o
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Samuel Varghese) writes:
  i am new to debian but have managed to get a working set-up using 2.1.
  however, i am unable to connect to the net. when i try to invoke ppp, i get 
  message saying that there is no pppd module. what do i do? at what stage in 
  install is the ppp module loaded? i thought that this was an integral part 
  the system and did not need to be loaded separately.
  any help would be appreciated. i am using the fv2wm X interface.
 *** Running Debian Linux ***
 *   For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son,  *
 *   that whoever believes in Him should not perish...John 3:16  *
 * W. Paul Mills  *  Topeka, Kansas, U.S.A.  *
 * Bill, I was there several years ago, why would I want to go back? *
 * pgp public key on keyservers everywhere? */
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: ppp not working

1999-10-16 Thread Samuel Varghese
On Sat, 16 Oct 1999, Keith G. Murphy wrote:
 Samuel Varghese wrote:
  i am new to debian but have managed to get a working set-up using 2.1.
  however, i am unable to connect to the net. when i try to invoke ppp, i get 
  message saying that there is no pppd module. what do i do? at what stage in 
  install is the ppp module loaded? i thought that this was an integral part 
  the system and did not need to be loaded separately.
  any help would be appreciated. i am using the fv2wm X interface.
 Try 'insmod ppp'.  Does that make it work?

no, i get a message no module by that name found.

 This should, indeed, be done automatically.  /etc/init.d/modutils should
 have code to do 'depmod -a' and 'modprobe', which should do all you
 need.  Take a look there.  But have you rebooted since your install? 
 Maybe that's all that's needed.

that i have done!!! else i could not be sending mail to this list off the same

Re: ppp not working

1999-10-16 Thread Samuel Varghese
after issuing the updatedb command, a locate pppd command yields the following:



On Sat, 16 Oct 1999, David Natkins wrote:
 I think what's being overlooked in all of this is that the orignal
 problem was that pppd was not found.  pppd is the daemon.  
 As root, issue the command: updatedb
 then enter :  locate pppd 
 and see what comes up.
 Keith G. Murphy wrote:
  Samuel Varghese wrote:
   i am new to debian but have managed to get a working set-up using 2.1.
   however, i am unable to connect to the net. when i try to invoke ppp, i 
   get a
   message saying that there is no pppd module. what do i do? at what stage 
   in the
   install is the ppp module loaded? i thought that this was an integral 
   part of
   the system and did not need to be loaded separately.
   any help would be appreciated. i am using the fv2wm X interface.
  Try 'insmod ppp'.  Does that make it work?
  This should, indeed, be done automatically.  /etc/init.d/modutils should
  have code to do 'depmod -a' and 'modprobe', which should do all you
  need.  Take a look there.  But have you rebooted since your install?
  Maybe that's all that's needed.
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
 David Natkins 
 Fax to: (718) 488-1780
 Phone:  (718) 403-2474
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: ppp not working

1999-10-16 Thread Samuel Varghese
On Sat, 16 Oct 1999, John Hasler wrote:
 Samuel Varghese writes:
  i am new to debian but have managed to get a working set-up using 2.1.
  however, i am unable to connect to the net. when i try to invoke ppp, i
  get a message saying that there is no pppd module.
 Please post the *exact* message, along with complete copies of the relevant
 config files and logs.  Pppd sometimes gives an erroneous error message to
 the effect that the kernel does not support ppp.

the exact message that appears when i type either pon or pppd is:
/usr/sbin/pppd: this system lacks kernel support for pppd. this could be
because the ppp kernel module is not loaded or because the kernel is not
configured for ppp. see the readme.linux file in the pppd2.3.5 distribution.

  i am using the fv2wm X interface.
 Irrelevant.  How did you configure ppp?  Did you use pppconfig?  If not, do
 so, and then start ppp with 'pon' and stop it with 'poff'.

yes, i used pppconfig to configure ppp and took the instructions for doing that
from a book i downloaded off the site.

Re: Mutt and From: line in mail

1999-10-16 Thread Mark Zimmerman
I think I may have found it. From the qmail FAQ:

 1.2. How do I set up user masquerading? I'd like my own From lines to
 Answer: Add and MAILUSER=boss to your environment. To
 override From lines supplied by your MUA, add QMAILINJECT=f to your

I set QMAILINJECT back before I knew that I could get the correct behavior
through mutt alone, then forgot I had set it and what it meant.
If this message has my name in the From line then that is it; otherwise
it is not.

On Fri, Oct 15, 1999 at 07:22:24PM -0400, Greg Wooledge wrote:
  There must be something I misunderstand, then. I put the following into
  my_hdr From: Mark Zimmerman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Is it possible that your upstream SMTP server is rewriting the header
 line?  Looking at the Received: headers on your message, there's an
 intermediate step ( between your system and
 If you're saving copies of your outgoing message (highly recommended),
 then check to see whether mutt changed the header before sending it.
 (I suspect that mutt is not the problem)
 If you can't figure out anything locally, you might want to try manually
 sending a message through your upstream SMTP server using telnet.
 Like so:
   telnet 25
   mail from:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   rcpt to:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   From: Mark Zimmerman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   To: Mark Zimmerman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Subject: test
 Then see what the message looks like.
 Greg Wooledge| Distributed.NET
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] | because a CPU is a terrible thing to waste. |

telnet[d]-ssl seem to be broken

1999-10-16 Thread Lindsay Allen

Hello world,

Installing telnet-ssl gives me /usr/bin/telnet.nossl (!) but no telnet.

Installing telnetd-ssl gives me /usr/sbin/in.telnetd.nossl but inetd has
an entry pointing to /usr/sbin/in.telnetd.

The packages in question are ..._0.12-4 and this is on a potato system.

What am I missing?

Lindsay Allen   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Perth, Western Australia
voice +61 8 9316 248632.0125S 115.8445E  Debian Linux

Re: 128-bit encryption version(s) of Netscape-4.7

1999-10-16 Thread Eric G . Miller
 fortify from non-US, but last I checked the version supporting 4.7
 wasn't in yet (probably soon!).
| Eric G. |
| GnuPG public key:  |

installed but now what?

1999-10-16 Thread jh
Well, I got Debian installed. I currently do not have my cdrom mounted. I
could not find any way to mount it during the installation. I also do not
have a workable modem for this computer so I did not do a ppp connection,
therefore I do not have any packages installed. How can I get my cdrom to
work? It is a Mitsumi connected to an interface card. It worked under dos
before I installed. The driver for it was mcdex or something like that.
There was a module during install that should have worked but it failed. (I
tried the others too.)  I'm I s. o. l. ?

One other question: I am logged on in root. Can someone give me something
to type along with a brief description of what it does? I want to see Linux
in action.

Many thanks, Jeff

Re: please help if you can ...

1999-10-16 Thread Rob Mahurin
On Sat, Oct 16, 1999 at 10:53:52AM +1300, lanz wrote:
 Please explain in layman terms ...
  ( I have read all faq's/howto etc) 
 A system with a 2 GB hardrive and following partitions. 
 1) 25 mb  dos/fat16
 2) 500 mb  win95c/fat32
 3) 1393 mb  ext2 (proposed)/(debian/gnu/ --- hurd and/or linux mix/match)
 4) 128mb  swapfile  
[some questions about the hurd]

This a mostly linux list.  I suggest you check the debian-hurd
archives and maybe lurk on that list for a little bit and see if that


Help!  I'm trapped in a Chinese computer factory!

Re: installed but now what?

1999-10-16 Thread John Miskinis

Thanks for writting John. I have a 486dx desktop. It has 16 mb of ram. I do
not believe I have any PCMCIA ability. Yes, the base system is installed. I
used floppy images created from another computer from my debian disks.
Incidently, the cdrom was working in dos before I installed, so there must
be a way. Do you know how I can look at what files are now on my hard
drive? Something akin to dir in dos.?

The ls command is like dir.  Use the -l switch to get full info.

Use man to read docs about commands, for example man ls will
bring up the manual pages for ls.

There are many GREAT tutorials that will get you started with linux
and unix from a DOS perspective.  Search the web.

I must go, my batteries are dying...


Get Your Private, Free Email at

Re: playing MP3s with xmms

1999-10-16 Thread Ashley Clark
On Fri, 15 Oct 1999, Salman Ahmed wrote:
 @phoenix:[/home/ssahmed] splay /usr/mp3/zen.mp3 
 splay: Failed to open sound device.
 I got the same error message when I specified the device file to be
 /dev/audio, /dev/audio1, and /dev/dsp (which is the default I think).

Do you have write access to /dev/dsp, /dev/audio, and /dev/mixer?
Simply adding yourself to the audio group and logging back in should
be enough if not.

Ashley Clark

need help for my mitsumi cdrom

1999-10-16 Thread jh
I am resubmitting my question with a little more clarity. Sorry for the

I got Debian installed. I currently do not have my cdrom mounted. I
could not find any way to mount it during the installation. I also do not
have a workable modem for this computer so I did not do a ppp connection,
therefore I do not have any packages installed. How can I get my cdrom to
work? It is a Mitsumi connected to an interface card. It worked under dos
before I installed. The driver for it was mcdex or something like that.
There was a module during install that should have worked but it failed. (I
tried the others too.) 

Is this a kernel recompile thing? And how likely can I, tremendously green
that I am, accomplish this?


booting from SCSI

1999-10-16 Thread Pierfrancesco Caci

Is there a way to boot off a SCSI disk (/dev/sda2 is my root
partition) if there is also an IDE disk (/dev/hda[1-5] are present) ?

The ide disk does not have bootable partitions but it has lilo on it
because I can't get the system to boot off the scsi disk directly.

Also, inserting/removing an IDE removable hd confuses LILO.

What can I do ?



 Pierfrancesco Caci  | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] -
  Firenze - Italia   | Office for the Complication of Otherwise Simple Affairs 
 Linux penny 2.2.12 #1 Fri Oct 1 02:10:16 CEST 1999 i686 unknown

Re: installed but now what? (CONTINUED)

1999-10-16 Thread John Miskinis


You are much better off WITHOUT PCMCIA from an installation
standpoint.  I do not know the exact steps to follow to get the
standard CDROMs to work though as my installation was much
more complicated.

In any case, it is probably a matter of using the modconf
utility, which I believe gets you back into a screen that you saw
during the install.  From there, you must choose the correct
set of drivers.  I think the generic SCSI stuff says it's loaded
by default, but you must also choose a few other SCSI related
items like SCSI CDROM, and perhaps Mistumi support.  It will tell
you right away if it fails or suceeds, as it puts it into the
running kernel.  You may have to play around, selecting various
SCSI things.  I'm sure other people can elaborate, probably off
the top of their head.

Once you DO get the CDROM working, it will be accessed through
a device such as /dev/scd0 or /dev/sr0 but probably will not work
from /dev/cdrom until you set that up.  (It is easy once you know
what real device name it uses like the two listed above.)

You can try the following commands, and see they work:

mount /dev/scd0 /mnt


mount /dev/sr0 /mnt

If you have the device name correct it will mount the CD.  To
unmount it, type:

umount /mnt

To actually install the good stuff using the CD, you use the
deselect program.  This will take a while to get comfortable
with, but after a while it's great.  The first thing you must do
is select ACCESS (the default) and select MULTI-CD as the medium
to use for installing.  You then must specify the device name.
It will mount it, and bring you to the next step UPDATE.  This
builds a database of the known packages, and their dependencies.
The next step is SELECT.  This is where you navigate through the
list of installed packages (using up and down arrow) and + to
select for install.  There are several keystrokes you must learn
but help is available.  Of ALL things, this is the most complicated
part of using linux in my opinion.  And if you choose a package
that needs others, it will bring you into a sub screen where you
must select the dependency packages using + like before.  Hitting
return will either bring you back to the main list, or put you
back into more dependency problems, repeat until RETURN works.

I started by printing out several FAQs, and the dselect
tutorial which is 9 pages.  It is very well written.  The
dselect program again is a little confusing at first, but don't get
frustrated.  It is actually there to make life easier as you will
realize later, when it makes sure you get everything you need.

Unfortnately without a linux capable ISP you (and I) can't use
the newer apt-get installation program.

In any case this user-list has been EXTREMELY helpful to me, and
you will find the people are a great bunch.  I am trying to put
a little back in form of support.


Get Your Private, Free Email at

dselect not deselect, sorry

1999-10-16 Thread John Miskinis

dselect NOT deselect, sorry...


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Re: installed but now what? (YOU MAY NOT NEED SCSI)

1999-10-16 Thread John Miskinis

Hi Jeff,

I just realized that I assumed you had a SCSI based CDROM.  I
have had SCSI on the brain lately trying to get mine working and
that hurdle is over.

If you have an IDE based CDROM (most likely) forget everything
I said about SCSI.

In any case try the MCDX support under the CDROM entry in
modconf.  It will probably work.  I do not believe you need
to worry about kernel building.

By the way, I used UNIX for many years (engineer but NO SYSADMIN)

And when I started playing with debian linux, I put in many 20+
hour sessions, and know where you are coming from...


Get Your Private, Free Email at

Re: 128-bit encryption version(s) of Netscape-4.7

1999-10-16 Thread Brad

On Fri, 15 Oct 1999, Eric G . Miller wrote:

  fortify from non-US, but last I checked the version supporting 4.7
  wasn't in yet (probably soon!).

It is available from which is where i went when i got
sick of waiting. The Debian patch for the old version applied nicely, a
few rejected hunks because AFAICT that part of the Debian patch was
included upstream.

I did have a problem fortifying the navigator smotif binary, the md5 sum
expected by the fortify package was different from the actual sum of the
binary! It worked fine when i edited the proper entry in the Index file.

- -- 
  finger for PGP public key.

Version: 2.6.3ia
Charset: noconv



1999-10-16 Thread Kimberly Marlor
I'm a new subscriber to debian and just want to say
hello to everyone else on the debian user list.


Got to go, Bye.


Do You Yahoo!?
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Re: Mutt and From: line in mail

1999-10-16 Thread Wade Curry

Reading this thread motivated me to look around to find
the answer to this problem.  I've had the same problem with
my real name disappearing from the From: lines.

I found the problem in my .bashrc . Some of the readmes
and howtos I read said to set some environment variables.
This is what I got:

export MAILUSER=wcurry

The f is the problem.  Get rid of it.  Look at qmail-inject
and qmail-headers for a detailed explanation of what f
and the other switches do.  The values in the first 2 variables
are what is used to rewrite the From: line -- when necessary.
2 hitches... 1. you can't put your real name in there.  
2. The f forces qmail-inject to overwrite the From: line regardless.

Wade Curry (but you knew that from the index list, didn'tcha? )


 There must be something I misunderstand, then. I put the following into
 my_hdr From: Mark Zimmerman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 So that my real name would show up as well as my address.
 If you look at the headers in this message, my real name is gone.  This has
 annoyed me for a while now.
 -- Mark Zimmerman
 On Thu, Oct 14, 1999 at 07:38:06PM -0400, Greg Wooledge wrote:
I can't find anything in my muttrc that would account for this. I also
somehow doubt that qmail is rewriting a MUA-generated line (but I could
be wrong).
  It definitely should not.  I use mutt and qmail, and my From: line
  (generated by my_hdr in ~/.muttrc) is left intact.
   If you set the MAILUSER and MAILHOST environment variables, qmail rewrites
   the from line as [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Only in the absence of an MUA-supplied header line.  From qmail-header(5):
 qmail-inject looks for sender address lists in the follow­
 ing fields: Sender, From, Reply-To,  Return-Path,  Return-
 Receipt-To, Errors-To, Resent-Sender, Resent-From, Resent-
 If there is no From field, qmail-inject adds  a  new  From
 field with the name of the user invoking qmail-inject.
  Also, I prefer the QMAIL* variables:
 The  user  name  in  the  From  header  field  is  set  by
 QMAILUSER, MAILUSER, USER,  or  LOGNAME,  whichever  comes
 The  host  name is normally set by the defaulthost control
 but can be overridden with QMAILHOST or MAILHOST.
   This is usually a good thing for
   machines on dial-up connections so that it looks like your mail came from
   your account at your ISP.
  That's exactly what I use it for. :-)
  Also note that you can set the *envelope* sender with environment
  variables, so that bounce messages will go to your ISP mailbox:
 The default envelope sender address is  the  same  as  the
 default From address, but it can be overridden with QMAIL­
 SUSER and QMAILSHOST.  It may also be modified  by  the  r
 and  m  letters  described below.  Bounces will be sent to
 this address.
  I cannot emphasize this strongly enough.  If you have to set your From:
  header for any reason, you should make the envelope sender match.
  Greg Wooledge| Distributed.NET
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] | because a CPU is a terrible thing to waste. |
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Slink installation freeze -- Ultra ATA/66 to blame?

1999-10-16 Thread michael

I'm trying to install Slink from CD on my new computer. Booting from
the CD-ROM starts out fine, until it gets to the md driver (which is
for RAID, I believe?), at which point, the computer freezes. When the
md driver line first appears on the screen, I can hear the hard disk
spinning up and then it comes to a halt.

The computer is an AMD Athlon 550 MHz with a 7200 RPM Ultra ATA/66
hard drive; the manual for the motherboard states that its AMD 756
Viper chipset has an IDE controller that supports Ultra ATA/66.
I've been reading the recent postings regarding Ultra ATA/66 drives
and, given the fact that the md driver seems to be the sticking point, 
I'm guessing that the hard drive is the crux of the problem. Beyond
that, I'm clueless.

I went into the BIOS and explicitly disabled UDMA on the device, and
the computer still fails to boot.

I just read in the Ultra-DMA Mini-Howto that the old stock kernels
(2.0.x) do not currently support UDMA very well, a statement that I
assume applies to Slink. Is this my problem?  If so, is there anything
I can do to circumvent it? I want to upgrade to Potato anyway. Short
of ordering a Potato CD from, is there anyway I can get
this to work?

Thanks in advance,

Forcing a core dump?

1999-10-16 Thread Neil Booth
I have found a bug in some software that causes it to segfault.
However, there is no core file to use with gdb.  Why is a core file
not generated / how do I force one?



Re: xanim error solved :)

1999-10-16 Thread Jonathan D. Proulx
On Fri, Oct 15, 1999 at 07:30:06AM -0400, Mark Buda wrote:

 That error can occur when you try to run a binary linked with glibc
 2.1 on a system with glibc 2.0. Your choices are to use the xanim from
 slink, upgrade to glibc 2.1, or build xanim from source.

That is precisely it, I'll have to go through my apt/sources.list and
find out where it came from

I ftp'd the .deb manually from
(c) and all is well.


Re: playing MP3s with xmms

1999-10-16 Thread David Blackman
chmod /dev/dsp to soemthing read writabel by all user


On Fri, 15 Oct 1999, Salman Ahmed wrote:

  AM == Alexis Maldonado [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 AM Have the same card here.
 AM Can you play audio with other apps? Like splay?
 Hmmm, haven't heard of splay. I basically only tried playing audio CDs -
 mainly using wmcdplay and xmcd. Without any problems.
 AM Did you make the devices for the card?
 AM You can do it like this:
 AM cd /dev ./MAKEDEV audio
 I hadn't done that before. Just did that now, but xmms still can't play
 I am using xmms- from potato. The error dialog says Couldn't open
 audio, Please check that:
  1. You have the correct output plugin selected
  2. No other programs is blocking the soundcard
  3. Your soundcard is configured properly.
 I have enabled two input plugins: CD Audio Player 0.9 (, and
 MPEG Layer 1/2/3 Player (
 The output plugin selected is: OSS Driver 0.9 ( which is
 configured to use the default audio device and the default mixer device
 (there aren't any other choices available other than the default devices).
 I am using kernel 2.2.12.
 Not sure what to try next.
 Salman Ahmed
 ssahmed AT interlog DOT com
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Anyone using Sound Blaster PCI64?

1999-10-16 Thread Matthew Gregan
On Tue, Oct 12, 1999 at 06:27:33PM +0200, Joop Stakenborg wrote:

 At the moment I am using a Sound Blaster vibra16x pnp card, 
 this card is not really supported by OSSFree (kernel)
 or ALSA. Although the card produces sound, it gives dma
 errors when using the second dma channel and it is 
 unable to work in full duplex. I am getting fed up with
 this card

I used to have a Vibra16C, which worked fine. I haven't had any
experience with the 16X, but I believe they aren't well supported, and
have a problem with respect to not having a 16bit DMA channel.

 I am thinking about a new one. The PCI64 by Sound Blaster
 seems a good candidate. Does anyone have experience using this
 card? Some Questions:
 - Can I configure it with ISAPNP? If not, how do I do it?
 - Does it work full duplex?

I just put one of these in my machine - it's using the ens1370 chipset
(some of them use the ens1371 or ens1373). I'm actually using it with
the ALSA drivers, and it works fine (provided I keep the volume levels
on the mixer below 90% for both the Master and PCM outputs, otherwise I
get nasty clipping on the sound).

You don't need to configure it with ISAPNP, because it's a PCI card,
both the ALSA drivers and the kernel drivers find the card by

I'm not sure about full-duplex mode, since I never use it. I'm pretty
sure it works full-duplex under ALSA, but I have absolutely no idea
about the kernel drivers.

Hope that helps a little.
[ Matthew Gregan ]   [ GPG ID: B63A1E95 ]   [ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ]
[ GPG fingerprint:FB83 2911 F170 B31C 9E4A  E382 CA8A A2F6 B63A 1E95 ]

Description: PGP signature

Re: playing MP3s with xmms

1999-10-16 Thread Martin Fluch
On Sat, 16 Oct 1999, David Blackman wrote:

 chmod /dev/dsp to soemthing read writabel by all user

Or better, add the desired user to the group audio with

adduser username audio


If the box says 'Windows 95 or better', it should run on Linux, right?
   - anonymous

For public PGP-key: finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: keymap error when closing X

1999-10-16 Thread Ookhoi
Hi Brandon,

 In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Ookhoi writes:
 |  I get the following when closing Xwindows.
 |  What does this mean?
 |  How do I fix it?
 |  System: `/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xkb/xkbcomp -w 1 -R/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xkb 
 | -m us -em1 The XKEYBOARD keymap
 |  compiler (xkbcomp) reports: -emp   -eml Errors from xkbcomp are not 
 | tal to the X server
 |  keymap/xfree86 /var/tmp/xfree86.xkm'
 |  xinit:  connection to X server lost.
 |  I wonder if part of the problem is that 'us' is an empty file in 
 | /lib/X11/xkb/symbols 
 | I have the same message when I _start_ X. As soon as the XDM loginscreen 
 | is there, or when X is running, the mouse and keyboard don't work. They
 | do during boot. Don't know if the message is related with the malfunctioning
 | of the keyboard and mouse.
 It's not related.  Also, it's not an error; if you look closely, the error 
 strings are *arguments* to the command.
 It's just the X server telling you that it is executing a command.  Said 
 command has arguments that cause it to document its log output *if it has 
 any*, which it apparently doesn't because the Errors from line only occurs 
 as an argument and not by itself.
 As for the xinit: connection to X server lost, that usually indicates that 
 you used CTRL-ALT-BackSpace to abort the X server (although it *could* 
 indicate the server died for some other reason).
I killed the X server via a remote login. Of course I couldn't kill the
server with a ctrl-alt-backspace, because keyboard didn't work.

 In any case, X server problems are not appropriate for linux-kernel; X 
 doesn't have a kernnel component.

I know, but as I wrote in my previous message, with kernel 2.3.21
prepatch 2 the keyboard and mouse die, and with kernel 2.3.19 X works
fine. That is the reason I cc'ed it to linux-kernel. You did cut that
part of my message out of your reply.


Re: udma66 ...

1999-10-16 Thread Jean-Yves BARBIER
On Fri, Oct 15, 1999 at 09:03:00PM -0600, Alexis Maldonado wrote:
 I'm using a Western Digital Expert (2MB Cache, 7200RPM), with a Promise
 Ultra/66 board, and kernel 2.2.12 with the hedrick patches.
 hdparm -t /dev/hde gives me 22.5 MB/s

:( I still have 14.81, just like under UDMA33 (and I'm sure the HD's hard
setup is good for UDMA66, also I tryied to setup the jumpers for cable-
select, but it changed nothing)

 If I don't turn on the UDMA/66 feature (through this line in lilo.conf:
 append = ide2=ata66) the drive runs noticeably slower, I think hdparm -t
Haaa, thanks a lot, now I have a brand new nice /dev/hde, instead of /hdg!

 I think that proves that at least in my case, there is some benefit of the
 UDMA/66 bus.

That what I was looking for, not 33 MB/s, but, at least a 15-20% increasing

Thanks Alexis, even if I cannot actually gain speed, I have the right device

Jean-Yves F. Barbier [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Computers are not thinking,
You think they think,
(we think...)


1999-10-16 Thread J.H.M. Dassen \(Ray\)
[Aside, there's an SGML list [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On Sat, Oct 16, 1999 at 00:22:46 +0100, Steve George wrote:
 Does anyone know of any tools to convert from SGML (or any output jade can
 make) to PDF?

Use jade's TeX output and run it through pdfjadetex (see e.g. for an example).

 ! TeX capacity exceeded, sorry [pool size=5114].

Try adjusting the poolsizes in /etc/texmf/texmf.cnf and rebuilding your
jadetex format (using fmtutil). On my system (unstable), I have:
% Settings for Debian jadetex
  hash_extra.jadetex  = 15000
  hash_extra.pdfjadetex  = 15000
  pool_size.jadetex = 50
  pool_size.pdfjadetex = 50
  string_vacancies.jadetex = 45000
  string_vacancies.pdfjadetex = 45000
  max_strings.jadetex = 55000
  max_strings.pdfjadetex = 55000
  pool_free.jadetex = 47500
  pool_free.pdfjadetex = 47500
  nest_size.jadetex = 500
  nest_size.pdfjadetex = 500
  param_size.jadetex = 1500
  param_size.pdfjadetex = 1500
  save_size.jadetex = 5000
  save_size.pdfjadetex = 5000
  stack_size.jadetex = 1500
  stack_size.pdfjadetex = 1500

Obsig: developing a new sig

Re: LaTeX? (was: Newbie Non-FAQ(I think) questions)

1999-10-16 Thread J.H.M. Dassen \(Ray\)
On Fri, Oct 15, 1999 at 16:18:49 -0600, Dwayne C . Litzenberger wrote:
 Also, any good tutorials/references on SGML?

On Sat, Oct 16, 1999 at 15:34:57 +1300, Brett Shand wrote:
 Try here:

Enough material to drown in. Stéphan Bortzmeyer has a hands-on HOWTO at .

Obsig: developing a new sig

RE: Need SCSI Tape Help

1999-10-16 Thread Mike Barton

MAKEDEV did work but tape support was already in my custom (SMP) kernel. The
machine that has all the proper devices without my intervention is running
2.0, so, I guess something is missing in the kernel build process. If I knew
where to start, I'd go looking and post a fix. In any case, thanks for all
the responses. They were *all* workable which a lot more than I can say for
my $calls$ to Redmond :)

-Original Message-
From: Keith G. Murphy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 15, 1999 10:29 AM
To: 'Debian List'
Subject: Re: Need SCSI Tape Help

Mike Barton wrote:
 Hi all!
 I'm using slink with an SMP kernel (2.0.36) on a dual Pentium Pro 200 with
 256M RAM. The HD setup is a pair of 4 GB Seagate Barracudas on an Adaptec
 2940UW along with an SCSI CDROM and a Tandberg 4222 tape drive. I've got a
 really sweet server here except that I just noticed there are no /dev/st*
 for the tape drive. Anyone know at what point during the installation
 get created? I've got another machine here with an SCSI tape with lots of
 /dev/st*. I'd sure hate to mknod 'em all by hand on the new beast.
Your kernel is configured for SCSI tape support, right?  I don't think
that's the default.  Do a 'make menuconfig' and look for it.  

If it's there, I believe you can cd to '/dev' and do a MAKEDEV, and that
will create all the proper devices for you automatically.

Folks, isn't the kernel build process supposed to do this for you?  I
remember having to do this myself, for a SCSI tape also, I believe.  I
used make-kpkg, then installed the binary package.

Re: ppp not working

1999-10-16 Thread W. Paul Mills
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Samuel Varghese) writes:

 On Sat, 16 Oct 1999, John Hasler wrote:

 the exact message that appears when i type either pon or pppd is:
 /usr/sbin/pppd: this system lacks kernel support for pppd. this could be
 because the ppp kernel module is not loaded or because the kernel is not
 configured for ppp. see the readme.linux file in the pppd2.3.5 distribution.

Sounds like your ppp module is not loading. What does 
cat /proc/modules show. Does it show ppp, does it show any modules
at all. Modules slhc and ppp are necessary for pppd to work.
If you have no modules at all loaded, prehaps kerneld is not

You can try to get these to load by using insmod or modprobe.
   i am using the fv2wm X interface.
  Irrelevant.  How did you configure ppp?  Did you use pppconfig?  If not, do
  so, and then start ppp with 'pon' and stop it with 'poff'.
 yes, i used pppconfig to configure ppp and took the instructions for doing 
 from a book i downloaded off the site.

Does the kernel version you are using match the directory name in
/lib/modules/? Are you using a stock kernel, or did you compile 
your own? If you compiled your own, did you recompile your modules,
and install them?

*** Running Debian Linux ***
*   For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son,  *
*   that whoever believes in Him should not perish...John 3:16  *
* W. Paul Mills  *  Topeka, Kansas, U.S.A.  *
* Bill, I was there several years ago, why would I want to go back? *
* pgp public key on keyservers everywhere? */

Re: /var/log/ppp.log

1999-10-16 Thread dayglo jesus
On Fri, Oct 15, 1999 at 08:48:06PM -0700, pplaw wrote:
 pppd 2.3.5 started by pppd, uid0
 tcgetattr: input/output error(5)
 q:  what does all of that mean?  and,  what's the fix?
 (the modem is set to com 4 (/dev/ttyS3) @ irq 3.)
 ia, t.
 bentley taylor.
I'm no expert but judging by the input/output error, I would say that
your chat script ain't goin' anywhere near that modem.

Did you do a...


? ? ? ? ? ? 


 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Postscript Merging Dial-in PPP Access

1999-10-16 Thread John Pearson
On Thu, Oct 14, 1999 at 10:44:12PM -0700, Peter Ludwig wrote
 I'm trying to get a couple of things running for a
 client here.  I need the system to be able to do two
 things :-
 1) Merge two postcript files.  I'm trying to run a
 small script that converts the text output from
 another program into Postscript, and then merge that
 file with a previously createed postscript file.
 Here's the script segment that does these things :-
 --- Begin Script Segment --
 for $source.*
  cat $file | enscript -p/tmp/ -R -B
  cat /u/ /tmp/ | lpr -PHPLaser
  End Script Segment ---
 The HP Laser is a fully postscript capable printer, I
 can print both files seperately, and the files are
 able to merge print on a SCO box, but under linux the
 files seem to not want to merge. is a background image that is needed
 behind every page printed.
 source.* is a collection of single pages (organised
 through another section of the script, quite simple
 Comments about this will be greatly appreciated.  All
 help useful.

pstops can do this sort of re-arranging (and much more besides),
provided that the pages to be overlaid are in a single file; gs
can be used to merge arbitrary postscript files.  Try something 
like this:

  gs -q -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sPAPERSIZE=a4 -sDEVICE=pswrite \
 -sOutputFile=- /u/ /tmp/ | \
  pstops -pa4 '2:0+1' | \
  gs -q -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sPAPERSIZE=a4 -sDEVICE=pswrite \
 -sOutputFile=- - | \
  lpr -PHPLaser

The first gs merges the two pages into a single file (file '-'
for output sends postscript to stdout and '-q' stops messages
being sent there too), then pstops places page 1 on top of page
0.  The second gs may not be necessary, but it does *something*
that makes my printer spit out the page; without it I get output
that I can view in gv, but not print using lpr.  Perhaps it just
adds a showpage to the end...

If you wanted to you could make one big merged ps file
containing alternating pages of background and text and then
pipe the lot through pstops, gs and lpr to print it all in one
job (provided you have sufficient space in your print spool

Note that gs may bulk up the size of your input postscript as it
adds resources, fonts, and general padding that may or may not
be required by your printer.

John P.
Oh - I - you know - my job is to fear everything. - Bill Gates in Denmark

Re: Forcing a core dump?

1999-10-16 Thread Remco van 't Veer
ulimit -c unlimited

On Sat, Oct 16, 1999 at 16:15, Neil Booth wrote:

 I have found a bug in some software that causes it to segfault.
 However, there is no core file to use with gdb.  Why is a core file
 not generated / how do I force one?

Zimmermann semtex Shell heroïne bomb Cocaine KFOR Beatrix UCK aanslag
nuclear CAST thrust CIA Lebed coup KKK explosion SIGINT genetic

anyone use FireMail?

1999-10-16 Thread Pollywog
Has anyone here tried FireMail on a Debian system?  I cannot get it to work
and the author has tried to help but it still won't work.

FireMail is a spam filter that works with procmail.  I use Exim, but I like
FireMail because it can filter based on the Received: header.

The URL is


GnuPG Public KeyID: 0x48109681
*we all live downstream*

Re: ppp not working

1999-10-16 Thread John Hasler
W. Paul Mills quotes:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Samuel Varghese) writes:

 On Sat, 16 Oct 1999, John Hasler wrote:

 the exact message that appears when i type either pon or pppd is:
 /usr/sbin/pppd: this system lacks kernel support for pppd. this could be
 because the ppp kernel module is not loaded or because the kernel is not
 configured for ppp. see the readme.linux file in the pppd2.3.5 distribution.

I did not write that.

And writes:
 Sounds like your ppp module is not loading.

Unfortunately, that may not be the case. pppd often gets confused by other
errors and erroneously issues that message.  It is often the result of a
permissions problem.
John HaslerThis posting is in the public domain.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Do with it what you will.
Dancing Horse Hill Make money from it if you can; I don't mind.
Elmwood, Wisconsin Do not send email advertisements to this address.

Re: Forcing a core dump?

1999-10-16 Thread Greg Wooledge
Neil Booth ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

 I have found a bug in some software that causes it to segfault.
 However, there is no core file to use with gdb.  Why is a core file
 not generated / how do I force one?

Programs can prevent themselves from dumping core -- if they do, then
there's nothing you can do to force them.

It's better to run the application *inside* gdb -- then if it segfaults,
you can do bt or where to get a stack trace, and mail it off to
whoever wants to see it (the program's maintainer, etc.).

$ gdb foo
(gdb) run arg1 arg2 ...
... seg fault ...
(gdb) bt

Greg Wooledge| Distributed.NET
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | because a CPU is a terrible thing to waste. |

Description: PGP signature

Re: booting from SCSI

1999-10-16 Thread iehrenwald
 Is there a way to boot off a SCSI disk (/dev/sda2 is my root
 partition) if there is also an IDE disk (/dev/hda[1-5] are present) ?

Look in your BIOS and check out the boot order options.  Stuff like

--Ian Ehrenwald

Re: hello

1999-10-16 Thread Dwayne C . Litzenberger
Think what would happen if every newcomer to this list made posts like

On Fri, Oct 15, 1999 at 11:36:48PM -0700, Kimberly Marlor wrote:
 I'm a new subscriber to debian and just want to say
 hello to everyone else on the debian user list.
 Got to go, Bye.
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Bid and sell for free at
I already have all the latest software.
 -- Laura Winslow, Family Matters

Dwayne C. Litzenberger - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Advertising Policy:
GnuPG Public Key:
 Fingerprint:   0535 F7CF FF5F 8547 E5A5  695E 4456 FB6C BC39 A4B0

Description: PGP signature

Modem connection transfer rate

1999-10-16 Thread David J. Kanter
I read here last week about addind the following lines to my
/etc/ppp/peers/provider file:

bsdcomp 15,15
defalte 15,15
vj-max-slots 16
asyncmap 0
mru 576
mtu 576

So I did. But then, after running modconf, I noticed that some new modules
appeared---ones I never specified during set up. They were: bsd_comp and
slhc. Did these magically appear because of what I added to the above
file? And if so, was I correct in installing these modules (changing the -
to a +)?

David J. Kanter
Debian 2.1

Redialing ppp

1999-10-16 Thread David J. Kanter
How do I set up pon to redial if the telephone number is busy? There are
example scripts in the /usr/doc/ppp/examples but those are for ppp-on, which
I don't think is the same as pon, right?

Perhaps I'm a little confused as to the difference between the three
potential dialers I have: wvdial, pon/poff, and ppp-on/ppp-off.
David J. Kanter
Debian 2.1

podrías ayudarme?...

1999-10-16 Thread Berna

Mira te escribo para lo siguiente, estoy implementado un editor
visual en Java que contenga iconos y opciones de menu; es
decir una herramienta CASE.  Cada una de las opciones de menu por
supuesto deben realizar una acción, así como también las
opciones de los iconos.  Tanto el menu como los iconos los coloco en un
frame.  Y tengo otro Frame que me sirve de contenedor
para ir metiendo objetos en el; es decir, en este segundo frame lo que
yo inserto son objetos de tipo Textfield, TextArea, Button,
Checkboxs, que son las acciones precisamente de los iconos y de las
opciones del menu.  La idea es que yo pueda insertar
objetos y después pueda realizar operaciones sobre estos objetos que
están en el contenedor, como por ejemplo arrastrarlos
(reubicarlos) y borrarlos.  Todo esto ya puedo hacerlo... el problema es
que necesito poner en este Frame barras de
desplazamiento que me permitan mover los objetos contenidos en el
contenedor a travesdel Frame, con el objeto de colocar
nuevos objetos ya sea a la derecha o hacia abajo.  Ya busque algunas
formas de hacerlo y la verdad es que no he podido
lograrlo, por eso es que te escribo para ver si pudieras ayudarme o
explicarme un poco como debo hacerlo...

Te mando mi programa fuente esperando puedas echarme una mano,
Ok...   el programa se llama este tiene muchas
líneas que estan comentariadas, por que posteriormente voy a usarlas...
Ok..   Los iconos no va a cargartelos por que no te
mando las imagenes, pero en la opción del menu insertar se encuantran
los objetos que se pueden insertar en el frame que se
llama FVenProy (segundo Frame), al dar click sobre una opción una
ventana de características de despliega, puedes simplemente
dar click en el boton aceptar y el objeto será insertado... Ok...

Estoy usando el JDK 1.2 con el swing 1.01. para compilar y ejecutar
el programa fuente. Ok...

Ojala puedas ayudarme, pero si no de antemano te doy las gracias por
el tiempo invertido por leer este correo. Ok...

P.D. Espero respueta.

otra vez...

1999-10-16 Thread Berna
  Perdón se me había pasado enviarte el archivo, pero ahora si por ahí
Description: application/unknown-content-type-jbuilder.javafile

kernel upgrade options

1999-10-16 Thread John
I have RedHat and SuSE working as I need and am wrestling to get
Debian 2.1 to the same point mainly for interest and to eventually
rely solely on Debian. Embarrassingly, I've just realized my major
problem is due to the fact that Debian kernel is 2.0.36 whilst the 
other dists are 2.2.5 and 2.2.7 respectively, and I need 2.1 or 2.2.

It seems an opportunity to upgrade to 2.2.7, and gain experience 
- I think I understand the Howto and other literature - but now I 
come to plan the work, things are not straightforward.

If I try to download 2.2.7.tar.gz from ftp., can I use
dselect and should I? (dselect says ftp access method can produce
errors since it is not part of the standard dpkg package).

According to the Howto the kernel should be in /usr/src/linux - it 
seems to be in /usr/include/linux/2.0.36 on my box. Much is written
about the benefits of being able to compile to ones exact needs, and
conserve memory etc. As a beginner, although I can see what is in
the present kernel, I don't understand what the various packages 
do - in certain cases I know what I don't want (pcmcia for example),
but I certainly don't know what I need. Yet again, 2.2.7.tar.gz is
13M of I know not what and I've no idea how to get rid of or avoid
downloading any items (if I read the site correctly, there's some
230 files). The ftp site doesn't seem to offer a choice of archs -
are all kernels basically the same?

As I have CD-ROMS for RedHat and SuSE, could I use one of these?
I can see the kernel on the RedHat one, but as there are rpms for
Kernel-2.2.5-22.i386, -boot, cfg, -doc, -headers, -ibcs, -pcmcia,
-smp (2 rpms same description and approx same size) and -source-2.2
I wouldn't know what to use if this is an option.  SuSE isn't clear to

If I could use the CD-ROM, I could shortly upgrade to say 2.2.9
using the experience gained.

I've posted before and received simple to understand assistance, I'm
hoping someone will point the way for me here. Problems for novices
are daunting at first and obvious when solved. 

Any help will be appreciated.

I've seen references to CD-ROM subscription schemes - anyone
know any suitable for UK residents. It should make large 
downloads easier and perhaps cheaper.

Re: Debian/Slink Connection Speed

1999-10-16 Thread Rafael Maximino Dib Gonçalves
wow, I just haven't told u about the peer error because it just occured
when I tryed to connect to my isp using the kppp programm. and that's
nothing to do with the connection speed... and I just can't connect with
it even now because I dunno nothing about peers... I think because in
redhat systems there's nothing about it (in the directory /etc/ppp...)
and I haven't need to configure anything like this to connect using
I copyed my pap-secrets and chap-secrets to debian and pppd gives me an
error, telling me that he couldn't authenticate enough to get an ip
address, I dunno right what was on that error... oh, and my provider
uses pap ! but I think it wouldn't help because usually I conect using
terminal based authentication, just to remember my password ;) with pon
and poff it haven't changed too. I still downloading things at 820,
well, I'll see what I can do here.

Re: Redialing ppp

1999-10-16 Thread John Hasler
David J. Kanter writes:
 How do I set up pon to redial if the telephone number is busy?

By giving pppd the 'persist' option.

 here are example scripts in the /usr/doc/ppp/examples but those are for
 ppp-on, which I don't think is the same as pon, right?

Yes, but they are all ways of starting pppd.

 Perhaps I'm a little confused as to the difference between the three
 potential dialers I have: wvdial, pon/poff, and ppp-on/ppp-off.

add 'persist' to /etc/ppp/options.  That will work for pon and ppp-on, and
I think for wvdial as well.
John HaslerThis posting is in the public domain.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Do with it what you will.
Dancing Horse Hill Make money from it if you can; I don't mind.
Elmwood, Wisconsin Do not send email advertisements to this address.

Re: Redialing ppp

1999-10-16 Thread Brian Servis
*- On 16 Oct, David J. Kanter wrote about Redialing ppp
 How do I set up pon to redial if the telephone number is busy? There are


holdoff 1

to your ppp options file(see the man page for pppd for details).  If you
used pppconfig then that would be in your /etc/ppp/peers directory and
the default name of the options file is 'provider'.  This also has the
benefit of redialling if you get terminated by the other end, like for
connection time limits which most ISP's use.

Brian Servis

Mechanical Engineering  |  Never criticize anybody until you  
Purdue University   |  have walked a mile in their shoes,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |  because by that time you will be a   |  mile away and have their shoes.

Potato broke my mouse in X?

1999-10-16 Thread Aaron Solochek
I just installed a potato partiton, all seemed to go well.  I even
installed accelerated X on it, and its setup didn't segfault, an obvious
improvement.  The first time I ran X everything worked fine.  Then, out
of the blue, the mouse stopped working in X.  I was doing a lot of stuff
trying to set up the system.  I rebuilt the kernel, but I'm sure that
was configured correctly, I installed a bunch of stuff, I uninstalled a
bunch of stuff.  But nothing that should affect the mouse.  The mouse
works on console.  Its a logitech mouseman, ps/2.  All of my settings
are for a ps/2 mouse on /dev/psaux.  I have gpm and the lib's installed,
I even tried installing the libc5 gpmlibs.  But no go.  Where else
should I look?  X knows its a ps/2 on /dev/psaux.


-Aaron Solochek

Re: anyone use FireMail?

1999-10-16 Thread Pollywog

On 16-Oct-99 George Bonser wrote:
 On Sat, 16 Oct 1999, Pollywog wrote:
 FireMail is a spam filter that works with procmail.  I use Exim, but I like
 FireMail because it can filter based on the Received: header.
 Exim can filter in the Received: header too.
 if h_Received: contains something then do something endif

I have done it that way (in a central filter), but FireMail will let me use an
external file and Exim won't AFAIK.  



Re: installed but now what?

1999-10-16 Thread Rob Mahurin
On Fri, Oct 15, 1999 at 09:58:02PM -0600, jh wrote:
 One other question: I am logged on in root. Can someone give me something
 to type along with a brief description of what it does? I want to see Linux
 in action.

I would suggest 

16:16 ~ $ cd /usr/share/doc/HOWTO/
16:17 /usr/share/doc/HOWTO $ zless DOS-Win-to-Linux-HOWTO.txt.gz

Yours may be under /usr/doc; the move to /usr/share/doc is in potato.

Only type what's after the dollar sign; I have a busy prompt.

Have fun!


I understand why you're confused.  You're thinking too much.
-- Carole Wallach.

Re: Potato broke my mouse in X?

1999-10-16 Thread Ben Lutgens
On Sat, Oct 16, 1999 at 02:52:15PM -0400, Aaron Solochek wrote:
 I just installed a potato partiton, all seemed to go well.  I even
 installed accelerated X on it, and its setup didn't segfault, an obvious
 improvement.  The first time I ran X everything worked fine.  Then, out
 of the blue, the mouse stopped working in X.  I was doing a lot of stuff
 trying to set up the system.  I rebuilt the kernel, but I'm sure that
 was configured correctly, I installed a bunch of stuff, I uninstalled a
 bunch of stuff.  But nothing that should affect the mouse.  The mouse
 works on console.  Its a logitech mouseman, ps/2.  All of my settings
 are for a ps/2 mouse on /dev/psaux.  I have gpm and the lib's installed,
 I even tried installing the libc5 gpmlibs.  But no go.  Where else
 should I look?  X knows its a ps/2 on /dev/psaux.
Is gpm running? if so kill it and startx and see if your mouse works.

Re: Postscript Merging - psmerge ?

1999-10-16 Thread shaul
   psmerge  -  filter  to merge several PostScript files into

   psmerge [ ] [ ...  ]

   Psmerge merges PostScript documents into  a  single  docuAD
   ment.  It  only  works  in the specific case the the files
   were created using the same  application,  with  the  same

 I'm trying to get a couple of things running for a
 client here.  I need the system to be able to do two
 things :-
 1) Merge two postcript files.  I'm trying to run a
 small script that converts the text output from
 another program into Postscript, and then merge that
 file with a previously createed postscript file.
 Here's the script segment that does these things :-
 --- Begin Script Segment --
 for $source.*
  cat $file | enscript -p/tmp/ -R -B
  cat /u/ /tmp/ | lpr -PHPLaser
  End Script Segment ---
 The HP Laser is a fully postscript capable printer, I
 can print both files seperately, and the files are
 able to merge print on a SCO box, but under linux the
 files seem to not want to merge. is a background image that is needed
 behind every page printed.
 source.* is a collection of single pages (organised
 through another section of the script, quite simple
 Comments about this will be greatly appreciated.  All
 help useful.
 2) Dial-in PPP Access.  Before people start screaming
 at me to read the manuals, I suggest they also look in
 the documentation.  The current documentation is not
 detailed enough for me to get the system to work.  I
 can setup shell access using mgetty, but as soon as I
 try and setup a pppd to run, it kills the connection
 complaining about the lock files.
 Any help here needed!  How-to files, please paste into
 your reply all relevant sections, as the online
 HOWTO's, and the local howto's onsite are not up to
 the task.
 BTW - I'm not on the mailing list (I don't have time
 to sort through heaps of mail everyday).  Please post
 all replies direct to me.
Peter Ludwig
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Bid and sell for free at
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Emacs20 install error

1999-10-16 Thread Carl Greco
I am attempting to replace emacs-19.34 with emacs-20.3 on a Slink
system with the following steps:

1) Remove emacs19:  dpkg -r emacs19
   [leaving emacsen-common (1.4.8) installed]

2) Install emacs:  apt-get install emacs20

   Emacs installs but fails to configure with the following error

   Cannot open load file: debian-rundir
   emacs-install: /usr/lib/emacsen-common/packages/install/emacsen-common 
emacs20 failed at /usr/lib/emacsen-common/emacs-install line 28.
   dpkg: error processing emacs20 (--configure):
   subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 29
   Errors were encountered while processing:
   E: Sub-process returned an error code

Also attempted to install emacs20 with dpkg with similar results.
Could not find debian-rundir on disk or distribution CD.  Where do I
get debian-rundir?


Re: Redialing ppp

1999-10-16 Thread aphro
i use the persist option in /etc/ppp/options 

it'll keep redialing no matter what forever, until you tell it to stop :

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
  Linux System Administrator
  Firetrail Internet Services Limited
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On Sat, 16 Oct 1999, David J. Kanter wrote:

 How do I set up pon to redial if the telephone number is busy? There are
 example scripts in the /usr/doc/ppp/examples but those are for ppp-on, which
 I don't think is the same as pon, right?
 Perhaps I'm a little confused as to the difference between the three
 potential dialers I have: wvdial, pon/poff, and ppp-on/ppp-off.
 David J. Kanter
 Debian 2.1
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

where are the word processor debs

1999-10-16 Thread Charles Lewis
Does anyone have a url for a nice wordprocessor?
I've got an ftp url for kde in my sources.list, but I don't have koffice in
my package list. I tried corel's website but they don't have a .deb to

Charles Lewis, Director of Administrative Computing
Southwestern Adventist University, Keene, TX
(817)556-4720  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  FAX (360)397-7952

HELP: Free space zero no matter what

1999-10-16 Thread Dwayne Litzenberger

*Please cc replies to [EMAIL PROTECTED], as I cannot
access my mail e-mail account.*

Here's my problem: no matter how much I delete, my
free space count is 0 blocks.  e2fsck doesn't help.

When I run df, it knows that the blocks used is less
than blocks free, and blocks used gets smaller as I
delete files, but the free-space count stays as zero.

I can create files with echo blah blah blah  file,
but exim, for instance, won't save anything to my
mailbox, nor will pine or mutt save any files.

Anyone know a program that recalculates the free
blocks count?

Please answer ASAP, as this is a crippling problem.

*Please cc replies to [EMAIL PROTECTED], as I cannot
access my mail e-mail account.*

What the world needs is a public burning of all WinModems, and their
  latest cousins, the 'WinPrinters'.
   [ ]
GnuPG Fingerprint: 0535 F7CF FF5F 8547 E5A5  695E 4456 FB6C BC39 A4B0
Dwayne Litzenberger - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Do You Yahoo!?
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