Re: ¡Ayuda con fdisk!

1999-10-28 Thread Paco Brufal
On Tue, 26 Oct 1999, Tomas Guemes wrote:

 Pero como no he rebotado todavía, el kernel sigue viendo
 la tabla de particiones antigua. 

Tan solo tienes que crear las mismas particiones que tenias antes,
poniendo los numeros EXACTOS de comienzo y fin, y si puedes, haz un backup
primero de lo que tengas en esos directorios.

Si quieres saber cómo pertenecer a
Paco Brufal [EMAIL PROTECTED] Fidonet, la red de correo con más
Fidonet 2:346/3.68  CALIDAD del Mundo y SIN SPAM,
preguntame como.

...Say What?. Dj Alex. 1995
--- Pine 4.20 + Sendmail 8.9.3
 * Origin: FAQ de R34.LINUX: (2:346/3.68)

Re: wmppp y kernel 2.2.11

1999-10-28 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
On mié, oct 27, 1999 at 07:15:14 +0200, Juan Ignacio Llona wrote:
 Ambas aplicaciones usan la librería xpm4g (la versión que tengo es la
 3.4j-0.6). Puede ser que esta librería tenga algún tipo de
 incompatibilidad con el kernel nuevo? O no tiene nada que ver? :?¿ 

No debe tener nada que ver dado que yo he ido actualizando el kernel a base
de parches desde el 2.1.125 hasta el 2.2.13 y el wmmon y el wmppp no me han 
dejado de funcionar en nigún momento.
Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Webs: ViguLinux
PGP public key:


1999-10-28 Thread Andres Seco Hernandez

El 25 Oct 1999 a las 03:30PM +0200, Ángel Carrasco escribio:
 Es posible que tenga que ver un servidor de correo cuya IP fija sufre un
 enrutado por parte del servidor de internet. Este cada 15 minutos le intenta
 lanzar el correo. Para ello, me comentan dos cosas. En el named debo poner
 un registro mx con la IP fija. Y luego Sendmail con la opción ETRN.

Si, lo de la IP fija creo que es absolutamente necesario. El ETRN lo puedes
enviar desde donde quieras contra el servidor de correo que mantiene el
spool de correo para el dominio que te interese cuando tu servidor de
correo no esta conectado a internet, por ejemplo, mediante una linea bajo
demanda. Mientras no estes conectado, los mensajes llegaran a tu proveedor,
al servidor de correo externo, y cuando si estes conectado, directamente a ti.
Cuando conectes, deberias enviar un ETRN al servidor
de correo externo, para que inicie una conexión contra ti para entregar los
mensajes que hayan podido llegar durante el tiempo en que no has tenido

Te puedes fijar de los registros MX de DNS de cualquier dominio con NSLOOKUP.
prompt Set type=MX y despues un nombre de dominio que te parezca, Lo normal será que veas al menos 2 registros MX con diferente
prioridad (menor número = más prioridad) con los nombres de los servidores
de correo SMTP que reciben mensajes para ese dominio. El de menor número
(mas prioridad) deberá ser el tuyo de llamada bajo demanda, y el otro el de
tu ISP. Normalmente se encargan los ISPs de este tema.

El comando ETRN lo puedes mandar con Fetchmail, aunque yo tengo un script en
perl muy sencillito que tambien lo hace. Supongo que sendmail tambien tendra
forma de hacerlo, pero no lo conozco. Yo lo uso con Microsoft Exchange Server
5.5, que cuando está en la parte interior de una red con proxy, no puede
enviar ETRN al servidor SMTP externo (un poco chapucilla, pero así es), por
lo que tuve que hacer un script perl para el asunto. Corre en NT y Linux,
aunque creo que es más limpio Fetchmail.


Andres Seco Hernandez - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Microsoft Certified Product Specialist MCP ID 445900
Debian GNU Linux 2.1 (slink) - Linux Registered User no. 113867
10/27   New York's Boss Tweed is arrested on fraud charges, 1871
10/27   The first New York Subway is opened, 1904
10/28   Columbus discovers Cuba, 1492
10/28   Constantine's army defeats forces of Maxentius at Mulvian Bridge, 312
10/28   Harvard was founded in Massachusetts, 1636
10/28   Statue of Liberty was dedicated on Bedloe's Island, 1886

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Local: Madrid] RE: quedada

1999-10-28 Thread TooMany
On Wed, Oct 27, 1999 at 07:40:07PM +0200, Jesus M. Gonzalez-Barahona wrote:
   Vuelvo a dar la lata. ?Os parecer'ia bien montar la kedada el
 mismo d'ia que quedamos los de Debian en el Hispalinux? Se podr'ia
 quedar primero en la Carlos III, tal y como est'a planificado dentro
 del horario del congreso (el viernes), y luego (con tiempo para
 llegar) en el garito ese o en cualquier otro que os parezca bien...
   Bastar'ia con que en vez de quedar el s'abado lo hag'ais el
 viernes... Y as'i, quien quiera se arrima al Congreso, quien quiera al 
 garito, y quien quiera a los dos sitios...

Por mí bién... En todo caso, somos tres los que nos acercaríamos; Indio,
Shasquash y yo mismo... con sendas camisetas identificativas ;-)
Vamos los tres en un mismo coche, así que si al conductrés no le entra sueño
;-), pero bueno... yo diría que es casi seguro que iremos.

   \|/  \|/
Have a nice day  ;-)   @'/ ,. \'@
TooManySecrets /_| \__/ |_\

Re: quedada

1999-10-28 Thread Virgilio Gómez Rubio

  Estoy de acuerdo contigo. Yo iré al congreso, así que me pasaré por la

  Un saludo.


 Dios mio, hemos caido en manos de ingenieros
Ian Malcom, el matemático  de Parque Jurásico

On Wed, 27 Oct 1999, Jesus M. Gonzalez-Barahona wrote:

Re: Instalar sin dselect

1999-10-28 Thread Jordi Roman Mejias
   El otro día compré el Solo Linux y por fin me he hecho con
  Yo lo he instalado de una forma que creo que puede ser bastante
  correcta, a saber:
  1.- Como usuario root ejecuto el script de instalacion con el 
  /net ( que crea una instalacion 'multiusuario' ) en un directorio comun,
  yo escogi /usr/local/Office51a
 No creo que sea muy correcto ejecutarlo como root.
En que te basas para decirlo, ya que el resto de los paquetes que hayas
instalado lo habras echo como root.

¿Se pueden instalar cosas como operator?
Jordi Román Mejias e-mail:  
Linux User # 98296-70876
Autònoma Oberta   Servei de Informàtica   Universitat Autónoma de

Re: Instalar sin dselect

1999-10-28 Thread Fernando
Jordi Roman Mejias wrote:
El otro día compré el Solo Linux y por fin me he hecho con
   Yo lo he instalado de una forma que creo que puede ser bastante
   correcta, a saber:
   1.- Como usuario root ejecuto el script de instalacion con el 
   /net ( que crea una instalacion 'multiusuario' ) en un directorio comun,
   yo escogi /usr/local/Office51a
  No creo que sea muy correcto ejecutarlo como root.
 En que te basas para decirlo, ya que el resto de los paquetes que 
 instalado lo habras echo como root.
 ¿Se pueden instalar cosas como operator?

Yo cuando instalo cosas que no provienen de debian o de las que no
dispongo de los fuentes, prefiero instalarlas como un usuario normal
en un directorio /opt o semejante.

En principio funciona, y te aseguras de que el programa de instalación
no haga cosas extrañas (al estilo windows).

(No me gustan nada los programas que necesitan el usuario root para
ser instalados.)



   Hackers do it with fewer instructions.

Instalación mínima

1999-10-28 Thread Pascual Máñez Rodríguez

Podría alguien decirme si hay alguna manera de hacer encajar al Debian
en un 486 con 3712Kb de Ram y 350Mb de disco duro?

Re: Instalación mínima

1999-10-28 Thread David Charro Ripa
Existe un disco por ahi de arranque especial para PC con pocas memorias.
¿Donde lo encontre? mmm... por aqui esta, mira esta pagina de debian

Luego tendras que ahorrar memoria. Hay un HOWTO de trucos para ahorrar memoria.

Yo intente instalarlo en un 486 Compaq y fracase con todo exito  ;-)
Por supuesto la culpa era del PC Compaq, no de Linux.  X-DDD



 Podría alguien decirme si hay alguna manera de hacer encajar al Debian
 en un 486 con 3712Kb de Ram y 350Mb de disco duro?

Re: Partiton magic 4 disco de inicio, VAJATE la imagen.

1999-10-28 Thread Ignasi Modolell

 MA Bajate la imagen de partition magic 4, disco de inicio xDD ya!!1
 MA de aqu=EC:

Me imagino que este comentario no gustará a alguien pero... me temo que
eso es piratería; no es que me importe mucho, pero si el webmaster de Jet
lo ve quizás no le guste.

Ignasi Modolell - Barcelona   TeamOS/2
... Automático significa sin arreglo

Re: II Congreso

1999-10-28 Thread Humberto . Morell
Muchas gracias a todos, y especialmente a David

Lamentablemente me sucede como a ti David con el problema de que no
estan anunciadas las ponencias , aunque estoy casi convencido que no
voy a poder ir pues aunque saguen ahora la programacion, estoy un poco
lejos y a la fecha en que estamos,no me da tiempo ni para 
obtener la visa. 

Vi en el Web que van a trasmitir en vivo las ponencias.
Quisiera preguntar 
No tienen previsto crear algunas paginas con el desarrollo de las 
ponencias,para aquellos que tenemos interes pero no tenemos la 
posibilidad de participar.


Jesus M. Gonzalez escribio:
   Lo habr'a en breve (hoy mismo estoy redactando el informe de
 David Charro Ripa writes:
Hola a todos
Por favor alguien me pudiera dar la direccion donde pueda ver
detalles de II Congreso de Linux.
   Aunque no la veo muy actualizada. Estoy esperando que salgan las ponencias 
   presentarselas a mi jefe y que me deje ir. Pero no veo por ningun lado 
 unresumen de lo que se
   va a exponer.
   Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
 Jesus M. Gonzalez Barahona | Departamento de Informatica
| Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
 Grupo de Sistemas y Comunicaciones | Mostoles, Spain
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
Humberto Morell ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Tengo un logrotate tocando las narices... ¿qué hago?

1999-10-28 Thread Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz

Ayer me pasó, y hoy vuelve a ocurrir. Más o menos entre las 8 de la mañana
y la una del mediodía, se enciende una tarea el cron.daily llamada
logrotate, que según la poca información que trae rota logs.

Vale, pues en estos mismos momentos me dice el top:

 5751 root   9   0 18708  18M   432 S   0 75.4 14.5 411:11 logrotate

Y como veréis, ya sólo me queda un 15% de CPU idle, y escribiendo en el
bash o el pine, tardan un ratillo en aparecer las letras cuando pillo

El otro día lo maté, pero entonces el cron me mandó un email diciéndo que
era un error que no acabase bien el programa, y hoy vuelve a las andadas.

¿Pues qué hago? ¿Le sigo dejando chupar CPU y memoria (que por cierto, eso
es en un PII 300 con 128 de ram, vamos, que el logrotate se come más
recursos que el windows+office), borro el logrotate.daily, o qué? ¿Es
vital esa tarea? En el man apenas viene una pequeña descripción...

Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gogosoftware -

WinError FFF: Ran out of memory for more error messages.

AMPLIADO: Tengo un logrotate tocando las narices... ¿qué hago?

1999-10-28 Thread Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz

Respecto al mensaje este, acabo de descubrir (creo) el problema. En el
/etc/logrotate.conf, me incluye lo que haya en /etc/logrotate.d/, y ahí
hay un fichero del leafnote, con la opción compress.

Tras hacer un ps -aux me percaté de que había un gzip
-9 log.1.gz.2.gz.3.gz.4.gz.5.gz o algo parecido (no exagero, parece ser
que le había dado por comprimirse recursivamente, y con el 9).

Así que he matado el logrotate, quitado lo del compress, y ahora voy a ver
que guarrada me ha hecho en /var/log/news. En concreto, hace tres minutos
que le di a abrir la carpeta con el mc, y todavía sigue 'trabajando'.

Ya que veo que eso no tiene fin, ¿puedo borrar directamente el directorio
news y crear otro desde cero?


Ayer me pasó, y hoy vuelve a ocurrir. Más o menos entre las 8 de la mañana
y la una del mediodía, se enciende una tarea el cron.daily llamada
logrotate, que según la poca información que trae rota logs.

Vale, pues en estos mismos momentos me dice el top:

 5751 root   9   0 18708  18M   432 S   0 75.4 14.5 411:11 logrotate

Y como veréis, ya sólo me queda un 15% de CPU idle, y escribiendo en el
bash o el pine, tardan un ratillo en aparecer las letras cuando pillo

El otro día lo maté, pero entonces el cron me mandó un email diciéndo que
era un error que no acabase bien el programa, y hoy vuelve a las andadas.

¿Pues qué hago? ¿Le sigo dejando chupar CPU y memoria (que por cierto, eso
es en un PII 300 con 128 de ram, vamos, que el logrotate se come más
recursos que el windows+office), borro el logrotate.daily, o qué? ¿Es
vital esa tarea? En el man apenas viene una pequeña descripción...

Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gogosoftware -

WinError FFF: Ran out of memory for more error messages.

Re: Tengo un logrotate tocando las narices...¿qué hago?

1999-10-28 Thread Jordi Roman Mejias
 Vale, pues en estos mismos momentos me dice el top:
  5751 root   9   0 18708  18M   432 S   0 75.4 14.5 411:11 logrotate
 El otro día lo maté, pero entonces el cron me mandó un email diciéndo que
 era un error que no acabase bien el programa, y hoy vuelve a las andadas.
 ¿Pues qué hago? ¿Le sigo dejando chupar CPU y memoria (que por cierto, eso

Este proceso si no me equivoco no hace nada mas que renombrar ficheros
y comprimirlos (quizas pare el/los demonio/s de log) en cualquier caso
algo relativamente sencillo. 

No lo se, pero me parece que debe tener algun problema para realizar
esta tarea (filesystem lleno, fichero corrupto, fichero bloqueado, etc)
Usa el comando 'lsof' para ver que ficheros usa ese proceso (en que
fichero esta pillado); el 'ps -axf' para ver posibles subprocesos, etc.

Suerte y que no sea nada.
Jordi Román Mejias e-mail:  
Linux User # 98296-70876
Autònoma Oberta   Servei de Informàtica   Universitat Autónoma de

Re: Tengo un logrotate tocando las narices... ?qu? hago?

1999-10-28 Thread dfm

En la descripcion del dselect del propio paquete deb te dice que es una
utilidad para rotar logs, es decir evita que los logs se agranden
demasiado, si no te interesa y prefieres llevar tu el control del tamaño en
los logs, yo lo quitaría.

Un saludo

Daniel. con fecha 28/10/99 15:43:53

CC:  (cci: Daniel Ferradal Marquez/INFO/URQUIJO)
Asunto: Tengo un logrotate tocando las narices... ¿qué hago?


Ayer me pasó, y hoy vuelve a ocurrir. Más o menos entre las 8 de la mañana
y la una del mediodía, se enciende una tarea el cron.daily llamada
logrotate, que según la poca información que trae rota logs.

Vale, pues en estos mismos momentos me dice el top:

 5751 root   9   0 18708  18M   432 S   0 75.4 14.5 411:11

Y como veréis, ya sólo me queda un 15% de CPU idle, y escribiendo en el
bash o el pine, tardan un ratillo en aparecer las letras cuando pillo

El otro día lo maté, pero entonces el cron me mandó un email diciéndo que
era un error que no acabase bien el programa, y hoy vuelve a las andadas.

¿Pues qué hago? ¿Le sigo dejando chupar CPU y memoria (que por cierto, eso
es en un PII 300 con 128 de ram, vamos, que el logrotate se come más
recursos que el windows+office), borro el logrotate.daily, o qué? ¿Es
vital esa tarea? En el man apenas viene una pequeña descripción...

Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gogosoftware -

WinError FFF: Ran out of memory for more error messages.

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: quedada

1999-10-28 Thread Correcaminos
El Wed, Oct 27, 1999 a las 07:12:33PM +0200, Jesus M. Gonzalez-Barahona dijo: 
   El viernes por la tarde estamos quedando en el Hispalinux'99
 para la reuni'on sobre Debian. Habr'a alg'un desarrollador, y
 hablaremos de lo que se tercie (yo quer'ia hablar al menos de
 Debian-es, de potato, y de alguna otra cosa). Como ya habr'a all'i
 gente de Debian, y muchos estaremos de todas formas en el Congreso,
 creo que ser'ia buena idea quedar all'i... ?Qu'e os parece?
   (El congreso es en Legan'es, cerca de Madrid)

Hola a todos ...

Yo me apunto a la movida, aunque puntualizo que tengo que estar el
viernes por la tarde en la mesa redonda de los grupos locales. Despues de
eso, lo que se tercie :)

Nota: ¿Alguna tienda en Madriz que venga camisetas con logos de Debian ...? 
   ___   _ _
 / ___|_   _| (_) ___  Grupo de Usuarios de LInux de Canarias
| |  _| | | | | |/ __| Pasate por nuestro web
| |_| | |_| | | | (__
 \|\__,_|_|_|\___| Clave PGP en las paginas de Gulic

Problemas con fonts en el tetex del Debian 2.1

1999-10-28 Thread Luis E. Garcia-Castillo

Hola a todos,

Es mi primer mensaje a la lista (me acabo de suscribir) aunque llevo
ya algunos años con la Debian.  El problema es referente a la creacion
de los ficheros de fuentes de tetex.

Hasta ahora usaba el tetex 0.4 que venia con Debian 1.3 sin ningun
problema. El caso es que he cambiado a Debian 2.1 (tetex 0.9) y me
encuentro con errores como el que sigue cuando intento correr el xdvi
o el dvips:

 $ xdvi pruebakpathsea: Running mktexpk --mfmode ljfour --bdpi 600 --mag 
0+514/600 --dpi 514 cmti7
mktexpk: mktexdir /var/spool/texmf/pk/ljfour/-o  failed.
kpathsea: Appending font creation commands to missfont.log.
xdvi.bin: Can't find font cmti7.514pk
kpathsea: Running mktexpk --mfmode ljfour --bdpi 600 --mag 1+0/600 --dpi 600 
mktexpk: mktexdir /var/spool/texmf/pk/ljfour/-o  failed.
xdvi.bin: Can't find font cmr6.600pk
xdvi.bin: Not all pixel files were found

El problema parece de permisos  porque si corro el xdvi 
como root no hay problemas. Pero es que los permisos 
estan aprentemente bien:

pinios2:/var/spool/texmf# ll
total 4
-rw-r--r--   1 root root  305 Oct 26 06:26 ls-R
drwxrwxrwt   3 root root 1024 Feb 19  1999 pk/
drwxrwxrwt   2 root root 1024 Feb 16  1999 source/
drwxrwxrwt   3 root root 1024 Jun 18 11:36 tfm/

¿Alguna sugerencia?

--- Salida de hacer dpkg -l '*tetex*' ---

ii  tetex-base  0.9.981113-1   basic teTeX library files
ii  tetex-bin   0.9.981113-2   teTeX binary files
pn  tetex-dev   none (no description available)
ii  tetex-doc   0.9.981113-1   teTeX documentation
ii  tetex-extra 0.9.981113-1   extra teTeX library files
un  tetex-frenchnone (no description available)
ii  tetex-nonfree   0.9.981113-1   non-free teTeX library files
pn  tetex-src   none (no description available)

Presentacion en la lista...

1999-10-28 Thread Daniel Payno
Hola a todos... he leido por ahi algun que otro nombre conocido de R34.LINUX... 
nos vemos..

Daniel Payno

Re: quedada

1999-10-28 Thread Antonio Castro
On Thu, 28 Oct 1999, Correcaminos wrote:

 El Wed, Oct 27, 1999 a las 07:12:33PM +0200, Jesus M. Gonzalez-Barahona dijo: 
  El viernes por la tarde estamos quedando en el Hispalinux'99
  para la reuni'on sobre Debian. Habr'a alg'un desarrollador, y
  hablaremos de lo que se tercie (yo quer'ia hablar al menos de
  Debian-es, de potato, y de alguna otra cosa). Como ya habr'a all'i
  gente de Debian, y muchos estaremos de todas formas en el Congreso,
  creo que ser'ia buena idea quedar all'i... ?Qu'e os parece?
  (El congreso es en Legan'es, cerca de Madrid)
   Hola a todos ...
   Yo me apunto a la movida, aunque puntualizo que tengo que estar el
 viernes por la tarde en la mesa redonda de los grupos locales. Despues de
 eso, lo que se tercie :)
 Nota: ¿Alguna tienda en Madriz que venga camisetas con logos de Debian ...? 

Yo vendo camisetas de Linux con el pinguino.

___   _ _
  / ___|_   _| (_) ___  Grupo de Usuarios de LInux de Canarias
 | |  _| | | | | |/ __| Pasate por nuestro web
 | |_| | |_| | | | (__
  \|\__,_|_|_|\___| Clave PGP en las paginas de Gulic
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

/\ /\ Ciberdroide Informatica (tienda linux)
 _|0 0|_
|  . . . . U U . . . . Antonio Castro Snurmacher |  
(((Donde Linux)))

Re: Instalación mínima

1999-10-28 Thread KebleR

Hombre de poderse se puede, pero llega un momento que el arranque se
vuelve criminal., como lo mínimo de debian, lleva demasiadas cosas, al
final yo tuve que coger una slackware, y instalarlo


USA U$s 0.36

1999-10-28 Thread International Access S.A.


USA U$S 0.36 
ISRAEL  U$S 0.47
HONG KONG   U$S 0.55




Re: quedada

1999-10-28 Thread Correcaminos
El Thu, Oct 28, 1999 a las 08:38:08PM +0200, Antonio Castro dijo: 
 On Thu, 28 Oct 1999, Correcaminos wrote:

  Nota: ?Alguna tienda en Madriz que venga camisetas con logos de Debian ...? 
 Yo vendo camisetas de Linux con el pinguino.

No las tendrás con el logo de Debian, ¿no?

Si la tuvieras, lleva una, talla XXX (o la más grande que pilles).
Me la llevaría puesta :)

   ___   _ _
 / ___|_   _| (_) ___  Grupo de Usuarios de LInux de Canarias
| |  _| | | | | |/ __| Pasate por nuestro web
| |_| | |_| | | | (__
 \|\__,_|_|_|\___| Clave PGP en las paginas de Gulic

Re: Tengo un logrotate tocando las narices...¿qué hago?

1999-10-28 Thread Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz
On Thu, 28 Oct 1999, Jordi Roman Mejias wrote:
   No lo se, pero me parece que debe tener algun problema para realizar
 esta tarea (filesystem lleno, fichero corrupto, fichero bloqueado, etc)

Por el mensaje anterior, creo que se le atragantaba un log del directorio

   Usa el comando 'lsof' para ver que ficheros usa ese proceso (en que
 fichero esta pillado); el 'ps -axf' para ver posibles subprocesos, etc.

Argh... mala suerte. Intento hacer un du en el directorio, y luego el lsof
para ver que ocurre... ¡y se quedan ambos programas bloqueados chupando
memoria y cpu!

El disco duro parece estar bien, ya que un fsck no indica nada anómalo.
Por lo tanto, o hay mucho fichero y los programas entran en un bucle
cuasi-infinito, o realmente tengo un grave problema con ese directorio.

¿Podría alguien mirar que tiene en su /var/log/news? En caso de que sean
_solamente_ ficheros de log del leafnode, pues borro el directorio. Pero
si hay enlaces a otras cosas... uf, mal rollo.

Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gogosoftware -

 If Windows sucked, it would be good for something.

Cuenta pelas

1999-10-28 Thread Martín
Hola, hasta ahora me he conectado a Internet desde Windows, pero he conseguido
configurar mi modem en Linux y he descubierto que todo funciona mejor y es mas
estable (era de suponer). He decidido navegar desde Linux pero hecho en falta
una utilidad que tenia en Windows:
  Un programa que contabilice las llamadas que he hecho Internet y que me
indique a cuanto asciende cada llamada
Si alguien conoce algún programa similar para  Linux le agradecería que me
indicara cual es. 

Muchas gracias.debian

Get free email and a permanent address at

Re: Potato Boot Floopies In Swedish -- A Call For Translators (fwd)

1999-10-28 Thread peter karlsson
Nils-Erik Svangård:

 Kolla in

Jag hjälper gärna till, var får jag CVS-åtkomst till filerna?

peter -

Re: Start-meddelandet

1999-10-28 Thread Gunnar . Isaksson
EXT AVS; Henrik Andersson wrote:
 Hur ändrar jag start-meddelandet? Det som kommer upp varje gång jag loggar in.

Filen /etc/motd (message of the day) innehåller själva texten och som du kan
ändra till
något som passar dig bättre.

Version: 3.1
GCS d- s: a+ C++ UL P+ L+++ E W+++ N+ o+ K- w-- 
O- M- V PS PE Y+ PGP++ t-- 5+ X++ R tv b+ DI- D++ 
G e+++ h-- r- z+ 

Re: Start-meddelandet

1999-10-28 Thread peter karlsson

 Filen /etc/motd (message of the day) innehåller själva texten och som du
 kan ändra till något som passar dig bättre.

Kika även på /etc/default/rcS där det finns en variabel man måste ställa om
så att inte motd skrivs om varje omstart.

Sen får man inte glömma /etc/issue, som är den som visas efter man loggat

peter -

Debian Athlon

1999-10-28 Thread Rolf Edlund

Funderar på att gå över till Debian (iom att potato släpps). Nu undrar
jag, hur fungerar den disten på ett AMD K7 (Athlon) system ?

Då tänker jag både att instalera och att köra..

 - * Linux - a more stable way to live * -

Mvh Rolf Edlund

Re: Debian Athlon

1999-10-28 Thread Per Lundberg
On Thu, 28 Oct 1999, Rolf Edlund wrote:

 Funderar på att gå över till Debian (iom att potato släpps). Nu undrar
 jag, hur fungerar den disten på ett AMD K7 (Athlon) system ?

Det är nog inte så mycket distributionen som kärnan det hänger på. Jag vet
inte alls hur bra stöd Linux har för Athlon, men det borde inte vara några
som helst skillnader från K6-2/3 i det avseendet. De är ju bägge
IA32-kompatibla, så att säga.

Re: Debian Athlon

1999-10-28 Thread Rolf Edlund
On Thu, 28 Oct 1999, Per Lundberg wrote:

  Funderar på att gå över till Debian (iom att potato släpps). Nu undrar
  jag, hur fungerar den disten på ett AMD K7 (Athlon) system ?
 Det är nog inte så mycket distributionen som kärnan det hänger på.

Slarvigt skrivet, det var naturligtvis kärnan jag tänkte på.. :-)

 Jag vet inte alls hur bra stöd Linux har för Athlon, men det borde
 inte vara några som helst skillnader från K6-2/3 i det avseendet. De
 är ju bägge IA32-kompatibla, så att säga.

Ok, SuSE (som jag kör för tillfället) har en patch, för att kunna köras på
ett K7 system. Därför undrade jag, om Debian har fixat något liknande.

 - * Linux - a more stable way to live * -

Mvh Rolf Edlund

postgresql install problem solved

1999-10-28 Thread Pollywog
I have been unable to install postgresql and I did a search for postgresql
on Google's Linux search engine and I found a HOWTO which gave a clue about
the problem.  I thought I should remove the user postgres from my
/etc/passwd because the HOWTO indicated that the installation should not find
a user postgres already in the password file.

I removed that user and it seems that did the trick :)
The HOWTO is for RPM versions but I thought this would apply to Debian
packages also.


GnuPG Public KeyID: 0x48109681
*we all live downstream*

Re: just curious about Debian vs Redhat

1999-10-28 Thread Peter Ross
On 27-Oct-1999, Bart Szyszka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  * apt (the tool to keep your distribution up to date), it is by far
the best part of Debian.  The best bit about it is its ability to
get packages from multiple sources and always pick up the latest
 What about up2date, though? I heard it was a program for Red Hat
 that performs the same functions that apt does.
Never heard of it.  If it has the similar functionality to apt, great!


Re: manual kernel recompile vs make-kpkg

1999-10-28 Thread Paolo Pedaletti
Ciao Charles Lewis,

  make menuconfig (or xconfig)
  make dep (make clean??)
  make bzImage
  make modules
  make modules_install
  cp /usr/src/kernel-source-2.2.12/arch/i386/boot/bzImage /boot/vmlinuz-2.2.12
  rm /vmlinuz
  ln -s /boot/vmlinuz-2.2.12 /vmlinuz

I have done this script for this task:

--8- cut here -8

{   # beep $1 times

if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then   

if [ $2 =  ] ; then

if [ $3 =  ] ; then

echo -ne \33[10;$freq]\33[11;$lenght]

until [ $N -eq 0  ]; do
echo -ne \a
sleep 1

echo -en \33[10;$freq]\33[11;$lenght]

# TIME0=`date +%T`
# TIMER=`difftime $TIME0 $TIME1`

TIME0=$1; TIME1=$2
HOUR0=${TIME0:0:2}; MIN0=${TIME0:3:2}; SEC0=${TIME0:6:2}
HOUR1=${TIME1:0:2}; MIN1=${TIME1:3:2}; SEC1=${TIME1:6:2}


if [ $DIFF_HOUR -lt 0 ] ; then

if [ $DIFF_MIN -lt 0 ] ; then

if [ $DIFF_SEC -lt 0 ] ; then


# extract version / patch-level / sub-level from Makefile

HEADERa=`head -n 1 Makefile`
HEADERb=`head -n 2 Makefile| tail -n 1`
HEADERc=`head -n 3 Makefile| tail -n 1`
HEADERd=`head -n 4 Makefile| tail -n 1`

#   echo \$HEADERa\, \$HEADERb\, \$HEADERc\, \$HEADERd\


echo $K_VER

# initialize LOGFILE:
cat /dev/null  $LOGFILE
echo -e \n-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-\n  make-time.log

export K_VER=`src_kernel_version`

STEPS=dep clean bzImage modules modules_install

TIME0=`date +%T`

echo Compiling Linux Kernel $K_VER ... | tee -a make-time.log

for STEP in $STEPS ; do
TIMER=`date +%A %d %B %Y @ %T` : MAKE $STEP ... 
echo -n $TIMER | tee -a make-time.log
#   echo -e -n $TIMER
make $STEP   $LOGFILE 21
if [ ! $EXITcode = 0 ] ; then
echo -n EXIT code = $EXITcode
echo -e  ! ERROR ! Last $LOGFILE 
tail -n 15 $LOGFILE
echo -8--8--8-
beep 750 1000
exit 1
TIME1=`date +%T`
TIMER=`difftime $TIME0 $TIME1`
echo $TIMER | tee -a make-time.log
#   echo $TIMER
beep $NBEEP

TIMER=`difftime $TIME00 $TIME1`
echo Total time: $TIMER | tee -a make-time.log

# Useful if you have a lilo.conf like:

if [ -e /etc/lilo.conf ] ; then
   lilo \
 echo -e \nLILO UPDATED, good luck with the new kernel $K_VER 
!!!\n; \
echo Next boot-time - lilo: test \
|| echo -e \nERROR! Something goes wrong! check /etc/lilo.conf\n

EXTENSION=$K_VER-`date +%Y%m%d`

cp /usr/src/linux/arch/i386/boot/bzImage /boot/bzImage.$EXTENSION
cp /usr/src/linux/ /boot/$EXTENSION
ln -s -f /boot/bzImage.$EXTENSION /boot/test__

beep 1 5000 1000

--8- cut here -8

My lilo.conf:

--8- cut here -8

# Specifies the boot device

# Specifies the device that should be mounted as root.

# Enables map compaction:

# Install the specified file as the new boot sector.

# Specifies the number of _tenths_ of a second LILO should
# wait before booting the first image.  LILO
# doesn't wait if DELAY is omitted or if DELAY is set to zero.

# Specifies the location of the map file:



# Specifies the VGA text mode that should be selected when booting


# latest stabile version:

# old stabile version:

# new version just compiled:

Re: just curious about Debian vs Redhat

1999-10-28 Thread Jacob Schmude Your Jacob Schmude
It is called update-agent. It can do almost the same things as apt can do. The 
main difference is that you can only get updates  from, 
while apt can get them from any mirror. Update-agent for rh6.1 only runs in an 
X session. I'd take debian apt-get any day.

Peter Ross writes:
  On 27-Oct-1999, Bart Szyszka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
* apt (the tool to keep your distribution up to date), it is by far
  the best part of Debian.  The best bit about it is its ability to
  get packages from multiple sources and always pick up the latest
   What about up2date, though? I heard it was a program for Red Hat
   that performs the same functions that apt does.
  Never heard of it.  If it has the similar functionality to apt, great!
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: modem speed

1999-10-28 Thread Oki DZ

Attila Csosz wrote:
 I'm looking for a program that measures the speed of downloading( for example
 for the wget program ).
 ( better if it is console based or can be X-based )

You can use serialmon. It also monitors internal modems (RX,TX,DCD) and
display the led on the console.


unexpected file /1

1999-10-28 Thread Dave Baker

Browsing my fairly recently updated potato system I find a file named '1'
in the root directory.

It contains the following lines repeated many times over.

Elements moved to a different document
Elements moved to a different document
Elements moved to a different document
Elements moved to a different document
Elements moved to a different document

I expect this was caused by a buggy update script but since I have no idea
which of the many files I updated on that day could have caused it I can't
pinpoint what it was.

Does anyone else have this?  Anyone know better which package might have
left it behind?


   | oOOooO   /  
 --|oOobodoO/   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 --| ooOoOo   /
   |   II   / The wise man tells you where you have fallen
   |   II /  and where you may fall - Invaluable secrets.

Re: kernel upgrade options

1999-10-28 Thread Jacob Schmude Your Jacob Schmude
You can hold down the shift or alt keys as lilo loads to be at the boot: 
prompt. However, to get the boot prompt back do the following:

edit your /etc/lilo.conf
right before the image=/vmlinuz line add the following line:


Save the file and exit the editor. Run liloconfig and answer yes about 
installing a boot block with the existing configuration.

Salman Ahmed writes:
   J == John  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  J Firstly, when I boot, I do not get an opportunity apply any
  J parameters - the reference to (I think) Peter Anwin and the boot
  J prompt do not appear - the word 'loading' and a fast moving line of
  J dots then right into the 'init' and up comes the log-in screen. (No
  J time to pick up my coffee mug). What have I omitted?
  I too have the same 'problem'. When I initially installed Debian a couple
  of months ago, that was one of the first thing that I noticed. The Debian
  boot process does not seem to give any opportunity to enter boot
  parameters, the way that Redhat does by pausing at the LILO: prompt.
  Since then I have compiled the 2.2.12 kernel a number of times and this
  LILO boot behaviour has not changed.
  I'd be interested in knowing why LILO behaves this way in Debian.
  J I find some files confusing and am not sure what I should get rid
  J of.  /usr/src now contains kernel-source-2.2.1.tar.gz (1.3M which I
  J put there) and a directory kernel-source-2.2.1 which includes
  J vimlinuz (1.3M) dated Oct 25.  /usr/include/linux still has Oct 5
  J date (my original installation).  / has vmlinuz (19 Bytes) linked to
  J /boot/vmlinuz also dated Oct 5 and /boot/vmlinuz-2.0.36 is 715K
  J again Oct 5.  Does this make sense, and if so what is not needed?
  Yes it makes perfect sense. You can delete the 2.2.1 source tarball as long
  you have a copy somewhere else (CDs, another HD, etc.) or else be prepared
  to download it again. You can also delete the kernel-source-2.2.1 directory
  if you are running out of HD space, but then you will lose your kernel
  .config file if you haven't backed it up somewhere.
  The vmlinuz in /usr/src/kernel-source-2.2.1 can safely be deleted as the
  one that is used to boot Linux is in /boot.
  Hope that makes sense. If am I wrong, I am sure someone will correct me ;)
  J If there is nothing sinister arising out of the above, I propose to
  J apply patches 2 to 7 and then on to 12.
  Are you running a production server ?? If not, then it would be easier to
  just upgrade to the latest and greatest stable 2.2 kernel which would
  happen to be 2.2.13 (hope you are not superstitious ;)).
  If you are running a production server then it makes sense to upgrade the
  kernel slowly.
  Salman Ahmed
  ssahmed AT interlog DOT com
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: restart exim

1999-10-28 Thread Dave Baker
On Wed, 27 Oct 1999, Richard Weil wrote:

 How do you restart exim after changing exim.conf?  The manual says to
 send the daemon process a SIGHUP signal, but I can't find the daemon
 process pid.

I use:
# /etc/init.d/exim restart

Alternatively, you can try:
# kill -HUP `pidof exim`

or even
# killall -HUP exim


   | oOOooO   /  
 --|oOobodoO/   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 --| ooOoOo   /
   |   II   / The wise man tells you where you have fallen
   |   II /  and where you may fall - Invaluable secrets.

Help Please, potato ne2000 install problem

1999-10-28 Thread Stan Brown
Help please.

I am trying to install from the latest unstable on a machine with a
NE200 network card.

During the initial boot session, I select this module, and configure
networking, and am able to access the network.

However after the first reboot, the network does not come up. ifconfig
-a does not find the eht0 device. Atempting to load the ne module by
hand at this point results in unresolved symbols.

What am I doing wrong?

Stan Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED]843-745-3154
Charleston SC.
Windows 98: n.
useless extension to a minor patch release for 32-bit extensions and
a graphical shell for a 16-bit patch to an 8-bit operating system
originally coded for a 4-bit microprocessor, written by a 2-bit 
company that can't stand for 1 bit of competition.
(c) 1999 Stan Brown.  Redistribution via the Microsoft Network is prohibited.

Re: potato auto fsck

1999-10-28 Thread Shaul Karl
Has anyone noticed any oddities with the latest update to potato's
 e2fs programs?  I upgraded three machines and two worked perfectly; the
 third, however, will hang upon running /etc/init.d/
If I bypass the end of (where it does the auto fsck) with
 an exit 0 the system boots and runs normally.  I've reinstalled the e2fs
 package and running e2fsck manually shows the file systems to be fine. 
 I haven't had much time to delve into it more deeply but was wondering
 if anyone else has experienced similar problems.

It might be connected loosely with  

Re: unexpected file /1

1999-10-28 Thread Terry D. Burden
Dave Baker wrote:
 Browsing my fairly recently updated potato system I find a file named '1'
 in the root directory.
 It contains the following lines repeated many times over.
 Elements moved to a different document
 Elements moved to a different document
 Elements moved to a different document
 Elements moved to a different document
 Elements moved to a different document

looks suspiciously like gnome-print to me...

Re: restart exim

1999-10-28 Thread Shaul Karl
 How do you restart exim after changing exim.conf?  The manual says to
 send the daemon process a SIGHUP signal, but I can't find the daemon
 process pid.

As far as I know, the defualt setup is to have exim running only when it is 
needed. i.e, it might not run in daemon mode on your machine. There for, you 
probably do not need to do anything in order to have your changes take effect.

Re: kernel upgrade options

1999-10-28 Thread Brad

On Wed, 27 Oct 1999, John wrote:

 I have upgraded from 2.0.36 to 2.2.1 without appearing to cause
 any great disasters, and with surprising results. At present, I boot
 from a floppy and it now takes 36 secs to reach the log-in screen
 instead of 3mins 50 secs. So far as I can tell everything works very
 well and the speed is far greater than I need - to me it seems
 blindingly fast.

i noticed that too when i first remade my boot floppy. It depends on the
particular command used to create the thing, i don't know the specific

 However, I have what seems to be one potential problem, some
 cleaning-up to do (Ihope its only that) and a few questions to
 take my knowledge a little further.
 Firstly, when I boot, I do not get an opportunity apply any
 parameters - the reference to (I think) Peter Anwin and the boot 
 prompt do not appear - the word 'loading' and a fast moving line
 of dots then right into the 'init' and up comes the log-in screen. (No
 time to pick up my coffee mug). What have I omitted? I don't know
 what will happen if 'rescue' is needed. After 'make config', 'make 
 dep', and 'make clean' I used 'make bzdisk' which gave me the disk
 I now use for booting.

Check your lilo.conf, as others have mentioned. Although, if you're using
a boot floppy all the time this may or may not be applicable (i boot
direct from my hd)

 The kern.log now seems basically very clean to me - the only items
 I do not understand are 'cannot find map file' and 'work around ISA
 DMA hangs' followed by 'activating ISA DMA hang work arounds' 
 - I presume the latter two just show a correction working.

When you compile a kernel manually, you have to copy the file
from the base directory of the kernel source into /boot. I'd recommend
renaming it to at the same time.

 I find some files confusing and am not sure what I should get rid of.
 /usr/src now contains kernel-source-2.2.1.tar.gz (1.3M which I put 
 there) and a directory kernel-source-2.2.1 which includes vimlinuz 
 (1.3M) dated Oct 25.

You can delete kernel-source-2.2.1.tar.gz if you want to. If you ever need
it again, it should still be on the CD.

You should keep the kernel-source-2.2.1 directory for patching.

 /usr/include/linux still has Oct 5 date (my original installation).

i'd leave that as-is. i suspect that's the kernel headers installed by the
libc6-dev package.

 / has vmlinuz (19 Bytes) linked to /boot/vmlinuz also dated Oct 5

You copied the vmlinuz into boot as stated in the kernel docs? Good.
Although, i'd call it vmlinuz-2.2.1 to make it easy to tell which kernel
version it is. If you decide to rename it, make sure to fix the symlink in

The symlink in / isn't technically necessary, but if it always points to
your current vmlinuz in /boot, you then don't have to edit lilo.conf every
time you change the kernel. Just retarget the link and rerun lilo.

i also have a vmlinuz.old symlink pointing to the previously installed
kernel version. In my lilo.conf, i have an alias set up to boot this, just
in case a new kernel refuses to work i can still boot the old.

 and /boot/vmlinuz-2.0.36 is 715K again Oct 5. 

This is your old kernel. Once you're sure 2.2.1 works fine for you, you
can delete it if you want. As i mentioned above, i always keep a
known-stable kernel linked from lilo.conf.

 If there is nothing sinister arising out of the above, I propose to apply 
 patches 2 to 7 and then on to 12.

Go to 13, it fixes some problems with 12. In particular, i wouldn't bother
to compile 8, 9, 10, 11, or 12, just do the patching.

 I have started to prepare for this but find a confusion in Brian
 Ward's Linux Kernel HOWTO. Under 5.1 'Applying a patch', after the
 initial steps, it says 'If everything went right, do a 'make clean',
 'config', and 'dep' as described etc' Do I take it I should follow
 that order?

I'd recommend to follow these steps if you insist on doing it manually:
 1) Backup the .config file
 2) 'make mrproper'
 3) Patch the thing. Watch for rejects. Fix them if they're important.
 4) Restore the .config
 5) 'make oldconfig' or your favorite of {menuconfig,xconfig,config}
 6) Do exactly what you did after 'make config' to compile this one.

Although, instead of all that i'd use make-kpkg (from the kernel-package
package). It takes care of, those symlinks in /, and can be
managed with dpkg/dselect.
 1) 'make-kpkg clean'
 2) Patch it, just like above.
 3) 'make oldconfig' or your favorite of {menuconfig,xconfig,config}
 4) 'make-kpkg --rev revision kernel-image'
People will give you much conflicting information about what to use
for this parameter. i personally use something along the format of
2.2.11-anomie.1. I should use an epoch, something like
 5) If you ALSA, pcmcia, or any other kernel add-ons that depend on the
kernel version (and which the Debian packages put in 

Re: potato auto fsck

1999-10-28 Thread thomas lakofski
On Wed, 27 Oct 1999, eric k. wolven wrote:

 I've noticed the same thing. When booting the system hangs at /dev/hda5 and 
 /dev/hda7 on my system during e2fsck check.  If I C-c, the system continues 
 booting normally.
 When doing shutdown, I get a message that /dev/hda7 is busy and is being 
 mounted read-only.  So far as I've been able to tell, nothing is amiss.  I 
 updated Monday, 10/25.
 Maybe the current update will correct it.  I'm downloading as I speak...

parallel checking of filesystems was broken in the first release of
e2fsprogs 1.16.  this one bit me too ;-).  latest release fixes it.


Re: Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 for x86 Installation Problem

1999-10-28 Thread Jacob Schmude Your Jacob Schmude
If you mean installing the base system, then I have done so from a hard disk. 
Note that it is recommended that you only install the basesystem from the 
harddisk and then install the other stuff from the net.

Robert J Cristel writes:
  Hi Hendy,
  I enjoyed your informative post.  I found it very interesting because I
  am having exactly the same problem.  To the gentlemen who tried to be
  the menu at this point of the install procedure offers a choice of 1)
  floppy 1
  2) floppy 2
  3) cdrom
  4) harddisk
  5) mounted
  *   I selected the medium I will use to install the
system (that's my harddisk)
  As you can see our interest is with the '4) harddisk' choice.
  We would be interested in hearing from anybody who was able to proceed
  beyond this point, starting with the slink downloaded files in an msdos
  filesystem and going on to create a new Debian installation.
  Best Regards,
  Robert Cristel
  Montreal, Canada
  !doctype html public -//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en
  Hi Hendy,
  pI enjoyed your informative post.nbsp; I found it very interesting because
  I am having exactly the same problem.nbsp; To the gentlemen who tried
  to be helpful:
  pthe menu at this point of the install procedure offers a choice of 1)
  floppy 1
  br2) floppy 2
  br3) cdrom
  br4) harddisk
  br5) mounted
  blockquote TYPE=CITE
   *nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; I selected the medium I will use to 
  install the
   system (that's my harddisk)/pre
  pbrAs you can see our interest is with the '4) harddisk' choice.
  brWe would be interested in hearing from anybody who was able to proceed
  beyond this point, starting with the slink downloaded files in an msdos
  filesystem and going on to create a new Debian installation.
  pBest Regards,
  brRobert Cristel
  brMontreal, Canada

Re: Wp8 and Debian 2.1

1999-10-28 Thread leckert
NaNoFlaW wrote:
 I getting a seg fault when I try to run xwp.
 this is the debug info
 Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
 0x4017026f in strncmp ()
 and this is the error message
  3316 Segmentation fault  $Platform/ins/$Exec $Menu $Values $bgcolor
 Warning: The graphical install program has failed.
 No problems with libs ( i have libc5 installed )

I had a simlar problem. The cure was to install xpm4.7 in adittion to
libc5.  Just a suggestion.


tkman is not in potato ?

1999-10-28 Thread Shaul Karl
[02:54:13 /tmp]$ grep tkman /var/state/apt/lists/*
Packages:Suggests: tkman
grep: /var/state/apt/lists/lock: Permission denied
grep: /var/state/apt/lists/partial: Is a directory
[02:55:31 /tmp]$ 

Re: just curious about Debian vs Redhat

1999-10-28 Thread Bart Szyszka
 It is called update-agent. It can do almost the same things as apt can do. 
 The main difference is that you can only get updates  from, 
 while apt can get them from any mirror. Update-agent for rh6.1 only runs in 
 X session. I'd take debian apt-get any day.

Isn't there a command-line version of update-agent/up2date, though? And the
server can be changed in the configuration from what I have heard about

Bart Szyszka [EMAIL PROTECTED] ICQ:4982727
B Grafyx
L.J.R. Engineering
PHP Interest Group

Re: just curious about Debian vs Redhat

1999-10-28 Thread aphro
i have yet to even touch apt ..whats so good about it ??

i always have used dftp to update my stuff great.


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
   Vice President Network Operations
  Firetrail Internet Services Limited
   Everett, WA 425-348-7336
Powered By:
Debian 2.1 Linux 2.0.36 SMP
-[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--

On Thu, 28 Oct 1999, Peter Ross wrote:

 On 27-Oct-1999, Bart Szyszka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   * apt (the tool to keep your distribution up to date), it is by far
 the best part of Debian.  The best bit about it is its ability to
 get packages from multiple sources and always pick up the latest
  What about up2date, though? I heard it was a program for Red Hat
  that performs the same functions that apt does.
 Never heard of it.  If it has the similar functionality to apt, great!
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

mixing slink and potato?

1999-10-28 Thread Stefan Langerman

I have a machine running slink, but I need some packages only available on 
Is it possible to install those packages (preferably with dselect or
apt-get) without updating the whole system to potato?
As soon as I included the unstable directories in apt, dselect forced me
to update the whole thing. Is there a way to prevent that?


brief (yet stupid) question

1999-10-28 Thread Lucas
running debian 2.1r2

i'm here:

and i have to select between Linux 1.2 and 2.2

which one?


PS please cc to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: brief (yet stupid) question

1999-10-28 Thread Brad

On Wed, 27 Oct 1999, Lucas wrote:

 running debian 2.1r2
 i'm here:
 and i have to select between Linux 1.2 and 2.2
 which one?

Go here and pick Linux 2.0 (glibc), that's what slink has AFAIK. You
could also go with the plain Linux 2.0 if you install the libc5
compatibility libs, and the x libs to go with that.

Also, look into the netscape4 package. Once you download the tarball and
put it in the right place (tmp?) it'll install it for you.

- -- 
  finger for PGP public key.

Version: 2.6.3ia
Charset: noconv


Re: just curious about Debian vs Redhat

1999-10-28 Thread Peter Ross
On 27-Oct-1999, aphro [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 i have yet to even touch apt ..whats so good about it ??
You can mix and match the locations where you get the .debs from
(including multiple CDs), and it will automatically pick up the latest

You don't have to use dselect, you can do it all from the command line,
which is nice when you only want to get one package.

You can upgrade to a new version of debian with just one command
(supposedly will handle libc upgrade without getting the system into an
inconsistent state).

 i always have used dftp to update my stuff great.
Yes it does, but it lacks some of the advanced features of apt.


Segmentation fault with ftp client.

1999-10-28 Thread Carlton Davis

I am running Debian 2.1 slink on a IBM ThinkPad. I upgraded my kernel to
and upgraded the packages suggested at;. However, since
I upgraded my
kernel and the suggested packages, the ftp client I am using
(ftp_0.10-3) gives me
a segmentation fault whenever I try to ftp to any site. The last 3 lines
of the output after
entering my password are all ways the same:
Remote system type is UNIX.
Using binary mode to transfer files.
Segmentation fault

ftpd works fine because connection can be made from other machines to
mine. The problem is
just with the ftp client.

Could someone tell me how to fix this problem?
Thanks in advance. Please send a copy of any suggestion to


Re: Segmentation fault with ftp client.

1999-10-28 Thread daniel.w.yang
I can give a guess of  what might happen. Normally, you will receive this
error message Segmentation fault when application could not allocate
memory properly. It might be caused by using the wrong version of library
files. pls check the compatibility of your ftp with 2.2 kernel.
Daniel Yang

-Original Message-
From: Carlton Davis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Wednesday, October 27, 1999 9:21 PM
Subject: Segmentation fault with ftp client.

I am running Debian 2.1 slink on a IBM ThinkPad. I upgraded my kernel to
and upgraded the packages suggested at;. However, since
I upgraded my
kernel and the suggested packages, the ftp client I am using
(ftp_0.10-3) gives me
a segmentation fault whenever I try to ftp to any site. The last 3 lines
of the output after
entering my password are all ways the same:
Remote system type is UNIX.
Using binary mode to transfer files.
Segmentation fault

ftpd works fine because connection can be made from other machines to
mine. The problem is
just with the ftp client.

Could someone tell me how to fix this problem?
Thanks in advance. Please send a copy of any suggestion to


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Microsoft Joliet

1999-10-28 Thread Antonio Rodriguez
How do I enable support for Joliet files system in my box? I have only
the base system. That's it. I suspect that my debian cds are in that
format. Please help.
thanx, antonio

Re: Sun goes fully open source!

1999-10-28 Thread Hamish Moffatt
On Wed, Oct 27, 1999 at 04:27:14PM -0400, William Schwartz wrote:
 FYI: that is not true, not any more. Microsoft has its Windows Terminal
 Server Edition. It's a multi-user version of NT... Its aimed almost
 directly at the NC market, and actually works half way decently (if you can
 believe that!). We have tested it here to support NC's so they can run
 Windows applications. (we have tested with Compaq  WYSE NC's.)

The computer science department in the university where I study has
a bunch of Windows TS boxes. Clients are some old 486 PCs using the DOS
client, and also NCD X terminals using the Citrix client (with MetaFrame
on the terminal server machines) -- works quite well. There's a linux
client for MetaFrame too which I have used.

Hamish Moffatt VK3SB. CCs of replies on mailing lists are welcome.

Re: Sbpcd module trouble

1999-10-28 Thread Hamish Moffatt
On Wed, Oct 27, 1999 at 07:07:50AM +, John Carline wrote:
 Antonio Rodriguez wrote:
  sbpcd-0 [x]: Diskinfo: Read capacity y  returns - 602
  sbpcd-0[x+1]: CD contains no data tracks.
  sbpcd-0[x+2]: !st-diskok detected-retrying

 Ouch!  I can't help you much here.;-(
 Surely someone on the list must have experience with that type of cdrom.  If 
 no one jumps in
 with the answer, you might try asking  the question again. This
 time mention the cdrom type in the subject line.

Unfortunately those CD-ROM drives (old 2 spin drives usually connected
to SoundBlaster cards) are finnicky things. I have 4 dead ones here
and 1 still working, just.

In my experience, the read capacity problems means that the drive is
on its last legs! But perhaps the module has not really detected
the controller/drive properly. Antonio, what sort of controller do you
use for the drive -- sbpro or some other card?

I suggest, if at all possible, buying an IDE CD-ROM drive and forgetting
the old Creative drive. They are quite cheap here in Australia, much
less than I paid for my CR-562 drives a few years back.

Hamish Moffatt VK3SB. CCs of replies on mailing lists are welcome.

Re: unexpected file /1

1999-10-28 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Wed, Oct 27, 1999 at 06:59:06PM -0500, Dave Baker wrote:
 Browsing my fairly recently updated potato system I find a file named '1'
 in the root directory.
 It contains the following lines repeated many times over.
 Elements moved to a different document
 Elements moved to a different document
 Elements moved to a different document
 Elements moved to a different document
 Elements moved to a different document
 Got the same thing here, deleted it. No idea where it came from.
| Eric G. |
| GnuPG public key:  |

How to play Impulse Tracker files

1999-10-28 Thread Alec Smith
I've got several hundred megs of Impulse Tracker (a DOS module tracking
program ala Amiga MODs) modules that I'd like to play under Linux. Does
anyone know of a player to do this? I have s3mod installed, but it'll only
handle the ScreamTracker III files I happen to have.


Re: OPL3-Sax

1999-10-28 Thread Hamish Moffatt
On Wed, Oct 27, 1999 at 09:59:02AM +0200, Rune Linding Raun wrote:
 i got a laptop with a yamaha opl3-sax (ymf719) soundchipset
 system: deb 2.1 with kernel 2.2.13 amd-k6-2 333 128meg ram
 the problem is that 16 bit sound cant function at 44kHz
 if iam going to listen to eg mp3 :) i have to tell the player to sample
 in 22kHz otherwise it sounds really scambled and it looks as it get
 worse if i move the mouse or the hdd is active??
 i cant see any dma/irq conflicts in my /proc and besides it works
 perfectly on 22kHz besides i got my laptop with winblows and it worked
 fine in 44kHz, i got this laptop for a year now and nobody seems to
 have the answer;not being able to get 44kHz really stinks :)

I have a Toshiba 310CDS which has an OPL3SAx sound card built in.
In /etc/modutils/options I have

options opl3sa2 io=0x370 mss_io=0x530 irq=5 dma=1 dma2=0
options opl3 io=0x388

And in /etc/modules I have


lsmod shows the following sound modules in use

opl3sa2 3944   0
ad1848 16496   0 [opl3sa2]
mpu401 18992   0 [opl3sa2]
sound  58060   0 [opl3sa2 ad1848 mpu401]
soundcore   2564   6 [sound]

I can play MP3 files with mpg123 just fine.

Hamish Moffatt VK3SB. CCs of replies on mailing lists are welcome.

Re: Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 for x86 Installation Problem

1999-10-28 Thread Dean
Hi Robert  Hendy
 I missed your post Hendy but did have this one from Robert. It was
about 1 or 2
months ago I installed this way. Are you stuck after your selection of
As I recall after selecting harddisk a screen came up with where is the
files located. In my case I had them in /hda1 . Somehow installation
automaticlly mounted
this after I showed them where the files where.  Dean

Robert J Cristel wrote:
 Hi Hendy,
 I enjoyed your informative post.  I found it very interesting because
 I am having exactly the same problem.  To the gentlemen who tried to
 be helpful:
 the menu at this point of the install procedure offers a choice of 1)
 floppy 1
 2) floppy 2
 3) cdrom
 4) harddisk
 5) mounted
 *   I selected the medium I will use to install the
   system (that's my harddisk)
 As you can see our interest is with the '4) harddisk' choice.
 We would be interested in hearing from anybody who was able to proceed
 beyond this point, starting with the slink downloaded files in an
 msdos filesystem and going on to create a new Debian installation.
 Best Regards,
 Robert Cristel
 Montreal, Canada

Perl problem with fvwmconf

1999-10-28 Thread David J. Kanter
With apt-get, I updated fvwm. But when it came to fvwmconf, I got this error

E: This installation run will require temporarily removing the essential
package perl-base due to a Conflicts/Pre-Depends loop. This is often bad,
but if you really want to do it, activate the APT::Force-LoopBreak option.
E: Internal Error, Could not early remove perl-base

My questions are:

1. Should I proceed anyway? Some perl packages were downloaded with the
fvwmconf files.

2. How do I run APT::Force-LoopBreak option?


David J. Kanter
Debian 2.1

IPv6 on home network

1999-10-28 Thread Dwayne C . Litzenberger
I'm a total newbie to IPv6.  I have 2 Linux boxen on my home network
(connected via ppd over a null-modem cable).  My box does NAT (10.x.x.x
- dialup dynamic IP) for the other box's internet connections. 

Basically, I'd like to convert this network to IPv6, and run IPv4 over
top of that.  Eventually, I'd like to get onto the 6bone, but for now I
just want to set up an IPv6 intranet to get things working.

Anyone have any experience with any of this, or some good IPv6-newbie
links to point me to? 


I already have all the latest software.
 -- Laura Winslow, Family Matters

Dwayne C. Litzenberger - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Microsoft Joliet

1999-10-28 Thread aphro
all recent 2.0 kernels and 2.1/2.2 kernels have joliet built into the
iso9660 driver..

it should autodetect a joliet least it does for me..


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On Wed, 27 Oct 1999, Antonio Rodriguez wrote:

 How do I enable support for Joliet files system in my box? I have only
 the base system. That's it. I suspect that my debian cds are in that
 format. Please help.
 thanx, antonio
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Re: How to play Impulse Tracker files

1999-10-28 Thread oneiros
Thus spake Alec Smith ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

 I've got several hundred megs of Impulse Tracker (a DOS module tracking
 program ala Amiga MODs) modules that I'd like to play under Linux. Does
 anyone know of a player to do this? I have s3mod installed, but it'll only
 handle the ScreamTracker III files I happen to have.

mikmod..  tarballs at
  debs in potato (also in slink, but of course those are quite old)

,   |  . OpenPGP Supported .  '
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Installing Linux (RedHat) on NT 4.0

1999-10-28 Thread Wallentin, Henrik
Hi all!

I know this has been brought up a couple of times, but I would really be
happy if any of you could help me with this.

Last week a had a really good URL for how to set up Linux on a machine which
already has NT on it.
The URL was, and if you take a look now
it has disappeared.

I've seen a couples of MINI HOWTOs but those aren't as good as the above

Any suggestions are welcomed!


Re: boot and shutown both suddenly getting delayed

1999-10-28 Thread John

Im having a similar problem on bootup, since about 4-5 days ago, ive found that 
any other ext2 file systems ( bar /, swap ) are mounted thru fstab, bootup just 
mounting the file systems
The problem automagically dissapears when i disable the other partitions being
mounted at boot by using noauto etc. ( problem is repeatable  and with different
kernels including 2.0.36 as originally installed ?).

Im keeping up with potato, ( yeah i know unstable, but its probably safer to 
keep up
with new libs this way ;), and its still a lot easier to keep running than NT 

I suspect it has something to do with a recent update ??.
Parallelizing fsck v1.16 22-10-1999 seems to be the last command printed to the
console when this happens and it never finishes mounting all drives.

Running a manual e2fsk reports no funnies and the system behaves normally when i
mount them manually

I have not noticed any problems on shutdown

Anthony Campbell wrote:

 I've suddenly started experiencing long delays in both boot and
 shutdown. During boot it gets as far as mounting local file systems...
 not mounted anything. It then pauses for several minutes before finally
 continuing, after which the system seems to work normally.

 On running shutdown, it proceeds as far as sending the KILL message
 after which it again pauses for several minutes before continuing.

 The other symptom is that after all this the date gets set back to 1 Jan

 I know this is very bizarre; can anyone syggest what could have
 happened? I haven't changed any files that I can think of.

 If nothing else seems to work I may contemplate reinstalling to a free
 area of the hard disk, but that seems rather extreme.  Would it be worth
 recompiling the kernel in case it's become corrupt?


 Anthony Campbell - running Linux - Debian 2.1 (Windows-free zone)
 Book Reviews:

 It's no go the Yogi Man, it's no go Blavatsky. - Louis MacNeice

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Re: Can someone explain this kernel panic error message? [fwd]

1999-10-28 Thread John
Just an idea :)

Its not a scsi CDROM drive is it, have seen similar type problems with NT 
booting of
scsi cdrom. If it is does the kernel have support for the scsi controller  ???

Syrus Nemat-Nasser wrote:

 Hello folks.

 This is not Debian-specific, but my brother-in-law got a kernel panic
 while booting of a Linux installation CD:

 I got the following booting off of a CD while installing on a new
VFS: Cannot open root device 08:21
Kernel panic: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on 08:21
 Have you ever seen a kernel panic booting off of a CD. It's just a dell
 machine like a lot
 of my others. It's got a SCSI 2940 but I don't know that this should
 cause problems.
 Any ideas? Bios Setup?

 I don't know what to tell him. I don't have any SCSI devices on my
 machines. He's probably using Red Hat although I've suggested Debian
 several times, of course. :-)

 Thanks. Syrus.


 Syrus Nemat-Nasser [EMAIL PROTECTED]UCSD Physics Dept.

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Next Unstable Version

1999-10-28 Thread Todd Suess
Since potato is scheduled to freeze sometime in early november last
I heard, is the next unstable gonna be named woody?   :)



1999-10-28 Thread Dave Blears

anyone know whats going on at ?

am trying to get slink kde stuff from there and it is a bloody nightmare :p

all sorts of errors and clitches

any mirrors of the current stuff on it?


Best Regards


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New Systems * Upgrades * Repairs * Small Business Networking * Software

Re: C programing

1999-10-28 Thread Benak Istvan
Benak Istvan wrote:
 Someone tell me how can I find a doc about C programing (I downloaded
 the Programmer's Guide, but I can't programming under C, so I want to
 learn it!)
 So I need a doc for lammers!
Thx for all the help! I'll buy a book, when I get my fee, but till than
I found a web page which contain a good tutorial for Pascal, C, C++,
Java, etc. It contains an example *.c programs, and the end of every
chapter be some exercise, and there are the answer program too. 
The documentum is very useful, I couldn't write a program under C, but
yesterday I readed that document, and I understood many thing. 

So thanks everybody!
I can begin the learning! :)

Ps.: = It's that page :)

Best regards!
|   Debian GNU/Linux Potato   200MMX/32MB/1.7Gb/S3VirgeDX4Mb   |
| Kernel: 2.2.9XFree86: 3.3.5 WM: WindowMaker  |
|   e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |

Re: boot and shutown both suddenly getting delayed

1999-10-28 Thread Andrew Hately
Anthony Campbell wrote:
 I've suddenly started experiencing long delays in both boot and

If accompanied by ide reset messages your hard disk could be dying.



Re: mixing slink and potato?

1999-10-28 Thread peter karlsson
Stefan Langerman:

 Is it possible to install those packages (preferably with dselect or
 apt-get) without updating the whole system to potato?

Yes, you can do it directly with apt-get by:

* Pointing your sources.list to potato
* Running 'apt-get update'
* Running 'apt-get install packages' where packages are the ones you want
  to install.
* Pointing your sources.list back to slink
* Running 'apt-get update'

This should only upgrade tha packges needed to meet the dependencies.

peter -

Re: Clock problems

1999-10-28 Thread Anthony Campbell
On 27 Oct 1999, Salman Ahmed wrote:
  AC == Anthony Campbell [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 AC Have you got APM compiled in the kernel? I was getting this problem
 AC and it took me several days to find out that APM was resetting the
 AC time (and date).
 I have the following APM options compiled into my 2.2.12 kernel:
 and my clock seems to be losing time. Its much slower however, I have lost
 about 2 minutes in about 2 weeks. Not sure if its the system or hardware
 clock. How do I check ??
 Also, why would APM reset the time and date ?
 Also, does rebooting the system have any effect on the timekeeping system
 I poweroff/shutdown my debian system at home when I go the work in the
 morning and I turn it on when I get home. I leave it powered up all weekend

I think this is your problem. Look at the help section for APM in
kernel menuconfig; it says there that it resets the clock when you
reboot (don't ask me why). Try recompiling the kernel without APM and
see what happens.


Anthony Campbell - running Linux - Debian 2.1 (Windows-free zone)
Book Reviews:
Alternative email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

It's no go the Yogi Man, it's no go Blavatsky. - Louis MacNeice

Re: removing user from group

1999-10-28 Thread Joachim Trinkwitz

 I added myself to the group mail which I now think may have been a mistake. 
 What command do I use to remove myself (or any other user) from a group?

Do a `gpasswd -d username mail' (and read the man page of gpasswd --
seems to be a commonly unknown command -- I can't remember how I got
to know it anyway ...).


Re: cfdisk and fdisk with slink hang writing partition to SCSI disk...uh-oh

1999-10-28 Thread Martin Waller
I already tried that - Debian still hangs when initialising the partitions 
(made with RH).  I guess I'll have to stick with RedHat, which I'm none too 
happy about I can tell you.

I say bug.


From: Ethan Benson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Martin Waller [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: cfdisk and fdisk with slink hang writing partition to SCSI 

Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 14:48:40 -0800

On 27/10/99 Martin Waller wrote:

(I've resorted to installing RH (6.0 or 6.1) which seems to be
coping OK (still indstalling...but got through the partition bit and
now throwing packages on) hmmm).

why didn't you just partition with redhat and then install debian
skipping the partition step?  all linux on i386 use the same kind of
partition table...

Best Regards,
Ethan Benson
To obtain my PGP key:

Get Your Private, Free Email at

Re: Running MySQL not as 'root'

1999-10-28 Thread Joachim Trinkwitz
Pere Camps [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

   Debian doesn't even create the user 'mysql'. I think I can
 remember Red Hat doing that. Of course I've created it for the testing

What about the mysql-server.preinst script then?:

# creating mysql group if he isn't already there
if ! grep -q ^mysql: /etc/group; then
echo Adding system group: mysql.
addgroup mysql

# creating mysql user if he isn't already there
if ! grep -q ^mysql: /etc/passwd; then
echo Adding system user: mysql.
adduser --system --ingroup mysql --home /var/lib/mysql mysql

(living in /var/lib/dpkg/info/ as all the Debian install scripts do)

Debian is continuously perfecting these install scripts, which is one
of the main superiorities over other distributions.


Re: OPL3-Sax

1999-10-28 Thread Rune Linding Raun
a lsmod here gives:

opl3sa2 3400   1 
ad1848 15060   1  [opl3sa2]
mpu401 17676   1  [opl3sa2]

and in conf.modules:

options opl3sa2 io=0x100 io=0x201 io=0x220 mss_io=0x530 mpu_io=0x370 irq=5 
dma=0 dma2=1

On 28 Oct, Hamish Moffatt wrote:
 On Wed, Oct 27, 1999 at 09:59:02AM +0200, Rune Linding Raun wrote:
 i got a laptop with a yamaha opl3-sax (ymf719) soundchipset
 system: deb 2.1 with kernel 2.2.13 amd-k6-2 333 128meg ram
 the problem is that 16 bit sound cant function at 44kHz
 if iam going to listen to eg mp3 :) i have to tell the player to sample
 in 22kHz otherwise it sounds really scambled and it looks as it get
 worse if i move the mouse or the hdd is active??
 i cant see any dma/irq conflicts in my /proc and besides it works
 perfectly on 22kHz besides i got my laptop with winblows and it worked
 fine in 44kHz, i got this laptop for a year now and nobody seems to
 have the answer;not being able to get 44kHz really stinks :)
 I have a Toshiba 310CDS which has an OPL3SAx sound card built in.
 In /etc/modutils/options I have
 options opl3sa2 io=0x370 mss_io=0x530 irq=5 dma=1 dma2=0
 options opl3 io=0x388
 And in /etc/modules I have
 lsmod shows the following sound modules in use
 opl3sa2 3944   0
 ad1848 16496   0 [opl3sa2]
 mpu401 18992   0 [opl3sa2]
 sound  58060   0 [opl3sa2 ad1848 mpu401]
 soundcore   2564   6 [sound]
 I can play MP3 files with mpg123 just fine.

Best Regards :)

Rune Linding Raun
Graduate student,B.Sc. 
University of Copenhagencellphone:  +45 2625 6801
Institute of Molecular Biology  pager:  +45 5020 8680
Department of Biological Chemistry  phone(lab): +45 3532 2024
Sølvgade 83H Copenhagen fax(lab):   +45 3532 2040
   _   _ _   _   __   _ _ 
 / ___| \ | | | | | / /  _ \  ___| |__ (_) __ _ _ __  
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 \|_| \_|\___/_/  |/ \___|_.__/|_|\__,_|_| |_|
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| |___ | || |\  | |_| |/  \   / __/ _| |
|_|___|_| \_|\___//_/\_\ |_(_)_|

Re: SB 128 PCI support?

1999-10-28 Thread lexchive
On Wed, Oct 27, 1999 at 09:26:22AM -0400, Jon Hughes wrote:
 What do people know about support for the Sound Blaster 128 PCI sound card
 in Linux?  I'm helping my brother convert to Debian and he wants to know
 what sort of sound card he should get.  Thanks :-)

I have that on my pc too. There is no support in OSS/Lite and the Alsa drivers
are not very good, however, but normally the kernel drivers will be enough and
they work very well, also no configuration is needed (just selecting the
es1370 support when recompiling the kernel) so it is very easy to install.
I think the only problem with the kernel drivers vs OSS or alsa is you cant do
cat /dev/audio to get sound. I can live without this :P


Description: PGP signature

Re: removing user from group

1999-10-28 Thread Ethan Benson

On 27/10/99 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Another beginners question I`m afraid :-)
I added myself to the group mail which I now think may have been a 
mistake. What command do I use to remove myself (or any other user) 
from a group?


gpasswd -d user group

where user is the username your are removing and group is of what 
group you are removing said user.

Best Regards,
Ethan Benson
To obtain my PGP key:

Re: OPL3-Sax

1999-10-28 Thread virtanen

By the way, does anyone out there have got a soundcard made by 'Addonics'
containing that OPL3-Sax chip? 

I happen to have that kind of card and
couldn't get it ever working with any kind linux (RH, SuSE, Debian.)

So, should I try it once again? 


On Thu, 28 Oct 1999, Rune Linding Raun wrote:

 a lsmod here gives:
 opl3sa2 3400   1 
 ad1848 15060   1  [opl3sa2]
 mpu401 17676   1  [opl3sa2]
 and in conf.modules:
 options opl3sa2 io=0x100 io=0x201 io=0x220 mss_io=0x530 mpu_io=0x370 irq=5 
 dma=0 dma2=1

Re: Will 2.2.13 be packaged for potato ?

1999-10-28 Thread Joop Stakenborg
On Wed, Oct 27, 1999 at 07:00:23PM +0200, Shaul Karl wrote:
 Will 2.2.13 be part of potato ?

I think so.
The 2.2.13 sources are in the archive now.
Guess the image will soon follow.


 Joop Stakenborg PA4TU, ex-PA3ABA 
 Linux Amateur Radio Software Database

Re: Will 2.2.13 be packaged for potato ?

1999-10-28 Thread Art Lemasters
On Thu, Oct 28, 1999 at 10:25:07AM +0200, Joop Stakenborg wrote:
 On Wed, Oct 27, 1999 at 07:00:23PM +0200, Shaul Karl wrote:
  Will 2.2.13 be part of potato ?
 I think so.
 The 2.2.13 sources are in the archive now.
 Guess the image will soon follow.

You were right.  It has arrived.  ;-)  2.2.13-1 is there.


  Joop Stakenborg PA4TU, ex-PA3ABA 
  Linux Amateur Radio Software Database
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

dhcpcd, 2.2.12 Configs for It

1999-10-28 Thread Art Lemasters
The only way I've gotten dhcpcd to work with the Cisco 675
here is to do (after the long wait for booting)
dhcpcd -r -R

with the dhcpcd -r being the key difference from the documentation
statement about it working with 2.2.x kernels?  Maybe someone
can help with further understanding of this.  ...think maybe it
has something to do with my other configs on this machine?


Re: postgresql install problem solved

1999-10-28 Thread Oliver Elphick
Pollywog wrote:
  I have been unable to install postgresql and I did a search for postgresql
  on Google's Linux search engine and I found a HOWTO which gave a clue about
  the problem.  I thought I should remove the user postgres from my
  /etc/passwd because the HOWTO indicated that the installation should not fin
  a user postgres already in the password file.
  I removed that user and it seems that did the trick :)
  The HOWTO is for RPM versions but I thought this would apply to Debian
  packages also.
The Debian preinst script checks for the existence of postgres in /etc/passwd
and creates it if it does not exist.  If it does exist, it uses the home
directory named in /etc/passwd as the POSTGRES_HOME directory.

If you have an existing installation, you should not remove the user from

If you are _newly_ installing postgresql 6.5.2 or later, there may be a 
problem because base-passwd still makes the home directory /var/postgres
whereas it should now be /var/lib/postgres.  Editing /etc/passwd to correct
this should be sufficient.

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 Cast thy burden upon the LORD, and he shall sustain 
  thee; he shall never allow the righteous to fall.  
   Psalms 55:22 

October GNOME for slink.

1999-10-28 Thread Vincent Renardias

Hello $reader_name,

I've just compiled the lastest GNOME release (October GNOME) for slink
(i386) and uploaded it on
The corresponding apt line is:

deb unstable main

It's been somewhat tested.
Comments, suggestions, constructive criticism is welcome.


- Vincent RENARDIAS  [EMAIL PROTECTED],pipo}.com,{debian,openhardware}.org} -
- Debian/GNU Linux:   http://www.openhardware.orgExecutive Linux: -
-   Open Hardware: -
Every man has two nations, and one of them is France  [Benjamin Franklin]

Re: Can't get seconf NIC to work

1999-10-28 Thread Patrick Kirk
Hi guys,

You may remember I lost my second NIC when I upgraded from 2.0.36 to 2.2.13.
I asked for urls and set off to rtfm.

Perhaps the problem is that I need to pass ether arguments via lilo along
these lines:

label=linux ether=10,0x630,eth0 ether=9,0x620,eth1

The relevant parts of /proc/io and /proc/pci are :

6200-627f : eth1
6300-631f : eth0

Ethernet controller: DEC DC21041 (rev 33).
  Medium devsel.  Fast back-to-back capable.  IRQ 10.  Master Capable.
  I/O at 0x6200 [0x6201].
  Non-prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xe400 [0xe400].
  Bus  0, device   9, function  0:
Ethernet controller: Realtek 8029 (rev 0).
  Medium devsel.  IRQ 9.
  I/O at 0x6300 [0x6301].

Does this look right?

Thanks in advance.

- Original Message -
From: Patrick Kirk [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, October 26, 1999 12:34 PM
Subject: Can't get seconf NIC to work

 Hi all,

 Effortless is one word I wouldn't use to describe the move to the 2.2
 kernel.  Can anyone suggest why lsmod shows nothing, why I can't load the
 tulip module or what I need to do to add a route for 10.

 Thanks in advance.

 enterprise:~# cat /proc/modules
 enterprise:~# route add -net dev eth1
 SIOCADDRT: Invalid argument
 enterprise:~# cd /lib/modules/2.2.9/net/
 enterprise:/lib/modules/2.2.9/net# ls
 dummy.o  tulip.o
 enterprise:/lib/modules/2.2.9/net# modprobe tulip
 /lib/modules/2.2.9/net/tulip.o: init_module: Device or resource busy
 /lib/modules/2.2.9/net/tulip.o: insmod /lib/modules/2.2.9/net/tulip.o
 /lib/modules/2.2.9/net/tulip.o: insmod tulip failed
 enterprise:/lib/modules/2.2.9/net# rmmod de4x5.o
 de4x5.o: No such file or directory
 enterprise:/lib/modules/2.2.9/net# lsmod
 Module  Size  Used by

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Re: Running MySQL not as 'root'

1999-10-28 Thread Pere Camps

 What about the mysql-server.preinst script then?:

I'm running slink's mysql-server. Doesn't add new users. :-/

I can't wait for potato to freeze.

-- p.

Utilities for keeping time sync for a machine behind a firewall ?

1999-10-28 Thread Shaul Karl
I am behind a firewall.
What utilities are there that will let me keep the time synchronized with 
another machine on the Internet ?

Re: OPL3-Sax

1999-10-28 Thread Hamish Moffatt
On Thu, Oct 28, 1999 at 09:54:02AM +0200, Rune Linding Raun wrote:
 and in conf.modules:
 options opl3sa2 io=0x100 io=0x201 io=0x220 mss_io=0x530 mpu_io=0x370 irq=5 
 dma=0 dma2=1

I wrote:
  options opl3sa2 io=0x370 mss_io=0x530 irq=5 dma=1 dma2=0
  options opl3 io=0x388

Couple of things:

* I don't think multiple io= settings makes any sense. What is the purpose
  of that?

* How do you know dm=1 and dma2=0 ?

* Try my settings, maybe they will work for you :-)

Hamish Moffatt VK3SB. CCs of replies on mailing lists are welcome.

Re: Help Please, potato ne2000 install problem

1999-10-28 Thread Shaul Karl
   Help please.
   I am trying to install from the latest unstable on a machine with a
   NE200 network card.
   During the initial boot session, I select this module, and configure
   networking, and am able to access the network.
   However after the first reboot, the network does not come up. ifconfig
   -a does not find the eht0 device. Atempting to load the ne module by
   hand at this point results in unresolved symbols.
   What am I doing wrong?

1) Is it a PnP NIC ?
2) Do you have entries for the NIC at /proc/ioports and /proc/interrupts ?
3) I would try the Ethernet HOWTO.
4) Hopefully someone else will be more helpful. 

Re: Wp8 and Debian 2.1

1999-10-28 Thread Philip Lehman
On Wed, 27 Oct 1999, NaNoFlaW wrote:

I getting a seg fault when I try to run xwp.

this is the debug info
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x4017026f in strncmp ()

and this is the error message
 3316 Segmentation fault  $Platform/ins/$Exec $Menu $Values $bgcolor

No problems with libs ( i have libc5 installed )

Did you install all of libc5, xlib6 (!= xlib6g), and xpm4.7? In
addition to that you need a wrapper that rearranges the library path,
this is the one I use

source /etc/profile
$WPDIR/wpbin/xwp.bin $@ 


Space for hire. Contact Philip Lehman [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Help Please, potato ne2000 install problem

1999-10-28 Thread Art Lemasters
On Thu, Oct 28, 1999 at 11:56:52AM +0200, Shaul Karl wrote:
 3) I would try the Ethernet HOWTO.

 I noticed that the site (which is is down tonight.  You can also find the
Ethernet How-To at


Re: OPL3-Sax

1999-10-28 Thread Rune Linding Raun
OK now i tested the NEWEST ALSA
with and without OSS emul and with diff DMA buffer sizes

SAME thing still sound skip!!
ar this drives me nuts

mp3 nogo unless in 22kHz

On 27 Oct, Leszek Gerwatowski wrote:
 On Wed, Oct 27, 1999 at 05:04:48PM +0200, Rune Linding Raun wrote:
 what should be the difference ? DMA buffer allocation 
 i tested that it didnt help, n i guess this prob is alot more
 subtle than shifting from oss-alsa
 thanks anyway
 OK - you choose. But I had many problems with OSS driver and none with

Best Regards :)

Rune Linding Raun
Graduate student,B.Sc. 
University of Copenhagencellphone:  +45 2625 6801
Institute of Molecular Biology  pager:  +45 5020 8680
Department of Biological Chemistry  phone(lab): +45 3532 2024
Sølvgade 83H Copenhagen fax(lab):   +45 3532 2040
   _   _ _   _   __   _ _ 
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RE: Utilities for keeping time sync for a machine behind a firewall ?

1999-10-28 Thread Paul McHale
I added the following command to my root crontab (type: crontab -e):

1  0   * * *   /usr/sbin/rdate  $HOME/tmp/out 21

This updates the local clock once a day which is more than is probably
needed ...

Take out the  $HOME/tmp/out 21 and root will get a mail message when
the task executes.  If you don't want this daily verification put this back


-Original Message-
From: Shaul Karl [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, October 28, 1999 5:49 AM
Subject: Utilities for keeping time sync for a machine behind a firewall

I am behind a firewall.
What utilities are there that will let me keep the time synchronized with
another machine on the Internet ?

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Debian Linux vs BSD

1999-10-28 Thread Paul McHale

Anyone know any differences between FreeBSD and (debian) Linux?  I currently
am using debian and am pretty happy with it.  My ISP uses FreeBSD.  The
Linux newsletter mentioned the super secure version of BSD called OpenBSD.
Has anyone worked with either of these ?  Are they comparable to Debian ?


   Double E Solutions Attn: Paul McHale
   4912 Effingham Dayton, Ohio 45431

   Work:   937-253-7610
   Mobile: 937-371-2828
   Home:   937-253-6260 (anytime)

Re: Utilities for keeping time sync for a machine behind a firewall ?

1999-10-28 Thread Patrick Kirk
xntp3 is excellent.  Just type apt-get install xntp3 and it will take you
through configuration.  If you need a server, try and

- Original Message -
From: Shaul Karl [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, October 28, 1999 10:49 AM
Subject: Utilities for keeping time sync for a machine behind a firewall ?

 I am behind a firewall.
 What utilities are there that will let me keep the time synchronized with
 another machine on the Internet ?

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: Can Navigator spawn other mail proggy?

1999-10-28 Thread lexchive
On Tue, Oct 26, 1999 at 09:01:56PM -0700, Eric G . Miller wrote:
  Was wonder if anyone knows if Navigator can be configured to spawn
  another program when following a mailto: hyperlink? I suspect no. But I
  dumped Communicator 4.71 and retreated to Navigator 4.61 cause
  Communicator was being flakey...and it'd occasionally be nice to do.

There is a package somewhere on Netscape homepage for this (try to find their
'devel' section and look for the mail SDK package).

As for whether your Netscape will run it or segfault, you might as well flip
a coin. Or close a netscape window.


Description: PGP signature

Netscape vs M$ IE (Re: Sun goes...)

1999-10-28 Thread J Horacio MG

   We shouldnt cheat outselves.
   M$IE is much better than NS and there are plenty of users which will
   chose it if it only will came available on Linux.
   Some day gzilla may came the best browser in the world but
   if M$ make port of IE before this time it can make a lot of mess
   in the free software community
  i used to like IE more teh NS (back in 3.x) but ever since 4.x ive
  been devoted to NS.  all the security problems and that whole activeX
  thing bugs me.  that and the fact that i got mod_roaming for netscape, to
  update my prefs/bookmarks/etc so my 500bookmarks are always available
  wherever i may be. only thing i'd chjange about netscape is make different
  binaries for each app(composer/navigatgor/mail/news) so if one crashes it
  doesnt bring all of em down.
 ActiveX is easy to set off. I dont think NS is more secure than IE
 (IE's security is more customizable and althru it had dumb defaults
 one can make it reasonably secure by chosing proper options)
 And IE is more efficent. I could have on M$WIN/IE box 20+ pages
 (waiting for others to load) and did it often (list archives for ex)
 With Linux/NS its difficult to have 5 pages opened at the same time
 I also dont need mailer inside a browser

I've seen security related electronic bulletins almost fully devoted to
M$ IE bugs and security holes.  One common complain is that many of
these new holes or bugs had already been reported in earlier versions
of M$ IE, having been acknowledge by M$, promised to fix, but never

If that's so, it looks to me as if M$ IE is becoming a big collection of
bugs and holes, and every new version therefore carries the old as well
as the new (and probably some new features as well).

The nicest feature for Netscape, IMHO, is that I can have Mutt as my
Netscape's mailer ;-)
The worst, is that it crashes almost always it encounters something in
java... and even worst, it's getting used to crash X with it!

I'd like to try other graphical browsers, but there are not that many
around.  I tried installing Sun's HotJava... to no success.  Meantime, I
most times have to resort to good old Lynx.


Horacio Anno MMDCCLII ad Urbe condita

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