Xdm: con instalar no basta, hay que frotarrr!

2000-03-20 Thread Cosme P. Cuevas

pues he instalado  el paquete `xdm' 3.3.5 (sacado  de la Corel
Linux) y al reiniciar el equipo me da este error:

Checking for valid XFree86 server configuration...error in configuration file.
Not starting X display manager.

El  caso   es  que   he  mirado  un   poco  los   ficheros  de
configuración, pero no me aclaro.

La idea es  utilizarlo para dar acceso a las  X a un ordenador
en la red de 2 ordenadores que me acabo de montar, :-)

Este tiene pocos  recursos, y quería que  el principal cargase
con las X y el otro visualizase. En una página he visto este


Sean por ejemplo remoto.x.es  el ordenador remoto y local.x.es
el ordenador  con pocos  recursos que prentendemos  actúe como
X-terminal del primero.
El ordenador  remoto deberá estar  ejecutando xdm. Éste  es un
gestor  de cuentas  X, que  pueden  estar tanto  en la  propia
máquina  como  en  otras. En cuanto  a  local.x.es,  deberemos
instalar al menos  un sistema Linux mínimo  con soporte básico
de  X-Windows. Yo, utilizando  la distribución  Slakware96, lo
he  hecho usando  solamente  50Mb  de disco. Bastará  entonces
arrancar Linux en el ordenador local y ejecutar la orden:

$ X -quiet -query remoto.x.es

El resultado  es espectacular: El ordenador  remoto gestionará
el  gestor xdm  mostrando  su salida  en  el ordenador  local.
Podremos  entrar   en  nuestra  cuenta  y   utilizar  nuestros
programas habituales  como si  estuviéramos en la  consola del
propio remoto.

¿Qué os parece?


  Cosme P. Cuevas.oOo.GnuPG KeyID: 0A4305FB



Re: La última sobre impresión.

2000-03-20 Thread Cosme P. Cuevas
El Fri, Mar 17, 2000,
Emilio Hernández Martín...

 ¿Cómo  puedo hacer  para  que un  usuario  pueda acceder  al
 servicio  de impresión? Me  dice  que  no tengo  permiso. Yo
 creía  que era  con  adduser pero  claro,  /dev/lp0 no  es
 ningún grupo. ¿Cómo se hace?

$ ls -l /dev/lp0
crw-rw1 root lp 6,   0 Apr  4  1999 /dev/lp0
  |___ este es 
el grupo.


$ id
uid=1000(cosme) gid=1000(cosme) 

No  hace  falta  pertenecer  a ese  grupo  para  imprimir  com
usuario. Yo uso el paquete `lprng', que trae un binario,

$ man checkpc | col -b | head -n 25


   checkpc - check out the /etc/printcap database

   checkpc  [ -aflrCPV ] [ -c configfile ] [ -A age[DHMS] ] [
   -D debug ] [ -p printcap ] [ -c config ] [ printcap ]

   Checkpc is used to check for  the  existence  and  correct
   permissions  of  entries in the printcap database.  It is
   useful when installing a new printcap database and  clean­
   ing up existing printer spoolers.

   -a   Do  not create accounting files if the fix option has
been specified.

   -c configfile
Read the configuration from configfile.

A ver si te ayuda.


  Cosme P. Cuevas.oOo.GnuPG KeyID: 0A4305FB



Ayuda con dpkg

2000-03-20 Thread José Plaza
Buenas a todos. Yo he sido hasta ahora usuario de Redhat y su sistemas
de paquetes y ahora pues me he pasado a Debian. Razones, aunque
actualizaciones más lentas pero estan seguras y no creo que cambien su
filosofia de open source, no pienso lo mismo de Redhat o otras
En fin, que ha pesar de su dificultad me he pasado a Debian con todas
las consecuencias. El primer problema fue que con los discos de la Slink
no pude instalar el sistema hasta las ultimas consecuencias y lo he
hecho a fuerza de dpkg -i, y me ha ido bien, he tardado tiempo pero me
ha ido bien. Pero ete aqui que empiezo a trabajar, por probar con el
apt, y o hay manera. Hago pruebas, me leo los manuales y no acabo de
entender. Todo empezo por querar actualizar las kde 1.1.1  a las 1.1.2,
queria hacerlo de una tacada.
En fin que decisto y me pongo de nuevo con el dpkg, y ahora no funciona,
cuando intento instalar un paque me dice que no puede renombrar el link
en /user/bin.dpkg.new, sistema de fichero de solo lectura. En fin, que
aqui me veo sin poder instalar ningun paquete más, y no veo en los
manuales ninguna referencia a ese error.
Mi sistama es el slink con el kernel 2.0.36 recopilado de nuevo y
instale el apt 0.3.2, el último para slink.
Gracias por vuestra ayuda y a ver que puede ser. Hasta luego.

Re: Conectar a Internet : problemas con el módem.

2000-03-20 Thread David Charro Ripa
 He mirado en la configuración de windows y sobre el módem pone que está
 instalado en el COM3 de DOS, que creo que corresponde a ttyS2, ¿no? Además
 he visto que la dirección es 3E8, el UART (que no sé lo que es) NS 16550AN y
 la velocidad máxima 115 Kbaudios (115200 en realidad, creo), además de otras

Intentemos configurar el puerto /dev/ttyS2 con setserial. Intentalo editando 

Yo tengo el siguiente

garnacha:/etc# more serial.conf
/dev/ttyS0 uart 16550A port 0x03f8 irq 4 spd_normal skip_test session_lockout
/dev/ttyS1 uart 16550A port 0x02f8 irq 3 spd_normal skip_test session_lockout
/dev/ttyS2 uart unknown port 0x03e8 irq 4 spd_normal skip_test
/dev/ttyS3 uart unknown port 0x02e8 irq 3 spd_normal

Sustituye en la linea del /dev/ttyS2 la palabra unknown por tu UART, es decir, 
pon 16550A.
Las UART sin chips que controlan los puertos serie. Los modelos 16550A son muy 
Supongo que la tuya 16550AN funcionara poniendo 16550A. La velocidad spd_normal 
cambiala a
spd_vhi para que te vaya a 115kb la comunicacion modem-PC. Luego para 
reinicializar tecleas

/etc/init.d/setserial restart

y prueba con el wmdial para ver si ahora te lo detecta.

Con el comando setserial puedes probar directamente diferentes configuraciones 
la IRQ, el puerto de I/O, velocidad...) Si al final te funciona puedes 
modificar el
/etc/serial.conf para que cuando arranque te lo configure siempre asi.

Espero que te funcione.


Problemas para oir musica desde el CD en Debian

2000-03-20 Thread dfm

Hola colisteros

No se si alguno de vosotros estará en la misma situación que yo. Tengo una
Sound Blaster Live! con los drivers opensource para linux. El caso es que
puedo oir otro tipo de sonidos excepto la música desde el CD.No, no es
problema del cable que va desde el CD a la tarjeta porque desde Winblows si
que funciona. Incluso cuando tengo el modulo emu10k1(modulo para la sblive!
recien cargado) se ve unused, en cuanto ejecuto cdplay ya no sale lo del
unused pero aun asi no oigo nada de nada. ¿Alguna idea? En la otra máquina
si que he llegado a oir la música desde el cd sin problemas. Agradecería
que alguien me iluminara con este problema..



Servidor X para WinYPico

2000-03-20 Thread Antonio Iglesias
Perdonadme esta pregunta:

¿Hay algún Servidor X para windows que sea free? Los que he encontrado no lo
son, pero igual vosotros conocéis algún otro.

Un Saludo a todos.


Re: Problemas para oir musica desde el CD en Debian

2000-03-20 Thread Diego Bote

¿Es posible que algún mezclador te tenga el sonido del CD a cero?



RE: Servidor X para WinYPico

2000-03-20 Thread Tejada Lacaci, Antonio
 -Mensaje original-
 De:   Antonio Iglesias [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Enviado el:   lunes 20 de marzo de 2000 11:56
 Para: debian-user-spanish@lists.debian.org
 Asunto:   Servidor X para WinYPico
 Perdonadme esta pregunta:
 ¿Hay algún Servidor X para windows que sea free? Los que he encontrado no
 son, pero igual vosotros conocéis algún otro.
Mi/X Server

No es libre, pero sí gratuito. Si no encuentras el .exe, búscalo con el

 Un Saludo a todos.
Antonio Tejada Lacaci   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Depto. Análisis y Programación
Banca March S.A.

Re: Servidor X para WinYPico

2000-03-20 Thread Antonio Iglesias
Tejada Lacaci, Antonio wrote:

 No es libre, pero sí gratuito. Si no encuentras el .exe, búscalo con el

Mucho me temo que ya tampoco es gratuito :-[  (aunque ciertamente tampoco es

Nos leemos.


Re: Problemas para oir musica desde el CD en Debian

2000-03-20 Thread dfm

ya probé co el aumix al máximo volumen tanto el cd como el master :P

[EMAIL PROTECTED] con fecha 20/03/2000 12.04.11

Destinatarios: Daniel Ferradal Marquez/INFO/URQUIJO
CC: debian-user-spanish@lists.debian.org
Asunto: Re: Problemas para oir musica desde el CD en Debian

 ¿Es posible que algún mezclador te tenga el sonido del CD a cero?



Re: Cuando podremos comprar la nueva Debian stable

2000-03-20 Thread dfm

cuando la metan en el horno y deje de estar code freeze (frozen), no? :P

debian-user-spanish@lists.debian.org con fecha 18/03/2000 18.04.01

Destinatarios: debian-user-spanish@lists.debian.org
CC:  (cci: Daniel Ferradal Marquez/INFO/URQUIJO)
Asunto: Cuando podremos comprar la nueva Debian stable

Content-type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
Content-transfer-encoding: quoted-printable


Cuando podremos comprar Potato?


 Juanmi Mora
  Barcelona - Espa=F1a

 - Powered by Linux -
   Debian 2.1 Slink

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Re: Problemas para oir musica desde el CD en Debian

2000-03-20 Thread dfm

jejejeje :P

creo que no documenté bien el problema,

La unidad no tiene botón de play, para intetar oir un cd uso los cdtools,
en concreto cdpay, la unidad se pone a leer el cd de pm, de hecho si
enchufo los auriculares se oye el cd, el problema es que quiero por por los
altavoces enchufados a la tarjeta de sonido que para eso están :P El caso
es que si pongo un wav o algo que no vaya desde el cd se oye perfectamente,
weno, aparte de un pequeño TOC! cuando acaba de reproducir el wav o el
archivo en cuestión, como si le dieras una leche con al micro, ya sabeis,
el toc toc!, probando!!! Pero eso me preocupa menos, quiero oir cd's :P,



[EMAIL PROTECTED] con fecha 20/03/2000 14.54.33

Destinatarios: Daniel Ferradal Marquez/INFO/URQUIJO
Asunto: Re: Problemas para oir musica desde el CD en Debian

prueba a darle al boton de play de tu unidad si lo tiene :D
Si asi no te va, el problema ya sera grave, si es por programa podria ser
que no inicializase bien tu unidad
que programa usas??' prueba el cdtools que es sencillo pero va bien

- Original Message -
To: debian-user-spanish@lists.debian.org
Sent: Monday, March 20, 2000 9:36 AM
Subject: Problemas para oir musica desde el CD en Debian

 Hola colisteros

 No se si alguno de vosotros estará en la misma situación que yo. Tengo
una  Sound Blaster Live! con los drivers opensource para linux. El caso es
 puedo oir otro tipo de sonidos excepto la música desde el CD.No, no es
 problema del cable que va desde el CD a la tarjeta porque desde Winblows
 que funciona. Incluso cuando tengo el modulo emu10k1(modulo para la
 recien cargado) se ve unused, en cuanto ejecuto cdplay ya no sale lo del
 unused pero aun asi no oigo nada de nada. ¿Alguna idea? En la otra
máquina  si que he llegado a oir la música desde el cd sin problemas.
Agradecería  que alguien me iluminara con este problema..



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Re: Servidor X para WinYPico

2000-03-20 Thread Antonio Iglesias
Por cierto, ¿no tendréis alguno una versión antigua del MIX este?

Si es así por favor, contactad conmigo personalmente.

Perdonad todos por el ruido que estoy metiendo.

Un Saludo

Re: Servidor X para WinYPico

2000-03-20 Thread Antonio Iglesias
Hoy se ve que estoy por meter la pata, eso me pasa por hablar antes de
leer:'-(. Mea culpa.

Efectivamente ya lo he encontrado con el FtpSearch.

Saludos a Todos.

Re: Problemas para oir musica desde el CD en Debian

2000-03-20 Thread Pookie
la verdad, el cable que conecta la unidad a la tarjeta solo hace de puente,
es decir, si no me equivoco, con que la tarjeta este inicializada y los
volumenes bien ya tendria que sonar. Evidentemente, si cargas el modulo, el
kernel te la detecta, etc... la tarjeta estara inicializada... Mira que no
sea cosa de una IRQ o una DMA o algo raro... Para Sound Blaster ya debes
saber que lo mejor es:

I/O: 0x220
HiDMA: 5
LoDMA: 1
IRQ: 5

Mira a ver como tienes puesto el ISAPNP (pq lo usas no?)

- Original Message -
Cc: debian-user-spanish@lists.debian.org
Sent: Monday, March 20, 2000 2:10 PM
Subject: Re: Problemas para oir musica desde el CD en Debian

 jejejeje :P

 creo que no documenté bien el problema,

 La unidad no tiene botón de play, para intetar oir un cd uso los cdtools,
 en concreto cdpay, la unidad se pone a leer el cd de pm, de hecho si
 enchufo los auriculares se oye el cd, el problema es que quiero por por
 altavoces enchufados a la tarjeta de sonido que para eso están :P El caso
 es que si pongo un wav o algo que no vaya desde el cd se oye
 weno, aparte de un pequeño TOC! cuando acaba de reproducir el wav o el
 archivo en cuestión, como si le dieras una leche con al micro, ya sabeis,
 el toc toc!, probando!!! Pero eso me preocupa menos, quiero oir cd's :P,



 [EMAIL PROTECTED] con fecha 20/03/2000 14.54.33

 Destinatarios: Daniel Ferradal Marquez/INFO/URQUIJO
 Asunto: Re: Problemas para oir musica desde el CD en Debian

 prueba a darle al boton de play de tu unidad si lo tiene :D
 Si asi no te va, el problema ya sera grave, si es por programa podria ser
 que no inicializase bien tu unidad
 que programa usas??' prueba el cdtools que es sencillo pero va bien

 - Original Message -
 To: debian-user-spanish@lists.debian.org
 Sent: Monday, March 20, 2000 9:36 AM
 Subject: Problemas para oir musica desde el CD en Debian

  Hola colisteros
  No se si alguno de vosotros estará en la misma situación que yo. Tengo
 una  Sound Blaster Live! con los drivers opensource para linux. El caso
  puedo oir otro tipo de sonidos excepto la música desde el CD.No, no es
  problema del cable que va desde el CD a la tarjeta porque desde Winblows
  que funciona. Incluso cuando tengo el modulo emu10k1(modulo para la
  recien cargado) se ve unused, en cuanto ejecuto cdplay ya no sale lo del
  unused pero aun asi no oigo nada de nada. ¿Alguna idea? En la otra
 máquina  si que he llegado a oir la música desde el cd sin problemas.
 Agradecería  que alguien me iluminara con este problema..
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Problemas para oir musica desde el CD en Debian

2000-03-20 Thread dfm

es una PCI :P usa el irq 11 :P, el módulo la detecta perfectamente.

Sound Blaster Live! :PP

Saludos :))


[EMAIL PROTECTED] con fecha 20/03/2000 15.46.41

Destinatarios: Daniel Ferradal Marquez/INFO/URQUIJO,
Asunto: Re: Problemas para oir musica desde el CD en Debian

la verdad, el cable que conecta la unidad a la tarjeta solo hace de puente,
es decir, si no me equivoco, con que la tarjeta este inicializada y los
volumenes bien ya tendria que sonar. Evidentemente, si cargas el modulo, el
kernel te la detecta, etc... la tarjeta estara inicializada... Mira que no
sea cosa de una IRQ o una DMA o algo raro... Para Sound Blaster ya debes
saber que lo mejor es:

I/O: 0x220
HiDMA: 5
LoDMA: 1
IRQ: 5

Mira a ver como tienes puesto el ISAPNP (pq lo usas no?)

- Original Message -
Cc: debian-user-spanish@lists.debian.org
Sent: Monday, March 20, 2000 2:10 PM
Subject: Re: Problemas para oir musica desde el CD en Debian

 jejejeje :P

 creo que no documenté bien el problema,

 La unidad no tiene botón de play, para intetar oir un cd uso los cdtools,
 en concreto cdpay, la unidad se pone a leer el cd de pm, de hecho si
 enchufo los auriculares se oye el cd, el problema es que quiero por por
 altavoces enchufados a la tarjeta de sonido que para eso están :P El caso
 es que si pongo un wav o algo que no vaya desde el cd se oye
 weno, aparte de un pequeño TOC! cuando acaba de reproducir el wav o el
 archivo en cuestión, como si le dieras una leche con al micro, ya sabeis,
 el toc toc!, probando!!! Pero eso me preocupa menos, quiero oir cd's :P,



 [EMAIL PROTECTED] con fecha 20/03/2000 14.54.33

 Destinatarios: Daniel Ferradal Marquez/INFO/URQUIJO
 Asunto: Re: Problemas para oir musica desde el CD en Debian

 prueba a darle al boton de play de tu unidad si lo tiene :D
 Si asi no te va, el problema ya sera grave, si es por programa podria ser
 que no inicializase bien tu unidad
 que programa usas??' prueba el cdtools que es sencillo pero va bien

 - Original Message -
 To: debian-user-spanish@lists.debian.org
 Sent: Monday, March 20, 2000 9:36 AM
 Subject: Problemas para oir musica desde el CD en Debian

  Hola colisteros
  No se si alguno de vosotros estará en la misma situación que yo. Tengo
 una  Sound Blaster Live! con los drivers opensource para linux. El caso
  puedo oir otro tipo de sonidos excepto la música desde el CD.No, no es
  problema del cable que va desde el CD a la tarjeta porque desde
  que funciona. Incluso cuando tengo el modulo emu10k1(modulo para la
  recien cargado) se ve unused, en cuanto ejecuto cdplay ya no sale lo
  unused pero aun asi no oigo nada de nada. ¿Alguna idea? En la otra
 máquina  si que he llegado a oir la música desde el cd sin problemas.
 Agradecería  que alguien me iluminara con este problema..
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Servidor X para WinYPico

2000-03-20 Thread J. Carlos Muro
Tejada Lacaci, Antonio escribió:

  -Mensaje original-
  De:   Antonio Iglesias [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Enviado el:   lunes 20 de marzo de 2000 11:56
  Para: debian-user-spanish@lists.debian.org
  Asunto:   Servidor X para WinYPico
  Perdonadme esta pregunta:
  ¿Hay algún Servidor X para windows que sea free? Los que he encontrado no
  son, pero igual vosotros conocéis algún otro.
 Mi/X Server

No he encontrado getme1st.exe
Lo que he encontrado en ese directorio es mixer2.zip He programado el getRight 
del curro para
que se lo baje esta noche. ¿Es eso también un X server?

 No es libre, pero sí gratuito. Si no encuentras el .exe, búscalo con el

Esto no lo entiendo muy bien ...

Saludos y gracias:  Juan Carlos Muro

Distribucion pequeña para ordenador muy antiguo.

2000-03-20 Thread dbaranda
Buscon una distribución que sea pequeñisima. Es para un 386-20Mhz con 60Mb
de HD y 4 de Ram (Toshiba 1800).
He estado buscando y he visto que existe la MiniLinux, pero por lo que me
ha parecido leer (corregidme si me equivoco) va sobre FAT, y a mi me
gustaría algo que fuese sobre Ext2.


Re: Sobre el pasado Expo-Linux

2000-03-20 Thread Andres Herrera

On Sun, Mar 19, 2000 at 08:35:13AM +0100, Antonio Castro wrote:
Bueno lo repito una vez m?s. Vendemos por cuatro duros el derecho a
figurar a empresas que no se lo merecen. No tiene sentido que suframos
en silencio actitudes poco amables de ciertas compa??as y llegado el 
momento de una exposici?n les ofrezcamos por cuatro duros la oportunidad
de figurar como patrocinadores o lo que sea en eventos de Linux con un
efecto escaparate muy importante para ellos. Bueno pues ya est? ya lo
he vuelto a decir. Todav?a nadie me ha dicho nada. Ni que tengo raz?n ni
que no la tengo ni que soy un plasta ni nada, pero en mi opini?n estamos
haciendo las cosas mal.

Yo pienso que tienes toda la razon, pero no se si el mundo Linux por si
mismo tiene recursos para organizar algo parecido sin contar con esas

Tanto pasar por el aro como no hacerlo son posturas que tienen sus ventajas
e inconvenientes, pero aun no tengo claro que sera peor.

 | PAGÜERED BAI Debian 2.1 - 2.2.14   Andres Herrera  User Reg. N.66054 |
 | aherrer yasabes clientes.unicaja.es  //  aherrerm uknow antakira.com |
 | Grupo LIMA http://lima.telenet.es  AndresHE/Cagarruta en IRC Hispano |
 | Clave publica PGP: http://www.antakira.com/~aherrerm/clave.asc   |

Description: PGP signature

(no subject)

2000-03-20 Thread OLBASMADJIAN

Re: Problemas al compilar

2000-03-20 Thread David Charro Ripa
Yo consegui compilar el khylafax en el ordenador de casa despues de
mucho esfuerzo. De memoria te cuento algo de lo que hice por si te vale.

Si te has instalado el kde desde los paquetes debian preparados por
rkrusty, vas a tener que hacerte enlaces a los sitios donde tengas los
archivos de cabecera. En debian van en un sitio, y los programas de kde
suelen mirar en otro. En mi caso, mire el fuente, y vi las cabeceras que
buscaba, por ejemplo, cabecera.h, luego la busque con el comando find
(por ejemplo: find / -name cabecera.h -print) Asi encontre donde
estaban las dichosas cabeceras. Luego cree un enlace donde el programita
a compilar esperaba encontrarlas y me funciono. Seguro que hay algo mas
elegante, pero me funciono. Tambien me hicieron falta algunos paquetes
adicionales del kde, que no recuerdo bien, pero probe al tun-tun hasta
que funciono. Por ejemplo con los paquetes para desarrollar (acabados en
-dev), por ejemplo kdesupport0g-dev, o kdelibs2g-dev

 1.- Tengo el paquete kwebget-0.3.tar.gz, pero el problema es que al ejecutar
 como usuario el configure me sale directamente:
 configure: error: can not find sources in ././ or ..
 y como root:
 configure: error: can not find sources in . or ..
 2.- El otro dia me baje el archivo kwargames-1.0.tar.gz, pero al ejecutar el
  configure como root desde las Xs me sale el siguiente error:
 checking for KDE... configure: error:
 in the prefix, you've chosen, are no kde headers installed. This will fail.
 So, check this please and use another prefix!
 La verdad es que tengo KDE (1.1.1 me parece...) o sea que esto parece no tener
 sentido :?
 Si alguien pudiera ayudarme en alguno de los casos, o en los dos :), se lo
 agradeceria mucho.

RE: Compilar paquete fuente de potato en slink

2000-03-20 Thread Ricardo Villalba

-Mensaje original-
Para: Arregui-García Arregui-García; Javier
[EMAIL PROTECTED], Lista Debian Espagna
debian-user-spanish@lists.debian.org Javier
[EMAIL PROTECTED], Lista Debian Espagna
Fecha: miércoles 15 de marzo de 2000 22:57
Asunto: Re: Compilar paquete fuente de potato en slink

- En algún momento, construyendo no-me-acuerdo-qué paquete, tuve que
actualizar el paquete devscripts de slink al de potato (y me suena que
otro). El caso es que me crea los paquetes con las estructura de
potato, en
la cambian algunas cosillas, como la documentación. La documentación de
nuevos paquetes ya no está en /usr/doc/paquete sino en
/usr/share/doc/paquete. DE igual manera, las páginas man pasan de
/usr/man a /usr/share/man. INCISO Me gustaría que algún Debian
de los que pululan por aquí me explicara este cambio /INCISO
Seguramente, toqueteando los makefiles podría arreglarlo, pero me ha

¿Has mirado en /usr/doc a ver que hay?
Lo digo porque el script postinst que crea el debhelper de potato se
encarga de crear un enlace en /usr/doc.

parecido mucho trabajo para una cosa tan tonta, sobre todo teniendo en
cuenta que potato está a la vuelta de la esquina. Lo de las páginas man
arregla fácil incluyendo su directorio a la variable $MANPATH en el

Acabo de recordar que otro de los paquetes que tengo actualizados es
debhelper, que podría darte algo de guerra.

Tengo el debhelper 2.0.84 para slink en
http://members.xoom.com/rvmsoft/linux/slink/ pero cuidado, que a casi
todos los paquetes que hay allí les he tenido que realizar alguna
modificación para poder compilarlos. Puede que alguno no funcione
correctamente (aunque el debhelper lo estoy usando habitualmente y no me
ha dado ningún problema).

Ricardo Villalba

JetAdmin: error in loading shared libraries

2000-03-20 Thread Dave Heistand

I'm trying to get HP JetAdmin to work with Debian potato frozen (the hp
web page says they support RedHat v 5-6).  When I run the install
script, I get the output:

/usr/local/src/jetadmin/hpwebjet_printmsg: error in loading shared
libraries: libstdc++.so.2.7.2: cannot open shared object file: No such
file or directory

I have run 'dselect' and searched for libstdc++ but can't seem to find

I also recieved the same error for libg++.so.2.7.2 and it appears (I
think?) that libc6 has what i need.

(from dselect libg++27 section: This package contains the additional
runtime libraries for g++, linked with
libc5. (libg++272 is the libc6 package).)

I'm not sure exactly how to procede at this point...I've read about
creating symbolic links and exporting ld_library_config statements.  I
also read about the command (and executed) ldconfig -v.

If I can't get this working on Debian, I think my only alternatives are
to 1. switch back to RedHat or 2. install jetadmin on M$Windows (option
1 is sort-of palatable, 2 is not :-) ).  Any advice, suggestions or help
would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

Dave Heistand
Systems Analyst
Boston University


2000-03-20 Thread Beavis

i am trying to load a deb form of kde

i can't get the apt-get tp point to the right 
this is what i am trying to do:

These Debian packages should be apt-get'abl using 
the following/etc/apt/sources.list template. Please note you will need 
toverify the path.

deb ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/stable/packages/debian/potato 

where ftp.kde.org 
is your kde ftp mirror and /pub/kde/stable/packages/debian/potato is the 
path to the /potato directory(or /slink) for the 1.1.2 KDE tree

Basically you want to point to the directory below 
the binary-xxx dirs foryour distribution. (ie slink or 

Re: one machine, two IP addresses?

2000-03-20 Thread Ross Boylan

At 01:26 PM 3/19/00, you wrote:
You have understood my question, and thanks to you and Jean for your 

Sorry Oswald--I meant to thank you, not Jean.

Re: kde

2000-03-20 Thread Ron Rademaker
I think you should edit the line in your sources.list to

deb ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/stable/packages/debian potato main contrib

(I don't know if KDE uses main contrib and non-free, you should verify
htem on thier ftp site).


On Sun, 19 Mar 2000, Beavis wrote:

 i am trying to load a deb form of kde
 i can't get the apt-get tp point to the right directory
 this is what i am trying to do:
 These Debian packages should be apt-get'abl using the following
 /etc/apt/sources.list template.  Please note you will need to
 verify the path.
 deb ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/stable/packages/debian/potato binary-i386/
 where ftp.kde.org is your kde ftp mirror and 
 /pub/kde/stable/packages/debian/potato is the path to the /potato directory
 (or /slink) for the 1.1.2 KDE tree
 Basically you want to point to the directory below the binary-xxx dirs for
 your distribution.  (ie slink or potato)

Re: How to configure ls colors

2000-03-20 Thread Sebastian Canagaratna
Try man dircolors

Sebastian Canagaratna
   how do I configure the colors ls shows? I cant find any kind of manual
 for this ... neither man ls nor info ls nor /usr/share/doc/fileutils ...
   Andreas Sliwka   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   f y cn rd ths y mst hv bn sng 
 GCS/MU/L d-(+) S:++ a- C++$ UL++$ P++$ L+++$ E--- W+$ N++ o-- K- w-- O- !M !V
 PS+(++) PE Y+ PGP++ t(+) 5+ X- R tv+ b+++ DI++ D G e+ h- r++ x+++
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

compiling kde

2000-03-20 Thread Beavis

hello list

this is what i am trying to do but a get an 

checking for Xconfigure: error: Can't find X 
includes. PLease check your installation and add the correct paths!

i have x loaded w/ xmaker and blackbox, what 
package am i missing?

2.5 Compiling from Source Code
Generic source gzipped tarballs can be also be 
downloaded from theFTP Site if you would like to compile KDE on 
your own. New users should consider sticking to one of the prebuilt binary 

To unpack the tarballs use the command: 

tar xvzf .tar.gz 

Change to the directory in which the files were 
Configure the package with: 

Re: Free Internet... ?

2000-03-20 Thread Antonio Rodriguez
The most recommended ISP was
www.freeweb.com as shown below

FreeWWWeb (http://www.freewwweb.com) claims you need Windows or MacOS,
but they use a straightforward PPP connection.  I set my account up with
about ten minutes of perusing the kppp scripting literature.  The only
caveat is freewwweb requires you enter @freewwweb.com after the user
name which is non-intuitive and had me banging my head up against the
wall for a while.

I get decent connection speeds here in Cincy, Ohio, USA.

The only other complaint I have about freewwweb is that they changed the
name of their mail server without notifying anyone, which was an
inconvenience for a couple of days until I read their updated tech spec


Percival wrote:

 I apologize, but I remember that several days ago someone was talking about a 
 free web access deal.  Some company who pays for free internet access by 
 putting advertising on their hompage, and requesting users to load it as 
 their start page.  It worked with linux, which was the prime factor.

 I lost those messages, and I need to find this service again (I also lost the 
 bookmark).  Anyway, if anyone's got the info out there, please e-mail me.



 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

installing QT-1.44 w/ problems

2000-03-20 Thread Beavis

i need to install qt ver 1.44 inorder to install 

i have just installed QT and am going to now 
configure for building
after i run make
i get some errors

make[1]:***[mogen.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory 
make:*** [moc] Error 2

am i missing something, do i need moc?

does anyone have a deb source for qt-1.44 (sure be 
alot easier)

i am currently installing from tarball

thankx for any replies

beavis (butthead says "come to 

1. lynx bug? 2. ssh and https_proxy?

2000-03-20 Thread Shaul Karl
[04:36:00 /tmp]$ grep ^STARTFILE /etc/lynx.cfg
[04:36:13 /tmp]$ grep proxy.israsrv.net.il /etc/lynx.cfg
[04:36:57 /tmp]$ 

Yet lynx insists on startup to look for ftp://etc/motd and then the 
proxy.israsrv.net.il informs me that it can not find this ftp site.
I have tried to set /etc/lynx.cfg no_proxy to
but it did not helped.
Is this a bug or do I missing something?

Is there a way to set up a ssh connection through https_proxy? (I am behind a 
firewall and a proxy server and do not have a real Internet IP)
An elephant is a mouse with an operating system.

update qt1g

2000-03-20 Thread Beavis

i am trying t update my qt1g version 1.40-1.1 to 

i can only find it as a tarball and when i go to 
install it get a errors
mainly moc errors
first it enters the directory 
moc.y:33: qlist.h: No such file or 
finally ending w/
moc.y:50: confused by earlier errors, bailing 
ccp: output pipe has been closed

make[1]:***[mogen.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory 
make:*** [moc] Error 2

what am i missing?

is the an easier way to update my QT?
any other available sources that don't need to be compiled? 

thankx list, hope everyone had a good 

Best way to start eth0 without address

2000-03-20 Thread Marshal Kar-Cheung Wong
Hey everyone.

I'm using unstable, and I was wondering what would be the best way to
start up eth0 without a network address assigned to it?  I need this,
so that pppoe will work correctly.  Currently, I have the following in

iface eth0 inet static

But on boot up, it complains like so

SIOCSIFNETMASK: Cannot assign requested address

There is no problem, since this does what I want, but I was wondering
whether there is a cleaner way to do this.



Best way to start eth0 without address

2000-03-20 Thread Robb Aley Allan
For what it's worth, I sometimes use 

ifconfig eth0 netmask up

and it seems to work.

Marshal Kar-Cheung Wong writes:
  Hey everyone.
  I'm using unstable, and I was wondering what would be the best way to
  start up eth0 without a network address assigned to it?  I need this,
  so that pppoe will work correctly.  Currently, I have the following in
  iface eth0 inet static
  But on boot up, it complains like so
  SIOCSIFNETMASK: Cannot assign requested address
  There is no problem, since this does what I want, but I was wondering
  whether there is a cleaner way to do this.
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Robb Aley Allan
Helical Design  Myron A. Minskoff, Inc. ACM

Re: Free Internet... ?

2000-03-20 Thread Percival

I thought that was the service, but they seem to want me to download their 
software - and only give me choices for Windows 98/95 and Mac.  I also remember 
seeing a different webpage for the service (not blue and white), which talked 
specifically about linux.

Anyway, I didn't want to go on with the download (14MB), but I will if it is 
necessary to get the username and password and DNS info and all that.  What 
should I do?


On Sun, Mar 19, 2000 at 05:48:54PM -0500, Chris Gray wrote:
 On Sun, Mar 19, 2000 at 01:50:38PM -0800, Percival wrote:
  I apologize, but I remember that several days ago someone was talking about 
  a free web access deal.  Some company who pays for free internet access by 
  putting advertising on their hompage, and requesting users to load it as 
  their start page.  It worked with linux, which was the prime factor.
  I lost those messages, and I need to find this service again (I also lost 
  the bookmark).  Anyway, if anyone's got the info out there, please e-mail 
 The service is at http://www.freewwweb.com.  It's good, but where I
 am they drop packets headed for port 25 on any other machine than
 their own.  This makes sending mail kind of a pain in the butt if you
 don't have a backup ISP.  Maybe it's different in other places.
 Chris Gray
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
 pick, pack, pock, puck: like drops of water in a fountain falling
 softly in the brimming bowl.

Re: 1. lynx bug? 2. ssh and https_proxy?

2000-03-20 Thread Hecubus
On Mon, 20 Mar 2000, Shaul Karl wrote:

 [04:36:00 /tmp]$ grep ^STARTFILE /etc/lynx.cfg

 Yet lynx insists on startup to look for ftp://etc/motd

Try: file://localhost//etc/motd

I think you'll be pleased with the results. I learned how to do this by
reading the instructions in my lynx.cfg. It's documented, so it's not a

Oh, and /etc/motd is not a directory, so don't address it as such. Even
if you'd had the syntax correct, that trailing slash would have broken
it anyway.


Re: Free Internet... ?

2000-03-20 Thread addiction
On Sun, Mar 19, 2000 at 01:50:38PM -0800, Percival wrote:
 I apologize, but I remember that several days ago someone was talking about a 
 free web access deal.  Some company who pays for free internet access by 
 putting advertising on their hompage, and requesting users to load it as 
 their start page.  It worked with linux, which was the prime factor.
 I lost those messages, and I need to find this service again (I also lost the 
 bookmark).  Anyway, if anyone's got the info out there, please e-mail me.

works for me


addiction   http://thunder.prohosting.com/~delusion/
Well, let's just say, 'if your VCR is still blinking 12:00, you
don't want Linux'.
 (Bruce Perens, Debian's Fearless Leader)

Re: MS Frontpage

2000-03-20 Thread Brian Lavender
You can install libc5 runtime libraries. That is what I did with the
Excite for Web Servers search engine, that is still available, but
no longer maintained.


On Sun, Mar 19, 2000 at 03:59:37PM +0100, Werner Reisberger wrote:
 Does anybody know how to install Frontpage Server Extension on a Debian
 system with libc6? 
 I was able to compile Apache with the frontpage module but the installation
 of the extension failed becaused the binary therein are compiled against
 libc5 and there aren't any sources @=
 I hate this stuff but some customers wants it.
 -- Werner
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Brian Lavender

bash: Some: command not found

2000-03-20 Thread Jaume Teixi
What 've I to fix to my profile in order to avoid that message ?

bash: Some: command not found

thanks !

Re: XF86Config per user?

2000-03-20 Thread Oswald Buddenhagen
 I use a single workstation at home. Recently, other family members have 
 started to use my system. The /etc/X11/XF86Config is edited by me for my 
 preferences, but is there a way to let users decide e.g. what resolution to 
 start their X session with. I like 1600x1200 but they might prefer say 
 800x600. I have read varios man-pages and FAQ:s without success.
possibly you know that, but if you did not disable it, then any user might
switch the resolution by pressing alt-ctrl-NumKeypad + or -.
of course, the modelines have to be present and listed in the srceen
section of xfconfig.
this does not solve the problem to _startup_ with another resolution, but
that's a question of three key presses ...
i don't think, that a normal user may have local config files for the
x-server, as it runs as root and that _could_ be really bad ...
however, there is a workaround: let the users put 
xvidtune -next/prev (possibly mutliple times) in their ~/.xsession or
~/.xinitrc (or however the file is named under debian).

Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature, please!
Linux - the last service pack you'll ever need.

Re: (not)lame batch job

2000-03-20 Thread Oswald Buddenhagen
 What I can't get done with (not)lame is batch jobs. Bladeenc simply names
 the mp3 after the original file, changing wav to mp3. You can type
 $bladeenc *.wav and all the wav files in the directory get encoded. How can
 you do this with (not)lame, as it requires both input and output name? --hans

for i in *.wav; do lame -h $i; done

lame will append a .mp3 to every file, so the files will have the name
.wav.mp3. to avoid this use:

for i in *.wav; do lame -h $i ${i%.wav}.mp3; done

btw: the most recent version of lame i know of is 3.51

Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature, please!
Linux - the last service pack you'll ever need.

suggestiotn for mailing lists

2000-03-20 Thread Alvaro Ortiz de Urbina
In order to do appropiate filtering in my mail box, to avoid hundreds of 
messages that don let me see other e-mails, I think it would be a very good 
idea to include in the subject things like

[deb] or [deb_boot] or any other.
Thanks in advance.
Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com

apt behind proxy

2000-03-20 Thread Maurizio Boriani
Hi to all,
I'm behind proxy, anyone know how i can use apt-get in this case?

Thank you in advance

Maurizio Boriani
General Services (Systemist)
20138 Milano - Via Mecenate 76/3 - Italy
Tel. 02/509081 - Fax 02/50908080 - E-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Description: PGP signature

Re: suggestiotn for mailing lists

2000-03-20 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Mon, Mar 20, 2000 at 09:26:46AM +, Alvaro Ortiz de Urbina wrote:
 In order to do appropiate filtering in my mail box, to avoid hundreds
 of messages that don let me see other e-mails, I think it would be a
 very good idea to include in the subject things like [deb] or
 [deb_boot] or any other.

   Thanks in advance.

Your not going to get everyone to change how they compose their subject
lines so *you* can filter it more easily. Why don't you try filtering on
one of the header lines indicating the list the mail came from. For

Resent-From: debian-user@lists.debian.org


X-Mailing-List: debian-user@lists.debian.org

| Eric G. Milleregm2@jps.net |
| GnuPG public key: http://www.jps.net/egm2/gpg.asc  |

gpg: how to send key to key server

2000-03-20 Thread Maurizio Boriani
Greet all,
how can i send my pubblic key to a key server using gpg?

thank a lot in advance.

Maurizio Boriani
General Services (Systemist)
20138 Milano - Via Mecenate 76/3 - Italy
Tel. 02/509081 - Fax 02/50908080 - E-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Description: PGP signature

Re: suggestiotn for mailing lists

2000-03-20 Thread Oswald Buddenhagen
 In order to do appropiate filtering in my mail box, to avoid hundreds of 
 messages that don let me see other e-mails, I think it would be a very good 
 idea to include in the subject things like
 [deb] or [deb_boot] or any other.
what about filtering rules according to the recipient addresses?
on linux-systems procmail does a good job.
if hotmail still does not offer filtering facilities, then change to
gmx.net, etc.

Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature, please!
Linux - the last service pack you'll ever need.

how to chroot /home/ an ssh/telnet acct

2000-03-20 Thread t s a d i
hello all,
   i need to give someone shell access to my server (ssh) but i dont
want him to go higher than /home/ ...  any idea on how that can be done
thanks in advance ...
chad adlawan

Do You Yahoo!?
Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

LyX in frozen linked with buggy xforms?

2000-03-20 Thread Wojciech Zabolotny
Hi All,

In the LyX home page I've found following statement

Additional Programs/Libraries Required 
   XForms 0.86 or 0.88  Don't use XForms-0.89 it's buggy. 
   Automake 1.4 

However LyX in the frozen dist is linked with Xforms0.89.
Is it safe? 
  Wojciech M. Zabolotny
http://www.ise.pw.edu.pl/~wzab  -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]

http://www.opendvd.org  Don't let others to decide what can you play on
YOUR hardware, and what OS you need to watch DVD!!!

Re: how to chroot /home/ an ssh/telnet acct

2000-03-20 Thread Oswald Buddenhagen
i need to give someone shell access to my server (ssh) but i dont
 want him to go higher than /home/ ...  any idea on how that can be done

first question: why this paranoia? protecting other home directories is
no problem - more precise: it is the default setting. if you have
mounted dos-partitions, then you can put something like
/dev/hda2 /c vfat uid=500,gid=100,umask=77,noexec,quiet 0 0
into your fstab to grant access to only one user (you, 500 should be
replaced with your uid).
more rights can be granted by giving a certain gid to files only you (as
non-root) should have access to and put yourself in this privileged
group; this technique is used, e.g. for granting full access to video
devices for some users by chown-ing /dev/video? to root.video and putting
the apropriate users into the video-group (a user may be in several
groups). the files would be chmod-ed to rwxrwx---, etc. 
i can see no reason to hide the rest of the system from somebody you trust
enough to give him a ssh-login.

if you insist on an absolutely isolated system with an own /, you may
specify a script (which chroot-es and resets $SHELL) as the login-shell of
that user (just an idea ...). but you would have to set up a fully working
linux-system in his home dir ...

Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature, please!
Linux - the last service pack you'll ever need.

Re: X stability issue

2000-03-20 Thread Vitux
Sven Esbjerg wrote:
 to another workstation to kill X remotely. This time it's not enough. I have 
 reboot the machine to get some new output on the monitor.
 Now my questions are:
 Has anyone else experienced the same kind of instability?
 Does anyone know if this could be due to...
 - kernel instability?
 - X instability?
 - my hardware?
 - potato instability?
 The fact is that I really hate to reboot my machine - it feels like I'm 
 X is XFree86 version 3.3.6-6 (svga). Mboard is Abit BP6 (not OC'ed).
 Sven Esbjerg
Sounds like a heat-related problem to me. Make
sure the m'b is properly cooled, and fastened
properly in the box.

Death comes to us in various guises, 
swiftly changing as a baby's mood...

Debian GNU/Linux
Micro$loth-free Zone


2000-03-20 Thread Horacio MG

I'm getting continuous filesystem checks lately, and some filesystem
inconsistencies have generated, after running fsck, some files in the
various lost+found/ directories, especially in /var, which has lots of
these files (like #10062), which the system cannot remove.

Just a while ago I booted the system, and after a fsck I got the
following message:

 INIT: PANIC: segmentation violation! giving up..

and the booting procedure stopped there, forcing a manual reboot which
was successful only after yet another fsck.

Can anyone tell me what's going on?  (Please, send me a Cc: of your


Horacio Anno MMDCCLIII aUC

Key fingerprint = F4EE AE5E 2F01 0DB3 62F2  A9F4 AD31 7093 4233 7AE6

Last chance: unresolved symbols and depmod weirdness

2000-03-20 Thread Jonathan Markevich
Last chance to help me before I reformat the blasted thing and reinstall
Slink (I will probably NEVER install potato, so far it's a piece of, well
you know...)

I recompiled a 2.0.36 kernel, of course I had to use gcc 2.72.  I copied
System.map all over known creation, made modules_install did depmod and
update-modules, everything seemed fine, until I reboot.  Now I get 7
BAZILLION unresolved symbol references.  I figured it's crufty, right?  So I
blew away the modules directory for 2.0.36, redid make modules_install and

Now no matter how much I depmod, it replaces the modules.dep with some old
version (from where???  It's about 5 and a half hours old -- I was nowhere
near my machine at that time; and it doesn't correlate to any kind of UTC
time or anything like that) and complains about what it just did. (it says
You FOOL!  /etc/modules.conf is more recent than
/lib/modules/2.0.36/modules.dep!) Finally I ran depmod, then did chattr +i
modules.dep on the stupid thing.  Before I rebooted they were the exact same

Please tell me I'm a moron and I'm clearly not running *command x*.  Please
tell me something...  It's getting so blowing the thing away and
reinstalling takes less time and frustration.


Jonathan Markevich [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I'm not denyin' the women are foolish: God Almighty made 'em to match the men.
-- George Eliot

Re: Unresolved symbols potato and kernel 2.0.36

2000-03-20 Thread Jonathan Markevich
 Don't upgrade unless you have to.  I always have to remind myself of that
 - if my machine is working and I can do the tasks I need to do, even
 though there is a new fangled a super-cool version of my software, I don't
 have to install it.  I still need to remind myself.

It's not just super-cool versions, it's thing like UDMA support for my
drive.  It's so I can hook up a parallel port zip drive to the thing.  Wine
that will run the programs I need, and so on.
 First, is sounds to me like you are using stock debian kernels.  I don't
 know if it is true, but it would not surprise me if the Potato kernel is
 not set to deal with sound modules.  I always think compiling your own

Well I have to use 2.0.36.  2.2 doesn't work for me, remember?  And I use
stock kernels because it avoids another level of confusion and
troubleshooting in situations like this.  I mean, why should I have
unresolved symbols when I am using a stock kernel?  And why does all of a
sudden a list full of geniuses go completely silent?  Grr.

 kernel is a good idea (you learn a lot about your computer and about
 linux), but others have differing opinions.  Oh, and yes, shared IRQs are
 impossible.  At least, I don't think Linux can deal with that setup.  But,
 any linux kernel can deal with any number of serial ports if properly
 configured.  Again, this gets back to building your own kernel.

No they're not impossible.  I am using it on 2.0.36.  COM 1 and COM 3 (DOS)
are by *default* a shared interrupt.  With olny two interrupts assigned to
serial ports you have to do some fancy footwork.  If I do compile my own
kernel (tried with a 2.2.14 one, no help) it doesn't solve the problem.

 The 'unresolved symbols' warnings have to do with module dependencies. 
 Did you run 'depmod' after compiling and installing your sound modules? 

Yup.  Also update-modules.

 You can try to insert the modules by hand using 'insmod', and when you run
 into troubles, you will at least know where you are in the process - which
 modules is not configured correctly or missing.

Same errors.  It doesn't just give me *an* error, it gives me about 40.
 I wish I could help more.
 There should be a modules howto
 Maybe I should write one.  As soon as I figure them out.

I don't think this is a modules thing, it's a kernel thing (very slight
difference, I guess) but more importantly, it's a support thing.  So far
this much-acclaimed Linux community has proven to be a bunch of the
proverbial blind men.  I've been using Linux for about 5 years now, through
all sorts of grief and struggles, and it's just not getting much better. 
What are the advantages of Debian again?  I have a Slackware 96 CD here that
also runs kernel 2.0!  Wow!  Cool!

Like I said, I have maybe an hour a day to spend on this; and all I do is
patch the dam

Sorry for the misery all, but it's really frustrating and so far no way out. 
And thanks for your response, I'm glad SOMEONE is out there.

Jonathan Markevich [EMAIL PROTECTED]

You will gain money by a fattening action.

Re: Last chance: unresolved symbols and depmod weirdness

2000-03-20 Thread Oswald Buddenhagen
 I recompiled a 2.0.36 kernel, of course I had to use gcc 2.72.  I copied
 System.map all over known creation, made modules_install did depmod and
 update-modules, everything seemed fine, until I reboot.  Now I get 7
 BAZILLION unresolved symbol references.  I figured it's crufty, right?  So I
 blew away the modules directory for 2.0.36, redid make modules_install and

just an idea: did you a make dep clean before make install etc. when
making the kernel?

and why depmod makes such weird things ... 
run rm /lib/modules/2.0.36/modules.dep - possibly it's write-protected
or such thing.

your question, why all the geniuses are silent: we don't have your system
in front of us. give a root login to somebody you trust and your problem
will probably be fixed within minutes. we (mostly) are no clairvoyants.

Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature, please!
Linux - the last service pack you'll ever need.

Re: Unresolved symbols potato and kernel 2.0.36

2000-03-20 Thread Antonio Fiol Bonnín
I don't know nearly anything about this, but... did you activate module
support in your kernel? It sounds like there has to be such a silly little
thing that breaks it all.

If you compile the kernel properly (at least it happened ok to me when I
had 2.0.36), i.e. (make dep; make clean; make zImage(or other); make
modules) and then reboot and (make modules-install), as far as I remember,
that should solve it all. Though I imagine you already tried that.

Last little thing I imagine that could mess it up is that you try to load
some modules that really do not exist, as they have not been compiled.
It's maybe a lot of work if you have 40 messages, but could you check for
the existence of the files it looks for (I remember having trouble with my
ethernet, and it was simply because I had forgotten to put an M on the
right place.)

Good luck!


On Sun, 19 Mar 2000, Jonathan Markevich wrote:

  Don't upgrade unless you have to.  I always have to remind myself of that
  - if my machine is working and I can do the tasks I need to do, even
  though there is a new fangled a super-cool version of my software, I don't
  have to install it.  I still need to remind myself.
 It's not just super-cool versions, it's thing like UDMA support for my
 drive.  It's so I can hook up a parallel port zip drive to the thing.  Wine
 that will run the programs I need, and so on.
  First, is sounds to me like you are using stock debian kernels.  I don't
  know if it is true, but it would not surprise me if the Potato kernel is
  not set to deal with sound modules.  I always think compiling your own
 Well I have to use 2.0.36.  2.2 doesn't work for me, remember?  And I use
 stock kernels because it avoids another level of confusion and
 troubleshooting in situations like this.  I mean, why should I have
 unresolved symbols when I am using a stock kernel?  And why does all of a
 sudden a list full of geniuses go completely silent?  Grr.
  kernel is a good idea (you learn a lot about your computer and about
  linux), but others have differing opinions.  Oh, and yes, shared IRQs are
  impossible.  At least, I don't think Linux can deal with that setup.  But,
  any linux kernel can deal with any number of serial ports if properly
  configured.  Again, this gets back to building your own kernel.
 No they're not impossible.  I am using it on 2.0.36.  COM 1 and COM 3 (DOS)
 are by *default* a shared interrupt.  With olny two interrupts assigned to
 serial ports you have to do some fancy footwork.  If I do compile my own
 kernel (tried with a 2.2.14 one, no help) it doesn't solve the problem.
  The 'unresolved symbols' warnings have to do with module dependencies. 
  Did you run 'depmod' after compiling and installing your sound modules? 
 Yup.  Also update-modules.
  You can try to insert the modules by hand using 'insmod', and when you run
  into troubles, you will at least know where you are in the process - which
  modules is not configured correctly or missing.
 Same errors.  It doesn't just give me *an* error, it gives me about 40.
  I wish I could help more.
  There should be a modules howto
  Maybe I should write one.  As soon as I figure them out.
 I don't think this is a modules thing, it's a kernel thing (very slight
 difference, I guess) but more importantly, it's a support thing.  So far
 this much-acclaimed Linux community has proven to be a bunch of the
 proverbial blind men.  I've been using Linux for about 5 years now, through
 all sorts of grief and struggles, and it's just not getting much better. 
 What are the advantages of Debian again?  I have a Slackware 96 CD here that
 also runs kernel 2.0!  Wow!  Cool!
 Like I said, I have maybe an hour a day to spend on this; and all I do is
 patch the dam
 Sorry for the misery all, but it's really frustrating and so far no way out. 
 And thanks for your response, I'm glad SOMEONE is out there.
 Jonathan Markevich [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 You will gain money by a fattening action.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: gpm config for Logitech MouseMan+ PS/2

2000-03-20 Thread Antonio Fiol Bonnín
I imagine that I have one of those mice that are not 'boxed', as I bought
it with the computer. My config is just like yours for X, and the
difference between your config for gpm and mine should be inexistent... I
tried everything...

I'll have to wait until someone develops support for my mouse :(


On Sun, 19 Mar 2000, Oswald Buddenhagen wrote:

  I have a similar problem. Everything is OK with X with config:
  Section Pointer
  Device  /dev/mouse
  ZAxisMapping 4 5
  With gpm, I have tried type=imps2. No good, but...
  when switching off gpm (/etc/init.d/gpm stop) with that config, and
  relaunching it with type=ps2 in the config file (as I had it before trying
  to use the wheel), it works.
 hehe - i had the reverse effect: when x is configured for imps/2, then i
 HAVE TO run gpm with imps2 - in the other case i get only protocoll
 as somebody already mentioned before me, only one type of logitech-mice
 works well for sure: the boxed version. the oem version has a zilog-chip,
 which is (was(?)) not supported. the so-called bulk-version might work
 or not. newer versions seem not to work (they have the zilog-chip also).
 there is a reference to a nice page about wheel-mice in the
 3-button-mouse mini-howto. the url is
 however - X has (had(?)) the problem with the zilog chips, too. but
 possibly this has been fixed.
 Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature, please!
 Linux - the last service pack you'll ever need.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: apt behind proxy

2000-03-20 Thread Marshal Kar-Cheung Wong
 Maurizio == Maurizio Boriani [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Hi to all, I'm behind proxy, anyone know how i can use apt-get
 in this case?

You have to set the $http_proxy environment variable, or edit
/etc/apt/apt.conf.  Point it at you proxy server and port.


   Thank you in advance

 -- Maurizio Boriani General Services (Systemist) 20138 Milano -
 Via Mecenate 76/3 - Italy Tel. 02/509081 - Fax 02/50908080 -


2000-03-20 Thread Oswald Buddenhagen
 I'm getting continuous filesystem checks lately, and some filesystem
 inconsistencies have generated, after running fsck, some files in the
 various lost+found/ directories, especially in /var, which has lots of
 these files (like #10062), which the system cannot remove.
 Just a while ago I booted the system, and after a fsck I got the
 following message:
  INIT: PANIC: segmentation violation! giving up..
 and the booting procedure stopped there, forcing a manual reboot which
 was successful only after yet another fsck.
 Can anyone tell me what's going on?  (Please, send me a Cc: of your
bad trouble is going on ...
make a surface-check of your hdd to see if it's a hardware failure.
have you run another operating system, that might have messed up you linux
crashed your system before these problems started?
the panic is probably caused by a destroyed kernel-image, init-executable
or some vital configuration file (e.g., /etc/inittab).

Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature, please!
Linux - the last service pack you'll ever need.

Re: gpm config for Logitech MouseMan+ PS/2

2000-03-20 Thread Oswald Buddenhagen
 I imagine that I have one of those mice that are not 'boxed', as I bought
 it with the computer. My config is just like yours for X, and the
 difference between your config for gpm and mine should be inexistent... I
 tried everything...
boxed versions are a) really boxed (i.e., in a box, mine was green) and
have b) a coloured logitech-logo on top.
you probably have a oem-version, since it was packaged with the pc.

 I'll have to wait until someone develops support for my mouse :(
this is one possibility ...

here is how i did it: when i discovered, that i had a non-working
bulk-version, i simply gone to the store i bought it, gave it back and
bought a working mouse in another store. they were quite
cooperative. hope, you have a nice vendor. :-)

Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature, please!
Linux - the last service pack you'll ever need.

Re: apt behind proxy

2000-03-20 Thread Maurizio Boriani
On Mon, Mar 20, 2000 at 08:14:32AM -0500, Marshal Kar-Cheung Wong wrote:
  Maurizio == Maurizio Boriani [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Hi to all, I'm behind proxy, anyone know how i can use apt-get
  in this case?
 You have to set the $http_proxy environment variable, or edit
 /etc/apt/apt.conf.  Point it at you proxy server and port.
  Thank you in advance
  -- Maurizio Boriani General Services (Systemist) 20138 Milano -
  Via Mecenate 76/3 - Italy Tel. 02/509081 - Fax 02/50908080 -

Thank you very much!!!

Maurizio Boriani
General Services (Systemist)
20138 Milano - Via Mecenate 76/3 - Italy
Tel. 02/509081 - Fax 02/50908080 - E-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Description: PGP signature

Re: gpg: how to send key to key server

2000-03-20 Thread Ethan Benson
On Mon, Mar 20, 2000 at 12:48:21PM +0100, Maurizio Boriani wrote:
 Greet all,
   how can i send my pubblic key to a key server using gpg?
   thank a lot in advance.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] eb]$ gpg --help
gpg (GnuPG) 1.0.1
Copyright (C) 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions. See the file COPYING for details.

[lots of help deleted]

 --send-keys  export keys to a key server
 --recv-keys  import keys from a key server

[lots more help deleted]

 Maurizio Boriani
 General Services (Systemist)
 20138 Milano - Via Mecenate 76/3 - Italy
 Tel. 02/509081 - Fax 02/50908080 - E-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Ethan Benson

Description: PGP signature

Re: gpg: how to send key to key server

2000-03-20 Thread t.bedlam
On Mon, Mar 20, 2000 at 12:48:21PM +0100, Maurizio Boriani was only 
   escaped alone to tell thee:

 Greet all,
   how can i send my pubblic key to a key server using gpg?
   thank a lot in advance.

gpg --send-keys

keyserver wwwkeys.us.pgp.net is my entry in ~/.gnupg/options , but you 
should hunt around that server's web page for a server closer to you. 

Advance tip: cut+paste in Lynx may be hazardous to your health, so keep
hunting through the gpg man page and options file until you get the above 
command to work. :)

[EMAIL PROTECTED]  ||  http://www.concentric.net/~bedlam
Though nothing is wasted, everything is spent. -- Annie Dillard
But to live outside the law you must be honest -- Bob Dylan

Description: PGP signature

Re: Making the Windows key work

2000-03-20 Thread Lehel Bernadt
On Sun, 19 Mar 2000, Eric Hagglund wrote:
 Can someone explain (or point me to the correct
 documentation for) the procedure for making the
 Windows key pop up the start menu for the kde, fvwm or
 icewm desktops? 
To do something useful with the winkeys you must ensure that they are mapped to
some keysyms and make the app bind some action to the keysym. I don't know why
are you asking about IceWM, cause the winkeys are working in it ( the left is 
for the start menu, the right for the window list). Is your keyboard set up
correctly in /etc/X11/XF86Config (like the section below)? 

Section Keyboard
   XkbLayout   us

I don't use any of the Fvwm variants, maybe you can do something in the
conffiles ?  
As about KDE, it is fairly easy. You can try this :
Start up xkeycaps (an excellent program for editing keysyms); select the
104-key layout on startup; choose which one of the 2 winkeys do you want to
use for the start menu (I use left in this example); change its keysym from
Meta_L (the Meta_x is used in KDE for going to the application menu, so we must
choose a different one) to something unused, let's say Super_L; save the keymap
and exit xkeycaps (don't forget to rename the keymap file from
~/.xmodmap-hostname to ~/.xmodmap); go to K - Settings - Keys - Global
keys; for 'Pop-up system menu' choose custom key, click on the key field an
press the left winkey; press Ok.  
That's all !

RE:X11: HELP for ATI 3DChar 4MB RageIIC AGP

2000-03-20 Thread M. Jagos

I read the amount of recommendations about how to run ATI 3D RAGE II
properly, but noone has the effect. X server is not able to start X,
and if I shutdown it by pressing Ctrl + Alt + BckSpc there is
following message:

mach64ProgramClkMach64CT: Warning Q  10.6667

Please, could anybody give me any hint ?


Re: bash: Some: command not found

2000-03-20 Thread Philipp Letschert
Jaume Teixi wrote:
 What 've I to fix to my profile in order to avoid that message ?
 bash: Some: command not found
 thanks !
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

All executables you want to run must be in your path.

'echo $PATH' to view your path. If a program or command is not in a
directory listed there you get the 'command not found' message. In order
to execute it anyway, you have to give the full path, like
/home/me/myscripts/Some or if you are already in that directory just


Re: suggestiotn for mailing lists

2000-03-20 Thread Steve Lamb
On Mon, Mar 20, 2000 at 02:41:38AM -0800, Eric G . Miller wrote:
 one of the header lines indicating the list the mail came from. For
 Resent-From: debian-user@lists.debian.org
 X-Mailing-List: debian-user@lists.debian.org

Or sender:, which is what I use here.  :/

 Steve C. Lamb | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
 ICQ: 5107343  | main connection to the switchboard of souls.

Re: gpg: how to send key to key server

2000-03-20 Thread Christian Surchi
On Mon, Mar 20, 2000 at 12:48:21PM +0100, Maurizio Boriani wrote:
 Greet all,
   how can i send my pubblic key to a key server using gpg?
   thank a lot in advance.

From gpg man page:

   --send-keys [names]
 Same as --export but sends the keys  to  a  key­
 server.  Option --keyserver must be used to give
 the name of this keyserver. Don't send your com­
 plete keyring to a keyserver - select only those
 keys which are new or changed by you.


| Christian Surchi   | www.firenze.linux.it/~csurchi| www. |   
| FLUG: www.firenze.linux.it | Debian GNU/Linux: www.debian.org | org  | 

If an experiment works, something has gone wrong.

c c and more c

2000-03-20 Thread Evan Moore
2 quick questions:

1. has any1 written a wrapper for malloc and free that will provide some
usefull output for checking that all memory has been freed?

2. is there a good mailing list for UNIX c developers?

Thanx a bunch


Re: ATAPI Zip drive help

2000-03-20 Thread Peter S Galbraith

Andy Roosen wrote:

 I'm 'consulting' on a machine that has an ATAPI Zip drive that I can't
 manage to get to work. It works under W98. I'd like to use jazip, so
 the SCSI emulation would be preferred, but even being able to mount
 it as an IDE drive would be an accomplishment. Right now, the kernel
 I'm using has the following (I don't use modules):
 # CONFIG_BLK_DEV_IDECD is not set
 # CONFIG_BLK_DEV_SD is not set

There you go.  You didn't compile in `SCSI Disk' support.

 # CONFIG_CHR_DEV_ST is not set  
 (no SCSI low-level drivers)
 'dmesg' shows the following:
 scsi0 : SCSI host adapter emulation for IDE ATAPI devices
 scsi : 1 host.
   Vendor: IOMEGAModel: ZIP 100   Rev: 14.A
   Type:   Direct-Access  ANSI SCSI revision: 00
   Vendor: YAMAHAModel: CRW4416E  Rev: 1.0h
   Type:   CD-ROM ANSI SCSI revision: 02
 Detected scsi CD-ROM sr0 at scsi0, channel 0, id 1, lun 0
 scsi : detected 1 SCSI cdrom total.
 sr0: scsi3-mmc drive: 16x/16x writer cd/rw xa/form2 cdda tray
 Partition check:
  hda: hda1 hda2 hda3 hda4  hda5 hda6 
  hdd:3ide-scsi: hdd: unsupported command in request queue (0)
 I've tried the following (with a disk in):
 # mount -t vfat /dev/sda4 /zip
 mount: the kernel does not recognize /dev/sda4 as a block device
(maybe `insmod driver'?)

Peter Galbraith, research scientist  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Maurice Lamontagne Institute, Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada
P.O. Box 1000, Mont-Joli Qc, G5H 3Z4 Canada. 418-775-0852 FAX: 775-0546
6623'rd GNU/Linux user at the Counter - http://counter.li.org/ 


2000-03-20 Thread Horacio MG
   INIT: PANIC: segmentation violation! giving up..
  and the booting procedure stopped there, forcing a manual reboot which
  was successful only after yet another fsck.
 bad trouble is going on ...
 make a surface-check of your hdd to see if it's a hardware failure.

Hope not, the hd is a few months old (new).

 have you run another operating system, that might have messed up you linux

Uh, yes... and not.  I have OpenBSD installed, but on a second hd, not
on the same hd.  To be honest, I've mounted the Linux ext2 partitions
from OpenBSD several times, and done a bit of copying and moving.

hda (where Debian is installed) has different partitions, and /var,
/home, /usr, /usr/local, /opt, /usr/doc, /tmp are on partitions of their
own.  The partition I've messed up most from OpenBSD is /alt (a
partition of my own where I keep from source files to binaries and

BTW, the fs I usually get more trouble with (fsck inconsistencies) is

 crashed your system before these problems started?

NO.  I used to have problems with the X Window System, but these have
not happened since I added more RAM to the machine.  X used to hang at
exit every now and then.  The hang was usually a vertical stripped
colour screen, and the keyboard wouldn't work, so I had to do manual
reboots.  But as I said, this hasn't happened since I have 128MB RAM
(used to have 64MB).

 the panic is probably caused by a destroyed kernel-image, init-executable
 or some vital configuration file (e.g., /etc/inittab).

I've tried a couple of reboots, and everything seems to be working fine
now (everything except the ../lost+found/#10 files which still are
there and the system cannot clean when starting).  But I expect some
more trouble as these problems don't usually go away on their own :(

Anything you may recommend?

Horacio Anno MMDCCLIII aUC
 ~Spain ~Spanje ~Spanien

Key fingerprint = F4EE AE5E 2F01 0DB3 62F2  A9F4 AD31 7093 4233 7AE6

Re: bash: Some: command not found

2000-03-20 Thread Philipp Letschert
Philipp Letschert wrote:
 Jaume Teixi wrote:
  What 've I to fix to my profile in order to avoid that message ?
  bash: Some: command not found
  thanks !
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
 All executables you want to run must be in your path.
 'echo $PATH' to view your path. If a program or command is not in a
 directory listed there you get the 'command not found' message. In order
 to execute it anyway, you have to give the full path, like
 /home/me/myscripts/Some or if you are already in that directory just

Sorry, this was incomplete, because I was in a hurry. :(

The path is set in /etc/profile, and to add a certain path, you can
insert the following in your .profile

PATH=$PATH:/home/me/myscripts# expands the $PATH from /etc/profile
export $PATH   # makes $PATH global, i don't know
if # necessary

I hope this works for you.

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: c c and more c

2000-03-20 Thread Colin Watson
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Evan Moore) wrote:
1. has any1 written a wrapper for malloc and free that will provide some
usefull output for checking that all memory has been freed?

I don't know about all memory having been freed, but have you tried the
electric-fence package?

Colin Watson   [EMAIL PROTECTED]


2000-03-20 Thread Oswald Buddenhagen
INIT: PANIC: segmentation violation! giving up..
   and the booting procedure stopped there, forcing a manual reboot which
   was successful only after yet another fsck.
  bad trouble is going on ...
  make a surface-check of your hdd to see if it's a hardware failure.
 Hope not, the hd is a few months old (new).
if it's new enough, it would be not that bad - you surely have warranty,
don't you?
well - as now all seems to be normal, a hardware failure is a less
probable possibility. i would make a check anyway ...

  have you run another operating system, that might have messed up you linux
 Uh, yes... and not.  I have OpenBSD installed, but on a second hd, not
 on the same hd.  To be honest, I've mounted the Linux ext2 partitions
 from OpenBSD several times, and done a bit of copying and moving.
as i don't have the foggiest notion of *bsd, i can't tell you if this
could be a problem of any kind. i don't think so ...

 BTW, the fs I usually get more trouble with (fsck inconsistencies) is
not much surprising - this is the partition where most write operations
are done.
i have to manually fsck it after nearly every crash ...

  the panic is probably caused by a destroyed kernel-image, init-executable
  or some vital configuration file (e.g., /etc/inittab).
 I've tried a couple of reboots, and everything seems to be working fine
 now (everything except the ../lost+found/#10 files which still are
 there and the system cannot clean when starting).  But I expect some
 more trouble as these problems don't usually go away on their own :(
if everything seems to be ok now and no new problems arise, then you
should not worry _too_ much. possibly you should check all the
config-files in /var if anything seems to work not as expected.
look, if you find something useful in lost+found - these are orphaned
i-nodes, etc.
a thread about undeletable files we had already some days ago. the point
is, that these files have the ext2-attribute immutable (or something
like that) set. you need the ext2-tools (no idea, how the package is
named) to remove them.

if the disaster was neither caused by hardware failure nor by external
impact nor by crash, then a question arises (guess which ;-) ) ...
which kernel are you using? i heard some ugly things about 2.2.13 ...
another weird idea: the sync(8) man-page states, that sync only schedules
the syncing, but does not wait for it to complete. possibly the shutdown
script does not leave enough time to flush all buffers before it

Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature, please!
Linux - the last service pack you'll ever need.

Realplayer on Thinkpad 390E

2000-03-20 Thread Bryan Walton
Greetings all,
I have a Thinkpad 390E running frozen and am having a problem with
my RealPlayer.  Sound works fine on my laptop.  I can play CDs, .wav
files, mp3s, etc.  However, I can't get sound to work correctly on my
RealPlayer.  Basically, the sound plays about three times faster than it
should be.  This problem happened on RealPlayer 5, G2 and now on version
7.  Is this a problem with my Thinkpad (esssolo sound card), or with
Realplayer?  Or maybe something else?

Any advice?

Bryan K. Walton
Network Operations Center Analyst
5520 Research Park Drive  Madison, Wisconsin 53711

Berbee...putting the E in business


2000-03-20 Thread Andzo
How can I configure my soundcard in slink, I've been
using Red Hat based system earlier, and now when I got
no sndconfig to run I don't no what to do.

Re: LyX in frozen linked with buggy xforms?

2000-03-20 Thread Peter S Galbraith

Short answer:  Yes, it's safe.  The Debian maintainer is aware of
the issues involved.
Peter Galbraith, research scientist  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Maurice Lamontagne Institute, Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada
P.O. Box 1000, Mont-Joli Qc, G5H 3Z4 Canada. 418-775-0852 FAX: 775-0546
6623'rd GNU/Linux user at the Counter - http://counter.li.org/ 

Wojciech Zabolotny wrote:

 Hi All,
 In the LyX home page I've found following statement
 Additional Programs/Libraries Required 
XForms 0.86 or 0.88  Don't use XForms-0.89 it's buggy.
Automake 1.4 
 However LyX in the frozen dist is linked with Xforms0.89.
 Is it safe? 

Re: bash: Some: command not found

2000-03-20 Thread Matus \fantomas\ Uhlar
- What 've I to fix to my profile in order to avoid that message ?
- bash: Some: command not found

hmmm you have probably a mistake (maybe you uncommented line that should be
commented) in your profile...
 Matus fantomas Uhlar, sysadmin at NEXTRA, Slovakia; IRCNET admin of *.sk
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; http://www.fantomas.sk/ ; http://www.nextra.sk/
 Your mouse has moved. Windows NT will now restart for changes to take
 to take effect. [OK]

motors for Washing Machine, Electrical Fan, Refrigerator, Fume Hood, Food Blender, etc

2000-03-20 Thread Yuan Feng

Yuanfeng Motor Company is a professional motor manufacturer and are dedicated 
to developing and researching high efficient products. Various types of motor 
with different specification are for Washing Machine, Electrical Fan, 
Refrigerator, Fume Hood, Food Blender, etc. All motors we manufacture are with 
high quality, high efficiency, high torque, low defect rate and low-noise 
stable quality.

If interested, please contact us for full information. OEM orders are welcome.

 Above supply information is provided by Gold Line Business Information 
Service Company. 

 Our service mainly includes:  to help all the manufacturers in mainland of 
China with sales promotion and overseas marketing. And meanwhile we offer 
Chinese market and products information consulting service for foreign buyers 
or importers.  If you are now looking for any product in good quality and at 
favorable price, it is the great opportunity to be of your service with 
manufactures and products as well as other related information.  Any inquiry, 
please feel free to 
contact us know.

Gold Line Business Information Service Company Limited
7/F, Science  Technology Center, 
No. 3, Nanxing San Road,
Guicheng District,
Nanhai City 528200,
Guangdong Province,
Tel: +86-757-6336 141 / 6239 656  
Fax: +86-757-6336 141
Contact Person: Mr Wang Dong


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DNS/resolver trouble

2000-03-20 Thread Gary Hennigan
I just started having problems with my DNS queries after I recently
upgraded potato (been running potato for quite a while). Now when I
dial up I'm getting timeouts on queries. I have a local DNS server
that serves my little 3-host home network. I also use the same box
running my local DNS server to dial up to work via PPP. In the past
I've had no trouble, but after my apt-get upgrade this weekend things
are timing out with Unknown host when I'm dialed up and trying to
connect to a remote machine. Local queries are still fine. It's as if
nothing in /etc/resolv.conf is being used except my local DNS server.

Here's what my /etc/resolv.conf looks like:

search hennigan.bogus
domain hennigan.bogus

I realize, after reading resolv.conf(5), that only three namserver
lines are used, but the last one,, is just a secondary
DNS while is primary for the sandia.gov
domain. and are effectively the same host in
this instance.

If I attempt to look up a sandia.gov host I get:

% nslookup host.mp.sandia.gov
Server: localhost

*** localhost can't find talia.mp.sandia.gov: Non-existent host/domain

If I do an interactive nslookup and set the server to
then the query works fine, eg.,

% nslookup
Default Server:  []

Server:  []

Address:  134.253.xxx.xx

Curiously, host works, eg.,

% host host.mp.sandia.gov
host.mp.sandia.gov A   134.253.xxx.xx

but telnet, rsh, etc., all timeout with Unknown host messages.

Anyone have any ideas?


Re: Last chance: unresolved symbols and depmod weirdness

2000-03-20 Thread rick
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED] you wrote:
 Last chance to help me before I reformat the blasted thing and reinstall
 Slink (I will probably NEVER install potato, so far it's a piece of, well
 you know...)
 I recompiled a 2.0.36 kernel, of course I had to use gcc 2.72.  I copied
 System.map all over known creation, made modules_install did depmod and
 update-modules, everything seemed fine, until I reboot.  Now I get 7
 BAZILLION unresolved symbol references.  I figured it's crufty, right?  So I
 blew away the modules directory for 2.0.36, redid make modules_install and

Although this is the way it's done generically, there's a better
way with Debian.  Install the kernel-package deb and then you
can install/remove/purge kernels with dpkg.  It will handle all
the fiddly bits like updating modules, System.map.

From the README:
# cd kernel source tree
# make xconfig (or menuconfig)
# make-kpkg clean 
# make-kpkg -rfakeroot --revision=custom.1.0 kernel_image 
# dpkg -i ../kernel-image-X.XXX_1.0_arch.deb
# shutdown -r now


2000-03-20 Thread Horacio MG
 if it's new enough, it would be not that bad - you surely have warranty,
 don't you?

Yes, Seagate's 3 year warranty!

 well - as now all seems to be normal, a hardware failure is a less
 probable possibility. i would make a check anyway ...

:) optimistical... problems never fade away without some intervention.
I sometimes get a very noisy start up from the disk (even before the
system is initialized);  that might be related :(

 as i don't have the foggiest notion of *bsd, i can't tell you if this
 could be a problem of any kind. i don't think so ...

The strange thing is that I don't have to give a -t fs_type option to
the 'mount' command:

 # mount /dev/wd0p /mnt

mounts the partition without asking for a fs type.

 not much surprising - this is the partition where most write operations
 are done.
 i have to manually fsck it after nearly every crash ...

Can I safely unmount /var and run 'fsck' on it?

 if everything seems to be ok now and no new problems arise, then you
 should not worry _too_ much. possibly you should check all the
 config-files in /var if anything seems to work not as expected.
 look, if you find something useful in lost+found - these are orphaned
 i-nodes, etc.
 a thread about undeletable files we had already some days ago. the point
 is, that these files have the ext2-attribute immutable (or something
 like that) set. you need the ext2-tools (no idea, how the package is
 named) to remove them.

mmh... should do something about those files, but don't have a clue of
what and how should be done.  I'll have a look at that thread.

 if the disaster was neither caused by hardware failure nor by external
 impact nor by crash, then a question arises (guess which ;-) ) ...
 which kernel are you using? i heard some ugly things about 2.2.13 ...

No, I'm pretty conservative in that respect.  I heared 2.2.10 was v.
good and stable, and since I don't need anything from 2.2.13 I stayed
with 2.2.10.

Thank you so much for your help.

Horacio Anno MMDCCLIII aUC
 ~Spain ~Spanje ~Spanien

Key fingerprint = F4EE AE5E 2F01 0DB3 62F2  A9F4 AD31 7093 4233 7AE6

Re: Last chance: unresolved symbols and depmod weirdness

2000-03-20 Thread rick
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED] you wrote:
 Now no matter how much I depmod, it replaces the modules.dep with some old
 version (from where???  It's about 5 and a half hours old -- I was nowhere
 near my machine at that time; and it doesn't correlate to any kind of UTC
 time or anything like that) and complains about what it just did. (it says
 You FOOL!  /etc/modules.conf is more recent than
 /lib/modules/2.0.36/modules.dep!) Finally I ran depmod, then did chattr +i
 modules.dep on the stupid thing.  Before I rebooted they were the exact same

You've got a lot of different things going on that are unrelated.
This message is innocuous; I'm not sure why it hasn't been fixed but
you can find info about it in the archives.

For sound, have you looked at the isapnp package?

I don't envy you the position you're in.  I went through the
potato transition long enough ago (I'm woody now) that I don't
remember most of the details.  dejanews archives the deb-user and
deb-devel mailing lists as they are gated to newsgroups.  Have
you tried that?


Re: gpm config for Logitech MouseMan+ PS/2

2000-03-20 Thread Antonio Fiol Bonnín
  I imagine that I have one of those mice that are not 'boxed', as I bought
  it with the computer. My config is just like yours for X, and the
  difference between your config for gpm and mine should be inexistent... I
  tried everything...
 boxed versions are a) really boxed (i.e., in a box, mine was green) and
 have b) a coloured logitech-logo on top.
 you probably have a oem-version, since it was packaged with the pc.
  I'll have to wait until someone develops support for my mouse :(
 this is one possibility ...
 here is how i did it: when i discovered, that i had a non-working
 bulk-version, i simply gone to the store i bought it, gave it back and
 bought a working mouse in another store. they were quite
 cooperative. hope, you have a nice vendor. :-)

That's a good one... I hope they don't tell me it's too late ;)


Re: How to set up printing in Netscape

2000-03-20 Thread Kent West
Mirek Kwasniak wrote:

 On Fri, Mar 17, 2000 at 10:04:54PM -0600, Kent West wrote:
  kmself@ix.netcom.com wrote:
   Well, FWIW, have you worked out your printing problem?  What are
   you printing to in Netscape -- what's the command you're using?  Any
   error messages?  Anything turn up in your print queue (lpq)?
  No. I can print from the command line (using lp foo), but not from 
  Netscape or Abiword.
  When I click on File/Print within Netscape, the printer dialog box pops up, 
  and the Print
  to option is set to Printer, and the Print Command is set to lpr.
  As soon as I click on the Print button, I switch to a terminal window and 
  do an lpq,
  which reports that there are no printable jobs in queue.

 Can you print postscript files (lpr blabla.ps)? When not install magicfilter
 + ghostcript packages.


I believe you've found the problem. I printed to a file instead of to a 
printer from within
Netscape, and then lpr'd the resulting netscape.ps file (I viewed the 
netscape.ps file first;
at a brief lookover it looks like a valid poastscript file). I got the same 
nothing I get when
trying to print to a printer from Netscape. So apparently I can't print 
postscript files.

However, I have the newest magicfilter installed (according to apt, pointed at 
potato), and
ghostscript appears to not be available in potato: I get a message about it not 
having an
available version although it is in the database, which means it may be 

Thanks for getting me to the next level of troubleshooting, Mire; I appreciate 


2000-03-20 Thread Oswald Buddenhagen
 The strange thing is that I don't have to give a -t fs_type option to
 the 'mount' command:
  # mount /dev/wd0p /mnt
 mounts the partition without asking for a fs type.
that's not that surprising. some/most filesystems have an autodetection.

 Can I safely unmount /var and run 'fsck' on it?
yes. but you should go single-user (init s) in advance (to ensure that
there are no files on /var open and will not be opened). then fsck and
then reinit the original runlevel (init number). (don't know, if
debian has a sysV-style init, but afaik it has ...)

Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature, please!
Linux - the last service pack you'll ever need.

Re: How to set up printing in Netscape

2000-03-20 Thread Kent West
Kent West wrote:

 Mirek Kwasniak wrote:

  On Fri, Mar 17, 2000 at 10:04:54PM -0600, Kent West wrote:
   kmself@ix.netcom.com wrote:
Well, FWIW, have you worked out your printing problem?  What are
you printing to in Netscape -- what's the command you're using?  Any
error messages?  Anything turn up in your print queue (lpq)?
   No. I can print from the command line (using lp foo), but not from 
   Netscape or Abiword.
   When I click on File/Print within Netscape, the printer dialog box pops 
   up, and the Print
   to option is set to Printer, and the Print Command is set to lpr.
   As soon as I click on the Print button, I switch to a terminal window 
   and do an lpq,
   which reports that there are no printable jobs in queue.
  Can you print postscript files (lpr blabla.ps)? When not install magicfilter
  + ghostcript packages.

 I believe you've found the problem. I printed to a file instead of to a 
 printer from within
 Netscape, and then lpr'd the resulting netscape.ps file (I viewed the 
 netscape.ps file first;
 at a brief lookover it looks like a valid poastscript file). I got the same 
 nothing I get when
 trying to print to a printer from Netscape. So apparently I can't print 
 postscript files.

 However, I have the newest magicfilter installed (according to apt, pointed 
 at potato), and
 ghostscript appears to not be available in potato: I get a message about it 
 not having an
 available version although it is in the database, which means it may be 

 Thanks for getting me to the next level of troubleshooting, Mire; I 
 appreciate it!

gs was the package I was looking for. Now I'm printing! Thanks Mire!!!

Re: SMTP password

2000-03-20 Thread muggles
On Sat, Mar 18, 2000 at 06:06:26PM -0900, Adam Shand wrote:
.there isn't a debian sendmail 8.10 package yet but there is the sasl
.packages (libsasl7 and libsasl-dev).

a deb of 8.10 is now in the unstable archive and the upgrade from 8.9.3 is 

a couple of notes:

+ the sendmail.cw file has been replaced by local-host-names file 

+ if you used FEATURE(rbl) it has been superceded by FEATURE(dnsbl)

i believe both are mentioned in the changelog.

i haven't seen a lot of doco on implementing SMTP AUTH but am very interested
in this!




and the ultimate cruelty of loves' pinions
beset his appearance

Re: suggestiotn for mailing lists

2000-03-20 Thread esoR ocsirF
On Mon, Mar 20, 2000 at 09:26:46AM +, Alvaro Ortiz de Urbina wrote:
 In order to do appropiate filtering in my mail box, to avoid hundreds of 
 messages that don let me see other e-mails, I think it would be a very good 
 idea to include in the subject things like
 [deb] or [deb_boot] or any other.

FWIW, I use exim's built in filtering. No extra soxtware to install. It
works beautifully. I am posting my filtering rules so you can see how
easy it is.
By the way this all goes in the .forward file.

# Exim filter

if $h_X-Mailing-List: contains ebian-user
then save $home/Mail/debian-user

if $h_X-Mailing-List: contains ebian
then save $home/Mail/debian

if $h_Resent-From: contains mutt or
$h_Cc: contains mutt or
$h_To: contains mutt
then save $home/Mail/mutt

if $h_To: contains bugs.debian.org
then save $home/Mail/bugs

if $h_From: contains [EMAIL PROTECTED]
then save $HOME/Mail/MEAL

save $home/Mail/INBOX

Frisco Rose By any other name, I would smell the same
E.O.U. Student  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (541) 962-2987

Science Journal Ed. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
EOU Hoke Center 307 (541) 962-3787
La Grande, OR. 97850

Re: Free Internet... ? Why 14 mb?

2000-03-20 Thread Percival

Actually, I think it is probably a customized version of Internet Explorer.  I 
don't know about the Mac, probably IE for that as well.  Many ISPs offer 
versions of IE with their logos in place of the spinning 'e' and other 
customizations.  Since some of them offer this, everyone else feels as though 
they have to do it as well.


The gateway through http://www.teledyn.com/products/FreeWWW works very 
well - and you don't download anything (just the setup.cgi).  It took me a few 
tries to register, but everything seemed to go through just fine.

Thanks all!


On Mon, Mar 20, 2000 at 01:05:24PM -0500, Antonio Rodriguez wrote:
 It seems to me that those companies that ask you to download 14 mb or so of 
 software are intending to see inside your computer, otherwise, why would they 
 ask you to do so, if it is enough to just set the connection parametrs? Any 
 Percival wrote:
  I thought that was the service, but they seem to want me to download their 
  software - and only give me choices for Windows 98/95 and Mac.  I also 
  remember seeing a different webpage for the service (not blue and white), 
  which talked specifically about linux.
  Anyway, I didn't want to go on with the download (14MB), but I will if it 
  is necessary to get the username and password and DNS info and all that.  
  What should I do?
  On Sun, Mar 19, 2000 at 05:48:54PM -0500, Chris Gray wrote:
   On Sun, Mar 19, 2000 at 01:50:38PM -0800, Percival wrote:
I apologize, but I remember that several days ago someone was talking 
about a free web access deal.  Some company who pays for free internet 
access by putting advertising on their hompage, and requesting users to 
load it as their start page.  It worked with linux, which was the prime 
I lost those messages, and I need to find this service again (I also 
lost the bookmark).  Anyway, if anyone's got the info out there, please 
e-mail me.
   The service is at http://www.freewwweb.com.  It's good, but where I
   am they drop packets headed for port 25 on any other machine than
   their own.  This makes sending mail kind of a pain in the butt if you
   don't have a backup ISP.  Maybe it's different in other places.
   Chris Gray
Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
   pick, pack, pock, puck: like drops of water in a fountain falling
   softly in the brimming bowl.
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: no merit from using DMA-66?

2000-03-20 Thread Vachirasuk

From: Stephan Hachinger [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: no merit from using DMA-66?
Date: Sun, 19 Mar 2000 22:06:49 +0100

 That has something to do with your hard disk cache. Because, when the data
 requested by the PC happens to be in the internal cache (typically
 512k-2megs), it can be transferrred to the mainboard at full bus speed rate!
 That's an improvement of UDMA! And, the interfaces are always a little bit
 faster, then the disks are getting faster, and then they make a new
 interface standard again. That's how it always is, because, it is better to
 not to have problems with a slow interface.

Thanks for the explanation. I really learn something here :-)

 So, either your benchmark doesn't manage to switch off the cache for its
 measure or it only shows you the highest bus speed rate. But, 33MB/66MB is
 definitely not a data rate any recent IDE HDD can achieve.

I have tried asking around on japanese debian-user list and there is a
person said he got 25MB/sec DTR on IBM harddisk from the test with
hdparm. Moreover from hdparm manpage about -t option:
  This  displays  the  speed  of  reading through the
  buffer cache to the disk without any prior  caching
  of  data.  This measurement is an indication of how
  fast the drive can sustain  sequential  data  reads
so I guess the DTR is measured with the cache on. This should give
some better DTR over DMA-33 harddisk, if I got it right? 

Best regards,


Vachirasuk Setalaphruk
ISE, Osaka University

Error/Warning Message

2000-03-20 Thread Shane

Installing the Debian 2.2 on my system produces
the following error/warning message at boot time

Loading modules: eepro100 Note:/etc/modules.conf
is more recent than /lin/modules/2.2.14/modules.dep
modprobe: insmod * failed

The only modules I have is the eepro100 for
eth0 and that seems to be working fine.
Should this error message be ignored?  Thanks
for your comment.


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Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


2000-03-20 Thread Account for Debian group mail

I tried to update our manual data base using mandb on one of our machines.
I keep getting this error message:
Processing manual pages under /usr/man... 
sh: error in loading shared libraries 
: undefined symbol: rl_unbind_function_in_map 
Anyone have an ideas which shared library is having the problem?  

Ken Rea

Re: Sendmail and virtual e-mail on debian

2000-03-20 Thread Jason Laster

On Sat, Mar 18, 2000 at 04:47:38PM -0600, Hecubus wrote:
 On Sat, 18 Mar 2000, Jason Laster wrote:
  What can I put in my sendmail.mc file on my Debian box to have all
  mail sorted (i.e., send [EMAIL PROTECTED] to user's mbox) I have tried
  virtusertable in the .mc file but that just seems to bounce everyting
  to root's mbox.  Any help or direction would be helpful.
 ...should have everything you need.
I must be doing something incorrect. I have the virtusertable but still 
everything is going to my root mail box.  with the header of the user I was 
sending it to 

any other suggestions out there. I am on a current dist of the frozen potato 


Re: Error/Warning Message

2000-03-20 Thread Oswald Buddenhagen
 Loading modules: eepro100 Note:/etc/modules.conf
 is more recent than /lin/modules/2.2.14/modules.dep
this can be solved by running depmod

 modprobe: insmod * failed
... due to failed dependencies (i guess). no idea, which ones.

 Should this error message be ignored?  Thanks
 for your comment.
ignoring is not a good idea. but if there is no other way ...

Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature, please!
Linux - the last service pack you'll ever need.

Re: Sony vaio

2000-03-20 Thread stephan

Tim Ryder wrote:
Does anyone have any info on getting the sony cd51 pcmcia cd player to work
with debian it installs itself at ide2=0x180,0x386
I am using the sony vaio n505ve

I myself am having a bit of trouble getting the CD-ROM to work on a 505VE.
The problem I have is hdc lost interrupt (I install mine on ide1=0x180,0x386).
I can get the machine to cooperate a bit better by turning off PnP and turning 
off the
secondary ide controller in BIOS (F2 at sony screen). However, as soon as I 
attempt a
mount command I again get hdc lost interrupt. My PCMCIA modem card works fine 
(The modem part anyway, I've yet to try it connected to a network - DLink 
560TX). I'm
running SuSE 6.3 until I can find a way around the problem (I also have the 
with SuSE - although it is hde like yours - but at least with SuSE I can install
enough packages to have a functional computer before it craps out).

Re: apt behind proxy

2000-03-20 Thread Jason Gunthorpe

On Mon, 20 Mar 2000, Maurizio Boriani wrote:

 Hi to all,
   I'm behind proxy, anyone know how i can use apt-get in this case?

Yes, read the apt.conf man page.


Re: SMTP password

2000-03-20 Thread Adam Shand

 a deb of 8.10 is now in the unstable archive and the upgrade from 8.9.3
 is relatively painless.

has it been compilied against the sasl libraries?

 i haven't seen a lot of doco on implementing SMTP AUTH but am very
 interested in this!

the only really good docs are on claus' home page that was the url in my
previous message.


Re: no merit from using DMA-66?

2000-03-20 Thread Stephan Hachinger

- Original Message -
From: Vachirasuk [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: debian-user@lists.debian.org
Sent: Monday, March 20, 2000 7:34 PM
Subject: Re: no merit from using DMA-66?

 I have tried asking around on japanese debian-user list and there is a
 person said he got 25MB/sec DTR on IBM harddisk from the test with
 hdparm. Moreover from hdparm manpage about -t option:
   This  displays  the  speed  of  reading through the
   buffer cache to the disk without any prior  caching
   of  data.  This measurement is an indication of how
   fast the drive can sustain  sequential  data  reads
 so I guess the DTR is measured with the cache on. This should give
 some better DTR over DMA-33 harddisk, if I got it right?

Don't know, but if it's really a test with caching, it will probably really
give back higher data rates. Up to now, I always tested my hds with Dr.
Hardware for DOS ;-) or with some Windoze software, which also could switch
on or switch off the cache due to user request. But the results with caching
are not significant anyway in my opinion, because it is important, at what
speed the drive can read permanently (at least for my applications, I think,
other people might have other opinions...).

Kind Regards,

Stephan Hachinger

Re: installing QT-1.44 w/ problems

2000-03-20 Thread Stephan Hachinger

Yes, I suggest to you deleting your files and installing a package instead.
The package URL is:


and for the development/header files (if you want to compile KDE for


and for the docs:


It's only ver 1.40 but should also work.

Kind Regards,

Stephan Hachinger

- Original Message -
From: Beavis
To: debian list
Sent: Monday, March 20, 2000 3:31 AM
Subject: installing QT-1.44 w/ problems

i need to install qt ver 1.44 inorder to install KDE

i have just installed QT and am going to now configure for building
after i run make
i get some errors

make[1]:***[mogen.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory '/usr/local/qt/src/moc'
make:*** [moc] Error 2

am i missing something, do i need moc?

does anyone have a deb source for qt-1.44 (sure be alot easier)

i am currently installing from tarball

thankx for any replies

beavis (butthead says come to butthead)

Re: compiling kde

2000-03-20 Thread Stephan Hachinger

The development (dev) packages! I don't know exactly which one, but you'll
see. But there are also .debs for KDE 1.1.1 out there. Take a look at

Kind Regards,

Stephan Hachinger

- Original Message -
From: Beavis
To: debian list
Sent: Monday, March 20, 2000 1:53 AM
Subject: compiling kde

hello list

this is what i am trying to do but a get an error:

checking for Xconfigure: error: Can't find X includes. PLease check your
installation and add the correct paths!

i have x loaded w/ xmaker and blackbox, what package am i missing?

2.5 Compiling from Source Code
Generic source gzipped tarballs can be also be downloaded from the
FTP Site if you would like to compile KDE on your own. New users should
consider sticking to one of the prebuilt binary pacakges.

To unpack the tarballs use the command:
tar xvzf .tar.gz

Change to the directory in which the files were unpacked:
Configure the package with:

  1   2   >