Re: un script para lectores de LA y SL

2000-07-20 Thread David Charro Ripa
 ¿Alguien con un postgreSQL publico...?
 ¿un cvs para meter cosas entre varios...?
 ¿algun recurso por el estilo ...?

Probad en
20 MB de páginas, buen ancho de banda, postgresql, php3 y encima
funcionan con debian y es gratis.
En fin, una maravilla.




2000-07-20 Thread Jaume Sabater


He instalado squid en mi debian. En preferencias,proxi he puesto en
configuracion manual en html y ftp localhost y como puerto 3128.

Me conecto y intento cargar ,por ejemplo,, pero no
puedo. Me dice algo asi como: Contol de confirmacion de aaceso previene su
requerimiento from being allowed at this time, por favor pongase en
contacto con su proveedor de servicios.
Lo que pretendo es simplemente poder utilizar el squid proxi como cache de
paginas web. Como se hace? debo de tocar algo en mi /etc/squid.conf?

SI. Tienes que darle al 

http_access allow all

y voilà

 Jaume Sabater i Lleal
 Administrador de sistemes
 ARGUS Serveis Telemàtics
 Tel: 93 292 41 00
 Fax: 93 292 42 25
 Avgda. Marquès de Comillas s/n 08038 
 Recinte Poble Espanyol
 Barcelona - Catalunya

Re: Squid

2000-07-20 Thread Eduardo Fernandez
En el squid.conf veras una seccion que pone


Yo tengo en esa parte:

acl mired src
acl otrared src
http_access allow mired
http_access allow sodefesa
http_access deny all

En fin mirate toda la seccion de acl y http_access, en la que se define que
clientes pueden conectar a que redes, en que puertos, etc...

Está todo en esa parte del squid.conf y un poco más arriba.

Siento no poder explicarlo con mas detalle por falta de tiempo.

Hasta pronto.
Eduardo Fernandez

- Original Message -
From: Jose Antonio Ortega Garcia [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, July 20, 2000 12:32 PM
Subject: Squid


 He instalado squid en mi debian. En preferencias,proxi he puesto en
 configuracion manual en html y ftp localhost y como puerto 3128.

 Me conecto y intento cargar ,por ejemplo,, pero no
 puedo. Me dice algo asi como: Contol de confirmacion de aaceso previene su
 requerimiento from being allowed at this time, por favor pongase en
 contacto con su proveedor de servicios.
 Lo que pretendo es simplemente poder utilizar el squid proxi como cache de
 paginas web. Como se hace? debo de tocar algo en mi /etc/squid.conf?

 Tambien cuando arranco el navegador netscape me da un aviso:warning lang
 /locale settings will cause printing problems, que significa esto? como
 se corrige? Gracias.

 Jose Antonio Ortega Garcia  User:104420
 E-mail:[EMAIL PROTECTED]GNU/Hurd Debian Potato-2.2.15

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

bug del proftpd

2000-07-20 Thread TooManySecrets

En la potato (a día de hoy 20-7-2000), viene el proftpd 1.2.0pre10-2. Según
Security Focus, las versiones pre del 1.2 están afectadas por un bug que
permite ejecutar código arbitrario.
He mirado en el árbol de potato en, y no aparece ningún
paquete de actualización del proftpd. Personalmente asumo que el
mantenedor ha corregido el bug editando las fuentes y recompilándolas de
nuevo, pero me gustaría asegurarme. ¿Sabe alguien algo al respecto?

Gracias por todo.

Have a nice day  ;-)

Re: un script para lectores de LA y SL

2000-07-20 Thread Jaime E. Villate
   ¿Alguien con un postgreSQL publico...?
lo tengo
   ¿un cvs para meter cosas entre varios...?
lo tengo
   ¿algun recurso por el estilo ...?
todo lo que querais; decidme el paquete de Debian que quereis que
instale, fuera de lo que ya tengo. Aunque parecería abuso :o)
Yo pedí cuenta para el proyecto orca en sourceforge y tenía ya todo
listo para convertirlo en la url oficial, pero me aparecieron varios
problemas: los scripts cgi son ejecutados por un usuario que no puede
alterarme los ficheros (el glosario por ejemplo) y así no podía permitir
que cualquier usuario modifique automáticamente el glosario.
Algunos dias he encontrado que mis ficheros ahora pertenecen a un
superusuario y no los puedo alterar; tengo que esperar unas horas hasta
que vuelven a quedar en mi nombre. No tienen postgresql sino mysql.
En conclusión, me parece mucho mejor trabajar en una máquina donde
seamos root y podamos instalar lo que queramos.

 Uhmm, no sé ... ¿alguien se anima ...?
Claro que si! me parece interesantísima la idea de borxa y puedo
aprovechar alguna experiencia con un proyecto casi idéntico en que he
trabajado en los últimos años: es un proyecto Europeo sobre una base de
datos bibliograficos de propiedades físicas de alimentos; podeis verlo
Podeis ver la lista completa de referencias con Go o hacer busquedas
con query; claro está, será necessario buscar algo relacionado con
alimentos, en inglés (bread, milk, spinach, etc.)

Podeis jugar a introducir nuevas referencias, pues esta es una versión
de prueba y la podeis modificar tranquilamente.

Si os parece bien puedo proceder a substituir la lista de referencias de
alimentos por la lista de artículos de Linux que ha creado borxa, y como
en quark tengo un mirror oficial del Linux Gazette, puedo incorporar
automáticamente los títulos de todos los artículos que han sido
publicados en Linux Gazette. El cvs lo tengo funcionando pero me
gustaria crear passwords para cada miembro del proyecto, pués así es mas
fácil controlar quien ha hecho alguna alteración.

Que viva el proyecto (¿Como lo llamaremos?)

Jaime Villate

Re: xsession errors

2000-07-20 Thread Jaime E. Villate
 Si a alguien le sirve, ya se cual era el problema que tenia, que
 impedia que algun usuario no-privilegiado iniciara sesion en X.
 Me falta el archivo Xwrapper (no se donde debe de estar localizado,
 pero ya lo busque por todos lados).

Pués no debe ser eso porque yo tampoco tengo ese archivo en ninguna de
las máquinas que uso y no tengo problemas de falta de autorización para
ejecutar el servidor de X. ¿No será que tienes mal configurado el
fichero /etc/X11/Xserver?
El mio tiene lo siguiente:


The first line in this file is the full pathname of the default X
The second line shows who is allowed to run the X server:
Console  (anyone whose controlling tty is on the console)

Otra cosa: yo creo que nadie te ha respondido a tus mensajes porque
tienes la fecha como 20 de julio de 100, lo que hace que tus mensajes
sean puesto al comienzo de la lista de mensajes ordenada por orden
alfabético y se pierden entre mensajes antiguos. Intenta arreglar ese
problema con la fecha.

Jaime Villate

Problemas con el crontab

2000-07-20 Thread Jaume Sabater

A ver si me aclaro: En el crontab hay


# m h dom mon dow user  command
25 6* * *   roottest -e /usr/sbin/anacron || run-parts --report
47 6* * 7   roottest -e /usr/sbin/anacron || run-parts --report
52 61 * *   roottest -e /usr/sbin/anacron || run-parts --report

Pues... si yo le añado

33 ** * *   root/bin/bash /bin/sync

me dice: 

/bin/sh: root: command not found

Uséase: el comado root no existe... Pero no es el usuario? Almenos eso
dice que tiene que ser (por la columna)... Además, no me da ningun mensaje
de error con los run-parts... Pues... Alguien sabeque pasa?

 Jaume Sabater i Lleal
 Administrador de sistemes
 ARGUS Serveis Telemàtics
 Tel: 93 292 41 00
 Fax: 93 292 42 25
 Avgda. Marquès de Comillas s/n 08038 
 Recinte Poble Espanyol
 Barcelona - Catalunya

Re: xsession errors

2000-07-20 Thread estoy
 Pués no debe ser eso porque yo tampoco tengo ese archivo en ninguna 
 las máquinas que uso y no tengo problemas de falta de autorización 
 ejecutar el servidor de X. 

Tienes mucha razon, lo que pasa es que lo lei en la FAQ de xfree86 y 
asumi que ese debia ser mi problema.
Sin embargo en la FAQ de linux me di cuenta que habia un topico 
similar y ahi dice que es debido a que el programa que estoy usando 
(startx, xdm, X y xinit son los que han devuelto el mensaje de error), 
no tienen soporte para shadow-passwords y yo tengo habilitado en el 
sistema los shadow-passwords.

En la FAQ dice que debo de cambiar a una version con soporte para 
shadow-passwords. Alguien sabe que version de Xfree me puedo bajar 
para esto o como le puedo hacer para tener compatibilidad?

de antemano muchas gracias y un saludo

PD estoy corriendo las xfree

Este mensaje fue enviado mediante Web E-mail de MegaRed


2000-07-20 Thread Ricardo Adolfo Rodríguez
Holas a todos.

Tengo una tarjeta de video Trident 970 AGP 4MB.

Quisiera saber si linux, aprovecha todas las caracterisiticas del
sistema AGP.. o es lo mismo que el PCI?, como aprovecho todas sus
caracterisiticas?, que version del kernel necesito... yo tengo la

Otra cosa..

Pero no se si sea un offtopic... pero me voy a arriesgar.. hace unos dos
meses empeze con la tarea de aprender a programar en linux :), voy en la
parte de comunicacion entre procesos.. pipes, que es la primera parte...
pero como estoy tan principiante hay algo que no entiendo... (perdonen
si es muy obvio..), y la verdad donde vivo... no tengo mucho a quien
preguntarle... y el acceso a internet en este momento lo tengo difícil..

  if(childpid  ==  0)
/*  Cierre  del  descriptor  de  entrada  en  el
hijo  */

/*  Enviar  el  saludo  via  descriptor  de  salida
write(fd[1],  string,  strlen(string));
/*  ¿Esto no cerraria el descriptor de salida del
hijo?  */

/*  ¿Y aqui no pasaria algo similar? osea estaria
cerrado el descriptor de entrada por el close(fd[0])? */
nbytes  =  read(fd[0],  readbuffer,
printf(Received  string:  %s,  readbuffer);

Y no entiendo muy bien lo del if y el else.. no se podria escribir todo
en un solo bloque.. por favor me gustaria mucho que alguien me explicara

Espero no ser mucha molestia..

Ricardo Rodríguez

[no subject]

2000-07-20 Thread Jaume Sabater
¿Alguien ha configurado 2 discos IDE en RAID 0? He mirado de bajarme los
paquetes del raid (raidtools) y me dice que si quiero usar el nuevo
estilo necesito librerias, mientras que si quiero usar el viejo... En
fin, que me he instalado el raidtools viejo estilo. Ahorita me encuentro
en que tengo un directorio vacio en el /etc, tengo el /usr/include/raid.h,
y ya tá; y no tengo ni un manual de cómo hacer raid 0. Eso si, tengo un
fastástico raid how to, pero no se por dónde empezar... Supongo que tendria
que tener una table dentro del /etc/raid describiendo las unidades raid qué
discos tiene... 

Por lo que se, raid 0 no es redundante, por lo que si se me jode un disco
se me joroba todo el raid enterito :-(. ¿Es realmente estable el raid 0?
¿Hay alguna paranoia que deba saber?

 Jaume Sabater i Lleal
 Administrador de sistemes
 ARGUS Serveis Telemàtics
 Tel: 93 292 41 00
 Fax: 93 292 42 25
 Avgda. Marquès de Comillas s/n 08038 
 Recinte Poble Espanyol
 Barcelona - Catalunya

ppp y permisos del modem

2000-07-20 Thread Camilo Alejandro Arboleda
Hola todos:

Tengo un inconveniente: 

Tengo un grupo de usuarios dialout, que pueden tener acceso al modem.
Los permisos son

drw-rw---  root,dialout  /dev/ttyS2

Sin embargo cada vez que me conecto a internet, el ppp (que es set-UID)
cambia los permisos por

drw--  root,dialout  /dev/ttyS2

y cuando quiero enviar o recibir un fax me toca entrar como root y
modificar los permisos, para poder usar el modem como usuario normal (el
programa de fax no es set-UID).

¿Alguna sugerencia para solucionar el problema?

Gracias de antemano,

Camilo Alejandro.

* De simio la conoci y he visto hombres que la añoran.
* En lo que a mi se refiere, ni entonces ni ahora
* perdi mi libertad.
  Informe para una academia. Franz Kafka


2000-07-20 Thread Henrik Andersson
Försöker få sendmail att vidarebefodra mail till min smtpserver (Netlink). Men 
det står sender domain must exist [EMAIL PROTECTED] eller något liknande. Kan 
jag fixa ett alias, eller liknande?

Henrik Andersson [EMAIL PROTECTED]

how to install a fake package?

2000-07-20 Thread Mike Johnson

I currently use debian2.2 , And I used Corel's CorelExploer And I want to be
able to use it in debian. but When i use apt to install it , it gives me
this error.

Sorry, but the following packages have unmet dependencies:
  kde-corel: Depends: libapt-pkg2.5

I ln libapt-pkg2.5 to libapt-pkg2.7 and ran ldconfig and still didnt work.
I was wondering if theres a way to install a fake package?
Mike Johnson

help with file timestamp

2000-07-20 Thread Shao Zhang
I am having some problems here with timestamp. The system is

# date
Thu Jul 20 15:59:32 EST 2000

# date -u
Thu Jul 20 05:59:34 UTC 2000

# touch /tmp/hello
# ls -al /tmp/hello
-rw-rw-r--   1 root root 0 Jul 20 05:59 /tmp/hello

As you can see /tmp/hello's timestamp is using UTC rather than
EST. How do I make it using EST?

Addtitional Info:

# cat /etc/timezone

/etc/init.d/ is using GMT=--localhost. Well, I don't think it
really matters, coz I got a potato where GMT=--UTC and the time stamps
are still using EST.

Thanks for any help in advance.


Shao Zhang - Running Debian 2.1  ___ _   _
Department of Communications/ __| |_  __ _ ___  |_  / |_  __ _ _ _  __ _ 
University of New South Wales   \__ \ ' \/ _` / _ \  / /| ' \/ _` | ' \/ _` |
Sydney, Australia   |___/_||_\__,_\___/ /___|_||_\__,_|_||_\__, |
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |___/ 

Re: help with file timestamp

2000-07-20 Thread Corey Popelier
Check the file /etc/default/rcS
There is a line in there that says Set UTC to yes or no.
Make sure this is set to no.

 Corey J. Popelier

On Thu, 20 Jul 2000, Shao Zhang wrote:

   I am having some problems here with timestamp. The system is
 # date
 Thu Jul 20 15:59:32 EST 2000
 # date -u
 Thu Jul 20 05:59:34 UTC 2000
 # touch /tmp/hello
 # ls -al /tmp/hello
 -rw-rw-r--   1 root root 0 Jul 20 05:59 /tmp/hello
   As you can see /tmp/hello's timestamp is using UTC rather than
   EST. How do I make it using EST?
 Addtitional Info:
 # cat /etc/timezone
 /etc/init.d/ is using GMT=--localhost. Well, I don't think it
 really matters, coz I got a potato where GMT=--UTC and the time stamps
 are still using EST.
   Thanks for any help in advance.
 Shao Zhang - Running Debian 2.1  ___ _   _
 Department of Communications/ __| |_  __ _ ___  |_  / |_  __ _ _ _  __ _ 
 University of New South Wales   \__ \ ' \/ _` / _ \  / /| ' \/ _` | ' \/ _` |
 Sydney, Australia   |___/_||_\__,_\___/ /___|_||_\__,_|_||_\__, |
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: help with file timestamp

2000-07-20 Thread Shao Zhang
It is set to no. Besides, I have even tried this in

and it still does not work..



Corey Popelier [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Check the file /etc/default/rcS
 There is a line in there that says Set UTC to yes or no.
 Make sure this is set to no.
  Corey J. Popelier
 On Thu, 20 Jul 2000, Shao Zhang wrote:
  I am having some problems here with timestamp. The system is
  # date
  Thu Jul 20 15:59:32 EST 2000
  # date -u
  Thu Jul 20 05:59:34 UTC 2000
  # touch /tmp/hello
  # ls -al /tmp/hello
  -rw-rw-r--   1 root root 0 Jul 20 05:59 /tmp/hello
  As you can see /tmp/hello's timestamp is using UTC rather than
  EST. How do I make it using EST?
  Addtitional Info:
  # cat /etc/timezone
  /etc/init.d/ is using GMT=--localhost. Well, I don't think it
  really matters, coz I got a potato where GMT=--UTC and the time stamps
  are still using EST.
  Thanks for any help in advance.
  Shao Zhang - Running Debian 2.1  ___ _   _
  Department of Communications/ __| |_  __ _ ___  |_  / |_  __ _ _ _  __ 
  University of New South Wales   \__ \ ' \/ _` / _ \  / /| ' \/ _` | ' \/ _` 
  Sydney, Australia   |___/_||_\__,_\___/ /___|_||_\__,_|_||_\__, 
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null


Shao Zhang - Running Debian 2.1  ___ _   _
Department of Communications/ __| |_  __ _ ___  |_  / |_  __ _ _ _  __ _ 
University of New South Wales   \__ \ ' \/ _` / _ \  / /| ' \/ _` | ' \/ _` |
Sydney, Australia   |___/_||_\__,_\___/ /___|_||_\__,_|_||_\__, |
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |___/ 

Re: Servlets and Apache

2000-07-20 Thread Alberto Rodríguez Ortega

Hash: SHA1

Just is the best way to go.

Think about servlet will not have dependence with apache or any platform.
Only think at the level-spacification of this one (i mean the lvl supported 
by the server u use).


At 19.01 18/7/00 +0200, Sven Burgener wrote:
Hi guys

I am looking for starting pointers on setting up Servlets on Apache.
Anyone got some useful links handy for that?

 From what versions on is Apache servlet-capable?

The UNIX Guru's view of sex:
unzip ; strip ; touch ; finger
mount ; fsck ; more ; yes ; umount

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RE: stop X autobooting gnome file manager trick?

2000-07-20 Thread Michalowski Thierry
Title: RE: stop X autobooting  gnome file manager trick?

  Issue 1: I can't figure out how to stop default windows manager
  ((fvwm)) from automatically starting upon boot into linux. I simply
  want to start from a shell and then enter startx when I 
 want to get
  into a GUI. I've tried to open up inittab to see about changing a
  5 to a 3 somewhere amidst all the command 
 lines---((thought I read that
  from another post)) but I can't figure it out. There are many
  command lines in there and I don't know what they do, or refer to.
  If it would be helpful to see my inittab file, I'll post it. Just
  didn't want to irritate folks with an inordinately long post.
 apt-get --purge remove gdm
Lighter solution: there should be a line resembling this in your /etc/inittab:
Change the 5 to 3 in it.
I assume you just want to log in runlevel 3 and not 5, not uninstall gdm!


Re: installation question...?

2000-07-20 Thread Thomas Guettler
On Wed, Jul 19, 2000 at 09:49:47AM -0400, Ken Ebling wrote:
 does anyone know why it says it wants 2.2.17 when I downloaded it from
 the 2.2.16 directory!?

Debian develops very fast. Maybe try an other disk-image or an other
floppy disk. Floppy-disk are not very reliable.

   Thomas Guettler

RE: images iso de debian linux ppc ?

2000-07-20 Thread Michalowski Thierry
Title: RE: images iso de debian linux ppc ?

Just try there:

As a sidenote: I did not find them on any mirror so I assume it is not really a nice practice to download them at once since it could harm the server.


 -Original Message-
 From: Julien CANON [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, July 19, 2000 8:07 PM
 Subject: images iso de debian linux ppc ?
 quelqu'un peut-il m'envoyer une ou plusieurs URL où il est possible
 d'obtenir les images ISO des CD de la debian linux PPC.
 merci beaucoup pour cette info qui me manque cruellement.
 -- Julien CANON 
 -- AlphaCSP
 Direction du Système d'Information / Consultant Technique Linux Tel +(33) 1 
 39 22 63 11
 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Fax +(33) 1 
 39 22 63 12
 Unsubscribe? mail -s unsubscribe 
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Help with configuring X Server

2000-07-20 Thread Patrick J Draper

Help, I am a Linux 

I have gone through 
a Debian 2.1 installation, installed X Windows (X1186R6) and am now having 
extreme difficulty configuring and starting an X Server.

I go through the 
graphical XF86Setup program but when I select done and the server trys to start 
I get an error something like

cannot connecterrno 111"

Could someone please 
shed some light on this for me.

regards, Paddy. 
(Linux convert)


Re: help with file timestamp

2000-07-20 Thread Brian May
 Corey == Corey Popelier [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Corey Check the file /etc/default/rcS There is a line in there
Corey that says Set UTC to yes or no.  Make sure this is set to
Corey no.

You are thinking of potato. IIRC It is different in slink. This is

 Hi, I am having some problems here with timestamp. The system
 is hamm.

Might be a kernel issue (seeing date is reporting the correct
thing). What kernel version are you using?

Do you have an /etc/localtime? 

Is this file required on hamm? (sorry I can't remember now).

On mine it is:

[632] [snoopy:bam] ~ ls -l /etc/localtime 
lrwxrwxrwx1 root root   39 May  5 12:16 /etc/localtime - 

However, I thought date didn't work properly without this.

 Shao Zhang - Running Debian 2.1 ___ _ _ Department of

What?!!? Are you running hamm or slink?

Re: Servlets and Apache

2000-07-20 Thread Brian May
 Alberto == Alberto Rodríguez Ortega [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Hi guys
 I am looking for starting pointers on setting up Servlets on
 Apache.  Anyone got some useful links handy for that?
 From what versions on is Apache servlet-capable?

There is a Debian package (at least in potato) of jserv.

Re: stop X autobooting gnome file manager trick?

2000-07-20 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Thu, Jul 20, 2000 at 09:42:18AM +0200, Michalowski Thierry wrote:
   Issue 1:  I can't figure out how to stop default windows manager
   ((fvwm)) from automatically starting upon boot into linux.  I simply
   want to start from a shell and then enter startx when I 
  want to get
   into a GUI.  I've tried to open up inittab to see about changing a
   5 to a 3 somewhere amidst all the command 
  lines---((thought I read that
   from another post)) but I can't figure it out.  There  are many
   command lines in there and I don't know what they do, or refer to.
   If it would be helpful to see my inittab file, I'll post it.  Just
   didn't want to irritate folks with an inordinately long post.
  apt-get --purge remove gdm
 Lighter solution: there should be a line resembling this in your
 Change the 5 to 3 in it.
 I assume you just want to log in runlevel 3 and not 5, not uninstall gdm!

You all must be confusing Debian with RedHat (or something).  The
default Debian configuration treats all multiuser runlevels exactly the
same.  And the default runlevel would be 2.  Anyway, removing xdm or gdm
or wdm or whatever display manager will do the trick.  Also, removing
the link(s) in /etc/rc?.d that look like S99xdm will stop the display
manager from starting (you'll want to leave at least one link so
upgrades don't reset the defaults. See man update-rc.d for more info).

According to MegaHAL:
The emu is a mass of incandescent gas, a gigantic nuclear furnace.

How to make a boot disk?

2000-07-20 Thread Marshal Wong
Hey all,

You would think that after 2 years of experience with Linux, I would
know how to make a linux boot disk, but I don't.  So how do I do it?

I heard of dd the kernel onto disk, but aren't there certain
variables that are on the kernel, like the root partition, that must
be changed?

Any help would be appreciated.


Re: Help with configuring X Server

2000-07-20 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Thu, Jul 20, 2000 at 08:56:37AM +0100, Patrick J Draper wrote:
 Help, I am a Linux newbie,
 I have gone through a Debian 2.1 installation, installed X Windows
 (X1186R6) and am now having extreme difficulty configuring and
 starting an X Server.
 I go through the graphical XF86Setup program but when I select done
 and the server trys to start I get an error something like
 X11ConnectionUNIX cannot connect errno 111
 Could someone please shed some light on this for me.

Unfortunately, error number 111 can be given for almost any cause. So it
isn't really helpful.  When you do XF86Setup, did you test the server?
Do you have the correct X server installed (XF86Setup uses VGA16, but
the majority of users will use the SVGA server).

Anyway, you might tell us your video card for a start and possibly post
your ~/.xsession-errors or make a log of the output from the startx

According to MegaHAL:
The emu is a mass of incandescent gas, a gigantic nuclear furnace.

Re: help with file timestamp

2000-07-20 Thread Shao Zhang
Brian May [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Corey == Corey Popelier [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Corey Check the file /etc/default/rcS There is a line in there
 Corey that says Set UTC to yes or no.  Make sure this is set to
 Corey no.
 You are thinking of potato. IIRC It is different in slink. This is

Correct. In Hamm, there is not UTC=yes, but there is GMT=-u, which is
really the same thing. I have hard coded GMT=--localtime in
/etc/init.d/ anyway, so it should not matter.

  Hi, I am having some problems here with timestamp. The system
  is hamm.
 Might be a kernel issue (seeing date is reporting the correct
 thing). What kernel version are you using?

# uname -r

 Do you have an /etc/localtime? 


 Is this file required on hamm? (sorry I can't remember now).
 On mine it is:
 [632] [snoopy:bam] ~ ls -l /etc/localtime 
 lrwxrwxrwx1 root root   39 May  5 12:16 /etc/localtime - 
 However, I thought date didn't work properly without this.

Mine looks like this:
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root36 Jul 20 05:01 /etc/localtime - 

  Shao Zhang - Running Debian 2.1 ___ _ _ Department of
 What?!!? Are you running hamm or slink?

Sorry. That was referring to my personal computer, I am running woody
now. The one I am talking about is our webserver.



Shao Zhang - Running Debian 2.1  ___ _   _
Department of Communications/ __| |_  __ _ ___  |_  / |_  __ _ _ _  __ _ 
University of New South Wales   \__ \ ' \/ _` / _ \  / /| ' \/ _` | ' \/ _` |
Sydney, Australia   |___/_||_\__,_\___/ /___|_||_\__,_|_||_\__, |
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |___/ 

Boot floppy [URGENT]

2000-07-20 Thread Fabio Massimo Di Nitto
Hi all,

I really need a fast help.

I've to setup a debian box with a Compaq Array SCSI Controller.

I downloaded the latest boot floppy for potato to install debian trough


the Compaq Array where root has to be mounted is loaded only like
I was able to partion disks etc loading the module during the
installation procedure
using the shell on ttyX but now i'd rebooted to continue the setup
procedure and how i suspected the kernel installed on the disk array is
not able to mount root since it doesn't have the module loaded and it
cannot load module not having root mounted.

Now I've compiled a custom kernel with scsi support and cqarray inside
and i made some
try to make a boot floppy but without success.
I used both mkrboot and mkboot.

using mkrboot i'm not able to specify the root disk.
using mkboot it report me (during the boot) lilo error 0x04

How can i do it?
Please help me is really urgent. Any suggestion is welcome

Thanks a lot


 _  ___  ____  ___  ___  _  __  _  _  __  _
|_   _||  _|| |  |  _||  _|| _ || \/ |  | ||_   _||  _  || |  | ||  _  |
  | |  |  _|| |_ |  _|| |_ | _ || \/ |  | |  | |  |  _  || |_ | ||  _  |
  |_|  |___||___||___||___||___||_||_|  |_|  |_|  |_| |_||___||_||_| |_|
[EMAIL PROTECTED] - South European @ccess Back Bone
 -- ---
  Fabio Massimo Di Nitto   | Debian GNU/Linux Woody 2.2.16
  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] | running on
  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  Laptop AMD K6-2 400Mhz 64Mb

Re: Help with configuring X Server

2000-07-20 Thread virtanen
On Thu, 20 Jul 2000, Patrick J Draper wrote:

 I go through the graphical XF86Setup program but when I select done and the
 server trys to start I get an error something like
 X11ConnectionUNIX cannot connect errno 111

Probably the point to start is to find out your videocard type. 

There is available even a program, which might find it out. Try a command 

as 'root'

Then you have to know about your screen properties. 

If you still have got an operating system called 'windblows' (made by m$,
a small company, which invented the hard currency of U$) installed in your 
computer, you can find out all the those details from there. 


Re: Problems compiling kernel...

2000-07-20 Thread Jason Quigley


Thanks for the info Gary!


--On Wednesday, July 19, 2000 16:00 -0600 Gary Hennigan 

What could be happening?

Nothing good. Read the signal 11 FAQ at

Gary Hennigan

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Copy paste with a mouse

2000-07-20 Thread Łukasz Walewski

I switched from RedHat to Debian some time ago.
I've configured mostly everything I wanted, but copying 'n
pasting with my mouse doesn't work.
I use:
* Slink 2.0.38
* XFree86 + KDE

What should I do ?

Thanks a lot.

Lukasz Walewski
Centrum Onkologii Instytut

RE: Debian + Windows98 on the same large disk problem

2000-07-20 Thread Dimitris Dracopoulos
Hi Ignasi,

Thanks for your email. 

Did you actually use FAT or FAT32 for the other OS and was the other OS

I tried to wipe out the disk and create tha FAT32 partition using the fdisk
of the Windows98 startup disk but when I rebooted to Debian, the Debian
cfdisk was exiting with a fatal error! (apparently it could not understand
the FAT32 partition created with the Windows fdisk).

I wonder if this has to do with me having a too large disk (40GB).

Could you please tell me the exact steps you did? 
This is what I did:

1. I boot my new disk (master - 40GB) using a WIndows 98 startup disk. 
2. I create a 12GB FAT32 partition using the fdisk found in the startup disk
and another partition for the rest of the disk.
3. I reboot to Debian (which is located in my primary slave disk).
4. In order to create ext2 partitions, I try to start cfdisk or fdisk and
both of them exit   with a FATAL ERROR message.

Does this make any sense? (or I should definitely devote/waste a whole hard
disk for Windows 98?)



-Original Message-
From: I. Tura [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, July 18, 2000 6:14 PM
To: Dimitris Dracopoulos; ''
Subject: Re: Debian + Windows98 on the same large disk problem

Hello Dimitris,

I had the exact same problem as you.

The action you and me did wrong is to create FAT partitions with a
program. In the fdisk docs it tells that if you want to do a partition for
the OS A, use the partition program from the OS A. I could not solve
that situation so I had to wipe out again the whole disk and then do the
FAT partition with M$ fdisk and the ext2 partitions with GNU fdisk.

Also please check if your BIOS includes Access disk for this, or
that OS
when you partition. Phoenix 4.0 BIOS, in this or that Access disk option
makes GNU fdisk to report different values!

Good luck,


At 17.30 18/7/00 +0100, Dimitris Dracopoulos ha escrit:

I have recently got a new hard disk 40GB, in which I decided to install
Windows98 and Debian, FreeBSD. 
(I never wanted to install this Win98 stuff on my machine but job matters

I repartitioned the hard disk using slink Debian's cfdisk into a first
partition of 12GB and 3 more partitions (second is 12GB BSD, and the other
two, 10 and 5GB Linux). For the cfdisk to work properly with my large disk,
I had to specify the disk geometry that FreeBSD's fdisk returned to me.

Following that I installed Windows98 on the first partition of 12GB. I
checked with the Windows98 fdisk program, and indeed it finds the 4
partitions mentioning that the 3 last ones are non-DOS. 

The problem is that when I use the Windows explorer to see what is the
available space for my C drive (FAT32 partition), I get that available for
are 39GB, i.e. the whole of my hard disk and not just the FAT32 partition.
Despite that, it reports the C volume label to be the same name as that
reported by the Windows98 fdisk!

So, I wonder what is happening? Is it just a bug in the Windows Explorer or
the actual Windows will expand further than their allocated 12GB partition
when they have no space and delete my Debian and FreeBSD stuff when I
install them there?

Has anyone installed both Debian and Windows98 on the same large disk and
came across anything similar?



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Re: stop X autobooting gnome file manager trick?

2000-07-20 Thread Morten Liebach
On Wed, Jul 19, 2000 at 08:38:20PM -0400, mhf wrote:
 Hello debian-user,
 Issue 1:  I can't figure out how to stop default windows manager
 ((fvwm)) from automatically starting upon boot into linux.  I simply
 want to start from a shell and then enter startx when I want to get
 into a GUI.  I've tried to open up inittab to see about changing a
 5 to a 3 somewhere amidst all the command lines---((thought I read that
 from another post)) but I can't figure it out.  There  are many
 command lines in there and I don't know what they do, or refer to.

Read ``man update-rc.d''.

Then do a ``cd /etc/init.d'', ``update-rc.d -f xdm remove'' (or use gdm
instead of xdm if it is gdm you use for graphical login).

You could also use ``dpkg -r xdm'' (or gdm), if you want to uninstall
the program entirely, not just stop it starting up.


UNIX, reach out and grep someone!

Re: help with file timestamp

2000-07-20 Thread John Pearson
On Thu, Jul 20, 2000 at 04:04:37PM +1000, Shao Zhang wrote
   I am having some problems here with timestamp. The system is
 # date
 Thu Jul 20 15:59:32 EST 2000
 # date -u
 Thu Jul 20 05:59:34 UTC 2000
 # touch /tmp/hello
 # ls -al /tmp/hello
 -rw-rw-r--   1 root root 0 Jul 20 05:59 /tmp/hello
   As you can see /tmp/hello's timestamp is using UTC rather than
   EST. How do I make it using EST?

This sounds more like a bug in ls or touch than anything else,
as times in the filesystem will always be recorded as UTC, but
displayed in localtime.

Do you get similar results when you do
$ date -u
$ cat /dev/null  /tmp/hello
$ ls -al /tmp/hello

If not, it looks like touch has problems.

Alternatively, check the actual time and filestamp with perl:
$ perl -e 'print time, \n'
$ touch /tmp/hello
$ perl -e 'print ((stat(/tmp/hello))[9],  \n)'

If they produce numbers that correlate well, then it looks like
your ls is displaying dates in UTC, ignoring the timezone that 
date uses; could be time to upgrade, if you want to fix it...

John P.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Debian Linux admin  support:technical services

Amanda backup: Labeling Tapes

2000-07-20 Thread Erik van der Meulen
Hi Group, I tried to contact the amanda-user mailinglist first, but that
does not seem to be on-line. Hope this is no too off-topic...
I was hoping for some Debian-amanda user who might be able to give me a

- Forwarded message from Erik van der Meulen [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

Date: Thu, 20 Jul 2000 10:07:51 +0200
From: Erik van der Meulen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Labeling Tapes
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Disposition: inline
User-Agent: Mutt/1.2i
X-Operating-System: Linux 2.0.34 
Status: RO
Content-Length: 820
Lines: 20

Dear Group, I feel that I have come quite far in setting up amanda on my
Debian/GNU Linux 2.2 system. I seem to be able to connect from client to
server, access the tape drive (SCSI /dev/nst0) and such.

However, since I am still testing I have not yet set up the crontab
entry but would like to supply some commands manually.

However, as soon as I perform a dump, I get an email asking for:
a new tape.
I have tried amlabel to write all kinds of labels. This seems to work but
I have not found a way to get amanda to accept it.
I have not been able to find in the documentation how to go about this,
other than (from the Howto):

 Run amlabel to label all the tapes needed according to your needs.

Can anyone point me in the proper direction? Much appreciated.

  Erik van der Meulen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

- End forwarded message -

  Erik van der Meulen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: help on installing (starting) staroffice

2000-07-20 Thread Tan Soo Eng

I did the installation. GNOME + StarOffice. Works fine.
A trick handled. Create a User, not root, install the SO under /Home/user, 
get the SO executable file into Startup directory, change the rights on 
user to allow others to access.

Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

Re: How to make a boot disk?

2000-07-20 Thread Tom Pfeifer
The simplest way is to dd the kernel to the floppy disk, and then set
the root device (partition).

dd if=/path_to_your_kernel of=/dev/fd0 bs=512

rdev /dev/fd0 /dev/your_root_partition

You can verify that the root device for the floppy disk kernel is set
correctly by using this command:

rdev /dev/fd0

You can also set video mode if you want. See 'man rdev' or 'man vidmode'


Marshal Wong wrote:
 Hey all,
 You would think that after 2 years of experience with Linux, I would
 know how to make a linux boot disk, but I don't.  So how do I do it?
 I heard of dd the kernel onto disk, but aren't there certain
 variables that are on the kernel, like the root partition, that must
 be changed?
 Any help would be appreciated.

Re: Copy and paste with a mouse

2000-07-20 Thread Bobby Dowling
Try either reconfiguring gpm (gpmconfig) or removing it:

   apt-get remove gpm (or dpkg -r gpm)

   If you remove it though, you may have to change mouse type to
   XF86Setup from the gpm node.

lilo + ata/66 + kernel 2.4 problem

2000-07-20 Thread bobby dowling

Installed slink and installed 2.4 kernel for ata/66 support.

I installed to /dev/hda, but when I changed the drive over to ata/66 
controller, it became /dev/hde.  So, I changed /etc/fstab and /etc/lilo.conf 
to reflect this, but when I do a /sbin/lilo, I get error messages that 
reference hda.  Is this a problem with fsck?  How can I fix this; where can 
I change these references?

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Re: Help with configuring X Server

2000-07-20 Thread Frank Mehnert
On Thu, 20 Jul 2000, Patrick J Draper wrote:

 I have gone through a Debian 2.1 installation, installed X Windows (X1186R6)
 and am now having extreme difficulty configuring and starting an X Server.
 I go through the graphical XF86Setup program but when I select done and the
 server trys to start I get an error something like
 X11ConnectionUNIX cannot connect errno 111

I had the same problem long time ago.
In my case it was the font server: XF86Config was configured by default to
use a font server which wasn't properly installed. So check if you installed
xfs and then check if in the file /etc/X11/xfs/config the no-listen-line is
commented out! If you change anything of the xfs config you have to restart
(/etc/init.d/xfs reload).

Frank Mehnert
## Dept. of Computer Science, Dresden University of Technology, Germany ##

Network/Server CRC Errors on large compressed files.

2000-07-20 Thread Pete Foley

I have a little server set up in a home office running Potato.  It is an
AMD 233, 20GIG IDE Western Digital HD, 64 Ram system that acts as a
gateway/firewall, print and file server.  However, I am having a very
odd problem with it.  I often deal with large compressed files (10 megs
or so each, usually in zip or rar format).  I usually make them on my
local machine, and then transfer them to my server to be archived onto
tape.  However, once they get to the server they become corrunpted.
Now, It is not always the case that they get corrupted during the
transmission.  For example, if I have a 3 part spanning file (aka an 3
volume compressed file) I will test the extraction on my local box.  It
usually works.  Ok, then I copy it to my server.  When I try to
decompress it on the server, file 2 may fail (Give me a bad CRC error).
But then if I try it again, 2 may pass and 3 will fail.  Then after
several tries they may all decompress successfully and the will just get
a general CRC error at the end.  And sometimes it actually works.

It is this odd behavior that makes me wonder if it is the server and not
the network.  Does anyone have any idea what is happening and how I can
resolve this?  The server is running 2.2.14, and I have the kernel
configured as a host, not router (which I think I read gives some CRC
checking, but no luck).


Re: staroffice

2000-07-20 Thread David Teague
On Wed, 19 Jul 2000, Nick Croft wrote:

 On Tue, 18 Jul 2000, David Teague wrote:
  On Tue, 6 Jun 2000 wrote:
   StarOffice is a bloated stuck pig.  It handles MS file formats fairly
   well though.
 It may be the only use for SO, take a Word .doc and turn it into something
 Unix or universal like html.
 How fast does a computer need to be? I thought 133mh was slow. Put it on a
 333mh box today and it's no faster. Even at 600+ it would be slow if
 processor is the clue to speed.


I think speed here just might be a function of amount of memory. SO
is a memory hog.

I have an AMD 350 on a 100 MHZ mother board with 128 MB RAM and 128
MB swap, with fairly fast (about 6ms) ide hd (but DMA not enabled),
running Potato and SO 5.1, My window manager is FVWM2.

SO is slow starting, but no slower doing any task than Word 97 and
Win 98 on the same machine.

Debian GNU/Linux Because software support is free, timely,
 useful, technically accurate, and friendly.
 (I hope this is all of the above.)

trouble with make-kpkg

2000-07-20 Thread Jens Arvidsson
Hello readers of the list,

I have run into trouble trying to compile a new kernel (2.2.16).

After running make xconfig, I did a make-kpkg clean per the
instructions in the kernel-package README. This however doesn't seem
to work, dpkg is complaining that it can't find the compiler. Is this
a known problem?

Gcc is 2.95.2-10.


Jens Arvidsson

Re: Copy paste with a mouse

2000-07-20 Thread Lukasz Walewski
Thanks for reply.

I just didn't use the Emulate 3 Buttons option during



Lukasz Walewski
Centrum Onkologii Instytut

Re: Amanda backup: Labeling Tapes

2000-07-20 Thread Ian Zimmerman

Erik Dear Group, I feel that I have come quite far in setting up
Erik amanda on my Debian/GNU Linux 2.2 system. I seem to be able to
Erik connect from client to server, access the tape drive (SCSI
Erik /dev/nst0) and such.

Erik However, since I am still testing I have not yet set up the
Erik crontab entry but would like to supply some commands manually.

Erik However, as soon as I perform a dump, I get an email asking for:
Erik a new tape.  I have tried amlabel to write all kinds of
Erik labels. This seems to work but I have not found a way to get
Erik amanda to accept it.  I have not been able to find in the
Erik documentation how to go about this, other than (from the Howto):

Erik Run amlabel to label all the tapes needed according to your
Erik needs.

Have you set the labelstr parameter in amanda.conf?  Mine says

labelstr ^DailySet1-[0-9][0-9]*$  # label constraint regex: all tapes 

and my tapes are labelled DailySet1-01, DailySet1-02, etc. ..

Ian Zimmerman, Oakland, California, U.S.A.
In his own soul a man bears the source
from which he draws all his sorrows and his joys.

UMAX 1220S, SCSI card (436P?)

2000-07-20 Thread Juan Alejandro Diaz Muñoz

drivers please

voodoo3 + 3dfx.o module source

2000-07-20 Thread bobby dowling

-Trying to get Quake3Demo to run full-screen and faster than .1 frames/s

When I run the demo it starts, but gives this:

- Initializing Renderer 
- R_Init -
...loading opengl32: QGL_Init: Can't load opengl32 from /etc/ or 
current dir: /usr/local/games/q3demo/opengl32: cannot open shared object 
file: No such file or directory

...loading Initializing OpenGL display
...setting mode 6: 1024 768
Using XFree86-VidModeExtension Version 0.8
XF86DGA Mouse (Version 1.1) initialized
XFree86-VidModeExtension:  Ignored on non-fullscreen/Voodoo
Using 4/4/4 Color bits, 16 depth, 0 stencil display.
GenuineIntel cpu detected.
gd error (glide): Can't find or access Banshee/V3 board
fx Driver: ERROR no Voodoo1/2 Graphics or Voodoo Rush !

Obviously, glide is not set up properly.  So, I installed everything having 
to with glide and their dependencies and realized I still needed to get 
3dfx.o.  So, I got the deb source file.  I untarred it.

Question:  What do I do with /usr/srv/modules/device3dfx?  There is a 
MAKEFILE, but what do I do with it?


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Debian won't find my mouse

2000-07-20 Thread Trevor Ramoutar
I installed Potato last night, everything went great, but when I tried a startx 
it crapped out on me saying that it could find my mouse (which is a PS/2).  Can 
somebody help?  

Thanks in advance.

Get your FREE Email and Voicemail at Lycos Communications -

Re: voodoo3 + 3dfx.o module source

2000-07-20 Thread John Gould
Hi Bobby,
  Looks like there is no 3dfx.o module in your
/lib/modules/kernel_version/misc directory. You can either compile the
module and do a make install and check that it's in the right place. Or,
alternatively get the driver from 3dfx's site and debianise the rpm with
alien and install and compile as before. I didn't use the deb's, compiling
everything from debianised (alien is of use here) 3dfx's rpms. However the
message is common when Q3 can't find/load the 3dfx driver module. You
should have a /dev/3dfx device as well. Check the permissions on this.
Before you try and run Q3, run the three 3dfx test programs 3DFXTest and
the two glide ones. You should get a blue screen exited via the esc
key. You also need a similar resolution to the glide resolution in your
XF86Config file. i.e. you need an entry for 800x600 if your trying to run
the 3dfx card at 800x600.

HTH regards JohnG

John Gould - Systems Support Engineer
Power Innovations Limited
Tel: +44 1234 223002 email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

No Windows here, 's very dark!
32865e97b5342e762ab140e00f3da23b - Just 'Debian'

On Thu, 20 Jul 2000, bobby dowling wrote:

 -Trying to get Quake3Demo to run full-screen and faster than .1 frames/s
 When I run the demo it starts, but gives this:
 - Initializing Renderer 
 - R_Init -
 ...loading opengl32: QGL_Init: Can't load opengl32 from /etc/ or 
 current dir: /usr/local/games/q3demo/opengl32: cannot open shared object 
 file: No such file or directory
 ...loading Initializing OpenGL display
 ...setting mode 6: 1024 768
 Using XFree86-VidModeExtension Version 0.8
 XF86DGA Mouse (Version 1.1) initialized
 XFree86-VidModeExtension:  Ignored on non-fullscreen/Voodoo
 Using 4/4/4 Color bits, 16 depth, 0 stencil display.
 GenuineIntel cpu detected.
 gd error (glide): Can't find or access Banshee/V3 board
 fx Driver: ERROR no Voodoo1/2 Graphics or Voodoo Rush !
 Obviously, glide is not set up properly.  So, I installed everything having 
 to with glide and their dependencies and realized I still needed to get 
 3dfx.o.  So, I got the deb source file.  I untarred it.
 Question:  What do I do with /usr/srv/modules/device3dfx?  There is a 
 MAKEFILE, but what do I do with it?
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Re: stop X autobooting gnome file manager trick?

2000-07-20 Thread Roberto Magana
Easier still, as root cd /etc/init.d; mv gdm '#gdm'
On Thu, Jul 20, 2000 at 09:42:18AM +0200, Michalowski Thierry wrote:
   Issue 1:  I can't figure out how to stop default windows manager
   ((fvwm)) from automatically starting upon boot into linux.  I simply
   want to start from a shell and then enter startx when I 
  want to get
   into a GUI.  I've tried to open up inittab to see about changing a
   5 to a 3 somewhere amidst all the command 
  lines---((thought I read that
   from another post)) but I can't figure it out.  There  are many
   command lines in there and I don't know what they do, or refer to.
   If it would be helpful to see my inittab file, I'll post it.  Just
   didn't want to irritate folks with an inordinately long post.
  apt-get --purge remove gdm
 Lighter solution: there should be a line resembling this in your
 Change the 5 to 3 in it.
 I assume you just want to log in runlevel 3 and not 5, not uninstall gdm!


[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Roberto Magana. Escuela de Fisica UCR.
(The Physics Dept. University of Costa Rica.)

Re: Debian won't find my mouse

2000-07-20 Thread Bolan Meek
Trevor Ramoutar wrote:
 I installed Potato last night, everything went great,

Congratulations!  Welcome Aboard!

 but when I tried a startx it crapped out on me saying that it could [not]
 find my mouse (which is a PS/2).  Can somebody help?

check `dmesg | more`.  Did your /dev/psaux get loaded?
Did you configure X to use /dev/psaux?  Maybe you ought
to `ln -s /dev/psaux /dev/mouse`.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] 972-729-5387
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (home phone on request)
RE: xmailtool
I am the ILOVEGNU signature virus. Just copy me to your signature.
This email was infected under the terms of the GNU General Public

cannot compile ppp-2.4.x

2000-07-20 Thread Pollywog
I have no problem compiling ppp version 2.3.11 but cannot compile 2.4.x and I
need to do this to try the new PPPoE kernel module.  Enternet PPPoe and
Roaring Penguin don't work for me, so my last hope at getting my DSL working
is to get this ppp version to compile.  Anyone know what I am missing?

I am using kernel 2.4.0 test4

/usr/include/net/route.h:111: parse error before `*'
/usr/include/net/route.h:112: warning: `struct netlink_callback' declared
inside parameter list
/usr/include/net/route.h: In function `ip_rt_put':
/usr/include/net/route.h:118: warning: implicit declaration of function
/usr/include/net/route.h: At top level:
/usr/include/net/route.h:130: parse error before `tos'
/usr/include/net/route.h: In function `rt_tos2priority':
/usr/include/net/route.h:132: warning: implicit declaration of function
/usr/include/net/route.h:132: `tos' undeclared (first use in this function)
/usr/include/net/route.h: At top level:
/usr/include/net/route.h:135: parse error before `u32'
/usr/include/net/route.h: In function `ip_route_connect':
/usr/include/net/route.h:138: `rp' undeclared (first use in this function)
/usr/include/net/route.h:138: `dst' undeclared (first use in this function)
/usr/include/net/route.h:138: `src' undeclared (first use in this function)
/usr/include/net/route.h:138: `tos' undeclared (first use in this function)
/usr/include/net/route.h:138: `oif' undeclared (first use in this function)
In file included from sys-linux.c:59:
/usr/include/netinet/if_ether.h: At top level:
/usr/include/netinet/if_ether.h:77: field `ea_hdr' has incomplete type
In file included from sys-linux.c:73:
pppd.h:347: `info' redeclared as different kind of symbol
/usr/include/net/dst.h:65: previous declaration of `info'
pppd.h:350: `error' redeclared as different kind of symbol
/usr/include/net/dst.h:51: previous declaration of `error'
pppd.h:415: `output' redeclared as different kind of symbol
/usr/include/net/dst.h:57: previous declaration of `output'
sys-linux.c: In function `sifproxyarp':
sys-linux.c:1499: storage size of `arpreq' isn't known
sys-linux.c:1507: `ATF_PERM' undeclared (first use in this function)
sys-linux.c:1507: `ATF_PUBL' undeclared (first use in this function)
sys-linux.c:1499: warning: unused variable `arpreq'
sys-linux.c: In function `cifproxyarp':
sys-linux.c:1550: storage size of `arpreq' isn't known
sys-linux.c:1557: `ATF_PERM' undeclared (first use in this function)
sys-linux.c:1557: `ATF_PUBL' undeclared (first use in this function)
sys-linux.c:1550: warning: unused variable `arpreq'
sys-linux.c: In function `ppp_available':
sys-linux.c:1919: `ARPHRD_PPP' undeclared (first use in this function)
{standard input}: Assembler messages:
{standard input}:9370: Error: Ignoring attempt to re-define symbol
{standard input}:9370: Error: Rest of line ignored. First ignored character is
make[1]: *** [sys-linux.o] Error 1

RE: cannot compile ppp-2.4.x

2000-07-20 Thread Pollywog

On 20-Jul-2000 Pollywog wrote:
 I have no problem compiling ppp version 2.3.11 but cannot compile 2.4.x and
 need to do this to try the new PPPoE kernel module.  Enternet PPPoe and
 Roaring Penguin don't work for me, so my last hope at getting my DSL working
 is to get this ppp version to compile.  Anyone know what I am missing?

I think I see the problem.  I need to upgrade my compiler in order to build
this thing, right?


Re: smail says 550 You are not permitted to send mail

2000-07-20 Thread Krzys Majewski
Sendmail (which is smail, anyway) doesn't work either. 
It neither sends the mail nor returns it to the sender like it claims to.

09:33:06/usr/sbin$ sendmail root
09:33:20/usr/sbin$ smail: mail moved to /var/spool/smail/error/13FJGC-0006PKC

09:33:43/home/krzys# cat /var/spool/smail/error/13FJGC-0006PKC 
!0 1000

To: krzys
Subject: mail failed, returning to sender

|- Message log follows: -|
 no valid recipients were found for this message
|- Failed addresses follow: -|
 root ... unknown user
|- Message text follows: |
Received: from localhost (69 bytes) by
via sendmail with P:stdio/T:error
(sender: krzys) (ident krzys using unix)
for unknown; Thu, 20 Jul 2000 09:33:12 -0700 (PDT)
(Smail- 1998-Aug-2 #2 built 2000-Feb-23)
Date: Thu, 20 Jul 2000 09:33:12 -0700 (PDT)
From: krzys (Krzys Majewski)
To: root


09:33:47/home/krzys# cd /var/spool/mail/
09:34:22/var/spool/mail# la
total 2
drwxrwsr-x2 root mail 1024 Mar  1 09:59 ./
drwxr-xr-x9 root root 1024 Jul  9 16:24 ../
-rw-rw-r--1 krzysmail0 Feb  6 11:58 krzys

On Thu, 20 Jul 2000, Mark Brown wrote:

 On Wed, Jul 19, 2000 at 09:58:47AM -0700, Krzys Majewski wrote:
  550 You are not permitted to send mail
 localhost isn't in the list of systems that smail will allow to forward
 mail through it.   How you tell smail about that I don't know.
  What gives? The only reason I'm trying to set this up is so that
  things like cron jobs will send email to root, as advertised. 
 Most things of that sort will use /usr/sbin/sendmail rather than SMTP 
 to inject mail, bypassing this check.
 Mark Brown  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Trying to avoid grumpiness)

emails wont send out-

2000-07-20 Thread Tom Warfield
We have clients using Outlook (yes i know what losers) and were running
sendmail on debian.  Okay so this is the problem, when they send a email in
Outlook to a email address (for example [EMAIL PROTECTED]) Outlook
wont let them send it out.  Its not the message or anything like that
because if i change the address to something else the message goes, so its
specificaly the address.  Outlook connects to the server then it just sits
there.  Im thinking Sendmail doesnt like it for some reason and i cant
figure out why...anyone have any ideas.


Re: smail says 550 You are not permitted to send mail

2000-07-20 Thread Mark Brown
On Thu, Jul 20, 2000 at 09:39:08AM -0700, Krzys Majewski wrote:

 Sendmail (which is smail, anyway) doesn't work either. 

Invoking the sendmail binary gets you the same MTA but it bypasses many
of the checks MTAs perform

 It neither sends the mail nor returns it to the sender like it claims to.

 09:33:06/usr/sbin$ sendmail root

I'm not surprised that failed - what you typed doesn't really
approximate a valid message.  Looking at the bounce that got generated
and moved into the error directory it seems that smail can't figure out
how to deliver to local users (the bounce said that it didn't know
anything about a user root, and the non-delivery of the bounce would
suggest that it couldn't find your user account either.  You'll
probably see some complaints in your mail logs (/var/log/mail.log unless
smail doesn't use syslog).

You should try reconfiguring smail - there's probably a program called
smailconfig in /usr/sbin that will do that for you, or failing that
removoing and reinstalling should do the trick.  If smail doesn't
configure itself I'd try another MTA (exim is the default choice for 
recent Debian versions).

[BTW, could you please quote and trim your messages properly?  It makes
them much easier to read.]

Mark Brown  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Trying to avoid grumpiness)

tail -f termination, after ppp established.

2000-07-20 Thread Marvin Stodolsky
Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED] as well as the List.
The script below is user to establish dial-in.

# connect to IP through Lucent WinModem
echo Inserting Winmodem Lucent Tech  ltmodem.o  driver
/sbin/insmod -f ltmodem
pon $1
tail -f /var/log/syslog 

The syslog report confirming the login is, for example:

Jul 20 11:56:44 koala pppd[526]: local  IP address
Jul 20 11:56:44 koala pppd[526]: remote IP address
Jul 20 11:56:44 koala pppd[526]: Script /etc/ppp/ip-up started (pid 531)
Jul 20 11:56:44 koala pppd[526]: rcvd [CCP ConfRej id=0x2]
Jul 20 11:56:45 koala pppd[526]: Script /etc/ppp/ip-up finished (pid
 status = 0x0

The question is, how could 
  Script /etc/ppp/ip-up finished (pid 531),  status = 0x0
be used to automatically terminate
   tail -f /var/log/syslog  
reporting to console.


RE: cannot compile ppp-2.4.x

2000-07-20 Thread Mario Olimpio de Menezes
On Thu, 20 Jul 2000, Pollywog wrote:

 On 20-Jul-2000 Pollywog wrote:
  I have no problem compiling ppp version 2.3.11 but cannot compile 2.4.x and
  need to do this to try the new PPPoE kernel module.  Enternet PPPoe and
  Roaring Penguin don't work for me, so my last hope at getting my DSL working
  is to get this ppp version to compile.  Anyone know what I am missing?
 I think I see the problem.  I need to upgrade my compiler in order to build
 this thing, right?


are you going to produce .deb's? 
Do I need ppp 2.4 for a dialup conection?
Do you know if 2.3.11 works with kernel 2.4?
Sorry for so many questions, but I would like to try the new
kernel and I didn't only because ppp!

Mario MenezesMany are the plans in a man's heart, but
IPEN-CNEN/SP is the Lord's purpose that prevails Prov. 19.21

Re: Debian won't find my mouse

2000-07-20 Thread Dan Poulsen

Are you running gpm?  I had problems with my mouse being jumpy until I
removed the rc2.d/K20gpm link and rebooted.

On Thu, 20 Jul 2000, Trevor Ramoutar wrote:

 I installed Potato last night, everything went great, but when I tried a 
 startx it crapped out on me saying that it could find my mouse (which is a 
 PS/2).  Can somebody help?  
 Thanks in advance.
 Get your FREE Email and Voicemail at Lycos Communications -
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

X with shadow-passwords

2000-07-20 Thread estoy
Could anybody help me? I can't start an X session as unprivileged 

Using xdm neither unprivileged-user or root can login
Using startx just root can login

I read in the LinuxFAQ that it might be due to use of non-shadow 
password programs (as startx, X, xinit, etc). Since I'm using 
shadow-password protection in my system, I think this could be the 

Does anybody know what version of xfree86 has this shadow-password 
Is there any chance I get my actual version (3.3.6) to work with 
shadow-password compatibility?

I really appreciate any sugestion since I'm a newbie-Debian-user (Is 
this the reason why nobody answer my questions?, this is not the 
newbie mailing list I thought )

Thanks in

Este mensaje fue enviado mediante Web E-mail de MegaRed

firewall got silly after apt-get upgrade

2000-07-20 Thread Jaye Inabnit ke6sls


I did an update/upgrade a while back, it was a large one too, took
a while on my 56k modem. I'm running the 2.2.14 kernel and have
potato loaded here.

Before the upgrade, my sshd was available, no telnet cuz I shut it
off. Now however, I can ssh myself but users outside the firewall get
a reject. The only thing I can think it could be is my firewall.

How can I easily repair this?




M.J. Inabnit, KE6SLS e-mail  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
707-442-6579 h/m 707-441-7096 p 12741145
This mail composed with kmail on kde on X on linux warped by debian
If it's stupid, but works, it ain't stupid.

Re: X with shadow-passwords

2000-07-20 Thread Ben Collins
On Thu, Jul 20, 2000 at 05:13:12PM +, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Could anybody help me? I can't start an X session as unprivileged 
 Using xdm neither unprivileged-user or root can login
 Using startx just root can login
 I read in the LinuxFAQ that it might be due to use of non-shadow 
 password programs (as startx, X, xinit, etc). Since I'm using 
 shadow-password protection in my system, I think this could be the 
 Does anybody know what version of xfree86 has this shadow-password 
 Is there any chance I get my actual version (3.3.6) to work with 
 shadow-password compatibility?
 I really appreciate any sugestion since I'm a newbie-Debian-user (Is 
 this the reason why nobody answer my questions?, this is not the 
 newbie mailing list I thought )

X does not need to know anything about shadow passwords since libc handles
all of that. Check this:

# ls -l /etc/passwd /etc/shadow /usr/X11R6/bin/X
-rw-r--r--1 root root 1686 Jun 14 01:59 /etc/passwd
-rw-r-1 root shadow   1038 Jun 14 01:58 /etc/shadow
-rwsr-sr-x1 root root11584 Jul  7 12:07 /usr/X11R6/bin/X

Do you perms match these? Also, what is contained in /etc/X11/Xserver?


/  Ben Collins  --  ...on that fantastic voyage...  --  Debian GNU/Linux   \

Re: tail -f termination, after ppp established.

2000-07-20 Thread Bob McGowan
Marvin Stodolsky wrote:
 Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED] as well as the List.
 The script below is user to establish dial-in.
 # connect to IP through Lucent WinModem
 echo Inserting Winmodem Lucent Tech  ltmodem.o  driver
 /sbin/insmod -f ltmodem
 pon $1
 tail -f /var/log/syslog
 The syslog report confirming the login is, for example:
 Jul 20 11:56:44 koala pppd[526]: local  IP address
 Jul 20 11:56:44 koala pppd[526]: remote IP address
 Jul 20 11:56:44 koala pppd[526]: Script /etc/ppp/ip-up started (pid 531)
 Jul 20 11:56:44 koala pppd[526]: rcvd [CCP ConfRej id=0x2]
 Jul 20 11:56:45 koala pppd[526]: Script /etc/ppp/ip-up finished (pid
  status = 0x0
 The question is, how could
   Script /etc/ppp/ip-up finished (pid 531),  status = 0x0
 be used to automatically terminate
tail -f /var/log/syslog
 reporting to console.

You could put the 'tail -f' in the background, storing its PID in a
variable, then do a timed loop on the syslog file, looking for the line
'pppd[.*ip-up finished', then issue a kill to the saved pid:

### Add to your existing script

tail -f /var/log/syslog 

until grep -q 'pppd[.*ip-up finished' /var/log/syslog
sleep 10 # select a delay that works for you

kill $tailPID


There are surely other, perhaps simpler ways, but this should work
(though not tested, YMMV).

Bob McGowan
Staff Software Quality Engineer
VERITAS Software

Re: X with shadow-passwords

2000-07-20 Thread Bolan Meek
 ...I can't start an X session as unprivileged user.

How are you attempting to start an X session?
(Answers may be below, but I am confusing myself with
the differences in syntax, so just to be clear...)
What error messages are you getting?  Try `startx  startx.log` .

 Using xdm neither unprivileged-user or root can login

Does xdm report something?

 Using startx just root can login

What do you mean by can login?  Start X?

 I read in the LinuxFAQ that it might be due to use of non-shadow
 password programs (as startx, X, xinit, etc). Since I'm using
 shadow-password protection in my system, I think this could be the

Not likely.  And this reasoning doesn't get one to this conclusion:
1) non-shadaw pwd messes up X
2) I use shadow pwd
3) My X gets messed up.

The syllogism is faulty.  Look for the problem elsewhere.

 Does anybody know what version of xfree86 has this shadow-password
 Is there any chance I get my actual version (3.3.6) to work with
 shadow-password compatibility?

I use shadow passwords, and have no problems using X.  I doubt that
this is at fault here, really.

 I really appreciate any sugestion since I'm a newbie-Debian-user

Oh, hey, we're glad to help, and when you can, you'll be glad to
help others, right?

 (Is this the reason why nobody answer my questions?, this is not the
 newbie mailing list I thought )

This is the mailing list for Debian Users, to request  give help,
and to discuss the use of Debian, and related issues (just not _too_
off topic, please), whether one is a clueless newbie, or a (get
ready for a phrase-coining) newless cluebie.  I don't know why nobody
answered your questions, but there may be various reasons:  no X-perts
available at the time of your previous posts, or, possibly, not
understanding the nature of your problem, so skipping instead of
delving into it.  Response in not guaranteed, but has a fairly
high probability.

 Este mensaje fue enviado mediante Web E-mail de MegaRed

Solo de curiosidad, en qual cuidad o parte de Mexico vives?
(Only out of curiousity, in which city or part of Mexico do you live?)

[EMAIL PROTECTED] 972-729-5387
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (home phone on request)
RE: xmailtool
I am the ILOVEGNU signature virus. Just copy me to your signature.
This email was infected under the terms of the GNU General Public

Re: mysql-server root password

2000-07-20 Thread Kirt Runolfson

I ended up being able to set the password via some select commands.  Here
are those commands if anybody is interested.

  mysql -u root mysql
  UPDATE user SET Password = PASSWORD ('new_password')
  WHERE user = 'root';

The password was blank but for some reason  /usr/bin/mysqladmin -u root
password 'new-password'  would not work.

Thank you Ron and Mike for your assistance.


On Wed, 19 Jul 2000, Mark Walter wrote:

   frodo:~# /usr/bin/mysqladmin -u root password blah
   /usr/bin/mysqladmin: connect to server at 'localhost' failed
   error: 'Access denied for user: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (Using password: YES)'
 had the same problem. My sysadmin possibly raised a password during
 installation. So the database constrained it from root using the
 password which I didn't know. One possible solution was to reinvoke
 the whole procedure with:
  dpkg-reconfigure -plow mysql-server
 I have sudo so hopefully you also got it.

Re: simple grep command twister

2000-07-20 Thread Brad
On Tue, Jul 18, 2000 at 03:39:47AM +, john smith wrote:
   mind twister break?
 how to use grep to show all the paladrome words in the linux dictionary?
 grep '\(.\)\(.\)\(.\)\3\2\1' \usr\dict\words partly works?

grep can't do it, since wc -L reports that the longest word contains 24
letters and grep can only handle 9 backreferences (so it could only
catch words up to 19 letters long).

Enter perl (:

In the interest of speed, we build up an array of fixed-length patterns
instead of using the very slow

  perl -we '$k=24;@p=(-1,0,.);$f=$b=;for($i=1;$i=$k/2;$i++){$f.=(.);
  $b=\\$i$b;push @p,$f$b,$f.$b}while(){$p=$p[length];/^$p$/ and print}
  ' /usr/share/dict/words

If you don't want the single-letter palindromes, get rid of the very
first period.

Since it turns out that the largest palindromic word in
/usr/share/dict/words is only 7 letters long, we can use grep:
  grep '^\(.\?\)\(.\?\)\(.\?\).\?\3\2\1$' /usr/share/dict/words

Get rid of the first \? if you don't want single-letter palindromes.

  finger for GPG public key.

Description: PGP signature

Re: emails wont send out-

2000-07-20 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
it's outlook

try it with another client and i bet it works.

or telnet to your SMTP and try it manually it should work i have my server
page my attt phone daily.


On Thu, 20 Jul 2000, Tom Warfield wrote:

twarfi We have clients using Outlook (yes i know what losers) and were running
twarfi sendmail on debian.  Okay so this is the problem, when they send a 
email in
twarfi Outlook to a email address (for example [EMAIL PROTECTED]) Outlook
twarfi wont let them send it out.  Its not the message or anything like that
twarfi because if i change the address to something else the message goes, so 
twarfi specificaly the address.  Outlook connects to the server then it just 
twarfi there.  Im thinking Sendmail doesnt like it for some reason and i cant
twarfi figure out why...anyone have any ideas.
twarfi Thanks,
twarfi Tom
twarfi -- 
twarfi Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

11:13am up 2 days, 18:41, 1 user, load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00

Re: emails wont send out-

2000-07-20 Thread Mark Brown
On Thu, Jul 20, 2000 at 11:58:12AM -0500, Tom Warfield wrote:

 We have clients using Outlook (yes i know what losers) and were running
 sendmail on debian.  Okay so this is the problem, when they send a email in
 Outlook to a email address (for example [EMAIL PROTECTED]) Outlook
 wont let them send it out.  Its not the message or anything like that
 because if i change the address to something else the message goes, so its
 specificaly the address.  Outlook connects to the server then it just sits
 there.  Im thinking Sendmail doesnt like it for some reason and i cant
 figure out why...anyone have any ideas.

What do the MTA logs (probably in /var/spool/mail.log unless you use
exim in which case /var/log/exim/mainlog) say?  What particular e-mail
addresses give problems (you say changing the address helps)?  Are you
on-line or off-line when you send mail?

Mark Brown  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Trying to avoid grumpiness)

Description: PGP signature

scanning physical disk to retrieve file

2000-07-20 Thread Richard E. Hawkins

Agh.  this was low priority, and just went really high . . .

I almost managed an rm -r *~ to get rid of the backup files from 
emacs and the like, but [*insert tear here*] the 8 key on my laptop is 
dodgy, meaning I got ~ itself.

As usual, there was a single important file on the disk--a half-written 
journal article on the economics of free software.

I've already followed the pages on file recovery, and haven't managed 
to find that file (though I found a couple of interesting ones I'd 
forgotten about :)

It's a 340mb disk, with 340 devoted to drdos (hey, I can't go to 
conventions without master of orion, can I? :), and a 40 meg swap.  
There's 20 megs of ram, so I can use that for workspace instead.

How do I read the raw device (ideally in 40m chunks of the unused 
space?) so that I can search my way through it for words  phrases?

And of course, I need to hit the road tomorrow at 2:30 (that which 
suddenly made this urgent), and need to use the laptop while I'm gone.  
Ill have to sacrifice this paper and start from scratch if I can't 
work this out by then . . .


Re: scanning physical disk to retrieve file

2000-07-20 Thread Ethan Pierce
if its a fat filesystem I got the tools you me back quick!
gotta head to work
- Original Message -
From: Richard E. Hawkins
Sent: Thursday, July 20, 2000 3:16 PM
Subject: scanning physical disk to retrieve file

 Agh.  this was low priority, and just went really high . . .

 I almost managed an rm -r *~ to get rid of the backup files from
 emacs and the like, but [*insert tear here*] the 8 key on my laptop is
 dodgy, meaning I got ~ itself.

 As usual, there was a single important file on the disk--a half-written
 journal article on the economics of free software.

 I've already followed the pages on file recovery, and haven't managed
 to find that file (though I found a couple of interesting ones I'd
 forgotten about :)

 It's a 340mb disk, with 340 devoted to drdos (hey, I can't go to
 conventions without master of orion, can I? :), and a 40 meg swap.
 There's 20 megs of ram, so I can use that for workspace instead.

 How do I read the raw device (ideally in 40m chunks of the unused
 space?) so that I can search my way through it for words  phrases?

 And of course, I need to hit the road tomorrow at 2:30 (that which
 suddenly made this urgent), and need to use the laptop while I'm gone.
 Ill have to sacrifice this paper and start from scratch if I can't
 work this out by then . . .


 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: Help with configuring X Server

2000-07-20 Thread cls--colo spgs
i usally get a basic x with non-graphical
xf86config.  i can usaually get x up and running;
although, the font size may be too big, so i tighten it
up with XF86Setup.  (once you have a working x, you
shouldn't get the dreaded errno 111. then you should
be able to use XF86Setup.)

with xf86config, unless you know your monitor specs
precisely, try conservative values, e.g. svga, low
video ram, etc.  i even skip the video card part (for
some of my funky lapboxes that have windoze-type (read:
no real info) manuals).  (i just use whatever the
default value is.) flaming for this less than scientific approach.


bentley taylor.


 Patrick J Draper wrote:
 Help, I am a Linux newbie,
 I have gone through a Debian 2.1 installation,
 installed X Windows (X1186R6) and am now having
 extreme difficulty configuring and starting an X
 I go through the graphical XF86Setup program but when
 I select done and the server trys to start I get an
 error something like
 X11ConnectionUNIX cannot connect errno 111
 Could someone please shed some light on this for me.
 regards, Paddy. (Linux convert)

Re: How to make a boot disk?

2000-07-20 Thread cls--colo spgs
# cd /boot
  mkboot /boot/vmlinuz[or the name of your kernel]


bentley taylor.


Marshal Wong wrote:
 Hey all,
 You would think that after 2 years of experience with Linux, I would
 know how to make a linux boot disk, but I don't.  So how do I do it?
 I heard of dd the kernel onto disk, but aren't there certain
 variables that are on the kernel, like the root partition, that must
 be changed?
 Any help would be appreciated.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: tail -f termination, after ppp established.

2000-07-20 Thread John Hasler
Bob McGowan writes:
 There are surely other, perhaps simpler ways,...

Yes.  Just put

  kill `cat /var/run/plogpid`
  rm -f /var/run/plogpid

in /etc/ppp/ip-up.d/zzkillplog and change your script to put the pid of the
plog process in /var/run/plogpid.

(And you probably want to replace 'tail -f /var/log/syslog' with 
'plog -f'.)
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

Fwd: New Findout About Anyone Fast Now!

2000-07-20 Thread Ethan Pierce
Just wanted to let you all know I reported this spammer to his domain and they 
have removed his acct.
Thank you for your Posting and feel free to post again. 
In addition to Free For All Links, Classifieds and Search Engine
Listings, here is something else we can offer you:  If you desire
to be removed from our email list simply go to our website
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---End Message---

RE: cannot compile ppp-2.4.x

2000-07-20 Thread Pollywog

On 20-Jul-2000 Mario Olimpio de Menezes wrote:
 On Thu, 20 Jul 2000, Pollywog wrote:
 On 20-Jul-2000 Pollywog wrote:
  I have no problem compiling ppp version 2.3.11 but cannot compile 2.4.x
  need to do this to try the new PPPoE kernel module.  Enternet PPPoe and
  Roaring Penguin don't work for me, so my last hope at getting my DSL
  is to get this ppp version to compile.  Anyone know what I am missing?
 I think I see the problem.  I need to upgrade my compiler in order to build
 this thing, right?
   are you going to produce .deb's? 
   Do I need ppp 2.4 for a dialup conection?
   Do you know if 2.3.11 works with kernel 2.4?
   Sorry for so many questions, but I would like to try the new
 kernel and I didn't only because ppp!

The 2.3.11 Debian package is all you need (2.2.x kernel or newer) if you just
want regular ppp.

I need the newer package only because I am trying to install the PPPoE module
on a test kernel.  I have the module installed, but I am unable to compile the
2.4.x ppp even though I am using the compilers from Woody.


PS2 mouse and gpm

2000-07-20 Thread Ethan Pierce
There was some talk on the list earlier today about removing gpm to get
better results with the paste feature.

I plan to try this later when I get home from workbut does anyone know
if taking out gpm will mess up the x server?

My main goal is just to get my middle mouse button working on my mouseman
+ ps/2 mouse.  The paste does work, unfortunately only with l+r buttons
combined instead of the middle wheel button.  It used to work in Mandrake
:( and Ive been so pleased with debian that I wont switch back.

Thanks for any tips - I have tried XF86Config and xf86setup with just
about every combination.  So I think Ive exhausted that road of


[no subject]

2000-07-20 Thread estoy
Hi I just read you installed Xfree4.0.1 with no problems at all.

I just update my 3.3.6 earlier version  now when the boot process 
reach the xfs level the system just freezes up at the point it shows 
something like this:

xfs: XFontServerCacheInitialize: hi=1048576 lo=786432, bal=70

What could be wrong? Is there any doc I can get an answer for

Este mensaje fue enviado mediante Web E-mail de MegaRed

Re: smail says 550 You are not permitted to send mail

2000-07-20 Thread Krzys Majewski
 You should try reconfiguring smail - there's probably a program called
 smailconfig in /usr/sbin that will do that for you, or failing that
 removoing and reinstalling should do the trick.  If smail doesn't
 configure itself I'd try another MTA (exim is the default choice for 
 recent Debian versions).

Aha, smailconfig. OK, I tried reinstalling smail before and now running
smailconfig, same error. Guess I'll try exim next. 

 [BTW, could you please quote and trim your messages properly?  It makes
 them much easier to read.]

Not sure what you mean by this, can you clarify?

HP DesignJet 750C plotter support?

2000-07-20 Thread Matthew Thompson

I work for a small, marine surveying firm that uses the above mentioned
plotter.  I am setting up a potato server to handle various tasks, among
which should be serving print jobs to the plotter via Samba.

I've been scouring the 'net and for help in configuring this
without much success.  Can anyone offer any help/suggestions/pointers to
helpful websites/docs?

TIA for any help :)


Re: smail says 550 You are not permitted to send mail

2000-07-20 Thread Krzys Majewski
upon removing smail apt-get installed sendmail which comes with its
own e-z konfiguration skrypt and runs great. Can't see why anyone would
want to use anything else. Can't see either why anyone would want to have 
a mail daemon on their box other than for mailing cron output,
given that any isp will gladly do that boring shit for you. 
Unless of course you are an isp in which case Hello! why aren't you using 
*bait* *bait* *bait*

Re: smail says 550 You are not permitted to send mail

2000-07-20 Thread Mark Brown
On Thu, Jul 20, 2000 at 01:39:40PM -0700, Krzys Majewski wrote:

 Aha, smailconfig. OK, I tried reinstalling smail before and now running
 smailconfig, same error. Guess I'll try exim next. 

exim is the standard MTA for Debian these days - in fact, smail was
removed from potato due to a number of severe bugs.

  [BTW, could you please quote and trim your messages properly?  It makes
  them much easier to read.]

 Not sure what you mean by this, can you clarify?

You should quote mails like you did this one, interspersing new text
with old and cutting any quoted text not needed for context.

Mark Brown  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Trying to avoid grumpiness)

Description: PGP signature

Re: HP DesignJet 750C plotter support?

2000-07-20 Thread Petr \[Dingo\] Dvorak
On Thu, 20 Jul 2000, Matthew Thompson wrote:

MT Hello,
MT I work for a small, marine surveying firm that uses the above mentioned
MT plotter.  I am setting up a potato server to handle various tasks, among
MT which should be serving print jobs to the plotter via Samba.
MT I've been scouring the 'net and for help in configuring this
MT without much success.  Can anyone offer any help/suggestions/pointers to
MT helpful websites/docs?

i don't think that you need any special config for the plotter as long you not
gonna try to use it from some linux program, i used to have HPLJ6p and i had 3
windows machines set up so they use network printer and they was actually using
windows drivers to format the printer input, samba just passed the binary file
created by the windows driver to the printer. same as if you would print to the
file on windows machine and then typed 'cp print_this.file /dev/lp1' on linux
machine what the plotter is connected to. I'm sorry but i don't remember any
specifics it's been few years :)


   ' `(~)' `
Petr [Dingo] Dvorak   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Coder - Purple Dragon MUD port 
   -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-[ 369D93 ]=-=-
Just because you are paranoid, it doesn't mean, they're not after you

Re: Copy paste with a mouse

2000-07-20 Thread Nick Croft
On Thu, 20 Jul 2000, [iso-8859-2] ?ukasz Walewski wrote:

 I switched from RedHat to Debian some time ago.
 I've configured mostly everything I wanted, but copying 'n
 pasting with my mouse doesn't work.

Run mseconfig.

It's graphical. You get to choose which button is which. If you have
2-button mouse, click thenm both on the `graphical' middle button. Copy
and paste will then work. 

Redhat does this all for you by default. Debian requires that you make the


Re: staroffice

2000-07-20 Thread Timothy C. Phan

  Where can I find staroffice 5.1 in .deb package?  I searched
  the and found the installer for 3.1 but not
  the 5.1.


David Teague wrote:
 On Wed, 19 Jul 2000, Nick Croft wrote:
 ? On Tue, 18 Jul 2000, David Teague wrote:
 ? ? On Tue, 6 Jun 2000 wrote:
 ? ?
 ? ? ?
 ? ? ? StarOffice is a bloated stuck pig.  It handles MS file formats fairly
 ? ? ? well though.
 ? It may be the only use for SO, take a Word .doc and turn it into something
 ? Unix or universal like html.
 ? How fast does a computer need to be? I thought 133mh was slow. Put it on a
 ? 333mh box today and it's no faster. Even at 600+ it would be slow if
 ? processor is the clue to speed.
 I think speed here just might be a function of amount of memory. SO
 is a memory hog.
 I have an AMD 350 on a 100 MHZ mother board with 128 MB RAM and 128
 MB swap, with fairly fast (about 6ms) ide hd (but DMA not enabled),
 running Potato and SO 5.1, My window manager is FVWM2.
 SO is slow starting, but no slower doing any task than Word 97 and
 Win 98 on the same machine.
 David Teague, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Debian GNU/Linux Because software support is free, timely,
  useful, technically accurate, and friendly.
  (I hope this is all of the above.)
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2000-07-20 Thread marco presi
While using XChat I received this message: Remote CONNECT 2310 from ChrisN

after this, no connection was logged by my system.
Some ideas??

Ciao Ciao 



2000-07-20 Thread David S. Jackson

Are there any gkrellm version 0.7.5 compatible themes around

Or are there instructions for upgrading potato to woody libs so
version 0.10.4 can run on it?

Flood can I write a unix-like kernel in perl?

dlopen oddness

2000-07-20 Thread Michael O'Brien


Sorry about the wide bandwidth, if there's a better forum, please feel 
free to refer me to it.

I've got an application that calls dlopen(SO_NAME, RTLD_LAZY). dlopen is 
returning null and dlerror returns undefined symbol. The manpage 
basically says dlopen with RTLD_LAZY shouldn't have this problem.

The same application on RedHat 6.x system doesn't have this problem.

I'm running the current unstable dist of Debian (by current, I ran an 
apt-get dist-upgrade this morning). According to ldd, the application is 
using, from version 2.1.3-10 of libc6.

Is anyone else running into a similar problem?


Re: staroffice

2000-07-20 Thread Morten Liebach
On Thu, Jul 20, 2000 at 05:03:20PM -0500, Timothy C. Phan wrote:
   Where can I find staroffice 5.1 in .deb package?  I searched
   the and found the installer for 3.1 but not
   the 5.1.

I don't think you can.

It's easy to install the file you download (~100Meg BTW), just make the
downloaded file executable and run it, with the option ``/net'' (NOT
``-net'') if you want to run it as user, without installing to your
Do that as root of course.


UNIX, reach out and grep someone!

using inetd to run arbitrary programs

2000-07-20 Thread Krzys Majewski
I'm running a couple of tcp-pipes (ssh -L ...) to get around the 
fact that my ISP is not on the same network as my news/imap/ provider
and so on. I've been starting these pipes at boot time (by calling
the appropriate script in /etc/network/interfaces) and that works fine.
But I thought I'd get clever and start them through inetd instead,
so I don't have a bunch of ssh processes sitting around when I don't need
them. I put the appropriate entries in /etc/services and /etc/inetd.conf
and that seems to work: when I telnet to the given local port the 
tcp-pipe script is run. Only problem is, when the script finishes
the telnet session says Connection closed and that's it.
Presumably this is because inetd is designed for calling programs 
that handle the request, whereas I'm trying to use it to call
an arbitrary script. How can I set things up so that inetd starts 
the tcp-pipe, puts the connection on hold until the tcp-pipe is set up
(or for X number of seconds) and then lets the connection resume as
if inetd had never existed?  Also nice would be a feature whereby the
tcp-pipe is shut down once there are no connections using it, 
or X number of seconds after the last such connection exited.

Forwarding sent email-

2000-07-20 Thread Tom Warfield
I know that procmail can go through and forward someones email to them at
another address while it still delivers it to there email box.  But i am
wanting to do the same on outgoing as well.  Once someone sends out a email
i want it to forward a copy of that outgoing email to another email address,
preferable without them knowing about it.

Any ideas?.


Rescue Disks

2000-07-20 Thread Richard Ingram

I have been upgrading Xfree but something obviously went wrong as when I
boot up now it hangs at the starting Xfontserver startup and does not even
get to the login prompt. Before I blat over and reinstall debian is there an
easy way of creating a set of rescue disks ? I just need to edit a startup
file on my root disk. My system is booted from floppy and mounts the SCSI
disc. At work we have a Debian system so if anyone knows of a shell script
somwhere that I could use to create my file system on floppy that would be
greatly appreciated (I know I could hack one up but we are flat out at
work), if not it will only take an hour or so to reinstall :-(



Re: UMAX 1220S, SCSI card (436P?)

2000-07-20 Thread John Pearson
On Thu, Jul 20, 2000 at 10:40:47AM -0400, Juan Alejandro Diaz Muñoz wrote
 drivers please

Buckleys, sorry.

John P.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Debian Linux admin  support:technical services

Man command

2000-07-20 Thread Patrick Howden
Hello I'm a newbie to Debian and I am having some problems with getting it to
work properly (not many, but just a few). I can't find the man command on
my system anywhere. This means that I can't read instructins for any packages
which I download. Is there somewhere where I can download man (the manual
command) from the Internet? It did not seem to come with the original 

Any help would be appreciated.


Question about MASQ chain behavior in ipchains

2000-07-20 Thread Stan Kaufman
I'm confused by a couple points in the IPCHAINS-HOWTO
( Hope
someone who understands this can clear this up.

In the Serious Example, the Internal network is masqueraded to
External via a chain jumped to from the FORWARD chain:

Good (internal) to Bad (external).

ipchains -A good-bad -p tcp --dport www -j MASQ
ipchains -A good-bad -p tcp --dport ssh -j MASQ
ipchains -A good-bad -p udp --dport 33434:33500 -j MASQ
ipchains -A good-bad -p tcp --dport ftp -j MASQ
ipchains -A good-bad -p icmp --icmp-type ping -j MASQ
ipchains -A good-bad -j REJECT -l

Then in the rules for the External interface, only certain ports appear
to be let back in. I presume that the second and third rules with
destination ports 61000:65095 are for returning masqueraded packets, eh?

Bad (external) interface.

ipchains -A bad-if -i ! ppp0 -j DENY -l
ipchains -A bad-if -p TCP --dport 61000:65095 -j ACCEPT
ipchains -A bad-if -p UDP --dport 61000:65095 -j ACCEPT
ipchains -A bad-if -p ICMP --icmp-type pong -j ACCEPT
ipchains -A bad-if -j icmp-acc
ipchains -A bad-if -j DENY

This example doesn't make clear to me what happens to packets from the
Internal network when they're jumped to MASQ. Do they get a new port (in
the range 61000:65095) in addition to the masqueraded ip address so that
when they come back they get past the Bad interface to get
demasqueraded? Or do they just go around the Bad interface because in
some other fashion they're identified as masqueraded packets through
something MASQ does?

Just trying to grok what goes on here. TIA for any help!


Re: Man command

2000-07-20 Thread Antonio Rodriguez
Do man man, or info man

Patrick Howden wrote:

 Hello I'm a newbie to Debian and I am having some problems with getting it to
 work properly (not many, but just a few). I can't find the man command on
 my system anywhere. This means that I can't read instructins for any packages
 which I download. Is there somewhere where I can download man (the manual
 command) from the Internet? It did not seem to come with the original 

 Any help would be appreciated.


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Re: Man command

2000-07-20 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Fri, Jul 21, 2000 at 01:23:37PM +1200, Patrick Howden wrote:
 Hello I'm a newbie to Debian and I am having some problems with
 getting it to work properly (not many, but just a few). I can't find
 the man command on my system anywhere. This means that I can't read
 instructins for any packages which I download. Is there somewhere
 where I can download man (the manual command) from the Internet? It
 did not seem to come with the original configuration.
 Any help would be appreciated.

Possibly you haven't installed it?

$ apt-get install man-db

According to MegaHAL:
The emu is a mass of incandescent gas, a gigantic nuclear furnace.

Re: Install-boot failure

2000-07-20 Thread Tom Hoover
On Tue, Jul 04, 2000 at 03:21:26PM +, Suresh Kumar.R wrote:
 When I try to boot from the debian slink or potato cd, the boot process
 apparently hangs with the following line:
   FDC 0 is a post - 1991 82077
   md driver 0.36.3 MAX_MD_DEV=4, MAX_REAL=8
 The interesting thing is , we are able to put Redhat linux into the same
 machine. We are trying to remove redhat to put debian.

I, too, would like to find an answer to the above problem.  A search on
dejanews locates hundreds of messages similar to this one, but no answers
(unless you're running an Athalon...the answer is then upgrade to frozen).  I
have an old 486 that I'd like to install Debian 2.1 or 2.2 on, but I get the
same hang every time.  I can install RedHat, Mandrake, SuSE and Slackware, but
not Debian.

Any ideas?

- checkout HisWord(tm) Palmtop Bible at the above URL -
 --- finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP key 

Planner/PIM/Calendar Packages

2000-07-20 Thread Mark Wagnon
Hi all,

I've been poking around Freshmeat and the Debian package list for
Woody, but I can't seem to find what I'm looking for. What is it, you

I was wondering if there was a calendar/planner software that would
allow one to enter appointments and tasks, then on any given day,
print out a list of appointments and tasks for that day. At work we
use Novell GroupWise, and it allows one to enter all sorts of info
into a calendar, then print out a fancy page of tasks and appointments
for that day.

Anyone know if anything like this exists for Linux?



waiter, potato to woody please, thank you

2000-07-20 Thread Nick

hello list,

how can i upgrade 2.2 (potato) to woody (2.3??)

source list and any suggestions that would make the transition happy.

thankx, have a good weekend!


Re: waiter, potato to woody please, thank you

2000-07-20 Thread Corey Popelier
I did a straight replace of potato to woody in my sources.list for
apt, then did an apt-get upgrade, followed by an apt-get install of all
the packages remaining that weren't upgraded. And that worked perfectly
fine for me.
I believe the only possible issues in this is an Apache-SSL conflict
between 2 different SSL packages, but I can't think of anything else.
In terms of kernels I stayed with a 2.2 series kernel and will do so until
2.3/2.4 are more developed.

 Corey J. Popelier

On Thu, 20 Jul 2000, Nick wrote:

 hello list,
 how can i upgrade 2.2 (potato) to woody (2.3??)
 source list and any suggestions that would make the transition happy.
 thankx, have a good weekend!
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