
2000-10-08 Thread ciriso

Jellou 4 ebrybody :

 Estoy echando un vistazo al subsistema /proc
 de status obtengo lo siguiente :

$cat /proc/751/status
Name:   ethereal
State:  R (running)
PPid:   746
Uid:0   0   0   0
Gid:0   0   0   0
VmSize: 7360 kB
VmLck: 0 kB
VmRSS:  5652 kB
VmData: 2944 kB
VmStk:20 kB
VmExe:   992 kB
VmLib:  3164 kB
SigPnd: 2000
SigBlk: 2000
SigIgn: 0001
SigCgt: 2000

Alguien puede decirme en que sistema de numeracion estan 
enmascaradas las señales y como saber cuales de las 32 disponibles
estan bloqueadas,ignoradas etc.

Gracias .

Re: Clientes napster en potato

2000-10-08 Thread Kynes
Xose Manoel Ramos escribió:
 Tambien hay uno de consola (Teksper) y parece que está de miedo.

  Yo en consola utilizo Bwap by Panasync; es rapido, facil de usar e igualito 
que BitchX.

  Hasta otra.
_  _
|/ \/ |\ | |_ |_  Eduardo Borja Ramírez Ronco
|\ /  | \| |_  _| Debian  2.3 y Kernel 2.2.16
Usuario de Linux #156307  Maquina #68965
El que este capacitado para conquistar el software estara capacitado para 
conquistar el mundo - Tadahiro Sekimoto

Description: PGP signature


2000-10-08 Thread Carlos Sanz Peñas

	Hasta que ha salido la nueva versión de potato, yo siempre he estado 
utilizando Mandrake, y todos los documentos que he estado realizando con 
LaTEX me han funcionedo bien. Cuando me instale Potato volvi a hacer mis 
documentos pero tengo un error, porque no me acepta los acentos.

Este es mi archivo de cabezera de mis documentos:


Otra pregunta que me gustaria hacer es como puedo instalar un archivo, en 
este caso linuxdoc.sty, para que no tenga que tenerlo en el directorio 
donde tengo mis documentos, sino en el directorio base de LaTEX o en otro 

Re: 6bone

2000-10-08 Thread Jordi Mallach
On Sat, Oct 07, 2000 at 08:54:48PM +0200, Andres Seco Hernandez wrote:
 Para los ceporros como yo, ¿qué es el 6bone?

Es una red de testeo para IPv6, es decir, máquinas conectadas entre sí que
están usando ya IPv6.

Vale, que es IPv6? :)
Es Internet Protocol versión 6, el reemplazo de lo que se usa ahora, IPv4,
que ya tiene 20 años. IPv4 tiene varios problemas, entre los que destaca la
reciente escasez de IPs con la explosión de Internet. IPv6 es una
implementación moderna que resuelve estos problemas, pero está en fase de
pruebas todavía. Ya se puede usar, pero hasta que no esté extendido del
todo, no podrá reemplazar a ipv4 del todo (los programas lo tienen que
soportar, etc).

Yo he estado usando IPv6 desde hace poco tiempo, pero va lento porque no se
de ningún gateway en Europa.

La gente que esté enterada de verdad que corrija las mentiras que haya
podido decir :)

Jordi Mallach Pérez || [EMAIL PROTECTED] || Rediscovering Freedom,
   aka Oskuro in|| [EMAIL PROTECTED]  || Using Debian GNU/Linux
 Reinos de Leyenda  || [EMAIL PROTECTED]  || http://debian.org

http://sindominio.net  GnuPG public information:  pub  1024D/917A225E 
telnet pusa.uv.es 23   73ED 4244 FD43 5886 20AC  2644 2584 94BA 917A 225E

Description: PGP signature

RE: dselect

2000-10-08 Thread Ricardo Villalba

-Mensaje original-
Para: debian debian-user-spanish@lists.debian.org
Fecha: sábado 7 de octubre de 2000 13:00
Asunto: dselect

...una pregunta, que no se habia abandonado dselect como
programa de instalacion de paqutes?
es que me sale en la instalacion de la potato

Instálate el aptitud. A mí me parece mucho más cómodo de usar aunque
advierto que sólo lo he usado hasta ahora para ver la lista de paquetes,
no he instalado nada con él (aunque claro, el dselect lo usaba
exactamente para lo mismo).

Ricardo Villalba

Re: Problemas para cargar el modulo PLIP

2000-10-08 Thread Fermín Manzanedo
On Fri, Oct 06, 2000 at 06:20:10PM +0200, Fermín Manzanedo wrote:
 asterix:~# insmod plip
 Using /lib/modules/2.2.14/net/plip.o
 /lib/modules/2.2.14/net/plip.o: init_module: Device or resource busy
 Hint: this error can be caused by incorrect module parameters, including 
 invalid IO or IRQ parameters
 Como dice que el error puede venir dado por la mala asignación de IO o IRQ, 
 he probado a asignarlas manualmente:
 asterix:~# insmod plip io=0x378 irq=7
 Using /lib/modules/2.2.14/net/plip.o
 /lib/modules/2.2.14/net/plip.o: invalid parameter parm_io
Hola de nuevo,
hice un dmesg y, en lo relativo al módulo plip me devolvió esto:
parport0: PC-style at 0x378 (0x778) [SPP,ECP,ECPPS2]
parport0: detected irq 7; use procfs to enable interrupt-driven operation.
plip: parport0 has no IRQ.
plip: no devices registered

¿Cómo es posible que detecte el irq=7 pero que luego plip no tenga irq?
¿Alguna idea?
Fermín Manzanedo fmanguATtelelineDOTes
http://www.astrored.net/elsol | Badajoz, Spain
Desde Toshiba2140CDS con Debian GNU/Linux 2.2 
Usuario Linux #184967

RE: dselect

2000-10-08 Thread Carles Pina i Estany

 ...una pregunta, que no se habia abandonado dselect como
 programa de instalacion de paqutes?
 es que me sale en la instalacion de la potato
 Instálate el aptitud. A mí me parece mucho más cómodo de usar aunque
aptitude, supongo :-)

que no lo encontraba conel apt-get install aptitud , he mirado con dselect
y es aptitude ... ya lo estoy cogiendo del http de debian, _me cago mis
cd's de debian que dejé XD_ (y suerte del apt-get que con la tarifa plana
casi no noto que los dejé)

hasta pronto

Carles Pina i Estany
   E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] || #ICQ: 14446118 || Nick: Teufeus / Pine
   URL: http://www.salleurl.edu/~is08139
   No he perdido la cabeza. Tengo un 'backup' en alguna parte.


2000-10-08 Thread Fermín Manzanedo
On Sun, Oct 08, 2000 at 02:01:47PM +0200, Carlos Sanz Peñas wrote:
 utilizando Mandrake, y todos los documentos que he estado realizando con 
 LaTEX me han funcionedo bien. Cuando me instale Potato volvi a hacer mis 
 documentos pero tengo un error, porque no me acepta los acentos.
a lo mejor no tiene nada que ver, pero ¿has utilizado el texconfig para 
configurar latex? Creo que hay que descomentar la línea de español en 
Si no va por ahí... ni idea.
Un saludo,
Fermín Manzanedo fmanguATtelelineDOTes
http://www.astrored.net/elsol | Badajoz, Spain
Desde Toshiba2140CDS con Debian GNU/Linux 2.2 
Usuario Linux #184967


2000-10-08 Thread Unikoke
Coordenadas temporales: Sun, Oct 08, 2000 at 02:01:47PM +0200
Sujeto: Carlos Sanz Peñas
Comunicaba sobre: LaTEX

 LaTEX me han funcionedo bien. Cuando me instale Potato volvi a hacer mis 
 documentos pero tengo un error, porque no me acepta los acentos.

Para los acentos (da igual la distro) yo siempre he usado:


y no me ha dado problemas.

 Otra pregunta que me gustaria hacer es como puedo instalar un archivo, en 
 este caso linuxdoc.sty, para que no tenga que tenerlo en el directorio 
 donde tengo mis documentos, sino en el directorio base de LaTEX o en otro 

Supongo que colocando la ruta donde está el fichero en el PATH, o
colocandolo en alguna ruta que ya tengas en la variable.

Si es el LaTeX el que lo busca en el directorio local, probablemente
en la documentación venga como modificarlo.


---Llave pública vía E-mail. Asunto: Mandar clave PGP---
Debian 2.1 Slink + apt-get dist-upgrade = Debian 2.2 Potato
La distancia más corta entre dos puntos, generalmente está en construcción. 
-- Hipótesis de Hyman.

Description: PGP signature

Re: dselect

2000-10-08 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
On sáb, oct 07, 2000 at 01:56:04 +0200, Gerard wrote:
 ...una pregunta, que no se habia abandonado dselect como
 programa de instalacion de paqutes?
 es que me sale en la instalacion de la potato

Veamos. El sistema de paquetes de Debian sigue y seguirá siendo dpkg, con
alguna modificación propuesta.

Está luego, encima de dpkg, el interfaz de usuario y este puede ser apt o
dselect. A su vez, para liar un poco más la cosa, dselect se adaptó en Slink
para que admitiese como uno de los métodos a apt. Apt, tiene como interfaz
de usuario para la línea de órdenes por defecto apt-get. Todo esto viene
de serie en Potato. De hecho en Potato si quieres puedes prescindir
plenamente de 'dselect' y usar siempre 'apt-get' (y apt-get clean para
limpiar lo que descarges).

En Woody, la interfaz de usuario está por ver pero no será deselect aunque
se conservará para los románticos. Estarán 'apt-get', 'console-apt',
'aptitude' y 'gnome-apt'. De todos ellos, yo ya uso sobre mi Potato
indistintamente apt-get o console-apt, el primera totalmente estable al
igual que el segundo, el cual carece aún de alguna funcionalidad. aptitude
y gnome-apt están en una fase de menos desarrollo que console-apt (el cual
ha avanzado mucho y rápido desde que se comenzó a gestar).

Hay otros abores y colores rondando por la cabeza de Witchert Akermann y
otros desarrolladores como los del APT Team pero eso sería para escribir un

Saludos, espero haber alcarado algo este asunto farragoso para el que
empieza en Debian sistema de paquetes + interfaz de usuario.
Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Webs:   http://www.ctv.es/USERS/viguPersonal
PGP public key:  http://www.ctv.es/USERS/vigu/vigu.pubkey

Re: apt

2000-10-08 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
On sáb, oct 07, 2000 at 09:42:35 +0200, Gerard wrote:
 como se lanza el apt?

apt no se lanza, ufff, habría que escribir algo por aquí.
apt = advanced package tool, y es una capa por encima del sistema de
paquetes debian (dpkg) que se encarga de facilitarle la vida al usuario para
interaccionar con el. La utilidad de apt para que el usuario aproveche sus
características en lo que a instalación desinstalación y otros de paquetes
se refiere es 'apt-get'. Si quieres saber qué otras utilidades puedes usar
de apt, escribe apt en la línea de ordenes y pulsa tabulador, te

 lo tengo instalado y no lo consigo lanzar


 Por cierto, mi opinion sobre dselect... no es que sea muy buena, el sistema
 instalador de suse (yast1, que es es modo texto) lo encuentro bastante mejor
  U, prueba apt-get y si quieres console-apt, del
cual no tienes aún ccreo en Potato versión pero creo que estaba dentro de
los paquetes propuestos para la Debian 2.2r1. Si no lo encuentras, de todas
formas en La Espiral (www.laespiral.org) tenemos este paquete para Potato
listo para instalar.
 (el mejor sistema de instalacion que he probado...)
 al igual que el dselect tiene unas divisiones sobre paquetes (xwindow,
 sistema base, documentacion...) pero con la diferencia que esta en distintas
 subsecciones, me explico, hay una primera seccion donde esta la division
 (sistema base,
 kde...) y entras dentro de ella y seleccionas los paquetes propios de esa
 seccion, de esta
 forma no hay una pantalla interminable y poco funcional como ocurre con el
 deselect; ademas
 no pone el tamaño de los paquetes, el espacio libre del disco...
 Espero que el apt este mejor.

No te quepa la menor duda. Con 'apt-get' no tienes eso que quieres ver pero
si con 'console-apt' (no te recomiendo aptitude o gnome-apt porque están más
verdes que console-apt). 

 Como nota positiva (que tendria que haber alguna ;) me gusta el mantenimiento 
 los paquetes
 que hace debian... (basicamente la principal razon para instalarmela...)

Casi la principal razón de casi todos los que estamos aquí :)
Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Webs:   http://www.ctv.es/USERS/viguPersonal
PGP public key:  http://www.ctv.es/USERS/vigu/vigu.pubkey

participar da lista

2000-10-08 Thread Cristóferson Bueno

Erro ao imprimir

2000-10-08 Thread Guilherme Oliveira
Boas !

Tenho mais uma dúvida :)) de iniciante de Debian que não consigo satisfazer nos 

Penso que me falta apenas colocar a minha HP670C a imprimir.

É assim, instalei o magicfilter, configurei e até redireciono texto para o 
/dev/lp0 !

Ao fazer lpr de qualquer ficheiro, dá-me sempre este erro na minha consola:

parport0: detected irq 7; use procfs to enable interrupt-driven 

Tentei pocurar no /proc alguma coisa sobre esta indicação e não encontro.

Vou ver aos log's e diz tb isto:

Oct  9 00:53:19 varpa login[181]: ROOT LOGIN on `tty2'
Oct  9 00:53:31 varpa kernel: parport0: PC-style at 0x378 (0x778) 
Oct  9 00:53:31 varpa kernel: parport0: detected irq 7; use procfs to 
enable interrupt-driven
Oct  9 00:53:32 varpa kernel: parport_probe: succeeded
Oct  9 00:53:32 varpa kernel: parport0: Unspecified, Unknown vendor 
Unknown device
Oct  9 00:53:32 varpa kernel: lp0: using parport0 (polling).
Oct  9 00:53:33 varpa lpd[192]: lp: filter 'f' terminated (termsig=13)
Oct  9 00:53:33 varpa lpd[192]: lp: job could not be printed 

Falha de permissões, penso não ser já que tava como root. Impressora não é pois 
funciona em windows
e não é um winprinter 

Ideias ?

Ajudem-me, pois tenho quase o meu Debian 2.2 num brinquinho ;)

mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] || http://www.nortenet.pt/~guilherme
on the net no one knows your a dog#
# Copyright (c) 1983 Regents of the University of California.
# All rights reserved.
# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted
# provided that this notice is preserved and that due credit is given
# to the University of California at Berkeley. The name of the University
# may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this
# software without specific prior written permission. This software
# is provided ``as is'' without express or implied warranty.
#   @(#)etc.printcap5.2 (Berkeley) 5/5/88
# This file was generated by /usr/sbin/magicfilterconfig.
lp|hp670c|HP Deskjet 670C:\

Re: apt-cdrom add trouble

2000-10-08 Thread Francois Fayard
On Sat, Oct 07, 2000 at 09:39:50PM -0400, Antonio Rodriguez wrote:
 My apt-cdrom add is not working. I was able to read from cdrom normally
 until I installed a custom kernel image 2.2.17 with scsi support to
 enable cd recording. After that I run dselect to install wmanager, but

First question:
Why a custom kernel ? I suppose that you own a IDE CD writer. For that you
don't have to make a new compilation of the kernel. You just have to add the
modules you need with modconf (modules ide-scsi and scsi-generic-support), and
change Lilo.

 then it couldn't read the cd in hdc, which had been able to so far,
 since I made the installation from the 3 binaries (intel). I assume
 something got screwed up when the cd drives were changed to scsi (?),
 but have no idea how to fix it. What I get is
 ide-scsi:hdc:unsupported command in request queue (0)
 end_request: I/O error, dev 16:00 (hdc), sector 64
 isofs_read_super: bread failed, dev=16:00,
 iso_blknum=16, block=36
 E: failed to mount CD-ROM
 Have no clue. Please help. Thanks,

I think that apt-cdrom is looking for the device /dev/cdrom. Try:
mount /dev/cdrom /cdrom
If it works, I don't know, but if it doesn't it means that your CDROM has
changed from a device to one other. Are you sure you haven't emulate it as a
SCSI device ?


 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Unidentified subject!

2000-10-08 Thread Tor Kjemo
Hello Debian-users.
You can't have everything.  Where would you put it?
-- Steven Wright


Newbee Qs on Gnome

2000-10-08 Thread Tor Kjemo
Hello Debian-users.

Somehow I  got through the installation of debian, and I now got  it 
running on my pc. Now I would like to configure it to use Gnome and gdm
after booting. Is there anyone out there who can help me?

You can't have everything.  Where would you put it?
-- Steven Wright


Re: apt-cdrom add trouble

2000-10-08 Thread Peter Good
You need to change /dev/cdrom to point to /dev/scd0 not /dev/hdc

That's what i have here
/dev/hdc (ide DVDROM) is now /dev/scd0
/dev/hdd (ide Burner) is now /dev/scd1

This is if you've enabled scsi emulation like i have in the kernel


-Original Message-
From: Francois Fayard [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: debian-user@lists.debian.org debian-user@lists.debian.org
Date: Sunday, October 08, 2000 2:16 PM
Subject: Re: apt-cdrom add trouble

On Sat, Oct 07, 2000 at 09:39:50PM -0400, Antonio Rodriguez wrote:
 My apt-cdrom add is not working. I was able to read from cdrom normally
 until I installed a custom kernel image 2.2.17 with scsi support to
 enable cd recording. After that I run dselect to install wmanager, but

First question:
Why a custom kernel ? I suppose that you own a IDE CD writer. For that you
don't have to make a new compilation of the kernel. You just have to add
modules you need with modconf (modules ide-scsi and scsi-generic-support),
change Lilo.

 then it couldn't read the cd in hdc, which had been able to so far,
 since I made the installation from the 3 binaries (intel). I assume
 something got screwed up when the cd drives were changed to scsi (?),
 but have no idea how to fix it. What I get is
 ide-scsi:hdc:unsupported command in request queue (0)
 end_request: I/O error, dev 16:00 (hdc), sector 64
 isofs_read_super: bread failed, dev=16:00,
 iso_blknum=16, block=36
 E: failed to mount CD-ROM

 Have no clue. Please help. Thanks,

I think that apt-cdrom is looking for the device /dev/cdrom. Try:
mount /dev/cdrom /cdrom
If it works, I don't know, but if it doesn't it means that your CDROM has
changed from a device to one other. Are you sure you haven't emulate it as
SCSI device ?


 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: security update using ftp

2000-10-08 Thread Rino Mardo
 Why can't you?  Have you made the appropriate change to your
 sources.list?  IIRC, APT should work just fine with FTP.  (Also IIRC,
 APT slightly predates the widespread appearance of HTTP Debian

um, because security updates works only with HTTP.  i know all what one can
do with the sources.list including using cd-roms but what i'm after is if
anyone has actually done security updates using ftp.

you can do updates using ftp for all other .deb packages so why would
security updates be any different?

Re: security update using ftp

2000-10-08 Thread Rino Mardo
yes it works on stable.  this i did:

deb ftp://security.debian.org/debian-security stable/updates main contrib

thanks for the pointers.

- Original Message -
From: Colin Watson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
Sent: Saturday, October 07, 2000 6:29 PM
Subject: Re: security update using ftp

 Rino Mardo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Is there a way to get security updates using ftp instead of http via

   deb ftp://security.debian.org/debian-security stable/updates main

 (Untested - I'm not running stable here - but should work judging from
 the directory structure of security.debian.org.)


 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: apt-cdrom add trouble

2000-10-08 Thread Francois Fayard
On Sun, Oct 08, 2000 at 02:37:45PM +1000, Peter Good wrote:
 You need to change /dev/cdrom to point to /dev/scd0 not /dev/hdc
 That's what i have here
 /dev/hdc (ide DVDROM) is now /dev/scd0
 /dev/hdd (ide Burner) is now /dev/scd1
 This is if you've enabled scsi emulation like i have in the kernel

Just a question
For me I have /dev/hdc --- /dev/scd0
  /dev/hdd --- /dev/scd8

I don't understand why.
It's not really a problem, but I have one problem with my CD-writer. When I
want to mount a CD with my DVD as I burn a CD, cdrecord crashes immediatly.
Does anybody have an idea ?


Re: Newbee Qs on Gnome

2000-10-08 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Sun, Oct 08, 2000 at 06:23:55AM +0200, Tor Kjemo wrote:
 Hello Debian-users.
 Somehow I  got through the installation of debian, and I now got  it 
 running on my pc. Now I would like to configure it to use Gnome and gdm
 after booting. Is there anyone out there who can help me?

Well, that's easy: $ apt-get install task-gnome-desktop gdm

Just select GNOME from the GDM login window (will be default anyway).
Make sure you have a GNOME compliant window manager: sawfish (aka
sawmill) or icewm-gnome or wmaker, others... (those work the best with
GNOME in my experience).

/bin/sh ~/.signature:
Command not found

Re: wvdial / kppp

2000-10-08 Thread Glyn Millington
On Sat, Oct 07, 2000 at 12:57:36PM -0400, thus spake Christopher W. Aiken:
 Has anybody been able to get connected to WorldShare
 using wvdial?  It can be done with kppp but I would 
 prefer to use wvdial.

Have you tried?  What happened? What error messages did you get?
Jave you configured wvdial ?  The basic method is below (from the
wvd faq)

3. Quick start.

Assuming everything works perfectly, the following will get you on-line if
you're running as root.
- wvdialconf /etc/wvdial.conf
- vi /etc/wvdial.conf   [edit username/password/phone]
- vi /etc/resolv.conf   [edit nameservers]
- wvdial


Glyn M

   * The soul is greater than the hum of its parts.   *
   * Douglas Hoftstatder*

Re: Some minor mail problems w/ Debian 2.2

2000-10-08 Thread Nate Amsden
Monte Milanuk wrote:
 Hello all,
 I've recently started using Debian 2.2, and I'm having a few weird mail
 issues popping up.  If anyone could provide some assistance, or nudge me
 in the direction of some specific spot in the documentation, I'd
 appreciate it greatly.
 1)  Added the sources for the online repositories to
 /etc/apt/sources.list, did the apt-get upgrade thing, and am happily
 using Netscape 4.75 -- w/ one exception.  When I enter the information
 for the pop/smtp server that I receive/send mail from, I cannot get any
 new mail.  When I click on the 'Get Messages' icon, it(Netscape) tells
 me that I have no new messages.  Like heck I don't!  At the time I had
 something like 200+ messages on my Yahoo! account.  I've set this up in
 the past on other systems (Mandrake, SuSE, RedHat), and I'd be
 interested on why it doesn't seem to be functional on Debian.

200+ messages and 200+ NEW messages are very different. netscape by
default wont download
read mail.

 from fetchmail.  I read thru the docs, but something wasn't working
 right, because fetchmail couldn't get a response on port 25.

can you telnet to your ip/localhost on port 25 ? maybe exim is not
runinning..i prefer sendmail for my systems just cuz i know it better
then i know the others.

 3)  After setting up fetchmail, and running it, I seem to be getting a
 bunch of mails (so far over a dozen) which show up in Netscape as having
 no title, being from [EMAIL PROTECTED] (me), and the header is displayed
 as part of the message.  As such, the Netscape filters don't move them
 to the appropriate folders correctly.  What could be causing this?

possible it has something to do with the mail server and how it gives
out mail. i have never used any of the free web based emailers(or free
emailers in general) but my experience with netscape on almost countless
accounts on real servers i have never experienced this.


ICQ: 75132336


2000-10-08 Thread Tor Kjemo
I  try to configure my debian-installation for ppp without any sucsess.
In the installation-documentation it says:

Be sure you have the following packages installed: 

I can find ppp-pam anywhere. Is the docs wrong?
Can`t find any info on the Debian-homepage either.

Anyone got a clue?
You can't have everything.  Where would you put it?
-- Steven Wright


Re: Some minor mail problems w/ Debian 2.2

2000-10-08 Thread Rino Mardo

 2)  I have exim installed currently.  I tried sendmail, as my previous
 setup had been sendmail + install-sendmail (a perl setup script), which
 had been pretty painless, and had gotten everything delivered w/ the
 right addresses and whatnot, plus setup fetchmail easily.  I tried doing
 the same setup on Debian, and it doesn't seem to get along real well w/
 the install-sendmail script.  Since I'm not masochistic enought to want
 to edit sendmail for my simple home setup, I was looking towards
 masqmail, but I need to know what I need to do to get it to accept mails
 from fetchmail.  I read thru the docs, but something wasn't working
 right, because fetchmail couldn't get a response on port 25.

hmm, fetchmail uses ETRN and not SMTP (port 25).  debian 2.2 with exim works
fine out of the box
so why compound the problem?  what is it your trying to accomplish?

Re: ppp-configuration

2000-10-08 Thread Glyn Millington
On Sun, Oct 08, 2000 at 08:39:22AM +0200, thus spake Tor Kjemo:
 I  try to configure my debian-installation for ppp without any sucsess.
 In the installation-documentation it says:
 Be sure you have the following packages installed: 
 I can find ppp-pam anywhere. Is the docs wrong?
 Can`t find any info on the Debian-homepage either.


Relax!  From the package description of the ppp that comes with

This package contains pppd with PAM support built-in, so `ppp-pam' package
is obsolete.

So you probably have the kit you need.  Are you trying to set up
with wvdial or with pppconfig?  What sort of errors are you

I've attached the wvdial faq to this, just in case it answers the


Glyn M

   * The soul is greater than the hum of its parts.   *
   * Douglas Hoftstatder*

 WvDial: FAQ Text File
WvDial Frequently Asked Questions - December 1998

1. The author and other friendly animals.

This FAQ was written by Dave Baker  in conjuction with the
wvdial mailing list.  Normal disclaimers apply.  This FAQ should be considered
pre-alpha and subject to much revision.  For the sake of a number, lets call
it version 0.02b.

Feedback on the FAQ should be sent either directly to the author or to the
mailing list at [EMAIL PROTECTED]  To subscribe to the mailing list
send a mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with subscribe as the only
word in the subject line.  The list is really low volume (a handful of
messages a week) and none^H^H^H^Hfew of us bite.

This file is currently being maintained as a plain text file - if anyone has
suggestions as to a nice alternative let me know.  I may default to a HOWTO
style document for the next revision.

In addition to the meagre work done by myself, the following have given me
much information that in one way or another I've mangled into something not
quite as precise as they originally intended:
- Avery Pennarun
- Patrick Patterson

2. Where to get it.

Wvdial is available in source form and packaged for several distributions.
Start at http://www.worldvisions.ca/wvdial and follow the links.
As of this writing, the latest version is 1.40.

3. Quick start.

Assuming everything works perfectly, the following will get you on-line if
you're running as root.
- wvdialconf /etc/wvdial.conf
- vi /etc/wvdial.conf   [edit username/password/phone]
- vi /etc/resolv.conf   [edit nameservers]
- wvdial

3b. Command not found?

Note that the executables wvdial and wvdialconf are installed in
/usr/local/bin by default.  Under some distributions (Redhat is one) this is
not in roots path, but is in a non-root users path.  If you try running wvdial
and it reports 'command not found' then either:
- add /usr/local/bin to you path.  How to do this depends on what shell you
  run, but typically you will edit /root/.bashrc, /root/.cshrc, etc, and
  then log back in (or use the 'source' command to reread the file).
- specify the full path, such as /usr/local/bin/wvdialconf when running
- change directory to /usr/local/bin and use ./wvdialconf - not the leading
  period must be used because your current directory should not be in the path
  either for security reasons.

4. What nameserver should I use?

If you're migrating from a Windows environment you may find yourself without a
nameserver that you're aware of.  Certain extensions to the ppp negotiation
protocol provided in some Windows dialers allow it to be told what the IP
address of the nameserver is - these do not work under linux.

- Ask someone at your ISP's technical support line.
- If you can dial up under Windows it may be possible to determine the
  nameserver being used from the TCP/IP configuration panels.  If you can
  run the 'winipcfg' program and click on 'more info' you should see the
  details you need.
- Use a well known nameserver to look up the IP of your local nameserver.
  For example, using the IP of a known nameserver (in this case we'll use
  ns1.sprintlink.net) we type:  host -t ns earthlink.net
  This will return a series of lines, each one listing the domain, the
  letters NS (nameserver) and the hostname of the nameserver.  We now run
  a host lookup no those addresses to get the actual IP addresses to use in
  our resolv.conf.
- Set your linux machine up as it's own nameserver.  Redhat has a
  caching-nameserver package to do exactly this.  Be warned that this in my
  experience will introduce lookup delays while you are OFFline unless you
  dynamically change your /etc/resolv.conf file.

5. It dials and then pppd dies for no reason.

- Check the log file!  It will typically be /var/log/messages or
  /var/log/ppp.log depending on your system.  Scan to the end and look for
  anything marked pppd.  Do not send the 

Re: ppp-configuration

2000-10-08 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Sun, Oct 08, 2000 at 08:39:22AM +0200, Tor Kjemo wrote:
 I  try to configure my debian-installation for ppp without any sucsess.
 In the installation-documentation it says:
 Be sure you have the following packages installed: 
 I can find ppp-pam anywhere. Is the docs wrong?
 Can`t find any info on the Debian-homepage either.
 Anyone got a clue?

Don't think you really need ppp-pam unless you are allowing dial-in
access.  It should be in Section net, Package ppp-pam.

Don't know why wvdial is recommended.  Sure, it works okay, but
pppconfig with pon/poff is more flexible and doesn't hang around in the
foreground like wvdial. Who want to have to do:

$ wvdial  /dev/null 21 

just to run it in the background.

/bin/sh ~/.signature:
Command not found

Highendian X-Terminal and lowendian xfstt

2000-10-08 Thread Jan Ulrich Hasecke
Hi debian!

I had problems to see truetype fonts on my sparcLX, which I use as a
X-Terminal. The fontserver is xfstt and runs on my Intel-PC. Someone
gave me the hint that sun is bigendian and intel lowendian so that
xfstt will never work.

Will xfs-xtt do the job?

www.juergen-rüttgers.de - und tschö!

Re: Some minor mail problems w/ Debian 2.2

2000-10-08 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Sun, Oct 08, 2000 at 10:59:46AM +0400, Rino Mardo wrote:
  2)  I have exim installed currently.  I tried sendmail, as my previous
  setup had been sendmail + install-sendmail (a perl setup script), which
  had been pretty painless, and had gotten everything delivered w/ the
  right addresses and whatnot, plus setup fetchmail easily.  I tried doing
  the same setup on Debian, and it doesn't seem to get along real well w/
  the install-sendmail script.  Since I'm not masochistic enought to want
  to edit sendmail for my simple home setup, I was looking towards
  masqmail, but I need to know what I need to do to get it to accept mails
  from fetchmail.  I read thru the docs, but something wasn't working
  right, because fetchmail couldn't get a response on port 25.
 hmm, fetchmail uses ETRN and not SMTP (port 25).  debian 2.2 with exim works
 fine out of the box
 so why compound the problem?  what is it your trying to accomplish?


snippet of fetchmail -vv
fetchmail: forwarding to localhost
fetchmail: SMTP MAIL
fetchmail: SMTP 250 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
is syntactically correct
fetchmail: SMTP 250 [EMAIL PROTECTED] is syntactically correct
fetchmail: SMTP DATA
fetchmail: SMTP 354 Enter message, ending with . on a line by itself

Fetchmail doesn't *have* to use SMTP for delivery, but I believe that is
the default.

/bin/sh ~/.signature:
Command not found

Re: frustration with debian installation

2000-10-08 Thread Anthony Campbell
On 07 Oct 2000, Bob Edwards wrote:
 Greetings from a very frustrated newbie. After numerous attempts, I
 finally got the base system and packages installed, but I now have what
 seems like the overwhelming task of configuring everything so I can
 actually use the new system I saved for months to purchase.
 (1) What all do I have to configure if I want to use gnome as my gui ?
 (2) Am I correct in my understanding that the x-windows system is the
 standard debian gui, and I can choose to use gnome instead?
 (3) how do I configure gnome?
 (4) I have readLinux system commands by Volkerding and Reichard, and
 got some help there, but at the moment I'm extraordinarily frustrated.
 (5) I hate windows so bad, that I will never go back.
 (6) please guide me through the jungle of configring my new debian OS so
 I can use this wonderful computer and debian to accomplish my long-held
 dream of establishing a publishing company.
 Bob Edwards
 Fayetteville, Arkansas

Well, I may be accused of being behind the times, but I don't think I'd
start off by trying to use things like gnome or KDE. They isolate you
too much from the basics of Linux so you won't really understand what is
going on. 

I'd say start by using the plain text consoles for a bit; you can do
practically everything from there and you'll understand better how
things work. When you do install X, try it out with different window
managers, especially the not too fancy ones such as fvwm or icewm (my
favourite). When you've got the hang of those you'll be in a better
position to launch into the complex stuff like Gnome or KDE.

I don't use either of the above myself; I did install KDE when it was
fairly new and I was quite impressed, but in the end I decided I didn't
need it. I ditched Windows because I didn't like pointing and clicking
and I've no wish to do it in Linux more than I must. But YMMV.


Anthony Campbell - running Linux Debian 2.2 (Windows-free zone)
Book Reviews: http://www.cix.co.uk/~acampbell/bookreviews/
Skeptical articles: http://www.cix.co.uk/~acampbell/freethinker/

Palo y tente tieso. (Spanish proverb)
Free translation: Holdfast is your only dog.

Re: ppp-configuration

2000-10-08 Thread Tor Kjemo
Den Sun, 08 Oct 2000 skrev du:
 On Sun, Oct 08, 2000 at 08:39:22AM +0200, thus spake Tor Kjemo:
  I  try to configure my debian-installation for ppp without any sucsess.
  In the installation-documentation it says:
  Be sure you have the following packages installed: 
  I can find ppp-pam anywhere. Is the docs wrong?
  Can`t find any info on the Debian-homepage either.
 Relax!  From the package description of the ppp that comes with
 This package contains pppd with PAM support built-in, so `ppp-pam' package
 is obsolete.
 So you probably have the kit you need.  Are you trying to set up
 with wvdial or with pppconfig?  What sort of errors are you
 I've attached the wvdial faq to this, just in case it answers the
 Glyn M

Thanks for your engagement Glyn.

I think I did something wrong under the config your network part of
the installation. Saw another letter on the list ( I think you are the writer)
about  wvdialkppp. It says something about  a /etc/resolv.conf  file. I can
not find this in my system. Any clue how to Make one?

Tor Kjemo   
* The soul is greater than the hum of its parts.   *
* Douglas Hoftstatder*

Content-Type: text/plain; name=unnamed
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

You can't have everything.  Where would you put it?
-- Steven Wright


Debian Australian mirror @ mirror.aarnet

2000-10-08 Thread Chanop Silpa-Anan
Does anybody know the reason why Debian mirror @ mirror.aarnet.edu.au
has been stop mirroring woody main since late last month?

BTW, where is the nearest mirror, in Australia?


| Chanop Silpa-Anan [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
| Australian National University  |
| Tel. +61 2 6279 8826, +61 2 6279 8837 (office hour) |
|  +61 2 6249 5240 (home +voice mail) |
|   Debian GNU/BSD   GPG key on request   |

Re: Some minor mail problems w/ Debian 2.2

2000-10-08 Thread Rino Mardo
  hmm, fetchmail uses ETRN and not SMTP (port 25).  debian 2.2 with exim
  fine out of the box
  so why compound the problem?  what is it your trying to accomplish?


 snippet of fetchmail -vv
 fetchmail: forwarding to localhost
 fetchmail: SMTP MAIL
 fetchmail: SMTP 250 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 is syntactically correct
 fetchmail: SMTP 250 [EMAIL PROTECTED] is syntactically correct
 fetchmail: SMTP DATA
 fetchmail: SMTP 354 Enter message, ending with . on a line by itself

 Fetchmail doesn't *have* to use SMTP for delivery, but I believe that is
 the default.

yes by default SMTP uses port 25.  um, what's the problem anyway?

Reboot using Jazz++ 4.1.5 Beta

2000-10-08 Thread Bernhard Josef Rieder
Hi all,

Yesterday I downloaded Jazz++ 4.1.5 Beta from
After installing it to /usr/local/jazz (default)
and running it, it took about 3 seconds and the
system rebooted. This is reproducible. Every time
I run jazz a rebot follows in 3 seconds. I have
no idea why this happens and why this is possible.
neither I run jazz as root nor is it installed
suid root. I am using the external midi port of
my SB Awe 32 with the ALSA driver.
The only possibility i can think of is an uncaught
interrupt or something like this. I am really dis-
appointed about linux at the moment since it runs
fine under Windows with Cakewalk.

I would be very happy if someone else could try
jazz and post to the list if it works or if it


PS: I always had some troubles with BTTV + changing
video modes but there seems no solution to this  :(

Description: PGP signature

Login refused

2000-10-08 Thread Johann Spies
Fortunately I did not do a dist-upgrade with my 2.2 disks right away.
I first did a new install on another partition.  apt dist-upgrade
resulted in my old system being unusable.  I can use the data of the
old installation from the new installation by mounting the old
partition, but my old system would not allow me to log in.

In the startup-messages there was something about a PAM error but as
gpm is not working I could not cut and paste it into this mail.

It is not that it refuses my password.  It does not even ask for a
password. The login-prompt just reappears.

Is there a way to solve this?

J.H. Spies - Tel/Faks +27-21-876-2337 Sel/Cell +27-82 898 1528
 Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of 
  God; for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither 
  tempteth he any man; But every man is tempted, when he
  is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed.  
   James 1:13,14 

Re: Xcdroast, Xdm, Afterstep

2000-10-08 Thread Igor Mozetic
 There seems to be a problem in my setup that I can't figure out. My
 Cdwriter is the second in the second controller, the reader is Atapi
 36-x (first in second controller).
 I start it, but it seems unable to read the Cd to be copied sitting in.
 Scsi support is present in the kernel image, both cdrs are atapi, (ACER
 36-x max and HP7200).

I have an IDE CDROM and a SCSI CDwriter. In order for Xcdroast to
use IDECD, I disabled IDECD support in the kernel and instead used:


 What happened to the color console?, when I start the system the log in
 window comes gray.

Install Xbanner.

-Igor Mozetic

Re: apt-cdrom add trouble

2000-10-08 Thread Antonio Rodriguez
Well, I have found before that ide-scsi and scsi generic support are not 
enough. I tried
that again in this installation and had to compile a kernel image with scsi 
without ide-scsi mentioned (procedure which by the way  is already mentioned in 
recommendations found in the cdrecord page). So, this is the only way for 
cdrecord to
work, at least that I have found. You are probably right -I can't check it now 
because i
booted win98, I haven't installed yet my isp connection in debian, this is a 
installation-, the cdrom moved to some scsi device.

Francois Fayard wrote:

 On Sat, Oct 07, 2000 at 09:39:50PM -0400, Antonio Rodriguez wrote:
  My apt-cdrom add is not working. I was able to read from cdrom normally
  until I installed a custom kernel image 2.2.17 with scsi support to
  enable cd recording. After that I run dselect to install wmanager, but

 First question:
 Why a custom kernel ? I suppose that you own a IDE CD writer. For that you
 don't have to make a new compilation of the kernel. You just have to add the
 modules you need with modconf (modules ide-scsi and scsi-generic-support), and
 change Lilo.

  then it couldn't read the cd in hdc, which had been able to so far,
  since I made the installation from the 3 binaries (intel). I assume
  something got screwed up when the cd drives were changed to scsi (?),
  but have no idea how to fix it. What I get is
  ide-scsi:hdc:unsupported command in request queue (0)
  end_request: I/O error, dev 16:00 (hdc), sector 64
  isofs_read_super: bread failed, dev=16:00,
  iso_blknum=16, block=36
  E: failed to mount CD-ROM
  Have no clue. Please help. Thanks,

 I think that apt-cdrom is looking for the device /dev/cdrom. Try:
 mount /dev/cdrom /cdrom
 If it works, I don't know, but if it doesn't it means that your CDROM has
 changed from a device to one other. Are you sure you haven't emulate it as a
 SCSI device ?


  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Some minor mail problems w/ Debian 2.2

2000-10-08 Thread Glyn Millington
On Sun, Oct 08, 2000 at 01:29:38PM +0400, thus spake Rino Mardo:
   hmm, fetchmail uses ETRN and not SMTP (port 25).  debian 2.2 with exim
   fine out of the box
   so why compound the problem?  what is it your trying to accomplish?
 yes by default SMTP uses port 25.  um, what's the problem anyway?

Well there appear to be two problems!  One is answered here

#man fetchmail .

   fetches  mail  from  remote mailservers and forwards it to
   your local (client) machine's delivery  system. 

   The fetchmail program can gather mail  from  servers  sup­
   porting  any of the common mail-retrieval protocols: POP2,
   POP3, IMAP2bis, IMAP4, and IMAPrev1.  It can also use  the
   ESMTP ETRN extension.  (The RFCs describing all these pro­
   tocols are listed at the end of this manual page.)

   While fetchmail is primarily intended to be used over  on-
   demand  TCP/IP links (such as SLIP or PPP connections), it
   may also be useful as a message transfer agent  for  sites
   which refuse for security reasons to permit (sender-initi­
   ated) SMTP transactions with sendmail.
   As each message is retrieved fetchmail  normally  delivers
   it  via  SMTP  to  port 25 on the machine it is running on
   (localhost), just as though it were being passed in over a
   normal  TCP/IP  link.   The  mail  will  then be delivered
   locally via your system's MDA (Mail Delivery  Agent,  usu­
   ally  sendmail(8)  but your system may use a different one
   such as smail, mmdf, exim, or qmail).  All  the  delivery-
   control  mechanisms  (such  as  .forward  files)  normally
   available through  your  system  MDA  and  local  delivery
   agents will therefore work.

The other problem is with the question - what is he trying to

A bit like life really..


Glyn M

   * The soul is greater than the hum of its parts.   *
   * Douglas Hoftstatder*

Re: ppp-configuration

2000-10-08 Thread Glyn Millington
On Sun, Oct 08, 2000 at 09:58:19AM +0200, thus spake Tor Kjemo:
 Thanks for your engagement Glyn.
 I think I did something wrong under the config your network part of
 the installation. Saw another letter on the list ( I think you are the writer)
 about  wvdialkppp. It says something about  a /etc/resolv.conf  file. I can
 not find this in my system. Any clue how to Make one?
 Tor Kjemo   

Well, you probably need this file, but it's hard to say because
you don't answer the questions I asked!  

As root 
#cd /etc/
#touch resolv.conf
#vim/emacs/joe/whatevertexteditoryoulike  /etc/resolv.conf   and into that
file put the DNS of your ISP (if they cannot tell you what they
are then you need a better ISP) like this

search localdomain

You will probably only need to change the numbers.

But to really answer the question we need to know what you are
trying to set up (wvdial or pppconfig) and what errors you are


Glyn M

   * The soul is greater than the hum of its parts.   *
   * Douglas Hoftstatder*

three issues w/ my upgrade (fsck, modules, link)

2000-10-08 Thread John McBride

Love this distro, just rearranged my hard drive and rebuilt a buncha
stuff. Ideas or comments on these appreciated.

1) fsck during the boot sequence. I changed from a small root partition
to several partitions. Now when the machine boots, it runs fsck on the
former (and still) root partition, which passes, but the second time it
runs fsck (shortly thereafter) it tries to run fsck on both the
unmounted partitions *and* the root partition, then says fsck failed
cuz the partition is mounted. I think my mtab and fstab are ok, but I'm
not sure what's happening here. I thought there was an option in the
secondary partition check that is supposed to make it skip over the root
partition, but it doesn't appear to be.

2) When I install and build a kernel, should /usr/include/linux/include
be a symlink to /usr/src/linux/include? cuz right now, it ain't.

3) I built all my soundblaster modules (soundlow, sound, uart401, sb)
but how to make them load automagically? modules.conf says not to edit
i'm not sure what to do. Seems like such a simple thing, but...


ps: here are the mtab and fstab:

/dev/hda13 / ext2 rw,errors=remount-ro 0 0
proc /proc proc rw 0 0
devpts /dev/pts devpts rw,gid=5,mode=620 0 0
/dev/hda1 /boot ext2 rw 0 0
/dev/hda5 /usr ext2 rw 0 0
/dev/hda6 /home ext2 rw 0 0
/dev/hda7 /usr/local ext2 rw 0 0
/dev/hda8 /cdimage ext2 rw 0 0
/dev/hda9 /opt ext2 rw 0 0
/dev/hda11 /tmp ext2 rw 0 0
/dev/hda12 /var ext2 rw 0 0

/dev/hda13  /   ext2 defaults,errors=remount-ro 0 1
/dev/hda10  noneswap sw 0 0
proc/proc   proc defaults   0 0
/dev/hda1   /boot   ext2 defaults   0 2 
/dev/hda5   /usrext2 defaults   0 2
/dev/hda6   /home   ext2 defaults   0 2
/dev/hda7   /usr/local  ext2 defaults   0 2
/dev/hda8   /cdimageext2 defaults   0 2
/dev/hda9   /optext2 defaults   0 2
/dev/hda11  /tmpext2 defaults   0 2
/dev/hda12  /varext2 defaults   0 2
/dev/hda13  /   ext2 defaults   0 2

Re: Login refused

2000-10-08 Thread Rino Mardo
 Original Message -
From: Johann Spies [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
Sent: Sunday, October 08, 2000 1:32 PM
Subject: Login refused

 Fortunately I did not do a dist-upgrade with my 2.2 disks right away.
 I first did a new install on another partition.  apt dist-upgrade
 resulted in my old system being unusable.  I can use the data of the
 old installation from the new installation by mounting the old
 partition, but my old system would not allow me to log in.

 In the startup-messages there was something about a PAM error but as
 gpm is not working I could not cut and paste it into this mail.

 It is not that it refuses my password.  It does not even ask for a
 password. The login-prompt just reappears.

 Is there a way to solve this?

can you type linux 1 at the LILO prompt?  that should take you to the
maintenance mode

Re: frustration with debian installation

2000-10-08 Thread Kent West
 On 07 Oct 2000, Bob Edwards wrote:
  Greetings from a very frustrated newbie. After numerous attempts, I
  finally got the base system and packages installed, but I now have what
  seems like the overwhelming task of configuring everything so I can
  actually use the new system I saved for months to purchase.

I started out with Debian a couple of years ago, and it has been my
experience that
uninstalling/reinstalling/installing-on-different-hardware multiple
times is a great learning experience. You might want to keep this in
mind. (Linux is not an OS that needs to be reinstalled, unlike
Windows, but it is a great learning experience to do so.)

  (1) What all do I have to configure if I want to use gnome as my gui ?

Not being a gnome user myself, I'll leave this for others to answer.
However, it is my understanding that gnome is less of a window manager
than a tool base, and will work with several window managers.

  (2) Am I correct in my understanding that the x-windows system is the
  standard debian gui, and I can choose to use gnome instead?

It is my understanding that the proper term is X Window System, not X
Windows (plural). I think it matters to some people.

It's not an X vs Gnome issue; Gnome is just a tool set on top of X.

Also, the X Window System is not Debian only; it's pretty much the
standard GUI environment for *nix in general, although it's not the only

The X Window System is basically two components: a server (or graphic
engine), and clients (or applications).

There are several servers available, depending on which video card you
have; a plain VGA server, an SVGA server, some accelerated servers for
specific video chips/cards, etc. There's even a VNC server, which allows
you to do remote control, similar to the Windows' products of Timbuktu
or PCAnywhere. If you were to configure an X server and run it without
any X clients, you'd probably only see a grayish hatch-pattern on your
screen with a big black X mouse pointer. This is because the server is
only the engine.

Then there are the clients. One of the most important clients is the
window manager, which determines the look  feel. Window managers are
such things as FVWM, ICEWM, Sawfish, TWM, etc.

KDE and Gnome are not window managers: they are environments. KDE
includes a window manager (KWM), as well as a file manager/browser (KFM
or Konqueror), and other assorted tools/applications. Gnome can be used
with various window managers (I believe Sawfish may be the preferred one
recently, although last year I believe it was Enlightenment, but don't
quote me, 'cause I know not of what I speak). Gnome also contains
various tools/apps.

The big difference between KDE and Gnome is the widget (tool) set
they're built on. KDE, until recently, used a set with some proprietary
(non-free) technology; accordingly it was not Debian approved. I
believe that proprietary technology was recently GPL'd, and KDE is now
available in Debian's Woody tree. Gnome was started in response to KDE's
proprietary technology; the goal was to make a similar environment, but
one that was based on totally free software. It's a less mature project,
but has a better understructure, as I understand it.

  (3) how do I configure gnome?

A repeat of Question (1), I'll let others more knowledgeable answer

  (4) I have readLinux system commands by Volkerding and Reichard, and
  got some help there, but at the moment I'm extraordinarily frustrated.

About things in general, about Gnome, about something else specific?

  (5) I hate windows so bad, that I will never go back.

Windows, when it works, is pretty usable. But it has a terrible
architecture. Linux almost always works, but isn't quite there in the
usability department, for the average office worker. But it's getting
there. In addition, Linux is architecturally sound, which means that it
can only get better, as opposed to Windows, which through the years has
only added more and more pretty fluff on top of a rotting foundation.

  (6) please guide me through the jungle of configring my new debian OS so
  I can use this wonderful computer and debian to accomplish my long-held
  dream of establishing a publishing company.

Sometimes you have to ask your questions multiple times in multiple ways
in order to get the response you're looking for. As a beginner, you're
probably not familiar with the terminology/structure that will most
likely result in getting you your answers, so don't be hesitant to try
again if you haven't gotten the answers you seek (which I certainly
haven't provided; I haven't answered your main question of getting Gnome
configured; but perhaps others have, or my response might inspire a new
question/response that will lead you closer to your goal).

  Bob Edwards
  Fayetteville, Arkansas

Smaller government. Less taxation. More freedom.
Monde for Congress  |  http://www.monde2000.org

Re: frustration with debian installation

2000-10-08 Thread Kent West
Kent West wrote:
  On 07 Oct 2000, Bob Edwards wrote:


   (3) how do I configure gnome?

Eric Miller gave this answer just a few messages down, to Tor Kjemo:

 Well, that's easy: $ apt-get install task-gnome-desktop gdm
 Just select GNOME from the GDM login window (will be default anyway).
 Make sure you have a GNOME compliant window manager: sawfish (aka
 sawmill) or icewm-gnome or wmaker, others... (those work the best with
 GNOME in my experience).

Kent West 
Smaller government. Less taxation. More freedom.
Monde for Congress  |  http://www.monde2000.org

Re: three issues w/ my upgrade (fsck, modules, link)

2000-10-08 Thread Ethan Benson
On Sun, Oct 08, 2000 at 05:02:57AM -0700, John McBride wrote:
 1) fsck during the boot sequence. I changed from a small root partition
 to several partitions. Now when the machine boots, it runs fsck on the
 former (and still) root partition, which passes, but the second time it
 runs fsck (shortly thereafter) it tries to run fsck on both the
 unmounted partitions *and* the root partition, then says fsck failed
 cuz the partition is mounted. I think my mtab and fstab are ok, but I'm
 not sure what's happening here. I thought there was an option in the
 secondary partition check that is supposed to make it skip over the root
 partition, but it doesn't appear to be.

you have your / partition listed twice in /etc/fstab, remove that last entry.

mtab is regenerated by mount, don't worry about it.

 2) When I install and build a kernel, should /usr/include/linux/include
 be a symlink to /usr/src/linux/include? cuz right now, it ain't.

NO, its NOT supposed to be a symlink, debian does this CORRECT unlike
all the broken distributions who continue to symlink this

 3) I built all my soundblaster modules (soundlow, sound, uart401, sb)
 but how to make them load automagically? modules.conf says not to edit
 i'm not sure what to do. Seems like such a simple thing, but...

run modconf
 /dev/hda13/   ext2 defaults,errors=remount-ro 0 1
 /dev/hda10noneswap sw 0 0
 proc  /proc   proc defaults   0 0
 /dev/hda1 /boot   ext2 defaults   0 2 
 /dev/hda5 /usrext2 defaults   0 2
 /dev/hda6 /home   ext2 defaults   0 2
 /dev/hda7 /usr/local  ext2 defaults   0 2
 /dev/hda8 /cdimageext2 defaults   0 2
 /dev/hda9 /optext2 defaults   0 2
 /dev/hda11/tmpext2 defaults   0 2
 /dev/hda12/varext2 defaults   0 2
 /dev/hda13/   ext2 defaults   0 2

delete this last line!!  

Ethan Benson

Description: PGP signature

Re: Debian Australian mirror @ mirror.aarnet

2000-10-08 Thread Damon Muller
Quoth Chanop Silpa-Anan, 
 Does anybody know the reason why Debian mirror @ mirror.aarnet.edu.au
 has been stop mirroring woody main since late last month?

I haven't been tracking woody, but I have been using that site for it's
helix gnome mirror, which as of yesterday seemed up to date.
 BTW, where is the nearest mirror, in Australia?

When it's working mirror.aarnet.edu.au is hard to go past, but if it
aint doing it for you, ftp.monash.edu.au (accessable by http) also
mirrors debian. I presume it has woody, it certainly has potato.

If your're on any edu.au, monash should be nice and fast over AARNet I
would guess (I'm on unimelb.edu.au, and it flies), but I don't know
anything closer to Canberra.



Damon Muller  | Did a large procession wave their torches
Criminologist/Linux Geek  | As my head fell in the basket,
http://killfilter.com | And was everybody dancing on the casket...
PGP (GnuPG): A136E829 |  - TBMG, Dead

Description: PGP signature

netscape crashes

2000-10-08 Thread FIOL BONNIN Antonio

I am using debian woody for a long time now, and lately (last month or
so), I observed that netscape crashes more frequently than usual.

The most fascinating thing is that now, most of the times it gets frozen,
when I kill the window (I'm uning WindowMaker, and choose the Kill option
on the window's menu), XF86_SVGA gets also killed.

In fact, I have observed that XF86_SVGA only gets killed IF its CPU use is
near to 100% at the moment I kill netscape. I mean, some of the netscape
crashes make X to be CPU hungry, and if I kill netscape then, X crashes
with it.

Any ideas? Any version (up/down)grade that could solve the problem?

Thank you very much.


Re: Need advice on Postscript/PCL printer

2000-10-08 Thread Nicola Bernardelli
Hello, thanks to you too for writing.

I didn't reply earlier because I've taken the time to look in my
bzipped archive and in the debian archives... I am sure that on
debian-laptop a message had been posted with the good way to print to
a LaserJet... (At the time I used/had to connect with Windoze for I
hadn't the weakmodem in this laptop running yet, then I had a
win-crash and all that mail went lost). I can't remember _when_ that
message appeared... gosh, the search engine doesn't find it (maybe
debian-laptop wasn't being archived yet).

Well, I guess I'll have to rename the thread how to print to a PCL
(LaserJet4 emulation) printer, body: Could anybody (re)tell how to
print to a PCL (LaserJet4 emulation) printer? (actually, the Epson
EPL-5800 has Laserjet4 emulation, which is PCL5e, + PCL6 + other
matrix printers and HPGL stuff).

Even if it's not strictly Debian related infos, I'll add details below
for anybody interested among the Debian users just in the will to
share infos (and to say thanks for the infos I had), anybody who's not
interested in laser printers characteristics just stop here. I've
tried to compress and I hope the sometime-nested parentheses won't
make it too cryptic... track them with E-Macs ;-)


Well, well, on Thursday evening when I came home and read your message
I had the Epson with me, I had just bought it. Actually, up to the
latest moment I was still in doubt, the Lexmark has cheap all-in-one
toner+photoconductor and I believe it has by default the low
paper-output which is nice for not-very-thick supports... then I told
definitely to myself enough, I can't spend more time in choosing it,
I'll get the one that seems superior as hardware (onboard memory,
processor speed, possibility of true 1200dpi... and clear warranty,
while the contract coming with the Lexmark [closed in the box which I
can't open and I don't have a copy, this is the vendor] was possibly
better for an office but possibly much worst to me) and in case I
really need it I'll buy the Postscript3 ROM, so I'll have a fully
equipped printer and not half-of-this-and-half-of-that.

Well this printer is really _fast_, I'm glad I didn't buy an inkjet
(which I would destroy soon just printing scores for medium-to-big

But the software coming with it... this is my first contact with Epson
and frankly speaking I'm not enthusiast :-/ 

The drivers coming with it are for windoze and Mac, there is also a
remote configuration utility running on DOS (which unexpectedly turns
out to be precious, so you can imagine what follows [question: what
for a Unix-only environment? I mean... no config buttons on the
printer, and no LCD... the instructions manual doesn't seem to speak
about anything else but configuring the printer from a connected
computer... I believe the Lexmark Optra E312 is the same, and maybe
lots of printers nowadays, but I'm a complete newbie here]).

(Apart from the automatic OS recognition of the CD-ROM coming from
Epson France, which fails detecting windoze just for it is the Italian
version, and which leads to investigating among the cryptic printers
numbering and drivers names and manually telling source paths during
install for it assumes you are installing from floppies) the driver
for windoze has some inconsistency problems (kind of the impossibility
to switch off RiTech [good for text but easily bad for graphics with
grey levels] at class 1200 or true 1200dpi, which resolution is just
interesting for grey scaled graphics [for text it doesn't seem to make
a change and long links among musical notes show the same degree of
imperfection, which is not much better than a brandnew cheaper inkjet
such as the HP840C at its higher resolution], but it can be done via
the DOS utility) and it says reading printer status but it doesn't,
it just relies on a TSR monitor to check the printer, which happens
once in a while (and seems to heavily get the system for a short
while, e.g. causing MIDI stuff to do kind of a little stop/jump), and
if it hasn't happened after the latest changes done e.g. via the DOS
remote config program then it happily shows a setup which is not the
current one, as the status sheet of the printer definitely points
out. More, the configuration dialogs showed by the windoze driver are
gently ignored by the printer if any application is still living which
has just printed even one only page to the printer but which is not
holding it any more, and this seems to happen also when the printer
spooler of windoze has been closed (more, the printer spooler of
windows fails with graphics, it just keeps the jobs without sending
them to the printer which is ready to print, better close it and
print directly, ok no wonder).

Frankly speaking, 1200 is really nearly the same as 600dpi or class
1200dpi. I was telling to myself I could print the cover of some
demo CDs (I like BW) when it happens that I just need even a few
copies... :-/ well now I know that the Lexmark would do too.

That's all so 

Re: apt-get problem-solved

2000-10-08 Thread Dale Morris
I think I may have solved the problem.. at least everything is
upgrading properly now. 
Apparently I had commented out some src files in my
/etc/apt/sources.conf file and this wouldn't allow certain package
dependencies to me be met. 

Dale Morris ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 I've screwed around with apt-get and dselect so much that whenever I try
 to install a package I get the following message:
 Reading Package Lists... Done
 Building Dependency Tree... Done
 yossarian:/home/dlm# apt-get install eterm
 Reading Package Lists... Done
 Building Dependency Tree... Done
 Package [eterm] has no available version, but exists in the database.
 This typically means that the package was mentioned in a dependency and 
 never uploaded, has been obsoleted or is not available with the contents 
 of sources.list
 E: Package eterm has no installation candidate

Re: netscape crashes

2000-10-08 Thread Damian Menscher
On Sun, 8 Oct 2000, FIOL BONNIN Antonio wrote:

 The most fascinating thing is that now, most of the times it gets frozen,
 when I kill the window (I'm uning WindowMaker, and choose the Kill option
 on the window's menu), XF86_SVGA gets also killed.
 In fact, I have observed that XF86_SVGA only gets killed IF its CPU use is
 near to 100% at the moment I kill netscape. I mean, some of the netscape
 crashes make X to be CPU hungry, and if I kill netscape then, X crashes
 with it.

For the record, I've seen this with RedHat 6.x also.  It seems that if I
clue in that netscape has gone berserk soon enough and kill it, I'm
fine.  But if I wait a minute, it hogs so many resources the only option
is a reboot.

Damian Menscher
--==## Grad. student  Sys. Admin. @ U. Illinois at Urbana-Champaign ##==--
--==## [EMAIL PROTECTED] www.uiuc.edu/~menscher/ Ofc:(217)333-0038 ##==--
--==## Physics Dept, 1110 W Green, Urbana IL 61801 Fax:(217)333-9819 ##==--

Re: balsa mozilla ...

2000-10-08 Thread G.ROBIN

 De : Francois Fayard [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Objet : Re: balsa mozilla ...
 Date : vendredi 6 octobre 2000 23:41
 Pour le /dev/dsp, c'est ta carte son qui n'est pas configurée.
Je croyais que cela se faisait automatiquement lors de l'installation.
Quel fichier de doc fournit les renseignements ?
Y a-t-il un module à charger comme sur la slack pour que le mixer soit
actif ? Faut-il recompiler le noyau ?
 Le plus simple est d'utiliser pppconfig.
 Lance pppconfig en tant que root dans un terminal et crée une nouvelle
 connexion sous le nom provider, compléte tout ce qu'on te demande :
  - Numéro de téléphone
  - Adresse IP du serveur
  - login
  - mot de passe
  - Laisse l'utilitaire trouver sur quel port est branché ton modem
 Ensuite lance en ligne de commande:
 pon (en tant que root, pour te connecter)
 regarde si la connexion marche (netscape, ou ping clipper.ens.fr)
 poff (toujours root, pour te déconnecter)
 ensuite si ça marche, ajoute les groupes dip et dialout pour le compte
que tu
 utilises. Puis logue toi sous ton nom.
 Regarde si pon et poff marchent.
OK pour pon poff et ping sur ens.fr
Finalement je peux envoyer et recevoir mon courier sous root
mais l'école debian l'interdit. (lenvoi) 
Donc j'ai ouvert un compte utilisateur mais je faisais tout sous 
root avant et j'ai quelques difficultés :
sur mon compte (robih) pon et poff marchent aussi (avec dip et dialout)  
wvdial marche  aussi mais j'ai dû changer les permissions de ttyS0
par contre j'ai eu des problèmes avec balsa.
J'ai fait un tas de trucs et finalement j'ai tout bloqué.
j'ai reçu les messages :

avec balsa.

**ERROR** Owner of /tmp/orbit-robih is not the current user

avec startx.

on me disait que j'étais un propriétaire suspect de /tmp.../.unix.. :-)
en fin de compte j'ai viré ce repertoire tmp en pensant qu'il y avait
un virus dedans. Catastrophe, j'ai reçu un tas de messages de 
plaintes losrque je faisait startx ou XF86Setup.

J'ai réussi à tout reconfigurer et cela remarche au poil sous root
mais sous robih le server X démarre bien mais il s'arrête aussitôt.
Que dois-je faire pour résoudre ce problème.
Pourquoi balsa me pose des problèmes sous robih ?
J'avais dû créer /var/spool/mail/robih pour pouvoir aller
jusqu'au bout de la configuration.

Une autre question :
peut-on mettre le volume du modem à 0. pppconfig ne le propose pas.

Mozilla est bien, mais il n'aime pas les vieilles machines.
Cela serait sympa de mettre netscape sur un des 4 CD  
il a du mal à tourner avec mes 32 MB mais lui il tourne.(le 4.7) 

Re: Article: Debian's Daunting Installation

2000-10-08 Thread Stuart Krivis

On Thu, Oct 05, 2000 at 04:47:46PM -0400, mike wrote:
   There is another way to get Debian potato up and running
 quickly with a nice GUI install.
   Just d/l the free 'hail' distro from stormix.com or get their
 cd and you'll be apt-get'ting in about a half-hour. You can then

I was never able to get stormix to install. I e-mailed them, and they
finally replied a month later. The guy said something like, Oh, yeah,
we've been having problems figuring out SCSI, but we'll fix it one of
these days. I left them to their fixing and tell people to steer clear
of stormix. :-)

I've done a lot of installs with a lot of distros and flavors of unix.

Some are harder than others, but it seems that the place where people
get stuck is _after_ the install. Ok, what do I do now? 

Solaris is pretty hard to figure out if you're not used to it. It's also
a lot easier if you have an already working Solaris machine you can look
at if you get stuck.

Unixware had some non-obvious things that needed to be done after
install, then I had to fight to compile what I needed. (Not many people
worry about make targets for unixware...)

OpenBSD was kind of a bear. It pretty much just installed to the hard drive
and left all other setup to the user. 

OpenSTEP was mixed. Some things were really easy, others I had to fight
with. Then I had to unlearn some of the things I knew from other unix

RedHat, Mandrake, and SuSE are all quite easy to install and start
using. I find they only get difficult later on when you need to fix
something that broke, or want to upgrade. They can also become a real
mess if you install un-official packages.

Debian and FreeBSD are both easy to install, easy to start using, and
easy to maintain. You can stick to a stable branch, or you can track the
bleeding edge. I actually prefer FreeBSD for its ports system and cvsup.
But FreeBSD is a source-based distro, where Linux is binary

I have to wonder if the GPL is at the root of this. It seems that GPLed
stuff is made available in binary form and then the source is an
afterthought - like they were grudgingly forced to offer it to you. :-)
I know that's an exaggeration, but still...

I did write to Linuxworld and said that I thought the article by Barr
was unfair. I pointed out what I felt were the flaws, and
suggested how it could have been done better. The editor thanked me and
said that my comments were being forwarded to the author. (I got the
impression that other people submitted comments that went into a
blackhole because they were abusive.)


Stuart Krivis

getting printing working

2000-10-08 Thread Michael P. Soulier
Ok, printing worked under RedHat, and I'm trying to configure it under
Debian. I used magicfilter, but I don't think it's a filter problem yet since
the daemon isn't responding. 
I can print a lob with lpr, and lpq shows the job in the queue, but that
the printer isn't responding. lpd is running, and my /etc/printcap is

[EMAIL PROTECTED] /etc]$ cat printcap 
# Copyright (c) 1983 Regents of the University of California.
# All rights reserved.
# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted
# provided that this notice is preserved and that due credit is given
# to the University of California at Berkeley. The name of the University
# may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this
# software without specific prior written permission. This software
# is provided ``as is'' without express or implied warranty.
#   @(#)etc.printcap5.2 (Berkeley) 5/5/88
# This file was generated by /usr/sbin/magicfilterconfig.
lp|hpdj812c|HP Deskjet 812C:\

So, why wouldn't the printer be responding? Works under windows so it's not
the hardware. 



Michael P. Soulier [EMAIL PROTECTED]
...the word HACK is used as a verb to indicate a massive amount
of nerd-like effort.  -Harley Hahn, A Student's Guide to UNIX
PGP Public Key: http://www.storm.ca/~msoulier/personal.html

wvdial or ppp

2000-10-08 Thread Marc Maute
I must ask again.
OK step by step:
1.I installed Debian.
2.I configurate wvdial 
with my old redhat etc/wvdial.conf
3. I start wvdial
4. It connected, (on redhat erverything works well)
On Debian nothing happend. It immediately told
me Unknown Host.
5. So I asked you, what I have to do.
6. You told me to change etc/ppp/resolv.conf
and to act. debug in etc/ppp/options
7. OK so I tested, now it searched tried to connect...
but nothing happend.

So I hope somebody can tell me what I have to do.
Must I create a gateway or must act. something?
It cant be so difficult, or?
I must say it again on redhat I config. wvdial.conf
and it worked, why not on Debian?

Sorry, about my english.

Sent through GMX FreeMail - http://www.gmx.net

easy apt-get

2000-10-08 Thread Marc Maute
A simple question:
I have a deb file on my system how
can I install it?
Isnt it possible to install this pack.
whitout to change etc/apt/aptlist ?
And how must I do it?

Sent through GMX FreeMail - http://www.gmx.net

Re: ppp-configuration

2000-10-08 Thread Tor Kjemo
Den Sun, 08 Oct 2000 skrev Glyn Millington:
 On Sun, Oct 08, 2000 at 09:58:19AM +0200, thus spake Tor Kjemo:
  Thanks for your engagement Glyn.
  I think I did something wrong under the config your network part of
  the installation. Saw another letter on the list ( I think you are the 
  about  wvdialkppp. It says something about  a /etc/resolv.conf  file. I can
  not find this in my system. Any clue how to Make one?
  Tor Kjemo   
 Well, you probably need this file, but it's hard to say because
 you don't answer the questions I asked!  
 As root 
 #cd /etc/
 #touch resolv.conf
 #vim/emacs/joe/whatevertexteditoryoulike  /etc/resolv.conf   and into that
 file put the DNS of your ISP (if they cannot tell you what they
 are then you need a better ISP) like this
 search localdomain
 You will probably only need to change the numbers.
 But to really answer the question we need to know what you are
 trying to set up (wvdial or pppconfig) and what errors you are
 Glyn M

i'v been working on the problem, and I don`t get any errors.
I`v been working on both Wvdial and pppconfig, and ii think they are configured
right both of them. My real problem  now seems to be that I don`t know how to
use them. I got out on the net with the help of a program named gpppon, and it
took away a lot of the claustrofobic feeling . Now the rest is a question of
group-admin I think. Thanks a lot.

** * The soul is
greater than the hum of its parts.   * * Douglas
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
You can't have everything.  Where would you put it?
-- Steven Wright


Re: easy apt-get

2000-10-08 Thread Rick Macdonald
On Sun, 8 Oct 2000, Marc Maute wrote:

 A simple question:
 I have a deb file on my system how
 can I install it?
 Isnt it possible to install this pack.
 whitout to change etc/apt/aptlist ?
 And how must I do it?

Just use dpkg:

dpkg -i your-file.deb


Re: Newbee Qs on Gnome

2000-10-08 Thread Moritz Schulte
Eric G . Miller egm2@jps.net writes:

  Somehow I  got through the installation of debian, and I now got  it 
  running on my pc. Now I would like to configure it to use Gnome and gdm
  after booting. Is there anyone out there who can help me?
 Well, that's easy: $ apt-get install task-gnome-desktop gdm

To get a more uptodate GNOME Desktop, use Helix GNOME. See
http://www.helixcode.com for more information...

Just add this line to your /etc/apt/source.list:

deb ftp://spidermonkey.helixcode.com/distributions/debian unstable main

and do: 'apt-get update' and 'apt-get install task-helix-core' (for
the core elements of a Helix GNOME Desktop). There's also the meta
package 'task-helix-gnome', which installs much more GNOME
packages (You can check it with 'apt-get --simulate

/* Moritz Schulte [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 * http://hp9001.fh-bielefeld.de/~moritz/
 * PGP-Key available, encrypted Mail is welcome.

Re: easy apt-get

2000-10-08 Thread Mark Brown
On Sun, Oct 08, 2000 at 06:41:47PM +0200, Marc Maute wrote:

 I have a deb file on my system how
 can I install it?
 Isnt it possible to install this pack.
 whitout to change etc/apt/aptlist ?
 And how must I do it?

 dpkg -i filename

No need to do anything with apt.

Mark Brown  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Trying to avoid grumpiness)

Description: PGP signature

Re: three issues w/ my upgrade (fsck, modules, link)

2000-10-08 Thread C. Falconer

At 05:02 AM 10/8/00 -0700, you wrote:

1) fsck during the boot sequence. I changed from a small root partition
to several partitions. Now when the machine boots, it runs fsck on the
former (and still) root partition, which passes, but the second time it
runs fsck (shortly thereafter) it tries to run fsck on both the
unmounted partitions *and* the root partition, then says fsck failed
cuz the partition is mounted. I think my mtab and fstab are ok, but I'm
not sure what's happening here. I thought there was an option in the
secondary partition check that is supposed to make it skip over the root
partition, but it doesn't appear to be.

# file system mount point type options  dump  pass
/dev/hda1   /   ext2defaults,errors=remount-ro  0   1

Check the last number on the line in /etc/fstab and make sure its a 1 for 
the root partition, and all the other automatically mounted partitions 
(home/usr/whatever) are 2 in the pass column.

BTW, /etc/mtab is for mounted filesystems, and thus shouldn't be edited by 

2) When I install and build a kernel, should /usr/include/linux/include
be a symlink to /usr/src/linux/include? cuz right now, it ain't.

Not on my potato boxen it isn't.

3) I built all my soundblaster modules (soundlow, sound, uart401, sb)
but how to make them load automagically? modules.conf says not to edit
i'm not sure what to do. Seems like such a simple thing, but...

man update-modules

ps: here are the mtab and fstab:
/dev/hda13  /   ext2 defaults,errors=remount-ro 0 1
/dev/hda10  noneswap sw 0 0
proc/proc   proc defaults   0 0
/dev/hda1   /boot   ext2 defaults   0 2
/dev/hda5   /usrext2 defaults   0 2
/dev/hda6   /home   ext2 defaults   0 2
/dev/hda7   /usr/local  ext2 defaults   0 2
/dev/hda8   /cdimageext2 defaults   0 2
/dev/hda9   /optext2 defaults   0 2
/dev/hda11  /tmpext2 defaults   0 2
/dev/hda12  /varext2 defaults   0 2
/dev/hda13  /   ext2 defaults   0 2

You've got / listed twice doofus :)  remove the last line and it'll work fine.


OT: is there a decent threaded mail reader...

2000-10-08 Thread Walter Tautz
i'd really like to be able to read this marvelous list without
having to scroll through the listings looking for followups...perhaps
pine can do this which is what I use now.


New isapnptools doesn't like my old conf

2000-10-08 Thread Funn Dipp

Just did an apt-get upgrade and got version 1.23 of isapnptools.  Now, if I do 
`isapnp /etc/isapnp.conf`, I get the following error:
dip:~# isapnp /etc/isapnp.conf
Don't know what to do with A20)) on or around line 349
/etc/isapnp.conf:349 -- Fatal - Error occurred parsing config file --- no 
action taken

This works fine in version 1.21
From the WaveTable section of my isapnp.conf
(IO 0 (BASE 0x0620))
(IO 1 (BASE 0x0A20))
(IO 2 (BASE 0x0E20))

The card is an old isa SoundBlaster64.  It hasn't worked since an upgrade of 
modutils a while back, but now it errors out on this as well - think I may just 
have to go back to a base potato install..nothing I've tried has worked to get 
my soundcard singing again. :-\

oh well - :)


Re: netscape crashes

2000-10-08 Thread kmself
On Sun, Oct 08, 2000 at 10:11:46AM -0500, Damian Menscher ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
 On Sun, 8 Oct 2000, FIOL BONNIN Antonio wrote:
  The most fascinating thing is that now, most of the times it gets frozen,
  when I kill the window (I'm uning WindowMaker, and choose the Kill option
  on the window's menu), XF86_SVGA gets also killed.
  In fact, I have observed that XF86_SVGA only gets killed IF its CPU use is
  near to 100% at the moment I kill netscape. I mean, some of the netscape
  crashes make X to be CPU hungry, and if I kill netscape then, X crashes
  with it.
 For the record, I've seen this with RedHat 6.x also.  It seems that if I
 clue in that netscape has gone berserk soon enough and kill it, I'm
 fine.  But if I wait a minute, it hogs so many resources the only option
 is a reboot.

Do you actually have to reboot, or can you just kill your X session?

I had to shut down a 35 day old WindowMaker session yesterday (I'd tried
kill -HUPping it, that didn't work).  But no, I didn't reboot:

 12:07pm  up 35 days, 17:40, 13 users,  load average: 1.00, 1.06, 1.04

Karsten M. Self kmself@ix.netcom.com http://www.netcom.com/~kmself
 Evangelist, Opensales, Inc.http://www.opensales.org
  What part of Gestalt don't you understand?  There is no K5 cabal
GPG fingerprint: F932 8B25 5FDD 2528 D595 DC61 3847 889F 55F2 B9B0

Description: PGP signature

Re: OT: is there a decent threaded mail reader...

2000-10-08 Thread kmself
On Sun, Oct 08, 2000 at 03:01:10PM -0400, Walter Tautz ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
 i'd really like to be able to read this marvelous list without
 having to scroll through the listings looking for followups...perhaps
 pine can do this which is what I use now.


Karsten M. Self kmself@ix.netcom.com http://www.netcom.com/~kmself
 Evangelist, Opensales, Inc.http://www.opensales.org
  What part of Gestalt don't you understand?  There is no K5 cabal
GPG fingerprint: F932 8B25 5FDD 2528 D595 DC61 3847 889F 55F2 B9B0

Description: PGP signature

Re: OT: is there a decent threaded mail reader...

2000-10-08 Thread Dwight Johnson
On Sun, 8 Oct 2000, Walter Tautz wrote:

 i'd really like to be able to read this marvelous list without
 having to scroll through the listings looking for followups...perhaps
 pine can do this which is what I use now.

Yes, just have Pine sort the messages by Ordered Subject.

Dwight Johnson

Speaking of isapnp...

2000-10-08 Thread Nick Cook

I'm trying to use isapnp in a last ditch effort to get Potato to recognize my
SCSI card (PnP ISA). isapnpdump sees it, and writes the config file.

However, the rather sketchy docs recommend putting the isapnp command early in
the boot-up process. Call me chicken, but I don't wanna just mess around with
that. So, anybody recommend a good place to stick isapnp in the boot process;
e.g., which directory?

As always, thanks.
 - Nick -
Don't let your mind wander -- it's too little to be let out alone.

Encrypt a file

2000-10-08 Thread Francois Fayard

Does anyone knows a software that encrypts files with a password ?


Re: wvdial or ppp

2000-10-08 Thread Francois Fayard
On Sun, Oct 08, 2000 at 06:36:32PM +0200, Marc Maute wrote:
 I must ask again.
 OK step by step:
 1.I installed Debian.
 2.I configurate wvdial 
 with my old redhat etc/wvdial.conf
 3. I start wvdial
 4. It connected, (on redhat erverything works well)
 On Debian nothing happend. It immediately told
 me Unknown Host.
 5. So I asked you, what I have to do.
 6. You told me to change etc/ppp/resolv.conf
 and to act. debug in etc/ppp/options
 7. OK so I tested, now it searched tried to connect...
 but nothing happend.
 So I hope somebody can tell me what I have to do.
 Must I create a gateway or must act. something?
 It cant be so difficult, or?
 I must say it again on redhat I config. wvdial.conf
 and it worked, why not on Debian?
 Sorry, about my english.


Copying files like that is definitively not a good idea. I don't know wvdial
very much but I think that it put informations in other files. So:

1st idea: Why don't you configure wvdial with tools provided by Debian (on

2nd idea: Better use pppconfig to get rid of wvdial that I don't like. So
 1) pppconfig for configuration
 2) pon to dial-up
 3) poff to cut the line

Don't forget to subscribe the user for dialout and dip groups.


Re: apt-get problem

2000-10-08 Thread Shaul Karl
  What is the content of /var/lib/dpkg? What is the output of dpkg -L eterm?
  Perhaps you should purge it and then install it again?
 /var/lib/dpkg has the following:
 (this doesn't format well when it's pasted)
 alternatives   diversions-old  status
 available  infostatus-old
 available-old  lockstatus.yesterday.0
 cmethopt   methlockstatus.yesterday.1.gz
 diversions methods status.yesterday.2.gz  updates
 With eterm I did purge it and when I try to re-install I get the
 # apt-get install eterm
 Reading Package Lists... Done
 Building Dependency Tree... Done
 E: Couldn't find package eterm
 I did a dpkg --forget-old-unavail but that doesn't seem to help. Is
 there a way to wipe this stuff and start from scratch?
 again.. thanks.. 

Perhaps your /var/lib/dpkg/available is broken? I am not sure apt-get uses it 
but might be worth the trial. Does it list the eterm package?
If it is broken then you might want to fix it with 
apt-get update; apt-cache dumpavail  /var/lib/dpkg/available

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null



Re: Encrypt a file

2000-10-08 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Sun, Oct 08, 2000 at 10:29:40PM +0200, Francois Fayard wrote:
 Does anyone knows a software that encrypts files with a password ?

gpg or pgp.

/bin/sh ~/.signature:
Command not found

Re: wvdial or ppp

2000-10-08 Thread John Hasler
Francois Fayard writes:
 Don't forget to subscribe the user for dialout and dip groups.

The user need not be in the dialout group and pppconfig can put him in the
dip group.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, Wisconsin

Re: Debian Australian mirror @ mirror.aarnet

2000-10-08 Thread Brian May
 Damon == Damon Muller [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Damon When it's working mirror.aarnet.edu.au is hard to go past,
Damon but if it aint doing it for you, ftp.monash.edu.au
Damon (accessable by http) also mirrors debian. I presume it has
Damon woody, it certainly has potato.

Damon If your're on any edu.au, monash should be nice and fast
Damon over AARNet I would guess (I'm on unimelb.edu.au, and it
Damon flies), but I don't know anything closer to Canberra.

I think Monash mirrors it from AARNet...

(ie. so if AARNet is broken, Monash probably will be broken, too)

Anyone confirm or deny?

As for AARNet - problems seem to come and go all the time. It should
get fixed soon.

Simulating a mouse

2000-10-08 Thread Colin Watson

My mouse has recently developed an extreme reluctance to move the mouse
pointer along the up/down axis; I'm assuming some sensor inside is dirty
or something, but the cleaning I can do doesn't seem to make any
difference. At some point I'll probably just get a new mouse, but in the

Does anybody know if I can install a mouse driver that really takes
its input from hotkeys on the keyboard? That is, a keyboard-driven
mouse. I've checked my window manager documentation, just in case, but I
didn't really expect it to be able to move the mouse around, as it's the
wrong level. If anybody knows of such a thing, I'd be grateful to hear
about it.

No need to Cc: me - I'm subscribed to this list.



Re: Encrypt a file

2000-10-08 Thread Brian May
 Francois == Francois Fayard [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Francois Hi, Does anyone knows a software that encrypts files
Francois with a password ?

You seem to be asking specifically for symmetric encryption here (you
use the same key to encrypt and decrypt), as opposed to asymmetric
encryption (where you use a public to encrypt and a private key to

PGP could encrypt with both methods (not sure if this is still the
case), however as far as I can tell, GnuPG can only encrypt with
asymmetric keys (I might be mistaken).

While there are pros and cons in both methods, I have to wonder what
you need to encrypt files for. For most applications, asymmetric
encryption is better.

Re: Debian Australian mirror @ mirror.aarnet

2000-10-08 Thread Andrew J Cosgriff
Brian May wrote :

  Damon == Damon Muller [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Damon When it's working mirror.aarnet.edu.au is hard to go
 Damon past, but if it aint doing it for you, ftp.monash.edu.au
 Damon (accessable by http) also mirrors debian. I presume it
 Damon has woody, it certainly has potato.
 Damon If your're on any edu.au, monash should be nice and fast
 Damon over AARNet I would guess (I'm on unimelb.edu.au, and it
 Damon flies), but I don't know anything closer to Canberra.
 I think Monash mirrors it from AARNet...
 (ie. so if AARNet is broken, Monash probably will be broken, too)
 Anyone confirm or deny?

Yes, Monash mirrors from AARNet.

I used to look after the Linux mirroring when I worked at Monash (I
left last June) - I set it up originally to mirror from the US, but
when mirror.aarnet.edu.au got started I was persuaded to mirror from

 As for AARNet - problems seem to come and go all the time. It should
 get fixed soon.

I had another look at the mirror list on the weekend and noticed
there's an ftp.wa.au.debian.org that *is* up to date.

On my Telstra ADSL link, I see this :

% netselect -vv mirror.aarnet.edu.au ftp.wa.au.debian.org
mirror.aarnet.edu.au48 ms  10 hops   50% ok ( 5/10) [  194]
ftp.wa.au.debian.org67 ms  17 hops   60% ok ( 3/ 5) [  299]
  194 mirror.aarnet.edu.au

Of course, the advantage of mirror.aarnet being broken all last week
means we missed the whole woody/glibc saga :)

Andrew J Cosgriff [EMAIL PROTECTED] the yesterdays of our lives

Re: Debian Australian mirror @ mirror.aarnet

2000-10-08 Thread Chanop Silpa-Anan
Once upon a time, I heard Andrew J Cosgriff say

 Of course, the advantage of mirror.aarnet being broken all last week
 means we missed the whole woody/glibc saga :)
It's only debian (debian-US) that has been stop-working. debian-nonUS
has been fine the last two weeks. I got openssl and heimdal upgraded by
apt. I wonder whether ftp-master at mirror.aarnet stop mirroring woody 
due to glibc upgrade or not?


| May Debian be with you ~~ [EMAIL PROTECTED]|

Description: PGP signature

Graphical FTP client

2000-10-08 Thread Chris Mason
I'm looking for a graphical FTP program to use under KDE. My windows program
is ws-ftp so anything similar would be best.

Chris Mason
Box 340, The Valley, Anguilla, British West Indies
Tel: 264 497 5670 Fax: 264 497 8463
USA Fax (561) 382-7771
Take a virtual tour of the island
http://net.ai/ The Anguilla Guide
Find out more about NetConcepts
Talk to me in real time with Instant Messenging: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Off Topic: Mesa, opengl, glide, argh what is this jibberish!

2000-10-08 Thread William Jensen
I'll confess right from the start I'm ignorant about this topic.  Some of the
words I read about are:


Direct3d I pretty much get...it's MS's 3d implementation.  Can someone compare
and contrast what OpenGL, Mesa and Glide mean?  This is in specific regards
to Linux and xfree86 gaming.  I want to run Unreal Tournament on Linux but so
far the reading that I've done tells me the only cards supported for linux
gaming are the 3dfx voodoo cards.  Of course I have a tnt2 ultra (nvidia).

Also, how does the above discussion intermix itself with the release of
xfree86 4.0?  

If someone has a FAQ or a online article that explains these things, please
pass it on instead of a reply to this post.


Re: Graphical FTP client

2000-10-08 Thread William Jensen

Try gftp.  The homepage is: http://gftp.seul.org/

The deb package is: gftp



On Sun, Oct 08, 2000 at 06:19:21PM -0400, Chris Mason wrote:
 I'm looking for a graphical FTP program to use under KDE. My windows program
 is ws-ftp so anything similar would be best.
 Chris Mason
 Box 340, The Valley, Anguilla, British West Indies
 Tel: 264 497 5670 Fax: 264 497 8463
 USA Fax (561) 382-7771
 Take a virtual tour of the island
 http://net.ai/ The Anguilla Guide
 Find out more about NetConcepts
 Talk to me in real time with Instant Messenging: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Simulating a mouse

2000-10-08 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Sun, Oct 08, 2000 at 10:43:13PM +0100, Colin Watson wrote:
 My mouse has recently developed an extreme reluctance to move the mouse
 pointer along the up/down axis; I'm assuming some sensor inside is dirty
 or something, but the cleaning I can do doesn't seem to make any
 difference. At some point I'll probably just get a new mouse, but in the
 Does anybody know if I can install a mouse driver that really takes
 its input from hotkeys on the keyboard? That is, a keyboard-driven
 mouse. I've checked my window manager documentation, just in case, but I
 didn't really expect it to be able to move the mouse around, as it's the
 wrong level. If anybody knows of such a thing, I'd be grateful to hear
 about it.
 No need to Cc: me - I'm subscribed to this list.

I don't know about any program simulating a mouse.  However, I know
Icewm can move and resize windows using Alt-F7 and Alt-F8, respectively,
by using the arrow keys.  I'm sure some of the other window managers
have similar behaviors.

There have been discussions in the past about making a fake mouse so X
would run without any mouse attached.  You might search the archives if
you're interested.

/bin/sh ~/.signature:
Command not found

Re: Graphical FTP client

2000-10-08 Thread John Griffiths
At 06:19 PM 10/8/2000 -0400, Chris Mason wrote:
I'm looking for a graphical FTP program to use under KDE. My windows program
is ws-ftp so anything similar would be best.

Assuming you have GTK installed i don't think you can go past gftp

its simple, full featured and works.



Re: Graphical FTP client

2000-10-08 Thread Eric G . Miller
gFTP works well.  I also like to have wget and ncftp around (which are
not windowish).

/bin/sh ~/.signature:
Command not found

OT: Apache www no www

2000-10-08 Thread William Jensen
I have a forwarder setup with my domain to go from www.mydomain to mydomain
so anyone using http://www.mydomain.com will just get routed to mydomain.com.
I tried it out at work today to find it isn't working, but going straight to
mydomain.com does.  When I tail -f /var/log/apache/access.log I see a very
strange thing:

24-216-4-15.hsacorp.net - - [08/Oct/2000:17:53:18 -0500] GET / HTTP/1.0 304 -

This is NOT my ip.  When I did a lookup on it it is indeed my provider but
it's not me.  Why would my provider's pc be involved with this?


[jensenb@charter.net: OT: Apache www no www]

2000-10-08 Thread William Jensen
As a followup, it's not that going to www.mydomain.com doesn't work, it
just shows up completly blank.  

If it matters I'm running potato and version 1.3.9.

- Forwarded message from William Jensen [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

Date: Sun, 8 Oct 2000 17:54:29 -0500
To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
Subject: OT: Apache www  no www
User-Agent: Mutt/1.2.5i
From: William Jensen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I have a forwarder setup with my domain to go from www.mydomain to mydomain
so anyone using http://www.mydomain.com will just get routed to mydomain.com.
I tried it out at work today to find it isn't working, but going straight to
mydomain.com does.  When I tail -f /var/log/apache/access.log I see a very
strange thing:

24-216-4-15.hsacorp.net - - [08/Oct/2000:17:53:18 -0500] GET / HTTP/1.0 304 -

This is NOT my ip.  When I did a lookup on it it is indeed my provider but
it's not me.  Why would my provider's pc be involved with this?


Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

- End forwarded message -

Re: Encrypt a file

2000-10-08 Thread Samuli Suonpaa
Brian May [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 PGP could encrypt with both methods (not sure if this is still the
 case), however as far as I can tell, GnuPG can only encrypt with
 asymmetric keys (I might be mistaken).

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ gpg --help | grep symm
 -c, --symmetric  encryption only with symmetric cipher


Re: Encrypt a file

2000-10-08 Thread Damian Menscher
On Mon, 9 Oct 2000, Brian May wrote:
  Francois == Francois Fayard [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Francois Hi, Does anyone knows a software that encrypts files
 Francois with a password ?
 You seem to be asking specifically for symmetric encryption here (you
 use the same key to encrypt and decrypt), as opposed to asymmetric
 encryption (where you use a public to encrypt and a private key to
 While there are pros and cons in both methods, I have to wonder what
 you need to encrypt files for. For most applications, asymmetric
 encryption is better.

No, for most applications, symmetric encryption is better.  It is
stronger, faster, more standardized, better tested, etc.  The asymmetric
methods often use asymmetric encryption only to encrypt a key for a
symmetric algorithm.

That said, you might still consider using pgp, as I believe it has the
ability to do symmetric encryption.  Or, if you want *extremely* weak
security (but enough to confuse your kid sister) then check out the unix
command crypt.

Damian Menscher
--==## Grad. student  Sys. Admin. @ U. Illinois at Urbana-Champaign ##==--
--==## [EMAIL PROTECTED] www.uiuc.edu/~menscher/ Ofc:(217)333-0038 ##==--
--==## Physics Dept, 1110 W Green, Urbana IL 61801 Fax:(217)333-9819 ##==--

Re: Simulating a mouse

2000-10-08 Thread Damian Menscher
On Sun, 8 Oct 2000, Colin Watson wrote:
 My mouse has recently developed an extreme reluctance to move the mouse
 pointer along the up/down axis; I'm assuming some sensor inside is dirty
 or something, but the cleaning I can do doesn't seem to make any
 difference. At some point I'll probably just get a new mouse, but in the

There will be three rollers inside.  Use a fingernail to scrape off any
junk.  It might look like a brown stripe of felt is supposed to be
there.  It isn't -- it's just dirt.  In extremely bad cases it sometimes
helps to clean the mouse ball as well, but that usually affects all
directions of movement.

Damian Menscher
--==## Grad. student  Sys. Admin. @ U. Illinois at Urbana-Champaign ##==--
--==## [EMAIL PROTECTED] www.uiuc.edu/~menscher/ Ofc:(217)333-0038 ##==--
--==## Physics Dept, 1110 W Green, Urbana IL 61801 Fax:(217)333-9819 ##==--

Re: Encrypt a file

2000-10-08 Thread Brian May
 Samuli == Samuli Suonpaa [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Samuli Brian May [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 PGP could encrypt with both methods (not sure if this is still
 the case), however as far as I can tell, GnuPG can only encrypt
 with asymmetric keys (I might be mistaken).

Samuli [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ gpg --help | grep symm -c, --symmetric
Samuli encryption only with symmetric cipher

Thanks for that.

Some people are blind as bats around here.  Oh hang on, that was
me... ;-)

Samuli Suonpaa samuli.suonpaa@kapria.com

2000-10-08 Thread Brian May
FYI: Your E-Mail setup is broken:

[609] [snoopy:bam] ~/xml-cocoon mx kapria.com
kapria.com  MX  10 mail.megabaud.fi
kapria.com  MX  40 smtp3.kolumbus.fi
kapria.com  MX  0 hotel.megabaud.fi

but mail.megabaud.fi wont relay messages. Here is the error:

This is the Postfix program at host snoopy.apana.org.au.

I'm sorry to have to inform you that the message returned
below could not be delivered to one or more destinations.

For further assistance, please contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

If you do so, please include this problem report. You can
delete your own text from the message returned below.

The Postfix program

[EMAIL PROTECTED]: host mail.megabaud.fi[] said: 550
[EMAIL PROTECTED]... Relaying Denied

 Samuli == Samuli Suonpaa [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Samuli Brian May [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 PGP could encrypt with both methods (not sure if this is still
 the case), however as far as I can tell, GnuPG can only encrypt
 with asymmetric keys (I might be mistaken).

Samuli [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ gpg --help | grep symm -c, --symmetric
Samuli encryption only with symmetric cipher

Thanks for that.

Some people are blind as bats around here.  Oh hang on, that was
me... ;-)
---End Message---
---End Message---


strange looking fonts.

2000-10-08 Thread Russell Davies
I'm a long time unix user -- I've just recently installed
debian on my home system, basically my problem boils down to
fonts not looking right in X, where right is defined as to
what I usually expect with my combination of software.

I use twm and X everywhere, on solaris, bsd, linux -- debian is
the first instance where the fonts have looked different, they
seem to be oversized -- it happens on all applications, the
fonts in netscape look bigger, in title bars. (I installed
netsccape-4.75 from the usual sources, so it's not a netscape
specific font problem).

Has anyone else experienced this? Is it something to do with the
Xserver itself? (I'm using the SVGA server for a riva tnt).
Any suggestions, explanations would be appreciated.


Serial console install trouble

2000-10-08 Thread ikamps
I want to do a serial console installation on a i386 computer that
doesn't have a monitor or a keyboard. But because of some reason it
doesn't work instead of functioning like noted in the installation
instructions: If you are booting with a serial console, generally the
kernel will autodetect this.  If you have a videocard (framebuffer) and
a keyboard also attached to the computer which you wish to boot via
serial console, you may have to pass the `console=device' argument to
the kernel, where device is your serial device, which is usually
something like ``ttyS0''. knowing that there is no keyboard or
videocard attached it should just work fine but it doesn't.

note 1: Its not a true console I'm installing from its a computer
connected to the computer where I'm installing Debian on thru a null
modem cable using a terminal emulation program set to 9600, no parity, 1
stop bit. The hardware is just fine as my test install of another serial
install enabled os demonstrated (FreeBSD to be exact)

note 2: I found something in the user-boot archives that might explain
this but doesn't give a solution: However, the Hamm and Slink i386
installation disks did not support serial console.  The main problem was
that the standard kernel did not have serial support compiled in. the
serial device was in a module, and you had to get pretty far into the
installation before it was installed.  The last time I checked, the same
was true of the potato install disks.  I have not checked lately. I
think a new kernel for the install disks would fix it but. I'm not sure
I would like to hear if that would fix it or that I have to do it more

(sorry for my not so good english)

Re: Simulating a mouse

2000-10-08 Thread Colin Watson
Eric G . Miller egm2@jps.net wrote:
On Sun, Oct 08, 2000 at 10:43:13PM +0100, Colin Watson wrote:
 Does anybody know if I can install a mouse driver that really takes
 its input from hotkeys on the keyboard? That is, a keyboard-driven
 mouse. I've checked my window manager documentation, just in case, but I
 didn't really expect it to be able to move the mouse around, as it's the
 wrong level. If anybody knows of such a thing, I'd be grateful to hear
 about it.

I don't know about any program simulating a mouse.  However, I know
Icewm can move and resize windows using Alt-F7 and Alt-F8, respectively,
by using the arrow keys.  I'm sure some of the other window managers
have similar behaviors.

I mostly use X for loads of vertically maximized xterms (using Alt-F12
in my window manager configuration) and some variety of graphical web
browser anyway. :) I do tend to use the keyboard a lot. The most
immediate problem was that I couldn't move the mouse up to get to
Netscape's menus ... (I'm sure there's a Netscape.ad workaround for
that, but it's not my preferred solution.)

There have been discussions in the past about making a fake mouse so X
would run without any mouse attached.  You might search the archives if
you're interested.

Had a look, but nothing yet. I might be too tired right now, so I'll try
again tomorrow.



Re: Simulating a mouse

2000-10-08 Thread Colin Watson
Damian Menscher [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On Sun, 8 Oct 2000, Colin Watson wrote:
 My mouse has recently developed an extreme reluctance to move the mouse
 pointer along the up/down axis; I'm assuming some sensor inside is dirty
 or something, but the cleaning I can do doesn't seem to make any
 difference. At some point I'll probably just get a new mouse, but in the

There will be three rollers inside.  Use a fingernail to scrape off any
junk.  It might look like a brown stripe of felt is supposed to be
there.  It isn't -- it's just dirt.

I'd tried that, and it certainly made X-axis movement smoother, but I
think the dirt is actually further inside where the roller meets its
supports. Probing with tweezers hasn't helped. The mouse occasionally
judders vertically in response to not very much vibration in the desk,
too, so I suspect it's near the end of its life. I could do with a
three-button mouse at home as well as at work anyway.

In the longer term I'd like to keep my need to move from the keyboard to
the mouse as low as possible, to slow the onset of things like RSI. I
was wondering if any disabled Linux users had come up with anything
(remembering that Windows has something like MouseKeys, not that I
ever needed it while I was still using Windows).



Re: strange looking fonts.

2000-10-08 Thread Seth Arnold
Russell, the debian-x mail list (in recent times anyway) is more
intended for developers and ginuea pigs of XF86 4.0. debian-users is
more appropriate.

What I would imagine to fix your problem is to edit your
/etc/X11/XF86Config file. I bet the 100dpi fonts are listed before the
75 dpi fonts. If so, swap their order and restart X.

If this doesn't fix it, then perhaps mucking with the X server's idea of
the DPI of the display is the only way to go.

* Russell Davies [EMAIL PROTECTED] [001008 17:08]:
   I'm a long time unix user -- I've just recently installed
   debian on my home system, basically my problem boils down to
   fonts not looking right in X, where right is defined as to
   what I usually expect with my combination of software.
   I use twm and X everywhere, on solaris, bsd, linux -- debian is
   the first instance where the fonts have looked different, they
   seem to be oversized -- it happens on all applications, the
   fonts in netscape look bigger, in title bars. (I installed
   netsccape-4.75 from the usual sources, so it's not a netscape
   specific font problem).
   Has anyone else experienced this? Is it something to do with the
   Xserver itself? (I'm using the SVGA server for a riva tnt).
   Any suggestions, explanations would be appreciated.
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

pon questions

2000-10-08 Thread Christopher W. Aiken
1) How do I set up pon to issue a ATM0 to shutoff
   my modem speakers.

2) Can pon be set up to display a connect message
   for my wife and kids to see?  The enter a pon command
   and expect to surf or read email before the connection
   is made.

Christopher W. Aiken, Scenery Hill, Pa, USA
chris at cwaiken dot com,   www.cwaiken.com
Current O/S: Debian 2.2 GNU/Linux

Re: OT: is there a decent threaded mail reader...

2000-10-08 Thread Mike
Walter Tautz wrote:
 i'd really like to be able to read this marvelous list without
 having to scroll through the listings looking for followups...perhaps
 pine can do this which is what I use now.

I don't know if pine can do this - I used to use pine, and often wished for
just that feature.  I'm currently using mutt, which does do threading.  I'd
say mutt is at least worth taking a look at.
Mike Werner  KA8YSD   | He that is slow to believe anything and
  | everything is of great understanding,
'91 GS500E| for belief in one false principle is the
Morgantown WV | beginning of all unwisdom.

Description: PGP signature

Re: mounting cd-rw

2000-10-08 Thread Osamu Aoki
If you are using ide-scsi emulation, do not access cd-rom drive with
ordinaery ide-cdrom driver.  cdrecord is accessing ide-cdrom drive.

add lilo.conf (if cd-rw is hdc)

softlink /dev/scd0 - /dev/cdrom

edit fstab (No more /dev/cdrw)
/dev/cdrom  /mnt/cdrom  iso9660 defaults,ro,user,noauto 0 0

That what I do with my cdrw.



On Mon, Oct 02, 2000 at 08:01:55PM -0400, Jacob Stowell wrote:
 Hi group,
 I was wondering if anyone might be able to help me figure out how to
 mount my cd-rw drive. I was able to install it and get it to record
 cd's, but I have been unable mount it and use it like a regular cd-rom.
 In other words, when i place a music cd or a data cd into that drive, no
 disk is detected. I have compiled support for scsi-emulation into the
 kernel--at least all of the ones that were recommended in the CD-writing
 How-To. I have tried to mount this drive both manually and through
 fstab, to no avail.  below I have included some information that may be
 useful in determining what the problem may be.  Thanks much for any help
 on this matter.
 The CD-RW that I have installed is an Acer 4232A 4X2X32
 when I try to mount the cd-rw manually this is the response i get:
 satchel[/home/jake]% mount /dev/scd1 /mnt/cdrw
 mount: block device /dev/scd1 is write-protected, mounting read-only
 mount: No medium found
 here are the entries in my fstab file:
 /dev/cdrom/mnt/cdrom  iso9660 defaults,ro,user,noauto 0 0
 /dev/scd1   /mnt/cdrw   iso9660 defaults,ro,user,noauto
 0 0
 this is the output from the cdrecord -scanbus:
 Cdrecord 1.9 (i686-pc-linux-gnu) Copyright (C) 1995-2000 Jörg Schilling
 Linux sg driver version: 2.1.38
 Using libscg version 'schily-0.1'
 cdrecord: Warning: controller returns wrong size for CD capabilities
 0,0,0 0) 'E-IDE   ' 'CD-ROM 32X/AKU  ' 'U10I' Removable
 0,1,0 1) 'ATAPI   ' 'CD-R/RW 4X2X32  ' '4.AR' Removable
 0,2,0 2) *
 0,3,0 3) *
 0,4,0 4) *
 0,5,0 5) *
 0,6,0 6) *
 0,7,0 7) *
 The output from cat /proc/modules:
 cs4232  2960   0 (unused)
 uart401 6416   0 [cs4232]
 ad1848 16848   0 [cs4232]
 sound  58608   0 [cs4232 uart401 ad1848]
 soundcore   2768   5 [sound]
 loop7904   0 (unused)
 ide-cd 23792   0
 ide-scsi7504   0
 lp  5520   0 (unused)
 parport_pc  7600   1
 parport 7824   1 [lp parport_pc]
 tulip  30848   1

+  Osamu Aoki [EMAIL PROTECTED], GnuPG-key: 1024D/D5DE453D  +
+   Fingerprint: 814E BD64 3288 40E7 E88E  3D92 C3F8 EA94 D5DE 453D   +
+   === http://www.aokiconsulting.com === Cupertino, CA USA ===   +

Re: Graphical FTP client

2000-10-08 Thread John Foster
Chris Mason wrote:
 I'm looking for a graphical FTP program to use under KDE. My windows program
 is ws-ftp so anything similar would be best.

I think the most similar is WXftp. There are several types to choose
from. I prefer the Motif statically linked version.
AdVance-Computing Systems

We sell fine quality servers and workstations.
We specialize in multiprocessor units. 
We install Debian Linux at no extra charge!

John Foster
ICQ# 19460173

Re: pon questions

2000-10-08 Thread Francois Fayard
On Sun, Oct 08, 2000 at 09:06:02PM -0400, Christopher W. Aiken wrote:
 1) How do I set up pon to issue a ATM0 to shutoff
my modem speakers.

Edit /etc/chatscript/provider and replace ATZ by ATM0


Re: OT: is there a decent threaded mail reader...

2000-10-08 Thread David Teague
On Sun, 8 Oct 2000, Mike wrote:

 Walter Tautz wrote:
  i'd really like to be able to read this marvelous list without
  having to scroll through the listings looking for followups...perhaps
  pine can do this which is what I use now. 

 I don't know if pine can do this - I used to use pine, and often
 wished for just that feature.  I'm currently using mutt, which
 does do threading.  I'd say mutt is at least worth taking a look

Mike, and Walter (whom I hope is reading this thread)

I don't know about *threading* but if you want to read in seqeunce
you have your messages sorted exactly messages with some substring
in the subject line, then this pine command sequence in the index
screen should do it.

 ; t s substring z

; for select messages
t for text criterion
s for subject
substring desired
z to zoom on selected messages

This may not be threading, but it serves my purposes. It is in some
sense more flexible since besides the subject, you can select on
status (new, read, etc)  strings in the to, from, or search the

Hope this helps

Debian GNU/Linux Because software support is free, timely,
 useful, technically accurate, and friendly.
 (I hope this is all of the above.)

Re: pon questions

2000-10-08 Thread Francois Fayard
 2) Can pon be set up to display a connect message
for my wife and kids to see?  The enter a pon command
and expect to surf or read email before the connection
is made.

I just want to ask for something close to what is asked here. I would be
pleased to have a script like pon but that finishes when the connexion is


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