comentario anecdotico.

2001-05-26 Thread esteban agulera

Hola lista

les quiero contar algo que me paso ayer a la noche...

bueno compile el kernel, salio chiquito. con los modulos justos para mi

reinicio levanta todo perfecto, y a la hora de cargar las particiones de win
me dice que no puede cargar vfat y me fijo en la configuracion y en efecto se
me olvido ese detalle.

se me ocurrio compilarlo de vuelta, hago lo de siempre

make bzImage
make modules
make modules_install

y copio el kernel a su lugar.

preparado a reiniciar, se me ocurre probar si lo podia cargar y en efecto no
tuve problemas. como puede ser ???
la pregunta es con solo actualizar los modulos ya anda ?
o el bzImage que yo pegue ya esta funcionando desde el momento que lo pegue ?
o cuando llamo al modulo leo la copia del bzImage, no entiedo como es que se
hace realidad ?

muchas gracias a todos por estar siempre..

PD si alguien sabe como hacer para borrar con backspace y no con control h
bienvenido sea !!!



Dudas en instalacion de debian.

2001-05-26 Thread Juan Ortiz
Saludos al la lista...
Estoy leyendo la guia de instalacion de Debian(bajada de la pagina de Debian)y
leyendo la parte de la configuracion de la red dice...
configuration for etho...
nos da la posibilidad de configurar la red automaticamente y el manual dice que
no convieneen el siguiente dialogo...
Do you want to manually configure this interface?
el manual dice que aceptemos y pongamos los siguientes datos:
la ip de nuestra maquina
mascara de red
la gateway
el dominio
el problema que se me presenta es que tengo acceso via modem (acceso
telefonico)y se supone que tengo ip dinamica como hago para especificar una ip
de mi maquina si me asignan una distinta cada vez que me conecto a la
red?,entonces al tener acceso telefonico en que parte de los dialogos de
instalacion especifico esto?¿como configuro una maquina con acceso telefonico
en debian?

Shell gratuita

2001-05-26 Thread Carlos López
Hola que tal ??

Bueno pues mi pregunta es: ¿existe algún tipo de
servidor unix en internet que de cuentas gratuitas de
shell? Antes tenia una en pero por lo
que veo ese dominio ha sido dado de baja.


Do You Yahoo!?
Obtenga su dirección de correo-e gratis

Problema perl y la configuracion local

2001-05-26 Thread 31
Setting up scrollkeeper (0.2-4) ...
perl: warning: Setting locale failed.
perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings:
LANGUAGE = es_ES.ISO-8859-1,
LC_ALL = es_ES.ISO-8859-1,
LC_MESSAGES = es_ES.ISO-8859-1,
LC_CTYPE = es_ES.ISO-8859-1,
LANG = es_ES.ISO-8859-1
are supported and installed on your system.
perl: warning: Falling back to the standard locale (C).

¿Como lo arreglo?
   ___   ___   ____  _   ___
  | -  /   \ | -\/  / - \
  | _ \ | | | |   \   | | |
 SALUDOS  |___/ \___/ |_|\_\ _/\_ |_|_|

Re: Versiones de paquetes en Potato

2001-05-26 Thread José Esteban
El vie, 05/25/01 may 01, a las 02:00, Gunnar Wolf decía:
 Mi pregunta puede sonar muy, muy taruga... Pero bueno, los que me conocen
 de entre ustedes saben que apenas estoy cambiando de RH a Debian :)
 Después de un par de semanas de estar probando con una maquinita
 menor, estoy instalando Potato en un servidor que espero tener en
 producción en unos días. Me llaman la atención los números de versión - Yo
 se que Potato tiene versiones más viejas, pero probadas en su estabilidad.
 Sin embargo, me llama la atención que siga apareciendo la versión 1.3.9 de
 Apache, que tiene varios agujeros conocidos. Sé que los paquetes de Debian
 vienen parchados - ¿Incluyen estos parches los agujeros corregidos en
 versiones posteriores?

Lo único que tienes que hacer, en ese sentido, es incluir en tu
sources.list una línea apuntando al repositorio de seguridad, que, si no
me equivoco, para potato debe ser algo como stable/updates main contrib non-free

En debian, creo, todos los agujeros de seguridad se tapan en todas las
versiones 'vivas'. Aparte de estas actualizaciones, bugs importantes no
relacionados con la seguridad, para la versión estable, se obtienen
también mediante 'proposed-updates', otra línea en sources.list.

Todo esto debe estar explicado por alguna parte, pero no estoy seguro de

He pedido drivers para Linux. Nº 00073030:

José Esteban
Granada. Spain.

Re: Dudas en instalacion de debian.

2001-05-26 Thread José Esteban
El sáb, 05/26/01 may 01, a las 01:19, Juan Ortiz decía:
 Saludos al la lista...
 Estoy leyendo la guia de instalacion de Debian(bajada de la pagina de Debian)y
 leyendo la parte de la configuracion de la red dice...
 configuration for etho...
Eso debe ser eth0. Si es así, estás leyendo en el lugar equivocado, pq.
las conexiones de red mediante modem son mediante modem, no mediante
ethernet, que es lo que tú estás mirando.

Busca donde hable de ppp (pppconfig)

Saludos. Y bienvenido a debian.
He pedido drivers para Linux. Nº 00073030:

José Esteban
Granada. Spain.

Re: Shell gratuita

2001-05-26 Thread v1k1ng0
On Sat, May 26, 2001 at 06:14:33AM -0500, Carlos López wrote:

 Hola que tal ??
 Bueno pues mi pregunta es: ¿existe algún tipo de
 servidor unix en internet que de cuentas gratuitas de
 shell? Antes tenia una en pero por lo
 que veo ese dominio ha sido dado de baja.
Hola,, pon freeshells y te salen ... a montones :-)


Orgullo Vikingo!




2001-05-26 Thread Gunnar Wolf
  Tengo una máquina por ahí con Debian Potato que suele estar encendida todo 
  el día. Me vengo fijando en que en el
  /var/log/messages aparece a menudo algo como --- MARK ---
 Es normal, no se porqué lo hace,  a ver si alguien más sabio nos lo explica 

Señores, busquen antes de preguntar! :-) Me tomó menos de un minuto
encontrar que el syslog de debian manda una linea --- MARK --- cada tanto
tiempo, para que sea fácil detectar si alguien ha modificado la
fecha/hora. De hecho, en la línea 98 de man 8 syslogd encontramos:

   -m interval
  The syslogd logs a mark timestamp  regularly.   The
  default interval between two -- MARK -- lines is 20
  minutes.  This can be  changed  with  this  option.
  Setting the interval to zero turns it off entirely.


Gunnar Wolf - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - (+52)5623-1119
Desarrollo y Admon. de Sistemas en Red - FES Iztacala - UNAM
Departamento de Seguridad en Computo   -   DGSCA-   UNAM

Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur.

Tarjeta de sonido

2001-05-26 Thread Mig

Tengo una tarjeta de sonido es 1868, alguien podria decirme como puedo
instalarla en debian potato 2.2, ya intente instaklando los paquetes de
alsa que vienen con debian y tambien lo baje de alsa-project pero no logro
hacer que funcione tal vez estoy haciendo algo mal, de antemano gracias.

Re: Problema perl y la configuracion local

2001-05-26 Thread Luis Arocha -data-
Y el sábado 26 de mayo, 31 escribió:
 Setting up scrollkeeper (0.2-4) ...
 perl: warning: Setting locale failed.
 perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings:
 LANGUAGE = es_ES.ISO-8859-1,
 LC_ALL = es_ES.ISO-8859-1,
 LC_MESSAGES = es_ES.ISO-8859-1,
 LC_CTYPE = es_ES.ISO-8859-1,
 LANG = es_ES.ISO-8859-1
 are supported and installed on your system.
 perl: warning: Falling back to the standard locale (C).

La solución:
Editar /etc/locale.gen y descomentar es_ES.
Ejecutar locale-gen.


   O /  O O O O O / O / O / O /  O  Luis Arocha, Data
\__|/|__|__|__|/ \__|/__|/__|/__|/|/ larocha at
\\   \   \   \   Islas Canarias
  \\   \   \   \ Spain

Description: PGP signature

Re: comentario anecdotico.

2001-05-26 Thread Luis Arocha -data-
Y el sábado 26 de mayo, esteban agulera escribió:
 bueno compile el kernel, salio chiquito. con los modulos justos para mi
 reinicio levanta todo perfecto, y a la hora de cargar las particiones de win
 me dice que no puede cargar vfat y me fijo en la configuracion y en efecto se
 me olvido ese detalle.
 se me ocurrio compilarlo de vuelta, hago lo de siempre
 y copio el kernel a su lugar.
 preparado a reiniciar, se me ocurre probar si lo podia cargar y en efecto no
 tuve problemas. como puede ser ???
 la pregunta es con solo actualizar los modulos ya anda ?
Sí, así es. Si los cambios en la confiración del kernel solo implican
cambios en los módulos después de instalar estos ya estarán disponibles
para ser usados sin necesidad de rearrancar.

 o cuando llamo al modulo leo la copia del bzImage, no entiedo como es que se
 hace realidad ?
Falso, cuando llamas al modulo se carga un fichero ejecutable (el
módulo) que queda incluido como parte del kernel.

 muchas gracias a todos por estar siempre..

De nada, a mandar
 PD si alguien sabe como hacer para borrar con backspace y no con control h
 bienvenido sea !!!
Yo siempre he borrado con backspace. ¿Con qué programas concretos tienes
problemas? ¿Quizás así te podamos ayudar con más facilidad?


   O /  O O O O O / O / O / O /  O  Luis Arocha, Data
\__|/|__|__|__|/ \__|/__|/__|/__|/|/ larocha at
\\   \   \   \   Islas Canarias
  \\   \   \   \ Spain

Description: PGP signature

Incompatibilidad entre Mozilla y Netscape?

2001-05-26 Thread Juan \(Casa\)
Buenas. Tengo una Debian Potato, actualizada a la ultima release. Me
instale el nuevo Mozilla (que me baje del mismo sitio de donde el
galeon) y cuando lo instalo, me deja de funcionar El Netscape 4.77 que
tiene la Potato. Es esto normal? Cuando digo que deja de funcionar, me
refiero a que le doy al icono del Netscape, y parece que hace algo el
disco duro, pero se para enseguida, y ni siquiera da algun error ni nada
por el estilo
Gracias, un saludo.

Cosa rara con sonido en kde

2001-05-26 Thread Ricardo Marcelo Alvarez

El problema es el siguiente en mi casa tengo una placa de sonido aureal 
vortex 2, en linux no hay drivers pero hay un modulo externo que se baja de, se compila el nucleo con oss (open sound system) no 
como modulo y despues se compila el modulo de aureal que lo instala como 
au8830, yo agregue au8830 en /etc/modules y lo carga lo mas bien.
El sonido anda bien para todas las aplicaciones que no sean de KDE, el 
freeamp o xmms por ejemplo pero en kde a veces anda y a veces no es 
completamente aleatorio no importa si entro como root o como usuario normal y 
por ejemplo si al entrar en kde se escucha la musica de bienvenida el sonido 
va a funcionar con el reproductor multimedia de kde si no se escucha la 
musica de bienvenida con las aplicaciones de sonido de kde.
Igual cuando se escucha la musica de bienvenida se escucha entrecortada, 
aunque despues el sonido funcione bien, lo que me parece raro es que es 
completamente azaroso no depende del usuario que use, si alguien tiene idea 
de que puede ser esto mandenme alguna pista.

Gracias de antemano y saludos.

¿Como puedo emplear el wvdial con pon poff?

2001-05-26 Thread Carlos Perelló Marín
Hola, quiero configurar el wvdial para poderlo usar directamente desde
pon y poff, de esta forma podré emplear herramientas gráficas para
conectar a internet (a ver quien le dice a  mi hermana que abra una
terminal y que ejecute wvdial y que cuando termine que le de a Ctr+C...)

La conexión que empleo es con Uni2 (si alguien cumple todos esos
requisitos y me puede mandar su configuración le estaré eternamente


Carlos Perelló Marín
Valencia - Spain

Como redirigir correo?

2001-05-26 Thread Dr. Aldo Medina
Tengo una máquina PII como firewall/router/server y todo eso para mis
grupos de discusión, cache de www, etc.

La duda que tengo es como puedo copiar el correo que root del servidor
ha recivido al correo de un usuario de otra máquina?. Me evitaría tener
que entrar como root a cada rato a revisar mi email.

Me imagino que será con exim o procmail, pero no se exactamente como
hacerlo. Gracias de antemano.

Como addendum, si puedo usar procmail para, por ejemplo redirigir
algunos correos a otro usuario de la misma máquina, pero no se como
hacerlo a otra.

Además me gustaría saber si puedo de alguna manera pasar los correos ya
recividos en mi /var/spool/mail/x a la otra máquina. Gracias.

Linux User #98419 -o)| To err in human, to forgive is not  /\| Company Policy  
ICQ 94335020  _\_v   | 
Si quieres ayudarme, ponme de| 
referencia en |

Do You Yahoo!?
Get your free address at

Re: Como redirigir correo?

2001-05-26 Thread Luis Arocha -data-
Y el sábado 26 de mayo, Dr. Aldo Medina escribió:
 La duda que tengo es como puedo copiar el correo que root del servidor
 ha recivido al correo de un usuario de otra máquina?. Me evitaría tener
 que entrar como root a cada rato a revisar mi email.
 Me imagino que será con exim o procmail, pero no se exactamente como
 hacerlo. Gracias de antemano.

Del man de exim:
--- cut ---
   Exim stats a user's home directory before  looking  for  a
   .forward  file,  in  order to detect the case of a missing
   NFS mount.

   Exim contains an optional built-in mail  filtering  facil­
   ity. This enables users to set up their own mail filtering
   in a straightfoward manner without  the  need  to  run  an
   external  program.  There can also be a system filter file
   that applies to all messages.

   There is support for multiple user mailboxes controlled by
   prefixes or suffixes on the user name, either via the fil­
   ter mechanism or through multiple .forward files.

--- cut ---

   O /  O O O O O / O / O / O /  O  Luis Arocha, Data
\__|/|__|__|__|/ \__|/__|/__|/__|/|/ larocha at
\\   \   \   \   Islas Canarias
  \\   \   \   \ Spain

Description: PGP signature

Re: Incompatibilidad entre Mozilla y Netscape?

2001-05-26 Thread Juan \(Casa\)
Javier Gómez Sierras wrote:
 lanzases el netscape así:
 $ netscape 
 Y a partir de los mensajes que te salgan intentes averiguar que pasa.
Buenas. Pues dicho y hecho, este es el mensaje de error:

INTERNAL ERROR on Browser End: Could not load
/usr/lib/j2re1.3/lib/i386/ linking
error=/usr/lib/j2re1.3/lib/i386/ undefined symbol:

Ese fichero pertenece al paquete j2sdk1.3 que tengo instalado en la
Potato. No hay solucion, verdad? O tengo uno, u otro, verdad?
Un saludo.

Re: Incompatibilidad entre Mozilla y Netscape?

Mensaje citado por: Juan (Casa) [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Buenas. Tengo una Debian Potato, actualizada a la ultima release. Me
 instale el nuevo Mozilla (que me baje del mismo sitio de donde el
 galeon) y cuando lo instalo, me deja de funcionar El Netscape 4.77 que
 tiene la Potato. Es esto normal? Cuando digo que deja de funcionar, me
 refiero a que le doy al icono del Netscape, y parece que hace algo el
 disco duro, pero se para enseguida, y ni siquiera da algun error ni
 por el estilo
 Gracias, un saludo.

Ya te han comentado que lo ejecutaras desde una terminal y parece que hay un
error. Simplemente decirte que eso no es normal. Yo tengo el Notescapes 4.77 de
Potato y el Mozilla de Ximian gnome 1.4 y no hay ningún problema. Ahora mismo
acabo de ejecutar ambos y sin problemas. ¿Por qué no te instalas el Mozilla de
Ximian para Potato? Si no es la última versión poco le faltará y está muy bien
por lo que he visto.


UNIVERSIDAD JAUME I derange and disengage
Phone: +34 964 728361   Robert Smith (The Cure)
Fax: +34 964 728435 - A Short Term Effect, Pornography,
e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   1982, Fiction Rec. -

Como gpart salvo mi día (algo largo)

2001-05-26 Thread Dr. Aldo Medina
Escribo para contarles de un problema que les podría llegar a suceder, y
como lo resolví, casi por pura suerte.

Resulta que estaba cambiando la disposición de mis particiones para
poner en práctica algo que leí acerca de poner nosuid a /tmp y /home
En fin, decidi anotar la disposición actual de mis particiones (CHS)

/dev/hdc1   ext 2   2362
/dev/hdc2   /home   23632489
/dev/hdc5   /usr/local  2   1181
-- vacio --
/dev/hdc6   /var/spool/news 14371819
/dev/hdc7   /data   18202362

Entro a fdisk, anoto los CHS, borro las particiones 6 y 7,uso Partition
Magic para crear una nueva partición en el espacio vacio, regreso a
Linux, modifico el fstab y vuelvo a crear las particiones con fdisk
según lo que tenía anotado. Reinicio y... fsck no identifica a /dev/hdc7
(antes c6) como partición ext2 (aquello del superblock no válido).

Obviamente me extraño muchísimo, pues se supone que fdisk solo modifica
la localización de las particiones y no su contenido, por lo que intenté
cambiar el superbloque, borrar de nuevo la partición recién creada,
recrear y recrear hasta el cansancio, sin éxito.

Aquí entro a usar gpart, el cual me identifica mi partición
correctamente, iniciando en 1436 (como que dice un menos en todas las

Y aqui está lo raro, que fijándome en los sectores, reporta que mi
particion debería iniciar en el 23069403, cuando al crearla con fdisk me
la inicia en 23069444. Ambos inicios son reportados como (1437/1/1),
pero son en realidad diferentes. Hago el cambio directo con fdisk, y
listo! Santo remedio.

No sé como la partición llegó a ser creada en un sector diferente (tal
vez PQMagic?), pero la sugerencia o moraleja es: revisar siempre el
sector de inicio de las particiones, y no solo la dirección CHS
(especialmente si se usa alguna utilidad de reparticionado).

Espero esto le sea útil a alguien. Saludos.

Linux User #98419 -o)| I still miss my ex-husband, but my  /\| aim is getting better  
ICQ 94335020  _\_v   | 
Si quieres ayudarme, ponme de| 
referencia en |

Do You Yahoo!?
Get your free address at

Re: Como redirigir correo?

2001-05-26 Thread Dr. Aldo Medina
Es que a lo mejor no expliqué bien mi duda. Entiendo que en .forward
puedo poner una dirección para que me redirija mi correo, pero no me
queda claro si simplemente puedo poner, por ejemplo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
(siendo ese mi usuario y mi maquina definidia en /etc/hosts) y ya.
Además no me queda claro de que manera mi linuxclient va a recibir el
email: cuando se conecte a linuxserver, en el momento que se lo mande,
etc. Y si no tengo que hacer nada en linuxclient para que lo pueda
recibir. Gracias por la paciencia.

Francisco Jesús Martínez Serrano wrote:
 El Sáb 26 May 2001 20:31, Dr. Aldo Medina escribió:
  La duda que tengo es como puedo copiar el correo que root del servidor
  ha recivido al correo de un usuario de otra máquina?. Me evitaría tener
  que entrar como root a cada rato a revisar mi email.
 Pues con poner en el /root/.forward de la máquina que debe reenviar el correo
 la dirección donde quieres que vaya, debería bastar.
 Si es dentro de la misma máquina es mejor utilizar el /etc/aliases

Linux User #98419 -o)| Similitudes entre mujeres y  /\| computadoras: 13. Jamás olvidan
ICQ 94335020  _\_v   | algo 14. No hay quien las entienda 
Si quieres ayudarme, ponme de| 15. Tienen su propio lenguaje  
referencia en |

Do You Yahoo!?
Get your free address at

Re: Re: ¿Como puedo emplear el wvdial con pon poff?

2001-05-26 Thread Carlos Perelló Marín
El 26 May 2001 23:27:30 +0200, JUAN CARLOS AMENGUAL ARGUDO escribió:
 Mensaje citado por: Carlos Perelló Marín [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  Hola, quiero configurar el wvdial para poderlo usar directamente desde
  pon y poff,
 A ver. Que yo sepa pon  poff y wvdial son *distintas alternativas* que 
 para realizar una misma función: (des)conexión a Internet mediante llamada a 
 proveedor favorito ;-). Por tanto, no entiendo eso de configurar wvdial para
 que admita pon  poff.
 Si te refieres a configurar la conexión a Internet, te recomiendo que uses
 pppconfig. No es gráfico en el sentido al que tú te refieres, pero está 
 con curses y si lo ejecutas, como root, en una xterm o gnome-term o lo que 
 verás que contestando a una serie de preguntas y dando los datos solicitados 
 los diálogos en un plis-plas habrás configurado tu conexión a Internet. Por si
 tienes varios proveedores, e incluso aunque no los tengas, te recomiendo que 
 invoques así:
 pppconfig nombre-que-le-quieras-dar-a-tu-proveedor
 Por ejemplo ;-)
 pppconfig timofonica
 pppconfig oh-no
 pppconfig abu-rri2
 pppconfig eresmenos

No, no me refiero a configurarlo de esa forma, ya conozco ese comando,
pero mi problema no es ese (bueno, si, esa opción no me funciona).

De todas formas lo de la opción gráfica es para conectar y desconectar,
para configurar me da igual, eso lo hago yo y no es algo que me preocupe
hacerlo en consola.

  de esta forma podré emplear herramientas gráficas para
  conectar a internet (a ver quien le dice a  mi hermana que abra una
  terminal y que ejecute wvdial y que cuando termine que le de a
 Herramientas gráficas las puedes emplear tanto con wvdial como con pon  
 Para estos últimos y, si usas gnome, te recomiendo el applet (o aplique)
 monitor del módem. Con un click de ratón en el botoncillo en cuestión te
 (des)conectas y puede invocar (configuración) los comandos de conexión y
 desconexión que quieras utilizar. Además te informa del tiempo de conexión,
 velocidad de transmisión, bytes recibidos y transmitidos, etc. Yo lo tengo
 configurado para que ejecute pon proveedor para conectarse y poff
 proveedor para desconectarse. Hasta tue hermana podrá hacerlo, créeme ;-)

Precisamente eso es lo que quiero emplear, pero con wvdial.Miguel Angel
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ya me ha dado una solución que en principio
funciona ;-)

  La conexión que empleo es con Uni2 (si alguien cumple todos esos
  requisitos y me puede mandar su configuración le estaré eternamente
 En principio, basta con que sepas el número al que hay que llamar, el nombre 
 usuario y la contraseña. Usa pppconfig, insisto. Si tienes dudas ya nos lo

No, no solo basta con eso, por ejemplo el problema por el que no me
funcionan el pon y poff predeterminados de Debian es que tengo que
lanzar el pppd nada más se establece la conexión y no se como se hace
eso con el chat tradicional, si embargo el wvdial lo hace solo, por eso
quiero utilizarlo.

En el programa rp3 de RH tenía una opción que decía algo como Iniciar
PPP inmediatamente que se inicie la conexión y en el pppd tradicional,
¿como se hace eso?

 UNIVERSIDAD JAUME I derange and disengage
 Phone: +34 964 728361   Robert Smith (The Cure)
 Fax: +34 964 728435 - A Short Term Effect, Pornography,
 e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   1982, Fiction Rec. -

Carlos Perelló Marín
Valencia - Spain

Re: Incompatibilidad entre Mozilla y Netscape?

Mensaje citado por: Juan (Casa) [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

  ... Yo tengo el Notescapes 4.77 de
  Potato y el Mozilla de Ximian gnome 1.4 y no hay ningún problema.
  Ahora mismo
  acabo de ejecutar ambos y sin problemas. ¿Por qué no te instalas el
 Mozilla de
  Ximian para Potato? Si no es la última versión poco le faltará y está
 muy bien
  por lo que he visto.
 Buenas. Creo que el problema esta en que tengo instalado el paquete
 j2re1.3, que sirve para lo siguiente:

¿Y ese paquete está en Potato?

[EMAIL PROTECTED](~)_$ dpkg -l j2re*
No se ha encontrado ningún paquete que corresponda con j2re*.

[EMAIL PROTECTED](~)_$ dpkg -l *2re*
| Estado=No/Instalado/Config-files/Unpacked/Failed-config/Half-installed
|/ Err?=(none)/Hold/Reinst-required/X=both-problems (Status,Err: mayúsc.=malo)
||/ Nombre   Versión  Descripción
pn  ext2resize   ninguna(no hay ninguna descripción disponible)


Desde luego yo no lo tengo instalado, pero es que en Potato parece no estar.


Re: Re: ¿Como puedo emplear el wvdial con pon poff?

Mensaje citado por: Carlos Perelló Marín [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 El 26 May 2001 23:27:30 +0200, JUAN CARLOS AMENGUAL ARGUDO escribió:
  Mensaje citado por: Carlos Perelló Marín [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
   Hola, quiero configurar el wvdial para ...
  A ver. Que yo sepa ... Si te refieres a configurar la conexión a Internet,
  te recomiendo que uses pppconfig...
  invoques así:
  pppconfig nombre-que-le-quieras-dar-a-tu-proveedor
 No, no me refiero a configurarlo de esa forma, ya conozco ese comando,
 pero mi problema no es ese (bueno, si, esa opción no me funciona).

¿Qué opción no te funciona exactamente?

   de esta forma podré emplear herramientas gráficas para
   conectar a internet (a ver quien le dice a  mi hermana que abra
   terminal y que ejecute wvdial y que cuando termine que le de a
  Herramientas gráficas las puedes emplear tanto con wvdial como con pon
  Para estos últimos y, si usas gnome, te recomiendo el applet (o
  monitor del módem... 
 Precisamente eso es lo que quiero emplear, pero con wvdial.Miguel
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ya me ha dado una solución que en principio
 funciona ;-)
   La conexión que empleo es con Uni2 (si alguien cumple todos esos
   requisitos y me puede mandar su configuración le estaré
  En principio, basta con que sepas el número al que hay que llamar, el
 nombre de
  usuario y la contraseña. Usa pppconfig, insisto. Si tienes dudas ya
 nos lo
 No, no solo basta con eso, por ejemplo el problema por el que no me
 funcionan el pon y poff predeterminados de Debian es que tengo que
 lanzar el pppd nada más se establece la conexión y no se como se hace
 eso con el chat tradicional, si embargo el wvdial lo hace solo, por
 quiero utilizarlo.

¿Y eso no lo hace pon? No sé, creo que no te entiendo muy bien. Yo tengo
configurados dos proveedores, timofónica y oh-no con pppconfig sin problemas y
utilizo pon y poff y por lo que veo en los log el pppd es lo primero que se
ejecuta ¿? Mmmm, ¿has probado a conectarte con Winbug? Tal vez debas elegir PAP
como método de autentificación (CHAP es más raro) como alternativa al chat.

 En el programa rp3 de RH tenía una opción que decía algo como Iniciar
 PPP inmediatamente que se inicie la conexión y en el pppd



Re: comentario anecdotico.

2001-05-26 Thread esteban agulera

  PD si alguien sabe como hacer para borrar con backspace y no con control
  h bienvenido sea !!!

 Yo siempre he borrado con backspace. ¿Con qué programas concretos tienes
 problemas? ¿Quizás así te podamos ayudar con más facilidad?


el problema lo tengo en el kde 2.1.1 en todas las cosas que abro tengo que 
borrar con control h

a proposito tu eres de españa ? tengo una amiga viviendo en madrid  , yo soy 
de argentina, y las cosas no estan muy bien por aca...  no me hacen un 
lugarcito por alla ?


Content-Type: application/pgp-signature; charset=iso-8859-1; 
name=Attachment: 1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit


2001-05-26 Thread Anders Holmberg
Vad beror det på att jag kan spela moddar och mp3or men inte wavar och .au
När jag spelar .au och wav filer får jag dma timeout någonting som

Re: syn flood

2001-05-26 Thread Marcelo Drudi Miranda
Fala Alexandre!!!

Em Fri, 25 May 2001 19:26:50 +
Alexandre Matos de Araujo [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:

 Tenho um servidor de irc, ele vem sofrendo ataques de syn flood... alguem
 tem alguma ferramente q possa bloquear esse tipo de ataque?:)

Não sou especialista em segurança, mas creio que o ipchains possa resolver 
isso. Para qual porta está direcionado o ataque? Bloquie com o ipchains (creio 
que ele tenha uma opção para barrar apenas os pacotes SYN) todas as portas que 
não necessitam receber requisição de conexão.

| Marcelo Drudi Miranda Microelectronics Engineering Student |
| Debian GNU/Linux User Linux Registered User #177399  .zzz».|
|-//{{{}}}.  |
| Homepage:  \\ \* `   |
|  \\ \ -|

Description: PGP signature

Re: syn flood

2001-05-26 Thread Henrique de Moraes Holschuh
On Sat, 26 May 2001, Marcelo Drudi Miranda wrote:
  Tenho um servidor de irc, ele vem sofrendo ataques de syn flood... alguem
  tem alguma ferramente q possa bloquear esse tipo de ataque?:)

O seu kernel provavelmente tem. Habilite.

echo 1  /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_syncookies

Desabilite depois, quando não estiver mais sobre ataque. syncookies causam
problemas, e são o tradicional remédio que mata aos poucos pra não morrer de

  One disk to rule them all, One disk to find them. One disk to bring
  them all and in the darkness grind them. In the Land of Redmond
  where the shadows lie. -- The Silicon Valley Tarot
  Henrique Holschuh

Re: proftpd exploit??

2001-05-26 Thread Marcelo Drudi Miranda
Em Thu, 24 May 2001 20:34:56 +0200
Matthias Richter [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:

 Andres Herrera wrote on Thu May 24, 2001 at 07:43:50PM:
 [proftpd exploit ls ../*/../*/../*/../*/../*/../*/../*/../*/../*/../*/../]

This is a exploit or a Dos atack?

| Marcelo Drudi Miranda Microelectronics Engineering Student |
| Debian GNU/Linux User Linux Registered User #177399  .zzz».|
|-//{{{}}}.  |
| Homepage:  \\ \* `   |
|  \\ \ -|

Description: PGP signature

Re: syn flood

2001-05-26 Thread Alexandre Matos de Araujo

Eu uso essa regra no ipchains...
ipchains -A input -s 0/0 -d 0/0 -p icmp -j DENY


Voce disse pra usar aquela regra no kernel, quando eu tiver sofrendo
ataque... porem eles ocorrem de madrugada e eu nao estou presente para
arrumar a maquina:( tem alguma protecao definitiva para isso?


Alexandre M. de Araujo 
Debian Gnu/Linux Unstable + kernel 2.4.3
Registered Linux User #171090

Writing is easy; all you do is sit staring at the blank sheet of paper until
drops of blood form on your forehead.
-- Gene Fowler

Debian FTP Daemon Vulnerable to Buffer Overflow (SITE)

2001-05-26 Thread cosmo
 SecuriTeam web site:
   Debian FTP Daemon Vulnerable to Buffer Overflow (SITE)
 A security vulnerability in Debian FTP Daemon has been discovered. The 
 vulnerability arises when a buffer of 400 bytes or more is sent to the 
 FTPd daemon in a SITE command.
 Vulnerable systems:
 Debian 2.2 is 2.2r3 default FTPd daemon Version 6.2/OpenBSD/Linux-0.10
 May 18 12:32:46 ts ftpd[677]: ts FTP server (Version 
 6.2/OpenBSD/Linux-0.10) ready.
 May 18 12:32:47 ts ftpd[677]: command: SITE
 May 18 12:32:47 ts ftpd[677]: --- 500
 May 18 12:32:47 ts ftpd[677]: 'SITE
 ': command not understood.
 May 18 12:32:47 ts ftpd[677]: --- 221
 May 18 12:32:47 ts ftpd[677]: You could at least say goodbye.
 May 18 12:32:47 ts inetd[139]: ftp/tcp server failing (looping), service 
 The information has been provided by  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Tamer Sahin.

[ ]'s

***  .''`.
* [EMAIL PROTECTED]   * : :'  :
* * `. `'`
* Hack Hour Inc.  *   `-
*** Debian

Re: syn flood

2001-05-26 Thread Gleydson Mazioli da Silva
Habilite a proteção contra symcookies do próprio kernel:

/etc/network/options e mude a linha syncookies=no para yes, ou faça isto
com o comando echo 1 /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_syncookies


Alexandre Matos de Araujo wrote:
 Tenho um servidor de irc, ele vem sofrendo ataques de syn flood... alguem
 tem alguma ferramente q possa bloquear esse tipo de ataque?:)
 Alexandre M. de Araujo
 Debian Gnu/Linux Unstable + kernel 2.4.3
 Registered Linux User #171090
 Only those who leisurely approach that which the masses are busy about
 can be busy about that which the masses take leisurely.
 -- Lao Tsu
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Gleydson Mazioli da Silva

Em dia de Vitória ninguém fica cansado. 

Provérbio árabe

Re: hdparm [SOLUCAO]

2001-05-26 Thread KrIsSkRoSs
potato + 2.4.4. Já descobri oque era: CONFIG_SYSVIPC=y

KrIsSkRoSs kkross at$ 101535

On Fri, 25 May 2001, Mario Olimpio de Menezes wrote:

 On Fri, 25 May 2001, KrIsSkRoSs wrote:

  Eu possuo suporte a shm e tmpfs compilados no kernel, inclusive montei o
  /dev/shm para ver se o problema era resolvido. mas continuo a receber a
  mesma mensagem.

 você está rodando o quê? potato/woody/unstable

 eu estou rodando unstable e 2.4.4

 não sei ao certo o que mais pode ser...


2001-05-26 Thread Antonio Lobato

Ola Debiers!

O unico uso que fiz de minha placa de som
(SoundBlaster 16, ISA)
no potato foi tocar CD`s. Isso apos me explicarem que
eu tenho que dar o
comando `modprobe sb io=0x220 irq=5 dma=1 dma16=5`.
Se eu quiser gravar e ouvir wav`s e midi`s por
exemplo preciso
configurar mais alguma coisa ? 

As configuracoes usadas pelo Windows pra ela sao:

Intervalo de entrada saida: 0220 - 022F
Intervalo de entrada saida: 0330 - 0331
Intervalo de entrada saida: 0388 - 038B
IRQ : 10
DMA: 3
DMA: 10

 O pnpdump nao detecta minha placa, por isso, eu
(iniciante que sou) que minha placa nao eh Plug and


Yahoo! GeoCities
Tenha seu lugar na Web. Construa hoje mesmo sua home page no Yahoo! GeoCites. É 
fácil e grátis!

Re: Encontro carioca

2001-05-26 Thread Gustavo Franco
On Fri, 25 May 2001 20:42:40 -0300
Carlos Laviola [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Fala pessoal,
 Faz muito tempo já que tivemos o primeiro encontro de usuários cariocas.
 O que vocês acham de marcarmos um novo? Estou pensando em um lugar mais
 descontraído - o Garage, ou o bar que fica próximo a ele - e em chamar
 mais gente, sem se limitar a usuários de Debian, até porque eu estou
 com planos de criar um LUG/UUG carioca novo, já que não há nenhum em
 atividade mais, pelo que pude verificar. Seria uma boa oportunidade do
 pessoal conversar, ouvir música lá no Garage, etc.
 O que acham?

dentro! :)


  _|  _|   _|  _| 
_|_|_|_|_|  Gustavo R. Franco_|_|_|_|_| 
  _|  _|   a.k.a _Stratus [EMAIL PROTECTED]_|  _| 
_|_|_|_|_|   (See Debian GNU/Linux at:   _|_|_|_|_|
  _|  _|   _|  _|

Description: PGP signature

preferred dialup program

2001-05-26 Thread Jeff Maxson

is there a best dialup program?  I have been using wvdial, and it seems
to work ok, so I guess don't fix what ain't broke, but maybe another
program is somehow better...

Jeff Maxson

ICMP message type destination unreachable...

2001-05-26 Thread Paul Wright
Hi all,

I have been receiving the following entries in my syslog:

May 25 22:02:02 j001 ippl: ICMP message type destination unreachable - bad port 

They are triggered whenever I fetch my mail from my POP account.  Both 
fetchmail and masqmail cause the same thing. This also happens when mail 
generated by the machine is delivered, so it likely has nothing to 
do with the POP retrieval. (I have masqmail installed to retrieve and send 
mail via a service provider)

I have also encountered a similar message with a non-localhost 

ippl: ICMP message type destination unreachable - bad host from 206.x.x.x

The ip address is for a dns server used by the isp I connect to the 
internet with. (this is according to dig -x [ipaddress]

I've been reading docs all day and would appreciate some help, a bit of 
knowledge, (a whack upside my head with a cluestick?) that is offered.

What could my mail system be attempting to do here?

Is there something misconfigured in masqmail?

Other than configuring logcheck to ignore this report, how can I stop this 
otherwise harmless message?

Thanks all,

-currently seeking employment-

[ i810 chipset on potato]

2001-05-26 Thread Branden Robinson
Can someone help this guy out, please?

- Forwarded message from Van Heurck Kris [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

From: Van Heurck Kris [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:  i810 chipset on potato
Date: Wed, 23 May 2001 15:00:39 +0200

Dear X Strike Force,

I am currently installing Debian GNU/Linux potato on a machine in our labs.
I found out (by opening the case, since I had no documentation on the
machine) that there is a i810 chipset inside.
I found the debian-page on this matter (XFree86 with i810 chipset) but had
no succes so far on inserting the module which I succesfully compiled from
i810-agpgart-module.tar.gz into my kernel which is kernel-image-2.2.18pre21
(and I also compiled succesfully myself). It reports unresolved symbols.
Should I upgrade my xserver to woody or sid, since you say on your webpage:
[23 Dec 2000] This has been removed since the official Linux kernel and
XFree86 4.x are now in sync with each other.. what does this mean ??
Can you help me out by getting my xserver running ?


Kris Van Heurck
Software Engineer 
Network Solutions - Communication Services
Siemens IC D NC C
current project: Mobile applications level 1
tel. +32 (0)14/25 3966
Linux... every EE should consider it

- End forwarded message -

G. Branden Robinson |   You don't just decide to break Kubrick's
Debian GNU/Linux|   code of silence and then get drawn away
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  |   from it to a discussion about cough |   medicine.

Re: preferred dialup program

2001-05-26 Thread ktb
On Fri, May 25, 2001 at 11:14:51PM -0500, Jeff Maxson wrote:
 is there a best dialup program?  I have been using wvdial, and it seems
 to work ok, so I guess don't fix what ain't broke, but maybe another
 program is somehow better...

I used to have good luck with pppconfig.

 From seeing and seeing the seeing has become so exhausted
 First line of The Panther - R. M. Rilke

startx missing in potato - 4.0.3

2001-05-26 Thread dlaude
I did a apt-get dist-upgrade to get to 4.0.3 of xfree86, and now
I'm getting a startx not found in /usr/X11/bin.  The sysbolic link
is present in /etc/X11/X so, anyone have a startx file they'd mind
sending to me for potato 2.2.r3?  I had to reboot to Windows
since my mailer under Linux is balsa, otherwise I would have
more details.



Caching-only nameserver - which bind

2001-05-26 Thread Paul Wright
Hi all,

I'm about to configure a caching only nameserver for my dialup box, and I 
noticed that there are two variants of the bind package available, bind 
and bind9.  I know that the bind package is version 8.x

Which version should I use?

Is there an advantage or disadvantage to the newer version?

Is configuration for bind-9 so different that I should stick with bind-8?

Thanks, I look forward to any advice offered.

-currently seeking employment-

Re: preferred dialup program

2001-05-26 Thread Paul Wright
On Fri, 25 May 2001 23:30:02 CDT, ktb wrote:

 On Fri, May 25, 2001 at 11:14:51PM -0500, Jeff Maxson wrote:
  is there a best dialup program?  I have been using wvdial, and it seems
  to work ok, so I guess don't fix what ain't broke, but maybe another
  program is somehow better...
 I used to have good luck with pppconfig.

I have no problem using pppconfig and the autodialer option in the current 
ppp.  I was very happy to get rid of diald.  ;)

-currently seeking employment-

Re: startx missing in potato - 4.0.3

2001-05-26 Thread Paul Wright
On Fri, 25 May 2001 23:35:50 CDT Dana wrote:

 I did a apt-get dist-upgrade to get to 4.0.3 of xfree86, and now
 I'm getting a startx not found in /usr/X11/bin.  The sysbolic link
 is present in /etc/X11/X so, anyone have a startx file they'd mind
 sending to me for potato 2.2.r3?  I had to reboot to Windows
 since my mailer under Linux is balsa, otherwise I would have
 more details.

Try whereis startx:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ whereis startx
startx: /usr/X11R6/bin/startx /usr/bin/X11/startx

I'm running woody, but I'd be surprised if startx was removed from your 

I upgraded to testing when I changed over to xfree86 4.0 and expirienced 
no problems.

-currently seeking employment-

-currently seeking employment-

Printer Question

2001-05-26 Thread Mark Wagnon
Hi all,

Trying to get my printer working but having some problems with it. I
used to have an HP Laserjet 6L which I had working on an earlier
Debian Potato installation. Now I have a new installation and a new
printer. My printer is an Epson Stylus Color 880. Still running

Anyway, I have lprng, gs-aladdin, and magicfilter installed as I did
on my previous installation. The device that the printer is showing up
as has seemed to have moved on me. It's now on /dev/lp0 (was lp1).
After configuring my printcap with magicfilgerconfig, I get this when
I print a file:

Printer: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  'esc880'
Queue: no printable jobs in queue
Status: job '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' removed at 21:41:46.427
Filter_status: lp is ready and printing

Anyone know what this message means besides the obvious? I am also
unable to send a filer directly to the printer with cat. I would do a
backflip if I could just get garbage to issue from my printer, but it
doesn't seem to want to cooperate.

Any ideas? I've seen several posts on printer issues over the last
week or two. However, they, nor what I could glean from the archives
seemed to improve my predicament.

Thanks in advance for any advice.

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Get your free address at

Re: Trouble setting up ALSA for a AC97

2001-05-26 Thread David Z Maze
Henrik Grotjahn [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
HG today I was trying to set up ALSA on my Debian testing. Since I have
HG this shitty Onboard Soundchip AC97 I need to use at least ALSA 0.5,
HG because the chip is not supported by earlier versions.
HG Am I missing any packages or kernelmodules? I've got alsa-base 0.5,
HG alsa-utils 0.5 and alsaconf 0.4.3 installed.

You're definitely missing an alsa-modules-(kernel-version) package;
you'd generate one using your kernel sources, kernel-package, and the
alsa-source package.  It looks like alsa-source prompts you for which
modules to build via debconf; I'm building all of the modules here,
since extra build time is cheap and it saves me trouble if I ever
change my hardware.

I've punted completely on alsaconf (and judging by the version number, 
it might not work with more current ALSA anyways).  My
/etc/modutils/alsa file does contain the line

alias snd-card-0 snd-card-via686a

which seems essential to making the whole thing work.

HG I made even another mistake: For some reason (don't ask me why), I
HG deleted the alsa-ip-up-script from /etc/init.d/. It seems to be in
HG alsa-base. Can anyone tell me how to extract a single file from a
HG *.deb?

I'd just do 'apt-get install --reinstall alsa-base'.  It doesn't look
like there's an easy way to pull a single file out of a package
(dpkg-deb is the tool you'd wind up using), but either 'dpkg -x' or
'dpkg --fsys-tarfile' look like they could be useful.  See dpkg-deb(1) 
for details.

Theoretical politics is interesting.  Politicking should be illegal.
-- Abra Mitchell

Re: startx missing in potato - 4.0.3

2001-05-26 Thread dlaude
On 26 May 2001, at 0:52, Paul Wright wrote:

 On Fri, 25 May 2001 23:35:50 CDT Dana wrote:
  I did a apt-get dist-upgrade to get to 4.0.3 of xfree86, and now
  I'm getting a startx not found in /usr/X11/bin.  The sysbolic link
  is present in /etc/X11/X so, anyone have a startx file they'd mind
  sending to me for potato 2.2.r3?  I had to reboot to Windows
  since my mailer under Linux is balsa, otherwise I would have
  more details.
 Try whereis startx:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ whereis startx
 startx: /usr/X11R6/bin/startx /usr/bin/X11/startx
 I'm running woody, but I'd be surprised if startx was removed from your 
 I upgraded to testing when I changed over to xfree86 4.0 and expirienced 
 no problems.

Actually, startx is gone.  I should have just done an upgrade
from vs the dist-upgrade via apt-get.  Just a reminder,
this is a potato 2.2.r3 release.  I also should have backed up
startx. I *really* don't want to reinstall again.


Sendmail aliases error

2001-05-26 Thread Wayne Sitton
The other day My sendmail server's aliases stopped working.  When typing in
'newaliases' I get the following error

babylon5:/etc# newaliases
Cannot open hash database /etc/mail/aliases.db: Invalid argument
WARNING: cannot open alias database /etc/mail/aliases
Cannot create database for alias file /etc/mail/aliases

opening the aliases file, it looks normal.  I moved a working aliases.db
file from a different working server, and still had the same problem.  I
finnally, just decided to re-install sendmail.  I removed the sendmail
package from the server.  Then, manually removed the /etc/mail folder.  I
then re-installed sendmail, and after configuration, I get

Cannot open hash database /etc/mail/aliases.db: Invalid argument
WARNING: cannot open alias database /etc/mail/aliases
Cannot create database for alias file /etc/mail/aliases

What's the deal?


Re: startx missing in potato - 4.0.3

2001-05-26 Thread Paul Wright
On Sat, 26 May 2001 00:15:13 CDT, Dana wrote:

 Actually, startx is gone.  I should have just done an upgrade
 from vs the dist-upgrade via apt-get.  Just a reminder,
 this is a potato 2.2.r3 release.  I also should have backed up
 startx. I *really* don't want to reinstall again.

Make sure that you have the package xbase-clients installed.  Thats the 
package that startx ships in.

Other xfree86 version four packages I have installed are:

package version

xfree86-common  4.0.3-3
xserver-xfree86 4.0.3-3
xfonts-100dpi   4.0.3-3
xfonts-base 4.0.3-3
xfonts-scalable 4.0.3-3
xserver-common  4.0.3-3
xterm   4.0.3-3
xutils  4.0.3-3

If you apt-get these packages you should have enough to get x running 

enter them all on one line and use the --fix-missing option:
(apt-get --fix-missing install xfree86-common xserver-common etc.)

This should at least fill out your dependancies.

It seems that you may have had more than xbase-clients removed when you 
did the upgrade. I hope you didn't lose too much.

Don't re-install, it's not much fun and it's not really neccessary.

good luck,

-currently seeking employment-

Newbie questions !

2001-05-26 Thread Steve Kieu

If I dont want to run for example crond at boot time
how can I disable it? it is not the way to delete the
symlink in /etc/rc.2/ or chmod -x /etc/init.d/crond I



_ - Yahoo! Messenger
- Voice chat, mail alerts, stock quotes and favourite news and lots more!

Re: preferred dialup program

2001-05-26 Thread Erik Steffl
Jeff Maxson wrote:
 is there a best dialup program?  I have been using wvdial, and it seems
 to work ok, so I guess don't fix what ain't broke, but maybe another
 program is somehow better...

  I used xisp, works fairly ok, automatically redials, keeps track of
time (and price, if you pay for time connected), tries different numbers
etc... that was useful when my isp had problems (sometime one number
didn't work but other worked)

  later on I just used pon/poff in combination with gkrellm - just hit
button on gkrellm to connect, it shows when the connection is up and
amount of data transferred (real time, no statistics).

  if there's any problem, tail -f /var/log/syslog (or /var/log/ppp.log)
to see what's going on.


installing galeon from rpms

2001-05-26 Thread Alexander Isacson
Hello all.

I'm wondering if anyone has tried installing mozilla 0.9 and galeon-0.10.6 from
Since no debs exist to my knowlege I was planning to create some with alien. 
Which RPM pagackge should I should I choose?
Compiling from source is somewhat of a hassle.


Re: Newbie questions !

2001-05-26 Thread Mike Egglestone
You could delete the symlink... or better yet...rename it .
rename to
just in case you ever want it back

- Original Message -
From: Steve Kieu [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: debian
Sent: Friday, May 25, 2001 11:10 PM
Subject: Newbie questions !


 If I dont want to run for example crond at boot time
 how can I disable it? it is not the way to delete the
 symlink in /etc/rc.2/ or chmod -x /etc/init.d/crond I



_ - Yahoo! Messenger
 - Voice chat, mail alerts, stock quotes and favourite news and lots more!

 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: Printer Question

2001-05-26 Thread Mike Egglestone
Do you have terminal access?
Meaning... do you have X?
therefore you can install printtool.its a .deb package
(downloadable from debian site)
If you haven't tried printtool... give it a go...

- Original Message -
From: Mark Wagnon [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, May 25, 2001 9:51 PM
Subject: Printer Question

 Hi all,

 Trying to get my printer working but having some problems with it. I
 used to have an HP Laserjet 6L which I had working on an earlier
 Debian Potato installation. Now I have a new installation and a new
 printer. My printer is an Epson Stylus Color 880. Still running

 Anyway, I have lprng, gs-aladdin, and magicfilter installed as I did
 on my previous installation. The device that the printer is showing up
 as has seemed to have moved on me. It's now on /dev/lp0 (was lp1).
 After configuring my printcap with magicfilgerconfig, I get this when
 I print a file:

 Printer: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  'esc880'
 Queue: no printable jobs in queue
 Status: job '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' removed at 21:41:46.427
 Filter_status: lp is ready and printing

 Anyone know what this message means besides the obvious? I am also
 unable to send a filer directly to the printer with cat. I would do a
 backflip if I could just get garbage to issue from my printer, but it
 doesn't seem to want to cooperate.

 Any ideas? I've seen several posts on printer issues over the last
 week or two. However, they, nor what I could glean from the archives
 seemed to improve my predicament.

 Thanks in advance for any advice.

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Re: /etc/rc* and locate

2001-05-26 Thread john gennard
On Fri, 25 May 2001, ray p wrote:

Thanks for the replies. 

I don't understand Noah's point - as I said, I ran 'updatedb' after
removing qmail and the only files shown by the 'locate qmail'
command were those which were not under /etc/rc*. I have no
program which runs update nightly.

Today, using Kevin's 'locate -e' does not show the files - as he said
would be the case. I've just run 'updatedb' once more and again 
I'm told the files are still there. Seems illogical and puzzling to me.


 And of course updatedb will rebuild the database which depending
 on your system may be a short time or a *very* long time.  
 On Thu, May 24, 2001 at 02:30:35PM -0700, Kevin Dalley wrote:
  locate -e limits your output to files in the database which still
  Noah L. Meyerhans [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
   On Thu, May 24, 2001 at 08:16:26PM +0100, john gennard wrote:
which locate (after updatedb) shows as being present when in actual
fact they are not there. I did not remove them by hand, it was only
when trying to do so that I found this situation.

Does anyone have any explanation of why this is so?
   Locate uses a database that is updated nightly on Debian.  If those
   files existed last night, but are gone today, then locate will still
   show them to you.  Most likely they were deleted automatically when you
   uninstalled the package.

line numbers in code

2001-05-26 Thread john gennard
I'm having to look for certain lines in code and have been doing so
by laboriously counting down the program. As many error messages
make reference to line numbers, I feel sure there must be a simple
way to locate say 'line 1267' How do people go about this?


Setting the time with Samba

2001-05-26 Thread Andrew Pollock

I was being lazy, and was going to sync the time on my Windoze box against
my Linux box, using the net time command from a DOS box.

Here's what happened:

C:\WINDOWSnet time \\caesar
Current time at \\CAESAR is 5-26-2001 2:53A.M.
The command was completed successfully.

But on my Linux box:

caesar:/home/apollock# date
Sat May 26 17:56:20 EST 2001

I'm pretty sure I do have my hardware clock set to UTC (how can you
tell?), but even then:

caesar:/home/apollock# date --utc
Sat May 26 07:57:06 UTC 2001

So I'm at a bit of a loss to work out what's going on with respect to the
time differences.

The timezone on the Linux box is same as the Windoze box.

Any suggestions?


Re: Printer Question

2001-05-26 Thread Phillip Deackes
On Fri, 25 May 2001 21:51:09 -0700
Mark Wagnon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi all,
 Trying to get my printer working but having some problems with it. I
 used to have an HP Laserjet 6L which I had working on an earlier
 Debian Potato installation. Now I have a new installation and a new
 printer. My printer is an Epson Stylus Color 880. Still running
 Anyway, I have lprng, gs-aladdin, and magicfilter installed as I did
 on my previous installation. The device that the printer is showing up
 as has seemed to have moved on me. It's now on /dev/lp0 (was lp1).
 After configuring my printcap with magicfilgerconfig, I get this when
 I print a file:

Did you know that Epson have written a Linux driver for this printer? It
is available from:

The quality is superb and the resultant print quality is easily equal to
that of the Windows driver. The driver is based on ghostscript so fits in
with lprng or lpr or whatever and just needs a line in /etc/printcap. 

I just installed the rpm version onto my Debian box. Caused no problems at

Phillip Deackes
Using Progeny Debian Linux

Re: line numbers in code

2001-05-26 Thread Aaron Hall
On Fri, 25 May 2001, john gennard wrote:

 I'm having to look for certain lines in code and have been doing so
 by laboriously counting down the program. As many error messages
 make reference to line numbers, I feel sure there must be a simple
 way to locate say 'line 1267' How do people go about this?

That depends on what editor you use. In vi, for example, you can type,

1267G command mode (capital 'G', BTW), and you're right there. So, what
editor are you using?

- Aaron

So:  My point is that [Microsoft] may have a ton of money and be more
vicious than a junkyard dog, and have a stranglehold on dimwitted IS
managers, but they're just not very _competent_.

-- Rick Moen, on macosx-for-users

Re: Disk performance and SWAP file location

2001-05-26 Thread Alex Suzuki
On Fri, May 25, 2001 at 05:45:38PM -0500, Walter L. Preuninger II wrote:
 I wouild like to optimize my partitioning scheme

Hello Walter,

Have you read Karsten Koehntopps Partitioning HowTo?

Alex Suzuki | [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
To send me an email, remove NOSPAM from the above address

Re: installing galeon from rpms

2001-05-26 Thread Alex Suzuki
On Sat, May 26, 2001 at 09:06:18AM +, Alexander Isacson wrote:
 Hello all.
 I'm wondering if anyone has tried installing mozilla 0.9 and galeon-0.10.6 
 Since no debs exist to my knowlege I was planning to create some with alien. 
 Which RPM pagackge should I should I choose?
 Compiling from source is somewhat of a hassle.

Hello Alex,

Christophe Barbe has made excellent debs including a patched mozilla 0.9 (fixes
tab crash) and galeon 0.10.6.
I quote:

Hi all,

I've made a debian package for galeon 0.10.6.
This package is build against sid (aka unstable)(should certainly rebuild
against other debian dists).
It requires a patched version of mozilla 0.9.
I've rebuild the kitame packages with this patch and you can apt-get it at
the same url.

Feedback is welcome.


note that it is __not__ yet apt-gettable, because the author is looking
for an ftp-host to support it (read the thread on galeon-user). You have
to download them manually and dpkg -i  apt-get -f install them.

Alex :)
Alex Suzuki | [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
To send me an email, remove NOSPAM from the above address

Re: line numbers in code

2001-05-26 Thread Romain Lerallut
On Fri, 25 May 2001, john gennard wrote:

 I'm having to look for certain lines in code and have been doing so
 by laboriously counting down the program. As many error messages
 make reference to line numbers, I feel sure there must be a simple
 way to locate say 'line 1267' How do people go about this?


The C preprocessor has a __LINE__ directive that is replaced by the line

You can run *any* text through cpp (not just C program sources, I use it
for my Fortran codes:)

$echo '__LINE__' | cpp -P

(-P prevents the output of weird stuff for gcc )


Qui donne au pauvre prête a Dieu.
Victor Hugo, Les Voix intérieures

Re: line numbers in code

2001-05-26 Thread Willi Dyck
On Fri, May 25, 2001 at 08:59:48PM +0100, john gennard wrote:
 I'm having to look for certain lines in code and have been doing so
 by laboriously counting down the program. As many error messages
 make reference to line numbers, I feel sure there must be a simple
 way to locate say 'line 1267' How do people go about this?

If you're using vim, type : and then the line number you want to jump
to. You could also do 'cat file | grep 1267' if you have numbered your

MfG/Regards, Willi

-- a registered (#210445) user of:Debian 2.2r3 GNU/Linux
icq# 49564994###AIM: wdyck###GnuPG-Key:  1024D/8BFCA69B
Fingerprint: DAD2 E564 B725 E6A3 5A0F  1497 4411 F30F 8BFC A69B

Description: PGP signature

x server again and again

2001-05-26 Thread Derya PALANCI

I've upgraded my xfree86 to 4.0.3 configured 
it but it had a porblem...
in log it was written as :
Symbol VBEInit from module 
/usr/X11R6/lib/modules/drivers/i810_drv.o is unresolved!

Does this mean i had something wrong? I have a i810 
motherboard and i2ve selected to load all 3 of i810 modules...

Thanks in advance

Re: line numbers in code

2001-05-26 Thread Erik Steffl
john gennard wrote:
 I'm having to look for certain lines in code and have been doing so
 by laboriously counting down the program. As many error messages
 make reference to line numbers, I feel sure there must be a simple
 way to locate say 'line 1267' How do people go about this?

  in vi you can also type (esc if you're in insert mode) :set number to
see the line numbers...

  the other way (kinda perverse) to do it is: when you're at the
beginning of the file, type in the number of the line - 1 and press j
(to go down that number of lines)...


Re: line numbers in code

2001-05-26 Thread John Galt

In vi, :1267 works...

On Fri, 25 May 2001, john gennard wrote:

I'm having to look for certain lines in code and have been doing so
by laboriously counting down the program. As many error messages
make reference to line numbers, I feel sure there must be a simple
way to locate say 'line 1267' How do people go about this?


A novice of the temple once approached the Chief Priest with a
Master, does Emacs have the Buddha nature? the novice asked.
The Chief Priest had been in the temple for many years and could be
relied upon to know these things.  He thought for several minutes before
I don't see why not.  It's got bloody well everything else.
With that, the Chief Priest went to lunch.  The novice suddenly
achieved enlightenment, several years later.


His Master is kind,
Answering his FAQ quickly,
With thought and sarcasm.


Conference support software?

2001-05-26 Thread Igor Mozetic
I'm looking for some software/packages/tools to support
web-based conference registration. No big deal, medium-seized
event with 100-150 participants. I don't expect anything
fancy, just support for forms (cgi-bin, Perl, Python, ?),
an interface to a database (might be event text-based?),
on-line subscription to a mailing list (something like
smartlist + web interface). Any suggestions, experiences, ...

-Igor Mozetic

Kde Sid directory problem

2001-05-26 Thread Matthew Gibbins
 I'm running konqueror in Sid and am encountering problems loading1 some modules
 for konqueror configuration. 
  Particularly those under the directories:
 I'm not advocating that anyone take up emacs. Not even me: at my age, I'd be 
more likely to try bungee-jumping. It's easier, and has less risk of causing 
permanent brain damage.
**  A posting on ZDNet forum

Re: line numbers in code

2001-05-26 Thread Neil Booth
Romain Lerallut wrote:-

 You can run *any* text through cpp (not just C program sources, I use it
 for my Fortran codes:)

That's not true, certainly in GCC 3.0.


Re: line numbers in code

2001-05-26 Thread Romain Lerallut
On Sat, 26 May 2001, Neil Booth wrote:
 Romain Lerallut wrote:-

  You can run *any* text through cpp (not just C program sources, I use it
  for my Fortran codes:)

 That's not true, certainly in GCC 3.0.



echo '__LINE__' | cpp-3.0  -P

looks like you can ( with my Fortran codes too!)


PS: anyway, after re-reading the original request, I realize my answer
wasn't probably what was expected...

Re: Trouble setting up ALSA for a AC97

2001-05-26 Thread Henrik Grotjahn
David Z Maze [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Thanks a lot! Works fine, now.



GnuPG-Key now available on public keyservers  -

Re: new debian user

2001-05-26 Thread Ciobîcã
 Date: Fri, 25 May 2001 11:45:44 +0100
 Subject: new debian user
 Can anyone help
 Been running linux mandrake and decided to try debian.
 When using mandrake I setserial to /dev/ttyS2 com3 to irq 10 and connection
 to internet was successful.
 On setting up debian i changed the serial of /dev/ttyS2 to irq 10 and the
 modemn was found
 Can wvdial as root but not as user tried adduser  to dialout but still
 having problems.
 I have been going round in circles for a few days. Any ideals on how to
 connect up.

Did you setuit root the command you use to dial? I haven't use for a while
a modem, but when I did I had to do that.
 Another thing is the sound.
 When running mandrake i used sndconfig to set up my sound.
 In debian my card is found es1869 but I cant get it to work.
 In windows my sound card is found on irq 5 and I used this in mandrake to
 work. Anyone know how to get my sound working.
 Is there an equivilent sndconfig for debian.

sndconfig is available for Debian (at list for testing).
I configured my sound card in the kernel. Do you know to make
a new kernel?
 What I see of debian so far is great but trying to set up the system to my
 requirements is proving more difficult that I thought.

Red Hat and the similar ones are trying to hard to mimic windoze,
where people don't need to know (or think) what they have or what
they want. (My oppinion!) 

 Thanks in advance
Is OK. Just make sure you send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
and not to sebian-www, which is dealing with web pages. Have a look at;.

Good luck,


2001-05-26 Thread Csontos B. Laszlo

Dear List members,

I've realized the following problem on my machine. When I perform a finger
command, I'll get the following:

LoginName   Tty  Idle  Login Time   Office Office Phone
adminSystem administra  pts/1  May 24 19:01 (
egon Csizmadia Gaborpts/3  May 24 19:01 (
laceeCsontos B. Laszlo  pts/2  May 24 19:01 (

I don't know why aren't the IPs resolved. I've got internal DNS.

I've tried different diagnostic procedures, like this:

[root:~]# host

[root:~]# nslookup
Server:  localhost




order hosts,bind
multi on


B Laszlo Csontos

galeon 0.10.6 Packages anywhere ?

2001-05-26 Thread Bernhard Josef Rieder
Hello everybody,

I have been looking for galeon 0.10.6 packages quite
a long time now. The only packages that seem available
are the 0.10.5 ones that do not work with mozilla 0.9.

Are there any new packages on the web or am I just to
stupid to find them? Currently I have to use Opera 5
and I really do not like it. The lookfeel is by
magnitudes not as nice as with galeon.


  /\   ___.--.  
Bernhard Rieder  Nagetiere  / `.o\ (0)).-.-.`.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  /o O  o) :-´o  . _/ __( :=´~`-.__.-´
   /o_.--_(  `--´-'---'--'´

Re: Grafting directories with mkisofs?

2001-05-26 Thread csj
On Thursday 24 May 2001 09:12, Balbir Thomas wrote:
 Could you please tell me what is wrong with the following script :

 mkisofs -AArchive-22-05-2001/AI-1 -PB Thomas -hide-rr-moved -J -R
 -r \ -x ai/areas -x ai/lang -o ai1.iso \
  ai \
  areas/=ai/areas/0.doc \
  areas/=ai/areas/file_ext.txt \
  areas/=ai/areas/readme.txt \
  areas/=ai/areas/0.html \
  areas/=ai/areas/index.html \
  areas/=ai/areas/agents \
  areas/=ai/areas/alife \

 when I try to run it mkisofs complains :

 mksofs: Error: ai/areas/agents/readme.txt and ai/areas/readme.txt
 have the same Rock Ridge name
 mkisofs: Unable to sort directory areas
 and many other similar errors

 As i understand mkisofs is complaining about namespace clashes .
 But from the man pages I would have expected that for instance the
 directory agents would appear as a subdirectory to the directory
 areas in the root dir. At least that was the intention.

 BTW: I notice there is very little supports for such directory
 grafting features in gcombust and xcdroast . Would you know of any
 other GUI burner that has them.

Have you tried adding the -graft-points option?

Re: galeon 0.10.6 Packages anywhere ?

2001-05-26 Thread Alex Suzuki
On Sat, May 26, 2001 at 12:51:30PM +0200, Bernhard Josef Rieder wrote:
 Are there any new packages on the web or am I just to
 stupid to find them? Currently I have to use Opera 5
 and I really do not like it. The lookfeel is by

Please read the list more carefully. I replied to a very similar post
yesterday. Christophe Barbe has made packages with Galeon 0.10.6 and
patched Mozilla 0.9

Hi all,

I've made a debian package for galeon 0.10.6.
This package is build against sid (aka unstable)(should certainly rebuild
against other debian dists).
It requires a patched version of mozilla 0.9.
I've rebuild the kitame packages with this patch and you can apt-get it at
the same url.

Feedback is welcome.


Alex Suzuki | [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
To send me an email, remove NOSPAM from the above address

Re: line numbers in code

2001-05-26 Thread Tommi Komulainen
On Fri, May 25, 2001 at 08:59:48PM +0100, john gennard wrote:
 I'm having to look for certain lines in code and have been doing so
 by laboriously counting down the program. As many error messages
 make reference to line numbers, I feel sure there must be a simple
 way to locate say 'line 1267' How do people go about this?

Since you mentioned error messages, I'm assuming you get those while
compiling, eg. running make.[1]  Some editors, at least vim and emacs,
support compiling directly from within them.  Should you receive any
errors during the compile, the cursor will be automatically moved on the
right line in the right file!

In vim the command is :make, in emacs M-x compile.  Help for those
commands will tell you more.

1. If you are not running make, but gcc directly, then I suggest you
   make a small Makefile, it'll usually pay off if you compile often.

Tommi Komulainen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
GPG 1024D/68388EE66FD6 DD79 EB38 BF6F 3533  09C0 04A8 9871 6838 8EE6

Description: PGP signature

Re: Caching-only nameserver - which bind

2001-05-26 Thread Tommi Komulainen
On Sat, May 26, 2001 at 12:40:39AM -0400, Paul Wright wrote:
 Hi all,
 I'm about to configure a caching only nameserver for my dialup box, and I 
 noticed that there are two variants of the bind package available, bind 
 and bind9.  I know that the bind package is version 8.x
 Which version should I use?

If caching is all you need, there are better alternatives.  Some are
even specifically meant for dialup hosts, but unfortunately I can't
remember any of those by name.  I'm not too sure if any of those is even
packaged, but we'll always have :)

I'd say djbdns is a good choice too.  It's more efficient since if all
you want is a caching only nameserver, then all you run is a caching
only nameserver, not a full-blown nameserver with all
master-slave-dnssec-dynamic-updates -features disabled.

It's configuration is totally different from bind, though, but not
difficult.  And you'll also need to compile it yourself as it's license
doesn't allow distributing modified binaries, which are required to make
it follow the filesystem hierarchy used in debian.

If I didn't manage to scare you away already, install djbdns-installer
package and see where it takes you.  You'll also need to install
daemontools(-installer) as djbdns uses a somewhat different method from
/etc/init.d -scripts to start.

Tommi Komulainen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
GPG 1024D/68388EE66FD6 DD79 EB38 BF6F 3533  09C0 04A8 9871 6838 8EE6

Description: PGP signature

Re: preferred dialup program

2001-05-26 Thread John Hasler
kent writes:
 I used to have good luck with pppconfig.

Pppconfig is not a dialup program.  It is a ppp configurator which
configures ppp as recommended by the upstream ppp maintainer for use with
pon/poff or any of several dialup programs and ppp monitors.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, Wisconsin

Re: Debian2.2 and XFree86 version 4

2001-05-26 Thread Andreas Schmidt
On Fri, May 25, 2001 at 04:18:11PM +0300, Derya PALANCI wrote:
 Hi Andreas
 I had the same problem so i did what you told someone else... but it removes
 some packages now i cannot make xf86config it says command not found... do
 i have to do something?
 I have a i810 board, debian potato 2.2 , newly installed xfree86  4.0.3

Hi Derya,

xf86config is in the package xbase-clients. So after an

apt-get install xbase-clients

xf86config should be back again.


Re: line numbers in code

2001-05-26 Thread Petr \[Dingo\] Dvorak
On Fri, 25 May 2001, john gennard wrote:

jg I'm having to look for certain lines in code and have been doing so
jg by laboriously counting down the program. As many error messages
jg make reference to line numbers, I feel sure there must be a simple
jg way to locate say 'line 1267' How do people go about this?

pico +line_number filename.ext
or in mcedit try alt-l and type the number in the box and press enter ..


   ' `(~)' `
  Petr [Dingo] Dvorak [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Coder - Purple Dragon MUD port 
 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-[ 369D93 ]=-
 Oxymoron: Microsoft Works

compiling kernel 2.4.4 in potato

2001-05-26 Thread Ian Lee
After following the instructions on the debian webiste to use a 2.4 kernel 
on potato, everything installed fine.

I then unpacked the kernel. ran through the options did
make dep;make clean
Everything ok when I try make bzImage
I get

gcc: Internel compile error: program cc1 got fatal signal 4
make[2]: *** [locks.o] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory '/usr/src/kernel-source-2.4.4/fs'
make[1]: *** [first_rule] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory '/usr/src/kernel-source-2.4.4/fs'
make: *** [_dir_fs]  Error 2
il500:/usr/src/linux# {standard input}: Assembler messages:
{standard input}:0: Warning: end of file not at end of line; new line 

cpp: output pipe has been closed

This doesn't mean much to me and don't know how to fix it.

Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

Re: line numbers in code

2001-05-26 Thread Alan Shutko
Tommi Komulainen [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 1. If you are not running make, but gcc directly, then I suggest you
make a small Makefile, it'll usually pay off if you compile often.

If you're running gcc directly, you may not even _need_ a Makefile.

Given a file prog.c, and no Makefile, 

make prog

will correctly compile prog.  You can set the CC, CFLAGS, LDFLAGS, etc
environment variables to change the default rules.

If you have more than one file creating an executable, you want a
Makefile, but this is great for quick things.

Alan Shutko [EMAIL PROTECTED] - In a variety of flavors!
You are the only person to ever get this message.

debian x ibook

2001-05-26 Thread nico
vorrei sapere quale versione di debian devo procurarmi x poterla installare
si un ibook blueberry, e se possibile anche come e dove procurarmela!


Re: [ i810 chipset on potato]

2001-05-26 Thread Paul Wright
Branden forwarded this to debian-user:

Dear X Strike Force,

I am currently installing Debian GNU/Linux potato on a machine in our labs.
I found out (by opening the case, since I had no documentation on the
machine) that there is a i810 chipset inside.
I found the debian-page on this matter (XFree86 with i810 chipset) but had
no succes so far on inserting the module which I succesfully compiled from
i810-agpgart-module.tar.gz into my kernel which is kernel-image-2.2.18pre21
(and I also compiled succesfully myself). It reports unresolved symbols.
Should I upgrade my xserver to woody or sid, since you say on your webpage:
[23 Dec 2000] This has been removed since the official Linux kernel and
XFree86 4.x are now in sync with each other.. what does this mean ??
Can you help me out by getting my xserver running ?


Hi Kris,

I think I can help.

Should I upgrade my xserver to woody or sid...

You should upgrade the entire distribution to Woody.  Do the following:

1. change your /etc/sources.list to look like this:

deb testing main contrib non-free
deb testing/non-US main contrib non-free

(you may use your favorite mirror if you wish)

2. issue the commands: apt-get update and: apt-get dist-upgrade  if you 
run into any difficulties (the dependancies issue can get complicated, but 
you should't have any problems) try running:
apt-get --fix-missing dist-upgrade

3. make certain you have the correct packages for xfree86-4.0

4. get the kernel-source-2.2.4 package

 XFree86 4.x are now in sync with each other.. what does this mean ?

It means that the xfree86 developers are coordinating with the kernel 
developers. (and contributing code for the kernel agpart modules.

re-compile and install the kernel from the 2.2.4 source. 

configure xfree86 (use xf86config -- despite what some may claim, it works 
well with xfree86-4)

Start your xserver and have fun.

If you have any problems or questions post to the debian-user list, 
there's many extremely talented souls who will tell you where I've gone 
wrong ;)


-currently seeking employment-

Re: Grafting directories with mkisofs?

2001-05-26 Thread Balbir Thomas
On Sat, May 26, 2001 at 06:52:33PM +0800, csj wrote:
 On Thursday 24 May 2001 09:12, Balbir Thomas wrote:
  Could you please tell me what is wrong with the following script :
  mkisofs -AArchive-22-05-2001/AI-1 -PB Thomas -hide-rr-moved -J -R
  -r \ -x ai/areas -x ai/lang -o ai1.iso \
   ai \
   areas/=ai/areas/0.doc \
   areas/=ai/areas/file_ext.txt \
   areas/=ai/areas/readme.txt \
   areas/=ai/areas/0.html \
   areas/=ai/areas/index.html \
   areas/=ai/areas/agents \
   areas/=ai/areas/alife \
  when I try to run it mkisofs complains :
  mksofs: Error: ai/areas/agents/readme.txt and ai/areas/readme.txt
  have the same Rock Ridge name
  mkisofs: Unable to sort directory areas
  and many other similar errors
  As i understand mkisofs is complaining about namespace clashes .
  But from the man pages I would have expected that for instance the
  directory agents would appear as a subdirectory to the directory
  areas in the root dir. At least that was the intention.
  BTW: I notice there is very little supports for such directory
  grafting features in gcombust and xcdroast . Would you know of any
  other GUI burner that has them.
 Have you tried adding the -graft-points option?
Nope thanks for the idea ? will try it .
b thomas

Re: /etc/rc* and locate

2001-05-26 Thread Wayne Topa

Subject: Re: /etc/rc* and locate
Date: Fri, May 25, 2001 at 08:20:47PM +0100

In reply to:john gennard

Quoting john gennard([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 On Fri, 25 May 2001, ray p wrote:
 Thanks for the replies. 
 I don't understand Noah's point - as I said, I ran 'updatedb' after
 removing qmail and the only files shown by the 'locate qmail'
 command were those which were not under /etc/rc*.

 I have no
 program which runs update nightly.

I think you do. see /etc/cron.daily/find
 Today, using Kevin's 'locate -e' does not show the files - as he said
 would be the case. I've just run 'updatedb' once more and again 
 I'm told the files are still there. Seems illogical and puzzling to me.

Disclaimer: Any errors in spelling, tact, or fact are transmission

Re: automounting home directories with nfs

2001-05-26 Thread Jonathan Matthews
 Hi All,
 I'm trying to set up a small network and I'll be using NIS and NFS for
 home directories.

 I was wondering if it's possible to only mount a user's home directory
 when he tries to log in.  This way I'll only have one home directory
 mounted on the box at a time and I can avoid putting an unnecessary
 on the server.

I recall seeing a solution for this somewhere.
Went along the lines of nfs-mounting a /home/$USER directory for each
user who logged on, but not mounting the whole of /home.

Can't remember exactly where it was, but I think it was a Linux Gazette
article. Try searching google for nfs auto mount tutorial and try the
resulting LG pages. There were two articles, AFAIR, both by the same
Either that, or the man pages or howtos . . . :-) They're the only
places I would've seen the article . .

For what it's worth, I'd just stick with automounting /home when a user
logs on - it's not really costing you that much (any at all?) in terms
of cpu or memory to have all of /home mounted.
Then again, I could be wrong ... :)



2001-05-26 Thread Dave Sherohman
When did apt-utils become mandatory?  I just did an apt-get upgrade (in
testing) and it died immediately after downloading packages with the message

debconf: cannot preconfigure packages -- apt-utils is not installed
E: Failure running script /usr/sbin/dpkg-preconfigure --apt || true

Installing apt-utils fixed this, but I thought it was supposed to be
optional.  (No, I don't want to use it until it actually works.  In theory,
apt-utils is supposed to let you answer all the packages' questions up front.
In practice, every question that I answer up front is asked again later,
completely ignoring my previous answers.  How is that supposed to be

That's not gibberish...  It's Linux. - Byers, The Lone Gunmen
Geek Code 3.12:  GCS d? s+: a C++ UL$ P+ L+++ E- W--(++) N+
o+ !K w--- O M- V? PS+ PE Y+ PGP t 5++ X+ R++ tv+ b+ DI D G e* h r y+

Re: Printer Question

2001-05-26 Thread Mark Wagnon
On 05/26/01 00:29:21 -0700, Mike Egglestone wrote:
 Do you have terminal access?
 Meaning... do you have X?
 therefore you can install printtool.its a .deb package
 (downloadable from debian site)
 If you haven't tried printtool... give it a go...

Thanks for the response. Yes I have X up and running. I've never heard
of printtool. I've take a look at it.

Thanks again!

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Re: Printer Question

2001-05-26 Thread Mark Wagnon
On 05/26/01 08:45:49 +0100, Phillip Deackes wrote:

[my ramblings about my Epson Stylus Color 880 printer snipped...]

 Did you know that Epson have written a Linux driver for this printer? It
 is available from:

No, I wasn't aware of that. Great!

 The quality is superb and the resultant print quality is easily equal to
 that of the Windows driver. The driver is based on ghostscript so fits in
 with lprng or lpr or whatever and just needs a line in /etc/printcap. 

That's excellent. I'm going to visit Epson's site right now.

 I just installed the rpm version onto my Debian box. Caused no problems at

You did that with alien? I take it there are no deb packages then,

Thanks again for your help. It's my goal to have my printer working
before the day is done. It's drag to have to reboot to print :-(

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Re: compiling kernel 2.4.4 in potato

2001-05-26 Thread Wayne Topa

Subject: compiling kernel 2.4.4 in potato
Date: Sat, May 26, 2001 at 02:09:06PM -

In reply to:Ian Lee

Quoting Ian Lee([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 After following the instructions on the debian webiste to use a 2.4 kernel 
 on potato, everything installed fine.
 I then unpacked the kernel. ran through the options did
 make dep;make clean
 Everything ok when I try make bzImage
 I get
 gcc: Internel compile error: program cc1 got fatal signal 4

A google.con search on Signal 4 or 11 will give you a number of things
to check, ie  Memory, Overclocking, etc.

ISTR a recent post about GCC itself causing this (upgrade required).

I had a problem with a AMD k6-200 used MB I bought.  To compile the
newer kernels I had to clock it at 166 Mhz and replace the memory.

It now runs faster, @ 166 Mhz, then it did at 200 with the old memory.

:-) HTH, YMMV, HAND :-)

Hi, my name is Any Key. Please don't hit me!

conclusion from Re: Samba won't start

2001-05-26 Thread D-Man
On Fri, May 25, 2001 at 11:12:50AM -0400, D-Man wrote:
| On Thu, May 24, 2001 at 08:34:32PM +0200, Mirek Kwasniak wrote:
| | On Thu, May 24, 2001 at 07:55:14AM -0400, D-Man wrote:
| | [...]
| |  Does samba work when run from xinetd?
| | 
| | Yes, samba works from xinetd but you must add a special flag for nmbd in
| | xinetd.conf:
| Hmm, I couldn't get either nmbd or smbd to work from xinetd.  I added
| that flag for nmbd, but the windows box didn't know the machine
| existed.  Then I tried nmbd as standalone and smbd from xinted.  The
| windows box know the machine was there (nmbd functionalit) but
| couldn't see any shares on it (smbd functionality).
| I think it might be an issue with timeouts -- windows isn't waiting
| long enough for xinetd to startup then handoff the socket to the
| proper daemon.  Is there any way I can change the timeouts on the
| windows box, or make xinetd respond faster?  (windows 98 -- probably
| the first edition as I got the machine in august '98)

Well, I have more or less solved the problem (at least identified what
the solution would be) :

It turns out I had xinetd configured properly.  When I tried it on the
Duron 750 box (with 128MB RAM) it works beautifully with no visible
delays!  If I run nmbd as standalone (since it doesn't die anyways)
and smbd from xinetd it works on the 486 box (only 8MB RAM) iff the
box isn't busy doing other stuff.  When I try to browse the shares I
can see and hear the hard drive cranking for a few seconds before I
see a response.

I guess I need to increase the power of the machine  (acquire more
RAM), or perhaps I will get better performance if I run it as
standalone and let it sit in swap most of the time. 


Network Printing with Progeny/Debian

2001-05-26 Thread Jim Darrough


   I am the proud owner of a nice new Progeny system but, since I 
cannot seem to locate anything on their website concerning an email 
reflector, I thought I would ask here. Please, as a favor, please 
redirect flames to dev=NULL.

  I have an HP OfficeJet 630 hooked up to the debian box (An Athlon 650 
with 128 meg of memory, 30g ATA-100 Maxtor HD, VooDoo3 PCI, etc.). I 
installed samba and it seems to be running ok, but others on my network 
cannot add the printer onto their windows boxes. When I try to access 
the progeny box, it asks me for a password, and I cannot get past that. 
I have made sure that the Win98 box that I am trying to give access has 
an account on the Debian box, but that does not help.

  Any clues? I think it may be a samba issue but am not sure.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


Jim Darrough

Re: Setting the time with Samba

2001-05-26 Thread Mike Egglestone
The Samba list guys should know more about this stuff...
but you may want to try this in your netlogon batch file..

net use \\samba /set /y

Hope this helps...
- Original Message -
From: Andrew Pollock [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, May 26, 2001 12:58 AM
Subject: Setting the time with Samba


 I was being lazy, and was going to sync the time on my Windoze box against
 my Linux box, using the net time command from a DOS box.

 Here's what happened:

 C:\WINDOWSnet time \\caesar
 Current time at \\CAESAR is 5-26-2001 2:53A.M.
 The command was completed successfully.

 But on my Linux box:

 caesar:/home/apollock# date
 Sat May 26 17:56:20 EST 2001

 I'm pretty sure I do have my hardware clock set to UTC (how can you
 tell?), but even then:

 caesar:/home/apollock# date --utc
 Sat May 26 07:57:06 UTC 2001

 So I'm at a bit of a loss to work out what's going on with respect to the
 time differences.

 The timezone on the Linux box is same as the Windoze box.

 Any suggestions?


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Re: Network Printing with Progeny/Debian

2001-05-26 Thread Sebastian Becerra
 I am the proud owner of a nice new Progeny system but, since I
 cannot seem to locate anything on their website concerning an email
 reflector, I thought I would ask here. Please, as a favor, please
 redirect flames to dev=NULL.

I believe you mean /dev/null.   ;-)

When I try to access
 the [server], it asks me for a password, and I cannot get past that.
 I have made sure that the Win98 box that I am trying to give access has
 an account on the Debian box, but that does not help.

Any clues? I think it may be a samba issue but am not sure.

I had to do the same thing a while back.
First of all, you have to decide if you want to have all your windows
clients use the same account on the Samba server, or if they'll each have an
individual account.
(In my setup, they all used the same lan account, which was much easier,
and not really any less secure since only computers on the LAN could access

I'll show you how to have all the windows clients access the samba shares
with the same account/password.

3 steps.

1- create a dummy account on the Samba server, with access to whatever
you're sharing.  (e.g., if you're trying to share a folder, make sure your
user has the required read/write permissions on it! Ditto for printers.)

2- Run smbpasswd USERNAME. so if your dummy username is lan, than you
would run smbpasswd lan, and enter the desired password.

3- edit '/etc/samba/smb.conf'. (or wherever smb.conf is located).
set (in global variables):
security = share
encrypt passwords = yes

and when you define your share, set user = DUMMYACCOUNT
For example:

   path = /mysharedfiles
   create mode = 0700
   force create mode = 0700
   user = lan
   read only = no

The above would share the folder '/mysharedfiles' to ANYONE who could supply
the password for user lan.
All files created/modified would have perms of 700.
This is _obviously_ not the most secure technique, but for most people who
are just sharing a printer over their local network, it works just fine.

(If you were going for user-level security, you would have to create an
individual account for each username of the client computers.)

Hope this helps,

Installing Potato with Promise RAID controller

2001-05-26 Thread Jonas Wolz

I'm trying to install Potato (2.2r2) on a box with two harddisks connected to 
a Promise PDC20265 controller in RAID 0 mode (the two harddisks appear like 
one, big harddisk).
With the UDMA66 kernel, the system boots up fine, and it recognizes a disk 
connected to the controller as /dev/hde, but the kernel thinks that /dev/hde 
has only the size of _one_ disk, not the sizes of _both_ disks together.
One effect of this is that the partition table is considered corrupt:
The primary NTFS partition is considered to extend over the end of the drive 
and the logical NTFS and FAT partitions inside a extended partition (where 
the linux partitions should go, too) are not found.

Has anybody a idea how to fix this, so that the correct size is recognized ?



Re: problem running xf86cfg

2001-05-26 Thread Philipp Bliedung
Philipp Bliedung wrote:


 I just upgraded to XFree 4.0.3 but when I try tu run xf86cfg I get this
 error message:

 Xserver is running an old XFree86-VidModeExtension version (0.8)
 Minimum required version is 2.0
 Module ABI versions:
  XFree86 ANSI C Emulation: 0.1
  XFree86 Video Driver: 0.3
  XFree86 XInput driver : 0.1
  XFree86 Server Extension : 0.1
  XFree86 Font Renderer : 0.2
 Loader running on linux
 Illegal instruction

 Any ideas how I can fix this?
 BTW what does the VidModeExtension do?

Even running XF86Setup gives me this:

Warning CHIPSET specification missing in Card database entry S3 Savage4
(line 1442).
Warning SERVER specification missing in Card database entry Trident
TGUI9420 (generic) (line 2186).
Warning SERVER specification missing in Card database entry Trident
TGUI9440 (generic) (line 2191).
Warning SERVER specification missing in Card database entry Trident
TGUI9660 (generic) (line 2196).
Warning SERVER specification missing in Card database entry Trident
TGUI9680 (generic) (line 2201).
Warning SERVER specification missing in Card database entry Trident Cyber
9320 (generic) (line 2218).
Warning SERVER specification missing in Card database entry Trident Cyber
939a (generic) (line 2241).
Warning SERVER specification missing in Card database entry Trident Cyber
9520 (generic) (line 2252).
Warning SERVER specification missing in Card database entry Trident
Providia 9682 (generic) (line 2275).
Warning SERVER specification missing in Card database entry Trident
Providia 9685 (generic) (line 2280).
Warning CHIPSET specification missing in Card database entry Intel 810
(line 2919).
Warning CHIPSET specification missing in Card database entry Intel 740
(generic) (line 2925).
Segmentation fault

Well, the xserver is up and running but these error shouldn't be there -
besides I can't change the configuration (except I do it by hand)

has anybody a clue what can cause this and how it might be resolved?

Re: Printer Question

2001-05-26 Thread Phillip Deackes
On Sat, 26 May 2001 08:59:23 -0700
Mark Wagnon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I just installed the rpm version onto my Debian box. Caused no
 problems at
 You did that with alien? I take it there are no deb packages then,

No deb packages. I just installed the rpm with rpm -Uvh xx.rpm. I seem
to remember I couldn't get it to work with alien. Direct installs with rpm
are not a problem when the package is fairly trivial. If you look inside
the pacakge using Midnight Commander, or GMC if you use Gnome, you can
soon see if installing the package is going to cause any problems. Often
you need --nodeps as a parameter to rpm because you will not have any rpm
dependencies installed on your system, of course.

Do you actually need to use lprng? I know when I tried it I couldn't get
printing working reliably. I decided to stick with plain old lpr in the

Here is my /etc/printcap file:

laser|lp|Printer1 auto:\

Note I connect my Stylus 680 via USB; The first entry is for my laser
printer which I connect to the parallel port. A nice arrangement because I
can easily print to either printer without using a switch or installing
another parallel port.

The other day I printed a photo onto Epson glossy paper and the result was
absolutely superb. Never have I seen such good quality from a colour
printer on any platform! The Epson driver comes with a GUI utility which
allows you to choose the print quality, paper type etc..

The other think to check, of course, is permissions on your spool
directory - you must be able to write to it as a regular user. Also you
may need to add yourself to the lpr group. 

Good luck on getting it all working.

Phillip Deackes
Using Progeny Debian Linux

Re: Kde Sid directory problem

2001-05-26 Thread Bruce Sass
On Sat, 26 May 2001, Matthew Gibbins wrote:

  I'm running konqueror in Sid and am encountering problems loading1 some 
  for konqueror configuration.
   Particularly those under the directories:

No problems here.  I can get at them via:
K - Control Center
K - Preferences - Web Browsing | File Browsing
and by pointing Konqueror at

- Bruce


2001-05-26 Thread Wayne Sitton
I just installed php4 from dselect.  I checked the apache httpd.conf, and
uncommented the php4 loadmodule.  But, When I go to the website It still
tries to open a 'save as' dialog box.  What am I forgetting?


Help with CDROM (ide-scsi)

2001-05-26 Thread Cam Ellison
I'm sure I'm missing something obvious here.

I just installed an HP 9150i burner, and following the HOWTO plus some
information I picked up off this list (thanks to Osamu Aoki  Casey
Webster, plus several others), got it to work just fine.

I have the burner as /hdc and another cdrom as /hdd.  Both now show as
scsi devices (cdrecord -scanbus), but I cannot get anything to play on
the /hdd drive.  

I'm using xcdroast, and set it up originally to write to /hdc and read
from /hdd.   It does both admirably.  I have since set it to read and
write from /hdc only.

When I start Gnome CDplayer, it starts scanning and then goes nowhere. 
Attempts to play make it shut down.  I cannot mount either /dev/hdd or
/dev/scd1 (which I assume should be the scsi equivalent, since the scsi
device number is 0,1,0).

What am I doing wrong, please (or not doing)?



Cam Ellison Ph.D. R.Psych.
From Roberts Creek on B.C.'s incomparable Sunshine Coast

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