Paquet Debian pour Prélude...

2001-09-09 Thread Cyrille Mescam
Je viens de commencer à préparer un paquet Debian pour Prélude...
Le petit Hic c'est que les docs de Prélude sont plus que légères (version  
Si quelqu'un à fait une doc ou un man...

frenchy 8-)

M. Cyrille Mescam

Re: Paquet Debian pour Prélude...

2001-09-09 Thread Frédéric Bothamy

Cyrille Mescam wrote:

Je viens de commencer à préparer un paquet Debian pour Prélude...
Le petit Hic c'est que les docs de Prélude sont plus que légères (version  
Si quelqu'un à fait une doc ou un man...

Je crois que le mieux serait de s'adresser à la liste de diffusion 
d'aide sur Prelude :

ou encore sur la liste de développement :

Tu auras plus de chance d'y trouver des utilisateurs/développeurs de 
Prélude qu'ici AMA.


numlock au démarrage de X

2001-09-09 Thread GDem3

je n'arrive pas à configurer X pour avoir le numlock on au démarrage de

y a-t-il une option dans XFConfig-4 (je suis sous xfree 4.1.0), une ligne
de commande dans xinitrc ou xserverrc, une option de startx,...??

xset led 1 ou xset -d :0 led 1 ne marchent pas.


 (0 0)
   | GDem3  |
   |  Linux means productivity and  |
   |   fun; NT means Not Today.   |
 || ||
oo0 0oo 

Re: Parcours réseau et portable

2001-09-09 Thread Frédéric Bothamy

Frédéric Bothamy wrote:


Il y a le paquet Debian divine qui semble exactement faire ce que tu
recherches. Il me semble avoir vu passer un package équivalent sur cette 
liste (debian-french), mais je ne retrouve rien dans les archives de la 
liste et comme je n'en ai pas l'utilité, n'ayant pas de portable, je 
n'ai jamais testé ...

Bon, il me semble avoir retrouvé ce package, ce doit être laptop-netconf.


[HS] perte de la table des partitions d'un disque dure

2001-09-09 Thread Yann Klein
Ceci n'est pas un pbm spécifique debian mais je me permet d'envoyer un message 
sur cette liste car je n'ai trouvé aucune solution ailleurs et j'ai pu 
constater depuis trois mois que je suis abonné à la ML que de grande 
compétences sont rassemblées ici.

Voilà le pbm :
Il y a deux jours, suite à de nombreux pbms, j'ai voulu réinstallé win2k sur 
mon pc. Le dd sur lequel l'installation s'est effectué possèdait deux partition 
physique windows (en fat 32) et deux partitions linux (une physique et une 
étendue) pour ma debian.
Sur la première partition windows, le système ancien et sur la deuxième, toutes 
mes données perso sauvegardées.
Je formate la première partition puis je réinstalle le système (jusque là, pas 
de pbm). Lorsque je relance : pbm, win2k ne trouve pas la deuxième partition. 
J'essaye de chercher d'où vient le pbm et après avoir ouvert je ne sais plus 
quel outil trouvé dans le dossier panneau de configuration, je tombe sur un 
outil qui me donne l'état de mes partitions. Il se trouve que celle que je 
cherche est marqué inactive (ou quelque chose comme ça). Je fait un clic 
droit pour avoir de plus amples informations et j'obtiens un menu qui me dis 
(entre autres) : activer la partition. Donc je clic sur activer la 
partition, et là : plus rien : le système se bloque, je n'ai plus accès à 
aucun fichier. Je redémarre l'ordinateur et celui-ci ne veut rien savoir.

J'ai réussi à redémarrer mon pc avec un ancien dd et j'ai essayé de voir ce 
qu'il y avait sur le dd planté. Il n'a rien trouvé comme ça. J'ai trouvé un 
utilitaire nommé getdataback qui après 4h de scanne à trouvé la plupart de 
mes fichier mais ce n'est qu'un shareware et la license de 500F pour pouvoir 
faire une copie des fichiers retrouvés me fait mal au coeur.

Si quelqu'un à une solution, qu'il n'hésite pas à me contacter (voir ci-
dessous), je suis preneur.
Pour plus de renseignements, n'hésitez pas non plus.

Par avance, un grand merci à tous ceux qui pourront m'aider.

Yann Klein
06 63 92 58 54

PS : je ne touche plus à ce dd pour le moment (je n'ai rien réinstallé, rien 
formaté )
 j'ai win98 et une distrib caldera sur le disque dure qui tourne 
actuellement donc toutes solutions sur l'un ou l'autre de ces systèmes 
d'exploitations est la bienvenue

Yann Klein (site en construction)

Re: [HS] perte de la table des partitions d'un disque dure

2001-09-09 Thread Eric LeBlanc

Si tu veux recuperer les donnes sur une partition dont le FS est ext2 ou
FFS, tu peux utiliser ceci:


On Sun, 9 Sep 2001, Yann Klein wrote:

 Ceci n'est pas un pbm spécifique debian mais je me permet d'envoyer un 
 sur cette liste car je n'ai trouvé aucune solution ailleurs et j'ai pu 
 constater depuis trois mois que je suis abonné à la ML que de grande 
 compétences sont rassemblées ici.
 Voilà le pbm :
 Il y a deux jours, suite à de nombreux pbms, j'ai voulu réinstallé win2k sur 
 mon pc. Le dd sur lequel l'installation s'est effectué possèdait deux 
 physique windows (en fat 32) et deux partitions linux (une physique et une 
 étendue) pour ma debian.
 Sur la première partition windows, le système ancien et sur la deuxième, 
 mes données perso sauvegardées.
 Je formate la première partition puis je réinstalle le système (jusque là, 
 de pbm). Lorsque je relance : pbm, win2k ne trouve pas la deuxième partition. 
 J'essaye de chercher d'où vient le pbm et après avoir ouvert je ne sais plus 
 quel outil trouvé dans le dossier panneau de configuration, je tombe sur un 
 outil qui me donne l'état de mes partitions. Il se trouve que celle que je 
 cherche est marqué inactive (ou quelque chose comme ça). Je fait un clic 
 droit pour avoir de plus amples informations et j'obtiens un menu qui me dis 
 (entre autres) : activer la partition. Donc je clic sur activer la 
 partition, et là : plus rien : le système se bloque, je n'ai plus accès à 
 aucun fichier. Je redémarre l'ordinateur et celui-ci ne veut rien savoir.
 J'ai réussi à redémarrer mon pc avec un ancien dd et j'ai essayé de voir ce 
 qu'il y avait sur le dd planté. Il n'a rien trouvé comme ça. J'ai trouvé un 
 utilitaire nommé getdataback qui après 4h de scanne à trouvé la plupart de 
 mes fichier mais ce n'est qu'un shareware et la license de 500F pour pouvoir 
 faire une copie des fichiers retrouvés me fait mal au coeur.
 Si quelqu'un à une solution, qu'il n'hésite pas à me contacter (voir ci-
 dessous), je suis preneur.
 Pour plus de renseignements, n'hésitez pas non plus.
 Par avance, un grand merci à tous ceux qui pourront m'aider.
 Yann Klein
 06 63 92 58 54
 PS : je ne touche plus à ce dd pour le moment (je n'ai rien réinstallé, rien 
 formaté )
  j'ai win98 et une distrib caldera sur le disque dure qui tourne 
 actuellement donc toutes solutions sur l'un ou l'autre de ces systèmes 
 d'exploitations est la bienvenue
 Yann Klein (site en construction)
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [HS] perte de la table des partitions d'un disque dure

2001-09-09 Thread Laurent Pelecq
Yann Klein [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Je formate la première partition puis je réinstalle le système
 (jusque là, pas de pbm). Lorsque je relance : pbm, win2k ne trouve
 pas la deuxième partition.
 J'essaye de chercher d'où vient le pbm et après avoir ouvert je ne sais plus 
 quel outil trouvé dans le dossier panneau de configuration, je
 tombe sur un outil qui me donne l'état de mes partitions. Il se
 trouve que celle que je cherche est marqué inactive (ou quelque
 chose comme ça).

Window$ trouve bien la partition apparement puisqu'on peut la passer
en active. Mais il n'y a aucune raison qu'il reconnaisse qu'il y a un
système de fichier dessus c'est beaucoup trop lui demander. Ça ne
m'etonnerais pas que les partitions Linux soient intactes. Il suffirait
de booter dessus avec une disquette de boot ou à défaut d'utiliser un
tombsrtbt ou un demolinux.

Si on passe par une distrib comme tombsrtbt et s'il y a une config
lilo, on peut la réactiver en montant la partition sur un /mnt et
lancer un 'lilo -R /mnt' (de mémoire pour l'option). Ou alors une
disquette avec grub dessus devrait pouvoir booter à peu près n'importe
quoi à condition de savoir exactement comment étaient les partitions

Pour récupérer le boot sur Window$, je ne sais pas.

Laurent Pelecq

Re: Ayuda configurar tarjeta de sonido [Debian woody)

2001-09-09 Thread Xavier Andrade
On Sun, 9 Sep 2001, Jose Manuel wrote:

 Hola colegas;
 Tengo instalada debian wooy y estoy tratando de configurar la tarjeta de
 sonido. El caso es que tengo instalado todos los modulos -sound,
 soundcore, soundlow, y sb, pero no me deja instalar adlib_card (FM
 synthetizer for YM3812/OPL-3 support) con la opcion io=0388, lo he
0x388 en todo caso

 intentado de todas maneras pero no lo consigo, me da el siguiente error:
 /lib/modules/2.2.19/misc/adlib_card.o: unresolved symbol opl3_init_R9334a7fc
 /lib/modules/2.2.19/misc/adlib_card.o: unresolved symbol opl3_detect_R67481767
 Debido a ello solamente puedo escuchar los cd's pero en los juegos como
 doom, quake, abuse, etc, no escucho el sonido.
No sera algo de permisos o configuracion, si el esd esta andando dale un
esdsp antes del comando para que tire el sonido por ahi.

 Tengo una soundblaster 16 plugplay. En resumen me falta por instalar el
 midi. Si alguien puede echarme un cable agradecido. Tambien me da fallo
Esta tarjeta no tiene sonido midi.

 la tarjeta me dice que el test de la irq 5 falla, pero se carga, sin
 problemas. La tengo configurada con opciones (io=240, irq=5 dma=3
 dma16=5 mpu_io=0x330) Con otros parametros no me funciona he probado de
 Le doy lspci -v para ver los parametros, pero no sale listada a que
 puede ser debido todo esto.
Puede ser porque la tarjeta es ISA. Tienes que usar isapnp, o mas facil
kernel 2.4 con soporte isapnp.

 Si me podeis ayudar agradecido.
 Saludos Jose
 Las heridas que te causa quien te quiere, son preferibles a los besos 
 engañadores de quien te odia.
   -- Salomón. 
 *** Linux Debian Woody ** Counter linux: 49618-32128 ***
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: latex

2001-09-09 Thread Xavier Andrade

 Gracias a todos los que respondieron mi pregunta sobre PDF.
 La mejor opcion parece ser usar latex y despues convertir.
 Me gustaria saber donde puedo conseguir un tutorial, manual o lo
 que sea para dar mis primeros pasos en latex.
 Otra pregunta que se me ocurrio (perdonen si es una estupidez, soy
 novato) es si se puede de algun modo usar las fuentes TTF de Win en linux.
 Desde ya muchas gracias
Talvez sea mejor usar directamente pdflatex

Re: reiserfs

2001-09-09 Thread Diego Alvarez

y la verdad es que no se por que?
y aunque algunos de la lista no le vean ninguna ventaja yo no le veo nada en 
de hecho funciona muy bien... es rapido no hay demoras ni problemas con fsck, 
es mas muchas veces me paso que luego de apagarse
mal la computadora el fsck no era capaz de arreglar la situacion siendo 
necesario hacerlo a mano y mas de una vez perdi
algun archivo, con reiserfs jamas me paso algo parecido.

saludos, Diego

El Sun, 9 Sep 2001 01:25:13 -0300
Ricardo Marcelo Alvarez [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribio:

 Tenia pensado cambiarme, pero han llegado tantos mails a fabor y en contra 
 que ahora no se que hacer.
 Igual gracias por la ayuda y si me decido luego te cuento como me fue.
 On Thu 06 Sep 2001 20:44, Diego Alvarez wrote:
  El Fri, 7 Sep 2001 00:14:56 -0300
  Ricardo Marcelo Alvarez [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribio:
   Alguien sabe si vale la pena el reiserfs, y si es posible cambiar el
   formato de la particion de ext2 a reiserfs sin tener que reinstalar todo.
   Gracias de antemano y saludos.
   with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact
  sip... vale la pena... yo lo vengo usande desde hace un tiempo y funciona
  un kilo, realmente anda muy bien. pero para cambiar de ext2 a reiserfs sin
  perder datos lo que tenes que hacer es compilarte el kernel con soporte
  reiserfs, formatear una particion disponible con reiserfs, copiar todo tu
  sistema a esa particion, ajustar tu /etc/fstab y el lilo para que puedas
  arrancar con esa otra particion, y desde alli formateas con reiserfs la
  particion que tenias antes le copias todo el sistema le volves a acomodar
  /etc/fstab reconfiguras lilo y listo. te quita un buen rato de trabajo...
  pero es mejor que reinstalar y reconfigurar todo el sistema.
  saludos, Diego.

Re: Kernel propio.

2001-09-09 Thread Jose Luis Alarcon

   Lo siento, Imobach, por un problema con Opera, en mi anterior respuesta no 
iba lo que yo quería. Aquí te vá lo que te decía:

   Gracias por tu respuesta Imobach.  
   Gracias también a una amable persona del debian-user (nuestra lista pero en 
ingles) que en referencia a este tema del make-kpkg me dirigíó a esta dirección:
   Por cierto, Jesse, que así se llama mi interlocutor, me pidió disculpas por 
tener preparado este tutorial solo en inglés. Y entonces yo le ofrecí que al 
estar también aquí (en debian-user-spanish), dejaría caer que si hay alguien 
interesado en realizar una traducción al español de dicho documento. Su 
dirección de correo está al pricipio de la página mencionada.  
   Jose Luis.

Debian Progeny 1.0 Newton.
Usuario Linux registrado #213309.
Una vez más cabalgaré con mis caballeros,
para defender lo que fue..
y el sueño de lo que pudo ser.

El correo GRATUITO en tu idioma y con múltiples beneficios.
Obtén tu CorreoWeb del Foco ahora en

Re: Mensaje a Telefonos Moviles

2001-09-09 Thread Carles Pina i Estany


Odio decir eso, pero en mi página de la firma hay un programa cutre hecho
en perl que hace eso, a través de navegalia

el programa está en catalan, pero lo tengo traducido al hdd mio, despues
lo subo (si no lo he subido en 5 horas y alguien lo quiere enviadme un
mail que lo subo, por si me despisto)

ah, y en castellano he visto 2 más o 3 y uno me gustaba más que el mio,
pero los he perdido

hasta pronto

On Sun, 9 Sep 2001, felipe fernandez wrote:

 Recuerdo que en una ocasion se habló  de este tema pero he debido borrar
 los mensajes. ¿Algún software para que pueda enviar mensajes a moviles
 desde mi pc-debian?

 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Carles Pina i Estany | Nick: Pinux / Pine / Teufeus

   Yo me llamo Duracell... es mi nombre de pila.

Re: Mensaje a Telefonos Moviles

2001-09-09 Thread Andres Seco Hernandez
Si no te fias de las pasarelas gratuitas via web de los operadores, de
gsmspain y cosas así, puedes enviarlos directamente con cualquier telefono
que esté soportado por gnokii ( o con cualquier modem gsm o
telefono que lo incluya (cable de datos obligatorio en ambos casos).

smslink + libmodem
alamin-client + alamin-server

El 09 Sep 2001 a las 07:58AM +0100, felipe fernandez escribio:
 Recuerdo que en una ocasion se habló  de este tema pero he debido borrar 
 los mensajes. ¿Algún software para que pueda enviar mensajes a moviles 
 desde mi pc-debian?
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Lee la comparecencia de Kriptopolis ante el Senado
acerca de la LSSI, es importante.

Andres Seco Hernandez- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
MCP ID 445900 -
GnuPG public information:  pub  1024D/3A48C934
E61C 08A9 EBC8 12E4 F363  E359 EDAC BE0B 3A48 C934
Alamin GSM SMS Gateway   -
Debian GNU/Linux -
Grupo de Usuarios de GNU/Linux  de  Guadalajara  y
alrededores  -

Description: PGP signature

Re[3]: No puedo instalar potato 2.2 r0

2001-09-09 Thread Willy Walker
Málaga a domingo, 09 de septiembre de 2001 11:03:12
Hola, Kryxto.

El WinRar siempre me ha abierto bien los archivos tar.
He abierto muchas veces archivos tgz sin problemas, y he podido
leer los readme cuando no he estado en Linux.
Me lo he bajado ese archivo de Internet y ahora si que se abre
correctamente, por lo que ese estaba en mal estado.
Ahora si he podido instalar Debian gracias a ese archivo, pero no
puedo configurar Xwindow, cuando lo hace intenta probar una VGA16,
sin darme opción a elegir monitor, tarjeta gráfica ni resolución.
¿Cómo se hace en Debian? En Mandrake ejecuto setup en líne a de
comandos, y me sale un configurador.

El sábado, 08 de septiembre de 2001, 23:57:10, escribiste:

K Hola, heissu.

K Como estoy en Windows he probado a abrirlo con el WinRar, y me abre el
K primero, pero al intentar abrir el tar que hay dentro, me dice: error de CRC
K por dos veces, y me dice que el documento está corrupto. De todas formas lo
K abre y aparece una carpeta sin nombre que al abrirla hay dos carpetas
K llamadas etc y usr, y las dos están llenas de carpetas y archivos.
K Debe haber sido grabado mal el disco.
K Muchas gracias.

K Winrar es un compresor de archivos. Tu estás intentando abrir primero un
K fichero comprimido (lo hace correctamente). Luego intentas abrir un tar, es
K decir, un fichero empaquetado, no un fichero comprimido, por lo que te da el
K error. Aunque te lo dé, parece que puedes ver lo que hay dentro, todos esos
K archivos.

K Saludos



  Un saludo de Willy Walker :-)
 -Almacén y Página Web:
 -Linux user 100651
 -Lista programas-gratis
 -Ignorante no es el que no sabe, si no el que no quiere saber.

Indicador conexion/modem

2001-09-09 Thread Bella Tabucci
Hola Buenos Dias!
Me pregunto como puedo ver, si ya mi modem se ha conectado al servidor
y a que velocidad. 
Seguro que existe algun programa o algun comando.
Como siempre, han hecho, disimulen mi ignorancia.

Obtenha o seu email gratis na Comunidade Lusofona!
Portugal em Linha -

Re: Mensaje a Telefonos Moviles

2001-09-09 Thread Javier M Mora
Existe un paquete de debian que sirve para enviar mensajes SMS desde internet 
llamado: smssend, realmente lo que hace es conectarse a una página web que los 
envía pero sin usar un navegador, es decir desde la consola. Pero necesita que 
crees un archivo de configuración.

Me he bajado enviasms y smsLinux pero no los he visto aun, se que son dos 
programitas en Tcl/tk y que el primero envía los SMS usando la página de 

Por último tambien hay otro que se llama smsclient, pero la verdad es que no 
se nada de el (solo que existe), porque al buscar el nombre del paquete 

apt-cache search SMS --- (instrucción para buscar paquetes debian
sobre un tema determinado

ha aparecido su nombre. 

Re: Mensaje a Telefonos Moviles

2001-09-09 Thread alex

 Recuerdo que en una ocasion se habló  de este tema pero he debido borrar
 los mensajes. ¿Algún software para que pueda enviar mensajes a moviles
 desde mi pc-debian?

Yo he creado en perl un script similar al 'winsms' de windows pero para
consola. Tiene soporte para multiples servidores (creo que 7 la ultima
version) aparte de muchas otras caracteristicas y por ahora funciona
bastante bien, puedes bajarlo en:

Z0MBiE / ELiTE (visit us at

Re: Mensaje a Telefonos Moviles

2001-09-09 Thread Carles Pina i Estany


 Me he bajado enviasms y smsLinux pero no los he visto aun, se que son dos
 programitas en Tcl/tk y que el primero envía los SMS usando la página de

puedes pasar la URL?

El de mi firma solo puede usar Navegalia, tiene agenda, y parte el mensaje
en varios mensajes si pasa el límite máximo de Navegalia. Tambien permite
multienvio (es decir, enviar de una vez a varios números).

Tiene interfaz en menús muy cutre (pero la gente lo pedía) aunque se puede
usar (al menos el de mi disco duro, no sé si el que tengo en web tambien)

echo mensaje | ./sms04c numero

Y diría que es lo más relevante del mio

Sobre el que se ha comentado por aquí, me está gustando mucho
los coloridos y presentación :-) (en serio XD) y el soporte para varias
pasarelas; ta muy bien tambien (sobretodo por lo palo que es ir
implementado varios proveedores)

Venga, suerte a los usuarios de enviadores de sms que hay de chulos veo y
que funcionan...

Carles Pina i Estany | Nick: Pinux / Pine / Teufeus

   Como dije antes, nunca me repito

Re: latex (y PDF :)

2001-09-09 Thread Jaume Teixi

 Me gustaria saber donde puedo conseguir un tutorial, manual o lo
 que sea para dar mis primeros pasos en latex.

si empiezas en latex, usa lyx, puedes encontrar suma documentación en:

 Otra pregunta que se me ocurrio (perdonen si es una estupidez, soy
 novato) es si se puede de algun modo usar las fuentes TTF de Win en linux.

quizás te interesen los siguientes paquetes:
  xfstt TrueType Font Server for X11
  libttf2 FreeType 1, The FREE TrueType Font Engine, shared library files.

respecto a los pdf's tienes la siguiente documentación:

yo siempre pruebo una de las siguientes opciones:

  ps2pdf -dPDFSETTINGS=/prepress documento.pdf

  dvips -P pdf -t a4 -o documento.dvi
  dvipdf documento.dvi documento.pdf

  pdfjadetex documento.tex

el problema básico para conseguir un buen pdf son las fuentes escalables, el 
problema es que está solucionado a partir del Ghostscript 6 y en Debian el 
paquete ofical aún es 5.5 (creo que se habló de ello en debian-devel 
recientemente) en tonces la solución (si las fuentes en el pdf no te salen 
vectoriales) pasaria por instalarte el gs-aladdin (non-free :(

 jaume teixi

Re: Re[3]: No puedo instalar potato 2.2 r0

2001-09-09 Thread Antoni Bella Perez
Hash: SHA1

A Sunday 09 September 2001 11:09, Willy Walker va escriure:
 Málaga a domingo, 09 de septiembre de 2001 11:03:12
 Hola, Kryxto.

 El WinRar siempre me ha abierto bien los archivos tar.
 He abierto muchas veces archivos tgz sin problemas, y he podido
 leer los readme cuando no he estado en Linux.
 Me lo he bajado ese archivo de Internet y ahora si que se abre
 correctamente, por lo que ese estaba en mal estado.
 Ahora si he podido instalar Debian gracias a ese archivo, pero no
 puedo configurar Xwindow, cuando lo hace intenta probar una VGA16,
 sin darme opción a elegir monitor, tarjeta gráfica ni resolución.
 ¿Cómo se hace en Debian? En Mandrake ejecuto setup en líne a de
 comandos, y me sale un configurador.

 Hola por lo que dices estas intentrando configurar las xfree-3.3.6, estas 
te instalan dicho servidor por defecto pero lo que tienes que hacer es buscar 
el paquete con el servidor que necessitas  (para mi Matrox-G200 seria el 
xserxver-svga), eso lo encontraras en la documentación de las X y luego 
instalate tambien uno que te facilitara muchgo las cosas pero no me acuerdo 
del nombre leete las cabezeras en dselect y lo encontraras, el comando del 
paquete es XF86Config, creo, por si te sirve de ayuda. Te ofrecerà una 
configuración gràfica muy currada y acertada con casi todos los tipos de 
hardware actales.

- -- 


 Antoni Bella Perez  |
# [Pàgina de traduccions del nucli Linux]|
# [Traduciones al catalan del Nucleo Linux]|
col·laborador del projecte Debian en català:
Maquinari: - Pentium II 300MHz 128MB memòria 599.65 bogomips
Sistema:   - Debian GNU/Linux-2.4.9  -  XFree86 4.1.0-5

- -
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Re: latex

2001-09-09 Thread German Poo Caaman~o
Pablo Serrano wrote:
 Gracias a todos los que respondieron mi pregunta sobre PDF.
 La mejor opcion parece ser usar latex y despues convertir.
 Me gustaria saber donde puedo conseguir un tutorial, manual o lo
 que sea para dar mis primeros pasos en latex.

En /usr/share/texmf/doc/index.html en tu instalacion encontraras
documentacion por doquier.

Busca Not short introduction to LaTeX2e.

 Otra pregunta que se me ocurrio (perdonen si es una estupidez, soy
 novato) es si se puede de algun modo usar las fuentes TTF de Win en linux.

En CervanTeX hay un buen documento de tipografias escrito por
Javier Bezos, AFAIR.


Las FAQ son muy utiles, es seguro que encontraras respuesta rapida
a mucha de tus inquietudes.

German Poo Caaman~o
La historia no se lee, se escribe

Re: reiserfs

2001-09-09 Thread Antonio Castro
On 8 Sep 2001, MaX in the FaX wrote:

 On Sat, 2001-09-08 at 10:51, Antonio Castro wrote:
   No hace falta /boot
  Para mi que no tiene sentido pero decir que se usa un
  / de 2GB sin /boot me parece una barbaridad. La partición raiz
  ha de ser pequeña. Si ocurre algun tipo de problema sea cual sea
  que ocurra en cualquier otra partición y a mayor tamaño mayor 
  peligro no ?
 una otra forma es haber una distro de recupero en Cd como RIP

Eso suena interesante. RedHat tenía una pero era un CD tipo tarjeta
de credito. Porque no incluir mas soft. Yo pondría una amplia variedad
de kernels para arrancar y muchos de ellos compilados estaticamente.
No se como se podría hacer para que pudiera arrancar montando como
raiz una partición cualquiera, o en caso necesario usar un sistema de
ficheros raiz montado en ram.
A demas incluiria todo tipo de software de backup, recuperación, y
todo tipo de utilidades. En el CD de RedHat no venía afio que es con
lo que yo hago mis copias de esguridad.

  Te pongo solo un ejemplo. Un corte de luz puede dejar un serctor a medio
  escribir. A mi me pasó. Con ext2 cada vez que arrancaba tenía que chequear
  todo el sistema de ficheros porque nunca lo detectaba como limpio. 
  hardware también puede fallar. 2GB para / a mi no me gusta nada.
 si lo se, pero yo antes he probado en una maquina de test y con esta
 forma no he tenido ningún problemas.
 Mi test?...
 1. copiar un directorio con miles de fichero el una otra particción y a
 mitad... cortar la luz!!  :-)
 arranque, sin problema y he podido conprobar que estuba corructo solo un
 esta prueba la he repedida 5 vezes.

Tus pruebas están muy bien. No todo el mundo se toma tantas molestias
para probar su hardware pero es muy dificil contemplar todas las
posibilidades de fallo.

No todos los discos y controladores son iguales. 5 veces es una cantidad
muy pequeña. El corte de luz es solo un ejemplo. Otro ejemplo podría ser
avería en la controladora. Cuantas controladoras de disco has averiado
para comprobar que ocurre con los datos cuando se averían ?

Hay otras pruebas que no te recomiendo hacer. Por ejemplo poner la 
máquina a recuperar un backup y en medio del proceso darle un 
golpe muy fuerte al ordenador. Hacer esa prueba son ganas de romper
el material pero cosas así tambien pueden pasra por accidente.

 ...bueno es todos, no es mucho pero para un uso casero es mucho mas de
 lo que ofreze ext2.

El uso casero significa que si te quedas tres días sin máquina no
pasa nada pero ese no es mi caso. Yo tendría que cerrar mi negocio 
durante esos días.

 ...tienes una maquina de test?

Ese tipo de pruebas y otras las hago con las maquinas y discos recien
comprados. Tengo tres torres, una mini torre y un portatil pero hacer
pruebas lleva mucho tiempo y de eso tengo poco. Salvo mi máquina principal
que es de hace 9 meses las demás tienen varios añitos. No conseguí 
terminar de instalar Maximum pero no fue culpa de la distro. Resulta que
la bios es antigua y el arranque con lilo me da problemas. Quise hacer 
un arranque con loadlin pero tenía que meter un kernel capaz de trabajar 
con reiserfs.  Me quedé en eso porque tuve que usar de nuevo ese equipo 
para dar unas clases. Tengo que volver a probar.

 prueba tu también... no creo que se trató solo de suerte.

Lo que tu haces no me parece que esté equivocado. Las pruebas que 
has realizado ya te dan una seguridad bastante razonable. Usar una
partición pequeña con ext2 para la partición raiz tampoco creo que 
esté mal. 

Un saludo

Antonio Castro

/\ /\  Ciberdroide Informática (Tienda de Linux)
 _|0 0|_
|  . . . . U U . . . . Antonio Castro Snurmacher  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  
|  . . . . . . . . . . | 
| *** 1.700 sitios clasificados por temas sobre Linux en ***Donde_Linux*** |
| |

Re: debs de LAME

2001-09-09 Thread Hue-Bond
Juan Rafael Alvarez Correa, viernes 07 de septiembre de 2001 a la(s) 12:09:02 

mira ogg vorbis, un poco mas lenta la compresion pero un tamano
bastante bueno, ademas el algortimo es netamente libre.

 Pero hay que traducir todos los mp3...

$ du -s emepetreses 
2407848 emepetreses


 David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Linux Registered User #87069

Description: PGP signature

Re: reiserfs

2001-09-09 Thread MaX
On Sun, 2001-09-09 at 10:02, Antonio Castro wrote:
 On 8 Sep 2001, MaX in the FaX wrote:
  On Sat, 2001-09-08 at 10:51, Antonio Castro wrote:
No hace falta /boot
   Para mi que no tiene sentido pero decir que se usa un
   / de 2GB sin /boot me parece una barbaridad. La partición raiz
   ha de ser pequeña. Si ocurre algun tipo de problema sea cual sea
   que ocurra en cualquier otra partición y a mayor tamaño mayor 
   peligro no ?
  una otra forma es haber una distro de recupero en Cd como RIP
 Eso suena interesante. RedHat tenía una pero era un CD tipo tarjeta
 de credito. Porque no incluir mas soft. Yo pondría una amplia variedad
 de kernels para arrancar y muchos de ellos compilados estaticamente.
 No se como se podría hacer para que pudiera arrancar montando como
 raiz una partición cualquiera, o en caso necesario usar un sistema de
 ficheros raiz montado en ram.
 A demas incluiria todo tipo de software de backup, recuperación, y
 todo tipo de utilidades. En el CD de RedHat no venía afio que es con
 lo que yo hago mis copias de esguridad.

Rip puede montar particciones formateades con reiserfs, tiene mc y se
puede recuperar muchas cosas.

No se puede per nontar como raiz una otra particción.. tiene que estae
la misma de RIP.

Una otra forma es el disco de recúpero de debian... simplemente al boot
se esrive mas o menos ... root=/dev/hda1 (poe ejemplo)

y esto arranca si el FS es bastante íntegro.

  esta prueba la he repedida 5 vezes.
 Tus pruebas están muy bien. No todo el mundo se toma tantas molestias
 para probar su hardware pero es muy dificil contemplar todas las
 posibilidades de fallo.
 No todos los discos y controladores son iguales. 5 veces es una cantidad
 muy pequeña. El corte de luz es solo un ejemplo. Otro ejemplo podría ser
 avería en la controladora. Cuantas controladoras de disco has averiado
 para comprobar que ocurre con los datos cuando se averían ?

lo se que no es mucho 5 veces, pero me he pasano toda la noche, y me he
sovrado bastante... :-)

 Hay otras pruebas que no te recomiendo hacer. Por ejemplo poner la 
 máquina a recuperar un backup y en medio del proceso darle un 
 golpe muy fuerte al ordenador. Hacer esa prueba son ganas de romper
 el material pero cosas así tambien pueden pasra por accidente.

bueno.. pero en esta forma ningún FS puede protegirte de romper del
disco duro... y mucho meno ext2.

  ...bueno es todos, no es mucho pero para un uso casero es mucho mas de
  lo que ofreze ext2.
 El uso casero significa que si te quedas tres días sin máquina no
 pasa nada pero ese no es mi caso. Yo tendría que cerrar mi negocio 
 durante esos días.

... para casero intendo que se puede instalar in casa sín problema, y
también in tu oficina si hace falta de segurdad.

con un backup diario, una unitá de ups, y una gestìon muy cuidada... que
puede pasar?

 Lo que tu haces no me parece que esté equivocado. Las pruebas que 
 has realizado ya te dan una seguridad bastante razonable. Usar una
 partición pequeña con ext2 para la partición raiz tampoco creo que 
 esté mal. 

hay una otra forma que se usa en ambiente de ISP.

/boot 5 MB ext2
/ 200 MB ext2

/usr 500 MB reiserfs
/var 1GB reiserfs
/tmp 500 MB reiserfs
/home 2GB reiserfs

en prática... todos en particciones reiserfs fuera que /boot y /


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Semi off-topic: Merchandasing Debian

2001-09-09 Thread Carles Pina i Estany


Mirando por aquí:[description]=debian

Hay algunas cositas que me gustan (necesito el logo de Debian típico de
1x1cm para poner el portátil que tengo uno de RedHat -años hace...- otro
de Suse -años hace...- y claro, la gente me pregunta Red Hat o
Suse??  no, mejor, debian...

Y alguna camiseta... y paridas varias XD

Hay algun lugar por aquí en España que lo vendan?

Estaría bien que Antonio Castro vendiese en su tienda (vende? camisetas de
Linux sí -hoy tenía puesta una suya- pero de Debian en concreto diría que

Tambien puestos a pedir si nadie lo hace la FSF de España podría
promoverlo (con donación a FSF España) quizás se sacarian algo de dinero.

Venga, aquí queda eso...

Carles Pina i Estany | Nick: Pinux / Pine / Teufeus

Re: Mensaje a Telefonos Moviles

2001-09-09 Thread MrJade.\[WkT!\]


 Reenvio el mail pq no se si envio mal o no. Asi que si llega dos veces no es
pq alguna url este mal, es que me he liao.

 Ese lleva mucho tiempo publicao pero creo que ya no rula. de todas formas
os envio el codigo en C de otro que si os funcionara, pq lo acabo de hacer 
despues de leer el mail. 

No me abraseis el mail si deja de funcionar.. Arregladlo vosotros.. :))

On Sun, Sep 09, 2001 at 02:34:12PM +0200, Javier M Mora wrote:
 Existe un paquete de debian que sirve para enviar mensajes SMS desde internet 
 llamado: smssend, realmente lo que hace es conectarse a una página web que 
 envía pero sin usar un navegador, es decir desde la consola. Pero necesita 
 crees un archivo de configuración.
 Me he bajado enviasms y smsLinux pero no los he visto aun, se que son dos 
 programitas en Tcl/tk y que el primero envía los SMS usando la página de 
 Por último tambien hay otro que se llama smsclient, pero la verdad es que no 
 se nada de el (solo que existe), porque al buscar el nombre del paquete 
   apt-cache search SMS --- (instrucción para buscar paquetes debian
   sobre un tema determinado
 ha aparecido su nombre. 
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Mr.Jade [WkT!]  --== ==--
meet us at EFNET#wkt channel

/* code Begin Of File
 * VERSION  : 0.1
 * CODER(s) : Mr.Jade [WkT!]
 * DATE : 18/8/2K1 
 * ABSTRACT : Envio de sms con
 * Compilar :
 * gcc -o enviasms
 * Uso del programa
 * # telefono mensaje
 * Para enviar emoticons etc, no olvides poner la barra \ delante del
 * caracter para que el parser de bash no crea que es algo que
 * debe analizar.
 * # telefono hola, estoy probando esto \;\)
 * License conditions:
 * - You may use this code at your own risk. 

/*  ---== Include section ==--- */

	#include netdb.h
	#include arpa/inet.h
/*  ---== Defines section ==--- */

	#define MAXDATA 512
	#define VER 0.1

	#define HOST
	#define PORT 80

	#define APODO mrjade	//  - EDITA ESTO :)
	#define DOMINIO 	// por si los quieres incluir.. son dominio=  tema= .. etc..
	#define TEMA 
	#define sinWWW 
	#define EXT 

	#define GET1 GET /enviasms/gateway2.php?telefono=
	#define GET2 mensaje=
 	#define GET3 alias=
	#define GET4  HTTP/0.9\n\n

/*  ---== Global variables ==--- */

	int sock;
	char *host;
	int port;
	char datax[MAXDATA];
	char buffer[MAXDATA];
	int cont=0;
	struct hostent *hp;
	struct sockaddr_in TheHoSt;

/*  ---== Procedure section ==---*/

	void usage(char *pname) {
		printf(  Uso : %s telefono mensaje,pname);

	unsigned long resol(char *host_name) {
		struct in_addr addr;
		struct hostent *host_ent;
		if((addr.s_addr = inet_addr(host_name)) == -1) {
		if(!(host_ent = gethostbyname(host_name))) return(0);
		memcpy((char *)addr.s_addr, host_ent-h_addr, host_ent-h_length);

/*  ---== MAIN Procedure ==---   */

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

	printf(  Envio de sms a traves de\n);
	printf(  Programado por MrJade[WkT!]\n\n);

	if( argc  3) {

	host = HOST;
	port = PORT;

	//printf(   Resolving host: %s\n, host);	
	TheHoSt.sin_family = AF_INET;
	TheHoSt.sin_addr.s_addr = resol(host);
	if(!TheHoSt.sin_addr.s_addr) {
		printf(\n   ERROR: no es posible encontrar el host\n\n);
	//printf(   Opening socket..\n );
	TheHoSt.sin_port = htons(port);
	sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
	if(sock  0) {
		printf(\n   ERROR: No es posible abrir el socket\n\n);
	//printf(  Connecting to %s on port %d\n, host, port);
	if(!connect(sock,(struct sockaddr *)TheHoSt, sizeof(TheHoSt))) {

		printf(\n  Enviando información..\n\n);

		/* SEND request*/

			while (cont  argc){
		//printf (%s, datax); //solo para debug
			while ((recv(sock,buffer,sizeof(buffer),0)!=-1)  (buffer[0] != 0)){
if (strstr(buffer, 200)){ //  OK
	printf(  Mensaje enviado con exito :)\n\n);
//printf(%s\n,buffer);//solo debug
bzero(buffer,sizeof(buffer)); //Clear Buffer

			printf(  Ha ocurrido un error al enviar el mensaje :(\n\n);
	} else {
		close(sock);  //Remote host will close it when finished

Re: Indicador conexion/modem

2001-09-09 Thread heissu
Bella Tabucci wrote:

 Hola Buenos Dias!
 Me pregunto como puedo ver, si ya mi modem se ha conectado al servidor
 y a que velocidad.
 Seguro que existe algun programa o algun comando.
 Como siempre, han hecho, disimulen mi ignorancia.

 Obtenha o seu email gratis na Comunidade Lusofona!
 Portugal em Linha -

 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Yo para saber si ya se ha conectado hago un

tail -f /var/log/messages

que me lista dicho archivo y espera a que se incluyan más líneas en el mismo,
entonces sabes que estás conectado cuando aparezcan el IP de tu servidor y el
tuyo propio.

Lo del tema de la velocidad, lo veo por Netscape, aunque no creo que sea muy

Espero que te sirva de guía...

Re: locales y demás fauna...

2001-09-09 Thread Dr. Aldo Medina
Diego Martínez Castañeda wrote:
 hola a todos...
 acabo de instalar desde cero una versión inestable (woody) y todo funciona 
 estupendamente, salvo el tema de mi amada eñe :). He probado a compilar los 
 locales con locale-gen, a crear un nuevo directorio de local, pero no sé que 
 hacer o donde ponerlo para que el sistema lo reconozca.
 He buscado en linuxdoc, en los threads de la lista (recuerdo que se trató el 
 tema, pero no recuerdo cómo ni cuando y no lo encuentro :( ), y le he mandado 
 un par de correos al gurú de turno... Así pues, me rindo.
 ¿Alguna idea?

A mi me ha funcionado bien editar el archivo /etc/locales.gen y borrar
el # antes de es_ES. Luego ejecuto locales-gen y en .bashrc pongo export

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Re: locales y demás fauna...

2001-09-09 Thread Jose Luis Alarcon

 Diego Martínez Castañeda [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió: 

hola a todos...

acabo de instalar desde cero una versión inestable (woody) y todo funciona 
estupendamente, salvo el tema de mi amada eñe :). He probado a compilar los 
locales con locale-gen, a crear un nuevo directorio de local, pero no sé que 
hacer o donde ponerlo para que el sistema lo reconozca. 

He buscado en linuxdoc, en los threads de la lista (recuerdo que se trató el 
tema, pero no recuerdo cómo ni cuando y no lo encuentro :( ), y le he mandado 
un par de correos al gurú de turno... Así pues, me rindo.

¿Alguna idea?



  Hola Diego.

  A mí, que instalé el lunes pasado, la eñe me funcionó cuando siguiendo las 
instrucciones de un artículo de la revista DLinux (número 1) descomenté la 
última línea del archivo /etc/inputrc.

  Estoy convencido de que te funcionará bien. Suerte.


  Jose Luis.

Debian Progeny 1.0 Newton.
Usuario Linux registrado #213309.
Una vez más cabalgaré con mis caballeros,
para defender lo que fue..
y el sueño de lo que pudo ser.

El correo GRATUITO en tu idioma y con múltiples beneficios.
Obtén tu CorreoWeb del Foco ahora en

Re: Fuentes de las X

2001-09-09 Thread Enrique Marcote Peña
Hola Agustín:

Quizás no tengas instalado el xfs, mira a ver si en el arranque te pone
algo como:

Starting X fonst server: xfs

A lo mejor te llega con instalar xfs mediante apt-get install y hacer un
/etc/init.d/xfs restart

Si con eso no basta, seguramente quieras instalar las TrueType fonts, en
la espiral hay una receta que explica como hacerlo, no obstante como la
tengo por aquí te la incluyo a continuación:

Un saludo,


Esta receta es de Santiago Romero, que por falta de tiempo para ponerla
   me lo envió a mí.

Fuentes TrueType en Debian con X 3.3.x en 30 segundos: Santiago


La diferencia del netscape con estas fuentes es genial, así que
comentaron que mandara un post aqui para decirlo. Seré breve:

 1.- Instalamos los paquetes xfs y xfstt mediante apt-get
   (supongo que esto valdrá igual para las demas distribuciones,
   que instalandolos a mano).

 2.- Reniciamos el xfs :

/etc/init.d/xfs restart

 3.- Copiamos fuentes truetype (.ttf) a

cp /dos/c/Windows/fonts/*.ttf /usr/share/fonts/truetype
cq /dos/c/Windows/fonts/*.TTF /usr/share/fonts/truetype

 (también podemos hacer enlaces simbólicos a las fuentes de
   borrando el directorio fonts y haciendo enlace a

 4.- Reiniciamos xfstt para que encuentre las nuevas fuentes:

/etc/init.d/xfstt restart

Si no las encuentra le añadimos -force-reload .

 5.- Añadimos estas 2 lineas al /etc/X11/XF86Config:

FontPath unix/:7101 FontPath unix/:7100 (Las ponemos

justo encima de los demás FontPath, para que acuda
a estos 2).

[ NOTA: si además queremos que otros equipos de la red
 usarnos como servidor de fuentes, podemos editar los
 ficheros de configuración de esos equipos y añadir:

FontPath inet/maquinaservidora:7101

  Si la máquina no está disponible no perderemos el
  a XWindow, sino que simplemente no tendremos
acceso a
  las fuentes truetype, y sí al resto de FontPaths
  nuestro cfg. ]

 6.- Pasamos a otra consola y abrimos una nueva sesion de X:

 startx -- :1

7.   - En esta sesion abrimos netscape y en
  cambiamos las fuentes a Arial TTF y Courier New TTF .

 8.- Cargamos y observamos la gran diferencia

 9.- Si ha funcionado bien podemos salir de las X y reiniciar
   en la sesion original, y a disfrutar!!!

10.- Les cambiamos las fuentes a todas las demas aplicaciones
que lo
   soporten (icewm, kde, staroffice, etc) en sus opciones.
Existen una
   serie de aplicaciones que convierten las fuentes ttf a otros
   formatos para que las puedan usar las aplicaciones... para
   información el TrueType Howto que se puede encontrar en la

Espero que os sirva de algo. La diferencia visual realmente
ayuda a los
ojos, puedo certificarlo :)

NOTA: Tan solo añadir que para los poseedores de las XFree 4.X
no es
necesario recurrir al xfstt, ya que las propias X incorporan
para fuentes truetype a través del módulo freetype que hay que
en la seccion Module del XF86Config-4 con la línea:

Load freetype # Freetype fonts

(gracias a Vicente Gimeno por este apunte).

Agustin Garcia wrote:

 Tengo instalada woody, con todas las xfonts pero el tipo de letra se
 ve como con poca calidad, tanto en gnome como en kde2 y peor que
 con mi anterior Potato. De ahí que supondo que son la xfonts. Tengo
 una ATI Rage Fury y por fin conseguí que funcionaran las XFree 4.0,
 aunque creo que no al 100 %. A alguien le ha pasado algo igual?

Re: latex

2001-09-09 Thread Enzo Dari
Pablo Serrano wrote:
 Otra pregunta que se me ocurrio (perdonen si es una estupidez, soy
 novato) es si se puede de algun modo usar las fuentes TTF de Win en linux.
En el paquete doc-linux-text vienen los HOWTO. Entre los 
mini-HOWTO hay uno llamado TT-Debian:
(no sé si está en castellano).
Allí está bastante bien explicado lo que tienes que hacer
para usar las ttf en Debian. Yo lo hice y no quedé muy 
conforme, el asunto de las fuentes en X-windows es bastante
complicado. Puedes instalar todas las que quieras y *en teoría*
las puedes usar. En la práctica te encuentras que, por ejemplo
el xfig tiene un número de fuentes fijo predeterminado. En
el Staroffice tienes que luchar un buen rato y puede que 
consigas que te aparezcan en el starcalc pero no en el
starwriter, o viceversa. Y una cosa es que las veas en la 
pantalla y otra muy distinta es que las puedas imprimir. 
Editando un archivo postscript generado por el xfig (sólo 
cambiando el nombre de la fuente) llegué a conseguir que 
imprima en un printer EPSON Stylus color 600, pero no en una 
HP4000 (el epson no es postscript así que la conversión la 
hace el ghostscript, que anda bien con las ttf, mientras que 
la HP es postscript, así que el archivo le llega tal cual y 
el printer no entiende qué font es el que le mandan).
Una aplicación que anda muy bien con estas TTFs es el
GIMP. Claro: lo primero que hace con la fuente es convertirla
a bitmap y listo!
Y para usarlas en LaTeX... no tuve la paciencia necesaria.
... pero parece que en teoría se puede :)

Enzo A. Dari  |  Instituto Balseiro / Centro Atomico Bariloche
8400-S. C. de Bariloche, Argentina | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Phone: 54-2944-445208, 54-2944-445100 Fax: 54-2944-445299
Web page:

Re: Preguntas varias:

2001-09-09 Thread Fabian
--| David Martinez Zamora, escribió: |--
 Hola a todos de nuevo, (olvidé estas preguntas en el otro mail, en fin ..)
 ¿Alguien conoce un navegador linux, en formato texto que permita, leer el
 webmail, y configurarle un proxy? Oí hablar de Lynx, pero se me hace muy

 ¿Existe alguna herramienta capaz de descargarse los correos via http? Esto
 lo planteo, porque yo accedo a la red de mi empresa desde casa con mi linux
 puedo salir a internet si me configuro el proxy de la empresa, pero sólo me
 deja salir por http. ¿Sugerencias?

1-lynx te permite navegar en solo texto, el proxy se setea en /etc/lynx.cfg

2-Si te referis a un webmail tipo yahoo, con el fetchmail lo podes bajar, y 
luego lo podes leer con mutt; solo nesesitas saber el servidor pop., por ej 
en yahoo es, en tu caso deve ser algo pareceido supongo.

Saludos Fabian

  | Ad augusta per angusta |

Re: Telia ADSL

2001-09-09 Thread Helgi Örn
Hej Kaddik och tack för ditt svar.
Jag har testad det här men när jag försöker köra skriptet får jag *Permission 
denied* både som user och som root. Som user har jag dock både dialout och 
dip rättigheter.

Helgi Örn

On Sunday 09 September 2001 00:43, Kaddik wrote:
 Det script jag använder och som dök upp här på lista för länge
 sedan... (våras..?)
 Det är bara att koppla upp adslmodemet med en crossover kabel, tala om att
 du använder dhcp på det aktuella interfacet och köra.

 iface eth1 inet dhcp

 /etc/init.d/adsl_login: (eller vad du vill kalla det..)
 #   /etc/init.d/adsl_login: start ADSL link.
 #   This script uses netcat
 case $1 in
  echo -n Starting up ADSL link: Login
  CMD_INIT=GET /sd/init HTTP/1.0
 /sd/login?username=$USERNAMEpassword=$PASSWORDsubmitForm=Logga in
  NC=/usr/bin/nc $HOST 80

  echo $CMD_INIT | $NC  /dev/null
  echo $CMD_LOGIN | $NC  /dev/null
  echo ..done
echo Usage: /etc/init.d/adsl_login {start|stop}
exit 1
 # end of script

First Law of Procrastination:
Procrastination shortens the job and places the responsibility
for its termination on someone else (i.e., the authority who imposed
the deadline).

Re: Upgrade do potato original para pt_BR... étranqüilo?

2001-09-09 Thread Rodrigo Araujo
On S_, 2001-09-08 at 23:44, Hélio Nunes wrote:
 Depois de alguns anos sem usar o debian (o útlimo foi a versão 1.3 -- kernel 
 2.0.29:), resolvi voltar a esta brilhante distribuição. Como não tinha 
 conhecimento do estado de desenvolvimento do debian-br, acabei instalando a 
 versão em inglês do potato...

Seja bem vindo de volta!

 Queria saber se é tranqüilo o upgrade para o debian-br. É só mudar o 

Não entendo quando você diz que instalou a versão em inglês, os sistemas
originados do Unix em geral não tem uma versão para cada língua. Atraves
de variaveis de sistemas você pode definir que língua cada usuário vai
usar (ver algumas mensagens que estão na lista atualmente para saber
como fazer isso).
O repositorio que você deve estar se referindo tem a mais apenas as
descrições dos pacotes que já foram traduzidos, como o seu já está
instalado não vai fazer muita diferença você usar este repositório, a
não ser nas futuras instalações de softwares que ainda não estão na sua
distribuição. Não precisa se preocupar, você pode atualizar seu
source.list e rodar um update que não terás problema algum.

 Meu medo é pq está tudo funcionando muito bem. :)



:::  .''`.  ::: 
::: : :'  : ::: Rodrigo Araujo (rma) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
::: `. `'`  ::: UIN: 101720839
:::   `-::: 

Re: Upgrade do potato original para pt_BR... étranqüilo?

2001-09-09 Thread Kleber Leal

Existe um script que faz o que pode: configura acentos, man pages e outras 
coisas mais... verifique em

Fucionou perfeitamente no meu potato.

On S_, 2001-09-08 at 23:44, Hélio Nunes wrote:
 Depois de alguns anos sem usar o debian (o útlimo foi a versão 1.3 -- 
 2.0.29:), resolvi voltar a esta brilhante distribuição. Como não tinha 
 conhecimento do estado de desenvolvimento do debian-br, acabei instalando a 
 versão em inglês do potato...
 Queria saber se é tranqüilo o upgrade para o debian-br. É só mudar o 

 Meu medo é pq está tudo funcionando muito bem. :)

Re: Como comprar o Debian em português?

2001-09-09 Thread Jackson

Executei o script e a acentuação funcionou corretamente mas vários 
comandos estão mostrando a seguinte mensagem:

$ man bash
(null): can't set the locale; make sure $LC_* and $LANG are correct
Reformatting bash(1), please wait...te, mas



Fabiano Manoel de Andrade wrote:

EmSat, 8 Sep 2001 12:56:20 -0300
Pedro Zorzenon Neto [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:

edite o /etc/profile

e coloque uma linha assim:

   export LC_ALL=pt_BR

de um logout e no proximo login as variaveis devem estar em pt_BR

OBS: o /etc/profile é para todos os usuarios do sistema.
se quiser alterar somente para voce, o arquivo é /home/username/.bashrc

  Existe um script no site para acentuação e também para 
colocar tudo em português, bem simples e fácil. O nome dele é

acentos-2.6-Debian22.tgz . Tem até uma forma de usar
o til no soffice51 na debian sem ter que recompilar o Xfree.
  Abraço . Fabiano.


2001-09-09 Thread Jackson

Oi pessoal,

Estou utilizando o wood, mas instalei o mozilla 0.9.3 do unstable.  Esta 
versão não possui suporte a ssl.
Isto ocorre apenas com esta versão ou é o mozilla não possui suporte a 
ssl para linux?



Re: Compilando o Kernel...

2001-09-09 Thread Guilherme Oliveira
ReMy Le BeAu wrote:
 E aí, beleza?! pra todo mundo...
 Bom, voltando ao assunto de compilar um novo kernel...
 Nos documentos ele diz q vc não pode ter drivers q vc não vai usar e etc...
 isso é óbvio.. Mas a minha dúvida é: O q isso significa? Para eu antes de
 compilar o Kernel deletar todos os .h e os próprios drivers (.c) do
 diretório do Novo Kernel, ou ele se refere aos módulos q j´[a estão sendo
 carregados normalmente?

Boas !

Se apagares os .h e .c ficarás sem kernel.

Se quiseres limpar a directoria das sources, apenas terás de fazer 'make
Eu também acho que este comando já é executado pelo make-kpkg ...


Re: Mozilla

2001-09-09 Thread Rodrigo Araujo
On Qua, 2001-08-29 at 23:07, Jackson wrote:
 Oi pessoal,
 Estou utilizando o wood, mas instalei o mozilla 0.9.3 do unstable.  Esta 
 versão não possui suporte a ssl.
 Isto ocorre apenas com esta versão ou é o mozilla não possui suporte a 
 ssl para linux?

O suporte a ssl está em outro pacote, o mozilla-psm.




:::  .''`.  ::: 
::: : :'  : ::: Rodrigo Araujo (rma) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
::: `. `'`  ::: UIN: 101720839
:::   `-::: 

Re: Como comprar o Debian em português?

2001-09-09 Thread Fabiano Manoel de Andrade
EmSun, 09 Sep 2001 10:34:53 -0300
Jackson [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:

 Executei o script e a acentuação funcionou corretamente mas vários 
 comandos estão mostrando a seguinte mensagem:
 $ man bash
 (null): can't set the locale; make sure $LC_* and $LANG are correct
 Reformatting bash(1), please wait...te, mas
  Não entendo direito, mas o problema esta no locale. Tive este problema
 alguns tempos atrás quando editei os arquivos /etc/profile e /etc/environment.

   Porém isso não tem acontecido comigo. Caso queira voltar atrás você pode
  desinstalar o acentos, dê uma olhada na documentação que vem junto.

 Fabiano Manoel de Andrade wrote:
 EmSat, 8 Sep 2001 12:56:20 -0300
 Pedro Zorzenon Neto [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:
 edite o /etc/profile
 e coloque uma linha assim:
 export LC_ALL=pt_BR
 de um logout e no proximo login as variaveis devem estar em pt_BR
 OBS: o /etc/profile é para todos os usuarios do sistema.
 se quiser alterar somente para voce, o arquivo é /home/username/.bashrc
Existe um script no site para acentuação e também para 
  colocar tudo em português, bem simples e fácil. O nome dele é
  acentos-2.6-Debian22.tgz . Tem até uma forma de usar
  o til no soffice51 na debian sem ter que recompilar o Xfree.
Abraço . Fabiano.
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Debian GNU/Linux 2.2r3
Linux lottar 2.2.19
Pentium 200 MMX 40Mb
Fabiano Manoel de Andrade

Peguei os boot floppies e agora...

2001-09-09 Thread Fabiano Manoel de Andrade

  Olá Pessoal.

  Tá peguei os boot floppies para o woody. Mas estou com uma dúvida.
 No potato existe um arquivo base... com a um sistema básico de instalação.
 Bem, não notei a existência de tal arquivo para o woody. Já li o guia de 
 instalação do woody e não encontrei a resposta. Depois de instalar os
 drivers como continuo? Quer dizer, sei que preciso baixar os pacotes 
 do woody via rede, mas meu modem é PnP então eu precisaria do isapnp
 instalado para baixar os pacotes. No básico do potato vem o isapnp.

   Talvez alguns usuários digam: se está fazendo esta pergunta não mude para
 o woody. Mas quero aprender e acho que esta lista é o lugar correto. É claro 
 se existir alguma documentação com relação a isso é só dizer que vou atrás.

Muito obrigado pela atencção.


Debian GNU/Linux 2.2r3
Linux lottar 2.2.19
Pentium 200 MMX 40Mb
Fabiano Manoel de Andrade

[ Re: email em html (Era Re: Familiarizando-se com o Debian)]

2001-09-09 Thread synthespian
Estou dando um forward da msg do Sr. Márcio Garcia, que me foi enviada 
em private.
Acho que é relevante para lista por três motivos:
1) Esclarecer definitivamente se pode ou não mandar e-mail em HTML para 
a d-u-p, uma vez que ele se queixa de não ter visto regra alguma, __embora__ os 
admins tenham solicitado __repetidas__ vezes que isso não fosse feito.
2) Esclarecer publicamente esta questão de uma vez por todas, e quem 
sabe incluir na mensagem de aceitação da lista que o e-mail em HTML é proscrito 
nesta lista, para que membros da lista não tenham que ser submetidos a 
tratamento agressivo por parte de pessoas desinformadas.
Se isto não foi suficientemente esclarecido, acho que é nossa culpa. 
3) E deixar claro se atitudes como a do Sr. Márcio garcia são 
bem-vindas ou não, quando ele diz que não é problema dele se os e-mails em 
HTML são aceitos na lista ou não, uma vez que ele trabalha na AOL.
Gostaria que os admins clareassem o assunto, porque o assunto já 
descambou para um nível não-técnico.
Eu mesmo esclareci como ele poderia postar mensagens em texto de 
qualquer terminal telnet, numa tentativa de auxiliar o Sr. Márcio. Como 
sabemos, eles são incluídos numa instalação default de máquias Windows. Acho 
difícl não haver essa possibilidade técnica numa máquina da AOL. E se não 
existe tal possibilidade, o que a debian-user-portuguese tem a ver com isso?

- Forwarded message from [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

X-From_: root  Sun Sep  9 10:48:38 2001
Date: Sun, 9 Sep 2001 09:47:15 EDT
Subject: Re: email em html (Era Re: Familiarizando-se com o Debian)
X-Mailer: AOL 6.0 for Windows BR sub 10508

  1)  Minha empresa é limitada sim, nao temos acesso a nada fora o navegador 
da AOL e os programas de trabalho, vc nunca trabalhei em empresas grandes nao 

  Obs: Tapado é o vc - mané - e para seu governo trabalho com Linux a pelo 
menos 4 anos 

  2) Incomodo por que me incomodaram e não existe nenhum regulamento q diga q 
eu nao posso mandar email para a lista, tem ?
Se tiver me mande o link !!
  Estamos em 2001, não me diga !!!  ja que estamos na era da tecnologia o 
HTML é a q mais se desenvolve, nao sei se sabe mais as paginas (sites) são 
desenvolvidas em HTML !! :-)

Não é problema meu , é problema da lista, para mim tanto faz EMAIL em HTML ou 
em texto abro os 2 do mesmo jeito...

  3) Por mim vc pode dar forward para quem vc quiser ..  eu mesmo mandei a 
mensagem para a lista toda, q nao é falta de educação e sim uma forma de 



Obs:  Não vou mais redigir mensagens a vc, alias até sai dessa lista 

 Um abraço !

- End forwarded message -


2001-09-09 Thread Lucianno A. Ramalho
alguém sabe a diferença entre os formatos .raw e .iso ??? até hj só utilizei a 
imagem de cd com extensão .iso.
a .raw é diferente ou é apenas uma referência?
Desde já agradeço

|* Lucianno Albuquerque Ramalho
|* Linux User #197232 - ICQ #45967059
|* Live Free or Die !!! - Powered by Debian GNU/Linux

Description: PGP signature

Re: [ Re: email em html (Era Re: Familiarizando-se com o Debian)]

2001-09-09 Thread Carlos Laviola
On Sun, Sep 09, 2001 at 06:58:36PM -0300, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Estou dando um forward da msg do Sr. Márcio Garcia, que me foi enviada 
 em private.

Com a permissão dele?

   Acho que é relevante para lista por três motivos:
   1) Esclarecer definitivamente se pode ou não mandar e-mail em HTML para 
 a d-u-p, uma vez que ele se queixa de não ter visto regra alguma, __embora__ 
 os admins tenham solicitado __repetidas__ vezes que isso não fosse feito.

Que admins? Eu não vi nenhuma mensagem de Martin Schulze, Alexander
Koch e/ou Anand Kumria reclamando dos e-mails em HTML. Não há regra
explícita sobre o uso de HTML em mensagens, é apenas uma má conduta
que pedimos encarecidamente que se evite por parte dos que postam.

   2) Esclarecer publicamente esta questão de uma vez por todas, e quem 
 sabe incluir na mensagem de aceitação da lista que o e-mail em HTML é 
 proscrito nesta lista, para que membros da lista não tenham que ser 
 submetidos a tratamento agressivo por parte de pessoas desinformadas.

Tal mudança só ocorreria se ocorresse em todas as listas.

   Se isto não foi suficientemente esclarecido, acho que é nossa culpa. 
   3) E deixar claro se atitudes como a do Sr. Márcio garcia são 
 bem-vindas ou não, quando ele diz que não é problema dele se os e-mails em 
 HTML são aceitos na lista ou não, uma vez que ele trabalha na AOL.

Não é problema dele mesmo, eu acho. Ele mandou, a lista recebeu, e
fica por isso mesmo.

   Gostaria que os admins clareassem o assunto, porque o assunto já 
 descambou para um nível não-técnico.


   Eu mesmo esclareci como ele poderia postar mensagens em texto de 
 qualquer terminal telnet, numa tentativa de auxiliar o Sr. Márcio. Como 
 sabemos, eles são incluídos numa instalação default de máquias Windows. Acho 
 difícl não haver essa possibilidade técnica numa máquina da AOL. E se não 
 existe tal possibilidade, o que a debian-user-portuguese tem a ver com isso?

Participar de discussões por e-mail postando diretamente via telnet é

P.S. - numa nota em paralelo, ajude a melhorar a legibilidade de suas
mensagens quebrando-as em linhas com até 72 caracteres, se possível;
você está sendo tão insensato quanto ele ao escrever assim.

 _ _  _| _  _  | _   . _ | _  Debian-BR Project
(_(_|| |(_)_)  |(_|\/|(_)|(_| uin#: 981913 (icq)

Linux: the choice of a GNU generation - Registered Linux User #103594

Re: cd-writer

2001-09-09 Thread Carlos Laviola
On Sun, Sep 09, 2001 at 08:29:02PM -0300, Lucianno A. Ramalho wrote:
 alguém sabe a diferença entre os formatos .raw e .iso ??? até hj só utilizei 
 a imagem de cd com extensão .iso.
 a .raw é diferente ou é apenas uma referência?

Depende do que a pessoa fez, na verdade. Ela pode ter criado um
arquivo com extensão .raw para denotar que o arquivo é uma imagem
perfeita do CD, ou seja, deve ser gravado com um programa como o
cdrdao. Rode o comando 'file' com o nome do arquivo como argumento
para tentar descobrir qual o tipo dele.

 _ _  _| _  _  | _   . _ | _  Debian-BR Project
(_(_|| |(_)_)  |(_|\/|(_)|(_| uin#: 981913 (icq)

Linux: the choice of a GNU generation - Registered Linux User #103594

Re: [ Re: email em html (Era Re: Familiarizando-se com o Debian)]

2001-09-09 Thread hzi
On Sun, Sep 09, 2001 at 09:23:41PM -0300, Carlos Laviola wrote:
 On Sun, Sep 09, 2001 at 06:58:36PM -0300, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Estou dando um forward da msg do Sr. Márcio Garcia, que me foi enviada 
  em private.
 Com a permissão dele?

Sim, era só ler a parte que dizia pouco me importo se você der um
forward para a lista ou coisa que o valha.
 Que admins? Eu não vi nenhuma mensagem de Martin Schulze, Alexander
 Koch e/ou Anand Kumria reclamando dos e-mails em HTML. Não há regra
 explícita sobre o uso de HTML em mensagens, é apenas uma má conduta
 que pedimos encarecidamente que se evite por parte dos que postam.

OK, então não é vetado.
O que se faz com má-conduta?
Eu pensei que os developers brasileiros fossem
os admins da lista, ou que tinham alguma espécie de privilégio.
Estava errado, pelo jeito.

 Participar de discussões por e-mail postando diretamente via telnet é

Mas se ele colocasse a linha de assunto tal e qual o thread, ela não 
entraria no local certo?
Não sei porque ele não poderia copiar e colar...
De qualquer modo, esse assunto não me interessa mais a ninguém, eu acho.
Pelo menos, não me interessa mais.

[ ]s

Leiam esta última mensagem sobre mail HTML !

2001-09-09 Thread João Alberto
Caros colegas, mais chato que receber mensagens em HTML, é sem dúvida,
receber mensagens de gente discutindo se isso é permitido ou não. Gostaria
de deixar claro, que, existem normas de conduta para utilização das listas
de discussão Debian no Debian-faq, que está disponível em inglês, e estará
disponível em português em breve, pois estou acabando de traduzí-lo.

Espero que esta seja a última mensagem sobre o assunto, que está cada vez
desvirtuando o propósito da lista.

Felicidade a todos!

João Alberto Ferreira.

Re: kernel 2.4.x and unstable/ Kernels

2001-09-09 Thread Nathan E Norman
On Sat, Sep 08, 2001 at 01:55:41PM -0700, Craig Dickson wrote:
 I have not found any reason to prefer make-kpkg over make bzImage and

Once you manage more than one machine, you will find reasons to prefer
kernel-package :)

Nathan Norman - Staff Engineer | A good plan today is better
Micromuse Ltd. | than a perfect plan tomorrow.
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   -- Patton

Description: PGP signature

Re: OT - blocking mail from specific email addresses

2001-09-09 Thread Nathan E Norman
On Sun, Sep 09, 2001 at 07:39:53AM +1000, Sam Varghese wrote:
 i help to run a potato server for a group of elderly/disabled people.
 we use exim 3.12 as the MTA.
 some of our members have been getting offensive email from a
 certain person and i would like to block this. the problem is
 that i cannot block mail from the domain as it is a fairly
 public one.

In addition to what others have mentioned, I hope you've sent a note
to [EMAIL PROTECTED] to inform them of this user's

Nathan Norman - Staff Engineer | A good plan today is better
Micromuse Ltd. | than a perfect plan tomorrow.
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   -- Patton

Description: PGP signature

Re: enlightenment disappearing icons

2001-09-09 Thread jeffconder

Thanks Hall!!

Actually, on my system it didn't make any difference what I did in the 
...e_session-XX.snapshots.0 file. I did exit E and X to edit the 
file, but no change to my desktop.

I finally ended up backing up my ...e_session-XX file before  
deleting it (just in case). After starting X and E without that file - 
everything works!! :)

Thanks for your help.


 Original Message 

On 9/8/01, 9:57:43 PM, Hall Stevenson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote 
regarding Re: enlightenment disappearing icons:

 * [EMAIL PROTECTED] ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [010908 23:48]:
  I am using potato distribution with gnome desktop manager and the
  enlightenment windows manager. All has been running very well. Then I
  screwed something up, can't figure out what.
  When I minimize a window the icon is suppose to appear on the desktop.
  It did before, but now it doesn't. I have to go to the desktop manager
  to maximize a minimized window.
  I have searched through configuration screens and help files and
  haven't been successful.
  Anyone have a clue?

 You've likely lost or closed your 'iconbox'. I've done it myself and
 only figured out one way to 'fix' the problem. What I do is this:

 Exit E and X
 cd ~/.enlightenment
 edit the file ...e_session-XX.snapshots.0
 Look for something like this:

 NEW: _IB_3.Enlightenment_IconBox
 (I think the first part of that is somewhat random, the _IB_3 part, that

 Delete that line and all lines up to the next 'NEW' entry. Repeat for
 anymore 'iconbox' entries you find.
 Restart X and E and use E's root menus to create a new iconbox.


 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact 

Re: kernel 2.4.x and unstable/ Kernels

2001-09-09 Thread Craig Dickson
Nathan E Norman wrote:

 Once you manage more than one machine, you will find reasons to prefer
 kernel-package :)

You mean, once I manage more than one machine that will run exactly the
same kernel. Right now, I have two Debian boxes, but one is a P3 running
Sid (kernel 2.4.9) and the other is an original Pentium (complete with
the FP divide bug) running Potato (2.2.19).

Sure, if you have a number of machines that will be well-served running
the same kernel, and you handle variations in hardware with loadable
modules, then a packaged kernel would be useful. With only a few
machines, I'd rather just build a custom kernel for each one, tuned for
exactly that machine's hardware, with loadable module support disabled.
This way, there are only two files to install for a kernel (vmlinuz and, so a kernel package has no significant advantage over doing
it all by hand.


Re: kernel 2.4.x and unstable/ Kernels

2001-09-09 Thread Brian Nelson
Craig Dickson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Brian Nelson wrote:
  Why not just download the kernel-source package?  Similar to the
  vanilla ones, but usually with a few patches applied.
 That's exactly why not. I'd rather have a vanilla Linus kernel source
 tree to which I can apply patches without worrying about whether they'll
 conflict with whatever patches the Debian maintainers decided to apply.

Yeah, those mysterious Debian developers do strange things to the
source.  Whatever could it be?

$ zless /usr/share/doc/kernel-source-2.4.9/changelog.Debian.gz

kernel-source-2.4.9 (2.4.9-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * New upstream release (closes: #63393).
  * Fixed highmem CramFS bug (closes: #108893).
  * Added missing include in fs/ntfs/unistr.c.
  * Reverted startup==1 patch from drivers/net/tulip/21142.c.
  * Fixed obsolete use of min: drivers/net/rrunner.c.
  * Exported snprintf/vsnprintf (ac patches).

 -- Herbert Xu [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Sat, 18 Aug 2001 21:23:07 +1000

Hmm, seems to be just a couple fixes to me.  I wouldn't complain...

  The package
  installs the bzip2'ed source in /usr/src.  Just tar -jxf it, configure
  with 'make menuconfig' or whatever, and then build a custom
  kernel-image package with 'make-kpkg kernel_image'.
 I have not found any reason to prefer make-kpkg over make bzImage and
 manually installing the kernel image.

1. You won't forget to run /sbin/lilo
2. No need to worry about changing /vmlinuz link
3. ...

For a bunch more:
zless /usr/share/doc/kernel-package/Rationale.gz


Re: kernel 2.4.x and unstable/ Kernels

2001-09-09 Thread Nathan E Norman
On Sat, Sep 08, 2001 at 09:42:34PM -0700, Craig Dickson wrote:
 Nathan E Norman wrote:
  Once you manage more than one machine, you will find reasons to prefer
  kernel-package :)
 You mean, once I manage more than one machine that will run exactly the
 same kernel. Right now, I have two Debian boxes, but one is a P3 running
 Sid (kernel 2.4.9) and the other is an original Pentium (complete with
 the FP divide bug) running Potato (2.2.19).

Uh, this doesn't make sense.  There's no limitation which says you
can't build kernels on one machine which are customised for another
(entirely different) machine.

 Sure, if you have a number of machines that will be well-served running
 the same kernel, and you handle variations in hardware with loadable
 modules, then a packaged kernel would be useful. With only a few
 machines, I'd rather just build a custom kernel for each one, tuned for
 exactly that machine's hardware, with loadable module support disabled.

Sounds familiar.  Why you think this is not possible with
kernel-package is beyond me.

 This way, there are only two files to install for a kernel (vmlinuz and, so a kernel package has no significant advantage over doing
 it all by hand.

I maintain (more or less) four boxes ... a celeron (my home machine),
an athlon (my work desktop), a 486 (my firewall), and a p90 (a server
with no portfolio).  I compile all the kernels on the athlon because,
well, it's just too painful to sit around waiting for the other
machines to finish the job.  The p90 and especially the 486 are
practically useless while compiling a kernel.  Since the athlon has
the biggest (and fastest) disks, I need kernel-source trees on one
machine rather than spread all over the place (let's see, I downloaded
the ipsec patch where?  Did I patch this tree, or was that the other
box?)  This is a significant advantage.


Nathan Norman - Staff Engineer | A good plan today is better
Micromuse Ltd. | than a perfect plan tomorrow.
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   -- Patton

Description: PGP signature

Re: kernel 2.4.x and unstable/ Kernels

2001-09-09 Thread Jason Boxman
On Sunday 09 September 2001 01:07 am, Nathan E Norman wrote:
 On Sat, Sep 08, 2001 at 09:42:34PM -0700, Craig Dickson wrote:
  Nathan E Norman wrote:

 I maintain (more or less) four boxes ... a celeron (my home machine),
 an athlon (my work desktop), a 486 (my firewall), and a p90 (a server
 with no portfolio).  I compile all the kernels on the athlon because,
 well, it's just too painful to sit around waiting for the other
 machines to finish the job.  The p90 and especially the 486 are
 practically useless while compiling a kernel.  Since the athlon has
 the biggest (and fastest) disks, I need kernel-source trees on one
 machine rather than spread all over the place (let's see, I downloaded
 the ipsec patch where?  Did I patch this tree, or was that the other
 box?)  This is a significant advantage.

I have a 486 firewall myself.  My connectivity on other machines more or less 
stops when I do things like run dpkg or the gShield firewall script 
(iptables) loads on it.  Is this normal, or is it just my particular 486 33?

(Oh, and I use kernel-package on the faster machine to compile kernels for 
the 486 -- Just so this is somewhat on topic.)



Re: Good mail management techniques?

2001-09-09 Thread Ross Boylan
On Sun, Sep 02, 2001 at 03:32:02PM +1000, Andrew Pollock wrote:
 I'm just wondering how people manage their email...

 The main problem I have is that each mailbox/folder/whatever you want to call
 it, grows without bounds. I wouldn't mind something to automatically shoved 
 in a folder for each month or something like that, but I don't think that
 IMAP/Pine etc support multilevel folders, or do they?
 Anyway, I'm just interested in seeing how other people do it, and what is
 considered best practise

First the blue-sky dreams, then the reality:

I think the real solution is to put mail in a real database; I've read
some discussion that Sylpheed (maybe) and one other program (whose
name I've forgotten) can do this.

I've long thought that the folder metaphor for mail is inadequate; I
would prefer a more flexible scheme for classifying mail.  It would
have two properties: first, each piece of mail could belong to several
classifications, so that, for example, mail concerning computers and
politics could be classified under both.  Mail on a mailing list that
referred specifically to my questions or interests could be on the
list and under personal.  And so on.

Second, I'd like to see hieararchical classifications, e.g., computers
includes debian includes debian-user.  Then if I did a search for
topic x it would automatically include all subtopics.  We can do
hierarchies with folders now, but we can't do the folder and all
subfolders logic.

In the meantime,  I use exim to filter my mail into boxes and read it
with mutt.  When the individual boxes get so big that performance is
painful, I run the following python script to hack the big ones up and
put them in the archive subdirectory.  I make no claim this is best

To use this, I switch to the directory with my mailboxes, and
(assuming the script is executable) do
./ box1 box2  boxN

This will ensure that each box is no more than sizeLeft (see below) bytes.
The excess stuff gets turned into things like, where
date is an indication of the date of the last message in the archive.
Unless your box is perfectly sorted, you shouldn't take the date too
literally.  Then I move the bz2 files into an archive.

#! /usr/bin/python
# Released under GPL.  (c) 2001 Ross Boylan
import fcntl,os,re,stat,sys
import pdb

sizeLeft = 15*1024*1024  # Size to leave
pattern = re.compile(r^From \S+ (?Pweekday\w\w\w) (?Pmonth\w\w\w)\
 r (?Pday[0-9]{1,2}) \d\d:\d\d:\d\d (?Pyear\d{2,4})$)
patt2 = re.compile(r^Received: from)
blockSize = 1024*1024  # size to transfer

def handleFile(file):
Process a single file
if os.stat(file)[stat.ST_SIZE]  sizeLeft :
print %s is not long enough to chop%file
fh = open(file, r+), 2)
line = fh.readline()  # read to end of partial line
while 1:
pos = fh.tell()
line = fh.readline()
if not line:
break   # hit EOF
if line[:5] == From  :
m = pattern.match(line)
if m:
line = fh.readline()
if patt2.match(line):
dateString ='year')'month')+\'day')
chopFile(fh, file, pos, .+dateString)
print Odd.  Failed to match on 2nd line.  Continuing search.
# note we skip over the 2nd line

print Could not find message start in last %d characters of %s%(
sizeLeft, file)

def chopFile(fh, name, pos, decoration):
Chops file name, open with fh, at pos.  Add decoration to name of
new first part
# fh should be open for mod on entry.  It will be closed
# by this function
status = fcntl.flock(fh.fileno(), fcntl.LOCK_EX)
if status :
print Couldn't lock , file
_chopFile(fh, name, pos, decoration)
# off with their locks
fh = open(file,r)
status = fcntl.flock(fh.fileno(), fcntl.LOCK_UN)
if status:
print Failed to remove lock for %s%file

def _chopFile(fh, name, pos, decoration):
Chops without worrying about locking

# copy tail
fhshort = open(file+.short, w)
block =
while block:
block =

# and create long start

# assign final names
archiveName = file+decoration
os.rename(file, archiveName)
os.rename(file+.short, file)
os.system(bzip2 +archiveName)
print Chopped start of %s to %s%(file, archiveName+.bz2)

# executable part
for file in sys.argv[1:]:

Re: kernel 2.4.x and unstable/ Kernels

2001-09-09 Thread Craig Dickson
Nathan E Norman wrote:

 On Sat, Sep 08, 2001 at 09:42:34PM -0700, Craig Dickson wrote:
  Nathan E Norman wrote:
   Once you manage more than one machine, you will find reasons to prefer
   kernel-package :)
  You mean, once I manage more than one machine that will run exactly the
  same kernel. Right now, I have two Debian boxes, but one is a P3 running
  Sid (kernel 2.4.9) and the other is an original Pentium (complete with
  the FP divide bug) running Potato (2.2.19).
 Uh, this doesn't make sense.  There's no limitation which says you
 can't build kernels on one machine which are customised for another
 (entirely different) machine.

True, but as my first sentence above makes clear, I was assuming that
you meant to build one kernel and install it on a number of machines.
The rest of your latest message clarifies that you actually meant that
you want to build all your kernels on one system and then distribute the
resulting packages out to the other machines. To which I say, sure, but
kernel-package still doesn't seem all that advantageous. All you have to
do is copy two files (vmlinuz, across the network and
replace the /vmlinuz symlink, so how much work do you really save by
copying and installing a kernel package instead?

 The p90 and especially the 486 are
 practically useless while compiling a kernel.

I buy that for the 486, but my P90 builds its own kernels. It's
definitely a lot slower than the P3-700, but since the P90 exists, at
this point, solely for DMZ proxy duties, I don't really care how long it

 Since the athlon has
 the biggest (and fastest) disks, I need kernel-source trees on one
 machine rather than spread all over the place (let's see, I downloaded
 the ipsec patch where?  Did I patch this tree, or was that the other
 box?)  This is a significant advantage.

Yes, but it's not relevant to whether you use kernel-package or not, is


Re: kernel 2.4.x and unstable/ Kernels

2001-09-09 Thread Craig Dickson
Brian Nelson wrote:

 Yeah, those mysterious Debian developers do strange things to the
 source.  Whatever could it be?

Now you're just being snide, which doesn't exactly contribute to the
civility factor of the discussion. Fortunately, I have better sense than
to respond in kind.

The point is, I have other patches from other developers (such as the
ext3 filesystem) that were generated against Linus's kernel source.
There's no guarantee that the patches will work against kernel sources
that have been modified. (Probably they would, most of the time.)

 Hmm, seems to be just a couple fixes to me.  I wouldn't complain...

And how well have those fixes been tested? And if they're so great, why
didn't Linus accept them? The time lag between Linus's release of a new
kernel and the Debian maintainer's release of the same (plus patches)
source is usually only a few days. Not much time for testing.

 For a bunch more:
 zless /usr/share/doc/kernel-package/Rationale.gz

Thanks, I'll look at that.


Re: nfs file execute permission

2001-09-09 Thread Steve Kowalik
On Sat, Sep 08, 2001 at 06:36:50PM -0500, Ron Reinhart uttered:
 I just got NFS running to build a kernel on a small hd laptop to apply a
 fix for the trackball (DEC HiNote CS450) using the NFS-HOWTO.  I can
 access files for read and write as root on the client fine.
 (rw,no_root_squash set in exports) but cannot run an executable on the
 nfs mounted filesystem.  To get around this, I tried a combination of
 local directories and symbolic links but make zImage broke due to some
 executables generated on the mounted directory near the end of the
 Any help would be appreciated while I continue researching the problem.
NFS mounts are noexec by default.
Mount the filesystem with '-o exec'

Portable, adj.:
Survives system reboot.

Description: PGP signature


2001-09-09 Thread Roger Keays


Is there a way to tell update-menus to ignore a whole subtree of the menu?
Perhaps by changing translate_menus?

translate_menus seems to do some strange things. For example:

substitute section-section
   Apps/Math Apps/Trash

But the text is never substituted!

Update-menus[740]: Reading menuentryfile /usr/lib/menu/bc
Update-menus[740]: translate: var[Apps/Math] testing trans rule match
Update-menus[740]: checking Apps/Programming  Apps/Math
Update-menus[740]: ADDING: command=/usr/bin/bc hints=Calculators
needs=text package=bc section=Apps/Math title=bc

- Roger

Re: G4 Powerbook

2001-09-09 Thread Florian Kessler
Am 08.09.2001 15:35 Uhr schrieb Bob Koss unter [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 I'm thinking of buying the Apple G4 Powerbook. Is the PPC distribution
 the CD set that I want to buy?

Yes! And you want to have a look at:


Where's the latest stable Pan?

2001-09-09 Thread Brad Rhodes
In the stable section, is an old version of Pan, 0.7.6. In the unstable 
section is the latest unstable release, Why hasn't Pan 0.7.6 
been replaced with a newer stable version? Where are the versions 
between 0.7.6 and Where can I get a Debian package of the 
latest stable release of Pan, 0.10.0?

Thank you.

Re: apt-get install stopped working

2001-09-09 Thread der.hans
Am 05. Sep, 2001 schwäzte Oivvio Polite so:

 Found it. I'd shot myself in the foot be adding a 
 when I wanted to mix sid and woody and then I didn't remove when
 I got tired of the mix.

No need to remove it, just stick sid back below 100.


#  Magic is science unexplained. - der.hans

Re: Kernel 2.4.x woes

2001-09-09 Thread der.hans
Am 08. Sep, 2001 schwäzte Rajesh Fowkar so:

 What is this initrd ? Why it is required when kernel boots without it ?

It's required for the kernel-image-2.4.x packages because they're being
built with initrds. Actually, it's because the module for the filesystems
are in the initrds and not built in to the kernel, e.g. ext2 is no longer
staticly compiled into the kernel, it's in the initrd.


#  I chose to use the kernel sources as my documentation.  ;-)
#  -- Kevin Buettner

Re: kernel 2.4.x and unstable/ Kernels

2001-09-09 Thread der.hans
Am 08. Sep, 2001 schwäzte Craig Dickson so:

 I have not found any reason to prefer make-kpkg over make bzImage and
 manually installing the kernel image.

I've adminned many boxen with almost the same configuration. Also, my
firewall has no developer tools. kpkg actually doesn't help me much there
because there's no lilo on PPC either :), but I still like it.

I'm actually moving almost completely to pre-packaged kernels on x86. I
don't often need something that was patched in and the packages have been
working quite well for me. Sure will make adminning the boxen at work


#  Knowledge is useless unless it's shared. - der.hans

Re: PCMCIA 2.4.9

2001-09-09 Thread der.hans
Am 08. Sep, 2001 schwäzte secher so:

 I have enabled every PCMCIA choice in the kernel after having started
 minimally, only those selections which I thought were necessary.
 After compile, as per the HOWTO, I built the pcmcia package.
 No Joy.
 Suggestions?  Is there a problem with the 2.4.9 kernel and PCMCIA?

Is PCMCIA not building or are you just not able to use it? If it's the
latter look for some driver with 'serial' in the name. I forget what it is.
modprobe on it and poof things work.

Somewhere in the docs is a note about no longer using i82whateveritis in
pcmcia.conf and instead using the serial driver thingy. That hint I got on
this list a couple of weeks back.


#  Practice socially consious hedonism. Do whatever you want,
#  as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else. - der.hans

Re: dpkg-scanpackages on an official mirror

2001-09-09 Thread der.hans
Am 09. Sep, 2001 schwätzte Martin F Krafft so:

 also sprach der.hans (on Sat, 08 Sep 2001 01:38:13PM -0700):
  Am 08. Sep, 2001 schwäzte Martin F Krafft so:


Blöder Tippfehler, gell? :(

 well, i know this. but the official mirror's pool/ tree has
 duplicates in it, as all of potato, woody, and sid index into it. some
 package version 2.0 might only be in woody while 1.3 exists in
 potato... then pool/m/myprogram will exist in two version and the
 Packages.gz file of the respective distro should include only the
 appropriate version/package.

Hmm. What's the source for determining what's in potato, woody and sid?

 or is this what ./override is for? if not, what is *it's* purpose?

It's for overriding stuff :). As I remember the docs, they said something
about CD vendors. Allows them to make changes. Might be important for CD1
vs. CD2, etc. Might enable them to include/remove things, e.g. crypto


#  kill telnet, long live ssh - der.hans

Re: how do i setup a maildir structure with postfix?

2001-09-09 Thread Rino Mardo
On Sat, Sep 08, 2001 at 05:42:33PM +0200 or thereabouts, Martin F Krafft wrote:
 also sprach Rino Mardo (on Sat, 08 Sep 2001 11:39:54AM +0800):
  the question is: how do i setup a maildir structure in linux with the above
  configuration in mind.
 Maildir uses the directory ~/Maildir/ by default, so add the following
 line to your postfix's
 home_mailbox = Maildir/
 from now on, postfix will deliver to Maildir/ in Maildir format
 (because of the trailing slash, Maildir's flag) by default.
 however, since you are using procmail, you don't have to make that
 site-wide, because you can simply postfix your mailboxes with a slash
 to make them Maildirs. for instance, the following procmailrc will
 deliver to Maildirs.
 * ^Return-Path:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 which will write all messages to debian user into the ~/Mail/debian/
 Maildir (containing cur, tmp, and new), and everything else into
 and yes, Maildir is better by a factor of two thousand and one.
a thousand thanks man. it worked. though i made a mistake initially in creating
the directories first whereas i should have let the mda create it.

i was able to move my default spool from /var/mail/user to ~/Mail/inbox/
using a symlink from /var/mail/user to ~/Mail/inbox/.

the teenage mom with the baby inside getting high on information
-- Californication (Red Hot Chili Peppers)

Description: PGP signature

gmix audio level problems

2001-09-09 Thread Craig Holyoak
I'm having some strange behaviour with my mixer settings. I'm using gmix
under gnome, and have it set to restore mixer settings on startup. This
doesn't work - all sound levels are still set to zero. So I added gmix
-i to my startup items, and now when I log in, I get an error message
saying that either there is no mixer device or I don't have permission
to access the mixer device, but I am a member of the audio group. After
I've logged in though, I can open gmix and it sets all my levels

Looking at my logs, whenever I open gmix (either manually or upon
startup, I get the errors Can't locate module sound-slot-1 and Can't
locate module sound-service-1-0. As I understand it, these would refer
to a second sound card, which I don't have. I suspect that why gmix has
trouble setting my levels by itself is that it is looking for this
non-existant card. Why would it be doing this? I've never tried to set
up a second card. /etc/modules.conf has no reference to more sound

Any suggestions?

I'm running kernel 2.4.9. My sound card is an es1371, which is compiled
into the kernel (not a module). I'm using gmix version 1.2.3 (debian
unstable). My sound all works fine, I just have to manually open gmix
every time to get my levels set properly!



Craig Holyoak

Re: Good mail management techniques?

2001-09-09 Thread Erik Steffl
Ross Boylan wrote:
 On Sun, Sep 02, 2001 at 03:32:02PM +1000, Andrew Pollock wrote:
  I'm just wondering how people manage their email...
  The main problem I have is that each mailbox/folder/whatever you want to 
  it, grows without bounds. I wouldn't mind something to automatically shoved 
  in a folder for each month or something like that, but I don't think that
  IMAP/Pine etc support multilevel folders, or do they?
  Anyway, I'm just interested in seeing how other people do it, and what is
  considered best practise
 First the blue-sky dreams, then the reality:
 I think the real solution is to put mail in a real database; I've read
 some discussion that Sylpheed (maybe) and one other program (whose
 name I've forgotten) can do this.
 I've long thought that the folder metaphor for mail is inadequate; I
 would prefer a more flexible scheme for classifying mail.  It would
 have two properties: first, each piece of mail could belong to several
 classifications, so that, for example, mail concerning computers and
 politics could be classified under both.  Mail on a mailing list that
 referred specifically to my questions or interests could be on the
 list and under personal.  And so on.
 Second, I'd like to see hieararchical classifications, e.g., computers
 includes debian includes debian-user.  Then if I did a search for
 topic x it would automatically include all subtopics.  We can do
 hierarchies with folders now, but we can't do the folder and all
 subfolders logic.

  I wonder whether anybody tried it already (in publicly accessible
project). Shouldn't be too hard to create db back-end for one of the
imap servers. anybody knows about such a beast?


Re: PCMCIA 2.4.9

2001-09-09 Thread Bostjan Muller
* On 09-09-01 at 11:10 der.hans ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
+Here quoted text begins+
 Is PCMCIA not building or are you just not able to use it? If it's the
 latter look for some driver with 'serial' in the name. I forget what it is.
 modprobe on it and poof things work.
 #  Practice socially consious hedonism. Do whatever you want,
 #  as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else. - der.hans
+and here the quote ends+
Has anyone successfully built pcmcia on kernel 2.4.9 on sid?, and if anyone has
could he/she please tell me how they did it?

THX in advance!

[*] Boštjan Müller - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - [*]
[*]  PGP key - finger: [EMAIL PROTECTED], RSA id: 0x90178DBD  [*]
[*] Celular: +386(0)41243189, Powered by Debian GNU/LiNUX - ICQ #:7506644  [*]
   War determines not who is right, but who is left.

Re: Can the scsi emulation kill the hard drive?

2001-09-09 Thread Timeboy

On Saturday Sep 08 23:22 Herbert Pirke wrote:

 ** I had a similar problem with my debian box a few weeks
 ** ago. Unfortunately I forgot the exact message, but
 ** there were some unreadable files in /var again. This
 ** was just after installing the SCSI emulation for my
 ** ATAPI-burner.
 ** Was that just a coincidence or can the SCSI emulation
 ** be responsible for this?

Don't know if the SCSI emulation is the reason for this. But your
experience sounds if it is. Is your SCSI emulation installed
correct? If you use IDE hard discs you have to disable SCSI disk
support. SCSI support, SCSI CD-Rom support and SCSI generic
support are the three things that have to be anabled in kernel
configuration if you only have IDE drives.


Wer Käse mag, der futtert auch Füsse!


Re: gmix audio level problems

2001-09-09 Thread Timeboy

On Sunday Sep 09 12:13 Craig Holyoak wrote:

 ** I'm having some strange behaviour with my mixer settings. I'm using gmix
 ** under gnome, and have it set to restore mixer settings on startup. This
 ** doesn't work - all sound levels are still set to zero. So I added gmix
 ** -i to my startup items, and now when I log in, I get an error message
 ** saying that either there is no mixer device or I don't have permission
 ** to access the mixer device, but I am a member of the audio group. After
 ** I've logged in though, I can open gmix and it sets all my levels
 ** properly.

I had a very similar problem. The reason of this two problems could be 
the same.

I also couln't start gmix and get the error message either i have no 
permission or there is no /dev/mixer. In my example it was Gnome that
was not set right for gmix. After i anabled sound server startup and
sound events in Gnome control center. I could use gmix without this
error message.

In your case i think the sound server of Gnome is not running in this
time while you use gmix- i as startup item. You should start gmix -i
after the sound server has started.

Why your gmix don't remember his settings is a riddle for my. Gmix
should do this if set in properties. My gmix does this.


Wer Käse mag, der futtert auch Füsse!



2001-09-09 Thread Michael P. Soulier

mailq is linked to exim, so the mailq command is just a shortcut to do a
queue check. Is it a security risk to permit normal users to check the mailq,
because if I try it as a non-root user, I get permission denied. 



Michael P. Soulier [EMAIL PROTECTED], GnuPG pub key: 5BC8BE08
Pretty soon, massive bloat is the industry standard and everyone is using
huge, buggy programs not even their developers can love.
-Eric S. Raymond, The Art of Unix Programming

Description: PGP signature

Re: devfs

2001-09-09 Thread Eamon Roque
On Fri, Sep 07, 2001 at 01:37:33AM +0800, --- wrote:
 On Thu, Sep 06, 2001 at 06:44:03PM +0200, arf wrote:
  Le Jeudi  6 Septembre 2001 17:33, --- a ?crit :
   problem: everytime i boot to 24.7. with devfs i have these msgs:
   can't locate module: /dev/xconsole
   can't locate module: /var/log/ksymoops/*.log can't create regular \
 file. read-only filesystem...
   can't locate module: /dev/cdrom1
   can someone help?
  Can you use your cdrom and run xconsole?! Do you have the devfsd package 
  With the devfsd package my cdrom settings work automagically; as for 
  /dev/xconsole, I found that I had to call xconsole -file /dev/xconsole 
  it to work.
 i dont have xconsole... its not in the deb archive either... do you
 think that's the problem?

I didn't have to install xconsole, it is apparently in some standard package.   
 I got the same sort of messages with SuSE 7.0 when I switched to devfs, but 
when I got the current version of devfsd and configured it to save permissions, 
everything worked, error messages here or there. 

 how bout ksymoops? can i remove it?

ksymoops is a utility to decode kernel error messages, removing it seems like a 
bit of a bad idea... Does it eventually create a log file in the directory? 
i.e. when the system has reached the default run level?!

/dev/cdrom1: If mounting the dev works, either using the old or new names, 
respectively, I wouldn't worry about it. 

What does /etc/modules look like?! Are you running the latest devfsd?! Did you 
compile with the kernel package tools?!


Eamon Roque. 

Description: PGP signature

newbe-ish question - POSIX ?

2001-09-09 Thread shyamk
What is POSIX and what does it entail ?

Thanks (Sorry for the stupid question)

Re: mailq

2001-09-09 Thread Davor Balder
On Sun, Sep 09, 2001 at 07:29:50AM -0400, Michael P. Soulier wrote:
 mailq is linked to exim, so the mailq command is just a shortcut to do a
 queue check. Is it a security risk to permit normal users to check the mailq,
 because if I try it as a non-root user, I get permission denied. 
 Michael P. Soulier [EMAIL PROTECTED], GnuPG pub key: 5BC8BE08
 Pretty soon, massive bloat is the industry standard and everyone is using
 huge, buggy programs not even their developers can love.
 -Eric S. Raymond, The Art of Unix Programming

No, it's not a security risk... for the reasons you mentioned... just edit 
permissions in usual manner...

Take care, 


Description: PGP signature

Re: dpkg-scanpackages on an official mirror

2001-09-09 Thread Martin F Krafft
also sprach der.hans (on Sun, 09 Sep 2001 02:24:09AM -0700):
   Am 08. Sep, 2001 schwäzte Martin F Krafft so:
 Blöder Tippfehler, gell? :(

no stress :)

  well, i know this. but the official mirror's pool/ tree has
  duplicates in it, as all of potato, woody, and sid index into it. some
  package version 2.0 might only be in woody while 1.3 exists in
  potato... then pool/m/myprogram will exist in two version and the
  Packages.gz file of the respective distro should include only the
  appropriate version/package.
 Hmm. What's the source for determining what's in potato, woody and sid?

i don't know. part of the reason i asked.

martin;  (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
  \ echo mailto: !#^.*|tr * mailto:; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
hello, welcome to the psychiatric hotline. 
if you are paranoid-delusional, we know who you are and what you want.
just stay on the line so we can trace the call. 

Description: PGP signature

Re: newbe-ish question - POSIX ?

2001-09-09 Thread Davor Balder
On Sun, Sep 09, 2001 at 06:08:48PM +0530, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 What is POSIX and what does it entail ?
 Thanks (Sorry for the stupid question)
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]


There are no stupid questions, just supid answers... 

POSIX means Portable Operating System Interface for Computer Environments. This 
is system developed by Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 
(I) because many different UNIX-like systems were developed. Basically, 
this standard defines how Unix like systems should operate and it is a de-facto 
standard to which all Unix-like systems should (or rather must) adhere. 
Basically, this has to do with system calls.

Linux also adheres to Linux Filesystem Standard (FSSTND) and that defines where 
specific files and directories should be placed in the Linux file structure.

I hope this helps, 

Take care, 


Description: PGP signature

printing on hp610cdjet....

2001-09-09 Thread ---
I have problems using the djet550c filter from magicfilter...
how can i make configure it so that it gets to print what is actually
the actual page displayed in mutt??? the reason for this is that i cant
print forms send to me by other users it gets dropped to the next

Just For Fun --Linus Torvalds

how to make ksymoops log into a read-only filesystem?

2001-09-09 Thread ---
ei, im running 2.4.7 with devfs enabled. i can't seem to make ksymoops
log.. these were the errors uon boot time:

'can't locate module: can't log /var/log/ksymoops.*.log, read-only

is there a workaround for my problem? i read in the docs that ksymoops can't
log with devfs because it mounts the root in read-only. and also how can
i make xine open /dev/cdroms/cdrom0 instead of /dev/cdrom??


Just For Fun --Linus Torvalds

Re: OT - blocking mail from specific email addresses

2001-09-09 Thread Miquel van Smoorenburg
Sam Varghese  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
i would be grateful if any of the assembled could advise me 
or point me to docs to find out what syntax to use in the exim.conf 
to block email from specific email addresses.

Look up sender_reject. Note that that works on the envelope-from
address, not the address in the From: header, but usually those
are the same.

I think...I think it's in my basement. Let me go upstairs and check.
-- M.C. Escher (1898-1972)

Re: kernel 2.4.x and unstable

2001-09-09 Thread Ross Burton
On Sat, 2001-09-08 at 15:59, dman wrote:
 On Sat, Sep 08, 2001 at 10:05:33AM +0100, Ross Burton wrote:
 | Yes, it's me again.
 | Once this is sorted I'll stop bugging you, I promise!
 | Does the kernel-image for 2.4.x from unstable come with devfsd on?  I
 devfsd and devfs are two different things.  devfsd is a user-space
 daemon that registers itself with a devfs-enabled kernel to provide
 various naming and partition adjustments when devfs events occur.

Sorry, I knew that.  Typo...

 No, the stock kernels don't have devfs enabled by default.  You can
 either recompile your kernel and enable devfs and auto-mount it at
 boot time OR you can add devfs=mount to your kernel command line.


 | I had a read of /etc/init.d/devfsd and it quits if it can't find
 | /dev/.devfsd.  I created that and rebooted, but then when devfsd starts
 | it sits on Creating symlinks and hangs.  I tried moving /dev to
 | /olddev and creating an empty /dev with just .devfsd in, and this really
 | broke the boot sequence!
 Yes, I would expect this.  If you read the devfs FAQ/Howto by Richard
 Gooch it explains that the magic file /dev/.devfsd is created by the
 kernel when devfs is used.  Programs that wish to know whether or not
 devfs is being used should check for the presence of that file.  By
 creating that file by hand you have just lied to devfsd to make it
 think devfs is currently being used, but it isn't which is why it

Ah.  Thankyou for that.  Explains a lot really!

I'll see how it goes when I reboot...


Re: PCMCIA 2.4.9

2001-09-09 Thread secher
Ok, seems I fell prey to the thing that irritates me most.. no 
information..sorry folks.
Ok, PCMCIA seems to be compiling fine, as is the kernel.  The install goes 
well, 0 hitches.  However, I've noticed one thing, there are *far* fewer 
modules in  /lib/modules/pcmcia than are in the same for the 2.2.18 kernel, 
which is from the original  install.  
Symptoms:  deadness.  and from the  syslog...
Sep  7 13:36:23 dsl-64-192-26-201 kernel: Linux Kernel Card Services 3.1
 Sep  7 13:36:23 dsl-64-192-26-201 kernel:   options:  [pci] [cardbus] [pm]
Sep  7 13:36:23 dsl-64-192-26-201 kernel: Intel PCIC probe: not found.
Sep  7 13:36:23 dsl-64-192-26-201 kernel: 3c574_cs.c v1.08 9/24/98 Donal
d Becker/David Hinds, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

That's about all of the symptoms there are.  

On Sun, Sep 09, 2001 at 02:16:30AM -0700, der.hans wrote:
 Am 08. Sep, 2001 schw?zte secher so:
  I have enabled every PCMCIA choice in the kernel after having started
  minimally, only those selections which I thought were necessary.
  After compile, as per the HOWTO, I built the pcmcia package.
  No Joy.
  Suggestions?  Is there a problem with the 2.4.9 kernel and PCMCIA?
 Is PCMCIA not building or are you just not able to use it? If it's the
 latter look for some driver with 'serial' in the name. I forget what it is.
 modprobe on it and poof things work.
 Somewhere in the docs is a note about no longer using i82whateveritis in
 pcmcia.conf and instead using the serial driver thingy. That hint I got on
 this list a couple of weeks back.
 #  Practice socially consious hedonism. Do whatever you want,
 #  as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else. - der.hans
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hail Eris, All Hail Discordia.
Jon Postel, you are missed.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Urgent: VALinux kernel recompile questions

2001-09-09 Thread Angus D Madden

On Sat, Sep 08, 2001 at 01:13:14AM +0100, Rory Campbell-Lange wrote:
 Tomorrow I aim to recompile the kernel for a VALinux 2250 Raided server box
 running Debian 2.2 if at all possible. I need to recompile the kernel
 because of some really odd network interface problems (the two interfaces
 on the dual NIC always resolve against the motherboard NIC, eth0) and our
 file serving software - Ethershare for Mac file serving - needs a higher
 kernel than the current 2.2.14 we are running. 

I can't help you with the recompile, but I can tell you that the potato compact
install floppies saw everything on an old VA 2200 series I bought.  The
box had the DAC960 RAID and the onboard NIC. Everything came up fine.


Description: PGP signature

Re: aterm and ~/.Xdefaults

2001-09-09 Thread ktb
On Sat, Sep 08, 2001 at 07:19:52PM -0500, Rob VanFleet wrote:
 Aterm doesn't seem to want to read my ~/.Xdefaults file even though its
 manpage declares it will.
 Before anyone tells me to try ~/.Xresources, I already have, and xterm
 reads ~/.Xdefaults just fine.
 All I have in my ~/.Xdefaults is the background and foreground color:
 XTerm*background: black
 XTerm*foreground: grey
 I also tried 'ATerm' in place of 'XTerm', but to no avail.  Aterm
 remains the default white background and black foregound.
 I'm running unstable (sid) btw.
 Anyone have some pointers ,ideas, etc?

Run the following line on the command line in your home directory 

xrdb -load .Xresources

If that does the trick then run it from your X startup file.

The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the
   same level of thinking we were at when we created them.
 --Albert Einstein

XISP no longer works

2001-09-09 Thread Kent West
I'm pulling from Sid (unstable), and a couple of months ago my XISP 
dialer stopped working. pon still works fine. I figured I had just been 
bitten by an unstable bug, and figured I'd ride it out till the fix. I 
finally check the Bug Tracking System, and I find only two bugs, neither 
of which seem to address my problem.

XISP opens, reports Connection initiated, then a few seconds later 
reports that pppd got signal 11, and then just sits there.

Neither the ppp-connect-errors nor the ppp.log seem to be catching 
anything, and I can't find any other logs that seem to be relevant.

When the problem first arose, I poked around and found some changes in 
the /etc/ppp/peers directory, including some new files named xisp_ttyS0 
- S3, which on closer inspection indicated that there had a been a 
change made in the way xisp works because of new noauth authentication 
standards or somesuch, but as near as I can tell, everything is set up 
the way it's supposed to be.

Any clues as to how I should proceed troubleshooting?



Re: kylix compatibility

2001-09-09 Thread Angus D Madden
On Sat, Sep 08, 2001 at 09:43:27AM -0600, G. Grimestad wrote:
 Is the current version of Debian compatible with Borland's Kylix?

To run lylix_oe on potato, you need a patched version of libc6.  I think 
you can find that by searching this mailing list, or running alien on the rpm
provided by Borland.  I got it to work without a problem, but I can;t
remember exactly how.

Also, you'll need to add 'export LC_ALL=en_US' (or another appropriate
value) to the start of the startkylix script.


Description: PGP signature


2001-09-09 Thread Wendell Cochran

  Re: dpkg-scanpackages on an official  [ der.hans
  Re: how do i setup a maildir structu  [ Rino Mardo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  gmix audio level problems [ Craig Holyoak
  Re: Good mail management techniques?  [ Erik Steffl
  Re: PCMCIA  2.4.9[ [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bostjan
Mull ]
  Re: Can the scsi emulation kill the   [ Timeboy [EMAIL PROTECTED] ]
  Re: gmix audio level problems [ Timeboy [EMAIL PROTECTED] ]
  mailq [ Michael P. Soulier
michael.souli ]
  Re: devfs [ Eamon Roque
  newbe-ish question - POSIX ?  [ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ]
  Re: mailq [ Davor Balder
  Re: dpkg-scanpackages on an official  [ Martin F Krafft
  Re: newbe-ish question - POSIX ?  [ Davor Balder
  printing on hp610cdjet[ --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] ]
  how to make ksymoops log into a read  [ --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] ]
  Re: OT - blocking mail from specific  [ [EMAIL PROTECTED]
(Miquel v ]
  Re: kernel 2.4.x and unstable [ Ross Burton
  Re: PCMCIA  2.4.9[ secher [EMAIL PROTECTED] ]

Sun, 9 Sep 2001 02:24:09 -0700 (MST)
debian users
Re: dpkg-scanpackages on an official mirror
TEXT/PLAIN; charset=ISO-8859-15

Am 09. Sep, 2001 schwätzte Martin F Krafft so:

 also sprach der.hans (on Sat, 08 Sep 2001 01:38:13PM -0700):
  Am 08. Sep, 2001 schwäzte Martin F Krafft so:


Blöder Tippfehler, gell? :(

 well, i know this. but the official mirror's pool/ tree has
 duplicates in it, as all of potato, woody, and sid index into it. some
 package version 2.0 might only be in woody while 1.3 exists in
 potato... then pool/m/myprogram will exist in two version and the
 Packages.gz file of the respective distro should include only the
 appropriate version/package.

Hmm. What's the source for determining what's in potato, woody and sid?

 or is this what ./override is for? if not, what is *it's* purpose?

It's for overriding stuff :). As I remember the docs, they said
about CD vendors. Allows them to make changes. Might be important for
vs. CD2, etc. Might enable them to include/remove things, e.g. crypto


#  kill telnet, long live ssh - der.hans

 Sun, 9 Sep 2001 12:40:20 +0800
 Martin F Krafft [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Re: how do i setup a maildir structure with
 multipart/signed; micalg=pgp-sha1;

On Sat, Sep 08, 2001 at 05:42:33PM +0200 or thereabouts, Martin F Krafft
 also sprach Rino Mardo (on Sat, 08 Sep 2001 11:39:54AM +0800):
  the question is: how do i setup a maildir structure in linux with the above
  configuration in mind.
 Maildir uses the directory ~/Maildir/ by default, so add the following
 line to your postfix's
 home_mailbox = Maildir/
 from now on, postfix will deliver to Maildir/ in Maildir format
 (because of the trailing slash, Maildir's flag) by default.
 however, since you are using procmail, you don't have to make that
 site-wide, because you can simply postfix your mailboxes with a slash
 to make them Maildirs. for instance, the following procmailrc will
 deliver to Maildirs.
 * ^Return-Path:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 which will write all messages to debian user into the ~/Mail/debian/
 Maildir (containing cur, tmp, and new), and everything else into
 and yes, Maildir is better by a factor of two thousand and one.
a thousand thanks man. it worked. though i made a mistake initially in
the directories first whereas i should have let the mda create it.

i was able to move my default spool from 

kde-i18n trouble after upgrade to Woody

2001-09-09 Thread Daniel de los Reyes
I have just upgraded to Woody, kde-i18n-es is installed, but in the
control panel only English language is available. I have tried mving
away my .kde and reconfiguring kde-i18n-es with no luck
Any Ideas?  
Daniel de los Reyes
S2-Desarrollo, Grupo S2
Valencia Spain
Powered by Debian GNU-Linux 2.2r3

Tasks in woody

2001-09-09 Thread Julio Merino Vidal
Hi all,

I've just upgraded to woody from a freshly installed potato system. I run
tasksel and select some things, but some tasks do not exist.

For example, it compilains about a missing task-common-devel, so I can't
install c development... It also won't install the x window core, or
such things :(

What happens??


FreeBSD is the power--
Julio Merino [EMAIL PROTECTED] ICQ: 18961975

Description: PGP signature

libterm-stool-perl ????

2001-09-09 Thread Aaron Traas
OK... I'm running a new Woody machine, and someone, somewhere along the
line told me to use Slang for the default configuration interface.

Unfortunately, this is not working. Everything that wants to use slang
gives me errors about not having stool-perl installed.

libterm-stool-perl is listed on the web site as a suggested option when
installing libterm-slang-perl, but is also listed as NOT AVAILABLE, and
has no page of its own. What the hell am I supposed to do?

I'd like to configure debconf to use Dialog instead of Slang to get out
of this mess, but don't know how... can someone please help me?


Re: libterm-stool-perl ????

2001-09-09 Thread Julio Merino Vidal
On Sun, Sep 09, 2001 at 12:20:55PM -0400, Aaron Traas wrote:
 OK... I'm running a new Woody machine, and someone, somewhere along the
 line told me to use Slang for the default configuration interface.
 Unfortunately, this is not working. Everything that wants to use slang
 gives me errors about not having stool-perl installed.
 libterm-stool-perl is listed on the web site as a suggested option when
 installing libterm-slang-perl, but is also listed as NOT AVAILABLE, and
 has no page of its own. What the hell am I supposed to do?
 I'd like to configure debconf to use Dialog instead of Slang to get out
 of this mess, but don't know how... can someone please help me?

I've the same problem as you :( You can change your debconf interface using:
dpkg-reconfigure debconf


 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

FreeBSD is the power--
Julio Merino [EMAIL PROTECTED] ICQ: 18961975

Description: PGP signature

Mouse problems after upgrading to Woody (X4)

2001-09-09 Thread Daniel de los Reyes

Daniel de los Reyes
S2-Desarrollo, Grupo S2
Valencia Spain
Powered by Debian GNU-Linux 2.2r3
After an upgrade to Woody and X 4 , and quite a bit of a trouble to be
able to get my X back to work, T can't get my mouse to work correctly.
From time to time it gets frozen
This is the output of the X session:

(==) NV(0): Backing store disabled
(==) NV(0): Silken mouse enabled
(**) NV(0): DPMS enabled
(II) Keyboard Generic Keyboard handled by legacy driver
(**) Configured Mouse: Protocol: ImPS/2
(**) Configured Mouse: Core Pointer
(==) Configured Mouse: Buttons: 3
(**) Configured Mouse: Emulate3Buttons, Emulate3Timeout: 50
(**) Configured Mouse: ZAxisMapping: buttons 4 and 5
(**) Generic Mouse: Protocol: ImPS/2
(**) Generic Mouse: always reports core events
(EE) xf86OpenSerial: Cannot open device /dev/input/mice
No such file or directory.
(EE) Generic Mouse: cannot open input device
(EE) PreInit failed for input device Generic Mouse
(II) XINPUT: Adding extended input device Configured Mouse
(type: MOUSE)

And this is my XF86Config related to mouse:

Section InputDevice
Identifier  Mouse1
Driver  mouse
Option ProtocolIMPS/2
Option Device  /dev/gpmdata
Option SampleRate 150
Option ChordMiddle

gpm gets started at boot time

Any ideas?
Daniel de los Reyes
S2-Desarrollo, Grupo S2
Valencia Spain
Powered by Debian GNU-Linux 2.2r3
---End Message---

Re: [OT] impending doom: S1G on sept 8-9

2001-09-09 Thread will trillich
On Thu, Aug 30, 2001 at 02:31:30PM -0500, will trillich wrote:
 we've had y-2-k, when the first digit rolled over.  now we've
 got s-1-g where we gain a WHOLE NEW DIGIT.  pandelirium shall
 ensue -- there will be riots in the streets! the home shopping
 channel will stock only batteries!
   $ perl -e 'print scalar localtime 1_000_000_000'
   Sat Sep  8 20:46:40 2001
 that is, on Sun Sep  9 01:46:40 2001 GMT (i'm in CDT) we will
 have reached ONE BILLION SECONDS (a whole gigasecond) since
 Thu Jan  1 00:00:00 1970 GMT.

anybody's hairpiece melt? toaster spewing jello?

thought not.

(just think of the money we coulda made on the media panic!)

Looking to configure your Debian NETWORK SETTINGS? Look at the
file /etc/network/interfaces (try man interfaces for more
info). Then ifup -a to reload your settings, and ifconfig to
display them. (Also check out apt-get install ipmasq!)

Also see ...

Re: utmp/wtmp problem!

2001-09-09 Thread will trillich
On Fri, Aug 24, 2001 at 06:51:27AM +, nestea wrote:
 hi folks,
 my debian box was newly installed, upgraded to unstable a week ago.  i 
 compiled 2.4.9 kernel yesterday and it works just fine.  this morning i login 
 as root and fire the 'w' command, i got weird result ;
  14:37:30 up 1 day, 20:30,  2 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
 root pts/ 09:460.00s  0.31s  0.01s  w 

 i still have not idea ... i know i can 
 'cat /dev/null  /var/run/utmp' and 
 'cat /dev/null  /var/log/wtmp'
 to resolve this, but i really want to know why.

as forrest gump said, it happens. the wtmp file can get
borked, and then reports based on it can get fuxnored.

after moving/clobbering the files you may need to restart your
logging facilities; they will most likely still be writing their
information to their open file handles, which would still point
to the old (marked-for-deletion-or-whatever) files.

/etc/init.d/sysklogd restart|reload|yadayada i think

Did you know MANPAGES ARE IN SEVERAL SECTIONS?  For example,
user commands are in section 2 of the manual, and system
administration items are in section 8; to request a particular
section via man include it before the item:
man 7 regex
(otherwise you'll probably see regex from section 3 instead.)
To see ALL pages with a particular name, try
man -a regex
every matching manpage (from whichever section) will be
presented, one-by-one.

Also see ...

Re: libterm-stool-perl ????

2001-09-09 Thread Eduard Bloch
#include hallo.h
Julio Merino Vidal wrote on Sun Sep 09, 2001 um 06:53:43PM:
  I'd like to configure debconf to use Dialog instead of Slang to get out
  of this mess, but don't know how... can someone please help me?
 I've the same problem as you :( You can change your debconf interface using:
 dpkg-reconfigure debconf

The Slang frontend has several bugs and nobody wanted to fix them. In
the current Sid version, the Slang interface is removed completely.
C'est la vie.

begin  LOVE-LETTER-FOR-YOU.txt.vbs
I am a signature virus. Distribute me until the bitter

Description: PGP signature

problem with ppp and 2.4.7

2001-09-09 Thread Philipp Bliedung


I just compiled 2.4.7 and everything seems to work just fine - like 
sound, nfs, usb, etc. 
But I can't get ppp to work. Everytime I use 'pon' to connect to the 
internet I get this:

Sep  9 14:22:32 laptop pppd[535]: pppd 2.4.1 started by root, uid 0
Sep  9 14:22:33 laptop chat[536]: Can't get terminal parameters: 
Input/output error

Sep  9 14:22:33 laptop pppd[535]: Connect script failed
Sep  9 14:22:34 laptop pppd[535]: Exit.

When I boot 2.4.2 again, everything works without any problems !!
I intsalled ppp 2.4.1 after I compiled the 2.4.7 kernel (I should have 
read /usr/src/linux/Documentation/Changes more carfully)
- but that shouldn't be the problem, right? Or do I have to compile the 
kernel again?

I found some information about this on the internet, but I still don't 
know how to solve the problem. It says that maybe the IRQ is already 
used by another device.

So here is cat /proc/interrupts

 0: 145848  XT-PIC  timer

 1:   1023  XT-PIC  keyboard
 2:  0  XT-PIC  cascade
 7:   7965  XT-PIC  MS Sound System
10:  2  XT-PIC  pcnet_cs
11:  7  XT-PIC  Toshiba America Info Systems ToPIC97, 
Toshiba America Info Systems ToPI

C97 (#2), usb-uhci
12:   4005  XT-PIC  PS/2 Mouse
14:  93572  XT-PIC  ide0
15:  4  XT-PIC  ide1
NMI:  0
ERR:  0

and setserial for the modem (which is /dev/ttyS4)

/dev/ttyS4, UART: 16550A, Port: 0x03e8, IRQ: 5

It doesn't seem like the IRQ is already used, right?
Any ideas?
thanks a lot!


Re: Mouse problems after upgrading to Woody (X4)

2001-09-09 Thread ktb
On Sun, Sep 09, 2001 at 06:44:23PM +0200, Daniel de los Reyes wrote:
 Daniel de los Reyes
 S2-Desarrollo, Grupo S2
 Valencia Spain
 Powered by Debian GNU-Linux 2.2r3

 Date: Sun, 9 Sep 2001 18:42:24 +0200
 From: Daniel de los Reyes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Lista de Debian-KDE
 Subject: Mouse problems after upgrading to Woody (X4)
 User-Agent: Mutt/1.3.20i
 After an upgrade to Woody and X 4 , and quite a bit of a trouble to be
 able to get my X back to work, T can't get my mouse to work correctly.
 From time to time it gets frozen
 This is the output of the X session:
 (==) NV(0): Backing store disabled
 (==) NV(0): Silken mouse enabled
 (**) NV(0): DPMS enabled
 (II) Keyboard Generic Keyboard handled by legacy driver
 (**) Configured Mouse: Protocol: ImPS/2
 (**) Configured Mouse: Core Pointer
 (==) Configured Mouse: Buttons: 3
 (**) Configured Mouse: Emulate3Buttons, Emulate3Timeout: 50
 (**) Configured Mouse: ZAxisMapping: buttons 4 and 5
 (**) Generic Mouse: Protocol: ImPS/2
 (**) Generic Mouse: always reports core events
 (EE) xf86OpenSerial: Cannot open device /dev/input/mice
 No such file or directory.
 (EE) Generic Mouse: cannot open input device
 (EE) PreInit failed for input device Generic Mouse
 (II) XINPUT: Adding extended input device Configured Mouse
 (type: MOUSE)
 And this is my XF86Config related to mouse:
 Section InputDevice
 Identifier  Mouse1
 Driver  mouse
 Option ProtocolIMPS/2
 Option Device  /dev/gpmdata
 Option SampleRate 150
 Option ChordMiddle
 gpm gets started at boot time

Shut down gpm and see if your mouse works.
# /etc/init.d/gpm stop

You might have to point your mouse to /dev/psaux for ps/2 or /dev/ttyS0 for

The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the
   same level of thinking we were at when we created them.
 --Albert Einstein

Re: mailq

2001-09-09 Thread Brian Potkin
On Sun, Sep 09, 2001 at 11:02:34PM +1000, Davor Balder wrote:

 No, it's not a security risk... for the reasons you mentioned... just
 edit permissions in usual manner...

There is no need to alter permissions to change this behaviour.  Setting
queue_list_requires_admin to false in /etc/exim.conf is sufficient.  Or
I suppose adding a user to group mail would also be a way of seeing
queued mail.


Re: mailq

2001-09-09 Thread Brian Potkin
On Sun, Sep 09, 2001 at 07:29:50AM -0400, Michael P. Soulier wrote:

 mailq is linked to exim, so the mailq command is just a shortcut to do a
 queue check. Is it a security risk to permit normal users to check the mailq,
 because if I try it as a non-root user, I get permission denied.

Originally I was going to comment that mailq on my system (exim version
3.12) works as described in the manual and gives a list of my outgoing
mails.  But being a little intrigued I thought the bug reports for exim
were worth a look.

Basically, this aspect of exim's behaviour was altered in version 3.3
and the message you got is now normal behaviour.

See bugs 109394, 107222 and 109619.


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