Re: Desaparegut el color vermell del Kaffeine

2008-03-01 Thread hubble
El Sat, 01 Mar 2008 00:29:39 +0100
Daniel Elias [EMAIL PROTECTED] va dir:

 Genial, Hubble! He creat un nou usuari i han aparegut tots els colors!
 Què deu voler dir això?

El teu antic-usuari = A
El teu nou-usuari = B

Tu vas descartar la posibilitat d'un error de hadware (provant diferents SO).
Amb aquesta prova veiem que no es una errada del sistema operatiu, sino que 
probablement sigui de la configuració de l'usuari A.

Fins aqui ha estat lo facil, ara be lo dificil, saber que es alló que ho 
Si resulta que ho fa a varis programes, es que no es configuració d'un sol 
programa, si no de varis.
Llavors això podria ser o bé el gnome (o l'escriptori que tinguis) o les X's.

Avans de proposar-te fer bogeries (tu i el teu ordinador), m'espero a que 
algu/na de la llista digui la seva, per si se li acut alguna cosa més, perque 
el que es a mi, solament s'em acudeixen coses molt extremes o molt pesades :)

 El dv 29 de 02 del 2008 a les 22:39 +0100, en/na hubble va escriure:
  Has provat de fer-te un altre usuari i obrir una sessió amb ell i mirar si 
  també ha perdut el vermell?
  El Fri, 29 Feb 2008 22:16:13 +0100
  Daniel Elias [EMAIL PROTECTED] va dir:
   Ja he provat el VLC, el Totem i el Kaffeine. 
   El dv 29 de 02 del 2008 a les 15:43 +0100, en/na Jordi Funollet va
Prova al mateix ordinador amb un altre reproductor (VLC?). Així sabràs 
si el 
que s'ha desconfigurat és el Kaffeine.
   with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

/ gpg --keyserver --recv-keys 2E402485 \
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 (\/) | |__  _   _| |__ | |__ | | ___ 
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   Registered user num. 368051 
   and did not take anything above.
1f u c4n r34d th1s u r34lly n33d t0 g37 |41d

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Debian et PC portable.

2008-03-01 Thread Yves Rutschle
On Sat, Mar 01, 2008 at 12:59:50PM +0900, Charles Plessy wrote:
 mais y a-t-il un constructeur dont les clients soient satisfaits des
 batteries ?

Les vieux, très vieux Toshiba: ce mail est écrit sur un
420CDS qui doit bien avoir 10 ans, et a encore une bonne
40aine de minutes d'autonomie sur batterie.


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Re: etch et cinelerra

2008-03-01 Thread Bulot Grégory
Le vendredi 29 février 2008 19:12, Bulot Grégory a écrit :
 Le lundi 25 février 2008 10:25, François Boisson a écrit :
  Le Mon, 25 Feb 2008 01:22:26 +0100
  Jean-Yves F. Barbier [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit:
   en installant une sid sur une autre partition (CPU puissant nécessaire)
  en chroot, c'est plus simple.
  Sinon, j'ai fait un backport de cinelerra pour Etch, il devrait
  deb etch divers
  François Boisson

 je rentre de déplacement, je suis en train d'aptituder cinelerra ...

 Merci pour ce backport, je tiens au jus

ça tourne chez moi, il a juste fallu que je vire mon ancien ~/.bcast (absence 
de la fenêtre plugin, compositor et viewer)

Re: Récupérer l'ip du client qui se connecte

2008-03-01 Thread Patrice OLIVER
Le 29/02/08, Sylvain Sauvage[EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit :

 *** merci de répondre dessous et de couper l'inutile ***

  Patrice OLIVER, vendredi 29 février 2008, 22:22:14 CET

   Sur le serveur, je ne récupère pas correctement le TERM. C'est
   pour cela que je veux la fixer.

   Justement, si tu mets TERM=xterm dans le .bashrc (ou .kshrc,
  ou autre, hein, on n'est pas sectaire) du serveur, celui-ci sera
  exécuté sur le serveur à la connexion, donc TERM vaudra xterm
  dans le shell du telnet et donc pour les applis lancées dans le
   À moins que vous n'utilisiez telnet pour vous connecter sur
  autre chose qu'un telnetd qui lance un shell…


  Sylvain Sauvage

Le problème est que nous avons différents types de clients qui se
connectent sur ledit serveur, dont des clients windows et des clients
linux. Mes clients linux sont dans un range d'IP déterminé.


Re: Récupérer l'ip du client qui se con necte

2008-03-01 Thread Franck JONCOURT

On Sat, 1 Mar 2008 12:27:31 +0100, Patrice OLIVER [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Le 29/02/08, Sylvain Sauvage[EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit :

   Justement, si tu mets TERM=xterm dans le .bashrc (ou .kshrc,
  ou autre, hein, on n'est pas sectaire) du serveur, celui-ci sera
  exécuté sur le serveur à la connexion, donc TERM vaudra xterm
  dans le shell du telnet et donc pour les applis lancées dans le
 Le problème est que nous avons différents types de clients qui se
 connectent sur ledit serveur, dont des clients windows et des clients
 linux. Mes clients linux sont dans un range d'IP déterminé.

C'est peut-être tout bête mais on moins j'aurais la réponse :p!
Cela change quoi que ce soit un client windows ou linux et qu'on 
lui affecte un émulateur de shell de type xterm ?


Franck Joncourt -

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Re: Debian et PC portable.

2008-03-01 Thread Edi STOJICEVIC
* Charles Plessy [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2008-03-01 12:59:50 +0900] wrote :

 Ici au Japon, s'il fallait citer trois marques fortement utilisées, je
 dirais Lenovo (ThinkPad uniquement), Sony et Apple. Ces trois marques
 sont aussi très présentes sur le marché de l'occasion, du semi-neuf au
 vieux clous.

Moi de mon côté, j'ai un macbook et je suis relativement content de
celui-ci au niveau hardware. J'ai viré OSX et mis une Debian dessus et
tout fonctionne à merveille dessus (même Compiz-fusion).

Les prix des macbook ont relativement baissés et peu donc être une bonne
alternative aussi.

. ''`.  (\___/) E d i   S T O J I C E V I C
: :'  : (='.'=) 
`. `~'  ()_() GPG: 0x1237B032

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Pb de mount de /boot au démarrage

2008-03-01 Thread Mark Free

Bonjour à tous,

Depuis quelques temps je n'arrive plus accéder au répertoire /boot

Après avoir activé le log de la séquence de boot

j'ai trouvé un fichier /var/log/fsck/checkfs dont voici le contenu:

Log of fsck -C -R -A -a
Sat Mar  1 12:38:18 2008

fsck 1.40.2 (12-Jul-2007)
fsck.ext3: No such file or directory while trying to open /dev/hda1
The superblock could not be read or does not describe a correct ext2
filesystem.  If the device is valid and it really contains an ext2
filesystem (and not swap or ufs or something else), then the superblock
is corrupt, and you might try running e2fsck with an alternate superblock:
e2fsck -b 8193 device

/dev/mapper/ServerDebian-home: clean, 269025/29294592 files, 
24791692/58558464 blocks (check in 2 mounts)
/dev/mapper/ServerDebian-tmp: clean, 26/100352 files, 23036/401408 
blocks (check in 5 mounts)
/dev/mapper/ServerDebian-usr: clean, 198491/625248 files, 02/1250304 
/dev/mapper/ServerDebian-var: clean, 15139/375360 files, 141831/750592 

fsck died with exit status 8

Sat Mar  1 12:38:19 2008

Et effectivement je n'ai pas de hda1 dans /dev

J'ai essayé de monté à la main le /boot avec
#mount -t ext3 /boot /mnt/tmp
mais ma lenny/sid me dit mount: /boot is not a block device

et bien sur : e2fsck -b 8193 /dev/hda1 ne fonctionne pas.

Notre ami commun et très prolixe sur le sujet, mais les solutions 
semblent passer par un mount...

mon fstab donne:
# /etc/fstab: static file system information.
# file system mount point   type  options   dump  pass

proc/proc   procdefaults0   0
/dev/mapper/ServerDebian-root / ext3   defaults,errors=remount-ro 01
/dev/hda1   /boot   ext3defaults0  2
/dev/mapper/ServerDebian-home /home  ext3defaults   0  2
/dev/mapper/ServerDebian-tmp /tmpext3defaults   0  2
/dev/mapper/ServerDebian-usr /usrext3defaults   0  2
/dev/mapper/ServerDebian-var /varext3defaults   0  2
/dev/mapper/ServerDebian-swap_1 none swapsw 0  0
/dev/hdc   /media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 user,noauto  0  0
/dev/hdd   /media/cdrom1   udf,iso9660 user,noauto  0  0

je me demande si le mount de hda1 est encore utile. Comment le vérifier

Si qq à une petite idée ou une piste de recherche, je suis prenneur


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Re: Récupérer l'ip du client qui se connecte

2008-03-01 Thread Patrice OLIVER
Le 01/03/08, Franck JONCOURT[EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit :

  On Sat, 1 Mar 2008 12:27:31 +0100, Patrice OLIVER [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Le 29/02/08, Sylvain Sauvage[EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit :


Justement, si tu mets TERM=xterm dans le .bashrc (ou .kshrc,
ou autre, hein, on n'est pas sectaire) du serveur, celui-ci sera
exécuté sur le serveur à la connexion, donc TERM vaudra xterm
dans le shell du telnet et donc pour les applis lancées dans le


  Le problème est que nous avons différents types de clients qui se
   connectent sur ledit serveur, dont des clients windows et des clients
   linux. Mes clients linux sont dans un range d'IP déterminé.

 C'est peut-être tout bête mais on moins j'aurais la réponse :p!
  Cela change quoi que ce soit un client windows ou linux et qu'on
  lui affecte un émulateur de shell de type xterm ?

  Je n'ai pas de clients de type xterm qui fonctionne avec les applis en 
 question. Je creuse le sujet avec Linux, sans est certain de parvenir au 
 résultat. Ces applis fonctionnent notamment avec des touches de fonction. 
 Peut être nous faudra t'il gratter un peu pour trouver le meilleur compromis 
 sur les stations Linux, ou envisager autre chose.

Re: Récupérer l'ip du client qui se connecte

2008-03-01 Thread Gilles Mocellin
Le Friday 29 February 2008 15:26:07 Patrice OLIVER, vous avez écrit :

 J'ai des clients qui se connectent en telnet sur une machine de mon lan.
 Pour adapter un script de connexion, je souhaites récupérer l'adresse
 IP du client en question. Mis à jour faire un 'who am i' pipé avec les
 commandes qui vont bien, existe t'il une autre solution ?


Nous avons le cas inverse, savoir quelle IP a été utilisée par le client pour 
arriver sur le serveur (Le serveur a plusieurs IP, des ressources cluster 
HP-UX MC ServiceGuard pouvant changer de serveur).

Mais je pense que la même méthode peu être utilisée :
- utiliser lsof pour avoir l'adresse IP ouverte d'un process
- chercher le process parent du shell en cours (sshd ou telnetd suivant la 
méthode de connexion) avec $PPID

lsof ne donnera des résultats que sous root, donc le script de connexion ser 
du genre /etc/profile plutot que .profile (remplacer profile par bashrc sous 

En résumer : dans le script de connexion système :

IP=$(sudo lsof -nP -p $PPID | grep ESTABLISHED | 
sed -n 's/^.*-\(.*\):.*$/\1/p')

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

module pour Intel P965 Express/ICH8DH

2008-03-01 Thread Gaëtan PERRIER

Quel module correspond au chipset Intel P965 Express/ICH8DH ?

Par exemple pour le nforce2 j'utilise amd74xx



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Re: Récupére r l'ip du client qui se connecte

2008-03-01 Thread Stephane Bortzmeyer
On Fri, Feb 29, 2008 at 07:56:49PM +0100,
 a message of 54 lines which said:

 Konsole ne passe pas correctement le term. Nous voulons donc le
 fixer en fonction de l'ip de la machine qui se présente.

Hmmm, ce n'est pas une situation satisfaisante et n'importe quelle
méthode pour la gérer ne sera que du bricolage temporaire.

En outre, telnet ne devrait plus être utilisé depuis le siècle
dernier, puisqu'il fait passer le mot de passe en clair.

Je suggère donc de passer à ssh, ce qui comblera une sérieuse faille
de sécurité et, en prime, cela vous fournira l'adresse IP du client
dans la variable d'environnement SSH_CLIENT.

Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question :
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with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Récupérer l'ip du client qui se connecte

2008-03-01 Thread Patrice OLIVER
Le 01/03/08, Stephane Bortzmeyer[EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit :
 On Fri, Feb 29, 2008 at 07:56:49PM +0100,


  a message of 54 lines which said:

   Konsole ne passe pas correctement le term. Nous voulons donc le
   fixer en fonction de l'ip de la machine qui se présente.

 Hmmm, ce n'est pas une situation satisfaisante et n'importe quelle
  méthode pour la gérer ne sera que du bricolage temporaire.

  En outre, telnet ne devrait plus être utilisé depuis le siècle
  dernier, puisqu'il fait passer le mot de passe en clair.

  Je suggère donc de passer à ssh, ce qui comblera une sérieuse faille
  de sécurité et, en prime, cela vous fournira l'adresse IP du client
  dans la variable d'environnement SSH_CLIENT.

Je suis 100% d'accord, mais nous ne gérons pas complètement cette
machine. Donc, nous nous adaptons.

Re: cannot communicate securely

2008-03-01 Thread krondar

Sub pisze:


Co i gdzie powienienem ustawic w DebianEtch aby moc otworzyc strony 
https i pozbyc sie komunikatu:

Epiphany and cannot communicate securely 
because they have no common encryption algorithms

Z gory dzieki za podpowiedz,


Zawsze możesz też skorzystać z przeglądarki IceWeasel czyli wolnej 
wersji FireFox'a po zmianie nazwy :-)


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Studencki Festiwal Informatyczny ( Kraków, 6-8 marca 2008 r.)

2008-03-01 Thread Krzysztof Zubik
Krzysztof Zubik napisał
 Przemysław Kulczycki napisał.
  kprzystalski pisze:
   Czy ktoĂż od nas bierze udziaĹŻ w przygotowaniach
   z tego co wiem to Przemek chyba...
  Tak, ja, ale w bardzo ograniczonym zakresie. A czemu pytasz?
 Och ja rowneiz ciagle zagladam pod
 Kilka dni temu odnalazledm link o noclegach. Tego roku nareszcie
 tanio. Po kilku klinieciach pod i
 Kolejno zajrzalem Rezerwacja i kontakt.
 Kilka godz. temu zadzwonilem pod tel. (0-12) 637-43-25  , zeby
 poki wolne miejsca zarezerwowac najtanszy.
 Dowiedzialem sie, ze mozna jeszcze taniej po 25 zl doba
 DS. Kapitol. ul Budryka. nr 2. 

Dyskusje dotyczace LUGow i nie tylko... [EMAIL PROTECTED]
LUGowa tablica ogloszeniowa. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Krakowska Grupa Uzytkownikow Linuksa [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Krakowska Grupa Uzytkownikow Linuksa [EMAIL PROTECTED]
samopomoc chłopska dla potrzebujących [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Komitet Kulturalny Uniwersytetu Gdanskiego [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Za kilka dni po raz koloejny bedzie w Krakowie Studencki Festiwal
Informatykow. Tym razem jesce ciekawszy. Poza wykladami
beda rwoniez warsztaty.

Witryna imprezy pod

Plan wykładów

Czwartek, 6. marca

10:00 - 11:00
Algorytmika Internetu, Krzysztof Diks
11:15 - 12:00
Agile approach to SOA - Case Study, Lucjan Sosna, Jakub Dziwisz
12:20 - 13:05
Wprowadzenie do AJAX oraz metody integracji na platformie JEE. Czy AJAX
wyczyści inne techniki?, Jan Mrzygłód
13:15 - 14:15
Przyszłość naturalnych interfejsów użytkownika czyli ekrany
wielodotykowe i wolne oprogramowanie, Paweł Sołyga
14:30 - 15:15
Autorski Framework JEE Jlupin, Piotr Róg
16:00 - 17:00
PyPy - Automatic Generation of VMs for Dynamic Languages, Maciej
17:15 - 18:15
Python in your Browser with IronPython and Silverlight, Michael Foord
18:30 - 20:00
Concurrent Software for a Concurrent World, Joe Armstrong

Piątek, 7. marca

10:00 - 10:45
Trendy w rozwoju bezpieczeństwa i współczesnych sieci komputerowych,
Piotr Kluczwajd
11:00 - 12:00
Nawigacja satelitarna w codziennym życiu, Łukasz Pobereżnik
12:15 - 13:45
Projektowanie systemów ochrony centrów danych oraz innych systemów
informatycznych o podwyższonych wymaganiach bezpieczeństwa, Mariusz
14:00 - 15:30
16:00 - 17:00
Having fun with Ruby on Rails, Andrzej Krzywda
17:15 - 18:15
The role and effects of architectures on software organizations, Dirk
18:30 - 20:00
Ruby: A Message from the Future, Chad Fowler

Sobota, 8. marca

10:00 - 10:45
Jajem, tyjesz, wyjecie, czyli dlaczego dialog z komuterem jest taki
trudny, Aleksander Pohl
10:50 - 11:50
Test-Driven Development: Brooks' silver bullet?, Jonathan Hartley
11:55 - 12:55
Cyber-Policja, Arkadiusz Kozak
13:00 - 14:00
Programistyczna ewolucja. Czy programista jest stwórcą?, Paweł Wołoszyn
14:30 - 15:30
Oprogramowanie na którym można polegać, Michał Moskal
15:45 - 17:15
The Semantic Desktop - Semantic Web in Applications, Leo Sauermann
17:30 - 19:00
Learning from Legacy: Design Lessons from Java, Gilad Bracha
Plan warsztatów

Czwartek, 6. marca

11:15 - 12:15
Linux - fakty i mity, Cracow Linux Users Group
12:20 - 13:20
Tworzenie gier w Pythonie, Pykonik
14:30 - 16:30
XP Lego Game, Polish Agile User Group

Piątek, 7. marca

12:15 - 13:00
Od zera do aplikacji WWW w 45 minut (zbudowanie aplikacji na Weblogic10
+ Stateless EJB Beans + Struts2), Marcin Nowrot
14:00 - 15:00
Flexible virtual machine creation with PyPy, Maciej Fijałkowski
17:15 - 18:15
Having fun with Rails, Andrzej Krzywda

Sobota, 8. marca

10:55 - 11:55
Przetwarzanie języka w praktyce, na przykładzie problemu rozstrzygania
wieloznaczności, Aleksander Pohl
12:00 - 13:00
Zróbmy sobie bota, Marcin Raczkowski i Kraków Ruby Users Group
14:30 - 15:30
Polish Java User Group Workshops

Na warsztaty będzie można zapisać się w trakcie Festiwalu. 
Mnie te warsztaty wydaja sie ciekawsze od wykladow wiec na nich bede.
Poza nimi oczywiscie na wykladach.

Miejsce imprezy. Hala Widowiskowo-Sportowa Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w
Krakowie przy ulicy Rakowickiej 27.

Czas imprezy. od 6 do 8 marca - t.j. od czwartku do soboty.

Zwiazane z impreza koszty. Podroz, nocleg i wyzywienie.

Kto ma ochote pojechac?
Proponowany plan podrozy z Gdanska poprzez Warszawe, Katowice
do Krakowa.

Wyjazd. 5 marca. sroda.
Gdansk-Glowny godz. 19 : 26 -- Krakow-Glowny godz. 6 : 05
Tanie Linie Kolejowe TLK53702. Bilet normalny kl.2 w 1 strone 60 zl.
(rel. Gdynia -- Zakopane.) Ja na miejscu wag. 42 m. 45 okno.

Powrot. 8 marca. sobota.
Krakow-Glowny godz. 22 : 53 -- 

Re: como hago para hacer que mi apache publique mi web a internet?[URGENTE]

2008-03-01 Thread Gonzalo Castro
El 1/03/08, alejandro [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió:
 hola he segui varios manuales que me dicen que haga esto y lo otro modifique
  mi httpd.conf de apaque agregue mi virtual host me cargo la primera vez pero
  ahora no caga el unico que carga es cuando digo en el navegador web localhost
  ah tambien en /etc/hosts en la ip agregue el nombre de mi server
  que es mas arriba esta local host ese ni lo toco
  propositos de comprobacion ahora en httpd.conf agrego el servername este caso en DocumentRoot ese es el nombre si mas no recuerdo
  agrego /etc/www/mipagina y en Directory /var/www/mipagina joder pero el
  jodio server solo me ejecuto la llamada desde el navegador web 1 vez cuado
  puse pero cuando me ejecuto esa orden me llamo el defauld
  del server mostrando its works y no me direcciono al de /mipagina que hice
  mal amigos denme ayuda.

¿Qué manual has seguido? ¿me lo podrías pasar?

  with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: como hago para hacer que mi apache publique mi web a internet?[URGENTE]

2008-03-01 Thread hector hector
A ver si mal no recuerdo modificar el httpd.conf solamente se hace en
apache1 y por lo que vi algunas distribuciones todavía siguen
haciéndolo,en apache 2 la configuración es mas sencill, debes crear en
/etc/apache2/sites-avialable, el archivo de configuración, como muchas
ganas no tengo de explicar voy a hacer el ejemplo siguiendo el archivo
por defecto que se encuentra creado que se llama default,

NameVirtualHost **Esto lo eliminas para tu archivo de
configuración de tu sitio
VirtualHost *
ServerAdmin [EMAIL PROTECTED] *Esta es la
dirección de correo

DocumentRoot /var/www/ *Acá debes
indicar donde se encuentra tu sitio
   ServerName*Esta linea
tenes que ingresar ya que si no la ingresas va a seguir respondiendo
el sitio por default y en el archivo por default no se encuentra.-
Directory /
Options FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None
Directory /var/www/
*Nuevamente debes modificar para que quede igual que el documentroot
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
allow from all

ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /usr/lib/cgi-bin/
Directory /usr/lib/cgi-bin
AllowOverride None
Options +ExecCGI -MultiViews +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch
Order allow,deny
Allow from all

ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/error.log

# Possible values include: debug, info, notice, warn, error, crit,
# alert, emerg.
LogLevel warn

CustomLog /var/log/apache2/access.log combined
ServerSignature On

Alias /doc/ /usr/share/doc/
Directory /usr/share/doc/
Options Indexes MultiViews FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None
Order deny,allow
Deny from all
Allow from ::1/128


Con esas modificaciones ya debería poder levantar tu sitio, o si
queres hacer un archivo personalizado si mal no recuerdo seria lo

VirtualHost *
DocumentRoot /var/www/sitio

una vez que tenes este archivo, tenes que crear un enlace simbólico en
sites-enabled que es el que le indica al apache cuales son los sitios
que debe levantar para eso haces lo siguiente:

ln -s /etc/apache2/sites-avilable/tusitio /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/tusitio

y después recién levantar el apache.-

Aclaro no estoy muy en el tema del apache, así que si me equivoque al
decir que en apache2 ya no se hacia modificando el httpd.conf lo
siento, pero por lo menos en debian la única forma que encontré de
hacerlo andar fue creando los archivos en sites-avilable.-

Re: como hago para hacer que mi apache publique mi web a internet?[URGENTE]

2008-03-01 Thread Mägo de Oz
Bien amigo:

Atendiendo al error que nos dices de IT WORKS lo primero que yo iria a ver
seria el archivo de conf a la linea donde dice REDIRECTMATCH y comentarla.

Perdonen ls mayusculas pero para que se vieran bien los terminos jejejeje...
Sin animos de gritar eh??

Re: como hago para hacer que mi apache publique mi web a internet?[URGENTE]

2008-03-01 Thread pizzakiller
El Viernes, 29 de Febrero de 2008 23:44, alejandro escribió:
 hola he segui varios manuales que me dicen que haga esto y lo otro
 modifique mi httpd.conf de apaque agregue mi virtual host me cargo la
 primera vez pero ahora no caga el unico que carga es cuando digo en el
 navegador web localhost ah tambien en /etc/hosts en la ip agregue
 el nombre de mi server que es mas arriba esta local
 host ese ni lo toco propositos de comprobacion ahora en httpd.conf agrego
 el servername este caso en DocumentRoot ese es el nombre
 si mas no recuerdo agrego /etc/www/mipagina y en Directory
 /var/www/mipagina joder pero el jodio server solo me ejecuto la llamada
 desde el navegador web 1 vez cuado puse pero cuando me
 ejecuto esa orden me llamo el defauld del server mostrando its works y no
 me direcciono al de /mipagina que hice mal amigos denme ayuda.

a ver..
tienes un dominio propio (lo compraste/alquilaste) 
tienes un servicio como no-ip ???
si es si aputantes los dns a tu direccion IP

si tu servicio no es de noip o similar tienes un servidor DNS para que reciba 
y resulva la peticion DNS?? (eso si apuntaste tu dominio directamente a tu IP


Juliocésar Prieto Lem -
Programmers never dies.. Only GOSUB without RETURN
user linux 218820. running Linux 2.6.18-3-686 i686 GNU/Linux
sáb mar 1 00:11:02 VET 2008
Fingerprint = 04CC 8521 D3BF EB25 7F95 7E77 BB0A 5235 8C1B EF4B

Re: como hago para hacer que mi apache publique mi web a internet? -2- [URGENTE]

2008-03-01 Thread Carlos A.
On 1 mar, 23:30, alejandro [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 /etc/init.d/apache2 start /etc/init.d/apache start
 Starting web server (apache2)...[Fri Feb 29 23:47:25 2008] [error] (EAI 2)Name
 or service not known: Could not resolve host
 [Fri Feb 29 23:47:25 2008] [error] (EAI 2)Name or service not known: Could not
 resolve host ignoring!
 Warning: DocumentRoot [/etc/www/lab5] does not exist
 [Fri Feb 29 23:47:25 2008] [error] (EAI 2)Name or service not known: Could not
 resolve host ignoring!
 [Fri Feb 29 23:47:26 2008] [error] (EAI 2)Name or service not known: Could not
 resolve host ignoring!

 perdonen aqui esta el error que me lanza el server apache con el virtual host

El problema es que tu servidor apache no conoce la URL,
esta deberia ser la dirección (nombre) de tu servidor.

¿que te arroja el comando hostame?

¿Que tienes en /etc/hosts?

Otra cosa, si quieres que tu servidor sea visto en internet tienes que
tener un registro en el DNS de tu proveedor. No se si ya tomaste esto

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Re: como hago para hacer que mi apache publique mi web a internet? -2- [URGENTE]

2008-03-01 Thread David Lopez Zajara (Er_Maqui)
Hash: SHA1

Carlos A. wrote:
 On 1 mar, 23:30, alejandro [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 /etc/init.d/apache2 start /etc/init.d/apache start
 Starting web server (apache2)...[Fri Feb 29 23:47:25 2008] [error] (EAI 
 or service not known: Could not resolve host
 [Fri Feb 29 23:47:25 2008] [error] (EAI 2)Name or service not known: Could 
 resolve host ignoring!
 Warning: DocumentRoot [/etc/www/lab5] does not exist


 [Fri Feb 29 23:47:25 2008] [error] (EAI 2)Name or service not known: Could 
 resolve host ignoring!
 [Fri Feb 29 23:47:26 2008] [error] (EAI 2)Name or service not known: Could 
 resolve host ignoring!


 perdonen aqui esta el error que me lanza el server apache con el virtual host
 El problema es que tu servidor apache no conoce la URL,
 esta deberia ser la dirección (nombre) de tu servidor.
 ¿que te arroja el comando hostame?
 ¿Que tienes en /etc/hosts?
 Otra cosa, si quieres que tu servidor sea visto en internet tienes que
 tener un registro en el DNS de tu proveedor. No se si ya tomaste esto
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Segun lo que muestras aqui tienes un fallo configurando el DocumentRoot,
probablemente porque el directorio en cuestion no existe o el servidor
no tiene permisos para entrar a el.

Para que eso funcione, primero te recomendaría que configurases el root
con una / al final, es decir, /etc/www/lab5/, y segundo, que verifiques
los privilegios de acceso (O el directorio y los ficheros web son del
user/grupo www-data con privilegio al menos x en las carpetas y r en
ficheros, o estos privilegios estan autorizados para todo el mundo.


Segun esto, hay un error en la configuracion del host, o es la sensacion
que me da a mi (ese namewww suena mal). Deberías revisar la
configuración que has creado, tal vez se te colo el name junto a las www.

En cualquier caso, un error resolviendo no provoca que el servidor no
arranque siempre y cuando el bind no este relacionado con el host.

Para ello, crea un virtualserver * con una directiva ServerName

En cualquier caso, por el problema comentado, apoyo la mocion
comentada en el anterior mail, ya que si aparece la pagina de its works,
normalmente es porque hay un redirect configurado. Yo revisaría las
configuraciones establecidas, buscando un RedirectMatch que se pueda
haber escapado por ahi, y en caso de existir, eliminarlo.

P.D: Si comentas exactamente que quieres hacer y que configuraciones
tienes establecidas, tal vez se te pueda echar una mano mas facilmente.


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Re: Eliminar Windows

2008-03-01 Thread David Lopez Zajara (Er_Maqui)
Hash: SHA1

José A. Barrera wrote:
 Pablo Trujillo escribió:
 Tengo una PIII actualmente usada como un pequeño server casero, cuando
 comenze hace ya algun tiempo, le deje instalado debian etch, ademas de
 una particion con el windows, la cuestion es que deseo deshacerme de
 dicha particion ya que no es de ninguna utilidad en estos momentos y
 el espacio extra me vendria bien.
 [...] segun he
 averiguado, creo que con fdisk o cfdisk se puede hacer desde consola,
 entonces me pregunto:
 con estos podre eliminar la ntfs?
 podre formatearla?
 podre ampliar mi particion ext3?
 Con fdisk no, parece que con cfdisk sí. Aunque nunca lo hice.
 El único problema será desmontar la partición para ampliarla. Hasta
 donde yo sé, es necesario hacerlo.
 sera mejor si la formateo en fat32?
 existe algun riesgo fuera de lo de hacerlo remoto me refiero, si aun
 haciendolo local podria cargarme todo?
 Existe riesgo.
 mientras me leo el man de fdisk y cfdisk. cualquier consejo  sera
 bien recibido.
 Lo ideal sería tener acceso local... o tener a alguien que lo tenga.
 Si no es así, todo depende de asumir el riesgo (perder temporalmente el
 servidor) y la necesidad de la operación (si no se realiza la operación
 perder el servidor).
 repito estoy considerandolo mas aun es posible a que me espere a
 hacerlo local, quiero estar preparado para cuando valla para alla.
 En principio la operación en sí, salvo problemas, no debería ser
 compleja. El único problema que le veo es al desmontado de la unidad en
 uso. :/

En cualquier caso, si solo realizas la operacion de borrado y formateado
de la ntfs, haciendolo desde remoto no debería incurrir en riesgo
alguno, ya que no estás tocando las demás particiones. Para esa
operación, corres el mismo riesgo desde local que desde remoto, y es el
de un fallo de luz en el momento exacto en el que reescribes la tabla,
ya que un fallo electrico durante el formateo si que afectaría
unicamente a la particion NTFS.


- --

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Linux registered user number: #363219
PGP key avaliable at KeyServ. KeyID: 0x4233E9F2

Los hombres somos esclavos de la historia
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)


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Problema con kde

2008-03-01 Thread Rene Lopez Carrera
Hola lista, he estado haciendo algunas cosas en mi pc de estacion de trabajo
y como novata al parecer cometi algun error el cual no se solucional,
despues de reiniciar mi pc me dice el siguiente error:
Se produjo un error al establecer las comunicaciones interproceso para KDE.
El mensaje devuelto por el sistema fue:
Could not read network connectiones list.
Pueden ayudarme en este lio.

Re: Problema con kde

2008-03-01 Thread Gonzalo Castro
El 1/03/08, Rene Lopez Carrera [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió:
 Hola lista, he estado haciendo algunas cosas en mi pc de estacion de trabajo
 y como novata al parecer cometi algun error el cual no se solucional,
 despues de reiniciar mi pc me dice el siguiente error:
 Se produjo un error al establecer las comunicaciones interproceso para KDE.
 El mensaje devuelto por el sistema fue:
 Could not read network connectiones list.
 Pueden ayudarme en este lio.
Tenías algún entorno de scritorio antes de instalar KDE? Es
aconsejable que dieses más datos (rama de Debian, Etch, lenny...) cómo
instalaste KDE... con el metapaquete? es KDE3.5 o KDE4, etc...

Re: Problema con kde

2008-03-01 Thread BasaBuru
El Sábado, 1 de Marzo de 2008 23:18:57 Rene Lopez Carrera escribió:
 Hola lista, he estado haciendo algunas cosas en mi pc de estacion de
 trabajo y como novata al parecer cometi algun error el cual no se
 solucional, despues de reiniciar mi pc me dice el siguiente error:
 Se produjo un error al establecer las comunicaciones interproceso para KDE.
 El mensaje devuelto por el sistema fue:
 Could not read network connectiones list.
 Pueden ayudarme en este lio.

Pues lo mas facil es borrar los .DCOP deberías tener dos.

Eso es que has cerrado kde mal o así.

A mi me ha pasado y lo he resuelto borrando los ficheros.

Lo mejor desde una consola matas kdm

/etc/init.d/kdm stop

y luego

rm /home/rene/.DCOP*

arrancas kde de nuevo y tendrás los DCOP creados de nuevo.

Un saludo


Interface gráfica Debian Etch não inicia

2008-03-01 Thread Nei Moreira
Alguém poderia dar-me uma orientação.
Instalei o Debian Etch 4.0r3 em uma placa mãe Intel DG31 e processador
Intel Core 2 Duo E4500. Em modo texto ele está funcionando bem, mas a
interface gráfica não inicia.

Nei Moreira

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Interface gráfica Debian Etch não inicia

2008-03-01 Thread Fabian Bian
On 01/03/2008, Nei Moreira [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Alguém poderia dar-me uma orientação.
 Instalei o Debian Etch 4.0r3 em uma placa mãe Intel DG31 e processador
 Intel Core 2 Duo E4500. Em modo texto ele está funcionando bem, mas a
 interface gráfica não inicia.

 Nei Moreira

Olá Nei!
Qual foi o processo de instalação que tu escolheu para
instalar a interface gráfica?

Foi a partir no próprio processo de instalação do Debian em que tu
selecionou para instalar o Ambiente Desktop e o Sistema Básico
ou tu temtou instalar a interface gráfica após instalar o sistema
básico selecionando os pacotes a serem instalados?

Fabian 'Bian' Corrêa Marques

Re: Interface gráfica Debian Etch não inicia

2008-03-01 Thread Nei Moreira
Em Sáb, 2008-03-01 às 07:22 -0300, Fabian Bian escreveu:
 On 01/03/2008, Nei Moreira [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Alguém poderia dar-me uma orientação.
 Instalei o Debian Etch 4.0r3 em uma placa mãe Intel DG31 e
 Intel Core 2 Duo E4500. Em modo texto ele está funcionando
 bem, mas a
 interface gráfica não inicia.
 Nei Moreira
 Olá Nei!
 Qual foi o processo de instalação que tu escolheu para
 instalar a interface gráfica?
 Foi a partir no próprio processo de instalação do Debian em que tu 
 selecionou para instalar o Ambiente Desktop e o Sistema Básico 
 ou tu temtou instalar a interface gráfica após instalar o sistema 
 básico selecionando os pacotes a serem instalados?
 Fabian 'Bian' Corrêa Marques


Foi a partir do processo de instalação. Apenas aceitei a sugestão.
Depois cheguei a fazer um outro teste. Instalei apenas o sistema básico,
habilitei no sources.list os outros repositórios (contrib e non-free),
fiz a atualização e, pelo aptitude, instalei a interface gráfica pelas
tarefas, habilitando o ambiente desktop. Mas aconteceu a mesma coisa!
No final do carregamento ele chama o gdm ou o kdm (tentei com o CD1
com o KDE, também) mas não consegue iniciar.
Será que algum problema com o xorg?

Nei Moreira

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Interface gráfica Debian Etch não inicia

2008-03-01 Thread Davi Vidal
Em Saturday 01 March 2008, Nei Moreira escreveu:
 Mas aconteceu a mesma coisa!

Defina coisa.

 No final do carregamento ele chama o gdm ou o kdm (tentei com o CD1
 com o KDE, também) mas não consegue iniciar.

Existem logs?

 Será que algum problema com o xorg?

Existem logs?

Davi Vidal
Skype : davi vidal
YIM   : davi_vidal
ICQ   : 138815296

Re: Interface gráfica Debian Etch nã o inicia

2008-03-01 Thread Fernando Ike
Em Sat, 01 Mar 2008 08:04:35 -0300
Nei Moreira [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:
 Foi a partir do processo de instalação. Apenas aceitei a sugestão.
 Depois cheguei a fazer um outro teste. Instalei apenas o sistema
 básico, habilitei no sources.list os outros repositórios (contrib e
 non-free), fiz a atualização e, pelo aptitude, instalei a interface
 gráfica pelas tarefas, habilitando o ambiente desktop. Mas aconteceu
 a mesma coisa! No final do carregamento ele chama o gdm ou o
 kdm (tentei com o CD1 com o KDE, também) mas não consegue iniciar.
 Será que algum problema com o xorg?

   Você instalou os pacotes do xorg? Se não instalou instale o
meta-pacote *x-window-system*.

   Pode usar o xdebconfigurator para tentar reconhecer as configurações
de vídeo que você e funcionar no xorg.


#dpkg-reconfigure -plow xservser-xorg.

Fernando Ike

Re: skype / ekiga no AMD64

2008-03-01 Thread Fernando Ike
Em Fri, 29 Feb 2008 14:39:23 -0300
Bruno Schneider [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:

 Estou querendo usar o skype para ligar para um número de telefone
 comum (eu tenho créditos no skype), mas acabei de instalar o Lenny
 numa máquina AMD64 e notei que não tem skype de 64bits. Alguém sabe
 uma forma de usar skype no AMD64 sem baguncar muito o Debian novo? (ou
 seja, usando o sistema APT).
 É possível usar Ekiga para esse tipo de coisa?
  O Ekiga funciona bem no AMD64 e também você pode ter créditos para
usar como no skype.

  O Thadeu Penna publicou[1] como fazer funcionar o skype no AMD64. =)



Fernando Ike

Re: servidor de impressao

2008-03-01 Thread Fernando Ike
Em Fri, 29 Feb 2008 16:44:45 -0800 (PST)
antonio lemos [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:

 Preciso com urgencia, uso debian stable no servidor, estou colocando
 25 impressoras brother na rede e o chefe quer saber usuario,
 documento, data, impressora, estacao, quantidade paginas impressas,
 etc etc. toda ajuda sera bem vinda abracos

  Use o cups[1] e pykota[2].



Fernando Ike

Re: Interface gráfica Debian Etch não inicia

2008-03-01 Thread Fabiano Manoel de Andrade

Em Sáb, 2008-03-01 às 06:41 -0300, Nei Moreira escreveu:
 Alguém poderia dar-me uma orientação.
 Instalei o Debian Etch 4.0r3 em uma placa mãe Intel DG31 e processador
 Intel Core 2 Duo E4500. Em modo texto ele está funcionando bem, mas a
 interface gráfica não inicia.
 Nei Moreira

Qual a placa de vídeo que tem nessa placa mãe?


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Re: Mudar de português para inglê s

2008-03-01 Thread Sávio Ramos
Em Fri, 29 Feb 2008 06:02:55 -0800 (PST)
Paulo F. Smorigo [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:

 Tenho o Debian instalado na minha maquina e ele está todo em português
 (shell, x, etc). Como faço para ele ficar em inglês? Onde eu configuro

Como root:

dpkg-reconfigure locales

Escolha o inglês que deseja. Observe que em cada língua há duas opções
ISO-8859 e UTF-8.

Sávio M Ramos
Arquiteto, Rio, RJ
Só uso Linux desde 2000

Re: servidor de impressao

2008-03-01 Thread Miguel Da Silva - Centro de Matemática

antonio lemos escreveu:
Preciso com urgencia, uso debian stable no servidor, estou colocando 25 
impressoras brother na rede e o chefe quer saber
usuario, documento, data, impressora, estacao, quantidade paginas 
impressas, etc etc.

toda ajuda sera bem vinda

antonio lemos

Abra sua conta no Yahoo! Mail*, 
o único sem limite de espaço para armazenamento!

Não se esqueça de dizer para seu chefe que vai ser complicado ter esta 
informação tão bem datalhada.

Se o seu servidor é CUPS e uma estação Windows manda imprimir, o 
servidor simplesmente participa como um organizador da fila de 
impressões. Isso quer dizer que ele não tem a menor idéia do que está 
sendo impresso. Ou seja, no log você verá algo do tipo às tantas horas, 
fulano mandou imprimir um trabalho na impressora X.

Este trabalho pode ter 1 ou 100 páginas e o CUPS não sabe disso, aliás, 
não tem como ele saber disso. O trabalho sai do PC Windows no formato 
que deveria ser entregue diretamente à impressora.

Se o trabalho vier de um PC Linux, então você poderá ter detalhadamente 
estas informações. Neste caso, quem processa o trabalho é o próprio CUPS.

Existe um script em Perl pela internet chamado PrintAnalyser. E ele até 
que cria relatórios interessantes.

E outra coisa, explica também para seu chefe que imprimir não é tão 
fácil quando as pessoas pensam que é.

Boa sorte.
Miguel Da Silva
Administrador de Red
Centro de Matemática -
Facultad de Ciencias -
Universidad de la República -

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Dpkg-reconfigure não funciona!!!

2008-03-01 Thread Renato S. Yamane

Sávio Ramos escreveu:

Renato S. Yamane escreveu:

Estou usando o Debian Etch.

Estou usando a Sid.

Então as suas duras críticas sobre o Debian não foram felizes :-)
SID = Still In Development

Muitas coisas não previsíveis ocorrem na versão SID.

Se não quer ter problemas, use a versão stable (Etch) ou no pior caso 
utilize a versão testing (Lenny).


Re: Interface gráfica Debian Etch não inic ia

2008-03-01 Thread Renato S. Yamane

Nei Moreira escreveu:

Alguém poderia dar-me uma orientação.
Instalei o Debian Etch 4.0r3 em uma placa mãe Intel DG31 e processador
Intel Core 2 Duo E4500. Em modo texto ele está funcionando bem, mas a
interface gráfica não inicia.

Você poderia ao menos informar o que aparece quando você executa o 
kdm/gdm ou algo equivalente?


Re: Dpkg-reconfigure não funciona!!!

2008-03-01 Thread Sávio Ramos
Em Sat, 01 Mar 2008 15:59:44 -0300
Renato S. Yamane [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:

 Então as suas duras críticas sobre o Debian não foram felizes :-)
 SID = Still In Development

Não estou criticando. Estou tentando entender, não quero relatar um
bug sem antes entender o que está acontecendo.

Já me acostumei com a Sid há mais de cinco anos que a uso. Estou
acostumado a relatar bugs e este vai um daqueles típicos que vão fechar
daqui a três meses por falta de informação adicional.

Ah! Existe ainda a opção de que algo mudou no dpkg, no X ou sei lá. O
arquivo de configuração vem assinalado Configured... donde se pode
concluir que existe alguma coisa funcionando de forma automática que
desconsidera o dpkg.

Sávio M Ramos
Arquiteto, Rio, RJ
Só uso Linux desde 2000

Re: Debian FTP server setup questions

2008-03-01 Thread Tzafrir Cohen
On Fri, Feb 29, 2008 at 11:51:23PM +, T o n g wrote:
 I have some questions regarding Debian FTP server setup. 
 1) Having installed wu-ftpd, ps shows:

Is there any special reason you use wu-ftpd, BTW?

A quick apt-cache search brings out 11 ftpd-s or so. But amon them I
think that proftpd and vsftpd are the most commonly deployed and hence
well-documented. wu-ftpd suffers from bad reputation of past security
holes. I don't know how are things now.

I generally found proftpd more intuitive than vsftpd to configure.

Tzafrir Cohen | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | VIM is || a Mutt's
ICQ# 16849754 || friend

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Re: how to switch gcc between diffrent versions in debian way?

2008-03-01 Thread Kamaraju S Kusumanchi
hhding wrote:

 It seems ln /usr/bin/gcc is not a clean way.

You can just use gcc-version_number where ever you are using gcc before.

If you are configuring source, you can do something like
./configure CC=gcc-version_number

Kamaraju S Kusumanchi

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Re: boinc-app-seti -- |Message from server: platform '' not found

2008-03-01 Thread Chris Bannister
On Sun, Feb 24, 2008 at 10:28:27PM +1300, Chris Bannister wrote:
 On Sun, Feb 24, 2008 at 01:33:52AM +0200, Vasichkin wrote:
  I've got problems running boinc client. here logs from boinc manager:
  24.02.2008 1:14:33||Starting BOINC client version 5.4.11 for
  24.02.2008 1:14:33||libcurl/7.15.5 OpenSSL/0.9.8c zlib/1.2.3 libidn/0.6.5
  24.02.2008 1:14:33||Data directory: /var/lib/boinc-client
  24.02.2008 1:14:33||Processor: 2 GenuineIntel Intel(R) Pentium(R) Dual  CPU
  E2160  @ 1.80GHz
  24.02.2008 1:14:33||Memory: 1.96 GB physical, 5.75 GB virtual
  24.02.2008 1:14:33||Disk: 36.67 GB total, 7.46 GB free
  24.02.2008 1:14:33||No general preferences found - using BOINC defaults
  24.02.2008 1:14:33||Reading preferences override file
  24.02.2008 1:14:33||Remote control allowed
  24.02.2008 1:14:33||Listening on port 31416
  24.02.2008 1:14:33||This computer is not attached to any projects
  24.02.2008 1:14:33||Visit for instructions
  24.02.2008 1:15:18||Fetching configuration file from
 A stab in the dark ...
 Have you got 'boinc-app-seti' installed?

Vasichkin, you must reply to the list[1]. Unfortunately I deleted your
mail from my personal mailbox without checking whether you had cc'd
debian-user, which obviously you hadn't.

If its working on one computer but not another, you are in a good
position to debug. Compare the configs between the working and non
working setups.

This message:

24.02.2008 1:14:33||No general preferences found - using BOINC defaults
may mean you need to check your preferences.

[1] If you want private help, I'll need to set up an account. :-)


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]


2008-03-01 Thread Chris Bannister
On Mon, Feb 25, 2008 at 01:06:14AM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thx Ron, now if only I could get stupid OpenOffice to print... Hmm...
 - Steve Ballmer

Too early for school holidays isn't it?


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Re: DISPLAY variable not set in ssh session

2008-03-01 Thread Chris Bannister
On Tue, Feb 26, 2008 at 07:40:56PM -0500, Rick Thomas wrote:
 Package: xterm

 On Feb 26, 2008, at 2:57 PM, Tzafrir Cohen wrote:

 On Tue, Feb 26, 2008 at 05:00:13AM -0500, Rick Thomas wrote:
 I just installed Lenny on a G4 Mac.  I installed the ssh package on
 it.  I can ssh to it just fine.  But I can't get X11 forwarding to
 work.  When I use ssh -X or ssh -Y (either option) the connection
 is made, but the DISPLAY variable is not being set.

 Anybody know why?

 No. But using ssh -v might give some clues. One extra potential  
 the target box does not have (the utility) xauth on it.

 That was it.  I did
   aptitude install xauth
 and everything was fine.

 It looks like the xterm package needs to depend on the xauth package -- 
 or at least recommend it.

 What package should a bug report for this go to?

Please don't. xterm works perfectly ok without it.


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Additional RAM brings Lenny to a slow-down

2008-03-01 Thread Andrei Popescu
On Fri, Feb 29, 2008 at 12:14:37PM +, andy wrote:
 Andrei Popescu wrote:
 On Fri, Feb 29, 2008 at 07:18:41AM +, andy wrote:


 with a fix from the manufacturers. The other alternative seems to be the 
 mem=xxx option passed to the kernel. If I use the latter approach, is 
 this something that I can develop a script to do automatically at boot 
 (for example, to run it as part of the GRUB parameters), or is it 
 something that I would have to do manually?

 $ grep kopt /boot/grub/menu.lst
 ## If you want special options for specific kernels use kopt_x_y_z
 ## e.g. kopt=root=/dev/hda1 ro
 ##  kopt_2_6_8=root=/dev/hdc1 ro
 ##  kopt_2_6_8_2_686=root=/dev/hdc2 ro
 # kopt=root=/dev/hda2 ro vga=791
 # xenkopt=console=tty0

 Thanks for this Andrei. How would I tweak this to enable my kernel to 
 recognise and utilise the additional RAM? Looking through the file, the 
 relevant section appears to be this commented part:

No, the line you need to edit is the one with 'kopt=...'. Don't 
uncomment it, just add the relevant parameter to the end (like I added 
vga=791 for my laptop).

After you're done you *must* run /usr/sbin/update-grub

If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.
(Albert Einstein)

Description: Digital signature

Re: My own emails

2008-03-01 Thread Brad Rogers
On Fri, 29 Feb 2008 23:46:06 +
Tzafrir Cohen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hello Tzafrir,

 It seems that gmail does not like duplicates. e.g: if someone sent
 you a second copy of the message (one with the same message ID)
 you'll probably recieve only the first. e.g: if someone sends you the

Yet another reason to remember that gmail != email.  I'm glad I don't
have to rely on a gmail account as my primary point of contact.

 Regards  _
 / )   The blindingly obvious is
/ _)radnever immediately apparent

I'm spending all my money and it's going up my nose
Teenage Depression - Eddie  The Hot Rods

Description: PGP signature

Re: miniscule text on icons in Xfce

2008-03-01 Thread Andrei Popescu
On Fri, Feb 29, 2008 at 08:40:23AM -0800, PETER EASTHOPE wrote:
 Since a recent update of a Lenny system here,
 the text on the icons in Xfce4 appears to be 
 about 4 point.  Barely legible with effort.

There were changes in xorg regarding dpi. Check you have the correct dpi 
for your Monitor (xdpyinfo | grep reso)

If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.
(Albert Einstein)

Description: Digital signature

Re: Daemon Creation

2008-03-01 Thread Andrei Popescu
On Fri, Feb 29, 2008 at 05:08:15PM +, Robert Rawlins wrote:
 Is that correct? Presumably I need to remove one of those start commands? 
 Right? The same rule applied to the do_stop() method which currently contains 
 a start-stop-daemon request, do I need to replace that with a standard kill 
 command? Or will the start-stop-daemon handle that for me?

The manpage for start-stop-daemon looks interesting.

If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.
(Albert Einstein)

Description: Digital signature

Re: Tweaking /boot/grub/menu.lst to use 2GB RAM

2008-03-01 Thread Andrei Popescu
On Fri, Feb 29, 2008 at 09:01:29PM +, andy wrote:

## If you want special options for specific kernels use kopt_x_y_z
## e.g. kopt=root=/dev/hda1 ro
##  kopt_2_6_8=root=/dev/hdc1 ro
##  kopt_2_6_8_2_686=root=/dev/hdc2 ro
# kopt=root=/dev/hda1 ro quiet

 It is probably blindingly obvious to all except me, but I cannot see any 
 option here for telling the kernel how much memory it is to load/recognise 
 upon booting. That's what is stumping me.

It would be impossible to see all kernel boot options, there are just 
to many to put here (and besides, Debian only puts a minimum default, 
most users will never need them).  Just *add* your options to the end of 
the '# kopt' line.

If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.
(Albert Einstein)

Description: Digital signature

Re: Debian FTP server setup questions

2008-03-01 Thread Adrian Levi
Grrr Gmail - For the list...
On 01/03/2008, Tzafrir Cohen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Is there any special reason you use wu-ftpd, BTW?

  A quick apt-cache search brings out 11 ftpd-s or so. But amon them I
  think that proftpd and vsftpd are the most commonly deployed and hence
  well-documented. wu-ftpd suffers from bad reputation of past security
  holes. I don't know how are things now.

  I generally found proftpd more intuitive than vsftpd to configure.

IMHO vsftpd works more smoothly with more clients, I have had troubles
with proftpd especially uploads where the client would do a directory
list and after the connection times out, the listing would show up in
the client. Made directory traversal very slow! Never was able to find
a reason for it, no amount of conf tuning was able to rectify it.
installed vsftpd and the problem went away. I have never looked back.


24x7x365 != 24x7x52 Stupid or bad maths?
erno hm. I've lost a machine.. literally _lost_. it responds to
ping, it works completely, I just can't figure out where in my
apartment it is.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Additional RAM brings Lenny to a slow-down

2008-03-01 Thread andy

Andrei Popescu wrote:

On Fri, Feb 29, 2008 at 12:14:37PM +, andy wrote:

Andrei Popescu wrote:

On Fri, Feb 29, 2008 at 07:18:41AM +, andy wrote:


with a fix from the manufacturers. The other alternative seems to be the 
mem=xxx option passed to the kernel. If I use the latter approach, is 
this something that I can develop a script to do automatically at boot 
(for example, to run it as part of the GRUB parameters), or is it 
something that I would have to do manually?

$ grep kopt /boot/grub/menu.lst
## If you want special options for specific kernels use kopt_x_y_z
## e.g. kopt=root=/dev/hda1 ro
##  kopt_2_6_8=root=/dev/hdc1 ro
##  kopt_2_6_8_2_686=root=/dev/hdc2 ro
# kopt=root=/dev/hda2 ro vga=791
# xenkopt=console=tty0

Thanks for this Andrei. How would I tweak this to enable my kernel to 
recognise and utilise the additional RAM? Looking through the file, the 
relevant section appears to be this commented part:

No, the line you need to edit is the one with 'kopt=...'. Don't 
uncomment it, just add the relevant parameter to the end (like I added 
vga=791 for my laptop).

After you're done you *must* run /usr/sbin/update-grub



My question is about the specifics of the option to add at the end of 
the line:
Because I am looking for 2GB RAM to be recognised, do I add mem=2097152M 
to the end of the kopt=... line? I don't, for example, know what outcome 
you were looking for and resolved by adding vga=791 to that line in your 
config. VGA I can but assume had something to do with a graphics card, 
but beyond that ... ?

Thanks and apologies for being apparently dense. I can assure you I'm 
not being deliberately obtuse.



If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about the 
answers. - Thomas Pynchon, Gravity's Rainbow

Re: Changing ownership permissions of Free Agent USB drive

2008-03-01 Thread andy

Raj Kiran Grandhi wrote:

andy wrote:


I am attempting to change the ownership of and permissions for the 
contents of a USB Seagate Free Agent drive. At present, root has 
ownership, although everybody and their dog can rwx files:

   $ ls -l /media/FreeAgent\ Drive/
   total 24
   drwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 2007-11-27 20:28 BAKUPS
   drwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 2007-11-19 20:39 DVD
   drwxrwxrwx 1 root root 24576 2008-02-16 15:50 MUZAK
   drwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 2007-11-04 00:04 System Volume 

As root (actually, both attempted as root via su as well as via 
sudo), I have attempted:

   chown andy /media/FreeAgent\ Drive/ -R

as well as
   chmod -R og-rwx /media/FreeAgent\ Drive/

   chmod -R u+rw /media/FreeAgent\ Drive/

Unfortunately, the output of ls -l /media/FreeAgent\ Drive/ remains
   total 24
   drwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 2007-11-27 20:28 BAKUPS
   drwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 2007-11-19 20:39 DVD
   drwxrwxrwx 1 root root 24576 2008-02-16 15:50 MUZAK
   drwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 2007-11-04 00:04 System Volume 

This doesn't interfere with my playing the music listed under MUZAK 
as andy, nor adding to the files. But, it does not change the 
description of the permissions related to those files.

Can someone explain what's going on here please?

What is the filesystem on your usb drive? It appears to be fat32/ntfs. 
fat32 does not know anything about file owners/group permissions. You 
have to specify everything you want when you mount it. Try passing the 
uid=your uid option when mounting the drive. For the permissions you 
can pass the umask option. Refer to the mount manpage for more details.
Thanks Raj for the steer - that it is a fat32/ntfs and hence doesn't 
recognise permissions, etc., would make sense.




If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about the 
answers. - Thomas Pynchon, Gravity's Rainbow

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

8139cp 0000:03:08.0: This (id 10ec:8139 rev 10) is not an 8139C+ compatible chip

2008-03-01 Thread stephane lepain


I have had this error message coming up every time I start my PC where 
it seems to be searching for the right driver. The problem is that it 
takes a while at start time for my box to switch from 8139cp to 8139too
Is there a way I could tell my box to use the driver 8139too instead of 
it choosing the 8139cp?

Sorry if I am not being clear and concise. I have just started with 
Linux and I am learning at the moment.

_My Config_

Hardware: AMD64 3800+
OS: Debian testing

*Mar  1 10:50:52 margoullat kernel: ata4: SATA link down (SStatus 0 
SControl 310)
Mar  1 10:50:52 margoullat kernel: 8139cp :03:08.0: This (id 
10ec:8139 rev 10) is not an 8139C+ compatible chip
Mar  1 10:50:52 margoullat kernel: 8139cp :03:08.0: Try the 
8139too driver instead.

Mar  1 10:50:52 margoullat kernel: 8139too Fast Ethernet driver 0.9.28*

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

dircmp in debian

2008-03-01 Thread Adrian Levi
I have searched high and low but can't find this utility or something
that provides it's functionality, I want to know the differences in 2
directory structures but not change them - yet. rsync I'm fairly
confident will fix the 2 directories to make them the same but for the
moment I want to know just how far out of sync they are.

If diff can do what I want I am unable to coerce the magic.


24x7x365 != 24x7x52 Stupid or bad maths?
erno hm. I've lost a machine.. literally _lost_. it responds to
ping, it works completely, I just can't figure out where in my
apartment it is.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: 8139cp 0000:03:08.0: This (id 10ec:8139 rev 10) is not an 8139C+ compatible chip

2008-03-01 Thread Adrian Levi
On 01/03/2008, stephane lepain [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I have had this error message coming up every time I start my PC where
  it seems to be searching for the right driver. The problem is that it
  takes a while at start time for my box to switch from 8139cp to 8139too
  Is there a way I could tell my box to use the driver 8139too instead of
  it choosing the 8139cp?

  Sorry if I am not being clear and concise. I have just started with
  Linux and I am learning at the moment.

Welcome to the community,

For your problem you could try placing 8139too into

That might see that your 8139too driver gets loaded first.
Incidentally comment any references to 8139cp that you run across. HTH


24x7x365 != 24x7x52 Stupid or bad maths?
erno hm. I've lost a machine.. literally _lost_. it responds to
ping, it works completely, I just can't figure out where in my
apartment it is.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Installing Debian from USB pen drive

2008-03-01 Thread Santanu Chatterjee
Finally, my USB pendrive is working, i.e. booting fine,
and the installer is also working correctly.

Thanks Adrian and Thierry for your help.

Time to dive a little deeper into debian-installer  Co. :-)


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Newsreader question

2008-03-01 Thread Kevin Coyner

On Fri, Feb 29, 2008 at 03:40:25PM -0600, Ron Johnson wrote..

  And I am still searching for a decent console newsreader that
  supports UTF-8, so if anybody can recommend one...

Not sure if it supports UTF-8 or not, but have a look at newsbeuter.


Kevin Coyner  GnuPG key: 1024D/8CE11941

Description: Digital signature

Re: Additional RAM brings Lenny to a slow-down

2008-03-01 Thread andy

andy wrote:

Andrei Popescu wrote:

On Fri, Feb 29, 2008 at 12:14:37PM +, andy wrote:

Andrei Popescu wrote:

On Fri, Feb 29, 2008 at 07:18:41AM +, andy wrote:


with a fix from the manufacturers. The other alternative seems to be the 
mem=xxx option passed to the kernel. If I use the latter approach, is 
this something that I can develop a script to do automatically at boot 
(for example, to run it as part of the GRUB parameters), or is it 
something that I would have to do manually?

$ grep kopt /boot/grub/menu.lst
## If you want special options for specific kernels use kopt_x_y_z
## e.g. kopt=root=/dev/hda1 ro
##  kopt_2_6_8=root=/dev/hdc1 ro
##  kopt_2_6_8_2_686=root=/dev/hdc2 ro
# kopt=root=/dev/hda2 ro vga=791
# xenkopt=console=tty0

Thanks for this Andrei. How would I tweak this to enable my kernel to 
recognise and utilise the additional RAM? Looking through the file, the 
relevant section appears to be this commented part:

No, the line you need to edit is the one with 'kopt=...'. Don't 
uncomment it, just add the relevant parameter to the end (like I added 
vga=791 for my laptop).

After you're done you *must* run /usr/sbin/update-grub



My question is about the specifics of the option to add at the end of 
the line:
Because I am looking for 2GB RAM to be recognised, do I add 
mem=2097152M to the end of the kopt=... line? I don't, for example, 
know what outcome you were looking for and resolved by adding vga=791 
to that line in your config. VGA I can but assume had something to do 
with a graphics card, but beyond that ... ?

Thanks and apologies for being apparently dense. I can assure you I'm 
not being deliberately obtuse.

I added mem=2048M to the end of the line so that it now reads:

# kopt=root=/dev/hda1 ro quiet mem=2048M

And ran /usr/sbin/update-grub and rebooted.

It still took just under 10 minutes to get back to login at the gdm screen, so 
I am at a complete loss now.

Any further suggestions, or did I misunderstand something?




If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about the 
answers. - Thomas Pynchon, Gravity's Rainbow

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Xorg.0.log on accessible gnome install attempt

2008-03-01 Thread Florian Kulzer
On Fri, Feb 29, 2008 at 19:31:07 -0600, Jude DaShiell wrote:
 The most noticeable thing that happens with gdm running is I get to what  
 sounds like a login screen and key in my user id then I've tried both 
 with return and tab after that and key in my password and all gdm returns 
 is an error beep.  If I hit control-alt-fx and usually f1 and drop to 
 command line I can log in there just fine.  When I wrote about that 
 problem earlier I was advised to disable gdm then run startx in order to 
 access the gnome and x environment and that's how I generated the 
 Xorg.0.log file.

I think the problem is that startx by default only starts a bare X
server without any window manager or client applications running. In
other words, you get an empty gray screen that is useless to you.

I think you have to create a suitable .xinitrc file in your home
directory to tell the X server that you want to run a Gnome session.
After you log in on the terminal, do this:

echo /usr/bin/gnome-session  ~/.xinitrc

to create an xinitrc file that will launch gnome-session. Then run
startx again.

I don't use Gnome myself, therefore I am not 100% certain whether this
is really the best way to start a Gnome session via startx, but I think
it should work.

  Florian   |

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: dircmp in debian

2008-03-01 Thread Tzafrir Cohen
On Sat, Mar 01, 2008 at 08:52:58PM +1000, Adrian Levi wrote:
 I have searched high and low but can't find this utility or something
 that provides it's functionality, I want to know the differences in 2
 directory structures but not change them - yet. rsync I'm fairly
 confident will fix the 2 directories to make them the same but for the
 moment I want to know just how far out of sync they are.

Sounds like you like rsync. So the following begs suggesting:

rsync -nv ? rsync -ni ?

Tzafrir Cohen | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | VIM is || a Mutt's
ICQ# 16849754 || friend

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Idea of a Debian Mascot [Was: FW: Bits from the DPL: FTP assistants, marketing team, init scripts, elections]

2008-03-01 Thread Chuck Rhode
Andrew Henry wrote this on Fri, Feb 29, 2008 at 10:00:15PM +0100.  My
reply is below.

 I've always thought it was quite a fitting icon for a free software
 distro, but I suppose it means different things to different people.

The light blue on blue background splash reminds me of a Tidybowl

.. Chuck Rhode, Sheboygan, WI, USA
.. 1979 Honda Goldwing GL1000 (Geraldine)
.. Weather:
.. 13° — Wind WNW 5 mph

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

latest on debian gnome accessibility attempt

2008-03-01 Thread Jude DaShiell
What I wrote earlier turns out to have been incorrect so I've copied the 
error message gdm throws when the system tries to set it up.  It looks as 
if /etc/init.d/rc has a problem with a package priority but I can't be 

/etc/init.d/rc: line 208: /etc/rc2.d/S30gdm: Permission denied

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Can't save file in ooffice Impress?

2008-03-01 Thread Michael Yang
lenny/sid, 2.6.24-1

When saving a file in office impress 2.3.1, the Impress crashes.

Anyone met this?


Re: Debian FTP server setup questions

2008-03-01 Thread T o n g
On Sat, 01 Mar 2008 20:16:49 +1000, Adrian Levi wrote:

 Is there any special reason you use wu-ftpd, BTW? . . .

  I generally found proftpd more intuitive than vsftpd to configure.
 IMHO vsftpd works more smoothly with more clients

No special reason, just I used wu-ftpd since RedHat 6.0 -- more that 8
years ago. Currently quickest way to setup anonymous ftp upload is more
important than anything else.

Tong (remove underscore(s) to reply)

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: latest on debian gnome accessibility attempt

2008-03-01 Thread Andrew Sackville-West
Hi Jude. It looks like Florian's got you going the right direction on
the Xorg logs...

On Sat, Mar 01, 2008 at 08:08:25AM -0600, Jude DaShiell wrote:
 What I wrote earlier turns out to have been incorrect so I've copied the  
 error message gdm throws when the system tries to set it up.  It looks as 
 if /etc/init.d/rc has a problem with a package priority but I can't be  

 /etc/init.d/rc: line 208: /etc/rc2.d/S30gdm: Permission denied

The system is trying to run gdm but can't because you removed the
execute permisions from the gdm startup script. To make this error go
away, do this as root:

update-rc.d -f gdm remove

that will remove all the gdm symlinks so that it won't even try to

Then if you find the startx solution is working for you, you could
probably just uninstall gdm altogether. In your situation, I'd
probably recommend this as any time you do an upgrade that includes
gdm, those symlinks will get recreated... very annoying. 


Description: Digital signature

Re: No more AMD-K7 kernels?

2008-03-01 Thread Hugo Vanwoerkom

Ron Johnson wrote:

Hash: SHA1

On 02/29/08 05:32, Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:

Ron Johnson wrote:

Hash: SHA1

On 02/28/08 14:47, Alan Ianson wrote:

On Thu February 28 2008 10:29:54 am Curt Howland wrote:

I've looked through the debian-kernel and debian-user archives, and I
don't find a discussion of this.

Does anyone know why the -k7 precompiled kernel was dropped? Two of my
machines are Athalons.

I've been wondering about this to. The 2.6.24 kernels in unstable
have the 2.6-k7 meta package but no kernel to go along with them.
I'll be watching this thread to see if someone can tell us why. I
also have two Athlons.

Your machine won't die just because there's no -k7 kernel.  Just use
the -686.

I recompile the Debian kernel source, apply the -ck patch and enable the
K7 option.

That's always a valid option...  And what I do myself (except for
the -ck patches).

and I do those based on faith. I would like to see proof that those 
patches actually make the kernel more responsive for a desktop. I also 
change the timer frequency to 2000HZ and the Preemption Model to Low 
Latency Desktop. Then I add a Debian Logo that I edit so I can see 
immediately what I am booting with.


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Additional RAM brings Lenny to a slow-down

2008-03-01 Thread Jochen Schulz
 I added mem=2048M to the end of the line so that it now reads:
   # kopt=root=/dev/hda1 ro quiet mem=2048M
 And ran /usr/sbin/update-grub and rebooted.
 It still took just under 10 minutes to get back to login at the gdm
 screen, so I am at a complete loss now.

Try a few megs less, like mem=2040M.

I often blame my shortcomings on my upbringing.
[Agree]   [Disagree]

Description: Digital signature

Re: 8139cp 0000:03:08.0: This (id 10ec:8139 rev 10) is not an 8139C+ compatible chip

2008-03-01 Thread stephane lepain

Adrian Levi a écrit :

On 01/03/2008, stephane lepain [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I have had this error message coming up every time I start my PC where
 it seems to be searching for the right driver. The problem is that it
 takes a while at start time for my box to switch from 8139cp to 8139too
 Is there a way I could tell my box to use the driver 8139too instead of
 it choosing the 8139cp?

 Sorry if I am not being clear and concise. I have just started with
 Linux and I am learning at the moment.

Welcome to the community,

For your problem you could try placing 8139too into

That might see that your 8139too driver gets loaded first.
Incidentally comment any references to 8139cp that you run across. HTH



After one day of trying to dig up a solution for my problem. I have given up

Nothing seems to be working. I still get the same error message
8139cp :03:08.0: This (id 10ec:8139 rev 10) is not an 8139C+ 
compatible chip

There seems to be a bug with the driver 8139too with realtek ethernet card.

My biggest trouble is that I haven't found any fix for it.

What is hard to understand is that when I do a lspci -v I can clearly 
see that the two modules  are loaded (8139cp, and 8139too). So why on 
earth would I still get this error message if the module 8139too is 
loaded in the kernel. My network card should be up and working. 
Shouldn't it. Unfortunatly, I am not experienced enough to dig deeper 
than that. Hope someone could give me hand here :)

03:08.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. 
RTL-8139/8139C/8139C+ (rev 10)

Subsystem: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RT8139
Flags: medium devsel, IRQ 16
I/O ports at ac00 [size=256]
Memory at fdefe000 (32-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=256]
Capabilities: [50] Power Management version 2
Kernel modules: 8139cp, 8139too

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Newsreader question

2008-03-01 Thread Jochen Schulz
Ron Johnson:
 On 02/29/08 14:43, Jochen Schulz wrote:
 Which still leaves the question how to synchronize messages status
 (read/unread) across multiple computers. Some time ago I used slrnpull
 for offline reading and copied my .newsrc back and forth, but that was a
 real pain.
 Well, X is network transparent, so why not just run the app on
 node_a, and display it on current_node?

*Offline* reading. And I didn't talk about X applications either. :)

We are lining up to see you fall flat on your face.
[Agree]   [Disagree]

Description: Digital signature

Re: Newsreader question

2008-03-01 Thread Jochen Schulz
Kevin Coyner:
 On Fri, Feb 29, 2008 at 03:40:25PM -0600, Ron Johnson wrote..
 And I am still searching for a decent console newsreader that
 supports UTF-8, so if anybody can recommend one...
 Not sure if it supports UTF-8 or not, but have a look at newsbeuter.

Newsbeuter is an RSS reader. A newsreader is an NNTP (Usenet) client.

I feel yawning hollowness whilst talking to people at parties.
[Agree]   [Disagree]

Description: Digital signature

Re: Tweaking /boot/grub/menu.lst to use 2GB RAM

2008-03-01 Thread Jochen Schulz
Jeff D:
 You really shouldn't have to add anything to see 2G of ram. If you  
 aren't I suspect that there is something else going on with your system.

It's a hardware and/or Linux bug.

I no longer believe in father christmas but have no trouble
comprehending a nuclear apocalypse.
[Agree]   [Disagree]

Description: Digital signature

failing usb drive

2008-03-01 Thread Andrew Henry
I have a WD Mybook 320GB usb/firewire drive which is about 1 yr old. 
Warranty is 2 years I think.  It is fully encrypted with dmcrypt 
Luks.  I power it up once a day and it stays on for about 12 hours (as a
home server) and the manual recommends *not* turning it on more than
once a day.

Now it failed as in I ssh's to my home server and did ls -l on one of
the folders and several files came up red with question marks for the
owner group and file size.

I turned the server off and rebooted, and Luks failed to open the drive
and offered to drop me into a recovery terminal mode to fix the problem.

I didn't know what to do so I rebooted again and it mounted the drive as
expected.  It has been ok for 2 days now.

I have run smartctl -Hc /dev/sda and done an fsck -f /dev/sda and they
report no issues.  How else can I tell if my drive is failing??


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: I'm BACK!!!

2008-03-01 Thread Brad Brock

--- Michael Marsh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Thu, Feb 28, 2008 at 5:25 PM, Doug MacFarlane
   4.  I'm going to run VMware Workstation or Server
 - I use Dragon Naturally
   Speaking to do speech to text conversion of
 meetings that I record on my Olympus
   pocket recorder.  Unless you have a better idea .
 . .
 VMware should work OK.  Etch is using a 2.6.18
 kernel, which shouldn't
 cause you problems.  Lenny is using 2.6.22 (if you
 want to upgrade),
 which will should also work, but you'll need a patch
 called something
 like vmware-any-any.something -- google should tell
 you pretty
 quickly.  BEWARE 2.6.20!  THERE BE DRAGONS!
 Michael A. Marsh

If you're going to use VMware, I recommend VMware 6.0
or later. It works great on my lenny (2.6.22), without
any patch. Have fun.

Brad Brock


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Re: Newsreader question

2008-03-01 Thread Ron Johnson
Hash: SHA1

On 03/01/08 12:46, Jochen Schulz wrote:
 Ron Johnson:
 On 02/29/08 14:43, Jochen Schulz wrote:
 Which still leaves the question how to synchronize messages status
 (read/unread) across multiple computers. Some time ago I used slrnpull
 for offline reading and copied my .newsrc back and forth, but that was a
 real pain.
 Well, X is network transparent, so why not just run the app on
 node_a, and display it on current_node?
 *Offline* reading.

Irrelevant to the point at hand.

And I didn't talk about X applications either. :)

What other kinds of interactive applications are there in Debian (or
RH, OSX, FreeBSD, etc etc), besides console and X apps?  Both of
which are *designed* for remote access.  Even Eeeevil Windows has
free X servers

- --
Ron Johnson, Jr.
Jefferson LA  USA

The knife, the knife, the life of the wife is ended by the
Stewie Griffin  Eliza Pinchley
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: failing usb drive

2008-03-01 Thread Ron Johnson
Hash: SHA1

On 03/01/08 13:00, Andrew Henry wrote:
 I have a WD Mybook 320GB usb/firewire drive which is about 1 yr old. 
 Warranty is 2 years I think.  It is fully encrypted with dmcrypt 
 Luks.  I power it up once a day and it stays on for about 12 hours (as a
 home server) and the manual recommends *not* turning it on more than
 once a day.
 Now it failed as in I ssh's to my home server and did ls -l on one of
 the folders and several files came up red with question marks for the
 owner group and file size.
 I turned the server off and rebooted, and Luks failed to open the drive
 and offered to drop me into a recovery terminal mode to fix the problem.
 I didn't know what to do so I rebooted again and it mounted the drive as
 expected.  It has been ok for 2 days now.
 I have run smartctl -Hc /dev/sda and done an fsck -f /dev/sda and they
 report no issues.  How else can I tell if my drive is failing??

If this is important data, don't risk it!  Go buy another external
drive (and save some coin by getting a generic enclosure and OEM
disk from Newegg).

Then after moving the data to the new drive, decide what you want to do.

- --
Ron Johnson, Jr.
Jefferson LA  USA

The kniiife... the kniiife...  The life of the wife is ended by the
Stewie Griffin  Eliza Pinchley
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: Additional RAM brings Lenny to a slow-down

2008-03-01 Thread andy

Jochen Schulz wrote:


I added mem=2048M to the end of the line so that it now reads:

# kopt=root=/dev/hda1 ro quiet mem=2048M

And ran /usr/sbin/update-grub and rebooted.

It still took just under 10 minutes to get back to login at the gdm
screen, so I am at a complete loss now.

Try a few megs less, like mem=2040M.

Been there and done that: I reduced the /boot/grub/menu.lst entry to 
2040 and updated and rebooted. Resulted in a drag as always when 2 DDR2 
chips are inserted. Edited menu.lst to 2000M, updated, rebooted and same 
delay. BIOS correctly recognised 2040M during the initial boot pre-GRUB 
stage on both occasions. I've just pulled the second RAM chip for now. 

Despite spending the better part of the afternoon running searches on 
google and reading info grub-doc I have come across nothing that is 
remotely useful. My board is set up to take 2GB x DDR2 pc533 RAM. 
Assuming that nothing is wrong with the hardware (and really, how does 
one check that?), it looks like this may be a kernel issue for the 
2.6.22-3-686. Unfortunately, I cannot find out whether any bugs have 
been filed.



If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about the 
answers. - Thomas Pynchon, Gravity's Rainbow

Re: Newsreader question

2008-03-01 Thread John Hasler
Ron Johnson writes:
 Well, X is network transparent, so why not just run the app on
 node_a, and display it on current_node?

Jochen Schulz writes:
 *Offline* reading.

Yes, offline.  Run Leafnode on one machine on your local network and read
news from any other using the newsreader of your choice.

 And I didn't talk about X applications either.

If you want to use an X newsreader run it on the machine serving the news
and display it locally.  If you want to run a non-X newsreader use ssh.
Actually, in either case the machine running the news server, the machine
running the newsreader, and the machine you are sitting in front of could
all be different.
John Hasler

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Re: Newsreader question

2008-03-01 Thread Ron Johnson
Hash: SHA1

On 03/01/08 13:51, John Hasler wrote:
 Ron Johnson writes:
 Well, X is network transparent, so why not just run the app on
 node_a, and display it on current_node?
 Jochen Schulz writes:
 *Offline* reading.
 Yes, offline.  Run Leafnode on one machine on your local network and read
 news from any other using the newsreader of your choice.
 And I didn't talk about X applications either.
 If you want to use an X newsreader run it on the machine serving the news
 and display it locally.  If you want to run a non-X newsreader use ssh.
 Actually, in either case the machine running the news server, the machine
 running the newsreader, and the machine you are sitting in front of could
 all be different.

Thus are the beauties of standards and networks.

- --
Ron Johnson, Jr.
Jefferson LA  USA

The kniiife..., the kniiife...  The life of the wife is ended
by the knife.
Stewie Griffin  Eliza Pinchley
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Newsreader question

2008-03-01 Thread Jochen Schulz
Ron Johnson:
 On 03/01/08 12:46, Jochen Schulz wrote:
 Ron Johnson:

 Well, X is network transparent, so why not just run the app on
 node_a, and display it on current_node?
 *Offline* reading.
 Irrelevant to the point at hand.

No. Offline like using my laptop while commuting and the machine
running slrn is back at home. And when I'm back at work, I'd like to
ssh home and use the newsreader there.

And I didn't talk about X applications either. :)
 What other kinds of interactive applications are there in Debian (or
 RH, OSX, FreeBSD, etc etc), besides console and X apps?  Both of
 which are *designed* for remote access.  Even Eeeevil Windows has
 free X servers

I just wanted to say I am not interested in an X app, I prefer a console

I will not admit to failure even when I know I am terribly mistaken and
have offended others.
[Agree]   [Disagree]

Description: Digital signature

Re: 8139cp 0000:03:08.0: This (id 10ec:8139 rev 10) is not an 8139C+ compatible chip

2008-03-01 Thread Florian Kulzer
On Sat, Mar 01, 2008 at 11:52:50 +0100, stephane lepain wrote:

 I have had this error message coming up every time I start my PC where  
 it seems to be searching for the right driver. The problem is that it  
 takes a while at start time for my box to switch from 8139cp to 
 Is there a way I could tell my box to use the driver 8139too instead of  
 it choosing the 8139cp?

 Sorry if I am not being clear and concise. I have just started with  
 Linux and I am learning at the moment.

 _My Config_

 Hardware: AMD64 3800+
 OS: Debian testing

 *Mar  1 10:50:52 margoullat kernel: ata4: SATA link down (SStatus 0  
 SControl 310)
 Mar  1 10:50:52 margoullat kernel: 8139cp :03:08.0: This (id  
 10ec:8139 rev 10) is not an 8139C+ compatible chip
 Mar  1 10:50:52 margoullat kernel: 8139cp :03:08.0: Try the  
 8139too driver instead.
 Mar  1 10:50:52 margoullat kernel: 8139too Fast Ethernet driver 0.9.28*

Please tell me if I understand you correctly: Your RTL8139 does work
once the system comes up; your only problem is getting rid of the
message and the delay during boot?

Try to unload the 8139cp module after the system has booted by running
this command as root:

modprobe -rv 8139cp

Do you get any error messages? Check with lsmod | grep 8139 and make
sure that 8139cp is really gone and only 8139too is still loaded. Verify
that your network still works, e.g. by running ping

Assuming that this is all OK, you then have to generate a file that
tells modprobe not to load the 8139cp anymore during boot. To do this,
you can run (again as root):

echo -e blacklist 8139cp\ninstall 8139cp /bin/true  

This should create the file /etc/modprobe.d/local-8139cp containing
these two lines:

blacklist 8139cp
install 8139cp /bin/true

Check with cat /etc/modprobe.d/local-8139cp if this was successful.
(If you already know how to use one of the various text editors
available under Linux then you can of course also create the file by
entering these two lines in your editor of choice and saving the

Then reboot and test if your system behaves properly now. Report back if
it does not; in that case we will have to take a closer look at your
initrd and maybe also at modules.dep.

  Florian   |

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latest debian gnome accessibility attempt

2008-03-01 Thread Jude DaShiell
Okay, I got /usr/bin/gnome-session in an .xinitrc file and that hasn't 
helped.  I got what may be a login beep back and get thrown out trying to 
log into gnome.  So I log into text terminal and start up orca with orca 
--setup and answer the questions.  At the end I get told cannot restart 
orca because DISPLAY isn't set and I'm told to make sure DISPLAY is set. 
So I do export DISPLAY=:0.0 and then try running orca again and this time 
not with --setup parameter.  I get the following output I pasted into 
memory with speakup.

cut here.
export DISPLAY=:0.0
myhome:~# orca
Xlib: connection to :0.0 refused by server
Xlib: No protocol specified

xmodmap:  unable to open display ':0.0'
Xlib: connection to :0.0 refused by server
Xlib: No protocol specified

xmodmap:  unable to open display ':0.0'
cut here.

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Re: Etch: PAM unable to resolve symbol

2008-03-01 Thread Jamin Davis

Jerome BENOIT wrote:

As the below hints gives no results, I understood that
the messages may come from elsewhere.
By commented, I found that it is pwdfile=/etc/bunch/passwd
was the one which outputs the messages.
Is there any alternative ?

I haven't a clue where is from - try a dpkg -S. I checked 
on and couldn't find a reference to it 
either. Is this referenced in /etc/pam.d/common-passwd? Are you using 
shadow passwords? I've got


@include common-password


password   required nullok obscure min=4 max=8 md5

(some other entries for LDAP but I take it you're not using that?)

Jamin @ Home @ Chester UK

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Re: Usermount

2008-03-01 Thread Frank McCormick
Hash: SHA1

On Fri, 29 Feb 2008 15:07:46 +0100
Sjoerd Hiemstra [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Frank wrote:
  Anybody know of other graphical front ends to mount ??
 Well, using Synaptic to look for packages that have 'mount' in their
 names or descriptions, I see a few that look interesting.  I'd suggest
 to have a look at all of them, and take the one you like best.

   Thanks. xvmount seems to serve my purposes as I don't use Gnome.

- -- 
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: Newsreader question

2008-03-01 Thread Ron Johnson
Hash: SHA1

On 03/01/08 14:27, Jochen Schulz wrote:
 Ron Johnson:
 On 03/01/08 12:46, Jochen Schulz wrote:
 Ron Johnson:
 Well, X is network transparent, so why not just run the app on
 node_a, and display it on current_node?
 *Offline* reading.
 Irrelevant to the point at hand.
 No. Offline like using my laptop while commuting and the machine
 running slrn is back at home. And when I'm back at work, I'd like to
 ssh home and use the newsreader there.
And I didn't talk about X applications either. :)
 What other kinds of interactive applications are there in Debian (or
 RH, OSX, FreeBSD, etc etc), besides console and X apps?  Both of
 which are *designed* for remote access.  Even Eeeevil Windows has
 free X servers
 I just wanted to say I am not interested in an X app, I prefer a console

Like I said, Both of which are *designed* for remote access.  So,
ssh into your primary box and use slrn from there.

- --
Ron Johnson, Jr.
Jefferson LA  USA

The kniiife..., the kniiife...  The life of the wife is ended
by the knife.
Stewie Griffin  Eliza Pinchley
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: usbcore and ndiswrapper for toshiba laptop

2008-03-01 Thread Jamin Davis

diane mittnik wrote:


The relevant info:
# modinfo ndiswrapper
modinfo: could not find module ndiswrapper
# modprobe usbcore
FATAL: Module usbcore not found
# modprobe ndiswrapper
FATAL: Module ndiswrapper not found

Try a 'depmod -a' as root. Then try the modprobe's again. Just a thought...

Jamin @ Home @ Chester UK

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Re: Usermount

2008-03-01 Thread Jamin Davis


  Yes, that's the conclusion I came to. The maintainer is no where 
around as far as I can see. Anybody know of other graphical front ends 
to mount ??

Krusader for KDE will allow you to mount / umount (as root if 
necessary). Great two-pane filemanager (like a graphical mc).

Jamin @ Home @ Chester UK

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Re: 8139cp 0000:03:08.0: This (id 10ec:8139 rev 10) is not an 8139C+ compatible chip

2008-03-01 Thread Jamin Davis

stephane lepain wrote:

For your problem you could try placing 8139too into

That might see that your 8139too driver gets loaded first.
Incidentally comment any references to 8139cp that you run across. HTH


After one day of trying to dig up a solution for my problem. I have 
given up

You might need a little more patience using Linux ;-).

Nothing seems to be working. I still get the same error message
8139cp :03:08.0: This (id 10ec:8139 rev 10) is not an 8139C+ 
compatible chip

You can blacklist the 8139cp module in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist file 
(might need to create this if it doesn't already exist):

blacklist 8139cp

and if you have 8139too in /etc/modules then the boot process should 
load that instead of 8139cp. I have checked on a machine which has an 
8139too NIC and that works for me. There's a package called nictools-pci 
which has a file rtl8139-diag -- might be useful for fixing 8139 related 

Jamin @ Home @ Chester UK

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command line version of startupmanager needed I think

2008-03-01 Thread Jude DaShiell
what else can I run dpkg-reconfigure against in addition to xserver-xorg 
in order to answer questions using a command line environment to get gnome 
up and running?

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Re: Additional RAM brings Lenny to a slow-down

2008-03-01 Thread Andrei Popescu
On Sat, Mar 01, 2008 at 07:33:05PM +, andy wrote:

 both occasions. I've just pulled the second RAM chip for now.  Despite 
 spending the better part of the afternoon running searches on google 
 and reading info grub-doc I have come across nothing that is remotely 
 useful. My board is set up to take 2GB x DDR2 pc533 RAM. Assuming that 
 nothing is wrong with the hardware (and really, how does one check 
 that?), it looks like this may be a kernel issue for the 2.6.22-3-686.  
 Unfortunately, I cannot find out whether any bugs have been filed.

I would run extensive memtests (with each of the two memories and then 
with both installed). I haven't done this in a while, but my guess is 
you need to install one of memtest86 or memtest86+ (if not already 
installed) then reboot and choose the 'memtest' option in the grub menu.

If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.
(Albert Einstein)

Description: Digital signature

Re: Xorg.0.log on accessible gnome install attempt

2008-03-01 Thread Andrei Popescu
On Sat, Mar 01, 2008 at 01:21:43PM +0100, Florian Kulzer wrote:
 I think the problem is that startx by default only starts a bare X
 server without any window manager or client applications running. In
 other words, you get an empty gray screen that is useless to you.

In my experience startx runs x-session-manager (and probably 
x-window-manager if no session-manager installed). You would have to 
check with update-alternatives (or follow the symlinks) to find out what 
is actually being used.

If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.
(Albert Einstein)

Description: Digital signature

Re: vertical scroll on my touchpad not working

2008-03-01 Thread Jamin Davis

Manu Hack wrote:

I've installed debian amd64 on a Toshiba laptop A215-S7413.  I failed
to get the touchpad vertical scrolling to work (basic functions work
fine).  Here is my /etc/X11/xorg.conf:

Section Module


I recently installed a laptop with MEPIS (debian-stable-based) and I had 
exactly the same problem with the touchpad. I commented-out the 
synaptics driver and it worked great - all functions including the 
scroll. Pretty sure I used the IMPS/2 mouse driver - BICBW so you may 
want to try the ExPS/2 driver as well if this fails.

Jamin @ Home @ Chester UK

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Re: kadmin ktadd and F_WRLCK

2008-03-01 Thread Jamin Davis

Monika Strack wrote:

I have a big problem with kerberos5 ktadd. I create a new principal 
host/myhost.mydomain. This works ok. Then I want add it to the krb5.keytab, 
but ktadd hang. I have make a strace of kadmin and found that 
fcntl64(5, F_SETLKW, {type=F_WRLCK, whence=SEEK_SET, start=0, len=0} 
is hanging.

Here the strace:

We have many hosts in keytab, so at the last Year it works. The last time, I 
have add a host to keytab are the Martch 23 2007.

How did you create the keytab? Using a newer version of kadmin or were 
you by any chance using the Heimdall  kadmin (BSD)? The kadmin's are 
incompatible - just a thought. The strace doesn't mean much to me I'm 

I had a similar problem on an old stable machine, here's a workaround 
which may help if kadmin's hanging


create the host key with host/host.domain
ktadd -k /etc/temp.keytab host/host.domain

# mv /etc/krb5.keytab /etc/old.keytab


rkt /etc/temp.keytab
rkt /etc/old.keytab
wkt /etc/krb5.keytab

# mv /etc/temp.keytab /etc/old.keytab /root (for safe keeping!)

Jamin @ Home @ Chester UK

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Re: Additional RAM brings Lenny to a slow-down

2008-03-01 Thread Gilles Mocellin
Le Saturday 01 March 2008 20:33:05 andy, vous avez écrit :
 Jochen Schulz wrote:
  I added mem=2048M to the end of the line so that it now reads:
 # kopt=root=/dev/hda1 ro quiet mem=2048M
  And ran /usr/sbin/update-grub and rebooted.
  It still took just under 10 minutes to get back to login at the gdm
  screen, so I am at a complete loss now.
  Try a few megs less, like mem=2040M.

 Been there and done that: I reduced the /boot/grub/menu.lst entry to
 2040 and updated and rebooted. Resulted in a drag as always when 2 DDR2
 chips are inserted. Edited menu.lst to 2000M, updated, rebooted and same
 delay. BIOS correctly recognised 2040M during the initial boot pre-GRUB
 stage on both occasions. I've just pulled the second RAM chip for now.

 Despite spending the better part of the afternoon running searches on
 google and reading info grub-doc I have come across nothing that is
 remotely useful. My board is set up to take 2GB x DDR2 pc533 RAM.
 Assuming that nothing is wrong with the hardware (and really, how does
 one check that?), it looks like this may be a kernel issue for the
 2.6.22-3-686. Unfortunately, I cannot find out whether any bugs have
 been filed.


Perhaps a problem with a dual channel setting or prerequisit...

Beware of your bois settings and if you have more than 2 memory slots, be sure 
to put your two memory banks in the good ones.

I suppose that your new memory is at the same speed than your old one ?

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

xorg and aspect ratio's

2008-03-01 Thread Alex Samad

I am having a problem with my X server. i am using amd64 with nvidia

I have it connected to a plasma screen its an old one with a menu option
for 4:3 or 16:9

I would like to keep it in 16:9 mode for watching video's, but when i do
this. my aspect ration seems to go askew.  I have tested this by using
xli to display a jpg on the screen and on my laptop (windows) and on
another debian amd64 machine.

my Xorg.conf seems to be set up okay, I let nvidia work out the right
dimensions of the monitor and freq and dpi. it is current set to 35 x
50. I have measured the screen size and it is the same as the one
reported. so it has all the right dimensions.

any one have any idea how to config X to handle the screen when i put it
in 16:9 mode

First of all, I'm not going to let Congress erode the power of the Executive 
Branch.  I have a duty to protect the Executive Branch from legislative 

- George W. Bush
Washington, DC
White House Press Conference

Description: Digital signature

Re: command line version of startupmanager needed I think

2008-03-01 Thread Ron Johnson
Hash: SHA1

On 03/01/08 16:48, Jude DaShiell wrote:
 what else can I run dpkg-reconfigure against in addition to xserver-xorg
 in order to answer questions using a command line environment to get
 gnome up and running?

What do you mean?  (I'm so used to running startx that maybe I'm
missing something obvious in your question.)

- --
Ron Johnson, Jr.
Jefferson LA  USA

The kniiife..., the kniiife...  The life of the wife is ended
by the knife.
Stewie Griffin  Eliza Pinchley
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Etch: PAM unable to resolve symbol

2008-03-01 Thread Jerome BENOIT


thanks for your reply.

The idea is to have a second passwd file.
I set it to mimic LDAP.


Jamin Davis wrote:

Jerome BENOIT wrote:

As the below hints gives no results, I understood that
the messages may come from elsewhere.
By commented, I found that it is pwdfile=/etc/bunch/passwd
was the one which outputs the messages.
Is there any alternative ?

I haven't a clue where is from - try a dpkg -S. I checked 
on and couldn't find a reference to it 
either. Is this referenced in /etc/pam.d/common-passwd? Are you using 
shadow passwords? I've got


@include common-password


password   required nullok obscure min=4 max=8 md5

(some other entries for LDAP but I take it you're not using that?)


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Install Debian 4.0 to watch DVD video

2008-03-01 Thread hce

I am installing Debian 4.0 to a PC which was previously installed FC5
and has difficult to play mplayer.

The first issue during my installation is the pattitiion. The Patition
page displays:

[!!] Partition disks
IDE 1 Master (hda) - 20.5 GB

  #1 primary 3.1 GB  ext3  (I want to keep it)
  #2 primary 12.6 GB  ext3  (I want to keep it)
  #3 primary 554.0 MB  F Swap Swap (I want to keep it)
  #5 logical 4.2 GB  K ext3

Undo changes to partitiion
Finish Partitioning and write changes to disk

The hda1 and hda2 have been used for other data and I want to eep it.
The hda3 is swap sector.

The hda5 is the one I want to install the Debian to it.

Now I selected Finish Partitioning and write changes to disk, it came
following an error:

[!!] Partition disks

No root file system.

No Root system is defined.

Please correct this from the patiioning menu

What is wrong with it?

Thank you.


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Re: xorg and aspect ratio's

2008-03-01 Thread Raj Kiran Grandhi

Alex Samad wrote:


I am having a problem with my X server. i am using amd64 with nvidia

I have it connected to a plasma screen its an old one with a menu option
for 4:3 or 16:9

I would like to keep it in 16:9 mode for watching video's, but when i do
this. my aspect ration seems to go askew.  I have tested this by using
xli to display a jpg on the screen and on my laptop (windows) and on
another debian amd64 machine.

How do you watch the videos? If you are using mplayer, look into the 
-monitoraspect, -monitorpixelaspect options.

Also, are you also running at a resolution that is 16:9?

my Xorg.conf seems to be set up okay, I let nvidia work out the right
dimensions of the monitor and freq and dpi. it is current set to 35 x
50. I have measured the screen size and it is the same as the one
reported. so it has all the right dimensions.

any one have any idea how to config X to handle the screen when i put it
in 16:9 mode

Raj Kiran Grandhi
At the source of every error which is blamed on the computer, you will 
find at least two human errors, including the error of blaming it on the 

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Install Debian 4.0 to watch DVD video

2008-03-01 Thread Andrei Popescu
On Sun, Mar 02, 2008 at 12:19:52PM +1100, hce wrote:
 The hda5 is the one I want to install the Debian to it.
 Now I selected Finish Partitioning and write changes to disk, it came
 following an error:
 [!!] Partition disks
 No root file system.
 No Root system is defined.
 Please correct this from the patiioning menu
 What is wrong with it?

You have to tell the installer that you want to use that partition. I 
can't tell you exactly how it is done, but you have to select something 
like use as root partition.

P.S. I hope you chose manual partitioning, AFAIK guided is not meant for 
such stuff.
If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.
(Albert Einstein)

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Re: Install Debian 4.0 to watch DVD video

2008-03-01 Thread hce
On 3/2/08, Andrei Popescu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Sun, Mar 02, 2008 at 12:19:52PM +1100, hce wrote:

   The hda5 is the one I want to install the Debian to it.
   Now I selected Finish Partitioning and write changes to disk, it came
   following an error:
   [!!] Partition disks
   No root file system.
   No Root system is defined.
   Please correct this from the patiioning menu
   What is wrong with it?

 You have to tell the installer that you want to use that partition. I
  can't tell you exactly how it is done, but you have to select something
  like use as root partition.

Well, I expected the use as can be selected as a root partition, but
that page only display following menu:
use as:

Reiser FS
Swap area
Physical volume for encryption
Physical volume for LVM
Physical volume for RAID
do not use the partition

There is no root partition, I actuall selected it as ext3, then it
came above error.

Now, if I select mount point to /, it also came another error.

I actually don't want to do any partition change, the #5 has already
partitioned and formated as ext3. But I could not go over that
partition page. How can I skip partition page and just install the
Debian directly to hda5?

Thank you.

Kind Regards,


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Re: Install Debian 4.0 to watch DVD video

2008-03-01 Thread Adrian Levi
On 02/03/2008, hce [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Well, I expected the use as can be selected as a root partition, but
  that page only display following menu:
  use as:

  EXT 3
  Reiser FS
  Swap area
  Physical volume for encryption
  Physical volume for LVM
  Physical volume for RAID
  do not use the partition

  There is no root partition, I actuall selected it as ext3, then it
  came above error.

  Now, if I select mount point to /, it also came another error.

  I actually don't want to do any partition change, the #5 has already
  partitioned and formated as ext3. But I could not go over that
  partition page. How can I skip partition page and just install the
  Debian directly to hda5?

Read this part of the install guide on using the installer and partitioning.

Even if you don't want to change the other partitions you will need to
format and set up your hda5 again and tell it to mount hda5 as / this
will set up hda5 in /etc/fstab as your / and leave all the other
partitions alone (you will have to manually add them to /etc/fstab in
you want access to them) otherwise specify a mount point for them and
select them as do not format.

The Debian installer is very flexible, you will get it do what you
want, it's just a matter of you finding the options in the installer.


24x7x365 != 24x7x52 Stupid or bad maths?
erno hm. I've lost a machine.. literally _lost_. it responds to
ping, it works completely, I just can't figure out where in my
apartment it is.

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Re: dircmp in debian

2008-03-01 Thread Adrian Levi
On 01/03/2008, Tzafrir Cohen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Sat, Mar 01, 2008 at 08:52:58PM +1000, Adrian Levi wrote:
   I have searched high and low but can't find this utility or something
   that provides it's functionality, I want to know the differences in 2
   directory structures but not change them - yet. rsync I'm fairly
   confident will fix the 2 directories to make them the same but for the
   moment I want to know just how far out of sync they are.

 Sounds like you like rsync. So the following begs suggesting:

  rsync -nv ? rsync -ni ?

You know the thought never crossed my mind to look into rsync to do
what I wanted :-) - I was thinking of it as only an option to change
things not report on them...

Tunnel vision.


24x7x365 != 24x7x52 Stupid or bad maths?
erno hm. I've lost a machine.. literally _lost_. it responds to
ping, it works completely, I just can't figure out where in my
apartment it is.

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