Re: Plusieurs utilisateurs Root

2009-01-10 Thread Yves Rutschle
On Sat, Jan 10, 2009 at 08:00:51AM +0100, Mathieu JANIN wrote:
 C'est quoi ces solutions rouleau compresseur pour écraser une mouche ?
 Le but n'étant que de séparer les intervenants, je ne vois pas trop ou 
 mènent ces suggestions de séparer aussi les environnements, mais même dans 
 ce cas, quitte à séparer les services, pourquoi simuler toute une machine 
 alors qu'on peut obtenir le niveau de sécurité comparable avec un bête (d|
 s)chroot, et éviter ainsi de faire tourner plusieurs noyaux sur un 
 processeur ?
 Personnellement, j'isolerais éventuellement les services dans des chroot, 

T'énerves pas, les solutions linux-vserver et openvz sont
essentiellement la même chose qu'un chroot, mais faites avec
la sécurité en tête (un peu plus): chroot n'est *pas* une
solution de sécurité, il est trivial de sortir d'un chroot.

Dans linux-vserver, il n'y a qu'un noyau qui tourne, et on
peut mutualiser un grand nombre de fichiers entre les
environements (comme les hard links que tu suggères).

C'est pas pasque la virtualisation est à la mode que c'est
automatiquement la mauvaise solution ;)


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Re: Logiciel pour fiche de paye

2009-01-10 Thread Zuthos
Jean-Michel OLTRA a écrit :
| Bonjour,

| Le jeudi 08 janvier 2009, Alain Vaugham a écrit...
| Je l'ai eu fait, à une époque. Ce n'est pas si difficile que ça. J'ai un
| vieux modèle sous forme de sxc, je peux le faire passer si ça peut faire
| avancer le schmilblick. Ce qui ne dispensera pas de se renseigner pour
| faire quelque chose d'adapté.

Oui, je veut bien. Mais c'est quoi sxc
Merci d'avance

Description: Digital signature

Re: [OpenGL] Où trouver libopengl.a et

2009-01-10 Thread Bruno Muller

Le vendredi 09 janvier 2009 à 19:32 +0100, Salokine Terata a écrit :
 Je souhaite suivre le Tuto:


 Mais impossible de trouver celles pour OpenGL: (libopengl.a et
 Savez-vous dans quel paquet puis-je les trouver ?

J'y connais pas grand chose en OpenGL, mais il me semble bizarre ce
tuto... Pour moi, la lib OpenGL s'appelle libGL.
Elle est fournit par différents paquets selon la carte graphique.

Donc pour les .a/.so/.h c'est dans les paquets -dev suivants :

- émulation soft : libgl1-mesa-dev
- nvidia : nvidia-glx-dev
- ati : pas trouvé de fglrx-glx-dev...


M : Patapon a raison, je suis un nul... un raté. J'ai été dressé pour
attaquer aux couilles, et tout ce que je fais c'est bouffer des

Description: Ceci est une partie de message	numériquement signée

Re: Logiciel pour fiche de paye

2009-01-10 Thread Jean-Michel OLTRA


Le samedi 10 janvier 2009, Zuthos a écrit...

 | Je l'ai eu fait, à une époque. Ce n'est pas si difficile que ça. J'ai un
 | vieux modèle sous forme de sxc, je peux le faire passer si ça peut faire
 | avancer le schmilblick. Ce qui ne dispensera pas de se renseigner pour
 | faire quelque chose d'adapté.

 Oui, je veut bien. Mais c'est quoi sxc

Un fichier .sxc OpenOffice


A.E.L. Sarl (R.C.S CASTRES 490843240)

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[CLOTURE] [OpenGL] Où trouver libopengl.a et

2009-01-10 Thread Salokine Terata

Effectivement, n'existe pas, ou du moins il s'agit bien de

Merci et bonne journée.

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2009-01-10 Thread Zuthos

Curieux de nature, j'essaye tous ce qui me passe par la main.

En cemoment, je veut essayer tinyerp.

Je l'ai installé: pas de soucis.

J'ai lu le README et une commande finis mal:

 tinyerp-server --init=all
Sat, 10 Jan 2009 13:18:12 INFO:pooler:Connecting to terp
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File ./, line 180, in module
pooler.get_db_and_pool(tools.config['db_name'], update_module=True)
  File /usr/lib/tinyerp-server/, line 45, in get_db_and_pool
db = sql_db.db_connect(db_name)
  File /usr/lib/tinyerp-server/, line 140, in db_connect
tdb = psycopg.connect('%s %s %s %s %s' % (host, port, name, user, 
password), serialize=0, maxconn=maxconn)
psycopg.OperationalError: FATAL:  authentification Ident échouée pour 
l'utilisateur « root »

Et la, je ne sais pas quoi faire

Description: Digital signature

Re: Tinyerp

2009-01-10 Thread jerome moliere
Bonjour ,
visiblement ta connexion avec la base echoue, surement une question de droit
et d'authentification...
A priori tu utilises un compte qui n'existe vraisemblablement pas en
Si c'est bien du postgres comme je l'intuite, essaies de revoir ta gestion
de l'authentification dans le pg_hba.conf


Le 10 janvier 2009 16:14, Zuthos a écrit :


 Curieux de nature, j'essaye tous ce qui me passe par la main.

 En cemoment, je veut essayer tinyerp.

 Je l'ai installÃ(c): pas de soucis.

 J'ai lu le README et une commande finis mal:

  tinyerp-server --init=all
 Sat, 10 Jan 2009 13:18:12 INFO:pooler:Connecting to terp
 Traceback (most recent call last):
  File ./, line 180, in module
pooler.get_db_and_pool(tools.config['db_name'], update_module=True)
  File /usr/lib/tinyerp-server/, line 45, in get_db_and_pool
db = sql_db.db_connect(db_name)
  File /usr/lib/tinyerp-server/, line 140, in db_connect
tdb = psycopg.connect('%s %s %s %s %s' % (host, port, name, user,
 password), serialize=0, maxconn=maxconn)
 psycopg.OperationalError: FATAL:  authentification Ident Ã(c)chouÃ(c)e pour
 l'utilisateur « root »

 Et la, je ne sais pas quoi faire

 Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


Jerome Moliere - Mentor/J
auteur Eyrolles

Re: Tinyerp

2009-01-10 Thread Zuthos
jerome moliere a écrit :
|Bonjour ,
|visiblement ta connexion avec la base echoue, surement une question de
|droit et d'authentification...
|A priori tu utilises un compte qui n'existe vraisemblablement pas en
|Si c'est bien du postgres comme je l'intuite, essaies de revoir ta gestion
|de l'authentification dans le pg_hba.conf

Effectivement, il s'agit bien de postgres.

Je n'avais pas de  pg_hba.conf.
J'ai donc copié mon  pg_hba.conf.sample en  pg_hba.conf
Puis relancer le tous. rien n'y fait malgrés la ligne dans le fichier:

hostall all  @authmethod@

Je ne sais que faire ;-(

Description: Digital signature

Re: Plusieurs utilisateurs Root

2009-01-10 Thread mouss
Frédéric Massot a écrit :
 Thierry Leurent a écrit :
 Merci à tous, il semble que sudo est la commande idéale mais il faut
 encore la configurer.

 Pourquois confier l'administration d'une machine de prod à plusieurs
 sociètés ?
 Simplement qu'elle ont en charge une partie des logitiels présents et
 qu'il est probabale qu'un jour ou l'autre, elles devront effectuer des
 opérations de maintenance sur leurs produits ou pour d'autres opérations.

 Si je contente de leur donner le root, je ne peux pas les coller toute la
 journée pour voir ce qu'ils font.
 Je veux :
  - Limiter leur pouvoir sur la machine à leur application et
 eventuellement d'autres éléments périphériques.
  - Tracer leur modifications.
 sudo enregistre les actions dans le fichier /var/log/auth.log

oui, mais il faut savoir que ça reste limité. par exemple,
# vi

# sh
# vi

on sait plus ce qui a été fait par le sh, à moins de remplacer
vi par une commande shell qui sauve le contenu quelque part avant de
lancer l'éditeur... mais si on s'amuse à ça, on a plus vite fait de
lancer une machine virtuelle...

 Maintenant, il faut bien configurer sudo.

c'est sûr !

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Re: Pour voir le message, veuillez utiliser un lecteur de mail compatible HTML

2009-01-10 Thread mouss
Philippe Merlin a écrit :
 Je rajoute une information, après essai j'ai modifié le fichier message avec 
 Vim et est supprimé tous les '--' accolés  à la 
 bannière b1_f48bd55c282c11a7b83e739bb5f929d5 et miracle Kmail lit bien le 
 message et j'ai mon message en html.
 Par contre  maintenant  qui est le coupable ?
 Kmail qui n'accepte pas les '--' (deux signes moins accolés)devant la marque 
 ou le message du monde informatique est légèrement Hors Norme, mais je pense 
 accepté par d'autre .

malheureusement, beaucoup de lettres envoient des mails qu'on lit
correctement uniquement sur outlook.

donc, je dirais que c'est plutot un problem dans le message. pour être
sûr, tu le sauve (le source, pas ce que tu vois) dans un fichier, tu le
mets sur une page où on peut le telecharger (tu peux utiliser et on peut regarder...


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Re: Tinyerp

2009-01-10 Thread jerome moliere
2009/1/10 Zuthos

 jerome moliere a écrit :
 |Bonjour ,
 |visiblement ta connexion avec la base echoue, surement une question de
 |droit et d'authentification...
 |A priori tu utilises un compte qui n'existe vraisemblablement pas en
 |Si c'est bien du postgres comme je l'intuite, essaies de revoir ta
 |de l'authentification dans le pg_hba.conf

 Effectivement, il s'agit bien de postgres.

 Je n'avais pas de  pg_hba.conf.
 J'ai donc copié mon  pg_hba.conf.sample en  pg_hba.conf
 Puis relancer le tous. rien n'y fait malgrés la ligne dans le fichier:

 hostall all  @authmethod@

 Je ne sais que faire ;-(

c'est une valeur a remplacer par une des valeurs possibles, TRUSTEDsi tu
veux autoriser etc...
cf commentaires pg_hba.conf


 Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


Jerome Moliere - Mentor/J
auteur Eyrolles

Re: Plusieurs utilisateurs Root

2009-01-10 Thread Stephane Bortzmeyer
On Fri, Jan 09, 2009 at 11:25:11PM +0100,
 Thierry Leurent wrote 
 a message of 91 lines which said:

 Les machines ont été achetées clé en main à une socièté qui
 sous-traite mais nous remarquons qu'ils ont certains problèmes au
 niveau des délais, que les applis ne sont pas testées et que la
 socièté maitre d'oeuvre ne fait pas son boulot de coordination. Donc
 les sous-traitants passent pas nous directement.  Nous avons peur
 que si un de socièté doit faire une modif qu'elle fasse des
 conneries et que le système se plante. Nous avons des données très
 confidentielles et des règles très stictes a appliquer.

Hmmm, du point de vue technique, la bonne approche, lorsqu'on veut
partager l'administration système, est sudo, comme indiqué par
plusieurs personnes.

Mais le paragraphe ci-dessus me donne à penser que vos problèmes ne
sont pas techniques, mais plutôt organisationnels. Car enfin, des
« données très confidentielles » et des « règles très strictes à
appliquer » alors que l'administration système est sous-traitée ? À
une société défaillante ? Et qui a elle-même des sous-traitants ? Ça
ne fait pas très sérieux.

D'autant plus que sudo n'est pas une solution miracle (il n'y a pas de
solution technique miracle aux problèmes organisationnels). Par
exemple, si un des titulaires fait un sudo bash, ses commandes
ultérieures ne seront plus enregistrées.

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DNS y vpn

2009-01-10 Thread Sergio
Hola a a todos.

Os expongo un problema que me tiene comida la moral.

Después de una actualización a la ubuntu 8.10 (antes funcionaba bien),
cuando hago un tunel mediante VPNC, la resolución de nombres no funciona
bien en el entorno X, no pudiendo navegar ni enviar correos.

Me explico:

Inicio sin VPNC:
Las ip son fijas (etc/network/interfaces), los dns en el resolv.conf son
las del ISP, en las X, navego y envío correo.

Ejecuto vpnc:

(vpnc-connect), la conexión se realiza bien, obtengo la ip de mi
servidor VPN y sus DNS.

Hago ping ( y resuelve bien.
Hago un ssh a un host y tambien.
Ejecuto el lynx con la url y bien.


Desde gnome (sigo conectado  VPN), y el navegador solo devuelve páginas
si introduzco la ip, porque con el nombre no devuelve nada (he probado
con varios navegadores, opera, firefox ..)

He configurado el kvnc y lo mismo.

¿Qué os parece que podría ser el problema?


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DNS y vpnc

2009-01-10 Thread Sergio
Hola a a todos.

Os expongo un problema que me tiene comida la moral.

Después de una actualización a la ubuntu 8.10, cuando hago un tunel
mediante VPNC, la resolucion de nombres no funciona bien en el entorno
X, no pudiendo navegar ni enviar correos.

Me explico:

Inicio sin VPNC:
Las ip son fijas (etc/network/interfaces), los dns en el resolv.conf son
las del ISP, en las X, navego y envío correo.

Ejecuto vpnc:

(vpnc-connect), la conexión se realiza bien, obtengo la ip de mi
servidor VPN y sus DNS.

Hago ping ( y resuelve bien.
Hago un ssh a un host y tambien.
Ejecuto el lynx con la url y bien.


Entro en gnome (sigo conectado  VPN), y el navegador solo devuelve
páginas si introduzco la ip, porque con el nombre no devuelve nada (he
probado con varios navegadores, opera, firefox ..)

He configurado el kvnc y lo mismo.

¿Qué os parece que podría ser ?

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Re: No perder señal en el monitor cuando se cierra el portail.

2009-01-10 Thread Marc Aymerich
On Sat, Jan 10, 2009 at 6:16 AM, Felix Perez wrote:
 2009/1/9 Marc Aymerich
 On Fri, Jan 9, 2009 at 9:38 PM, Felix Perez 
 2009/1/9 Marc Aymerich
 Muy buenas a toos/as
 Mi pregunta es ¿Como puedo configurar debian para que al bajar la
 pantalla del portatil el monitor no entre en ahorro de energia (como
 el portatil) y siga funcionando independientemente?.

 E Sistema  Preferencias  Gestión de energía

 No te sirve?

 Pero yo quiero que la pantalla del portatil se apage y que el monitor
 continue recibiendo señal :(

 A ver, si logro entender lo que quieres:
 tienes un portatil con un monitor conectado a la salida de video, por
 lo tanto tienes el monitor del portatil mas el monitor externo, ¿es
 asi?, y ahora lo que quieres es que cuando cierres el portatil la
 salida de video no se apague y sigas con la salida activa al monitor
 Prueba instalando el grandr y revisa las opciones creo que talvez
 pueda servirte, aunque no lo tengo muy claro, pero creo que jugando
 con sus opciones alguna vez consegui lo que buscas.

 Suerte y trata de ser mas claro en tus consultas.

Muchas gracias! grandr implementa la opción de apagar el display que
quieras y eso es justo lo que queria :)
Pido disculpas por la confusión de mi consulta, no andaba muy fino
cuando la redacté ;)


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Re: DNS y vpnc

2009-01-10 Thread Felix Perez
El día 10 de enero de 2009 7:00, Sergio escribió:
 Hola a a todos.

 Os expongo un problema que me tiene comida la moral.

 Después de una actualización a la ubuntu 8.10, cuando hago un tunel
 mediante VPNC, la resolucion de nombres no funciona bien en el entorno
 X, no pudiendo navegar ni enviar correos.

 Me explico:

 Inicio sin VPNC:
 Las ip son fijas (etc/network/interfaces), los dns en el resolv.conf son
 las del ISP, en las X, navego y envío correo.

 Ejecuto vpnc:

 (vpnc-connect), la conexión se realiza bien, obtengo la ip de mi
 servidor VPN y sus DNS.

 Hago ping ( y resuelve bien.
 Hago un ssh a un host y tambien.
 Ejecuto el lynx con la url y bien.


 Entro en gnome (sigo conectado  VPN), y el navegador solo devuelve
 páginas si introduzco la ip, porque con el nombre no devuelve nada (he
 probado con varios navegadores, opera, firefox ..)

 He configurado el kvnc y lo mismo.

 ¿Qué os parece que podría ser ?

Pues me parece que te has equivocado de lista.  Hay algunos problemas
que son especificos de la distro que usas.  ¿preguntaste en la lista
de ubuntu?


usuario linux  #274354
normas de la lista:

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2009-01-10 Thread Sergio
Felix Perez escribió:
 El día 10 de enero de 2009 7:00, Sergio escribió:
 Hola a a todos.

 Os expongo un problema que me tiene comida la moral.

 Después de una actualización a la ubuntu 8.10, cuando hago un tunel
 mediante VPNC, la resolucion de nombres no funciona bien en el entorno
 X, no pudiendo navegar ni enviar correos.

 Me explico:

 Inicio sin VPNC:
 Las ip son fijas (etc/network/interfaces), los dns en el resolv.conf son
 las del ISP, en las X, navego y envío correo.

 Ejecuto vpnc:

 (vpnc-connect), la conexión se realiza bien, obtengo la ip de mi
 servidor VPN y sus DNS.

 Hago ping ( y resuelve bien.
 Hago un ssh a un host y tambien.
 Ejecuto el lynx con la url y bien.


 Entro en gnome (sigo conectado  VPN), y el navegador solo devuelve
 páginas si introduzco la ip, porque con el nombre no devuelve nada (he
 probado con varios navegadores, opera, firefox ..)

 He configurado el kvnc y lo mismo.

 ¿Qué os parece que podría ser ?

 Pues me parece que te has equivocado de lista.  Hay algunos problemas
 que son especificos de la distro que usas.  ¿preguntaste en la lista
 de ubuntu?


Gracias, por la respuesta.

Si, al final parece más un problema de la aplicación network-manager y 
la gestión que realiza con la red, bastante más rara en esta última versión.

Pregunté en la lista de ubuntu pero no encontré respuesta, no pensaba
que fuera problema de la distri sino de la configuración del vpnc.

En fin, todo resuelto, por lo menos ahora.


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2009-01-10 Thread Yacell Vázquez Jorge
Saludos listeros, necesito saber como asignar cuotas en el disco a cada


gracias de antemano

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Re: cuotas

2009-01-10 Thread Alejandro Ramos
El 10 de enero de 2009 5:05, Yacell Vázquez Jorgeó:

 Saludos listeros, necesito saber como asignar cuotas en el disco a cada


 gracias de antemano

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En esta pagina, entre otras cosas, explican como activar y editar las cuotas
para usuarios y grupos


Re: cuotas

2009-01-10 Thread Juan Lavieri

Yacell Vázquez Jorge escribió:

Saludos listeros, necesito saber como asignar cuotas en el disco a cada

En buscas linux cuota disco como



gracias de antemano

De nada

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Re: Formacion Cualificada

2009-01-10 Thread Sylvia Sanchez
El vie, 09-01-2009 a las 14:05 -0800, consultores1 escribió:
 Hola a todos
 Quiero solicitar a las personas que participamos en esta lista, que por
 favor escribamos en Castellano internacional; para que podamos
 entendernos todos o la mayoria. Me refiero a utilizar lo menos posible
 expresiones de uso local o frases incompletas. Tambien me parece que
 valdria la pena entender que esta es una lista no moderada, asi que
 podriamos evitar decirle a los demas, lo que tienen que hacer o no hacer
 en base a nuestras propias condiciones. Esto podria hacer la
 comunicacion mas pragmatica.
 Con respecto a las certificaciones, me parece que hay por lo menos 2
 1. que no necesito certificado, para probar que se caminar, comer, usar
 Linux, usar BSDs o cualquier otra cosa que hacemos la mayoria por
 iniciativa propia.
 2. Que necesito certificado (asi lo dicen los que les gustaria decidir
 por mi y para su propio beneficio), para kindergarten (parvularia),
 secundaria, colegios intermedios, carreras universitarias y
 especialmente en carreras no- tecnicas/profesionales o cualquier
 actividad previamente disenada para ser parte de todo un sistema de
 valores creados con la finalidad de explotacion.
 De hecho, el mundo magico o de fantasia de Microsoft y de las
 multinacionales; agregan niveles de certificaciones todos los dias, con
 la finalidad de crear una falsa sensacion de autoestima y valor
 personal. Hacer creer a la gente; que unos son mas que otros!

Y cobrarles encima ¿no?

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Invitation to connect on LinkedIn

2009-01-10 Thread Adrian Puente Zubiaur


I'd like to add you to my professional network on LinkedIn.

- Adrian

Learn more:


What is LinkedIn and why should you join?

(c) 2008, LinkedIn Corporation

Re: [OT]

2009-01-10 Thread haldrik
El día 9 de enero de 2009 21:03, David Francos (XayOn) escribió:
 2009/1/10 haldrik
 Buen día, como sabemos todos laconica es la implemetación
 libre del servicio de microblogging, identica que creo que es el
 único servicio que lo usa, es muy bueno y se encuentra
 gente seria allí, hoy busqué el addon para firefox y funciona muy

 No se si no he entendido bien la redaccion, segun entiendo dices que
 es la unica implementacion de microblogging libre.
 ¿Has visto jisko? es completamente jpl, hecho por

 Disculpa, joder, tengo que evitar leer el correo electronico a las 3
 de la mañana con la interfaz web de google, a ver cuando consigo que
 vuelva a funcionarme postfix (mañana escribire un mensaje sobre eso)
 Solo hay que poner nuestro nombre de usuario y contraseña
 también decirle que la url de servicio es También en podemos configurar OpenId y el mismo Twitter en fin actualiza twitter y otros servicios, por tanto con la barra
 de laconica y el TwitterFox está todo dado.

 Nota: Hay gente que esto le parece de lo mas fríbolo pero en realidad
 si lo usas bien y sigues la gente que es, encuentras cosas interesantes.

No creo haber redactado tan mal, dije que laconica es la implementación libre
mas no la única, pero que es la única implementación con laconica.

Y  jisko se ve bien.

Al principio, el Hombre creó a Dios; y lo creó a su imagen y semejanza.
Y el Hombre dio a Dios multitud de nombres, y el poder de que fuera el
Señor de toda la tierra cuando al Hombre le conviniere.

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Re: [OT]

2009-01-10 Thread David Francos (XayOn)
2009/1/10 haldrik
 El día 9 de enero de 2009 21:03, David Francos (XayOn) escribió:
 2009/1/10 haldrik
 Buen día, como sabemos todos laconica es la implemetación
 libre del servicio de microblogging, identica que creo que es el
 único servicio que lo usa, es muy bueno y se encuentra
 gente seria allí, hoy busqué el addon para firefox y funciona muy

 No se si no he entendido bien la redaccion, segun entiendo dices que
 es la unica implementacion de microblogging libre.
 ¿Has visto jisko? es completamente jpl, hecho por
¿Yo dije jpl? :-D (querria escribir gpl)
Se supone que es affero, si mal no recuerdo.

 Disculpa, joder, tengo que evitar leer el correo electronico a las 3
 de la mañana con la interfaz web de google, a ver cuando consigo que
 vuelva a funcionarme postfix (mañana escribire un mensaje sobre eso)
 Solo hay que poner nuestro nombre de usuario y contraseña
 también decirle que la url de servicio es También en podemos configurar OpenId y el mismo Twitter en fin actualiza twitter y otros servicios, por tanto con la barra
 de laconica y el TwitterFox está todo dado.

 Nota: Hay gente que esto le parece de lo mas fríbolo pero en realidad
 si lo usas bien y sigues la gente que es, encuentras cosas interesantes.

 No creo haber redactado tan mal, dije que laconica es la implementación libre
 mas no la única, pero que es la única implementación con laconica.
La verdad esque es realmente liosa, la forma en la que lo has
redactado... Parece una venta.

 Y  jisko se ve bien.
Bueno, a mi me parecen todos iguales...
Me ha gustado el soporte para openID :-)

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Welcome to LinkedIn!

2009-01-10 Thread LinkedIn Updates
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Re: cuotas

2009-01-10 Thread JAP

Yacell Vázquez Jorge escribió:

Saludos listeros, necesito saber como asignar cuotas en el disco a cada


gracias de antemano


GNU/Linux - Usuario Registrado # 389414

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Re: Servidor de tiempo u horas

2009-01-10 Thread Sylvia Sanchez
El vie, 09-01-2009 a las 17:12 -0300, Blu escribió:
 On Fri, Jan 09, 2009 at 02:29:32PM -0200, Sylvia Sanchez wrote:
  ¡Perdón!  Aquí va el texto plano.  El asunto se da cuando por algún
  motivo (un apagón, un gato tiró del cable) se desconecta la computadora.
  Entonces se descalabra la hora y la fecha.  La arreglo en el BIOS pero
  siempre queda la del SO. Yo esperaba que con el cosito ese se
 ¿Qué hora le pones en el BIOS?. Con ese tipo de desfase, varias horas,
 sospecho que quizás estás poniendo la hora local en el BIOS, cuando, en
 general, los sistemas UNIX esperan que el reloj de hardware tenga la hora
 Muéstranos qué te da el siguiente comando cat /etc/rcS | grep UTC. Con
 eso sabremos si tu sistema espera tener la hora UTC o la hora local en el
 reloj de hardware.
 También sería útil si nos muestras cat /etc/timezone, para ver si tienes
 configurada correctamente tu zona horaria.
  sincronizara solo al servidor y me ajustara la hora.  Pero no parece.
  Ha mejorado, antes me hacía un descalabro de como 4 horas, ahora son
  sólo 2 o a lo más 3, pero igual. Claro, con la hora natural sería una
  diferencia de 1 o 2 horas.  Aún así ¿no debería actualizar a mi hora,
  aunque sea la natural y no la oficial? 
 Usar un servidor de tiempo no te va a corregir un error de varias horas, o
 puede que lo haga, pero lentamente, no es para eso. Un desfase de varias
 horas estoy casi seguro que apunta a otro problema.
 p.s. Como ves, he tenido que borrar tu pregunta y mi respuesta original
 para que algo se entienda luego de que has roto el flujo de conversación
 escribiendo tu respuesta arriba de todo. Te pediría que respetes el flujo
 de la conversación para que el hilo sea inteligible para otros que lo
 consulten después.

Bueno, para empezar el comando que me dió Blu no sirvió. Me dice
Archivo rcS no existe. Así que por ese lado no averigüé nada. 
En cuanto a la zona horaria está bien, está configurada como
America/Montevideo y ahí es donde vivo. 
Respecto a la pila, sí es muy probable que esté gastada. La cambié dos
veces y no le afectó en lo más mínimo, el único lugar donde las venden
en la zona donde estoy no tiene mucha venta que digamos. Es harto
posible que ya estuviesen descargadas cuando las compré. Probablemente
lo correcto de mi parte sería ir hasta el Centro, buscar un comercio que
venda de esas pilas y que tenga muy buena venta y gastar otra vez una
buena plata en una pila... Total por una cuestión de la hora. No,
gracias, sigo arreglando la cuestión a mano.
Ahora si el SO espera que el BIOS esté en UTC, capaz que estaría todo
arreglado poniendo el BIOS en UTC cuando haga falta. La cuestión es
¿Cómo sé cuál es la hora en UTC?

Desde ya, muchas gracias

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Re: Servidor de tiempo u horas

2009-01-10 Thread Blu
 Ahora si el SO espera que el BIOS esté en UTC, capaz que estaría todo
 arreglado poniendo el BIOS en UTC cuando haga falta. La cuestión es
 ¿Cómo sé cuál es la hora en UTC?

En esta época, tienes que sumarle a tu hora local dos horas para obtener
la hora UTC.


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Re: [OT]

2009-01-10 Thread Sylvia Sanchez
El vie, 09-01-2009 a las 19:06 -0500, haldrik escribió:

 Buen día, como sabemos todos laconica es la implemetación
 libre del servicio de microblogging, identica que creo que es el
 único servicio que lo usa, es muy bueno y se encuentra
 gente seria allí, hoy busqué el addon para firefox y funciona muy
 Solo hay que poner nuestro nombre de usuario y contraseña
 también decirle que la url de servicio es También en podemos configurar OpenId y el mismo Twitter en fin actualiza twitter y otros servicios, por tanto con la barra
 de laconica y el TwitterFox está todo dado.
 Nota: Hay gente que esto le parece de lo mas fríbolo pero en realidad
 si lo usas bien y sigues la gente que es, encuentras cosas interesantes.
 Al principio, el Hombre creó a Dios; y lo creó a su imagen y semejanza.
 Y el Hombre dio a Dios multitud de nombres, y el poder de que fuera el
 Señor de toda la tierra cuando al Hombre le conviniere.

No creo que sea frívolo aunque a mí el microblogging no me va mucho,
prefiero el blogging normal.
Pero es una cuestión de gustos, estuvo buena la noticia.


Re: Servidor de tiempo u horas

2009-01-10 Thread Sylvia Sanchez
El sáb, 10-01-2009 a las 20:07 -0300, Blu escribió:

  Ahora si el SO espera que el BIOS esté en UTC, capaz que estaría todo
  arreglado poniendo el BIOS en UTC cuando haga falta. La cuestión es
  ¿Cómo sé cuál es la hora en UTC?
 En esta época, tienes que sumarle a tu hora local dos horas para obtener
 la hora UTC.

O sea, que en verano le agrego dos horas y en invierno... ¿cuánto le



¿Alguien conoce Merchandising Debian?

2009-01-10 Thread Omar Iturriaga Soto

¿Alguien sabe de algún sitio de internet que vendan Merchandising de Debian y 
que lo envíen a Chile?

De antemano muchas gracias por su valioso tiempo.


Omar Iturriaga.

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Re: ¿Alguien conoce Merchandising Debian?

2009-01-10 Thread Felipe Portales
2009/1/10 Omar Iturriaga Soto

 ¿Alguien sabe de algún sitio de internet que vendan Merchandising de Debian y
 que lo envíen a Chile?

 De antemano muchas gracias por su valioso tiempo.


 Omar Iturriaga.

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Amigo mío, hay una solución dentro de Chile :D
La comunidad tiene su propia E-Shop.
Espero que te sirva, aquí va el link [0]


Felipe I. Portales Oliva.
Cs. Físicas y Astronómicas. UdeC.

Re: OT: PLA på olika faser

2009-01-10 Thread Jon Ingason

Anders Lagerås skrev:

On Wed, 07 Jan 2009 20:39:13 +0100
Jon Ingason wrote:

Finns det någon färdig produkt att köpa?
Det är ju lite bökigt då det är höga frekvenser inblandade.

På ZyXEL hemsida (UK) hittade jag under FAQ svar som säger att det bör 

Njä det gör det väl inte riktigt.

Jag skickade en fråga till ZyXEL supporten i Sverige och fick följande svar:

Om det inte är samma fas uppe som nere så är det inget vi kan göra.
Produkterna är skapade för att kunna skicka signalen på samma fas.

Det kan fungera mellan 2 faser men det kan då komma avbrott som du 
upplever och det finns det inget vi kan göra åt tyvärr.

Det stämmer mina erfarenheter. I bland fungerar det bra, i bland hyfsad 
och i bland inte alls.

Just nu är värmen på. Jag har luftburen värme i golvet och fläkten som 
är tre fas går på fullt. Det är kanske därför det fungerar just nu.

Frågan är hur man kan lösa detta i under våren, sommaren och hösten då 
värmen är avstängd.

En lösning är att ansluta speciellt grenuttag till tre fas uttag och 
ansluta var sin PLA till uttagen och koppla dem till en switch. Om man 
säger att tre PLA kostar ca 1500 kronor, en switch mindre är 300 och ett 
grenuttag ca 250 total ca 2050 kronor. Kanske lite dyrt för att brygga 
mellan faserna ellor hur?

Med vänliga hälsningar
Jon Ingason

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Pekskärm + Debian

2009-01-10 Thread Johan Segernäs


jag har idag en LG SF1730 pekskärm hemma i vardagsrummet som  
mediacenter. Skulle vilja byta ut den mot någon bättre pekskärm. Dels  
med bättre pekfunktioner och stöd i Linux kanske men även med bättre  
skärpa/färger för min börjar bli lite trött.

Är det alltid evtouch-drivern som gäller? Tycker den är lite rå och  
lite dåligt med inställningsmöjligheter plus att kalibrering aldrig  
fungerar så jag har lite offset här och där.

Någon som har några förslag?


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Problem med desktop-base

2009-01-10 Thread Erik Zeke Svensson
Jag kör testing, och sedan några veckor sedan får jag detta
felmeddelande varje gång jag kör en uppdatering:

E: desktop-base: underprocess post-installation script gav felkod 1
E: gnome-desktop-environment: beroendeproblem - lämnar okonfigurerad

Har gnome och xfce installerade.
Någon som har någon idé om vad som kan orsaka detta?

Cattle die, kinsmen die, thyself too soon must die,
 but one thing never, I ween, will die,
fair fame of one who has earned.   Havamal

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Re: Problem med desktop-base

2009-01-10 Thread Martin Bagge / brother

On Sat, 10 Jan 2009, Erik Zeke Svensson wrote:

Jag kör testing, och sedan några veckor sedan får jag detta
felmeddelande varje gång jag kör en uppdatering:

E: desktop-base: underprocess post-installation script gav felkod 1
E: gnome-desktop-environment: beroendeproblem - lämnar okonfigurerad

Har gnome och xfce installerade.
Någon som har någon idé om vad som kan orsaka detta?

versioner på paketen hade varit nyttigt men jag länkar ändå följande 

The set of Bruce Schneier's weaknesses is a mathematical constant. It is 
represented by the symbol ∅.

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Re: PERIGO: atualizaçã o EXPERIMENTAL de hoje

2009-01-10 Thread Still
* Konnichiwa Fabiano Manoel de Andrade-sama:
   Eu estou usando o broffice da experimental e estava usando o nautilus
 por causa das abas na nova versão. Mas não sei porque as conexões de
 rede ssh que uso não aparecem na versão nova e não consigo usar o
 protocolo ssh nele. Acabei fazendo donwgrade para unstable novamente.

Bom, eu uso o KDE e não o Gnome, mas uma coisa que verifiquei em
quase tudo que eu mexi até agora é que alguns pacotes que são sugeridos
pelo pacote principal, no seu caso o Nautilus, são pacotes essenciais
para o que precisamos utilizar.
Será que não foi esse o caso ?


Nelson Luiz Campos 
Engenheiro Eletricista
Linux User #89621 UIN 11464303
gnupgID: 55577339 Skype Still_by_Still
Keep moving forward.

Description: Digital signature

Re: PERIGO: atualização EXPERIMENTAL de hoje

2009-01-10 Thread Fabiano Manoel de Andrade
Em Sáb, 2009-01-10 às 10:06 -0200, Still escreveu:
 * Konnichiwa Fabiano Manoel de Andrade-sama:
  Eu estou usando o broffice da experimental e estava usando o nautilus
  por causa das abas na nova versão. Mas não sei porque as conexões de
  rede ssh que uso não aparecem na versão nova e não consigo usar o
  protocolo ssh nele. Acabei fazendo donwgrade para unstable novamente.
   Bom, eu uso o KDE e não o Gnome, mas uma coisa que verifiquei em
 quase tudo que eu mexi até agora é que alguns pacotes que são sugeridos
 pelo pacote principal, no seu caso o Nautilus, são pacotes essenciais
 para o que precisamos utilizar.
   Será que não foi esse o caso ?

Sim, pode ser que tenha algum pacote que não tenha sido atualizado ou
instalado. Mas achei que não valia a pena eu bater a cabeça só para ter
abas no nautilus.
Eu uso o respositório experimental com bastante reservas. Você tem tido
muitos problemas usando unstable+experimental? Tenho muita vontade de
usar o gnome 2.24 e sei que ele está em partes na exeprimental.

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Duvidas sobre repositório local

2009-01-10 Thread ..:: S.e.r.i.a.l ::..
Bom dia,


Estou criando um repositório local. Utilizei o “debmirror” para baixar todo
conteúdo de minha necessidade dos servidores Debian de acordo com o
documento que encontrei na net
( e
( Bom todo o procedimento de download
dos pacotes foram perfeitos.


Meu problema está sendo quando eu crio um pacote novo e adiciono dentro do
diretório do repositório e mando recriar  o índice, meu pacote novo não
aparece no índice. Estou criando como exemplo o pacote para o kernel que
compilei para um processador específico. Compilo todo o kernel, rodo o
make-kpkg, ele criar o arquivo “.deb” normalmente, depois copio esse pacote
à área do repositório e mando rodar o dpkg-scanpackages para recriar o
índice, então vou em uma estação e executo os comandos “aptitude update” e
“aptitude search linux-image”, é listado vários pacotes de linux-image,
menos o que eu adicionei.


Alguém sabe como resolver isso, preciso saber como administrar novos pacotes
em meu repositório, sendo que a maiorias desses pacotes serão de minha
criação, pois os novos pacotes do mirror, está sendo atualizado com sucesso
pelo debmirror agendado no Crontab.







Re: APT ficou maluco !

2009-01-10 Thread Fabiano Manoel de Andrade
Em Sáb, 2009-01-10 às 02:40 -0200, Davi Vercillo C. Garcia (ダヴィ)
 Instalei hoje o Debian Lenny e fui instalar alguns pacotes via
 apt quando recebi a mensagem que existem pacotes que foram
 instalados mas n são mais utilizados. Fui ver quais eram e,
 para meu desespero, era quase todos !! Alguém sabe de alguma
 coisa ou bug relacionado ?
 Consegui resolve a bagunça executando aptitude keep-all. No entanto
 isso não deveria ter acontecido e me assutou bastante sobre a
 segurança do comando autoremove. Alguém sabe se isso é um bug ou
 algo que foi reportado ?

Olá Davi.

Você deve ter removido algum meta pacote como gnome, gnome-core ou
gnome-desktop-environment. Esses pacotes se removidos fará o apt achar
que os pacotes não são mais necessários no sistema e tentará remover.

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Re: PERIGO: atualizaçã o EXPERIMENTAL de hoje

2009-01-10 Thread Still
* Konnichiwa Fabiano Manoel de Andrade-sama:
   Sim, pode ser que tenha algum pacote que não tenha sido atualizado ou
 instalado. Mas achei que não valia a pena eu bater a cabeça só para ter
 abas no nautilus.
   Eu uso o respositório experimental com bastante reservas. Você tem tido
 muitos problemas usando unstable+experimental? Tenho muita vontade de
 usar o gnome 2.24 e sei que ele está em partes na exeprimental.

Na verdade, não. Uso essa dobradinha tanto no meu desktop, AMD
Athlon 64 3500+, quanto no notebook, AMD Turion X2. Ambos tem placa de
vídeo da Nvidia.
Os problemas que tive foi com o digikam e com o xorg. Fiz um
downgrade e tudo voltou a funcionar. Se bem que eu vou fazer um teste
hj novamente instalado o digikam.
A!! E o problema que motivou esse e-mail, mas só aconteceu
uma vez. XD


Nelson Luiz Campos 
Engenheiro Eletricista
Linux User #89621 UIN 11464303
gnupgID: 55577339 Skype Still_by_Still
Keep moving forward.

Description: Digital signature

Re: Acessar partições no Debian.

2009-01-10 Thread Aderbal Botelho
Por favor, digita no console o seguinte comando e cola aqui:
cat /etc/fstab

2009/1/10 Luciana Sousa

 Olá gente,

 Apoś a instalação do Debian temos a pasta Computador e nela aparecem as
 Quando clico para acessar dá erro, veja o anexo.Como resolvo isso ?


Aderbal Botelho
+55 82 99602322
Debian Consultant
Un  85658381

Re: Acessar partições no Debian.

2009-01-10 Thread Professor Quesada
Carissima Luciana

O que esta ocorrendo é que esse usuario que você esta logada não tem
permissão para montar a partição.
Se quiser tirar a prova em um terminal como root digite
mount /dev/particao que quer montar ex sda1, hda2, /media/pasta onde sera
montado ex hda1 , sda7 ,
E como o Aderbal ja citou o fstab tera as informacoes que precisamos para
mudar isso, pois temos que mudar a permissao para que todos possam montar
qualquer particao.


Aparecido Quesada

2009/1/10 Aderbal Botelho

 Por favor, digita no console o seguinte comando e cola aqui:
 cat /etc/fstab

 2009/1/10 Luciana Sousa

 Olá gente,

 Apoś a instalação do Debian temos a pasta Computador e nela aparecem as
 Quando clico para acessar dá erro, veja o anexo.Como resolvo isso ?


 Aderbal Botelho
 +55 82 99602322
 Debian Consultant
 Un  85658381

Re: Prog que faça cálculos com datas e horários?

2009-01-10 Thread Fabiano Pires
O comando date tem umas features (creio que não documentadas) que fazem

Fabiano Pires
Livrando você da escória da Internet!

2008/12/26 Bruno Buys

 Estou escrevendo uns scripts, e preciso de uma ferramenta que faça
 cálculos com datas e horários.
 Por exemplo, preciso saber quantas horas, minutos e segundos ainda
 restam de agora até um horário arbitrário no futuro. Ou, dado um
 horário no passado, quanto tempo se passou desde então.

 prog -agora 20:34:02 -futuro 21:56:34

 e ele me retorna a diferença de horário.

 Programas simples e básicos, que já venham no sistema base, têm

 Aguém tem uma super-sugestão?


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Re: DNS SLAVE Dinamico

2009-01-10 Thread maike
Ola Ygor  funcionou 100%. Outra coisa, tem alguma idéia de como funciona


2009/1/9 Ygor da Rocha Parreira


 Dentro do dhcpd.conf

 option domain-name-servers IP_DNS_1, IP_DNS_2, IP_DNS_3;

 Ygor R. Parreira.

 maike escreveu:

  Ae galera beleza, seguinte gostaria de saber,
 se é possível configurar no DHCP dois DNS para registro de nomes
 dinâmicos? Se não, como poderia fazer para os registros continuarem a
 funcionar mesmo após a falha do DNS master?


 /  v  \  Seja Livre, use GNU/Linux!
/( )\


2009-01-10 Thread Carlos Nazareth
como poderia usar o mencoder para converter um video para que o ManDVD
necessitasse reencodar?

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Re: dns reverso vários ptr para um ip

2009-01-10 Thread Julio
On 9 jan, 10:40, Ygor da Rocha Parreira

 Só é possível apenas um nome reverso (a não ser que queira usar
 round-robby, o que não vejo utilizade prática neste caso) por IP. O nome
 que você deve utilizar é o mesmo utilizado no HELO do seu MTA. Exemplo:

 Neste caso vc deve ter: = =

 Sendo seu IP válido na internet.

 Aproveite e dê uma olhada nos esquemas de SPF tambem, é simples de
 configurar e bastante útil.

 Tudo isso focado em DNS.

 Ygor R. Parreira.

 Alexandre Pereira Bühler escreveu:

  Boa tarde,

  Uma dúvida que tenho é: Mantenho vários domínios virtuais sobre o mesmo ip.

  Devo ter um reverso para cada domínio ou basta somente o principal para
  que os mta's não rejeitem os e-mails vindos destes domínios?

  No google e em outros lugares dizem que somente basta um ptr para fazer
  o reverso. Alquém tem experiência com este assunto?


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Eu sempre tive essa dúvida. Pois quando reinciava o serviço (bind) ele
retornava um erro porque eu colocava um reverso para cada domínio. O
que não pode acontecer né...
Mas o que não entendo é que, como vou fazer um reverso para vários
domínios, sendo que o identificado será somente 1? Ou seja, se eu
tiver só o domínio no reverso, então como o
será validado pelos servidores de e-mail que enviarem para meu

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Re: [OT] Pros and Cons of Gmail [WAS] Re: Lenny: which arch for a Intel Core 2 Duo?

2009-01-10 Thread Bob Cox
On Fri, Jan 09, 2009 at 20:49:25 -0800, Steve Lamb ( wrote: 

 Ron Johnson wrote:
  Which is why if you want privacy *and* address independence, you need to
  spend the extra effort to get a dynamic DNS address and run your own
  IMAPS server, and probably a web server, too, with squirrelmail.
 DynDNS has problems since you will get blocked on outbound mail.  Even
 with a static IP it is next to impossible to mail AOhelL, Yahoo! or Google.
 Find a decent VM vendor and lease a 256Mb box.  :D

So long as you have a static IP which is from a block recognised as such
(which amongst other things means it is not listed in dul.dnsbl) AND
have valid a valid rDNS (PTR record) in place then you can send to these
people ok.  I've been doing it for years.

Bob Cox.  Stoke Gifford, near Bristol, UK.
Please reply to the list only.  Do NOT send copies directly to me.
Debian on the NSLU2:

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Re: Corrupt data - RAID sata_sil 3114 chip

2009-01-10 Thread Bengt Samuelsson

I hope the problem is solved!

Make sure you do not run dmraid and mdadm !
So, if you have truble mdadm RAID, check you do not run dmraid !

I found this.


They is now like this

I also make this just before mdadm_raid start to set the 15 block write.
/etc/init.d/sata_sil_slowdown just to make it a bit safer.
chmod 0644 /sys/modules/sata_sil/parameters/slow_down
echo 1  /sys/modules/sata_sil/parameters/slow_down
chmod 0444 /sys/modules/sata_sil/parameters/slow_down
exit 0

I have now, during I write this, run a testcopy for 29hrs, still running 
copytest without errors. Before it shuld got in ro-mode.  :-)


I need some support for this soft-raid system.

I am running it as RAID5 with 4 samsung spinpoint 500G SATA300 tot 
1.3T byte

And it runs in
I use mdadm sytem in a Debian Linux
CPU 1.2Mhz 1G memory ( my older 433Mhz / 512M dont work at all )

I have 'some courrupt' data. And I don't understand whay and how to 
fix it.

Mybee slow it down more, but how slow it down?

Any with experents from this cheep way of RAID systems.

Ask for more information and I can get it, logs, setup files and what 
you want

to know.


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Re: Corrupt data - RAID sata_sil 3114 chip

2009-01-10 Thread Bengt Samuelsson

I hope the problem is solved!

Make sure you do not run dmraid and mdadm !
So, if you have truble mdadm RAID, check you do not run dmraid !

I found this.


They is now like this

I also make this just before mdadm_raid start to set the 15 block write.
/etc/init.d/sata_sil_slowdown just to make it a bit safer.
chmod 0644 /sys/modules/sata_sil/parameters/slow_down
echo 1  /sys/modules/sata_sil/parameters/slow_down
chmod 0444 /sys/modules/sata_sil/parameters/slow_down
exit 0

I have now, during I write this, run a testcopy for 29hrs, still running
copytest without errors. Before it shuld got in ro-mode.  :-)

And Read this!
or here at my site!


I need some support for this soft-raid system.

I am running it as RAID5 with 4 samsung spinpoint 500G SATA300 tot 
1.3T byte

And it runs in
I use mdadm sytem in a Debian Linux
CPU 1.2Mhz 1G memory ( my older 433Mhz / 512M dont work at all )

I have 'some courrupt' data. And I don't understand whay and how to 
fix it.

Mybee slow it down more, but how slow it down?

Any with experents from this cheep way of RAID systems.

Ask for more information and I can get it, logs, setup files and what 
you want

to know.


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Re: Character mode for telnet

2009-01-10 Thread Ken Irving
On Fri, Jan 09, 2009 at 10:15:51PM -0800, Marc Shapiro wrote:
 Ken Irving wrote:
 On Fri, Jan 09, 2009 at 08:13:32PM -0800, Marc Shapiro wrote:
 I know that, after I connect with telnet I can got to command mode 
 and  enter 'mode char' to get into character mode.  Is there any way 
 to have  telnet start up in character mode?  I am trying to control a 
 robot  through a wireless connection and I need to be in character 
 mode for it  to work.

 I tried and failed to find a way to do this, and just
 use 'm c' after starting telnet ('m line' to go back to
 line mode).  You might try netcat (nc) as an alternative
 to telnet.

 I was using netcat, but it was also using line mode and the vendor for  
 the robot suggeted using telnet in character mode.  Is it possible to  
 put netcat into character mode?  Automatically, or by internal command?

I just tried it (nc) after doing 'stty raw' in the terminal, and that
looked pretty close, if perhaps too raw (e.g., ^C wouldn't halt the
session).  I'm sure there are some particular terminal settings that
would give the right behavior.


Ken Irving

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Re: root's offsite mail

2009-01-10 Thread Elimar Riesebieter
* root [090109 09:04 -0800]
 How can I get 'root' out of the 'From:' line of root's offsite mail?
 I've scanned the docs for exim4, mutt and mailx on this Debian
 etch(mostly) system but nothing found so far.
 I know I can send mail as another user but would rather
 find a solution that doesn't necessitate that.
 I tried Google but found no answer there.

echo root: 'your username'  /etc/aliases.

In that case sendmailbased MTA's like exim sends root's mails to
'your username'.


  Talking much about oneself can also 
   be a means to conceal oneself.
 -Friedrich Nietzsche

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libvirt / text console install

2009-01-10 Thread Michael Kress
Hi, I'm not able to get a text console install of any distribution
(CentOS-5.2 for example).
I'm using the following command:
virt-install -n myname -f myimage.img -s 10 -c
/iso/CentOS-5.2-x86_64-bin-DVD.iso --accelerate -r 1024 --hvm --nographics
The vnc version of this command works flawlessly, but I'd like this host
to be a headless one.
The installation seems to start as I can see the instance with state
running with the following command:
virsh -c qemu:///system list
But all I see is the following messages:

Starting install...
Creating domain...
Connecting to uri: qemu:///system

After a while there's one strange character showing up in the console.

Pressing Ctrl-Alt Gr-] I can exit the screen and there's a message:

Domain installation still in progress.  You can reconnect to
the console to complete the installation process.

BTW, I got the following line in /etc/libvirt/qemu.conf
But also tried without that line.

How can I get the text console to show up?

I'm using debian 4.0 r6.


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Re: Character mode for telnet

2009-01-10 Thread Ken Irving
On Sat, Jan 10, 2009 at 12:04:25AM -0900, Ken Irving wrote:
 On Fri, Jan 09, 2009 at 10:15:51PM -0800, Marc Shapiro wrote:
  Ken Irving wrote:
  On Fri, Jan 09, 2009 at 08:13:32PM -0800, Marc Shapiro wrote:

  I know that, after I connect with telnet I can got to command mode 
  and  enter 'mode char' to get into character mode.  Is there any way 
  to have  telnet start up in character mode?  I am trying to control a 
  robot  through a wireless connection and I need to be in character 
  mode for it  to work.
  I tried and failed to find a way to do this, and just
  use 'm c' after starting telnet ('m line' to go back to
  line mode).  You might try netcat (nc) as an alternative
  to telnet.

  I was using netcat, but it was also using line mode and the vendor for  
  the robot suggeted using telnet in character mode.  Is it possible to  
  put netcat into character mode?  Automatically, or by internal command?
 I just tried it (nc) after doing 'stty raw' in the terminal, and that
 looked pretty close, if perhaps too raw (e.g., ^C wouldn't halt the
 session).  I'm sure there are some particular terminal settings that
 would give the right behavior.

This might do it:

  $ stty -icanon min 1 time 0


Ken Irving

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Re: Labeling backup DVD+RW's

2009-01-10 Thread Johannes Wiedersich
Chris Jones wrote:
 On Fri, Jan 09, 2009 at 03:49:29AM EST, Johannes Wiedersich wrote:
 Chris Jones wrote:
 Is there an altogether better/smarter/reliabl-er solution?
 IMHO, the smartest, fastest, most reliable and cheapest solution is to
 use external hard disks like usb-disks. 

 Raises a few other issues.
 1. How do I determine if a modern USB drive will work with USB 1.1?
 2. What brand, model, size do you recommend?
 3. With only one USB port .. I'll need a hub.. will that work?
 4. Will the old laptop provide enough power .. er, to drive the drive?

Unfortunately, I don't have my old laptop with usb 1.1 any longer
(display died). However, it worked perfectly with external 2.5'' usb
disks with one usb connector (no y-usb cable) and without external power
supply. The recommendation of the manufacturer at the time was to use
two usb ports in parallel, so YMMV. I guess it is worth a try.

Purchasing a disk with external power supply would lower the risk of
'not enough power to drive the drive', but I've always found it more
convenient to have a small disk with less cabling.

For the brand, I can't give any recommendations. I never had any
problems with any brand, and I don't think that there are large
differences. At the shops I asked at, noone was ever able to tell me the
brand/type of hard disk that was actually present in the housing. The
only way to find out has always been to break the warranty the seal and
open the housing. SMART and other diagnostics, unfortunately are not
transfered via usb.

 If you choose your backup strategy cleverly, an external hard disk can
 serve as a drop-in replacement for the hard disk of your computer,
 whenever that should be required.
 Are you thinking of disaster recovery .. if/when the internal HD fails?

Yes. I partition my external disk with a similar layout as my internal
disk. I've several times upgraded my laptop with a larger, former usb
drive by just swapping the disk within the usb housing with the disk
within the laptop.

Cheers, good luck,


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Re: i386 vs amd64 revisited (was Re: Lenny: which arch for a Intel Core 2 Duo?)

2009-01-10 Thread Chris Bannister
On Wed, Jan 07, 2009 at 01:23:32AM -0600, Ron Johnson wrote:
 On 01/06/09 23:15, Chris Bannister wrote:
 I'm now running full amd64 and notice there is no crafty package[1] I
 normally compile crafty from source anyway (to get the latest version)
 but am getting errors even doing that. On i386 on this exact same
 machine it compiled fine.

 I think that's an issue for crafty-devel.

crafty-list actually, and yeah, I intend to take up the issue there once
I look into it more closely.

 [1] Thought a package was supposed to compile on all architectures.

 It is, theoretically.  But the package has been orphaned, and it's been 

I remember reading something about that, and I notice the lenny i386
version is no longer available.

Thanks for the links. You bet me to it. :)

I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god
than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other
possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.
   -- Stephen F Roberts

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Re: Lots of Gnome missing from Sid?

2009-01-10 Thread Chris Bannister
On Wed, Jan 07, 2009 at 09:04:52AM -0800, Dr. Jennifer Nussbaum wrote:
 Yeah. I already am sorta careful but ill be much mroe so. And ill totally say 
 no if it wants to remove my entire system!

If you want to see what was installed/removed etc, check

I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god
than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other
possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.
   -- Stephen F Roberts

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Re: kernel module i8k.ko - laptop fan control - help needed!

2009-01-10 Thread Chris Bannister
On Wed, Jan 07, 2009 at 08:21:11PM +, Vladimir Komendantsky wrote:
 1.0 A13 7P1R04J 43 0 0 0 0 -1 -22

What does syslog say, i.e.
dmesg | grep i8k
 Some time earlier I tried to use dellfand with a similar result: it read
 parameters from the BIOS but did not wrote to it.
 I wonder whether there could be some dependencies, e.g. acpi modules, that
 prevent i8k.ko from writing to the BIOS.

Sorry, dont know.

 Please tell me if you know about any exploits for the fan of Inspiron 1525.

Sorry, I don't know. I have a Dell Latitude and:
dmesg | grep i8k
i8k: unable to get SMM BIOS version

Also there is:
Dell laptop SMM driver v1.14 21/02/2005 Massimo Dal Zotto (
which is old

Also have a look at
modinfo i8k

Although I haven't played with any of the options.

Sorry I can't be of any more help.

I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god
than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other
possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.
   -- Stephen F Roberts

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Re: Help with u tube video streaming

2009-01-10 Thread Chris S
2009/1/10 Adrian Levi

 2009/1/10 Chris S

  Ok, well still got bad frame rate any ideas, in reply to adrian.levi
  you for your encouragement too) in previous post I haven't installed a
  driver myself other than the one selected on install. I searched synaptic
  for 'video drivers' and got loads of things installed but not sure if I'm
  using the correct one, do you think this could be where the problem is,
  would make sense. anyway thank you to all who have replied. Any advice or
  shall i start googling installing video drivers and get back to you all?

 I think nvidia-glx-legacy is what you need.

 This page will show you how and walk you through the steps.

 24x7x365 != 24x7x52 Stupid or bad maths?
 erno hm. I've lost a machine.. literally _lost_. it responds to
 ping, it works completely, I just can't figure out where in my
 apartment it is.

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Good morning, ok firstly thank you for all you help last night. I Just
successfully installed nvidia-glx-legacy from the how-to that was kindly
given, all stages completed with no error and I now get the nvidia logo when
X starts but no effect at all on the old problem, frame rate still about a
frame a second.


Re: Unknown network traffic

2009-01-10 Thread James Youngman
On Fri, Jan 9, 2009 at 5:08 PM, T o n g wrote:

 I've tried all the network bandwidth monitoring tools that I know to find
 out the unknown network traffic I'm having now, I've tried iftop, netstat,
 lsof and pktstat, and still can't find out the result. Please help.

 First, neither of the following command reveal anything suspicious:

  netstat -ap | grep -v ^unix
  lsof -i

Try switching to single-user mode in order to rule out most
locally-running programs and repeating the experiment.

At that point you should be able to just run tcpdup -n -i blah
(where blah is your outward-facing network interface, eth0 on my
machine here) and eyeball the raw information.   Look for common
themes in the local and remote port numbers.

 However, iftop reports:  1.24Kb  1.31Kb
   =4.71Kb  3.50Kb  3.41Kb

This is internal traffic (or should be - both addresses are unroutable
RFC1918 addresses) i118-17-235-161.s10.a024. 0b130b108b
   =   0b107b 89b 71-15-119-132.dhcp.ftwo.t 0b127b106b
   =   0b105b 87b  636b127b106b
   = 524b105b 87b lan31-4-82-227-130-41.fbx 0b127b106b
   =   0b105b 87b ctv-86-100-215-242.ip.ryg 0b127b106b
   =   0b105b 87b i038098.gprs.dnafinland.f   636b127b106b
   = 524b105b 87b host-89-228-137-138.gorzo 0b127b106b
   =   0b105b106b

AFAICT most of these are other broadband users.   Are you using some
kind of p2p tool?   If not, perhaps they are compromised remote
systems attempting to compromise your machine.   This would imply that
your computer is connected directly to the Internet, without benefit
of a separate firewall device.   That's not such a great idea from a
security point of view.

 That's all tools that I know, then I google and find pktstat, which reports:

   bps% desc
  107.2   0% icmp unreach port -
  107.2   0% icmp unreach port - 122-121-216-117
  107.2   0% icmp unreach port - 17
  107.2   0% icmp unreach port - 220-136-240-189
  108.5   0% icmp unreach port - 227
  105.4   0% icmp unreach port -
  105.4   0% icmp unreach port - 83-157-127-150
  108.5   0% icmp unreach port - 84
icmp unreach port - 87-121-157-166
  82.8   0% icmp unreach port -
  108.5   0% icmp unreach port - adsl110-221
  105.4   0% icmp unreach port - bas3-montreal02-1096681363
  108.5   0% icmp unreach port - bau06-5-88-168-64-43
  107.2   0% icmp unreach port - cpc4-neat2-0-0-cust924
  105.4   0% icmp unreach port - host217-43-58-203
icmp unreach port - host70-87-dynamic
  108.5   0% icmp unreach port - host86-137-255-28
  107.2   0% icmp unreach port - i222-150-158-232

 My normal network bandwidth is almost 0.

First of all, these are very small numbers.   This almost certainly is
not a summary of what's using up all your bandwidth (if that's indeed
happening).  But these ICMP port-unreachable errors indicate that the
remote systems are trying to communicate with a network port you're
not listening on.   Perhaps they are trying to perform some SQL Server
exploit or something like that.


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Re: kernel module i8k.ko - laptop fan control - help needed!

2009-01-10 Thread Vladimir Komendantsky
Hi Chris,

Thanks for reply.

 What does syslog say, i.e.
 dmesg | grep i8k

 I have a Dell Latitude and:
 dmesg | grep i8k
 i8k: unable to get SMM BIOS version

In my case the dmesg output is the same. But this doesn't stop i8k from
loading even without force=1.

 Also have a look at
 modinfo i8k

 Although I haven't played with any of the options.

None of the options seems to be relevant. One can force loading without
recognition of supported models but cannot force supporting unsupported ones


Re: [OT] Pros and Cons of Gmail [WAS] Re: Lenny: which arch for a Intel Core 2 Duo?

2009-01-10 Thread Tzafrir Cohen
On Fri, Jan 09, 2009 at 08:49:25PM -0800, Steve Lamb wrote:
 Ron Johnson wrote:
  Which is why if you want privacy *and* address independence, you need to
  spend the extra effort to get a dynamic DNS address and run your own
  IMAPS server, and probably a web server, too, with squirrelmail.
 DynDNS has problems since you will get blocked on outbound mail.  Even
 with a static IP it is next to impossible to mail AOhelL, Yahoo! or Google.
 Find a decent VM vendor and lease a 256Mb box.  :D

Find a cheap VM vendor and relay yourmail through a tunnel to it or simply 
authenticated SMTP.

Tzafrir Cohen | | VIM is || a Mutt's ||  best
ICQ# 16849754 || friend

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Re: k3b brasero don't work, nerolinux does- works ar 2X

2009-01-10 Thread Tzafrir Cohen
On Fri, Jan 09, 2009 at 09:59:52PM -0600, Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. wrote:
 On Friday 2009 January 09 21:15:31 Paul Cartwright wrote:
 On Fri January 9 2009, Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. wrote:
  I usually search/browse b.d.o looking for
  my bug.  If I find it I just add more information by email.  If I am
  unable to find it, I'll then use reportbug and generally tell reportbug
  that None of these are my bug or somesuch.  Browsing existing bugs
  also helps you identify the unique information about your situation that
  is worth mentioning in the bug.
 it was a little frustrating trying to browse.. I didn't quite get the hang
  of looking in one bug,then I CTRL-D, ran reportbug again, tried another
  bug.. time consuming and not fun...
 That's not how I do it.  I just use the bug numbers from the list and go 
 directly to 
 in a browser window not invoked by/controlled by/related to reportbug.  
 Actually, there's less typing than that, because I use konqueror which has a 
 dbug:bug_number_here shortcut.

Other useful shortcuts: . e.g.: . e.g.

 Still, I have no doubt reportbug could be improved.

Tzafrir Cohen | | VIM is || a Mutt's ||  best
ICQ# 16849754 || friend

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Re: k3b brasero don't work, nerolinux does- works ar 2X

2009-01-10 Thread Paul Cartwright
On Sat January 10 2009, Bob Cox wrote:
 Hi Paul - I have just been looking at this bug report of yours, which I
 assume is the one at  
yes, that is my bug report. When I type reportbug it started the process. 
I'm not sure how it picked that namd/email combo, unless I signed up for 
reportbug with it long ago I use my yahoo account for some online STUFF 
where I don't want to give out my good email IDs..

 I have followed much of this thread because I use k3b daily to burn DVDs
 (and the occasional CD) with no problems at all with it or, presumably,
 with its various external applications (wodim etc).  I have been
 wondering if I could identify exactly what is 'different' about your
 setup  nd causing you these problems.  My Lenny installation is up to
 date and everything has been installed with aptitude from Debian and
 Debian-multimedia repositories, so of I can help by providing version
 numbers or anything then please ask in this list but I suspect they will
 be exactly what apt-cache policy for lenny would show.
your repositories  mine might differ, and I've turned off the multimedia one 
because it kept failing.

 Anyway, in your bug report you say you took out genisoimage, but then
 go on to say you were able to successfully use mkisofs.  However, on my
 system, mkisofs is just a symlink to genisoimage.   In fact the package
 description for mkisofs says This is a dummy package to ease the
 transition to genisoimage, the fork of mkisofs.  It provides a mkisofs
 symlink to genisoimage for compatibility purposes.  Please use
 genisoimage instead of mkisofs.

some /usr/bin/ files:
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root   root  24 2009-01-08 12:07 
cdrecord - /opt/schily/bin/cdrecord
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root   root  23 2009-01-08 12:09 
mkisofs - /opt/schily/bin/mkisofs

and you are correct, I didn't take out genisoimage, but I did change mkisofs.
ii  genisoimage9:1.1.9-1  Creates ISO-9660 CD-ROM filesystem images
ii  mkisofs9:1.1.9-1  Dummy transition package for genisoimage

 I only mention this because it does look a bit confusing but maybe I'm
 missing something.  If so, sorry for the noise.

it is confusing, trust me.. trying to figure out what program calls what, and 
what the error means, and why nero linux works and k3B/Brasero don't.. I 
still don't know why Nero works or what it uses to burn stuff, and I still 
don't know what changed to break k3B. I used to use makedvd -burn and then it 
just stopped working. I still don't know exactly what they call or what 
program is doing the actual work. I don't really WANT to know all the 
underlying programs I JUST WANT IT TO WORK. But I am willing to work with 
people to figure out what broke and help FIX it. Joerg was very patient with 
me, helping me navigate through the maze to download/install cdrecord and 
make it work. 

Paul Cartwright
Registered Linux user # 367800
Registered Ubuntu User #12459

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Re: Debian AMD64

2009-01-10 Thread Tzafrir Cohen
On Sat, Jan 10, 2009 at 12:45:21AM +, Nuno Magalhães wrote:
  I've never seen movie audio transcoding use 100% CPU.
 Tanscoding from wav to ogg will top my CPU: AMD Athlon64 2.2GHz, i
 assume video is mode demanding.

What do you mean by ogg? vorbis? theora? (any video chipset that can 
decode theora or dirac, BTW?) I assume vorbis.

Like many other codecs, vorbis makes encoding a more complex and 
CPU-intensive task than decoding. So the fact that your computer 
worked so hard on encoding does not mean it'll sweat as badly when playing the 

But then again, we add ripping a CD to the CPU-intensive tasks.

So, and back to the list of tasks that can benefit from a processor:

* Openning an ODF document
  - Opening the ZIP archive
  - Rendering forns to the screen, with many complex calculations of 
location and size.
  - Saving the file back.
* Displaying a PNG or JPEG image

Tzafrir Cohen | | VIM is || a Mutt's ||  best
ICQ# 16849754 || friend

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Re: Debian AMD64

2009-01-10 Thread Paul Cartwright
On Fri January 9 2009, Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. wrote:
 Ron is right though.  Unless you have a specific application that is
 100%-ing your CPU, you probably aren't going to experience a measurable
 speed-up when moving to 64-bits.  In fact, you might be better off using a
 64-bit kernel and 32-bit userland since the kernel can save values in the
 extra registers for the inevitable return from userspace.

so, are you saying I could pop in a 64 bit kernel, via apti-get install 
and leave my debian Lenny installed base as I686 but change my kernel from:
 uname -a
Linux paulandcilla 2.6.26-1-686 
to something like:
 uname -a
Linux paulandcilla 2.6.26-1-amd64

Paul Cartwright
Registered Linux user # 367800
Registered Ubuntu User #12459

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Permanent problems with KDE

2009-01-10 Thread Anton Liaukevich

EXCUSE ME for message in russian to this list (mistaken by accident).

I use Lenny, full-upgrade distribution almost every day.

Formely (may be in August) I reinstalled Debian and save at the same
time KDE settings (~/.kde directory).

Plenty of time I have been plagued with KDE and its applications:

1) Every time, after I have being working for 30-40 minutes, KDE
applications (konquerror, krusader, kate, kile, kpdf, kdvi) ceases to 
boot or opens after 10-15 min. since launching of them. Usually, there 
is icon on the panel showing that application is booting, next the icon 
disappears, but application stay in the process list (ps -A). After 
killing the same repeats.

This problem pertains to only KDE applications, other gui applications 
(iceweasel, icedove, codeblocks, acroread, starts normally.

However, right after system  KDE rebooting KDE's applications starts 
normally too.

2) Issue with login/logout in KDE.

Sometimes it occurs that after some working in KDE  logout X-server is 
killed but not been resotored. Therefore I need to login at console (and 
reboot the machine).

Sometimes it occurs that it is not able for the seconds user to login at 
KDE (when the first one has already logged in and locked): KDE booting 
stops at the 2nd stage. But for all that the second user can always 
login to Gnome successfully.

3) Sometimes (after very long activities) Krusader buzzes.

Some information about my system:

distribution: Lenny, uptodate
kernel: package linux-image-2.6-686, ver. 2.6.26+17
x: package xserver-xorg, ver. 1:7.3+18, I use commercial nvidia drivers 
(built from nvidia-kernel-legacy-96xx-source package)

kde: version of kdebase packages is 4:3.5.9.dfsg.1-6

There is my /home/ directory on a separate patition on NTFS! I'm using 
ntfs-3g drivers but not from distribution and not even official from site. I'm using unofficial advanced branch from, release 
1.5130AR.1 (it is considered stable there) in order to 
_access_permissions_ will work (it is implemented using user mapping 
(windows - linux)). Can this partition (which store user's profiles  
data) causes some problems with KDE?

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Re: Долгие мучения с KDE

2009-01-10 Thread Arc Roca
Perehodi na Gnome, eto na mnogo luschee chem KDE. Togda y muchenia izcheznut.

--- On Fri, 1/9/09, Anton Liaukevich wrote:

 From: Anton Liaukevich
 Subject: Долгие мучения с KDE
 Date: Friday, January 9, 2009, 4:44 AM
 Пользусь lenny, каждый день
 обновляя дистрибутив.
 Где-то в августе переставлял
 Debian, сохранив при этом настройки
 KDE (директорий ~/.kde).
 Уже много месяцев мучаюсь с KDE и
 его приложениями:
 1) После того как поработаю 30-40
 мин. KDE-шные приложения (konquerror,
 krusader, kate, kile, kpdf, kdvi) перестают
 загружатся или открываются
 через 10-15 мин. после их запуска.
 Обычно на панели видно, что
 приложение грузится, затем
 иконка исчезает, но списке
 процессов (ps -A) это приложение
 есть. После убиения повторяется
 тоже самое.
 Эта штука относиться только к
 KDE-шным приложениям, другие
 гуёвые (iceweasel, icedove, codeblocks, acroread, запускаются нормально.
 Тем не менне, сразу после
 загрузки системы и KDE, эти
 приложения запускаются
 2) Проблемы с login/logout в KDE.
 Бывает, поработаешь в KDE, а затем,
 после logout, X-ы убиваются, и можно
 логиниться только в консоли
 (приходится перегружать машину).
 Бывает, что не получается
 залогиниться второму юзеру в KDE
 (кагда первый уже загружен (и
 заблокирован)): загрузка KDE
 стопорится на 2-й стадии. При этом
 второй юзер может всегда успешно
 загрузиться в GNOME.
 3) Иногда (после долгой работы)
 зависает Krusader.
 Немного информации о своей
 дистрибутив: lenny, uptodate
 ядро: пакет linux-image-2.6-686, 2.6.26+17
 x: пакет xserver-xorg, 1:7.3+18; использую
 коммерческие дрова nvidia
 kde: версия пакета kdebase - 4:3.5.9.dfsg.1-6
 Директорий /home/ у меня в
 отдельном разделе. на NTFS!
 Использую дрова ntfs-3g, но не из
 дистрибутива (в нём даже в experimental
 - версия 1.2918), и даже не
 официальные с сайта A
 использую с неофициальной
 релиз 1.5130AR.1 (там он считается
 stable) ради того, чтобы работали
 права доступа (реализуется с
 помощью маппинга пользователей
 windows - linux).
 Может быть этот раздел (на
 котором храняться настройки
 пользователей и данные) создаёт
 какие-то проблемы?
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Re: root's offsite mail

2009-01-10 Thread Tzafrir Cohen
On Sat, Jan 10, 2009 at 10:20:38AM +0100, Elimar Riesebieter wrote:
 * root [090109 09:04 -0800]
  How can I get 'root' out of the 'From:' line of root's offsite mail?
  I've scanned the docs for exim4, mutt and mailx on this Debian
  etch(mostly) system but nothing found so far.
  I know I can send mail as another user but would rather
  find a solution that doesn't necessitate that.
  I tried Google but found no answer there.
 echo root: 'your username'  /etc/aliases.
 In that case sendmailbased MTA's like exim sends root's mails to
 'your username'.

This does not rewrite the From header or Sender SMTP header on outgoing 

I don't see any exim users replying (on postfix I'd use sender_cannonical).
/etc/exim4/conf.d/rewrite/31_exim4-config_rewriting looks promising, but 
I can't help further. 

Tzafrir Cohen | | VIM is || a Mutt's ||  best
ICQ# 16849754 || friend

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howto make root emacs open in X

2009-01-10 Thread Harry P
I'm running a recently installed lenny with default xfce desktop.

While working in the X session I often ssh to r...@localhost for a
root shell and have one running as I work.  I'd like to be able to
open emacs from that root shell and have the emacs instance open in
the X session instead of a inside the root shell in console mode as it
currently does.

I've had this setup in the past ... possibly not on a debian OS so I
know it can work with some minor setup.

Can anyone tell me what I need to do to get this to happen?

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Re: root's offsite mail

2009-01-10 Thread Osamu Aoki
On Fri, Jan 09, 2009 at 09:04:19AM -0800, root wrote:
 How can I get 'root' out of the 'From:' line of root's offsite mail?
 I've scanned the docs for exim4, mutt and mailx on this Debian
 etch(mostly) system but nothing found so far.
 I know I can send mail as another user but would rather
 find a solution that doesn't necessitate that.
 I tried Google but found no answer there.

Basically you are trying to rewrite mail address.  Since you are using
exim4 and have root access, configuring exim4 to rewrite source address
is the way to go.

See man 5 exim4-config_files and set up /etc/email-addresses file.



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Re: howto make root emacs open in X

2009-01-10 Thread Tom Rauchenwald
Harry P writes:

 I'm running a recently installed lenny with default xfce desktop.

 While working in the X session I often ssh to r...@localhost for a
 root shell and have one running as I work.  I'd like to be able to
 open emacs from that root shell and have the emacs instance open in
 the X session instead of a inside the root shell in console mode as it
 currently does.

ssh -X r...@localhost

 I've had this setup in the past ... possibly not on a debian OS so I
 know it can work with some minor setup.

 Can anyone tell me what I need to do to get this to happen?

I don't emacs as root, i use tramp... simply open a file you want to
open as root with /sudo:: or /su:: prefixed. You will be prompted for a
password, and can then edit the file from your user's emacs.


They look at me funny; they think I twitch a lot. I'm not twitching. I'm
controlling my impulse to snag my 9mm Sig-Sauer out from my day-pack and
make a few strong points about the quality of undergraduate education in
Amerika.  -- Olin Shivers

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Komparator tool.. what gives

2009-01-10 Thread Harry P
lenny 2.6.26-1-686

This query would probably be better directed to a kde group but I'd
like to hear from anyone here who uses komparator before going there.

I was looking for a tool to compare directories.  Something more
involved than diff which doesn't ouput changes in files with the same

So I want to compare the directories but also the files and ouput the

I googled and happened on the kde tool komparator.  It was written up
as viable and useful tool.

So I installed the necessary pkgs to get it installed and running.  It
appears to be either installed incorrectly or just an absolutely sorry

The interace opens and has no clear way to start the comparison... no
start switch or the like.  I see what appears to be the main function
and its called `search'.  No indication of what the search would be

I started it like this:

komparator oneA oneB (as directed by the minimal help provided)

Hitting the silly `search' switch does nothing whatever once the app
opens.  Seems to be some real disconnect between what it is supposed
to do and getting that done.

Of course its possible and even likely that the `disconnect' reside in
my skull...

Can anyone tell me if this tool is actually worth messing further

I seriously doubt it was written as a joke so I must be missing the
main way to use it.

Or maybe have a suggestion for another way to get the comparing done.
shell script, perl .. something in c .. whatever

There is a linux tool called `dircmp' which appears to be even less
useful and makes no claims to be up to much.

I don't see it on `apt-file search' but have tried out the ncurses
version on another OS.   Its a little too basic for what I'm after.

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Re: howto make root emacs open in X

2009-01-10 Thread Harry P
Tom Rauchenwald writes:

 Harry P writes:

 I'm running a recently installed lenny with default xfce desktop.

 While working in the X session I often ssh to r...@localhost for a
 root shell and have one running as I work.  I'd like to be able to
 open emacs from that root shell and have the emacs instance open in
 the X session instead of a inside the root shell in console mode as it
 currently does.

 ssh -X r...@localhost

Ahh nice... yes.

 I've had this setup in the past ... possibly not on a debian OS so I
 know it can work with some minor setup.

 Can anyone tell me what I need to do to get this to happen?

 I don't emacs as root, i use tramp... simply open a file you want to
 open as root with /sudo:: or /su:: prefixed. You will be prompted for a
 password, and can then edit the file from your user's emacs.

Very nice... and I've known about this for sometime and completely
forgot I knew it... hehe.

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Re: howto make root emacs open in X

2009-01-10 Thread Axel Freyn
On Sat, Jan 10, 2009 at 03:19:03PM +0100, Tom Rauchenwald wrote:
 Harry P writes:
  I'm running a recently installed lenny with default xfce desktop.
  While working in the X session I often ssh to r...@localhost for a
  root shell and have one running as I work.  I'd like to be able to
  open emacs from that root shell and have the emacs instance open in
  the X session instead of a inside the root shell in console mode as it
  currently does.
 ssh -X r...@localhost

Why do you use ssh to connect to the local machine? I would propose to
use su to switch to a root account. In order to allow root the access
to the X-Server, it is sufficient to set the environment-variables 
, username beeing the user who is running the X-session.


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Re: Lenny upgrade wanting to delete x11-Common

2009-01-10 Thread Florian Kulzer
[ Please try to turn off the HTML part when you post to Debian user. ]

On Wed, Jan 07, 2009 at 22:02:08 +, Dean Chester wrote:
 Im updating from etch on my netbook to lenny and it keeps trying to remove
 x11-common which it can't and then it fails is there a way to finish this?

We need to see the full output of the failed upgrade command(s) in order
to help you.

  Florian   |

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Re: Долгие мучения с KDE

2009-01-10 Thread Emanoil Kotsev
Anton Liaukevich wrote:

Can you read/write in english?

Can you try using the not proprietary nv driver. I'm using almost the same
configuration with different video driver and my home is on nfs server (not

Did you look at the system log files in /var/log and the .xsession-errors in
your home.

I like kde better then gnome so you can ignore what Arc Roca said.

You can also try moving your .kde and starting with a completely new one to
check if it's some config issue in your kde or if it's a system issue.


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Re: howto make root emacs open in X

2009-01-10 Thread Tzafrir Cohen
On Sat, Jan 10, 2009 at 03:36:33PM +0100, Axel Freyn wrote:
 On Sat, Jan 10, 2009 at 03:19:03PM +0100, Tom Rauchenwald wrote:
  Harry P writes:
   I'm running a recently installed lenny with default xfce desktop.
   While working in the X session I often ssh to r...@localhost for a
   root shell and have one running as I work.  I'd like to be able to
   open emacs from that root shell and have the emacs instance open in
   the X session instead of a inside the root shell in console mode as it
   currently does.
  ssh -X r...@localhost
 Why do you use ssh to connect to the local machine? I would propose to
 use su to switch to a root account. In order to allow root the access
 to the X-Server, it is sufficient to set the environment-variables 
 , username beeing the user who is running the X-session.

In other words: 

  aptitude install sux

Menomonic: X as root sux

Tzafrir Cohen | | VIM is || a Mutt's ||  best
ICQ# 16849754 || friend

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Re: howto make root emacs open in X

2009-01-10 Thread Harry P
Axel Freyn writes:

 Why do you use ssh to connect to the local machine? I would propose to

To make use of the ssh-agent and circumvent typing the password every
time I want a root shell.

I have in .inputrc

  \M-s: ssh r...@localhost

So by typing alt-s I get a shell cmd that when executed thru ssh-agent
launches an ssh terminal for root with no passwd interplay.

But even better I have xbindkeys set to launch an xterm with
 xterm -e ssh r...@localhost
 ctrl+shift + 1
So pressing `Ctrl+shift + 1' invokes an instant root shell already
logged in and with full login environment.

I have no security worries for the desktop as this is a home machine.

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Re: howto make root emacs open in X

2009-01-10 Thread Osamu Aoki
On Sat, Jan 10, 2009 at 03:36:33PM +0100, Axel Freyn wrote:
 On Sat, Jan 10, 2009 at 03:19:03PM +0100, Tom Rauchenwald wrote:
  Harry P writes:
   I'm running a recently installed lenny with default xfce desktop.
   While working in the X session I often ssh to r...@localhost for a
   root shell and have one running as I work.  I'd like to be able to
   open emacs from that root shell and have the emacs instance open in
   the X session instead of a inside the root shell in console mode as it
   currently does.
  ssh -X r...@localhost
 Why do you use ssh to connect to the local machine? I would propose to
 use su to switch to a root account. In order to allow root the access
 to the X-Server, it is sufficient to set the environment-variables 
 , username beeing the user who is running the X-session.

I was thinking the same but as I checked my sid machine, I have

Important here is new user's XAUTHORITY should be the same, I think.

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Re: Help with u tube video streaming

2009-01-10 Thread Florian Kulzer
[ Please try to turn off the HTML part of your messages. ]

On Sat, Jan 10, 2009 at 11:33:53 +, Chris S wrote:
 2009/1/10 Adrian Levi
  2009/1/10 Chris S
   Ok, well still got bad frame rate any ideas, in reply to adrian.levi
   you for your encouragement too) in previous post I haven't installed a
   driver myself other than the one selected on install. I searched synaptic
   for 'video drivers' and got loads of things installed but not sure if I'm
   using the correct one, do you think this could be where the problem is,
   would make sense. anyway thank you to all who have replied. Any advice or
   shall i start googling installing video drivers and get back to you all?
  I think nvidia-glx-legacy is what you need.
  This page will show you how and walk you through the steps.

 Good morning, ok firstly thank you for all you help last night. I Just
 successfully installed nvidia-glx-legacy from the how-to that was kindly
 given, all stages completed with no error and I now get the nvidia logo when
 X starts but no effect at all on the old problem, frame rate still about a
 frame a second.

That sounds like the nvidia driver is working properly; nevertheless we
should check if there are any problems recorded in the Xorg log. Please
run this command in an X terminal and post the output here:

grep -E '^\((EE|WW)\)' /var/log/Xorg.0.log

Other possible bottlenecks to consider are CPU load and hard disk
access. AFAIK, the older versions of the flashplugin on Linux are not
very efficient in using hardware video acceleration, so most of the
rendering workload is put on the CPU. Check the CPU load with 'top' or
'htop' while you play a flash video. It is possible that Etch's
flashplugin is too inefficient to work nicely on your hardware. To check
your hard disk access speed, you can use the 'hdparm' command.

Another thing to try is to play a flash video with mplayer, which is
usually smarter in using video acceleration. While you have a youtube
video open in your browser, you should see the video file in /tmp/; it
will be called FlashXX, where XX is a random string. It should
be possible to play this file like this (replace XX):

mplayer /tmp/FlashXX

(Don't hesitate to ask for clarification and further details if

  Florian   |

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[exim] update-exim4.conf.conf

2009-01-10 Thread Harry P
What does this line refer to

In /etc/exim4/update-exim4.conf.conf

It contains my hosts name but it calls it other_hostnames.. somewhat

Grepping for some documentation about that line gets no hits.

grep -rl  dc_other_hostname /usr/share/doc/exim* /usr/share/exim*

Nothing either place.

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Re: howto make root emacs open in X

2009-01-10 Thread Osamu Aoki
On Sat, Jan 10, 2009 at 09:26:07AM -0600, Harry P wrote:
 Axel Freyn writes:
  Why do you use ssh to connect to the local machine? I would propose to
 I have no security worries for the desktop as this is a home machine.

Point of Axel is use of SSH wastes CPU resource while gaining nothing.
His suggestion is more efficient.  .. I think.

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Re: howto make root emacs open in X

2009-01-10 Thread Axel Freyn
On Sun, Jan 11, 2009 at 01:10:09AM +0900, Osamu Aoki wrote:
 On Sat, Jan 10, 2009 at 09:26:07AM -0600, Harry P wrote:
  Axel Freyn writes:
   Why do you use ssh to connect to the local machine? I would propose to
  I have no security worries for the desktop as this is a home machine.
 Point of Axel is use of SSH wastes CPU resource while gaining nothing.
 His suggestion is more efficient.  .. I think.
Yes, exactly. And it is also possible without entering a password -
either by using sudo (as configured in Ubuntu), or by changing pam in
order to allow su without passwords. 



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Re: Re: AMD Turion ZM82: freeze with 2 cores, works with 1 core (maxcpus=1)

2009-01-10 Thread Patrick Schueller

Adrian Levi wrote:

2008/12/15 Patrick Schueller

 I have tested this on the following distributions:
 Debian Lenny AMD64 (which I am using now)
 Debian Lenny 32bit (-686 kernel; with -486 kernel, the problem is gone, but
 this only supports 1 kernel as I can see)
 Ubuntu Hardy (8.04) 32 bit
 Ubuntu Intrepid (8.10) 32 bit and 64 bit
 Sidux Ourea Live CD

I don't know about kernel optimisations in the other distributions but
have you tried running the latest stable vanilla kernel from This looks to me like a good reason to get dirty and
compile a kernel.

Sorry for the late answer, I didn't see your reply for some reason :-(

I compiled and installed the stable vanilla 2.6.28 kernel from, as you suggested. Since I am not very accustomed with the 
kernel's compiling options, I used the old kernel's .config file.

The problem stays the same with the new kernel. Normal boot -- freeze, 
boot with maxcpus=1 -- works, uname-a shows new kernel. Seems to be a 
general problem with this CPU. Or does anyone happen to have another 
idea for a solution?


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Re: [exim] update-exim4.conf.conf

2009-01-10 Thread Osamu Aoki
On Sat, Jan 10, 2009 at 10:11:25AM -0600, Harry P wrote:
 What does this line refer to
 In /etc/exim4/update-exim4.conf.conf

This is created by debconf.  Reading its dialog helps.

/var/lib/dpkg/info/exim4-config.templates contains

Template: exim4/dc_other_hostnames
Type: string
Description: Other destinations for which mail is accepted:
 Please enter a semicolon-separated list of recipient domains for
 which this machine should consider itself the final destination.
 These domains are commonly called 'local domains'. The local hostname
 (${fqdn}) and 'localhost' are always added to the list given here.
 By default all local domains will be treated identically. If both
 a.example and b.example are local domains, a...@a.example and
 a...@b.example will be delivered to the same final destination. If
 different domain names should be treated differently, it is
 necessary to edit the config files afterwards.

 It contains my hosts name but it calls it other_hostnames.. somewhat
 Grepping for some documentation about that line gets no hits.
 grep -rl  dc_other_hostname /usr/share/doc/exim* /usr/share/exim*

 $ zgrep   dc_other_hostname /usr/share/doc/exim4/*
/usr/share/doc/exim4/changelog.Debian.gz:  * Re-Word dc_other_hostnames 
debconf template.
/usr/share/doc/exim4/changelog.Debian.gz:  * Special-case dsearch; constructs 
in dc_other_hostnames, no
/usr/share/doc/exim4/changelog.Debian.gz:  * Fix list separator handling for 
dc_other_hostnames in ue4c.
/usr/share/doc/exim4/changelog.Debian.gz:  * fix wrong dc_other_hostnames 
statement in manpage. Thanks to
/usr/share/doc/exim4/changelog.Debian.gz:  explicitely in 
dc_other_hostnames, where users can easily remove it
/usr/share/doc/exim4/changelog.Debian.gz:  dc_other_hostnames, on fresh 
installations mailname is the default
/usr/share/doc/exim4/changelog.Debian.gz:  value of dc_other_hostnames. We 
store the fact that we have added
/usr/share/doc/exim4/changelog.Debian.gz:  mailname to dc_other_hostnames 
in $dc_mailname_in_oh in

This page may help:



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Re: [exim] update-exim4.conf.conf

2009-01-10 Thread Osamu Aoki
On Sat, Jan 10, 2009 at 10:11:25AM -0600, Harry P wrote:
 What does this line refer to
 In /etc/exim4/update-exim4.conf.conf

one more best hit source:
 $ man update-exim4.conf

or the same page can be seen by
 $ man update-exim4.conf.conf


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Re: Help with u tube video streaming

2009-01-10 Thread Chris S
2009/1/10 Florian Kulzer

 [ Please try to turn off the HTML part of your messages. ]

 On Sat, Jan 10, 2009 at 11:33:53 +, Chris S wrote:
  2009/1/10 Adrian Levi
   2009/1/10 Chris S
Ok, well still got bad frame rate any ideas, in reply to adrian.levi
you for your encouragement too) in previous post I haven't installed
driver myself other than the one selected on install. I searched
for 'video drivers' and got loads of things installed but not sure if
using the correct one, do you think this could be where the problem
would make sense. anyway thank you to all who have replied. Any
 advice or
shall i start googling installing video drivers and get back to you
   I think nvidia-glx-legacy is what you need.
   This page will show you how and walk you through the steps.

  Good morning, ok firstly thank you for all you help last night. I Just
  successfully installed nvidia-glx-legacy from the how-to that was kindly
  given, all stages completed with no error and I now get the nvidia logo
  X starts but no effect at all on the old problem, frame rate still about
  frame a second.

 That sounds like the nvidia driver is working properly; nevertheless we
 should check if there are any problems recorded in the Xorg log. Please
 run this command in an X terminal and post the output here:

 grep -E '^\((EE|WW)\)' /var/log/Xorg.0.log

 Other possible bottlenecks to consider are CPU load and hard disk
 access. AFAIK, the older versions of the flashplugin on Linux are not
 very efficient in using hardware video acceleration, so most of the
 rendering workload is put on the CPU. Check the CPU load with 'top' or
 'htop' while you play a flash video. It is possible that Etch's
 flashplugin is too inefficient to work nicely on your hardware. To check
 your hard disk access speed, you can use the 'hdparm' command.

 Another thing to try is to play a flash video with mplayer, which is
 usually smarter in using video acceleration. While you have a youtube
 video open in your browser, you should see the video file in /tmp/; it
 will be called FlashXX, where XX is a random string. It should
 be possible to play this file like this (replace XX):

 mplayer /tmp/FlashXX

 (Don't hesitate to ask for clarification and further details if

  Florian   |

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 Not sure how to turn off the html part of my messages (sorry)(I am using
googlemail) but have changed the outgoing message encoding setting from
'default' to unicode in the hope this helps?

Output of  grep -E '^\((EE|WW)\)' /var/log/Xorg.0.log:

JessieJames:/home/chris# grep -E '^\((EE|WW)\)' /var/log/Xorg.0.log
(WW) The directory /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc does not exist.
(WW) The directory /usr/share/fonts/X11/cyrillic does not exist.
(WW) The directory /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/cyrillic does not exist.
(WW) The directory /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi/ does not exist.
(WW) The directory /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi/ does not exist.
(WW) The directory /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Type1 does not exist.
(WW) The directory /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi does not exist.
(WW) The directory /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi does not exist.
(WW) The directory /var/lib/defoma/x-ttcidfont-conf.d/dirs/TrueType does
not e xist.
(WW) NVIDIA(0): config file hsync range 30-70kHz not within DDC hsync
(WW) NVIDIA(0): config file vrefresh range 50-160Hz not within DDC vrefresh
rang es.
(WW) NVIDIA(0): Not using mode 840x525 (height 1050 is larger than
(WW) NVIDIA(0):  EDID-specified maximum 768)
(WW) NVIDIA(0): Not using mode 700x525 (height 1050 is larger than
(WW) NVIDIA(0):  EDID-specified maximum 768)
(WW) NVIDIA(0): Not using mode 640x512 (height 1024 is larger than
(WW) NVIDIA(0):  EDID-specified maximum 768)
(WW) NVIDIA(0): Not using mode 720x450 (height 900 is larger than
(WW) NVIDIA(0):  EDID-specified maximum 768)
(WW) NVIDIA(0): Not using mode 640x480 (height 960 is larger than
(WW) NVIDIA(0):  EDID-specified maximum 768)
(WW) NVIDIA(0): Not using mode 640x400 (height 800 is larger than
(WW) NVIDIA(0):  EDID-specified maximum 768)
(WW) NVIDIA(0): Not using mode 576x432 (height 864 is larger than
(WW) NVIDIA(0):  EDID-specified maximum 768)
(WW) NVIDIA(0): Not using mode 576x384:
(WW) NVIDIA(0):   horizontal sync start (589) not a multiple of 8
(WW) NVIDIA(0): 

Re: Character mode for telnet

2009-01-10 Thread Arthur Marsh

Marc Shapiro wrote, on 2009-01-10 14:43:
I know that, after I connect with telnet I can got to command mode and 
enter 'mode char' to get into character mode.  Is there any way to have 
telnet start up in character mode?  I am trying to control a robot 
through a wireless connection and I need to be in character mode for it 
to work.

C-Kermit from the Kermit project has the most configurable and 
script-able kermit client imaginable.

package ckermit is in non-free, or you can get the source and 
documentation from (latest source is, compiles with make 
kermit, options available for openssl, zlib, pam).


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Re: Debian AMD64

2009-01-10 Thread Ron Johnson

On 01/10/09 06:51, Paul Cartwright wrote:

On Fri January 9 2009, Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. wrote:

Ron is right though.  Unless you have a specific application that is
100%-ing your CPU, you probably aren't going to experience a measurable
speed-up when moving to 64-bits.  In fact, you might be better off using a
64-bit kernel and 32-bit userland since the kernel can save values in the
extra registers for the inevitable return from userspace.

so, are you saying I could pop in a 64 bit kernel, via apti-get install 
and leave my debian Lenny installed base as I686 but change my kernel from:

 uname -a
Linux paulandcilla 2.6.26-1-686 
to something like:

 uname -a
Linux paulandcilla 2.6.26-1-amd64

Yup.  I did it myself at the beginning of last month.  (Except I 
rolled my own kernel.)

Note that, officially, you'll have to get rid of any binary video 
driver and go with the corresponding xserver-xorg-video-* driver, 
but you *can* run the 64-bit nvidia driver and 32-bit libs with a 
little effort.

Ron Johnson, Jr.
Jefferson LA  USA

I am not surprised, for we live long and are celebrated poopers.

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Re: Help with u tube video streaming

2009-01-10 Thread Ron Johnson

On 01/10/09 11:31, Chris S wrote:
BUT just this minute tried playing the flash file (that appears in /tmp 
when viedo currently streaming via u tube) with mplayer, and it works 
great through that, frame rate perfect Can someone now just please 
help me one last time, can I get mplayer to automatically play u tube 
videos as the player in the background on u tube itself? As otherwise I 
am forced to 'hijack' each video by stealing out of the /tmp directory.

clive is good for grabbing Flash videos and converting them to .mp4.

Ron Johnson, Jr.
Jefferson LA  USA

I am not surprised, for we live long and are celebrated poopers.

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Re: Help with u tube video streaming

2009-01-10 Thread Bob Cox
On Sat, Jan 10, 2009 at 17:31:19 +, Chris S ( 

 Not sure how to turn off the html part of my messages (sorry)(I am using
 googlemail) but have changed the outgoing message encoding setting from
 'default' to unicode in the hope this helps?

No, your message is still in two parts: plain text and also html.

In Google mail, at the top of the box into which you type your message
or your reply, you should see a clickable link plain text which is
alongside the various rich formatting tools, such as font and text
colour.  Just click on this and you will be ok.

Bob Cox.  Stoke Gifford, near Bristol, UK.
Please reply to the list only.  Do NOT send copies directly to me.
Debian on the NSLU2:

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Re: Help with u tube video streaming

2009-01-10 Thread Chris S
2009/1/10 Bob Cox

 On Sat, Jan 10, 2009 at 17:31:19 +, Chris S ( 

  Not sure how to turn off the html part of my messages (sorry)(I am using
  googlemail) but have changed the outgoing message encoding setting from
  'default' to unicode in the hope this helps?

 No, your message is still in two parts: plain text and also html.

 In Google mail, at the top of the box into which you type your message
 or your reply, you should see a clickable link plain text which is
 alongside the various rich formatting tools, such as font and text
 colour.  Just click on this and you will be ok.

 Bob Cox.  Stoke Gifford, near Bristol, UK.
 Please reply to the list only.  Do NOT send copies directly to me.
 Debian on the NSLU2:

 To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Ok I'm happy to report that this will be my last message regarding
this problem, mplayer is just working perfectly, and when running
(even with big screen size) running htop shows that CPU load is only
running at 30- 40% max! So it was a video acceleration problem, I
wasn't even thinking in that direction, was convinced it was a flash
plug-in problem. I can't thank everyone enough for all the help you
have given me, I have learnt a lot and will be having fun from now on
learning how it all works. Thanks again everybody! your help was
really appreciated. If there is an offical 'Solved' stamp type thing
please use it. Thanks again.
Oh and I think I finally got rid of the html, I'll know in the future.
Be blessed everyone

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side effects of installing gimp

2009-01-10 Thread Mark Copper

I want to install gimp on an out-of-the-box installation of etch with
Gnome on an AMD64 system.

#aptitude install gimp

says 3 packages will be installed (gimp gimp-gnomevfs and gimp-python),
but that 91(!) packages will be removed.  These include compilers
(binutils, cpp, gcc, guile, python2.4), possibly some duplication
(cupsys-common, gs-common), and many lib packages.

Is there something wrong with this picture?  Is installation safe?
*Why* would it be necessary to remove so many packages?



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Re: Permanent problems with KDE

2009-01-10 Thread Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.
On Saturday 10 January 2009, Anton Liaukevich wrote 
about 'Permanent problems with KDE':
EXCUSE ME for message in russian to this list (mistaken by accident).

No problem.  Everyone makes mistakes.

I use Lenny, full-upgrade distribution almost every day.

I safe-upgrade, but mostly I'm in the same boat.

Formely (may be in August) I reinstalled Debian and save at the same
time KDE settings (~/.kde directory).

Plenty of time I have been plagued with KDE and its applications:

They are working good here.  There were some delays last month, but not as 
severe as you indicate and affecting all applications.  It turned out to 
be a resolvconf configuration issue that causes DNS requests to go over 
the VPN rather than be resolved locally.

1) Every time, after I have being working for 30-40 minutes, KDE
applications (konquerror, krusader, kate, kile, kpdf, kdvi) ceases to
boot or opens after 10-15 min. since launching of them. Usually, there
is icon on the panel showing that application is booting, next the icon
disappears, but application stay in the process list (ps -A). After
killing the same repeats.

It might be helpful to start the process under strace and look at where it 
is spending most of it's time.

2) Issue with login/logout in KDE.

Sometimes it occurs that after some working in KDE  logout X-server is
killed but not been resotored. Therefore I need to login at console (and
reboot the machine).

Do you have to reboot the machine, or can you simply restart your login 
manager?  Assuming you are using kdm you can try to restart the login 
manager with invoke-rc.d kdm restart as root.

3) Sometimes (after very long activities) Krusader buzzes.


Some information about my system:

distribution: Lenny, uptodate
kernel: package linux-image-2.6-686, ver. 2.6.26+17
x: package xserver-xorg, ver. 1:7.3+18, I use commercial nvidia drivers
(built from nvidia-kernel-legacy-96xx-source package)

Can you try with the nv driver instead?  Just temporarily to see if the 
nvidia driver could be at fault.  No need to uninstall the nvidia driver, 
just install xserver-xorg-video-nv.  Then, update your 
changing 'Driver nvidia' to 'Driver nv'.

There is my /home/ directory on a separate patition on NTFS! I'm using
ntfs-3g drivers but not from distribution and not even official from site. I'm using unofficial advanced branch from, release
1.5130AR.1 (it is considered stable there) in order to
_access_permissions_ will work (it is implemented using user mapping
(windows - linux)). Can this partition (which store user's profiles 
data) causes some problems with KDE?

It's possible, but a little unlikely.  KDE stores configuration settings in 
~/.kde, but those are all normal files.  It also uses ~/.kde/tmp-* and 
~/.kde/socket-* but only as symlinks to directories in /tmp, and I'm 
pretty sure NTFS has good support for symlinks.

Still, if reasonable, you should try with Debian's ntfs-3g (temporarily) 
and see if the problem persists, just to remove some suspicion.
Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. ,= ,-_-. =. ((_/)o o(\_))
ICQ: 514984 YM/AIM: DaTwinkDaddy   `-'(. .)`-'  \_/ 

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: Komparator tool.. what gives

2009-01-10 Thread Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.
On Saturday 10 January 2009, Harry P wrote 
about 'Komparator tool.. what gives':
I was looking for a tool to compare directories.  Something more
involved than diff which doesn't ouput changes in files with the same

You are using diff wrong then.  First, install the kompare package.  
Then, do something like diff -druN dir1 di2 | kompare - to inspect the 
differences.  diff -druN dir1 dir2  my.patch to save the changes to a 
file.  ( cd dir1  patch -p1 )  my.patch to apply the changes.
Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. ,= ,-_-. =. ((_/)o o(\_))
ICQ: 514984 YM/AIM: DaTwinkDaddy   `-'(. .)`-'  \_/ 

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: side effects of installing gimp

2009-01-10 Thread Eugene V. Lyubimkin
Mark Copper wrote:
 I want to install gimp on an out-of-the-box installation of etch with
 Gnome on an AMD64 system.
 #aptitude install gimp
 says 3 packages will be installed (gimp gimp-gnomevfs and gimp-python),
 but that 91(!) packages will be removed.  These include compilers
 (binutils, cpp, gcc, guile, python2.4), possibly some duplication
 (cupsys-common, gs-common), and many lib packages.
 Is there something wrong with this picture?  Is installation safe?
 *Why* would it be necessary to remove so many packages?
Please provide full output of command. And also try 'apt-get install gimp'.

Eugene V. Lyubimkin aka JackYF, JID: jackyf.devel(maildog)
Ukrainian C++ developer, Debian Maintainer, APT contributor

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: side effects of installing gimp

2009-01-10 Thread Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.
On Saturday 10 January 2009, Mark Copper wrote 
about 'side effects of installing gimp':
I want to install gimp on an out-of-the-box installation of etch with
Gnome on an AMD64 system.

#aptitude install gimp

says 3 packages will be installed (gimp gimp-gnomevfs and gimp-python),
but that 91(!) packages will be removed.

What happens if you just:
#aptitude install

You may have some packages that aptitude wants to remove because they are 
marked automatically installed to satisfy dependencies and nothing 
depends on them any more.  They are safe to remove, but if you'd like to 
keep them you can use:
#aptitude unmarkauto package_1 package_2 package_etc
Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. ,= ,-_-. =. ((_/)o o(\_))
ICQ: 514984 YM/AIM: DaTwinkDaddy   `-'(. .)`-'  \_/ 

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: side effects of installing gimp

2009-01-10 Thread Mark Copper
On Sat, Jan 10, 2009 at 01:16:21PM -0600, Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. wrote:
 On Saturday 10 January 2009, Mark Copper wrote 
 about 'side effects of installing gimp':
 I want to install gimp on an out-of-the-box installation of etch with
 Gnome on an AMD64 system.
 #aptitude install gimp
 says 3 packages will be installed (gimp gimp-gnomevfs and gimp-python),
 but that 91(!) packages will be removed.
 What happens if you just:
 #aptitude install

Yes, that's it.  I really did understand that at one point; sorry for
the noise.

apt-get install will only install the gimp-related packages.

aptitude install will remove the exact same 91 packages.

I think it must be an artifact of having been using apt-get.


 You may have some packages that aptitude wants to remove because they are 
 marked automatically installed to satisfy dependencies and nothing 
 depends on them any more.  They are safe to remove, but if you'd like to 
 keep them you can use:
 #aptitude unmarkauto package_1 package_2 package_etc
 Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. ,= ,-_-. =. ((_/)o o(\_))
 ICQ: 514984 YM/AIM: DaTwinkDaddy   `-'(. .)`-'  \_/ 

Now that's a cool gnu.

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Re: Debian AMD64

2009-01-10 Thread Paul Cartwright
On Sat January 10 2009, Ron Johnson wrote:
  Linux paulandcilla 2.6.26-1-amd64

 Yup.  I did it myself at the beginning of last month.  (Except I
 rolled my own kernel.)
I tried that once, I obviously didn't do everything right..

 Note that, officially, you'll have to get rid of any binary video
 driver and go with the corresponding xserver-xorg-video-* driver,
 but you *can* run the 64-bit nvidia driver and 32-bit libs with a
 little effort.

I have a Dell with NVIDIA GeForce card.. right now I use the sgfx -c from a 
terminal to update the driver.
are you saying you use the and then:
Extract the .run and then run the 'nvidia-installer' inside it 
with --no-kernel-module


Paul Cartwright
Registered Linux user # 367800
Registered Ubuntu User #12459

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