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2012-05-15 Thread y . giomi
Estimado Marsellés Fontanet, A. Robert

Hace un tiempo atrás me contacté con usted para ofrecerle la posibilidad de 
publicar un trabajo científico de su autoría.

Debido a que no he recibido respuesta, vuelvo a comunicarme con usted, a fin de 
reiterar nuestro interés y la posibilidad de publicar su trabajo como libro 
impreso. Me complacerá enviarle más información sobre nuestros servicios. 
Apreciaría enormemente recibir noticias suyas.

Quedo a la espera de su respuesta.

Saludos cordiales.

Yanina Giomi

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Fwd: Re: debian modems adsl

2012-05-15 Thread philippe L
-- Message transféré --
De : philippe L
Date : 15 mai 2012 09:19
Objet : Re: debian modems adsl
À : Anthony BRODARD


je cherche des infos sur le matériel compatible sur du ll, la norme doit
être posix 9 ?


Le 15 mai 2012 00:17, Anthony BRODARD a
écrit :


 Je ne connais pas de distribution de routing ou de routeur basé, sur
 debian. Par contre, si ça peut t'intéresser, il y a pfsense, une distrib
 basée sur freebsd, qui fait principalement firewall, mais aussi du routage,

 Bonne soirée
  Le 14 mai 2012 19:00, ptilou a écrit :

 On 14 mai, 15:10, Jérôme wrote:
  Le lundi 14 mai 2012 à 13:01 +0200, philippe L a écrit :
   Je souhaite acheter un modem/routeur avec un hub USB, y en a t'il un
   qui tourne sous debian ?
  Si j'ai bien compris la question, avec Debian comme OS du routeur ?
 Oui !
 J'ai une livebox, mais je voudrais un, où j'installe et je fais se que
 je veux !
 Je croix que c'est un dérivé de Debian, sur livebox, mais je ne sais
 comment on installe le système !



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Re: SSH - ssh-add est ce normal?

2012-05-15 Thread Hugues MORIN

J'ai recommence la configuration de SSH. Il a fallu d'abord efface
toutes ce qui avait ete fait.
J'ai donc efface tous les dossiers .ssh en local et sur le serveur,
puis j'ai reboote pour vider la memoire

J'ai refait toutes la procedure pour mon user local, afin qu'il
puisse etre root sur le serveur.

J'ai configure autofs en ajoutant a auto.master:
/mnt/mondossier /etc/auto.sshfs uid=1000,gid=1000, --ghost, --timeout=30
et aussi auto.sshfs: -fstype=fuse,port=22,rw,allow_other,nodev,noexec

apres un /etc/init.d/autofs restart, le dossier est monte mais il est
impossible de le consulter.

Comme citer ici:
Le problème avec autofs, c'est qu'il s'exécute en root. Il faut donc
créer une paire de clés publiques/privées pour l'utilisateur root sur
le client

J'ai refait la meme procedure pour root.
Apres un ssh-add dans une console root, je peux consulter les fichiers
de mon serveur.

ce ssh-add doit etre refait en root lors de chaque session. Pourquoi?

Pourquoi le ssh-add en root n'est-il pas enregistrer dans le ssh-agent
comme le ssh-agent en user?
root@kakashi:~# ssh-add -l
1024 66:bf:...:8b:c4:63 hugues@localhost (DSA)
1024 a5:83:4.69:2c:a2 /root/.ssh/id_dsa (DSA)
Est ce que sur cette derniere ligne je ne devrai pas avoir
root@localhost a la place de /root/.ssh/id_dsa?

Je dois avouer que je suis un peu perdu.

J'aimerai que le montage soit automatique ou presque.
J'aimerai seulement saisir la passphrase ou le password une fois par
session sans avoir a faire de manipulation en console. Est ce que
c'est possible?

Merci pour votre aide


Le 11 mai 2012 12:21, Hugues MORIN a écrit :

 Oui  vu comme ca... je crois que j'ai tout melange :-/

 Je pense que vous expliquez ce que je veux faire vous permettra de
 mieux cerner mon probleme et les erreurs que je doit faire.

 J'ai une machine locale et un serveur dedie.
 Sur la machine locale j'ai 1 user (hugues) et le compte root.
 Sur le dedie, je n'ai pour l'instant que le compte root.

 (NB: Je suis en train de le configurer, ulterieurement je crerais des
 user avec des droits restreints afin que mes collegues et moi-meme
 puissions travailler quotidiennement sur le dedie.)

 Je veux configurer SSH pour:
 1/ pouvoir me connecter sur mon dedie (en console) lorsque je suis en
 console (sous mon root local ou sous un user local) sur ma machine
 locale sans avoir a resaisir les mdp ou passphrase a chaque fois.
 2/ pouvoir monter (avec autofs) certaines partitions de mon dedie sur
 les machines locales pour pouvoir travailler directement sur les
 fichier du serveur.

 Il faut biensur que l'echange de donnees entre le serveur et la
 machine locale soit securise.
 C'est pour cette raison que dans mon 1er mail, je me suis interroge
 sur l'entree qui ne s'efface pas apres ssh-add -d.
 J'avais peur que ce soit un trou de securite.

 Si je voulais repartir de zero sur la configuration de SSH, la
 cretaion des clefs, etc... Comment dois-je m'y prendre?

 Je ne connais vraiment pas grand chose a la securite et meme si je
 commence a comprendre comment fonctionne ma squeeze, j'ai encore pas
 mal de lacune.
 Je suis donc ouvert a toutes vos suggestions, conseils et autres 

 Merci a tous

 Le 10 mai 2012 15:48, Jean-Jacques Doti a écrit :

 Le 10/05/2012 15:24, Hugues MORIN a écrit :


 merci de ta reponse et desole si je n'ai pas ete clair;

 En fait, apres avoir ajoute les clefs (de plusieurs users) par un
 ssh-add, je me suis dit que j'allais controler ce qui avait ete

 Tu veux faire quoi exactement ?
 S'il s'agit de permettre à différents utilisateurs de se connecter sous le
 compte root de ton serveur, ce n'est pas du tout ce qu'il faut faire !
 ssh-add permet de fournir à ssh-agent des clés privées (protégées par une
 passphrase). ssh-agent va alors fournir ces clés (non cryptées) à un client
 SSH pour aller se connecter sur des serveurs SSH. En clair ta manip permet
 au user root de ta machine de se connecter sur des serveurs SSH en utilisant
 les clés privées de tes utilisateurs. Je ne suis pas sûr que ce soit le but

 J'ai donc fait un ssh-add -l (lister les empreintes de toutes les
 identites presentes dans l'agent)
 Je me suis apercu qu'une entree ne semblait avoir aucun rapport avec
 ce que je venais de faire:
 1024 5d:e3:d8:...4a:f2 hugues@localhost (DSA)

 Il s'agit de la clé privée de ton utilisateur local (root dans ce cas) qui
 est chargée automatiquement au démarrage de ssh-agent.

 J'ai alors passe la commande suivante:
 root@localhost:/etc# ssh-add -d
 Identity removed: /root/.ssh/id_dsa (/root/.ssh/

 Mais le resultat de ssh-add -l est toujours le meme. J'ai toujours
 cette entree que je ne comprends pas.
 root@localhost:/etc# ssh-add -l
 1024 5d:e3:d8:...4a:f2 hugues@localhost (DSA)

 J'ai aussi 

Re: SSH - ssh-add est ce normal?

2012-05-15 Thread Sébastien NOBILI
Le mardi 15 mai 2012 à 16:08, Hugues MORIN a écrit :



 J'ai refait toutes la procedure pour mon user local, afin qu'il
 puisse etre root sur le serveur.
 J'ai configure autofs en ajoutant a auto.master:
 /mnt/mondossier   /etc/auto.sshfs uid=1000,gid=1000, --ghost, --timeout=30
 et aussi auto.sshfs: -fstype=fuse,port=22,rw,allow_other,nodev,noexec

Autoriser root à se connecter en SSH n'est pas une bonne idée… Plusieurs raisons
à ça :
- dans les tentatives d'intrusion par force brute sur un SSH, il n'est pas
  rare de voir des tentatives avec l'utilisateur root, un jour ou l'autre
  l'une aboutira,
- si seuls les utilisateurs non-privilégiés sont autorisés à se connecter en
  SSH, alors l'intrusion évoquée ci-dessus a moins de chances d'aboutir (il
  ne suffit pas de trouver le mot de passe, il faut aussi trouver
  l'identifiant), et si elle aboutit, l'intrus n'a pas un accès complet à la
  machine, il lui faudra encore trouver le mot de passe root,
- sûrement (beaucoup) d'autres !

À ta place, je commencerais par chercher une solution pour que la connexion se
fasse en tant qu'utilisateur non-privilégié.


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Re: [Dans la serie m'a tué] X server died during startup

2012-05-15 Thread Nicolas FRANCOIS
Le Sun, 06 May 2012 10:03:22 +0200,
C. Mourad Jaber a écrit :

 Je suis toujours sur la même machine qui à eu son pb de libc6 !
 Maintenant que downgradé les différents éléments de la libc à un
 version homogène qui fonctionne...
 C'est le serveur X qui fait des siennes !
 Le log semble assez normaux, par d'erreur, rien de très probant,
 c'est juste qu'il meurt au lancement de kdm :
 May  6 09:42:19 calamity-jane kdm[2227]: X server died during startup
 May  6 09:42:19 calamity-jane kdm[2227]: X server for display :0
 cannot be started, session disabled
 Je joins mes fichiers kdm.log et Xorg.0.log mais il n'y a rien de
 très informatif...
 Je précise que j'utilise le driver nvidia proprio et que jusqu'à mon
 pb de libc il a tourné impeccablement...
 Est-ce que quelqu'un à déjà eu ce pb ?

Une remarque sur laquelle un certain nombre de pages sur le sujet
insistent : il faut complètement désinstaller nouveau avant d'installer
le driver proprio (quelle que soit la méthode), il se peut que le
problème vienne (venait, il semble que tu l'aies résolu) de là.



Nicolas FRANCOIS  |  /\   | |__|
We are the Micro$oft.   _\_V
Resistance is futile.   
You will be assimilated. darthvader penguin

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Re: Fwd: Re: debian modems adsl

2012-05-15 Thread Gilles Mocellin

Le 15/05/2012 09:20, philippe L a écrit :

-- Message transféré --
De : philippe L
Date : 15 mai 2012 09:19
Objet : Re: debian modems adsl
À : Anthony BRODARD


je cherche des infos sur le matériel compatible sur du ll, la norme doit
être posix 9 ?



Sur un équipement dimensionné routeur, tu n'auras jamais une Debian 

Autant se tourner vers des distributions spécialisées.

La plus ouverte, mais la moins grand publique :
La plus grand publique :

Après de nombreuses années de bons et loayux services, j'ai remplacé mon 
Linksys WRT54GS sous OpenWRT whiterussian, kamikaze puis backfire par un 
Netgear WNDR3800 sous OpenWRT backfire.

Tout marche.


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Connaissez-vous mydnes ???

2012-05-15 Thread Support mydnes
Mydnes est un réseau social qui vous relie à des amis, des collègues de 
travail, ou d’autres personnes qui ont quelque chose à partager avec vous.

Possibilité de créer des annonces, des événements, un blog et bien plus encore.

Sur ce lien :

Bonne navigation .

Re: OT: android sdk xperia

2012-05-15 Thread mariodebian
El lun, 14-05-2012 a las 20:31 -0300, Ricardo Delgado escribió:
 buenas, recien adquiri un sony ericson xperia, con android.
 estuve mirando en la web que se puede instalar debian, y tambien rootear.
 pero casi todo es para W$, los casos para linux que vi.
 pero lo que veo el adb es para windows ya que al bajar
 el mismo es un .exe
 concretamente alguien sabe como hacer un rooteo desde linux?

En las platform-tools del SDK tienes adb:

El SDK lo puedes instalar en cualquier sistema operativo:


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Re: OT: android sdk xperia

2012-05-15 Thread Raul Muñoz Díaz
2012/5/15 mariodebian

 El lun, 14-05-2012 a las 20:31 -0300, Ricardo Delgado escribió:
  buenas, recien adquiri un sony ericson xperia, con android.
  estuve mirando en la web que se puede instalar debian, y tambien rootear.
  pero casi todo es para W$, los casos para linux que vi.
  pero lo que veo el adb es para windows ya que al bajar
  el mismo es un .exe
  concretamente alguien sabe como hacer un rooteo desde linux?

 En las platform-tools del SDK tienes adb:

 El SDK lo puedes instalar en cualquier sistema operativo:


Hola, yo rooteé mi samsung galaxy s con un script para linux del foro
ahí busca el 

Precisamente monta un adb server contra el smartphone y ejecuta un exploit
para elevar privilegios a superuser.
Pruebalo a ver que tal, en teoría está soportado para tu modelo aunque es
preferible que estés con la versión gingerbread de android (2.3) para que
un saludo

Re: Emparejar dispositivos bluetooth

2012-05-15 Thread Camaleón
El Mon, 14 May 2012 21:29:48 +0200, J. OCTAVIO Avalos escribió:

 El día 14 de mayo de 2012 19:21, Camaleón escribió:

 Nada. No funcionan. No se si debian acepta arranque automático con un
 solo usuario. Asi evito logearme pero de todas formas no podría entrar
 en modo recovery.

 Sí, sí puedes iniciar sesión automáticamente. Bueno, yo lo tengo
 configurado así en GNOME, accedo sin pasar por la pantalla del gdm3.

 Entonces ¿Como tendría que hacer? porque si voy a usuarios y grupos esa
 opción la tengo desactivada.

Desde que nos metieron a capón el GDM3 para hacer estas cosas sencillitas 
hay que tocar los archivos manualmente :-(

A ver si me acuerdo, tienes que editar el archivo /etc/gdm3/daemon.conf 
y poner:

AutomaticLoginEnable = true
AutomaticLogin = tavi (o como se llame tu usuario)

 No se si con un bluetooth usb resolvería temporalmente el problema.


 Pues no te sabría decir, los Mac son muy raritos.

 No que va, por ejemplo lo del bluetooth y Win7 lo vi para otros teclados
 y equipos.

¿Te refieres a un teclado/ratón distinto del de Apple? Salvo problemas 
puntuales yo no he leído por ningún lado que se tenga que hacer malabares 
con estos chismes BT cuando se tienen varios sistemas operativos (que se 
emparejen y dejen de hacerlo al iniciar otro SO y cosas desas tan 

Je, ahora ya sabemos de dónde viene realmente el término 
maquiavélico... el pobre D. Nicolás era un angelico comparado con estos 
de Apple ;-)



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Re: [ Muy OT][Fwd: Buscando coordinadores de traduccion al castellano]

2012-05-15 Thread Julian Daich
El lun, 14-05-2012 a las 08:26 -0300, JAP escribió:
 El dom, 13-05-2012 a las 12:07 +0200, Julian Daich escribió: 
  Se que está no es una lista de traductores de Software Libre, pero piden
  una mano y creo que a alguien le puede interesar.
  Respuestas y comentarios solo al contacto, por favor.
  Julian Daich
 No me da el cuero para coordinador, pero sí para traductor.
 Así que, dispuesto a lo que guste mandar.

Lee bien el mensaje original que reenvié. Ahí tiene que aparecer la
dirección de contacto 



Julian Daich

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Re: Actualización 13 de mayo

2012-05-15 Thread Camaleón
El Mon, 14 May 2012 15:56:10 -0500, Odair Augusto Trujillo Orozco

 Hola, ayer la última actualización que realicé descargó muchos paquetes
 dentro de ellos actualizó el kernel el sistema de inicio, todo el qt y
 muchas otras cosas, al principio me pareció que todo andaba bien pero
 ahora me doy cuenta que el navegador Chrome se puso muy lento para
 cambiar de pestañas. Sin contar que la actualización del Chrome me
 sobrescribe el flashplayer viejo, poniéndome la versión nueva que hace
 ver morados o azules los vídeos en youtube.
 ¿Alguna idea, alguien ya actualizó?

En la lista inglesa se trató ese tema no hará mucho, aquí te dejo el hilo 
con la solución aportada:

Re: Sid upgrade: slow tabs in Chrome.

Como me ha parecido leer en otro mensaje de esta lista, el problema era 
de libcairo.



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Re: Debian Desktop es buena alternativa para ambiente corporativo?

2012-05-15 Thread Camaleón
El Mon, 14 May 2012 16:51:51 -0300, Flako escribió:

 El 14 de mayo de 2012 12:02, Camaleón escribió:

 Como reemplazo de SLED (¿por qué la quieres reemplazar? openSUSE/SLED
 es una de las mejores distribuciones que hay para un entorno
 Si? SLED/S son solo 4 dvd de programas (que incluye los devel), cuando
 queres instalar algo que no esta luchas con un mix de repositorios de
 opensuse que no son compatibles con SLED/S y de dudosa reputación. Es
 mas fácil mantener vivo un Debian hibrido con sid que con repositorios
 todos sueltos..

En parte llevas razón, si quieres instalar algo que no está disponible en 
los repos oficiales de SLED tienes que buscarte la vida por tu cuenta y 
es cierto, no todos los paquetes de openSUSE sirven para una SLED, además 
de que, aún cuando no tuvieras problemas para instalarlos, estos paquetes 
no están certificados para SLED y entiendo que no tendrías soporte por 
parte de SUSE si tuvieras algún problema o si tuvieras un conflicto con 
alguna biblioteca del sistema.

Es verdad que hay más programas compilados para distribuciones basadas en 
paquetes DEB, por eso te preguntaba si no habías pensando en Ubuntu 
Desktop LTS, con la ventaja de que podrás encontrar paquetes más 
actualizados y un montón de repos también de dudosa calidad pero que te 
pueden sacar de un apuro puntual.

 SUSE lo único grande que le queda es Yast.

Hombre... desde mi punto de vista openSUSE (SLED) es una de las mejores 
distribuciones que hay ahora mismo, técnicamente es muy buena. No sé, 
quizá es que he estado muchos años ya con ella y la llegué a conocer 
bastante bien, pero desde el primer momento me dio una impresión de ser 
una distribución muy profesional y muy cuidada.

YaST no tiene competencia, cierto, pero el resto de openSUSE igualmente 
derrocha calidad allá donde mires, está muy bien diseñada. ¿Su punto 
flaco? Pues el mismo que el del resto de distribuciones basadas en RPM, 
que hay menos paquetes de los que hacen falta a los usuarios de a pie 
pero por contra, la mayoría de fabricantes de harwdare distribuyen los 
controladores para RedHat (y derivadas) y SLES/SLED (Y derivadas) :-)

 podrías pensar en Ubuntu Desktop, donde la ventaja sería el soporte
 extendido (5 años) contra el soporte de Debian (~2/3 años).
  Si es mucho, 5 años, pero me da que para los deskop corporativos
 (pc de uso acotado) es medio al pedo.., en Linux pasan 2/3 años y ya
 no podes instalar el ultimo programa o driver de impresora y necesitas
 migrar.. (windows gana en eso y Debian con su estructura de repos les
 gana a al resto de los Gnu/Linux.

Pero Ubuntu sí que van sacando actualizaciones para sus versiones LTS y 
tiene repositorios externos que también puedes usar para mantener algunos 
paquetes al día ¿no? :-?

 No me convence, precisamente por lo que dices: parece que se trata de
 una selección de paquetes enfocados a un entorno empresarial, no veo
 ningún añadido que la haga especial y los paquetes los puedo instalar
 en una Debian normal.

 Y en una empresa lo que más se valora (yo al menos) es la estabilidad,
 la robustez y la cantidad de paquete precompilados disponibles. Debian
 estable (o SLED o Ubuntu Desktop) cumplen perfectamente con ese
 Si.. pero yo sacaría a saca SLED :), y Debian estable lo
 sacaría por ser demasiado estable (paquetes muy viejos, perdón son la
 cantidad de fix correctos)
 Y Linux mint?

Con Linux Mint tendrías el mismo problema que con Ubuntu (al fin y al 
cabo se se basa en Ubuntu, ¿no?) lo único que ganarías sería en aspecto 
visual, que parece un poco más estética :-)



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Re: declaración de renta en España con Debian

2012-05-15 Thread Ernest Sales
Gracias a todos los que me habéis contestado. Sólo un par de comentarios.

On dl, 2012-05-14 at 15:06 +0200, fernando sainz wrote:
 un enlace simbólico (man ln -s)

Sí, debería haberlo probado. Ahora no puedo trastear más, porque el
problema era ya en el paso final de la presentación. Si alguien lo
prueba, por favor que explique si le ha funcionado.

On dl, 2012-05-14 at 14:12 +, Camaleón wrote:
 Bueno, eso lo pone bien claro en la página de descarga del programa. Nos 
 guste o no, la VM de Oracle es la que manda, y una aplicación programada 
 por y para ser ejecutada con la JRE de Oracle te puede dar problemas si 
 la ejecutas desde otra VM. Pero eso no es exclusivo del programa PADRE, 

On dl, 2012-05-14 at 16:12 +0200, Luis Felipe Tabera wrote:
 La implementación openjdk, mal que me pese no es todo lo buena que debería 
 ser. Yo tengo instalada la de oracle porque hay programas funciones que nunca 
 he logrado que funciones con openjdk.

Tal como se está poniendo Oracle [1] esta postura es suicida para el
software libre. ¿Cuántas de las prestaciones más nuevas o sofisticadas,
o sea que no estén [bien] soportadas en OpenJDK, puede necesitar un
programa como el PADRE? ¿No será que los programadores tienden a usar
la última versión porque cuentan con que, como total es gratis, el
usuario final dispondrá de ella? A mí lo que me fallaba era una ventana
con un texto de aviso: me juego algo a que se podía haber hecho de
forma que fuera compatible, pero como eso no es un requisito...

 (en inglés)

Salud y gracias otra vez.

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Re: OT: android sdk xperia

2012-05-15 Thread Ricardo Delgado
El día 15 de mayo de 2012 06:35, Raul Muñoz Díaz escribió:

 2012/5/15 mariodebian

 El lun, 14-05-2012 a las 20:31 -0300, Ricardo Delgado escribió:
  buenas, recien adquiri un sony ericson xperia, con android.
  estuve mirando en la web que se puede instalar debian, y tambien
  pero casi todo es para W$, los casos para linux que vi.
  pero lo que veo el adb es para windows ya que al bajar
  el mismo es un .exe
  concretamente alguien sabe como hacer un rooteo desde linux?

 En las platform-tools del SDK tienes adb:

 El SDK lo puedes instalar en cualquier sistema operativo:


 Hola, yo rooteé mi samsung galaxy s con un script para linux del foro
 ahí busca el

 Precisamente monta un adb server contra el smartphone y ejecuta un exploit
 para elevar privilegios a superuser.
 Pruebalo a ver que tal, en teoría está soportado para tu modelo aunque es
 preferible que estés con la versión gingerbread de android (2.3) para que
 un saludo

buenas, lo probe y al parecer anduvo, porque le hago un nmap y me
levanta el puerto 22, ahora estoy viendo como o cual es la contraseña
por defecto de root para cambiarla.

gracias, por la ayuda.

Windows? Reboot
Debian?      beRoot 

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Re: Problemas con disco duro

2012-05-15 Thread Fabián Bonetti
On Mon, 14 May 2012 11:18:59 -0400
yordanis wrote:

probaste forzar fsck en el próximo reinicio?.

# touch /forcefsck

Otra alternativa:.


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Re: declaración de renta en España con Debian

2012-05-15 Thread Camaleón
El Tue, 15 May 2012 16:00:23 +0200, Ernest Sales escribió:

 On dl, 2012-05-14 at 14:12 +, Camaleón wrote: [...]
 Bueno, eso lo pone bien claro en la página de descarga del programa.
 Nos guste o no, la VM de Oracle es la que manda, y una aplicación
 programada por y para ser ejecutada con la JRE de Oracle te puede dar
 problemas si la ejecutas desde otra VM. Pero eso no es exclusivo del
 programa PADRE,
 On dl, 2012-05-14 at 16:12 +0200, Luis Felipe Tabera wrote: [...]
 La implementación openjdk, mal que me pese no es todo lo buena que
 debería ser. Yo tengo instalada la de oracle porque hay programas
 funciones que nunca he logrado que funciones con openjdk.
 Tal como se está poniendo Oracle [1] esta postura es suicida para el
 software libre. 

No, ojo, es una postura suicida para quien decide programar basándose en 
una versión concreta de una máquina virtual concreta de un proveedor 

Allá la AEAT si quiere que sus contribuyentes vuelvan al papel, pero yo  
dejaría constancia de ello y después, que hagan lo que quieran, que yo 
también lo haré, pero ya te digo que la administración no es el único 
caso que requiere de una VM concreta para que su aplicación funcione.

 ¿Cuántas de las prestaciones más nuevas o sofisticadas, o sea que no
 estén [bien] soportadas en OpenJDK, puede necesitar un programa como el

Si el programa PADRE es de código abierto, alguien podrá hacer un listado 

 ¿No será que los programadores tienden a usar la última versión porque
 cuentan con que, como total es gratis, el usuario final dispondrá de

No creo que pidan la última versión (y ojo, que ya van por la v.7). Creo 
más bien que se trata de la vaguería que hay instaurada en este país 
(hacer lo mínimo para cobrar la nómina a fin de mes, es decir, la ley del 
mínimo esfuerzo) y de la manía que tienen las empresas (sobre todo las 
públicas) en hacer las cosas mal. Repito, la declaración debería de poder 
hacerse sin necesitad de instalar nada, directamente desde el navegador y 
con acceso a los servidores de la AEAT. Encima que pagamos, nos dan 
por... saco, nos dan por saco O:-)

 A mí lo que me fallaba era una ventana con un texto de aviso: me juego
 algo a que se podía haber hecho de forma que fuera compatible, pero
 como eso no es un requisito...

Hombre, pero por supuesto... de chorraditas y fallos tontunos de ese tipo 
están llenas las aplicaciones y las páginas web.



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2012-05-15 Thread Dainel
script debmirror para actualizar squeeze


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Instalar impresora en debian 6

2012-05-15 Thread luis

Buenas tardes a todos

Tengo debian 6 pero no puedo instalar impresora alguna, me han dicho d 
einstalar CUPS ero me pide dependencias, como debo escribir a la hora de 
instalar para que intale todo

# apt-get instal cups ... ...  ..  ...

Tengo maquinas clientes con Debian 6 pero no puedo agregar impresoras

a ver quien me puede ayudar con esto ..
agradezco a todos la ayuda

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Debmirror (era: hola)

2012-05-15 Thread Camaleón
El Tue, 15 May 2012 11:40:59 -0400, Dainel escribió:

 script debmirror para actualizar squeeze

Pues vale, pero como no te pongas en modo verboso, mal vamos.



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Re: Instalar impresora en debian 6

2012-05-15 Thread Camaleón
El Tue, 15 May 2012 12:13:35 -0400, luis escribió:

 Tengo debian 6 pero no puedo instalar impresora alguna, 

¿Qué impresora, exactamente?

 me han dicho d einstalar CUPS ero me pide dependencias, como debo
 escribir a la hora de instalar para que intale todo

CUPS suele venir instalado de serie. Ejecuta:

dpkg -l | grep -i cups

Y pon la salida.

 # apt-get instal cups ... ...  ..  ...

Si no te manejas bien en línea de comandos, puedes usar Synaptic.

 Tengo maquinas clientes con Debian 6 pero no puedo agregar impresoras

Asegúrate de que tienes CUPS, dinos qué impresora quieres instalar y 
luego seguimos.



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Re: Debmirror (era: hola)

2012-05-15 Thread Gonzalo Rivero
El mar, 15-05-2012 a las 16:15 +, Camaleón escribió: 
 El Tue, 15 May 2012 11:40:59 -0400, Dainel escribió:
  script debmirror para actualizar squeeze
 Pues vale, pero como no te pongas en modo verboso, mal vamos.

estará tratando de usar google por mail y confundió la dirección a la
que escribir(?)


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Fwd: Re: Instalar impresora en debian 6

2012-05-15 Thread luis
Donde esta Synaptic de donde lo saco hay que instlar eso como se 
hace?? en el meni no esta

La impresora que uso es Samsung ML-1450 y epson lx300

Soy nuevo en esto he leido pero no es facil pero sigo adelante ... yo 
uso los repo para instalar las cosas lo que no entiendo es si le doy 
instalar a cups por que no ve las dependencias o no las instala eso no 
se instala asi o hay que agregar en una misma linea de comandos las 

agradezto la yuda dada por ustedes listeros

 Original Message 
Subject: Re: Instalar impresora en debian 6
Date: Tue, 15 May 2012 16:19:24 + (UTC)
From: Camaleón

El Tue, 15 May 2012 12:13:35 -0400, luis escribió:

Tengo debian 6 pero no puedo instalar impresora alguna,

¿Qué impresora, exactamente?

me han dicho d einstalar CUPS ero me pide dependencias, como debo
escribir a la hora de instalar para que intale todo

CUPS suele venir instalado de serie. Ejecuta:

dpkg -l | grep -i cups

Y pon la salida.

# apt-get instal cups ... ...  ..  ...

Si no te manejas bien en línea de comandos, puedes usar Synaptic.

Tengo maquinas clientes con Debian 6 pero no puedo agregar impresoras

Asegúrate de que tienes CUPS, dinos qué impresora quieres instalar y
luego seguimos.



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Re: Fwd: Re: Instalar impresora en debian 6

2012-05-15 Thread Camaleón
El Tue, 15 May 2012 13:09:41 -0400, luis escribió:

(responde debajo del texto, no encima)

 Donde esta Synaptic de donde lo saco hay que instlar eso como se
 hace?? en el meni no esta

whereis synaptic

 La impresora que uso es Samsung ML-1450 y epson lx300

Bien, parece que ambas están soportadas.

 Soy nuevo en esto he leido pero no es facil pero sigo adelante ... 

Bien, pero pon el resultado del comando que te he dicho para que veamos 
si ya tienes cups instalado.

 yo uso los repo para instalar las cosas lo que no entiendo es si le doy
 instalar a cups por que no ve las dependencias o no las instala eso no
 se instala asi o hay que agregar en una misma linea de comandos las

Nosotros no vemos lo que tú ves, no estamos delante de tu pantalla. Si no 
nos dices qué comando ejecutas exactamente y qué es lo que te devuelve 
exactamente no podemos ayudarte. La precisión es la clave del éxito.



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Re: Repositorios, actualizaciones, Chrome... (era: totalmente nueva)

2012-05-15 Thread Carlos Carcamo
Si estas utilizado debian squeeze

yo instale google chrome de la siguiente manera:

primero agrega el repositorio para google chrome a tu lista de repositorios:
 entra a un terminal y escribe lo siguiente:

*# gedit /etc/apt/sources.list*

te abrira el archivo con la lista de repositorios que tienes..
agrega la lo siguiente:

*# Google Linux
deb stable non-free main*

guarda y cierra el documento.

luego ejecuta en la terminal:

*# apt-get update*

a continuación instala google chrome así:

*# apt-get install google-chrome-stable*

te pedirá confirmación para descargar los paquetes, dale que si y listo ya
tienes chrome instalado...

El 10 de mayo de 2012 07:49, Camaleón escribió:

 El Thu, 10 May 2012 10:25:54 -0300, Cristina Amenedo escribió:

  hola a toda la comunidad.
  Soy nueva en debian,

 Hola Cristina :-)

 Para la próxima, intenta poner un Asunto más descriptivo y acorde con
 el problema.

  lo tengo instalado en una netbook, quisiera saber como hacer para
  instalar repositorios (así se dice??) para poder instalar
  actualizaciones sin ningún problema,

 ¿Te refieres a las actualizaciones del sistema (¿has instalado squeeze,
 wheezy...?) o a las actualizaciones de otros programas?

  por ejemplo se que se puede instalar el navegador google chrome (no
  chromium) desde la pagina misma de google, y hay algo que no se que es,
  y no me deja instalar dicho navegador.

 Pues como no nos digas el error que te aparece poco podremos hacer,
 nosotros no estamos delante de tu pantalla :-)

 ¿Qué pasos has seguido para instalar Chrome y qué error o qué problema



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El desarrollo no es material es un estado de conciencia metal

Instalar impresora en debian 6

2012-05-15 Thread luis
esto es lo que me sucede con las dependencias y lo hago desde un repo 
de bebian 6

El cjups esta instalado entre comilla no encuentra dependencias y tengo 
el repo no se que + hacer

root@lsp:/home/comercio# apt-get install cups
Leyendo lista de paquetes... Hecho
Creando árbol de dependencias
Leyendo la información de estado... Hecho
cups ya está en su versión más reciente.
Tal vez quiera ejecutar «apt-get -f install» para corregirlo:
Los siguientes paquetes tienen dependencias incumplidas:
 cups : Depende: libcupscgi1 (= 1.4.2) pero no va a instalarse
Depende: libcupsdriver1 (= 1.4.0) pero no va a instalarse
Depende: libcupsmime1 (= 1.4.0) pero no va a instalarse
Depende: libcupsppdc1 (= 1.4.0) pero no va a instalarse
Depende: libijs-0.35 pero no va a instalarse
Depende: libslp1 pero no va a instalarse
Depende: poppler-utils (= 0.12) pero no va a instalarse
Depende: ghostscript pero no va a instalarse
Depende: cups-client (= 1.4.4-7+squeeze1) pero 1.4.4-7 va a 
ser instalado

Depende: ssl-cert (= 1.0.11) pero no va a instalarse
Depende: cups-ppdc pero no va a instalarse
Recomienda: foomatic-filters (= 4.0) pero no va a instalarse
Recomienda: cups-driver-gutenprint pero no va a instalarse
Recomienda: ghostscript-cups pero no va a instalarse
E: Dependencias incumplidas. Intente «apt-get -f install» sin paquetes 
(o especifique una solución).


 Original Message 
Subject: Re: Fwd: Re: Instalar impresora en debian 6
Date: Tue, 15 May 2012 17:17:31 + (UTC)
From: Camaleón

El Tue, 15 May 2012 13:09:41 -0400, luis escribió:

(responde debajo del texto, no encima)

Donde esta Synaptic de donde lo saco hay que instlar eso como se
hace?? en el meni no esta

whereis synaptic

La impresora que uso es Samsung ML-1450 y epson lx300

Bien, parece que ambas están soportadas.

Soy nuevo en esto he leido pero no es facil pero sigo adelante ...

Bien, pero pon el resultado del comando que te he dicho para que veamos
si ya tienes cups instalado.

yo uso los repo para instalar las cosas lo que no entiendo es si le 
instalar a cups por que no ve las dependencias o no las instala eso 

se instala asi o hay que agregar en una misma linea de comandos las

Nosotros no vemos lo que tú ves, no estamos delante de tu pantalla. Si 
nos dices qué comando ejecutas exactamente y qué es lo que te 

exactamente no podemos ayudarte. La precisión es la clave del éxito.



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Re: Emparejar dispositivos bluetooth

2012-05-15 Thread J. OCTAVIO Avalos
El día 15 de mayo de 2012 15:34, Camaleón escribió:
 El Mon, 14 May 2012 21:29:48 +0200, J. OCTAVIO Avalos escribió:

 El día 14 de mayo de 2012 19:21, Camaleón escribió:

 Nada. No funcionan. No se si debian acepta arranque automático con un
 solo usuario. Asi evito logearme pero de todas formas no podría entrar
 en modo recovery.

 Sí, sí puedes iniciar sesión automáticamente. Bueno, yo lo tengo
 configurado así en GNOME, accedo sin pasar por la pantalla del gdm3.

 Entonces ¿Como tendría que hacer? porque si voy a usuarios y grupos esa
 opción la tengo desactivada.

 Desde que nos metieron a capón el GDM3 para hacer estas cosas sencillitas
 hay que tocar los archivos manualmente :-(

 A ver si me acuerdo, tienes que editar el archivo /etc/gdm3/daemon.conf
 y poner:

 AutomaticLoginEnable = true
 AutomaticLogin = tavi (o como se llame tu usuario)

 No se si con un bluetooth usb resolvería temporalmente el problema.


 Pues no te sabría decir, los Mac son muy raritos.

 No que va, por ejemplo lo del bluetooth y Win7 lo vi para otros teclados
 y equipos.

 ¿Te refieres a un teclado/ratón distinto del de Apple? Salvo problemas
 puntuales yo no he leído por ningún lado que se tenga que hacer malabares
 con estos chismes BT cuando se tienen varios sistemas operativos (que se
 emparejen y dejen de hacerlo al iniciar otro SO y cosas desas tan

 Je, ahora ya sabemos de dónde viene realmente el término
 maquiavélico... el pobre D. Nicolás era un angelico comparado con estos
 de Apple ;-)


Bueno, ahora lo tengo funcionando incluso con gdm3, el raton no es el
problema, despues de configurarlo desde linux. Ahora me falta que
funcione en REFIT y en Grub2

Un saludo
Octavio Ávalos

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Re: Re: Instalar impresora en debian 6

2012-05-15 Thread Ismael L. Donis Garcia
- Original Message - 

To: Debian user spanish
Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2012 1:09 PM
Subject: Fwd: Re: Instalar impresora en debian 6

Donde esta Synaptic de donde lo saco hay que instlar eso como se hace?? 
en el meni no esta

La impresora que uso es Samsung ML-1450 y epson lx300

Soy nuevo en esto he leido pero no es facil pero sigo adelante ... yo uso 
los repo para instalar las cosas lo que no entiendo es si le doy instalar a 
cups por que no ve las dependencias o no las instala eso no se instala asi 
o hay que agregar en una misma linea de comandos las dependecias?

Entras a una terminal y tecleas su, lo que te pedirá la contraseña de root, 
la pones y después que estés como root escribes actitude install synaptic lo 
cual te lo instalará.

Una vez instalado si tienes gnome entras por el menú sistema - 

|| ISMAEL ||

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sigo sin poder instalr impresora en Debian 6

2012-05-15 Thread luis

Hola a todos

sigo sin poder añadir una impresora a l Debi9an 6 que tengo instalado
Instalo cups pero me pide dependencias y por eso no se instala como 
hacer eso en una misma linea de comando como los codec de video y 

agradezco a todos la ayuda

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Re: sigo sin poder instalr impresora en Debian 6

2012-05-15 Thread sergiogomez

On Tue, 15 May 2012 16:32:21 -0400, wrote:

Hola a todos

sigo sin poder añadir una impresora a l Debi9an 6 que tengo instalado
Instalo cups pero me pide dependencias y por eso no se instala como
hacer eso en una misma linea de comando como los codec de video y

agradezco a todos la ayuda

Deberías primero resolver el tema de las dependencias para que se 
instale cups, sino no vas a conseguir nunca que funcionen las 

# apt-get install cups

Con eso debería ser sufuciete para que instale cups y todo lo 

Si esto está tirando errores, cuáles serían?


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Re: Instalar impresora en debian 6

2012-05-15 Thread JulHer
Hash: SHA1

El 15/05/12 20:08, escribió:
 Recomienda: cups-driver-gutenprint pero no va a instalarse 
 Recomienda: ghostscript-cups pero no va a instalarse E:
 Dependencias incumplidas. Intente «apt-get -f install» sin
 paquetes (o especifique una solución). root@lsp:/home/comercio#


Te está diciendo que para arreglar el lío de dependencias intentes el

# apt-get -f install

Y no tienes que crear un nuevo hilo, simplemente responde los correos
con la opción responder a la lista de tu cliente de correo.

Un saludo

Version: GnuPG/MacGPG2 v2.0.16 (Darwin)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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Re: [Fwd: Re: [ Muy OT][Fwd: Buscando coordinadores de traduccion al castellano]]

2012-05-15 Thread Richard Stallman
Puedes escribir a web-translators para participar cono traductor.

Dr Richard Stallman
President, Free Software Foundation
51 Franklin St
Boston MA 02110
Skype: No way! That's nonfree (freedom-denying) software.
  Use Ekiga or an ordinary phone call

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Re: [Fwd: Re: [ Muy OT][Fwd: Buscando coordinadores de traduccion al castellano]]

2012-05-15 Thread Fabián Bonetti
On Tue, 15 May 2012 19:17:22 -0400
Richard Stallman wrote:

 Puedes escribir a web-translators para participar cono traductor.
 Dr Richard Stallman
 President, Free Software Foundation
 51 Franklin St
 Boston MA 02110
 Skype: No way! That's nonfree (freedom-denying) software.
   Use Ekiga or an ordinary phone call

Muy amable Ricardo como siempre.


PD: Hoy cocine 1kg de ñoquis con salsa roja.

Voip Mumble (soft libre) :.
Web Hosting :.
Red Social :.
Jabber/XMPP :.
MamaLibre, Casa en Lincoln, Ituzaingo 1085 CP6070, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Description: PGP signature

acer aspire one wlan

2012-05-15 Thread mattias
udda att wlan inte går på acer aspire one dom nyare med windows 7
denna kör dock debian

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Re: acer aspire one wlan

2012-05-15 Thread Anders Jackson
2012/5/15 mattias
 udda att wlan inte går på acer aspire one dom nyare med windows 7
 denna kör dock debian

Det har fungerat tidigare.  Kanske ett fel som smygit sig in?

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Re: acer aspire one wlan

2012-05-15 Thread Helgi Örn Helgason
On 15 May 2012 21:28, mattias wrote:
 udda att wlan inte går på acer aspire one dom nyare med windows 7
 denna kör dock debian

Vilken Debian?

Jag kör Debian Wheezy (testing) på aspire one, wlan funkar utmärkt.


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Re: Setup dialog igen ...?

2012-05-15 Thread Jonas Smedegaard
On 12-05-15 at 12:48am, Flemming Bjerke wrote:
 On 13-05-2012 09:34, Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
 On 12-05-13 at 07:48am, Flemming Bjerke wrote:
 Jeg prøvede lige at installere egroupware. Den anbefalede metode er 
 at man tilføjer et repository og så installerer med apt-get.
 Officielle Debian pakker kræver ikke tilretning af APT for at kunne 
 installeres. Lyder til at du har installeret uoficielle pakker.
 Ja, klart uofficielle. Du tænker på at man blot kan installer via
 dpkg ... nåh, men det tror jeg ikke lige de havde forestillet sig.
 Hvor ligger de oplysninger så?
 Godt spørgsmål. Lyder til at pakkerne ikke overholder Debian Policy 
 som bl.a. sikrer at du kan have disse høje forventninger til 
 kvaliteten af pakker.
 Det er vist noget snask de har lavet fra egroupware ... Ideen er 
 selvfølgelig at man hele tiden kan opdatere via apt. Men mon ikke jeg 
 bare skal lave en installation via /var/www og så må opdateringerne jo 
 komme ind i mellem.

Jeg ved ikke om der lå et reelt spørgsmål i ovenstående.

Ofte er udviklerne ved projekter som eGroupware (upstream som vi 
kalder dem i Debian) gode til at få funktionalitet til at fungerere, men 
knapt så gode til at sikre en robust drift - bl.a. undgå 

Jeg kan meget anbefale at du overvejer om det er risikoen værd at bruge 
en groupware-løsning som ikke har været forbi Debian.  Du kan se nogle 
alternativer her:

Jeg kan ikke rigtigt anbefale noget af det, fordi jeg går skrappere til 
værks og prøver helt at undgå PHP (som desværre rigtigt mange 
groupware-løsninger er kodet i).  Jeg siger prøver fordi jeg endnu 
ikke har et alternativ til webmail-programmet IMP. Jeg arbejder på, men 
endnu ikke har pakkeklar, en webmail skrevet i Perl.

Måske Citadel passer til dine behov?

Jeg har store forventninger til SoGo som er ved at blive pakket i 

Mvh. Jonas

 * Jonas Smedegaard - idealist  Internet-arkitekt
 * Tlf.: +45 40843136  Website:

 [x] quote me freely  [ ] ask before reusing  [ ] keep private

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Re: Migrar sistema para novo hd

2012-05-15 Thread julio lopez
Use o Clonezilla...
Ele vai gerar uma imagem de todo o volume atual, incluindo as partições, MBR, 
swap... tudo!!!
Depois você usa o mesmo Clonezilla e restaura a imagem gerada no novo volume... 
Vai Estar tudo lá do jeito que estava no volume antigo, inclusive a MBR e vai 
bootar normalzinho.
O espaço livre excedente, depois vc cria uma nova partição e monta no sistema.
Baixe a última versão do Clonezilla do site (já é uma iso bootável), queime o 
CD, inivialize a máquina por ele e sigas as instruções na tela.
Só tome cuidado na hora de escolher qual é o volume origem (source) e qual é o 
volume destino (target).

Julio Lopez

 De: Humberto Bruzetti
Para: Debian User Portuguese 
Enviadas: Segunda-feira, 14 de Maio de 2012 10:13
Assunto: Migrar sistema para novo hd
Bom dia,

Tenho um pc com Debian whezzy e um hd de 500GB que esta cada dia pior,
assim comprei um hd de 1,5TB.
E estava pensando em como transferir os dados e sistema do hd velho para o novo.
O hd antigo esta com 4 partições, 1 swap, 1 de boot em ext3, e 2 em
xfs para o home e o /,
O hd novo eu penso em fazer a mesma divisão, 1 de swap, 1 de boot, 1
para home e 1 para home, mas todos formatados com ext4.
E para transferir os arquivo fazer um simples cp com os parâmetros
corretos para preservar os atributos.

# cp -av

Mas estou pensando se essa seria a melhor solução e se realmente
funcionaria corretamente depois de instalar o Grub no MBR.
Ou se seria melhor instalar todo o sistema do zero e copias todos os
arquivos e configurar todos os programas do sistema novamente?

As opções que vejo são:

1- Formatado o novo hd e depois copiar os arquivos de sistema e dados
preservando todos os atributos.
2- formatar o novo hd e instalar o Debian do zero e
   2a- copiar todos os dados e configurações do home preservando todos
os atributos, para não precisar configurar os aplicativos de usuário.
   2b- copiar somente os dados sem preservar nada e configurar os
aplicativos novamente.

Qual seria o melhor a se fazer?


Humberto Bruzetti

O que um sabe, todos sabem; do que um aprende todos se beneficiam.
We are offering freedom. Nothing more...
We call this free software, because the user is free.

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Re: Migrar sistema para novo hd

2012-05-15 Thread julio lopez

O clonezilla usa o dd porém em outros recursos agregados, taisl como fsck, etc
Não é mais rápido... mas ceretamente é mais seguro e bem mais eficiente.
Experimete e constate.
Tem suporte p/ raid, ntfs, lvm...  é muito bom!


 De: João Claudio
Para: julio lopez 
Cc: Humberto Bruzetti; Debian User Portuguese 
Enviadas: Terça-feira, 15 de Maio de 2012 11:21
Assunto: Re: Migrar sistema para novo hd


Não conhecia essa ferramenta. Ele é mais rápido e seguro que fazer um dd? Ou 
ele é só um frontend para o dd? 


João Claudio

Em 15 de maio de 2012 12:10, julio lopez escreveu:

Use o Clonezilla...
Ele vai gerar uma imagem de todo o volume atual, incluindo as partições, MBR, 
swap... tudo!!!
Depois você usa o mesmo Clonezilla e restaura a imagem gerada no novo 
volume... prontinho.
Vai Estar tudo lá do jeito que estava no volume antigo, inclusive a MBR e vai 
bootar normalzinho.
O espaço livre excedente, depois vc cria uma nova partição e monta no sistema.
Baixe a última versão do Clonezilla do site (já é uma iso bootável), queime o 
CD, inivialize a máquina por ele e sigas as instruções na tela.
Só tome cuidado na hora de escolher qual é o volume origem (source) e qual é o 
volume destino (target).

Julio Lopez

 De: Humberto Bruzetti
Para: Debian User Portuguese 
Enviadas: Segunda-feira, 14 de Maio de 2012 10:13
Assunto: Migrar sistema para novo hd

Bom dia,

Tenho um pc com Debian whezzy e um hd de 500GB que esta cada dia pior,
assim comprei um hd de 1,5TB.
E estava
 pensando em como transferir os dados e sistema do hd velho para o novo.
O hd antigo esta com 4 partições, 1 swap, 1 de boot em ext3, e 2 em
xfs para o home e o /,
O hd novo eu penso em fazer a mesma divisão, 1 de swap, 1 de boot, 1
para home e 1 para home, mas todos formatados com ext4.
E para transferir os arquivo fazer um simples cp com os parâmetros
corretos para preservar os atributos.

# cp -av

Mas estou pensando se essa seria a melhor solução e se realmente
funcionaria corretamente depois de instalar o Grub no MBR.
Ou se seria melhor instalar todo o sistema do zero e copias todos os
arquivos e configurar todos os programas do sistema novamente?

As opções que vejo são:

1- Formatado o novo hd e depois copiar os arquivos de sistema e dados
preservando todos os atributos.
2- formatar o novo hd e instalar o Debian do zero e
   2a- copiar todos os dados e configurações do
 home preservando todos
os atributos, para não precisar configurar os aplicativos de usuário.
   2b- copiar somente os dados sem preservar nada e configurar os
aplicativos novamente.

Qual seria o melhor a se fazer?


Humberto Bruzetti

O que um sabe, todos sabem; do que um aprende todos se beneficiam.
We are offering freedom. Nothing more...
We call this free software, because the user is free.

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Re: Migrar sistema para novo hd

2012-05-15 Thread julio lopez

VC está certo... 

Desculpem, mas não tinha lido os emails iniciais e não sabia que o desejo era 
migrar e mudar o sistema de arquivos para ext4.
Nesse caso,o Clonezilla não atende.
Ele apenas serve para o processo de migração de volumes (sempre de igual ou 
mair tamanho)
No caso em questão, eu primeiro migraria tudo com está com o Clonezilla.
Com isso eu venci apenas a etapa de sair de um disco ruim para um melhor... blz
O meu novo box agora está num volume saudável, e empleno uso.
Como o volume é maior que o original, então vai sobrar um espaço não utilizado 
no novo volume.
Esse espaço excedente então eu criaria novas partições com ext4, montaria no 
sistema e daí faria as personalizações que achasse necessário, movendo arquivos 
de uma partição para outra... etc.
Sei lá, é somete uma idéia.


 De: Leandro Henrique Stein
Para: Debian User Portuguese 
Enviadas: Terça-feira, 15 de Maio de 2012 11:46
Assunto: Re: Migrar sistema para novo hd

Mas a solução via dd e filezilla gera o problema da diferença de formatação das 

como foi dito no e-mail inicial.

Ele quer migrar algumas partições de ext3 para ext4.

Nunca utilizei o filezilla, mas o dd faz cópia bit-a-bit (na verdade 
byte-a-byte) do disco
desconsiderando totalmente a formatação, no caso solicitado ele teria uma nova 
em ext3 e se enviasse para uma partição pré-formatada como ext4, teria um 
grande monte
de nada, já que os dados não seriam acessível pela diferença de formatação.

Deixo claro aqui que desconheço opções do dd para fazer a cópia, junto com a 
do tipo de partição.
Leandro Henrique Stein
Analista de Informática
Claro: (41) 9935-9960
Tim: (41) 9802-9109
Skype: leandro.h.stein
Twitter: @leandrohstein

Desculpar-se é um sinal de fraqueza. Exceto entre amigos - Leroy Jethro Gibbs

Em 15 de maio de 2012 12:21, João Claudio escreveu:


Não conhecia essa ferramenta. Ele é mais rápido e seguro que fazer um dd? Ou 
ele é só um frontend para o dd? 


João Claudio

Em 15 de maio de 2012 12:10, julio lopez 

Use o Clonezilla...
Ele vai gerar uma imagem de todo o volume atual, incluindo as partições, MBR, 
swap... tudo!!!
Depois você usa o mesmo Clonezilla e restaura a imagem gerada no novo 
volume... prontinho.
Vai Estar tudo lá do jeito que estava no volume antigo, inclusive a MBR e vai 
bootar normalzinho.
O espaço livre excedente, depois vc cria uma nova partição e monta no sistema.
Baixe a última versão do Clonezilla do site (já é uma iso bootável), queime o 
CD, inivialize a máquina por ele e sigas as instruções na tela.
Só tome cuidado na hora de escolher qual é o volume origem (source) e qual é 
o volume destino (target).

Julio Lopez

 De: Humberto Bruzetti
Para: Debian User Portuguese 
Enviadas: Segunda-feira, 14 de Maio de 2012 10:13
Assunto: Migrar sistema para novo hd

Bom dia,

Tenho um pc com Debian whezzy e um hd de 500GB que esta cada dia pior,
assim comprei um hd de 1,5TB.
E estava
 pensando em como transferir os dados e sistema do hd velho para o novo.
O hd antigo esta com 4 partições, 1 swap, 1 de boot em ext3, e 2 em
xfs para o home e o /,
O hd novo eu penso em fazer a mesma divisão, 1 de swap, 1 de boot, 1
para home e 1 para home, mas todos formatados com ext4.
E para transferir os arquivo fazer um simples cp com os parâmetros
corretos para preservar os atributos.

# cp -av

Mas estou pensando se essa seria a melhor solução e se realmente
funcionaria corretamente depois de instalar o Grub no MBR.
Ou se seria melhor instalar todo o sistema do zero e copias todos os
arquivos e configurar todos os programas do sistema novamente?

As opções que vejo são:

1- Formatado o novo hd e depois copiar os arquivos de sistema e dados
preservando todos os atributos.
2- formatar o novo hd e instalar o Debian do zero e
   2a- copiar todos os dados e configurações do
 home preservando todos
os atributos, para não precisar configurar os aplicativos de usuário.
   2b- copiar somente os dados sem preservar nada e configurar os
aplicativos novamente.

Qual seria o melhor a se fazer?


Humberto Bruzetti

O que um sabe, todos sabem; do que um aprende todos se beneficiam.
We are offering freedom. Nothing more...
We call this free software, because the user is free.

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Re: notebook QBEX

2012-05-15 Thread Listeiro 037
Muito bom saber que essa marca melhorou e que pode ser uma boa opção na
hora da compra.

Até um tempo atrás os comentários eram todos desfavoráveis.

Esperarei para ver se continuam assim.

Em Mon, 14 May 2012 16:15:29 +
Bruno Ambrosio escreveu:

 Esse Note é muito bom a placa mãe é boa sem perigo de problemas
 rapidos (placa Shuttle) e o restante da configuração é muito boa...
 pode comprar sem medo... tenho um e não me arrependo de ter comprado
 QBEX... o importante é o conteudo do note... e seu acabamento...
 nessa caso não tenho o que reclamar
 -Mensagem original-
 De: Listeiro 037 [] 
 Enviada em: segunda-feira, 14 de maio de 2012 12:27
 Assunto: Re: notebook QBEX
 Esses produtos não são muito bem vistos por questões de qualidade.
 Mas para tirar qualquer dúvida, sugeriria pesquisar na internet se
 está havendo muitos defeitos após a compra, quebras etc. como está a
 assistência técnica.
 É melhor ter certeza. No caso da Qbex há um tempo atrás falavam mal e
 não sei se algo mudou.
 O suporte à Linux está bem melhor que há anos atrás, então existe boa
 probabilidade de aceitação. Então é melhor focar primeiro em algo que
 é garantido que não quebre. 
 A menos que você já tenha chegado a essa marca de produto.
 Agora se Debian não der certo, as distros patrocinadas por empresas
 que dispõem de uma versão free e outra paga costumam dar certo.
 Aí são outros quinhentos ...
 Em Mon, 14 May 2012 11:45:53 -0300
 Flavio Barros escreveu:
  Pessoal eu estava interessando nesse note aqui:
  configuração, um core i7 + HD de 500G + 8G de RAM, o preço está
  ótimo. Pelo que eu vi eles conseguem esses preços pois tem várias
  isenções de impostos por estarem em Ilhéus na BA e também por
  trabalharem com software livre.
  Alguém já instalou o Debian nesse note??

There are three kinds of lies: lies, damn lies, and statistics.
Benjamin Disraeli

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guardião itau

2012-05-15 Thread G.Paulo
Isso é meio off-topic, mas nao consegui nenhuma resposta muito clara na rede.

Alguém já tentou instalar o tal Guardião Itaú num Debian? Conseguiu? Tenho 
duas máquinas, uma usando o stable 32 bits e, outra, o testing 64 bits, nas 
quais não consegui instalar o tal guardião. Tentei no Icewheasel e no Chromium.

Parece que tem algo a ver com o java. Neste caso, o que tenho instalado num 
Debian Wheezy:
 $ java -version
java version 1.6.0_24
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea6 1.11.1) (6b24-1.11.1-3)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 20.0-b12, mixed mode)

e num Debian Squeeze:
$ java -version
java version 1.6.0_26
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_26-b03)
Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM (build 20.1-b02, mixed mode)

Os programas do imposto de renda, que dependen de Java, rodam sem problemas.

Alguns links na internet apontam para instalar um plugin java (fazer download 
etc.). Mas não haveria alguma coisa disponível nos repositórios? Pergunto 
porque evito ao máximo fugir de uma instalaćao padrão.


Informaćão adicional:

O tal guardião é mais uma complicação criada pelo Itaú. Uma protećão qualquer, 
que ninguém sabe dizer se é um plugin ou que raio de programa é, que foi feito 
e testado para Windows. Pedi auxílio ao banco e a resposta que recebi comećava 
assim: Caso possua o Windows Vista ou Windows 7 

Usar o tele-atendimento do banco, então, é tarefa divertidíssima (se você tiver 
tempo de sobra, é claro) porque vai ouvir as respostas mais inúteis possíveis, 
os atententes mais perplexos e, ao final, vão transferi-lo para o /dev/null... 
e a linha cai.

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Re: guardião itau

2012-05-15 Thread Fernando Mercês
Isso aconteceu comigo e só consegui com a JRE da Oracle. =/

Baixa e instala a última versão (1.7_04 nesta data). Deve resolver:



Fernando Mercês
Linux Registered User #432779

Ninguém pode ser escravo de sua identidade; quando surge uma
possibilidade de mudança é preciso mudar. (Elliot Gould)

2012/5/15 G.Paulo
 Isso é meio off-topic, mas nao consegui nenhuma resposta muito clara na rede.

 Alguém já tentou instalar o tal Guardião Itaú num Debian? Conseguiu? Tenho 
 duas máquinas, uma usando o stable 32 bits e, outra, o testing 64 bits, nas 
 quais não consegui instalar o tal guardião. Tentei no Icewheasel e no 

 Parece que tem algo a ver com o java. Neste caso, o que tenho instalado num 
 Debian Wheezy:
  $ java -version
 java version 1.6.0_24
 OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea6 1.11.1) (6b24-1.11.1-3)
 OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 20.0-b12, mixed mode)

 e num Debian Squeeze:
 $ java -version
 java version 1.6.0_26
 Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_26-b03)
 Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM (build 20.1-b02, mixed mode)

 Os programas do imposto de renda, que dependen de Java, rodam sem problemas.

 Alguns links na internet apontam para instalar um plugin java (fazer download 
 etc.). Mas não haveria alguma coisa disponível nos repositórios? Pergunto 
 porque evito ao máximo fugir de uma instalaćao padrão.


 Informaćão adicional:

 O tal guardião é mais uma complicação criada pelo Itaú. Uma protećão 
 qualquer, que ninguém sabe dizer se é um plugin ou que raio de programa é, 
 que foi feito e testado para Windows. Pedi auxílio ao banco e a resposta que 
 recebi comećava assim: Caso possua o Windows Vista ou Windows 7 

 Usar o tele-atendimento do banco, então, é tarefa divertidíssima (se você 
 tiver tempo de sobra, é claro) porque vai ouvir as respostas mais inúteis 
 possíveis, os atententes mais perplexos e, ao final, vão transferi-lo para o 
 /dev/null... e a linha cai.

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 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

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Re: A Resource Inquiry Regarding Free Speech, Privacy and Technology

2012-05-15 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Lu, 14 mai 12, 19:17:47, Fiona Causer wrote:
 Hi There,

Hi Fiona,
 I am curious if you are the administrator for this site:
 I am a researcher / writer involved with a new project whose mission 
 it is to provide accurate and useful information for those interested 
 in the practice of law, whether as a lawyer or paralegal. I recently 
 produced an article detailing the complex relationship between law and 
 technology and the legal implications on personal privacy and free 
 speech. I would love to share this resource with those who might find 
 it useful and am curious of you are the correct person to contact 
 about such a request?

The Debian Weekly news has been replaced with the Debian Project News 
(bi-weekly) and you can reach the editors either via the public mailing 
list or via the not-public 
Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: Since safe-upgrade.........

2012-05-15 Thread computer.enthusiastic
 Did aptitude safe-upgrade with aptitude yesterday and there are a heap of
 errors like:
 E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)
 A package failed to install.  Trying to recover:
 Setting up fontconfig-config (2.9.0-3) ...
 rmdir: failed to remove `/var/lib/defoma/fontconfig.d/': Directory not empty
 dpkg: error processing fontconfig-config (--configure):
  subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1

It has been already reported [0].  You can force-remove
/var/lib/defoma/fontconfig.d/ to overcome the error.


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Re: server monitoring

2012-05-15 Thread Johann Spies
On Mon, May 14, 2012 at 03:10:55PM +0200, Stanisław Findeisen wrote:

I support the reference to Nagios.  We have used Munin together with
Nagios when I was system administrator up to 2 years ago. Munin can be
configured to use nagios' notifying system and provides nice graphical


Johann SpiesTelefoon: 021-808 4699
Databestuurder /  Data manager

Sentrum vir Navorsing oor Evaluasie, Wetenskap en Tegnologie
Centre for Research on Evaluation, Science and Technology 
Universiteit Stellenbosch.

 Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, 
  believe also in me.   John 14:1 
E-pos vrywaringsklousule

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Re: WiFi issues after upgrade on Sid, wlan0 ; No such device

2012-05-15 Thread John Magolske
My problem was resolved with an `aptitude dist-upgrade` which removed
some obsolete packages and allowed new things to get upgraded,
including a new kernel. I was being cautious with `aptitude upgrade`
and `aptitude safe-upgrade`, but now I see the value of dist-upgrade.

* Camaleón [120512 22:23]:
 On Thu, 10 May 2012 19:02:30 -0700, John Magolske wrote:
  I'm running Sid on my ThinkPad X200s, and after an `aptitude upgrade`
  the WiFi is experiencing intermittent problems. Pretty sure it's not the
  hardware, as I've never experienced these issues before and this started
  happening exactly after the upgrade.

 lsmod | grep iwlagn
 Wifi driver modules usually depend on others and you have to remove all 
 of them to satisfy their dependencies and they can be unloaded 
 successfully (as root, modinfo iwlagn | grep depends will tell you more 
 about this).

Thanks for the tip. Not sure what this would've looked like before the
dist-upgrade state...but now it's like so:

% lsmod | grep iwlagn
% modinfo iwlagn | grep depends
% modinfo iwlagn | grep -A 1 filename
  alias:  iwlagn

... looks like iwlagn is now an alias to the iwlwifi module, which has
replaced iwlagn as of Linux 3.2. In any case, WiFi is working fine now.

  % uname -a
  Linux ... 2.6.38-grml #1 SMP PREEMPT Tue May 24 15:10:58 UTC
  2011 i686 GNU/Linux
 Mmm, why is that you are using such an old kernel? :-?

As mentioned above, I'd been neglecting to do a dist-upgrade, so some
old obsolete packages were preventing the install of a new kernel,
only allowing it if 440 packages could be removed. After doing a
`dist-upgrade` i was able to install 3.2.0-2-686-pae with no fuss,
and things are working fine now.



John Magolske

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RE: server monitoring

2012-05-15 Thread Bonno Bloksma

 As far as a general monitoring solution is concerned, I would 
 recommend the Nagios Core application. I have been using it for some 
 time, and it does have plugins that can handle most, if not all of the 
 items you listed in your e-mail. I have also deployed another server that 
 utilizes the LogAnalyzer application to monitor the log files on the server.

 As the other posters suggest, Nagios is great for monitoring services etc. 
 and it is very easy to write your own plugins to do exactly what you want.
 There are also various other frontends/forks of Nagios such as Opsview which 
 give it a pretty web UI and make the config very easy.

Of which Munin is my favourite, very easy to install and start using. It comes 
loaded with all you want to know about your Linux system. But

The only thing wrong with all of these products seems to be that it is YOU 
who needs to know WHAT is wrong.
I had a problem with a server and we were unable to find out why the server was 
performing slow. Once someone told me that a specific value needed not just to 
be close to zero (0.01) but very close to zero (0.001) I was able to find 
out where the problem was.
I would have liked a product that would have warned me about that specific 
value instead of just showing a nice graph with lots of lines near zero. :-(

Bonno Bloksma

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2012-05-15 Thread Johann Spies
I have checked the man page and the Debian Handbook but I am not sure
how to influence the 'auto' setting for update-alternatives.


 % update-alternatives --config x-www-browser
update-alternatives --config x-www-browser
There are 6 choices for the alternative x-www-browser (providing 

  SelectionPath   Priority   Status

  0/usr/bin/google-chrome  200   auto mode
  1/usr/bin/dillo  50manual mode
  2/usr/bin/epiphany-browser   85manual mode
  3/usr/bin/google-chrome  200   manual mode
* 4/usr/bin/iceweasel  70manual mode
  5/usr/bin/opera  200   manual mode
  6/usr/bin/xlinks269manual mode

Press enter to keep the current choice[*], or type selection number: 

The man page says (and this for me is unclear):

When using the --config option, update-alternatives will list all of the
choices for the link group of which given name is the master alternative
name. The current choice is marked with a '*'.  You will then be
prompted for your choice regarding this link group.  Depending on the
choice made, the link group might no longer be in auto mode.  You will
need to use the --auto option in order to return to the automatic mode
(or you can rerun --config and select the entry marked as automatic).

I cannot figure out from this how to get to 'auto' mode.  After choosing
iceweasel in the screen shown above, when I run the --auto option I
still get :

% sudo update-alternatives --auto x-www-browser
sudo update-alternatives --auto x-www-browser
update-alternatives: using /usr/bin/google-chrome to provide 
/usr/bin/x-www-browser (x-www-browser) in auto mode

So what does the --auto option do otherwise than showing me what I have
already seen in the --config screen?

Johann SpiesTelefoon: 021-808 4699
Databestuurder /  Data manager

Sentrum vir Navorsing oor Evaluasie, Wetenskap en Tegnologie
Centre for Research on Evaluation, Science and Technology 
Universiteit Stellenbosch.

 Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, 
  believe also in me.   John 14:1 
E-pos vrywaringsklousule

Hierdie e-pos mag vertroulike inligting bevat en mag regtens geprivilegeerd 
wees en is slegs bedoel vir die persoon aan wie dit geadresseer is. Indien u 
nie die bedoelde ontvanger is nie, word u hiermee in kennis gestel dat u 
hierdie dokument geensins mag gebruik, versprei of kopieer nie. Stel ook 
asseblief die sender onmiddellik per telefoon in kennis en vee die e-pos uit. 
Die Universiteit aanvaar nie aanspreeklikheid vir enige skade, verlies of 
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Re: update-alternatives

2012-05-15 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Ma, 15 mai 12, 09:17:25, Johann Spies wrote:
 I have checked the man page and the Debian Handbook but I am not sure
 how to influence the 'auto' setting for update-alternatives.

I think you are misunderstanding the meaning of 'auto' in the context of 
update-alternatives. 'auto' means that a specific alternative is chosen 
based on the priority declared by each program. Think of it like a 
default that is changing depending on which packages you have installed.

Hope this helps,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: QT

2012-05-15 Thread Alberto Luaces
Peter O'Doherty writes:

 Hi list,

 I recently installed a fresh Squeeze and have just discovered that I
 need qt-4.7 (Squeeze has 4.6.3). Is there safe way to upgrade to a
 more recent qt version without breaking my current system?

I am not completely sure, but I think it could work. You can install Qt
from testing (currently 4.8.1). Binaries can co-exist —the 4.8.1 package
says it will only break versions older than 4.4.0~beta1-1— but not
development packages. You can only have one version at a time.


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Re: Dependency based boot sequencing and Canon printer

2012-05-15 Thread Claudius Hubig
Hello Rob,

Rob Hurle wrote:
 Further experiments on printing on the Canon printer through CUPS:
   The printer has stopped working!  I'm suspicious of the
  dependency-based sequencing since that was the only upgrade which
  mentioned the printer, but another one of the upgrades may well have
  disturbed the printing system.  Before I start the tedious debugging
 Manually stopping both daemons and then starting cupsd before the
 Canon daemon ccpd brought everything back together again.  Now to
 learn how to use dependency-based boot sequencing to have this done
 automatically :-)  Anyone played with this already?

You can have a look at the LSB headers in the ccpd package and add
CUPS to the list of requirements. If you have done that already, I am
out of luck :) – Nevertheless, posting your LSB headers here might
not hurt.

Best regards,


PS: The Reply-To: header of your email was set to your email address,
so I’ll assume you’d like to have a personal copy?
The only problem with seeing too much is that it makes you insane.
-- Phaedrus  telnet 4242

Description: PGP signature

Re: QT

2012-05-15 Thread Peter O'Doherty

On 05/15/2012 09:56 AM, Alberto Luaces wrote:

Peter O'Doherty writes:

Hi list,

I recently installed a fresh Squeeze and have just discovered that I
need qt-4.7 (Squeeze has 4.6.3). Is there safe way to upgrade to a
more recent qt version without breaking my current system?

I am not completely sure, but I think it could work. You can install Qt
from testing (currently 4.8.1). Binaries can co-exist —the 4.8.1 package
says it will only break versions older than 4.4.0~beta1-1— but not
development packages. You can only have one version at a time.

Okay thanks. I think I will upgrade to wheezy instead. It's default there.

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Re: chroot or virtual machine

2012-05-15 Thread David Sastre Medina
On Sun, May 13, 2012 at 07:13:23PM +, Ramon Hofer wrote:
 Hi all
 I'm planning on setting up my new media server.
 So I was thinking of putting mythbackend, logitech media server, 
 rtorrent, nfs, samba, etc. into virtual machines.

A virtual machine for every server? On what purpose?
Is it about security?

 There's a discussion in the mythtv-users mailing list about virtual 
 machines. Especially this post got me thinking:
 Is it possible to have a working mythbackend and test a new version. If 
 all goes well replace the production backend?

Primary key fingerprint: AD8F BDC0 5A2C FD5F A179  60E7 F79B AB04 5299 EC56

Description: Digital signature

Re: server monitoring

2012-05-15 Thread David Sastre Medina
On Mon, May 14, 2012 at 03:10:55PM +0200, Stanisław Findeisen wrote:
 What tools would you recommend for monitoring the following on a server? :
I'd say you need several different things here:

 * kernel + process images in memory
 * shape of the process tree

-cgroups configuration, if I'm understanding you correctly.

 * binary integrity of files + permissions
 * users, groups

-Integrity and/or intrusion detection: aide, tripwire and alikes, plus
a centralized configuration management system: say puppet, chef,
cfengine, ...

 * network connections

-iptables, psad, fail2ban, etc
(and before someone jumps in and say: those are not monitoring
tools, think twice)

 * user sessions

-snmpd, IIRC

 * log files
 How about reporting? Logging would be good but logging to a local file
 is problematic as that could be compromised on a server hack...

WRT to logging security, syslog-ng can use TCP (more relable than UDP)
and SSL/TLS security. And you can always log to a remote server if you
are concerned about security.

After having these tools installed and configured, you can start using
a monitoring solution to integrate all the info in a centralized web
view. I know nagios is pretty standard, but what most people is not
telling is most its developers fleed. You should check Icinga instead.
My personal choice is zabbix. The only thing I miss with zabbix is
snmpv3 SHA/AES support. Other would be munin, cacti.

Most probably all of those monitoring solutions have templates for
OSes and applications (apache, jboss, ... you name it)

Primary key fingerprint: AD8F BDC0 5A2C FD5F A179  60E7 F79B AB04 5299 EC56

Description: Digital signature

Re: chroot or virtual machine

2012-05-15 Thread Arnt Karlsen
On Tue, 15 May 2012 11:45:58 +0200, David wrote in message

 On Sun, May 13, 2012 at 07:13:23PM +, Ramon Hofer wrote:
  Hi all
  I'm planning on setting up my new media server.
  So I was thinking of putting mythbackend, logitech media server, 
  rtorrent, nfs, samba, etc. into virtual machines.
 A virtual machine for every server? On what purpose?
 Is it about security?

..yup, the idea is deny bad code access to as much as possible,
it can only kill whatever it can see and touch, such as vm's.

-- vennlig hilsen = with Kind Regards from Arnt Karlsen
...with a number of polar bear hunters in his ancestry...
  Scenarios always come in sets of three: 
  best case, worst case, and just in case.

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Re: Since safe-upgrade.........

2012-05-15 Thread Charlie
 On Tue, 15 May 2012 08:56:14 +0300 Andrei POPESCU suggested this:

On Ma, 15 mai 12, 09:53:26, wrote:

 rmdir: failed to remove `/var/lib/defoma/fontconfig.d/': Directory
 not empty

Move the contents of that directory somewhere else and try again. 

Kind regards,

Many hanks Andrei,

That worked.

Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:
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Be like the sun and the meadow, which are not in the least concerned
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Re: Since safe-upgrade.........

2012-05-15 Thread Charlie
 On Tue, 15 May 2012 08:10:38 +0200 computer.enthusiastic suggested this:

 Did aptitude safe-upgrade with aptitude yesterday and there are a
 heap of errors like:
 E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)
 A package failed to install.  Trying to recover:
 Setting up fontconfig-config (2.9.0-3) ...
 rmdir: failed to remove `/var/lib/defoma/fontconfig.d/': Directory
 not empty dpkg: error processing fontconfig-config (--configure):
  subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit
 status 1

It has been already reported [0].  You can force-remove
/var/lib/defoma/fontconfig.d/ to overcome the error.


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Thank You,

I hadn't read that. It works.

**  **  **  **  **  **  **  **  **  **
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I have become a queer mixture of the East and the West, out of place
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Debian GNU/Linux - just the best way to create magic

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Re: chroot or virtual machine

2012-05-15 Thread David Sastre Medina
On Tue, May 15, 2012 at 12:51:44PM +0200, Arnt Karlsen wrote:
 On Tue, 15 May 2012 11:45:58 +0200, David wrote in message
  On Sun, May 13, 2012 at 07:13:23PM +, Ramon Hofer wrote:
   Hi all
   I'm planning on setting up my new media server.
   So I was thinking of putting mythbackend, logitech media server, 
   rtorrent, nfs, samba, etc. into virtual machines.
  A virtual machine for every server? On what purpose?
  Is it about security?
 ..yup, the idea is deny bad code access to as much as possible,
 it can only kill whatever it can see and touch, such as vm's.

I see. SELinux can help, both in the case of using VMs (different VMs
can be executed in different MLS levels), and in the case of not using
VMs at all.

Primary key fingerprint: AD8F BDC0 5A2C FD5F A179  60E7 F79B AB04 5299 EC56

Description: Digital signature

Re: A Resource Inquiry Regarding Free Speech, Privacy and Technology

2012-05-15 Thread Arnt Karlsen
On Tue, 15 May 2012 08:59:35 +0300, Andrei wrote in message 

 On Ma, 15 mai 12, 15:40:01, Chris Bannister wrote:
  On Mon, May 14, 2012 at 07:17:47PM -0700, Fiona Causer wrote:
   Hi There,
   I am curious if you are the administrator for this site:
   I am a researcher / writer involved with a new project whose
   mission it is to provide accurate and useful information for
   those interested in the practice of law, whether as a lawyer or
   paralegal. I recently produced an article detailing the complex
   relationship between law and technology and the legal
   implications on personal privacy and free speech. I would love to
   share this resource with those who might find it useful and am
   curious of you are the correct person to contact about such a
   Thank you!
  I'd suggest trying the debian-project mailing list. There is also
  the debian-news mailing list, but unless it actually is news which
  involves Debian then I don't think it would be considered relevant,
  although I could be wrong.
 debian-news is the list to distribute the news only, see the
 (outdated) description at
 Kind regards,

..initially, I was  surprised you guys responded to what 
looks like scripted boilerplate spam generated from an 
old post-9/11 dwn page, but I got curious, and, I found 
this line at the end of it: 
rocketworkbench -- Utilities to -- and we're not making 
this up -- help design experimental rockets. Please use 

-- vennlig hilsen = with Kind Regards from Arnt Karlsen
...with a number of polar bear hunters in his ancestry...
  Scenarios always come in sets of three: 
  best case, worst case, and just in case.

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printer driver Samsung SCX4623f

2012-05-15 Thread Johan Scheepers

 Good day,

Got  a Samsung SCX 4623f printer.

It seems that Debian 6.05 does not have a driver for it.

Debian 7 testing, ubuntu 12.04, linux mint 2012.04, installs it 

What would be the way to install it.

1) Samsung unified driver ?.
2) Something from the repo' s?


Johan S

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Re: chroot or virtual machine

2012-05-15 Thread Ramon Hofer
On Tue, 15 May 2012 11:45:58 +0200, David Sastre Medina wrote:

 On Sun, May 13, 2012 at 07:13:23PM +, Ramon Hofer wrote:
 Hi all
 I'm planning on setting up my new media server.
 So I was thinking of putting mythbackend, logitech media server,
 rtorrent, nfs, samba, etc. into virtual machines.
 A virtual machine for every server? On what purpose? Is it about

No no, not each in separate one.
But let's assume I want to switch from mythtv 0.24 to 0.25. Now I'd like 
to test it before I replace the working version.
I think this should be possible with chroot too but I don't know if I can 
adapt the init script.

Or if I get a mess with library versions I can have separate ones. I 
can't remember exactly but I needed a newer python version which was 
depended on a new gcc.
Maybe I can put the new libraries into the chroot envirmonment and still 
have the stable ones on the normal system.

I have never used chroot before. So I have no clue what it's really used 
for. I read that you can change the root directory for a program.
Does it also work for daemons?

Maybe I have to install a second Debian as described for Gentoo by 
Raymond described in the link. But is there a stage 3 tarball for 
Debian too?

Best regards

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[OT] revolver postgresql issue

2012-05-15 Thread J. Bakshi


I am using revolver solo version 8.4.6
The system is working fine. I need to communicate the postgresql
remotely, but the port 9977 which postgresql uses for revolver is bind
to the localhost only.

At postgresql.conf there is already 

listen_addresses = '*'

and at pg_hba.conf I have added the following 

hostall all0.0.0.0/0trust
hostall all192.168.0.1/24   password
hostall revolverserver

The winxp box has firewall disabled. Still the port 9977 is not visible from any
other PC of the same LAN. How can I open the port then for all ?


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wheezy Audio Works for Root, Dies for User and it's not Perms.

2012-05-15 Thread Martin McCormick
The system in question has one user account and that
account is in the audio group. The errors do not look like the
traditional  permission-related problems. Here is a sample of
what happens. It has never worked once since the wheezy

Script started on Tue 15 May 2012 05:29:48 AM CDT
martin@m:~$ aplay -l
 List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices 
ALSA lib conf.c:1220:(parse_def) show is not a compound
ALSA lib conf.c:1686:(snd_config_load1) _toplevel_:24:26:Unexpected char
ALSA lib conf.c:3406:(config_file_open) /usr/share/alsa/pulse-alsa.conf may be 
old or corrupted: consider to remove or fix it
card 0: ICH5 [Intel ICH5], device 0: Intel ICH [Intel ICH5]
  Subdevices: 0/1
  Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 0: ICH5 [Intel ICH5], device 4: Intel ICH - IEC958 [Intel ICH5 - IEC958]
  Subdevices: 1/1
  Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
martin@m:~$ exit

The card lookup was the correct information.

Script started on Tue 15 May 2012 05:31:24 AM CDT
root@m:~# aplay -l
 List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices 
card 0: ICH5 [Intel ICH5], device 0: Intel ICH [Intel ICH5]
  Subdevices: 0/1
  Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 0: ICH5 [Intel ICH5], device 4: Intel ICH - IEC958 [Intel ICH5 - IEC958]
  Subdevices: 1/1
  Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
root@m:~# exit

Not only does it correctly find the card, but sound works.
mplayer works properly, playing sound files and internet radio.

As a normal user, mplayer produces many of the same
errors shown in the aplay -l command and fails to produce any

I ran strace -e trace=open,close,read,write and the good
trace wasn't all that much different from the bad trace.

Any idea as to what to look at next?

Thank you.

Martin McCormick

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Re: printer driver Samsung SCX4623f

2012-05-15 Thread Lisi
On Tuesday 15 May 2012 11:10:05 Johan Scheepers wrote:
 Got  a Samsung SCX 4623f printer.

 It seems that Debian 6.05 does not have a driver for it.

 Debian 7 testing, ubuntu 12.04, linux mint 2012.04, installs it

 What would be the way to install it.

 1) Samsung unified driver ?.
 2) Something from the repo' s?

Grandmothers and eggs spring to mind, but have you tried SPLIX?


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Re: [OT] revolver postgresql issue

2012-05-15 Thread Johann Spies
On Tue, May 15, 2012 at 01:26:57PM +0200, J. Bakshi wrote:
 I am using revolver solo version 8.4.6
 The system is working fine. I need to communicate the postgresql
 remotely, but the port 9977 which postgresql uses for revolver is bind
 to the localhost only.
 At postgresql.conf there is already 
 listen_addresses = '*'

This means: listen an all interfaces - not on localhost only.

 and at pg_hba.conf I have added the following 
 host  all all0.0.0.0/0trust
 host  all all192.168.0.1/24   password
 host  all revolverserver
 The winxp box has firewall disabled. Still the port 9977 is not visible from 
 other PC of the same LAN. How can I open the port then for all ?

Where is the configuration to make Postgresql listen on port 9977?  That
is not a normal postgresql setup.  Normally it will listen on port 5432.

Johann SpiesTelefoon: 021-808 4699
Databestuurder /  Data manager

Sentrum vir Navorsing oor Evaluasie, Wetenskap en Tegnologie
Centre for Research on Evaluation, Science and Technology 
Universiteit Stellenbosch.

 Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, 
  believe also in me.   John 14:1 
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Re: [OT] revolver postgresql issue

2012-05-15 Thread J. Bakshi
On Tue, 15 May 2012 14:02:50 +0200
Johann Spies wrote:

 On Tue, May 15, 2012 at 01:26:57PM +0200, J. Bakshi wrote:
  I am using revolver solo version 8.4.6
  The system is working fine. I need to communicate the postgresql
  remotely, but the port 9977 which postgresql uses for revolver is bind
  to the localhost only.
  At postgresql.conf there is already 
  listen_addresses = '*'
 This means: listen an all interfaces - not on localhost only.
  and at pg_hba.conf I have added the following 
  hostall all0.0.0.0/0trust
  hostall all192.168.0.1/24   password
  hostall revolverserver
  The winxp box has firewall disabled. Still the port 9977 is not visible 
  from any
  other PC of the same LAN. How can I open the port then for all ?
 Where is the configuration to make Postgresql listen on port 9977?  That
 is not a normal postgresql setup.  Normally it will listen on port 5432.

Yes, revolver software use port 9977 for postgresql. This can be changed easily,
but the problem is it is binded to localhost only even after 

listen_addresses = '*'

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Re: server monitoring

2012-05-15 Thread Brad Alexander
While I agree with many of the respondents that Nagios will do most of
what you want through the plugins (though I'm relatively new to
Nagios), I just wanted to toss a couple of others out there.

* OSSEC ( is a host-based intrusion detection system
(HIDS). It is primarily email-based, but also has a bolt-on web
interface. From the website:

OSSEC is an Open Source Host-based Intrusion Detection System. It
performs log analysis, file integrity checking, policy monitoring,
rootkit detection, real-time alerting and active response.

It runs on most operating systems, including Linux, MacOS, Solaris,
HP-UX, AIX and Windows.

The other one, Munin (, is a networked
resource monitoring tool that can help analyze resource trends and
what just happened to kill our performance? problems. It is designed
to be very plug and play. A default installation provides a lot of
graphs with almost no work.


On Mon, May 14, 2012 at 9:10 AM, Stanisław Findeisen wrote:

 What tools would you recommend for monitoring the following on a server? :

 * kernel + process images in memory
 * shape of the process tree
 * binary integrity of files + permissions
 * network connections
 * users, groups
 * user sessions
 * log files
 * ...

 I think this calls for a customizable solution with plugins (or so). Is
 there any such thing in Debian? How reliable is it?

 How about reporting? Logging would be good but logging to a local file
 is problematic as that could be compromised on a server hack...


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Re: wheezy Audio Works for Root, Dies for User and it's not Perms.

2012-05-15 Thread Chris Bannister
On Tue, May 15, 2012 at 06:27:43AM -0500, Martin McCormick wrote:
 Script started on Tue 15 May 2012 05:29:48 AM CDT
 martin@m:~$ aplay -l
  List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices 
 ALSA lib conf.c:1220:(parse_def) show is not a compound
 ALSA lib conf.c:1686:(snd_config_load1) _toplevel_:24:26:Unexpected char
 ALSA lib conf.c:3406:(config_file_open) /usr/share/alsa/pulse-alsa.conf may 
 be old or corrupted: consider to remove or fix it
 card 0: ICH5 [Intel ICH5], device 0: Intel ICH [Intel ICH5]
   Subdevices: 0/1
   Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
 card 0: ICH5 [Intel ICH5], device 4: Intel ICH - IEC958 [Intel ICH5 - IEC958]
   Subdevices: 1/1
   Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
 martin@m:~$ exit

Does it work for another user? Temporarily create one to find out.
Dont like the look of /usr/share/alsa/pulse-alsa.conf may be old or
corrupted: consider to remove or fix it 

Is this a stock, OOTB, setup, or have you altered any personal config

   I ran strace -e trace=open,close,read,write and the good
 trace wasn't all that much different from the bad trace.

So there were differences?

Religion is excellent stuff for keeping common people quiet.
   -- Napoleon Bonaparte

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Fatal server error: xf86OpenConsole: Cannot find a free VT

2012-05-15 Thread Hor Jiun Shyong

Hi All,

Would be grateful if anyone could provide feedback on the below, thanks.

After installing proprietary driver on Sid amd64, both console and 
X cannot be started. All was left after booting is a blinking - 
prompt. Xorg log as below.

I then ssh into this pc from another and removed this driver. Managed to 
get gnome 3 back but under fallback mode. Previously was able to be on 
gnome3 standard mode.

package: Linux 3.2.0-2-amd64 x86_64 Debian
version: 3.2.17-1

package: xserver-xorg-core:
version: 2:1.12.1-2

package: xorg-server
version: 1:7.6+13

package: fglrx-driver
version: 1:12-4-1

package: fglrx-modules-dkms
version: 1:12-4-1

package: libfglrx
version: 1:12-4-1

X.Org X Server 1.12.1
Release Date: 2012-04-13
[ 312.719] X Protocol Version 11, Revision 0
[ 312.720] Build Operating System: Linux 3.2.0-2-amd64 x86_64 Debian
[ 312.720] Current Operating System: Linux szechuan 3.2.0-2-amd64 #1 SMP 
Sat May 12 23:08:28 UTC 2012 x86_64
[ 312.720] Kernel command line: BOOT_IMAGE=/vmlinuz-3.2.0-2-amd64 
root=/dev/mapper/szechuan-root ro quiet

[ 312.720] Build Date: 07 May 2012 12:15:23AM
[ 312.720] xorg-server 2:1.12.1-2 (Cyril Brulebois
[ 312.720] Current version of pixman: 0.24.4
[ 312.720] Before reporting problems, check
to make sure that you have the latest version.
[ 312.720] Markers: (--) probed, (**) from config file, (==) default 

(++) from command line, (!!) notice, (II) informational,
(WW) warning, (EE) error, (NI) not implemented, (??) unknown.
[ 312.720] (==) Log file: /var/log/Xorg.384.log, Time: Mon May 14 
18:41:38 2012

[ 312.720] (==) Using config file: /etc/X11/xorg.conf
[ 312.720] (==) Using system config directory /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d
[ 312.720] (==) ServerLayout aticonfig Layout
[ 312.720] (**) |--Screen aticonfig-Screen[0]-0 (0)
[ 312.720] (**) | |--Monitor aticonfig-Monitor[0]-0
[ 312.720] (**) | |--Device aticonfig-Device[0]-0
[ 312.720] (==) Automatically adding devices
[ 312.720] (==) Automatically enabling devices
[ 312.720] (WW) The directory /usr/share/fonts/X11/cyrillic does not 

[ 312.720] Entry deleted from font path.
[ 312.720] (==) FontPath set to:
[ 312.720] (==) ModulePath set to /usr/lib/xorg/modules
[ 312.720] (II) The server relies on udev to provide the list of input 

If no devices become available, reconfigure udev or disable AutoAddDevices.
[ 312.720] (II) Loader magic: 0x7f6718e57ae0
[ 312.720] (II) Module ABI versions:
[ 312.720] X.Org ANSI C Emulation: 0.4
[ 312.720] X.Org Video Driver: 12.0
[ 312.720] X.Org XInput driver : 16.0
[ 312.720] X.Org Server Extension : 6.0
[ 312.721] (--) PCI:*(0:0:1:0) 1002:964a:1043:84c8 rev 0, Mem @ 
0xc000/268435456, 0xfeb0/262144, I/O @ 0xf000/256

[ 312.757] (II) Open ACPI successful (/var/run/acpid.socket)
[ 312.757] (II) extmod will be loaded by default.
[ 312.757] (II) dbe will be loaded by default.
[ 312.757] (II) glx will be loaded by default.
[ 312.757] (II) record will be loaded by default.
[ 312.757] (II) dri will be loaded by default.
[ 312.757] (II) dri2 will be loaded by default.
[ 312.757] (II) LoadModule: extmod
[ 312.757] (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/
[ 312.757] (II) Module extmod: vendor=X.Org Foundation
[ 312.757] compiled for 1.12.1, module version = 1.0.0
[ 312.757] Module class: X.Org Server Extension
[ 312.757] ABI class: X.Org Server Extension, version 6.0
[ 312.757] (II) Loading extension SELinux
[ 312.757] (II) Loading extension MIT-SCREEN-SAVER
[ 312.757] (II) Loading extension XFree86-VidModeExtension
[ 312.757] (II) Loading extension XFree86-DGA
[ 312.757] (II) Loading extension DPMS
[ 312.757] (II) Loading extension XVideo
[ 312.757] (II) Loading extension XVideo-MotionCompensation
[ 312.757] (II) Loading extension X-Resource
[ 312.757] (II) LoadModule: dbe
[ 312.758] (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/
[ 312.758] (II) Module dbe: vendor=X.Org Foundation
[ 312.758] compiled for 1.12.1, module version = 1.0.0
[ 312.758] Module class: X.Org Server Extension
[ 312.758] ABI class: X.Org Server Extension, version 6.0
[ 312.758] (II) Loading extension DOUBLE-BUFFER
[ 312.758] (II) LoadModule: glx
[ 312.758] (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/
[ 312.758] (II) Module glx: vendor=Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
[ 312.758] compiled for 6.9.0, module version = 1.0.0
[ 312.758] (II) Loading extension GLX
[ 312.758] (II) LoadModule: record
[ 312.758] (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/
[ 312.759] (II) Module record: vendor=X.Org Foundation
[ 312.759] compiled for 1.12.1, module version = 1.13.0
[ 312.759] Module class: X.Org Server Extension

[OT] strangeness with dhcp relay server

2012-05-15 Thread Panayiotis Karabassis

I had posted a while back about this problem, and it seems critical
information was under my nose.

I am running my own dhcpd server on my Debian box. Often a client would
send DISCOVER packets, but receive no reply. The information comes from
wireshark running on the server machine, and I attach the relevant packets.

My network is:

DHCP server (wheezy)
Linksys X3000 router acting as a DHCP relay
Linksys RE1000 repeater
client machine

As you can see the DHCP server receives the DISCOVER message and replies
with an OFFER message to the router (relay). And then the router sends
the OFFER back to the server instead of the client!

Linksys is a good company as far as I know, so this must be my fault.
Does anyone have any ideas?

Best regards and thanks,
No. TimeSourceDestination   Protocol Length 
367 6.833302192.168.1.1  DHCP 342
DHCP Discover - Transaction ID 0xdf8b6c3b

Frame 367: 342 bytes on wire (2736 bits), 342 bytes captured (2736 bits)
Arrival Time: May 15, 2012 15:51:36.394352000 EEST
Epoch Time: 1337086296.394352000 seconds
[Time delta from previous captured frame: 0.01013 seconds]
[Time delta from previous displayed frame: 0.0 seconds]
[Time since reference or first frame: 6.833302000 seconds]
Frame Number: 367
Frame Length: 342 bytes (2736 bits)
Capture Length: 342 bytes (2736 bits)
[Frame is marked: False]
[Frame is ignored: False]
[Protocols in frame: eth:ip:udp:bootp]
[Coloring Rule Name: UDP]
[Coloring Rule String: udp]
Ethernet II, Src: Cisco-Li_d5:7b:76 (98:fc:11:d5:7b:76), Dst: Giga-Byt_3b:c3:e9 
Destination: Giga-Byt_3b:c3:e9 (00:16:e6:3b:c3:e9)
Address: Giga-Byt_3b:c3:e9 (00:16:e6:3b:c3:e9)
 ...0     = IG bit: Individual address (unicast)
 ..0.     = LG bit: Globally unique address 
(factory default)
Source: Cisco-Li_d5:7b:76 (98:fc:11:d5:7b:76)
Address: Cisco-Li_d5:7b:76 (98:fc:11:d5:7b:76)
 ...0     = IG bit: Individual address (unicast)
 ..0.     = LG bit: Globally unique address 
(factory default)
Type: IP (0x0800)
Internet Protocol Version 4, Src: (, Dst: 
Version: 4
Header length: 20 bytes
Differentiated Services Field: 0x00 (DSCP 0x00: Default; ECN: 0x00: Not-ECT 
(Not ECN-Capable Transport))
 00.. = Differentiated Services Codepoint: Default (0x00)
 ..00 = Explicit Congestion Notification: Not-ECT (Not ECN-Capable 
Transport) (0x00)
Total Length: 328
Identification: 0x (0)
Flags: 0x02 (Don't Fragment)
0...  = Reserved bit: Not set
.1..  = Don't fragment: Set
..0.  = More fragments: Not set
Fragment offset: 0
Time to live: 64
Protocol: UDP (17)
Header checksum: 0xb649 [correct]
[Good: True]
[Bad: False]
Source: (
Destination: (
User Datagram Protocol, Src Port: bootps (67), Dst Port: bootps (67)
Source port: bootps (67)
Destination port: bootps (67)
Length: 308
Checksum: 0x54a7 [validation disabled]
[Good Checksum: False]
[Bad Checksum: False]
Bootstrap Protocol
Message type: Boot Request (1)
Hardware type: Ethernet
Hardware address length: 6
Hops: 1
Transaction ID: 0xdf8b6c3b
Seconds elapsed: 18
Bootp flags: 0x (Unicast)
0...    = Broadcast flag: Unicast
.000    = Reserved flags: 0x
Client IP address: (
Your (client) IP address: (
Next server IP address: (
Relay agent IP address: (
Client MAC address: 5a:6d:8f:a7:9a:56 (5a:6d:8f:a7:9a:56)
Client hardware address padding: 
Server host name not given
Boot file name not given
Magic cookie: DHCP
Option: (t=53,l=1) DHCP Message Type = DHCP Discover
Option: (53) DHCP Message Type
Length: 1
Value: 01
Option: (t=50,l=4) Requested IP Address =
Option: (50) Requested IP Address
Length: 4
Value: c0a8010c
Option: (t=55,l=13) Parameter Request List
Option: (55) Parameter Request List
Length: 13
Value: 011c02030f06770c2c2f1a792a
1 = Subnet Mask
28 = Broadcast Address
2 = Time Offset
3 = Router
15 = Domain Name
6 = Domain Name Server
119 = Domain Search [TODO:RFC3397]
12 = Host Name
44 = NetBIOS over TCP/IP Name Server
47 = NetBIOS over TCP/IP Scope
26 = Interface MTU
121 = Classless Static Route
42 = Network Time Protocol Servers

How to upgrade selective packages ?

2012-05-15 Thread J. Bakshi

Dear list,

apt-get upgrade just upgrades all available upgrades.

How can I selectively upgrade packages ?


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Re: [OT] revolver postgresql issue

2012-05-15 Thread Johann Spies
On Tue, May 15, 2012 at 02:10:12PM +0200, J. Bakshi wrote:

 Yes, revolver software use port 9977 for postgresql. This can be changed 
 but the problem is it is binded to localhost only even after 
 listen_addresses = '*'

Then you must configure postresql to listen at 9977. Note that there is
a difference between 'listen_addresses'  and 'ports'.  The first
involves the network configuration of you computer.  

Hint:  Search in postgresql.conf for a line that begins with 

ports = 

In your case you could configure that section to :

# - Connection Settings -

listen_addresses = 'localhost'  # what IP address(es) to listen on;
# comma-separated list of addresses;
# defaults to 'localhost', '*' = all
# (change requires restart)
port = 9977 # (change requires restart)


Johann SpiesTelefoon: 021-808 4699
Databestuurder /  Data manager

Sentrum vir Navorsing oor Evaluasie, Wetenskap en Tegnologie
Centre for Research on Evaluation, Science and Technology 
Universiteit Stellenbosch.

 Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, 
  believe also in me.   John 14:1 
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Re: aptitude safe-upgrade stops with a timeout.

2012-05-15 Thread Guo Yixuan

On 04/10/2012 12:52 AM, Hendrik Boom wrote:

I just did a routine

aptitude safe-upgrade

from the root command-line on an 1386 Debian testing system.  Here are
the past few lines in its output.  Is this anything to worry about?  Or
just an  unimportant problem that will fix itself in some future upgrade?

setting up tassksel-data
setting up tasksel
Processing triggers for mane ...
Processing triggers for python-support ...
Error: Timeout was reached

Current status: 328 updates [-159]
notlookedfor:~ #

notlookedfor is the machine name, part of the root shell prompt.

-- hendrik


I also get warnings like this recently. It starts about two weeks ago, 
and a internet search doesn't turn up many useful results on this 
problem, only with some similar report for ubuntu.

Searching Timeout was reached in aptitude's source code doesn't have 
any results either... maybe its a bug in something that aptitude depends 
on (such as apt or dpkg).


Guo Yixuan

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Re: printer driver Samsung SCX4623f

2012-05-15 Thread Brian
On Tue 15 May 2012 at 12:10:05 +0200, Johan Scheepers wrote:

 Got  a Samsung SCX 4623f printer.

 It seems that Debian 6.05 does not have a driver for it.

 Debian 7 testing, ubuntu 12.04, linux mint 2012.04, installs it  

 What would be the way to install it.

The printer-driver-splix package from testing/unstable will not install
on Squeeze because the version of CUPS it requires is not suitable. So
take a trip to

and have a look at splix 2.0.0+svn293-1 and upwards.

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Re: How to upgrade selective packages ?

2012-05-15 Thread Brian
On Tue 15 May 2012 at 18:42:55 +0530, J. Bakshi wrote:

 apt-get upgrade just upgrades all available upgrades.
 How can I selectively upgrade packages ?

apt-get install package

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Re: How to upgrade selective packages ?

2012-05-15 Thread Chris Bannister
On Tue, May 15, 2012 at 06:42:55PM +0530, J. Bakshi wrote:
 Dear list,
 apt-get upgrade just upgrades all available upgrades.

Yes, of course.

 How can I selectively upgrade packages ?

apt-get install package

P.S. If you are taking the risk of running testing/sid, then you
*should* already know about _basic_ package management.

Religion is excellent stuff for keeping common people quiet.
   -- Napoleon Bonaparte

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Re: [OT] strangeness with dhcp relay server

2012-05-15 Thread Panayiotis Karabassis
I had some insight from the Cisco support forums. Apparently DHCP Relays
are meant to forward requests *outside* the LAN, and should not be used
when server and relay are in the same LAN. So I am guessing the behavior
is not defined, if this happens.

The thread is here:

I really don't know the first thing about networking... :-)

On 15/05/2012 04:12 μμ, Panayiotis Karabassis wrote:

 I had posted a while back about this problem, and it seems critical
 information was under my nose.

 I am running my own dhcpd server on my Debian box. Often a client would
 send DISCOVER packets, but receive no reply. The information comes from
 wireshark running on the server machine, and I attach the relevant packets.

 My network is:

 DHCP server (wheezy)
 Linksys X3000 router acting as a DHCP relay
 Linksys RE1000 repeater
 client machine

 As you can see the DHCP server receives the DISCOVER message and replies
 with an OFFER message to the router (relay). And then the router sends
 the OFFER back to the server instead of the client!

 Linksys is a good company as far as I know, so this must be my fault.
 Does anyone have any ideas?

 Best regards and thanks,

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Re: wheezy Audio Works for Root, Dies for User and it's not Perms.

2012-05-15 Thread Martin McCormick
Chris Bannister writes:
 Does it work for another user? Temporarily create one to find out.

Good suggestion.

 Dont like the look of /usr/share/alsa/pulse-alsa.conf may be old or
 corrupted: consider to remove or fix it

That looks bad all right until root runs the same command,
accesses the same file and works perfectly.

 Is this a stock, OOTB, setup, or have you altered any personal config

I used the wheezy netinst ISO image to run the install and my
home directory was created from the installation media and the
problem was immediately noticed. Since then, I copied my home
directory from a working system to this new one so as to have
sound files and other types of files to play with but there are
no sound configuration files.

I ran strace -e trace=open,close,read,write and the good
  trace wasn't all that much different from the bad trace.
 So there were differences?

Yes. The errors are only in the bad trace and there seems to be
a mention of a machine ID or something similar just before the
first error messages are generated.

I compared the output of the good trace with that of the bad one
and the only differences before the errors start are the session
cookies which one would expect to differ and path names for
local pulse configuration files which do not exist either in
root's directory or mine.

From previous testing, I can report that amixer as run
from root goes right to the sound card and all the settings are
there and sensable. From my account, amixer provokes a spew of
errors that look like the same ones aplay causes to occur.

When I am home from work, I will check permissions on
/usr/share and make sure that a user can read the files and post
the trace leading up to the first error on the bad trace and the
coresponding part of the good trace.

Thank you.

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Re: printer driver Samsung SCX4623f

2012-05-15 Thread Lisi
On Tuesday 15 May 2012 14:31:01 Brian wrote:
 On Tue 15 May 2012 at 12:10:05 +0200, Johan Scheepers wrote:
  Got  a Samsung SCX 4623f printer.
  It seems that Debian 6.05 does not have a driver for it.
  Debian 7 testing, ubuntu 12.04, linux mint 2012.04, installs it
  What would be the way to install it.

 The printer-driver-splix package from testing/unstable will not install
 on Squeeze because the version of CUPS it requires is not suitable. So
 take a trip to

 and have a look at splix 2.0.0+svn293-1 and upwards.

I have installed the SPLIX package on various distros, most recently on Lenny 
and Squeeze.  I just do
#aptitude install splix
and aptitude installs it.


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Re: printer driver Samsung SCX4623f

2012-05-15 Thread Brian
On Tue 15 May 2012 at 15:06:43 +0100, Lisi wrote:

 I have installed the SPLIX package on various distros, most recently on Lenny 
 and Squeeze.  I just do
 #aptitude install splix
 and aptitude installs it.

Does the package you installed have a PPD file for a Samsung SCX4623f

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Re: WiFi issues after upgrade on Sid, wlan0 ; No such device

2012-05-15 Thread Camaleón
On Mon, 14 May 2012 23:36:29 -0700, John Magolske wrote:

 My problem was resolved with an `aptitude dist-upgrade` which removed
 some obsolete packages and allowed new things to get upgraded, including
 a new kernel. I was being cautious with `aptitude upgrade` and `aptitude
 safe-upgrade`, but now I see the value of dist-upgrade.

When running a rolling flavour (eg., wheezy or sid) you have to do dist-
upgrade, this way you ensure to keep your system in a similar state to 
what developers expect. A dist-upgrade will automatically do its best for 
updating packages, removing unused ones and keep your system as fresh 
and reliable as possible.

But don't blindy let the updater to do such changes and carefully read 
what it proposes before hitting the y key :-)

 * Camaleón [120512 22:23]:
 On Thu, 10 May 2012 19:02:30 -0700, John Magolske wrote:
  I'm running Sid on my ThinkPad X200s, and after an `aptitude upgrade`
  the WiFi is experiencing intermittent problems. Pretty sure it's not
  the hardware, as I've never experienced these issues before and this
  started happening exactly after the upgrade.

 lsmod | grep iwlagn
 Wifi driver modules usually depend on others and you have to remove all
 of them to satisfy their dependencies and they can be unloaded
 successfully (as root, modinfo iwlagn | grep depends will tell you
 more about this).
 Thanks for the tip. Not sure what this would've looked like before the
 dist-upgrade state...but now it's like so:

Most probably the outpute would have been the same. 

 % lsmod | grep iwlagn
 % modinfo iwlagn | grep depends

Okay, so in order to unload the driver you have first to remove these two.

 % modinfo iwlagn | grep -A 1 filename
   alias:  iwlagn
 ... looks like iwlagn is now an alias to the iwlwifi module, which has
 replaced iwlagn as of Linux 3.2. In any case, WiFi is working fine now.

Yes, the driver was replaced since kernel 3.2, I think.

  % uname -a
  Linux ... 2.6.38-grml #1 SMP PREEMPT Tue May 24 15:10:58 UTC 2011
  i686 GNU/Linux
 Mmm, why is that you are using such an old kernel? :-?
 As mentioned above, I'd been neglecting to do a dist-upgrade, so some
 old obsolete packages were preventing the install of a new kernel, only
 allowing it if 440 packages could be removed. After doing a
 `dist-upgrade` i was able to install 3.2.0-2-686-pae with no fuss, and
 things are working fine now.

Ah, good to know :-)

Well, if you are using Sid (or testing) to keep the system's integrity you 
should have all the packages up-to-date.



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Re: update-alternatives

2012-05-15 Thread Camaleón
On Tue, 15 May 2012 09:17:25 +0200, Johann Spies wrote:

 I have checked the man page and the Debian Handbook but I am not sure
 how to influence the 'auto' setting for update-alnatives.


 I cannot figure out from this how to get to 'auto' mode.  


And what's what you want to get exactly?

 So what does the --auto option do otherwise than showing me what I have
 already seen in the --config screen?

It does exactly what the man page says :-)

--auto link
Switch  the  master  symlink link to automatic mode.  In the process,
this symlink and its slaves are updated to point to the highest  pri‐
ority installed alternatives.



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Debian Squeeze ext4 corruption under VMware

2012-05-15 Thread David Parker


We have several Debian Squeeze servers running in VMs under VMware ESXi 
4.1.0 (build 502767 if that matters) with the latest VMware Tools bundle 
installed.  We're using the ext4 filesystem on each of these servers.  
We have had a few crashes of our VMware infrastructure, and each time, 
the Debian servers have all suffered filesystem corruption.  The problem 
seems to be that VMware attempts to freeze each VM when something goes 
wrong, and depending on the circumstances, it tries to move each VM to 
another VMware server.  This works fine for our Windows servers, but the 
Debian servers get all messed up.  Each VM remains in a running state, 
but the root filesystem is mounted read-only, and the console shows a 
ton of filesystem errors.  In most cases, the corruption has been 
recoverable by booting the VM to a Knoppix live CD and running fsck on 
the unmounted filesystem.  We've tried forcing fsck to run on boot, but 
for some reason it will not repair the filesystem, hence why we need to 
boot to a live CD.  In a few isolated cases, we have ended up with 
serious filesystem damage resulting in a huge number of files in 
/lost+found, and we've just rebuilt the VMs.

I'm just wondering if anyone else has seen this, or if anyone knows a 
way to make Debian deal with VMware's shenanigans more smoothly.  We do 
have a planned upgrade to VMware ESXi 5.0 in the next few months, and 
we're looking to get a new SAN solution (our SAN has been the source of 
at least two of these crashes), but I'd really like to get a handle on 
this issue sooner in case we have another problem.  I've Googled this 
problem, but I'm not finding much useful information.


- Dave


Dave Parker
Systems Administrator
Utica College
Integrated Information Technology Services
(315) 792-3229
Registered Linux User #408177

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Problem with Dovecot

2012-05-15 Thread Keir Snow
Bit of a newbie here so please bear with me!

I've installed Dovecot on my debian squeeze virtual server.  I managed
to configure it using system users and it seemed to work.  However
over the past week or so it has simply not been working.  mail I send
to myself (ie does not appear in the webmailer
(roundcube) or mutt as it did previously yet it does not bounce
either.  There are no relevant messages in /var/logs/mail*. It is
quite possible that I've flipped a switch somewhere that I have
forgotten about, just wondering what the first things I should check
in trying to solve this problem are?



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Re: printer driver Samsung SCX4623f

2012-05-15 Thread Camaleón
On Tue, 15 May 2012 12:10:05 +0200, Johan Scheepers wrote:

 Got  a Samsung SCX 4623f printer.

Bad move ;-(

 It seems that Debian 6.05 does not have a driver for it.

You mean the splix Squeeze package cannot detect/setup your printer?

 Debian 7 testing, ubuntu 12.04, linux mint 2012.04, installs it
 What would be the way to install it.
 1) Samsung unified driver ?.
 2) Something from the repo' s?

1) is always an option and for 2) I don't know how, because there is no 
backported package.



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Re: Problem with Dovecot

2012-05-15 Thread Jon Dowland
On Tue, May 15, 2012 at 03:59:11PM +0100, Keir Snow wrote:
 I've installed Dovecot on my debian squeeze virtual server.

As an IMAPd, something else, or both?

 I managed to configure it using system users and it seemed to work.  However
 over the past week or so it has simply not been working.  mail I send to
 myself (ie

From where?

 does not appear in the webmailer (roundcube) or mutt as it did previously yet
 it does not bounce either.

This sounds like an MTA problem rather than an imapd problem (hence my first 

 There are no relevant messages in /var/logs/mail*. It is quite possible that
 I've flipped a switch somewhere that I have forgotten about, just wondering
 what the first things I should check in trying to solve this problem are?

Use swaks(1) from another host to ensure that your MTA is working properly, then
move up the stack from there.

Jon Dowland

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Re: printer driver Samsung SCX4623f

2012-05-15 Thread Lisi
On Tuesday 15 May 2012 15:14:46 Brian wrote:
 On Tue 15 May 2012 at 15:06:43 +0100, Lisi wrote:
  I have installed the SPLIX package on various distros, most recently on
  Lenny and Squeeze.  I just do
  #aptitude install splix
  and aptitude installs it.

 Does the package you installed have a PPD file for a Samsung SCX4623f

I don't know.  I get a list of drivers appropriate to my printer.  (Or to the 
printer which I am trying to connect.)

How would I check?


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Re: Problem with Dovecot

2012-05-15 Thread Keir Snow
On Tue, May 15, 2012 at 4:03 PM, Jon Dowland wrote:
 On Tue, May 15, 2012 at 03:59:11PM +0100, Keir Snow wrote:
 I've installed Dovecot on my debian squeeze virtual server.

 As an IMAPd, something else, or both?

IMAPd I think

 I managed to configure it using system users and it seemed to work.  However
 over the past week or so it has simply not been working.  mail I send to
 myself (ie

 From where?

This address

 does not appear in the webmailer (roundcube) or mutt as it did previously yet
 it does not bounce either.

 This sounds like an MTA problem rather than an imapd problem (hence my first 

Could be though I can send mail from the server fine.

 There are no relevant messages in /var/logs/mail*. It is quite possible that
 I've flipped a switch somewhere that I have forgotten about, just wondering
 what the first things I should check in trying to solve this problem are?

 Use swaks(1) from another host to ensure that your MTA is working properly, 
 move up the stack from there.

Ok, will give this a go.



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Re: chroot or virtual machine

2012-05-15 Thread Ross Boylan
On Tue, 2012-05-15 at 11:10 +, Ramon Hofer wrote:
 On Tue, 15 May 2012 11:45:58 +0200, David Sastre Medina wrote:
  On Sun, May 13, 2012 at 07:13:23PM +, Ramon Hofer wrote:
  Hi all
  I'm planning on setting up my new media server.
  So I was thinking of putting mythbackend, logitech media server,
  rtorrent, nfs, samba, etc. into virtual machines.
  A virtual machine for every server? On what purpose? Is it about
 No no, not each in separate one.
 But let's assume I want to switch from mythtv 0.24 to 0.25. Now I'd like 
 to test it before I replace the working version.
 I think this should be possible with chroot too but I don't know if I can 
 adapt the init script.
 Or if I get a mess with library versions I can have separate ones. I 
 can't remember exactly but I needed a newer python version which was 
 depended on a new gcc.
 Maybe I can put the new libraries into the chroot envirmonment and still 
 have the stable ones on the normal system.
 I have never used chroot before. So I have no clue what it's really used 
 for. I read that you can change the root directory for a program.
 Does it also work for daemons?
 Maybe I have to install a second Debian as described for Gentoo by 
 Raymond described in the link. But is there a stage 3 tarball for 
 Debian too?
I've been running myth in a chroot because my host system is Lenny.  At
least as I've set it up,
/dev/daisy/chroot   /mnt/chroot ext3 defaults 0 2
proc-testing/mnt/chroot/proc proc defaults 0 0
sysfs-testing   /mnt/chroot/sys  sysfs defaults 0 0
#/dev/pts   /mnt/chroot/dev/ptsbind defaults,bind 0 0
/dev/mnt/chroot/devrbind defaults,rbind 0 0
the ports are shared with the host.  That means if you run mythbackend
or mysql server in a chroot it will conflict with the same programs in
the host or other chroots.  And if you run mythtv 0.25 it will upgrade
your mythtv 0.24 database (which is basically irreversible) unless
you're careful.  And, of course, your myth backends will all be fighting
over the same port.  Although I tried to avoid running most services in
the chroot, my recent upgrade to 0.25 pulled in avahi and I have a
conflict with mDNS on the host.

I think because of port sharing my sysloging from the chroot is ending
up in the host syslog, and even though I've set /etc/hostname in the
chroot the log lines have the name of the host on them.

If you do the vanilla Debian setup the user ids and groups in the chroot
and the host will not necessarily match, both in the sense that
different users (e.g., mythtv) may be on different systems, and the ids
of the users and groups will differ.  This means the names of the users
and groups of a file may differ when accessed from the chroot vs the
host.  Recently I've had some doubts about whether this might cause
problems: since the chroot is running the same kernel as the host, I
wonder if identity info from the host could leak into the chroot.

Like you, I'm figuring this out, and so my understanding could be wrong
or suboptimal.  I tried to avoid the sys/proc/dev sharing, but found I
needed to do them to make things work.  Sharing those virtual file
systems removes a lot of the isolation between the chroot and the host.

Perhaps someone who knows more will say more :)
Ross Boylan

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Re: wheezy Audio Works for Root, Dies for User and it's not Perms.

2012-05-15 Thread Chris Bannister
On Tue, May 15, 2012 at 08:54:09AM -0500, Martin McCormick wrote:
 I used the wheezy netinst ISO image to run the install and my
 home directory was created from the installation media and the
 problem was immediately noticed. Since then, I copied my home
 directory from a working system to this new one so as to have
 sound files and other types of files to play with but there are
 no sound configuration files.

Was the netinst ISO a daily-build? There was some talk of one of the
daily-build ISO's being faulty, I don't know in which way the fault
would manifest itself though, and I don't know which one.

Have you done an update/upgrade cycle since installing Wheezy?
If you are interested in FINDING the cause of the fault then I'd suggest
not to do that just yet, but if you just want the fault fixed then an
update/upgrade cycle may fix it BUT you won't know what the culprit was.

   When I am home from work, I will check permissions on
 /usr/share and make sure that a user can read the files and post

I wouldn't bother. I think you'd be barking up the wrong tree.

 the trace leading up to the first error on the bad trace and the
 coresponding part of the good trace.

Might help. I'd try another user first though. Also another technique is
to cut/paste errors into google (easier + quicker) 

I think that was a alsa-pulse.conf file where it mentioned errors?

You could temporarily purge pulse to see if that helps. Do a purge, not
just a remove, cause it looks like some sort of configuration file
causing the problem. Also remember, a purge does NOT remove any files in
your home directory, so if there are any pulse files in there they will
not be removed. (Note: Trying another user FIRST will help here.)

Good Luck!

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   -- Napoleon Bonaparte

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Re: chroot or virtual machine

2012-05-15 Thread Ross Boylan
On Tue, 2012-05-15 at 08:19 -0700, Ross Boylan wrote:
 I've been running myth in a chroot because my host system is Lenny.
 least as I've set it up,
 /dev/daisy/chroot   /mnt/chroot ext3 defaults 0 2
 proc-testing/mnt/chroot/proc proc defaults 0 0
 sysfs-testing   /mnt/chroot/sys  sysfs defaults 0 0
 #/dev/pts   /mnt/chroot/dev/ptsbind
 defaults,bind 0 0
 defaults,rbind 0 0
To clarify, that's in the host /etc/fstab.

Also, there has been some recent discussion of virtualization/chroots on
the myth user list.

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Re: Problem with Dovecot

2012-05-15 Thread Camaleón
On Tue, 15 May 2012 15:59:11 +0100, Keir Snow wrote:

 Bit of a newbie here so please bear with me!
 I've installed Dovecot on my debian squeeze virtual server.  I managed
 to configure it using system users and it seemed to work.  However over
 the past week or so it has simply not been working.  mail I send to
 myself (ie does not appear in the webmailer
 (roundcube) or mutt as it did previously yet it does not bounce either. 

You have to check first if it has been even delivered, which means if it 
reached you MTA and with what result.

 There are no relevant messages in /var/logs/mail*. 

What's your MTA, Exim, Postfix...? And it is configured to deliver to the 
outside, to the real world? :-)

 It is quite possible that I've flipped a switch somewhere that I have
 forgotten about, just wondering what the first things I should check in
 trying to solve this problem are?

In the meantime, you can test if local delivery still works.



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Re: printer driver Samsung SCX4623f

2012-05-15 Thread Slavko

Dňa Tue, 15 May 2012 12:10:05 +0200 Johan Scheepers napísal:

 Got  a Samsung SCX 4623f printer.
 It seems that Debian 6.05 does not have a driver for it.
 What would be the way to install it.
 1) Samsung unified driver ?.

I have samsung scx-4200 for some years, shipped with linux driver on cd.
The Samsung unified driver was working for me a long time (debian testing),
but some months ago (cca 6) it stops working. Something strange happens,
reinstall was not help and i was not able to decide the reason for this.
And i was not able to find new driver version to download too.

Now i am using the splix. Sometime if want not print more than one page and
unplug/plug USB cable cycle is needed. Sometime the off/on is needed, and
sometime simply CUPS restart helps to continue printing. I am not sure, if
it is the driver issue or something in CUPS, because most of the printing
is coming from remote computer (my daughter and old OpenSuse).

IMO, you can successfully try the Samsung unified driver on the Squeeze,
because in squeeze release time (and long time after this) it was working
for me (and for printing - there was some problems with saned and remote



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Re: wheezy Audio Works for Root, Dies for User and it's not Perms.

2012-05-15 Thread Camaleón
On Tue, 15 May 2012 06:27:43 -0500, Martin McCormick wrote:

 The system in question has one user account and that account is in the
 audio group. The errors do not look like the traditional 
 permission-related problems. Here is a sample of what happens. It has
 never worked once since the wheezy installation.


 conf.c:3406:(config_file_open) /usr/share/alsa/pulse-alsa.conf may be old or 
 corrupted: consider to remove or fix it 


And have you ever considered in doing what the message suggests? :-)

(well, don't remove the file but rename or move it to another place)



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Re: printer driver Samsung SCX4623f

2012-05-15 Thread Brian
On Tue 15 May 2012 at 16:05:25 +0100, Lisi wrote:

 On Tuesday 15 May 2012 15:14:46 Brian wrote:
  Does the package you installed have a PPD file for a Samsung SCX4623f
 I don't know.  I get a list of drivers appropriate to my printer.  (Or to the 
 printer which I am trying to connect.)
 How would I check?

One way is by looking in /usr/share/ppd/splix/samsung.

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pam_mount configuration for users home directories from server to client

2012-05-15 Thread zingalo

i can't mount the users home directory from the ldap-samba server 
(amahoro) on the clients at login time.
I installed pam_mount but the configuration is not correct i think. I 
want that the user home directory in /users/username on the server will 
be mount on the client on /home/username.

Mounting manually with:
mount.cifs //amahoro/users/username /home/username -o user=username
it runs.

Could you take a look to the command-output and to pam_mount.conf.xml 

This is the output after logging with user leonidas:


pam_mount(rdconf1.c:699): path to luserconf set to 

pam_mount(pam_mount.c:553): pam_mount 2.10: entering session stage
pam_mount(misc.c:38): Session open: (ruid/rgid=0/0, e=0/0)
pam_mount(mount.c:647): Could not get realpath of /home/leonidas: No 
such file or directory
pam_mount(mount.c:218): Mount info: globalconf, user=leonidas volume 
fstype=cifs server=amahoro path=users/leonidas 
mountpoint=/home/leonidas cipher=(null) fskeypath=(null) 
fskeycipher=(null) fskeyhash=(null) options= / fstab=0 ssh=0

pam_mount(mount.c:259): mkmountpoint: checking /home
pam_mount(mount.c:259): mkmountpoint: checking /home/leonidas
pam_mount(mount.c:299): mkdir[0] /home/leonidas
pam_mount(mount.c:307): chown /home/leonidas - 2001:513
command: 'mount' '-t' 'cifs' '//amahoro/users/leonidas' '/home/leonidas' 
'-o' 'user=leonidas,uid=2001,gid=513'

pam_mount(spawn.c:134): setting uid to user leonidas
pam_mount(misc.c:38): set_myuidpost: (ruid/rgid=2001/513, e=2001/513)
pam_mount(mount.c:69): Messages from underlying mount program:
pam_mount(mount.c:73): mount: only root can do that
pam_mount(misc.c:380): 14 20 0:14 / /sys rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime 
- sysfs sysfs rw
pam_mount(misc.c:380): 15 20 0:3 / /proc rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime 
- proc proc rw
pam_mount(misc.c:380): 16 20 0:5 / /dev rw,relatime - devtmpfs udev 
pam_mount(misc.c:380): 17 16 0:11 / /dev/pts rw,nosuid,noexec,relatime - 
devpts devpts rw,gid=5,mode=620,ptmxmode=000
pam_mount(misc.c:380): 18 20 0:15 / /run rw,nosuid,relatime - tmpfs 
tmpfs rw,size=618748k,mode=755
pam_mount(misc.c:380): 19 14 0:16 / /sys/fs/fuse/connections rw,relatime 
- fusectl fusectl rw
pam_mount(misc.c:380): 20 1 8:5 / / rw,relatime - ext3 
pam_mount(misc.c:380): 21 14 0:6 / /sys/kernel/debug rw,relatime - 
debugfs none rw
pam_mount(misc.c:380): 22 14 0:10 / /sys/kernel/security rw,relatime - 
securityfs none rw
pam_mount(misc.c:380): 23 18 0:17 / /run/lock 
rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime - tmpfs none rw,size=5120k
pam_mount(misc.c:380): 24 18 0:18 / /run/shm rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime - 
tmpfs none rw
pam_mount(misc.c:380): 25 15 0:19 / /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc 
rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime - binfmt_misc binfmt_misc rw
pam_mount(misc.c:380): 27 20 0:20 / /home/stefano/.gvfs 
rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime - fuse.gvfs-fuse-daemon gvfs-fuse-daemon 

pam_mount(pam_mount.c:521): mount of users/leonidas failed
command: 'pmvarrun' '-u' 'leonidas' '-o' '1'
pam_mount(misc.c:38): set_myuidpre: (ruid/rgid=0/0, e=0/513)
pam_mount(misc.c:38): set_myuidpost: (ruid/rgid=0/0, e=0/513)
pmvarrun(pmvarrun.c:252): parsed count value 0
pam_mount(pam_mount.c:440): pmvarrun says login count is 1
pam_mount(pam_mount.c:645): done opening session (ret=0)
No directory, logging in with HOME=/

and this after logout:

pam_mount(pam_mount.c:691): received order to close things
pam_mount(misc.c:38): Session close: (ruid/rgid=0/513, e=0/513)
command: 'pmvarrun' '-u' 'leonidas' '-o' '-1'
pam_mount(misc.c:38): set_myuidpre: (ruid/rgid=0/513, e=0/513)
pam_mount(misc.c:38): set_myuidpost: (ruid/rgid=0/513, e=0/513)
pmvarrun(pmvarrun.c:252): parsed count value 1
pam_mount(pam_mount.c:440): pmvarrun says login count is 0
pam_mount(mount.c:749): going to unmount
pam_mount(mount.c:647): Could not get realpath of /home/leonidas: No 
such file or directory
pam_mount(mount.c:218): Mount info: globalconf, user=leonidas volume 
fstype=cifs server=amahoro path=users/leonidas 
mountpoint=/home/leonidas cipher=(null) fskeypath=(null) 
fskeycipher=(null) fskeyhash=(null) options= / fstab=0 ssh=0

command: 'umount' '/home/leonidas'
pam_mount(misc.c:38): set_myuidpre: (ruid/rgid=0/513, e=0/513)
pam_mount(misc.c:38): set_myuidpost: (ruid/rgid=0/513, e=0/513)
pam_mount(mount.c:69): umount messages:
pam_mount(mount.c:73): umount: /home/leonidas: not found
pam_mount(mount.c:752): unmount of users/leonidas failed
pam_mount(pam_mount.c:728): pam_mount execution complete
pam_mount(pam_mount.c:115): Clean global config (0)
pam_mount(pam_mount.c:132): clean system authtok=0x88e2558 (0)

This is my pam_mount.conf.xml

?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8 ?
!DOCTYPE pam_mount SYSTEM pam_mount.conf.xml.dtd
See pam_mount.conf(5) for a description.


ddclient question

2012-05-15 Thread John W. Foster
I want to use ddclient to do updates to to manage
webserver forwarding that I have set up there. I currently bounce a
request from to and use them as the actual dynamic
reset system. I want to skip alltogether. supports
this but ddclient was written for ddclient is however the
better of the 2 apps currently on Debian stable that I have used
successfully. The other  inadyn is less easy to manage. It has not been
a good match for my needs. I did try setting ddclient up with debconfig
to run on and was not successful, works fine with
Any tips for doing so?

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Re: chroot or virtual machine

2012-05-15 Thread Roger Leigh
On Tue, May 15, 2012 at 08:19:23AM -0700, Ross Boylan wrote:
 Like you, I'm figuring this out, and so my understanding could be wrong
 or suboptimal.  I tried to avoid the sys/proc/dev sharing, but found I
 needed to do them to make things work.  Sharing those virtual file
 systems removes a lot of the isolation between the chroot and the host.
 Perhaps someone who knows more will say more :)

Did you discover schroot yet?  It will do all of that stuff for you,
and more, including setting up all the system passwd databases etc.
The next stable release will also allow services to be stopped and
started in the chroot automatically as well.


  .''`.  Roger Leigh
 : :' :  Debian GNU/Linux
 `. `'   schroot and sbuild
   `-GPG Public Key  F33D 281D 470A B443 6756 147C 07B3 C8BC 4083 E800

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Re: Wheezy USB Harddrive install grub2 issues

2012-05-15 Thread Brian
On Tue 15 May 2012 at 00:41:18 +0100, Brian wrote:

 I have replicated your problem (GRUB dropping to a prompt) by running
 the command above from an unstable installation. I've no explanation
 for it apart from some hazy idea GRUB is confused by having its files
 in two places, /boot/grub and /grub, but was able to retrieve a GRUB
 menu with
grub-install /dev/sda

Ok, I do have an explanation now!

In your first mail you said:

the system boots. once booted I run one of the commands below
grub-install --root-directory=/ /dev/sda

update-grub2 runs the command

   grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg

and generates a grub2 configuration file in /boot/grub. You then told
GRUB to install its images in /grub but, because you did not generate
a grub.cfg file in that directory, it was unable to display a menu so
came up with a prompt instead. This can be checked by copying grub.cfg
from /boot/grub to /grub or by doing

   grub-mkconfig -o /grub/grub.cfg

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