Re: Bug Squashing Party (BSP) ?

2012-11-24 Thread Mònica Ramí­rez Arceda


A 2012-11-19 10:56, escrigué:


Heu estat mai a una maratò de correcció de bugs de Debian?

No soc un developer, sino tan sols un usuari de Debian, així que crec
que potser no tinc prou formació per participar a cap, malgrat soc
programador i tinc prous conneixements de Linux. No sé ben bé quins
conneixements calen per participar a una BSP. Aquí hi ha alguna
aclaració de les tasques a fer.

Sé que aquesta llista hi ha developers. Ens animem a escollir uns
bugs, i trobar-nos una tarda de dissabte o diumenge a intentar
corregir ni que sigui un?

Si hi ha prou gent interessada, jo em puc oferir a explicar els passos 
a seguir per tal de resoldre bugs a Debian. Amb els documents que 
adjuntes hi ha prou informació, però pot ser divertit fer un taller tots 
junts. El problema però, és que els bugs que queden ara no són per a res 
trivials, ja que els senzillets que ens servirien per començar ja han 
estat resolts.

Igualment, si hi ha interès, podem quedar :)
A part de l'Àlex i el Robert, hi hauria més gent interessada?

Ho podem provar de manera informal i, si surt bé i aprenem prou,
anunciar la propera BSP que fem com a oficial. Jo a Barcelona puc
mirar d'aconseguir un local on cabem com a mínim 12 persones.

Si ens animéssim a organitzar això, podem posar-nos en contacte amb més 
desenvolupadors Debian per veure si s'animen a venir a Barcelona.


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Re: Bug Squashing Party (BSP) ?

2012-11-24 Thread Alex Muntada
 A part de l'Àlex i el Robert, hi hauria més gent interessada?


Re: LMDE Lenovo W530

2012-11-24 Thread jerome moliere
pour finir ce thread je voulais juste signaler que tout fonctionne bien
apres reinstallation en Wheezy , que j ai meme upgrade en Sid...
Pour n avoir jamais eu de sid ( j avais une siduction/aptosid) je m etonne
que le seul kernel dispo soit un 3.2.0 ...mais il marche tres bien ...


J.MOLIERE - Mentor/J
auteur Eyrolles
OSGi book available now!!!

Le 21 novembre 2012 17:29, Bzzz a écrit :

 On Wed, 21 Nov 2012 17:21:28 +0100
 jerome moliere wrote:

  En fait je peux passer le runlevel en parametre a grub non? si je lui
  un 3 a la fin de ma grub entry dans mon menu graphique il doit demarrer
  niveau 3 non?

 J'en sais rien, j'utilise LILO.

 Tu peux tjrs tester (en prévoyant un mode de récup au cas où, pour
 éviter le SOS boot en liveCD).

 MrPicsou Bonjour bonjour
 MrPicsou j'ai une petite question technique, quelqu'un pourrait
 * %edcba allume la lumière
 * @einstein14 changed nick to Geotrouvetou
 %edcba enfin il aurait pu demander à riri, fifi  loulou avant
 *** MrPicsou quit (quit: bande de con..)

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dpkg-reconfigure locales et utf8

2012-11-24 Thread fabrice régnier

salut la liste,

J'ai décidé de passer complètement une machine en utf8 (j'avais des
soucis avec mysqladmin qui m'insultait régulièrement).

Un coup de dpkg-reconfigure locales,je vire le fr_FR@euro ISO-8859-15 et
je mets le fr_FR.UTF-8 UTF-8 uniquement.

maintenant, j'ai bien:
FA:/tmp# locale

FA:/tmp# touch /tmp/pépé
FA:/tmp# ls

Et dans l'éditeur joe, impossible d'accentuer.

Faut-il que je remette fr_FR@euro ISO-8859-15 ? J'aimerai pourtant bien
m'en passer.

Merki ;)


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Re: dpkg-reconfigure locales et utf8

2012-11-24 Thread Bzzz
On Sat, 24 Nov 2012 12:03:32 +0100
fabrice régnier wrote:

 Un coup de dpkg-reconfigure locales,je vire le fr_FR@euro ISO-8859-15 et
 je mets le fr_FR.UTF-8 UTF-8 uniquement.

O_o, un semblant d'erreur.
 FA:/tmp# touch /tmp/pépé
 FA:/tmp# ls

Normal: il ne suffit pas de dire à un livre passe en utf8 pour que
les contenus (antérieurs!) de ses pages migrent également.

Il aussi faut migrer *tous* les fichiers (notamment texte) vers utf8.

 Et dans l'éditeur joe, impossible d'accentuer.
 Faut-il que je remette fr_FR@euro ISO-8859-15 ? J'aimerai pourtant bien
 m'en passer.

Vi, c'est plus sage comme décision.

Il existe (sous sid) utf8-migration-tool, c'est du python et ça n'est
pas sûr que ça marche avec une version antérieure de python.
Sinon, la solution la plus rapide est en Gal de faire un backup, 
réinstaller en utf8, ne restaurer que les données voulues et migrer
leurs fichiers vers utf8 en faisant un ch'tit script bash.

Mauditation: j'ai rien à faire de toute la soirée
Reta: tu voulais pas aller au ciné ?
Mauditation: je crois pas, trop de choses à faire

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temps de réponse Wifi

2012-11-24 Thread moi-meme
Mon PC est relié par ethernet

J'ai un Raspberry connecté au même réseau par Wifi.

Entre les deux une Freebox V6.

Les temps de réponse au ping sont dissymétriques :
A partir du Raspberry
root@raspbian:/home/moi# ping -c 5
min/avg/max/mdev = 0.801/5.089/6.247/2.144 ms

à partir du PC : --[moi@cdiscount ~] ping -c 5
151.073/210.021/286.902/48.318 ms

Aucun changement en m'éloignant de la Freebox (niveau E/R).

Les deux engins sont quasiment au repos. Le Raspberry vient  d'être
rempli à partir d'une netinstall. Mon PC est activé  par un cruncbang 
et à jour.

Comment expliquer cette dissymétrie qui me crée quelque problèmes ?

Merci pour les idées.

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Re: temps de réponse Wifi

2012-11-24 Thread Bzzz
On 24 Nov 2012 21:23:54 GMT
moi-meme wrote:

 Mon PC est relié par ethernet
 J'ai un Raspberry connecté au même réseau par Wifi.
 Entre les deux une Freebox V6.
 Les temps de réponse au ping sont dissymétriques :

PB de MTU.

neonoe ça veut dire quoi lp0 on fire ?
Naha   que ton imprimante brûle
neonoe ah ok
neonoe effectivement
neonoe merde...

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Re: Cómo visualizar la lectora CD en Debian 6 LXDE

2012-11-24 Thread Camaleón
El Fri, 23 Nov 2012 15:21:45 -0500, academia escribió:

 Mi Debian 6 LXDE no me deja visualizar la lectora CD desde el Gestor de
 archivo PCMan. Intenté por /media, pero nada. ¿Alguien pudiera ayudarme?

Primero mira a ver si te la detecta el kernel. 

Ejecuta «dmesg | grep cd-r» y pon la salida.



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Re: [Noticia] Mozilla deja de soportar versiones antiguas de GTK+

2012-11-24 Thread Camaleón
El Fri, 23 Nov 2012 23:28:20 +0100, Cosme Domínguez Díaz escribió:

 Debian Lenny lleva sin actualizaciones de seguridad desde el 6 de
 febrero de 2012. [1]

Sí, lo sé.
 En mi humilde opinión, que ya no den soporte desde Mozilla... me parece
 el menor de los problemas para los que aún sigan usando esa versión de

Es que el problema (en caso de haberlo) no es ese. 

Lo que me parece un poco arriesgado por parte de Mozilla es la forma en 
que han dejado de dar soporte a un componente básico como es GTK+ (una 
versión determinada) sin dar ningún tipo de aviso previo a los usuarios 
para que puedan planificarse. Recuerda que la versión estable de Firefox/
Thunderbird (16.0.2) sí admite versiones antiguas de GTK+ y salió hace 
apenas unos meses. 

Es un cambio muy drástico como que no haya sido notificado debidamente.

 De todas formas gracias por la información.

De nada :-)



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Re: mdadm: Cannot open /dev/sdb1: Device or resource busy

2012-11-24 Thread Camaleón
El Sat, 24 Nov 2012 00:00:11 +0100, Mariano Cediel escribió:

 Como bien me habeis indicado ... el problema debe venir por aqui
 lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root   7 nov 23 23:48 1ATA - ../dm-1 


Eso me suena, efectivamente, a que DM está haciendo de las suyas, es 
decir, que se habrá apoderado de las volúmenes.

Sigue las instrucciones del artículo de la wikipedia y prueba además a 
pasar el parámetro nodmraid al kernel.



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Re: Kernel Trunk?

2012-11-24 Thread Camaleón
El Fri, 23 Nov 2012 19:42:21 -0500, Jo Sé escribió:

 Hola. Tengo una duda de que es el kernel linux-image-3.6-trunk-amd64 ..
 Osea que caracteristica tiene o que? Porque se llama trunk.

Es un paquete que sólo está disponible en la rama experimental y es uno 
de los últimos kernels disponibles que han salido.

En el changleog explican los cambios o novedades:



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Re: wheezy acer aspire wl

2012-11-24 Thread Camaleón
El Fri, 23 Nov 2012 23:22:21 -0300, Ricardo Delgado escribió:

 Hola gente,
 estoy tratando de instalar un wheezy en un equipo portatil acer aspire,
 tiene como placa un broadcom y siguiendo (1) pude hacer funcionar la
 placa inalambrica,
 ahora el problema es que cada cierto tiempo el equipo simplemente se
 cuelga sin responder a otra cosa que el apagado mediante el boton,

A veces lo que se queda colgado es el entorno gráfico y puedes acceder al 
equipo a través de SSH. Si se te queda colgado intenta conectarte 
mediante SSH para ver si responde.

 kernel 3.2.0-4-686-pae
 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM43228 802.11a/b/g/n
 en definitiva, hasta ahora no puedo utilizar la placa inalambrica porque
 se cuelga en algun momento.

Si es el driver de la tarjeta inalámbrica lo que deja congelado al 
equipo, puedes probar a instalar una versión superior del mismo.



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Iceweasel + Pdf

2012-11-24 Thread Jo Sé
Hola de nuevo molestando por aqui..

Tengo una pregunta.

Siempre que intento abrir un archivo con formato PDF. Lo unico que hace
Iceweasel es descargar el archivo para leerlo en local. No he podido hacer
que el iceweasel lo abra para leerlo sin descargarlo...

Iceweasel no hace eso?. Si?  Como se hace? :(



José Luis Cortés Mesa
Medellin Colombia
User Linux #533154

Re: Iceweasel + Pdf

2012-11-24 Thread Juan Martin
El 24/11/2012 20:54, Jo Sé joseluiscortes2 escribió:

 Hola de nuevo molestando por aqui..

 Tengo una pregunta.

 Siempre que intento abrir un archivo con formato PDF. Lo unico que hace
Iceweasel es descargar el archivo para leerlo en local. No he podido hacer
que el iceweasel lo abra para leerlo sin descargarlo...

 Iceweasel no hace eso?. Si?  Como se hace? :(

Si no me equivoco debe ser algun plugin, pero igual baja el pdf, solo que
lo ves desde un navegador




 José Luis Cortés Mesa
 Medellin Colombia
 User Linux #533154

Re: Iceweasel + Pdf

2012-11-24 Thread Marcos Delgado
El día 24 de noviembre de 2012 21:46, Juan Martin escribió:

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Re: Iceweasel + Pdf

2012-11-24 Thread Pablo Jiménez
On Sun, Nov 25, 2012 at 12:46:22AM -0300, Juan Martin wrote:
 El 24/11/2012 20:54, Jo Sé joseluiscortes2 escribió:
  Hola de nuevo molestando por aqui..
  Tengo una pregunta.
  Siempre que intento abrir un archivo con formato PDF. Lo unico que hace
 Iceweasel es descargar el archivo para leerlo en local. No he podido hacer
 que el iceweasel lo abra para leerlo sin descargarlo...
  Iceweasel no hace eso?. Si?  Como se hace? :(
 Si no me equivoco debe ser algun plugin, pero igual baja el pdf, solo que
 lo ves desde un navegador

Debiera ser suficiente el instalar un lector de ficheros en formato PDF: 
evince, epdfviewer u otro.


Pablo Jiménez

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Re: fooling a non-stdin redirection accepting app (colortail)??

2012-11-24 Thread Sven Joachim
On 2012-11-24 08:59 +0100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:

 colortail is not a full replacement for tail - namely, it precludes 

 systemd-journalctl -f gives a non colorized output.

 Here's my failed attempt to fool colortail into accepting a bash file
 descriptor in order to pipe journal through colortail:


For programs which do not read standard input, is more interesting.
See also the Process Substitution paragraph in the bash manpage.

 SO, it comes to my mind, that there ought be a way to turn a bash file
 descriptor, into a file name, to fool colortail in some other way.
 Perhaps a /proc/$PID/fd/... or some such.

Exactly that is what process substitution achieves.

 Anyone know where to next, in the search for ultimate control over
 colortail, taming it into submission to the will of systemd-journald?

Probably colortail -f (systemd-journalctl -f) will do the trick.


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Re: Guide / Tools

2012-11-24 Thread Ralf Mardorf

Good morning Zenaan,
good morning Chris,

I'll reconsider to test aliases again. Usually I use the tab key, the  
cursor keys and my fingers type some commands automagically.


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Re: change hostname without rebooting

2012-11-24 Thread Tom H
On Sat, Nov 24, 2012 at 1:04 AM, Zenaan Harkness wrote:

 # Me, wonders why systemd-hostnamed does not run, google says it should:

 $ echo $PATH

 $ dpkg -L systemd|grep hostnamed

 $ cd /lib/systemd/

 $ file systemd-hostnamed
 systemd-hostnamed: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1
 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.26,
 BuildID[sha1]=0x4447f9b433f2bd71e603d2b9060b1196edc64048, stripped

 $ ./systemd-hostnamed
 Warning: nss-myhostname is not installed. Changing the local hostname
 might make it unresolveable. Please install nss-myhostname!
 Failed to register name on bus: Access denied

 OK, so now we have another /sbin type directory called /lib/systemd
 ... should I avoid adding this to my path, as in, is systemd-hostnamed
 supposed to be wrapped by /bin/hostname, and for now it's not? Or are
 these commands additional /sbin type commands that we will need now
 and again?

 Should systemd-hostnamed actually work for live-changing the hostname?
 If so, should systemd package suggest or recommend nss-myhostnamed
 aka debian's libnss-myhostname ??

Having executables in /lib/systemd probably breaks the FHS,
AFAIR/AFAIU, but Debian also has executables in, at least, /lib/init
and /lib/udev.

Upstream systemd uses /usr/lib/systemd and that's allowed by the FHS
for executables not meant to be called by users. Before Fedora's
usrmove change, it probably used /lib/systemd but I don't have an
F-16 install to check.

Why can't you change the hostname with hostname new-host-name and
change the hostname in /etc/{hostname,hosts,mailname} if you want
the change to survive a reboot?

I wouldn't worry, on Debian, about nss-myhostname/libnss-myhostname
because there's a line in /etc/hosts to resolve the hostname to when dhcp's used.

nss-myhostname allows you to have a two-line /etc/hosts mapping
localhost to and ::1. If you have a dhcp-supplied
address, your hostname's mapped to (on Fedora; maybe it's
patched on Debian to map to, no idea) and if you have a
static address your hostname's mapped to that address.

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Re: fooling a non-stdin redirection accepting app (colortail)??

2012-11-24 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On 11/24/12, Sven Joachim wrote:
 On 2012-11-24 08:59 +0100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:

 colortail is not a full replacement for tail - namely, it precludes

 systemd-journalctl -f gives a non colorized output.

 Here's my failed attempt to fool colortail into accepting a bash file
 descriptor in order to pipe journal through colortail:


 For programs which do not read standard input, is more interesting.
 See also the Process Substitution paragraph in the bash manpage.

Great links, thanks! I shall read them, since:

 SO, it comes to my mind, that there ought be a way to turn a bash file
 descriptor, into a file name, to fool colortail in some other way.
 Perhaps a /proc/$PID/fd/... or some such.

 Exactly that is what process substitution achieves.

 Anyone know where to next, in the search for ultimate control over
 colortail, taming it into submission to the will of systemd-journald?

 Probably colortail -f (systemd-journalctl -f) will do the trick.

This doesn't work - I guess  is still a redirection to stdin or something.
For colortail, we need to auto-generate the corresponding filename for stdin.

I shall report back if/when I find a solution...

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Re: change hostname without rebooting [SOLVED]

2012-11-24 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On 11/24/12, Tom H wrote:
 On Sat, Nov 24, 2012 at 1:04 AM, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
 # Me, wonders why systemd-hostnamed does not run, google says it should:

 $ echo $PATH

 $ dpkg -L systemd|grep hostnamed

 $ cd /lib/systemd/

 $ file systemd-hostnamed
 systemd-hostnamed: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1
 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.26,
 BuildID[sha1]=0x4447f9b433f2bd71e603d2b9060b1196edc64048, stripped

 $ ./systemd-hostnamed
 Warning: nss-myhostname is not installed. Changing the local hostname
 might make it unresolveable. Please install nss-myhostname!
 Failed to register name on bus: Access denied

 OK, so now we have another /sbin type directory called /lib/systemd
 ... should I avoid adding this to my path, as in, is systemd-hostnamed
 supposed to be wrapped by /bin/hostname, and for now it's not? Or are
 these commands additional /sbin type commands that we will need now
 and again?

 Should systemd-hostnamed actually work for live-changing the hostname?
 If so, should systemd package suggest or recommend nss-myhostnamed
 aka debian's libnss-myhostname ??

 Having executables in /lib/systemd probably breaks the FHS,
 AFAIR/AFAIU, but Debian also has executables in, at least, /lib/init
 and /lib/udev.

 Upstream systemd uses /usr/lib/systemd and that's allowed by the FHS
 for executables not meant to be called by users. Before Fedora's
 usrmove change, it probably used /lib/systemd but I don't have an
 F-16 install to check.

 Why can't you change the hostname with hostname new-host-name and

I did this,

 change the hostname in /etc/{hostname,hosts,mailname} if you want
 the change to survive a reboot?

and this too,

 I wouldn't worry, on Debian, about nss-myhostname/libnss-myhostname
 because there's a line in /etc/hosts to resolve the hostname to when dhcp's used.

and my /etc/hosts contains, amongst other static assignments, this:  localhost lo

BUT, it did not contain an entry for my new hostname... testing ...
added as alias, so now:  localhost lo my-new-hostname

BINGO! Now xterms start quickly again! It seems like unnecessary
process startup fragility to me... at least it timed out after 10 or
15s, and not 2m to 5m like systemd mount and now sshfs to
target-system-with-systemd-mount timeout issues I'm still having.

Thank you!

 nss-myhostname allows you to have a two-line /etc/hosts mapping
 localhost to and ::1. If you have a dhcp-supplied
 address, your hostname's mapped to (on Fedora; maybe it's
 patched on Debian to map to, no idea) and if you have a
 static address your hostname's mapped to that address.

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Re: fooling a non-stdin redirection accepting app (colortail)??

2012-11-24 Thread Sven Joachim
On 2012-11-24 11:36 +0100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:

 On 11/24/12, Sven Joachim wrote:

 Probably colortail -f (systemd-journalctl -f) will do the trick.

 This doesn't work - I guess  is still a redirection to stdin or something.


 For colortail, we need to auto-generate the corresponding filename for stdin.

It reports /dev/fd/63 here.  Since I did not boot with systemd as PID 1,
I tested with colortail -f (tail -f /var/log/auth.log), however.


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/lib/systemd/systemd-hostnamed hang

2012-11-24 Thread Zenaan Harkness
Any idea how to make use of systemd-hostnamed?

$ sudo /lib/systemd/systemd-hostnamed
Warning: nss-myhostname is not installed. Changing the local hostname
might make it unresolveable. Please install nss-myhostname!
# hang's at this point, apparently indefinitely...


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Re: fooling a non-stdin redirection accepting app (colortail)??

2012-11-24 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On 11/24/12, Sven Joachim wrote:
 On 2012-11-24 11:36 +0100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
 On 11/24/12, Sven Joachim wrote:
 Probably colortail -f (systemd-journalctl -f) will do the trick.

 This doesn't work - I guess  is still a redirection to stdin or


thanks for checking

 For colortail, we need to auto-generate the corresponding filename for

 It reports /dev/fd/63 here.  Since I did not boot with systemd as PID 1,
I get the same

 I tested with colortail -f (tail -f /var/log/auth.log), however.
Yes, this works.

Here are my attempts:

$ colortail -f (systemd-journalctl -f)
Showing user generated messages only. Users in the group 'adm' can see
all messages. Pass -q to turn this message off.
== /dev/fd/63 ==
# no more output

$ colortail -f (systemd-journalctl -n 2)
Showing user generated messages only. Users in the group 'adm' can see
all messages. Pass -q to turn this message off.
== /dev/fd/63 ==
Nov 22 22:50:52 localhost xscreensaver[1763]: pam_winbind(xscreensaver:auth)...)
Nov 22 22:50:55 localhost xscreensaver[1763]: FAILED LOGIN 1 ON DISPLAY :0...
# I'm guessing no more output can be got at this point

$ colortail -f (systemd-journalctl -n 2 -f)
Showing user generated messages only. Users in the group 'adm' can see
all messages. Pass -q to turn this message off.
== /dev/fd/63 ==
# no more output

$ colortail -f (sudo systemd-journalctl -f)
== /dev/fd/63 ==
# no more output

$ colortail -f (sudo systemd-journalctl -f -n 10)
== /dev/fd/63 ==
# no more output

$ colortail -f (sudo systemd-journalctl -f 21)
== /dev/fd/63 ==
# no more output

$ colortail -f (sudo systemd-journalctl)
... this produces the full journal/syslog ...
... and does not actually follow (not surprising, since no -f option
to journalctl)

$ sudo colortail -f (sudo systemd-journalctl -f)
colortail: Failed to open file: /dev/fd/63
== /dev/fd/63 ==
# no more output

$ sudo colortail -f (systemd-journalctl -f)
Showing user generated messages only. Users in the group 'adm' can see
all messages. Pass -q to turn this message off.
colortail: Failed to open file: /dev/fd/63
== /dev/fd/63 ==
# no more output

Seems a hard nut to crack... evidently systemd-journalctl does not
output in the same way as tail command...

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Re: fooling a non-stdin redirection accepting app (colortail)??

2012-11-24 Thread Zenaan Harkness
# OK, baseline check, these work for me as user:
sudo tail -f /var/log/syslog
sudo colortail -f /var/log/syslog
systemd-journalctl -f
sudo systemd-journalctl -f

# these also work as user (no -f after journalctl, so not useful):
tail -f (systemd-journalctl)
colortail -f (systemd-journalctl)
tail -f (sudo colortail /var/log/syslog)

# this works as root, not as user:
colortail -f (tail -f /var/log/auth.log)
tail -f (colortail /var/log/syslog)

# where these don't work at all:
tail -f (sudo systemd-journalctl -f)
colortail -f (sudo systemd-journalctl -f)

# and neither do these, as root nor user:
tail -f (systemd-journalctl -f)
colortail -f (systemd-journalctl -f)
tail -f (tail -f /var/log/auth.log)
tail -f (tail -f /var/log/syslog)
tail -f (colortail -f /var/log/syslog)
tail -f (sudo tail -f /var/log/syslog)

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Re: fooling a non-stdin redirection accepting app (colortail)??

2012-11-24 Thread Sven Joachim
On 2012-11-24 12:17 +0100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:

 On 11/24/12, Sven Joachim wrote:

 It reports /dev/fd/63 here.  Since I did not boot with systemd as PID 1,
 I get the same

 I tested with colortail -f (tail -f /var/log/auth.log), however.
 Yes, this works.

 Here are my attempts:

 $ colortail -f (systemd-journalctl -f)
 Showing user generated messages only. Users in the group 'adm' can see
 all messages. Pass -q to turn this message off.
 == /dev/fd/63 ==
 # no more output

Rebooting my laptop with init=/bin/systemd, I can confirm that.

 Seems a hard nut to crack... evidently systemd-journalctl does not
 output in the same way as tail command...

At least with the -f option, it seems.


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Re: fooling a non-stdin redirection accepting app (colortail)??

2012-11-24 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On 11/24/12, Sven Joachim wrote:
 On 2012-11-24 12:17 +0100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:

 Here are my attempts:

 $ colortail -f (systemd-journalctl -f)
 Showing user generated messages only. Users in the group 'adm' can see
 all messages. Pass -q to turn this message off.
 == /dev/fd/63 ==
 # no more output

 Rebooting my laptop with init=/bin/systemd, I can confirm that.

 Seems a hard nut to crack... evidently systemd-journalctl does not
 output in the same way as tail command...

 At least with the -f option, it seems.

Is this enough to file a bug?
systemd-journalctl -f fails to pass stdout file descriptor in such a
way that bash process substitution can work
with the simple comparison example being, these work:
   colortail -f (sudo tail -f /var/log/auth.log)
   colortail -f (systemd-journalctl)
yet this does not work:
   colortail -f (systemd-journalctl -f)


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Re: OT: Seeking Advice on Purchasing a Laptop

2012-11-24 Thread Tony Baldwin
On Sat, Nov 24, 2012 at 11:02:42AM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
 On 11/24/12, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
  On Vi, 23 nov 12, 07:25:29, Nate Bargmann wrote:
  * On 2012 23 Nov 05:43 -0600, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
   Thinkpad. Avoid ATI graphics if possible.

I've had good experiences with both, IBM Thinkpads (had an a21m that
lasted forever, ran Debian, #!, PeppermintOS, and PCLinuxOS on it, all 
and Dells (currently have an old d420 I purchased on ebay for like $120,
running crunchbang, which is essentially debian+openbox, works flawlessly).

all tony, all the time!

Description: Digital signature

Re: Guide / Tools

2012-11-24 Thread Tony Baldwin
On Sat, Nov 24, 2012 at 02:48:02PM +1300, Chris Bannister wrote:
 On Fri, Nov 23, 2012 at 08:48:15PM +0100, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
  On Thu, 2012-11-22 at 11:35 -0500, Doug wrote:
   Altho some of the Linux commands that seem to be specific to certain 
  Some distros use aliases for commands, e.g. something like ls -a has an
  alias, this IMO should be avoided.
 I disagree. Aliases are extremely handy. I wish I started using them far
 sooner than I did.

I use a few in my .bashrc, like
alias cnc='cd  clear'
alias cd2='cd ../../'
alias cd3='cd ../../../'
alias cd4='cd ../../../../'
alias cd5='cd ../../../../.../'
alias lsd='ls --list-directories-first'
alias ll='ls -l'
alias la='ls -A'
alias l='ls -CF'
alias mocp='mocp -T transparent-background'

quite handy.

all tony, all the time!

Description: Digital signature

Re: vim -- adduser vs useradd/usermod

2012-11-24 Thread Osamu Aoki

On Fri, Nov 23, 2012 at 07:56:24AM -0600, Nate Bargmann wrote:
 * On 2012 23 Nov 06:14 -0600, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
  On Vi, 16 nov 12, 16:33:17, Nate Bargmann wrote:
   * On 2012 16 Nov 14:02 -0600, james gray wrote:
i am using vim to add the one and only name in a usr account to the 
file for printing.
   I would use, as super user:
   # usermod -Ga lp username
  On Debian the 'adduser' tool should be used.

Maybe this is a bit strong statement.  I would just say the use of
adduser on Debian system makes life easy on Debian.
 Unfortunately, the name alone doesn't lend itself to knowing that it
 will modify a user account although the man page says:
Add an existing user to an existing group
   If called with two non-option arguments, adduser will add  an
 existing user to an existing group.
 The page is silent as to whether existing group membership is preserved
 as with the command example I offered.  To know it would be required for
 each adminstrator to test this command due to this documentation bug.

I think there is a reason why adduser is not called changeuser (or
updateuser) (just joking though). I am very certain this only ADD
things.  If it REMOVES something, this is a serious documentation bug
not to mention it.  But it just works as expected...  I think.

 In this case, 'usermod' provides the adminstrator *exactly* the options

Although adduser for this is the popular utility to use here and the one I
probably use, usermod seems to be as legitimate utility and it comes as a part
of shadow-utils i.e. the passwd package.

Both should work.  Otherwise, file a bug report :-)

 needed to modify a user account.  A single or multiple groups may be
 easily added, or the group list may be passed in such a way as to easily
 remove an account from several groups at once while preserving or adding
 membership in those passed.

If adduser should do such things, there should be a lot of unhappy people
filing bug report ...

 I don't see that capability in 'adduser'
 although there is the complementary 'deluser' which removes a sepcific
 user from a specific group.  To remove an account from multiple groups
 would require multiple invocations.
 Power or simplicity?  The choice is yours.

Power -- certainly.  If you read /usr/share/doc/adduser/examples/README,
there are good power tools described.

For not so much involved like me, adduser is a friendlier interactive
frontend to useradd. At least, this is my impression and that is why I
used it for Debian Reference.

I google and find interesting old post here.

 Subject: Re: adduser, useradd: are there any differences
 From: Peter J. Holzer
 Date: Sun, 12 Sep 2004 20:55:39 +0200
 On 2004-09-12 18:12:02 +0200, Roland Wegmann wrote:
 useradd and groupadd are the posix or SUS-standardized tools to create
 users and groups. You can expect them to work (almost) identically on all 
 distributions as well as on HP-UX, Solaris, AIX, ...
 adduser and groupadd are distribution specific wrappers which make it
 simpler to create users which conform to some (distribution-specific or
 local) policy. The options vary wildly between different distributions
 and other UNIXes may not have these commands at all.

(As I checked web, FEDORA/CENTOS/GENTOO, adduser seems to be the symlink
to useradd.)


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Re: vim -- adduser vs useradd/usermod

2012-11-24 Thread Wolf Halton
usermod makes changes to user.
useradd is not interactive, so makes an automated script for adding many
users more possible to write.  including setting nonstandard home directory
or extra groups.
adduser is interactive but does not let you put a user in multiple groups,
i don't think.

Wolf Halton
Apache developer:
On Nov 24, 2012 8:16 AM, Osamu Aoki wrote:


 On Fri, Nov 23, 2012 at 07:56:24AM -0600, Nate Bargmann wrote:
  * On 2012 23 Nov 06:14 -0600, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
   On Vi, 16 nov 12, 16:33:17, Nate Bargmann wrote:
* On 2012 16 Nov 14:02 -0600, james gray wrote:
 i am using vim to add the one and only name in a usr account to
 the groups
 file for printing.
I would use, as super user:
# usermod -Ga lp username
   On Debian the 'adduser' tool should be used.

 Maybe this is a bit strong statement.  I would just say the use of
 adduser on Debian system makes life easy on Debian.

  Unfortunately, the name alone doesn't lend itself to knowing that it
  will modify a user account although the man page says:
 Add an existing user to an existing group
If called with two non-option arguments, adduser will add  an
  existing user to an existing group.
  The page is silent as to whether existing group membership is preserved
  as with the command example I offered.  To know it would be required for
  each adminstrator to test this command due to this documentation bug.

 I think there is a reason why adduser is not called changeuser (or
 updateuser) (just joking though). I am very certain this only ADD
 things.  If it REMOVES something, this is a serious documentation bug
 not to mention it.  But it just works as expected...  I think.

  In this case, 'usermod' provides the adminstrator *exactly* the options

 Although adduser for this is the popular utility to use here and the one I
 probably use, usermod seems to be as legitimate utility and it comes as a
 of shadow-utils i.e. the passwd package.

 Both should work.  Otherwise, file a bug report :-)

  needed to modify a user account.  A single or multiple groups may be
  easily added, or the group list may be passed in such a way as to easily
  remove an account from several groups at once while preserving or adding
  membership in those passed.

 If adduser should do such things, there should be a lot of unhappy people
 filing bug report ...

  I don't see that capability in 'adduser'
  although there is the complementary 'deluser' which removes a sepcific
  user from a specific group.  To remove an account from multiple groups
  would require multiple invocations.
  Power or simplicity?  The choice is yours.

 Power -- certainly.  If you read /usr/share/doc/adduser/examples/README,
 there are good power tools described.

 For not so much involved like me, adduser is a friendlier interactive
 frontend to useradd. At least, this is my impression and that is why I
 used it for Debian Reference.

 I google and find interesting old post here.

  Subject: Re: adduser, useradd: are there any differences
  From: Peter J. Holzer
  Date: Sun, 12 Sep 2004 20:55:39 +0200
  On 2004-09-12 18:12:02 +0200, Roland Wegmann wrote:
  useradd and groupadd are the posix or SUS-standardized tools to create
  users and groups. You can expect them to work (almost) identically on
 all Linux
  distributions as well as on HP-UX, Solaris, AIX, ...
  adduser and groupadd are distribution specific wrappers which make it
  simpler to create users which conform to some (distribution-specific or
  local) policy. The options vary wildly between different distributions
  and other UNIXes may not have these commands at all.

 (As I checked web, FEDORA/CENTOS/GENTOO, adduser seems to be the symlink
 to useradd.)


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Re: /lib/systemd/systemd-hostnamed hang

2012-11-24 Thread Tom H
On Sat, Nov 24, 2012 at 6:02 AM, Zenaan Harkness wrote:

 Any idea how to make use of systemd-hostnamed?

 $ sudo /lib/systemd/systemd-hostnamed
 Warning: nss-myhostname is not installed. Changing the local hostname
 might make it unresolveable. Please install nss-myhostname!
 # hang's at this point, apparently indefinitely...

What are you expecting it to do?

How about systemctl restart systemd-hostnamed.service?

If you then run systemctl status systemd-hostnamed.service, you'll
see the same message about nss-myhostname.

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Re: vim -- adduser vs useradd/usermod

2012-11-24 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On 11/25/12, Wolf Halton wrote:
 usermod makes changes to user.
 useradd is not interactive, so makes an automated script for adding many
 users more possible to write.  including setting nonstandard home directory
 or extra groups.
 adduser is interactive but does not let you put a user in multiple groups,
 i don't think.

# as an extra step of course,
# choose list of groups you want the user to be in:
groups=adm disk sound scanner etc

# then, add that user to each group:
for g in $groups; do adduser $theuser $g; done

# or do it this way (and other ways for sure):
echo $groups | xargs -n 1 adduser $theuser

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Re: /lib/systemd/systemd-hostnamed hang

2012-11-24 Thread Michael Biebl
On 24.11.2012 14:40, Tom H wrote:
 On Sat, Nov 24, 2012 at 6:02 AM, Zenaan Harkness wrote:

 Any idea how to make use of systemd-hostnamed?

 $ sudo /lib/systemd/systemd-hostnamed
 Warning: nss-myhostname is not installed. Changing the local hostname
 might make it unresolveable. Please install nss-myhostname!
 # hang's at this point, apparently indefinitely...
 What are you expecting it to do?

It doesn't hang. It is a system daemon which just waits sits there and
waits for requests (via D-Bus).

Nothing unexpected here aside from starting this tool directly.

It would be like starting apache by hand and then wondering that it sits
there waiting for requests via port 80.


Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: OT: Seeking Advice on Purchasing a Laptop

2012-11-24 Thread Gary Roach

On 11/24/2012 05:06 AM, Tony Baldwin wrote:

On Sat, Nov 24, 2012 at 11:02:42AM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:

On 11/24/12, Andrei  wrote:

On Vi, 23 nov 12, 07:25:29, Nate Bargmann wrote:

* On 2012 23 Nov 05:43 -0600, Andrei POPESCU wrote:

Thinkpad. Avoid ATI graphics if possible.

I s

I've had good experiences with both, IBM Thinkpads (had an a21m that
lasted forever, ran Debian, #!, PeppermintOS, and PCLinuxOS on it, all 
and Dells (currently have an old d420 I purchased on ebay for like $120,
running crunchbang, which is essentially debian+openbox, works flawlessly).

I've only owned one laptop so my experience is somewhat limited. But I 
think you need to as some of the following questions:

1. Are you a gamer or more of a normal user or a media freek.
2. How portable must the unit be.
3. How long must it run on batteries.
4. How much are you willing to pay.
5. Do you do graphics - need a lot of screen real-estate.

I own a Qosmio G25-av315. It weighs about 9.5 lbs and gets about 1 hr on 
the batteries. It's more of a portable computer than a laptop. For this 
I get an 18 inch screen, all kinds of media capability, two 60GB hard 
drives and a raft of compatibility headaches. I  set the system up as a 
dual boot with Debian Linux on one disk and Windows XP on the other. The 
Debian side has never been completely functional - but adaquate for my 
needs. The XP side is fully functional but is fast becoming a problem. 
There seems to be no upgrade path to Windows 8. This last problem is 
going to get worse the more complicated the laptop. This Qosmio has a TV 
receiver (never used) and dolby sound system. Trying to find linux 
drivers for some of this stuff means that firmware has to be swapped out 
in the fly. Not a good situation.

My advise. By only what you absolutely need. Forget the bells and 
whistles unless you really have a specific need. Simple is cheaper and 
probably more useful.

Unless you need this within the next 6-12 months you might consider 
waiting to see what happens with bigger ePaper screens. I want a tablet 
but won't buy until I find one with a ePaper screen. The battery life 
goes up by a factor of 10 or more and the screen is readable at very 
obtuse angles and in direct sun light.

i hope this helps

Gary R.

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xfwm4 failure and fix

2012-11-24 Thread Patrick Wiseman
Hello, all:

Just fyi, on a recent restart of my testing machine with xfce, my
window manager appeared broken (no workspaces, no title bars, etc.).
Googling revealed that xfwm4, for reasons unexplained, had not been
restored when the session restarted. One suggestion was Alt-F2 which,
in xfce, brings up a window allowing one to run an application; but
text entry was broken. Another was to do 'rm -r ~/.cache/sessions'.
After doing that, and a restart, windows control is restored. Hope
that helps someone who encounters the same problem.


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Re: xfwm4 failure and fix

2012-11-24 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Sat, 2012-11-24 at 17:51 -0500, Patrick Wiseman wrote:
 Hello, all:
 Just fyi, on a recent restart of my testing machine with xfce, my
 window manager appeared broken (no workspaces, no title bars, etc.).
 Googling revealed that xfwm4, for reasons unexplained, had not been
 restored when the session restarted. One suggestion was Alt-F2 which,
 in xfce, brings up a window allowing one to run an application; but
 text entry was broken. Another was to do 'rm -r ~/.cache/sessions'.
 After doing that, and a restart, windows control is restored. Hope
 that helps someone who encounters the same problem.

For current Xfce4 on other Linux distros deleting the cache only does
solve some issues. There's much more broken for current Linux (perhaps
at the moment not for Debian, but for other Distros that already follow
upstream dictatorship), not only Xfce4 is borked. I keep Linux, but I
also take a look at BSD and at Linux solutions without X, DBUS, systemd
and all that crap hat at the moment at least slows down performance.


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Re: Can Debian's paranoia be tamed

2012-11-24 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Vi, 23 nov 12, 17:04:27, Nate Bargmann wrote:
 On Ubuntu distros set up like that, 'sudo su' has worked on the rare
 occasion a root shell prompt was needed.  

Why bother with su? sudo can start a shell as well and you don't even 
need to type its name (hint: -i or -s).

Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: Can Debian's paranoia be tamed

2012-11-24 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Sb, 24 nov 12, 02:50:41, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
 PS: It's completely useless to run a web browser with root privileges.

Especially on a computer without *any* network access :D


Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: Can Debian's paranoia be tamed

2012-11-24 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Jo, 22 nov 12, 22:30:54, wrote:
 And, seriously, windows users do that by default and their computers
 works not so bad.

That's a joke, right?

Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: /lib/systemd/systemd-hostnamed hang

2012-11-24 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On 11/25/12, Michael Biebl wrote:
 On 24.11.2012 14:40, Tom H wrote:
 On Sat, Nov 24, 2012 at 6:02 AM, Zenaan Harkness

 Any idea how to make use of systemd-hostnamed?

 $ sudo /lib/systemd/systemd-hostnamed
 Warning: nss-myhostname is not installed. Changing the local hostname
 might make it unresolveable. Please install nss-myhostname!
 # hang's at this point, apparently indefinitely...

 What are you expecting it to do?

 It doesn't hang. It is a system daemon which just waits sits there and
 waits for requests (via D-Bus).

 Nothing unexpected here aside from starting this tool directly.

 It would be like starting apache by hand and then wondering that it sits
 there waiting for requests via port 80.


Thanks for the clarifications.

$ lighttpd --help
lighttpd: invalid option -- '-'
lighttpd/1.4.31 (ssl) (Jul 14 2012 12:10:48) - a light and fast webserver
 -f name  filename of the config-file
 -m name  module directory (default: /usr/lib/lighttpd)
 -p print the parsed config-file in internal form, and exit
 -t test the config-file, and exit
 -D don't go to background (default: go to background)
 -v show version
 -V show compile-time features
 -h show this help

$ /lib/systemd/systemd-hostnamed --help
This program takes no arguments.

$ man lighttpd

$ man systemd-hostnamed
No manual entry for systemd-hostnamed

I guess, being a boot time program and possibly headed for
inclusion-in-initrd territory, the intent is to keep core daemons as
small as possible, and not encumbered with memory consuming --help

For discoverability/learnability of such things, should I be saying
the source code is the man page?

Or should I simply ignore all binaries in /lib/ ?

From /usr/share/doc/systemd/README, :
When systemd-hostnamed is used it is strongly recommended to
install nss-myhostname to ensure that in a world of
dynamically changing hostnames the hostname stays resolveable
under all circumstances. In fact, systemd-hostnamed will warn
if nss-myhostname is not installed. Packagers are encouraged to
add a dependency on nss-myhostname to the package that
includes systemd-hostnamed.

Perhaps the lack of libnss causes the big delays when starting xterm
after changing hostname?

Ought there be an addition to man hostname, suggesting that updating
hostname with /bin/hostname, and/ or with /etc/hostname edit, should
be accompanied with an address resolvability update to /etc/hosts in
order to avoid long timeouts when starting applications (perhaps just
under X?) ??

apropos hostname
man 5 hostname
# still no suggestion that changing hostname may cause resolver delays
man 7 hostname
# this possibly gives a bit of a hint
(please note, I totally forgot about apropos until just now)

What I am getting at here is the issue of (lack of) discoverability
regarding this hostname-causing-application-startup-delays issue and
how to fix it.

debian-user is a great fallback. It ought to be possible, when someone
in the future asks a similar question, that we can point the newbie to

  man hostname
  # and read paragraph 3

or say:

  apropos hostname
  man 5 hostname
  # and read paragraph 3

or some such.

I attempted to discover/solve my problem/annoyance (10+ seconds xterm
startup delays), but was not able to solve the problem with the
references to the systems documentation which I tried, and I don't
seem to see any clarity on this from man 5 or man 7 either.

I am very grateful for the abundant documentation we have, and would
like to see a little more, if that is a good idea in this case.

A rough initial draft for an extra paragraph in man 1 hostname or man
5 hostname:

WARNING (or CAUTION, or under NOTES ?)
 Changing the hostname during runtime, without the new hostname being
 resolvable to an ip address can cause delays when starting applications
 which are in any way linked to the resolver(5).
 This is the case for most(all?) X applications

Suggestions appreciated, and when we have satisfactory wording, we can
forward the suggestion to, and/
or create a bug against hostname package? Guidance appreciated.

Best regaqrds

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Re: Can Debian's paranoia be tamed

2012-11-24 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Sun, 2012-11-25 at 01:11 +0200, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
 On Sb, 24 nov 12, 02:50:41, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
  PS: It's completely useless to run a web browser with root privileges.
 Especially on a computer without *any* network access :D

Oops, a bad example :D.

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Re: Can Debian's paranoia be tamed

2012-11-24 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Sun, 2012-11-25 at 01:14 +0200, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
 On Jo, 22 nov 12, 22:30:54, wrote:
  And, seriously, windows users do that by default and their computers
  works not so bad.
 That's a joke, right?

FWIW for old computers it did work that way and I wanted that for Linux
too in the past, but found out that it's not needed. If I would need
something similar today, I would use sudo and it's frontends (e.g.
gksudo) without a password.

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how to systemctl status blah, showing journal/log at same time ?

2012-11-24 Thread Zenaan Harkness
Hi, on
(a short page)
says that (for Fedora 17) they hooked up systemctl status
daemon-name.blah to also give last 10 lines of journal output.

Can I configure systemd this on debian?


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Re: how to systemctl status blah, showing journal/log at same time ?

2012-11-24 Thread Zenaan Harkness
Requires sudo as normal user. It's simply re permissions.

Perhaps a NOTE in the output of systemctl to hint at this?


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UserIDs and setups for developers

2012-11-24 Thread Gordon Haverland
My inclination from wayback was that if I had done something in 
perl, the email address in the documentation would be perl@  
It seems that I need to get serious about some of this, and I am 
not quite sure what is the best way to approach this.

I am guessing the running Git is the best option for version 
control.  But looking at the setup for dummies part of the 
documentation, it wants people to configure Git with an email 
address.  Which makes me think that to do things in the way I had 
originally leanded towards, I would have to have to add a UserID 
of perl to my computer, who happened to have /home/fred/src/perl 
as a HOME directory, and that the UID of perl is the same as that 
of fred.

Does this make sense?  Is there a better way?


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Re: UserIDs and setups for developers

2012-11-24 Thread Zenaan Harkness
Just use your own email address, ghaverla@...

If you want to distinguish various email addresses, create multiple
(real) email addresses, and use those per-project. That could easily
get unwieldy though...

Where do you want emails to go? Is your code to be given away/ made
public in some way?
Presumably by including an email address in your source code, you're
providing a way for other developers to contact you. In which case, to
satisfy your intent you need to use a real email address.

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Re: UserIDs and setups for developers

2012-11-24 Thread John Hasler
No need to create a user.  /etc/aliases is what you want.
man etc-aliases
John Hasler

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Re: UserIDs and setups for developers

2012-11-24 Thread Gordon Haverland
On November 24, 2012, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
 Just use your own email address, ghaverla@...
 If you want to distinguish various email addresses, create
 multiple (real) email addresses, and use those per-project.
 That could easily get unwieldy though...
 Where do you want emails to go? Is your code to be given away/
 made public in some way?
 Presumably by including an email address in your source code,
 you're providing a way for other developers to contact you. In
 which case, to satisfy your intent you need to use a real
 email address.

I am getting close to producing a package (written in Perl) which 
is useful to people who do GPS related work, but should be useful 
to any kind of surface related work (such as Materials Science and 
Engineering, which is my home).  But, I think this package will 
eventually be something like 50 different modules, as probably 
something like 10 different families of packages.

The intention is to send this to CPAN, being a Debian person I 
suppose I could build it for Debian.  But parts of this package 
are of general usefulness.  Which is why it will be families of 

Most people start by doing something simple.  I didn't.  From what 
other people have recommended, I should start publishing the 
bits that work.

I suppose most people who write Perl code, expect bugs and 
everything else to go to CPAN.  Over the years, I've had questions 
about using various other Perl modules, and so having some other 
contact method seems to be needed.  I thought it would be useful 
on my end, to have incoming mail related to Perl, to have a UserID 
of 'perl' in the destination address.

Maybe this package of mine becomes useful to people.  And perhaps 
Debian picks it up.  My hope then would be to use debian@... as 
the contact, instead of perl@

I can see how this can snowball into all kinds of directions.  I 
have never produced software which  is useful across many 
different applications before, and I am just trying to minimize 
problems for me, or for users.



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Re: UserIDs and setups for developers

2012-11-24 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On 11/25/12, Gordon Haverland wrote:
 On November 24, 2012, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
 Just use your own email address, ghaverla@...

 If you want to distinguish various email addresses, create
 multiple (real) email addresses, and use those per-project.
 That could easily get unwieldy though...

 Where do you want emails to go? Is your code to be given away/
 made public in some way?
 Presumably by including an email address in your source code,
 you're providing a way for other developers to contact you. In
 which case, to satisfy your intent you need to use a real
 email address.

 I am getting close to producing a package (written in Perl) which
 is useful to people who do GPS related work, but should be useful
 to any kind of surface related work (such as Materials Science and
 Engineering, which is my home).  But, I think this package will
 eventually be something like 50 different modules, as probably
 something like 10 different families of packages.

 The intention is to send this to CPAN, being a Debian person I
 suppose I could build it for Debian.  But parts of this package
 are of general usefulness.  Which is why it will be families of

If you build for debian, dpkg-deb can un-zip a .deb package, just like tar etc.
If it's generally useful to a range of people, then presumably it will
get used, regardless of packaging - but easy installation does make it
more convenient.

 Most people start by doing something simple.  I didn't.  From what
 other people have recommended, I should start publishing the
 bits that work.

Definitely. Publish early, publish often.

Create a git account somewhere, eg on

Choose a license before publishing I recommend. I like GPL family,
others prefer BSD/X/MIT family etc.

for comparison and ideas on why _you_ might prefer one license over
another. You might choose to choose a license on pragmatic,
political-strategic, broad-acceptance-strategic, or other bases.

 I suppose most people who write Perl code, expect bugs and
 everything else to go to CPAN.  Over the years, I've had questions
 about using various other Perl modules, and so having some other
 contact method seems to be needed.  I thought it would be useful
 on my end, to have incoming mail related to Perl, to have a UserID
 of 'perl' in the destination address.

I think just a regular email address - either way, make sure to test
whatever email addy you choose, that it gets to you, when an email is
sent from in-the-wild.

 Maybe this package of mine becomes useful to people.  And perhaps
 Debian picks it up.  My hope then would be to use debian@... as
 the contact, instead of perl@

That is natural part of debian packages - std contact locations, bug
reporting etc.

 I can see how this can snowball into all kinds of directions.  I
 have never produced software which  is useful across many
 different applications before, and I am just trying to minimize
 problems for me, or for users.

Focus on releasing those parts which work. Small clean modular,
working, these are good attributes :)


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Re: Can Debian's paranoia be tamed

2012-11-24 Thread Charles Kroeger
On Fri, 23 Nov 2012 23:20:03 +0100
Stefan Monnier wrote:

 Decency seems to be a dying breed, sadly ;-)

lunacy is very much alive however.


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Re: how to systemctl status blah, showing journal/log at same time ?

2012-11-24 Thread Chris Bannister
On Sun, Nov 25, 2012 at 11:39:03AM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
 Requires sudo as normal user. It's simply re permissions.
 Perhaps a NOTE in the output of systemctl to hint at this?

I suggest you aim your comments (via a bug report if you wish) where
they may actually be listened to.

You really are wasting your time¹ thinking anything will happen if you
request it on this list.

¹ And bandwidth.

If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people
who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the 
oppressing. --- Malcolm X

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Re: Debian op laptop!

2012-11-24 Thread Geert Stappers
On Thu, Nov 22, 2012 at 10:41:06PM +0100, Eric wrote:
 On 11/21/2012 11:15
 Je schrijft het niet expliciet, maar bedoel je laptops met Debian
 Dat zou natuurlijk mooi wezen, maar ik kan het ook wel zelf
 installeren.  Het idee is dat als er een vorm van linux op
 pre-installed is, dat je er vanuit kunt gaan dat alles werkt.

Dat is een reden om zulke hardware te kopen ( alles werkt )

Mijn belangrijkste reden om hardware met Linux pre-installed
te kopen is om met mijn portomonee te stemmen.
Dus om hardwarefabrikanten te laten weten dat
er markt is voor computers met vrije software.

 Want anders kun je natuurlijk elke HP/Dell/Lenovo/Merk X pakken, die
 doen het ook prima met Debian erop.
 Ik wist niet wat de stand van zaken was op dit gebied, vooral waar
 het wireless, en sound betreft.  Zo te horen werken de meeste dingen
 wel.  In het verleden heb ik ook wel eens gehoord dat linux
 weliswaar draait op een laptop, maar niet goed samenwerkt met de
 verschillende powersave modi, waardoor je korter met een batterij
 doet.  Dat soort dingen vind je niet altijd 1-2-3 uit een folder of
 door een website van een winkel te lezen.

Het is inderdaad veel beter dan de FUD doet vermoedden.

 Ik typ dit nu op een nieuwe Dell Latitude E6430. Alleen voor de
 installatie van Debian moest ik een ethernetkabel inprikken, omdat de
 wireless chipset non-free firmware nodig heeft die niet door de
 installer wordt ondersteund, maar na installatie was die gewoon
 Ik zou er de voorkeur aangeven als het allemaal door free software
 ondersteund werd, maar zou hier ook wel mee kunnen leven.

Elders in deze thread is te lezen dat er binary blobs beschikbaar zijn
in Debian onder firmware-non-free. Voor nu, 2012, is dat een mooie

Aan ons de uitdaging om meer duidelijkheid te krijgen over zulke blobs.
Hardware zal meer FPGA worden, daar wil je de VHDL-source van.
Waarschijnlijk niet vandaag, waarschijnlijk niet iedereen van ons.
Dat jij wel de source van de blob wilt, is omdat jij weet dat
het jouw hardware is en jij er leuke dingen mee wilt doen.
Concreet voorbeeld is

Dat er bewust computers gekocht worden met GNU/Linux erop, is goed!

Geert Stappers
 And is there a policy on top-posting vs. bottom-posting?

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