Instal·lació de Debian Jessie en un Netbook, no funcionen Configura el gestor de paquets i Selecciona i instal·la programari

2014-02-02 Thread Jordi Boixader (Idroj)


Estic instal·lat la Debian Jessie a un Netbook ASUS X101CH, de 10,1, he 
aconseguit posar l'instal·lador al USB amb UNetbootin i arrenca bé. Em 
donava un error perquè no detectava cap CD-ROM, però a l'interpret hi he 
posat aixo: mount -t vfat /dev/sdb /cdrom i la instal·lació ha pogut 

Però al arribar a l'opció: Configura el gestor de paquets, no fa res i 
queda l'instal·lació aturada. Passo a l'opció seguent: Selecciona i 
instal·la programari, i tampoc fa res ja que aquesta deu tenir relació 
amb la anterior.

Continuo l'instal·lacio amb l'opció seguent: Instal·la el carregador 
GRUB en un disc dur, selecciono el dispositiu arrencable i finalment 
acaba l'instal·lació.

Suposu que amb això, ha quedat una instal·lació neta. I em pregunto que 
hi puc afegir a part del gestor gràfic, que no s'hi hagi afegit i que 
sigui necesari.

Primer de tot he afegit els repositoris:
deb jessie main contrib non-free
deb jessie/updates main contrib non-free
deb jessie-updates main contrib non-free

i # apt-get update  apt-get upgrade

també hi he posat el SSH per poder-hi accedir des de l'altre PC i fer 
mes fàcil teclejar.

i finalment hi he d'afegir el gestor gràfic XFCE

# apt-get install xfce4 xfce4-goodies

i també:

# apt-get install xserver-xorg xinit

amb això aconsegueixo entrar a les X amb startx, pero no m'hi entra 
directament al arrancar.

creieu que ho he de fer d'alguna altra forma? em deixo alguna cosa 

Jordi Boixader

Re: Instal·lació de Debian Jessie en un Netbook, no funcionen Configura el gestor de paquets i Selecciona i instal·la programari

2014-02-02 Thread Josep Lladonosa
Afegeix lightdm o similar com a gestor de sessions.
El dia 02/02/2014 16:29, Jordi Boixader (Idroj) va


 Estic instal·lat la Debian Jessie a un Netbook ASUS X101CH, de 10,1, he
 aconseguit posar l'instal·lador al USB amb UNetbootin i arrenca bé. Em
 donava un error perquè no detectava cap CD-ROM, però a l'interpret hi he
 posat aixo: mount -t vfat /dev/sdb /cdrom i la instal·lació ha pogut

 Però al arribar a l'opció: Configura el gestor de paquets, no fa res i
 queda l'instal·lació aturada. Passo a l'opció seguent: Selecciona i
 instal·la programari, i tampoc fa res ja que aquesta deu tenir relació amb
 la anterior.

 Continuo l'instal·lacio amb l'opció seguent: Instal·la el carregador GRUB
 en un disc dur, selecciono el dispositiu arrencable i finalment acaba

 Suposu que amb això, ha quedat una instal·lació neta. I em pregunto que hi
 puc afegir a part del gestor gràfic, que no s'hi hagi afegit i que sigui

 Primer de tot he afegit els repositoris:
 deb jessie main contrib non-free
 deb jessie/updates main contrib non-free
 deb jessie-updates main contrib non-free

 i # apt-get update  apt-get upgrade

 també hi he posat el SSH per poder-hi accedir des de l'altre PC i fer mes
 fàcil teclejar.

 i finalment hi he d'afegir el gestor gràfic XFCE

  # apt-get install xfce4 xfce4-goodies

 i també:

  # apt-get install xserver-xorg xinit

 amb això aconsegueixo entrar a les X amb startx, pero no m'hi entra
 directament al arrancar.

 creieu que ho he de fer d'alguna altra forma? em deixo alguna cosa

 Jordi Boixader

Re: Instal·lació de Debian Jessie en un Netbook, no funcionen Configura el gestor de paquets i Selecciona i instal·la programari

2014-02-02 Thread Jordi Boixader (Idroj)

Al 02/02/14 16:57, En/na Josep Lladonosa ha escrit:

Afegeix lightdm o similar com a gestor de sessions.

Això també ha instal·lat el gnome, preferiria nomes tenir-hi Xfce

ho he tornat a reinstal·lar tot de nou... i no hi ha manera de que 
funcionin els Configura el gestor de paquets ni Selecciona i 
instal·la programari... (els paquets que s'haurien instal·lat no se com 
instal·lar-los ja que no se quins son)


El dia 02/02/2014 16:29, Jordi Boixader (Idroj) va escriure:


Estic instal·lat la Debian Jessie a un Netbook ASUS X101CH, de
10,1, he aconseguit posar l'instal·lador al USB amb UNetbootin i
arrenca bé. Em donava un error perquè no detectava cap CD-ROM,
però a l'interpret hi he posat aixo: mount -t vfat /dev/sdb /cdrom
i la instal·lació ha pogut continuar.

Però al arribar a l'opció: Configura el gestor de paquets, no fa
res i queda l'instal·lació aturada. Passo a l'opció seguent:
Selecciona i instal·la programari, i tampoc fa res ja que aquesta
deu tenir relació amb la anterior.

Continuo l'instal·lacio amb l'opció seguent: Instal·la el
carregador GRUB en un disc dur, selecciono el dispositiu
arrencable i finalment acaba l'instal·lació.

Suposu que amb això, ha quedat una instal·lació neta. I em
pregunto que hi puc afegir a part del gestor gràfic, que no s'hi
hagi afegit i que sigui necesari.

Primer de tot he afegit els repositoris:
deb jessie main contrib non-free
deb jessie/updates main contrib non-free
deb jessie-updates main contrib

i # apt-get update  apt-get upgrade

també hi he posat el SSH per poder-hi accedir des de l'altre PC i
fer mes fàcil teclejar.

i finalment hi he d'afegir el gestor gràfic XFCE

# apt-get install xfce4 xfce4-goodies

i també:

# apt-get install xserver-xorg xinit

amb això aconsegueixo entrar a les X amb startx, pero no m'hi
entra directament al arrancar.

creieu que ho he de fer d'alguna altra forma? em deixo alguna cosa

Jordi Boixader

Re: Instal·lació de Debian Jessie en un Netbook, no funcionen Configura el gestor de paquets i Selecciona i instal·la programari

2014-02-02 Thread Griera
 Hola: Per evitar que al intal·lar un "*dm" intal·li tot el gnome, crec pots fer servir el gestor "xdm". Fa temps que ho havia fet així. Salut!! 02.02.2014, 20:01, "Jordi Boixader (Idroj)" 02/02/14 16:57, En/na Josep Lladonosa ha escrit:Afegeix lightdm o similar com a gestor de sessions. Això també ha instal·lat el gnome, preferiria nomes tenir-hi Xfce  ho he tornat a reinstal·lar tot de nou... i no hi ha manera de que funcionin els "Configura el gestor de paquets" ni "Selecciona i instal·la programari"... (els paquets que s'haurien instal·lat no se com instal·lar-los ja que no se quins son)  Salut!  El dia 02/02/2014 16:29, "Jordi Boixader (Idroj)" va escriure:Hola  Estic instal·lat la Debian Jessie a un Netbook ASUS X101CH, de 10,1", he aconseguit posar l'instal·lador al USB amb UNetbootin i arrenca bé. Em donava un error perquè no detectava cap CD-ROM, però a l'interpret hi he posat aixo: mount -t vfat /dev/sdb /cdrom i la instal·lació ha pogut continuar.  Però al arribar a l'opció: Configura el gestor de paquets, no fa res i queda l'instal·lació aturada. Passo a l'opció seguent: Selecciona i instal·la programari, i tampoc fa res ja que aquesta deu tenir relació amb la anterior.  Continuo l'instal·lacio amb l'opció seguent: Instal·la el carregador GRUB en un disc dur, selecciono el dispositiu arrencable i finalment acaba l'instal·lació.  Suposu que amb això, ha quedat una instal·lació neta. I em pregunto que hi puc afegir a part del gestor gràfic, que no s'hi hagi afegit i que sigui necesari.  Primer de tot he afegit els repositoris: deb jessie main contrib non-free deb jessie/updates main contrib non-free deb jessie-updates main contrib non-free  i # apt-get update  apt-get upgrade  també hi he posat el SSH per poder-hi accedir des de l'altre PC i fer mes fàcil teclejar.  i finalment hi he d'afegir el gestor gràfic XFCE  # apt-get install xfce4 xfce4-goodies  i també:  # apt-get install xserver-xorg xinit  amb això aconsegueixo entrar a les X amb startx, pero no m'hi entra directament al arrancar.  creieu que ho he de fer d'alguna altra forma? em deixo alguna cosa important?   Salut!! Jordi Boixader 

Re: Instal·lació de Debian Jessie en un Netbook, no funcionen Configura el gestor de paquets i Selecciona i instal·la programari

2014-02-02 Thread Jordi Boixader (Idroj)

Al 02/02/14 20:14, En/na Josep Lladonosa ha escrit:

2014-02-02 Jordi Boixader (Idroj)

Al 02/02/14 16:57, En/na Josep Lladonosa ha escrit:

Afegeix lightdm o similar com a gestor de sessions.

Això també ha instal·lat el gnome, preferiria nomes tenir-hi Xfce

És estrany ja que no em consta que lightdm instal·li res de Gnome (?). 
A les dependències no surt.

doncs hi ha sortir, potser a la instal·lacio que havia fet jo, ja hi 
havia alguna cosa, o ja hi havia gnome... (la iso que tinc potser es de 
gnome) el que em passava també que al iniciar em demanava usuari i pass 
i els posava i repetia demanant com si hagues fallat la contrasenya, i 
no hi havia manera d'entrar.

 El tema del gestor de paquets... des d'on instal·les? Imatge per fer 
instal·lació des de xarxa? Podria ser que no tinguis connexió de xarxa 
en el moment de la instal·lació. De vegades m'he trobat provant la 
instal·lació des de xarxa que, en no tenir, per exemple, els fitxers 
de firmware, la targeta de xarxa no es detecta...

ho faig des d'una .iso a un USB i connexio a internet n'hi ha, perque si 
al interpret hi poso ping contesta els pings.


ho he tornat a reinstal·lar tot de nou... i no hi ha manera de que
funcionin els Configura el gestor de paquets ni Selecciona i
instal·la programari... (els paquets que s'haurien instal·lat no
se com instal·lar-los ja que no se quins son)


El dia 02/02/2014 16:29, Jordi Boixader (Idroj) va escriure:


Estic instal·lat la Debian Jessie a un Netbook ASUS X101CH,
de 10,1, he aconseguit posar l'instal·lador al USB amb
UNetbootin i arrenca bé. Em donava un error perquè no
detectava cap CD-ROM, però a l'interpret hi he posat aixo:
mount -t vfat /dev/sdb /cdrom i la instal·lació ha pogut

Però al arribar a l'opció: Configura el gestor de paquets, no
fa res i queda l'instal·lació aturada. Passo a l'opció
seguent: Selecciona i instal·la programari, i tampoc fa res
ja que aquesta deu tenir relació amb la anterior.

Continuo l'instal·lacio amb l'opció seguent: Instal·la el
carregador GRUB en un disc dur, selecciono el dispositiu
arrencable i finalment acaba l'instal·lació.

Suposu que amb això, ha quedat una instal·lació neta. I em
pregunto que hi puc afegir a part del gestor gràfic, que no
s'hi hagi afegit i que sigui necesari.

Primer de tot he afegit els repositoris:
deb jessie main contrib non-free
deb jessie/updates main contrib
deb jessie-updates main
contrib non-free

i # apt-get update  apt-get upgrade

també hi he posat el SSH per poder-hi accedir des de l'altre
PC i fer mes fàcil teclejar.

i finalment hi he d'afegir el gestor gràfic XFCE

# apt-get install xfce4 xfce4-goodies

i també:

# apt-get install xserver-xorg xinit

amb això aconsegueixo entrar a les X amb startx, pero no m'hi
entra directament al arrancar.

creieu que ho he de fer d'alguna altra forma? em deixo alguna
cosa important?

Jordi Boixader


Re: Instal·lació de Debian Jessie en un Netbook, no funcionen Configura el gestor de paquets i Selecciona i instal·la programari

2014-02-02 Thread Jordi Boixader (Idroj)

ara he trobat la iso: debian-testing-i386-xfce-CD-1.iso

ho provare amb aquesta a veure si va millor, paciencia... i ja us dire 
si torna a funcionar malament.

Al 02/02/14 16:29, En/na Jordi Boixader (Idroj) ha escrit:


Estic instal·lat la Debian Jessie a un Netbook ASUS X101CH, de 10,1, 
he aconseguit posar l'instal·lador al USB amb UNetbootin i arrenca bé. 
Em donava un error perquè no detectava cap CD-ROM, però a l'interpret 
hi he posat aixo: mount -t vfat /dev/sdb /cdrom i la instal·lació ha 
pogut continuar.

Però al arribar a l'opció: Configura el gestor de paquets, no fa res i 
queda l'instal·lació aturada. Passo a l'opció seguent: Selecciona i 
instal·la programari, i tampoc fa res ja que aquesta deu tenir relació 
amb la anterior.

Continuo l'instal·lacio amb l'opció seguent: Instal·la el carregador 
GRUB en un disc dur, selecciono el dispositiu arrencable i finalment 
acaba l'instal·lació.

Suposu que amb això, ha quedat una instal·lació neta. I em pregunto 
que hi puc afegir a part del gestor gràfic, que no s'hi hagi afegit i 
que sigui necesari.

Primer de tot he afegit els repositoris:
deb jessie main contrib non-free
deb jessie/updates main contrib non-free
deb jessie-updates main contrib non-free

i # apt-get update  apt-get upgrade

també hi he posat el SSH per poder-hi accedir des de l'altre PC i fer 
mes fàcil teclejar.

i finalment hi he d'afegir el gestor gràfic XFCE

# apt-get install xfce4 xfce4-goodies

i també:

# apt-get install xserver-xorg xinit

amb això aconsegueixo entrar a les X amb startx, pero no m'hi entra 
directament al arrancar.

creieu que ho he de fer d'alguna altra forma? em deixo alguna cosa 

Jordi Boixader

Re: [HS] dlna renderer

2014-02-02 Thread Rémi Vanicat
fabrice régnier writes:

 salut la liste,

 Je cherche un renderer ( dispo pour
 debian mais sans succès.

 Avec BubbleUpnp sur Android, je peux balancer ce que je souhaite sur
 ma freebox qui possède, depuis peu, un serveur de rendu DLNA. Et
 j'aimerai faire la même chose depuis mon laptop.

 J'ai regardé du coté de XBMC, minidlna, mediatomb mais pas moyen de
 choisir ma freebox comme serveur de rendu ou alors j'ai mal cherché.

 Avez-vous des indices ?

Lorsque j'ai regarder, j'ai vue que c'est prévu dans la prochaine
version de XBMC [1]. Apparemment la version Beta de XBMC 13 est
attendue bientôt [2], donc si tu es prêt à utiliser une version pré-beta,
tu peut récupérer un Nightly Builds là:, et tu
peux parier que tu auras quelque plantage avec ce genre de version.

Sinon, upnp-inspector[3] et gupnp-av-cp[4] font ça. Ils nécessitent que
tu installes et lances un serveur upnp sur la machine où se trouve les
vidéo (minidnla, rygel...) et vont contrôler le lien entre les
deux. L'interface de gupnp-av-cp semble plus simple, upnp-inspector
ressemble à un outils de développeur/testeur, qui à coup de click-droit
bien placer peut tout faire.

Bon, ça marche pas chez moi, et je ne sais pas pourquoi, n'hésite pas à
faire des retours.

[3]:paquet upnp-inspector
[4]:paquet gupnp-tools
Rémi Vanicat

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Re: [HS] dlna renderer

2014-02-02 Thread maderios

On 02/01/2014 10:43 PM, fabrice régnier wrote:

salut la liste,

Je cherche un renderer ( dispo pour debian
mais sans succès.

Avec BubbleUpnp sur Android, je peux balancer ce que je souhaite sur ma
freebox qui possède, depuis peu, un serveur de rendu DLNA. Et j'aimerai
faire la même chose depuis mon laptop.

J'ai regardé du coté de XBMC, minidlna, mediatomb mais pas moyen de
choisir ma freebox comme serveur de rendu ou alors j'ai mal cherché.

Pourtant, Mediatomb marche normalement très bien et en toute simplicité.
Mediatomb permet  d'envoyer directement les données sur une TV ou autre 
par le  réseau.

Ta  Freebox devrait voit normalement voir Mediatomb.
Si tu as un firewall, il faut impérativement changer la conf pour 
accepter le port de Mediatomb.

J'ai ça dans un script init.d
echo [autorisation Mediatomb (1900/tcp) ...]
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 1900 -j ACCEPT
echo [autorisation Mediatomb (1900/udp) ...]
iptables -A INPUT -p udp --dport 1900 -j ACCEPT

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Re: Bientôt la décision concernant l'init_par_défaut

2014-02-02 Thread maderios

On 02/01/2014 04:40 PM, Sylvain L. Sauvage wrote:


Le samedi 1 février 2014 13:05:49 maderios a écrit :

Rien ne les empêche de laisser le choix à l'utilisateur.

   Précision : « laisser le choix » n’est pas aussi simple qu’il
puisse paraître. Ça veut dire que les programmes qui dépendent
d’un système d’init (en gros, les démons) soient compatibles
avec tous les systèmes d’init. Donc, contrairement à la
passivité que « laisser » connote, ça fait pas mal de boulot
pour les DD.
   Rappelons aussi que les systèmes d’init ne sont pas (du tout)
compatibles (scripts contre scripts et fichiers de variables
contre fichiers de conf. contre…).

Le but du vote est seulement de choisir l'init par défaut, ce qui laisse 
supposer que les autres init seront maintenus puisqu'ils ne parlent pas 
de les supprimer.


Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question :

Pour vous DESABONNER, envoyez un message avec comme objet unsubscribe
En cas de soucis, contactez EN ANGLAIS

Re: Bientôt la décision concernant l'init

2014-02-02 Thread Frédéric MASSOT

Le 01/02/2014 15:39, Francois Lafont a écrit :


Le 01/02/2014 12:04, maderios a écrit :

C'est ici,  en bon français:

Question de béotien : pourquoi vouloir changer (peut-être) le système
init par défaut actuel, ie le System V ? Ce système pose-t-il des problèmes ?

Tu peux lire le premier message sur Systemd du blog de Lennart 
Poettering :

Il y décrit les raisons d'un nouveau système d'init : parallélisation 
des processus, lancement des daemon à la demande, unification des 
fichiers de lancement, limiter le nombre de shell lancé, s'adapter 
dynamiquement au changement de matériel, contrôler le démarrage, l'arrêt 
et le re-démarrage des daemon et de leurs fils, affecter des contrôles 
des ressources, enregistrer les tous premiers messages dans les 
journaux, etc.

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| +33.(0)  +33.(0) |

Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question :

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Re: Bientôt la décision concernant l'init_par_défaut

2014-02-02 Thread Sylvain L. Sauvage
Le dimanche 2 février 2014 14:58:46 maderios a écrit :
 Le but du vote est seulement de choisir l'init par défaut, ce
 qui laisse supposer que les autres init seront maintenus
 puisqu'ils ne parlent pas de les supprimer.

  D’abord, un DD a toujours eu le droit de fournir le programme 
qu’il veut (du moment que ça rentre dans les DFSG), donc, oui, 
les autres seront maintenus.
  (’fin, si les DD veulent bien continuer à le faire, personne 
ne les y force non plus.)

  Ensuite, faut pas se leurrer, si Debian fait un choix, ça 
donne un poids énorme à celui qui est choisi. P.ex., ça veut 
dire que les paquets Debian auront ce qu’il faut pour lui donc 
aussi toute l’infrastructure et les utilisateurs Debian pour les 
tests et débogages. Ce qui veut dire que l’amont sera influencé 
aussi (p.ex. à ne pas ou ne plus fournir ou à moins bien 
maintenir ce qu’il faut pour les autres systèmes).

  Et donc, pour vraiment « laisser le choix aux utilisateurs », 
il faudrait qu’il soit facile d’utiliser le système qu’ils 
veulent. Et, pour ça, il faut avoir les fichiers de conf. ou les 
scripts idoines. Et, ça, c’est pas gagné s’ils ne sont pas déjà 
dans les paquets (au moins dans /usr/share/doc/paquet/) et 
testés et maintenus parce qu’écrire correctement et maintenir 
les scripts de sysvrc n’est déjà pas une tâche facile quand elle 
est faite par Debian (partagée parmi les DD dans les paquets).
  En clair, l’utilisateur n’a pas vraiment le choix s’il doit 
tout faire tout seul et faire des galipettes à chaque mise à 
jour d’un paquet.

 Sylvain Sauvage

Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question :

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En cas de soucis, contactez EN ANGLAIS

Re: Bientôt la décision concernant l'init_par_défaut

2014-02-02 Thread Frédéric MASSOT

Le 02/02/2014 15:56, Sylvain L. Sauvage a écrit :

Le dimanche 2 février 2014 14:58:46 maderios a écrit :

Le but du vote est seulement de choisir l'init par défaut, ce
qui laisse supposer que les autres init seront maintenus
puisqu'ils ne parlent pas de les supprimer.

   D’abord, un DD a toujours eu le droit de fournir le programme
qu’il veut (du moment que ça rentre dans les DFSG), donc, oui,
les autres seront maintenus.
   (’fin, si les DD veulent bien continuer à le faire, personne
ne les y force non plus.)

   Ensuite, faut pas se leurrer, si Debian fait un choix, ça
donne un poids énorme à celui qui est choisi. P.ex., ça veut
dire que les paquets Debian auront ce qu’il faut pour lui donc
aussi toute l’infrastructure et les utilisateurs Debian pour les
tests et débogages. Ce qui veut dire que l’amont sera influencé
aussi (p.ex. à ne pas ou ne plus fournir ou à moins bien
maintenir ce qu’il faut pour les autres systèmes).

   Et donc, pour vraiment « laisser le choix aux utilisateurs »,
il faudrait qu’il soit facile d’utiliser le système qu’ils
veulent. Et, pour ça, il faut avoir les fichiers de conf. ou les
scripts idoines. Et, ça, c’est pas gagné s’ils ne sont pas déjà
dans les paquets (au moins dans /usr/share/doc/paquet/) et
testés et maintenus parce qu’écrire correctement et maintenir
les scripts de sysvrc n’est déjà pas une tâche facile quand elle
est faite par Debian (partagée parmi les DD dans les paquets).
   En clair, l’utilisateur n’a pas vraiment le choix s’il doit
tout faire tout seul et faire des galipettes à chaque mise à
jour d’un paquet.

L'un des but de Systemd est justement d'unifier les fichiers de 
lancement entre les distributions, pour rendre la vie plus simple pour 
les développeurs, les mainteneurs des différentes distributions et les 

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Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question :

Pour vous DESABONNER, envoyez un message avec comme objet unsubscribe
En cas de soucis, contactez EN ANGLAIS

Re: Bientôt la décision concernant l'init_par_défaut

2014-02-02 Thread maderios

On 02/02/2014 03:56 PM, Sylvain L. Sauvage wrote:

Le dimanche 2 février 2014 14:58:46 maderios a écrit :

Le but du vote est seulement de choisir l'init par défaut, ce
qui laisse supposer que les autres init seront maintenus
puisqu'ils ne parlent pas de les supprimer.

   D’abord, un DD a toujours eu le droit de fournir le programme
qu’il veut (du moment que ça rentre dans les DFSG), donc, oui,
les autres seront maintenus.
   (’fin, si les DD veulent bien continuer à le faire, personne
ne les y force non plus.)

   Ensuite, faut pas se leurrer, si Debian fait un choix, ça
donne un poids énorme à celui qui est choisi. P.ex., ça veut
dire que les paquets Debian auront ce qu’il faut pour lui donc
aussi toute l’infrastructure et les utilisateurs Debian pour les
tests et débogages. Ce qui veut dire que l’amont sera influencé
aussi (p.ex. à ne pas ou ne plus fournir ou à moins bien
maintenir ce qu’il faut pour les autres systèmes).

   Et donc, pour vraiment « laisser le choix aux utilisateurs »,
il faudrait qu’il soit facile d’utiliser le système qu’ils
veulent. Et, pour ça, il faut avoir les fichiers de conf. ou les
scripts idoines. Et, ça, c’est pas gagné s’ils ne sont pas déjà
dans les paquets (au moins dans /usr/share/doc/paquet/) et
testés et maintenus parce qu’écrire correctement et maintenir
les scripts de sysvrc n’est déjà pas une tâche facile quand elle
est faite par Debian (partagée parmi les DD dans les paquets).
   En clair, l’utilisateur n’a pas vraiment le choix s’il doit
tout faire tout seul et faire des galipettes à chaque mise à
jour d’un paquet.

Vu l'intégration très fusionnelle de systemd avec le système, il y a de 
grandes chances
que nombre de paquets soient concernés par le changement si systemd 
devient l'init par défaut. Les autres init passeront automatiquement à 
la trappe puis qu'ils ne pourront pas gérer les paquets modifiés pour 
systemd. Gros à parier que systemd emportera la mise comme dans toutes 
les autres distributions.


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correcteur orthographique dans elvis

2014-02-02 Thread Pierre Frenkiel

bonjour à tous,
je ne sais pas s'il y a beaucoup  d'utilisateurs de l'éditeur elvis
dans la salle, mais je tente le coup, avec une question concernant
le correcteur français. J'utilise la liste de mots fournie avec le paquet
wfrench (/usr/share/dict/french), et la correction marche bien, sauf
pour les mots comportant une lettre accentuée.
Par exemple, le mot été est refusé, mais si je le rentre à la main dans
la liste,(commande :word été), alors il est accepté...  Quelqu'un a-t-il
une idée?

Pierre Frenkiel

Re : correcteur orthographique dans elvis

2014-02-02 Thread nicolas . patrois
Le 02/02/2014 16:47:55, Pierre Frenkiel a écrit :

 Quelqu'un a-t-il une idée?

Je pense à un problème d’encodage : tu utilises utf-8 alors qu’elvis 
utilise lat-1 ou l’inverse.

nicolas patrois : pts noir asocial

M : Qu'est-ce qu'il nous faudrait pour qu'on nous considère comme des 
humains ? Un cerveau plus gros ?
P : Non... Une carte bleue suffirait...

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Re: correcteur orthographique dans elvis

2014-02-02 Thread Bzzz
On Sun, 2 Feb 2014 16:47:55 +0100 (CET)
Pierre Frenkiel wrote:

 Par exemple, le mot été est refusé, mais si je le rentre à la
 main dans la liste,(commande :word été), alors il est accepté...
 Quelqu'un a-t-il une idée?

Ça resemble furieusement à une différence de codage; l'avantage,
c'est que le correcteur semble codage-agnostic puisque quand
tu lui fournis un mot en utf-8, il le comprend.

Si c'est poss., un coup de iconv sur le(s) fichier(s) de mots
devrait régler ça.

LoneWolf1 c'est les femmes. elles veulent pas de moi
BarrAQDA paye plus

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Re: correcteur orthographique dans elvis

2014-02-02 Thread Pierre Frenkiel

On Sun, 2 Feb 2014, Bzzz wrote:

Ça resemble furieusement à une différence de codage; l'avantage,
c'est que le correcteur semble codage-agnostic puisque quand
tu lui fournis un mot en utf-8, il le comprend.

Si c'est poss., un coup de iconv sur le(s) fichier(s) de mots
devrait régler ça.

  Je l'avais déjà fait, mais en laissant UTF-8 comme locale
  En mettant à la fois la locale et le fichier de mots em iso88591, ça
  marche. Avec les 2 en UTF-8, ça ne marchait pas, et Nicolas doit donc
  avoir raison: c'est elvis dont le correcteur interne ne fonctionne
  qu'avec iso...
  J'avais vu sur une page web:
Unfortunately, elvis is abandonware since 2004 and misses UTF-8 support
  mais cela ne semble vrai que pour le correcteur interne.

  Merci de vos réponses,

Pierre Frenkiel

Re: [HS] A propos de la fin de support de Windows XP (dérivé de Recherche grosses PME...)

2014-02-02 Thread Pascal Hambourg
Daniel Huhardeaux a écrit :
 pon du paquet modemmanager suffisait. Il y a plein d'infos sur le net

La commande pon fait partie du paquet ppp, pas de modemmanager.

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Re: Augmenter la bande passante avec un aggrégat de liens

2014-02-02 Thread sechanbask
Je viens de voir que mon switch n'acceptait que l'agrégation de lien statique , 
j'ai testé le mode 4 ça ne marche pas mais le mode 0 oui. 

Je vais tester le mode 6 dans la semaine qui vient, merci d'avoir pointer du 
doigt mon problème. 

Dans mon bureau d'études, nous allons travailler sur un serveur qui partagera 
des fichiers via samba. Nous ne sommes que 6, mais nous travaillons et donc 
enregistrons des fichiers très volumineux (200 Mo à 800 Mo parfois plus mais 
c'est rare). 

Le serveur possède 3 interfaces Gb, les performances du mode 0 sont vraiment 
plus intéressantes sur 3 que sur 2 interfaces ? 

En tout cas merci beaucoup, vous m'avez bien fait avancer. 

Cédric Barribaud 

- Mail original -

De: Christophe 
Envoyé: Samedi 1 Février 2014 20:09:03 
Objet: Re: Fwd: Augmenter la bande passante avec un aggrégat de liens 


le Samedi 1 Février 2014 15:34:22 via, Gilles 
Mocellin à écrit : 
 C'est volontaire de ne pas repondre à la liste ? 

C'est une question qui se pose en effet ... (d'autant plus si tout votre 
échange est forwardé par la suite à la liste - tout en omettant les 
entêtes de suivi : réponse à , et référence à ... - ). 

@ sechanbask : au pire, répondre à tous, si ton client de messagerie 
ne permet pas de répondre à la liste ... 


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Scan de mon pc par Google ?

2014-02-02 Thread Mickaël Guéret

j'ai remarqué depuis quelques temps une activité réseau assez importante
sur mon PC sous Debian, qui continue même si je ferme le navigateur et
le client de messagerie. Je suis connecté à internet via une freebox en
mode routeur, mais l'ordi est seul sur la freebox.

Je ne suis pas un grand pro de la sécurité, mais j'ai l'impression que
mon PC subit une attaque du genre scan de port... J'ai chercher à voir
d'ou venait ce traffic avec iftop, je reçois pleins de requêtes
provenant d'adresses IP de chez Google (genre
Est-ce que c'est normal ? Je ne comprends pas trop ce qui se passe, et
je ne trouve pas les mots clés pour m'aider à trouver sur le net.


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Re : Scan de mon pc par Google ?

2014-02-02 Thread nicolas . patrois
Le 02/02/2014 21:08:05, Mickaël Guéret a écrit :

 Je ne suis pas un grand pro de la sécurité, mais j'ai l'impression 
 que mon PC subit une attaque du genre scan de port... J'ai chercher à 
 voir d'ou venait ce traffic avec iftop, je reçois pleins de requêtes
 provenant d'adresses IP de chez Google (genre
 Est-ce que c'est normal ? Je ne comprends pas trop ce qui se passe, 
 et je ne trouve pas les mots clés pour m'aider à trouver sur le net.

Tu utilises un outil de Gogole, comme google-music ou autre ?
À moins qu’un piratin ne te fasse croire que sa machine vient de 

nicolas patrois : pts noir asocial

M : Qu'est-ce qu'il nous faudrait pour qu'on nous considère comme des 
humains ? Un cerveau plus gros ?
P : Non... Une carte bleue suffirait...

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Re: [HS] dlna renderer

2014-02-02 Thread Gaëtan PERRIER
Le Sat, 01 Feb 2014 22:43:48 +0100
fabrice régnier a écrit:

 salut la liste,
 Je cherche un renderer ( dispo pour debian 
 mais sans succès.
 Avec BubbleUpnp sur Android, je peux balancer ce que je souhaite sur ma 
 freebox qui possède, depuis peu, un serveur de rendu DLNA. Et j'aimerai 
 faire la même chose depuis mon laptop.
 J'ai regardé du coté de XBMC, minidlna, mediatomb mais pas moyen de 
 choisir ma freebox comme serveur de rendu ou alors j'ai mal cherché.
 Avez-vous des indices ?
 Merki ;)

Celui que j'ai trouvé qui fonctionne le mieux n'est pas packagé debian mais ça
ne pose pas spécialement de problème. Il s'agit de PS3 media server :



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Re: Bientôt la décision concernant l'init

2014-02-02 Thread Francois Lafont
Merci Frédéric et Sylvain pour vos explications et liens.
Ah... c'est toujours perturbant le changement en informatique. ;-)
On verra bien ce que Debian décide.


François Lafont

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[H.S.] python-reportlab

2014-02-02 Thread Bzzz
Salut liste,

je cherche qqun qui connaisse (très) bien RL pour un
pompage de cervelle en règle.

(RaHaN_) c'est nul le test de cyberdépendance : 1) J'allume mon ordinateur
sitôt levé(e). Je suis obligé de répondre non, je l'éteins jamais

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Re: Scan de mon pc par Google ?

2014-02-02 Thread François Boisson
Le Sun, 02 Feb 2014 21:08:05 +0100
Mickaël Guéret a écrit:

 Je ne suis pas un grand pro de la sécurité, mais j'ai l'impression que
 mon PC subit une attaque du genre scan de port... J'ai chercher à voir
 d'ou venait ce traffic avec iftop, je reçois pleins de requêtes

Quel port? As tu regardé ce que c'était via tcpdump ou wireshark?

François Boisson

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Re: Scan de mon pc par Google ?

2014-02-02 Thread Mickaël Guéret
j'ai trouvé un truc...

Le dimanche 02 février 2014 à 21:37 +0100, a
écrit :
 Tu utilises un outil de Gogole, comme google-music ou autre ?

Pas directement, mais j'ai configuré Evolution pour qu'il se synchronise
avec mon agenda Google. Et il reste un processus après la fermeture de
Evolution : Evolution-calendar-factory. Ce processus semble à
l'origine du traffic réseau vers google car si je le tue, le traffic
cesse. Ça ne me plaît pas de trop ce truc, surtout que j'ai aussi essayé
de désactiver les calendriers google et que ça continue...


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Re: Scan de mon pc par Google ?

2014-02-02 Thread Adrien Poupin
Le 02/02/2014 21:08, Mickaël Guéret a écrit :

 j'ai remarqué depuis quelques temps une activité réseau assez importante
 sur mon PC sous Debian, qui continue même si je ferme le navigateur et
 le client de messagerie. Je suis connecté à internet via une freebox en
 mode routeur, mais l'ordi est seul sur la freebox.

 Je ne suis pas un grand pro de la sécurité, mais j'ai l'impression que
 mon PC subit une attaque du genre scan de port... J'ai chercher à voir
 d'ou venait ce traffic avec iftop, je reçois pleins de requêtes
 provenant d'adresses IP de chez Google (genre
 Est-ce que c'est normal ? Je ne comprends pas trop ce qui se passe, et
 je ne trouve pas les mots clés pour m'aider à trouver sur le net.


Petit retour d'expérience :
Il y a quelques années (2009) j'avais installé une machine sous une
variante de Debian. Comme j'étais chez Free j'avais une IP fixe, et
j'avais configuré mon NAT pour accéder au port 22 depuis l'extérieur...
Un jour j'ai constaté un trafic sortant anormal. J'ai débranché tout de
suite le câble réseau pour investigation.
Au bout d'une heure j'avais une bonne idée de ce qui s'était
probablement passé (on n'a toujours que les positifs, mais on ne sais
pas si l'attaquant est allé plus loin).
Résultat des courses :
1) je n'avais pas restreint les utilisateurs pour SSH ;
2) je n'avais pas installé fail2ban ;
3) il se trouve que j'avais une colocataire qui avait mis comme mot de
passe son username... et elle s'appelait sylvie ^^ ;
4) il y avait un .bash_history (ma coloc' n'utilisait jamais la console)
qui contenait une suite de commande de type wget,
wget, cron, etc. Les logs wtmp n'avaient appremment pas
été modifiés.
5) action apparente : c'était un botnet IRC qui se redémarrait tout seul
avec un cron inscrit sous le nom d'utilisateur de ma colocataire (c'est
donc assez discret car on n'utilise pas souvent les crontabs des
utilisateurs réguliers).

L'attaquant n'avait apparemment pas cherché à dissimuler ses traces,
j'en ai même été surpris...

En tous cas, j'ai quand-même réinstallé la machine /from scratch/ : on
ne sait jamais si c'est une attaque pour en cacher une autre.
Merci quand-même à l'attaquant, car au moins j'utilise maintenant des
règles de sécurité de base...

Ça n'aidera peut-être pas... Mais ça peut faire avancer un peu le


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Scan de mon pc par Google ?

2014-02-02 Thread Mickaël Guéret
Le lundi 03 février 2014 à 08:00 +0100, François Boisson a écrit :

 Quel port? 
sur ma machine, pleins, et jamais le même :
49402, 49461, 49504... selon iftop

 As tu regardé ce que c'était via tcpdump ou wireshark?

J'ai essayé de regardé les sorties de wireshark, mais ça ne m'aide pas
trop... Je fouille plus en avant ce soir, merci !


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Någon som kan rekommendera kalender för Debian

2014-02-02 Thread Thomas Dahlén


Jag söker en elektronisk kalender som fungerar i Debian ihop med Icedove 

Jag har tidigare använt Evolution men föredrar Icedove som mail-klient.

Jag har testat att ladda ner Lightning som är en kalender add-om till 
( ) - men 
det fungerar inte i Icedove.

Är det någon som kan rekommendera ett alternativ?

Thomas Dahlén

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Re: Någon som kan rekommendera kalender för Debian

2014-02-02 Thread Andreas Rönnquist
On Sun, 02 Feb 2014 22:51:29 +0100,
Thomas Dahlé wrote:

Jag söker en elektronisk kalender som fungerar i Debian ihop med
Icedove (

Jag har tidigare använt Evolution men föredrar Icedove som mail-klient.

Jag har testat att ladda ner Lightning som är en kalender add-om till 
( ) - men 
det fungerar inte i Icedove.

Är det någon som kan rekommendera ett alternativ?

Jag har inte mycket till hjälp, men om orsaken till att Lightning inte
fungerar med Icedove endast är att versionen av Icedove i stabila
utgåvan av Debian är för gammal så kan du ha tur - Det verkar som om
dom ansvariga för Iceweasel, Icedove och övriga Mozilla-paket snart
kommer att följa ESR-utgåvor - så det bör betyda att du får Icedove 24
inom inte allt för lång tid. Se denna säkerhetsbulletin [1] för mer


-- Andreas Rönnquist

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Re: Någon som kan rekommendera kalender för Debian

2014-02-02 Thread Thomas Dahlén

On 2014-02-02 23:07, Andreas Rönnquist wrote:

On Sun, 02 Feb 2014 22:51:29 +0100,
Thomas Dahlé wrote:

Jag söker en elektronisk kalender som fungerar i Debian ihop med
Icedove (

Jag har tidigare använt Evolution men föredrar Icedove som mail-klient.

Jag har testat att ladda ner Lightning som är en kalender add-om till
( ) - men
det fungerar inte i Icedove.

Är det någon som kan rekommendera ett alternativ?

Jag har inte mycket till hjälp, men om orsaken till att Lightning inte
fungerar med Icedove endast är att versionen av Icedove i stabila
utgåvan av Debian är för gammal så kan du ha tur - Det verkar som om
dom ansvariga för Iceweasel, Icedove och övriga Mozilla-paket snart
kommer att följa ESR-utgåvor - så det bör betyda att du får Icedove 24
inom inte allt för lång tid. Se denna säkerhetsbulletin [1] för mer


-- Andreas Rönnquist

Hej Andreas!
Tack för ditt svar!
Det ökade min förståelse om orsak/verkan och var därmed definitivt till 
hjälp för mig!

Jag ska bevaka releasen av Icedove 24 och testa Lightning på den.
Thomas Dahlén

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Re: Någon som kan rekommendera kalender för Debian

2014-02-02 Thread Mikael Metz
On 02/02/14 23:55, Thomas Dahlén wrote:
 On 2014-02-02 23:07, Andreas Rönnquist wrote:
 On Sun, 02 Feb 2014 22:51:29 +0100,
 Thomas Dahlé wrote:

 Jag söker en elektronisk kalender som fungerar i Debian ihop med
 Icedove (

 Jag har tidigare använt Evolution men föredrar Icedove som mail-klient.

 Jag har testat att ladda ner Lightning som är en kalender add-om till
 ( ) - men
 det fungerar inte i Icedove.

 Är det någon som kan rekommendera ett alternativ?

 Jag har inte mycket till hjälp, men om orsaken till att Lightning inte
 fungerar med Icedove endast är att versionen av Icedove i stabila
 utgåvan av Debian är för gammal så kan du ha tur - Det verkar som om
 dom ansvariga för Iceweasel, Icedove och övriga Mozilla-paket snart
 kommer att följa ESR-utgåvor - så det bör betyda att du får Icedove 24
 inom inte allt för lång tid. Se denna säkerhetsbulletin [1] för mer


 -- Andreas Rönnquist

 Hej Andreas!
 Tack för ditt svar!
 Det ökade min förståelse om orsak/verkan och var därmed definitivt till hjälp 
 för mig!
 Jag ska bevaka releasen av Icedove 24 och testa Lightning på den.
 Thomas Dahlén

Jag är på Wheezy och Icedove 17. Häromveckan installerade jag 
icehowl-extension, och det verkar fungera helt ok hittills iaf.



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Erro placa de rede wireless atheros AR9287

2014-02-02 Thread Thiago Oliveira

modprobe -r ath9k
modprobe ath9k

Estes comandos acima sao jah a minha rotina para fazer funcionar esta placa
de rede... ela vira e mexe para de funcionar do nada... dai tenho que
retirar e o modulo e coloca-lo de novo e ela volta a funcionar.

Alguem sabe porque que ela para de funcionar ou uma solucao para que eu nao
tenha que tirar e colocar o modulo?

*Thiago Oliveira*
Graduando de Segurança da Informação - FATEC São Caetano do Sul

Re: Banco do Brasil, Iceweasel, Icedtea

2014-02-02 Thread Gunther Furtado

Vassoura boa, varre  voa Rogério Dias

gunther furtado

Em Sáb, 2014-02-01 às 16:14 -0300, Alcione Ferreira escreveu:
 Em 01-02-2014 11:35, Gunther Furtado escreveu:
  Em 31.01.2014, sexta, Ricardo Rafante disse:
  alguém conseguiu acessar o bb com o kernel 3.12-1? seja pelo oracle ou
  icedtea presciso muito da solução pois não quero usar o win so pra
  acessar o bb. =/
  é... eu tenho usado o ubuntu só pra isso.
 Eu uso naturalmente o Mozilla Firefox juntamente com a
 última versão do Java

Olá, as pesquisas do pessoa da lista, principalmente do Jr. Polegato,
(você pode consultar o histórico deste assunto) constataram que há
alguma modificação do kernel do debian que pode causar o
não-funcionamento da identificação do computador pelo BB, tanto com o
firefox, quanto com o iceweasel (ou chrome/chromium) como browsers e com
openjdk/icedtea ou oracle como java. Aparentemente, este problema não
afeta a todos os sistemas (China e outros).

No meu caso, com kernel 3.12, java 7_51, não funciona de forma alguma.
Funcionava perfeitamente até o kernel 3.2 (pelo menos) com openjdk e
iceweasel atualizado.


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Res: Erro placa de rede wireless atheros AR9287

2014-02-02 Thread jmhenrique
Passe mais detalhes. Logs, de preferencia. Parou de funcionar do zero eh 
generico demais. :) 


Enviado pelo meu aparelho BlackBerry®

-Original Message-
From: Thiago Oliveira
Date: Sun, 2 Feb 2014 11:18:22 
To: Lista
Subject: Erro placa de rede wireless atheros AR9287


modprobe -r ath9k
modprobe ath9k

Estes comandos acima sao jah a minha rotina para fazer funcionar esta placa
de rede... ela vira e mexe para de funcionar do nada... dai tenho que
retirar e o modulo e coloca-lo de novo e ela volta a funcionar.

Alguem sabe porque que ela para de funcionar ou uma solucao para que eu nao
tenha que tirar e colocar o modulo?

*Thiago Oliveira*
Graduando de Segurança da Informação - FATEC São Caetano do Sul

Re: Erro placa de rede wireless atheros AR9287

2014-02-02 Thread Rodolfo
Você poderia fazer o seguinte, monitorar o log, usando isso:

tail -F /var/log/dmesg

Quando cair, você no mesmo instante abre o terminal onde está sendo exibido
a informação do comando acima e analisa.

Em 2 de fevereiro de 2014 12:02, escreveu:

 Passe mais detalhes. Logs, de preferencia. Parou de funcionar do zero eh
 generico demais. :)


 Enviado pelo meu aparelho BlackBerry®
 *From: * Thiago Oliveira
 *Date: *Sun, 2 Feb 2014 11:18:22 -0200
 *To: *Lista
 *Subject: *Erro placa de rede wireless atheros AR9287


 modprobe -r ath9k
 modprobe ath9k

 Estes comandos acima sao jah a minha rotina para fazer funcionar esta
 placa de rede... ela vira e mexe para de funcionar do nada... dai tenho que
 retirar e o modulo e coloca-lo de novo e ela volta a funcionar.

 Alguem sabe porque que ela para de funcionar ou uma solucao para que eu
 nao tenha que tirar e colocar o modulo?

 *Thiago Oliveira*
 Graduando de Segurança da Informação - FATEC São Caetano do Sul

pppoeconf não funciona no Wheezy ?

2014-02-02 Thread Fábio Rabelo
Boa tarde a todos ...

Faz algum tempo que eu não tenho a necessidade de utilizar o script
pppoeconf, desde os tempos em que o Squeeze era novidade ...

Tentei estabelecer uma conexão hoje, utilizando-o, e ele simplesmente
não funciona !

Qdo eu o executo, ele gera um arquivo /etc/ppp/peers/dsl-rpovider , o
conteúdo varia entre completamente furado para não funcional ...

Em alguns casos, ele coloca uma linha  nic-eth2--help--help

Que gera um erro mesmo antes de executar um pon dsl-provider ...

Este script se tornou mesmo inutilizável ??

Existe algum substituto ?

Ou eu terei que tentar gerar os arquivos totalmente na mão na base
da tentariva e erro ???

Fábio Rabelo

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Re: Erro placa de rede wireless atheros AR9287

2014-02-02 Thread Thiago Oliveira
Parou do nada pois, deve haver algum bug ou problema no modulo ath9k, o
comando que iniciei a mensagem demonstra o que fiz, para fazer ela voltar.
Pelo que pesquisei eh comum acontecer nesta placa, mas ninguem ainda achou
uma solucao. vi que desabilitando algumas funcoes do modulo, como a de
criptografia, ela funciona normalmente sem desligar (turn off no wireless),
no meu caso isto nao funciona.
Nunca analisei os logs... soh descobri como fazer ela voltar a funcionar...
postei aqui pois como eh um problema comum desta placa, mais alguem passou
por este problema e encontrou qual era o - bug/problema/conflito/o que seja
que causa isto - do modulo ath9k.
No entanto vou passar a monitorar os logs do modulo para ver o que possa ser

*Thiago Oliveira*
Graduando de Segurança da Informação - FATEC São Caetano do Sul

Em 2 de fevereiro de 2014 14:25, Rodolfo escreveu:

 Você poderia fazer o seguinte, monitorar o log, usando isso:

 tail -F /var/log/dmesg

 Quando cair, você no mesmo instante abre o terminal onde está sendo
 exibido a informação do comando acima e analisa.

 Em 2 de fevereiro de 2014 12:02, escreveu:

 Passe mais detalhes. Logs, de preferencia. Parou de funcionar do zero eh
 generico demais. :)


 Enviado pelo meu aparelho BlackBerry®
 *From: * Thiago Oliveira
 *Date: *Sun, 2 Feb 2014 11:18:22 -0200
 *To: *Lista
 *Subject: *Erro placa de rede wireless atheros AR9287


 modprobe -r ath9k
 modprobe ath9k

 Estes comandos acima sao jah a minha rotina para fazer funcionar esta
 placa de rede... ela vira e mexe para de funcionar do nada... dai tenho que
 retirar e o modulo e coloca-lo de novo e ela volta a funcionar.

 Alguem sabe porque que ela para de funcionar ou uma solucao para que eu
 nao tenha que tirar e colocar o modulo?

 *Thiago Oliveira*
 Graduando de Segurança da Informação - FATEC São Caetano do Sul

Re: Erro placa de rede wireless atheros AR9287

2014-02-02 Thread Thiago Oliveira
Exemplo do problema que tenho num Debian 7... jah fiz o que indica neste
forum e nao funcionou

*Thiago Oliveira*
Graduando de Segurança da Informação - FATEC São Caetano do Sul

Em 2 de fevereiro de 2014 18:33, Thiago Oliveira

 Parou do nada pois, deve haver algum bug ou problema no modulo ath9k, o
 comando que iniciei a mensagem demonstra o que fiz, para fazer ela voltar.
 Pelo que pesquisei eh comum acontecer nesta placa, mas ninguem ainda achou
 uma solucao. vi que desabilitando algumas funcoes do modulo, como a de
 criptografia, ela funciona normalmente sem desligar (turn off no wireless),
 no meu caso isto nao funciona.
 Nunca analisei os logs... soh descobri como fazer ela voltar a
 funcionar... postei aqui pois como eh um problema comum desta placa, mais
 alguem passou por este problema e encontrou qual era o -
 bug/problema/conflito/o que seja que causa isto - do modulo ath9k.
 No entanto vou passar a monitorar os logs do modulo para ver o que possa

 *Thiago Oliveira*
 Graduando de Segurança da Informação - FATEC São Caetano do Sul

 Em 2 de fevereiro de 2014 14:25, Rodolfo escreveu:

  Você poderia fazer o seguinte, monitorar o log, usando isso:

 tail -F /var/log/dmesg

 Quando cair, você no mesmo instante abre o terminal onde está sendo
 exibido a informação do comando acima e analisa.

 Em 2 de fevereiro de 2014 12:02, escreveu:

 Passe mais detalhes. Logs, de preferencia. Parou de funcionar do zero
 eh generico demais. :)


 Enviado pelo meu aparelho BlackBerry®
 *From: * Thiago Oliveira
 *Date: *Sun, 2 Feb 2014 11:18:22 -0200
 *To: *Lista
 *Subject: *Erro placa de rede wireless atheros AR9287


 modprobe -r ath9k
 modprobe ath9k

 Estes comandos acima sao jah a minha rotina para fazer funcionar esta
 placa de rede... ela vira e mexe para de funcionar do nada... dai tenho que
 retirar e o modulo e coloca-lo de novo e ela volta a funcionar.

 Alguem sabe porque que ela para de funcionar ou uma solucao para que eu
 nao tenha que tirar e colocar o modulo?

 *Thiago Oliveira*
 Graduando de Segurança da Informação - FATEC São Caetano do Sul

Re: Erro placa de rede wireless atheros AR9287

2014-02-02 Thread Rodolfo
Por isso a necessidade de monitorar os LOGs, pois você pode estar passando
por um problema diferente dos mencionados ou existentes, sei lá, tudo é
possível =D

Veja o log como lhe falei anteriormente, acho que vai lhe ajudar muito.

Em 2 de fevereiro de 2014 16:37, Thiago Oliveira

 Exemplo do problema que tenho num Debian 7... jah fiz o que indica neste
 forum e nao funcionou

 *Thiago Oliveira*
 Graduando de Segurança da Informação - FATEC São Caetano do Sul

 Em 2 de fevereiro de 2014 18:33, Thiago Oliveira 

 Parou do nada pois, deve haver algum bug ou problema no modulo ath9k, o
 comando que iniciei a mensagem demonstra o que fiz, para fazer ela voltar.
 Pelo que pesquisei eh comum acontecer nesta placa, mas ninguem ainda achou
 uma solucao. vi que desabilitando algumas funcoes do modulo, como a de
 criptografia, ela funciona normalmente sem desligar (turn off no wireless),
 no meu caso isto nao funciona.
 Nunca analisei os logs... soh descobri como fazer ela voltar a
 funcionar... postei aqui pois como eh um problema comum desta placa, mais
 alguem passou por este problema e encontrou qual era o -
 bug/problema/conflito/o que seja que causa isto - do modulo ath9k.
 No entanto vou passar a monitorar os logs do modulo para ver o que possa

 *Thiago Oliveira*
 Graduando de Segurança da Informação - FATEC São Caetano do Sul

 Em 2 de fevereiro de 2014 14:25, Rodolfo escreveu:

  Você poderia fazer o seguinte, monitorar o log, usando isso:

 tail -F /var/log/dmesg

 Quando cair, você no mesmo instante abre o terminal onde está sendo
 exibido a informação do comando acima e analisa.

 Em 2 de fevereiro de 2014 12:02, escreveu:

 Passe mais detalhes. Logs, de preferencia. Parou de funcionar do zero
 eh generico demais. :)


 Enviado pelo meu aparelho BlackBerry®
 *From: * Thiago Oliveira
 *Date: *Sun, 2 Feb 2014 11:18:22 -0200
 *To: *Lista
 *Subject: *Erro placa de rede wireless atheros AR9287


 modprobe -r ath9k
 modprobe ath9k

 Estes comandos acima sao jah a minha rotina para fazer funcionar esta
 placa de rede... ela vira e mexe para de funcionar do nada... dai tenho que
 retirar e o modulo e coloca-lo de novo e ela volta a funcionar.

 Alguem sabe porque que ela para de funcionar ou uma solucao para que eu
 nao tenha que tirar e colocar o modulo?

 *Thiago Oliveira*
 Graduando de Segurança da Informação - FATEC São Caetano do Sul

Re: put gparted on minimum system, for disks over 2TB

2014-02-02 Thread Nemeth Gyorgy
2014-01-31 00:50 keltezéssel, C.T.F. Jansen írta:
 Tried to setup a 3TB disk using cfdisk and it failed silently. Suggest
 that cfdisk is updated to work with current disks; 3 and 4 TB. At least
 update the man page. partman is not on the production system and can't
 be installed, don't know if it actually works with disks over 2TB.
 gparted worked but it had to be installed first, it was not on the
 system already. It is not on the base, minimum, system. Suggest that it
 be put on the minimum system since it should work with whats out there
 and these sizes will become more and more common.

Gparted needs a working X window environment, for a minimum system gdisk
is better choice. It can handle GPT partition table and similar to fdisk.

--- Friczy ---
'Death is not a bug, it's a feature'

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Re: cloning a debian installation

2014-02-02 Thread Chen Wei
On Fri, Jan 31, 2014 at 09:36:52PM +, Kruppt wrote:
 On 2014-01-31, Fabrice Vaillant wrote:
  to suit my computer. The question I'm asking is, what would be the 
  simplest way(if it is possible) to clone my existing installation
  the new ssd.

 Yes you can clone it easily with rsync.
 Boot up a LiveCD such as SystemRescueCD on a comp with
 grub-install --root-directory=/mnt/sdb2 /dev/sdb
 grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
 update-initramfs -uk $(uname -r)

Just migrated a Wheezy installation to SSD few days earlier. Boot from
live debian, fdisk, mkfs, and rsync are pretty straight forward, but the
grub part is tricky, perhaps because I never really understand how grub
works. I end up let the debian installer do it.

1) install a minimum wheezy
2) boot into live debian
3) copy the /etc/fstab and grub.cfg out, edit uuid if needed
4) rsync -av --delete OLD_Installation/ NEW_Installation/
5) copy fstab and grub.cfg back
6) run update-grub, (it might not necessary, but seems harmless)

Chen Wei

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Re: Suggest a tool for decoding binary data

2014-02-02 Thread Chen Wei
On Sat, Feb 01, 2014 at 05:36:19PM -0800, Kevin O'Gorman wrote:
 I'm about to tackle GPT partitioned disks, and want to decode the
 The data is little-endian, but I want my code to work on little- or
 big-endian machines.  I want it to be a script -- nothing compiled.
 I've figured out that on my little-endian machines, I can use bash
 with something like
 otherlabel=$(($(dd if=label bs=1 skip=32 count=8 | od -An -t d8) ))

I am not quit understand why need dump the label, but it can be done
easily by script language, say, Python.

# - begin --
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import sys
from struct import unpack

skip = 32
count = 8
fp = open(path_to_dd_image, 'rb').read(skip + count)
data_of_interest = fp[skip:]

if sys.byteorder == 'little':
#assuming the label is a 8 bytes unsigned integer
label = unpack('Q', data_of_interest)[0]
label = unpack('Q', data_of_interest)[0]
# - end --

Chen Wei

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Re: Iceweasel weird behavior

2014-02-02 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Lu, 13 ian 14, 21:47:53, Scott Ferguson wrote:
 Iceweasel 26?

Current sid, so it's 24.2.0esr-1.
[snip very useful troubleshooting tips]

This issue hasn't been manifesting for me lately, so at the moment I 
can't troubleshoot it.

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Re: Default kernel network variables, sysctl, not secure enough.

2014-02-02 Thread Reco

On Sun, 02 Feb 2014 13:47:36 +1300
C.T.F. Jansen wrote:

 Installed them and looked for man pages, nothing found, then through 
 /usr/share/doc again. This had a number of extra files in it that seemed 
 relevant but the variables set were not found as such. A look in

Actually, this file should be called:


And rp_filter is there.

 defines the values for the previously mentioned variable, with rp_filter 
 at the end of it. The variable itself was not listed in this file so a 
 grep did not find it.

Consider using zgrep, since all kernel documentation is compressed with

 Editing /etc/sysctl.conf and uncommenting most of the settings will 
 improve the situation.

Or, break networking completely, if host in question has multiple
network interfaces with different IPs, looking into the same network.
This sysctl variable is disabled by default for the reason.

 Someone put a README* in /etc/sysctl.d that suggested one put a 
 local.conf file in /etc/sysctl.d . This  may be a better way to do it 
 but  isn't documented anywhere, I think. It is less than obvious and may 
 be hard to find later.

Editing /etc/sysctl.conf will ask you to merge maintainer's changes
to /etc/sysctl.conf once you upgrade procps package.
Adding arbitrary named (.conf extension is necessary) file
to /etc/sysctl.d won't have such effect.
Whenever file is called local.conf or my_secure_sysctl_variables.conf
is irrelevant.

 Putting sysctl commands in start-up scripts may be challenging to find 
 later but site procedures vary. The variables can be set using sysctl as 

Take a look on /etc/init.d/procps.


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Re: May I introduce to you ..... 'beeb'

2014-02-02 Thread Lisi Reisz
On Sunday 02 February 2014 04:28:52 Doug wrote:
 On 02/01/2014 02:30 PM, Lisi Reisz wrote:
  On Saturday 01 February 2014 17:58:45 Doug wrote:
  On 02/01/2014 08:13 AM, Sharon Kimble wrote:
  May I introduce to you ‘beeb’ the all-singing, all-dancing,
  upgrade to ‘get-iplayer’!
  The BBC has some superb radio and TV programmes, some of which
  they have released into the public domain and which can be
  downloaded using ‘get-iplayer’, and then can be played with
  your choice of viewer. This script will -
* Check to see if you have 'get-iplayer/get_iplayer'
  installed. If not it will prompt you to install it.
* Creates the directory where the 'beeb-tv.txt 
  beeb-radio.txt' files are stored.
* Downloads the current radio programme feed,
* Allows you to put the programme numbers in to download, and
  tell you how much more you can download in this session,
* Downloads the programmes,
* Then downloads the current TV programme feed,
* Allows you to put the programme numbers in to download, and
  tell you how much more you can download in this session,
* Downloads the programmes,
* Asks you if you want to create a playing list of the radio
  programmes that can then be used by MPD.
  You can get 'beeb' from either my blog 'A taste of linux' or
  from my bitbucket -
  Any problems, or further instruction required, please let me
  My distro does not include iplayer. Will beeb tv play on a
  common Linux player, like VLC?
  Where do you live?

 Long Island, New York

You can't therefore legitimately access it.  Although people living in 
the UK can in fact access it without paying the licence fee, the vast 
majority have in fact paid for or been given a licence.  Given how 
they badger you, it can be difficult not to. ;-)  That is the theory 


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Re: You lazy son-of-a-guns out there! (Was: May I introduce to you)

2014-02-02 Thread Lisi Reisz
On Sunday 02 February 2014 07:06:45 Bob Bernstein wrote:
 On Sat, 1 Feb 2014, Doug wrote:
  On 02/01/2014 02:30 PM, Lisi Reisz wrote:
  On Saturday 01 February 2014 17:58:45 Doug wrote:
  On 02/01/2014 08:13 AM, Sharon Kimble wrote:
  May I introduce to you ‘beeb’ the all-singing, all-dancing,
  upgrade to ‘get-iplayer’!

 I'm reasonably certain that as of this late date the _last_ thing
 anyone wants to see on this list is another OT baby-poop storm, but
 HAVE WE COMPLETELY SURRENDERED on the issue of top-quoting or
 bottom-quoting or whatever the heck we're calling it these days?


Everyone whose mail reached me had bottom posted. 


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Recovering data from an ext4 on LVM

2014-02-02 Thread Nuno Magalhães

I had an ext4 partition accessible via samba share and one day that
share became empty. I considered goofing up in Windows, but then found
out that there were a lot of warnings in dmesg. The partition was not
set to be fsck-ed and was made available via a Xen guest. I did start
running fsck but after 2 days of 100% CPU usage (single core only on a
quad-core) i quit.

The data isn't quite mission critical, i do back that one up, but it's
nonetheless rather important, at least some pieces. My main goal is to
find out how that happened. I tried looking at the samba logs but
they're quite confusing and crowded, and i couldn't pin-point any
specific data that would point to a user deletion. I was hoping
someone would point me to other logs i can skim.

From what i've been searching, ext4 on a virtual machine could do well
with barriers off[1], and maybe ext3 would've been a better bet. I'm
not sure if the cause could've been somewhere in the virtualization
(the samba share was made available via a Xen PV guest). I don't think
the disk is corrupted, only the file system and it's gazillion inodes
(it's about 400GB of a 1TB drive) that fsck wants to clone.

My second concern would be to recover the data. I tried r-studio,which
did see all the neat partitions on LVM and RAID1 (another partition on
this 1TB drive makes up half of a RAID1,over which is an LVM VG, the
other VG being mostly used by the damaged partition). However, when i
re-ran r-studio again, it can't find its bearings and i can no longer
pinpoint the partition - it apparently doesn't support LVM yet[2].
It's a shame, it seemed to be the best candidate for the job.

The LVM does seem to be my main problem. I also tried testdisk, but it
eventually tells me the partition can't be recovered. Then i tried
photorec, which does recover a whole bunch of files, but it's mostly
pieces of files (i don't have 49K .cab files,so not all of the
recovered files are accurate). I assume this has something to do with
the underlying PEs and LEs of LVM. I do have another partition (on the
same disk) where photorec has been dumping part of the data (i
filtered out ISOs and such), but it's not big enough for a dd.

My next bet would've been ext4magic but it's only available in testing
(my host is stable), and i don't really want to risk that much of a
drive stir (since host / and other / are in a partition in the same
drive). I just might, if all else fails. There's also foremost and
giis, but i haven't looked into these yet. Any other suggestions? I
don't think there's a tool that'll even recover the directory
structure and file names, that would be great, but files alone are a
good start.

The next step is considering a makeover on my drives :) (the outcome
of which will largely depend on the success of this recovery). Can
anyone tell me if RAID5 is slower to write than a single drive? This
is a home machine, but if 5 is that slow i'd consider a bigger RAID1

Any help, pointers, tips or any other technical feedback would be welcome.



On the internet, nobody knows you're a dog.

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Re: May I introduce to you ..... 'beeb'

2014-02-02 Thread Sharon Kimble
On Sat, 01 Feb 2014 12:58:45 -0500
Doug wrote:

 On 02/01/2014 08:13 AM, Sharon Kimble wrote:
  May I introduce to you ‘beeb’ the all-singing, all-danc
 ing, upgrade to
  The BBC has some superb radio and TV programmes, some of which they
  have released into the public domain and which can be downloaded
  using ‘get-iplayer’, and then can be played with your choice of
  viewer. This script will -
  * Check to see if you have 'get-iplayer/get_iplayer'
  installed. If not it will prompt you to install it.
  * Creates the directory where the 'beeb-tv.txt 
beeb-radio.txt' files are stored.
  * Downloads the current radio programme feed,
  * Allows you to put the programme numbers in to download,
  and tell you how much more you can download in this session,
  * Downloads the programmes,
  * Then downloads the current TV programme feed,
  * Allows you to put the programme numbers in to download,
  and tell you how much more you can download in this session,
  * Downloads the programmes,
  * Asks you if you want to create a playing list of the radio
programmes that can then be used by MPD.
  You can get 'beeb' from either my blog 'A taste of linux' or from my
  bitbucket -
  Any problems, or further instruction required, please let me know.
 My distro does not include iplayer. Will beeb tv play on a
 common Linux player, like VLC?
'get-iplayer' is the programme that gets the feeds and downloads the
programmes from the BBC, it doesn't actually play the programmes. You
need something else to do that, like VLC, etc.

A taste of linux =
efever =
efever =
my git repo =
Debian testing, Fluxbox 1.3.5, emacs
Registered Linux user 561944

Description: PGP signature

Re: Recovering data from an ext4 on LVM

2014-02-02 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Sun, 2014-02-02 at 15:25 +, Nuno Magalhães wrote:
 My next bet would've been ext4magic but it's only available in testing
 (my host is stable), and i don't really want to [...]

Search for a live media including ext4magic. Keep in mind to mount read

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Re: May I introduce to you ..... 'beeb'

2014-02-02 Thread Sharon Kimble
On Sun, 02 Feb 2014 15:51:04 +1100
Scott Ferguson wrote:

 On 02/02/14 00:13, Sharon Kimble wrote:
  May I introduce to you ‘beeb’ the all-singing, all-dancing, upgrade
  to ‘get-iplayer’!
  Any problems, or further instruction required, please let me know.
 Thanks - it looks interesting. (if only there was something similar
 for Australian Broadcasting Corporations iview).
 I can't seem to find the source to the binary you provide. Have you
 released it?

The 'binary I provide'? If you mean the programme itself, its on my
blog, and in my bitbucket, you can get it from either source. If you
have the programme, then you've got the source, I can't think of any
other way of phrasing it. 
 Is it related to the Debian package?

'beeb' has been described as a wrapper to get-iplayer, in that it
uses get-iplayer but also extends it in an area in which get-iplayer
doesn't have any input/focus, specifically the MPD-playlist.
 Are there any potential problems with permissions? e.g.:-

I know of none, after all, its only using get-iplayer as its been
released to use, and in the way that it should be used. All I've done
is codified a pattern of usage of get-iplayer in a logical manner! 

A taste of linux =
efever =
efever =
my git repo =
Debian testing, Fluxbox 1.3.5, emacs
Registered Linux user 561944

Description: PGP signature

Re: Moving website to different server

2014-02-02 Thread Veljko
On 2014-Jan-29 18:05, Veljko wrote:
 Thanks Jochen, I'll try this in a few days and let you know how it went.

In case someone else need something like this, following block worked for me:

ProxyRequests off
ProxyPass / https://ip_of_new_server:443/
ProxyPassReverse / https://ip_of_new_server:443/
ProxyPreserveHost On
SSLProxyEngine On
Proxy *
  Order deny,allow
  Allow from all

As you can see, this is for https. For plain http, SSLProxyEngine should be
removed. Trailing slash is very important. 

Thanks again for your help!


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Re: grub efi does not find windows

2014-02-02 Thread Roger Leigh
On Tue, Jan 28, 2014 at 04:34:23PM +0100, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
 On Wed, 2014-01-29 at 04:16 +1300, Chris Bannister wrote:
  On Tue, Jan 28, 2014 at 11:47:33AM +0100, 
   Thanks in advance for any hint about how to make me able to boot
   windows anew.
  Is os-prober installed?
 Doesn't a chainloader work for an efi boot?

No, it's not possible from what I've seen.

  .''`.  Roger Leigh
 : :' :  Debian GNU/Linux
 `. `'   schroot and sbuild
   `-GPG Public Key  F33D 281D 470A B443 6756 147C 07B3 C8BC 4083 E800

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Re: Confused about dist-upgrade

2014-02-02 Thread Tom H
On Fri, Jan 24, 2014 at 1:06 PM, Brian wrote:
 On Fri 24 Jan 2014 at 12:52:05 -0500, Tom H wrote:
 On Thu, Jan 23, 2014 at 6:47 PM, Brian wrote:
 On Thu 23 Jan 2014 at 17:52:00 -0500, Bob Bernstein wrote:

 At any rate, to move from, say, squeeze, to wheezy, my approach
 would be to edit my sources.list, replacing all instances of
 squeeze with wheezy, and then running

 # apt-get update
 # apt-get dist-upgrade

 That as far as memory serves -- which is getting shakier and shakier
 with the advance of years :-( -- is what has worked in the past.

 The recommended way is

apt-get update
upgrade kernel
upgrade packages associated with any critical services
apt-get dist-upgrade

 From memory, this isn't the recommended way for upgrades to Lenny,
 Squeeze, or Wheezy.

 *I* wasn't working from memory when responding to move from, say,
 squeeze, to wheezy, my approach

From memory, an upgrade to Lenny involved having to ensure udev was
 upgraded first. Or maybe that was the upgrade to Etch.

You hadn't specified from squeeze to qheezy and you were therefore
implying that it was a general approach.

Still from memory because I don't have the time check at the moment:

The upgrade from squeeze to wheezy didn't involve rebooting between
upgrade and dist-upgrade.

The upgrade from lenny to squeeze involved upgrade, install
linux-image and udev, reboot, and dist-upgrade.

The upgrade to lenny or to etch involved upgrade, install linux-image
and something else, and dist-upgrade.

So there's no single upgrade method...

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Re: Help with command - cp

2014-02-02 Thread Tom H
On Sun, Jan 26, 2014 at 9:40 AM, Zenaan Harkness wrote:

 BTW, with GNU ls, -r is the same as -R, but doesn't require pressing Shift 

What do you mean by GNU ls? The ls provided by coreutils?

If it is, then -r mean reverse the sort order and -R means
recurse through subdirectories.

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Re: Poll: Which Init-System should Debian use in the future?

2014-02-02 Thread Tom H
On Mon, Jan 27, 2014 at 10:04 AM, Marko Randjelovic wrote:
 On Mon, 27 Jan 2014 12:36:07 + (GMT)
 Holger Vogt wrote:

 I didn't vote because openrc is not on list.

openrc replaces sysv-rc and insserv not sysvinit so you could've voted
for sysvinit.

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Re: grub efi does not find windows

2014-02-02 Thread Tom H
On Tue, Jan 28, 2014 at 5:47 AM, wrote:
 Le 28.01.2014 11:41, a écrit :

 Sorry for incomplete message. Here is the full message:

 At my job, I have a computer on which I can choose the OS so, I installed my
 lovely debian there (with some problems to make it booting because of this
 damned EFI ) but would prefer to keep windows in dual boot. Windows
 partition is still there, but grub does not seems to be able to notice it.
 I can do all tasks on the Debian system, but I need to retrieve some
 informations which were configured on windows, and keeping a dual boot seems
 a not so bad idea anyway, so do someone have any idea about what to do to
 fix that problem?

 Now some technical informations which could give (or not) some hints to help
 The boot flag was on a NTFS partition sda1, 1GiB large.
 Windows itself was on a NTFS partition sda2, more than 300GiB large, but I
 have resized it through Debian installer to 93GiB ( should be enough for a
 system which will almost never be used, even if the system's name is windows
 btw ). After simple resizing, it was still able to work.
 There were 2 other partitions, one for windows recovery with NTFS, and
 another one for HP tools with fat32. I have removed both of them.
 I now have a fat32 partition with EFI informations, mount point: /boot/efi,
 1.86GiB large on sda3, which is bootable.
 I have lot of other partitions for Debian: /, /usr, /var, swap, /tmp and
 /home. Lot of GiB there.
 The last partition is a FAT32 that I intend to keep to share data between
 windows and debian, on sd5, 61GiB large ( very large too, but considering
 the HD's size... I did not cared a lot about that ).

Have you checked that /boot/efi/EFI/Microsoft\Boot\bootmgfw.efi
exists? (It might be Bootmgfw.efi.)

Have you tried to switch to bootmgfw.efi through your firmware?

Running efibootmgr should display all the values that your firmware
knows about and the order in which they classified.

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Re: Disable ipv6?

2014-02-02 Thread Tom H
On Tue, Jan 28, 2014 at 6:04 AM, Tanstaafl wrote:

 Is there an easy way to do this?

 I don't use it, I don't understand it (yet), so I don't want to use it until
 I do understand it.

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Re: grub efi does not find windows

2014-02-02 Thread Tom H
On Sun, Feb 2, 2014 at 2:47 PM, Roger Leigh wrote:
 On Tue, Jan 28, 2014 at 04:34:23PM +0100, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
 On Wed, 2014-01-29 at 04:16 +1300, Chris Bannister wrote:
 On Tue, Jan 28, 2014 at 11:47:33AM +0100, 

 Thanks in advance for any hint about how to make me able to boot
 windows anew.

 Is os-prober installed?

 Doesn't a chainloader work for an efi boot?

 No, it's not possible from what I've seen.

Can't multiboot /boot/efi/EFI/... be used to load an efi executable?

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Any reason not to run amd64 these days?

2014-02-02 Thread Rick Macdonald

I've been running 32bit Debian since release 0.93, before buzz was 
released. I've been through a few PCs over these 20 years, and now my 
latest one is dying on me (HP Dual core Pentium D, 4GB RAM).

I'd like to take a step up and get a machine with more memory (12 or 
16GB). I've done some searching and it seems these days there are no 
limitations with having access to all Debian packages, especially if one 
uses the multi-arch feature.

Still, I'd like to ask on the list here. Are there any issues with 
switching to amd64? What about drivers?

The new machine will likely be an off-the-shelf HP I7-4470 CPU machine 
with an NVIDIA GeForce card, somewhere between a GT635 and a GTX660.

What about running 32 bit windows and apps in wine or VMWare?


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Kernel panics after wheezy upgrade (but blaming hardware)

2014-02-02 Thread Rick Macdonald
I finally updated my 32bit PC to wheezy in October. Shortly after, I 
started getting kernel panics (blinking CapsLock/Scroll Lock for about 
10 seconds, then it would re-boot itself).

I ran memtest for 14 hours; no errors.

It often happened while watching videos in iceweasel, especially when 
seeking with the slider. It also happened with totem and an audio 
program again when seeking. It also happen on 3 occasions right after I 
clicked SEND in icedove. Often it would reboot on its own overnight. I 
admit I thought it was all due to software for many weeks.

Then I started getting fsck errors during the re-boot. Then after 
running OK for an hour or so it started re-mounting the hard drive 
read-only without rebooting. I was seeing journal errors (ext3 
filesystem). Then I saw a BIOS message saying a hard drive failure was 

I had a new drive that I wasn't using, so I set it up with ext4 
partitions and copied everything to it, fixed up grub, and booted the 
new drive.

It went back to kernel panics!

I stole a Gateway desktop from my kids (similar CPU and memory). I put 
my harddrives (the new one), memory (4x1GB), gigabit LAN card and video 
card (GeForce 7300LE) into it. No problems at all.

When swapping the video card I discovered that the fan was no longer 
working. I thought maybe an overheating video card could be to blame but 
it's run for 2 days now without a kernel panic.

That pretty much leaves the blame on the original machine's mother board 
and power supply. I replaced the power supply a few years ago (Antec 
Earthwatts 430W EA-430D). The machine is an HP Pavillion MutilMedia TV 
PC, so there's an Hauppage TV tuner card installed. I didn't try 
removing that. I don't use it but I still have remnants installed from 
when I played with ivtv some years ago.

Any comments about all this? I kind welcome the excuse to buy a new PC 
with a better video card and more memory (and 64bit), but it would be 
nice to know what's wrong with the machine before I through it out.


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Re: May I introduce to you ..... 'beeb'

2014-02-02 Thread Scott Ferguson
On 03/02/14 02:44, Sharon Kimble wrote:
 On Sun, 02 Feb 2014 15:51:04 +1100
 Scott Ferguson wrote:
 On 02/02/14 00:13, Sharon Kimble wrote:

 May I introduce to you ‘beeb’ the all-singing, all-dancing, upgrade
 to ‘get-iplayer’!


 Any problems, or further instruction required, please let me know.



 Is it related to the Debian package?
 'beeb' has been described as a wrapper to get-iplayer, in that it
 uses get-iplayer but also extends it in an area in which get-iplayer
 doesn't have any input/focus, specifically the MPD-playlist.

My apologies - I'm not trying to be obtuse, but that didn't answer my
question. Let me rephrase that How is beeb different (advantages?)
to the *Debian* package get_iplayer??

* Downloads Mov (mp4) streams from BBC iplayer site in much better
quality than Flash player streams
* Allow multiple programmes to be downloaded using a single command
* Indexing of all available (i.e. listed) iplayer programs
* Available Programme Index listing
* Caching of Index (default 4hrs)
* Full HTTP Proxy support (tested on Squid)
* Regex search on programme name capability (makes it useful to run this
from crontab)
* Regex search on long programme description and episode capability
* Tested on Linux (Fedora 6/7/8/9, Centos/RHEL 5, MacOSX, Ubuntu),
Windows and loads more
* Requires: perl 5.8, perl-LWP
* Latest Version:

get_iplayer lists, searches and records BBC iPlayer TV/Radio, BBC
Podcast programmes. Other 3rd-Party plugins may be available.

get_iplayer has three modes: recording a complete programme for later
playback, streaming a programme directly to a playback application, such
as mplayer; and as a Personal Video Recorder (PVR), subscribing to
search terms and recording programmes automatically. It can also stream
or record live BBC iPlayer output

If given no arguments, get_iplayer updates and displays the list of
currently available programmes. Each available programme has a numerical
identifier,pid. get_iplayer utilises the rtmpdump tool to record BBC
iPlayer programmes from RTMP flash streams at various qualities.

In PVR mode, get_iplayer can be called from cron to record programmes to
a schedule.

NOTES: it also install a web based manager (
launched by running:-
$ get_iplayer_web_pvr
From Australia, if I wanted to ignore the permissions I asked about in
the following paragraph (apparently it's illegal to download BBC
programs outside of the UK - see the reference further down), I'd have
to use a UK-based proxy e.g.:-

$ cat ~/.get_iplayer/options

# For Debian-based systems, inhibit automatic updates
# packagemanager apt

# Add site-wide configuration in this file
proxy https://someUK-basedProxy:443

 Are there any potential problems with permissions? e.g.:-
 I know of none, after all, its only using get-iplayer as its been
 released to use, and in the way that it should be used.


 All I've done
 is codified a pattern of usage of get-iplayer in a logical manner! 

I'm confused. What is illogical about:-
# apt-get install get_iplayer

It seems to work (or am I missing something?)

It's part of the debian architecture (it upgrades and updates etc)...



Kind regards

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Re: May I introduce to you ..... 'beeb'

2014-02-02 Thread Lisi Reisz
On Sunday 02 February 2014 15:44:14 Sharon Kimble wrote:
  Are there any potential problems with permissions? e.g.:-

 I know of none, 

Apart, you mean, from the fact that you are posting this on an 
international list and playing iPlayer content outside of the UK is 
explicitly forbidden??

 after all, its only using get-iplayer as its been 
 released to use, and in the way that it should be used. All I've
 done is codified a pattern of usage of get-iplayer in a logical


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Re: Any reason not to run amd64 these days?

2014-02-02 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Sun, 2014-02-02 at 13:58 -0700, Rick Macdonald wrote:
 Are there any issues with switching to amd64? What about drivers?

There aren't issues.

 What about running 32 bit windows and apps in wine

Wine and at least VBox can do this. There might be issues for 32-bit

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Re: grub efi does not find windows

2014-02-02 Thread berenger . morel

Le 02.02.2014 21:46, Tom H a écrit :
On Tue, Jan 28, 2014 at 5:47 AM, 

Le 28.01.2014 11:41, a écrit :

Sorry for incomplete message. Here is the full message:

At my job, I have a computer on which I can choose the OS so, I 
installed my
lovely debian there (with some problems to make it booting because 
of this

damned EFI ) but would prefer to keep windows in dual boot. Windows
partition is still there, but grub does not seems to be able to 
notice it.

I can do all tasks on the Debian system, but I need to retrieve some
informations which were configured on windows, and keeping a dual 
boot seems
a not so bad idea anyway, so do someone have any idea about what to 
do to

fix that problem?

Now some technical informations which could give (or not) some hints 
to help

The boot flag was on a NTFS partition sda1, 1GiB large.
Windows itself was on a NTFS partition sda2, more than 300GiB large, 
but I
have resized it through Debian installer to 93GiB ( should be enough 
for a
system which will almost never be used, even if the system's name is 

btw ). After simple resizing, it was still able to work.
There were 2 other partitions, one for windows recovery with NTFS, 

another one for HP tools with fat32. I have removed both of them.
I now have a fat32 partition with EFI informations, mount point: 

1.86GiB large on sda3, which is bootable.
I have lot of other partitions for Debian: /, /usr, /var, swap, /tmp 

/home. Lot of GiB there.
The last partition is a FAT32 that I intend to keep to share data 
windows and debian, on sd5, 61GiB large ( very large too, but 

the HD's size... I did not cared a lot about that ).

Have you checked that /boot/efi/EFI/Microsoft\Boot\bootmgfw.efi
exists? (It might be Bootmgfw.efi.)

I'm not at work currently, but I'll take a look tomorrow. However, I 
have already looked at what was in /boot and am pretty sure that I have 
no file or directory with microsoft or windows in their name ( 
lowercase, uppercase and all kinds of mixes ). I'll check anew to be 
sure anyway.

Have you tried to switch to bootmgfw.efi through your firmware?

Which firmware?

Running efibootmgr should display all the values that your firmware
knows about and the order in which they classified.

I'll install this tool and check what it gives tomorrow, thanks.

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Re: making my Wheezy beep. How?

2014-02-02 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Sat, 2014-02-01 at 09:54 +0100, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
 On Fri, 2014-01-31 at 20:48 -0600, Nate Bargmann wrote:
  * On 2014 31 Jan 18:04 -0600, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
   On Fri, 2014-01-31 at 09:48 -0600, Nate Bargmann wrote:

Set it to TRUE.
 And now it beeps if I run
 $ printf \7; sleep 1; printf \a

No it doesn't. It works for my Arch Linux where I run xfce4-terminal in
a Xfce4 session, but it doesn't work for my Debian where Xfce isn't
installed, just KDE4 and Jwm are installed. The path and file didn't
exist, so I mkdir the path and copied terminalrc from my Arch to my
Debian install. When I run xfce4-terminal in a Jwm session there still
are no beeps, I didn't test it for KDE4.

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Re: Confused about dist-upgrade

2014-02-02 Thread Brian
On Sun 02 Feb 2014 at 15:22:44 -0500, Tom H wrote:

 You hadn't specified from squeeze to qheezy and you were therefore
 implying that it was a general approach.

In my own mind I thought I was responding to the previous post:

   At any rate, to move from, say, squeeze, to wheezy, my approach

but it is possible there was some ambiguity in my response.

 So there's no single upgrade method...


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Re: Viber on Debian

2014-02-02 Thread Chris Bannister
On Sun, Feb 02, 2014 at 03:37:48PM +1100, Scott Ferguson wrote:
 On 02/02/14 14:12, Man_Without_Clue wrote:
  Viber just won't start.
 Presuming you are running a 64-bit Debian release. After installing it
 # dpkg -i viber.deb
 did you get any useful messages?
 have you tried following the installation with:-
 # apt-get -f install
 NOTE: run the following first:-
 # apt-get -sf install | more
 and post the result.

Maybe useful to post:
ldd /path/to/viber-binary


If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people
who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the 
oppressing. --- Malcolm X

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Re: Any reason not to run amd64 these days?

2014-02-02 Thread Rick Macdonald

Thanks, Ralf.

I do use a couple of 32bit DAWs: Reaper and Power Tracks Pro. I use them 
in wine but I also have VMWare. If I just stick with the 32bit versions 
of the DAWs, all the 32bit VST plugins should be OK, right? Or are you 
saying there could still be issues?


On 02/02/14 03:26 PM, Ralf Mardorf wrote:

On Sun, 2014-02-02 at 13:58 -0700, Rick Macdonald wrote:

Are there any issues with switching to amd64? What about drivers?

There aren't issues.

What about running 32 bit windows and apps in wine

Wine and at least VBox can do this. There might be issues for 32-bit

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Re: making my Wheezy beep. How?

2014-02-02 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Sun, 2014-02-02 at 23:34 +0100, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
 On Sat, 2014-02-01 at 09:54 +0100, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
  On Fri, 2014-01-31 at 20:48 -0600, Nate Bargmann wrote:
   * On 2014 31 Jan 18:04 -0600, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
On Fri, 2014-01-31 at 09:48 -0600, Nate Bargmann wrote:
 Set it to TRUE.

  And now it beeps if I run
  $ printf \7; sleep 1; printf \a
 No it doesn't. It works for my Arch Linux where I run xfce4-terminal in
 a Xfce4 session, but it doesn't work for my Debian where Xfce isn't
 installed, just KDE4 and Jwm are installed. The path and file didn't
 exist, so I mkdir the path and copied terminalrc from my Arch to my
 Debian install. When I run xfce4-terminal in a Jwm session there still
 are no beeps, I didn't test it for KDE4.

PS: On Debian I already prefer to use ROXTerm and right now I installed
it to my Arch Linux too and noticed that it does use the same syntax.


$ xfce4-terminal --maximize -T ♪ jackd -e jackd -dalsa
$ roxterm --maximize -T ♪ jackd -e jackd -dalsa

I guess I'll use ROXTerm in the future, instead of xfce4-terminal for
all Linux.

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Re: You lazy son-of-a-guns out there! (Was: May I introduce to you)

2014-02-02 Thread Chris Bannister
On Sun, Feb 02, 2014 at 02:06:45AM -0500, Bob Bernstein wrote:
 On Sat, 1 Feb 2014, Doug wrote:
 On 02/01/2014 02:30 PM, Lisi Reisz wrote:
 On Saturday 01 February 2014 17:58:45 Doug wrote:
 On 02/01/2014 08:13 AM, Sharon Kimble wrote:
 May I introduce to you ‘beeb’ the all-singing, all-dancing,
 upgrade to ‘get-iplayer’!
 I'm reasonably certain that as of this late date the _last_ thing
 anyone wants to see on this list is another OT baby-poop storm, but
 HAVE WE COMPLETELY SURRENDERED on the issue of top-quoting or
 bottom-quoting or whatever the heck we're calling it these days?

Is text/PLAIN legitimate? I thought it was text/plain

If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people
who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the 
oppressing. --- Malcolm X

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Re: Any reason not to run amd64 these days?

2014-02-02 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Sun, 2014-02-02 at 15:53 -0700, Rick Macdonald wrote:
 Thanks, Ralf.
 I do use a couple of 32bit DAWs: Reaper and Power Tracks Pro. I use them 
 in wine but I also have VMWare. If I just stick with the 32bit versions 
 of the DAWs, all the 32bit VST plugins should be OK, right? Or are you 
 saying there could still be issues?

Regarding to VST I don't have knowledge, because I don't use VSTs, but
IIRC I once wanted to test VSTs and there where issues with 64-bit
architecture. But IIRC I wanted to use Windows VSTs on Linux. I guess
using them with Reaper in wineasio should work, but you better ask at .

For Linux audio production I'm using 64-bit since years, just at the
moment I've got a Debian 32-bit install on my machine too. I haven't
done any audio production with 32-bit yet, but IMO the GUI performance
on 64-bit architecture using linux-rt is better, than on 32-bit
architecture. But in a blind test I perhaps couldn't notice the
difference for the performance.

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Re: You lazy son-of-a-guns out there! (Was: May I introduce to you)

2014-02-02 Thread Joel Rees
On Sun, Feb 2, 2014 at 4:06 PM, Bob Bernstein wrote:
 On Sat, 1 Feb 2014, Doug wrote:

 On 02/01/2014 02:30 PM, Lisi Reisz wrote:

 On Saturday 01 February 2014 17:58:45 Doug wrote:

 On 02/01/2014 08:13 AM, Sharon Kimble wrote:

 May I introduce to you 'beeb' the all-singing, all-dancing,
 upgrade to 'get-iplayer'!

 I'm reasonably certain that as of this late date the _last_ thing anyone
 wants to see on this list is another OT baby-poop storm, but HAVE WE
 COMPLETELY SURRENDERED on the issue of top-quoting or bottom-quoting or
 whatever the heck we're calling it these days?


 IMPORTANT: This email is intended for the use of the individual
 addressee(s) named above and may contain information that is
 confidential, privileged or unsuitable for overly sensitive
 persons with low self-esteem, no sense of humour or irrational
 metaphysical beliefs.

Hmm. I think I am not the only one who read Sharon's slightly
over-the-top introduction of the BBS media player and wondered what
Justin-what's-his-name had to do with Debian.

But that was droll, Bob.

Joel Rees

Be careful where you see conspiracy.
Look first in your own heart.

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Archive: hash sum mismatch

2014-02-02 Thread Robin
Has anybody else experienced problems over the last couple of days?
Or is there a local fix I can apply?

For ref:


Brought to you by Raphael Geissert, it aims to solve the problem of
choosing a Debian mirror, among other issues. The redirector uses the
geo and network location of the user and the mirrors, the architecture
of the requested files, IP address family, the availability and
freshness of the mirrors, and a few other things. It is constantly
The result: it selects the best mirror that can serve the file. Give
the demonstration a try!
If you are familiar with you should think of as a superior replacement.


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Re: You lazy son-of-a-guns out there! (Was: May I introduce to you)

2014-02-02 Thread Bob Bernstein

On Mon, 3 Feb 2014, Joel Rees wrote:

But that was droll, Bob.

Thank you sir; high praise indeed. I wish I could assert authorship 
of the thing, but I stole it from another internet (l)user.


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Re: May I introduce to you ..... 'beeb'

2014-02-02 Thread Sharon Kimble
On Mon, 03 Feb 2014 09:11:10 +1100
Scott Ferguson wrote:

 On 03/02/14 02:44, Sharon Kimble wrote:
  On Sun, 02 Feb 2014 15:51:04 +1100
  Scott Ferguson wrote:
  On 02/02/14 00:13, Sharon Kimble wrote:
  May I introduce to you ‘beeb’ the all-singing, all-dancing,
  upgrade to ‘get-iplayer’!
  Any problems, or further instruction required, please let me know.
  Is it related to the Debian package?
  'beeb' has been described as a wrapper to get-iplayer, in that it
  uses get-iplayer but also extends it in an area in which get-iplayer
  doesn't have any input/focus, specifically the MPD-playlist.
 My apologies - I'm not trying to be obtuse, but that didn't answer my
 question. Let me rephrase that How is beeb different
 (advantages?) to the *Debian* package get_iplayer??
 * Downloads Mov (mp4) streams from BBC iplayer site in much better
 quality than Flash player streams
 * Allow multiple programmes to be downloaded using a single command
 * Indexing of all available (i.e. listed) iplayer programs
 * Available Programme Index listing
 * Caching of Index (default 4hrs)
 * Full HTTP Proxy support (tested on Squid)
 * Regex search on programme name capability (makes it useful to run
 this from crontab)
 * Regex search on long programme description and episode capability
 * Tested on Linux (Fedora 6/7/8/9, Centos/RHEL 5, MacOSX, Ubuntu),
 Windows and loads more
 * Requires: perl 5.8, perl-LWP
 * Latest Version:
 get_iplayer lists, searches and records BBC iPlayer TV/Radio, BBC
 Podcast programmes. Other 3rd-Party plugins may be available.
 get_iplayer has three modes: recording a complete programme for later
 playback, streaming a programme directly to a playback application,
 such as mplayer; and as a Personal Video Recorder (PVR), subscribing
 to search terms and recording programmes automatically. It can also
 stream or record live BBC iPlayer output
 If given no arguments, get_iplayer updates and displays the list of
 currently available programmes. Each available programme has a
 numerical identifier,pid. get_iplayer utilises the rtmpdump tool to
 record BBC iPlayer programmes from RTMP flash streams at various
 In PVR mode, get_iplayer can be called from cron to record programmes
 to a schedule.
 NOTES: it also install a web based manager (
 launched by running:-
 $ get_iplayer_web_pvr
 From Australia, if I wanted to ignore the permissions I asked about
 the following paragraph (apparently it's illegal to download BBC
 programs outside of the UK - see the reference further down), I'd have
 to use a UK-based proxy e.g.:-
 $ cat ~/.get_iplayer/options
 # For Debian-based systems, inhibit automatic updates
 # packagemanager apt
 # Add site-wide configuration in this file
 proxy https://someUK-basedProxy:443
  Are there any potential problems with permissions? e.g.:-
  I know of none, after all, its only using get-iplayer as its been
  released to use, and in the way that it should be used.
  All I've done
  is codified a pattern of usage of get-iplayer in a logical manner! 
 I'm confused. What is illogical about:-
 # apt-get install get_iplayer
 It seems to work (or am I missing something?)
 It's part of the debian architecture (it upgrades and updates etc)...

Yes, it is used, and as I've already said, 'beeb' is like a
wrapper-script to get-iplayer. It takes what get-iplayer does, makes
it work a bit more logically, and then creates a 'beeb.m3u' playlist
under ~/.mpd if you tell it too. 

If it doesn't scratch your itch, then you don't have to use it, its all
free and open-source!

A taste of linux =
efever =
efever =
my git repo =
Debian testing, Fluxbox 1.3.5, emacs
Registered Linux user 561944

Description: PGP signature

Re: making my Wheezy beep. How?

2014-02-02 Thread Nate Bargmann
If you're using Konsole, the beep capability was removed long ago for
KDE4.  I added to a bug about it on their Bugzilla and the developer
stated that it would not be fixed.  :-(

- Nate


The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all
possible worlds.  The pessimist fears this is true.

Ham radio, Linux, bikes, and more:

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Re: May I introduce to you ..... 'beeb'

2014-02-02 Thread Bob Bernstein

On Sun, 2 Feb 2014, Sharon Kimble wrote:

Very cute.

BTW, that's one helluva .emacs file you have there.

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persons with low self-esteem, no sense of humour or irrational
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A persistent name for a sound device.

2014-02-02 Thread peter
I'm interested to make a persistent name for a sound device. 
The output of udevadm info -a -p $(udevadm info -q path -n /dev/... ) 
What exactly is meant by the last sentence of the introductory paragraph? 
Must the first match occur in the first stanza of the info?  Does one single 
parent device allow the direct parent only?  Can the attributes belong to the 
grandparent or great-grandparent?

This is one rule I've tried.  
SUBSYSTEM==sound, ATTRS{idVendor}==0d8c, ATTRS{idProduct}==0008, 
None of my rules have yielded a SYMLINK.

Thanks for any ideas, ... Peter E.

root@dalton:/home/peter# udevadm info -a -p $(udevadm info -q path -n 

Udevadm info starts with the device specified by the devpath and then
walks up the chain of parent devices. It prints for every device
found, all possible attributes in the udev rules key format.
A rule to match, can be composed by the attributes of the device
and the attributes from one single parent device.

  looking at device 

  looking at parent device 

  looking at parent device '/devices/pci:00/:00:03.2/usb5/5-1/5-1:1.0':
ATTRS{bAlternateSetting}== 0

  looking at parent device '/devices/pci:00/:00:03.2/usb5/5-1':
ATTRS{bNumInterfaces}== 4
ATTRS{version}== 1.10
ATTRS{product}==C-Media USB Audio Device   

  looking at parent device '/devices/pci:00/:00:03.2/usb5':
ATTRS{bNumInterfaces}== 1
ATTRS{bMaxPower}==  0mA
ATTRS{version}== 1.10
ATTRS{manufacturer}==Linux 3.2.0-4-686-pae ohci_hcd
ATTRS{product}==OHCI Host Controller

  looking at parent device '/devices/pci:00/:00:03.2':

  looking at parent device '/devices/pci:00':

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Tel +1 360 639 0202 
 New address Bcc: peter at easthope. ca 

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Re: A persistent name for a sound device.

2014-02-02 Thread Scott Ferguson
On 03/02/14 15:12, wrote:
 I'm interested to make a persistent name for a sound device. 
 The output of udevadm info -a -p $(udevadm info -q path -n /dev/... ) 
 What exactly is meant by the last sentence of the introductory paragraph? 
 Must the first match occur in the first stanza of the info? 

No. (if you mean in the udev rule)

 Does one single 
 parent device allow the direct parent only? 

There are a number of parent devices, don't try and match for more than
one value per parent device.

 Can the attributes belong to the 
 grandparent or great-grandparent?


I thought the man page was the best guide, but you may find this better:-

 This is one rule I've tried.  
 SUBSYSTEM==sound, ATTRS{idVendor}==0d8c, ATTRS{idProduct}==0008, 
 None of my rules have yielded a SYMLINK.

How about the following?:-

KERNEL==controlC3, ATTRS{idVendor}==0d8c, ATTRS{idProduct}==0008,
SYMLINK+=USBspeakers GROUP==sound

or. same thing(?) without trying for two matches from the same parent,
and 'trying' to match particular card output:-
KERNEL==controlC3, ATTRS{idProduct}==0008, ATTRS{id}==Device,
ATTRS{product}==C-Media USB Audio Device   , SYMLINK+=USBspeakers

 Thanks for any ideas, ... Peter E.

It might help if you posted the full path of the udev rule in case that
(it's name and location) is a problem.

 root@dalton:/home/peter# udevadm info -a -p $(udevadm info -q path -n 

Kind regards

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Re: Suggest a tool for decoding binary data

2014-02-02 Thread Kevin O'Gorman
On Sun, Feb 2, 2014 at 1:28 AM, Chen Wei wrote:
 On Sat, Feb 01, 2014 at 05:36:19PM -0800, Kevin O'Gorman wrote:
 I'm about to tackle GPT partitioned disks, and want to decode the

 The data is little-endian, but I want my code to work on little- or
 big-endian machines.  I want it to be a script -- nothing compiled.

 I've figured out that on my little-endian machines, I can use bash
 with something like
 otherlabel=$(($(dd if=label bs=1 skip=32 count=8 | od -An -t d8) ))

 I am not quit understand why need dump the label, but it can be done
 easily by script language, say, Python.

 # - begin --
 #!/usr/bin/env python
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

 import sys
 from struct import unpack

 skip = 32
 count = 8
 fp = open(path_to_dd_image, 'rb').read(skip + count)
 data_of_interest = fp[skip:]

 if sys.byteorder == 'little':
 #assuming the label is a 8 bytes unsigned integer
 label = unpack('Q', data_of_interest)[0]
 label = unpack('Q', data_of_interest)[0]
 # - end --

Ah, thank you, that is a nice start.  I'll remove the test for system
byteorder because the data is always little-endian.  It's the sytem I
was worred about and the '' is the ticket.

Kevin O'Gorman

programmer, n. an organism that transmutes caffeine into software.
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Re: A persistent name for a sound device.

2014-02-02 Thread Scott Ferguson
On 03/02/14 16:30, Scott Ferguson wrote:
 On 03/02/14 15:12, wrote:
 I'm interested to make a persistent name for a sound device. 
 The output of udevadm info -a -p $(udevadm info -q path -n /dev/... ) 
 What exactly is meant by the last sentence of the introductory paragraph? 
 Must the first match occur in the first stanza of the info? 
 No. (if you mean in the udev rule)

CORRECTION.  That should be, um, *yes* (all the values in the udev rule
must match for the action to occur)

[me thinks] Must the match occur in the first stanza info? The one on
the left hmmm, what's the matching order - left-to-right or
right-to-left. Unicode so probably one of those toroidial vortex
things. Goes one way in the Northern Hemisphere, and the other way? I
got it! Same way as people go around ovals... which is? Boolean?


Kind regards

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