Re: Sauvegarde LVM sur disques externe

2014-03-26 Thread Sylvain Schneider (ML)
Merci Bernard, j'ai tester le programme dar, y'a plus qu'a vérifier sur 
le long terme qu'il fait ce que je souhaite !



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Re: devede bug report

2014-03-26 Thread Christian Marillat
Debian GMail writes:

Hi ?


 and the installation of your devede (1:3.23.0-dmo1) allow install the
 testing ffmpeg and mencoder; this causes problems in the devede's
 menu stage.

Coul you elaborate on causes problems in the devede's menu stage ?


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Re: vrias interfaces en server HP ML350p Gen8

2014-03-26 Thread Francesc Guitart

El 25/03/2014 21:43, escribió:

Hola a todos

Tengo instalado Debian 7 amd64 en este server.

El Server que tengo es un HP ML350p Gen8 y tiene 4 eth de red en la
misma motherboard.

¿ Cómo puedo configurar todas las interfaces de este server para que lea
como una sola ip?  por ej

Cuando configuro más de una ip en interfaces, me da problemas y no se
por qué ??

Alguna idea ??

Tienes cientos de páginas explicándolo. Busca bonding + debian en Google.

Agradezco toda ayuda

Francesc Guitart

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Re: Inexplicable broken pipe entre dos subredes bajo mismo LAN

2014-03-26 Thread Roberto

El 25/03/2014 16:28, Santiago Liz escribió:

El día 25 de marzo de 2014, 5:42, Roberto escribió:

El 24/03/2014 23:54, Santiago Liz escribió:

El día 23 de marzo de 2014, 6:32, Roberto

Administro una red LAN donde siempre que puedo aplico Debian a la

El servidor que hace de gateway hace de firewall y registra log
trafico. Tiene dos interfaces br0 y br0:1 con y
un alias por no disponer de dos tarjetas de red, y uso br0 porque en
equipo uso VirtualBox.

Tengo un servidor con jenkins(Debian) en la el cual conecta
ssh a dos nodos esclavos, y El
primero tiene como gateway a y el segundo a

Con Ubuntu ningún problema con el trafico de red pero con Centos
aleatoriamente ocurre un broken pipe de una sesión ssh, lo único que se
ocurrió despues de días dando cabezasos es pasar ese nodo Centos a la
con ip y todo arreglado. Abajo pegaré el log de un broken

¿Hay alguna idea para en esta situación se produzca un broken pipe? Y he
configurado Centos para no usar Gssapi, DenyDNS, y lo típico en cliente
evitar un time out.

Si las dos redes que tienes definidas comparten físicamente el mismos
medio, es probable que el cliente ssh en una de las redes al
conectarse al servidor en la otra red, envíe los paquetes hacia la mac
address de su default gateway y tu firewall/router reenvíe esos
paquetes al servidor ssh. Lo lógico sería pensar que el servidor ssh
al establecer la conexión envíe los paquetes corresponedientes de
regreso hacia el cliente también por medio de su default gateway.
Por alguna razón (que no me puse a investigar), al compartir ambos
(cliente y servidor) el mismo medio físico, uno de los dos aprende la
mac address del otro y termina enviando los paquetes en forma directa
sin intervención del defualt gateway, esto ocasiona un camino
asimétrico,  que ante la presencia de un firewall statefull provoca el
corte de comunicación.

jenkins@'s password:
debug3: packet_send2: adding 64 (len 60 padlen 4 extra_pad 64)
debug2: we sent password packet, wait for reply
debug1: Authentication succeeded (password).
Authenticated to ([]:22).
debug1: channel 0: new [client-session]
debug3: ssh_session2_open: channel_new: 0
debug2: channel 0: send open
debug1: Requesting
debug1: Entering interactive session.
debug2: callback start
debug2: client_session2_setup: id 0
debug2: fd 3 setting TCP_NODELAY
debug3: packet_set_tos: set IP_TOS 0x10
debug2: channel 0: request pty-req confirm 1
debug1: Sending environment.
debug3: Ignored env SHELL
debug3: Ignored env TERM
debug3: Ignored env USER
debug3: Ignored env LS_COLORS
debug3: Ignored env MAIL
debug3: Ignored env PATH
debug3: Ignored env PWD
debug1: Sending env LANG = es_ES.UTF-8
debug2: channel 0: request env confirm 0
debug3: Ignored env SHLVL
debug3: Ignored env HOME
debug3: Ignored env LOGNAME
debug3: Ignored env _
debug2: channel 0: request shell confirm 1
debug2: callback done
debug2: channel 0: open confirm rwindow 0 rmax 32768
Write failed: Broken pipe

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Es decir, que aun teniendo bien la configuración de cada equipo apuntando al
gateway en el caso de LAN puede realizar el camino directo
esto lo voy a ver con mtrr y os detallo que ocurre.

Informar, que hay otro gateway, pero este no es usado por
ninguno de estos nodos y sólo por el servidor central para el tráfico hacia

Es que en principio no es correcto que un equipo de la red tenga como gateway una IP de la red
En cuanto a las pruebas a hacer, el mtr no te va a ayudar mucho, lo
mejor un tcpdump al momento de hacer las pruebas de conexión y algún
listado de arp en los equipos involucrados.

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Claro que no tengo configurado el gateway de cada nodo en una subred 

Interesante el resultado del tracepath, en un sentido pasa por el 
gateway y a la inversa la conexión es directa sin pasar por su gateway 
que seria la


 1:  0.287ms pmtu 

 1:   5.355ms
 1:   2.248ms
 2:   6.605ms reached

[O:T] DHCP Failoverpeer

2014-03-26 Thread Fredy Guio
Buenos dias lista.

Durante varios dias e buscado informacion sobre servidores dhcp
redundantes, pero toda la informacion que encuentro es redundancia entre
servidores linux---linux o windows---windows pero no encuentro
documentacion de windows--linux.

Cual es mi idea? tengo un servidor principal dhcp windows 2012 (no por
gusto mio) y debo implantar otro servidor de backup linux.
Solo necesito que el servicio dhcp en linux suba cuando caiga el de
windows. No es necesario que haga sincronizacion de rangos de ip ni de las
ip ya otorgadas ya que cada servidor tiene rangos diferentes dentro de la
misma red.

Yo se que se podria hacer por medio de un script que haga ping al servicio
del server win pero no se si se pueda hacer solo con la opcion failoverpeer
del dhcp de linux.

Si alguien a encontrado info al respecto se lo agradeseria.

Re: wireless en inspiron 3420

2014-03-26 Thread Camaleón
El Tue, 25 Mar 2014 16:08:17 -0300, federico montaldo escribió:

(corrijo el top-posting)

 2014-03-25 11:30 GMT-03:00 Camaleón
 El Mon, 24 Mar 2014 22:06:18 -0300, federico montaldo escribió:

 hola comunidad,

 Tego una del inspiron con debian 7.0 y no me funciona la placa
 Alguien me podrias ayudar con este tema.

 07:00.0 Network controller [0280]: Broadcom Corporation BCM43142
 802.11b/g/n [14e4:4365] (rev 01)

 Esta seria la placa, segun lo que averigue la misma no tiene soporte.

 Me parece que ese chipset necesita el driver propietario (wl), pero no
 el que está disponible en los repos sino el original de Broadcom.

 Echa un vistazo a este hilo de los foros:

 Problem with Broadcom BCM43142

 Hola Camaleon,
 trate de seguir el hilo del foro pero resulta que es mi notebook tiene
 un chip intel por lo tanto el driver amd64 no funciona.

Me parece que te has liado un poco.

Lo que dicen en el hilo es que ese chipset sólo funciona con el driver de 
Broadcom por lo que tendrás que compilarlo manualmente. Puedes probar con 
el driver wl que hay en los repositorios de Debian pero si el adaptador 
es muy moderno lo más probable es que no lo reconozca y tengas que usar 
el paquete de Broadcom.

 De que otra forma puedo llegar a solucionar le problema.

Leyendo con tranquilidad y preguntando lo que no entiendas :-)



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Re: vrias interfaces en server HP ML350p Gen8

2014-03-26 Thread Camaleón
El Tue, 25 Mar 2014 16:43:58 -0400, luis escribió:

 Hola a todos
 Tengo instalado Debian 7 amd64 en este server.
 El Server que tengo es un HP ML350p Gen8 y tiene 4 eth de red en la
 misma motherboard.
 ¿ Cómo puedo configurar todas las interfaces de este server para que lea
 como una sola ip?  por ej

No entiendo la pregunta. 

Si sólo quieres usar una IP, configura una tarjeta de red y deja el resto 
sin configurar o usa bonding.

 Cuando configuro más de una ip en interfaces, me da problemas y no se
 por qué ??

Pues como no des más datos, mal asunto... por ejemplo ¿qué configuración 
has hecho (ip ro) y qué error te da o qué problema tienes?



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Re: vrias interfaces en server HP ML350p Gen8

2014-03-26 Thread luis

On Wed, 26 Mar 2014 08:31:09 +0100, Francesc Guitart wrote:

El 25/03/2014 21:43, escribió:

Hola a todos

Tengo instalado Debian 7 amd64 en este server.

El Server que tengo es un HP ML350p Gen8 y tiene 4 eth de red en la
misma motherboard.

¿ Cómo puedo configurar todas las interfaces de este server para que 

como una sola ip?  por ej

Cuando configuro más de una ip en interfaces, me da problemas y no 

por qué ??

Alguna idea ??

Tienes cientos de páginas explicándolo. Busca bonding + debian en 

Agradezco toda ayuda

Francesc Guitart

Gracias, pero es primera vez que veo bonding no conocía ese término, lo 
que si se es que se puede tener una sola ip para varias interfaces de 

Si lo que necesito es que las 4 intrerfaces de red del server respondan 
a un mismo ip por ej

agradezco a todos la ayuda, veré como lo haga nunca lo he 
visto...quizás mi duda o ignorancia sirva a muchos.

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Sobre codificación de caracteres en apache2

2014-03-26 Thread Eduardo R. Barrera Pérez
Hola gente, una consulta, tengo en mi servidor de correo sobre debian 6, 
que es un iredmail, configurado el apache2 con el la codificación de 
caracteres UTF-8 y usando este, el sitio de administración desde donde 
administro las cuentas de correo sale OK, pero recientemente instale 
isoqlog para reportes del correo y las paginas .html del los reportes de 
isoqlog me sale con caracteres extraños en las tildes y las ñ pero si 
voy al fichero /etc/apache2/conf.d/charset y cambio:

AddDefaultCharset UTF-8


AddDefaultCharset ISO-8859-1

Entonces me salen bien los reportes del isoqlog, pero entonces me da 
problemas la interfaz de administración de las cuentas de correo, 
entonces, hay alguna forma de decirle al virtualhost del isqlog que use 
otra codificación de caracteres? Quizás es un disparate, pero bueno... 
oh! si de alguna manera se le puede decir a isoqlog que use UTF-8 ??


Eduardo R. Barrera Pérez
Administrador Nodo CAP
Pinar del Rí­o
Phone:  0148-728131
  ___| |__   __ _ _ __ _ __ ___ _ __ __ _
 / _ \ '_ \ / _` | '__| '__/ _ \ '__/ _` |
|  __/ |_) | (_| | |  | | |  __/ | | (_| |
 \___|_.__/ \__,_|_|  |_|  \___|_|  \__,_|

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Re: [O:T] DHCP Failoverpeer

2014-03-26 Thread Camaleón
El Wed, 26 Mar 2014 08:27:28 -0400, Fredy Guio escribió:

 Buenos dias lista.

(ese html...)

 Durante varios dias e buscado informacion sobre servidores dhcp
 redundantes, pero toda la informacion que encuentro es redundancia entre
 servidores linux---linux o windows---windows pero no encuentro
 documentacion de windows--linux.

Conceptualmente te daría igual porque la base de funcionamiento es la 
misma para ambos. La implementación ya es otra cosa.

 Cual es mi idea? tengo un servidor principal dhcp windows 2012 (no por
 gusto mio) y debo implantar otro servidor de backup linux.
 Solo necesito que el servicio dhcp en linux suba cuando caiga el de
 windows. No es necesario que haga sincronizacion de rangos de ip ni de
 las ip ya otorgadas ya que cada servidor tiene rangos diferentes dentro
 de la misma red.
 Yo se que se podria hacer por medio de un script que haga ping al
 servicio del server win pero no se si se pueda hacer solo con la opcion
 failoverpeer del dhcp de linux.
 Si alguien a encontrado info al respecto se lo agradeseria.

Por aquí ofrecen una posible solución sencilla (básicamente limitando el 
rango de IP que ofrece cada servidor), y dado que no necesitas una 
funcionalidad failover real, quizá puedas adaptarla en el servidor 

Setting up a Secondary DHCP Server, for failover [duplicate]



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Re: Sobre codificación de caracteres en apache2

2014-03-26 Thread Camaleón
El Wed, 26 Mar 2014 10:42:37 -0400, Eduardo R. Barrera Pérez escribió:


 oh! si de alguna manera se le puede decir a isoqlog que use UTF-8 ??

¿Has probado a definir la variable de la codificación/idioma desde el 
archivo de configuración?

De todas formas, no debería ser necesario que tocaras la configuración de 
apache, quizá jugando con la codificación del navegador para esa página 
de informes sea suficiente.



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Re: vrias interfaces en server HP ML350p Gen8

2014-03-26 Thread Francesc Guitart

El 26/03/2014 12:00, escribió:

On Wed, 26 Mar 2014 08:31:09 +0100, Francesc Guitart wrote:

El 25/03/2014 21:43, escribió:

Hola a todos

Tengo instalado Debian 7 amd64 en este server.

El Server que tengo es un HP ML350p Gen8 y tiene 4 eth de red en la
misma motherboard.

¿ Cómo puedo configurar todas las interfaces de este server para que lea
como una sola ip?  por ej

Cuando configuro más de una ip en interfaces, me da problemas y no se
por qué ??

Alguna idea ??

Tienes cientos de páginas explicándolo. Busca bonding + debian en Google.

Agradezco toda ayuda

Francesc Guitart

Gracias, pero es primera vez que veo bonding no conocía ese término,lo

Por eso te respondo :D

que si se es que se puede tener una sola ip para varias interfaces de red

Si lo que necesito es que las 4 intrerfaces de red del server respondan
a un mismo ip por ej

No puedes hacer esto, bueno, sí puedes pero no funcionará. En una misma 
red no se pueden repetir las direcciones IP. Es como si hubiera dos o 
más ordenadores con la misma IP ¿a cual de ellos se debería enviar el 

La única manera que se me ocurre para hacer algo parecido a lo que 
quieres es hacer bonding: asignas una IP diferente a cada interface y 
luego creas la interface virtual bond0 con otra IP diferente.

A partir de ese momento cada interface responderá las peticiones con 
destino su propia IP más las peticiones con destino la interface bond0.

Técnicamente es lo que pides, un servidor con 4 tarjetas que responden 
todas a la misma dirección IP. Evidentemente para ello los clientes 
deben conectarse contra la IP de la interface bond0,

agradezco a todos la ayuda, veré como lo haga nunca lo he visto...quizás
mi duda o ignorancia sirva a muchos.

Francesc Guitart

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Re: devede bug report

2014-03-26 Thread Camaleón
El Wed, 26 Mar 2014 08:09:46 +0100, Christian Marillat escribió:

 Debian GMail writes:


Y esto es lo que sucede cuando se pone en el Reply-To: la dirección de 
la lista, lo cual no es correcto...



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Re: [O:T] DHCP Failoverpeer

2014-03-26 Thread Cristian Mitchell
El 26 de marzo de 2014, 11:51, Camaleón escribió:

 El Wed, 26 Mar 2014 08:27:28 -0400, Fredy Guio escribió:

  Buenos dias lista.

 (ese html...)

  Durante varios dias e buscado informacion sobre servidores dhcp
  redundantes, pero toda la informacion que encuentro es redundancia entre
  servidores linux---linux o windows---windows pero no encuentro
  documentacion de windows--linux.

 Conceptualmente te daría igual porque la base de funcionamiento es la
 misma para ambos. La implementación ya es otra cosa.

  Cual es mi idea? tengo un servidor principal dhcp windows 2012 (no por
  gusto mio) y debo implantar otro servidor de backup linux.
  Solo necesito que el servicio dhcp en linux suba cuando caiga el de
  windows. No es necesario que haga sincronizacion de rangos de ip ni de
  las ip ya otorgadas ya que cada servidor tiene rangos diferentes dentro
  de la misma red.
  Yo se que se podria hacer por medio de un script que haga ping al
  servicio del server win pero no se si se pueda hacer solo con la opcion
  failoverpeer del dhcp de linux.
  Si alguien a encontrado info al respecto se lo agradeseria.

 Por aquí ofrecen una posible solución sencilla (básicamente limitando el
 rango de IP que ofrece cada servidor), y dado que no necesitas una
 funcionalidad failover real, quizá puedas adaptarla en el servidor

 Setting up a Secondary DHCP Server, for failover [duplicate]



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El problema es el mismo de siempre winchot no trabaja con los estándares
y las soluciones normalmente son con el mismo producto
lo que podes hacer es lo siguiente el server dhcp antes de otorgar una ip
chequea que no este dada
entonces con Heartbeat

podes armar una suerte de solución de tolerancia a fallos

Linux user number 412793.

las grandes obras,
las sueñan los santos locos,
las realizan los luchadores natos,
las aprovechan los felices cuerdo,
y las critican los inútiles crónicos,

Re: devede bug report

2014-03-26 Thread Debian GMail

El 26/03/14 12:47, Camaleón escribió:

El Wed, 26 Mar 2014 08:09:46 +0100, Christian Marillat escribió:

Debian GMail writes:


Y esto es lo que sucede cuando se pone en el Reply-To: la dirección de
la lista, lo cual no es correcto...



Me declaro culpable y reo de todos los cargos.


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Re: devede bug report

2014-03-26 Thread Camaleón
El Wed, 26 Mar 2014 14:12:17 -0300, Debian GMail escribió:

 El 26/03/14 12:47, Camaleón escribió:
 El Wed, 26 Mar 2014 08:09:46 +0100, Christian Marillat escribió:

 Debian GMail writes:


 Y esto es lo que sucede cuando se pone en el Reply-To: la dirección
 de la lista, lo cual no es correcto...


Es que le puedes dar un disgusto a alguien pensando que te manda un 
correo a tu dirección particular y termina exponiendo sus vergüenzas en 
una lista pública. Vamos, que puede ser peligroso.
 Me declaro culpable y reo de todos los cargos.

Pues nada, con 3 azotes virtuales y una sesión de música de Justin Bieber, 
penitencia cumplida.



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Re: OT: MongoDB

2014-03-26 Thread Camaleón
El día 25 de marzo de 2014, 19:21, Debian GMail escribió:

Reenvío a la lista, se te fue a mi filtro...

 El 25/03/14 15:10, Camaleón escribió:

 El Tue, 25 Mar 2014 14:35:01 -0300, Debian GMail escribió:

 El 25/03/14 13:15, Camaleón escribió:


 Recuerda que la configuración de apt sólo afecta a los paquetes
 instalados con apt-get pero no con aptitude.

 Soy vieja escuela, prefiero apt-get a aptitude.

 ¿Y no te interesa saber de dónde te vino el mongodb? o_O

 Me interesa, pero excede mi capacidad analítica y el tiempo que quiero

Hombre, que son dos comandos...

 El problema, era el bloqueo de la partición raíz \ por falta de espacio, y
 eliminándolo, ya lo solucioné.

Bien, pero me da la impresión que piensas que MongoDB se ha instalado
sin motivo aparente, lo cual es harto complicado de mantener.



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Re: OT: MongoDB

2014-03-26 Thread Debian GMail

El 26/03/14 14:17, Camaleón escribió:

El problema, era el bloqueo de la partición raíz \ por falta de espacio, y
eliminándolo, ya lo solucioné.

Bien, pero me da la impresión que piensas que MongoDB se ha instalado
sin motivo aparente, lo cual es harto complicado de mantener.


Es exactamente la conclusión a la que llegué.
Y si se instaló alguna vez de los ¿cientos? de desastres que he hecho en 
el sistema, pues bien, ya no es necesario.

Como diría don Occam, en igualdad de condiciones, la explicación más 
sencilla suele ser la correcta.


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Re: OT: MongoDB

2014-03-26 Thread Camaleón
El Wed, 26 Mar 2014 14:45:45 -0300, Debian GMail escribió:

 El 26/03/14 14:17, Camaleón escribió:
 El problema, era el bloqueo de la partición raíz \ por falta de
 espacio, y eliminándolo, ya lo solucioné.

 Bien, pero me da la impresión que piensas que MongoDB se ha instalado
 sin motivo aparente, lo cual es harto complicado de mantener.

 Es exactamente la conclusión a la que llegué.

Pero esa conclusión no se mantiene salvo que lo hagas en la lista debian-
magic-the-gathering :-)

 Y si se instaló alguna vez de los ¿cientos? de desastres que he hecho en
 el sistema, pues bien, ya no es necesario.
 Como diría don Occam, en igualdad de condiciones, la explicación más
 sencilla suele ser la correcta.

En este caso, la explicación más sencilla es que o bien se instaló por 
dependencias de otros paquetes o por selección manual, no por artes 
mágicas. Que tras instalarse se iniciara automáticamente lo entiendo como 
comportamiento predeterminado aunque no todos los demonios de Debian lo 
hacen así.



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Re: [O:T] DHCP Failoverpeer

2014-03-26 Thread Fredy Guio
2014-03-26 12:52 GMT-04:00 Cristian Mitchell

 El 26 de marzo de 2014, 11:51, Camaleón escribió:

 El Wed, 26 Mar 2014 08:27:28 -0400, Fredy Guio escribió:

  Buenos dias lista.

 (ese html...)

  Durante varios dias e buscado informacion sobre servidores dhcp
  redundantes, pero toda la informacion que encuentro es redundancia entre
  servidores linux---linux o windows---windows pero no encuentro
  documentacion de windows--linux.

 Conceptualmente te daría igual porque la base de funcionamiento es la
 misma para ambos. La implementación ya es otra cosa.

  Cual es mi idea? tengo un servidor principal dhcp windows 2012 (no por
  gusto mio) y debo implantar otro servidor de backup linux.
  Solo necesito que el servicio dhcp en linux suba cuando caiga el de
  windows. No es necesario que haga sincronizacion de rangos de ip ni de
  las ip ya otorgadas ya que cada servidor tiene rangos diferentes dentro
  de la misma red.
  Yo se que se podria hacer por medio de un script que haga ping al
  servicio del server win pero no se si se pueda hacer solo con la opcion
  failoverpeer del dhcp de linux.
  Si alguien a encontrado info al respecto se lo agradeseria.

 Por aquí ofrecen una posible solución sencilla (básicamente limitando el
 rango de IP que ofrece cada servidor), y dado que no necesitas una
 funcionalidad failover real, quizá puedas adaptarla en el servidor

 Setting up a Secondary DHCP Server, for failover [duplicate]



 To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
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 El problema es el mismo de siempre winchot no trabaja con los estándares
 y las soluciones normalmente son con el mismo producto
 lo que podes hacer es lo siguiente el server dhcp antes de otorgar una ip 
 chequea que no este dada
 entonces con Heartbeat

 podes armar una suerte de solución de tolerancia a fallos

Sobre las direccines ip otorgadas no habria problema ya que cada
servidor maneja rangos diferentes dentro de la misma red.

en una red - 128 windows (primario) - 250 linux (secundario)

Mi duda es que si por medio de dhcp failoverpeer el servidor DHCP de
backup el cual es linux se daria por enterado que el servidor primario
windows a dejado de funsionar, para que él entre a dar las direcciones
ip de su propio rango.

La verdad no se por medio de que mecanismo el servidor dhcp linux da
por sentando que el servidor primario deja de funsionar ( pings? o
uploads fallidos?). Se que el parametro es:

max-response-delay 10;

No necesito load balancing ni updates, solo saber si esta arriba o no,
sin necesidad de un script que haga ping al servicio dhcp de windows.

 Linux user number 412793.

 las grandes obras,
 las sueñan los santos locos,
 las realizan los luchadores natos,
 las aprovechan los felices cuerdo,
 y las critican los inútiles crónicos,

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Re: [O:T] DHCP Failoverpeer

2014-03-26 Thread Cristian Mitchell
El 26 de marzo de 2014, 16:01, Fredy Guio escribió:

 2014-03-26 12:52 GMT-04:00 Cristian Mitchell
  El 26 de marzo de 2014, 11:51, Camaleón escribió:
  El Wed, 26 Mar 2014 08:27:28 -0400, Fredy Guio escribió:
   Buenos dias lista.
  (ese html...)
   Durante varios dias e buscado informacion sobre servidores dhcp
   redundantes, pero toda la informacion que encuentro es redundancia
   servidores linux---linux o windows---windows pero no encuentro
   documentacion de windows--linux.
  Conceptualmente te daría igual porque la base de funcionamiento es la
  misma para ambos. La implementación ya es otra cosa.
   Cual es mi idea? tengo un servidor principal dhcp windows 2012 (no por
   gusto mio) y debo implantar otro servidor de backup linux.
   Solo necesito que el servicio dhcp en linux suba cuando caiga el de
   windows. No es necesario que haga sincronizacion de rangos de ip ni de
   las ip ya otorgadas ya que cada servidor tiene rangos diferentes
   de la misma red.
   Yo se que se podria hacer por medio de un script que haga ping al
   servicio del server win pero no se si se pueda hacer solo con la
   failoverpeer del dhcp de linux.
   Si alguien a encontrado info al respecto se lo agradeseria.
  Por aquí ofrecen una posible solución sencilla (básicamente limitando el
  rango de IP que ofrece cada servidor), y dado que no necesitas una
  funcionalidad failover real, quizá puedas adaptarla en el servidor
  Setting up a Secondary DHCP Server, for failover [duplicate]
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  El problema es el mismo de siempre winchot no trabaja con los estándares
  y las soluciones normalmente son con el mismo producto
  lo que podes hacer es lo siguiente el server dhcp antes de otorgar una
 ip chequea que no este dada
  entonces con Heartbeat
  podes armar una suerte de solución de tolerancia a fallos

 Sobre las direccines ip otorgadas no habria problema ya que cada
 servidor maneja rangos diferentes dentro de la misma red.

 en una red - 128 windows (primario) - 250 linux (secundario)

 Mi duda es que si por medio de dhcp failoverpeer el servidor DHCP de
 backup el cual es linux se daria por enterado que el servidor primario
 windows a dejado de funsionar, para que él entre a dar las direcciones
 ip de su propio rango.

 La verdad no se por medio de que mecanismo el servidor dhcp linux da
 por sentando que el servidor primario deja de funsionar ( pings? o
 uploads fallidos?). Se que el parametro es:

 max-response-delay 10;

 No necesito load balancing ni updates, solo saber si esta arriba o no,
 sin necesidad de un script que haga ping al servicio dhcp de windows.

  Linux user number 412793.
  las grandes obras,
  las sueñan los santos locos,
  las realizan los luchadores natos,
  las aprovechan los felices cuerdo,
  y las critican los inútiles crónicos,

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Hace años que no trabajo con servidores windows
así que a ciencia cierta no sabría decirte
pero me arriesgaría a pensar que no se puede
primero dos server en diferente rango no son respaldo
si quieres redundancia o a prueba de fallos
la estructura deberia ser otra
ya te comente que si estuviera en mi lo armaría de la forma que te comente
en el mail anterior
y la forma de que un servicio en un server se entere de lo que le pasa a
otro en otro server es Heartbeat
y no es complicado de configurar
el tema es el leasing para mantener digamos que lo mismo

Linux user number 412793.

las grandes obras,
las sueñan los santos locos,
las realizan los luchadores natos,
las aprovechan los felices cuerdo,
y las critican los inútiles crónicos,

No ejecuta directamente ningún .sh

2014-03-26 Thread

Disculpen este es el verdadero correo, ignoren el otro, gracias

Hola Buen día

En debian 8 con gnome shell no se puede ejecutar directamente (doble
clic) ningún .sh es decir, doy permiso de ejecución, selecciono ejecutar
como programa y luego doble clic y nada, no abre el diálogo 'abrir en
terminal Mostrar Cancelar Ejecutar' ni ejecuta. Si lo ejecuto desde
consola sh si funciona sin ningún mensaje de error.


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Re: No ejecuta directamente ningún .sh

2014-03-26 Thread Haylem Candelario Bauzá del INOR
entonces si esta funcionando.

Haz un script con el siguiente contenido


exec nautilus

exit 0

y pruebalo. Si abre nautilus todo está ok
Si dominas los Bits, dominas el mundo

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Re: No ejecuta directamente ningún .sh

2014-03-26 Thread Edward Villarroel (EDD)
debes darle acceso de ejecucion prueba con

chmod +x

Edward Villarroel:  @Agentedd

El día 26 de marzo de 2014, 15:48, Haylem Candelario Bauzá del INOR escribió:
 entonces si esta funcionando.

 Haz un script con el siguiente contenido


 exec nautilus

 exit 0

 y pruebalo. Si abre nautilus todo está ok
 Si dominas los Bits, dominas el mundo

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Re: No ejecuta directamente ningún .sh

2014-03-26 Thread

El 26/03/14 15:26, Edward Villarroel (EDD) escribió:

debes darle acceso de ejecucion prueba con

chmod +x

Edward Villarroel:  @Agentedd

El día 26 de marzo de 2014, 15:48, Haylem Candelario Bauzá del INOR escribió:

entonces si esta funcionando.

Haz un script con el siguiente contenido


exec nautilus

exit 0

y pruebalo. Si abre nautilus todo está ok
Si dominas los Bits, dominas el mundo

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ya lo hice y con ningún sh ejecuta ni marca error

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No ejecuta directamente ningún .sh

2014-03-26 Thread

Hola Buen día

En debian 8 con gnome shell no se puede ejecutar directamente (doble 
clic) ningún .sh es decir, doy permiso de ejecución, selecciono ejecutar 
como programa y luego doble clic y nada, no abre el diálogo 'abrir en 
terminal Mostrar Cancelar Ejecutar' ni ejecuta. Si lo ejecuto desde 
consola sh si funciona sin ningún mensaje de error.


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Re: No ejecuta directamente ningún .sh

2014-03-26 Thread

El 26/03/14 15:18, Haylem Candelario Bauzá del INOR escribió:


exec nautilus

exit 0

Desde la terminal si funciona, con doble clic y enter no

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Re: No ejecuta directamente ningún .sh

2014-03-26 Thread Ariel Martin Bellio

El 26/03/2014 04:55 p.m., escribió:

Disculpen este es el verdadero correo, ignoren el otro, gracias

Hola Buen día

En debian 8 con gnome shell no se puede ejecutar directamente (doble
clic) ningún .sh es decir, doy permiso de ejecución, selecciono ejecutar
como programa y luego doble clic y nada, no abre el diálogo 'abrir en
terminal Mostrar Cancelar Ejecutar' ni ejecuta. Si lo ejecuto desde
consola sh si funciona sin ningún mensaje de error.


Yo creo que es normal... los iconos se ejecutan con por eso no funciona...
attachment: sisisisol.vcf

Re: No ejecuta directamente ningún .sh

2014-03-26 Thread El Ale...
podrias verificar la ruta de tu bach

El 26 de marzo de 2014, 17:49, Ariel Martin Bellioó:

 El 26/03/2014 04:55 p.m., escribió:

 Disculpen este es el verdadero correo, ignoren el otro, gracias

 Hola Buen día

 En debian 8 con gnome shell no se puede ejecutar directamente (doble
 clic) ningún .sh es decir, doy permiso de ejecución, selecciono ejecutar
 como programa y luego doble clic y nada, no abre el diálogo 'abrir en
 terminal Mostrar Cancelar Ejecutar' ni ejecuta. Si lo ejecuto desde
 consola sh si funciona sin ningún mensaje de error.


  Yo creo que es normal... los iconos se ejecutan con por eso no

Re: [O:T] DHCP Failoverpeer

2014-03-26 Thread fernando sainz
El día 26 de marzo de 2014, 13:27, Fredy Guio escribió:
 Buenos dias lista.

 Durante varios dias e buscado informacion sobre servidores dhcp redundantes,
 pero toda la informacion que encuentro es redundancia entre servidores
 linux---linux o windows---windows pero no encuentro documentacion de

 Cual es mi idea? tengo un servidor principal dhcp windows 2012 (no por gusto
 mio) y debo implantar otro servidor de backup linux.
 Solo necesito que el servicio dhcp en linux suba cuando caiga el de windows.
 No es necesario que haga sincronizacion de rangos de ip ni de las ip ya
 otorgadas ya que cada servidor tiene rangos diferentes dentro de la misma

 Yo se que se podria hacer por medio de un script que haga ping al servicio
 del server win pero no se si se pueda hacer solo con la opcion failoverpeer
 del dhcp de linux.

 Si alguien a encontrado info al respecto se lo agradeseria.

Nunca he hecho algo de eso, pero entiendo que M$ soportará el DHCP
falure protocol, y creo que la versión del dhcp server de Debian
(isc-dhcp-server) también lo soporta, pero he leído que puede que no
del todo.
Echa un vistazo a esto:


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Re: No ejecuta directamente ningún .sh

2014-03-26 Thread

El 26/03/14 16:11, El Ale... escribió:

podrias verificar la ruta de tu bach

Me recuerda por favor que comando es para ver la ruta?
Lo busque en internet y no salio.

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Re: No ejecuta directamente ningún .sh

2014-03-26 Thread

El 26/03/14 16:11, El Ale... escribió:

podrias verificar la ruta de tu bach

Listo ya:
  which bash

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Re: Sobre codificación de caracteres en apache2

2014-03-26 Thread Eduardo R. Barrera Pérez

¿Has probado a definir la variable de la codificación/idioma desde el
archivo de configuración?

De todas formas, no debería ser necesario que tocaras la configuración de
apache, quizá jugando con la codificación del navegador para esa página
de informes sea suficiente.

Bueno ya resolví el problema, dentro del virtualhost de apache2 lo 
modifique para que me quedara así:

# VirtualHost para Estadisticas del Squid
DocumentRoot /var/www/isoqlog

Directory /var/www/isoqlog/
Options Indexes Includes FollowSymLinks
AddDefaultCharset ISO-8859-1
AllowOverride None
order allow,deny
allow from all

ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/staticmail-error.log
# Possible values include: debug, info, notice, warn, error, crit,
# alert, emerg.
LogLevel warn
CustomLog /var/log/apache2/staticmail-access.log combined
ServerSignature On

Y resuelto el problema, ya ese sitio cuando lo cargo desde cualquier 
estación de trabajo no usa UTF-8 que es lo que tiene definido apache2 
por defecto de manera global, así no tengo que estar cambiando nada en 
el menú ver/Codificación de Caracteres del navegador para que se muestre 


Eduardo R. Barrera Pérez
Administrador Nodo CAP
Pinar del Rí­o
Phone:  0148-728131
  ___| |__   __ _ _ __ _ __ ___ _ __ __ _
 / _ \ '_ \ / _` | '__| '__/ _ \ '__/ _` |
|  __/ |_) | (_| | |  | | |  __/ | | (_| |
 \___|_.__/ \__,_|_|  |_|  \___|_|  \__,_|

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Re: Test av brandvägg

2014-03-26 Thread Anders Jackson

Den 25 mar 2014 18:16 skrev Rolf Edlund

 Någon som känner till en bra sida för test av brandväggar ?

 Var inne på Men fick svar att den inte anses som säker.

Vad var det som inte var säkert?
Var hittade du den informationen?



Re: Reistalação [Perca de Dados]

2014-03-26 Thread Gunther Furtado
Em 25.03.2014, terça, Christian Rosa disse:

 Hoje pela manhã reinstalei meu sistema e meus DADOS SUMIRAM HELP ME
 Eu tinha o seguinte particionamento
 / - Para o sistema
 /home - Onde tinha os meus dados
 E uma partição para swap.
 Pois bem na hora da instalação formatei o / e só criei o ponto de
 montagem /home novamente mas não formatei.
 Eu não sei o que aconteceu mas ele criou o usuário da instalação
 no /home mas o meu usuário com os dados que estavam no /home sumiram.

vc pode colocar a saída dos comandos:

$ df -h

$ cat /etc/fstab

_Christian Rosa -
   °v°   Porto Alegre - RS - BRASIL
  /(_)\  (51) 92281059
   ^ ^   MSN/SKYPE -
  Linkedin -
 Seja Livre, use GNU/LINUX !


Comovo-me em excesso, por natureza e por ofício.
 Acho medonho alguém viver sem paixões. Graciliano Ramos

Gunther Furtado
Curitiba - Paraná - Brasil

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Re: Solução definitiva para acessar o Banco do Brasil no Debian 7

2014-03-26 Thread Linux - Junior Polegato

Em 25-03-2014 12:03, Alessandro Bandeira Duarte escreveu:
Parece ser algum feature do kernel padrão do jessie. Uso wheezy (i686) 
e não tive qualquer problema.

No gentoo, com kernel 3.13.6 (x86_64), funciona também


Depois dessa dica de usar personalização do kernel, onde o 
uname -r retorna 2.6.53-1-686-pae, e sem essa personalização ele 
retorna 3.12-1-686-pae, ou 3.13-1-686-pae no mais novo atualmente no 
testing, fiquei vendo a diferença entre este e os outros, visto que o 
kernel em si e suas chamadas são as mesmas. No Wheezy funciona com o 
kernel do mesmo, cujo qual o uname -r retorna 3.2.0-4-686pae

Diante disso, vejo que o número da versão antes do primeiro 
traço nos casos que funciona tem 3 valores separados por ponto, e quanto 
tem 2 valores apenas, não funciona.

Para tirar a dúvida se minha suspeita é real, baixei o fonte do 
kernel do Debian, alterei a versão de 3.13 para 3.13.1 e reempacotei, 
instalei e reiniciei com esse kernel, que é idêntico ao original salvo o 
.1 a mais na versão, e voilà, funcionou!

Portanto concluo que o problema é este, kernels com versão de 2 
números e 1 ponto, major.minor, não funciona, mas nos de 3 números e 
2 pontos, major.minor.patch, funciona!



Junior Polegato

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Re: Solução definitiva para acessar o Banco do Brasil no Debian 7

2014-03-26 Thread P. J.

Acho que o problema não são as versões do kernel e sim a versões que
os sites consideram outorgadas por eles... assim como os browsers...
tipo acredito que eles só devem estar liberando até alguma versão...
na qual eles tem o ambiente de desenvolvimento...

|  .''`.   A fé não dá respostas. Só impede perguntas.
| : :'  :
| `. `'`
|   `-   Je vois tout

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Re: Solução definitiva para acessar o Banco do Brasil no Debian 7

2014-03-26 Thread Linux - Junior Polegato

Em 26-03-2014 09:15, Rubens Junior escreveu:

Lembro que esse assunto veio a tona principalmente com a versao 
1.7.51 do JAVA que implementou questoes de seguranca (senao me engano 
os pacotes *.jars devem ser assinados). Na epoca alguem, nao me 
recordo agora, suspeitou sobre alguma comunicacao entre o maquina java 
x kernel (senao me engano na epoca a serie era  3.10). Muitos sites 
voltaram a funcionar depois que os desenvolvedores assinaram os 
pacotes, outros poucos sites funcionam desde que coloquemos a url na 
politica de excecao.
Quem eh cliente do BB pode abrir um SAC ou OUVIDORIA repassando esses 
dados para que os desenvolvedores possam analisar melhor. Como nao sou 
correntista, nao posso abrir.


Você mandou somente para mim, estou repassando para a lista...

Fui eu quem levantei a lebre da outra vez, e desta vez também, 
isto é, descobri que funcionava com kernel compilado e não com o 
empacotado pela Debian, tentei reclamar, mas por duas vezes não 
atenderam e na terceira fiquei discutindo com a moça, que não entendia 
bulhufas do que eu estava dizendo até a linha cair e desisti. Tentei 
hoje uma vez, para relatar minha descoberta que só funciona com 
versionamento de 3 números e não com 2 números, não atendeu, não tenho 
tempo para ficar pendurado no telefone, se alguém tiver um canal por 
e-mail ou SMS e puder me passar ou entrar em contato seria melhor.

Ou ainda solicitar para a equipe do Debian colocar o 
versionamento de 3 números ou invés de 2 números como vem fazendo 

Só pra constar, eu estava com problemas com o KVM utilizando o 
kernel compilado de, agora nesse outro kernel do Debian onde 
mudei a versão de 3.13 para 3.13.1 não tenho problemas com o KVM e nem 
com identificação do computador pelos sites dos banco/java.



Junior Polegato

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Fwd: Solução definitiva para acessar o Banco do Brasil no Debian 7

2014-03-26 Thread Rubens Junior
reencaminhando p/ lista

-- Mensagem encaminhada --
De: Rubens Junior
Data: 26 de março de 2014 09:43
Assunto: Re: Solução definitiva para acessar o Banco do Brasil no Debian 7
Para: P. J.

Isso eh verdade. Os desenvolvedores homologam esses sistemas criticos em
determinado ambiente e ponto final. Lembro que no passado o banco que eu
sou correntista demorou a adequar o internet banking para o firefox-4, pois
o sistema era homologado apenas nas versoes 2.x e 3.x (faz tempo isso, mas
nem tanto). A resposta que me deram eh que a mudanca do firefox do 3 para 4
foi grande e eles precisariam de um tempo para adequar e homologar
novamente. Nesse contexto, os Banco sao tipo o Debian, preferem trabalhar
com sistemas um pouco + antigo, passando a imagem de confiaveis. :)

Em 26 de março de 2014 09:32, P. J. escreveu:


 Acho que o problema não são as versões do kernel e sim a versões que
 os sites consideram outorgadas por eles... assim como os browsers...
 tipo acredito que eles só devem estar liberando até alguma versão...
 na qual eles tem o ambiente de desenvolvimento...

 |  .''`.   A fé não dá respostas. Só impede perguntas.
 | : :'  :
 | `. `'`
 |   `-   Je vois tout

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Rubens S. O. Jr

Rubens S. O. Jr

Fwd: Solução definitiva para acessar o Banco do Brasil no Debian 7

2014-03-26 Thread Paulo Roberto
Bom dia lista.

Gente não consigo entender toda essa discursão em relação ao acesso aos
bancos via internet.

Eu uso debian whezzy-x64(Atualizado 7.4)e não tenho nenhum tipo de problema
de acesso ao BB/BRADESCO, onde tenho conta. utilizo o chromium,iceweasel
com java oracle e tudo funciona perfeitamente normal.

Anteriormente já informei aqui na lista a wiki debian como fonte de
consulta/manual para instalação do java oracle.

Em meus teste com o OpenJDK/JRE tive problema de acesso somente ao banco do
brasil, por isso mudei para java oracle.

Segue o link abaixo para o debian wiki...


2014-03-26 9:32 GMT-03:00 P. J.


 Acho que o problema não são as versões do kernel e sim a versões que
 os sites consideram outorgadas por eles... assim como os browsers...
 tipo acredito que eles só devem estar liberando até alguma versão...
 na qual eles tem o ambiente de desenvolvimento...

 |  .''`.   A fé não dá respostas. Só impede perguntas.
 | : :'  :
 | `. `'`
 |   `-   Je vois tout

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Re: Solução definitiva para acessar o Banco do Brasil no Debian 7

2014-03-26 Thread Bruno Schneider
2014-03-26 9:41 GMT-03:00 Linux - Junior Polegato escreveu:
 Ou ainda solicitar para a equipe do Debian colocar o versionamento
 de 3 números ou invés de 2 números como vem fazendo ultimamente.

Realmente essa sua descoberta é muito interessante. Você poderia
divulgá-la no bug aberto [1] para ver se os mantenedores aceitam mexer


Bruno Schneider

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Re: Solução definitiva para acessar o Banco do Brasil no Debian 7

2014-03-26 Thread P. J.
Em 26/03/14, Paulo escreveu:
 Bom dia lista.

 Gente não consigo entender toda essa discursão em relação ao acesso aos
 bancos via internet.

Nada pessoal, mas talvez se vc lesse as msg entenderia que não é todo
mundo q usa a wheezy e não é todo mundo q usa o java da oracle

|  .''`.   A fé não dá respostas. Só impede perguntas.
| : :'  :
| `. `'`
|   `-   Je vois tout

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Re: Solução definitiva para acessar o Banco do Brasil no Debian 7

2014-03-26 Thread Linux - Junior Polegato

Em 26-03-2014 09:49, Bruno Schneider escreveu:

2014-03-26 9:41 GMT-03:00 Linux - Junior Polegato escreveu:

 Ou ainda solicitar para a equipe do Debian colocar o versionamento
de 3 números ou invés de 2 números como vem fazendo ultimamente.


Realmente essa sua descoberta é muito interessante. Você poderia
divulgá-la no bug aberto [1] para ver se os mantenedores aceitam mexer


Veja esse trecho, ele tem a mesma desconfiança que eu e deu a solução, 
então vou somente acrescentar esse caso que compilei com versão de 3 
dotted components:

We don't patch very much, so my suspicion is that this is purely
triggered by the version number (only 2 dotted components).

Could you please investigated?

So there's an easy way to check this.  Try quitting Iceweasel and then
restarting it with the command:

setarch x86_64 --uname-2.6 iceweasel



Junior Polegato

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Fwd: Solução definitiva para acessar o Banco do Brasil no Debian 7

2014-03-26 Thread Paulo Roberto
No assunto do email é bem clara a versão utilizada, veja o assunto - 'Solução
definitiva para acessar o Banco do Brasil no Debian 7', 7 = WHEEZY. não vi
em nenhum momento alguém especificando uma ou outra versão do java, sendo
assim considerei a questão como apenas solucionar o problema de acesso ao
internet banking, talvez em algum momento alguém tenha enviado o email sem
as mensagens anteriores e por isso eu não possa ler, pois até onde tinha
msg eu li.

2014-03-26 10:06 GMT-03:00 P. J.

 Em 26/03/14, Paulo escreveu:
  Bom dia lista.
  Gente não consigo entender toda essa discursão em relação ao acesso aos
  bancos via internet.

 Nada pessoal, mas talvez se vc lesse as msg entenderia que não é todo
 mundo q usa a wheezy e não é todo mundo q usa o java da oracle

 |  .''`.   A fé não dá respostas. Só impede perguntas.
 | : :'  :
 | `. `'`
 |   `-   Je vois tout

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Re: Solução definitiva para acessar o Banco do Brasil no Debian 7

2014-03-26 Thread P. J.
Em 26/03/14, Paulo escreveu:
 No assunto do email é bem clara a versão utilizada, veja o assunto -
 definitiva para acessar o Banco do Brasil no Debian 7', 7 = WHEEZY. não vi
 em nenhum momento alguém especificando uma ou outra versão do java, sendo
 assim considerei a questão como apenas solucionar o problema de acesso ao
 internet banking, talvez em algum momento alguém tenha enviado o email sem
 as mensagens anteriores e por isso eu não possa ler, pois até onde tinha
 msg eu li.

From: Gurvan Huiban
To: Debian Bug Tracking System
Subject: linux-image-3.13-1-amd64: Internet banking fails to detect
Java with Debian kernels
Date: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 18:54:40 -0300 (ver link em [1])

|  .''`.   A fé não dá respostas. Só impede perguntas.
| : :'  :
| `. `'`
|   `-   Je vois tout

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Re: Solução definitiva para acessar o Banco do Brasil no Debian 7

2014-03-26 Thread Márcio Vinícius Pinheiro
Alguém sabe a relação de tudo isso que foi discutido aqui com o Java 8,
recém lançado?

- - - ·

Márcio Vinícius Pinheiro

Re: Reistalação [Perca de Dados]

2014-03-26 Thread Gunther Furtado
 Sugiro que faça uma reinstalação da seguinte forma:

 Marque para o sistema UTILIZAR sua partição /home, mas para NÃO FORMATAR .

 O que deve ter acontecido, é que deve ter dito não utilizar a /home.

 Aí ele criou outra na raiz.

Se foi isso mesmo que aconteceu, dá pra resolver editando o /etc/fstab.



Parece falso el arrebol
que se desprende de su ser.
Viene del reino de Satán,
toda su sangre respondió,
quemas el árbol del amor,
dejas cenizas al pasar. Violeta Parra

Gunther Furtado
Curitiba - Paraná - Brasil

Em 26 de março de 2014 15:18, Luiz L. Marins luizlmarins...@gmail.comescreveu:

 Sugiro que faça uma reinstalação da seguinte forma:

 Marque para o sistema UTILIZAR sua partição /home, mas para NÃO FORMATAR .

 O que deve ter acontecido, é que deve ter dito não utilizar a /home.

 Aí ele criou outra na raiz.

 Em 26 de março de 2014 03:54, Gunther Furtado gunfurt...@gmail.comescreveu:

 Em 25.03.2014, terça, Christian Rosa disse:

  Hoje pela manhã reinstalei meu sistema e meus DADOS SUMIRAM HELP ME
  Eu tinha o seguinte particionamento
  / - Para o sistema
  /home - Onde tinha os meus dados
  E uma partição para swap.
  Pois bem na hora da instalação formatei o / e só criei o ponto de
  montagem /home novamente mas não formatei.
  Eu não sei o que aconteceu mas ele criou o usuário da instalação
  no /home mas o meu usuário com os dados que estavam no /home sumiram.

 vc pode colocar a saída dos comandos:

 $ df -h

 $ cat /etc/fstab

 _Christian Rosa -
°v°   Porto Alegre - RS - BRASIL
   /(_)\  (51) 92281059
^ ^   MSN/SKYPE -
   Linkedin -
  Seja Livre, use GNU/LINUX !


 Comovo-me em excesso, por natureza e por ofício.
  Acho medonho alguém viver sem paixões. Graciliano Ramos

 Gunther Furtado
 Curitiba - Paraná - Brasil

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Re: Debian no VirtualBox

2014-03-26 Thread Rubens Junior
Alguma alma caridosa? hehehehe pelo menos p/ informar onde consigo LOG
detalhado de um KERNEL PANIC... #obrigado

Em 24 de março de 2014 08:50, Rubens Junior escreveu:

 Prezados(as), bom dia!

 No passado ja me considerei mais experiente, ultimamente estou + para
 usuario normal do dia-a-dia! Meu computador estragou e foi mandado para UTI
 de uma assistencia tecnica. Entao resolvi usar o notebook compartilhado de
 casa e instalei o VirtualBox para utilizar nele o Debian.

 Tenho o kernel padrao com o nome 3.2.0-algumacoisa, o 3.2.55 (ate entao o
 ultimo dessa serie) compilado por mim e o 3.12.7 (ate entao o mais atual do
 site). Neste final de semana compilei o 3.12.14 (o + atual dessa serie).
 Usei-o normalmente e depois decidi atualizar o VirtualBox para a versao +
 recente pq ele insistia varias vezes. Com isso, os dois kernels 3.12.7 e
 3.12.14 passaram a apresentar KERNEL PANIC na inicializacao. Ja pesquisei
 em diversos sites onde e como obter o LOG DO KERNEL e nao consegui, pois os
 arquivos citados nao existem na minha maquina ou em alguns eu nao encontrei
 o termo kernel panic. Gostaria de entender melhor o q houve e se
 necessario abrir um BUG no site do kernel ou virtualbox ou em ambos. Nao
 imagino que seja uma falha do debian, pois os dois kernels 3.2.x continuam

 Peco ajuda dos senhores para conseguir o LOG q mostra o KERNEL PANIC para
 mostrar para vcs e tbm para anexar nos chamados.

 Muito obrigado.

 Rubens S. O. Jr

Rubens S. O. Jr

Re: Debian no VirtualBox

2014-03-26 Thread Vanildo Souto Mangueira
Só pra entender melhor. O KERNEL PANIC acontece dentro da máquina virtual?
No /var/log/kern.log não tem nada?

Em 26 de março de 2014 18:07, Rubens Junior escreveu:

 Alguma alma caridosa? hehehehe pelo menos p/ informar onde consigo LOG
 detalhado de um KERNEL PANIC... #obrigado

 Em 24 de março de 2014 08:50, Rubens Junior escreveu:

 Prezados(as), bom dia!

 No passado ja me considerei mais experiente, ultimamente estou + para
 usuario normal do dia-a-dia! Meu computador estragou e foi mandado para UTI
 de uma assistencia tecnica. Entao resolvi usar o notebook compartilhado de
 casa e instalei o VirtualBox para utilizar nele o Debian.

 Tenho o kernel padrao com o nome 3.2.0-algumacoisa, o 3.2.55 (ate entao o
 ultimo dessa serie) compilado por mim e o 3.12.7 (ate entao o mais atual do
 site). Neste final de semana compilei o 3.12.14 (o + atual dessa serie).
 Usei-o normalmente e depois decidi atualizar o VirtualBox para a versao +
 recente pq ele insistia varias vezes. Com isso, os dois kernels 3.12.7 e
 3.12.14 passaram a apresentar KERNEL PANIC na inicializacao. Ja pesquisei
 em diversos sites onde e como obter o LOG DO KERNEL e nao consegui, pois os
 arquivos citados nao existem na minha maquina ou em alguns eu nao encontrei
 o termo kernel panic. Gostaria de entender melhor o q houve e se
 necessario abrir um BUG no site do kernel ou virtualbox ou em ambos. Nao
 imagino que seja uma falha do debian, pois os dois kernels 3.2.x continuam

 Peco ajuda dos senhores para conseguir o LOG q mostra o KERNEL PANIC para
 mostrar para vcs e tbm para anexar nos chamados.

 Muito obrigado.

 Rubens S. O. Jr

 Rubens S. O. Jr

*Vanildo Souto Mangueira*
Desenvolvedor PHP
Tel: 98084-1018
Skype: vanildo.souto

Re: mídia não encontrada em armazenamento USB

2014-03-26 Thread Vanildo Souto Mangueira
O celular em questão é Android. Pode ser algum problema com o mtp. Isso
pode ajudar:
Quando aos leitores de cartão, já tive muito problema com eles, pois eles
tem uns drivers malucos, e no linux funcionam quando quer.

Em 25 de março de 2014 15:20, Bruno Schneider boschnei...@gmail.comescreveu:

 Eu tenho notado que de umas semanas para cá o Linux não reconhece mais
 a mídia em dispositivos de armazenamento USB, exceto se ele já for
 plugado com a mídia inserida.

 Primeiro eu notei isso em leitores de cartão, já são 3 leitores
 diferentes apresentando o mesmo problema. Não dei muita atenção porque
 era só plugar o cartão antes de plugar o leitor de cartões e

 Porém hoje para acessar o cartão de memória de um celular, vi que
 preciso resolver isso. O celular ativa o armazenamento USB só depois
 do usuário confirmar que quer isso, então preciso de uma solução
 melhor. Levei o celular para 4 máquinas diferentes com Debian testing
 (algumas mais e outras menos atualizadas) e o problema apareceu em
 todas. Somente numa quinta máquina, Debian testing que não é
 atualizada desde o kernel 3.2, o celular funcionou como esperado.

 Bom, não é problema para reconhecer o dispositivo. É problema de
 reconhecer a midia inserida no dispositivo. O /var/log/messages, o
 lsusb, o udisksctl e o gnome-disks, todos informam que o dispositivo
 está conectado, mas que não há mídia inserida.

 Espero que vocês possam confirmar que o problema existe em suas
 máquinas ou, melhor ainda, dar propostas de solução.

 Bruno Schneider

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*Vanildo Souto Mangueira*
Desenvolvedor PHP
Tel: 98084-1018
Skype: vanildo.souto

Re: Which ISO image to download ?

2014-03-26 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Du, 23 mar 14, 18:31:39, Andrew M.A. Cater wrote:
 On Sun, Mar 23, 2014 at 03:17:36PM +0100, Hans wrote:
  Maybe I should suggest to use at least a newer kernel for installer CD's to 
  the installer team?
 Please don't. The whole point of debian-stable is to remain stable through 
 the lifetime of a release.

Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: initialization package for a new server?

2014-03-26 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Du, 23 mar 14, 22:06:02, Peter Michaux wrote:
 I would like to automate the creation of a new web server as much as
 possible. It would seem ideal if I do not have to edit any files at
 all but rather only install packages. I have my own simple APT
 repository accessible via SSH but the new server must first be
 configured to know about that simple APT repository. Is it a good
 approach to make a initialization .deb package with the following

If you have to do this at least use snippets in .d directories wherever 
you can (e.g. /etc/apt/sources.list.d/).
 This package would also require the openssh-client package. After this
 initialization package is installed directly using `dpkg install`

If the package requires openssh-client (as in Depends: openssh-client), 
dpkg will refuse to install it unless you provide the openssh-client 
.deb package as well, you will need an additional 'apt-get install -f' 
to accomplish that.

 then everything else could be installed with `apt-get install` from my
 APT repository. (This would mean all servers with access to the APT
 repository would be using the same SSH private key.)

What does ssh have to do with APT repositories?

Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: Debian commercial support.

2014-03-26 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Ma, 25 mar 14, 11:59:38, Mark Evans wrote:
 Debian Users
 Dear Sirs;
 What would be the yearly support costs for an e commerce, web facing server.

Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: List installed packages sorted by size.

2014-03-26 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Mi, 26 mar 14, 15:07:58, Chris Bannister wrote:
 Could be useful to someone:
 dpkg-query -Wf '${Installed-Size}\t${Package}\n' | sort -n | less

See also:

Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: List installed packages sorted by size.

2014-03-26 Thread Karl E. Jorgensen

On Wed, Mar 26, 2014 at 03:07:58PM +1300, Chris Bannister wrote:
 Could be useful to someone:
 dpkg-query -Wf '${Installed-Size}\t${Package}\n' | sort -n | less

Nice. But

dpigs -20

(from the debian-goodies package) is still shorter :-) 

Karl E. Jorgensen

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Re: List installed packages sorted by size.

2014-03-26 Thread Raffaele Morelli
2014-03-26 9:26 GMT+01:00 Karl E. Jorgensen


 On Wed, Mar 26, 2014 at 03:07:58PM +1300, Chris Bannister wrote:
  Could be useful to someone:
  dpkg-query -Wf '${Installed-Size}\t${Package}\n' | sort -n | less

 Nice. But

 dpigs -20

dpig -n 20

Re: openssl without ssl2 switch

2014-03-26 Thread Veljko
On 2014-Mar-26 00:32, Brian wrote:
 A quick scan of the output of 'apt-cache search ssl' shows sslscan and
 nikto but both depend on libssl1.0.0 (= 1.0.1). It's possible the
 Squeeze packages might install on Wheezy but that's without taking a
 close look at the situation. For public servers there is

ssllabs works only with 443 port, but thanks. I guess I'll try to
recompile openssl on some small virtual machine on which I can break


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Re: Debian commercial support.

2014-03-26 Thread Jerry Stuckle

On 3/26/2014 3:11 AM, Andrei POPESCU wrote:

On Ma, 25 mar 14, 11:59:38, Mark Evans wrote:

Debian Users
Dear Sirs;
What would be the yearly support costs for an e commerce, web facing server.

Kind regards,

Debian consultants don't necessarily know how to properly set up and 
maintain an e-commerce web site - it's a very different animal.

If you're going to recommend a consultant, I would suggest it is better 
to point him at some who are familiar with e-commerce.


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Re: Debian commercial support.

2014-03-26 Thread John Hasler
Jerry Stuckle writes:
 Debian consultants don't necessarily know how to properly set up and
 maintain an e-commerce web site - it's a very different animal.

 If you're going to recommend a consultant, I would suggest it is
 better to point him at some who are familiar with e-commerce.

He didn't recommend a consultant.  He pointed out a list.  It is up to
Mr. Evans to select one.
John Hasler
Elmwood, WI USA

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Re: Debian commercial support.

2014-03-26 Thread Jerry Stuckle

On 3/26/2014 8:25 AM, John Hasler wrote:

Jerry Stuckle writes:

Debian consultants don't necessarily know how to properly set up and
maintain an e-commerce web site - it's a very different animal.

If you're going to recommend a consultant, I would suggest it is
better to point him at some who are familiar with e-commerce.

He didn't recommend a consultant.  He pointed out a list.  It is up to
Mr. Evans to select one.

Yes, a list of DEBIAN consultants.  Not consultants who are familiar 
with e-commerce solutions.

That's like recommending a list of realtors when you want to buy a car.


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Gigabyte mother board AMD cpu

2014-03-26 Thread Ike Shields
I have Gigabyte mother board with AMD cpu No. GA-78LMT-S2P
I need the drivers for it. I am using Debian Release 7.4 (wheezy) 64-bit
Are you able to help me?

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Re: openssl without ssl2 switch

2014-03-26 Thread Brian
On Wed 26 Mar 2014 at 11:59:21 +0100, Veljko wrote:

 ssllabs works only with 443 port, but thanks. I guess I'll try to
 recompile openssl on some small virtual machine on which I can break

The Squeeze libssl and openssl *do* install on Wheezy with 'dpkg -i' and
the command to test for ssl2 works.

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Re: openssl without ssl2 switch

2014-03-26 Thread Veljko
On 2014-Mar-26 13:13, Brian wrote:
 On Wed 26 Mar 2014 at 11:59:21 +0100, Veljko wrote:
  ssllabs works only with 443 port, but thanks. I guess I'll try to
  recompile openssl on some small virtual machine on which I can break
 The Squeeze libssl and openssl *do* install on Wheezy with 'dpkg -i' and
 the command to test for ssl2 works.
Thanks for the info, Brian. Can they be installed side by side with
wheezy version? 

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Re: XBMC and SSL

2014-03-26 Thread Mr Queue
On Tue, 25 Mar 2014 23:00:33 +0100
Nils Erik Svangård wrote:

 Does anyone know how I can fix this?

You will need to compile the binary yourself with ssl support in ffmpeg.

Computer programmers never die, they just get lost in the processing.

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Re: Gigabyte mother board AMD cpu

2014-03-26 Thread Dan Ritter
On Wed, Mar 26, 2014 at 11:19:42PM +1100, Ike Shields wrote:
 I have Gigabyte mother board with AMD cpu No. GA-78LMT-S2P
 I need the drivers for it. I am using Debian Release 7.4 (wheezy) 64-bit

Everything on that motherboard should work in Debian. The onboard video
card needs xserver-xorg-video-radeon or fglrx-driver from non-free. The
ethernet wants firmware-realtek.  USB3 should work immediately.

Anything else?


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Re: Gigabyte mother board AMD cpu

2014-03-26 Thread Steve Litt of Troubleshooters.Com
On Wed, 26 Mar 2014 09:17:40 -0400
Dan Ritter wrote:

 On Wed, Mar 26, 2014 at 11:19:42PM +1100, Ike Shields wrote:
  I have Gigabyte mother board with AMD cpu No. GA-78LMT-S2P
  I need the drivers for it. I am using Debian Release 7.4 (wheezy)
 Everything on that motherboard should work in Debian. The onboard
 video card needs xserver-xorg-video-radeon or fglrx-driver from
 non-free. The ethernet wants firmware-realtek.  USB3 should work
 Anything else?

I have no idea which mobos Debian handles out of the box, but what I've
observed is that life is much nicer if:

* You do the network install
* Choose Expert install or whatever it's called
* Say yes (default is no) to install nonfree software

When I do that, stuff just works.


Steve Litt*
Troubleshooting Training  *  Human Performance

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Can't find media on USB storage

2014-03-26 Thread Bruno Schneider
I have noticed that Debian no longer finds removable media on USB
storage, unless the media is already plugged when the device is
plugged. If I plug the device first and then insert the media, the
media (not the device) is not recognized.

This is not much trouble with USB card readers, since you can always
unplug the device, plug the media and then plug the device, but in
some cases this is a lot of trouble.

I recently came across a USB internal card read that I could unplug.
The same goes for smartphones. Once you plug the phone, it asks what
connection mode you want. Only after you select USB mass storage, the
media is supposed to be recognized.

I tested one such phone on several machines with Debian testing
(Jessie) and it only worked on no-longer-maintained Debian testing
which was still using kernel 3.2.I recently came across a USB internal
card read that I could unplug. The same goes for smartphones. Once you
plug the phone, it asks what connection mode you want. Only after you
select USB mass storage, the media is suposed to be recognized.

I tested one such phone on several machines with Debian testing
(Jessie) and it only worked on no-longer-maintened Debian testing
which was still using kernel 3.2.

Can anyone help?

Bruno Schneider

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Re: Gigabyte mother board AMD cpu

2014-03-26 Thread Stan Hoeppner
On 3/26/2014 8:17 AM, Dan Ritter wrote:
 On Wed, Mar 26, 2014 at 11:19:42PM +1100, Ike Shields wrote:
 I have Gigabyte mother board with AMD cpu No. GA-78LMT-S2P
 I need the drivers for it. I am using Debian Release 7.4 (wheezy) 64-bit
 Everything on that motherboard should work in Debian. The onboard video
 card needs xserver-xorg-video-radeon or fglrx-driver from non-free. The
 ethernet wants firmware-realtek.  USB3 should work immediately.
 Anything else?

Realtek ALC889 audio chip is supported by alsa.  The hardware monitoring
chip, iTE IT8720, has been supported by lm-sensors since 2008.  This
chip also provides the PS/2 and serial port functions, both of which are



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Building/Compiling game xonix without X11 for console only

2014-03-26 Thread Hörmetjan Yiltiz

I like `xonix' quite a lot. This game is so fun!

But I prefer to play it from the console, rather than in an X window. The
game originally written without X11 support. Here is man page xonix(6x):

The original xonix game has been seen somewhere on an old PC/XT  clone.
   This  is  a  reimplementation  from  scratch, done by Torsten
   starting the project on a Macintosh.  The X11 support has been
   by Joerg Wunsch with the pleasant help by Alfredo Herrera Hernandez.

I tried this:

$ apt-get source xonix
$ cd ./xonix-1.4/
$ ln -s ./Makefile.std ./Makefile
$ #'cuz `make' looks for Makefile, without .std extention

This does not compile, since I did not run the following:
$ sudo apt-get build-dep xonix

And since I am not building for X11, I actually do not need (most) of those
dependencies! So I am not installing them.

Question is:
In the Makefile.std, a MACRO called USE_X11 was defined. Which was also
defined in xonix.h. I tried to fix Makefile.std into this:


And then run `make'.
Here is the output:

make: *** No rule to make target `/usr/X11R6/include/X11/Xos.h', needed by
`xonix.o'.  Stop.

Or I tried building directly calling gcc:
gcc -UUSE_X11 ./xonix.c
In file included from ./xonix.c:42:0:
./xonix.h:171:1: error: unknown type name ‘Boolean’
 extern Boolean  gQuit,  /* Wenn gQuit auf true
gesetzt  */

In the code, it was said that the X11/Xos.h provides Boolean.

So, how to build this little piece of game without X11 support?


He who is worthy to receive his days and nights is worthy to receive* all
else* from you (and me).
 The Prophet, Gibran Kahlil

Re: [OT][SOLVED]Grub does not recognize lvm physical volume by uuid after restart

2014-03-26 Thread Paul E Condon
On 20140325_180539, André Nunes Batista wrote:
 On Tue, 2014-03-25 at 14:15 -0300, André Nunes Batista wrote:
  On Mon, 2014-03-24 at 12:36 +, Darac Marjal wrote:
   On Mon, Mar 24, 2014 at 12:17:17PM +, Joe wrote:
On Mon, 24 Mar 2014 11:17:53 +
Darac Marjal wrote:

 Now, I'm not certain about this, but I suspect that either the
 initramfs hasn't recognised that I'm using LVM, or it just isn't
 starting the LVM on its own. 
 I haven't actually investigated this, but it might be related to bug

Except... both the OP's initramfs and mine do recognise the swap
partition within LVM, but not any others.

And my system is (apparently) OK after downgrading grub from the latest
   Ah. Sorry for the noise, then.
  Your answer proved not be noise at all. I tried to follow Joe's steps
  and downgraded grub2-common, grub-common, grub-pc and grub-pc-bin all to
  jessie (2.00-22), ran update-grub2 and then grub-install /dev/sda and
  lost my grub.cfg.
  I've restored it using supergrubdisk, which, when booting, gave me
  access to that previous initramfs shell. Then I ran vgchange -ay ^D, ^D
  and was able to boot the system.
  One thing caught my eye through the process: grub says it's generating
  configs for i386 only, but this machine uses amd64 kernel. As soon as I
  get the chance I'll read #616689 and try to investigate it further on
  this machine. Currently it only boots through this forced activation
  method you taught me.
 I'm marking this thread as solved as I finally got to restore the system
 boot process. To anyone who may care, after booting the OS as described
 above, I once again reconfigured grub packages, keeping it downgraded to
 2.00-22, as suggested by Joe. After that I could update-grub2 and got no
 complaints when installing to /dev/sda.
 Since I could not figure out if it was bug #616689 or #741652 (initramfs
 or grub), I've replied both and I guess any further debugging better be
 handled on one of those than here. So problem solved.
 and John, I do not need assistance with SGD, thank you, it worked just
 as expected.
 André N. Batista

I've been following (lurking?) this thread hoping to improve my
knowledge of the boot process. I've never heard of SGD.  What is it?
Google thinks it is a genetic or protein sequence database which is
surely not what you are talking about.

Paul E Condon

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Re: [OT][SOLVED]Grub does not recognize lvm physical volume by uuid after restart

2014-03-26 Thread Alberto Luaces
Paul E Condon writes:

 I've been following (lurking?) this thread hoping to improve my
 knowledge of the boot process. I've never heard of SGD.  What is it?

Super Grub Disk.


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Re: [OT][SOLVED]Grub does not recognize lvm physical volume by uuid after restart

2014-03-26 Thread Eike Lantzsch
On Wednesday 26 March 2014 10:28:06 Paul E Condon wrote:
 On 20140325_180539, André Nunes Batista wrote:
  On Tue, 2014-03-25 at 14:15 -0300, André Nunes Batista wrote:
   On Mon, 2014-03-24 at 12:36 +, Darac Marjal wrote:
On Mon, Mar 24, 2014 at 12:17:17PM +, Joe wrote:
 On Mon, 24 Mar 2014 11:17:53 +
 Darac Marjal wrote:
  Now, I'm not certain about this, but I suspect that either
  initramfs hasn't recognised that I'm using LVM, or it just
  starting the LVM on its own.
  I haven't actually investigated this, but it might be
  related to bug #616689.
 Except... both the OP's initramfs and mine do recognise the
 partition within LVM, but not any others.
 And my system is (apparently) OK after downgrading grub from
 the latest version.

Ah. Sorry for the noise, then.
   Your answer proved not be noise at all. I tried to follow Joe's
   steps and downgraded grub2-common, grub-common, grub-pc and
   grub-pc-bin all to jessie (2.00-22), ran update-grub2 and then
   grub-install /dev/sda and lost my grub.cfg.
   I've restored it using supergrubdisk, which, when booting, gave
   access to that previous initramfs shell. Then I ran vgchange -ay
   ^D, ^D and was able to boot the system.
   One thing caught my eye through the process: grub says it's
   generating configs for i386 only, but this machine uses amd64
   kernel. As soon as I get the chance I'll read #616689 and try
   to investigate it further on this machine. Currently it only
   boots through this forced activation method you taught me.
  I'm marking this thread as solved as I finally got to restore the
  system boot process. To anyone who may care, after booting the OS
  as described above, I once again reconfigured grub packages,
  keeping it downgraded to 2.00-22, as suggested by Joe. After that
  I could update-grub2 and got no complaints when installing to
  Since I could not figure out if it was bug #616689 or #741652
  (initramfs or grub), I've replied both and I guess any further
  debugging better be handled on one of those than here. So problem
  and John, I do not need assistance with SGD, thank you, it worked
  just as expected.
 I've been following (lurking?) this thread hoping to improve my
 knowledge of the boot process. I've never heard of SGD.  What is it?
 Google thinks it is a genetic or protein sequence database which is
 surely not what you are talking about.

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Re: openssl without ssl2 switch

2014-03-26 Thread Brian
On Wed 26 Mar 2014 at 14:21:38 +0100, Veljko wrote:

 On 2014-Mar-26 13:13, Brian wrote:
  The Squeeze libssl and openssl *do* install on Wheezy with 'dpkg -i' and
  the command to test for ssl2 works.
 Thanks for the info, Brian. Can they be installed side by side with
 wheezy version? 

Compile from source so that the Squeeze version goes in /usr/local,
which is intended for private use by the system administrator. It also
looks possible to rebuild the Debian package for installation there.

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Spreading NIC interrupts across multiple CPUs

2014-03-26 Thread Aaron Seelye
I have a question regarding interrupt balancing for a NIC across CPUs. 
I have a Dell R710 (dual quad core) with embedded broadcom 5709 that 
seems to put everything on the CPU0.  I even threw an Intel Pro/1000 PT 
in the Dell, but this is showing the same problem.

For a test system, I have an HP DL360-G5 (also dual quad core) with 
embedded broadcom 5708 that balances across all cores.  I've also thrown 
in an identical Intel NIC, and it seems to balance across the cores 
properly.  This leads me to believe that there's something wrong with my 
BIOS setup, or there's something inherently wrong with the R710, though 
I'm leading towards the former, as I'm seeing this on two R710s, and 
doubt I'd hit a magic breakage across two chassis.

Also, this is with no massaging on my part, both running up to date 
debian wheezy 7.4, with the Dell being installed originally with 7.1

My question is this, what option(s) could be present with the R710 bios 
that would cause something like this to happen?  If not the bios, 
where/what else should I look at?



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Re: Debian commercial support.

2014-03-26 Thread Brian
On Wed 26 Mar 2014 at 08:36:16 -0400, Jerry Stuckle wrote:

 That's like recommending a list of realtors when you want to buy a car.

Not really; there might be a subset of Debian consultants who are
skilled in e-commerce solutions. It wouldn't do the OP any harm to look
them over.

Realtors and car sales persons are, however, a subset in the Pulling
the Wool Over Your Eyes section of the Yellow pages.

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Re: Spreading NIC interrupts across multiple CPUs

2014-03-26 Thread Mr Queue
On Wed, 26 Mar 2014 11:28:34 -0700
Aaron Seelye wrote:

 My question is this, what option(s) could be present with the R710 bios 
 that would cause something like this to happen?  If not the bios, 
 where/what else should I look at?

You don't have irqbalance running by chance do you? Because this sounds exactly 
what it's designed to do.

Irqbalance is a daemon to help balance the cpu load generated by interrupts
across all of a systems cpus.  Irqbalance identifies the highest volume
interrupt sources, and isolates them to a single unique cpu, so that load is
spread as much as possible over an entire processor set, while minimizing cache
hit rates for irq handlers.

It is wrong always, everywhere and for everyone to believe anything upon
insufficient evidence.
- W. K. Clifford, British philosopher, circa 1876

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Re: rsync: on remote machine: --info=NAME: unknown option

2014-03-26 Thread Emanuel Berg (William Unruh) writes:

 I see no such option in my version of rsync (3.0.9)

No, that was the case - while I had 3.1.0 on my local
Debian, on the remote Solaris, the version 3.0.9 did
not support the '--info' option.

 If you had it the wrong options or course it will
 complain. Why would you want it doing a huger amount
 of work-- trasfering millions of files say, when it
 did not understand the option.

Not necessarily. There is a thing, which they sometimes
call graceful degradation, which basically means the
core task or functionality is still carried out,
regardless of some inconsistencies on the
surface. (HTML rendering is a good example of this.)
Anyway that wasn't the case here - which I think makes

PS. I send this to the list as well if anyone has the
same problem and uses Google (or whatever) to find
this. DS.

underground experts united:

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Re: Gigabyte mother board AMD cpu

2014-03-26 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Mi, 26 mar 14, 10:25:08, Steve Litt of Troubleshooters.Com wrote:
 I have no idea which mobos Debian handles out of the box, but what I've
 observed is that life is much nicer if:
 * You do the network install

Irrelevant, the kernel is the same.

 * Choose Expert install or whatever it's called

Irrelevant, the kernel is the same.

 * Say yes (default is no) to install nonfree software

This activates the non-free repository.

 When I do that, stuff just works.

It might be that the installer also installs firmware-linux-nonfree, 
which contains a lot of firmware, especially for Radeon video cards. 
This however still wouldn't explain why stuff (which stuff?) just 

Would you please be so kind to provide some facts to your theory, like 
package lists from installs with and without your method?

Kind regards,
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Re: Spreading NIC interrupts across multiple CPUs

2014-03-26 Thread Aaron Seelye
I don't on either the Dell or HP.  I tried it on the Dells, but it 
didn't do anything on one, and just moved the interrupts from CPU0 to 
CPU1 on the other.

On the HP that is balancing perfectly, I don't have the irqbalance 
package installed, it just worked from the get-go.


On 3/26/2014 12:09 PM, Mr Queue wrote:

On Wed, 26 Mar 2014 11:28:34 -0700
Aaron Seelye wrote:

My question is this, what option(s) could be present with the R710 bios
that would cause something like this to happen?  If not the bios,
where/what else should I look at?

You don't have irqbalance running by chance do you? Because this sounds exactly 
what it's designed to do.

Irqbalance is a daemon to help balance the cpu load generated by interrupts
across all of a systems cpus.  Irqbalance identifies the highest volume
interrupt sources, and isolates them to a single unique cpu, so that load is
spread as much as possible over an entire processor set, while minimizing cache
hit rates for irq handlers.

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Re: Re: Suspend leads to black screen without sleep [Dell Latitude E6440]

2014-03-26 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On 3/19/14, Carl Fink wrote:
 On Wed, Mar 19, 2014 at 07:57:56AM -0300, Marcelo Laia wrote:
 I have a similar problem.

 Just started happening on my homebuilt system, as well. Should we file a
 bug report? Against which package?

I would think first off against the kernel (3.12-rt and 3.13-rt kept
hanging at early boot for me), but there are _so_ many kernel bugs
filed in Debian, and all the 'hang at boot' ones are of course
'critical', so unfortunately they do not appear to be very useful at
all - even in my case where I tested each point release of 3.12 rt and
did some network logging and attempted serial logging - all against
the same bug, and perused the other bugs first, and I got absolutely
no response to date (over a month or two I think).

If you are on sid, perhaps try a few different kernels, or if all else
fails try to build your own.

Good luck,

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Re: Spreading NIC interrupts across multiple CPUs

2014-03-26 Thread Stan Hoeppner
On 3/26/2014 1:28 PM, Aaron Seelye wrote:
 I have a question regarding interrupt balancing for a NIC across CPUs. I
 have a Dell R710 (dual quad core) with embedded broadcom 5709 that seems
 to put everything on the CPU0.  I even threw an Intel Pro/1000 PT in the
 Dell, but this is showing the same problem.
 For a test system, I have an HP DL360-G5 (also dual quad core) with
 embedded broadcom 5708 that balances across all cores.  I've also thrown
 in an identical Intel NIC, and it seems to balance across the cores
 properly.  This leads me to believe that there's something wrong with my
 BIOS setup, or there's something inherently wrong with the R710, though
 I'm leading towards the former, as I'm seeing this on two R710s, and
 doubt I'd hit a magic breakage across two chassis.
 Also, this is with no massaging on my part, both running up to date
 debian wheezy 7.4, with the Dell being installed originally with 7.1
 My question is this, what option(s) could be present with the R710 bios
 that would cause something like this to happen?  If not the bios,
 where/what else should I look at?

Please read this for educational background, especially the Note at the
bottom of the page.

Then ask an intelligent question about IRQ balancing and steering, WRT
the two specific and different hardware systems, and Debian kernel
versions, being used on each.



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Re: Which ISO image to download ?

2014-03-26 Thread Andrew M.A. Cater
On Wed, Mar 26, 2014 at 08:46:42AM +0200, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
 On Du, 23 mar 14, 18:31:39, Andrew M.A. Cater wrote:
  On Sun, Mar 23, 2014 at 03:17:36PM +0100, Hans wrote:
   Maybe I should suggest to use at least a newer kernel for installer CD's 
   the installer team?
  Please don't. The whole point of debian-stable is to remain stable through 
  the lifetime of a release.

Thanks for this - I was unaware of it. I stand by what I said, though I 
do understand the issue of lack of support for newest hardware.

Maybe we need the option of a release and a half periodically but in
this instance, I think we'd need to make it clear that this might not be
quite as supportable.

If anything, the thing that gets you is non-free firmware - WiFi cards
and the like where the firmware really isn't available yet - some
very recent Realtek chipsets, for example.

All the best,


 Kind regards,
 Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

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Re: Spreading NIC interrupts across multiple CPUs

2014-03-26 Thread Aaron Seelye

On 3/26/2014 2:44 PM, Stan Hoeppner wrote:

Please read this for educational background, especially the Note at the
bottom of the page.

Then ask an intelligent question about IRQ balancing and steering, WRT
the two specific and different hardware systems, and Debian kernel
versions, being used on each.

I'd seen other things similar to that, however, it doesn't seem to get 
me any closer to the solution.

The output from one of the Dell (not balanced) systems:

root@conf-2:~# uname -a
Linux conf-2 3.2.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.2.54-2 x86_64 GNU/Linux
root@conf-2:~# grep eth /proc/interrupts
  79:  704642666  0  0  0  0  0 
 0  0  0  0  0  0 
0  0  0  0   PCI-MSI-edge  eth0

root@conf-2:~# cat /proc/irq/79/smp_affinity

root@conf-2:~# cat /proc/irq/79/smp_affinity_list

The output from the HP (balanced) system:

root@deb-test:~# grep eth /proc/interrupts
  68:   4251   4190   4212   4264   4226   4257 
  4251   4214   PCI-MSI-edge  eth0

root@deb-test:~# cat /proc/irq/68/smp_affinity
root@deb-test:~# cat /proc/irq/68/smp_affinity_list

As you can see, both systems are running identical kernels, and both 
have affinity set to spread across all CPUs.  However, the Dell is using 
CPU0 exclusively for the ethernet device interrupts, while the HP 
spreads them pretty evenly.



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Re: Re: XBMC and SSL

2014-03-26 Thread Nils Erik Svangård
Hmmm... I was afraid of that.
I prefer to use the Debian-packages and not make my own.
Is this something to do with DFSG or is it something that will be fixed?

Nils-Erik Svangård
Skype: schweingaard
Mobil: +46-(0)70-3612178

Re: Re: XBMC and SSL

2014-03-26 Thread Nils Erik Svangård
Well I installed from unstable (I think). I have debianmultimedia in my
sources.list, but I think XBMC comes from the debian servers.

I did quite a bit of googling before posting. I didnt find anything really
relevant. I looks like a problem with ffmpeg.

Nils-Erik Svangård
Skype: schweingaard
Mobil: +46-(0)70-3612178

Connman vs network manager

2014-03-26 Thread Nils Erik Svangård
I run unstable and update/upgrade daily.
A couple of weeks apt thougt it best to remove network-manager and replace
it with connman.
This broke my mounting of NFS-shares described in fstab. I have my home and
media cataloge on a NAS.
I have made an update of rc.init as specified in the Howto.Debian file.
Now I have to log in as root and write mounst -a to get it working.
Is this a bug?

Nils-Erik Svangård
Skype: schweingaard
Mobil: +46-(0)70-3612178

Re: Connman vs network manager

2014-03-26 Thread Michael Biebl
Am 26.03.2014 23:21, schrieb Nils Erik Svangård:
 I run unstable and update/upgrade daily.
 A couple of weeks apt thougt it best to remove network-manager and replace
 it with connman.
 This broke my mounting of NFS-shares described in fstab. I have my home and
 media cataloge on a NAS.
 I have made an update of rc.init as specified in the Howto.Debian file.
 Now I have to log in as root and write mounst -a to get it working.
 Is this a bug?

It's a missing (integration) feature in connman.
NetworkManager (or specifically NetworkManager-dispatcher [0]) supports
the ifupdown hooks in /etc/network/. One of those hooks [1] is
responsible for mounting NFS shares.
Connman doesn't provide the same level of integration as NetworkManager


[0] via /etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d/01ifupdown
[1] /etc/network/if-up.d/mountnfs
Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Gigabyte mother board AMD cpu

2014-03-26 Thread Steve Litt of Troubleshooters.Com
On Wed, 26 Mar 2014 23:03:01 +0200
Andrei POPESCU wrote:

 On Mi, 26 mar 14, 10:25:08, Steve Litt of Troubleshooters.Com wrote:
  I have no idea which mobos Debian handles out of the box, but what
  I've observed is that life is much nicer if:
  * You do the network install
 Irrelevant, the kernel is the same.
  * Choose Expert install or whatever it's called
 Irrelevant, the kernel is the same.
  * Say yes (default is no) to install nonfree software
 This activates the non-free repository.
  When I do that, stuff just works.
 It might be that the installer also installs firmware-linux-nonfree, 
 which contains a lot of firmware, especially for Radeon video cards. 
 This however still wouldn't explain why stuff (which stuff?) just 
 Would you please be so kind to provide some facts to your theory,
 like package lists from installs with and without your method?

No. Dan asked for any tips. He didn't ask for package lists or other
time consuming stuff, which I wouldn't have had time for. He asked
literally Anything else, so I gave him anecdotes, quite clearly
labeling them as such. He may or may not find them helpful. If not,
he's free to ignore my anecdotes, just like everyone else on the list.


Steve Litt*
Troubleshooting Training  *  Human Performance

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Re: Great Debian experience

2014-03-26 Thread Steve Litt of Troubleshooters.Com
On Wed, 19 Mar 2014 07:25:44 -0400 (EDT)
Stephen Powell wrote:

 On Tue, 18 Mar 2014 14:31:46 -0400 (EDT), Steve Litt wrote:
  I also unchecked the Debian Desktop selection.
  Then I did the following:
  apt-get install xfce4 xfce4-goodies
  apt-get install synaptic
  apt-get install iceweasel
 I realize that this is too late for this install, but maybe it will
 help you next time.  Also, maybe it will help someone else.  Try
 this.  When you get the initial boot screen from the Debian
 installer, press F1 for help, then at the boot prompt type:
expert desktop=xfce
 and press Enter.  Do *not* uncheck the desktop selection in the
 tasksel menu during installation.  The installer will install the
 xfce desktop.
 There's more than one way to do this, but this may be the quickest
 way. You can also add whatever other Debian installer options, kernel
 boot parameters, or environment variable values that you want to use
 on this line.

Thanks Stephen!

I'll recommend this to people. If and when I change my style of booting
to CLI and then typing startx, this is the way I'll do it myself.

I should probably explain my propensity to install a base system, get
it running, and then use the package manager to add the rest. It comes
from long years of usage of Red Hat, Caldera, Mandrake/Mandriva, and
Ubuntu. On those distros, there was the very real possibility that
installation would stall or produce a nonbootable system. So what I
always do is install a non-X system with little but ssh server added
to the defaults, get that installed, and then, from a nice, stable OS,
use the package manager for the rest. This level of paranoia might not
be necessary with Debian, but I don't yet completely trust its
installation procedure.

Relatedly, this past experience of hanging installations is one
reason I greatly prefer CLI or nCurses installations to GUI ones. CLI
installs are more likely to complete, and are MUCH more likely to
install on a resource starved machine. I recently installed Debian, via
the network install, on a machine with 128MB of RAM. No other complete
Linux that I tried would go that low.

Thanks, and I'll always keep F1 and then expert desktop=xfce in mind.


Steve Litt*
Troubleshooting Training  *  Human Performance

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Re: Gigabyte mother board AMD cpu

2014-03-26 Thread Stephen Powell
On Wed, 26 Mar 2014 08:19:42 -0400 (EDT), Ike Shields wrote:
 I have Gigabyte mother board with AMD cpu No. GA-78LMT-S2P
 I need the drivers for it. I am using Debian Release 7.4 (wheezy) 64-bit
 Are you able to help me?

I have the same motherboard that you do.  Here's what you need:

1. Install package firmware-linux-nonfree.  You will need that to get the
   X driver to work properly.  Otherwise, you are stuck with the VESA driver.
   This is in the non-free repository, obviously.

2. Create a file in /etc/modprobe.d called local.conf.  In it, put the
   following statement:

  options snd_hda_intel model=auto

   You need this to get the alsa drivers to work with the on-board sound chip.

3. This motherboard uses non-ECC memory; so I strongly recommend that you
   use a good memory testing program, such as memtest86+, to make sure that
   all your memory is good.

4. I also recommend that you install package amd64-microcode.  This will
   upgrade your CPU to the latest available microcode during each boot.

Do this and you should be in good shape.

  .''`. Stephen Powell
 : :'  :
 `. `'`

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Re: Gigabyte mother board AMD cpu

2014-03-26 Thread Dan Ritter
On Wed, Mar 26, 2014 at 08:11:07PM -0400, Steve Litt of Troubleshooters.Com 
  Would you please be so kind to provide some facts to your theory,
  like package lists from installs with and without your method?
 No. Dan asked for any tips. He didn't ask for package lists or other
 time consuming stuff, which I wouldn't have had time for. He asked
 literally Anything else, so I gave him anecdotes, quite clearly
 labeling them as such. He may or may not find them helpful. If not,
 he's free to ignore my anecdotes, just like everyone else on the list.

Actually, I asked the original poster if he had any other
concerns. But I could tell you had good intentions, and your
advice is not bad, just misdirected.


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Fwd: Re: Gigabyte mother board AMD cpu

2014-03-26 Thread Ike Shields

 Original Message 
Subject:Re: Gigabyte mother board AMD cpu
Date:   Thu, 27 Mar 2014 11:27:21 +1100
From:   Ike Shields
To: Dan Ritter

Thank you for your quick reply.
It is the sound that dos not work all other seem to be OK if you can
help with that, that would be good. 

On 27/03/14 00:17, Dan Ritter wrote:
 On Wed, Mar 26, 2014 at 11:19:42PM +1100, Ike Shields wrote:
 I have Gigabyte mother board with AMD cpu No. GA-78LMT-S2P
 I need the drivers for it. I am using Debian Release 7.4 (wheezy) 64-bit
 Everything on that motherboard should work in Debian. The onboard video
 card needs xserver-xorg-video-radeon or fglrx-driver from non-free. The
 ethernet wants firmware-realtek.  USB3 should work immediately.

 Anything else?


Login dialog screcen is cicled after USB faiil

2014-03-26 Thread OECT T
Hi all:
I’m a proud and happy user of the amazing Debian 7.4.0 (Wheezy) OS
Today I used an USB memory to transfer a couple if files and decided to use the 
eject icon at the bottom right of the main screen after copying files and my 
system got complete frozen. Nothing could make it respond, not Keboard, nor the 
power button.
I had to press power button for some seconds to turn off the PC.
Now I have a problem I just can not solve: After choosing the user and typing 
the password after start up, the screen acts like if Gnome is starting but the 
login dialog window appears again, and that’s all is happening over and over. 
If I type a wrong password I get “Autentication Failure”.
I added a new user from the recovery mode console and I’m getting the same 
Please somebody give a hint about What can I do?
Oscar Corte

Re: Debian commercial support.

2014-03-26 Thread Jerry Stuckle

On 3/26/2014 3:03 PM, Brian wrote:

On Wed 26 Mar 2014 at 08:36:16 -0400, Jerry Stuckle wrote:

That's like recommending a list of realtors when you want to buy a car.

Not really; there might be a subset of Debian consultants who are
skilled in e-commerce solutions. It wouldn't do the OP any harm to look
them over.

Realtors and car sales persons are, however, a subset in the Pulling
the Wool Over Your Eyes section of the Yellow pages.

So you're saying there are no realtors who also sell cars?  I suspect 
there are.  At least as many as there are Debian developers who are 
experts in e-commerce.

If the OP wants e-commerce, he/she should be looking in a newsgroup 
related to e-commerce.

As it is, the OP is expected to contact Debian consultants around the 
world to see if any are knowledgeable with e-commerce?  I suspect the 
list is quite small (at least as far as experts go).


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how to switch to chromium window via script

2014-03-26 Thread jidanni
I did
$ chromium 
$ chromium
and it does what I want: opens another tab in the running chromium.
Alas it doesn't raise the chromium window, and I have to manually switch
to in via ALT TAB or clicking, here in icewm.

What shell command can I put in a wrapper to cause the switch?

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Re: Spreading NIC interrupts across multiple CPUs

2014-03-26 Thread Stan Hoeppner
On 3/26/2014 5:23 PM, Aaron Seelye wrote:
 On 3/26/2014 2:44 PM, Stan Hoeppner wrote:

 Please read this for educational background, especially the Note at the
 bottom of the page.

 Then ask an intelligent question about IRQ balancing and steering, WRT
 the two specific and different hardware systems, and Debian kernel
 versions, being used on each.
 I'd seen other things similar to that, however, it doesn't seem to get
 me any closer to the solution.

Please post the full output of cat /proc/interrupts without line wrapping.

 The output from one of the Dell (not balanced) systems:
 root@conf-2:~# uname -a
 Linux conf-2 3.2.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.2.54-2 x86_64 GNU/Linux
 root@conf-2:~# grep eth /proc/interrupts
   79:  704642666  0  0  0  0  0
  0  0  0  0  0  0
 0  0  0  0   PCI-MSI-edge  eth0
 root@conf-2:~# cat /proc/irq/79/smp_affinity
 root@conf-2:~# cat /proc/irq/79/smp_affinity_list

This is an 8 core machine with HT enabled, 16 logical CPUs, so right off
the bat it is dramatically different than the Compaq machine below as
far as the kernel is concerned and how scheduling is performed.  The
current mask may or may not be correct for this configuration.  I never
use HT and I can't find any docs about HT and /proc/irq/xx/smp_affinity.

If this is a production machine and you can't easily reboot it to
disable HT, first try a mask that includes only the physical CPUs and
not the logical:

~# echo ff  /proc/irq/79/smp_affinity

This should schedule IRQs only on the 1st logical processor (physical
CPU) of each core.  If that doesn't do the trick reboot the box and
disable HT.  If that doesn't do it I'll dig further into the scheduler
to figure out what's going on.

 The output from the HP (balanced) system:
 root@deb-test:~# grep eth /proc/interrupts
   68:   4251   4190   4212   4264   4226   4257
   4251   4214   PCI-MSI-edge  eth0
 root@deb-test:~# cat /proc/irq/68/smp_affinity
 root@deb-test:~# cat /proc/irq/68/smp_affinity_list

This is an 8 core machine without HyperThreading.  The mask is correct
for 8 physical CPUs.  Oddly though, one box outputs the leading zeros of
the mask while the other does not.  Or did you mung either output?

 As you can see, both systems are running identical kernels, and both
 have affinity set to spread across all CPUs.  

The latter may not be a correct statement, as HT logical processors are
not CPUs.  Also, the smp_affinity mask on the Dell implies 32
processors.  Many, but not all, of the functional units are duplicated.
 Just as you do not want to schedule two compute intensive tasks to both
logical processors on a core leaving the other cores idle, you also do
not want to assign assign any interrupts to the 2nd logical processor in
a given core.  All this does is pile up context and state switches on
said core.  The net effect is decreasing the overall work that can be

And to this point, it's not usually a good idea to spread interrupts
round robin from any device evenly across all cores in a system.  This
is inefficient as each core must load the ISR for every interrupt.  This
decreases the effectiveness of L1/L2 caches on all cores, causing
additional cache misses for other processes executing on those cores.
This is precisely why irqbalance was created.

 However, the Dell is using
 CPU0 exclusively for the ethernet device interrupts, while the HP
 spreads them pretty evenly.

This could be as simple at HT being enabled on the Dell.  If not, the
contents of your /proc/interrupts files should help me narrow this down
for you.

For future reference, kernel scheduler problems such as this should be
posted on LKML, not a distro list, no matter which distro you use.
There are very few people on debian-user or any of the distro general
help lists with significant knowledge of the kernel, let alone the
scheduler.  You typically get help with this kind of thing much faster,
and with more thorough knowledge transfer on LKML.



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