Re: Kernels suspend

2014-04-26 Thread Fabien R
On 23/04/2014 15:59, jerome moliere wrote:
 je dois dire que j'en ai marre de trouver ma batterie vide et mon laptop
 brulant (alors qu'en mode standard il ne dissipe pas et a une super
 autonomie de + de 10 heures)

J'ai eu des symptômes similaires sur mon DELL.
Mais j'utilise hibernate+cpufreqd avec un kernel 3.2.x customisé sous
J'ai dû revoir la conf des deux utilitaires.


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Re: erreur avec ps -ef

2014-04-26 Thread Francois Lafont

Le 25/04/2014 17:30, Bzzz a écrit :

  j'ai une erreur en lançant un script shell avec ps (pièce
 Pas étonnant, lance la 1ère ligne de Cde à la main
 et tu comprendras pourquoi ça plante.

Perso, j'ai ça :

$ kill -9 $(ps -ef |grep mplayer |awk '{print $2}')
bash: kill: (7159) - No such process

En l'occurrence, je comprends effectivement le message d'erreur
que j'ai ci-dessus.

Par contre, je veux bien qu'on m'explique le message d'erreur
que le PO obtient. Car ce message d'erreur là, non, je ne le
comprends pas.

François Lafont

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Partitionnement GPT

2014-04-26 Thread Philippe Delavalade
Bonjour la liste.

Je compte installer Debian sur une nouvelle machine d'ici quelques jours
avec debian-testing-amd64-netinst.

Mon premier souci est le partitionnement des disques. Je voudrais faire du
GPT mais gdisk ne semble pas disponible sur netinst. Je pensais donc
partitionner les disques avant l'installation en utilisant la distrib GRML
(basée Debian) et qui elle embarque fdisk. Est-ce une solution correcte ?

Merci par avance.

Ph. Delavalade

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Re: Partitionnement GPT

2014-04-26 Thread Sylvain L. Sauvage
Le samedi 26 avril 2014, 12:42:09 Philippe Delavalade a écrit :
 Bonjour la liste.


 Je compte installer Debian sur une nouvelle machine d'ici
 quelques jours avec debian-testing-amd64-netinst.
 Mon premier souci est le partitionnement des disques. Je
 voudrais faire du GPT mais gdisk ne semble pas disponible sur

  Partman (le logiciel de partitionnement de l’installateur) 
reconnaît bien les GPT. En revanche et effectivement, je ne me 
souviens pas d’avoir vu une option pour en créer une sur un 
disque vierge. Peut-être en mode expert ?

 Je pensais donc partitionner les disques avant
 l'installation en utilisant la distrib GRML (basée Debian) et
 qui elle embarque fdisk. Est-ce une solution correcte ?

  Ça a le mérite d’être une solution simple qui fonctionne ;o)

 Sylvain Sauvage

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Re: kworker prend trop de CPU

2014-04-26 Thread Sylvain L. Sauvage
Le samedi 26 avril 2014, 01:19:57 prego jérémy a écrit :


Note : ce serait sympa de se relire avant de poster.

[… À propos de kworker …]

  Comme tu sembles l’avoir compris, un « processus » kworker est 
un thread du noyau. Quand le noyau veut faire plusieurs choses 
en parallèle (comme p.ex. gérer un périphérique, attendre une 
entrée/sortie…), il lance un thread séparé qui apparaît alors 
comme un processus nommé « [kworker/BLA] ». Certains threads du 
noyau ont des noms plus explicites : « [irq-BLA] », « [btrfs-
BLA] », « [iwlwifi] », etc.

  En somme, « kworker » est juste un nom générique. Ça n’est pas 
parce que certains ont réglé leur problème en tripotant leur 
carte vidéo que tu vas régler le tien de la même façon.

  Pour connaître l’origine de ton problème, il faudrait savoir 
_si_ c’est un processus utilisateur qui a demandé quelque chose 
de difficile au noyau et, dans ce cas, _quel_ processus a 
demandé _quoi_ au noyau et _pourquoi_ ça le fait travailler 
autant, ou _si_ c’est un module noyau qui est parti à l’ouest et 
_pourquoi_ (p.ex. si c’est un périphérique qui répond mal).

  Pour ça, je pense qu’il faudrait utiliser les outils de 
traçage de noyau (peut-être perf).

  Tu peux aussi essayer de voir ce qui est lancé sur ta machine 
au moment du problème et si ça s’arrête si tu arrêtes un 
programme ou un autre (en commençant par les programmes les plus 
gourmands en E/S et qui ont des tâches répétitives (timers)).

 Sylvain Sauvage

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Re: Partitionnement GPT

2014-04-26 Thread Philippe Delavalade
Désolé Sylvain pour la réponse hors liste.

Le samedi 26 avril à 15:29, Sylvain L. Sauvage a écrit :
 Le samedi 26 avril 2014, 12:42:09 Philippe Delavalade a écrit :
  Bonjour la liste.
  Je compte installer Debian sur une nouvelle machine d'ici
  quelques jours avec debian-testing-amd64-netinst.
  Mon premier souci est le partitionnement des disques. Je
  voudrais faire du GPT mais gdisk ne semble pas disponible sur
   Partman (le logiciel de partitionnement de l???installateur) 
 reconnaît bien les GPT. En revanche et effectivement, je ne me 
 souviens pas d???avoir vu une option pour en créer une sur un 
 disque vierge. Peut-être en mode expert ?

J'ignore tout de partman ; deplus sur ma machine actuelle (jessie), un
apt-cache search partman ne me répond rien :-(
  Je pensais donc partitionner les disques avant
  l'installation en utilisant la distrib GRML (basée Debian) et
  qui elle embarque fdisk. Est-ce une solution correcte ?

Oups, je voulais dire gdisk :-)

   Ça a le mérite d???être une solution simple qui fonctionne ;o)

Je m'orienterai donc vers cette solution.


Ph. Delavalade

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Re: erreur avec ps -ef

2014-04-26 Thread François TOURDE
Le 16186ième jour après Epoch,
Francois Lafont écrivait:


 Le 25/04/2014 17:30, Bzzz a écrit :

 j'ai une erreur en lançant un script shell avec ps (pièce
 Pas étonnant, lance la 1ère ligne de Cde à la main
 et tu comprendras pourquoi ça plante.

 Perso, j'ai ça :

 $ kill -9 $(ps -ef |grep mplayer |awk '{print $2}')
 bash: kill: (7159) - No such process

 En l'occurrence, je comprends effectivement le message d'erreur
 que j'ai ci-dessus.

 Par contre, je veux bien qu'on m'explique le message d'erreur
 que le PO obtient. Car ce message d'erreur là, non, je ne le
 comprends pas.

Il vient du fait que quand tu passes la commande suivante:

 ps -ef |grep mplayer |awk '{print $2}'

tu peux avoir 2 réponses: celle du process mplayer lui-même, et celle du
process grep. Du coup, le kill va s'adresser aussi au grep, et le tuer.

Dans ton cas, la seule réponse est celle du grep, mais le kill n'a pas
eu le temps de le tuer, il s'est fini avant.


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Re: kworker prend trop de CPU

2014-04-26 Thread prego jérémy

Le 26/04/2014 15:57, Sylvain L. Sauvage a écrit :

Le samedi 26 avril 2014, 01:19:57 prego jérémy a écrit :



Note : ce serait sympa de se relire avant de poster.

ça a été fait mais pas assez aparament.

[… À propos de kworker …]

   Comme tu sembles l’avoir compris, un « processus » kworker est
un thread du noyau. Quand le noyau veut faire plusieurs choses
en parallèle (comme p.ex. gérer un périphérique, attendre une
entrée/sortie…), il lance un thread séparé qui apparaît alors
comme un processus nommé « [kworker/BLA] ». Certains threads du
noyau ont des noms plus explicites : « [irq-BLA] », « [btrfs-
BLA] », « [iwlwifi] », etc.

   En somme, « kworker » est juste un nom générique. Ça n’est pas
parce que certains ont réglé leur problème en tripotant leur
carte vidéo que tu vas régler le tien de la même façon.

   Pour connaître l’origine de ton problème, il faudrait savoir
_si_ c’est un processus utilisateur qui a demandé quelque chose
de difficile au noyau et, dans ce cas, _quel_ processus a
demandé _quoi_ au noyau et _pourquoi_ ça le fait travailler
autant, ou _si_ c’est un module noyau qui est parti à l’ouest et
_pourquoi_ (p.ex. si c’est un périphérique qui répond mal).

   Pour ça, je pense qu’il faudrait utiliser les outils de
traçage de noyau (peut-être perf).

   Tu peux aussi essayer de voir ce qui est lancé sur ta machine
au moment du problème et si ça s’arrête si tu arrêtes un
programme ou un autre (en commençant par les programmes les plus
gourmands en E/S et qui ont des tâches répétitives (timers)).

non, cela ne s'arrête pas. j'ai stopé gdm, et le maximum de services mais le 
kworker est toujours là en prenant entre 60 et 80 % du CPU


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Re: Partitionnement GPT

2014-04-26 Thread Louis Wiart

Partman est l'utilitaire fourni avec le support d'installation, c'est pour
ça que tu ne le trouves pas en faisant un search.


2014-04-26 17:19 GMT+02:00 Philippe Delavalade

 Désolé Sylvain pour la réponse hors liste.

 Le samedi 26 avril à 15:29, Sylvain L. Sauvage a écrit :
  Le samedi 26 avril 2014, 12:42:09 Philippe Delavalade a écrit :
   Bonjour la liste.
   Je compte installer Debian sur une nouvelle machine d'ici
   quelques jours avec debian-testing-amd64-netinst.
   Mon premier souci est le partitionnement des disques. Je
   voudrais faire du GPT mais gdisk ne semble pas disponible sur
Partman (le logiciel de partitionnement de l???installateur)
  reconnaît bien les GPT. En revanche et effectivement, je ne me
  souviens pas d???avoir vu une option pour en créer une sur un
  disque vierge. Peut-être en mode expert ?

 J'ignore tout de partman ; deplus sur ma machine actuelle (jessie), un
 apt-cache search partman ne me répond rien :-(
   Je pensais donc partitionner les disques avant
   l'installation en utilisant la distrib GRML (basée Debian) et
   qui elle embarque fdisk. Est-ce une solution correcte ?

 Oups, je voulais dire gdisk :-)

Ça a le mérite d???être une solution simple qui fonctionne ;o)

 Je m'orienterai donc vers cette solution.


 Ph. Delavalade

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Re: Kernels suspend

2014-04-26 Thread jerome moliere
Salut Fabien
merci de la confirmation...
j'avais eu les memes soucis du coup j ai vire laptop-mode et autres et je
fais la config directement dans le kernel dans rc.local (sous stable) ou
via systemd (pour Semplice)


J.MOLIERE - Mentor/J

Le 26 avril 2014 09:20, Fabien R a écrit :

 On 23/04/2014 15:59, jerome moliere wrote:
  je dois dire que j'en ai marre de trouver ma batterie vide et mon laptop
  brulant (alors qu'en mode standard il ne dissipe pas et a une super
  autonomie de + de 10 heures)

 J'ai eu des symptômes similaires sur mon DELL.
 Mais j'utilise hibernate+cpufreqd avec un kernel 3.2.x customisé sous
 J'ai dû revoir la conf des deux utilitaires.


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Re: Partitionnement GPT

2014-04-26 Thread Belaïd
Pour le partionnement GPT j'utilise gparted-live
Le 26 avr. 2014 12:42, Philippe Delavalade
a écrit :

 Bonjour la liste.

 Je compte installer Debian sur une nouvelle machine d'ici quelques jours
 avec debian-testing-amd64-netinst.

 Mon premier souci est le partitionnement des disques. Je voudrais faire du
 GPT mais gdisk ne semble pas disponible sur netinst. Je pensais donc
 partitionner les disques avant l'installation en utilisant la distrib GRML
 (basée Debian) et qui elle embarque fdisk. Est-ce une solution correcte ?

 Merci par avance.

 Ph. Delavalade

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Re: erreur avec ps -ef

2014-04-26 Thread Francois Lafont

Le 26/04/2014 17:14, François TOURDE a écrit :

 Perso, j'ai ça :

 $ kill -9 $(ps -ef |grep mplayer |awk '{print $2}')
 bash: kill: (7159) - No such process

 En l'occurrence, je comprends effectivement le message d'erreur
 que j'ai ci-dessus.

 Par contre, je veux bien qu'on m'explique le message d'erreur
 que le PO obtient. Car ce message d'erreur là, non, je ne le
 comprends pas.
 Il vient du fait que quand tu passes la commande suivante:
  ps -ef |grep mplayer |awk '{print $2}'
 tu peux avoir 2 réponses: celle du process mplayer lui-même, et celle du
 process grep. 

Jusque là ok, j'avais bien conscience de cela.

 Du coup, le kill va s'adresser aussi au grep, et le tuer.

Alors là par contre, j'aimerais bien avoir un peu plus d'explication
si c'est possible. Il y a 2 choses que je ne pige pas.

1. Tu dis que le kill va s'adresser au grep mais déjà, pour moi, quand
on fait ça :

kill -9 $(ps -ef |grep mplayer |awk '{print $2}')

j'ai du mal à imaginer que le « kill ... » soit lancé alors que
le $(...) n'a pas fini son exécution. Je me trompe peut-être mais
il me semble que, avant que la commande « kill ... » ne soit exécutée,
il faut bien que le $(...) aille à son terme pour la simple et bonne
raison que l'instruction « kill ... » ne sera connue qu'une fois
la commande $(...) terminée.

Je me trompe ?

2. Quand bien même, admettons que le timing que tu décris est le bon,
ie le kill s'adresse au grep (chose qui me semble impossible comme je
l'ai indiqué dans le 1), je ne vois toujours pas le rapport avec le
message d'erreur obtenu par le PO, à savoir :

Signal 18 (CONT) caught by ps (procps-ng version 3.3.9).
ps:display.c:66: please report this bug

La commande ps aurait donc attrapé le signal CONT qui est un signal
qui entraîne par défaut la reprise du processus si celui-ci est stoppé.
Quel rapport avec le fait que le kill aurait tué le grep ?

 Dans ton cas, la seule réponse est celle du grep, mais le kill n'a pas
 eu le temps de le tuer, il s'est fini avant.

Effectivement, le grep s'est terminé avant et pour moi ce sera toujours
le cas car, pour que l'instruction kill se lance, le $(...) doit d'abord
se finir (sans quoi l'instruction kill n'est pas encore connue et je ne
vois pas ce que l'os est en mesure d'exécuter). Évidemment, je serais
ravi d'avoir des explications là-dessus, surtout si je me plante (ce qui
n'est pas exclu du tout ;-)).

Bref, je conçois parfaitement le message d'erreur « bash: kill: (7159)
- No such process » car on cherche à tuer un process qui n'existe plus.
En revanche, le message d'erreur du PO reste encore pour moi un
mystère non résolu.

François Lafont

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RE: Boycott a systemd

2014-04-26 Thread William Romero

 El objetivo de los mercaderes (personas y grupos que quieren dominar
 el mundo, esclavizando a todos); ha sido. destruir y/o apropiarse del
 Software libre; los metodos han sido diferentes; la armada de EU, se
 atribuye la creacion de internet (cosa que ya existia, solo faltaba el
 instrumento); la NSA mete proyectos de seguridad en Debian y promueve la
 creacion de capas de software (paneles de control), mete bugs
 (posiblemente HeartBleed), mete personas que promuevan la facilidad en
 el software libre (eso facilita las intrusiones, y crea grupos que
 empiezan a exigir cambios, en vez de crear y auditar codigo); systemd,
 es la muestra de codigo complicado y con tendencia a ser codigo cerrado!

Uno de ellos que considero bueno es
a probar que esta bueno.



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Re: Boycott a systemd

2014-04-26 Thread Roberto

El 24/04/2014 18:31, German Cardozo escribió:

Un grupo del que desconozco su origen, creo el sitio:, supongo que con la buena intención de
explicar las razones por las cuales no estan de acuerdo con este sistema.

Considero cierto, y ya he efectuado algunas revisiones y pruebas, que
este pierde parte de la filosofía UNIX, de hacer las cosas. En especial,
el uso de archivos en formatos no texto o no leibles por humanos,
para almacenar información o configuraciones, forzar el uso de ciertos
paquetes y/o sistemas (udev, dbus), estar diseñado para glibc, entre otros.

Con el simple ánimo de dejar esto a la consideración técnica de todos en
la Lista.


German Cardozo Chirinos
~ carpe diem ~

No he visto la web pero tengo claro que por muchas ventajas que ofrezcan 
systemd es un paso atrás en la filosofía UNIX.

Últimamente tengo que lidiar con Solaris 11 ya en manos de Oracle y ahí 
también hicieron el cambio a un sistema similar con la idea de 
centralización/unificacion/monitorizacion/etc de los servicios, la cara 
que puse al ver este cambio ufff, no me quiero imaginar como se lo 
explican a alguien que lleve decadas bajo UNIX. Estuve investigando de 
donde y cuando parte este cambio en la gestión de servicios y eran en 
tiempos de SUN.

Desde luego cada vez tengo más interes en migrar a FreeBSD donde allí ni 
de coña se plantean este cambio y simplifican al máximo la gestión de 
red, archivos, firewall flipando estoy con el uso de paquetería txz.

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Re: Sobre el código no normal que aparece en el arranque de Debian

2014-04-26 Thread Alberto Vicat

El 25/04/14 15:18, José Manuel (EB8CXW) escribió:


Tengo Debian testing, y el arranque de Debian aparece fallos. Es tan 
rápido que no puedo visualizarlo bien, antes no pasaba. Me podían 
indicar de que manera puedo visualizarlo y como entenderlo. Gracias de 

Espero su ayuda y les doy las gracias de antemano.

Un saludo,
José Manuel
Gran Canaria/España

Si vas a escribir.. piensa en esto:
no digas nada que no sea mas precioso que el silencio!!!

Hola José Manuel.
Todo lo que ves pasar raudamente durante el arranque queda escrito en un 
archivo de texto ubicado en /va/log/.

Allí puedes consultar messages, boot.log, kern.log, syslog, y algún otro.


Re: Sobre el código no normal que aparece en el arranque de Debian

2014-04-26 Thread Alberto Vicat

El 25/04/14 15:18, José Manuel (EB8CXW) escribió:


Tengo Debian testing, y el arranque de Debian aparece fallos. Es tan 
rápido que no puedo visualizarlo bien, antes no pasaba. Me podían 
indicar de que manera puedo visualizarlo y como entenderlo. Gracias de 

Espero su ayuda y les doy las gracias de antemano.

Un saludo,
José Manuel
Gran Canaria/España

Si vas a escribir.. piensa en esto:
no digas nada que no sea mas precioso que el silencio!!!

Hola José Manuel.
Podés consultar los siguientes archivos, en /var/log/:
... y algún otro.


Re: Boycott a systemd

2014-04-26 Thread Santiago Vila
On Sat, Apr 26, 2014 at 10:01:23AM +0200, Roberto wrote:
 No he visto la web pero tengo claro que por muchas ventajas que
 ofrezcan systemd es un paso atrás en la filosofía UNIX.

Mito número 10: systemd no es UNIX:

Los otros mitos son igualmente interesantes, o más.

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OT conectar a un servidor de archivos con nautilus

2014-04-26 Thread Edward Villarroel (EDD)
buenos dias el caso es el siguiente

yo desde windows por ejecutar coloco


me pide usuario y password y entro en donde estan las carpetas(discos)

pero desde linux no c como conectarme

intente smb://miservidor/
 y no pasa nada

Edward Villarroel:  @Agentedd

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Recuperar un fichero recién borrado sabiendo su nombre.

2014-04-26 Thread Ramses
Hola a todos,

Acabo de borrar un fichero comprimido .gz el cual tenía unos datos que me 

No he tocado el equipo desde que lo he borrado.

Sé que para recuperar ficheros está testdisk / photorec, que busca todos los 
ficheros borrados, directorios, etc...

¿Pero hay alguna herramienta que, sabiendo la ubicación donde estaba el fichero 
y el nombre, pueda ir directamente a recuperar ese fichero sin tener que 
testear la partición completa?.

No sé si me explico.

Por ejemplo, si acabo de borrar el fichero manolo.txt, una utilidad del tipo 
undelete manolo.txt.

Saludos y gracias,


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Re: Recuperar un fichero recién borrado sabiendo su nombre.

2014-04-26 Thread Roberto Quiñones
El abr 26, 2014 5:06 PM, Ramses escribió:

 Hola a todos,

 Acabo de borrar un fichero comprimido .gz el cual tenía unos datos que
me interesan.

 No he tocado el equipo desde que lo he borrado.

 Sé que para recuperar ficheros está testdisk / photorec, que busca
todos los ficheros borrados, directorios, etc...

 ¿Pero hay alguna herramienta que, sabiendo la ubicación donde estaba el
fichero y el nombre, pueda ir directamente a recuperar ese fichero sin
tener que testear la partición completa?.

 No sé si me explico.

 Por ejemplo, si acabo de borrar el fichero manolo.txt, una utilidad del
tipo undelete manolo.txt.

 Saludos y gracias,


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La busqueda de google me trajo un link bastante interesante a mi entender.

Espero pueda ayudarte.



2014-04-26 Thread Elvin Rodriguez
Buenas tardes

estoy tratando de configurar los servicios de DNS en una pc del laboratorio
de la Universidad, para lo cual estoy utilizando linux como nativo y win7
visualizado; utilizando la ip para Linux y la red interna.

comencé creando la llave en el archivo named.conf.local, luego copie el
archivo local a
el cual también lo modifique con los datos de mi red interna.
seguido a ello cree y modifique el archivo db.inversa así como tambien
modifique el /etc/resolv.conf con los datos de mi dominio en este caso

en el cree o asigne a www la ip y a ftp la
la cuestión es que desde que configure esto, perdí la conexión a internet,
aunque si hago ping al desde Linux y windows,
otro problema es que desde Linux puedo hacer ping a www y ftp pero desde la
virtual no.

alguien que me pueda ayudar a resolver este problema por favor.


2014-04-26 Thread Santiago Vila
On Sat, Apr 26, 2014 at 04:16:26PM -0600, Elvin Rodriguez wrote:
 win7 visualizado

¿Quieres decir *virtualizado*?

 perdí la conexión a internet,
 hago ping al

Por favor habla con un poco más de propiedad. Si puedes hacer ping a entonces *tienes* conexión a Internet. Cuando no funciona el
DNS crees que no funciona Internet porque no eres capaz de acceder a
nada a través del nombre. Pero el DNS *no* es Internet.

Tendrás que seguir leyendo documentación porque si todavía confundes
el DNS con tener conexión a internet es que te queda bastante por

 desde la virtual no.

De esta última frase es de donde deduzco que lo de visualizado no
iba en serio.

No tengo ni idea de lo que te pasa, lo siento, pero yo probaría a
eliminar cosas y a simplificar. Por ejemplo: En vez de usar
virtualización, usa *dos* ordenadores con IP fija. Será un poco
distinto de lo que estabas intentando pero cuando uno tiene un
problema gordo lo que hay que hacer es simplificarlo.

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2014-04-26 Thread Elvin Rodriguez
Gracias Santiago y tienes razón,  me equivoque al decir que no tenía
conexión simplemente queria decir que el dns no me resolvia las direcciones
y fue por ello que puse que si podia hacer el ping.
Otro error es el de  visualizado ya que lo correcto es virtualizado nada
dificil de comprender
Entonces,  mi problema en concreto es que e
Dns no me resuelve a las direcciones cuando trato de hacer ping desde la
maquina virtual
El abr 26, 2014 5:16 PM, Elvin Rodriguez escribió:

 Buenas tardes

 estoy tratando de configurar los servicios de DNS en una pc del
 laboratorio de la Universidad, para lo cual estoy utilizando linux como
 nativo y win7 visualizado; utilizando la ip para Linux y para la red interna.

 comencé creando la llave en el archivo named.conf.local, luego copie el
 archivo local a
 el cual también lo modifique con los datos de mi red interna.
 seguido a ello cree y modifique el archivo db.inversa así como tambien
 modifique el /etc/resolv.conf con los datos de mi dominio en este caso

 en el cree o asigne a www la ip y a ftp la
 la cuestión es que desde que configure esto, perdí la conexión a internet,
 aunque si hago ping al desde Linux y windows,
 otro problema es que desde Linux puedo hacer ping a www y ftp pero desde
 la virtual no.

 alguien que me pueda ayudar a resolver este problema por favor.

Re: Re: [OT] Telia ADSL och SSH

2014-04-26 Thread Mats Hansson


Jag har ingen lösning och kan bara bekräfta genom att jag har exakt 
samma problem. Gav upp sommaren 2013 och försökte igen april 2014 för 
att se om någon uppgradering löst problemet. Men nej!

Pratade med supporten förra sommaren men möttes av inkompetens.

Nu ger jag upp igen och fortsätter med min gamla lösning och struntar i 


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Re: [OFFTOPIC] Políticas de Uso TI

2014-04-26 Thread Sinval Júnior

Quanto à demissão, este não é o entendimento do TST. Claro empresa pode sim
demitir apenas não pode alegar justa causa. As normas de uma empresa não
podem sobrepor leis. Para TST e MP você nem pode monitorar acesso do
usuário isto seria invasão de privacidade. Ou seja cara pode levar uma boa
grana se decidir entrar na justiça.

Ao encaminhar esta mensagem, por favor:
1 - Apague meu endereço eletrônico;
2 - Encaminhe como Cópia Oculta (Cco ou BCc) aos seus destinatários.
Dificulte assim a disseminação de vírus, spams e banners.

#!/usr/bin/env python
nome = 'Sinval Júnior'
email = 'sinvalju arroba gmail ponto com'
print nome
print email

Em 25 de abril de 2014 18:07, Christian Rosa

 Indenpendente da política interna referente a tecnologia da Informação eu
 entendo que se o usuário que foi admitido está ciente das sanções e
 politicas, deve cumpri-las igualmente como qualquer outra politica interna
 da empresa. E para cada descumprimento uma punição, que podem variar de
 advertência verbal até demissão.
 Ex: Uso de um refeitorio, existe uma politica e caso desreipeite existe
 uma sanção, cumprimento do horário seria outro exemplo.
 Sai um pouco do universo da tecnologia da informação para uma melhor

 Em 25 de abril de 2014 17:58, Sinval Júnior escreveu:

 Você pode demitir quem você quiser. Mais isto não serve como base para
 justa causa. Sem falar que isso não vai garantir segurança para suar
 informações. Visto que regras existem para serem quebradas. Se precisar de
 fato garantir isto crie redes isoladas. E implemente regras no filtro.
 Leandro se puder enviar a fonte deste estudos. O importante é cobrar
 resultados. Nada haver cara acessar um Porta dos Fundos, ou mesmo um
 WhatsApp. Até mesmo porque um bom ssh na porta 80 burla qualquer
 proxy/filtro. Obs me refiro a redes internas usadas por usuários normal e
 não a redes de servidores. Ai sim iso 27001.

 Ao encaminhar esta mensagem, por favor:
 1 - Apague meu endereço eletrônico;
 2 - Encaminhe como Cópia Oculta (Cco ou BCc) aos seus destinatários.
 Dificulte assim a disseminação de vírus, spams e banners.

 #!/usr/bin/env python
 nome = 'Sinval Júnior'
 email = 'sinvalju arroba gmail ponto com'
 print nome
 print email

 Em 25 de abril de 2014 07:04, Leandro escreveu:

  Sinval em estudos feitos, se a empresa criar suas políticas de
 segurança e isso estiver fixado em cartazes mural etc.. ou email enviado
 assim que uma pessoa ganha uma conta corporativa e amplamente
 divulgado,sendo claramente listadas as sanções caso as normas sejam
 desrespeitadas vc pode sim demitir.ou adverter o usuário.Entretanto
 acredito que privar não resolve nada o Helio Loureiro aqui ja chegou a
 citar algo como coisa de gerente que não sabe nada,querer privar.politica
 e importante sim mas cautela ainda e o melhor remédio,o legal e criar a
 politica reunir todos da empresa e divulgs-las mostrando o real motivo
 garantir a segurança das informações da empresa. O ideal é vc se basear na
 iso 27001 para criar sua própria politica. Abraco
 Em 24/04/2014 16:09, Sinval Júnior escreveu:

 Trabalho em empresa do Governo aqui temos um documento enorme. Proíbe
 até uso de pendriver. Na minha opinião inútil, visto que para Justiça isso
 não tem valor, você não poderá demitir um usuário alegando justa coisa caso
 ele descumpra a norma, o melhor que você pode fazer é ter um bom filtro de
 conteúdo. E fazer campanhas via e-mail etc...

 Ao encaminhar esta mensagem, por favor:
 1 - Apague meu endereço eletrônico;
 2 - Encaminhe como Cópia Oculta (Cco ou BCc) aos seus destinatários.
 Dificulte assim a disseminação de vírus, spams e banners.

 #!/usr/bin/env python
 nome = 'Sinval Júnior'
 email = 'sinvalju arroba gmail ponto com'
 print nome
 print email

 Em 24 de abril de 2014 13:17, Cássio Elias

  Bom, acredito que o máximo que voce irá chegar seja o máximo que a
 administração passada chegou. Apenas um raciocínio.

 Agora, a ITIL não trabalha com esse tipo de documentação não?

 De uma estiver errado me corrijam por favor.

 Em 24/04/2014 10:32, Fábio de Sousa escreveu:

  Um salve a todos,

  Amigos, estou precisando de algum documento que tenha políticas de
 uso na área de TI dentro de uma empresa, se possível deste o Administrador
 de Redes até o usuário final.
  Estou assumindo o setor de TI de uma empresa e disse que para o meu
 Diretor que precisamos tomar algumas medidas para  organizar 

Re: [OFFTOPIC] Políticas de Uso TI

2014-04-26 Thread Christian Rosa
Não pode monitorar ? Tenho a impressão de já ter lido em ferramentas que
usuário utiliza a informação que ele está sendo monitorado e a lei que
permite. Isso é uma prática muito comum nas empresas, orgãos e governo,
todos somos monitorados.

Em 26 de abril de 2014 09:22, Sinval Júnior escreveu:


 Quanto à demissão, este não é o entendimento do TST. Claro empresa pode
 sim demitir apenas não pode alegar justa causa. As normas de uma empresa
 não podem sobrepor leis. Para TST e MP você nem pode monitorar acesso do
 usuário isto seria invasão de privacidade. Ou seja cara pode levar uma boa
 grana se decidir entrar na justiça.

 Ao encaminhar esta mensagem, por favor:
 1 - Apague meu endereço eletrônico;
 2 - Encaminhe como Cópia Oculta (Cco ou BCc) aos seus destinatários.
 Dificulte assim a disseminação de vírus, spams e banners.

 #!/usr/bin/env python
 nome = 'Sinval Júnior'
 email = 'sinvalju arroba gmail ponto com'
 print nome
 print email

 Em 25 de abril de 2014 18:07, Christian Rosa 

  Indenpendente da política interna referente a tecnologia da Informação eu
 entendo que se o usuário que foi admitido está ciente das sanções e
 politicas, deve cumpri-las igualmente como qualquer outra politica interna
 da empresa. E para cada descumprimento uma punição, que podem variar de
 advertência verbal até demissão.
 Ex: Uso de um refeitorio, existe uma politica e caso desreipeite existe
 uma sanção, cumprimento do horário seria outro exemplo.
 Sai um pouco do universo da tecnologia da informação para uma melhor

 Em 25 de abril de 2014 17:58, Sinval Júnior sinva...@gmail.comescreveu:

 Você pode demitir quem você quiser. Mais isto não serve como base para
 justa causa. Sem falar que isso não vai garantir segurança para suar
 informações. Visto que regras existem para serem quebradas. Se precisar de
 fato garantir isto crie redes isoladas. E implemente regras no filtro.
 Leandro se puder enviar a fonte deste estudos. O importante é cobrar
 resultados. Nada haver cara acessar um Porta dos Fundos, ou mesmo um
 WhatsApp. Até mesmo porque um bom ssh na porta 80 burla qualquer
 proxy/filtro. Obs me refiro a redes internas usadas por usuários normal e
 não a redes de servidores. Ai sim iso 27001.

 Ao encaminhar esta mensagem, por favor:
 1 - Apague meu endereço eletrônico;
 2 - Encaminhe como Cópia Oculta (Cco ou BCc) aos seus destinatários.
 Dificulte assim a disseminação de vírus, spams e banners.

 #!/usr/bin/env python
 nome = 'Sinval Júnior'
 email = 'sinvalju arroba gmail ponto com'
 print nome
 print email

 Em 25 de abril de 2014 07:04, Leandro escreveu:

  Sinval em estudos feitos, se a empresa criar suas políticas de
 segurança e isso estiver fixado em cartazes mural etc.. ou email enviado
 assim que uma pessoa ganha uma conta corporativa e amplamente
 divulgado,sendo claramente listadas as sanções caso as normas sejam
 desrespeitadas vc pode sim demitir.ou adverter o usuário.Entretanto
 acredito que privar não resolve nada o Helio Loureiro aqui ja chegou a
 citar algo como coisa de gerente que não sabe nada,querer privar.politica
 e importante sim mas cautela ainda e o melhor remédio,o legal e criar a
 politica reunir todos da empresa e divulgs-las mostrando o real motivo
 garantir a segurança das informações da empresa. O ideal é vc se basear na
 iso 27001 para criar sua própria politica. Abraco
 Em 24/04/2014 16:09, Sinval Júnior escreveu:

 Trabalho em empresa do Governo aqui temos um documento enorme. Proíbe
 até uso de pendriver. Na minha opinião inútil, visto que para Justiça isso
 não tem valor, você não poderá demitir um usuário alegando justa coisa 
 ele descumpra a norma, o melhor que você pode fazer é ter um bom filtro de
 conteúdo. E fazer campanhas via e-mail etc...

 Ao encaminhar esta mensagem, por favor:
 1 - Apague meu endereço eletrônico;
 2 - Encaminhe como Cópia Oculta (Cco ou BCc) aos seus destinatários.
 Dificulte assim a disseminação de vírus, spams e banners.

 #!/usr/bin/env python
 nome = 'Sinval Júnior'
 email = 'sinvalju arroba gmail ponto com'
 print nome
 print email

 Em 24 de abril de 2014 13:17, Cássio Elias

  Bom, acredito que o máximo que voce irá chegar seja o máximo que a
 administração passada chegou. Apenas um raciocínio.

 Agora, a ITIL não trabalha com esse tipo de documentação não?

 De uma estiver errado me corrijam por favor.

 Em 24/04/2014 10:32, Fábio de Sousa 

(OT) não consigo alterar MIME type de arquivos jpeg no XFCE

2014-04-26 Thread Gunther Furtado

O Thunar (1.6.3) na minha instalação do xfce (4.10) em um debian
testing totalmente atualizado quase sem nada de GNOME, encasquetou que
só o Windows Internet explorer do wine pode abrir arquivos jpeg.

O botão direito-abrir com-imagemagick funciona corretamente mas a
questão é que mesmo usando Menu de Aplicações-Configurações-Editar
MIME type e trocar o aplicativo vinculado a jpeg, o xfve torna a
escolher o Windows Internet explorer do wine.

Já desinstalei o wine  já apaguei os .wine* e nada. duplo clique sobre
os jpeg e não acontece nada...

já fucei em default.list e não consigo mudar o diacho do comportamento
do xfce.



...E que fique muito mal explicado.  Não faço força para
 ser entendido. Quem faz sentido é soldado... Mario Quintana

Gunther Furtado
Curitiba - Paraná - Brasil

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compra de notebook

2014-04-26 Thread Fred Maranhão

estou pensando em comprar um notebook e gostaria de instalar o mínimo
possível de coisas fora dos repositórios main do debian. ou seja, instalar
o mínimo de coisas do repositório non-free e coisas não empacotadas.

alguém tem alguma sugetão de modelo (ou marca) que eu não tenha que ficar
instalando software (principalmente drivers) não-DFSG?

İş ve Eleman İhtiyaçlarınız Hakkında

2014-04-26 Thread Selin YILMAZ
İş ve eleman ihtiyaçlarınız için sizlere yardımcı olmak istiyoruz. 
Sitemiz ile bu konuda sizlere destek olabiliriz. 
Sormak istediğiniz bir soru olursa adresinden 
bana ulaşabilirsiniz. 2005 yılından bu yana firmaların ve adayların online 
ortamda bir araya gelmesini sağlayarak adayların iş, firmaların eleman 
bulmasını sağlayan bir insan kaynakları sitesidir.
  Kolay kullanımı , hızlı altyapısı ve müşteri odaklı hizmet anlayışı 
ile hızla büyüyerek sektördeki lider firmalardan biri haline gelmiştir.


İlan Yayınlayın!

Hemen İş Bulun!

Bilgi Alın: 0216 222 25 89






Her türlü soru, görüş ve önerileriniz için bize ulaşabilirsiniz. 
0216 222 25 89 -

Türkiye İş Kurumu tarafından verilen 606 numaralı izin ile faaliyet 
E-posta üyeliğinden çıkmak istiyorsanız buraya tıklayın.


Mobile Broadband with Btooth

2014-04-26 Thread Gábor Hársfalvi

How to do that?

It always refuse connecting

Re: Personal Recommendations for Free List Compatible Email Service

2014-04-26 Thread Richard Hector
On 24/04/14 04:06, Patrick Bartek wrote:
 I don't know if a Google/gmail account is really _required_ with Android
 phones, but you are strongly advised (and nagged) to set up one.  As you
 said, without it, no OS or app updates, no app downloads, etc.  So for
 full phone functionality, you need one.

I got OS updates until they dropped the Galaxy Nexus updates with the
update to Kitkat.


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Re: Personal Recommendations for Free List Compatible Email Service

2014-04-26 Thread Richard Hector
On 24/04/14 10:13, Celejar wrote:
 On Wed, 23 Apr 2014 17:29:39 +1200
 Richard Hector wrote:
 On 22/04/14 05:25, Patrick Bartek wrote:
 FYI: You're
 forced into having a gmail account with an Android phone.

 I think I have a gmail account somewhere. I've never associated it with
 my Android phone though.

 That means of course that I don't have access to Google Play or whatever
 it's called, but I'm happy enough with the apps I can get from f-droid.
 I really want to limit myself to f-droid, but they're really pretty
 lacking. They don't even have an ssh server!

Hmm, true. I must have got DroidSSHd from somewhere else then. It wasn't
from the play store though.


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Re: Mobile Broadband with Btooth

2014-04-26 Thread Chris Bannister
On Sat, Apr 26, 2014 at 08:43:42AM +0200, Gábor Hársfalvi wrote:
 How to do that?
 It always refuse connecting

Sorry to be blunt:

If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people
who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the 
oppressing. --- Malcolm X

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Re: Mobile Broadband with Btooth

2014-04-26 Thread Gábor Hársfalvi
It send me in logs - Port already in use

2014-04-26 10:20 GMT+02:00 Chris Bannister

 On Sat, Apr 26, 2014 at 08:43:42AM +0200, Gábor Hársfalvi wrote:
  How to do that?
  It always refuse connecting

 Sorry to be blunt:

 If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people
 who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the
 oppressing. --- Malcolm X

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Re: Mobile Broadband with Btooth

2014-04-26 Thread Joe
On Sat, 26 Apr 2014 10:32:45 +0200
Gábor Hársfalvi wrote:

 It send me in logs - Port already in use

I think it was being gently suggested to you that there is no
possibility of anyone providing any assistance unless you explain
*exactly* what you are doing: what hardware, what software, what the
error messages actually say, etc.


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Re: Mobile Broadband with Btooth

2014-04-26 Thread Chris Bannister
On Sat, Apr 26, 2014 at 10:32:45AM +0200, Gábor Hársfalvi wrote:
 It send me in logs - Port already in use

Have you googled the 'exact' error message? This more often than not can
lead you on the right track to solving 96.75% of most issues. :)

So you need to find out what is already using that port? 
Did you read that link I posted?

If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people
who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the 
oppressing. --- Malcolm X

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Re: In Squeeze replacing python version 2.6.6-13~bpo60+1 with version 2.6.6-3+squeeze7

2014-04-26 Thread Curt
On 2014-04-26, Ken Heard wrote:

 Next was the smoke test; I ran command sh  It ran
 through successfully all the steps except one; it could not install
 package cupsys-bsd because that package does not exist in Squeeze --

That is curious because they indeed list *cups-bsd* as a dependency
for Debian 6.0x and not cupsys-bsd.

Maybe you should try the manual method detailed above.

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Re: Systemd

2014-04-26 Thread Joel Rees
On Sat, Apr 26, 2014 at 1:31 PM, Chris Angelico wrote:

 On Sat, Apr 26, 2014 at 1:53 PM, Joel Rees wrote:
  On Fri, Apr 25, 2014 at 10:59 PM, Chris Angelico
  Please, can someone explain - without too much on the politics, if
  that's possible - whether it's right for me to invest time into
  learning systemd?
  This one is impossible to explain without bringing in stuff that the
  systemd/dbus/etc. crowd (using posts like the one that started this
  have managed to paint over with the politics brush. (That's what I meant
  poisoning the well.)
  So, no, it's impossible to explain without politics.

 Okay. Thank you for explaining. (Including the below.)

  On the other hand, you could learn to code, and then you could examine
  code, and then you would understand why the acrimony goes all the way up
  the top.

 I know how to code, and spend significant portions of my day doing so.
 I'm familiar with C, having been using it for the better part of two
 decades. But I've never dug into the Linux kernel, simply because it's
 a huge amount of code to grok; and opening up a few source files won't
 tell me why people are unhappy. (Unless it's all in comments, in which
 case it's no different from reading text files.)

Same here, but I'm either going to have to start digging in or just retire
from the field, I'm afraid. (Three decades, for me.)

 Of course, understanding why XML configuration files don't belong in
  boot-time code does take a bit more learning to code than simply
  understanding the difference between a pointer and an array.

 Uhh, XML config files don't belong ... pretty much anywhere. :)

Heh. You know, I had to learn the hard way about that. I think the idea of
unbounded nesting was the siren song that took me in. Anyway, that's one of
the sticking points, from what I hear.

  Unfortunately, they
  are also the tools that certain vested interests are using to subvert the
  entire open-source development process. (Apparently using? No. It's
  pretty obvious now.)

 It was developed at Red Hat. Are you saying they're trying to subvert
 open source, or someone else is? I'm lost.

Unfortunately, yes, Red Hat has become beholden to the vested interests. It
started about the time the founder stepped down.

  [...] You should also start learning how to use the BSDs, especially


 As I said above, I can code. (Most of my need for Upstart/systemd
 scripts is to get my stuff running on startup.) But maybe I should
 start targeting a BSD, if only to get some experience with it.

It's worthwhile, although, with the state of Grub, I'm trying to set a
spare machine aside for it.

 You say there'll be a fork in the Linux kernel. But if the split is
 over the use of systemd, why isn't there simply a fork of a
 distribution, shipping some other init instead of systemd?

Because systemd et. al. are not system tools. They are political tools.
They are a band-aid over the rougher spots in initialization, where people
who aren't willing to learn to code shell scripts, and who aren't willing
to learn different ways of organizing code, get hung up. They don't really
solve the underlying problems, they just smooth the waters a bit. It's in
the old tradition of the 80% solution that's really only a 20% solution
being sold as an 80% solution.

 Maybe I should just shut up and go be a user. :|


Maybe I'm being too negative about this. Believe me, you can help if you
can spare even a little time.

The underlying problem, as I see it, is developing a way to encode the
run-time dependencies into the package database and how to use that
information in the configuration scripts.

I think it may require some virtual packages that are almost entirely
configuration scripts, but the database needs to be able to be part of the
various package systems.

(And no XML configuration files. :-/)

Joel Rees

Be careful where you see conspiracy.
Look first in your own heart.

Re: Mobile Broadband with Btooth

2014-04-26 Thread Gábor Hársfalvi

This is a Samsung GT S5230 phone and Debian 6 x86.

I have installed all bluetooth packages - bluez and the others - it works
with the phone succesfully when I send/receive files.

So I think bluethooth works almost fully.

In Debian network manager I set all the options of Mobile Broadband.

But when I try connecting - network manager always disconnect.

And I found in the logs:

modem-manager: Got failure code 3: Operation not allowed

and Error connecting with bluez: Port already in use

2014-04-26 11:14 GMT+02:00 Joe

 On Sat, 26 Apr 2014 10:32:45 +0200
 Gábor Hársfalvi wrote:

  It send me in logs - Port already in use

 I think it was being gently suggested to you that there is no
 possibility of anyone providing any assistance unless you explain
 *exactly* what you are doing: what hardware, what software, what the
 error messages actually say, etc.


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Re: Personal Recommendations for Free List Compatible Email Service

2014-04-26 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Jo, 24 apr 14, 21:46:40, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
 Unlikely that people are only subscribed to this list, that's why assume
 that many users have at least issues caused by their provider, with some
 mailing lists.

Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: Mobile Broadband with Btooth

2014-04-26 Thread Ron Leach

On 26/04/2014 10:30, Gábor Hársfalvi wrote:

I have installed all bluetooth packages - bluez and the others - it works
with the phone succesfully when I send/receive files.

So I think bluethooth works almost fully.

I'm not sure that's true.  In the past (with Fedora, actually) I found 
that while 'file transfer services' worked out of the box, the 'use as 
a modem' did not, and required some specific configuration.  (Note, 
this may have changed with current versions.)

But I suggest you search for posts about 'using phone as modem over 
bluetooth' or some such.

Additionally, there are two possible modes, I think.

One is to use the phone as a modem, letting the computer control 
connection/disconnection to the 3G packet data service.  I found this 
easier to set up, using a dialler at the command line.

The other is to let the phone be 'always on', set up by hand, maybe, 
and use bluetooth's PAN service to make the connection.  There are 
certainly many posts about this second method (using various 

In Debian network manager I set all the options of Mobile Broadband.

But when I try connecting - network manager always disconnect.

And I found in the logs:

modem-manager: Got failure code 3: Operation not allowed

Well.  That's what made me think the 'modem' service may not have been 
negotiated between the computer and phone.

and Error connecting with bluez: Port already in use

Though this didn't seem to be consistent with my suggestion.  So 
searching for this error text might be fruitful.

regards, Ron

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Re: libc-bin, libc-bin-amd64 conflict

2014-04-26 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Vi, 25 apr 14, 17:29:13, Gary Roach wrote:
 When running Aptitude,  a red bar in the bottom half of the screen 
 Unable to resolve dependencies. If I hit g after I update package list
 and  Mark Upgradable, the top of the screen lists:
 iB  libc-bin
 pBA   libc-bin:amd64
 The red box in the center of the screen says: No solution to these
 descrepency problems exists!
 At this point Aptitude is essentially frozen.
 Attempts to run dpkg produce:
 root# dpkg -i libc-bin
 dpkg: error processing libc-bin (--install): cannot access archive: No
 such file or directory
 Errors were encountered while processing: libc-bin

This can't work, because 'dpkg -i' needs files (not package names). 
Please provide the output of:

dpkg --print-architecture
dpkg --print-foreign-architectures
apt-cache policy
apt-cache policy libc-bin
aptitude --simulate safe-upgrade
aptitude --simulate full-upgrade

I'm assuming your package lists are updated, otherwise please run 
'aptitude update' (or press 'u' in interactive mode) first.

Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: dist-upgrade installs new package, lists it as autoremove candidate

2014-04-26 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Vi, 25 apr 14, 13:22:03, The Wanderer wrote:
 This is obviously a bug somewhere (albeit probably not a severe one in
 practice), but I'm not even sure what package the bug would be in.
 Any hints, or ideas what might be going on here?

I suggest you post this to or report a bug 
against apt.

Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: In Squeeze replacing python version 2.6.6-13~bpo60+1 with version 2.6.6-3+squeeze7

2014-04-26 Thread Brian
On Fri 25 Apr 2014 at 21:14:16 -0400, Ken Heard wrote:

 Next was the smoke test; I ran command sh  It ran
 through successfully all the steps except one; it could not install
 package cupsys-bsd because that package does not exist in Squeeze --
 it is succeeded by cups-bsd.  When got to the
 Printer setup section it returned the message error: hp-setup
 failed. Please run hp-setup manually and closed down.

Getting to Printer setup implies the software compiled, so it looks
like the python setup on your machine is sufficiently sensible. Why is
cupsys-bsd wanted? ~/hplip-3.14.4/installer/distros.dat clearly states
that Debian 6.0 uses cups-bsd (which is what gets downloaded here).
Install it with apt-get? Try out the hp-* commands which should now be
on your system? Re-compile using custom?

(cups-bsd is a purely optional package to use with cups. Printing works
without it).

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Re: Systemd

2014-04-26 Thread Curt
On 2014-04-25, Ralf Mardorf wrote:

 For example, to correct idling mixture there under the hood was a screw
 on the carburetor, nowadays there's a connector for a computer inside
 the driver's cab. Assumed your car strikes in the middle of the
 wilderness, what kind of car do you prefer?

A not buggy horse and buggy.

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with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: In Squeeze replacing python version 2.6.6-13~bpo60+1 with version 2.6.6-3+squeeze7

2014-04-26 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Jo, 24 apr 14, 10:10:16, Ken Heard wrote:
  aptitude search '?narrow(?installed?version(bpo))'
 Ran this command, and only the following was returned.
 E: Expected ',', got ')'.

Sorry, dropped the comma by mistake

aptitude search '?narrow(?installed,?version(bpo))'
 In the meantime between posts I managed to resuscitate an older HP
 Deskjet which I can use while in another box I get Wheezy and the new
 printer to work.  I still however want to try your proposed solution
 in the Squeeze box when there is no longer any danger if something is
 irrevocably broken, and report the results to the list.

Fair enough.

Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: Network Performance Degrading over random amount of time

2014-04-26 Thread h

Am 2014-04-22 10:38, schrieb

Am 2014-04-20 23:49, schrieb Karl E. Jorgensen:


On Sun, Apr 20, 2014 at 01:01:53PM +0200, wrote:

Hi List,
maybe you have a clue about the issues im having since several 

My Homeserver is running Debian Jessy right now, the network issues
where there with wheezy aswell.
after a fresh boot my network behaves like it should archiving near
gbit speeds which is nice, after a random amount of uptime though my
throughput degrades below 100mbit network speeds (about ~3.5MB/s)
i measured using iperf.

You don't explicitly say... Does a reboot cure the problem 

Yep thats exactly what a reboot does for me, i tenad to reboot about
once every 2-3 days because of this issue, not something you would
expect from a unix OS :D

If so, does a ifdown eth0[1] + ifup eth0 have the same effect?  

necessary: Unplug and re-plug the cable between ifdown and
ifup...)  [A full reboot is a bit like a sledge hammer... very

I have yet to try this, will report back when i have the performance
problem again and try it

Just got the chance to try, and yes, an ifdown eth0 - Cable replug - 
ifup eth0 also cures this problem

From the point-of-view of the switch, this should be almost

indistinguishable from a full reboot...

Anything in the kernel message log? (e.g. output of dmesg or
/var/log/kern.log) It would be interesting if the kernel spat out some
messages around the time of the degradation...  E.g. link-level
renegotiation or similar.

Also: Anything interesting in the output of ifconfig eth0 ?  I'm
particularly interested in the counters for errors, dropped, overruns,
frame/carrier counts: These counters may show interesting changes
around the time of the degradation...

I will write this down for next performance degration aswell

Output of dmesg looks a bit suspicious:

[40886.039833] irq 16: nobody cared (try booting with the irqpoll 
[40886.039963] CPU: 1 PID: 0 Comm: swapper/1 Not tainted 3.13-1-amd64 #1 
Debian 3.13.7-1
[40886.039965] Hardware name: System manufacturer System Product 
Name/P8H67-M PRO, BIOS 3806 08/20/2012
[40886.039967]  88040bdca4bc 814a1327 88040bdca400 
[40886.039970]  88040bdca400 0010  
[40886.039973]    0010 

[40886.039976] Call Trace:
[40886.039977]  IRQ  [814a1327] ? dump_stack+0x41/0x51
[40886.039988]  [810aa4a8] ? __report_bad_irq+0x28/0xc0
[40886.039991]  [810aa93a] ? note_interrupt+0x1ba/0x210
[40886.039994]  [810a8471] ? 

[40886.039997]  [810a8593] ? handle_irq_event+0x33/0x50
[40886.04]  [810ab358] ? handle_fasteoi_irq+0x58/0x100
[40886.040004]  [81014388] ? handle_irq+0x18/0x30
[40886.040007]  [81013f20] ? do_IRQ+0x40/0xb0
[40886.040011]  [814a6ead] ? common_interrupt+0x6d/0x6d
[40886.040012]  EOI  [8107eb47] ? 

[40886.040019]  [81388c9a] ? cpuidle_enter_state+0x4a/0xc0
[40886.040022]  [81388db9] ? cpuidle_idle_call+0xa9/0x1d0
[40886.040025]  [8101adb5] ? arch_cpu_idle+0x5/0x30
[40886.040028]  [810a777e] ? cpu_startup_entry+0xbe/0x280
[40886.040032]  [8103c484] ? start_secondary+0x1d4/0x230
[40886.040034] handlers:
[40886.040173] [a010a7a0] ata_bmdma_interrupt [libata]
[40886.040336] [a00a5450] e1000_intr [e1000]
[40886.040506] Disabling IRQ #16

IRQ16 is related to eth0 according to /proc/interrupts:

16:31649923462922  0  0   IO-APIC-fasteoi   
pata_via, eth0

Output of ifconfig looks unsuspicious, a few dropped packets but nothing 

eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  Hardware Adresse 00:0e:0c:b9:5e:1d
  inet Adresse:  Bcast:  
  inet6-Adresse: fda3:32bd:abab:0:20e:cff:feb9:5e1d/64 
  inet6-Adresse: fe80::20e:cff:feb9:5e1d/64 

  RX packets:11881446 errors:0 dropped:882 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:29392900 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  Kollisionen:0 Sendewarteschlangenlänge:1000
  RX bytes:7149517599 (6.6 GiB)  TX bytes:69090488843 (64.3 GiB)

Current Hardware:

- Asus P8H67-M PRO
- Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-2100 CPU @ 3.10GHz
- 16 GB DDR3 Ram (2*8GB Kingston ram)
- Intel Corporation 82541PI Gigabit Ethernet Controller
- TP-Link 8-Port gbit switches (2 of em between home-server and 

*two* switches between server and clients?  Sounds a bit unusual - at
least for a home set-up...

Well im a Console Collector and my Linux Server is right behind my
Home Entertainment area in the living room. thats where the first
switch is located to hook all the 

Re: Network Performance Degrading over random amount of time

2014-04-26 Thread h

Am 2014-04-26 12:44, schrieb

Am 2014-04-22 10:38, schrieb

Am 2014-04-20 23:49, schrieb Karl E. Jorgensen:


On Sun, Apr 20, 2014 at 01:01:53PM +0200, wrote:

Hi List,
maybe you have a clue about the issues im having since several 

My Homeserver is running Debian Jessy right now, the network issues
where there with wheezy aswell.
after a fresh boot my network behaves like it should archiving near
gbit speeds which is nice, after a random amount of uptime though my
throughput degrades below 100mbit network speeds (about ~3.5MB/s)
i measured using iperf.

You don't explicitly say... Does a reboot cure the problem 

Yep thats exactly what a reboot does for me, i tenad to reboot about
once every 2-3 days because of this issue, not something you would
expect from a unix OS :D

If so, does a ifdown eth0[1] + ifup eth0 have the same effect?  

necessary: Unplug and re-plug the cable between ifdown and
ifup...)  [A full reboot is a bit like a sledge hammer... very

I have yet to try this, will report back when i have the performance
problem again and try it

Just got the chance to try, and yes, an ifdown eth0 - Cable replug -
ifup eth0 also cures this problem

From the point-of-view of the switch, this should be almost

indistinguishable from a full reboot...

Anything in the kernel message log? (e.g. output of dmesg or
/var/log/kern.log) It would be interesting if the kernel spat out 

messages around the time of the degradation...  E.g. link-level
renegotiation or similar.

Also: Anything interesting in the output of ifconfig eth0 ?  I'm
particularly interested in the counters for errors, dropped, 

frame/carrier counts: These counters may show interesting changes
around the time of the degradation...

I will write this down for next performance degration aswell
Output of dmesg looks a bit suspicious:

[40886.039833] irq 16: nobody cared (try booting with the irqpoll 

[40886.039963] CPU: 1 PID: 0 Comm: swapper/1 Not tainted 3.13-1-amd64
#1 Debian 3.13.7-1
[40886.039965] Hardware name: System manufacturer System Product
Name/P8H67-M PRO, BIOS 3806 08/20/2012
[40886.039967]  88040bdca4bc 814a1327 88040bdca400
[40886.039970]  88040bdca400 0010 
[40886.039973]    0010

[40886.039976] Call Trace:
[40886.039977]  IRQ  [814a1327] ? dump_stack+0x41/0x51
[40886.039988]  [810aa4a8] ? __report_bad_irq+0x28/0xc0
[40886.039991]  [810aa93a] ? note_interrupt+0x1ba/0x210
[40886.039994]  [810a8471] ? 

[40886.039997]  [810a8593] ? handle_irq_event+0x33/0x50
[40886.04]  [810ab358] ? handle_fasteoi_irq+0x58/0x100
[40886.040004]  [81014388] ? handle_irq+0x18/0x30
[40886.040007]  [81013f20] ? do_IRQ+0x40/0xb0
[40886.040011]  [814a6ead] ? common_interrupt+0x6d/0x6d
[40886.040012]  EOI  [8107eb47] ?
[40886.040019]  [81388c9a] ? cpuidle_enter_state+0x4a/0xc0
[40886.040022]  [81388db9] ? cpuidle_idle_call+0xa9/0x1d0
[40886.040025]  [8101adb5] ? arch_cpu_idle+0x5/0x30
[40886.040028]  [810a777e] ? cpu_startup_entry+0xbe/0x280
[40886.040032]  [8103c484] ? start_secondary+0x1d4/0x230
[40886.040034] handlers:
[40886.040173] [a010a7a0] ata_bmdma_interrupt [libata]
[40886.040336] [a00a5450] e1000_intr [e1000]
[40886.040506] Disabling IRQ #16

IRQ16 is related to eth0 according to /proc/interrupts:

16:31649923462922  0  0   IO-APIC-fasteoi
pata_via, eth0

Output of ifconfig looks unsuspicious, a few dropped packets but 
nothing major:

eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  Hardware Adresse 00:0e:0c:b9:5e:1d
  inet Adresse:  Bcast:  

  inet6-Adresse: fda3:32bd:abab:0:20e:cff:feb9:5e1d/64
  inet6-Adresse: fe80::20e:cff:feb9:5e1d/64
  RX packets:11881446 errors:0 dropped:882 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:29392900 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  Kollisionen:0 Sendewarteschlangenlänge:1000
  RX bytes:7149517599 (6.6 GiB)  TX bytes:69090488843 (64.3 

Current Hardware:

- Asus P8H67-M PRO
- Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-2100 CPU @ 3.10GHz
- 16 GB DDR3 Ram (2*8GB Kingston ram)
- Intel Corporation 82541PI Gigabit Ethernet Controller
- TP-Link 8-Port gbit switches (2 of em between home-server and 

*two* switches between server and clients?  Sounds a bit unusual - at
least for a home set-up...

Well im a Console Collector and my Linux Server is right behind my
Home Entertainment area in the living room. thats where the first

Re: Systemd

2014-04-26 Thread Gian Uberto Lauri
Curt writes:
  On 2014-04-25, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
   For example, to correct idling mixture there under the hood was a screw
   on the carburetor, nowadays there's a connector for a computer inside
   the driver's cab. Assumed your car strikes in the middle of the
   wilderness, what kind of car do you prefer?
  A not buggy horse and buggy.

I am still for a Citroën Dyane (possibly Fire Engine Red livery) or a
2CV with a bag of good tools.

You can even start it up engaging the lift jack crank the motor
shaft. Damn funny. And useful. Maybe Citroën kept this feature even in
the CX model, GS had for sure...

 /\   ___Ubuntu: ancient
/___/\_|_|\_|__|___Gian Uberto Lauri_   African word
  //--\| | \|  |   Integralista GNUslamicomeaning I can
\/ coltivatore diretto di software   not install
 già sistemista a tempo (altrui) perso...Debian

Warning: gnome-config-daemon considered more dangerous than GOTO

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Re: Systemd

2014-04-26 Thread Brian
On Sat 26 Apr 2014 at 09:54:08 +, Curt wrote:

 On 2014-04-25, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
  For example, to correct idling mixture there under the hood was a screw
  on the carburetor, nowadays there's a connector for a computer inside
  the driver's cab. Assumed your car strikes in the middle of the
  wilderness, what kind of car do you prefer?
 A not buggy horse and buggy.

Isn't that a quote from Travels on the Fringes of Surrey by Orson Cart?

I'll get me coat.

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Re: Mobile Broadband with Btooth

2014-04-26 Thread Theodore Alcapotaxis
 - Original Message -
 From: Gábor Hársfalvi
 Sent: 04/26/14 05:30 PM
 To: Joe
 Subject: Re: Mobile Broadband with Btooth
 But when I try connecting - network manager always disconnect.
 And I found in the logs:
 modem-manager: Got failure code 3: Operation not allowed
 and Error connecting with bluez: Port already in use

Where does Network Manager keep its logs? What is the full path?

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Re: Mobile Broadband with Btooth

2014-04-26 Thread Gábor Hársfalvi

2014-04-26 13:37 GMT+02:00 Theodore Alcapotaxis

  - Original Message -
  From: Gábor Hársfalvi
  Sent: 04/26/14 05:30 PM
  To: Joe
  Subject: Re: Mobile Broadband with Btooth
  But when I try connecting - network manager always disconnect.
  And I found in the logs:
  modem-manager: Got failure code 3: Operation not allowed
  and Error connecting with bluez: Port already in use

 Where does Network Manager keep its logs? What is the full path?

Re: Security updates are untrusted

2014-04-26 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Jo, 24 apr 14, 15:58:20, Carl Johnson wrote:
 I just now told aptitude to do an update, and it appears that all of
 those have disappeared now!  Maybe I had gotten a bad update the last
 time I had updated.

That's a likely explanation.
 Sorry for the false alarm and thanks for the reply.

It's much better than just ignoring/overriding the warning(s) ;)

Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: Systemd

2014-04-26 Thread Curt
On 2014-04-26, Brian wrote:
 A not buggy horse and buggy.

 Isn't that a quote from Travels on the Fringes of Surrey by Orson Cart?

He might have coached me.

 I'll get me coat.

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Re: Systemd

2014-04-26 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Sb, 26 apr 14, 03:36:09, Chris Angelico wrote:
 On Sat, Apr 26, 2014 at 3:30 AM, Brian wrote:
  Please, no! If you've read all of the posts to #727708
  carefully you'll find there is probably nothing original to say.
 ... and if I read all of the seven thousand posts there, I won't have
 time left in the week to actually get anything done! Wow. I thought
 python-ideas had long discussions.

In chronological order:

Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: Long-term support for Squeeze

2014-04-26 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Mi, 19 mar 14, 11:42:25, Scott Ferguson wrote:
 This may be of interest to those, like me, still have Debian Squeeze
 NOTE: it's the blog of a Debian developer, not click-bait. But I haven't
 disabled Ad-Block so don't know if it's ad-free.
 Partial quotes:-
 As announced in the Bits from the Security Team email a couple of
 weeks ago, it is possible that Debian squeeze will have Long Term
 Support, primarily in the way of security updates.

This is official now:

 Perhaps it wasn't stressed enough in the email, but those who are
 interested in benefiting from (and therefore contributing to) long term
 support, please do contact the security team NOW.
 After all, the clock keeps ticking and Debian squeeze is going to reach
 its End of Life in less than two months otherwise.

Contributions are still wanted though.

Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: Systemd

2014-04-26 Thread Brian
On Sat 26 Apr 2014 at 12:08:07 +, Curt wrote:

 On 2014-04-26, Brian wrote:
  A not buggy horse and buggy.
  Isn't that a quote from Travels on the Fringes of Surrey by Orson Cart?
 He might have coached me.
  I'll get me coat.

It wouldn't be unknown. He was the sort of person to spur people on once
he got the bit between his teeth.

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Re: dist-upgrade installs new package, lists it as autoremove candidate

2014-04-26 Thread Carlo
I would tell you a my tip:

- if you want go from stable to testing/unstable before you must
change your channel in repository's file located in

- after this edit, these are the right sequence of command by terminal:

# apt-get update
# apt-get upgrade
# apt-get install apt dpkg aptitude
# aptitude safe-upgrade
# aptitude full-upgrade
# update-grub

In this way you shoudn't have some problems of conflicts or packages
removed in strange way.

I hope to give my little contribution, I don't know how functional as it can be.


2014-04-26 12:00 GMT+02:00 Andrei POPESCU
 On Vi, 25 apr 14, 13:22:03, The Wanderer wrote:

 This is obviously a bug somewhere (albeit probably not a severe one in
 practice), but I'm not even sure what package the bug would be in.

 Any hints, or ideas what might be going on here?

 I suggest you post this to or report a bug
 against apt.

 Kind regards,
 Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

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with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: Network Performance Degrading over random amount of time

2014-04-26 Thread Karl E. Jorgensen

On Sat, Apr 26, 2014 at 01:01:25PM +0200, wrote:
 Am 2014-04-26 12:44, schrieb
 Am 2014-04-22 10:38, schrieb
 Am 2014-04-20 23:49, schrieb Karl E. Jorgensen:
 On Sun, Apr 20, 2014 at 01:01:53PM +0200, wrote:
 Hi List,
 maybe you have a clue about the issues im having since
 several months.
 My Homeserver is running Debian Jessy right now, the network issues
 where there with wheezy aswell.
 after a fresh boot my network behaves like it should archiving near
 gbit speeds which is nice, after a random amount of uptime though my
 throughput degrades below 100mbit network speeds (about ~3.5MB/s)
 i measured using iperf.
 You don't explicitly say... Does a reboot cure the problem
 Yep thats exactly what a reboot does for me, i tenad to reboot about
 once every 2-3 days because of this issue, not something you would
 expect from a unix OS :D
 If so, does a ifdown eth0[1] + ifup eth0 have the same
 effect?  (if
 necessary: Unplug and re-plug the cable between ifdown and
 ifup...)  [A full reboot is a bit like a sledge hammer... very
 I have yet to try this, will report back when i have the performance
 problem again and try it
 Just got the chance to try, and yes, an ifdown eth0 - Cable replug -
 ifup eth0 also cures this problem

Sounds good. 

Is a cable replug _necessary_ to cure it?  If it can be cured (or at
least worked around) with ifdown/ifup on it's own, (possibly with
rmmod/modprobe of relevant kernel modules in between), then you at
least have a scriptable workaround.

 Anything in the kernel message log? (e.g. output of dmesg or
 /var/log/kern.log) It would be interesting if the kernel spat
 out some
 messages around the time of the degradation...  E.g. link-level
 renegotiation or similar.
 Also: Anything interesting in the output of ifconfig eth0 ?  I'm
 particularly interested in the counters for errors, dropped,
 frame/carrier counts: These counters may show interesting changes
 around the time of the degradation...
 I will write this down for next performance degration aswell
 Output of dmesg looks a bit suspicious:
 [40886.039833] irq 16: nobody cared (try booting with the
 irqpoll option)

ooh. Interesting. If you're on wheezy, use dmesg --ctime or dmesg
-T to get human-readable timestamps. (or just check

[snipped most of kernel output]
 [40886.040506] Disabling IRQ #16
 IRQ16 is related to eth0 according to /proc/interrupts:
 16:31649923462922  0  0   IO-APIC-fasteoi
 pata_via, eth0

Yes - it would be an amazing coincidence if it is not related.

 Output of ifconfig looks unsuspicious, a few dropped packets but
 nothing major:
 eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  Hardware Adresse 00:0e:0c:b9:5e:1d
   inet Adresse:  Bcast:
   inet6-Adresse: fda3:32bd:abab:0:20e:cff:feb9:5e1d/64
   inet6-Adresse: fe80::20e:cff:feb9:5e1d/64
   RX packets:11881446 errors:0 dropped:882 overruns:0 frame:0
   TX packets:29392900 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
   Kollisionen:0 Sendewarteschlangenlänge:1000
   RX bytes:7149517599 (6.6 GiB)  TX bytes:69090488843
 (64.3 GiB)

Oh - German :-) Interesting that it is only partly i18n'd. I don't
think errors is correct German? Not fehler? (I guess
you would know for sure, I'm only a Dane with rusty German skills...)

I wouldn't be surprised if the dropped packets are a result of the
cable un-plug/re-plug (assuming the output is from after the cable

 With all this information i was able to track the root case of my
 issue down on my own, i guess im screwed since my asus board uses
 PCI bridge: ASMedia Technology Inc. ASM1083/1085 PCIe to PCI Bridge
 (rev 01) which is commonly known to have a BUG regarding the
 handling of Interupts on the PCI bus..

ouch.  I'm no PCI expert... If the bug only affects *some* interrupt
numbers, it may be possible to force the card/kernel module to use a
different IRQ?  I'm thinking kernel module options and/or BIOS

 2 options for me now: Switch to a much more expensive pcie gbit
 card, or buy an even more expensive new mainbord...

Perhaps a BIOS/firmware upgrade is possible?

 Well... Fuck

Surely there are more suitable German expletives here? But I get the
sentiment :-)

Karl E. Jorgensen

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Re: Systemd

2014-04-26 Thread Paul E Condon
On 20140425_1642-0700, David Glover-Aoki wrote:
 On 25 Apr 2014, at 03:04 pm, Dale Harris wrote:
  Soon systemd will just become the OS, there will be no Linux...

Look in Wikipedia for 'linux cgroups'. There is a lot of information
about what has happened internally to the Linux kernel, and a bunch of
projects that operate outside the kernel. There are a bunch of short
articles in Wikipedia that are worth looking at to get a top level
idea of what is going on. I started with 'linux cgroups', and
followed the 'see also' and hot links.

My user level view is that cgroups are a permanent new feature of Linux.
Systemd is not a 'replacement' for Linux, but a replacement for init, as we
had come to know it. The new version uses cgroup, and related new features
in the kernel, to reliably automate functions that were previously done
by shared control in user-space and kernel-space. 

About the binary log file. My sense from reading the Wikipedia stuff
is that the 'binary log file' might more properly be called a journal
file in the sense that file systems ext3 and ext4 have a journal file,
i.e. temporary storage for critical, but ephemeral, internal
information. Its format is governed by its use within the kernel; not
by user wishful thinking.

It should be trivial for a skilled person to write a user-readable
traditional system log file, but the new kernel is seriously
multithreaded, and the result might not be useful to anyone. Certainly
the kernel developers are making progress on cgroups,, without
an old style log. They must have developed new substitute diagnostic

 I am genuinely convinced that this is the ultimate goal of the systemd devs.

I am genuinely convinced that the ultimate goal of the systemd devs is
a better, more manageable kernel/init system. The old way will
continue to exist, but won't be the platform on which useful
innovation is implemented. IMHO

 David Glover-Aoki |
 PGP key 5518C7DE  | Amateur Radio KJ6TLX

Welcome to the future. I didn't like it either, 
until I realized the alternative was much worse.
Paul E Condon

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Re: dist-upgrade installs new package, lists it as autoremove candidate

2014-04-26 Thread Osamu Aoki

On Sat, Apr 26, 2014 at 03:29:49PM +0200, Carlo wrote:
 I would tell you a my tip:
 - if you want go from stable to testing/unstable before you must
 change your channel in repository's file located in
 - after this edit, these are the right sequence of command by terminal:
 # apt-get update
 # apt-get upgrade
 # apt-get install apt dpkg aptitude
 # aptitude safe-upgrade
 # aptitude full-upgrade
 # update-grub

Where did you get this idea of using aptitude, Carlo?  Is this in
current release/installation guide?  Curious.  safe-upgrade may be
harmless.  But full-upgrade had some odd behavior cases.

(OP may have been hit by multiarch related issue.  Your suggestion of
apt-get install ... or similar may help avoid some of them.)

I thought we are not recommending to use the command line use of
aptitude for the release-to-release upgrade.  (I love aptitude in
console terminal view.)



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Re: Personal Recommendations for Free List Compatible Email Service

2014-04-26 Thread Patrick Bartek
On Sat, 26 Apr 2014, Richard Hector wrote:

 On 24/04/14 04:06, Patrick Bartek wrote:
  I don't know if a Google/gmail account is really _required_ with
  Android phones, but you are strongly advised (and nagged) to set up
  one.  As you said, without it, no OS or app updates, no app
  downloads, etc.  So for full phone functionality, you need one.
 I got OS updates until they dropped the Galaxy Nexus updates with the
 update to Kitkat.

Well, my Andoid phone is somewhat older -- T-Mobile Comet (Huawei
M835) -- and the OS -- Android 2.2.  So, things have changed.  The
last OS update/upgrade I got was years ago.  From 2.1 to 2.2.  I don't
think the phone can handle anything newer.  When I check for OS
updates, it says the OS is up-to-date.  I occassionally do get app
updates. Bug fixes, I assume.


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Re: Personal Recommendations for Free List Compatible Email Service

2014-04-26 Thread Nuno Magalhães
Somehow this thread got slightly OT...

On Sat, Apr 26, 2014 at 9:08 AM, Richard Hector wrote:
 I really want to limit myself to f-droid, but they're really pretty
 lacking. They don't even have an ssh server!

Try aptoide (an apt-inspired android market, not an apt fork in the
Debian repos).

My 2 OT¢


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Re: Security updates are untrusted

2014-04-26 Thread Carl Johnson
Carl Johnson writes:

 Brian writes:

 On Thu 24 Apr 2014 at 14:58:52 -0700, Carl Johnson wrote:

 I was just noticing that aptitude warns that a number of packages are
 listed as untrusted.  I checked using 'apt-cache policy' and those

 I just now told aptitude to do an update, and it appears that all of
 those have disappeared now!  Maybe I had gotten a bad update the last
 time I had updated.

 Sorry for the false alarm and thanks for the reply.

I was just checking again and the problem had returned.  This time, I
immediately told aptitude to do an update and the untrusted warnings
went away again.  I suspect they will come back in another day or two,
but they don't after just exiting and restarting aptitude.


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Directly connecting two computers

2014-04-26 Thread Martin

I have two computer that I want to connect directly, similarly as I did
long time ago with Null-Modem cable ( or LapLink cable). 

I have obtained a crossover ethernet cable that I plug in network card
of each computer. Now the problem is how to configure eth0 on both
computer so they can communicate.

In /etc/hosts on both computers I have   neolit   paleolit

On one computer I have this entry in /etc/network/interfaces
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static

When I run command route on this computer I get
# route
Kernel IP routing table
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric RefUse Iface
neolit  * UH0  00 eth0

I can ping paleolit on this computer.
But ping neolit does not work as expected.

On other computer I have this
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static

Same command on this computer gives me
# route
Kernel IP routing table
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric RefUse Iface
paleolit  * UH0  00 eth0

On this computer I can successfully run ping neolit
but not ping paleolit.

Anyway on each computer I can use eth0 interface for any local service
(smtp, http ...) but I can not connect to other side of the cable.

Can somebody tell what I need to change in /etc/network/interfaces entry
for eth0 or is there some other setting that need to be done?


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Re: Directly connecting two computers

2014-04-26 Thread Richard Hector
On 27/04/14 05:36, Martin wrote:
 I have two computer that I want to connect directly, similarly as I did
 long time ago with Null-Modem cable ( or LapLink cable). 
 I have obtained a crossover ethernet cable that I plug in network card
 of each computer. Now the problem is how to configure eth0 on both
 computer so they can communicate.
 In /etc/hosts on both computers I have   neolit   paleolit

All good so far.

 On one computer I have this entry in /etc/network/interfaces
 auto eth0
 iface eth0 inet static

I don't know if pointopoint can work with ethernet cards, but anyway
there's no need for it.

Just use (on paleolit):

auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static

... and change the address appropriately on the other one. You don't
need to tell it explicitly where to find the other machine; the netmask
says that 192.168.231.* are all on that network.


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Re: Systemd

2014-04-26 Thread Joe Pfeiffer
Ralf Mardorf writes:

 On Fri, 2014-04-25 at 21:49 +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
 On Fri, 2014-04-25 at 15:12 -0400, Steve Litt wrote:
  Kinda seems like the (de) evolution of cars, doesn't it?  As a kid,
  I could tune up my beater flat head 6 1959 Plymouth in 20 minutes with
  a 10 inch adjustable and a gapping tool. With today's cars, I'm lucky
  to be able to change the air filter.
 That's a nice analogy :). We could repair our old cars using a hammer
 and screwdriver, today we need to be computer experts to repair a car.

 For example, to correct idling mixture there under the hood was a screw
 on the carburetor, nowadays there's a connector for a computer inside
 the driver's cab. Assumed your car strikes in the middle of the
 wilderness, what kind of car do you prefer?

I've never had a car stop dead due to the idle mixture going out of
spec.  When something has gone seriously enough wrong with one of my
cars to stop it, the fact that it had a carburetor (as my daily driver,
a '78 Chrysler Newport, does) or a computer has been totally

I maintain that anybody who is afraid of modern fuel injection has never
rebuilt a ThermoQuad.

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Re: libc-bin, libc-bin-amd64 conflict (Solved)

2014-04-26 Thread Gary Roach

On 04/26/2014 02:57 AM, Andrei POPESCU wrote:

On Vi, 25 apr 14, 17:29:13, Gary Roach wrote:

When running Aptitude,  a red bar in the bottom half of the screen
Unable to resolve dependencies. If I hit g after I update package list
and  Mark Upgradable, the top of the screen lists:
 iB  libc-bin
 pBA   libc-bin:amd64
The red box in the center of the screen says: No solution to these
descrepency problems exists!
At this point Aptitude is essentially frozen.

Attempts to run dpkg produce:
 root# dpkg -i libc-bin
 dpkg: error processing libc-bin (--install): cannot access archive: No
such file or directory
 Errors were encountered while processing: libc-bin

This can't work, because 'dpkg -i' needs files (not package names).
Please provide the output of:

dpkg --print-architecture
dpkg --print-foreign-architectures
apt-cache policy
apt-cache policy libc-bin
aptitude --simulate safe-upgrade
aptitude --simulate full-upgrade

I'm assuming your package lists are updated, otherwise please run
'aptitude update' (or press 'u' in interactive mode) first.

Kind regards,
I ran your suggestions. When aptitude --simulate worked OK, I decided to 
run a dpkg upgrade and it worked. I found that something was wrong with 
Aptitude. I purged Aptitude using apt-get and reinstalled the package. 
Everything now works fine. Thanks for your help.

Gary R

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Re: Systemd

2014-04-26 Thread Chris Angelico
On Sun, Apr 27, 2014 at 8:02 AM, Joe Pfeiffer wrote:
 I've never had a car stop dead due to the idle mixture going out of
 spec.  When something has gone seriously enough wrong with one of my
 cars to stop it, the fact that it had a carburetor (as my daily driver,
 a '78 Chrysler Newport, does) or a computer has been totally

The last time I was in a vehicle with bad idle settings was a
Volkswagen Kombi - a nine-seater van. Not only could you tweak the
idling with a screwdriver (at least, I think that's what Dad used - it
was his, not mine), you didn't even have to exit to do so, because the
engine settings sat between the front two seats! Is that the
equivalent of running everything in a terminal?


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Re: dist-upgrade installs new package, lists it as autoremove candidate

2014-04-26 Thread The Wanderer
Hash: SHA512

On 04/26/2014 06:00 AM, Andrei POPESCU wrote:

 On Vi, 25 apr 14, 13:22:03, The Wanderer wrote:
 This is obviously a bug somewhere (albeit probably not a severe one
 in practice), but I'm not even sure what package the bug would be
 Any hints, or ideas what might be going on here?
 I suggest you post this to or report a
 bug against apt.

I'd thought of that, but wasn't sure that was sufficiently likely to be
the location of the problem.

Digging deeper now, what I'm seeing looks like a less severe version of
something that was reported back in 2009, and apparently never followed
up on:

I'll post to that bug, though I'm not hopeful of its getting any
attention at this late date.

- --
   The Wanderer

Secrecy is the beginning of tyranny.

A government exists to serve its citizens, not to control them.
Version: GnuPG v1
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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Re: Directly connecting two computers

2014-04-26 Thread Andrew McGlashan
Most Ethernet network cards these days can do auto detection ... you can
use a standard network cable instead of needing a cross over cable.  I
could be wrong, it might be just switches that auto detect.

Once connected, you just need to make sure that each end is on the same
network (ifconfig ) and you should be fine.


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How to get installer to align partitions on 4096 byte boundaries?

2014-04-26 Thread Rick Thomas

With more and more disks being manufactured with Advanced format (4096-byte 
physical sectors) I'm wondering how I can tell the Debian-installer partitioner 
to align all partitions on 4096-byte (or 1 MiB for FLASH) boundaries?  Is there 
some parameter I can pre-seed -- or set at runtime?

Thanks for any help!


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Re: Personal Recommendations for Free List Compatible Email Service

2014-04-26 Thread Celejar
On Thu, 24 Apr 2014 05:40:19 +0200
Ralf Mardorf wrote:

 On Wed, 2014-04-23 at 18:12 -0400, Celejar wrote:
  On Sun, 20 Apr 2014 19:58:39 -0700
  Patrick Bartek wrote:
   IMAP was the recommended way to access free Yahoo Mail with an email
   client.  You had to convert to a paid account to get POP access.  Don't
   know if that's still the case.
  Some accounts seem to get free POP, while others don't. I have a Yahoo
  account I created a long time ago which has free POP, whereas one I
  created more recently doesn't.
 My Yahoo account isn't old, just a few month old, after it became
 impossible to get another Rocketmail account, but has got free as in
 beer POP support.

I really don't know the rules, if there are any. Was just reporting my
own experiences.


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Re: Personal Recommendations for Free List Compatible Email Service

2014-04-26 Thread Celejar
On Sat, 26 Apr 2014 18:01:21 +0100
Nuno Magalhães wrote:

 Somehow this thread got slightly OT...
 On Sat, Apr 26, 2014 at 9:08 AM, Richard Hector wrote:

[Quoting error - this was me.]

  I really want to limit myself to f-droid, but they're really pretty
  lacking. They don't even have an ssh server!
 Try aptoide (an apt-inspired android market, not an apt fork in the
 Debian repos).

Thanks for the suggestion, but how does this solve our problems? We'd
really like to avoid Google's store, for privacy and other reasons, but
f-droid just isn't enough. Aptoide, IIUC, just provides a common
interface that allows us to use different app markets. [I haven't yet
played with it, though.]


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Setting Up a Google+less GMail Account

2014-04-26 Thread Patrick Bartek

As said a few days ago, if I was able to create a gmail account without signing 
up for Google+, too, I would post how I did it.  Chrome is my default browser, 
and all below was done with it.


1. Go to ''
2. Click on Create an Account.
3. Fill out the form.

You don't have to enter a phone number. Just enter the security code.

4. Once you've completed the sign up page, click Next.  You'll be taken to 
the Profile page.
5. Don't enter anything.  Just quit that page.

(To be safe, I quit the whole browser as well.)

6. Go to '' again.

I was expecting to get the login page, but instead I was taken directly to my 
new gmail account.  Don't know why.

7. Log out of 'Hangouts.'  Left middle of page.

This isn't necessary, but I have no use for this gmail feature.

8. Configure your new Google+less gmail account.
9. Log out.
10. Done.

Unfortunately, when you log out Google sets the login page with your new email 
address, but without the password.  I didn't want that.  As I use Chrome, I 
went to Tools-Clear Browsing Data, unticked everything except Cookies ... 
and Autofill ... and cleared everything set for the Past Hour option.  
Google Mail login is now clear.

FWIW, as long as you use a browser to access the account, you're going to be 
nagged or possibly tricked to activate Google+.  Here's a link to quit Google+ 
without loosing your gmail account.  It is the most recent set of instructions 
I could find.

Posted from my new gmail account.


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