Re: Derexu al ulvidu...

2014-08-12 Thread Adrià
Hola Jaume,

On Tue, Aug 12, 2014 at 01:38:38AM +0200, Jaume wrote:
 Molt bones gent fa temps vaig enviar un correu perquè s'esborressin uns
 correus meus amb dades personals.
 Si no recordo malament em vareu adreçar al ?admin? de la llista però no he
 rebut resposta...

A la web hi ha aquesta adreça, potser t'hi podries posar en contacte:

 P.D. Seria qüestió de borrar els correus o bé canvia les dades personals.

De totes maneres m'agradaria que llegíssis aquesta resposta que es va
donar recentment a una altra llista de Debian a la que algú tenia una
petició molt similar a la teva:

Vagi bé.

Adrià García-Alzórriz
En un mundo de fugitivos el que transita el justo camino, parece huir.
-- John Milton. (1608-1674) Poeta inglés. 

Description: Digital signature

Re: ping

2014-08-12 Thread Alex Muntada

 Caliu munta activitats dissabte, però el seu servidor ara
 mateix està caigut.

Tenim el servidor al Campus Nord de la UPC i degut als serveis
mínims del mes d'agost encara no s'ha pogut posar en marxa.

Salut i dispenseu les molèsties,

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Re: hosts.deny : blacklister systématiquement

2014-08-12 Thread Nicolas KOWALSKI
On Mon, Aug 11, 2014 at 05:09:00PM +0200, wrote:
 Je me connecte à mon serveur externalisé sans problèmes,
 via ssh, avec certificats, en tant que root ou user.
 Systématiquement mon IP client est mis dans le fichier /etc/hosts.deny :
 sshd: mon_IP_client

As-tu installé fail2ban sur ce serveur ?

 et malgré, je me connecte au serveur comme indiqué ci-dessus.

Quel est le contenu du fichier /etc/hosts.allow ?


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Re: hosts.deny : blacklister systématiquement

2014-08-12 Thread Doe John

Tu as des règles qui bypassent certaines autres.

Quel est ton problème au final ? Tu arrives a te connecter tout en étant
blacklisté ?

Ta règle AllowUsers va bypasser le host.deny. Je ne vois pas comment tu
peux avoir ton IP incrémentée à ton host.deny de façon automatique.

Ca manque un peu d'infos ;)  (contenu deny/allow/AllowUsers/etc/hosts)

Le 12 août 2014 07:59, Nicolas KOWALSKI a
écrit :

 On Mon, Aug 11, 2014 at 05:09:00PM +0200,
  Je me connecte à mon serveur externalisé sans problèmes,
  via ssh, avec certificats, en tant que root ou user.
  Systématiquement mon IP client est mis dans le fichier /etc/hosts.deny :
  sshd: mon_IP_client

 As-tu installé fail2ban sur ce serveur ?

  et malgré, je me connecte au serveur comme indiqué ci-dessus.

 Quel est le contenu du fichier /etc/hosts.allow ?


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[Resolu] Moteur de recherche local

2014-08-12 Thread Pierre TOUZEAU
Conseillé par la liste [Maderios, PMeunier (merci)] :   mnoGoSearch
Et oui, cela à l'air pas mal.
J'ai compilé le source  comme conseillé car le binaire posait problème
de dépendances avec une libc6 en 2.15 non présente en stable.


Le 29/07/2014 14:54, Pierre TOUZEAU a écrit :

 J'ai un serveur DEBIAN 7.5 utilisé avant tout pour du disque réseau
 (pour une cinquantaine d'utilisateurs sous Window$ 7) et quelques
 applications Web genre GRR.
 Les données sont dans des répertoires partagés par tous pour
 l'essentiel,sauf quelques répertoires personnels.
 J'ai 1 To de données actives dont (à la louche) 750Go à indexer ; j'ai
 de la place libre libre suffisamment ainsi que du CPU (bi-proc quadri
 coeur Xeon)

 Je souhaiterais mettre en place un moteur de recherche (interface WEB)
 qui indexe les fichiers de l'ensemble des répertoires communs.
 Le net ne donne pas beaucoup de piste récente, facile, et
 universellement apprécié... Aussi j'aimerais votre opinion :
 Aurait disparu ou ne serait plus maintenu :
 htdig, beagle, seeks, Nepomuk, Strigi
 Serait (trop) vorace en ressources
 Ne sont que des morceaux à assembler
 Lucene (indexation), Xapian (indexation), ElasticSearch (interface
 REST ??)
 N'ont pas d'interface Web (à vérifier...)
 Tracker, Recoll, DocFetcher
 Semble maqué avec l'interface KDE

 Je continue mes recherches mais suis un peu sec, j'espérais une solution
 simple et je crains qu'il ne me faille composer avec des éléments
 disparate ou compliqué à faire fonctionner et à maintenir.


Pro. Signature

Pierre Touzeau

Chargé de mission  /  Préfecture de region Basse-Normandie
SGAR/rue Daniel HUET/14038 CAEN CEDEX/Tel: +33 231 306 306 / Fax: ... 564

nm-applet et Gnome 3.12

2014-08-12 Thread David BERCOT

Depuis le passage à Gnome 3.12, je n'ai plus accès à nm-applet !
En fait, le programme est bien lancé (je le vois dans les process),
mais impossible d'accéder à son interface.

Si j'essaye de le lancer à partir d'un shell, il ne me met pas
d'erreur, mais aucune fenêtre ne s'ouvre.

Avez-vous rencontré un comportement similaire ?



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Re: hosts.deny : blacklister systématiquement

2014-08-12 Thread andre_debian
On Tuesday 12 August 2014 07:59:32 Nicolas KOWALSKI wrote:
 On Mon, Aug 11, 2014 at 05:09:00PM +0200, wrote:
  Je me connecte à mon serveur externalisé sans problèmes,
  via ssh, avec certificats, en tant que root ou user.
  Systématiquement mon IP client est mis dans le fichier /etc/hosts.deny :
  sshd: mon_IP_client

 As-tu installé fail2ban sur ce serveur ? :
Oui et lancé.
/etc/init.d# ./fail2ban restart
* Restarting authentication failure monitor fail2ban

Celà viendrait-il de fail2ban ?

  et malgré, je me connecte au serveur comme indiqué ci-dessus.
 Quel est le contenu du fichier /etc/hosts.allow ? :
sshd: ALL
sftp: ALL

On Tuesday 12 August 2014 09:26:21 Doe John wrote:
 Tu as des règles qui bypassent certaines autres.
 Quel est ton problème au final ? Tu arrives a te connecter tout en étant
 blacklisté ? :

 Ta règle AllowUsers va bypasser le host.deny. Je ne vois pas comment tu
 peux avoir ton IP incrémentée à ton host.deny de façon automatique.
C'est pourtant le cas...

 Ca manque un peu d'infos ;)  (contenu deny/allow/AllowUsers/etc/hosts) :
/etc/hosts : localhost localhost.localdomain
IP_serveur nom_domaine
IP_serveur   pop.nom_domaine
IP_serveur   imap.nom_domaine

sshd: IP
longue liste...

sshd: ALL
sftp: ALL

/etc/ssh/sshd_config :
AllowUsers users autorisés à se connecter

J'ai ce fichier :
qui renvoie vers /etc/hosts.deny

et /etc/init.d/denyhosts (start ou stop).


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Re: hosts.deny : blacklister systématiquement

2014-08-12 Thread Belaïd
Il y'a le paquet denyhosts qui modifie hosts.deny en évaluant les fichiers
de logs
Le 12 août 2014 09:26, Doe John a écrit :


 Tu as des règles qui bypassent certaines autres.

 Quel est ton problème au final ? Tu arrives a te connecter tout en étant
 blacklisté ?

 Ta règle AllowUsers va bypasser le host.deny. Je ne vois pas comment tu
 peux avoir ton IP incrémentée à ton host.deny de façon automatique.

 Ca manque un peu d'infos ;)  (contenu deny/allow/AllowUsers/etc/hosts)

 Le 12 août 2014 07:59, Nicolas KOWALSKI a
 écrit :

 On Mon, Aug 11, 2014 at 05:09:00PM +0200,
  Je me connecte à mon serveur externalisé sans problèmes,
  via ssh, avec certificats, en tant que root ou user.
  Systématiquement mon IP client est mis dans le fichier /etc/hosts.deny :
  sshd: mon_IP_client

 As-tu installé fail2ban sur ce serveur ?

  et malgré, je me connecte au serveur comme indiqué ci-dessus.

 Quel est le contenu du fichier /etc/hosts.allow ?


 Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question :

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Re: hosts.deny : blacklister systématiquement

2014-08-12 Thread Nicolas KOWALSKI
On Tue, Aug 12, 2014 at 11:30:46AM +0200, wrote:
 On Tuesday 12 August 2014 07:59:32 Nicolas KOWALSKI wrote:
 Celà viendrait-il de fail2ban ?

Oui, c'est son fonctionnement.

   et malgré, je me connecte au serveur comme indiqué ci-dessus.
  Quel est le contenu du fichier /etc/hosts.allow ? :
 sshd: ALL

Donc toutes les connexions SSH sont autorisées, cf. l'ordre de 
vérification indiqué dans man 5 hosts_access.

Tout fonctionne donc normalement avec ta configuration.


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Re: hosts.deny : blacklister systématiquement

2014-08-12 Thread andre_debian
On Tuesday 12 August 2014 11:39:09 Nicolas KOWALSKI wrote:
 On Tue, Aug 12, 2014 at 11:30:46AM +0200, wrote:
  Celà viendrait-il de fail2ban ?

 Oui, c'est son fonctionnement.

et malgré, je me connecte au serveur comme indiqué ci-dessus.
   Quel est le contenu du fichier /etc/hosts.allow ? :

  sshd: ALL

 Donc toutes les connexions SSH sont autorisées, cf. l'ordre de
 vérification indiqué dans man 5 hosts_access.

 Tout fonctionne donc normalement avec ta configuration.

Pourquoi mon IP client est-il mis systématiquement dans /etc/hosts.deny ?

Et le logwatch indique :
- Denyhosts Begin  
 new denied hosts: 
mon IP client


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Re: hosts.deny : blacklister systématiquement

2014-08-12 Thread Nicolas KOWALSKI
On Tue, Aug 12, 2014 at 12:03:20PM +0200, wrote:
 Pourquoi mon IP client est-il mis systématiquement dans /etc/hosts.deny ?

Je retourne la question : pourquoi vouloir utiliser denyhosts/fail2ban 
si de toute façon tu autorises *toutes* les connexions SSH ? 

Pour le reste, utiliser fail2ban et denyhosts en même temps me paraît 
être une très mauvaise idée. Fais un choix, puis vérifie.


Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question :

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Re: Montage automatique d'un USB et permissions

2014-08-12 Thread daniel huhardeaux

Le 12/08/2014 06:31, RHATAY Sami a écrit :

Bonjour à tous,


j'ai plusieurs fois eu des soucis avec le montage automatique de mes
clés et disques durs externes : en effet, impossible une fois ceux-ci
montés de pouvoir écrire dessus. Un message d'erreur apparaît en me
disant que le périphérique n'est accessible qu'en lecture seule.

Néanmoins dans mes logs je retrouve ceci :
Aug 12 03:46:09 dell kernel: [44655.919123] sd 30:0:0:0: [sdb] Write
Protect is off

Je suis obligé de passer par la ligne de commande pour écrire dessus. De
plus, il suffit que je remonte manuellement la clé/DD externe pour que
je puisse écrire dessus via l'interface graphique.

Du coup je me suis penché sur la gestion des périphériques avec udev et
je pensais pouvoir trouver dans un fichier de configuration le moyen de
modifier les permissions...mais en vain.

Si vous pouviez éclairer ma lanterne sur le fonctionnement de
l'automount ainsi que la gestion des droits associés, j'en serai
fortement reconnaissant :-)

Ton utilisateur ne doit pas être dans le groupe qui monte les 
périphériques automatiquement. Je crois que c'est plugdev.


Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question :

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Re: hosts.deny : blacklister systématiquement

2014-08-12 Thread Doe John

Je suis ok avec Nicolas, utiliser du tcpwrapper + fail2ban + rules ssh
config est useless.

De plus pour diagnostiquer ton problème il faudrait effectuer tes tests au
cas par cas.

Tu as trop de conf qui rentrent en conflit

Le 12 août 2014 12:17, Nicolas KOWALSKI a
écrit :

 On Tue, Aug 12, 2014 at 12:03:20PM +0200,
  Pourquoi mon IP client est-il mis systématiquement dans /etc/hosts.deny ?

 Je retourne la question : pourquoi vouloir utiliser denyhosts/fail2ban
 si de toute façon tu autorises *toutes* les connexions SSH ?

 Pour le reste, utiliser fail2ban et denyhosts en même temps me paraît
 être une très mauvaise idée. Fais un choix, puis vérifie.


 Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question :

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 En cas de soucis, contactez EN ANGLAIS

Re: hosts.deny : blacklister systématiquement

2014-08-12 Thread Belaïd
Je suis d'accord d'utiliser soit l'un soit l'autre pour mieu gerer la
chose. Pour le faite qu'il autorise toute les connexions ssh puis interdit
au fur et a mesure,
Le 12 août 2014 12:18, Nicolas KOWALSKI a
écrit :

 On Tue, Aug 12, 2014 at 12:03:20PM +0200,
  Pourquoi mon IP client est-il mis systématiquement dans /etc/hosts.deny ?

 Je retourne la question : pourquoi vouloir utiliser denyhosts/fail2ban
 si de toute façon tu autorises *toutes* les connexions SSH ?

 Pour le reste, utiliser fail2ban et denyhosts en même temps me paraît
 être une très mauvaise idée. Fais un choix, puis vérifie.


 Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question :

 Pour vous DESABONNER, envoyez un message avec comme objet unsubscribe
 En cas de soucis, contactez EN ANGLAIS

Re: hosts.deny : blacklister systématiquement

2014-08-12 Thread Belaïd
Je suis d'accord d'utiliser soit l'un soit l'autre pour mieu gerer la
chose. Pour le faite qu'il autorise toute les connexions ssh puis les
interdits au fur et a mesure des échecs de connexion, c'est peut être par
ce qu'il n'est pas en mesure d'énumérer dès le départ toute les machines
par lesquelles il veut/peut se connecté en ssh
Le 12 août 2014 12:18, Nicolas KOWALSKI a
écrit :

 On Tue, Aug 12, 2014 at 12:03:20PM +0200,
  Pourquoi mon IP client est-il mis systématiquement dans /etc/hosts.deny ?

 Je retourne la question : pourquoi vouloir utiliser denyhosts/fail2ban
 si de toute façon tu autorises *toutes* les connexions SSH ?

 Pour le reste, utiliser fail2ban et denyhosts en même temps me paraît
 être une très mauvaise idée. Fais un choix, puis vérifie.


 Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question :

 Pour vous DESABONNER, envoyez un message avec comme objet unsubscribe
 En cas de soucis, contactez EN ANGLAIS

Re: Montage automatique d'un USB et permissions

2014-08-12 Thread Luc Novales

Le 12/08/2014 12:22, daniel huhardeaux a écrit :

Le 12/08/2014 06:31, RHATAY Sami a écrit :

Bonjour à tous,


j'ai plusieurs fois eu des soucis avec le montage automatique de mes
clés et disques durs externes : en effet, impossible une fois ceux-ci
montés de pouvoir écrire dessus. Un message d'erreur apparaît en me
disant que le périphérique n'est accessible qu'en lecture seule.

Néanmoins dans mes logs je retrouve ceci :
Aug 12 03:46:09 dell kernel: [44655.919123] sd 30:0:0:0: [sdb] Write
Protect is off

Je suis obligé de passer par la ligne de commande pour écrire dessus. De
plus, il suffit que je remonte manuellement la clé/DD externe pour que
je puisse écrire dessus via l'interface graphique.

Du coup je me suis penché sur la gestion des périphériques avec udev et
je pensais pouvoir trouver dans un fichier de configuration le moyen de
modifier les permissions...mais en vain.

Si vous pouviez éclairer ma lanterne sur le fonctionnement de
l'automount ainsi que la gestion des droits associés, j'en serai
fortement reconnaissant :-)

Ton utilisateur ne doit pas être dans le groupe qui monte les 
périphériques automatiquement. Je crois que c'est plugdev.

C'est déjà une condition, mais si tu as installé le système avec une clé 
USB, il doit trainer 2 lignes dans la fstab (sdb1 et sdb2) qui posent 
ensuite des problèmes. Il faut les commenter.

Enfin si tes clés USB sont en ntfs, il ne faut pas oublier d'installer 
les paquets  ntfs-3g, ntfs-config, et ntfsprogs.

Bonne journée,

Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question :

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En cas de soucis, contactez EN ANGLAIS

Re: hosts.deny : blacklister systématiquement

2014-08-12 Thread Doe John
C'est pour cette raison qu'il faut un plan de diagnostic rigoureux sinon
plus tu pédales moins vite et moins tu avance plus fort ;)

Le 12 août 2014 12:35, Belaïd a écrit :

 Je suis d'accord d'utiliser soit l'un soit l'autre pour mieu gerer la
 chose. Pour le faite qu'il autorise toute les connexions ssh puis les
 interdits au fur et a mesure des échecs de connexion, c'est peut être par
 ce qu'il n'est pas en mesure d'énumérer dès le départ toute les machines
 par lesquelles il veut/peut se connecté en ssh
 Le 12 août 2014 12:18, Nicolas KOWALSKI a
 écrit :

 On Tue, Aug 12, 2014 at 12:03:20PM +0200,

  Pourquoi mon IP client est-il mis systématiquement dans /etc/hosts.deny

 Je retourne la question : pourquoi vouloir utiliser denyhosts/fail2ban
 si de toute façon tu autorises *toutes* les connexions SSH ?

 Pour le reste, utiliser fail2ban et denyhosts en même temps me paraît
 être une très mauvaise idée. Fais un choix, puis vérifie.


 Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question :

 Pour vous DESABONNER, envoyez un message avec comme objet unsubscribe
 En cas de soucis, contactez EN ANGLAIS

Re: Montage automatique d'un USB et permissions

2014-08-12 Thread fred

Le mardi 12 août 2014 12:22:26 daniel huhardeaux a écrit :
 Le 12/08/2014 06:31, RHATAY Sami a écrit :
  Je suis obligé de passer par la ligne de commande pour écrire dessus. De
  plus, il suffit que je remonte manuellement la clé/DD externe pour que
  je puisse écrire dessus via l'interface graphique.

Ben, tout pareil

  Si vous pouviez éclairer ma lanterne sur le fonctionnement de
  l'automount ainsi que la gestion des droits associés, j'en serai
  fortement reconnaissant :-)
 Ton utilisateur ne doit pas être dans le groupe qui monte les
 périphériques automatiquement. Je crois que c'est plugdev.

Euh, pas de plugdev dans /etc/group.

Pourtant udev est bien installé avec usbmount.

J'ai oublié quelque chose ?

Frédéric ZULIAN

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Re: Montage automatique d'un USB et permissions

2014-08-12 Thread RHATAY Sami

Le 12/08/2014 12:22, daniel huhardeaux a écrit :
 Ton utilisateur ne doit pas être dans le groupe qui monte les
 périphériques automatiquement. Je crois que c'est plugdev.

La commande 'groups sam' me renvoie ceci :
sam : sam dialout cdrom floppy sudo audio dip video plugdev scanner
bluetooth netdev

Donc je suis bien dans le groupe plugdev :-)

Le 12/08/2014 12:35, Luc Novales a écrit :
 C'est déjà une condition, mais si tu as installé le système avec une clé
 USB, il doit trainer 2 lignes dans la fstab (sdb1 et sdb2) qui posent
 ensuite des problèmes. Il faut les commenter.

 Enfin si tes clés USB sont en ntfs, il ne faut pas oublier d'installer
 les paquets  ntfs-3g, ntfs-config, et ntfsprogs.

Installation effectuée par DVD, et mon fstab ne contient rien de tel. De
plus la clé est formatée en FAT32.

J'ai lu cette doc ( ) qui
explique le fonctionnement de udev .
Le truc qui m'échappe c'est quel outil s'occupe de monter
automatiquement la clé dans le répertoire /media/ .

Je n'ai trouvé aucune règle dans /etc/udev/rules.d/ ou
/lib/udev/rules.d/ qui indique cela ... mais pas de trace dans mon
installation de soft comme autofs ou usbmount par ex.

Merci ,
IUT Vannes - INFO1

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Montage automatique d'un USB et permissions

2014-08-12 Thread Belaïd
J'ai fais un test en lançant: udevadm control --log-priority=info et en
faisant un grep /lib/udev/rules.d/ dans les logs du systeme
(/var/log/syslog), je vois qu'il fait appel (entre autres) aux fichiers du
répertoire /lib/udev/rules.d/ suivants:

et 60-fuse.rules (dans mon cas une clé en NTFS)

Si ça peut t'aider ...

Le 12 août 2014 15:56, RHATAY Sami a
écrit :


 Le 12/08/2014 12:22, daniel huhardeaux a écrit :
  Ton utilisateur ne doit pas être dans le groupe qui monte les
  périphériques automatiquement. Je crois que c'est plugdev.

 La commande 'groups sam' me renvoie ceci :
 sam : sam dialout cdrom floppy sudo audio dip video plugdev scanner
 bluetooth netdev

 Donc je suis bien dans le groupe plugdev :-)

 Le 12/08/2014 12:35, Luc Novales a écrit :
  C'est déjà une condition, mais si tu as installé le système avec une clé
  USB, il doit trainer 2 lignes dans la fstab (sdb1 et sdb2) qui posent
  ensuite des problèmes. Il faut les commenter.
  Enfin si tes clés USB sont en ntfs, il ne faut pas oublier d'installer
  les paquets  ntfs-3g, ntfs-config, et ntfsprogs.

 Installation effectuée par DVD, et mon fstab ne contient rien de tel. De
 plus la clé est formatée en FAT32.

 J'ai lu cette doc ( ) qui
 explique le fonctionnement de udev .
 Le truc qui m'échappe c'est quel outil s'occupe de monter
 automatiquement la clé dans le répertoire /media/ .

 Je n'ai trouvé aucune règle dans /etc/udev/rules.d/ ou
 /lib/udev/rules.d/ qui indique cela ... mais pas de trace dans mon
 installation de soft comme autofs ou usbmount par ex.

 Merci ,
 IUT Vannes - INFO1


instabilité système actuel

2014-08-12 Thread MERLIN Philippe
Je suis en Debian Sid AMD64 à jour et actuellement le nom d'instable est 
largement mérité, du moins dans mon cas. 
Au Boot dans le temps, il n'y a pas si longtemps, il y avait à l'écran 
l'apparition des services lancés, maintenant le seul service qui apparaît est 
le fsck puis écran noir (quand il y a une vérification approfondie du disque  
par ce même fsck on ne vois pas la progression de cette vérification ce qui est 
très désagréable) sauf apparition du prompt pour le login d'une console, 
l'écran d'ouverture d'une session X arrive enfin (pour moi Kde), si je lance 
ouverture d'une session Kde immédiatement la session s'ouvre péniblement et 
très lentement(+ de 3 minutes), l'ouverture de l'espace de travail est 
incomplète, seul la console kde apparaît , après analyse du pb on remarque que 
le service akonadi  n'a pas pu se lancer, un lancement manuel par akonadictl 
permet généralement de rectifier et de retrouver l'espace de travail habituel. 
(durée + 10 minutes).
Pour éviter ce problème j'ai trouvé une solution qui semble fonctionner 
attendre + de 4 minutes avant de lancer la session( pour moi qui ne suis pas 
expert il semble que le serveur Mysql ne soit pas encore lancé à l'apparition 
de l'écran d'ouverture d'une session X). Autre problème actuellement 
impossible d'arrêter l'ordinateur logiciellement, je me trouve après encore de 
longues minute sur un écran noir avec le message Reboot Halted , je dois 
alors l'arrêter électriquement ce qui n'est pas le top. 
Rencontrez vous ces problèmes? Ou suis je le seul ?
Philippe Merlin

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Re: instabilité système actuel

2014-08-12 Thread BERTRAND Joël

MERLIN Philippe a écrit :

Je suis en Debian Sid AMD64 à jour et actuellement le nom d'instable est
largement mérité, du moins dans mon cas.
Au Boot dans le temps, il n'y a pas si longtemps, il y avait à l'écran
l'apparition des services lancés, maintenant le seul service qui apparaît est
le fsck puis écran noir (quand il y a une vérification approfondie du disque
par ce même fsck on ne vois pas la progression de cette vérification ce qui est
très désagréable) sauf apparition du prompt pour le login d'une console,
l'écran d'ouverture d'une session X arrive enfin (pour moi Kde), si je lance
ouverture d'une session Kde immédiatement la session s'ouvre péniblement et
très lentement(+ de 3 minutes), l'ouverture de l'espace de travail est
incomplète, seul la console kde apparaît , après analyse du pb on remarque que
le service akonadi  n'a pas pu se lancer, un lancement manuel par akonadictl
permet généralement de rectifier et de retrouver l'espace de travail habituel.
(durée + 10 minutes).
Pour éviter ce problème j'ai trouvé une solution qui semble fonctionner
attendre + de 4 minutes avant de lancer la session( pour moi qui ne suis pas
expert il semble que le serveur Mysql ne soit pas encore lancé à l'apparition
de l'écran d'ouverture d'une session X). Autre problème actuellement
impossible d'arrêter l'ordinateur logiciellement, je me trouve après encore de
longues minute sur un écran noir avec le message Reboot Halted , je dois
alors l'arrêter électriquement ce qui n'est pas le top.
Rencontrez vous ces problèmes? Ou suis je le seul ?
Philippe Merlin

Bonsoir et bienvenue dans le monde merveilleux et enchanté de systemd.

	Ton problème ressemble à un timeout quelque part sur un problème de 
configuration. Le problème est que ma boule de cristal est actuellement 
au polissage... :-(

	Normalement, dans syslog, tu devrais avoir les daemons lancés avec 
l'horodatage correspondant (et des messages d'erreur le cas échéant). Il 
faudrait déjà commencer par regarder par là s'il n'y aurait pas quelque 
chose de louche.



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Re: instabilité système actuel

2014-08-12 Thread Thierry Chatelet
Bon je ne vais aider beaucoup, mais je voudrais signaler que sur la liste en 
anglais il y a un tres long fils de discussion à propos de systemd appelé End 
of hypocrisy. Pour ceux qui pratiquent la langue, c' est plein d' 
enseignement démarrant approximativement après le premier tier du fils, c'est à 
dire après toutes les plaintes sur l' épaule de je ne sais qui. Après 
c'est très constructif, avec un dev d' une partie de systemd qui donne des 
réponses et/ou des explications. C' est long, ça demanderais peut-être une 
compile de toutes les infos..

Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question :

Pour vous DESABONNER, envoyez un message avec comme objet unsubscribe
En cas de soucis, contactez EN ANGLAIS

Re: Montage automatique d'un USB et permissions

2014-08-12 Thread nb

Le Mardi 12 Août 2014 15:56 CEST, RHATAY Sami a écrit:


 Le 12/08/2014 12:22, daniel huhardeaux a écrit :
  Ton utilisateur ne doit pas être dans le groupe qui monte les

  périphériques automatiquement. Je crois que c'est plugdev.

 La commande 'groups sam' me renvoie ceci :
 sam : sam dialout cdrom floppy sudo audio dip video plugdev scanner
 bluetooth netdev

 Donc je suis bien dans le groupe plugdev :-)

Si ça peut t'aider, voici ce que je me suis fait pour réoudre ce type de pb:

Dans /etc/udev/rules.d/99-removables_devices_nb.rules (à créer)

ENV{ID_USB_DRIVER}==usb-storage, ENV{DEVTYPE}==partition, 
RUN+=/usr/local/bin/ %k
ENV{ID_BUS}==memstick, ENV{DEVTYPE}==partition, 
RUN+=/usr/local/bin/ %k
ENV{ID_TYPE}==disk, ENV{ID_BUS}==ata, ENV{SUBSYSTEM}==block, 
ENV{ID_FS_TYPE}!=, ENV{DEVTYPE}==partition, RUN+=/usr/local/bin/ 

Dans /usr/local/bin/ :



case $ID_FS_TYPE in
droits=-o uid=$moi,gid=$moi,async 
droits=-o uid=$moi,gid=$moi,async 
droits=-o uid=$moi,gid=$moi,async 
logger $0 - ID_FS_TYPE=\$ID_FS_TYPE\ inconnu (a ajouter?)

if [ $ID_FS_LABEL !=  ]

case $ACTION in
if [ $ID_FS_TYPE !=  ]
  command_mount=mount -t $fstype $droits $DEVNAME $mtnpnt
  umount $mtnpnt || rmdir $mtnpnt || mkdir $mtnpnt  $command_mount
  logger montage : $command_mount
umount $mtnpnt
rmdir $mtnpnt

Pour info j'ai remplacé exfat-fuse par exfat car sur sid ça ne fonctionne pas 
pour moi
La commande logger permet d'avoir dans la syslog ce qui a été exécuté.
Ce sont là tous les types de fs que j'ai utilisés. Tu peux adapter le script à 
d'autres types de fs
Il faudra bien sûr remplacer nb par sam

J'espère que ça pourra t'aider.


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En cas de soucis, contactez EN ANGLAIS

Re: hosts.deny : blacklister systématiquement

2014-08-12 Thread andre_debian
On Tuesday 12 August 2014 14:03:48 Doe John wrote:
 C'est pour cette raison qu'il faut un plan de diagnostic rigoureux sinon
 plus tu pédales moins vite et moins tu avance plus fort ;)

Je dirai plutôt :
plus on veut pédaler avec ses jambes et ses mains et moins on avance plus fort.


  Pour le reste, utiliser fail2ban et denyhosts en même temps me paraît
  être une très mauvaise idée. Fais un choix, puis vérifie.

Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question :

Pour vous DESABONNER, envoyez un message avec comme objet unsubscribe
En cas de soucis, contactez EN ANGLAIS

montar memoria flash

2014-08-12 Thread luis

Buenos días a todos

Tengo una duda pero es de Zentyal se que esta lista es de Debian pero 
bueno es linux igual 

Mi duda es la siguiente en Zentyal 2.2 yo inserto una memoria usb y la 
reconoce el PCMAN y la monta perfectamente, en la versión 3.5 de Zentyal 
no lo hace, no la monta.. alguna idea ??

No se si tiene que ver algo en el fstab ...???

Agradezco toda ayuda.

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: montar memoria flash

2014-08-12 Thread Ricardo Eureka!
Que es Zentyal?

El 12 de agosto de 2014, 8:50, escribió:

 Buenos días a todos

 Tengo una duda pero es de Zentyal se que esta lista es de Debian pero
 bueno es linux igual 

 Mi duda es la siguiente en Zentyal 2.2 yo inserto una memoria usb y la
 reconoce el PCMAN y la monta perfectamente, en la versión 3.5 de Zentyal no
 lo hace, no la monta.. alguna idea ??

 No se si tiene que ver algo en el fstab ...???

 Agradezco toda ayuda.

 To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: problemas con disco externo

2014-08-12 Thread Camaleón
El Mon, 11 Aug 2014 15:17:26 -0400, Ing. Eduardo R. Barrera Pérez

 Bueno, te digo lo que yo haría con ese disco:

 1/ Conectarlo directamente al puerto de la placa base

 2/ Pasarle la utilidad de verificación SMART del fabricante del disco
 duro para comprobar si tiene sectores defectuosos y en caso afirmativo,
 marcarlos como dañados si lo permite.

 3/ Para intentar recuperar los datos, prueba a cargar una LiveCD con
 una versión del kernel superior a la que tienes actualmente e intenta
 montar la partición.

 Los registros que mandas parecen indicar que la partición está dañada y
 al montarla se produce un kernel OOPS lo cual podría indicar un
 problema de la versión del kernel que tienes o que ese disco está dando
 sus últimos estertores.
 Bueno, les contaré, que quite el disco de ese servidor, lo traja para mi
 PC con Linux Mint 17, abri una consola y le hice un tail -f al syslog y
 nada más que lo conecte al USB vi que me recomendaba pasarle la
 herramienta e2fsck a la partición, lo hice y después de una serie de
 pasos, ya el disco está montado de nuevo con toda la información ahí. No
 me puse a querer abrirlo de primer momento ya que es un HDD cerrado,
 específicamente: Transcend TS2TSJ35T

Perfecto, me alegra que lo tengas resuelto :-)

De todas formas, pasarle la utilidad SMART que proporciona el fabricante 
con sus herramientas de diagnóstico no sería mala idea, así descartas que 
el disco problemas posteriores. Eso sí, al tratarse de un disco USB 
integrado con su caja sin opción de extracción sólo podrás ejecutar la 
herramienta de verificación desde windows :-(



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Re: montar memoria flash

2014-08-12 Thread luis

On Tue, 12 Aug 2014 08:51:54 -0300, Ricardo Eureka! wrote:

Que es Zentyal?

El 12 de agosto de 2014, 8:50,  escribió:

Buenos días a todos

Tengo una duda pero es de Zentyal se que esta lista es de Debian
pero bueno es linux igual 

Mi duda es la siguiente en Zentyal 2.2 yo inserto una memoria usb y
la reconoce el PCMAN y la monta perfectamente, en la versión 3.5 de
Zentyal no lo hace, no la monta.. alguna idea ??

No se si tiene que ver algo en el fstab ...???

Agradezco toda ayuda.

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Zentyal es un paquete de software para diferentes usos bajo plataforma 

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[OT-Zentyal] Re: montar memoria flash

2014-08-12 Thread Camaleón
El Tue, 12 Aug 2014 07:50:28 -0400, luis escribió:

 Buenos días a todos
 Tengo una duda pero es de Zentyal se que esta lista es de Debian pero
 bueno es linux igual 

Claro, claro... total :-)

Al menos márcalo como OT.

 Mi duda es la siguiente en Zentyal 2.2 yo inserto una memoria usb y la
 reconoce el PCMAN y la monta perfectamente, en la versión 3.5 de Zentyal
 no lo hace, no la monta.. alguna idea ??
 No se si tiene que ver algo en el fstab ...???
 Agradezco toda ayuda.

Conecta la llave USB, abre una terminal, ejecuta y manda la salida de 
estos comandos:

dmesg | tail -40
cat /etc/fstab



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Re: montar memoria flash

2014-08-12 Thread Felix Perez
El día 12 de agosto de 2014, 7:51, Ricardo Eureka! escribió:
 Que es Zentyal?

No te gastes, igual alguien le va a contestar.

 El 12 de agosto de 2014, 8:50, escribió:

 Buenos días a todos

 Tengo una duda pero es de Zentyal se que esta lista es de Debian pero
 bueno es linux igual 

 Mi duda es la siguiente en Zentyal 2.2 yo inserto una memoria usb y la
 reconoce el PCMAN y la monta perfectamente, en la versión 3.5 de Zentyal no
 lo hace, no la monta.. alguna idea ??

 No se si tiene que ver algo en el fstab ...???

 Agradezco toda ayuda.

usuario linux  #274354
normas de la lista:
como hacer preguntas inteligentes:

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Re: montar memoria flash

2014-08-12 Thread Ricardo Eureka!
Tarde. Ya salio la contestadora serial a iluminar con su omnipresencia

El 12 de agosto de 2014, 18:31, Felix Perez

 El día 12 de agosto de 2014, 7:51, Ricardo Eureka! escribió:
  Que es Zentyal?

 No te gastes, igual alguien le va a contestar.

  El 12 de agosto de 2014, 8:50, escribió:
  Buenos días a todos
  Tengo una duda pero es de Zentyal se que esta lista es de Debian pero
  bueno es linux igual 
  Mi duda es la siguiente en Zentyal 2.2 yo inserto una memoria usb y la
  reconoce el PCMAN y la monta perfectamente, en la versión 3.5 de
 Zentyal no
  lo hace, no la monta.. alguna idea ??
  No se si tiene que ver algo en el fstab ...???
  Agradezco toda ayuda.

 usuario linux  #274354
 normas de la lista:
 como hacer preguntas inteligentes:

 To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Tarjeta de sonido

2014-08-12 Thread Rantis Cares
Excelente y lluviosa tarde a todos ustedes amigos Debianeros:

Tenia tiempo que no escribia debido a que tengo que ganarme el
sustento de cada dia.

Hoy les deseo pedir ayuda para resolver el siguiente problema que
tengo con la maquina principal de mi trabajo.

Es necesario grabar todas y cada una de las conferencias que aqui se
dan. Tenemos una mezcladora y todo excelente, se puede grabar con
calidad profesional.

La cuestion es que para facilitar el trabajo debo grabar en la maquina
principal para luego ser enviada por ftp al disco duro de la empresa.
La cuestion es que al usar el comando rec, no graba, supongo que es la
configuracion de la tarjeta de sonido.

Ya estuve leyendo en la red y no encuentro la respuesta, se supone que
es sencillo, pero no lo he logrado aunque en ocasiones anteriores no
he tenido problemas para ello.

rec PRUEBA.wav

La grabacion es muy comun, la hago casi a diario, pero en esta maquina
me esta dando mucha lata. En otras maquinas no tengo ningun problema,
pero aqui no he podido.

intento instalar mediante:

apt-get install alsa-source alsa-base alsa-oss alsa-utils

Preconfigurando paquetes ...
dpkg: error en el análisis, en el fichero `/var/lib/dpkg/status' cerca
de la línea 12694 paquete `bleachbit':
 falta version
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2)

ARCHIVO /var/lib/dpkg/status 
Package: bleachbit
Status: deinstall ok config-files
Priority: optional
Section: admin
Installed-Size: 1564
Maintainer: Luca Falavigna
Architecture: all
Ve�sion: 0.8.0-1
Config-Version: 0.8.0-1
Depends: python (= 2.4), python-support (= 0.90.0), python-gtk2,
python-glade2, python-gnome2
Recommends: python-notify, menu
Description: delete unnecessary files from the system
 BleachBit deletes unnecessary files to free valuable disk space, maintain
 privacy, and remove junk. It removes cache, Internet history, temporary files,
 cookies, and broken shortcuts.
 It handles cleaning of Adobe Reader, Bash, Beagle, Epiphany, Firefox, Flash,
 GIMP, Google Earth, Java, KDE,, Opera, RealPlayer, rpmbuild,
 Second Life Viewer, VIM, XChat, and more.
 Beyond simply erasing junk files, BleachBit wipes free disk space (to hide
 previously deleted files for privacy and to improve compression of images),
 vacuums Firefox databases (to improve performance without deleting data), and
 securely shreds arbitrary files.
ARCHIVO /var/lib/dpkg/status 

Tambien verifique el tipo de tarjeta de sonido


00:05.0 Audio device: nVidia Corporation MCP61 High Definition Audio (rev a2)
00:06.0 IDE interface: nVidia Corporation MCP61 IDE (rev a2)
00:07.0 Bridge: nVidia Corporation MCP61 Ethernet (rev a2)

Alguna idea?


¿Como es que puede haber una comunidad tan comprometida con el
conocimiento sin recibir compensacion economica alguna y estar tan
bien organizados como la comunidad Linux?

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: Tarjeta de sonido

2014-08-12 Thread Rantis Cares
Ya corregi el el problema del archivo

ARCHIVO /var/lib/dpkg/status 
Ve�sion: 0.8.0-1
ARCHIVO /var/lib/dpkg/status 

Lo cambie por
ARCHIVO /var/lib/dpkg/status 
Version: 0.8.0-1
ARCHIVO /var/lib/dpkg/status 

El simbolo es el que me estaba dando el error pero sigo sin poder
meter sonido por la tarjeta.

El día 12 de agosto de 2014, 19:32, Rantis Cares escribió:
 Excelente y lluviosa tarde a todos ustedes amigos Debianeros:

 Tenia tiempo que no escribia debido a que tengo que ganarme el
 sustento de cada dia.

 Hoy les deseo pedir ayuda para resolver el siguiente problema que
 tengo con la maquina principal de mi trabajo.

 Es necesario grabar todas y cada una de las conferencias que aqui se
 dan. Tenemos una mezcladora y todo excelente, se puede grabar con
 calidad profesional.

 La cuestion es que para facilitar el trabajo debo grabar en la maquina
 principal para luego ser enviada por ftp al disco duro de la empresa.
 La cuestion es que al usar el comando rec, no graba, supongo que es la
 configuracion de la tarjeta de sonido.

 Ya estuve leyendo en la red y no encuentro la respuesta, se supone que
 es sencillo, pero no lo he logrado aunque en ocasiones anteriores no
 he tenido problemas para ello.

 rec PRUEBA.wav

 La grabacion es muy comun, la hago casi a diario, pero en esta maquina
 me esta dando mucha lata. En otras maquinas no tengo ningun problema,
 pero aqui no he podido.

 intento instalar mediante:

 apt-get install alsa-source alsa-base alsa-oss alsa-utils

 Preconfigurando paquetes ...
 dpkg: error en el análisis, en el fichero `/var/lib/dpkg/status' cerca
 de la línea 12694 paquete `bleachbit':
  falta version
 E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2)

 ARCHIVO /var/lib/dpkg/status 
 Package: bleachbit
 Status: deinstall ok config-files
 Priority: optional
 Section: admin
 Installed-Size: 1564
 Maintainer: Luca Falavigna
 Architecture: all
 Ve�sion: 0.8.0-1
 Config-Version: 0.8.0-1
 Depends: python (= 2.4), python-support (= 0.90.0), python-gtk2,
 python-glade2, python-gnome2
 Recommends: python-notify, menu
 Description: delete unnecessary files from the system
  BleachBit deletes unnecessary files to free valuable disk space, maintain
  privacy, and remove junk. It removes cache, Internet history, temporary 
  cookies, and broken shortcuts.
  It handles cleaning of Adobe Reader, Bash, Beagle, Epiphany, Firefox, Flash,
  GIMP, Google Earth, Java, KDE,, Opera, RealPlayer, rpmbuild,
  Second Life Viewer, VIM, XChat, and more.
  Beyond simply erasing junk files, BleachBit wipes free disk space (to hide
  previously deleted files for privacy and to improve compression of images),
  vacuums Firefox databases (to improve performance without deleting data), and
  securely shreds arbitrary files.
 ARCHIVO /var/lib/dpkg/status 

 Tambien verifique el tipo de tarjeta de sonido


 00:05.0 Audio device: nVidia Corporation MCP61 High Definition Audio (rev a2)
 00:06.0 IDE interface: nVidia Corporation MCP61 IDE (rev a2)
 00:07.0 Bridge: nVidia Corporation MCP61 Ethernet (rev a2)

 Alguna idea?


 ¿Como es que puede haber una comunidad tan comprometida con el
 conocimiento sin recibir compensacion economica alguna y estar tan
 bien organizados como la comunidad Linux?

¿Como es que puede haber una comunidad tan comprometida con el
conocimiento sin recibir compensacion economica alguna y estar tan
bien organizados como la comunidad Linux?

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: Tarjeta de sonido

2014-08-12 Thread Rantis Cares
Ya revise los cables y la conexion a la tarjeta y todo esta n perfecto estado.

Sigo sin poder grabar. Confirmo que si tengo sonido en la tarjeta.

El día 12 de agosto de 2014, 19:32, Rantis Cares escribió:
 Excelente y lluviosa tarde a todos ustedes amigos Debianeros:

 Tenia tiempo que no escribia debido a que tengo que ganarme el
 sustento de cada dia.

 Hoy les deseo pedir ayuda para resolver el siguiente problema que
 tengo con la maquina principal de mi trabajo.

 Es necesario grabar todas y cada una de las conferencias que aqui se
 dan. Tenemos una mezcladora y todo excelente, se puede grabar con
 calidad profesional.

 La cuestion es que para facilitar el trabajo debo grabar en la maquina
 principal para luego ser enviada por ftp al disco duro de la empresa.
 La cuestion es que al usar el comando rec, no graba, supongo que es la
 configuracion de la tarjeta de sonido.

 Ya estuve leyendo en la red y no encuentro la respuesta, se supone que
 es sencillo, pero no lo he logrado aunque en ocasiones anteriores no
 he tenido problemas para ello.

 rec PRUEBA.wav

 La grabacion es muy comun, la hago casi a diario, pero en esta maquina
 me esta dando mucha lata. En otras maquinas no tengo ningun problema,
 pero aqui no he podido.

 intento instalar mediante:

 apt-get install alsa-source alsa-base alsa-oss alsa-utils

 Preconfigurando paquetes ...
 dpkg: error en el análisis, en el fichero `/var/lib/dpkg/status' cerca
 de la línea 12694 paquete `bleachbit':
  falta version
 E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2)

 ARCHIVO /var/lib/dpkg/status 
 Package: bleachbit
 Status: deinstall ok config-files
 Priority: optional
 Section: admin
 Installed-Size: 1564
 Maintainer: Luca Falavigna
 Architecture: all
 Ve�sion: 0.8.0-1
 Config-Version: 0.8.0-1
 Depends: python (= 2.4), python-support (= 0.90.0), python-gtk2,
 python-glade2, python-gnome2
 Recommends: python-notify, menu
 Description: delete unnecessary files from the system
  BleachBit deletes unnecessary files to free valuable disk space, maintain
  privacy, and remove junk. It removes cache, Internet history, temporary 
  cookies, and broken shortcuts.
  It handles cleaning of Adobe Reader, Bash, Beagle, Epiphany, Firefox, Flash,
  GIMP, Google Earth, Java, KDE,, Opera, RealPlayer, rpmbuild,
  Second Life Viewer, VIM, XChat, and more.
  Beyond simply erasing junk files, BleachBit wipes free disk space (to hide
  previously deleted files for privacy and to improve compression of images),
  vacuums Firefox databases (to improve performance without deleting data), and
  securely shreds arbitrary files.
 ARCHIVO /var/lib/dpkg/status 

 Tambien verifique el tipo de tarjeta de sonido


 00:05.0 Audio device: nVidia Corporation MCP61 High Definition Audio (rev a2)
 00:06.0 IDE interface: nVidia Corporation MCP61 IDE (rev a2)
 00:07.0 Bridge: nVidia Corporation MCP61 Ethernet (rev a2)

 Alguna idea?


 ¿Como es que puede haber una comunidad tan comprometida con el
 conocimiento sin recibir compensacion economica alguna y estar tan
 bien organizados como la comunidad Linux?

¿Como es que puede haber una comunidad tan comprometida con el
conocimiento sin recibir compensacion economica alguna y estar tan
bien organizados como la comunidad Linux?

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

OT: Como montar NFS con un User y contraseña

2014-08-12 Thread Ricardo
Hola Lista

Tengo una caja  NAS con 4 TB de disco, tiene la opción de compartir por NFS
ya compartí una carpeta con permisos full es decir Lectura y escritura.

trato de montar con estos comandos:

[root@srv-xen-rrhh ~]# mount -v -t nfs /mnt/

mount: trying prog 13 vers 3 prot tcp port 2049

mount: trying prog 15 vers 3 prot udp port 56001

mount: failed, reason given by server: Permission

[root@srv-xen-rrhh ~]#

Como verán me dice acceso denegado como lo puedo pesarla al comando el
usuario y pass para que se conecte correctamente?



Re: Tarjeta de sonido

2014-08-12 Thread Rantis Cares

Gracias, ya no se tomen la molestia, ya corregi el problema, ¡¡¡Ya
estoy grabando perfectamente, se escucha maravillosamente la

Corregi el error en la linea que les comente.


apt-get install alsa-source alsa-base alsa-oss alsa-utils

Posteriomente me fui a entorno grafico de OSSMIXER ahi configure la
entrada de ganancia, elegi el microfono y listo.


El día 12 de agosto de 2014, 19:42, Rantis Cares escribió:
 Ya corregi el el problema del archivo

 ARCHIVO /var/lib/dpkg/status 
 Ve�sion: 0.8.0-1
 ARCHIVO /var/lib/dpkg/status 

 Lo cambie por
 ARCHIVO /var/lib/dpkg/status 
 Version: 0.8.0-1
 ARCHIVO /var/lib/dpkg/status 

 El simbolo es el que me estaba dando el error pero sigo sin poder
 meter sonido por la tarjeta.

 El día 12 de agosto de 2014, 19:32, Rantis Cares escribió:
 Excelente y lluviosa tarde a todos ustedes amigos Debianeros:

 Tenia tiempo que no escribia debido a que tengo que ganarme el
 sustento de cada dia.

 Hoy les deseo pedir ayuda para resolver el siguiente problema que
 tengo con la maquina principal de mi trabajo.

 Es necesario grabar todas y cada una de las conferencias que aqui se
 dan. Tenemos una mezcladora y todo excelente, se puede grabar con
 calidad profesional.

 La cuestion es que para facilitar el trabajo debo grabar en la maquina
 principal para luego ser enviada por ftp al disco duro de la empresa.
 La cuestion es que al usar el comando rec, no graba, supongo que es la
 configuracion de la tarjeta de sonido.

 Ya estuve leyendo en la red y no encuentro la respuesta, se supone que
 es sencillo, pero no lo he logrado aunque en ocasiones anteriores no
 he tenido problemas para ello.

 rec PRUEBA.wav

 La grabacion es muy comun, la hago casi a diario, pero en esta maquina
 me esta dando mucha lata. En otras maquinas no tengo ningun problema,
 pero aqui no he podido.

 intento instalar mediante:

 apt-get install alsa-source alsa-base alsa-oss alsa-utils

 Preconfigurando paquetes ...
 dpkg: error en el análisis, en el fichero `/var/lib/dpkg/status' cerca
 de la línea 12694 paquete `bleachbit':
  falta version
 E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2)

 ARCHIVO /var/lib/dpkg/status 
 Package: bleachbit
 Status: deinstall ok config-files
 Priority: optional
 Section: admin
 Installed-Size: 1564
 Maintainer: Luca Falavigna
 Architecture: all
 Ve�sion: 0.8.0-1
 Config-Version: 0.8.0-1
 Depends: python (= 2.4), python-support (= 0.90.0), python-gtk2,
 python-glade2, python-gnome2
 Recommends: python-notify, menu
 Description: delete unnecessary files from the system
  BleachBit deletes unnecessary files to free valuable disk space, maintain
  privacy, and remove junk. It removes cache, Internet history, temporary 
  cookies, and broken shortcuts.
  It handles cleaning of Adobe Reader, Bash, Beagle, Epiphany, Firefox, Flash,
  GIMP, Google Earth, Java, KDE,, Opera, RealPlayer, rpmbuild,
  Second Life Viewer, VIM, XChat, and more.
  Beyond simply erasing junk files, BleachBit wipes free disk space (to hide
  previously deleted files for privacy and to improve compression of images),
  vacuums Firefox databases (to improve performance without deleting data), 
  securely shreds arbitrary files.
 ARCHIVO /var/lib/dpkg/status 

 Tambien verifique el tipo de tarjeta de sonido


 00:05.0 Audio device: nVidia Corporation MCP61 High Definition Audio (rev a2)
 00:06.0 IDE interface: nVidia Corporation MCP61 IDE (rev a2)
 00:07.0 Bridge: nVidia Corporation MCP61 Ethernet (rev a2)

 Alguna idea?


 ¿Como es que puede haber una comunidad tan comprometida con el
 conocimiento sin recibir compensacion economica alguna y estar tan
 bien organizados como la comunidad Linux?

 ¿Como es que puede haber una comunidad tan comprometida con el
 conocimiento sin recibir compensacion economica alguna y estar tan
 bien organizados como la comunidad Linux?

¿Como es que puede haber una comunidad tan comprometida con el
conocimiento sin recibir compensacion economica alguna y estar tan
bien organizados como la comunidad Linux?

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Re: OT: Como montar NFS con un User y contraseña

2014-08-12 Thread Flako
El 12 de agosto de 2014, 21:58, Ricardo escribió:

 Hola Lista

 Tengo una caja  NAS con 4 TB de disco, tiene la opción de compartir por
 NFS ya compartí una carpeta con permisos full es decir Lectura y escritura.

 trato de montar con estos comandos:

 [root@srv-xen-rrhh ~]# mount -v -t nfs /mnt/

 mount: trying prog 13 vers 3 prot tcp port 2049

 mount: trying prog 15 vers 3 prot udp port 56001

 mount: failed, reason given by server: Permission

 [root@srv-xen-rrhh ~]#

 Como verán me dice acceso denegado como lo puedo pesarla al comando el
 usuario y pass para que se conecte correctamente?

el nfs de toda la vida, autentica por ip y no por usuario..
Creo que el error que te dice es la ip del cliente no tiene permisos, o
esta mal el path /Backup. (ain ver la configuración del server no estoy del
todo seguro...)

secure boot

2014-08-12 Thread mattias

stöder inte heller jessie secure boot?

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Re: apt-get não atualiza pacote

2014-08-12 Thread Tiago Rocha

Tiago, a source.list não seria assim?

deb  squeeze-lts main contrib non-free
Mais aqui:

Seria sim. Mas eu fiquei sem entender a razão da pergunta.



É bom tudo aquilo que faço que diminui o meu poder sobre outra pessoa;
é ruim tudo aquilo que faço que aumenta o meu poder sobre ela.”
Antônio Joaquim Severino

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Re: Site da Caixa econômica federal redireciona para um phishing

2014-08-12 Thread Márcio Fornari
Desculpe o OFF..
Mas o Site da Caixa Econômica está apresentando indisponibilidade hoje de
E agora o Banco do Brasil também está fora.

Com vcs está assim também?

2014-08-07 14:15 GMT-03:00 Adilson Francisco da Silva

 Boa tarde amigos da Lista.

 Meu muito obrigado a todos, os Srs. foram de grande ajuda. Aprendi
 muito nos últimos dias.

 A todos um cordial abraço

 To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact


.Márcio Fornari
.Bacharel em  Sistemas de Informação
.Contatos pelo Telefone: (49)8814 - 3378
.ou pelo e-mail:


Re: Site da Caixa econômica federal redireciona para um phishing

2014-08-12 Thread Edson Araújo
Aqui está normal.

~Edson Silva
graduate in information systems
formed in technical of computer networking
twitter: @edsonlead

Com o conhecimento nossas dúvidas aumentam - Johann Goethe

Em Terça-feira, 12 de Agosto de 2014 10:05, Márcio Fornari escreveu:

Desculpe o OFF..
Mas o Site da Caixa Econômica está apresentando indisponibilidade hoje de manhã.
E agora o Banco do Brasil também está fora.

Com vcs está assim também?

2014-08-07 14:15 GMT-03:00 Adilson Francisco da Silva

Boa tarde amigos da Lista.

Meu muito obrigado a todos, os Srs. foram de grande ajuda. Aprendi
muito nos últimos dias.

A todos um cordial abraço

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact


.Márcio Fornari  
.Bacharel em  Sistemas de Informação
.Contatos pelo Telefone: (49)8814 - 3378
.ou pelo e-mail:


Re: Site da Caixa econômica federal redireciona para um phishing

2014-08-12 Thread Márcio Fornari
Mas que coisa..
Aqui acessa tudo menos o site do Banco do Brasil na empresa toda.

Talvez tenha alguma problema em uma rota na Região sul.

Em 12 de agosto de 2014 10:07, Edson Araújo

 Aqui está normal.

 ~Edson Silva
 graduate in information systems
 formed in technical of computer networking
 twitter: @edsonlead

 Com o conhecimento nossas dúvidas aumentam - Johann Goethe

   Em Terça-feira, 12 de Agosto de 2014 10:05, Márcio Fornari escreveu:

 Desculpe o OFF..
 Mas o Site da Caixa Econômica está apresentando indisponibilidade hoje de
 E agora o Banco do Brasil também está fora.

 Com vcs está assim também?

 2014-08-07 14:15 GMT-03:00 Adilson Francisco da Silva

 Boa tarde amigos da Lista.

 Meu muito obrigado a todos, os Srs. foram de grande ajuda. Aprendi
 muito nos últimos dias.

 A todos um cordial abraço

 To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

 .Márcio Fornari
 .Bacharel em  Sistemas de Informação
 .Contatos pelo Telefone: (49)8814 - 3378
 .ou pelo e-mail:



.Márcio Fornari
.Bacharel em  Sistemas de Informação
.Contatos pelo Telefone: (49)8814 - 3378
.ou pelo e-mail:


Re: Site da Caixa econômica federal redireciona para um phishing

2014-08-12 Thread Paulo Roberto P. Evangelista
O melhor lugar para esse tipo de pergunta e na lista - *caiu -- Lista das
indisponibilidades da Internet brasileira*

2014-08-12 10:12 GMT-03:00 Márcio Fornari

 Mas que coisa..
 Aqui acessa tudo menos o site do Banco do Brasil na empresa toda.

 Talvez tenha alguma problema em uma rota na Região sul.

 Em 12 de agosto de 2014 10:07, Edson Araújo

 Aqui está normal.

 ~Edson Silva
 graduate in information systems
 formed in technical of computer networking
 twitter: @edsonlead

 Com o conhecimento nossas dúvidas aumentam - Johann Goethe

   Em Terça-feira, 12 de Agosto de 2014 10:05, Márcio Fornari escreveu:

 Desculpe o OFF..
 Mas o Site da Caixa Econômica está apresentando indisponibilidade hoje de
 E agora o Banco do Brasil também está fora.

 Com vcs está assim também?

 2014-08-07 14:15 GMT-03:00 Adilson Francisco da Silva

 Boa tarde amigos da Lista.

 Meu muito obrigado a todos, os Srs. foram de grande ajuda. Aprendi
 muito nos últimos dias.

 A todos um cordial abraço

 To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

 .Márcio Fornari
 .Bacharel em  Sistemas de Informação
 .Contatos pelo Telefone: (49)8814 - 3378
 .ou pelo e-mail:


 .Márcio Fornari
 .Bacharel em  Sistemas de Informação
 .Contatos pelo Telefone: (49)8814 - 3378
 .ou pelo e-mail:


Re: Site da Caixa econômica federal redireciona para um phishing

2014-08-12 Thread Márcio Fornari
Não conhecia essa lista Caiu, já vou me inscrever.

Rafael aqui utilizamos Internet de uma operadora de Fibra Optica.
Liguei pra eles e eles vão ver onde está caindo. Mas ali com eles tbm não
está dando certo.

Então deve ser na região aqui

Em 12 de agosto de 2014 10:15, Paulo Roberto P. Evangelista escreveu:

 O melhor lugar para esse tipo de pergunta e na lista - *caiu -- Lista
 das indisponibilidades da Internet brasileira*

 2014-08-12 10:12 GMT-03:00 Márcio Fornari

 Mas que coisa..
 Aqui acessa tudo menos o site do Banco do Brasil na empresa toda.

 Talvez tenha alguma problema em uma rota na Região sul.

 Em 12 de agosto de 2014 10:07, Edson Araújo

 Aqui está normal.

 ~Edson Silva
 graduate in information systems
 formed in technical of computer networking
 twitter: @edsonlead

 Com o conhecimento nossas dúvidas aumentam - Johann Goethe

   Em Terça-feira, 12 de Agosto de 2014 10:05, Márcio Fornari escreveu:

 Desculpe o OFF..
 Mas o Site da Caixa Econômica está apresentando indisponibilidade hoje
 de manhã.
 E agora o Banco do Brasil também está fora.

 Com vcs está assim também?

 2014-08-07 14:15 GMT-03:00 Adilson Francisco da Silva

 Boa tarde amigos da Lista.

 Meu muito obrigado a todos, os Srs. foram de grande ajuda. Aprendi
 muito nos últimos dias.

 A todos um cordial abraço

 To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

 .Márcio Fornari
 .Bacharel em  Sistemas de Informação
 .Contatos pelo Telefone: (49)8814 - 3378
 .ou pelo e-mail:


 .Márcio Fornari
 .Bacharel em  Sistemas de Informação
 .Contatos pelo Telefone: (49)8814 - 3378
 .ou pelo e-mail:



.Márcio Fornari
.Bacharel em  Sistemas de Informação
.Contatos pelo Telefone: (49)8814 - 3378
.ou pelo e-mail:


Re: skype

2014-08-12 Thread Shutdown -h now

A recomendação que fiz acima (de instalar o pacote 'skype'  via gerenciador
de pacotes, está EQUIVOCADA)

Peço desculpas por isso.

Realmente, conforme outros amigos mencionaram acima, o ideal no momento, é
baixar o pacote disponível no website oficial do Skype.


Em 11 de agosto de 2014 08:18, Leandro de Lima Camargo escreveu:

 Bom dia.
 Estou com o Debian Wheezy e só resolvi desinstalando e instalando
 Pelo menos pra mim, não deu certo atualizar.
 apt-get autoremove --purge skype
 dpkg -i *pacote-skype*

 Leandro de Lima Camargo

 2014-08-11 8:14 GMT-03:00 Leandro de Lima Camargo

 Bom dia.
 Estou com o Debian Wheezy e só resolvi desinstalando e instalando
 Pelo menos pra mim, não deu certo atualizar.
 apt-get autoremove --purge skype
 dpkg -i *pacote-skype*

 Leandro de Lima Camargo

 2014-08-10 23:00 GMT-03:00 G.Paulo

 Microsoft disponibilizou nova versão do Skype. Se você usa o Debian
 Weezy, como eu, não adianta apt-get upgrade, porque a versão atual do
 respositório não é aceita mais pelo Skype. Se você usa o Debian testing,
 então, talvez 

 A solução definitiva é baixar a versao do site do Skype e intalá-la. O
 problema é que, se antes o Skype era caixa-preta, agora deve ser
 caixa-preta com olhos e ouvidos a serviço da Microsoft.
 Alguém precisa criar uma outra opção. Urgentemente.

 On Sun, 10 Aug 2014 20:03:24 -0300
 Andre N Batista wrote:

  On Sat, Aug 09, 2014 at 12:57:03PM +,
   Atualize o skype.
   Enviado pelo meu aparelho BlackBerry®
   -Original Message-
   From: Cecilia Gonzalez
   Date: Sat, 9 Aug 2014 09:55:40
   Subject: skype
   Caros,alguem pode me ajudar?O meu skype sempre funcionou
   normalmente,e agora ,me pede senha e quando coloco diz,o skype não
   conseguiu conectar se. Ja tentei pesquisar na internet e ate
   troquei a senha mais nada,nem com a senha nova nem com a
   antiga,continua na mesma. Alguém sabe que esta acontecendo?
   Grata a vcs pela ajuda.
  Se a atualização não funcionar, o que eu sei é que recentemente houve
  uma grande thread sobre o skype na lista internacional. Não acompanhei
  porque não uso skype, mas dê uma olhada para ver se o seu problema se
  Skype access cancelled for Debian versions before 7 -

 To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact


 *Leandro de Lima Camargo*
 *+55 35 9904-0220 %2B55%2035%209904-0220*


 *Leandro de Lima Camargo*
 +55 35 9904 0220
 iCloud Mail 

Re: Solução definitiva para acessar o Banco do Brasil no Debian 7

2014-08-12 Thread Rogerio R. Silva
Caro Junior,

Para ficar registrado na lista - sua sugestão resolveu o problema. Apenas
tive que trocar i686 por x86_64.


Em 11 de agosto de 2014 16:34, Linux - Junior Polegato escreveu:

 Em 11-08-2014 15:31, Rogerio R. Silva escreveu:

 Desculpe retomar esse assunto, mas quem está acessando o BB pelo
 iceweasel? Como vocês estão fazendo? Há uns três meses que o problema de
 acesso voltou. Guardei as mensagens antigas sobre o tema, mas não tenho
 achado a solução. Agradeço se tiverem novas dicas/sugestões.


 O grande lance das versões testing não ter a subdivisão de patch
 em major.minor.patch ainda causa todo o problema.

 Utilizando o setarch para configurar o kernel a fornecer
 2.6.52-1-686-pae resolve esse problema, veja que o meu caso é i686 e o
 seu é amd64.

 O que faço para o Gnome Shell executar direto é copiar o atalho do
 Iceweasel geral para o local, depois alterar o exec:

 $ cp -av /usr/share/applications/iceweasel.desktop
 “/usr/share/applications/iceweasel.desktop” - “/home/junior/.local/share/

 $ sed -i 's/Exec=iceweasel %u/Exec=setarch i686 --uname-2.6 iceweasel %u/'



Re: Solução definitiva para acessar o Banco do Brasil no Debian 7

2014-08-12 Thread Rogerio R. Silva
Caro Luiz,

Desculpe a demora para responder. Levou um tempo para acertar, mas também
usei sua dica. Obrigado.


Em 11 de agosto de 2014 18:49, Luiz L. Marins

 Rogério, tenta isto:

 Em 11 de agosto de 2014 15:31, Rogerio R. Silva


 Desculpe retomar esse assunto, mas quem está acessando o BB pelo
 iceweasel? Como vocês estão fazendo? Há uns três meses que o problema de
 acesso voltou. Guardei as mensagens antigas sobre o tema, mas não tenho
 achado a solução. Agradeço se tiverem novas dicas/sugestões.

 Informações sobre o sistema Debian mais abaixo.



 ~$ lsb_release -a
 No LSB modules are available.
 Distributor ID:Debian
 Description:Debian GNU/Linux testing (jessie)

 ~$ uname -a
 Linux debian 3.14-1-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.14.12-1 (2014-07-11) x86_64

 ~$ iceweasel -version
 Mozilla Iceweasel 31.0

 ~$ cat /etc/apt/sources.list
 #Lista gerada usando o Debian Source List Generator (Brazil, testing, 64
 bits, main, contrib, non-free, security e updates)
 deb testing main contrib non-free
 deb jessie-updates main contrib non-free
 deb jessie/updates main contrib non-free
 ## sugestao para instalação e atualização do Java da Oracle
 deb precise main
 deb-src precise main

 Em 25 de março de 2014 10:50, Éder S. G. (Jordan) escreveu:

 Bom dia a todos os membros da lista de discussão debian
 user portuguese!

 Como vocês estão? Espero que estejam bem.

 Caros, acabei de ler e testar a dica de hoje de como acessar
 o Banco do Brasil via o navegador Iceweasel com o sistema
 operacional Debian GNU Linux versão 7 codinome Wheezy.

 Para testar, basta abrir um emulador de terminal e executar
 o seguinte comando:

  $ setarch x86_64 --uname-2.6 iceweasel 

 E, logo após, acessar o Banco do Brasil! :-)

Rogério R. Silva
Pesquisador Adjunto I
Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi
Coordenação de Ciências da Terra e Ecologia
Av. Magalhães Barata, 376 - Bairro São Braz
Caixa Postal 399
CEP 66040-170, Belém, Pará, Brasil.

Fone: +55 91 3075-6146

GNU/Linux User # 354364
Linux-Debian Testing: 3.14-1-amd64

Re: apt-get não atualiza pacote

2014-08-12 Thread Vitor Hugo

applein@debian:~$ sudo check-support-status

Limited security support for one or more packages

Unfortunately, it has been necessary to limit security support for some

The following packages found on this system are affected by this:

* Source:webkit
  Details: No security support upstream and backports not feasible, 
only for use on trusted content

  Affected binary packages:
  - libwebkit-1.0-2 (installed version: 1.2.7-0+squeeze2)
  - libwebkit-1.0-common (installed version: 1.2.7-0+squeeze2)

On 12-08-2014 09:47, Tiago Rocha wrote:

Tiago, a source.list não seria assim?

deb  squeeze-lts main contrib non-free
Mais aqui:

Seria sim. Mas eu fiquei sem entender a razão da pergunta.


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Re: apt-get não atualiza pacote

2014-08-12 Thread Vitor Hugo

applein@debian:~$ cat /etc/apt/sources.list

# deb cdrom:[Debian GNU/Linux 6.0.6 _Squeeze_ - Official i386 NETINST 
Binary-1 20120930-15:55]/ squeeze main

#deb cdrom:[Debian GNU/Linux 6.0.6 _Squeeze_ - Official i386 NETINST 
Binary-1 20120930-15:55]/ squeeze main

deb squeeze main
deb-src squeeze main

deb squeeze-lts main contrib non-free
deb-src squeeze-lts main contrib non-free

deb squeeze-lts main contrib non-free
#deb-src squeeze-lts main contrib non-fre

deb squeeze/updates main
deb-src squeeze/updates main

# squeeze-updates, previously known as 'volatile'
deb squeeze-updates main
deb-src squeeze-updates main
On 11-08-2014 21:07, wrote:
Se voce utilizar o aptitude acho que vai atualizar. Tambem acontecia 
isso comigo ai abandonei o apt-get.

On August 11, 2014 5:23:53 PM GMT-03:00, Vitor Hugo wrote:

Atingido squeeze-lts/non-free i386 Packages
Lendo listas de pacotes... Pronto
Lendo listas de pacotes... Pronto
Construindo árvore de dependências
Lendo informação de estado... Pronto
Os pacotes a seguir serão mantidos em suas versões atuais:
  python-reportbug reportbug
0 pacotes atualizados, 0 pacotes novos instalados, 0 a serem
removidos e 2 não atualizados.

E-mail enviado do meu celular Android usando K-9 Mail. Por favor, 
desculpe minha brevidade. 

Re: skype

2014-08-12 Thread Manoel Pedro de Araújo
Estava com este problema de conexão no skype. Desisntalei a versão
anterior, em seguida baixei a versão atual no site skype e instalei.
Consegui a gora conectar normalmente.

Em 12 de agosto de 2014 11:24, Shutdown -h now


 A recomendação que fiz acima (de instalar o pacote 'skype'  via
 gerenciador de pacotes, está EQUIVOCADA)

 Peço desculpas por isso.

 Realmente, conforme outros amigos mencionaram acima, o ideal no momento, é
 baixar o pacote disponível no website oficial do Skype.


 Em 11 de agosto de 2014 08:18, Leandro de Lima Camargo escreveu:

 Bom dia.
 Estou com o Debian Wheezy e só resolvi desinstalando e instalando
 Pelo menos pra mim, não deu certo atualizar.
 apt-get autoremove --purge skype
 dpkg -i *pacote-skype*

 Leandro de Lima Camargo

 2014-08-11 8:14 GMT-03:00 Leandro de Lima Camargo

 Bom dia.
 Estou com o Debian Wheezy e só resolvi desinstalando e instalando
 Pelo menos pra mim, não deu certo atualizar.
 apt-get autoremove --purge skype
 dpkg -i *pacote-skype*

 Leandro de Lima Camargo

 2014-08-10 23:00 GMT-03:00 G.Paulo

 Microsoft disponibilizou nova versão do Skype. Se você usa o Debian
 Weezy, como eu, não adianta apt-get upgrade, porque a versão atual do
 respositório não é aceita mais pelo Skype. Se você usa o Debian testing,
 então, talvez 

 A solução definitiva é baixar a versao do site do Skype e intalá-la. O
 problema é que, se antes o Skype era caixa-preta, agora deve ser
 caixa-preta com olhos e ouvidos a serviço da Microsoft.
 Alguém precisa criar uma outra opção. Urgentemente.

 On Sun, 10 Aug 2014 20:03:24 -0300
 Andre N Batista wrote:

  On Sat, Aug 09, 2014 at 12:57:03PM +,
   Atualize o skype.
   Enviado pelo meu aparelho BlackBerry®
   -Original Message-
   From: Cecilia Gonzalez
   Date: Sat, 9 Aug 2014 09:55:40
   Subject: skype
   Caros,alguem pode me ajudar?O meu skype sempre funcionou
   normalmente,e agora ,me pede senha e quando coloco diz,o skype não
   conseguiu conectar se. Ja tentei pesquisar na internet e ate
   troquei a senha mais nada,nem com a senha nova nem com a
   antiga,continua na mesma. Alguém sabe que esta acontecendo?
   Grata a vcs pela ajuda.
  Se a atualização não funcionar, o que eu sei é que recentemente houve
  uma grande thread sobre o skype na lista internacional. Não acompanhei
  porque não uso skype, mas dê uma olhada para ver se o seu problema se
  Skype access cancelled for Debian versions before 7 -

 To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact


 *Leandro de Lima Camargo*
 *+55 35 9904-0220 %2B55%2035%209904-0220*


 *Leandro de Lima Camargo*
 +55 35 9904 0220
 iCloud Mail 


Re: skype

2014-08-12 Thread Manoel Pedro de Araújo
Como devo fazer para apagar minhas conversas recentes no skype?

Em 9 de agosto de 2014 07:58, Paulo escreveu:


 Explique melhor.
 Detalhe seu problema.
 O que quer fazer com as conversas do skype ?
 Já pesquisou no oráculo (google) ?

 Paulo Correia

 On 08-08-2014 11:24, Manoel wrote:

 Como devo fazer para minhas conversas recentes no skype?

 To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact


Re: New 64-bit Install: Wine

2014-08-12 Thread David Baron
On Monday 11 August 2014 08:36:23 The Wanderer wrote:
 On 08/11/2014 06:27 AM, David Baron wrote:
  I have no 64-bit .exe's. The few apps I need to run are all fairly
  old. Seems to be no way to run them.
  Wine64 complains about the .exe format. Placing win32:i386 on top of
  all this complains that the .wine is for a 64bit installation to
  wine32 will not work. Even if there is no such folder (I purged
  everything for latest try).
  There is apparently no win32:amd64 so the wine32:i386 and a load of
  :i386 libs will get installed. Multiarch is great but does not solve
  this particular problem.
 I don't have much experience with standalone 64-bit Wine, but my
 solution for 32-bit vs. 64-bit Wine is to build a combined version from
 upstream (git) source - largely because AFAIK Debian does not provide
 any way to get a combined-build Wine installed.
 Unfortunately, while, this used to be relatively straightforward in
 squeeze when we still had an ia32-libs-dev package, it's currently
 broken - and is likely to remain that way until multiarch extends to
 -dev packages, which at this point probably isn't expected to be
 completed (or even necessarily begun) for jessie.
 My install a newer version of Wine procedure is currently as follows:
 1. Update the Wine source.
 2. In a separate directory (wine64), run the following commands:
 $(winesrc)/configure --enable-win64
 make $(make_options)
 3. In a separate directory (wine32), run the following command:
 $(winesrc)/configure --with-wine64=$(wine64dir)
 4. Make note of the errors or this feature has been disabled reports
 from the configure run, check the configure log files, identify what
 -dev package(s) need to be installed in order to fix the problem, and
 install the :i386 versions of those packages. (This automatically
 removes the :amd64 versions of the same-dev packages.)
 5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 until the configure run is successful and all
 the features I want are detected and enabled.
 6. Run the following commands:
 make $(make_options)
 su -c 'make install'
 7. Back in the wine64 directory, run the following command:
 su -c 'make install'
 8. Reinstall all the packages (or at least the -dev packages) which got
 removed in step 4.
 Steps 4, 5 and 8 are highly manual and irritating, such that instead of
 updating Wine monthly, weekly or even daily, I generally update it maybe
 once every three to six months at best. (Building a patched version for
 testing purposes is pretty much off the table entirely.) However, this
 is still the best approach I've found for getting a version of Wine that
 can handle both 32-bit and 64-bit applications in the same install.
The Wanderer

While I have compiled wine  before, this is quite a bite!

How about a .deb, maybe on winehq?

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Re: Towards an instructive minimalist intall of Openbox

2014-08-12 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Lu, 11 aug 14, 18:47:40, Patrick Bartek wrote:
 IIRC, the base install (terminal only) installed the default video
 driver for my nVidia-based card -- nouveau.  That was before I did

There's a 'nouveau' kernel module and a 'nouveau' X driver, installed 
with package xserver-xorg-video-nouveau.

 anything involving X.  After I had everything set up the way I wanted
 and working, several months later I installed the proprietary nVidia
 driver replacing nouveau.

Have you used X before that? If I'm curious enough I'll try to reproduce 
this in a chroot or virtual machine.

Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: weired problem, systemd?

2014-08-12 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Mi, 06 aug 14, 16:50:56, Hans wrote:
 Hello list,
 I am looking for some strange problem. Please let me describe:
 I installed pulseaudio, and everything worked fine, sound was running well, 
 everything could be configured with pavucontrol. So far so well. But, 
 after reboot, sound is gone, and no more devices are seen. 
 Restarting of pulseaudio via /etc/init.d/pulseaudio restart did not work.

Would be interesting if you posted any and all messages you got when 
doing that, but it's also not supposed to work, since pulseaudio is not 
started as a system daemon.
 However: Doing dpkg-reconfigure pulseaudio let it work again.
 I do not think, it is a problem with pulseaudio, mybe with systemd? 
 The same problem occurs with another package - eeepc-acpi-scripts
 /etc/init.d/eeepc-acpi-scripts restart does not work, but dpkg-reconfigure 
 eeepc-acpi-scriptzs does.

Please post the full outputs of running:

/etc/init.d/script restart
service script restart
dpkg-reconfigure -phigh package

Please also mention which release you are running.

Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: IP Forwarding to Windows machine

2014-08-12 Thread Tom H
On Sun, Aug 10, 2014 at 4:30 PM, Joe wrote:
 On Sun, 10 Aug 2014 16:07:01 -0400
 Tom H wrote:
 On Sun, Aug 10, 2014 at 2:24 PM, Nemeth Gyorgy
 2014-08-10 11:33 keltezéssel, Pascal Hambourg írta:

 sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1
 iptables -t nat -P ACCEPT
 iptables -t filter -P ACCEPT

 This is really a big sechole.

 This is one of these hopelessly unresolvable issues where some people
 believe that the correct config is to have policy DROP/REJECT and
 others believe that the correct config is to have a policy of ACCEPT
 and to have the final rule in the respective chains be DROP/REJECT..

 Why is it unresolvable? A DROP/REJECT policy is fail-safe, ACCEPT
 isn't. If the rest of the rules are correct, (and more importantly,
 guaranteed always to stay that way in the face of editing, sometimes
 rushed) an ACCEPT policy is redundant, and if they're not, it's
 dangerous. You will never *ever* want that ACCEPT policy rule to be

And you've proven my point...

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Re: IP Forwarding to Windows machine

2014-08-12 Thread Joe
On Tue, 12 Aug 2014 04:53:51 -0400
Tom H wrote:

 And you've proven my point...

Agreed, I just can't see why there is any controversy.


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Re: networking fails with temporary systemd (was auto starting of ppp has stopped working)

2014-08-12 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Lu, 11 aug 14, 07:57:05, Rusi Mody wrote:
 If I start from grub using init=/bin/systemd it boots but networking
 does not work.

Please attach the file 'bootlog' after running:

journalctl -alb  bootlog

Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: Irony

2014-08-12 Thread Tom H
On Mon, Aug 11, 2014 at 3:31 PM, Charles Kroeger wrote:
 On Sun, 10 Aug 2014 21:50:01 +0200
 Lisi Reisz wrote:

 I had understood that Debian is in this, as in many things, different from
 most Linux distros.

 Yes you're right, that's what makes Debian special, passion always trumps 

Are there any distros that have salaried developers other than SUSE,
RHEL, and Ubuntu?

Debian isn't as special as you think, at least not from this perspective.

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Re: Towards an instructive minimalist intall of Openbox

2014-08-12 Thread Brian
On Mon 11 Aug 2014 at 18:47:40 -0700, Patrick Bartek wrote:

 On Mon, 11 Aug 2014, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
  On Du, 10 aug 14, 17:30:20, Patrick Bartek wrote:
 A. Quick  Dirty, but bloated:  'apt-get install xorg'
 B. Lean  Mean:  'apt-get install xserver-xorg-core xinit'
  Are you sure about this? As far as I can tell this will not install
 For B? Yes. Basically, that's all I installed to get X running, but
 without a window manager, you couldn't do anything with it.  The window
 manager came next.

xserver-xorg-core and xinit are insufficient by themselves. To have
startx bring up X you need /usr/bin/X, which is in the xserver-xorg
package. But xserver-org depends on one of xserver-xorg-video-* and
one of xserver-xorg-input-* (I use xserver-xorg-input-evdev).

Even now we have not finished because xinit (used by startx) wants to
run an xterm by default. An x-terminal emulator is required and no WM
will pull it (or xserver-xorg-video-*, xserver-xorg-input-* and
xserver-xorg) in.

  any of the xserver-xorg-video- or xserver-xorg-input- packages. One
  would need at a minimum xserver-xorg-input-evdev and the -video-
  package corresponding to the video adapter (or one of -vesa or
  -fbdev, but these give poor performance).
 You might not believe it, but I basically had no problems with this
 step-by-step install, and the system just hums along quite nicely.
 Very snappy.  Very stable.  Never crashed.

Your notes are amongst the best I have seen on this topic of a minimal
desktop install. My objective has sometimes been a little different and
I've dispensed with the standard system utilities and got one or two of
its packages later.

Also, it can quite nice for users not to have type 'startx' and nodm
is a lightweight solution to that.

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Re: Debian Jessie Release

2014-08-12 Thread Sven Hartge
Andrei POPESCU wrote:
 On Du, 10 aug 14, 22:22:20, Sven Hartge wrote:
 All other were mostly misconfigrations which kinda worked before,
 because sysvinit was more forgiving or just papered over the error,
 for example unavailable volumes during boot without nofail or

 It's also very unforgiving of wrong fstab entries (see #756103).


From a desktop users perspective, this behavior is quite astonishing.
More so if it has been working with sysvinit for the last umpteen years.

With my server admin hat on, I like this strictness. I _want_ a boot to
fail if not all filesystems are available. 

Maybe some configurable option is in order here, to allow the admin to
set the level of strictness he wants.


Sigmentation fault. Core dumped.

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Re: Debian Jessie Release

2014-08-12 Thread Joe
On Tue, 12 Aug 2014 14:07:36 +0200
Sven Hartge wrote:

 Andrei POPESCU wrote:
  On Du, 10 aug 14, 22:22:20, Sven Hartge wrote:
  All other were mostly misconfigrations which kinda worked before,
  because sysvinit was more forgiving or just papered over the error,
  for example unavailable volumes during boot without nofail or
  It's also very unforgiving of wrong fstab entries (see #756103).
 From a desktop users perspective, this behavior is quite astonishing.
 More so if it has been working with sysvinit for the last umpteen
 With my server admin hat on, I like this strictness. I _want_ a boot
 to fail if not all filesystems are available. 
All files required to *boot* must be available in / and/or /boot. I
believe it is not trivial to require an additional filesystem to be
available to grub2, hence the need to merge /usr into / at some point
for those who have them separate at the moment.

Additional filesystems may be mounted 'at boot', meaning automatically
when the computer is started rather than manually later, while not being
required for the boot process itself. I think the boot should not fail
if such filesystems are unavailable, but that suitable error messages
should be issued allowing the problems to be fixed. There seems to be a
bluetooth issue in sid at the moment, but this doesn't halt the boot
process, nor should it. I have a number of network filesystems mounted
'at boot', but I'd be very annoyed if a computer wouldn't boot because
of network issues. Clearly, network-mounted filesystems are not
considered essential for the boot process to complete, but local
filesystems which are not mounted on well-known *nix system directories

 Maybe some configurable option is in order here, to allow the admin to
 set the level of strictness he wants.
I believe there is, though I have not yet tried to use it. The point is
that, going back two of your paragraphs, it is a *change*, and if
not manually corrected will therefore break existing systems on
upgrade. I would have preferred to see it done the other way around,
i.e. that unfamiliar mount points listed in fstab would need some sort
of 'abort the boot if this doesn't mount' flag to be added.

By the way, if the boot is aborted, it would be nice to have some sort
of shell access available. When this fstab issue bit me, there was no
control available at all other than the Big Red Switch. Even grub2
drops you into a rescue shell when it's unhappy, as I know well.


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2014-08-12 Thread Dyphnus Faalentijn

Re: New 64-bit Install: Wine

2014-08-12 Thread Rob Owens
- Original Message -
 From: David Baron
 I have no 64-bit .exe's. The few apps I need to run are all fairly old. Seems
 to be no way to run them.
 Wine64 complains about the .exe format. Placing win32:i386 on top of all this
 complains that the .wine is for a 64bit installation to wine32 will not work.
 Even if there is no such folder (I purged everything for latest try).

This is complaining about ~/.wine being a 64bit installation, at least that's 
what it did for me.  I moved my existing ~/.wine to ~/.wine.bak and was able to 
run 'wine Firefox\ Setup\ 31.0.exe' successfully.


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Re: New 64-bit Install: Wine

2014-08-12 Thread David Baron
On Tuesday 12 August 2014 10:10:58 Rob Owens wrote:
 - Original Message -
  From: David Baron
  I have no 64-bit .exe's. The few apps I need to run are all fairly old.
  Seems to be no way to run them.
  Wine64 complains about the .exe format. Placing win32:i386 on top of all
  this complains that the .wine is for a 64bit installation to wine32 will
  not work. Even if there is no such folder (I purged everything for latest
 This is complaining about ~/.wine being a 64bit installation, at least
 that's what it did for me.  I moved my existing ~/.wine to ~/.wine.bak and
 was able to run 'wine Firefox\ Setup\ 31.0.exe' successfully.

What wine packages do you have installed?

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Re: New 64-bit Install: Wine

2014-08-12 Thread Rob Owens
- Original Message -
 From: David Baron
 On Tuesday 12 August 2014 10:10:58 Rob Owens wrote:
  - Original Message -
   From: David Baron
   I have no 64-bit .exe's. The few apps I need to run are all fairly old.
   Seems to be no way to run them.
   Wine64 complains about the .exe format. Placing win32:i386 on top of all
   this complains that the .wine is for a 64bit installation to wine32 will
   not work. Even if there is no such folder (I purged everything for latest
  This is complaining about ~/.wine being a 64bit installation, at least
  that's what it did for me.  I moved my existing ~/.wine to ~/.wine.bak and
  was able to run 'wine Firefox\ Setup\ 31.0.exe' successfully.
 What wine packages do you have installed?

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Re: New 64-bit Install: Wine

2014-08-12 Thread David Baron
On Tuesday 12 August 2014 10:36:51 Rob Owens wrote:
 - Original Message -
  From: David Baron
  On Tuesday 12 August 2014 10:10:58 Rob Owens wrote:
   - Original Message -
From: David Baron

I have no 64-bit .exe's. The few apps I need to run are all fairly
Seems to be no way to run them.

Wine64 complains about the .exe format. Placing win32:i386 on top of
this complains that the .wine is for a 64bit installation to wine32
not work. Even if there is no such folder (I purged everything for
   This is complaining about ~/.wine being a 64bit installation, at least
   that's what it did for me.  I moved my existing ~/.wine to ~/.wine.bak
   was able to run 'wine Firefox\ Setup\ 31.0.exe' successfully.
  What wine packages do you have installed?

Tried that. I do not know about the firefox setup but no .exe's I had around 
would take. I also go rid of the ~/.wine. Wine-cfg also barked.

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systemd fails to poweroff - A stop job is running for Session 2 of user $USER

2014-08-12 Thread Zenaan Harkness
Debian sid

systemd currently fails to poweroff for me

XFCE (appears to) exit, the mouse point shows
for a while, then the kernel/ shutdown log appears.

The last message is:
A stop job is running for Session 2 of user me

Red asterisks (up to 3) appear to oscillate at left
edge in an ascii wait for me animation.

Requires hard powercycle to poweroff.

How might I debug this?


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Re: systemd fails to poweroff - A stop job is running for Session 2 of user $USER

2014-08-12 Thread Michael Biebl
Am 12.08.2014 16:50, schrieb Zenaan Harkness:
 Debian sid
 systemd currently fails to poweroff for me
 XFCE (appears to) exit, the mouse point shows
 for a while, then the kernel/ shutdown log appears.
 The last message is:
 A stop job is running for Session 2 of user me
 Red asterisks (up to 3) appear to oscillate at left
 edge in an ascii wait for me animation.

Have you waited at least 90 secs, which is the default timeout?

Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Setup a Nvidia multiseat

2014-08-12 Thread Hugo Vanwoerkom

Floris wrote:
Op Sun, 10 Aug 2014 23:29:50 +0200 schreef Hugo Vanwoerkom

I forgot to ask: is systemd also necessary?


you need loginctl, so the answer is yes, you need systemd

Right. I found your bug 711351.


 That bug is already solved. systemd version 44-11 doesn't had 
multiseat support. Luckily Debian testing/ sid has version 208. Also 
you need xserver 1.16. This version added the MatchSeat option to 
the xorg.d config file.


I noticed you use gdm3. How would you do it with startx?


If you don't run gdm3 and gnome 3, I would advise you to stick with the 
old-fashion-way. Because today only Gnome 3/ gdm3 works nicely with 
systemd. Maybe KDE/ kdm does, but I'm not sure. In the past I used this 
site to set up a 
multiseat manualy.


'startx -- -seat seat0' works just great.


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Re: systemd fails to poweroff - A stop job is running for Session 2 of user $USER

2014-08-12 Thread Hugo Vanwoerkom

Zenaan Harkness wrote:

Debian sid

systemd currently fails to poweroff for me

XFCE (appears to) exit, the mouse point shows
for a while, then the kernel/ shutdown log appears.

The last message is:
A stop job is running for Session 2 of user me

Red asterisks (up to 3) appear to oscillate at left
edge in an ascii wait for me animation.

Requires hard powercycle to poweroff.

How might I debug this?

Right.  Debian Sid. 'halt' does not poweroff with systemd.


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Re: Towards an instructive minimalist intall of Openbox

2014-08-12 Thread Patrick Bartek
On Tue, 12 Aug 2014, Andrei POPESCU wrote:

 On Lu, 11 aug 14, 18:47:40, Patrick Bartek wrote:
  IIRC, the base install (terminal only) installed the default video
  driver for my nVidia-based card -- nouveau.  That was before I did
 There's a 'nouveau' kernel module and a 'nouveau' X driver, installed 
 with package xserver-xorg-video-nouveau.

As I recall -- my notes aren't handy, I never specifically installed
ANY video drivers.  The installer must have taken care of it.

  anything involving X.  After I had everything set up the way I
  wanted and working, several months later I installed the
  proprietary nVidia driver replacing nouveau.
 Have you used X before that? If I'm curious enough I'll try to
 reproduce this in a chroot or virtual machine.

Do you mean during the install?  No.  Up until X and Openbox were
installed and configured, I installed everything from the terminal.
After the GUI was set up, I did the rest of the install from a virtual

Do you mean since I've been using Linux?  Going on 15 years now.  Yes.
Of course.  But this is the first time I've done such a custom install
using a window manager only instead of a full desktop environment.

FYI:  The system boots to a login terminal, and once logged in, startx
is used to run X and Openbox.


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Re: systemd fails to poweroff - A stop job is running for Session 2 of user $USER

2014-08-12 Thread Bzzzz
On Wed, 13 Aug 2014 00:50:31 +1000
Zenaan Harkness wrote:

 Red asterisks (up to 3) appear to oscillate at left
 edge in an ascii wait for me animation.

You're a lucky guy: I don't have even one asterisk (only
a white underscore and a blinking cursor - on a laptop).

But I'm not that sure it is tied to systemd because
on my spare system (also sid, but the bare minimum
to troubleshoot main system, just in case…), the shutdown
works like a charm.

guend people criticize windoz…
guend but since I have my new computer, I have had no problems with it
kayoch but didn't you just buy a Mac?
guend yes, so what?

Description: PGP signature

Re: systemd fails to poweroff - A stop job is running for Session 2 of user $USER

2014-08-12 Thread Michael Biebl
Am 12.08.2014 17:16, schrieb Hugo Vanwoerkom:

 Right.  Debian Sid. 'halt' does not poweroff with systemd.

Well, yeah. halt is not supposed to power off your system.

But that is most likely not the issue Zenaan is having

Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Towards an instructive minimalist intall of Openbox

2014-08-12 Thread Patrick Bartek
On Tue, 12 Aug 2014, Brian wrote:

 On Mon 11 Aug 2014 at 18:47:40 -0700, Patrick Bartek wrote:
  On Mon, 11 Aug 2014, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
   On Du, 10 aug 14, 17:30:20, Patrick Bartek wrote:

A. Quick  Dirty, but bloated:  'apt-get install xorg'
B. Lean  Mean:  'apt-get install xserver-xorg-core
   Are you sure about this? As far as I can tell this will not
  For B? Yes. Basically, that's all I installed to get X running, but
  without a window manager, you couldn't do anything with it.  The
  window manager came next.
 xserver-xorg-core and xinit are insufficient by themselves. To have
 startx bring up X you need /usr/bin/X, which is in the xserver-xorg
 package. But xserver-org depends on one of xserver-xorg-video-* and
 one of xserver-xorg-input-* (I use xserver-xorg-input-evdev).

Maybe, I should clarify: when I say I installed xserver-xorg-core,
etc,, I don't mean I installed just THAT package.  I let apt-get
installed the dependencies, too; but not the recommends.  The latter I
did manually as needed.

 Even now we have not finished because xinit (used by startx) wants to
 run an xterm by default. An x-terminal emulator is required and no WM
 will pull it (or xserver-xorg-video-*, xserver-xorg-input-* and
 xserver-xorg) in.
   any of the xserver-xorg-video- or xserver-xorg-input- packages.
   One would need at a minimum xserver-xorg-input-evdev and the
   -video- package corresponding to the video adapter (or one of
   -vesa or -fbdev, but these give poor performance).
  You might not believe it, but I basically had no problems with this
  step-by-step install, and the system just hums along quite nicely.
  Very snappy.  Very stable.  Never crashed.
 Your notes are amongst the best I have seen on this topic of a minimal
 desktop install. My objective has sometimes been a little different
 and I've dispensed with the standard system utilities and got one or
 two of its packages later.

Thanks.  But what I posted is a mere outline of my install notes,
a synopsis. The actual notes themselves run the front and back of 4 or 5
8.5 x 11 inch pages in tiny handwritten print. They include the complete
process, everything that was installed, the order that it was
installed, and any problems and how they were rectified.

I've yet to transcribe them to a more readable form -- even my
printing is barely legible. ;-) The outline I posted here was done for
someone on this list last year who wanted to do the same thing I did,
but I sent it privately to him.

 Also, it can quite nice for users not to have type 'startx' and nodm
 is a lightweight solution to that.

I decide not to go that route as a safeguard.  If something went wrong
setting up X and the GUI, I could reboot and be at a working terminal
to fix it or try something else.  After everything was finished, I just
left it instead of booting directly to the GUI.  I don't reboot that
often. I just run the system 24/7 only turning off the monitor when
I'm finished for the day.  So, typing startx two or three times a year
is not inconvenient. ;-)


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Re: systemd fails to poweroff - A stop job is running for Session 2 of user $USER

2014-08-12 Thread Darac Marjal
On Tue, Aug 12, 2014 at 10:16:27AM -0500, Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:
 Zenaan Harkness wrote:
 Debian sid
 systemd currently fails to poweroff for me
 XFCE (appears to) exit, the mouse point shows
 for a while, then the kernel/ shutdown log appears.
 The last message is:
 A stop job is running for Session 2 of user me
 Red asterisks (up to 3) appear to oscillate at left
 edge in an ascii wait for me animation.
 Requires hard powercycle to poweroff.
 How might I debug this?
 Right.  Debian Sid. 'halt' does not poweroff with systemd.

That's a totally  different issue, though. With systemd  both 'halt' and
'poweroff' should run through the init sequence (stop all services, send
TERM to all processes, send KILL to all processes). 'halt' then stops at
this point - the  only thing left running is then  the kernel (there's a
certain pattern of work that involves  running a machine like this for a
firewall. All the rules are loaded  into the kernel and then the machine
is halted. The  kernel can still process packets happily,  but there are
no user space processes which can alter/interfere).

What Zenaan is talking about is systemd  asking a service to stop and it
taking too long to do so (perhaps it never will, perhaps it just needs a
long time)


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Re: systemd fails to poweroff - A stop job is running for Session 2 of user $USER

2014-08-12 Thread Javier Barroso
On Tue, Aug 12, 2014 at 5:16 PM, Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:
 Zenaan Harkness wrote:

 Debian sid

 systemd currently fails to poweroff for me

 XFCE (appears to) exit, the mouse point shows
 for a while, then the kernel/ shutdown log appears.

 The last message is:
 A stop job is running for Session 2 of user me

 Red asterisks (up to 3) appear to oscillate at left
 edge in an ascii wait for me animation.

 Requires hard powercycle to poweroff.

 How might I debug this?

 Right.  Debian Sid. 'halt' does not poweroff with systemd.
I think this behaviour has changed from pre-systemd era.

At halt/poweroff/reboot manpage :
   halt, poweroff, reboot may be used to halt, power-off or reboot the

I think it should be better explain what is exactly halt and which is
the difference with poweroff

As I understand, power off is like you press the power button some seconds.
Halt (as current behaviour) is stop all process but pid 1

There is the -p switch to halt, or the --halt switch to poweroff,
so halt can power off the machine or power off can stop all process in
an ordered way


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Re: Towards an instructive minimalist intall of Openbox

2014-08-12 Thread Lisi Reisz
On Sunday 10 August 2014 18:44:28 Steve Litt wrote:
 1) Make yourself a network install boot disk.

His Linux computer has no Internet connection.


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Re: Towards an instructive minimalist intall of Openbox

2014-08-12 Thread Brian
On Tue 12 Aug 2014 at 09:15:59 -0700, Patrick Bartek wrote:

 On Tue, 12 Aug 2014, Brian wrote:
  xserver-xorg-core and xinit are insufficient by themselves. To have
  startx bring up X you need /usr/bin/X, which is in the xserver-xorg
  package. But xserver-org depends on one of xserver-xorg-video-* and
  one of xserver-xorg-input-* (I use xserver-xorg-input-evdev).
 Maybe, I should clarify: when I say I installed xserver-xorg-core,
 etc,, I don't mean I installed just THAT package.  I let apt-get
 installed the dependencies, too; but not the recommends.  The latter I
 did manually as needed.

The clarification is welcome but I had worked out that is what you did.
As it happens, xserver-xorg-core doesn't have any recommended packages
and xserver-org (and the other packages mentioned) really are needed for
a functional X.
  Your notes are amongst the best I have seen on this topic of a minimal
  desktop install. My objective has sometimes been a little different
  and I've dispensed with the standard system utilities and got one or
  two of its packages later.
 Thanks.  But what I posted is a mere outline of my install notes,
 a synopsis. The actual notes themselves run the front and back of 4 or 5
 8.5 x 11 inch pages in tiny handwritten print. They include the complete
 process, everything that was installed, the order that it was
 installed, and any problems and how they were rectified.
 I've yet to transcribe them to a more readable form -- even my
 printing is barely legible. ;-) The outline I posted here was done for
 someone on this list last year who wanted to do the same thing I did,
 but I sent it privately to him.

It's a good synopsis then. I hope what Andrei picked up on and what I
criticised leads you to improve on it.

  Also, it can quite nice for users not to have type 'startx' and nodm
  is a lightweight solution to that.
 I decide not to go that route as a safeguard.  If something went wrong
 setting up X and the GUI, I could reboot and be at a working terminal
 to fix it or try something else.  After everything was finished, I just
 left it instead of booting directly to the GUI.  I don't reboot that
 often. I just run the system 24/7 only turning off the monitor when
 I'm finished for the day.  So, typing startx two or three times a year
 is not inconvenient. ;-)

My users were expecting a 400 GBP SMART TV. They got a thin client with
a mini keyboard and a bash script using dialog. Having them not type
'startx' every time it was switched on was a concession. Why go looking
for trouble? Must keep the troops happy. :)

(Sometimes a technical solution to a social problem works).

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Re: systemd fails to poweroff - A stop job is running for Session 2 of user $USER

2014-08-12 Thread Martin Steigerwald
Am Dienstag, 12. August 2014, 17:48:10 schrieb Michael Biebl:
 Am 12.08.2014 17:16, schrieb Hugo Vanwoerkom:
  Right.  Debian Sid. 'halt' does not poweroff with systemd.
 Well, yeah. halt is not supposed to power off your system.

Interestingly in the last ten years I have used halt exactly to power off a 
machine, when not using a desktop mechanism.

On all systems with working ACPI I tried this on it did so. On those where 
ACPI is broken, it sometimes did not power off the machine.

merkaba:~ ls -l /sbin/halt
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 18776 Aug  3 21:01 /sbin/halt
merkaba:~ ls -l /sbin/poweroff 
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4 Aug  3 21:01 /sbin/poweroff - halt

So it differentiates behavior on command name?

The manpage for halt is more than unclear on the exact semantics.

I´d prefer clear commands with clear definitions of their behavior instead of 
guess work – will it call shutdown? or not.

I like System Commands in systemctl manpage regarding this. Yet also this is 
just saying halt or power off. But if the english meaning of the words give 
exact this difference, so well. In my understanding there never was much of a 
difference between halt and poweroff.

Martin 'Helios' Steigerwald -
GPG: 03B0 0D6C 0040 0710 4AFA  B82F 991B EAAC A599 84C7

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: IP Forwarding to Windows machine

2014-08-12 Thread Tom H
On Tue, Aug 12, 2014 at 5:19 AM, Joe wrote:
 On Tue, 12 Aug 2014 04:53:51 -0400
 Tom H wrote:

 And you've proven my point...

 Agreed, I just can't see why there is any controversy.

You misunderstand. The fact that you can't accept that there may be
others who have good reason (whatever it may be; I don't care) to
consider that having ACCEPT as a policy is the proof that this is as
controversial and contentious as vi/emacs, postfix/sendmail/exim, etc.

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Re: Debian Jessie Release

2014-08-12 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Ma, 12 aug 14, 14:31:29, Joe wrote:
 I believe there is, though I have not yet tried to use it. The point is
 that, going back two of your paragraphs, it is a *change*, and if
 not manually corrected will therefore break existing systems on
 upgrade. I would have preferred to see it done the other way around,
 i.e. that unfamiliar mount points listed in fstab would need some sort
 of 'abort the boot if this doesn't mount' flag to be added.

 By the way, if the boot is aborted, it would be nice to have some sort
 of shell access available. When this fstab issue bit me, there was no
 control available at all other than the Big Red Switch. Even grub2
 drops you into a rescue shell when it's unhappy, as I know well.

That's probably one of #755581 or #751624.

Kind regard,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

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Re: systemd fails to poweroff - A stop job is running for Session 2 of user $USER

2014-08-12 Thread Tom H
On Tue, Aug 12, 2014 at 10:50 AM, Zenaan Harkness wrote:

 Debian sid

 systemd currently fails to poweroff for me

 XFCE (appears to) exit, the mouse point shows
 for a while, then the kernel/ shutdown log appears.

 The last message is:
 A stop job is running for Session 2 of user me

 Red asterisks (up to 3) appear to oscillate at left
 edge in an ascii wait for me animation.

 Requires hard powercycle to poweroff.

 How might I debug this?

I've been assuming that the Debian maintainers had backported the fix
to (1) in the link above, but perhaps not. I haven't experienced this
though and you seem to be the first to report this on the list in
spite of many seemingly using systemd in testing and unstable,
willingly or not.

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Re: systemd fails to poweroff - A stop job is running for Session 2 of user $USER

2014-08-12 Thread Paul E Condon
I interpret the quoted string in the Subject: header as being flawed
use of English language. 'stop' should be 'stopped'. And, there is a
bug in the script that fails to evaluate the variable USER and
therefore fails to print the name of the user (aka. owner) of the
stopped job in Session 2.

Did OP attempted to connect to Session 2 and terminate the job there?

Does the message really keep the system from executing poweroff? Or,
does it just introduce a delay long enough for the user who is
requesting the poweroff to reconsider and abort his request?

What did the OP actually do that he hoped would cause a poweroff?
i.e. what did he type? or button did he click?

In a better formulated message, there should be a comma ',' between
'user' and '$USER'. Thus if the USER of Session 2 is Joe, the message
should read (adding a full stop at the end):

A stopped job is running for Session 2 of user, Joe.

But even this is poorly worded. A job that is both running, and
stopped is a goofy idea, as well as somewhat verbose. Maybe it should

A stopped job exists for Session 2 of user, Joe.

I'm assuming that it is OK to assume that the user who did whatever made
his computer spit out this message understands what a stopped job is, but
I'm unaware of any Debian manual of style for error messages as newspapers
have manuals of style for news item they print. Is there one? If so, it
should give advice on the use of 'for' and 'of' in this context. 

OTOH, maybe I misunderstand the situation.


On 20140812_1804+0200, Javier Barroso wrote:
 On Tue, Aug 12, 2014 at 5:16 PM, Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:
  Zenaan Harkness wrote:
  Debian sid
  systemd currently fails to poweroff for me
  XFCE (appears to) exit, the mouse point shows
  for a while, then the kernel/ shutdown log appears.
  The last message is:
  A stop job is running for Session 2 of user me
  Red asterisks (up to 3) appear to oscillate at left
  edge in an ascii wait for me animation.
  Requires hard powercycle to poweroff.
  How might I debug this?
  Right.  Debian Sid. 'halt' does not poweroff with systemd.
 I think this behaviour has changed from pre-systemd era.
 At halt/poweroff/reboot manpage :
halt, poweroff, reboot may be used to halt, power-off or reboot the
 I think it should be better explain what is exactly halt and which is
 the difference with poweroff
 As I understand, power off is like you press the power button some seconds.
 Halt (as current behaviour) is stop all process but pid 1
 There is the -p switch to halt, or the --halt switch to poweroff,
 so halt can power off the machine or power off can stop all process in
 an ordered way
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Paul E Condon

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Re: dd

2014-08-12 Thread Martin Smith

On 11/08/2014 12:16, Stephen Powell wrote:

On Mon, 11 Aug 2014 01:15:31 -0400 (EDT), Reco wrote:

While dd can be used to copy a directory, it cannot be used alone for
this task. Try this:


cp -a /var/www/* /media/lin50

This may work if there are no hidden files in the directory (files whose
names begin with a period), and if there are no files with embedded blanks
in their names, etc.  But as a more general approach, I suggest

cp -a /var/www/. /media/lin50

The above handles all of the aforementioned special cases.  This copies
the entire directory tree below /var/www, including subdirectories, which
I assume is the OP's intent.

pax will do the job, but you will need to install it:

cd /var/www
pax -rw . /media/lin50


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calendar world cup (portuguese) and others

2014-08-12 Thread Beco
Hi guys,

Last semester I made some calendars.

Specially a brazilian one, that is not current on the system.

I wonder, to whom should I send them, to ask Debian to keep them in the
next version?


PS. Bellow a teaser. If you like, please save as a plain text file under
the directory cited:


root@camelo:/usr/share/calendar/pt_BR# cat calendar.copa2014
 * World Cup 2014
 * Prepared by Ruben Carlo Benante [ rcb at beco dot cc ]

#ifndef _calendar_copa2014_
#define _calendar_copa2014_


12 Jun  Copa do Mundo 2014, Grupo A, Brasil 3 x 1 Croácia (SP)
13 Jun  Copa do Mundo 2014, Grupo A, México 1 x 0 Camarões (RN)
13 Jun  Copa do Mundo 2014, Grupo B, Espanha 1 x 5 Holanda (BA)
13 Jun  Copa do Mundo 2014, Grupo B, Chile 3 x 1 Austrália (MT)
14 Jun  Copa do Mundo 2014, Grupo C, Colômbia 3 x 0 Grécia (MG)
14 Jun  Copa do Mundo 2014, Grupo C, Costa do Marfim 2 x 1 Japão (PE)
14 Jun  Copa do Mundo 2014, Grupo D, Uruguai 1 x 3 Costa Rica (CE)
14 Jun  Copa do Mundo 2014, Grupo D, Inglaterra 1 x 2 Itália (AM)
15 Jun  Copa do Mundo 2014, Grupo E, Suíça 2 x 1 Equador (DF)
15 Jun  Copa do Mundo 2014, Grupo E, França 3 x 0 Honduras (RS)
15 Jun  Copa do Mundo 2014, Grupo F, Argentina 2 x 1 Bósnia e Herzegovina
16 Jun  Copa do Mundo 2014, Grupo F, Irã 0 x 0 Nigéria (PR)
16 Jun  Copa do Mundo 2014, Grupo G, Alemanha 4 x 0 Portugal (BA)
16 Jun  Copa do Mundo 2014, Grupo G, Gana 1 x 2 EUA (RN)
17 Jun  Copa do Mundo 2014, Grupo H, Bélgica 2 x 1 Argélia (MG)
17 Jun  Copa do Mundo 2014, Grupo H, Rússia 1 x 1 Coréia do Sul (MT)
17 Jun  Copa do Mundo 2014, Grupo A, Brasil 0 x 0 México (CE)
18 Jun  Copa do Mundo 2014, Grupo A, Camarões 0 x 4 Croácia (AM)
18 Jun  Copa do Mundo 2014, Grupo B, Espanha 0 x 2 Chile (RJ)
18 Jun  Copa do Mundo 2014, Grupo B, Austrália 2 x 3 Holanda (RS)
19 Jun  Copa do Mundo 2014, Grupo C, Colômbia 2 x 1 Costa do Marfim (DF)
19 Jun  Copa do Mundo 2014, Grupo C, Japão 0 x 0 Grécia (RN)
19 Jun  Copa do Mundo 2014, Grupo D, Uruguai 2 x 1 Inglaterra (SP)
20 Jun  Copa do Mundo 2014, Grupo D, Itália 0 x 1 Costa Rica (PE)
20 Jun  Copa do Mundo 2014, Grupo E, Suíça 2 x 5 França (BA)
20 Jun  Copa do Mundo 2014, Grupo E, Honduras 1 x 2 Equador (PR)
21 Jun  Copa do Mundo 2014, Grupo F, Argentina 1 x 0 Irã (MG)
21 Jun  Copa do Mundo 2014, Grupo F, Nigéria 1 x 0 Bósnia e Herzegovina (MT)
21 Jun  Copa do Mundo 2014, Grupo G, Alemanha 2 x 2 Gana (CE)
22 Jun  Copa do Mundo 2014, Grupo G, EUA 2 x 2 Portugal (AM)
22 Jun  Copa do Mundo 2014, Grupo H, Bélgica 1 x 0 Rússia (RJ)
22 Jun  Copa do Mundo 2014, Grupo H, Coréia do Sul 2 x 4 Argélia (RS)
23 Jun  Copa do Mundo 2014, Grupo A, Camarões 1 x 4 Brasil (DF)
23 Jun  Copa do Mundo 2014, Grupo A, Croácia 1 x 3 México (PE)
23 Jun  Copa do Mundo 2014, Grupo B, Austrália 0 x 3 Espanha (PR)
23 Jun  Copa do Mundo 2014, Grupo B, Holanda 2 x 0 Chile (SP)
24 Jun  Copa do Mundo 2014, Grupo C, Japão 1 x 4 Colômbia (MT)
24 Jun  Copa do Mundo 2014, Grupo C, Grécia 2 x 1 Costa do Marfim (CE)
24 Jun  Copa do Mundo 2014, Grupo D, Itália 0 x 1 Uruguai (RN)
24 Jun  Copa do Mundo 2014, Grupo D, Costa Rica 0 x 0 Inglaterra (MG)
25 Jun  Copa do Mundo 2014, Grupo E, Honduras 0 x 3 Suíça (AM)
25 Jun  Copa do Mundo 2014, Grupo E, Equador 0 x 0 França (RJ)
25 Jun  Copa do Mundo 2014, Grupo F, Nigéria 2 x 3 Argentina (RS)
25 Jun  Copa do Mundo 2014, Grupo F, Bósnia e Herzegovina 3 x 1 Irã (BA)
26 Jun  Copa do Mundo 2014, Grupo G, EUA 0 x 1 Alemanha (PE)
26 Jun  Copa do Mundo 2014, Grupo G, Portugal 2 x 1 Gana (DF)
26 Jun  Copa do Mundo 2014, Grupo H, Coréia do Sul 0 x 1 Bélgica (SP)
26 Jun  Copa do Mundo 2014, Grupo H, Argélia 1 x 1 Rússia (PR)
28 Jun  Copa do Mundo 2014, Oitavas, Brasil 1(3) x 1(2) Chile (MG)
28 Jun  Copa do Mundo 2014, Oitavas, Colombia 2 x 0 Uruguai (RJ)
29 Jun  Copa do Mundo 2014, Oitavas, Holanda 2 x 1 México (CE)
29 Jun  Copa do Mundo 2014, Oitavas, Costa Rica 1(5) x 1(3) Grécia (PE)
30 Jun  Copa do Mundo 2014, Oitavas, França 2 x 0 Nigéria (DF)
30 Jun  Copa do Mundo 2014, Oitavas, Alemanha 1 x 0 Argélia (RS)
01 Jul  Copa do Mundo 2014, Oitavas, Argentina 1 x 0 Suíça (SP)
01 Jul  Copa do Mundo 2014, Oitavas, Bélgica 2 x 1 EUA (BA)
04 Jul  Copa do Mundo 2014, Quartas, Brasil 2 x 1 Colômbia (CE)
04 Jul  Copa do Mundo 2014, Quartas, França 0 x 1 Alemanha (RJ)
05 Jul  Copa do Mundo 2014, Quartas, Holanda 0(4) x 0(3) Costa Rica (BA)
05 Jul  Copa do Mundo 2014, Quartas, Argentina 1 x 0 Bélgica (DF)
08 Jul  Copa do Mundo 2014, Semi-final, Brasil 1 x 7 Alemanha (MG)
09 Jul  Copa do Mundo 2014, Semi-final, Holanda 0(2) x 0(4) Argentina (SP)
12 Jul  Copa do Mundo 2014, Terceiro lugar, Brasil x Holanda (DF)
13 Jul  Copa do Mundo 2014, Final, Alemanha x Argentina (RJ)

#endif /* !_calendar_copa2014_ */


Dr Beco
A.I. researcher

I know you think you understand what you thought I said but I'm not sure
you realize that what you heard is not what I meant -- Alan Greenspan

Re: IP Forwarding to Windows machine

2014-08-12 Thread Nemeth Gyorgy
2014-08-10 22:30 keltezéssel, Joe írta:
 Why is it unresolvable? A DROP/REJECT policy is fail-safe, ACCEPT
 isn't. If the rest of the rules are correct, (and more importantly,
 guaranteed always to stay that way in the face of editing, sometimes
 rushed) an ACCEPT policy is redundant, and if they're not, it's
 dangerous. You will never *ever* want that ACCEPT policy rule to be
 But it greatly simplifies matters during a short go-nogo test, during
 which the probability of an attack is quite small. And here's another
 reason that the Internet connection should be farmed out to a dedicated
 device containing at least a simple stateful packet filter, so that
 experimentation with the main firewall carries little risk.
Yes, it can work as a short go-nogo test. But the suggestion was not
mentioned it, that it is only for that. And it is very likely that when
the OP tries this and it 'works' (I mean the Windows machine behind the
Linux works well), then the rules will remain. And - as the Linux server
can have a lot of services - it will leave a lot of secholes to the world.

So I wouldn't suggest such situation, in my opinion the minimum policy
should be still safe (at least a bit). So default policy for nat and
mangle can be ACCEPT without too much risk, but on filter table set
ACCEPT to OUTPUT chain and set DROP for INPUT and FORWARD and
explicitely allow what you want. This should be the minimum security
level for a home firewall.

--- Friczy ---
'Death is not a bug, it's a feature'

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Re: Debian Jessie Release

2014-08-12 Thread Joe
On Tue, 12 Aug 2014 21:14:48 +0300
Andrei POPESCU wrote:

 On Ma, 12 aug 14, 14:31:29, Joe wrote:
  I believe there is, though I have not yet tried to use it. The
  point is that, going back two of your paragraphs, it is a *change*,
  and if not manually corrected will therefore break existing systems
  on upgrade. I would have preferred to see it done the other way
  around, i.e. that unfamiliar mount points listed in fstab would
  need some sort of 'abort the boot if this doesn't mount' flag to be
  By the way, if the boot is aborted, it would be nice to have some
  sort of shell access available. When this fstab issue bit me, there
  was no control available at all other than the Big Red Switch. Even
  grub2 drops you into a rescue shell when it's unhappy, as I know
 That's probably one of #755581 or #751624.

Yes, I'm sure it's not intended behaviour. But there's only so much
point in trying to fix sid at the moment. Is there a word for 'beyond
unstable'? I've installed apt-cacher-ng on my server to try to keep
the downloads within some sort of reason. I have five sids, and they're
all hungry, all the time...


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[OT] on wording of computer messages [was: Re: systemd fails to poweroff - A stop job is running for Session 2 of user $USER]

2014-08-12 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Ma, 12 aug 14, 12:51:12, Paul E Condon wrote:
 I interpret the quoted string in the Subject: header as being flawed
 use of English language. 'stop' should be 'stopped'. And, there is a
 In a better formulated message, there should be a comma ',' between
 'user' and '$USER'. Thus if the USER of Session 2 is Joe, the message
 should read (adding a full stop at the end):
 A stopped job is running for Session 2 of user, Joe.
 But even this is poorly worded. A job that is both running, and
 stopped is a goofy idea, as well as somewhat verbose. Maybe it should
 A stopped job exists for Session 2 of user, Joe.

As a non-native speaker of English I understood the message as being 
about a job that tries to stop something, hence a stop job. Also, the 
comma definitely feels wrong. If anything that I'd rather put a colon, 
but it's still quite understandable for me like it is.

Kind regards,
P.S. CC and Reply-to: -offtopic as this is not very relevant to Debian
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Re: Irony

2014-08-12 Thread Charles Kroeger
On Tue, 12 Aug 2014 11:50:02 +0200
Tom H wrote:

 Debian isn't as special as you think, at least not from this perspective.

Everybody earns money and needs money in this development. Organizations like
Debian go forward by people with jobs volunteering time and expertise. I knew 
instance in Amarillo, Brad Hughes, when he lived there. He was a kid that was
working as an electrical contractor's apprentice. He came to one of the few LUG
meetings we had in the late 1990,s and demonstrated Black Box. and helped us
installed it on our big desktop computers. He wasn't paid to do that but I 
it helped get him his job at Trolltech. (QT) 

The man in Toronto who I'm not going to mention because, I write him some with
problems who was patient enough to help me with the Nvidia GLX driver back in 
when it didn't build its own module and run depmod like it does now. He has a 
job, it isn't about money, time maybe. This is why it's important to keep Debian
'free.' This makes it attractive to talented people who still have their hearts 
the right place.

(You know what they say, If you're not a communist when you're young, there's
something wrong with your heart. I think this statement came out of a system 
used to educate its promising youth. Some systems are broken so it's hard to
have a heart if you're ignorant and admire John Galt but never read his 

This was the reason Debian was created. By maintaining a sensible level of
free software without becoming hysterical over the non-free repositories. I'm
sure Debian will continue to flourish like all these .orgs they get a lot of
donations and legacies over time and if corruption and excessive ideology stays 
of the group that steers and runs Debian development, the distribution will 
which it continues to do, actually, or I wouldn't be using it


Description: PGP signature

Re: [SUCCESS] Setup a Nvidia multiseat

2014-08-12 Thread Hugo Vanwoerkom

Floris wrote:
Op Sun, 10 Aug 2014 04:32:00 +0200 schreef Hugo Vanwoerkom


Could you elaborate? You mean that if you connect, lets say a ps/2 
keyboard and an USB keyboard, 2 Nvidia video cards with 2 monitors 
attached and 2 USB mice and I run systemd, then it will figure out how 
to make a 2-seater out of this. Meaning 2 users  logged on 
simultaneously. Surely you must set up a proper xorg.conf, how much 
should it contain? Have you actually tried this or is it your 
conclusion that systemd ought to do this?


Three steps are necessary:

1 - Create a /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/90-nvidia.conf
Unfortunately, this step is always required for a Nvidia card, only the 
MatchSeat option has to be added.

(note, I don't have a xorg.conf file)

cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/90-nvidia.conf
Section Device
Identifier Seat0
Driver nvidia
BusID  PCI:1:0:0
Option ProbeAllGpus FALSE
MatchSeat  seat0

Section Device
Identifier Seat1
Driver nvidia
BusID  PCI:2:0:0
Option ProbeAllGpus FALSE
MatchSeat  seat1

2 - Tag the Nvidia card for seat1 as a master-of-seat
This step is a litter harder. Since you have to figure out where your 
Nvidia card is. If your card has hdmi you can find the location by 
looking at the sound card.

$ loginctl seat-status seat0

  │ sound:card1 NVidia
The video part will be

Write an udev rule
cat /etc/udev/rules.d/72-seat-1.rules
DEVPATH==/devices/pci:00/:00:05.0/:02:00.0, TAG+=seat, 
TAG+=master-of-seat, ENV{ID_AUTOSEAT}=1, ENV{ID_SEAT}=seat1

reboot or use 'udevadm trigger' to apply the new rule

3 - Attach a mouse, keyboard and soundcard
Use loginctl seat-status seat0 to find your devices and move them to 
seat1 with

loginctl attach seat1 your device
If you use a usb-hub for the mouse and keyboard attach the hub, so every 
device you plug into the hub will attached to seat1

You can verify your setup with
$ loginctl seat-status seat1

Sessions: *c2
  │ [MASTER] pci::02:00.0
  │ sound:card1 NVidia

  │ │ input:input14 HDA NVidia HDMI/DP,pcm=3

  │   input:input15 HDA NVidia HDMI/DP,pcm=7

Step 1 is always necessary for a Nvidia card. I don't know if the 
nvidia-xconfig program is able to add the MatchSeat option. Don't use 
the xorg.conf file, because only seat0 will use it. So the X server on 
seat1 will give you an error No device found

Maybe the Nvidia Maintainers will help us in the future with Step 2. I 
think it is possible that all Nvidia graphic devices get the 
master-of-seat tag. I will ask them.

Step 3 is always required for a multiseat setup. Unless you have a open 
source displaylink device.


Indeed, those 3 steps and we are running a 2-seater again! With Sid, 
LXDE and no DM but startx -- -seat seat1, etc.

Thanks to Floris and systemd!


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Please help with cleaning up after a mess I made with my email

2014-08-12 Thread Paul E Condon
I have been cleaning up old email files and in the process created a
mess I have several mail directories containing emails from different
times and collected under slightly different operating condition. I
want to merge them into a single directory with the emails arranged in
threads by topic and in chronological order. More detail follows:

I'm running Wheezy. I get my email from several places using

My .fetchmailrc works. I type 'fetchmail' at an xterm command line
whenever I want to get another batch of accumulate email, which is
what I want to do.  No, bell signaling arrival of mail interrupting
some useful work for me.

I have procmail configured to deliver email to several mbox format
files, all in a directory whose name is ~/mail. I have about 60
delivery mbox files in ~/mail. Procmail also runs bogofilter for
spam suppression.

I read my email using Mutt. My problems with SMTP and Mutt from some
time ago are solved.

From my investigations of other email arrangements I have accumulated
other directories of email folders, mostly in mbox format, but also
one in Maildir format. All these other email directories are also in
my home directory (of course with different names ;). I want help to
devise some command line that will read emails from one of these old
directories and move copies into my current email directory. I think
this can be done starting with cat and using formail and ending with
procmail, but I'm getting a lot of emails that purport to come from
foo@bar , which I know is because I've some formail options wrong.
Here is an example of things I've tried:

cat mail-20140812_004037/* | formail +1 -tzeds procmail

I've renamed all the old email directories to contain a timestamp
extension. The above shows one of them. I don't really understand +1,
but a lot of email magic seems to have it. I'm hoping that this will
feed the emails to procmail and it will process them as if they were
coming from fetchmail, which I know works for currently arriving
email. I know that many of the emails don't have a envelope From line,
but I don't know how to get formail to pick out a string that can be
made into a functional From line. My understanding is that the
envelope From line is only used in routeing the email throug the
internet and once it arrives at a destination the data in it is
ignored in deference to the actual headers that contain a colon, and
the text of the body. So, I guess I'm looking for a way to get emails
that have missing parts to appear to be whole to formail and procmail.
Only I don't really know what they look for or why. Suggestions?


Paul E Condon

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Re: systemd fails to poweroff - A stop job is running for Session 2 of user $USER

2014-08-12 Thread Lisi Reisz
On Tuesday 12 August 2014 17:53:19 Martin Steigerwald wrote:
 But if the english meaning of the words give
 exact this difference, so well. In my understanding there never was much of
 a difference between halt and poweroff.

I'm not quite clear what you are saying, but if you are saying that there is 
not give much difference in the English meaning of the words poweroff and 
halt, then I must take issue with you.  

Halt simply means stop.  Poweroff means turn the power off.  A big difference 
in the words.  Think of a car at traffic lights.  You stop it: halt it.  You 
do not power off, i.e. turn the engine off.  (Unless you accidentally stall 


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Re: Irony

2014-08-12 Thread John Hasler
Charles Kroeger writes:
 You know what they say, If you're not a communist when you're young,
 there's something wrong with your heart.

Churchill: If you're not a liberal when you're young there's something
wrong with your heart.  If you're not a conservative when you're old
there's something wrong with your brain.
John Hasler
Elmwood, WI USA

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Re: Irony

2014-08-12 Thread Steve Litt
On Tue, 12 Aug 2014 17:06:44 -0400
Charles Kroeger wrote:

 On Tue, 12 Aug 2014 11:50:02 +0200
 Tom H wrote:
  Debian isn't as special as you think, at least not from this
 Everybody earns money and needs money in this development.
 Organizations like Debian go forward by people with jobs volunteering
 time and expertise. I knew for instance in Amarillo, Brad Hughes,
 when he lived there. He was a kid that was working as an electrical
 contractor's apprentice. He came to one of the few LUG meetings we
 had in the late 1990,s and demonstrated Black Box. and helped us
 installed it on our big desktop computers. He wasn't paid to do that
 but I suspect it helped get him his job at Trolltech. (QT) 

A guy from GoLUG in Orlando maintained a Free Software Blackberry app
for years. Then one day, based on his Blackberry expertise, a Silicon
Valley company hired him.

One other thing: I think the most prominent way that I, and most
others, get paid is by using the Free Software, both the stuff we
wrote, and other peoples' stuff.

I use VimOutliner every day (which, for unfortunate reasons, I might
need to fork). I created VimOutliner in 2001, and licensed it GPL2. A
bunch of people came along and improved it far beyond any improvements
my capabilities. My pay was having the fastest outliner a
touch-typist could ever have, with basically all the features I wanted
(because those few other guys didn't put in, I did). Every book I've
written since 2001 started out as a VimOutliner outline.

Here are some of my writings about the free software author's pay:



In this email my comments are relevant to how free software developers
are rewarded, and should not in any way be interpreted as an
endorsement of Capitalism, Communism, Meritocracy, or any other
politically motivated method of organization.


Steve Litt*
Troubleshooting Training  *  Human Performance

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Re: Please help with cleaning up after a mess I made with my email

2014-08-12 Thread Steve Litt
On Tue, 12 Aug 2014 15:36:01 -0600
Paul E Condon wrote:

 I have been cleaning up old email files and in the process created a
 mess I have several mail directories containing emails from different
 times and collected under slightly different operating condition. I
 want to merge them into a single directory with the emails arranged in
 threads by topic and in chronological order. More detail follows:
 I'm running Wheezy. I get my email from several places using
 My .fetchmailrc works. I type 'fetchmail' at an xterm command line
 whenever I want to get another batch of accumulate email, which is
 what I want to do.  No, bell signaling arrival of mail interrupting
 some useful work for me.
 I have procmail configured to deliver email to several mbox format
 files, all in a directory whose name is ~/mail. I have about 60
 delivery mbox files in ~/mail. Procmail also runs bogofilter for
 spam suppression.
 I read my email using Mutt. My problems with SMTP and Mutt from some
 time ago are solved.
 From my investigations of other email arrangements I have accumulated
 other directories of email folders, mostly in mbox format, but also
 one in Maildir format. All these other email directories are also in
 my home directory (of course with different names ;). I want help to
 devise some command line that will read emails from one of these old
 directories and move copies into my current email directory. I think
 this can be done starting with cat and using formail and ending with
 procmail, but I'm getting a lot of emails that purport to come from
 foo@bar , which I know is because I've some formail options wrong.
 Here is an example of things I've tried:
 cat mail-20140812_004037/* | formail +1 -tzeds procmail
 I've renamed all the old email directories to contain a timestamp
 extension. The above shows one of them. I don't really understand +1,
 but a lot of email magic seems to have it. I'm hoping that this will
 feed the emails to procmail and it will process them as if they were
 coming from fetchmail, which I know works for currently arriving
 email. I know that many of the emails don't have a envelope From line,
 but I don't know how to get formail to pick out a string that can be
 made into a functional From line. My understanding is that the
 envelope From line is only used in routeing the email throug the
 internet and once it arrives at a destination the data in it is
 ignored in deference to the actual headers that contain a colon, and
 the text of the body. So, I guess I'm looking for a way to get emails
 that have missing parts to appear to be whole to formail and procmail.
 Only I don't really know what they look for or why. Suggestions?
 Paul E Condon

Hi Paul,

I don't think I fully comprehend your need, and others who do might
have exactly the suggestion you need.

If not, consider what I say here a plan B...

There are something like four varieties of mbox. You have both mbox,
maildir, and something you called mailbox. It sounds like you want
all email in one folder, which I personally wouldn't recommend.

When confronted with a situation similar to yours, that being mail from
years and years and years saved in different formats by different
clients and programs, what I ended up doing was creating my own Dovecot
server, adding a new IMAP email account to my source email client (or
situation), copying all my emails, a folder at a time, to the new IMAP
email account mapped to the new Dovecot, and then just using Dovecot to
hold all emails (I'd suggest using maildir for Dovecot, works well for
me, and works well for rsyncing only new or changed emails on backup).

I tried every which script every which way, and the only way I could
convert my menagerie of email formats to one unified one was this IMAP
copy process.

By the way, a big benefit is that from now on, I can use any IMAP aware
email client as a window into my IMAP, and *only* a window into my IMAP.

If you choose to do this, here are my writings on how I did it:




Steve Litt*
Troubleshooting Training  *  Human Performance

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TP-link TL-WN722N with Squeeze

2014-08-12 Thread peter
Squeeze, with kernel linux-image-2.6.32-5-686, is working on 
an old Compaq Armada E500.  The wheezy installer gave a black 

According to apt and aptitude, linux-image-2.6-686-pae and 
linux-image-3.2.0-0.bpo.4-686-pae are available; attempted 
installation of either leads to a conflict of dependancies.  
Can linux-image-2.6.32 or 3.2.0 be installed while leaving 
linux-image-2.6.32-5-686 intact for fallback.

Thanks,... Peter E.

123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 12
Tel +1 360 639 0202  Bcc: peter at easthope. ca

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Re: cannot find public key for verifying SHASUM file for debian live iso

2014-08-12 Thread davidson

Regarding whether keys used to sign debian-live releases are present
(or not) in debian-keyring.gpg or debian-role-keys.gpg :

On Mon, 11 Aug 2014, Francesco Ariis wrote:

On Sun, Aug 10, 2014 at 10:34:21PM -0400, wrote:

| $ gpgv --keyring /usr/share/keyrings/debian-keyring.gpg -vv -- SHA512SUMS.sign
| gpgv: armor: BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE
| gpgv: armor header: Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)
| :signature packet: algo 1, keyid DA87E80D6294BE9B
| version 4, created 1406210061, md5len 0, sigclass 0x00
| digest algo 8, begin of digest fc 43
| hashed subpkt 2 len 4 (sig created 2014-07-24)
| subpkt 16 len 8 (issuer key ID DA87E80D6294BE9B)
| data: [4096 bits]
| gpgv: assuming signed data in `SHA512SUMS'
| gpgv: Signature made Thu 24 Jul 2014 09:54:21 AM EDT using RSA key ID 6294BE9B
| gpgv: Can't check signature: public key not found

This was not the outcome I was hoping for, but I am not sure what
to do next.

Hello Wes,

It seems the key ID 6294BE9B is found in
/usr/share/keyring/debian-role-keys.gpg [1]; .iso should verify with

I was thinking of writing a three line paragraph to make the wiki
[2] more clear on the matter (i.e. provide the gpgv command with the
specific file to pass to --keyring), but after reading this:

   Official role keys have gradually replaced the use of personal
   keys belonging to developers. However, a decision was made not to
   go back and re-sign all the old releases that were already signed
   using the older keys.

I am unsure on whether Jessie and future releases will have their
.iso signed by a key from debian-keyring.gpg or
debian-role-keys.gpg. Can anyone shed light on the matter?

WRT debian-live, the thread below seems relevant.

Whether it casts light or shade is not clear to me.

By the way, the key for checking the sig below seems to be missing
from both debian-keyring.gpg and debian-role-keys.gpg :

This, below, seems to be the key in question:


| To ensure that the checksums files themselves are correct, use GnuPG
| to verify them against the accompanying signature files
| (e.g. MD5SSUMS.sign). The keys used for these signatures are all in
| the Debian GPG keyring and the best way to check them is to use that
| keyring to validate via the web of trust. To make life easier for
| users, here are the fingerprints for the keys that have been used for
| releases in recent years (with some UIDs removed for clarity):
[snipped some fingerprints/ids]
| pub   4096R/A9B26DF5 2014-01-03
|   Key fingerprint = 8A36 A2E8 91A5 C2A9 0DEB  7A8B 1239 00F2 A9B2 6DF5
| uid  Live Systems Project
| sub   4096R/D0125917 2014-01-03
[snipped some more fingerprints/ids]

I found this thread, which explains its absence from the keyring, for
a certain interpretation of the term explain:



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Re: Irony

2014-08-12 Thread Celejar
On Tue, 12 Aug 2014 16:46:38 -0500
John Hasler wrote:

 Charles Kroeger writes:
  You know what they say, If you're not a communist when you're young,
  there's something wrong with your heart.
 Churchill: If you're not a liberal when you're young there's something
 wrong with your heart.  If you're not a conservative when you're old
 there's something wrong with your brain.

FTR, it's not clear that Churchill actually said it, and it is pretty
clear that versions of it predate him:

 John Hasler 


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Re: cannot find public key for verifying SHASUM file for debian live iso

2014-08-12 Thread davidson

On Tue, 12 Aug 2014, wrote:

Regarding whether keys used to sign debian-live releases are present
(or not) in debian-keyring.gpg or debian-role-keys.gpg :

On Mon, 11 Aug 2014, Francesco Ariis wrote:

On Sun, Aug 10, 2014 at 10:34:21PM -0400, 
| $ gpgv --keyring /usr/share/keyrings/debian-keyring.gpg -vv -- 

| gpgv: armor: BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE
| gpgv: armor header: Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)
| :signature packet: algo 1, keyid DA87E80D6294BE9B
| version 4, created 1406210061, md5len 0, sigclass 0x00
| digest algo 8, begin of digest fc 43
| hashed subpkt 2 len 4 (sig created 2014-07-24)
| subpkt 16 len 8 (issuer key ID DA87E80D6294BE9B)
| data: [4096 bits]
| gpgv: assuming signed data in `SHA512SUMS'
| gpgv: Signature made Thu 24 Jul 2014 09:54:21 AM EDT using RSA key ID 

| gpgv: Can't check signature: public key not found

This was not the outcome I was hoping for, but I am not sure what
to do next.

Hello Wes,

It seems the key ID 6294BE9B is found in
/usr/share/keyring/debian-role-keys.gpg [1]; .iso should verify with

I was thinking of writing a three line paragraph to make the wiki
[2] more clear on the matter (i.e. provide the gpgv command with the
specific file to pass to --keyring), but after reading this:

   Official role keys have gradually replaced the use of personal
   keys belonging to developers. However, a decision was made not to
   go back and re-sign all the old releases that were already signed
   using the older keys.

I am unsure on whether Jessie and future releases will have their
.iso signed by a key from debian-keyring.gpg or
debian-role-keys.gpg. Can anyone shed light on the matter?

WRT debian-live, the thread below seems relevant.

Whether it casts light or shade is not clear to me.

By the way, the key for checking the sig below seems to be missing
from both debian-keyring.gpg and debian-role-keys.gpg :

This, below, seems to be the key in question:


| To ensure that the checksums files themselves are correct, use GnuPG
| to verify them against the accompanying signature files
| (e.g. MD5SSUMS.sign). The keys used for these signatures are all in
| the Debian GPG keyring and the best way to check them is to use that
| keyring to validate via the web of trust. To make life easier for
| users, here are the fingerprints for the keys that have been used for
| releases in recent years (with some UIDs removed for clarity):
[snipped some fingerprints/ids]
| pub   4096R/A9B26DF5 2014-01-03
|   Key fingerprint = 8A36 A2E8 91A5 C2A9 0DEB  7A8B 1239 00F2 A9B2 6DF5
| uid  Live Systems Project
| sub   4096R/D0125917 2014-01-03
[snipped some more fingerprints/ids]

Just for the record, I checked the sig in question as follows:

See what key ID I'm looking for:

$ gpg --verify SHA512SUMS.sig
gpg: Signature made Wed 16 Jul 2014 02:39:10 PM EDT using RSA key ID A9B26DF5
gpg: Can't check signature: public key not found

Get the missing key:

$ gpg --keyserver --recv-keys A9B26DF5
gpg: requesting key A9B26DF5 from hkp server
gpg: key A9B26DF5: public key Live Systems Project imported
gpg: no ultimately trusted keys found
gpg: Total number processed: 1
gpg:   imported: 1  (RSA: 1)

Check the sig:

$ gpg --verify SHA512SUMS.sig
gpg: Signature made Wed 16 Jul 2014 02:39:10 PM EDT using RSA key ID A9B26DF5
gpg: Good signature from Live Systems Project
gpg: WARNING: This key is not certified with a trusted signature!
gpg:  There is no indication that the signature belongs to the owner.
Primary key fingerprint: 8A36 A2E8 91A5 C2A9 0DEB  7A8B 1239 00F2 A9B2 6DF5

And then I compared the fingerprint in the output immediately above to
the corresponding fingerprint posted at .


I found this thread, which explains its absence from the keyring, for
a certain interpretation of the term explain:




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