Re: problème configuration wifi _Jessie

2014-12-31 Thread Pascal Hambourg
maderios a écrit :
 je ne peux pas du tout me connecter au réseau ni même pinguer 
 mon modem-routeur.

Mais encore ? Que se passe-t-il quand tu essaies ?
Adresse IP, masque, route par défaut et DNS sont bien configurés ?

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[1/2 HS] Le logiciel opensource en phase ascendante

2014-12-31 Thread andre_debian
Très bonne nouvelle pour le dernier jour de l'année,
laissant de magnifiques perspectives pour 2015 :

Trois décideurs informatiques sur quatre s'accordent 
* sur l'intégrité et la crédibilité des logiciels opensource *

Joyeuse Fête de fin d'année à Tous.


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Re: problème configuration wifi _Jessie

2014-12-31 Thread maderios

On 12/31/2014 02:50 PM, Pascal Hambourg wrote:

maderios a écrit :

je ne peux pas du tout me connecter au réseau ni même pinguer
mon modem-routeur.

Mais encore ? Que se passe-t-il quand tu essaies ?
Adresse IP, masque, route par défaut et DNS sont bien configurés ?

Les conf sont OK : interfaces et wpa_supplicant.conf
Un dmesg donne 'eth0 link becomes ready'
(eth0 est l'interface wifi, eth1 est l'ethernet)


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Re: problème configuration wifi _Jessie

2014-12-31 Thread Pascal Hambourg
maderios a écrit :
 On 12/31/2014 02:50 PM, Pascal Hambourg wrote:
 maderios a écrit :
 je ne peux pas du tout me connecter au réseau ni même pinguer
 mon modem-routeur.
 Mais encore ? Que se passe-t-il quand tu essaies ?

Tu n'as pas répondu à cette question.

 Adresse IP, masque, route par défaut et DNS sont bien configurés ?
 Les conf sont OK : interfaces et wpa_supplicant.conf
 Un dmesg donne 'eth0 link becomes ready'

Je ne parle pas de la liaison mais des paramètres IP.

 (eth0 est l'interface wifi, eth1 est l'ethernet)

L'interface ethernet eth1 est activée et configurée aussi ? Si oui,
connectée à quoi ?

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Re: problème configuration wifi _Jessie

2014-12-31 Thread maderios

On 12/31/2014 04:19 PM, Pascal Hambourg wrote:

maderios a écrit :

On 12/31/2014 02:50 PM, Pascal Hambourg wrote:

maderios a écrit :

je ne peux pas du tout me connecter au réseau ni même pinguer
mon modem-routeur.

Mais encore ? Que se passe-t-il quand tu essaies ?

Tu n'as pas répondu à cette question.

From Destination host unreachable
apt-get update
Err http
Could not resolve '
W: Failed to fetch

Adresse IP, masque, route par défaut et DNS sont bien configurés ?

Les conf sont OK : interfaces et wpa_supplicant.conf
Un dmesg donne 'eth0 link becomes ready'

Je ne parle pas de la liaison mais des paramètres IP.

Les paramètres IP sont corrects et fonctionnent avec ethernet


iface lo inet loopback
#carte wifi
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static
mtu 1492

j'ai également essayé les DNS du fai avec lesquels ça marche en 
ethernet. Ne marche pas en wifi


#/etc/hosts   localhost

::1 localhost ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
fe00::0 ip6-localnet
ff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix
ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
ff02::2 ip6-allrouters

(eth0 est l'interface wifi, eth1 est l'ethernet)

L'interface ethernet eth1 est activée et configurée aussi ? Si oui,
connectée à quoi ?

ethernet eth1 n'est ni activé ni connecté
ifdown eth1
'interface eth1 not configured'

Autre info  importante
dmesg | grep ipw2200
tout est normal sauf la dernière ligne
'ipw2200: Firmware error detected. Restarted'

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Re: problème configuration wifi _Jessie

2014-12-31 Thread andre_debian
On Wednesday 31 December 2014 15:41:26 maderios wrote:
 Les conf sont OK : interfaces et wpa_supplicant.conf
 Un dmesg donne 'eth0 link becomes ready'
 (eth0 est l'interface wifi, eth1 est l'ethernet)

Peut-être est-ce sans aucune importance,
mais on utilise wlan0 pour l'interface Wifi.


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Re: problème configuration wifi _Jessie

2014-12-31 Thread Pascal Hambourg a écrit :
 On Wednesday 31 December 2014 15:41:26 maderios wrote:
 Les conf sont OK : interfaces et wpa_supplicant.conf
 Un dmesg donne 'eth0 link becomes ready'
 (eth0 est l'interface wifi, eth1 est l'ethernet)
 Peut-être est-ce sans aucune importance,
 mais on utilise wlan0 pour l'interface Wifi.

Pas toujours. Le pilote ipw2200 a ceci d'ennuyeux qu'il nomme ses
interfaces wifi eth*.

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Re: problème configuration wifi _Jessie

2014-12-31 Thread Pascal Hambourg
maderios a écrit :
  From Destination host unreachable

Echec de la résolution ARP.
Tu as essayé de faire une capture de trafic pour voir ce qui est émis et
reçu ?

 dmesg | grep ipw2200
 tout est normal sauf la dernière ligne
 'ipw2200: Firmware error detected. Restarted'

J'en ai aussi de temps en temps, ça n'a pas l'air de gêner.

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changement adresse

2014-12-31 Thread pascal

Bonsoir et bonne année

Veuillez noter ma nouvelle adresse mail :
remplaçant la précédente


Pascal Gosse

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jessie modifier fichier log

2014-12-31 Thread prego jeremy

bonjour et bonne année a tous,

j'ai deux problème simples que je n'arrive pas a résoudre avec ma debian 

le premier problème concerne le logiciel dante-server.
je lui es bien spécifié un output de log mais il écrit dans son fichier 
et aussi dans le fichier daemon.log donc j'ai des logs en double ce qui 
es plutot gennant.

concernant mon second soucis.
j'aimerai déplacer les log de dhclient dans un fichier dhclient.log. 
j'ai bien utilisé des solutions trouver sur internet comme :
:msg, contains, dhclient: -/var/log/dhclient.log dans le rsyslog.conf 
mais ça ne fonctionne pas

merci d'avance


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Re: Subredes, proxy y otras yerbas

2014-12-31 Thread Fernando Miculan
Hola William,

No, no lo he usado. Es mas no me suena haberlo usado nunca el NAT conjugado
con FORWARD...
Aqui posteo lo que me tira un netstat -nr

Destination Gateway Genmask Flags   MSS Window  irtt
Iface UG0 0  0
eth1   U 0 0  0
eth0   U 0 0  0
eth1   UG0 0  0

Donde es el gateway de la subred 0 y es lo mismo
para la subred 30

Aqui les muestro un IPTABLES -L

target prot opt source   destination
ACCEPT all  --  localhostanywhere
ACCEPT tcp  --   anywhere tcp dpt:3128
ACCEPT tcp  --  anywhere tcp dpt:3128
ACCEPT tcp  --  anywhere anywhere tcp dpt:https
ACCEPT tcp  --  anywhere anywhere tcp dpt:webmin
ACCEPT tcp  --  fmiculan.friggorina.local  anywhere tcp
ACCEPT tcp  --  fmiculan.friggorina.local  anywhere tcp
ACCEPT tcp  --  anywhere anywhere tcp dpt:10200
ACCEPT tcp  --  anywhere anywhere tcp dpt:5901
ACCEPT udp  --  fglp05.friggorina.local  anywhere udp
ACCEPT udp  --  fglp05.friggorina.local  anywhere udp
ACCEPT udp  --  fglp10.friggorina.local  anywhere udp
ACCEPT udp  --  fglp10.friggorina.local  anywhere udp
ACCEPT all  --  anywhere anywhere state
ACCEPT icmp --  fglp05.friggorina.local  anywhere
ACCEPT tcp  --  anywhere anywhere tcp dpt:domain
ACCEPT udp  --  anywhere anywhere udp dpt:domain

Chain FORWARD (policy DROP)
target prot opt source   destination
ACCEPT icmp --  anywhere anywhere
ACCEPT tcp  --  anywhere anywhere tcp dpt:
ACCEPT tcp  --  anywhere anywhere tcp spt:
ACCEPT tcp  --  anywhere anywhere tcp dpt:2221
ACCEPT tcp  --  anywhere anywhere tcp spt:2221
ACCEPT tcp  --  anywhere anywhere tcp dpt:25000
ACCEPT tcp  --  anywhere anywhere tcp spt:25000
ACCEPT tcp  --  anywhere anywhere tcp dpt:5938
ACCEPT tcp  --  anywhere anywhere tcp spt:5938
ACCEPT tcp  --  anywhere anywhere tcp dpt:31193
ACCEPT tcp  --  anywhere anywhere tcp spt:31193
ACCEPT tcp  --  anywhere anywhere tcp dpt:1935
ACCEPT tcp  --  anywhere anywhere tcp spt:1935
ACCEPT tcp  --  anywhere anywhere tcp dpt:smtp
ACCEPT tcp  --  anywhere anywhere tcp spt:smtp
ACCEPT tcp  --  anywhere anywhere tcp dpt:pop3
ACCEPT tcp  --  anywhere anywhere tcp spt:pop3
ACCEPT tcp  --  anywhere anywhere tcp dpt:https
ACCEPT tcp  --  anywhere anywhere tcp spt:https
ACCEPT tcp  --  anywhere anywhere tcp
ACCEPT tcp  --  anywhere anywhere tcp
ACCEPT tcp  --  anywhere anywhere tcp
ACCEPT tcp  --  anywhere anywhere tcp
ACCEPT tcp  --  anywhere anywhere tcp
ACCEPT tcp  --  anywhere anywhere tcp
ACCEPT tcp  --  anywhere anywhere tcp
ACCEPT tcp  --  anywhere anywhere tcp
ACCEPT tcp  --  anywhere anywhere tcp dpt:http
MAC 00:21:97:D4:9A:92
ACCEPT tcp  --  anywhere anywhere tcp spt:http
MAC 00:21:97:D4:9A:92
ACCEPT tcp  --  anywhere anywhere tcp dpt:https
MAC 00:21:97:D4:9A:92
ACCEPT tcp  --  anywhere anywhere tcp spt:https
MAC 00:21:97:D4:9A:92
ACCEPT tcp  --  anywhere anywhere tcp dpt:1723
ACCEPT tcp  --  anywhere anywhere tcp spt:1723
ACCEPT tcp  --  anywhere anywhere tcp dpt:47
ACCEPT tcp  --  anywhere anywhere tcp spt:47
ACCEPT tcp  --  anywhere anywhere tcp dpt:3001
ACCEPT tcp  --  anywhere anywhere tcp 

Re: Subredes, proxy y otras yerbas

2014-12-31 Thread Camaleón
El Tue, 30 Dec 2014 17:23:22 -0300, Fernando Miculan escribió:

 Hola, como están?.
 Me presento, me llamo Fernando, vivo en La Plata, Argentina y hace unos
 cuantos años que utilizo Linux, en especial Debian y Ubuntu.

Buenas, acuérdate de desactivar el formato html al enviar los correos a 
la lista ;-)

 Se me presento un caso en mi trabajo. Tenemos un squid linkeado a un
 active directory de Win(fucker) 2008 en la red, ademas de
 haber implementado un firewall con iptables. Todo realizado en un Debian
 7. Hasta ahí no hay inconvenientes, los usuarios navegan perfectamente
 según los grupos asignados en el active directory.
 El problema se presento justamente hoy, al querer ampliar la red a otra
 subred (, que dicho sea de paso se implemento en forma de
 vlan en un router mikrotik.)
 La cuestión es, que después de haber agregado la ruta en una de las
 interfaces del debian para que vea la subred 30, estos navegan
 perfectamente en internet, pero no la subred 0, todo lo que sea web no
 funciona, salvo el correo electrónico y el skype.

Es decir, en la subred 0 funciona todo lo que no pasa por el proxy.

 Que es lo que puede estar pasando?

Ni idea.. pero lo mejor es que desandes (mentalmente) los pasos que has 
dado al añadir la nueva subred que es cuando ha empezado a fallar la 
subred antigua.

 Con netstat -nr se ven las rutas asignadas perfectamente, 

MAnda la salida del comando.

 por ese lado no veo el problema... me estará faltando algún tipo de
 regla adicional en el firewall ??

En principio el proxy y la vlan no deberían chocar porque son conceptos 
completamente diferentes. Yo me centraría en el enrutado y las reglas del 

 Si les sirve les puedo postear el script del firewall. La política por
 defecto es DROP y luego permito algunos puertos y mac address para que
 bypaseen el proxy.

Sí, mejor si subes a las reglas que tienes en iptables.



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[OT] Debian Lines theme para SLiM

2014-12-31 Thread Esteban Monge
Hice un thema para SLiM, un Desktop Manager muy liviano, me he basado en 
el thema Lines para Debian 8. Tenía días de querer subirlo a algún lado, 
así que no quería irme sin cerrar el año sin hacerlo. Lo subí a 
GitHub... de momento no he podido tomarle un screenshot =$. Pero lo 
pueden bajar de acá:


Esteban Monge Marín
Linux User: 478378 - Isaca COBIT - Cabinet Office ITIL Foundation - 
CompTIA A+ - Nagios Enterprises Certified Professional

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Re: Subredes, proxy y otras yerbas

2014-12-31 Thread Santiago Liz
No hagas top posting porque se vuelve difícil seguir el tema...
No abras otro hilo para el mismo tema... pego acá

El día 30 de diciembre de 2014, 21:24, Santiago Liz 
 El día 30 de diciembre de 2014, 17:23, Fernando Miculan escribió:
 Hola, como están?.
 Me presento, me llamo Fernando, vivo en La Plata, Argentina y hace unos
 cuantos años que utilizo Linux, en especial Debian y Ubuntu.

 Se me presento un caso en mi trabajo. Tenemos un squid linkeado a un active
 directory de Win(fucker) 2008 en la red, ademas de haber
 implementado un firewall con iptables. Todo realizado en un Debian 7.
 Hasta ahí no hay inconvenientes, los usuarios navegan perfectamente según
 los grupos asignados en el active directory.
 El problema se presento justamente hoy, al querer ampliar la red a otra
 subred (, que dicho sea de paso se implemento en forma de vlan
 en un router mikrotik.)
 La cuestión es, que después de haber agregado la ruta en una de las
 interfaces del debian para que vea la subred 30, estos navegan perfectamente
 en internet, pero no la subred 0, todo lo que sea web no funciona, salvo el
 correo electrónico y el skype.
 Que es lo que puede estar pasando?
 Con netstat -nr se ven las rutas asignadas perfectamente, por ese lado no
 veo el problema... me estará faltando algún tipo de regla adicional en el
 firewall ??
 Si les sirve les puedo postear el script del firewall. La política por
 defecto es DROP y luego permito algunos puertos y mac address para que
 bypaseen el proxy.

 Falta algo de info, pero adivinando diría que algún cambio afectó la
 configuración de squid donde se daba permiso a la red para utilizar el mismo al habilitar la o lo mismo en iptables donde se permite acceder a
 la IP:Puerto donde escucha squid.
 Al decir que anda el correo y skype descarto problemas de ruteo/nat.
 Cuando desis que no navegan, cual es el error? un error de squid
 diciendo que no tienen permiso o que no los clientes nos se pueden
 conectar al proxy?

 Los que no navegan son los equipos de la subred 0 que esquivan el proxy
 squid a través de una regla iptables por mac address. Si esos equipos los
 apunto al squid desde el navegador, funcionan bien.
 Lo extraño es que esa regla funciono de maravillas antes de hacer la subred

 Aqui posteo lo que me tira un netstat -nr

 Destination Gateway Genmask Flags   MSS Window  irtt Iface UG0 0  0 eth1   U 0 0  0 eth0   U 0 0  0 eth1   UG0 0  0 eth0

 Donde es el gateway de la subred 0 y es lo mismo 
 para la subred 30

El equipo tiene dos interfaces (eth0 y eth1) con IPs dentro de la
misma red ?   U 0 0  0 eth1   U 0 0  0 eth0

La IP es el default que te conecta a Internet y hace el NAT?
Eth0 y eth1 están conectadas al mismo segmento de red?

Donde están conectados los equipos que no tienen acceso físicamente, a
la eth0 o eth1?

Con esos datos parecería ser que hay un problema independiente de la
red y es que (salvo que estés omitiendo datos) estás
intentando que el equipo forwardee paquetes entre dos interfaces de la
misma red, lo cual no tiene mucho sentido.
Si un equipo cualquiera de las red tiene como default
la IP debería andar sin intervención del proxy/firewall.

Deberías aclarar como está implementada la red.

 Fernando Miculan.-
 FCM Sistemas
 Tel. 15-5435862 / ID: 160*6915
 ICQ: 6410724 / Skype: fcmsistemas
 BBS Telnet:


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Re: Eclipse?

2014-12-31 Thread Anders Jackson

Den 30 december 2014 22:34 skrev Peter Krefting

 Någon här som kör Eclipse? Till vad? Nöjd? Alternativ?

 Personligen har jag börjat använda Code::Blocks
 (finns paketerat i Debian); det känns lite mer som Visual Studio för de som
 har erfarenhet av det. Jag har inte riktigt fått den integrerade debuggern
 att fungera ordentligt, men eftersom jag jobbar mycket mot inbyggda system
 har det inte varit topprioritet.

Själv hatar jag Visual Studio, men man kan ju prova ändå.
Men jag kunde inte hitta Code::Blocks i Debian.  Vad heter paketet?


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Re: Eclipse?

2014-12-31 Thread jan
On Wed, 31 Dec 2014 09:16:44 +0100
Anders Jackson wrote:

 Den 30 december 2014 22:34 skrev Peter Krefting
  Någon här som kör Eclipse? Till vad? Nöjd? Alternativ?
  Personligen har jag börjat använda Code::Blocks (finns paketerat i Debian); det känns
  lite mer som Visual Studio för de som har erfarenhet av det. Jag
  har inte riktigt fått den integrerade debuggern att fungera
  ordentligt, men eftersom jag jobbar mycket mot inbyggda system har
  det inte varit topprioritet.
 Själv hatar jag Visual Studio, men man kan ju prova ändå.
 Men jag kunde inte hitta Code::Blocks i Debian.  Vad heter paketet?

Jag hatar också Visual Studio. Strängt taget hatar jag IDEer men jag
vill ha ett bra grafiskt gränssnitt till debuggern. Det andra larvet
med editor och projekthantering etc intresserar mig inte alls.

Paketet heter codeblocks och är version 10.05-2.1 i 7.7.
Senaste version verkar vara 13.12-1 på


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Re: Eclipse?

2014-12-31 Thread Anders Jackson

Den 31 december 2014 10:58 skrev
 On Wed, 31 Dec 2014 09:16:44 +0100
 Anders Jackson wrote:


 Den 30 december 2014 22:34 skrev Peter Krefting
  Någon här som kör Eclipse? Till vad? Nöjd? Alternativ?
  Personligen har jag börjat använda Code::Blocks (finns paketerat i Debian); det känns
  lite mer som Visual Studio för de som har erfarenhet av det. Jag
  har inte riktigt fått den integrerade debuggern att fungera
  ordentligt, men eftersom jag jobbar mycket mot inbyggda system har
  det inte varit topprioritet.

 Själv hatar jag Visual Studio, men man kan ju prova ändå.
 Men jag kunde inte hitta Code::Blocks i Debian.  Vad heter paketet?


 Jag hatar också Visual Studio. Strängt taget hatar jag IDEer men jag
 vill ha ett bra grafiskt gränssnitt till debuggern. Det andra larvet
 med editor och projekthantering etc intresserar mig inte alls.

 Paketet heter codeblocks och är version 10.05-2.1 i 7.7.
 Senaste version verkar vara 13.12-1 på

Aha, jag trodde det fanns i Debians repository, men det finns det
alltså inte.  Ok.



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Re: Eclipse?

2014-12-31 Thread jan
  Jag hatar också Visual Studio. Strängt taget hatar jag IDEer men jag
  vill ha ett bra grafiskt gränssnitt till debuggern. Det andra larvet
  med editor och projekthantering etc intresserar mig inte alls.
  Paketet heter codeblocks och är version 10.05-2.1 i 7.7.
  Senaste version verkar vara 13.12-1 på
 Aha, jag trodde det fanns i Debians repository, men det finns det
 alltså inte.  Ok.

Jodå, codeblocks 10.05-2.1 finns i 7.7. Jag har precis installerat.


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Re: Eclipse?

2014-12-31 Thread jan
On Wed, 31 Dec 2014 11:48:32 +0100 wrote:

   Jag hatar också Visual Studio. Strängt taget hatar jag IDEer men
   jag vill ha ett bra grafiskt gränssnitt till debuggern. Det andra
   larvet med editor och projekthantering etc intresserar mig inte
   Paketet heter codeblocks och är version 10.05-2.1 i 7.7.
   Senaste version verkar vara 13.12-1 på
  Aha, jag trodde det fanns i Debians repository, men det finns det
  alltså inte.  Ok.
 Jodå, codeblocks 10.05-2.1 finns i 7.7. Jag har precis installerat.

Jag har kört ett första litet test, både Med Debian 7.7 och Mint 17.
Upplevelsen är väl inte helt övertygande, och då är det bara Hello
world som skapas när man gör ett nytt projekt.


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Re: Var köpa blanka/programmerbara smartkort?

2014-12-31 Thread Fredrik Jonson
Michael Kjörling wrote:

  Var kan jag köpa blanka smartkort? Leker med tanken på att använda smartkort
  för att lagra PGP-nycklar och liknande hemligheter.

Jag har köpt enstaka openpgp-smartcard hos
tidigare. Just nu pågår tydligen nån uppgradering.

Jag vet inte om kc även för helt blanka smartcards, men som sagt, om du primärt
vill experimentera med pgp-nycklar och liknande så har kc alltså förberedda
kort med stöd för just nyckelhantering. Det är samma kort som FSF:s Felloship
Smartcard. Det går att köpa både enstaka och 10-pack av korten.

Det var såvitt jag minns rätt enkelt att komma igång på Linux, men stödet för
windows och mac os var besvärligt.

Fredrik Jonson

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Re: vos impressions offset

2014-12-31 Thread Impression Services

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Re: Continuing to use SysV; LTS [Re: Fwd: Re: Skipping fsck during boot with systemd?]

2014-12-31 Thread Mart van de Wege
Jerry Stuckle writes:

 On 12/30/2014 5:49 PM, Don Armstrong wrote:
 On Tue, 30 Dec 2014, Jerry Stuckle wrote:
 The people there have enough to do at work, and like to have a life
 outside of work. Believer it or not, not everyone is capable (or
 interested) in spending their life working on Linux.
 If Debian is important to their business, then they should hire people
 to work on the bits of Debian that matter to them. Pretty much everyone
 who is serious about using Debian in production does this.

 That's a great idea.  Who's going to pay these people - you?

Simply mirroring the question is not an answer.

Don is right; what have you done for Debian that they should be obliged
to maintain the distro in ways you want?

If you want something, the answer is always the same in Free Software:
either do the work yourself or pay for it. No-one is obliged to do
things to your liking without some consideration coming from your end.


We will need a longer wall when the revolution comes.
--- AJS, quoting an uncertain source.

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Re: Jumbo frame Debian Wheezy.

2014-12-31 Thread Muhammad Yousuf Khan
Another finding is that i can change the mtu less then 1500  my system is
dell precision 490. i have other system on squeeze with no issue at all.
but they are on proxmox.

i have tested that i can set any value less then or equals to 1500 mtu but
when i even try 1501 it says
SIOCSIFMTU: Invalid argument

i have same system working on proxmox. deployed on debian squeeze and i can
go up to 9000 with no problem.
this  problem is  in non proxmox  system having debian wheezy with libvirt.

Please guide.


On Wed, Dec 31, 2014 at 10:43 AM, Muhammad Yousuf Khan

 i am trying to enable jumbo frame on Debian wheezy however nothing works.

 i ran a command ifconfig eth0 mtu 9000

 and receive invalid argument

 then i edit /etc/network/interfaces and added mtu 9000
 when i ifdown and ifup eth0
 it shows the same error invalid argument

 Please help.


Re: elfutils issues

2014-12-31 Thread Kurt Roeckx
On Fri, Dec 26, 2014 at 02:02:31PM +0100, Luciano Bello wrote:
  BTW, the situation with elfutils is somewhat similar, the bug report is
 I'm reporting this issue to our elfutils maintainer to keep the track of it. 
 you know if there is a plan to get CVE id for this/these issue/s?

So there have been alot of fixes in upstream elfutils because of
the fuzzing, and at least some those should probably get a CVE.

One of the upstream statements:
| I think it is reasonable
| to just say that we are working towards making it safe to process arbitrary
| random ELF files and DWARF debuginfo data with elfutils by 0.162 (to be
| released on March). But that in general people should only use elfutils
| tools and libraries on files produced by a trusted toolchain for now.


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Re: Continuing to use SysV; LTS [Re: Fwd: Re: Skipping fsck during boot with systemd?]

2014-12-31 Thread Jerry Stuckle
On 12/31/2014 4:20 AM, Mart van de Wege wrote:
 Jerry Stuckle writes:
 On 12/30/2014 5:49 PM, Don Armstrong wrote:
 On Tue, 30 Dec 2014, Jerry Stuckle wrote:
 The people there have enough to do at work, and like to have a life
 outside of work. Believer it or not, not everyone is capable (or
 interested) in spending their life working on Linux.

 If Debian is important to their business, then they should hire people
 to work on the bits of Debian that matter to them. Pretty much everyone
 who is serious about using Debian in production does this.

 That's a great idea.  Who's going to pay these people - you?

 Simply mirroring the question is not an answer.
 Don is right; what have you done for Debian that they should be obliged
 to maintain the distro in ways you want?
 If you want something, the answer is always the same in Free Software:
 either do the work yourself or pay for it. No-one is obliged to do
 things to your liking without some consideration coming from your end.


I've never said anyone should be obliged to maintain Debian the way I
want.  I said the way they are going is not acceptable, so my clients
are changing distributions.  Period.

It's you and others who have demanded people spend money they don't have.

If you want them to help Debian, then are you going to pay for it to
happen?  If not, who (besides my clients) is going to pay?

When you can answer that, I can answer your question.


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Re: Continuing to use SysV; LTS

2014-12-31 Thread Don Armstrong
On Tue, 30 Dec 2014, Jerry Stuckle wrote:
 On 12/30/2014 5:49 PM, Don Armstrong wrote:
  If Debian is important to their business, then they should hire
  people to work on the bits of Debian that matter to them.
 That's a great idea. Who's going to pay these people - you?

I donate my own time to work on the parts of Debian that interest and
concern me. My employers donate some of my paid time as well to work on
the parts of Debian which are important for the research that I do. HP,
IBM, Intel, Google, Canonical, Linaro, and many other companies pay
other Debian Developers to work on the parts of Debian which are
important for them.

There's no reason why the companies that you work for can't also expend
some of their budget or employee hours to do the same if Debian (or
whatever distribution they are switching to) is important for their
success. [And since you've indicated that Linux is important to their
success, hopefully they're also contributing to kernel development.]

On Wed, 31 Dec 2014, Jerry Stuckle wrote:
 I said the way they are going is not acceptable, so my clients are
 changing distributions.

I've no vested interest in what your clients do, but if they fail to
contribute to whatever distribution they switch to, they will
undoubtedly end up switching again, and spending non-zero sums of money
and employee time to do so.

But at the end of the day, it's your client's budget, and this is free

Don Armstrong

I've had so much good luck recently I was getting sated with it. It's
like sugar, good luck. At first it's very sweet, but after a while you
start to think: any more of this and I shall be sick.
 -- Adam Roberts _Yellow Blue Tibia_ p301

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Re: Continuing to use SysV; LTS [Re: Fwd: Re: Skipping fsck during boot with systemd?]

2014-12-31 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Mi, 31 dec 14, 09:45:53, Jerry Stuckle wrote:
 I've never said anyone should be obliged to maintain Debian the way I
 want.  I said the way they are going is not acceptable, so my clients
 are changing distributions.  Period.

I think the point some are trying to make is that Debian's direction can 
be influenced[1], but this requires involvement. It might also be 
cheaper in the long term than distro-hopping every time the distribution 
in use takes an unwanted turn.

Of course, this will not fare well with people that chose GNU/Linux 
because of the wrong impression that it is without cost.

[1] possibly even more so than other distributions, provided the desired 
changes don't go against the Social Contract, etc.

Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

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Re: Continuing to use SysV; LTS [Re: Fwd: Re: Skipping fsck during boot with systemd?]

2014-12-31 Thread Mike McGinn

On Wednesday, December 31, 2014 09:45:53 Jerry Stuckle wrote:
 On 12/31/2014 4:20 AM, Mart van de Wege wrote:
  Jerry Stuckle writes:
  On 12/30/2014 5:49 PM, Don Armstrong wrote:
  On Tue, 30 Dec 2014, Jerry Stuckle wrote:
  The people there have enough to do at work, and like to have a life
  outside of work. Believer it or not, not everyone is capable (or
  interested) in spending their life working on Linux.
  If Debian is important to their business, then they should hire people
  to work on the bits of Debian that matter to them. Pretty much everyone
  who is serious about using Debian in production does this.
  That's a great idea.  Who's going to pay these people - you?
  Simply mirroring the question is not an answer.
  Don is right; what have you done for Debian that they should be obliged
  to maintain the distro in ways you want?
  If you want something, the answer is always the same in Free Software:
  either do the work yourself or pay for it. No-one is obliged to do
  things to your liking without some consideration coming from your end.
 I've never said anyone should be obliged to maintain Debian the way I
 want.  I said the way they are going is not acceptable, so my clients
 are changing distributions.  Period.
 It's you and others who have demanded people spend money they don't have.
 If you want them to help Debian, then are you going to pay for it to
 happen?  If not, who (besides my clients) is going to pay?
 When you can answer that, I can answer your question.

This is the problem with Linux, folks use it to make money and feel no 
obligation to contribute to it. Even if they do not contribute development 
time, they could budget an annual donation to the Linux Foundation, Debian or 
whatever distribution they use.

Linux developers eat too. They would be paying a license fee if they were 
using MS or a commercial Unix.

Just my thoughts.


Mike McGinn KD2CNU
Be happy that brainfarts don't smell.
No electrons were harmed in sending this message, some were inconvenienced.
** Registered Linux User 377849

Re: Continuing to use SysV; LTS [Re: Fwd: Re: Skipping fsck during boot with systemd?]

2014-12-31 Thread Simon
On 31 December 2014 18:10:00 GMT+00:00, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
On Mi, 31 dec 14, 09:45:53, Jerry Stuckle wrote:
 I've never said anyone should be obliged to maintain Debian the way I
 want.  I said the way they are going is not acceptable, so my clients
 are changing distributions.  Period.

I think the point some are trying to make is that Debian's direction
be influenced[1], but this requires involvement. It might also be 
cheaper in the long term than distro-hopping every time the
in use takes an unwanted turn.

Of course, this will not fare well with people that chose GNU/Linux 
because of the wrong impression that it is without cost.

[1] possibly even more so than other distributions, provided the
changes don't go against the Social Contract, etc.

Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

This is very interesting, I've always viewed Linux as 'the peoples' choice for 
an OS but watching these responses has made me think/realise that it's not 
really. Its development is driven by the biggest financial contributors - which 
will always be the corps. Due to it's open nature it is perhaps more 
susceptible to abuse/conflict in this area too. I guess I've been a little 
naive to that till this whole sysd thing.


Re: Continuing to use SysV; LTS [Re: Fwd: Re: Skipping fsck during boot with systemd?]

2014-12-31 Thread Andrew McGlashan
Hash: SHA256

On 1/01/2015 5:10 AM, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
 On Mi, 31 dec 14, 09:45:53, Jerry Stuckle wrote:
 I've never said anyone should be obliged to maintain Debian the
 way I want.  I said the way they are going is not acceptable, so
 my clients are changing distributions.  Period.
 I think the point some are trying to make is that Debian's
 direction can be influenced[1], but this requires involvement. It
 might also be cheaper in the long term than distro-hopping every
 time the distribution in use takes an unwanted turn.
 Of course, this will not fare well with people that chose GNU/Linux
  because of the wrong impression that it is without cost.
 [1] possibly even more so than other distributions, provided the
 desired changes don't go against the Social Contract, etc.

Unfortunately for me, the direction of Linux is a problem, I see no
future in continuing with Linux when it is possible to get the /right/
result for myself and my clients by moving away from Linux to, most
likely, a BSD flavour [FreeBSD is the most likely at this stage].

The writing is on the wall for Linux as far as I am concerned.  It's
not just Debian, even though Debian [in my world view at least] has
been a major driving force in the Linux world -- going with systemd
now and all that will follow due to this decision, it's not rosy, not
rosy at all.

Spending monies or time trying to change the situation will only delay
the inevitable and such monies and time would be wasted in my view.


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Re: Continuing to use SysV; LTS

2014-12-31 Thread Jerry Stuckle
On 12/31/2014 1:24 PM, Don Armstrong wrote:
 On Tue, 30 Dec 2014, Jerry Stuckle wrote:
 On 12/30/2014 5:49 PM, Don Armstrong wrote:
 If Debian is important to their business, then they should hire
 people to work on the bits of Debian that matter to them.

 That's a great idea. Who's going to pay these people - you?
 I donate my own time to work on the parts of Debian that interest and
 concern me. My employers donate some of my paid time as well to work on
 the parts of Debian which are important for the research that I do. HP,
 IBM, Intel, Google, Canonical, Linaro, and many other companies pay
 other Debian Developers to work on the parts of Debian which are
 important for them.
 There's no reason why the companies that you work for can't also expend
 some of their budget or employee hours to do the same if Debian (or
 whatever distribution they are switching to) is important for their
 success. [And since you've indicated that Linux is important to their
 success, hopefully they're also contributing to kernel development.]

Yes, there is a reason, Don.  It's called solvency.  For a company to
remain solvent, it must have a positive cash flow.  To do so, it must
carefully watch its expenditures.

Now maybe YOUR company can afford to donate some of your paid time to
Debian.  My clients' can't.  There are too many other, higher priority
items which would come first if the had the time and money.

And maybe YOU donate your time after hours to contribute.  That's fine
for you.  But don't expect the whole world to jump on it just because
you do.  Remember - these guys are systems admins, not programmers.
Although they have some programming experience, it is limited, and it is
definitely not what is necessary to support an operating system.
Additionally, these guys value their family time, and really don't care
to work on computer stuff after hours.

 On Wed, 31 Dec 2014, Jerry Stuckle wrote:
 I said the way they are going is not acceptable, so my clients are
 changing distributions.
 I've no vested interest in what your clients do, but if they fail to
 contribute to whatever distribution they switch to, they will
 undoubtedly end up switching again, and spending non-zero sums of money
 and employee time to do so.
 But at the end of the day, it's your client's budget, and this is free

Yes, and it is still cheaper to change distros every 10 years or so.
Besides - even if they contributed to Debian, it would not have made a
difference.  The decisions have been made by the TC, and a few more
users aren't going to change that.

Really, your expectations are unrealistic, especially since you don't
know my clients, their business, their employees' qualifications and a
whole lot of other things about them.

I do, and I support their decisions.


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Re: Continuing to use SysV; LTS [Re: Fwd: Re: Skipping fsck during boot with systemd?]

2014-12-31 Thread Jerry Stuckle
On 12/31/2014 1:10 PM, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
 On Mi, 31 dec 14, 09:45:53, Jerry Stuckle wrote:

 I've never said anyone should be obliged to maintain Debian the way I
 want.  I said the way they are going is not acceptable, so my clients
 are changing distributions.  Period.
 I think the point some are trying to make is that Debian's direction can 
 be influenced[1], but this requires involvement. It might also be 
 cheaper in the long term than distro-hopping every time the distribution 
 in use takes an unwanted turn.
 Of course, this will not fare well with people that chose GNU/Linux 
 because of the wrong impression that it is without cost.
 [1] possibly even more so than other distributions, provided the desired 
 changes don't go against the Social Contract, etc.
 Kind regards,

Andrei, as I've said - these companies don't have the time or money to
contribute to Debian.  Not that it would have made any difference - the
TC did not consult them when making their decision, and would not have
consulted them even if my clients had been contributing.

Andrei, I follow your advice here and appreciate it a lot.  I've learned
a lot from you.  And you can contribute all you want.  But don't expect
everyone else to have the skills or means to do so.


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Re: Continuing to use SysV; LTS [Re: Fwd: Re: Skipping fsck during boot with systemd?]

2014-12-31 Thread Jerry Stuckle
On 12/31/2014 1:34 PM, Mike McGinn wrote:
 On Wednesday, December 31, 2014 09:45:53 Jerry Stuckle wrote:
 On 12/31/2014 4:20 AM, Mart van de Wege wrote:
  Jerry Stuckle writes:
  On 12/30/2014 5:49 PM, Don Armstrong wrote:
  On Tue, 30 Dec 2014, Jerry Stuckle wrote:
  The people there have enough to do at work, and like to have a life
  outside of work. Believer it or not, not everyone is capable (or
  interested) in spending their life working on Linux.
  If Debian is important to their business, then they should hire people
  to work on the bits of Debian that matter to them. Pretty much
  who is serious about using Debian in production does this.
  That's a great idea. Who's going to pay these people - you?
  Simply mirroring the question is not an answer.
  Don is right; what have you done for Debian that they should be obliged
  to maintain the distro in ways you want?
  If you want something, the answer is always the same in Free Software:
  either do the work yourself or pay for it. No-one is obliged to do
  things to your liking without some consideration coming from your end.


 I've never said anyone should be obliged to maintain Debian the way I
 want. I said the way they are going is not acceptable, so my clients
 are changing distributions. Period.

 It's you and others who have demanded people spend money they don't have.

 If you want them to help Debian, then are you going to pay for it to
 happen? If not, who (besides my clients) is going to pay?

 When you can answer that, I can answer your question.

 This is the problem with Linux, folks use it to make money and feel no
 obligation to contribute to it. Even if they do not contribute
 development time, they could budget an annual donation to the Linux
 Foundation, Debian or whatever distribution they use.
 Linux developers eat too. They would be paying a license fee if they
 were using MS or a commercial Unix.
 Just my thoughts.
 Mike McGinn KD2CNU
 Be happy that brainfarts don't smell.
 No electrons were harmed in sending this message, some were inconvenienced.
 ** Registered Linux User 377849

Mike, they know Linux developers need to eat, also.  My clients use
Linux for a number of reasons, including stability, small footprint and
ability to load a bare-bones system (i.e. no GUI, no unwanted background
processes, etc.).

At the same time, they have a budget they must stay within, and there is
no money in that budget to hire programmers other than for their unique
needs.  They don't set the budget - that comes from higher up in the
corporation.  And those people have to set budgets based on expected
corporate income.

Now I don't know if they donate to the Linux Foundation or not - and
it's none of my business.  All I know is when they need new work done,
it's pretty much always a negotiation between what I want for the work
and what they are able to pay.

And even if they had hired people to work on Debian, it would have made
no difference.  The TC made their decision, and would not have asked my
clients for input.  So the change would have to be made, anyway.


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Re: Continuing to use SysV; LTS

2014-12-31 Thread Ric Moore

On 12/31/2014 02:32 PM, Jerry Stuckle wrote:

Really, your expectations are unrealistic, especially since you don't
know my clients, their business, their employees' qualifications and a
whole lot of other things about them.

But, they will pay money out to go distro shopping, reconfiguring all 
the existing installations to the new distro, etc. Which means someone 
is getting paid billable hours, eh?? Maybe you could talk them into 
investing that money into Devuan and spare themselves the headaches? :) Ric

My father, Victor Moore (Vic) used to say:
There are two Great Sins in the world...
..the Sin of Ignorance, and the Sin of Stupidity.
Only the former may be overcome. R.I.P. Dad.
Linux user# 44256

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Re: Continuing to use SysV; LTS

2014-12-31 Thread Jerry Stuckle
On 12/31/2014 3:11 PM, Ric Moore wrote:
 On 12/31/2014 02:32 PM, Jerry Stuckle wrote:
 Really, your expectations are unrealistic, especially since you don't
 know my clients, their business, their employees' qualifications and a
 whole lot of other things about them.
 But, they will pay money out to go distro shopping, reconfiguring all
 the existing installations to the new distro, etc. Which means someone
 is getting paid billable hours, eh?? Maybe you could talk them into
 investing that money into Devuan and spare themselves the headaches? :) Ric

No, Ric, the TC has already made their decision - without any input from
my clients.  And the decision is not acceptable to my clients.

And even if my clients had donated to Debian, it would not have changed
the outcome.  They would have to change distros, anyway.

But I didn't mean for this to become another anti-systemd thread.  The
decision has been made to move away from Debian.  I can't change that.

And, knowing my clients, what they are doing is right for them, no
matter what anyone on this list (none of whom know my clients or even
the market they are in) thinks.

This is my last post on the subject.  I'm not going to continue another
anti-systemd thread - or try to tell a successful company they are doing
things wrong.


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Any advice for a user about to use LVM for the first time?

2014-12-31 Thread Kevin O'Gorman
I've just gotten 4 4TB drives to replace my 4 2TB drives.  I'm wanting to
have one normal 4TB drive and one logical 12TB drive, so I will make three
physical drives into one group, one logical volume and one partition
support the big partition.  My system actually resides on a fifth: an SSD
drive.  I am not interested in RAID, and I'm not sure striping would even
help.  I just have gigantic files I need to create and process once in a
while, so it's really temporary space.

I do want to insulate the one drive from any failures on the other three.
That data is not at all temporary, but it is backed up regularly.  I want
to limit it's failure profile.

I've read through some documentation, including
So I think I know how to do it.  I'm just not sure I know how to do it
_best_.  I'm a bit daunted by the size of /etc/lvm/lvm.conf, and wonder if
the defaults are going to work for me.

I'm about to start a backup of the existing system.  It will take a while.
I wonder if anyone has wisdom they'd like to share.

Kevin O'Gorman
#define QUESTION ((bb) || (!bb))   /* Shakespeare */

Please consider the environment before printing this email.

Re: Continuing to use SysV; LTS [Re: Fwd: Re: Skipping fsck during boot with systemd?]

2014-12-31 Thread Mart van de Wege
Andrei POPESCU writes:

 Of course, this will not fare well with people that chose GNU/Linux 
 because of the wrong impression that it is without cost.

 [1] possibly even more so than other distributions, provided the desired 
 changes don't go against the Social Contract, etc.

 Kind regards,

Thank you Andrei, that was exactly my point.


We will need a longer wall when the revolution comes.
--- AJS, quoting an uncertain source.

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Moving LVM volume?

2014-12-31 Thread Frank Miles
I recently added a new hard drive to my home system.  I decided to use it
to create an all-new bootable 'jessie' system.  I created a partition 
table that I thought would be flexible:
   /dev/sdb1 /   (root) {7G}
   /dev/sdb2 /swap   {4GB}
   /dev/sdb3 /oldjunk{1G}
   /dev/sdb4  extended  {remainder}
   /dev/sdb5 LVM{one large volume}

Most of the partitions- /usr, /home, /var, ... were in LVM2.

What I've learned since then is that /usr seems to have special
status, and probably shouldn't be part of LVM as certain tasks
early in the boot process can't seem to access the interior of

I've moved 'oldjunk' into the LVM, and want to expand this
partition to become the new /usr.  I've shrunk the LVM, but
the freed space is all at the far end of the LVM.  I have
been unable to move it towards the end of the disk space,
so I can expand /dev/sdb3.  gparted, resize2fs, pvmove,...
(running from a CDROM-based rescue disk) have all failed.

Is there some method that I've overlooked?


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Debian right for my use?

2014-12-31 Thread Cadman


I need help determining whether Debian OS is the right OS for my needs.

I am a Draftsman working from home due to physical handicaps.  I use 
graphic and RAM memory intensive 3D CAD software in Windows 7.  My W7 OS 
is operating poorly and is expensive to replace.

If Linux is right for me; I need to replace it with a 1. Very stable, 2. 
With least amount of configuring and 3. User Friendly Linux OS.

A friend suggested that I replace Windows 7 with Ubuntu Trusty 14.04, 
which I did.  It worked fine until I installed my 3D CAD software within 
Virtual Box.  Since then Ubuntu and the software crashes often.  It even 
reboots instead of turning the screen black when the 10 minute screen 
saver feature operates.

My PC System Info is:

BioStar A780L3C Motherboard
AMD Athlon(tm) II X3 450 Processor × 3   64 Bit
8 Gig RAM Memory
150 Gig Hard Drive

Please respond
Thank You Very Much


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Re: Debian right for my use?

2014-12-31 Thread Doug

On 12/31/2014 8:35 PM, Cadman wrote:


I need help determining whether Debian OS is the right OS for my needs.

I am a Draftsman working from home due to physical handicaps.  I use 
graphic and RAM memory intensive 3D CAD software in Windows 7.  My W7 
OS is operating poorly and is expensive to replace.

If Linux is right for me; I need to replace it with a 1. Very stable, 
2. With least amount of configuring and 3. User Friendly Linux OS.

A friend suggested that I replace Windows 7 with Ubuntu Trusty 14.04, 
which I did.  It worked fine until I installed my 3D CAD software 
within Virtual Box.  Since then Ubuntu and the software crashes 
often.  It even reboots instead of turning the screen black when the 
10 minute screen saver feature operates.

My PC System Info is:

BioStar A780L3C Motherboard
AMD Athlon(tm) II X3 450 Processor × 3   64 Bit
8 Gig RAM Memory
150 Gig Hard Drive

Please respond
Thank You Very Much


I like PCLinuxOS 64 KDE. User friendly to Windows expatriates. There are 
a number of CAD programs available in Linux, but if you're using 
something like AutoCAD
in a 3-D version, I don't know if there is anything with the same 
command system. For A/C 2D there is DraftSight, which is a little tricky 
to get running on PCLOS,
but the commands seem to be the same as in recent versions of AutoCAD.  
The Forum for PCLOS is very user-friendly and helpful, and they will 
help you get
DraftSight running if you want that.  If you're coming to Linux, you 
should at the very least see if there is a clone, or near-clone of the 
cad program you're used to
that runs natively on Linux without Virtual Box.  Also, there is WINE, 
which runs some Windows programs directly--no Virtual Box--which would 
be a much better
solution IF it will run your program. Look up the WINE site (find it via 
Google) and they have a huge listing of what runs, what almost runs, and 
what won't.
I've got a version of WordPerfect that runs, slightly clunky, and a 
version of Corel Draw which runs perfectly in WINE.
Keep us posted as to what you wind up doing! And good luck. Also Happy 
New Year!


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