Re: Un error fatal con conky

2015-05-26 Thread Miguel Matos
El 26 de mayo de 2015, 8:41, Camaleón escribió:

 El Mon, 25 May 2015 21:52:25 -0430, Miguel Matos escribió:

 (ese html...)

¿serio? creo que es porque envíe la imagen por email, e imgur me abrió una
nueva ventana de mi gmail. Quizás es por eso.

  Saludos a la lista. El fin de semana pasado me instalé lxde para ver su
  estilacho, y ver qué se puede modificar. Y entre otras cosas, usé el
  conky-manager para agregar más efectos. Decido volver al gnome, porque
  necesitaba instalar el Adobeair (en lxde me rebotó), pero al cargar, me
  salió esta horrorosidad abominable:

 Anda :-?

  ¿A qué creen que se deba esto?

 Quizá (y sólo es una teoría) al iniciar LXDE y volver a GNOME se están
 ejecutando dos instancias de conky, comprueba eso.

 También puedes crear un nuevo usuario en GNOME, iniciar sesión él y ver
 cómo se ejecuta conky (si todos los widgets se ven bien).

Creo que está algo complejo, pero veamos qué dice el monitor del sistema:
Ajá: 7 instancias de conky abiertas. A ver qué puedo reconocer de ellas.
(Mi error: he finalizado una sin tomar nota, y el widget de la fecha/hora
se ha esfumado).
Las otras 6 tienen id 4358, 4359, 4360, 4361, 4371, 4372.
Con uso de memoria entre 656,0 y 876,0 KiB.
Algunas entre durmiendo y ejecutándose.

  Otra cosa: en dos de la del lado derecho no me cargan las imágenes que
  (supuestamente) deben aparecer allí. He revisado en la configuración de
  cada widget, y la verdad no entiendo nada ni veo nada anormal. Una es
  de la temperatura de la 'Pe-Ce', la otra es el del clima, que debe ver
  si está soleado, nublado o con lluvia, pero NTI.

 Quizá sea por el estilo del tema elegido de conky ¿has probado con otro?

La mayoría de ellos tienen ese problema: los del clima tienen esos íconos.
Lo inicio, pero no aparecen esos íconos; hay unos del tipo uso del
procesador/memoria/disco/internet, y tampoco muestra nada.



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Ayuda para hacer preguntas inteligentes:

Re: Ajuda com root-tail

2015-05-26 Thread Denis
Obrigado Ednardo, eu tinha olhado o manual e não tinha reparado nesse
final. Parece que o nó do problema está aí mesmo.

Eu tentei a opção de informar o id da janela (obtido com o comando
xdpyinfo). Mas parece que somente a id da janela do root é válida, pois
é a única aceita pelo root-tail. E usando esse id da janela root, também
nada acontece. Suponho que seja preciso estar logado no modo gráfico
como root, o que está fora de cogitação.

Sobre a opção de allow programs on desktop eu tentei encontrar sem
sucesso. E no gnome acho que isso não será tarefa fácil. Se alguém
souber por favor avise.

Praticamente já desisti da ideia, mas se alguém souber de algum programa
alternativo ao root-tail, por favor avise.

On 26-05-2015 19:38, Ednardo Lobo wrote:

 Veja a seção bugs da man page do root-tail em Talvez seja esse o caso.


 : :'  :
 `. `'`

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Re: Kör debian men behöver använda paket som kräver Firefox eller Thunderbird

2015-05-26 Thread Anders Jackson
Det skall bara vara namnet och loggan som skiljer.
Debian fick inte använda Mozilla och Thunderbird om de inte uppdaterade som
Mozilla ville. Eftersom det är OSS, så forkade Debian dem, och bytte ut fet
som inte var öppet, dvs loggan och namnet.

Så det skall vara precis samma. Annars är det en bugg.

Den 27 maj 2015 00:12 skrev Serafim Dahl

 jag undrar lite över vad som skiljer Iceweasel från Firefox respektive
Icedove från Thunderbird.
 I några paket som jag behöver för att autentisera mot några företag finns
beroenden där Firefox och Thunderbird nämns specifikt vill jag be
utvecklarna att lägga till Iceweasel respektive Icedove men för att göra
det måste jag nog ange de exakta skillnaderna i hantering och det enda jag
hittills hittat som skiljer är att Iceweasel skiljer sig från Firefox bara
vad gäller namn (och logo), i övrigt är allt som vanligt. På min dator med
Debian Jessie finns t.ex. .mozilla/firefox och alla
 de vanliga tilläggen som jag använder slentrianmässigt, Adblock m.fl.
fungerar som vanligt.
 I Icedove skiljer, vad jag kunna se namn, logo och att Icedove använder
en katalog som heter .icedove men inget annat.

 Jag vill gärna veta vad jag missat, om jag missat något, t.ex. om det
finns kataloger i andra delar av systemet som skiljer sig åt.

 Serafim Dahl
 som just nu konverterar från Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Lubuntu/Xubuntu/Mint till

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Re: where to get testing version of jessie installer?

2015-05-26 Thread Paul E Condon
On 20150526_1829+0300, Juha Heinanen wrote:
 I'm back at trying to install Jessie on Acer C720 without going the long
 route via Wheezy.
 Just to recall, the problem is that current Jessie installer
 debian-8.0.0-i386-netinst.iso from April 24, does not boot on Acer
The netinst.iso images are special. They do not contain the copy of
the kernel that they will install on HD of your target computer. They
always download the latest version on the repository that you selected
during the install process. During official release, words matter.
Particularly the words wheezy, stable, jessie, testing, and stretch in
what you specify for your sources.list.

This can be viewed as a feature or a bug. For me, it is a feature. For
you, it may be a bug, because you want to install the versions of
packages that were available before the official release, which
involve giving you something different from what you got when you last
used that CD successfully. The repository at Debian Central changed and
the change started propagating through the world wide web.

The upcoming point release of 8.1 may make your netinst CD useful to you
again. OTOH, it may not, YMMV. It certainly won't make the results of
using in future, just like the results you got on Arp 24. 

Best regards,
Paul E Condon

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Re: jessie: unable to run remote graphical program with sudo [SOLVED]

2015-05-26 Thread Carl Johnson
D. R. Evans writes:

 D. R. Evans wrote on 05/26/2015 04:52 PM:

 If I understand you correctly, I think that you are saying that:
   n7dr@shack:~$ AUTHORITY=/home/n7dr/.Xauthority HOME=/root sudo -E xterm

 I probably misunderstood you.

 Anyway, after some more experimenting, I discovered that this works:

 sudo XAUTHORITY=/home/n7dr/.Xauthority xterm

I just have my /root/.Xauthority be a symbolic link to my user
~/.Xauthority, and that seems to work without specifying XAUTHORITY.


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Re: [RESOLU] Voulez-vous avec ou sans systemd ? (était Re: apache2 ne redémarre plus - supprimer systemd)

2015-05-26 Thread Lucas Nussbaum
On 26/05/15 at 19:07 +0200, David Pinson wrote:
 Le 25/05/2015 21:37, maderios a écrit :
 On 05/25/2015 08:32 PM, Erwan David wrote:
 Le 25/05/2015 20:27, maderios a écrit :
 On 05/25/2015 06:21 PM, David Pinson wrote:
 Difficile de voir clair avec systemd...
 Pour ceux qui veulent se débarrasser de systemd..
 Suivez ces instructions du wiki without systemd
 C'est reculer pour mieux sauter. Ce ne serait pas plus simple de
 commencer par le commencement: lire une doc/wiki sur Systemd et ses
 T'en as de bons à conseiller s'adressant à des admins unix ? (plutôt doc
 que wiki pour moi dans un premier temps, avec une progression et un
 ordre de lecture).
 La doc est abondante sur le net.
 (Merci de ne pas m'adresser de mail personnel)
 J'avais Debian 7 et je me suis lancé à la migration qui s'est bien passé,
 sauf un cas !
 Est-ce que quelqu'un peut me répondre pourquoi mon PC se met en hibernation
 toutes les 30 secondes.
 Je n'ai pas trouvé d'écho dans les informations (wiki, tutos, forums, etc..)
 En reinstallant syvinit puis procédant à la désinstallation de systemd, le
 problème a disparu...


Y a-t-il qqchose dans journalctl qui pourrait mettre sur une piste ?


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Re: (should be) simple bind problem [possibly solved]

2015-05-26 Thread Glenn English

In the recent Debians (Wheezy++, I think), there is a directory 
/etc/apparmor.d. In there is a file called user.sbin.named. That file does 
various things to the /var/cache/bind directory. I didn't look at it long 
enough to figure out just what it does, and I couldn't find apparmor on my 
system. But I figured it must be somewhere if that directory exists in /etc, so 
I renamed the ...named filename and rebooted (this was all on ns2, the 

After reboot, and after waiting a few minutes, there are no new permission 
error entries in the log. I realize this is kind of far fetched, seeing how 
there was no apparmor startup in init.d, but this has been making me crazy, and 
I've tried many things that should have fixed it, so I'd do anything. 

I found a note in the Debian wiki saying apparmor is installed by default on 
Wheezy and that it's started by GRUB. That might explain why I didn't find 
anything in init.d.

I don't know when Bind slaves try to update the mod times on their zone files, 
but I'm pretty sure the master sends out refreshes to the slaves when the 
master restarts, so I restarted the master. Lots of entries in ns2's log about 
receiving notifies, but no permission errors.

Glenn English

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Activar y visualizar Wifi en el entorno Lxde

2015-05-26 Thread JAWV WV
Buenas necesito ayuda, e buscado en grupos y no comprendo como activar y
visualizar wifi en lxde incluso en la wiki de Debian-wifi no se cómo
realizar la operación. Si me pueden enviar las instrucciones me comprometo
incluso a hacer un blog explicándolo para que otras personas no tengan el
mismo problema que yo , les ruego el favor no me remitan a las listas
porque generalmente están resolviendo otros problemas y les importa poco,
 en la lista hablan de unos problemas demasiado técnicos y no para simples
usuarios, así que gracias x la atención y ojalá puedan enviarme la
información buena semana !!!

Re: Systemd for dummies

2015-05-26 Thread Petter Adsen
On Mon, 25 May 2015 19:07:07 -0700
Gary Roach wrote:

 I upgraded to Jessie recently and lost my BackupPC setup and my
 rsyncd setup. I found that both succumbed to the change over from
 inet.d to Systemd. None of the documentation mentions anything about
 systemd setup. I found some script for rsync to write rsyincd.socket
 and rsyncd.service and put them in /lib/systemd/system directory. No
 mention was made of the soft link that had to be put in the proper 
 /etc/systemd/system subdirectory. Rsync doesn't seem to be working. 
 Further there is no documentation for setting up BackupPC for
 systemd. I am totally awash. Most of the documentation that I have
 found goes right over my head. Writers should give their
 documentation to their secretary / wife /husband to use and see what
 happens. (ugly) Is there any documentation out there that is readable
 that would give me a road map for setting up systemd. All suggestions
 will be sincerely appreciated.

It depends on what you are looking for.

Is quite good, I recommend it.

Has some good stuff. It's part of a systemd for admins series, but I
couldn't find the index right now. It is more of a
tutorial/introduction, though.

Then there are of course the man pages, which I've actually found to be
quite good. See systemd.index(7) for an overview. The man pages and
these two links are the ones I usually refer to when there is
something I need to know.

Ubuntu has a page listing all the systemd equivalents of upstart

There is also some stuff on the site, which is where
systemd lives, but mostly just the man pages and implementation
details. I'd check these other links first.

Does any of this help you? On the Debian wiki I could unfortunately only
find things relating to The Great Debate, which aren't really all that

Good luck, and let us know if you need more.


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Re: HELP- very slow download speeds

2015-05-26 Thread Petter Adsen
On Mon, 25 May 2015 18:53:42 -0700
Gary Roach wrote:

 On 05/24/2015 12:49 AM, Petter Adsen wrote:
  On Sun, 24 May 2015 00:27:02 -0700
  Gary Roach wrote:
  On 05/22/2015 01:19 PM, Bob Proulx wrote:
  Darac Marjal wrote:
  Gary Roach wrote:
  When I start a download, it starts at 50M for the first few
  seconds and then drops to 500K to 100K range.
  Finally, don't rule out the possibility that your ISP is
  throttling you. While you may be synced at 50M and may be able
  to transfer at that for short periods (and thus, the ISP can
  rightly claim that you have a 50M connection), they could
  conceivably throttle your connection in the longer term.
  I think this is quite the most likely possibility.  I have only
  anecdotal reports from friends but what I hear is that often ISPs
  allow a full speed burst but then throttle for long term steady
  state data transfer.  That matches your reported behavior exactly.
  This allows customers to run a speed test and have it report full
  speed but prevent them from getting that speed for a long download
  such as a full system upgrade or a large install ISO image
  download.  Are you sure your ISP isn't throttling you?
  I wouldn't put anything past those jackasses but am still
  attempting to gather information. Would wireshark be a good tool
  to do an in depth diagnosis of the problem? I've gotten a little
  side tracked with another problem but plan to get back to this  in
  the next couple of days. Any comments will be appreciated.
  If you have shell access to a box somewhere, you can run iperf to
  get an idea of the performance of the link between you. Obviously,
  the closer to you, the better. Take a look at the --interval
  parameter, so you can see how/if performance degrades over time.
  --dualtest might also be helpful. There are probably guides out
  there on how to get the best results from it, the man page doesn't
  really do much except list all the options.
  There may be better ways, but this is the one I typically use.
  Wireshark would be more suited to analyze the actual traffic, if
  you suspect something may be wrong there.
 Thanks for the tips. Don't go away. As you will find in the newest 
 listings, I have a bigger problem at the moment. I will be back to
 this one soon.

Seen and replied to :)

 Comment on speed testers. The mostly use UDP packets which will never 
 detect trashed packets. God I hate big business in this country. What 
 ever happened to the antitrust laws I grew up with.

iperf will use either TCP or UDP. :)


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Re: yaboot: How to load Debian8 netboot installation images directly from the boot: prompt?

2015-05-26 Thread clarkw
On Tue, May 26, 2015 at 2:09 PM, Petter Adsen wrote:

 On Tue, 26 May 2015 13:16:04 +0800
 Clark Wang wrote:

  On Tue, May 26, 2015 at 1:10 PM, Herminio Hernandez Jr wrote:
   On Tue, 2015-05-26 at 10:22 +0800, Clark Wang wrote:
I have an `iBook G4` and have `Debian 8 (Jessie)` installed on it.
Yesterday I did something stupid (messed up `yaboot.conf` and ran
`ybin`) and now the system cannot boot up.
The old Debian 8 was installed on a single partition (`/dev/sda3`,
`ext4`). I ever put the Debian 8 netboot installation images
(downloaded from here) under `/boot/deb/`:
So how can I boot the netboot installation images from the `boot:`
prompt and reinstall Debian 8?
I tried `boot: hd:3,/boot/deb/vmlinux root=/dev/ram read-only
initrd=/boot/deb/initrd.gz initrd-size=300` but it did not
work. (The screenshot taken with my phone.)
   You can use the netinst cd as a recovery cd by doing the following.
  I forgot to mention that my iBook's CD drive is broken. :)
   1. boot into the cd and at boot type recovery
  Or can I boot the netboot installation images (under /boot/deb/) from
  the Open Firmware prompt?

 Can the machine boot from a USB flash drive? Or over the network? One
 of these approaches might be easier for you.

I'm trying to find out how to boot form USB. Boot from network also sounds
good. I'll investigate how to setup a DHCP and TFTP server on my OS X
(Yosemite) and how to boot iBook from network.

 Other than that, I'm afraid I can't help you - I know nothing about

I never know about yaboot and Open Firmware when I was using Mac OS X on
the iBook. They're all mysterious to me. Still learning. :)




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Re: yaboot: How to load Debian8 netboot installation images directly from the boot: prompt?

2015-05-26 Thread Petter Adsen
On Tue, 26 May 2015 13:16:04 +0800
Clark Wang wrote:

 On Tue, May 26, 2015 at 1:10 PM, Herminio Hernandez Jr wrote:
  On Tue, 2015-05-26 at 10:22 +0800, Clark Wang wrote:
   I have an `iBook G4` and have `Debian 8 (Jessie)` installed on it.
   Yesterday I did something stupid (messed up `yaboot.conf` and ran
   `ybin`) and now the system cannot boot up.
   The old Debian 8 was installed on a single partition (`/dev/sda3`,
   `ext4`). I ever put the Debian 8 netboot installation images
   (downloaded from here) under `/boot/deb/`:
   So how can I boot the netboot installation images from the `boot:`
   prompt and reinstall Debian 8?
   I tried `boot: hd:3,/boot/deb/vmlinux root=/dev/ram read-only
   initrd=/boot/deb/initrd.gz initrd-size=300` but it did not
   work. (The screenshot taken with my phone.)
  You can use the netinst cd as a recovery cd by doing the following.
 I forgot to mention that my iBook's CD drive is broken. :)
  1. boot into the cd and at boot type recovery
 Or can I boot the netboot installation images (under /boot/deb/) from
 the Open Firmware prompt?

Can the machine boot from a USB flash drive? Or over the network? One
of these approaches might be easier for you.

Other than that, I'm afraid I can't help you - I know nothing about


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Re: yaboot: How to load Debian8 netboot installation images directly from the boot: prompt?

2015-05-26 Thread yu
As I know, yaboot can't set vmlinux and initrd at the same time in its
prompt, the right way is to load an alternative config file, such as
conf file=/boot/deb/yaboot.conf, but in this yaboot.conf, both
vmlinux and initrd.gz are under /, the path is incorrect.

so I guess you can write a new yaboot.conf in a USB flash drive, like:

boot=/dev/sdaX(the prep partition)

image=/boot/vmlinux (can use the jessie kernel image directly, not
netboot image)

and then try to load the conf  file in yaboot prompt by

conf [device=device] [partition=partno] [file=/path/to/configfile]

p.s.  I'm not sure whether yaboot can load a conf in usb device or not
 under iBook :(

2015-05-26 14:17 GMT+08:00 clarkw
 On Tue, May 26, 2015 at 2:09 PM, Petter Adsen wrote:

 On Tue, 26 May 2015 13:16:04 +0800
 Clark Wang wrote:

  On Tue, May 26, 2015 at 1:10 PM, Herminio Hernandez Jr wrote:
   On Tue, 2015-05-26 at 10:22 +0800, Clark Wang wrote:
I have an `iBook G4` and have `Debian 8 (Jessie)` installed on it.
Yesterday I did something stupid (messed up `yaboot.conf` and ran
`ybin`) and now the system cannot boot up.
The old Debian 8 was installed on a single partition (`/dev/sda3`,
`ext4`). I ever put the Debian 8 netboot installation images
(downloaded from here) under `/boot/deb/`:
So how can I boot the netboot installation images from the `boot:`
prompt and reinstall Debian 8?
I tried `boot: hd:3,/boot/deb/vmlinux root=/dev/ram read-only
initrd=/boot/deb/initrd.gz initrd-size=300` but it did not
work. (The screenshot taken with my phone.)
   You can use the netinst cd as a recovery cd by doing the following.
  I forgot to mention that my iBook's CD drive is broken. :)
   1. boot into the cd and at boot type recovery
  Or can I boot the netboot installation images (under /boot/deb/) from
  the Open Firmware prompt?

 Can the machine boot from a USB flash drive? Or over the network? One
 of these approaches might be easier for you.

 I'm trying to find out how to boot form USB. Boot from network also sounds
 good. I'll investigate how to setup a DHCP and TFTP server on my OS X
 (Yosemite) and how to boot iBook from network.

 Other than that, I'm afraid I can't help you - I know nothing about

 I never know about yaboot and Open Firmware when I was using Mac OS X on the
 iBook. They're all mysterious to me. Still learning. :)




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Jessie swap

2015-05-26 Thread Guillaume


J'aimerais savoir si c'était normal que Jessie (8.0) consomme plus de 
swap que Wheezy pour les mêmes services.

Les machines incriminées sont des machines virtuelles hébergées sur un 
serveur Xen 4.4.1.


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Re: yaboot: How to load Debian8 netboot installation images directly from the boot: prompt?

2015-05-26 Thread Clark Wang
On Tue, May 26, 2015 at 3:11 PM, Petter Adsen wrote:

   Can the machine boot from a USB flash drive? Or over the network?
   One of these approaches might be easier for you.
  I'm trying to find out how to boot form USB. Boot from network also
  sounds good. I'll investigate how to setup a DHCP and TFTP server on
  my OS X (Yosemite) and how to boot iBook from network.

 Here's a guide for Ubuntu, it might still be helpful to you if you can
 use dnsmasq and (a normal) tftpd.

Cool that dnsmasq can serve both dhcp and tftp. I'll give it a try.

 Booting from the network is rather easy, and it is a nice thing to have
 set up in case you might need it in a situation like this. Both of my
 desktop machines at home are set up to boot from each other in case the
 root disk fails on one of them, and it is really helpful when I need to
 boot from something other than the normal root disk.

 Here is a guide on how to boot an iBook G4 from USB:

I ever looked at this blog a few years ago when I was trying to install
Debian 6 on my iBook but I failed to make it boot from USB. At last I used
the Booting from Hard Disk
way by downloading the image files to the OS X filesystem. (It's years ago
and now I don't remember how. :)


   Other than that, I'm afraid I can't help you - I know nothing about
  I never know about yaboot and Open Firmware when I was using Mac OS X
  on the iBook. They're all mysterious to me. Still learning. :)

 Keep going :)

 Good luck,


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Re: Laptops, UEFI, Secure Boot and Debian

2015-05-26 Thread Lisi Reisz
On Tuesday 26 May 2015 05:15:10 Bret Busby wrote:
 On 26/05/2015, Lisi Reisz wrote:
  On Monday 25 May 2015 20:56:58 Bret Busby wrote:
  On 26/05/2015, Sven Arvidsson wrote:
   On Tue, 2015-05-26 at 00:59 +0800, Bret Busby wrote:
   But, in going to the company web site, I found the web site to be one
   of those malicious web sites, that crash web browsers (the web
   browser starts displaying the home page of the web site, and then
   crashes, while downloading the home page of the web site, and, I have
   tried to access that web site, a number of times, and, each time, it
   crashed the web browser), and so, I have no confidence in that
   company. Its software is defective, and, its web site is malicious.
   Works fine here. Pretty sure that's a bug in your browser ;)
  The matter was explained in a response in the pertinent thread, to the
  message of which I posted a copy in this thread.
  Apparently, the crashing of the web browser, was due to some malicious
  flash file that Inshite had on their web site home page.
   [snip rant]
  So, it can be a problem with the exception handling methodologies that
  are taught and implemented, apart from the designing of web sites that
  are malicious, and, the two combined, cause instability.
  I am tempted to descend to your level of vulgarity.  That website works
  perfectly in all three of the browsers I have installed, even when denied

 So, does the web site that you see, involve a flash thing?

 Or, have they removed it?

 Also, have you tried accessing the web site with the web browsers
 Arora and Rekonq?

 And, if so, are you running those two browsers on Debian 6 LTS, in
 their status for that version of Debian Linux?

 And, have you viewed the response in the thread to which I had
 referred, that indicated the lilkely cause of the particular problem?

 Since you seem to want to turn this into a personal affront against
 me, perhaps it would be better, if you tried to find whether other
 people had encountered the same or a similar, problem, with that web
 site, before indicating that it is all my fault.

I object to your language.  Both the swearing and the constant unwarranted use 
of the word malicious.

Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.

Whether or not there is indeed a corner case problem, is irrelevant to my 


 Bret Busby
 West Australia

 So once you do know what the question actually is,
  you'll know what the answer means.
 - Deep Thought,
  Chapter 28 of Book 1 of
  The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy:
  A Trilogy In Four Parts,
  written by Douglas Adams,
  published by Pan Books, 1992


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Re: Laptops, UEFI, Secure Boot and Debian

2015-05-26 Thread Bret Busby
On 26/05/2015, Lisi Reisz wrote:
 On Tuesday 26 May 2015 05:15:10 Bret Busby wrote:
 On 26/05/2015, Lisi Reisz wrote:
  On Monday 25 May 2015 20:56:58 Bret Busby wrote:
  On 26/05/2015, Sven Arvidsson wrote:
   On Tue, 2015-05-26 at 00:59 +0800, Bret Busby wrote:
   But, in going to the company web site, I found the web site to be
   of those malicious web sites, that crash web browsers (the web
   browser starts displaying the home page of the web site, and then
   crashes, while downloading the home page of the web site, and, I
   tried to access that web site, a number of times, and, each time,
   crashed the web browser), and so, I have no confidence in that
   company. Its software is defective, and, its web site is malicious.
   Works fine here. Pretty sure that's a bug in your browser ;)
  The matter was explained in a response in the pertinent thread, to the
  message of which I posted a copy in this thread.
  Apparently, the crashing of the web browser, was due to some malicious
  flash file that Inshite had on their web site home page.
   [snip rant]
  So, it can be a problem with the exception handling methodologies that
  are taught and implemented, apart from the designing of web sites that
  are malicious, and, the two combined, cause instability.
  I am tempted to descend to your level of vulgarity.  That website works
  perfectly in all three of the browsers I have installed, even when

 So, does the web site that you see, involve a flash thing?

 Or, have they removed it?

 Also, have you tried accessing the web site with the web browsers
 Arora and Rekonq?

 And, if so, are you running those two browsers on Debian 6 LTS, in
 their status for that version of Debian Linux?

 And, have you viewed the response in the thread to which I had
 referred, that indicated the lilkely cause of the particular problem?

 Since you seem to want to turn this into a personal affront against
 me, perhaps it would be better, if you tried to find whether other
 people had encountered the same or a similar, problem, with that web
 site, before indicating that it is all my fault.

 I object to your language.

And I object to your attitude, which includes, but is not limited to,
your gratuitous personal attack against me.

Bret Busby
West Australia

So once you do know what the question actually is,
 you'll know what the answer means.
- Deep Thought,
 Chapter 28 of Book 1 of
 The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy:
 A Trilogy In Four Parts,
 written by Douglas Adams,
 published by Pan Books, 1992

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Re: [Solved} logitech z515 wireless speaker not working

2015-05-26 Thread Nicolas George
Le septidi 7 prairial, an CCXXIII, Pierre Frenkiel a écrit :
 At last, I could solve the problemm. In case anybody is interested,
 here is how:
 in /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf:
options snd-usb-audio index=1
 After that, and reboot, the Z515 is seen in /proc/asound/cards, and in 'aplay 

This should not have changed the presence of cards in /proc/asound/cards,
only their order.

 ALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:1022:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave

This indicates you have a configuration problem with your ALSA system: the
plugin infrastructure eventually references a non-existent sound card.

 with the 3rd one, you have the answer: just do
   -sudo ln -s /dev/snd/pcmC1D0p /dev/snd/pcmC1D1p
 and that's it!

This is completely wrong, this symbolic link should not be needed, and it
does not fix anything since it will disappear after the next reboot.

I have not read the rest of the thread, nor do I intend to, but I did not
want to let that kind of bad advice pass.


  Nicolas George

Description: Digital signature

Re: FreeBSD ou Linux

2015-05-26 Thread Sébastien NOBILI

Le samedi 23 mai 2015 à 15:26, Qassem Debian a écrit :
 Je veux installer Debian,sur un Dell E5450,avec un noyau FreeBSD mais 
 seulement j'hésite un ne sais pas si l'administration d'une Debian 
 GNU/kFreeBSD est identique à celle d'une Debian avec noyau Linux.Quel est le 
 shell par défaut? Les outils d'administrations sont-ils les mêmes que ceux 
 offerts par le noyau Linux?...
 Quelqu'un voudrait bien m'aider à faire un choix éclairé?

Debian GNU/kFreeBSD c'est :
- un système Debian,
- un noyau FreeBSD.

Donc les outils d'admin, les shells etc. sont ceux disponibles dans Debian. De
ce point de vue le passage de l'un à l'autre est simplifié.

Mais tout ce qui est géré par le noyau (notamment les périphériques) se fait à
la FreeBSD. De ce point de vue le passage de l'un à l'autre nécessitera donc de

Enfin, Debian GNU/kFreeBSD « entre et sort » régulièrement de Debian (en ce
moment il est sorti, c'est à dire que le projet Debian ne garantit pas que tout
soit pleinement fonctionnel).

Personnellement, je ne recommanderais pas ce portage pour un serveur en prod…
Pour une machine à bricoler en revanche, aucune contre-indication.


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Re: postfix + mysql + interfície web

2015-05-26 Thread Oscar Osta Pueyo

 En breus he de muntar un servidor de correu i l'haurà d'administrar
 una persona que no té massa coneixements d'administració de sistemes.

Instal·lar un Zimbra és molt? Tota l'administració es web i amb una
instal·lació tens tot, fins el webmail.


Oscar Osta Pueyo

Re: VoIP in jessie

2015-05-26 Thread peter
*   From: Juha Heinanen xr-xr-x 1 root staff 1052876 May 25 22:47 

Where do you keep and etc.?

Thanks again,  ... Peter E.

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Re: yaboot: How to load Debian8 netboot installation images directly from the boot: prompt?

2015-05-26 Thread Petter Adsen
On Tue, 26 May 2015 14:17:13 +0800
clarkw wrote:

 On Tue, May 26, 2015 at 2:09 PM, Petter Adsen wrote:
  On Tue, 26 May 2015 13:16:04 +0800
  Clark Wang wrote:
   On Tue, May 26, 2015 at 1:10 PM, Herminio Hernandez Jr wrote:
On Tue, 2015-05-26 at 10:22 +0800, Clark Wang wrote:
 I have an `iBook G4` and have `Debian 8 (Jessie)` installed
 on it. Yesterday I did something stupid (messed up
 `yaboot.conf` and ran `ybin`) and now the system cannot boot

 The old Debian 8 was installed on a single partition
 (`/dev/sda3`, `ext4`). I ever put the Debian 8 netboot
 installation images (downloaded from here) under `/boot/deb/`:


 So how can I boot the netboot installation images from the
 `boot:` prompt and reinstall Debian 8?

 I tried `boot: hd:3,/boot/deb/vmlinux root=/dev/ram read-only
 initrd=/boot/deb/initrd.gz initrd-size=300` but it did not
 work. (The screenshot taken with my phone.)



You can use the netinst cd as a recovery cd by doing the
   I forgot to mention that my iBook's CD drive is broken. :)
1. boot into the cd and at boot type recovery
   Or can I boot the netboot installation images (under /boot/deb/)
   from the Open Firmware prompt?
  Can the machine boot from a USB flash drive? Or over the network?
  One of these approaches might be easier for you.
 I'm trying to find out how to boot form USB. Boot from network also
 sounds good. I'll investigate how to setup a DHCP and TFTP server on
 my OS X (Yosemite) and how to boot iBook from network.

Here's a guide for Ubuntu, it might still be helpful to you if you can
use dnsmasq and (a normal) tftpd.

Booting from the network is rather easy, and it is a nice thing to have
set up in case you might need it in a situation like this. Both of my
desktop machines at home are set up to boot from each other in case the
root disk fails on one of them, and it is really helpful when I need to
boot from something other than the normal root disk.

Here is a guide on how to boot an iBook G4 from USB:

  Other than that, I'm afraid I can't help you - I know nothing about
 I never know about yaboot and Open Firmware when I was using Mac OS X
 on the iBook. They're all mysterious to me. Still learning. :)

Keep going :)

Good luck,


I'm ionized
Are you sure?
I'm positive.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Haproxy como transparente en Debian Wheezy

2015-05-26 Thread Maykel Franco
El día 25 de mayo de 2015, 18:58, Maykel Franco escribió:

 El 25/05/2015 18:51, Camaleón escribió:

 El Mon, 25 May 2015 18:28:32 +0200, Maykel Franco escribió:

  El día 25 de mayo de 2015, 18:13, Camaleón
  El Mon, 25 May 2015 17:43:29 +0200, Maykel Franco escribió:
  Hola buenas, he montado haproxy en Debian. Mi objetivo es balancear
  tráfico a 3 servidores por TCP puerto 3306 Mysql.
  El problema que he encontrado, que por lo visto despues de googlear
  más que reportado, es que cuando se conectan las máquinas clientes y
  pasan por haproxy, la ip que aparece en los servidores Mysql, es la ip
  del haproxy (balancador TCP) en vez de la ip de las máquinas clientes.
  Pues ni idea pero para eso está Google :-)
  Echa un ojo a esta página, parece que hablan de un asunto similar:
  haproxy and forwarding client IP address to servers
  Básicamente, dos cosas:
  1/ Opción option forwardfor
  2/ Verificar que los scripts que ejecuten los clientes (en caso de
  haberlos) están configurados para enviar los datos correctos o que
  el servidor está configurado correctamente para obtenerlos.
  Gracias por contestar.
  Si ese es uno de los primeros post que probé, y me sigue sin funcionar.


  La verdad es que no sé ni en qué log mirar.

 Quizá tengas que especificar algún parámetro adicional:

  Por lo que veo el del post que me has pasado, acaba usando php para
  sacar las cabeceras?

 En el caso del ejemplo del enlace sí porque el cliente se conecta
 al servidor web a través de un script en PHP pero si en tu caso no
 hay nada de eso detrás sino que la conexión va directa a la bdd mysql
 sin pasar por servidor web... pues no aplica. Lo que ya no sé es si habrá
 algún parámetro en MySQL para configurar esto :-?

 Umm que bueno voy a probarlo. Si, debajo del balanceador haproxy hay 3
 MySQL. La conexion hacia haproxy es para balancear usando mas tarde
 keepalive con ip virtual y 2 nodos haproxy pero eso es otro cantar.

 Comento resultados.



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He probado con esas opciones y sigue sin funcionar. Se queda el telnet
en el haproxy pero no pasa el tráfico hacia los mysql. Todo es cuando
añado la opción de source usesrc clientip. Si no la añado,
el telnet a la ip de haproxy y al puerto 3306 llega hacia mysql pero
con la ip de haproxy, no la del cliente que realiza la conexión.

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Re: Laptops, UEFI, Secure Boot and Debian

2015-05-26 Thread Petter Adsen
On Tue, 26 May 2015 16:58:05 +0800
Bret Busby wrote:

 On 26/05/2015, Petter Adsen wrote:
  On Tue, 26 May 2015 12:23:25 +0800
  Bret Busby wrote:
  On 26/05/2015, Stuart Longland wrote:
   Hash: SHA512
   On 24/05/15 19:03, Petter Adsen wrote:
   If both Wheezy and Trusty are installed in legacy mode the
   bootloader should see all of them. Dependent on your needs, an
   easier way might be to just spin up a VM or three with the
   systems you use the least. KVM is a wonderful thing.
   Better yet, for some of these is LXC.  I run several instances of
   Debian managed by libvirt on a Gentoo host, with much less
   overheads than you get from a VM.
   apt-get install virt-manager bridge-utils libvirt-bin lxc
   will probably get you started.  Use debootstrap to create the
   Debian/Ubuntu instances, creating the root filesystems in
   /var/lib/libvirt/images, then use virt-manager to set them up in
   - --
   Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)
   I haven't lost my mind...'s backed up on a tape somewhere.
  I should probably have been more explicit, in my stating of the
  What I wanted to know, was, given that, in Legacy mode, with GRUB,
  both Ubuntu 14.04 LTS and Debian 7, are installed on the particular
  computer, and, I can select to boot either one of those, can I
  simply also install Debian 6 LTS on that system, to have it
  concurrently installed with Debian 7, and, to be able, using GRUB,
  to select to boot into one of those operating systems (Ubuntu
  14.04 LTS, Debian 7, or, Debian 6 LTS), without any interference
  from the installations of the other operating systems?
  Bret, I answered that above.
  If both Wheezy and Trusty are installed in legacy mode the
  bootloader should see all of them.
  That means yes, you can.
  It has taken me about 18 months, to get Debian 7 installed and
  running, in the state that it now can be run, and so I want to be
  able to get Debian 6 LTS, installed and running, with a minimum
  of fuss.
  This should not be a problem, if you have available space on the
 Yes, you had indicated that it should work, but then, others, like
 shown in the post above, apparently indicated that to install and run
 Debian 6 LTS on a computer that already had Debian 7 installed,
 required the use of virtiual machines, and I have no experience in the
 installation, administration, and use, combination, regarding virtual
 Many years ago (about 20-25, I think), I used something with a name
 like CP/CMS, or, CM/CMS (from memory), that was, I think, a multi-user
 virtual machine, running on a mainframe computer that simultaneously
 ran (although I did not use it) multi-user CICS/COBOL, but I have no
 experience other than what I had then, as a user, relating to virtual
 machines, so the suggested, apparently required, installation and
 administration and use of virtual machines, in order to install and
 use Debian 6LTS, on a computer that had Debian 7 already installed,
 appeared too complicated for me.

First off, if there is available space on the drive in your laptop (or
another partition that you can delete), installing another version of
Debian should be without problems. I have a couple of different
distributions on my desktop, and installing a new one or installing
over an already existing one has never been a problem, as long as you
set them all up to use GRUB.

Second, virtual machines these days are incredibly easy to set up and
use. Steve Litt posted a link to an introductory article on qemu/KVM
here very recently, I suggest that as a starting point. There is a tool
called Virtual Machine Manager (package: virt-manager) that I would
recommend. It is very easy to use, and uses qemu/KVM. Virtualbox from
Oracle is another alternative, though I prefer KVM.

Using a VM takes a little bit of resources, but would give you the
ability to run another distribution without having to reboot. You can
run it full-screen, so you can use the desktop just as you normally
would. For increased performance, you can set the virtual machine up to
use a partition (or logical volume) just as a regular installation,
instead of using an image file.

It is at least something to take into consideration, as you could then
have as many distributions as you want and have the resources for,
running simultaneously.


I'm ionized
Are you sure?
I'm positive.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Enc: Re: Re: Re: Enc: Re: Enc: Re: Enc: Re: rodar netflix no debian com google-chrome

2015-05-26 Thread Nilton Vasques
Eu coloquei o jessie em dual boot com o wheezy, para evitar surpresaz desse
Em 25/05/2015 11:03, riesdra escreveu:

 vou instalar o jessie;

 mas vou aguardar mais um pouco, por causa de itr e irpf, vou gerar as
 impressões das declarações primeiros, vai que depois da alguma
 eles não funcionam mais.


 *Ricardo Libanio*

  Em Seg, 25 Mai 2015 10:55:22 -0300 ** escreveu 

 Deve ser porque tem que instalar as bibliotecas, ou então se você puder,
 instale o Jessie, eu utilizo ele normalmente no Jessie.

 Em 25 de maio de 2015 09:45, riesdra escreveu:

 o popcorn deu erro de glibc no wheezy


 *Ricardo Libanio*

  Em Seg, 25 Mai 2015 10:31:26 -0300 ** escreveu 


 Em 25 de maio de 2015 09:21, riesdra escreveu:

 vou ter que por a versão nova do debian [jessie], mas devo fazer isto mais
 para frente.


 *Ricardo Libanio*

  Em Dom, 24 Mai 2015 06:54:34 -0300 *Nilton Vasques* escreveu 

 O netflix no linux só funciona no chrome mesmo e atualizado.
 Ou você instala a gambiarra feita com o wine para fazer funcionar,
 netflix-desktop é o nome do projeto.

 On 18/05/15 23:38, riesdra wrote:
  sim desativei, todos e fui alternando também,
  a versão é esta mesma 44, e no meu PC que tenho em casa, roda na versão
 stable a 42
  Ricardo Libanio
   Em Seg, 18 Mai 2015 23:33:07 -0300 Leonardo Rochalt;
 leonardo...@gmail.comgt; escreveu 
  Você desativou todos os plugins? Tenta desativar todos eles. A versão do
 google chrome é 44.0.2398.0 dev (64bits)
  Veja e diga se há algo diferente.
  On 18-05-2015 22:28, riesdra wrote: type=citegt; testei aqui, o
 erro continua
  Ricardo Libanio
   Em Seg, 18 Mai 2015 23:16:54 -0300 Leonardo Rochalt;
 leonardo...@gmail.comgt; escreveu 
  Estou com o testing. Tive o mesmo problema. Após instalar o chrome
 unstable rodou normalmente. Inclusive estou vendo seriado agora no netflix.
  Acho que tem uns plugins que precisam ser desativados. Entre aí
  E desative os plugins. Não é necessário desativar todos, mas é preciso
 testar até descobrir qual causa o problema. Veja se dá certo contigo.
  Leonardo Rocha
  Analista de Sistemas
  GPG ID: 7DF77F91
  GNU/Linux User: 586696
  Claro: (41) 8731-6868
  Twitter: Leonardo Rocha
  On 18-05-2015 21:57, riesdra wrote: type=citegt; em casa no meu
 PC, não rodou nem no iceweasel nem no chromium, mas no chrome rodou de boa.
  so no meu note que esta com wheezy que não esta rodando.
  Ricardo Libanio
   Em Seg, 18 Mai 2015 22:52:04 -0300 Luís Cláudio A. Gamalt;
 luisg...@gmail.comgt; escreveu 
  Aqui eu tenho Desktop Jessie com Chromiumerro M7357-1003
  Luís Cláudio A. Gama
  Fones: TIM: 11-9 8452-4087 Res: 11-4602-3400
  Skype: luisclaudiogama
  | Voto Distrital ! |||'|\__
  Em 18 de maio de 2015 22:45, riesdra lt;ries...@zoho.comgt; escreveu:
  olá, estou tentando rodar netflix no meu note, estou usando debian
 wheezy, com chrome stable versão 42 e ustable versão 44, ambas dão o erro
  pelo que pesquisei refere-se a sistema operacional incompatível, mas em
 casa no meu PC ele roda netflix sem erro nenhum, a diferença é que no PC
 estou com jessie e não wheezy, e o chrome lá é stable.
  alguém tem ideia do que pode ser, que não roda no meu note com wheezy?
  Ricardo Libanio
  Leonardo Rocha
  Analista de Sistemas
  GPG ID: 7DF77F91
  GNU/Linux User: 586696
  Claro: (41) 8731-6868
  Twitter: Leonardo Rocha


 Nilton Vasques Carvalho Jr.
 Mobiloucos Team
 Graduando em Ciência da Computação
 Universidade Federal da Bahia
 telefone: +55 71 9278-0148 (Tim)

Re: yaboot: How to load Debian8 netboot installation images directly from the boot: prompt?

2015-05-26 Thread Clark Wang
On Tue, May 26, 2015 at 3:05 PM, yu wrote:

 As I know, yaboot can't set vmlinux and initrd at the same time in its
 prompt, the right way is to load an alternative config file, such as
 conf file=/boot/deb/yaboot.conf, but in this yaboot.conf, both
 vmlinux and initrd.gz are under /, the path is incorrect.

 so I guess you can write a new yaboot.conf in a USB flash drive, like:

 boot=/dev/sdaX(the prep partition)

 image=/boot/vmlinux (can use the jessie kernel image directly, not
 netboot image)

 and then try to load the conf  file in yaboot prompt by

 conf [device=device] [partition=partno] [file=/path/to/configfile]

 p.s.  I'm not sure whether yaboot can load a conf in usb device or not
  under iBook :(

Thanks for the info. I may give it a try.


 2015-05-26 14:17 GMT+08:00 clarkw
  On Tue, May 26, 2015 at 2:09 PM, Petter Adsen wrote:
  On Tue, 26 May 2015 13:16:04 +0800
  Clark Wang wrote:
   On Tue, May 26, 2015 at 1:10 PM, Herminio Hernandez Jr wrote:
On Tue, 2015-05-26 at 10:22 +0800, Clark Wang wrote:
 I have an `iBook G4` and have `Debian 8 (Jessie)` installed on it.
 Yesterday I did something stupid (messed up `yaboot.conf` and ran
 `ybin`) and now the system cannot boot up.

 The old Debian 8 was installed on a single partition (`/dev/sda3`,
 `ext4`). I ever put the Debian 8 netboot installation images
 (downloaded from here) under `/boot/deb/`:


 So how can I boot the netboot installation images from the `boot:`
 prompt and reinstall Debian 8?

 I tried `boot: hd:3,/boot/deb/vmlinux root=/dev/ram read-only
 initrd=/boot/deb/initrd.gz initrd-size=300` but it did not
 work. (The screenshot taken with my phone.)



You can use the netinst cd as a recovery cd by doing the following.
   I forgot to mention that my iBook's CD drive is broken. :)
1. boot into the cd and at boot type recovery
   Or can I boot the netboot installation images (under /boot/deb/) from
   the Open Firmware prompt?
  Can the machine boot from a USB flash drive? Or over the network? One
  of these approaches might be easier for you.
  I'm trying to find out how to boot form USB. Boot from network also
  good. I'll investigate how to setup a DHCP and TFTP server on my OS X
  (Yosemite) and how to boot iBook from network.
  Other than that, I'm afraid I can't help you - I know nothing about
  I never know about yaboot and Open Firmware when I was using Mac OS X on
  iBook. They're all mysterious to me. Still learning. :)
  I'm ionized
  Are you sure?
  I'm positive.

Re: Jessie swap

2015-05-26 Thread Sylvain L. Sauvage
Le mardi 26 mai 2015, 09:33:20 Guillaume a écrit :


 J'aimerais savoir si c'était normal que Jessie (8.0) consomme
 plus de swap que Wheezy pour les mêmes services.

  Déjà, on va dire que « Jessie consomme plus de swap » est un 
raccourci pour « avec le noyau et les applications de Jessie, il 
y a plus de swap consommé ».

  Et ça nous mène donc à deux possibilités :

  Soit c’est le nouveau noyau qui est plus enclin à mettre plus 
de chose en swap (soit par modification des algorithmes, soit 
par modification des valeurs par défaut de leurs paramètres 
  Et ça peut se vérifier en essayant d’autres versions du noyau 
(p.ex. celle de Wheezy) ou d’autres paramètres.

  Soit ce sont les applications qui consomment plus de mémoire 
(et donc du swap).
  Et ça se vérifie en comparant, entre Wheezy et Jessie, les 
processus qui tournent :
  — y a-t-il des processus en plus ?
  — les paramètres sont-ils les mêmes ?
→ même config perso ou config par défaut ?
  — et, surtout, quelle est l’occupation mémoire de chaque 
processus ?

  Après, savoir si quelque chose est « normal »…

 Les machines incriminées sont des machines virtuelles
 hébergées sur un serveur Xen 4.4.1.

 Sylvain Sauvage

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Backup services and Debian

2015-05-26 Thread Petter Adsen
I'm still messing with trying to get a good backup routine, and I'm
(slowly) coming to the conclusion that other people are better at it
than I am, and I need a way to store data remotely anyway.

Right now, I'm testing AltDrive on an Ubuntu machine. They have a Java
client (which I'm not too happy about) that seems to work well. I've
upgraded my outgoing bandwidth to be better suited to doing backups
to a remote destination. I haven't tested the client with Debian yet,
as you can only run it on one machine with the service you can try for
free for one month.

One thing I miss is the ability to do backups of NFS-mounted file
systems. Neither do I like the dependence upon Java. Apart from that,
it seems to work quite well. It does version control, handles
encryption locally with keys I manage myself, and I can use as much
space as I need. It wouldn't cost any more than using Dropbox. There is
also a command line interface, apparently, although it seems very basic.

Does anyone here have any experience with this or similar services that
work well with Debian? Do any of them have the ability to do backups of
network file systems, so that I won't need to run the client on several
machines? This could be especially important to me soon, as I'm
considering to buy a small NAS, and I'm unlikely to find a client that
will run locally on that.

That said, I would be really, really happy if the client was open
source. Another thing that would be nice is if they have servers in
Europe, so that I wouldn't need to push the data back and forth across
the Atlantic.

I have found a lng list of backup providers on Wikipedia, but it
would take forever to research each and every one of them to find out
which ones are suited to my purpose and find other people's experiences
with them, which is why I'm asking here, in a hope to narrow it down to
just a few.

Any insights and experiences with this or equivalent services would be
much appreciated. Relevant advice, the same.


I'm ionized
Are you sure?
I'm positive.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Laptops, UEFI, Secure Boot and Debian

2015-05-26 Thread Bret Busby
On 26/05/2015, Petter Adsen wrote:
 On Tue, 26 May 2015 12:23:25 +0800
 Bret Busby wrote:

 On 26/05/2015, Stuart Longland wrote:
  Hash: SHA512
  On 24/05/15 19:03, Petter Adsen wrote:
  If both Wheezy and Trusty are installed in legacy mode the
  bootloader should see all of them. Dependent on your needs, an
  easier way might be to just spin up a VM or three with the systems
  you use the least. KVM is a wonderful thing.
  Better yet, for some of these is LXC.  I run several instances of
  Debian managed by libvirt on a Gentoo host, with much less overheads
  than you get from a VM.
  apt-get install virt-manager bridge-utils libvirt-bin lxc
  will probably get you started.  Use debootstrap to create the
  Debian/Ubuntu instances, creating the root filesystems in
  /var/lib/libvirt/images, then use virt-manager to set them up in
  - --
  Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)
  I haven't lost my mind...'s backed up on a tape somewhere.

 I should probably have been more explicit, in my stating of the

 What I wanted to know, was, given that, in Legacy mode, with GRUB,
 both Ubuntu 14.04 LTS and Debian 7, are installed on the particular
 computer, and, I can select to boot either one of those, can I simply
 also install Debian 6 LTS on that system, to have it concurrently
 installed with Debian 7, and, to be able, using GRUB, to select to
 boot into one of those operating systems (Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, Debian 7,
 or, Debian 6 LTS), without any interference from the installations of
 the other operating systems?

 Bret, I answered that above.

 If both Wheezy and Trusty are installed in legacy mode the bootloader
 should see all of them.

 That means yes, you can.

 It has taken me about 18 months, to get Debian 7 installed and
 running, in the state that it now can be run, and so I want to be able
 to get Debian 6 LTS, installed and running, with a minimum of fuss.

 This should not be a problem, if you have available space on the drive.


Yes, you had indicated that it should work, but then, others, like
shown in the post above, apparently indicated that to install and run
Debian 6 LTS on a computer that already had Debian 7 installed,
required the use of virtiual machines, and I have no experience in the
installation, administration, and use, combination, regarding virtual

Many years ago (about 20-25, I think), I used something with a name
like CP/CMS, or, CM/CMS (from memory), that was, I think, a multi-user
virtual machine, running on a mainframe computer that simultaneously
ran (although I did not use it) multi-user CICS/COBOL, but I have no
experience other than what I had then, as a user, relating to virtual
machines, so the suggested, apparently required, installation and
administration and use of virtual machines, in order to install and
use Debian 6LTS, on a computer that had Debian 7 already installed,
appeared too complicated for me.

Bret Busby
West Australia

So once you do know what the question actually is,
 you'll know what the answer means.
- Deep Thought,
 Chapter 28 of Book 1 of
 The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy:
 A Trilogy In Four Parts,
 written by Douglas Adams,
 published by Pan Books, 1992

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Re: [Solved} logitech z515 wireless speaker not working

2015-05-26 Thread Pierre Frenkiel

At last, I could solve the problemm. In case anybody is interested,
here is how:

in /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf:
   options snd-usb-audio index=1

After that, and reboot, the Z515 is seen in /proc/asound/cards, and in 'aplay 
and the sound works with vlc or audacity, but not with aplay, speaker-test,
The output of these 3 programs is very instructive, and IMHO should be given
as an example in all programmers' schools!

- speaker-test
ALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:1022:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave
Playback open error: -2,No such file or directory

-aplay woow.wav
ALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:1022:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave
aplay: main:722: audio open error: No such file or directory

- mplayer file.mp3
   ... open '/dev/snd/pcmC1D1p' failed (-2): No such file or directory

with the first 2, impossiblle to guess what's wrong or missing.
with the 3rd one, you have the answer: just do

  -sudo ln -s /dev/snd/pcmC1D0p /dev/snd/pcmC1D1p

and that's it! 
Still difficult to understand why it worked with vlc, as it is configured to

use the Alsa output.

Pierre Frenkiel

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debian 8 tourne lentement

2015-05-26 Thread Thierry Granier

Bonjour a tous
j'ai installe Jessie depuis 15 jours et je constate que toutes les 
applis rament

Est ce que quelqu'un a constate la même chose?
Comment faire pour améliorer ca?

modifier le cache? le noyau?  etc


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Re: debian 8 tourne lentement

2015-05-26 Thread Sébastien NOBILI
Le mardi 26 mai 2015 à 11:29, Thierry Granier a écrit :
 j'ai installe Jessie depuis 15 jours et je constate que toutes les applis
 Est ce que quelqu'un a constate la même chose?

Pas de problème sur mes différents systèmes (des serveurs, des postes de

 Comment faire pour améliorer ca?
 modifier le cache? le noyau?  etc

Avant d'envisager ce genre de solution, essaye déjà de déterminer ce qui fait

Quelle charge sur ton système (commande top ou htop) ?

Quels sont les processus qui utilisent le plus de CPU (même commande) ?

Quels sont les processus qui utilisent le plus d'I/O (commande iptop) ?

Combien de RAM au total, combien utilisée, combien en cache, combien de SWAP au
total, combien utilisé (commande free -h) ?


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Re: Debian Read Only

2015-05-26 Thread Manolo Díaz
El martes, 26 may 2015, a las 12:33 UTC+2 horas,
Sebastian Oldani escribió:

Les hago una consulta, quiero configurar mi debian en una especie de 
read only.

Quiero saber si alguien hizo esto, si lo probó o alguna sugerencia.

La idea básicamente es que es sistema quede frezado, quiero poder 
reiniciar la PC en cualquier momento y que el sistema no muera, pero 
también quiero tener una partición para guardar datos.

Yo probé un par de tutoriales que encontré por internet, pero cuando 
empiezo a maltratar al sistema (reinicio a cada rato), me da error y no 
inicia más.

Por eso quería escuchar sus opiniones y experiencias.


Se me ocurre que si los sistemas operativos en vivo funcionan, algo
parecido se puede lograr con una instalación. Pero no todo puede ser de
solo lectura: Al menos /var, /run (o /var/run) y /tmp deben poder
ser modificables. Para los últimos tienes la opción de usar tmpfs,
pero muchas aplicaciones te van a dar problemas si /var no es
modificable o si su contenido ser pierde tras el apagado o reinicio.

Manolo Díaz

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Re: cron.d scripts

2015-05-26 Thread Pol Hallen

cron reads the files in /etc/cron.d in addition to /etc/crontab and the
per-user crontab files.  See the cron(8) manpage.

The files in /etc/cron.d are supposed to be crontab files, not scripts
like those being run using run-parts.


understood :-)



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make oldconfig bzImage with GCC 4.9.2 on debian 8

2015-05-26 Thread Dhiraj Bhor
Hi all,

I am compiling
I have gcc 4.9.2 installed on my Debbian 8.0. I have compiled
linux-kernel-2.6.32 on this box. Somebody may point out that this is old
version and i do not waste time in compile but this is requirement and i
have to do it.
Currently  i have applied following patches to this kernel:

*diff -Narup linux-2.6.20-orig/arch/i386/boot/compressed/misc.c
*--- linux-2.6.20-orig/arch/i386/boot/compressed/misc.c 2007-02-04
11:44:54.0 -0700*
*+++ linux-2.6.20/arch/i386/boot/compressed/misc.c 2007-02-09
12:04:46.0 -0700*
*@@ -372,8 +372,8 @@ asmlinkage void decompress_kernel(void **
* #endif*

*  makecrc();*
*- putstr(Uncompressing Linux... );*
*+ putstr(Starting... );*
*  gunzip();*
*- putstr(Ok, booting the kernel.\n);*
*+ //putstr(Ok, booting the kernel.\n);*
*  return;*
* }*
*diff -Narup linux-2.6.20-orig/kernel/printk.c linux-2.6.20/kernel/printk.c*
*--- linux-2.6.20-orig/kernel/printk.c 2007-02-04 11:44:54.0 -0700*
*+++ linux-2.6.20/kernel/printk.c 2007-02-09 12:04:24.0 -0700*
*@@ -115,6 +115,8 @@ static int preferred_console = -1;*
* /* Flag: console code may call schedule() */*
* static int console_may_schedule;*

*+static int printk_dots = 1;*

* static char __log_buf[__LOG_BUF_LEN];*
*@@ -122,6 +124,14 @@ static char *log_buf = __log_buf;*
* static int log_buf_len = __LOG_BUF_LEN;*
* static unsigned long logged_chars; /* Number of chars produced since last
read+clear operation */*

*+static int __init printk_dots_setup(char *str)*
*+printk_dots = simple_strtoul(str, NULL, 10);*
*+return 1;*
*+__setup(printk_dots=, printk_dots_setup);*
* static int __init log_buf_len_setup(char *str)*
* {*
*  unsigned long size = memparse(str, str);*
*@@ -359,7 +369,16 @@ static void _call_console_drivers(unsign*
*  log_buf_len);*
*  __call_console_drivers(0, end  LOG_BUF_MASK);*
*  } else {*
*- __call_console_drivers(start, end);*
*+ if (msg_log_level = 2 /* KERN_CRIT, KERN_ALERT, KERN_EMERG */*
*+|| printk_dots == 0) {*
*+ __call_console_drivers(start, end);*
*+ }*
*+ else {*
*+ char orig = LOG_BUF(start);*
*+ LOG_BUF(start) = '.';*
*+ __call_console_drivers(start, start + 1);*
*+ LOG_BUF(start) = orig;*
*+ }*
*  }*
*  }*
* }*

*Index: linux-*
*--- linux-*
*+++ linux-*
*@@ -412,10 +412,12 @@ ifeq ($(config-targets),1)*
* include $(srctree)/arch/$(ARCH)/Makefile*

*-config %config: scripts_basic outputmakefile FORCE*
*+config: scripts_basic outputmakefile FORCE*
*+ $(Q)mkdir -p include/linux include/config*
*+ $(Q)$(MAKE) $(build)=scripts/kconfig $@*
*+%config: scripts_basic outputmakefile FORCE*
*  $(Q)mkdir -p include/linux include/config*
*  $(Q)$(MAKE) $(build)=scripts/kconfig $@*
* else*
* #
* # Build targets only - this includes vmlinux, arch specific targets,
*@@ -1439,7 +1441,7 @@ endif*
*  $(Q)$(MAKE) $(build)=$(build-dir) $(target-dir)$(notdir $@)*

* # Modules*
*-/ %/: prepare scripts FORCE*
*+/: prepare scripts FORCE*
*  $(build)=$(build-dir)*
* %.ko: prepare scripts FORCE*

*Index: linux-*
*--- linux-*
*+++ linux-*
*@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@*
* #include errno.h*
* #include string.h*
* #include modpost.h*
*+#include linux/limits.h*

* /**
*  * Stolen form Cryptographic API.*

*--- ../linux/arch/i386/kernel/Makefile  2007-03-23 13:52:51.0
*+++ arch/i386/kernel/Makefile   2015-05-26 08:54:54.206372389 -0600*
*@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@*

* # The DSO images are built using a special linker script.*
* quiet_cmd_syscall = SYSCALL $@*
*-  cmd_syscall = $(CC) -m elf_i386 -nostdlib $(SYSCFLAGS_$(@F)) \*
*+  cmd_syscall = $(CC) -m32 -nostdlib $(SYSCFLAGS_$(@F)) \*
*  -Wl,-T,$(filter-out FORCE,$^) -o $@*

* export += -P -C -U$(ARCH)*

After this i got some error while make bzImage as follows:

*  LD  arch/i386/lib/built-in.o*
*  CC  arch/i386/lib/bitops.o*
*  AS  arch/i386/lib/checksum.o*
*  CC  arch/i386/lib/delay.o*
*  AS  arch/i386/lib/getuser.o*
*  CC  arch/i386/lib/memcpy.o*
*  AS  arch/i386/lib/putuser.o*
*  AS  arch/i386/lib/semaphore.o*
*  CC  arch/i386/lib/strstr.o*
*  CC  arch/i386/lib/usercopy.o*
*In file included from include/linux/blkdev.h:10:0,*
* from arch/i386/lib/usercopy.c:10:*
*include/linux/pagemap.h: In function ‘fault_in_pages_readable’:*
*include/linux/pagemap.h:222:16: warning: variable ‘c’ set but not used

Re: [Solved} logitech z515 wireless speaker not working

2015-05-26 Thread Nicolas George
Le septidi 7 prairial, an CCXXIII, Pierre Frenkiel a écrit :
   Did you really read my post?
   the so-called non-existent sound card worked with vlc and audacity !!

Yes, I did read your post. I also know how ALSA works and that VLC and
audacity are probably opening a different device than aplay and mplayer. The
real test is aplay, since it is the program that does the least black magic
behind the user's back.

   It will not disappear after the next reboot, thanks to /etc/rc.local.
   OK, it's not  a fix, but a workaround.

Yes, please call it that. A fragile and unreliable workaround.

   Until that, the link is needed, and I don't think you are allowed to call
   that a bad advice.

You did not understand what is going on, you did not properly fix the
problem, this is definitely bad advice. But you will not bait me into
spending more time on it.

   I would be curious to know how you interpret the mplayer error message

I do not, you trimmed too much.


  Nicolas George

Description: Digital signature

Re: debian 8 tourne lentement

2015-05-26 Thread Alain Rpnpif

Le 26 mai 2015, Thierry Granier a écrit :

 Bonjour a tous
 j'ai installe Jessie depuis 15 jours et je constate que toutes les 
 applis rament
 Est ce que quelqu'un a constate la même chose?
 Comment faire pour améliorer ca?
 modifier le cache? le noyau?  etc

J'ai le même problème avec les wheezy-backports qui comporte le même
noyau que Jessie sur un vieux PC EEEPC901. Je suis presque sûr que cela
vient du pilote vidéo Intel pour la puce i945 car j'ai vu que glxgears
donne moins de 20 fps quand la fréquence verticale est synchronisé sur
celle de l'écran. Ma solution bancale (80fps) a été d'annuler cette

Comme je ne veux pas squatter ton fil qui peut avoir une cause
différente, peux-tu vérifier qu'une tâche ne monopolise pas toute
l'activité du CPU en lançant top en ligne de commande dans un terminal ?

Vérifie aussi avec top la mémoire disponible et libre.

Que dis cat /proc/cpuinfo ?

Vérifier aussi les éventuels messages d'erreur avec dmesg et
dans /var/log/Xorg.0.log.

Alain Rpnpif

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Re: [Solved} logitech z515 wireless speaker not working

2015-05-26 Thread Pierre Frenkiel

On Tue, 26 May 2015, Nicolas George wrote:

in /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf:
   options snd-usb-audio index=1

After that, and reboot, the Z515 is seen in /proc/asound/cards, and in 'aplay 

This should not have changed the presence of cards in /proc/asound/cards,
only their order.

   May-be it should not, but it actually did.

ALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:1022:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave

This indicates you have a configuration problem with your ALSA system: the
plugin infrastructure eventually references a non-existent sound card.

  Did you really read my post?
  the so-called non-existent sound card worked with vlc and audacity !!

with the 3rd one, you have the answer: just do

  -sudo ln -s /dev/snd/pcmC1D0p /dev/snd/pcmC1D1p

This is completely wrong, this symbolic link should not be needed, and it
does not fix anything since it will disappear after the next reboot.
I have not read the rest of the thread, nor do I intend to, but I did not
want to let that kind of bad advice pass.

  It will not disappear after the next reboot, thanks to /etc/rc.local.
  OK, it's not  a fix, but a workaround.
  If you don't like it, you are welcome to propose a real fix.
  Until that, the link is needed, and I don't think you are allowed to call
  that a bad advice.
  I would be curious to know how you interpret the mplayer error message

best regards,
Pierre Frenkiel

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Debian Read Only

2015-05-26 Thread Sebastian Oldani
Les hago una consulta, quiero configurar mi debian en una especie de 
read only.

Quiero saber si alguien hizo esto, si lo probó o alguna sugerencia.

La idea básicamente es que es sistema quede frezado, quiero poder 
reiniciar la PC en cualquier momento y que el sistema no muera, pero 
también quiero tener una partición para guardar datos.

Yo probé un par de tutoriales que encontré por internet, pero cuando 
empiezo a maltratar al sistema (reinicio a cada rato), me da error y no 
inicia más.

Por eso quería escuchar sus opiniones y experiencias.


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cron.d scripts

2015-05-26 Thread Pol Hallen

Hi all :-)

doing a check of my system, I see some scripts in /etc/cron.d/

if my /etc/crontab contains:


# m h dom mon dow user  command
17 ** * *   rootcd /  run-parts --report /etc/cron.hourly
25 6* * *   roottest -x /usr/sbin/anacron || ( cd /  run-parts 
--report /etc/cron.daily )
47 6* * 7   roottest -x /usr/sbin/anacron || ( cd /  run-parts 
--report /etc/cron.weekly )
52 61 * *   roottest -x /usr/sbin/anacron || ( cd /  run-parts 
--report /etc/cron.monthly )

who starts the scripts inside /etc/cron.d/?

thanks for help! :-)


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Re: cron.d scripts

2015-05-26 Thread Kushal Kumaran
Pol Hallen writes:

 Hi all :-)

 doing a check of my system, I see some scripts in /etc/cron.d/

 if my /etc/crontab contains:


 # m h dom mon dow user  command
 17 ** * *   rootcd /  run-parts --report /etc/cron.hourly
 25 6* * *   roottest -x /usr/sbin/anacron || ( cd / 
 run-parts --report /etc/cron.daily )
 47 6* * 7   roottest -x /usr/sbin/anacron || ( cd / 
 run-parts --report /etc/cron.weekly )
 52 61 * *   roottest -x /usr/sbin/anacron || ( cd / 
 run-parts --report /etc/cron.monthly )

 who starts the scripts inside /etc/cron.d/?

cron reads the files in /etc/cron.d in addition to /etc/crontab and the
per-user crontab files.  See the cron(8) manpage.

The files in /etc/cron.d are supposed to be crontab files, not scripts
like those being run using run-parts.


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Re: Jessie swap

2015-05-26 Thread Guillaume


En  effet désolé je me suis mal exprimé :)

Je vais restart une des machines virtuelle sur le noyau de Wheezy.

Au niveau process en effet il y en a quelques-uns en plus sous Jessie,
mais ceux-ci ne consomme pas grand chose.

Merci pour les pistes en tous cas.

Le 26/05/2015 10:08, Sylvain L. Sauvage a écrit :

Le mardi 26 mai 2015, 09:33:20 Guillaume a écrit :



J'aimerais savoir si c'était normal que Jessie (8.0) consomme
plus de swap que Wheezy pour les mêmes services.

   Déjà, on va dire que « Jessie consomme plus de swap » est un
raccourci pour « avec le noyau et les applications de Jessie, il
y a plus de swap consommé ».

   Et ça nous mène donc à deux possibilités :

   Soit c’est le nouveau noyau qui est plus enclin à mettre plus
de chose en swap (soit par modification des algorithmes, soit
par modification des valeurs par défaut de leurs paramètres
   Et ça peut se vérifier en essayant d’autres versions du noyau
(p.ex. celle de Wheezy) ou d’autres paramètres.

   Soit ce sont les applications qui consomment plus de mémoire
(et donc du swap).
   Et ça se vérifie en comparant, entre Wheezy et Jessie, les
processus qui tournent :
   — y a-t-il des processus en plus ?
   — les paramètres sont-ils les mêmes ?
 → même config perso ou config par défaut ?
   — et, surtout, quelle est l’occupation mémoire de chaque
processus ?

   Après, savoir si quelque chose est « normal »…

Les machines incriminées sont des machines virtuelles
hébergées sur un serveur Xen 4.4.1.


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Re: IP performance question

2015-05-26 Thread Petter Adsen
On Sun, 24 May 2015 16:01:41 +0300
Reco wrote:

 On Sun, 24 May 2015 13:47:48 +0200
 Petter Adsen wrote:
  On Sun, 24 May 2015 13:26:52 +0200
  Petter Adsen wrote:
   Thanks to you, I now get ~880Mbps, which is a lot better. It seems
   increasing the MTU was what had the most effect, so I won't bother
   with TCP window size.
  Now, this is a little odd:
  petter@monster:/etc$ iperf -i 1 -c fenris -r 
  Server listening on TCP port 5001
  TCP window size: 85.3 KByte (default)
  Client connecting to fenris, TCP port 5001
  TCP window size:  280 KByte (default)
  [  5] local port 49636 connected with
  port 5001 [ ID] Interval   Transfer Bandwidth
  [  5]  0.0- 1.0 sec   104 MBytes   875 Mbits/sec
  [  5]  1.0- 2.0 sec  97.8 MBytes   820 Mbits/sec
  [  5]  2.0- 3.0 sec   104 MBytes   868 Mbits/sec
  [  5]  3.0- 4.0 sec   104 MBytes   876 Mbits/sec
  [  5]  4.0- 5.0 sec   104 MBytes   876 Mbits/sec
  [  5]  5.0- 6.0 sec  83.0 MBytes   696 Mbits/sec
  [  5]  6.0- 7.0 sec   105 MBytes   879 Mbits/sec
  [  5]  7.0- 8.0 sec   104 MBytes   875 Mbits/sec
  [  5]  8.0- 9.0 sec   105 MBytes   884 Mbits/sec
  [  5]  9.0-10.0 sec   104 MBytes   877 Mbits/sec
  [  5]  0.0-10.0 sec  1016 MBytes   852 Mbits/sec
  [  4] local port 5001 connected with
  port 34815 [  4]  0.0- 1.0 sec  98.5 MBytes   826 Mbits/sec
  [  4]  1.0- 2.0 sec  98.5 MBytes   826 Mbits/sec
  [  4]  2.0- 3.0 sec  97.4 MBytes   817 Mbits/sec
  [  4]  3.0- 4.0 sec  98.0 MBytes   822 Mbits/sec
  [  4]  4.0- 5.0 sec  98.5 MBytes   827 Mbits/sec
  [  4]  5.0- 6.0 sec  98.1 MBytes   823 Mbits/sec
  [  4]  6.0- 7.0 sec  98.6 MBytes   827 Mbits/sec
  [  4]  7.0- 8.0 sec  98.5 MBytes   826 Mbits/sec
  [  4]  8.0- 9.0 sec  98.5 MBytes   827 Mbits/sec
  [  4]  9.0-10.0 sec  98.5 MBytes   826 Mbits/sec
  [  4]  0.0-10.0 sec   984 MBytes   825 Mbits/sec
  I have run it many times, and the results are consistently ~50Mbps
  lower in the other direction. MTU is set to 7152 on both hosts, but
  the window size is back to the default values (212992).
 Hmm. A first thought is that you have a different TCP window size on
 client and a server.

Nope. Exactly the same.

 And a second thought is that you probably should check interface
 statistics with ifconfig or 'ip -s link show'. Every packet that is
 not RX or TX means trouble.

Clean. On both hosts.

And even worse, after starting to mess with this, browsing is
_abysmal_. After taking a few speed tests online ( etc),
upload/download and ping times seem good, but the number of connections
per minute are severely limited, hovering at ~700. A friend on the same
network, just down the street and with the same connection gets over
1800. We are connected to the same node. Whether these tests are
trustworthy, though, I have no idea.

I've tried to set everything back to the defaults, as I've documented
every change I've made, but it doesn't seem to help. I'll try to reboot
later today if I can, I have so much context up right now that I really
don't want to lose, but I haven't made any permanent changes yet, so it
should come up the way it was.

I really don't want to lose the extra 150Mbps I gained by increasing
MTU, though, as that would have an impact on my day-to-day workflow.


I'm ionized
Are you sure?
I'm positive.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

ACPI error

2015-05-26 Thread ioann sys
I have problem on my notebook whith optimus tech. Maybe, this information
actually for you.

Sorry for my bad english.

NVRM: loading NVIDIA UNIX x86_64 Kernel Module  340.76  Thu Jan 22 12:11:08
PST 2015
[ 6266.300289] vgaarb: this pci device is not a vga device
[ 6266.302749] ACPI Warning: \_SB_.PCI0.PEG0.PEGP._DSM: Argument #4 type
mismatch - Found [Buffer], ACPI requires [Package] (20150204/nsarguments-95)

 [ 6266.302794] ACPI Warning: \_SB_.PCI0.PEG0.PEGP._DSM: Argument #4 type
 mismatch - Found [Buffer], ACPI requires [Package] (20150204/nsarguments-95)

[ 6266.302818] ACPI Warning: \_SB_.PCI0.PEG0.PEGP._DSM: Argument #4 type
mismatch - Found [Buffer], ACPI requires [Package] (20150204/nsarguments-95)
[ 6266.302840] ACPI Warning: \_SB_.PCI0.PEG0.PEGP._DSM: Argument #4 type
mismatch - Found [Buffer], ACPI requires [Package] (20150204/nsarguments-95)
[ 6266.302861] ACPI Warning: \_SB_.PCI0.PEG0.PEGP._DSM: Argument #4 type
mismatch - Found [Buffer], ACPI requires [Package] (20150204/nsarguments-95)
[ 6266.302882] ACPI Warning: \_SB_.PCI0.PEG0.PEGP._DSM: Argument #4 type
mismatch - Found [Buffer], ACPI requires [Package] (20150204/nsarguments-95)
[ 6266.302915] ACPI Warning: \_SB_.PCI0.PEG0.PEGP._DSM: Argument #4 type
mismatch - Found [Buffer], ACPI requires [Package] (20150204/nsarguments-95)
[ 6266.302937] ACPI Warning: \_SB_.PCI0.PEG0.PEGP._DSM: Argument #4 type
mismatch - Found [Buffer], ACPI requires [Package] (20150204/nsarguments-95)
[ 6266.318192] ACPI Error: Field [TMPB] at 1081344 exceeds Buffer [ROM1]
size 262144 (bits) (20150204/dsopcode-236)
[ 6266.318196] ACPI Error: Method parse/execution failed
[\_SB_.PCI0.PEG0.PEGP._ROM] (Node 8802264f94f0), AE_AML_BUFFER_LIMIT
[ 6266.327219] ACPI Warning: \_SB_.PCI0.PEG0.PEGP._DSM: Argument #4 type
mismatch - Found [Buffer], ACPI requires [Package] (20150204/nsarguments-95)
[ 6266.483020] vgaarb: this pci device is not a vga device
[ 6267.684572] ACPI Warning: \_SB_.PCI0.PEG0.PEGP._DSM: Argument #4 type
mismatch - Found [Buffer], ACPI requires [Package] (20150204/nsarguments-95)
[ 6267.688891] [drm] Module unloaded
[ 6267.704719] bbswitch: disabling discrete graphics
[ 6267.704733] ACPI Warning: \_SB_.PCI0.PEG0.PEGP._DSM: Argument #4 type
mismatch - Found [Buffer], ACPI requires [Package] (20150204/nsarguments-95)
[ 6267.718371] pci :01:00.0: Refused to change power state, currently
in D0
[ 6357.559284] bbswitch: enabling discrete graphics
[ 6357.738597] [drm] Initialized nvidia-drm 0.0.0 20150116 for :01:00.0
on minor 1
[ 6357.738601] NVRM: loading NVIDIA UNIX x86_64 Kernel Module  340.76  Thu
Jan 22 12:11:08 PST 2015
[ 6357.749653] vgaarb: this pci device is not a vga device
[ 6357.752016] ACPI Warning: \_SB_.PCI0.PEG0.PEGP._DSM: Argument #4 type
mismatch - Found [Buffer], ACPI requires [Package] (20150204/nsarguments-95)
[ 6357.752061] ACPI Warning: \_SB_.PCI0.PEG0.PEGP._DSM: Argument #4 type
mismatch - Found [Buffer], ACPI requires [Package] (20150204/nsarguments-95)
[ 6357.752085] ACPI Warning: \_SB_.PCI0.PEG0.PEGP._DSM: Argument #4 type
mismatch - Found [Buffer], ACPI requires [Package] (20150204/nsarguments-95)
[ 6357.752108] ACPI Warning: \_SB_.PCI0.PEG0.PEGP._DSM: Argument #4 type
mismatch - Found [Buffer], ACPI requires [Package] (20150204/nsarguments-95)
[ 6357.752130] ACPI Warning: \_SB_.PCI0.PEG0.PEGP._DSM: Argument #4 type
mismatch - Found [Buffer], ACPI requires [Package] (20150204/nsarguments-95)
[ 6357.752152] ACPI Warning: \_SB_.PCI0.PEG0.PEGP._DSM: Argument #4 type
mismatch - Found [Buffer], ACPI requires [Package] (20150204/nsarguments-95)
[ 6357.752186] ACPI Warning: \_SB_.PCI0.PEG0.PEGP._DSM: Argument #4 type
mismatch - Found [Buffer], ACPI requires [Package] (20150204/nsarguments-95)
[ 6357.752208] ACPI Warning: \_SB_.PCI0.PEG0.PEGP._DSM: Argument #4 type
mismatch - Found [Buffer], ACPI requires [Package] (20150204/nsarguments-95)
[ 6357.767139] ACPI Error: Field [TMPB] at 1081344 exceeds Buffer [ROM1]
size 262144 (bits) (20150204/dsopcode-236)
[ 6357.767142] ACPI Error: Method parse/execution failed
[\_SB_.PCI0.PEG0.PEGP._ROM] (Node 8802264f94f0), AE_AML_BUFFER_LIMIT
[ 6357.776074] ACPI Warning: \_SB_.PCI0.PEG0.PEGP._DSM: Argument #4 type
mismatch - Found [Buffer], ACPI requires [Package] (20150204/nsarguments-95)
[ 6357.931485] vgaarb: this pci device is not a vga device
[ 6394.464765] ACPI Warning: \_SB_.PCI0.PEG0.PEGP._DSM: Argument #4 type
mismatch - Found [Buffer], ACPI requires [Package] (20150204/nsarguments-95)
[ 6394.469335] [drm] Module unloaded
[ 6394.482860] bbswitch: disabling discrete graphics
[ 6394.482874] ACPI Warning: \_SB_.PCI0.PEG0.PEGP._DSM: Argument #4 type
mismatch - Found [Buffer], ACPI requires [Package] (20150204/nsarguments-95)
[ 6394.497849] pci :01:00.0: Refused to change power state, currently
in D0

Re: IP performance question

2015-05-26 Thread Petter Adsen
On Sun, 24 May 2015 15:53:17 +0300
Reco wrote:

 On Sun, 24 May 2015 13:26:52 +0200
 Petter Adsen wrote:
   On Sun, 24 May 2015 11:28:36 +0200
   Petter Adsen wrote:
 On Sun, 24 May 2015 10:36:39 +0200
 Petter Adsen wrote:
  I've been trying to improve NFS performance at home, and in
  that process i ran iperf to get an overview of general
  network performance. I have two Jessie hosts connected to a
  dumb switch with Cat-5e. One host uses a Realtek RTL8169
  PCI controller, and the other has an Intel 82583V on the
  iperf maxes out at about 725Mbps. At first I thought maybe
  the switch could be at fault, it's a really cheap one, so I
  connected both hosts to my router instead. Didn't change
  anything, and it had no significant impact on the load on
  the router. I can't try to run iperf on the router
  (OpenWRT), though, as it maxes out the CPU.
  Should I be getting more than 725Mbps in the real world?
 A quick test in my current environment shows this:
 [ ID] Interval   Transfer Bandwidth
 [  3]  0.0-10.0 sec  1.10 GBytes   941 Mbits/sec
 Two hosts, connected via Cisco 8-port unmanaged switch,
 Realtek 8168e on one host, Atheros Attansic L1 on another.
 On the other hand, the same test, Realtek 8139e on one side,
 but with lowly Marvell ARM SOC on the other side shows this:
 [ ID] Interval   Transfer Bandwidth
 [  3]  0.0-10.0 sec   534 MBytes   448 Mbits/sec
 So - you can, definitely, and yes, it depends.

That last one, would that be limited because of CPU power?
   That too. You cannot extract that much juice from a single-core
   ARM5. Another possibility is that Marvell is unable to design a
   good chipset even in the case it would be a matter of life and
   death :)
  That might be why I'm not using the Marvell adapter :) I remember
  reading somewhere that either Marvell or Realtek were bad, but I
  couldn't remember which one, so I kept using the Realtek one since I
  had obviously switched for a reason :)
 Both are actually. Realtek *was* good at least 5 years ago, but since
 then they managed to introduce multiple chips that are managed by the
 same r8169 kernel module. Since then it became a matter of luck.
 Either your NIC works flawlessly without any firmware (mine does), or
 you're getting all kinds of weird glitches.

The Realtek is not at all new, but I have no idea just how old, as it
was given to me by a friend. 5 years sounds about right, though. I do
have the firmware installed, haven't tried without it.

I'm slowly beginning to think about getting another NIC, but what? I've
heard good things about Intel, and the Intel in the other box is
behaving well. Are there any specific chipsets to buy or stay away
from? The one I have is a 82583V.

I haven't bought a separate NIC since the days of the DEC 21140 :)

 Try the same test but use UDP instead of TCP.

Only gives me 1.03Mbits/sec :)
   iperf(1) says that by default UDP is capped on 1Mbit. Use -b
   option on client side to set desired bandwidth to 1024m like this:
   iperf -c server -u -b 1024M
   Note that -b should be the last option. Gives me 812 Mbits/sec
   with the default UDP buffer settings.
  Didn't notice that. I get 808, so close to what you get.
 Good. The only thing is left to do is to apply that 'udp' flag to NFS
 clients, and you're set. Just don't mix it with 'async' flag, as Bad
 Things ™ can happen if you do so (see nfs(5) for the gory details).

Yes, I always use 'sync' anyways - performance isn't _that_
important, data integrity is :)

   net.core.rmem_max = 4194304
   net.core.wmem_max = 1048576
  OK, I've set them on both sides, but it doesn't change the results,
  no matter what values I give iperf with -w.
 Now that's weird. I picked those sysctl values from one of NFS
 performance tuning guides. Maybe I misunderstood something.

I'll do a little more searching online, I need to better understand
what I'm messing with in any case. I seriously dislike setting
parameters I don't understand. In my bookcase is a copy of Computer
Networks by Tanenbaum, I guess that's my next stop.

   Of course, for this to work it would require to increase MTU on
   every host between your two, so that's kind of a last resort
  Well, both hosts are connected to the same switch (or right now, to
  the router, but I could easily put them back on the switch if that
  matters). One of the hosts would not accept a value larger than
  7152, but it did have quite an effect: I now get up to 880Mbps :)
 Consider yourself lucky as MTU experiments on server hardware usually
 lead to a long trip to a datacenter :)

I'd be hard pressed to call any of this server hardware or a
datacenter :)

  Will this 

Re: Perl scripts: line by line parsing vs accumulating (was: the correct way to read a big directory? Mutt?)

2015-05-26 Thread Vincent Lefevre
On 2015-05-25 20:14:50 -0500, David Wright wrote:
 Well, the discussion in these threads has ranged widely over trying to
 speed up the reading of directories and large numbers of files. Every
 so often, I think about what you're doing with that huge directory of
 emails, all 145k of them.

Well, now with the sort by inode, this is mostly OK. This is not
immediate, whether the data are in the cache or not, but not too
slow, mainly given the fact I do not do changes much often. Of
course, I would prefer it to be faster, but not with the drawback
of getting more complex code, less readable and maintainable.

 AIUI, and correct me if I'm wrong, you have to be able to read them
 with a mail client (mutt). You have to check that (all) the header
 lines are correctly formed and that each email has a single unique

Yes, and the first check is a consequence of the second one: checking
whether an e-mail message has a single Message-Id makes sense only
when the headers are well-formed.

I have two archive mailboxes: one very big (146k messages currently)
for old messages, and one small (not more than 3k messages) for recent
messages. I use the same script on both (the validation is useful
mainly on the latter one, and I fix messages manually for the *rare*
ones that don't have a single Message-Id, otherwise I could do that
automatically with procmail since I'm using it).

BTW, I also detect that all the Message-Id's in the mailbox are

 Not being conversant with the maildir format, I took a look at to see how filenames
 are used, and how flags are implemented. I see one also might have to
 be careful about preserving timestamps.

Well, tools that are based on timestamps are poorly designed, at least
for mailboxes that are not incoming mailboxes. Timestamps are not used
in the standard specification:

 Anyway, the questions that pop into my head are things like:
 If an email doesn't have a message-id, why not give it one with a
 X-header that you recognise as your own? (You could process duplicates

I add a Message-Id header, no need for a X-header.

 Why not put your X-header as the first line in the file? (In most
 cases, it would be a copy of the original message-id.) Then you only
 have to read one line to get at your X-header/message-id on every
 subsequent occasion that you process the files.

I prefer to keep the full header exactly as it is, if it doesn't need
to be modified. This sometimes gives some information, e.g. when the
Message-Id was added in the chain of servers (though this is not
completely reliable).

In any case, to ensure that the message-id is unique, I need to parse
the whole header.

 If a header line is malformed, why not fix it up straight away as best
 you can (rather than die), perhaps flagging the fact.

The goal of this script is to check whether this occurs. In practice,
this shouldn't happen, and I prefer to look and fix it manually in
the rare occasions where this occurs. Any fix normally occurs in the
recent mailbox, before the messages go to the old one. Thus an
error in the old one means a serious problem (IIRC this has never
occurred yet).

 BTW I couldn't help being amused by this paragraph in the dovecot wiki:
 Issues with the specification
  Although maildir was designed to be lockless, Dovecot locks the
  maildir while doing modifications to it or while looking for new
  messages in it. This is required because otherwise Dovecot might
  temporarily see mails incorrectly deleted, which would cause
  trouble. Basically the problem is that if one process modifies the
  maildir (eg. a rename() to change a message's flag), another process
  in the middle of listing files at the same time could skip a file. The
  skipping happens because readdir() system call doesn't guarantee that
  all the files are returned if the directory is modified between the
  calls to it. This problem exists with all the commonly used

That's one of the problems discussed in another part of the thread.
With a POSIX compliant file system (thus not like ext3), one can't
miss a file; however one can get an entry under the old file name,
but this is unavoidable and doesn't necessarily matter (and if it
does because one needs to open the file, one can detect it[*] and
re-read the directory).

[*] i.e. if opening the file fails. To be completely secure, after
opening the file, if this succeeds, one probably needs to check the
inode with fstat() to detect a double rename which has changed the
file (= inode); however such a double rename shouldn't occur in a
maildir, i.e. a new e-mail message should always get a new filename
(otherwise this would break other things anyway, yielding data loss
or data corruption).

Vincent Lefèvre - Web:
100% accessible validated (X)HTML - 

Re: [Solved} logitech z515 wireless speaker not working

2015-05-26 Thread Nicolas George
Le septidi 7 prairial, an CCXXIII, Pierre Frenkiel a écrit :
   I already said that it's not a fix but a workaround.
   It's your perfect right not to spend time to help people (or
   may-be you are unable to help), but in that case please don't pollute
   the list with useless comments.

My comment is not useless, it corrects the misleading solved you wrote in
the subject line and warns readers about the dubious advice you gave.

End of discussion from my point of view.


  Nicolas George

Description: Digital signature

Cinnamon crashing after upgrade to 2.4 from experimental repo

2015-05-26 Thread Philipp Trulson

Hello everyone,

I installed Debian 8 Cinnamon on my new Dell XPS 13 2015 and to get the 
new Intel driver I upgraded to Sid. But now cinnamon-control-center had 
a problem with the network-manager being = 1.0.0. My solution: 
Upgrading to Cinnamon 2.4 from the experimental branch.

But now Cinnamon is always crashing. I attached the .xsession-errors 
file, but I am not sure what the core of the problem is so I don't want 
to report it yet. There is no rogue package of the old version left, 
everything is upgraded to 2.4. Maybe you can help me.

Best regards,
Xsession: X session started for philipp at Di 26. Mai 16:04:23 CEST 2015
localuser:philipp being added to access control list
openConnection: connect: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
cannot connect to brltty at :0
=== xinerama setup Configuration ===
  Clone: false
  Output: Laptop attached to eDP1
 status: on
 width: 1920
 height: 1080
 rate: 60
 primary: true
 position: 0 0
  Output: (null) attached to DP1
 status: off
 width: -1
 height: -1
 rate: -1
 primary: false
 position: -1 -1
  Output: (null) attached to HDMI1
 status: off
 width: -1
 height: -1
 rate: -1
 primary: false
 position: -1 -1
  Output: (null) attached to VIRTUAL1
 status: off
 width: -1
 height: -1
 rate: -1
 primary: false
 position: -1 -1
=== auto-configure - xinerama mode Configuration ===
  Clone: false
  Output: Laptop attached to eDP1
 status: on
 width: 1920
 height: 1080
 rate: 60
 primary: true
 position: 0 0
  Output: (null) attached to DP1
 status: off
 width: -1
 height: -1
 rate: -1
 primary: false
 position: -1 -1
  Output: (null) attached to HDMI1
 status: off
 width: -1
 height: -1
 rate: -1
 primary: false
 position: -1 -1
  Output: (null) attached to VIRTUAL1
 status: off
 width: -1
 height: -1
 rate: -1
 primary: false
 position: -1 -1
=== Applying Configuration Configuration ===
  Clone: false
  Output: Laptop attached to eDP1
 status: on
 width: 1920
 height: 1080
 rate: 60
 primary: true
 position: 0 0
  Output: (null) attached to DP1
 status: off
 width: -1
 height: -1
 rate: -1
 primary: false
 position: -1 -1
  Output: (null) attached to HDMI1
 status: off
 width: -1
 height: -1
 rate: -1
 primary: false
 position: -1 -1
  Output: (null) attached to VIRTUAL1
 status: off
 width: -1
 height: -1
 rate: -1
 primary: false
 position: -1 -1
x-session-manager[952]: WARNING: Failed to start app: Unable to start 
application: Kindprozess »/usr/bin/vmware-user-suid-wrapper« konnte nicht 
ausgeführt werden (Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden)
Window manager warning: Log level 16: The property GSettings:schema is 
deprecated and shouldn't be used anymore. It will be removed in a future 

** (polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1:1122): WARNING **: Unable to register 
authentication agent: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.PolicyKit1.Error.Failed: An 
authentication agent already exists for the given subject
Cannot register authentication agent: 
GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.PolicyKit1.Error.Failed: An authentication agent 
already exists for the given subject

(zeitgeist-datahub:1125): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: invalid (NULL) pointer 

(zeitgeist-datahub:1125): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_signal_connect_data: 
assertion 'G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE (instance)' failed

(nm-applet:1124): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: The property GtkButton:use-stock is 
deprecated and shouldn't be used anymore. It will be removed in a future 

(nm-applet:1124): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: The property 
GtkSettings:gtk-button-images is deprecated and shouldn't be used anymore. It 
will be removed in a future version.

(nm-applet:1124): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: The property GtkImage:stock is 
deprecated and shouldn't be used anymore. It will be removed in a future 

(nm-applet:1124): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: The property 
GtkSettings:gtk-menu-images is deprecated and shouldn't be used anymore. It 
will be removed in a future version.

(nemo:1123): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: The property GtkSettings:gtk-menu-images 
is deprecated and shouldn't be used anymore. It will be removed in a future 

(nemo:1123): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: The property 
GtkSettings:gtk-button-images is deprecated and shouldn't be used anymore. It 
will be removed in a future version.

(nemo:1123): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: The property GtkWidget:margin-left is 
deprecated and shouldn't be used anymore. It will be removed in a future 


Re: [Solved} logitech z515 wireless speaker not working

2015-05-26 Thread Lisi Reisz
On Tuesday 26 May 2015 13:21:39 Nicolas George wrote:
 Le septidi 7 prairial, an CCXXIII, Pierre Frenkiel a écrit :
I already said that it's not a fix but a workaround.
It's your perfect right not to spend time to help people (or
may-be you are unable to help), but in that case please don't pollute
the list with useless comments.

 My comment is not useless, it corrects the misleading solved you wrote in
 the subject line and warns readers about the dubious advice you gave.

 End of discussion from my point of view.

You really do want the last word, don't you?  

Anyone with Pierre's problem can use his solution to make his speaker work.  
You have offered no better solution, even though one does probably exist.

Solved seems fine to me, and likely to help people with the problem.

And remember, you have twice said that you are not going to say anything more 
or spend any more time.  You'll do us all a favour if you stick to that, 
unless you have something helpful to say that will solve the problem in a 
better fashion than Pierre has.


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Re: VoIP in jessie

2015-05-26 Thread Juha Heinanen writes:

 peter@armada:~$ baresip
 baresip: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared 
 object file: No such file or directory
 peter@armada:~$ ls -ld /usr/local/lib/lib*so
 -rwxr-xr-x 1 root staff  138008 May 25 07:51 /usr/local/lib/
 -rwxr-xr-x 1 root staff 1052876 May 25 22:47 /usr/local/lib/
 Where do you keep and etc.?

download latest source of re and rem from here:

then in the source dir of each, build deb of the library:

dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -b -us -uc

finally install the libs with gdebi.

-- juha

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to 
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: debian 8 tourne lentement

2015-05-26 Thread Christophe De Natale

apt-get install intel-microcode a résolu ce problème sur un notebook pour ma 


Christophe De Natale

 Le 26 mai 2015 à 11:50, Sébastien NOBILI a écrit :
 Le mardi 26 mai 2015 à 11:29, Thierry Granier a écrit :
 j'ai installe Jessie depuis 15 jours et je constate que toutes les applis
 Est ce que quelqu'un a constate la même chose?
 Pas de problème sur mes différents systèmes (des serveurs, des postes de
 Comment faire pour améliorer ca?
 modifier le cache? le noyau?  etc
 Avant d'envisager ce genre de solution, essaye déjà de déterminer ce qui fait
 Quelle charge sur ton système (commande top ou htop) ?
 Quels sont les processus qui utilisent le plus de CPU (même commande) ?
 Quels sont les processus qui utilisent le plus d'I/O (commande iptop) ?
 Combien de RAM au total, combien utilisée, combien en cache, combien de SWAP 
 total, combien utilisé (commande free -h) ?
 Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question :
 Pour vous DESABONNER, envoyez un message avec comme objet unsubscribe
 En cas de soucis, contactez EN ANGLAIS

Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question :

Pour vous DESABONNER, envoyez un message avec comme objet unsubscribe
En cas de soucis, contactez EN ANGLAIS

Re: Melhor alternativa de Backup para x empresas.

2015-05-26 Thread Flavio Menezes dos Reis
Ainda fico curioso, usando somente o rsync, como fazem para manter o
histórico de backups diários, como incrementais, ou mesmo completos? Pois,
para não precisar utilizar algo como o tar (e certamente, no mínimo, um
gz), tenho utilizado snapshots com ZFS, pois foi a alternativa mais cômoda
de todas.


Em 25 de maio de 2015 19:50, Richard Rosario escreveu:

 Entendi. Parece funcionar bem.
 Em 25/05/2015 16:31, Geowany Galdino

 Alguns backups faço com rsync e em alguns casos uso até o sshfs. Quando
 faço dessa forma, deixo os scripts em verbose direcionando os logs para
 algum lugar como /var/logs/backup.log e /var/logs/backup-error.log.

 Em 25 de maio de 2015 14:02, Richard Rosario

 No caso ainda não tenho esse controle. Só joguei no cron e acompanho pra
 ver se tá fazendo o backup direitinho.

 Richard Rosário

 Em 25 de maio de 2015 15:50, Flavio Menezes dos Reis escreveu:


 E como tu faz pra manter um histórico. Só consegui algo fácil depois
 que o André da Serpro palestrou sobre o ZoL (ZFS on Linux) e passei a
 utilizá-lo com Debian. Pois ter que tratar com .tar.gz diariamente não é

 Em 25 de maio de 2015 12:51, Richard Rosario

 Também uso o rsync. É o mais fácil que encontrei já que faço backup
 apenas de arquivos.

 Richard Rosário

 Em 25 de maio de 2015 08:41, Flavio Menezes dos Reis escreveu:

 Com certeza o bacula é a referência em termos de software para bacula
 no mundo de software livre.

 Em todo caso, em nosso ambiente de trabalho, tenho usado ZFS/rsync e
 alguns scripts para automatização. Como nossa necessidade maior de 
 backup é
 basicamente de sistema de arquivos, esta solução tem sido muito
 interessante. Facilita muito a recuperação de arquivos.


 Em 25 de maio de 2015 03:24, Geowany Galdino escreveu:

 Não fica tão chato para configurar se usar o Webacula ou o próprio

 Em 24 de maio de 2015 12:15, Emerson Sobreiro

 Backup corporativo em Linux o melhor é Bacula com certeza.
 Em 24/05/2015 12:33, Richard Rosario

 Nunca usei nenhum desses, mas já vi boas coisas sobre o Bacula. Me
 parece um pouco chato de configurar, mas bem confiável.

 Richard Rosário

 Em 23 de maio de 2015 13:41, Rodrigo Batista escreveu:

 Boa Tarde Galera.

 Gostaria de saber de vocês qual melhor solução.

 *Carbonite Business x Mozypro X SafeBackup*
 Atualmente Utilizo o Mozypro e vendo esse serviço para vários
 E gostaria agora de montar uma solução semelhante, em um servidor
 proprio que tenho.
 o que vocês me indica de solução ? Se possível soluções Livre.

 @@ Tenha uma Longa ViDa @@
 *Rodrigo Batista*
 Celular :. 011-7865-6291
  °v°   Seja Livre...
 /(  )\  Use Linux..
  ^ ^

 *Geowany Galdino Alves*

 *Assistente em Tecnologia da Informação/NTI*
 *Licenciando em História*/CFCH
 Universidade Federal do Acre

 Flávio Menezes dos Reis
 Procuradoria-Geral do Estado do RS
 Seção de Infraestrutura de Rede - Assessoria de Informática
 Analista de Informática
 (51) 3288-1764

 Flávio Menezes dos Reis
 Procuradoria-Geral do Estado do RS
 Seção de Infraestrutura de Rede - Assessoria de Informática
 Analista de Informática
 (51) 3288-1764

 *Geowany Galdino Alves*

 *Assistente em Tecnologia da Informação/NTI*
 *Licenciando em História*/CFCH
 Universidade Federal do Acre

Flávio Menezes dos Reis
Procuradoria-Geral do Estado do RS
Seção de Infraestrutura de Rede - Assessoria de Informática
Analista de Informática
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Broadcom TG3 network drops, cannot recover without reboot

2015-05-26 Thread Justin Catterall

At irregular times, and apparently for no reason at all, networking
drops and cannot be restarted without reboot on a fresh install of
Jessie. The NIC is a Broadcom NetXtreme BCM5720.

ifconfig thinks networking is still up because I can:
ifconfig eth0 down

I find this when I try 'ifconfig eth0 up':
tg3_abort_hw timed out TX_MODE_ENABLE will not clear MAC_TX_MODE=

If I:
rmmod tg3; insmod tg3
the problem does not resolve. It seems the card needs a hard reset.

Searching the web there are various issues with the TG3, and most
are resolved by installing firmware-linux-nonfree. I have this
module installed but I can re-create the problem by running
/etc/init.d/networking restart. The networking stops working completely, I 
can't ping the machine nor can I ping from the machine.

Any suggestions on where to look for a solution?

Justin C, by the sea.

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[HS?] Se passer d'un serveur Microsoft / remplacer par du Libre

2015-05-26 Thread Christophe_yoda

... Depuis le temps que je voulais poster ces questions ...

Je viens vers la liste avec une question, bien oui, ou même plusieurs.
La chose est horrible, pour ma part d' encaisser des inepties en face de

J'ai lu beaucoup sur le sujet, mais je voudrais des avis de vrais gens :)

La question:
Est-il possible de remplacer l' éco-système Windows Server version 
pour gérer un parc informatique d'une trentaine de postes (1 Mac /
Windows Vista x32 Pro (dual boot Win/GNU Linux Mint ou autre / Windows 7
x64 Pro, des NAS / des imprimantes, )

L'inconnue C'est remplacer les outils tel que WSUS et Microsoft
Deployment Toolkit (MDT et le déploiement des logiciels (mise à  jour par

Ayant recherché une formation d'administreur GNU/Linux et de présenter
ma demande pour gérer des machines sous OS propriétaires.

Et de mettre l'administration de toutes les machines avec une machine
sous GNU/Linux (Pour ma part c'est Debian que je souhaite utiliser).

Les boîtes de formation mon répondu que c'était un bon projet et
certaines veulent bien me former, (formation longue durée de plus de 800

M'ont-elles données cachées des informations, du genre , certaines choses
ne peuvent pas se faire ! (Exemple le WSUS).

Je peux vous faire passer le programme de formation (en MP).

Note: Cela semble possible puisque des distributions telle que: OPSI
existe, et d'autres (?).

Merci pour vos retours, merci de ne pas troller, c'est pas vendredi ;)

J'espère que j'ai bien rédigé mes questions.


Debian Lenny user 2.6.26/Xorg 7.0.2  KDE 3.5.10 # # Il faut dire GNU/Linux :) #
GNU/Linux : May the Force be with you !

Re: [Solved} logitech z515 wireless speaker not working

2015-05-26 Thread Pierre Frenkiel

On Tue, 26 May 2015, Nicolas George wrote:

Yes, I did read your post. I also know how ALSA works and that VLC and
audacity are probably opening a different device than aplay and mplayer. The
real test is aplay, since it is the program that does the least black magic
behind the user's back.

   Very kind for vlc ans audacity developpers!
   I do like black magic when it makes something to work

Yes, please call it that. A fragile and unreliable workaround.

  It's easy to place some pejorative adjectives, but it's useless as long
  as you don't justify them.

You did not understand what is going on,

  Of course I don't; it's the reason of my post, but it's not your reply
  that will help anybody to understand.

 you did not properly fix the
problem, this is definitely bad advice. But you will not bait me into
spending more time on it.

  I already said that it's not a fix but a workaround.
  It's your perfect right not to spend time to help people (or
  may-be you are unable to help), but in that case please don't pollute
  the list with useless comments.

Pierre Frenkiel

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Re: Cinnamon crashing after upgrade to 2.4 from experimental repo

2015-05-26 Thread Sven Arvidsson
On Tue, 2015-05-26 at 14:25 +0200, Philipp Trulson wrote:
 Hello everyone,
 I installed Debian 8 Cinnamon on my new Dell XPS 13 2015 and to get the 
 new Intel driver I upgraded to Sid. But now cinnamon-control-center had 
 a problem with the network-manager being = 1.0.0. My solution: 
 Upgrading to Cinnamon 2.4 from the experimental branch.
 But now Cinnamon is always crashing. I attached the .xsession-errors 
 file, but I am not sure what the core of the problem is so I don't want 
 to report it yet. There is no rogue package of the old version left, 
 everything is upgraded to 2.4. Maybe you can help me.
 Best regards,


Looks like a known bug thats about to be fixed:

You can wait for the updated packages or install gir1.2-meta-muffin-0.0
from experimental.


Sven Arvidsson

Sven Arvidsson

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: Un error fatal con conky

2015-05-26 Thread Camaleón
El Mon, 25 May 2015 21:52:25 -0430, Miguel Matos escribió:

(ese html...)

 Saludos a la lista. El fin de semana pasado me instalé lxde para ver su
 estilacho, y ver qué se puede modificar. Y entre otras cosas, usé el
 conky-manager para agregar más efectos. Decido volver al gnome, porque
 necesitaba instalar el Adobeair (en lxde me rebotó), pero al cargar, me
 salió esta horrorosidad abominable:

Anda :-?

 ¿A qué creen que se deba esto? 

Quizá (y sólo es una teoría) al iniciar LXDE y volver a GNOME se están 
ejecutando dos instancias de conky, comprueba eso.

También puedes crear un nuevo usuario en GNOME, iniciar sesión él y ver 
cómo se ejecuta conky (si todos los widgets se ven bien).

 Otra cosa: en dos de la del lado derecho no me cargan las imágenes que
 (supuestamente) deben aparecer allí. He revisado en la configuración de
 cada widget, y la verdad no entiendo nada ni veo nada anormal. Una es
 de la temperatura de la 'Pe-Ce', la otra es el del clima, que debe ver
 si está soleado, nublado o con lluvia, pero NTI.

Quizá sea por el estilo del tema elegido de conky ¿has probado con otro?



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Good solutions vs. bad workarounds (was: logitech z515 wireless speaker not working)

2015-05-26 Thread Nicolas George
Le septidi 7 prairial, an CCXXIII, Lisi Reisz a écrit :
 You really do want the last word, don't you?  

Not really, 

 Anyone with Pierre's problem can use his solution to make his speaker work.  

Or they can use the solution to make their problem worse. This is the most
likely outcome with such a hacky work-around.

This is precisely the problem I am warning against with this kind of
non-solution: if you are lucky, you may be able to get things working right
now, but you are preparing a lot more trouble for later. This is ok if you
are doing this for yourself, after all you are just wasting your own time.
It is not ok to advertise it without proper warnings.

I have come to expect that kind of attitude on the Ubuntu webforums, I would
have hoped it was more frowned upon on Debian mailing lists. I am sad to
observer it is not the case.

 You have offered no better solution, even though one does probably exist.

I have given relevant information: the kernel option only changes the order
of the sound cards, aplay is the preferred tool for debugging, the error
message points to a faulty ALSA configuration.

 And remember, you have twice said that you are not going to say anything more 
 or spend any more time.  You'll do us all a favour if you stick to that, 
 unless you have something helpful to say that will solve the problem in a 
 better fashion than Pierre has.

My message was not intended for Pierre. Pierre can fix his problem with
sudo rm -rf / for all I care. My message was intended for all the readers
of this list archives who may be tempted to follow Pierre's advice without
realizing it will make their problem worse.

I do not intend to reply Pierre further, and you neither. That does not mean
I will not if someone has new arguments for the discussion, or on the
opposite adds more misleading information.


  Nicolas George

Description: Digital signature

Re: Debian Read Only

2015-05-26 Thread Camaleón
El Tue, 26 May 2015 07:33:16 -0300, Sebastian Oldani escribió:

 Les hago una consulta, quiero configurar mi debian en una especie de
 read only.
 Quiero saber si alguien hizo esto, si lo probó o alguna sugerencia.
 La idea básicamente es que es sistema quede frezado, quiero poder
 reiniciar la PC en cualquier momento y que el sistema no muera, pero
 también quiero tener una partición para guardar datos.

Hum... no lo pillo. Si reinicias el sistema, ese sistema muere.

Lo que puedes hacer es tener simplemente dos sistemas instalados, uno 
pequeñito para usar básicamente como de rescate y el otro que sea el 
principal y si falla uno siempre te queda el otro para poder realizar 
operaciones básicas de depuración.

 Yo probé un par de tutoriales que encontré por internet, pero cuando
 empiezo a maltratar al sistema (reinicio a cada rato), me da error y no
 inicia más.
 Por eso quería escuchar sus opiniones y experiencias.

Pues si explicas con más detalle lo que quieres hacer, mejor :-)



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Re: Haproxy como transparente en Debian Wheezy

2015-05-26 Thread Camaleón
El Tue, 26 May 2015 09:29:39 +0200, Maykel Franco escribió:

 El día 25 de mayo de 2015, 18:58, Maykel Franco

 El 25/05/2015 18:51, Camaleón escribió:


 En el caso del ejemplo del enlace sí porque el cliente se conecta al
 servidor web a través de un script en PHP pero si en tu caso no hay
 nada de eso detrás sino que la conexión va directa a la bdd mysql sin
 pasar por servidor web... pues no aplica. Lo que ya no sé es si habrá
 algún parámetro en MySQL para configurar esto :-?

 Umm que bueno voy a probarlo. Si, debajo del balanceador haproxy hay 3
 MySQL. La conexion hacia haproxy es para balancear usando mas tarde
 keepalive con ip virtual y 2 nodos haproxy pero eso es otro cantar.

 Comento resultados.

 He probado con esas opciones y sigue sin funcionar. Se queda el telnet
 en el haproxy pero no pasa el tráfico hacia los mysql. Todo es cuando
 añado la opción de source usesrc clientip. Si no la añado,
 el telnet a la ip de haproxy y al puerto 3306 llega hacia mysql pero con
 la ip de haproxy, no la del cliente que realiza la conexión.

Que no pase tráfico parece indicar un problema con la red o el enrutado 
de paquetes cuando añades esa opción... ¿cómo has configurado las reglas 
de iptables para que esto funcione?



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Re: yaboot: How to load Debian8 netboot installation images directly from the boot: prompt?

2015-05-26 Thread Herminio Hernandez Jr.
Here is how you boot with usb.

Sent from my iPhone

 On May 26, 2015, at 2:37 AM, Clark Wang wrote:
 On Tue, May 26, 2015 at 3:05 PM, yu wrote:
 As I know, yaboot can't set vmlinux and initrd at the same time in its
 prompt, the right way is to load an alternative config file, such as
 conf file=/boot/deb/yaboot.conf, but in this yaboot.conf, both
 vmlinux and initrd.gz are under /, the path is incorrect.
 so I guess you can write a new yaboot.conf in a USB flash drive, like:
 boot=/dev/sdaX(the prep partition)
 image=/boot/vmlinux (can use the jessie kernel image directly, not
 netboot image)
 and then try to load the conf  file in yaboot prompt by
 conf [device=device] [partition=partno] [file=/path/to/configfile]
 p.s.  I'm not sure whether yaboot can load a conf in usb device or not
  under iBook :(
 Thanks for the info. I may give it a try.
 2015-05-26 14:17 GMT+08:00 clarkw
  On Tue, May 26, 2015 at 2:09 PM, Petter Adsen wrote:
  On Tue, 26 May 2015 13:16:04 +0800
  Clark Wang wrote:
   On Tue, May 26, 2015 at 1:10 PM, Herminio Hernandez Jr wrote:
On Tue, 2015-05-26 at 10:22 +0800, Clark Wang wrote:
 I have an `iBook G4` and have `Debian 8 (Jessie)` installed on it.
 Yesterday I did something stupid (messed up `yaboot.conf` and ran
 `ybin`) and now the system cannot boot up.

 The old Debian 8 was installed on a single partition (`/dev/sda3`,
 `ext4`). I ever put the Debian 8 netboot installation images
 (downloaded from here) under `/boot/deb/`:


 So how can I boot the netboot installation images from the `boot:`
 prompt and reinstall Debian 8?

 I tried `boot: hd:3,/boot/deb/vmlinux root=/dev/ram read-only
 initrd=/boot/deb/initrd.gz initrd-size=300` but it did not
 work. (The screenshot taken with my phone.)



You can use the netinst cd as a recovery cd by doing the following.
   I forgot to mention that my iBook's CD drive is broken. :)
1. boot into the cd and at boot type recovery
   Or can I boot the netboot installation images (under /boot/deb/) from
   the Open Firmware prompt?
  Can the machine boot from a USB flash drive? Or over the network? One
  of these approaches might be easier for you.
  I'm trying to find out how to boot form USB. Boot from network also sounds
  good. I'll investigate how to setup a DHCP and TFTP server on my OS X
  (Yosemite) and how to boot iBook from network.
  Other than that, I'm afraid I can't help you - I know nothing about
  I never know about yaboot and Open Firmware when I was using Mac OS X on 
  iBook. They're all mysterious to me. Still learning. :)
  I'm ionized
  Are you sure?
  I'm positive.

Re: [Solved} logitech z515 wireless speaker not working

2015-05-26 Thread Pierre Frenkiel

On Tue, 26 May 2015, Lisi Reisz wrote:

And remember, you have twice said that you are not going to say anything more
or spend any more time.  You'll do us all a favour if you stick to that,
unless you have something helpful to say that will solve the problem in a
better fashion than Pierre has.

  hi Lisi,
  thanks for your comments.
  it's obviously useless to discuss with that guy, as he is only able
  to insult, but unable to provide an help (unless you name help
  the only hint faulty Alsa configuration !!)

Pierre Frenkiel

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Opacity in debian 8 Cinnamon

2015-05-26 Thread Jose Legido
Sorry if this is not the correct list
I have debian 8 with cinnamon. I would like to change opacity of the
windows with combination of keys, like superkey+wheel of mouse. I
could do this with kde or compiz.

It Is possible to do with cinnamon?


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2015-05-26 Thread Camaleón
El Mon, 25 May 2015 12:02:01 -0400, Alfredo escribió:

 Estoy montando LTSP en debian 8 y me esta dando un error que no había
 visto antes
  mount call failed -server replied: Permission denied chroot: can't
 execute 'test': No souch file or directory

¿Seguro que no lo habías visto antes? Yo recuerdo un mensaje¹ tuyo (?) a 
esta lista con un problema similar.

 alguna idea(una cosa no cuento con acceso a internet por favor adjuntar
 la información que me recomienden)
 disculpen la molestia y gracias de ante mano

Pues en esa ocasión lo resolviste de la siguiente forma:

 este es el error que me da

 mount call failed- server replied:Permission denied.

 esto ya esta solucionado
 Pues hombre, quien venga detrás con el mismo problema agradecerá que
 digas cómo lo has solucionado ¿no crees? ;-)
tienes razón nada que estaba apuntando el nfs como decían los manuales a 
/opt/tftp y yo lo mande a dentro de ltsp o sea /opt/ltsp/i386 y funciono

Ya sabía yo que poner la solución en la lista le sería de utilidad a 
alguien O:-)




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Re: NAS con WD MyCloud

2015-05-26 Thread Edward Villarroel (EDD)
debes responder a la lista no al personal!

bueno en mi caso desde el problema de seguridad que ocurrió con la cuestión
esta del NSA a los meses mi dispositivo(ioemga ahora lenovo) me obligo a
tener capa de seguridad y se me hace mas fácil por cifs, yo no e tenido
problemas para leer mis archivos...

Edward Villarroel:  @Agentedd

El 26 de mayo de 2015, 7:21, Juan escribió:

 El 23/05/2015 a las 17:37, Edward Villarroel (EDD) escribió:
  buenas tardes yo uso un iomega de 1TB y mi fstab es el siguiente
  /home/eddroot/PUBLICO/VIDEOS cifs
  username=admin,password=X,dir_mode=0777,file_mode=0777 0 0
  /home/eddroot/PUBLICO/FOTOS cifs
  username=admin,password=X,dir_mode=0777,file_mode=0777 0 0
  /home/eddroot/PUBLICO/DOCUMENTOS cifs
  username=admin,password=X,dir_mode=0777,file_mode=0777 0 0
  /home/eddroot/PUBLICO/MUSICAS cifs
  username=admin,password=X,dir_mode=0777,file_mode=0777 0 0
  /home/eddroot/PUBLICO/RESPALDOS cifs
  username=admin,password=XX,dir_mode=0777,file_mode=0777 0 0
  instala samba y cifs-utils
  por ultimo como root
  mount -a para forzar que monte los fs
  Edward Villarroel:  @Agentedd

 Hola Edward, gracias por responder. Una consulta ¿es conveniente usar
 cifs? porque he leído mientras buscaba como hacerlo que lo más
 recomendable es usar NFS, veo que vos lo usas con cifs, y en internet
 encontré casos donde también lo hacen así, pero por otro lado, como
 decía hay algunos que remiendan enfáticamente NO usar samba sino nfs.



Re: ssh från dator A till dator C via dator B

2015-05-26 Thread Michael Kjörling
On 26 May 2015 18:24 +0200, from (Andreas Olsson):
 2) ssh socks proxy
   ssh -f -D 8080 -N DatorB
   curl --proxy socks5h://localhost:8080 http://DatorC/

Fördelen med den senare är att de flesta webbläsare kan övertalas att
prata SOCKS 5 utan alltför stora krumbukter. I Firefox/Iceweasel
exempelvis under Edit  Preferences  Advanced  Network  Connection

Michael Kjörling • •
OpenPGP B501AC6429EF4514
 “People who think they know everything really annoy
 those of us who know we don’t.” (Bjarne Stroustrup)

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Re: Debian Read Only

2015-05-26 Thread sebastian Oldani
El día 26 de mayo de 2015, 11:04, Carlos Nicolas escribió:

 El 26 de mayo de 2015, 15:49, fernando sainz

 El día 26 de mayo de 2015, 12:33, Sebastian Oldani escribió:
  Les hago una consulta, quiero configurar mi debian en una especie de
  Quiero saber si alguien hizo esto, si lo probó o alguna sugerencia.
  La idea básicamente es que es sistema quede frezado, quiero poder
  la PC en cualquier momento y que el sistema no muera, pero también
  tener una partición para guardar datos.

 La verdad es que deberías currante un poco más la consulta, no se
 entiende lo que quieres.
 Cuando dices un sistema frezado, entiendo que congelado, puedo
 entender dos cosas:
   - una hibernación (que no es un apagado).
   - un sistema de solo lectura que aunque hagas cambios, se restaure
 en el siguiente arranque.
   En este segundo escenario se me ocurre que podrías ver algo como
 las distros live que se cargan completamente en memoria. (Lo que
 implica tener bastante memoria RAM).

  Yo probé un par de tutoriales que encontré por internet, pero cuando
  a maltratar al sistema (reinicio a cada rato), me da error y no inicia
  Por eso quería escuchar sus opiniones y experiencias.

 Por supuesto los apagados de botonazo no le van bien a ningún sistema
 de ficheros, aunque los de hoy en día son bastante tolerantes. (Podría
 mejorar si montaras las particiones con el modo sync, siempre que no
 sean ssd).

 De todas formas no veo la necesidad del botonazo, Debian apaga en

 Si hubieras mandado alguno de esos enlaces a lo mejor podíamos saber
 de que estabas hablando.


 ¿La idea es hacer algo parecido a una distribucion de ' kiosco' esa que
 tiene un navegador y un programa para escribir correos y que no guardan nada
 en el disco duro?. Es lo unico que me resulta parecido, si no no se a que
 puedes referirte

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Aca explican uno de los metodos que probé

Seria algo como un live CD, pero queria escuchar sus opiniones.

Yo se que debian apaga en segundos, ese no es el problema, lo que
sucede es que quiero hacer algo que soporte ese problema.

Es solo una pregunta sobre sus opiniones y experiencias.

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Re: where to get testing version of jessie installer?

2015-05-26 Thread Gary Dale

On 26/05/15 11:29 AM, Juha Heinanen wrote:

I'm back at trying to install Jessie on Acer C720 without going the long
route via Wheezy.

Just to recall, the problem is that current Jessie installer
debian-8.0.0-i386-netinst.iso from April 24, does not boot on Acer
C720.  Testing installer boots, but it is stretch installer.

Does anyone know if there exists a development version of next Jessie
installer somewhere?  Perhaps it would contain the same fix that exists
in testing installer.

-- Juha

It's unlikely to be an installer problem. Have you checked the integrity 
of the netinst ISO using the md5 or sha256 checksum?

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Re: ssh från dator A till dator C via dator B

2015-05-26 Thread Andreas Olsson
tis 2015-05-26 klockan 18:08 +0200 skrev
 Alltså http från dator A till dator C via dator B och ssh mellan A och

1) Vanlig ssh-tunnel

  ssh -f -L 8080:DatorC:80 -N DatorB
  curl --header Host: DatorC http://localhost:8080/

2) ssh socks proxy

  ssh -f -D 8080 -N DatorB
  curl --proxy socks5h://localhost:8080 http://DatorC/

// Andreas

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Virtual Machines - Re: Laptops, UEFI, Secure Boot and Debian

2015-05-26 Thread ken

On 05/26/2015 05:18 AM, Petter Adsen wrote:

Second, virtual machines these days are incredibly easy to set up and
use. Steve Litt posted a link to an introductory article on qemu/KVM
here very recently, I suggest that as a starting point. There is a tool
called Virtual Machine Manager (package: virt-manager) that I would
recommend. It is very easy to use, and uses qemu/KVM. Virtualbox from
Oracle is another alternative, though I prefer KVM.

Hey, Petter,

What advantages and/or disadvantages do you find between KVM and 

Using a VM takes a little bit of resources, but would give you the
ability to run another distribution without having to reboot. You can
run it full-screen, so you can use the desktop just as you normally
would. For increased performance, you can set the virtual machine up to
use a partition (or logical volume) just as a regular installation,
instead of using an image file.

After I buy myself a new laptop for this, I intend to install on it some 
VM system, haven't decided which yet.  I'd be using it for web 
development (probably Drupal) and so would want to have running browsers 
for Linux, Windows, and MacOS running to check pages' appearance and 
functionality.  (There are other reasons to run VMs, that's an important 
one though.)

Any tips you might offer towards this end, including hardware 
recommendations, would be much appreciated.

Thanks for sharing expertise.

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Re: where to get testing version of jessie installer?

2015-05-26 Thread Sven Arvidsson
On Tue, 2015-05-26 at 19:32 +0300, Juha Heinanen wrote:
 No I haven't but I don't think there is anything wrong with the image.
 When I start the installer, I get a black screen and the host reboots.
 It is known issue with official Jessie installer.  Beta installer from
 January worked fine, also Wheezy and many Ubuntu installers and Stretch
 installer.  I was hoping that there would be a new version of Jessie
 installer in the works that would include the fix that exists in Stretch

There was a link to a possible fix in the Fedora bugtracker:

Sven Arvidsson

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

[OFF-TOPIC] Error al importar estructura de una tabla

2015-05-26 Thread Maykel Franco
Hola muy buenas, estoy tratando de sacar importar una estrucutra de
una base de datos. Primero hago un dump con la opción --no-data, y
luego al tratrar de importarlo en otra bbddy me da el siguiente error:

2015-05-26 17:33:58 10765 [ERROR] Slave SQL: Error 'Table
'db_Aecoc.dv_listBrandsBase' doesn't exist' on query. Default
database: 'db_Aecoc'. Query: 'CREATE ALGORITHM=UNDEFINED
DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` SQL SECURITY DEFINER VIEW `dv_listBrands`
AS select `dv_listBrandsBase`.`fk_companies` AS
`fk_companies`,`dv_listBrandsBase`.`pk_brands` AS
`pk_brands`,`dv_listBrandsBase`.`brand_name` AS
`brand_name`,`dv_listBrandsBase`.`nif` AS
`nif`,`dv_listBrandsBase`.`contact` AS
`contact`,`dv_listBrandsBase`.`brand_mail` AS
`brand_mail`,`dv_listBrandsBase`.`brand_phone` AS
`brand_phone`,`dv_listBrandsBase`.`customer_care_phone` AS
`customer_care_phone`,`dv_listBrandsBase`.`fk_categories` AS
`fk_categories`,`dv_listBrandsBase`.`category_name` AS
`category_name`,`dv_listBrandsBase`.`countSubbrands` AS
`countSubbrands`,`dv_listBrandsBase`.`countProducts` AS
`countProducts`,`dv_listBrandsBase`.`countProductsValidate` AS
`countProductsValidate`,`dv_listBrandsBase`.`publish` AS
`publish`,`dv_listBrandsBase`.`default_brand` AS `default_brand` from
2015-05-26 17:33:58 10765 [Warning] WSREP: RBR event 1 Query apply
warning: 1, 334059

El caso es que la tabla si que existe.

Estoy googleando pero no encuentro nada al respecto.

Gracias de antemano.

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Re: Haproxy como transparente en Debian Wheezy

2015-05-26 Thread Maykel Franco
El día 26 de mayo de 2015, 17:42, Camaleón escribió:
 El Tue, 26 May 2015 16:15:13 +0200, Maykel Franco escribió:

 El día 26 de mayo de 2015, 15:25, Camaleón

 He probado con esas opciones y sigue sin funcionar. Se queda el telnet
 en el haproxy pero no pasa el tráfico hacia los mysql. Todo es cuando
 añado la opción de source usesrc clientip. Si no la añado,
 el telnet a la ip de haproxy y al puerto 3306 llega hacia mysql pero
 con la ip de haproxy, no la del cliente que realiza la conexión.

 Que no pase tráfico parece indicar un problema con la red o el enrutado
 de paquetes cuando añades esa opción... ¿cómo has configurado las
 reglas de iptables para que esto funcione?

 Las reglas iptables y de sysctl que decian que tenias que poner. Son

 iptables -t mangle -N DIVERT
 iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -p tcp -m socket -j DIVERT
 iptables -t mangle -A DIVERT -j MARK --set-mark 111
 iptables -t mangle -A DIVERT -j ACCEPT
 ip rule add fwmark 111 lookup 100
 ip route add local dev lo table 100

 net.ipv4.forwarding = 1
 net.ipv4.conf.default.rp_filter = 2
 net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter = 2
 net.ipv4.conf.eth0.rp_filter = 0

 Y toda esa configuración se carga al iniciar el sistema ¿no? Conviene que
 lo verifiques, además de comprobar también la salida de:

 lsmod | grep -i tproxy

 hdproxy -vv | grep -i tproxy

 netstat -ctnup | grep :3306
 (ejecuta este comando con la opción source usesrc clientip
 activada y también cuando la tienes desactivada)

 Porque todos los documentos que he leído sobre esta configuración apuntan
 a que para que funcione, las reglas de iptables tienen que permitir la
 captura del tráfico de retorno y el equipo con haproxy debe ser la
 pasarela predeterminada del servidor donde tengas MySQL, es decir, que
 tienes que asegurarte de que todo el tráfico entre y salga por haproxy.

Umm hago incapié en esto último que me has dicho, puede que vayan por
ahí los tiros...La gateway de los MYSQL debería ser haproxy...

Voy a repasar lo que me has comentado y te digo.


Muchas gracias.



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Re: [OFF-TOPIC] Error al importar estructura de una tabla

2015-05-26 Thread Carlos Manuel Escalona Villeda
Si estas importando deberías asegurarte de que la tabla está antes que la
creación de la vista que le hace referencia.

El mar., 26 de may. de 2015 a la(s) 10:38 a. m., Maykel Franco escribió:

 Hola muy buenas, estoy tratando de sacar importar una estrucutra de
 una base de datos. Primero hago un dump con la opción --no-data, y
 luego al tratrar de importarlo en otra bbddy me da el siguiente error:

 2015-05-26 17:33:58 10765 [ERROR] Slave SQL: Error 'Table
 'db_Aecoc.dv_listBrandsBase' doesn't exist' on query. Default
 database: 'db_Aecoc'. Query: 'CREATE ALGORITHM=UNDEFINED
 DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` SQL SECURITY DEFINER VIEW `dv_listBrands`
 AS select `dv_listBrandsBase`.`fk_companies` AS
 `fk_companies`,`dv_listBrandsBase`.`pk_brands` AS
 `pk_brands`,`dv_listBrandsBase`.`brand_name` AS
 `brand_name`,`dv_listBrandsBase`.`nif` AS
 `nif`,`dv_listBrandsBase`.`contact` AS
 `contact`,`dv_listBrandsBase`.`brand_mail` AS
 `brand_mail`,`dv_listBrandsBase`.`brand_phone` AS
 `brand_phone`,`dv_listBrandsBase`.`customer_care_phone` AS
 `customer_care_phone`,`dv_listBrandsBase`.`fk_categories` AS
 `fk_categories`,`dv_listBrandsBase`.`category_name` AS
 `category_name`,`dv_listBrandsBase`.`countSubbrands` AS
 `countSubbrands`,`dv_listBrandsBase`.`countProducts` AS
 `countProducts`,`dv_listBrandsBase`.`countProductsValidate` AS
 `countProductsValidate`,`dv_listBrandsBase`.`publish` AS
 `publish`,`dv_listBrandsBase`.`default_brand` AS `default_brand` from
 2015-05-26 17:33:58 10765 [Warning] WSREP: RBR event 1 Query apply
 warning: 1, 334059

 El caso es que la tabla si que existe.

 Estoy googleando pero no encuentro nada al respecto.

 Gracias de antemano.

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Re: where to get testing version of jessie installer?

2015-05-26 Thread Juha Heinanen
Gary Dale writes:

 It's unlikely to be an installer problem. Have you checked the integrity 
 of the netinst ISO using the md5 or sha256 checks.

No I haven't but I don't think there is anything wrong with the image.
When I start the installer, I get a black screen and the host reboots.
It is known issue with official Jessie installer.  Beta installer from
January worked fine, also Wheezy and many Ubuntu installers and Stretch
installer.  I was hoping that there would be a new version of Jessie
installer in the works that would include the fix that exists in Stretch

-- Juha

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Re: Debian Read Only

2015-05-26 Thread Camaleón
El Tue, 26 May 2015 12:43:59 -0300, sebastian Oldani escribió:

 Aca explican uno de los metodos que probé
 Seria algo como un live CD, pero queria escuchar sus opiniones.
 Yo se que debian apaga en segundos, ese no es el problema, lo que sucede
 es que quiero hacer algo que soporte ese problema.
 Es solo una pregunta sobre sus opiniones y experiencias.

Una temeridad.

No me gusta porque el ejemplo de ese enlace es para un sistema integrado, 
no un ordenador o un equipo convencional y de lo que trata es de hacer 
que el disco no se verifique en caso de apagón a lo bruto, con todo lo 
que eso puede conllevar (pérdida de datos → sistema destrozado).

Puede tener su uso pero sólo en casos MUY concretos. Más información:



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Re: Fenêtre xconsole récalcitrante

2015-05-26 Thread andre_debian
On Tuesday 26 May 2015 21:49:34 honeyshell wrote:
 Bonjour André,
 Dans settings  session  startup puis onglet Application autostart
 tu peux voir facilement les applications lancées au démarrage.
 Trouveras tu ton bonheur?
 Dans l'onglet General, il y a automatically save session on logout,
 tu peux décocher.

Grand merci,

mais je ne vois pas ce menu ci-dessus :
settings  session  startup ...

Je suis sous le bureau TDE-Trinity.


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Re: Intentando instalar Debian Jessie, se me apaga la Laptop durante el proceso.

2015-05-26 Thread Federico Ramos
Muchísimas gracias Camaleón, Sergio y Fernando. Me doy cuenta de que no fui
lo suficientemente claro para especificar el contexto de mi situación
completamente, y ustedes han brindado valioso aporte aún con la escasa
información. Procedo a clarificar un poco más.
Tengo una Notebook Aspire 5542-5241, adjunto imagen con todas las
especificaciones. Durante la instalación, ya sea en modo experto ,texto o
gráfico, llegada una instancia se envía inmediatamente sigkill a todos los
procesos por temperatura máxima alcanzada.
No se trata de un problema de hardware, ya que utilizo otro sistema
operativo desde hace mucho tiempo y nunca se apagó por sobrecalentamiento
del la cpu...
Investigando un poco por la web, encontré personas que tenían este
problema, e intenté seguir hasta el final la solución (ya que el asunto fue
solucionado, y por varios suscriptores de la lista que menciono). Entonces
llegué a leer el párrafo en el cual el usuario que inició el hilo de la
lista, escribe lo siguiente:

 Just a quick update that I have solved my problem. After much

 research, I found this thread for Ubuntu, dating back to 2009: It
 described my problem exactly. Obviously it was too old to try
 applying the kernel patches. Luckily I had an old XP install disk
 hanging around and was able to upgrade the firmware. Now, even

 under load, the temperature never breaks 70C.

En inglés, comenta que pudo solucionar el inconveniente, y por el contexto
supongo que lo consiguió flasheando la Bios.
Yo opté por la segunda línea de acción (instalar un debian anterior, en el
cual debería correr bien el fan; e instalar los parches citados en la lista
a la que hace referencia:

Ahora, habiendo dejado más claro el panorama de mi situación, espero que
alguien pueda ayudarme.


El 25 de mayo de 2015, 10:49, Camaleón escribió:

 El Sun, 24 May 2015 19:04:07 -0300, Federico Ramos escribió:

 (ese html...)

  Buenas noches. Escribo porque estuve intentando encontrar solución a
  este problema y aún no consigo instalar debian en mi Laptop.
  Buscando, hallé este tópico, que figura como resuelto, ,
  pero al final de todo, quien solucionó la situación informa que encontró
  un disco de instalación de XP antiguo y pudo actualizar aplicando el
  ¿Cómo debería interpretar eso? ¿Que relación tiene un cd de instalación
  de XP con el parche para linux?

 Bueno, a ver... lo que entiendo que ha hecho el usuario es instalar un
 firmware actualizado (para la BIOS del equipo, entiendo) y así evitar que
 el equipo se sobrecalentara para poder instalar Debian porque
 aparentemente los ventiladores no se iniciaban. Una cosa rara, vaya.

  He intentado instalar Debian Squeeze y Lenny, que son aproximadamente de
  aquella época, y no he conseguido resultados positivos. Por favor
  ¿Alguien podría ayudarme?

 Antes de nada tendría que asegurarte de qué problema tienes exactamente
 porque si el sistema se calienta en exceso vas a seguir tendiendo ese
 mimos problema una vez instalado Debian y en cuanto te pongas a trabajar
 se te apagará el equipo.

 Lo que haría sería acceder a la BIOS y comprobar los valores de
 temperatura y la velocidad del ventilador (si está disponible) para ver
 si son correctos. Si la BIOS no te permite acceder a esos datos, desde
 una LiveCD (p. ej., SystemRescueCD) podrás verlos.

 En cualquier caso, podría intentar una instalación mínima (desde la
 imagen NETISO), seleccionar el modo experto sin entorno gráfico y sólo
 instalar el sistema base.



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Re: Intentando instalar Debian Jessie, se me apaga la Laptop durante el proceso.

2015-05-26 Thread Sergio Bessopeanetto

El 26/05/15 a las 16:58, Federico Ramos escibió:

Muchísimas gracias Camaleón, Sergio y Fernando. Me doy cuenta de que no
fui lo suficientemente claro para especificar el contexto de mi
situación completamente, y ustedes han brindado valioso aporte aún con
la escasa información. Procedo a clarificar un poco más.
Tengo una Notebook Aspire 5542-5241, adjunto imagen con todas las
especificaciones. Durante la instalación, ya sea en modo experto ,texto
o gráfico, llegada una instancia se envía inmediatamente sigkill a todos
los procesos por temperatura máxima alcanzada.
No se trata de un problema de hardware, ya que utilizo otro sistema
operativo desde hace mucho tiempo y nunca se apagó por
sobrecalentamiento del la cpu...
Investigando un poco por la web, encontré personas que tenían este
problema, e intenté seguir hasta el final la solución (ya que el asunto
fue solucionado, y por varios suscriptores de la lista que menciono).
Entonces llegué a leer el párrafo en el cual el usuario que inició el
hilo de la lista, escribe lo siguiente:

 Just a quick update that I have solved my problem. After much

research, I found this thread for Ubuntu, dating back to 2009: It
described my problem exactly. Obviously it was too old to try
applying the kernel patches. Luckily I had an old XP install disk
hanging around and was able to upgrade the firmware. Now, even

under load, the temperature never breaks 70C.

En inglés, comenta que pudo solucionar el inconveniente, y por el
contexto supongo que lo consiguió flasheando la Bios.
Yo opté por la segunda línea de acción (instalar un debian anterior, en
el cual debería correr bien el fan; e instalar los parches citados en la
lista a la que hace referencia:

Ahora, habiendo dejado más claro el panorama de mi situación, espero que
alguien pueda ayudarme.


El 25 de mayo de 2015, 10:49, Camaleón escribió:

El Sun, 24 May 2015 19:04:07 -0300, Federico Ramos escribió:

(ese html...)

 Buenas noches. Escribo porque estuve intentando encontrar solución a
 este problema y aún no consigo instalar debian en mi Laptop.
 Buscando, hallé este tópico, que figura como resuelto, ,
 pero al final de todo, quien solucionó la situación informa que encontró
 un disco de instalación de XP antiguo y pudo actualizar aplicando el
 ¿Cómo debería interpretar eso? ¿Que relación tiene un cd de instalación
 de XP con el parche para linux?

Bueno, a ver... lo que entiendo que ha hecho el usuario es instalar un
firmware actualizado (para la BIOS del equipo, entiendo) y así
evitar que
el equipo se sobrecalentara para poder instalar Debian porque
aparentemente los ventiladores no se iniciaban. Una cosa rara, vaya.

 He intentado instalar Debian Squeeze y Lenny, que son aproximadamente de
 aquella época, y no he conseguido resultados positivos. Por favor
 ¿Alguien podría ayudarme?

Antes de nada tendría que asegurarte de qué problema tienes exactamente
porque si el sistema se calienta en exceso vas a seguir tendiendo ese
mimos problema una vez instalado Debian y en cuanto te pongas a trabajar
se te apagará el equipo.

Lo que haría sería acceder a la BIOS y comprobar los valores de
temperatura y la velocidad del ventilador (si está disponible) para ver
si son correctos. Si la BIOS no te permite acceder a esos datos, desde
una LiveCD (p. ej., SystemRescueCD) podrás verlos.

En cualquier caso, podría intentar una instalación mínima (desde la
imagen NETISO), seleccionar el modo experto sin entorno gráfico y sólo
instalar el sistema base.



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Mirá Federico. Hace poco me pasó con una Netbook Asus Eeepc 1215T. 
Pregunté acá y Camaleón me dio una pista que me hizo pensar. Con 
respecto a la temperatura no toqué nada del BIOS simplemente le saqué la 
tapa de abajo donde está la memoria RAM y apoyé el quipo en un enfriador 
de esos que se venden muy baratos para enfriar las portátiles que tienen 
dos ventiladores. La cosa es que con eso logro mantener la temperatura 
por debajo de los 70º y no se apaga. Mi instalación de Debian en este 
equipo no resultó lo que esperaba así que seguí con Kubuntu 12.04 que ya 
lo tenía funcionando, pero por lo menos el tema de la temperatura lo 
solucioné de esa manera. Quizás debas hacer algo parecido y no 
complicarte por ahora con los parches y demás cosas.


Re: [RESOLU] Voulez-vous avec ou sans systemd ? (était Re: apache2 ne redémarre plus - supprimer systemd)

2015-05-26 Thread andre_debian
On Tuesday 26 May 2015 19:07:14 David Pinson wrote:
 En reinstallant syvinit puis procédant à la désinstallation de systemd,
 le problème a disparu...
 Linuxement vôtre,

...mais pas systemdement vôtre !

Ainsi Apache2 ne supporterait pas systemd ?


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Dirvish without root user

2015-05-26 Thread Daniel Bareiro
Hi all!

I'm thinking about using Dirvish for backup of information from other
servers but I think in some cases they are VPS where I don't have root
access but a different user.

From what I've seen, Dirvish always connects to ssh using the root user.
Anyone know if there is any way to set a different user? I was watching
documentation but I have not seen if this is possible.

Thanks in advance.

Best regards,

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: jessie: unable to run remote graphical program with sudo

2015-05-26 Thread Lisi Reisz
On Tuesday 26 May 2015 20:43:57 D. R. Evans wrote:
 What is wrong and how do I fix it so that I can run graphical programs
 across the network using sudo?

 I'm sure it's just a simple configuration issue, but my google-fu seems to
 be lacking today.

By default one cannot log into a graphical root session in Debian.  There is a 
way of enabling it, but I am only too happy to be protected from myself and 
don't know what it is!  (After installation, that is.  I understand that one 
can now set it up during installation to use sudo not root.)  But I use root 
not sudo.  I regard sudo as being Ubuntu. dons flameproof suit


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Re: Dirvish without root user

2015-05-26 Thread Daniel Bareiro
On 26/05/15 17:14, Daniel Bareiro wrote:
 Hi all!
 I'm thinking about using Dirvish for backup of information from other
 servers but I think in some cases they are VPS where I don't have root
 access but a different user.
 From what I've seen, Dirvish always connects to ssh using the root user.
 Anyone know if there is any way to set a different user? I was watching
 documentation but I have not seen if this is possible.

Ohh... I just confirm that the configuration of the vault is:

client: user@server

So problem solved...

This reminds me of what once a teacher told to a student in a college
final exam: you get up for ask a question and answer it yourself. That's
better than going to a psychologist :-D

Best regards,

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

ma debian ne tourne presque plus

2015-05-26 Thread Thierry Granier

Voila ce que j'ai en plus des autres messages

voila aussi ce que j'ai

 total   used   free sharedbuffers cached
Mem:  3,4G *3,2G *  217M 64M46M   793M
-/+ buffers/cache:   2,3G   1,0G
Swap: 6,5G44M   6,4G

et dans dmesg:

[7.865137] ACPI: If an ACPI driver is available for this device, you 
should use it instead of the native driver
[7.865140] ACPI Warning: SystemIO range 
0x0480-0x04af conflicts with OpRegion 
0x0480-0x04af (\GPR2) (20140424/utaddress-258)
[7.865143] ACPI: If an ACPI driver is available for this device, you 
should use it instead of the native driver

[7.865169] lpc_ich: Resource conflict(s) found affecting gpio_ich


[  391.197747] perf interrupt took too long (2508  2500), lowering 
kernel.perf_event_max_sample_rate to 5
[ 4685.729105] snd_hda_intel :00:1b.0: IRQ timing workaround is 
activated for card #0. Suggest a bigger bdl_pos_adj.

je ne sais pas trop quoi faire!!

Re: Boot menu entries

2015-05-26 Thread Chris Bannister
On Sun, May 24, 2015 at 08:20:09AM +0200, Petter Adsen wrote:
  $ update-grub2
  Generating grub.cfg ...
  Found background
  image: /usr/share/images/desktop-base/desktop-grub.png Found linux
  image: /boot/vmlinuz-3.2.0-4-amd64 Found initrd
  image: /boot/initrd.img-3.2.0-4-amd64 Found linux
  image: /boot/vmlinuz-3.2.0-4-amd64 Found initrd
  image: /boot/initrd.img-3.2.0-4-amd64 No volume groups found
  I'm a home user and know enough to be able to do some technical
  things, but sometimes I don't know everything that they do. I try to
  study the stuff on the web but there is too much conflicting info.
  Right now the boot menu is more manageable so I'll leave it at that.
 I should have mentioned this earlier, but there is a package floating
 around out there called GRUB Customizer, that you can use to edit the
 menu. It wouldn't have uninstalled the extraneous kernels, I think, but
 it can be nice if you are not familiar with GRUBs syntax (which I admit
 I don't fully understand, either).

I think the best thing is to just purge the kernels you don't want on
your system, the consequent update-grub which happens will also update
the menu choices.

No third party software should be needed.

uname -a will show the currently running kernel.

If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people
who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the 
oppressing. --- Malcolm X

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Re: Haproxy como transparente en Debian Wheezy

2015-05-26 Thread Maykel Franco
El día 26 de mayo de 2015, 15:25, Camaleón escribió:
 El Tue, 26 May 2015 09:29:39 +0200, Maykel Franco escribió:

 El día 25 de mayo de 2015, 18:58, Maykel Franco

 El 25/05/2015 18:51, Camaleón escribió:


 En el caso del ejemplo del enlace sí porque el cliente se conecta al
 servidor web a través de un script en PHP pero si en tu caso no hay
 nada de eso detrás sino que la conexión va directa a la bdd mysql sin
 pasar por servidor web... pues no aplica. Lo que ya no sé es si habrá
 algún parámetro en MySQL para configurar esto :-?

 Umm que bueno voy a probarlo. Si, debajo del balanceador haproxy hay 3
 MySQL. La conexion hacia haproxy es para balancear usando mas tarde
 keepalive con ip virtual y 2 nodos haproxy pero eso es otro cantar.

 Comento resultados.

 He probado con esas opciones y sigue sin funcionar. Se queda el telnet
 en el haproxy pero no pasa el tráfico hacia los mysql. Todo es cuando
 añado la opción de source usesrc clientip. Si no la añado,
 el telnet a la ip de haproxy y al puerto 3306 llega hacia mysql pero con
 la ip de haproxy, no la del cliente que realiza la conexión.

 Que no pase tráfico parece indicar un problema con la red o el enrutado
 de paquetes cuando añades esa opción... ¿cómo has configurado las reglas
 de iptables para que esto funcione?



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Las reglas iptables y de sysctl que decian que tenias que poner. Son estas:

iptables -t mangle -N DIVERT
iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -p tcp -m socket -j DIVERT
iptables -t mangle -A DIVERT -j MARK --set-mark 111
iptables -t mangle -A DIVERT -j ACCEPT
ip rule add fwmark 111 lookup 100
ip route add local dev lo table 100

net.ipv4.forwarding = 1
net.ipv4.conf.default.rp_filter = 2
net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter = 2
net.ipv4.conf.eth0.rp_filter = 0

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Re: ma debian ne tourne presque plus

2015-05-26 Thread Thierry Granier

Quand je passe la commande top j'obtiens ceci:

Tasks: 214 total,   3 running, 211 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
%Cpu(s): 38,9 us,  3,3 sy,  0,0 ni, 57,8 id,  0,0 wa,  0,0 hi,  0,0 si,  
0,0 st

KiB Mem:   3542844 total,  3191764 used,   351080 free,40864 buffers
KiB Swap:  6799356 total,51336 used,  6748020 free.   815908 cached Mem

 2040 root  20   0 2228788 1,021g  53332 R  62,1 30,2 427:20.42 
 1910 root  20   0 2181896 571192  37848 S  16,6 16,1 310:45.49 

  793 root  20   0  525388  86440  33068 S   4,3  2,4  48:42.62 Xorg
 4669 root  20   0 1191940  77168  26084 R   1,0  2,2  14:57.58 
  103 root   0 -20   0  0  0 S   0,3  0,0   0:02.53 
 5508 root  20   0  406864  27580  19080 S   0,3  0,8   0:04.68 
30196 root  20   0   0  0  0 S   0,3  0,0   0:01.99 

31678 root  20   0   23644   3024   2492 R   0,3  0,1   0:00.07 top
1 root  20   0  111876   4504   2748 S   0,0  0,1   0:01.09 
2 root  20   0   0  0  0 S   0,0  0,0   0:00.02 
3 root  20   0   0  0  0 S   0,0  0,0   0:09.70 
5 root   0 -20   0  0  0 S   0,0  0,0   0:00.00 
7 root  20   0   0  0  0 S   0,0  0,0   0:22.92 

8 root  20   0   0  0  0 S   0,0  0,0   0:00.00 rcu_bh
9 root  rt   0   0  0  0 S   0,0  0,0   0:00.24 
   10 root  rt   0   0  0  0 S   0,0  0,0   0:00.19 
   11 root  rt   0   0  0  0 S   0,0  0,0   0:00.18 

Toute la CPU a l'air occupée et cinnamon consomme plutot 30% en moyenne 
(ici c'est une prise instantanée)


J'ai plusieurs microcodes installés :

firmware-linux-nonfree (obligatoire pour ma carte graphique)
iucode-tool   (je ne sais pas ce que c'est)

je vais essayer de me loguer avec un autre bureau que cinnamon

Cordialement a tous
T Granier

Le 26/05/2015 22:34, Thierry Granier a écrit :

Voila ce que j'ai en plus des autres messages

voila aussi ce que j'ai

 total   used   free sharedbuffers cached
Mem:  3,4G *3,2G *  217M 64M46M   793M
-/+ buffers/cache:   2,3G   1,0G
Swap: 6,5G44M   6,4G

et dans dmesg:

[7.865137] ACPI: If an ACPI driver is available for this device, 
you should use it instead of the native driver
[7.865140] ACPI Warning: SystemIO range 
0x0480-0x04af conflicts with OpRegion 
0x0480-0x04af (\GPR2) (20140424/utaddress-258)
[7.865143] ACPI: If an ACPI driver is available for this device, 
you should use it instead of the native driver

[7.865169] lpc_ich: Resource conflict(s) found affecting gpio_ich


[  391.197747] perf interrupt took too long (2508  2500), lowering 
kernel.perf_event_max_sample_rate to 5
[ 4685.729105] snd_hda_intel :00:1b.0: IRQ timing workaround is 
activated for card #0. Suggest a bigger bdl_pos_adj.

je ne sais pas trop quoi faire!!

Re: blocage console lors d'une edition de fichier

2015-05-26 Thread Patrice Go
apparemment, j'ai écrit trop vite.

ça re-bloque.

le swap est pourtant suffisant maintenant.

# free -m
  total   used   free sharedbuffers cached
Mem:   490203287  0 26104
-/+ buffers/cache: 71419
Swap:  511 41470

à part un problème physique (indécelable), ce ne serait pas plutot un
problème d'interface console ? car le serveur fonctionne correctement
lors du freeze des consoles ssh...
ce n'est juste que la console qui se bloque, mais je peux m'y
reconnecter aussitôt sans problème.

peut-etre aller sur la liste arm, voir si il y a un moyen, avant de
déclarer un bug.

Le 25/05/2015, Patrice a écrit :
 C'était ça. Dernièrement, j'ai ajouté des services au serveur, certainement
 la raison du plein de mémoire vive.
 j'ai donc créé un swap file et depuis ça ne freeze plus.

 merci :)

 Le 25 mai 2015 19:15, Bernard Schoenacker a
 écrit :

 Le Mon, 25 May 2015 18:18:07 +0200,
 Patrice Go a écrit :

  Beagle Bone


 serait il possible de voir du côté du swap ?


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Re: where to get testing version of jessie installer?

2015-05-26 Thread Sven Arvidsson
On Tue, 2015-05-26 at 20:45 +0300, Juha Heinanen wrote:
 Sven Arvidsson writes:
  There was a link to a possible fix in the Fedora bugtracker:
 Most likely that is it.  Is there somewhere an experimentan Debian
 Jessie installer that would include that patch?
 I now installed Debian to my Acer c720 using testing (stretch) installer
 and it went fine (I choose only the standard system utilities).
 Perhaps there is not so much new in stretch that i can just edit apt
 source list to use jessie repos when I install the remaining packages.

Another bug #780765, you might want to update your bug report with a
link to that one and ask for the patch to be added for a jessie point

I guess, if you wanted to be absolutley sure, you could apply the patch
and create a modified jessie installer, but that sounds like a lot of

Sven Arvidsson

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: Fenêtre xconsole récalcitrante

2015-05-26 Thread honeyshell
Bonjour André,

Dans settings  session  startup puis onglet Application autostart

tu peux voir facilement les applications lancées au démarrage.
Trouveras tu ton bonheur?

Dans l'onglet General, il y a automatically save session on logout,
tu peux décocher.

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Re: jessie: unable to run remote graphical program with sudo

2015-05-26 Thread Reco

On Tue, May 26, 2015 at 01:43:57PM -0600, D. R. Evans wrote:
 I have just installed stable (jessie) on a machine that used to run Kubuntu.
 This machine is mostly accessed remotely, using ssh.
 If I log in as a normal user over ssh, I can run X programs fine. (For
 example, typing xterm brings up the expected terminal.)
 However, if I execute sudo xterm, then I receive the message:
 n7dr@shack:~$ sudo xterm
 X11 connection rejected because of wrong authentication.
 What is wrong and how do I fix it so that I can run graphical programs across
 the network using sudo?

sudo strips nearly all environment variables from programs you run via
it. The list of stripped variables includes $DISPLAY and $XAUTHORITY,
and both of those are necessary to run any X client. The default sudo
configuration is perfectly ok, and there's no need to change it. The
reason being - it *very* simple to lower overall system security by
changing nearly anything in /etc/sudoers.

Yet there's a way to solve your problem - get a habit of running
X clients like this:

HOME=/root sudo -E xterm

Re-defining $HOME is crucial as otherwise you risk users' rewriting
configuration files by root.


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clavier numerique et debian jessie

2015-05-26 Thread enae

Bonjour à tous,
après avoir installé une debian 8 sur une machine virtuelle, je constate
que le pavé numérique de mon pc ne fonctionne plus.
(même en ayant appuyé sur la touche pavé numérique)

Auriez-vous une idée?

Merci d'avance pour votre aide.

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Re: [OT] Generar Reportes/Documentación

2015-05-26 Thread Lacho

@Javier: si tenes algo a mano como para darle una mirada te agradecería.

gracias a todos por las respuestas y disculpen los que se sintieron
afectados por mis comentarios, pero no me gusta lo de contestar con
búsquedas en google. Me una total y absurda forma de decir las cosas.


El 23/05/15 a las 06:27, javier frf escribió:
 El día 22 de mayo de 2015, 18:20, Aradenatorix Veckhom Vacelaevus escribió:
 Podrías probar con pandoc a XML (bien formado) y de ahí con ConTeXt
 pasar a pdf sin el HTML. Aunque para saber mejor que usar sería bueno
 saber cual es tu entrada en pandoc. Si es desde Writer puedes sacar el
 pdf directamente sin tanto engorro.

 To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

 Tambien puedes usar jasperreports, metes todo en una base de datos, y
 generas los reportes con un pequeño programa en java. si te interesa
 te puedo pasar algunos códigos


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

jessie: unable to run remote graphical program with sudo

2015-05-26 Thread D. R. Evans
I have just installed stable (jessie) on a machine that used to run Kubuntu.
This machine is mostly accessed remotely, using ssh.

If I log in as a normal user over ssh, I can run X programs fine. (For
example, typing xterm brings up the expected terminal.)

However, if I execute sudo xterm, then I receive the message:

n7dr@shack:~$ sudo xterm
X11 connection rejected because of wrong authentication.

What is wrong and how do I fix it so that I can run graphical programs across
the network using sudo?

I'm sure it's just a simple configuration issue, but my google-fu seems to be
lacking today.

(FWIW, the ~/.Xauthority file for the superuser and for the ordinary user are



Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: ma debian ne tourne presque plus

2015-05-26 Thread Christophe De Natale

 Le 26 mai 2015 à 22:42, Thierry Granier a écrit :

 Quand je passe la commande top j'obtiens ceci:
 Tasks: 214 total,   3 running, 211 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
 %Cpu(s): 38,9 us,  3,3 sy,  0,0 ni, 57,8 id,  0,0 wa,  0,0 hi,  0,0 si,  0,0 
 KiB Mem:   3542844 total,  3191764 used,   351080 free,40864 buffers
 KiB Swap:  6799356 total,51336 used,  6748020 free.   815908 cached Mem
  2040 root  20   0 2228788 1,021g  53332 R  62,1 30,2 427:20.42 iceweasel 
  1910 root  20   0 2181896 571192  37848 S  16,6 16,1 310:45.49 cinnamon  
   793 root  20   0  525388  86440  33068 S   4,3  2,4  48:42.62 Xorg  
  4669 root  20   0 1191940  77168  26084 R   1,0  2,2  14:57.58 
   103 root   0 -20   0  0  0 S   0,3  0,0   0:02.53 
  5508 root  20   0  406864  27580  19080 S   0,3  0,8   0:04.68 
 30196 root  20   0   0  0  0 S   0,3  0,0   0:01.99 
 31678 root  20   0   23644   3024   2492 R   0,3  0,1   0:00.07 top   
 1 root  20   0  111876   4504   2748 S   0,0  0,1   0:01.09 systemd   
 2 root  20   0   0  0  0 S   0,0  0,0   0:00.02 kthreadd  
 3 root  20   0   0  0  0 S   0,0  0,0   0:09.70 
 5 root   0 -20   0  0  0 S   0,0  0,0   0:00.00 
 7 root  20   0   0  0  0 S   0,0  0,0   0:22.92 rcu_sched 
 8 root  20   0   0  0  0 S   0,0  0,0   0:00.00 rcu_bh
 9 root  rt   0   0  0  0 S   0,0  0,0   0:00.24 
10 root  rt   0   0  0  0 S   0,0  0,0   0:00.19 
11 root  rt   0   0  0  0 S   0,0  0,0   0:00.18 watchdog/1
 Toute la CPU a l'air occupée et cinnamon consomme plutot 30% en moyenne (ici 
 c'est une prise instantanée)
 J'ai plusieurs microcodes installés :
 firmware-linux-nonfree (obligatoire pour ma carte graphique)
 iucode-tool   (je ne sais pas ce que c'est)

Aïe ça pique les yeux :-)
Tu n’as pas donné ta config matérielle, mais à un moment donné il va falloir 
choisir entre soit microcode intel soit amd (selon ton cpu) :

Bonne soirée,

 je vais essayer de me loguer avec un autre bureau que cinnamon
 Cordialement a tous
 T Granier
 Le 26/05/2015 22:34, Thierry Granier a écrit :
 Voila ce que j'ai en plus des autres messages
 voila aussi ce que j'ai
  total   used   free sharedbuffers cached
 Mem:  3,4G   3,2G   217M64M46M   793M
 -/+ buffers/cache:   2,3G   1,0G
 Swap: 6,5G44M   6,4G
 et dans dmesg:
 [7.865137] ACPI: If an ACPI driver is available for this device, you 
 should use it instead of the native driver
 [7.865140] ACPI Warning: SystemIO range 
 0x0480-0x04af conflicts with OpRegion 
 0x0480-0x04af (\GPR2) (20140424/utaddress-258)
 [7.865143] ACPI: If an ACPI driver is available for this device, you 
 should use it instead of the native driver
 [7.865169] lpc_ich: Resource conflict(s) found affecting gpio_ich
 [  391.197747] perf interrupt took too long (2508  2500), lowering 
 kernel.perf_event_max_sample_rate to 5
 [ 4685.729105] snd_hda_intel :00:1b.0: IRQ timing workaround is 
 activated for card #0. Suggest a bigger bdl_pos_adj.
 je ne sais pas trop quoi faire!!

Re: jessie: unable to run remote graphical program with sudo

2015-05-26 Thread D. R. Evans
Reco wrote on 05/26/2015 01:53 PM:

 Yet there's a way to solve your problem - get a habit of running
 X clients like this:
 HOME=/root sudo -E xterm
 Re-defining $HOME is crucial as otherwise you risk users' rewriting
 configuration files by root.

Are you saying that if I type:
  HOME=/root sudo -E xterm
xterm should run?

What actually happens is that I still get the same error:

n7dr@shack:~$ HOME=/root sudo -E xterm
X11 connection rejected because of wrong authentication.



Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: ma debian ne tourne presque plus

2015-05-26 Thread Pascal Obry
Le mardi 26 mai 2015 à 22:42 +0200, Thierry Granier a écrit :
 Quand je passe la commande top j'obtiens ceci:
 Tasks: 214 total,   3 running, 211 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
 %Cpu(s): 38,9 us,  3,3 sy,  0,0 ni, 57,8 id,  0,0 wa,  0,0 hi,  0,0
 si,  0,0 st
 KiB Mem:   3542844 total,  3191764 used,   351080 free,40864
 KiB Swap:  6799356 total,51336 used,  6748020 free.   815908
 cached Mem
  2040 root  20   0 2228788 1,021g  53332 R  62,1 30,2 427:20.42

Redémarre iceweasel qui semble être lancé depuis longtemps et en mauvais

S'il ne redémarre pas ou que le client n'est plus visible depuis

$ sudo kill -9  2040


$ sudo killall iceweasel

  Pascal Obry /  Magny Les Hameaux (78)

  The best way to travel is by means of imagination

  gpg --keyserver --recv-key F949BD3B

Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question :

Pour vous DESABONNER, envoyez un message avec comme objet unsubscribe
En cas de soucis, contactez EN ANGLAIS

Re: ma debian ne tourne presque plus

2015-05-26 Thread Christophe De Natale

 Le 26 mai 2015 à 23:04, Thierry Granier a écrit :
 j'ai passe la commande lshw et j'obtiens un truc bizarre mais peut-etre 
   produit: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E6750  @ 2.66GHz
   fabriquant: Intel Corp.
   identifiant matériel: 1
   information bus: cpu@0
   taille: 2670MHz
   capacité: 2670MHz
   bits: 64 bits
   fonctionnalités: fpu fpu_exception wp vme de pse tsc msr pae mce 
 cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 
 ss ht tm pbe syscall nx x86-64 constant_tsc arch_perfmon pebs bts nopl 
 aperfmperf pni dtes64 monitor ds_cpl vmx smx est tm2 ssse3 cx16 xtpr pdcm 
 lahf_lm dtherm tpr_shadow vnmi flexpriority cpufreq
Donc microcode intel 
  description: USB controller
  produit: 82801H (ICH8 Family) USB2 EHCI Controller #2
  fabriquant: Intel Corporation
  identifiant matériel: 1a.7
  information bus: pci@:00:1a.7 mailto:pci@:00:1a.7
  version: 02
  bits: 32 bits
  horloge: 33MHz
  fonctionnalités: pm debug ehci bus_master cap_list
  configuration: driver=ehci-pci latency=0
  ressources: irq:18 mémoire:fe7ffc00-fe7f
 produit: EHCI Host Controller
 fabriquant: Linux 3.16.0-4-amd64 ehci_hcd
 identifiant matériel: 1
 information bus: usb@5
 nom logique: usb5
 version: 3.16
 fonctionnalités: usb-2.00
 configuration: driver=hub slots=4 speed=480Mbit/s
description: Interface réseau sans fil
produit: 802.11 n WLAN
fabriquant: Ralink
identifiant matériel: 4
information bus: usb@5:4
nom logique: wlan1
version: 1.01
numéro de série: 1.0
fonctionnalités: usb-2.00 ethernet physical wireless
configuration: broadcast=yes driver=rt2800usb 
 driverversion=3.16.0-4-amd64 firmware=0.29 ip= link=yes 
 maxpower=450mA multicast=yes speed=480Mbit/s wireless=IEEE 802.11abgn
 Est ce qu'il pourrait y avoir un probleme entre les 2 liignes en gras?

Non, tout va bien, c’est troublant mais ...
 je ne comprends pas pourquoi j'ai une CPU intel et dans usb driverversion 
 pour amd64
 je pensais que amd64 correspondait a une CPU 64 bits

… c’est l’appellation de la version 64 bits pour cpu amd et intel

 j'ai les microcodes suivants installes
 firmware-linux-nonfree (obligatoire pour ma carte graphique)
 iucode-tool   (je ne sais pas ce que c'est)
 est ce que je devrais en supprimer 1?

oui au moins amd64-microcode ;-) c’est lui qui t’as embrouillé et tu as de la 
chance que le système démarre encore
Pour les autres, regardes dans le wiki



 Le 26/05/2015 22:49, Christophe De Natale a écrit :
 Le 26 mai 2015 à 22:42, Thierry Granier a écrit :
 Quand je passe la commande top j'obtiens ceci:
 Tasks: 214 total,   3 running, 211 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
 %Cpu(s): 38,9 us,  3,3 sy,  0,0 ni, 57,8 id,  0,0 wa,  0,0 hi,  0,0 si,  
 0,0 st
 KiB Mem:   3542844 total,  3191764 used,   351080 free,40864 buffers
 KiB Swap:  6799356 total,51336 used,  6748020 free.   815908 cached Mem

  2040 root  20   0 2228788 1,021g  53332 R  62,1 30,2 427:20.42 
  1910 root  20   0 2181896 571192  37848 S  16,6 16,1 310:45.49 
   793 root  20   0  525388  86440  33068 S   4,3  2,4  48:42.62 Xorg

  4669 root  20   0 1191940  77168  26084 R   1,0  2,2  14:57.58 
   103 root   0 -20   0  0  0 S   0,3  0,0   0:02.53 
  5508 root  20   0  406864  27580  19080 S   0,3  0,8   0:04.68 
 30196 root  20   0   0  0  0 S   0,3  0,0   0:01.99 
 31678 root  20   0   23644   3024   2492 R   0,3  0,1   0:00.07 top 

 1 root  20   0  111876   4504   2748 S   0,0  0,1   0:01.09 systemd 

 2 root  20   0   0  0  0 S   0,0  0,0   0:00.02 
 3 root  20   0   0  0  0 S   0,0  0,0   0:09.70 
 5 root   0 -20   0  0  0 S   0,0  0,0   0:00.00 
 7 root  20   0   0  0  0 S   0,0  0,0   0:22.92 
 8 root  20   0   0  0  0 S   0,0  0,0   0:00.00 rcu_bh  

 9 root  rt   0   0  0  0 S   0,0  0,0   0:00.24 
10 root

Re: ma debian ne tourne presque plus

2015-05-26 Thread Thierry Granier
j'ai passe la commande lshw et j'obtiens un truc bizarre mais peut-etre 

*produit: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E6750  @ 2.66GHz*
  fabriquant: Intel Corp.
  identifiant matériel: 1
  information bus: cpu@0
  taille: 2670MHz
  capacité: 2670MHz
  bits: 64 bits
  fonctionnalités: fpu fpu_exception wp vme de pse tsc msr pae 
mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr 
sse sse2 ss ht tm pbe syscall nx x86-64 constant_tsc arch_perfmon pebs 
bts nopl aperfmperf pni dtes64 monitor ds_cpl vmx smx est tm2 ssse3 cx16 
xtpr pdcm lahf_lm dtherm tpr_shadow vnmi flexpriority cpufreq

 description: USB controller
 produit: 82801H (ICH8 Family) USB2 EHCI Controller #2
 fabriquant: Intel Corporation
 identifiant matériel: 1a.7
 information bus: pci@:00:1a.7
 version: 02
 bits: 32 bits
 horloge: 33MHz
 fonctionnalités: pm debug ehci bus_master cap_list
 configuration: driver=ehci-pci latency=0
 ressources: irq:18 mémoire:fe7ffc00-fe7f
produit: EHCI Host Controller
fabriquant: Linux 3.16.0-4-amd64 ehci_hcd
identifiant matériel: 1
information bus: usb@5
nom logique: usb5
version: 3.16
fonctionnalités: usb-2.00
configuration: driver=hub slots=4 speed=480Mbit/s
   description: Interface réseau sans fil
   produit: 802.11 n WLAN
   fabriquant: Ralink
   identifiant matériel: 4
   information bus: usb@5:4
   nom logique: wlan1
   version: 1.01
   numéro de série: 1.0
   fonctionnalités: usb-2.00 ethernet physical wireless
   configuration: broadcast=yes 
driver=rt2800usb*driverversion=3.16.0-4-amd64* firmware=0.29 
ip= link=yes maxpower=450mA multicast=yes speed=480Mbit/s 
wireless=IEEE 802.11abgn

Est ce qu'il pourrait y avoir un probleme entre les 2 liignes en *gras*?

je ne comprends pas pourquoi j'ai une CPU intel et dans usb 
driverversion pour amd64

je pensais que amd64 correspondait a une CPU 64 bits

j'ai les microcodes suivants installes

//firmware-linux-nonfree (obligatoire pour ma carte graphique)//
//iucode-tool   (je ne sais pas ce que c'est)//

est ce que je devrais en supprimer 1?

Le 26/05/2015 22:49, Christophe De Natale a écrit :

Le 26 mai 2015 à 22:42, Thierry Granier a écrit :

Quand je passe la commande top j'obtiens ceci:

Tasks: 214 total,   3 running, 211 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
%Cpu(s): 38,9 us,  3,3 sy,  0,0 ni, 57,8 id,  0,0 wa,  0,0 hi,  0,0 
si,  0,0 st

KiB Mem:   3542844 total,  3191764 used,   351080 free, 40864 buffers
KiB Swap:  6799356 total,51336 used,  6748020 free. 815908 cached Mem

 2040 root  20   0 2228788 1,021g  53332 R  62,1 30,2 427:20.42 
 1910 root  20   0 2181896 571192  37848 S  16,6 16,1 310:45.49 

  793 root  20   0  525388  86440  33068 S   4,3  2,4 48:42.62 Xorg
 4669 root  20   0 1191940  77168  26084 R   1,0  2,2 14:57.58 
  103 root   0 -20   0  0  0 S   0,3 0,0   0:02.53 
 5508 root  20   0  406864  27580  19080 S   0,3 0,8   0:04.68 
30196 root  20   0   0  0  0 S   0,3 0,0   0:01.99 

31678 root  20   0   23644   3024   2492 R   0,3 0,1   0:00.07 top
1 root  20   0  111876   4504   2748 S   0,0 0,1   0:01.09 
2 root  20   0   0  0  0 S   0,0 0,0   0:00.02 
3 root  20   0   0  0  0 S   0,0 0,0   0:09.70 
5 root   0 -20   0  0  0 S   0,0 0,0   0:00.00 
7 root  20   0   0  0  0 S   0,0 0,0   0:22.92 
8 root  20   0   0  0  0 S   0,0 0,0   0:00.00 
9 root  rt   0   0  0  0 S   0,0 0,0   0:00.24 
   10 root  rt   0   0  0  0 S   0,0 0,0   0:00.19 
   11 root  rt   0   0  0  0 S   0,0 0,0   0:00.18 

Toute la CPU a l'air occupée et cinnamon consomme plutot 30% en 
moyenne (ici c'est une prise instantanée)


J'ai plusieurs microcodes installés :

firmware-linux-nonfree (obligatoire pour ma carte graphique)
iucode-tool   (je ne sais pas ce que c'est)

Aïe ça pique les yeux :-)
Tu n’as pas donné ta config matérielle, mais à un moment donné il va 

Re: jessie: unable to run remote graphical program with sudo

2015-05-26 Thread Lisi Reisz
On Tuesday 26 May 2015 21:58:47 D. R. Evans wrote:
 Reco wrote on 05/26/2015 01:53 PM:
  Yet there's a way to solve your problem - get a habit of running
  X clients like this:
  HOME=/root sudo -E xterm
  Re-defining $HOME is crucial as otherwise you risk users' rewriting
  configuration files by root.

 Are you saying that if I type:
   HOME=/root sudo -E xterm
 xterm should run?

 What actually happens is that I still get the same error:

 n7dr@shack:~$ HOME=/root sudo -E xterm
 X11 connection rejected because of wrong authentication.

When you installed, did you install with root?


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