Re: Triste jour pour Debian...

2015-12-31 Thread Sébastien NOBILI

getting high resolution with recent nvidia card

2015-12-31 Thread Ross Boylan
I'm running wheezy and recently added a new graphics card (nvidia 980
Ti) and a new monitor (Dell 3440x1440 resolution). The connection is
via DisplayPort.  I would like to get this to work, though I don't
necessarily need a lot of acceleration.  At the moment the best I can
do is 1024x768 (method 1 below), and most things (methods 2 and 3)
produce a blank monitor.  I'm also having some weird BIOS behavior
(point 5 below).

Any advice about the best way to proceed?  Should I be trying to make
the vesa driver (if that's what I'm using) work by filling in
modelines in xorg.conf?  I'd have to make up a lot of the info they
call for.  Or perhaps I should try to manually build the driver from
nvidia?   But I suspect that may not work with the wheezy kernel.


1. [Vanilla autodetect] X appears unable to get useful info from the
monitor.  It mentions  the nouveau driver (which mentions specific
device ids, none of which match my card), but the active section seems
to be after
[   127.155] (II) VESA: driver for VESA chipsets: vesa
[   127.155] (II) FBDEV: driver for framebuffer: fbdev

It assumes default sync and refresh rates, which don't line up well with the
monitor specs.  After several attempts it says
[   127.731] (WW) VESA(0): No valid modes left. Trying less strict filter...
[   127.731] (II) VESA(0): : Using hsync range of
31.50-48.00 kHz
[   127.731] (II) VESA(0): : Using vrefresh range of
50.00-70.00 Hz
[   127.731] (II) VESA(0): : Using maximum pixel
clock of 65.00 MHz
[   127.731] (WW) VESA(0): Unable to estimate virtual size
[   127.731] (II) VESA(0): Not using built-in mode "1600x1200" (hsync
out of range)
[   127.731] (II) VESA(0): Not using built-in mode "1280x1024" (hsync
out of range)
[   127.731] (II) VESA(0): Not using built-in mode "1280x800" (hsync
out of range)
[   127.731] (II) VESA(0): Not using built-in mode "640x400" (hsync
out of range)
[   127.731] (II) VESA(0): Not using built-in mode "320x400" (hsync
out of range)
[   127.731] (II) VESA(0): Not using built-in mode "320x240" (illegal
horizontal timings)
[   127.731] (II) VESA(0): Not using built-in mode "320x200" (illegal
horizontal timings)
[   127.731] (--) VESA(0): Virtual size is 1024x768 (pitch 1024)
[   127.731] (**) VESA(0): *Built-in mode "1024x768"
[   127.731] (**) VESA(0): *Built-in mode "800x600"
[   127.731] (**) VESA(0): *Built-in mode "640x480"
[   127.731] (==) VESA(0): DPI set to (96, 96)

2. [nVidia proprietary packed for Wheezy]
I tried the proprietary driver following the instructions for
However, this produced a blank screen and the log showed the driver
didn't recognize the card.  I belatedly checked the list of supported
cards, and mine wasn't on it (though the 980Ti is on
for Jessie/sid).
So I purged everything from that step.

3. [nouveau in wheezy]
I modified the xorg.conf that the nvidia utility produced in 2. so
that it used the nouveau driver.  I added the physical
dimensions of the monitor and the refresh and sync rates from the
monitor specs, but no specific resolutions.  This produced a blank
screen.  I had thought 1. was using nouveau, but not I think it
wasn't.  I'd guess the nouveau driver is tied to specific device id's,
and doesn't recognize newer hardware.

BTW, the info I provided was
Section "Monitor"
Identifier "Monitor0"
VendorName "Dell"
ModelName  "U3415W"
HorizSync   30 - 89
VertRefresh 48 - 85
DisplaySize 798.20 334.80
Option "DPMS"
The manual provides specific resolution and frequency combinations,
though not anything that looks to me like syncstart or syncend values.

4. Dell's site doesn't seem to have an edid file for the monitor; some
net resources mentioned using one if it was available.  I downloaded
their drivers on windows and expanded them to check.

5. I tried to install a fresh jessie system in some unused space, but
I can't get into my BIOS to get it boot off USB.  The BIOS setting for
virtualization seems to have mysteriously turned off too.  I realize I
could run debootstrap, but since I'm not ready to migrate for real
that seems a lot of work.

Ross Boylan

Instalar kernel 4.3 con jessie-backports

2015-12-31 Thread Josu Lazkano

Llevo tiempo esperando que saliese el kernel 4.3.

Si hago una busqueda con el apt me da como disponible:

# apt-cache search linux-image-4.3
linux-headers-4.3.0-0.bpo.1-amd64 - Header files for Linux 4.3.0-0.bpo.1-amd64
linux-image-4.3.0-0.bpo.1-amd64 - Linux 4.3 for 64-bit PCs
linux-image-4.3.0-0.bpo.1-amd64-dbg - Debugging symbols for Linux

Ahora tengo la 4.2 y lo instale des esta manera:

# apt-get -t jessie-backports install linux-image-amd64

¿Como puedo instalar la nueva version sin romper nada?

Ahora lo que tengo es esto:

# dpkg -l | grep linux-image
ii  linux-image-4.2.0-0.bpo.1-amd64  4.2.6-3~bpo8+2
   amd64Linux 4.2 for 64-bit PCs
ii  linux-image-amd644.2+68~bpo8+2
   amd64Linux for 64-bit PCs (meta-package)

Gracias por todo y hasta pronto.


Josu Lazkano

Re: GLPI - exemple de configuration nginx

2015-12-31 Thread SD76

Il te faut php5-fpm.

Dans le fichier de conf default de nginx tu trouveras un exemple pour
fastcgi et un socket unix.

Il faut faire attention avec glpi, il protège des répertoires par des
htacces. Ce qui ne fonctionnera pas avec nginx.

Je serai en mesure de t'envoyer une conf lundi. ça te laissera le temps de
la faire fonctionner par toi même ;)

Le 30 déc. 2015 19:55, "Philippe Gras"  a écrit :

> Le 30 déc. 2015 à 18:11, Jean-Marc  a écrit :
> > Wed, 30 Dec 2015 13:36:42 +0100
> > Philippe Gras  écrivait :
> >
> >>
> >> Que veux-tu, exactement ?
> >>
> >> /etc/php5/fpm/pool.d/www.conf
> >> /etc/nginx/fastcgi_params
> >> /etc/nginx/sites-available/new_user
> >
> > J'ai installé glpi, php5-cgi et nginx.
> >
> > J'aimerai trouver une config' /etc/nginx/sites-available/glpi.
> Ah, non ça j'ai pas. Mais si tu as celui pour Apache, je peux t'aider à en
> faire
> un pour NginX. Généralement c'est là où ça pèche…
> >
> > Pour le reste, je ne sais pas s'il faut modifier la config fastcgi.
> Même chose…
> Quand j'ai installé NginX, phpMyAdmin ne fonctionnait pas nativement avec.
> Alors j'ai commencé par installer Apache, puis je l'ai stoppé.
> J'ai regardé ce que faisait Apache pour servir phpMyAdmin et je m'en suis
> un
> peu inspiré pour que NginX le fasse.
> As-tu fouillé les ressources de GLPI ? Ça a l'air assez exhaustif :
> >
> >>
> >> Autre chose ?
> >
> > Non.
> >
> >>
> >> À ce que je sache, les trucs tout faits ça n'existe pas chez Debian :-D
> >
> > J'ai installé récemment munin et c'est fourni avec un exemple de config'
> pour apache et pour nginx. Comme quoi, ...
> >
> > ;-)
> Souvent, c'est bien documenté. Mais quand on sors des sentiers battus,
> c'est
> déjà plus rare…
> Ph. Gras
> PS. Je vais te passer quelques unes de mes conf. et tu regarderas si
> ça colle
> avec ce que tu recherches.
> >
> >>
> >> Ph. Gras
> >
> >
> > Jean-Marc 

Re: Putting It All On a Stick

2015-12-31 Thread Thomas Schmitt

i wrote:

> > with the advise to use cp or dd and its link to
> >

Rick Thomas wrote:
> Steve only has a Windows computer right now. [...]

He reported to have tried on Linux, too.

> so dd or cp are not available.

Cygwin or alike ?

> Whatever tools he uses have to run on Windows.

That's why i mentioned the link to win32diskimager.

Have a nice day :)


Re: Upgrade Jessie: le montage du disque échoue après 90s [RESOLU]

2015-12-31 Thread Jean-Michel OLTRA


Le jeudi 31 décembre 2015, Olivier a écrit...

> J'ignore si la commande "apt-get clean" a seulement libéré de la place
> ou fait plus que ça.

Ben oui, c'est le but de la commande. Supprimer les paquets téléchargés
qui restent sur le disque (dans /var/cache/apt/archives). Un simple ls
de ce répertoire avant le `apt-get clean`, et après, te le montrera.

> J'observe quand même a posteriori que ma partition /usr était bien
> remplie (à 93%)

Voir le paquet localepurge, éventuellement. A bien configurer.


Re: Putting It All On a Stick

2015-12-31 Thread Joe
On Wed, 30 Dec 2015 23:03:38 +
Lisi Reisz  wrote:

> On Wednesday 30 December 2015 20:32:30 Joe wrote:
> > On Wed, 30 Dec 2015 19:41:08 +
> >
> > Lisi Reisz  wrote:  
> > > On Wednesday 30 December 2015 19:34:54 Steve Matzura wrote:  
> > > > The USB thumb drive idea was just something I
> > > > thought I would try to make work because it's convenient to
> > > > carry it around and use on various hardwares I encounter on a
> > > > regular basis in my travels as the itinerant accessible
> > > > computing guy.  
> > >
> > > Now that is not really suitable for the net-install CD because the
> > > Internet connection could be ropy.  
> >
> > Two different things. 'Install from net' does not mean 'run from
> > net'.  
> Obviously.  But we are specifically talking about installation here.
> >

Indeed, and I would make the assumption that 'carry it around' is
something that would be done after installation, as in my case. There's
no reason to assume that the installation would be done in a Net-poor
location, the OP has not said this.


Re: Documentation complète sur la compilation de programmes

2015-12-31 Thread Sylvain L. Sauvage
Le jeudi 31 décembre 2015, 11:31:51 jdd a écrit :
> you can also play with FORTH
> very interesting language, pretty easy to learn, make low
> level a snap

Euh, aurais-tu déjà commencé à arroser la nouvelle année?

 Sylvain Sauvage

Re: Flèche de la souris qui disparait

2015-12-31 Thread andre_debian
On Thursday 31 December 2015 13:31:20 BOITEUX, Frederic wrote:
>   Regarde si ce n'est pas le système d'économie d'énergie de l'USB qui se 
déclenche (voir le mot-clé autosuspend, dans /sys par exemple.) ; cela peut 
être fait par un outil comme laptop-mode ou autre. Généralement, il faut 
désactiver ce mode pour les périphériques qui le gèrent mal, notamment les 
périphériques d'entrée (clavier, souris.).

C'est sans doute une bonne piste.

J'ai regardé... mais je manque d'infos.

Sous Google, "usb autosuspend" c'est trop confus.

Le blême se produit sur mon PC de bureau et portable



2015-12-31 Thread Eduardo Rios

Feliz 2016 a tod@s :-)


Registered user #369215

Re: Putting It All On a Stick

2015-12-31 Thread Lisi Reisz
On Thursday 31 December 2015 09:22:25 Joe wrote:
> On Wed, 30 Dec 2015 23:03:38 +
> Lisi Reisz  wrote:
> > On Wednesday 30 December 2015 20:32:30 Joe wrote:
> > > On Wed, 30 Dec 2015 19:41:08 +
> > >
> > > Lisi Reisz  wrote:
> > > > On Wednesday 30 December 2015 19:34:54 Steve Matzura wrote:
> > > > > The USB thumb drive idea was just something I
> > > > > thought I would try to make work because it's convenient to
> > > > > carry it around and use on various hardwares I encounter on a
> > > > > regular basis in my travels as the itinerant accessible
> > > > > computing guy.
> > > >
> > > > Now that is not really suitable for the net-install CD because the
> > > > Internet connection could be ropy.
> > >
> > > Two different things. 'Install from net' does not mean 'run from
> > > net'.
> >
> > Obviously.  But we are specifically talking about installation here.
> Indeed, and I would make the assumption that 'carry it around' is
> something that would be done after installation, as in my case. 

No, I don't think it is.  It is what _you_ do, but not I think what the OP is 
intending/hoping to do.  He wants to carry the installation media around with 
him, not an installed instance.  

> There's 
> no reason to assume that the installation would be done in a Net-poor
> location, the OP has not said this.

The OP has said that it would be in different locations, some of which have 
good Internet, some poor.


Re: Documentation complète sur la compilation de programmes

2015-12-31 Thread Basile Starynkevitch

On 12/29/2015 06:42 PM, Vincent Lefevre wrote:

On 2015-12-28 10:49:07 +0100, Basile Starynkevitch wrote:

L'assembleur n'est quasiment plus utilisé (sauf peut-être dans l'embarqué de
bas niveau, sur des petits microcontroleurs 8 bits avec quelques kilo-octets
de mémoire).

Il est très utilisé par GMP, car le langage C (qui est pourtant celui
de plus bas niveau) n'est pas vraiment conçu pour implémenter de la
multiprécision à base d'entiers.

Oui et non. C'est vrai que GMP -voir pour les 
détails- utilise du code assembleur (notamment parce que les 
instructions machine d'addition avec retenue très utiles en arithmetique 
double précision ne sont pas accessibles en C99, mais GCC fournit & ...) mais 
la très grosse majorité de GMP est codée en C, pas en assembleur. Seul 
le sous repertoire mpn/x86_64 visible en du code source de 
GMP contient des fichiers assembleurs (pour x86-64).

Je n'ai pas fait le compte des lignes de code dans GMP, mais il me 
semble bien que sur une machine donnée, les trois quarts au moins du 
code binaire d'une librarie proviennent de fichiers C, pas de 
fichiers assembleurs.

Bonne année à tous.

email: basilestarynkevitchnet mobile: +33 6 8501 2359
8, rue de la Faiencerie, 92340 Bourg La Reine, France
*** opinions {are only mine, sont seulement les miennes} ***

Re: Instalar kernel 4.3 con jessie-backports

2015-12-31 Thread Camaleón
El Thu, 31 Dec 2015 14:41:26 +, Camaleón escribió:

> El Thu, 31 Dec 2015 10:18:59 +0100, Josu Lazkano escribió:


>> Ahora tengo la 4.2 y lo instale des esta manera:
>> # apt-get -t jessie-backports install linux-image-amd64
>> ¿Como puedo instalar la nueva version sin romper nada?
> (...)
> Pues así como lo has hecho pero seguramente te pedirá que instales
> paquetes adicionales.


Estaba pensando... si tienes el metapaquete del kernel de los backports 
con actualizar (upgrade / dist-upgrade) el sistema sería suficiente 
siempre y cuando tengas el repo de los backports habilitado:

apt-get update && apt-get upgrade

Eso sí, perderías la versión 4.2 (bpo) ya que se actualizaría a la 4.3.



Re: getting high resolution with recent nvidia card

2015-12-31 Thread Sven Joachim
On 2015-12-31 01:24 -0800, Ross Boylan wrote:

> I'm running wheezy and recently added a new graphics card (nvidia 980
> Ti) and a new monitor (Dell 3440x1440 resolution).

Wheezy's kernel is four years old, don't expect brand-new hardware to
work with it.

> The connection is
> via DisplayPort.  I would like to get this to work, though I don't
> necessarily need a lot of acceleration.

The nouveau driver won't provide any acceleration at all for this card
even in current versions, because the hardware needs signed firmware for
that, and NVidia does not release this firmware.  Basic modesetting does
work with a kernel ≥ 3.19, but you would need to backport at least
libdrm and xserver-org-video-nouveau from Jessie to make use of that.

> Any advice about the best way to proceed?  Should I be trying to make
> the vesa driver (if that's what I'm using) work by filling in
> modelines in xorg.conf?

Probably won't work, and the vesa driver certainly does not support the
native resolution of your display.

> Or perhaps I should try to manually build the driver from nvidia?

That's your best call.

> But I suspect that may not work with the wheezy kernel.

I would give it a try, NVidia's driver usually does not need recent


sexist content in the package openclipart2-png

2015-12-31 Thread Fernando Arenas
First my sincere congratulations to the entire team that works every day to
improve this wonderful operating system.
The reason for writing to you is to have found in a package called
openclipart2 clipsarts clearly sexist content in which women are presented
as sex objects. So I ask you to withdraw these images and improve its
protocols for such content is not put back into their servers.
I hate that my children may find these images when they perform their work
for the school.
Only in Spain during 2015 male violence he has killed 62 women. Do not you
contribute to promoting ideas about women favoring these behaviors.

greetings from
Fernando Arenas


En primer lugar mi mas sincera felicitación al todo el equipo que cada día
trabaja para mejorar este magnifico sistema operativo.
El motivo de dirigirme a ustedes es por haber encontrado en el paquete
openclipart2 unos clipsarts de contenido claramente machista en los que se
presenta a la mujer como objeto sexual. Por lo que quiero pedirles que
retiren estas imágenes y que mejoren sus protocolos para que contenidos de
este tipo no se vuelvan a incluir en sus servidores.
No es agradable comprobar que mis hijos pueden encontrar estas imágenes
cuando realizan su trabajo para el colegio.
Solo en España durante 2015 la violencia machista ha asesinado a 62
mujeres. No contribuyan ustedes a fomentar ideas sobre la mujer que
favorecen estos comportamientos.

Fernando Arenas











RE: Flèche de la souris qui disparait

2015-12-31 Thread BOITEUX, Frederic

  Regarde si ce n'est pas le système d'économie d'énergie de l'USB qui se 
déclenche (voir le mot-clé autosuspend, dans /sys par exemple.) ; cela peut 
être fait par un outil comme laptop-mode ou autre. Généralement, il faut 
désactiver ce mode pour les périphériques qui le gèrent mal, notamment les 
périphériques d'entrée (clavier, souris.).


This message contains information that may be privileged or confidential and is 
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sender immediately and delete all copies of this message.

Re: sexist content in the package openclipart2-png

2015-12-31 Thread Ron
On Thu, 31 Dec 2015 12:15:01 +0100
Fernando Arenas  wrote:

> The reason for writing to you is to have found in a package called
> openclipart2 clipsarts clearly sexist content in which women are presented
> as sex objects. 

Thank you for the pointer, I'll install the package immediately, and enjoy a 
look at those pictures...
   Paranoids are people, too; they have their own problems.
 It's easy to criticize, but if everybody hated you,
you'd be paranoid too.
  -- D.J. Hicks

   -- --

Re: sexist content in the package openclipart2-png

2015-12-31 Thread Thomas Schmitt

Fernando Arenas wrote:
> have found in a package called
> openclipart2 clipsarts clearly sexist content in which women are presented
> as sex objects.

I had a look at

Some of the images in your list are moderate male fantasy stereotypes
but many of your complaints are about images which i'd expect in
fashion magazines for women.

> Only in Spain during 2015 male violence he has killed 62 women.

The violent male is indeed a problem everywhere in the world.
Protecting those who are peaceful is an obligation to everybody.

Nevertheless i cannot make a connection between the images
and violence or sexual offenses.

As for flesh:
Don't download whimsy clipart. Google for the real stuff.

Have a nice day :)



2015-12-31 Thread





Re: Instalar módulos de Webmin

2015-12-31 Thread MARCELO IGNACIO nigro
Hola instala a mano y administra con webmin.

Busca gd en san google y verifica tu distro
El dic 31, 2015 10:37 AM, "Jorge"  escribió:

> Estoy haciendo mis primeros pinitos con Webmin + Virtualmin. Anteriormente
> tenía cPanel, donde era muy sencillo habilitar módulos como gd, fileinfo,
> exif, mysqli, ... mediante EasyApache.
> En Webmin entiendo que debería realizar esto Servidores - Servidor Web
> Apache - Configure Apache Modules, pero no me aparecen módulos como los
> anteriores.
> ¿Qué hago mal?
> Muchas gracias.
> Un saludo.

Re: Instalar kernel 4.3 con jessie-backports

2015-12-31 Thread Camaleón
El Thu, 31 Dec 2015 10:18:59 +0100, Josu Lazkano escribió:

> Llevo tiempo esperando que saliese el kernel 4.3.
> Si hago una busqueda con el apt me da como disponible:
> # apt-cache search linux-image-4.3 linux-headers-4.3.0-0.bpo.1-amd64 -
> Header files for Linux 4.3.0-0.bpo.1-amd64
> linux-image-4.3.0-0.bpo.1-amd64 - Linux 4.3 for 64-bit PCs
> linux-image-4.3.0-0.bpo.1-amd64-dbg - Debugging symbols for Linux
> 4.3.0-0.bpo.1-amd64
> Ahora tengo la 4.2 y lo instale des esta manera:
> # apt-get -t jessie-backports install linux-image-amd64
> ¿Como puedo instalar la nueva version sin romper nada?


Pues así como lo has hecho pero seguramente te pedirá que instales 
paquetes adicionales. 

En cuanto a romper cosas, puedes tener los kernels que quieras, se 
instalan de manera independiente y elijes con el que quieres arrancar sin 
ningún problema. Sólo recuerda que hay drivers (p. ej., nvidia) y/o 
aplicaciones (p. ej., VirtualBox) que dependen de la versión del kernel 
que tengas en ejecución por lo que pueden dejar de funcionar 



Re: Instalar módulos de Webmin

2015-12-31 Thread Camaleón
El Thu, 31 Dec 2015 14:37:09 +0100, Jorge escribió:

(ese formato en html...)

> Estoy haciendo mis primeros pinitos con Webmin + Virtualmin.
> Anteriormente tenía cPanel, donde era muy sencillo habilitar módulos
> como gd, fileinfo, exif, mysqli, ... mediante EasyApache.
> En Webmin entiendo que debería realizar esto Servidores - Servidor Web
> Apache - Configure Apache Modules, pero no me aparecen módulos como los
> anteriores.
> ¿Qué hago mal?

Hum... no me queda claro si quieres instalar módulos de Apache o módulos 
de Webmin. Si se trata de lo primero, lo tienes muy bien explicado en 
la documentación que hay en su web:

Obviamente para que se presenten los módulos disponibles tendrás que 
instalarlos antes. Y ojo, los módulos de Apache no son extensiones de 
cPanel o PHP, es decir, tienes que saber qué es lo que quieres instalar 
exactamente ;-)




2015-12-31 Thread Alberto C.
Feliz año a todos! Gracias por la atencion de todos. Feliz 2016!

El 31 de diciembre de 2015 14:10:30 CET, "" 

Enviado desde mi dispositivo Android con K-9 Mail. Por favor disculpa mi 

Re: Pb de RAID au re démarrage d'un serveur XEN : le RAID5 ne voit plus qu'un disque sur 4.

2015-12-31 Thread Yann Cohen
Le mardi 29 décembre 2015 à 12:06 +0100, Pascal Hambourg a écrit :
> Yann COHEN a écrit :
> > Bonjour,
> > 
> > J'ai redémarré le serveur pour de nouveau avoir le problème...
> > Je joins le log de mdadm --assemble /dev/md2
> =
> > mdadm: looking for devices for /dev/md2
> > mdadm: no RAID superblock on /dev/sdc
> > mdadm: /dev/sdc has wrong uuid.
> > mdadm: no RAID superblock on /dev/sdd
> > mdadm: /dev/sdd has wrong uuid.
> > mdadm: no RAID superblock on /dev/sde
> > mdadm: /dev/sde has wrong uuid.
> > mdadm: cannot open device /dev/md/1: Device or resource busy
> > mdadm: /dev/md/1 has wrong uuid.
> > mdadm: no RAID superblock on /dev/md/0
> > mdadm: /dev/md/0 has wrong uuid.
> > mdadm: no RAID superblock on /dev/sdb
> > mdadm: /dev/sdb has wrong uuid.
> > mdadm: cannot open device /dev/sda2: Device or resource busy
> > mdadm: /dev/sda2 has wrong uuid.
> > mdadm: cannot open device /dev/sda1: Device or resource busy
> > mdadm: /dev/sda1 has wrong uuid.
> > mdadm: cannot open device /dev/sda: Device or resource busy
> > mdadm: /dev/sda has wrong uuid.
> > mdadm: /dev/sdc1 is identified as a member of /dev/md2, slot 0.
> > mdadm: /dev/sdd1 is identified as a member of /dev/md2, slot 1.
> > mdadm: /dev/sde1 is identified as a member of /dev/md2, slot 2.
> > mdadm: /dev/sdb1 is identified as a member of /dev/md2, slot 3.
> > mdadm: added /dev/sdd1 to /dev/md2 as 1
> > mdadm: added /dev/sde1 to /dev/md2 as 2
> > mdadm: added /dev/sdb1 to /dev/md2 as 3
> > mdadm: added /dev/sdc1 to /dev/md2 as 0
> > mdadm: /dev/md2 has been started with 4 drives.
> =
> Les messages "wrong uuid" ne concernent que des périphériques (disques
> ou partitions) qui ne sont pas membres de /dev/md2. En revanche les 4
> partitions membres sont bien reconnues. Rien d'anormal donc.

Oups, il va falloir que je lise un peu mieux les messages d'erreur...

Donc pas de problème sur l'array raid5 ; il me faut me concentrer sur la
cause de la détection tardive des autres disques par rapport à la
tentative de démarrer le raid5...

Re: Ha mort Ian Murdock, fundador de Debian

2015-12-31 Thread alex
Tant a Docker, l'empresa com treballava, com a Debian, han posat unes 
pàgines per deixar unes paraules i el condol:

Re: Dovecot Problems?

2015-12-31 Thread David Baron
On Wednesday 30 December 2015 22:56:06 David Baron wrote:
> On Wednesday 30 December 2015 21:31:09 Jochen Spieker wrote:
> > David Baron:
> > > I can no longer log on to my IMAP server from my Android. I can do so
> > > from
> > > kmail but even the URL is translated to localhost. Using k-9 mail on the
> > > android.
> > 
> > Is kmail running in the same host as Dovecot? That's the only way I can
> > think of that kmail is working with localhost as the IMAP server (or a
> > *very* broken entry in /etc/hosts).
> > 
> > > I have dovecot listening to *,:: (both ivp4 and ivp6)
> > > I have tried with and without ssl,tls, neither works
> > > 
> > > I am not sure when it stopped working, dovecot upgrades or new router.
> > > The
> > > desktop ufw is set to allow all out and 143 in for all the combinations.
> > 
> > If you only allow 143, IMAP over SSL will not work. It uses 993.
> > 
> > > The router's port forwarding is set up the same way.
> > > 
> > > Should work.
> > > What else do I need?
> > 
> > You are a little short on details. What error message do you receive
> > from K9?
> Cannot contact server.
> If I take domain out of hosts, same for kmail.
> Using 143, startls on both.
> Has to be the port forwarding but this is all very straightforward.

Progress. Assigned a static address in the router. This gave me 
K-9 kicked at the certificate so I took off starttls
Then it worked.

So I need to update the certificate. How do I do that (or where do I copy the 
files on the phone)?

Re: sexist content in the package openclipart2-png

2015-12-31 Thread David Baron
My two cents (not worth very much nowadays, I am afraid):

I have not looked at the collections but like others, there simply have to be 
some girlie stuff, scantily clad beauties, ripped men, etc. I suppose these 
have place in clipart collections, someone might make use of them and not 
necessarily in harmful ways.

I would like to see all the sexist and sexy stuff de-emphasized.

I am more concerned about the ad-pictures that will adorn our technical sites 
(and I have complained about some of it). I am also concerned about the 
prevalence of foul language in a professional forum.

I think we can do better.

Instalar módulos de Webmin

2015-12-31 Thread Jorge
Estoy haciendo mis primeros pinitos con Webmin + Virtualmin. 
Anteriormente tenía cPanel, donde era muy sencillo habilitar módulos 
como gd, fileinfo, exif, mysqli, ... mediante EasyApache.
En Webmin entiendo que debería realizar esto Servidores - Servidor Web 
Apache - Configure Apache Modules, pero no me aparecen módulos como los 

¿Qué hago mal?

Muchas gracias.
Un saludo.


2015-12-31 Thread Maykel Franco
El 31 dic. 2015 2:11 p. m., "" 

Feliz año by html!!!

Install Apache Modules on Webmin

2015-12-31 Thread Jorge
I am newbie on Webmin + Virtualmin. Since I used cPanel it was very easy 
to enable modules such as gd, fileinfo, exif, mysqli, ... using EasyApache.
In Webmin I guess it should be done under Servers - Apache Web Server - 
Configure Apache Modules, but there the former modules are no present.

What am I doing wrong?

Thank you very much.

Re: sexist content in the package openclipart2-png

2015-12-31 Thread Ric Moore

On 12/31/2015 07:31 AM, Renaud (Ron) OLGIATI wrote:

Thank you for the pointer, I'll install the package immediately, and
enjoy a look at those pictures...

I'm on it too.
:0 Ric

My father, Victor Moore (Vic) used to say:
"There are two Great Sins in the world...
..the Sin of Ignorance, and the Sin of Stupidity.
Only the former may be overcome." R.I.P. Dad.

Re: Documentation complète sur la compilation de programmes

2015-12-31 Thread jdd

you can also play with FORTH

very interesting language, pretty easy to learn, make low level a snap


Re: sexist content in the package openclipart2-png

2015-12-31 Thread Jerome BENOIT
Hello Fernando:

I am not sure that the debian-user forum is the best place for your message:
what I mean is that you may want to target better. The debian-user forum is 
for end users who are not responsible for the content of the packages.

First, you may want to make a bugreport for the package asking to drop off 
these images
or to at least put them in a separate package with an explicit name (or 
Second, you may address the issue to the debian-policy forum.


On 31/12/15 12:15, Fernando Arenas wrote:
> First my sincere congratulations to the entire team that works every day to 
> improve this wonderful operating system.
> The reason for writing to you is to have found in a package called 
> openclipart2 clipsarts clearly sexist content in which women are presented as 
> sex objects. So I ask you to withdraw these images and improve its protocols 
> for such content is not put back into their servers.
> I hate that my children may find these images when they perform their work 
> for the school.
> Only in Spain during 2015 male violence he has killed 62 women. Do not you 
> contribute to promoting ideas about women favoring these behaviors.
> greetings from
> Fernando Arenas
> **
> En primer lugar mi mas sincera felicitación al todo el equipo que cada día 
> trabaja para mejorar este magnifico sistema operativo.
> El motivo de dirigirme a ustedes es por haber encontrado en el paquete 
> openclipart2 unos clipsarts de contenido claramente machista en los que se 
> presenta a la mujer como objeto sexual. Por lo que quiero pedirles que 
> retiren estas imágenes y que mejoren sus protocolos para que contenidos de 
> este tipo no se vuelvan a incluir en sus servidores.
> No es agradable comprobar que mis hijos pueden encontrar estas imágenes 
> cuando realizan su trabajo para el colegio.
> Solo en España durante 2015 la violencia machista ha asesinado a 62 mujeres. 
> No contribuyan ustedes a fomentar ideas sobre la mujer que favorecen estos 
> comportamientos.
> Saludos
> Fernando Arenas
> **
> **
> /usr/share/openclipart2/png/gustavorezende/gustavorezende_Woman.png
> /usr/share/openclipart2/png/gustavorezende/gustavorezende_Woman_10.png
> /usr/share/openclipart2/png/gustavorezende/gustavorezende_Woman_11.png
> /usr/share/openclipart2/png/gustavorezende/gustavorezende_Woman_12.png
> /usr/share/openclipart2/png/gustavorezende/gustavorezende_Woman_13.png
> /usr/share/openclipart2/png/gustavorezende/gustavorezende_Woman_14.png
> /usr/share/openclipart2/png/gustavorezende/gustavorezende_Woman_15.png
> /usr/share/openclipart2/png/gustavorezende/gustavorezende_Woman_16.png
> /usr/share/openclipart2/png/gustavorezende/gustavorezende_Woman_17.png
> /usr/share/openclipart2/png/gustavorezende/gustavorezende_Woman_18.png
> /usr/share/openclipart2/png/gustavorezende/gustavorezende_Woman_19.png
> /usr/share/openclipart2/png/gustavorezende/gustavorezende_Woman_2.png
> /usr/share/openclipart2/png/gustavorezende/gustavorezende_Woman_20.png
> /usr/share/openclipart2/png/gustavorezende/gustavorezende_Woman_3.png
> /usr/share/openclipart2/png/gustavorezende/gustavorezende_Woman_4.png
> /usr/share/openclipart2/png/gustavorezende/gustavorezende_Woman_5.png
> /usr/share/openclipart2/png/gustavorezende/gustavorezende_Woman_6.png
> /usr/share/openclipart2/png/gustavorezende/gustavorezende_Woman_7.png
> /usr/share/openclipart2/png/gustavorezende/gustavorezende_Woman_8.png
> /usr/share/openclipart2/png/gustavorezende/gustavorezende_Woman_9.png
> /usr/share/openclipart2/png/grimgiant/grimgiant_nude_woman.png
> /usr/share/openclipart2/png/grimgiant/grimgiant_nude_woman_on_bed.png
> /usr/share/openclipart2/png/juanmontoya/juanmontoya_lingerie_(see_png).png
> /usr/share/openclipart2/png/kaeso/kaeso_Girls_rule_.png
> /usr/share/openclipart2/png/kaeso/kaeso_Toilet_sign.png
> /usr/share/openclipart2/png/dodom01/dodom01_women_from_above.png
> /usr/share/openclipart2/png/gopher/gopher_Pink_anime_girl_(beta_).png
> /usr/share/openclipart2/png/molumen/molumen_Naked_girl.png
> /usr/share/openclipart2/png/molumen/molumen_Naked_girl_1.png
> /usr/share/openclipart2/png/momoko/momoko_Silhouette_of_Stripper_on_a_Pole.png
> /usr/share/openclipart2/png/nicubunu/nicubunu_Woman_Silhouette_01.png
> /usr/share/openclipart2/png/nicubunu/nicubunu_Woman_Silhouette_02.png
> /usr/share/openclipart2/png/nicubunu/nicubunu_Woman_Silhouette_03.png
> /usr/share/openclipart2/png/nicubunu/nicubunu_Woman_Silhouette_04.png

Re: Documentation complète sur la compilation de programmes

2015-12-31 Thread jdd

Le 31/12/2015 13:01, Sylvain L. Sauvage a écrit :

Le jeudi 31 décembre 2015, 11:31:51 jdd a écrit :

you can also play with FORTH

very interesting language, pretty easy to learn, make low
level a snap

Euh, aurais-tu déjà commencé à arroser la nouvelle année?

peut-être. Je suis abonné aussi à la liste anglaise, du coup je ne sais 
pas trop d'ou viennent le posts :-)

bref FORTH est un langage très sympa à tester, plutôt pour usage 
individuel que collectif, mis il et très facile de coder en haut niveau 
et de basculer au code machine ensuite au besoin


Re: sexist content in the package openclipart2-png

2015-12-31 Thread Martin Read

On 31/12/15 12:21, deloptes wrote:

Fernando Arenas wrote:


so which one is bugging you?

There's a list at the end of the OP.

I don't agree that any of the images on that list need to be removed 
from Debian for the reasons stated by the OP (I can't comment on whether 
they constitute policy violations for other reasons such as non-free 
licences or unclear copyright status), but for most of the images on 
that list I can certainly imagine a reasonable person concluding that 
their inclusion in Debian is problematic, and I wouldn't encourage most 
of them to be added to Debian if they weren't already there.


2015-12-31 Thread Camaleón
El Thu, 31 Dec 2015 08:10:30 -0500, escribió:



Igualmente, pero no hace falta que GRITES.



Re: Install Apache Modules on Webmin

2015-12-31 Thread Philipp Schneider
On Thu, 31 Dec 2015 14:50:01 +0100, Jorge wrote:

> I am newbie on Webmin + Virtualmin. Since I used cPanel it was very easy
> to enable modules such as gd, fileinfo, exif, mysqli, ... using
> EasyApache.
> In Webmin I guess it should be done under Servers - Apache Web Server -
> Configure Apache Modules, but there the former modules are no present.
> What am I doing wrong?

Why do you use a web frontend for server configuration?

Re: Putting It All On a Stick

2015-12-31 Thread Steve Matzura

I did the Jigdo build on Windows, but I installed Debian from DVD, and
that went just swimmingly right up until the post-installation first
boot. Actually the system was OK, but for some reason, it set my sound
card's volumes, all of them, to 0. That is now being investigated by
Debian accessibility and I may put a bug report in about it. After I
solved that problem with amixer, it's all OK now.

On Wed, 30 Dec 2015 17:11:14 -0800, you wrote:

>> On Dec 30, 2015, at 1:34 PM, Thomas Schmitt  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Steve Matzura wrote:
>>> didn't do anything to the medium before using a ISO2USB to write to it.
>> Do not use any repacker tool with the debian-cd ISOs.
>> Rather copy them plainly onto the base device of the USB drive.
>> E.g. onto /dev/sdc if it is at a Linux machine.
>> See
>> with the advise to use cp or dd and its link to
>> Have a nice day :)
>> Thomas
>Hi Thomas,
>Maybe you missed the run-up to this discussion.  Steve only has a Windows 
>computer right now.  He’s trying to get Linux running so he can learn more 
>about it.  I don’t know whether he wants to dual-boot or if he has a separate 
>computer for Linux, but it doesn’t matter for this discussion.  He doesn’t 
>have access to a Linux machine, so dd or cp are not available.  Whatever tools 
>he uses have to run on Windows.

Re: RIP and Thank You.

2015-12-31 Thread Steve Matzura
42! How sad.

On Wed, 30 Dec 2015 22:44:26 +, you wrote:


Re: Putting It All On a Stick

2015-12-31 Thread Steve Matzura
How would I know for sure if it's ISO hybrid, and how would it fit on
a standard 16GB drive? Guess it wouldn't, unless there was a great
deal of extra space appended at the time the thing was created which
could be truncated/removed. Actually, I strongly suspect that's true
because  the temp file that was created as soon as the process started
was expanded to 20.9GB and never changed, so it's probably full of a
lot of 0's toward the end.

On Thu, 31 Dec 2015 16:12:44 +, you wrote:

>On Thu 31 Dec 2015 at 10:37:22 -0500, Steve Matzura wrote:
>Thanks for that; I was thinking of doing it. 21GB seems closer to 4 to
>5 DVDs than 3.
>The image is should be an isohybrid one. Put it on a thumbdrive with
>cat, cp or dd. For example:
>cat ISO > /dev/sdX
>X is a, b, c etc. Obtain X from the output of dmesg.
>The USB device will be bootable.
>> For those who want to try this, the size of the Iso I got from the
>> Jigdo build far exceeds a 16GB stick. It's reported as 20.9GB. I
>> suppose I'll have to use one of my prized 32GB USB3 thumbdrives for
>> this test.

Re: Recommendation for FTP server

2015-12-31 Thread Steve Matzura
On Thu, 31 Dec 2015 17:37:09 +0100, you wrote:

>Le primidi 11 nivôse, an CCXXIV, Steve Matzura a écrit :
>> ProFTPD? VSFTP? Something else? I'm needing a secure connection,
>> non-SSH, because a lot of ssh built into FTP clients let you go
>> wandering around outside your home area,
>Never rely on client restrictions for security.

Surely not.

>> unless there's a way to
>> protect against that in the ssh configuration file, which I did look
>> for but have not found.
>Search for "chroot" in sshd_config(5). Also, search the web for "chroot

That locks the user in their home directory, but I have to give them
access to other things outside that directory, just not let them go
walking around and get into any other directory on the system. That's
why I was thinking of VSFTP, which locks the user into their home
directory, doesn't use ssh, uses TLS or something else, and lets the
administrator define a list of places where the user can go.

Re: RIP and Thank You.

2015-12-31 Thread Curt
On 2015-12-31, Steve Matzura  wrote:
> 42! How sad.

So it isn't the answer to everything.

Re: Putting It All On a Stick

2015-12-31 Thread tomas
Hash: SHA1

On Thu, Dec 31, 2015 at 11:55:08AM -0500, Steve Matzura wrote:
> Fascinating stuff. The one thing I forgot is cp and dd are not the
> same.

Well... if you cp the image to the _device file_ it amounts practically
to dd (but in dd you can set the block size and block count; I once
experimented with block size dd'ing to an USB stick and seem to remember
that there was a (speed-wise) "sweet spot" around 16K, but don't ask
me whether this was inherent in the USB stick or depended on whatever
other system parameters and planet alignments out there).

Cat is also good. Again, to the device file.

Make sure the "USB stick is not mounted" (in all three cases). Sometimes,
overly helpful systems will mount the thing as soon as you insert it [2].
Unmount it before.

Now when you cp the image file to the "mounted USB stick" [1] the result
will be much different and most probably not the desired one.

[1] Yeah, I know I'm fuzzing it. Precisely that would mean "cp the image
file to a mounted file system which resides in the USB stick (phew)"

[2] As long as there is a recognizable file system on it (see [1]).
Otherwise the helpful system might react somewhat confused.

- -- tomás
Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)


Re: Instalar kernel 4.3 con jessie-backports

2015-12-31 Thread Josu Lazkano
El día 31 de diciembre de 2015, 18:02, Camaleón  escribió:
> El Thu, 31 Dec 2015 17:44:07 +0100, Josu Lazkano escribió:
>> El día 31 de diciembre de 2015, 16:05, Camaleón 
>> escribió:
> (...)
>>> Estaba pensando... si tienes el metapaquete del kernel de los backports
>>> con actualizar (upgrade / dist-upgrade) el sistema sería suficiente
>>> siempre y cuando tengas el repo de los backports habilitado:
>>> apt-get update && apt-get upgrade
>>> Eso sí, perderías la versión 4.2 (bpo) ya que se actualizaría a la 4.3.
>> Gracias Camaleon,
>> Ya he probado lod e actualizar, pero nada:
>> # apt-get upgrade Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree
>> Reading state information... Done Calculating upgrade... Done 0
>> upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
>> # apt-get dist-upgrade Reading package lists... Done Building dependency
>> tree Reading state information... Done Calculating upgrade... Done 0
>> upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
> Qué raro, porque yo lo tengo igual (wheezy) y sí que se me ha ido
> actualizando el kernel de los backports al tener instalado el metapaquete.
> Comprueba que tengas habilitado en el "/etc/apt/sources.list" el repo de
> los backports.
>> Parece que el metapaquete apunta al kernel de 4.2 y no al de 4.3.
> ¿Mande? :-?
>> Ademas en la web del paquete todavia pone la 4.2:
>> ¿Tendre que esperar un poco mas a que actualicen?
> Ah, entonces sí. Espera mejor a que lo enlacen, así no tendrás que
> instalarlo a mano ni tendrás las dos versiones instaladas (4.2 y 4.3 bpo).
> Saludos,
> --
> Camaleón

Gracias de nuevo,

Este es mi apt:

# cat /etc/apt/sources.list
deb jessie main contrib non-free
deb-src jessie main contrib non-free

deb jessie/updates main
deb-src jessie/updates main

# jessie-updates, previously known as 'volatile'
deb jessie-updates main
deb-src jessie-updates main

# jessie-backports, previously on
deb jessie-backports main
deb-src jessie-backports main
deb jessie main non-free
deb-src jessie main non-free backports
deb jessie-backports main
deb-src jessie-backports main

Si, lo mejor es que espere, aunque con las ganas que tengo de poner el
4.3 no se si aguantare...

Saludos y feliz año a todos!

Josu Lazkano

Re: Question: eth0 vs enp1s0 (second try)

2015-12-31 Thread Hans
Hi Brian,
> Is there no sign of any discovered interfaces for the Aspire in the
> output of dmesg?
I get this: 

dmesg | grep eth0 
[2.201866] forcedeth :00:0a.0: ifname eth0, PHY OUI 0x732 @ 1, addr 
[   36.198523] forcedeth :00:0a.0 eth0: MSI enabled
[   36.198795] forcedeth :00:0a.0 eth0: no link during initialization
[   36.199147] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): eth0: link is not ready
[   75.435837] forcedeth :00:0a.0 eth0: link down

> dmesg or journalctl have no indication that eth0 on the EEEPC is renamed?
> [...]

> I think you mean "net.ifnames=0".

Yey, of course, it was just a typo. :)

> What do 'ls /sys/class/net' and 'ip link' give without this addition?

I get:

ls /sys/class/net/

enp1s0  Io  wlan0

Brian, I believe, for now I will stay with the net.ifnames=0 solution. I 
checjed, if I want to use enp1s0, I haved to edit a lot of configuration files 
from eth0 to enp1s0. This is rather annoying, as any update of a package will 
force me to that again and again.

As long the developers won't find a solution, which will fit both options, I 
will stay at eth0. When debian changed completely to enp1s0 (and this includes 
all the configurations, too), I can easyly remove the net.ifnames option and 
return to enp1s0.

I believe, the different outrputs are just becaus the EEEPC is newer and got a 
newer hardware and a more talking BIOS.

Thank you for all the help, the explanation is not as easy as I though, but 
the solution is.

So let this problem be solved for now.

Thank you (and all the other friends who helped here) very much indeed.

I wish you and your family a very happy new year and much joy of hacking.

Thanks again, and best regards


Re: entries of /var/cache/debconf/config.dat concerning purged packages

2015-12-31 Thread Vincent Lefevre
On 2015-12-31 18:00:09 +, Brian wrote:
> On Thu 31 Dec 2015 at 17:58:52 +0100, Vincent Lefevre wrote:
> > Is it normal that /var/cache/debconf/config.dat contains entries that
> > correspond to purged packages?
> No.

OK, thanks. So, I've just reported a bug. BTW, I've also seen
that there are other bug reports against other packages about
such problems.

Vincent Lefèvre  - Web: 
100% accessible validated (X)HTML - Blog: 
Work: CR INRIA - computer arithmetic / AriC project (LIP, ENS-Lyon)

Re: Triste jour pour Debian...

2015-12-31 Thread andre_debian
On Thursday 31 December 2015 19:02:45 Christophe De Natale wrote:
> Le jeudi 31 décembre 2015 à 01:08 +0100, Francois Lafont a écrit :
> > Triste jour pour Debian qui vient de perde son fondateur âgé seulement 
> > de 42 ans : 

> Sombre histoire en effet...
> Une pensée pour ses proches et ce qu'il laisse derrière lui.

Un article un peu plus explicite de Libé :

Re: sexist content in the package openclipart2-png

2015-12-31 Thread Gary Dale

On 31/12/15 06:15 AM, Fernando Arenas wrote:
First my sincere congratulations to the entire team that works every 
day to improve this wonderful operating system.
The reason for writing to you is to have found in a package called 
openclipart2 clipsarts clearly sexist content in which women are 
presented as sex objects. So I ask you to withdraw these images and 
improve its protocols for such content is not put back into their servers.
I hate that my children may find these images when they perform their 
work for the school.
Only in Spain during 2015 male violence he has killed 62 women. Do not 
you contribute to promoting ideas about women favoring these behaviors.

greetings from
Fernando Arenas

I will note that the package is not available for Jessie or Stretch 
except as a download from Sid.I gather the package maintainer has a 
problem with it too. Perhaps the openclipart packages should be divided 
into categories which would allow for more targeted downloads. People 
looking for animal clipart, for example, may not want furniture clipart 
installed as well. This would allow for "sexy-female" and "sexy-male" 
packages that aren't installed except by explicit request.

RE: Flèche de la souris qui disparait

2015-12-31 Thread BOITEUX, Frederic
Regarde si le mot-clé « autosuspend » apparait dans la ligne de commande de ton 
noyau (/proc/cmdline).

Tu peux regarder également la valeur par défaut dans 
/sys/module/usbcore/parameters/autosuspend : si c'est non nul, c'est sans doute 
activé (avec un délai de N secondes, donné par le contenu du paramètre). Après, 
cela peut être désactivé pour certains périphériques. Si tu sais retrouver dans 
/sys le chemin correspondant à ton périphérique USB de ta souris, regarde la 
valeur du fichier auto_suspend pour celui-ci.

Recherche également dans l'outil de ton système qui gère l'énergie/la mise en 
veille, c'est peut-être lui qui joue avec ce paramètre.


This message contains information that may be privileged or confidential and is 
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any part thereof. If you receive this message in error, please notify the 
sender immediately and delete all copies of this message.

Re: Question: eth0 vs enp1s0 (second try)

2015-12-31 Thread Brian
On Wed 30 Dec 2015 at 16:11:39 +0100, Hans wrote:

> Am Mittwoch, 30. Dezember 2015, 12:58:23 schrieb Jörg-Volker Peetz:
> Hi Jörg-Volker
> > Did you take a look at dmesg on both systems? Something like
> > 
> >   grep -E '(enp|eth)' /var/log/dmesg
> This showed no useful information. The only output is from my EEEPC below, 
> the 
> Aspire showed no output at all.

Is there no sign of any discovered interfaces for the Aspire in the
output of dmesg?
> root@protheus7:/home/ullhan63# grep -E '(enp|eth)' /var/log/dmesg 
> [8.480990] eeepc_laptop: Get control methods supported: 0xe301713 
> [   64.534486] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): eth0: link is not ready

dmesg or journalctl have no indication that eth0 on the EEEPC is renamed? 


> Hope this helps a little bit. My solution at the moment is the well known 
> addition "if.netnames=0" in grub commandline.

I think you mean "net.ifnames=0".

What do 'ls /sys/class/net' and 'ip link' give without this addition?


2015-12-31 Thread Rafael Cantos Villanueva
Que tengais todos una magnifica entrada de año y que este año sea el 
mejor para todos nosotros.

¡Pasadlo bien y cuidaito con las celebraciones!


El software de antivirus Avast ha analizado este correo electrónico en busca de 

Re: wget log from Jigdo

2015-12-31 Thread Lisi Reisz
On Thursday 31 December 2015 15:45:23 Steve Matzura wrote:
> Now everything's fixed, up, running, etc., it's quite time to thank
> everyone who made suggestions, at least 99% of which were helpful in
> some way, if not directly, then indirectly by putting my mind onto a
> different thinking path.

Some years ago a friend complained to me that I ignored his advice and never 
listened.  I said, not at all.  I always listen avidly to advice.  I always 
think about advice.  I just don't always follow advice. ;-)

Glad that you got it going.  That default of sound being set to 0 or muted by 
default is annoying even if one has some sight.  It must be maddening and 
incomprehensible if you haven't!  The rationale, I believe, is so that you 
won't be deafened if you left your speakers turned up high.


Re: Putting It All On a Stick

2015-12-31 Thread Brian
On Thu 31 Dec 2015 at 10:21:06 -0500, Steve Matzura wrote:

Andrew M.A. Cater's bluray suggestion is a good one. Most everything of
what you want should be in the image. An alternative method with more
than 3 DVDs is at

> to put a sock in this discussion, I have, in fact, gone to one or two
> locations where there was *NO* Internet at all because the person who
> wanted an accessible computer had no idea that in this day and age a
> network connection is a virtual requirement to do anything useful.
> They were quite happy to have a standalone system that could play
> insertable media, write and print things, etc. They thought even such
> things as electronic mail and basic Web-browsing were above their
> capabilities. They soon discovered they were wrong ... but thereby
> hangs another tail. The end user had a portable networking device that
> could be plugged in and activated on demand, but there were no drivers
> or other software components that were required in order to get it
> working. With a net install setup, I'd've exhausted the poor person's
> data cap in a matter of minutes, which is why I try to come prepared
> with installation media of all sorts, an yes, once in a while I get
> somebody whose machine, particularly a newer laptop, has no removable
> rotating media capability. They leave CD-DVD drives out of a lot of
> new laptops now in order to save space. They're cheap enough, so it's
> not a cost saving the manufacturers are after.

Re: Putting It All On a Stick

2015-12-31 Thread Brian
On Thu 31 Dec 2015 at 10:37:22 -0500, Steve Matzura wrote:

Thanks for that; I was thinking of doing it. 21GB seems closer to 4 to
5 DVDs than 3.

The image is should be an isohybrid one. Put it on a thumbdrive with
cat, cp or dd. For example:

cat ISO > /dev/sdX

X is a, b, c etc. Obtain X from the output of dmesg.

The USB device will be bootable.

> For those who want to try this, the size of the Iso I got from the
> Jigdo build far exceeds a 16GB stick. It's reported as 20.9GB. I
> suppose I'll have to use one of my prized 32GB USB3 thumbdrives for
> this test.

Re: wget log from Jigdo

2015-12-31 Thread Steve Matzura
On Thu, 31 Dec 2015 15:57:38 +, Lisi wrote:

>Some years ago a friend complained to me that I ignored his advice and never 
>listened.  I said, not at all.  I always listen avidly to advice.  I always 
>think about advice.  I just don't always follow advice. ;-)

LOL. I always find something in what people say that's useful, even if
it's just a small part, even one fact, that made the listening

>Glad that you got it going.  That default of sound being set to 0 or muted by 
>default is annoying even if one has some sight.  It must be maddening and 
>incomprehensible if you haven't!  The rationale, I believe, is so that you 
>won't be deafened if you left your speakers turned up high.

The easy solution to that is maybe set the volume level halfway?
Enough to hear it's working, then the user can do whatever they like
with the setting.

Re: sexist content in the package openclipart2-png

2015-12-31 Thread Javier Barroso

On Thu, Dec 31, 2015 at 12:15 PM, Fernando Arenas  wrote:
> First my sincere congratulations to the entire team that works every day to
> improve this wonderful operating system.
> The reason for writing to you is to have found in a package called
> openclipart2 clipsarts clearly sexist content in which women are presented
> as sex objects. So I ask you to withdraw these images and improve its
> protocols for such content is not put back into their servers.
> I hate that my children may find these images when they perform their work
> for the school.
> Only in Spain during 2015 male violence he has killed 62 women. Do not you
> contribute to promoting ideas about women favoring these behaviors.
> greetings from
> Fernando Arenas

As workaround, you can create a dpkg config file on
/etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg.d/ (maybe called openclipart2-exclusions)  with:

path-exclude /usr/share/openclipart2/png/gustavorezende/gustavorezende_Wom*
path-exclude /usr/share/openclipart2/png/

Then do apt-get --reinstall install openclipart2  , and files listed
there should not be installed


Re: Putting It All On a Stick

2015-12-31 Thread Thomas Schmitt

Steve Matzura:
> Thomas, just dd the file? That really works?

Yes. It's called "isohybrid".

As said: Copy it onto the base device, the whole "disk".
It must overwrite MBR, partition table, GPT, whatever partitioning
and boot sector is present on the disk.

Common mistakes are to copy it as data file into a file system,
or as filesystem image into a partition of the "disk".

> I've heard of this being the way to do things, but find it hard to
> understand how it could work. I suppose the boot loaders know what to
> do with ISO images.

It is an interesting adventure to boot on as many systems as possible:
{ BIOS, EFI, Mac firmware, ... } x { Hard disk/USB stick, CD/DVD/BD }

MBR x86 boot code at the start of the ISO image brings you to
the file


in the ISO image, where CD booting would start too.

The MBR bears a partition table. Partition 1 has the
"bootable/active" flag for stubborn BIOSes which would not
boot without it. Partition 2 is the EFI System Partition:

  $ /sbin/fdisk -l debian-8.2.0-amd64-BD-1.iso
  Device   Boot Start  End  Sectors  Size Id Type
  debian-8.2.0-amd64-BD-1.iso1 *0 43859651 43859652 20.9G  0 Empty
  debian-8.2.0-amd64-BD-1.iso2  7563276463  832  416K ef EFI 

Because SYSLINUX does not boot from CD via EFI firmware,
the EFI equipment is of GRUB2.
If you mount the ISO

  # mkdir /mnt/iso
  # mount -o loop debian-8.2.0-amd64-BD-1.iso /mnt/iso

then you can mount the EFI System Partition as FAT filesystem

  # mkdir /mnt/fat
  # mount -o loop /mnt/iso/boot/grub/efi.img /mnt/fat

and see

  # ls -l /mnt/fat/efi/boot/bootx64.efi
  -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 392192 Sep  6 11:14 /mnt/fat/efi/boot/bootx64.efi

This file brings you from EFI to the GRUB2 configuration in

For certain old x86 Macs there may be even a HFS+ filesystem
with blessings and all. debian-cd does not do this. But Fedora
LiveCD has HFS+.
The result from grub-mkrescue has HFS+ too. It uses GRUB2 for
both, BIOS and EFI.

Debian just has an Apple Partition Map entry which points to
the EFI System Partition. (I would really like to know whether
this is of any paractical use.)

Have a nice day :)


Re: RIP and Thank You.

2015-12-31 Thread Cindy-Sue Causey
On 12/31/15, John L. Ries  wrote:
> If the news report is correct, he appears to have self destructed,
> which is even sadder.

Please go easy on him as we watch how it goes.. This really isn't the
most appropriate place and yet it is for me to say... his whole last
Twitter feed there..

I did a version of that a few weeks ago myself... minus some of it but
and yet enough I'm very much feeling the Shoes he was wearing there..

Gives me some odd insight into where his Mind was that last little while.

That account name he referenced. If you look at his December 10th
tweet, he just pondered out loud about transposing letters that
created unintended yet functional unrelated words. I do that, that's
why it caught my eye.

With that in mind, can anyone try to read his Mind as to what he
really meant by that account name that appears to have helped play its
part in whatever happened?

The other... right at the end there. I'm going to... forward that
somewhere and ask that it be addressed. It just sounds like he's
alleging he was put through phenomenal humiliation at the hands of Law
Enforcement. That guaranteed played its part IF it's true. That needs
addressed in his name and for him.

#RIP, Ian. I live on $480 a month for EVERYTHING #Life costs. YOUR
#Debian is THE REASON I am able to stay within hours of the latest
from current Debian developments while living Life at the speed of
abject #poverty...

Everyone, please be safe out there.. Talk to people. Let them know
what's going on in your Life. I'm spending a SERIOUS amount of time
today kicking myself for having never even thought to track Ian down
and follow his musings because of his direct impact on my ability to
be able to keep up with the rest of you all...


Cindy-Sue Causey
Talking Rock, Pickens County, Georgia, USA

* . *

Re: Putting It All On a Stick

2015-12-31 Thread Brian
On Thu 31 Dec 2015 at 11:17:59 -0500, Steve Matzura wrote:

'fdisk -l /dev/sdX' will show a partition table (as described by Thomas
Schmitt). A 21GB image will not fit on a 16GM USB stick.

> How would I know for sure if it's ISO hybrid, and how would it fit on
> a standard 16GB drive? Guess it wouldn't, unless there was a great
> deal of extra space appended at the time the thing was created which
> could be truncated/removed. Actually, I strongly suspect that's true
> because  the temp file that was created as soon as the process started
> was expanded to 20.9GB and never changed, so it's probably full of a
> lot of 0's toward the end.
> On Thu, 31 Dec 2015 16:12:44 +, you wrote:
> >On Thu 31 Dec 2015 at 10:37:22 -0500, Steve Matzura wrote:
> >
> >Thanks for that; I was thinking of doing it. 21GB seems closer to 4 to
> >5 DVDs than 3.
> >
> >The image is should be an isohybrid one. Put it on a thumbdrive with
> >cat, cp or dd. For example:
> >
> >cat ISO > /dev/sdX
> >
> >X is a, b, c etc. Obtain X from the output of dmesg.
> >
> >The USB device will be bootable.
> >
> >> For those who want to try this, the size of the Iso I got from the
> >> Jigdo build far exceeds a 16GB stick. It's reported as 20.9GB. I
> >> suppose I'll have to use one of my prized 32GB USB3 thumbdrives for
> >> this test.
> >> 
> >

Re: Putting It All On a Stick

2015-12-31 Thread Steve Matzura
Fascinating stuff. The one thing I forgot is cp and dd are not the

Now, does this mean I should run the ISO I made with Jigdo through
isohybrid now that I have a running Linux system?

On Thu, 31 Dec 2015 17:25:39 +0100, you wrote:

>Steve Matzura:
>> Thomas, just dd the file? That really works?
>Yes. It's called "isohybrid".
>As said: Copy it onto the base device, the whole "disk".
>It must overwrite MBR, partition table, GPT, whatever partitioning
>and boot sector is present on the disk.
>Common mistakes are to copy it as data file into a file system,
>or as filesystem image into a partition of the "disk".
>> I've heard of this being the way to do things, but find it hard to
>> understand how it could work. I suppose the boot loaders know what to
>> do with ISO images.
>It is an interesting adventure to boot on as many systems as possible:
>{ BIOS, EFI, Mac firmware, ... } x { Hard disk/USB stick, CD/DVD/BD }
>MBR x86 boot code at the start of the ISO image brings you to
>the file
>  /isolinux/isolinux.bin
>in the ISO image, where CD booting would start too.
>The MBR bears a partition table. Partition 1 has the
>"bootable/active" flag for stubborn BIOSes which would not
>boot without it. Partition 2 is the EFI System Partition:
>  $ /sbin/fdisk -l debian-8.2.0-amd64-BD-1.iso
>  ...
>  Device   Boot Start  End  Sectors  Size Id Type
>  debian-8.2.0-amd64-BD-1.iso1 *0 43859651 43859652 20.9G  0 Empty
>  debian-8.2.0-amd64-BD-1.iso2  7563276463  832  416K ef EFI 
> (FAT-12/16/32)
>Because SYSLINUX does not boot from CD via EFI firmware,
>the EFI equipment is of GRUB2.
>If you mount the ISO
>  # mkdir /mnt/iso
>  # mount -o loop debian-8.2.0-amd64-BD-1.iso /mnt/iso
>then you can mount the EFI System Partition as FAT filesystem
>  # mkdir /mnt/fat
>  # mount -o loop /mnt/iso/boot/grub/efi.img /mnt/fat
>and see
>  # ls -l /mnt/fat/efi/boot/bootx64.efi
>  -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 392192 Sep  6 11:14 /mnt/fat/efi/boot/bootx64.efi
>This file brings you from EFI to the GRUB2 configuration in
>  /mnt/iso/boot/grub
>For certain old x86 Macs there may be even a HFS+ filesystem
>with blessings and all. debian-cd does not do this. But Fedora
>LiveCD has HFS+.
>The result from grub-mkrescue has HFS+ too. It uses GRUB2 for
>both, BIOS and EFI.
>Debian just has an Apple Partition Map entry which points to
>the EFI System Partition. (I would really like to know whether
>this is of any paractical use.)
>Have a nice day :)

Re: Putting It All On a Stick

2015-12-31 Thread Thomas Schmitt

Steve Matzura wrote:
> The one thing I forgot is cp and dd are not the same.

I was surprised that cp onto block devices really works as
needed for this purpose.
You could also do
  cat debian-8.2.0-amd64-BD-1.iso >/dev/sdc

But for old unixers no other tool than dd comes to the mind.

> Now, does this mean I should run the ISO I made with Jigdo through
> isohybrid now that I have a running Linux system?

No. All is readily prepared by the debian-cd project.
Just copy the ISO plainly onto whole-disk device.

(If you can't get a large USB stick, try with DVD-1 or netinst CD.
 The boot sector and partition table stuff is the same.)

Have a nice day :)


Re: Recommendation for FTP server

2015-12-31 Thread Nicolas George
Le primidi 11 nivôse, an CCXXIV, Steve Matzura a écrit :
> That locks the user in their home directory

That locks the user in any directory of your choosing. Choosing the home
directory is the most common case, and therefore the one you find explained,
but not the only option.


  Nicolas George

Description: Digital signature

Re: Putting It All On a Stick

2015-12-31 Thread John Hasler
Eduard Bloch writes:
> I remember is the nasty behavior of dd when a short read occurres -
> aborting instead of retrying as cp does. Not sure whether they changed
> the default mode to blocking mode nowadays.

Use ddrescue.
John Hasler
Elmwood, WI USA

Re: Recommendation for FTP server

2015-12-31 Thread Jude DaShiell
If I were setting up an ftp server, I would create a /pub directory in 
/home and would also create a /home/pub/incoming directory then lock any 
guest into the /home/pub and /home/pub/incoming directories.  The 
/home/pub directory would be where I'd put files available for download 
and the /home/pub/incoming/ directory is where guests could upload files 
if they wanted to do so.  You'll find that setup on many professional 
ftp servers that have been on the internet for many years by now.

On Thu, 31 Dec 2015, Nicolas George wrote:

Date: Thu, 31 Dec 2015 12:45:49
From: Nicolas George 
To: Steve Matzura 
Cc: debian 
Subject: Re: Recommendation for FTP server

Le primidi 11 niv?se, an CCXXIV, Steve Matzura a ?crit :

That locks the user in their home directory

That locks the user in any directory of your choosing. Choosing the home
directory is the most common case, and therefore the one you find explained,
but not the only option.



Re: Putting It All On a Stick

2015-12-31 Thread Brian
On Thu 31 Dec 2015 at 18:19:26 +0100, wrote:

> On Thu, Dec 31, 2015 at 11:55:08AM -0500, Steve Matzura wrote:
> > Fascinating stuff. The one thing I forgot is cp and dd are not the
> > same.
> Well... if you cp the image to the _device file_ it amounts practically
> to dd (but in dd you can set the block size and block count; I once

cp and dd to and from a raw device file are identical. dd may be more
flexible with its parameters but as you say

> experimented with block size dd'ing to an USB stick and seem to remember
> that there was a (speed-wise) "sweet spot" around 16K, but don't ask
> me whether this was inherent in the USB stick or depended on whatever
> other system parameters and planet alignments out there).

its advantage is nebulous. Also, how significant are the advantages in
speed with an isohybrid image? A second or two perhaps on every 500M.

There is nothing wrong with using dd but its versatility doesn't get
employed for the simple job that cp and cat do equally as well.

MAC address and security (was: Question: eth0 vs enp1s0 (second try))

2015-12-31 Thread Vincent Lefevre
On 2015-12-30 16:11:39 +0100, Hans wrote:
> I changed the MAC cause of security purposes in this mail.


Vincent Lefèvre  - Web: 
100% accessible validated (X)HTML - Blog: 
Work: CR INRIA - computer arithmetic / AriC project (LIP, ENS-Lyon)

Re: Flèche de la souris qui disparait

2015-12-31 Thread andre_debian
On Thursday 31 December 2015 16:24:09 Fred wrote:
> Regarde si le mot-clé « autosuspend » apparait dans la ligne de commande 
> de ton noyau (/proc/cmdline) :

# cat /proc/cmdline
root=UUID=a8a150e7-77f0-4e27-bf93-33ab8932e427 ro quiet splash vga=0x318
> Tu peux regarder également la valeur par défaut
> dans /sys/module/usbcore/parameters/autosuspend : si c'est non nul, c'est
> sans doute activé (avec un délai de N secondes, donné par le contenu du
> paramètre). Après, cela peut être désactivé pour certains périphériques. 
> Si tu sais retrouver dans /sys le chemin correspondant à ton périphérique
> USB de ta souris, regarde la valeur du fichier auto_suspend pour celui-ci.

> Recherche également dans l'outil de ton système qui gère l'énergie/la mise
> en veille, c'est peut-être lui qui joue avec ce paramètre. 

# vi /sys/module/usbcore/parameters/autosuspend 
"E667: Fsynch a échoué"
Je ne peux rien modifier... 
et idem dans le fichier "/sys/bus/usb/devices/usb1/power/control" :
"control" E667: Fsynch a échoué


Re: Install Apache Modules on Webmin

2015-12-31 Thread Brad Rogers
On Thu, 31 Dec 2015 14:32:57 - (UTC)
Philipp Schneider  wrote:

Hello Philipp,

>Why do you use a web frontend for server configuration?

It's not possible to know from Jorge's description, but if this is a
hosted server, then cPanel access may be all he's got.

 Regards  _
 / )   "The blindingly obvious is
/ _)radnever immediately apparent"
A friend of a friend he got beaten
I Predict A Riot - Kaiser Chiefs

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Instalar kernel 4.3 con jessie-backports

2015-12-31 Thread Josu Lazkano
El día 31 de diciembre de 2015, 16:05, Camaleón  escribió:
> El Thu, 31 Dec 2015 14:41:26 +, Camaleón escribió:
>> El Thu, 31 Dec 2015 10:18:59 +0100, Josu Lazkano escribió:
> (...)
>>> Ahora tengo la 4.2 y lo instale des esta manera:
>>> # apt-get -t jessie-backports install linux-image-amd64
>>> ¿Como puedo instalar la nueva version sin romper nada?
>> (...)
>> Pues así como lo has hecho pero seguramente te pedirá que instales
>> paquetes adicionales.
> (...)
> Estaba pensando... si tienes el metapaquete del kernel de los backports
> con actualizar (upgrade / dist-upgrade) el sistema sería suficiente
> siempre y cuando tengas el repo de los backports habilitado:
> apt-get update && apt-get upgrade
> Eso sí, perderías la versión 4.2 (bpo) ya que se actualizaría a la 4.3.
> Saludos,
> --
> Camaleón

Gracias Camaleon,

Ya he probado lod e actualizar, pero nada:

# apt-get upgrade
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
Calculating upgrade... Done
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.

# apt-get dist-upgrade
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
Calculating upgrade... Done
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.

Parece que el metapaquete apunta al kernel de 4.2 y no al de 4.3.

Ademas en la web del paquete todavia pone la 4.2:

¿Tendre que esperar un poco mas a que actualicen?

Gracias por todo.

Un saludo.

Josu Lazkano

Re: Putting It All On a Stick

2015-12-31 Thread Thomas Schmitt

Steve Matzura wrote:
> How would I know for sure if it's ISO hybrid, 

A strong indication is the presence of partitions when inquired
by program fdisk.

  $ /sbin/fdisk -l debian-8.2.0-amd64-BD-1.iso
  debian-8.2.0-amd64-BD-1.iso1 *0 43859651 ...

You may let xorriso report

  $ xorriso -indev debian-8.2.0-amd64-BD-1.iso -toc 2>&1 | \
grep '^Boot record  :'

Depending on the version you will get

  Boot record  : El Torito , ISOLINUX boot image capable of isohybrid
  Boot record  : El Torito , ISOLINUX isohybrid MBR pointing to boot image
  Boot record  : El Torito , MBR isohybrid cyl-align-off GPT APM

The first message (from xorriso-1.2.2) indicates isohybrid only if
fdisk reports about partitions in the ISO.
The younger versions 1.3.2 (Debian stable) and 1.4.2 (Sid) can
tell without help by others.

xorriso-1.4.2 can list the whole boot equipment

  $ xorriso -indev debian-8.2.0-amd64-BD-1.iso \
-report_system_area plain -report_el_torito plain

which will report
  Boot record  : El Torito , MBR isohybrid cyl-align-off GPT APM
  Media summary: 1 session, 10964913 data blocks, 20.9g data,  750g free
  Volume id: 'Debian 8.2.0 amd64 1'
  System area options: 0x0202
  System area summary: MBR isohybrid cyl-align-off GPT APM
  ISO image size/512 : 43859652
  Partition offset   : 0
  MBR heads per cyl  : 0
  MBR secs per head  : 0
  MBR partition table:   N Status  TypeStart   Blocks
  MBR partition  :   1   0x80  0x000 43859652
  MBR partition  :   2   0x00  0xef75632  832
  MBR partition path :   2  /boot/grub/efi.img
  GPT:   N  Info
  GPT disk GUID  :  e68c59d8e9e83949b42975afc9d12f0f
  GPT entry array:  12  208  overlapping
  GPT lba range  :  64  43859598  43859651
  GPT partition name :   1  490053004f00480079006200720069006400
  GPT partname local :   1  ISOHybrid
  GPT partition GUID :   1  e68c59d8e9e83949b42b75afc9d12f0f
  GPT type GUID  :   1  a2a0d0ebe5b9334487c068b6b72699c7
  GPT partition flags:   1  0x1001
  GPT start and size :   1  0  43859596
  GPT partition name :   2  490053004f004800790062007200690064003100
  GPT partname local :   2  ISOHybrid1
  GPT partition GUID :   2  e68c59d8e9e83949b42a75afc9d12f0f
  GPT type GUID  :   2  a2a0d0ebe5b9334487c068b6b72699c7
  GPT partition flags:   2  0x1001
  GPT start and size :   2  75632  832
  GPT partition path :   2  /boot/grub/efi.img
  APM:   N  Info
  APM block size :  2048
  APM gap fillers:  0
  APM partition name :   1  EFI
  APM partition type :   1  Apple_HFS
  APM start and size :   1  18908  208
  APM partition path :   1  /boot/grub/efi.img
  El Torito catalog  : 18907  1
  El Torito cat path : /isolinux/
  El Torito images   :   N  Pltf  B   Emul  Ld_seg  Hdpt  Ldsiz LBA
  El Torito boot img :   1  BIOS  y   none  0x  0x00  4   19116
  El Torito boot img :   2  UEFI  y   none  0x  0x00832   18908
  El Torito img path :   1  /isolinux/isolinux.bin
  El Torito img opts :   1  boot-info-table isohybrid-suitable
  El Torito img path :   2  /boot/grub/efi.img

> and how would it fit on a standard 16GB drive?

It would not. If you cut of the tail you will get i/o errors when
files shall be read which are stored in the cut-off part.
The files are not sorted by importance or popularity in the ISO.

> I strongly suspect that's true
> because  the temp file that was created as soon as the process started
> was expanded to 20.9GB and never changed, so it's probably full of a
> lot of 0's toward the end.

No. It is packed full with compressed .deb files (and a few others).

In the beginning of Jigdo download the 20+ GB mainly consists of holes,
indeed. But the dowloading of .deb files fills each of the holes.

Jigdo = Jigsaw puzzle Download
The .template file is like the wooden frame for a kindergarten jigsaw toy.
The .deb files (and some others) are the wooden blocks which fit into
the holes.
The .jigdo file substitutes for the toddler's brain.

Have a nice day :)


entries of /var/cache/debconf/config.dat concerning purged packages

2015-12-31 Thread Vincent Lefevre
Is it normal that /var/cache/debconf/config.dat contains entries that
correspond to purged packages?

Vincent Lefèvre  - Web: 
100% accessible validated (X)HTML - Blog: 
Work: CR INRIA - computer arithmetic / AriC project (LIP, ENS-Lyon)

Re: Recommendation for FTP server

2015-12-31 Thread Daniel Bareiro
Hi, Steve.

On 31/12/15 14:07, Steve Matzura wrote:

> That locks the user in their home directory, but I have to give them
> access to other things outside that directory, just not let them go
> walking around and get into any other directory on the system. That's
> why I was thinking of VSFTP, which locks the user into their home
> directory, doesn't use ssh, uses TLS or something else, and lets the
> administrator define a list of places where the user can go.

If the user has to access different directories trees, then maybe you
could use the "bind" mount option for that from a single path the user
can access to paths that are not included each other.

I hope this is useful.

Best regards,

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Recommendation for FTP server

2015-12-31 Thread Charlie Kravetz
On Thu, 31 Dec 2015 11:32:34 -0500
Steve Matzura  wrote:

>ProFTPD? VSFTP? Something else? I'm needing a secure connection,
>non-SSH, because a lot of ssh built into FTP clients let you go
>wandering around outside your home area, unless there's a way to
>protect against that in the ssh configuration file, which I did look
>for but have not found. My FTP server must also be able to access
>network shares--a NAS box and some shared content on a Windows drive.

I use ProFTPD on my home server, it is easy to set up and use. I do not
allow access in from the outside, so it easy to secure on my end. It
does work to update my wordpress websites from home, though.

Charlie Kravetz
Linux Registered User Number 425914
Never let anyone steal your DREAM.   []

Re: entries of /var/cache/debconf/config.dat concerning purged packages

2015-12-31 Thread Brian
On Thu 31 Dec 2015 at 17:58:52 +0100, Vincent Lefevre wrote:

> Is it normal that /var/cache/debconf/config.dat contains entries that
> correspond to purged packages?


echo purge | debconf-communicate 

Re: /dev/tty problem

2015-12-31 Thread karl
Erik Svensson:
> Den 2015-12-28 kl. 23:31, skrev Stefan Alfredsson:
> > On 25/12/15 21:10, Erik Svensson wrote:
> >> /etc/init.d/samba start:
> > Blir det skillnad om du använder systemctl för att starta istället för
> > init.d-scriptet?
> >> Har googlat men inte hittat något vettigt svar.
> >> Är det någon som har någon idé om vad problemet beror på.
> > Jag googlade på
> > systemd Error opening current controlling terminal for the process
> > (`/dev/tty')
> > och fick upp liknande problem med andra programvaror.
> > Det verkar som att det är PolicyKit (polkit) som försöker kontakta en
> > autenticeringsagent, misslyckas, och försöker istället få fatt på en
> > tty som inte heller är åtkomlig (kanske pga chroot?).
> > Har du paketet "polkit" installerat?
> > Körs det någon polkit-agent, t.ex.
> > /usr/lib/polkit-gnome/polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1 ?
> Samma problem med systemctl.
> Verkar dock som det är x relaterat. Kör jag "ctrl+alt+f2" så jag hamnar
> i terminal så funkar init.d och systemctl utan problem. Men så fort jag
> är tillbaka i x så är problemet tillbaks.
> Kör lightdm för inlogg och xfce som fönsterhanterare,

Jag kan inte systemd, men har för mig att systemd använder cgroups
for att ha koll på vad som hör ihop med vad. Sökning på systemd och
cgroup ger (läs och se om det kan hjälpa dig):


Fast enklast är nog att gå tillbaka till sysv, iallafall tills någon
har rett ut problemet.

Enklast är då att prova, med

 deb jessie main

som aptsource.

/Karl Hammar

Aspö Data
Lilla Aspö 148
S-742 94 Östhammar
0173 140 57

Re: Putting It All On a Stick

2015-12-31 Thread Steve Matzura
to put a sock in this discussion, I have, in fact, gone to one or two
locations where there was *NO* Internet at all because the person who
wanted an accessible computer had no idea that in this day and age a
network connection is a virtual requirement to do anything useful.
They were quite happy to have a standalone system that could play
insertable media, write and print things, etc. They thought even such
things as electronic mail and basic Web-browsing were above their
capabilities. They soon discovered they were wrong ... but thereby
hangs another tail. The end user had a portable networking device that
could be plugged in and activated on demand, but there were no drivers
or other software components that were required in order to get it
working. With a net install setup, I'd've exhausted the poor person's
data cap in a matter of minutes, which is why I try to come prepared
with installation media of all sorts, an yes, once in a while I get
somebody whose machine, particularly a newer laptop, has no removable
rotating media capability. They leave CD-DVD drives out of a lot of
new laptops now in order to save space. They're cheap enough, so it's
not a cost saving the manufacturers are after.

Re: wget log from Jigdo

2015-12-31 Thread Steve Matzura
It doesn't help, but it *does* make sense. If that were documented in
the Jigdo quick-start, that would be helpful. I'll write in and see
about having it added as a cautionary note.

On Wed, 30 Dec 2015 17:58:20 -0800, you wrote:

>> On Dec 30, 2015, at 1:13 PM, Steve Matzura  wrote:
>> I still don't
>> understand why adding 'debian/' worked for the Pittsburgh URL but not,
>> say, for the Stevens Institute one. No matter, it's working now,
>I can’t say why any particular mirror does what it does, but the general rule 
>is: mirrors that provide more than one distro (Debian and CentOS, for example) 
>will add the /debian on the end of the URL, so as to keep the distros separate.
>Hope that helps,

Re: Putting It All On a Stick

2015-12-31 Thread Joe
On Thu, 31 Dec 2015 10:23:10 -0500
Steve Matzura  wrote:

> Thomas, just dd the file? That really works? I've got to try this.
> I've heard of this being the way to do things, but find it hard to
> understand how it could work. I suppose the boot loaders know what to
> do with ISO images.

No, it's the very opposite of knowing where things go. The dd command
is a very simple, completely unintelligent copier. But an ISO file is
an image, literally every byte stored on some medium being scraped up
in order, with the intention that it is laid down byte-for-byte starting
at location zero on some other medium. An ISO contains bootloader,
partition table (where used), unused space, the whole lot. What you end
up with is a precise copy of the original (as long as the write medium
is at least as large as the read medium), and dd is the simplest way to
achieve that.

Its only real drawback is that it copies every single byte, used or
not, and other copiers can be quicker if they ignore unused areas. Of
course, to do this, they have to know what is unused, and there is an
obvious risk of error. dd doesn't miss anything, you just need a book
to read while it works.


Re: Putting It All On a Stick

2015-12-31 Thread Steve Matzura

On Thu, 31 Dec 2015 15:43:12 +, you wrote:

>No, it's the very opposite of knowing where things go. The dd command
>is a very simple, completely unintelligent copier. But an ISO file is
>an image, literally every byte stored on some medium being scraped up
>in order, with the intention that it is laid down byte-for-byte starting
>at location zero on some other medium.

I understand the laying down of content well enough, but I have always
thought that when something is created, it has a name, and some
firmwares look for that name as the first thing in a table of names,
so when a .ISO file gets laid down on a piece of media, the first
thing in that media's names table is the name of the ISO file, not the
contents thereof, which is why there are image-burner programs out
there that don't lay the package down as a package, but open it and
lay down the contents as such. Maybe I needa go back to school to
learn how this works.

Re: Recommendation for FTP server

2015-12-31 Thread Nicolas George
Le primidi 11 nivôse, an CCXXIV, Steve Matzura a écrit :
> ProFTPD? VSFTP? Something else? I'm needing a secure connection,
> non-SSH, because a lot of ssh built into FTP clients let you go
> wandering around outside your home area,

Never rely on client restrictions for security.

>  unless there's a way to
> protect against that in the ssh configuration file, which I did look
> for but have not found.

Search for "chroot" in sshd_config(5). Also, search the web for "chroot


  Nicolas George

Description: Digital signature

Re: Triste jour pour Debian...

2015-12-31 Thread Christophe De Natale
Le jeudi 31 décembre 2015 à 01:08 +0100, Francois Lafont a écrit :
> Bonsoir à tous,
> Triste jour pour Debian qui vient de perde son fondateur âgé seulement de 42 
> ans :
> Qu'il repose en paix.
>   _,met$gg.
>  ,g$$P""   """Y$$.".
> ,$$P'  `$$$. 
>   ',$$P   ,ggs. `$$b:
>   `d$$' ,$P"'   .$$$
>$$P  d$' ,$$P
>$$:  $$.   -,d$$'
>$$;  Y$b._   _,d$P'
>`$$b  "-.__
> `Y$$b
>  `Y$$.
>  `Y$$b.
>_,   _,  ,'`.
>  `$$' `$$' `.  ,'
>   $$   $$`'
>   $$   $$ _,   _ 
> ,d$$$g$$  ,d$$$b.  $$,d$$$b.`$$' g$b.`$$,d$$b.
>,$P'  `$$ ,$P' `Y$. $$$'  `$$ $$  "'   `$$ $$$' `$$
>$$'$$ $$'   `$$ $$'$$ $$  ,g$$ $$'   $$
>$$ $$ $$g$$ $$ $$ $$ ,$P"   $$ $$$$
>$$,$$ $$.   $$,$P $$ $$'   ,$$ $$$$
>`$g. ,$$$ `$$._ _., $$ _,g$P' $$ `$b. ,$$$ $$$$
> `Y$$P'$$. `YP',P"'  ,$$. `Y$$P'$$.$$.  ,$$. 

Sombre histoire en effet...
Une pensée pour ses proches et ce qu'il laisse derrière lui.

Christophe De Natale 

Re: sexist content in the package openclipart2-png

2015-12-31 Thread John L. Ries
I was going to respond to the original post privately, as my thoughts are 
off topic, but at this point, I think I need to do it publicly.

While pornography and its attendant portrayal of women, children, and even 
men as sex objects encourage all manner of perverse behaviors, I don't 
that think non-sexual abuse of women by men is one of them (it's not like 
readers of "Playgirl" are thought to be more inclined to commit violence 
against men than others).  Rather, the latter appears to be more related 
to cultural attitudes that glorify bullying and physical punishment of 
perceived slights as "manly", and despise appeals to reason and compassion 
as weak and effeminate; combined with a general contempt for women 
(beautiful or not) as weaklings and inferiors.  Thus, while removing 
sexually provacative pictures from collections of clip art *might* 
discourage perverse sexual behavior to a very modest extent, it is 
unlikely to reduce the number of wife-beaters.  Treating the latter and 
other bullies as the common criminals they are, and ceasing to make 
excuses for them (together with teaching boys from a young age to respect 
girls and women and protect them from violence) would do a lot more.

John L. Ries  |
Salford Systems   |
Phone: (619)543-8880 x107 |
or (435)867-8885  |

On Thu, 31 Dec 2015, John Hasler wrote:

Javier Barroso writes:

As workaround, you can create a dpkg config file on
/etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg.d/ (maybe called openclipart2-exclusions)  with:

path-exclude /usr/share/openclipart2/png/gustavorezende/gustavorezende_Wom*
path-exclude /usr/share/openclipart2/png/

Then do apt-get --reinstall install openclipart2 , and files listed
there should not be installed

But that does not achieve the OP's goal, which is to prevent anyone from
installing those files.

Perhaps the OP should create openclipart2forprudes and try to get it
John Hasler
Elmwood, WI USA

Re: wget log from Jigdo

2015-12-31 Thread Steve Matzura
Now everything's fixed, up, running, etc., it's quite time to thank
everyone who made suggestions, at least 99% of which were helpful in
some way, if not directly, then indirectly by putting my mind onto a
different thinking path.

Re: RIP and Thank You.

2015-12-31 Thread Steve Matzura
You and a few hundred thousand of your closest friends I'm sure. Very

On Wed, 30 Dec 2015 21:28:08 -0200, you wrote:

>Rest in Peace Ian!
>I wanna know exactly what happened with him.
>On 30 December 2015 at 20:44, Lisi Reisz  wrote:

Re: /dev/tty problem

2015-12-31 Thread Erik Svensson
Den 2015-12-28 kl. 23:31, skrev Stefan Alfredsson:
> On 25/12/15 21:10, Erik Svensson wrote:
>> /etc/init.d/samba start:
> Blir det skillnad om du använder systemctl för att starta istället för
> init.d-scriptet?
>> Har googlat men inte hittat något vettigt svar.
>> Är det någon som har någon idé om vad problemet beror på.
> Jag googlade på
> systemd Error opening current controlling terminal for the process
> (`/dev/tty')
> och fick upp liknande problem med andra programvaror.
> Det verkar som att det är PolicyKit (polkit) som försöker kontakta en
> autenticeringsagent, misslyckas, och försöker istället få fatt på en
> tty som inte heller är åtkomlig (kanske pga chroot?).
> Har du paketet "polkit" installerat?
> Körs det någon polkit-agent, t.ex.
> /usr/lib/polkit-gnome/polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1 ?
> /Stefan
Samma problem med systemctl.
Verkar dock som det är x relaterat. Kör jag "ctrl+alt+f2" så jag hamnar
i terminal så funkar init.d och systemctl utan problem. Men så fort jag
är tillbaka i x så är problemet tillbaks.

Kör lightdm för inlogg och xfce som fönsterhanterare,

Re: RIP and Thank You.

2015-12-31 Thread John L. Ries

If the news report is correct, he appears to have self destructed,
which is even sadder.

John L. Ries  |
Salford Systems   |
Phone: (619)543-8880 x107 |
or (435)867-8885  |

On Thu, 31 Dec 2015, Steve Matzura wrote:

42! How sad.

On Wed, 30 Dec 2015 22:44:26 +, you wrote:

Re: sexist content in the package openclipart2-png

2015-12-31 Thread John Hasler
Javier Barroso writes:
> As workaround, you can create a dpkg config file on
> /etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg.d/ (maybe called openclipart2-exclusions)  with:

> path-exclude /usr/share/openclipart2/png/gustavorezende/gustavorezende_Wom*
> path-exclude /usr/share/openclipart2/png/

> Then do apt-get --reinstall install openclipart2 , and files listed
> there should not be installed

But that does not achieve the OP's goal, which is to prevent anyone from
installing those files.

Perhaps the OP should create openclipart2forprudes and try to get it
John Hasler
Elmwood, WI USA

Re: Putting It All On a Stick

2015-12-31 Thread Steve Matzura
On Thu, 31 Dec 2015 16:47:43 +, Brian wrote:

>'fdisk -l /dev/sdX' will show a partition table (as described by Thomas
>Schmitt). A 21GB image will not fit on a 16GM USB stick.

Yes, the ISO is good. fdisk shows everything's fine. I'll have to try
this with one of my 32's just to see it work. If it does, I'll be
quite chuffed.

Re: Instalar kernel 4.3 con jessie-backports

2015-12-31 Thread Camaleón
El Thu, 31 Dec 2015 17:44:07 +0100, Josu Lazkano escribió:

> El día 31 de diciembre de 2015, 16:05, Camaleón 
> escribió:


>> Estaba pensando... si tienes el metapaquete del kernel de los backports
>> con actualizar (upgrade / dist-upgrade) el sistema sería suficiente
>> siempre y cuando tengas el repo de los backports habilitado:
>> apt-get update && apt-get upgrade
>> Eso sí, perderías la versión 4.2 (bpo) ya que se actualizaría a la 4.3.
> Gracias Camaleon,
> Ya he probado lod e actualizar, pero nada:
> # apt-get upgrade Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree
> Reading state information... Done Calculating upgrade... Done 0
> upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
> # apt-get dist-upgrade Reading package lists... Done Building dependency
> tree Reading state information... Done Calculating upgrade... Done 0
> upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.

Qué raro, porque yo lo tengo igual (wheezy) y sí que se me ha ido 
actualizando el kernel de los backports al tener instalado el metapaquete.

Comprueba que tengas habilitado en el "/etc/apt/sources.list" el repo de 
los backports.
> Parece que el metapaquete apunta al kernel de 4.2 y no al de 4.3.

¿Mande? :-?

> Ademas en la web del paquete todavia pone la 4.2:
> ¿Tendre que esperar un poco mas a que actualicen?

Ah, entonces sí. Espera mejor a que lo enlacen, así no tendrás que 
instalarlo a mano ni tendrás las dos versiones instaladas (4.2 y 4.3 bpo).



Creating a .deb package!

2015-12-31 Thread Himanshu Shekhar
I have made some bash scripts (about 300 lines). I want it to be available
for direct install along with some additional files for direct use.
How can I make the .deb file out of a shell script and about 5 more text
Also, how can I get it added to the Debian repositories?

Himanshu Shekhar


2015-12-31 Thread petrohs el compa obrero
2015-12-31 9:34 GMT-06:00 Rafael Cantos Villanueva :
> Que tengais todos una magnifica entrada de año y que este año sea el mejor
> para todos nosotros.
> ¡Pasadlo bien y cuidaito con las celebraciones!
> Rafa
Feliz año

"Cada cual según sus fuerzas, cada quien según sus necesidades..."

Re: Recommendation for FTP server

2015-12-31 Thread Jude DaShiell
Look in the /etc/ssh/ directory or /etc/default/ subdirectory those 
configuration files likely will be in one of those two locations. On Thu, 
31 Dec 2015, Steve Matzura wrote:

Date: Thu, 31 Dec 2015 11:32:34
From: Steve Matzura 
To: debian 
Subject: Recommendation for FTP server
Resent-Date: Thu, 31 Dec 2015 16:32:51 + (UTC)

ProFTPD? VSFTP? Something else? I'm needing a secure connection,
non-SSH, because a lot of ssh built into FTP clients let you go
wandering around outside your home area, unless there's a way to
protect against that in the ssh configuration file, which I did look
for but have not found. My FTP server must also be able to access
network shares--a NAS box and some shared content on a Windows drive.



Re: Putting It All On a Stick

2015-12-31 Thread Steve Matzura
Thomas, just dd the file? That really works? I've got to try this.
I've heard of this being the way to do things, but find it hard to
understand how it could work. I suppose the boot loaders know what to
do with ISO images.

On Wed, 30 Dec 2015 22:34:56 +0100, you wrote:

>Steve Matzura wrote:
>>  didn't do anything to the medium before using a ISO2USB to write to it.
>Do not use any repacker tool with the debian-cd ISOs.
>Rather copy them plainly onto the base device of the USB drive.
>E.g. onto /dev/sdc if it is at a Linux machine.
>with the advise to use cp or dd and its link to
>Have a nice day :)

Re: Putting It All On a Stick

2015-12-31 Thread Steve Matzura
For those who want to try this, the size of the Iso I got from the
Jigdo build far exceeds a 16GB stick. It's reported as 20.9GB. I
suppose I'll have to use one of my prized 32GB USB3 thumbdrives for
this test.

Re: Installation successful

2015-12-31 Thread Steve Matzura
Thanks Rick. My Speakup problem turned out to be quite a silly one.
For some unknown reason, even though I installed with it, after the
system booted when the install was done, something pushed every level
setting on the onboard sound card down to 0. I had to learn how to use
amixer from Samuel from the Debian accessibility group to get it
working. Silly stuff will get ya every time.

On Wed, 30 Dec 2015 17:44:26 -0800, you wrote:

>> On Dec 30, 2015, at 1:13 PM, Steve Matzura  wrote:
>> I started from the very beginning and got it done. I only made one
>> mistake, which I will correct--I mistyped the domain name. I still
>> don't know what I did wrong the first time I tried installing, but
>> it's of no consequence now, as things are working correctly.
>> I am now trying to add Speakup support but am having trouble obtaining
>> the speakup-tools package. I've written to debian-accessibility about
>> it and will probably have an answer forthwith.
>Congratulations, Steve!  Welcome to the Community!

Re: RIP and Thank You.

2015-12-31 Thread Noah Duffy
Saw this yesterday evening.  Very sad news.  Unfortunately, there will
be some mystery surrounding his death until we get the facts.

The memory of him will always live on through the Debian project.

Noah Duffy

ASCII ribbon campaign ( )
against HTML e-mail!   X
  / \

Recommendation for FTP server

2015-12-31 Thread Steve Matzura
ProFTPD? VSFTP? Something else? I'm needing a secure connection,
non-SSH, because a lot of ssh built into FTP clients let you go
wandering around outside your home area, unless there's a way to
protect against that in the ssh configuration file, which I did look
for but have not found. My FTP server must also be able to access
network shares--a NAS box and some shared content on a Windows drive.


Re: RIP and Thank You.

2015-12-31 Thread John Hasler
Noah Duffy writes:
> Unfortunately, there will be some mystery surrounding his death until
> we get the facts.

At this point it looks like the sort of event that will always have some
mystery surrounding it.  No use speculating, though.  More facts will
come out.
John Hasler
Elmwood, WI USA

Re: Putting It All On a Stick

2015-12-31 Thread Brian
On Thu 31 Dec 2015 at 11:55:08 -0500, Steve Matzura wrote:

> Fascinating stuff. The one thing I forgot is cp and dd are not the
> same.

cp reads and writes file. dd reads and writes file. Why are they
basically not the same for the task of putting an isohybrid on a
USB stick?

Re: Avermedia Tuner Volar HD Green USB

2015-12-31 Thread Sven Arvidsson
On Thu, 2015-12-31 at 18:18 +0100, Gábor Hársfalvi wrote:
> Dear Sven Arvidsson!
> When I plug in the stick it sends me ->
> Dec 31 18:14:34 debian-dell kernel: [ 1973.017840] usb 2-1.7: new
> high-speed USB device number 8 using ehci-pci
> Dec 31 18:14:34 debian-dell kernel: [ 1973.119793] usb 2-1.7: New USB
> device found, idVendor=07ca, idProduct=1835
> Dec 31 18:14:34 debian-dell kernel: [ 1973.119799] usb 2-1.7: New USB
> device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3
> Dec 31 18:14:34 debian-dell kernel: [ 1973.119803] usb 2-1.7:
> Product: A835B
> Dec 31 18:14:34 debian-dell kernel: [ 1973.119806] usb 2-1.7:
> Manufacturer:
> Dec 31 18:14:34 debian-dell kernel: [ 1973.119810] usb 2-1.7:
> SerialNumber:
> 307239200197
> Dec 31 18:14:34 debian-dell kernel: [ 1973.123313] usb 2-1.7:
> dvb_usb_af9035: prechip_version=83 chip_version=02 chip_type=9135
> Dec 31 18:14:34 debian-dell kernel: [ 1973.123858] usb 2-1.7:
> dvb_usb_v2:
> found a 'Avermedia A835B(1835)' in cold state
> Dec 31 18:14:34 debian-dell kernel: [ 1973.123884] usb 2-1.7: Direct
> firmware load failed with error -2
> Dec 31 18:14:34 debian-dell kernel: [ 1973.123888] usb 2-1.7: Falling
> back
> to user helper
> Dec 31 18:14:34 debian-dell kernel: [ 1973.124771] dvb_usb_af9035:
> probe of
> 2-1.7:1.0 failed with error -12
> I downloaded and put the firmware to my /lib/firmware folder with
> some
> Linux tutorial - like this ->
> -avermedia.html
> How to make the firmware to work?


Please respond to the list, that way everyone can read the answer (and
more people can help you!)

It should just be a matter of unplugging the device and plugging it in
again, the driver should find the firmware. If not, check dmesg again.

Sven Arvidsson

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

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