Re: Monitor switched off after resume from hibernation

2017-01-07 Thread solitone
On Saturday, January 7, 2017 1:35:07 PM CET David Wright wrote:
> you could go on to combine it with the
> hibernation process to make sure that the monitor was on just before
> hibernation started. (There might be some sort of serialisation
> required to make sure the two actions occur in the right order. You
> don't want a race.)

What sort of serialisation are you referring to? I tried with the following 
script, but won't work:

$cat /usr/lib/systemd/system-sleep/screen_hack_hibernate

if [ "$2" = "hibernate" ]; then
case "$1" in
xset -display :0 dpms force on

I thought it would be run just before hibernate (it's the same technique I use 
to unload the driver of my wifi adapter before hibernate, to prevent some other 
network issues I had) , but it doesn't.

python time module

2017-01-07 Thread Joe Pfeiffer
I'm starting to try to learn pythonOCC (a wrapper on the OpenCascade 3d
modeling library) as an excuse to learn python itself, and am running
into some problems right off the bat.

(1) pythonOCC wants to be installed using a package manager called
conda (see and  Is there a reasonably standard way to
integrate conda with apt (in the same sense that alien will let me
install an RPM), or do I just sort of have to expect to use a
different system for it?  Yes, I can download from source instead,
and may end up taking that approach, but would rather not if I can
avoid it.

(2) More seriously, I'm getting the following error and traceback trying
to run my very first script:

nowball:13$ python 
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in 
from OCC.Display.SimpleGui import init_display
line 20, in 
import logging
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/logging/", line 26, in 
import sys, os, time, cStringIO, traceback, warnings, weakref, collections
ImportError: No module named time

>From everything I'm finding, it looks like both the logging and time
modules should be installed by default with python; what do I need to
install that is missing at present to get the time module?

Re: Wan-Lan

2017-01-07 Thread Frederic MASSOT

Le 07/01/2017 à 20:23, Gian Luca Dequecker a écrit :


Dans un réseau mixte (Windows/Linux) lorsque la connexion vers le WAN
est coupée (à partir d'un pare-feu), les machines Linux ne sont plus
disponibles sur le LAN. Pouvez-vous me dire pourquoi et éventuellement
les paramètres a introduire pour que ces machines soit disponibles sur
le réseau local ?

Il serait intéressant de connaitre les différences de configuration 
entre les machines Windows et Linux : Passerelle utilisée, DNS...

|  |
|   |
| +33.(0)  +33.(0) |

mutt and sidebar

2017-01-07 Thread Mattia Oss

I'm having a hard time with mutt and the sidebar. What I'm trying to
obtain is the sidebar displaying only the mailboxes of the current
account. So I set up 2 keybindings the source each profile config.
Inside the files there's something like:

set mbox_type = mbox
set folder = "~/.mutt/mail/local"
unmailboxes *
mailboxes +inbox +sent +drafts

When I press the relative key, the sidebar change but all numbers set to

inbox   0|
drafts  0|

Is there any option that tells the sidebar to update these numbers?

Thanks in advance for any suggestion.

Re: Desligamento Abrupto

2017-01-07 Thread Rodolfo
Rapa, agora gostei da explicação, hehehe, ficou claro.

Agora sobre essa sua dúvida, realmente não sei tecnicamente como lhe
responder, aqui no meu notebook não desligo apertando o botão power, na
verdade, eu não faço isso em nenhum computador ou notebook, fruto de anos
administrando servidores, heheheheh(nas empresas onde trabalhei, todo os
servidores tinham um script que detectava quando o cara apertava o botão
power ao invés de usar os comandos no shell, se os donos dos serviços de
T.I pegassem, ai papai, era só uma cartinha de advertência e depois bye
bye. Todos os servidores eram terceirizados). Devido a essas experiências é
automático, eu abro o shell e desligo via comandos: shutdown -h now (Sysv)
e agora systemctl poweroff (Systemd).

Dei uma rápida pesquisada aqui e encontrei isso, mas vamos esperar alguém
trazer informações mais técnicas.


Em 7 de janeiro de 2017 12:54, Jackson  escreveu:

> Em 07/01/2017 11:39, Rodolfo escreveu:
> Você escreveu: "Tenho utilizado o Debian Versão 7.x, mais quando saiu o
> Debian 8 não consigo usar o botão de desligar corretamente"
> Não entendi, então você fez isso no Debian 7? Fiquei confuso, pensei que
> tivesse feito isso no Debian 8. Pode ser então que você instalou o Debian 8
> depois removeu?
> Bom, em todo caso, pode ser que seu computador esteja hibernando quando
> pressiona o botão do Power, já tentou ver as configurações do Gnome(KDE,
> Mate, etc)?
> Abraços.
> Ola,
> Realmente me expressei mal ao informar sobre o Debian 8, é que uso em
> vários clientes o Debian como servidor de dados, pois além de ser mais
> seguro, tenho habilidades com ele, embora que nos terminais meus clientes
> usam o rWindows.
> O que quis informar é que quando tentei instalar em um cliente novo o
> Debian 8, ao pressionar botão de desligar o servidor, o mesmo não acontecia
> nada, pesquisei e verifiquei que era só modificar no dConf a opção no
> power, e colocar ShutDown, até aqui tudo ok.
> Mais o comportamento de desligamento do Debian ficou diferente, ele
> simplesmente desliga, sem passar pelo processo de fechar todos os serviços
> ativos, como acontece com as versões anteriores ao Debian 8, e fiquei
> preocupado pois como uso SGDB instalado no servidor,
> como o Mysql, PostGres e FireBird.
> Por este motivo não mais instalei o Debian 8, permaneci com o Debian 7,
> por isso recorro a vocês, se este comportamento é normal ou não.
> Espero ter ajudado com os esclarecimentos.
> --
> ==
>  []___
>  //\Jackson Douglas C. Brito
> /_/\_///\   Engenheiro de Soluções
> | || |||  |||   OnTop Sistemas / Wild Sistemas
> | || |||__|||   Boa Vista - RR (95)-98112-8570
> ==

Re: Wan-Lan

2017-01-07 Thread Pascal Hambourg

Le 07/01/2017 à 20:23, Gian Luca Dequecker a écrit :

Dans un réseau mixte (Windows/Linux) lorsque la connexion vers le WAN est
coupée (à partir d'un pare-feu), les machines Linux ne sont plus
disponibles sur le LAN. Pouvez-vous me dire pourquoi et éventuellement les
paramètres a introduire pour que ces machines soit disponibles sur le
réseau local ?

Pas sans une description circonstanciée de ce que signifie "disponible".

Bash different behaviour of read / strings in jessie versus stretch (regression?)

2017-01-07 Thread foo fighter
the same code behaves different in jessie and stretch. Does someone know why, 
and if this could be a regression?
In jessie "version 1" and "version 2" behave identical. In stretch, "version 2" 
behaves different (only one item in array)
The code difference between "version 1" and "version 2" lies in quotation marks 
around  $_inputstring

Yours lopiuh
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -o errexit  # (set -e)
set -o nounset  # (set -u)
set -o pipefail #
shopt -s nullglob # enable
#shopt -s failglob
#set -o noglob

echo "===Version 1==="
echo "Bash Version: $BASH_VERSION"
echo -n "IFS:"; echo "$IFS" | cat -vte

unset _array; declare -a _array

_inputstring="$(echo -e "item01\nitem02\nitem03")"
echo "inputstring:"
echo -n "$_inputstring" | xxd; echo

read -ra _array <<<$(echo $_inputstring) # <<< NO -"- around string
#read -ra _array <<<"$_inputstring" #<--- only one item, even in jessie
#read -ra _array <<<$_inputstring #<--- only one item, even in jessie

echo "itemcount of array: ${#_array[@]}"
for i in "${_array[@]}"; do
echo -n "element: "; echo -n "$i" | xxd; echo
echo "===Version 2==="
echo "Bash Version: $BASH_VERSION"
echo -n "IFS:"; echo "$IFS" | cat -vte

unset _array; declare -a _array

_inputstring="$(echo -e "item01\nitem02\nitem03")"
echo "inputstring:"
echo -n "$_inputstring" | xxd; echo

read -ra _array <<<$(echo "$_inputstring") # <<< WITH -"- around string
#read -ra _array <<<"$_inputstring" #<--- only one item, even in jessie
#read -ra _array <<<$_inputstring #<--- only one item, even in jessie

echo "itemcount of array: ${#_array[@]}"
for i in "${_array[@]}"; do
echo -n "element: "; echo -n "$i" | xxd; echo


Output of jessie:
===Version 1===
Bash Version: 4.3.30(1)-release
IFS: ^I$

000: 6974 656d 3031 0a69 7465 6d30 320a 6974
010: 656d 3033em03

itemcount of array: 3
element: 000: 6974 656d 3031   item01

element: 000: 6974 656d 3032   item02

element: 000: 6974 656d 3033   item03

===Version 2===
Bash Version: 4.3.30(1)-release
IFS: ^I$

000: 6974 656d 3031 0a69 7465 6d30 320a 6974
010: 656d 3033em03

itemcount of array: 3
element: 000: 6974 656d 3031   item01

element: 000: 6974 656d 3032   item02

element: 000: 6974 656d 3033   item03

Output of stretch:
===Version 1===
Bash Version: 4.4.5(1)-release
IFS: ^I$

: 6974 656d 3031 0a69 7465 6d30 320a 6974
0010: 656d 3033em03

itemcount of array: 3
element: : 6974 656d 3031   item01

element: : 6974 656d 3032   item02

element: : 6974 656d 3033   item03

===Version 2===
Bash Version: 4.4.5(1)-release
IFS: ^I$

: 6974 656d 3031 0a69 7465 6d30 320a 6974
0010: 656d 3033em03

itemcount of array: 1
element: : 6974 656d 3031   item01

Re: Monitor switched off after resume from hibernation

2017-01-07 Thread solitone
On Saturday, January 7, 2017 1:35:07 PM CET David Wright wrote:
> But you've chosen to do the difficult thing, without knowing whether
> there's a bug somewhere that makes it impossible for you to succeed.
> Would it not be better to get systemd to turn *on* the monitor
> *before* the hibernate (and that's something you should be able to
> observe happening).

Hi David, and thanks for your feedback. Yes, you're right, and what you're 
suggesting is the idea I also had originally. I tried also the other way round 
because till now I haven't succeeded in turning on the monitor before the 
hibernate. But I'll experiment following your hints and let you know. 

Thanks again & cheers,

NFS 4 id mapping does not work on auto mount

2017-01-07 Thread Mini Trader
Hello all,

I am having some issues with ID mapping.

The behavior that I notice is as follows.

1. If I mount via /etc/fstab when automount is enabled, then I have no id
2. If I mount after boot via mount -a (fstab contains noauto entry) my id
mapping is correct

Client is running:

Linux backup 3.16.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.16.36-1+deb8u2 (2016-10-19)
x86_64 GNU/Linux

Any thoughts on what this might be?  Something with timing or order.


Finding a good compromise in automating security updates

2017-01-07 Thread Yvan Masson
Hi list,

I want to automate security updates on Stretch desktops and servers,
using unattended-upgrades.

I remember that under Wheezy I was receiving an email when my
intervention was needed (i.e. when a WARNING was written in the log
file). I can't get this anymore with my current testing:
- either I am notified even when everything is OK
- either I do not receive an email

Did anyone notice a similar issue?


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: Monitor switched off after resume from hibernation

2017-01-07 Thread David Wright
On Sat 07 Jan 2017 at 08:18:51 (+0100), solitone wrote:
> On Friday, January 6, 2017 9:52:13 PM CET David Wright wrote:
> > in your terminal, you'll probably find that
> > $ echo $DISPLAY
> > will give you :0 (locally) or localhost:10.0 (if you ssh into
> > another computer). So your terminal's xset command will be
> > happy without -display as it's got $DISPLAY instead.
> > [...]
> > I'm assuming that a systemd command that suddenly pops up from nowhere
> > will not have a suitable value for $DISPLAY.
> OK, I see.
> I've ssh'd into the computer with the screen issue, and done some additional 
> tests. I can switch off and on the monitor from ssh with the following 
> commands ($DISPLAY is not set in shh):
> $ xset -display :0 dpms force off
> $ xset -display :0 dpms force on
> So, I turn the monitor off, hibernate, and resume, and I get the usual black 
> screen. The system is up and running, as I can ssh into it. From ssh I give:
> $ xset -display :0 dpms force on
> but nothing happen. Even if I try:
> $ xset -display :0 dpms force off
> $ xset -display :0 dpms force on
> nothing happens either.
> So the behaviour I have from ssh is similar to what I get from a systemd 
> script. The system is apparently up and running, but I can't turn the monitor 
> on, neither from systemd, nor from ssh. Funny thing!

But you've chosen to do the difficult thing, without knowing whether
there's a bug somewhere that makes it impossible for you to succeed.
Would it not be better to get systemd to turn *on* the monitor
*before* the hibernate (and that's something you should be able to
observe happening).

One scenario might be to make systemd run a service that turns on the
monitor every few minutes. Then you can turn the monitor off with
your xset command and see if the systemd service restores it in a
minute or two.

If that experiment works, then you could go on to combine it with the
hibernation process to make sure that the monitor was on just before
hibernation started. (There might be some sort of serialisation
required to make sure the two actions occur in the right order. You
don't want a race.)


Re: Broken apt-get/dpkg

2017-01-07 Thread Sven Joachim
On 2017-01-07 19:01 +, Kelly Harding wrote:

> So, I've been having troubles recently with finding the /var partition
> being too small and needing to purge stuff from it to allow processes
> to work properly, etc. I intend to do a fresh install to a SSD with a
> bigger /var to avoid this, however in the meantime until I do this I
> seem to have deleted something I shouldn't (oops!) and broken a
> package called cacti.
> I get the following errors if I try to do any upgrades or try to
> remove the cacti package (in the hopes of removing the problems).
> dpkg -r cacti
> dpkg: warning: files list file for package 'cinnamon-session' missing;
> assuming package has no files currently installed

This is bad, because dpkg no longer knows which files belong to the
package in question.  When you upgrade or remove the package, files will
be left behind on your system.

>  missing; assuming package has no files currently installed
> dpkg: warning: files list file for package 'libmtp-runtime' missing;
> assuming package has no files currently installed
> ckage has no files currently installed
> dpkg: warning: files list file for package 'rtkit' missing; assuming
> package has no files currently installed
> dpkg: warning: files list file for package 'libstreamanalyzer0'
> missing; assuming package has no files currently installed
> dpkg: warning: files list file for package 'qtmultimedia5-dev:amd64'
> missing; assuming package has no files currently installed
> dpkg: warning: files list file for package 'libgucharmap-2-90-7'
> missing; assuming package has no files currently installed
> -- lots more of similar cut --
> dpkg: warning: files list file for package 'libavahi-core7:amd64'
> missing; assuming package has no files currently installed
> (Reading database ... 12814 files and directories currently installed.)

12814 files is way too few for a desktop system, so probably many
(most?) *.list files in /var/lib/dpkg/info have gone AWOL.

> If it comes to it that I need to do the fresh install to the ssd to
> fix this mess up then so be it, but not feeling too well atm I've been
> putting that off until I was feeling well enough.

You could try to reinstall all the packages without a files list file,
but that could mean downloading them and filling up /var again.  So I
would probably go for a fresh install which ensures that no cruft
remains on the system.



2017-01-07 Thread Gian Luca Dequecker

Dans un réseau mixte (Windows/Linux) lorsque la connexion vers le WAN est
coupée (à partir d'un pare-feu), les machines Linux ne sont plus
disponibles sur le LAN. Pouvez-vous me dire pourquoi et éventuellement les
paramètres a introduire pour que ces machines soit disponibles sur le
réseau local ?

Merci pour votre aide.

Broken apt-get/dpkg

2017-01-07 Thread Kelly Harding
So, I've been having troubles recently with finding the /var partition
being too small and needing to purge stuff from it to allow processes
to work properly, etc. I intend to do a fresh install to a SSD with a
bigger /var to avoid this, however in the meantime until I do this I
seem to have deleted something I shouldn't (oops!) and broken a
package called cacti.

I get the following errors if I try to do any upgrades or try to
remove the cacti package (in the hopes of removing the problems).

dpkg -r cacti
dpkg: warning: files list file for package 'cinnamon-session' missing;
assuming package has no files currently installed

 missing; assuming package has no files currently installed
dpkg: warning: files list file for package 'libmtp-runtime' missing;
assuming package has no files currently installed
ckage has no files currently installed
dpkg: warning: files list file for package 'rtkit' missing; assuming
package has no files currently installed
dpkg: warning: files list file for package 'libstreamanalyzer0'
missing; assuming package has no files currently installed
dpkg: warning: files list file for package 'qtmultimedia5-dev:amd64'
missing; assuming package has no files currently installed
dpkg: warning: files list file for package 'libgucharmap-2-90-7'
missing; assuming package has no files currently installed

-- lots more of similar cut --

dpkg: warning: files list file for package 'libavahi-core7:amd64'
missing; assuming package has no files currently installed
(Reading database ... 12814 files and directories currently installed.)
Removing cacti (0.8.8b+dfsg-8+deb8u6) ...
dpkg: error processing package cacti (--remove):
 subprocess installed pre-removal script returned error exit status 10
dbconfig-common: flushing administrative password
dpkg: error while cleaning up:
 subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 10
Errors were encountered while processing:

If it comes to it that I need to do the fresh install to the ssd to
fix this mess up then so be it, but not feeling too well atm I've been
putting that off until I was feeling well enough.

Thanks in advance,


Re: Monitor switched off after resume from hibernation

2017-01-07 Thread solitone
On Saturday, January 7, 2017 9:04:27 AM CET Joe wrote:
> Is the screen truly off? If you look at it from unusual angles, can you
> see any faint sign of the correct display?

I've further investigated what's going on, and yes, the screen is truly off--
i.e. the backlight is completely off.

First an introduction. Screen brightness can be adjusted writing in "/sys/
class/backlight/intel_backlight/brightness" a value between 0 and 
max_brightness, in my case 1388. 

This value gets copied in "/sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/
actual_brightness". Ultimately the brightness of the screen is decided by 
"actual_brightness", but you can't write directly to that file.

When you switch off the backlight with "sleep 1 && xset dpms force off", the 
value in "brightness" doesn't change (for instance it remains equal to 1388), 
while only the value in /actual_brightness" is set to 0.

Now, regarding my analysis, I've done it with the help of the usual ssh. When 
the screen is off, as I said this means that "actual_brightness" is 0, while 
"brightness" can be any value (0, 1388, 694, whatever), depending on the 
specific situation, but this is not relevant. Now, if I hibernate the system, 
and then resume it, what I find with ssh is that "brightness" is 1388, but 
"actual_brightness" is still 0, meaning the screen is indeed off.

It's not possible to directly change the value in "actual_brightness", and in 
contrast to the usual behaviour, changing the value in "brightness" has no 
effect on "actual_brightness". As said in my previous posts, also "xset -
display :0 dpms force on" doesn't change the value in "actual_brightness".

Re: Desligamento Abrupto

2017-01-07 Thread Emerson Sobreiro
Posso estar enganado mas o Debian 8 não apenas desliga, mas ele não exibe
mais os comandos de shutdown que anteriormente eram exibidos. Não sei dizer
no momento se por parte do systemd mas vou perquisar e dar um retorno.

Tenho diversos clientes com Debian e atualizei todos eles para Debian 8 e
não tive nenhum problema no processo de atualização ou posteriormente na


Emerson M. Sobreiro

Re: using offlineimap, notmuch and emacs etc....

2017-01-07 Thread Michael Fothergill
Dear Folks,

On 7 January 2017 at 16:22, Liam O'Toole  wrote:

> On 2017-01-07, Michael Fothergill  wrote:
> > --001a1145bd88af6ab6054580e973
> > Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
> >
> > Dear Folks,
> >
> > I have installed the utility offlineimap which is somewhat new to me.
> >
> > I found a web site that explained how to use it in combination with emacs
> > and notmuch for organising your email etc. if you have a gmail account
> > which I do
> >
> > The site kindly listed a short script that you could use with a gmail
> > account.
> >
> > I used it to produce something that would work for me (I hoped).
> >
> > Here it is:
> >
> > mikef@rhinoceros:~$ more ~/.offlineimaprc
> > [general]
> > accounts = mikefGmail
> >
> > [Account mikefGmail]
> > localrepository = Local
> > remoterepository = MichaelFothergillGmail
> >
> > [Repository Local]
> > type = Maildir
> > localfolders = ~/Mail
> >
> > [Repository MichaelFothergillGmail]
> > type = Gmail
> > maxconnections=1
> > remoteuser =
> > realdelete=no
> > folderfilter = lambda foldername:foldername in ['[Google Mail]/All
> > Mail', '[Google Mail]/Sent Mail']
> > nametrans = lambda foldername:  re.sub('^\[Google Mail\]/All Mail$',
> 'all',
> > re.sub('^\[Google Mail\]/Sent Mail$', 'sent',foldername))
> > sslcacertfile = /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
> > remotepass = *
> >
> > I logged into Gmail and set the imap option on.
> >
> > I also went to the section on adding app passwords and entered
> offlineimap
> > as the app and got it to produce a password for it which I entered in the
> > remotepass line above.
> >
> > I then ran the offlineimap command:
> >
> >
> > mikef@rhinoceros:~$ offlineimap
> >  OfflineIMAP 6.3.4
> > Copyright 2002-2011 John Goerzen & contributors.
> > Licensed under the GNU GPL v2+ (v2 or any later version).
> >
> > Account sync mikefGmail:
> >  * Processing account mikefGmail
> >  Copying folder structure from Gmail to Maildir
> >  Establishing connection to
> >  * Finished processing account mikefGmail
> >
> > I then thought that might be working ie downloading copies of emails from
> > my gmail account on to my PC here.
> >
> > In /home/mikef directory I have a Mail folder and now a .offlineimap
> > directory (there are other files and directories not listed here):
> >
> >
> > drwx--  2 mikef mikef  4096 Jan  5 13:02 Mail
> > drwx--  4 mikef mikef  4096 Feb  8  2016 .mozilla
> > drwxr-xr-x  2 mikef mikef  4096 Feb  8  2016 Music
> > drwx--  5 mikef mikef  4096 Jan  7 11:54 .offlineimap
> >
> > The .offlineimap directory contains the following directories
> >
> > root@rhinoceros:/home/mikef/.offlineimap# ls
> >
> > Account-mikefGmail  lock  pid  Repository-Local
> >  Repository-MichaelFothergillGmail
> >
> > If you move into these directories there further ones underneath.
> >
> > The /home/mikef/Mail directory is empty..
> >
> > My question is this:
> >
> > If the email download process was actually occurring  where would the
> file
> > created with them in it be located?
> >
> > I thought it would sit in the /home/mikef/Mail directory but it does not
> > seem to be there.
> >
> > Suggestions on this are welcome.
> >
> > Regards
> >
> > Michael Fothergill
> Below is a minimal, working .offlineimaprc file for offlineimap 6.3.4 in
> jessie.
> I suggest you start with this and then tune it to suit your needs.
> # Adapted from /usr/share/doc/offlineimap/examples/offlineimap.conf.
> minimal
> [general]
> accounts = Gmail
> [Account Gmail]
> localrepository = LocalGmail
> remoterepository = RemoteGmail
> [Repository LocalGmail]
> type = Maildir
> localfolders = ~/Mail/gmail
> [Repository RemoteGmail]
> type = Gmail
> remotehost =
> ssl = yes
> remoteuser = *
> remotepass = *

​I tried this one and it worked!

Many thanks to Mr O'Toole


Michael Fothergill​

Re: Desligamento Abrupto

2017-01-07 Thread Jackson

Em 07/01/2017 11:39, Rodolfo escreveu:
Você escreveu: "Tenho utilizado o Debian Versão 7.x, mais quando saiu 
o Debian 8 não consigo usar o botão de desligar corretamente"

Não entendi, então você fez isso no Debian 7? Fiquei confuso, pensei 
que tivesse feito isso no Debian 8. Pode ser então que você instalou o 
Debian 8 depois removeu?

Bom, em todo caso, pode ser que seu computador esteja hibernando 
quando pressiona o botão do Power, já tentou ver as configurações do 
Gnome(KDE, Mate, etc)?



Realmente me expressei mal ao informar sobre o Debian 8, é que uso em 
vários clientes o Debian como servidor de dados, pois além de ser mais 
seguro, tenho habilidades com ele, embora que nos terminais meus 
clientes usam o rWindows.

O que quis informar é que quando tentei instalar em um cliente novo o 
Debian 8, ao pressionar botão de desligar o servidor, o mesmo não 
acontecia nada, pesquisei e verifiquei que era só modificar no dConf a 
opção no power, e colocar ShutDown, até aqui tudo ok.
Mais o comportamento de desligamento do Debian ficou diferente, ele 
simplesmente desliga, sem passar pelo processo de fechar todos os 
serviços ativos, como acontece com as versões anteriores ao Debian 8, e 
fiquei preocupado pois como uso SGDB instalado no servidor,

como o Mysql, PostGres e FireBird.

Por este motivo não mais instalei o Debian 8, permaneci com o Debian 7, 
por isso recorro a vocês, se este comportamento é normal ou não.

Espero ter ajudado com os esclarecimentos.

 //\Jackson Douglas C. Brito
/_/\_///\   Engenheiro de Soluções
| || |||  |||   OnTop Sistemas / Wild Sistemas
| || |||__|||   Boa Vista - RR (95)-98112-8570

Re: Icedove calendar not syncing to google calendar

2017-01-07 Thread Boyan Penkov

Boyan Penkov

> On Jan 7, 2017, at 11:05 AM, Tony Baldwin  wrote:
> Have you installed calendar-google-provider ?

Thanks, Tony — yeah, I had mis-named the package in my first line: I by “google 
calendar provider” I do mean that the package “calendar-google-provider” is 
installed, and does indeed seem to be working for 2/3 of the relevant calendars.


> -- 
> all tony, all the time

Re: using offlineimap, notmuch and emacs etc....

2017-01-07 Thread Liam O'Toole
On 2017-01-07, Michael Fothergill  wrote:
> --001a1145bd88af6ab6054580e973
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
> Dear Folks,
> I have installed the utility offlineimap which is somewhat new to me.
> I found a web site that explained how to use it in combination with emacs
> and notmuch for organising your email etc. if you have a gmail account
> which I do
> The site kindly listed a short script that you could use with a gmail
> account.
> I used it to produce something that would work for me (I hoped).
> Here it is:
> mikef@rhinoceros:~$ more ~/.offlineimaprc
> [general]
> accounts = mikefGmail
> [Account mikefGmail]
> localrepository = Local
> remoterepository = MichaelFothergillGmail
> [Repository Local]
> type = Maildir
> localfolders = ~/Mail
> [Repository MichaelFothergillGmail]
> type = Gmail
> maxconnections=1
> remoteuser =
> realdelete=no
> folderfilter = lambda foldername:foldername in ['[Google Mail]/All
> Mail', '[Google Mail]/Sent Mail']
> nametrans = lambda foldername:  re.sub('^\[Google Mail\]/All Mail$', 'all',
> re.sub('^\[Google Mail\]/Sent Mail$', 'sent',foldername))
> sslcacertfile = /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
> remotepass = *
> I logged into Gmail and set the imap option on.
> I also went to the section on adding app passwords and entered offlineimap
> as the app and got it to produce a password for it which I entered in the
> remotepass line above.
> I then ran the offlineimap command:
> mikef@rhinoceros:~$ offlineimap
>  OfflineIMAP 6.3.4
> Copyright 2002-2011 John Goerzen & contributors.
> Licensed under the GNU GPL v2+ (v2 or any later version).
> Account sync mikefGmail:
>  * Processing account mikefGmail
>  Copying folder structure from Gmail to Maildir
>  Establishing connection to
>  * Finished processing account mikefGmail
> I then thought that might be working ie downloading copies of emails from
> my gmail account on to my PC here.
> In /home/mikef directory I have a Mail folder and now a .offlineimap
> directory (there are other files and directories not listed here):
> drwx--  2 mikef mikef  4096 Jan  5 13:02 Mail
> drwx--  4 mikef mikef  4096 Feb  8  2016 .mozilla
> drwxr-xr-x  2 mikef mikef  4096 Feb  8  2016 Music
> drwx--  5 mikef mikef  4096 Jan  7 11:54 .offlineimap
> The .offlineimap directory contains the following directories
> root@rhinoceros:/home/mikef/.offlineimap# ls
> Account-mikefGmail  lock  pid  Repository-Local
>  Repository-MichaelFothergillGmail
> If you move into these directories there further ones underneath.
> The /home/mikef/Mail directory is empty..
> My question is this:
> If the email download process was actually occurring  where would the file
> created with them in it be located?
> I thought it would sit in the /home/mikef/Mail directory but it does not
> seem to be there.
> Suggestions on this are welcome.
> Regards
> Michael Fothergill

Below is a minimal, working .offlineimaprc file for offlineimap 6.3.4 in jessie.
I suggest you start with this and then tune it to suit your needs.

# Adapted from /usr/share/doc/offlineimap/examples/offlineimap.conf.minimal

accounts = Gmail

[Account Gmail]
localrepository = LocalGmail
remoterepository = RemoteGmail

[Repository LocalGmail]
type = Maildir
localfolders = ~/Mail/gmail

[Repository RemoteGmail]
type = Gmail
remotehost =
ssl = yes
remoteuser = *
remotepass = *

Re: using offlineimap, notmuch and emacs etc....

2017-01-07 Thread Mattia Oss
On Sat, Jan 07, 2017 at 02:53:53PM +, Michael Fothergill wrote:
> mikef@rhinoceros:~$ offlineimap
>  OfflineIMAP 6.3.4
Oh my... I'm really sorry, I thought you were using Sid as I do.
Forget what I wrote. I'm using offlineimap 7.0.12, that's why the option
GmailMaildir is not recognized by your offlineimap.

I'm sorry but you have to wait someone else to help you, maybe with the
same version.


Re: Icedove calendar not syncing to google calendar

2017-01-07 Thread Tony Baldwin

On 01/07/2017 08:07 AM, Boyan Penkov wrote:

Hello folks,

I have icedove and the google calendar provider installed.  I have three
calendars: a work one tied to a work google account, and a personal and
one shared with my partner tied to my personal gmail.

Both the work one and the partner one sync fine, my personal one (which
is the oldest, and contains the most events), failes to update with the
following error (pulled off the icedove error console):

Timestamp: 01/06/2017 09:18:47 PM
Error: [calCachedCalendar] replay action failed: null,
result=item.recurrenceInfo is null, op=[xpconnect wrapped calIOperation]
Source File:
Line: 327

Anybody have an perspective on this?  It is killing my use of icedove


Have you installed calendar-google-provider ?

$ aptitude show  calendar-google-provider
Package: calendar-google-provider
State: not installed
Version: 1:45.5.1-1~deb8u1
Priority: optional
Section: mail
Maintainer: Christoph Goehre 
Architecture: all
Uncompressed Size: 568 k
Depends: iceowl-extension (>= 1:45.5.1-1~deb8u1)
Enhances: icedove, iceowl-extension
Description: Google Calendar support for lightning- and iceowl-extension
 This extension adds support for accessing google calendars in Icedove 
via iceowl-extension.

 It's a recommended component if you want to connect Icedove to your 
Google calendar.


Tags: role::plugin, use::timekeeping


all tony, all the time

Re: Desligamento Abrupto

2017-01-07 Thread Rodolfo
Você escreveu: "Tenho utilizado o Debian Versão 7.x, mais quando saiu o
Debian 8 não consigo usar o botão de desligar corretamente"

Não entendi, então você fez isso no Debian 7? Fiquei confuso, pensei que
tivesse feito isso no Debian 8. Pode ser então que você instalou o Debian 8
depois removeu?

Bom, em todo caso, pode ser que seu computador esteja hibernando quando
pressiona o botão do Power, já tentou ver as configurações do Gnome(KDE,
Mate, etc)?


Em 7 de janeiro de 2017 09:01, Jackson  escreveu:

> Em 06/01/2017 22:36, Rodolfo escreveu:
> o que leva você a pensar que ele desliga abruptamente?
> Outra coisa, poste aqui o que tem dentro do seu path /etc/acpi
> Abraços.
> Ola amigo
> O que falo sobre desligamento abrupto é quando, ao pressionar o Botão
> Power-Off, o mesmo se desliga muito rápido, sem passar pelos processos de
> desligamentos, informando o fechamento de cada serviço que esta em aberto.
> Algo como:
> [ OK ] ...
> [ OK ] ...
> Claro que os '...' são os processos abertos :)
> Como não tenho nenhum Debian 8 instalado, não sei o que tem na pasta. :(
> Fico no aguardo para qualquer esclarecimento.
> --
> ==
>  []___
>  //\Jackson Douglas C. Brito
> /_/\_///\   Engenheiro de Soluções
> | || |||  |||   OnTop Sistemas / Wild Sistemas
> | || |||__|||   Boa Vista - RR (95)-98112-8570
> ==

Re: using offlineimap, notmuch and emacs etc....

2017-01-07 Thread Michael Fothergill
On 7 January 2017 at 14:15, Mattia Oss  wrote:

> On Sat, Jan 07, 2017 at 01:14:21PM +, Michael Fothergill wrote:
> I'm also trying to configure offlineimap and mutt, so I'll try to
> help.
> > I found a web site that explained how to use it in combination with emacs
> Always compare more sources as offlineimap is changed a lot recently.
> > [Repository Local]
> > type = Maildir
> use type = GmailMaildir here.
> > [Repository MichaelFothergillGmail]
> > type = Gmail
> > maxconnections=1
> > remoteuser =
> > realdelete=no
> > folderfilter = lambda foldername:foldername in ['[Google Mail]/All
> > Mail', '[Google Mail]/Sent Mail']
> > nametrans = lambda foldername:  re.sub('^\[Google Mail\]/All Mail$',
> 'all',
> > re.sub('^\[Google Mail\]/Sent Mail$', 'sent',foldername))
> You have to use nametrans both in the local and remote repository.
> Look at this howto:
> But you can do this later. I'd rather just disable this option for the
> moment.
> > mikef@rhinoceros:~$ offlineimap
> Try:
> $ offlineimap --info
> and post the output.

​Many thanks for your input here.​

​I tried running offlineimap --info but it did not recognise this command.
I ran offlineimap -help and there was a debug option which I tried running:

​mikef@rhinoceros:~$ offlineimap -d
Usage: offlineimap [options]

offlineimap: error: -d option requires an argument
mikef@rhinoceros:~$ offlineimap -d type1
 OfflineIMAP 6.3.4
Copyright 2002-2011 John Goerzen & contributors.
Licensed under the GNU GPL v2+ (v2 or any later version).

 Debug mode: Forcing to singlethreaded.
 WARNING: Invalid debug type: type1
 Now debugging for : Other offlineimap related sync messages
Account sync mikefGmail:
 * Processing account mikefGmail
 Copying folder structure from Gmail to Maildir
 Establishing connection to
 * Finished processing account mikefGmail

​It says that it copied the folder structure from Gmail to Maildir but the
folder is still empty.

mikef@rhinoceros:~$ offlineimap
 OfflineIMAP 6.3.4
Copyright 2002-2011 John Goerzen & contributors.
Licensed under the GNU GPL v2+ (v2 or any later version).

​I edited the config file and changed local type = Maildir to type =

When I ran it then it crashed :

Exception: 'GmailMaildir' repository not supported for local repositories.
​It does not recognise the term GmailMaildir apparently.

​Any other suggestions you have are most welcome.



Re: Monitor switched off after resume from hibernation

2017-01-07 Thread solitone
On Saturday, January 7, 2017 9:04:27 AM CET Joe wrote:
> Is the screen truly off? If you look at it from unusual angles, can you
> see any faint sign of the correct display?

I also suspect that in fact the screen isn't off. Although I've tried and 
looked at it from any angle, but I can't see anything.

Re: using offlineimap, notmuch and emacs etc....

2017-01-07 Thread Mattia Oss
On Sat, Jan 07, 2017 at 01:14:21PM +, Michael Fothergill wrote:

I'm also trying to configure offlineimap and mutt, so I'll try to

> I found a web site that explained how to use it in combination with emacs
Always compare more sources as offlineimap is changed a lot recently.

> [Repository Local]
> type = Maildir
use type = GmailMaildir here.

> [Repository MichaelFothergillGmail]
> type = Gmail
> maxconnections=1
> remoteuser =
> realdelete=no
> folderfilter = lambda foldername:foldername in ['[Google Mail]/All
> Mail', '[Google Mail]/Sent Mail']
> nametrans = lambda foldername:  re.sub('^\[Google Mail\]/All Mail$', 'all',
> re.sub('^\[Google Mail\]/Sent Mail$', 'sent',foldername))

You have to use nametrans both in the local and remote repository.
Look at this howto:
But you can do this later. I'd rather just disable this option for the

> mikef@rhinoceros:~$ offlineimap
$ offlineimap --info

and post the output.

Interpreting "Debian GNU/Linux Installation Guide" Section "B.4.7. Partitioning"

2017-01-07 Thread Richard Owlett

I was reading 


# If the system has free space you can choose to only partition 
that space.

# This is only honored if partman-auto/method is not set.
d-i partman-auto/init_automatically_partition select biggest_free
d-i partman-auto/disk string /dev/sda

I'm envisioning a preseed.cfg file whose beginning will look like:

# You provide a recipe of your own...
# putting recipe into the preconfiguration file in one
# (logical) line.
partman-auto/text/home_scheme ::\
300 4000 7000 ext3  \
method{ format }\
format{ }   \
use_filesystem{ }   \
filesystem{ ext3 }  \
mountpoint{ / } \
label{ owlett1 }\
.   \
100 1 -1 ext3   \
method{ keep } .

The target hardware has existing partitions which I wish to 
remain as is.
Note that there is no primary nor bootable nor swap partition(s) 
If there is an existing swap partition I explicitly wish the 
installer to ignore it (as can be done using expert mode.
The partition created with the keep method will be removed after 
installation is completed. The intention is to then run another 
install with a similar preseed.cfg file - the relevant change 
being "owlett1" changed to "owlett2".

Eventually I will use an external recipe file.

Will this work as expected?
Is there additional relevant documentation &/or examples 
available on the web?


using offlineimap, notmuch and emacs etc....

2017-01-07 Thread Michael Fothergill
Dear Folks,

I have installed the utility offlineimap which is somewhat new to me.

I found a web site that explained how to use it in combination with emacs
and notmuch for organising your email etc. if you have a gmail account
which I do

The site kindly listed a short script that you could use with a gmail

I used it to produce something that would work for me (I hoped).

Here it is:

mikef@rhinoceros:~$ more ~/.offlineimaprc
accounts = mikefGmail

[Account mikefGmail]
localrepository = Local
remoterepository = MichaelFothergillGmail

[Repository Local]
type = Maildir
localfolders = ~/Mail

[Repository MichaelFothergillGmail]
type = Gmail
remoteuser =
folderfilter = lambda foldername:foldername in ['[Google Mail]/All
Mail', '[Google Mail]/Sent Mail']
nametrans = lambda foldername:  re.sub('^\[Google Mail\]/All Mail$', 'all',
re.sub('^\[Google Mail\]/Sent Mail$', 'sent',foldername))
sslcacertfile = /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
remotepass = *

I logged into Gmail and set the imap option on.

I also went to the section on adding app passwords and entered offlineimap
as the app and got it to produce a password for it which I entered in the
remotepass line above.

I then ran the offlineimap command:

mikef@rhinoceros:~$ offlineimap
 OfflineIMAP 6.3.4
Copyright 2002-2011 John Goerzen & contributors.
Licensed under the GNU GPL v2+ (v2 or any later version).

Account sync mikefGmail:
 * Processing account mikefGmail
 Copying folder structure from Gmail to Maildir
 Establishing connection to
 * Finished processing account mikefGmail

I then thought that might be working ie downloading copies of emails from
my gmail account on to my PC here.

In /home/mikef directory I have a Mail folder and now a .offlineimap
directory (there are other files and directories not listed here):

drwx--  2 mikef mikef  4096 Jan  5 13:02 Mail
drwx--  4 mikef mikef  4096 Feb  8  2016 .mozilla
drwxr-xr-x  2 mikef mikef  4096 Feb  8  2016 Music
drwx--  5 mikef mikef  4096 Jan  7 11:54 .offlineimap

The .offlineimap directory contains the following directories

root@rhinoceros:/home/mikef/.offlineimap# ls

Account-mikefGmail  lock  pid  Repository-Local

If you move into these directories there further ones underneath.

The /home/mikef/Mail directory is empty..

My question is this:

If the email download process was actually occurring  where would the file
created with them in it be located?

I thought it would sit in the /home/mikef/Mail directory but it does not
seem to be there.

Suggestions on this are welcome.


Michael Fothergill

Icedove calendar not syncing to google calendar

2017-01-07 Thread Boyan Penkov
Hello folks,

I have icedove and the google calendar provider installed.  I have three
calendars: a work one tied to a work google account, and a personal and one
shared with my partner tied to my personal gmail.

Both the work one and the partner one sync fine, my personal one (which is
the oldest, and contains the most events), failes to update with the
following error (pulled off the icedove error console):

Timestamp: 01/06/2017 09:18:47 PM
Error: [calCachedCalendar] replay action failed: null, uri=googleapi://,
result=item.recurrenceInfo is null, op=[xpconnect wrapped calIOperation]
Source File:
Line: 327

Anybody have an perspective on this?  It is killing my use of icedove


Boyan Penkov

Re: Desligamento Abrupto

2017-01-07 Thread Jackson

Em 06/01/2017 22:36, Rodolfo escreveu:

o que leva você a pensar que ele desliga abruptamente?

Outra coisa, poste aqui o que tem dentro do seu path /etc/acpi


Ola amigo

O que falo sobre desligamento abrupto é quando, ao pressionar o Botão 
Power-Off, o mesmo se desliga muito rápido, sem passar pelos processos 
de desligamentos, informando o fechamento de cada serviço que esta em 

Algo como:
[ OK ] ...
[ OK ] ...

Claro que os '...' são os processos abertos :)

Como não tenho nenhum Debian 8 instalado, não sei o que tem na pasta. :(

Fico no aguardo para qualquer esclarecimento.

 //\Jackson Douglas C. Brito
/_/\_///\   Engenheiro de Soluções
| || |||  |||   OnTop Sistemas / Wild Sistemas
| || |||__|||   Boa Vista - RR (95)-98112-8570

Re: Compositing Problem

2017-01-07 Thread Jimmy Johnson

On 10/19/2016 11:33 PM, Jimmy Johnson wrote:

On 10/12/2016 12:10 PM, David Baron wrote:

Running must recent kwin, etc., with Sid nvidia-legacy-304xx driver.

Window decorations slow or do not show on non-KDE windows. If they do not
show, one can pretend they are there and do everything.

Effects all compositing options.

Where to file bug?
Quick fix?

Quick fix, force install all your 'nvidia' and 'glx' installed packages
back to 'Jessie-backports' and then 'lock-them' works, maybe 20-24
packages that you will be locking, varies a little with my installs,
some I had not upgraded and I only had to lock the packages.  I used
synaptic while in xfce4 and all your kde apps work from xfce4 too as a
side note.  Note no problem with upgrades and those files being locked,
at this time anyways. hehe

There's a lot noise out there about fix's, I found nothing works for me.
 I came up with this fix and it works.  While gtk works with the
upgrade, plasma don't, it's a problem with plasma, you can't blame
nvidia and say they are not doing their part, this is a problem debian
plasma, I'm sure they are working on it. Seems to affect only
'legacy-304' and could be a simple code error.

With the Debian-nvidia driver: Plasma is unable to start as it could not
correctly use OpenGL2.  Note dialog is working, sound is working, no

With the Debian-free driver, computer freeze with colorful squiggly
lines and I have to push the power button and repair the file system.

David, do you have a better fix than down-grading the packages?  And I
may not need to down grade as many packages as I do, but it works.

I updated Sid/testing a couple days ago and retested current drivers, 
"nouveau" is working with sddm okay but froze with plasma(colorful 
lighting bolts).  Current nvidia-legacy-304xx is working with XRender 
and compositing enabled and I'm good with that, tested on Stretch too, 
now I can do clean upgrades and I'm happy. Thank you Debian!

Jimmy Johnson

Debian Stretch - Plasma 5.8.2 - nvidia-legacy-304xx - EXT4 at sda14
Registered Linux User #380263

Re: NTP insecure defaults

2017-01-07 Thread Henrique de Moraes Holschuh
On Sat, 07 Jan 2017, Eero Volotinen wrote:
> Default ntpd does listens allways all interfaces. You need to install

You can restrict the standard ntp daemon services, and it won't *reply*.
You can also restrict its bind addresses, so it won't listen to every
interface it detects.

Usually, high-gain amplification attacks are the only thing we need to
restrict by default, and those are restricted to localhost by default in
Debian (I don't know since when, but Debian Jessie's defaults are

> openntpd or limit access to ntp port with iptables.

If you're limiting access to the ntp port, it doesn't matter if you use
secure but incomplete opentpd, or horrid-security-track-record, but
fully-fledged ntpd.

For client-only, openntpd is likely a better choice, yes.  Better yet,
use "chrony", which is optimized for desktop/laptops (which get
disconnected/powered off/suspended often).

ntp - time servers, high-precision time clients.
opentpd - always-on medium-precision time clients.
chrony - everything else.

> > On 01/07/2017 09:33 AM, Mart van de Wege wrote:
> >> Turns out the Debian default is indeed to provide time service if you
> >> install NTP. Shouldn't that be limited to localhost only, so that an

We already limit the large-amplification attacks to localhost.  Regular
ntp service works out-of-the-box, that means allowing client-server
clock queries.  But regular ntp service has a low amplification factor,
so it is usually not considered a problem at the network level.

  Henrique Holschuh

Re: Installer trases UUID of swap - was [Re: Change of UUID?]

2017-01-07 Thread Richard Owlett

On 1/6/2017 3:43 PM, David Wright wrote:

On Fri 06 Jan 2017 at 11:56:01 (-0600), Richard Owlett wrote:

On 1/6/2017 10:48 AM, David Wright wrote:

(Of course the necessity might be avoided with pre-seeding
about which I know little; I've probably installed Debian
fewer times than the OP has installed jessie in a day.)

I rarely install Jessie more than twice a day ;)
Although I may have installed Squeeze 5 times in one day.

I'm sorry. I was conflating "It has had as many as a half dozen clean
installs in a single day" with "a laptop: [...] whose HD has been
erased multiple times in ONE day [... and] has multiple installs
of Debian, primarily classed [into three categories]. But not all
jessie then.

Any permutation you can think of, I've probably done it. My 
learning style is try it, it might even work ;)


Re: Installer trases UUID of swap - was [Re: Change of UUID?]

2017-01-07 Thread Richard Owlett

On 1/6/2017 1:16 PM, Felix Miata wrote:

Richard Owlett composed on 2017-01-06 11:56 (UTC-0600):

David Wright wrote:

It might save a lot of typing to use LABEL rather than UUID.

IIRC the partitioning phase of installer does not allow
specifying a label for the swap partition.

In context of $SUBJECT, it would seem opportunity for setting a
label on swap has already been presented,...

 I got trapped in a mental rut. I now have a new mental 
outline of how to start from scratch when doing the first install 
of Linux on a new machine.

...  and the problem has to
do with a change. If a label already exists, that the installer
can't create one should be irrelevant. (That is can't I consider
a design flaw.) By deselecting swap in partitioning you maintain
the status quo.

Re: NTP insecure defaults

2017-01-07 Thread Eero Volotinen

Default ntpd does listens allways all interfaces. You need to install
openntpd or limit access to ntp port with iptables.


2017-01-07 11:40 GMT+02:00 Michael Luecke :

> On 01/07/2017 09:33 AM, Mart van de Wege wrote:
>> Turns out the Debian default is indeed to provide time service if you
>> install NTP. Shouldn't that be limited to localhost only, so that an
>> admin must deliberately open up the service if they want to provide NTP
>> service to the outside world?
> Did you install any package that suggested or depended on the ntp package?
> Because on my system, the ntp package is not installed. ntp is handled by
> systemd-timesyncd. So the current Debian installer does not install the ntp
> by default in my opinion.
> I downloaded the ntp_4.2.6.p5+dfsg-7+deb8u2_amd64 package and looked into
> the /etc/ntp.conf and it is restricted to and ::1 by default.
> I thought of opening a bug, but I'd like a second opinion
>> first. Thoughts anyone?
> I think you should give us a little more details before filing a bug
> report (what did you install, which files did you change, ...).
> -- Michael

installation problem

2017-01-07 Thread filippo.faldetta

i've got the error message NMI watchdog: BUG: soft lockup - CPU#2 stuck for 
23s! [plymouthd:305] on the startup of my system (even live-cd). 
My pc is a dell inspiron 7559 with intel graphic and nvidia.
please help me...i don't want to use windows anymore.

Filippo Faldetta

Re: NTP insecure defaults

2017-01-07 Thread Michael Luecke

On 01/07/2017 09:33 AM, Mart van de Wege wrote:

Turns out the Debian default is indeed to provide time service if you
install NTP. Shouldn't that be limited to localhost only, so that an
admin must deliberately open up the service if they want to provide NTP
service to the outside world?

Did you install any package that suggested or depended on the ntp 
package? Because on my system, the ntp package is not installed. ntp is 
handled by systemd-timesyncd. So the current Debian installer does not 
install the ntp by default in my opinion.

I downloaded the ntp_4.2.6.p5+dfsg-7+deb8u2_amd64 package and looked 
into the /etc/ntp.conf and it is restricted to and ::1 by default.

I thought of opening a bug, but I'd like a second opinion
first. Thoughts anyone?

I think you should give us a little more details before filing a bug 
report (what did you install, which files did you change, ...).

-- Michael

Re: Monitor switched off after resume from hibernation

2017-01-07 Thread Joe
On Sat, 07 Jan 2017 08:18:51 +0100
solitone  wrote:

> On Friday, January 6, 2017 9:52:13 PM CET David Wright wrote:
> > in your terminal, you'll probably find that
> > $ echo $DISPLAY
> > will give you :0 (locally) or localhost:10.0 (if you ssh into
> > another computer). So your terminal's xset command will be
> > happy without -display as it's got $DISPLAY instead.
> > [...]
> > I'm assuming that a systemd command that suddenly pops up from
> > nowhere will not have a suitable value for $DISPLAY.  
> OK, I see.
> I've ssh'd into the computer with the screen issue, and done some
> additional tests. I can switch off and on the monitor from ssh with
> the following commands ($DISPLAY is not set in shh):
> $ xset -display :0 dpms force off
> $ xset -display :0 dpms force on
> So, I turn the monitor off, hibernate, and resume, and I get the
> usual black screen. The system is up and running, as I can ssh into
> it. From ssh I give:
> $ xset -display :0 dpms force on
> but nothing happen. Even if I try:
> $ xset -display :0 dpms force off
> $ xset -display :0 dpms force on
> nothing happens either.
> So the behaviour I have from ssh is similar to what I get from a
> systemd script. The system is apparently up and running, but I can't
> turn the monitor on, neither from systemd, nor from ssh. Funny thing!

Is the screen truly off? If you look at it from unusual angles, can you
see any faint sign of the correct display?

I gave up trying suspend and hibernate on any Linux, as none of them
seem to work correctly. One effect I did see sometimes was that the
screen backlight was off, but the display was being operated correctly
and I could see, from some angles, the right screen material. I
couldn't find any way to turn on the backlight in this situation.


NTP insecure defaults

2017-01-07 Thread Mart van de Wege
My hosting provider recently pointed my attention to the fact that my
Jessie installation was running NTP and listening and responding to the
outside world, which is considered a security risk due to the
possibility of amplification attack DDoSes.

Turns out the Debian default is indeed to provide time service if you
install NTP. Shouldn't that be limited to localhost only, so that an
admin must deliberately open up the service if they want to provide NTP
service to the outside world?

I thought of opening a bug, but I'd like a second opinion
first. Thoughts anyone?


"We will need a longer wall when the revolution comes."
--- AJS, quoting an uncertain source.