Re: [A bit OT] Diagnosing home network

2017-05-26 Thread Mark Fletcher
On Fri, May 26, 2017 at 10:09:08AM -, Dan Purgert wrote:
> Mark Fletcher wrote:
> > On Sun, May 21, 2017 at 02:18:06PM -, Dan Purgert wrote:
> >> Mark Fletcher wrote:
> >> >
> >> 
> > Channel selection is automatic -- shouldn't it pick the clearest one? 
> > Also I am curious as to why selecting 1, 6, 11 or 13 if available is 
> > better and less likely to result in interference?
> "automatic" is a nice way of saying "braindead" in many instances.
> Nearly all gear (until you're spending $1500+ for a single AP) is only
> "auto" when it boots up ... and 9 times out of 10, it'll pull some
> stupid channel like 3.
> The reason for channels 1, 6, or 11 is that 
>  (a) they're universal channels globally
>  (b) they're the only three (2.4 GHz) channels that don't overlap
> For the "standard" channels (1-11), they are 20 MHz wide, and center
> frequencies are spaced 5 MHz apart. This means that channels 1 and 2
> (for example) overlap their spectrum use about 3/4.  In turn, this
> raises the noise floor on both WLANs, leading to garbled packets /
> re-transmissions / other slowdowns -- all of which get mitigated by
> using channels 1,6,11 simply because they don't overlap.
> On the other side - with "everyone" using 1,6,11 - if two APs (or client
> devices) on the same channel are able to "hear" each other, they'll both
> employ their collision avoidance routines to share the channel - even
> when they're on different WLANs.  It's just simple checks along the
> lines of 
>   1. Is anyone transmitting right now?
> * If yes, wait til they're done, plus random milliseconds, then
>   goto2
> * If no, wait random milliseconds, then goto2
>   2. Start transmitting 
> It's not perfect, and sometimes you get "hidden node" issues (where say
> your laptop and mine can't hear each other transmit, but our respective
> APs can - they'll then send us the "shutup, someone else is transmitting"
> signal), but instead of both WLANs trying to shout over each other and
> simply generate noise - which near on always slows everything down -
> they share.  Sure, sharing the channel means some degree of slowdown,
> but it's generally not nearly as pronounced as those caused by
> interference.

Fascinating. And makes lots of sense -- thanks! I've entirely left 
channel selection up to the AP so gawd alone knows what channel state I 
am in. I will do battle with the Japanese-language WUI to find out...

Actually maybe I will have more luck interrogating the client side for 


Re: Error on install: Repository "couldn't be accessed"

2017-05-26 Thread Mark Fletcher
On Fri, May 26, 2017 at 09:28:21AM +0100, Liam O'Toole wrote:
> On 2017-05-26, Mark Fletcher  wrote:
> > On Thu, May 25, 2017 at 07:36:08AM -0400, RavenLX wrote:
> >> On 05/23/2017 10:07 AM, Robert Hardy (r.hardy) wrote:
> >> >Err jessie-updates/main Translation-en
> >> 
> >> In my setup it's:
> >> 
> >> jessie/updates main contrib non-free
> >> 
> >> Note that it's jessie/updates not jessie-updates. Replace the hyphen with a
> >> dash in your sources.list and update again. See if that works?
> >> 
> > Why would it be jessie/updates? Looking at 
> > with a web browser, there is no updates/ folder under jessie/ but there 
> > is a jessie-updates/ folder...
> >
> > Mark
> jessie-updates is correct in the case of,
> whereas jessie/updates is correct for I
> think that's where the confusion lies.
Ah-ha! I see, thanks.


Re: Seeing this, is it something I have done or?

2017-05-26 Thread Brad Rogers
On Sat, 27 May 2017 11:00:01 +1000
Charlie S  wrote:

Hello Charlie,

>All recent emails from Debian-user lists have come with quoted text like

Somewhere along the line, you've turned on "collapse quotes".  Look at
View (menu) -> Quotes

 Regards  _
 / )   "The blindingly obvious is
/ _)radnever immediately apparent"
You criticize us, you say we're sh*t, but we're up here doin' it
We're The League - Anti-Nowhere League

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Fwd: Planned release of stretch on 2017-06-17 and the last weeks up to the release

2017-05-26 Thread Aurélien COUDERC
Haha, voilà l'occasion de faire la fête un peu partout !

Alexandre je suis sûr que tu seras ravi d'organiser un évènement parisien. ;-)
Je suis dispo pour aider, mais si tu as une idée de lieu ça peut être une bonne 
première étape.

Et ailleurs en France et en Francophonie, y a-t-il d'autres volontaires ?
La page listant les rencontres pour Stretch est encore bien vide !


 Message d'origine 
De :
Envoyé : 27 mai 2017 01:48:24 GMT+04:30
À :
Objet : Planned release of stretch on 2017-06-17 and the last weeks up to the 

Hash: SHA256


Release date

We plan to release on 2017-06-17.

If you want to celebrate it, please consider attending a Debian release
party, or hosting your own!  See for more information.

The final weeks up to the release

On 2017-06-03 at the latest, we will tag all remaining RC bugs with
either stretch-ignore OR stretch-will-remove.  Packages that have RC
bugs tagged with stretch-will-remove will be removed the weekend
before the release unless they have been fixed in testing prior to
that.  Please note that the automatic removals are still in effect and
may remove packages before that deadline.

In the last week prior to the freeze, testing will be completely
frozen and only emergency bug fixes will be considered in this period.
Please consider Friday the 2017-06-09 at 13:00 UTC the absolute last
moment for changes to stretch.

Changes that are not in testing at that time will not be included in
stretch for the initial release.  However, you can still fix bugs in
stretch via point releases if the changeset follows the rules for
updates in stable.

In summary:
 * Deadline:   > 2017-06-09 13:00 UTC <
   - Your changes must have migrated to stretch *before* then
   - Upload several days *before* the deadline

 * If a change is late, it may still be applicable for an update via
   a point release after stretch has been released.

 * Check [List of stretch-will-remove bugs] for packages that will
   be removed.
   - Some bugs have been tagged already
   - Packages may be removed before then (e.g. by auto-removals)

Future updates to stretch up to the freeze

As we are entering the final part of the freeze, please keep future
changes and unblock requests limited to:

 * RC bugs
 * Patches for crashes/memory leaks/etc.
 * Security bug fixes
 * Regressions compared to jessie
 * jessie to stretch upgrade issues
 * Documentation fixes + translation updates (preferably bundled with
   a fix for at least one of the problems listed above and nothing

We will only accept targeted fixes. Requests including other changes
will not be accepted.

For the Release Team,

[List of stretch-will-remove bugs]:



Re: Firefox : défaut inhérents

2017-05-26 Thread Haricophile
Le Fri, 26 May 2017 20:01:39 +0200, a écrit :

> Seule solution, télécharger Firefox, le réinstaller,
> supprimer le répertoire "/home/andre/.mozilla",
> et je perds tous mes enregistrements (préférences).
> Avez vous ce même souci ?
> Et comment réparer fFirefox sans perdre ses préférences ?

Pour répondre de manière générique à cette question :

1. Il y a un truc qui s'appelle sync 

2. Je ne télécharge jamais Firefox directement, j'utilise le
gestionnaire de paquet, et si on veut une version alpha ou autre, on
utilise le dépot de

3. Quand dans un terminal en utilisateur ordinaire on tape :
firefox --help

Oh, miracle, on trouve une aide. Et dans cette aide, on trouve au moins
2 options intéressantes :

--ProfileManager   Start with ProfileManager 
ça permet de recréer un nouveau profile sans perdre l'ancien

--safe-modeDisables extensions and themes for this session
donc pour éliminer beaucoups d'aléas pour faire un diagnostic, les
problèmes sont souvent du à une extension ou a des extensions
incompatibles entre elles.

4. Au passage, dans les plugin : 
- désactive Java si tu l'a qui sert généralement jamais et est
  plus dangereux qu'autre chose.
- Si vraiment tu veux Flashplayer, mets le à jour !

5. J'aime bien Firefox justement à cause d'extensions que je ne trouve
pas ailleurs. Mais il ne faut pas installer n'importe quoi au hasard,
et si tu ne doit installer qu'une seule extension, installe :
Ublock Origin  ça t'évitera déjà pas mal de ###

Bref, sur une installation propre et avec les paquets Debian, je suis
rarement ennuyé avec Firefox. Il n'a jamais été hyper rapide à charger
au démarrage, et ça ne s'arrange pas si tu charge des extensions comme
un bourrin, mais sinon je ne vois pas trop ce que les autres auraient
de plus, a fonctionnalités et réglages similaires.


Re: Poor X performance with Intel 8086:22b1 (Braswell)

2017-05-26 Thread Michael Milliman
Looks like this will probably top-post, or perhaps not have any quoted
material...I'm using mobile device at the moment, my apologies.
The last time I had to mess with anything Xorg was with the xorg.conf filr,
but that may well have been 10+ years ago.  I've probably forgotten more
than I ever knew about it now.  The conf file vs. conf.d directory has
become a common motif these days. I use the /etc/apt/sources.list.d
directory extensively on my system; it is the same principle (other than
not being optional).  Thanks for all the info, Felix, I have learned a lot,
though this was not originally my thread.  Hopefully, the OP has learned
some as well.

de WB5VQX -- The Very Quick X-ray

On May 26, 2017 21:48, "Felix Miata"  wrote:

Michael Milliman composed on 2017-05-26 20:23 (UTC-0500):

> ...Does this cp command overwrite an existing
> xorg.conf.  AIR, the xorg.conf is no longer required (of course I've
> slept several times since I think I saw that :) ).
xorg.conf is an optional file that is unnecessary and not present for the
majority of users for all generations of Xorg going back too far to
probably getting close to 10 years, maybe longer. The primary and large
exception is users of proprietary NVidia driver users.

> If it is overwriting,
> perhaps it would be a good idea if the OP preserved the existing
> xorg.conf in case the new one borks the system worse (always possible
> when messing with the drivers).

I don't know of any reason why a fresh Stretch installation to Intel gfx
have xorg.conf. He wouldn't be overwriting an existing unless he created it

> Well, as I wrote this, I took a look, and on my system (Stretch, with an
> amd processor and Radeon graphics) the etc/X11/xord.conf.d/ directory
> does not even exist.

Both xorg.conf and xorg.conf.d/ are optional. Most distros either create an
empty xorg.conf.d/, or populate one with a small number of tweaks specific
various combinations of hardware and/or software. A common one contains
exclusively keyboard configuration. Mine enables Ctrl-Alt-BS, which IIRC is
disabled by default in upstream Xorg.

xorg.conf is a comprehensive file. xorg.conf.d/ is designed for presence of
multiple files, each optional, each designed to address specific components.
IIRC, presence in xorg.conf.d/ inconsistent with anything in xorg.conf if it
exists overrides it.
"The wise are known for their understanding, and pleasant
words are persuasive." Proverbs 16:21 (New Living Translation)

 Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409 ** a11y rocks!

Felix Miata  ***

Redirecionamento de e-mail repetido dentro de intervalo de tempo

2017-05-26 Thread Marcel Nascimento
Olá pessoal!
Tudo bem?

O cenário é o seguinte...

Tenho um sistema de monitoramento de temperatura de uma empresa terceira,
este sistema nos envia e-mails quando determinados eventos ocorrem,
temperatura acima do permitido por exemplo.

Estes e-mails são enviados há cada 2h caso o evento persista, por exemplo,
entre 0h e 6h houve um evento que geraria um e-mail e ele não foi
normalizado (a temperatura se manteve fora do permitido durante 6h por
exemplo), neste período são enviados 4 e-mails (0h, 2h, 4h e 6h).

Eu estou precisando de um mecanismo que encaminhe o e-mail para outros
e-mails somente a partir do 2º e-mail, ou seja, caso o evento persista a
ponto de gerar um 2º e-mail então este seria encaminhado.

O texto do e-mail é exatamente o mesmo.

Alguém conhece algo que possa me ajudar?

Marcel N. Ramos

Re: Seeing this, is it something I have done or?

2017-05-26 Thread Joe Ennis
On Fri, 26 May 2017 20:27:46 -0500
Michael Milliman  wrote:

> On 05/26/2017 08:22 PM, Charlie S wrote:
> > On Fri, 26 May 2017 20:09:41 -0500 Michael Milliman sent:
> > 
> >> On 05/26/2017 08:00 PM, Charlie S wrote:
> >>  [...]  
> >> This is interesting.  The post that you are quoting is one of mine.
> >> On my system, the [...] do not appear.  I do show some excerpting
> >> earlier in the email, but I'm not sure where the excerpting is
> >> occuring, whether your claws-mail is doing or it is being
> >> introduced somewhere else, I couldn't say.
> >>  [...]  
> > 
> > 
> > After contemplation, my reply is:
> > 
> > Thank you for your reply.
> > 
> > Yes I just used that bit of a quote as an example. I can see this in
> > all my folders, so it's a claw-mail thing obviously, not Debian-User
> > list.
> > 
> > I'll have to see what is doing it in claws mail.
> > 
> Cool...I certainly don't mind you quoting my email, especially if it
> illustrates a potential problem somewhere.  It is also perhaps
> possible that the excerpting that I do see is being caused by
> Thunderbird (my email client of choice).  I had never even thought
> about it.  Perhaps some contemplation on my part is in order :)
> > Charlie
> > 

I went into my clawsrc and set:


fixed it for me.


Re: Poor X performance with Intel 8086:22b1 (Braswell)

2017-05-26 Thread Felix Miata
Michael Milliman composed on 2017-05-26 20:23 (UTC-0500):

> ...Does this cp command overwrite an existing
> xorg.conf.  AIR, the xorg.conf is no longer required (of course I've
> slept several times since I think I saw that :) ).
xorg.conf is an optional file that is unnecessary and not present for the vast
majority of users for all generations of Xorg going back too far to remember,
probably getting close to 10 years, maybe longer. The primary and large
exception is users of proprietary NVidia driver users.

> If it is overwriting,
> perhaps it would be a good idea if the OP preserved the existing
> xorg.conf in case the new one borks the system worse (always possible
> when messing with the drivers).

I don't know of any reason why a fresh Stretch installation to Intel gfx would
have xorg.conf. He wouldn't be overwriting an existing unless he created it 

> Well, as I wrote this, I took a look, and on my system (Stretch, with an
> amd processor and Radeon graphics) the etc/X11/xord.conf.d/ directory
> does not even exist.

Both xorg.conf and xorg.conf.d/ are optional. Most distros either create an
empty xorg.conf.d/, or populate one with a small number of tweaks specific to
various combinations of hardware and/or software. A common one contains
exclusively keyboard configuration. Mine enables Ctrl-Alt-BS, which IIRC is
disabled by default in upstream Xorg.

xorg.conf is a comprehensive file. xorg.conf.d/ is designed for presence of
multiple files, each optional, each designed to address specific components.
IIRC, presence in xorg.conf.d/ inconsistent with anything in xorg.conf if it
exists overrides it.
"The wise are known for their understanding, and pleasant
words are persuasive." Proverbs 16:21 (New Living Translation)

 Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409 ** a11y rocks!

Felix Miata  ***

Re: Kingston Thumb Drive Comatose.

2017-05-26 Thread Martin McCormick
Fungi4All  writes:
> Wild guess would be to use gparted and delete all partitions then
> use dd if=/dev/zero 128000x1024 or more and see what the firmware would 
> do.
> I think it would reset itself once everything is deleted from it and 
> refilled with 0
> blocks to the max. I don't think you can digitally hurt these things till 
> they
> mechanically fail and can't write anymore. They will not delete data on 
> their
> own unless instructed specifically to do so.

This issue is deeper as the controller in the thumb drive
no longer knows where the media resides.

$sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdc
fdisk: cannot open /dev/sdc: No medium found

that is exactly what you also get if you use dd to either write
to /dev/sdc or read from it. Other people using MSWindows state
that the drive shows up as empty and they are prompted to insert
a disk (neat trick.) so different operating systems complain in
slightly different ways, but the upshot is that the on-board
controller has no idea any longer where data are stored hince the
"no medium found" condition.

With all the tinkering that goes on in Linux, I am
surprised nobody has come up with a set of utilities as I bet
many of these thumb drives have similar microcode or similar
structures for allowing the thumb drive to reset it's controller.

Since eprom has a finite number of write cycles, the
controllers cleverly shift write jobs around so data are written
to different memory cells when possible.

I expect the best I can hope for is to reset it to
defaults so the drive will appear empty but can then be
repartitioned and used again.

Martin McCormick

storage devices with same marketing size having different number of blocks

2017-05-26 Thread David Christensen

On 05/26/2017 03:16 PM, Fungi4All wrote:

Here is a surprising experience. Recently I asked the store to give me a few
of the cheapest and nastiest usb sticks, 8Gb if they had. The usb3 16Gb
were only a buck more. So I got identical sitting side by side on the rack
Intenso 16Gb usb3. I installed a system with 3 partitions on the one, booted
configured and wanted to make a backup with settings for network for a
seconf machine. So I used dd if=sdc of=sdd
I go in and check and there were a whole bunch of Mb more on the second
drive with no partition while the partitions that copied seemed identical.
So I wonder how long it would have taken me to figure out the error caused
by dd if I had randomly used the second as first and the first as second.
I think they are like uuids, there are no two identical usb drives ever.

It is common for storage devices with the same marketing size to have 
different numbers of blocks.  Usually the same make and model of devices 
within a given production run (e.g. hardware revision) have the same 
number of blocks, but not necessarily so for different production runs 
(I have SanDisk Ultra Fit drives like this).

If imaging is in your bag of tricks, one work-around is 
under-provisioning -- e.g. partition new devices with less than 100% of 
the available blocks; leaving unused blocks at the end.  (Choosing the 
"right" number of blocks to leave unused is an exercise left for the 

AFAIK USB flash drives don't have TRIM or secure erase, but there may be 
controllers/ firmware smart enough to recognize zero blocks and optimize 
their use (?).


l'équipe Debian a fixé la date de publication de Stretch !

2017-05-26 Thread Jean-Marc
C'est officiel !
Et ce sera le 17 juin prochain !

Ça se fête, non ?


Description: PGP signature

Re: Seeing this, is it something I have done or?

2017-05-26 Thread Michael Milliman

On 05/26/2017 08:22 PM, Charlie S wrote:
> On Fri, 26 May 2017 20:09:41 -0500 Michael Milliman sent:
>> On 05/26/2017 08:00 PM, Charlie S wrote:
>>  [...]  
>> This is interesting.  The post that you are quoting is one of mine.
>> On my system, the [...] do not appear.  I do show some excerpting
>> earlier in the email, but I'm not sure where the excerpting is
>> occuring, whether your claws-mail is doing or it is being introduced
>> somewhere else, I couldn't say.
>>  [...]  
>   After contemplation, my reply is:
> Thank you for your reply.
> Yes I just used that bit of a quote as an example. I can see this in
> all my folders, so it's a claw-mail thing obviously, not Debian-User
> list.
> I'll have to see what is doing it in claws mail.
Cool...I certainly don't mind you quoting my email, especially if it
illustrates a potential problem somewhere.  It is also perhaps possible
that the excerpting that I do see is being caused by Thunderbird (my
email client of choice).  I had never even thought about it.  Perhaps
some contemplation on my part is in order :)
> Charlie

WB5VQX -- The Very Quick X-ray

Re: Poor X performance with Intel 8086:22b1 (Braswell)

2017-05-26 Thread Michael Milliman

On 05/26/2017 08:03 PM, Felix Miata wrote:
> Michael Milliman composed on 2017-05-26 19:40 (UTC-0500):
>> OK, so the question is, since he is using the default modeset(0) driver,
>> what can he do,if anything, to install and try the Intel driver instead
>> and see if it works better?
> In I explained how,
> but he hasn't written here whether he tried or not. I asked for another
> Xorg.0.log, in order to find that out (among other things), but that hasn't
> happened.
Yes, I remember that post earlier in the thread.  I have however, slept
since then :) The OP has not AFAICT performed the cp command to install
the xorg.conf file. Does this cp command overwrite an existing
xorg.conf.  AIR, the xorg.conf is no longer required (of course I've
slept several times since I think I saw that :) ). If it is overwriting,
perhaps it would be a good idea if the OP preserved the existing
xorg.conf in case the new one borks the system worse (always possible
when messing with the drivers).

> If the Intel driver has already been tried, then his focus probably needs to 
> be
> shifted to hunting down anything to be tried that's specific to his Braswell
> chipset generation.
> One possible thing to try (which AFAICT can't work in Gnome), is disabling of
> compositing. Whether Mate can work with compositing disabled ...
As Mate is a fork of Gnome (Gnome 2 to be exact) I would suspect that if
Gnome will not work without compositing, Mate would not either.  But,
the current Gnome desktop is Gnome3, and has been for some time, so
perhaps the Mate fork is early enough that it may run without
compositing (but I wouldn't put MY money on it.  As I run Mate, I guess
I could try it and see.  As I know what changes I'm making, if I bork
the system, I can always fix it with a console log-in :).
...I have no idea, but
> I know it can in Plasma and TDE, and most likely also in IceWM, LXDE and other
> lightweights. I do it, when necessary, or desirable, globally, via
> /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/70-extensions.conf:
Well, as I wrote this, I took a look, and on my system (Stretch, with an
amd processor and Radeon graphics) the etc/X11/xord.conf.d/ directory
does not even exist.
>   Section "Extensions"
>   Option  "Composite" "Disable"
>   EndSection

WB5VQX -- The Very Quick X-ray

Re: Seeing this, is it something I have done or?

2017-05-26 Thread Charlie S
On Fri, 26 May 2017 20:09:41 -0500 Michael Milliman sent:

> On 05/26/2017 08:00 PM, Charlie S wrote:
>  [...]  
> This is interesting.  The post that you are quoting is one of mine.
> On my system, the [...] do not appear.  I do show some excerpting
> earlier in the email, but I'm not sure where the excerpting is
> occuring, whether your claws-mail is doing or it is being introduced
> somewhere else, I couldn't say.
>  [...]  

After contemplation, my reply is:

Thank you for your reply.

Yes I just used that bit of a quote as an example. I can see this in
all my folders, so it's a claw-mail thing obviously, not Debian-User

I'll have to see what is doing it in claws mail.


Re: Kingston Thumb Drive Comatose.

2017-05-26 Thread David Christensen

On 05/26/2017 02:06 PM, Martin McCormick wrote:

I have a 128 GB thumb drive which has been sitting in a
drawer for 2 or 3 years because it is not completely dead but had
a traumatic event.

It worked fine until the night it accidentally got
over-filled after a backup script tried to put this drive's own
file system back in to it in an infinite recursive loop which is
what you get when one forgets to exclude the mount point.

Of course, what should have happened was a "Write failed"
condition but what actually happened seems to be that the
controller in the Kingston drive lost track of where to put
anything so it now can't even find the SDRAM that makes up the

The drive makes the /dev/sdX node as one might expect but
any attempt to read or write the node such as to reformat it or
use fdisk on it fails with a "no medium found" message.

Since this was a backup drive, I simply got another drive
and backed up to it so I just want to be able to use this drive
again since the failure is probably not due to actual
hardwarefailure but could be called a design flaw since the drive
should protect itself from this sort of issue.

Has the state of the art improved any recently so that
Linux users have any tools that can unstick the Kingston's
controller? The data are probably not of any importance any
longer but the drive probably cost close to $100 when it was new
and it seems so close to being usable. Any constructive ideas are
Here is what syslog shows when the drive is inserted:

audio2 kernel: [82157.422619] usb 1-1: new full-speed USB device number 2 using 
kernel: [82157.734651] usb 1-1: new full-speed USB device number 3 using 
kernel: [82157.909640] usb 1-1: New USB device found, idVendor=13fe, 
kernel: [82157.913558] usb 1-1: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, 
kernel: [82157.917858] usb 1-1: Product: 2233 PRAM
kernel: [82157.920367] usb 1-1: Manufacturer:
kernel: [82157.987815] usb-storage 1-1:1.0: USB Mass Storage device detected
kernel: [82157.83] scsi2 : usb-storage 1-1:1.0
kernel: [82158.010244] usbcore: registered new interface driver usb-storage
kernel: [82159.011680] scsi 2:0:0:0: Direct-Access  2233 PRAM   
 1.00 PQ: 0 ANSI: 0 CCS
kernel: [82159.037067] sd 2:0:0:0: Attached scsi generic sg3 type 0
kernel: [82159.063686] sd 2:0:0:0: [sdc] Attached SCSI removable disk

Please verify the device node for the USB flash drive (e.g. /dev/sdc), 
run the following commands, and paste your console session into a reply:

# cat /etc/debian_version

# uname -a

# fdisk -l /dev/sdc

# dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdc count=2048; sync

# fdisk -l /dev/sdc


Re: 答复: installing xz-utils

2017-05-26 Thread Robert F. Crochelt
Thanks to both of you.  Problem solved.  
Bob Crochelt
Montana USA
On Fri, May 26, 2017 at 04:02:53PM +, 慕 冬亮 wrote:
> The mirror "" is outdated.
> Please try other mirror, such as "". I have checked that 
> xz-utils_5.1.1alpha+20120614-2+b3_amd64.deb exists on this server.
> ��: Robert F. Crochelt 
> ʱ��: 2017��5��26�� 5:08
> �ռ���:
> : installing xz-utils
> Hi:
> sudo apt-get install xz-utils fails with error message:
> bob@iMac:~$ sudo apt-get install xz-utils
> Reading package lists... Done
> Building dependency tree
> Reading state information... Done
> The following NEW packages will be installed:
>   xz-utils
>   0 upgraded, 1 newly installed, 0 to remove and 7 not upgraded.
>   Need to get 221 kB of archives.
>   After this operation, 483 kB of additional disk space will be used.
>   Err jessie/main xz-utils amd64 
> 5.1.1alpha+20120614-2+b3
> Index of /debian - University of Texas at 
> Austin
> Debian Archive. See for information about Debian 
> GNU/Linux. Current Releases. Four Debian releases are available on the main 
> site:
> 404  Not Found
> E: Failed to fetch 
>   404  Not Found
> E: Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with 
> --fix-missing?
> I've installed numerous other packages with apt-get on this Intel iMac, 
> running jessie, without problems.  Internet connection is OK.  I ran apt-get 
> upgrade and ran with --fix-missing with no change.
> Thanks in advance for any ideas.
> --
> Bob Crochelt
> Montana USA

Re: ¿Donde está mi correo?.

2017-05-26 Thread Irma Paz Paz Irma10

Enviado desde mi iPhone

Re: Seeing this, is it something I have done or?

2017-05-26 Thread Michael Milliman

On 05/26/2017 08:00 PM, Charlie S wrote:
> Hello Everyone,
> All recent emails from Debian-user lists have come with quoted text like
> this:
> e.g.
> [quote]
> On 05/26/2017 06:59 PM, Somebody wrote:
>  [...]  
>  [...]  
>  [...]  
> Thanks, Somebody.  I hadn't checked the posts 
> [end quote]
> Is this gmail creating the quoted text with these:
>  [...]  
>  [...]  
>  [...] 
> or is it some configuration in my Claws-Mail?
> Anyone else seeing this?
This is interesting.  The post that you are quoting is one of mine.  On
my system, the [...] do not appear.  I do show some excerpting earlier
in the email, but I'm not sure where the excerpting is occuring, whether
your claws-mail is doing or it is being introduced somewhere else, I
couldn't say.
> Charlie

WB5VQX -- The Very Quick X-ray

Re: Seeing this, is it something I have done or?

2017-05-26 Thread David Christensen

On 05/26/2017 06:00 PM, Charlie S wrote:

All recent emails from Debian-user lists have come with quoted text like



On 05/26/2017 06:59 PM, Somebody wrote:
Thanks, Somebody.  I hadn't checked the posts 

[end quote]

Is this gmail creating the quoted text with these:


or is it some configuration in my Claws-Mail?

Anyone else seeing this?

Not me.


Re: Poor X performance with Intel 8086:22b1 (Braswell)

2017-05-26 Thread Felix Miata
Michael Milliman composed on 2017-05-26 19:40 (UTC-0500):

> OK, so the question is, since he is using the default modeset(0) driver,
> what can he do,if anything, to install and try the Intel driver instead
> and see if it works better?

In I explained how,
but he hasn't written here whether he tried or not. I asked for another
Xorg.0.log, in order to find that out (among other things), but that hasn't

If the Intel driver has already been tried, then his focus probably needs to be
shifted to hunting down anything to be tried that's specific to his Braswell
chipset generation.

One possible thing to try (which AFAICT can't work in Gnome), is disabling of
compositing. Whether Mate can work with compositing disabled I have no idea, but
I know it can in Plasma and TDE, and most likely also in IceWM, LXDE and other
lightweights. I do it, when necessary, or desirable, globally, via

Section "Extensions"
Option  "Composite" "Disable"
"The wise are known for their understanding, and pleasant
words are persuasive." Proverbs 16:21 (New Living Translation)

 Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409 ** a11y rocks!

Felix Miata  ***

Seeing this, is it something I have done or?

2017-05-26 Thread Charlie S

Hello Everyone,

All recent emails from Debian-user lists have come with quoted text like



On 05/26/2017 06:59 PM, Somebody wrote:
Thanks, Somebody.  I hadn't checked the posts 

[end quote]

Is this gmail creating the quoted text with these:


or is it some configuration in my Claws-Mail?

Anyone else seeing this?


Re: unable to repartition SD card from Android phone

2017-05-26 Thread David Christensen

On 05/26/2017 03:23 PM, Fungi4All wrote:

I think google locks the mbr so no other system can ever use it again.

How?  Please provide citation(s).

But while it gives you a long error message in another system it notifies
google of what that system is and which android user is attempting it.

How?  Please provide citation(s).

Then it returns and burns up your android device.

How?  Please provide citation(s).

Maybe I can write a novel on it, so you will have to pay google to read
the rest :)

Please do, but release it under a license that allows us to read it 
on-line for free and then decide if we want to buy it.


Re: unable to repartition SD card from Android phone

2017-05-26 Thread David Christensen

On 05/26/2017 12:52 PM, Mark Copper wrote:

Maybe I should just toss it, but I'm curious why none of my tools can
recover an SD card previously used for Android internal storage.

Does you SD card and/or SD card adapter have a write-protect tab or 
other such mechanism?  If so, put it in the unlocked position.

Have you tried using dd to wipe the first megabyte (including the 
partition table)?

# dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdc count=2048; sync


Re: Poor X performance with Intel 8086:22b1 (Braswell)

2017-05-26 Thread Michael Milliman

On 05/26/2017 07:35 PM, Felix Miata wrote:
> Michael Milliman composed on 2017-05-26 19:06 (UTC-0500):
>> I hadn't checked the posts in the pastebin.  As I
>> stated, the problem is a little over my head at this point, so I'm not
>> sure what the modeset(0) driver being in use actually means, as the OP
> It means he's most likely using the default Stretch Xorg driver configuration
> for Intel gfx
>> also indicated.  At this point, he, and I for that matter, doesn't know
>> even whether that is correct, and if not what the alternative is or how
>> to configure for that alternative.
> The short story is that for some Intel users the Intel driver works better, 
> for
> other Intel users Xorg's integral modeset(0) driver works better, and for some
> Intel users, neither are satisfactory. Whether either driver is "correct"
> depends on the particular gfx hardware version.
> is the only default Intel driver change announcement I can recall seeing.
OK, so the question is, since he is using the default modeset(0) driver,
what can he do,if anything, to install and try the Intel driver instead
and see if it works better?
WB5VQX -- The Very Quick X-ray

Re: Poor X performance with Intel 8086:22b1 (Braswell)

2017-05-26 Thread Felix Miata
Michael Milliman composed on 2017-05-26 19:06 (UTC-0500):

> I hadn't checked the posts in the pastebin.  As I
> stated, the problem is a little over my head at this point, so I'm not
> sure what the modeset(0) driver being in use actually means, as the OP

It means he's most likely using the default Stretch Xorg driver configuration
for Intel gfx

> also indicated.  At this point, he, and I for that matter, doesn't know
> even whether that is correct, and if not what the alternative is or how
> to configure for that alternative.
The short story is that for some Intel users the Intel driver works better, for
other Intel users Xorg's integral modeset(0) driver works better, and for some
Intel users, neither are satisfactory. Whether either driver is "correct"
depends on the particular gfx hardware version.
is the only default Intel driver change announcement I can recall seeing.
"The wise are known for their understanding, and pleasant
words are persuasive." Proverbs 16:21 (New Living Translation)

 Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409 ** a11y rocks!

Felix Miata  ***

Re: Unable to install custom package using defined dependency version

2017-05-26 Thread David Wright
On Fri 26 May 2017 at 13:26:54 (-0500), Sijis Aviles wrote:
> On Fri, May 26, 2017 at 12:42 PM, David Wright 
> wrote:
> > Why not just copy the x.y.x version into the package name,
> > and then add 1 to allow for updates/corrections. That way,
> > you can even have both versions coexist.
> >
> > app-configs-1.0.5   1.0.5-1
> > app-configs-1.0.6   1.0.6-1
> >
> > à la
> >
> > cpp-4.7 4.7.4-3
> > cpp-4.8 4.8.4-1
> > cpp-4.9 4.9.2-10
> >
> > and many other packages.
> >
> Thanks for the suggestion. I suppose we could change the versioning to
> app-configs-1.0.5-1 and so forth.

The package name will be app-configs-1.0.5
The version will be 1.0.5-1, with future revisions 1.0.5-2, 1.0.5-3 etc.
The file name will be app-configs-1.0.5_1.0.5-1.deb

> I would speculate though that I may still run into my original issue where
> I need my-app's control file to depend on a specific version of
> app-configs, even though there are multiple available versions (and likely
> higher versions) in the repository.

No. You've missed the point.

> Essentially I'm trying to get the following working:
> my-app-1.0.5 requires app-configs-1.0.5
> my-app-1.0.6 requires app-configs-1.0.6
> So when i type:
> $ apt-get install my-app=1.0.5 it installs app-configs-1.0.5.

No, you will type:

$ apt-get install my-app-1.0.5 and it will install app-configs-1.0.5,

$ apt-get install my-app-1.0.6 and it will install app-configs-1.0.6.

> Currently trying that I get the error:
> "my-app : Depends: app-configs (= 1.0-5~aaa) but 1.0-6~ is to be
> installed."

Yes, you reported that. That's because you've made it depend on
"package app-configs version 1.0-5~aaa" and not "package app-configs-1.0.5".

> I want to make sure a speciflc my-app version installs only a specific
> app-configs version.

I don't know how to write it any clearer, so perhaps I should just
tell you to examine how your system deals with, eg,

cpp-4.8 and gcc-4.8,
python2.7-minimal and python2.7,
python3-minimal and python3,

Examine your /var/lib/dpkg/status file's "Package:" and "Depends:" lines.


Re: Poor X performance with Intel 8086:22b1 (Braswell)

2017-05-26 Thread Michael Milliman

On 05/26/2017 06:59 PM, Felix Miata wrote:
> Michael Milliman composed on 2017-05-26 18:18 (UTC-0500):
>> ...someone mentioned checking if the package
>> xserver-xorg-video-intel was installed on your system.  This package
>> should be installed if it is not.
> He already reported in
> that it is installed
>   dpkg -l | grep intel:...
>   ii  xserver-xorg-video-intel2:2.99.917+git20161206-1
> However, in he
> provided a pastebin (now expired) of Xorg.0.log that reported the modeset(0)
> driver in use.
> explained how he
> could try configuring use of the Intel driver. Subsequently OP reported Gnome 
> to
> be working, but also that unsatisfactory AV playback in Totem remains, even in
> Mate, plus he sees poor scrolling behavior in LibreOffice.
Thanks, Felix.  I hadn't checked the posts in the pastebin.  As I
stated, the problem is a little over my head at this point, so I'm not
sure what the modeset(0) driver being in use actually means, as the OP
also indicated.  At this point, he, and I for that matter, doesn't know
even whether that is correct, and if not what the alternative is or how
to configure for that alternative.

He (the OP) also reports a problem with the mate desktop background.
But this is a separate issue with mate desktop (which is a fork of the
Gnome2 [now defunct] desktop), which currently has a bug reported.


WB5VQX -- The Very Quick X-ray

Re: Poor X performance with Intel 8086:22b1 (Braswell) (was: Oh no something has gone wrong! after...)

2017-05-26 Thread Felix Miata
Michael Milliman composed on 2017-05-26 18:18 (UTC-0500):

> ...someone mentioned checking if the package
> xserver-xorg-video-intel was installed on your system.  This package
> should be installed if it is not.

He already reported in
that it is installed

dpkg -l | grep intel:...
ii  xserver-xorg-video-intel2:2.99.917+git20161206-1

However, in he
provided a pastebin (now expired) of Xorg.0.log that reported the modeset(0)
driver in use. explained how he
could try configuring use of the Intel driver. Subsequently OP reported Gnome to
be working, but also that unsatisfactory AV playback in Totem remains, even in
Mate, plus he sees poor scrolling behavior in LibreOffice.
"The wise are known for their understanding, and pleasant
words are persuasive." Proverbs 16:21 (New Living Translation)

 Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409 ** a11y rocks!

Felix Miata  ***

Re: Oh no something has gone wrong! after reinstalling Debian and Gnome.

2017-05-26 Thread Michael Milliman

On 05/26/2017 06:53 PM, Anil Duggirala wrote:
> As more examples of the symptoms, in Firefox, scrolling through my
> email's Inbox list, is a little sluggish, however, scrolling through a
> site that has images and other things (, I can scroll up and down
> more smoothly.
> In the Applications Dropdown from the top bar in Gnome Classic, it
> sometimes is hard to select an item, I have to move the mouse around a
> little bit for it to actually "stand on" (highlight) an item, the whole
> menu is a little bit sluggish too.
This is also a common problem.  It sounds like you see it a little more
than most, but I too have occasional sluggishness on the menu, and have
seen that for quite some time.  I haven't done anything about it, as for
me it is an occasional minor annoyance rather than something I classify
as a real problem. I just figure that it is a result of my older
equipment, as it occurs more frequently when I have the system loaded
down pretty good.
> thanks

WB5VQX -- The Very Quick X-ray

Re: Oh no something has gone wrong! after reinstalling Debian and Gnome.

2017-05-26 Thread Michael Milliman

On 05/26/2017 06:40 PM, Anil Duggirala wrote:
> On Fri, May 26, 2017, at 06:18 PM, Michael Milliman wrote:
>> Now means that 4.9+79 is what is now installed on your system.  4.9+80
>> is available from the testing distribution, so that would mean that you
>> have the testing distribution mentioned in your sources.list file in
>> /etc/apt.
> I had just figured that out. In my sources.list I have deb entries with
> "stretch", not "testing", when Stretch is released as stable, will I
> remain in Stretch and not continue getting the Testing packages ?(that
> is what I want)
>> This is not the problem, and given the totality of the
>> situation, I would not upgrade to the newer kernel.  
> Too late. Since it was being proposed I did make the upgrade, I cant say
> for sure but no changes appear to have happened, maybe its taking longer
> for the initial load of the graphical interface in general (login and
> desktop), but cant be sure.
> I appreciate your help and support, I really want Debian to work for me,
> I bought an Asus laptop because I thought they had better support in
> linux, they ship some of their PCs with linux (actually their EEEpc
> originally ONLY shipped with a modification of Debian)
> As another symptom I have now is for example, scrolling down or up on a
> simple Libreoffice (docx) document is not smooth, it appears to be a
> purely graphical issue, not something beyond that in terms of
> processing, but I can be sure.
> I have tried installing Mate, really I dont see a lot of difference at
> all with regard to any of my issues, actually I have a problem in Mate,
> it will not load the desktop background image and it is stuck in black.
For completeness, the bug that I mentioned in my last post is Bug#862355.

> thanks again,

WB5VQX -- The Very Quick X-ray

Re: Oh no something has gone wrong! after reinstalling Debian and Gnome.

2017-05-26 Thread Anil Duggirala
As more examples of the symptoms, in Firefox, scrolling through my
email's Inbox list, is a little sluggish, however, scrolling through a
site that has images and other things (, I can scroll up and down
more smoothly.
In the Applications Dropdown from the top bar in Gnome Classic, it
sometimes is hard to select an item, I have to move the mouse around a
little bit for it to actually "stand on" (highlight) an item, the whole
menu is a little bit sluggish too.

Re: Oh no something has gone wrong! after reinstalling Debian and Gnome.

2017-05-26 Thread Michael Milliman

On 05/26/2017 06:40 PM, Anil Duggirala wrote:
> On Fri, May 26, 2017, at 06:18 PM, Michael Milliman wrote:
>> Now means that 4.9+79 is what is now installed on your system.  4.9+80
>> is available from the testing distribution, so that would mean that you
>> have the testing distribution mentioned in your sources.list file in
>> /etc/apt.
> I had just figured that out. In my sources.list I have deb entries with
> "stretch", not "testing", when Stretch is released as stable, will I
> remain in Stretch and not continue getting the Testing packages ?(that
> is what I want)

Stretch and testing are the same thing, right now.  However, you are
correct, when Stretch becomes the stable release, with stretch in your
sources.list file, you will remain on Stretch.  This sounds like what
you want, so all is good.

>> This is not the problem, and given the totality of the
>> situation, I would not upgrade to the newer kernel.  
> Too late. Since it was being proposed I did make the upgrade, I cant say
> for sure but no changes appear to have happened, maybe its taking longer
> for the initial load of the graphical interface in general (login and
> desktop), but cant be sure.
OK, Well, the change from 4.9+79 to 4.9+80 shouldn't cause any
additional concerns.  I, being a technical troubleshooting kind of
person (I do a lot of electronic troubleshooting), tend toward making
the fewest possible changes when I'm debugging something so as not to
cause any additional problems which might confuse the issue.

> I appreciate your help and support, I really want Debian to work for me,
> I bought an Asus laptop because I thought they had better support in
> linux, they ship some of their PCs with linux (actually their EEEpc
> originally ONLY shipped with a modification of Debian)
> As another symptom I have now is for example, scrolling down or up on a
> simple Libreoffice (docx) document is not smooth, it appears to be a
> purely graphical issue, not something beyond that in terms of
> processing, but I can be sure.
> I have tried installing Mate, really I dont see a lot of difference at
> all with regard to any of my issues, actually I have a problem in Mate,
> it will not load the desktop background image and it is stuck in black.
Yes, I have the same problem (see the thread Desktop Background Bites
The Dust).  This is a known problem with the Stretch distribution.
There is an upstream fix (upstream being the people who actually develop
the mate desktop, as opposed to the people that maintain the Debian
repositories and that package within Debian).  The upstream fix is to
install caja version 1.16.3.  This version of caja hasn't made its way
into the Debian repositories yet (1.16.2 is currently available).  There
is a bug already filed against this problem, and I'm sure the Debian
maintainers will take the appropriate steps to fix the problem.

Please see the aforementioned thread, as there is a workaround using the
feh package (which has resulted in some interesting controversy in that
thread).  I am currently using feh to fix the problem, but plan to ditch
that package as soon as the problem is resolved.

> thanks again,

WB5VQX -- The Very Quick X-ray

Re: Oh no something has gone wrong! after reinstalling Debian and Gnome.

2017-05-26 Thread Anil Duggirala
On Fri, May 26, 2017, at 06:18 PM, Michael Milliman wrote:

> Now means that 4.9+79 is what is now installed on your system.  4.9+80
> is available from the testing distribution, so that would mean that you
> have the testing distribution mentioned in your sources.list file in
> /etc/apt.

I had just figured that out. In my sources.list I have deb entries with
"stretch", not "testing", when Stretch is released as stable, will I
remain in Stretch and not continue getting the Testing packages ?(that
is what I want)

> This is not the problem, and given the totality of the
> situation, I would not upgrade to the newer kernel.  

Too late. Since it was being proposed I did make the upgrade, I cant say
for sure but no changes appear to have happened, maybe its taking longer
for the initial load of the graphical interface in general (login and
desktop), but cant be sure.

I appreciate your help and support, I really want Debian to work for me,
I bought an Asus laptop because I thought they had better support in
linux, they ship some of their PCs with linux (actually their EEEpc
originally ONLY shipped with a modification of Debian)

As another symptom I have now is for example, scrolling down or up on a
simple Libreoffice (docx) document is not smooth, it appears to be a
purely graphical issue, not something beyond that in terms of
processing, but I can be sure.

I have tried installing Mate, really I dont see a lot of difference at
all with regard to any of my issues, actually I have a problem in Mate,
it will not load the desktop background image and it is stuck in black.

thanks again,

Re: Oh no something has gone wrong! after reinstalling Debian and Gnome.

2017-05-26 Thread Michael Milliman

On 05/26/2017 09:38 AM, Anil Duggirala wrote:
> On Wed, May 24, 2017, at 11:11 PM, Ric Moore wrote:
>> Please don't top post. You don't see anyone else doing that do you??
>> Take a clue. Ric
> Sorry for top-posting, I have taken a clue now. 
> I deactivated Animations in Gnome (Tweak Tool - Appearance), this
> appears to have helped, dragging windows around is not so laggy and
> video playback does not appear to be crashing, and is running more
> smoothly, however the video playback is not really smooth. 
>> Anil's log from about 3+ hours ago shows he's using the modeset(0) Xorg 
>> driver
>> still.
> What does this mean?? Is there any other driver for me to try??
> Please help me, do I really have the right driver and firmware for my
> graphics card already?? Looking at package linux-image-amd64 in Synaptic
> shows 2 versions 4.9+79 (now), 4.9+80 (testing), this upgrade has been
> suggested by the automatic update app in Gnome. What does (now) and
> (testing) mean in Synaptic there. I have left my sources.list as is
> after install, "stretch" is the keyword, will my pc stay on stretch once
> it is released or continue upgrading to "testing"??  
Now means that 4.9+79 is what is now installed on your system.  4.9+80
is available from the testing distribution, so that would mean that you
have the testing distribution mentioned in your sources.list file in
/etc/apt.  This is not the problem, and given the totality of the
situation, I would not upgrade to the newer kernel.  This is probably
safe, but it is possible that it could introduce additional issues.  At
least until you get the current problem resolved, IMHO (In My Humble
Opinion) you should make the fewest changes possible to the system,
changing only those things needed to move closer to a resolution to the
current problem, which we are trying to figure out.  I understand your
frustration, be patient, the guys (and gals) here are good.  It may take
a little time to figure out exactly what needs to be done
(troubleshooting by remote control is difficult at best), but it will
get figured out.  The situation is really over my head at this point,
however, someone mentioned checking if the package
xserver-xorg-video-intel was installed on your system.  This package
should be installed if it is not.

Thanks for your patience.  I rarely have a real problem with my Debian
distributions, but have always found good help here. :)
> thanks a lot,

WB5VQX -- The Very Quick X-ray

Re: Desktop Background Bites the Dust

2017-05-26 Thread Michael Milliman

On 05/25/2017 06:27 AM, RavenLX wrote:
> On 05/21/2017 05:40 PM, David Christensen wrote:
>> As I understand it:
>> *   'apt-get upgrade' is for rolling forward to a new minor revision
>> -- e.g. Debian 8.7 to Debian 8.8 -- and/or new packages -- e.g.
>> icedove 1:45.6.0-1~deb8u1 to thunderbird 1:45.8.0-3~deb8u1).
>> *   'apt-get dist-upgrade' is for rolling forward to a new major
>> revision -- e.g. Debian 7 to Debian 8.
>> I do the former regularly -- once or more per week.
>> I avoid the latter, as it's caused me grief in the past (when I want
>> to do a major version upgrade, I backup, move the system disk aside,
>> do a fresh install, and restore).
>> My issue is likely tied to some software corner case due the the
>> hardware -- e.g. 32-bit laptop with an off-spec 64-bit processor
>> jammed in.
> I've always used dist-upgrade for years without any problems. It's an
> old habit by now. If I don't, I learned there are some packages I *do*
> want to upgrade that get held back (ie. not upgraded) if I don't do
> dist-upgrade, such as new kernels (which I like to keep the kernel the
> newest out there). I haven't yet had any real major issues (even minor
> issues I've always found a work-around and 99% of the time it was just
> something I myself needed to configure, and not really a bug). I run
> stable so maybe that is why I have such good luck. On test VMs I do
> dist-upgrade basically because I know I can always start over if things
> go wrong. And Virtual Machines are the test systems anyway.
Yeah, I like the VMs for testing as well.  Unfortunately, I'm poor :)
and my equipment is pretty slow, so VM performance is pretty poor too :)
Right now I'm running Stretch, and 99% of the time, I have no problems,
but every once in a while

WB5VQX -- The Very Quick X-ray

Re: Clairification - was [Re: Desktop Background Bites the Dust]

2017-05-26 Thread Michael Milliman

On 05/26/2017 09:48 AM, Ric Moore wrote:
> On 05/25/2017 06:56 AM, Richard Owlett wrote:
>> On 05/24/2017 12:26 PM, Richard Owlett wrote:
>>> The man page 
>>> _mentions_ setting wallpaper in passing my noting "Use --no-xinerama to
>>> treat the whole X display as one screen when setting wallpapers."
> I use one wallpaper across four screens. I just right click on the
> desktop, select "Desktop Settings", select your wallpaper and scroll the
> vertical bar down to reveal the settings you want (or make it full
> screen)  select "Spanning Screens" style and check "Apply to all
> workspaces.  Bob's your uncle, you should be set. Net, go to some wall
> paper site and find W_I_D_E wallpapers. :) Ric
> p/s Using XFCE.
That is the problem, Ric.  My original post for this thread is that with
the current mate-desktop in Stretch, this no longer works.  The current
work-around is using feh to set the background, which does work. There
is an upstream fix, upgrading to caja version 1.16.3 is supposed to fix
the problem, but that version is not yet in the Stretch repositories.
There is currently a bug filed against this, and hopefully the
maintainers will get the problem solved and feh will be a thing of
history :)

WB5VQX -- The Very Quick X-ray

Re: Clairification - was [Re: Desktop Background Bites the Dust]

2017-05-26 Thread Michael Milliman

On 05/25/2017 06:08 AM, Dejan Jocic wrote:
> On 25-05-17, Richard Owlett wrote:
>> On 05/24/2017 12:26 PM, Richard Owlett wrote:
>>> On 05/20/2017 09:31 PM, Michael Milliman wrote:
>> The bug report also lists a workaround (which I haven't tried).
 The workaround is using the feh package to manually set the background
 image.  This does work, however, it has to be done each time you
 log-in. It is better than nothing.  Upstream also appears to have
 a bug reported on it, and they suggest installation of mate-desktop
 16.2 with caja 16.3, neither of which has made it to the Debian
 distribution as of yet.
>>> Being one who emphatically avoids graphics I found a subtle gotcha.
>>> The man page 
>>> _mentions_ setting wallpaper in passing my noting "Use --no-xinerama to
>>> treat the whole X display as one screen when setting wallpapers."
>>> An example command line to use would be (as a single line):
>>> feh --no-xinerama /usr/share/backgrounds/mate/desktop/GreenTraditional.jpg
>>> It also does not mention how to set it as the wallpaper ;)
>>> Once the above command has displayed the chosen image:
>>>  1. right-click anywhere in the image
>>>  2. chose File->Background->Set Filled from the displayed menu/sub-menus
>> If I had read the man page more slowly that using the menu to set the image
>> as wallpaper was unnecessary. Use:
>> feh --no-xinerama  --bg-fill
>> /usr/share/backgrounds/mate/desktop/GreenTraditional.jpg
> It's been a while since I've used feh for background. Anyway, it should
> save your choice in .fehbg file. And you should add that file to
> autostart, to preserve your background settings.
That is what the man page says, and it does indeed create the ~/.fehbg
file.  But for whatever reason, I have not needed to invoke said file.
My background continues to work, even across a re-boot after having
invoked feh --bg-fill ...

WB5VQX -- The Very Quick X-ray

Re: Clairification - was [Re: Desktop Background Bites the Dust]

2017-05-26 Thread Michael Milliman

On 05/25/2017 05:56 AM, Richard Owlett wrote:
> On 05/24/2017 12:26 PM, Richard Owlett wrote:
>> On 05/20/2017 09:31 PM, Michael Milliman wrote:
>>> [snip]
> The bug report also lists a workaround (which I haven't tried).
>>> The workaround is using the feh package to manually set the background
>>> image.  This does work, however, it has to be done each time you
>>> log-in. It is better than nothing.  Upstream also appears to have
>>> a bug reported on it, and they suggest installation of mate-desktop
>>> 16.2 with caja 16.3, neither of which has made it to the Debian
>>> distribution as of yet.
>> Being one who emphatically avoids graphics I found a subtle gotcha.
>> The man page 
>> _mentions_ setting wallpaper in passing my noting "Use --no-xinerama to
>> treat the whole X display as one screen when setting wallpapers."
>> An example command line to use would be (as a single line):
>> feh --no-xinerama
>> /usr/share/backgrounds/mate/desktop/GreenTraditional.jpg
>> It also does not mention how to set it as the wallpaper ;)
>> Once the above command has displayed the chosen image:
>>  1. right-click anywhere in the image
>>  2. chose File->Background->Set Filled from the displayed menu/sub-menus
> If I had read the man page more slowly that using the menu to set the
> image as wallpaper was unnecessary. Use:
> feh --no-xinerama  --bg-fill
> /usr/share/backgrounds/mate/desktop/GreenTraditional.jpg
And actually, the --no-xinerama flag is not needed, at least on my
system.  I use feh --bg-fill ... and it works just fine.  Of course,
that is a very limited (and safe) usage of feh.  I don't think it wise
to use it for anything much more (IMHO).

WB5VQX -- The Very Quick X-ray

Re: Firefox : défaut inhérents

2017-05-26 Thread hamster
Le 27/05/2017 à 00:26, maderios a écrit :
> On 05/26/2017 11:50 PM, hamster wrote:
>> Le 26/05/2017 à 23:39, list a écrit :
>>> Hello.
>>> Solution :
>>> Ne plus utiliser Firefox, qui n'est plus ce qu'il avait promis d'être.
>> OK, moi aussi j'ai des soucis avec firefox en ce moment : trop lourd,
>> trop lent en particulier pour se lancer, consomme facilement enormément
>> de ressources (processeur et RAM) des qu'on ouvre des pages un peu
>> compliquées genre un webmail.
>> Mais par quoi le remplacer ?
> Salut
> Comme trop souvent sur cette liste, aucune précision sur la version
> des programmes incriminés, la distribution et le matériel... :(
> J'utilise les Firefox officiels de Stretch (esr) et Sid (52.0.2), je
> ne rencontre aucun problème sur un portable équipé d'un cpu i5. Je
> préfère nettement la version 52.0.2: plus de sécurité.

Pour ma part c'est jessie avec la version de firefox qui est venue avec
: 45.9.0

> Par ailleurs, beaucoup d'environnements de bureau, dont kde, gnome et
> xfce, consomment plus de ressources que les programmes eux-mêmes...

J'utilise mate.

Quand je dis que firefox consomme beaucoup, ca ressemble a ca :
RAM 1,2 G, ca descend a 300 ou 400 M quand on ferme firefox
CPU 70 a 90 % en permanence, ca descend a 10 % quand on ferme firefox
tout ca avec juste un webmail moderne genre gmail dans un onglet, et on
ne touche a rien.

Re: Questions after doing update and upgrade on Stretch

2017-05-26 Thread Fungi4All
As for reason why old one is not removed, it is because Debian keeps not
just newly installed kernel, but also one previously installed. One
before that was removed by apt-get autoremove.

Unless different desktops have different autoremove behavior in my recent
experience kernels can only be removed manually. If you get a current
today's image of 8.8 and update/upgrade, then switch to testing and upd/upg,
then unstable and upd/upg and autoremove as many times as you like,
you will end up with 3 kernels as a choice to boot unstable from.
I think in the past it did not work this way.

Re: Cant drag windows around desktop

2017-05-26 Thread Gary Roach

On 05/25/2017 04:15 PM, Gary Roach wrote:

Hi all;

Recently I completely lost the ability to drag windows around the
desktop by left clicking on the windows title bar. Anyone have a fix.

Debian testing

Gary R.

Thanks for your replies. Turns out that I had a python path problem that 
I fixed. After that I re-ran apt-get which fixed another problem. 
Rebooting the system fixed this one.

Gary R.

Re: Firefox : défaut inhérents

2017-05-26 Thread maderios

On 05/26/2017 11:50 PM, hamster wrote:

Le 26/05/2017 à 23:39, list a écrit :


Solution :

Ne plus utiliser Firefox, qui n'est plus ce qu'il avait promis d'être.

OK, moi aussi j'ai des soucis avec firefox en ce moment : trop lourd,
trop lent en particulier pour se lancer, consomme facilement enormément
de ressources (processeur et RAM) des qu'on ouvre des pages un peu
compliquées genre un webmail.

Mais par quoi le remplacer ?

Comme trop souvent sur cette liste, aucune précision sur la version des 
programmes incriminés, la distribution et le matériel... :(
J'utilise les Firefox officiels de Stretch (esr) et Sid (52.0.2), je ne 
rencontre aucun problème sur un portable équipé d'un cpu i5. Je préfère 
nettement la version 52.0.2: plus de sécurité.
Par ailleurs, beaucoup d'environnements de bureau, dont kde, gnome et 
xfce, consomment plus de ressources que les programmes eux-mêmes...
J'utilise Enlightenment 0.21.8 (compilé maison) pour cette dernière 
raison mais ce n'est pas le seul environnement "léger" qui existe. 
L'avantage de Enlightenment, c'est qu'il est rapide, ergonomique, archi 
modulable et esthétique en même temps.


Re: unable to repartition SD card from Android phone

2017-05-26 Thread Fungi4All

Maybe I should just toss it, but I'm curious why none of my tools can
recover an SD card previously used for Android internal storage.

Is it still functional in android?
I think google locks the mbr so no other system can ever use it again.
But while it gives you a long error message in another system it notifies
google of what that system is and which android user is attempting it.
Then it returns and burns up your android device.
Maybe I can write a novel on it, so you will have to pay google to read
the rest :)

Re: apt-listchanges error

2017-05-26 Thread Gary Roach

On 05/25/2017 04:38 PM, Gary Roach wrote:

Hi all;

A while ago, while updating my Debian testing system, I got the
following error:

Do you want to continue? [Y/n] Setting up apt-listchanges (3.10) ...

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "/tmp/tmp.kqhvU8IqOr.aptlc/", line 6, in 

import debconf

ImportError: No module named 'debconf'

dpkg: error processing package apt-listchanges (--configure):

 subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1

Errors were encountered while processing:


This error has persisted ever since. I am starting to have several
strange things happen to my system - unable to move windows with mounse
and unable to cut an paste from the monitor - that may or may not be
caused by this error. I am not sure what the effect of the error would
be nor do I know how to fix it. I found a bug report that  was similar
but none of the suggested fixes fixed this one.

Note: There is no  tmp.kqhvU8IqOr.aptlc/ file on my
system. Debconf is definitely installed.

Any help will be sincerely appreciated.

Gary R.

Thanks for the help. Turns out that my system was defaulting to the 
Anaconda python installation when I used bash. I removed the path to 
anaconda and it fixed the problem. It will be interesting to see what 
happens the next time I use Anaconda.

Gary R.

Re: Kingston Thumb Drive Comatose.

2017-05-26 Thread Fungi4All
The data are probably not of any importance any
longer but the drive probably cost close to $100 when it was new
and it seems so close to being usable. Any constructive ideas are

Wild guess would be to use gparted and delete all partitions then
use dd if=/dev/zero 128000x1024 or more and see what the firmware would do.
I think it would reset itself once everything is deleted from it and refilled 
with 0
blocks to the max. I don't think you can digitally hurt these things till they
mechanically fail and can't write anymore. They will not delete data on their
own unless instructed specifically to do so.

Here is a surprising experience. Recently I asked the store to give me a few
of the cheapest and nastiest usb sticks, 8Gb if they had. The usb3 16Gb
were only a buck more. So I got identical sitting side by side on the rack
Intenso 16Gb usb3. I installed a system with 3 partitions on the one, booted
configured and wanted to make a backup with settings for network for a
seconf machine. So I used dd if=sdc of=sdd
I go in and check and there were a whole bunch of Mb more on the second
drive with no partition while the partitions that copied seemed identical.
So I wonder how long it would have taken me to figure out the error caused
by dd if I had randomly used the second as first and the first as second.
I think they are like uuids, there are no two identical usb drives ever.

Re: Intresting dd fsck grub uuid fstab action

2017-05-26 Thread Fungi4All
 Original Message 
Subject: Re: Intresting dd fsck grub uuid fstab action
UTC Time: May 26, 2017 5:35 AM

On Thu 25 May 2017 at 16:41:37 (-0400), Fungi4All wrote:
> Le 25/05/2017 à 05:11, Fungi4All a écrit :
> > I experimented in switching a clone of my sid installation to an 
> > experimental, that was the plan.
> > Since I was doing other things I thought I'll let the cloning take place 
> > unattended.
> > Let's say sda5/6/7/8/9 were to be cloned to sdb5-9 (5 / 6 var 7 sw 8 tmp 9 
> > home) all b partitions were slightly larger.
> > I used dd bs=1M for each one and though all I had to do is log in sda5 edit 
> > the sdb5 fstab and then update-grub.

… and I get the impression that that's exactly what you did:
1 dd
2a "log in sda5" (is that mount, or boot?)


2b edit an fstab file (to what purpose, at this point?)

Why would I edit the fstab in the original installation that I copied from?
From sda5 I edited the new copy on sdb5 but sda5 did not boot my first
time around. The fsck messages I could only think were pertaining to
something wrong in the new partitions but even IT did not make sense.

3 run update-grub

Yes, thinking that at least this would fix the original booting up.
Either source or target wouldn't matter.

Assuming that your copies are good, and that the apparent
"alterations" to sda… arise from misunderstanding or misinterpreting
UUIDs (or that they actually post-date your running update-grub), then
your problems arise from one or both of:

I had no intention to alter anything in sda, why would I. It was just a
source to copy from an already functional system. The only change
would have been an additional entry to grub.cfg in sda5 for booting to

Booting into sda5 with both devices sda and sdb connected,
Running update-grub with both devices sda and sdb connected.

That only happened after I had already copied the "new" uuids on sdb5
to the fstab there. Simple copy-paste of 5 uuids from /dev/disk/by-uuid

> > 1 - Does dd leave uuid targets as they are, does it create new ones, or 
> > does it copy uuid from source to target?

I assume that's your reporting of step 1.


> > 2 - When I rebooted sda5 was not booting up properly. Eventually I checked
> its fstab and corrected it but at this poing the system run an fsck and I got
> some errors and hit y,y,y,y, for fixing. I don't know if the errors came from
> uuids existing in the system twice.

Something about partition inconsistencies but the print was too small for me to 
in detail, never mind remembering.

Is that "log in"? What did you correct in fstab? What was wrong?

The only thing I did to fstab up to this point was at the target installation, 
not the original.
It took a few reboots trying to figure out why the source was so affected. At 
this point
I think I got the target to boot but what it was doing as the entry of Debian 
on sdb5 it
would boot sda5 while using sdb6,7,8,9. The reason I guess is because sda5 and 
still had the same uuid. At some point when I used gparted to check all 10 
partitions and
create new uuids and labels, and redid both fstab to the new uuids I went back 
to sda5
and reupdated grub. Then the entry for sdb5 was still booting up from sda5!
That is when I went into grub.cfg and discovered the two uuids used for that 
entry had
2 different uuids, for the same entry. The first was sdb5 the next was sda5's 

Is sda the same disk as it was when you ran dd? There's no reason why
it should be if the kernel races to label them sda and sdb. How did
you check?

Yes, dd run from a stick sdc "dd if=sda5 of=sdb5 bs=1M" then 6,8,9
7 was swap created with gparted, why copy it?

Why does a system suddenly run an fsck?

It run on recovery so I can run update grub before a full boot-up.
Before the login root prompt it reported the disk problems that never
had before with the same disks. But I'm pretty sure it checks filesystems
in every boot because I remember it says hit ctrl-C to skip filechecks.

> > 3 - Updating grub seemed to have made a bigger mess as now I could
> boot up but the partitions were mixed up between sda and sdb parts. It
> would boot-up on root / of sda and have a home in sdb9 

Yes. I would expect grub to be completely confused about what to
write in …wherever/grub/grub.cfg and possibly have no idea which
MBR it related to, with two disks present.

With the same 2 disks grub had been updated before, at least 2 times
recently. I don't understand you reasoning, but again: After all uuid's
were unique and both fstabs have been edited and double-checked.
update-grub runs and on the next reboot it is asked on menu entry
Debian on sdb5 to boot and it boots sda5 because on its cfg file it has
2 different uuids for the same entry.
Any explanations?

> The first thing I did after dd was done, was to make a txt table of all
> the sda* sdb* in order with uuids and rewrote the fstab on sdb, I thought
> the sda would be as it was. 

Re: Firefox : défaut inhérents

2017-05-26 Thread hamster
Le 26/05/2017 à 23:39, list a écrit :
> Hello.
> Solution : 
> Ne plus utiliser Firefox, qui n'est plus ce qu'il avait promis d'être.

OK, moi aussi j'ai des soucis avec firefox en ce moment : trop lourd,
trop lent en particulier pour se lancer, consomme facilement enormément
de ressources (processeur et RAM) des qu'on ouvre des pages un peu
compliquées genre un webmail.

Mais par quoi le remplacer ?

Re: Firefox : défaut inhérents

2017-05-26 Thread list

Solution : 

Ne plus utiliser Firefox, qui n'est plus ce qu'il avait promis d'être.

Désolé...commentaire inutile.


Re: Firefox : défaut inhérents

2017-05-26 Thread hamster
Le 26/05/2017 à 20:01, a écrit :
> Seule solution, télécharger Firefox, le réinstaller

La je comprend pas. Comment tu fais pour installer firefox ? Tu fais pas
ca avec apt ou un équivalent graphique genre synaptic ? Commence donc
par essayer d'installer sur debian la version de debian et non pas la
version du site de mozilla.

Kingston Thumb Drive Comatose.

2017-05-26 Thread Martin McCormick
I have a 128 GB thumb drive which has been sitting in a
drawer for 2 or 3 years because it is not completely dead but had
a traumatic event.

It worked fine until the night it accidentally got
over-filled after a backup script tried to put this drive's own
file system back in to it in an infinite recursive loop which is
what you get when one forgets to exclude the mount point.

Of course, what should have happened was a "Write failed"
condition but what actually happened seems to be that the
controller in the Kingston drive lost track of where to put
anything so it now can't even find the SDRAM that makes up the

The drive makes the /dev/sdX node as one might expect but
any attempt to read or write the node such as to reformat it or
use fdisk on it fails with a "no medium found" message.

Since this was a backup drive, I simply got another drive
and backed up to it so I just want to be able to use this drive
again since the failure is probably not due to actual
hardwarefailure but could be called a design flaw since the drive
should protect itself from this sort of issue.

Has the state of the art improved any recently so that
Linux users have any tools that can unstick the Kingston's
controller? The data are probably not of any importance any
longer but the drive probably cost close to $100 when it was new
and it seems so close to being usable. Any constructive ideas are
Here is what syslog shows when the drive is inserted:

audio2 kernel: [82157.422619] usb 1-1: new full-speed USB device number 2 using 
kernel: [82157.734651] usb 1-1: new full-speed USB device number 3 using 
kernel: [82157.909640] usb 1-1: New USB device found, idVendor=13fe, 
kernel: [82157.913558] usb 1-1: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, 
kernel: [82157.917858] usb 1-1: Product: 2233 PRAM   
kernel: [82157.920367] usb 1-1: Manufacturer: 
kernel: [82157.987815] usb-storage 1-1:1.0: USB Mass Storage device detected
kernel: [82157.83] scsi2 : usb-storage 1-1:1.0
kernel: [82158.010244] usbcore: registered new interface driver usb-storage
kernel: [82159.011680] scsi 2:0:0:0: Direct-Access  2233 PRAM   
 1.00 PQ: 0 ANSI: 0 CCS
kernel: [82159.037067] sd 2:0:0:0: Attached scsi generic sg3 type 0
kernel: [82159.063686] sd 2:0:0:0: [sdc] Attached SCSI removable disk

Re: unsibscribing from the list

2017-05-26 Thread Fungi4All
send "unsubscribe" to


You will get a verification mail and you will reply to it and you are out

How do I unsub from this list? I meant to sub to the accessibility list only.

Re: Questions after doing update and upgrade on Stretch

2017-05-26 Thread Dejan Jocic
On 26-05-17, David Wright wrote:
> On Mon 22 May 2017 at 11:12:02 (+0200), Dejan Jocic wrote:
> > On 21-05-17, Brian wrote:
> > > On Sun 21 May 2017 at 22:18:11 +0200, Dejan Jocic wrote:
> > > 
> > > > On 21-05-17, David Wright wrote:
> > > > > On Sun 21 May 2017 at 16:31:55 (+0200), Dejan Jocic wrote:
> > > > > > > 
> > > > > > As for number 1 can't say much about it, I do not get it either. 
> > > > > > But 2
> > > > > > happens because you've used apt-get upgrade instead of apt-get
> > > > > > dist-upgrade. Packages that will uninstall some packages already
> > > > > > installed on your system and that will change some dependencies 
> > > > > > require dist-upgrade.
> > > > > 
> > > > > Agreed.
> > > > > 
> > > > > > It happens always in case of linux-image packages. 
> > > > > 
> > > > > Is this¹ new with stretch? My linux-images upgrade just like any other
> > > > > package; here's the penultimate occasion for jessie:
> > > > > 
> > > > > Start-Date: 2017-03-08  19:20:34
> > > > > Commandline: apt-get upgrade
> > > > > Upgrade: linux-source-3.16:i386 (3.16.39-1+deb8u1, 3.16.39-1+deb8u2), 
> > > > > linux-headers-3.16.0-4-586:i386 (3.16.39-1+deb8u1, 3.16.39-1+deb8u2), 
> > > > > linux-image-3.16.0-4-586:i386 (3.16.39-1+deb8u1, 3.16.39-1+deb8u2), 
> > > > > linux-libc-dev:i386 (3.16.39-1+deb8u1, 3.16.39-1+deb8u2), 
> > > > > linux-compiler-gcc-4.8-x86:i386 (3.16.39-1+deb8u1, 3.16.39-1+deb8u2), 
> > > > > linux-headers-3.16.0-4-common:i386 (3.16.39-1+deb8u1, 
> > > > > 3.16.39-1+deb8u2)
> > > > > End-Date: 2017-03-08  19:22:50
> > > > > 
> > > > > (The last one's log was rather larger.)
> > > > 
> > > > Ehh, sorry not sure if it is new with Stretch, can't remember for
> > > > Jessie. I'm certain that it was like that on Stretch and on Ubuntu
> > > > 16.04.
> > > 
> > > Rather than just a contrast, I was rather hoping to hear how David
> > > Wright's observations (which I agree with)fit in with yours.
> > > 
> > Sorry, not sure what I can add to it. 
> > 
> > > > > > It will leave your previous working linux-image on though, but will 
> > > > > > uninstall one older than that, so you will always end up with 
> > > > > > chance to 
> > > > > > boot in working kernel, if new one messes up some things.
> > > > > 
> > > > > Same question. My wheezy system has had at least 28 linux-image
> > > > > upgrades (3.2.57-3+deb7u2→3.2.60-1+deb7u1 to 3.2.86-1→3.2.88-1)
> > > > > but there's still only one kernel image on the system:
> > > > > 
> > > > > -rw-r--r-- 1 root root  134839 Apr 27 16:52 config-3.2.0-4-686-pae
> > > > > drwxr-xr-x 3 root root   12288 Apr 28 07:44 grub
> > > > > -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2672854 Apr 28 07:44 initrd.img-3.2.0-4-686-pae
> > > > > -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1674268 Apr 27 16:52
> > > > > -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2709184 Apr 27 16:51 vmlinuz-3.2.0-4-686-pae
> > > > > 
> > > > > (I have to notice these upgrades myself because they overwrite
> > > > > my edited version of /boot/grub/grub.cfg which I then replace.)
> > > > > 
> > > > > Cheers,
> > > > > David.
> > > > > 
> > > > > ¹ I'm not disagreeing that something is holding back the upgrade
> > > > > on this specific occasion, but this is unusual.
> > 
> > 
> > This is what I have in /boot and, as stated above, usual outcome of
> > upgrades, both in Stretch and in Ubuntu 16.04:
> > 
> > -rw-r--r-- 1 root root   186695 Mar 30 03:16 config-4.9.0-2-amd64
> > -rw-r--r-- 1 root root   186380 May  2 17:21 config-4.9.0-3-amd64
> > drwxr-xr-x 5 root root 4096 May 19 08:55 grub
> > -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 19660713 May 17 16:43 initrd.img-4.9.0-2-amd64
> > -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 19534447 May 18 08:40 initrd.img-4.9.0-3-amd64
> > -rw-r--r-- 1 root root  3169870 Mar 30 03:16
> > -rw-r--r-- 1 root root  3176652 May  2 17:21
> > -rw-r--r-- 1 root root  4193832 Mar 30 18:43 vmlinuz-4.9.0-2-amd64
> > -rw-r--r-- 1 root root  4204320 May  2 17:21 vmlinuz-4.9.0-3-amd64
> > 
> > As you can see, 2 kernels. All i do is my morning routine which consists
> > of apt-get update && apt-get upgrade, followed by apt-get dist-upgrade
> > in case of need(as stated before, usually case of need is kernel
> > upgrade). Of course, it is followed by apt-get autoremove too.I do not
> > have anything unusual on this system.  It was fairly recent install of
> > jessie(few months ago), followed by upgrade to stretch right after
> > install. Was installed from unofficial net-install cd with firmware on
> > it. Also, nothing was changed in apt preferences and stuff like that.
> OK, I've just been looking at kernel changelogs and that explains
> what's going on here. There's nothing different about kernels in
> particular, and the reason you've got two kernels is that they
> are different kernels, so different Debian packages.
> I installed wheezy no earlier than May 2013 (ie not as a release
> candidate) and 3.2.0-4 came out in Sept 2012, so as I said
> I've had at least 28 upgrades of the one 

Re: Questions after doing update and upgrade on Stretch

2017-05-26 Thread David Wright
On Mon 22 May 2017 at 11:12:02 (+0200), Dejan Jocic wrote:
> On 21-05-17, Brian wrote:
> > On Sun 21 May 2017 at 22:18:11 +0200, Dejan Jocic wrote:
> > 
> > > On 21-05-17, David Wright wrote:
> > > > On Sun 21 May 2017 at 16:31:55 (+0200), Dejan Jocic wrote:
> > > > > > 
> > > > > As for number 1 can't say much about it, I do not get it either. But 2
> > > > > happens because you've used apt-get upgrade instead of apt-get
> > > > > dist-upgrade. Packages that will uninstall some packages already
> > > > > installed on your system and that will change some dependencies 
> > > > > require dist-upgrade.
> > > > 
> > > > Agreed.
> > > > 
> > > > > It happens always in case of linux-image packages. 
> > > > 
> > > > Is this¹ new with stretch? My linux-images upgrade just like any other
> > > > package; here's the penultimate occasion for jessie:
> > > > 
> > > > Start-Date: 2017-03-08  19:20:34
> > > > Commandline: apt-get upgrade
> > > > Upgrade: linux-source-3.16:i386 (3.16.39-1+deb8u1, 3.16.39-1+deb8u2), 
> > > > linux-headers-3.16.0-4-586:i386 (3.16.39-1+deb8u1, 3.16.39-1+deb8u2), 
> > > > linux-image-3.16.0-4-586:i386 (3.16.39-1+deb8u1, 3.16.39-1+deb8u2), 
> > > > linux-libc-dev:i386 (3.16.39-1+deb8u1, 3.16.39-1+deb8u2), 
> > > > linux-compiler-gcc-4.8-x86:i386 (3.16.39-1+deb8u1, 3.16.39-1+deb8u2), 
> > > > linux-headers-3.16.0-4-common:i386 (3.16.39-1+deb8u1, 3.16.39-1+deb8u2)
> > > > End-Date: 2017-03-08  19:22:50
> > > > 
> > > > (The last one's log was rather larger.)
> > > 
> > > Ehh, sorry not sure if it is new with Stretch, can't remember for
> > > Jessie. I'm certain that it was like that on Stretch and on Ubuntu
> > > 16.04.
> > 
> > Rather than just a contrast, I was rather hoping to hear how David
> > Wright's observations (which I agree with)fit in with yours.
> > 
> Sorry, not sure what I can add to it. 
> > > > > It will leave your previous working linux-image on though, but will 
> > > > > uninstall one older than that, so you will always end up with chance 
> > > > > to 
> > > > > boot in working kernel, if new one messes up some things.
> > > > 
> > > > Same question. My wheezy system has had at least 28 linux-image
> > > > upgrades (3.2.57-3+deb7u2→3.2.60-1+deb7u1 to 3.2.86-1→3.2.88-1)
> > > > but there's still only one kernel image on the system:
> > > > 
> > > > -rw-r--r-- 1 root root  134839 Apr 27 16:52 config-3.2.0-4-686-pae
> > > > drwxr-xr-x 3 root root   12288 Apr 28 07:44 grub
> > > > -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2672854 Apr 28 07:44 initrd.img-3.2.0-4-686-pae
> > > > -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1674268 Apr 27 16:52
> > > > -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2709184 Apr 27 16:51 vmlinuz-3.2.0-4-686-pae
> > > > 
> > > > (I have to notice these upgrades myself because they overwrite
> > > > my edited version of /boot/grub/grub.cfg which I then replace.)
> > > > 
> > > > Cheers,
> > > > David.
> > > > 
> > > > ¹ I'm not disagreeing that something is holding back the upgrade
> > > > on this specific occasion, but this is unusual.
> This is what I have in /boot and, as stated above, usual outcome of
> upgrades, both in Stretch and in Ubuntu 16.04:
> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root   186695 Mar 30 03:16 config-4.9.0-2-amd64
> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root   186380 May  2 17:21 config-4.9.0-3-amd64
> drwxr-xr-x 5 root root 4096 May 19 08:55 grub
> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 19660713 May 17 16:43 initrd.img-4.9.0-2-amd64
> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 19534447 May 18 08:40 initrd.img-4.9.0-3-amd64
> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root  3169870 Mar 30 03:16
> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root  3176652 May  2 17:21
> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root  4193832 Mar 30 18:43 vmlinuz-4.9.0-2-amd64
> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root  4204320 May  2 17:21 vmlinuz-4.9.0-3-amd64
> As you can see, 2 kernels. All i do is my morning routine which consists
> of apt-get update && apt-get upgrade, followed by apt-get dist-upgrade
> in case of need(as stated before, usually case of need is kernel
> upgrade). Of course, it is followed by apt-get autoremove too.I do not
> have anything unusual on this system.  It was fairly recent install of
> jessie(few months ago), followed by upgrade to stretch right after
> install. Was installed from unofficial net-install cd with firmware on
> it. Also, nothing was changed in apt preferences and stuff like that.

OK, I've just been looking at kernel changelogs and that explains
what's going on here. There's nothing different about kernels in
particular, and the reason you've got two kernels is that they
are different kernels, so different Debian packages.

I installed wheezy no earlier than May 2013 (ie not as a release
candidate) and 3.2.0-4 came out in Sept 2012, so as I said
I've had at least 28 upgrades of the one kernel version.

OTOH the only stretch system I have is currently a basic system,
with just 248 packages (minimal install from RC3). The kernel
version is linux-image-4.9.0-2 at Debian version 4.9.18-1 and that
version is obsolete. Currently we seem 

Re: apt-listchanges error

2017-05-26 Thread Greg Wooledge
On Fri, May 26, 2017 at 12:55:26PM -0700, Gary Roach wrote:
> I seem to have an Anaconda problem.
> python --version gave Python 3.5.2 :: Anaconda custom (64-bit)

Well, that's definitely a problem.  The default "python" on a Debian
system is 2.x, not 3.x, and changing /usr/bin/python to point to
python3.x is likely to break things.

wooledg:~$ python --version
Python 2.7.13
wooledg:~$ python3 --version
Python 3.5.3

> python -m debconf gave /root/anaconda3/bin/python: No module named debconf
> dpkg -V debconf gave nothing
> /usr/lib/python3/sidt-packages/ does exist.
> I've been doing a lot of work with anaconda python lately. Not sure how 
> to shut this off.

The rest, I can't help with.

Re: apt-listchanges error

2017-05-26 Thread Gary Roach

On 05/25/2017 04:38 PM, Gary Roach wrote:

Hi all;

A while ago, while updating my Debian testing system, I got the
following error:

Do you want to continue? [Y/n] Setting up apt-listchanges (3.10) ...

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "/tmp/tmp.kqhvU8IqOr.aptlc/", line 6, in 

import debconf

ImportError: No module named 'debconf'

dpkg: error processing package apt-listchanges (--configure):

 subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1

Errors were encountered while processing:


This error has persisted ever since. I am starting to have several
strange things happen to my system - unable to move windows with mounse
and unable to cut an paste from the monitor - that may or may not be
caused by this error. I am not sure what the effect of the error would
be nor do I know how to fix it. I found a bug report that  was similar
but none of the suggested fixes fixed this one.

Note: There is no  tmp.kqhvU8IqOr.aptlc/ file on my
system. Debconf is definitely installed.

Any help will be sincerely appreciated.

Gary R.

Thanks for the replys.

I seem to have an Anaconda problem.
python --version gave Python 3.5.2 :: Anaconda custom (64-bit)
python -m debconf gave /root/anaconda3/bin/python: No module named debconf
dpkg -V debconf gave nothing

/usr/lib/python3/sidt-packages/ does exist.

I've been doing a lot of work with anaconda python lately. Not sure how 
to shut this off.

Gary R.

unable to repartition SD card from Android phone

2017-05-26 Thread Mark Copper
Maybe I should just toss it, but I'm curious why none of my tools can
recover an SD card previously used for Android internal storage.

Here's how gdisk sees it:
gdisk -l /dev/sdc

GPT fdisk (gdisk) version 0.8.10

Partition table scan:
  MBR: protective
  BSD: not present
  APM: not present
  GPT: present

Found valid GPT with protective MBR; using GPT.
Disk /dev/sdc: 62333952 sectors, 29.7 GiB
Logical sector size: 512 bytes
Disk identifier (GUID): 7DA17515-4FE8-43DF-A424-86C8EA090235
Partition table holds up to 128 entries
First usable sector is 34, last usable sector is 62333918
Partitions will be aligned on 2048-sector boundaries
Total free space is 2014 sectors (1007.0 KiB)

Number  Start (sector)End (sector)  Size   Code  Name
   12048   34815   16.0 MiB  android_meta
   2   3481662333918   29.7 GiB  android_expand

Utilities like dd, fdisk, parted, wipefs, gdisk all report success in
modifying the partition table none actually do.

Here's an example:

 wipefs -a /dev/sdc
/dev/sdc: 8 bytes were erased at offset 0x0200 (gpt): 45 46 49 20
50 41 52 54
/dev/sdc: 8 bytes were erased at offset 0x76e47fe00 (gpt): 45 46 49 20
50 41 52 54
/dev/sdc: 2 bytes were erased at offset 0x01fe (PMBR): 55 aa
/dev/sdc: calling ioctl to re-read partition table: Success

But nothing is actually affected:

partx --show /dev/sdc
 1  20483481532768   16M android_meta
 2 34816 62333918 62299103 29.7G android_expand

Can anything return this card to a single ext4 partition for external
storage/data transfer?


alguien a metido debian y kde en un ipad ??

2017-05-26 Thread BasaBuru

Se que hay una versión de kde para tablets.

Ahora bien, alguien aquí lo ha hecho?

Habrá que comprar alguno de los conectores que ofrece apple

He mirado y no veo nada, ni encuentro nada. Solo referencias  a que se puede 

Si se pudiera... me compraría un ipad para matar el iOS 8=} je,je

Un saludo

Re: Need something similar to mate-color-select

2017-05-26 Thread Richard Owlett

On 05/26/2017 01:30 PM, David Wright wrote:

On Fri 26 May 2017 at 08:09:21 (-0500), Richard Owlett wrote:

I'm using Stretch with MATE desktop.
I need to chose a solid color for my background.
It is unsuitable for two reasons:
   1. The sample color display is *TOO* small.
   2. When using the color wheel an *ANNOYING* text box appears.

An acceptable solution would replace the too small color sample by
changing mate-color-select's background color in real-time as any of
the provided parameters are changed.


Type something like
$ xzoom -mag 20 &
into an xterm. Expand the xzoom window to a goodly size, but not
obstructing things.

To use it, press the mouse button in the window, and drag the cursor
out of it, over to the point of interest. While you hold down the
button, the window is synchronised with the cursor in real-time.
When you let go, the point of interest stays put and whatever
happens to be there is magnified.

Typed in the window, + and - change the magnification, and q quits.

"Interesting" with inflection of TV character decades past.
As an old saying goes "When up to your a%&@ in alligators it is 
difficult to remember goal was to 'DRAIN SWAMP'" ;/

Fighting other fires at moment. Will look up 'xzoom' and 'xterm'.
Will followup tomorrow. Thank you.

Re: Unable to install custom package using defined dependency version

2017-05-26 Thread Sijis Aviles
On Fri, May 26, 2017 at 12:42 PM, David Wright 

> Why not just copy the x.y.x version into the package name,
> and then add 1 to allow for updates/corrections. That way,
> you can even have both versions coexist.
> app-configs-1.0.5   1.0.5-1
> app-configs-1.0.6   1.0.6-1
> à la
> cpp-4.7 4.7.4-3
> cpp-4.8 4.8.4-1
> cpp-4.9 4.9.2-10
> and many other packages.
> Cheers,
> David.
Thanks for the suggestion. I suppose we could change the versioning to
app-configs-1.0.5-1 and so forth.

I would speculate though that I may still run into my original issue where
I need my-app's control file to depend on a specific version of
app-configs, even though there are multiple available versions (and likely
higher versions) in the repository.

Essentially I'm trying to get the following working:

my-app-1.0.5 requires app-configs-1.0.5
my-app-1.0.6 requires app-configs-1.0.6

So when i type:
$ apt-get install my-app=1.0.5 it installs app-configs-1.0.5.

Currently trying that I get the error:
"my-app : Depends: app-configs (= 1.0-5~aaa) but 1.0-6~ is to be

I want to make sure a speciflc my-app version installs only a specific
app-configs version.


Re: Need something similar to mate-color-select

2017-05-26 Thread David Wright
On Fri 26 May 2017 at 08:09:21 (-0500), Richard Owlett wrote:
> I'm using Stretch with MATE desktop.
> I need to chose a solid color for my background.
> It is unsuitable for two reasons:
>1. The sample color display is *TOO* small.
>2. When using the color wheel an *ANNOYING* text box appears.
> An acceptable solution would replace the too small color sample by
> changing mate-color-select's background color in real-time as any of
> the provided parameters are changed.
> Suggestions?

Type something like
$ xzoom -mag 20 &
into an xterm. Expand the xzoom window to a goodly size, but not
obstructing things.

To use it, press the mouse button in the window, and drag the cursor
out of it, over to the point of interest. While you hold down the
button, the window is synchronised with the cursor in real-time.
When you let go, the point of interest stays put and whatever
happens to be there is magnified.

Typed in the window, + and - change the magnification, and q quits.


Firefox : défaut inhérents

2017-05-26 Thread andre_debian
Bonsoir à tous,

Je subis depuis longtemps un défaut inhérent
de Firefox (version du site), toujours pas résolu.

Au début, tout va bien et systématiquement 
au bout de quelques semaines, le navigateur
se ferme d'un coup à son premier lancement,
m'invitant avant à envoyer un rapport de bug,
ce que je fais mais aucune réponse, ni amélioration ensuite.

Seule solution, télécharger Firefox, le réinstaller,
supprimer le répertoire "/home/andre/.mozilla",
et je perds tous mes enregistrements (préférences).

Avez vous ce même souci ?

Et comment réparer fFirefox sans perdre ses préférences ?

Merci et bonne soirée,


Re: Unable to install custom package using defined dependency version

2017-05-26 Thread David Wright
On Fri 26 May 2017 at 10:02:20 (-0500), Sijis Aviles wrote:
> On Fri, May 26, 2017 at 9:16 AM, Frank  wrote:
> >> If I understand what you say, only 1 version of app-configs should
> >> be available in the debian repo in order for this to work.
> > Simply put: in any particular repository the most recent version of the
> > dependency should be compatible with the most recent version of the main
> > package.
> In our case, the latest versions of each would be compatible.
> I guess we are trying to basically pair my-app 1.0.5 with a app-configs
> 1.0.5 version and my-app 1.0.6 with a 1.0.6 app-config version, and so on.
> (The version will probably differ a bit and won't match exactly but you
> probably get the point).
> In my ideal workflow, i would do the following (assume 1.0.6 is hte latest
> version)
> $ apt-get install my-app
> This installs my-app 1.0.6 and app-configs 1.0.6
> $apt-get install my-app=1.0.5
> This install my-app 1.0.5 and app-configs 1.0.5
> I was trying to use the control file in an attempt to pair those packages
> together, which doesn't appear its possible.

Why not just copy the x.y.x version into the package name,
and then add 1 to allow for updates/corrections. That way,
you can even have both versions coexist.

app-configs-1.0.5   1.0.5-1
app-configs-1.0.6   1.0.6-1

à la

cpp-4.7 4.7.4-3
cpp-4.8 4.8.4-1
cpp-4.9 4.9.2-10

and many other packages.


Re: Consulta de hardware

2017-05-26 Thread Rafael Cantos Villanueva

El 26/05/2017 a las 17:48, Juan escribió:

El 15/05/2017 a las 19:54, Rafael Cantos Villanueva escribió:


Estoy usando una raspberry pi con raspbian, a parte de tener Debian 
en otro ordenador, y me pregunto si alguno conoce algun sistema 
similar, quiero decir, de reducido tamaño (placa, procesador y RAM), 
económico (no tan barato como la raspberry) pero que pueda funcionar 
con Debian, y a poder ser con entorno gráfico.

También me valdría saber empresas que fabriquen este tipo de hardware



A mi las Raspberry 2 y 3 me permiten usar el entorno gráfico, de hecho 
una la tengo corriendo sin problemas, la 2, la 3 en cambio la tengo 
sin monitor, conectada a la TV y la uso con Kodi y como descargador de 

Bueno, la Pi no usa Debian, usa Raspbian, por eso pregunté qué placa 
había similar pero que usase Debian.
Yo la pi2, y la pi zero, las puedo usar en modo consola o gráfico, pero 
usan Raspbian.



El software de antivirus Avast ha analizado este correo electrónico en busca de 

Tableta para dibujo

2017-05-26 Thread Raúl Armenta
Maldito gmail

El compañero Jesusda que se pasa por aquí de vez en cuando conoce mucho
este tema a mi me ayudó hace unos años.
Te recomiendo este link



El 26/05/2017 17:59, "Anibal Antonelli"  escribió:

Hola! Tengo mejor experiencia con MyPaint que con Gimp para dibujar a mouse
La ultima version es hermosa.
Te dejo un link relacionado a las tablets:


El 26 de mayo de 2017, 12:20, JAP  escribió:

> Buenos días a la lista.
> Hoy mi pregunta no es muy técnica, si no que recurro a vuestra experiencia.
> Tengo intenciones de regalarle a mi hija de 12 años una tableta
> digitalizadora para dibujar.
> Está haciendo maravillas sólo con teclado y ratón.
> La pregunta:
> ¿Qué tabletas han usado con Gimp! que funcionen correctamente en Debian?
> Es decir, obviar el tema de controladores y demás yerbas a los que estamos
> acostumbrados.
> Estoy buscando una de precio medio. Las estoy viendo de entre
> Genius Easypen I405x 4000 Lpi € 50 (no sé si es demasiado básica)
> Wacom Small Cth490ak € 180 (es un precio que me cae bien)
> Wacom Cintiq 27hd € 8.000 (ni loco compro eso)
> Muchas gracias

Re: How to set ISO date/time with en_US.utf8 as system default?

2017-05-26 Thread gwmfms6
You are correct. typing locale in the virtual (text) console produces 
LC_TIME=en_DK. So GNOME is overriding PAM's environment.

Thank you so much for helping me discover this! I learned a lot in the 

On 2017-05-26 13:01, Greg Wooledge wrote:
On Fri, May 26, 2017 at 12:54:24PM -0400, 

I neglected to say my environment. Sorry! I am on GNOME and login via

I do not use SSH and it says connection refused when I try.

when I open a virtual console, and type ncal, the calendar begins with
Monday--so this appears to be working.

The problem is with GNOME, then? I suppose Debian can't help with 

Perhaps.  I'd still like to confirm that.

Press Ctrl-Alt-F2 to get to a text console, and login there.  Do you
get a different result?  If you want to include the results in an
email, it might be helpful to redirect to a file:

locale > ~/locale.out

open a terminal if necessary
cat ~/locale.out
paste into email if necessary

If you get a different result on the text console, that is strong 

that GNOME is overriding PAM's locale environment variables, and then
you would need to do something in GNOME to get the change you want.

Re: How to set ISO date/time with en_US.utf8 as system default?

2017-05-26 Thread Greg Wooledge
On Fri, May 26, 2017 at 12:57:22PM -0400, wrote:
> A virtual console (eg, Ctrl+Alt+F2) produces the correct result when I 
> type ncal.
> But if I type ncal in gnome-terminal, it starts the weeks with Sunday 
> (which is wrong). GNOME problem, right? That's why /etc/default/locale 
> isn't working how I expected?

Yes, sounds like it.

Re: How to set ISO date/time with en_US.utf8 as system default?

2017-05-26 Thread Greg Wooledge
On Fri, May 26, 2017 at 12:54:24PM -0400, wrote:
> I neglected to say my environment. Sorry! I am on GNOME and login via 
> GDM.
> I do not use SSH and it says connection refused when I try.
> when I open a virtual console, and type ncal, the calendar begins with 
> Monday--so this appears to be working.
> The problem is with GNOME, then? I suppose Debian can't help with that?

Perhaps.  I'd still like to confirm that.

Press Ctrl-Alt-F2 to get to a text console, and login there.  Do you
get a different result?  If you want to include the results in an
email, it might be helpful to redirect to a file:

locale > ~/locale.out

open a terminal if necessary
cat ~/locale.out
paste into email if necessary

If you get a different result on the text console, that is strong evidence
that GNOME is overriding PAM's locale environment variables, and then
you would need to do something in GNOME to get the change you want.

Re: How to set ISO date/time with en_US.utf8 as system default?

2017-05-26 Thread gwmfms6
A virtual console (eg, Ctrl+Alt+F2) produces the correct result when I 
type ncal.

But if I type ncal in gnome-terminal, it starts the weeks with Sunday 
(which is wrong). GNOME problem, right? That's why /etc/default/locale 
isn't working how I expected?

On 2017-05-26 12:54, wrote:
I neglected to say my environment. Sorry! I am on GNOME and login via 

I do not use SSH and it says connection refused when I try.

when I open a virtual console, and type ncal, the calendar begins with
Monday--so this appears to be working.

The problem is with GNOME, then? I suppose Debian can't help with that?

On 2017-05-26 12:48, Greg Wooledge wrote:
On Fri, May 26, 2017 at 06:31:29PM +0200, 

~/Desktop $ cat /etc/default/locale

~/Desktop $ locale

As you can see LC_TIME is set to en_DK in /etc/default/locale but 

is not reporting this when it is run.

Does this change if you login on a text console?

Does this change if you login via "ssh localhost" (or "ssh $HOSTNAME",
or ssh in from a different host to this one over a network)?

What desktop environment are you using?  What display manager are you
using to login?

Re: How to set ISO date/time with en_US.utf8 as system default?

2017-05-26 Thread gwmfms6
I neglected to say my environment. Sorry! I am on GNOME and login via 

I do not use SSH and it says connection refused when I try.

when I open a virtual console, and type ncal, the calendar begins with 
Monday--so this appears to be working.

The problem is with GNOME, then? I suppose Debian can't help with that?

On 2017-05-26 12:48, Greg Wooledge wrote:
On Fri, May 26, 2017 at 06:31:29PM +0200, 

~/Desktop $ cat /etc/default/locale

~/Desktop $ locale

As you can see LC_TIME is set to en_DK in /etc/default/locale but 

is not reporting this when it is run.

Does this change if you login on a text console?

Does this change if you login via "ssh localhost" (or "ssh $HOSTNAME",
or ssh in from a different host to this one over a network)?

What desktop environment are you using?  What display manager are you
using to login?

Re: How to set ISO date/time with en_US.utf8 as system default?

2017-05-26 Thread Greg Wooledge
On Fri, May 26, 2017 at 06:31:29PM +0200, wrote:
> ~/Desktop $ cat /etc/default/locale
> LANG=en_US.UTF-8

> ~/Desktop $ locale
> LANG=en_US.UTF-8
> LC_CTYPE="en_US.UTF-8"
> LC_NUMERIC=en_US.utf8
> LC_TIME=en_US.utf8
> LC_MONETARY=en_US.utf8
> LC_PAPER=en_US.utf8
> LC_NAME="en_US.UTF-8"

> As you can see LC_TIME is set to en_DK in /etc/default/locale but locale 
> is not reporting this when it is run.

Does this change if you login on a text console?

Does this change if you login via "ssh localhost" (or "ssh $HOSTNAME",
or ssh in from a different host to this one over a network)?

What desktop environment are you using?  What display manager are you
using to login?

Re: How to set ISO date/time with en_US.utf8 as system default?

2017-05-26 Thread gwmfms6
I did #1 and #2 before posting here, before putting LC_TIME at 
/etc/default/locale. I reconfirmed that it is as you say it should be 
when running locale -a.

Here is what locale reports after I log back in:
~/Desktop $ locale

Here is what my /etc/default/locale looks like:
~/Desktop $ cat /etc/default/locale

As you can see LC_TIME is set to en_DK in /etc/default/locale but locale 
is not reporting this when it is run.
I did #1 and #2 before posting here, before putting LC_TIME at 
/etc/default/locale. I reconfirmed that it is as you say it should be 
when running locale -a.

Here is what locale reports after I log back in:
~/Desktop $ locale

Here is what my /etc/default/locale looks like:
~/Desktop $ cat /etc/default/locale

As you can see LC_TIME is set to en_DK in /etc/default/locale but locale 
is not reporting this when it is run.

I did #1 and #2 before posting here, before putting LC_TIME at 
/etc/default/locale. I reconfirmed that it is as you say it should be 
when running locale -a.

Here is what locale reports after I log back in:
~/Desktop $ locale

Here is what my /etc/default/locale looks like:
~/Desktop $ cat /etc/default/locale

As you can see LC_TIME is set to en_DK in /etc/default/locale but locale 
is not reporting this when it is run.

On 2017-05-26 18:05, Greg Wooledge wrote:
On Fri, May 26, 2017 at 11:54:14AM -0400, 

Thank you.

You forgot to include the mailing list.

I have already done #1 and #2.

Did it work?

#3 is what I need

Did it work?

but I want them permanent. I am fine with it being
system-wide for every login (ie, /etc/default/locale but as I said
putting them doesn't work). I will also go to the trouble of 

for each user if this is the only way to make these variables
"permanent." How do I make these settings permanent?

If you actually did put them in /etc/default/locale then I am confused
about what you're asking, or what's actually wrong.  PAM logins in 

(sshd, console login) are configured by default to read environment
variables from /etc/default/locale via the /etc/pam.d/* files that 

" readenv=1 envfile=/etc/default/locale" or similar.

If you log out and back in, and run "locale" with no arguments, what 

it say?

Is it possible that your desktop environment is overwriting whatever
PAM sets in the environment?  Try testing via a console or ssh login,
and see if it's different there.  (E.g. "ssh localhost" and then run
"locale".)  If you get a different result from this, that would be
*highly* significant.

What desktop environment or window manager are you actually using?
How are you logging in?  (Console + startx, or lightdm, or gdm3, or
some other display manager)

Re: Qt 5.8 não conecta MySql

2017-05-26 Thread Luís Cláudio A . Gama
Boa tarde,

  Consegui resolver o problema da conexão do Qt com MySql.

  O problema era no plugin. Foi necessário a compilação do plugin, porém o
Makefile gerado tem uma opção que não é reconhecida pelo gcc do Debian,
logo, foi necessário a troca desse parâmetro.

  Não consegui fazer a compilação do plugin (como root) no Qt instalado em
/opt, então fiz a instalação em /home, compilei (como usuário normal ) e
copiei o novo plugin.

  Agradeço às dicas recebidas, em especial ao Carlos, que me mandou um link
que foi o caminho das pedras.

  Segue aqui o procedimento para registro:
Garantir  que estejam instalados os pacotes:


Na instalação local /home

1)Para executar o qmake:
essa é a linha do qmake tirada do site
qmake "INCLUDEPATH+=/usr/include"* "LIBS+=-L/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/

cd /home/luis/Qt5.8.0/5.8/Src/qtbase/src/plugins/sqldrivers/mysql/

na execução do qmake, retirar *LIBS*
/home/luis/Qt5.8.0/5.8/gcc_64/bin/qmake "INCLUDEPATH+=/usr/include"

Aqui temos um problema na versão do compilador Debian para executar o make
gcc version 4.9.2 (Debian 4.9.2-10)
que* não reconhece* a opção "-std=c++1z"

2)No arquivo Makefile gerado, trocar “c++1z” por “c++11”

make install

o novo plugin criado agora está correto em :

dependências do plugin original:
ldd (0x7ffea44e9000) =>
(0x7faced33d000) =>
(0x7facecc1d000) =>
/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x7facec6ad000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
(0x7facec49) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x7facec275000)
* => not found*
* => not found* => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x7facec07) => /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
(0x7facebd64000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x7faceba63000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
(0x7faceb84d000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x7faceb4a1000) =>
(0x7faceb008000) =>
(0x7faceac5) =>
(0x7face926c000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x7face9064000) =>
/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x7face8e62000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
/lib64/ (0x55793840d000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/

dependências do novo plugin compilado:
ldd (0x7ffda83dc000) =>
(0x7fec04b2f000) =>
(0x7fec0440f000) =>
/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x7fec03e9f000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
(0x7fec03c82000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x7fec03a67000)
* => /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
* => /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
(0x7fec03409000)* => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x7fec03205000) => /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
(0x7fec02ef9000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x7fec02bf8000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
(0x7fec029e2000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x7fec02636000) =>
(0x7fec0219d000) =>
(0x7fec01de5000) =>
(0x7fec00401000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x7fec001f9000) =>
/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x7feb7000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/

Re: How to set ISO date/time with en_US.utf8 as system default?

2017-05-26 Thread Greg Wooledge
On Fri, May 26, 2017 at 11:54:14AM -0400, wrote:
> Thank you.

You forgot to include the mailing list.

> I have already done #1 and #2.

Did it work?

> #3 is what I need

Did it work?

> but I want them permanent. I am fine with it being 
> system-wide for every login (ie, /etc/default/locale but as I said 
> putting them doesn't work). I will also go to the trouble of configuring 
> for each user if this is the only way to make these variables 
> "permanent." How do I make these settings permanent?

If you actually did put them in /etc/default/locale then I am confused
about what you're asking, or what's actually wrong.  PAM logins in jessie
(sshd, console login) are configured by default to read environment
variables from /etc/default/locale via the /etc/pam.d/* files that contain
" readenv=1 envfile=/etc/default/locale" or similar.

If you log out and back in, and run "locale" with no arguments, what does
it say?

Is it possible that your desktop environment is overwriting whatever
PAM sets in the environment?  Try testing via a console or ssh login,
and see if it's different there.  (E.g. "ssh localhost" and then run
"locale".)  If you get a different result from this, that would be
*highly* significant.

What desktop environment or window manager are you actually using?
How are you logging in?  (Console + startx, or lightdm, or gdm3, or
some other display manager)

Re: Consulta de hardware

2017-05-26 Thread Ramses
El 26 de mayo de 2017 17:48:12 CEST, Juan  escribió:
>El 15/05/2017 a las 19:54, Rafael Cantos Villanueva escribió:
>> Buenas
>> Estoy usando una raspberry pi con raspbian, a parte de tener Debian
>> otro ordenador, y me pregunto si alguno conoce algun sistema similar,
>> quiero decir, de reducido tamaño (placa, procesador y RAM), económico
>> (no tan barato como la raspberry) pero que pueda funcionar con
>Debian, y 
>> a poder ser con entorno gráfico.
>> También me valdría saber empresas que fabriquen este tipo de hardware
>> Saludos
>> Rafa
>A mi las Raspberry 2 y 3 me permiten usar el entorno gráfico, de hecho 
>una la tengo corriendo sin problemas, la 2, la 3 en cambio la tengo sin
>monitor, conectada a la TV y la uso con Kodi y como descargador de

Ya puestos, ¿qué teclado / mando le tienes puesto a la RPI 3 para controlar 
Kodi en la TV?

Saludos y gracias,


Re: Tableta para dibujo

2017-05-26 Thread Anibal Antonelli
Hola! Tengo mejor experiencia con MyPaint que con Gimp para dibujar a mouse
La ultima version es hermosa.
Te dejo un link relacionado a las tablets:


El 26 de mayo de 2017, 12:20, JAP  escribió:

> Buenos días a la lista.
> Hoy mi pregunta no es muy técnica, si no que recurro a vuestra experiencia.
> Tengo intenciones de regalarle a mi hija de 12 años una tableta
> digitalizadora para dibujar.
> Está haciendo maravillas sólo con teclado y ratón.
> La pregunta:
> ¿Qué tabletas han usado con Gimp! que funcionen correctamente en Debian?
> Es decir, obviar el tema de controladores y demás yerbas a los que estamos
> acostumbrados.
> Estoy buscando una de precio medio. Las estoy viendo de entre
> Genius Easypen I405x 4000 Lpi € 50 (no sé si es demasiado básica)
> Wacom Small Cth490ak € 180 (es un precio que me cae bien)
> Wacom Cintiq 27hd € 8.000 (ni loco compro eso)
> Muchas gracias

Re: Consulta de hardware

2017-05-26 Thread Juan

El 15/05/2017 a las 19:54, Rafael Cantos Villanueva escribió:


Estoy usando una raspberry pi con raspbian, a parte de tener Debian en 
otro ordenador, y me pregunto si alguno conoce algun sistema similar, 
quiero decir, de reducido tamaño (placa, procesador y RAM), económico 
(no tan barato como la raspberry) pero que pueda funcionar con Debian, y 
a poder ser con entorno gráfico.

También me valdría saber empresas que fabriquen este tipo de hardware



A mi las Raspberry 2 y 3 me permiten usar el entorno gráfico, de hecho 
una la tengo corriendo sin problemas, la 2, la 3 en cambio la tengo sin 
monitor, conectada a la TV y la uso con Kodi y como descargador de torrents.

Re: How to set ISO date/time with en_US.utf8 as system default?

2017-05-26 Thread Greg Wooledge
On Fri, May 26, 2017 at 11:30:15AM -0400, wrote:
> This wiki is apparently out of date because it does not work:

I don't advise putting ANYTHING at all in /etc/default/locale.  That
would affect all logins by all users from all computers.  But supposing
either (1) that's actually what you want, or (2) you're going to set
your variables in your personal login configuration instead

> I have the system default set to en_US.utf8. But I need sensical dates
> and times (and en_US.utf8 uses nonsensical date & time format).
> How can I set my Debian 8 stable to use en_DK.utf8 for LC_TIME and
> LC_MEASUREMENT variables while keeping en_US.utf8 the system default for
> everything else?

1) Make sure both locales have actually been generated, via

   dpkg-reconfigure locales

2) Verify they they are both available:

   titan:~$ locale -a

3) Set the variables:

   titan:~$ export LANG=en_US.utf8 LC_TIME=en_DK.utf8 LC_MEASUREMENT=en_DK.utf8

   (If you want this to be permanent, figure out what dot files to put
   them in.  That's the hardest part of all.)

4) Test:

   titan:~$ ncal
   May 2017
   Mo  1  8 15 22 29
   Tu  2  9 16 23 30
   We  3 10 17 24 31
   Th  4 11 18 25
   Fr  5 12 19 26
   Sa  6 13 20 27
   Su  7 14 21 28

   titan:~$ unset LC_TIME LC_MEASUREMENT
   titan:~$ ncal
   May 2017
   Su 7 14 21 28
   Mo  1  8 15 22 29
   Tu  2  9 16 23 30
   We  3 10 17 24 31
   Th  4 11 18 25
   Fr  5 12 19 26
   Sa  6 13 20 27

Re: Consulta de hardware

2017-05-26 Thread José Luis Triviño

On 25/05/17 21:10, AlexLikeRock wrote:


Arduino MKRZero with Headers
$21.90 dlls

Arduino Zero
 $39.90 dlls


Creo que este juega en otra división. Arduino MKRZero es un 
microcontrolador. Y la Rasberry es un microordenador.


How to set ISO date/time with en_US.utf8 as system default?

2017-05-26 Thread gwmfms6
This wiki is apparently out of date because it does not work:

I have the system default set to en_US.utf8. But I need sensical dates 
and times (and en_US.utf8 uses nonsensical date & time format).

How can I set my Debian 8 stable to use en_DK.utf8 for LC_TIME and 
LC_MEASUREMENT variables while keeping en_US.utf8 the system default for 
everything else?

Tableta para dibujo

2017-05-26 Thread JAP

Buenos días a la lista.

Hoy mi pregunta no es muy técnica, si no que recurro a vuestra experiencia.

Tengo intenciones de regalarle a mi hija de 12 años una tableta 
digitalizadora para dibujar.

Está haciendo maravillas sólo con teclado y ratón.

La pregunta:
¿Qué tabletas han usado con Gimp! que funcionen correctamente en Debian?
Es decir, obviar el tema de controladores y demás yerbas a los que 
estamos acostumbrados.

Estoy buscando una de precio medio. Las estoy viendo de entre
Genius Easypen I405x 4000 Lpi € 50 (no sé si es demasiado básica)
Wacom Small Cth490ak € 180 (es un precio que me cae bien)
Wacom Cintiq 27hd € 8.000 (ni loco compro eso)

Muchas gracias


Re: Unable to install custom package using defined dependency version

2017-05-26 Thread Sijis Aviles
On Fri, May 26, 2017 at 9:16 AM, Frank  wrote:

>> If I understand what you say, only 1 version of app-configs should
>> be available in the debian repo in order for this to work.
> Simply put: in any particular repository the most recent version of the
> dependency should be compatible with the most recent version of the main
> package.

In our case, the latest versions of each would be compatible.

I guess we are trying to basically pair my-app 1.0.5 with a app-configs
1.0.5 version and my-app 1.0.6 with a 1.0.6 app-config version, and so on.
(The version will probably differ a bit and won't match exactly but you
probably get the point).

In my ideal workflow, i would do the following (assume 1.0.6 is hte latest

$ apt-get install my-app
This installs my-app 1.0.6 and app-configs 1.0.6

$apt-get install my-app=1.0.5
This install my-app 1.0.5 and app-configs 1.0.5

I was trying to use the control file in an attempt to pair those packages
together, which doesn't appear its possible.


Re: unsibscribing from the list

2017-05-26 Thread Richard Owlett

On 05/26/2017 09:50 AM, Mark Peveto wrote:

How do I unsub from this list?  I meant to sub to the accessibility list only.

Go to

Re: Cant drag windows around desktop

2017-05-26 Thread songbird
Gary Roach wrote:
> Hi all;
> Recently I completely lost the ability to drag windows around the 
> desktop by left clicking on the windows title bar. Anyone have a fix.
> Debian testing

  which desktop?

  perhaps you have the window maximized or locked
in place somehow?  i know that is an option for
some desktops...

  MATE windows i can do as usual.


Re: Clairification - was [Re: Desktop Background Bites the Dust]

2017-05-26 Thread Richard Owlett

On 05/26/2017 09:48 AM, Ric Moore wrote:

On 05/25/2017 06:56 AM, Richard Owlett wrote:

On 05/24/2017 12:26 PM, Richard Owlett wrote:

The man page 
_mentions_ setting wallpaper in passing my noting "Use --no-xinerama to
treat the whole X display as one screen when setting wallpapers."

I use one wallpaper across four screens. I just right click on the
desktop, select "Desktop Settings", select your wallpaper and scroll the
vertical bar down to reveal the settings you want (or make it full
screen)  select "Spanning Screens" style and check "Apply to all
workspaces.  Bob's your uncle, you should be set. Net, go to some wall
paper site and find W_I_D_E wallpapers. :) Ric
p/s Using XFCE.

 Whole thread becomes moot whenever an upstream Mate bugfix 
percolates to Debian repository.

I'm using only one "view port"(right term?) so feh as is is satisfactory.

unsibscribing from the list

2017-05-26 Thread Mark Peveto
How do I unsub from this list?  I meant to sub to the accessibility list only.

Mark Peveto
Registered Linux user number 600552
Everything happens after coffee!

Re: Clairification - was [Re: Desktop Background Bites the Dust]

2017-05-26 Thread Ric Moore

On 05/25/2017 06:56 AM, Richard Owlett wrote:

On 05/24/2017 12:26 PM, Richard Owlett wrote:

The man page 
_mentions_ setting wallpaper in passing my noting "Use --no-xinerama to
treat the whole X display as one screen when setting wallpapers."

I use one wallpaper across four screens. I just right click on the 
desktop, select "Desktop Settings", select your wallpaper and scroll the 
vertical bar down to reveal the settings you want (or make it full 
screen)  select "Spanning Screens" style and check "Apply to all 
workspaces.  Bob's your uncle, you should be set. Net, go to some wall 
paper site and find W_I_D_E wallpapers. :) Ric

p/s Using XFCE.

My father, Victor Moore (Vic) used to say:
"There are two Great Sins in the world...
..the Sin of Ignorance, and the Sin of Stupidity.
Only the former may be overcome." R.I.P. Dad.

Re: Oh no something has gone wrong! after reinstalling Debian and Gnome.

2017-05-26 Thread Anil Duggirala

On Wed, May 24, 2017, at 11:11 PM, Ric Moore wrote:
> Please don't top post. You don't see anyone else doing that do you??
> Take a clue. Ric

Sorry for top-posting, I have taken a clue now. 
I deactivated Animations in Gnome (Tweak Tool - Appearance), this
appears to have helped, dragging windows around is not so laggy and
video playback does not appear to be crashing, and is running more
smoothly, however the video playback is not really smooth. 

>Anil's log from about 3+ hours ago shows he's using the modeset(0) Xorg driver
What does this mean?? Is there any other driver for me to try??

Please help me, do I really have the right driver and firmware for my
graphics card already?? Looking at package linux-image-amd64 in Synaptic
shows 2 versions 4.9+79 (now), 4.9+80 (testing), this upgrade has been
suggested by the automatic update app in Gnome. What does (now) and
(testing) mean in Synaptic there. I have left my sources.list as is
after install, "stretch" is the keyword, will my pc stay on stretch once
it is released or continue upgrading to "testing"??  

thanks a lot,

Re: Need something similar to mate-color-select

2017-05-26 Thread Richard Owlett

On 05/26/2017 08:24 AM, Lisi Reisz wrote:

On Friday 26 May 2017 14:09:21 Richard Owlett wrote:

I'm using Stretch with MATE desktop.
I need to chose a solid color for my background.
It is unsuitable for two reasons:
1. The sample color display is *TOO* small.
2. When using the color wheel an *ANNOYING* text box appears.

An acceptable solution would replace the too small color sample by
changing mate-color-select's background color in real-time as any of the
provided parameters are changed.


Join the Mate development team, then you can develop the bits you
want as you want.

Otherwise, put in a wish-bug.  You might be lucky and someone might
pick it up, if the numbers of those who like the text box do not too
greatly outnumber you.

In reverse order, the text box is a minor annoyance but useful to many.

As to the first, I have a very strong gut feel that an adequate tool 
already exists.

I had been experimenting with gpaint. It comes close.
Launch gpaint.
Select Edit->Select All
Select the icon for filling selected area.
Chose a starting color.
Click in the previously selected area. (fills the area with the color)
Maximize gpaint.
a.  Select the icon for foreground color.
b.  That displays the equivalent of mate-color-select.
c.  Select a new shade
d.  Click OK (causing equivalent of mate-color-select to close)
e.  Click selected area filling it with new shade.
f.  Recognize that's not quite the desired shade.

Repeated repeat steps a thru f.
Steps c thru f plead for their own subroutine.
I can't believe it hasn't been done already.

Thanks for trying.

Re: Unable to install custom package using defined dependency version

2017-05-26 Thread Frank

Op 26-05-17 om 14:52 schreef Sijis Aviles:
As suggested, I was able to tell apt to install the specific 
1.0.5~aaa package first and then I was able to install 'my-app' in a 
subsequent command. This works but its not what I was expecting to 

What I was trying to do was automatically build 'my-app' and 
'app-configs' (via Jenkins) every day and upload those .deb files to 
Artifactory in a single repo. At some point in time (about once a 
week), I would want to release 'my-app' and update its control file 
to use a specified version of 'app-configs' (probably not the 
latest), then I would use a script to install this version of 
'my-app', which would only require the specific version of 

If I understand what you say, only 1 version of app-configs should
be available in the debian repo in order for this to work.

Simply put: in any particular repository the most recent version of the 
dependency should be compatible with the most recent version of the main 

If that's the case, then what are my options? Does each daily build>
of 'my-app' and 'app-configs' go into a separate repository?

That may be an option. You would have to make sure - scripted or 
manually - the machine installing my-app only 'sees' one of those 
repositories at a time, though.

I do find it strange that I was able to use apt-get install 
app-configs=1.0.5~aaa but I cannot specificy something similar 
through a control file.

That's simply how apt works. The Depends field in the control file is 
meant to tell apt which dependencies a particular package needs. If 
they're not available or installable, apt is supposed to complain. If 
the user decides to issue a command that specifies an earlier version of 
a package, that's *his* decision.
Don't forget, being both the creator/provider and the installer/user of 
a package is not the default situation for most packages.

*) I'm ignoring 'priority pinning' here, as we're talking about a 
single repository

I'm actually quite curious about this, as I was anticipating coping 
the 'released' my-app and app-configs into a separate repository for 
'safer' keeping.

If those versions are older than the ones currently installed, you don't 
need pinning, as apt will normally ignore older versions anyway.


Re: Need something similar to mate-color-select

2017-05-26 Thread Brian
On Fri 26 May 2017 at 08:09:21 -0500, Richard Owlett wrote:

> I'm using Stretch with MATE desktop.
> I need to chose a solid color for my background.
> It is unsuitable for two reasons:
>1. The sample color display is *TOO* small.
>2. When using the color wheel an *ANNOYING* text box appears.
> An acceptable solution would replace the too small color sample by changing
> mate-color-select's background color in real-time as any of the provided
> parameters are changed.

There is claim in #856027 that "Backgrounds are currently completely
broken in stretch".


Re: Need something similar to mate-color-select

2017-05-26 Thread Lisi Reisz
On Friday 26 May 2017 14:09:21 Richard Owlett wrote:
> I'm using Stretch with MATE desktop.
> I need to chose a solid color for my background.
> It is unsuitable for two reasons:
> 1. The sample color display is *TOO* small.
> 2. When using the color wheel an *ANNOYING* text box appears.
> An acceptable solution would replace the too small color sample by
> changing mate-color-select's background color in real-time as any of the
> provided parameters are changed.
> Suggestions?

Join the Mate development team, then you can develop the bits you want as you 

Otherwise, put in a wish-bug.  You might be lucky and someone might pick it 
up, if the numbers of those who like the text box do not too greatly 
outnumber you.


Need something similar to mate-color-select

2017-05-26 Thread Richard Owlett

I'm using Stretch with MATE desktop.
I need to chose a solid color for my background.
It is unsuitable for two reasons:
   1. The sample color display is *TOO* small.
   2. When using the color wheel an *ANNOYING* text box appears.

An acceptable solution would replace the too small color sample by 
changing mate-color-select's background color in real-time as any of the 
provided parameters are changed.


Re: Unable to install custom package using defined dependency version

2017-05-26 Thread Sijis Aviles

On Fri, May 26, 2017 at 6:54 AM, Frank  wrote:

> Op 25-05-17 om 23:36 schreef Sijis Aviles:
>> It seems that my qualifier of '=' isn't working as I expect. What am I
>> doing
>> wrong?
> You appear to assume you can tell apt to ignore a newer version of one
> package by specifying a previous version of that package as a dependency of
> another package. You can't.

Oh bummer!

> apt will always go for the most recent version mentioned in the package
> list*), unless you explicitely tell it not to in the apt-get install
> command for that package. In this case apt wants to get app-configs
> 1.0-6~, notices my-app needs 1.0-5~aaa and tells you it can't install
> my-app because of that.
> I'm not sure what you're aiming for with those two versions of
> app-configs. You can only have one of them installed at a time anyway. If
> the machine you want to install my-app on doesn't need 1.0.6~, you
> could try
> apt-get install my-app app-configs=1.0-5~aaa

As suggested, I was able to tell apt to install the specific 1.0.5~aaa
package first and then I was able to install 'my-app' in a subsequent
command. This works but its not what I was expecting to do.

What I was trying to do was automatically build 'my-app' and 'app-configs'
(via Jenkins) every day and upload those .deb files to Artifactory in a
single repo. At some point in time (about once a week), I would want to
release 'my-app' and update its control file to use a specified version of
'app-configs' (probably not the latest), then I would use a script to
install this version of 'my-app', which would only require the specific
version of app-configs.

If I understand what you say, only 1 version of app-configs should be
available in the debian repo in order for this to work. If that's the case,
then what are my options? Does each daily build of 'my-app' and
'app-configs' go into a separate repository?

I do find it strange that I was able to use apt-get install
app-configs=1.0.5~aaa but I cannot specificy something similar through a
control file.

> You may have to 'hold' app-configs after that, because apt-get upgrade
> will 'see' the newer version and may want to remove my-app again (I'm not
> absolutely sure about this, as I'm tracking Testing so I always use
> dist-upgrade - which definitely will remove my-app).
> Regards,
> Frank
> *) I'm ignoring 'priority pinning' here, as we're talking about a single
> repository
I'm actually quite curious about this, as I was anticipating coping the
'released' my-app and app-configs into a separate repository for 'safer'

Thanks again for an advice you can provide.


Re: How to Install to HDD from LIVE USB Flash Drive?

2017-05-26 Thread Larry Dighera
On Wed, 24 May 2017 14:43:16 +0200, wrote:

>On 05/24/2017 02:16 PM, Larry Dighera wrote:
>> I just burned Debian-live-testing-amd64-lxde.iso
>> Is anyone able to offer a pointer to the method of installing to HDD from
>> the live USB image?
>> ADVthanksANCE 
>Hello larry
>you need to boot from your usb stick:
>like this:


Thank you for your kind response to my query.  

I did attempt to install from another Live image, but it hung while
attempting to install dual-boot as I recall.

The good news is, that installing 'firmware-testing-amd64-DVD-1.iso'
from this page
worked perfectly.  I chose the Graphical Custom Install option, and
was able to specify an unallocated partition on my SSD for Stretch,
and the installer was smart enough to use the swap partition on
another drive used by an earlier Jessie installation.  

Best regards,

Re: Unable to install custom package using defined dependency version

2017-05-26 Thread Frank

Op 25-05-17 om 23:36 schreef Sijis Aviles:

It seems that my qualifier of '=' isn't working as I expect. What am I doing

You appear to assume you can tell apt to ignore a newer version of one 
package by specifying a previous version of that package as a dependency 
of another package. You can't.

apt will always go for the most recent version mentioned in the package 
list*), unless you explicitely tell it not to in the apt-get install 
command for that package. In this case apt wants to get app-configs 
1.0-6~, notices my-app needs 1.0-5~aaa and tells you it can't 
install my-app because of that.

I'm not sure what you're aiming for with those two versions of 
app-configs. You can only have one of them installed at a time anyway. 
If the machine you want to install my-app on doesn't need 1.0.6~, 
you could try

apt-get install my-app app-configs=1.0-5~aaa

You may have to 'hold' app-configs after that, because apt-get upgrade 
will 'see' the newer version and may want to remove my-app again (I'm 
not absolutely sure about this, as I'm tracking Testing so I always use 
dist-upgrade - which definitely will remove my-app).


*) I'm ignoring 'priority pinning' here, as we're talking about a single 

Re: Consulta de hardware

2017-05-26 Thread Ratman

Amlogic ARM® Cortex®-A53(ARMv8) 1.5Ghz quad core CPUs
* Mali™-450 GPU (3 Pixel-processors + 2 Vertex shader processors)
* 2Gbyte DDR3 SDRAM
* Gigabit Ethernet
* HDMI 2.0 4K/60Hz display
* H.265 4K/60FPS and H.264 4K/30FPS capable VPU
* 40pin GPIOs + 7pin I2S
* eMMC5.0 HS400 Flash Storage slot / UHS-1 SDR50 MicroSD Card slot
* USB 2.0 Host x 4, USB OTG x 1 (power + data capable)
* Infrared(IR) Receiver
* Ubuntu 16.04 or Android 5.1 Lollipop based on Kernel 3.14LTS

El jue., 25 may. 2017 18:59, Rafael Cantos Villanueva <> escribió:

> El 25/05/2017 a las 21:10, AlexLikeRock escribió:
> >
> >> Estoy usando una raspberry pi con raspbian, a parte de tener Debian en
> >> otro ordenador, y me pregunto si alguno conoce algun sistema similar,
> >> quiero decir, de reducido tamaño (placa, procesador y RAM), económico
> >> (no tan barato como la raspberry) pero que pueda funcionar con Debian, y
> >> a poder ser con entorno gráfico.
> >>
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Arduino MKRZero with Headers
> > $21.90 dlls
> >
> > Arduino Zero
> >  $39.90 dlls
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> Gracias
> ---
> El software de antivirus Avast ha analizado este correo electrónico en
> busca de virus.

Re: [A bit OT] Diagnosing home network

2017-05-26 Thread Dan Purgert
Mark Fletcher wrote:
> On Sun, May 21, 2017 at 02:18:06PM -, Dan Purgert wrote:
>> Mark Fletcher wrote:
>> >
>> > My home network consists of 2 Debian machines, one Jessie and one 
>> > Stretch, an LFS mini-ITX machine acting as my firewall, another LFS 
>> > laptop that is connected only occasionally, a Windows 8.1 laptop, 3 
>> > iPhones of varying ages, 2 iPads, 1 Android tablet device, a couple of 
>> > other proprietary tablets and a Buffalo Linkstation that provides most 
>> > of the connectivity.
>> Quick google doesn't show any "Linkstation" devices with more than one
>> ethernet port (much less wifi).  Do you perhaps mean an "Airstation"?
>> Could you provide the model number, so we can look it up?
> Oops. Quite right. It is an AirStation. Specifically, a WZR-1750-DHP2. 
> When I google it everything I find is in Japanese, possibly this model 
> was only ever sold in Japan.

Happens :).. "Japanese only" is gonna make it hard for me to read the
specs though.

>> [...]
>> From there, you have to divide up the available throughput by number of
>> clients (i.e. a given wifi client's speed is 1/n, assuming that all
>> clients are using the same technology).  So if your wifi was *perfect*
>> for 802.11g, and one client got 24 mbit -- 2 clients would average 12
>> mbit each, 3 would average 8, and so on.  
> If they were all talking at the same time, right? Just sitting there 
> doing nothing shouldn't use up a _lot_ of bandwidth on ethernet, 
> although doubtless keepalives and so on will use some.

More or less -- idle clients (on your WLAN) don't take up much
bandwidth.  It's more the next bit (neighbors on the same channel)
that's more likely to cause you trouble.

>> In addition to "your clients", you have to contend with neighbors on the
>> same channels (who add to the 1/n throughput troubles).  5 GHz helps
>> here, as it's less likely that the clients in your home will see the 5
>> GHz signal from your neighbors, even if you are on the same channel.
>> > [...]
>> Also check your wifi channel usage -- 2.4 GHz should be on channel 1, 6,
>> or 11 (if you're somewhere where 13 is allowed, you could try that too).
>> If you use any other channel (2-5 or 7-10), you're going to be getting a
>> lot of interference (and throughput losses) from your neighbors.
> Channel selection is automatic -- shouldn't it pick the clearest one? 
> Also I am curious as to why selecting 1, 6, 11 or 13 if available is 
> better and less likely to result in interference?

"automatic" is a nice way of saying "braindead" in many instances.
Nearly all gear (until you're spending $1500+ for a single AP) is only
"auto" when it boots up ... and 9 times out of 10, it'll pull some
stupid channel like 3.

The reason for channels 1, 6, or 11 is that 
 (a) they're universal channels globally
 (b) they're the only three (2.4 GHz) channels that don't overlap

For the "standard" channels (1-11), they are 20 MHz wide, and center
frequencies are spaced 5 MHz apart. This means that channels 1 and 2
(for example) overlap their spectrum use about 3/4.  In turn, this
raises the noise floor on both WLANs, leading to garbled packets /
re-transmissions / other slowdowns -- all of which get mitigated by
using channels 1,6,11 simply because they don't overlap.

On the other side - with "everyone" using 1,6,11 - if two APs (or client
devices) on the same channel are able to "hear" each other, they'll both
employ their collision avoidance routines to share the channel - even
when they're on different WLANs.  It's just simple checks along the
lines of 

  1. Is anyone transmitting right now?
* If yes, wait til they're done, plus random milliseconds, then
* If no, wait random milliseconds, then goto2
  2. Start transmitting 

It's not perfect, and sometimes you get "hidden node" issues (where say
your laptop and mine can't hear each other transmit, but our respective
APs can - they'll then send us the "shutup, someone else is transmitting"
signal), but instead of both WLANs trying to shout over each other and
simply generate noise - which near on always slows everything down -
they share.  Sure, sharing the channel means some degree of slowdown,
but it's generally not nearly as pronounced as those caused by

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Re: apt-listchanges error

2017-05-26 Thread Sven Joachim
On 2017-05-25 16:38 -0700, Gary Roach wrote:

> A while ago, while updating my Debian testing system, I got the
> following error:
> Do you want to continue? [Y/n] Setting up apt-listchanges (3.10) ...
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/tmp/tmp.kqhvU8IqOr.aptlc/", line 6, in 
> import debconf
> ImportError: No module named 'debconf'

This module is shipped in the debconf package.  Does
/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/ exist on your system?


Re: apt-listchanges error

2017-05-26 Thread Liam O'Toole
On 2017-05-25, Gary Roach  wrote:
> Hi all;
> A while ago, while updating my Debian testing system, I got the 
> following error:
> Do you want to continue? [Y/n] Setting up apt-listchanges (3.10) ...
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>File "/tmp/tmp.kqhvU8IqOr.aptlc/", line 6, in 
>  import debconf
> ImportError: No module named 'debconf'
> dpkg: error processing package apt-listchanges (--configure):
>   subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1
> Errors were encountered while processing:
>   apt-listchanges
> This error has persisted ever since. I am starting to have several 
> strange things happen to my system - unable to move windows with mounse 
> and unable to cut an paste from the monitor - that may or may not be 
> caused by this error. I am not sure what the effect of the error would 
> be nor do I know how to fix it. I found a bug report that  was similar 
> but none of the suggested fixes fixed this one.
> Note: There is no  tmp.kqhvU8IqOr.aptlc/ file on my 
> system. Debconf is definitely installed.
> Any help will be sincerely appreciated.
> Gary R.

It looks like there is a problem with your debconf or python
installations, or possibly both. Please post the output of the following

python --version
python -m debconf
dpkg -V debconf



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