Re: from screen to tmux

2020-06-22 Thread Victor Sudakov
davidson wrote:
> > 
> > I'm trying to switch from screen to tmux and for the life of me cannot
> > make it work the way I like. I have screen create multiple windows on
> > startup, by the following lines in ~/screenrc:
> > 
> > screen -t localhost 0
> > screen -t foo 1
> > screen -t bar 2
> > screen -t mail 3
> > select 0
> > 
> > I've tried multiple variants of ~/.tmux.conf and cannot make it start
> > with 4 windows. Tried different combinations of new-session, new-window,
> > attach-session, select-window and whatever, but when I run tmux, I just
> > see a single window.
> > 
> > What would be the equivalent of the above screen commands?
> The first line below changes the command key from Ctrl-b to Ctrl-a, to
> emulate Gnu screen.
>   $ cat ~/.tmux.conf
>   set-option -g prefix C-a

This is a nice feature, but not quite sufficient. You won't be able to
send a literal C-a to the terminal if you have just this one line.

I have 3 lines doing the same job:

set-option -g prefix C-a
unbind-key C-b
bind-key C-a send-prefix

>   new-session -nlocalhost -sMyFirstTmuxSession
>   new-window -d -nfoo -t1
>   new-window -d -nbar -t2
>   new-window -d -nmail -t3
> I started my first session with this command:
>   $ tmux attach

It is quite counter-intuitive to start a *first* session with "tmux attach", 
but your setup works, and thank you very much for that. I would have never
been able to think of such a variant.

> And when I detach it, I can resume it again with the same command.
> I based the config file above off the following example config, after
> some hunting around in the man page.
>   $ tail -n12 /usr/share/doc/tmux/example_tmux.conf
>   # Create a single default session, because a session is created here, tmux
>   # should be started with "tmux attach" rather than "tmux new"

Well I never! 

I tried the new-window command in .tmux.conf, but it always created
windows somewhere below the event horizon.

Thank you again!

Victor Sudakov,  VAS4-RIPE, VAS47-RIPN

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Re: [solved] Re: SimpleBackportCreation attempt says: The value 'unstable' is invalid for APT::Default-Release

2020-06-22 Thread David
On Sat, 13 Jun 2020 at 18:57, Andrei POPESCU  wrote:
> On Sb, 13 iun 20, 15:30:08, David wrote:

> > As an aside, how did you find this, I am very curious, what are people's
> > methods [...]  Does anyone have any tips for successful bug
> > searching?

> I started from:
> and did a text search on 'source'. The subject for the third hit looked
> very much like your problem.
> (Note the 'src=apt' which searches for bug packages in the 'apt' source
> package, just in case the bug is some of the other binary packages
> provided by src:apt. It wasn't helpful here here, just something to be
> aware of in general.)

Thanks for showing that method, that is helpful and I will note it for
future reference.

> > How do you know which suite that command downloads the source from?

> Very important to remember:
> APT will always select the highest version available [...]

Thanks, I had forgotten to remember that apt uses numeric priorities.
Sometimes I need to be reminded of things.

It's explained quite well here:

> Hope this explains,

Very well, thanks Andrei.

Re: [solved] Re: SimpleBackportCreation attempt says: The value 'unstable' is invalid for APT::Default-Release

2020-06-22 Thread David
On Sat, 13 Jun 2020 at 17:54,  wrote:
> On Sat, Jun 13, 2020 at 03:30:08PM +1000, David wrote:

> > As an aside, how did you find this, I am very curious, what are people's
> > methods [...]  Does anyone have any tips for successful bug
> > searching?

> One method I resort to when I'm somewhat desperate (thanks to Debian for
> setting up the bugs database under an own domain, "") is
> to leverage my favourite search engine's smarts and restricting the
> search to the site As an URL, for example

Thanks for that good idea.

Re: [solved] Re: SimpleBackportCreation attempt says: The value 'unstable' is invalid for APT::Default-Release

2020-06-22 Thread David
On Sun, 14 Jun 2020 at 23:07, Greg Wooledge  wrote:
> On Sat, Jun 13, 2020 at 03:30:08PM +1000, David wrote:

> > I found myself wishing that you had tested the command that actually failed
> > for me in my posted question:
> >
> >   $ apt source -t unstable cgdb
> I don't know anything about that syntax.  Never used it.
> I didn't need to specify which deb-src to use, for ksh, at all.
> > That's what triggered the bug/error. Does it work for you?
> unicorn:/tmp/q$ apt source -t unstable cgdb
> Reading package lists... Done
> E: The value 'unstable' is invalid for APT::Default-Release as such a release 
> is not available in the sources
> E: Unable to find a source package for
> unicorn:/tmp/q$ apt-get source -t unstable cgdb
> Reading package lists... Done
> E: The value 'unstable' is invalid for APT::Default-Release as such a release 
> is not available in the sources
> E: Unable to find a source package for

Thanks for taking another look at that for me, and giving another
example, I appreciate it.
Problem is solved now.

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Resolved: Re: Firefox shrinks to horizontal bar when viewing youtube video and scrolling vertically

2020-06-22 Thread rhkramer
On Monday, June 22, 2020 12:48:49 PM wrote:
> Ahh, the problem seems to be gone in a clean profile, so I may spend some
> time in the old profile disabling add-ons and plugins.  (I don't have that
> many, don't know if I have to restart after each -- maybe I'll disable
> them all, restart firefox, and then add the ones I really want back one at
> a time.

Ok, the problem seems to have been due to a plug in named YouTube Plus.

I actually worked the other way, I disabled plugins one at a a time, without 
restarting Firefox.  YouTube Plus was the second one I disabled and the 
problem went away (on a new page with a newly loaded youtube video).

If I had disabled all the plugins with no change, then I would have restarted 
FireFox and then, assuming the problem was gone, start re-enabling plugins one 
at a time.

Re: from screen to tmux

2020-06-22 Thread davidson

On Mon, 22 Jun 2020 Victor Sudakov wrote:

Dear Colleagues,

I'm trying to switch from screen to tmux and for the life of me cannot
make it work the way I like. I have screen create multiple windows on
startup, by the following lines in ~/screenrc:

screen -t localhost 0
screen -t foo 1
screen -t bar 2
screen -t mail 3
select 0

I've tried multiple variants of ~/.tmux.conf and cannot make it start
with 4 windows. Tried different combinations of new-session, new-window,
attach-session, select-window and whatever, but when I run tmux, I just
see a single window.

What would be the equivalent of the above screen commands?

The first line below changes the command key from Ctrl-b to Ctrl-a, to
emulate Gnu screen.

  $ cat ~/.tmux.conf
  set-option -g prefix C-a
  new-session -nlocalhost -sMyFirstTmuxSession
  new-window -d -nfoo -t1
  new-window -d -nbar -t2
  new-window -d -nmail -t3

I started my first session with this command:

  $ tmux attach

And when I detach it, I can resume it again with the same command.

I based the config file above off the following example config, after
some hunting around in the man page.

  $ tail -n12 /usr/share/doc/tmux/example_tmux.conf
  # Create a single default session, because a session is created here, tmux
  # should be started with "tmux attach" rather than "tmux new"
  new -d -s0 -nirssi 'exec irssi'
  set -t0:0 monitor-activity on
  set  -t0:0 aggressive-resize on
  neww -d -ntodo 'exec emacs ~/TODO'
  setw -t0:1 aggressive-resize on
  neww -d -nmutt 'exec mutt'
  setw -t0:2 aggressive-resize on
  neww -d
  neww -d
  neww -d

The modifications were mainly to replace all the aliases in the
/usr/share/doc/ example with the corresponding full command
names. (Seems a bit weird to put abbreviated aliases in a example
meant to provide documentation.)

Firstly, you must always implicitly obey orders, without attempting to
form any opinion of your own respecting their propriety. Secondly, you
must consider every man your enemy who speaks ill of your king; and
thirdly, you must hate a Frenchman, as you do the devil. --H. Nelson

Re: Syntax regarding "Exec" instruction in .desktop files

2020-06-22 Thread davidson

On Mon, 22 Jun 2020 wrote:

Hi davidson,

I share your great answer (see below) with the whole list as I think
your explanations are very didactic, relevant and could be
beneficial to anyone.

I've just tested and it works so thank you very much :)

Lol. Good news! It is good to learn about empirical results.

If I have well understood, my issue was that I've mixed up reserved
characters with distinguished ones, right?

That is what it looked like to me.

The piece of the specification that you posted "distinguished" the
four anonymously, insisting they all four had to receive special
treatment, but gave their class no distinctive name.

By the way, I think it is interesting that bash(1) also explains (in a
paragraph[1] under the section "QUOTING") that inside double quotes,
those same four characters

$ ` \ "

are exceptional, being the only characters whose literal value is not
preserved between a pair of double quotes (assuming either posix mode
or disabled history expansion).[2]

I suspect that putting together the details that give rise to this
coincidence would be cool to understand. I lack that understanding.

But even with little understanding, it is now easier to remember which
characters bash does not remove special meaning from inside double
quotes. (It is like with people: after you know like fifty other
things about them, it becomes easier to remember what their name is.)

So if I sum up, here is the logic:

* As soon as there is at least one *reserved* characters (like
  [SPACE] [TAB] [NEWLINE] " ' \ > < ~ | & ; $ * ? # ( ))

Also, backtick.

  in an argument, one needs to escape the whole argument

* Argument escaping is done by adding double quotes around it and
  prefixing each *distinguished* characters (like " ` $ \) with a \

* Reserved characters must be escaped individually only if they must
  lose their specific meaning and be interpreted litterally

Your breakdown of the escape of reserved characters paints a helpful
sequence of operations for me:

* Escaping reserved characters is done by prefixing them with a \
  but as the argument needs quoting, the extra \ itself must be
  prefixed by a leading \ so a litteral $ becomes \\$, a \ becomes
  , & becomes \\& and so on...

Also, the link Greg posted to the Desktop Entry Specification[3]
includes stuff about field codes that wasn't in the OP excerpt.

A selective excerpt in OP was natural enough, since the specific
example in OP appears to contain no field codes.

But appearances might be deceptive, and if I were considering putting
complex stuff (or even simple stuff) in the Exec field, I would
examine it all very carefully. There are land mines in there:

   Field codes must not be used inside a quoted argument, the result
   of field code expansion inside a quoted argument is undefined.

And not just the field codes the spec lists an interpretation for;
*any* alphabetic character immediately preceded by an unescaped '%'
character IS A FIELD CODE, and hence a potential land mine, according
to the spec. (And '%' is escaped in a way not like other characters,
because it is after all in a class by itself, and so on...)

Am I correct please?

In the words of deloptes[4]:

   Believe you do in the church, not infront of the computer, when we
   see the output we can conclude ourself.

Thanks a lot!

That is mutual.


1. From bash(1):

   Enclosing characters in double quotes preserves the literal value
   of all characters within the quotes, with the exception of

 $ ` \

   and, when history expansion is enabled,


   When the shell is in posix mode, the ! has no special meaning
   within double quotes, even when history expansion is enabled.  The
   characters $ and ` retain their special meaning within double
   quotes.  The backslash retains its special meaning only when
   followed by one of the following characters: $, `, ", \, or
   .  A double quote may be quoted within double quotes by
   preceding it with a backslash.  If enabled, history expansion will
   be performed unless an !  appearing in double quotes is escaped
   using a backslash.  The backslash preceding the !  is not removed.

2. You might need to squint a little, to see why I include the double
   quote character with the other three here. Also, in the case of
   double quoted strings in bash (as distinguished from the case of a
   desktop entry Exec value) it looks like the backslash is only
   special in that context when it is "doing some important
   backslashing". That is, when it isn't escaping a "live" special
   character, a backslash is just a literal backslash, inside double
   quotes in bash.

3. Desktop Entry Specification, "The Exec Key"

4. 23 Jan 2017, deloptes to debian-user$iq2$

Firstly, you must 

Re: Default vim colorscheme?

2020-06-22 Thread Lucio

Il 22/06/20 17:09, Jonathan Dowland ha scritto:

That was my take, too. The difference to me looks due to bg=light and
bg=dark discrepancy. OP, you doubt this, but have you tried to confirm

I hadn't tried, because I misunderstood Liam's suggestion. I've tried 
now and you're right, issuing

:set bg=dark

turns the "default" colorscheme into the same colors as "ron", at least 
as long as my bash scripts are concerned.

However, if I delete $HOME/.vimrc (so no :colorscheme command) and then 
switch to VT2 (no Xorg running there) I have a dark background just like 
my xfce4-terminal, but ":colorscheme default" does not assume a light 
background there and it does not use dark colors: it keeps the light 
colors (same colors of "ron", just to be clear). That leads me to think 
there's something in my xfce4-terminal that confuses the default 
colorscheme and that makes it assume a light background even if it's black.

What makes vim or the default colorscheme detect the dark/light background?

[SOLVED] Re: Question for users of Thunderbird on buster

2020-06-22 Thread D. R. Evans
Virgo Pärna wrote on 6/16/20 6:27 AM:

>   Nothing to do with keyboard layouts. Some fonts have ligatures,
> that combine two different characters into one symbol. I actually tried
> it on Windows with Thunderbird and "Cascadia Mono" font. Rendering
> engine in Thunderbird probably has ligature support enabled and then, if
> used font has ligatures for specific symbol, then those are used.

I finally had some time to delve into this, and indeed that was the problem.

The font mapped the pair "<<" to the left guillemot, the pair "--" to an
en-dash (although the en-dash glyph was no different than the ordinary hyphen
glyph, so it looked like it was dropping one of the pair), along with a
handful of other ligatures.

Using fontforge I edited the ligature table to remove the ones that were
causing a problem. Restarted Thunderbird and presto! all fixed.

So many (many!) thanks to Virgo for the suggestion to look at the font itself.

I looked in the TB config editor, but couldn't see anything that would turn
off the use of ligatures -- which is rather surprising, since it must have
been enabled only in the fairly recent past, as I'm using exactly the same
fonts I've been using for years without this problem appearing -- but maybe
it's in the config editor with an unguessable name.

It's also surprising that TB enables ligatures with a monospoaced font,
because that's generally not a good idea; but I suppose that if the font
itself says it's OK to use a ligature, I can only half-blame TB for using it :-)

Anyway, I'm delighted that I can now write:
  cout << n-- << endl;
without a noticeable increase in my blood pressure.



Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Question for users of Thunderbird on buster

2020-06-22 Thread The Wanderer
On 2020-06-11 at 03:27, Virgo Pärna wrote:

> On Wed, 10 Jun 2020 14:10:45 -0600, D. R. Evans  wrote:
>> For example:
>>   if I type the "-" character twice in a row, Thunderbird displays only one,
>> even though both characters are present in the text
>>   if I type the "<" character twice in a row, Thunderbird converts the two
>> "less than" characters into a single "much less than" character when it
>> displays them, even though the text actually contains the two "<" characters
>   What happens, if you change the default composition font. Sounds
> like those are rendered as ligatures. I'm using Windows, but when I set
> monospace font to Cascadia code, I started getting similar issues.

I don't recall having ever seen it in Thunderbird, but every so often
(maybe once or twice a year max), I start to see Firefox render
consecutive letter pairs that have matching ligatures as those
ligatures. I'm not sure if it's "every possible ligature-matching pair",
or only ligature pairs starting with "f", but I know the latter do seem
to be included.

Invariably, restarting the browser fixes it.

I'm not sure what causes it, but I think it's got something to do with
upgrading an underlying font package while Firefox is already running.

Not sure if that helps here at all, but it does seem at least
tangentially related.

   The Wanderer

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all
progress depends on the unreasonable man. -- George Bernard Shaw

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Question for users of Thunderbird on buster

2020-06-22 Thread D. R. Evans
Virgo Pärna wrote on 6/16/20 6:34 AM:
> On Thu, 11 Jun 2020 13:12:25 -0600, D. R. Evans  wrote:
>> I'll have to dig in and see if there's a way to turn it off. I'll look at the
>> details of the font as well; I'm not at all sure what exactly is telling TB
>> "if you see two consecutive "less-than" signs, then render them as a single
>> "much less than" character. No other program seems to be doing it, so it 
>> seems
>> to be a TB decision somewhere; but since it seems to be font-dependent, TB
>> must (presumably) be looking at some characteristic of the font before
>> deciding to make the substitution. Very strange.
> maybe? 

I don't think so. Changing the value of:
makes no difference :-(



Description: OpenPGP digital signature

2020-06-22 Thread Geert Stappers

Certbot, is dat eigenlijk een webserver, iets wat op poort 80 luistert?

Althans, dat is wat ik van

Wat is certbot volgens jou?

Geert Stappers

curl  |  sudo bash -

Re: Syntax regarding "Exec" instruction in .desktop files

2020-06-22 Thread Greg Wooledge
On Mon, Jun 22, 2020 at 07:40:04PM +0200, wrote:
> So if I sum up, here is the logic:
> Am I correct please?

Re: Syntax regarding "Exec" instruction in .desktop files

2020-06-22 Thread l0f4r0
Hi davidson,

I share your great answer (see below) with the whole list as I think your 
explanations are very didactic, relevant and could be beneficial to anyone.

 I've just tested and it works so thank you very much :)

If I have well understood, my issue was that I've mixed up reserved characters 
with distinguished ones, right?

So if I sum up, here is the logic:

* As soon as there is at least one *reserved* characters (like [SPACE] [TAB] 
[NEWLINE] " ' \ > < ~ | & ; $ * ? # ( )) in an argument, one needs to escape 
the whole argument

* Argument escaping is done by adding double quotes around it and prefixing 
each *distinguished* characters (like " ` $ \) with a \

* Reserved characters must be escaped individually only if they must lose their 
specific meaning and be interpreted litterally

* Escaping reserved characters is done by prefixing them with a \ but as the 
argument needs quoting, the extra \ itself must be prefixed by a leading \ so a 
litteral $ becomes \\$, a \ becomes , & becomes \\& and so on...

Am I correct please?

Thanks a lot!
Best regards,

16 juin 2020 à 07:07 de

> On Mon, 1 Jun 2020, wrote to debian-user:
>> Let's take an example, here is my fusuma.desktop file:[Desktop Entry]
> [...]
>> Exec=sh -c 'if which ruby >/dev/null && which gem >/dev/null; then $(ruby -r 
>> rubygems -e "puts Gem.user_dir")/bin/fusuma -d; fi'
> The third argument (everything after the '-c') of this Exec value,
> your shell script, contains all kinds of characters the spec indicates
> are reserved[1], like the following:
>  [SPACE] > & ; $ ( " )
> This means that the spec requires it (the argument containing reserved
> characters) to be quoted[2].
> But how to quote an argument? The spec explains[3] this is done by
> enclosing the argument inside double quotes, and escaping all of its
> occurences of four especially distinguished characters
>  " ` $ \
> with a backslash prefix.
> So to quote the argument (the script), remove the single quotes
> surrounding the script, replace them with double quotes, and then
> inside the script add one backslash in front of each occurence of the
> especially distinguished characters which require escaping (just the
> dollar sign introducing command substitution, and the pair of double
> quotes inside that command substitution) to obtain:
>  Exec=sh -c "if which ruby >/dev/null && which gem >/dev/null; then \$(ruby 
> -r rubygems -e \"puts Gem.user_dir\")/bin/fusuma -d; fi"
>>> From my understanding, I've tried:
>> Exec=sh -c "if which ruby \>/dev/null \&\& which gem \>/dev/null\; then 
>> \$\(ruby -r rubygems -e \"puts Gem.user_dir\"\)/bin/fusuma -d\; fi"
>> I get no warning except it does not work now!
>> It's probably a matter of successive backslashes but I don't
>> understand how many are needed exactly...
>> Of course I'm interested in the correct syntax for my example but
>> it's not so critical as it's already working.
> In your attempted revision, you seem to have selectively prefixed
> backslashes to some reserved characters (eg, '>') but not others (eg,
> ' ').
> But why prefix backslashes to any characters at all, beyond those four
> required by the spec (the ones I called "especially distinguished")?
>  " ` $ \
> Reserved characters in an argument don't generally need any escaping
> at all.[4] Their *presence* means an argument containing them must be
> quoted, and quoting an argument entails prefixing a backslash to the
> four *special* reserved characters distinguished above.
> QUOTES (from the spec excerpt in OP) and NOTES
> 1.[quote] Reserved characters are space (" "), tab, newline, double quote,
> single quote ("'"), backslash character ("\"), greater-than sign
> (">"), less-than sign ("<"), tilde ("~"), vertical bar ("|"),
> ampersand ("&"), semicolon (";"), dollar sign ("$"), asterisk ("*"),
> question mark ("?"), hash mark ("#"), parenthesis ("(") and (")") and
> backtick character ("`").
> 2.[quote] Arguments may be quoted in whole. If an argument contains a
> reserved character the argument must be quoted.
> 3.[quote] Quoting must be done by enclosing the argument between double
> quotes and escaping the double quote character, backtick character
> ("`"), dollar sign ("$") and backslash character ("\") by preceding it
> with an additional backslash character.
> 4.[note] Unless you require a reserved character's literal
> interpretation. Your given example is simple because you want the
> non-literal interpretations of each of its reserved characters.

Re: technical terms overhaul

2020-06-22 Thread Paul Johnson
On Mon, Jun 22, 2020 at 12:14 PM deloptes  wrote:

> Miles Fidelman wrote:
> > It's only a good solution if people actually adopt and use them.
> > They/them/their has caught on, but it's kind of hard to differentiate
> > singular/plural when you use them to be gender neutral.
> No people will not adopt them because it is against the law of economy in
> speech. I'll bet my head on it, but in 100y it will be all forgotten. In
> fact it is already dead, only many people has still to realize it
> (especially in the west). Stop wasting your and others time. There are more
> important problem on this earth.

Not sure someone who is clearly bigoted against the LGBT community gets to
have a say on this issue.  Go back to the past where you belong.

Re: technical terms overhaul

2020-06-22 Thread deloptes
Miles Fidelman wrote:

> It's only a good solution if people actually adopt and use them.
> They/them/their has caught on, but it's kind of hard to differentiate
> singular/plural when you use them to be gender neutral.

No people will not adopt them because it is against the law of economy in
speech. I'll bet my head on it, but in 100y it will be all forgotten. In
fact it is already dead, only many people has still to realize it
(especially in the west). Stop wasting your and others time. There are more
important problem on this earth.


Re: Firefox shrinks to horizontal bar when viewing youtube video and scrolling vertically

2020-06-22 Thread rhkramer
On Monday, June 22, 2020 11:06:25 AM wrote:
> Thanks, sounds like a plan!
> On Monday, June 22, 2020 08:24:23 AM Dan Ritter wrote:
> > I have not experienced this.
> > 
> > Start with:
> > * quit Firefox
> > 
> > * start firefox from a command line with -P
> > 
> > * create a new profile
> > 
> > * does the problem continue? If not, you had a config or
> > 
> >   add-on issue. Go back to your old profile and
> >   remove add-ons and reset config, or continue here if
> >   you prefer.

Ahh, the problem seems to be gone in a clean profile, so I may spend some time 
in the old profile disabling add-ons and plugins.  (I don't have that many, 
don't know if I have to restart after each -- maybe I'll disable them all, 
restart firefox, and then add the ones I really want back one at a time.

I don't recall doing anything special in the configuration, not sure I made any 
changes at all.  I did block cookies from some sites, I don't think that 
should have an effect.

> > 
> > * if it still exists: unpack the current Firefox from Mozilla in
> > 
> >   /opt/firefox and run it.
> > 
> > * does the problem exist here? tell us either way.
> > 
> > -dsr-

Re: from screen to tmux

2020-06-22 Thread Victor Sudakov
Brian wrote:
> On Mon 22 Jun 2020 at 17:46:40 +0700, Victor Sudakov wrote:
> > Dear Colleagues,
> > 
> > I'm trying to switch from screen to tmux and for the life of me cannot
> > make it work the way I like. I have screen create multiple windows on
> > startup, by the following lines in ~/screenrc:
> > 
> > screen -t localhost 0
> > screen -t foo 1
> > screen -t bar 2
> > screen -t mail 3
> > select 0
> > 
> > I've tried multiple variants of ~/.tmux.conf and cannot make it start
> > with 4 windows. Tried different combinations of new-session, new-window,
> > attach-session, select-window and whatever, but when I run tmux, I just
> > see a single window.
> > 
> > What would be the equivalent of the above screen commands?
> A search with
>   tmux start three windows

It is not news for me that Google exists :-)

> brings up items that look like they would be useful.

They look so but in fact they are not. They are mostly about starting
several tmux windows from a wrapper script like in
and and others.

I'm sure this should be possible from ~/.tmux.conf but the limited
variants I've found online did not work for me.

If from personal experience you have a working solution, I'd be most

Victor Sudakov,  VAS4-RIPE, VAS47-RIPN

Description: PGP signature

Problem with kmail2 and akonadi

2020-06-22 Thread Hans
Hi folks,

I am fighting with some issues with kmail and akonadi, maybe someone knows the 

The problem: I am using kmail now for many years. As kmail needs a message 
folder with 
inbox, outbox, trash, drafts and sent-mail folders within, these are in my 
which is a mixedmaildir folder pointing to the directory where my mails reside. 
This is 

But sadly I had an akonadi crash, which I had to fix. Now the state is this, 
that I got my 
KMail-Folder back (with inbox, outbox, trash and so on), but it appeared 
another folder 
named "Local Folder", which also got trash, inbox, outbox, sent-mail and so on 

I know, these are automatically created by kmail, and it appears I cannot 
delete these. As 
I could point most settings to the folders below my old "Kmail-Folders", I 
could not get 
kmail remove the outbox-folder, trash and drafts folder away from "Local 

I tried this from the docs:[1]

but it did not help. Also all the hints in the forums did not help, sorry.

I also tried to delete ~/.local/share/akonadi and ~/.config/akonadi, and start 
from the 
bginning, but this won't let get me access to my mails again. Luckily I did not 
delete the 
above directories, just moved them away, so I could return back.

What isa also not quite clear for me: What is the difference between 
Kmail-Folders and 
Local-Folders? I tried to point Local-Folders to ~/.kde/share/apps/kmail/mail/, 
hoped, that 
this would read and indicate my mails again. No success!

The documentation related to akonadi is not so well, IMO, so I have much 
difficulties to 
understand, how things work. If there would be a way, to run kmail without 
akonadi (but 
Isuppose, this is not possible), I would appreciate it. Generally I was running 
into slight 
problems with akonadi from time to time, but this could always be solved. 

However, this one is big, and I would be appreciated, if someone could 
enlighten me, how 
to fix this problems.

Thank you very much for any help.

Best regards



Re: Default vim colorscheme?

2020-06-22 Thread Jonathan Dowland

On Mon, Jun 22, 2020 at 09:35:45AM -0400, Jim Popovitch wrote:

I think what happened is that when you set the default colour scheme
interactively a light background was assumed. That's why you get less
contrast in your second screenshot. If you subsequently do ':set
bg=dark' it should look like the first screenshot.

That was my take, too. The difference to me looks due to bg=light and
bg=dark discrepancy. OP, you doubt this, but have you tried to confirm

H, I (Debian Buster) ran bg=dark, and then 'colorscheme ron' and now
I have no colors.  er, Thanks!

I think the ron/peachpuff suggestion is wrong, they are not the default
colorschemes on Debian under any circumstances I am aware of.

I'm using neovim and the file /usr/share/nvim/runtime/colors/default.vim
defines the default colorschemes but this is not very useful to you
because it just clears any specific colors, so that the built-in
defaults are used instead.

  Jonathan Dowland

Re: Firefox shrinks to horizontal bar when viewing youtube video and scrolling vertically

2020-06-22 Thread rhkramer
Thanks, sounds like a plan!

On Monday, June 22, 2020 08:24:23 AM Dan Ritter wrote:
> I have not experienced this.
> Start with:
> * quit Firefox
> * start firefox from a command line with -P
> * create a new profile
> * does the problem continue? If not, you had a config or
>   add-on issue. Go back to your old profile and
>   remove add-ons and reset config, or continue here if
>   you prefer.
> * if it still exists: unpack the current Firefox from Mozilla in
>   /opt/firefox and run it.
> * does the problem exist here? tell us either way.
> -dsr-

Re: Default vim colorscheme?

2020-06-22 Thread Liam O'Toole
On Mon, 22 Jun, 2020 at 09:35:45 -0400, Jim Popovitch wrote:
> On Mon, 2020-06-22 at 12:22 +0100, Liam O'Toole wrote:
> > On Mon, 22 Jun, 2020 at 10:53:46 +0200, Lucio wrote:
> > > Il 22/06/20 10:05, elvis ha scritto:
> > > > Somewhere on your system maybe /usr/share/vim  or in /etc that default
> > > > colour scheme is defined or linked to a real colour scheme. Find it.
> > > 
> > > I couldn't find the link, but I found /usr/share/vim/vim81/colors 
> > > directory,
> > > that contains only 19 colorschemes: not that hard to bruteforce after all.
> > > I've tried all of them one after the other and I finally found "ron" to be
> > > the real default one, despite "colorscheme default" not loading "ron"...
> > > 
> > > Why "colorscheme default" doesn't load the real default, or why the real
> > > default goes by the name of "ron" and "default" is a non-default choice, 
> > > is
> > > beyond me: maybe Debian exhausted the symlinks pool, so renaming the
> > > "default" file as "classic" or something and symlinking "default" to "ron"
> > > would have broken the whole system, but it doesn't really matter 
> > > anymore...
> > > problem solved, thanks for your help.
> > > 
> > 
> > I think what happened is that when you set the default colour scheme
> > interactively a light background was assumed. That's why you get less
> > contrast in your second screenshot. If you subsequently do ':set
> > bg=dark' it should look like the first screenshot.
> H, I (Debian Buster) ran bg=dark, and then 'colorscheme ron' and now
> I have no colors.  er, Thanks!

Also on buster. I don't see the behaviour you describe. Very odd.

Re: Default vim colorscheme?

2020-06-22 Thread David Wright
On Mon 22 Jun 2020 at 10:53:46 (+0200), Lucio wrote:

> I couldn't find the link, but I found /usr/share/vim/vim81/colors
> directory, that contains only 19 colorschemes: not that hard to
> bruteforce after all. I've tried all of them one after the other and I
> finally found "ron" to be the real default one, despite "colorscheme
> default" not loading "ron"...
> Why "colorscheme default" doesn't load the real default, or why the
> real default goes by the name of "ron" and "default" is a non-default
> choice, is beyond me: maybe Debian exhausted the symlinks pool, so
> renaming the "default" file as "classic" or something and symlinking
> "default" to "ron" would have broken the whole system, but it doesn't
> really matter anymore... problem solved, thanks for your help.

Perhaps you should try emailing the file's maintainer. :)


Re: technical terms overhaul

2020-06-22 Thread Miles Fidelman

On 6/22/20 5:59 AM, Will Mengarini wrote:

* Miles Fidelman  [20-06/20=Sa 11:58 -0400]:

Solve the problem of establishing a good set of gender-neutral
pronouns, for English, (and maybe declarations in other
languages) - then let's come back and debate colors.

Here you go:
   cocos cos coselfco's
   she   her hersherself   she's
   hehis his himself   he's
   itits its itselfit's
See .

The "co/cos/coself/co's" pronouns were first introduced in 1970 in
the U.S commune named "Twin Oaks", which was founded in 1967.  It was
modeled on the community described in B.F Skinner's /Walden Two/;
see .

They're in both Wiktionary and Wikipedia:

It's only a good solution if people actually adopt and use them. 
They/them/their has caught on, but it's kind of hard to differentiate 
singular/plural when you use them to be gender neutral.


In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice.
In practice, there is.   Yogi Berra

Theory is when you know everything but nothing works.
Practice is when everything works but no one knows why.
In our lab, theory and practice are combined:
nothing works and no one knows why.  ... unknown

Re: Default vim colorscheme?

2020-06-22 Thread Jim Popovitch
On Mon, 2020-06-22 at 12:22 +0100, Liam O'Toole wrote:
> On Mon, 22 Jun, 2020 at 10:53:46 +0200, Lucio wrote:
> > Il 22/06/20 10:05, elvis ha scritto:
> > > Somewhere on your system maybe /usr/share/vim  or in /etc that default
> > > colour scheme is defined or linked to a real colour scheme. Find it.
> > 
> > I couldn't find the link, but I found /usr/share/vim/vim81/colors directory,
> > that contains only 19 colorschemes: not that hard to bruteforce after all.
> > I've tried all of them one after the other and I finally found "ron" to be
> > the real default one, despite "colorscheme default" not loading "ron"...
> > 
> > Why "colorscheme default" doesn't load the real default, or why the real
> > default goes by the name of "ron" and "default" is a non-default choice, is
> > beyond me: maybe Debian exhausted the symlinks pool, so renaming the
> > "default" file as "classic" or something and symlinking "default" to "ron"
> > would have broken the whole system, but it doesn't really matter anymore...
> > problem solved, thanks for your help.
> > 
> I think what happened is that when you set the default colour scheme
> interactively a light background was assumed. That's why you get less
> contrast in your second screenshot. If you subsequently do ':set
> bg=dark' it should look like the first screenshot.

H, I (Debian Buster) ran bg=dark, and then 'colorscheme ron' and now
I have no colors.  er, Thanks!

-Jim P. 

Re: À la recherche d'une imprimante laser multifonction N

2020-06-22 Thread Stephane Ascoet

Le 14/06/2020 à 11:30, François LE GAD a écrit :

Et il te faut Google-Youtube pour ça ?

Bonjour, en plus la video est bien pourrie: une musique techno 
stressante et aucune explication... mais c'est ce que veut le peuple 
analphabete actuel...

Pierre Malard:

En gros tu te montre en la moukatant (moquerie légère) contre l’attitude 
favorable de la population face à Google (FaceBook, Amazon, Apple, …) alors 
qu’ils refusent souvent une démarche réellement « open source » du 
gouvernement. Puis, la phrase suivante, tu trouve étrange et ridicule le fait 
de refuser le flicage de ces GAFAM. Un peu spécieux comme argumentaire, non ?…

Oui, une fois de plus je n'ai rien compris au message de Basile...


Quand l'État français propose l'application StopCovid, c'est la levée de 
boucliers. Pourtant le code est libre, et la critique publique (et 
techniquement justifiée AMHA).

De ce que j'ai compris, ce qui est critique ce n'est pas le code pondu 
en libre, c'est que ca s'appuierait sur des bibliotheques louches

Quand l'impôt sert à financer le développement de logiciels libres en France 
comme en Europe, une majorité d'électeurs votent pour des partis politiques et 
des programmes electoraux prônant en France la réduction des impôts (fort 
joliement appelées contributions).

On peut relever cette contradiction pour plein de sujets, en particulier 
celui de la sante avec pendant le confinement tous ces suivistes qui 
applaudissaient a 20 heures... personnes que je ne vois bien sur jamais 
dans les manifestations... pour rappel, le virus est arrive a point 
nomme pour le gouvernement a un moment ou les services publics etaient 
en greve depuis des mois(pour ma part je crois que j'ai fait au moins un 
mois et demi)...

Ils paient mieux que mon employeur actuel, la cantine y est meilleure, et je 
connais plein de gens, anciennement à l'INRIA par exemple, qui y travaillent 
sur des thématiques pour moi passionnantes.

Ben evidemment puisque l'etat a abandonne son role de meneur sur ces 
questions(et toutes les autres!).

Le lecteur interessé pourrait aussi lire avec le livre 
récent de Laurence Devilliers, /les robots "émotionnels",/ ISBN 979-10-329-0198-4 
, éditions de 

Quel rapport avec le sujet?

Je trouve de plus en plus ridicule le fantasme selon lequel le logiciel libre 
ne devrait être développé que par des amateurs éclairés (ou des retraités) sur 
leur temps libre. Ce fantasme ne correspond pas à la réalité économique 

Il y a un juste milieu entre les deux extremes...
Cordialement, Stephane Ascoet

RE: [External] Re: AMD Ryzen 7 Pro + Radeon Graphics

2020-06-22 Thread Curtis Tucker1
Thanks, Dan.  I'll give it a shot & let you know.


-Original Message-
From: Dan Ritter  
Sent: Monday, June 22, 2020 8:51 AM
To: Curtis Tucker1 
Subject: [External] Re: AMD Ryzen 7 Pro + Radeon Graphics

Curtis Tucker1 wrote: 
> Hi,
> After installing "firmware-bullseye-D1-alpha2-amd64-DVD-1" on an AMD Ryzen 7 
> Pro + Radeon Graphics platform, the system boots but no desktop (Gnome) is 
> launched & the screen is blank.
> Is this platform supported?  I set "nomodeset" on the boot line, but that did 
> not work.  I booted to runlevel 3 to investigate, but the keyboard wasn't 
> configured properly.  I looked far & wide & could not find any solution or 
> information regarding this issue.

You'll want to install 

and reboot.


Re: AMD Ryzen 7 Pro + Radeon Graphics

2020-06-22 Thread Brad Rogers
On Mon, 22 Jun 2020 12:27:56 +
Curtis Tucker1  wrote:

Hello Curtis,

>Is this platform supported? 

Running AMD Ryzen 7 here, without issue.  No Radeon GFX, but that has
nothing to do with your issues.

 Regards  _
 / )   "The blindingly obvious is
/ _)radnever immediately apparent"
Watching the people get lairy
I Predict A Riot - Kaiser Chiefs

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: AMD Ryzen 7 Pro + Radeon Graphics

2020-06-22 Thread Dan Ritter
Curtis Tucker1 wrote: 
> Hi,
> After installing "firmware-bullseye-D1-alpha2-amd64-DVD-1" on an AMD Ryzen 7 
> Pro + Radeon Graphics platform, the system boots but no desktop (Gnome) is 
> launched & the screen is blank.
> Is this platform supported?  I set "nomodeset" on the boot line, but that did 
> not work.  I booted to runlevel 3 to investigate, but the keyboard wasn't 
> configured properly.  I looked far & wide & could not find any solution or 
> information regarding this issue.

You'll want to install 

and reboot.


Re: apt-get update release expired

2020-06-22 Thread Raphaël POITEVIN
Daniel Caillibaud  writes:
> Chez ovh c'est malheureusement assez fréquent (pb de certificat, pb de
> rafraîchissement, etc.),
> j'ai arrêté d'utiliser leur miroir depuis longtemps.

J’aurais pensé que c’était une réplication automatique.

OK je vais changer de miroir.


AMD Ryzen 7 Pro + Radeon Graphics

2020-06-22 Thread Curtis Tucker1

After installing "firmware-bullseye-D1-alpha2-amd64-DVD-1" on an AMD Ryzen 7 
Pro + Radeon Graphics platform, the system boots but no desktop (Gnome) is 
launched & the screen is blank.

Is this platform supported?  I set "nomodeset" on the boot line, but that did 
not work.  I booted to runlevel 3 to investigate, but the keyboard wasn't 
configured properly.  I looked far & wide & could not find any solution or 
information regarding this issue.


Re: Firefox shrinks to horizontal bar when viewing youtube video and scrolling vertically

2020-06-22 Thread Dan Ritter
Rh Kramer wrote: 
> Aside: emailing from a different computer -- "Reply to:" will get to the 
> right 
> computer.  (I decided to use pasteboard, didn't wait for a better suggestion 
> -- I hope the images are accessible.)
> Problem with viewing Youtube videos on Firefox version 68.9.0 on Jessie (but 
> not with the same version on Buster (well, at least so far): 

I have not experienced this.

Start with:

* quit Firefox

* start firefox from a command line with -P

* create a new profile

* does the problem continue? If not, you had a config or
  add-on issue. Go back to your old profile and
  remove add-ons and reset config, or continue here if 
  you prefer.

* if it still exists: unpack the current Firefox from Mozilla in
  /opt/firefox and run it.

* does the problem exist here? tell us either way.


Re: from screen to tmux

2020-06-22 Thread Brian
On Mon 22 Jun 2020 at 17:46:40 +0700, Victor Sudakov wrote:

> Dear Colleagues,
> I'm trying to switch from screen to tmux and for the life of me cannot
> make it work the way I like. I have screen create multiple windows on
> startup, by the following lines in ~/screenrc:
> screen -t localhost 0
> screen -t foo 1
> screen -t bar 2
> screen -t mail 3
> select 0
> I've tried multiple variants of ~/.tmux.conf and cannot make it start
> with 4 windows. Tried different combinations of new-session, new-window,
> attach-session, select-window and whatever, but when I run tmux, I just
> see a single window.
> What would be the equivalent of the above screen commands?

A search with

  tmux start three windows

brings up items that look like they would be useful.


Re: for screenshots?

2020-06-22 Thread Greg Wooledge
On Sun, Jun 21, 2020 at 03:51:39PM -0400, wrote:
> Thanks for the reply, but no, it isn't.  They are images showing a problem 
> I'm 
> having in Firefox displaying youtube videos on Jessie (with the same version 
> of Firefox as on my Buster installation where it seems to work fine).

You already know how to fix your problem (upgrade to the current stable

Running web browsers on obsolete, unsupported releases is a sure path
to doom.

Re: Default vim colorscheme?

2020-06-22 Thread Lucio

Il 22/06/20 13:22, Liam O'Toole ha scritto:

I think what happened is that when you set the default colour scheme
interactively a light background was assumed. That's why you get less
contrast in your second screenshot. If you subsequently do ':set
bg=dark' it should look like the first screenshot.

I'm not sure that's what actually happens: I thought the same on a first 
glance, but then I noticed one color was completely different, e.g. look 
at $DESTDIR and similar items.

Re: apt-get update release expired

2020-06-22 Thread Daniel Caillibaud
Le 22/06/20 à 13:22, (Raphaël POITEVIN) a écrit :
> Bonjour,
> Un petit apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade de routine :
> E: Release file for
> is
> expired (invalid since 3h 7min 14s). Updates for this repository will
> not be applied.
> Avez-vous le même problème ?

Chez ovh c'est malheureusement assez fréquent (pb de certificat, pb de 
rafraîchissement, etc.),
j'ai arrêté d'utiliser leur miroir depuis longtemps.


Accroche toi au terminal, j'enlève le shell…
Nojhan (Geekscottes)

Re: one liner, how do you know which match happened ...

2020-06-22 Thread Greg Wooledge
Many wonderful comments have already been given.  Here are some nitpicks
that will no longer matter once you stop writing this program in bash,
which is a poor choice for this particular job.

On Sat, Jun 20, 2020 at 12:20:41PM +0200, Albretch Mueller wrote:
> for iZ in ${!_AR_TERMS[@]}; do

The quoting here is incorrect.  It should be:

for iZ in "${!_ar_terms[@]}"; do

You probably got away with it because you haven't used indices that
contain whitespace yet.  (I'm not even sure whether you're using an
indexed array, or an associative array.  Obviously with indexed arrays,
your indices are always integers, so the improper quoting won't be
able to bite you -- but that changes as soon as you use an associative
array where the indices can be arbitrary strings.)

Also, do not use all-caps variable names for regular variables.  All-caps
names are reserved for environment variables and special internal shell
variables.  Use at least one lower case letter in each variable to avoid
collisions with reserved names.

>  find "${_SDIR}" -type f -iregex .*"${_X}" -exec grep -il

Here, the .* (or at least the *) should be quoted too.  Otherwise, the *
is part of a live glob that could potentially match filenames in the
current working directory, which would break the script.

unicorn:~$ x=rc
unicorn:~$ args find . -iregex .*"$x"
47 args:  <.> <-iregex> <.acrorc> <.aumixrc> <.avirc> <.bashrc> <.bwaprc> 
<.cdrrc> <.ceciliarc> <.civclientrc> <.dialogrc> <.doomrc> <.dvdriprc> <.exrc> 
<.fehrc> <.fvwm2rc> <.gnomerc> <.inputrc> <.ircrc> <.jnewsrc> <.kderc> 
<.kermrc> <.lessrc> <.lynxrc> <.mangrc> <.mcoprc> <.micqrc> <.mp3capnrc> 
<.mp3commanderrc> <.muttrc> <.newsrc> <.oldnewsrc> <.pinerc> <.point2playrc> 
<.ppprc> <.qwebrc> <.reportbugrc> <.rtorrent.rc> <.slrnrc> <.twinrc> <.twmrc> 
<.vimrc> <.xfmailrc> <.xinitrc> <.xmodmaprc> <.zshrc>

That's definitely NOT what you want.

unicorn:~$ args find . -iregex ".*$x"
4 args:  <.> <-iregex> <.*rc>

That's what you want.

Re: Default vim colorscheme?

2020-06-22 Thread elvis

On 22/6/20 6:53 pm, Lucio wrote:

Il 22/06/20 10:05, elvis ha scritto:
Somewhere on your system maybe /usr/share/vim  or in /etc that 
default colour scheme is defined or linked to a real colour scheme. 
Find it. 

I couldn't find the link, but I found /usr/share/vim/vim81/colors 
directory, that contains only 19 colorschemes: not that hard to 
bruteforce after all. I've tried all of them one after the other and I 
finally found "ron" to be the real default one, despite "colorscheme 
default" not loading "ron"...

Why "colorscheme default" doesn't load the real default, or why the 
real default goes by the name of "ron" and "default" is a non-default 
choice, is beyond me: maybe Debian exhausted the symlinks pool, so 
renaming the "default" file as "classic" or something and symlinking 
"default" to "ron" would have broken the whole system, but it doesn't 
really matter anymore... problem solved, thanks for your help.

Maybe they were saving it for later-ron ? :-)

If you owe the bank $100 that's your problem. If you owe the bank $100m, that's 
the bank's problem.

Re: Default vim colorscheme?

2020-06-22 Thread Liam O'Toole
On Mon, 22 Jun, 2020 at 10:53:46 +0200, Lucio wrote:
> Il 22/06/20 10:05, elvis ha scritto:
> > Somewhere on your system maybe /usr/share/vim  or in /etc that default
> > colour scheme is defined or linked to a real colour scheme. Find it.
> I couldn't find the link, but I found /usr/share/vim/vim81/colors directory,
> that contains only 19 colorschemes: not that hard to bruteforce after all.
> I've tried all of them one after the other and I finally found "ron" to be
> the real default one, despite "colorscheme default" not loading "ron"...
> Why "colorscheme default" doesn't load the real default, or why the real
> default goes by the name of "ron" and "default" is a non-default choice, is
> beyond me: maybe Debian exhausted the symlinks pool, so renaming the
> "default" file as "classic" or something and symlinking "default" to "ron"
> would have broken the whole system, but it doesn't really matter anymore...
> problem solved, thanks for your help.

I think what happened is that when you set the default colour scheme
interactively a light background was assumed. That's why you get less
contrast in your second screenshot. If you subsequently do ':set
bg=dark' it should look like the first screenshot.

apt-get update release expired

2020-06-22 Thread Raphaël POITEVIN

Un petit apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade de routine :

E: Release file for is
expired (invalid since 3h 7min 14s). Updates for this repository will
not be applied.

Avez-vous le même problème ?

Cordialement et merci,

Re: from screen to tmux

2020-06-22 Thread Kenneth Parker
On Mon, Jun 22, 2020, 6:47 AM Victor Sudakov  wrote:

> Dear Colleagues,
> I'm trying to switch from screen to tmux and for the life of me cannot
> make it work the way I like. I have screen create multiple windows on
> startup, by the following lines in ~/screenrc:
> screen -t localhost 0
> screen -t foo 1
> screen -t bar 2
> screen -t mail 3
> select 0
> I've tried multiple variants of ~/.tmux.conf and cannot make it start
> with 4 windows. Tried different combinations of new-session, new-window,
> attach-session, select-window and whatever, but when I run tmux, I just
> see a single window.
> What would be the equivalent of the above screen commands?

First, did you install tmux?  ("apt install tmux")?

And then, you begin with the "tmux" command.

Inside the session, cntl-b controls the session.  ("cntl-b ?"  for help).

Hope this helps.

> Victor Sudakov,  VAS4-RIPE, VAS47-RIPN
> 2:5005/49@fidonet

Best regards,

Kenneth Parker

from screen to tmux

2020-06-22 Thread Victor Sudakov
Dear Colleagues,

I'm trying to switch from screen to tmux and for the life of me cannot
make it work the way I like. I have screen create multiple windows on
startup, by the following lines in ~/screenrc:

screen -t localhost 0
screen -t foo 1
screen -t bar 2
screen -t mail 3
select 0

I've tried multiple variants of ~/.tmux.conf and cannot make it start
with 4 windows. Tried different combinations of new-session, new-window,
attach-session, select-window and whatever, but when I run tmux, I just
see a single window.

What would be the equivalent of the above screen commands?

Victor Sudakov,  VAS4-RIPE, VAS47-RIPN

Description: PGP signature

Re: for screenshots?

2020-06-22 Thread Siard
rhkramer wrote:
> How do I make screenshots acessible to the list?

Well, there are filehosters for that, such as ,
specially meant for such purposes.

Re: Default vim colorscheme?

2020-06-22 Thread Lucio

Il 22/06/20 10:05, elvis ha scritto:
Somewhere on your system maybe /usr/share/vim  or in /etc that default 
colour scheme is defined or linked to a real colour scheme. Find it. 

I couldn't find the link, but I found /usr/share/vim/vim81/colors 
directory, that contains only 19 colorschemes: not that hard to 
bruteforce after all. I've tried all of them one after the other and I 
finally found "ron" to be the real default one, despite "colorscheme 
default" not loading "ron"...

Why "colorscheme default" doesn't load the real default, or why the real 
default goes by the name of "ron" and "default" is a non-default choice, 
is beyond me: maybe Debian exhausted the symlinks pool, so renaming the 
"default" file as "classic" or something and symlinking "default" to 
"ron" would have broken the whole system, but it doesn't really matter 
anymore... problem solved, thanks for your help.

Re: Default vim colorscheme?

2020-06-22 Thread l0f4r0

22 juin 2020 à 09:36 de

> I want the first colorscheme in every other `vim` I use, but I have no clue 
> about how to specify it.
If I were you, I would:
* look into /usr/share/vim/vimXX/colors/ (replace XX with the correct version)
* inside vim type ":colorscheme" with no ~/.vimrc to get the colorscheme name 
that pleases you
* inside vim type ":colorscheme [TAB]" with no ~/.vimrc to guess which one it 
could  be

+ it seems the default colorscheme is not "default" and is depending on the 
* "peachpuff" in a light terminal
* "ron" in a dark one
Try those.

Best regards,

Re: webcam UVC et clavier visuel pour un handicapé neuronal

2020-06-22 Thread didier . gaumet
 Malheureusement, je ne connais rien à ce domaine (donc prudence par rapport à 
ce que j'avance) mais j'ai cru comprendre que si tu recherches de l'info en 
anglais, ce sont les termes eye-tracking voir gaze-tracking qui peuvent aider.

 Sous Linux, ça ne semble pas aussi avancé que sous Windows (une piste à 
creuser car dans un cas comme celui-là les objections que l'on pourrait 
formuler à l'usage d'un système propriétaire pourraient être largement 
contrebalancées par les avantages en découlant pour le bénéficiaire handicapé).

 J'ai trouvé deux liens qui dressent un panorama (incomplet?) des solutions 
 De ce que je comprends (mal?), ça semblerait laisser des portes ouvertes vers 
l'emploi de Pygaze, Pupil, voire Eyelike ou Opengazer

J'ai juste jeté un coup d'oeil ultra-rapide à Pygaze pour m'apercevoir (si j'ai 
bien compris) qu'il y a un mode d'emploi d'installation pour Debian 8 et que 
c'est du Python2 (donc que ça risque de disparaître de Debian au profit de 
Python3 et je ne sais pas si Pygaze va évoluer vers Python3)

En tout cas, bon courage, l'objectif est louable :-)

Re: Default vim colorscheme?

2020-06-22 Thread mick crane

On 2020-06-22 08:36, Lucio wrote:

I posted this question @superuser [1] two days ago, but it seems few
know Debian enough there, so here it is for you.

In every Linux system I install or I happen to log into I want to use
the same vim colorscheme, e.g. the default one Debian uses, because I
usually use Debian and I like the default colorscheme. What's its
name? I need the name to specify it in the `$HOME/.vimrc` file of
other systems:

colorscheme whatever

The problem is that even `default` is not the correct name in Debian,
in fact if I open a file in one of my Debian systems without a
`$HOME/.vimrc` file (so no `colorscheme` command at all), I get this:

then, while I'm inside `vim`, I type the `:colorscheme` command, and
it replies `default`. However if I create a `$HOME/.vimrc` file with
`colorscheme default` in it, in the same Debian system, and then I
open the same file, I get this instead:

I want the first colorscheme in every other `vim` I use, but I have no
clue about how to specify it.


I didn't look far enough to find the answer but will probably be in 
these files



mplayer trouble?

2020-06-22 Thread steef

hi list,

have some funny trouble with mplayer. i can see the usual interface when 
i do smlayer on the commandline, but than, after years of proper 
functioning, smplayer refuses from one second to the other to play a 
song or whatever with the message 'an unknown fault.

in etc/mplayer i read:

Failed to read /etc/mplayer/mplayer.conf.local: No such file or directory

Warning unknown option include at line 177

Warning unknown option -ao at line 2

-alsa has been removed. Remove it from your config file.

MPlayer 1.4 (C) 2000-2019 MPlayer Team

ID_EXIT=NONE far as I can see this is all there. what am i doing wrong?? if 

i installed smplayer and mplayer.

from the commandline m player plays fine: without any problem.

: mplayer -ao alsa -af extrastereo= ... etc. etc.

some help is appreciated.

thank you,


Re: Default vim colorscheme?

2020-06-22 Thread elvis

On 22/6/20 5:36 pm, Lucio wrote:
I posted this question @superuser [1] two days ago, but it seems few 
know Debian enough there, so here it is for you.

In every Linux system I install or I happen to log into I want to use 
the same vim colorscheme, e.g. the default one Debian uses, because I 
usually use Debian and I like the default colorscheme. What's its 
name? I need the name to specify it in the `$HOME/.vimrc` file of 
other systems:

    colorscheme whatever

The problem is that even `default` is not the correct name in Debian, 
in fact if I open a file in one of my Debian systems without a 
`$HOME/.vimrc` file (so no `colorscheme` command at all), I get this:

then, while I'm inside `vim`, I type the `:colorscheme` command, and 
it replies `default`. However if I create a `$HOME/.vimrc` file with 
`colorscheme default` in it, in the same Debian system, and then I 
open the same file, I get this instead:

I want the first colorscheme in every other `vim` I use, but I have no 
clue about how to specify it.


Somewhere on your system maybe /usr/share/vim  or in /etc that default 
colour scheme is defined or linked to a real colour scheme. Find it. 
Name it something meaningful to you. And then use it on all your 
systems. Or copy the parts out of it into a .vimrc

Censorship: The reaction of the ignorant to freedom.

Default vim colorscheme?

2020-06-22 Thread Lucio
I posted this question @superuser [1] two days ago, but it seems few 
know Debian enough there, so here it is for you.

In every Linux system I install or I happen to log into I want to use 
the same vim colorscheme, e.g. the default one Debian uses, because I 
usually use Debian and I like the default colorscheme. What's its name? 
I need the name to specify it in the `$HOME/.vimrc` file of other systems:

colorscheme whatever

The problem is that even `default` is not the correct name in Debian, in 
fact if I open a file in one of my Debian systems without a 
`$HOME/.vimrc` file (so no `colorscheme` command at all), I get this:

then, while I'm inside `vim`, I type the `:colorscheme` command, and it 
replies `default`. However if I create a `$HOME/.vimrc` file with 
`colorscheme default` in it, in the same Debian system, and then I open 
the same file, I get this instead:

I want the first colorscheme in every other `vim` I use, but I have no 
clue about how to specify it.
