Kernel SCSI for Adaptec 1505

1999-12-09 Thread Bill Leach
First, while subscribed to a number of debian lists, I am not 
currently subscribed to debian-user so please reply to me or
cc me.  Thank you.

I have tried to build (yet another new kernel) for a machine
that has the now usual pri/sec ide and a new Adaptec 1505
scsi card.  The card is recognized by the machine's bios.
The kernel builds ok and the module is created but will not load.

The errors that I get are:
modprobe: Can't locate module aha152x.o
frodo:/lib/modules/2.2.13/scsi# modprobe aha152x   
/lib/modules/2.2.13/scsi/aha152x.o: init_module: Device or resource busy
/lib/modules/2.2.13/scsi/aha152x.o: insmod /lib/modules/2.2.13/scsi/aha152x.o 
/lib/modules/2.2.13/scsi/aha152x.o: insmod aha152x failed

It seems that this is the sort of response that is received when
a card is not found but the modules.

Anyone have any hints, ideas, etc.?

--best, bill

Re: Can't boot from hard disk

1999-08-08 Thread Bill Leach
Well since you are "grasping at straws"...

1.  You did _run_ lilo after changing /etc/lilo.conf, yes?
2.  What does rdev /boot/vmlinuz-2.0.36 give you?
(although your "root=/dev/hda1" should over-ride)
3.  Should you have the argument "compact" in your lilo.conf?
4.  You don't have one of those BIOSes with a "hole" in the memory do you?

While I have had this sort of thing happen before, rather than try to find
out what was wrong I...
Tried other "resc" disks for the installation (this has worked).
I have also compiled (on another machine) and installed a new kernel
and that worked.

The "thing" that bothers me about this whole problem (yours and the ones 
that I have experienced) is that I thought that the kernel that gets
installed in /boot is the exact same kernel that IS on the resc disk which
suggests to me that the problem "can not be" the kernel itself but must be
related to lilo and associated files (experience NOT withstanding).

On Sat, Aug 07, 1999 at 01:52:33PM -0500, Mark Lawrence wrote:
> Just installed 2.1 (slink) from cdrom. Boots from floppy OK, but hangs
> after "Loading Linux." The machine is a Pentium 200 with
> 96 MB of RAM. The master EIDE hd has 6.4 GB and is partitioned like this:
>   device   startstopmount point
> /dev/hda1 1   65 /
> /dev/hda266   81 swap
> /dev/hda382  337 /usr
> /dev/hda5   338  465 /usr/local
> /dev/hda6   466  784 /home
> The /etc/lilo.conf looks like this:
> boot=/dev/hda1
> root=/dev/hda1
> install=/boot/boot.b
> map=/boot/map
> vga=normal
> delay=20
> image=/vmlinuz
> label=Linux
> read-only
> /vmlinuz is a link to /boot/vmlinuz-2.0.36, which is as it should be.
> The frustrating thing is I've done this installation on another machine
> and it's worked just fine.
> Any ideas would be appreciated.
> -- 
> Mark Lawrence

Re: How does one activate sound on Slink

1999-08-08 Thread Bill Leach
This is a case where you most definitely want to read the HOW-TOs!
The normal distribution kernels are compiled without sound support.
The reasons are probably multiple, such as smaller size but in addition
sound hardware is so "non-standard" that it is probably counter productive
to even try to distribute a kernel with sound support compiled in.

You need to determine the type of sound card that you have.  If yours is
a listed card then things will probably go quite smoothly.  The generally
big problem that most encounter is that the vast majority of "compatible"
cards are only "compatible" AFTER some sort of DOS based initialization
program has been run.  With the old "legacy" cards this _can_ usually be
handled by "cold" booting to DOS followed with a "warm" boot to Linux.
With the PCI and Plug-n-Pray cards I don't think that even that works
(OTOH I think that PCI and PnP are also better supported).

BE SURE THAT YOU READ THE /Documentation text files for
sound drivers!

Install the kernel source (you probably need around 10 Meg free space).
Install the "kernel-package":

READ the documentation in /usr/doc/kernel-package/
Manjo's "README.gz" is an outstanding document and will make kernel
building a pleasure with the added benefit that the package management
system will "know" about your new kernel and if you follow Manjo's
advice then upgrades will not automagically replace your custom kernel.

Personally, I strongly recommend that you compile the kernel for
"modular" sound support.  For many sound cards you HAVE to have the
sound system in modular form (the kernel will fail trying to initialize a 
PnP sound card, which it trys to do before PnP is initialized).
AFAIK there are no sound cards (that can be used under Linux) that can 
NOT be used as modules so...

Note that for some sound cards you may HAVE to use a 2.2.x kernel and
that is not a completely trivial upgrade to a slink system.  If you do
need to run a 2.2.x kernel be sure that you read the notes on the matter
on (updates?).

On Sat, Aug 07, 1999 at 01:50:31PM -0500, Jor-el wrote:
> Hi,
>   I wasnt too concerned about audio when I installed Slink. Now,
> however, I feel the sudden desire to make my machine talk. The only
> question is how. None of the audio modules required have been installed to
> disk, and 'modconf' doesnt have any audio drivers listed. The install
> guide doesnt make any mention of sound. How the heck do I get started?
> TIA,
> Jor-el

Re: [Debian: Install] In relation to Debian FAQ 9.4

1999-08-08 Thread Bill Leach
I have NOT used dpkg-split but looking at the man page (man dpkg-split)...
You probably want to create a directory (as root):  mkdir /var/lib/dpkg/parts
Copy the part files from the floppies to this location.  If there are MSDOS
floppies and you already have mtools then "cd /var/lib/dpkg/parts" followed
by "mcopy a: . " should work.  Else you will probably need to 
mount the floppy disk on the filesystem one at a time and use cp.

The command to recreate the package is _probably_:
dpkg-split --join(order should not matter)

You might be able to use the "-o " option/argument to
specify where you want the resulting package file to be written out.

In my own reading of the man page it seemed that the "--auto" command is
probably something that you do not want to do.

The dpkg-split --join command should reassemble the "part" to recreate
the original package file.

"dpkg -i " should install the package.

NOW THEN ALL of the above is based upon the idea that you already have a
WORKING debian installation on the target machine.  I am assuming that that
is the case since you were able to use dkpg-split in the first place but I
am completely confused (still) as to just what you are trying to do since
to have used dpkg-split you would have to have had the original package file!

To make an installation disk set you need to end up with a small stack of 
floppies containing "resc1440.bin", "drv1440.bin", & "base14.n.bin"
(currently 9 floppies for the slink distribution).

Note that if you have a Linux (or UNIX) system available then the easiest
way to do this is to download (or otherwise) get these files on the machine
and then use "dd" to make each floppy: 
dd of=/dev/fd0 if=[]

Otherwise on a DOS box you need the "rawrite2.exe" program (read
rawrite2.txt which should be with the program).

The "canonical" location for all of these files (including rawrite) is 

On Sat, Aug 07, 1999 at 07:31:37PM +0100, Michelle Konzack wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a question in relation to the Debian FAQ:
> 9.4 How can I get/install the Debian from a set of floppy disks?
> I had read the complete FAQ but I do not find a answer.
> OK, I have splitted a package in smaler parts (dpkg-split) 
> and copied them to three Floppys.
> Now I want to know, how to install this 3 Floppys on my machine.
> What must I do with dpkg ???
> Must I copy the files first onto my machine and un-split them or...???
> Thanks for your help in advance
> Michelle

Re: [Debian: XFree86] Minimal requirements

1999-08-07 Thread Bill Leach
Hi Michelle;

I don't believe that Linux (any distribution) and XFree will both fit
on your ZIP disk.

You can not install X without "graphic card dependencies".  That is,
to display X sessions on your computer there must be an xserver that
"knows how" to speak to your graphics hardware.

OTOH, you can install as many different xservers on any one machine
as you want (though only one is the default).

The configuration files for X are in /etc/X11/ (and _might_ have to
be different for each of your different machines).

NIC's are usually modules and generally other than taking up a little
room on the hard drive there is usually no problem with having NIC
modules for cards not actually present in the machine.

It sounds to me as though you want to do an installation on a machine
(to a zip disk?) and then use that same installation on other
machines?  Doing so is not "trivial"!

During installation a number of things happen that are specific to
the machine that the installation is actually occurring on...
Hostname and IP address is set as well as some hardware identification.

While I have now several times moved either a SCSI or a IDE hard drive
from one machine to another (that contained a full, bootable, Linux
system) and actually had the target machine work, I believe that there
was a _lot_ of luck involved!

On Sat, Aug 07, 1999 at 02:56:15PM +0100, Michelle Konzack wrote:
> Hello,
> It is possible to install Debian 2.1 and XFree86 on a 
> LS-120/ZIP-Disk without any grapic card depencies ???
> I like to use the installation on different computers 
> with different graphic cards.
> Possible with different NIC's too.
> Thanks in advance
> Webmistress Michelle
> -- 
> Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null

Re: a quick scsi question

1999-08-05 Thread Bill Leach
While thinking in terms of absorbing is probably not too bad an idea,
it is also misleading.  The terminating resistors do indeed absorb
energy (as does any shunting resistance).  The SCSI bus terminating
resistance is the same as the "Thin-net" coaxial cable ethernet

The "problem" is that when an electrical pulse is imposed upon a
"transmission line" (the wire that the bus is of), the pulse will
reflect (or bounce back) from the ends of the cable unless the cable
"appears" to be of infinite length (which is what the termination

The reflected pulses themselves might "bounce" from the opposite
end if the cable is not terminated properly there either.  The problem
is that these reflected pulses arrive at various points along the cable
at times later than the original pulses (determined by the "travel time"
along the cable).  They can (and do) interfere with valid pulses present
at any point on the cable and of course there is no way for hardware
to determine which pulses are valid and which are reflected.

The matter is a bit more complex than this as the signal level at any
point along the cable is the algebraic sum of the instantaneous pulse
intensities of all of the pulses present at that instant (and the pulses
reflect either "in phase" (with respect to polarity) or "out of phase"
depending upon whether the termination impedance (resistance) is higher
or lower than the cable's impedance.

On Wed, Aug 04, 1999 at 04:39:26PM -0500, Paul Miller wrote:
> Aaron Solochek wrote:
> > 
> > This is not debian specific, but I figure someone on this list will know
> > the answer.  Now I know you are supposed to terminate the end of each
> > scsi chain, but whats the difference between any of the plugs on the
> > chain?  its just a ribbon cable, so wouldn't it be ok if you terminate
> > _any_ device on the chain, so long as you only terminate one?  I don't
> > see how there is any electrical difference between the plugs.
> > 
> As long as you terminate the last device on the chain as not to starve
> other devices further down. It is generally practiced to have the
> termination found at the end of the cable (either the cable or device
> attached), but I don't see why you could not termintate in the middle.
> Remember that the terminator is absorbing the signal so that it will not
> bounce back on the cable to cause interferance. If you were to terminate
> as such
> SCSI card <> Terminated Tape Drive <> UnTerminated SCSI HD
> The hard drive could not communicate with the SCSI card in your computer
> as the Tape Drive would absorb the signal going both ways.
> Hope this helps,
> -- 
> Paul Miller

Re: Potato

1999-07-28 Thread Bill Leach
I have been using potato for many months on a couple of machines but 
unfortunately they have NOT been upgraded since the perl changes.  
The machines have NOT crashed even once in many months of operation.
One has a 2.2.5, another a 2.2.6, and yet another a 2.2.10 kernel.

On Tue, Jul 27, 1999 at 04:39:06PM -0700, Account for Debian group mail wrote:
> Anyone using the Potato release on a machine that needs to be up.  How
> stable is it at this point?
> Thanks,
> Ken Rea
> -- 
> Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null

Re: apt-get: upgrade one package to particular version?

1999-07-23 Thread Bill Leach
I too am woefully ignorant of apt...

You should not need however to put on hold any package installed using 
dpkg if the package that was obtained is a later release than listed in
the available.

I have done this nearly countless times without ever using hold and no
problem has ever come up.

On Thu, Jul 22, 1999 at 10:04:00PM -, Pollywog wrote:
> On 22-Jul-99 Carl Fink wrote:
> >> apt-get --install icewm
> >> 
> >> should be all you need to do.
> > 
> > No, actually it isn't, since that would install the version in
> > *stable*.  That's what I have installed now.  What I'd like to do is
> > install the version in *unstable*, without changing all my other
> > packages to the unstable version.
> I don't know if there is a way to do that with apt-get, so I have just
> downloaded the packages and installed them manually and then put the packages
> on "hold" just to be safe.
> --
> Andrew
> -- 
> Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null

Re: kernel panic while mounting root fs

1999-07-23 Thread Bill Leach

I suppose that my first thought would be to BIOS differences...
Have you already checked for "memory holes" and "shadow memory"?

What is the size difference between the two kernels?

While I am ignorant of the majority of the differences between 2.0-
and 2.2- kernels is there any chance that a change in the handling of
the disk geometry by the BIOS affects the 2.2 kernel where the 2.0
might ignore the change?

On Fri, Jul 23, 1999 at 12:51:33AM -0500, Andrei Ivanov wrote:
> I just had to replace a motherboard in my Linux box (floppy controller
> went bad) and now, for some reason, when I'm trying to boot my 2.2.10
> kernel, I get kernel panic while mounting root fs.
> I can't reproduce the exact message right now, but it seems that while
> booting it's doing a normal partition check and fails then.
> However, I can boot my 2.0.36 kernel off the boot disk without a single
> problem (yet, I might get some headaches because I can not recompile the
> 2.0.36 kernel since I switched to 2.2.10)
> Any idea why 2.2.10 panics and 2.0.36 boots? 
> TIA,
>  Andrew
> -- 
> Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null

Re: Diald auth problem & documentation

1999-07-22 Thread Bill Leach
The reason that you should not remove the "auth" option in the ppp/options
file is that any and every upgrade will overwrite your changes.

The "proper" location for the "noauth" entry is in the /etc/ppp/peers/
provider (or whatever name you are using for the particular provider
with whom you are trying to establish a ppp connection).

On Wed, Jul 21, 1999 at 02:24:10PM +0200, Florian 'Papa Flo' Streck wrote:
> On Tue, 20 Jul 1999, Michael Merten wrote:
> > On Tue, Jul 20, 1999 at 12:13:57PM +0200, Robert-Jan Kuijvenhoven wrote:
> ...
> > > It does work when I remove "auth" from the /etc/ppp/options file,
> but the man
> > > pages say that I should not do this.
> > > 
> > > Can anyone tell me how to solve this problem?
> > > 
> ...
> > in /etc/diald there's a config file (don't remember the name).  You
>   can
> > add a line like:
> > 
> > ppp-options noauth
> ...
> While this is the Solution to the actual Problem, why does the manpage say
> not to do it? As I remember the manpage says that the "noauth" would lead
> to incompatibilities in future versions of diald. Is this Information
> still correct?
> This brings me to another Problem, the Information that Newbies get.
> There are many manpages and other pieces of documentation that contain
> information that is no longer correct. Is there anyone updating the
> documentation? Or this only a Problem with Packages that have no
> maintainer?
>  Florian Streck   
> -- 
> Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null

Re: Setting up Debian with sound

1999-07-22 Thread Bill Leach
Someone has posted a sequence of steps to use the build a kernel and in 
looking them over they do appear correct however...

Install the kernel build package called "kernel-package" (in slink it is
debian/dists/slink/main/binary-i386/misc/kernel-package_6.05.deb for the

This package is THE way to build kernels for a debian system and provides
many advantages!

On Tue, Jul 20, 1999 at 08:15:25PM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >From the docs, it appears that my sound card has a good chance of working.  
> I'm going to give compiling the kernel a shot (since I don't have spare $ 
> lying around). I'm going to try to find the kernel package on my Debian CD.
> I haven't found any reference to RTFineM in the documentation.  You mentioned 
> it in your initial response.  Please let me know what I need to do in that 
> regard.
> Thanks,
> Steve

Re: Lynx Problems

1999-07-20 Thread Bill Leach
I'm in danger of displaying and attitude here...  I use netscape but
consider it to be the worst piece of software that I have on any Linux
box of mine.  GUI web browsers that I have used on Linux are all junk
in my opinion!

Lynx OTOH is a "typical" UNIX program.  I have never seen Lynx crash,
hang, or fail in any way and have never heard anyone else claim that
it has for them.

Lynx help is VERY good.  The help and keystroke pages are treated just
like any other "web page" except that there is no waiting for a response!
For all the years that I have used Lynx, I have to admit that so far
I have not even scratched the capability of that program.

You can search the help pages with "/key string" which can be quite

Probably the biggest problem for people used to netscape type browsers
is that Lynx with do everything that they do (sans waste bandwidth
downloading huge, and usually useless, graphic images) and a whole lot
more but things are done in a "different" way.

On Tue, Jul 20, 1999 at 08:07:11AM +0200, Gerhard Kroder wrote:
> Doug Young wrote:
> > 
> > Does anyone know of a real basic web browser thats simple
> > to setup & configure. I am fast running out of patience with lynx
> > due to its virtually useless documentation and excessively complicated
> > config file.
> you  are thinking in terms of "netscape" or similar? why don't you just
> install it?
>  gerhard
> -- 
> Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null

Re: 3rd Call for help - Lost network card after Potato Upgrade

1999-07-18 Thread Bill Leach
Hi Doug;

I would suggest that you do through the debian-user and debian-devel
message archive lists (ie:  on

You have probably "been hit" by the "perl problem".

An "apt-get upgrade" may or may not (at this point) bring things to 
a "sane" point.

Those of us that are using "potato" in production machines are very
careful about doing upgrades... same was true for hamm and slink.
During various stages of the development an otherwise "stable" beta
can suddenly break very badly (this is of course WHY they are called
beta releases).

Part of your problem is that because perl is so critical to the 
package management system, a change in perl can easily "break" your
system in "strange ways".  Even error messages can be quite misleading
at such times.

By reading through the great many postings about this subject you should
be able to get a feel for the nature of your problems and hopefully 
either see the solution(s) yourself or at least be able to better focus
your questions.

Personally I probably can't help you beyond these suggestions because
at this moment I do not have any "current beta" machines.

Re: poff quesition.....

1999-07-18 Thread Bill Leach
Yes; but /usr/local/bin should precede /usr/bin and /bin.

On Sat, Jul 17, 1999 at 02:49:29PM -0600, David Karlin wrote:
> > Better write your own poff version, which does the stuff you want and
> > then calls poff and place it into /usr/local/bin.
> > 
> > If you change poff directly, the changes will be gone with the next
> > upgrade of ppp.
> > 
> > Ciao,
> > Martin
> > 
> If my path (root) is: 
> /sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/bin/X11:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/loca/bin
> and my path (user) is:
> /sbin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/bin/X11:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin,
> wouldn't the original, /usr/bin/poff, be called instead of my new version,
> /usr/local/bin/poff?
> --D
> -- 
> ===
> David Karlin
> Powered by Debian GNU/Linux 2.1
> ===
> -- 
> Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null

Re: PPPuzzles

1999-07-18 Thread Bill Leach
This is true but also please try to appreciate the nature and the 
magnitude of the problem.  Almost every distribution of Linux (and
for that matter UNIX) have critical differences in the fine details
of how certain tasks are accomplished.  There is almost NO task that
has only one "right" way to be accomplished.

The HOWTOs are written to attempt to cover a topic but the author's 
know that for every exact detail that they provide that there is
(at least possibly) a distribution that should not use their method
and even configurations that are using the same distribution that
they use that should be done differently.

Add to that the fact that each distribution release has some changes
to how things are handled and well...

While far from a UNIX guru, my sysadm experience with AT&T SVR4 actually
"got me into quite a bit of trouble" with debian at first.  I was
changing things that I was used to changing under SVR4 and having almost
every upgrade change them back (I was editing things that I should not
touch under debian--there is a different, and IMHO better way in debian).

One of the "toughest" things about Linux, I think, for people coming
from a non-UNIX background is that in Linux you are dealing with the
"raw stuff".  When you install the basic Linux distro you have a machine
that, at least software wise, is capable of being an ISP, an "enterprise"
server, a workstation, whatever.

The ability to do just about anything (short of realtime applications--
and even that is being worked on) that can be done by a computer or 
group of computers, a potential that exists in all Linux distributions
that I know of, means that setup and configuration will be complex.

The popular distributions such as Debian, SuSE, Caldera, RedHat, etc.
do try to ease the difficulty by providing some "default" choices that
automagically "rule out" some of the more esoteric configurations.
OTOH this is no easy task as their "market" is highly varied.  When 
they make choices that make it very difficult for a "power user" to
make needed configuration decisions (by "simplifying" the available
choices) they then risk loosing the people that may contribute the
most technically to their development efforts as well as "drive away"
the very users that might be "quantity buyers".

I know that this does not help with the problem that you are decrying
but I can only suggest that 1) you "hang in there", 2) remember that
there are many people willing to try to help, and 3) A lot of "newbies"
have made substantial contributions to such documents as the HOWTOs
by patiently determining what confused them in a document and then
respectfully submitting their own suggestions for improvement to the
author (most almost beg for such input).

On Sat, Jul 17, 1999 at 04:47:33PM +1000, Doug Young wrote:
> If anyone who is actually involved in writing documentation  PLEASE
> take this stuff
> on board because if even one elementary (to an expert) item is overlooked it
> causes
> untold frustration to the less experienced !
> >If anything, I am swamped with manuals.  Sometimes they help,
> >sometimes they don't, but much of the time the writers of all these docs,
> >HOWTOs, guides, and READMEs are so steeped in the subject that they
> >overlook the elementary statements that beginners like me need.  The exim
> >specs doc, for instance, tells me that exim is best suited for computers
> >that are "permanently connected" to the internet.  Only after reading
> >your message was I certain that this basically means "always online."  I
> >don't intend to be connected continuously; my ISP provides SMTP for my
> >outgoing mail and POP3 for incoming (also NNTP for news)-- so maybe, as
> >Jason suggested, for my pedestrian purposes something like Netscape would
> >be better than exim, the complete guide for which is HUMUNGOUS.
> >
> >I have only limited free time to school myself in Linux, so for now
> >I'm hoping to get internet operational (on a spare computer) in the
> >simplest way possible, then explore the full use of Debian as time
> >allows.
> -- 
> Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null

Re: Mail prgs (exim)

1999-07-17 Thread Bill Leach
Well, that is because exim (nor sendmail, smail, etc.) does not "do"
POP2/3 (or IMAP).  The MTAs (exim, etc.) use SMTP or the UNIX pipe
to process mail.

To pick up mail from an ISP when you are an "intermittent" connection
calls for a protocol such as POP and that function is supplied by 
another program such as fetchmail.

Be sure to look at the ISP-HOWTO as this document does an excellent
job of explaining the basics of how all of these protocols work and
what has to happen... and why.

Saying that your are "on DHCP" "And ... PCMCIA" and "not on a ppp-based
connection" is something like saying that "I walk to work but do not
eat carrots"!

_Some_ ISPs _might_ grant you SMTP service for _delivery_ of messages
to you but I suspect that in your situation they probably will not.
The problem for the ISP is that 1) you do not always have the same IP
address and 2) if you are not running 24/7 then your mail can be delayed
or rejected just because your machine was not available at the instant
that the ISP tried to deliver (rejection would require a number of 
occurrence).  Intermittently available computers are a "royal pain"
for ISPs when trying to use SMTP to deliver.

I suspect that with dynamic addressing the ISP would also have to do
some "rather exotic" configuring and probably "give up" some safety
features built into most MTAs.

On Fri, Jul 16, 1999 at 10:27:41AM -0400, Sera Hill wrote:
> Well, I'm not sure how the config works for exim.  When it asks me for
> information, I'm not sure just *what* it's asking me for?  Like the local
> hosts thing, and the relay-mail thing.  And exim never once asks for the
> POP3 Server Domain or the username/pass combo that'd be needed if it were to
> connect to my POP3 acct.
> -Sera "The Newbie" Hill
> -Original Message-
> >> Well, I'm not on a ppp-based connection.  I'm on DHCP.  And I'm on a
> >> Ethernet card.  I can ftp and run apt fine.  I can also ping people.  But
> I
> >> can't get e-mail (just realized to go to & get
> >> install-sendmail (thanks Marshal)) to work that one.  Netscape is being
> >> annoying.  I'm going to try re-installing the deb pkg.
> >--
> >You might consider exim instead of sendmail. It is MUCH easier to
> >configure. You could always change later. There are several other mail
> >progs besides. One that I have heard good things about is postillion
> >(though I have not tried it). These are both installable with apt. You
> >should probably have fetchmail and procmail from debian also.

Re: Procmail and Pine

1999-07-17 Thread Bill Leach
If you are using exim you can edit /etc/exim.conf and insert:


 driver = pipe
 command = "/usr/bin/procmail -d ${local_part}"


 driver = localuser
 transport = procmail_pipe

I _believe_ that in this instance (where procmail is run from within
exim that procmail will use a procmailrc file in /root and then a
.procmailrc file in the home directory of the user for whom the mail
is destined.

This scheme allow procmail to handle both sorting of mail from a single
source (ie:  an ISP POP account) to different users based upon whatever
criteria the sysadm chooses as well as sorting of a single users
mail to separate folders (based upon whatever rules that user might
want to use (and includes copying, forwarding, etc.).

On Fri, Jul 16, 1999 at 02:38:57PM +0200, Johann Spies wrote:
> On Thu, 15 Jul 1999, Mark Wagnon wrote:
> > Does anyone have any other procmail sources that I can look at?
> Here is my .forward (I use exim with procmail.  I believe the same can be
> done with exim alone, but I have not tried it):
> #"|IFS=' ' && exec /usr/bin/procmail -f- || exit 75 #jhspies"
> |/usr/bin/procmail
> and one of the files (shortened) in my .procmail directory:
> # The next recipe will split up Digests into their individual messages.
> # Don't do this if you use a global lockfile before this recipe (deadlock)
> :0
> * ^Subject:.*debian-user-digest
> |formail +1 -d -s >> debian
> :0:
> * ^TOdebian
> debian
> :0:
> * ^CCpgsql
> pygres
> :0:
> * ^FROMglug
> glug
> Johann

Re: Re-installation

1999-07-10 Thread Bill Leach
Hi Max;

Happy to hear that you got things working.

I can tell you that I have certainly "turned the air blue" a few times
while trying to do something with Linux/Unix (mostly with Unix come to
think of it).

One of the biggest and most frustrating things that you will likely
experience in the Linux world is that the documentation and the software
will constantly be "out of sync".  There are several reasons for this.
One is that documents such as the HOWTOs are a "snapshot" view of one
(or more) Linux distributions and Linux changes rapidly.  Another is
that all of the distributions differ from each other in various ways.

A difficult but often useful idea to keep in mind is that when reading
just about anything that purports to tell you how to accomplish some
task, it is the concepts that are most important.  The actual step that
should be taken may be handled in different ways by different distributions
and even by different releases of a particularly distribution.

Unlike another popular OS for the PC hardware, the biggest problem with
Linux is that there is a huge amount of documentation starting with the
ultimate authority -- the source code itself.

On Fri, Jul 09, 1999 at 10:41:18PM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> To All:  Btw, I finally did get my Debian 2.1.8 to re-install.  It was,
> as some of you suggested, a problem involving the proper initialization
> and mounting of dev/hda5.  It seems that when you have another OS on hda1
> (DOS drive C; bootable), as I do, and three Linux partitions with only
> hda2 (root) and hda3 (swap) designated as primary (with hda5 as an
> extended), you must depart from the default installation sequence in
> order to properly mount /usr on hda5. 
> At any rate, when I did that, the little sucker finally installed the
> base system.  Thanks to everyone for your suggestions.
> So, now I'm back to the problem of my modem.  Oh, well.-- Max

Re: unable to install - new user

1999-07-09 Thread Bill Leach
Read the installation HOWTOs!

One suggestion that I can think of is that there are machines with BIOS
related problems.  The installation HOWTO tells you about some BIOS
setting that might cause problems.  Note that some of these problem may
only affect some kernel versions and configurations.

Also trying the alternate rescue disks would be a good idea (ie: tecra,

Finally, you also might try removing any unnecessary circuit boards
(at least for the initial installation).

And no you are probably NOT doing something stupid.  As much as PCs are
"touted" as being "standard" that claim redefines the term!

On Fri, Jul 09, 1999 at 08:32:35AM +0200, Jesus Vinyas wrote:
> Hallo experts on Linux,
> Not with a lot of experience (i had rh6 running on a 486) , but with a 
> lot of interest i decided to install Debian on a P166 with motherboard VX 
> Pro+, 32 M Ram ( 16 EDO + 16 Fast Page ), with 1 Hd of 1,2 Gb (also i tried 
> with one of 170 Mb HD, other of 400 Mb,etc.)
> I tried with blanks/dos formated  Hd, with Ms-dos 6.2, under W95, well, 
> at less 20 different combinations, i read all Howto i find.. But -- always 
> -- when instalation starts after booting kernel writes no more than 3/5 
> lines (i have not time to read it), and the machine reboots, and again goes 
> to the instalation, in other cases stop after booting kernel and dont move 
> more.
> I'm sure i'm doing something stupid, but i dont know what ¡¡. Any idea.
> any idea, thks

Re: automagic ftp sessions?

1999-07-08 Thread Bill Leach
As usual, there is more than one way to do things in Unix/Linux...

Have you looked at cron?  (man cron)
crontab -l lists any current cron job schedules and 
crontab -e allows you to edit the crontab (cron table).

Basically, you would write a script to do the ftp operation,
mark the script as executable using chmod, and then make a
crontab entry to schedule execution of the script when and
as often as you desire.

On Wed, Jul 07, 1999 at 11:34:45PM -0600, David Karlin wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm running slink and would like to automate an ftp session
> to upload a file to a remote server.
> I've been reading a Unix book which says that the "<<" 
> redirector is usful for this, but no details or example are
> given.  
> I've also experimented with the macro function within ftp,
> but have been unable to set up macros which are available
> the next time I run ftp.  Seems they last only for one 
> session.
> Anyone care to shed some light?
> TIA,

Re: Thanks

1999-07-07 Thread Bill Leach
Hi Max;

Yes, if you want to use /dev/hda5 as the /usr directory then you must
choose to initialize "another partition" during the installation
otherwise all of the files normally destined for /usr (quite a few)
will be copied to /usr on the root filesystem.

If you were to later initialize /dev/hda5 and then mount it on /usr
all of the existing files in /usr "become hidden" and are unavailable
to the system.  While it is possible to copy the contents of root's
/usr to the new partition first it is not even close to as trivial
a proceedure as it might seem.

Re: Why is Windows faster ?

1999-07-07 Thread Bill Leach
No flames to you:-)

My personal experience differs from yours.  However, recognize that X is a
network GUI as opposed to Windowz which is an "integral" GUI.

Even on a single workstation X is running as a client/server model.
Essentially every keystroke, mouse event, screen draw action, etc. must
traverse all but about two layers of the OSI model.

So the amazing thing is that X performance is so comparible to Windoz.

On Tue, Jul 06, 1999 at 02:10:59PM +0200, Sami Dalouche wrote:
> I've searched a lot but can't find why is windows faster concerning the
> graphics.
> First, I'm sure, it's for the drivers : windows has optimised drivers and
> my ATI [EMAIL PROTECTED] 4MB under Linux isn't as good as a poor  old S3v 1 
> or 2 Mb.
> BTW, if anyone has found how to configure X so that the ATI driver is
> really accelerated, I'm really interessed.
> But, I tried with an S3 GX AGP, which seems to be supported well (Aren't
> the S3 the better supported ?) and I think always that X isn't as fluid as
> Windoze.
> Opening windows, dialogs under gnome, KDE or something else doesn't give
> the same impress that under Windows.
> And before answering 'Ah ! I don't think that. My X is as fluid as
> Windows or even better on my P233 + 48MB', please try rebooting under Windows.
> Spend an half hour under X and the same time under Windows opening Windows,
> dialogs, apps... and report me what you think.
> Try seeing films under Xanim and under Windows Media Player and you will
> maybe see the difference.
> Please don't flame me, I just want to know if it's normal, if it will be
> arranged or if it's just a configuration I didn't made.
> -- 
> |.   ICQ  : 25529539
> || |\  | |  | \  /   AIM  : linhax
> |___ | |  \| |__| /  \   IRC nick : linhax
> Sami Dalouche : [EMAIL PROTECTED]DHIS :
> -- 
> Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null

Re: Basic networking

1999-07-06 Thread Bill Leach
I have purchased several "hub kits" at 100Mb that sold for the same
price as 10Mb kits (same number of ports/same brand).  I suspect that
from a manufacturing standpoint that the 10Meg stuff is "obsolete".

OTOH I still agree with you in that there is no point in paying a 
premium for a 100Meg hub for "typical" 3 computer networks (though even
that consideration should consider how the machines will be used with
fileserver use "pressing" for the higher speed link).

Nothing scientific of course but my own impressing doing NFS installs
over both 10 and 100Mb links is that while the 100Mb is noticably faster
it sure isn't anywhere even close to ten times faster.

Slower machines may have to have a special option compiled into the 
kernel to make the link work reliabily (even for 10Mb much less 100).

On Tue, Jul 06, 1999 at 07:17:11AM -0400, Ipswitch wrote:
> On 5 Jul 1999, Gary L. Hennigan wrote:
> > I'm going to be setting up a small 100Mb home network soon and I'd
> Why 100Mb? 10 is fast enough for most uses and is actually faster than
> most machines can push bits out the interface.

Re: win98 and samba

1999-07-06 Thread Bill Leach
I "upgraded" a machine and installed a new win98 on my network.  No special
action on the Linux side was required.  I suppose that I should say NO action
of any kind was required on the Linux side of things (the new machine had
been defined before it was added).  I do use encrypted passwords.

On Mon, Jul 05, 1999 at 07:35:19PM -0400, Chris Hoover wrote:
> Is there anything special I have to setup to allow win98 to access my samba
> shares?  It keeps failing to authenticate my password.  I tried turning on
> encrypted passwords, but that did not seem to work.  The encrypted passwords
> gave me the no permission to access resource error.  This was all working fine
> under win95.
> Thanks,
> -- 
> Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null

Re: debian-user split

1999-07-06 Thread Bill Leach
Hi George!

Been awhile!  Nice to see that you are still around and still providing
the wonderful, thoughtful and kind assistance that I remember from the

As a "contrary" comment... IF newbie question could be directed to a 
"newbie group" then I believe that the suggestion would be useful.
Many people that are new to debian yet have already gone through the
"initial stuff" (like learning the basics of dpkg and dselect) would
be more than happy to help those just starting (and thus reduce the
load on others).

The problem with the idea that I see is that I perceive that it is 
unlikely that people that are new to Linux/Unix in general and debian
specifically will post to a "newbie" group and not to user.

I believe that one of the major problems in this area is that even 
experienced Unix people might have problems deciding what is appropriate
to "newbie" and what is appropriate to "user".  I believe that it is 
easy for one to not realize that a problem has a "debian specific"
solution even after "a lot of debian experience".

Personally I would be delighted if such an arrangement would work out
as after subscribing to "user" again for only a couple of days I am
already considering unsubscribing due to the astonishing volume of 

On Mon, Jul 05, 1999 at 01:08:14PM -0700, George Bonser wrote:
> This subject comes up every couple of months. The problem is that for a
> split to be useful, people would need to subscribe to both lists so
> splitting them accomplishes nothing.  
> If only newbies subscribe to debian-newbies, there are no experianced uses
> to help and it becomes a case of newbies leading newbies. It also slows
> their advancement from newbie status to advanced user because it would
> limit their exposure to advanced concepts and procedures.
> -- 
> Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null

Re: host info missing

1999-07-06 Thread Bill Leach
Don't know what is going on with your machines but (at least) two
of my potato based machine DO have the host information present for
logins from remote machines.

On Mon, Jul 05, 1999 at 04:29:15PM +1200, Peter Dobcsanyi wrote:
> Hi,
> After I moved from 'slink' to 'potato' I have noticed that the host
> information from the output of 'w', 'who' and 'last' is gone. For
> example 'who' gives
> $ who
> peter:0   Jun 23 16:44
> peterpts/0Jun 23 16:44 (:0.0)
> peterpts/1Jun 23 16:45
> but the last line represents a remote login and on a 'slink' machine it
> looks something like this:
> peterpts/1Jun 23 16:45 (
> I could not figure out what's the problem. Could somebody help me with
> this?
> Thanks
> Peter

Re: E-mail for dummies - part 2

1999-07-05 Thread Bill Leach
Exim does permit header manipulations including rewrite.

Re: [off topic] Mail with no destination?

1998-05-19 Thread Bill Leach
But Art, what I am talking about is a message with _NO_ headers
even so much as hinting at the _destination_ for the message.

Fetchmail, errored out (rightfully so as far as I am concerned)
because is was presented with a message that had no destination!
I say 'rightfully so' since it is pretty obvious that fetchmail
"knows" that exim has no way to determine what to do with the

Actually, I think that fetchmail errored out because there was no 
valid from:, sender, reply to:, etc. headers.  I am assuming here
that fetchmail actually was 'not concerned' that there was no
addressee of any sort but instead was concerned that there was
no way to 'bounce' this particular message so it just plain
refused to accept it (effectively blocking my ability to retrieve
mail from the ISP).

I have not yet received any (meaningful) response from my ISP but
I really do want to know how a message that has no destination 
headers of any sort could possibly have ended up in my mail 

On Sun, May 17, 1998 at 01:54:59PM -0500, Art Lemasters wrote:
> Bill said:
> > I am assuming that there must still be enough 'broken' mail
> > servers "out there" that it is still possible to move mail that
> > is not RFC compliant but I am totally mystified as to how a
> > message that has no destination can be forwarded by any mail
> > server!?
> > 
> > Has anyone else seen anything like this (ie:  No destination
> > header at all)?
>  I received a spam ad that bragged about the same thing
> you saw, but there _was_ a source IP address.  It would be
> fun to have a script to automate the process of tracing,
> WAIS-ing and bouncing such mail. 
>  ...remember the time someone on the list sent us a
> mail that was *to our domain root and from our domain root*
> (back around Feb or Mar when we were tangling with smail
> "From" headers)?  Now that was a class act! ;-)
> Art
> > 
> > -- 
> > best,
> > -bill
> > from a 1996 Micro$loth ad campaign:
> > "The less you know about computers the more you want Micro$oft!"
> >  See!  They do get some things right!
> > 
> > 
> > --
> > with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > 
> > 
> --
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

from a 1996 Micro$loth ad campaign:
"The less you know about computers the more you want Micro$oft!"
 See!  They do get some things right!

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[off topic] Mail with no destination?

1998-05-17 Thread Bill Leach
I had my first 'fetchmail failure'.  Fetchmail error-ed out when
retrieving mail from my ISP night before last.  The fetchmail error
was something along the lines of "no valid domain name for sender".

Upon starting netscape and configuring it to POP mail from my ISP,
I let netscape pull down the errant message and the remaining
messages on the ISP.  When I looked at the full headers in the
errant message there not only was no domain name for the sender
but there was no header of any kind for the originator of the

I thought that was strange until I also realized that there was
not ANY sort of destination header.  In other words, in
examining the headers provided no clue as to not only who 
originated the message but who was supposed to receive the
message (not even a 'TO: [EMAIL PROTECTED]' sort of thing).

I am assuming that there must still be enough 'broken' mail
servers "out there" that it is still possible to move mail that
is not RFC compliant but I am totally mystified as to how a
message that has no destination can be forwarded by any mail

Has anyone else seen anything like this (ie:  No destination
header at all)?

from a 1996 Micro$loth ad campaign:
"The less you know about computers the more you want Micro$oft!"
 See!  They do get some things right!

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Fwd: Re: dselect oddities

1998-05-17 Thread Bill Leach
Steve, it is not unreasonable to want dselect (or apt) to be
configurable such that you can choose to have it not do anything that
you do not explicitely request it to do.

I have maintained a partial mirror of debian for quite some time now and
still would find it handy if dselect were to have a mode such as I
believe that you are suggesting.

Having said that however...
It really does work pretty well 'as is' to satisfy that request.
It was designed to 'maintain' the system in as simple a fashion as such
a complex issue can be managed.

Although I admit to now being in the "If it ain't broke, don't fix it!"
mode myself (while hamm is in frozen), I do not personally subscribe to
that philosophy.  The 'pain' of delaying upgrading to repair bugs can be
considerable and particularly in the case for Debian, a package upgrade
rarely breaks itself or anything else.  Even during 'hamm' development,
my own experience was that it was very rare that an upgrade run would
break anything (until hamm went into 'frozen').

To me, it does not make much sense for dselect to require (possibly)
hundreds of operations to preform an upgrade of the system to current
levels.  Even if an option were designed in to allow a selection of the
default behaviour (automagic upgrade or NO-automagic upgrade) AND a
single key operation to reverse the default, I still would expect that
the 'shipping' default would be to upgrade.

Steve Lamb wrote:
> On 16 May 1998 00:22:29 -0500, Manoj Srivastava wrote:
> >Steve> Exactly.  I have been giving constructive critism and in return
> >Steve> I have been getting a flippant attitude of "It isn't that many
> >Steve> ketstrokes."  In fact, one person has said that if the
> >Steve> situation were reverse he(?)'d find it unacceptable yet is
> >Steve> asking that I find it acceptable that I must do what he would
> >Steve> not if things were reversed.
> >   That happens not to be the case. If the reverse were true:
> > that all packages were held be default, and I had to do two
> > ops to turn them t be upgraded. I would do it. If I had to release
> > them one by one, that would be unacceptable.
> >   For gods sake, read before you flame.
> I did.  I asked you if the reverse were true, if you had to select what
> you wanted to upgrade, would you find it unaccetable.  You said you would.
> What part of my statement above does not conform to that?  I can go back
> and quote from the exact messages, if you like.  It wasn't a flame, it was
> fact.
> --
>  Steve C. Lamb | Opinions expressed by me are not my
>| employer's.  They hired me for my
>  ICQ: 5107343  | skills and labor, not my opinions!
> ---+-
> --
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

from a 1996 Micro$loth ad campaign:
"The less you know about computers the more you want Micro$oft!"
 See!  They do get some things right!

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: dselect oddities

1998-05-17 Thread Bill Leach

I am interpreting what you are saying as meaning that _every time_
I run dselect, I have to choose hold (=) to prevent dselect from
upgrading automagically.  Now since I KNOW that this is not correct,
ie:  I frequently run dselect and I do not 'rechoose' hold to prevent
updating what I asked dselect not to upgrade in a previous session.

Due to a few 'surprises' that resulted in something akin to panic
here in early April (the 'frantic' time of the U.S. 'tax season'), I
have chosen NOT to allow dselect to do any upgrades from frozen without
my explicit choice.  This 'decision' seems to be 'sticky' and dselect
has 'honored' my request through numerous seperate invokations.

I will admit that 1:  I am NOT certain that I have NOT had priority
'required' packages added since I selected 'hold' and 2:  I am not 
certain that dselect's operation was the same under 'bo' but I think
that it was.  I most definately have 'updated' the package list several
times since making that choice and dselect has yet to 'surprise' me by
installing something that I did not explicitly select.

BTW, if this is a 'voting' issue (and even if it is not), I do feel
that dselect's defaults are appropriate.  Both with a 'bo' system and up
until about a month before the freeze of hamm, I was quite happy to have
dselect automagically perform upgrades.  I also fully expect that I will
again be happy with that behaviour when hamm moves from 'frozen' to

from a 1996 Micro$loth ad campaign:
"The less you know about computers the more you want Micro$oft!"
 See!  They do get some things right!

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Problem with ppp-2.3.3-5 and authentication

1998-05-08 Thread Bill Leach
Sorry about the delay in responding James, we had a 'significant'
storm roll through yesterday...

I don't know the mechanism for how the authentication actually
takes place for PAP but it looks to me as though you are either
asking for or giving the 'null string' as a password for any
user at .

The format for the entries is (AFAIK):

>From the ppp manpage, it looks as though there are several ways
that figuring out the correct hostname for the remote system 
could get fouled up.  Also,  could either be from the
'user' option or just be the hostname of your system.

I don't think that there is any interaction between PAP or
CHAP and your account password (as in /etc/passwd).

On Thu, May 07, 1998 at 04:17:11PM +1100, James Whitwell wrote:
> On 6/5/98 1:18 AM Bill Leach wrote:
> >My question would be, if Mr. Whitwell's machine is using PAP, are the
> >entries in the ppp/pap-secrets file correct?  AFAIK for the PAP
> >authentication to work (I don't use PAP but have used CHAP), the
> >Username, password, and IP address (or address range) have to match.
> [Mr. Whitwell speaks]
> I think they're OK.  In "/etc/ppp/pap-secrets" I have:
> * ""
> which the installation script put in, and which I haven't changed 
> ( is, of course, the name of the machine being dialed-up).

Do you mean 'dialing in' to this machine or being 'dialed-up' BY this
machine?  (I originally thought the former, also supported by the
following lines)

> I basically haven't changed anything from the default mgetty and ppp 
> install.
> In "/etc/ppp/options", I uncommented an "ms-dns" line and added our DNS.
> I copied "/etc/options.ttyXX" to "/etc/ppp/options.ttyS1" and changed it 
> to read ":".  Both of these are in our DNS.
> In "/etc/mgetty/login.config" I have:
> /AutoPPP/ - a_ppp /usr/sbin/pppd auth -chap +pap login
> which is unchanged from the installation (I don't seem to be having any 
> problems with mgetty in any case).
> The client machines (that dial the Linux box) are a mix of Mac (running 
> OT/PPP 1.0.1) and Windows 95 machines.  Both have worked before with the 
> previous ppp (I think it was 2.2.0-f-).
> Can anyone see anything that I've missed.  I'd be thankful for any 
> further comments anyone can make.

The only thing that I can see that appears wrong to me is that there
actually is no secret in your pap-secrets file.

from a 1996 Micro$loth ad campaign:
"The less you know about computers the more you want Micro$oft!"
 See!  They do get some things right!

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Supressing duplicate email

1998-05-08 Thread Bill Leach
There are several.  Be aware that there is a condition where you can
loose mail using the 'supress duplicate email' scripts (mentioned in
the man pages for procmail IIRC).

On Thu, May 07, 1998 at 11:21:23AM -0700, Mike Schmitz wrote:
> Does anyone have a procmail recipe to supress duplicate email? (Useful when
> subscribed to more than one Debian list).

from a 1996 Micro$loth ad campaign:
"The less you know about computers the more you want Micro$oft!"
 See!  They do get some things right!

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Install problem - kernel problems with Adaptec 2740 EISA card

1998-05-08 Thread Bill Leach
I had essentially the same symptoms with an Adaptec 2840 (I believe
that is the correct model number).  I did try a kernel compiled with
only the AIC7XXX SCSI support and had no change in symptom.

I tried the 1.3.1 disks and the hamm disks (the aic7xxx only kernel
disk was tried only with the hamm installation attempt).  I did this
only over a weekend as the machine was needed for a Wind-blows task
and was unable to pursue the problem any further.  I did try several
different hd's ranging from a very old Micropolis, only slightly
newer CDC, a reasonably new quantum, to a brand new Maxtor.  Again,
with no change in symptoms.

Since Bob's experience is almost identical to mine, I see some
'comfort' in the idea that there probably IS a solution besides
replacing the scsi host adapter!

On Thu, May 07, 1998 at 02:12:13PM -0500, Nathan E Norman wrote:
> On Thu, 7 May 1998, Bob McGowan wrote:
> : Initially, the kernel would find the 2740 cards, download "sequencer
> : code", reset the bus (3 times, once for each card), do a few other
> : things (qlogicisp probe and eata-dma probe) and panic with the message
> : "Encounterd spurious interrupt".  I checked the EISA config for the
> : cards and found they were set to "level" trigger on the interrupts,
> : changed this to "edge" trigger.  The kernel then reports 3 spurious
> : interrupts (1 per card, I presume), then aborts some scsi command due to
> : timeout, resets the scsi bus, then enter an endless loop timeing out and
> : resetting.  The abort message is "aborting command due to timeout: pid0,
> : scsi0, channel0, id0, lun0 Test Unit Ready 00 00 00 00 00".
> Have you tried a rescue disk with a kernel that has ONLY AIC7XXX SCSI
> support?  Most 2740s are pretty touchy about being probed by other
> drivers.
> I haven't used my 486 VLB w/2740 for a long time (new toys) but I can
> break it out of retirement to do some testing ..
> If you need a kernel compiled, let me know.

from a 1996 Micro$loth ad campaign:
"The less you know about computers the more you want Micro$oft!"
 See!  They do get some things right!

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: how to set up headless machine?

1998-05-06 Thread Bill Leach
Of course the machine's own ROMs determine if it can even boot without
a keyboard (that is not AFAIK not a Linux issue).  Given that you can
boot without a keyboard, then all you have to do is set up to run a 
'getty' type daemon on the serial port.

Amiga computers (m68k) for example will boot without keyboard or monitor
(or mouse) connected without problem.  There are several that I run
that way all of the time (configured with Debian Linux or even SVR4).
Though in my case, I am login in via ethernet but the principal is the
same and indeed there are some advantages to getty over ethernet (though
speed is NOT one of them).

On Tue, May 05, 1998 at 03:17:07PM -0700, Stuart Marshall wrote:
> Hi,
> I need to set up a debian/linux PC for use without a 
> keyboard or monitor.  The "frozen" distribution is already
> installed and it has an ethernet connection.  Ages ago
> I saw info on running a "serial console" and I was hoping to
> do that.  I have a second machine which has a spare serial 
> port.  I have searched the FAQs and HOWTO's in /usr/doc but
> I can't find any references for doing this.  Can someone
> point the way to the docs for headless machines.
> thanks very much,
> Stuart
> --
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Re: compiling kernel

1998-05-05 Thread Bill Leach
It is in the package 'bin86'

On Tue, May 05, 1998 at 08:36:53PM +0200, Christian Herold wrote:
> Hi!
> I've got a problem concerning Debian 1.3.1:
> I wanted to compile the kernel (2.0.9) and while making zImage, the
> following error occured: "as86 not found"
> Could you please explain me where to get this binary? The only thing I
> have is 'as' but that doesnt work!
> Christian
> --
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Compiled new Kernel now I can't boot

1998-05-05 Thread Bill Leach
Hi Keith;

I don't remember the 'mapping' for the device numbers now but I
think that 03:01 is the first partition on the first IDE drive.

Is that really where your root partition is located?

If not, then you can patch the correct boot device/partition into
the kernel with the 'rdev' command.

If you are doing something that allows you to get a 'boot:' prompt
then you can just pass the correct root device at boot time and
of course if using lilo that can be done automagically.

On Tue, May 05, 1998 at 07:55:08AM -0400, Keith wrote:
> I compiled a new kernel and now I can't boot. It stops with a message
> like this:
> Kernel Panic: VFS: unable to mount root fs on 03:01.
> I can boot my old kernel from a floppy, so can I fix it or am I screwed?
> Any help would greatly be appreciated.
> Keith
> --
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Internet from Windows/NT thru Linux

1998-05-05 Thread Bill Leach
Hummm, not sure what to say.  Yes, I knew that these were to prevent
spoofing and since I could not find any other place where ipfwadm
commands were issued, the defaults for ipfwadm appeared to be 'deny'
(which of course makes sense).

It further seemd to me that /etc/netbase is the logical location
for the additional rules.

If not, I'd rather like to know why not as well as where they should 
be placed.

On Wed, May 06, 1998 at 12:11:14AM +1000, Hamish Moffatt wrote:
> On Tue, May 05, 1998 at 09:44:56AM -0400, Bill Leach wrote:
> > The file '/etc/init.d/netbase' has the commands for setting up you
> > IP-Masquerading.  The defaults that I have seen are always to deny.
>   ^^^
> No, they don't. There are some firewall setup commands only:
>   # deny incoming packets pretending to be from
> ipfwadm -I -d deny -o -P all -S -W eth0 -D 0/0 
> 2>/dev/null || true
> ipfwadm -I -d deny -o -P all -S -W eth1 -D 0/0 
> 2>/dev/null || true
> ipfwadm -I -i deny -o -P all -S -W eth0 -D 0/0 >/dev/null
> ipfwadm -I -i deny -o -P all -S -W eth1 -D 0/0 >/dev/null
> There are only these commands, and a few others, to prevent IP spoofing.
> This seems to be a common misconception.
> Hamish
> -- 
> Latest Debian packages at PGP#EFA6B9D5
> CCs of replies from mailing lists are welcome.

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Re: Internet from Windows/NT thru Linux

1998-05-05 Thread Bill Leach

I have not found any reference to a configuration tool that would work
on my system!

I did try 'dotfile ipfwadm' a couple of time but it did not work for
me and I have not yet attempted to find out why not.

On Tue, May 05, 1998 at 08:01:00AM -0600, Rick Macdonald wrote:
> Bill Leach wrote:
> > 
> > The file '/etc/init.d/netbase' has the commands for setting up you
> > IP-Masquerading.  The defaults that I have seen are always to deny.
> > I have looked and not found any reference to a configuration tool so
> > I just added the necessary commands directly to the file.
> admin/dotfile-ipfwadm_0.23b3-4.deb
> It's in hamm but it runs OK on bo.
> -- 
> ...RickM...

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Re: recompiling kernel

1998-05-05 Thread Bill Leach
Hi Gerald;

Though I noticed your original posting I did not then comment for it 
being too much of a 'blind leading the blind' situation.

What I did notice is that the lines you quoted:

On Tue, May 05, 1998 at 12:25:40AM -0700, G. Crimp wrote:
> if hash encaps 2> /dev/null; then \
>   objdump -k -q  -o 0x10 /usr/src/kernel-source-2.0.30/vmlinux >
> $tmppiggy; \
> else \
>   objcopy -O binary -R .note -R .comment -R .stab -R .stabstr
> /usr/src/kernel-source-2.0.30/vmlinux $tmppiggy; \
> fi; \

should work.  I am most assuredly not a shell guru but the command
'hash' is a bash internal command.  _I_ would expect that shells other
than bash should work correctly because the 'hash' command itself
would not exist and that would be an error.

Under bash, at the command line I tried:
bash-2.01$ if hash encaps 2> /dev/null; then
> echo 'passed'
> else
> echo 'failed'
> fi
and got:

(just 'hash encaps' reports hash:  encaps not found)

OTOH, IF you have a command called 'hash' in your path then this
test could pass.  Does a 'which hash' provide a null response?
You might want to do a 'locate /hash' also to be more sure.


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Re: x-fer /home to new drive?!

1998-05-05 Thread Bill Leach
This should be relatively easy...

Partition the drive with fdisk (cfdisk or whatever) under linux.

'fdisk /dev/sda' probably

You might want to think about putting a swap partition on this 
new drive also.  It _should_ be a noticable improvement if you
swap much.  You probably do not do a great deal of 'seeking'
on the /home partition but your machine does a great deal of
seeking to places like '/etc', '/lib', '/usr/lib', the various
'bin', and 'X' directories.  With the swap partition on a 
different drive then swapping should be much faster.  In addition
I believe that SCSI is much less 'processor' bound than IDE/EIDE
(though I am not positive).

Make a filesystem (mkfs /dev/ /mnt -rw"

Now this next one is the one where you will be touching a 'religious'

There are (as is usual for Unix/Linux) many different ways to copy
your old '/home/*' to the new drive...

"cp -a /home /mnt"
you can user 'cpio', 'tar', and even some of the local mirroring

The 'cp' command is probably fine _unless_ you have some unusual
file storage structure in your home directory (ie:  soft or hard
links) but this is very unusual for most personal systems.

Then 'umount /mnt' (or whatever the temporary mount point was).
Would not hurt to temporarily do a 
"mount /dev/ /home -rw" and login as a normal
user and just check to see that everything is ok.

When you are satisfied then:
'umount /home'
(A little parinoia here) 'cd /home'
(some more parinoia...) Confirm with 'pwd' that you are in /home.
'rm -f *'

Remount the drive on home and finally edit /etc/fstab and add
the mount for the new drive onto home with a line something like
'/dev/ /home ext2 defaults 0 2'

I seem to remember that only the first drive root should be 'pass 1',
all other partition on that drive should be sequential (ie: 2, 3, etc.),
and the partitions on other drives should start the sequence over but
start at two (so if you made two partitions on your new drive then
their pass numbers would be 2 and 3).

Besure to look at the manual pages for the commands and aks if in
doubt.  Hopefully no one will lead you astray but we all make 
mistakes (at least _this_ we does).

On Tue, May 05, 1998 at 12:48:23AM -0500, Ian Keith Setford wrote:
> Yo-
> I have had my sytem running on a WD 2.1G for over a year but I just bought
> a Mylex SCSI card and a WD Enterprise drive.  I have everything working
> fine but now I want to mount /home on its own partition on the new faster
> drive.  What is the best way to accomplish this?  Is it even advisable?
> TIA,
> -Ian
> _
> Ian K. Setford  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>   H: 940.566.0461
> Pgr: 817.901.0255
> --
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Re: Netmeeting via Linux

1998-05-05 Thread Bill Leach
You have to have a kernel compiled with IP Forwarding and Masquerading
enabled (the default for most kernels is _disabled_).

Then configure ipfwadm (in /etc/init.d/netbase), see man 8 ipfwadm.

On Tue, May 05, 1998 at 12:14:25PM +0800, Paul Guidera wrote:
> Can anyone please point me in the right direction to getting my Debian/Linux 
> box, set up with ipfwadm for Masquerading to allowing traffic for Netmeeting 
> thru from Windows boxes on my internal network?
> Like a /sbin/modprobe/netmeeting or somthing? :)
> Regards,
> Paul

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Re: Problem with ppp-2.3.3-5 and authentication

1998-05-05 Thread Bill Leach
Well Art don't feel too silly, what you said is essentially correct (except
for the chatscript stuff of course).

The ppp protocol does not itself have a 'host/user' concept, it is a peer to
peer protocol.  In practice there typically are differences when PAP or CHAP
are involved but again the difference is in the practice and not in the 

'Hosts', in practice, do not normally authenticate themselves _to_ the
dial-in machine.

My question would be, if Mr. Whitwell's machine is using PAP, are the
entries in the ppp/pap-secrets file correct?  AFAIK for the PAP
authentication to work (I don't use PAP but have used CHAP), the
Username, password, and IP address (or address range) have to match.

If the user's machine is also setup to expect PAP authorization then
he must also have a second line for that 'secrets pair' or tell the user
to disable requiring authorization.

On Mon, May 04, 1998 at 11:59:57PM -0500, Art Lemasters wrote:
>  Mr. Whitwell just informed me that he is looking for an
> answer from the *host* point of view, so one of you old-timers
> will need to help him with it...sorry, I should have noticed
> the "mgetty" reference.  Sheesh, do I feel embarrassed! <:-) 
> > /silly/Art
> > 
> > Dear All,
> > 
> > I've only just joined this list, so I don't know if this has been 
> > discussed before.  I'm using ppp-2.3.3-5 and mgetty-1.1.14-1 to run a 
> > one-modem dialup.  Everything works just fine until pppd goes to verify 
> > the username/password, which always fails with "PAP authentication 
> > failure for ".  I've verified the username/password and they're 
> > valid.  Can someone give me some pointers on where to look next or what 
> > the problem might be?
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > 
> > 
> > --
> > with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > 
> > 
> --
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Re: Internet from Windows/NT thru Linux

1998-05-05 Thread Bill Leach
The file '/etc/init.d/netbase' has the commands for setting up you
IP-Masquerading.  The defaults that I have seen are always to deny.
I have looked and not found any reference to a configuration tool so
I just added the necessary commands directly to the file.

In any event, check what you currently permit with
'ipfwadm -l -F' (also -I and -O)

On Mon, May 04, 1998 at 11:46:29PM +, iquest wrote:
> Hi,
>   I'm connecting to internet through PPP dialup.
>   I've recompiled the kernel with all IP-Masquerade and configured
>   one of my NT4.0 box as described in the IP-Masquerade Mini-HOWTO
>   and it did not work.
>   My Linux box has the IP address:
>   My NT4.0 has IP address:
>   I can ping/ftp between machines without any problem.
>   Here is an ls /proc/net on my linux box
> -r--r--r--   1 root root0 May  4 23:21 arp
> -r--r--r--   1 root root0 May  4 23:43 dev
> -r--r--r--   1 root root0 May  4 23:21 igmp
> -r--r--r--   1 root root0 May  4 23:21 ip_autofw
> -rw-r--r--   1 root root0 May  4 23:21 ip_forward
> -rw-r--r--   1 root root0 May  4 23:21 ip_input
> -r--r--r--   1 root root0 May  4 23:21 ip_masq_app
> -r--r--r--   1 root root0 May  4 23:21 ip_masquerade
> -rw-r--r--   1 root root0 May  4 23:21 ip_output
> -r--r--r--   1 root root0 May  4 23:21 raw
> -r--r--r--   1 root root0 May  4 23:21 route
> -r--r--r--   1 root root0 May  4 23:21 rt_cache
> -r--r--r--   1 root root0 May  4 23:21 snmp
> -r--r--r--   1 root root0 May  4 23:21 sockstat
> -r--r--r--   1 root root0 May  4 23:21 tcp
> -r--r--r--   1 root root0 May  4 23:21 udp
> -r--r--r--   1 root root0 May  4 23:21 unix
> -r--r--r--   1 root root0 May  4 23:21 wireless
>   My /etc/modules
> ntfs
> tulip
> ip_masq_ftp
> ip_masq_raudio
> ip_masq_irc
> ip_masq_cuseeme
> ip_masq_vdolive
> ip_masq_quake
> Ben Pfaff wrote:
> > 
> >  I'm currently connecting to the internet from the Debian/Linux
> >  box.  I'd like to know how would I go about access the internet
> >  from other PCs (windows/nt) which are on the same network as my
> >  Linux box.
> > 
> > You should probably mention whether you are accessing the internet
> > through PPP dialup or through Ethernet.  Once you tell us, we can help
> > you a lot more readily.
> > 
> > --
> > with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> -- 
> Timothy C. Phan
> Intelligence Quest Research, INC.
> --
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Re: crt1.o problem

1998-05-05 Thread Bill Leach
I show crt1.o in '/usr/lib' and in '/usr/i486-linuxlibc/'.
bash-2.01$ dpkg -S crt1.o
libc5-altdev: /usr/i486-linuxlibc1/lib/crt1.o
libc6-dev: /usr/lib/crt1.o
(deleted lines where 'crt1.o' was a substring)

On Tue, May 05, 1998 at 06:27:20AM +0700, Michael Acklin wrote:
> Hello,
>   I am having a problem compiling some of my programs and they all 
> complain
> about not finding crt1.o. I have done a "find . -name crt1.o -print" on my
> system and can not find that file. I had a crash last week and did a full
> restore of my system from a backup the day prior to the crash. 
>   Now when i try to compile the same programs that I had compiled prior to
> the crash, they all complain about the same file. It will say "ln - crt1.o,
> file or directory not found." Does any one know what package this file is
> in so I can reinstall the package? I was thinking it was the libc5
> libraries, as I am running Debian 1.3, Linux 2.029 kernel. Thought it might
> be one of the C Run Time files, but why the restore program didn't restore
> it is beyond me. Didn't want to reinstall everything until I checked with
> y'all as I have a lot of respect for this group and have always been able
> to get answers to many questions, even if I don't ask them. I get a lot of
> information from others that ask.
>   Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
> Mike
> Mike Acklin
> Debian Newbie (Please bear with me!)
> --
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: non-free software

1998-04-02 Thread Bill Leach
I am more than just a little amazed at parts of this thread...

The 'Official Debian' position is not only clear it is also the ONLY
rational possition given the terms of Debian's own license.

Encouraging CD producers to review the licenses in non-free and make
their own decisions is sane.

As far as 'preclassifying' the 'non-free' software goes, that is an
unbelieveably complex task.  The nature of the restrictions range from
"no commercial use" (?!) to "you may not use this software for anything
related to nuclear energy, or munitions, or  (fill in the

Debian as an organization does not try to interpret beyond the
determination of whether the license is DSFG or not (a sensible
approach).  IT IS TRUE that most of the non-free software is free of
licensing requirements for _personal_ use and therefore probably the
vast majority of Debian users are actually not restricted.  However,
inclusion of such software IN the Debian Official Distribution would
then impose restrictions on commercial users of Debian not present in
the DSFG.

As stated in a different way by others, Debian's position on 'non-free'
software is appropriate to the Debian DSFG, supportive of the users, and
I believe, still very respectful of those developers such as John
Bradley that have chosen to make their software effort 'free' for
non-commercial use only.

As to 'making non-free' CD distributions...  Well the CD producers are
free to do whatever they believe is proper for their distributions (and
be responsible for their decisions).  As Scott mentioned and I indicated
above, trying to figure out what you can and can not include can be a
less than enjoyable experience.

As far as King Lee's suggestions about how to move between #1 and #2,
again, how and what you are doing with the software affects how it can
be distributed (in many cases).

I also do not see Alex's point about Debian being so difficult to base a
commercial application upon.  Debian is more difficult in the sense that
a Debian configuration is not as well documented as other distributions
so you typical Slackware based book is not much help (true also of much
of the LDP work).

However, I think that if you were able to compare individual machines
and create 'deviation' measurements you would find that most 'bo' boxes
were the same in the 'way' that they are configured and that most 'hamm'
boxes were even more consistent.  Because there _is_ a strong drive
within Debian to achieve a consistent configuration mechanism that can
deal with all of the various needs that have been encountered, I believe
that it _IS_ Debian that will be the best distribution upon which to
base a commercial product.

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Re: sdram and linux

1998-03-30 Thread Bill Leach
It sounds a lot like memory that is not fast enough (or not enough wait

It might also be some sort of "addressing error" that does not show up
in Win.

Also, did you tell lilo that you have more than 64M of memory?

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Re: kernel-package instructions questions

1998-03-30 Thread Bill Leach
No, follow the kernel-package instructions (though I think that your
doing a make dep won't actually hurt anything, you'll just be doing
something manually that make-kpkg clean will do anyway).

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Re: Hi im Sandra

1998-03-29 Thread Bill Leach
That is probably true but what I am talking about is that their attitude
toward abuse reported to them _from outside of AOL_ is also strongly
indicative of a responible ISP.

I don't have any idea of how many 'new users' AOL gets on a typically
day but I am willing to bet that the number is large.  I also suspect
that a great many of these people 'signing up' for AOL either don't
actually read the TOS or believe that it is just 'legalise' to be
safetly ignored.  If you have just a few people a week that take such an
attitude and then use one of the 'miracle email programs', as a sysadm
you have your work 'cut out for you'.

I am quite sure that AOL and many of the other 'main line' ISPs are
using email software that looks for possible abuse (hundreds of or
thousands of mailings per session, etc).  This stuff is all a lot of
trouble (and expense) for the ISP but they are doing it.

> On Sun, 29 Mar 1998, Bill Leach wrote:
> : In addition, I have personally received many messages from AOL
> : concerning abuse reports and while I can not prove the assertions, it
> : certainly looks to me as though AOL does try to prevent abuse of their
> : system.
> Of the national providers, AOL is the most proactive against spam.  They
> offer more anti-spam utilities to their users than any other.
> --
> Nathan Norman

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Re: libc6-dev dependencies

1998-03-29 Thread Bill Leach
Someone else will correct me if I have not really understood this
correctly.  As I understand it, the issue is that the kernel header
files are pretty volatile but that the overwhelming majority of
applications written deal with pretty 'standard' kernel functions.

The header files were 'breaking' the compile for application compiled
against the newer header when 'extensions' had been added to existing

So the header files were severing two groups of people with
significantly different needs:  The kernel hacker group, needing the
header files that exactly correspond to the kernel in use and the
applications people that want (and need) a 'stable target'.  The
'solution' then, as I understand it, is to periodically choose a
specific set of kernel header files as representative of the series.

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Re: Hi im Sandra

1998-03-29 Thread Bill Leach
Let me start by saying that I have no particular love for AOL.  AOL has
proven to be a real PITA for me several times (including necessitating
my putting together a Windoz box to access one of their accounts for
business purposes).

However, having said that, I believe that AOL is a 'responsible' ISP and
even though they have 'more than their share' of problem accounts it is
clear that they do (and have for many years) taken action against
abusers on their systems.  In addition, I have seen (what I think) is a
proportionally large number of email spam messages with an AOL account
or source forged into the headers.

In addition, I have personally received many messages from AOL
concerning abuse reports and while I can not prove the assertions, it
certainly looks to me as though AOL does try to prevent abuse of their

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Re: .xsession

1998-03-29 Thread Bill Leach
I'm sure I dont' understand your question...

>  2) Where can I look for documantation about customizing the X
> windows (not neccesarily the window manager) ?

>  It seems to me that most of the documantation is about the
>  instalation of Xfree86 and the window manager customization.

fvwm2 is, of course the window manager but its' documentation include
customization of the windows appearing on the x-display so managed.

There is PLENTY of documentation about the underlying X system (see
xbooks for example) but that is of little use to most people.

You might want to install and look at the dotfile generator program.  It
has documentation about configuring the behaviour and appearance of
windows on the x-display (just be prepared to experiment quite a bit).

I don't know about question 1 as I have not tried to use that capability
but suspect that there is a parameter in fvwm2's configuration that
determine if 'out of bounds' geometry gets mapped to the 'current' page
or not.

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Re: missing /usr/X11R6/lib/i486-linuxaout libs

1998-03-29 Thread Bill Leach
Maybe you just need to remove the symlinks.  I notice that my
/usr/X11R6/lib/i486-linuxaout directory is empty (hamm).

Randy Edwards wrote:
>When it rains, it pours! :-)
>Does anyone know what package contains the various libraries found
> in /usr/X11R6/lib/i486-linuxaout?  I'm missing these files for some
> reason and many packages want them!  Right now, all I have are some
> bad symlinks in that subdir.  A grep of /var/lib/dpkg/info doesn't
> show anything and I was wondering what package I'd have to reinstall
> to get those back.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Re: Installing Mouse Driver

1998-03-29 Thread Bill Leach
After you do the 'insmod' then do o a 'cat /proc/modules' and you should
see an entry like:

psaux  11

which indicate that the mouse module is indeed loaded and known to the

For gpm to work you need either:
/dev/psaux (or /dev/mouse and a link from /dev/mouse to /dev/psaux).
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/# gpmconfig
Configuring gpm (mouse event server):

Current configuration: -m /dev/mouse -t ps2 -r 70
Do you want to change anything (Y/n)? n

Listing of /dev/psaux and /dev/mouse:
bash-2.01$ ls -l /dev/ps*
crw---   1 root sys   10,   1 Mar 28 16:38 /dev/psaux

bash-2.01$ ls -l /dev/mou*
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root   10 Nov  1 16:53 /dev/mouse ->

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Re: netstd_3.03 problem, KDE problem

1998-03-29 Thread Bill Leach
The 'normal' default for dpkg is "--force-overwrite".  This is disabled
in hamm (frozen) currently to make detection of just the sort of error
that you encounted easier to find.

Check the bug list and report if it is not already there.  You can use
dpkg --install --force-overwrite  or you can go through
the 'access' selection again and choose to enable the force overwrite
for dselect.

Randy Edwards wrote:
>I'm in the process of updating my hamm system and while installing
> netstd_3.03-1 I get the following error message:
> trying to overwrite '/usr/man/man8/ftpd.8.gz', which is also in
> package wu-ftpd
> dpkg-deb: subprocess paste killed by signal (Broken pipe)
>Could someone give me a clue as to what's happening and now to fix
> it?
>Also, is there a problem with the KDE desktop package?  It seems to
> give some dependency errors but yet I'm working off from the latest
> listing at

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Re: Installing Mouse Driver

1998-03-29 Thread Bill Leach
John is probably right (insmod psaux).

Where exactly did the 'device in use' message show up?

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Re: help ?

1998-03-29 Thread Bill Leach
I think that you need the file 'lmemroot.bin' to do the installation
(see the intallation text files).

Also, please turn off your 'html' mail feature.

> Regis Hautière wrote:
> My system(386 with 6Mo of RAM) stop during the installation from the
> rescue disk after the floppy drive detection.
> What is going wrong ? Any hardware incompatibility ?
> How can I make it continue ?
> Thanks for your help
> Sincerly.
> RH.

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Re: Installing Mouse Driver

1998-03-29 Thread Bill Leach
You are probably using debian version 1.3 or earlier and have a ps2
style mouse.

Your message is not clear to me but...

If you move the mouse when in a console, does a mouse curson appear on
the screen?

Where did the error message you listed come from?  If you received that
message when X-Windows was running then the problem can be cleared up
several ways.  The best being to upgrade to the latest stable release
(version 1.3.1r6).

You also can type "gpm -k" in a console and attempt to start X again (it
should now work).

The kernels have mouse support however during installation there should
have been an option to include "module support" for a ps2 style mouse.

If you did not choose that option (and that is the problem) then there
are ways to solve the problem (I don't think that you would get the
error message you mentioned from that problem however).

John Wingfield wrote:
> I am a new user of Debian Linux.  After much guesswork I have managed to
> install Debian and XFree86 (not provided with the CD).
> Unfortunately when installing Debian I could not include a mouse driver
> in the kernal because some a "device in use" error.  As a consequence I
> cannot use XFree86.
> Can anyone offer me some advice on how to retrospectively install a
> mouse driver?
> John Wingfield
> --
> John Wingfield
> Committee Member & Website Manager
> British Double Reed Society
> --
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Re: EXIM Help

1998-03-29 Thread Bill Leach
Did you turn off fetchmail's rewrite option?

Also you can tell exim:
sender_unqualified_hosts = localhost
in it's configuration file (see the fetchmail FAQ)

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Re: Missing X file only required for version 332

1998-03-26 Thread Bill Leach
> bash: /usr/X11R6/bin/XF86_SVGA: unable to exec
> cannot find file or directory

That sounds like it is a bash error report and not an error reported by
XF86_SVGA.  I am not sure why you are not getting a better message
though it might have some to do with the amount of indirection involved
in starting the x-server.

However, have you checked the ownership and permissions of the
replacement server?  Is this server linked against libc5 (I think that
you are using bo).  Which brings up a question about Ossama's
suggestions...  Same problem in that these would need to be linked
against libc5 for a bo system, yes?

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Re: Autoup script is dangerous?

1998-03-25 Thread Bill Leach
As usual YMMV but yes is safe to run on a running machine.
Personnally, I would suggest that you do 'shut everything down' since
replacing something as critical as libc might be a bit 'chancy' while
you have the possibility of tasks being launched.

Janos Bujtar wrote:
> Hello !
> I am going to upgrade from libc5 to libc6  with autoup script on a live
> machine
> with bo system (sendmail, apache, etc) ..Is the upgrade this way safe?
> Thanx  in advance!
> james

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Re: install troubles continue

1998-03-25 Thread Bill Leach
Thanks to Nathan and Scott for the correct information.  Though I have
used both zImage and bzImage kernels I had forgotten the comments (re
bzImage).  I also hope that my comments did not cause anyone a problem.

The offset mentioned is just a (once handy anyway) means of putting a
kernel on a disk that has a boot loader already on it.

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Re: Missing packages in hamm

1998-03-25 Thread Bill Leach
Humm, I don't see xlib6_ at all.
Many of the packages that are 'missing' can be found in:

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Re: install troubles continue

1998-03-25 Thread Bill Leach
Unless I am misunderstanding something here (easily possible) the only
difference between zImage and bzImage kernels is the inclusion of the
boot sector code at the beginning of the file.

If you use lilo or loadlin then you don't want the bzImage but if you
cat or dd the kernel image to a floppy then you do need the bzImage
(unless with dd you skip the boot blocks on the floppy of course).

> : What is true is that Tecras do have no difficulties to boot unpatched
> : zImage kernels.
> Bummer.  They used to be zImage kernels.
> Does this mean we have no boot disks with zImage kernels?

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Re: xdm, X, fvwm2 : newbie questions

1998-03-25 Thread Bill Leach
I don't even know 'how far back' this was (bo, rexx?) but I do know that
at one time, I had to 'kill' gpm to run X and there was a note somewhere
in the gpm stuff about the problem.

> Really, this has never been a problem for me. The only problem I had with
> X11 and a ps2 mouse is related to StarOffice4. It freezes when you click 
> on the menus with a ps2 mouse. Stardivision has released a patch now, but
> I haven't tested it, because I found a Logitech 3-button serial mouse.

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Re: Win95 as a terminal

1998-03-25 Thread Bill Leach
The short answer is 'yes'.

One way would be to set up a ppp link on both the windoz box and the
linux box (easy on Linux, don't know about windoz).

Basically though, I would guess that if you can tell the Windoz dialer
to make a connection without it issuing modem command then it should
also be easy to do.

I suggest that you do some reading.  Take a look at the HOWTOs for
serial, ppp, and especially NET3.

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Re: minimum reqd. files to run X-win on hamm

1998-03-25 Thread Bill Leach
There are probably better ways to do this (so I'll be watching for other
answers too) but you can just do a 'more /var/lib/dpkg/available' and
take a look at the 'depends' and 'recommends' sections for 'xbase' and
the appropriate 'xserver'.

You can also just run dselect.  Make sure that it is a 'clean run' (ie:
there are no pending actions and you have not done an 'update avail'
since the last 'install').

Choose a package such as xbase and write down the required and suggested
packages.  Accept the ones that are required and repeat this process
until no further 'conflict' screens appear.  Then you _should_ be able
to exit the selection phase with an 'X' and have all of your changes
dropped.  NOTE:  I have NOT done this (or at least not recently enough
to be sure that it works as advertised).

Basically, to install X you have to have the xbase package, font base
and fonts, xlib's, and a server.

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Re: xdm, X, fvwm2 : newbie questions

1998-03-25 Thread Bill Leach
With a ps2 style mouse, it is either use gpm for both consoles and X or
kill gpm to run X (for whatever reasons they will not co-exist on a ps2
style mouse).

> I've never seen the advantages of using /dev/gpmdata as I have never
> had any problems getting my mouse to work correctly in X11. YMMV
> though. I think not using the gpmdata method makes it simpler anyhow.

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Re: RESC1440.BIN

1998-03-24 Thread Bill Leach
You are right in that it call for an option in the docs (though the
option is 'bs=512').  However, I have pretty much always just specified
the 'if', 'of' and they work.

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Re: RESC1440.BIN

1998-03-24 Thread Bill Leach
Well I just copied resc1440.bin to a floppy last night.
Did you use?:  dd if=resc1440.bin of=/dev/fd0

Mike Santner wrote:
> I was attempting to install Debian from floppy but the RESC1440.BIN is
> too large to fit on a 1.44 disk.  This seems to make installation
> impossible.  Am I doing something wrong or what?  I ended up installing
> from the hard drive.   Other than that, the installation is very easy
> and straight forward.
> Thanks,
> Mike

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Re: more or less Newbies?

1998-03-23 Thread Bill Leach
The 'bug' mentioned in 'more' when used with man pages is IMHO not a
bug.  More does 'back-scroll' when viewing man pages because it is not
possible to 'back-scroll' a pipe.  'Less' does not 'show' this
characteristic behaviour of pipes because less creates its' own buffer
containing the entire contents of the pipe.  The man pages are run
through a filter/formatter and then piped to a pager.

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Re: Attn: Newbies Re: Random "Broken Pipe"

1998-03-23 Thread Bill Leach
I think that it is mostly historical (just about every Unix system since
about 1970 has had 'more').

There are some other reasons that are now at least mostly not
applicable.  For example, 'more' will work on a printing terminal but I
believe that 'less' will not.  There might be other VDTs that can not
use 'less'.  Another 'problem' that surely would be rare anymore is that
'less' will use a great deal more memory than 'more' for large files.

Take a look at 'zless' too.  This nifty pager displays gzipped files

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Re: Mutt 0.89.1-4 [hamm]

1998-03-21 Thread Bill Leach
Did you look on a NON-US mirror site?  The pgp stuff can not be posted
on U.S. based sites because the U.S. Govt. is paranoid that somehow the
U.S. defense department will be destroyed if a cryptographic system
(available worldwide) is imported into the U.S. and then exported.

Norbert Veber wrote:
> I am just currious as to what happened to the pgp support in this version of
> mutt?  I read the docs, and it says that it is still supported, but it no
> longer gives me to option to encrypt messages before sending them..
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Samba, Passwords & PAM -- Help (hamm)

1998-03-21 Thread Bill Leach
Need help.  I set up Samba to let me network a Windoz 3.11 box (yuck)
with my main debian Linux machine:
Pentium 48MB
Kernel version 2.0.30
smbd Version 1.9.16p11

Passwords do not seem to work.  If I set /etc/samb.conf so that the
various services are 'public' then those services are available and work
from either smbclient or the Windoz box.  Anything set up to require a
password though failes--both ways.  Attempting to use smbclient to login
to the windoz box also fails.

One error message that does baffle me a bit is that I get something
like:  "Server gave us a UID of 100. We gave 1000" with the second UID
matching the particular Linux login name.

This is probably just a real good example of 'ignorance at work' but I
also note that adding a -U  does not alter the UIDs printed
out.  Also, the UID '100' makes no sense to me at all.

The machine has shadow passwords and PAM installed.  PPP seems to work
OK with the PAM as does NFS.

The notes for Samba (in /usr/doc) mention that this particular Samba IS
compiled for PAM support but I can't find anything on how to set it up
(plus I am still suspicious about the UID '100' thing).

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Re: newbie setup of ppp Thanks connected (network unreachable)

1998-03-09 Thread Bill Leach
Ok, I'm sure we can work through this...
Your /etc/nsswitch.conf file probably needs to have something like this
(this is from the hamm distribution but I believe that bo is similar):
# /etc/nsswitch.conf
# Example configuration of GNU Name Service Switch functionality.
# Information about this file is available in the `libc6-doc' package.

passwd: db files
group:  db files
shadow: db files

hosts:  files dns
networks:   files

protocols:  db files
services:   db files
ethers: db files
rpc:db files

netgroup:   db files

order hosts,bind
multi on

Your ifconfig should look something like this:
bash-2.01$ /sbin/ifconfig
lo   Link encap:Local Loopback 
 inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
 RX packets:196 error:0 dropped:0 over:0 frame:0
 TX packets:196 error:0 dropped:0 over:0 carrier:0 coll:0

eth0 Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:A0:24:06:CA:E5  
 inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
 RX packets:0 error:0 dropped:0 over:0 frame:0
 TX packets:0 error:0 dropped:0 over:0 carrier:0 coll:0
 Interrupt:10 Base address:0x300 

ppp0 Link encap:Point-to-Point Protocol  
 inet addr:  P-t-P:  Mask:
 RX packets:15819 error:1 dropped:1 over:0 frame:0
 TX packets:12228 error:0 dropped:0 over:0 carrier:0 coll:0

Of course, if you don't have an ethernet card the middle section will
not exist.  Also, for most situations, the "inet addr:" numbers will be
different for each online session.

Your routing table should look something like this (and the default is
the important one here--the last entry):

bash-2.01$ /sbin/route -n
Kernel IP routing table
Destination   Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref  Use Iface UH0  0  0 ppp0   U 0  0  0 eth0   U 0  0  6 lo UG0  0 57 ppp0

Naturally, you are not likely to be connected to the site ""
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Re: Mirror problem!

1998-03-09 Thread Bill Leach
I don't think that what you are getting is exactly a bug in mirror. 
While not certain about this, I believe that it is a problem experienced
by running into the maximum number of ftp users on the mirror's source

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Re: New web page: Debian Resources

1998-03-09 Thread Bill Leach
Chris, nice job!

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Re: Upgrade...

1998-03-09 Thread Bill Leach
Yes they are related.  Look at the script or the Libc5 ->
Libc6 upgrade HOWTO.

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Re: newbie setup of ppp

1998-03-09 Thread Bill Leach
Please everyone!  The advice to use minicom or seyon is of course good. 
Recognize however that with at least some ISPs that use CHAP, you can be
mislead by the results that you see with a term program.

The problem is that some ISPs are monitoring the port such that a
carriage return (or newline) character wakes up a getty (and thus blocks
ppp until either logoff or timeout).

Thus for some ISPs, there is NO "login/username & password" type
sequence prior to ppp starting up.  To connect to this sort of ISP then
one just exits the chat-script after the connect message from the modem
(of course the CHAP secrets file must be set up -- or maybe PAP).

Some common problems...
Enabling the "auth" /etc/ppp/options in the bo distribution (note that
the default for this is now 'set' and should not be changed in the
options file (for hamm).

NOT disabling "auth" with "noauth" in the ppp/providers file
('Auth' makes your machine _require_ your provider to authenticate
itself with you--most will not).

The ppp connection can sometimes not startup if the chat-script exits
too quickly (ie:  ppp tries to start before the modem's connect message
has been completely received).  I don't remember the fix that I saw for
this but setting the modem's connect report to just be the word
'connect' would probably work (I also don't understand why ppp doesn't
recover from this problem on its' own unless maybe the outgoing ppp data
is forcing the modem to stay in command mode).

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Re: Moved harddisk

1998-03-04 Thread Bill Leach
Yes, the first part of what you have done should be correct for a floppy
boot system.  The entries in /etc/fstab do HAVE to reference the correct

If you are using lilo on the boot floppy then that has to be corrected
for the new location also.

Hunter H Marshall wrote:
> I have a 1.2.8 system that I boot from floppy. I
> moved the harddrive from (effectively) /dev/hda to
> /dev/hdb. I then used rdev to change the boot
> device and the swap device to their hdb
> counterparts. Should that have been sufficient?
> Is there a primary/secondary IDE issue (if I'm
> saying that right)? What about the /etc/fstab
> which reference /dev/hda?
> Thanks
> hunter

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Re: crt1.c

1998-03-04 Thread Bill Leach
This is just a bit of guessing here.  It sounds like your messages have
to do with trying to compile crt1.o.  However, there are lots of other
possibilties.  It could be that the makefile uses command/syntax not
recognized by GNUmake

Do you know what the function of crt1.o is?  It is possible that this
file will not compile under Linux if it is specific to Irix (at least
not without some 'porting' effort).

Bruce Dobrin wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm trying to compile a tool from Irix,  What I'm currently getting is a 
> syntax type error in something called "crt1.o"  checked the source and the 
> original stable release and it is distributed as crt1.o.  Does anyone know 
> what this is and where I can get the uncompiled code?
> Thanks
> Bruce Dobrin
> Multi Media Dept.
> Sony Pictures Imageworks
> 310-840-8412

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Re: dpkg thinks my pentium is an i486 ?

1998-03-03 Thread Bill Leach
I'm not so sure that it doesn't.  That is certainly well within the
capabilities of make itself...

Joost Kooij wrote:
> On Tue, 3 Mar 1998, joost witteveen wrote:
> [A very interesting and informative expose, thanks Joost!]
> As it works now (as I understand) the rules makefile effectively tries to
> make the build independent of the actual machine it is built on. Of course
> this is great for maintainers who create a binary for distribution.
> It would also be nice to have an easy way to rebuild a package as user and
> have the building optimized for the particular machine that the user has.
> If the rules file could take standard parameters like the cc to use,
> optimization flags to use, another architecture altogether than the
> machine on which is built etc., that would be a nifty thing to have.
> Oh well,
> Cheers,
> Joost
> --
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Re: 80M Thanks, and new question :)

1998-03-03 Thread Bill Leach
If you have successfully run then you need to run dselect
(though do read the upgrade howto's, etc.). is designed to get you to the point where deselect CAN do the
upgrade.  One of the problems is that with the libc5 --> libc6 upgrade
many of the things that dselect/dpkg rely upon as a system are
interdependent.  Thus, the checks the current status of some
very critical packages and then upgrades the packages that are essential
for dselect/dpkg to be able to complete the job.

When you run dselect you should notice that there will been a large set
of groups of packages that will be the catagory of "Updated Available"
(IIRC the heading title).  These are the packages that dselect 'thinks'
that should be upgraded on your system (based upon the packages
fundamental relationship to linux--ie:  essential packages as well as
based upon what packages you currently have installed, including
packages that you might not have had installed but are now dependencies
for such packages)

I suggest that you run dselect without making any changes to what
dselect has 'decided' that you need (except on the off chance that in
dependency resolution dselect has choosen an alternative that you don't
care for).

Once that has completed then add the development packages (or whatever
else) that you want on your system that are not installed.

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Re: Problem

1998-03-03 Thread Bill Leach
Unless I am hopelessly dense (a distinct possibility) the 1024 cylinder
'limit' is a BIOS/ROM specific issue and that there are now motherboards
with BIOS/ROMs that no longer impose that limit (and that this situation
has existed for a long enough period of time that virtually all newer
machines will not have the problem).

I am almost as much an anti-PC hardware bigot as I am an anti-M$ bigot
and have been 'flamed' several times (even on this list) for my 'style'
of discussing this issue.

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Re: LI instead of LILO:

1998-03-03 Thread Bill Leach
I don't remember the specific meaning of lilo stopping at LI either but
as mentioned it is explained in the LILO HOWTO.

Answering (at least partially) the question that I think that you are

You probably DO NOT need to reinstall.  The problem is likely just a
lilo configuration problem and should be correctable without starting
all over again.  One potential proplem however is that your hard disk is
'created' in a CMOS 'normal' mode when it should have been a LBA or
'linear' mode.

Do read the LILO documentation, it will be well worth the time invested.
A not very detailed explanation of what you need to do is:
Boot your Linux system from floppy.  If you use the rescue/installation
disk then answer the first couple of questions (color console, keyboard)
and then hit alt-F2 to go to the extra console.

type 'mount -t ext2 /dev/hda2 /target' (substituting whatever is the
correct location for your linux root partition where I have '/dev/hda2')

edit (or at least check) the text file /target/etc/lilo.conf.

run lilo by typing
'lilo -r /target'

Unless told otherwise, lilo assume that its' configuration file is
/etc/lilo.conf and that the location for lilo's working files is /boot
(which is not the case if you boot from a kernel that uses a ram
filesystem or some other partition as the root filesystem).

I do not know if lilo's options can get you 'around' the problem where
the drive's structure does not match 'normal mode' or 'LBA mode'.
Lilo does have an option switch '-l' which says 'generate linear mode
addresses' and '-P fix|ignore' which tells lilo to fix or ignore a
fouled up structure (ie:  translation of head/sector does not yield the
correct LBA).

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Re: I need help

1998-03-03 Thread Bill Leach
I presume that you installed the 'bo' or stable release (ver 1.3.1) and
that you installed close to the latest packages...

ppp-on and ppp-off were replaced with /usr/bin/pon and /usr/bin/poff.

Have you determined if your ISP uses PAP or CHAP?
Do you have to login with a 'username' or 'account' and 'password'?

Have you tried loggin in with a term program such as miniterm yet?

Unfortunately, the HOWTOs were originally write almost exclusively from
the standpoint of a Slackware distribution.  People using debian,
redhat, caldera, unifix, (as far as I know even slackware now), and
other distributions are sometime mislead in various ways by the HOWTOs.

Debian, in particular differs from the the specifics of the HOWTO.  This
deviation is not done 'just to be different' and indeed the entire Linux
community often eventually adopts the 'debian way'.

The debian effort is intended to produce a system that is upgradeable
with minimum impact on your configuration (and thus on you!).  However,
to do that usually requires that the debian distribution does things a
little bit differently than some of the other distributions have done
things in the past.

Unlike DOS and a number of other operating systems, Unix/Linux is pretty
famous for allowing users (and system administrators where applicable)
to choose many different ways to accomplish a given task.

As a practical matter, some restraint must be imposed upon system
administration if it is to be possible to produce a package mainenance
system that can upgrade packages while retaining the specific
configuration that you choose to run.

Thus, debian differs a bit from other distributions because alteration
that you make to your system should comply with the 'debian way' or
future upgrades could fail to properly install (in most of those cases
you would have to do your configuration over again).

Ivan & Ines Rojas wrote:
> Hi there,
> I just finish installing and setting my linux box, which wasn't a easy job
> for a windows user :-) and then I decided to use PPP.
> I install the module accordingly with the PPP-HOWTO but I'm missing the
> ppp-on and ppp-off files.
> I have no idea if I did something wrong, eventhough I didn't do much either.
> But any ways, my question is: how can I put these files in my system? can I
> just create them from the scratch using emacs or any editor? if that's so,
> where can I get the file templates?
> Please help me, I really want to try linux connected to internet, I've been
> trying 4 months to setup this machine and right now I just can logon, mess
> around and type "shutdown -r now". I'm starting to feel a little frustrated
> :-(
> Thanks a lot.
> Ivan

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Re: disk partitions (part 3) ... :D

1998-03-03 Thread Bill Leach
Hi Helmut;

I am not really much of an expert in this sort of problem but would like
to see if I can help you to have a little better understanding of what
is going on with your system (as best as I understand anyway)...

The ROM portion of DOS loads and executes the mbr, including accessing
the disk drive for the mbr code.  Thus for your system to boot, it is
necessary for the ROM code to be able to find the files needed by lilo
(the files in /boot).

The was 'created' as a 'normal' disk and not a 'lba' disk.  The ROM code
then has to use the 'normal' mode to find the files needed by lilo.  If
you change the mode to 'lba' then when the ROM code interprets the disk
structure information to produce the block numbers that should be used
by the drive to seek to the requested files, the resulting numbers are
NOT the blocks where the files are actually located.

As far as I know the DOS portition of this problem IS not solvable by
any practical method other than reformating the disk under DOS with the
mode set to LBA.  It is actually possible to hand edit the disk
structure information used by the DOS based ROM code and I am told that
there are people that have done this but it is anything but a trivial

IF you do not need to have DOS access to this drive (that would include
Win95 and OS2) you MIGHT be able to do a 'work around'.  First I don't
KNOW that this will work and can't quite tell from your posting if you
already have indication that it will not...

IF the ROM code can load and execute the mbr with the CMOS mode set to
LBA then I think that this will work otherwise it is just a waste of
your time and effort.  My suggestion is:

Set the CMOS to LBA for the drive (this BTW is something that I CAN NOT
do on my own system -- if a drive on my system was formatted in normal
mode then a change to LBA in the CMOS is automatically changed back).

Boot your system using a Linux boot floppy (rescue/installation) if you
don't have something else.

Run lilo (note that if you boot Linux such that your hard disk is NOT
the root filesystem (such as is the case with using the
rescue/installation disk) then it is necessary to tell lilo where the
normal root partition is currently mounted (see the lilo HOWTO or man
page) with something like "lilo -r /target" (assuming of course that you
mounted your normal hard disk Linux root filesystem on the rescue disk's
ram filesystem on the directory named 'target').

Now AGAIN, I have no idea whether this will work or not.  For this to
work it is necessary that 1)  the ROM code actually will access the disk
when there is a mode mismatch and 2) that lilo _uses_ that code to
determine what the location of the files that are needed during boot
WILL be.

I was just going to send this to you privately but I believe that it is
better to subject this to critical review of those that know the lilo
code as well as the details of exactly how the disk information is used
and interpreted by the ROM code.

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Re: Unidentified subject!

1998-03-03 Thread Bill Leach
Well on my hamm system they ARE the same file (hard link):

bash-2.01$ ls -li /sbin/mke2fs
  19716 -rwxr-xr-x   2 root  root 17116 Jan 29 12:56 /sbin/mke2fs
bash-2.01$ ls -li /sbin/mkfs.ext2
  19716 -rwxr-xr-x   2 root  root 17116 Jan 29 12:56 /sbin/mkfs.ext2

Bob Hilliard wrote:
>  I have assumed that mkfs.ext2 and mke2fs were links to the same
> file.  Apparently they are not:
> bob:vc-3:bob>ls -il /sbin/mkfs.ext2
>   86256 -rwxr-xr-x   1 root root17116 Jan  7 21:10 
> /sbin/mkfs.ext2*
> bob:vc-3:bob>ls -il /sbin/mke2fs
>   86255 -rwxr-xr-x   1 root root17116 Jan  7 21:10 /sbin/mke2fs*
>  I believe they are the same file, and should have been installed
> as links, either hard or symbolic.  Is this a bug against e2fsprogs?
> The mkfs.ext2 man page _is_ a symlink to the mke2fs man page.

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Re: 80 MB ram in debian system

1998-03-02 Thread Bill Leach
>From the xconf menu:

This is for some buggy motherboards which cannot properly deal
with the memory above 16M. If you have more than 16MB of 
RAM and experience weird problems, you might want to try Y,
everyone else says N. Note for machines with more that (sic) 64MB of
RAM: in order for the kernel to be able to use the memory above
64 MB, pass the command line option "mem-xxxM" (where xxx is
the memory size in megabytes) to your kernel during boot time.
See the documentation of your boot loader (lilo or loadlin) about
how to pass options to the kernel. The lilo procedure is also
explained in the SCSI-HOWTO, available via ftp (user:
anonymous) in You also
need at least 512KB of RAM cache if you have more than 64MB of
RAM. Some other things to try when experiencing seemingly
random, 'weird' proplems: 1)passing the 'no-hlt' option to the
kernel 2)passing the 'no-387' option to the kernel 3)passing the
'mem=4m' option to the kernel (thereby disabling all but the first
4M of RAM) 4) disabling the cache from you BIOS settings 5)
exchanging RAM chips 6) exchanging the motherboard.

Russ Cook wrote:
> Hi All,
> This weekend, I added some ram to my system.  I now have two 32 MB 
> simms,
> and two 8 MB simms, giving me a total of 80 MB of ram.  My bios recognizes
> all ram at bootup, but Linux only recognizes 64 MB.  I think this has been
> addressed here before, something about a line added to lilo.conf.  But, I
> don't remember the solution.  Could someone repeat it for me?
> Thanks very much.
> Russ
> Russell Cook, Engineering Branch
> WSR-88D Operational Support Facility
> (405)366-6520 x4237

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Re: Help with ftp

1998-03-02 Thread Bill Leach
In ftp: mget *
However, if you are running Linux on anything then I strongly suggest
that you get one of the mirror programs so that dates and symlink are
preserved.  mget * will copy symlinks by copying the files.  So, for
example the 6 meg+ kernel source packages will appear multiple times in
your destination directory tree!

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Re: Thanks :)

1998-03-02 Thread Bill Leach
Pine is clearly one of the better documented programs in the world of
computing.  If you press the '?' key from almost anywhere other than
when in 'compose' then pine gives you help.

As Remco mentioned the 'h' command is the one that you want to toggle
between 'all headers' and 'normal headers'.  However, in all of the
recent distributions of pine that I have seen recently, this command is
disabled by default.  So to enable 'toggling header display', from the
main menu type:
's', then 'c', scroll down a couple of screenfulls until you see:
'[ ] enable-full-header-cmd', with that entry highlighted, press 'x'.
Then press 'e' answer the 'save/cancle' question.

When any of the entries is highlighted, pressing '?' will give you a
help explanation.

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Re: Activate Lilo

1998-03-02 Thread Bill Leach
FIRST--READ the Linux-Win95 HOWTOs!!

I do have, nor have I ever had Win95 on any machine that I own or
control however...

When you re-installed Win95, it appears that Win95 rewrote the mbr
(Master Boot Record) on your hard disk.  This means that the code that
lilo installed there was 'blown away' by Win95.

You can replace this code by booting from the rescue or installation
disk, or a maintenance disk (if you produced one).  I am a bit reluctant
to give you the following because by my NOT having read the above
mentioned HOWTOs I could be telling you something that will work for
lilo but still be the wrong thing for you to do.  So again, I caution
you that you if you do what I am describing without confirming that the
HOWTO that address the Win95/Linux coexistance say that this is an OK
thing to do then you are making a mistake...

After answering the first couple of questions (if using the rescue/
installation disk--ie:  color monitor, keyboard), then hit alt-F2 to go
to the second console.  Type 'mount -t ext2 /dev/hdaX /target' (note
that /dev/hdaX is the drive and partition where your Linux root
partition is located.  If Win95 was re-installed to the same partition
that it was on when you installed Linux then your /etc/lilo.conf file
should still be correct.

Type 'lilo -t -r /target'

This will cause lilo to use your Linux hard disk installation's file
(the -r /target) and the -t will cause lilo to process the files WITHOUT
making any changes.  If there are errors however, lilo with tell you
about them.  If there are no errors, then 
type:  'lilo -S -r /target' and lilo will rewrite the mbr.
The '-S' is to tell lilo to save the current mbr even though there is a
saved mbr already.  You normally would never use this option to lilo
except for the situation that you currently have.

Abou Anber wrote:
> Dear Sir :
>   First I have windows 95 system and I installed Debian system.
> After I installed debian system I can choose through lilo which system
> I want start. After some time Some problem was occured in windows 95,
> which make me reinstall windows 95 again. At that time lilo don't work.
> How can I activate it.
> or How can I choose between windows 95 and Linux.
> Many thanks
> Abou ANber
> --
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Re: kernel-source-2.0.33

1998-03-02 Thread Bill Leach
I don't know the answer to that one but one possibility is that the
package was present but that the 'Packages' had not yet been replaced.

I did not look at the time stamps so I have no idea if that could
possibly have been the problem but only that during 'archive
maintenance' the various 'Packages' files could be 'out of sync' with
what is actually present in the areas that the file cover.

In the future, even if that was not the problem this time, you might
want to take a look in the root of the debian tree to see if the zero
length file "Archive-Maintenance' is present.  When that file is present
there is a possibility that either a package that is present will not be
listed in the package file or that there will be files listed that are
not in the archive.

> I was using for the ftp setting on dselect but all it
> found was 2.0.29 and 2.0.30 kernel-source packages.why didn't it
> find the 2.0.33 you list above?

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Re: kernel-source-2.0.33

1998-03-01 Thread Bill Leach
For the 'bo' distribution (1.3.1r6) look in:

For hamm look in:
or for that matter:
(the latter two are symbolic links to the copy in 'binary-all'.

Henry Hollenberg wrote:
> I found the kernel source package for 2.0.33 on the debian web page search
> engine but can't seem to find it with dselect.  Anybody know how?
> Henry Hollenberg [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: Bounced mail from debian-user list (?)

1998-03-01 Thread Bill Leach
Thanks for your posting!!

I also just now received a bunch of 'returned mail messages' for
messages that I have posted to the debian-users list and have already
been sent to my mail account from debian-users.

In my case the specific postings for which the 'returned' messages were
sent were posted directly to an ISP using netscape mail.  I have not
made any changes to netscape for months so I suspect that there has been
some change made at and your posting furthers that

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Re: .deb installation

1998-03-01 Thread Bill Leach
This really should be:

dpkg -i /filename1.deb ... /filenameX.deb
(or cd to  first).

Ben Pfaff wrote:
>How can i install the both packages in Linux with the other hard disk
>partition mounted or how can install the packages from floppies?
> dpkg -i FILENAME1.deb FILENAME2.deb
> --
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Re: trouble with the boot-block..

1998-03-01 Thread Bill Leach
> All this makes sense, of course.  What I don't understand is
> how something got written to the MBR and why my floppy drive
> is ignored now.  To clear my SCSI drives 1 and 3, I'll have to
> do a low-level format.

>From an earlier message, I gathered that you DID tell the installation
program to install lilo at least during one installation attempt.  If
you did that then lilo installed the lilo boot loader code in the MBR. 
When lilo does this, it creates some files in /boot/ directory including
a copy of the original boot block.  Lilo csn then later be told to
'remove itself' and replace the original boot code.  However, in your
case, you re-attempted initial installation which 'wipes out' the files
saved by lilo.  Thus, there is no longer any way for lilo to restore the
original boot code since it really does not exist.  So even if the
installation code authors examined the drive to look for a previous
installation of lilo, there is no way that they could 'uninstall' it

In addition, many people have multiple installation of Linux on the same
machine (I usually have two or three myself).  It would be a _real_
disaster for me if lilo removed the lilo boot code when I did a second
or third linux installation.

I am at a complete loss as to what linux could possibly have done to
make your floppy be ignored.  As far as I know, recognizing and booting
from your floppy is an activity that takes place long before ANY linux
code is loaded and executed (you do have the CMOS set for A: then C: and
not the otherway around, yes?)

Actual low-level formatting of scsi drives is a pretty unusual activity.
Drives vary between just plain ignoring the command, immediately
returning an operation complete response, running a bad block scan, to
actually DOING a low level format.  Many scsi drives actually can not be
low level formated without special (manufacture specific) software.

As I think I mentioned to Jean Pierre, my knowledge of
DOS could be stuffed into a thimble.  At any rate, DOS
is gone, and /dev/fd0 is useless.

(I just knew there was something I liked about you!)

Last night I catenated /target/etc/lilo.conf to stdout
and saw something like what you've got below.  But it
didn't do much good because I'm not familiar with the
file.  Also, didn't find anything in the boot that came
with v1.3.

Can you tell me what to edit to what to get rid of lilo
from the master boot rec?

Short of the DOS FDISK/mbr I don't know of anything (simple) that you
can do to get rid of lilo at this point.

You can edit /etc/lilo.conf so that it looks something like this:
boot = /dev/sda
timeout = 50
delay = 20
install = /boot/boot.b
map = /boot/map
vga = normal
image = /vmlinuz
root = /dev/sda3
label = Linux
table = /dev/sda
label = DOS

Substitute your drive designation for 'boot = /dev/sda' (but I think
that is correct for your system.
Substitute your drive/partition designation for 'root = /dev/sda3' of
your (attempted) linux installation.
Substitute your drive/partition disignation for 'other=dev/sda1' for the
location of your DOS partition (if you have one).
I think but am not positive that the 'table = /dev/sda' has to point to
the drive that contains the linux root filesystem (regardless of where
the dos partition is located).

After editing that file (/etc/lilo.conf) then run lilo itself:
lilo -t -r /target

The '-t' tells lilo to just tell you what it wants to do but not to
change anything.  A '-v' tells lilo to be somewhat verbose.
The '-r /target' tells lilo to the directory '/target' as the 'root' for
its' operations (otherwise lilo would want to modify the ram filesystem
which would be a bit useless).

This should give you an output like:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/wrl# lilo -q -t
Linux   *

If you use the '-v' option then it might look something like this:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/wrl# lilo -v -q
LILO version 20, Copyright 1992-1997 Werner Almesberger

Reading boot sector from /dev/hda
Global settings:
  Delay before booting: 2.0 seconds
  Command-line timeout: 5.0 seconds
  Always enter boot prompt
  Serial line access is disabled
  No message for boot prompt
  No default boot command line
  Linux   *
No password
Boot command-line won't be locked
No single-key activation
VGA mode: 9 (0x0009)
Kernel is loaded "high", at 0x0010
No initial RAM disk
No fallback
Options: "ro root=304"
No password
Boot command-line won't be locked
No single-key activation
No fallback

(Your lilo version is probably different than mine so the message may
well not be an exact match.

If what you get does look pretty much like the above (and in particular
lilo does not report any errors) then type:
lilo -r /target
Lilo should then correctly install itself but remembe

Re: 2.0.33 kernel and libc6 dependancies

1998-02-27 Thread Bill Leach
Hummm, I have not tried that yet but it should work.  When I do a 
dpkg --status libc6-dev
it shows the dependency as  kernel-source-2.0.32 (>= 2.0.32-2) so your
2.0.33 should meet that requirement.

Damir J. Naden wrote:
> Hi, all --
> I just recompiled my own version of 2.0.33 kernel, based on 2.0.33_2.0.33-3
> source package. Everything runs fine for the time being, and the only question
> I have is : how do you get rid of the kernel-source-2.0.32_2.0.32-3 package?
> It takes up a whole lot of space on my machine and it does absolutely nothing
> now that the 2.0.33 is current one. I tried to purge it (after I have
> installed kernel-source-2.0.33_2.0.33-3.deb package), but I got the message
> that libc6-dev_2.0.6-2.deb package depends on it and it refuses to remove it.
> Doing a "dpkg-deb --info libc6-dev_2.0.7pre1-2.deb" aso shows a dependancy to
> the kernel-source-2.0.32.
> Any hints?
> thanks
> Damir

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Re: Memory Usage Reports

1998-02-27 Thread Bill Leach
This certainly isn't any sort of answer to your question but does anyone
know of hand if Linux frees shared code (libraries, maybe fonts) as soon
as there is no code using it or does it wait until the memory is
actually needed).  i did look through some of the loader code and
discussions about Linux memory management but it was not for this reason
and it was quite some time ago...

tony mollica wrote:
> Thanks for the reply.
> One other question I have isat what point does linux
> remove a program or its parts from memory after you have
> unloaded (closed) the programs in order to make use of that
> memory for other programs?
> Do you know where I can find more information on this?  I
> haven't been able to find any info with any detail.
> thanks,
> --
> tony mollica

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Re: Bad blocks

1998-02-27 Thread Bill Leach
Normally you would boot from a rescue floppy for such maintenance
activities and mount your filesystem read only.  I haven't had to do
this in a long time but it also seems to me that you can boot to single
user and remount root as read only.

FizzyPop wrote:
> I keep getting {DriveReady SeekComplete DataRequest Error }'s and I 
> figure
> it's all bad blocks.  I ran "fsck /dev/hda2" but it only seems to do a
> cursory examination (not taking nearly as long as the scan when I installed
> Linux) and I keep getting the same errors after presumably correcting them.
>  So I was wondering what the utility was to thouroughly check all of the HD
> for errors.
> Also, I've been told not to run disk checks while the HD is mounted, 
> how
> can I load linux sans mounting the HD?  does it work if I boot from a
> floppy?
> --
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