sound problem within gnome

2002-01-30 Thread Karlheinz Nolte

I have a strange sound problem within gnome. I ask this already on the
german list, however nobody could help me so far.

I can play any sound file using the esdplay command when gnome is
running. However no sound events are played automatically. And when I
use the play button in the gnome control center to play selected sound
events, nothing happens. The sound server is enabled (checked in the
Sound Monitor Applet). And the strange thing is, when I use the Sound
Monitor Manager from this applet, I _can_ play the samples on the
samples slide.

Has someone any hint to find out, why the sound events are not played?

The system is completely from woody.



Re: Kein Sound in gnome

2002-01-29 Thread Karlheinz Nolte

On Tue, Jan 29, 2002 at 12:51:48AM +0100, David Elze wrote:
 On Mon, Jan 28, 2002 at 10:11:09PM +0100, Karlheinz Nolte wrote:
 Installiere dir ruhig mal das von Lothar erwähnte esd-control
 Panel-Applet mit dem du bequem den esd ein- und ausschalten kannst und
 spiele ein wenig damit rum. Du wirst sehen, dass mit aktiviertem esd
 mehrere (esd-fähige! oder zumindest per esdplay kompatible)
 Soundprogramme gleichzeitig auf deinen Boxen ausgeben und bei inaktivem
 esd nur ein Programm auf /dev/dsp zugreifen kann.

Ja, ich kann mit dem Applet den esd ein- und ausschalten. Das bringt
aber alles nix. Ich kann auch dort im Sound-Monitor Manager die Samples
abspielen, aber nicht im Control-Center. Für mich ist das alles ziemlich

Kann es vielleicht sein, dass gnome den esd gar nicht verwendet? Kann
man das überprüfen?


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No automatic recognisation of ISDN card after update to hamm

1998-07-09 Thread Karlheinz Nolte
Hi all,

some days ago I made the update from bo to hamm. Most things work fine,
but I have a problem with my ISA PNP ISDN card (Teles 16.3c). During
bootup the kernel doesn´t recognise the card and the initialisation
fails. Nevertheless, when I call modprobe hisax all needed modules
will be loaded and after calling /etc/init.d/isdnutils start I can
start the ISDN connection.

I have tried to create a new /etc/isapnp.conf with pnpdump (from
package isapnptools (1.13-3.1). But the new config files doesn´t contain
any entires from the ISDN card (only the Soundblaster Pro clone card).

I don´t understand this behavior: I can use the card, but neither the
kernel nor pnpdump doesn´t recognize it.

Kernel is 2.0.33 with patch for the 16.3c Teles card. Should I try a
2.1.x kernel? Which?

The following I found in /var/log/daemon.log:

Jul  8 21:16:19 localhost kerneld: started, pid=84, qid=0
Jul  8 21:16:21 localhost modprobe: can't locate module char-major-45
Jul  8 21:16:21 localhost modprobe: can't locate module char-major-45
Jul  8 21:16:22 localhost modprobe: can't locate module ippp0
Jul  8 21:16:23 localhost modprobe: can't locate module char-major-45

This was during bootup. But now, after calling modprobe and isdnutils
start by hand, I found this in /var/log/kern.log:

Jul  8 21:17:14 localhost kernel: CSLIP: code copyright 1989 Regents of
the Univ
ersity of California
Jul  8 21:17:14 localhost kernel: ISDN subsystem Rev:
8/1.8 loaded
Jul  8 21:17:14 localhost kernel: HiSax: Driver for Siemens chip set
ISDN cards
Jul  8 21:17:14 localhost kernel: HiSax: Version 2.8
Jul  8 21:17:14 localhost kernel: HiSax: Revisions
Jul  8 21:17:14 localhost kernel: HiSax: Total 1 card defined
Jul  8 21:17:14 localhost kernel: HiSax: Card 1 Protocol EDSS1 Id=teles
Jul  8 21:17:14 localhost kernel: HiSax: Teles 16.3c driver Rev.

Jul  8 21:17:14 localhost kernel: teles3c: defined at 0x580 IRQ 10 HZ
Jul  8 21:17:14 localhost kernel: teles3c: resetting card
Jul  8 21:17:15 localhost kernel: Teles 16.3c: IRQ 10 count 0
Jul  8 21:17:15 localhost kernel: Teles 16.3c: IRQ 10 count 2
Jul  8 21:17:15 localhost kernel: HiSax: DSS1 Rev.
Jul  8 21:17:15 localhost kernel: HiSax: 2 channels added
Jul  8 21:17:15 localhost kernel: HiSax: module installed
Jul  8 21:17:31 localhost kernel: isdn: Verbose-Level is 1
Jul  8 21:17:32 localhost kernel: HiSax: debugging flags card 1 set to 4

Jul  8 21:18:58 localhost kernel: ippp0: dialing 0 0191011...
Jul  8 21:18:59 localhost kernel: isdn_net: ippp0 connected

Why on earth the kernel doesn´t recognizes the card during bootup?

Perhaps I should mention, that not the whole system is updated to hamm,
only the required (in dselect) packages was downloaded from the debian
ftp mirror.

Can anybody give me some hints?



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Re: No automatic recognisation of ISDN card after update to hamm

1998-07-09 Thread Karlheinz Nolte
On Wed, Jul 08, 1998 at 10:57:37PM +0200, Karlheinz Nolte wrote:
 Hi all,
 some days ago I made the update from bo to hamm. Most things work fine,
 but I have a problem with my ISA PNP ISDN card (Teles 16.3c). During
 bootup the kernel doesn´t recognise the card and the initialisation
 fails. Nevertheless, when I call modprobe hisax all needed modules
 will be loaded and after calling /etc/init.d/isdnutils start I can
 start the ISDN connection.

This problem is solved in the meantime. I fetched some packages from the
debian ftp mirror yesterday, and this afternoon during the new bootup,
the modules was loaded automatically.

 I have tried to create a new /etc/isapnp.conf with pnpdump (from
 package isapnptools (1.13-3.1). But the new config files doesn´t contain
 any entires from the ISDN card (only the Soundblaster Pro clone card).

This still not yet work. But the isapnptools are up to date.

An new problem is, that the kdm crashes with coredump during bootup. But 
I think, I have to install the qt-lib for libc6. Is this right?

Thanks in advance.

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KDM laesst mich nicht rein

1998-01-06 Thread Karlheinz Nolte

ich habe die Debian-KDE Pakete (Beta2-1.1) von der
CHIP-Extra-Linux-CD auf mein Debian 1.3.1 (bo) installiert . Zwar
nicht mehr ganz aktuell, doch zum probieren wollte ich erstmal die
fertigen Pakete nehmen.

Es laeuft soweit ganz gut. Nur als ich den kdm mit kdmconfig aktivieren
hatte, wurde dieser zwar gestartet, doch nach Eingabe von User und
Passwort erschien wieder der Einlog-Screen.

Kann mir jemand einen kleinen Tip geben, wo ich nachschauen muss?

Karlheinz Nolte

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Trouble?  e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

make-kpkg build error

1997-07-16 Thread Karlheinz Nolte
I get the following error, if I try to build a custom kernel with

make[3]: Entering directory
as86 -0 -a -o bbootsect.o bbootsect.s
make[3]: as86: Command not found
make[3]: *** [bbootsect.o] Error 127
make[3]: Leaving directory
make[2]: *** [bzImage] Error 2
make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/kernel-source-2.0.27'
make[1]: *** [build] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/kernel-source-2.0.27'
make: *** [stamp-image] Error 2

Is there a solution? I have Debian 1.2.2.

Karlheinz Nolte

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Re: Debian + AfterStep= no color

1997-07-15 Thread Karlheinz Nolte
 Warning: Cannot allocate colormap entry for [color]
Sometimes I get the same message, if I start xemacs with the result,
that the color of the background is not the same as before. I am
wondering, what this mean?

Karlheinz Nolte

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Trouble?  e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

Re: staroffice / netscape debian packages?

1997-07-15 Thread Karlheinz Nolte
Victor Torrico wrote:

 I have OS/2 Warp 3.0 with Winos2.  Has anyone actually used Winos2 on top of
 dosemu.? If so would you describe the steps necessary to do this or point me 
 information which describes these steps?

I'm also interestet on this issue...
Karlheinz Nolte

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Re: Newbie Question

1997-07-14 Thread Karlheinz Nolte
Bob Nielsen wrote:
 On Mon, 14 Jul 1997, David Wilde wrote:
  Firstly let me say that I have never used Linux and I am learning as I go
  I have installed debian ver 1.2 on a second hard drive on my PC. I didn't
  encounter any real problems during installation so I assume everything is 
  Now I would like to install a GUI (fvwm) and I have downloaded a copy of
  the same from the Web. I copied the file onto a floppy but I cannot access
  my A:/ drive.
 If you configure Linux for networking, you will be able to access the
 Internet directly via your ISP.  You can then use dselect to retrieve and
 install Debian packages directly from or its mirrors.
  During startup I have established the following:
hda1  is my DOS drive containing Win95
hdb   is my CDROM
hdc1  is my Linux Swap
hdc2  is my Linux Native
fd0   is my 1.44M Floppy
  I used the command  df and all it shows is:
  Why can I not see/access my other drives? Have I not done something? Any
  help would be much appreciated.
 You have to mount the partitions before Linux can access them.  See the
 man pages on mount and fstab.  ('man mount' and 'man fstab')
 To mount your floppy drive, you should use something like:
 mount -t msdos /dev/fd0 /mnt,
 where this drive will show up in your file system as /mnt.
[some stuff deleted...]

Hi David,

all what Bob sayed is OK. But I never mount a floppy disk. I prefer to
access it either with the tar commmand or - if I want to transfer
files to a DOS/WIN-PC - with the mtools. tar should always be
installed on your system and the mtools package you may found in the
section misc. If you have knowlege of DOS, the use of the mtools
commands is very easy:

DOS   mtools
dir a:mdir a:
copy *.* a:   mcopy * a:
cd \my.dirmcd /my.dir

and so on. But don't forget to protect the asterisk, if you specify it
on the floppy part of the command:

mcopy a:* .

otherwise the shell wants to replace it with all filenames in the
current directory (see man bash - or whatever shell you use).

Hope that helps.

Karlheinz Nolte

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Re: Questions from a future user

1997-07-13 Thread Karlheinz Nolte
Shaleh wrote:
 What are Debian's pro's and con's?  How hard is its PPP setup and how
 stable are its PPP connections.  I will be using my box to dial an ISP
 and do school work.


I think Debian biggest advantage is the intelligent package handling.

PPP is very good pre-configured. I use it here without any problems.
Normaly you have to edit two files (/etc/ppp.chatscript and
/etc/ppp.options_out) and perhaps /etc/ppp/pap-secrets (if your provider
uses the PAP authentification method) - and you should get a connection.
In /usr/doc/ppp you will find more information.

Karlheinz Nolte

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Re: Background for fvwm2

1997-03-17 Thread Karlheinz Nolte
Karlheinz Nolte wrote:
 Hi Debians,
 I have here a Debian GNU/Linux 1.2.2. It works fine for me so far.
 Yesterday I tried to apply a background picture (a GIF File) for the
 fvwm window manager. As you can read in the file
 /usr/doc/fvwm2/debian.README.sysrc you have only to put a file
 background.gif either in the directory /etc/X11/fvwm2 or in ~/.fvwm2
 But this dosn't work. Of course I restarted fvwm2. Nothing happend.
 Have I do additional things?

Hi again,

I found the problem (with help by the fvwm2 package maintainer).
I have to install either xv or xloadimage, which both weren't installed.

Thanks to all,
Karlheinz Nolte, VS/ETB5, ALCATEL SEL AG 
D-70430 Stuttgart, Germany
Tel.:  +49-711-821-41834

Background for fvwm2

1997-03-13 Thread Karlheinz Nolte
Hi Debians,

I have here a Debian GNU/Linux 1.2.2. It works fine for me so far.

Yesterday I tried to apply a background picture (a GIF File) for the
fvwm window manager. As you can read in the file
/usr/doc/fvwm2/debian.README.sysrc you have only to put a file
background.gif either in the directory /etc/X11/fvwm2 or in ~/.fvwm2

But this dosn't work. Of course I restarted fvwm2. Nothing happend.

Have I do additional things?

Hoping for help,
Karlheinz Nolte, VS/ETB5, ALCATEL SEL AG 
D-70430 Stuttgart, Germany
Tel.:  +49-711-821-41834

Re: Mouse and mounting problems

1997-03-13 Thread Karlheinz Nolte
Daniel Karlsson wrote:
 Now I've almost got the mouse to work in X. It's only the middle button that
 doesn't want to work. How do I make it work?
 I've also tried to mount my floppy drive. I wrote the following at the
 command line:
 mount -t msdos /dev/fd0 /floppy
 and I got the message:
 mount: /dev/fd0 is not a valid block device
 How do I cure this one?


to access a MSDOS floppy, I prefer the mtools. This allows you to use
nearly the same commands (mdir, mcopy, mcd, ...) like under DOS and
without mounting the floppy. Check for the mtools package ...

Karlheinz Nolte, VS/ETB5, ALCATEL SEL AG 
D-70430 Stuttgart, Germany
Tel.:  +49-711-821-41834

Re: rsh don' t work?!?

1997-03-13 Thread Karlheinz Nolte
Andrea Arcangeli wrote:
 I want to use rsh, but I found:
 $ rsh localhost ls
 Permission denied.
 What I must change (for example in hosts.allow) to run it?

Hi Andrea,

you have to create the file .rhosts in the users home directory on the
remote host (with permission rw-). This file contains the hostname
and the users name of the local host.

For more information RTFM rsh(1) and rhosts(5).

Hope this helps.
Karlheinz Nolte, VS/ETB5, ALCATEL SEL AG 
D-70430 Stuttgart, Germany
Tel.:  +49-711-821-41834

Re: Background for fvwm2

1997-03-13 Thread Karlheinz Nolte
Dennis Lundstr%F6m wrote:
 Date: Wed, 12 Mar 1997 12:08:44 +0100
 From: Karlheinz Nolte [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Debian User List
 Subject: Background for fvwm2
 Hi Debians,
 I have here a Debian GNU/Linux 1.2.2. It works fine for me so far.
 Yesterday I tried to apply a background picture (a GIF File) for the
 fvwm window manager. As you can read in the file
 /usr/doc/fvwm2/debian.README.sysrc you have only to put a file
 background.gif either in the directory /etc/X11/fvwm2 or in ~/.fvwm2
 But this dosn't work. Of course I restarted fvwm2. Nothing happend.
 Have I do additional things?
 Hoping for help,
 hmm,i never tried fvwm2 , but i think you ought to check your system.fvwm2rc.
 Im not to sure that fvwm can handle GIF´s, but you can allways
 download xloadimage from, end use a JPG file.
 Have fun !! 8)

Hi again,

according to the file /usr/doc/fvwm2/debian.README.sysrc it is possible
to have a GIF file as background. Here is a part of the README:

These files define the screen background (root window).
They are searched for in order, and only the first
one is used.  (Also, for this case only, the user
hook is searched for before the system administrator,
because otherwise a user could not override the background).

background.xpm, background.jpg and background.gif
should be the graphic files themselves (or a symbolic
link to them).

The background.color file should contain one line that
gives the name of a color.  The background will then
be set to that color.

So I think to try an JPG file would not be the solution.
Because no error message is displayed, I assume the problem is to find
the picture file.

Still hoping for help ...
Karlheinz Nolte, VS/ETB5, ALCATEL SEL AG 
D-70430 Stuttgart, Germany
Tel.:  +49-711-821-41834

permanently running syslogd

1997-03-06 Thread Karlheinz Nolte
Hello all,

I have an Debian GNU/Linux 1.2.2. 

The problem I have is as follows:

After booting the PC, the syslogd daemon is permanently in the run
state. Therefore the PC (486DX33) is very slow. When I kill the syslogd,
and start it by hand with /sbin/syslogd, the syslogd now sleeps.

I think this is a problem of the start-stop-daemon perl script, which
is used in the /etc/init.d/sysklogd startup script.

This problem I have only since last week. I remember, that I deinstalled
the inn package at this time. Could that be the reason for this

Thanks in advance,

Karlheinz Nolte, VS/ETB5, ALCATEL SEL AG 
D-70430 Stuttgart, Germany
Tel.:  +49-711-821-41834

Re: VIM Editor

1997-03-06 Thread Karlheinz Nolte
Indus wrote:
 I am new to Linux and I have just tried to install the system onto a 386
 DX20 laptop with 8mb of ram. When I try running VIM, I get an error message
 saying that it needs the '' library. Where can I get this ?

Hi Eamonn,

you have to add the following to the file /etc/


Since you don't have an running editor, you can do this as follows
(become root user):

# cd /etc
# echo /usr/X11R6/lib
# ldconfig -v

Now the vim (and other editors) should work. If not, let me know.

BTW, this is a known bug in the Debian destribution. When this will be

Karlheinz Nolte, VS/ETB5, ALCATEL SEL AG 
D-70430 Stuttgart, Germany
Tel.:  +49-711-821-41834