Re: apt-get - resuming?

2001-03-09 Thread Kenneth Scharf
> If i do an 'apt-get source' of some package.. but i
get disconnected 
> it can complete, then will it resume when i
reconnect ? or will it 
> the whole download ?

It sure does!  Apt-get is amazing!  I've been
disconnected from the server several times during an
install of some 50 plus packages.  I'd just issue the
same command on the command line and apt-get not only
starts off at the package that failed to complete
download, it starts in the middle of the download.  So
if I got say 90% of the package already downloaded, it
picks up at 90% where it left off!

Not only that, I had downloaded a .deb  of the latest
gphoto (via ftp) from unstable and tried to install
it, but dpkg complained about two dependancies.  So I
tried to use apt-get install to install the missing
packages, but there were some circular dependancies so
I had to use -F to 'force' it.  Not only did that
work, but apt then went and finished the install of
gphoto for me!  Let's see you do that with RPM!

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sound card is off line

2001-01-31 Thread Kenneth Scharf
I installed the helix gnome package from the helixcode
site as an upgrade to the gnome package that came with
debian potato.  I won't say that it has exactly broken
things, but things have gotten weird.  In particular
my sound card no longer works, launching XMMS or
Realplayer gives the error message that the sound card
is not available or in use.  How do I fix this?  If I
have to how do I downgrade back to the gnome setup
from potato?  But can I keep the newer version of


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gphoto, gimp-print

2001-01-30 Thread Kenneth Scharf
I'm thinking of getting a better digi-cam.  I now have
an Olympus D340R that works very nicely under gphoto. 
I'd like to get a 2 or 3 mega pixel camera with a zoom
lens.  I'm considering the Nikon coolpix 800, 880, 950
or 990 and the olympus D490, C2020, C3000 , C3030 or
C3040 models.
The olympus D450 model is listed as working under
gphoto and so is the D3000 (think they meant C3000) so
with luck the other models mentioned should work as
well.  The Nikon coolpix 950 and 800 models are listed
so maybe the others are as well.  Can anyone confirm
which of these cameras will work under gphoto?  Also
what is happening to gphoto?  Seems like the web site
hasn't been updated in almost a year and the download
link for the latest sw is broken.  Hope development is

Also I have downloaded the printer module for
gimp-print from their website to use an Epson
photo-750 printer.  Any advise on how to add an entry
to printcap for this (printing through LPD).  I
currently have an HP LJIIID running as lp (lp0?) and
will either add the epson on a second printer port, or
have it share the one with the LJ via an AB switch.  I
understand that the linux LP drivers don't use
interrupts so I could share an interrupt level between
two printer cards right?

Thanks for any help! 

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Re: re cdrw

2001-01-18 Thread Kenneth Scharf
I've had my cdrw drive for a while, I used it under
slink.  I guess the standard Debian kernels are a
little different now than under slink, or I just took
some information in the CDR howto a little to
verbatium.  Anyway I have always built my own kernels
with only what I needed in them and have only used the
stock kernel for the initial installation.  I do build
my kernels with many devices in modules.  So yes, I
stand corrected, however there is nothing wrong with
re-building the kernel to suit your needs.  Another
reason I build my own is to use a later kernel than
currently available as a .deb image.  
--- "David A. Rogers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tue, 16 Jan 2001, Kenneth Scharf wrote:
> > You must re-compile your kernel.  You also need to
> > REMOVE ide cdrom support, because the scsi
> emulation
> > will replace the ide cdrom driver.  This is needed
> > because CDRECORD only uses scsi protocol.  You
> will
> > then access the cdrom as /dev/scd0.  In my
> computer I
> > have a cdrw drive AND a real scsi cd rom drive. 
> The
> > cdrom drive is now /dev/scd0 and the scsi cd rom
> drive
> > is /dev/scd1.  (YMMV, might depend on the order
> you
> > load modules).
> You do _not_ need to recompile the kernel.  The
> stock debian kernel is
> perfectly capable of running the ide-scsi as a
> module.  The only tricky part
> is that you have to reserve the cd writer.  This is
> done using the append
> statement as shown in the cd-writing howto. 
> Couldn't be easier and doesn't
> require recompiling the kernel.
> dar

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re cdrw

2001-01-16 Thread Kenneth Scharf
You must re-compile your kernel.  You also need to
REMOVE ide cdrom support, because the scsi emulation
will replace the ide cdrom driver.  This is needed
because CDRECORD only uses scsi protocol.  You will
then access the cdrom as /dev/scd0.  In my computer I
have a cdrw drive AND a real scsi cd rom drive.  The
cdrom drive is now /dev/scd0 and the scsi cd rom drive
is /dev/scd1.  (YMMV, might depend on the order you
load modules).

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re cdrw

2001-01-16 Thread Kenneth Scharf
You can put the cdrw drive as the master on the
secondary channel, and (if you want) put the old cd
rom drive as the slave.  However unless you want to
copy cd's there is really no reason to even keep your
old cd rom drive, just use the cdrw as your cd rom
drive, most of them are as fast enough in read.

You will need to re-compile your kernel to include
scsi emulation.  You will remove ide cd rom support
from the kernel (no fooling!).  You now access the cd
rom drives as if they were scsi drives (ie /dev/scd0 )
because the scsi emulation replaces the ide cd rom
driver.  This is necessary because cdrecord ONLY works
with scsi protocol.  (Don't rasie the bridge, lower
the river!)

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Teac CDR-drive

2001-01-14 Thread Kenneth Scharf
Has anyone tried using the Teac CDW58E 8x8x32 ide cdrw
drive with xcdroast or cdrecord?  Compusa has them
this week for $99.  It appears that other Teac IDE
drives work under linux (their new 10x8x32 is listed).

Thanks for any advise.

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sparc boxes

2000-09-27 Thread Kenneth Scharf
I've noticed that older sparc boxes are going for
reasonable prices on ebay.  I've been running Debian
on Intel HW for sometime now, and would like to hack
on some Risc equipment, maybe some of the older sparc
equipment would play well (and Debian runs on it).
Problem is I know nothing about Sun equipment and
don't know what to look for and what to avoid.  Can
anyone give me some advise here?  Also which of the
sparc models are 64 bit (don't think any of them have
hit ebay yet?).


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netscape 4.72 problems with gnome

2000-08-31 Thread Kenneth Scharf
All of a sudden Netscape Communicator 4.72 is taking a long time to
'start', and it seems to lock up all of gnome as well.  After a few
minutes the home page opens and everything else works.  While Netscape
is 'initializing' the mouse cursor moves, but anything on the desktop
that I click on does not respond.  I can switch to another vterm and
kill netscape, at which point gnome becomes alive again.  This behavior
just started, I haven't upgraded anything for some time.  (VIRUS?).
Maybe I should un-install netscape and re-install 4.75.

Mozilla (M15) works, but is about %50 slowler than netscape.

rm to mp3?

2000-07-10 Thread Kenneth Scharf
Does anyone know how to convert a .rm file to an mp3
format?  I have downloaded several real audio .rm
files (I can play them on the linux realplayer) but I
would like to convert them to mp3 format.  Any ideas?

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ftape woes

2000-07-07 Thread Kenneth Scharf
I compiled ftape into my kernel (actually as a
module). I have an Eagle TR-3 type drive on my floppy
controller which is the on-board unit (can handle 2.8
mb floppies).  The ftmt status command never
completes, taring a backup to the tape drive doesn't
work either.  What happens is that the tape moves 3 or
four times and stops.  After a long while it fails
with 'io error' or 'write error'.  The tape drive is
factory jumpered, and exists with both a 3.5" (A:) and
5.25" (B) floppy disk drives.  The same tape drive was
working fine with the same setup (on a different
computer) under windows with the windows software (so
I believe the drive is ok).  Has anyone else got ftape
(2.2.14 kernel source) to work with a similar drive?  

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HP Postsript printer

2000-06-27 Thread Kenneth Scharf
I just upgraded my HP LJIIID to native postscript via
a plug in cartridge.  How do I configure Magic Filter
so I now print natively in Postscript (I was using gs
to handle the ps to pcl conversion before)?


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2000-06-14 Thread Kenneth Scharf
There has been some discussion about this as part of
the recent 'flame war' about no-free.  

In short, due to patents covering mp3 encoding debian
will NOT have any mp3-encoder software in the distro. 
It could be put in non-us IF a site could be found in
a country that thumbed it's nose at software patents.
Then operators of mirrors in other countries would
have to watch what they mirrored.  However you can
still find tarballs of lame and bladeenc on the net
and install them yourself.  They may be listed in
tucows or freshmeat.  Bladeenc is faster but not as
high quality as lame (YMMV).  I have been using
bladeenc, but switched to lame for low bitrate

>Is there no mp3-encoder in Debian ?

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compatible sound cards

2000-06-02 Thread Kenneth Scharf
Does anyone know if either of the following PCI sound
cards are supported in Potato?

Sound Blaster PCI128 model CT4700

Creative-Ensoniq model ES1370 / ES1371

Thanks for any feedback.

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Transmeta cpu

2000-06-01 Thread Kenneth Scharf
As some of you may know there exists an instruction in
most Pentium class cpus that returns a character
string   which identifies the maker of the chip.  For
example an Intel cpu returns "Genuine Intel", Amd
cpu's return "Authentic AMD".  Cyrix cpu's return
"Cyrix Instead".  Note that the string is always 13
characters long.  So what ID string will the Transmeta
return?  If they havn't figured this out yet might I
suggest the following: "Penguin Power" after Linus? 
(Note, also 13 characters).

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Sound Question

2000-05-25 Thread Kenneth Scharf

>1) after using the 'pnpdump' how do I save it to the
Easy way is to (as root) 

vi pnpdump

edit changes

w /etc/isapnp.conf

>2) Where do I uncomment the (ACT Y) command? I didnt
>see it.

There is one of these lines per section.  It's there,
if needed in vi use the '/' command to search for it!

>3) How do I make sure the isapnp is run at bootup?
If you installed the isapnp from the .deb, it's
already set to run.  The script is loaded in

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Re: cpu arch performance

2000-05-24 Thread Kenneth Scharf
On Tue, 23 May 2000, Lee Elliott wrote:

> Hello list(s),
> Just something I noticed after setting up an x86
system after running
> Debian on m68k.
> The m68k system was an Amiga with an m68060/50MHz
which gave a 
> rating of 99.something.  The x86 system is a dual
PIII 650MHz system 
> it rates as 2600 BogoMIPs.  This would seem to imply
that on a per 
> basis, the m68060 is the equivalent of two PIIIs.

This is right. 
AFAIK, the hardware side of the issue goes something
like this:
One phase of the clock signal looks something like

low  |||

The x86 Processors will issue a command whenever the
signal voltage is
high. The m68k processors will issue a command
whenever the signal 
is high and the next when it's low (Motorola claims,
that the 68060
issues three commands per clock cycle, I don't know
why you then don't 
three times  the MIPS value of a x86 on a per MHz
basis. I also don't
know if the above mentioned holds true for Pentium and
upwards. But it
holds true for 386 and 486). This is why a m68k
processor is on a per 
basis really twice as fast as a x86 processor.

The AMD K6 also gives about 2x the clock in bogo mips.
 Not sure about the K7/Athlon though.

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Re: /dev/hda10

2000-05-24 Thread Kenneth Scharf

>On Wed, May 24, 2000 at 05:08:01PM +0200, Michael
>Meskes wrote:
>> Could anyone please tell me what I have to do to
>>access /dev/hda10? I 
> create it easily but trying to access it I get an
>> message for instance from mke2fs. Do I need a
>>special boot time 

>Can you tell me exactly how you have 10 partitons?
>Even the sun disk 
>only allows for 8. And i386 can have a max of 7(?)
>with extended
>partitions enabled.

I have /dev/hdb11 on my machine!  I think you can have
as many as 32 partitions on an IDE hd on i386. (the
limit on scsi is less?)  Also if  you have extended
partitions then you might just have an /dev/hdx4 (no
1,2, or 3) since extended partitions start at number
5.  (in my case I have /dev/hdb1, 2, 4,5 - 11)

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Re: can't print

2000-05-24 Thread Kenneth Scharf
>I'm far from the most expert on parallel ports --
>until recently, I 
>touched one in years -- but I did just have to get a
>parallel printer
>working on a potato server. I did it by (manually)
>Most of the printing docs I've seen don't mention the
>last of these. 
>I'm not
>sure if the second one is actually needed; it might
be >the support for
>non-printer devices on the parport.

I found that loading parport_pc automagicly loaded
parport.  Atleast when using modconfig and selecting
parport_pc it also grabbed parport.  I think we have a
layered driver here, lp sits on top of parport_pc on
top of parport.  Or something like that.

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cd-rw for old cdrom drivers (8x)

2000-05-24 Thread Kenneth Scharf
Speed isn't your problem.  Selecting the speed in
cdrecord on changes how long the disk took to burn. 
Older CD rom drives can't read CD-RW disks, period. 
The reflectivity of CD-RW's is quite low, lower even
than CD-R media.  The optics and electronics of a CD
rom reader must be able to 'see' the pits recorded
onto the media to read it, and the contrast is too low
on CD-RW media for some old drives to do it.  Even
older CD rom drives won't be able to read CD-R media
either.  Your 44x drive seems to be able to handle
CD-RW and CD-R media, it must be of quite recent

BTW I have a DVD-video player that also plays audio
CD's (actually all such players do) but it won't play
CD-R disks!  (even though my old portable cd walkman
will, and the cd player in my car will also. But these
players will probably balk at cd-rw media).

SOonly use cd-rw media for stuff you will read
back later on the cd-rw burner, and use CD-R media for
interchange between machines.


>I've burned a potato image (disk 2) on a
cd-rw >disk. 
>What cdrecord options should I use in order
to >make the disk
>readable by olders cdrom drivers (8x, 4x, 16x, etc)?
I've tried in a 8x and wasn't able to read
even >it works fine on
>a 44x one.

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UPS wars: APC vs Tripplite?

2000-05-19 Thread Kenneth Scharf

>I've been thinking about getting a new UPS.
Previously >I purchased APC
>products, but I want to hear about other experiences.
>I've pretty much
>narrowed it down to a product from APC or Tripplite.
>APC is more
>expensive, less Linux/UNIX friendly, but makes good
>products (IMHO).
>Tripplite is less expensive, more Linux/UNIX
friendly, >but I'm not sure
>how the quality of their product compares to APC. 
>Does anyone know of some sort of comparison between
>these two companies
>products? I'm interested in features/quality more
then >price. 
APC IS linux friendly!
There are at least TWO debian packages that work with
APC ups units.  Also you can download a (binary only)
package from apc that works under linux/x11.  That one
comes in an .RPM and tarball.

I have used apc units for some time.  The BACK-UPS
product line is not very expensive and works well. 
You can hot swap the batteries via a trapdoor in the
bottom of the unit.  The 300va unit is $89 at office
depot, the 500va is $129, the 650va is $199.  They put
out a stepped sine wave which is nicer on your ps than
the square wave that the trip-lite units put out. 
(You get what you pay for).

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Mouse Configuration

2000-05-15 Thread Kenneth Scharf
First make sure that the xf86config pointer section
specifies /dev/psaux as the hardware connection. 
There are several choices of mouse protocol that might
work.  microsoft, mouseman, logitech, etc.  Some mice
have a switch on the bottom to change protocol from
native to microsoft.  Try 'em all.

>Hello All,
>Anyone have any idea;s what would keep my mouse from
>woring in X 
>Its a PS2 Kensington mouse. I cant seem to get it to
>work. Is it 
>with Debian?

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Unidentified subject!

2000-05-12 Thread Kenneth Scharf
2.2 is stable enough right now to install.  It is in
DEEEP FREEEZE at the moment, in final testing before
cd images are released.  You CAN find some cdr's of
potato for sale, or just install over the net.  A
basic install over a 56k modem will take overnight.  I
am running 2.2 now, and except for a broken apropos
(which no one else knows anything about) it all works


I have been anxiously waiting for Debian 2.2 to be
released.  Awhile 
back I
installed 2.1 and was very impressed with the package
system and 
stability.  However, I had problems upgrading to
kernel 2.2.  Since I
needed kernel 2.2 and needed a fully functional system
I returned to 
Mandrake Linux.

Currently, I have some time to fiddle with my system
until I start 
again. My question is: Should I install the 2.2
pre-release?  If so, 
suggests do you have?  Also, will upgrading to the
official release be
reasonably straight foward?

Christopher Klumb

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tulip driver differences between 2.0 and 2.2

2000-05-09 Thread Kenneth Scharf
I have two versions of the LRP built (OK one is
actually coyote linux, but based on LRP and debian). 
One is using a 2.0.36 kernel, the other 2.2.14.  The
led's on the tulip nic's (dec 21041 chips) light and
flash under the 2.0 kernel, but are dark under the 2.2
kernel.  However, both systems run OK otherwise. 
What's going on here?

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write protect floppy forever!?

2000-05-08 Thread Kenneth Scharf
I wanted to copy a floppy (as an image).  So I
inserted a floppy in /dev/fd0 and used dd if=/dev/fd0
then pop'ed the source diskette out and replaced it
with a blank and used dd if=./temp of=/dev/fd0
(while root of course :->)

This works fine, but if in the first move the floppy
was write protected the second command fails with
"write only file system".  I couldn't again write to
/dev/fd0 without rebooting.  Loging out as root and
loging in again as root won't help.  There must be a
way to tell /dev/fd0 to read the damn write protect
switch again

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Subject: LS-120 install

2000-05-04 Thread Kenneth Scharf
>I was trying to install debian (frozen) on my laptop
>the other day but got stuckon the following. i have a
>LS-120 drive (for "superdisks" which is backwards
>compatible with 1.44MB disks) which i was using to
>boot the install disk. the
>images i used were the ones from the idepci
>the system started booting, the image on the floppy
>started booting as well
>until it gave the following message:
>  Insert the root floppy disk to be loaded into
>RAM disk and press Enter.
>(or something like that)
>i tried pressing enter with the disk i had used to
>boot from since i believe
>that's all i needed (i was gonna do an harddrive
>install with base2_2.tgz on
>another linux partition). i even tried the driver
>just in case...
>nothing seemed to do it...

Actually you need two floppy disk images (at least)
the boot disk, and the root disk.  The boot disk has
the kernel, the root disk has the rest of the system
(includes the installer).

However (someone correct me if I'm wrong) the disks
were written to run on a real floppy NOT off an
ide-floppy (which the ls120 is) and would probably die
at the point that you tried to insert the the root
disk and hit return, it would never find the root disk
since it was looking at /dev/fd0, not /dev/hdxx where
the ls120 is!  I have never managed to install of an
ls120 so I still have a floppy in my
computers.along with an ls120.

I bet zip drives have the same problem.  OTOH booting
off a cd rom drive DOES work
am i doing something wrong with the disks i'm using or
is it a problem with the LS-120 support?

thanks for any help,


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grip and cdparanoia, must run suid?

2000-05-03 Thread Kenneth Scharf
I installed grip, but I can't run in unless I am root
(sudo, or suid).  The error I get is 'can't access cd
rom drive'.  My /dev/scd1 is owned by root, group is
cdrom.  The drive is actually on /dev/hdc physically
but I am running scsi-ide emulation.  I also have a
'real' scsi cdrom that is /dev/scd0.  I added myself
to the cdrom group (edited /etc/group as root) and
logged out and back in as myself.  No joy, still can't
run grip or cdparanoia (actually it was cdparanoia
that issued the error message).  I did chmod +s on
cdparanoia and grip and then it worked.  But I should
be able to access the cdrom if I'm in the cdrom group?
 I can access my /dev/dsp device by adding myself to
the audio group (I don't think xmmm is suid, I can run
it as a user in the audio group).

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set up cd-rw

2000-04-30 Thread Kenneth Scharf
There is a setup button in the opening menu of
xcdroast.  click on it, make your changes, and press
the save button!  (If it were a snake it would have
bit you!
i'm having bit of a problem.  when i first installed
(including cdrecord and mkisofs)) with dselect, it ran
me through a little setup 
for the cd-rw device and my cdrom.  i had to pick
which drives i had 
and name
them.  unfortunately, i picked the incorrect drives
and i didn't name 
my cd-rw model.  so i can't pick a device in xcdroast.
 can anyone tell 
me how i can run this setup again?  i'm having a bit
of trouble finding 
searched the man pages.   and i haven't been able to
find anything at 
the home pages for these utils.  i would have mailed
the dude
who wrote these, but i wasn't sure if deselect kept
things arranged a 
tad differently then originally intended by the
creator.  thanks for any 
help. jerry

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Re: how to burn from iso file in xcdroast

2000-04-30 Thread Kenneth Scharf

>I just went through this a couple of days ago.  The
>commandline is:
>cdrecord -v speed=8 dev=0,0 
>Speed & dev probably will be different on your box. 
I >found this was 
>much easier than doing it with xcdroast.
>Someone had mentioned that by just changing the
>extension from .iso to 
>.raw, then xcdroast would be able to write it ok.  I
>haven't tried it 

Thanks.  I figure out how to get xcdroast to work
though.  In the write cd menu I enter the actual file
name and path in the drop down box.  I guess it only
displays the names of files with a .raw extension

Since xcdroast doesn't have a check box for 80 minute
(700mb) disks, or support speeds of 10x or 12x (yet)
it may be time to download the source and make some
custom mods.  I would also modify the drop down box to
display both .raw and .iso files.  (of course debian
maynot have the latest version so maybe I should
download the latest source from upstream first)

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how to burn from iso file in xcdroast

2000-04-30 Thread Kenneth Scharf
Does anyone know the command sequence to get xcdroast
to burn from an .iso file I downloaded?  I can't seem
to get it to see the file and burn from it.  I was
able to do this in slink ( or was it hamm?), but can't
seem to find the sequence of things now.  HELP

(If I mounted the file as a file system using loop
that might do it by giving the mounted dir as the path
of the image, but I think xcdroast is supposed to do
this itself!) 

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Installing lp in potato..

2000-04-29 Thread Kenneth Scharf

>When selecting the device driver module for lp (line
>printer) in potato 
>get this error:
>/lib/modules/2.2.14/misc/lp.o: init_module: Device or
>resource busy
>/lib/modules/2.2.14/misc/lp.o: insmod
>/lib/modules/2.2.14/misc/lp.o: insmod lp failed.
>Installation failed.

The lp support in potato (2.2.x kernels) has been
split into two parts.  You need to load parport_pc.o
and lp.o (in that order) or it won't work.  Any io or
irq parms must be specified to parport_pc.o and the
parport# specified to lp.o  Drove me batty for a while
trying to get the lp driver(s) to grab only one of my
three parallel ports.

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Subject: Re: Netscape 6

2000-04-27 Thread Kenneth Scharf

>Please disregard my previous posting.
>I can run Netscape 6 now; thanks to Eric Hanchrow for
>the response of 
>getting libstdc*.so.
>BTW, how do you change the window's background color?
>I can't see the 
>cursor while editing the mail.
Are you running 24 bpi in X?  I have found that
netscape dosen't like 24 bpp but will give the correct
colors if X is run at 32 bpp.  Don't know if 8 or 16
bpp settings cause problems.

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Re: which sound configuration utility?

2000-04-27 Thread Kenneth Scharf

>I had a go at repackaging sndconfig for Debian
>recently, and found that
>it depends rather heavily on kudzu (Red Hat's
>hardware configuration
>system). I came to the conclusion that it would take
>either a major
>rewrite of sndconfig or a reworking of Debian's
>hardware detection
>system to get sndconfig to work on Debian.
Has anyone seen RedHat's HW detection in action?  It's
real cool!  I swapped some HW on a system running
RedHat and rebooted the system.  It automagicly
detected the new HW (video card) during kernel boot
and installed the required drivers all by itself! 
(Just like windows!)  This has to be backported into

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apropos broken in potato (here)

2000-04-23 Thread Kenneth Scharf
I wrote in before with the problem that apropos is now
broken on my potato system and I don't know how to fix
it.  It either hangs with no response, gives a short
response and never finishes (never get the bash prompt
back unless I ^C), or prints a response repeatly (of
one or more finds).  In the latter case seems to get
stuck on something from section 3, maybe tckl or qt.

How can I repair apropos?  I have tried apt-get
dist-upgrade as suggested, but my system seems to be
up to date as far as that was concerned (first did
apt-get update).  I know others don't have the
problem, but they may have different packages
installed than I do, and there may be a broken man
page somewhere that is screwing me up?  If it would
help I could attach a list out of my installed
packages, or a directory list of all man files I have?

Any ideas?   Thanks.

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need hp filter for gramofile

2000-04-20 Thread Kenneth Scharf
I wonder if there is a graphic-equalizer program that
can be used ahead of gramofile to treble cut, (or
better yet band cut) a nasty whine I have on a tape
that I want to convert to mp3.  The problem appears to
be from the fm pilot carier mixing with the recorder's
bias oscilator producing a high pitch whine.  Maybe It
can also be filtered out digitally from the resulting
wav or mp3 file.

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floppy install problems

2000-04-20 Thread Kenneth Scharf

You might try coping the files to floppies that have
been formated on the target machine's drive.  Or
transfer the target machine's floppy drive to the
machine doing the copying and then move it back to the
tarket machine.  Methinks floppy interchange may be a

To all,

I have tried to install Debian from floppy disks
several times on an 
old IBM 486 ps2 machine.  The machine boots fine with
the rescue 
disk fine.  The point at which the install fails is
during the mounting 
of the rescue disk to continue with the base install. 
I have made 
several new rescue floppys thinking it may be the
media.  I have 
only chosen to install from floppy because the machine
has no 
cdrom and only one isa slot for expansion. It does
have a 300 mb 
hard and 8 mb of ram.  Thanks for any help in advance.

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One Lp, problem solved! But where do parms go?

2000-04-15 Thread Kenneth Scharf
I posted a question here a while ago asking how to
configure the system to use only one of three LP ports
that I have. (on potato) I found out the answer, and
it's not what anyone else mentioned.

I had to give parport_pc the following module

I had to then give lp the following module argument:

This was figured out by running modinfo -p on lp.o and
parport_pc.o  (I also figure how how to configure my
sb module that way!)

Now I have a question...where are the module
parameters given to modconf stored.  They are NOT in
/etc/modules as the comments there seem to indicate. 
Does modconf actually modify the module binary?  Or is
there another configuration file someplace?

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Re: want only 1 lp

2000-04-09 Thread Kenneth Scharf
In reply to:Kenneth Scharf

Quoting Kenneth Scharf([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
Kenneth> I have 3 lp cards in my computer at dos
Kenneth> lpt1, lpt2, and lpt3.  I only want the one at
lpt1 to
Kenneth> be attached to the lp driver(s).  I want the
other two
Kenneth> ports free for my own software.  I am running

I only use one lp port for debian.  As the 2.2.x and
above kernels
have renumbered the ports (lp1 now is lp0) I have this
in my lilo.

append  = "hdd=cdrom lp=parport0 parport=0x378,none"

The ',none' is to ignore IRQ's, thus freeing up an IRQ
for other
I tried the above but it does not seem to work.  See
the output of dmesg when my kernel boots. (attachment)
Note that lp0, 1 and 2 are still attached.

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Description: lphelp

want only 1 lp

2000-04-08 Thread Kenneth Scharf
I've posted this question before, but the digest lists
went down for a few weeks before I could get any
answers to this question.

I have 3 lp cards in my computer at dos addresses
lpt1, lpt2, and lpt3.  I only want the one at lpt1 to
be attached to the lp driver(s).  I want the other two
ports free for my own software.  I am running potato
now, the options entered for the modules in slink
don't work here, on boot up the initial feedback shows
all three lpt ports being grabbed by the lp driver
nomatter what I've tried.  Something is different in
2.2.x I think.

Any ideas out there?  I will be writting my own driver
to talk to the other two ports. One for a home brew
prom burner, the other for an 8052 ICE that was
written up in byte some years ago. 

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only want one lp under frozen

2000-03-29 Thread Kenneth Scharf
I have three LP interfaces in my computer, but I only
want one of them to be attached to the lp driver.  I
intend to write my own driver to hook the others to a
home brew prom burner and an 8051 ice.

Under slink I could add the parm lp0 io=0x3bc but
under frozen the driver still reports that three lp's
are assigned during boot.  Also it seems that under
2.2.x the lp driver has been split into two modules.

How do I get the kernel drivers to only use one of the
lp interfaces and leave the other two for me to use
with my own driver?  (I have the O'Reily Linux device
drivers book).

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Re: connecting to DSL

2000-03-26 Thread Kenneth Scharf
Why dhcp?  I have a STATIC IP address on my xdsl
connection.  I am NOT using dhcp on windows, and am
sending this e mail out right now on windows.

--- Marshal Kar-Cheung Wong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>>>> "Kenneth" == Kenneth Scharf
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > I (finally) seem to have a working connection
> via IDSL.  It
> > works fine under windows by just setting up
> the IP, Gateway,
> > Netmask, and DNS entries under the tcp/ip
> pulldown under the
> > networking configuration for my network card.
> > IP gateway
> broadcast
> >
> >   How do I do this under Potato?  I changed
> the entries in
> > /etc/networks/interfaces for my ethernet card
> to match the ip,
> > gateway, and netmask that worked under
> windows, and the
> > /etc/resolv.conf file I added the lines:
> > nameserver nameserver
> > which are the actual nameserver ip's I was
> given.
> > I then restarted the computer and tried to
> ping my gateway
> > address (that worked).  I could not however
> ping my dns ip's
> > (network unreachable), nor get to the debian
> site when I ran
> > apt-get.  Any ideas?
> Try installing one of the dhcp clients.  dhcpcd, or
> something similar
> (bootp?).
> Marshal
> > I will also need to install a second network
> card, recompile the
> > kernel to support ipmasq, and set the IP on
> the second card to a
> > local lan address so I can firewall the net to
> another computer
> > (actually I am building a second computer to
> just handle the
> > firewall stuff and my linux workstation will
> be on of three
> > computers on the local lan, the other two
> running windows).  Any
> > ideas on what to do here?
> > Thanks!
> > = Amateur Radio, when all else fails!
> >
> > Debian Gnu Linux, Live Free or .
> >
> __
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> > Yahoo!?  Talk to your friends online with
> Yahoo! Messenger.
> >
> > -- Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
> /dev/null

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connecting to DSL

2000-03-26 Thread Kenneth Scharf
I (finally) seem to have a working connection via
IDSL.  It works fine under windows by just setting up
the IP, Gateway, Netmask, and DNS entries under the
tcp/ip pulldown under the networking configuration for
my network card.


  How do I do this under Potato?  I changed the
entries in /etc/networks/interfaces for my ethernet
card to match the ip, gateway, and netmask that worked
under windows, and the /etc/resolv.conf file I added
the lines:


which are the actual nameserver ip's I was given.

I then restarted the computer and tried to ping my
gateway address (that worked).  I could not however
ping my dns ip's (network unreachable), nor get to the
debian site when I ran apt-get.  Any ideas?

I will also need to install a second network card,
recompile the kernel to support ipmasq, and set the IP
on the second card to a local lan address so I can
firewall the net to another computer (actually I am
building a second computer to just handle the firewall
stuff and my linux workstation will be on of three
computers on the local lan, the other two running
windows).  Any ideas on what to do here?


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swap partition

2000-03-17 Thread Kenneth Scharf
What is the max size of a swap partition under the 2.2
and 2.3/2.4 kernels.  I know that the 2.0 kernels were
limited to 128 (or 127?)mb, but you could have several
of them.  Did this change in 2.2-2.4?

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partition recommendations

2000-03-15 Thread Kenneth Scharf
With an eye toward upgrading to Potato, and hearing
all the horor stories about slink->potato upgrade
failures I decided to do a fresh install from scratch.
 So I obtained a brand new 27GB drive from (check them out, great bargins!).  I
will have a small (say 100 mb) "/boot" partition at
the front of the disk (to avoid cyl 1024 problems with
lilo), and a 128mb swap partition.  Other than that
any good ideas on how to partition the disk?  In the
past I have just made the rest of the drive one hugh
partition for "\" to avoid figuring out how much to
allocate for everything. However with 27GB of space I
guess I can make a few errors without much horror.  

I intend for this machine to be a workstation (machine
is a PIII-500 with 128mb dram), and will be developing
software/packages with an eye toward becoming a debian
developer (whenever new ones are being accepted
again).  BTW I still have slink on the other disk
(13gb "/" partition).

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Re: Who builds YOUR binary RPMs?

2000-03-01 Thread Kenneth Scharf
There are two questions to this issue:
1: Do you trust your distro?
2: Do you trust your distro's ftp site.

Question number two is really a matter of the site
having been hacked and a trojan (or a coo-coo) being

I use debian, and I DO trust them.  I would never have
a problem downloading a .deb file from the official
debian site or a trusted mirror.  In fact it is a
little different with .deb's.  RPM's are EVERYWHERE,
and ANY Tom, Dick, or Harry can create them.  DEB's
seem to be created mostly by Debian personal (though
there are some non-official ones).  The reason for
this is that the tools necessary to create DEB's are
not as well documented and understood, so only real
debian developers are using them.  Of course with
Corel and Stormix in the picture now, this might be

--- Tim Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Tom Schaefer wrote:
> > 
> > I know this is a Linux list, but a friend of mine
> had this
> > exchange with one of the people from FreeBSD back
> in November,
> > regarding Linux vs. FreeBSD and I thought you
> folks might like
> > to read it ... it may prompt some of you to
> actually go make a
> > boot floppy and install straight from the net ...
> Keith, my
> > friend had written an article, to which Daniel
> Sobral,
> > (FreeBSD) responded, and this is only one of
> several of the
> > emails exchanged:
> > 
> > = cut here =
> Wow, Tom, thanks for copying me on this exchange.  I
> found it
> VERY interesting.  This, plus Carlos's information
> that there ARE
> indeed multiple fallback sites built in for
> everything under
> /usr/ports, makes me want to explore FreeBSD so much
> more.  
> One other thing that I noticed during my FreeBSD
> box's
> compilation, but forgot about until reminded by that
> article, was
> that the source packages' MD5 checksums are part of
> the process
> to help ensure that you're not downloading a trojan.
> This brings up a serious trust issue: It's only a
> matter of time
> (could have already happened, for all we know)
> before somebody at
> one of the RPM-based distro companies inadvertantly
> puts out a
> binary RPM that does something nasty and/or covert
> to our
> systems.  Or maybe it won't be so innocent: some
> scummy PHB will
> get the bright idea to have the coders slip in a
> piece of code to
> 'survey' which programs we use the most, or to
> 'sign' content you
> produce with your ethernet card's MAC address (MS
> does this with
> Word, they called it a bug, gimme a break!)  Yes,
> they provide
> SRPMS too, but how do you know the RPMS came
> directly from the
> SRPMS?  
> The question comes down to:  Do you trust your
> distro provider to
> build all of your binaries cleanly?  In a couple
> years when
> pressure comes from Wall Street to turn a profit or
> lose that
> huge market capitalization, can we trust them to
> still play
> straight with us?
> Don't get me wrong: I'm very pro-business!  I work
> for myself,
> and am doing pretty nicely, and hope to do even
> better - it's
> wonderful, I wish more people could enjoy it... but
> the misdeeds
> of the very largest companies (MS, AOL, Disney,
> Sony, Amazon,
> Real Networks, MPAA/DVD-CSS, GTE, Bellsouth, Network
> Solutions,
> you get the idea) have taught me to distrust the
> very largest
> players.  After money comes power, and in our world,
> these guys'
> idea of power includes intentional backdoors,
> sabotaging
> competing software, selective platform support,
> eyeballs, spam,
> restrictive contracts, and ads.  I don't see that
> Linux companies
> are inherently immune to these things.
> I'm starting to think that building all your
> software only from
> trusted source *.tar.gz files is going to become
> standard
> practice among the paranoid (yes, I lean that way
> too, can you
> tell?).  FreeBSD does that right now, and we need to
> either add
> Linux to the /usr/ports system, or come up with
> something similar
> in order to guard against these potential abuses.
> What do you think?
> Tim
> Brought to you by the Florida Linux User Xchange,
> Visit our webpage at:
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Re: Pathetic Performance

2000-01-26 Thread Kenneth Scharf
>The 486-33 (Carol) has 42mb ram and I was wrong about
>the 486-
>100 (Alice) machine it's only got 20mb of ram. Alice
>has a Cirrus 
>Logic GD54xx series PCI card with 1mb ram. Both
>systems use 
>the svga xserver. As far as swap space Carol has a
>swap partition 
>but Alice has a swap file on the single partition,
>Corel didn't ask at 
>install. Top tells me I'm 26M into Alice's swap file
>as I write this.
>As for the desktop I'm running WindowMaker without
>Gnome on 
>Alice and the 33Mhz Carol runs FVWM2.

Did you upgrade the -100 system to the faster cpu, or
did it come that way?  I once had a 486dx-33 which I
upgraded to a dx100 and  (this was in the windows
days) norton showed NO increase in speed.  I CAREFULLY
went into the bios and changed the cache settings to
use fewer cycles.  VIOLA! I was now getting full speed
from the cpu.  You might look at the bogo mips ouptput
and compare to what similar 486dx100's get (see the
bogomips howto).  The bogo mips rating is generally
useless, but it CAN sometimes show a cpu not firing on
all cylinders.  (I caught a 486 with the turbo switch
in the wrong setting that way.  Then again if LILO is
slow it means the same thing.)

And yes I agree with the comments on memory.  Look at
/proc/meminfo when the system is loaded and see how
much of your memory and swap space are being used.  If
swap is maxing out, you DO have a problem.

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potato - where's lp

2000-01-19 Thread Kenneth Scharf
I found it.  Oops!  You have to say yes to parallel
device in general setup to get printer support in char
devices.  Maybe I'm loosing my marbles but I didn't
remember this connection in the 2.0 kernel config. 
Also the help calls the parellel device option out for
things like zip drives etc... not printers in general.
 Is this connection new in 2.2?

Also I thought that there was support for USB in 2.2,
but I havn't found it in the menu config items (yet). 
I did select prompt for experimental code.  

One last question is potato now linked to frozen? 
Should I change my sources.list to point to frozen or
potato instead of unstable now?


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Re: Net install of potato, problems with lynx.

2000-01-12 Thread Kenneth Scharf
Never mind my previous email...

I finally figured out to run dpkg-reconfig on
debconfig with --priority=low to reset the priority!

But after doing that I STILL get an error installing

Tried to apt-get --reinstall install lynx

Same error:

subprocess post-installation script returned error
exit status 30.

E: Subprocess returned an error code (1)

OK I just tried this AGAIN, this time answering the
question to ask old question again with YES.  Then
tried the apt-get reinstall again.  This time it
worked.  Boy what hoops to jump through to fix this
broken lynx install!  BTW the only lynx question asked
was for the homepage.  Don't see how that broke the install.

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Re: Net install of potato, problems with lynx.

2000-01-12 Thread Kenneth Scharf
Just tried this.  Catch 22.  It didn't work because
the package wasn't fully installed!  I tried to purge
lynx but it complains that /usr/lib/mine/packages/lynx
is a ro file system.  I tired to manually delete this
file (root has rw permission) but rm complains that it
can't unlink the file.  

Is there a way to set the default priority of debconf
back to low?

--- Cesar Mendoza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> man dpkg-reconfigure and read the option --priority
> Bye
> Cesar Mendoza
> On Wed, 12 Jan 2000, Kenneth Scharf wrote:
> > So how do I reset the debconf priority after
> having
> > installed the system?  I don't see an appropreate
> > config file in /etc.
> > 
> > >Hi,
> > >
> > >I got that error and found that there is a
> problem
> > >between debconf and
> > >the
> > >lynx package. When the debconf priority is set to
> > >high, the
> > >installation
> > >script breaks. Set debconf priority to low,
> answer
> > the
> > >installation questions and everything should be
> > >allright. 
> > >
> > >Bye
> > >Cesar Mendoza
> > >
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > =
> > Amateur Radio, when all else fails!
> > 
> >
> > 
> > Debian Gnu Linux, Live Free or .
> > 
> > 
> > __
> > Do You Yahoo!?
> > Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.
> >
> > 

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Re: Net install of potato, problems with lynx.

2000-01-12 Thread Kenneth Scharf
So how do I reset the debconf priority after having
installed the system?  I don't see an appropreate
config file in /etc.

>I got that error and found that there is a problem
>between debconf and
>lynx package. When the debconf priority is set to
>high, the
>script breaks. Set debconf priority to low, answer
>installation questions and everything should be
>Cesar Mendoza

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Net install of potato, problems with lynx.

2000-01-11 Thread Kenneth Scharf
Guess I'm a tester.

I tried to install Potato via the internet.

Downloaded all floppies and installed base, configured
networking, and ran dselect (after modifying
/etc/apt/apt.conf and /etc/apt/sources.list)

Almost every went well...except lynx.

.. dpkg error processing lynx
  subproc post - install script returned error exit
status 30

I purged lynx and tried apt-get

lynx failed to configure, with exit code 30

I also saw a message that /usr was busy ??? (no disk
is  NOT full, df shows /user 16%, / 11%

Beside's lynx the following was observed.

1: no way to specify DHCP for IP address during
network setup portion of install (I can do this all
the time with redhat).

2: I wanted to put lilo on the MBR of /dev/hda but the
root filesystem is on /dev/hdc1.  The install script
won't do this by default, I suppose I could have
shelled out and re-ran lilo.  Instead I booted using
the rescue disk and mounted the root partition, then
edited lilo.config and reran lilo.  I got a warning
that this configuration might not work due to the bios
(but the bios sees all 4 drives, even though it won't
boot any but C:).  Anyway changing to /dev/hda for the
boot block and keeping the root at /dev/hdc1 works

3. somehow I managed to misstype my root password
TWICE!! resulting in not being able to log in as root!
 Yuck.  Had to boot using the rescue disk, mount the
root partition, and edit /etc/passwd and /etc/group. 
Muprhy's Law

Tomorrow I'll try configuring X.  Probably have
something else to report.

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dhcp client

2000-01-11 Thread Kenneth Scharf
How do I setup my linux box to get it's lan address
from dhcp-client?  I've installed dhcp-client (no
configuration requested).  Looking at
/etc/init.d/network I see my static ip is defined and
used in the ifconfig line to start the network.  What
do I replace these with to get the ip from
dhcp-client, and where do I specify my dhcp server ip?


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Re: How to install over www

2000-01-10 Thread Kenneth Scharf
The thing here is that I am starting with 3 totaly
blank hd's.  I really don't want to put an msdos
partition on any of them, I'd like to do this install
without using ANY M$ software in the process.  I
already downloaded all ten base disks, the rescue
disk, the driver disks, and the root disk. The
download was done on another linux system (slink). 
Except for the fact that the company firewall is
probably running NT, the setup non - M$.  So I guess I
will need to run through all 10 base disks to perform
the install.  I suppose I could also burn a CDR with
ONLY the base system on it (never mind the fact that
the only CD burners in the company are on Windows

I wonder just how small a system needs to be installed
to get to the point where the rest can be bootsrapped
in over the web? (Hmmm the LRP fits on a floppy)

>Yes, basically. You will need to at least have the
>rescue, root, and
>the three drivers floppies. The base system you can
>put somewhere on
>the harddrive (can installation system mount msdos
>partitions? I had
>the base_2_2.tgz (?) in an ext2fs partition).
Ideally, >you must be
>able to even read the drivers floppies' images from
>the harddrive, but
>it didn't work for me (I tried 10 different ways of
>specifying path to
>them... I don't know where exactly the installation
>proggie wants to
>find those images. I gave up and installed the
drivers >off floppies).

I just did a similar setup. After you set the base
system up, you can
boot into it and use apt/dselect to install the rest
via ftp/http.
I ended up using 5 floppies altogether.

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How to install over www

2000-01-10 Thread Kenneth Scharf
I have a spare computer in my office that I'd like to
install potato on.  It has three hard disks of 1GB,
1GB, and 420MB as /dev/hda, /dev/hdb, and /dev/hdc.  I
have a 3c509b elan card in the machine so I can
connect it to the www via the corportate lan and
firewall.  (I already have a machine running slink
which can be updated via apt/dselect through the
firewall).  I will set up this new computer for dhcp
to obtain it's ip address from the local server.

Am I correct that I will have to install (enough of)
the base system via floppies before I will be able to
use apt/deselct to install the rest of the system?  I
do NOT want to first install slink and upgrade (guess
I'm testing your boot floppies for you) or to first
burn a CD rom.  I want to try to install TOTALLY over
the web.

PS.  The target machine is a P90 with 32mb of dram. 
It also has an AHA15xx scsi controller, and both scsi
and ide cd rom drives.

Thanks for any help.

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Some news

2000-01-09 Thread Kenneth Scharf
Has anyone seen this story posted on about pine and debian?

Also I just got a catalog from tigerdirect in the mail
and they are now selling computer systems with linux
pre-loaded.  Nowwhere do they say what distro is being
preloaded (probably redhat) but they are also selling
most of the popular distros as well.  They have
Redhat, slackware, corel, turbolinux, caldera, and
even freebsd (which they say is a version of linux!).

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command line ftp behind firewall

1999-12-07 Thread Kenneth Scharf
I was finally able to get netscape to work on my linux
box behind the corporate firewall by setting the
manual proxy to for http and ftp (I
actually gave the REAL address).  I could not just
give the URL address as the machine still doesn't seem
to co-exist with the windows network nameserver even
though the hard addresses of the name servers were
entered into /etc/resolv.conf

Now how do I configure command line ftp to access via
the firewall's port 80 as I have just done for
Netscape-naviagator?  (Once I can do that I can
finally use apt-get directly on this machine, instead
of downloading the packages one by one).

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re:ADSL modems

1999-12-07 Thread Kenneth Scharf

>>i am planning to go for ADSL bellsouth fastacess
>>they are giving an internal pci adsl modem card.
>>what are the linux compatible adsl cards?
>I don't think they make ADSL modem cards yet.  (My
>ADSL modem is>>about as large as a kleenex box.)
Bell south IS now using an internal ADSL modem card. 
There was a discussion on our linux users group at about this.  The particular card is the
"winmodem" of adsl and AFAWK does not work with linux.
 Bellsouth does NOT support Linux (or macs for that
matter) and won't supply anything else.  So many of
our members have told Ma Bell where to stuff their
ADSL and have gone with Flashcom or some other linux
friendly xDSL re-seller.  I am now waiting on delivery
of ISDL from flashcom (I can't get ADSL because I'm >
16K feet from my HO).

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1999-12-03 Thread Kenneth Scharf
>Anyone knows if you can run SMP on a system with one
>Pentium II 233mhz
>and one
>Pentium II 366mhz or if this will mean problem?

AFAIK all dual cpu mb's WILL NOT run with two cpu's of
different speeds, IE: they BOTH must be the same
speed.  If you can force the PII-366 to run at 233mhz
(changing the divider ratio) then this might work. 
Early PII's were not divider ratio locked, all
celerons, PIII's and late PII's ARE, and can ONLY be
run at one speed.  Also I didn't think there WAS a
PII-366 (did you mean 266?).   
A 233 and a 266 both running at 233 might work if your
bios will set this up right.  Abits probably, tyans
probably not.

AFAIK PII's were made in the following speeds:
233,266,300,333 @66 mhz bus
300,350,400,450 @100 mhz bus

PIII's are:
450,500,550,600 @100 mhz bus
533,600,666,733 @133 mhz bus (coppermine)

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Xterm and function keys

1999-12-02 Thread Kenneth Scharf

>I discovered a strange thing:
>In an xterm the function keys produce the following:
> F1 -> ^[OP
> F2 -> ^[OQ
> F3 -> ^[OR
> F4 -> ^[OS
> F5 -> ^[[15~
> F6 -> ^[[16~
>On a different system (I tried SuSE) they produce:
> F1 -> ^[[11~
> F2 -> ^[[12~
> F3 -> ^[[13~
> F4 -> ^[[14~
> F5 -> ^[[15~
> F6 -> ^[[16~
>which seems more correct.  I also get this behaviour
>on my Debian
>box when I use rxvt or konsole.
>I don't think I misconfigured anything, because I
>confirmed this
>with a fresh added user, too.  Do you have any idea
>where the problem

You also get different return key codes for the
function keys between a vconsole and an Xterm.  Also
look at the , , and  shifted
function keys, they are ALSO different between a
vconsole and an Xterm.

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Re: firewalls and bsd

1999-12-02 Thread Kenneth Scharf
> I have discovered a fair amount of BSD advocacy
> turned "anti-Linux".
> Like Linux zealots, BSDers are not above snobbery. 
I think both groups need to be open minded, we all
have something we can learn from each other.  Alas,
the BSD licences would allow linux to 'borrow' or
'steal' good stuff from BSD, but the reverse would not
be allowed by the GPL, without forcing it's 'virus' on
BSD.  (That in itself could be a root cause of
anti-linux snobbery by BSD'ers).  I guess linux still
makes a better workstation os (though there are things
in the BSD use of disks that linux could use) and BSD
works well closer to the net's main plumbing.  

I am thinking of getting some 'bsd cd's and exploring
it for use as a firewall system to go between my
future isdl (waiting for flashcom) connection and my
home lan.  I have two win95 boxes and a debian-slink
box on the lan now.  Guess cheapbyte's bsd sampler
(netbsd, openbsd, freebsd) for $14 would be a good
place to start.  They don't offer the latest version
of open or free (2.5 and 3.2), but guess that's close

I have a P100 with 32m ram and 2g disk available, have
two dec 21041 based pci lan cards on order.  Guess
that's enough iron for the job.  Once the software is
installed I suppose the box can be headless and
handless (no monitor or kb) and be administered over
the internal lan via ssh or something.  (So I can hide
it in a closet).

Thanks for any advise!


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firewalls and bsd

1999-12-02 Thread Kenneth Scharf
If there are any debian-bsd people here maybe they can
answer this.  I have been doing some reading and have
heard that some of the BSD variants are considered a
better canidate os for a firewall system than linux
(herertic!).  OpenBSD in particular was highly
regarded  in this (though it was said to be a RPITA to
install).  Any thoughts on this out there?

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Re: Looking for right ISP

1999-12-02 Thread Kenneth Scharf
>What do you mean by co-location? Many DSL providers
>won't allow users
>their servers also. Could you give the names of who

I believe that will allow a single server
to be run from (some of) their dsl accounts, perhaps
with a small  extra monthly fee.  They do have more
costly accounts that allow multiple servers to be run.
(And they probably look the other way if your server
dosn't make a pig of itself).

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Re: finding IP address of ethernet card

1999-12-02 Thread Kenneth Scharf
The trick (as you showed, but didn't point out) is
that you must either have /sbin in you path (which
root does) or specifiy it when you try to run

Mere mortals must run ifconfig as such:

Root can just type ifconfig, because /sbin is in his
path.  Or course mere mortals can't bring up the net
or  shut it down with ifconfig..(least I hope

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RE: ? or eithernet card?

1999-12-02 Thread Kenneth Scharf

>Sorry i know this is stupid but im looking for
drivers >to 
>my network component (Nile VIA VT86C916)
>it was given to me for free & i cant find drivers
>(i have only the hardware)
>Can u help me ? 

I don't know if this is the right driver, but a search
in the src (kernel 2.0.36) shows a via-rhine module in
the net driver section.  Maybe there is another flavor
of via in the 2.2 kernel.  You might try it.

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MPX EN5038, dual nic cards

1999-11-24 Thread Kenneth Scharf
I found a source for 10/100 baset enet cards that use
either realtek 8139 or mpx en5038 chipsets.  I know
that the 8139 IS supported under linux, but I am not
sure about the mpx en5038 (a grep on the net sources
in 2.0.38 turned up nothing).  Does anyone know if
this chipset is supported?  Maybe I can only accept
the cards with the realtek.

Also I am planning to build a firewall machine for my
lan as I have ordered dsl service.  If I configure a
machine with dual nic's do they have to be the same
type, or can I just load two drivers into the kernel
for say one ne2000 card, and one 3-com card?

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Re: recommend mp3 encoder

1999-11-23 Thread Kenneth Scharf

--- Stuart Ballard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Kenneth Scharf wrote:
> > 
> > About the only choice these days is bladeenc.  Due
> to
> > patent issues it is probably NOT available in a
> .deb,
> > at least not on the debian ftp site.  However you
> can
> > get it from Tord's home page (I don't recall the
> url,
> > but you can find it on freshmeat or linuxberg). 
> It is
> > now licensed under the lgpl so the source is
> > available.  Bladeenc is a high quality encoder
> that
> > excels at 128, 256, and 320bps encoding, AND is
> fast too!
> I wondered about this. Since it's a patent issue and
> most other
> countries don't accept software patents, why can't
> mp3 encoders be
> included in non-US?
> Thanks,
> Stuart.
I don't know how many countries deny software patents,
but Sweeden does at least as that is where the
Bladeenc web site is.  Tord had to consult with a
lawyer to find out what to do when Franhaufer came
knocking on his door.  His response was, NOT HERE!  No
word what Franhaufer's response was.  The reason he
licensed under the LGPL instead of the GPL was to
divorce any dependancies of his software upon where it
was used, just in case.
  A debian non-us site in Sweeden might work.  BTW at
last look I saw the source to Bladeenc on Stampede
Linux's ftp site.  Maybe they just don't care. (or
haven't heard from Framhaufer yet).

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recommend mp3 encoder

1999-11-21 Thread Kenneth Scharf
About the only choice these days is bladeenc.  Due to
patent issues it is probably NOT available in a .deb,
at least not on the debian ftp site.  However you can
get it from Tord's home page (I don't recall the url,
but you can find it on freshmeat or linuxberg).  It is
now licensed under the lgpl so the source is
available.  Bladeenc is a high quality encoder that
excels at 128, 256, and 320bps encoding, AND is fast too!

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Re: Subject: Can Debian users install the new Corel packages?

1999-11-21 Thread Kenneth Scharf
> You mean like this?
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~>ssh [EMAIL PROTECTED] locate wxftp
> | grep /slink/ 
> It's been in debian for years, the version in corel
> is the exact same
> version in slink.
I confess I never thought to look.  When I saw the
program on the Corel cd I knew what it was and
installed it.  I guess I never downloaded the
packages.gz file for slink from non-free.  It figures
thought, there are SO many debian packages between
main, contrib, and non-free that just about EVERYTHING
is there.

Now I DON'T think that QSSTV has been packaged, and if
it can be re-worked to link against qt2.0 it would
even go in main/hamradio.  If I was a debian developer
I would package it.

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Subject: Can Debian users install the new Corel packages?

1999-11-20 Thread Kenneth Scharf
>I am interested in trying out some of the new Corel
>apps like the file
>manager. Is it possible to get hold of individual
apps >from the new
>ditribution without downloading the whole iso file? I
>assume I would be
>legally permitted to use individual components like
>this . . 

As corel's packages are glibc2.0 based they should
work well in slink.  I downloaded the cd and installed
wxftp from the .deb using dpkg -i.  WXFTP is a real
nice graphical front end to ftp, though I don't think
it is free, it might make the contrib section.  I have
used the windows version and I like it because it has
a progress meter.  Anyway I had no problems installing
it from the corel distro.

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Re: Fw: Well, Corel is out

1999-11-19 Thread Kenneth Scharf
I think you can take an iso file and use a loopback
file system to create a filesystem image of the .iso
without actually burning it. (under linux).  There is
something like that that enables you to test a cd
image before burning it.  See the cdrecord man pages I

As far as Corel linux is concerned I just tried to
install it twice.  Didn't get too far.  The machine
was an old P100.  It had an S3 video card and a serial
mouse.  Corel detected the card ok, but never found
the mouse.  Made navigating the install windows a
pain!  I couldn't get past the partition hard disk
step, couldn't figure out how to set up the
partitions.  So I did an  and landed in a
bash prompt.  Ran fdisk by hand to delete all previous
partitions.  Rebooted and got to the select let corel
use all the available disk space.  Clicked on (well
tabed to) install and hit return.  Nothing happend. 
Just sat there!  totally useless.

--- Bart Szyszka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I just popped the corel cd out of the burner and
> put
> > in in by cd drive.  Hey I can read it! (it
> actually
> > burned!)  Would you believe they DID NOT include
> > EMACS! (it's not in the packages.gz file anyway). 
> > Guess they had a size problem.  I'll try
> installing on
> > the spare computer (wipe out RedHat) later. 
> Meanwhile
> > I'm exploring the cd.
> Any idea if there might be a program for Windows for
> me to
> be able to open up the ISO without needing to burn
> it to a CD?
> I'm just about ready to give up on my problems with
> getting
> Debian to work and Corel sounds like the next best
> thing.
> -- 
> Bart Szyszka [EMAIL PROTECTED] ICQ:4982727
> B Grafyx
> L.J.R. Engineering
> PHP Interest Group

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Re: Fw: Well, Corel is out

1999-11-19 Thread Kenneth Scharf
I just popped the corel cd out of the burner and put
in in by cd drive.  Hey I can read it! (it actually
burned!)  Would you believe they DID NOT include
EMACS! (it's not in the packages.gz file anyway). 
Guess they had a size problem.  I'll try installing on
the spare computer (wipe out RedHat) later.  Meanwhile
I'm exploring the cd.

--- Adam Glass <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> There is a solution to this problem, and it's the
> Linux Standard Base
> project (LSB).  Those folks are working to provide a
> set of standards which
> a distribution can conform to.  Then people who
> write drivers and other
> software can just write them to work with any
> LSB-compliant distribution.
>   --Adam  :-)
> Richard wrote:
> > 
> > The immortal question is still going to be... at
> what point do all these
> > distributions prevent the non-distro developer
> from providing valuable
> > software
> > 
> > for example, I buy a laptop.  It has the latest
> and greatest hardware, from
> > USD to JOG dial, and an internal camera 
> However, 5 of the 10 device
> > drivers require drivers that are binary only from
> the distro of the week.
> > I've already experienced this.
> > 
> > I have the new Sony PCG505RX.  It's a hummer.  It
> also uses the NeoMagic
> > 256AV chipset for video and audio.  Redhat
> published a GPL version of a
> > sound driver from which is now in the
> kernel.  The patches
> > provided by UGLX do not work on all distros or
> even most(not entirely
> > proven). I emailed NeoMagic and in a moment of
> weakness they told me that RH
> > was working on a Binary Only version of the
> driver. Then there's opensound.
> > I tried the 4Front audio driver on Mandrake 6.1
> and they would not install
> > and not load.

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Re: Well, Corel is out

1999-11-18 Thread Kenneth Scharf

--- Tim Schaefer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Mike Sytsma wrote:
> > 
> > I've seen Corel's Linux out.
> > It's 15$ to buy their cheap CD's, and ~50 to buy
> it in the box.
> > However, I'd really like to see how good it is.
> Download it and find out! Sheesh.
> > Has anybody here d/l'd the cdimages?
> Yes.  See my comments from yesterday in the "ACM
> Linux install event"
> thread.
> > Main question... is Corel's Lin any good?
> Is Linux any good?
> It's Debian linux, very clean, absolutely nothing
> else on the 
> system except a real nice file manager ala Windows
> Explorer and
> a stripped down KDE desktop.  There is a Corel
> Update, with a 
> few cryptic options to do ( guessing here ) CVS
> updates to your
> system, or Debian updates across the net.
> Informix engine runs out of the box on it, but I
> haven't figured out
> what libraries are needed to make it work with
> Informix tools.  This
> is always out of my reach.  Is it glibc or whatever?
>  It'll take 
> somebody who understands the glibc/not-glibc arena
> to tell. Sigh.
> Here's the output from gcc:
> coconut:~$ gcc -v
> Reading specs from
> /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i486-linux/
> gcc version
> coconut:~$
> Anyway, I think Corel has a great release, just no
> docs on what it is
> compared to other Linuxes.  They have done a great
> job at a stripped
> down Linux without all the crap associated with
> other Linuxes.  But
> trying to figure out how to add software and such is
> frustrating unless
> you're a Debian fan.  And they need to get a real ps
> command instead 
> of the lame one that came with it.  :-)
> Later
> Tim
I think the 'missing' pieces can just be installed off
the debian ftp site. (They are using .deb's!)  Unless
they hosed the dpkg data base you could probably even
install dselect.  If they preserved the apt-get
interface then upgrading-adding packages is very easy,
just edit the aptsources file, udpate the available
package database, and select what you want.  Apt will
solve any package dependancies and find all the libs
you need.

> > Also, will cheapbytes ever sell those CD's, or is
> it artfully licensed?
> Don't know don't care.
> > Thanks, Mike Sytsma
> > 
> >
> > Get Your Private, Free Email at
> -- 
> .
> .-
> .--
> .---
> .  Tim Schaefer
> .
> .---
> .--
> .-
> .

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Sane / Scanner problem

1999-11-16 Thread Kenneth Scharf

>I have scsi generic support, and aha152x support
>compiled in the kernel
>with 2.2.13) and have sane installed. The scsi card
is >Adaptec 1505.
>The kernel
>recognizes the card fine. I didn't have the sg
devices >in my /dev
>directory, so
>I did a MAKEDEV sg to make them. I made the sym. link
>from /dev/scanner
>/dev/sg0 (the only scsi device in my system is the
>Went to /etc/sane.d and ran find-scanner, but sane
>couldn't find the
>What am I missing?

use dmseg and check that the scanner was actually
detected by the scsi driver.  My scanner (hp sj3c) had
to be turned on before the computer and completly
warmed up before the kernel would detect it (meant
turning on the scanner 3 minutes before booting

Also make sure permissions for /dev/sg0 allow user or
group access, or run find-scanner as root.

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re:Linux names (Re: Strange file names)

1999-11-16 Thread Kenneth Scharf

>Would it be off-topic of me to ask if anyone else has
>named their Linux
>systems? Mine was called Debby Anne and now I've
>shortened it to Debby.

The linux box in my office is named 'Penguin', there
is also a motororla power stack running PPC linux
called 'MotoPenguin'.  My box at home was
'Doppleganger', but is now 'M5'

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re: killed my monitor

1999-11-12 Thread Kenneth Scharf
>Yes its true! My ADI MicroScan 6P 19" monitor just
>died on me last
>night. It had been making a lot of clicking/cracking
>noises over the
>past couple of weeks each accompanied by a slight
>the image. But last night it was just too much and
>there was a really,
>really loud click/crack noise and the picture went
>blank. The ADI is at
>a repair shop right now (authorized ADI repair
center) >and luckily I
>able to get a loaner from them.

>I am just wondering if this happened because of me
>XF86. My video card is a Matrox Millennium G200 8MB.
>The ADI's hsync is
>30-94 KHz, and its vsync is 48-160 Hz. In the
>XF86config program, I
>selected the monitor type as:

>   8  31.5 - 64.3; Monitor that can do 1280x1024 @ 60

>and I entered its vsync as 50-100 since it falls
>within the ADI's

>I am attaching to this email the XF86Config file that
>I have used with
>this ADI monitor under Debian-2.1 since early
>September. I'd like
>someone to tell me if I entered/selected some
>incorrect configuration
>value for XF86 that might have possibly contributed
to >my monitor
>getting toasted. I am pretty sure that I selected my
>monitor as "31.5 -
>64.3; Monitor that can do 1280x1024 @ 60 Hz" but I
>can't remember!!

I think it is unlikely that you could damage a monitor
with digital controls.  Most mulit-sync monitors with
digital controls these days are designed to operate
safely over a wide range of hor/vert and will not over
heat.  It is more likely that the power company set a
surge your way.  Also in many cases the
clicking/poping noises you hear are due to arc-over in
the high voltage circuits.  While not normal, many
monitors are designed to absorb excessive hv using
'spark gap' capacitors which are sort of like
'lightning arrestors'.  My 19" Digital Research
monitor pops like that once in a great while and the
picture jumps.  This will happen more often in a dusty
or humid environment.  The legend of blowing out
monitors with improper X settings (it CAN happen) is
due to people trying to run xvga on svga monitors with
rotary sync controls.  With a digital control monitor,
if you can get a stable picture without any foldover,
you are probably operating within the safe envelope.

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re: Large disks

1999-11-09 Thread Kenneth Scharf

>I recently installed slink on a machine with a 15.2GB
>IBM harddisk
>and it only recognised about 8GB of the drive.

>I went ahead and partitioned the drive normally,
>leaving the last
>4GB for /home. Now I've upgraded to 2.2.x and potato
>and I want to
>use the whole of the disk by extending the /home
>partition. How
>can I do this?

I think you mean that you had several partitions and
that the last one was the home partition.  I don't
know if you can extend the partition without loosing
data.  You can of course back up the /home partition,
delete it, re-create it as a larger partition with the
same starting address, re-create the file system, and
then restore it.  I think that the latest version of
partitionmagic will extend linux partitions BUT
partitionmagic only runs under windows so your system
must dual boot.

BTW your original problem was that under the 2.0.x
kernels the linux fdisk tools only see the first 8.4gb
of a larger disk.  I 'solved' this problem by booting
a  RedHat 6.1 cd (2.2.x kernel)and using it's disk
partition software to create my partitions, then I
booted my debian cd and installed slink.  If you know
the actual start and end cylinders you could also just
give cfdisk or fdisk these numbers under slink and
then it will see the whole disk.  I've done that too.

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1999-11-09 Thread Kenneth Scharf
Now that potato is delayed until next year I think I
should try upgrading to glibc2.1 at least.  There are
just too many fine programs out on freshmeat that
require 2.1 over 2.0.  I know that it's been posted
before, but I've lost the url... can someone repeat
the procedure to upgrade slink to glibc2.1?  I can
live with the 2.0.38 kernel for now, about the only
thing I think I'll miss would be USB and at the moment
I only have a mouse

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Re: gtk+ 1.2?

1999-11-05 Thread Kenneth Scharf
libgtk++ is one of a few 'moving targets' that debian
can't keep up with.  Another is wine.  Also VDK and
gEDA.  So I have been downloading sources from their
home sites and building my own in /usr/local/src. 
This works but you must include /usr/local in your
path.  Also add /usr/local/lib to your /etc/
and run ldconfig after building the libraries.  You
could also download the source from unstable and then
use dpkg-source -x and dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc to
build your own .deb's under your current version of
libc.  Only problem is I think that when you DO
upgrade to potato dselect won't grab the latest
versions of the packages you built since it will think
they are the same version and then you will still have
the versions built against the older libc.  You of
course could un-install and re-install the packages. 

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Re: Kernal Upgrade and WINE questions

1999-11-03 Thread Kenneth Scharf

>> Doesn't VMware make wine obsolete?
>VMware is not Free software.  Not only is it not
free, >but it costs
>quite a bit!  And not only do you have to buy VMware,
>but you then ALSO
>need to buy your guest OS from Redmond.
>If you really need a full Windows setup, then VMware
>might be the
>answer for you, but it's not yet at the point where
it >can even make
>dual-booting obsolete for everyone since it does not
>support MIDI
>joysticks, or 3-D graphics cards.

>VMware is kinda heavy on the requirements side, too
>(minimum 96MB
>memory recommended).  If you just need to run an app
>or two, VMware is

If you are ALLREADY dual booting windows 95/98/NT and
need the windows environment then VMWARE makes some
sense since you already own the windows licence.  If
you are constantly rebooting to switch applications
then it makes even more sense.  However if your goal
is to replace windows with linux but want to run a few
of your old windows apps it would make more sense to
first try them under wine, or replace them with linux
native versions (where available).  With Corel now in
the wine camp, I would expect the usability of wine to
make a huge leapfrog in the next year or so.

I don't speak for the Federal Reserve Board, it
doesn't speak for me.

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Re: debian installation woes

1999-11-02 Thread Kenneth Scharf

I thought that might be the case.  However anyone
installing debian 2.1 would still be using the 2.0
kernel and have the 128mb limit.  Anyway few people
would need that much swap anyway.
--- Brian Servis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> *- On  2 Nov, Kenneth Scharf wrote about "Re: debian
> installation woes"
> > 3: swap 127 megs (no swap may exceed 128mb, but
> you
> > can have more than one.  Rummor has it that swap
> This 128M limit is no longer true in 2.2.x kernels. 
> From the Changes
> file in the kernel source documentation
> Util-linux (including mount)
>Among other changes made in the development of
> Linux kernel 2.2, the
> 128 meg limit on IA32 swap partition sizes has been
> eliminated.  To use
> larger swap spaces, you need the new mkswap found in
> util-linux.  You
> also need to upgrade util-linux to get the latest
> version of mount.
> Brian Servis
> -- 

> Mechanical Engineering  |  Never
> criticize anybody until you  
> Purdue University   |  have walked a
> mile in their shoes,
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |  because by
> that time you will be a
>   |  mile away and
> have their shoes.

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Re: debian installation woes

1999-11-02 Thread Kenneth Scharf

>1: w95 (1 gig)
>2: extended (the rest of it)
>   5: linux (1gig)
>   6: vfat storage partition (2 gigs)
>   7: vfat storage partition (the rest of it)
>   8: linux swap (150 megs)

There MAY be a problem with the boot sector crossing a
1024 cyl bound, not sure if scsi has this problem. 
Just to be sure I'd do the following...
1: win 95
2: /boot ext2 linux 10-50meg
3: swap 127 megs (no swap may exceed 128mb, but you
can have more than one.  Rummor has it that swap
partitions work better if near the front of the disk)
4: extended
5: linux 
6: ... whatever

>Other hardware:
>- realtek 8029 PCI ethernet card (the installer can't
>find the module to install this card in the
you will have to configure the module by hand.  Use

What I did (installed off cd rom) was to NOT specify
any configuration, and let it drop me into dselect.  I
selected the multi-cd method, put the SECOND cd in and
did an UPDATE available packages, then put the FIRST
cd in and REPEATED that step.  Then I skipped the
SELECT phase and went right to the INSTALL (all the
required and recommened packages for a bare install
were allready selected).  After that I read the
dselect manual to learn the keystrokes and then added
stuff a little bit at a time.

Once you have it figured out dselect ain't bad, and
you'll wonder how redhat users can stand having to use RPM!

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Re: October GNOME for slink.

1999-10-28 Thread Kenneth Scharf
>> I've just compiled the lastest GNOME release
>>(October GNOME) for
>> deb unstable main

>>Joop Stakenborg wrote:

>> All you packages end in -0.slink.0_i386.deb
>> Does this mean this is a unstable slink

>>Vincent Renardias wrote:
>> As long as it hasn't been more widely tested, it
>>certainly won't be
>> considered as stable...

>>I think the point is that users will presume that
the >>`unstable'
>>path in the apt-get URL refers to potato and not to

>>Why not rename your "unstable" directory to
something >>like
>>"slink-compat" ?


He already has another directory 'slink-update' with
similar files.  (unless this is a simlink).

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scanner, ocr

1999-10-28 Thread Kenneth Scharf
I just picked up an old HP scanjet 3c and would like
to use it under linux.  I know that it is supported by
sane/gimp, however is there any OCR software that will
enable me to scan in a text document and produce an
ascii file?


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Kernel 2.0.38 binaries .deb??

1999-10-26 Thread Kenneth Scharf
I am running 2.0.38 on slink.  I downloaded the kernel
tarball and unpacked it in my /usr/src directory.  I
then renamed the resulting 'linux' directory to
'kernel-source-2.0.38' and created a symlink
'linux->kernel-source-2.0.38'.  I ran 'make
menuconfig' (but you might prefer make config or make
xconfig) and then used the debian kernel tool
'make-kpkg' to build my new kernel.  Then just use
dpkg -i custom-kernel to install the new kernel.  See
the man pages and the readme file for make-kpkg for
instructions on running the tool and for picking a
name for your custom kernel.  Use the epoch number
system or you might end up replacing your kernel with
an older one the next time you run dselect.

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recording from tapes to mp3's

1999-10-24 Thread Kenneth Scharf
I have some audio cassettes that I would like to save
in mp3 format.  What software can I use to record .wav
files?  I will plug my walkman into the line input of
my sound card.  I tried wavr but when I played back
the result (with wavp) it was nothing but distortion! 
(I used the defaults except specifing input=line).  I
am guessing that I need some way to set the line input
level both on the volume setting of the walkman and
the mixer level to the sound card.  Is there some way
to pipe the sound file output into the player while
recording?  Problem is that I hear from the speakers
anyway since the sound card is routing the line in to
both the speakers and dsp during record (I think). 
Has anyone done this?  BTW the windows sound recorder
worked fine if I turned up the volume on the walkman
ALL THE WAY, but would only record 60 seconds. (BOO

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Can Debian, Novell, Token Ring and DHCP all get along?

1999-10-20 Thread Kenneth Scharf
"David Kanter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I'd like to use Debian (Slink) on my work computer
because of the free
tools I'll need to do some Web page designing.
Currently we use Windows
NT and are hooked up through a token-ring network
using DHCP and
Novell's Netware/GroupWise.

The basic question is: Will I be able to hook my Slink
box up to the
company's network and have access to the T1 Internet
line and networked

I just installed Slink with these modules enabled:
ncpfs, vfat, ipx,
lp, psaux, bsd_comp, ibmtr (with io=0xa20, irq=0), ppp
and slhc.

During setup I left the netowrk connection broken: I
left the hostname
as debian and didn't configure exim.

Looking at the NT IP Config program, this is the
information I know.
Could someone help me out to get dhcp working with
this box? (I have
read the dhcp and ipx HOWTOs)

Hostname: (machine ID) (I'm not sure if
I should give
this out)
DNS server:
IBM Auto 16/4 Token-Ring ISA Adapter
Subnet mask:
Default gateway
DHCP server:

There is not information (i.e., blank) for:

Primary WINS server and Secondary WINS server.

When I log in each morning, I must provide my username
and password, in
a Netware login box, in order to hook up to the
network. When would I
provide this info for Slink?

If anyone needs more info, I'll provide it. Any help
would be greatly
appreciated; I've tried doing this with Red Hat
before, but I couldn't
figure it out.


Disclaimer: The views here are not necessarily those
of this company.
Actually, they're probably not.
The NT network stuff is slightly broken from linux's
point of view.  I got the network to assign an ip
address for my linux box by installing dhcp, but the
linux box is denied acess to dns.  In other words it
dosn't know it's own address, and other computers on
the net can't look it up by host name either!  (You
can find out the address assigned by the ifconfig
command output).  I guess one could write a
bash/sed/perl script to issue the ifconfig and grab
the ip address and stuff it into the /etc/hosts file
so the machine would know it's own address.

Our network firewall uses MS proxy to provide access
to the internet.  Unless your linux box can run this
service it won't get past the firewall (is there an
open source / linux version of ms proxy that will play
on such networks?).

By using samba I can mount the linux shares on the nt
network and even have the nt machines print to the
linux box.  I havn't figured out why I can't go the
other way.  The smbhost program will let me send a
popup message to the windows machines but that is as
far as I've gotten with it.  The problem may be in
nt's use of encripted passwords.

Pehaps a Samba guru might fill in the blanks here.

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xserver connection refused

1999-10-20 Thread Kenneth Scharf
I have an xserver for windows on my winbox and I can
connect to my debian system by:

start xserver on windows box...

telnet 'url-of-linux-box'

xterm -display 'url-of-windows-box':0.0

... now running

But this doesn't work the other way. 
I get a 'connection refused by host' message when I
try to connect from one linux box to another.  I guess
there is a  config file somewhere that needs to be
modified to open up the xserver on the linux box to
allow connection by a remote system.  Where do I look?

BTW same error message on RedHat (6.1) as debian (2.1)
so this must be an XFree86 thing?


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Debian Install Question

1999-10-13 Thread Kenneth Scharf

>Please forgive me for this newbie question. 
I >am new to linux and
> I have a question regarding installation.  I have a
>13 gig hard drive
>which I partitioned this past weekend so that I could
>dual boot Debian
>Linux alongside Windows 98.  Using the fips program,
I >split my hard
>into two 6.5 Gig drives.  Everything seemed to go
>Last night I began my installation of Debian
>(slink).  Very soon into
>process, it told me that there was no linux swap
>partitions preset on
>system and it told me to partition my hard disk to
add >"linux native"
>"linux swap" partitions to my disk.
>So, knowing that I needed to create a linux
>swap, I did as it told me
>sought to partition the /dev/hda drive.  But then it
>gave me an error
>message saying "Fatal Error: Bad primary partition." 
>Then it told me
>"cfdisk has failed while trying to repartition your
>disk.  That may
>your disk's partition table is corrupt, or your disk
>is 'factory
>clean.'  I
>may wipe out your disk's current partition table and
>run cfdisk again.
>Warning: You will lost any data currently on that
>disk.  Are you sure
>want me to do this?"
>I would like to make sure I understand what
>has happened here.  I
>this all means that when I used Fips to partition my
>hard drive, that
>something went wrong.  Furthermore, the only solution
>is for the Debian
>Installation program to clear the entire hard drive
>and start again,
>essentially wiping out Windows and everything running
>off of Windows. 
>this correct?  Is there anyway to fix this problem
>without erasing
>everything?  Or am I wrong in what I think is
>happening here?


What you got is a bogus error message from cfdisk. 
Try running fdisk by hitting  to get another
vconsole and you will see that when you use the p
command to print out the partition table that the
starting and/or ending 'addresses' of the partitions
are duplicated.  What this means is that fdisk (and
cfdisk) see different 'logical' and 'physical'
addresses (chy,head,sect) for these partitions.  Fdisk
treats this as a warning, cfdisk treats it as a fatal
error.  The problem is that the 2.0.x kernels (which
is what is on the boot floppy images) does NOT report
the correct geometry for disks larger than 8.4gb.  I
ran into this problem also (I have a 17.2 gb drive in
my machine).  You need to know what the ending cyl is
and give this to cfdisk on the command line, or to
fdisk as an expert mode command.  Then these programs
will work correctly.  IF fdisk or cfdisk are run under
a 2.2.x kernel it will work 'out of the box'
correctly.  My solution was to do the partition
operation using RedHat 6.0 and THEN abort the RedHat
install, and THEN proceed to install debian (only NOT
partitioning the hard disk since it already WAS
partitioned.)  Since I now know the correct c,h,s
parameters for my disk (having discovered them under
redhat) I can re-partition under debian by going off
to another vconsole and then issuing the cfdisk
command: cfdisk -C  to set the correct cylinder

Thanks very much!
Bryan Walton

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Re: Pent. III

1999-10-13 Thread Kenneth Scharf
>> Is there any possibility of problems that would
>>arise if Linux is
>> installed on Intel Pentium IIIs?

>I haven't found any yet I have a potato/slink system
>running on a PIII
>450 with 256M RAM (kernel 2.2.12) and its very smooth
>and stable
>Its runs samba, apache with mod_include, mod_jserv
and >mod_php, proftpd
>and netatalk as its main tasks.

I have a PIII-500 cpu on a tyan s1830 mb that seems
quite stable.  Only problem I've had so far is that
the built in USB HW dosen't seem to work under windows
98, I havn't tried the USB drivers under linux 2.2.x
yet.  (That would be a suprise if Linux handled the
usb hw fine and windows didn't!)

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Re: problem with /dev/lp0

1999-10-06 Thread Kenneth Scharf
I assume you have only one printer port.  LEAVE OUT
the lp=0xnnn and let the kernel probe for the printer.
 Then look at what the kernel spits out, it will tell
you where the printer is.  Try "dmesg | less" to see it.

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problem with /dev/lp0

1999-10-06 Thread Kenneth Scharf
>I use Debian with kernel 2.0.36. All information I
>can get from the
>BIOS of my Intel PC about the parallel port ist, that
>io is 0x278 and
>that the mode is normal (other possible modes: ECP,
>EPP 1.9 and EPP
>1.7). So I say modprobe lp io=0x278. The printer is a
>HP LaserJet 4P
>connected trough a bidirectional parallel cable.
>Since printing trough
>magicfilter does not work, I tried to generate a file
>using gslj and
>send that directly to /dev/lp0: 
>cat file.lj > /dev/lp0
>This takes about 4 seconds and produces no error. But
>nothing is
>printed and there is no error message on the printer.
>tunelp /dev/lp0 -s gives the following:
>/dev/lp0 status is 240, out of paper, on-line, error
>but the printer is not out of paper and displays no
>error. Also
>printing works if the printer is connected to a
>Windows NT machine.
>tunelp /dev/lp0 tells me that lp0 is using polling.
>lp1 and lp2 are
>not configured. cat /proc/interrupts gives:

> 0:8290233   timer
> 1:  35309   keyboard
> 2:  0   cascade
> 3:188 + serial
> 4:  73807 + serial
> 8:  2 + rtc
> 9: 116284   NE2000
>13:  1   math error
>14:4628478 + ide0

>Why does printing not work?

>From what I remember linux assignes the printer at
0x3f8 to lp0, 0x378 to lp1 and 0x278 to lp2.  This
would mean that your printer is actually on lp2!  It
may be possible to override this.  Windows and dos
assign lp0 to the first printer port address found, so
the actual address of lp0 under windows and dos
depends on how many printer ports you have and at
which addresss.  Linux by default just assigns them by
a hard coded address.  If you have two printer ports
and you use the lp=0xnnn command in lilo or when
assigning modules this prevents linux from using any
other lp port (as a printer).  Maybe you had a cd rom
connected to a parallel port, you would need this
command to reserve the extra port for that (by NOT
specifing it  as a lp).  

In short, if your LP is at 0x278, try changing to lp2
and see what happens.
Any comments welcome!

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Re: Sound Config Probs

1999-10-06 Thread Kenneth Scharf
I guess the post 2.0 kernels handle this differently. 
I know that if you use 2.0.3x the isapnp runs AFTER
the kernel inits built-in's but BEFORE modules are
loaded.  The best thing would be for the driver to do
the pnp stuff itself which is how (I think) it happens
in windows.  I'll have to revist this sound config
stuff when I move to 2.2.1x (I'm waiting for 2.2.13
since 2.2.12 STILL has some bad bugs in it.  Come on

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> On Wed, 6 Oct 1999, Kenneth Scharf wrote:
> > I have compiled the sound support into my kernel
> for a
> > SB16 card also using isapnp.  A few points which I
> > noticed.
> > 
> > 1. you MUST not compile INTO the kernel, make
> sound
> > drivers a module.  After installing your new
> kernel
> [snip]
> Not always true.  I have a Creative Labs AWE64 ISA
> PNP.  I use kernel
> 2.3.18ac10 and the built in isapnp routines.  I also
> compiled sound
> support INTO the kernel and it works fine.  The
> kernel iaspnp inits the
> card at bootup and then a few processes later the
> kernel sound finds the
> card and it works fine.  
> Then again, not everyone likes using bleeding edge
> kernels.
>   --Ian Ehrenwald

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Sound Config Probs

1999-10-06 Thread Kenneth Scharf
I have compiled the sound support into my kernel for a
SB16 card also using isapnp.  A few points which I

1. you MUST not compile INTO the kernel, make sound
drivers a module.  After installing your new kernel
run modconf to add the sound modules into the module
load list (so they will be there after startup).  Kmod
load may work, I prefer to just load em at start time.

2. I have had problems with the make menuconfig and
make xconfig scripts in the 2.0.3x kernels not setting
up all the variables in the sound config.  I fixed
this by running BOTH the new and old sound config

3. I noticed that /dev/dsp was a simlink to /dev/dsp0
(same for /dev/audio) but I had to set these simlinks
by hand.  See the README file in the source directory
for the sound drivers.

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wheel mice

1999-10-03 Thread Kenneth Scharf
Is there a way I can get the 'wheel' on a wheel mouse
to work with netscape (4.6 or >) under linux?  I just
got a new wheel mouse (Kensington usb-ps2).  I havn't
gotten this to work under usb yet (will have to go to
2.2 to do that, and even windows 98e2 won't work with
my mb's usb hw!), but as a ps2 mouse it's fine, I'd
just like to get the wheel to work!

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compiling wine - xpm missing

1999-10-03 Thread Kenneth Scharf
After re-installing slink on a revamped upgraded
computer (new cpu/mb, bigger hd, new graphics card,
etc) I downloaded the latest wine sources (990923) and
tried to build.  Wine built ok, but won't run.  I get
the following message:
OBM_CreateBitmaps Xpm support not in the binary,
please install xpm and recompile.

I have the following packages installed:
xpm4.7, xpm4g, xpm4g-dev.  The xpm.h file is found in
the include path chain. (The configure scripts did NOT
set the HAVE_LIBXXPM).  I tried setting this variable
in the configure generated header file and then wine
did not link (having not found the required

I was able to build wine on the previous install of
slink, but I cannot figure out what library is
missing!!  Does anyone have an idea what package needs
to be installed?

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Re: PPP Host Configuration

1999-09-30 Thread Kenneth Scharf
I think you need to go into /etc/gettytab and
establish a login prompt on a serial port for one
thing.  Install  apache for another.

--- Ramana Tadepalli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I cant get my Linux installation to behave like a
> server (http for a
> start). Where should I begin?. How can I get it to
> run a dial-in server
> to receive connects on the modem.
> Please help
> Ramana

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Re: Best API for g++?

1999-09-29 Thread Kenneth Scharf

>>  What's the best API (GUI) for
>>writing/generating C/C++
>> code in Linux X Windows, in your opinions?  I need
>>some suggestions
>> or recommendations from those of you who have used

>Two of the most popular these days seem to be Qt
(C++) >and GTK+ (C).  I
>like Qt - the programs I create are easier to follow
>and understand,
>C++ seems like a better way to build GUIs than C. 
>It's also better
>documented than GTK+ (GTK+, last I checked, didn't
>have any
>From the looks of the web site, that's being
changed), >which leads to
>being easier to use.

Try VDK, which is a c++ wrapper around gtk++.  There
is also a vdk builder (like borland) which is a
'visual' development studio and gui front end for gdb.
 Both are now in version 1.0.  There is decent
documentation for VDK and a tutorial, vdk builder
needs better doc's but the tutorial will get you
started.  I forget the URL at the moment, but deb's
are available from h. moffet.

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Re: what modem

1999-09-29 Thread Kenneth Scharf

On Tue, 28 Sep 1999, J.H.M. Dassen (Ray) wrote:

> [Debian-doc is for discussion and development of
Debian documentation
> moved to debian-user which is the general list for
support questions]
> On Tue, Sep 28, 1999 at 08:46:14 -0700, O'Driscoll
> > what modem works best for 2.0.2 & 2.1?
> Any modem that isn't a "winmodem" - i.e. any real

>(rule of thumb) If it's external, it'll work,
There are a few things to watch out for.  There was
the guy tring to get a 14400 external modem to work
that had the serial line speed set to 115000.  The
modem would talk no faster than 56k.  Also if you have
a 16450 uart you can't usually go faster than 56k.  So
you might have to watch what uart speed you specify.
>(rule of thumb) If it's ISA with jumpers, it'll work,
NOT always true.  I have seen winmodems with

>(rule of thumb) If it's PCI, it won't work,
Not always true.  There are one or two PCI modems that
work.  The ones that are NOT memory mapped MIGHT work.

>(rule of thumb) If it's ISA with no jumpers, it might
You will need isapnp for this one

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Re: X for Win95

1999-09-28 Thread Kenneth Scharf
The 1.x version that is on the S.U.S.E. distro is free
(as in free beer cause the source isn't available). 
For what I wanted to do this was good enough.  For $25
I would try the 2.0 version though.

--- Kristopher Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Kenneth Scharf wrote:
> > See linux Gazzette #45.  Get the MIX xserver for
> > windows from microimages.  It's on the SUSE distro
> > under dos utilities.
> BTW, the current version of MIX for Windows is not
> free, but it's
> only $25.
> I've been using it at work.  It's not as nice as
> some of the more
> expensive alternatives, but it's good enough.
> (The Macintosh version is free.)
> - Kris

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bug in xdm?

1999-09-28 Thread Kenneth Scharf

I have noticed that if I use  to switch
from an xwindow to a vconsole, the xsession sometimes
restarts when I  back.  This never happens if
I started the xwindow via startx, but will when I log
in from xdm.  All applications open in the xwindow are
closed and I lose any data not saved.  However if I
started PPP in the xterm, that connection is still
open when the xlogin re-starts.  This behavior appears
to have started after I updated from hamm to slink. 
Also I noticed it on my previous setup (k6233) and my
current setup (PIII500) with different video cards. 
Also I was using the xfree 3.3.2 svga server (from
slink) but am now using the 3.3.3 svga server (from
unproposed updates) with the matrox g200 card.  

Anyone else notice this, and any ideas?

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