Re: AGAIN HELP!!!: Debian on ThinkPad 380XD

1998-10-11 Thread Noel Yap
Alexander Kushnirenko wrote:
> Thanks for the help!  It's started to work.  We managed to start installation
> process,  partitioned disks, installed base system, prepare a bootable floppy
> etc...
> Problem:
> 1. When we reboot computer it prints:
> LILIO: linux..
> 2. We put in bootable diskette, same story:
> boot: linux.
> It looks like we screwed up again :(
> Any help?

Make sure you are using the Tecra disk images:


Re: HELP!!!: Debian on ThinkPad 380XD

1998-10-11 Thread Noel Yap
Alexander Kushnirenko wrote:
> Hi,
> We are trying to install debian 2.0 from floppies on ThinkPad, we used 2
> floppies resc1440tecra.bin resc1440.bin. Here is what's going on:
> 1. We boot from floppy see long message with
> boot:
> at the end
> 2. type
> boot: linux floppy=thinkpad
This is unnecessary on the newer ThinkPads.  Try again using the Tecra


Re: some questions

1998-09-26 Thread Noel Yap
D'jinnie wrote:
> I don't seem to have too much luck with fine-tuning my Debian machine. I
> can't find xv (which I really like), compile all of the pine 4.05 dist
> (undefined references to crypt) and other little annoyances. Dselect just
> swamps me with all the packages with no way of isolating just the ones I
> want...BTW, is there a way to make dpkg show all the files it's
> installing? I get nervous when I don't know what it's doing or where it's
> going

If you want to search for a particular package in dselect, use the `/'. 
I hate to say this, but reading dselect's online help is very

If you want to know what files are installed by a package and where they
went, use `dpkg --listfiles '.  Again, `dpkg --help' and
`man dpkg' are very useful.


Re: Resc1440 Floppy locks up during install of Debian 2.0

1998-09-26 Thread Noel Yap
Dave White wrote:
> The Rescue/boot floppy locks up after the following:
> Loading root.bin 
> Loading linux .
> < here is where it locks up
> -I've formatted three different floppies
> -downloaded resc1440.bin from two different sites
> -tried "linux floppy=thinkpad" with same result

You neglected to say what your system actually was.  If it's a ThinkPad,
try using the "Tecra" disk images.  You shouldn't need to use the
`floppy=thinkpad' option on the more recent ThinkPads.


Re: slink

1998-09-06 Thread Noel Yap
Rick Knebel wrote:
> Hi,
> What is the difference between slink and unstable on the debian ftp site.

Currently, nothing; `slink' is the code name for the unstable
distribution, just as `hamm' is the code name for the stable
distribution.  When slink becomes ready for beta testing, it will become
`frozen', then when it's released it becomes stable and we'll need
another code name for unstable.


Re: X windows...

1998-09-05 Thread Noel Yap
David Warnock wrote:
> I suggest you look in the man pages for startx. You should see that the
> default X server to start is X. On my system that was starting the wrong
> server so I changed X to be a symbolic link to XF86_SVGA.
On a Debian system, /usr/bin/X11/X is not a symlink at all but actually
a wrapper program that checks the file /etc/X11/Xserver for the proper X
server to call.  You'll want the first line in that file to read
"/usr/bin/X11/XF86_SVGA".  See /usr/doc/xbase/README.Debian for more


Re: Debian and Reh Hat Questions

1998-09-05 Thread Noel Yap
Jens B. Jorgensen wrote:
> Dip is for an old package called 'dip'. It was sort of line 'pon' I think. 
> Since the
> package has long since gone away I find it annoying we're still stuck with 
> the group.

On the contrary, dip is still available in slink.  I use it to dial up
my ISP since it's the only package that does SLIP.


~ $ dpkg --status dip
Package: dip
Status: install ok installed
Priority: extra
Section: net
Installed-Size: 202
Maintainer: Fabrizio Polacco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Version: 3.3.7p-2
Replaces: netstd (<= 2.14)
Depends: libc6, liblockdev0g
 /etc/diphosts 7cbf2c9d02415cd75fafac56a6c62dc8
 /etc/slip.dip 0907d6a1717749ea2827498f5bfa4ec5
 /etc/ppp.dip 4fbc6b28e998e7fa098d08e0ab1efae4
Description: Tool for handling SLIP/PPP dialup IP connections
 This program handles the connections needed for dialup IP links, like
 SLIP or PPP. It can handle both incoming and outgoing connections,
 using password security for incoming connections.

Re: 2.0.35-1 menuconfig error

1998-08-30 Thread Noel Yap
George Bonser wrote:
> WHen trying to make menuconfig on 2.0.35-1 I get the following:
> scripts/Menuconfig: line 1183:  8917 Segmentation fault  $DIALOG
> --backtitle "$backtitle" --infobox "Preparing configuration scripts..." 3
> 40
> make: *** [menuconfig] Error 1
> If I issue the command manually, I also segfault. RUnning a make clean all
> and another make menuconfig does not fix it.
> It looks like the lxdialog executeable that gets built in scripts/lxdialog
> is broken.
> Has anyone else had this problem? I need to build autofs support into the
> kernel and the system is behind a firewall from me and I can not use
> xconfig. I will use a plain-old make config if I have to but I really like
> the menuconfig.

I got something similar to this.  IIRC, you need to upgrade ncurses and


Re: XDM setup, how to change default color depth

1998-08-23 Thread Noel Yap
Chris R. Martin wrote:
> How can I convince xdm that I want to run at a 32-bit color depth by
> default rather than 8 bpp?  Do I need to 'hack up' my XF86Config file so
> that 32 bpp is the only one availible, or can I somehow pass a parameter to
> the X server when it is started up?

The short answer:  Look in /etc/X11/xdm/Xserver

The long answer:

$ man xdm

   xdm  -  X  Display  Manager  with  support for XDMCP, host
   xdm  is  highly configurable, and most of its behavior can
   be controlled by resource files and  shell  scripts.   The
   names  of  these  files themselves are resources read from
   the file xdm-config or  the  file  named  by  the  -config
   At  many  stages  the  actions  of  xdm  can be controlled
   through the use of its configuration file, which is in the
   X  resource format.  Some resources modify the behavior of
  This  resource either specifies a file name full of
  server entries, one per line (if the  value  starts
  with  a  slash), or a single server entry.  See the
  section Local Server Specification for the details.
   First, the xdm configuration file should be set up.   Make
   a  directory  (usually  /lib/X11/xdm, where 
   refers to the root of the X11 install tree) to contain all
   of  the  relevant  files.  In the examples that follow, we
   use /usr/X11R6 as the value of .
   Note  that  this  file mostly contains references to other
   files.  Note also that some of the resources are specified

Debian puts the X11 configuration files in /etc/X11/ so if you look in

$ cat /etc/X11/xdm/xdm-config
! /etc/X11/xdm/xdm-config
! resources specific to xdm itself
DisplayManager.authDir: /var/lib/xdm
DisplayManager.pidFile: /var/run/xdm-pid
DisplayManager.keyFile: /etc/X11/xdm/xdm-keys
DisplayManager.servers: /etc/X11/xdm/Xservers
DisplayManager.accessFile:  /etc/X11/xdm/Xaccess

The DisplayManager.servers line xdm to look in /etc/X11/xdm/Xservers to
start the X server.

$ cat /etc/X11/xdm/Xservers
# /etc/X11/xdm/Xservers
# [Comments deleted]
:0 local /usr/X11R6/bin/X

So all you have to do is append the option `-bpp 16'.  Voila!


Re: Installing XFSTT on HAMM

1998-08-18 Thread Noel Yap
Doug Thistlethwaite wrote:
> Thanks for the insight everyone!
> I take it that the slink version doesn't require any library changes to work 
> (like
> some of the stuff post BO upgrade.  (I just upgraded last week so I have not
> figured everything - or much of anything - out yet :).

Yes, slink uses libc6 (aka glibc2), so if you've upgraded to hamm there
shouldn't be any problem

> I have always used the version of programs that are included in the current
> release.  Can I use dselect to load/install the slink version?  I think I saw
> something about dselect being replaced in slink...  Let me know if there is
> anything special I need to do to install it.  Without any alternate 
> directions, I
> would use dselect to remove xfstt (hamm version) and them use dselect to find 
> &
> load the slink version.

If you're only upgrading xfstt, it would be easier to just download the
relevant .deb from slink then install it directly using "dpkg -i
xfstt_.deb".  If you want to use dselect, then you'll have to
point it to dists/unstable/* instead of dists/stable/*.  If you do so
then other packages aside from xfstt may also be upgraded, too.  Choose

> [...]
> So bottom line is I should:1. Load the slink package.
> 2. Copy my .ttf files to the font directory/var/ttfonts

As Stephen Carpenter said, this has changed.  I've just upgraded, let's'll need to put them into /usr/share/fonts/truetype

> 3. Move the xfstt script below to my /etc/inet.d directory.

The package should take care of this for you, but check anyway

> 4. Edit my XF86Config file to include Fontpath "unix/:7101" ... Do I need to
> remove the other Font Stuff already in the file?

Put the new line in but don't change or remove anything else.

> I will give this a try tonight when I get home.  Please let me know if I need 
> to
> do anything special I missed above.
> Thanks for all of the help!

Good luck!

And if California slides into the ocean,
Like the mystics and statistics say it will.
I predict this motel will be standing,
Until I've paid my bill.
-- Warren Zevon, "Desperados Under the Eaves"

Re: Installing XFSTT on HAMM

1998-08-16 Thread Noel Yap
The xfstt package that comes with hamm is very minimalistic in terms of
documentation and user setup.  You might be better off installing the
more up-to-date package in slink, which more-or-less takes care of
everything for you.  Anyway, here's a brief description of what you need
to do:

1.  Put all your .ttf fonts into /var/ttfonts.
2.  Create an xfstt startup script in /etc/init.d and corresponding
symlinks in /etc/rc?.d.
3.  Edit your /etc/X11/XF86Config so that it has 'FontPath "unix/:7100"'
in Section "Files".

The hardest part is step 2, but the latest package in slink should take
care of that for you.

Good luck!
It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle if it is
lightly greased.
-- Kehlog Albran, "The Profit"

Re: stupidity and disaster

1998-07-12 Thread Noel Yap

I might be wrong, but I seem to recall reading somewhere that the shell
the system uses to boot up must be physically present in /bin and not
symlinked to somewhere else like /usr/local/bin.  The default setup is
to have /bin/sh symlinked to /bin/bash.  This is supposed to be a
security precaution to prevent some random luser from replacing the
default shell.  As others have suggested, you'll need to boot using your
rescue disk to get your system going again.


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Re: More Linux in the press

1998-07-12 Thread Noel Yap
Steve Lamb wrote:
> The problem with that is two fold.  They paint a false picture of Linux
> and they also strengthen the hold of those applications have on the market by
> insisting they be everywhere.  I've been bitten by that misconception.  I've
> been asked three times now to submit my resume in Word format because the
> people on the other end couldn't figure out how to print my *ASCII* resume
> formated to 78 characters wide!  They actually chastised me for not using a
> standard format.  Please, someone tell me of a format more universal than
> plain ASCII!

You probably don't want to be working for people Word is a standard

We gave you an atomic bomb, what do you want, mermaids?
-- I. I. Rabi to the Atomic Energy Commission

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Re: auctex not happening

1998-06-11 Thread Noel Yap
[A courtesy copy has also been sent to the auctex package maintainer.]

Waldemar ¯urowski wrote:
> AFAIK it is not. AUCTeX is separate package for Emacs, and there is
> "native"(?) tex-mode in Emacs. In other words, if someone wants to use
> AuCTeX, she/he should put require tex-site in .emacs.

Mark Phillips wrote:
> The fact that someone is installing AUCTeX would suggest to me that
> they probably want "require tex-site" in their .emacs.  So either
> this should be done automatically, or probably even better, the configure
> script should prompt the user, asking them if they want this done.

I agree.  Further spelunking in the bowels of my system leads me to
believe that the Debian way would be to put (require 'tex-site.el) in
/etc/emacs/site-start.el or to have the package itself put a symlink to
tex-site.el in /etc/emacs/site-start.d/.  This is the default behavior
of tm and vm (i.e., they install


respectively.  (Don't ask me to explain why one package installs in
/etc/emacs/ and the other in /etc/emacs19/.))

> The thing that annoyed me is that AUCTeX was working on my bo system, but
> after upgrading it stopped working.  So either upgrading AUCTeX or
> upgrading emacs changed "require tex-site" so that it was commented
> out in my .emacs script.

I used to have AUCTeX working on my hamm system without my having to do
anything special in my ~/.emacs until I upgraded recently.  Then I had
to put in the (require 'tex-site).  I think this happened when I
replaced the emacs package with the emacs19 + emacsen-common

Nasrudin walked into a teahouse and declaimed, "The moon is more useful
than the sun."
"Why?", he was asked.
"Because at night we need the light more."

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Re: Building Kernel for Sound

1998-06-06 Thread Noel Yap
Doug Thistlethwaite wrote:
> Thanks for the input George,
> I have looked all through the bo archive (using dselect) for a package called
> make-kpkg.  I do not see one on my mirror by that name.

That should be `kernel-package'.  It should be in the `misc' section,

transfer, n.:
A promotion you receive on the condition that you leave town.

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Re: auctex not happening

1998-06-04 Thread Noel Yap
Mark Phillips wrote:
> Hi,
> I've recently upgraded to hamm.  The auctex package installed fine,
> but it doesn't seem to start up when I use emacs!
> Previously when I loaded a latex document into emacs, it would
> automatically go into auctex mode.  Now when I do it, it goes into a
> non-auctex, tex mode.  I can do a M-x latex-mode, but this is a non-auctex
> latex mode.  Why can't emacs see auctex - what do I have to do to activate
> it?

I got the same thing.  I upgraded to hamm some time ago, and auctex has
worked all right until now.  Hadn't noticed it before, possibly because
classes are over.  Anyway, a fix is to put (require 'tex-site) in your
.emacs file.  I believe this qualifies as a Debian bug (for the auctex

Military intelligence is a contradiction in terms.
-- Groucho Marx

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Re: Netscape Mail problem

1998-06-04 Thread Noel Yap
Matthew Myers wrote:
> When I try to send mail to this list server using netscape mail, it never
> gets here.  I sent this using pine.  I have tried this before and after a
> complete Debian re-install and always have the same results.  What's the
> deal with netscape mail?

You need to set up Netscape to use the proper mail servers.  Assuming
you're using Netscape 4.0x, select Edit|Preferences, click on the little
triangle next to Mail and Groups so that it points down, then click on
Mail Server.  Then enter the values for your username, outgoing and
incoming mail server.

I use Netscape mail with no problems.  In fact, this message was sent
using it.

It is by the fortune of God that, in this country, we have three
freedom of speech, freedom of thought, and the wisdom never to use
-- Mark Twain

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Re: "rdir" directory graph util for Linux?

1998-06-03 Thread Noel Yap
the lone gunman wrote:
> In my DOS days, I had this program called "rdir."  It displayed a
> "Relative Directory size" for first level directories off of the
> root in the form of a pie graph.

[SNIP description] 

> Anyway, it was great when it came time to clean up my harddrive,
> because I could see which diretories were the space hogs.
> Is there something similar for linux?

`df' and `du' come to mind.

excerpts from the man pages:

   df - summarize free disk space
   This manual page documents the GNU version of df.  df dis­
   plays the amount of disk space available on the filesystem
   containing each file name argument.  If no  file  name  is
   given,  the  space  available  on  all  currently  mounted
   filesystems is shown.[...]

   du - summarize disk usage
   This manual page documents the GNU version of du.  du dis­
   plays  the  amount of disk space used by each argument and
   for each subdirectory of directory arguments.[...]

Hope this helps!
Culture is the habit of being pleased with the best and knowing why.

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Re: libXpm and xgalaga

1998-05-18 Thread Noel Yap
> While trying to get xgalaga set up I ran ./configure as laid out in the
> install doc, and got an error message about libXpm not being found.
[snip configuration troubles]

Why don't you just install the Debian xgalaga package?  It should be in
non-free, I think.  That should take care of all the dependencies for

If the very old will remember, the very young will listen.
-- Chief Dan George

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Re: errors running startx

1998-05-13 Thread Noel Yap
Keith wrote:
> I have been battling xwindows for a few days now. Everyone has been very
> helpful, but I am still not running.

Stick with it!  This is the hardest part of installation for everyone.

> I downloaded xlib6_3.3-4.deb and installed it using dpkg -i
> xlib6_3.3-4.deb. I got an error when I did this, it is as follows.
> ldconfig: warning can't open /usr/X11R6/lib/ (no such file or
> directory)
> ldconfig: warning can't open /usr/X11R6/lib/ (no such file
> or directory)

Ignore this.  You're just missing some X extensions.  Your system should
run fine without them.

> X: exec of /usr/X11R6/bin/XF86_NONE failed

You don't have an X server yet.  What video card do you have?  You need
to download xserver-vga16 and probably another xserver-* package,
depending on your video card.  Then run XF86Setup to configure the X

Ever get the feeling that the world's on tape and one of the reels is
-- Rich Little

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Re: xWindows can't load

1998-05-12 Thread Noel Yap
Noah L. Meyerhans wrote:
> On Mon, 11 May 1998, Keith Alen Vance wrote:
> > When I run startx I get the following:
> >
> > xauth: can't load library ''
> > xinit: can't load library ''
> This particular problem should disappear if you issue the following
> command before running startx:
> export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/usr/X11R6/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH"
> (if using bash or sh as your shell)
> setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /usr/X11R6/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
> (if using csh or tcsh)
> is a shared object.  It contains pre-compiled source code that
> applications (startx, in this case) can link with.  It's similar to the
> concept of a .dll in dos/windows.  In a standard debian installation,
> lives in /usr/X11R6/lib, so by setting the LD_LIBRARY_PATH to
> point to that location, you're telling your apps to look in that location
> for shared objects.

That's assuming that has actually been installed.  If not,
you'll need to install the xlib6g package.

BTW, you shouldn't have to do the LD_LIBRARY_PATH trick if your
(the dynamic loader) is properly configured.  Check the file
/etc/ to see if it includes a line with "/usr/X11R6/lib".  If
not, then add it and run ldconfig, which will point to the right

You're a good example of why some animals eat their young.
-- Jim Samuels to a heckler

Ah, yes.  I remember my first beer.
-- Steve Martin to a heckler

When your IQ rises to 28, sell.
-- Professor Irwin Corey to a heckler

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Re: where do I download the Kernel Source

1998-05-04 Thread Noel Yap
Keith wrote:
> I am going to upgrade my kernel from 2.0.29 to 2.0.33. I downloaded the
> kernel, a file called linux-2.0.33.tar.gz. Does this file contain the
> kernel source, it seems to small 6.3meg. If this does not contain the
> kernel source where do I get it from? When I look at all the ftp servers
> that have kernels on them they do not have kernel source files.
> Keith

You can download the kernel-source-2.0.33.deb package from the usual
Debian ftp sites.  It's in section devel.

Amnesia used to be my favorite word, but then I forgot it.

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Re: Shells in /usr/bin?

1998-05-04 Thread Noel Yap
Asher Haig wrote:
> Why are the shells from .deb packages put in /usr/bin? Shells are generally
> kept in /bin to the extent of my knowledge...

I believe you are not entirely correct: bash is kept in /bin.  /bin/sh
is a symlink to /bin/bash.  csh is also in /bin, although this is a
symlink to /etc/alternatives/csh which is a symlink to /usr/bin/tcsh. 

Democracy is the recurrent suspicion that more than half of the people
are right more than half of the time.
-- E. B. White

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Re: Hamm & LaTeX: regmar.sty?

1998-02-06 Thread Noel Yap
Will Lowe wrote:
> I'm using the tetex distribution in hamm.  I need to set my margins to
> normal US default ones;  I used to do this with regmar.sty in
> previous/other versions of latex.  How do I do this in tetex -- I can't
> find "regmar.sty" anywhere ...
Use `fullpage.sty', eg,


aphorism, n.:
A concise, clever statement.
afterism, n.:
A concise, clever statement you don't think of until too late.
-- James Alexander Thom

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Re: strftime() produces segmentation fault

1998-01-11 Thread Noel Yap
Torsten Hilbrich wrote:
> Noel Yap <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Not strictly Debian, but I *am* a Debian user so
> >
> > I am trying to ACeDB
> > <>.  However, both
> > the text and graphical programs (tace and xace, respectively) produce a
> > segmentation fault when trying to reinitialize the database.  gdb just
> > says:
> >
> > Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
> > 0x40085dde in strftime ()
> That usually happens, if the program gives a null pointer argument
> when calling the strftime.
> You should recompile everything with -g option, run gdb ,
> and type up after receiving the segfault.  You will go up one stack
> frame and see at which source line this function is called.  Maybe you
> will be able to fix that line.

Thanks.  I am also having problems compiling, which is why I'm using the
pre-compiled binaries, but that's a whole other story.  I'll let the
upstream developers know about this.

You are in a maze of little twisting passages, all alike.

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strftime() produces segmentation fault

1998-01-05 Thread Noel Yap
Not strictly Debian, but I *am* a Debian user so

I am trying to ACeDB
.  However, both
the text and graphical programs (tace and xace, respectively) produce a
segmentation fault when trying to reinitialize the database.  gdb just

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x40085dde in strftime ()

I am running all the latest from unstable.  I suspect that there might
be a libc5/libc6 conflict somewhere, but have no idea how to resolve
it.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Re: Another X problem

1997-12-05 Thread Noel Yap
On Thu, 04 Dec 1997, Paul Rightly wrote:
> I successfully reinstalled Debian on my Thinkpad 365XD.
> Once I got a PCMCIA modem and got this laptop "connected," I upgraded it to 
> the
> lastest in stable (this moved X from 3.2 to 3.3).  I cannot get X to work
> correctly now.  When I "startx" I see this screen but it is very garbled with 
> a
> lot of horizontal lines and noise.  I tried to correct it with a new 
> XF86Config,
> but that did not help.  The only thing that I tried that worked was 
> downgrading
> X back to 3.2.  Is there a way that I can successfully use X 3.3 on my laptop?

I have the same system.  Support for the ThinkPad 365XD by Xfree86 3.2
was never very good.  The "upgrade" to 3.3 broke this and many other
configurations as well I believe, since they quickly released the 3.3.1
fix.  This is the version that I'm using right now.  Only the unstable
distribution has 3.3.1, however, so if you want to take advantage of it,
you also need to make the dreaded libc5->libc6 transition.  It's not all
that painful, really; just follow Scott Ellis' *excellent* HOWTO, which
is posted here regularly.

If you're not quite ready to make the leap to libc6, you can grab the
3.3.1 SVGA server from and use that together with the
rest of the 3.3 packages in bo.  If you're reluctant to use a non-Debian
package, you could keep the 3.2 server but upgrade everything else to
3.3.  You'll have to gunzip the Xfonts if you do this, since the 3.2
Xserver only handles compress'd but not gzip'd fonts.

Good luck!


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Re: /etc/rc[0-6].d directories missing in Debian 1.3.1

1997-07-25 Thread Noel Yap
On Thu Jul 24 12:45:31 -0700 1997, Sam Ockman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I found the rc directories in /var/backup along with the file rc.symlink
> there.  I put them back where they belong.  It still seems important that we
> figure out what caused this (maybe this belongs in Debian developer...I can
> never tell...)
> Anyways, another file that was in /var/backup was rc.symlinkIt's nowhere
> else on the disk.   Where does it belong?? 
> Thanks
> Sam
> Message from Sam Ockman ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) on 7-23-97:
> > I just installed Debian 1.3.1, and spent several harrowing hours getting
> > exactly the packages I want (working out dependancies, etc.)  I was just
> > about to celebrate, when bam, I realized there were no /etc/rc[0-6]
> > directories
> > 
> > I'm assuming they haven't been renamed (they are on my Debian 1.3 
> > system)
> > Did some package delete them like my inetd.conf file was deleted by a random
> > package in 1.3 days (might have been pre-release days, so it was
> > acceptable...)  What's going on?
> > 


Did you by any chance install a package called file-rc?

~$ dpkg --status file-rc
Package: file-rc
Status: install ok installed
Priority: extra
Section: admin
Installed-Size: 27
Maintainer: Tom Lees <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Version: 0.4.1
Depends: sysvinit
Description: RC script to use a file /etc/runlevel.conf instead of symlinks
 This changes the standard /etc/init.d/rc and update-rc.d scripts to
 operate on a config-file /etc/runlevel.conf instead, which is easier to
 administrate than symlinks, and is also more flexible.
 The package will automatically convert your existing symlinks into the
 file method on installation, and convert the file back into symlinks on

Immanuel V. Yap e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Graduate Student[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Plant Breeding  office: (607) 255-3103
320 Bradfield Hall  home:   (607) 256-7034
Cornell Univeristy
Ithaca, NY 14853

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Trouble?  e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

Re: make-kpkg build error

1997-07-17 Thread Noel Yap
Karlheinz Nolte <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I get the following error, if I try to build a custom kernel with
> make-kpkg:
> --snip
> make[3]: Entering directory
> `/usr/src/kernel-source-2.0.27/arch/i386/boot'
> as86 -0 -a -o bbootsect.o bbootsect.s
> make[3]: as86: Command not found
> make[3]: *** [bbootsect.o] Error 127
> make[3]: Leaving directory
> `/usr/src/kernel-source-2.0.27/arch/i386/boot'
> make[2]: *** [bzImage] Error 2
> make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/kernel-source-2.0.27'
> make[1]: *** [build] Error 2
> make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/kernel-source-2.0.27'
> make: *** [stamp-image] Error 2
> --snap
> Is there a solution? I have Debian 1.2.2.
> -CU

You need the bin86 package in devel:

~$ dpkg --search as86
bin86: /usr/bin/as86
~$ dpkg --status bin86
Package: bin86
Status: install ok installed
Priority: standard
Section: devel
Installed-Size: 73
Maintainer: joost witteveen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Version: 0.4-3
Description: Assembler and loader for kernel compilation.
 This is the as86 and ld86 distribution written by Bruce Evans.
 It's a complete 8086 assembler and loader which can make 32-bit
 code for the 386+ processors (under linux it's used only to create
 the 16-bit bootsector and setup binaries).


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Re: 1.3.1 font problem in X

1997-07-13 Thread Noel Yap
On Fri Jul 11 19:29:26 -0400 1997, digger vermont <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
>   I upgraded from 1.3.0 to 1.3.1 which was mostly an X upgrade to 3.3-3.
> Now, none of the upgraded and important (misc, 75dp1, and 100dpi I believe) 
> font paths are recognized. I tried running mkfontdir in the individual 
> direcories but it didn't help.   I tried both the stock X servers and 
> AcceleratedX.  Fortunately Xaccel has a few fonts so I can get X up and 
> running.  Help please!
> -- 
> digger

I lost a whole day trying to figure this out myself.  Xfree86 3.3
comes with gzip'd fonts, which are not recognized by the old 3.2 X
servers.  Either upgrade your server or gunzip your fonts.  I did the
latter myself, since the 3.3 SVGA server doesn't like my ThinkPad
display. :-(

Immanuel V. Yap e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Graduate Student[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Plant Breeding  office: (607) 255-3103
320 Bradfield Hall  home:   (607) 256-7034
Cornell Univeristy
Ithaca, NY 14853

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Re: Problems with Debian 1.3 new installation and ThinkPad 365XD.

1997-07-13 Thread Noel Yap
On Fri Jul 11 17:03:41 -0500 1997, Timothy J. Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   I'm attempting a new install on the ThinkPad 365XD w/800x600
> display, 40Mb RAM, CDROM and external floppy; at boot, the system reports
> root.bin loaded, then linux, then it simply halts.

I have a similar system.  Bootup from the install disks for me was
always *extremely* flaky.  I've found that if you wait until the
system hangs, turn off the machine, then turn it back on again (and
mutter the right incantation :-), it will boot up normally.  Lilo will
also hang the machine, but LOADLIN works well.  So you'll have to keep
some portion of your W*n95 partition and boot up from an appropriate
batch file.

>   I've created 3 rescue disks on three different diskettes from two
> different downloads, and all have exhibited the same problem.  Booting
> "linux floppy=thinkpad" has no observable effect.  All were built from
> this machine, a ThinkPad 760LD running Debian 1.3 (that I'm *trying* to
> replace).

NOTE: you don't need to use this switch for the 365XD (at least on
mine).  I think this problem has been fixed on later ThinkPads. YMMV.

>   The ThinkPad 760LD is running an upgrade from Debian 1.2.  I
> didn't have any boot problems with the initial Debian 1.1 installation on
> the 760LD, *or* with the complete reinstall I did with Debian 1.2.  The
> linux-2.0.30 without modifications; in the past it has also booted the
> 2.0.27, 28, and 29.
>   I've not ever had any significant base install problems on
> various ThinkPads until this one (365XD).  Anyone have any ideas?
> -- 
> PGP Fingerprint: 
>  BC AB 28 19 A6 A4 FF 5B  CA 4D B4 03 3A A7 F4 5C

X is also a pain to install if you have a DSTN display.  There's
something funky with the Xfree86 3.3 SVGA server and the 365XD DSTN
display, so you might want to install Xfree86 3.2 instead.  I hear
that things are easier with a TFT.

Immanuel V. Yap e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Graduate Student[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Plant Breeding  office: (607) 255-3103
320 Bradfield Hall  home:   (607) 256-7034
Cornell Univeristy
Ithaca, NY 14853

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