Re: init dying with NFS root

2001-01-03 Thread Tim Bell
I wrote:

 I'm trying to set up a Beowulf cluster using NFS root for booting,
 but I'm not having much success.
 This is all using 2.4.0-prerelease.  (2.2.18 and 2.2.19pre3 both failed
 before even getting to mounting root -- I'm not sure why yet.)  The
 kernel is loaded by LILO from an ext2 filesystem on a floppy or hard

Well, I didn't find out what was causing the problem, but I found that
booting from a kernel which was dd'd directly onto the floppy (as
opposed to being loaded by lilo from a filesystem on the floppy) works.
I was using lilo so I could use the kernel boot options, but I can get
around that by using bootp instead.

Now I just need to sort out all the other little problems...

Tim Bell - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - System Administrator  Programmer
Trinity College, Royal Parade, Parkville, Victoria, 3052, Australia

init dying with NFS root

2001-01-02 Thread Tim Bell

I'm trying to set up a Beowulf cluster using NFS root for booting,
but I'm not having much success.

First of all, any dynamically linked init (or init replacement, such as
init=/bin/bash) fails, with no error messages.  I had no idea how to go
about debugging that one, so I switched to statically linked
executables, and encountered...

The second problem is that even statically linked executables fail, but
after executing a little bit.  For instance, init (with some extra
logging) usually fails just before it opens /etc/inittab.  Hello world
gets all the way through (but isn't good for much ;-).  sash can cope
with one empty command before freezing.  shell2 (from Richard Stevens'
Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment) can execute /bin/ls
before freezing.

This is all using 2.4.0-prerelease.  (2.2.18 and 2.2.19pre3 both failed
before even getting to mounting root -- I'm not sure why yet.)  The
kernel is loaded by LILO from an ext2 filesystem on a floppy or hard

Any clues as to what's going on, or the next thing to try, would be much

(Reply-to set to debian-user.)

Tim Bell - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - System Administrator  Programmer
Trinity College, Royal Parade, Parkville, Victoria, 3052, Australia

Two delete keys with xemacs

2000-06-18 Thread Tim Bell

I'm xemacs21 (21.1.10-1), and I find that both my delete key and my
backspace key are registering as the keystroke DEL under xemacs.
However, under xkeycaps and xev, the backspace key is generating
Backspace, and the delete key is generating Delete.

I'm not doing any Xmodmap remapping.

I didn't notice this problem with 21.1.8-2, although I'm not sure that
that was because I had separate Backspace and Delete keys, or because
the old default of (setq delete-key-deletes-forward nil) which was
changed in 21.1.9-2 meant that I got the backspace behaviour with both
Delete and Backspace.

Any ideas anyone?

Here are the package versions involved:

ii  xemacs21-bin   21.1.10-1  Editor and kitchen sink -- support binaries
ii  xemacs21-suppo 21.1.10-1  Editor and kitchen sink -- architecture inde
ii  libc6  2.1.3-10   GNU C Library: Shared libraries and Timezone
ii  libncurses55.0-6  Shared libraries for terminal handling
ii  xlib6g 3.3.6-7shared libraries required by X clients
ii  xserver-svga   3.3.6-7X server for SVGA graphics cards
ii  xserver-common 3.3.6-7files and utilities common to all X servers

Tim Bell -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- System Administrator -- 9349 0466

Re: Two delete keys with xemacs

2000-06-18 Thread Tim Bell
* Colin Watson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 Tim Bell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm xemacs21 (21.1.10-1), and I find that both my delete key and my
 backspace key are registering as the keystroke DEL under xemacs.
 However, under xkeycaps and xev, the backspace key is generating
 Backspace, and the delete key is generating Delete.


Thanks for this tip.

While this patch fixes some other problems I've noticed, it doesn't fix
my xemacs one.  (There are no xemacs resources in /etc/X11/Xresources to
be loaded.)

Further to my previous report, I find that xemacs -vanilla *does* give
me separate BS and DEL keys.  I'll have a hunt around in the config
files which the -vanilla option supresses and see if I can find
what's causing it.

Tim Bell -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- System Administrator -- 9349 0466

Re: Two delete keys with xemacs

2000-06-18 Thread Tim Bell
I just wrote:

 Further to my previous report, I find that xemacs -vanilla *does* give
 me separate BS and DEL keys.  I'll have a hunt around in the config
 files which the -vanilla option supresses and see if I can find
 what's causing it.

Well, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa.

In my .emacs file, I was loading an old file called delbackspace.el, and
it was responsible for fouling up my Backspace key.  Removing it fixed
the problem.

Sorry for wasting people's time with this.

Tim Bell -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- System Administrator -- 9349 0466

apache auth_ldap problems

2000-02-10 Thread Tim Bell
Has anyone got auth_ldap working with apache?  I'm using apache 1.3.9-10,
and auth_ldap doesn't seem to be included.

The changelog.Debian says:

apache (1.3.9-6) unstable; urgency=low

  * Compilation of mod_auth_ldap is optional.

 -- Johnie Ingram [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Sun, 12 Sep 1999 21:13:08 -0500

apache (1.3.9-5) unstable; urgency=low

  * Included auth_ldap from Rudedog's software laboratories.

I'm not sure what optional means for a pre-built package.

I've also tried building apache 1.3.9-10 myself from source.
auth_ldap-1.4.0 is included, but it didn't build properly without
changes.  (It was using an openldap 2.0 alpha library, which isn't
available as a debian package.)  There were a few other fixes as well,
which allowed the build to work.  (I can file these as bugs if anyone
thinks it will be useful.)  But now, apachectl configtest gives:

Syntax error on line 103 of /etc/apache/httpd.conf:
Cannot load /usr/lib/apache/1.3/ into server: 
/usr/lib/apache/1.3/ undefined symbol: ber_scanf

[Of course, it's not really a syntax error in the config file.]

Any ideas?

Tim Bell - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Dept of Comp Sci  SE - Uni of Melbourne, Aust.

problems with diald, and local network

1998-07-01 Thread Tim Bell
I'm having two problems with a new hamm (beta) installation -- I think
they're unrelated, but I may be wrong.

First of all, I can't get the local network working using PCI ne2000
clone card.  The output of netstat -nr is (some numbers munged to
protect the innocent):

Kernel IP routing table
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags   MSS Window  irtt Iface UH 1500 0  0 sl0   U  1500 0  0 eth0   U  3584 0  0 lo U  1500 0  0 sl0

And the output of a traceroute to the machine at the other end of the
crossover 10baseT cable:

traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 40 byte packets
 1 (  0.407 ms !H  0.233 ms !H  0.176 ms !H

Now, this says to me that nothing's even getting onto the wire.  Is
there some interaction with the anti-spoofing provisions in
/etc/init.d/netbase?  Or is the sl0 device set up by diald interfering?

The second problem is with diald.  I've connected okay using pon (which
calls pppd), but when using diald, things just stop (at 20:16:57 in the
log below):

Jun 30 20:16:56 timtam chat[898]: send (ppp^M)
Jun 30 20:16:56 timtam chat[898]: send (\d)
Jun 30 20:16:57 timtam diald[875]: Running pppd (pid = 905).
Jun 30 20:16:57 timtam diald[905]: Running pppd: /usr/sbin/pppd -detach
modem crtscts mtu 1500 mru 1500 netmask 
Jun 30 20:17:32 timtam diald[875]: child process 905 terminated with signal 1
Jun 30 20:17:33 timtam diald[875]: Running connect (pid = 928).
Jun 30 20:17:34 timtam diald[875]: Delaying 30 seconds before clear to dial.

whereas with pon/pppd, I get:

Jun 29 22:00:00 timtam chat[4427]: send (ppp^M)
Jun 29 22:00:00 timtam chat[4427]: send (\d)
Jun 29 22:00:01 timtam pppd[4426]: Serial connection established.
Jun 29 22:00:02 timtam pppd[4426]: Using interface ppp0
Jun 29 22:00:02 timtam pppd[4426]: Connect: ppp0 -- /dev/ttyS1
Jun 29 22:00:02 timtam pppd[4426]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 asyncmap 0x0 
magic 0x8c25 pcomp accomp]

Any ideas?

Version numbers, kernel and hardware configuration, etc., available on

(I'm actually quite embarrassed to be asking this here -- I expected
that my 7th or so Debian install should be troublefree, or require at
the most a couple of visits to the documentation. Oh well...)


Tim Bell - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Dept of Comp Sci - Uni of Melbourne, Australia

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hamm timezones problem

1998-02-16 Thread Tim Bell
First, a meta-question: is this the right list to be asking
hamm-specific questions, or is there a developers list which is
preferred for such things?

Now, the problem:

$ date
Mon Feb 16 23:26:53 /etc/localtime 1998
$ dpkg -l timezones
ii  timezones   2.0.7pre1-1Time zone data files and utilities.

on a different hamm machine:

$ date  
Tue Feb 17 10:27:53 EST 1998
$ dpkg -l timezones 
ii  timezones   2.0.6-3Time zone data files and utilities.

Is this a bug with 2.0.7pre1-1, or some configuration problem?


Tim Bell - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Dept of Comp Sci - Uni of Melbourne, Australia

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Problems with new install on old laptop

1998-02-09 Thread Tim Bell
I have an old 486 DX2-66 laptop which currently has a 1.1.59-based
Linux installation, and I'm trying to install Debian on it.  Booting
with the rescue disk is fine until just after it loads the md driver, at
which point it hangs.  I haven't seen this with any of the other Debian
installs, but then again, this is the first time I've installed on a

Are there any other Debian boot floppies I might try, perhaps for hamm?
(I've tried installing the boot-floppies package in case I need to make
my own, but the hamm package wants libc5-pic, which isn't available.)

Any other tips? I've had a quick look at the Linux on Laptops page
(, but I'm not
convinced this is necessarily a laptop-specific problem.


Tim Bell - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Dept of Comp Sci - Uni of Melbourne, Australia

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libc6-dev depends on kernel-headers-2.0.32-2

1998-01-02 Thread Tim Bell
Okay, I read the libc6 mini-HOWTO (thanks Scott), and it's worked until
I got to installing libc6-dev 2.0.6-2, which depends on kernel-headers
(or kernel-source) 2.0.32-2 or greater, which I can't seem to find
anywhere. ( only has 2.0.32-1, dated Dec 9.)

Any ideas here? (I was tempted to do a --force, but I remembered Scott's
advice to NEVER do a --force when upgrading to libc6, so I'm stuck.)


Tim Bell - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Dept of Comp Sci - Uni of Melbourne, Australia

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Re: AU mirrors

1998-01-01 Thread Tim Bell
Quoting Hamish Moffatt ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 Can any .AU users recommend any other debian mirrors in AU? was excellent but currently
 contains only the indices subdirectory. Before that I found good but they ran out of disk space.
 They recommend but that has sunsite's
 directory structure and I always find the sunsite-type 
 places to be very out of date with debian. points to currently has ping times of 3-4s due
 to congestion at Telstra in Perth; in contrast I can get
 to in 700ms.

I use (with a ping time of 31 msec from Melbourne).
Or at least I did the last time I needed it. I just tested it now, and
it seems something is screwy with their server. Have you tried

Someone posted this ping tester recently (although I think
there was also an improved version) which I find quite handy. Of course,
the ping time doesn't necessarily correlate to the bandwidth...

# Script to figure out the fastest Debian mirror sites
grep \..*:/ README.mirrors| awk '{ print $1 };' | \
awk -F: '{ print $1 }' | fping -aef - | \
awk '{ print substr($2,2),$1 }' | sort -n| head -10

I get the following list:



Tim Bell - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Dept of Comp Sci - Uni of Melbourne, Australia

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Writing CD images (not under Linux)

1997-11-13 Thread Tim Bell
I'm sorry this is slightly off-topic, but I thought someone here might
be having the same problem I've got.

I have a CD Writer which is not supported by cdwrite. So I thought
I'd make a CD image (using mkisofs), copy it to the (shudder) Windows
partition and use the supplied software (Adaptec CD Writer) to write it.
However, the Windows software refuses to write it, since it doesn't have
the proper custom header. I've tried faking the header, but with no luck
so far.

If anyone knows of any freely available Windows (or DOS) software which
will write a mkisofs-created CD image, I'd be very grateful.


Tim Bell | ambiguities prose your in Remove future clearer a children 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | your for create and English postfix use -- . Tyson Dowd --

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Re: DMA with IDE on Triton II

1997-10-24 Thread Tim Bell
Thanks Bob and Bruce for your suggestions.

Quoting Bob Nielsen ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 Have you compiled your kernel with

Yes, I have.

 I get:
 hdparm -d1 /dev/hda
  setting using_dma to 1 (on)
  using_dma=  1 (on)
 However, the man page says:
 -d Disable/enable the using_dma flag for this drive.
   This  option  only works with a few combinations of
   drives and interfaces which support DMA  and  which
   are  known  to  the IDE driver.  In particular, the
 It could be that your controller card isn't supported.

Is there a list of supported controller cards somewhere? I couldn't
find it.

Another possibility is that I connect the hard disk to the IDE
controller on the motherboard. (I guess there's not much point using
the Ultra DMA card if I can't get it to DMA...) Does this sound

Tim Bell  .--_|\ 
Department of Computer Science   \_.--._/
University of Melbourne, Australia v

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e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

DMA with IDE on Triton II

1997-10-22 Thread Tim Bell

I've been fiddling with hdparm, trying to improve the I/O performance
of my machine (Gateway PII 233, 96Mb, 3.2Gb IDE disk). However, I can't
get hdparm to turn on the DMA mode:

  # hdparm -d1 /dev/hda

   setting using_dma to 1 (on)
   HDIO_SET_DMA failed: Operation not permitted
   using_dma=  0 (off)

When I use the -X34 option also as recommended in the hdparm man page,
I still get the same error.

I have a Quantum UDMA IDE hard drive, connected to a UDMA PCI controller
card.  Here's the interesting bits from /proc/pci:

  Bus  0, device  11, function  0:
RAID bus controller: Promise Technology Unknown device (rev 1).
  Vendor id=105a. Device id=4d33.
  Medium devsel.  IRQ 9.  Master Capable.  Latency=32.  
  I/O at 0xfff0.
  I/O at 0xffe4.
  I/O at 0xffa8.
  I/O at 0xfbe4.
  I/O at 0xff80.
  Bus  0, device   7, function  1:
IDE interface: Intel 82371SB Natoma/Triton II PIIX3 (rev 0).
  Medium devsel.  Fast back-to-back capable.  Master Capable.  Latency=32.  
  I/O at 0xff60.

And here's the info from the drive:

  # hdparm -i /dev/hda


   Model=QUANTUM FIREBALL ST3.2A, FwRev=A0F.0400, SerialNo=15371126
   Config={ HardSect NotMFM HdSw15uSec Fixed DTR10Mbs }
   RawCHS=6256/16/63, TrkSize=32256, SectSize=512, ECCbytes=4
   BuffType=3(DualPortCache), BuffSize=81kB, MaxMultSect=16, MultSect=16
   DblWordIO=no, maxPIO=2(fast), DMA=yes, maxDMA=2(fast)
   CurCHS=6256/16/63, CurSects=6306048, LBA=yes, LBAsects=6306048
   tDMA={min:120,rec:120}, DMA modes: sword0 sword1 sword2 mword0 mword1 mword2 
   IORDY=on/off, tPIO={min:120,w/IORDY:120}, PIO modes: mode3 mode4 

Any ideas?


Tim Bell  .--_|\ 
Department of Computer Science   \_.--._/
University of Melbourne, Australia v

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Re: Debian 1.3.1 installation and network problems

1997-10-10 Thread Tim Bell
Quoting Jean Pierre LeJacq ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 On Thu, 9 Oct 1997, Richard A. Guay wrote:
  I am trying to install Debian 1.3.1 for the first time on a system that has
  a 3Comm 3c905 100Base-T card.  I set it up using the vortex driver.
  Everytime it reboots and loads the 3c59x module, it spams the net with
  continuous collisions until I unplug the category 5 cable from the unit.
  Then when I put the cable back in, it seems to act normal except that the
  system can not communicate over the network at all.  Any suggestions?
 We use this card extensively in our network and have had no trouble at
 all.  Have you configured the card with 3COM's configuration utility?

You might like to look at Donald Becker's page of information (including
newer drivers) about the 3Com vortex cards:

There has been varying amounts of success with the 3c905 card reported
on the vortex mailing list.  Unfortunately, there's at least one of these
cards (i.e. mine) which really doesn't want to work under linux.

Tim Bell  .--_|\ 
Department of Computer Science   \_.--._/
University of Melbourne, Australia v

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problems posting news

1997-10-01 Thread Tim Bell

I can't find anthing in the docs about this, and I'm sure it's something
simple I've just overlooked...

When I post news from my machine, I get mail back with
inews: No valid newsgroups in misc.test

The setup is my local machine, with:
ii  nntp1.5.12.1-1 A NNTP server for use with C News.
ii  inews   2.1-2  A replacement for the C News inews program.
ii  cnews   cr.g7-4Simple News Server for Usenet news.

and I'm trying to send news to an nntp server.

Do I have to have an up-to-date /var/lib/news/active file? I guess I'd
rather that the server looked after all that, since I have no local
newsgroups (as yet...).

Any ideas what I've missed?

Thanks in advance.
Tim Bell  .--_|\ 
Department of Computer Science   \_.--._/
University of Melbourne, Australia v

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bypassing xdm?

1997-09-30 Thread Tim Bell
I've configured my machine to boot into xdm. When confronted with the
xdm login screen, how can I get to a text virtual console?

I've had some success with Ctrl-Alt-Backspace, followed shortly
aftewards by Alt-F?, but this doesn't always work, and the last time
I tried it I managed to hang the machine.

There must be a proper way to do this... only I can't find it.


Tim Bell. |  When angry, count four; when very angry, swear.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  | -- Mark Twain

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mke2fs with blocks other than 1024?

1997-09-02 Thread Tim Bell
mke2fs doesn't want to make a filesystem with block sizes other than 1024.
It claims I have a bad block 0. For example:

# mke2fs -c -b 4096 /dev/hda1
mke2fs 1.10, 24-Apr-97 for EXT2 FS 0.5b, 95/08/09
Linux ext2 filesystem format
Filesystem label=
130048 inodes, 130024 blocks
6501 blocks (5.00%) reserved for the super user
First data block=0
Block size=4096 (log=2)
Fragment size=4096 (log=2)
4 block groups
32768 blocks per group, 32768 fragments per group
32512 inodes per group
Superblock backups stored on blocks: 
32768, 65536, 98304

Checking for bad blocks (read-only test): done   
Block 0 in primary superblock/group descriptor area bad.
Blocks 0 through 2 must be good in order to build a filesystem.


# mke2fs -c /dev/hda1
mke2fs 1.10, 24-Apr-97 for EXT2 FS 0.5b, 95/08/09
Linux ext2 filesystem format
Filesystem label=
130048 inodes, 520096 blocks
26004 blocks (5.00%) reserved for the super user
First data block=1
Block size=1024 (log=0)
Fragment size=1024 (log=0)
64 block groups
8192 blocks per group, 8192 fragments per group
2032 inodes per group
Superblock backups stored on blocks: 
8193, 16385, 24577, 32769, 40961, 49153, 57345, 65537, 73729, 

Checking for bad blocks (read-only test): done   
Writing inode tables: done 
Writing superblocks and filesystem accounting information: done

Now, what I find interesting is that the first data block is 1 for blocksize
of 1024, and 0 for every other size (2048, 4096).

Any ideas here?


Tim Bell  .--_|\ 
Department of Computer Science   \_.--._/
University of Melbourne, Australia v

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netatalk: afpd breaks when incorrect password entered

1997-07-28 Thread Tim Bell

There seems to be a problem with netatalk 1.4b2-4. Whenever someone
enters an incorrect password when trying to connect to afpd from a
mac, these messages appear in /var/log/daemon.log:

Jul 23 18:04:59 wibble afpd[23764]: atp_sreq to (5) 4607.90:244
Jul 23 18:07:45 wibble afpd[23764]: kill: No such process
Jul 23 18:07:45 wibble afpd[23764]: asp_alrm: 28346 timed out

In this example, the incorrect password was entered at 18:04:59, from
which time afpd stopped answering requests. The final messages from
afpd were at 18:07:45.

Restarting afpd fixes the problem, but only until the next incorrect
password is entered. I've checked the Debian bug lists for netatalk,
and I believe this is bug number 10290 in the bug-tracking system.

Is anyone else getting this problem. Is anyone using afpd and *not*
getting this problem?

Tim Bell  .--_|\ 
Department of Computer Science   \_.--._/
University of Melbourne, Australia v

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POP2 and POP3 servers?

1997-07-14 Thread Tim Bell

I've just installed Debian 1.3.1 on a server which used to run
Redhat 4.1. The Redhat installation had an RPM package called
imap, which provided ipop2 and ipop3, POP servers. I haven't
been able to find anything comparable in Debian, the closest I've
come is cucipop and qpopper which both provide just POP3 servers.
I've had to install the Redhat package using alien.

So, is there a Debian package with a POP2 and POP3 server?


Tim Bell  .--_|\ 
Department of Computer Science   \_.--._/
University of Melbourne, Australia v

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Re: 1.3.1 release date.

1997-07-08 Thread Tim Bell
Bruce Perens wrote a week ago:
 We have all of the files ready, but (as usual) the FTP archive got messed
 up and it'll take a day (maybe two days) to get it straightened out.
 Then it will be available for FTP. It'll take another week or so before
 I am satisfied with the official CD, and then the CD producers take at
 least another week before they can sell mass-produced CDs.

I haven't seen any announcement yet, but I'm keen to install 1.3.1 on
a couple of computers. Is it safe to assume that since a Debian-1.3.1
directory has appeared on my local mirror that everything is ready to


Tim Bell  .--_|\ 
Department of Computer Science   \_.--._/
University of Melbourne, Australia v

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fiddled with gcc/libc, now can't find stddef.h

1997-06-23 Thread Tim Bell

I installed the latest gcc/libc5 (and other compiling tools) from unstable,
had problems, so I've reinstalled the stable versions. But now I get:

/usr/include/string.h:33: stddef.h: No such file or directory

etc, despite the fact that /usr/include/linux/stddef.h exists.

I'm sure I've done something really stupid and obvious: can anyone point
it out to me please?


Tim Bell

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Re: fiddled with gcc/libc, now can't find stddef.h

1997-06-23 Thread Tim Bell
Emilio Lopes wrote:
  TB == Tim Bell [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 TB I'm sure I've done something really stupid and obvious: can anyone
 TB point it out to me please?
 The problem is that you have a version of cpp that's incompatible with
 gcc. They have to have the *same* version number.

I don't think that's the problem. (I've been trying gcc/cpp and

What I *used* to have was gcc/cpp, and that worked. But of
course it's been replaced by now. Can I get a copy of the old
package somewhere? It's not on my local mirror.



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3c905 problems with 1.3 (and 1.2.5)

1997-06-14 Thread Tim Bell

I've got a brand new Pentium II from Gateway 2000, and the 3Com 905
ethernet card is not behaving.

I first tried to install Debian 1.3 with the floppies I'd made on a
net-connected machine. That went okay, but then it couldn't see the
network, so I couldn't do the rest of the install.

So I used a CD with Debian 1.2.5 on it to install a minimal system, and
it still couldn't see the network. So I got the latest 3c59x driver
from Donald Becker's ftp site (which is at and built a
new kernel (2.0.27) with that.

This worked, so I installed the 1.3 packages over the 1.2.5, compiled a
2.0.30 kernel (with the updated driver), and then the network went away
again with the reboot.

I've fiddled with PnP settings in the BIOS, checked IRQs and I/O
addresses, compiled the driver as a module and, nothing helps. There
are no messages on the logs indicating a problem, and ifconfig reports
that the card is up -- but nothing gets through.

So, I figured I'd go back to the 1.2.5 setup which had worked. This I
did, and it worked -- until I rebooted. So it seems I can get the
ethernet card to work once, right after installing 1.2.5 and compiling
a new kernel with the latest boomerang (3c90x) driver. After that, the
card won't talk. I can't figure out why...

If anyone has any tips or can help in any other way, I'd greatly
appreciate it.

Tim Bell  .--_|\ 
Department of Computer Science   \_.--._/
University of Melbourne, Australia v

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Re: 3c905 problems with 1.3 (and 1.2.5)

1997-06-14 Thread Tim Bell
Rick Macdonald wrote:
 On Fri, 13 Jun 1997, Tim Bell wrote:
  So, I figured I'd go back to the 1.2.5 setup which had worked. This I
  did, and it worked -- until I rebooted.
 I had similar problems once, but nothing to do with a network card.
 It turned out that lilo.conf wasn't pointed at the partition that I
 thought it was, so when I ran lilo and rebooted I wasn't getting the
 kernel that I thought I was.
 Others have done the same thing. Can you verify you're booting the
 intended kernel? You didn't say anything about how you were booting.

I'm booting with lilo (whichever version comes with 1.2.5 or 1.3) and
I have verified I'm booting what I think I'm booting. I've been fiddling
with different kernel configurations, so I've been checking kernel
compile dates and lilo configurations regularly.

The funny thing is that it will work with a kernel once, but never again.

Tim Bell  .--_|\ 
Department of Computer Science   \_.--._/
University of Melbourne, Australia v

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moving to 2.1.xx?

1997-05-21 Thread Tim Bell

I'm interested in moving to the 2.1 series kernels. There are a number of
things I need to upgrade besides the kernel itself, and I'm wondering if
there are any debian packages built to do those upgrades. According to
Documentation/Changes, I need:

 - Kernel modules modutils-2.1.34   *
 - Gnu C   *
 - Binutils
 - Linux C Library5.4.23
 - Dynamic Linker ( 1.8.5
 - Linux C++ Library   *
 - Procps 1.01
 - Mount  2.6g
 - Net-tools  1.41
 - Loadlin1.6a
 - Sh-utils   1.16
 - Autofs 0.3.0
 - NFS0.4.21

I've found the ones marked (*) as debian packages -- what about the rest?

Also, has anyone got any war-stories about updating to 2.1.xx? (I know
these are officially unstable kernels; I'm mainly interested in Debian-
specific details.)


Tim Bell  |  Due to a shortage of trumpeters, the end of the world
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  |   will be postponed three months.   -- Anon

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