Re: Debian 12 "bookworm" full upgrade

2023-06-28 Thread bw
Dear Sir or madam,

So, We see you write like a bot. 
So, We think #1 is YES 
So, We say the last question is FOLLOW the release notes on upgrading.
We thank you for the Turing test

>We are currently running Debian 11 bullseye. 
>We want to perform a full upgrade to Debian 12 aka "bookworm."  I know a set 
>of "instructions" for the install exists but Not for our needs.
>We cannot locate the EXACT, STRAIGHTFORWARD Instructions on HOW to do the 
>procedure that includes the (now, apparently, separate) 
>non-free software.
>So, Question #1 is: Is there a CD/DVD .iso that still contains all non-free 
>software that was previously included in the download folders?
>So, The Last Question Is: How do I perform the Full Upgrade to "bookworm" that 
>INCLUDES the non-free software?
>Thank you for your time & assistance.

Re: W: Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/brand/yada*

2023-06-22 Thread bw
>> Can anyone
>> point to an existing meta-bug report on the subject of stopping the litter?
>> Searching seems to find only reports pointing to particular GPUs,

I don't know about meta-bug, but try 989539? 981087? you can complain there, 
but without a patch I don't see it helping.;dist=unstable

The way I see it, it's not a bug.  Initramfs-tools is not responsible for 
deciding what firmware a specific device or machine needs.  It is only 
reporting that a module to be included lists a firmware file as loadable, and 
that firmware wasn't able to be included when building the initramfs.  It might 
be a decent idea to have a config option to turn the warning on and off.  Since 
I'm not annoyed by it, I'm not really interested in doing the work.

I think your real question is, "How can I make someone else do this with as 
little effort as possible on my part?"

good luck,

Re: W: Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/brand/yada*

2023-06-19 Thread bw

>> Is there something that can be done to avoid this screen and log
>> litter?

It's your machine, you could hack it out?  possibly just #comment out and put a 
/bin/true under it?  Don't blame me if it all goes wrong.

4322/23580  18%
 if grep -q "^$kmod_modname\\>" /proc/modules 
"${CONFDIR}/modules"; then
 echo "W: Possible missing firmware 
/lib/firmware/${firmware} for module

Re: Bookworm upgrade, usrmerge failure

2023-06-12 Thread bw

>> On Mon, Jun 12, 2023 at 11:24:00AM +0200, Bastien Durel wrote:
> During bookworm upgrade, I ran into some usrmerge failures, which led
> to an hard-to-fix situation
>>Well, that's somewhat terrifying.  I looked at
>>and didn't see any bugs like this already reported.

Sorry for the out of thread posting, but I've been studying the usrmerge issue 
for awhile because I use systems that have been cloned and redeployed on a few 
home machines since 2017.  I understand that some pkgs thru the yrs propagated 
symlinks somewhat randomly (haphazardly?) between lib,bin,sbin and their 
counterparts in usr, or vice-versa.

My current understanding is that if there are duplicate binaries or symlinks, 
this can be an issue when installing usrmerge pkg, and I'd like to minimize the 

Even though there a very few bugs active in debian bugtracker against usrmerge, 
a websearch for 'usrmerge problem' might show that there are possible issues 
that some users need to be proactive in solving IMHO.

Right now I'm studying and trying to come up with a way to identify duplicate 
filenames and/or symlinks between /bin /sbin /lib, and /usr/bin /usr/sbin 
/usr/lib.  I bet someone on the list could do it in a one line command.

I found what looks like a nice oneliner, but it takes some work.  You have to 
create a dir, then symlinks, then run:

awk -F'/' '{
  f = $NF
  a[f] = f in a? a[f] RS $0 : $0
  b[f]++ }
  END{for(x in b)
  printf "Duplicate Filename: %s\n%s\n",x,a[x] }' <(find -L . -type f)
# and -maxdepth 3 or so to remove the /lib/modules/ clutter

TIA for pursuing the issue, and the attention to issues like this.

root password of debian live cd?

2023-05-29 Thread bw
> do you know root password of cd above?
try sudo -i there usually is no root passwd 

and if it asks try 'live'

> why do they create root password of live cd?

probably something like this

Re: os-prober Just a Rant

2023-05-26 Thread bw
> There is an etc/default/grub.d, which by analogy with other .d
> directories, can contain user overrides which are not touched by
> upgrades, but I made a quick attempt here which failed and I didn't
> have time to mess around with it. I can't find an example of doing it
> correctly on the Net, which is surprising, all the references I find
> are just for /etc/default/grub. Maybe someone here knows the right way?
> --
> Joe

$ cat /etc/default/grub.d/grubtweak.cfg
# If you change this file, run 'update-grub' afterwards to update
# /boot/grub/grub.cfg.
# For full documentation of the options in this file, see:
#   info -f grub -n 'Simple configuration'

# see /etc/grub.d/40_custom

GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash ipv6.disable=1 loglevel=3 

# use video=SVIDEO-1:d to fix screen flicker prob on two screens w/ plasma 
# can do this in 40-custom, SVIDEO-1 does not appear in fluxbox?
# i915 is broken, disabling video outputs doesn't work




Re: Update Stretch to Buster sources.list file

2019-07-01 Thread bw
In-Reply-To: <>

>What is the best way to edit the above anything from the 0ad reference
>and below, or should I comment these out and once buster is out add in
>the correct lines from the various source websites (e.g for 0ad the
>website will have the instructions).
>The last time I did this I used a fresh install of 9.x and then changed
>sources.list to reference buster so the other 3rd party software wasn't

I don't understand the question?  The "best way to edit" means you have 
some third party stuff and you want to know how to handle it before the 
upgrade?  That is usually in the release notes, probably still being 
written but I have seen a few links to the current ver for buster, have 
you read it?

I don't understand you saying, "...I used a fresh install of 9.x and then 
changed sources.list to reference buster..." because that is a definite 
negative.  There is no reason (at this point) to install stretch and then 
upgrade to buster.  So go back and don't do that.

If you are saying you have been running a mixed (stretch/buster)system and 
want to upgrade that mixed system, then my advice is GOOD LUCK.

All in all, a poor description of the problem, but I'm sure people will 
chime in anyway.

Good Luck,

Re: Boot Problem

2019-06-17 Thread bw
In-Reply-To: <>

On Sun, 16 Jun 2019, Stephen P. Molnar wrote:

> On 06/16/2019 12:16 PM, bw wrote:
> > In-Reply-To: <>
> > > Stephen P. Molnar, Ph.D. says...
> > > I have just installed a new SSD in my 64 bit Stretch platform.
> > > 
> > > When I boot the machine I get the following error:
> > > 
> > > error: file '/boot/grub/i386-pc/normalmod' not found
> > > Entering rescue mode .. . .
> > > grub rescue>_
> > > 
> > > Pressing Contro-Alt-Delete reboots the system. Pressing Delete , or
> > > F-8,during the post opens the ASUS UFEI Bios Utility - EZ mode (actually,
> > > F-8 opens the boot selection).
> > > 
> > > Clicking  on P0 boots the machine normally.
> > > ...
> > Since the machine boots normally when you select P0 then why
> > not just use ASUS UFEI Bios Utility to set that as default?
> > 
> > Since the new drive has a filesystem, I'd say you did more than just
> > install it?  Drive/Boot order is nothing to take lightly, if you set grub
> > to depend on it, then you can't rearrange drives without causing an issue.
> > 
> > If you are going to remove that drive, then you don't want to boot from it
> > as a permanent solution.  You will need to migrate the bootloader off
> > this drive altogether.  Do some reading first, multi boot is extensively
> > well represented topic on the interwebs.
> > 
> > Good Luck
> > 
> > 
> I have not installed the OS on the new drive.  I did, however, format it so
> that I  put it into the fstab.
> -- 
> Stephen P. Molnar, Ph.D.  Life is a fuzzy set
> www.molecular-modeling.netStochastic and multivariate
> (614)312-7528(c)
> Skype:  smolnar1

There are several ways to setup dual boot that might work well for you.  
If all you want to do is try out buster and see if you like it, then I'd 
probably use a Live System though instead of installing right now.  
There's no hurry.  I like David Christensen's ideas for getting you on a 
good reliable setup with some redundancy... and maybe using VM to see how 
you can migrate your software into the newer os.

If the idea is to switch back to a single GNU/Linux os installation, with 
multiple physical drives, then I would probably go ahead now and rearrange 
the drives so that whichever drive you wish to install the boot manager on 
is the first physical drive.

What happens is, when you run grub-install, or allow the debian installer 
to do it, grub sets and stores something called the $prefix on the drive.  
This is a reference to the order of the drives, that tells grub where to 
load files during the boot process.  Some BIOS have a habit of always 
making the boot device (hd0) and some don't.  Some bioses will rearrange 
devices when you add one, so you really have to be careful.

This is a good link that might help you understand, and has some links to 
how you can use grub to examine the setup.

It's not too complicated, but it is complicated so make sure and have a 
backup plan for when you have problems.  A good live usb/cd, or knowing 
how to use the install media in rescue mode can help.


Re: Boot Problem

2019-06-16 Thread bw
In-Reply-To: <>
>Stephen P. Molnar, Ph.D. says...
>I have just installed a new SSD in my 64 bit Stretch platform.
>When I boot the machine I get the following error:
>error: file '/boot/grub/i386-pc/normalmod' not found
>Entering rescue mode .. . .
>grub rescue>_
>Pressing Contro-Alt-Delete reboots the system. Pressing Delete , or 
>F-8,during the post opens the ASUS UFEI Bios Utility - EZ mode (actually, 
>F-8 opens the boot selection).
>Clicking  on P0 boots the machine normally.

Since the machine boots normally when you select P0 then why 
not just use ASUS UFEI Bios Utility to set that as default?

Since the new drive has a filesystem, I'd say you did more than just 
install it?  Drive/Boot order is nothing to take lightly, if you set grub 
to depend on it, then you can't rearrange drives without causing an issue.

If you are going to remove that drive, then you don't want to boot from it 
as a permanent solution.  You will need to migrate the bootloader off 
this drive altogether.  Do some reading first, multi boot is extensively 
well represented topic on the interwebs.

Good Luck

Scratch that Actually Gene...

2019-06-10 Thread bw
After seeing the struggles you are going thru, and since I see the 
incredible effort people make to help you...

IF it was me, I would probably make one good post describing every 
machine, keyboard, terminal, monitor, device, hard drive, modem, tablet, 
laptop, cnc, or cordless drill you are using on your setup.  And every 
time I asked a question I would include a link to this information.

Really, there are some brilliant people on this list, don't remain stunted 
from lack of gaining their experience?  They can't help if you only let 
them see the local issue, consider showing the whole topography?

hang in there.

logging for complicated setups, (was: What is agetty, and why can't it be stopped?)

2019-06-10 Thread bw
In-Reply-To: <>
>What the hell, I thought /var/log 
>was where to find/keep logs, but when only root can use it, its the same 
>as the belly appendages on a boar hog. Useless. Just because of someones 

I'd have to disagree with this Gene.  There is quite a lot of information 
in /var/log that might be a good idea to keep private on a multiuser 
system, which gnu/linux does a good job at (from what I read, I have never 
been admin on one) and on a single user system, it's plain easy to either 
get to these logs as root, or arrange to have your user able to access 

Now I am not a 20+ yr user like you, but I do agree it is more difficult 
to understand logs than it was when I was a baby.  I'm younger than you, 
but going to be as old as you, so let me know if you find any good 
solution to how much info of what type should be logged, and how to find 
things that are logged?

>From what I understand and have practiced, it's better to log more, use 
tools to filter/sort more efficiently.


Re: Is Debian 9 supposed to work on a Geode?

2019-04-29 Thread bw
In-Reply-To: <>
>All your mails to the list seem to be a little broken.

You are right, they are, but it's not alpine mail's fault.  It's because I 
am replying through the list archive link through the browser, with a 
hacked script to try and rewrite the header, and I haven't fully figured 
it out yet.  alpine won't use the entire mailto: in-reply-to, or subj: 
link when called. It only takes an address when started this way.

alpine works fine when subscribed and answering through it, and adds the 
references correctly, but I prefer to use the web for now to read the 
list.  I'll stop answering because you guys all seem to have things under 
control, thanks.

I apologize for the annoyance.

Re: bug-report help : whole user input events freeze: doubts about the right package to submit against

2019-04-22 Thread bw
In-Reply-To: <>

>Ludovic Pouzenc 

>I have doubts about the right package to submit against (gnome-shell, 
>pulseaudio, wayland, udev, kernel)

>Poor work-around :
>- enable accessibility feature "visual-bell". The problem vanishes,

Since the workaround is changing an a11y feature, you could try one or 
more of the suggestions here to eliminate some of your list of possible 
pkgs for the bug report?

Re: terminal with right-click = paste?

2019-04-11 Thread bw

>What I have now:

See, this is one place where I get confused, and find documentation 
lacking.  I often get different results using one of these...


It seems there are different ways to match these resource descripters.  
The caps as well as the * and . make a difference also in how they match.

I'm not sure if it's regex, which I am real limited in, or some other 
voodoo that has some better documentation than the xterm manpage, because 
I have read the manpage and I just don't get it.

Re: terminal with right-click = paste?

2019-04-10 Thread bw

>altho lxterm, uxterm and xterm all create a tiny window with the font
>size so small they're damn near unusable.  And no obvious menu I can
>find to change the font size, window size or anything, so more man
>page spelunking for me.

xterm is good, but yeah it is not very useful out of the box.  There are 
menus, most of the time you can get them by holding down ctrl and using 
either mouse button.

I never tried to remap the middle mouse paste, I think that is part of 
the x server,  not necessarily the particular terminal.  It probably could 
be done but if you could gravitate to shift-ins and middle mouse click to 
paste it might serve you well.  They both seem to "usually" be a reliable 
way to work, if your clipboard is set to "synchronize with selection."

Let people know what you find out.  Especially if you get any good 
.Xresources settings or find good documentation about this.  It is fairly 
rare to find good documentation on these settings IME.  The xterm FAQ is 
huge and worth looking thru, but hard to find out exactly who does what 

good luck,

Re: How did relatime get set on my Wheezy system?

2019-04-03 Thread bw
In-Reply-To: <>

>UUID=874304c9-36c6-4572-909b-c4c75d13269a /var ext4 defaults 0 2
>When I look at the same partition in /etc/mtab, I see this:
>/dev/sdb8 /var ext4 rw,relatime,user_xattr,barrier=1,data=ordered 0 0
>What I don't understand, for example, is where and how relatime got set 
>(and maybe some of the other parameters). 

On stretch system, man mount has under "FILESYSTEM-INDEPENDENT MOUNT 
OPTIONS" a section about relatime:

Since Linux 2.6.30, the kernel defaults to the behavior
provided by this option (unless noatime was specified), and 
the strictatime option is required to obtain traditional 
semantics.  In addition, since Linux 2.6.30, the file's last 
access time is always updated if it is more than 1 day old.

>Finally (well, I have another question that I'll post separately), I'm 
>assuming that I can include noatime in the /etc/fstab file I change the 
>entry for the partition I am reformatting?  (That is where noatime is set 
>on my Jessie system.)

I've used noatime in fstab for a long time that way.  Check man mount and 
see what wheezy says, not sure about the history there...


Re: blank time in console too short

2019-03-22 Thread bw
In-Reply-To: <4205892.cicxXhXihB@protheus2>

>Both systems got an identical configuration but behave different.

I'm confused, did you try the methods you mentioned with no result?

Are you looking for how to solve it, or a clue why it is that way?

Re: Ways to verify tools/applications? Fire support for new users

2019-03-22 Thread bw

>Are there list-suggested ways to help verify non-free / 
>out-of-stable-distro or even seldomly updated in-distro tools, 

Well... that's a deep subject.  You mention three different categories of 
pkgs, but I think many people would say there are only two main 

"in-repo" and "out-of-repo"

Everything in the repo has a bug page at and 
also a page at

"out-of-repo" stuff, well... again that's a deep subject.  Not enough 
time.  If you want to pull win users into linux, start them off right.  
They don't need to all be administrators, do they?  If you just want to 
let them trash the system and play around that's cool.  Make an hourly 

Some suggested reading here to get started.

I think this forum is a good place to read first, post later.  The 
archives have a ton of info. Many issues have already been done to death.

Re: Slow firefox and high cpu usage

2018-10-10 Thread bw

On Thu, 11 Oct 2018, Ben Caradoc-Davies wrote:

> On 11/10/2018 11:36, bw wrote:
> > On Thu, 11 Oct 2018, Ben Caradoc-Davies wrote:
> > > On 11/10/2018 11:15, bw wrote:
> > > > How exactly do you think stretch users should run an adblocker when all
> > > > the xul-ext-* extensions are now broken?
> > > I see that there is a webext-ublock-origin for sid but I have never used
> > > it:
> > >
> > p.s. and I use stable, because it is stable, not sid, which is unstable.
> > thanks anyway but I think your advice is a little dubious.
> My point is not that you should use unstable, but that the evidence on sid
> suggests that webext-* packages are coming to stable ... when stable is called
> buster. I did not see any webext-* packages in stretch-backports. The
> workaround is to install them directly from upstream via Firefox.
> I agree that it is sad that Firefox on stretch has been upgraded to break the
> xul-ext-* packages before webext-* packages are available. Unfortunately
> Debian is wedged between upstream dropping support for xul-ext-* extensions in
> ESR 60 and the end of life of ESR 52. You do want security patches, don't you?
> I think that ESR 60 with unpackaged extensions is the lesser evil. Normal
> service will likely be resumed in buster.
> Kind regards,
> -- 
> Ben Caradoc-Davies 
> Director
> Transient Software Limited <>
> New Zealand

I agree with this opinion, and also what Dan Ritter replied.  Firefox is 
now unreliable on stretch and should be avoided.  Security updates to a 
browser that crashes with strange processes named "Web Content" aren't 
really all that secure are they?  

Why not just remove the package from stretch if it is insecure, or since 
it relies on pkgs from outside the repo, should it be moved to "contrib" 
until buster is released and we have working extensions?

Re: having issue installing any package. i get 403 forbidden messsage.

2018-10-03 Thread bw

On Wed, 3 Oct 2018, Muhammad Yousuf Khan wrote:

> Dear All,
> When i try to install any package. in this case nfs-kernel-server i get
> this error. i am using Proxmox on top of Debian 9.x. kindly advice.
> *root@king:/zok/k-backup# apt install nfs-kernel-server*
> *Reading package lists... Done*
> *Building dependency tree   *
> *Reading state information... Done*

Here's what I get from similar command, why are you installing pkg with a 
wildcard on the end?  Are you using bash, or some other shell?

# apt -s install nfs-kernel-server*
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree   
Reading state information... Done
Note, selecting 'nfs-kernel-server' for glob 'nfs-kernel-server*'

Re: What's the right way to get an unbroken mc package installed in Stretch

2018-08-21 Thread bw

On Mon, 20 Aug 2018, Felix Miata wrote:

> Stretch comes with 4.8.18, which for me is unusable due to an upstream bug 
> fixed
> in 4.8.19[1], but 4.8.19 is unusable due to another upstream bug, not fixed
> until 4.8.20[2]. I configured stretch-backports in sources.list, but 
> apparently
> it has no newer mc version available. 4.8.21 is on the mirrors, so I 
> downloaded
> it from a mirror and installed it with dpkg. It works fine, but now apt is
> broken because it thinks mc is broken and needs to be removed by "apt
> --fix-broken install". Apparently apt thinks mc depends on different packages
> than dpkg does:
> # apt install inxi
> ...
> The following packages have unmet dependencies:
>  inxi : Depends: gawk but it is not going to be installed
>  mc : Depends: libext2fs2 (>= 1.37)
>   Depends: libgpm2 (>= 1.20.7) but 1.20.4-6.2+b1 is to be installed
> E: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt --fix-broken install'
> # dpkg-reconfigure mc
> /usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure: mc is broken or not fully installed
> Am I the only one who needs mc to work in Stretch? What do others do?
> [1] fubar right pane at startup with saved long file listing
> [2] VFS: timestamps not being preserved due to uninitialized struct stat
> st_[acm]tim.tv_nsec (#3821)
> -- 
> "Wisdom is supreme; therefore get wisdom. Whatever else you
> get, get wisdom." Proverbs 4:7 (New Living Translation)
>  Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409 ** a11y rocks!
> Felix Miata  ***

>From what I have read, the way to do it would be backport the necessary 
pkgs yourself from testing.  

reportbug - debian SMTP HELO forged

2018-05-23 Thread bw

Okay, I must have something misconfigured.  I could have sworn it worked 
a few months ago.

$ reportbug -k menu
*** Welcome to reportbug.  Use ? for help at prompts. ***
Note: bug reports are publicly archived (including the email address of 
the submitter).
Detected character set: UTF-8
Please change your locale if this is incorrect.

Using 'b17 ' as your from address.
Getting status for menu...
Will send report to Debian (per lsb_release).
Maintainer for menu is 'Bill Allombert '.

Rewriting subject to 'menu: Thanks for packaging menu!'
Spawning sensible-editor...
No changes were made in the editor.
Message will be sent to
Send this message (e to edit) [y|n|a|c|E|i|l|m|p|q|d|t|s|?]? y
Report is unchanged. Edit this report or quit [E|q|s|?]? s
Sending empty report anyway...
Saving a backup of the report at 
Connecting to via SMTP...
SMTP send failure: {'': (550, b'HELO mismatch 
HELO for ([])')}. Do you want to retry (or else save the report 
exit)? [Y|n|q|?]? 

Re: Running GParted and Synaptic without entering password

2018-05-13 Thread bw

On Sun, 13 May 2018, Richard Owlett wrote:

> The result I wish to achieve is to click on the icon for either GParted or
> Synaptic *WITHOUT* being asked for a password (either root's or user's).
> I've found vague hints that adding a line to my local /etc/sudoers file
> such as
>   richard ALL = /usr/sbin/gparted , /usr/sbin/synaptic
> would accomplish my goal.
> Is that correct?

I think that might work if clicking each icon actually runs those 
commands from each .desktop file.  Maybe you should look in them and 
check?  Try looking for gparted.desktop and synaptic.desktop in 

I don't think they really run as root, but could be wrong.  You can adjust 
policykit if they are using some pkexec commands instead.  I think editing 
pk is a better idea than running gui apps as root, or with sudo.

Re: A long rant on Debian 9

2018-05-07 Thread bw

On Mon, 7 May 2018, jpff wrote:

> > 
> > > And thank you all who pointed me at the non-free installer files.  I will
> > > try that later today with luck
> > > 
> > > 
> well, modified rapture1
> i booted from the usb stick with the firmware .iso and tried an install. I
> accepted the licence for the firmware and proceeded to configure the wifi.
> It asked for the ESSID offering me the correct one, and I said it was PSK. It
> then asked for the passphrase which I provided, and then into a loop which
> network?
> which essid?
> what passphrase?
> until I got bored. So it still does not configure the wifi
> So for want f a better idea I plugged in the wired network and just did a
> reboot.  Working from the tty on alt-f1 I tried to look at the network -- not
> sure what I did but I eventually noticed the wifi was working with the same ip
> address as the wired.  Pulled the plug on ethernet and carried on trying to
> get a more reasonable software base.  Actually got xorg/xdm/fvwm all "working"
> with missing stuff on the menus, in particular xterm.  So tried to install it,
> and then I rebooted --- no wifi now an no idea how to fix.
> Would ubuntu give me a stable base i wonder.  I do not seem to be getting
> anywhere yet.
> ==John ff

I think you should shop around different distros/installers if you want 
one that does all the configuration for you.

Re: no audio

2018-02-23 Thread bw

On Fri, 23 Feb 2018, Glenn English wrote:

> On Fri, Feb 23, 2018 at 10:42 PM, songbird  wrote:
> >   check for something set to Mute or the volume may
> > be set very low somewhere.
> Possible, but there's no mm/MM (that I can see) below the faders, and
> the faders are all up in the red. Were anyway. I took them down to the
> white because I don't like to see red things on a mixer...

Yeah I used to feel this way also, but digital is different than the old 
VU meters we used to use.

AFAIK, maxing out alsamixer won't distort, it should be 0.00dB gain 
which is optimal for less noise, IMO.

Crank it up!!

Re: where can i find a list of usb wireless card that are supported by linux?

2018-02-19 Thread bw

On Mon, 19 Feb 2018, Long Wind wrote:

> i don't like to install additional driveri wish default linux kernel already 
> has
> driver
> on Chinese market, many cards claim thatit included driver for Windowsi'm not 
> sure if it supports linux
> i have install linux-docbut can't find useful info
> Thanks!

You are probably talking about devices that require non-free 
firmware?  Those are described here:

I'm not sure where you could get a list of devices that don't, but it 
would include devices from years ago that are not available anymore.

>From what I understand, almost all wireless usb made in the 
last few years require some kind of firmware to work on linux.

If you are interested in a particular device the debian wiki has a nice 
page about them with a "thumbs up" or little angry faces next to the 
non-free devices.

Re: Frustration over Debian naming (was: Re: Meltdown fix for wheezy-backports)

2018-01-13 Thread bw

On Sat, 13 Jan 2018, wrote:

> On Friday, January 12, 2018 11:14:37 PM Ionel Mugurel Ciobîcă wrote:
> > On 12-01-2018, at 15h 03'25", David Wright wrote about "Re: Frustration
> > over Debian naming (was: Re: Meltdown fix for wheezy-backports)"
> > 
> > > [...] People use names, computers like numbers.
> > 
> > I do not take sides here, but I can't accept this statement. Numbers
> > are universal, Debian release names are English. I do not use any of
> > then (numbers or names). I simply have a look in /etc/apt/sources when
> > I need to know what version of Debian I use at the moment, and I am
> > using Debian before potato... (yes, I look into my /etc/apt/sources
> > file to pull that name).
> > 
> > Did any of Debian release names were translated? I am bad with names.
> > Specially English ones. I find all of Debian release names stupid till
> > now. Culminating with perpetual Sid (no, I did not consulted
> > /etc/apt/sources file now).
> > 
> > I am extremely good with numbers. You could say that I can speak
> > math. Although I studied chemistry. So, coming back to the statement,
> > I find it extremely stupid. You could have getting away saying
> > "People use WORDS, computers USE numbers." Numbers are words so nobody
> > is offended.
> > 
> +1 (And thanks for amplifying / clarifying (and defending) the point I tried 
> to make!)

It is a good point, however have you considered the effect of a visual 
association along with a word and a number?  For instance, everytime I 
think of debian "stretch" i see a purple octopus.  For "buster" I see a 
yapping little dachshund weiner dog in my mind...

I never think of numbered versions, that is so win3.11ish...

Re: iwlwifi and symbols table

2018-01-11 Thread bw

On Thu, 11 Jan 2018, Rodary Jacques wrote:

> Hi
> I just upgraded to Stretch. At boot I get a warning: " No 
> symbols table" (actually it is in French: "pas de table des 
> symboles"). Nevertheless everything works, except my 
> access point: "modprobe iwlwifi.ko" can't find this 
> module  in the kernel directory, but this module is there. 
> I remember there was a problem with this module in 
> Jessie, but I can't remember the solution. Please help.

modprobe doesn't use the extension, I think you can still do that with 
insmod, but modprobe uses a symbol list created by depmod.
There are pretty good man pages for these tools, but I'd guess your issue 
is probably firmware, there's a good wiki about the iwlwif did you check 

 # modprobe iwlwifi.ko
modprobe: FATAL: Module iwlwifi.ko not found in directory 

Good Luck!

Re: [Diagnostic Summary] Re: Strange message during boot

2018-01-11 Thread bw

On Thu, 11 Jan 2018, Richard Owlett wrote:

> I multi-boot several varieties of Debian.
> When booting one specific install, it displays many repetitions of:
> > > Begin: Running /scripts/local-block ... done.
> It then proceeds to bring up an apparently normal system.
> Would this be logged somewhere?
> Where?
> Specifics:
> sda1 - Always has the latest version of Debian, currently 9.1 .
>For housekeeping reasons it has the only copy of Grub
>on my machine.
> sda8 - The problem install is Debian 8. It had been my primary work
>install until I trashed some data files. It has been kept to
>reconstruct those files as I have time.
> sda9 - Current work install of Debian 9.1
> Suggested diagnostics yielded:
> > root@stretch-2nd:~# ls -l /sbin/init
> > lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 20 Jun  4  2017 /sbin/init -> /lib/systemd/systemd
> > root@stretch-2nd:~#
> /etc/apt/sources.list indicates the install had been done with:
> deb cdrom:[Debian GNU/Linux stretch-DI-rc3 _Stretch_ - Official Snapshot i386
> NETINST Binary-1 20170409-00:50]/ stretch main
> > 
> > root@stretch-2nd:~# dlocate /sbin/init
> > bash: dlocate: command not found
> > root@stretch-2nd:~#
> > 
> > journalctl -xb > jan11test
> The string of interest not present.
> /usr/share/initramfs-tools/ does not exist
> /etc/initramfs-tools/scripts has 10 empty folders

Doesn't sound right.

ls -l /usr/share/initramfs-tools/
total 52
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root  4096 Apr 25  2017 conf.d
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root  4096 Jun 19  2017 conf-hooks.d
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 19249 Mar  6  2017 hook-functions
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root  4096 Nov 10 07:57 hooks
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  5960 Apr 23  2017 init
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   357 Mar  1  2015 modules
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root  4096 Apr 25  2017 modules.d
drwxr-xr-x 8 root root  4096 Nov 10 07:57 scripts

ls -l /usr/share/initramfs-tools/scripts/
total 48
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 9394 Mar  6  2017 functions
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Nov 10 07:57 init-bottom
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Nov 10 07:57 init-premount
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Nov  9 05:04 init-top
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 5607 Apr  8  2017 local
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Jun 19  2017 local-bottom
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Jun 19  2017 local-premount
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3050 Feb 20  2016 nfs
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Nov 10 07:57 panic

apt policy initramfs-tools
  Installed: 0.130
  Candidate: 0.130
  Version table:
 *** 0.130 500
500 stretch/main amd64 Packages
100 /var/lib/dpkg/status

Re: show searched packages including versions

2018-01-03 Thread bw

On Wed, 3 Jan 2018, Felix Miata wrote:

> How did *you* figure out to try apt-cache _pkgnames_ to get a search to 
> include
> packages' versions?

well, see that's the thing.  In debian, kernel packagenames include 
the arch and ver in them.  This wouldn't work for mc for instance or other 

The criticism about the different apt commands is a good one.  I think the 
idea is to merge some of them into just 'apt' but so far all we have is 
show and search, shortcuts for apt-cache.

here's a part of manpage for apt in stretch:

> list (work-in-progress)
>   list is somewhat similar to dpkg-query --list in that it can 
>   display a list of packages satisfying certain criteria. It 
>   supports glob(7) patterns for matching package names as well 
>   as options to list installed (--installed), upgradeable 
>   (--upgradeable) or all available (--all-versions) versions.
>   edit-sources (work-in-progress)
>   edit-sources lets you edit your sources.list(5) files in your 
>   preferred texteditor while also providing basic sanity checks.

I didn't think about using dpkg for your problem, but it's really amazing.

Re: Is there any software where I can find free software suggestions classified by category and by user rating in Debian?

2017-12-27 Thread bw

On Wed, 27 Dec 2017, Pablo Castillo Rivas wrote:

> software suggestions classified by category and by user rating.

A system of user ratings like this on debian would be a fairly narrow 
sample, because the user would have to also use the "software center" 
to provide the rating for the software they are rating.

The popularity-contest has a similar problem, it lists the most popular 
packages among people who use popularity-contest.

Re: After update only opengl 1.4 instead of 2.0

2017-10-18 Thread bw

On Wed, 18 Oct 2017, Hans wrote:

> Dear list, 
> my netbook with an I945 graphics chip does no more support opengl 2.0. Only 
> opengl 1.4 is loaded.
> It would be nice, if someone could verify this before I send a bugreport. I 
> believe, the package responsible for this is libgl1-mesa, but I am not sure. 
> If this is really a bug, what is the responsible package?
> Thanks for any help! 
> Best regards
> Hans

I don't use testing, but I assume you do?

> Device: Mesa DRI Intel(R) 945GME x86/MMX/SSE2 (0x27ae)
>Version: 17.2.2

You can find out more about the packages in all distributions at and find links to the bug reports.

Offhand, from a quick search for mesa there has been a change for 
libgl1-mesa in buster, it is now a 'dummy' package.  Maybe there are more 
changes to come shortly that will solve your problem?

I know there are certain recommended ways to keep a testing system 
running, are you following these?

Re: non-free firmware not found despite unofficial CD

2017-10-08 Thread bw

On Sun, 8 Oct 2017, Jimmy Johnson wrote:

> On 10/08/2017 07:07 AM, Emanuel Berg wrote:
> > Jimmy Johnson wrote:
> > 
> > > You will need to download the depends too and
> > > then cd to the directory that holds the files
> > > and #dpkg -i (the package name) to install.
> > 
> > OK. How should the depends be organized? I.e.,
> > the dir structure?
> You should only need to install the one package and dpkg will pull in the
> depends and is why they need to be in the same directory.
> -- 
> Jimmy Johnson
> Ubuntu 16.04 LTS - KDE Plasma 5.8.7 - AMD A8-7600 - EXT4 at sda5
> Registered Linux User #380263

does not work that way here?

# ls
apt-offline_1.7.2_all.deb  python-magic_5.30-1+deb9u1_all.deb
# dpkg -i apt-offline_1.7.2_all.deb 
Selecting previously unselected package apt-offline.
(Reading database ... 39715 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to unpack apt-offline_1.7.2_all.deb ...
Unpacking apt-offline (1.7.2) ...
dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of apt-offline:
 apt-offline depends on python-magic; however:
  Package python-magic is not installed.

dpkg: error processing package apt-offline (--install):
 dependency problems - leaving unconfigured
Processing triggers for man-db ( ...
Errors were encountered while processing:

Re: cannot connect to WPA2 SSIDs after installation

2017-08-19 Thread bw

On Sat, 19 Aug 2017, wrote:

On Sat, 19 Aug 2017 17:43:34 -0400,  wrote:

I'm trying to put Debian 9 (stretch) on the original Microsoft Surface

You really should read the installation guide, there is a section about 
new interface naming.

I noticed also that every time I would boot, the device had a different
seemingly random MAC address. Since the udev name it generated was really
long, I wanted to rename it so I could test using the command line without
network manager, but I couldn't use the jessie and older trick of
70-persistent-net.rules because the MAC would always change. So I disabled
persistent names with net.ifnames=0 in GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT in
/etc/default/grub. After that, the MAC address is not random on boot
anymore. Also, I can connect to my SSID.

I don't think this is the cause, more of a symptom. I'm just not sure what
it means.

I'm not sure what it means either.  The way I understand so far, the idea 
is very good: use random MAC to allow obscurity in certain wireless 
(and ?wired) functions.  Unfortunately, some devices seem to refuse assignment

of random MAC addresses, or they have issues with certain functions after.

I think your workaround is good for now, don't allow this feature, and in 
the meantime do some further research.

Re: anyone here from

2017-07-11 Thread bw
>For months now I have tried registering to use this forum and all IPs 
>from my ISP are blocked by these secondary services.

Wow, that's a little strange.  I don't use it myself, but from the content of 
posts lately on the mailing list here, you would fit right in over there.

there is contact info here, but I can't swear by it.

good luck!

Re: stretch not booting, on DELL machines

2017-07-10 Thread bw
>>Thanks to him, a guy (kozaki) has done thorough research (see 1&2) to
>>solve this problem. It is caused by a failed attempt to restore the LCD
>>backlight at boot. Passing 'systemd.restore_state=0' kernel parameter at
>>boot is a solution.

Hilarious thread here, appears to be a very old issue

Thanks for finding the solution.

Re: Re: DOSEMU DPMI unhandled exception 0e (it's back!)

2017-07-04 Thread bw
>>The trouble manifested when I tried using various components of an old 
>>release of Turbo C.
>>Everything, 16 and 32 bit, tickles this bug.

Hey David, don't give up, i got Turbo C+ 3.0 working fine in dosbox by setting 
ver to 6.00 in the dosbox.conf and using a real 
MS-DOS COMMAND.COM from msdos 6.

The only reason I ever use dosemu is for serial port, modems or old FOSSIL 
stuff.  dosbox is a lot easier for games and programming.  

I hope there's not some kernel issue with this, I really like my old stuff,
especially Vern Buerg's  LIST.COM combined with semware Qedit Advanced.  THE 
BEST two programs in history.

Let us know how it goes, try TC on dosbox with the right

Re: DOSEMU DPMI unhandled exception 0e (it's back!)

2017-07-04 Thread bw
>When I start DOSEMU and use any DOS program, I get "DPMI: Unhandled Exception 
>0e - Terminating Client" 

That is really bad news, are you sure it's all programs, and not just programs 
that use DPMI ?
If the problem is only DPMI enabled programs, you can probably solve it with 
some persistent effort.

>and then I'm told that the emulator is unstable and should be rebooted. 
>Running any program after that causes DOSEMU to crash.

I've used dosemu for a long time, but not on stretch, so I can't test it right 
now.  It is tricky to setup, as most DOS environments always were.

>From what I recall, some programs will require vm.mmap_min_addr set to 0 in 
>sysctl and
you should do your own research before using this, it seems to be a security 
risk on networked machines, or was at one point.  
Not sure of the current state of things re: mmap_min_addr 

Some older DOS programs have a plain 16 bit ver and a 32 bit DPMI ver, and some 
have a switch to turn off use of DPMI.  Some also
used an environment variable to limit or control the use of DPMI.  There's also 
a config option in dosemu.conf to set the base address.
# DPMI base address; default: auto
# If the default value fails, try 0x1000

# $_dpmi_base = (auto)

>Identical trouble was reported in

That bug showed pkzip as the culprit, not all dos programs?  

If it's the same bug, maybe you should follow the links and file your bug 
against the kernel instead of dosemu?

Good luck, and have fun.  Thanks for the heads up I will follow along in case I 
run into the same issues.

Re: stretch not booting

2017-05-17 Thread bw
>I had exactly the same problem recently with almost the same laptop:
>Dell Inspiron Mini 1012 that I had previously given to a friend. I
>switched it back to Jessie.

I can confirm this on Dell Mini 1012, installation is successful, first boot is 
okay.  After reboot all boots fail at various places.
I have tried minimal install (no X) from RC2 with same behavior.  

I have not tried installing sysV and removing systemd after first boot, just 
sticking with jessie for now.

mbr boot multiboot

2006-04-27 Thread BW

Je dois ne rien y comprendre 
2 disques durs un maître avec xp  l'autre avec UBUNTU ( enfin peut-être)
Grub ne se copie pas dans le secteur de boot du DD unité 0 primaire 00.
Anciennent j'avais installé sur le DD2 fedora4 ( qui fonctionnait)  puis 
supprimé puis fait un fixmbr  pour supprimer GRUB.

maintenant j'ai au démarrage de windows deux windows pourquoi ?
Quand je fait avec la console windows un cfgboot /scan   je n'ai que un 
seul windows d'installé ?

Comment nettoyer la MBR sur le DD0

J'ai de plus tenter de travailler avec Paragon MB   qui me fait une 
merde supplémentaire paragon me demande si je dois booter sur l'ancinne 
MBR   donc maintenat comment supprimer cette saloperie de Paragon qui 
ajouet unique une difficulté supplémentaire .

slt  bw

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apprentissage x graphique ?

2006-03-13 Thread BW

j'ai installé apache2 webmin.
Avec W3M (navigateur texte) J'ai réussi a me connecter à webmin (pas 
sans mal).

Mais L'interface graphique de Webmin en mode texte ...pas très convivial ...
Donc , j'ai installé mozilla-firefox, mais j'aurai du utiliser Konqueror 
( visiblement installé à l'instal de debian sarge) et ainsi découvrir 
cet outil.

Problème :
quand je lance Firefox / message d'erreur  firefox-bin: 3774: GTK 
warning ** Cannot open display
Je suppose donc que GTK doit fournir des éléments graphiques utilisé 
pour l'affichage de firefox ?

Je dois installer les bibliothéques GTK ? Glib, GDK, GTK  uniquement GTK ?
Est'il possible d'avoir l'interface graphique de firefox, konqueror , 
webmin, etc ...  sans installer GNOME  OU KDE 

merci  J'avance lentement, mais j'avance 

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Re: ch conseils pour faire des instal

2006-03-08 Thread BW

Jean-Michel OLTRA a écrit :


Le mercredi 08 mars 2006, fabrice régnier a écrit...

Tu peux essayer lynx qui est un navigateur en mode texte.
Aptitude install lynx

w3m ou links sont peut-être plus intuitifs que lynx ?

J'avais repéré lynx ( pré-installé à l'instal de Debian) . je n'ai 
pas vraiment bien compris ce soft (je cumule les difficultés de la 
langue anglaise du help et celles de ma méconnaissance tehnique, 
notamment des terminologies.) Je n'ai pas insisté non plus ... L'objet 
de ce mail était justement de vérifier si cela était nécessaire ..

Je vais visiter W3M et links

encore merci pour les petites orientations qui évitent les interminables 

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connexion webmin

2006-03-08 Thread BW

J'ai installé W3m  ok
J'ai Apache started
Webmin started

je fais w3m https://localhost:1  (je devrais ouvrir webmin ?)

réponse  Bad cert indentifiant * from localhost   acept y/N
j'ai toujours  tapé Y
réponse  un tabelau qui me demande login et pass
J'ai fait ( root pass X  le m^me que celui de root debian )
  message Invalid paasword   password contains invalid characters 

y at'il une impossibilité de se connecter en ROOT avec le pass de débian  ?
Je suis confronté à une procédure SSL?
Je peux updaté  #/usr/share/webmin/  /etc/webmin login pass

slt   WBW

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ch conseils pour faire des instal

2006-03-07 Thread BW

attention apprenti //
Sur une machine que je destine a une fonction serveur perso, mon premier 
serveur et sous  debian sarge

j'ai donc installé Debian  sans interface graphique
fait la connaissance très partielle de :
Je viens d'installer Apache et Webmin
Si j'ai bien compris il me faut un navigateur-web pour accéder à Apache 
et  à webmin. en local, pour l'instant

Ce poste n'étant pas destiné à un usage intensif du Web, dois-je 
installer mozilla   ou mozilla/firefox  ou un autre brownser + light ?

Apache / j'ai installé : Apache 1.3.33 6sa Apache commun 1.3.33 6sa
 et APACHE 2 2054-5 ;; ??   Je peux supprimer les deux répertoires 
apache 1.3.33 ?

merci  BW

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débutants suite et fin problème d'instal cd de sarge

2006-02-27 Thread BW
Je vous ai sollicité pour régler un probléme d'incomptabilité entre des 
versions de paquets ( force loopbreak etc;;;)
J'ai, avec votre aide, repéré la source du probléme à savoir 
l'utilisation d'un DVD debian 3.1rc3 sarge vendu par Eyrolles  dans 
l'ouvrage Debian (cahiers de l'admin)mars 2005 edition2  de raphael Herzog.

Donc, si vous êtes un vrai débutant n'utiliser pas ce dvd.

je trouve particulièrement scandaleux que l'auteur et les editions 
Eyrolles ne mettent pas en garde le lecteur sur les risques 
d'utilisation de leur cd dvd inclus dans leurs livres. ( cela, sans 
doute pour mieux vendre).
Mieux ou pire aucun texte n'explique comment télécharger la version à 
jour stable de debian puis d'en copier l'image sur un CD room  pour 
l'utiliser comme DVD de boot à la place du CD présent dans le livre.

Ce livre s'adresse pourtant à de vrais débutants (incapable de réparer )
Pour décourager les nouveaux utilisateur de Linux et donc les conforter 
dans leur premier choix microsoft il n'y a pas mieux.

merci pour votre aide,  mais, j'ai perdu quelques soirées 

Toujours pour les débutants  le guide référence pour debian est 
pédagogiquement écrit ( même si les auteurs considèrent que Debian est 
déjà installé et bien-installlé).

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debian-31r1a-i386-netinst ISO et ensuite ?

2006-02-22 Thread BW

Désolé de poser des questions aussi basiques mais 
J'ai télécharger ceci : debian-31r1a-i386-netinst
Un fichier Iso.
J'ai lu, qu'il fallait le copier sur un CD
J'ai fait avec nero express
Puis le mettre dans le lecteur de CD avec un bootCD dans le bios
J'ai fait

Résultat rien   mon ordi ne voit pas le fichier iso 

Il faut décompacter ce fichier  ?  Avec un outil spécifique (sous xp) ?
J'ai trouvé alzip  graticiel ...
IL y a un autre outil mieux , + .  sous xp
Sous linux/debian, il y a une commande  , un utilitaire ?

Il a décompacté   .bon je vais tester

slt BW

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instal debian sarge ....erreur

2006-02-21 Thread BW
sous machine PC 2DD DD1 maître avec XP  // D2 esclave avec Debian 
3.1rc3(sarge) depuis un CD livré avec le livre de chez EYROLLes ( 
cahiers admin /Debian / raphael hertzog)
Je boot sur le cd /Et je fais l'instal de Debian de  base, sans install 
d'autres paquets.
Install sans probléme connexion sur le serveur de l'Unviversité de 
strasbourg, chargement des listes de paquets .. OK
Puis ouverture auto de Aptidude qui me demande d'installer des 
dépendances// (texte sur fond couleur verte)

je fais G pour demander l'instal.
Téléchargement des 136 mo (beaucoup non ?) fin du téléchargement OK.

ET /message/
E: Cette installation va temporairement nécessité l'enlévement du paquet 
essentiel e2fspprogs en raison d'une boucle entre les champs conficts et 
C'est une mauvaise chose bla bla  activez l'option : 
:force-loopbreak   ( oui, mais comment ?)

E: internal error cloud not early remove 2fsprogs
Aucune proposition de réparation.

Fin// Que faire ? Moi, je décolle, pour un premier contact avec linux ( 
heureusement j'ai encore $ sur le DD1.
Sérieusement, je suis bloqué  // J'ai reformaté de DD puis relancé une 
instal compléte mais toujours le même message .

Merci   BW

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Re: instal debian sarge ....erreur

2006-02-21 Thread BW

BW a écrit :
sous machine PC 2DD DD1 maître avec XP  // D2 esclave avec Debian 
3.1rc3(sarge) depuis un CD livré avec le livre de chez EYROLLes ( 
cahiers admin /Debian / raphael hertzog)
Je boot sur le cd /Et je fais l'instal de Debian de  base, sans install 
d'autres paquets.
Install sans probléme connexion sur le serveur de l'Unviversité de 
strasbourg, chargement des listes de paquets .. OK
Puis ouverture auto de Aptidude qui me demande d'installer des 
dépendances// (texte sur fond couleur verte)

je fais G pour demander l'instal.
Téléchargement des 136 mo (beaucoup non ?) fin du téléchargement OK.

ET /message/
E: Cette installation va temporairement nécessité l'enlévement du paquet 
essentiel e2fspprogs en raison d'une boucle entre les champs conficts et 
C'est une mauvaise chose bla bla  activez l'option : 
:force-loopbreak   ( oui, mais comment ?)

E: internal error cloud not early remove 2fsprogs
Aucune proposition de réparation.

Fin// Que faire ? Moi, je décolle, pour un premier contact avec linux ( 
heureusement j'ai encore $ sur le DD1.
Sérieusement, je suis bloqué  // J'ai reformaté de DD puis relancé une 
instal compléte mais toujours le même message .

Merci   BW

Extraordinaire // le probléme décris ci-dessus est visiblement 
récurrent.( voir réponse google avec force-loopbreak)Je ne sais toujours 
pas comment faire , mais Est-il possible que  débian stable sarge 
accessible en HTTP FTP ne soient pas tous identique et de même qualité ( 
surtout pour les paquets disponible) ?
En clair, j'ai effectué le telechargement à partir de la liste proposé 
sur mon CD Eyrolles et j'ai choisi le serveur de l'université  de 
strasbourg (le plus proche de chez moi). Serait-il possible que les 
versions de paquets de ce serveur soit mal fichu, obsoléte, mélange de 
paquets stable et en testing
Si cela est, je pourrai aller sur un autre serveur pour avoir un version 
ad hoc  lequel ?   et refaire mon instal  merci

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