xterm color

2006-03-31 Thread Piyush Garyali
How in the world do I get colors to display in xterm?  when I do
"ls --color" all I get is mono with bold.


My blog:

Xterm color

1998-08-25 Thread Chris


I'm having trouble with color support in xterm.

At the moment I am running xterm with the terminfo as xterm, which seems
to disable all color support (although ls --color still works ?).  When I
mean color support I'm talking about programs such as mutt and dselect.

When I change terminfo to xterm-debian I get color support on my local
machine, but when I connect to another machine (also debian 2.0) color
still doesn't work in mutt (although I now does in dselect).  I am
connecting via ssh (although I tried with telnet as well).

Is anyone able to explain this behaviour?   Can anyone tell me how to make
it work properly??

Also, I'd prefer not to use xterm-debian, as whenever I connect to uni
machines I get the message "Sorry, I don't know anything about your
"xterm-debian" terminal" whenever I try and run anything like vi, etc.  Is
there any advantage to xterm-debian (and anyway to make it more seamless?)

Thanks for any assistance,

Chris Leishman

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1997-06-21 Thread Marc Saric
Hi all,

I would like to know what is going wrong with my setup for the Xterm:
I put the following lines in my Xresources-file (in /etc/X11)

#ifdef COLOR
*customization: -color

but nothing happened, when I start an xterm, it is still b/w.
I am using Debian 1.2.4 from the Cheapbytes CD with a 16 bpp



Marc Saric

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xterm color

1997-01-06 Thread Michael Harnois
How in the world do I get colors to display in xterm? The release notes for
3.2 say that "colour support is now included by default," but when I do
"ls --color" all I get is mono with bold. If I do the same thing in an rxvt
window, I get colors.

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Re: xterm color

2006-03-31 Thread kamaraju kusumanchi

Piyush Garyali wrote:

How in the world do I get colors to display in xterm?  when I do
"ls --color" all I get is mono with bold.


Do you get colors with the above command on other applications such as 



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Re: xterm color

2006-03-31 Thread Luis Finotti


Piyush Garyali wrote:

How in the world do I get colors to display in xterm?  when I do
"ls --color" all I get is mono with bold.

Long shot, but to what is TERM set?  I could not get colors in emacs (in 
a terminal) with TERM=vt100, but I can with TERM=linux and others.  You 
can also try TERM=xterm-color.



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Re: xterm color

2006-03-31 Thread charles norwood
On Fri, 2006-03-31 at 22:43 +0530, Piyush Garyali wrote:
> How in the world do I get colors to display in xterm?  when I do
> "ls --color" all I get is mono with bold.
> regards
> Piyush
> --
> My blog:
> http://verypondycherry.blogspot.com

Try: alias ls="ls -ahF --color=auto";  then ls

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Re: xterm color

2006-04-03 Thread erchamion . beren
at your home directory edit .bashrc

# enable color support of ls and also add handy aliases
if [ "$TERM" != "dumb" ]; then
eval "`dircolors -b`"
alias ls='ls --color=auto'
#alias dir='ls --color=auto --format=vertical'
#alias vdir='ls --color=auto --format=long'

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Re: xterm color

2006-04-03 Thread Vincent Lefevre
On 2006-03-31 14:19:53 -0500, Luis Finotti wrote:
> Long shot, but to what is TERM set? I could not get colors in emacs
> (in a terminal) with TERM=vt100, but I can with TERM=linux and
> others. You can also try TERM=xterm-color.

xterm-color is wrong and does not work correctly in Debian.
One should normally have TERM=xterm-xfree86 or xterm-vt220
depending on the context. For instance, I have

*termName:  xterm-xfree86

in my XTerm app-defaults.

Vincent Lefèvre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - Web: <http://www.vinc17.org/>
100% accessible validated (X)HTML - Blog: <http://www.vinc17.org/blog/>
Work: CR INRIA - computer arithmetic / SPACES project at LORIA

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Re: XTerm-color

1997-06-21 Thread Emilio Lopes
> "MS" == Marc Saric <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

MS> I would like to know what is going wrong with my setup for the
MS> Xterm: I put the following lines in my Xresources-file (in
MS> /etc/X11)

MS> #ifdef COLOR
MS> *customization: -color
MS> #endif

MS> but nothing happened, when I start an xterm, it is still b/w.  I
MS> am using Debian 1.2.4 from the Cheapbytes CD with a 16 bpp
MS> S3-X-Server.

Have you started the X server again? Indeed all you need to do is to
load these new resources in the server resources database:

xrdb -merge /etc/X11/Xresources

Also, try "ls --color=auto".

 Emilio C. Lopes 

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Re: XTerm-color

1997-06-21 Thread Clint Adams

> #ifdef COLOR
> *customization: -color
> #endif

Does it do the same thing without the #ifdef and #endif lines?

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Re: XTerm-color

1997-06-21 Thread Oliver Elphick
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, writes:
  >Hi all,
  >I would like to know what is going wrong with my setup for the Xterm:
  >I put the following lines in my Xresources-file (in /etc/X11)
  >#ifdef COLOR
  >*customization: -color
  >but nothing happened, when I start an xterm, it is still b/w.
  >I am using Debian 1.2.4 from the Cheapbytes CD with a 16 bpp
Look at /etc/X11/config

This is quoted from /usr/doc/xbase/README:

 Other X confguration options are in the file /etc/X11/config. This file
 consists of a list of options. Comments begin with a # symbol. If an
 option is present with a no- prefix, you should not be prompted about it
 by configuration scripts. If an option is not present at all then you
 may be prompted to supply a value for it when you run the configuration
 scripts in the future.

 The currently defined options are:
 * allow-user-resources

 If users have a file called .Xresources in their home directory, these
 resources will be merged with the default resources when they log in.

So ensure that this line exists in the file, if you want to use a private
.Xresources file.
Isle of Wight  http://homepages.enterprise.net/olly

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xterm color (*sigh*)

1997-10-15 Thread Matt Thompson
Hi, y'all,

Well, got bash 2.01-5 and gimp 0.99 installed and working.  I'm finding
out that I have to upgrade to the hamm versions of just about everything,
like fvwm2 and emacs.  That's ok.  'Been doing it all by dpkg instead of
dselect, now that I'm comfortable with that.

An old problem cropped up, tho.  I don't have colors in my xterms anymore.
My xsysinfo has colors just fine, but not my xterms.  I never had to
adjust anything with bo (except to edit /etc/profile with alias ls="ls
--color", which I've done).  Is there something else I need to do now that
I'm "hamming it up" as it were? (sorry for the lousy pun :) ).

thanks again for all the help,

Matt Thompson 
MZI, Inc.   v-206.430.3726
707 S. Grady Wayf-206.430.3420
Renton, WA  98055   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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xterm color (re:)

1997-01-06 Thread Timothy Phan

  You must set the color resource in either the .Xdefaults or
*color15:   what-ever-color#16
*colorMode: on

  Check out the 'man xterm' for the last resource name.

Michael Harnois wrote:
:From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Mon Jan  6 09:52:44 1997
:Resent-Date: Mon, 6 Jan 1997 09:52:23 -0600 (CST)
:Message-Id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
:To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
:Subject: xterm color
:Date: Mon, 06 Jan 1997 09:13:10 -0600
:From: Michael Harnois <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
:Resent-Message-ID: <"DDJdm1.0.tP3.MRHqo"@master.debian.org>
:Resent-From: debian-user@lists.debian.org
:Resent-Reply-To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
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:Precedence: list
:Priority: non-urgent
:Importance: low
:Resent-Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
:How in the world do I get colors to display in xterm? The release notes for
:3.2 say that "colour support is now included by default," but when I do
:"ls --color" all I get is mono with bold. If I do the same thing in an rxvt
:window, I get colors.
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   Timothy C. Phan ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
    NEC America, Inc. ASL
    1525 Walnut Hill Ln. Irving, TX 75038
  tel: (214)-518-3437 fax: (214)-518-3499

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Re: xterm color

1997-01-07 Thread Michael Harnois

>You must set the color resource

OK ... tried all that ... didn't help ... other ideas?

+  Michael D. Harnois   +  It is easier to make a saint out of   +
+  Pastor, computer nerd,   +  a libertine than out of a prig.   +
+  Linux user, Havanese owner   ++ 
+  [EMAIL PROTECTED] +  --Santayana   +

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Re: xterm color

1997-01-07 Thread Syrus Nemat-Nasser
On 6 Jan 1997, Michael Harnois wrote:

> >You must set the color resource
> OK ... tried all that ... didn't help ... other ideas?

My understanding:  You must install the xterm-color package which 
replaces the default monochrome xterm with the color knowledgable 
binary.  That should do it.


Syrus Nemat-Nasser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>UCSD Physics Dept.

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Re: xterm color

1997-01-07 Thread Guy Maor
Syrus Nemat-Nasser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> My understanding:  You must install the xterm-color package which 
> replaces the default monochrome xterm with the color knowledgable 
> binary.  That should do it.

No, xterm-color is obsolete.  Color abilites have been folded in to
the X11R6.1 xterm.

Instructions for turning on recognition of the color change escape
sequences is in the xterm man page.


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Re: xterm color

1997-01-07 Thread Orn E. Hansen
> >You must set the color resource
> OK ... tried all that ... didn't help ... other ideas?

  First, make sure it has any colors... it has ansi escape sequences, if it
is an 'xterm'... so, make sure the termcap or terminfo description for
xterm is set for color... try

  echo "\033[31m One color.\033[32m Second color."

  And see what happens, the ESC [30m ... ESC [38m should set the foreground
color, and ESC [40m .. ESC [48m should set the background color.  If it
doesn't give color... your xterm uses the termcap database, is it installed?
is the definition for xterm, set to the definition for xterm-color? Read the
/etc/termcap (termcap compatibility package).  Try setting your TERMINFO
variable with the proper information for color xterm (if it isn't set).

  If it does display colors, then your 'ls' command is an old one, and has
no color support. 

Ørn Einar Hansen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
fax; +46 035 217194

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Re: xterm color

1997-01-07 Thread Rainer Bawidamann
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Syrus Nemat-Nasser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> On 6 Jan 1997, Michael Harnois wrote:
>> >You must set the color resource

I don't know if you have to set any resources (try using the "+dc"
option to xterm). In my case I had to remove a line from .Xresource
which set the foreground and background colors of xterm. Than the colors
reappeared ;-)

> My understanding:  You must install the xterm-color package which 
> replaces the default monochrome xterm with the color knowledgable 
> binary.  That should do it.

The xterm in XFree86 really is a color xterm. You don't need the
xterm-color package anymore.

BTW: I think XFree3.2 should habe a line "Conflicts: xterm.color" so
xterm-color gets removed when Xfree 3.2 is installed.

Greetings ... Rainer

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Re: xterm color

1997-01-08 Thread Herbert Xu
Guy Maor wrote:
> Instructions for turning on recognition of the color change escape
> sequences is in the xterm man page.

Yes indeed.  And that means you need this resource line:

XTerm*customization: -color

in your /etc/X11/Xresources file or your user Xresource file
if you don't want it for the world.

Debian GNU/Linux 1.2 is out! { http://www.debian.org/ }
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Re: xterm color

1997-01-08 Thread Brian C. White
> > Instructions for turning on recognition of the color change escape
> > sequences is in the xterm man page.
> Yes indeed.  And that means you need this resource line:
> XTerm*customization: -color
> in your /etc/X11/Xresources file or your user Xresource file
> if you don't want it for the world.

Would it be a good idea to make this the default in the distribution?
It seems a better idea to allow individuals to disable a feature than
to tell them how to enable it (as long as it doesn't create any
backward-compatibility issues, which I doubt this does).
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Re: xterm color

1997-01-09 Thread Nathan L. Cutler
>>>>> "Herbert" == Herbert Xu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>>  Instructions for turning on recognition of the color change
>> escape sequences is in the xterm man page.

Herbert> Yes indeed.  And that means you need this resource line:

Herbert>XTerm*customization: -color

Herbert> in your /etc/X11/Xresources file or your user Xresource
Herbert> file if you don't want it for the world.

I noticed after upgrading to 3.2 that xterm was not displaying color.
I tried running it with various command-line options, to no avail.
However, when I added the contents of the following file


to my .Xresources file and restarted X, the colors started to work.

Nathan L. Cutler
Linux Enthusiast

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Re: xterm color

1997-01-09 Thread Michael Harnois
On Wed, 8 Jan 1997 18:59:28 GMT, "Nathan L. Cutler" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>However, when I added the contents of the following file
>   /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/app-defaults/XTerm-color
>to my .Xresources file and restarted X, the colors started to work.

So is Debian X finding the app-defaults files at all?

 Michael Harnois ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) | It is easier to make a saint out of a 
 No Organization Whatsoever | libertine than out of a prig. -- Santayana

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Re: xterm color

1997-01-09 Thread Jesse Goldman
On Wed, 8 Jan 1997, Nathan L. Cutler wrote:
> I noticed after upgrading to 3.2 that xterm was not displaying color.
> I tried running it with various command-line options, to no avail.
> However, when I added the contents of the following file
>   /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/app-defaults/XTerm-color
> to my .Xresources file and restarted X, the colors started to work.
> > 

I think it's great how many solutions folks have come up with for xterm
color problems. Here's what I did, although it's not quite as elegant
as the others. I didn't have any Xresource files around and I didn't want
to make a global one so I went to /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/app-defaults, took
the contents of XTerm-color and pasted it onto the end of XTerm. That
seemed to work ok too

Jesse Goldman

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Re: xterm color

1997-01-09 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom
> "Michael" == Michael Harnois <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Michael> So is Debian X finding the app-defaults files at all?

 I don't think it is.  Does anybody know how to get it to?  None of the
X programs are finding their app-defaults file.

   __ _Karl M. Hegbloom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  / /(_)_ __  _   ___  __  http://www.inetarena.com/~karlheg
 / / | | '_ \| | | \ \/ /  Portland, OR, USA
/ /__| | | | | |_| |>  <   Proudly running Linux 2.0.27 transname
\/_|_| |_|\__,_/_/\_\ and Debian GNU public software!

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Re: xterm color

1997-01-10 Thread Nathan L. Cutler
>>>>> "Michael" == Michael Harnois <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> However, when I added the contents of the following file
    >> /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/app-defaults/XTerm-color
>> to my .Xresources file and restarted X, the colors started to
>> work.

Michael> So is Debian X finding the app-defaults files at all?

On my system at least, there is no 'xterm-color' binary, so, if I
understand things correctly, when I run 'xterm', only the XTerm
app-defaults file is checked, not XTerm-color.  Thus, even though I am
running a color-enabled 'xterm' binary, it doesn't know I want color
and, since color is turned off by default, the display is in black and
white until I change the resources.

So, I'm not sure whether this is a Debian bug or not?  Certainly, most
people running Debian have color monitors, so perhaps it would be
reasonable to have xterm colors turned on by default.

Nathan L. Cutler
Linux Enthusiast

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Re: xterm color

1997-01-10 Thread Orn E. Hansen
> >>>>> "Michael" == Michael Harnois <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Michael> So is Debian X finding the app-defaults files at all?
>  I don't think it is.  Does anybody know how to get it to?  None of the
> X programs are finding their app-defaults file.

  Are you sure it isn't?   The usual distribution of app-defaults for XTerm
doesn't include the XTerm-color part (installing xterm-color will do that
part for you).  However, the XTerm-color includes XTerm definitions.  So
the proper way of making XTerm-color the default for XTerm is to change
the name of XTerm into XTerm-ad, and then rename XTerm-color into XTerm,
and change the line in it:




of course.

  There are several ways, in which one can change the behaviour of reading
applications resources by client programs.  The directory where this is done
is by default /lib/X11/app-defaults but is affected by the three
Also note, that a client application will search for its resources in a
file in your HOME directory first, then in the above given variables and
finally falling back to the built in default.  So, you can basically put
a file XTerm in your home directory, and then xterm will load that file
as its resources on startup.

  So, if you make a file containing these lines in your HOME directory


  ...you should be home free.

  Read the X manual page (man X) for further details...


Ørn Einar Hansen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
fax; +46 035 217194

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Re: xterm color

1997-01-10 Thread Nathan L. Cutler
> "Karl" == Karl M Hegbloom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Michael> So is Debian X finding the app-defaults files at all?

Karl>  I don't think it is.  Does anybody know how to get it to?
Karl> None of the X programs are finding their app-defaults file.

Are you quite sure?  Perhaps they're just not finding stuff that you
add to them?

I found this in /usr/doc/xbase/debian.README (it's at the very
end of the file):

"Please note that this distribution expects you to leave app-defaults
files unchanged. If you want to customise X applications globally, put
your customisations in /etc/X11/Xresources."

Nathan L. Cutler
Linux Enthusiast

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Re: xterm color

1997-01-10 Thread Guy Maor
"Nathan L. Cutler" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On my system at least, there is no 'xterm-color' binary, so, if I
> understand things correctly, when I run 'xterm', only the XTerm
> app-defaults file is checked, not XTerm-color.

If you want color on by default, just add this line to



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Re: xterm color

1997-01-10 Thread Ronald van Loon
|"Are you quite sure?  Perhaps they're just not finding stuff that you
|"add to them?
|"I found this in /usr/doc/xbase/debian.README (it's at the very
|"end of the file):
|""Please note that this distribution expects you to leave app-defaults
|"files unchanged. If you want to customise X applications globally, put
|"your customisations in /etc/X11/Xresources."

This is a bad idea, in general. It would mean that these resources are
stored in the server, which takes up memory, for one thing. The other thing
is that you get in all kinds of precedence problems if things are stored in
multiple places.

Unexpected behaviour due to resource settings is very hard to track down.
Ronald van Loon ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

"I am waiting as fast as I can! I want patience, and I want it *NOW*!"
 - Bethany J. Parkhurst

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Xterm color maps

2002-10-24 Thread Russell
Hi all,

Xterm has default colours (colour0-15) in /etc/X11/app-defaults/XTerm-color
which affects the colors used by a console app. in an xterm.

Is there a way to assign a different colour map to different xterms?
I want to have one set of colours for midnight commander, and another
set for vim.

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xterm-color under hamm?

1998-02-22 Thread Britton

I have recently installed libc6 and parts of hamm (particularly those the
HOWTO said had to be installed.  I also installed some Xaw packages, and
removed one because I didn't like the way it made xterm look.  Perhaps
this last is where my problems originate.

I don't know how to get color xterms now.  I note that there is no longer
a xterm-color entry in /etc/terminfo/x.  color ls no longer works, which
always used to even with TERM=xterm.  The ctrl-righ_click and
ctrl-left_click commands in xterm no longer pop up the same menus; there
are fewer options and (no app-defaults) appears at the head of each menu.
Anyone know what I should do?

Note to the person who in response to my advice to a third person informed
me that xterm-color was going away:  you were right.  I saved your email,
but then it got eaten when I tried to set up fetchmail.


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kvt and xterm-color

1998-10-30 Thread Sergey V Kovalyov
The KDE's kvt keeps setting TERM to xterm-color, which is no good since
other systems do not like it. I'd like to make it just xterm on a
system-wise basis (so that every user does not have to do it manually). Do
you know which file is to be modified ?

What puzzles me though is that another box that I've setup a month ago
(also slink) does not have the problem and gives plain "xterm", and I
don't recall changing anything. I could not figure not what is different.

Any ideas ?


Re: xterm color (*sigh*)

1997-10-15 Thread Benjamin Ryzman
Matt Thompson wrote:

> Hi, y'all,
> Well, got bash 2.01-5 and gimp 0.99 installed and working.  I'm finding
> out that I have to upgrade to the hamm versions of just about everything,
> like fvwm2 and emacs.  That's ok.  'Been doing it all by dpkg instead of
> dselect, now that I'm comfortable with that.
> An old problem cropped up, tho.  I don't have colors in my xterms anymore.
> My xsysinfo has colors just fine, but not my xterms.  I never had to
> adjust anything with bo (except to edit /etc/profile with alias ls="ls
> --color", which I've done).  Is there something else I need to do now that
> I'm "hamming it up" as it were? (sorry for the lousy pun :) ).
> thanks again for all the help,
> matty
> Matt Thompson
> MZI, Inc.   v-206.430.3726
> 707 S. Grady Wayf-206.430.3420
> Renton, WA  98055   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Add a symbolic link to /usr/X11R6/lib/X11 in /usr/i486-linuxlibc1/lib, that
should correct the problem.

deepthought% ls -l /usr/i486-linuxlibc1/lib/
total 7
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root   19 Oct  2 12:50 X11 ->
-rw-r--r--   1 root root 6464 Sep 29 12:18 libpaper.a
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root   39 Oct 14 13:04 libpaper.so ->

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Re: xterm color (*sigh*)

1997-10-15 Thread Michael Harnois
Matt Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> An old problem cropped up, tho.  I don't have colors in my xterms anymore.
> My xsysinfo has colors just fine, but not my xterms.  I never had to
> adjust anything with bo (except to edit /etc/profile with alias ls="ls
> --color", which I've done).

In one of your Xresources files (~/.Xresources if you have
"allow-user-resources" set in /etc/X11/config, add

XTerm*customization: -color

and you should be ok.

 Michael D. Harnois, Redeemer Lutheran Church, Washburn, IA
 "It isn't that they can't see the solution. 
  It is that they can't see the problem." --G. K. Chesterton

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xterm-color : green cursor??

1996-12-12 Thread Chris R. Martin

I recently installed xterm-color, but now ALL my xterm windows have a
nasty green cursor in them... is there ANY way to tell xterm to use a
specific cursor color, either for each window or globally?

Thanks, Chris.

Chris R. Martin  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
PGP key upon request www: http://http.tamu.edu:8000/~crm7479

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Re: xterm-color under hamm?

1998-02-22 Thread Remco Blaakmeer
On Sat, 21 Feb 1998, Britton wrote:

> I have recently installed libc6 and parts of hamm (particularly those the
> HOWTO said had to be installed.  I also installed some Xaw packages, and
> removed one because I didn't like the way it made xterm look.  Perhaps
> this last is where my problems originate.
> I don't know how to get color xterms now.  I note that there is no longer
> a xterm-color entry in /etc/terminfo/x.  color ls no longer works, which
> always used to even with TERM=xterm.  The ctrl-righ_click and
> ctrl-left_click commands in xterm no longer pop up the same menus; there
> are fewer options and (no app-defaults) appears at the head of each menu.
> Anyone know what I should do?
> Note to the person who in response to my advice to a third person informed
> me that xterm-color was going away:  you were right.  I saved your email,
> but then it got eaten when I tried to set up fetchmail.

Add these lines to your /etc/X11/Xresources or to your $HOME/.Xresources:

XTerm*colorMode:  true
XTerm*customization:  -color


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Re: xterm-color under hamm?

1998-02-22 Thread Frank Barknecht
Remco Blaakmeer hat gesagt: // Remco Blaakmeer wrote:

> On Sat, 21 Feb 1998, Britton wrote:
> > 
> > I have recently installed libc6 and parts of hamm (particularly those the
> > HOWTO said had to be installed.  I also installed some Xaw packages, and
> > removed one because I didn't like the way it made xterm look.  Perhaps
> > this last is where my problems originate.
> > 
> > I don't know how to get color xterms now.  I note that there is no longer
> > a xterm-color entry in /etc/terminfo/x.  color ls no longer works, which
> > always used to even with TERM=xterm.  The ctrl-righ_click and
> > ctrl-left_click commands in xterm no longer pop up the same menus; there
> > are fewer options and (no app-defaults) appears at the head of each menu.
> > Anyone know what I should do?
> > 
> > Note to the person who in response to my advice to a third person informed
> > me that xterm-color was going away:  you were right.  I saved your email,
> > but then it got eaten when I tried to set up fetchmail.
> Add these lines to your /etc/X11/Xresources or to your $HOME/.Xresources:
> XTerm*colorMode:  true
> XTerm*customization:  -color

PLUS: Do this in /etc/profile to satisfy mutt, slrn etc.:

# Set COLORTERM for s-lang programs if this is a color terminal
#if [ "$TERM" = "xterm" -o "$TERM" = "linux" ]; then

  Frank Barknecht   Das Koelner Stadt- und Unimagazin

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Re: xterm-color : green cursor??

1996-12-12 Thread David Ogilvie
with XFree86 3.2, the xterm has built in color capabilities.  unfortunately, 
it's one of the things i haven't gotten around to setting up yet.  i think you 
have to insert something like the following into your Xresources file:
#ifdef COLOR
*customization: color

although someone will almost certainly need to correct me on this point.

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Re: xterm-color : green cursor??

1996-12-12 Thread Guy Maor
"Chris R. Martin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I recently installed xterm-color, but now ALL my xterm windows have a
> nasty green cursor in them... is there ANY way to tell xterm to use a
> specific cursor color, either for each window or globally?

Set the `XTerm*pointerColor' resource.


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Re: xterm-color : green cursor??

1996-12-12 Thread Brian C. White
> I recently installed xterm-color, but now ALL my xterm windows have a
> nasty green cursor in them... is there ANY way to tell xterm to use a
> specific cursor color, either for each window or globally?

You can get all this from the xterm man page, I believe, but here
are the lines I put in my .Xresources file:

XTerm*alwaysHighlight:  false
XTerm*background:   navy
XTerm*foreground:   white
XTerm*cursorColor:  yellow
XTerm*font: 10x20
XTerm*internalBorder:   2
XTerm*jumpScroll:   true
XTerm*reverseWrap:  false
XTerm*scrollTtyOutput:  false
XTerm*scrollLines:  1
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Re: xterm-color : green cursor??

1996-12-13 Thread fols9488
> I recently installed xterm-color, but now ALL my xterm windows have a
> nasty green cursor in them... is there ANY way to tell xterm to use a
> specific cursor color, either for each window or globally?

You have 2 (or more?) options here.  First, you can make a system wide alias 
in /etc/environment which is something like:

alias xterm="xterm -cr "

Of course, this assumes you're using Bash.  You'd need to modify it for csh or 
ksh or whatever else you have.

The other, nicer option would be to add the following to /etc/X11/Xresources:


Hope this helps,
Lamar Folsom
"Life is wasted on the living."  - The Master

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