Debian dial in server -web access under squeeze

2011-10-26 Thread Peter oliver

trying to create a dial in box from modem to Ethernet (LAN DSL)
using IBM netvista P4 (2.26c 512mb) with external us robotics 56k modem on com2
System is using new Squeeze install (nuked the XP install on the system)- 
command line no gui--
need to connect a windows box using ppp to this server to use one of our extra 
IP address assignments (ISP provider simplybits)

Server box will access the net thru eth0 (apt-get update/install works fine)

windows machine can call and log in, can ping local address on box and access 
its Apache placeholder page
I do not appear to be getting routing, or DNS services - IE explorer times out/ 
incorrect address, cannot ping external ip

Most of the documentation on this is outdated / and or depreciated on doing 
this. (the last time I tried this was in DOS 25 years ago). And was not my idea 
just someone too cheap to buy an ISP service with enough pull at work to 
wrangle me into it.. and have allready spent a couple of days fussing with it.  
 also setting like the /etc/ppp/options file ie MS-DNS,

Re: Debian dial in server -web access under squeeze

2011-10-26 Thread Dan Ritter
On Wed, Oct 26, 2011 at 12:45:50PM -0700, Peter oliver wrote:
 trying to create a dial in box from modem to Ethernet (LAN DSL)
 using IBM netvista P4 (2.26c 512mb) with external us robotics 56k modem on 
 System is using new Squeeze install (nuked the XP install on the system)- 
 command line no gui--
 need to connect a windows box using ppp to this server to use one of our 
 extra IP address assignments (ISP provider simplybits)
 Server box will access the net thru eth0 (apt-get update/install works fine)
 windows machine can call and log in, can ping local address on box and access 
 its Apache placeholder page
 I do not appear to be getting routing, or DNS services - IE explorer times 
 out/ incorrect address, cannot ping external ip

Sounds like you need to make sure that IP forwarding is enabled,
and either do manual routes, or, more likely, masquerading.

Those key words will get you what you want.


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Re: Dial-in Server mit Debian

2006-01-11 Thread Gerhard Brauer
* Gabriel Bentele [EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb am [10.01.06 17:16]:
 ich hab gerade versucht mit einem call by call Anbieter eine Verbindung
 aufzubauen. Sollte das nicht auch gehen? Oder geht die Anleitung nur auf
 den speziellen linux server.
 Hm vielleicht liegt das Problem garnicht an dem server sondern am
 client! Ich betreibe mein notebook per bluetooth mit meinem handy (k700i).
 Es kommt wie bei der anwahl von meinem Dial in Server, hier mal mit
 freenet immer das gleiche CARRIER ... !
  pppd call freenet -detach
 chat:  Jan 10 17:09:40 CARRIER
 Connect script failed
 Terminating on signal 2.

Das -detach als Option ist falsch. Darauf weis dich das signal 2 hin. In
der man page zu pppd Abschnitt Exit Status:
2  An error was detected in processing the options given,  such  as
   two mutually exclusive options being used.

In diesem Teil ist dein verwendetes HowTo veraltet oder fehlerhaft.

 Gruß Gabriel


Der schwarze Ritter ist unbesiegbar...

Re: Dial-in Server mit Debian

2006-01-11 Thread Gerhard Brauer
* Gerhard Brauer [EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb am [11.01.06 10:38]:
 * Gabriel Bentele [EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb am [10.01.06 17:16]:
  Es kommt wie bei der anwahl von meinem Dial in Server, hier mal mit
  freenet immer das gleiche CARRIER ... !
   pppd call freenet -detach
  chat:  Jan 10 17:09:40 CARRIER
  Connect script failed
  Terminating on signal 2.
 Das -detach als Option ist falsch. Darauf weis dich das signal 2 hin. In
 der man page zu pppd Abschnitt Exit Status:
 2  An error was detected in processing the options given,  such  as
two mutually exclusive options being used.
 In diesem Teil ist dein verwendetes HowTo veraltet oder fehlerhaft.

Ich muß mich wieder mal korrigieren: an -detach kann es nicht liegen.
Hier funktioniert der Befehl korrekt. -detach dient lediglich dazu, die
pppd Logmeldungen im Terminal zu loggen anstatt sich in der Hintergrund
zu verfrachten.

Versuch doch mal, egal ob jetzt freenet oder dein dial-in Server:

pppd debug call freenet -detach

Auch beim Hinweis mit on signal 2 stimmt meine Aussage IMHO so nicht,
da daß nicht unbedingt der exit status des pppd sein muß. Gr


Kernel panic: Could not determine whether
bit was one, zero or sqrt(1/PI)...
(J.K. in d-u-g)

Re: Dial-in Server mit Debian

2006-01-10 Thread Gabriel Bentele

ich hab gerade versucht mit einem call by call Anbieter eine Verbindung
aufzubauen. Sollte das nicht auch gehen? Oder geht die Anleitung nur auf
den speziellen linux server.

Hm vielleicht liegt das Problem garnicht an dem server sondern am
client! Ich betreibe mein notebook per bluetooth mit meinem handy (k700i).


Es kommt wie bei der anwahl von meinem Dial in Server, hier mal mit
freenet immer das gleiche CARRIER ... !

 pppd call freenet -detach
chat:  Jan 10 17:09:40 CARRIER
Connect script failed
Terminating on signal 2.

Gruß Gabriel

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Re: Dial-in Server mit Debian

2006-01-09 Thread Gabriel Bentele

kernel: ippp0: call from mein handy - meineMSN accepted
kernel: isdn_ppp_bind: Can't find a (free) connection to the ipppd daemon. 
 Deutet darauf hin, daß evtl. noch:
 a) alte, fehlgeschlagene ippp Verbindungen aktiv waren
Damit ich sicher sein kann das keine andere Verbindung aktiv ist kann
ich mich mich auf ps aux | grep ippp verlassen? Da war nur wie in der
Anleitung beschrieben eine aktiv auf dem Server.

 b) Keine freier B-Kanal zu diesem Zeitpunkt?
 Starte das ISDN-Subsystem doch mal neu (müßte mit
 /etc/init.d/isdnblablub restart
 gehen, bzw. den Rechner einfach mal neu starten um sauber zu sein.
Was versteht man da unter einem freien B-Kanal? Ist das so gemeint das
einer von den zwei möglichen ISDN Kanälen frei sein sollte? Die waren
beide auch immer frei.

Aber ich glaub schon eher das mein Fehler bei Punkt a) liegt. Aber wo
kann man da mehr info's bekommen? Bzw. Was kann mir beim Debuggen helfen?

vielen Dank.

Gruß Gabriel Bentele

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Re: Dial-in Server mit Debian

2006-01-09 Thread Gerhard Brauer
* Gabriel Bentele [EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb am [08.01.06 19:04]:
 kernel: ippp0: call from mein handy - meineMSN accepted
 kernel: isdn_ppp_bind: Can't find a (free) connection to the ipppd daemon. 
  Deutet darauf hin, daß evtl. noch:
  a) alte, fehlgeschlagene ippp Verbindungen aktiv waren
 Damit ich sicher sein kann das keine andere Verbindung aktiv ist kann
 ich mich mich auf ps aux | grep ippp verlassen? Da war nur wie in der
 Anleitung beschrieben eine aktiv auf dem Server.

Ich habe mir die Anleitung nur kurz angeschaut. Soweit ich das sehe,
darf *kein* ipppd mit dem interface ippp0 laufen, sondern ein pppd. Das
ist ein Unterschied.

Das wäre dann der Punkt:
Nach der Konfiguration muss noch der PPP-Daemon
gestartet werden. 
Dieses Wichtig erscheint mir ausschlaggebend.

Wenn du nach der Anleitung diesen Punkt (starten des pppd) bist poste
doch mal die Ausgabe von:
ps ax|grep ppp

Auf die Idee mit alten Verbindungen kam ich durch Googlen, wenn dann
z.B. beim Testen versuchte Verbindungen noch offen gewären wesen. Dann
würde die Meldung Sinn machen.

Durch Neustarten des ISDN-Subsystems bzw. killen der ipppd/pppd bzw.
wenn du unsicher bist durch Reboot sollten diese Rest-Verbindungen aber
geschlossen sein.

Wenn du aber IMHO einen ipppd statt/und eines pppd laufen hast wäre die
Meldung auch nachvollziehbar.

Das sind aber leider nur Vermutungen meinerseits, ich kann das Mangels
hisax nicht nachprüfen.

  b) Keine freier B-Kanal zu diesem Zeitpunkt?

 Was versteht man da unter einem freien B-Kanal? Ist das so gemeint das
 einer von den zwei möglichen ISDN Kanälen frei sein sollte? Die waren
 beide auch immer frei.

Das meinte ich damit, ja.

 Aber ich glaub schon eher das mein Fehler bei Punkt a) liegt. Aber wo
 kann man da mehr info's bekommen? Bzw. Was kann mir beim Debuggen helfen?

Den isdn Loglevel höher stellen. Ob das bessere Infos bringt mußt du
sehen. Müßte in der isdn.conf oder in der control-Datei für das
Interface ippp0 zu finden sein. Kann da jemand was zu sagen?

 vielen Dank.
 Gruß Gabriel Bentele


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Dial-in Server mit Debian

2006-01-08 Thread Gabriel Bentele
Hallo Leute

Ich habe auf ein
tollen Bericht gefunden das ich nach gebastelt habe. Aber leider bekomme
ich es nicht so ganz hin.

Ich habe so wie auf der Seite beschrieben eingerichtet! Hat jemand ne
idee wo ich noch suchen könnte?

isdnlog: Jan 04 15:17:24 * Call to tei 127 from ? on ?  BEARER:
Unrestricted digital information, CCITT standardized coding
isdnlog: Jan 04 15:17:24 * Call to tei 127 from ? on ?  64 kbit/s,
Circuit mode
isdnlog: Jan 04 15:17:24 * Call to tei 127 from ? on ?  CCITT
standardized rate adaption V.110/X.30
isdnlog: Jan 04 15:17:24 * Call to tei 127 from ? on ?  9.6 kbit/s,
Asynchronous, In-band negotiation not possible
isdnlog: Jan 04 15:17:24 * Call to tei 127 from ? on ?  16 kbit/s
isdnlog: Jan 04 15:17:24 * Call to tei 127 from ? on ?  CHANNEL: BRI, B1
isdnlog: Jan 04 15:17:24 * Call to tei 127 from Gabriel Bentele Mobile
on meine MSN, Stadt  RING (Data)
isdn_net: call from mein handy,7,197 - meineMSN
kernel: ippp0: call from mein handy - meineMSN accepted
kernel: isdn_ppp_bind: Can't find a (free) connection to the ipppd daemon.
kernel: isdn_tty: call from mein handy - meineMSN ignored
isdnlog: Can't start (null) with execvp(): No such file or directory

client:(notebook - bluetooth - handy(k700i))

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~ $ pppd call dialin_server -detach
chat:  Jan 04 15:20:01 CARRIER
Connect script failed
Terminating on signal 2.

vielen Dank Gabriel Bentele

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Re: Dial-in Server mit Debian

2006-01-08 Thread Gerhard Brauer
* Gabriel Bentele [EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb am [08.01.06 09:56]:
 Ich habe auf ein
 tollen Bericht gefunden das ich nach gebastelt habe. Aber leider bekomme
 ich es nicht so ganz hin.
 Ich habe so wie auf der Seite beschrieben eingerichtet! Hat jemand ne
 idee wo ich noch suchen könnte?
 kernel: ippp0: call from mein handy - meineMSN accepted
 kernel: isdn_ppp_bind: Can't find a (free) connection to the ipppd daemon.

Deutet darauf hin, daß evtl. noch:
a) alte, fehlgeschlagene ippp Verbindungen aktiv waren
b) Keine freier B-Kanal zu diesem Zeitpunkt?

Starte das ISDN-Subsystem doch mal neu (müßte mit
/etc/init.d/isdnblablub restart
gehen, bzw. den Rechner einfach mal neu starten um sauber zu sein.

 vielen Dank Gabriel Bentele


Never use a running system...

I want to set-up dial-up server

2004-10-28 Thread askar i

I want to set-up dial-up server for internet connection as shown below.
Could anybody tell me where I can read how-tos.


| Debian|
|   | Dial-up Internet
| server   |
|   |
|--+---+-+|  -- LAN
  ||   |
  ||   |
++--+   +--+-+ ++--+
|  | |  | |  |
|  WinXP  | |   Linux| |   Win98 |
| pc1 | |  pc2 | | pc3 |
|  | |   ||  |
+++--+   ++

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Re: I want to set-up dial-up server

2004-10-28 Thread John Hasler
Use Pppconfig to configure the server for demand dialing and make it the
gateway for all the other machines.  You'll want to configure NAT and a
fire wall.

You may also want to set up Fetchmail to download mail and feed it to Exim
or Postfix for delivery to the local machines, perhaps after virus and spam
filtering.  The server can also be your smarthost for outgoing mail.

Other services to consider are Privoxy or similar for Web proxying and
Leafnode or similar for news.
John Hasler

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Re: I want to set-up dial-up server

2004-10-28 Thread James LeClar
askar i wrote:
I want to set-up dial-up server for internet connection as shown below.
Could anybody tell me where I can read how-tos.
| Debian|
|   | Dial-up Internet
| server   |
|   |
|--+---+-+|  -- LAN
 ||   |
 ||   |
++--+   +--+-+ ++--+
|  | |  | |  |
|  WinXP  | |   Linux| |   Win98 |
| pc1 | |  pc2 | | pc3 |
|  | |   ||  |
+++--+   ++

First things first I guess. You will want to get a working dial up 
connection going right away. Research into setting up an external modem 
and get connected. It's easy after that to set an internal nic to do ip 
forwarding for internal clients.

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Re: I want to set-up dial-up server

2004-10-28 Thread Lourens Steenkamp
Lourens replying to askar i [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I want to set-up dial-up server for internet connection as shown
  below. Could anybody tell me where I can read how-tos.
  | Debian|
  |   | Dial-up Internet
  | server   |
  |   |
  |--+---+-+|  -- LAN
||   |
||   |
  ++--+   +--+-+ ++--+
  |  | |  | |  |
  |  WinXP  | |   Linux| |   Win98 |
  | pc1 | |  pc2 | | pc3 |
  |  | |   ||  |
  +++--+   ++

This stuff is contained in a number of HOWTO's.

Simple approach:
Read the docs installed for apps mentioned below
in /usr/share/doc/package 
I assume that you do not want dial-on-demand.
The stuff below is for analog modems and external ISDN-TA's, you will
need the isdn equivalents for internal ISDN cards (in
/kernel/drivers/isdn; and install ipppd, isdnutils-base, isdn-utils,
etc - I have never used internal ISDN cards ...)

1. Install the modem on the Debian machine and get it working.   
   To do the above run modconf on the Debian machine and ensure
   that, at least, the following are loaded (may be a little
   different with your kernel version ...);  
 in kernel/drivers/net ppp_generic, ppp_async, slhc 
 in kernel/net/ipv4/netfilter ip_tables, iptable_nat, ip_conntrack, 
ipt_LOG, ipt_MASQUERADE (I think that would be it?)   
apt-get install ppp pppconfig 
   Go to
and grab a copy of Arno's Firewall script. It is well commented and
contains Debian specific references. 

2. Once your modem is working (using pon / poff on the Debian machine) 
   apt-get install linesrv 
Go to either
 or, download the Windows client
 (WLC) and windows docs. This allows Windows clients to open / close
 the connection.
 linesrv contains a Linux client (lcc - console based), there are   
 some GUI ones at the above URL(s).

I think that should do it. If it is not clear, shout.

Have fun.


Lourens Steenkamp
Enjoying Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 r2


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  Bruce Cockburn : Messenger Wind

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ISDN Dial-in Server?

2004-10-12 Thread Jan Kesten
Hallo, alle zuammen!

Gibt es irgendwo ein How-To wie man unter Debian (sarge) am besten einen Dial-in 
Server aufbauen kann? Hatte einiges schon bei google gefunden, aber das war immer nur 
fuer SuSE gedacht und mit yast umgesetzt.

Was ich suche ist folgendes: Ich hab einen Rechner mit einer ISDN Karte (AVM Fritz, 
leider passiv) und moechte gerne einem User ermoeglichen sich von aussen einzuwaehlen 
(auch zweien wenns geht). Er soll dann eine IP, das Gateway und den Nameserver von 
meinem Einwahlrechner zugewiesen bekommen, damit er sich dann in dem Netz des 
Einwahlrechners bewegen kann und Zugriff auf die dahinterliegenden Rechner bekommt. 

Wie gesagt, hatte schon gesucht, aber irgendwie keine Erklaerung fuer Debian gefunden..

Schoene Gruesse,
Mit WEB.DE FreePhone mit hoechster Qualitaet ab 0 Ct./Min.
weltweit telefonieren!

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Re: ISDN Dial-in Server?

2004-10-12 Thread Gerhard Brauer
* Jan Kesten [EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb am [12.10.04 14:23]:

 Hallo, alle zuammen!

[Dial-In Fragen, überlange Zeilen  72 entsorgt]

Sowohl die ISDN-Howtos als auch das zu PPP sollte das IMHO doch schon 
ansatzweise beschreiben, auch gibt es irgendwo ein explizites 

Aber Zusatzfragen, weil es mehr als einen Ansatz gibt:

a) Welcher Kernel soll/muß verwendet werden (2.4 oder 2.6)?

b) Soll/muß die ISDN-Karte unter CAPI laufen, also z.B. noch 
Fax-Dienste verrichten?, oder nur Einwahl-Server bzw. evtl Internet ?

 Schoene Gruesse,


Re: ISDN Dial-in Server?

2004-10-12 Thread Jan Kesten
Hash: SHA1
Hallo, Gerhard!
| [Dial-In Fragen, überlange Zeilen  72 entsorgt]
Grr, wieder mal vergessen, dass man besser aufpassen sollte, wenn
man direkt über schreibt :-(
| schon ansatzweise beschreiben, auch gibt es irgendwo ein
| explizites Dial-In-Server-Howto.
Hmm, dann sollte ich vielleicht auch nochmal in dieser Richtung
suchen :-)
| a) Welcher Kernel soll/muß verwendet werden (2.4 oder 2.6)?
Das ist eigentlich egal, zur Zeit läuft jedoch ein 2.6.7 auf dem
Rechner.. aber da bin ich flexibel (das was ich gefunden hatte
beschreibt auch für 2.4er)
| b) Soll/muß die ISDN-Karte unter CAPI laufen, also z.B. noch
| Fax-Dienste verrichten?, oder nur Einwahl-Server bzw. evtl
| Internet ?
Einwahl-Server alleine reicht vollkommen, ich muss nur von aussen
ins Netzwerk hinein, das ist schon alles. Hab für später auch mal
über ein VPN nachgedacht und wühle mich gerade durch die
verschiendenen How-Tos :-)
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Re: OT: How do I make my Linux machine a dial in server [SCANNED]

2004-06-26 Thread David Thurman
On 6/26/04 10:47 AM, John Summerfield wrote:

 Nonetheless I have some thousands of  hours of providing help for free
 to Linux users: and before that to OS/2 users at least as far back as
 Juliy 1997 (I just checked with Google).

That's great! 

Then you should known that you could have had some questions to help him
understand or maybe the list to understand better what he needs or should
look for.

Maybe even a link to an archive that would have started him off right.

David Thurman
The Web Presence Group
Web Development/E-Commerce/CMS/Hosting/Dedicated Servers

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Ring Pateren based Dial in Server

2003-06-18 Thread Jody Grafals
Ring pattern based Dial in Server

I want to add dial in to my home Linux server, I only have one phone 
line and an answering machine that picks up on the 4th ring. Can I set 
my Debian laptop to dial up in a pattern lets say ring, hungup ring 
ring hangup, ring ring ring then have my server say eureka thats for me 
then answer be for the answering machine?

I have built dial in servers for office environments in the past with a 
with pppd and adding lines like
S2:2345:respawn:/sbin/mgetty ttyS2 -D /dev/ttyS2 to my inittab, But I 
have not found any solutions to adapt this setup for my home use.

The server is running woody stable and the 2.4.19 kernel the laptop is 
running sarge with kernel 2.5.69

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Debian Dial in Server

2003-06-05 Thread Skua September
Hi all,

I am trying to setup a Dial in server with Debian, basically I want to
be able to dial in and access my network and internet from another location.

I haven't manged to find any good HowTOs/tutorials on this for Debian.

What I have manged is setting up my modem I can dial out, modem is setup
as /dev/ttySHCF0.

I have recompiled mgetty but am still unable to get it to pick up the
incoming call.

thanks in advance.

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Re: Debian Dial in Server

2003-06-05 Thread Paul Johnson
Hash: SHA1

On Thu, Jun 05, 2003 at 08:28:58AM +, Skua September wrote:
 I haven't manged to find any good HowTOs/tutorials on this for Debian.

It's not distro-specific.  Check into the PPP Howto.

- -- 
 .''`. Baloo Ursidae [EMAIL PROTECTED]
: :'  :proud Debian admin and user
`. `'`
  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than fix a system
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Re: dial-in server

2002-10-10 Thread Oki DZ

On Thu, Oct 10, 2002 at 09:42:57AM +0800, Joey Quevedo wrote:
 I leave mine as is-default config. Should I change it?

I think you should have proxyarp in it.
 In relation with this, can I set the assignment of IPs to be handled
 automatically. In my Windows RAS, assignment of IPs for dial-up is
 automatically assigned by the DHCP server. Is this possible also in Debian?

I have never tried it; but there is DHCP server for Debian.
I'm not quite sure about the ability of PPP to handle DHCP handshaking.
Would anybody provide comments please...


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Re: dial-in server

2002-10-10 Thread Keith G. Murphy

Joey Quevedo wrote:
 Oki wrote:
What do you have in /etc/ppp/options?
 I leave mine as is-default config. Should I change it?
How do you set your /etc/ppp/options.ttySn?
 I set mine with server IP:client IP. Both in the same network of

Try this:


in your options.dialin.  man pppd for what this does.

Your idea of his IP address may not be his idea.  :-)
 In relation with this, can I set the assignment of IPs to be handled
 automatically. In my Windows RAS, assignment of IPs for dial-up is
 automatically assigned by the DHCP server. Is this possible also in Debian?
I'm not sure what you'd accomplish by this that you couldn't easily 
accomplish using different local addresses for each port.  For DNS and 
WINS, the other things that RAS is doing, see the ms-dns and ms-wins 
options of pppd.



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Re: dial-in server

2002-10-09 Thread Joey Quevedo


For my dialin server setup problem, i just installed mgetty and ppp. I also
made sure my modem is Linux friendly. There's no problem with that.
Wvdialconf can detect it at ttyS0.

In my /etc/mgetty/login.config, I enabled the /AutoPPP/ - a_ppp
/usr/sbin/ppd auth -chap +pap login -detach

In my /etc/ppp/options.ttyS0, it has entry for the IPs.

I also have /etc/ppp/pap-secrets which I use for authentication.

In the /etc/inittab as suggested, I also have the /sbin/mgetty line.

I also perform #kill -SIGHUP 1 to refresh the init.

Now with my problem:
1. I'm using a W2K dial-up client, it doesn't connect to the dialin server.
Error is port not connected. When I analyse the process, I've noticed
that pppd doesn't fire up automatically as set in the
/etc/mgetty/login.config file (/AutoPPP). This result (for what I think) to
the error message of W2K dialler to port not connected.

Could you please enlighten me about this? How come W2K client cannot
connect to the dialin server? Do I miss something?


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Re: dial-in server

2002-10-09 Thread Oki DZ

On Wed, Oct 09, 2002 at 03:32:37PM +0800, Joey Quevedo wrote:
 1. I'm using a W2K dial-up client, it doesn't connect to the dialin server.

Try to connect using HyperTerm, and see whether you could get the login:
prompt. If you could, then the problem is in the PPP settings.


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Re: dial-in server

2002-10-09 Thread Joey Quevedo

Oki wrote:
Try to connect using HyperTerm, and see whether you could get the login:
prompt. If you could, then the problem is in the PPP settings.

I've tried the HyperTerm and login prompt appears.

How could I correct the PPP problem?


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Re: dial-in server

2002-10-09 Thread Oki DZ

On Thu, Oct 10, 2002 at 08:39:20AM +0800, Joey Quevedo wrote:
 How could I correct the PPP problem?

What do you have in /etc/ppp/options?
The following is mine:
asyncmap 0

How do you set your /etc/ppp/options.ttySn?
It should be local IP: remote IP, in which the local IP is basically
the same with the IP of your NIC, and remote IP is the IP you'd provide
for the client machine; of course, both should be in the same network


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Re: dial-in server

2002-10-09 Thread Joey Quevedo

Oki wrote:
What do you have in /etc/ppp/options?

I leave mine as is-default config. Should I change it?

How do you set your /etc/ppp/options.ttySn?
I set mine with server IP:client IP. Both in the same network of

In relation with this, can I set the assignment of IPs to be handled
automatically. In my Windows RAS, assignment of IPs for dial-up is
automatically assigned by the DHCP server. Is this possible also in Debian?


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Re: dial-in server

2002-10-08 Thread bounce-debian-user=archive=jab . org

On Tue, Oct 08, 2002 at 01:54:45PM +0800, Joey Quevedo wrote:
 how do i set-up a dial-in server in debian? what are the necessary files to

You'd need the mgetty package.
To set it up, I think webmin-ppp would be helpful.
But if you'd need only terminal connections, then mgetty would be
sufficient; you need to edit /etc/inittab though:
# Example how to put a getty on a modem line.
T0:23:respawn:/sbin/mgetty -s 115200 ttyS0 
T1:23:respawn:/sbin/mgetty -s 115200 ttyS1

The lines would depend on where your modems are located.
Make sure that you execute telinit q after you edit the inittab file.


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Re: dial-in server

2002-10-08 Thread Alvin Oga

hi ya

there's probably howto on ppp servers..

- get a good external modem
- 3com makes too many versions ...donno which is good or bad
- zoom, best, few others  works good ( first time )

( if you get a bad modem... you;d be spinning your tail
- test it with a regular phone too ... that the ppp computer
( uugetty/mgetty ) answers the incoming phone call

- than play with ppp part of the files

- if you plan to use the onboard modem ...
see winmodems  ( major pain in the butt )

- for more commands you'd need to learn ( if your modem misbehaves ) 
  and files to edit

- havent played w/ modems in ages.. ( a good thing )

c ya

On Tue, 8 Oct 2002, Joey Quevedo wrote:

 how do i set-up a dial-in server in debian? what are the necessary files to
 configure? i have a debian 3.0 with 2.4.9 kernel. i appreciate all the
 thanks in advance!
 joey (still a newbie)

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Re: dial-in server

2002-10-08 Thread D. Nathan Cookson

A few words about modems:

First, the Winmodem term is actually copyrighted and trademarked by
3com/USRobotics.   They at least are honest about labeling their modems as
such.Other makers label them as, Host-based modems, Controllerless
Modems, the most notorious for issues, the chips for them are manufactured
by PCTel, and sold under the name HSP (host signal processor) modems.  These
should be avoided at all costs.   Even zoom manufacturers some.

1 - External modems are almost always hardware modems, the few exceptions
use the USB interface.
2 - If a Modem states it supports DOS it is probably a hardware modem.
However, some winmodem makers have caught on to this little trick and will
says, Supports DOS within the Windows environment, ie it is a winmodem.
3 - Most internal modem makers make both soft/winmodems and hardware
modems.  Generally speaking anything under $45 is a soft modem, anything
45-60 could be a softmodem, and anything over $60 is a hardware modem.
4 - There are 4 parts to a modem, I forget exactly what they are, and a
hardware modem has a chip or chips that peform all 4 functions, software
modems have at least 1 function fulfilled by software.  The partial soft
modems are often the cause of the biggest headaches for people setting them
up under Linux.  They will often do things like dial, but not handshake.
5 - There are some drivers available for softmodems under Linux, but I
have not got them to work as reliable as a hardware modem in any instance I
have tried.

Hope that helps.
- Original Message -
To: Joey Quevedo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, October 08, 2002 5:05 AM
Subject: Re: dial-in server

 hi ya

 there's probably howto on ppp servers..

 - get a good external modem
 - 3com makes too many versions ...donno which is good or bad
 - zoom, best, few others  works good ( first time )

 ( if you get a bad modem... you;d be spinning your tail

 - test it with a regular phone too ... that the ppp computer
 ( uugetty/mgetty ) answers the incoming phone call

 - than play with ppp part of the files

 - if you plan to use the onboard modem ...
 see winmodems  ( major pain in the butt )

 - for more commands you'd need to learn ( if your modem misbehaves )
   and files to edit

 - havent played w/ modems in ages.. ( a good thing )

 c ya

 On Tue, 8 Oct 2002, Joey Quevedo wrote:

  how do i set-up a dial-in server in debian? what are the necessary files
  configure? i have a debian 3.0 with 2.4.9 kernel. i appreciate all the
  thanks in advance!
  joey (still a newbie)

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Re: dial-in server - modems

2002-10-08 Thread Alvin Oga

hi ya nathan


the good modems i was referrng to are those that have
- a uart chip ( 16550 or equivalent uart ) 
- if you do NOT see a uart, stay away from it cause it probably
is a software modem and brings lots of fun with it

for those that like to get into the gory winmodem details,
rick has some rants on winmodems and more detailed references

c ya

On Tue, 8 Oct 2002, D. Nathan Cookson wrote:

 A few words about modems:
 First, the Winmodem term is actually copyrighted and trademarked by
 3com/USRobotics.   They at least are honest about labeling their modems as
 such.Other makers label them as, Host-based modems, Controllerless
 Modems, the most notorious for issues, the chips for them are manufactured
 by PCTel, and sold under the name HSP (host signal processor) modems.  These
 should be avoided at all costs.   Even zoom manufacturers some.
 1 - External modems are almost always hardware modems, the few exceptions
 use the USB interface.
 2 - If a Modem states it supports DOS it is probably a hardware modem.
 However, some winmodem makers have caught on to this little trick and will
 says, Supports DOS within the Windows environment, ie it is a winmodem.
 3 - Most internal modem makers make both soft/winmodems and hardware
 modems.  Generally speaking anything under $45 is a soft modem, anything
 45-60 could be a softmodem, and anything over $60 is a hardware modem.
 4 - There are 4 parts to a modem, I forget exactly what they are, and a
 hardware modem has a chip or chips that peform all 4 functions, software
 modems have at least 1 function fulfilled by software.  The partial soft
 modems are often the cause of the biggest headaches for people setting them
 up under Linux.  They will often do things like dial, but not handshake.
 5 - There are some drivers available for softmodems under Linux, but I
 have not got them to work as reliable as a hardware modem in any instance I
 have tried.

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ISDN PPP Dial-in Server

2002-07-11 Thread Daniel Sand

 Hiho Debianer,

folgendes. Ich will einen ISDN Dial in Rechner Konfigurieren.

ich habe das ganze schonmal schön mit einem Modem konfiguriert und mgetty.

Das ging auch relativ simple.

Hat irgendjemand nen kleines Howto dafür zur hand ? oder nen tipp. Weil 
mit mgetty läuft das nicht so richtig ? ( also faxe ja. aber nicht PPP )

MfG daniel

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Re: Mgetty - Dial-in Server ---- HELP PLEASE!

2002-06-05 Thread curtis

On Tue, Jun 04, 2002 at 04:29:54PM -0700, curtis wanted to write, but

How? The contents of the relevant log file


should give a clue. (Apologies if you have looked already)

Having turned on debugging, here is the output of my log file:

[ snip, snip ]

06/04 16:30:46 # data dev=ttyS0, pid=18440, caller='none', 
conn='19200/ARQ/V34/LAPM/V42BIS', name='', cmd='/usr/sbin/pppd', 

OK. So mgetty is quite willing to start up pppd for you. Good.

Authorisation should be done by pppd in your case (I assume that you
don't want people to use mgetty's login prompt). Does mgetty


dial-in attempts as PPP connections?

[Answering my own question, but wth]: yes

If it does, then you should be able to get more clues by adding

to /etc/ppp/options.server and study /var/log/syslog (depending on


syslogd config). The pppd debug should tell you what is going on.

I'm afraid that the ball is back in your court

Here's all I get relating to pppd in my syslog file.

Jun 5 11:44:37 Debian1 pppd[18695]: bad local IP address

What could that possibly mean?


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Re: Mgetty - Dial-in Server

2002-06-05 Thread curtis
OK, I've finally gotten my dial-in server to authenticate. Now I need to 
gain access to another computer inside our network.
Brian mentioned ip forwarding. Is this what I need? Or is there 
something else at work here?


Henning, Brian wrote:

one thing you may need is to do is enable ip forwarding. I don't know if
that will help with the problem that you are currently having but, it may
help you down the road.
good luck,

-Original Message-
From: curtis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, June 04, 2002 12:18 PM
To: Debian List
Subject: Mgetty - Dial-in Server  HELP

Debian 3.0
Kernel 2.4.18
mgetty 1.1.27-4.1

Trying to set up a dial-in server.  I made the following changes:

Modem is installed on /dev/ttyS0

   S0:2345:respawn:/sbin/mgetty ttyS0 -D /dev/ttyS0

   auth -chap +pap

* *  *

   (Server IP Address:Port IP Address)

   /AutoPPP/ - - /usr/sbin/pppd file /etc/ppp/options.server

Regardless, no user on the server can connect.  I have discovered that 
it never gets to the point of authorization.
Could the problem have to do with permissions to the port? Mgetty can't 
assign it an IP due to permissions?


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Mgetty - Dial-in Server - LAN access -- HELP

2002-06-05 Thread curtis
OK, I have gotten mgetty  pppd to permit me to dial in and authenticate 
on my server (see previous posts for further details).

However, an obvious reason why I can access other computers on the LAN 
would seem to be this:

Our network structure is, netmask (BTW, isn't 
that more simply written

However, upon logging in the client is assigned by pppd (which 
is correct), but the netmask is (although I have a line in the 
options.server for the correct netmask).
Further, the ppp0 listing in ifconfig is: inet addr: (server 
address), P-t-P:, Mask



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Mgetty - Dial-in Server ---- HELP

2002-06-04 Thread curtis

Debian 3.0
Kernel 2.4.18
mgetty 1.1.27-4.1

Trying to set up a dial-in server.  I made the following changes:

Modem is installed on /dev/ttyS0

   S0:2345:respawn:/sbin/mgetty ttyS0 -D /dev/ttyS0

   auth -chap +pap

* *  *

   (Server IP Address:Port IP Address)

   /AutoPPP/ - - /usr/sbin/pppd file /etc/ppp/options.server

Regardless, no user on the server can connect.  I have discovered that 
it never gets to the point of authorization.
Could the problem have to do with permissions to the port? Mgetty can't 
assign it an IP due to permissions?


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Mgetty - Dial-in Server ---- HELP PLEASE!

2002-06-04 Thread curtis

 Anyone got any clues on this?

I really need some help

Debian 3.0
Kernel 2.4.18
mgetty 1.1.27-4.1

Trying to set up a dial-in server.  I made the following changes:

Modem is installed on /dev/ttyS0

   S0:2345:respawn:/sbin/mgetty ttyS0 -D /dev/ttyS0

   auth -chap +pap

* *  *

   (Server IP Address:Port IP Address)

   /AutoPPP/ - - /usr/sbin/pppd file /etc/ppp/options.server

Regardless, no user on the server can connect.  I have discovered that 
it never gets to the point of authorization.
Could the problem have to do with permissions to the port? Maybe mgetty can't 
assign it an IP due to permissions?


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Mgetty - Dial-in Server ---- HELP PLEASE!

2002-06-04 Thread irado furioso com tudo
Em Tue, 04 Jun 2002 15:56:31 -0700
curtis [EMAIL PROTECTED], conhecido consumidor de drogas (Coke e
McDonald's), escreveu:

   Anyone got any clues on this?
 I really need some help
 Debian 3.0
 Kernel 2.4.18
 mgetty 1.1.27-4.1
 Trying to set up a dial-in server.  I made the following changes:

There are a lots of docs on this at

also I once build one (two years ago) just reading one howto foud at

note that (at linuxdoc) besides for the RH, I used the pointed
directions, using another (SuSE) distro. BTW, it is the 'pocket ISP
howto' or similar.

good lucky.


irado furioso com tudo
Linux User 179402

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Re: Mgetty - Dial-in Server ---- HELP PLEASE!

2002-06-04 Thread Karl E. Jorgensen
On Tue, Jun 04, 2002 at 03:56:31PM -0700, curtis wrote:
  Anyone got any clues on this?
 I really need some help
 Debian 3.0
 Kernel 2.4.18
 mgetty 1.1.27-4.1
 Trying to set up a dial-in server.  I made the following changes:
 Modem is installed on /dev/ttyS0
S0:2345:respawn:/sbin/mgetty ttyS0 -D /dev/ttyS0
auth -chap +pap
 * *  *
(Server IP Address:Port IP Address)
/AutoPPP/ - - /usr/sbin/pppd file /etc/ppp/options.server
 Regardless, no user on the server can connect.  I have discovered that 
 it never gets to the point of authorization.

How? The contents of the relevant log file /var/log/mgetty/mg_ttyS0.log
should give a clue. (Apologies if you have looked already)

Authorisation should be done by pppd in your case (I assume that you
don't want people to use mgetty's login prompt). Does mgetty recognise
dial-in attempts as PPP connections?

If it does, then you should be able to get more clues by adding 
to /etc/ppp/options.server and study /var/log/syslog (depending on your
syslogd config). The pppd debug should tell you what is going on.

 Could the problem have to do with permissions to the port? 

Probably not, as mgetty will run as root...

 Maybe mgetty can't assign it an IP due to permissions?

Long answer: IP addresses are assigned by pppd; mgetty merely answers
the phone and starts up pppd. Besides, the TCP/IP layer of the
connection will only be brought up once the two sides have successfully
authenticated each other. If things go wrong before authentification,
then IP addresses are irrelevant.

Short answer: No.

Karl E. Jørgensen
 Today's fortune:
To kick or not to kick...
-- Somewhere on IRC, inspired by Shakespeare

Description: PGP signature

Re: Mgetty - Dial-in Server ---- HELP PLEASE!

2002-06-04 Thread curtis

Having turned on debugging, here is the output of my log file:

6/04 14:01:35 yS0  mgetty: experimental test release 1.1.27-Oct21
06/04 14:01:35 yS0  check for lockfiles
06/04 14:01:35 yS0  locking the line
06/04 14:01:35 yS0  lowering DTR to reset Modem
06/04 14:01:36 yS0  send: \dATQ0V1H0[0d]
06/04 14:01:36 yS0  waiting for ``OK'' ** found **
06/04 14:01:37 yS0  send: AT[0d]
06/04 14:01:37 yS0  waiting for ``OK'' ** found **
06/04 14:01:37 yS0  waiting...
06/04 15:01:37 yS0  checking if modem is still alive
06/04 15:01:37 yS0  mdm_send: 'AT' - OK
06/04 15:01:37 yS0  waiting...
06/04 16:01:37 yS0  checking if modem is still alive
06/04 16:01:37 yS0  mdm_send: 'AT' - OK
06/04 16:01:38 yS0  waiting...
06/04 16:30:33 yS0  wfr: waiting for ``RING''
06/04 16:30:33 yS0  send: ATA[0d]
06/04 16:30:33 yS0  waiting for ``CONNECT'' ** found **
06/04 16:30:45 yS0  send: 
06/04 16:30:45 yS0  waiting for ``_'' ** found **

06/04 16:30:46 # data dev=ttyS0, pid=18440, caller='none', 
conn='19200/ARQ/V34/LAPM/V42BIS', name='', cmd='/usr/sbin/pppd', 

06/04 16:30:46 yS0  mgetty: experimental test release 1.1.27-Oct21
06/04 16:30:46 yS0  check for lockfiles
06/04 16:30:46 yS0  locking the line
06/04 16:30:46 yS0  lowering DTR to reset Modem
06/04 16:30:47 yS0  send: \dATQ0V1H0[0d]
06/04 16:30:47 yS0  waiting for ``OK'' ** found **
06/04 16:30:48 yS0  send: AT[0d]
06/04 16:30:48 yS0  waiting for ``OK'' ** found **
06/04 16:30:48 yS0  waiting...

How? The contents of the relevant log file /var/log/mgetty/mg_ttyS0.log
should give a clue. (Apologies if you have looked already)

Authorisation should be done by pppd in your case (I assume that you
don't want people to use mgetty's login prompt). Does mgetty recognise
dial-in attempts as PPP connections?

If it does, then you should be able to get more clues by adding 

to /etc/ppp/options.server and study /var/log/syslog (depending on your
syslogd config). The pppd debug should tell you what is going on.

Could the problem have to do with permissions to the port? 

Probably not, as mgetty will run as root...

Maybe mgetty can't assign it an IP due to permissions?

Long answer: IP addresses are assigned by pppd; mgetty merely answers
the phone and starts up pppd. Besides, the TCP/IP layer of the
connection will only be brought up once the two sides have successfully
authenticated each other. If things go wrong before authentification,
then IP addresses are irrelevant.

Short answer: No.

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Re: Mgetty - Dial-in Server ---- HELP PLEASE!

2002-06-04 Thread Karl E. Jorgensen
Please place answers *below* questions; it makes it easier for other to
read too.

On Tue, Jun 04, 2002 at 04:29:54PM -0700, curtis wanted to write, but didn't:
 How? The contents of the relevant log file /var/log/mgetty/mg_ttyS0.log
 should give a clue. (Apologies if you have looked already)

 Having turned on debugging, here is the output of my log file:
[ snip, snip ]
 06/04 16:30:46 # data dev=ttyS0, pid=18440, caller='none', 
 conn='19200/ARQ/V34/LAPM/V42BIS', name='', cmd='/usr/sbin/pppd', 

OK. So mgetty is quite willing to start up pppd for you. Good.

 Authorisation should be done by pppd in your case (I assume that you
 don't want people to use mgetty's login prompt). Does mgetty recognise
 dial-in attempts as PPP connections?

[Answering my own question, but wth]: yes

 If it does, then you should be able to get more clues by adding 
 to /etc/ppp/options.server and study /var/log/syslog (depending on your
 syslogd config). The pppd debug should tell you what is going on.

I'm afraid that the ball is back in your court

Karl E. Jørgensen
 Today's fortune:
Duct tape is like the force.  It has a light side, and a dark side, and
it holds the universe together ...
-- Carl Zwanzig

Description: PGP signature

dial in server

2002-04-11 Thread beto
Hola Lista:

Esto tratando de configurar un servidor de acceso telef'onico pero nada, en lo
que encontr'e en Internet y en la m'aquina, modifico

- /etc/inittab -- para que escuche el m'odem
- /etc/mgetty/mgetty.conf
- /etc/mgetty/login.conf
- /etc/ppp/options.servidor --- lo creo
- /etc/ppp/pap-secrets

La idea es que al conectarse le pida login y password al que quiera conectarse,
y lo compare con /etc/passwd, que creo que es con el pap-secrets.

Agradezco toda la ayuda que me puedan dar.


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Re: PPP dial-up client + PPP dial-in server on same PC

2000-05-25 Thread Keith G. Murphy
Alex Kwan wrote:
 Can I setup two ppp connections (one client, one server ) on same PC
 at my office?
 One for dial-up to ISP to connect internet (I have already setup this one)
 and the other as a PPP Server to let me dial-in for remote access at home
 after the business hour.
 If can, How to set up?
Absolutely.  I do it with my machine at home.

All you have to do now is set up mgetty to let you dial in.  It should
not interfere with the dialout at all.

I'd recommend downloading the mgetty package and going as far as you can
getting that working.  You'll want to use the AutoPPP feature.  

Write back if you have problems.

PPP dial-up client + PPP dial-in server on same PC

2000-05-24 Thread Alex Kwan

Can I setup two ppp connections (one client, one server ) on same PC
at my office? 
One for dial-up to ISP to connect internet (I have already setup this one)
and the other as a PPP Server to let me dial-in for remote access at home
after the business hour.
If can, How to set up?


Re: Dial In Server setup

2000-04-13 Thread Keith G. Murphy
Denis J. Cirulis wrote:
 Hello !
 I'm running Debian 2.2 frozen and want to set up dial in server both for 
 shell logins and ppp.
 I've edited /etc/inittab and all the stuff in mgetty.conf , login.conf
 When i'm dialing the server modem is answearing but nothing happens.
 Where was my mistake ?

Do you get a log from mgetty and/or ppp?  Let's see as much logging
information and config files as possible.

I definitely suggest making the shell stuff work first (you could
HyperTerm from Win95, if that's what you're using).  Then, move on to
AutoPPP, Windows Dialup, and telnet.
  Maybe somebody can point me to the good source of documentation about the 
 dial-in stuff.
Well, there is this:

Dial In Server setup

2000-04-12 Thread Denis J. Cirulis
Hello !

I'm running Debian 2.2 frozen and want to set up dial in server both for shell 
logins and ppp. 

I've edited /etc/inittab and all the stuff in mgetty.conf , login.conf 
When i'm dialing the server modem is answearing but nothing happens.

Where was my mistake ?

 Maybe somebody can point me to the good source of documentation about the 
dial-in stuff. 

Denis J. Cirulis  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  9131801

Dial in server

1999-08-06 Thread David Warnock

We want to setup a machine on our lan so I can dial in from home and
gain access to my mail, cvs etc. I will also want to access the internet
in this way (calls from home to office are free, home to internet is

My wife will also want to be able to connect from home but she will be
using Windows 98. She will need to access samba facilities (printer,
network drives) and the internet.

We have a working firewall (running potato) and also a file/app server
(currently slink, will move to potato soon). The firewall has a 64k
permanent link to the internet.

Which packages should I start looking at installing on the dial in



David Warnock
Sundayta Ltd

Re: Dial in server

1999-08-06 Thread Martin Bialasinski

* David == David Warnock [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

David Which packages should I start looking at installing on the dial
David in server?

mgetty if you use modems, isdn does handle this internally (isdnctrl setting).


Re: Dial in server

1999-08-06 Thread Marc Mongeon

mgetty, pppd, and a kernel compiled with IP forwarding turned on.

mgetty with pppd configured for PAP authentication will handle the
Windows PPP peer.


Unix Specialist
Ban-Koe Systems
9100 W Bloomington Fwy
Bloomington, MN 55431-2200
(612)888-0123, x417 | FAX: (612)888-3344
It's such a fine line between clever and stupid.
   -- David St. Hubbins and Nigel Tufnel of Spinal Tap

 David Warnock [EMAIL PROTECTED] 08/06 10:55 AM 

We want to setup a machine on our lan so I can dial in from home [...]

My wife will also want to be able to connect from home but she will be
using Windows 98.  [...]
Which packages should I start looking at installing on the dial in



David Warnock
Sundayta Ltd

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How to build a dial-up server?

1999-02-25 Thread Jim Power
I've setup a www server using Apache but I have no idea on how to deal with PPP 
 SLIP connections.
What packages do I need to enable my server to handle PPP connection? And how 
to configure?

Could someone give me some detailed instructions? Telling me where to find 
related online
reference will be appreciated too.

Re: How to build a dial-up server?

1999-02-25 Thread Frank Barknecht
Jim Power hat gesagt: // Jim Power wrote:

 I've setup a www server using Apache but I have no idea on how to deal
 with PPP  SLIP connections. What packages do I need to enable my
 server to handle PPP connection? And how to configure?

I'm sorry, but I think I don't understand exactly what you want. Do you
want to run a www server over an PPP connection? Do you want to let
users dial into your system using PPP or SLIP? Or do you just want to
connect to the internet using PPP or SLIP? Could you clarify this?

If you mean the last question: just install pppd and pppconfig, run pppconfig,
answer the questions, add your user account to the group dip with 
# adduser yourUserName dip
and dial into the internet with the command 
$ pon

Easy, huh?
 Frank Barknecht    __    __ trip\ \  / /wire __
  / __// __  /__/ __// // __  \ \/ /  __ \\  ___\   
 / /  / /  / /  / // // /\ \\  ___\\ \  
/_/  /_/  /_/  /_//_// /  \ \\_\\_\

Re: Dial in Server Problem

1999-02-09 Thread Frank Barknecht
Jorge Sousa hat gesagt: // Jorge Sousa wrote:

 I'm trying to use  Debian Linux as a ppp dial in server for Win95 clients.
 I'm able to login into the linux box only if I have the - Bring terminal
 window after dialing - check box checked. If this checkbox is off the line
 goes down after a while.
 If I login using the terminal window I'm stucked inside a very small window
 and cannot interact with my win95 system.
 How can I assign a IP address to the caller's interface?
 How can I be validated using  AutoPPP?
 How to avoid the terminal window?
 Which log files can I send to the list to get some help?

 I've read a lot of files, followed some examples but still missing something
 on the authentication side.

Hi Jorge,
I did set up a ppp server just yesterday after A LOT of problems. But now it
is working, yeah.

-= THE GOAL =-

The dialin server has the IP-number in my LAN. Incoming
connections shall get the IP-Number All normal users on should be allowed to dial in using their passwords. 

-= THE RUN =-

First I installed the usual packages, i.e. pppd and mgetty. 
They have to be configured. Don't change /etc/ppp/options! Put inbound 
options in the options file for your modem port.

My [EMAIL PROTECTED] sits at ttyS0 so I edited /etc/ppp/options.ttyS0 
(copied from options.ttyXX) to give the incoming calls the right IP-Number: 

# /etc/ppp/options.ttyS0:
# Edit the following line so that the first IP address
# mentioned is the is the IP address of your host while the second
# is the ip address of the serial port
# DEBUG is good at first
# END options

Now comes the critical part:
Win95 prefers PAP so I had to setup the file /etc/ppp/pap-secrets
The secrets file in my pppd-package has a bug, I think, which caused
authentification to fail. The right way is this:

# /etc/ppp/pap-secrets:
# INBOUND connections

# Every regular user can use PPP and has to use passwords from /etc/passwd
# From debian mailing list:
*  *
#  ^ this number HAS to be the SAME as in 
#the file options.ttyS0 (IMPORTANT)
# UserIDs that cannot use PPP at all. Check your /etc/passwd and add any
# other accounts that should not be able to use pppd!
guest   fliwatut* -
master  fliwatut* -
rootfliwatut* -
support fliwatut* -
stats   fliwatut* -

# OUTBOUND connections
# your stuff here [...]

The last file to check is /etc/mgetty/login.config
The line starting with /AutoPPP/ should be uncommented and read something
/AutoPPP/ - - /usr/sbin/pppd auth +pap -chap login -detach 
^ this can also be 'a_ppp' or just an '@'
  and you maybe don't need the -detach option.


On the client side there should be no further configuration necessary. 
Just make a new dialup connection to your debian machine as described 
in /usr/doc/ppp/win95.ppp

Now watch incoming calls in the following two places:

* should show mgetty starting the pppd
02/08 15:58:40 yS0   tio_set_flow_control( HARD )
02/08 15:58:40 yS0   print welcome banner (/etc/issue)
02/08 15:58:40 yS0   getlogname (FIDO AUTO_PPP), read:~[ff]}#[c0]!
02/08 15:58:42 yS0   input finished with '\r', setting ICRNL ONLCR
02/08 15:58:42 yS0   tio_get_rs232_lines: status: RTS CTS DSR DTR DCD
02/08 15:58:42 yS0login: use login config file /etc/mgetty/login.config
02/08 15:58:42 yS0   match: user='/AutoPPP/', key=''
02/08 15:58:42 yS0   match: user='/AutoPPP/', key=''
02/08 15:58:42 yS0   match: user='/AutoPPP/', key='/AutoPPP/'*** hit!
02/08 15:58:42 yS0   calling login: cmd='/usr/sbin/pppd', argv[]='pppd auth 
+pap -chap login -detach'
02/08 15:58:42 # data dev=ttyS0, pid=1063, caller='none', 
conn='33600/LAPM/V42BIS', name='', cmd='/
usr/sbin/pppd', user='/AutoPPP/'

* shows the gory details of two pppds talking to each other, checking 
  passwords and negotiating IP adresses.

One last tip: 
If you can do, then try dialing into the debian machine from another debian
or linux system. You will get a lot more debuging info this way.

Hope this helps. Happy dialing,
 Frank Barknecht    __    __ trip\ \  / /wire __
  / __// __  /__/ __// // __  \ \/ /  __ \\  ___\   
 / /  / /  / /  / // // /\ \\  ___\\ \  
/_/  /_/  /_/  /_//_// /  \ \\_\\_\

Dial in Server Problem

1999-02-05 Thread Jorge Sousa
Hi all

I'm trying to use  Debian Linux as a ppp dial in server for Win95 clients.
I'm able to login into the linux box only if I have the - Bring terminal
window after dialing - check box checked. If this checkbox is off the line
goes down after a while.

If I login using the terminal window I'm stucked inside a very small window
and cannot interact with my win95 system.

How can I assign a IP address to the caller's interface?
How can I be validated using  AutoPPP?
How to avoid the terminal window?
Which log files can I send to the list to get some help?

I've read a lot of files, followed some examples but still missing something
on the authentication side.

Thanks in advance

Jorge Sousa 
IPJ - Instituto Portugues da Juventude
Gab. Informatica
Av. Liberdade, 194
Tel: ++351-1-3179200
e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (trabalho/work)
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (casa/home)

net-acct and a ppp dial-in server

1997-05-19 Thread John Foster

I've been trying to get nacctd to work with a dial-in server.

To get traffic figures per user I need to create lookup files in
/var/run, each one is named with the remote IP and contains the
username of whoever is using that address.

pppd will delete the files after the user has logged off, that's easy,
as ppp has a setting for a command to run on disconnection.

It's creating the files that's driving me crazy.

I tried this script from mgetty instaed of just the call 
to pppd:

/usr/sbin/pppd auth -chap +pap login defaultroute proxyarp
whereisuser=`w | grep $1 | tr -s ' ' | cut -d ' ' -f 2 `
addressuser=`grep $whereisuser /etc/hosts | expand | tr -s ' ' | \ 
cut -d ' ' -f 1`
echo $1  /var/run/$addressuser

and the clients can dial-in OK, but the latter part (from wherisuser
on) doesn't get run until the client logs out (ie after pppd dies), so
the greps fail and no file is written. Before the pppd there is no way
of telling who the user is ( Just AutoPPP!).

I need to know how much traffic each user is generating, as I suspect
that some are setting up servers at home that are just a bit illegal
here in sunny Queensland (come to Queensland and turn the clock back
25 years!). 

Surely someone somewhere has got nacctd working with mgetty and ppp
for dynamic IP.

Any suggestions at all are welcome, as I'm starting to really hate
this machine!

John Foster

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Re: net-acct and a ppp dial-in server

1997-05-19 Thread Adam Shand
I've been trying to get nacctd to work with a dial-in server.

To get traffic figures per user I need to create lookup files in
/var/run, each one is named with the remote IP and contains the
username of whoever is using that address.

Unless the code has been patched I wouldn't bother with this.  We went and
set all this up quite a while ago (as far as I know nothing has been added
to this program for *well* over a year though I haven't looked recently)
and found that the code in nacctd was buggy.

I didn't seem to update the mapping between users and the dynamic IP number
so it became all but useless.  If you give out static IP#'s it *should*
work okay but I'm not positive.

You should be able to do everything you want (ie. monitor per user volume)
with ipfwadm installed in the kernel though I'm not sure exactly how.


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Re: net-acct and a ppp dial-in server

1997-05-19 Thread Craig Sanders
On Mon, 19 May 1997, John Foster wrote:

 I tried this script from mgetty instaed of just the call 
 to pppd:
 /usr/sbin/pppd auth -chap +pap login defaultroute proxyarp
 whereisuser=`w | grep $1 | tr -s ' ' | cut -d ' ' -f 2 `
 addressuser=`grep $whereisuser /etc/hosts | expand | tr -s ' ' | \ 
   cut -d ' ' -f 1`
 echo $1  /var/run/$addressuser
 and the clients can dial-in OK, but the latter part (from wherisuser
 on) doesn't get run until the client logs out (ie after pppd dies), so
 the greps fail and no file is written. Before the pppd there is no way
 of telling who the user is ( Just AutoPPP!).

yes, that is normal behaviour - pppd is being run in the foreground
(with control of the tty) in this situation, so the remainder of the
script doesn't execute until pppd exits.

That's how it's supposed to be, so don't waste any time trying to get pppd
to run in the background.

One of pppd's features is the ability to run a script when a link is
established and another when it is terminated. These are the 'ip-up' and
'ip-down' scripts, and they reside in the /etc/ppp directory.

you need to edit your /etc/ppp/ip-up and /etc/ppp/ip-down scripts. the
documentation for net-acct tells how to do it for slip's not
very difficult to apply the same principles for ppp.

try adding something like:

/usr/bin/whoami /var/run/$5

to /etc/ppp/ip-up, and add:

rm /var/run/$5

to /etc/ppp/ip-down

this is the bare minimum you need to get it working.  

NOTE: these changes are untestedhowever, from my understanding of
the docs, they should work.


craig sanders
networking consultant  Available for casual or contract
temporary autonomous zone  system administration tasks.

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