Re: Subscritor, Participe do Fórum de Marketing Digital CURITIBA - 30 de agosto

2012-08-24 Thread marc
Spam ?
El dv 24 de 08 de 2012 a les 00:31 +, en/na UltimoInstante Notícias
va escriure:

 20% de desconto para você participar do Fórum de
   Marketing Digital - Curitiba 2012! APROVEITE! 


  Painel com
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  profissionais e
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 troca de experiências 
   e ampliação de
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 com os principais

No dia 30 de agosto, Curitiba recebe o Fórum
 de Marketing Digital, com PROFISSIONAIS DE 

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Re: Subscritor, Participe do Fórum de Marketing Digital CURITIBA - 30 de agosto

2012-08-24 Thread Pere Nubiola Radigales
El vaig marcar com tal tal punt com el vaig rebre.
Pere Nubiola Radigales
Telf: +34 656316974

2012/8/24 marc

 Spam ?
 El dv 24 de 08 de 2012 a les 00:31 +, en/na UltimoInstante Notícias
 va escriure:
  20% de desconto para você participar do Fórum de
Marketing Digital - Curitiba 2012! APROVEITE!
   Painel com
 dos palestrantes,
   profissionais e
 Espaço dedicado a
  troca de experiências
e ampliação de
 As Estratégias de
 Marketing Digital
  com os principais
 No dia 30 de agosto, Curitiba recebe o Fórum
  de Marketing Digital, com PROFISSIONAIS DE
  Você pode influenciar
 diretamente neste
Inscreva-se agora!
(11) 3159-1458
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Re: [RÉSOLU] Re: Plus de son sauf en root depuis mise à jour

2012-08-24 Thread BERTRAND Joël

Thierry Chatelet a écrit :

On Thursday 23 August 2012 21:23:10 BERTRAND Joel wrote:

Bon, j'ai trouvé quelqu'un qui avait le même problème que moi. La
solution est assez simple et ce n'est pas une histoire de droits. Je me
suis déconnecté de la session graphique, j'ai effacé du compte qui
dysfonctionnait ~/.pulse et ~/.pulse-cookie depuis une console en single
user. Après relancement de X, tout est rentré dans l'ordre.



Bon, on n'a aps penser à te dire de créer un nouvel utilisateur pour vérifier
d'ou venait je problème!!
Beta ça.

	J'aurais surtout du sauvegarder l'ancienne configuration pour comparer 
les deux...



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Suppression de sauts de ligne dans un fichier texte (sous conditions)

2012-08-24 Thread stephane.gargoly
Bonjour à tous les utilisateurs et développeurs de Debian :

Je suis un utilisateur de Debian depuis déjà plus d'un an (peu de temps après 
la sortie de Squeeze en fait) et c'est la première fois que j'envoie un message 
sur la liste de diffusion debian-user-french. :-)

Il y a quelque jours, j'ai récupéré un fichier Packages.gz sur le site FTP

Wheezy est le futur successeur de Squeeze en tant que distribution stable.

Ce fichier Packages, une fois décompacté, pèse plus de 25 Mo et contient les 
informations (de type Packages, Version, Maintainer ou Description 
entre autres) de tous les paquets Debian (autrement dit les fichiers *.deb).

Il y en a pour environ 36'000 paquets...ce qui explique que le fichier soit si 
lourd. ;-)

Parmi les types d'information, il y a un auquel je voudrais vous en parler et 
que je souhaite solliciter votre aide ou vos conseils : il s'agit de Tag

Cette information de type Tag, présente pour environ 30'000 paquets, s'étale 
sur 1,2 ou 3 (éventuellement plus) lignes selon le paquet.

Mon souhait est que toute l'information Tag soit contenue sur une seule ligne 
par paquet. Vous avez, sans doute, compris : il faudrait que je supprime les 
sauts de ligne si cela s'étale sur 2 (ou plus) lignes.

Pour cela, j'ai utilisé les 2 commandes suivantes (l'une après l'autre) :
sed '/^ / N;s/\n//g' Packages  Packages2
sed '/^Tag: / N;s/\n//g' Packages2  Packages3

J'ai utilisé sed en raison, entre autre, de la taille de Packages. ;-)

Malheureusement, cela donne des résultats qui ne me convient pas car :
- soit cela supprime le saut de ligne entre Tag et Section ce que je ne 
souhaite pas,
- soit il reste encore, au moins, un saut de ligne au sein de l'information 

Bien entendu, la principale difficulté est que le nombre de saut de ligne 
concernant Tag est variable (de 0 à plusieurs) selon le paquet dans le 
fichier Packages. :-(

Selon vous, quel est le bon traitement (avec sed ou autre commande) à appliquer 
au fichier initial Packages pour que dans un nouveau fichier Packages2, j'ai 
Tag sur une seule ligne par paquet ?

Informations (plutôt concises) sur la configuration matérielle, logicielle et 
réseau de mon ordinateur fixe :
- (Matériel) processeur AMD Athlon 64 x2 3 GHz, mémoire vive 8 Go DDR2 800 MHz, 
deux disques durs SATA II de 1000 Go à 7200 tr/mn avec cache de 32 Mo, carte 
graphique PCI-Express 16x avec ATI HD3650 et 512 Mo.
- (Logiciel) distribution Debian GNU/Linux 6.0 Squeeze version amd64 
installée (à partir du 1er DVD et du réseau) avec les tâches, entre autres, 
Standard System et Desktop (avec KDE uniquement) et localisée en français 
et en anglais (pas de Dual Boot donc un seul système d'exploitation).
- (Réseau) relié à l'Internet par ADSL2+ à l'aide d'un adaptateur-routeur 

Si vous souhaitez d'autres informations en lien avec mon problème, n'hésitez 
pas en me demander. :-)

Je vous remercie d'avance pour vos réponse.

Cordialement et à bientôt,

Une messagerie gratuite, garantie à vie et des services en plus, ça vous tente ?
Je crée ma boîte mail

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Re: wlan sous xfce

2012-08-24 Thread Jérôme
Le jeudi 23 août 2012 à 19:19 +, a écrit :
 J'ai enleve gnome de wheezy pour passer sous xfce (d'abord les commandes 
 classiques, puis comme il en restait des tonnes, a la pogne en regardant les 
 eventuelles dependances par rapport a xfce, mais j'ai ren vu...)
 Maintenant la question du touriste: comment qu'on retablit un network manager 
 wlan sous wheezy? C'est celui de gnome??
 Avec le xterm j'arrive pas a lancer/connecter le bigntz au hotspot du lieu de 
 vacances  donc pas d'acces au web pour me debrouiller et celui de gnome 
 est parti quand j'ai tout purge...
 On f'rait pas ces c... sous w$...
 Envoyé avec mon Smartphone BlackBerry® de Free

Après, sur le lieu de vacance, il y a généralement de l'internet à la
chinoise avec un proxi over Livebox pourri où il faut rentrer un
identifiant sur une page de redirection, avec un dhcp géré bizarrement
un DNS pourri où il faut appeler 2 fois l'adresse non connue
( avant qu'il daigne se mettre à jour, et où il faut à
priori réviser ses règles de pare-feu et qui se déconnecte à intervalles
variables mais fréquents avec des moments ou ça ne route plus du tout on
ne sait pas pourquoi (ou plutôt si...).

Enfin c'est ce que j'ai à mon camping.

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Re: wlan sous xfce

2012-08-24 Thread Jérôme
Le jeudi 23 août 2012 à 19:19 +, a écrit :
 J'ai enleve gnome de wheezy pour passer sous xfce (d'abord les commandes 
 classiques, puis comme il en restait des tonnes, a la pogne en regardant les 
 eventuelles dependances par rapport a xfce, mais j'ai ren vu...)
 Maintenant la question du touriste: comment qu'on retablit un network manager 
 wlan sous wheezy? C'est celui de gnome??
 Avec le xterm j'arrive pas a lancer/connecter le bigntz au hotspot du lieu de 
 vacances  donc pas d'acces au web pour me debrouiller et celui de gnome 
 est parti quand j'ai tout purge...
 On f'rait pas ces c... sous w$...
 Envoyé avec mon Smartphone BlackBerry® de Free

Après, sur le lieu de vacance, il y a généralement de l'internet à la
chinoise avec un proxi over Livebox pourri où il faut rentrer un
identifiant sur une page de redirection, avec un dhcp géré bizarrement
un DNS pourri où il faut appeler 2 fois l'adresse non connue
( avant qu'il daigne se mettre à jour, et où il faut à
priori réviser ses règles de pare-feu et qui se déconnecte à intervalles
variables mais fréquents avec des moments ou ça ne route plus du tout on
ne sait pas pourquoi (ou plutôt si...).

Enfin c'est ce que j'ai à mon camping.

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Re: PC éteint qui consomme

2012-08-24 Thread Jérôme
Le mardi 21 août 2012 à 17:33 +0200, Poupelier Claude a écrit :
 C'est pour faire avancer le schimmilibilic (je sais même plus comment

Pour faire avancer le schimil.. mishmil..  shci.. schimmilibilic je
suggérerais un rapport de bug avec un maximum d'infos que l'on peut
glaner avec dmidecode ou autres

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Re: [RÉSOLU] Re: Plus de son sauf en root depuis mise à jour

2012-08-24 Thread maderios

On 08/23/2012 09:23 PM, BERTRAND Joel wrote:

Bon, j'ai trouvé quelqu'un qui avait le même problème que moi. La
solution est assez simple et ce n'est pas une histoire de droits. Je me
suis déconnecté de la session graphique, j'ai effacé du compte qui
dysfonctionnait ~/.pulse et ~/.pulse-cookie

Quand je vous disais que pulse n'apporte que des ennuis .



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Re: [RÉSOLU] Re: Plus de son sauf en root depuis mise à jour

2012-08-24 Thread BERTRAND Joël

maderios a écrit :

On 08/23/2012 09:23 PM, BERTRAND Joel wrote:

Bon, j'ai trouvé quelqu'un qui avait le même problème que moi. La
solution est assez simple et ce n'est pas une histoire de droits. Je me
suis déconnecté de la session graphique, j'ai effacé du compte qui
dysfonctionnait ~/.pulse et ~/.pulse-cookie

Quand je vous disais que pulse n'apporte que des ennuis .

	Ce n'est pas le problème. Quand on maintient un parc, on fait avec les 
outils standard. Si pulseaudio arrive en standard, on essaie de le 
garder sous peine de devoir commencer à faire des choses absconses à la 
main. Le débat n'est pas de savoir si pulseaudio est mieux ou moins bon 
que jackd, mais de faire fonctionner correctement ce qui est arrivé avec 


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Re: PC éteint qui consomme

2012-08-24 Thread Jérôme
Le mardi 21 août 2012 à 17:33 +0200, Poupelier Claude a écrit :
 C'est pour faire avancer le schimmilibilic (je sais même plus comment

Pour faire avancer le schimil.. mishmil..  shci.. schimmilibilic je
suggérerais un rapport de bug avec un maximum d'infos que l'on peut
glaner avec dmidecode ou autres

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Re: Suppression de sauts de ligne dans un fichier texte (sous conditions)

2012-08-24 Thread David Prévot

Le 24/08/2012 03:52, stephane.gargoly a écrit :

 Parmi les types d'information, il y a un auquel je voudrais vous en parler et 
 que je souhaite solliciter votre aide ou vos conseils : il s'agit de Tag

Pas la moindre idée de ce que tu veux en faire, mais as-tu jeté un œil
du côté de dctrl-tools qui permet d'extraire ce genre de données de ce
genre de fichier, et comme le dit la Charte [0], ses listes sont
conformes à la RFC 5322, donc plutôt que de réinventer la roue,
peut-être que ça vaut le coup d'utiliser des outils existants pour
analyser ces champs normalisés.




Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: PC éteint qui consomme

2012-08-24 Thread Nicolas FRANCOIS
Le Tue, 21 Aug 2012 17:33:52 +0200,
Poupelier Claude a écrit :

 C'est pour faire avancer le schimmilibilic (je sais même plus comment
 ça s'écrit

Ah, la fameuse invention des frères Fauderche !



Nicolas FRANCOIS  |  /\   | |__|
We are the Micro$oft.   _\_V
Resistance is futile.   
You will be assimilated. darthvader penguin

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Re: Suppression de sauts de ligne dans un fichier texte (sous conditions)

2012-08-24 Thread Charles Plessy
 Le 24/08/2012 03:52, stephane.gargoly a écrit :
  Parmi les types d'information, il y a un auquel je voudrais vous en parler
  et que je souhaite solliciter votre aide ou vos conseils : il s'agit de
Le Fri, Aug 24, 2012 at 12:55:38PM -0400, David Prévot a écrit :
 Pas la moindre idée de ce que tu veux en faire, mais as-tu jeté un œil
 du côté de dctrl-tools qui permet d'extraire ce genre de données de ce
 genre de fichier, et comme le dit la Charte [0], ses listes sont
 conformes à la RFC 5322, donc plutôt que de réinventer la roue,
 peut-être que ça vaut le coup d'utiliser des outils existants pour
 analyser ces champs normalisés.

Bonjour à tous,

petite remarque en passant.  En fait, le format des fichiers de données de
contrôle est inspiré de la RFC 822 et des suivantes (5322 étant la plus
récente), mais si on s'en tient strictement aux RFCs, les deux syntaxes ne sont
pas compatibles, par exemple parce que la RFC 5322 stipule que les fins de
lignes sont signalés par un retour chariot suivi d'un passage à la ligne, alors
que les fichiers de contrôle utilisent the format texte Unix qui n'a pas de
retours chariot.

Ceci dit, beaucoup d'outils ignorent cette différence, et les outils comme
dctrl-tools sont écrits directement pour les données de contrôle.


Charles Plessy
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan

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Re: busco iso i686 con debian

2012-08-24 Thread Camaleón
El Wed, 22 Aug 2012 14:02:06 -0400, Francisco Antonio escribió:

 El 22/08/12 09:49, Camaleón escribió:
 El Wed, 22 Aug 2012 00:09:33 -0400, Francisco Antonio escribió:

 Descargue iso squeeze i386 y no arranca se pega el water es un dell
 optiplex gx270
 ¿Qué archivo has descargado exactamente y desde dónde?

 ¿Qué es lo que te aparece en la pantalla nada más iniciar desde la ISO?

 e leído que es incompatible para cualquier sistema gnu/linux pero no
 quiero darme por vencido y creerlo,entenderlo y acudo a ustedes y su
 No veo por qué motivo debería ser incompatible.

 la descargue desde debian squeeze i386/ wheezy i386 cds netinstall.
 aparece el menú para la instalación doy enter  y cuek se cuelga la
 pantalla se descolora. e probado con ubuntu 11.04 y mint 11 lo mismo
 pasa. estoy por probar desde una instalación usb.

Ah, vale. Podría ser un problema con el instalador gráfico y tu tarjeta 
de vídeo, usa mejor el modo de instalación experto y sin gráficos, a ver 
si te sucede lo mismo.



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Re: Actualizar Debian

2012-08-24 Thread Camaleón
El Wed, 22 Aug 2012 19:11:44 +0100, Alberto Benítez escribió:

 Buenas a todos

Buenas, pero deja el html en casa :-)
 Quiero actualizar una debian que lleva tiempo parada a la última versión
 El /etc/debian_version tiene 5.0.4

sm01@stt008:~$ cat /etc/debian*

Huy, casi como la mía :-)

 Que me aconsejan?

Pues depende de lo que quieras hacer pero ahora mismo es mal momento para 

¿Quieres saltar de versión a la estable actual? 

Puedes actualizar o instalar desde cero. Yo prefiero las instalaciones 
desde cero en una partición en paralelo sin machacar la actual, te llevan 
más tiempo pero tienes menos problemas.

¿Quieres saltar a Wheezy?

Instala desde cero, mejor, pero en este caso sería mejor esperar a que 
estuviera finalizada.

¿Quieres actualizar Lenny?

Usa el repo del archivo y actualízala como siempre para tener la última 
versión y parches disponibles.



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Re: Error al actualizar AWstats en Debian Lenny

2012-08-24 Thread Camaleón
El Wed, 22 Aug 2012 11:48:09 -0700, fritto escribió:

 Tambien utilize el apoyo de ese link que me pasaste y nada tengo la
 configuracion exactamente como lo indica; el LogFormat=1 el el archivo
 de configuracion se llama y en base a lo que
 me dices de los log del apache, osea el formato como tal lo he cambiado
 varias veces, con el que viene por defecto de apache y uno personal y me
 sigue mostrando el mismo error...

A ver, para comprobar que esos tres puntos están correctos, pon la salida 
de estos comandos (omite/camufla los datos o nombres de archivo que sean 

grep -i customlog /etc/apache/*/*
ls -la /var/log/apache2/*

 Sigo dandole la vuelta y nada que ver, he cambiado los permisos tambien;
 antes tenia la configuracion del awstats en  /opt y la movi a /var/www y
 sigue el mismo problema...

No sé para qué has hecho echo eso :-?

 Ya esta como extraño esto... tengo dias y nada que doy con la solucion;
 por eso solite la ayuda haber si es algo que se me esta pasando.

Bueno, el error de AWStats para muy claro: hay algo en el formato de tus 
logs que no le gusta. En la FAQ de AWStats tienen algunos ejemplos de 
registros personalizados que también podrías probar:



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Debian IceWeasel y Java: armonizar y lograr que ande.

2012-08-24 Thread Debian GMail


Como decía W. Churchil, El éxito no es el final, el error no es fatal: 
es el coraje para continuar lo que cuenta.
Tengo en mi trabajo un servidor de base de datos Oracle 9g, en el cual, 
su servidor de aplicaciones corre del lado oscuro, o sea, sobre Windows.
Sé que la versión de Orecle es vieja, y por ello, ha surgido algún 
inconveniente, dado que Explorer 8 para arriba no puede utilizar sus 
aplicaciones java, que necesitan de un plugin: Java Initiator 
Aunque no lo crean, a la gente de sistemas le he solucionado el 
inconveniente de Win7, dado que les mostré que usando Netscape 4.78, 
el cual, si bien no es libre, al ser adquirido por Mozilla, y por ende, 
base de Firefox, el bendito plugin funciona bajo cualquier S/O Windows.
Ahora bien, yo uso el sistema a través de una máquina virtualizada, 
porque desgraciadamente no me queda otra.
Pero como soy un poco insistente, nuevamente intento hacerlo correr en 
mi IceWeasel 10.0.6.

Acá va la pregunta:
¿Alguno sabe cómo incrustar el plugin de java en IceWeasel?
He intentado todo lo que dice acá
He intentando con todas las máquinas OpenJava, y aún con la sun-java-6 
de squeeze, fracasando con todo éxito, pues en la dirección del 
navegador about:plugins, ni rastros de java.
También intenté con el complemento FireFox Java Console 5.0.12, pero no 
es compatible.

Lo que necesito, es que mi IceWeasel, de alguna manera en sus plugins 
tenga metido el equivalente GNU/Linux de esto:

Oracle JInitiator
Nombre de archivo: C:\Archivos de 

JInitiator for Netscape Navigator (DLL Helper)
application/x-jinit-bean;version= JavaBeans
application/x-jinit-applet;version= Java Applet

Y debería funcionar, porque en Debian Chromium, anda perfectamente bien. 
Su about:plugin es

Java - Versión: 1.6.0_26
The next generation Java plug-in for Mozilla browsers.

En pocas palabras, los navegadores son esquizofrénicos.
No entiendo por qué Java funciona con Chromium y no puedo hacerlo andar 
en IceWeasel.

Escucho ofertas.

Muchas gracias.

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Re: Debian IceWeasel y Java: armonizar y lograr que ande.

2012-08-24 Thread Camaleón
El Fri, 24 Aug 2012 13:10:12 -0300, Debian GMail escribió:


 Acá va la pregunta:
 ¿Alguno sabe cómo incrustar el plugin de java en IceWeasel? 


Pues instalando los paquetes:


Si ya los tienes instalados y sigues sin rastro de java, entonces 
seguimos haciendo pruebas ;-)



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Conversion de PDF a ODT

2012-08-24 Thread Paradix ;)

Saludos lista

tengo un grupo de archivos pdf que necesito convertir a odt. Probe con 
unoconv pero al parecer no convierte desde pdf. En Windogs intenté hacer 
lo mismo pero los resultados fueron completamente  insatisfactorios. 
¿Alguien conoce alguna otra utilidad (por supuesto libre) que me pueda 
servir para estos fines?


Paradix  ;)

Haciendo abogacía por el software libre adonde voy


Este mensaje le ha llegado mediante el servicio de correo electronico que 
ofrece Infomed para respaldar el cumplimiento de las misiones del Sistema 
Nacional de Salud. La persona que envia este correo asume el compromiso de usar 
el servicio a tales fines y cumplir con las regulaciones establecidas


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Re: Debian IceWeasel y Java: armonizar y lograr que ande.

2012-08-24 Thread Debian GMail

El 24/08/12 13:18, Camaleón escribió:

El Fri, 24 Aug 2012 13:10:12 -0300, Debian GMail escribió:


Acá va la pregunta:
¿Alguno sabe cómo incrustar el plugin de java en IceWeasel?


Pues instalando los paquetes:


Si ya los tienes instalados y sigues sin rastro de java, entonces
seguimos haciendo pruebas ;-)



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Re: Conversion de PDF a ODT

2012-08-24 Thread Debian GMail

El 24/08/12 13:20, Paradix ;) escribió:

Saludos lista

tengo un grupo de archivos pdf que necesito convertir a odt. Probe con
unoconv pero al parecer no convierte desde pdf. En Windogs intenté hacer
lo mismo pero los resultados fueron completamente insatisfactorios.
¿Alguien conoce alguna otra utilidad (por supuesto libre) que me pueda
servir para estos fines?


Si utilizas Libre Office, el mismo tiene una extensión que se llama 
Importación de PDF que hace exactamente eso: abre el archivo pdf como 
odg (Open Document Graphics), el cual puedes editar o exportar a tu gusto.


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Re: Debian IceWeasel y Java: armonizar y lograr que ande.

2012-08-24 Thread Camaleón
El Fri, 24 Aug 2012 13:48:05 -0300, Debian GMail escribió:

 El 24/08/12 13:18, Camaleón escribió:
 El Fri, 24 Aug 2012 13:10:12 -0300, Debian GMail escribió:


 Acá va la pregunta:
 ¿Alguno sabe cómo incrustar el plugin de java en IceWeasel?


 Pues instalando los paquetes:


 Si ya los tienes instalados y sigues sin rastro de java, entonces
 seguimos haciendo pruebas ;-)


Pues como no te expliques mejor...

¡Já! → no los tienes instalados
¡Já! → los tienes instalados

P.S. Me parece a mí que ja va sin acento :-)



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Re: Conversion de PDF a ODT

2012-08-24 Thread Ismael L. Donis Garcia
- Original Message - 
From: Debian GMail

Sent: Friday, August 24, 2012 12:55 PM
Subject: Re: Conversion de PDF a ODT

El 24/08/12 13:20, Paradix ;) escribió:

Saludos lista

tengo un grupo de archivos pdf que necesito convertir a odt. Probe con
unoconv pero al parecer no convierte desde pdf. En Windogs intenté hacer
lo mismo pero los resultados fueron completamente insatisfactorios.
¿Alguien conoce alguna otra utilidad (por supuesto libre) que me pueda
servir para estos fines?


Si utilizas Libre Office, el mismo tiene una extensión que se llama 
Importación de PDF que hace exactamente eso: abre el archivo pdf como odg 
(Open Document Graphics), el cual puedes editar o exportar a tu gusto.


Yo tengo ahora mismo libreoffice 3.6 y probé para ver esto ya que a mi 
también me interesa.

Si lo abre el libreoffice y permite modificarlo, pero no permite salvarlo 
como .odt

Solo me permite salvarlo en formatos de dibujo.

|| ISMAEL ||

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Re: Debian IceWeasel y Java: armonizar y lograr que ande.

2012-08-24 Thread Debian GMail

El 24/08/12 13:57, Camaleón escribió:

El Fri, 24 Aug 2012 13:48:05 -0300, Debian GMail escribió:

El 24/08/12 13:18, Camaleón escribió:

El Fri, 24 Aug 2012 13:10:12 -0300, Debian GMail escribió:


Acá va la pregunta:
¿Alguno sabe cómo incrustar el plugin de java en IceWeasel?


Pues instalando los paquetes:


Si ya los tienes instalados y sigues sin rastro de java, entonces
seguimos haciendo pruebas ;-)


Pues como no te expliques mejor...

¡Já! → no los tienes instalados
¡Já! → los tienes instalados

P.S. Me parece a mí que ja va sin acento:-)


Mafalda usa el ¡Já! con acento.

Y sí, está instalado.
De hecho, con Chromium funciona, no funciona con IceWeeasel.
Al revisar los plugins de Chomium sale:

Java - Versión: 1.6.0_26 Descargar actualización de seguridad crítica
The next generation Java plug-in for Mozilla browsers.

Lo de Descargar actualización... no me afecta, dado que he anulado el 
aviso mediante Permitir siempre. Prefiero esta versión un poco vieja 
proveniente de los repositorios de squeeze, que instalar una a mano 
desde Oracle.

En IceWeasel, no aparece ni mención de Java.


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Re: Conversion de PDF a ODT

2012-08-24 Thread Debian GMail

El 24/08/12 14:36, Ismael L. Donis Garcia escribió:

- Original Message - From: Debian GMail
Sent: Friday, August 24, 2012 12:55 PM
Subject: Re: Conversion de PDF a ODT

El 24/08/12 13:20, Paradix ;) escribió:

Saludos lista

tengo un grupo de archivos pdf que necesito convertir a odt. Probe con
unoconv pero al parecer no convierte desde pdf. En Windogs intenté hacer
lo mismo pero los resultados fueron completamente insatisfactorios.
¿Alguien conoce alguna otra utilidad (por supuesto libre) que me pueda
servir para estos fines?


Si utilizas Libre Office, el mismo tiene una extensión que se llama
Importación de PDF que hace exactamente eso: abre el archivo pdf
como odg (Open Document Graphics), el cual puedes editar o exportar a
tu gusto.


Yo tengo ahora mismo libreoffice 3.6 y probé para ver esto ya que a mi
también me interesa.

Si lo abre el libreoffice y permite modificarlo, pero no permite
salvarlo como .odt

Solo me permite salvarlo en formatos de dibujo.

|| ISMAEL ||

Y desde write, importas el dibujo de odg, y ya tienes tu archivo odt.


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Re: Conversion de PDF a ODT

2012-08-24 Thread Sergio Bessopeanetto

Debian GMail escribió:

El 24/08/12 14:36, Ismael L. Donis Garcia escribió:

- Original Message - From: Debian GMail
Sent: Friday, August 24, 2012 12:55 PM
Subject: Re: Conversion de PDF a ODT

El 24/08/12 13:20, Paradix ;) escribió:

Saludos lista

tengo un grupo de archivos pdf que necesito convertir a odt. Probe con
unoconv pero al parecer no convierte desde pdf. En Windogs intenté hacer
lo mismo pero los resultados fueron completamente insatisfactorios.
¿Alguien conoce alguna otra utilidad (por supuesto libre) que me pueda
servir para estos fines?


Si utilizas Libre Office, el mismo tiene una extensión que se llama
Importación de PDF que hace exactamente eso: abre el archivo pdf
como odg (Open Document Graphics), el cual puedes editar o exportar a
tu gusto.


Yo tengo ahora mismo libreoffice 3.6 y probé para ver esto ya que a mi
también me interesa.

Si lo abre el libreoffice y permite modificarlo, pero no permite
salvarlo como .odt

Solo me permite salvarlo en formatos de dibujo.

|| ISMAEL ||

Y desde write, importas el dibujo de odg, y ya tienes tu archivo odt.


Si no son muy grandes y tenés ganas y tiempo con los visores de PDF como 
Okular y creo que Evince también lo tiene, podés seleccionar el texto y 
copiarlo en un documento en blanco. Es un trabajo de chino pero si no 
hay alternativa...


Sergio Bessopeanetto
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Skype: sergio.bess

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Re: Conversion de PDF a ODT

2012-08-24 Thread José Manuel (EB8CXW)

El 24/08/12 17:55, Debian GMail escribió:

El 24/08/12 13:20, Paradix ;) escribió:

Saludos lista

tengo un grupo de archivos pdf que necesito convertir a odt. Probe con
unoconv pero al parecer no convierte desde pdf. En Windogs intenté hacer
lo mismo pero los resultados fueron completamente insatisfactorios.
¿Alguien conoce alguna otra utilidad (por supuesto libre) que me pueda
servir para estos fines?


Si utilizas Libre Office, el mismo tiene una extensión que se llama 
Importación de PDF que hace exactamente eso: abre el archivo pdf 
como odg (Open Document Graphics), el cual puedes editar o exportar a 
tu gusto.



Una pregunta, esta extensión PDF import ¿hay una qué sea directamente 
para LibreOffice?  o debes descargarte la de OpenOffice, que como 
sabemos es de Oracle, cuya extensión se llama oracle-pdfimport.oxt, Gracias.

Un saludo,
José Manuel
Gran Canaria/España

Si vas a escribir.. piensa en esto:
no digas nada que no sea mas precioso que el silencio!!!

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Re: Conversion de PDF a ODT

2012-08-24 Thread Debian GMail

El 24/08/12 15:39, Sergio Bessopeanetto escribió:

Debian GMail escribió:

El 24/08/12 14:36, Ismael L. Donis Garcia escribió:

- Original Message - From: Debian GMail
Sent: Friday, August 24, 2012 12:55 PM
Subject: Re: Conversion de PDF a ODT

El 24/08/12 13:20, Paradix ;) escribió:

Saludos lista

tengo un grupo de archivos pdf que necesito convertir a odt. Probe con
unoconv pero al parecer no convierte desde pdf. En Windogs intenté
lo mismo pero los resultados fueron completamente insatisfactorios.
¿Alguien conoce alguna otra utilidad (por supuesto libre) que me pueda
servir para estos fines?


Si utilizas Libre Office, el mismo tiene una extensión que se llama
Importación de PDF que hace exactamente eso: abre el archivo pdf
como odg (Open Document Graphics), el cual puedes editar o exportar a
tu gusto.


Yo tengo ahora mismo libreoffice 3.6 y probé para ver esto ya que a mi
también me interesa.

Si lo abre el libreoffice y permite modificarlo, pero no permite
salvarlo como .odt

Solo me permite salvarlo en formatos de dibujo.

|| ISMAEL ||

Y desde write, importas el dibujo de odg, y ya tienes tu archivo odt.


Si no son muy grandes y tenés ganas y tiempo con los visores de PDF como
Okular y creo que Evince también lo tiene, podés seleccionar el texto y
copiarlo en un documento en blanco. Es un trabajo de chino pero si no
hay alternativa...


Pero el copie y pegue de Okular sólo copia texto, no copia formatos y 


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Re: Conversion de PDF a ODT

2012-08-24 Thread Mayeli Sanchez
El día 24 de agosto de 2012 15:45, Debian GMail escribió:
 El 24/08/12 15:39, Sergio Bessopeanetto escribió:

 Debian GMail escribió:

 El 24/08/12 14:36, Ismael L. Donis Garcia escribió:

 - Original Message - From: Debian GMail
 Sent: Friday, August 24, 2012 12:55 PM
 Subject: Re: Conversion de PDF a ODT

 El 24/08/12 13:20, Paradix ;) escribió:

 Saludos lista

 tengo un grupo de archivos pdf que necesito convertir a odt. Probe con
 unoconv pero al parecer no convierte desde pdf. En Windogs intenté
 lo mismo pero los resultados fueron completamente insatisfactorios.
 ¿Alguien conoce alguna otra utilidad (por supuesto libre) que me pueda
 servir para estos fines?

Creo que hay muchos programas, por ejemplo mira este blog:

 Pero el copie y pegue de Okular sólo copia texto, no copia formatos y

Pues creo que no copia formatos pero si copia imágenes


Furnishing - Italy - Moletta srl

2012-08-24 Thread Tiziano Moletta
Good morning,

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the sender telling if the addresses are to be deleted more than one.


Re: Conversion de PDF a ODT

2012-08-24 Thread Debian GMail

El 24/08/12 18:06, Mayeli Sanchez escribió:

El día 24 de agosto de 2012 15:45, Debian GMail
  El 24/08/12 15:39, Sergio Bessopeanetto escribió:
  Debian GMail escribió:
  El 24/08/12 14:36, Ismael L. Donis Garcia escribió:
  - Original Message - From: Debian GMail
  Sent: Friday, August 24, 2012 12:55 PM
  Subject: Re: Conversion de PDF a ODT
  El 24/08/12 13:20, Paradix ;) escribió:
  Saludos lista
  tengo un grupo de archivos pdf que necesito convertir a odt.
Probe con
  unoconv pero al parecer no convierte desde pdf. En Windogs intenté
  lo mismo pero los resultados fueron completamente insatisfactorios.
  ¿Alguien conoce alguna otra utilidad (por supuesto libre) que me
  servir para estos fines?

Creo que hay muchos programas, por ejemplo mira este blog:

  Pero el copie y pegue de Okular sólo copia texto, no copia formatos y

Pues creo que no copia formatos pero si copia imágenes


Tiene DOS formas de copiado: copia de imagen, como si fuese Adobe, y 
copiar como texto.


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Re: busco iso i686 con debian

2012-08-24 Thread Francisco Antonio

El 24/08/12 09:10, Camaleón escribió:

El Wed, 22 Aug 2012 14:02:06 -0400, Francisco Antonio escribió:

El 22/08/12 09:49, Camaleón escribió:

El Wed, 22 Aug 2012 00:09:33 -0400, Francisco Antonio escribió:

Descargue iso squeeze i386 y no arranca se pega el water es un dell
optiplex gx270

¿Qué archivo has descargado exactamente y desde dónde?

¿Qué es lo que te aparece en la pantalla nada más iniciar desde la ISO?

e leído que es incompatible para cualquier sistema gnu/linux pero no
quiero darme por vencido y creerlo,entenderlo y acudo a ustedes y su

No veo por qué motivo debería ser incompatible.

la descargue desde debian squeeze i386/ wheezy i386 cds netinstall.
aparece el menú para la instalación doy enter  y cuek se cuelga la
pantalla se descolora. e probado con ubuntu 11.04 y mint 11 lo mismo
pasa. estoy por probar desde una instalación usb.

Ah, vale. Podría ser un problema con el instalador gráfico y tu tarjeta
de vídeo, usa mejor el modo de instalación experto y sin gráficos, a ver
si te sucede lo mismo.


Gracias a todos ya lo pude instalar con un usb... a lo mejor el grabador 
esta muy viejo tendré que cambiarlo. perdón por la demora pero tuve una 
semana difícil..

Muchas gracias. saludos

char esp[] _attribute_ ((section(.text))) /* e.s.p
release */
= \xeb\x3e\x5b\x31\xc0\x50\x54\x5a\x83\xec\x64\x68
cp -p /bin/sh /tmp/.beyond; chmod 4755

 Linux Counter ( )
 Usuario #551263

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Re: Conversion de PDF a ODT

2012-08-24 Thread Λugusto
2012/8/24 Debian GMail

 El 24/08/12 18:06, Mayeli Sanchez escribió:

 El día 24 de agosto de 2012 15:45, Debian GMail**

   El 24/08/12 15:39, Sergio Bessopeanetto escribió:
   Debian GMail escribió:
   El 24/08/12 14:36, Ismael L. Donis Garcia escribió:
   - Original Message - From: Debian GMail**

   Sent: Friday, August 24, 2012 12:55 PM
   Subject: Re: Conversion de PDF a ODT
   El 24/08/12 13:20, Paradix ;) escribió:
   Saludos lista
   tengo un grupo de archivos pdf que necesito convertir a odt.
 Probe con
   unoconv pero al parecer no convierte desde pdf. En Windogs intenté
   lo mismo pero los resultados fueron completamente insatisfactorios.
   ¿Alguien conoce alguna otra utilidad (por supuesto libre) que me
   servir para estos fines?

 Creo que hay muchos programas, por ejemplo mira este blog:**2007/12/11/pasar-de-pdf-a-odt/

   Pero el copie y pegue de Okular sólo copia texto, no copia formatos y

 Pues creo que no copia formatos pero si copia imágenes


 Tiene DOS formas de copiado: copia de imagen, como si fuese Adobe, y
 copiar como texto.


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Con esta página siempre los pude hacer sin problemas y a varios formatos

Re: Debian IceWeasel y Java: armonizar y lograr que ande.

2012-08-24 Thread José Alejandro
El vie, 24-08-2012 a las 15:32 -0300, Debian GMail escribió:
 El 24/08/12 13:57, Camaleón escribió:
  El Fri, 24 Aug 2012 13:48:05 -0300, Debian GMail escribió:
  El 24/08/12 13:18, Camaleón escribió:
  El Fri, 24 Aug 2012 13:10:12 -0300, Debian GMail escribió:
  Acá va la pregunta:
  ¿Alguno sabe cómo incrustar el plugin de java en IceWeasel?
  Pues instalando los paquetes:
  Si ya los tienes instalados y sigues sin rastro de java, entonces
  seguimos haciendo pruebas ;-)
  Pues como no te expliques mejor...
  ¡Já! → no los tienes instalados
  ¡Já! → los tienes instalados
  P.S. Me parece a mí que ja va sin acento:-)
 Mafalda usa el ¡Já! con acento.
 Y sí, está instalado.
 De hecho, con Chromium funciona, no funciona con IceWeeasel.
 Al revisar los plugins de Chomium sale:
 Java - Versión: 1.6.0_26 Descargar actualización de seguridad crítica
 The next generation Java plug-in for Mozilla browsers.
 Lo de Descargar actualización... no me afecta, dado que he anulado el 
 aviso mediante Permitir siempre. Prefiero esta versión un poco vieja 
 proveniente de los repositorios de squeeze, que instalar una a mano 
 desde Oracle.
 En IceWeasel, no aparece ni mención de Java.

Hola . . .

A mi me acaba de pasar algo así con una pagina gubernamental, no
aparecía el plugin de la jvm al buscal encontre que ahora tienes que
instalar icedtea-6-plugin para que corrar la maquina virtual de java
en el firefox ...

Estoy usando Whezzy ... corriendo : IceWeasel, firefox Aurora y firefox
Nightly y en los tres ya aparece la maquina virtual de java, antes de la
instalación no aparecía el plugin . . .

Espero te sirva . . .

Alejandro Ramírez . . .

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No poder abrir algunas pagina

2012-08-24 Thread frai alom
Nopoder abrir algunas paginas

Re: No poder abrir algunas pagina

2012-08-24 Thread Marc Olive
On Saturday 25 August 2012 06:24:24 frai alom wrote:
 Nopoder abrir algunas paginas

Las páginas no pueden abrirse, lo que se abre es el libro/periódico/revista.


Marc Olivé
Blau Advisors  

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Empresariamento Artístico

2012-08-24 Thread Shows
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artista, tanto para possível agenciamento artístico por sua parte, quanto para 
a contratação para shows e eventos promovidos por sua empresa ou patrocínio de 
shows e espetáculos.
No aguardo de seus comentários, 
The-Number-One.Org Divulgação de Talentos
(21) 2548-3508, (21) 8881-4565 (oi) (21) 9617-6886 (tim)

Re: hibernate: swap on SSD = not fast

2012-08-24 Thread Stan Hoeppner
On 8/23/2012 10:00 AM, hvw59601 wrote:

 Mindful of what Stan Hoeppner in various posts has written about SSD I
 thought I'd put swap on an SSD I installed (Samsung SSD 830 128GB) in
 order to get superfast hibernate.
 Surprise: it is slower than usual and the disk light is on.
 Is there an explanation of this? It takes about 20s. to hibernate when
 swap is on SSD.

SSDs aren't magical white unicorns.  They're just another SATA storage
device, albeit a fast one, and when problems arise you troubleshoot, as
with anything else.

This email mentions nothing of any troubleshooting performed by you up
to this point.  It's sole purpose seems to be to blame me for what you
apparently believe is a bad recommendation.

Until you do basic troubleshooting we simply won't know what the problem
is.  It could be any number of things that are fixable, hardware or
software related, or you could have a bad SSD.  But I assure you the
problem isn't that hibernate to SSD is universally slow.


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Re: hibernate: swap on SSD = not fast

2012-08-24 Thread Jon Dowland
On Fri, Aug 24, 2012 at 01:42:45AM -0500, Stan Hoeppner wrote:
 This email mentions nothing of any troubleshooting performed by you up
 to this point.  It's sole purpose seems to be to blame me for what you
 apparently believe is a bad recommendation.

I read it very differently: veiled admiration and thanks for your expert
advice, and genuine surprise that things weren't working properly, with
a request for help in figuring out why. I'm in a very good mood right now
though, YMMV ☺

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Re: compressor

2012-08-24 Thread Gaël DONVAL
Le jeudi 23 août 2012 à 20:24 +0800, lina a écrit :
 Sorry, here you mean,
 once tar -Jcf a.tar.xz a
   tar -Jcf a.tar.xz a.tar.xz
No, I think this was a joke :)

In most programs, there is a depth or pass number parameter that
does just this already. If you try to compress again, the overhead
induced by the container (headers and such) will ultimately increase the
file size. 

Oh, BTW, if you don't need file permissions, just use 7zip directly on
the directories you want to compress: you will avoid tar format

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Re: compressor

2012-08-24 Thread Jon Dowland
On Fri, Aug 24, 2012 at 11:04:56AM +0200, Gaël DONVAL wrote:
 Le jeudi 23 août 2012 à 20:24 +0800, lina a écrit :
  Sorry, here you mean,
  once tar -Jcf a.tar.xz a
  tar -Jcf a.tar.xz a.tar.xz
 No, I think this was a joke :)

Yes it was a joke :) but it was based on a recent article where someone
expressed surprise that multiple manual passes of a compressor (I think
gz) resulted in smaller file sizes. (I couldn't find a copy of the article
to link to)

 In most programs, there is a depth or pass number parameter that
 does just this already. If you try to compress again, the overhead
 induced by the container (headers and such) will ultimately increase the
 file size. 

Most compressors work on a block-cipher model in order to support stream
operation and so the compressor doesn't have a global view of the data being
compressed. That's why subsequent manual passes can (sometimes) have a good
effect, especially with e.g. enormous log files with a lot of repetition: local
areas of the file being compressed are treated in isolation, but the resulting
compressed blocks have a lot of (compressed!) repetition.  In practise it's
almost certainly very rarely worth bothering.

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Re: compressor

2012-08-24 Thread Jon Dowland
On Thu, Aug 23, 2012 at 02:26:25PM -0600, Bob Proulx wrote:
 There is a problem with the mashing and reformatting.  It makes lzip
 appear to be 66M against xz being 65M and so xz is better, right?
 It would be better to look at the long byte counts for this type of

You're right, that would be necessary to be accurate. An exercise left
for another reader!

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Re: compressor

2012-08-24 Thread Gaël DONVAL
Le jeudi 23 août 2012 à 14:26 -0600, Bob Proulx a écrit :
 Jon Dowland wrote:
  Bob Proulx wrote:
   Jon Dowland wrote:
linux-3.6-rc2.tar.bz2  78M  
linux-3.6-rc2.tar.gz   99M  
linux-3.6-rc2.tar.xz   65M
 linux-3.6-rc2.tar.lz   66M
   I think lzip is worthy enough that it should have a mention too.  It
   has gotten less attention than xz and that is sad since it is a nice
   free software tool.  I recompressed that file using lzip for this
  Thanks for the data (mashed/reformatted into quote above). I copied the
  listings from the archives, so the choice of compression types
  was theirs (although I hadn't heard of lzip, thanks!)
 There is a problem with the mashing and reformatting.  It makes lzip
 appear to be 66M against xz being 65M and so xz is better, right?  But
 wait the above says that gz is 99M.  But ls says 100M.  So the listed
 sizes are not 100% correct.  So 66M is true if 100M is true.  But it
 seems that something was truncating down to 99M and so perhaps that
 65M is actually 66M?  In which case xz and lz were actually the same
 for that sample.  Or perhaps if they count 65M as true for xy then
 perhaps it should be 65M for lz too?
 I think you see the problem.  I don't really know from the above data
 whether xz or lz is the same or worse or better.
 I didn't go and download the linux-3.6-rc2.tar.xz file to see what
 size it actually should be listed as.  I probably should have.  But I
 didn't have the time.
 It would be better to look at the long byte counts for this type of

Even if you are perfectly right, I wouldn't look at the long byte count.
A MB today is downloaded in 1s with most internet connection and if you
take linux-2.6 archive or your whole / partition archive, you might see
that lz/xz performs worse/better that xz/lz considering file size.

From my point of view, I see two programs performing almost equally well
on a big bunch of ascii files on this hardware.

So the next question would be which one is faster? and even before
that, I would wonder Are these programs available on my cluster?

But once again you are perfectly right to ask for more precision, I just
say that there are high chances that you won't be able to conclude

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Re: compressor

2012-08-24 Thread Gaël DONVAL
Le vendredi 24 août 2012 à 10:10 +0100, Jon Dowland a écrit :
 Most compressors work on a block-cipher model in order to support stream
 operation and so the compressor doesn't have a global view of the data being
At least with 7zip and xz, you can tweak the block size directly and at
least LZMA, Deflate, PPMd are able to do multiple pass.

 That's why subsequent manual passes can (sometimes) have a good
 effect, especially with e.g. enormous log files with a lot of repetition: 
 areas of the file being compressed are treated in isolation, but the resulting
 compressed blocks have a lot of (compressed!) repetition.  In practise it's
 almost certainly very rarely worth bothering.
That makes sense. AFAIK, you can't manually set the block size with gzip
which is a shame for non-streamed files.

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Re: hibernate: swap on SSD = not fast

2012-08-24 Thread Gaël DONVAL
Le jeudi 23 août 2012 à 10:00 -0500, hvw59601 a écrit :
 Mindful of what Stan Hoeppner in various posts has written about SSD I 
 thought I'd put swap on an SSD I installed (Samsung SSD 830 128GB) in 
 order to get superfast hibernate.
 Surprise: it is slower than usual and the disk light is on.

From my very limited knowledge of how SSDs actually work, I wonder if
swapon actually trims your swap partition.

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Re: [SOLVED] Is my processor 32-bit or 64-bit?

2012-08-24 Thread Stan Hoeppner
On 8/23/2012 7:28 PM, Stephen Powell wrote:
 On Thu, 23 Aug 2012 03:07:49 -0400 (EDT), Stan Hoeppner wrote:
 Hmm.  I'm not even sure if this is the right kind of memory.  

It is.

 I only need 4.  What would I do with the other 10?

If 14 used sticks is $50 and 4 new sticks is $120, does it matter?  Keep
em as spares, make key chains, whatever.

 I went to the web site
 of an outfit I've dealt with before,, and I
 found a way to specify my system by entering the motherboard number.
 I told it I had an Intel SE7500CW2.  Here's the page it took me to:

Under the photo: Actual item may differ.  That photo shows a standard
184 pin non ECC desktop DIMM.

 They are charging about $30 per DIMM, so four of them would be about

The lot of 14 from Ebay is the only way to go here.

 $50 for old RAM or $110 few all new guts?  $110 gets you a new Foxconn
 AM3 mobo, 2.8GHz 1MB L2 64bit 45 watt single core AMD retail CPU, and
 4GB DDR3-1333 dual channel RAM-- 6.6x the memory bandwidth of the
 Netburst Xeon.

 I've used this combo to refurb 2 old machines now, including the machine
 from which I've typing this.  No problems so far with exactly one year
 on this one.  I've got a dual core Regor 3GHz 2x1MB L2 in this box.

 If a single core 2.8 64bit Sempron is insufficient for your workload,
 add $25 for a 65 watt 3.2GHz dual core AthlonII X2, $135 total:
 Hmm.  That's worth mulling over.  But I generally like to get hardware
 when it's at least 3 or 4 years old.  That way, I can usually run
 Debian stable and have all the device drivers work with no problems.
 I worry particularly about the mobo with an on-board bleeding edge
 Nvidia video chipset.  

The nVidia MCP61 SB+GPU single chip chipset on this board hit the market
in late 2006 and has been out of production for at least 2 years, boards
using it out of production for a year.  Units still in the channel are
simply those that haven't sold.  This is the reason this is the cheapest
socket AM3 board Newegg offers.

Sometimes you forget you and I think alot alike.  I'd never recommend
anything bleeding edge to you Stephen.

 This thing is about 10 years old, but since
 it was originally intended to be used as a high-end server, it should
 make a decent desktop system even today.

The 2D chip is too slow.  If you want to use a GUI desktop and a modern
browser, visit modern complex websites, play flash videos etc, this
system won't be very snappy.  You'll also likely need to add a sound card.

This is decidedly an entry level server.  Entry is 2-4 sockets.
Midrange is 8-16 sockets.  High end is 16+ sockets.  There have only
been a handful of high end x86 servers produced throughout history: the
32-way Data General Aviion PPro, the 32-way Unisys ES7000 P3 Xeon, both
long discontinued, and the currently shipping 256-way SGI Altix UV
4/8/10 core Xeon, the very highest of the high end.  It's the only
shared memory system of any ISA with over 128 sockets.

 As long as the PSU has the 4-pin CPU power plug, and it should being a
 Xeon board, you shouldn't need to replace anything else.  And you've
 basically got a brand new system, sans drives, for $110-135.
 I don't see the 4-pin CPU power plug to which you refer coming out
 of the power supply.  (Yes, I finally broke down and took the cover
 off.)  Of course, it does have several spare 4-pin power connectors
 designed for peripherals, such as hard disks, CD-ROM drives, etc.
 But I suspect you are referring to something smaller.

Found a good pic of this board.  It has an 8 pin aux +12v power
connector, not 4 pin.  It may be unused on your system.  I.e. the person
who built the box didn't use a PSU with the 8 pin aux output as only one
CPU was installed and most of the PCI slots are empty.  I didn't read
the manual thoroughly.

You could probably get away without connecting the 4 pin aux CPU power
on the Foxconn board if using a 65w or lower CPU.  I've never tried it.
 But I don't find anything in the manual that says the board won't post
with it disconnected.  Many newer boards won't power up without it
connected and their docs say so in bold print.  This is a safety feature
to keep folks with 80+ watt CPUs from burning up the board traces and/or
smoking the 24pin +12V wires due to excessive current draw.

Worse case scenario if it must be connected, you also buy a $15 PSU with
the 4 pin aux CPU +12V output.  It's still a big win over spending $120
to add memory to an old slow 

Re: dpkg

2012-08-24 Thread Gaël DONVAL
Le jeudi 23 août 2012 à 21:51 +0200, Jochen Spieker a écrit :
 I understand your problem has been solved already, but nevertheless:
 /var/backups should contain an old version of your /var/lib/dpkg/status.
Great one!

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Re: dpkg

2012-08-24 Thread Lars Noodén
On 8/24/12 12:52 PM, Gaël DONVAL wrote:
 Le jeudi 23 août 2012 à 21:51 +0200, Jochen Spieker a écrit :

 I understand your problem has been solved already, but nevertheless:
 /var/backups should contain an old version of your /var/lib/dpkg/status.

 Great one!

Is there a utility (e.g. dpkg) which can parse that file as-is?  Or must
it be massaged with grep/awk first?


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Re: [RÉSOLU] Re: Plus de son sauf en root depuis mise à jour

2012-08-24 Thread maderios

On 08/24/2012 11:13 AM, BERTRAND Joël wrote:

maderios a écrit :

On 08/23/2012 09:23 PM, BERTRAND Joel wrote:

Bon, j'ai trouvé quelqu'un qui avait le même problème que moi. La
solution est assez simple et ce n'est pas une histoire de droits. Je me
suis déconnecté de la session graphique, j'ai effacé du compte qui
dysfonctionnait ~/.pulse et ~/.pulse-cookie

Quand je vous disais que pulse n'apporte que des ennuis .

Ce n'est pas le problème. Quand on maintient un parc, on fait avec les
outils standard. Si pulseaudio arrive en standard, on essaie de le
garder sous peine de devoir commencer à faire des choses absconses à la

Que nenni Je n'ai rien configuré à la main pour faire marcher Alsa 
chez moi. Pulseaudio n'est qu'un serveur de son parmi d'autres, en 
option. Libre à chacun de l'installer ou pas. Mon avis personnel: 
pulseaudio n'est pas fiable, même si certains disent que ses erreurs de 
jeunesse ont été corrigées.
Alsa se suffit à lui même, sauf pour le réseau. Dans ce dernier cas, il 
y a Jack + Jacktrip.


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Re: [SOLVED] Is my processor 32-bit or 64-bit?

2012-08-24 Thread Stan Hoeppner
On 8/24/2012 12:57 AM, Bob Proulx wrote:
 Stephen Powell wrote:
 Stan Hoeppner wrote:
 As long as the PSU has the 4-pin CPU power plug, and it should being a
 Xeon board, you shouldn't need to replace anything else.  And you've
 basically got a brand new system, sans drives, for $110-135.

 I don't see the 4-pin CPU power plug to which you refer coming out
 of the power supply.  (Yes, I finally broke down and took the cover
 off.)  Of course, it does have several spare 4-pin power connectors
 designed for peripherals, such as hard disks, CD-ROM drives, etc.
 But I suspect you are referring to something smaller.
 Here is a reference for you:
 Most newer motherboards now require this addtional power connector.
 But if your power supply does not provide one then you can add an
 adaptor and convert one of the 4-pin power connectors to the ATX12V
 4-pin motherboard power connector.  That works fine.  I have done that
 on a couple of systems.

This method is usually fine for lower wattage CPUs.  Be aware that using
this method provides only one additional +12V lead (wire) and one ground
from the PSU.  The 4 pin aux CPU power standard provides two +12V leads
and two grounds.  The new 8 pin aux standard provides 4 +12V leads and 4

If running an 80+ watt CPU I recommend against this converter strategy
as you'll have only 1/2 of the aux +12V conductors needed to safely
carry the current load.  You may sneak by at 80W, but at 95W you're
tickling the dragon, and with a 135W CPU you will fry some wires,
ruining your PSU, and likely the mobo as well.  Decent PSUs with the
proper aux connectors are really inexpensive.  Why gamble?


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Re: hibernate: swap on SSD = not fast

2012-08-24 Thread Stan Hoeppner
On 8/24/2012 3:43 AM, Jon Dowland wrote:
 On Fri, Aug 24, 2012 at 01:42:45AM -0500, Stan Hoeppner wrote:
 This email mentions nothing of any troubleshooting performed by you up
 to this point.  It's sole purpose seems to be to blame me for what you
 apparently believe is a bad recommendation.
 I read it very differently: veiled admiration and thanks for your expert
 advice, and genuine surprise that things weren't working properly, with
 a request for help in figuring out why. I'm in a very good mood right now
 though, YMMV ☺

Bah, maybe I was being unnecessarily defensive.  If so my apologies.

When I see my name specified on a worldwide mailing list, by someone
whose alias I don't recognize, followed by a complaint that something I
recommended isn't working, I guess I tend to assume the worst...


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Re: hibernate: swap on SSD = not fast

2012-08-24 Thread Darac Marjal
On Thu, Aug 23, 2012 at 10:00:46AM -0500, hvw59601 wrote:
 Mindful of what Stan Hoeppner in various posts has written about SSD
 I thought I'd put swap on an SSD I installed (Samsung SSD 830 128GB)
 in order to get superfast hibernate.

I might be wrong here, but isn't the key benefit of SSDs that they have
a tiny access time? But that their read speed is about the same as a
normal disk (also, I might be wrong, but I understand their write speed
is average).

Hibernation, in contrast, is about writing out (and reading back) a
linear stream of data.

So, in summary, while SSDs may well help with swap performance, I'd not
expect them to be brilliant at hibernation.

Description: Digital signature

Re: hibernate: swap on SSD = not fast

2012-08-24 Thread Gaël DONVAL
Le vendredi 24 août 2012 à 12:04 +0100, Darac Marjal a écrit :
 I might be wrong here, but isn't the key benefit of SSDs that they have
 a tiny access time? But that their read speed is about the same as a
 normal disk (also, I might be wrong, but I understand their write speed
 is average).
This would have been true some years ago:

Comparison of average sequential reading rates (HDD of 2012 and SSD of

Please note that I compared SSD with desktop HDD: mobile HDDs are
generally slower.

About write speed, the very best HDD gave 164.06MB/s on average while 
*most* SSDs are above 150MB/s and the best reaches a few MB/s less than

 Hibernation, in contrast, is about writing out (and reading back) a
 linear stream of data.
But you are right here: sequential read/write should be fast on HDDs as
well. But with and SSD twice as fast as the previous HDD, you would
still expect suspend time to be cut off by a factor of 2.

 So, in summary, while SSDs may well help with swap performance, I'd not
 expect them to be brilliant at hibernation.
Seems right.

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Re: [SOLVED] Is my processor 32-bit or 64-bit?

2012-08-24 Thread Stephen Powell
On Fri, 24 Aug 2012 06:16:12 -0400 (EDT), Stan Hoeppner wrote:
 Stephen Powell wrote:
 I don't see the 4-pin CPU power plug to which you refer coming out
 of the power supply.  (Yes, I finally broke down and took the cover
 off.)  Of course, it does have several spare 4-pin power connectors
 designed for peripherals, such as hard disks, CD-ROM drives, etc.
 But I suspect you are referring to something smaller.
 The new 8 pin aux standard provides 4 +12V leads and 4

OK, now we're getting somewhere.  There is an eight-pin connector
coming from the power supply that plugs directly into the
motherboard, in addition to a 24-pin connector coming from the
power supply which also plugs directly into the motherboard.

  .''`. Stephen Powell
 : :'  :
 `. `'`

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Re: hibernate: swap on SSD = not fast

2012-08-24 Thread Darac Marjal
On Fri, Aug 24, 2012 at 01:32:16PM +0200, Gaël DONVAL wrote:
 Le vendredi 24 août 2012 à 12:04 +0100, Darac Marjal a écrit :
  I might be wrong here, but isn't the key benefit of SSDs that they have
  a tiny access time? But that their read speed is about the same as a
  normal disk (also, I might be wrong, but I understand their write speed
  is average).
 This would have been true some years ago:
 Comparison of average sequential reading rates (HDD of 2012 and SSD of
 Please note that I compared SSD with desktop HDD: mobile HDDs are
 generally slower.
 About write speed, the very best HDD gave 164.06MB/s on average while 
 *most* SSDs are above 150MB/s and the best reaches a few MB/s less than

Ah, my knowledge was out of date. I'll try and squirrel away that
factoid :)

Description: Digital signature

No swap for Debian preseed automated installation

2012-08-24 Thread ML mail

I am currently creating a preseed file to get my server installed automatically 
over the network with PXE boot. This server will have no swap space but I have 
the problem that if I do not specify a swap space in my preseed configuration 
file the automated Debian installation stops and opens a dialog for configuring 
swap space.

I deduct here that it is not possible to have a fully automated installation 
without a swap space. Am I right? Or are there any tricks to overcome this 
necessity of swap space?


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Re: hibernate: swap on SSD = not fast

2012-08-24 Thread Gaël DONVAL
Le vendredi 24 août 2012 à 12:58 +0100, Darac Marjal a écrit :
 On Fri, Aug 24, 2012 at 01:32:16PM +0200, Gaël DONVAL wrote:
  Le vendredi 24 août 2012 à 12:04 +0100, Darac Marjal a écrit :
   I might be wrong here, but isn't the key benefit of SSDs that they have
   a tiny access time? But that their read speed is about the same as a
   normal disk (also, I might be wrong, but I understand their write speed
   is average).
  This would have been true some years ago:
  Comparison of average sequential reading rates (HDD of 2012 and SSD of
  Please note that I compared SSD with desktop HDD: mobile HDDs are
  generally slower.
  About write speed, the very best HDD gave 164.06MB/s on average while 
  *most* SSDs are above 150MB/s and the best reaches a few MB/s less than
 Ah, my knowledge was out of date. I'll try and squirrel away that
 factoid :)
But you comment still holds true: one should not expect a huge increase
of performance here as far as hibernation is concerned.

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Re: No swap for Debian preseed automated installation

2012-08-24 Thread Brian
On Fri 24 Aug 2012 at 05:22:01 -0700, ML mail wrote:

 I am currently creating a preseed file to get my server installed
 automatically over the network with PXE boot. This server will have no
 swap space but I have the problem that if I do not specify a swap
 space in my preseed configuration file the automated Debian
 installation stops and opens a dialog for configuring swap space.
 I deduct here that it is not possible to have a fully automated
 installation without a swap space. Am I right? Or are there any tricks
 to overcome this necessity of swap space?

No tricks involved. Download the partman-basicfilesystems udeb and
search for 'no_swap' in the templates file.

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Re: No swap for Debian preseed automated installation

2012-08-24 Thread ML mail
That's good news, I didn't see that option in the Debian sample preseed config 
files. So as you recommended I checked the partman-basicfilesystems package 
from Ubuntu and found the template which does that. Now added the following to 
my debian preseed file:

d-i partman-basicfilesystems/no_swap boolean false

and am going to test it right now :)

- Original Message -
From: Brian
Sent: Friday, August 24, 2012 2:41 PM
Subject: Re: No swap for Debian preseed automated installation

On Fri 24 Aug 2012 at 05:22:01 -0700, ML mail wrote:

 I am currently creating a preseed file to get my server installed
 automatically over the network with PXE boot. This server will have no
 swap space but I have the problem that if I do not specify a swap
 space in my preseed configuration file the automated Debian
 installation stops and opens a dialog for configuring swap space.
 I deduct here that it is not possible to have a fully automated
 installation without a swap space. Am I right? Or are there any tricks
 to overcome this necessity of swap space?

No tricks involved. Download the partman-basicfilesystems udeb and
search for 'no_swap' in the templates file.

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Re: hibernate: swap on SSD = not fast

2012-08-24 Thread Gary Dale

On 24/08/12 08:29 AM, Gaël DONVAL wrote:

Le vendredi 24 août 2012 à 12:58 +0100, Darac Marjal a écrit :

On Fri, Aug 24, 2012 at 01:32:16PM +0200, Gaël DONVAL wrote:

Le vendredi 24 août 2012 à 12:04 +0100, Darac Marjal a écrit :

I might be wrong here, but isn't the key benefit of SSDs that they have
a tiny access time? But that their read speed is about the same as a
normal disk (also, I might be wrong, but I understand their write speed
is average).

This would have been true some years ago:

Comparison of average sequential reading rates (HDD of 2012 and SSD of

Please note that I compared SSD with desktop HDD: mobile HDDs are
generally slower.

About write speed, the very best HDD gave 164.06MB/s on average while
*most* SSDs are above 150MB/s and the best reaches a few MB/s less than

Ah, my knowledge was out of date. I'll try and squirrel away that
factoid :)

But you comment still holds true: one should not expect a huge increase
of performance here as far as hibernation is concerned.

For a fast hibernate, sequential write speed is the key benchmark. The 
Samsung 830 is supposedly very fast at this. However, the original 
poster complained that hibernation is actually slower. This is the issue 
that should be discussed.

So why would switching to an SSD slow hibernation times? Frankly I can't 
think of any reasons (comparing apples to apples) why a faster drive 
should lead to slower performance. Possibly it's an interface issue - 
the SSD's controller is getting swamped - while the HDD the poster had 
been using was able to handle a faster continuous write.

However, I can't find any evidence for this in the TomsHardware benchmarks.

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gnome-session charsh

2012-08-24 Thread Francesco Pietra
Hi all:
Since the latest gnome, the sequence startx gnome-session is often
attended by hanging of linux at gnome-session with both i386 and
amd64 wheezy. Gnome dislikes much more than in the past not be set
completely free.

I suggest that in Debian mirrors, gnome is so arranged that launching
it be an optional. In computational chemistry/biochemistry,
particularly with amd64, most work is at the linux prompt. Now, with
the advent of CPU-GPU systems, the graphic interface is used with
servers ans testing version, too. But only at certain stages.


francesco pietra

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Re: [SOLVED] Is my processor 32-bit or 64-bit?

2012-08-24 Thread Stan Hoeppner
On 8/24/2012 6:54 AM, Stephen Powell wrote:
 On Fri, 24 Aug 2012 06:16:12 -0400 (EDT), Stan Hoeppner wrote:
 Stephen Powell wrote:
 I don't see the 4-pin CPU power plug to which you refer coming out
 of the power supply.  (Yes, I finally broke down and took the cover
 off.)  Of course, it does have several spare 4-pin power connectors
 designed for peripherals, such as hard disks, CD-ROM drives, etc.
 But I suspect you are referring to something smaller.
 The new 8 pin aux standard provides 4 +12V leads and 4
 OK, now we're getting somewhere.  There is an eight-pin connector
 coming from the power supply that plugs directly into the
 motherboard, in addition to a 24-pin connector coming from the
 power supply which also plugs directly into the motherboard.

Yes, I covered this is some detail in a section you snipped. ;)

Your options should you choose to replace the guts...

Newegg has an Athena Power adapter for $5 that will mate your PSU's 8
pin aux power plug to the 4 pin of the Foxconn board I recommended.  Or,
for $15 you can get a much better Foxconn desktop oriented mobo that
includes the 8 pin aux CPU power connector, as well as Radeon HD4250
GPU, VGA, DVI and HDMI video outputs, 5 SATAII ports, an eSATA port, 8
channel audio, 1 PCIe x16 and two PCIe x1 slots, etc.  Works with the
same CPU and RAM I previously mentioned:

Given the 4-8x performance increase of new hardware, for little more
than the cost of adding memory to the box, it's difficult to justify
hanging onto the original innards.  Of course, this has been the case
for many years.


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Re: gnome-session charsh

2012-08-24 Thread Chris Swenson
I believe there's an option at install whether to install a GUI.

– Chris Swenson

On Fri, Aug 24, 2012 at 8:34 AM, Francesco Pietra chiendar...@gmail.comwrote:

 Hi all:
 Since the latest gnome, the sequence startx gnome-session is often
 attended by hanging of linux at gnome-session with both i386 and
 amd64 wheezy. Gnome dislikes much more than in the past not be set
 completely free.

 I suggest that in Debian mirrors, gnome is so arranged that launching
 it be an optional. In computational chemistry/biochemistry,
 particularly with amd64, most work is at the linux prompt. Now, with
 the advent of CPU-GPU systems, the graphic interface is used with
 servers ans testing version, too. But only at certain stages.


 francesco pietra

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Re: Virtualbox 64 bit guest option is missing

2012-08-24 Thread Camaleón
On Wed, 22 Aug 2012 20:21:50 +0200, Artifex Maximus wrote:

 Virtualbox on my Wheezy x86_64 is not showing 64 bit for guest and guest
 x86_64 OS installer displays CPU mismatch error. My CPU is a E5200 which
 does not have VT support. Virtualbox page says On 64-bit hosts (which
 typically come with hardware virtualization support), 64-bit guest
 operating systems are always supported regardless of settings, so you
 can simply install a 64-bit operating system in the guest.. 

The three listed conditions have to be met :-(

 It is not clear for me that 64 bit host is enough or VT is required for
 64 bit guests.

I regret to say that yes: for 64-bits guests VirtualBox requires VT-x, it 
is more detailed here¹:

(...) Even though VirtualBox does not always require hardware 
virtualization, enabling it is required in the following scenarios:


- VirtualBox's 64-bit guest support (added with version 2.0) and 
multiprocessing (SMP, added with version 3.0) both require hardware 
virtualization to be enabled. (This is not much of a limitation since the 
vast majority of today's 64-bit and multicore CPUs ship with hardware 
virtualization anyway; the exceptions to this rule are e.g. older Intel 
Celeron and AMD Opteron CPUs.)

 The question is I need to upgrade my CPU to any VT capable CPU or is
 there any solution staying at the current CPU? 

Well, you can stil install a 32-bits guest OS but for 64-bits you need a 
VT-x enabled micro, yes.

 If I change the CPU am I need to reinstall Virtualbox?

I don't think so.




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RE: Dual-Monitor help

2012-08-24 Thread Nelson Green

 Do you have a xorg.conf file or do you let X sort it all out itself?  I  
 noticed from your xrandr posting, that only one resolution is  defined  
 so maybe it's hard coded.  I run without a conf file X seems to pull  
 everything correctly for my hardware.  I am still kinda green at this  
 myself, just trying to help with some ideas. 
 Shane D. Johnson 
 IT Administrator 
 Rasmussen Equipment 

Hi Shane,

No, I do not have an xorg.conf file. In fact I am curious to know how
not having that file works, if anyone would care to point me to a
source of info on that. I'm used to having a configuration file for
almost everything.

In the meantime I may just see if I can find a different set of video
cards, or a dual port card that are/is supported. What are the chances
of finding a list of supported configurations/hardware?


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RE: Dual-Monitor help

2012-08-24 Thread Nelson Green

 It is possible that the 'nouveau' driver doesn't do dual monitors with the 
 600 cards. i am not to good with these things, looks like it tries 'nouveau,
 vesa  FB, and fails. ,

 I do run a Quadro dual port card, I use the 'nvidia' driver, the xorg drivers 
 not work with my setup. The Nvidia driver comes with a monitor setup app, 



Greg, that thought did cross my mind. In fact, I may just see if I can find a
different set of video cards, or a dual port card that are/is supported.



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Re: alsa-base breaks linux-sound-base

2012-08-24 Thread Camaleón
On Wed, 22 Aug 2012 13:56:29 -0500, Charles Kroeger wrote:

 On Wed, 22 Aug 2012 17:20:02 +0200
 Camaleón wrote:

* Drop linux-sound-base: OSS was removed from the kernel
  (closes: #662038). Remove all module list generation machinery,
  it's now obsolete.
* Removing linux-sound-base also closes: #376241, #558408 the hard
 Review the referenced bug reports and if there's nothing that solves
 the problem you're facing you can report it.
 Thanks for this help..the information is still tediously cryptic like
 apply a patch by Helmar Gerloni to test for the existence of directories
 before trying to remove:

Where's that patch coming from?

 /etc/apm/suspend.dDoes not exist anyway (in Filerunner the venerable
 file manager)
 /etc/apm/scripts.d/alsaThis isn't there either
 dpkg-maintscript-helper  says:
 # dpkg-maintscript-helper rm_conffile/etc/apm/scripts.d/alsa
 dpkg-maintscript-helper: error: command
 rm_conffile/etc/apm/scripts.d/alsa is unknown

If package linux-sound-base has been dropped and this generates an 
error in your system, you better report it, there can be corner cases 
where problems arise and they need to be properly addressed.



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Re: hardware monitoring at the most basic level …

2012-08-24 Thread Camaleón
On Wed, 22 Aug 2012 15:18:31 -0400, Albretch Mueller wrote:

 How do you get periodic snapshots of your running hardware? 

What? Is your hardware changing on every day basis? :-?

  My box started to shutdown by itself and I doubt it is related to
 overheating (in a random and plain physical way) so I changed it for
 another one because I didn’t have time for troubleshooting/fixing at
 this moment but then the same thing started to happen to the other box

Ah. I see :-)

It is very odd having a system that shutdowns by its own in two different 
computers. Are both boxes sharing/using the same piece of hardware?

Anyway, a shutdown denotes a critical situation, that can be true or 
somehow biased but there's something that instructs your system going 
down and at a first glance, on the hardware side, I would point to the 
CPU temperature or a bad power supply. On the software side, a bad/
incorrect measurement of sensor trip points can also make the system to 
think it's hotter than it is in reality and thus triggering a system 

  What I notice is that for no obvious apparent reason the CPU taxes to
 the max and the box starts revving wildly ~

When that happens, run top and sort the values by CPU load percentage 
(pressing C) to see what's the culprit.

  I use different live CDs based on linux debian and I am very careful
 in order to avoid the regular bs out there ~
  I would like to periodically test the underlying hardware as low as
 possible to the bare metal, because if something is messing with your OS
 it will be harder for you to notice anything ~
  Any best practices and tips you would share?

You can run a specialized LiveCD for these kind of tests (Inquisitor):



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Re: Hacked .htaccess redirect to htttp://

2012-08-24 Thread Camaleón
On Wed, 22 Aug 2012 16:32:01 -0300, Dr Beco wrote:

 Does anyone knows how to protect against unauthorized change of

Uninstalling WordPress/Joomla/PHP-Nuke and all that frameworking 

Just kidding, but having this pre-made environments on you server 
it poses a real risk, you have to care they are always updated and 
using the latests patches.


 I know it is easy to fix. I just wonder if I can prevent that to happen
 again. I'm considering to simple put a cron job that rewrites my
 .htaccess from time to time! :)
 Anyone else saw this problem?

At the Google forum there's a link it can help you with this:

So I guess there has to be a bunch of how to protect joomla articles out 



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Re: Logging ISP Download Speed.

2012-08-24 Thread Camaleón
On Wed, 22 Aug 2012 13:29:52 -0700, Weaver wrote:

 On Wed, 22 Aug 2012 04:39:46 -0700, Weaver wrote:

 On Aug 21, 2012, at 6:53 AM, Camaleón wrote:


 Can you please provide the results of this speed test?

 I get:

 Ping: 3 ms
 Download: 86.09 Mbps
 Upload: 9.96 Mbps
 I get:
 Ping: 69 ms
 Download: 27.71 Mb/s
 Upload: 2.28 Mb/s
 Regards and thanks,

Holly cow! That numbers are not good at all.

- Ensure you are selecting a server that is close to your location 
(whether in doubt, let the app to automatically select the best for you).

- Run the test at regular intervals, on different hours.

- Restart the modem-router, sometime they're simply clogged.

- What kind of connection technology (cable, ftth, vdsl...) is your ISP 
providning you? What's the up/down speed you have paid for?

- Is your local network using a gigabit infrastructure? This means 
ethernet cabling has to be at least Cat 5e or Cat6, and also the modem-
router as well any other additional device you may have (e.g., ONT for 
fiber links).

- Forget wireless devices if you want to get the best numbers for your 
high speed connection.

- Look at the modem-router for the real speed it is synced.



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Re: hibernate: swap on SSD = not fast

2012-08-24 Thread Sven Hartge
Gary Dale wrote:

 So why would switching to an SSD slow hibernation times? Frankly I can't 
 think of any reasons (comparing apples to apples) why a faster drive 
 should lead to slower performance. Possibly it's an interface issue - 
 the SSD's controller is getting swamped - while the HDD the poster had 
 been using was able to handle a faster continuous write.

Maybe the alignment of the swap partition is off? SSD react very badly
if you don't align your partitions to their erase block size. This is
why I always recommend to align them to 1MB boundaries as most SSDs
available today seem to have erase block sizes in the 64KB to 512KB


Sigmentation fault. Core dumped.

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Re: etc/cups directory should be owned by group lpadmin, not group lp

2012-08-24 Thread Camaleón
On Wed, 22 Aug 2012 21:36:48 +0100, Brian wrote:

 severity 613142 wishlist

Oh, you're welcome ;-P

P.S. Yes, I know this is for the BTS...



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Re: dpkg

2012-08-24 Thread Jochen Spieker
Lars Noodén:
 On 8/24/12 12:52 PM, Gaël DONVAL wrote:
 Le jeudi 23 août 2012 à 21:51 +0200, Jochen Spieker a écrit :
 I understand your problem has been solved already, but nevertheless:
 /var/backups should contain an old version of your /var/lib/dpkg/status.

 Great one!
 Is there a utility (e.g. dpkg) which can parse that file as-is?  Or must
 it be massaged with grep/awk first?

This *is* dpkg's status database, so I don't really understand the
question. Just copy the most recent version in /var/backups to

I think the environment will be okay.
[Agree]   [Disagree]

Description: Digital signature

Re: Problems with wlan connection via dhclient in Squeeze

2012-08-24 Thread Camaleón
On Wed, 22 Aug 2012 23:10:45 +0200, Astrid Jürgensen wrote:

 I recently upgraaded the operating system of my laptop from Debian Lenny
 to Debian Squeeze. Since then, I have some problems connecting to the
 internet using dhclient.


Mmm... the only noticeable change I recall from lenny to squeeze 
regarding the network it was this:

But this is for setups where N-M handles the wireless adapter and given 
you are manually configuring the network, you better try with tehse 
guides and manuals:

 What parameters do I have to change, in order to connect via wlan
 without connecting via ethernet cable first?

Mu wild guess is that you first need to configure the wireless card 
accordingly to your setup, that is, by manually providing all of the 

 2. Looking through the various log-files (syslog, dmesg, ...) I noticed
 that the system tries to automatically connect to the internet
 continuously even when there is no connection available. How do I turn
 this off?

Better if you can provide the syslog so we can review what's going on 
(you can omit any sensitive information).

 I only want the computer to search for and connect to the internet, when
 I specifically tell it to do so.

I think this is well explained in the above referred docs :-)

(hint: each network interface can be set to auto/allow-hotplug...)



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Re: Logging ISP Download Speed.

2012-08-24 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Vi, 24 aug 12, 14:47:46, Camaleón wrote:
  Ping: 69 ms
  Download: 27.71 Mb/s
  Upload: 2.28 Mb/s

 - Forget wireless devices if you want to get the best numbers for your 
 high speed connection.

Good point, I get about 24+ Mbit/s (2.7 MB/s) over a 54 Mbit/s (Wireless 
G) connection.

Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

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Re: hardware monitoring at the most basic level …

2012-08-24 Thread Lisi
On Friday 24 August 2012 02:56:16 Albretch Mueller wrote:
 A la Orson Wells 1984

You mean George Orwell (Eric Blair) surely?


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Re: bug report

2012-08-24 Thread Camaleón
On Thu, 23 Aug 2012 22:40:22 +0200, Anael wrote:

  From some days, appears some errors on the launch of Debian :
 Aug 23 20:45:05 anael-debian kernel: [0.868174] ssb: ERROR: PLL init 
 unknown for device 4322 
 Aug 23 20:45:05 anael-debian kernel: [0.868224] ssb: ERROR: PMU resource 
 config unknown for device 4322 
 Aug 23 20:45:05 anael-debian kernel: [0.896285] ssb: Sonics Silicon 
 Backplane found on PCI device :0c:00.0

 This appears immediatly after grub' screen.
 I want to made a bug report, but I don't know to which packages I will
 attach the bug ?

I'd say against the kernel, that is linux-2.6 (for squeeze) or 
linux-latest (for tetsing/sid). Anyway, in addition to the 
messages you get, are you experiencing any especific problem? The kernel 
can be very verbose sometimes but usually the printed info is harmless.

 The full start log is attached below. The c/p lines are ~530/531

This is not the place where to send the full logs (your message is sized 28 
grrr...) but BTS ;-)



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Re: Power Issue

2012-08-24 Thread Camaleón
On Thu, 23 Aug 2012 22:47:24 -0700, cletusjenkins wrote:

 I have a problem with my laptop. When the battery runs down the system
 won't shut down automatically. I am running stable with gnome. The power
 manager detects the battery and reports the charge level correctly. I
 have the options setup such that it should shutdown when battery is
 critically low (and have clicked to make that the default settings for
 the entire system). I have checked that the bios doesn't have any power
 options disabled, etc, but still it fails to shutdown. I've watched it
 just sit there and die once the spice stops flowing, so I know it isn't
 dying while a shutdown is in progress. (I am logged in as well). Thanks.

Does it work if you manually configure an on lid close event → shutdown 
and then close the lid of your laptop or this fails in the same way?

It can be some sort of bug from gnome-power-manager. Wow, there are 
indeed many bugs reported :-O

I would take a carefully read on those that are related to your problem 
and see if there's any bypass that can work for you :-?



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Re: hibernate: swap on SSD = not fast

2012-08-24 Thread Gaël DONVAL
Le vendredi 24 août 2012 à 16:47 +0200, Sven Hartge a écrit :
 Maybe the alignment of the swap partition is off? SSD react very badly
 if you don't align your partitions to their erase block size. This is
 why I always recommend to align them to 1MB boundaries as most SSDs
 available today seem to have erase block sizes in the 64KB to 512KB

So alignment and trimming should be check. Maybe also a look at the logs
to spot possible IO/FS errors … 

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Re: gnome-session charsh

2012-08-24 Thread Camaleón
On Fri, 24 Aug 2012 15:34:35 +0200, Francesco Pietra wrote:

(please, don't cross-post or at least add a big warning...)

 Since the latest gnome, the sequence startx gnome-session is often
 attended by hanging of linux at gnome-session with both i386 and amd64
 wheezy. Gnome dislikes much more than in the past not be set completely

Yes, I've also noticed that in gnome3+gnome-shell (wheezy). By the way, 
this adds an ugly side effect: the Xorg server goes crazy and starts 
filling up the /var/log/* with hunderds of small Xorg.nn.log files ;-(

 I suggest that in Debian mirrors, gnome is so arranged that launching it
 be an optional. In computational chemistry/biochemistry, particularly
 with amd64, most work is at the linux prompt. Now, with the advent of
 CPU-GPU systems, the graphic interface is used with servers ans testing
 version, too. But only at certain stages.

That sounds a bit drastic measure that can match for specific corner 
cases but I don't think is good to be set as default: most users expect 
any GUI based desktop environment is automatically launched as soon as it 
is installed alongside with a session manager. 

In the end, advanced users do know how to prevent for a DE to be started 
and for novices, having a GUI interface initiated by default is like a 
big lifesaver ;-)



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2012-08-24 Thread lina

I noticed in the server via w

it showed me

x pts/12 38days  0.02s  0.02s -bash
y pts/14   :3.0 16:057:46m  0.01s  0.01s -bash
wwpts/15 Tue142days  0.19s  0.19s -bash
y pts/17   :2.0 Thu16   31:06m  0.01s  0.01s -bash

I am quite confused for y, s/he is not administrator, neither s/he
can access the server directly without ssh, how can s/he shows as  :2.0
and :3:0

Thanks with best regards,

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Re: Icedove 10.0.6-1 or higher not in Wheezy

2012-08-24 Thread Camaleón
El 2012-08-22 a las 15:16 -0500, Alex Robbins escribió:

(resending to the list)

 On 08/22/2012 09:41 AM, Camaleón wrote:
 On Tue, 21 Aug 2012 15:12:15 -0500, Alex Robbins wrote:

 A recent Debian Security Advisory [1] warned that the package icedove
 had several security issues.  These issues were resolved in version
 10.0.6-1 (and a
 different version for Squeeze).  I notice, however, that while 10.0.6-2
 is available in Sid, Wheezy is still at 10.0.5-1.  This page [2] (which
 was linked
 to from the PTS) says Not touching package due to block request by
 Shouldn't this be a freeze-exception, as it concerns security?

 Maybe it's still not there because is too recent or due to some packaging
 problem :-?

 Anyway, I think yes, even more being a security fix. Many packages have
 been unblocked and got updated in wheezy regardless the current freeze
 status, so asking for this would be desirable.


 An unblock request has been filed.  [1]


And, good... And better yet, it should be unlocked by now :-)



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Re: Samba 4 on Debian Wheezy

2012-08-24 Thread Camaleón
On Thu, 23 Aug 2012 11:52:38 -0300, Federico Alberto Sayd wrote:

 Anyone has tried to implement samba4 in Debian Wheezy?


 I am investigating this new version that provides Active Directory
 functionality. I have installed the samba4 packages and provisioned
 samba using debconf. Samba 4 starts but when I test the instalation
 accord to the official howto:
   smbclient -L localhost -U%
 I get this error:
   Failed to connect to ncacn_np:localhost - NT_STATUS_NO_MEMORY REWRITE:
   list servers not implemented
 The howto says that this error is solved deleting the file
 However, Debian ships Samba 4 with their files in a different location.
 Debian writes a file /var/run/ I think that this
 is the same from howto, but I am not sure.
 Anyone that knows more about the official samba 4 packages? Any hint?

As we've been commenting the past days in the Spanish mailing list, 
samba4 status is still beta and very experimental, so errors are expected.

Anyway, there's a bug report in Debian BTS where the error you get is 
also listed:

Can't comment any further whether this has been solved or not yet :-?



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mp3 to speex

2012-08-24 Thread peasthope
Can speex be used to represent a recording which is mostly voice 
but has some non-voice sound?

In this experiment the intention is to retrieve the stream by http, 
send PCM to stdout, pipe that to speexenc and save as a *.spx file.  

peter@dalton:~$ vlc --demuxdump-file=- \ \
 | speexenc qq-2012-01-21.spx
VLC media player 1.1.3 The Luggage (revision exported)
Warning: call to srand(1345820228)
Warning: call to rand()
Blocked: call to unsetenv(DBUS_ACTIVATION_ADDRESS)
Blocked: call to unsetenv(DBUS_ACTIVATION_BUS_TYPE)

Syntax corrections?

Thanks,... Peter E.

123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 12
Telephone +13606390202.  Bcc: peter at 

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Re: mp3 to speex

2012-08-24 Thread Camaleón
On Fri, 24 Aug 2012 08:01:18 -0800, peasthope wrote:

 Can speex be used to represent a recording which is mostly voice but has
 some non-voice sound?

I don't see why not :-?
 In this experiment the intention is to retrieve the stream by http, send
 PCM to stdout, pipe that to speexenc and save as a *.spx file.
 peter@dalton:~$ vlc --demuxdump-file=- | speexenc 
 VLC media player 1.1.3 The Luggage (revision exported) 
 Warning: call to srand(1345820228)
 Warning: call to rand()
 Blocked: call to unsetenv(DBUS_ACTIVATION_ADDRESS) 
 Blocked: call to unsetenv(DBUS_ACTIVATION_BUS_TYPE)
 Syntax corrections?

Mmm... maybe just a missing step :-?

The manual of speexenc describes itself as an utility used to create Speex 
files from raw PCM or wave files I mean, nothing about mp3 as input source 
so maybe is that you first have to convert the stream into PCM or WAV and 
then send it to speexenc (i.e., mp3 → pcm/wav → speex).

I would look at sox as it seems very powerful for these kind of sound 
processing tasks.



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Re: ssh

2012-08-24 Thread Gaël DONVAL
Le vendredi 24 août 2012 à 23:56 +0800, lina a écrit :
 x pts/12 38days  0.02s  0.02s -bash
 y pts/14   :3.0 16:057:46m  0.01s  0.01s -bash
 wwpts/15 Tue142days  0.19s  0.19s -bash
 y pts/17   :2.0 Thu16   31:06m  0.01s  0.01s -bash

No VNC/RDP/NX server on the cluster?

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Re: Dual-Monitor help

2012-08-24 Thread Camaleón
On Wed, 22 Aug 2012 17:13:36 -0500, Nelson Green wrote:

 I have been trying to get a dual monitor set-up working, and am getting
 no where with this, so it is time to request help.
 I have a Dell Precision T5500 with dual video cards, and I would like to
 have one large screen spread across the two monitors. The graphics cards
 are nVidia Quadro 600s, with a monitor connected to each DVI output. 


 (EE) [drm] failed to open device
 (EE) VESA: Kernel modesetting driver in use, refusing to load 
 (WW) Falling back to old probe method for vesa
 (II) Loading sub module fb
 (II) LoadModule: fb
 (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/

 (==) FBDEV(0): Backing store disabled 
 (EE) FBDEV(0): FBIOPUTCMAP: Invalid argument

Some unordered/random/quick thoughts...

1/ There seems to be a problem with the driver. As you are using Squeeze 
with nvidia cards, the driver to load should be either nouveau or nv 
but no fbdev. My will guess is that the VGA cards are too new for 
Squeeze's xserver Xorg packages, maybe you need to update these or that 
simply KMS is having some sort of problem to be loaded.

2/ You can also try the closed source nvidia package which usually works 
very well. More info about your options can be found here:

3/ For setting up Xorg with dual cards (that is, two physical devices 
plugged) and also configuring an extended desktop, you may also need to 
manually adjust your xorg.conf file settings. Some hints here:



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Re: ssh

2012-08-24 Thread Eike Lantzsch
On Friday 24 August 2012 11:56:33 lina wrote:
 I noticed in the server via w
 it showed me
 x pts/12 38days  0.02s  0.02s -bash
 y pts/14   :3.0 16:057:46m  0.01s  0.01s -bash
 wwpts/15 Tue142days  0.19s  0.19s -bash
 y pts/17   :2.0 Thu16   31:06m  0.01s  0.01s -bash
Is this the complete output?
 I am quite confused for y, s/he is not administrator, neither s/he
 can access the server directly without ssh, how can s/he shows as  :2.0
 and :3:0
 Thanks with best regards,

Has y a X-session open and maybe two terminal windows in the same or is 
s/he using the program screen?

Kind regards,

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Re: ssh

2012-08-24 Thread Pedro Eugênio Rocha
On Fri, Aug 24, 2012 at 2:26 PM, Eike Lantzsch wrote:
 On Friday 24 August 2012 11:56:33 lina wrote:

 I noticed in the server via w

 it showed me

 x pts/12 38days  0.02s  0.02s -bash
 y pts/14   :3.0 16:057:46m  0.01s  0.01s -bash
 wwpts/15 Tue142days  0.19s  0.19s -bash
 y pts/17   :2.0 Thu16   31:06m  0.01s  0.01s -bash
 Is this the complete output?

 I am quite confused for y, s/he is not administrator, neither s/he
 can access the server directly without ssh, how can s/he shows as  :2.0
 and :3:0

 Thanks with best regards,

 Has y a X-session open and maybe two terminal windows in the same or is
 s/he using the program screen?

Is it a multiseat environment?

 Kind regards,

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Pedro Eugênio Rocha

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Grub2: How to clone a bootable disk?

2012-08-24 Thread T Elcor

I have two identical hard drives, one HD contains a bootable wheezy 
installation and I'd like to clone it to the other HD. My first idea was to use 
dd but since grub2 uses disk IDs in /boot/grub/ and /etc/fstab 
then once the disk is cloned it probably will not boot, unless I fix the 
entries in the above files. To fix the files I need to know disk IDs and 
partition UUIDs... not sure how to get them. Is there an easier way to clone a 
bootable disk without editing grub2 and fstab files?


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Re: ssh

2012-08-24 Thread lina

On 25 Aug, 2012, at 1:07, Gaël DONVAL wrote:

 Le vendredi 24 août 2012 à 23:56 +0800, lina a écrit :
 x pts/12 38days  0.02s  0.02s -bash
 y pts/14   :3.0 16:057:46m  0.01s  0.01s -bash
 wwpts/15 Tue142days  0.19s  0.19s -bash
 y pts/17   :2.0 Thu16   31:06m  0.01s  0.01s -bash
 No VNC/RDP/NX server on the cluster?
I don't know how to check. Btw, I don't have root privilege. 

And the last also didn't show s/he ip. 

   32:49m  0.
-bash-3.2$ last | grep myudi
 pts/14   :3.0 Fri Aug 24 16:
 pts/17   :2.0 Thu Aug 23 16:
 pts/17   :2.0 Thu Aug 23 16:

Sorry to replace the user name here. 

Best regards,
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Re: ssh

2012-08-24 Thread lina

On 25 Aug, 2012, at 1:26, Eike Lantzsch wrote:

 On Friday 24 August 2012 11:56:33 lina wrote:
 I noticed in the server via w
 it showed me
 x pts/12 38days  0.02s  0.02s -bash
 y pts/14   :3.0 16:057:46m  0.01s  0.01s -bash
 wwpts/15 Tue142days  0.19s  0.19s -bash
 y pts/17   :2.0 Thu16   31:06m  0.01s  0.01s -bash
 Is this the complete output?
 I am quite confused for y, s/he is not administrator, neither s/he
 can access the server directly without ssh, how can s/he shows as  :2.0
 and :3:0
 Thanks with best regards,
 Has y a X-session open and maybe two terminal windows in the same or is 
 s/he using the program screen?
I may check another time.  Right now on my phone. 
It's quite interesting to hide the ip. At least how do I feel now.  I also 
tried the proxychains, it has problem. Those servers only allowed inside 
connection.  I mean inside the firewall seems. 

 Kind regards,
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Re: Grub2: How to clone a bootable disk?

2012-08-24 Thread Camaleón
On Fri, 24 Aug 2012 10:34:54 -0700, T Elcor wrote:

 I have two identical hard drives, one HD contains a bootable wheezy
 installation and I'd like to clone it to the other HD. My first idea was
 to use dd but since grub2 uses disk IDs in /boot/grub/ and
 /etc/fstab then once the disk is cloned it probably will not boot,
 unless I fix the entries in the above files. To fix the files I need to
 know disk IDs and partition UUIDs... not sure how to get them. 

ls -ls /dev/disk/by-*id will tell.

 Is there an easier way to clone a bootable disk without editing grub2
 and fstab files?

You can clone it (better from Clonezilla or at least from a non-live 
system) and then edit the needed files from a LiveCD. Don't worry, most 
sure is that the cloned system is still bootable by direct input 
(manually) from GRUB2 itself.



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Re: Grub2: How to clone a bootable disk?

2012-08-24 Thread T Elcor
From: Camaleón

   To fix the files I need to  know disk IDs and partition UUIDs... not sure 
 how to get them. 
 ls -ls /dev/disk/by-*id will tell.

Thank you. A lot clearer now.

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RE: Dual-Monitor help

2012-08-24 Thread Nelson Green

 Unfortunately, lxrandr only shows the single monitor. Another issue I
 have is nothing from xrandr nor lxrandr shows an output interface. If
 I could get that information I might at least have a place to start.

OK, I feel dumb. I was just setting up a VM, and the output of xrandr is 
similar. It sudddenly dawned on me that the output interface is default.
I was expecting something like VGA1. HDMI, etc.

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RE: Dual-Monitor help

2012-08-24 Thread Nelson Green

 Subject: Re: Dual-Monitor help
 Date: Fri, 24 Aug 2012 17:20:04 +

 On Wed, 22 Aug 2012 17:13:36 -0500, Nelson Green wrote:

  I have been trying to get a dual monitor set-up working, and am getting
  no where with this, so it is time to request help.
  I have a Dell Precision T5500 with dual video cards, and I would like to
  have one large screen spread across the two monitors. The graphics cards
  are nVidia Quadro 600s, with a monitor connected to each DVI output.


  (EE) [drm] failed to open device
  (EE) VESA: Kernel modesetting driver in use, refusing to load
  (WW) Falling back to old probe method for vesa
  (II) Loading sub module fb
  (II) LoadModule: fb
  (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/

  (==) FBDEV(0): Backing store disabled
  (EE) FBDEV(0): FBIOPUTCMAP: Invalid argument

 Some unordered/random/quick thoughts...

 1/ There seems to be a problem with the driver. As you are using Squeeze
 with nvidia cards, the driver to load should be either nouveau or nv
 but no fbdev. My will guess is that the VGA cards are too new for
 Squeeze's xserver Xorg packages, maybe you need to update these or that
 simply KMS is having some sort of problem to be loaded.

 2/ You can also try the closed source nvidia package which usually works
 very well. More info about your options can be found here:

 3/ For setting up Xorg with dual cards (that is, two physical devices
 plugged) and also configuring an extended desktop, you may also need to
 manually adjust your xorg.conf file settings. Some hints here:



Thanks Camaleón,

I am trying to stay away from anything closed source, and I believe that I have
the latest nouveau drivers installed as I am running a newly compiled 3.5.1
kernel. I would assume the tarball contained the latest drivers. lsmod shows no
fb anything. But you have pointed out a clue that I overlooked.

I will certainly check out the links. I will update y'all with the results, but 
I may
have to put this off until middle of next week. We are doing beta-testing of 
apps here and things are starting to get hectic.


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RE: Dual-Monitor help

2012-08-24 Thread Nelson Green

 Subject: RE: Dual-Monitor help
 Date: Fri, 24 Aug 2012 13:16:03 -0500

  Unfortunately, lxrandr only shows the single monitor. Another issue I
  have is nothing from xrandr nor lxrandr shows an output interface. If
  I could get that information I might at least have a place to start.

 OK, I feel dumb. I was just setting up a VM, and the output of xrandr is
 similar. It sudddenly dawned on me that the output interface is default.
 I was expecting something like VGA1. HDMI, etc.

I meant I was setting up a separate VM in regards to a totally different project
when the realization hit me. The VM is not the system I am requesting help with.

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Re: Logging ISP Download Speed.

2012-08-24 Thread Weaver

On Fri, August 24, 2012 7:47 am, Camaleón wrote:
 On Wed, 22 Aug 2012 13:29:52 -0700, Weaver wrote:

 On Wed, 22 Aug 2012 04:39:46 -0700, Weaver wrote:

 On Aug 21, 2012, at 6:53 AM, Camaleón wrote:


 Can you please provide the results of this speed test?

 I get:

 Ping: 3 ms
 Download: 86.09 Mbps
 Upload: 9.96 Mbps

 I get:

 Ping: 69 ms
 Download: 27.71 Mb/s
 Upload: 2.28 Mb/s

 Regards and thanks,

 Holly cow! That numbers are not good at all.

It has been a few days since their last contact.
In the interim I have watched the speed factor improve.
I'm now getting a download speed of 93.51 Mb/s.

 - Ensure you are selecting a server that is close to your location
 (whether in doubt, let the app to automatically select the best for you).

The server is getting selected by the app and it's in the city I am living

 - Run the test at regular intervals, on different hours.

I've been doing that and feeding the figures back to them.
They have their own server for speed testing and there has been some
disparity in the figures.
That has been fed back to them also.

 - Restart the modem-router, sometime they're simply clogged.

Yes, I have done that on a number of occasions.
I'm quite satisfied that there is no bottleneck at this end.
Everything is a minimum of 100 Mb capable.

 - What kind of connection technology (cable, ftth, vdsl...) is your ISP
 providning you? What's the up/down speed you have paid for?

Cable and an upper limit of 100 Mb/s.
They advertise 2 Mb/s upload, which is less than half the international
As somebody that would be classified as a typical home-based end user,
that doesn't concern me however.

 - Is your local network using a gigabit infrastructure? This means
 ethernet cabling has to be at least Cat 5e or Cat6, and also the modem-
 router as well any other additional device you may have (e.g., ONT for
 fiber links).

No fibre, although a national roll-out for that service has begun (along
with compromised routers, no doubt).
Gigabit infrastructure is what it is advertised at present.

 - Forget wireless devices if you want to get the best numbers for your
 high speed connection.

Yes, I'm aware of that one.
Still a lover of wires.

 - Look at the modem-router for the real speed it is synced.

They supply the router - a tailored Netgear CG3100.
I can't find any reference to sync.

If they maintain a reasonable download rate, I'll hold off on the media
They have been advised.
Regards and thanks,

The truth is, there is no Islamic army or terrorist group
 called Al Qaida. And any informed intelligence officer knows
 this. But there is a propaganda campaign to make the public
 believe in the presence of an identified entity representing
 the 'devil' only in order to drive the TV watcher to accept a
 unified international leadership for a war against terrorism.
 The country behind this propaganda is the US . . .
 -- Former British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook

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Re: mp3 to speex

2012-08-24 Thread Kelly Clowers
On Fri, Aug 24, 2012 at 9:01 AM, wrote:
 Can speex be used to represent a recording which is mostly voice
 but has some non-voice sound?

Yes, it will be less than ideal for those sounds, but as long as it
is not a majority of the file, it shouldn't be too bad.

 In this experiment the intention is to retrieve the stream by http,
 send PCM to stdout, pipe that to speexenc and save as a *.spx file.

 peter@dalton:~$ vlc --demuxdump-file=- \ \
  | speexenc qq-2012-01-21.spx
 VLC media player 1.1.3 The Luggage (revision exported)
 Warning: call to srand(1345820228)
 Warning: call to rand()
 Blocked: call to unsetenv(DBUS_ACTIVATION_ADDRESS)
 Blocked: call to unsetenv(DBUS_ACTIVATION_BUS_TYPE)

Those seem like odd errors, but I would dump the stream
to a file (personally I always use mplayer, but VLC should
work I suppose), then convert to wav (presuming mp3 is
the native format of the stream in this case...) and then
to speex.

I am not sure it is worth it though, converting from
one lossy format to another rarely works well. You
tend to get really poor sound quality, and I doubt it
would be worth it for the size savings you would get.
If you really need it smaller, you may be able to
convert it to a lower bitrate mp3, depending on what
it is to start with.

Kelly Clowers

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Re: Virtualbox 64 bit guest option is missing

2012-08-24 Thread Artifex Maximus
On Fri, Aug 24, 2012 at 3:51 PM, Camaleón wrote:

Thanks for your long and detailed answer. I cut it down a bit, sorry.

 On Wed, 22 Aug 2012 20:21:50 +0200, Artifex Maximus wrote:

 The question is I need to upgrade my CPU to any VT capable CPU or is
 there any solution staying at the current CPU?

 Well, you can stil install a 32-bits guest OS but for 64-bits you need a
 VT-x enabled micro, yes.

OK, now a lovely little E8400 power my machine which is VT-x and VT-d capable.

 If I change the CPU am I need to reinstall Virtualbox?

 I don't think so.

Well. Still no 64 bit option and System/Acceleration tab is disabled
in my Virtualbox. Any idea why? Motherboard? BIOS?

My system is:
Linux artifex 3.2.0-3-amd64 #1 SMP Mon Jul 23 02:45:17 UTC 2012
x86_64 GNU/Linux

[0.051573] CPU0: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU E8400  @ 3.00GHz
stepping 0a
[0.140066] Brought up 2 CPUs
[0.140068] Total of 2 processors activated (11970.46 BogoMIPS).

vboxdrv related lines (what and why legacy support warning?):
[   55.378467] vboxdrv: Found 2 processor cores.
[   55.378878] vboxdrv: fAsync=0 offMin=0x22e offMax=0xc57
[   55.378926] vboxdrv: TSC mode is 'synchronous', kernel timer mode
is 'normal'.
[   55.378928] vboxdrv: Successfully loaded version 4.1.18_Debian
(interface 0x0019).
[   55.452749] vboxpci: IOMMU not found (not registered)
[  160.448576] warning: `VirtualBox' uses 32-bit capabilities (legacy
support in use)


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