Re: GR: welcome non-packaging contributors as Debian project members

2010-09-15 Thread Marc 'HE' Brockschmidt

Stefano Zacchiroli writes:
 The Debian project aims at producing the best free operating system.
 To that end the project benefits from various types of contributions,
 including but not limited to: package maintenance, translations,
 infrastructure and website maintenance, porting, bug triaging and
 fixing, management activities, communication, testing, legal advice,
 quality assurance, etc.

 The Debian project acknowledges that:

 * To pursue Debian goals, package maintenance as well as a wide range of
   other technical and non-technical contributions are all valuable.

 * Active contributors of non-packaging work, which share Debian values
   and are ready to uphold Debian Foundation Documents, deserve the
   opportunity for becoming Debian project members.

 The Debian project therefore invites the Debian Account Managers to:

 * Endorse the idea that contributors of non-packaging work might become
   Debian Developers without upload rights to the Debian archive. These
   new developers shall be recognized as Debian Contributors (DC).

 * Establish procedures to evaluate and accept Debian Contributors.

 * Initiate the appropriate technical measures to enable Debian
   Contributors to participate in Debian decision making and to access
   Debian infrastructure.

Seconded. Thanks for finally pushing this to a GR.

BOFH #429:
Temporal anomaly

Description: PGP signature

Re: Question about membership.

2010-03-25 Thread Marc 'HE' Brockschmidt
Charles Plessy writes:
 In this thread it was proposed to trust DDs to nominate other members
 and I found the idea very interesting. In order to make it more
 consensual, there is probably a need for making concessions like
 shortlisting the trusted DDs according to some criteria like the time
 they have already spent in the project. I would actually be tempted to
 propose a more variable but more symbolic measurment of time: having
 been part of the project for at least one full release cycle.

I don't see why someone who joined the project a few months ago should
be trusted less than someone that got in, for example, before we had any
formal checking of new members. This idea just doesn't work.

BOFH #198:
Post-it Note Sludge leaked into the monitor.

Description: PGP signature

Re: No answer for insulting and accusatory emails.

2010-03-24 Thread Marc 'HE' Brockschmidt
Charles Plessy writes:
 just for the record, I will not answer to insulting or accusatory emails. Some
 of them may contain interesting questions or comments, though. Please feel 
 to repeat them in a separate message if you also found them interesting.

OK, so I do have a few followup questions:
(1) What do you consider to be insulting or accusatory? 
(2) As example: Will you, as DPL, consider You haven't answered in the
past four weeks as accusatory?
(3) How will we, as DDs, know if you consider something as insuluting or
(4) Do you believe ignoring conflicts to be a solution?

BOFH #408:
Computers under water due to SYN flooding.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Bits from the release team and request for discussion

2009-08-15 Thread Marc 'HE' Brockschmidt
Manoj Srivastava writes:
 On Tue, Aug 11 2009, Gunnar Wolf wrote:
 I basically oppose such a GR, as it is is merely speculative (who
 knows _now_ or at the GR voting time when we will be close to
 achieving our release goals?), and because it is a ruling on a
 technical subject (at least according to some metrics). But if the
 vote were to be held at all, I would add:

   6. The Debian project recognizes the responsible team to take any
  decisions regarding the freeze date and reach to be the Release
  Team, and accepts their best judgement in this regard.

 Perhaps you should look at this less confrontationally. The vote
  is a non-binding recommendation, it is an information gathering vote
  where people provide feedback to the release team; by voting for the
  option that best suits their development plans.

While I can't really disagree with this, I don't think a GR will
actually provide all the needed information. 

In a GR, quite a few people will prefer one option over the other for
reasons that have nothing to do with the feasibility or quality of a
freeze at a given point [1]. 

I believe answers to a short questionnaire (what will be released when?
should it be in squeeze) would help a lot more, and thus I'm currently
working with the rest of the release team to send such mails.

At this point, I would like to once again apologize for the less than
optimal handling of communication between the release team and the rest
of the project in the past month. [2] The last weeks were shaped by
discussions that would have been unneeded if we had explained proposals
in a better way (and marked them more clearly as proposals) and avoided
some (now obvious) mistakes.


[1]  As example, people who know that they have a few thousand machines
 running lenny will probably prefer a later date, so that they don't
 need to do mass dist-upgrades after just 30 months.
[2]  Please note that this statement is not a coordinated release team
 statement, but an expression of my personal feelings.

Description: PGP signature

Re: call for seconds: on firmware

2008-11-17 Thread Marc 'HE' Brockschmidt
Robert Millan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 On Mon, Nov 17, 2008 at 08:08:36AM +0100, Andreas Barth wrote:
 Though I agree that the release team cannot put any foundation document
 aside, I don't think the release team is overriding the social contract,
 but chooses a certain interpretation (that I think is the correct one
 btw). Other people obviously prefer a different interpretation, and so
 the relevant question is: Whose interpretation is the binding one?
 Currently, it seems to me that unless decided otherwise by a GR, the
 release team has the final say (as explained by Russ).
 When you say chooses a certain interpretation, are you referring to the
 one in which SC #4 is interpreted in a way that cannot be complied with no
 matter what, only to use this impossibility as proof that SC #4 and SC #1
 contradict each other, and in turn resolving that because the SC is
 inconsistent, SC #1 is meant to be read figuratively?

I discussed this with Andi in the past, so let me answer: From our point
of view, SC#4 is relatively clear: Our users need to be able to use a
stable release of Debian and the free software community (not free
software!) needs us to spread the use of _free_ software.
Driving off people to another distribution because we have found yet
another sequence of magic numbers that might, or might not, have source
code somewhere is a clear violation of SC#4 in our eyes.

This is also the reason why I am unhappy about the 3:1/1:1 discussion:
From my point of view, releasing with possibly sourceless firmware blobs
is what the SC asks us to do, so these options should be 1:1. Not doing
that would violate it, so those options should require a 3:1
majority. Now, other people, including our secretary, have quite a
different opinion. 
The problem here is that the secretary's opinion is actually more
important than mine, because Manoj can decide the majority
requirements. And that sucks - not because Manoj doesn't share my
opinion, but because his opinion has a bigger influence on the outcome
of this than mine.

 I think we discussed this before [1].  In any case, if you think the SC is
 so badly broken, you should be ammending the text to disambiguigate it, like
 we did in GR 2004 / 003, or even in GR 2003 / 003.

What, more editorial changes? This is going to be a lot of fun.

BOFH #333:
A plumber is needed, the network drain is clogged

Description: PGP signature

Re: Call for seconds: DFSG violations in Lenny

2008-11-09 Thread Marc 'HE' Brockschmidt
Robert Millan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 or that we help our users by moving the Linux
 kernel plus the installer out of main,
 How is shipping packages in non-free instead of main supposed to be against
 the interests of our users?

You seem to forget that non-free is not a part of Debian. Technically,
you are right - moving the Kernel to non-free wouldn't be against the
interest of our users. Debian wouldn't have any users anymore, so their
interests couldn't be violated.

It's a great idea: Stopping a (felt) steady decline of Debian with a big
bang. Yay.

BOFH #333:
A plumber is needed, the network drain is clogged

Description: PGP signature

Re: Call for seconds - DC concept

2008-10-29 Thread Marc 'HE' Brockschmidt
Peter Palfrader [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 I hereby propose this alternate option/amendment and am asking for seconds.

 |   The Debian Project recognizes that many contributors to the project are 
 |   working withing established frameworks of Debian and thus are not 
 provided by
 |   the project with as much help as might be possible, useful or required, 
 |   opportunities to join the project.
 |   We thank Joerg Jaspert for exploring ideas on how to involve contributors 
 |   closely with and within the project so that they can get both recognition 
 |   the necessary tools to do their work.
 |   We realize that the proposal posted to the debian-devel-announce 
 mailinglist is
 |   not yet finalized and may not have the support of a large part of our
 |   community. We invite the DAM and all the contributors to further develop 
 |   ideas in close coordination with other members of the project, and to 
 present a
 |   new and improved proposal on the project's mailinglists in the future.
 |   Significant changes should only be implemented after consensus within
 |   the project at large has been reached, or when decided by a general
 |   resolution.


Fachbegriffe der Informatik - Einfach erklärt
46: Schulversion
   legalisierte Raubkopie (Kristian Köhntopp)

Description: PGP signature

Re: [DRAFT] resolving DFSG violations

2008-10-21 Thread Marc 'HE' Brockschmidt
Robert Millan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Option 1 (set an upper limit)
[move stuff to non-free after some time]

I believe this to be a bad idea. 

Would we enforce this at the moment, Debian main would be empty, as
glibc (and consequently, all of it's r-build-deps) would need to go to
non-free. We would probably not do it, even if it is required by this
GR - creating the first of a probably long line of
exceptions. Re-affirming the Social Contract (or actually changing it)
in this way thus seems to be fundamentally dishonest, as we are not
actually willing to use this rule in all cases. [1]

Even if, magically, the DFSG violations in core packages would just be
fixed (after being known for a few years) I firmly believe that such a
strict rule would hurt the cause of free software. Yeah, flame on, but
read my rational before doing so. 

Most DFSG violations have been fixed quite fast in the past. If such an
issue stays open for a longer time (for example, more than 60 days),
usually one of the following three option applies: 
 (a) Noone cares because the package simply isn't in use.
 (b) People care, a clarification from upstream would be enough, but
 that takes a lot of time.
 (c) People care, code needs to be rewritten or data needs to be
 regenerated, but there is nobody available who's both interested
 and able to do so.

We solve (a) with a simple removal from the archive, so a move to
non-free wouldn't actually happen. If we are in case (b) or (c), we
would need to move the package to non-free. The biggest example would be
texlive, I think. So, what do you think what happens when we move
texlive to non-free? [2] I think people using tex either switch to
another distribution or add non-free to their sources.list. This will
not help to put free software on more machines, it will actually make it
harder to do so.

Anyway, I do not think that this discussion will lead to a useful
result. We are seeing two fundamentally different beliefs here - I
believe that Debian has to stay relevant and useful to make it possible
to distribute a completely free universal operating system in the
From what I can gather from your mails, it seems to me that you would
prefer to distribute a completely free operating system now, even if this
means that quite a few users will switch to something different. Yes,
this description is biased and I know it, but I don't claim to be

Perhaps I'm wrong to believe that Debian is about bringing free software
to users. Perhaps it's just about free software and users actually don't
matter when there's a higher goal.


 [1] At this point, I assume that moving all packages to non-free is not
 something people would actually consider. If you do feel that it's
 a viable option ... Well, then we have nothing to discuss and
 nothing to agree on, so let's just vote.
 [2] Let's just ignore all the (build-)r-deps...
BOFH #336:
the xy axis in the trackball is coordinated with the summer soltice

Description: PGP signature

Re: Proposal - Project infrastructure team procedures

2008-04-30 Thread Marc 'HE' Brockschmidt
Josip Rodin [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Because by default we elect nice people, who avoid stepping on people's

What, like Overfiend?

BOFH #69:
knot in cables caused data stream to become twisted and kinked

Description: PGP signature

Re: Q: Marc Brockschmidt: tight-knitted groups of friends

2008-03-14 Thread Marc 'HE' Brockschmidt
Raphael Hertzog [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 On Thu, 13 Mar 2008, Marc 'HE' Brockschmidt wrote:
 OTOH, experience shows that enforced addition of new members doesn't
 work as one would expect. 
 What case are you referring to?

 I don't think it ever happened up to now.

Constant pressure from the outside lead to interesting constructs such
as ftp-assistants and an account manager without actual permissions to
manage accounts.

 I agree however that we have to go further and that the assistant status
 must not become the end of the road for the members who have shown that
 they can do more and they want to do more.

There are no rules describing when an assistant (or however they are called)
should get full permissions. In fact, this simply hasn't happened yet in
teams that have been problematic in past.

BOFH #281:
The co-locator cannot verify the frame-relay gateway to the ISDN

Description: PGP signature

Re: Question for all candidates: Handling declassification of debian-private (GR 2005-02)

2008-03-13 Thread Marc 'HE' Brockschmidt
Steve McIntyre [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 On Wed, Mar 12, 2008 at 03:21:23PM +0100, Raphael Hertzog wrote:
On Tue, 11 Mar 2008, Fabian Fagerholm wrote:
 If you were elected DPL for the next term, what would you do about this
 GR and when? How would you ensure that the declassification can happen
 in a timely manner and fulfil all the requirements? What would your
 declassification team look like -- how many members would it have, how
 would they be selected and would you impose any structure among them?
I would _not_ organize this myself. The DD who are interested in
declassification of those mails should come up with a proposition
and I'll gladly bless them (if it doesn't contain anything
objectionable - that said I don't see what could go wrong).
 Without wishing to just add aol here, I think Raphael and I are in
 broad agreement. I'm not going to treat the declassification effort as
 a personal priority, but I'd love to hear from people who would like
 to get involved. If I can help them get the job done (resource
 allocation, delegation, etc.) then so much the better.

For the sake of completness: I would need to put a ME TOO 1
here. The declassification of -private mail will involve big amounts of
manual work. The DPL can't force people to do so, so we just need to
wait for someone to come forward interested in doing this and then
provide as much help as possible.

BOFH #55:
Plumber mistook routing panel for decorative wall fixture

Description: PGP signature

Re: Q: Marc Brockschmidt: tight-knitted groups of friends

2008-03-13 Thread Marc 'HE' Brockschmidt
Clint Adams [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Your platform contains the following claim:
 This can hardly be solved from the outside - but a start would be to 
 not defame these groups as evil cabals hindering the rest of the 
 project out of spite.
 Why can this not be solved from the outside?

One possible way out of this is replacing the whole team, but the
entailed pain in the transition period and the loss of experience is
usually too big to make complete replacement a viable option. OTOH,
experience shows that enforced addition of new members doesn't work as
one would expect. The usual pattern is that old members end up in a
closed circle of masters, while the new members get to help as
assistants, ensuring that the additional help can't actually help with
all tasks. 
As we are working with volunteers here, there's no real way to enforce a
change in this pattern, so the only option left is constant constructive
criticism with an emphasis on the fact that letting new people in could
solve most issues. Flaming usually just wastes everyones time and only
makes the involved parties resent changes more than before.

BOFH #288:
Hard drive sleeping. Let it wake up on it's own...

Description: PGP signature

Re: All DPL Candidates: licensing?

2008-03-11 Thread Marc 'HE' Brockschmidt
 Will you delegate someone to resolve and at long last?  That is, get
 to follow the DFSG and to display better copyright statements.
 In particular, delegation seems necessary to avoid bureaucratic
 blocks to getting impartial legal advice.

I think needs to be worked on anyway (as I've written in
my platform). In the course of reviewing our web pages and reworking
parts, licensing issues should be reviewed as well. 
After an initial review of the current state of, I would
like to see some facts about our web pages (especially how much content
was generated by people who are not reachable any more). After that, we
should be able to list specific examples for all different problems that
could be in need of legal advice, which should be requested at that

BOFH #180:
ether leak

Description: PGP signature

Re: Question for all candidates: inter-dependancy of works the growing Debian project.

2008-03-11 Thread Marc 'HE' Brockschmidt
Charles Plessy [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Debian is growing bigger everyday. I would like to know if you think
 that it should adapt to its new size, and if yes, how can you help this
 process as a DPL.

Debian has steadily grown in the past few years, at least in respect to
the number of packages. On the other hand, from a QA point of view, it
sure looks like the amount of work spent on Debian hasn't grown as much,
leading to a lower overall packages quality. There is not much a DPL can
do about this, besides starting discussions about various aspects of
this development. 

One of the things I would like to discuss (and implement at some point)
are stricter rules for the removal of packages - not because I want to
remove fewer packages than we do at this moment, but because I believe
we should kick out *more* packages. This is easier to do when you don't
need to decide on new rules on a case-by-case basis, but have fixed
rules that can be applied for each problematic package.

 In particular, I would like to know what you think about how the work of
 each DDs and teams are tied, and if the ties should get stronger or
 looser. Debian offers a lot of features, in particular security support,
 stable releases, and portage on multiple architectures.

I guess this question has something to do with your recent problems with
the MIPS architecture and your packages [1] While I understand your
concerns as package maintainer about packages being blocked from
migrating to testing, I value the efforts to port Debian to a bigger set
of architectures. Knowingly breaking packages on some architectures is
something I don't like, as it moves important issues for the release to
the end of the release cycle.

Back to your actual question, which was more general: Our package
maintainers, porter, release and QA teams need to work together closely
to make Debian as it is possible. I firmly believe that trying to remove
these dependencies can only end up in a worse Debian. One of the main
advantages Debian has over other distributions is the close integration
of a big number of packages on quite a few architectures. Installing
Debian on a s390 is as easy as installing it on your laptop or the
MIPS-based router at home - in all cases, you can expect the same
quality and using the system feels similar (well, apart from speed
limitations). This is only possible due to the relatively tight
integration we are enforcing at the moment.


BOFH #212:
Of course it doesn't work. We've performed a software upgrade.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Marc: So, is any of the other candidates above 'NOTA' for you?

2008-03-10 Thread Marc 'HE' Brockschmidt
Gunnar Wolf [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Nominations are over. It's you, Raphaël and Steve. So... I think your
 opinion here is fundamental: Are you still running?


 What is your stand on them (well, yes, I know we don't yet have
 Steve's platform, and that'll be a fundamental point for your answers
 - but still, consider this question as formulated as soon as you can
 comment on it). 

I expect Steve's platform to be as sane as always, so I'm answering this
question now, before reading it. I think both Raphael and Steve could do
the DPL job well, but I have my reasons to believe neither of them to do
things the same way as I would do them and that's why I haven't left the
field to them.

Fachbegriffe der Informatik - Einfach erklärt
99: EDV
   Experimentelle Daten Verarbeitung (Andreas Frackowiak)

Description: PGP signature

Re: All Candidates: Do you plan to be prominently visible during your term?

2008-03-10 Thread Marc 'HE' Brockschmidt
Marc Haber [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 What is your plan to ensure your ongoing visibility during your term?
 Do you plan to post regular bits from the DPL,

Regular reports to the project are planned, not only about DPL
activities, but about anything that is going on in the project and
wasn't announced on debian-(devel-)announce.

 and which measures will you implement to prevent a failure similiar to
 the failures of your predecessors?

Asking for help when it is needed, delegating work to people who are
experts on a specific field, report problems (even lack of time) when
they become a blocker.

BOFH #399:
We are a 100% Microsoft Shop.

Description: PGP signature

Debian Project Leader Elections 2008: Marc Brockschmidt

2008-03-05 Thread Marc 'HE' Brockschmidt
   Dear Debian,

.:%%%:. .:%%%:.
  .%'''%. .%'''%.
 .%::'   ':::%:::'   '::%.
 %::. Roses are red,  .::%
 %::.   Violets are purple,   .::% 
 '%:: It is today time I said ::%'
   '%:. I candidate for DPL!.:%'
 '%:. .:%'
   '%:::. .:::%'
  '%:::.   .:::%'

[stolen from [EMAIL PROTECTED]]

I would like to point out that I had already resolved not to run for DPL
this time due to the small amount of free time available to me in the
next year. I will *not* make being DPL my top priority in the next year,
real life issues (finishing my studies, most notably) are more important
to me. Electing me as DPL will also reduce the time I can spend on
release tasks, new maintainer stuff and package maintainance. If you
can't decide between me an another candidate who is more committed, rank
me lower on your ballot.


Description: PGP signature

Re: Debian Project Leader Elections 2008: Marc Brockschmidt

2008-03-05 Thread Marc 'HE' Brockschmidt
Bas Wijnen [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 On Wed, Mar 05, 2008 at 11:40:11AM +0100, Marc 'HE' Brockschmidt wrote:
 I would like to point out that I had already resolved not to run for DPL
 this time due to the small amount of free time available to me in the
 next year. I will *not* make being DPL my top priority in the next year,
 real life issues (finishing my studies, most notably) are more important
 to me. Electing me as DPL will also reduce the time I can spend on
 release tasks, new maintainer stuff and package maintainance.
 While I see you have good reasons not to run, you still candidate
 yourself.  I'm interested to know why. :-)

I think that having someone I more or less trust as DPL, even if he has
not enough time to do all that he wants to do, is better than the
confusion when no-one candidates. Also, I fear a bit that if noone
candidates, someone I wouldn't like as DPL [1] might throw their hat in
the ring 5 minutes before the nomination period ends, ending up as the
only choice next to NOTA on the ballot.


[1]  No, I don't have a list of such people
BOFH #127:
Sticky bits on disk.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Debian Project Leader Elections 2008: Marc Brockschmidt

2008-03-05 Thread Marc 'HE' Brockschmidt
Lucas Nussbaum [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 On 05/03/08 at 13:49 +0100, Marc 'HE' Brockschmidt wrote:
 Also, I fear a bit that if noone
 candidates, someone I wouldn't like as DPL [1] might throw their hat in
 the ring 5 minutes before the nomination period ends, ending up as the
 only choice next to NOTA on the ballot.

 Constitution for the Debian Project (v1.3)
 5. Project Leader
   5.2. Appointment
 6. The options on the ballot will be those candidates who have
nominated themselves and have not yet withdrawn, plus None Of The
Above. If None Of The Above wins the election then the election
procedure is repeated, many times if necessary.

 So, nothing too dramatic if what you feared had happened.

That I consider someone not to be a good candidate for DPL doesn't mean
they won't be ranked over NOTA by a majority of people.

 Also, the classic answer to I don't have enough time is delegate.
 Are you planning, if elected, to create some sort of DPL team? Don't you
 think that it will allow you to be a good enough DPL despite your lack
 of free time?

Yes. As I've written in my platform [1], I would like to delegate one
area of the DPL's tasks to other people: Presenting Debian to the rest
of the world, for example at conferences. My schedule allows for many
small time slots to be used for Debian activities, but it's quite hard to
free up a few days to go somewhere, hold a talk and speak with
people. As I believe this to be important, the delegation of this task
is one of the things I have planned.

For the rest of the DPL's tasks, I haven't made a decision yet: Doing
all the work alone doesn't seem to be a good idea, but I have to admit
that I can hardly describe areas of authority that can (and should) be
delegated. On the other hand, I don't see a problem with solving this
dynamically, asking people for help whenever I notice a problem coming

In my platform, various goals touch the issue of collecting and
distributing information. In the past, my release team work has often
included similar tasks, which I have usually solved by finding people
who are experts on a certain area and thus could give me the needed
information easily. I plan on doing something similar as DPL.

 The same question can be asked as will you be our DPL team candidate,
 or are we still looking for someone to fill that role?

I have contacted a few people about helping out with the tasks above
(and some I plan to contact) but I can't hand out a definite list of
people who are willing to help me at this time.


[1]  Soon to appear on, for now on
Fachbegriffe der Informatik - Einfach erklärt
72: Repost
   Kristian K=F6hntopp (Sebastian Kokemohr-Schmidt)

Description: PGP signature

Re: The Debian Maintainers GR

2007-08-02 Thread Marc 'HE' Brockschmidt
Steve Langasek [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 On Wed, Aug 01, 2007 at 10:44:00AM +0200, Marc 'HE' Brockschmidt wrote:
 Anyway, now Rperl-lover can upload the package on his own, but as a pure
 perl robot, he is bound to fuck up. After a year, *you* will need to
 kick him to understand how SONAMEs work :)
 And yet I'm speaking in favor of the proposal, yes?

The only reasonable explanation is that you like to kick maintainers :-P

 Getting folks to understand how SONAMEs work is such a high bar that I don't
 think it should be a requirement even for DDs, let alone DMs.

Well, i was desperately searching for something that you encounter on a
regular basis. In reality, you are right - if we would only allow people
who understand all technical details to be DDs, the project would be a
lot smaller. And have different problems. But there are a lot of basic
issues that lead to problems on a regular basis, some of which every
maintainer should know about.

 Instead, my interest is in improving our toolset so that it can do the
 work for me of letting maintainers know, ASAP, when they've done
 something wrong with a library. :)

Besides the fact that I have always been favor of a mandatory remote
stabbing device (if possible directly connected to some QA system), I'm
not saying that we should try to solve our quality problems by allowing
only perfect packages to be uploaded, but that we should discuss which
and how many mistakes we can identify after an upload and what the
average input quality should be.

 (For one thing, consider that this proposal wouldn't let a DM change
 library or dev package names for a transition on their own, so there
 would have to be a DD involved as well in the case of a
 wrongly-renamed package.) 

Heh, that's not a good example. The usual mistake is to *not* change the
package names when breaking the interface.

 My whole argument boils down to I don't trust DDs. I would be happy to
 vote in favour of this proposal if the list of packages each DM can
 upload is controlled by a small group of people (the DM keyring
 maintainers) and not a group of ~1000 people.
 I don't trust DDs either; I trust the system, because it's essentially the
 same system we've used all this time for creating the best Linux distro
 around, with just a few parameters tweaked.

The problems I fear stem from the fact that the DM proposal *changes*
the system we are used to. The advantage of having Debian Maintainers is
that they don't need to go through a sponsor every time, in other words
reducing the time that needs to be spent by all involved people on a
single upload. I don't believe that all of the time saved is spent on
quality checks that we will miss in the future, but a part is.
That *will* have an effect, the only question is how big the change
actually is.

BOFH #379:
We've picked COBOL as the language of choice.

Description: PGP signature

Re: The Debian Maintainers GR

2007-08-01 Thread Marc 'HE' Brockschmidt
Steve Langasek [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 On Mon, Jul 30, 2007 at 10:36:46AM +0200, Marc 'HE' Brockschmidt wrote:
 ... without ever *asking* if that would be true. I assumed this idea to
 be dead because last year's discussion on -newmaint showed that most DDs
 were against that proposal.
 Surely, discussion on -newmaint and most DDs are contradictory? :)

I think it was crossposted to -project. At least a lot of non-NM people
were part of the discussion.

  (i) You have added a policy for everything, but removal from the DM list
  is still under-defined. This is a crappy idea. Imagine a Sven Luther
  case in DM - someone who's technically capable and invests a lot of
  time, but leads to regular flamewars. There is no question that
  we would need to have some procedure to decide what should happen
  in such cases.
 Are you aware that one of the crimes Sven says Debian has committed
 against him is that the DAMs didn't follow their own procedure for expelling


 I think it's rather silly to accuse the DAMs of wrongdoing given that
 the procedure in question was the documented procedure by which a
 developer could *request* an expulsion, and this in no way binds the
 DAMs to not act of their own accord as they think appropriate; but I
 think it puts the lie to the claim that defining expulsion procedures
 in advance is a necessary (or sufficient) safeguard against

  Now, back to the Sven Luther example: Imagine how *that* flamewar
  would look if the procedure to kick him out would have been
  hand-crafted just for his case?

 I don't think that calls for much imagination at all, I think the flamewar
 would looks about like the one we already had...

Well, the problem with the Sven Luther example is that the procedure
actually wasn't followed by the letter, but used as a, eh,
guideline. I don't think it was wrong to expelulse [1] Sven, but if
you *know* that you face the danger of being accused of doing something
solely for personal reasons, you should IMO try to stick to the letter
of the rules. Of course, the DAMs are free to do do whatever they want
with people's accounts, but starting with a procedure and ending the
process by switching to one's absolute power over Debian accounts feels

  So basically, I won't accept your proposal as remotely sane until
  the initial policy includes some guidelines on removals from the DM
 And is that something you're interested in helping to specify?

I at least want to see some rules that describe who can ask for a
removal from the keyring, how that should be done and (that's the most
important thing for me) how the DM keyring maintainers, a *team*, should
decide what to do with the request. 

 (ii) Debian has a QA problem. Sponsorship did nothing to improve it. In
  fact, I believe sponsorship to be one of the reasons for it. Let's
  explain this a bit:
  Sponsorship is one of the main factors that lead to the explosion
  of the number of packages in the archive. The growth in the number
  of packages is, in fact, much bigger than the growth in the number
  of users. This means that the number of users per package has
  fallen [2], directly translating to the fact that packages receive
  less testing before they are released. This is equivalent to bugs
  and packaging mistakes staying unnoticed for a longer time.
  This problem is almost exclusive to packages that are priority:
  optional|extra, ie packages likely to be maintained by newcomers to
 This is a fair point, but I'm afraid that you haven't convinced me that
 adopting a more lightweight process for *maintaining* those packages *after*
 they've been uploaded (remembering that the proposal doesn't let DMs upload
 new packages autonomously) is going to increase the QA problems over the
 present case.

It reduces the number of checks done on each package. The problem I see
is when someone (let's say, Rperl-lover) maintains, say, some perl
packages and gets his key in the DM keyring. After a year, he needs some
C++ application and a library in the archive and wants to maintain
it. Some developers sees Rperl-lover is already a DM, so assumes he
knows what he is doing. There is a short package check, a sponsored
upload to NEW with the DM-Upload-Whatever-it-was-called-field set to
yes. For some reason, Joerg isn't doing an in-depth check of the
package, or some other ftp-team member is working on NEW, the package
goes on without much review. All in all, it's not too unlikely that this
happens - and FWIW, I don't want to rely on the NEW queue for basic QA
Anyway, now Rperl-lover can upload the package on his own, but as a pure
perl robot, he is bound to fuck up. After a year, *you* will need to
kick him to understand how SONAMEs work :)

My whole argument boils down to I don't trust DDs. I would be happy to
vote in favour of this proposal if the list

Re: The Debian Maintainers GR

2007-07-31 Thread Marc 'HE' Brockschmidt
Anthony Towns [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 On Mon, Jul 30, 2007 at 10:36:46AM +0200, Marc 'HE' Brockschmidt wrote:
 (ii) Debian has a QA problem. Sponsorship did nothing to improve it. In
  fact, I believe sponsorship to be one of the reasons for it.
 On that score, I agree. I would further say there are three main aspects to

Thanks for taking the time to read, understand and reply to my
explanation of what I feel to be the problem with sponsorship. I feel
that you value my opinion. Especially the part were you completly ignore
it shows off your amazing leadership skills.

   - sponsored maintainers are inhibited from fixing bugs they
 introduce; if their regular sponsor is missing or they don't
 have a regular sponsor, bugs will be left unfixed until they
 can find someone else -- in spite of someone being aware of
 the problem, ready with a fix, and wanting to upload it.

You mean those myriads of bugs tagged pending, waiting for a sponsor
to come along? People begging on -mentors to finally let them fix their
bugs, as they weren't able to find a sponsor yet?

   - there's no tracking of sponsored maintainers, so it's
 possible for sponsored-maintainers to shop around for someone to
 sponsor their packages if they're uploading something someone
 rejects; when mummy says no, ask daddy, except multiplied
 by up to 1000 developers.

Sure, giving those people direct upload privileges fixes the problem of
nagging a thousand developers. Usually, the way to shut up children who
want cookies is to give them a car, a hundred bucks and map with the way
to the next supermarket marked, right?

   - it doesn't matter if the maintainer is good, only if the
 package is, so sponsorship doesn't promote skills that help
 avoid bugs being introduced so much as remove specific bugs
 that the sponsor manages to spot

Whereas the DM keyring team has a magic wand turning white when a
maintainer is good, so that they can give upload priviliges only to
those people who are good?

 The proposal addresses all those things

It doesn't. Please start coping with reality before fucking up Debian
even more.

 [6]  In fact, my original understanding of the whole idea was that a
  small set of DDs (like the proposed DM keyring maintainers) would
  check every package before a DM would be allowed to upload it on
  its own. I thought that to be something very, very positive, as it
  would ensure at least one thorough and proper check, instead of the
  current tradition of minimal checking done by sponsors.
 I don't think I've ever seen that interpretation before.

You have. We discussed it.

 I certainly don't remember seeing it.

That's probably why you didn't quote the relevant private IRC logs in
one of your past mails.

 I don't think reviewing packages like that is something I'd like to do,

Right, reviewing packages is not really your kind of work. NEW certainly
looks like you never do that.

BOFH #198:
Post-it Note Sludge leaked into the monitor.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Constitutional amendment: reduce the length of DPL election process

2007-07-31 Thread Marc 'HE' Brockschmidt
Anthony Towns [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
   5.2. Appointment

 1. The Project Leader is elected by the Developers.
 2. The election begins [-nine-] {+six+} weeks before the leadership
post becomes vacant, or (if it is too late already) immediately.
 3. For the [-following three weeks-] {+first week+} any Developer
may nominate themselves as a candidate Project [-Leader.-]
{+Leader, and summarise their plans for their term.+}
 4. For three weeks after that no more candidates may be nominated;
candidates should use this time for campaigning [-(to make their
identities-] and [-positions known).-] {+discussion.+} If there
are no candidates at the end of the nomination period then the
nomination period is extended for [-three further weeks,-] {+an
additional week,+} repeatedly if necessary.
 5. The next [-three-] {+two+} weeks are the polling period during
which Developers may cast their votes. Votes in leadership
elections are kept secret, even after the election is finished.
 6. The options on the ballot will be those candidates who have
nominated themselves and have not yet withdrawn, plus None Of The
Above. If None Of The Above wins the election then the election
procedure is repeated, many times if necessary.
 7. The decision will be made using the method specified in section
A.6 of the Standard Resolution Procedure. The quorum is the same
as for a General Resolution (4.2) and the default option is None
Of The Above.
 8. The Project Leader serves for one year from their election.

Seconded. This was overdue.

Fachbegriffe der Informatik - Einfach erklärt
31: Multimedia-Multitasking
   CD-ROM mit Kopfhöreranschluß. (VOBIS Denkzettel)

Description: PGP signature

Re: The Debian Maintainers GR

2007-07-30 Thread Marc 'HE' Brockschmidt
Anthony Towns [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 After that meeting [0], I'd assumed it was in Christoph and Marc's capable

... without ever *asking* if that would be true. I assumed this idea to
be dead because last year's discussion on -newmaint showed that most DDs
were against that proposal.

 Some of them have had some progress including a bunch of accounts created
 during the DPL election, but, some didn't, such as Peter Samuelson's DAM
 processing, which I'd explicitly referred to as an example that should
 have been trivial for the DAMs to process, as any problems should have
 been resolved at AM stage since it was AMed by a FrontDesk member. Peter's
 still in the DAM queue at the time of writing.

As the background for that is private, it would have been nice to keep
it out of this discussion. Anyway, the reason why this problem ended up
in the DAMs hands is because *only* the DAMs were mailed with some
doubts, not the AM. And that only after the AM report was done...

Anyway, I'm really not going to tear apart the little bubble in which
you have placed yourself - I simply don't see how this would help

Now to the actual matter at hand. I had this discussion in IRC yesterday
and it seems that I should explain my opinion about the GR a second
time: [1]

 (i) You have added a policy for everything, but removal from the DM list
 is still under-defined. This is a crappy idea. Imagine a Sven Luther
 case in DM - someone who's technically capable and invests a lot of
 time, but leads to regular flamewars. There is no question that
 we would need to have some procedure to decide what should happen
 in such cases. Now, back to the Sven Luther example: Imagine how
 *that* flamewar would look if the procedure to kick him out would
 have been hand-crafted just for his case?
 So basically, I won't accept your proposal as remotely sane until
 the initial policy includes some guidelines on removals from the DM

(ii) Debian has a QA problem. Sponsorship did nothing to improve it. In
 fact, I believe sponsorship to be one of the reasons for it. Let's
 explain this a bit:
 Sponsorship is one of the main factors that lead to the explosion
 of the number of packages in the archive. The growth in the number
 of packages is, in fact, much bigger than the growth in the number
 of users. This means that the number of users per package has
 fallen [2], directly translating to the fact that packages receive
 less testing before they are released. This is equivalent to bugs
 and packaging mistakes staying unnoticed for a longer time.
 This problem is almost exclusive to packages that are priority:
 optional|extra, ie packages likely to be maintained by newcomers to

 On the other hand, sponsorship is (besides the few cases were
 people only want to maintain a few packages and not invest more
 time in Debian) used as an education system. It's training people
 on the job, allowing them to understand policies and procedures
 when bugs are reported or their sponsor notices a problem while

 The shrinking user:pkg ratio has already shown it's effect:
 Packages of seldomly used, specialized software are often of low
 quality, ignore licensing problems and aren't integrated into the
 rest of the Debian system as tight as they could be. The
 ever-growing number of RC bugs in sid is a sign for that, a better
 sign is the number of unfixed important bugs [3] and there is
 always the simple test of taking 20 random packages from the
 archive and checking them for obvious packaging problems [4].

 I'm also believing that sponsoring is not as good as it should be -
 people often sponsor software without doing the thorough checks
 that *should* be done.

 Now on to the actual matter: The proposed Debian Maintainers
 concept is splitted into two parts:
   (1) Someone needs to advocate a maintainer, some people need to
   decide if that maintainer should get added to the keyring and
   thus get upload permissions for all packages that carry him
   as Maintainer/Uploaders and have the DM-Upload-Allowed field
   set. Without spelling out how the approval by the DM
   keyring maintainers should happen, I guess most people are
   thinking about checking packages, looking at past work, bug
   handling, ...
   (2) As soon as someone is in the DM keyring, a DD can give him
   upload rights for virtually every package by adding the DM to
   the Uploaders field and adding the DM-Upload-Allowed field.

 This concept is completely ignoring the problems that sponsoring
 exposed - in fact, it makes these problems worse. The number of
 checks done by DDs is reduced to one examination of an initial set
 of packages by the DM keyring maintainers [5]. The set of 

Re: The Debian Maintainers GR

2007-07-30 Thread Marc 'HE' Brockschmidt
Kalle Kivimaa [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Marc 'HE' Brockschmidt [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
(2) As soon as someone is in the DM keyring, a DD can give him
upload rights for virtually every package by adding the DM to
the Uploaders field and adding the DM-Upload-Allowed field.
 If there is a malicious DD who wants to do that, what would stop that
 DD from creating an automated system that accepts packages from the
 DM, signs them and sends them into the upload queue?

I'm not saying that the DD is malicious, but simply a moron. That
happens more often, really.

BOFH #60:
system has been recalled

Description: PGP signature

Re: The Debian Maintainers GR

2007-07-30 Thread Marc 'HE' Brockschmidt
Kalle Kivimaa [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Marc 'HE' Brockschmidt [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 I'm not saying that the DD is malicious, but simply a moron. That
 happens more often, really.
 OK, the DD is a moron and marks a random package X as a DM-allowed by
 doing a NMU. Maintainer of X notices this and does an immediate upload
 which removes the flag. I fail to see a big problem here, unless the
 moron continues the ping-pong, which would be grounds for expulsion, I

No. DD moron allows DM moron to upload crappy packages, noone
notices. I'm amazed that you fail to see a problem.

Fachbegriffe der Informatik - Einfach erklärt
225: ActiveX
   Interaktive Rechnerdemolierung. (Manfred Worm Schäfer)

Description: PGP signature

Re: The Debian Maintainers GR

2007-07-30 Thread Marc 'HE' Brockschmidt
Kalle Kivimaa [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Marc 'HE' Brockschmidt [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 No. DD moron allows DM moron to upload crappy packages, noone
 notices. I'm amazed that you fail to see a problem.
 Ah, you're saying that a Joe R. Developer doesn't care to take a look
 at the changes when some random developer does an NMU on his package.

No, I'm not. Is it so hard to imagine that a DM could maintain (adopt,
co-maintain, ...) something and still do a horrible job?

BOFH #279:
The static electricity routing is acting up...

Description: PGP signature

Re: The Debian Maintainers GR

2007-07-30 Thread Marc 'HE' Brockschmidt
Kalle Kivimaa [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Marc 'HE' Brockschmidt [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 No, I'm not. Is it so hard to imagine that a DM could maintain (adopt,
 co-maintain, ...) something and still do a horrible job?
 It isn't. But, as this is no worse situation than we currently have
 with sponsoring, I don't really see it as a showstopper, unless you
 suggest we should restrict sponsoring, as well.

Could you just read the long email I just sent a few hours ago? You
replied to it, so I assume you have noticed it, but somehow I get the
impression that you didn't actually have a look at the content.

BOFH #374:
Its the InterNIC's fault.

Description: PGP signature

Re: The Debian Maintainers GR

2007-07-30 Thread Marc 'HE' Brockschmidt
Manoj Srivastava [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 On Mon, 30 Jul 2007 10:36:46 +0200, Marc 'HE' Brockschmidt [EMAIL 
 PROTECTED] said: 
 (ii) Debian has a QA problem. Sponsorship did nothing to improve
  it. In fact, I believe sponsorship to be one of the reasons for
 This seems like an issue for educating sponsors who are
  sponsoring packages without ensuring the package meets the requisite
  quality standards.  I have personally found that sponsoring a package
  is, for me, an exercise that takes about two to three times the time I
  would need to package the software myself, from scratch; but I think
  this is far from the norm.

No, it sounds about right. Of course, updates are costing only a few
minutes because there is only a diff to check. It's actually in the
interest of sponsorees to have one sponsor per package, but somehow this
doesn't get advertised very often.

 Perhaps putting together guidelines and processes for the
  sponsor is something that we should look into?

As long as there is no way to enforce such guidelines, I don't believe
this would actually help. There already is the Debian Policy and the
Developers Reference, which should be enough to guide people through
sponsoring. The actual problem is that these people *don't* care enough
to follow these rules, as there is no real way to enforce them and they
*know* it.

BOFH #185:
system consumed all the paper for paging

Description: PGP signature

Re: Debian Maintainers GR Proposal

2007-06-22 Thread Marc 'HE' Brockschmidt
Anthony Towns [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 1) A new keyring will be created, called the Debian maintainers keyring.
It will be initially maintained in alioth subversion using the jetring
tool, with commit priveleges initially assigned to:

   * the Debian Account Managers (Joerg Jaspert, James Troup)
   * the New-maintainer Front Desk (Christoph Berg, Marc Brockschmidt, 
 Brian Nelson)

*cough* It would have been nice to inform people that you are planning
to involve them in something like this :)

 2) The initial policy for an individual to be included in the keyring
will be:
   * that at least one Debian developer (preferable more) is willing
 to advocate for the applicant's inclusion, in particular to the
 fact that the applicant is technically competent and good to work

I would like to change this to at least two, simply because I believe
that this shouldn't be an actual problem for active maintainers.

 3) The initial policy for removals for the keyring will be under any of the
following circumstances:

   * the individual has become a Debian developer
   * the individual has not annually reconfirmed their interest
   * multiple Debian developers have requested the individual's
 removal for non-spurious reasons; eg, due to problematic
 uploads, unfixed bugs, or being unreasonably difficult to
 work with.

This part is broken and shouldn't end up in a final proposal. We need to
decide on actual rules, otherwise this can lead to endless flamewars.

 5) The intial policy for the use of the Debian Maintainer keyring with the
Debian archive will be to accept uploads signed by a key in that keyring

I'm not too happy with this part. My idea was always to allow people
upload rights for individual packages that have been checked once by a
full DD - and even that doesn't make me happy.

In general, there is a (not really small) number of DDs who sponsor
crappy packages on a regular basis, simply because they don't know
better. The number of RC bugs in such packages is quite high and often
the packaging is not more than copying stuff from the DESTDIR of a make
install to debian/$packagename. I agree that some software doesn't need
more work, but a majority of packages could be improved a lot.

The average (in)competence of DDs is what makes me believe that non-DDs
shouldn't get to upload whatever software they would like to
package. Ganneff has done a great job of doing QA in the NEW queue, but
I don't want to rely on that. He is overworked anyway, the rest of the
ftp-team doesn't really help with NEW processing and the number of
packages waiting for manual actions usually doesn't help to do thorough
individual QA checks.

Call me bitter, I call it release team experience.

Anyway, something more constructive: I think that from a QA point of
view, allowing DMs to only upload packages that were once checked by
some trustworthy person is a lot better than your proposal.

BOFH #229:
wrong polarity of neutron flow

Description: PGP signature

Re: Debian Maintainers GR Proposal

2007-06-22 Thread Marc 'HE' Brockschmidt
Raphael Hertzog [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 On Fri, 22 Jun 2007, Marc 'HE' Brockschmidt wrote:
 Anthony Towns [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 * multiple Debian developers have requested the individual's
   removal for non-spurious reasons; eg, due to problematic
   uploads, unfixed bugs, or being unreasonably difficult to
   work with.
 This part is broken and shouldn't end up in a final proposal. We need to
 decide on actual rules, otherwise this can lead to endless flamewars.
 We take non-binary decisions every day (MIA, hijack, etc.). This is just
 one more of those.  Usually it's pretty clear when someone isn't up to the

We have a very hard time to kick DDs out - we don't do a binary decision
there, we do have a defined procedure and we still come out with a
flamewar. I would like to do better in this. unreasonable difficult to
work with basically means that any group of DDs can come over and say
Eh, we don't like that guy and the person should be kicked out ... or
not? Who decides, actually? The whole keyring team? Will there be a
vote? Is it enough if 50% of the people who voted are in favour of
kicking someone out, or is it 50% of all people with voting rights? Do
we have a period in which voting should happen? These are all things
that should be decided *before* actually needing them, because an
actual use-case will always make the discussion about a procedure

 5) The intial policy for the use of the Debian Maintainer keyring with the
Debian archive will be to accept uploads signed by a key in that keyring
 I'm not too happy with this part. My idea was always to allow people
 upload rights for individual packages that have been checked once by a
 full DD - and even that doesn't make me happy.
 Anyway, something more constructive: I think that from a QA point of
 view, allowing DMs to only upload packages that were once checked by
 some trustworthy person is a lot better than your proposal.
 I agree with you in the principle (and the first time this idea cropped
 up, I understood it that way). However this doesn't scale very well... in
 any big team, the usual DD maintainers should be able to grant upload
 rights fairly easily to DM. If they have to make a new request each time
 that they decide that a DM can have uploads rights on a new package, it's
 going to be somewhat painful.

Yes. It should be. Granting permissions on an archive used by a few
thousand people *should be painful*, as it needs consideration.

 One way to get out of this is to mark those new packages as maintained by
 a new team [EMAIL PROTECTED] and to add the maintainer
 in the Maintainer field only later once we trust him enough for that.

 Would that be acceptable for you?

No. You know enough to German to understand what *T*oll *E*in *A*nderer
*M*acht's [1] means. It's like the QA team as Maintainer - Noone cares
until something breaks horribly.


[1]  For those of you not speaking german [2]: Team can be expanded to
 something like Yay, someone else does the work in german

[2]  You do know that the g3rman cabal will make that mandatory soon,
BOFH #236:
Fanout dropping voltage too much, try cutting some of those little

Description: PGP signature

Re: Debian Maintainers GR Proposal

2007-06-22 Thread Marc 'HE' Brockschmidt
Anthony Towns [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 On Fri, Jun 22, 2007 at 11:03:50AM +0200, Marc 'HE' Brockschmidt wrote:
 Anthony Towns [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 The average (in)competence of DDs is what makes me believe that non-DDs
 shouldn't get to upload whatever software they would like to
 If you're trying to get rid of all the DDs who make (frequent) mistakes,
 then I guess I should be one of the first on the chopping block.

I won't comment on that, because your performance as maintainer has
nothing to do with this discussion.

 IMO, and YMMV, the number of mistakes you make doesn't really matter
 very much, it's the amount your mistakes affect others, which you can
 minimise either by not making mistakes in the first place, or by
 fixing your mistakes afterwards. One way in which sponsorship works
 badly is that it imposes a large cost to getting the person who made
 the mistake to fix it -- they need to find a sponsor, coordinate with
 that sponsor, and the sponsor needs to independently verify the

Sponsorship is supposed to prevent serious mistakes by letting a second
pair of eyes check the package before uploading it to the archive. This
doesn't work properly, because people are allowed to sponsor even if
they are not able to clean up their own packages.  Your proposal doesn't
fix this problem, it doesn't even acknowledge it to be a problem - it
just ignores it and allows more people to do what they want.

 Anyway, something more constructive: I think that from a QA point of
 view, allowing DMs to only upload packages that were once checked by
 some trustworthy person is a lot better than your proposal.
 I'm a bit tired of dividing DDs into trustworthy and not, so I'm more
 inclined to just let every DD have the same level of trust.

Wait, you were the one adding all those people to the ftp-team, right?

Sorry, I believe that there groups in Debian that are too small (like
the ftp-team) and groups that are far too big (like the number of people
with full upload rights for everything).

Fachbegriffe der Informatik - Einfach erklärt
275: Luster-Format
   Positiv gemeint: Eßfreudig
   Negativ gemeint: Das Äquivalent von zwei Öltanks (Alexander Stielau)

Description: PGP signature

Re: A question to the Debian community ...

2007-04-29 Thread Marc 'HE' Brockschmidt
Sven Luther [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 But, this insistence, which comes after the expulsion procedure against
 me which was restarted the day after i announced my DPL candidacy, while
 i was being utterly silent on the Debian mailing list, gives me a very
 very bad feeling.

Sven, fuck off. It's not always about you.

BOFH #184:
loop found in loop in redundant loopback

Description: PGP signature

Re: Question for Sam Hocevar

2007-03-05 Thread Marc 'HE' Brockschmidt
Sam Hocevar [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 On Sat, Mar 03, 2007, Stephen Gran wrote:
 Was that a purposeful attempt to dodge the GNAA question, or did you not
 understand the question?
By the way, I hope you are not mistaking me with the individual who

OK, now I'm curious... We had DPL hats and Vanuata pants. Are you
wearing GNAA socks from time to time?

BOFH #415:
Maintence window broken

Description: PGP signature

Re: Question to the candidates: inclusion of the kFreeBSD-* ports

2007-02-27 Thread Marc 'HE' Brockschmidt
Sune Vuorela [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 On 2007-02-27, Julien BLACHE [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 If an ftpmaster was to charge an amount of money to include the new
 architectures (as was the case for amd64), what would, according to
 Huh? what has been the case for amd64? please enlighten me.

Please wait for -private declassification.

BOFH #224:
Jan  9 16:41:27 huber su: 'su root' succeeded for  on /dev/pts/1

Description: PGP signature

Questions to all candidates: Release importance, release blockers, release quality

2007-02-26 Thread Marc 'HE' Brockschmidt

I would be happy to hear answers from all candidates to these questions,
but I expect that they are at least partially answered by the
platforms. Please simply point to them if you included an answer there,
even if they are not online yet. 

So, to the questions:

* How important are regular releases for the project?

* How important are regular stable point releases for the project?

* Should we fix up dak to allow point-releases for old-stable?

* Could you list the issues that you think delayed the release of etch?
  Do you think that we need to restructure the release process for lenny
  to avoid these? If yes, how?

* Do you think that a release of high quality is more important than a
  timely release? [ie: Should we switch from when it's ready to when
  we said we would release]


Description: PGP signature

Re: Proposal: Source code is important for all works in Debian, and required for programmatic ones

2006-09-19 Thread Marc 'HE' Brockschmidt

I second this proposal:

Don Armstrong [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 The Free Software movement is about enabling users to modify the works
 that they use on their computer; about giving users the same
 information that copyright holders and upstream developers have. As
 such, a critical part of the Free Software movement is the
 availability of source (that is, the form of the work that a copyright
 holder or developer would use to actually modify the work) to users.
 This makes sure that users are not held hostage by the whims (or lack
 of interest or financial incentive) of upstreams and copyright

 Different types of works have different forms of source. For some
 works, the preferred form for modification may not actually be
 digitally transferable.[1] For others, the form that originally was
 preferred may have been destroyed at some point in time, and is no
 longer available to anyone. However, to the greatest extent
 possible,[2] the availability of source code to users is a critical
 aspect of having the freedom to modify the software that is running
 upon ones computer.

 Recognizing this, the Debian Project:

   A. Reaffirms that programmatic works distributed in the Debian
  system (IE, in main) must be 100% Free Software, regardless of
  whether the work is designed to run on the CPU, a subsidiary
  processing unit, or by some other form of execution. That is,
  works must include the form that the copyright holder or upstream
  developer would actually use for modification.

   B. Strongly recommends that all non-programmatic works distribute
  the form that the copyright holder or upstream developer would
  actually use for modification. Such forms need not be distributed
  in the orig.tar.gz (unless required by license) but should be
  made available on upstream websites and/or using Debian project

   C. Reaffirms its continued support of users whose hardware (or
  software) requires works which are not freely licensed or whose
  source is not available by making such works available in
  non-free and providing project resources to the extent that
  Debian is capable of doing so.

   D. Requests that vendors of hardware, even those whose firmware is
  not loaded by the operating system, provide the prefered form for
  modification so that purchasers of their hardware can
  exercise their freedom to modify the functioning of their

 1: Consider film negatives, or magnetic tape in the case of audio

 2: Here it must be emphasized that we refer to technically possible
or possible for some party as opposed to legally possible for
Debian. We also assume digital distribution, and do not attempt to
require the distribution of physical objects.


BOFH #311:
transient bus protocol violation

Description: PGP signature

Re: Proposal: The DFSG do not require source code for data, including firmware

2006-08-25 Thread Marc 'HE' Brockschmidt

I second the proposal quoted below.

Steve Langasek [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  The application of DFSG#2 to firmware and other data

 The Debian Project recognizes that access to source code for a work of
 software is very important for software freedom, but at the same time
 source is often not a well-defined concept for works other than those
 traditionally considered programs.  The most commonly cited definition is
 that found in version 2 of the GNU GPL, the preferred form of the work for
 making modifications to it, but for non-program works, it is not always
 clear that requiring this source as a precondition of inclusion in main
 is in the best interest of our users or advances the cause of Free Software:

   - The author's preferred form for modification may require non-free tools
 in order to be converted into its final binary form; e.g., some
 device firmware, videos, and graphics.
   - The preferred form for modification may be orders of magnitude larger
 than the final binary form, resulting in prohibitive mirror space
 requirements out of proportion to the benefits of making this source
 universally available; e.g., some videos.
   - The binary and source forms of a work may be interconvertible with no
 data loss, and each may be the preferred form for modification by
 different users with different tools at their disposal; e.g., some

 While the Debian Free Software Guidelines assert that source code is a
 paramount requirement for programs, they do not state that this is the case
 for non-program works, which permits us to consider whether one of the above
 points justifies a pragmatic concession to the larger context within which
 Free Software operates.


 1. reaffirms its dedication to providing a 100% free system to our
 users according to our Social Contract and the DFSG; and

 2. encourages authors of all works to make those works available not
 only under licenses that permit modification, but also in forms that make
 such modifications practical; and

 3. supports the decision of the Release Team to require works such as
 images, video, and fonts to be licensed in compliance with the DFSG without
 requiring source code for these works under DFSG #2; and

 4. determines that for the purposes of DFSG #2, device firmware
 shall also not be considered a program.

BOFH #57:
Groundskeepers stole the root password

Description: PGP signature

Re: Question to all candidates about the NM process

2006-03-07 Thread Marc 'HE' Brockschmidt
Andreas Schuldei [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 * Marc 'HE' Brockschmidt [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2006-03-04 13:06:37]:
 Though there are often threads about problems with it on our mailing
 lists, the NM process hasn't changed much in the last three or four
 years. What do you think about the most common problems (takes too
 long, is asking for too broad knowledge)?
 Do you think that we need to change the NM checks?
 Basically, we should let good people become Developers faster. I know that
 one of the core problems is currently that there are not enough developers
 involved with NM.

That's one problem. Another problem is that NMs are not too happy to get
asked a whole bunch of questions that seem to have no connection to the
stuff they want to do. 
This is more than a simple problem of getting more people to help, it
involves discussing more fine-grained privileges, which would more or
less require changes to our infrastructure everywhere and are not a real
solution at the moment. I did not have time yet to bring my thoughts
about this in a useful form, but it's definitely something which concerns
the whole project.

Fachbegriffe der Informatik - Einfach erklärt
11: Swapspace
   Raubkopierertreffen (Kristian Köhntopp)

Description: PGP signature

Re: Question to all candidates about the NM process

2006-03-07 Thread Marc 'HE' Brockschmidt
Jeroen van Wolffelaar [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 On Sat, Mar 04, 2006 at 01:06:37PM +0100, Marc 'HE' Brockschmidt wrote:
 Do you think that we need to change the NM checks?
 As an example where I think the current situation is suboptimal, the
 current template's library questions are too complicated if you're not
 going to work with C libraries, or especially if you're not going to
 work with C programs at all, but they are inadequate if you're
 actually going to maintain a C library. However, how to exactly change
 the templates then, I'm not sure about. 

Well, looking at the problems the release teams faces when yet another
central library needs a major upgrades or changes its API in interesting
ways, it seems like we need to educate a lot of developers about library
packaging. They don't inform themselves enough, as far as I can see.

What do you think about these problems with the technical skills of some
DDs? Have you thought about educating people that already have their
account? One of your fellow DDs candidates proposed to make DDs go
through the NM process on a regular basis, what do you think about that?

BOFH #77:
Typo in the code

Description: PGP signature

Re: Question to all candidates about the NM process

2006-03-07 Thread Marc 'HE' Brockschmidt
Steve McIntyre [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 On Sat, Mar 04, 2006 at 01:06:37PM +0100, Marc 'HE' Brockschmidt wrote:
 2. Asks for too broad knowledge

 It has been suggested several times over the years that we ask too
 many questions of NM candidates. People want to do work for Debian,
 but not everybody needs to know the gory details of library symbol
 versioning (for example) if their interests and skills lie in
 translation. So far, our organisation has been tailored for a group of
 package maintainers, _not_ translators or sysadmins or artists or ...

Actually, we have special NM templates for people who are interested in
working on documentation and translation.

But this leaves the problem if a translator or artist really needs to
have all rights a DDs has, including shells on Debian hosts, upload
permissions and other, potentially security-relevant stuff. Do we need
to hand out real accounts to people who don't need them, or should we
add new titles to allow them to identify with Debian (Debian
Translator, for example)?

BOFH #51:
Cosmic ray particles crashed through the hard disk platter

Description: PGP signature

Re: Question to all candidates about stable point releases

2006-03-07 Thread Marc 'HE' Brockschmidt
Anthony Towns writes:
 On Sat, Mar 04, 2006 at 01:02:20PM +0100, Marc 'HE' Brockschmidt wrote:
 Though Martin 'Joey' Schulze as stable release manager presents lists of
 packages that are accepted into the next stable point release on a
 regular basis, they normally are not released roughly two months after
 the last update (which is the official plan).
 Do you know why this doesn't work as planned? What would you do to 
 make regular point releases possible?
 I think the first thing to note is that irregular point releases aren't
 a big deal -- since they are almost solely security updates that are
 already available via, and TTBOMK there haven't
 been any installer updates to either woody or sarge.

They're not really important as technical upgrade, but they give the
impression that Debian releases something - after our last painful
release cycle, many people have decided not to use Debian because of our
(seemingly) slow development. Stable point releases are a nice touch to
get a bit of trust back.

 That means point releases get a fairly low priority when other things
 are going on, and if those are the only concerns, that's what it
 *should* mean.

I have to admit that I don't know what other stuff was going on in the
last 2 years, the ftp-team is not really transparent. But if the
workload is too high for its current members, it might be a good idea to
add other people to the team.

 Anyway, I already partially blogged about what I think will improvement,

 which is to change the queue structure so that uploads don't enter
 proposed-updates until approved by the SRM. That allows rejections to
 happen immediately, rather than only when a point release happens,
 and reduces the work that has to happen at a point release pretty
 significantly too.

After following the thread on here on -vote, I have the impression that
this fixes something that's not a problem - as it doesn't reduce the
work needed to be done by the ftp-team, which seems to be the current

Fachbegriffe der Informatik - Einfach erklärt
25: Multithreaded
   Wir mußten ein Flußdiagramm malen, um es zu debuggen. (Kristian Köhntopp)

Description: PGP signature

Re: Question to all candidates about stable point releases

2006-03-07 Thread Marc 'HE' Brockschmidt
Jeroen van Wolffelaar [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 I personally don't think it's a huge issue if those point releases are
 not 100% regular, because for the majority it's security updates, but
 it's still good to have them not too far apart, esp. for those updates
 that are not also already distributed via

Let's look at the point releases for woody. There were 6 updates
after the initial Debian 3.0 release:
3.0r0: 2002-07-19
3.0r1: 2002-12-16
3.0r2: 2003-11-21
3.0r3: 2004-08-26
3.0r4: 2005-01-01
3.0r5: 2005-04-16
3.0r6: 2005-06-02

It looks like the situation improved in 2005 - but 3.1r1 was released
more than 6 months after 3.1r0 (and there's no 3.1r2 yet), so something
became worse again.

 With significantly less effort required each time from the side of
 ftp-master, I think stable point releases can happen more
 regularly. There can be other ways to improve too, but not by direct
 intervention from the DPL role -- a DPL should not want to

Who *should* intervene if it looks like a team controlling central parts
of Debian's infrastructure is too busy to do everything it should do?

BOFH #67:
descramble code needed from software company

Description: PGP signature

Re: Question to all candidates about stable point releases

2006-03-07 Thread Marc 'HE' Brockschmidt
Anthony Towns writes:
 On Wed, Mar 08, 2006 at 12:18:32AM +0100, Marc 'HE' Brockschmidt wrote:
 After following the thread on here on -vote, I have the impression that
 this fixes something that's not a problem - as it doesn't reduce the
 work needed to be done by the ftp-team, which seems to be the current
 *shrug* I guess you've got a right to your own impression. Mine differs,
 and I think I've got more to base it on than you do -- or than Joey does
 for that matter.

Well, you could start to explain what work is needed for a stable point
release - it's not really obvious for the average developer who needs to
do what/how much work to release something. If you'd be so nice and give
a short overview about the current process and how your (planned)
changes make it easier to get a point release done, we would all
actually know what we are discussing about.

Perhaps this could be done as first step to documenting the tasks of the
ftp-team, which has been requested more than once in the past.

Fachbegriffe der Informatik - Einfach erklärt
184: MP3
   Kann von WinAMP abgespielt werden. (Felix von Leitner)

Description: PGP signature

Question to all candidates about stable point releases

2006-03-04 Thread Marc 'HE' Brockschmidt

Though Martin 'Joey' Schulze as stable release manager presents lists of
packages that are accepted into the next stable point release on a
regular basis, they normally are not released roughly two months after
the last update (which is the official plan).

Do you know why this doesn't work as planned? What would you do to 
make regular point releases possible?

BOFH #395:
Redundant ACLs

Description: PGP signature

Question to all candidates about the NM process

2006-03-04 Thread Marc 'HE' Brockschmidt

Though there are often threads about problems with it on our mailing
lists, the NM process hasn't changed much in the last three or four
years. What do you think about the most common problems (takes too
long, is asking for too broad knowledge)?

Do you think that we need to change the NM checks?

BOFH #160:
non-redundant fan failure 

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Delegations

2006-02-28 Thread Marc 'HE' Brockschmidt
Anthony Towns writes:
 There are two ways of looking at roles in Debian; as being maintainer
 of a resource -- whether that be a package, or a web site, or a system,
 or something else -- and as being a delegate of the DPL with specific
 delegated powers.

 Traditionally, maintainers have near absolute authority over their
 resources, and get to choose who replaces them. Delegates, by contrast,
 can be replaced by the DPL on a whim, though rarely are. 

| The Delegates are appointed by the Project Leader and may be replaced by
| the Leader at the Leader's discretion. The Project Leader may not make
| the position as a Delegate conditional on particular decisions by the
| Delegate, nor may they override a decision made by a Delegate once
| made. 

Replacing delegates on a whim is not really an option, so that fear has
no basis.

 Those are pretty extreme differences, and it makes sense for people to
 prefer to be come under the heading of maintainer in that it gives
 them more certainty in fulfilling the role; and given DPLs have
 traditionally been fairly reticent about managing delegations, it's also
 how things have tended to work in practice.

 In the end, I don't think the difference is that important -- whether your
 a maintainer or a delegate, it's no good if you go crazy and start doing
 horrible things.

ACK. But my concerns about this issue are based on the various
conflicts some people had with the DAM and the ftp-team in the past -
not about things that were done wrong, but about things that were not
done (or, more correct, done after a quite long delay). 
These problems were only fixed when the respective people chose
developers to support them in doing their task, after a long period of
whining, flaming and using nice language for each other.

One can believe that if teams/persons who lead to such problems would be
delegates, the DPL would be able to appoint people to help them, even if
they don't have the time to search for fitting candidates. This may, or
may not help. But it can't worsen the situation.

But anyway, I dislike the idea that a large part of our Project
resources are managed by people who are not delegates of the only
elected person in Debian, which is probably why I care about this.

BOFH #79:
Look, buddy:  Windows 3.1 IS A General Protection Fault.

Description: PGP signature

question for all candidates

2006-02-27 Thread Marc 'HE' Brockschmidt

Two years ago, Branden Robinson talked about the issue of some tasks in
the project that are neither delegated by the Project leader nor covered
by the Constitution directly. [1] He referenced his platform from 2004
last year (when he was elected), but it seems that nothing has happened
since then.

So, to the question:
Should we amend our constitution to reflect how Debian is structured in
reality, or should the people doing these tasks now be recognized as
delegates of the DPL? What will you do to clarify the situation?


BOFH #72:
Satan did it

Description: PGP signature

Re: GFDL GR: Amendment: invariant-less in main v2

2006-02-09 Thread Marc 'HE' Brockschmidt

I second the Amendment fully quoted below.


 Debian and the GNU Free Documentation License

 This is the position of the Debian Project about the GNU Free Documentation
 License as published by the Free Software Foundation:

   1. We consider that the GNU Free Documentation License version 1.2
  conflicts with traditional requirements for free software, since it
  allows for non-removable, non-modifiable parts to be present in
  documents licensed under it. Such parts are commonly referred to as
  invariant sections, and are described in Section 4 of the GFDL.

  As modifiability is a fundamental requirement of the Debian Free
  Software Guidelines, this restriction is not acceptable for us, and
  we cannot accept in our distribution works that include such
  unmodifiable content.

   2. At the same time, we also consider that works licensed under the
  GNU Free Documentation License that include no invariant sections
  do fully meet the requirements of the Debian Free Software

  This means that works that don't include any Invariant Sections,
  Cover Texts, Acknowledgements, and Dedications (or that do, but
  permission to remove them is explicitly granted), are suitable for
  the main component of our distribution.

   3. Despite the above, GFDL'd documentation is still not free of
  trouble, even for works with no invariant sections: as an example,
  it is incompatible with the major free software licenses, which
  means that GFDL'd text can't be incorporated into free programs.

  For this reason, we encourage documentation authors to license
  their works (or dual-license, together with the GFDL) under the
  same terms as the software they refer to, or any of the traditional
  free software licenses like the the GPL or the BSD license.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Amendment: GFDL is compatible with DFSG

2006-01-30 Thread Marc 'HE' Brockschmidt
Craig Sanders [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 with one of you, as with all, there's no point in engaging in debate or
 any kind of civilised discourse.

So ... Why don't you just stop the flaming, if there's no point anyway?
I have the feeling that this would somehow improve the climate of the
discussion here on -vote.

liw weasel, I don't know, *some* of us had several years of
  complicated sex experience before we got tired of it 
weasel liw: that's when you became a DD? :)
liw weasel, nah, that's when I had sex removed from debian

Description: PGP signature