Re: Listbox can contain multiple font colours?

2006-07-10 Thread Cord Schneider
Hash: SHA1

Hi Russell,

 Hi all, absolute newbie here.


 Can I make a listbox contain different coloured text? I have a
 listbox that adds words in a wordgame I am writing and would like
 to show the incorrect words in red, correct words black.

I googled the phrase delphi listbox colors and found two articles that
should be of use to you. The first demonstrates adding colors to a
TListBox, and the second demonstrates adding graphics. You should be
able to combine the two (if you want) to add a green check mark and a
red cross to the colored text to give additional visual cues to your users.

Hope this helps get you started...

Best regards,

Set a color lines in ListBox

First of all, you should set Style method to lbOwnerDrawFixed. And then
use OnDrawItem event with lines:

procedure TForm1.ListBox1DrawItem(
  Control: TWinControl;
  Index: Integer;
  Rect: TRect;
  State: TOwnerDrawState);
  Mas: array[1..5] of Integer;
  with (Control as TListBox).Canvas do

Stick graphics in ListBox

Use OnDrawItem event for inserting graphics into Listbox or Combobox.
Change ItemHeight property for changing size of picture. Don't forget
change Style property to lbOwnerDrawFixed.

procedure TForm1.ListBox1DrawItem(
  Control: TWinControl;
  Index: Integer;
  Rect: TRect;
  State: TOwnerDrawState);
  Bitmap: TBitmap;
  R: TRect;
  Mas: array[1..3] of string;
  i: Integer;
  with (Control as TListBox).Canvas do
if Bitmapgtnil then
Version: GnuPG v1.4.2 (MingW32)

Delphi mailing list -

Re: Font problem

2006-07-10 Thread mohammad moeini
hi colin
you should set Regional and Language options in control panel.
go to control panel - Regional and Language options - Advanced
select the thia in ComboBox.
i wish help you.

On 7/6/06, Stephen Posey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Colin Lehmann wrote:
  I want to read from a text file into a Tstringlist and later write it to
  a TStatusbar, the problem is that the text is Thai.
  I can write the text file OK using EditPad with the Thai font which is
  installed on the computer selected but when I read it in to my
  stringlist and write it to the Statusbar all I get is a row of '?'.
  I have the font on the TStatusbar set correctly and everything else
  seems to work OK.
  Can anyone help?

 What have you set for the StatusBar.Font.Charset property?

 Stephen Posey

 Delphi mailing list -

Delphi mailing list -

RE: similiar to opening a csv file in default program

2006-07-10 Thread Jeff Young
Welcome. Just wish I could find you the good version of that, but it seems
to have disappeared from my archives. The good version of it used named
pipes instead of a disk file. I resorted to named pipes in the end because 
GetTempPath would fail on some (10%) of the server systems I encountered and
the path had to be hardwired in. Hopefully that will work for you.

Lovely!  Thanks, Jeff

Delphi mailing list -

Re: similiar to opening a csv file in default program

2006-07-10 Thread Stephen Posey
Rich Cooper wrote:
 Does anyone have a way to determine whether the file HARBOR.TXT
 has been released for reading after being completely written?  I would
 be able to fix this problem by replacing the Sleep(500) with a loop
 that tests till the HARBOR.TXT file is ready for reading, having been
 fully released.

 I don't know precisely how cmd.exe creates and opens a redirected file
 like that, but your attempting to open it in exclusive share mode
 ought to fail regardless if the file is still being written.

 You can use a TFileStream instance, like so:

   FS := TFileStream.Create(D + 'HARBOR.TXT',
fmOpenRead or fmShareExclusive);

 Attempt that and catch any exception raised due to the sharing conflict
 (should be some form of EInOutError), if the file exists and no
 exception is raised on attempting to open it, then it should be finished.


 Stephen Posey
 I tried LoadFromFile() with try ... except end around it and kept
 looping till the exceptions went away - that worked just fine!
 Thanks Stephen and Simon,

Glad you got it working.

Stephen Posey

Delphi mailing list -

Storing Document/File Settings

2006-07-10 Thread Alan Colburn
Hi folks --

Many applications store settings that are specific to an opened document or 
file. For example, every file you open in MS Word has associated with it a 
user specified document template file. Applications often keep track of 
things like document-specific default settings and info about the user's 
display. Hopefully, you understand what I'm referring to but, for the sake 
of clarity, let me specify that I'm *not* talking about *application* 
specific information, like an MRU list that might appear on a File menu, or 
window size and position settings.

I'm curious what the general strategy is for storing this kind of 
information. I assume that it is somehow hidden within the saved document 
file. Are the first few lines of a file reserved for this kind of 
information? That's how I've been doing it, but I wondered whether better 
alternatives might exist.

Thanks, as always -- Al

p.s. As you predicted, with the combination of your help and a little time 
spent playing around on my own I have gotten the hand of DB aware controls 
and their use for record addition, editing, etc. My thanks again to those of 
you who reponded a couple weeks ago. :)

Express yourself instantly with MSN Messenger! Download today - it's FREE!

Delphi mailing list -

Rebuilding Delphi / comparing installations

2006-07-10 Thread Rob Cameron
Hi everyone,

I have two related questions, to which I think the answer (if there is 
one) is the same:

Over the years I have modified my Delphi 7 installation - installed and 
uninstalled components, made changes to the editor by changing paths, 
made source code templates,  etc etc.  Also I take my laptop out to 
client sites and sometimes do development work on it when I am away from 
the office for long periods.  I've therefore modified the laptop setup 
and not always in the same was as the home version.

Question 1: Is there a way of getting a snap-shot of the current state 
of the Delphi installation, (maybe a text file? something human 
friendly?)  which shows eg path settings, list of installed components 
so that I can compare the two versions, and

Question 2:  make it easier to restore everything in the face of a 
disaster recovery?

Anyone got any advice on this?

Take it for granted that I know I ought to be meticulous in keeping 
careful records of every change I make, but somehow the odd one slips 
through ...  :-)

Regards to all

Delphi-Talk mailing list -

Re: Rebuilding Delphi / comparing installations

2006-07-10 Thread Cosmin Prund
My latest solution to this problem is this: Put everything 
delphi-work-related into a VmWare Virtual Machine. Back it up often. 
Move your VM to your laptop when you're on the go: You'll have the EXACT 
same version on both your desktop and your laptop, and as an added 
benefit you'll be desaster-protected.

Of course, I had to change my desktop to a dual-core 2Gb of ram monster 
AND get a dual core laptop to get this going. And the transfer between 
the two is not as fast and easy as one might want it (my VM is 53 Gb in 
size at the moment!) but it does work.

Rob Cameron wrote:
 Hi everyone,

 I have two related questions, to which I think the answer (if there is 
 one) is the same:

 Over the years I have modified my Delphi 7 installation - installed and 
 uninstalled components, made changes to the editor by changing paths, 
 made source code templates,  etc etc.  Also I take my laptop out to 
 client sites and sometimes do development work on it when I am away from 
 the office for long periods.  I've therefore modified the laptop setup 
 and not always in the same was as the home version.

 Question 1: Is there a way of getting a snap-shot of the current state 
 of the Delphi installation, (maybe a text file? something human 
 friendly?)  which shows eg path settings, list of installed components 
 so that I can compare the two versions, and

 Question 2:  make it easier to restore everything in the face of a 
 disaster recovery?

 Anyone got any advice on this?

 Take it for granted that I know I ought to be meticulous in keeping 
 careful records of every change I make, but somehow the odd one slips 
 through ...  :-)

 Regards to all

 Delphi-Talk mailing list -


Delphi-Talk mailing list -

RE: Rebuilding Delphi / comparing installations

2006-07-10 Thread Darren McBride

I have heard this VM product mentioned previously, particularly now that
Microsoft has released Virtual PC, but was never aware of quite what it did.
It appears to offer functionality like Norton Ghost (ie. take a snapshot of
the entire disk which can be restored on to the same machine or a different
PC). Is this the case, and if so, what happens to things like drivers that
will work on one PC configuration and not on another ?


-Original Message-
On Behalf Of leon
Sent: 10 July 2006 16:59
To: 'Delphi-Talk Discussion List'
Subject: RE: Rebuilding Delphi / comparing installations

Rob - 

Along with Cosmin I recommend looking at Vmware. I've been using it for over
6 years and found it to be the best solution yet. I started it back in win98
days - I looked at the time I wasted with hanging/rebooting, etc. 

I use a vm for each major application - Delphi 5/7 on one, Delphi 8 on
another, Accounting, MS Office stuff, Redhat, Ubunto, etc.

For a couple years I used Linux as the base and vmware for linux to run the
above as available. When Xp pro settled in I switch to vmware for windows
and now use that. I just copied the above machines to the new xp machine and
was off and running. I mainly use win2k as the base operating system for my
windows vm machines. When I'm traveling I just copy the vm machines I need
to my laptop and I've got everything with me. When I get back I copy my
changed machines back to the desktop/local network and everythings there.  

I know all the software we use is supposed to run happily togther on one
machine but that's never been my experience with any operating system -
uninstall programs don't always work correctly, etc. This is like having
unlimited machines with clean installs to try new things and ideas.

I am in now way associated with the vm company, but this has been the most
significant time/problem solver I've run across - (4 19 monitors being the

ZAK Software Inc.
Leon Zak

Rob Cameron wrote:
 Hi everyone,

 I have two related questions, to which I think the answer (if there is
 one) is the same:

 Over the years I have modified my Delphi 7 installation - installed 
 and uninstalled components, made changes to the editor by changing 
 paths, made source code templates,  etc etc.  Also I take my laptop 
 out to client sites and sometimes do development work on it when I am 
 away from the office for long periods.  I've therefore modified the 
 laptop setup and not always in the same was as the home version.

 Question 1: Is there a way of getting a snap-shot of the current state 
 of the Delphi installation, (maybe a text file? something human
 friendly?)  which shows eg path settings, list of installed components 
 so that I can compare the two versions, and

 Question 2:  make it easier to restore everything in the face of a 
 disaster recovery?

 Anyone got any advice on this?

 Take it for granted that I know I ought to be meticulous in keeping 
 careful records of every change I make, but somehow the odd one slips 
 through ...  :-)

 Regards to all

 Delphi-Talk mailing list -


Delphi-Talk mailing list -

Delphi-Talk mailing list -

Delphi-Talk mailing list -

RE: Rebuilding Delphi / comparing installations

2006-07-10 Thread leon
Vmware is a true virtual machine. There are two versions of the vmware
workstation software - one runs on windows as the host, the other runs on
linux as the host. Once they are loaded on your machine they operate in the
same manner. You start vmware and tell it you want to start a new virtual
machine.  It then asks a few questions, makes some assumptions (you can
override things like how much memory, what size hard drive,...) and then you
get the boot screen of the vm machine - just like starting a new computer -
press f2 for setup, etc. Press f2 you get the Pheonix bios setup - boot
option, drive options,..

You provide a installable operating system either by image or cd and it
installs just like bringing up a new machine. With the default options it
uses your existing network card and you can control access to all your
resource normally available to you.

It saves this machine and the files it needs in a folder. It's hard drive is
a file on your hard drive. I usually make my vm machine hard drive 2-4gig. I
load the program files on it and then make a network connection to my net
drives and keep my data files there. That way I can get to the data/working
programs with any of my vms' or base machine.

They now have a Vmplayer available. With this (it's a free download) you
load vmplayer on your computer then you can download a vm appliance and it
runs on your computer. 

With the player you can try the system out and see it in action. The player
is at and there is a link on there to
get the player and also download some appliances.

With vmware workstation you can setup multiple machines - one being a server
and the others networked to it to represent a whole networking environment
for testing purposes. I've run win98, xp, redhat, ubunto, freebsd in vm
without problems.

Leon ...

-Original Message-
On Behalf Of Darren McBride
Sent: Monday, July 10, 2006 12:04 PM
To: 'Delphi-Talk Discussion List'
Subject: RE: Rebuilding Delphi / comparing installations


I have heard this VM product mentioned previously, particularly now that
Microsoft has released Virtual PC, but was never aware of quite what it did.
It appears to offer functionality like Norton Ghost (ie. take a snapshot of
the entire disk which can be restored on to the same machine or a different
PC). Is this the case, and if so, what happens to things like drivers that
will work on one PC configuration and not on another ?


-Original Message-
On Behalf Of leon
Sent: 10 July 2006 16:59
To: 'Delphi-Talk Discussion List'
Subject: RE: Rebuilding Delphi / comparing installations

Rob - 

Along with Cosmin I recommend looking at Vmware. I've been using it for over
6 years and found it to be the best solution yet. I started it back in win98
days - I looked at the time I wasted with hanging/rebooting, etc. 

I use a vm for each major application - Delphi 5/7 on one, Delphi 8 on
another, Accounting, MS Office stuff, Redhat, Ubunto, etc.

For a couple years I used Linux as the base and vmware for linux to run the
above as available. When Xp pro settled in I switch to vmware for windows
and now use that. I just copied the above machines to the new xp machine and
was off and running. I mainly use win2k as the base operating system for my
windows vm machines. When I'm traveling I just copy the vm machines I need
to my laptop and I've got everything with me. When I get back I copy my
changed machines back to the desktop/local network and everythings there.  

I know all the software we use is supposed to run happily togther on one
machine but that's never been my experience with any operating system -
uninstall programs don't always work correctly, etc. This is like having
unlimited machines with clean installs to try new things and ideas.

I am in now way associated with the vm company, but this has been the most
significant time/problem solver I've run across - (4 19 monitors being the

ZAK Software Inc.
Leon Zak

Rob Cameron wrote:
 Hi everyone,

 I have two related questions, to which I think the answer (if there is
 one) is the same:

 Over the years I have modified my Delphi 7 installation - installed 
 and uninstalled components, made changes to the editor by changing 
 paths, made source code templates,  etc etc.  Also I take my laptop 
 out to client sites and sometimes do development work on it when I am 
 away from the office for long periods.  I've therefore modified the 
 laptop setup and not always in the same was as the home version.

 Question 1: Is there a way of getting a snap-shot of the current state 
 of the Delphi installation, (maybe a text file? something human
 friendly?)  which shows eg path settings, list of installed components 
 so that I can compare the two versions, and

 Question 2:  make it easier to restore 

RE: Rebuilding Delphi / comparing installations

2006-07-10 Thread Human
I keep a backup of my Delphi 7 in a RAR file.
After I reinstall Windows (GOD, there are 5 months since I installed my Windows 
XP last time and
it is still working), I just extract the archive without actually reinstalling 

My backup contain:
c:\Borland\Common Files
c:\Borland\My Collection
c:\Borland\My Packages
X:\Documents and Settings\User\.borland\*.slip(the license key)
The whole borland registry key:

Also I have few more reg file to restore the file association.
Those are something like:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

@=Delphi Package




@=D:\\borland\\Delphi7\\Bin\\delphi32.exe /np








@=D:\\borland\\Delphi7\\Bin\\delphi32.exe /np



Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00



@=D:\\borland\\Delphi7\\Bin\\delphi32.exe, 4



@=D:\\borland\\Delphi7\\Bin\\delphi32.exe /np



@=Borland Project Group

@=D:\\borland\\Delphi7\\Bin\\delphi32.exe, 4



@=D:\\borland\\Delphi7\\Bin\\delphi32.exe /np




@=Delphi Source File




@=D:\\borland\\Delphi7\\Bin\\delphi32.exe /np



Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

@=Delphi Form

@=Delphi Form

@=D:\\borland\\Delphi7\\Bin\\delphi32.exe, 2



@=D:\\borland\\Delphi7\\Bin\\delphi32.exe /np



--- leon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Vmware is a true virtual machine. There are two versions of the vmware
 workstation software - one runs on windows as the host, the other runs on
 linux as the host. Once they are loaded on your machine they operate in the
 same manner. You start vmware and tell it you want to start a new virtual
 machine.  It then asks a few questions, makes some assumptions (you can
 override things like how much memory, what size hard drive,...) and then you
 get the boot screen of the vm machine - just like starting a new computer -
 press f2 for setup, etc. Press f2 you get the Pheonix bios setup - boot
 option, drive options,..
 You provide a installable operating system either by image or cd and it
 installs just like bringing up a new machine. With the default options it
 uses your existing network card and you can control access to all your
 resource normally available to you.
 It saves this machine and the files it needs in a folder. It's hard drive is
 a file on your hard drive. I usually make my vm machine hard drive 

Re: Strange problem with D7 IDE

2006-07-10 Thread Human
I think this is a Windows message not Delphi.
Delphi is looking for a folder that can't be found by Windows.
Try a 'scan disk' first.

--- Wilfried Mestdagh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have since a few day a very strange problem wiht D7 pro running on XP
 Sometime D7 is starting only partial and gives a white screen or a white
 form without any other information on it. When I open task manager, I
 see Delphi7 is 2 time started. When I kill both instances (or 1 and the
 other one leaves from his own), I can restart Delhi and it works. This
 only happens once a while. And I can restart Delphi and it is then
 working normal. Since this only happens once a while it is no problem.
 But since a few days a new worse problem comes up. It is typically with
 a project with many forms (however not that many, I think 8 forms). I
 have the problem 4 out of 5 times so it is annoying.
 When I open the project I have then following error:
 Error creating form: System Error, Code: 2, The system cannot find the
 file specified.
 Then say 4 times after another:
 Error creating form: A call to an OS function failed.
 At that moment (project opens normal), I cannot swith from unit to form,
 however some forms work and some are not. I have in this project 4 forms
 working and 4 not. I can compile / build / run the project.
 Tools - Environment options - Library path - ... button : A call to an
 OS function failed. Same problem with Browsing path. Both have the error
 and dont open the dialog form.
 Same with View - Forms and View - Units.
 Opening several other projects (typicall with 1 form) works. Swithing
 back to the larger project give then many times the error: Error
 creatingform: System Error, Code: 8, Not enough storage is available to
 process this command.
 And certainly it works. I did do nothing but pulling some hair out,
 drinking a snaps, smoking a cigaret and it certainly works.
 I'm not sure at the moment wy it start working certainly. Seems
 coincidence, however there is no conincidence in software so I think I
 do something other / different.
 Someone can give me some hint on where to search for this problem ?
 Rgds, Wilfried
 Delphi-Talk mailing list -

If I choose Christianity then the Islamic will say I'm a pagan.
If I choose Islamic then the Buddhism will say I'm a pagan.
If I chose Buddhism then the Jewish will say I'm pagan.
If I choose no God then everybody will say I'm pagan.
Please, can I be free? Can you NOT tell me how I should live MY life?

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Delphi-Talk mailing list -

Re: Rebuilding Delphi / comparing installations

2006-07-10 Thread Kraven
You are missing something incredibly crucial:

Program Files\Common Files

as well as all the Borland DLL's (of which there are hundreds)
The modifications it makes to the Windows Installer system, the
modifications it makes to the Shell32.dll folder for the new pathing and
Debug facility.

I'm affraid I have tried to accomplish what you are attempting many times
before, but it just seems logistically impossible without knowing of EVERY
file, folder and registry key that Delphi produces upon install. I have a
good method of finding this out, but I haven't had the time to spare a
machine to format it and monitor the changes made by installing JUST DELPHI
7 and nothing else. By doing that I would be able to produce a full list of
the aforementioned things, and then back it up into a .RAR file or some
other medium for immediate installation should I ever need it.

- Original Message - 
To: Delphi-Talk Discussion List
Sent: Monday, July 10, 2006 7:12 PM
Subject: RE: Rebuilding Delphi / comparing installations

 I keep a backup of my Delphi 7 in a RAR file.
 After I reinstall Windows (GOD, there are 5 months since I installed my
Windows XP last time and
 it is still working), I just extract the archive without actually
reinstalling Delphi.

 My backup contain:
 c:\Borland\Common Files
 c:\Borland\My Collection
 c:\Borland\My Packages
 X:\Documents and Settings\User\.borland\*.slip(the license key)
 The whole borland registry key:

 Also I have few more reg file to restore the file association.
 Those are something like:

 Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

 @=Delphi Package




 @=D:\\borland\\Delphi7\\Bin\\delphi32.exe /np








 @=D:\\borland\\Delphi7\\Bin\\delphi32.exe /np



 Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00



 @=D:\\borland\\Delphi7\\Bin\\delphi32.exe, 4



 @=D:\\borland\\Delphi7\\Bin\\delphi32.exe /np



 @=Borland Project Group

 @=D:\\borland\\Delphi7\\Bin\\delphi32.exe, 4



 @=D:\\borland\\Delphi7\\Bin\\delphi32.exe /np




 @=Delphi Source File




 @=D:\\borland\\Delphi7\\Bin\\delphi32.exe /np



 Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

 @=Delphi Form

 @=Delphi Form

 @=D:\\borland\\Delphi7\\Bin\\delphi32.exe, 2



 @=D:\\borland\\Delphi7\\Bin\\delphi32.exe /np



Error: -5

2006-07-10 Thread David J Taylor
One of my users is getting Error:  -5 messages, and I can't reproduce 
this.  It seems to happen during a directory traverse.  Anything obvious I 
should be looking for?  Does the error ring a bell with anyone?


Delphi-Talk mailing list -

Re: Rebuilding Delphi / comparing installations

2006-07-10 Thread Human
 You are missing something incredibly crucial:

Nope. I enumerated that already:
c:\Borland\Common Files

I was carefull to install the whole Borland stuff in a single folder so I can 
RAR it all.
You can move even the files from Windows here (*.bpl) and take them through the 
server to restore the path to them.


If you can't restore Delphi from the archive after Windows reinstal, try to 
first install Delphi
(without careing what do you install and without the updates) then overwrite 
the fresh installed
Delphi with the files from the archive. 
This will work 100% and all your preffered settings will be preserved.

--- Kraven [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 You are missing something incredibly crucial:
 Program Files\Common Files
 as well as all the Borland DLL's (of which there are hundreds)
 The modifications it makes to the Windows Installer system, the
 modifications it makes to the Shell32.dll folder for the new pathing and
 Debug facility.
 I'm affraid I have tried to accomplish what you are attempting many times
 before, but it just seems logistically impossible without knowing of EVERY
 file, folder and registry key that Delphi produces upon install. I have a
 good method of finding this out, but I haven't had the time to spare a
 machine to format it and monitor the changes made by installing JUST DELPHI
 7 and nothing else. By doing that I would be able to produce a full list of
 the aforementioned things, and then back it up into a .RAR file or some
 other medium for immediate installation should I ever need it.
 - Original Message - 
 To: Delphi-Talk Discussion List
 Sent: Monday, July 10, 2006 7:12 PM
 Subject: RE: Rebuilding Delphi / comparing installations
  I keep a backup of my Delphi 7 in a RAR file.
  After I reinstall Windows (GOD, there are 5 months since I installed my
 Windows XP last time and
  it is still working), I just extract the archive without actually
 reinstalling Delphi.
  My backup contain:
  c:\Borland\Common Files
  c:\Borland\My Collection
  c:\Borland\My Packages
  X:\Documents and Settings\User\.borland\*.slip(the license key)
  The whole borland registry key:
  Also I have few more reg file to restore the file association.
  Those are something like:
  Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
  @=Delphi Package
  @=D:\\borland\\Delphi7\\Bin\\delphi32.exe /np
  @=D:\\borland\\Delphi7\\Bin\\delphi32.exe /np
  Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
  @=D:\\borland\\Delphi7\\Bin\\delphi32.exe, 4
  @=D:\\borland\\Delphi7\\Bin\\delphi32.exe /np
  @=Borland Project Group
  @=D:\\borland\\Delphi7\\Bin\\delphi32.exe, 4
  @=D:\\borland\\Delphi7\\Bin\\delphi32.exe /np
  @=Delphi Source File

Re: Error: -5

2006-07-10 Thread Human
Do you use NTFS or FAT?

--- David J Taylor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 One of my users is getting Error:  -5 messages, and I can't reproduce 
 this.  It seems to happen during a directory traverse.  Anything obvious I 
 should be looking for?  Does the error ring a bell with anyone?
 Delphi-Talk mailing list -

If I choose Christianity then the Islamic will say I'm a pagan.
If I choose Islamic then the Buddhism will say I'm a pagan.
If I chose Buddhism then the Jewish will say I'm pagan.
If I choose no God then everybody will say I'm pagan.
Please, can I be free? Can you NOT tell me how I should live MY life?

Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 
Delphi-Talk mailing list -

Re: Rebuilding Delphi / comparing installations

2006-07-10 Thread Kraven
Yeah you did enumerate Common Files I didn't see that when first reading
your e-mail but on second check you did.
However, your idea of overwriting a fresh install with a backed up copy
doesn't work! I have tried this, it does not restore your installed
components (even if you overwrite the default package file for your version
of delphi with one containing loads of components) because the paths to the
packages installed (and thusly the components within) are stored in the
If you back up that registry path  keys and run that into the registry
after overwriting the files, delphi rejects it for some weird reason,
overwriting them with the original default ones, and thus no components
installed. I suspect it has something to do with known stored dates or CRC
checks designed to prevent unintended third party alterations but that
is speculation. Any ideas on this one?

- Original Message - 
To: Delphi-Talk Discussion List
Sent: Monday, July 10, 2006 8:45 PM
Subject: Re: Rebuilding Delphi / comparing installations

  You are missing something incredibly crucial:

 Nope. I enumerated that already:
 c:\Borland\Common Files

 I was carefull to install the whole Borland stuff in a single folder so I
can RAR it all.
 You can move even the files from Windows here (*.bpl) and take them
through the registration
 server to restore the path to them.


 If you can't restore Delphi from the archive after Windows reinstal, try
to first install Delphi
 (without careing what do you install and without the updates) then
overwrite the fresh installed
 Delphi with the files from the archive.
 This will work 100% and all your preffered settings will be preserved.


 --- Kraven [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  You are missing something incredibly crucial:
  Program Files\Common Files
  as well as all the Borland DLL's (of which there are hundreds)
  The modifications it makes to the Windows Installer system, the
  modifications it makes to the Shell32.dll folder for the new pathing and
  Debug facility.
  I'm affraid I have tried to accomplish what you are attempting many
  before, but it just seems logistically impossible without knowing of
  file, folder and registry key that Delphi produces upon install. I have
  good method of finding this out, but I haven't had the time to spare a
  machine to format it and monitor the changes made by installing JUST
  7 and nothing else. By doing that I would be able to produce a full list
  the aforementioned things, and then back it up into a .RAR file or some
  other medium for immediate installation should I ever need it.
  - Original Message - 
  To: Delphi-Talk Discussion List
  Sent: Monday, July 10, 2006 7:12 PM
  Subject: RE: Rebuilding Delphi / comparing installations
   I keep a backup of my Delphi 7 in a RAR file.
   After I reinstall Windows (GOD, there are 5 months since I installed
  Windows XP last time and
   it is still working), I just extract the archive without actually
  reinstalling Delphi.
   My backup contain:
   c:\Borland\Common Files
   c:\Borland\My Collection
   c:\Borland\My Packages
   X:\Documents and Settings\User\.borland\*.slip(the license key)
   The whole borland registry key:
   Also I have few more reg file to restore the file association.
   Those are something like:
   Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
   @=Delphi Package
   @=D:\\borland\\Delphi7\\Bin\\delphi32.exe /np
   @=D:\\borland\\Delphi7\\Bin\\delphi32.exe /np
   Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

Re: Rebuilding Delphi / comparing installations

2006-07-10 Thread Human
Is because some keys have precedence over others.
Delphi reads first 'Local_Machine' then 'Current_User'.
Hm... Or viceversa?
I don't remember (try a google search). I just have lots of backups in diffrent 
points in
registry. Not only Borland.
When I reinstall Windows I restore also the settings for other applications not 
only for Borland.
I also never delete the 'program files' folder.
I think, I have programs in 'Program files' since 98.
This is because I never formated the hard drive in my life.
When I buy a new, larger HDD, I just move all my data.
This is why (if you look in my original email) now I have all my data on the C: 
drive 120 GB and
the Windows folder is in X: drive (a Western Digital of 6GB from 1998-99 I 


Back in the old days I never installed Windows 95/98. I had a copy in a 
diffrent folder. When
something was wrong I just deleted the old broken Windows and repaced with the 
backup copy (under
DOS or from another working computer).
No need for virtual machines or ghosts.

I never tryied to do that with WinXP because only I need to reainstall it just 
2 time/year.
And this in not so much (since I don't have to reinstall also the 'program 
files' stuff).

What I want to say is to tickle more your registry and finally it will work.
PS: don't forget to make a backup copy :)

--- Kraven [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Yeah you did enumerate Common Files I didn't see that when first reading
 your e-mail but on second check you did.
 However, your idea of overwriting a fresh install with a backed up copy
 doesn't work! I have tried this, it does not restore your installed
 components (even if you overwrite the default package file for your version
 of delphi with one containing loads of components) because the paths to the
 packages installed (and thusly the components within) are stored in the
 If you back up that registry path  keys and run that into the registry
 after overwriting the files, delphi rejects it for some weird reason,
 overwriting them with the original default ones, and thus no components
 installed. I suspect it has something to do with known stored dates or CRC
 checks designed to prevent unintended third party alterations but that
 is speculation. Any ideas on this one?
 - Original Message - 
 To: Delphi-Talk Discussion List
 Sent: Monday, July 10, 2006 8:45 PM
 Subject: Re: Rebuilding Delphi / comparing installations
   You are missing something incredibly crucial:
  Nope. I enumerated that already:
  c:\Borland\Common Files
  I was carefull to install the whole Borland stuff in a single folder so I
 can RAR it all.
  You can move even the files from Windows here (*.bpl) and take them
 through the registration
  server to restore the path to them.
  If you can't restore Delphi from the archive after Windows reinstal, try
 to first install Delphi
  (without careing what do you install and without the updates) then
 overwrite the fresh installed
  Delphi with the files from the archive.
  This will work 100% and all your preffered settings will be preserved.
  --- Kraven [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   You are missing something incredibly crucial:
   Program Files\Common Files
   as well as all the Borland DLL's (of which there are hundreds)
   The modifications it makes to the Windows Installer system, the
   modifications it makes to the Shell32.dll folder for the new pathing and
   Debug facility.
   I'm affraid I have tried to accomplish what you are attempting many
   before, but it just seems logistically impossible without knowing of
   file, folder and registry key that Delphi produces upon install. I have
   good method of finding this out, but I haven't had the time to spare a
   machine to format it and monitor the changes made by installing JUST
   7 and nothing else. By doing that I would be able to produce a full list
   the aforementioned things, and then back it up into a .RAR file or some
   other medium for immediate installation should I ever need it.
   - Original Message - 
   From: Human [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   To: Delphi-Talk Discussion List
   Sent: Monday, July 10, 2006 7:12 PM
   Subject: RE: Rebuilding Delphi / comparing installations
I keep a backup of my Delphi 7 in a RAR file.
After I reinstall Windows (GOD, there are 5 months since I installed
   Windows XP last time and
it is still working), I just extract the archive without actually
   reinstalling Delphi.
My backup contain:
c:\Borland\Common Files
c:\Borland\My Collection
c:\Borland\My Packages
X:\Documents and Settings\User\.borland\*.slip(the license key)

Re: Rebuilding Delphi / comparing installations

2006-07-10 Thread list
 My latest solution to this problem is this: Put everything
 delphi-work-related into a VmWare Virtual Machine.
 Of course, I had to change my desktop to a dual-core 2Gb of ram monster
 AND get a dual core laptop to get this going. my VM is 53 Gb in
 size at the moment!)

We use VMWare at work, and our standard Delphi 7 VM is 4GB disk, 512MB
RAM, and they will run on a single core, 1GB laptop albeit somewhat
more slowly than on a dual core/4GB machine. Delphi 2006 works better
with 1GB of RAM in the VM, which limits how many VMs I can have running
at a time. Of course, if you want a DB server or something in the VM
you'll need to bulk it up accordingly (MS SQL Server adds 1GB RAM/6GB
disk for us).

The 4GB size is a bit magic, as it will go onto a DVD without compression.

Some other notes from a talk I gave:


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