[PATCH] Derby 218 - Add relaxed durability option

2005-04-29 Thread Sunitha Kambhampati
A little background: Sometime earlier on the list, Dan posted a fix to 
make derby go faster with relaxed durability with some flags.  The post 
is at 
This mode is very useful for unit testing or at development time when 
recoverability is not required. 

Basically in this mode, syncs are disabled for logs, data writes at 
checkpoint, page allocation when file is grown; - what this means is 
that data is not flushed all the way to the disk and in most cases i/o 
cost is not involved. Note,  code already exists in Derby to do this. 

So for Derby 218, This  patch addresses the following requirements:  
1) Have a single property to enable this relaxed durability mode, so it 
is easy for users  to enable it.
2) Print message to derby.log that this mode is enabled
3) A way to report boot errors that may be because of this option being 
enabled. What this maps to is - have a marker to recognize that database 
was booted in this mode, and then on subsequent boot; if errors happen 
during recovery - report a message that it could have happened because 
of this mode being set.

Changes are not much.  
svn stat
M  java\engine\org\apache\derby\impl\store\raw\log\LogToFile.java
M  java\engine\org\apache\derby\impl\store\raw\data\RAFContainer.java
M  java\engine\org\apache\derby\iapi\reference\MessageId.java
M  java\engine\org\apache\derby\iapi\reference\Property.java
M  java\engine\org\apache\derby\loc\messages_en.properties

Since this is a longish email , for those who may not  read the rest of 
it, here are the testing results

Testing results:
- I ran derbyall with 1.4.2 jvm and all tests passed. 
- I ran the storeall suite  separately both with setting the 
derby.system.testMode property to true and without it.  
   with this property set, the storeall suite ran about 2 times as fast.

Below I explain how the patch addresses the above requirements  and try 
to provide details on how I went about making those changes

0) Note
1) A single property has been added to enable this relaxed durability 
option.  The property name is derby.system.testMode and takes in value 
true or false. By default it is false. It can be set as a command line 
option to the JVM when starting the application or within the 
application or in the derby.properites file.  Property is loaded at boot 
time, so for it to have an effect you need to enable it at boot time.  
More comments added in code itself. see variable TESTMODE_NO_SYNC =  
"derby.system.testMode"; in Property.java.

(In this patch, I have used 'no_sync' as suffix  in variable names 
because I think with respect to store - that is what this mode is all 
about - disabling syncs for the cases already mentioned earlier in this 

I chose the property name derby.system.testMode for this
- represents a higher concept as to when one would use  relaxed 
durability (no sync) option.
- mostly it should be enabled only when data is not important and 
ideally maybe for testing and development purposes,
- also with the hope that the word 'testMode'  would prompt users to 
look this property up before using it in a production like environment 
where it may not necessarily be appropriate.

Code changes for this:
- Added this new property  derby.system.testMode in
- Removed the following properties from Property.java as they are no 
longer required.
   derby.storage.dataNotSyncedAtCheckPoint=true( I'll refer to this 
as DNSAC   in notes below)
   derby.storage.dataNotSyncedAtAllocation=true   ( I'll refer to 
this as DNSAA  in notes below)
   derby.storage.logNotSynced=true(I'll refer to this as 
LNS in notes below)

- Previously code existed for enabling  the DNSAC, DNSAA and LNS options 
conditional on Performance.MEASURE

So how it works is , the 2 variables in BaseDataFileFactory.java are 
used to control if syncs happen or not for data pages at allocation and 
at checkpoint.

And  in java/engine/org/apache/derby/impl/store/raw/log/LogToFile, the 
logNotSynced variable is used to control if syncs happen for the logs 
are not.

These variables are enabled (set to true) if Performance.MEASURE is set 
to true, and if the DNSAC, and DSNAA propertie are enabled.

So all that is required now is
- rem

Re: [PATCH] Derby 218 - Add relaxed durability option

2005-04-29 Thread David Van Couvering
Hi, Sunitha.  Thanks for your work on this.  My comment is more a 
"marketing" comment than a technical one.  I disagree that this is 
useful only for testing and development.  As I mentioned in previous 
emails, there are a number of customers who may find this very useful 
indeed, who are willing to trade off 100% guarantee of all transactions 
being available on recovery for significant increases in performance.

I wouldn't get into this debate were it not for the fact that the 
property you have created is called "testMode."  I would much rather 
have it not imply it's only for testing, with a name like "delayedWrite" 
or "relaxedDurability" or some such.

Sunitha Kambhampati wrote:
A little background: Sometime earlier on the list, Dan posted a fix to 
make derby go faster with relaxed durability with some flags.  The post 
is at 

This mode is very useful for unit testing or at development time when 
recoverability is not required.
Basically in this mode, syncs are disabled for logs, data writes at 
checkpoint, page allocation when file is grown; - what this means is 
that data is not flushed all the way to the disk and in most cases i/o 
cost is not involved. Note,  code already exists in Derby to do this.
So for Derby 218, This  patch addresses the following requirements:  1) 
Have a single property to enable this relaxed durability mode, so it is 
easy for users  to enable it.
2) Print message to derby.log that this mode is enabled
3) A way to report boot errors that may be because of this option being 
enabled. What this maps to is - have a marker to recognize that database 
was booted in this mode, and then on subsequent boot; if errors happen 
during recovery - report a message that it could have happened because 
of this mode being set.

Changes are not much.  svn stat
M  java\engine\org\apache\derby\impl\store\raw\log\LogToFile.java
M  java\engine\org\apache\derby\impl\store\raw\data\RAFContainer.java
M  java\engine\org\apache\derby\iapi\reference\MessageId.java
M  java\engine\org\apache\derby\iapi\reference\Property.java
M  java\engine\org\apache\derby\loc\messages_en.properties





Since this is a longish email , for those who may not  read the rest of 
it, here are the testing results

Testing results:
- I ran derbyall with 1.4.2 jvm and all tests passed. - I ran the 
storeall suite  separately both with setting the derby.system.testMode 
property to true and without it. with this property set, the 
storeall suite ran about 2 times as fast.

Below I explain how the patch addresses the above requirements  and try 
to provide details on how I went about making those changes

0) Note
1) A single property has been added to enable this relaxed durability 
option.  The property name is derby.system.testMode and takes in value 
true or false. By default it is false. It can be set as a command line 
option to the JVM when starting the application or within the 
application or in the derby.properites file.  Property is loaded at boot 
time, so for it to have an effect you need to enable it at boot time.  
More comments added in code itself. see variable TESTMODE_NO_SYNC =  
"derby.system.testMode"; in Property.java.

(In this patch, I have used 'no_sync' as suffix  in variable names 
because I think with respect to store - that is what this mode is all 
about - disabling syncs for the cases already mentioned earlier in this 

I chose the property name derby.system.testMode for this
- represents a higher concept as to when one would use  relaxed 
durability (no sync) option.
- mostly it should be enabled only when data is not important and 
ideally maybe for testing and development purposes,
- also with the hope that the word 'testMode'  would prompt users to 
look this property up before using it in a production like environment 
where it may not necessarily be appropriate.

Code changes for this:
- Added this new property  derby.system.testMode in
- Removed the following properties from Property.java as they are no 
longer required.
   derby.storage.dataNotSyncedAtCheckPoint=true( I'll refer to this 
as DNSAC   in notes below)
   derby.storage.dataNotSyncedAtAllocation=true   ( I'll refer to 
this as DNSAA  in notes below)

Re: [PATCH] Derby 218 - Add relaxed durability option

2005-05-02 Thread Mike Matrigali
I am looking at committing this patch.
Sunitha Kambhampati wrote:
A little background: Sometime earlier on the list, Dan posted a fix to 
make derby go faster with relaxed durability with some flags.  The post 
is at 

This mode is very useful for unit testing or at development time when 
recoverability is not required.
Basically in this mode, syncs are disabled for logs, data writes at 
checkpoint, page allocation when file is grown; - what this means is 
that data is not flushed all the way to the disk and in most cases i/o 
cost is not involved. Note,  code already exists in Derby to do this.
So for Derby 218, This  patch addresses the following requirements:  1) 
Have a single property to enable this relaxed durability mode, so it is 
easy for users  to enable it.
2) Print message to derby.log that this mode is enabled
3) A way to report boot errors that may be because of this option being 
enabled. What this maps to is - have a marker to recognize that database 
was booted in this mode, and then on subsequent boot; if errors happen 
during recovery - report a message that it could have happened because 
of this mode being set.
> ...   rest deleted

Re: [PATCH] Derby 218 - Add relaxed durability option

2005-05-02 Thread Mike Matrigali
As I have posted before I have concerns about this mode, as it can
definitely produce a database which can not boot.  But the discussions
here convinced me
that it was useful for a number of applications, so now believe it
should be checked in.  I definitely have no career path in marketing
as my first take at a name was corrupt_your_db=true :-) .  So testMode
seemed ok to me, but if another name is better that is fine with me
Going forward I would like to see more work done to implement the
relaxed durability option suresh and I were discussing.  I believe
that with some code changes file allocation, log write and many of
the data write sync's can be eliminated and still guarantee a bootable
database.  This mode would not guarantee a committed transaction,
but would guarantee that database on a disk with enough free space
would boot and that the db would represent only complete transactions 
(either fully applied or not).  This option would
be slower than what is available from this patch so I believe both
features are useful.

David Van Couvering wrote:
Hi, Sunitha.  Thanks for your work on this.  My comment is more a 
"marketing" comment than a technical one.  I disagree that this is 
useful only for testing and development.  As I mentioned in previous 
emails, there are a number of customers who may find this very useful 
indeed, who are willing to trade off 100% guarantee of all transactions 
being available on recovery for significant increases in performance.

I wouldn't get into this debate were it not for the fact that the 
property you have created is called "testMode."  I would much rather 
have it not imply it's only for testing, with a name like "delayedWrite" 
or "relaxedDurability" or some such.

Sunitha Kambhampati wrote:
A little background: Sometime earlier on the list, Dan posted a fix to 
make derby go faster with relaxed durability with some flags.  The 
post is at 

This mode is very useful for unit testing or at development time when 
recoverability is not required.
Basically in this mode, syncs are disabled for logs, data writes at 
checkpoint, page allocation when file is grown; - what this means is 
that data is not flushed all the way to the disk and in most cases i/o 
cost is not involved. Note,  code already exists in Derby to do this.
So for Derby 218, This  patch addresses the following requirements:  
1) Have a single property to enable this relaxed durability mode, so 
it is easy for users  to enable it.
2) Print message to derby.log that this mode is enabled
3) A way to report boot errors that may be because of this option 
being enabled. What this maps to is - have a marker to recognize that 
database was booted in this mode, and then on subsequent boot; if 
errors happen during recovery - report a message that it could have 
happened because of this mode being set.

Changes are not much.  svn stat
M  java\engine\org\apache\derby\impl\store\raw\log\LogToFile.java
M  java\engine\org\apache\derby\impl\store\raw\data\RAFContainer.java
M  java\engine\org\apache\derby\iapi\reference\MessageId.java
M  java\engine\org\apache\derby\iapi\reference\Property.java
M  java\engine\org\apache\derby\loc\messages_en.properties





Since this is a longish email , for those who may not  read the rest 
of it, here are the testing results

Testing results:
- I ran derbyall with 1.4.2 jvm and all tests passed. - I ran the 
storeall suite  separately both with setting the derby.system.testMode 
property to true and without it. with this property set, the 
storeall suite ran about 2 times as fast.

Below I explain how the patch addresses the above requirements  and 
try to provide details on how I went about making those changes

0) Note
1) A single property has been added to enable this relaxed durability 
option.  The property name is derby.system.testMode and takes in value 
true or false. By default it is false. It can be set as a command line 
option to the JVM when starting the application or within the 
application or in the derby.properites file.  Property is loaded at 
boot time, so for it to have an effect you need to enable it at boot 
time.  More comments added in code itself. see variable 
TESTMODE_NO_SYNC =  "derby.system.testMode"; in Property.java.

(In this patch, I have used 'no_sync' as s

Re: [PATCH] Derby 218 - Add relaxed durability option

2005-05-02 Thread Mike Matrigali
suresh, you have done a lot of work in this area could you review
the patch and post your comments?

Sunitha Kambhampati wrote:
A little background: Sometime earlier on the list, Dan posted a fix to 
make derby go faster with relaxed durability with some flags.  The post 
is at 

This mode is very useful for unit testing or at development time when 
recoverability is not required.
Basically in this mode, syncs are disabled for logs, data writes at 
checkpoint, page allocation when file is grown; - what this means is 
that data is not flushed all the way to the disk and in most cases i/o 
cost is not involved. Note,  code already exists in Derby to do this.
So for Derby 218, This  patch addresses the following requirements:  1) 
Have a single property to enable this relaxed durability mode, so it is 
easy for users  to enable it.
2) Print message to derby.log that this mode is enabled
3) A way to report boot errors that may be because of this option being 
enabled. What this maps to is - have a marker to recognize that database 
was booted in this mode, and then on subsequent boot; if errors happen 
during recovery - report a message that it could have happened because 
of this mode being set.
> ... deleted ...

Re: [PATCH] Derby 218 - Add relaxed durability option

2005-05-02 Thread David Van Couvering
After I wrote my email, I wondered if the feature as currently 
implemented wasn't quite what I was thinking we should have.  I agree 
that if you potentially can't boot your database, this is not a 
production-level feature.

I second the motion to see more work done to implement the relaxed 
durability option that guarantees a bootable database, that's what I was 
thinking of when I sent my previous email.

Mike Matrigali wrote:
As I have posted before I have concerns about this mode, as it can
definitely produce a database which can not boot.  But the discussions
here convinced me
that it was useful for a number of applications, so now believe it
should be checked in.  I definitely have no career path in marketing
as my first take at a name was corrupt_your_db=true :-) .  So testMode
seemed ok to me, but if another name is better that is fine with me
Going forward I would like to see more work done to implement the
relaxed durability option suresh and I were discussing.  I believe
that with some code changes file allocation, log write and many of
the data write sync's can be eliminated and still guarantee a bootable
database.  This mode would not guarantee a committed transaction,
but would guarantee that database on a disk with enough free space
would boot and that the db would represent only complete transactions 
(either fully applied or not).  This option would
be slower than what is available from this patch so I believe both
features are useful.

David Van Couvering wrote:
Hi, Sunitha.  Thanks for your work on this.  My comment is more a 
"marketing" comment than a technical one.  I disagree that this is 
useful only for testing and development.  As I mentioned in previous 
emails, there are a number of customers who may find this very useful 
indeed, who are willing to trade off 100% guarantee of all 
transactions being available on recovery for significant increases in 

I wouldn't get into this debate were it not for the fact that the 
property you have created is called "testMode."  I would much rather 
have it not imply it's only for testing, with a name like 
"delayedWrite" or "relaxedDurability" or some such.

Sunitha Kambhampati wrote:
A little background: Sometime earlier on the list, Dan posted a fix 
to make derby go faster with relaxed durability with some flags.  The 
post is at 

This mode is very useful for unit testing or at development time when 
recoverability is not required.
Basically in this mode, syncs are disabled for logs, data writes at 
checkpoint, page allocation when file is grown; - what this means is 
that data is not flushed all the way to the disk and in most cases 
i/o cost is not involved. Note,  code already exists in Derby to do 
So for Derby 218, This  patch addresses the following requirements:  
1) Have a single property to enable this relaxed durability mode, so 
it is easy for users  to enable it.
2) Print message to derby.log that this mode is enabled
3) A way to report boot errors that may be because of this option 
being enabled. What this maps to is - have a marker to recognize that 
database was booted in this mode, and then on subsequent boot; if 
errors happen during recovery - report a message that it could have 
happened because of this mode being set.

Changes are not much.  svn stat
M  java\engine\org\apache\derby\impl\store\raw\log\LogToFile.java

M  java\engine\org\apache\derby\iapi\reference\MessageId.java
M  java\engine\org\apache\derby\iapi\reference\Property.java
M  java\engine\org\apache\derby\loc\messages_en.properties





Since this is a longish email , for those who may not  read the rest 
of it, here are the testing results

Testing results:
- I ran derbyall with 1.4.2 jvm and all tests passed. - I ran the 
storeall suite  separately both with setting the 
derby.system.testMode property to true and without it. with this 
property set, the storeall suite ran about 2 times as fast.

Below I explain how the patch addresses the above requirements  and 
try to provide details on how I went about making those changes

0) Note
1) A single property has been added to enable this relaxed durability 
option.  The property name is derby.system.testMode and

Re: [PATCH] Derby 218 - Add relaxed durability option

2005-05-02 Thread Suresh Thalamati
sure.  I will  review it.
Mike Matrigali wrote:
suresh, you have done a lot of work in this area could you review
the patch and post your comments?

Sunitha Kambhampati wrote:
A little background: Sometime earlier on the list, Dan posted a fix 
to make derby go faster with relaxed durability with some flags.  The 
post is at 

This mode is very useful for unit testing or at development time when 
recoverability is not required.
Basically in this mode, syncs are disabled for logs, data writes at 
checkpoint, page allocation when file is grown; - what this means is 
that data is not flushed all the way to the disk and in most cases 
i/o cost is not involved. Note,  code already exists in Derby to do 
So for Derby 218, This  patch addresses the following requirements:  
1) Have a single property to enable this relaxed durability mode, so 
it is easy for users  to enable it.
2) Print message to derby.log that this mode is enabled
3) A way to report boot errors that may be because of this option 
being enabled. What this maps to is - have a marker to recognize that 
database was booted in this mode, and then on subsequent boot; if 
errors happen during recovery - report a message that it could have 
happened because of this mode being set.
> ... deleted ...

Re: [PATCH] Derby 218 - Add relaxed durability option

2005-05-02 Thread Sunitha Kambhampati
This  patch  disables syncs for
-  1)the log file at each commit
-  2)the log file before data page makes it to disk
- 3)data  page allocation when file is grown
- 4)data writes during checkpoint.
Thus, when this mode is enabled, syncs are not enforcing proper WAL 
protocol and might lead to database not being able to boot.   

Also earlier when I did a search on the web for the term relaxed 
durability , it seemed to me that the term was used for cases when it is 
ok to lose committed transactions but the database should be able to 
boot successfully.

So does  derby.system.testMode seem ok  given that it might not be 
appropriate in a production like environment...

Or, maybe another name -
call this mode of no syncs as derby.system.durable=none  ( or 
and in the future when someone implements the case that was discussed 
earlier on list 
(http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/db-derby-dev/200504.mbox/[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
) where only #1 and #3  syncs are disabled, that would ensure that 
database would boot ok, with losing some committed transactions, this 
setting could be derby.system.durable=partial  or something  similar.

Any comments.
David Van Couvering wrote:
After I wrote my email, I wondered if the feature as currently 
implemented wasn't quite what I was thinking we should have.  I agree 
that if you potentially can't boot your database, this is not a 
production-level feature.

I second the motion to see more work done to implement the relaxed 
durability option that guarantees a bootable database, that's what I 
was thinking of when I sent my previous email.

Mike Matrigali wrote:
As I have posted before I have concerns about this mode, as it can
definitely produce a database which can not boot.  But the discussions
here convinced me
that it was useful for a number of applications, so now believe it
should be checked in.  I definitely have no career path in marketing
as my first take at a name was corrupt_your_db=true :-) .  So testMode
seemed ok to me, but if another name is better that is fine with me
Going forward I would like to see more work done to implement the
relaxed durability option suresh and I were discussing.  I believe
that with some code changes file allocation, log write and many of
the data write sync's can be eliminated and still guarantee a bootable
database.  This mode would not guarantee a committed transaction,
but would guarantee that database on a disk with enough free space
would boot and that the db would represent only complete transactions 
(either fully applied or not).  This option would
be slower than what is available from this patch so I believe both
features are useful.

David Van Couvering wrote:
Hi, Sunitha.  Thanks for your work on this.  My comment is more a 
"marketing" comment than a technical one.  I disagree that this is 
useful only for testing and development.  As I mentioned in previous 
emails, there are a number of customers who may find this very 
useful indeed, who are willing to trade off 100% guarantee of all 
transactions being available on recovery for significant increases 
in performance.

I wouldn't get into this debate were it not for the fact that the 
property you have created is called "testMode."  I would much rather 
have it not imply it's only for testing, with a name like 
"delayedWrite" or "relaxedDurability" or some such.

Sunitha Kambhampati wrote:
A little background: Sometime earlier on the list, Dan posted a fix 
to make derby go faster with relaxed durability with some flags.  
The post is at 

This mode is very useful for unit testing or at development time 
when recoverability is not required.
Basically in this mode, syncs are disabled for logs, data writes at 
checkpoint, page allocation when file is grown; - what this means 
is that data is not flushed all the way to the disk and in most 
cases i/o cost is not involved. Note,  code already exists in Derby 
to do this.
So for Derby 218, This  patch addresses the following 
requirements:  1) Have a single property to enable this relaxed 
durability mode, so it is easy for users  to enable it.
2) Print message to derby.log that this mode is enabled
3) A way to report boot errors that may be because of this option 
being enabled. What this maps to is - have a marker to recognize 
that database was booted in this mode, and then on subsequent boot; 
if errors happen during recovery - report a message that it could 
have happened because of this mode being set.

Re: [PATCH] Derby 218 - Add relaxed durability option

2005-05-02 Thread David Van Couvering
I think testMode isn't very clear what it's doing.  I agree that 
relaxedDurability is not correct because it doesn't communicate that you 
may not be able to boot the database.

How about derby.system.fast-and-loose :)
Seriously, how about
(you can't really say "none" because data pages are being written to disk)
or derby.system.durability.testMode=true
I personally like derby.system.durability=test, because then later we 
can add derby.system.durability=relaxed for true relaxed durability 
where the database is durable, and derby.system.durability=none for when 
we implement in-memory storage.

Sunitha Kambhampati wrote:
This  patch  disables syncs for
-  1)the log file at each commit
-  2)the log file before data page makes it to disk
- 3)data  page allocation when file is grown
- 4)data writes during checkpoint.
Thus, when this mode is enabled, syncs are not enforcing proper WAL 
protocol and might lead to database not being able to boot.  
Also earlier when I did a search on the web for the term relaxed 
durability , it seemed to me that the term was used for cases when it is 
ok to lose committed transactions but the database should be able to 
boot successfully.

So does  derby.system.testMode seem ok  given that it might not be 
appropriate in a production like environment...

Or, maybe another name -
call this mode of no syncs as derby.system.durable=none  ( or 
and in the future when someone implements the case that was discussed 
earlier on list 
(http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/db-derby-dev/200504.mbox/[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
) where only #1 and #3  syncs are disabled, that would ensure that 
database would boot ok, with losing some committed transactions, this 
setting could be derby.system.durable=partial  or something  similar.

Any comments.
David Van Couvering wrote:
After I wrote my email, I wondered if the feature as currently 
implemented wasn't quite what I was thinking we should have.  I agree 
that if you potentially can't boot your database, this is not a 
production-level feature.

I second the motion to see more work done to implement the relaxed 
durability option that guarantees a bootable database, that's what I 
was thinking of when I sent my previous email.

Mike Matrigali wrote:
As I have posted before I have concerns about this mode, as it can
definitely produce a database which can not boot.  But the discussions
here convinced me
that it was useful for a number of applications, so now believe it
should be checked in.  I definitely have no career path in marketing
as my first take at a name was corrupt_your_db=true :-) .  So testMode
seemed ok to me, but if another name is better that is fine with me
Going forward I would like to see more work done to implement the
relaxed durability option suresh and I were discussing.  I believe
that with some code changes file allocation, log write and many of
the data write sync's can be eliminated and still guarantee a bootable
database.  This mode would not guarantee a committed transaction,
but would guarantee that database on a disk with enough free space
would boot and that the db would represent only complete transactions 
(either fully applied or not).  This option would
be slower than what is available from this patch so I believe both
features are useful.

David Van Couvering wrote:
Hi, Sunitha.  Thanks for your work on this.  My comment is more a 
"marketing" comment than a technical one.  I disagree that this is 
useful only for testing and development.  As I mentioned in previous 
emails, there are a number of customers who may find this very 
useful indeed, who are willing to trade off 100% guarantee of all 
transactions being available on recovery for significant increases 
in performance.

I wouldn't get into this debate were it not for the fact that the 
property you have created is called "testMode."  I would much rather 
have it not imply it's only for testing, with a name like 
"delayedWrite" or "relaxedDurability" or some such.

Sunitha Kambhampati wrote:
A little background: Sometime earlier on the list, Dan posted a fix 
to make derby go faster with relaxed durability with some flags.  
The post is at 

This mode is very useful for unit testing or at development time 
when recoverability is not required.
Basically in this mode, syncs are disabled for logs, data writes at 
checkpoint, page allocation when file is grown; - what this means 
is that data is not flushed all the way to the disk and in most 
cases i/o cost is not involved. Note,  code already exists in Derby 
to do this.
So for Derby 218, This  patch addresses the following 
requirements:  1) Have a single property to enable this relaxed 
durability mode, so it is easy for users  to enable it.
2) Print message to derby.log that this mode is enabled
3) A

Re: [PATCH] Derby 218 - Add relaxed durability option

2005-05-02 Thread Sunitha Kambhampati
I  like this name :  derby.system.durability=test
I will wait for Suresh's comments and then change the name of the 
property after that unless someone else has a better suggestion.

Thanks for your input.
David Van Couvering wrote:
I think testMode isn't very clear what it's doing.  I agree that 
relaxedDurability is not correct because it doesn't communicate that 
you may not be able to boot the database.

How about derby.system.fast-and-loose :)
Seriously, how about
(you can't really say "none" because data pages are being written to 

or derby.system.durability.testMode=true
I personally like derby.system.durability=test, because then later we 
can add derby.system.durability=relaxed for true relaxed durability 
where the database is durable, and derby.system.durability=none for 
when we implement in-memory storage.

Sunitha Kambhampati wrote:
This  patch  disables syncs for
-  1)the log file at each commit
-  2)the log file before data page makes it to disk
- 3)data  page allocation when file is grown
- 4)data writes during checkpoint.
Thus, when this mode is enabled, syncs are not enforcing proper WAL 
protocol and might lead to database not being able to boot.  Also 
earlier when I did a search on the web for the term relaxed 
durability , it seemed to me that the term was used for cases when it 
is ok to lose committed transactions but the database should be able 
to boot successfully.

So does  derby.system.testMode seem ok  given that it might not be 
appropriate in a production like environment...

Or, maybe another name -
call this mode of no syncs as derby.system.durable=none  ( or 
and in the future when someone implements the case that was discussed 
earlier on list 
(http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/db-derby-dev/200504.mbox/[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
) where only #1 and #3  syncs are disabled, that would ensure that 
database would boot ok, with losing some committed transactions, this 
setting could be derby.system.durable=partial  or something  similar.

Any comments.
David Van Couvering wrote:
After I wrote my email, I wondered if the feature as currently 
implemented wasn't quite what I was thinking we should have.  I 
agree that if you potentially can't boot your database, this is not 
a production-level feature.

I second the motion to see more work done to implement the relaxed 
durability option that guarantees a bootable database, that's what I 
was thinking of when I sent my previous email.

Mike Matrigali wrote:
As I have posted before I have concerns about this mode, as it can
definitely produce a database which can not boot.  But the discussions
here convinced me
that it was useful for a number of applications, so now believe it
should be checked in.  I definitely have no career path in marketing
as my first take at a name was corrupt_your_db=true :-) .  So testMode
seemed ok to me, but if another name is better that is fine with me
Going forward I would like to see more work done to implement the
relaxed durability option suresh and I were discussing.  I believe
that with some code changes file allocation, log write and many of
the data write sync's can be eliminated and still guarantee a bootable
database.  This mode would not guarantee a committed transaction,
but would guarantee that database on a disk with enough free space
would boot and that the db would represent only complete 
transactions (either fully applied or not).  This option would
be slower than what is available from this patch so I believe both
features are useful.

David Van Couvering wrote:
Hi, Sunitha.  Thanks for your work on this.  My comment is more a 
"marketing" comment than a technical one.  I disagree that this is 
useful only for testing and development.  As I mentioned in 
previous emails, there are a number of customers who may find this 
very useful indeed, who are willing to trade off 100% guarantee of 
all transactions being available on recovery for significant 
increases in performance.

I wouldn't get into this debate were it not for the fact that the 
property you have created is called "testMode."  I would much 
rather have it not imply it's only for testing, with a name like 
"delayedWrite" or "relaxedDurability" or some such.

Sunitha Kambhampati wrote:
A little background: Sometime earlier on the list, Dan posted a 
fix to make derby go faster with relaxed durability with some 
flags.  The post is at 

This mode is very useful for unit testing or at development time 
when recoverability is not required.
Basically in this mode, syncs are disabled for logs, data writes 
at checkpoint, page allocation when file is grown; - what this 
means is that data is not flushed all the way to the disk and in 
most cases i/o cost is not involved. Note,  code already exists 
in Derby to d

Re: [PATCH] Derby 218 - Add relaxed durability option

2005-05-02 Thread Mike Matrigali
this seems fine with me.  I agree none does not seem right, none seems
more appropriate if an in memory implementation is ever provided -
though derby.system.durability=memory seems better than none in that
I like that a setting that says "test" forces someone to think about
what they are setting - and hopefully look up what the consequences
can be.
Sunitha Kambhampati wrote:
I  like this name :  derby.system.durability=test
I will wait for Suresh's comments and then change the name of the 
property after that unless someone else has a better suggestion.

Thanks for your input.
David Van Couvering wrote:
I think testMode isn't very clear what it's doing.  I agree that 
relaxedDurability is not correct because it doesn't communicate that 
you may not be able to boot the database.

How about derby.system.fast-and-loose :)
Seriously, how about
(you can't really say "none" because data pages are being written to 

or derby.system.durability.testMode=true
I personally like derby.system.durability=test, because then later we 
can add derby.system.durability=relaxed for true relaxed durability 
where the database is durable, and derby.system.durability=none for 
when we implement in-memory storage.

Sunitha Kambhampati wrote:
This  patch  disables syncs for
-  1)the log file at each commit
-  2)the log file before data page makes it to disk
- 3)data  page allocation when file is grown
- 4)data writes during checkpoint.
Thus, when this mode is enabled, syncs are not enforcing proper WAL 
protocol and might lead to database not being able to boot.  Also 
earlier when I did a search on the web for the term relaxed 
durability , it seemed to me that the term was used for cases when it 
is ok to lose committed transactions but the database should be able 
to boot successfully.

So does  derby.system.testMode seem ok  given that it might not be 
appropriate in a production like environment...

Or, maybe another name -
call this mode of no syncs as derby.system.durable=none  ( or 
and in the future when someone implements the case that was discussed 
earlier on list 
(http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/db-derby-dev/200504.mbox/[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
) where only #1 and #3  syncs are disabled, that would ensure that 
database would boot ok, with losing some committed transactions, this 
setting could be derby.system.durable=partial  or something  similar.

Any comments.
David Van Couvering wrote:
After I wrote my email, I wondered if the feature as currently 
implemented wasn't quite what I was thinking we should have.  I 
agree that if you potentially can't boot your database, this is not 
a production-level feature.

I second the motion to see more work done to implement the relaxed 
durability option that guarantees a bootable database, that's what I 
was thinking of when I sent my previous email.

Mike Matrigali wrote:
As I have posted before I have concerns about this mode, as it can
definitely produce a database which can not boot.  But the discussions
here convinced me
that it was useful for a number of applications, so now believe it
should be checked in.  I definitely have no career path in marketing
as my first take at a name was corrupt_your_db=true :-) .  So testMode
seemed ok to me, but if another name is better that is fine with me
Going forward I would like to see more work done to implement the
relaxed durability option suresh and I were discussing.  I believe
that with some code changes file allocation, log write and many of
the data write sync's can be eliminated and still guarantee a bootable
database.  This mode would not guarantee a committed transaction,
but would guarantee that database on a disk with enough free space
would boot and that the db would represent only complete 
transactions (either fully applied or not).  This option would
be slower than what is available from this patch so I believe both
features are useful.

David Van Couvering wrote:
Hi, Sunitha.  Thanks for your work on this.  My comment is more a 
"marketing" comment than a technical one.  I disagree that this is 
useful only for testing and development.  As I mentioned in 
previous emails, there are a number of customers who may find this 
very useful indeed, who are willing to trade off 100% guarantee of 
all transactions being available on recovery for significant 
increases in performance.

I wouldn't get into this debate were it not for the fact that the 
property you have created is called "testMode."  I would much 
rather have it not imply it's only for testing, with a name like 
"delayedWrite" or "relaxedDurability" or some such.

Sunitha Kambhampati wrote:
A little background: Sometime earlier on the list, Dan posted a 
fix to make derby go faster with relaxed durability with some 
flags.  The post is at 

Re: [PATCH] Derby 218 - Add relaxed durability option

2005-05-02 Thread Daniel John Debrunner
David Van Couvering wrote:

> I think testMode isn't very clear what it's doing.  I agree that
> relaxedDurability is not correct because it doesn't communicate that you
> may not be able to boot the database.
> How about derby.system.fast-and-loose :)
> Seriously, how about
> derby.system.durability=test
> (you can't really say "none" because data pages are being written to disk)

but they are not guaranteed to be written to disk, that's what I meant
by 'none' originally. I personally think 'test' describes how it might
be used and doesn't describe the durability, which is what the value of
such a property should be doing.

However 'Test' is probably fine, another term could be added if someone
comes up with a better description, so that something like these two
options would mean the same thing



Re: [PATCH] Derby 218 - Add relaxed durability option

2005-05-02 Thread Suresh Thalamati
My two cents:
How about cryptic one like
derby.system.durabilityLevel = 0 

0  -  mean none.
That way some one using it  will be forced to  read the doc and   find 
out what it mean :-)

Daniel John Debrunner wrote:
David Van Couvering wrote:

I think testMode isn't very clear what it's doing.  I agree that
relaxedDurability is not correct because it doesn't communicate that you
may not be able to boot the database.
How about derby.system.fast-and-loose :)
Seriously, how about
(you can't really say "none" because data pages are being written to disk)

but they are not guaranteed to be written to disk, that's what I meant
by 'none' originally. I personally think 'test' describes how it might
be used and doesn't describe the durability, which is what the value of
such a property should be doing.
However 'Test' is probably fine, another term could be added if someone
comes up with a better description, so that something like these two
options would mean the same thing

Re: [PATCH] Derby 218 - Add relaxed durability option

2005-05-03 Thread Suresh Thalamati
Hi Sunitha,
Good comments. I am surprised to find that this patch doing more than 
what I imagined  it will  do, your changes
seems to allow switching  between durable test mode(No syncs)  and the 
default durability level (all sync).  I don't get why
these mode switch functionality is required, if this mode is just meant 
to run the tests faster in non-durable mode! . Not sure what
kind of new problem  scenarios this mode switching will introduce.

But for some reason if some one wants,  I am not sure your fix will 
actually make a non-durable database
to durable/consistent  one correctly.  What I learn   from your changes 
is that  data is not synced to disk on checkpoints,
if you don't do that you can not assume database is is in consistent 
state if  recovery went through fine.   Let's say:

1) user started the database with derby.system.testMode=true
2) did some insert/update/deletes ...
3) crashed immediately after the checpoint record got on to disk...
4) Now user switches derby.system.testMode=false and boot the database.
Recovery will  work fine because there is no log to replay.  So you 
unmark the
Test mode flag in the control file and declare that this database is in 
durable/consistent mode.
But that is not the case because only some  of the data pages might  
have reached to the
disk before the crash, Which will actually leave  the database 
inconsistent state.
(This is different from losing some transactions).

Some general comments on the  code:
1) Why don't we just introduce a new flag private static final byte 
write as part of the "flags" byte  which is currently used to 
indicate the IS_BETA_FLAG instead of using
another spare byte.
2)  in few places indentation is not matching the rest of the code(  
that's how my emacs shows it):
// if system is running with derby.system.testMode enabled
   // log records and log file are not synced, so
   // set flag to disable log syncs
   // print message stating that the database was
   // previously running with derby.system.testMode=true
   // mode
  c)  if( wasDBInTestModeNoSync && !logNotSynced )
   // write to log control file and the mirror file that the testmode
   // is not used now
   // print message stating that the database was
   // previously running with derby.system.testMode=true

3) I think the logical place for the method  private boolean 
updateTestModeFlagInCtrlFile(byte value)
is next to  writeControlFile(...) .

4) protected  logErrMsgForTestModeNoSync() may be marked as a private.
Sunitha Kambhampati wrote:
A little background: Sometime earlier on the list, Dan posted a fix to 
make derby go faster with relaxed durability with some flags.  The 
post is at 

This mode is very useful for unit testing or at development time when 
recoverability is not required.
Basically in this mode, syncs are disabled for logs, data writes at 
checkpoint, page allocation when file is grown; - what this means is 
that data is not flushed all the way to the disk and in most cases i/o 
cost is not involved. Note,  code already exists in Derby to do this.
So for Derby 218, This  patch addresses the following requirements:  
1) Have a single property to enable this relaxed durability mode, so 
it is easy for users  to enable it.
2) Print message to derby.log that this mode is enabled
3) A way to report boot errors that may be because of this option 
being enabled. What this maps to is - have a marker to recognize that 
database was booted in this mode, and then on subsequent boot; if 
errors happen during recovery - report a message that it could have 
happened because of this mode being set.


Re: [PATCH] Derby 218 - Add relaxed durability option

2005-05-03 Thread Mike Matrigali
I think that once the db is run in this mode it should be marked, and
not worry about ever unmarking it.  At first I just thought this was
necessary to explain lost transactions, but I agree with the case below
- successful recovery/booting does not guarantee consistent database.
The case that you describe below can easily result in an index entry
pointing to a non-existent base table row - with all the subsequent
runtime errors later on.

So I would lean toward changing to single flag, set once and never
untoggled.  Change the property name to something like
derby.system.durability=test.  Fix the comments below.  resubmit

If anyone else is planning on testing/review the patch let the list


Suresh Thalamati wrote:

> Hi Sunitha,
> Good comments. I am surprised to find that this patch doing more than
> what I imagined  it will  do, your changes
> seems to allow switching  between durable test mode(No syncs)  and the
> default durability level (all sync).  I don't get why
> these mode switch functionality is required, if this mode is just meant
> to run the tests faster in non-durable mode! . Not sure what
> kind of new problem  scenarios this mode switching will introduce.
> But for some reason if some one wants,  I am not sure your fix will
> actually make a non-durable database
> to durable/consistent  one correctly.  What I learn   from your changes
> is that  data is not synced to disk on checkpoints,
> if you don't do that you can not assume database is is in consistent
> state if  recovery went through fine.   Let's say:
> 1) user started the database with derby.system.testMode=true
> 2) did some insert/update/deletes ...
> 3) crashed immediately after the checpoint record got on to disk...
> 4) Now user switches derby.system.testMode=false and boot the database.
> Recovery will  work fine because there is no log to replay.  So you
> unmark the
> Test mode flag in the control file and declare that this database is in
> durable/consistent mode.
> But that is not the case because only some  of the data pages might 
> have reached to the
> disk before the crash, Which will actually leave  the database
> inconsistent state.
> (This is different from losing some transactions).
> Some general comments on the  code:
> 1) Why don't we just introduce a new flag private static final byte
> write as part of the "flags" byte  which is currently used to
> indicate the IS_BETA_FLAG instead of using
> another spare byte.
> 2)  in few places indentation is not matching the rest of the code( 
> that's how my emacs shows it):
> // if system is running with derby.system.testMode enabled
>// log records and log file are not synced, so
>// set flag to disable log syncs
>   b)
> {
>// print message stating that the database was
>// previously running with derby.system.testMode=true
>// mode
>   c)  if( wasDBInTestModeNoSync && !logNotSynced )
>// write to log control file and the mirror file that the testmode
>// is not used now
>   d) if(wasDBInTestModeNoSync)
>// print message stating that the database was
>// previously running with derby.system.testMode=true
> 3) I think the logical place for the method  private boolean
> updateTestModeFlagInCtrlFile(byte value)
> is next to  writeControlFile(...) .
> 4) protected  logErrMsgForTestModeNoSync() may be marked as a private.
> Thanks
> -suresht
> Sunitha Kambhampati wrote:
>> A little background: Sometime earlier on the list, Dan posted a fix to
>> make derby go faster with relaxed durability with some flags.  The
>> post is at
>> http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.apache.db.derby.user/681/match=relaxed+durability
>> This mode is very useful for unit testing or at development time when
>> recoverability is not required.
>> Basically in this mode, syncs are disabled for logs, data writes at
>> checkpoint, page allocation when file is grown; - what this means is
>> that data is not flushed all the way to the disk and in most cases i/o
>> cost is not involved. Note,  code already exists in Derby to do this.
>> So for Derby 218, This  patch addresses the following requirements: 
>> 1) Have a single property to enable this relaxed durability mode, so
>> it is easy for users  to enable it.
>> 2) Print message to derby.log that this mode is enabled
>> 3) A way to report boot errors that may be because of this option
>> being enabled. What this maps to is - have a marker to recognize that
>> database was booted in this mode, and then on subsequent boot; if
>> errors happen during recovery - report a message that it could have
>> happened because of this mode being set.
>> Ch

Re: [PATCH] Derby 218 - Add relaxed durability option

2005-05-05 Thread Sunitha Kambhampati
Thanks Suresh for your comments.  I have attached a new patch that takes 
care of them and as well as the property name change as discussed on the 

So now,
1)To enable this no syncs mode, the property setting  is 
If it is set to any other value other than test, then this property 
setting is ignored and the system will default to the usual mode where 
all syncs happen correctly.
2) If database is booted in this mode then the  flag  to indicate this 
mode is being used is set in log.ctrl file and it will not change after 
that.Thus there wont be any switching between this mode ( no syncs) to 
default ( all syncs) mode because we cannot guarantee that the database 
will be in a consistent state once its booted in this no sync mode..
3) This  flag is now written out as part of the log control flags in 
log.ctrl file instead of using a spare byte.
svn stat:
M  java\engine\org\apache\derby\impl\store\raw\log\LogToFile.java
M  java\engine\org\apache\derby\impl\store\raw\data\RAFContainer.java
M  java\engine\org\apache\derby\iapi\reference\MessageId.java
M  java\engine\org\apache\derby\iapi\reference\Property.java
M  java\engine\org\apache\derby\loc\messages_en.properties

I use eclipse IDE and have it set to put 4 spaces for tab ( as per 
discussion on formatting on the list). I did verify by opening the files 
in viw  ( with tab set to 4) and the formatting looks ok.  But even when 
I sent the patch last time, in eclipse the formatting looked ok, so not 
totally sure what may be happening. But if  someone finds any issue with 
formatting please let me know.

Can someone review it and if it looks ok, can a committer commit it.  

Mike Matrigali wrote:
<>I think that once the db is run in this mode it should be marked, and
not worry about ever unmarking it. At first I just thought this was
necessary to explain lost transactions, but I agree with the case below
- successful recovery/booting does not guarantee consistent database.
The case that you describe below can easily result in an index entry
pointing to a non-existent base table row - with all the subsequent
runtime errors later on.
So I would lean toward changing to single flag, set once and never
untoggled. ...

<>Suresh Thalamati wrote:

Hi Sunitha,
Good comments. I am surprised to find that this patch doing more than
what I imagined  it will  do, your changes
seems to allow switching  between durable test mode(No syncs)  and the
default durability level (all sync).  I don't get why
these mode switch functionality is required, if this mode is just meant
to run the tests faster in non-durable mode! . Not sure what
kind of new problem  scenarios this mode switching will introduce.
But for some reason if some one wants,  I am not sure your fix will
actually make a non-durable database
to durable/consistent  one correctly.  What I learn   from your changes
is that  data is not synced to disk on checkpoints,
if you don't do that you can not assume database is is in consistent
state if  recovery went through fine.   Let's say:
1) user started the database with derby.system.testMode=true
2) did some insert/update/deletes ...
3) crashed immediately after the checpoint record got on to disk...
4) Now user switches derby.system.testMode=false and boot the database.
Recovery will  work fine because there is no log to replay.  So you
unmark the
Test mode flag in the control file and declare that this database is in
durable/consistent mode.
But that is not the case because only some  of the data pages might 
have reached to the
disk before the crash, Which will actually leave  the database
inconsistent state.
(This is different from losing some transactions).

Some general comments on the  code:
1) Why don't we just introduce a new flag private static final byte
   write as part of the "flags" byte  which is currently used to
indicate the IS_BETA_FLAG instead of using
   another spare byte.
2)  in few places indentation is not matching the rest of the code( 
that's how my emacs shows it):
   // if system is running with derby.system.testMode enabled
  // log records and log file are not synced, so
  // set flag to disable log syncs
  // print message stating that the database was
  // previously running with derby.system.testMode=true
  // mode
 c)  if( wasDBInTestModeNoSync && !logNotSynced )
  // write to log control file and the mirror file that the testmode
  // is not used no

Re: [PATCH] Derby 218 - Add relaxed durability option

2005-05-10 Thread Mike Matrigali
Could you resolve the conflict in LogToFile.java in the current trunk
revision and resubmit the patch?
Sunitha Kambhampati wrote:
Thanks Suresh for your comments.  I have attached a new patch that takes 
care of them and as well as the property name change as discussed on the 

So now,
1)To enable this no syncs mode, the property setting  is 
derby.system.durability=test  If it is set to any other value other than 
test, then this property setting is ignored and the system will default 
to the usual mode where all syncs happen correctly.
2) If database is booted in this mode then the  flag  to indicate this 
mode is being used is set in log.ctrl file and it will not change after 
that.Thus there wont be any switching between this mode ( no syncs) to 
default ( all syncs) mode because we cannot guarantee that the database 
will be in a consistent state once its booted in this no sync mode..
3) This  flag is now written out as part of the log control flags in 
log.ctrl file instead of using a spare byte.
svn stat:
M  java\engine\org\apache\derby\impl\store\raw\log\LogToFile.java
M  java\engine\org\apache\derby\impl\store\raw\data\RAFContainer.java
M  java\engine\org\apache\derby\iapi\reference\MessageId.java
M  java\engine\org\apache\derby\iapi\reference\Property.java
M  java\engine\org\apache\derby\loc\messages_en.properties



Re: [PATCH] Derby 218 - Add relaxed durability option

2005-05-10 Thread Sunitha Kambhampati
Mike Matrigali wrote:
Could you resolve the conflict in LogToFile.java in the current trunk
revision and resubmit the patch?
I resolved the conflict and regenerated the 
patch(DurabilityTest_0510.txt). Let me know if you have any problems 
applying this patch.

Sunitha Kambhampati wrote:
Thanks Suresh for your comments.  I have attached a new patch that 
takes care of them and as well as the property name change as 
discussed on the list.

So now,
1)To enable this no syncs mode, the property setting  is 
derby.system.durability=test  If it is set to any other value other 
than test, then this property setting is ignored and the system will 
default to the usual mode where all syncs happen correctly.
2) If database is booted in this mode then the  flag  to indicate 
this mode is being used is set in log.ctrl file and it will not 
change after that.Thus there wont be any switching between this mode 
( no syncs) to default ( all syncs) mode because we cannot guarantee 
that the database will be in a consistent state once its booted in 
this no sync mode..
3) This  flag is now written out as part of the log control flags in 
log.ctrl file instead of using a spare byte.
svn stat:
M  java\engine\org\apache\derby\impl\store\raw\log\LogToFile.java

M  java\engine\org\apache\derby\iapi\reference\MessageId.java
M  java\engine\org\apache\derby\iapi\reference\Property.java
M  java\engine\org\apache\derby\loc\messages_en.properties



Index: java/engine/org/apache/derby/impl/store/raw/log/LogToFile.java
--- java/engine/org/apache/derby/impl/store/raw/log/LogToFile.java  
(revision 169506)
+++ java/engine/org/apache/derby/impl/store/raw/log/LogToFile.java  
(working copy)
@@ -265,7 +265,32 @@
/* Log Control file flags. */
private static final byte IS_BETA_FLAG = 0x1;
+ * When the derby.system.durability property is set to 'test', the store 
+ * system will not force sync calls in the following cases
+ * - for the log file at each commit
+ * - for the log file before data page is forced to disk
+ * - for page allocation when file is grown
+ * - for data writes during checkpoint
+ * This means it is possible that the recovery system may not work 
+ * committed transactions may be lost, and/or database may not
+ * be in a consistent state.
+ * In order that we recognize this case that the database was previously
+ * at any time booted in this mode, this value is written out
+ * into the log control file. This will help prevent us from 
+ * wasting time to resolve issues in such cases. 
+ * @see org.apache.derby.iapi.reference.Property#DURABILITY_PROPERTY
+ * This value is written as part of the log control file flags byte.
+ */
+private static final byte IS_DURABILITY_TESTMODE_NO_SYNC_FLAG = 0x2;
+ * keeps track of if the database was booted previously at any time with 
+ * derby.system.durability=test
+ */
+private static boolean wasDBInDurabilityTestModeNoSync = false;
/* to err on the conservative side, unless otherwise set, assume log
 *  archive is ON 
@@ -362,7 +387,7 @@
// log goes to the log subdirectory underneath the data directory
String logDevice;
-// debug only flag - disable syncing of log file for debugging performance.
+// disable syncing of log file when running in derby.system.durability=test
 private boolean logNotSynced = false;
private boolean logArchived = false;
@@ -403,8 +428,7 @@

private CRC32 checksum = new CRC32(); // holder for the checksum
 * Note: Why logging system support file sync and write sync ?
 * Note : The reason to support file and write sync of logs is 
@@ -1194,8 +1218,8 @@
-   // done with recovery
+// done with recovery
// setup checktpoint daemon
@@ -1207,6 +1231,7 @@
Checkpoint the rawStore.
@@ -2138,14 +2163,27 @@
byte flag

Re: [PATCH] Derby 218 - Add relaxed durability option

2005-05-11 Thread Mike Matrigali
I committed this change with svn 169538.
Sunitha Kambhampati wrote:
Mike Matrigali wrote:
Could you resolve the conflict in LogToFile.java in the current trunk
revision and resubmit the patch?
I resolved the conflict and regenerated the 
patch(DurabilityTest_0510.txt). Let me know if you have any problems 
applying this patch.

Sunitha Kambhampati wrote:
Thanks Suresh for your comments.  I have attached a new patch that 
takes care of them and as well as the property name change as 
discussed on the list.

So now,
1)To enable this no syncs mode, the property setting  is 
derby.system.durability=test  If it is set to any other value other 
than test, then this property setting is ignored and the system will 
default to the usual mode where all syncs happen correctly.
2) If database is booted in this mode then the  flag  to indicate 
this mode is being used is set in log.ctrl file and it will not 
change after that.Thus there wont be any switching between this mode 
( no syncs) to default ( all syncs) mode because we cannot guarantee 
that the database will be in a consistent state once its booted in 
this no sync mode..
3) This  flag is now written out as part of the log control flags in 
log.ctrl file instead of using a spare byte.
deleted rest ...

Re: [PATCH] Derby 218 - Add relaxed durability option

2005-05-11 Thread David Van Couvering
Great!  I have a question: if I wanted to use this to speed up testing, 
how do I do it within the context of the test harness?

Mike Matrigali wrote:
I committed this change with svn 169538.
Sunitha Kambhampati wrote:
Mike Matrigali wrote:
Could you resolve the conflict in LogToFile.java in the current trunk
revision and resubmit the patch?
I resolved the conflict and regenerated the 
patch(DurabilityTest_0510.txt). Let me know if you have any problems 
applying this patch.

Sunitha Kambhampati wrote:
Thanks Suresh for your comments.  I have attached a new patch that 
takes care of them and as well as the property name change as 
discussed on the list.

So now,
1)To enable this no syncs mode, the property setting  is 
derby.system.durability=test  If it is set to any other value other 
than test, then this property setting is ignored and the system will 
default to the usual mode where all syncs happen correctly.
2) If database is booted in this mode then the  flag  to indicate 
this mode is being used is set in log.ctrl file and it will not 
change after that.Thus there wont be any switching between this mode 
( no syncs) to default ( all syncs) mode because we cannot guarantee 
that the database will be in a consistent state once its booted in 
this no sync mode..
3) This  flag is now written out as part of the log control flags in 
log.ctrl file instead of using a spare byte.
deleted rest ...

Re: [PATCH] Derby 218 - Add relaxed durability option

2005-05-11 Thread Sunitha Kambhampati
David Van Couvering wrote:
Great!  I have a question: if I wanted to use this to speed up 
testing, how do I do it within the context of the test harness?

To enable this mode for derbyall suite.
put the following property in 

build it ( ant testing).
Then I believe, when you run derbyall, this property will be picked up 
by all the tests run as part of derbyall.

Mike Matrigali wrote:
I committed this change with svn 169538.
Sunitha Kambhampati wrote:
Mike Matrigali wrote:
Could you resolve the conflict in LogToFile.java in the current trunk
revision and resubmit the patch?
I resolved the conflict and regenerated the 
patch(DurabilityTest_0510.txt). Let me know if you have any problems 
applying this patch.

Sunitha Kambhampati wrote:
Thanks Suresh for your comments.  I have attached a new patch that 
takes care of them and as well as the property name change as 
discussed on the list.

So now,
1)To enable this no syncs mode, the property setting  is 
derby.system.durability=test  If it is set to any other value 
other than test, then this property setting is ignored and the 
system will default to the usual mode where all syncs happen 
2) If database is booted in this mode then the  flag  to indicate 
this mode is being used is set in log.ctrl file and it will not 
change after that.Thus there wont be any switching between this 
mode ( no syncs) to default ( all syncs) mode because we cannot 
guarantee that the database will be in a consistent state once its 
booted in this no sync mode..
3) This  flag is now written out as part of the log control flags 
in log.ctrl file instead of using a spare byte.

deleted rest ...

Re: [PATCH] Derby 218 - Add relaxed durability option

2005-05-11 Thread Sunitha Kambhampati
Sunitha Kambhampati wrote:
David Van Couvering wrote:
Great!  I have a question: if I wanted to use this to speed up 
testing, how do I do it within the context of the test harness?

To enable this mode for derbyall suite.
put the following property in 

build it ( ant testing).
Then I believe, when you run derbyall, this property will be picked up 
by all the tests run as part of derbyall.

Also, if you want to doublecheck if this property is picked up correctly 
or not, in the window where you are running the derbyall suite, you 
should see the derby.system.durability=test property passed as part of 
testSpecialProps for the tests..

Execute command: java -DjavaCmd=java 
tename=derbyall:derbylang -Dtopsuitename=derbyall 
onTests.harness.RunTest lang/errorCode.sql

Also, you should also see the following warning in derby.log  :
WARNING: The database is booted with derby.system.durability=test. In 
this mode, it is possible that database may not be able to recover, 
committed transactions may be lost, database may be in an inconsistent 
state. Please use this mode only when these consequences are acceptable  "


Re: [PATCH] Derby 218 - Add relaxed durability option

2005-05-11 Thread Daniel John Debrunner
Sunitha Kambhampati wrote:

> David Van Couvering wrote:
>> Great!  I have a question: if I wanted to use this to speed up
>> testing, how do I do it within the context of the test harness?
> To enable this mode for derbyall suite.
> put the following property in
> java\testing\org\apache\derbyTesting\functionTests\suites\derbyall.properties
> derby.system.durability=test

I think this will work as an alternative, and means you don't have to
modify any files

java -Dderby.system.durability=test
org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.harness.RunSuite derbyall

The -Dderby.system.durability to the java command ensures the property
will be set for any tests run in-process, e.g. nist

The setting in the jvmflags ensures it is passed on to the JVM's spawned
to run most tests.


Re: [PATCH] Derby 218 - Add relaxed durability option

2005-05-11 Thread Mike Matrigali
let us know if this works.  There are some recovery/crash tests in the
full suite.  My guess is that they will work since the I/O is sent to
the OS, just not sync's -- but they are not guaranteed to work under
this mode.
Sunitha Kambhampati wrote:
David Van Couvering wrote:
Great!  I have a question: if I wanted to use this to speed up 
testing, how do I do it within the context of the test harness?

To enable this mode for derbyall suite.
put the following property in 

build it ( ant testing).
Then I believe, when you run derbyall, this property will be picked up 
by all the tests run as part of derbyall.

Mike Matrigali wrote:
I committed this change with svn 169538.
Sunitha Kambhampati wrote:
Mike Matrigali wrote:
Could you resolve the conflict in LogToFile.java in the current trunk
revision and resubmit the patch?
I resolved the conflict and regenerated the 
patch(DurabilityTest_0510.txt). Let me know if you have any problems 
applying this patch.

Sunitha Kambhampati wrote:
Thanks Suresh for your comments.  I have attached a new patch that 
takes care of them and as well as the property name change as 
discussed on the list.

So now,
1)To enable this no syncs mode, the property setting  is 
derby.system.durability=test  If it is set to any other value 
other than test, then this property setting is ignored and the 
system will default to the usual mode where all syncs happen 
2) If database is booted in this mode then the  flag  to indicate 
this mode is being used is set in log.ctrl file and it will not 
change after that.Thus there wont be any switching between this 
mode ( no syncs) to default ( all syncs) mode because we cannot 
guarantee that the database will be in a consistent state once its 
booted in this no sync mode..
3) This  flag is now written out as part of the log control flags 
in log.ctrl file instead of using a spare byte.

deleted rest ...

Re: [PATCH] Derby 218 - Add relaxed durability option

2005-05-11 Thread David Van Couvering
Thanks.  Are there any tests that *shouldn't* be run in this mode, e.g. 
recovery tests?

Daniel John Debrunner wrote:
Sunitha Kambhampati wrote:

David Van Couvering wrote:

Great!  I have a question: if I wanted to use this to speed up
testing, how do I do it within the context of the test harness?
To enable this mode for derbyall suite.
put the following property in

I think this will work as an alternative, and means you don't have to
modify any files
java -Dderby.system.durability=test
org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.harness.RunSuite derbyall
The -Dderby.system.durability to the java command ensures the property
will be set for any tests run in-process, e.g. nist
The setting in the jvmflags ensures it is passed on to the JVM's spawned
to run most tests.

Re: [PATCH] Derby 218 - Add relaxed durability option

2005-05-13 Thread David Van Couvering
FYI, your suggestion worked great on XP, but on Linux I got a strange 
error in tests that spawn another JVM:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: 

I am will try to track this down, but meanwhile I'm modifying 

Daniel John Debrunner wrote:
Sunitha Kambhampati wrote:

David Van Couvering wrote:

Great!  I have a question: if I wanted to use this to speed up
testing, how do I do it within the context of the test harness?
To enable this mode for derbyall suite.
put the following property in

I think this will work as an alternative, and means you don't have to
modify any files
java -Dderby.system.durability=test
org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.harness.RunSuite derbyall
The -Dderby.system.durability to the java command ensures the property
will be set for any tests run in-process, e.g. nist
The setting in the jvmflags ensures it is passed on to the JVM's spawned
to run most tests.

Re: [PATCH] Derby 218 - Add relaxed durability option

2005-05-13 Thread David Van Couvering
FYI, your suggestion worked great on XP, but on Linux I got a strange 
error in tests that spawn another JVM:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: 

I am working on tracking this down, but meanwhile I'm modifying 

Daniel John Debrunner wrote:
Sunitha Kambhampati wrote:

David Van Couvering wrote:

Great!  I have a question: if I wanted to use this to speed up
testing, how do I do it within the context of the test harness?
To enable this mode for derbyall suite.
put the following property in

I think this will work as an alternative, and means you don't have to
modify any files
java -Dderby.system.durability=test
org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.harness.RunSuite derbyall
The -Dderby.system.durability to the java command ensures the property
will be set for any tests run in-process, e.g. nist
The setting in the jvmflags ensures it is passed on to the JVM's spawned
to run most tests.

Re: [PATCH] Derby 218 - Add relaxed durability option

2005-05-13 Thread Daniel John Debrunner
David Van Couvering wrote:

> FYI, your suggestion worked great on XP, but on Linux I got a strange
> error in tests that spawn another JVM:
> Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
> "-Dderby/system/durability=test"

Getting the quoting to work when passing setting jvmflags seems a major
pain. Take a look at the j9 thread to see how I managed to get jvmflags
to work when it included multiple -D options, may help, but it was on XP
as well. You can use -Dverbose=true on the outer jvm to see the command
line for the spawned jvm, that might give clues.

Now if we used JUnit this wouldn't be an issue ...
(I'll just keep repeating this ... :-)


Re: [PATCH] Derby 218 - Add relaxed durability option

2005-05-13 Thread David Van Couvering
Thanks, Dan.  Yes, I would love to move to JUnit too, that has my vote.
Daniel John Debrunner wrote:
David Van Couvering wrote:

FYI, your suggestion worked great on XP, but on Linux I got a strange
error in tests that spawn another JVM:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:

Getting the quoting to work when passing setting jvmflags seems a major
pain. Take a look at the j9 thread to see how I managed to get jvmflags
to work when it included multiple -D options, may help, but it was on XP
as well. You can use -Dverbose=true on the outer jvm to see the command
line for the spawned jvm, that might give clues.
Now if we used JUnit this wouldn't be an issue ...
(I'll just keep repeating this ... :-)

Re: [PATCH] Derby 218 - Add relaxed durability option

2005-05-20 Thread Øystein Grøvlen
> "SK" == Sunitha Kambhampati <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

SK> A little background: Sometime earlier on the list, Dan posted a fix to
SK> make derby  go faster  with relaxed durability  with some  flags. The
SK> post   is   at

I was originally planning to review this before it was committed, but
I did not get around to sending my comments before I went on a
vacation.  Even if it is a bit late, here are some questions/comments
to this patch and the follow-up patch for the test program:

  - I am not sure about the value of this mode compared to a mode with
relaxed durability, but guaranteed consistency.  The large
performance improvements comes from not syncing transaction
commit.  How much extra performance do you really get from not
doing one sync per checkpoint?

  - Unless I am missing something, it does not seem more difficult to
implement the alternative that guarantees consistency.  Do you
have any plans to do that?

  - With respect to upgrade, does previous versions properly
initialize the spare byte in the log.ctrl file?  Otherwise, one
could risk false detections on upgrade.

  - I am a bit sceptical to the value of having a test that tests that
this feature give a certain performance advantage.  I have seen
that over time such tests often have false failures when run on
new platforms.  I see that your latest patch addresses this.
However, should the performance of disk io increase beyond your
threshold, the test would not be able to detect any failures to
turn off syncing.  I think that a performance regression test
would be better for this prupose.

  - The test will only test whether the syncing at commit is turned
off.  The other syncs will not decrease performance so much that
it would be detected by the threshold of the test.


Re: [PATCH] Derby 218 - Add relaxed durability option

2005-05-22 Thread Sunitha Kambhampati

Thanks for the feedback.

Øystein Grøvlen wrote:

<>Even if it is a bit late, here are some questions/commentsto this 
patch and the follow-up patch for the test program:

- I am not sure about the value of this mode compared to a mode with
relaxed durability, but guaranteed consistency. The large
performance improvements comes from not syncing transaction
commit. How much extra performance do you really get from not
doing one sync per checkpoint?

I think both the options
1) derby.system.durability=test 
2)actual relaxed durability with consistency and recoverability
are useful.  I would probably use 1 for testing purposes and earlier 
responses to the list seemed to indicate #1 was  good to support.
I agree with you that #2 is a good and useful option to have and I think 
other databases support this option.

- Unless I am missing something, it does not seem more difficult to
implement the alternative that guarantees consistency. Do you
have any plans to do that?

I have filed a jira issue (Derby-306).  But  I am tied up with other 
things at the moment so I dont have plans to do this right now. 

<> - With respect to upgrade, does previous versions properly
initialize the spare byte in the log.ctrl file? Otherwise, one
could risk false detections on upgrade.

-- the spare byte (that I used in my initial patch)  is initialized 
correctly in previous version., but in the final patch per review 
comments - the log control flags byte was used to store this flag and 
yes it is initialized in previous versions correctly.  So I think there 
should not be any false detections on upgrade.

- I am a bit sceptical to the value of having a test that tests that
this feature give a certain performance advantage. I have seen
that over time such tests often have false failures when run on
new platforms. I see that your latest patch addresses this.
However, should the performance of disk io increase beyond your
threshold, the test would not be able to detect any failures to
turn off syncing.I think that a performance regression test
would be better for this prupose.

Yes, you are right.  The best way to detect issues with this case would 
be a performance regression test.   This test was (is) tricky :) 
specially adding the timing part as a functional test..  But I think 
currently what the test does will atleast send off an alarm if the 
inserts take really long. I added lots of comments in the test and as 
well as when the test might fail with warnings about it being 
approximate times. 
But since we dont require any perf test to be run when submitting 
patches, I think maybe this test is probably ok for now .. 
I welcome any suggestions on this to make it better..
