Re: Question regarding DERBY-4208 Parameters ? with OFFSET and/or FETCH

2009-07-10 Thread Dag H. Wanvik
Kathey Marsden  writes:

> After reviewing everyone's input I think that I'd be ok if we go ahead
> with the extension in this particular case, if we have such a
> disclaimer in the documentation.  Is this acceptable to all?



Re: Question regarding DERBY-4208 Parameters ? with OFFSET and/or FETCH

2009-07-10 Thread Kathey Marsden

Mike Matrigali wrote:

It would be good to see clear documentation of this feature as a 
implementation, maybe with some note that if a standard comes in this 
area we

may change the behavior to match it.

After reviewing everyone's input I think that I'd be ok if we go ahead 
with the extension in this particular case, if we have such a disclaimer 
in the documentation.  Is this acceptable to all?

It does feed temptation to do something similar with DERBY-728 (DRDA 
UNICODEMGR), so maybe it does grease the slope a bit, but we can discuss 
that *later* if needed.


Re: Question regarding DERBY-4208 Parameters ? with OFFSET and/or FETCH

2009-07-10 Thread Lance Andersen

On Jul 10, 2009, at 10:47 AM, Kathey Marsden wrote:

Lance Andersen wrote:
3) Does this create a slippery slope for violation of our  
standards based charter?

I do not see how.  Every database vendor has their own extensions  
which are above and beyond standards

Such a  liberal approach to extensions would certainly require a  
change to our charter which specifically states migration to other  
databases as a reason for our standards adherence.

Being standards based does not necessarily mean you cannot have  
extensions, nor does  stating our charter is standards based have  
complete meaning.

For example, there are many  optional features  described by the SQL  
Standard just like there is for JDBC.  Derby certainly is not  
supporting all features in the JDBC or the latest SQL standard (nor  
does any other DB).  So even if you support a feature in a standard,  
it does not mean you can migrate a Derby application to a database  
which does not support that feature, meaning you have non-standard  
standards :-)

Most of the databases have been around long before the SQL Standard.   
Some databases have added features supported by other databases to aid  
in migration (such as in this case with TOP/LIMIT) because the feature  
is popular.  This can be more important that just deciding that every  
feature must be in a spec.

Do not get my wrong, standards are important (I am a spec lead and an  
alternate on the SQL standard committee), but should not be the only  
factor which decides whether something is worthwhile to add to your  

Looking at the Derby charter, it just talks about standards which is  
at a high level.  It is not specific about levels of compliance or  
which versions of standards.  Also from time to time, standards remove  
a feature so must you immediately drop it from your product?  Of  
course not.

A balanced approach is best especially when at the value of the feature.

When JDBC 4.1 completes the escape syntax will be there as we  
closed on this ages ago in the EG.  Regardless of the fact, it is  
Escape syntax to provide a standard way for JDBC apps to utilize  
the varying functionality in the ways different DBs provide support  
for this feature.
If this doesn't require interface changes and if the JDBC committee  
can publish the syntax  and guarantee it will be there and not be  
changed for 4.1, I think it would be ok to implement this now at  
least for the embedded driver. (The client might be harder).  We  
could just leave it out of our documentation and have a Wiki pointer  
to the JDBC spec draft.

It is escape syntax to allow the equivalent of LIMIT to be done in a  
portable way.  Derby could do this today with the windowing feature  
and this really has nothing to do with requiring JDBC syntax for what  
we are talking about.  My point for mentioning the JDBC escape syntax  
was that there are enough vendors with this type of functionality, it  
is worth adding to Derby in a fashion easier than using windowing...


Re: Question regarding DERBY-4208 Parameters ? with OFFSET and/or FETCH

2009-07-10 Thread Mike Matrigali

Dag H. Wanvik wrote:

I think the mitigating circumstance here is that Rick says that this
is an *omission* on part of the SQL standards committee. Naturally,
they might change the syntax entirely for 2011, or choose *not* to
allow this anyway, but that hardly seems likely. The OFFSET, FETCH
FIRST/NEXT syntax is now fixed in three places (at least: the
standard, PostgresQL and DB2). To me it seems a very low risk to take;
we *are* supporting the standard syntax: In addition we are fixing the
committee's omission in expectation that this will be included.

I guess this all boils down how strictly we interpret our charter of
following the standard. I worry our users will see our barring this as
being overly careful at the cost of usability. 

Anyway, I'm out for 2 weeks, so this won't make 10.5.2 in any case ;)


After reading the subsequent info in this thread I think allowing this 
non-standard extension is ok.  In general I still do believe that Derby 

continue it's charter as a standard's based DB, and that just because other
db's have implemented non-standard behavior that is not enough to implement
them in Derby.

The main points that convinced me are:
1) Work has been done to interact with he standard committee and it seems
   this is in keeping with the intent of the standard, and very likely to
   appear in a standard in the future.
2) The oversight of the standard has made the feature unusable in some
   applications, and the use of ? parameters in this case is the normal way
   Derby applications get performance.
3) This is an extension, not a breaking of the existing standard.

It would be good to see clear documentation of this feature as a 
implementation, maybe with some note that if a standard comes in this 
area we

may change the behavior to match it.

Re: Question regarding DERBY-4208 Parameters ? with OFFSET and/or FETCH

2009-07-10 Thread Kathey Marsden

Dag H. Wanvik wrote:

Anyway, I'm out for 2 weeks, so this won't make 10.5.2 in any case ;)

I am glad we are not under the gun for this for 10.5.2.  Have a great 
vacation Dag and Rick!


Re: Question regarding DERBY-4208 Parameters ? with OFFSET and/or FETCH

2009-07-10 Thread Dag H. Wanvik

I think the mitigating circumstance here is that Rick says that this
is an *omission* on part of the SQL standards committee. Naturally,
they might change the syntax entirely for 2011, or choose *not* to
allow this anyway, but that hardly seems likely. The OFFSET, FETCH
FIRST/NEXT syntax is now fixed in three places (at least: the
standard, PostgresQL and DB2). To me it seems a very low risk to take;
we *are* supporting the standard syntax: In addition we are fixing the
committee's omission in expectation that this will be included.

I guess this all boils down how strictly we interpret our charter of
following the standard. I worry our users will see our barring this as
being overly careful at the cost of usability. 

Anyway, I'm out for 2 weeks, so this won't make 10.5.2 in any case ;)


Re: Question regarding DERBY-4208 Parameters ? with OFFSET and/or FETCH

2009-07-10 Thread Kathey Marsden

Lance Andersen wrote:
3) Does this create a slippery slope for violation of our standards 
based charter?

I do not see how.  Every database vendor has their own extensions 
which are above and beyond standards

Such a  liberal approach to extensions would certainly require a change 
to our charter which specifically states migration to other databases as 
a reason for our standards adherence. 

When JDBC 4.1 completes the escape syntax will be there as we closed 
on this ages ago in the EG.  Regardless of the fact, it is Escape 
syntax to provide a standard way for JDBC apps to utilize the varying 
functionality in the ways different DBs provide support for this feature.
If this doesn't require interface changes and if the JDBC committee can 
publish the syntax  and guarantee it will be there and not be changed 
for 4.1, I think it would be ok to implement this now at least for the 
embedded driver. (The client might be harder).  We could just leave it 
out of our documentation and have a Wiki pointer to the JDBC spec draft. 


Re: Question regarding DERBY-4208 Parameters ? with OFFSET and/or FETCH

2009-07-10 Thread Lance Andersen

On Jul 10, 2009, at 9:12 AM, Kathey Marsden wrote:

Rick Hillegas wrote:
Other forms of parameterization are allowed by the standard. It is  
just that ? parameters are not explicitly included. The consensus  
of the committee members who discussed this was that this was an  
oversight, and no-one could explain why ? parameters had been  

The ? parameters would be, technically, an extension to what's in  
the standard--an extension which is compatible with the standard  
and which clearly fits the standard's intent.

Thanks  Rick for the clarification. My questions on this now are:
1) What would we do if for some reason this didn't make the  
standard? Would we back it out and break existing applications or  
remain forked from the standard?

2) What is the impact on users migrating to other database  
products?  Often Derby is used as a development database and/or as  
one of many database options.  How would we mitigate portability  

There are always going to be things that come up in migrations.   
Regardless of whether you are coming to/from Java DB to/from Oracle,  
MySQL, Postgresql, SQL Anywhere, ASE, Informix...

documentation is how you mitigate these types of things documenting  
which features of Derby are not part of the standard

3) Does this create a slippery slope for violation of our standards  
based charter?

I do not see how.  Every database vendor has their own extensions  
which are above and beyond standards

I think all three of these could be mitigated if we could get a  
public commitment from the SQL committee that this *will*  be  
included in the 2011 spec  or get a commitment from the JDBC  
committee on the escape syntax that will be supported in JDBC 4.1  
and implement that.  Is it  possible to get such a commitment?

When JDBC 4.1 completes the escape syntax will be there as we closed  
on this ages ago in the EG.  Regardless of the fact, it is Escape  
syntax to provide a standard way for JDBC apps to utilize the varying  
functionality in the ways different DBs provide support for this  


Re: Question regarding DERBY-4208 Parameters ? with OFFSET and/or FETCH

2009-07-10 Thread Kathey Marsden

Rick Hillegas wrote:
Other forms of parameterization are allowed by the standard. It is 
just that ? parameters are not explicitly included. The consensus of 
the committee members who discussed this was that this was an 
oversight, and no-one could explain why ? parameters had been omitted.

The ? parameters would be, technically, an extension to what's in the 
standard--an extension which is compatible with the standard and which 
clearly fits the standard's intent.

Thanks  Rick for the clarification. My questions on this now are:
1) What would we do if for some reason this didn't make the standard? 
Would we back it out and break existing applications or remain forked 
from the standard?

2) What is the impact on users migrating to other database products?  
Often Derby is used as a development database and/or as one of many 
database options.  How would we mitigate portability concerns?

3) Does this create a slippery slope for violation of our standards 
based charter?

I think all three of these could be mitigated if we could get a public 
commitment from the SQL committee that this *will*  be included in the 
2011 spec  or get a commitment from the JDBC committee on the escape 
syntax that will be supported in JDBC 4.1 and implement that.  Is it  
possible to get such a commitment?


Re: Question regarding DERBY-4208 Parameters ? with OFFSET and/or FETCH

2009-07-09 Thread Rick Hillegas

Kathey Marsden wrote:

Rick Hillegas wrote:
I think that this discussion has gotten seriously off-track. It is 
the intent of the standard that the offset and window length values 
be parameterized. This is clear from the standard language
Hmmm, I thought the problem was that the standard did not allow for 
parameters and that is why we were having this discussion. Dag said:

On the contra side, we have the fact that dynamic arguments are not 
allowed by the SQL standard for this construct, at least not yet.

I have to admit I haven't had time to research the standard myself, 
but am a bit confused. Can you resolve your statement with Dag's?
Other forms of parameterization are allowed by the standard. It is just 
that ? parameters are not explicitly included. The consensus of the 
committee members who discussed this was that this was an oversight, and 
no-one could explain why ? parameters had been omitted.

The ? parameters would be, technically, an extension to what's in the 
standard--an extension which is compatible with the standard and which 
clearly fits the standard's intent.

I believe this is a serious usability defect of our OFFSET/FETCH 
implementation. As it stands today, you can only scroll one of these 
windows forward by sacrificing the performance benefits of prepared 
statements. It would be a shame if this feature had to remain 
unusable until the next rev of the standard in 2011. If the committee 
approves some other language at that time, then we can implement that 

I agree this would potentially improve performance but don't see it as 
a bug.  Hopefully the statement cache will help.
The statement cache does not help. Without the ? parameters, each window 
has to be constructed by a separate prepared statement. This is the crux 
of the problem.
If people wish to veto this proposal, then I would ask them to 
propose an alternative solution which makes this feature usable and 
which they believe fits more comfortably within the intention of the 

Hopefully it won't come down to a veto. Hopefully we can reach 
consensus in the community.

Yes, please. I'm looking forward to consensus when I get back from vacation!



Re: Question regarding DERBY-4208 Parameters ? with OFFSET and/or FETCH

2009-07-09 Thread Lance J. Andersen

Rick Hillegas wrote:
I think that this discussion has gotten seriously off-track. It is the 
intent of the standard that the offset and window length values be 
parameterized. This is clear from the standard language and I 
confirmed this with the SQL committee in May. For the record, Lance 
and I sit on the SQL committee as alternate delegates from Sun. 
Dynamic ? parameters are Derby's model for specifying parameters.

I believe this is a serious usability defect of our OFFSET/FETCH 
implementation. As it stands today, you can only scroll one of these 
windows forward by sacrificing the performance benefits of prepared 
statements. It would be a shame if this feature had to remain unusable 
until the next rev of the standard in 2011. If the committee approves 
some other language at that time, then we can implement that extension.

I agree with you Rick and I feel that we should implement this feature

If people wish to veto this proposal, then I would ask them to propose 
an alternative solution which makes this feature usable and which they 
believe fits more comfortably within the intention of the standard.

no veto from me, I am for it.



Dag H. Wanvik wrote:

Hi folks,

I have a working patch sitting on DERBY-4208. I am wondering if this
is a fix we should consider including for 10.5.2?

The pro argument is that this is a usability issue, and to the extent
it forces the app to construct SQL on the fly, makes the app more
vulnerable to injection attacks, at least in theory. A user has asked
for it.

On the contra side, we have the fact that dynamic arguments are not
allowed by the SQL standard for this construct, at least not yet.

Personally I think it's a nice extension.



Re: Question regarding DERBY-4208 Parameters ? with OFFSET and/or FETCH

2009-07-09 Thread Kathey Marsden

Rick Hillegas wrote:
I think that this discussion has gotten seriously off-track. It is the 
intent of the standard that the offset and window length values be 
parameterized. This is clear from the standard language
Hmmm, I thought the problem was that the standard did not allow for 
parameters and that is why we were having this discussion. Dag said:

On the contra side, we have the fact that dynamic arguments are not allowed by 
the SQL standard for this construct, at least not yet.

I have to admit I haven't had time to research the standard myself, but 
am a bit confused. Can you resolve your statement with Dag's?

I believe this is a serious usability defect of our OFFSET/FETCH 
implementation. As it stands today, you can only scroll one of these 
windows forward by sacrificing the performance benefits of prepared 
statements. It would be a shame if this feature had to remain unusable 
until the next rev of the standard in 2011. If the committee approves 
some other language at that time, then we can implement that extension.

I agree this would potentially improve performance but don't see it as a 
bug.  Hopefully the statement cache will help.
If people wish to veto this proposal, then I would ask them to propose 
an alternative solution which makes this feature usable and which they 
believe fits more comfortably within the intention of the standard.

Hopefully it won't come down to a veto. Hopefully we can reach consensus 
in the community.


Re: Question regarding DERBY-4208 Parameters ? with OFFSET and/or FETCH

2009-07-09 Thread Rick Hillegas
I think that this discussion has gotten seriously off-track. It is the 
intent of the standard that the offset and window length values be 
parameterized. This is clear from the standard language and I confirmed 
this with the SQL committee in May. For the record, Lance and I sit on 
the SQL committee as alternate delegates from Sun. Dynamic ? parameters 
are Derby's model for specifying parameters.

I believe this is a serious usability defect of our OFFSET/FETCH 
implementation. As it stands today, you can only scroll one of these 
windows forward by sacrificing the performance benefits of prepared 
statements. It would be a shame if this feature had to remain unusable 
until the next rev of the standard in 2011. If the committee approves 
some other language at that time, then we can implement that extension.

If people wish to veto this proposal, then I would ask them to propose 
an alternative solution which makes this feature usable and which they 
believe fits more comfortably within the intention of the standard.


Dag H. Wanvik wrote:

Hi folks,

I have a working patch sitting on DERBY-4208. I am wondering if this
is a fix we should consider including for 10.5.2?

The pro argument is that this is a usability issue, and to the extent
it forces the app to construct SQL on the fly, makes the app more
vulnerable to injection attacks, at least in theory. A user has asked
for it.

On the contra side, we have the fact that dynamic arguments are not
allowed by the SQL standard for this construct, at least not yet.

Personally I think it's a nice extension.



Re: Question regarding DERBY-4208 Parameters ? with OFFSET and/or FETCH

2009-07-09 Thread Lance J. Andersen

Kathey Marsden wrote:

Mike Matrigali wrote:

I would rather wait for an approved standard so that we don't later
get caught with apps depending on a non-standard behavior that we
might want to change in the future to meet a standard.

From the provided info it does not even look like there is a defacto
standard adopted by multiple db's.
I  tend to agree that it is better to wait for a standard. This still 
seems all over the place for the different database product 
implementations and not yet even in a draft standard.

Well it is in the standard for 2008


So why not support it?

personally, if you can easily support some of the other variants, i 
would do that as well.  Just because something is not in an official 
standard, it indirectly becomes a standard when implemented by multiple 

Don't get me wrong, standards are important, but so is making 
applications easier to use and migrate from one platform to another




Re: Question regarding DERBY-4208 Parameters ? with OFFSET and/or FETCH

2009-07-09 Thread Kathey Marsden

Mike Matrigali wrote:

I would rather wait for an approved standard so that we don't later
get caught with apps depending on a non-standard behavior that we
might want to change in the future to meet a standard.

From the provided info it does not even look like there is a defacto
standard adopted by multiple db's.
I  tend to agree that it is better to wait for a standard. This still 
seems all over the place for the different database product 
implementations and not yet even in a draft standard.


Re: Question regarding DERBY-4208 Parameters ? with OFFSET and/or FETCH

2009-07-09 Thread Mike Matrigali

I would rather wait for an approved standard so that we don't later
get caught with apps depending on a non-standard behavior that we
might want to change in the future to meet a standard.

From the provided info it does not even look like there is a defacto
standard adopted by multiple db's.


Dag H. Wanvik wrote:

Hi folks,

I have a working patch sitting on DERBY-4208. I am wondering if this
is a fix we should consider including for 10.5.2?

The pro argument is that this is a usability issue, and to the extent
it forces the app to construct SQL on the fly, makes the app more
vulnerable to injection attacks, at least in theory. A user has asked
for it.

On the contra side, we have the fact that dynamic arguments are not
allowed by the SQL standard for this construct, at least not yet.

Personally I think it's a nice extension.



Re: Question regarding DERBY-4208 Parameters ? with OFFSET and/or FETCH

2009-07-09 Thread Lance Andersen

Hi Dag,

We are also adding support for this via a JDBC ESCAPE in JDBC 4.1

The current versions of Sybase support TOP and  SQL Anywhere and MS  
SQL Server supports it as well

INFORMIX IDS supports Limit

On Jul 9, 2009, at 10:06 AM, Dag H. Wanvik wrote:

Kathey Marsden  writes:

I am hesitant to introduce behavior that is not standard compliant,
but may be less hesitant if it is a sort of implied industry  

What other database products do/do not support this syntax?

* MySQL allows it in their LIMIT construct, cf.

* DB2 has a syntax similar to the standard, but doesn't appear to
allow dynamic parameters:

*  PostGreSQL has both a LIMIT and the new OFFSET/FETCH FIRST syntax:

It appears to allow dynamic evaluation, c.f this quote:

"If the count expression evaluates to NULL, it is treated as LIMIT
ALL, i.e., no limit. If start evaluates to NULL, it is treated the
same as OFFSET 0."

in other words it can be an expression, not just a literal as the
standard currently requires.

* Sybase has a special statement called SET ROWCOUNT, it seems. It's  

equivalent, I think, since "A limit violation occurs when the number
of rows returned by a select statement exceeds the limit value", says
the documentation:

but presumably this can be set before each execution of SELECT,
although the docs are not explicit about this, at least not in the
cited section.

* SQL Server has a similar statement to Sybase, but the semantics seem
more benign:

"Causes SQL Server to stop processing the query after the specified
number of rows are returned." (no talk of violation or error here).

Looking at this example, it seems work dynamically:

* Oracle has a ROWNUM builtin that can be used in dynamic queries,
 akin to the standard ROW_NUMBER(). This can be used for DERBY also,
 but the current implementation of ROW_NUMBER has some bugs and users
 seems to balk at the WINDOWing complexity for something as simple as
 limiting the number of rows returned. Significantly, it still doesn't
 work in conjunction with ORDER BY (DERBY-3634).

 Note that the Oracle version requires a subquery, but does not
 require a windowing syntax:

 select * from ( select * from emp order by sal desc ) where ROWNUM  
<= 5;

In summary, the record is a bit mixed. Hearsay from the SQL committee
indicates that the 2011 version will allow dynamic parameters for
OFFSET/FETCH NEXT, and it seem the PostGreSQL people have had similar


Re: Question regarding DERBY-4208 Parameters ? with OFFSET and/or FETCH

2009-07-09 Thread Dag H. Wanvik
Kathey Marsden  writes:

> I am hesitant to introduce behavior that is not standard compliant,
> but may be less hesitant if it is a sort of implied industry standard.
> What other database products do/do not support this syntax?

* MySQL allows it in their LIMIT construct, cf.

* DB2 has a syntax similar to the standard, but doesn't appear to
allow dynamic parameters:

*  PostGreSQL has both a LIMIT and the new OFFSET/FETCH FIRST syntax:

It appears to allow dynamic evaluation, c.f this quote:

"If the count expression evaluates to NULL, it is treated as LIMIT
ALL, i.e., no limit. If start evaluates to NULL, it is treated the
same as OFFSET 0."

in other words it can be an expression, not just a literal as the
standard currently requires.

* Sybase has a special statement called SET ROWCOUNT, it seems. It's not
equivalent, I think, since "A limit violation occurs when the number
of rows returned by a select statement exceeds the limit value", says
the documentation:

but presumably this can be set before each execution of SELECT,
although the docs are not explicit about this, at least not in the
cited section.

* SQL Server has a similar statement to Sybase, but the semantics seem
more benign:

"Causes SQL Server to stop processing the query after the specified
number of rows are returned." (no talk of violation or error here).

Looking at this example, it seems work dynamically:

* Oracle has a ROWNUM builtin that can be used in dynamic queries,
  akin to the standard ROW_NUMBER(). This can be used for DERBY also,
  but the current implementation of ROW_NUMBER has some bugs and users
  seems to balk at the WINDOWing complexity for something as simple as
  limiting the number of rows returned. Significantly, it still doesn't
  work in conjunction with ORDER BY (DERBY-3634).

  Note that the Oracle version requires a subquery, but does not
  require a windowing syntax:

  select * from ( select * from emp order by sal desc ) where ROWNUM <= 5;

In summary, the record is a bit mixed. Hearsay from the SQL committee
indicates that the 2011 version will allow dynamic parameters for
OFFSET/FETCH NEXT, and it seem the PostGreSQL people have had similar


Re: Question regarding DERBY-4208 Parameters ? with OFFSET and/or FETCH

2009-07-08 Thread Kathey Marsden

Dag H. Wanvik wrote:

Hi folks,

I have a working patch sitting on DERBY-4208. I am wondering if this
is a fix we should consider including for 10.5.2?

The pro argument is that this is a usability issue, and to the extent
it forces the app to construct SQL on the fly, makes the app more
vulnerable to injection attacks, at least in theory. A user has asked
for it.

On the contra side, we have the fact that dynamic arguments are not
allowed by the SQL standard for this construct, at least not yet.

Personally I think it's a nice extension.


I am hesitant to introduce behavior that is not standard compliant, but 
may be less hesitant if it is a sort of implied industry standard.  What 
other database products do/do not support this syntax?


Question regarding DERBY-4208 Parameters ? with OFFSET and/or FETCH

2009-07-08 Thread Dag H. Wanvik

Hi folks,

I have a working patch sitting on DERBY-4208. I am wondering if this
is a fix we should consider including for 10.5.2?

The pro argument is that this is a usability issue, and to the extent
it forces the app to construct SQL on the fly, makes the app more
vulnerable to injection attacks, at least in theory. A user has asked
for it.

On the contra side, we have the fact that dynamic arguments are not
allowed by the SQL standard for this construct, at least not yet.

Personally I think it's a nice extension.

