[Design-team] Please allow me to introduce myself

2010-07-12 Thread Emily Dirsh
Hi, I'm new to the design list, and I'm excited to contribute. My
experience is primarily in web design (including coding html/css), but I
also do a good bit of logo design and some t-shirt/merch design. Please
let me know how I can help!

よろしく おねがいします。


design-team mailing list

Re: [Design-team] Latest design team bounty is up!

2010-07-17 Thread Emily Dirsh
Hi Kris,

I did try it with the std fedora blue, but I thought it had too little
contrast - so I tweaked the luminosity a bit to help readability.

On Thu, 2010-07-15 at 21:58 +0200, Kris Thomsen wrote:
> It looks really nice :) but I think we should use a Fedora-blue for
> the text instead of the light/baby blue :)
> Maybe put some more blue into the artwork generally. But the pattern
> is awesome!
> // Kris
> 2010/7/15 Máirín Duffy :
> > Hi folks :)
> >
> > On Fri, 2010-07-09 at 16:30 -0400, Máirín Duffy wrote:
> >> http://mairin.wordpress.com/2010/07/09/fedora-design-bounty-fedora-slide-deck-template/
> >>
> >> This one is for the slide deck template. Please feel free to re-dent,
> >> tweet, or do whatever you do to spread the word :)
> >
> > It looks like we have our second design bounty ninja. :)
> >
> > Here's Emily's work:
> >
> > "I’m done! \o/
> >
> > "I uploaded the template to the wiki. If anyone wants to take a look at
> > the template file and the svg mockup file I used for all the extra
> > graphics, you can get them here:
> > http://www.fightingcrane.com/emily/fedora/
> >
> > "If anyone has any comments or critiques (be gentle! ;) ) just let me
> > know. Thanks!"
> >
> >
> > Can you folks look over the otp file Emily has provided us and provide
> > some critique? I really like the pattern she came up with as well as the
> > slide gradient. It gives the slides a nice depth and it makes the text
> > easier to read I think.
> >
> > ~m
> >
> > ___
> > design-team mailing list
> > design-team@lists.fedoraproject.org
> > https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/design-team
> ___
> design-team mailing list
> design-team@lists.fedoraproject.org
> https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/design-team

design-team mailing list

Re: [Design-team] Latest design team bounty is up!

2010-07-17 Thread Emily Dirsh
Hi Jef,

Thanks for the suggestions. Don't worry - you don't sound mean ;). It's
easy to miss little details sometimes when you're finishing things up
really quickly during lunch :)

On your first point, I had the background quite dark because I didn't
want the logo to get lost. On one of my monitors (not calibrated, mind
you) the logo on the first page got a bit lost in the background, so I
made it darker to be on the safe side. That said, I like the change you
made with the background. I do like seeing the pattern all the way up
the page.

To your second point, grr stupid OOo...

Thirdly, I like the change to the question text - it does make it more
consistent. However, I think changing the position of the contact
info/logo to the right corner makes that corner look a bit crowded.

Thanks for your input - it's very helpful! Let me know if you have any
other ideas! 


On Thu, 2010-07-15 at 22:18 +0200, Jef van Schendel wrote:
> 2010/7/15 Máirín Duffy :
> > Hi folks :)
> >
> > On Fri, 2010-07-09 at 16:30 -0400, Máirín Duffy wrote:
> >> http://mairin.wordpress.com/2010/07/09/fedora-design-bounty-fedora-slide-deck-template/
> >>
> >> This one is for the slide deck template. Please feel free to re-dent,
> >> tweet, or do whatever you do to spread the word :)
> >
> > It looks like we have our second design bounty ninja. :)
> >
> > Here's Emily's work:
> >
> > "I’m done! \o/
> >
> > "I uploaded the template to the wiki. If anyone wants to take a look at
> > the template file and the svg mockup file I used for all the extra
> > graphics, you can get them here:
> > http://www.fightingcrane.com/emily/fedora/
> >
> > "If anyone has any comments or critiques (be gentle! ;) ) just let me
> > know. Thanks!"
> >
> >
> > Can you folks look over the otp file Emily has provided us and provide
> > some critique? I really like the pattern she came up with as well as the
> > slide gradient. It gives the slides a nice depth and it makes the text
> > easier to read I think.
> >
> > ~m
> >
> > ___
> > design-team mailing list
> > design-team@lists.fedoraproject.org
> > https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/design-team
> Hi Emily!
> Welcome, fellow Bounty Ninja! :D
> Great work on the slides... I love the background pattern. Fun and
> Fedora-like, better looking than a plain background yet not
> distracting. Excellent. Also love the cute little Fedora-features
> bullet points. :)
> As for critique... Overall I like it but there's a few small things I
> think need a little adjustment. Just ideas, see what you do with 'em!
> ~ I thought the black from the background gradient was a little too
> dark, so I made it dark grey instead. I put a new version in the
> edited .odp, but there's an even newer one in the .svg and .png (made
> the pattern a little less obvious).
> ~ If you expand the left border of the "Presentation Title" text to
> the left border of the slide, it won't change position anymore when
> you change the text (which it did in my OpenOffice). Seems like a
> weird bug/setting in OOo...
> ~ I made the text from the "Questions" slide the same as the
> "Topic..." slides, I personally think it looks a little better if
> they're similar.
> And even smaller nitpicks:
> ~ The license text in the bottom right corner isn't equally space from
> the right border and the bottom. Moved it down a bit to correct this.
> ~ I changed "Presented By:" to "Presented by" because I think it looks
> a little cleaner. Opinions may vary on this though. Darn, I just
> noticed it isn't aligned with the text below it now... Needs an edit.
> ~ Made some other small edits to the layout of the "Questions" slide:
> moved the license down a bit, removed the : from "Contact:", made the
> Fedora logo the same size as the text next to it and placed it all in
> the bottom right corner. Again, just my opinion.
> Gosh I sound mean here... I'm no expert so take all this with a grain
> of salt. Hope some of it is useful! :)
> Looking forward to having you on the team,
> Jef
> Edited slide: 
> http://schendje.fedorapeople.org/temp/Slide%20Deck%20Template%20Jef.odp
> Edited background: http://schendje.fedorapeople.org/temp/slide-mockup-1.png
> Edited background source:
> http://schendje.fedorapeople.org/temp/slide-mockup-jef.svg
> ___
> design-team mailing list
> design-team@lists.fedoraproject.org
> https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/design-team

design-team mailing list

Re: [Design-team] Latest design team bounty is up!

2010-07-17 Thread Emily Dirsh

Do you have something in mind? A small logo? or something else?


On Fri, 2010-07-16 at 09:21 +0300, Nicu Buculei wrote:
> On 07/15/2010 10:29 PM, Máirín Duffy wrote:
> >
> > Can you folks look over the otp file Emily has provided us and provide
> > some critique? I really like the pattern she came up with as well as the
> > slide gradient. It gives the slides a nice depth and it makes the text
> > easier to read I think.
> That's an awesome debut in the team from Emily.
> Here is my own suggestion: can we have something about Fedora identity 
> on every page, in the header of the footer? (it would be very small and 
> unobtrusive)
> -- 
> nicu :: http://nicubunu.ro :: http://nicubunu.blogspot.com/
> photography: http://photoblog.nicubunu.ro/
> ___
> design-team mailing list
> design-team@lists.fedoraproject.org
> https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/design-team

design-team mailing list

[Design-team] Slide Template Bounty: New revision

2010-07-17 Thread Emily Dirsh
Hi everybody,

Based on the feedback I've gotten so far, I worked up a new revision of
the slide template. You can get a copy (along with all the
artwork/source files) here: http://www.fightingcrane.com/emily/fedora/

Let me know what you think!


design-team mailing list

Re: [Design-team] Slide Template Bounty: New revision

2010-07-20 Thread Emily Dirsh
Good point, Nicu. I'll change the text to make that more clear, and
maybe point out the licensing wiki page.

On Mon, 2010-07-19 at 08:46 +0300, Nicu Buculei wrote:
> On 07/17/2010 10:17 PM, Emily Dirsh wrote:
> > Hi everybody,
> Hi,
> > Based on the feedback I've gotten so far, I worked up a new revision of
> > the slide template. You can get a copy (along with all the
> > artwork/source files) here: http://www.fightingcrane.com/emily/fedora/
> >
> > Let me know what you think!
> Just a quick observation on "License statement goes here. Creative 
> Commons licenses are good." - not all CC licenses are good, some are 
> good and other are bad:
> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Licensing#Bad_Licenses_3

design-team mailing list

Re: [Design-team] Slide Template Bounty: New revision

2010-07-20 Thread Emily Dirsh
Hi Paul,

The template uses Comfortaa and Droid Sans per the design team font
suggestions, so I'm guessing you already have them.

Just in case (and for anyone else following along), you can download
Comfortaa here: http://www.fontsquirrel.com/fonts/Comfortaa
and you can get Droid Sans by installing the google-droid-fonts package.


On Mon, 2010-07-19 at 18:34 -0400, Paul W. Frields wrote:
> On Mon, Jul 19, 2010 at 01:43:22PM -0400, Máirín Duffy wrote:
> > Hi Emily!
> > 
> > On Sat, 2010-07-17 at 15:17 -0400, Emily Dirsh wrote:
> > > Hi everybody,
> > > 
> > > Based on the feedback I've gotten so far, I worked up a new revision of
> > > the slide template. You can get a copy (along with all the
> > > artwork/source files) here: http://www.fightingcrane.com/emily/fedora/
> > 
> > This looks fantastic, thank you for the update and for taking everyone's
> > feedback into account.
> > 
> > I made one minor change to your rev2, and that was to swap out the
> > custom fedoraproject.org logo you created with the official Fedora
> > project logo (for which you probably didn't have the vector files.) I
> > think it's probably better to use the standard logo rather than have an
> > alternative one. I hope this change is agreeable to you. You can see it
> > here:
> > 
> > https://fedoraproject.org/w/uploads/8/85/Fedora-designninja-presentation-submission.otp
> > 
> > If you're happy with the change, let me know because I'd like to
> > announce you as the latest bounty winner sometime this week :) and also
> > get the wiki/Presentations page updated with your template.
> Do I need any special fonts installed to get the best experience from
> this presentation template, Emily?

design-team mailing list

[Design-team] fedora 14 and gnome-shell

2010-07-20 Thread Emily Dirsh
I just noticed that F14 is going to include gnome-shell. Does anyone
have any thoughts on gnome-shell theming? it uses CSS for theming, so it
would be very easy to have some Fedora friendly gnome-shell theming out
of box.


design-team mailing list

Re: [Design-team] Our weekly meetings

2010-07-26 Thread Emily Dirsh
That's a possibility, but I think having it as an optional social time
is still a good idea. People who only have time to make the meeting can
leave at the conclusion of the meeting, but those with a few more
minutes can stick around for a more informal chat. It may even work the
other way (not sure that's a good thing?) where people may only go to
the meeting if there's a topic they're interested in, but will pop in
for the chat after.

Either way, the after-meeting part is nice for socialization and
undirected spitballing. +fun!

On Thu, 2010-07-22 at 09:23 +0300, Nicu Buculei wrote:

> On 07/22/2010 12:52 AM, Jef van Schendel wrote:
> >
> > I think the idea of having extended discussions after the meetings
> > would be great, although usually I have to go to work 15 min after the
> > meetings end so in the future I probably can't stick around very long.
> > So that's the only thing about the timing that sucks for me. If we
> > could push it to one hour earlier that'd be awesome, but I understand
> > that that's isn't easily done just for me. :) We could of course also
> > schedule those discussions for whenever the persons involved with that
> > particular task are available.
> If we make the discussion after more certain then we practically extend 
> the length of the meeting, making the busy people even less likely to 
> commit - if you are busy at work or tired around midnight, you can sneak 
> in the schedule an hour but two hours may be too much.

design-team mailing list

Re: [Design-team] The capital "i" in Comfortaa

2010-07-26 Thread Emily Dirsh
I'll agree - although it is not really a bone of contention for me
personally, the 'unserif-ized' I is much cleaner looking. And though it
would be able to be mistaken for a lowercase L - although the lower l in
this font is differentiated, it's not immediately obvious - I'd say the
cases where confusion could be a real issue aren't common, and easily
(?) avoided in a titling font.

Also, the word jumbling is really fun, but it's not quite as easy as you
might think. ;) I thought this was interesting:

On Fri, 2010-07-23 at 15:02 +0200, Fabian A. Scherschel wrote:

> On Fri, Jul 23, 2010 at 1:37 PM, Martin Sourada
>  wrote:
> Nope, I also think the "I" is a bit off in this font. Besides,
> "l"
> already has a more subtle, but fitting, hint of serifs.
> I so completely agree with that! :)
> That gibberish thing was actually something I learned in a Phonetics
> class. Of course I've forgotten what that phenomenon is actually
> called. LOL.
> Fab 
> ___
> design-team mailing list
> design-team@lists.fedoraproject.org
> https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/design-team

design-team mailing list

[Design-team] Joining design team wiki page

2010-07-26 Thread Emily Dirsh
I've made a few updates to the 'how to join the design team' wiki page:

Here's what I changed:
- I removed one of the info boxes that were at the top, and incorporated
it into the body of the article to remove a bit of clutter/confusion
- I cleaned up the writing a bit, clarified a few steps, and tried to
simplify things overall
- I mentioned the design bounties and pointed to Mo's blog (plug, plug,
plug - more ninjas!!!)
- That's it!

Check out the page history for the exact changes, and feel free to
revise/comment on any of the changes I made!

design-team mailing list

[Design-team] Font comparison

2010-07-28 Thread Emily Dirsh
Hi all,

I started making up the type samples for font comparison, but I kept
thinking that something interactive would be more useful, so I made this
instead. Everyone go and try it out so we can pick a font already. :) 

Here's the full url:

Let me know if there are any bugs!

design-team mailing list

Re: [Design-team] Font comparison

2010-07-29 Thread Emily Dirsh
Yay! good mailing list font discussion. :) I'm glad you like my little
font comparator! ^-^ 

So, here's my $.02:

I like the line-spacing of Cantarell better - it makes reading from line
to line easier, and I like the glyph shapes for the most part, as well.
But there do seem to be some kerning issues as Paul pointed out. It
doesn't look quite as polished as Droid. And for some reason (probably
just me being OCD) the lowercase 'a' is bugging the crap out of me.
Every time I read something in Cantarell, that 'a' catches my eye. Aside
from my own weird glyph obsession, it also doesn't actually cover (as
far as I can see) the cyrillic or greek scripts. I believe it's just
using the default serif font to display those scripts. So, if that's an
issue, we'll need to either pick another font to cover them, or get
those scripts added to the font (volunteers?).

I find Droid easier to read on a line, and at smaller sizes. Droid also
does have cyrillic and greek, and according to wikipedia, it's supposed
to have CJK support? ¯\(°_°)/¯ And to me, it's cleaner looking... but
that's just an aesthetic preference. 

Grr, I'm really conflicted here. I think aesthetically, I like Droid
better overall, but Cantarell is open and source-available, so even
though it has some issues, we can fix them... 
design-team mailing list

Re: [Design-team] Font comparison

2010-07-29 Thread Emily Dirsh
haha! yes.. that was supposed to go to the design-team, I just hit
reply, and didn't even check the address. oops! :P

On Fri, 2010-07-30 at 00:12 +0200, Martin Sourada wrote:

> On Thu, 2010-07-29 at 17:51 -0400, Emily Dirsh wrote:
> > Maybe it wasn't clear :P Actually, I meant that according to
> > wikipedia, droid sans has CJK support - but I haven't seen that
> > myself, so I'm not sure how accurate that is...
> > 
> > >From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Droid_%28font%29:
> > 
> > The Droid Sans typeface consists of Regular and Bold fonts.
> > Droid Sans regular font includes support for Simplified and
> > Traditional Chinese, Japanese and Korean support for the
> > GB2312, Big 5, JIS 0208 and KSC 5601 character sets
> > respectively.
> > 
> Um, this message was probably supposed to go to the design-team list,
> right? It's probably my fault as I hit "reply all" with my previous mail
> and didn't checked that you're in CC... Sorry about that.
> Martin

design-team mailing list

Re: [Design-team] Font comparison

2010-07-30 Thread Emily Dirsh
Thanks for letting me know. I'm pretty sure it's because Epiphany isn't
downloading the remote fonts. Epiphany doesn't appear to have a
javascript console, so I can't be sure, but if you have them installed,
it will use the local fonts, so it seems to be a problem with the remote
fonts. It's really odd, because other webkit based browsers
(chrome/chromium) aren't having this problem. :( Well, I don't like it,
but since it at least works on firefox, I'm going to leave it as is. If
anybody wants to play around with the code, it's all contained in that
single html file.

> On 07/30/2010 01:27 PM, Martin Sourada wrote:
> >
> > What exactly does not work? I have no issues (after installing the
> > needed fonts and restarting the web-browser) in both midori and epiphany
> > in F12.
> Clicking on the font doesn't re-render the page under droid for example.
> Rahul
> ___
> design-team mailing list
> design-team@lists.fedoraproject.org
> https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/design-team

design-team mailing list

[Design-team] Design/Artwork wiki pages

2010-08-02 Thread Emily Dirsh
Hi all,

This was discussed last week in the meeting, and since no one
volunteered, and I had a few spare minutes I took it upon myself to make
some changes to the design team wiki page. ;)

I basically added some information that was missing from the Design page
- all general information about the design team "what we do" "services
provided" etc - pretty much verbatim from the Artwork page. I just
removed some out of date links and pointed people to the ticket

I also added a warning on the Artwork page that it is out of date, and
people should look at the Design page instead. 

The Artwork page still has some information about Resources, Long term
projects, and Guidelines which may also need to be added to the Design
page. I'm just not sure which, if any, of that info is still relevant.
If we can get all relevant information moved from Artwork to Design then
we can hopefully archive the Artwork page and redirect it to the Design

So, anybody with a few minutes to spare go check it out and make it
better! :D

Artwork page: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Artwork
Design page: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Design

design-team mailing list

Re: [Design-team] Reminder: Design Team Meeting Today!

2010-08-03 Thread Emily Dirsh
On Tue, 2010-08-03 at 17:29 +0200, Fabian A. Scherschel wrote:
> I'd like to talk about Gnome 3 and possible plans for Gnome Shell
> theming, please! :)
> Fab
> # Fabian A. Scherschel
> # Host & Producer, Sixgun Productions
> # Member, Fedora Design Team

Since Gnome 3 release has been pushed back, do we even need to worry
about this until F15?

design-team mailing list

Re: [Design-team] CHASM Logo design request

2010-08-03 Thread Emily Dirsh
On Tue, 2010-08-03 at 10:14 -0500, Adam Miller wrote:

> Hello design team!
> I just sent out an introduction yesterday but I'm rather eager to get
> involved so I have accepted a ticket in the Design Team TRAC[0]
> instance and have provided some rough sketches of ideas for logo/icon
> for the CHASM project. I wanted to email the list in hopes to get some
> feedback and opinions on how this might be improved, what people like,
> don't like, and why. Many thanks!
> As always: questions, comments, and snide remarks are welcome!
> -AdamM
> [0] https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/108

Hi Adam, welcome to the design team! :) The sketches look really good!

Personally, I think the bottom sketch has the most potential for
developing into something with enough visual interest to make an impact
and be distinctive. Like Nicu and Jef have said, it will have to be
simplified a good bit. I could see it in a medallion-style logo. 

Also, is this meant to be a logo or an icon? The ticket says logo, but
you said "logo/icon". Those are different use cases and can look very
different, so... just wondering...

design-team mailing list

[Design-team] Gnome shell theming plus extension!

2010-08-04 Thread Emily Dirsh
At yesterdays design meeting, we talked a bit about gnome-shell theming.
I made a small gnome-shell extension to make it easier. (With the help
of my lovely bf Liam whom I "recruited" ;)) It adds a "button" to the
gnome-shell panel that reloads the theme/css file without having to
restart the Shell. 

You can install it by extracting it to
~/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions and restarting gnome-shell if it's

If you don't have gnome-shell installed, there is a package for it! :D
Or you can build it from source - there are instructions on the
gnome-shell page.

Once you have the extension installed, just edit the gnome-shell.css
file and click the "Refresh theme" button on the panel to see the

gnome-shell page (with build instructions): 
gnome-shell extensions: 

Download my extension:


PS - I tested it on my own machine, but other than that, you will all
have to be test-monkeys - so let me know if anything goes wonky with the
extension! thx!

design-team mailing list

Re: [Design-team] Gnome shell theming plus extension!

2010-08-04 Thread Emily Dirsh
Forgot to include the list here... :P

 Forwarded Message 
From: Emily Dirsh 
Reply-to: em...@fightingcrane.com
To: Jef van Schendel 
Subject: Re: [Design-team] Gnome shell theming plus extension!
Date: Wed, 04 Aug 2010 12:19:40 -0400

On Wed, 2010-08-04 at 17:59 +0200, Jef van Schendel wrote:
> That's... excellent!
> Have you contacted the gnome-shell team about this? I'm sure they'd
> love to hear about it and maybe put it on the gnome-shell homepage for
> others.

Thanks Jef! I haven't contacted anyone else about it. Although I would
love to share it with the gnome-shell team (probably the design team).
Liam and I just threw it together last night, and it's pretty rough
right now, so I thought I'd share it here and see if I could get it
tested a bit more. ;) (Honestly, I could see it as the basis of a theme
switcher/selector extension, but that's too ambitious for me atm :))

> If only I could get gnome-shell to work, then I could've tried this
> out... Tried to build it this afternoon but no luck yet. :(
> Jef

I've had trouble building gnome-shell lately as well. Have you tried
installing the gnome-shell package? I found out last night that there is
a package for it in the repos. I'm not sure how recent it is, but it
should be fine for theme testing.

When I get a chance, I'll definitely get in touch with the gnome-shell
team, because I also think we should help with documenting the
gnome-shell theming process. We really need documentation on available
selectors, and what parts of the shell they correspond with; as well as
the non-standard css styles the shell supports. You can figure a good
bit of it out between the included css file and plain trial and error,
but let's only have to do that once ;)


design-team mailing list

Re: [Design-team] Gnome shell theming plus extension!

2010-08-06 Thread Emily Dirsh
On Fri, 2010-08-06 at 16:03 +0200, Martin Sourada wrote:

> Hi you two, 
> are you building the classical way (./configure & make & make install)
> or via package? If the package way, would you mind uploading it on your
> fedorapeople.org space, there are people who would like to play with it
> as well, but don't want to install stuff outside package manager >:-D
> Cheers,
> Martin 

Fedora has a gnome-shell package in the standard repos, it's just old.
If you want to play with it just for theming, it's probably adequate

design-team mailing list

Re: [Design-team] Want to help pick the F14 Release Slogan?

2010-08-11 Thread Emily Dirsh

> On Thu, Aug 12, 2010 at 6:40 AM, Robyn Bergeron
>  wrote:
> We need a slogan for the F14 release. A release slogan is a
> short
> call-to-action that fits the artwork theme from Design, found
> at
> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/F14_release_slogan#Themes.
> (F13's
> slogan was "Rock it.")

I'm thinking something like "do more", or something with "more", like
"more than the sum of it's parts".

design-team mailing list

Re: [Design-team] Plymouth theme (boot splash) in F14

2010-08-19 Thread Emily Dirsh
On Wed, 2010-08-18 at 21:26 +0200, Martin Sourada wrote:
> Personally I'd prefer switching to spinfinity theme. It's simple and
> professional looking and it does not have any rendering glitches (tested
> myself on F12 and F14).
> Any thoughts on this?

+1 for spinfinity - (although I'd personally prefer a release-specific
theme :D)


design-team mailing list

Re: [Design-team] Supplemental Wallpaper Submission Voting

2010-08-19 Thread Emily Dirsh
On Thu, 2010-08-19 at 23:46 +0200, Fabian A. Scherschel wrote:
> Captain's Log, Supplemental...
> I just closed the Supplemental Wallpaper Submissions down. Please head
> to the main page [1] and the older one which also has excellent images
> [2] and pick the 20 images you like the most. Please submit your vote
> here or at the IRC meeting on Tuesday when we'll wrap the voting
> process up and pick the final winners.
> Happy choosing, everyone! :)
> Fab

These are my votes: :)
Oh tomorrow i'm alone
Thou apocalypse
Denali from mckinley princess lodge
Sunset in iceland
Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The sound of decadence
Dutch skies
Geese at Sunset
Magic Forest
Bohol beach club
jean-marie hullot
P1040377 (Blue w/ Black stripe)
Nighttime water
River Kunzas Fog
Magnetic Island Sunset
Kuranda Butterfly Sanctuary

design-team mailing list

Re: [Design-team] Supplemental Wallpapers

2010-09-01 Thread Emily Dirsh
On Wed, 2010-09-01 at 13:43 +0300, Nicu Buculei wrote:
> Based on the team's vote, Emily created a page with the "winners":
> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/F14_Artwork_Supplemental_Wallpapers_Winners
> The next step is to re-check the licenses to ensure we are all OK with 
> the usage:
> - 5 images were submitted by known Fedora contributors, who signed the 
> CLA: icon, fabsh, bruce89 and nicubunu, they should be OK;
> - me and Emily split the remaining ones and are contacting the authors, 
> the images are taken from Flickr and they have Creative Commons licenses 
> but we want to check they are OK with the attribution.
> I started with my own part:
> - mailed and awaiting replies from Hamed Saber, Unhindered by Talent, 
> Eneas, Ivan Zuber;
> - identified "Lavender Kiss" as having an inappropriate license, 
> CC-BY-ND, which is considered non-Free so not usable in Fedora.
> We will also need the help of a packager to push them in the distro, 
> Martin or someone else, can you lend a hand?

Just to keep everyone up to date - I've now contacted bslmmers,
imhullot, eflon, joiseyshowaa, and udono about the licensing/attribution
of their photos for inclusion in the package. Nighttime water by
darkmere is licensed CC-by-nc-nd, which I believe is incompatible?

Also, nicubunu mentioned blogging/promoting the supplemental wallpaper
package, but I don't have a blog :) - so is there anyone on the list
with a blog who wants to plug it for us? :D

design-team mailing list

Re: [Design-team] Supplemental Wallpapers

2010-09-02 Thread Emily Dirsh
On Thu, 2010-09-02 at 09:46 +0300, Nicu Buculei wrote:
> On 09/02/2010 09:02 AM, Nicu Buculei wrote:
> > On 09/02/2010 04:41 AM, Emily Dirsh wrote:
> >>
> >> Also, nicubunu mentioned blogging/promoting the supplemental wallpaper
> >> package, but I don't have a blog :) - so is there anyone on the list
> >> with a blog who wants to plug it for us? :D
> >
> > I'll do it (start writing in 3, 2, 1... )
> Done:
> http://nicubunu.blogspot.com/2010/09/fedora-14-supplemental-wallpapers.html

Thanks Nicu!

I've also received positive replies from the folks I contacted. (5 for
5! woo!) I went ahead and updated the attributions on the wiki to comply
with their individual attribution requests.

Now we just need to test them and make any necessary edits! :)


design-team mailing list

[Design-team] F14 splashes

2010-09-06 Thread Emily Dirsh
Hi all,

There's been a number of new wallpapers and splash screens submitted. I
think I've got them all collected on the wiki pages. So, if anyone wants
to go look and submit feedback in preparation for the meeting tomorrow
(there's still a meeting tomorrow right? ;)) you can see the wallpapers
at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/F14_Artwork#Wallpapers_2 and the
splash screens at


design-team mailing list

Re: [Design-team] Supplemental Wallpapers

2010-09-07 Thread Emily Dirsh

> Hi all,
> I'm terribly sorry but it seems like I won't be able to make the
> package, not till tomorrow at the very least (after I hopefully pass an
> exam from group theory). That said, if anyone prepared all the needed
> stuff and left for me only the packaging part, I think I could spare
> about half an hour to do the package (it will be subpackages of
> laughlin-backgrounds os it will be just simple SPEC editing, build and
> update issue).
> For the wallpapers we have upstream at (all design-team members can
> commit)
> http://git.fedorahosted.org/git/?p=design-team.git;a=summary
> Note that constantine-backgrounds, which also had extra wallpapers, are
> there too (but IIRC only for GNOME, but ultimately I want them to be
> available also for KDE, LXDE and XFCE as well, but we can figure these
> later) so you can use them as an example of how we did it in the past.  
> I apologize again,
> Martin
> ___
> design-team mailing list
> design-team@lists.fedoraproject.org
> https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/design-team

Hi Martin, Mo said she can package them, so don't worry about it! :)

design-team mailing list

Re: [Design-team] Dutch_skies.jpg de-watermarked

2010-09-07 Thread Emily Dirsh
On Tue, 2010-09-07 at 23:04 +0100, Marc Stewart wrote:
> I've had a go at removing the watermark from "Dutch Skies" and scaled it
> to the standard sizes. All at:
> http://marcstewart.fedorapeople.org/f14/supplemental/
> If everyone's happy with it, it can be uploaded to the wiki.
> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/File:Dutch_skies.jpg
> Marc
> ___
> design-team mailing list
> design-team@lists.fedoraproject.org
> https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/design-team

Thanks Marc! It looks great! We're only doing one size of each image,
though. The original photo's aspect ratio is in between widescreen and
standard, so I'm thinking we should use the standard size.

design-team mailing list

Re: [Design-team] Supplemental Wallpapers

2010-09-08 Thread Emily Dirsh
I've resized all the wallpapers to fit with the standard sizes and
updated them on the wiki. Thanks to Marc for taking care of Dutch


design-team mailing list

[Design-team] Beta wallpaper revision

2010-09-10 Thread Emily Dirsh
I know it's a bit down-to-the-wire, but I (finally! ;)) finished a new
revision of the beta wallpaper. It's up on the wiki now here:

I replaced the light spots/lens flare with a light streak/aurora effect.

I don't have the source file uploaded just yet - it's huge! - but I'm
working on it and I'll post a link on the wiki ASAP.

See what you think!


design-team mailing list

Re: [Design-team] Beta wallpaper revision

2010-09-14 Thread Emily Dirsh
Thanks for all the feedback guys! It's really great! :) Taking
everyone's comments into account I made a new! improved! revised
wallpaper. I also did a dark version for Martin. ;) 

Here's the links: 


Unfortunately, I didn't get them done in time for the meeting today, or
to get into beta, but I did want to share them with everyone. :)

design-team mailing list

Re: [Design-team] Supplemental Wallpapers Package

2010-09-14 Thread Emily Dirsh
On Tue, 2010-09-14 at 18:35 +0200, Martin Sourada wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've finaly found some time to work on the supplemental wallpapers
> pacakge. Here's the result for early testing:
> http://mso.fedorapeople.org/packages/F14/RPMS/

Thanks Martin!

> What I'd like from you to review before I push it to fedora is:
> 1. The Attribution file. It gets installed with the -single package
> which is required by both -gnome and -kde

There are a few issues with the attribution here:
 1. On Autumn Colors, the Author should be listed as B. Katz not
Joisey Showa and please include his blog
 2. 'Mount Bator and Mount Sumeru in the back in Bali' is actually
titled Sunrise on Tengger Caldera and the author's flickr name
is jmhullot not imhullot
 3. On Dutch Skies, Bas Lammers email address (bslm...@yahoo) is
invalid, I'd just remove it. 
 4. On Seneca Lake, please list the author as Alex Wolcott.

> 2. The .desktop files -- there's some attribution as well, I might
> have make an error here and there

Basically, this has the same issues as the attribution file
 1. laughlin-autumn_colors.desktop, author should be listed as B.
 2. laughlin-bali.desktop, author is jmhullot on flickr, not
imhullot ;)
 3. laughlin-seneca_lake.desktop, author should be Alex Wolcott

> 3. The desktop-backgrounds-lauglin-extras.xml -- the attribution info
> I tried to add does not show in background properties and I don't know
> whether it's my fault or whether it isn't supported. Plus, again, I
> might have made a mistake when filling it out.

I think the chooser widget only supports showing a limited amount of
information, so it's not your fault ;). What Nicu, Mo, and I discussed
was including attribution information in the image name, so instead of
Autumn Colors
we would have:
Autumn Colors by B. Katz (www.joiseyshowaa.com)

It's not as elegant, but it gets the job done.

> 4. Two images were left out from Marc's slideshow XML [1] -- Oh
> Tomorrow I’m Alone and Thou Apocalypse by Hamed Saber so I left them
> out as well. Was that because they're licensing wasn't verified yet?
> Plus, I went ahead and sanitized the filenames a bit...
> Thanks,
> Martin
> References:
> [1] http://marcstewart.fedorapeople.org/f14/supplemental/F14_Supplemental.xml
> ___
> design-team mailing list
> design-team@lists.fedoraproject.org
> https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/design-team

design-team mailing list

Re: [Design-team] Beta wallpaper revision

2010-09-17 Thread Emily Dirsh
Well, obviously some of us (including me ;)) like having something in
the middle. Personally, I think it is a bit jarring, and visually
unsatisfying to leave it completely empty. 

But then again, some of us don't like having something there. So,
keeping that in mind, I managed to work up yet another revision - not to
take away from mo's really nice version, but just to see where this one
takes me ;) - and I tried this time to find a bit of a compromise...
There's something in the middle, but it's not anything definite, and
it's much more subtle than the big starburst/supernova effect I had
before. See what you all think!


On Fri, 2010-09-17 at 10:47 +0200, Fabian A. Scherschel wrote:
> I tried to put something in that space in my initial revision. If we
> keep the void, I think the emanating rays need to fade into it more
> gradually. The way it is now, it kinda draws your eye to the hole and
> then there's nothing there...
> Fab

design-team mailing list

Re: [Design-team] Fedora 14 Sleeve Artwork (New variant)

2010-10-08 Thread Emily Dirsh
These look really good Alexander! I like the crowd image on the back,
and the reflection on the front is really nice.

wrt the lower right corner - I think the contrast provided by the
lighter blue looks a good bit better, maybe we can play with some other
way of differentiating between the kde and standard release? Also, the
spacing of the logo(s) and the 14 seems a bit too far apart. I think if
they're spaced closer together it'll look more cohesive. 
Also, on the standard release covers, it looks a bit redundant to have
the fedora logo twice in such close proximity, so maybe we should remove
the small top logo?

> Also a question for everyone:
> Do we really need to state the minimum requirements? 400MHz Pentium II
> processors are over 11 years old. Surely any owners of such a computer
> would, by now, know what it's likely to be able to run. Also, minimum
> requirements confuse people. I've lost count of the number of times I've
> been asked "Does this mean my computer's good enough?" Since the
> necessary hardware is so basic, the answer for Fedora is almost
> certainly "Yes", so why confuse anyone unnecessarily?

I agree - I don't think the minimum requirements are very helpful. It's
also not very clear what minimum requirements means - is it the minimum
needed to boot or is it the minimum needed to be reasonably usable? It
also doesn't address disk space requirements or minimum graphics needed.
Personally I think we should just leave it off, as this is very
old/basic hardware, and there are many people who won't even know what
kind of hardware they're running or how to find out. The only exception
may be indicating the requirement of a 64-bit processor for the 64-bit
version (maybe with 'if you're not sure, use the 32-bit CD').

design-team mailing list

Re: [Design-team] Design team meeting today

2010-10-19 Thread Emily Dirsh
On Tue, 2010-10-19 at 10:16 -0400, Máirín Duffy wrote:
> Hey design dudes and divas,
> We're on for a meeting tomorrow in #fedora-design. Here's a rough
> agenda; if you have interest in any of the items below please feel free
> to comment here on list before the meeting:
> - Fedora 14 remaining tasks (just 1!)
>   - Release party posters due Oct 25 (~ 1 week)

Whew! I'm just in time for the meeting this week! :) If anyone wants to
take a look before the meeting - I've got a preliminary poster design
uploaded at http://emichan.fedorapeople.org/release_14.png - SVG source
is in the same folder.

> - Fedora RPG
> - Open floor
> The meeting will be in #fedora-design on irc.freenode.net, 1900 UTC.
> ~m

See you all at the meeting!


design-team mailing list

[Design-team] F14 Release poster

2010-10-19 Thread Emily Dirsh
I made up a (slightly) new poster based on the feedback I got at the
meeting today. If anyone has any other feedback just let me know.

Check it out: 
(this is a little big b/c of the background)

Also, I call first panda!;)
Two variations and source at http://emichan.fedorapeople.org/


design-team mailing list

Re: [Design-team] F14 Release poster

2010-10-20 Thread Emily Dirsh
On Wed, 2010-10-20 at 11:20 -0600, Stephen John Smoogen wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 20, 2010 at 00:10, Nicu Buculei  wrote:
> > On 10/20/2010 01:33 AM, Stephen John Smoogen wrote:
> >> On Tue, Oct 19, 2010 at 16:22, Emily Dirsh  wrote:
> >>> I made up a (slightly) new poster based on the feedback I got at the
> >>> meeting today. If anyone has any other feedback just let me know.
> >>>
> >>> Check it out:
> >>> http://emichan.fedorapeople.org/release_14.png
> >>> Source:
> >>> http://emichan.fedorapeople.org/release_14.svg
> >>> (this is a little big b/c of the background)
> >>>
> >>> Also, I call first panda!;)
> >>> Two variations and source at http://emichan.fedorapeople.org/
> >>
> >> Where is the panda? I want a panda.
> >
> > Panda is at the party, waiting for us there and preparing the drinks in
> > the meanwhile.
> Will there be grief counseling?

Panda hugs count, right? Panda hugs fix *a lot*!

design-team mailing list

Re: [Design-team] F14 Release poster

2010-10-21 Thread Emily Dirsh
On Thu, 2010-10-21 at 10:29 +0300, Nicu Buculei wrote:
> Emily, IIRC you don't have a blog but I think we should announce this to 
> the larger community by posting on Planet Fedora... have you plans to 
> start a blog (i you don't know, we have free hosting at 
> http://blogs.fedoraproject.org/) or prefer to have the poster announced 
> by someone else, like Mo or me?

You recalled correctly. I don't have time for blogging, I have pandas to
make! ;) Thanks for pointing out the fedora blog hosting - I was not
aware. I'll definitely look into that, but for now, if anyone would like
to blog about the release poster please do so. I think Mo said she was
going to do a blog post about all of the release art (discs+sleeves,
countdowns, poster) at the last meeting. But more publicity for the
design team can't hurt, right? After all, people have a right to know
about our awesomeness...

design-team mailing list

[Design-team] zomgPANDAS

2010-10-26 Thread Emily Dirsh
Hehe, I made some panda goodies. 
This one is for Mo: http://emichan.fedorapeople.org/bedtime-panda.png
source: http://emichan.fedorapeople.org/panda.svg

design-team mailing list

Re: [Design-team] zomgPANDAS

2010-11-09 Thread Emily Dirsh
stoopid daylight savings time! I missed the meeting! :( 
Well, to make it up to you, here's some more panda goodness:

:D enjoy!

design-team mailing list

[Design-team] Fwd: Re: zomgPANDAS

2010-11-09 Thread Emily Dirsh
No problem! :) He now has a pipe. Mais, il n'est pas une pipe... ;)

On Tue, 2010-11-09 at 22:18 +0100, Fabian A. Scherschel wrote:
> Needs a pipe. :D
> Fab

design-team mailing list

[Design-team] FUDcon Tempe shirt

2010-12-02 Thread Emily Dirsh
I've got an initial design for the back of the shirt posted here:
http://emichan.fedorapeople.org/FudconTempe/hohokam.png (source file is
in the same location). It's inspired by the art of the Hohokam who once
lived in the area. I've got one more concept I'd like to explore, but I
haven't got it finished/postable yet. Anyway, feedback (as always) is


design-team mailing list

Re: [Design-team] FUDcon Tempe shirt

2010-12-02 Thread Emily Dirsh
On Thu, 2010-12-02 at 11:14 -0500, Máirín Duffy wrote:
> Wow that is **gorgeous**, I love it! I would love a shirt with that
> design in it! 

Thanks for the positive feedback! :) (You too, Jef!) 

> The main feedback I have - I think is easy to adjust for if you want -
> is that a lot of FUDcon attendees say they prefer darker-colored shirts.
> Would the design work in a white ink on a black or navy shirt?
> ~m

Ooh, I love the idea of a navy shirt! Yeah, the advantage to a
single-color design is it's very easy to adjust the color. ;) Jef
already posted a few variations for a dark background, but of course, I
had to do a few of my own. I've got one that's primarily the light
fedora blue [1] and one that's primarily the dark fedora blue [2] - I
thought just inverting the black to white was a bit too stark, but I did
like leaving in the white background on the boxes. I personally prefer
the light blue variation (I think it would look great on a navy
shirt :)). I'll post my other concept as soon as it's ready! :)



design-team mailing list

Re: [Design-team] New Design Team howto: How to Run a Fedora Design Team Meeting

2010-12-14 Thread Emily Dirsh
On Tue, 2010-12-14 at 17:36 +0100, Onyeibo Oku wrote:
> On 12/14/2010 04:50 PM, Nicu Buculei wrote:
> > On 12/14/2010 04:43 PM, Máirín Duffy wrote:
> >>
> >> Actually, I'm not going to be around next week and the week after most
> >> likely due to the holidays, so I thought it might be handy to have this
> >> stuff documented in case folks wanted to meet without me since I
> >> normally do this stuffs. :)
> >
> > I have no life so may be around during the holidays, but among us are
> > some real people... do you think is better to put the meetings on pause
> > during the next couple of weeks?
> >
> +1
> Onyeibo

I can be here, but it might be easier just to pick things up after jan

design-team mailing list

Re: [Design-team] FUDcon Tempe shirt

2010-12-14 Thread Emily Dirsh
So, since my other idea didn't really work out - this is the concept,
people! :) So, if anyone has any feedback, now is the time for it! 

Right now, I'm under the impression that the dark blue and white design
on a black background [1] is the overall favorite. There has also been
some talk that the logo needs to be adjusted. I think one person said
smaller, someone else said larger, ;) so if anyone else has any feedback
on the relationship of the logo to the rest of the design speak now or
forever hold your horses. 

Anyway, I'm going to finish up the design, add in the fudcon
information, put together some small graphic for the shirt front, and
post back to the list for final feedback within the next few days, so
please please pretty please post any feedback to the list asap!

Thanks everyone!



design-team mailing list

Re: [Design-team] GNOME as the default desktop (was Re: Fedora Board Meeting Minutes - 2010-12-06)

2010-12-15 Thread Emily Dirsh
On Wed, 2010-12-15 at 15:32 -0500, Máirín Duffy wrote:
> Hi Jóhann,
> On Wed, 2010-12-15 at 18:55 +, "Jóhann B. Guðmundsson" wrote:
> > "19:20:09  nicubunu, i dont think so, the thing that is different 
> > now than what has happened before is that as part of my full-time job at 
> > red hat, i keep this team running
> > 19:20:28  nicubunu, having the design team for Fedora is really 
> > important enough that i'm paid to make sure it's going"
> > 
> > "I keep this team running" there's no I in team...
> Have you contacted any member of the Fedora design team to ask them if
> they read my statement in the logs as you are interpreting it here or if
> any of them have taken any other issue with it?

Jóhann's email didn't make the list, so I don't know what else he said,
but I, for one, did not come away with that interpretation. I don't
think it's uncommon, or a bad thing, for teams to have *team leaders*.
And it's not a big secret that you are the design team leader. That
certainly can mean you have more influence on our team decision making,
but again, not necessarily a bad thing, and it doesn't negate the
importance of the anyone else's membership or input in the team.

> Let's not assume there are problems where there are none, and be
> productive about this, okay? :) Remember we're to be excellent to each
> other - I think we all appreciate issues being raised where they exist
> but the Fedora design team is a very friendly, welcoming, fun, and
> respectful group of friends and we don't really fit the picture you are
> painting here. I do not think they would agree with your take on this.

I agree with you here 100% - fun, welcoming, ninja-friendly, and now
available with pandas! ;)

> So maybe let's get back to the issue at hand? And open a new thread on
> this if it is truly an issue worth raising? (Although honestly it's
> likely better resolved within the design team itself.)
> ~m
> ___
> design-team mailing list
> design-team@lists.fedoraproject.org
> https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/design-team

design-team mailing list

Re: [Design-team] Hello, my name is ... Kirk Bridger

2010-12-18 Thread Emily Dirsh
On Fri, 2010-12-17 at 08:43 -0800, Kirk Bridger wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> My name is Kirk, I'm looking to get more involved with the design
> team.

Hi Kirk,

Welcome aboard! We're currently having a bit of a brouhaha over the
wallpaper for the upcoming Fedora 15 release, but normally we're a
friendly and fun bunch. :) 

> My background is as a user experience professional and business
> analyst.  I'm currently the UX Advocate for Liferea, and am looking to
> contribute further to Fedora specifically.  I've migrated from Ubuntu
> as their design direction doesn't really match my computer use
> practices.

We're starting to focus more on enhancing ux in fedora, so that's

> Looking forward to lending a hand in some manner!

If you haven't done so already, I'd recommend reading up on how to join
the design team on the fedora wiki [1], and looking over the design team
ticket tracker [2] to see  if there are any open tickets you'd be
interested in claiming.

We also have weekly IRC meetings every Tuesday at 1900 UTC at
#fedora-des...@freenode.net. You're welcome to start attending. 
Actually, the meetings may be put on hiatus until after the new year, so
keep a lookout on the mailing list for a notice about an upcoming
meeting. If you don't see one, we're probably not having one.

Nice to meet you!


design-team mailing list

[Design-team] Fudcon Tempe Shirt

2010-12-29 Thread Emily Dirsh
Hi all,

I hope everyone had a wonderful midwinter celebration of choice. As
promised (a while ago, I know, but better late than never) here's the
-hopefully- penultimate Fudcon Tempe t-shirt design [1] (source - [2]).
I changed it somewhat based on the feedback I got for the original
design. The logo is larger, and has a bit more space around it. That
means the surrounding design is necessarily smaller. blah blah blah.
Give me your feedback, people! 

Happy New Year!


[1] - http://emichan.fedorapeople.org/FudconTempe/hohokam_tshirt.png
[2] - http://emichan.fedorapeople.org/FudconTempe/hohokam_lg_logo.svg

design-team mailing list

Re: [Design-team] Fudcon Tempe Shirt

2011-01-05 Thread Emily Dirsh

Thanks to herlo for pointing out my little time-travel slip-up. I've
corrected the date, and I couldn't resist changing the front just a bit.
I felt like it needed something more exuberant to match the back.

Anyway, the latest shirt is here [1], and the updated source is here
[2]. Hopefully everyone likes it, but if not, well, I'll change it! :)


[1] -
[2] - http://emichan.fedorapeople.org/FudconTempe/hohokam_lg_logo.svg

design-team mailing list

Re: [Design-team] Image Annotation App - more ideas

2011-01-06 Thread Emily Dirsh
On Thu, 2011-01-06 at 09:45 -0500, Máirín Duffy wrote:
> Hi folks,
> So Emichan and Jef have been working on this image annotation app that
> Kirk and I have been using to work on the RPG mockup:
> http://jefvanschendel.nl/ImageAnnotation/index.php?i=Fedora_RPG_Startpage_Mockup_1
> (source & git repo here: http://gitorious.org/remote-image-annotation)
> Out of the process of using it Kirk pointed out some ideas for moving
> the app forward and I had a few ideas too, so I thought it might be
> worth breaking out another new thread on the annotation app.
> Here's the ideas so far:
> 1) Can we put an "Add Note" button at the top of the page too?  (If you
> have a large image like a mockup you have to scroll down then back up to
> add a note and it's a bit awkward.)
> Status: Jef is working on this
> 2) Could we also increase the default size of the box for the
> annotation? Or maybe introduce resizeable edges like the gimp's, with a 
> larger drag target? (It's a little tough to resize and it currently is
> almost always too small to leave alone.)
> Status: Jef is working on this
> 3) It would be really nice if there was a way to etherpad-style enter in
> your name and have your comments color-coded and labeled as your
> comments. Right now Kirk and I have been leaving our name in parentheses
> after our comments.
> 4) Similarly it would be nice if comment blocks had timestamps.
> 5) It would be fantastic if there was a button you could hit, 'export
> comments' and it would give you a page that is a flat list of all
> comments, maybe numbered where each annotation box is a number. You
> could then use that as a checklist for working on a mockup. 
> 6) Maybe adding the ability to title each note would make sense to help
> with idea #5, then it could print out a title for each set of comments.
> ~m

Great notes, Kirk and Mo. The app uses the jQuery Image Annotation
plugin [1] (cuz I <3 jQuery) to manage the notes. It will probably
require hacking/forking the plugin to get, let's see, all but I think 5.
That doesn't mean we can't do it, though, cuz we can! I just used the
plugin as is to get something together as quickly as possible. It's
awesome that we're using it already! :) Jef and I'll both look into
getting some of these features done. Another feature to add to the list
is a gallery (I think Mo mentioned that one during the meeting this

tschüs! Em

[1] -

design-team mailing list

Re: [Design-team] Fudcon Tempe Shirt

2011-01-06 Thread Emily Dirsh

> Hi Emily,
> Do we have the graphics/source somewhere for the portion that goes on 
> the front of the shirt?
> Thanks!
> -Robyn

Hi Robyn,

It was actually all together in the one source file. I went ahead and
separated out the sources for the front [1] and back [2] of the shirt,
converted the text to paths and resized them to actual size per Brand
X's art guidelines[3]. I also converted them to pdfs [4] since they seem
to prefer it. If there are any problems with the files, just let me


[1] - http://emichan.fedorapeople.org/FudconTempe/hohokam_front.svg
[2] - http://emichan.fedorapeople.org/FudconTempe/hohokam_back.svg
[3] - http://www.brandxstore.com/art-specs
[4] - http://emichan.fedorapeople.org/FudconTempe/pdfs/

design-team mailing list

Re: [Design-team] my 2 cents on F15 Wall paper

2011-01-14 Thread Emily Dirsh
On Wed, 2011-01-12 at 22:28 +0100, Onyeibo Oku wrote:
> Hi all,

Hi! I haven't had much of a chance to respond, but better late than
never, right? :)

> I mentioned a thought that came to me, during our last meeting, about a 
> concept for F15 wallpaper.  Since the idea is a little beyond me (for 
> now), I pulled my tablet and sketched something that might be of help. 
> Emily, you asked ... here it is: 
> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/File:F15-wallpaper-mockups-00.png

This looks really cool! I think it has a lot of potential. You should
definitely pursue it. I agree with Mo, I think it would be better if you
didn't try to composite it over the G3 wallpaper. 

> The dripping lines represent glowing particles emanating from the 
> background to form life (flowers, birds GAIA, if you would, etc. ... but 
> not too concrete).  Its vivid in my head but I can't seem to think of a 
> good route to reproduce it electronically.  That's my disclaimer there.
> I was thinking of blending the controversial wallpaper design to it 
> (subtly). I hope this rings a bell.

Good job! definitely submit it! 


design-team mailing list

Re: [Design-team] Fudcon Tempe Shirt

2011-01-16 Thread Emily Dirsh
On Fri, 2011-01-14 at 19:29 +0100, Jef van Schendel wrote:
> Hi all,
> I wrote a small blog post on the shared Design Team blog, so this will
> hopefully show up on the Planet soon. :)
> http://blogs.fedoraproject.org/wp/designteam/

Thanks so much for posting that, Jef! Now I'm going to get hugged by a
bunch of random people at FUDcon, thanks s much! ;)

> One thing though... I can only see it on the main blog page, not the
> individual post's page, which *should* be located here:
> http://blogs.fedoraproject.org/wp/designteam/2011/01/14/please-welcome-the-fudcon-tempe-t-shirt/
> After clicking on the title i get to a page saying "Sorry, no posts
> matched your criteria."

If I go to the address you listed above, I just get the main design-team
blog page. But, if I click on the title, I go to this page:


and it does go to the post page, where it would list comments if there
were any.

> Is this true for everyone? If it is, comments can't be posted and
> maybe people won't even be able to open it from their feed readers (it
> *does* show up in the blog's RSS feed).
> Jef

design-team mailing list

Re: [Design-team] Reminder: F15 wallpaper submissions due tomorrow...

2011-01-17 Thread Emily Dirsh
I am working on a few, and at least one (hopefully more) will be
submitted before the meeting tomorrow - but it will probably be at the
last minute. :P 

On Mon, 2011-01-17 at 12:02 -0500, Máirín Duffy wrote:
> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/F15_Artwork_Wallpaper_Submissions
> I'm not seeing any proposals on here :( Here's the requirements for a
> concept submission:
> - Must have at least a sentence describing the link to the 'Lovelock'
> codename
> - Must have at least one sketch or mockup. This could even be the work
> of another artist as an inspiration note, just make sure you properly
> reference the work, and if you upload it make sure the work is under a
> freedom-friendly license (e.g. Creative Commons).
> The proposals are due by our meeting start time tomorrow, I think it's
> 1700 UTC (3 PM US EST).
> I know you've got awesome ideas, so let's get 'em on the wiki page so we
> can discuss them at our meeting tomorrow!
> ~m
> ___
> design-team mailing list
> design-team@lists.fedoraproject.org
> https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/design-team

design-team mailing list

Re: [Design-team] Trac tickets email notification

2011-02-07 Thread Emily Dirsh
On Mon, 2011-02-07 at 21:29 +0100, Jef van Schendel wrote:
> 2011/2/7 Máirín Duffy :
> >
> > I wouldn't have a problem merging the two lists. Do you want to file a
> > ticket on Fedora infrastructure trac to make it happen? It should be
> > under the Fedora hosted category.
> >
> > ~m
> Ok, so here's Ian's request for the design-team-tickets mailing list:
> https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-infrastructure/ticket/1501
> ...Which makes me wonder if this is the right course of action. I have
> the feeling that if we combine the two lists, we'll flip-flop on that
> decision again in the future. :)

Looking at the trac list, we're really not getting more than one or two
tickets a week if that, so I don't think there's much chance that this
list is going to get cluttered up with tickets. So, why have to maintain
two lists? I'm pro combining lists.

> Instead, we could just advertise design-team-tickets a little more.
> It's on neither of these pages:
> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Design
> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Join_the_Design_Team
> So I can put something up there. Does that sound good?

Actually, it is mentioned on both pages, just not particularly
prominently. ;)

> Jef
> ___
> design-team mailing list
> design-team@lists.fedoraproject.org
> https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/design-team

design-team mailing list

Re: [Design-team] Need help with artwork for Fedora Robotics Suite

2011-02-07 Thread Emily Dirsh
On Wed, 2011-02-02 at 18:15 +0330, Hedayat Vatankhah wrote:
> Dear design team!
> I'm a member of Fedora Robotics SIG. As you might already know, we are 
> going to provide Fedora Robotics Suite[1] as a Fedora 15 feature. The 
> goal of this suite is to make Fedora a great platform for people who are 
> actively working in Robotics field and also a great platform for 
> learning robotics. We are also planning on providing a Robotics LiveDVD.

This sounds like a really cool project. Yay robots! :)

> As a part of this work, we need some artwork for the webpages, some 
> icons and at last for Anaconda (the last one is only needed for the 
> LiveDVD which follows). And I think you can guess how good is our team 
> in arts! ;)
> Because of this, we decided to contact you. It would be great if you can 
> help us with some needed artwork, so that we can provide a more polished 
> look at the end.
> Our current requirements are:
> * Logo for the Robotics Suite
> * Banner for Robotics Suite to be used on our webpages
> * Icons for Player utilities and Stage (some robotics 
> applications)(They're not essential to the robotics suite effort, but 
> would be nice to have)
> * Anaconda and some logo contents, to provide a more customized look for 
> the LiveDVD (again, not necessary with  Robotics Suite feature effort; 
> but appreciated)

We use a ticket tracker (https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/) to keep
track of design requests. You should file a new ticket for each of the
graphics projects you listed above. Provide as much detail as you can.
Include things like where/when/how you plan to use the requested
graphic, and if there are any limitations. This will help us get design
folks assigned to your requests and keep track of progress, etc.

> Any help with the above is highly appreciated. :)
> Thanks,
> Hedayat

If you have any questions, just post to the list, or hop on irc on


design-team mailing list

Re: [Design-team] Hello

2011-02-07 Thread Emily Dirsh
On Sat, 2011-01-29 at 19:25 +1030, Brodie McPharlin wrote:
> Hi,
> I can design 2D graphics using GIMP and I also have experience with 
> Blender. I like minimal design, and have interests in philosophy and 
> aesthetics.
> I am working on a personal website, and I can imagine myself creating 
> pixel art and working on interfaces.
> I was attracted to Fedora because of its excellent support of multimedia 
> applications and its efficient interface.
> Let me know if there is a project for me.
> Brodie McPharlin
> ___

Hi Brodie,

We're always happy to have new folks on board! Yay!

Everything you ever wanted to know about joining the design team is on
our wiki: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Join_the_Design_Team

You should read it through and follow the steps. If, unlikely though it
may be, you do have something you want to know that isn't on the wiki,
you can post it on the list, or hop on our irc channel -> #fedora-design
on irc.freenode.net and ask.

We also use a ticket tracker to keep track of design requests. Look it
over when you get a chance:

If you see something you're interested in, and nobody owns it, you can
claim it. If you're interested in pixel-art, you might want to think
about picking up one of the icon requests, but be fore-warned, they are
not for the faint of heart. ;) If you're not sure, just ask and someone
on the design team can assign something for you to do. 

We also have weekly irc meetings, every Tuesday at 2000 UTC, which you
should seriously think about attending. They're pretty fun, and it's a
great way to introduce yourself and get more involved. There's usually a
reminder sent to the mailing list Tuesday mornings, so don't worry about

We're a pretty friendly bunch, so if you have any questions about
joining, a ticket, irc, or anything else, feel free to ask!


design-team mailing list

[Design-team] Notitie updates

2011-03-02 Thread Emily Dirsh
Hi all,

I just wanted to keep everyone updated. I've managed to squeeze in some
time to work a bit on Notitie. ;) I've *finally* pushed the security
updates I made at FUDcon, and I added a database backend as an
alternative to the file backend it was using. All of which can be seen
on the gitorious repo: http://gitorious.org/remote-image-annotation

What it really needs now is testing! bug reports, and feature requests!
Which can be filed, btw, at the project page on Launchpad:

I'll try to get it set up on our test server soon, but I'm not sure when
I'll have time to do it, so if any of the other admins want to get it
set up on the server, go right ahead! :)


design-team mailing list

[Design-team] [Fwd: Beta Release Readiness Meeting - Thursday, Apr. 19, 1900 UTC (3pm Eastern)]

2011-04-13 Thread Emily Dirsh
Hi Guys!

So, the beta readiness meeting is this week, and since Mo is on her
honeymoon, we need someone else to represent! :) I don't mind doing it
if no one else wants to, but due to lots and lots of travel and other
busyness I'm not really current on what is/isn't ready for beta. So, it
might be better for someone more informed to do it. Anyway, if anyone
does want to do the meeting, please just claim it, otherwise I'll do it
and just get the info off the wiki. :)


 Forwarded Message 
> From: Robyn Bergeron 
> To: Fedora Logistics List 
> Subject: Beta Release Readiness Meeting - Thursday, Apr. 19, 1900 UTC
> (3pm Eastern)
> Date: Wed, 13 Apr 2011 00:31:25 -0700
> date: 2011-04-14
> place: irc.freenode.net #fedora-meeting
> time: 19:00 UTC (3 PM Eastern/ 12 PM Pacific)
> This Thursday, April 14, we will meet to make sure we are
> coordinated and ready for the public release of the Fedora 15 Beta
> release on Tuesday, April 19, 2011.
> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Release_Readiness_Meetings
> This meeting works best when we have representatives from all of the
> teams so we'll be looking for the following people to attend or send a
> representative.
> Ambassadors -- Pierros Papadeas
> Design -- Máirín Duffy (likely need an alternate here - Emily?)
> Documentation -- Zach Oglesby
> FESCo -- Kevin Fenzi
> Fedora Engineering Manager -- Tom "Spot" Callaway
> Fedora Project Leader -- Jared Smith
> Infrastructure -- Kevin Fenzi
> Marketing -- Robyn Bergeron
> Quality -- James Laska
> Release Engineering -- Dennis Gilmore
> Translation -- Noriko Mizumoto
> Websites -- Ricky Zhou
> See you Thursday!
> -Robyn

design-team mailing list

Re: [Design-team] Brilliant idea for an inspired artist

2011-10-12 Thread Emily Dirsh
On Wed 12 Oct 2011 07:32:41 PM EDT, Clint Savage wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 3:11 PM, Robyn Bergeron  wrote:
>> On 10/12/2011 02:04 PM, Máirín Duffy wrote:
>>> You know how Twitter.com has the fail whale graphic when they go down?
>>> What if we had the 'fail dog' using Beefy Miracle (and maybe some drippy
>>> ketchup) for our 404 graphic?
>> "The 404 indicates..." :)
>> I think that would be super cool.
>>> ~m
> +1
> ___
> design-team mailing list
> design-team@lists.fedoraproject.org
> https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/design-team

But... but... beefy miracle is full of WIN, not fail!! we need some 
other character to represent failure, like... a fail carrot, or - oh -  
a cool cat, that's the opposite of a hot dog, right? :)
design-team mailing list

Re: [Design-team] Brilliant idea for an inspired artist

2011-10-13 Thread Emily Dirsh
On Thu 13 Oct 2011 09:58:46 AM EDT, Elad wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 13, 2011 at 3:57 PM, Máirín Duffy  <mailto:du...@fedoraproject.org>> wrote:
> On Wed, 2011-10-12 at 21:02 -0400, Emily Dirsh wrote:
> > But... but... beefy miracle is full of WIN, not fail!! we need some
> > other character to represent failure, like... a fail carrot, or
> - oh -
> > a cool cat, that's the opposite of a hot dog, right? :)
> What if it wasn't beefy, but his ketchup dispensery that was fail?
> E.g.,
> an exploded ketchup bottle?
> Or a failbun?
> ~m
> ___
> design-team mailing list
> design-team@lists.fedoraproject.org
> <mailto:design-team@lists.fedoraproject.org>
> https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/design-team
> A bun without beefy in it is a fail :)
> -- 
> -Elad Alfassa.
> ___
> design-team mailing list
> design-team@lists.fedoraproject.org
> https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/design-team

OMG - empty bun works on multiple levels! the bun is empty which is 
fail and beefy miracle is missing - like the page you're trying to 
find! :)
design-team mailing list

Re: [Design-team] Brilliant idea for an inspired artist

2011-10-13 Thread Emily Dirsh
On 10/13/2011 11:39 AM, Emily Dirsh wrote:
> On Thu 13 Oct 2011 09:58:46 AM EDT, Elad wrote:
>> On Thu, Oct 13, 2011 at 3:57 PM, Máirín Duffy> <mailto:du...@fedoraproject.org>>  wrote:
>>  On Wed, 2011-10-12 at 21:02 -0400, Emily Dirsh wrote:
>>  >  But... but... beefy miracle is full of WIN, not fail!! we need some
>>  >  other character to represent failure, like... a fail carrot, or
>>  - oh -
>>  >  a cool cat, that's the opposite of a hot dog, right? :)
>>  What if it wasn't beefy, but his ketchup dispensery that was fail?
>>  E.g.,
>>  an exploded ketchup bottle?
>>  Or a failbun?
>>  ~m
>>  ___
>>  design-team mailing list
>>  design-team@lists.fedoraproject.org
>>  <mailto:design-team@lists.fedoraproject.org>
>>  https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/design-team
>> A bun without beefy in it is a fail :)
>> --
>> -Elad Alfassa.
>> ___
>> design-team mailing list
>> design-team@lists.fedoraproject.org
>> https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/design-team
> OMG - empty bun works on multiple levels! the bun is empty which is
> fail and beefy miracle is missing - like the page you're trying to
> find! :)
> ___
> design-team mailing list
> design-team@lists.fedoraproject.org
> https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/design-team
Where's the beef? - sorry I had to say it :P
design-team mailing list

Re: [Design-team] FUDcon Blacksburg FLOSS design tools outreach workshop

2011-10-20 Thread Emily Dirsh
On Thu 20 Oct 2011 02:06:19 PM EDT, Máirín Duffy wrote:
> Hi,
> Ben Williams proposed the idea that members of the design team attending
> FUDcon Blacksburg could hold a 1-2 day workshop for Virginia Tech (the
> host of this FUDcon) students, faculty, and staff to introduce them to
> free&  open source design tools&  techniques. Here are some ideas of
> things we could do (please feel free to respond with your own):
> - An overview of all of the tools that are available with demos of each
> and a questions&  answers period for each (Gimp, Inkscape, Blender,
> Scribus, MyPaint, Alchemy, SwatchBooker, Xournal, Darktable, Shotwell,
> LibreOffice, etc. etc. etc.)
> - A few project-based deep dives into specific tools:
>- Creating charts&  diagrams with Inkscape
>- Creating comic books with Inkscape
>- Correcting red eye in photos with the Gimp
>- Creating a celebrity portraits in Gimp
>- Creating a flyer in Scribus
>- Your idea here
> - A project-based workshop that crosses tools, e.g.:
>- Creating a newsletter using Gimp for photo manip, Inkscape for the
> logo, and Scribus for the layout
>- Creating a 3D character using Blender for modeling and bringing it
> into Gimp or Inkscape for painting
>- Your idea here
> I have taught courses / have content for *some* of the above ideas
> (charts&  diagrams, comic books, celebrity portraits) so those would be
> quicker to prep for I think.
> If you are planning / hoping to attend FUDcon and would be interested in
> helping out with such a course (which is a great outreach opportunity to
> help more folks make use of our tools) would you mind replying to let me
> know?
> I'd like to put together a proposal for Ben by Monday (24 Oct). He needs
> to know what we can do no later than Nov 1 I think because he has to
> book a room(s) and get the word out before the end of the semester
> there.
> ~m
> ___
> design-team mailing list
> design-team@lists.fedoraproject.org
> https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/design-team

Count me in
design-team mailing list

Re: [Design-team] Fedora Presentation Template

2012-05-22 Thread Emily Dirsh
Hey Ryan,

I think this is the ticket for the design ninja project I did when I
joined. I'm really surprised it's still open. I can ask Mo to be sure,
but it definitely looks like it.

Here's the slide deck if you're interested:

On Mon, 2012-05-21 at 14:30 +1000, Ryan Lerch wrote:
> HI all,
> Had a crack at throwing together a quick slide deck template for this 
> ticket
> https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/52
> thoughts?
> cheers,
> ryanlerch
> ___
> design-team mailing list
> design-team@lists.fedoraproject.org
> https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/design-team

design-team mailing list

Re: [Design-team] Fedora Magazine design!

2012-12-17 Thread Emily Dirsh

On 12/17/2012 09:30 AM, María Leandro wrote:

maybe more than a mobile version a -Fedora-app- ? that would be fun :$

2012/12/17 Paul W. Frields >

On Fri, Dec 14, 2012 at 07:28:01PM +0100, S.Kemter wrote:
> Maybe we should consider to use "WordPress Mobile Edition" which
comes with
> an extra template for mobile devices

This is a really good idea.  Although for sizable tablet targets, it
may not be as much of a win, I'd think plenty of people read on small
mobile devices like phones.  Using a mobile theme for those devices
makes reading much more pleasant!

Paul W. Frields http://paul.frields.org/
  gpg fingerprint: 3DA6 A0AC 6D58 FEC4 0233  5906 ACDB C937 BD11 3717
http://redhat.com/   -  -  -  - http://pfrields.fedorapeople.org/
The open source story continues to grow: http://opensource.com
design-team mailing list


Maria Gracia Leandro
LinuxUser= 440285  GPG Public Key: E1CDCC56

design-team mailing list
I worked some this weekend on an alternate design. [1] It's a pretty 
simple layout, and shouldn't be hard to responsify (we can all agree, 
this is now a word, right?). I was going for a clean, modern look, with 
45 degree lines as a visual element that plays off of the shape of my 
favorite of mizmo's logos (the shape of the logo is essentially the 
fedora logo shape rotated 45  degrees.) It's not completely finished but 
you can get an idea of the aesthetic. Let me know what you think!

=^) - emichan

[1] - http://artboard.cloud.fedoraproject.org/artboard/post/view/143
design-team mailing list

Re: [Design-team] Small poll to identify relevant sections for each team at the new Fedora website

2014-04-08 Thread Emily Dirsh
On Tue, Apr 8, 2014 at 10:34 AM, Máirín Duffy wrote:

> Hey,
> On 04/08/2014 10:31 AM, María Leandro wrote:
>> * Which Fedora information/page you check every single day?
>> Info: the highest voted would go default on the dashboard.
>> * Which team(s) do you work with regularly?
>> Info: the highest team would have a special section, as well the less
>> voted (to increase participation), and we will know how many teams/info
>> we will have to integrate.
>> * yours?
> Maybe something like, what are the Fedora tools (on the web or commandline
> or otherwise) that you use most frequently. Think about tools you use
> multiple times in a day or at least multiple days per week. What are your
> top 5 needed to get your job done?
> ~m
> ___
> design-team mailing list
> design-team@lists.fedoraproject.org
> https://lists.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/design-team

Maybe something about badges? i.e:

Is it important to you to know what badges you've earned?
design-team mailing list

Re: [Design-team] Fedora Design Github org

2014-04-08 Thread Emily Dirsh
o/ I'm EmilyDirsh on github, add me too please!

On Tue, Apr 8, 2014 at 3:09 PM, Luya Tshimbalanga wrote:

> On 04/08/2014 08:10 AM, Máirín Duffy wrote:
>> Hi folks!
>> Ryan and I are looking at organizing the Fedora.next website redesign
>> effort's infrastructure to make it easier for folks to follow the design
>> process and to participate, because of course everyone is welcome to join
>> in and we'd love your help :)
>> As part of this, I set up an organization on Github called the Fedora
>> Design organization. The Fedora.next website 'team' under that org is
>> called next-web. If you would like to join either or both, you are most
>> certainly welcome. Just let me know your Github username and I am happy to
>> add you.
>> My thought was we could set up a GlitterGallery instance and use Github
>> to have a copy of the repo, but I'm not 100% sure if that makes sense. So
>> we may not end up using the Github repo all that much, or we may end up
>> using it in a different way depending on how our infrastructure
>> experiements turn out. But just in case you saw the org on Github, I wanted
>> to make it clear everyone here is more than welcome!
>> ~m
>> ___
>> design-team mailing list
>> design-team@lists.fedoraproject.org
>> https://lists.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/design-team
> Count be in.
> Luya
> - Though I am actively busy working on a magazine website called Canadian
> Woman Magazine: http://www.cwmag.ca
> ___
> design-team mailing list
> design-team@lists.fedoraproject.org
> https://lists.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/design-team
design-team mailing list

Re: [Design-team] Request for invite to the designteam group

2014-08-15 Thread Emily Dirsh
FYI, I've been mentoring Paul this summer, as he's been working on Glitter
Gallery for GSoC. He's done a lot of great work, and I think he'll continue
to be a big help. I'd really appreciate it if we could add him to the group!


On Fri, Aug 15, 2014 at 1:11 PM, Paul Kuruvilla  wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm a GSoC student from India working on the backend of GlitterGallery
> (I've sent across a few blog posts before, you might remember me :) ).
> I'm trying to add my blog  to Planet Fedora,
> but I don't have fedorapeople.org space yet as I'm not part of any
> non-CLA groups. I read the process of joining the designteam group at
> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Join_the_Design_Team - I'm not a 'designer'
> per se, I'm a web developer. Would a list of my git commits
> suffice, rather than going through a task on the design list?
> My username is 'rohitpaulk'
> If there is anything else I need to do to get an invite, kindly let me
> know :)
> Thanks!
> ___
> design-team mailing list
> design-team@lists.fedoraproject.org
> https://lists.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/design-team
design-team mailing list

Re: [Design-team] Github Repos

2015-01-21 Thread Emily Dirsh
I think we should consider a use case approach. A few use cases off the top
of my head:
- sharing common resources like inkscape templates
- collaborating on the wallpaper or another project
- collecting safe-to-use photos/illustrations for the magazine
- archiving old artwork for inspiration or potential reuse (but without a
specific need)
- distributing fedora logos to team members

I'm sure there are others I'm not considering right now.

It might help to list out the kind of things we want to include, but then
think about _why_ we want to include them when figuring out how to organize
it all into specific repos. That way, for our most common use cases, we can
set up repos where you can clone a repo and get everything you need, while
minimizing what you don't need.

As far as the banner ad you mentioned, IMO it should go in the repo, but I
think the use case would be archival more than anything else.

- em

On Wed, Jan 21, 2015 at 3:43 PM, Ryan Lerch  wrote:

> Hi all,
> Just wondering if anyone has any ideas / thoughts on how we should
> organize the repos for all our assets in github.
> It might be worth trying to create a list of the assets / tasks that might
> be stored in there, so we can come up with some guidelines on when and how
> to create new repos.
> Some things to consider are small one-off tasks like this one i just
> completed:
> https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/324
> This is a kind of one-off task, but do we want to store this in git as
> well, just to keep everything in the same place?
> cheers,
> ryanlerch
> ___
> design-team mailing list
> design-team@lists.fedoraproject.org
> https://lists.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/design-team
design-team mailing list

Re: [Design-team] Github Repos

2015-01-22 Thread Emily Dirsh
On Wed, Jan 21, 2015 at 8:11 PM, Máirín Duffy 

> maybe archival stuff is best stored in the shared drive bc nobody is going
> to want to git clone a huge archive (the story of our current fedora hosted
> git repo) and if it's a one off thing that is done and over with its not
> going to change so version control isnt really useful at that point.

Good point. Just need to make sure the shared drive is visible to the team
so people actually use it. :)

> missed usecase is our ux projects which i think should be one repo per
> project so the devs and contribs can just check out the repos for the
> projects they actually work on.


It might also be helpful to have a specific naming convention to
distinguish ux project repos from artwork project repos - i.e.
projectname-ux, or something like that.

> ~m
> Sent from my phone, which is not an iphone.
>  Original message 
> From: Emily Dirsh
> Date:01/21/2015 5:28 PM (GMT-05:00)
> To: Fedora Design Team
> Subject: Re: [Design-team] Github Repos
> I think we should consider a use case approach. A few use cases off the
> top of my head:
> - sharing common resources like inkscape templates
> - collaborating on the wallpaper or another project
> - collecting safe-to-use photos/illustrations for the magazine
> - archiving old artwork for inspiration or potential reuse (but without a
> specific need)
> - distributing fedora logos to team members
> I'm sure there are others I'm not considering right now.
> It might help to list out the kind of things we want to include, but then
> think about _why_ we want to include them when figuring out how to organize
> it all into specific repos. That way, for our most common use cases, we can
> set up repos where you can clone a repo and get everything you need, while
> minimizing what you don't need.
> As far as the banner ad you mentioned, IMO it should go in the repo, but I
> think the use case would be archival more than anything else.
> - em
> On Wed, Jan 21, 2015 at 3:43 PM, Ryan Lerch  wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Just wondering if anyone has any ideas / thoughts on how we should
>> organize the repos for all our assets in github.
>> It might be worth trying to create a list of the assets / tasks that
>> might be stored in there, so we can come up with some guidelines on when
>> and how to create new repos.
>> Some things to consider are small one-off tasks like this one i just
>> completed:
>> https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/324
>> This is a kind of one-off task, but do we want to store this in git as
>> well, just to keep everything in the same place?
>> cheers,
>> ryanlerch
>> ___
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>> design-team@lists.fedoraproject.org
>> https://lists.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/design-team
> ___
> design-team mailing list
> design-team@lists.fedoraproject.org
> https://lists.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/design-team
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Re: [Design-team] Github Repos

2015-01-22 Thread Emily Dirsh
On Thu, Jan 22, 2015 at 10:30 AM, Máirín Duffy 

> On 01/22/2015 10:23 AM, Emily Dirsh wrote:
>> Good point. Just need to make sure the shared drive is visible to the
>> team so people actually use it. :)
> I wonder if Luya could set up the Design Suite to automagically set up a
> nautilus bookmark to the shared drive so folks would just have to put their
> username/pass the first time they use it and then hopefully it'd be stored
> after that?

This would be great!

>  missed usecase is our ux projects which i think should be one repo
>> per project so the devs and contribs can just check out the repos
>> for the projects they actually work on.
>> Agreed.
>> It might also be helpful to have a specific naming convention to
>> distinguish ux project repos from artwork project repos - i.e.
>> projectname-ux, or something like that.
> great idea. if we made it ux-* then it'd be easier to sort by and all the
> ux repos would be grouped together in the end user's file manager.

I like it! Should make it easier to search for UX related stuff, too.

> ~m
> ___
> design-team mailing list
> design-team@lists.fedoraproject.org
> https://lists.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/design-team
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Re: [Design-team] Design Team Fortnightly meeting!

2015-02-04 Thread Emily Dirsh
Works fine for me

On Wed, Feb 4, 2015, 7:53 AM Marie Nordin  wrote:

> Works for me as well
> On Wed, Feb 4, 2015 at 7:40 AM, naitik chandak  > wrote:
>> I will try to manage..if possible to attend..
>> On Wed, Feb 4, 2015 at 4:47 PM, Onyeibo Oku 
>> wrote:
>>> On Wed, 2015-02-04 at 10:18 +0100, S.Kemter wrote:
>>> > Hi,
>>> >
>>> > collides maybe with the EMEA Ambassador meeting
>>> >
>>> > br gnokii
>>> >
>>> Yeah, I saw that one coming.
>>> But then, it depends on if the Design Team meeting is interspersed
>>> with the EMEA meeting.  Both can coexist.  Otherwise, a conflict might
>>> arise.
>>> twohot
>>> ___
>>> design-team mailing list
>>> design-team@lists.fedoraproject.org
>>> https://lists.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/design-team
>> ___
>> design-team mailing list
>> design-team@lists.fedoraproject.org
>> https://lists.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/design-team
> ___
> design-team mailing list
> design-team@lists.fedoraproject.org
> https://lists.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/design-team
design-team mailing list

Re: [Design-team] Anyone planning to go to Flock?

2015-03-25 Thread Emily Dirsh
On Wed, Mar 25, 2015 at 1:37 PM Máirín Duffy 

> It might be useful to include the wiki link :)
> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Design/Flock_2015
> On 03/25/2015 01:37 PM, Máirín Duffy wrote:
> > Hi design team pandas,
> >
> > At the meeting this week gnokii mentioned we may want to coordinate on a
> > team presence at Flock.
> >
> > I started a list of design team members intending to go to Flock and
> > ideas for topics we have. These are the topics to be proposed so far:
> >
> > 1) Design Clinic (gnokii) - bring your UI or artwork or unfiled design
> > team ticket to an open "office hours" session with design team members
> > and get feedback / critique / help.
> >
> > 2) Wallpaper Hunt (gnokii) - design team members with cameras could plan
> > a group photoshoot to get nice pictures that could make good wallpapers
> > for F23 (rietcatnor suggested Highland Park as a good potential place to
> > go.)
> >
> > 3) Badge Design Workshop (riecatnor) - learn how to create new badges
> >
> >
> > Any other ideas on talks we could present?
> >
> > ~m

I'm planning to go. I think it would be great to have some UX-related
sessions - since one of our team goals is to do more UX work. I'd love to
have something hands-on like a user testing workshop. And this is me
volunteering you, mo, but it might also be cool to do a UX case study talk
around hyperkitty or anaconda.
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