Reasons why Java 7 got me excited about Ant 2

2012-02-16 Thread Bruce Atherton
I thought I'd expand on why I got so excited about NIO 2.0 and JSR 203 
as well as the other changes in Java 7. I can see I have done a bad job 
of selling the benefits of a refactoring for potential volunteers. 
Reading through the changes that were introduced in Java 7, it seems to 
me that Ant was probably an inspiration for a lot of them.

Others come from taking the performance of I/O on Java more seriously. 
This has the potential to speed Ant up enormously. Projects like Tim 
Bray's Wide Finder 2[1] showcased just how badly Java performed and 
benchmarks like that may have been an impetus to focus resources on 
taking advantage of all the features of the native filesystems. 
Unfortunately the results of the project are lost due to Oracle's 
acquisition of Sun, but you can still see the results from the original 
Wide Finder 1[2] although there isn't even an attempt to do a Java 
implementation there. I can tell you from memory that the final results 
on WF2 were several C implementations with innovative I/O using parallel 
processing at the top, erlang and ruby and scala were up there, but the 
fastest Java implementation was in the double digits in the list as I 

The basics for file handling in Java 7 are provided by Path and the 
Paths Utility class, along with the FileSystemProvider classes. If Ant 2 
were created to make Resource a fundamental element and Path the 
Resource that represented something on a file system (native file 
systems, zip/jar file systems, and I expect eventually open source 
projects will add others like HTTP, FTP, NFS and Samba), I think the LOC 
count on Ant could be reduced tremendously. Writing patches would be 
simplified and contributing to Ant would have a lower barrier to entry 
for new people coming in. Path is immutable which suits Ant well. Path 
has methods to access elements in a file path, compare, test, normalize, 
and relativize paths in the ways that Ant has code to do. It has all 
kinds of features for determining accessibility on the native filesystem 
and bulk loading file metadata attributes whereas currently it is done 
one field at a time. Symbolic link identification and handling is a core 
feature. And converting to and from File objects is trivial.

Add to that the new methods on File. There is also a Files utility 
helper class. Files covers the most basic tasks in Ant implemented using 
all the features of the native filesystem to make them as fast as 
possible: copying; deleting; moving; reading file contents; writing; 
creating directories, file and links; getting input and output streams. 
There is also recursion with a method for walking a file tree that 
creates a FileVisitor interface implementation, either default or 
custom, with 3 phases: previsit directory, visit file, and postvisit 
directory. It also provides for a visit file failed method. At each 
point you can continue, stop, skip subtree, or skip other entries in the 
current directory. Options control whether symlinks are followed, and 
cycles are detected.

DirectoryStream includes filters like glob, regex, and custom 
implementations that could be perfect for implementing Selectors. 
DirectoryStream uses less resources and works much better with remote 
resources. It also handles directories that are very large much more 

Error handling throughout is by exception rather than boolean value as 
it is now, which I'm sure we all agree is preferable.

Then there is the Watch Service which uses the native eventing service 
if available, where you can get events in your build when a file is 
created or deleted, or when a directory is modified. Would we translate 
it into something for BuildListeners? How would we harness it, 
scheduling a target and its dependencies when the a watch fired an event?

I could keep going  but this is getting rather long. I'll just point out 
a few resources from other people that are clearer than I am and have 
more detail: The Java 7 feature list[3] is comprehensive but has little 
on the impact of features; this Doctor Dobbs post[4] has good code 
examples for how NIO 2 could be used by Ant; an article listing "8 
things I found most useful"[5], all of which are relevant to a 
simplified Ant implementation, details the NIO 2 changes at #8; 
interviews with Alan Bateman in text[6], video[7], and podcast[8] are 
interesting, as is a JavaOne 2011 slide show[9];  Leandro Pezzente sent 
me a link[10] (thanks, Leandro) that lists some of the other changes to 
Java 7 to think about, although it only mentions the file system changes 
that JSR 203 introduces in passing.

[7] http://w

Re: NIO 2.0 == Ant 2.0? was Re: Java NIO support

2012-02-16 Thread Bruce Atherton

On 2/16/2012 2:36 PM, Nicolas Lalevée wrote:

Le 16 févr. 2012 à 20:47, Bruce Atherton a écrit :

I'd hope to go further than that in backwards compatibility. I work with a lot 
of companies that are:

a) resistant to learning new things unless there is a good reason for it 
(such as the migration from Apache HTTP Server from 1.x to 2.x to resolve 
security issues)

b) have a number of separate Ant build scripts that follow different 
standards in different areas of the company, particularly if they have

and c) need to have a justification to allocate resources to upgrade and change 
a working build to use new features, which standardizing builds across the 
organization using new features in a major release that simplify the build 
system may offer them.

I don't know conclusion you're having there. Such companies shouldn't worry 
about any new major version, because they actually do want to stick with the 
old one for stability purpose. I guess that the companies which would be 
troubled is the ones which want to keep up with the releases, migrations from 
one version to another should not be too painful.

No, you are right that these companies need a good reason to upgrade. 
What I am saying is that the pain that is caused by trying to make minor 
modifications to large complicated build systems, combined with having 
multiple large build systems that do very different things and the 
difficulty in dealing with these major changes in operating, is the 
thing that can cause at least some of them to dedicate the resources to 
standardize on something simpler. But I haven't found any that are 
interested in considering a new build system. They know Ant. Any 
upgrades they want to do in their own time. That is why I think backward 
compatibility is so important. They can roll out an upgrade to Ant 2, 
make sure everything works as expected, and then in their own time roll 
out a simplified, standardized build to each of the systems they are 
currently running it.

Well, again, I think it's already there, no need to wait for an Ant 2.0 :)
If you add the groovy-front.jar in Ant's boot classpath, write a build.groovy, 
then a launch of ant with no parameter on the command line will execute your 
groovy build script. See 

I've got a lot of customers with the kinds of Ant build systems I am 
talking about. Precisely zero of them use anything other than an XML 
format for the build. Downloading extra bits to do funky things is not 
in their DNA. Some of them are forbidden to use Ant Contrib because it 
hasn't been through a security audit.

I used to think we are living in a Maven world and that Ant was fine 
being just in maintenance mode. Since I've been helping these customers 
integrate my product with their systems, including their build systems, 
I've come to realize that there is still a very strong need for Ant out 
there, and that they are hurting from the complexity of it. Some of the 
complexity is from build systems that were written pre-macrodef and they 
haven't seen that one feature as compelling enough to commit to a 
rewrite. Some use macros, though, and things are still pretty complicated.

I think this is Ant's market: places that don't want the dependency 
features of Maven and require complete control over exactly how their 
build is done. A lot of companies have their own, internally written 
build file generators just so their build systems are consistent and 
exactly what they want. Our Related Projects and External Tools page has 
some of these that were made public, I suspect.

Surely there is a better way than requiring users of Ant to write 
generators to deal with the complexity and keep it customized.

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Re: NIO 2.0 == Ant 2.0? was Re: Java NIO support

2012-02-16 Thread Nicolas Lalevée

Le 16 févr. 2012 à 20:49, Mansour Al Akeel a écrit :

> 2012/2/16 Nicolas Lalevée 
>> I cannot talk about Gradle because I never really understand the real
>> motive apart from the apparent cool groovy language features.
>> On the other hand, Easyant is about using Ant on steroïds. The idea is
>> basically sharing Ant build scripts.
>> Each time I have to make a build of a Java webapp, I don't write my
>> build.xml from scratch each time. I look up for an old project I used to
>> work on, I copy its build and keep the interesting parts, I rehack the
>> build scripts. So with some convention and for very similar projects, we
>> could share theses scripts. Easyant does "just" this with Ivy.
> I used gradle and don't see the reason for it except for the multi module
> support. And yes, it's slow. For a continuous build like (on file change,
> compile, build, and let jrebel reload), It's to slow for me.
> I understand that easyant makes reusable build available, but I think the
> multi project support (in gradle), the groovy feature (in gradle), and the
> reusable tasks (in easyant), can all be done with antlib. Why did their
> teams created a new build system, rather than antlib ?

Easyant doesn't per se provide reusable tasks, that is effectively the role of 
antlibs, but it better provides a standard build workflow, it provides targets. 
Extension points which makes target reusable were introduced in Ant after some 
prototyping in Easyant actually.
I guess that a proper multi project support involves some build workflow 
management, so working with targets. I doubt it is feasible with just antlibs.


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Re: NIO 2.0 == Ant 2.0? was Re: Java NIO support

2012-02-16 Thread Nicolas Lalevée

Le 16 févr. 2012 à 21:08, Bruce Atherton a écrit :

> It has but not for quite a long time. Look in the archives from 2001 to 2003 
> for "Mutant"[1] which Conor proposed, and "Myrmidon"[2] which  Peter Donald 
> proposed back in 2000. You can still find them in the svn repository[3], [4].
> I think there was so much discussion on a new design of Ant that everyone 
> just got exhausted talking about it. As I recall what finally brought it to a 
> halt was Costin Manolache saying "Just refactor what you have while retaining 
> backward compatibility."
> The general agreements that I remember, although I haven't trawled the 
> mailing list to find references, were that backward binary compatibility 
> could only be broken through an Ant 2.0 release, and that Ant 2.0 should do 
> everything in its power to be build file compatible. The thinking then was an 
> XSLT file could be provided if necessary although at this point I think we 
> could provide an  task even if it just ran an XSLT, should 
> that prove necessary. But I don't think it should be required if possible, at 
> least not for several minor releases.

I agree, the build file should be maintained compatible. As I wrote earlier a 
"version" tag should do the trick if new features need to break it a little 
bit, no version tag would mean it is a <2.0 build file.

> This is a new group of Ant developers, though, and they may make different 
> decisions than the ones back then did. If we find volunteers willing to step 
> forward to help with the code. I can do the infrastructure things like 
> setting up a place to put everything in subversion, perhaps in 
> ant/sandbox/{some code name}. Any suggestions? All I can think of is pezant 
> or something similarly punny. It could just be ant2proposal.

If it goes further, I will be happy to keep a eye around and discuss about it 
but I won't be able to write any code.


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Re: NIO 2.0 == Ant 2.0? was Re: Java NIO support

2012-02-16 Thread Nicolas Lalevée

Le 16 févr. 2012 à 20:47, Bruce Atherton a écrit :

> I'd hope to go further than that in backwards compatibility. I work with a 
> lot of companies that are:
>a) resistant to learning new things unless there is a good reason for it 
> (such as the migration from Apache HTTP Server from 1.x to 2.x to resolve 
> security issues)
>b) have a number of separate Ant build scripts that follow different 
> standards in different areas of the company, particularly if they have
> and c) need to have a justification to allocate resources to upgrade and 
> change a working build to use new features, which standardizing builds across 
> the organization using new features in a major release that simplify the 
> build system may offer them.

I don't know conclusion you're having there. Such companies shouldn't worry 
about any new major version, because they actually do want to stick with the 
old one for stability purpose. I guess that the companies which would be 
troubled is the ones which want to keep up with the releases, migrations from 
one version to another should not be too painful.

> You are right about the plugin parser architecture in Ant 1.x, but one of the 
> problems with it is that there is nothing shipped by default. What I meant 
> was that I would love it if Ant 2 also represented a point where new builds 
> could think about using a new build format automatically, just based on file 
> extension or a flag on the command line. That might encourage new projects to 
> adopt it.

Well, again, I think it's already there, no need to wait for an Ant 2.0 :)
If you add the groovy-front.jar in Ant's boot classpath, write a build.groovy, 
then a launch of ant with no parameter on the command line will execute your 
groovy build script. See 


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Re: NIO 2.0 == Ant 2.0? was Re: Java NIO support

2012-02-16 Thread Bruce Atherton
It has but not for quite a long time. Look in the archives from 2001 to 
2003 for "Mutant"[1] which Conor proposed, and "Myrmidon"[2] which  
Peter Donald proposed back in 2000. You can still find them in the svn 
repository[3], [4].

I think there was so much discussion on a new design of Ant that 
everyone just got exhausted talking about it. As I recall what finally 
brought it to a halt was Costin Manolache saying "Just refactor what you 
have while retaining backward compatibility."

The general agreements that I remember, although I haven't trawled the 
mailing list to find references, were that backward binary compatibility 
could only be broken through an Ant 2.0 release, and that Ant 2.0 should 
do everything in its power to be build file compatible. The thinking 
then was an XSLT file could be provided if necessary although at this 
point I think we could provide an  task even if it 
just ran an XSLT, should that prove necessary. But I don't think it 
should be required if possible, at least not for several minor releases.

This is a new group of Ant developers, though, and they may make 
different decisions than the ones back then did. If we find volunteers 
willing to step forward to help with the code. I can do the 
infrastructure things like setting up a place to put everything in 
subversion, perhaps in ant/sandbox/{some code name}. Any suggestions? 
All I can think of is pezant or something similarly punny. It could just 
be ant2proposal.

As for whether it is a runtime issue, as far as I know the only problem 
with libraries is the bootstrap build. If Ant 2's bootstrap build is 
done by Ant 1 there is no problem with adding any libraries you want to 
the core of Ant 2. If it is self-hosted then Ant 2 needs to be capable 
of running without any external libraries.

This is why the Ant 1.x codebase has a Java tar and zip and bzip2 
implementation hosted within it, even though Apache Commons has superior 
implementations of all of them. Ant source is distributed in these 
formats so Ant needs a bootstrap way to get at it. Stefan maintains the 
compress AntLib for exactly this reason, so Ant can have access to a 
really good, full featured compression library.



On 2/13/2012 1:30 PM, Mansour Al Akeel wrote:

interesting info. It looks like the idea of the redesign has been discussed
a lot in the past.
Another good point, is to have ant independent of any external libraries.
However, I am wondering if this applies to run time environment ?
For example, writing a core ant (mainly build.xml parser), as an osgi
bundle. And collection of bundles for Javac, Java, Copy,... etc. would:

1- be independent of any external libraries and relies on JRE to build.
2- allow integration with IDEs.
3- allow to compile and build the build system, without a build system (ie,
using bootstrap). or like you said "self-building".

Would this be acceptable idea ? A core bundle, and extra bundles for basic
tasks. A bundle for ivy (maybe). We can even have a bundle to install
additional bundles remotely
And with Java7 NIO the performance will be fine.

comments ?

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Re: NIO 2.0 == Ant 2.0? was Re: Java NIO support

2012-02-16 Thread Steele, Richard
On Thu, Feb 16, 2012 at 2:49 PM, Mansour Al Akeel  wrote:

> >
> > 2012/2/16 Nicolas Lalevée 
> >
> > implementation are, but a 1s launch (bash script and jvm launch included)
> > would be to too long for me.
> >


> > And this is why I suggested java plugin framework in a previous email
> (assuming it is faster than OSGI). I read that there are some fast OSGI
> implementations. Didn't try anything yet.

I'm neither an OSGi fan or bigot, but in my experience OSGi itself, as a
specification, does not imply poor performance.  There are some aspects of
the OSGi runtime package wiring specification that are NP-complete, but
this typically doesn't hurt real performance unless you have a system of
thousands of bundles like Eclipse.  I would hope something like Ant never
got that far.  In particular, loading the actual OSGi runtime is very fast,
on the order of milliseconds.  Keep in mind that the original OSGi runtime
environment was (and still is) embedded systems with limited memory and
CPU.  How the application is designed, such as the degree of modularity, is
ultimately the biggest determinant of performance.  To that end I don't
know if we could compare an (as yet unknown) standard Java modularity
system) to OSGi, but I would be surprised if the native system was
significantly more performant--unless it gave up some of the invaluable
features that OSGi provides.

As an aside, and speaking of Eclipse, you would want to keep in mind how to
embed an Ant containing an OSGi runtime inside Eclipse.  This isn't
impossible, but it could lead to some interesting classloader hierarchies.


Re: NIO 2.0 == Ant 2.0? was Re: Java NIO support

2012-02-16 Thread Bruce Atherton

Oops, accidental deletion.

On 2/16/2012 11:47 AM, Bruce Atherton wrote:

b) have a number of separate Ant build scripts that follow 
different standards in different areas of the company, particularly if 
they have acquired other companies with their own Ant builds.

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Re: NIO 2.0 == Ant 2.0? was Re: Java NIO support

2012-02-16 Thread Mansour Al Akeel
2012/2/16 Nicolas Lalevée 

> I cannot talk about Gradle because I never really understand the real
> motive apart from the apparent cool groovy language features.
> On the other hand, Easyant is about using Ant on steroïds. The idea is
> basically sharing Ant build scripts.
> Each time I have to make a build of a Java webapp, I don't write my
> build.xml from scratch each time. I look up for an old project I used to
> work on, I copy its build and keep the interesting parts, I rehack the
> build scripts. So with some convention and for very similar projects, we
> could share theses scripts. Easyant does "just" this with Ivy.

I used gradle and don't see the reason for it except for the multi module
support. And yes, it's slow. For a continuous build like (on file change,
compile, build, and let jrebel reload), It's to slow for me.

I understand that easyant makes reusable build available, but I think the
multi project support (in gradle), the groovy feature (in gradle), and the
reusable tasks (in easyant), can all be done with antlib. Why did their
teams created a new build system, rather than antlib ?
This is my question.

> > Is there something wrong with antlib ? Would OSGI be more convenient and
> > appealing for programmers to create and contribute their plugins rather
> > than writing their own build system ? Derivatives of eclipse exists, but
> > mainly they are just bundles of different plugins. Is this because it's
> > OSGI ?
> I like this idea of using of modular framework to handle properly
> modularity.
> But what I wouldn't like is having a longer bootstrapping of Ant. For
> instance gradle is boring long to launch, even for printing the inline
> help. The groovy frontend of Ant suffers for the same issues, unusable for
> me. I don't have much experience with OSGi systems, I don't know how fast
> some
> 2012/2/16 Nicolas Lalevée 
> implementation are, but a 1s launch (bash script and jvm launch included)
> would be to too long for me.
> And this is why I suggested java plugin framework in a previous email
(assuming it is faster than OSGI). I read that there are some fast OSGI
implementations. Didn't try anything yet.

> Nicolas
> -
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Re: NIO 2.0 == Ant 2.0? was Re: Java NIO support

2012-02-16 Thread Bruce Atherton
I'd hope to go further than that in backwards compatibility. I work with 
a lot of companies that are:

a) resistant to learning new things unless there is a good reason 
for it (such as the migration from Apache HTTP Server from 1.x to 2.x to 
resolve security issues)

b) have a number of separate Ant build scripts that follow 
different standards in different areas of the company, particularly if 
they have

and c) need to have a justification to allocate resources to upgrade and 
change a working build to use new features, which standardizing builds 
across the organization using new features in a major release that 
simplify the build system may offer them.

You are right about the plugin parser architecture in Ant 1.x, but one 
of the problems with it is that there is nothing shipped by default. 
What I meant was that I would love it if Ant 2 also represented a point 
where new builds could think about using a new build format 
automatically, just based on file extension or a flag on the command 
line. That might encourage new projects to adopt it.

On 2/16/2012 10:57 AM, Nicolas Lalevée wrote:

Le 14 févr. 2012 à 20:02, Bruce Atherton a écrit :

On 2/14/2012 6:13 AM, Stefan Bodewig wrote:

This will lead us to the discussion of what Ant2 would be.  A rewritten
Ant that remains compatible (or mostly so) on the build file level or
something quite different?

My opinion.

I think we need at least an option for being backwards compatible at the build 
file level and it should be the default for quite a while after an initial 2.0 

A simple trick can be a declaration of a "version" attribute which would 
declare the minimum Ant version required to run the build file, and also declare how it 
should be interpreted. This is how it works for the ivy.xml for instance.

I'd hope, though, that a redesign would have a fully pluggable parser so that 
even with the first release there was an option to use something other than XML.

I think you can already today, there are some experiments which show it works 
[1] [2]. The names of the classes of Ant may not be explicit, but I think the 
abstraction is there.



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Re: NIO 2.0 == Ant 2.0? was Re: Java NIO support

2012-02-16 Thread Nicolas Lalevée

Le 15 févr. 2012 à 20:05, Mansour Al Akeel a écrit :

> Another thing I don't understand about the current Ant. Why there are
> derivatives from ant and they are gaining popularity ? I am talking about
> gradle and easyant.
> Gradle adds mutli project support, and easyant sets some conventions (I
> didn't use it). I am wondering what makes the author go with a new build
> system, if things like this can be done with antlib. And why would users
> switch to these systems. I like writing my custom tasks and wrap them in an
> antlib. But why others are not doing the same to add multi project support,
> or set some conventions ?

I cannot talk about Gradle because I never really understand the real motive 
apart from the apparent cool groovy language features.

On the other hand, Easyant is about using Ant on steroïds. The idea is 
basically sharing Ant build scripts.
Each time I have to make a build of a Java webapp, I don't write my build.xml 
from scratch each time. I look up for an old project I used to work on, I copy 
its build and keep the interesting parts, I rehack the build scripts. So with 
some convention and for very similar projects, we could share theses scripts. 
Easyant does "just" this with Ivy.

> Is there something wrong with antlib ? Would OSGI be more convenient and
> appealing for programmers to create and contribute their plugins rather
> than writing their own build system ? Derivatives of eclipse exists, but
> mainly they are just bundles of different plugins. Is this because it's
> OSGI ?

I like this idea of using of modular framework to handle properly modularity.
But what I wouldn't like is having a longer bootstrapping of Ant. For instance 
gradle is boring long to launch, even for printing the inline help. The groovy 
frontend of Ant suffers for the same issues, unusable for me. I don't have much 
experience with OSGi systems, I don't know how fast some implementation are, 
but a 1s launch (bash script and jvm launch included) would be to too long for 


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Re: NIO 2.0 == Ant 2.0? was Re: Java NIO support

2012-02-16 Thread Nicolas Lalevée

Le 14 févr. 2012 à 20:02, Bruce Atherton a écrit :

> On 2/14/2012 6:13 AM, Stefan Bodewig wrote:
>> This will lead us to the discussion of what Ant2 would be.  A rewritten
>> Ant that remains compatible (or mostly so) on the build file level or
>> something quite different?
> My opinion.
> I think we need at least an option for being backwards compatible at the 
> build file level and it should be the default for quite a while after an 
> initial 2.0 release.

A simple trick can be a declaration of a "version" attribute which would 
declare the minimum Ant version required to run the build file, and also 
declare how it should be interpreted. This is how it works for the ivy.xml for 

> I'd hope, though, that a redesign would have a fully pluggable parser so that 
> even with the first release there was an option to use something other than 
> XML.

I think you can already today, there are some experiments which show it works 
[1] [2]. The names of the classes of Ant may not be explicit, but I think the 
abstraction is there.



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Re: NIO 2.0 == Ant 2.0? was Re: Java NIO support

2012-02-16 Thread Bruce Atherton

On 2/15/2012 5:48 PM, Bruce Atherton wrote:
I've read a blog post that said that one of the requirements that has 
been adopted is OSGI compatibility...

Here is the post I mentioned:

It brings up a good point: a system architected with modularity in mind 
is fundamentally different from a system that isn't. Ant 1.x is modular, 
but there are many different kinds of modularity introduced over time 
and it can be hard to keep track of which files need to be modified to 
add a particular build file element. Some are pluggable, some load from 
a properties list, etc. Sometimes, particularly for backward API 
compatibility, you need to add a new element to more than one place and 
it can be easy to miss one.

Having a single module system for the whole system that is compatible 
with what is expected in Java 8, with the option of plugging OSGI in to 
replace it, seems like a good solution to me. When Java 8 is the lowest 
supported JVM of Ant 2 (sometime 5 years from now based on previous 
experience) we can drop our solution and use whatever is bundled as the 

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