[api-dev] misused email

2006-05-18 Thread Jürgen Schmidt


it seems that my email is misused to spread some viruses around the 
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Re: [api-dev] Re: Get a word doc as a java String

2006-05-18 Thread Mathias Bauer
Gascoigne Thomas wrote:

> I need to turn MS Word documents into plain text so that they can be
> indexed for searching purposes. Would the Open Office UNO api provide
> a relatively straight forward and painless way to do this. I basically
> need to read word docs in and get a java String representation of the
> doc out. Any advise greatly appreciated, Thomas

You can use the OOo API to load the Word document into an OOo text
document. The API of this documents lets you travel through all of its
text paragraphs, each of them can be asked to give you the whole text
content as a single string.

Other text content inside the document (e.g. text in shapes) can be
accessed as well.

Best regards,

Mathias Bauer - OpenOffice.org Application Framework Project Lead
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Re: [api-dev] GRAPHIC questions

2006-05-18 Thread Mathias Bauer
Fernand Vanrie wrote:

> Placing  an embedded -grahpic  into a WriterDoc (with the GUI or withe
> the API) gives different results depending if  you  placed it as  a
> linked-graphic or and embedded-graphic.
> Embedded gives us  the orinal dimensions (as difined in the
> Imagefile-header)  gives us the correct "orginal-size" , the image had a
> "scale of "100%" and a correct "image-size "
> Linked gives us the a  wrong "orginal size" (based on 96 DPI)  a
> "scaling"  with a percentage to optain a correct  "image size" !! Is
> this behabior wanted or is it a bug ?

Sounds like a bug to me. I suggest creating an issue.

> Before we place the image we can resize and  reformat the graphic and
> define if we "embed" or "link" the grahic.  I tried different ways to
> acomplish this task, it can be done, opening a hidden drawdoc and then
> place the grapic as a Shade,  and finaly "exporting" the drawpage using
> the filteroptions to re-size and re-format the imagefile. To avoid the
> hidden drawdoc i tryed differend ways to acomplis  the same task:
> Using the "GrapchicProvider.storeGraphic"  and defining the MIMEtype was
> a prommesing option , I can do the re-formating,  but i found noway to
> re-size the imagefile, there exist some filteroptions  but found noware
> any documentation.
> Exporting  the "Shape" instead of the DrawPage   "with a filter" avoid
> the use of  a hidden DrawDoc , works the "filtername" gives us the right
> format  but:  the filter ignorges the re-sizing options.
> Exporting the Writer-Drawpage let crashes OO (no  pagesize i supose)

I have to admit that I don't understand what you are trying to achieve.
You started writing about inserting graphics and that you have some
problems with it, but now you talk about storing graphics. Do I
understand you correctly that storing graphics isn't your real goal, you
just do it as part of a workaround to overcome limitations for the
resizing/reformatting options? If that is correct: what would you really
like to do, without any workarounds?

Best regards,

Mathias Bauer - OpenOffice.org Application Framework Project Lead
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Re: [api-dev] Re: Get a word doc as a java String

2006-05-18 Thread Tom Schindl
No. Think of the request broker like a jdbc-connection pool. The broker
holds say 5 different oo-instances as servers which listen to different
ports and forwards requests to them if none are available it will create
a new instance up to a maximum just like apache.


Gascoigne Thomas wrote:
> Thanks for that. Would such a solution with a request broker have the
> effect of serializing the processing of each document? Cheers, Thomas
> -Original Message-
> From: Tom Schindl [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: 18 May 2006 11:23
> To: dev@api.openoffice.org
> Subject: Re: [api-dev] Re: Get a word doc as a java String
> No please note that one single OO-Instance can only handle one single
> conversion process => OpenOffice can not deal with multiple threads from
> external. You need to implement a request broker. There are plenty
> examples out there e.g. one writen in python, ...
> Tom
> Gascoigne Thomas wrote:
>>Thanks a lot. Just one last thing, I'm assuming that the server will
>>allow (and handle performantly) multiple concurrent requests to open
> and
>>extract text from (different) documents? Cheers, Thomas
>>-Original Message-
>>From: Kent Gibson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>>Sent: 18 May 2006 10:22
>>To: dev@api.openoffice.org
>>Subject: RE: [api-dev] Re: Get a word doc as a java String
>>I may be wrong, but no matter what you will need the
>>server running, the only question is how transparent
>>it is to you, if you use the bean examples or
>>something called nice office access (not very well
>>documented in english though) then the connection
>>handling is relativley transparent, they will kick
>>start the server, (but you will probably not be able
>>to bring it down again. I use macros to do that.)
>>Otherwise you will need to start the server from hand
>>listenning to a port. 90% of the effort is getting
>>that connection and getting that document open.
>>--- Gascoigne Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>Cheers Kent,
>>>Just another quick one before I give it a try. To do
>>>this simple text
>>>extraction task should it be possible to use an OO
>>>api in process by
>>>just including necessary jars or will it required a
>>>full OO 'server'
>>>running either locally or remotely?  
>>>Thanks, Thomas
>>>-Original Message-
>>>From: Kent Gibson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>>>Sent: 17 May 2006 18:36
>>>To: dev@api.openoffice.org
>>>Subject: Re: [api-dev] Re: Get a word doc as a java
>>>it really won't be too tricky. You will need to
>>>connect, and then convert your document. There are
>>>examples for connection and conversion (filters). Be
>>>sure to look in the java examples directory of the
>>>Be sure to also look on the openoffice snippets
>>>there are some bootstrapping classe which will get
>>>up and runny very quickly. other than that you will
>>>probably have to be a bit more specific. 
>>>good luck
>>>--- Gascoigne Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I need to turn MS Word documents into plain text
that they can be
indexed for searching purposes. Would the Open
Office UNO api provide

a relatively straight forward and painless way to
this. I basically
need to read word docs in and get a java String
representation of the
doc out. Any advise greatly appreciated, Thomas

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Re: [api-dev] Multiple cells in macros

2006-05-18 Thread Stephan Wunderlich

Hi Moisés,

I saw it before. But if the sheet don't fit in a page ... what can I do ?

from the top of my head I'd suggest to select the sheet you want to 
print and then print the current selection. Somethings like the 
following should print the sheets 4 and 5

sub Main
end sub

sub printSelection
xFrame   = ThisComponent.CurrentController.Frame
dispatcher = createUnoService("com.sun.star.frame.DispatchHelper")
dim args(0) as new com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
args(0).Name = "Selection"
args(0).Value = true
dispatcher.executeDispatch(xFrame, ".uno:Print", "", 0, args())
end sub

Hope that helps



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Re: [api-dev] INSERT PICTURE behavior

2006-05-18 Thread Fernand Vanrie

Kent Gibson schreef:

you are probably aware of this but have you tried to
use the property "ActualSize" and compare it with the
results from the method getSize() from an xShape
The behaviour is the same  for placing the graphic with the API as with 
the UI

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[api-dev] 3 Ways to export Writer Graphics

2006-05-18 Thread Fernand Vanrie
Before we place the image we can resize and  reformat the graphic and 
define if we "embed" or "link" the grahic.  I tried different ways to 
acomplish this task, it can be done, opening a hidden drawdoc and then 
place the grapic as a Shade,  and finaly "exporting" the drawpage using 
the filteroptions to re-size and re-format the imagefile.
To avoid the hidden drawdoc i tryed differend ways to acomplis  the same 
Using the "GrapchicProvider.storeGraphic"  and defining the MIMEtype was 
a prommesing option , I can do the re-formating,  but i found noway to 
re-size the imagefile, there exist some filteroptions  but found noware 
any documentation.
Exporting  the "Shape" instead of the DrawPage   "with a filter" avoid 
the use of  a hidden DrawDoc , works the "filtername" gives us the right 
format  but:  the filter ignorges the re-sizing options.

Exporting the Writer-Drawpage let crashes OO (no  pagesize i supose)

The code below demonstrates the Exports  (copy the code into an emty 
WriterDoc and place an imagefile c:\testIN.jpg, and everiting can be tested)

REM thanks to Stephan Wunderlich, ms777  for the initial codelines

sub main
ConvertToUrl("C:\testIN.jpg"),ConvertToUrl("C:\testUIT.jpg") )

end sub
Sub EmbedGraphic(oDoc, sURLIN$, sURLUIT$)
 Dim oShape
 Dim oGraph 'The graphic object is text content.
 Dim oProvider  'GraphicProvider service.
 Dim oText
 Dim aSize As New com.sun.star.awt.Size
 aSize.Width = 320
 aSize.Height = 400

 oShape = oDoc.createInstance("com.sun.star.drawing.GraphicObjectShape")
 oGraph = oDoc.createInstance("com.sun.star.text.GraphicObject")
 oProvider = createUnoService("com.sun.star.graphic.GraphicProvider")

 Dim oPropsIN(1)as new com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
 oPropsIN(0).Name  = "URL"
 oPropsIN(0).Value = sURLIN
 oPropsIN(1).Name  = "SizePixel"
 oPropsIN(1).Value = asize ' >>has NO influence on the imported Graphic<<
 oShape.Graphic = oProvider.queryGraphic(oPropsIN())
 oShape.Graphic.setpropertyvalue("SizePixel" ,asize ) ' >> has NO 
influence on the SHAPE size<<
 msgBOX  "THE RESOLUTION = " & int(oShape.Graphic.sizepixel.height / 
(oShape.Graphic.size100thMM.height / 100) * 25.40 )

Dim aFilterData (1) as new com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
   aFilterData(0).Name  = "PixelWidth"'
   aFilterData(0).Value = 320
   aFilterData(1).Name  = "PixelHeight"
   aFilterData(1).Value = 400
 ' oGraph.GraphicUrl = ConvertToUrl("C:\testuit.jpg") 'with a link

   oGraph.GraphicUrl = oShape.GraphicUrl  ' embedded
   oGraph.Size = oShape.Graphic.Size100thMM
   oText= oDoc.getText() ' insert the Graphic at the current cursor 
oGraph, false)

   oDrawpage = oDoc.Drawpage()

  ' >>1<>WORKS fine<<
 oPropsUIT(3).Name  = "FilterData"
'   oPropsUIT(3).Value = aFilterData   ' >>HOW to implement ???< 
'   oProvider.storeGraphic( oShape.Graphic , oPropsUIT()) '>>WORKS fine 
but Ignores the sizing<<

  ' >>2<< Export the Drawpapage with the Xexporter
'   RunExport(oDrawpage , sURLuit , aFilterData() ) '>>OOCrashes with 
the Wrter Drwapage !!!"

'>>3>> Export the Shape with the Xexporter
RunExport( oShape, sURLuit , aFilterData() ) ' >>WORKS but 
Filtersettings are ignored !!!<<
End Sub

Sub RunExport( xObject, sFileUrl As String, aFilterData )
 xExporter = createUnoService( "com.sun.star.drawing.GraphicExportFilter" )
 xExporter.SetSourceDocument( xObject )
 Dim aArgs (2) as new com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
 Dim aURL as new com.sun.star.util.URL
  sFileUrl = ConvertToURL(sFileUrl)
 aArgs(0).Name  = "FilterName"
 aArgs(0).Value = "jpg"
 aArgs(1).Name  = "URL"
 aArgs(1).Value = sFileUrl
 aArgs(2).Name  = "FilterData"
 aArgs(2).Value = aFilterData
 xExporter.filter( aArgs() )   '>> WORKS when using a DRAWING drawpage 
: only here we find a resized file <<

End Sub

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Re: [api-dev] Multiple cells in macros

2006-05-18 Thread Moisés Márquez Gil

Stephan Wunderlich wrote:
if those sheets each fit on a page you could use the Property "Pages" 
to pass it to the XPrintable.print() call.


Dim printProps(0) as new com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue


Hope that helps



Hi Stephan,

I saw it before. But if the sheet don't fit in a page ... what can I do ?



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Re: [api-dev] Multiple cells in macros

2006-05-18 Thread Stephan Wunderlich

Hi Moisés

Hi, this is correct. But I want to say ... print sheets 4,5. Only these 

if those sheets each fit on a page you could use the Property "Pages" to 
pass it to the XPrintable.print() call.


Dim printProps(0) as new com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue


Hope that helps



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Re: [api-dev] INSERT PICTURE behavior

2006-05-18 Thread Kent Gibson
you are probably aware of this but have you tried to
use the property "ActualSize" and compare it with the
results from the method getSize() from an xShape?

--- Fernand Vanrie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Ok i spitup  my Ilmages questions
> Placing  an embedded -grahpic  into a WriterDoc
> (with the GUI or withe 
> the API) gives different results depending if  you 
> placed it as  a 
> linked-graphic or as a embedded-graphic.
> Embedded gives us  the orinal dimensions (as difined
> in the original 
> imported Imagefile-header)  gives us the correct
> "orginal-size" , the 
> image had a "scale of "100%" and a correct
> "image-size "
> Linked gives us the a  wrong "orginal size" (based
> on 96 DPI)  a 
> "scaling"  with a percentage to optain a correct 
> "image size" !!
>  Is this behabior wanted or is it a bug ?
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Re: [api-dev] Multiple cells in macros

2006-05-18 Thread Moisés Márquez Gil


prints all sheets that contain contents for me, when attached to the 

Hi, this is correct. But I want to say ... print sheets 4,5. Only these 



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[api-dev] INSERT PICTURE behavior

2006-05-18 Thread Fernand Vanrie

Ok i spitup  my Ilmages questions

Placing  an embedded -grahpic  into a WriterDoc (with the GUI or withe 
the API) gives different results depending if  you  placed it as  a 
linked-graphic or as a embedded-graphic.
Embedded gives us  the orinal dimensions (as difined in the original 
imported Imagefile-header)  gives us the correct "orginal-size" , the 
image had a "scale of "100%" and a correct "image-size "
Linked gives us the a  wrong "orginal size" (based on 96 DPI)  a 
"scaling"  with a percentage to optain a correct  "image size" !!

Is this behabior wanted or is it a bug ?

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RE: [api-dev] Re: Get a word doc as a java String

2006-05-18 Thread Gascoigne Thomas
Thanks for that. Would such a solution with a request broker have the
effect of serializing the processing of each document? Cheers, Thomas

-Original Message-
From: Tom Schindl [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 18 May 2006 11:23
To: dev@api.openoffice.org
Subject: Re: [api-dev] Re: Get a word doc as a java String

No please note that one single OO-Instance can only handle one single
conversion process => OpenOffice can not deal with multiple threads from
external. You need to implement a request broker. There are plenty
examples out there e.g. one writen in python, ...


Gascoigne Thomas wrote:
> Thanks a lot. Just one last thing, I'm assuming that the server will
> allow (and handle performantly) multiple concurrent requests to open
> extract text from (different) documents? Cheers, Thomas
> -Original Message-
> From: Kent Gibson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: 18 May 2006 10:22
> To: dev@api.openoffice.org
> Subject: RE: [api-dev] Re: Get a word doc as a java String
> I may be wrong, but no matter what you will need the
> server running, the only question is how transparent
> it is to you, if you use the bean examples or
> something called nice office access (not very well
> documented in english though) then the connection
> handling is relativley transparent, they will kick
> start the server, (but you will probably not be able
> to bring it down again. I use macros to do that.)
> Otherwise you will need to start the server from hand
> listenning to a port. 90% of the effort is getting
> that connection and getting that document open.
> --- Gascoigne Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Cheers Kent,
>>Just another quick one before I give it a try. To do
>>this simple text
>>extraction task should it be possible to use an OO
>>api in process by
>>just including necessary jars or will it required a
>>full OO 'server'
>>running either locally or remotely?  
>>Thanks, Thomas
>>-Original Message-
>>From: Kent Gibson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>>Sent: 17 May 2006 18:36
>>To: dev@api.openoffice.org
>>Subject: Re: [api-dev] Re: Get a word doc as a java
>>it really won't be too tricky. You will need to
>>connect, and then convert your document. There are
>>examples for connection and conversion (filters). Be
>>sure to look in the java examples directory of the
>>Be sure to also look on the openoffice snippets
>>there are some bootstrapping classe which will get
>>up and runny very quickly. other than that you will
>>probably have to be a bit more specific. 
>>good luck
>>--- Gascoigne Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>I need to turn MS Word documents into plain text
>>>that they can be
>>>indexed for searching purposes. Would the Open
>>>Office UNO api provide
>>>a relatively straight forward and painless way to
>>>this. I basically
>>>need to read word docs in and get a java String
>>>representation of the
>>>doc out. Any advise greatly appreciated, Thomas
> **
>>>The information in this e-mail and any attachment
>>>It is intended only for the named recipient(s). If
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>>>Axxia Systems has taken every reasonable
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>>>that any attachment to this e-mail has been
>>>for viruses, 
>>>it is strongly recommended that you carry out your
>>>own virus 
>>>check before opening any attachment, as we cannot
>>>liability for any damage sustained as a result of
>>>software virus 
>>>infection. Axxia Systems reserves the right and
>>>senders of
>>>messages shall be taken to consent to the
>>>recording of e-mails addressed to axxia.com.
> **
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> __
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 
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> -
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> ---

Re: [api-dev] Re: Get a word doc as a java String

2006-05-18 Thread Tom Schindl
No please note that one single OO-Instance can only handle one single
conversion process => OpenOffice can not deal with multiple threads from
external. You need to implement a request broker. There are plenty
examples out there e.g. one writen in python, ...


Gascoigne Thomas wrote:
> Thanks a lot. Just one last thing, I'm assuming that the server will
> allow (and handle performantly) multiple concurrent requests to open and
> extract text from (different) documents? Cheers, Thomas
> -Original Message-
> From: Kent Gibson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: 18 May 2006 10:22
> To: dev@api.openoffice.org
> Subject: RE: [api-dev] Re: Get a word doc as a java String
> I may be wrong, but no matter what you will need the
> server running, the only question is how transparent
> it is to you, if you use the bean examples or
> something called nice office access (not very well
> documented in english though) then the connection
> handling is relativley transparent, they will kick
> start the server, (but you will probably not be able
> to bring it down again. I use macros to do that.)
> Otherwise you will need to start the server from hand
> listenning to a port. 90% of the effort is getting
> that connection and getting that document open.
> --- Gascoigne Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Cheers Kent,
>>Just another quick one before I give it a try. To do
>>this simple text
>>extraction task should it be possible to use an OO
>>api in process by
>>just including necessary jars or will it required a
>>full OO 'server'
>>running either locally or remotely?  
>>Thanks, Thomas
>>-Original Message-
>>From: Kent Gibson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>>Sent: 17 May 2006 18:36
>>To: dev@api.openoffice.org
>>Subject: Re: [api-dev] Re: Get a word doc as a java
>>it really won't be too tricky. You will need to
>>connect, and then convert your document. There are
>>examples for connection and conversion (filters). Be
>>sure to look in the java examples directory of the
>>Be sure to also look on the openoffice snippets
>>there are some bootstrapping classe which will get
>>up and runny very quickly. other than that you will
>>probably have to be a bit more specific. 
>>good luck
>>--- Gascoigne Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>I need to turn MS Word documents into plain text
>>>that they can be
>>>indexed for searching purposes. Would the Open
>>>Office UNO api provide
>>>a relatively straight forward and painless way to
>>>this. I basically
>>>need to read word docs in and get a java String
>>>representation of the
>>>doc out. Any advise greatly appreciated, Thomas
> **
>>>The information in this e-mail and any attachment
>>>It is intended only for the named recipient(s). If
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>>>for viruses, 
>>>it is strongly recommended that you carry out your
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>>>liability for any damage sustained as a result of
>>>software virus 
>>>infection. Axxia Systems reserves the right and
>>>senders of
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> **
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> -
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> __
> Do You Yahoo!?
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Re: [api-dev] Multiple cells in macros

2006-05-18 Thread Stephan Wunderlich


I use this code. But I want to know if it's a bug and if it can be 
solved easily.

since the macro recorder only recorded your first selection I'd say it 
is an issue, but I can't say anything about how easy it would be to fix 



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Re: [api-dev] Multiple cells in macros

2006-05-18 Thread Moisés Márquez Gil

well the given code snippet wanders to Cell B5 and then deletes the 
contents ... something similar and for all your three Cells does

'all is the sum of all css.sheet.CellFlags
all = 895
xSheet = ThisComponent.Sheets(0)
xCellRange = xSheet.getCellRangeByName("B5")
xCellRange = xSheet.getCellRangeByName("B7")
xCellRange = xSheet.getCellRangeByName("B11")   

Hope that helps

Thanx, this help me a lot, but the problem is that I thought the Macro 
recorder did it itself. I selected various cells in a macro and it 
created the code I sent you before. Instead I want it do something 
similar that you say.

I use this code. But I want to know if it's a bug and if it can be 
solved easily.

Thanx a lot

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Re: [api-dev] Multiple cells in macros

2006-05-18 Thread Stephan Wunderlich


sub borrarSeleccionMultiple
dim document   as object
dim dispatcher as object
document   = ThisComponent.CurrentController.Frame
dispatcher = createUnoService("com.sun.star.frame.DispatchHelper")
dim args1(0) as new com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
args1(0).Name = "ToPoint"
args1(0).Value = "$B$5"
dispatcher.executeDispatch(document, ".uno:GoToCell", "", 0, args1())
dim args2(0) as new com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
args2(0).Name = "Flags"
args2(0).Value = "SVDFN"
dispatcher.executeDispatch(document, ".uno:Delete", "", 0, args2())
end sub

This is the generated code. The problem is that I say to do the same 
operation in cells B5, B7 & B11. Need I to write the code each time I 
need something similar ?

well the given code snippet wanders to Cell B5 and then deletes the 
contents ... something similar and for all your three Cells does

'all is the sum of all css.sheet.CellFlags
all = 895
xSheet = ThisComponent.Sheets(0)
xCellRange = xSheet.getCellRangeByName("B5")
xCellRange = xSheet.getCellRangeByName("B7")
xCellRange = xSheet.getCellRangeByName("B11") 

Hope that helps



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RE: [api-dev] Re: Get a word doc as a java String

2006-05-18 Thread Kent Gibson
should do.

good luck.

--- Gascoigne Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Thanks a lot. Just one last thing, I'm assuming that
> the server will
> allow (and handle performantly) multiple concurrent
> requests to open and
> extract text from (different) documents? Cheers,
> Thomas
> -Original Message-
> From: Kent Gibson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: 18 May 2006 10:22
> To: dev@api.openoffice.org
> Subject: RE: [api-dev] Re: Get a word doc as a java
> String
> I may be wrong, but no matter what you will need the
> server running, the only question is how transparent
> it is to you, if you use the bean examples or
> something called nice office access (not very well
> documented in english though) then the connection
> handling is relativley transparent, they will kick
> start the server, (but you will probably not be able
> to bring it down again. I use macros to do that.)
> Otherwise you will need to start the server from
> hand
> listenning to a port. 90% of the effort is getting
> that connection and getting that document open.
> --- Gascoigne Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Cheers Kent,
> > 
> > Just another quick one before I give it a try. To
> do
> > this simple text
> > extraction task should it be possible to use an OO
> > api in process by
> > just including necessary jars or will it required
> a
> > full OO 'server'
> > running either locally or remotely?  
> > Thanks, Thomas
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Kent Gibson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> > Sent: 17 May 2006 18:36
> > To: dev@api.openoffice.org
> > Subject: Re: [api-dev] Re: Get a word doc as a
> java
> > String
> > 
> > it really won't be too tricky. You will need to
> > connect, and then convert your document. There are
> > examples for connection and conversion (filters).
> Be
> > sure to look in the java examples directory of the
> > sdk.  
> > 
> > Be sure to also look on the openoffice snippets
> > page,
> > there are some bootstrapping classe which will get
> > you
> > up and runny very quickly. other than that you
> will
> > probably have to be a bit more specific. 
> > 
> > good luck
> > 
> > --- Gascoigne Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > > Hi,
> > > 
> > >  
> > > 
> > > I need to turn MS Word documents into plain text
> > so
> > > that they can be
> > > indexed for searching purposes. Would the Open
> > > Office UNO api provide
> > > 
> > > a relatively straight forward and painless way
> to
> > do
> > > this. I basically
> > > need to read word docs in and get a java String
> > > representation of the
> > > doc out. Any advise greatly appreciated, Thomas
> > > 
> > >  
> > > 
> > > 
> > >
> >
> > > The information in this e-mail and any
> attachment
> > is
> > > confidential. 
> > > It is intended only for the named recipient(s).
> If
> > > you are not a
> > > named recipient please notify the sender
> > immediately
> > > and do not
> > > disclose the contents to another person or take
> > > copies. Although
> > > Axxia Systems has taken every reasonable
> > precaution
> > > to ensure
> > > that any attachment to this e-mail has been
> > checked
> > > for viruses, 
> > > it is strongly recommended that you carry out
> your
> > > own virus 
> > > check before opening any attachment, as we
> cannot
> > > accept
> > > liability for any damage sustained as a result
> of
> > > software virus 
> > > infection. Axxia Systems reserves the right and
> > > senders of
> > > messages shall be taken to consent to the
> > monitoring
> > > and
> > > recording of e-mails addressed to axxia.com.
> > >
> >
> > > 
> > > 
> > 
> > 
> > __
> > Do You Yahoo!?
> > Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam
> > protection around 
> > http://mail.yahoo.com 
> > 
> >
> > To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> > For additional commands, e-mail:
> > 
> >
> > To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> > For additional commands, e-mail:
> > 
> > 
> __
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam
> protection around 
> http://mail.yahoo.com 
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Re: [api-dev] Multiple cells in macros

2006-05-18 Thread Moisés Márquez Gil

Stephan Wunderlich wrote:


When I record a macro that do an operation in several cells this only 
work when I'm recording it. Later, when I execute this only work for 
the first cell.

what exactly did you try to record ? Maybe the code the recorder 
produced could give an insight too.

sub borrarSeleccionMultiple
dim document   as object
dim dispatcher as object
document   = ThisComponent.CurrentController.Frame
dispatcher = createUnoService("com.sun.star.frame.DispatchHelper")
dim args1(0) as new com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
args1(0).Name = "ToPoint"
args1(0).Value = "$B$5"
dispatcher.executeDispatch(document, ".uno:GoToCell", "", 0, args1())
dim args2(0) as new com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
args2(0).Name = "Flags"
args2(0).Value = "SVDFN"
dispatcher.executeDispatch(document, ".uno:Delete", "", 0, args2())
end sub

This is the generated code. The problem is that I say to do the same 
operation in cells B5, B7 & B11. Need I to write the code each time I 
need something similar ?

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RE: [api-dev] Re: Get a word doc as a java String

2006-05-18 Thread Gascoigne Thomas
Thanks a lot. Just one last thing, I'm assuming that the server will
allow (and handle performantly) multiple concurrent requests to open and
extract text from (different) documents? Cheers, Thomas

-Original Message-
From: Kent Gibson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 18 May 2006 10:22
To: dev@api.openoffice.org
Subject: RE: [api-dev] Re: Get a word doc as a java String

I may be wrong, but no matter what you will need the
server running, the only question is how transparent
it is to you, if you use the bean examples or
something called nice office access (not very well
documented in english though) then the connection
handling is relativley transparent, they will kick
start the server, (but you will probably not be able
to bring it down again. I use macros to do that.)
Otherwise you will need to start the server from hand
listenning to a port. 90% of the effort is getting
that connection and getting that document open.

--- Gascoigne Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Cheers Kent,
> Just another quick one before I give it a try. To do
> this simple text
> extraction task should it be possible to use an OO
> api in process by
> just including necessary jars or will it required a
> full OO 'server'
> running either locally or remotely?  
> Thanks, Thomas
> -Original Message-
> From: Kent Gibson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: 17 May 2006 18:36
> To: dev@api.openoffice.org
> Subject: Re: [api-dev] Re: Get a word doc as a java
> String
> it really won't be too tricky. You will need to
> connect, and then convert your document. There are
> examples for connection and conversion (filters). Be
> sure to look in the java examples directory of the
> sdk.  
> Be sure to also look on the openoffice snippets
> page,
> there are some bootstrapping classe which will get
> you
> up and runny very quickly. other than that you will
> probably have to be a bit more specific. 
> good luck
> --- Gascoigne Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> >  
> > 
> > I need to turn MS Word documents into plain text
> so
> > that they can be
> > indexed for searching purposes. Would the Open
> > Office UNO api provide
> > 
> > a relatively straight forward and painless way to
> do
> > this. I basically
> > need to read word docs in and get a java String
> > representation of the
> > doc out. Any advise greatly appreciated, Thomas
> > 
> >  
> > 
> > 
> >
> > The information in this e-mail and any attachment
> is
> > confidential. 
> > It is intended only for the named recipient(s). If
> > you are not a
> > named recipient please notify the sender
> immediately
> > and do not
> > disclose the contents to another person or take
> > copies. Although
> > Axxia Systems has taken every reasonable
> precaution
> > to ensure
> > that any attachment to this e-mail has been
> checked
> > for viruses, 
> > it is strongly recommended that you carry out your
> > own virus 
> > check before opening any attachment, as we cannot
> > accept
> > liability for any damage sustained as a result of
> > software virus 
> > infection. Axxia Systems reserves the right and
> > senders of
> > messages shall be taken to consent to the
> monitoring
> > and
> > recording of e-mails addressed to axxia.com.
> >
> > 
> > 
> __
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam
> protection around 
> http://mail.yahoo.com 
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RE: [api-dev] Re: Get a word doc as a java String

2006-05-18 Thread Kent Gibson
I may be wrong, but no matter what you will need the
server running, the only question is how transparent
it is to you, if you use the bean examples or
something called nice office access (not very well
documented in english though) then the connection
handling is relativley transparent, they will kick
start the server, (but you will probably not be able
to bring it down again. I use macros to do that.)
Otherwise you will need to start the server from hand
listenning to a port. 90% of the effort is getting
that connection and getting that document open.

--- Gascoigne Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Cheers Kent,
> Just another quick one before I give it a try. To do
> this simple text
> extraction task should it be possible to use an OO
> api in process by
> just including necessary jars or will it required a
> full OO 'server'
> running either locally or remotely?  
> Thanks, Thomas
> -Original Message-
> From: Kent Gibson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: 17 May 2006 18:36
> To: dev@api.openoffice.org
> Subject: Re: [api-dev] Re: Get a word doc as a java
> String
> it really won't be too tricky. You will need to
> connect, and then convert your document. There are
> examples for connection and conversion (filters). Be
> sure to look in the java examples directory of the
> sdk.  
> Be sure to also look on the openoffice snippets
> page,
> there are some bootstrapping classe which will get
> you
> up and runny very quickly. other than that you will
> probably have to be a bit more specific. 
> good luck
> --- Gascoigne Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> >  
> > 
> > I need to turn MS Word documents into plain text
> so
> > that they can be
> > indexed for searching purposes. Would the Open
> > Office UNO api provide
> > 
> > a relatively straight forward and painless way to
> do
> > this. I basically
> > need to read word docs in and get a java String
> > representation of the
> > doc out. Any advise greatly appreciated, Thomas
> > 
> >  
> > 
> > 
> >
> > The information in this e-mail and any attachment
> is
> > confidential. 
> > It is intended only for the named recipient(s). If
> > you are not a
> > named recipient please notify the sender
> immediately
> > and do not
> > disclose the contents to another person or take
> > copies. Although
> > Axxia Systems has taken every reasonable
> precaution
> > to ensure
> > that any attachment to this e-mail has been
> checked
> > for viruses, 
> > it is strongly recommended that you carry out your
> > own virus 
> > check before opening any attachment, as we cannot
> > accept
> > liability for any damage sustained as a result of
> > software virus 
> > infection. Axxia Systems reserves the right and
> > senders of
> > messages shall be taken to consent to the
> monitoring
> > and
> > recording of e-mails addressed to axxia.com.
> >
> > 
> > 
> __
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RE: [api-dev] Re: Get a word doc as a java String

2006-05-18 Thread Gascoigne Thomas
Cheers Kent,

Just another quick one before I give it a try. To do this simple text
extraction task should it be possible to use an OO api in process by
just including necessary jars or will it required a full OO 'server'
running either locally or remotely?  
Thanks, Thomas

-Original Message-
From: Kent Gibson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 17 May 2006 18:36
To: dev@api.openoffice.org
Subject: Re: [api-dev] Re: Get a word doc as a java String

it really won't be too tricky. You will need to
connect, and then convert your document. There are
examples for connection and conversion (filters). Be
sure to look in the java examples directory of the

Be sure to also look on the openoffice snippets page,
there are some bootstrapping classe which will get you
up and runny very quickly. other than that you will
probably have to be a bit more specific. 

good luck

--- Gascoigne Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> I need to turn MS Word documents into plain text so
> that they can be
> indexed for searching purposes. Would the Open
> Office UNO api provide
> a relatively straight forward and painless way to do
> this. I basically
> need to read word docs in and get a java String
> representation of the
> doc out. Any advise greatly appreciated, Thomas
> The information in this e-mail and any attachment is
> confidential. 
> It is intended only for the named recipient(s). If
> you are not a
> named recipient please notify the sender immediately
> and do not
> disclose the contents to another person or take
> copies. Although
> Axxia Systems has taken every reasonable precaution
> to ensure
> that any attachment to this e-mail has been checked
> for viruses, 
> it is strongly recommended that you carry out your
> own virus 
> check before opening any attachment, as we cannot
> accept
> liability for any damage sustained as a result of
> software virus 
> infection. Axxia Systems reserves the right and
> senders of
> messages shall be taken to consent to the monitoring
> and
> recording of e-mails addressed to axxia.com.

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Re: [api-dev] GRAPHIC questions

2006-05-18 Thread Kent Gibson
good idea, but as I remember I tried it before and the
problem was they do not support styles. To try to
simplify the problem I neglected to mention that I am
also using styles. 

thanks though.

--- Stephan Wunderlich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hi Kent,
> > The reason I am having this problem is becuase I
> am
> > want my frame borders to have fancy lines like
> dotten
> > lines, etc. Is there a way to tell a frame to use
> a
> > line for a border? 
> wouldn't it be easier to use css.drawing.TextShape
> which has 
> LineProperties instead of a TextFrame ? ... That is
> if you don't need 
> special features of a TextFrame.
> Regards
> Stephan
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Re: [api-dev] GRAPHIC questions

2006-05-18 Thread Stephan Wunderlich

Hi Kent,

The reason I am having this problem is becuase I am
want my frame borders to have fancy lines like dotten
lines, etc. Is there a way to tell a frame to use a
line for a border? 

wouldn't it be easier to use css.drawing.TextShape which has 
LineProperties instead of a TextFrame ? ... That is if you don't need 
special features of a TextFrame.



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Re: [api-dev] Unanswered Question: Chaining Frames : ChainedTextFrame

2006-05-18 Thread Kent Gibson
Sorry to sound dumb but I am still confused.

You said "the implementation of the interface
XServiceInfo at the text frames are incomplete in this

Does that mean that I cannot use chain frames with the
api or that there is some limitation in regards to the

thanks for your help.

--- Oliver Specht <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> the service com.sun.star.text.ChanedTextFrame
> specified the two 
> properties ChainPrevName and ChainNextName. There's
> an include of 
> XChainable but it is not part of the service.
> The to properties are available at Writer's text
> frames.
> The documentation and also the implementation of the
> interface 
> XServiceInfo at the text frames are incomplete in
> this area.
> Regards,
> Oliver
> Kent Gibson wrote:
> > will do.
> > 
> > I want to do use ChainPrevName and and
> ChainNextName
> > for text frames.
> > 
> > pg 513 of the developers guide says: 
> > 
> > "The API reference does not know the properties
> above.
> > Instead, it specifies a
> > com.sun.star.text.ChainedTextFrame with an
> XChainable
> > interface, but this is not yet supported by text
> > frames."
> > 
> > Chained text frames works fine using the ui, but
> is
> > there any programmatic way to do it? For example
> using
> > the dispatch service?
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > --- Mathias Bauer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> >> Kent Gibson wrote:
> >>
> >>> The Developer's Guide says that Chaining Frames
> is
> >> not
> >>> possible (yet). I had a go anyway hoping it was
> >> out of
> >>> date. No luck.
> >>>
> >>> So is this correct? Chaning is not Supported?
> >> First: please start a new thread when you write a
> >> mail about a new
> >> topic, use the "reply" button only if you really
> >> reply to a mail. This
> >> will perhaps also increase the possible number of
> >> answers.
> >>
> >> What "frames" are you talking about (text
> frames?)
> >> and what do you mean
> >> with "chaining"?
> >>
> >> Best regards,
> >> Mathias
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Re: [api-dev] GRAPHIC questions

2006-05-18 Thread Kent Gibson
is there no way ensure that I am using the same layer?
 I believe this a problem becuase I am mixing the draw
componenets and the writer components. It seems to
pretty straight forward to tell the draw components
which layer they are on, but writer components do not
seem to have layers, they only have zOrders, no?

The reason I am having this problem is becuase I am
want my frame borders to have fancy lines like dotten
lines, etc. Is there a way to tell a frame to use a
line for a border? 

--- Fernand Vanrie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Kent Gibson schreef:
> > thanks for sharing your expereinces, related to
> images
> > do you think you could answer two questions for
> me?
> >
> > I am having a problem with cropping. Cropping
> seems to
> > work ok, but for some odd reason, "keep scale" is
> > default during cropping, you can see this in the
> UI.
> > Therefore when I crop it then gets scaled. So all
> I
> > need to know is how to turn off "keep the scale"
> and
> > use "keep image size" programmatically.
> >   
> I think the crop-dialog  i a sort of "wizard" and
> can not be handled by 
> the API. The "keep the scale" is following the
> last-klicked status and 
> saved someware hidden in the
> OOconf-user-depended-files.  The results of 
> using this wizard are stored as  a properrty of the 
> "graphicObject" its 
> a struct. with top,bottom,left and right distances
> and can at all times 
> easely be handeld with the API.
> .
> > The other problem I have is with zOrder from
> > TextFrames and Lines. My lines are going to the
> > background, so even though I set all the zOrders,
> the
> > layering will be wrong, while the TextFrames go to
> the
> > foreground. 
> >
> > After experimenting I am pretty sure the problem
> is
> > that the wrap modus is influencing it. Wrap (I am
> > using wrap through) is always defaulting to wrap
> "In
> > the background" and this is also another
> undocumented
> >   
> No idee ?
> Fernand
> > parameter which I have no idea how to set.
> >
> > Any help would be grand as this problems are
> proving
> > to be real headaches. thanks.
> >
> >
> >
> > __
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> > Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam
> protection around 
> > http://mail.yahoo.com 
> >
> >
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> >   
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[api-dev] Re: [Impress] - How to export all the slides in gif

2006-05-18 Thread Jérôme GUENVER

Thank you laurent, it works fine :)


Laurent Godard a écrit :

Hi Jerome

I would like to export all slides of a odp file in GIF format with as 
number gif files as number slides in de odp file.

Is anyone have a solution ?

you may find the solution here



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