Re: [api-dev] Remove rendered graphics from dialogs

2007-04-16 Thread Fernand Vanrie

Thomas Krumbein wrote:


I am working on a project, in which I display embedded graphics of a
writer-document in a dialog.

With some help of this list (spezial thanks to Fernand ;-) ) I can now
show the embedded graphics dirct on the dialog.

I use for this the following code:

REM URL des Bildes auslesen
oBild = oDoc.getGraphicObjects().getByName(sName)
sBildURL = Mid(oBild.GraphicURL, 28, len(oBild.GraphicURL))
REM Bild aus Datei als Objekt laden
for i = 0 to uBound(aBildNamen())
if InStr(1, aBildNamen(i), sBildURL, 0) then
oVorschauGrafik =
exit For
end if
REM Porportionfaktor Laden
nProp =
oVorschauGrafik.sizepixel.width/oVorschauGrafik.sizepixel.height  ' < 1
= Hochkant, >1 -Querformat, = 1 Quadrat

'   oRenderer = createUnoService("")
Dim sRect as new
sRect.X = 335
sRect.Y = 40
sRect.Width = 150
sRect.Height = 150
if nProp < 1 then   'Hochkant
  sRect.Width = 150 * nProp
  sRect.X = 335 + (150 - sRect.Width)/2
elseif nProp > 1 then  'Querformat
sRect.Height = 150 / nProp
sRect.Y = 40 + (150 - sRect.Height)/2
end if

oPaintListener = CreateUnoListener("MyDialog_",

oDlg.Peer.addPaintListener( oPaintListener )

oRenderer.Device = oDlg.Peer.createGraphics.Device
oRenderer.DestinationRect = sRect

The renderer is defined in a seperat Part of the macro:

oRenderer = createUnoService("")

The Problem is now, that I use the same part of the dialog to show
selected graphics. That is no problem, when all graphics have the same
size and do not have transparent Pixels. The renderer will change the
used Pixels.

But it is a problem, when I read a smaler graphic - or a transparent
gif-graphic - then you will see the prior graphic on not used pixels of
the rectangular area.

So my question: How can I remove the rendered graphic from diolog? Or is
there a posbility, to overwirte the whole area with the

/i struggeld also long time to solve this problem
then a clever gui on the forum who learned us to use a peer dow to 
render a graphic, found also the solution: "invalidate"  the window
for "invalidating" there are several way's depending on what part of the 
window hes to been refresched .OO uses rheir famous constants for it (I 
uses "2" ) who works fine

gives you dialog a unique name as "dialog1"   and uses thisi code:

   oWin =GetWindowOpen("Dialog1")  'the titel of the dialog must be 
 oWin.invalidate(2)  ' 2 works fine but there are other constants ans 
combinations posibla

function GetWindowOpen(sTitle as String) as Object
oToolkit = Stardesktop.ActiveFrame.ContainerWindow.Toolkit
lCount = oToolkit.TopWindowCount
' xray otoolkit
for k=0 to lCount -1
 oWin = oToolkit.getTopWindow(k)
 if HasUnoInterfaces(oWin, "") then
   if left(oWin.Title, len(sTitle)) = sTitle then '
 GetWindowOpen = oWin
 exit function
 next k
end function

hope it helps


Thanks or your help



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Re: [api-dev] Remove rendered graphics from dialogs

2007-04-16 Thread Thomas Krumbein
Hey Fernand,

Fernand Vanrie schrieb:
> /i struggeld also long time to solve this problem
> then a clever gui on the forum who learned us to use a peer dow to 
> render a graphic, found also the solution: "invalidate"  the window
> for "invalidating" there are several way's depending on what part of the 
> window hes to been refresched .OO uses rheir famous constants for it (I 
> uses "2" ) who works fine
> gives you dialog a unique name as "dialog1"   and uses thisi code:
> oWin =GetWindowOpen("Dialog1")  'the titel of the dialog must be 
> "Dialog1'
>   oWin.invalidate(2)  ' 2 works fine but there are other constants ans 
> combinations posibla

I try this - but nothig happend :-(
Then I changed a little bit the constant "2" and when I use "1" it works
fine :-)

So thank you for this code, now my project works as expected. Now i try
to learn, what "invalidate()" means and haw it works.

Again - thank you for your help :-)


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[api-dev] DCOM &

2007-04-16 Thread JV

I'm trying to get to run under COM/DCOM for use on an unattended 

To do this I create a Component Package under COM+. It works fine. However if I 
change the user from the Interactive User (me) to a named user (also me) then I 
start getting errors when I try to create an instance of the Service Manager.

"Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID 
{82154420-0FBF-11D4-8313-005004526AB4} failed due to the following error: 
80080005." [Server execution failed]

I initially thought that this looked like an UNO thing but the UDK people tell 
me that they think this is unlikely. So I guess it's something within OOo.

I know the documentation for says that the identity of the 
service manager must be set to "Interactive User". However it doesn't explain 
why. The whole thing is a bit opaque and it's difficult to see exactly what's 
going wrong.

If I knew why things were going wrong then I could probably configure this so 
that I didn't need the Interactive User.

Any thoughts on what's going wrong? 

Best Wishes


jos vernon
.NET Image Components & Consultancy

[api-dev] text table cells with multiple columns?

2007-04-16 Thread Anh-Tuan Le
Hi, I am working with an XTextTable and I'm able to create all the cells
individually.  But I would like to do is to create cells that multiple
column spans.  Is this possible? I looked through as many mailings as I
could but could not find an answer.


Here is my code snippet.


   //getting the text object

XText xText = myDoc.getText();


//create a cursor object

XTextCursor xTCursor = xText.createTextCursor();


//getting MSF of the document

XMultiServiceFactory xDocMSF = (XMultiServiceFactory)



//create instance of a text table

XTextTable xTT = null;


try {

Object oInt =

xTT = (XTextTable) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XTextTable.class,

} catch (Exception e) {

System.err.println("Couldn't create instance " + e);




//initialize the text table with 2 rows x 9 columns

xTT.initialize(2, 9);


XPropertySet xTTRowPS = null;


//insert the table

try {

xText.insertTextContent(xTCursor, xTT, false);


// get first Row xTTRows = xTT.getRows();

xTTRowPS = (XPropertySet)


} catch (Exception e) {

System.err.println("Couldn't insert the table " + e);




// write Text in the Table headers

System.out.println("Write text in the table headers");


insertIntoCell("A1", "Org / Reviewer", xTT);

insertIntoCell("B1", "Page #", xTT);



   public static void insertIntoCell(String CellName, String theText,

XTextTable xTTbl) {

XText xTableText = (XText) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XText.class,



//create a cursor object xTC = xTableText.createTextCursor(); xTPS =



try {

xTPS.setPropertyValue("CharHeight", new Float(8));

} catch (Exception e) {

System.err.println(" Exception " + e);




//inserting some Text




Anh-Tuan Le
703.961.1818 x162 


Re: [api-dev] text table cells with multiple columns?

2007-04-16 Thread Oliver Specht

Anh-Tuan Le wrote:

Hi, I am working with an XTextTable and I'm able to create all the cells
individually.  But I would like to do is to create cells that multiple
column spans.  Is this possible? I looked through as many mailings as I
could but could not find an answer.


what you need is a com::sun::star::text::XTextTableCursor. see



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RE: [api-dev] text table cells with multiple columns?

2007-04-16 Thread Anh-Tuan Le
Thanks Oliver, that's EXACTLY what I needed.

And my code snippet in case anyone needs to see it.

insertIntoCell("A1", "Org / Reviewer", xTT);
insertIntoCell("B1", "Page #", xTT);

XTextTableCursor xTTC = xTT.createCursorByCellName("B1");
xTTC.gotoCellByName("F1", true);
boolean merge = xTTC.mergeRange();
if (merge) {
System.out.println("Merge successful");
} else {
System.out.println("Merge UNsuccessful");

Anh-Tuan Le
703.961.1818 x162 

-Original Message-
Sent: Monday, April 16, 2007 2:14 PM
Subject: Re: [api-dev] text table cells with multiple columns?

Anh-Tuan Le wrote:
> Hi, I am working with an XTextTable and I'm able to create all the cells
> individually.  But I would like to do is to create cells that multiple
> column spans.  Is this possible? I looked through as many mailings as I
> could but could not find an answer.
what you need is a com::sun::star::text::XTextTableCursor. see



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[api-dev] Quotes in strings ( Basic)

2007-04-16 Thread Johnny Andersson


I can't figure out how to sent a quote character (") to a function.
'"' doesn't work and things like "\"" doesn't work either, and of course """
also will fail.
I know I can do Chr(34), but I don't want to use that option.

Is there a way, except Chr(34), to insert a quote to a string?

My example looks like this:

Sub MySub
   Dim A As String, B As String
   A="Hello World"
   B=MyFunction(A,"/") REM This works, but I don't want to send a "/", I
want to send a quote. How can I do that without using Chr(34)?
End Sub

Function MyFunction(Parameter1 As String, Parameter2 As String) As String
   REMA lot is going on here, it doesn't matter what
End Function

I was rather surprised that '"' (single quote+quote+single quote) didn't
work, isn't it supposed to?

Johnny Andersson

Re: [api-dev] Quotes in strings ( Basic)

2007-04-16 Thread Paolo Mantovani
Alle 23:21, lunedì 16 aprile 2007, Johnny Andersson ha scritto:
> Hi!
> I can't figure out how to sent a quote character (") to a function.
> '"' doesn't work and things like "\"" doesn't work either, and of course
> """ also will fail.

You can use double quoting inside a string in this way:

print "this is ""a"" string"


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Re: [api-dev] Quotes in strings ( Basic)

2007-04-16 Thread Johnny Andersson

Thanks! It worked! Well, I guess you already knew it would.

Johnny Andersson

2007/4/16, Paolo Mantovani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Alle 23:21, lunedì 16 aprile 2007, Johnny Andersson ha scritto:
> Hi!
> I can't figure out how to sent a quote character (") to a function.
> '"' doesn't work and things like "\"" doesn't work either, and of course
> """ also will fail.

You can use double quoting inside a string in this way:

print "this is ""a"" string"


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[api-dev] Replaceing selected text with Basic Macro

2007-04-16 Thread Johnny Andersson

I have a small problem that I just can't figure out at these late hours
(00:13 right now):

I have written a macro that reads highlighted text and replaces it with
something else (which is calculated by the macro).

To read the highlighted text I use ThisComponent.getCurrentSelection

This caused me no problems, however I couldn't figure out the parameter in
getByIndex(0). Why 0? What does it mean? 0 what? I tried 1 and 2 but they
only caused errors.
Ok, I guess I can figure that one out myself with some help from Google, so
here is my real question:

When I replace the highlighted text, I do that with
ThisComponent.getCurrentSelection().getByIndex(0).setString(MyString). The
problem is that I want the new inserted string also to be highlighted, so I
can perform the macro on it without having to highlight it manually.

Any ideas? Is there some better way to do this?

Just an example to illustrate what I mean:

"Here is a sentence that will *illustrate* my example."

I hope you can see that one word ("illustrate") in the sentence above is
underlined. That is supposed to illustrate that it is highlighted.

Ok, now I run my macro (this is a fake example, my macro does something
else) and now it looks like this:

"Here is a sentence that will show my example."

As you hopefully can see, nothing is now underlined, however the cursor is
placed right after the word "show". What I want, is that the word "shows" in
this case should be highlighted after the macro was run:

"Here is a sentence that will *show* my example."

This would make it possible to run the macro once again and get the
following result (still a fake example):

"Here is a sentence that will *help you to understand* my example."

And so on...

Thanks in advance

Johnny Andersson

Re: [api-dev] Replaceing selected text with Basic Macro

2007-04-16 Thread Paolo Mantovani
Alle 00:31, martedì 17 aprile 2007, Johnny Andersson ha scritto:
> I have a small problem that I just can't figure out at these late hours
> (00:13 right now):
> I have written a macro that reads highlighted text and replaces it with
> something else (which is calculated by the macro).
> To read the highlighted text I use ThisComponent.getCurrentSelection
> ().getByIndex(0).getString().
> This caused me no problems, however I couldn't figure out the parameter in
> getByIndex(0). Why 0? What does it mean? 0 what? I tried 1 and 2 but they
> only caused errors.

Because the getCurrentSelection() method in writer normally gets a (that is a container)
In general it contains at least one TextRange, but in case of multiple 
selection it contains more elements.
Use the getCount() method to discover how many TextRanges are actually 

> Ok, I guess I can figure that one out myself with some help from Google, so
> here is my real question:
> When I replace the highlighted text, I do that with
> ThisComponent.getCurrentSelection().getByIndex(0).setString(MyString). The
> problem is that I want the new inserted string also to be highlighted, so I
> can perform the macro on it without having to highlight it manually.
> Any ideas? Is there some better way to do this?
> Just an example to illustrate what I mean:

Hoping that I have correctly understood your example, the following code 
should do (more or less) what you need.
Check the Andrew Pitonyak's macro document for better techniques and examples

REM  *  BASIC  *

Sub Main

oRange = ThisComponent.currentselection(0)
oText = oRange.getText()

oCursor = oText.createTextCursorByRange(oRange)
bAbsorb = True
oText.insertString( oRange, "new string", bAbsorb)

'restore selection

End Sub

Paolo M

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Re: [api-dev] protecting drawpages

2007-04-16 Thread Christian Andersson

Christian Andersson skrev:
> In Calc I can protect sheets
> In Writer I can protect sections
> but is it possible to protect pages/slides in draw or impress?
> I have not found anything regarding this in the gui, but do something
> exist in the api for this?

Christian Andersson - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Configuration and Collaboration for
Open Framework Systems AS

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Re: [api-dev] DCOM &

2007-04-16 Thread Mathias Bauer
JV wrote:

> Hi
> I'm trying to get to run under COM/DCOM for use on an
> unattended server.
> To do this I create a Component Package under COM+. It works fine.
> However if I change the user from the Interactive User (me) to a
> named user (also me) then I start getting errors when I try to create
> an instance of the Service Manager.
> "Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID
> {82154420-0FBF-11D4-8313-005004526AB4} failed due to the following
> error: 80080005." [Server execution failed]

This looks as if your OOo instance is not able to start at all. Can you
try to start OOo directly (with the same user!) with the Windows API to
start a process?


Mathias Bauer (mba) - Project Lead Writer Engineering at Sun:
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