
I'm trying to get OpenOffice.org to run under COM/DCOM for use on an unattended 

To do this I create a Component Package under COM+. It works fine. However if I 
change the user from the Interactive User (me) to a named user (also me) then I 
start getting errors when I try to create an instance of the Service Manager.

"Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID 
{82154420-0FBF-11D4-8313-005004526AB4} failed due to the following error: 
80080005." [Server execution failed]

I initially thought that this looked like an UNO thing but the UDK people tell 
me that they think this is unlikely. So I guess it's something within OOo.

I know the documentation for OpenOffice.org says that the identity of the 
service manager must be set to "Interactive User". However it doesn't explain 
why. The whole thing is a bit opaque and it's difficult to see exactly what's 
going wrong.

If I knew why things were going wrong then I could probably configure this so 
that I didn't need the Interactive User.

Any thoughts on what's going wrong? 

Best Wishes


jos vernon
.NET Image Components & Consultancy

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