Re: Question on updating Cassandra dependencies

2015-03-13 Thread Paul Brown
Wow.  It would be great if the Jackson dep could move up to 2.x.  We'd even
be willing to provide a PR for it.

On Fri, Mar 13, 2015 at 12:22 PM, Joe Fasano 

> Hello All,
> I have been told by my team that some of the cassandra dependencies have
> some vulnerabilities and
> should be upgraded.  Specifically,
> Joda Time 1.6 should be upgraded to 2.7
> Jackson 1.9.2 should be upgraded to 1.9.13
> Is there any schedule or process of getting Cassandra updates to include
> updated dependencies?
> Thanks,
> joe
> Joe Fasano
> Sr. Development Manager
> Symantec Corporation

Re: Time for 1.0

2011-01-11 Thread Paul Brown


I'm not a committer, but I think a 1.0 is warranted, especially given the 
number of folks who have the application in production.  (In fact, 0.7 would 
have made a reasonable 1.0.)

-- Paul

On Jan 11, 2011, at 5:35 PM, Jonathan Ellis wrote:

> Way back in Nov 09, we did a users survey and asked what features
> people wanted to see.  Here was my summary of the responses:
> Looking at that, we've done essentially all of them.  I think we can
> make a strong case that our next release should be 1.0; it's
> production ready, it's reasonably feature-complete, it's documented,
> and we know what our upgrade path story is.
> The list--
> Load balancing: basics done;
> is open to
> improve it
> Decommission: done
> Map/reduce support: done
> ColumnFamily / Keyspace definitions w/o restart: done
> Design documentation: started at
> Insert multiple rows at once: done
> Remove_slice_range / remove_key_range: turned out to be a *lot* harder
> than it looks at first.  Postponed indefinitely.
> Secondary indexing: done
> Caching: done (with some enhancements possible such as
> and
> Bulk delete (truncate): done
> I would add,
> User documentation: done (
> Large row support: done
> Improved replication strategies and more sophisticated ConsistencyLevels: done
> Efficient bootstrap/streaming: done
> Flow control: done
> Network-level compatibility between releases: scheduled
> (
> -- 
> Jonathan Ellis
> Project Chair, Apache Cassandra
> co-founder of Riptano, the source for professional Cassandra support

Re: Reducing confusion around client libraries

2010-12-03 Thread Paul Brown

On Dec 3, 2010, at 12:13 PM, Eric Evans wrote:
> On Fri, 2010-12-03 at 13:46 -0600, Tyler Hobbs wrote:
>> Personally, I like the Mongo drivers page:
>> I like the clear distinction between preferred and alternative clients
>> without a lot of clutter about release dates and supported versions.
>> How do we make that distinction, though?  A "supported by Riptano"
>> section is one option, but that doesn't even encompass all of the
>> preferred clients.
> This sounds like you're suggesting that we place an "official according
> to Riptano" section on the project wiki.  That sounds... worse.

The PMC can sort it out, but I don't think it's within the purview/charter of 
the project to bless third-party libraries.  For libraries/content that are 
shipped with officially Apache artifacts, there are clear and specific 
standards in terms of licenses, intellectual property, etc., and endorsing 
(versus simply listing) third-party components on a project site is probably 
inappropriate.  (IMHO.)  What happens on a third party's site is another matter.

-- Paul

Re: Reducing confusion around client libraries

2010-12-03 Thread Paul Brown

On Dec 3, 2010, at 11:54 AM, Jonathan Ellis wrote:
>> Or a vendor who wanted Cassandra-related traffic could post a client 
>> registry backed by a simple database...
> :)
> Backing it with a database doesn't solve the evaluation problem, though.

At the point you back it with a database, you can add a few social features 
like "I'm using this" or "Like" and have a reasonable collaborative filter...


-- Paul

Re: Reducing confusion around client libraries

2010-12-03 Thread Paul Brown

On Dec 3, 2010, at 9:43 AM, Jonathan Ellis wrote:
> The status quo is not working.  There are way too many questions on
> the user list and on irc about problems with writing Thrift code, even
> when well-maintained clients exist for their language of choice.  And
> that's just the users who were motivated enough to ask instead of
> tweeting that thrift sucks and giving up. [...]

This problem isn't unique to Cassandra.  It cropped up, e.g., in managing the 
proliferation of Haskell libraries on Hackage.

One way that this could be accomplished with a relatively even hand is to 
ensure that the relative liveliness of the client libraries is apparent on the 
page, e.g., a most recent release date, the target language (and potentially 
any additional decoration like Spring or Rails or...), and a list of versions 
of Cassandra supported.

The onus is on the client library maintainer to properly advertise their wares 
by updating the entry on the page, and making it sortable/searchable would be a 
win.  (There are some rumblings about MoinMoin 
( being able to do this, and 
there is also something like a Google Spreadsheet as an option.

Or a vendor who wanted Cassandra-related traffic could post a client registry 
backed by a simple database...

-- Paul