Load Balancer (HAProxy) - TPROXY passthrough

2015-04-01 Thread Logan Barfield
We've been running into some issues with the Advanced Zone/Isolated
Network Load Balancer, and in working through them we've come up with
some ideas for how the functionality can be improved.

The first issue we hit was with HTTP load balancing.  We had a site
that was sending back larger than average HTTP headers with 302
redirects.  This was causing HAProxy to return 502 errors to clients.

This is apparently a known issue with HAProxy when using the default
"tune.bufsize" and "tune.maxrewrite" settings.The official HAProxy
documentation recommends changing these from the defaults.  We were
able to work around the problem by manually setting "tune.maxrewrite
1024" in the haproxy.cfg on the virtual router.  This resolved most of
the 502 errors, and would have probably resolved all of them with more
tuning.  The problem is that this change obviously wouldn't survive
upgrades or VR rebuilds.

To fix the problem on a more permanent basis we changed the
KeepAliveEnabled Network Offering setting introduced a few versions
ago.  This directs HAProxy to use TCP mode instead of HTTP mode for
rules configured on port 80.  This solution works for the most part,
but there are a couple of problems:
1) There doesn't appear to be support for this setting in the UI.
That's understandable as the UI is way behind the current feature set.
2) There doesn't appear to be support for this setting in the API,
either when creating or updating Network Offerings.  This is a bit of
a problem.  We had to make the change in the database directly, which
is very dirty.
3) TCP connections don't grab HTTP headers, so they can't send the
real IP to HTTP/Nginx in the X-Forwarded-For header.

To fix these issues I suggest the following changes be made:
1) Add the "KeepAliveEnabled" option to the Network Offering API
commands.  I really have no idea how to do this, so I'll try to flag
the original committer to see if they can do so.

2) Add a new option for TPROXY support.  The current VR kernel and
HAProxy version have TPROXY support built in, so having the option (on
a per LB rule basis) would be great.  This would allow for using TCP
mode in HAProxy, while still passing the real IP through to the
backend services.  To accomplish this I would suggest adding the
necessary IPtables rules to the VR either by default, or when Load
Balancing is first enabled.  Then a flag can be added to the create LB
rule command to either enable or disable the transparent proxy
The necessary IPtables rules are:

iptables -t mangle -N DIVERT
iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -p tcp -m socket -j DIVERT
iptables -t mangle -A DIVERT -j MARK --set-mark 111
iptables -t mangle -A DIVERT -j ACCEPT
ip rule add fwmark 111 lookup 100
ip route add local dev lo table 100

Then for each LB rule created with the "transparent" option enabled,
add the following setting to the rule configuration:

source usesrc clientip

The last configuration change is to remove the user/group or uid/gid
options in the haproxy config, otherwise HAProxy won't start with
"usesrc" enabled.

It is also recommended to enable
/proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/eth0/send_redirects, but I haven't noticed any
issues with it disabled either, and I don't know what else it might

3) The last suggestion would be to move away from hard coding
configuration directives for VR services (like HAProxy:
 Doing this makes implementing changes a hassle since it involves
rebuilding/upgrading CloudStack to accomplish anything, even small
edits.  For a production environment this is ill advised if not
impossible.  In general it would make sense to make persistent changes
to VR services possible without recompiling code or rebooting the VRs.
I believe that's part of a bigger issue though, as I've seen some
discussion about it on the list.

If anyone actually makes it through this, I'd appreciate any feedback
on things I may not be considering, or reasons not to implement these
changes.  I doubt I'll get enough traction for an actual developer to
help, so I'll probably end up hacking these in myself and committing
them.  I just wanted to see what the community thought first.

Thank You,

Logan Barfield
Tranquil Hosting

Re: Load Balancer (HAProxy) - TPROXY passthrough

2015-04-01 Thread ilya


For sometime now, idea was kicked around of extending VR services where 
it can take custom configurations.

In theory, VR should be driven via config management tool (i.e. puppet, 
salt, chef, ansible - or whatever works).

Instead of hacking this in portions, perhaps you can spend sometime 
analizing how VR is build and how you we can extend the functionality 
via external config management.

For example, when vrouter comes up, because we already have ssh keys 
dropped on each VR, just on this premise alone - we can do just about 
anything. I'm thinking salt or ansible would be a better solution as it 
is SSH driven and agentless.

Try porting your changes into salt or ansible (or anything else 
agentless) and propose a framework on how we can enhance this.

I'm thinking, for each Account (as it gets a VR), we need to have a 
ansible config file that will be pushed through once VR comes up to 
configure remaining custom bits/components to your liking.



On 4/1/15 9:34 AM, Logan Barfield wrote:

We've been running into some issues with the Advanced Zone/Isolated
Network Load Balancer, and in working through them we've come up with
some ideas for how the functionality can be improved.

The first issue we hit was with HTTP load balancing.  We had a site
that was sending back larger than average HTTP headers with 302
redirects.  This was causing HAProxy to return 502 errors to clients.

This is apparently a known issue with HAProxy when using the default
"tune.bufsize" and "tune.maxrewrite" settings.The official HAProxy
documentation recommends changing these from the defaults.  We were
able to work around the problem by manually setting "tune.maxrewrite
1024" in the haproxy.cfg on the virtual router.  This resolved most of
the 502 errors, and would have probably resolved all of them with more
tuning.  The problem is that this change obviously wouldn't survive
upgrades or VR rebuilds.

To fix the problem on a more permanent basis we changed the
KeepAliveEnabled Network Offering setting introduced a few versions
ago.  This directs HAProxy to use TCP mode instead of HTTP mode for
rules configured on port 80.  This solution works for the most part,
but there are a couple of problems:
1) There doesn't appear to be support for this setting in the UI.
That's understandable as the UI is way behind the current feature set.
2) There doesn't appear to be support for this setting in the API,
either when creating or updating Network Offerings.  This is a bit of
a problem.  We had to make the change in the database directly, which
is very dirty.
3) TCP connections don't grab HTTP headers, so they can't send the
real IP to HTTP/Nginx in the X-Forwarded-For header.

To fix these issues I suggest the following changes be made:
1) Add the "KeepAliveEnabled" option to the Network Offering API
commands.  I really have no idea how to do this, so I'll try to flag
the original committer to see if they can do so.

2) Add a new option for TPROXY support.  The current VR kernel and
HAProxy version have TPROXY support built in, so having the option (on
a per LB rule basis) would be great.  This would allow for using TCP
mode in HAProxy, while still passing the real IP through to the
backend services.  To accomplish this I would suggest adding the
necessary IPtables rules to the VR either by default, or when Load
Balancing is first enabled.  Then a flag can be added to the create LB
rule command to either enable or disable the transparent proxy
The necessary IPtables rules are:

iptables -t mangle -N DIVERT
iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -p tcp -m socket -j DIVERT
iptables -t mangle -A DIVERT -j MARK --set-mark 111
iptables -t mangle -A DIVERT -j ACCEPT
ip rule add fwmark 111 lookup 100
ip route add local dev lo table 100

Then for each LB rule created with the "transparent" option enabled,
add the following setting to the rule configuration:

source usesrc clientip

The last configuration change is to remove the user/group or uid/gid
options in the haproxy config, otherwise HAProxy won't start with
"usesrc" enabled.

It is also recommended to enable
/proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/eth0/send_redirects, but I haven't noticed any
issues with it disabled either, and I don't know what else it might

3) The last suggestion would be to move away from hard coding
configuration directives for VR services (like HAProxy:
  Doing this makes implementing changes a hassle since it involves
rebuilding/upgrading CloudStack to accomplish anything, even small
edits.  For a production environment this is ill advised if not
impossible.  In general it would make sense to make persistent changes
to VR services possible without recompiling code or rebooting the VRs.
I believe that's part of a bigger issue though, as I've seen some
discussion about it on the

Re: Load Balancer (HAProxy) - TPROXY passthrough

2015-04-01 Thread Logan Barfield
Hi Ilya,

I definitely like that solution, and there is discussion elsewhere on
overhauling how VRs are configured.

Unfortunately I am not a developer.  Any changes I make are generally
to existing code, and are based off of context and testing more than
anything else.  I don't currently have the time or knowledge required
to implement such a big change myself, and even if I did I wouldn't
know where to start.  I would be more than happy to discuss something
like that with other community members, and offer patches/testing
where I can.  I don't see myself being able to take the lead on such a
task though.

For now I'd like to address this particular issue (transparent proxy
support), to see if the community has any objections or concerns about
the proposed changes.  We can (and probably will) end up just creating
our own internal branch, but I'd rather be able to commit any changes
we make to the project for ease of upgrades, support, etc.

Thank You,

Logan Barfield
Tranquil Hosting

On Wed, Apr 1, 2015 at 12:58 PM, ilya  wrote:
> Logan
> For sometime now, idea was kicked around of extending VR services where it
> can take custom configurations.
> In theory, VR should be driven via config management tool (i.e. puppet,
> salt, chef, ansible - or whatever works).
> Instead of hacking this in portions, perhaps you can spend sometime
> analizing how VR is build and how you we can extend the functionality via
> external config management.
> For example, when vrouter comes up, because we already have ssh keys dropped
> on each VR, just on this premise alone - we can do just about anything. I'm
> thinking salt or ansible would be a better solution as it is SSH driven and
> agentless.
> Try porting your changes into salt or ansible (or anything else agentless)
> and propose a framework on how we can enhance this.
> I'm thinking, for each Account (as it gets a VR), we need to have a ansible
> config file that will be pushed through once VR comes up to configure
> remaining custom bits/components to your liking.
> Thoughts?
> regards
> ilya
> On 4/1/15 9:34 AM, Logan Barfield wrote:
>> We've been running into some issues with the Advanced Zone/Isolated
>> Network Load Balancer, and in working through them we've come up with
>> some ideas for how the functionality can be improved.
>> The first issue we hit was with HTTP load balancing.  We had a site
>> that was sending back larger than average HTTP headers with 302
>> redirects.  This was causing HAProxy to return 502 errors to clients.
>> This is apparently a known issue with HAProxy when using the default
>> "tune.bufsize" and "tune.maxrewrite" settings.The official HAProxy
>> documentation recommends changing these from the defaults.  We were
>> able to work around the problem by manually setting "tune.maxrewrite
>> 1024" in the haproxy.cfg on the virtual router.  This resolved most of
>> the 502 errors, and would have probably resolved all of them with more
>> tuning.  The problem is that this change obviously wouldn't survive
>> upgrades or VR rebuilds.
>> To fix the problem on a more permanent basis we changed the
>> KeepAliveEnabled Network Offering setting introduced a few versions
>> ago.  This directs HAProxy to use TCP mode instead of HTTP mode for
>> rules configured on port 80.  This solution works for the most part,
>> but there are a couple of problems:
>> 1) There doesn't appear to be support for this setting in the UI.
>> That's understandable as the UI is way behind the current feature set.
>> 2) There doesn't appear to be support for this setting in the API,
>> either when creating or updating Network Offerings.  This is a bit of
>> a problem.  We had to make the change in the database directly, which
>> is very dirty.
>> 3) TCP connections don't grab HTTP headers, so they can't send the
>> real IP to HTTP/Nginx in the X-Forwarded-For header.
>> To fix these issues I suggest the following changes be made:
>> 1) Add the "KeepAliveEnabled" option to the Network Offering API
>> commands.  I really have no idea how to do this, so I'll try to flag
>> the original committer to see if they can do so.
>> 2) Add a new option for TPROXY support.  The current VR kernel and
>> HAProxy version have TPROXY support built in, so having the option (on
>> a per LB rule basis) would be great.  This would allow for using TCP
>> mode in HAProxy, while still passing the real IP through to the
>> backend services.  To accomplish this I would suggest adding the
>> necessary IPtables rules to the VR either by default, or when Load
>> Balancing is first enabled.  Then a flag can be added to the create LB
>> rule command to either enable or disable the transparent proxy
>> setting.
>> The necessary IPtables rules are:
>> iptables -t mangle -N DIVERT
>> iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -p tcp -m socket -j DIVERT
>> iptables -t mangle -A DIVERT -j MARK --set-mark 111
>> iptables -t mangle -A DIVERT -j ACCEPT
>> ip rule add fwmark 11

Re: Load Balancer (HAProxy) - TPROXY passthrough

2015-04-01 Thread ilya


My 2cents,

While many including myself dont qualify as developers on this list, 
there are some development parts anyone can do - without knowing Java.

Specifically, agentless config management does not require much or any 
java programing in first stage. Perhaps the portion where a config file 
for vRouter needs to be fetched and apply by dfault - needs some 
enhancement, everything else can be handled by savy system person.

With that said, it should be trivial to add agent-less config management 
to router vm without any hardcore java expertise.


On 4/1/15 10:13 AM, Logan Barfield wrote:

Hi Ilya,

I definitely like that solution, and there is discussion elsewhere on
overhauling how VRs are configured.

Unfortunately I am not a developer.  Any changes I make are generally
to existing code, and are based off of context and testing more than
anything else.  I don't currently have the time or knowledge required
to implement such a big change myself, and even if I did I wouldn't
know where to start.  I would be more than happy to discuss something
like that with other community members, and offer patches/testing
where I can.  I don't see myself being able to take the lead on such a
task though.

For now I'd like to address this particular issue (transparent proxy
support), to see if the community has any objections or concerns about
the proposed changes.  We can (and probably will) end up just creating
our own internal branch, but I'd rather be able to commit any changes
we make to the project for ease of upgrades, support, etc.

Thank You,

Logan Barfield
Tranquil Hosting

On Wed, Apr 1, 2015 at 12:58 PM, ilya  wrote:


For sometime now, idea was kicked around of extending VR services where it
can take custom configurations.

In theory, VR should be driven via config management tool (i.e. puppet,
salt, chef, ansible - or whatever works).

Instead of hacking this in portions, perhaps you can spend sometime
analizing how VR is build and how you we can extend the functionality via
external config management.

For example, when vrouter comes up, because we already have ssh keys dropped
on each VR, just on this premise alone - we can do just about anything. I'm
thinking salt or ansible would be a better solution as it is SSH driven and

Try porting your changes into salt or ansible (or anything else agentless)
and propose a framework on how we can enhance this.

I'm thinking, for each Account (as it gets a VR), we need to have a ansible
config file that will be pushed through once VR comes up to configure
remaining custom bits/components to your liking.



On 4/1/15 9:34 AM, Logan Barfield wrote:

We've been running into some issues with the Advanced Zone/Isolated
Network Load Balancer, and in working through them we've come up with
some ideas for how the functionality can be improved.

The first issue we hit was with HTTP load balancing.  We had a site
that was sending back larger than average HTTP headers with 302
redirects.  This was causing HAProxy to return 502 errors to clients.

This is apparently a known issue with HAProxy when using the default
"tune.bufsize" and "tune.maxrewrite" settings.The official HAProxy
documentation recommends changing these from the defaults.  We were
able to work around the problem by manually setting "tune.maxrewrite
1024" in the haproxy.cfg on the virtual router.  This resolved most of
the 502 errors, and would have probably resolved all of them with more
tuning.  The problem is that this change obviously wouldn't survive
upgrades or VR rebuilds.

To fix the problem on a more permanent basis we changed the
KeepAliveEnabled Network Offering setting introduced a few versions
ago.  This directs HAProxy to use TCP mode instead of HTTP mode for
rules configured on port 80.  This solution works for the most part,
but there are a couple of problems:
1) There doesn't appear to be support for this setting in the UI.
That's understandable as the UI is way behind the current feature set.
2) There doesn't appear to be support for this setting in the API,
either when creating or updating Network Offerings.  This is a bit of
a problem.  We had to make the change in the database directly, which
is very dirty.
3) TCP connections don't grab HTTP headers, so they can't send the
real IP to HTTP/Nginx in the X-Forwarded-For header.

To fix these issues I suggest the following changes be made:
1) Add the "KeepAliveEnabled" option to the Network Offering API
commands.  I really have no idea how to do this, so I'll try to flag
the original committer to see if they can do so.

2) Add a new option for TPROXY support.  The current VR kernel and
HAProxy version have TPROXY support built in, so having the option (on
a per LB rule basis) would be great.  This would allow for using TCP
mode in HAProxy, while still passing the real IP through to the
backend services.  To accomplish this I would suggest adding the
necessary IPtables rul