Re: Importing Cocoon projects into Eclipse

2007-01-11 Thread Daniel Fagerstrom

Mark Lundquist skrev:


On Jan 10, 2007, at 2:50 PM, Daniel Fagerstrom wrote:

For resources it works as you want OOTB, if you run from Eclipse. 
What is important is that you run mvn eclipse:eclipse from top 
level. If you do that (and import the needed projectts into Eclipse),

I ran mvn eclipse:eclipse; now which projects do I need to import, 
and what's the easiest way to do it? :-)

(again, my goal here is to run the cocoon-webapp w/ samples using the 
Eclipse Jetty plugin...)
File - Import ... - General - Existing projects into workspace - 
Point on a directory that contains the project, it will be scanned for 
Eclipse project descriptors. It takes some time for Eclipse to scan all 
of cocoon-trunk. Choose the projects you want.

Take a look at properties - Java build path for the project, to see 
what other projects it depends on and make sure that you import all 


Re: project/description request

2007-01-11 Thread Daniel Fagerstrom

Mark Lundquist skrev:


I'd like to make a modest request... if those who know how could add a 
little something to the description element in the various poms, I 
think it would help make the source base more broadly accessible, i.e. 
beyond the inner circle of people who have done the heavy lifting... 
:-)  And going forward, IMHO all new modules should include some kind 
of what is this? readme info in the pom description.

Seem like a good idea.
For instance (and this is just a for instance...), I see that we 
have cocoon-sitemap-components and cocoon-pipeline-components, and I 
have no clue why a component should be in one module vs. the other.  
Maybe I don't really have an urgent need to know, but probably knowing 
why there are both modules and what the difference is would help me to 
understand the Cocoon architecture better.



call a function not in global object in map:call

2007-01-11 Thread Rice Yeh

 Does anyone know whether the function mentioned in works now?


Re: RCL difficulties (was Re: Input modules samples broken in trunk)

2007-01-11 Thread Carsten Ziegeler
Daniel Fagerstrom wrote:

 It is also important to have -Dorg.apache.cocoon.mode=develop as 
 argument to the Jetty launcher, otherwise the tree processor will not 
 reload the resources when they change.
The correct name for the mode is dev, so you have to specify


Carsten Ziegeler - Chief Architect

Re: call a function not in global object in map:call

2007-01-11 Thread Mark Lundquist

On Jan 11, 2007, at 1:36 AM, Rice Yeh wrote:

  Does anyone know whether the function mentioned in works 

phooey... I forgot to submit this patch to JIRA :-(.  Doing it now...


Re: call a function not in global object in map:call

2007-01-11 Thread Mark Lundquist

On Jan 11, 2007, at 6:08 AM, Mark Lundquist wrote:

On Jan 11, 2007, at 1:36 AM, Rice Yeh wrote:

  Does anyone know whether the function mentioned in works 

phooey... I forgot to submit this patch to JIRA :-(.  Doing it now...

Never mind! :-)

I never submitted it to JIRA because I didn't need to.  Jeremy Quinn 
asked for this feature, and that reminded me how it was something I had 
wanted also, so I made a patch and emailed it so he could try it out 
— I think I didn't JIRA it at first because I wasn't sure if the 
committers would think it was the right way to implement it (not that I 
think there's anything wrong with it :-).

Anyway, it turns out that Jeremy committed this along with some of his 
other changes.  So this made it into the 2.1.10 release, and it's also 
in trunk.


Re: Input modules samples broken in trunk

2007-01-11 Thread Mark Lundquist

On Jan 10, 2007, at 10:15 PM, Reinhard Poetz wrote:


OK, so let me make sure I understand...

I want to make changes to sitemap, XLST, XML sources etc. within a 
block and have those changes take effect immediately in the running 
Cocoon.  IIUC, there are two ways to do this:

1) By using the reloading classloader;

2) By using the Eclipse Jetty Launcher.

Is that right?


Re: Cocoon API still refers to cocoon 2.1.9

2007-01-11 Thread Carsten Ziegeler
Robby Pelssers, AGP wrote:
 Hi guys,
 how come still points to API
 2.1.9?  Or is only the name wrong?
Thanks for the info - it was still the old content.
I updated the docs to 2.1.10.


Carsten Ziegeler - Chief Architect

Re: Input modules samples broken in trunk

2007-01-11 Thread Reinhard Poetz

Mark Lundquist wrote:

On Jan 10, 2007, at 10:15 PM, Reinhard Poetz wrote:


OK, so let me make sure I understand...

I want to make changes to sitemap, XLST, XML sources etc. within a block 
and have those changes take effect immediately in the running Cocoon.  
IIUC, there are two ways to do this:

1) By using the reloading classloader;

2) By using the Eclipse Jetty Launcher.

Is that right?

Definitly with 1). Haven't tried 2) myself but it works for Daniel. So yes, 
you're right.

Reinhard Pötz   Independent Consultant, Trainer  (IT)-Coach 

{Software Engineering, Open Source, Web Applications, Apache Cocoon}


Re: RCL difficulties (was Re: Input modules samples broken in trunk)

2007-01-11 Thread Mark Lundquist

On Jan 10, 2007, at 10:20 PM, Reinhard Poetz wrote:

I just tried setting up the RCL per; is 
that the solution I'm after?
I added the to cocoon-core-addition-sample/pom.xml and 
tweaked the cocoon-webapp/pom.xml, ran mvn rcl:webapp there...  but 
when I request the webapp site root in my browser, I get:
Looking at target/rcl/webapp, I see that there's a WEB-INF/ there, 
but that's all the sitemap.xmap etc., are all missing.

After running rcl:webapp, have you tried to start the created webapp?

Yes, I'm sorry, I see where in my original email I left a place to 
paste in the reply from Cocoon, but then I forget to do it.  Here's 
what I see in the browser:



Powered by jetty://

There is no need for a global sitemap.xmap anymore. You mount one of 
your blocks to the root of your webapp (/).

No, no... this is core/cocoon-webapp where I have done this.  I did it 
there, in situ, just temporarily while I (hopefully) test some changes 
in trunk. cocoon-webapp does have global (self-contained root-level) 
resources (sitemap.xmap, welcome.xml, stylesheets/ etc.).

I know how to do it the block way, that's not the issue... I'm just 
trying to quick-'n'-dirty configure my own local build of cocoon-webapp 
to use the RCL, and it doesn't appear to be working right — which is 
probably All My Fault somewhere, and I'm trying to figure out where I 
went wrong :-).

target/rcl/webapp/ should (I presume) end up containing everything that 
target/webapp does, right?  My target/rcl/webapp contains only the 
WEB-INF, but nothing else.

Any ideas?


Re: RCL difficulties (was Re: Input modules samples broken in trunk)

2007-01-11 Thread Reinhard Poetz

Mark Lundquist wrote:

I know how to do it the block way, that's not the issue... I'm just 
trying to quick-'n'-dirty configure my own local build of cocoon-webapp 
to use the RCL, and it doesn't appear to be working right — which is 
probably All My Fault somewhere, and I'm trying to figure out where I 
went wrong :-).

target/rcl/webapp/ should (I presume) end up containing everything that 
target/webapp does, right? My target/rcl/webapp contains only the 
WEB-INF, but nothing else.

Any ideas?

The RCL only works for blocks ATM.

Reinhard Pötz   Independent Consultant, Trainer  (IT)-Coach 

{Software Engineering, Open Source, Web Applications, Apache Cocoon}


Re: every new webapp a block?

2007-01-11 Thread Mark Lundquist

On Jan 10, 2007, at 10:42 PM, Reinhard Poetz wrote:

Maybe we should change the wording to [...] Cocoon web application 
should be done [...] to make the statement less exclusive. Though, in 
tutorials we should encourage our users to go down this path. This way 
they learn how to modularize a Cocoon webapp right from the beginning.

Is it just so that new webapps don't have to bring along their own 
WEB-INF/?  In return for that, they just have to provide a 
META-INF/cocoon/spring/core/whatever-block.xml, right?

IIRC META-INF/cocoon/spring/whatever-block.xml, no core.

right... brain spaz :-)

So, OK... the rationale for the statement is really pedagogically 
motivated.  Fair enough... :-)

thx for the explanation...

Re: RCL difficulties (was Re: Input modules samples broken in trunk)

2007-01-11 Thread Mark Lundquist

On Jan 11, 2007, at 7:56 AM, Reinhard Poetz wrote:

The RCL only works for blocks ATM.

Ah!  OK.

So I'll just servletize the samples app and then I should be able to 
see the RCL in action.

thx a lot,

Re: Input modules samples broken in trunk

2007-01-11 Thread Daniel Fagerstrom

Reinhard Poetz skrev:

Mark Lundquist wrote:

On Jan 10, 2007, at 10:15 PM, Reinhard Poetz wrote:


OK, so let me make sure I understand...

I want to make changes to sitemap, XLST, XML sources etc. within a 
block and have those changes take effect immediately in the running 
Cocoon.  IIUC, there are two ways to do this:

1) By using the reloading classloader;

2) By using the Eclipse Jetty Launcher.

Is that right?

Definitly with 1). Haven't tried 2) myself but it works for Daniel. So 
yes, you're right.

To make resources available directly to a webapp you just need to make 
sure that the block directory with the resources in is available at the 
class path as a directory (file://path to block) rather than the block 
jar. Then the DeployUtil in the cocoon-spring-configurator takes care of 
the rest. See for 
how it works.

I described how to use Eclipse as that is what I have experience with. 
But if you can ensure that the Maven Jetty plugin gets the blocks as 
directories rather than jars at its classpath, that should work as well.


RAD (was Re: Input modules samples broken in trunk)

2007-01-11 Thread Mark Lundquist

On Jan 11, 2007, at 8:35 AM, Daniel Fagerstrom wrote:

I described how to use Eclipse as that is what I have experience with. 
But if you can ensure that the Maven Jetty plugin gets the blocks as 
directories rather than jars at its classpath, that should work as 

That was going to be my next question... :-)

One of my clients has other people who work on Cocoon web sites that I 
create.  They do content updates, and one of them can do some CSS and a 
few elementary things  in XSLT to tweak the site layout/styling.  But 
these are pretty much non-technical peeps; for them Eclipse is a 
chewing gum [1].  And they don't know how to build these webapps on 
their own computers and run them locally, that's just beyond them.  
They work by remotely editing files in place in a development instance 
of the application running up on a server.  Then, one of them I've 
taught how to do svn commits from dev and then update into the 
production instance (sometimes it gets botched and I have to go clean 
up a subversion mess by hand, but 95% of the time this works OK).

So to move these apps forward to 2.2, I will need a no-brainer way for 
them to make live changes on the development instance in a server 
environment.  But I think now that I understand all about what we're 
discussing here [2], I will probably end up keeping root-level 
application resources directly in the webapp module instead of 
servletizing them in a separate block.  I think that will take care of 
most of our issues.

[1] -
[2] - sorry, no reference for discussion thread every new webapp a 
block? — I can't find it on for some reason?


Re: every new webapp a block?

2007-01-11 Thread Mark Lundquist

I just added a section to 
explaining how to mount myBlock1 to the root context.  I figure that's 
one of the first things a newbie is going to want to understand.  I'm 
not really a newbie, but the first time(s) I read this tutorial I kept 
thinking yeah, but I don't want to make a block, I want to make my 
root-level webapp!


Re: Importing Cocoon projects into Eclipse

2007-01-11 Thread Mark Lundquist

On Jan 11, 2007, at 12:56 AM, Daniel Fagerstrom wrote:

File - Import ... - General - Existing projects into workspace - 
Point on a directory that contains the project, it will be scanned for 
Eclipse project descriptors. It takes some time for Eclipse to scan 
all of cocoon-trunk. Choose the projects you want.

D'oh, I've always just used this to import a single project, never 
noticed the scanning business :-o

Take a look at properties - Java build path for the project, to see 
what other projects it depends on and make sure that you import all 

Well, I'm really a little too lazy for that, but if that's what I have 
to do... :-/.

Has anyone tried the Eclipse Maven plugin [1] ?



Re: Importing Cocoon projects into Eclipse

2007-01-11 Thread Mark Lundquist

On Jan 11, 2007, at 12:56 AM, Daniel Fagerstrom wrote:

File - Import ... - General - Existing projects into workspace - 
Point on a directory that contains the project, it will be scanned for 
Eclipse project descriptors. It takes some time for Eclipse to scan 
all of cocoon-trunk. Choose the projects you want.

Take a look at properties - Java build path for the project, to see 
what other projects it depends on and make sure that you import all 

I just imported all the projects in trunk.  I get all kinds of errors 
of this sort:

Unbound classpath variable: 
'M2_REPO/aopalliance/aopalliance/1.0/aopalliance-1.0.jar' in project 


Re: Importing Cocoon projects into Eclipse

2007-01-11 Thread Grzegorz Kossakowski

Mark Lundquist napisał(a):

On Jan 11, 2007, at 12:56 AM, Daniel Fagerstrom wrote:

I just imported all the projects in trunk. I get all kinds of errors 
of this sort:

Unbound classpath variable: 
'M2_REPO/aopalliance/aopalliance/1.0/aopalliance-1.0.jar' in project 
You have to set up variable 'M2_REPO' in Eclipse (in build classpath 
settings somewhere) to point on the directory where your Maven's repo sit.

Grzegorz Kossakowski

Re: Importing Cocoon projects into Eclipse

2007-01-11 Thread Joerg Heinicke

On 11.01.2007 02:28, Mark Lundquist wrote:

I ran mvn eclipse:eclipse; now which projects do I need to import, and 
what's the easiest way to do it? :-)

At least the Eclipse setup works as expected if following the 
description in README.txt in Cocoon trunk's root dir.


Strange container error

2007-01-11 Thread Leszek Gawron
When using a bean defined like this:

   bean name=org.apache.cocoon.generation.Generator/contractors scope=prototype
   property name=contractorService ref=contractorService/
   property name=mobileConfigService ref=mobileConfigService/
   property name=priceListDefinitionDao 

I get a NPE while referencing priceListDefinitionDao. Some experiments
show that I may also do:

property name=priceListDefinitionDaoBlahBlah

and spring context configured by cocoon also won't notice. Does anyone
have a clue?

Leszek GawronCTO at MobileBox Ltd.

[jira] Commented: (COCOON-1624) reader caching does not consider mime-type

2007-01-11 Thread Alfred Nathaniel (JIRA)


Alfred Nathaniel commented on COCOON-1624:

... or simply flush the pipeline cache whenever the sitemap is reloaded.

There can be many more sitemap changes which may affect the pipeline output but 
are too rare/difficult to include in the cache validity calculation.

 reader caching does not consider mime-type

 Key: COCOON-1624
 Project: Cocoon
  Issue Type: Bug
  Components: * Cocoon Core
Affects Versions: 2.2-dev (Current SVN)
 Environment: Operating System: other
 Platform: Other
Reporter: Jörg Heinicke
 Assigned To: Cocoon Developers Team

 Changing the mime type on a reader in a caching pipeline does not invalidate 
 former usage with another mime type.
 map:match pattern=form1.xul
   map:read src=forms/form1_template.xul mime-type=text/xml/
 changed to
 map:match pattern=form1.xul
   map:read src=forms/form1_template.xul
 still results in delivery with text/xml. Carsten already saw it at the 
 when I played around with XUL.

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If you think it was sent incorrectly contact one of the administrators:
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[jira] Updated: (COCOON-1807) Workaround for IE Bug in button

2007-01-11 Thread Rolf Metternich (JIRA)


Rolf Metternich updated COCOON-1807:

Attachment: action-error.txt

 Workaround for IE Bug in button

 Key: COCOON-1807
 Project: Cocoon
  Issue Type: Improvement
  Components: Blocks: Forms
Affects Versions: 2.1.8, 2.1.9, 2.2-dev (Current SVN)
Reporter: Rolf Metternich
Priority: Minor
 Attachments: action-error.txt, Action.patch

 Special workaround  IE Bug for 
 button type=button title=row up 
 value=row up onClick=forms_submitForm(this);img src=up.gif 
 The IE returns the values of all button in every row, so there are multiple 
 My Workaround is using the onClick-Event to remember the button name by using 
 the known js-function forms_submitForm(this). In the Action-class I check 
 if the field forms_submit_id is set and use this as SubmitWidget. 
 I'm using this patch since 1 year and it works fine.

This message is automatically generated by JIRA.
If you think it was sent incorrectly contact one of the administrators:
For more information on JIRA, see:

[jira] Updated: (COCOON-1807) Workaround for IE Bug in button

2007-01-11 Thread Rolf Metternich (JIRA)


Rolf Metternich updated COCOON-1807:

Fix Version/s: 2.1.10
 Priority: Major  (was: Minor)
  Urgency: Normal
   Other Info: [Patch available]
Affects Version/s: 2.1.10

 Workaround for IE Bug in button

 Key: COCOON-1807
 Project: Cocoon
  Issue Type: Improvement
  Components: Blocks: Forms
Affects Versions: 2.1.8, 2.1.9, 2.1.10, 2.2-dev (Current SVN)
Reporter: Rolf Metternich
 Fix For: 2.1.10

 Attachments: action-error.txt, Action.patch

 Special workaround  IE Bug for 
 button type=button title=row up 
 value=row up onClick=forms_submitForm(this);img src=up.gif 
 The IE returns the values of all button in every row, so there are multiple 
 My Workaround is using the onClick-Event to remember the button name by using 
 the known js-function forms_submitForm(this). In the Action-class I check 
 if the field forms_submit_id is set and use this as SubmitWidget. 
 I'm using this patch since 1 year and it works fine.

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If you think it was sent incorrectly contact one of the administrators:
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