RE: [portal] Need for CachingPortletAdapter

2004-12-08 Thread URDINA Michal
I got finally into PageLabels that are implemented in portal block in cocoon 
2.1.6 and documented at

Ralf Goers wrote on
 Main issue I see in implementing CachingPortletAdapter is 
 link translation.
  1.) links that are sent to browser are valid only for the 
 next request
  2.) translated links are part of generated content
  3.) portlet content cannot be cached since its links will 
 not be valid after next request
 If you use PageLabels the above is not true.  Events are valid until 
 they are regenerated on the next request to that page label.

It is not exactly so. Lifecycle of links when using PageLabels is very simmilar 
to that in the original DefaultEventConverter. They are genereated and stored 
to ENCODE hashmap in the coplet generation phase and live until the portal tab 
page is generated again. Links are preserved ONLY when switching form one 
tagged page to another tagged page.

Therefore I refine my statements of issues for implementing 
CachingPortletAdapter (using PageLabels):
1.) links that are sent to browser are valid only for the next request (unless 
the tagged page is switched)
2.) translated links are part of generated content
3.) portlet content cannot be cached since its links will not be valid after 
next request to the same tagged page

I have CachingPortletAdapter finished, but I must solve the problem with links 
to make it working. 

I see these possibilities:
A.) invert the responsibility and let the coplets to maintain lifecycle of 
their events/links

 - coplet will add the event to store (EventConverter) on content generation
 - coplet will remember its own list of its events
 - coplet will remove its remembered old events from the store when 
regenerating or removing (logout)
 - EventConverter will not remove events

B.) enhance PageLabelEventConverter and add name of coplet instance to key for 
events store

 - currently only page tab name is used for pageLabel parameter i.e. 
 - after adding coplet instance name the link would look like this 
 - new events for one coplet now don't replace old events for another coplet on 
the same page

C.) add compare method to event interface
 - before new event is stored to events store compare new event with old events 
whether same event not already present in the store
 - if same event is found between old events it will be returned instead of new 
on and the link will stay the same (index to store does not change)
 - gradually all links from portal are stored in the events store but there is 
no duplicate and the indexes to events are preserved between requests

D.) name one :)

I find the
case A.) is little bit harder to implement but it was my first thought :-)
case B.) is nice and clean way how to prevent that events for cached portlet 
without focus will not be overriden by currently focused coplet
case C.) is only one that also allows the browser back button to work properly 
because repeated http requests will invoke same action as the event will be 
still alive in the store. Of course, internal coplet states are not taken into 
account. This simplified view solves only situation when coplet state is 
maintained exclusivelly through request parameters.

I would like to know, if anyone has any preference to one or other solution. 
Also all cases can have some issues that am not aware of and I would be happy 
if you could also point them out.

Thank you,

RE: [portal] Need for CachingPortletAdapter

2004-12-02 Thread URDINA Michal
 -Original Message-
 From: Ralph Goers [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, December 01, 2004 3:32 PM
 Subject: Re: [portal] Need for CachingPortletAdapter
 URDINA Michal wrote:
 currently provided PortletAdapter does not offer caching 
 ability for JSR168 portlets. I really need caching for 
 portlets and I wanted to implement this feature as new 
 Having looked at URICopletAdapter and 
 CachingURICopletAdapter the caching implmentation for coplets 
 is pretty simple.
 CachingURICopletAdapter relies on these principles:
  - coplet content is XML 
  - coplet content it is cached/emited in the generator of 
 portal generating pipeline 
  - links are cached untranslated and the link translation 
 occurs in the transformer that follows generator
 PortletAdapter relies on these principles:
  - portlet content is not XML (however it is often XHTML)
  - portlet content is emited in serializer of portal 
 generating pipeline 
  - links are translated in the portlet generation and are 
 part of portlet content
 Main issue I see in implementing CachingPortletAdapter is 
 link translation.
  1.) links that are sent to browser are valid only for the 
 next request
  2.) translated links are part of generated content
  3.) portlet content cannot be cached since its links will 
 not be valid after next request
 If you use PageLabels the above is not true.  Events are valid until 
 they are regenerated on the next request to that page label.
 Has anyone been thinking about the caching of content for 
 JSR168 portlets? I would be happy if we could come to common 
 solution that could be consequently implemented.
 No, I haven't been thinking of it, but it seems like it would 
 be a good 
 thing. I'd welcome a proposal and/or code.


Your PageLabels seem like great enhancement to the portal engine. Need to look 
closer but 
seems like caching of portlet content will be breeze with pagelinks in use.

But there is one issue remaining. I am afraid that links don't work on first 
portal page in samples. Seems like pagelinks won't work on pages with no tabs. 
Did you encounter same behaviour?


[portal] deprecation of request data store

2004-09-10 Thread URDINA Michal
This mail refers a bit to my previous thread Sharing cocoon.jar between multiple web 

I have problem with portal engine running in ear bundled with other portlet webapps 
when all libraries are on ear level. I get NPE when portlet is resolving its 
portlet-url via 

PortletURLProviderImpl.toString() -
PortalServiceImpl.getComponentManager() -
PortalServiceInfo.getInfo() -
PortalInfo.getComponentManager() - returns null !

I am using the cocoon-2.1.5 release and the code in PortalServiceImpl has changed 
since then in CVS 

from version 1.10:

protected PortalServiceInfo getInfo() {
PortalServiceInfo info = (PortalServiceInfo) 
if ( info == null ) {
info = new PortalServiceInfo();
this.dataStore.setRequestData(this.key, info);
return info;

to version 1.12 (CVS comment CZ: Deprecate request data store and remove it's use in 
the portal):

protected PortalServiceInfo getInfo() {
final Request request = ContextHelper.getRequest( this.context );
PortalServiceInfo info = (PortalServiceInfo) request.getAttribute(this.key, 

I would like to know what was the reason for this change and if it would solve the 
problem I described upper. 

In that case I would like to make a patch that would make those changes applicable for 
cocoon 2.1.5 release. But the change introduced the use of feature new to 
cocoon-2.2.0-dev core - request.getAttribute(this.key, Request.GLOBAL_SCOPE). Will it 
be feasable to backport all this functionality back to cocoon 2.1.5? Or you would 
advise another solution.

Thank you,

Michal urdina
ASSET Soft, a.s. / eBussiness Solutions
Koick 56, 821 08 Bratislava SLOVAK REPUBLIC
Phone: +421-2-50703-523
Fax: +421-2-50703-444

Nightly builds for SVN WAS: [portal] deprecation of request data store

2004-09-10 Thread URDINA Michal
 -Original Message-
 From: Vadim Gritsenko [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, September 10, 2004 12:58 PM
 Subject: Re: [portal] deprecation of request data store
 URDINA Michal wrote:
  In that case I would like to make a patch that would make 
 those changes
   applicable for cocoon 2.1.5 release. But the change 
 introduced the use
   of feature new to cocoon-2.2.0-dev core -
   request.getAttribute(this.key, Request.GLOBAL_SCOPE). Will it be
   feasable to backport all this functionality back to cocoon 2.1.5?
   Or you would advise another solution.
 Have you checked in 2.1.X branch? It might have the fix you 
 are looking for.

NO, because I am relly stuck behind the firewall. I rdiffed branch BRANCH_2_1_X with 
RELEASE_2_1_5 in cvs and found no changes assuming that all changes are done only in 
subversion. For SVN I wanted to use our httpproxy (squid) but it is configured not to 
allow extended http methods that svn use and I have no impact on its configuration. 

So I wanted to download snapshot from
but then I realized that it would probably doing only HEAD snapshots and only from CVS.

Where is the location for nightly built snapshots of cocoon-2.1.6-dev ? 

Can I command svn client not to use HTTP extended methods?
Does it exist any tool like cvsgrab for svn?

Thank you,

RE: Sharing cocoon.jar between multiple web aplications

2004-09-09 Thread URDINA Michal

 -Original Message-
 From: peter royal [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2004 8:32 PM
 Subject: Re: Sharing cocoon.jar between multiple web aplications
 On Sep 8, 2004, at 11:17 AM, URDINA Michal wrote:
  The problem arise only when one web application calls other web 
  application to generate its output (via 
  - crosscontext must be enabled). Then both webapps use the 
 same static 
  field instance in the same thread. And if both are calling 
 method on 
  the same class i.e. Cocoon.process(), then called web 
 application can 
  rewrite the value saved by calling web application.
 ah, gotcha.
 why not just put cocoon.jar per-webapp then, and put the rest of the 
 deps at the ear level? :)

Yes, thats solves the problem partially.

Instead of duplicating 15MB of libraries, I will be duplicating only about 2,5MB of 
cocoon libraries and libraries that are dependent on cocoon libraries. I.e. castor.jar 
must be moved back from ear to WEB-INF/lib to see cocoon classes needed for xml 

I tried to fix the static ThreadLocal fields on my own and it resulted to change only 
in to remove checkEnvironment() method. Static field in other classes did 
not affect me either because they are in blocks that we do not use or I am sure that 
they won't be multicalled in one request (i.e. portal-block classes).

Here is the list of them anyway (cocoon-2.1.5 release):
grep -d -l ThreadLocal *.java 

File blocks\batik\java\org\apache\cocoon\components\url\
File blocks\portal\java\org\apache\cocoon\portal\impl\
File blocks\portal\java\org\apache\cocoon\portal\util\
File blocks\scratchpad\java\org\apache\cocoon\ant\
File java\org\apache\cocoon\components\

From those all these are not affected by multicall problem because:
PortletPortalManger - there is not read of the static ThreadLocal copletInstanceData;
VariableResolverFactory - detto - no read of static ThreadLocal disposableCollector;
CocoonComponentManager - immune because of the use of threadlocal stack of variables 
instead of threadlocal variable
IncludingHTMLSerializer - no conflict because this class is called by only on webapp 
(or at least it is very unlikely to be called more than one in one request)
ReferenceFieldHandler - detto - no conflict

So all I needed to change was I have not tested this thorougly so I 
cannot say if it really works correctly yet.
But I still would be for using static fields only with special care and with handling 
against webapp multicall (on webapp includes other) problem i.e. as 
CocoonComponentManager does with threadlocal stack and proper cleaning before return.


RE: Sharing cocoon.jar between multiple web aplications

2004-09-09 Thread URDINA Michal
I am using cocoon-2.1.5 release.

I will try to replece from CVS HEAD. Thanks for pointing me there.


 -Original Message-
 From: Vadim Gritsenko [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, September 09, 2004 12:21 AM
 Subject: Re: Sharing cocoon.jar between multiple web aplications
 URDINA Michal wrote:
  The problem arise only when one web application calls other 
 web application to generate its output (via 
 getRequestDispatcher.include() - crosscontext must be 
 enabled). Then both webapps use the same static field 
 instance in the same thread. And if both are calling method 
 on the same class i.e. Cocoon.process(), then called web 
 application can rewrite the value saved by calling web application.
 IIRC, this particular problem you are describing are resolved in CVS. 
 When last time you had updated your snapshot?

Sharing cocoon.jar between multiple web aplications

2004-09-08 Thread URDINA Michal

I created ear file with about 6 war files. All war files are cocoon web applications 
and thus have same WEB-INF/lib directories. The ear file has apx. 100MB due to 
duplicity of libraries in WEB-INF/lib's. It seems reasonable to me to pull up those 
duplicit libraries at ear level and share them among web applications.

But I'm stuck with the use of static ThreadLocal class fields in some cocoon classes. 

Good example is CocoonComponentManager.environmentStack:

this static field is used in methods 
- enterEnvironment()
- leaveEnvironment() 
which are call on every request process by Cocoon.process() method:

process(Environment environment) {
try {
this.componentManager, this);  // - environmentStack.push
finally {
 // - environmentStack.pop
CocoonComponentManager.endProcessing(environment, key);

Providing that CocoonComponentManager class is located in WEB-INF/lib, we have no 
problem, because every webapp gets its own class loader that creates its local 
instance of static field. This field is then used only by proper webapplication and in 
the threadsafe manner. But if we move CocoonComponentManager to ear level and share 
this class among more than one web application, we break the contract, because only 
one instance of this static field will be created for all web applications. When we 
consider that one application can call other one, then we can see this not working, 
because multiple web aplications will be writing the same instance of the static 
field. The example is CocoonComponentManager.checkEnvironment() which throws exception 
when environmentStack is not empty.

The problem can be even more visible in portlet environmnet (our environment in use), 
when portlet container - webapp #1 is allowed to call portlets - webapp #2-#n) 
parallelly in separate threads.

That's why the use of static ThredLocal class fields should be prohibited in all 
cocoon component classes. There must be some alternative for it.


Call of CocoonComponentManager.checkEnvironment in Cocoon.process() is marked as 
// TODO (CZ): This is only for testing - remove it later on

Isn't this the proper time to remove it? Or at least to have a possibility to disable 
this check?
Thank you,


Attch: classes using the ThreadLocal static field:


RE: Sharing cocoon.jar between multiple web aplications

2004-09-08 Thread URDINA Michal
 -Original Message-
 From: peter royal [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2004 4:03 PM
 Subject: Re: Sharing cocoon.jar between multiple web aplications
 On Sep 8, 2004, at 9:44 AM, URDINA Michal wrote:
  I created ear file with about 6 war files. All war files are cocoon 
  web applications and thus have same WEB-INF/lib 
 directories. The ear 
  file has apx. 100MB due to duplicity of libraries in 
 WEB-INF/lib's. It 
  seems reasonable to me to pull up those duplicit libraries at ear 
  level and share them among web applications.
  But I'm stuck with the use of static ThreadLocal class 
 fields in some 
  cocoon classes.
 I do this without any ill effects..
 If the static's weren't ThreadLocals, there would be a problem.. But 
 since they are ThreadLocals, each webapp is still isolated, because 
 you'll only have one thread-per-request at a time.

The problem arise only when one web application calls other web application to 
generate its output (via getRequestDispatcher.include() - crosscontext must be 
enabled). Then both webapps use the same static field instance in the same thread. And 
if both are calling method on the same class i.e. Cocoon.process(), then called web 
application can rewrite the value saved by calling web application.

The processing goes like this (all on the same thread):

set value
call webapp#2
set value
get value
get value

webapp#1 gets the value saved by webapp#2 and that's not ok:)


Design of unmarshaling sitemap component

2004-07-29 Thread URDINA Michal
I would like to discuss the design problem of the sitemap component. My plan is to 
develop special let's call it transformer for transforming sources for pages written 
or generated by analysts (model) to dynamic pages generating required results 
(implementation). The form of model is custom XML according to given XMLSchema and the 
implementation pages should be in form of jxtemplates (or xsp).

The transformation should go like this:

additional data
modelXML - populated modelXML - computed model - jxtemplate source

The intent of the pipeline is to generate executable source from model that will 
generate required dynamic page. The trick is that the computed modelXML is not trivial 
and should be implemented as Java OM. What I need to involve is conversion from XML to 
Java Object, make the computation in Java and go back with the results to XML in form 
of jxtemplate source.

I have two alternatives of implementation. Both are involving castor for converting 
XML to Java object.

A.) make the XML2Java conversion in transformer

file(modelXML) - cinclude(aditionaldata) - castortransformer(modelClass, template) -

- jxtemplatetransformer - jxtemplate (or xsp) source

This starts with reading modelXML from file, including additional data (i.e. in form 
of another xml document). Populated XML is then the source for Castor unmarshaling, 
the intermediate result is the instance of modelClass placed on request attribute. The 
transformer then emits the template given in second parameter. The modelInstance is 
used in template and jxtemplatetransformer is used to generate required page source 
(jxtemplate again or xsp).

B.) make the XML2Java conversion in action:

action(cocoon:/pipeline2, modelClass) {
jxtemplategenerator(template) - jxtemplate (or xsp) source 

file(modelXML) - cinclude(aditionaldata) - XML

This is simmilar to A.) but with the exception that this does not break the SAX stream 
in castortransformer and XML2Java conversion is done between two pipelines. On the 
other hand there is useless serialization and deserialization between both pipelines.

There is question about which approach is better from the design point of view.

Additional questions include:
- in case of A.) is it better to have modelXML on the start of the pipeline and 
template as the parameter or to have template at the start of the pipeline and 
modelXML as the parameter? 
- are there any other viable and simple alternatives?

Thank you for your comments.

[Portal] future and design questions

2003-10-27 Thread URDINA Michal
Title: [Portal] future and design questions


Right now I am in process of evaluating available portal solutions. Because I am big cocoon enthusiast I took a deeper look into the cocoon portal-fw and portal blocks. 

I would try to summarise the main features I found when played with both portal-framework and portal engine. Please correct me if I am wrong:

- both solutions aim mostly to implement portlet container capabilities

- both solutions are quite similar from the view of sitemap configuration and coplet features

- coplets provide XML feeds and are realized by sitemap pipelines (local) or by accessing any source in the internet (defined by uri)

- authentification is done by authentification-fw but this is not required as this can be replaced by other solution i.e. by container managed security 


- user's settings are stored in files (by means of sourcewriter transformer) but they can be persisted by any data store by means of specialized transformers

- final HTML look is created by xsl stylesheet applied after syndicating all coplets in layout template

- other clients (PDA, WAP) can be handled by applying different xsl stylesheet and targeting required markup

- JSR-168 portlet container behaviour will be implemented in portal-engine block to support 3rd party portlet implementations

I still have some questions where I am not sure about answers:

- what will be (or is) the main difference of current portal-framework and new portal engine? What were the main issues that caused rewrite of existing portal-fw to portal engine?

- what exactly will be implemented from JSR-168 spec to portal engine, what components will then be still used from cocoon?

- what future do you see for cocoon as a portal framework when JSR-168 compliant containers will come out (i.e. Jakarta Pluto) and what part of portal application lifecycle should then cocoon cover?

Thanks for your answers and for good job done on cocoon!


-- MisoD --

Michal Durdina - [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

ASSET Soft a.s.,

Kosicka 56, Bratislava, 821 08

Slovakia, Europe

RE: [Portal] future and design questions

2003-10-27 Thread URDINA Michal
Title: RE: [Portal] future and design questions

(resending because of some delivery problems)

Thank you for prompt answers!

Our team can eventually choose cocoon as portal solution (we really have good and long-term experiences with cocoon). Therefore we can eventually help on developing and testing tasks and provide valuable feedback from the real world applications environment.

For this purpose we need to know additional information about the status of current implementation of portal-engine block. We would like to know, how much work is left that needs to be done. Could you please summarize those specific tasks that are left for finishing the block to be fully functional and eventually how much time they would take?

Thank you,


 -Original Message-

 From: Carsten Ziegeler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

 Sent: Monday, October 27, 2003 11:57 AM


 Subject: RE: [Portal] future and design questions



  URDINA Michal wrote:



  Right now I am in process of evaluating available portal solutions.

  Because I am big cocoon enthusiast I took a deeper look 

 into the cocoon

  portal-fw and portal blocks.

 The portal block is a newer implementation that is in general 

 more flexibel

 than the old one but currently lacks for example 

 administration tools etc.



  I would try to summarise the main features I found when 

 played with both

  portal-framework and portal engine. Please correct me if I am wrong:


  - both solutions aim mostly to implement portlet container 


  - both solutions are quite similar from the view of sitemap 


 and coplet features

  - coplets provide XML feeds and are realized by sitemap 

 pipelines (local)

 or by accessing any

  source in the internet (defined by uri)

  - authentification is done by authentification-fw but this 

 is not required

 as this can be

  replaced by other solution i.e. by container managed security



 Yes, but this is only true for the portal block; the 

 portal-fw block is tied

 to the

 authentication-fw. Although it is possible with some trick to use a


 approach with the portal-fw as well.


  - user's settings are stored in files (by means of sourcewriter

 transformer) but they can

  be persisted by any data store by means of specialized 


  - final HTML look is created by xsl stylesheet applied 

 after syndicating

 all coplets in layout template

  - other clients (PDA, WAP) can be handled by applying different xsl

 stylesheet and targeting required markup

  - JSR-168 portlet container behaviour will be implemented 

 in portal-engine

 block to support

  3rd party portlet implementations


  I still have some questions where I am not sure about answers:

  - what will be (or is) the main difference of current 

 portal-framework and

 new portal engine?

  What were the main issues that caused rewrite of existing 

 portal-fw to

 portal engine?

 Mainly flexibility, like choosing different authentication 

 mechanism etc and


 the JSR-168 which will only happen for the portal block 

 (unless someone

 steps in and

 does it for the portal-fw as well, which would be very very tricky).


  - what exactly will be implemented from JSR-168 spec to 

 portal engine,

 what components will

  then be still used from cocoon?

 Good question, I'm wondering this myself these days :) Now, 

 currently the

 JSR-168 defines

 only portlets, but not the portlet container itself (only part of the

 behaviour of the

 container), so it might be that the portal engine of Cocoon 

 stays the same.

 But you

 will have the abilitiy to use a JSR-168 portlet instead of a pipeline.


  - what future do you see for cocoon as a portal framework 

 when JSR-168

 compliant containers

  will come out (i.e. Jakarta Pluto) and what part of 

 portal application

 lifecycle should

  then cocoon cover?

 I honestly don't know - this is something the users will 

 decide. Now, I hope

 that the

 cocoon portal engine will be JSR-168 compliant as well (soon), so when

 developing portlets it

 doesn't matter if you choose Cocoon or Pluto or Jetspeed or 

 whatever. At

 least that's

 the theory which I think will not always be the practice: 

 When you develop a

 portlet you

 need functionality and in some cases you find this 

 functionality in your

 portlet container

 (in Cocoon, in Jetspeed etc.) and you will use this. From 

 that point on


 tied to that container. But the JSR-168 helps here a lot.


 Anyway, personally, I think Cocoon is a good base for portal 

 applications as


 provides so many good concepts, like the avalon based 

 architecture, the


 the processing pipelines, flow, blocks (with 2.2), form 

 handling frameworks


 that make developing complex applications alot easier