Re: Java components in blocks

2005-04-22 Thread Glen Ezkovich
On Apr 22, 2005, at 8:34 AM, Daniel Fagerstrom wrote:
Pier allready have problems with this, that is one reason for his 
interest in this area. I have also have had problems with it from time 
to time.
I have as well.
So, I don't want to left it as a desicion to the blocks developers as 
it just don't scale. What Pier and I have suggested might be somewhat 
less powerfull, (but that is left to see), but it does scale. I don't 
want us to start with a contract with blocks developers that we have 
to restrict later, it is better to do it the other way around.
I basically agree. On the other hand, I'm not sure this is a 
preventable problem. Once you have two or more apps depending on a 
single jar, you have a choice of either to deploy multiple copies or to 
put the jar in a central location.

How so? What is the alternative? Have blocks that have no component 
dependencies? If a block depends on a component it depends on a 
component. If a sitemap uses a component it uses a component.
Of course a block should be allowed to depend on and contain 
components, no one have said anything else. The discussion is about if 
a block should be able to expose any type of component to other 

Maybe, I didn't express myself well. This is what I think is a 
non-issue. I think it is a mistake to make it the block manager's 
responsibility to do this simply because of the way Java works.

I understand that you want two deployment levels. I don't want a 
global unshielded level as I'm certain that it doesn't scale.
You're right it doesn't. Personally,I would prefer just a single level, 
but I get enough complaints about multiple copies of jars that I think 
some alternative is necessary. The multiple dependencies of blocks 
gives us few if any alternatives.

Initially, to have the choice of deploying Cocoon wide or sitemap 
wide solves some basic issues. The ultimate solution is much more 
difficult because of the multiple dependencies a block may have. It 
may be that it is impossible to solve all possible scenarios. I don't 
I think it would be possible to solve, but personally I don't find it 
worthwhile right now.
OK. Your point is well taken, If I can find the time I will see what I 
can do. Lets just see what happens. I'm sure in the end all will be 

Glen Ezkovich
HardBop Consulting
glen at

A Proverb for Paranoids:
"If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to 
worry about answers."
- Thomas Pynchon Gravity's Rainbow

Re: Java components in blocks

2005-04-22 Thread Daniel Fagerstrom
Glen Ezkovich wrote:
On Apr 18, 2005, at 12:07 PM, Daniel Fagerstrom wrote:
Glen Ezkovich wrote:
On Apr 18, 2005, at 7:05 AM, Daniel Fagerstrom wrote:

The issue here is one of deployment, where to locate the class and 
which ClassLoader will load the class. It seems to me that if we 
have two component deployment levels, global and sitemap, we can 
pretty much accomplish the same thing as exposing or not exposing 

If all jars from all blocks are put in a global sitemap it just don't 
scale. It is hard enough to keep jars in different blocks in synch 
whithin the Cocoon SVN. When external developers start to develop and 
distribute their own blocks it will stop working.

Agreed. Certain jars should be available cocoon wide and others not. 
Unfortunately, this must be left up to the blocks developer to decide 
how a particular jar gets deployed. Just as it is now.
One of the points with real blocks is to scale the community by make it 
possible for people to develop Cocoon blocks independent of ASF and the 
current set of committers and without central control. If these external 
block developers can put jars in an common unshielded area in Cocoon we 
will get the situation where they put different vesrions of the same jar 
in this common area. Sy that you have a system that depends on block A 
and block B developed by different external organizations. When you 
update Cocoon or block A or block B you suddenly realized that the last 
version have started to export a jar that it didn't exported before and 
that allready was exported from one of the other blocks in another version.

Pier allready have problems with this, that is one reason for his 
interest in this area. I have also have had problems with it from time 
to time.

So, I don't want to left it as a desicion to the blocks developers as it 
just don't scale. What Pier and I have suggested might be somewhat less 
powerfull, (but that is left to see), but it does scale. I don't want us 
to start with a contract with blocks developers that we have to restrict 
later, it is better to do it the other way around.

Because of that classloader isolation is needed so that a block only 
is exposed to the classes it actually depend on from its parent 
classloader. And that is complicated stuff, if you don't think so you 
can take a look at kernel in whiteboard.
I know so. I didn't say it would be easy.
And I have no personal interest in solving that problem right now. If 
someone else has, just go ahead, as long as you don't introduce concepts 
that we allready know that they doesn't scale.

Things get more complicated and creates IMO unnecessary dependencies 
between blocks when you combine it with sitemap functionallity.

How so? What is the alternative? Have blocks that have no component 
dependencies? If a block depends on a component it depends on a 
component. If a sitemap uses a component it uses a component.
Of course a block should be allowed to depend on and contain components, 
no one have said anything else. The discussion is about if a block 
should be able to expose any type of component to other blocks.

Because of that complexity Pier and I prefer to separate the problems.

If you separate the problems thats fine with me, but to consider this 
a complete solution to the total problem which is to have real blocks 
is a mistake. When I deploy an app, I usually have a custom component 
or two and a bunch of POJOs. If I want to package an app as a block I 
would need to package the sitemap and associated files as a block and 
package the jars as a bundle. A block at the very least should include 
the bundle. As an app developer I want to have a single deployment 
solution.  As a sys admin, I want to ensure that I don't have 30 
copies of identical jars hanging around.
Packaging is a separate concern. Of course we want it as convenient as 
possible. Large units has the benefit that you get everything at once 
and the drawback that different complete packages might overlap and be 
redundant. But if we have automatic deployment it is probably more 
practicalt to have fine grained packaging. As long as the block you 
happen to be intersted in has a list of it dependencies the block 
deployer will take care of the work anyway.

I understand that this is a complex problem and breaking it up into 
smaller pieces is a wise thing to do. My basic points are that to have 
real blocks you need a single deployment and that there are two levels 
to deploy Java components, global and sitemap, parent sitemaps included.
I understand that you want two deployment levels. I don't want a global 
unshielded level as I'm certain that it doesn't scale.

Initially, to have the choice of deploying Cocoon wide or sitemap wide 
solves some basic issues. The ultimate solution is much more difficult 
because of the multiple dependencies a block may have. It may be that 
it is impossible to solve all possible scenarios. I don't know.
I think it would be possible t

Re: Java components in blocks

2005-04-19 Thread Glen Ezkovich
On Apr 18, 2005, at 12:07 PM, Daniel Fagerstrom wrote:
Glen Ezkovich wrote:
On Apr 18, 2005, at 7:05 AM, Daniel Fagerstrom wrote:
The portal definition files define how individual portlets are 
invoked and rendered.  As I stated before, ideally these would be 
separate blocks. However, since many will contain java code, it 
sounds like many portlets would have to be a block with a matching 

A block can contain code. It is just (at least in the first step) 
not allowed to expose components. So if the portlet components need 
to be accessible from other parts of the system you need both a 
bundle and a block. But if the components only are needed internally 
and the portlet can expose all its functionality as pipeline 
functionality, it is enough with a block.

Sorry to be late to the party, but I was unsure where this discussion 
was headed and choose to keep my mouth shut. I'm glad to see to that 
blocks can have code again.;-)  I think the issue of exposing 
components is a non issue.
Did you read ?

We are after all talking about java byte code, if some one wants to 
use the jar/class file it just needs to be on the classpath.
Sure, but what if two blocks contain different versions of a jar?
I admit that this is a problem. The way I see this, is that if a block 
developer is using a jar that may have multiple versions deployed in 
the cocoon environment they should make sure to deploy that jar local 
to a sitemap.

The issue here is one of deployment, where to locate the class and 
which ClassLoader will load the class. It seems to me that if we have 
two component deployment levels, global and sitemap, we can pretty 
much accomplish the same thing as exposing or not exposing 
If all jars from all blocks are put in a global sitemap it just don't 
scale. It is hard enough to keep jars in different blocks in synch 
whithin the Cocoon SVN. When external developers start to develop and 
distribute their own blocks it will stop working.
Agreed. Certain jars should be available cocoon wide and others not. 
Unfortunately, this must be left up to the blocks developer to decide 
how a particular jar gets deployed. Just as it is now.

Because of that classloader isolation is needed so that a block only 
is exposed to the classes it actually depend on from its parent 
classloader. And that is complicated stuff, if you don't think so you 
can take a look at kernel in whiteboard.
I know so. I didn't say it would be easy.
Things get more complicated and creates IMO unnecessary dependencies 
between blocks when you combine it with sitemap functionallity.
How so? What is the alternative? Have blocks that have no component 
dependencies? If a block depends on a component it depends on a 
component. If a sitemap uses a component it uses a component.

Because of that complexity Pier and I prefer to separate the problems.
If you separate the problems thats fine with me, but to consider this a 
complete solution to the total problem which is to have real blocks is 
a mistake. When I deploy an app, I usually have a custom component or 
two and a bunch of POJOs. If I want to package an app as a block I 
would need to package the sitemap and associated files as a block and 
package the jars as a bundle. A block at the very least should include 
the bundle. As an app developer I want to have a single deployment 
solution.  As a sys admin, I want to ensure that I don't have 30 copies 
of identical jars hanging around.

I understand that this is a complex problem and breaking it up into 
smaller pieces is a wise thing to do. My basic points are that to have 
real blocks you need a single deployment and that there are two levels 
to deploy Java components, global and sitemap, parent sitemaps 
included. Initially, to have the choice of deploying Cocoon wide or 
sitemap wide solves some basic issues. The ultimate solution is much 
more difficult because of the multiple dependencies a block may have. 
It may be that it is impossible to solve all possible scenarios. I 
don't know.

Glen Ezkovich
HardBop Consulting
glen at

A Proverb for Paranoids:
"If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to 
worry about answers."
- Thomas Pynchon Gravity's Rainbow

Re: Java components in blocks

2005-04-19 Thread Daniel Fagerstrom
Reinhard Poetz wrote:
Daniel Fagerstrom wrote:
Reinhard Poetz wrote:
Daniel Fagerstrom wrote:
Maybe not, but those are areas that are rather vague anyway, we 
where the only ones who thought it had much importance the last 
time we discussed it.
Maybe it had the appearance but I can't believe this. (Recently I 
had a discussion with Sylvain and he really wants this feature too. 
So we are at least three ;-) )
Might be, we still need to know the use cases to provide a good 
solution. Any comments to what I suggested in my response? BTW I 
rather meant:
var result = cocoon.sendPageAndWait("block:myblockA://confirmDialog", 
{msg: "areYouSure"});

A part from that this changes the contract of sendPageAndWait (returns 
a continuation),
The response object could be made available in an extra argument 
instead. Also we could have VPC flowscript functions as long as their 
return values are restricted to what is part of the "core" classloader.

I would prefer the explicit call of flowscript functions of other blocks.
Anything else would have been a suprise to me ;)
I think the usecases are quite clear (reuse a flowscript function of 
another block and use it the same way as a local function) but we 
shouldn't discuss this  ATM. Let's wait until Pier and you have set up 
the base infrastructure (Block[s]Manager + some basic classloader 
isoluation) and then we will see what is (easily) possible and what not.
Good, it feels rather abstract to discuss whats missing in something we 
haven't implemented or tried.


Re: Java components in blocks

2005-04-18 Thread Reinhard Poetz
Daniel Fagerstrom wrote:
Reinhard Poetz wrote:
Daniel Fagerstrom wrote:
Maybe not, but those are areas that are rather vague anyway, we where 
the only ones who thought it had much importance the last time we 
discussed it.

Maybe it had the appearance but I can't believe this. (Recently I had 
a discussion with Sylvain and he really wants this feature too. So we 
are at least three ;-) )

Might be, we still need to know the use cases to provide a good 
solution. Any comments to what I suggested in my response? BTW I rather 
var result = cocoon.sendPageAndWait("block:myblockA://confirmDialog", 
{msg: "areYouSure"});
A part from that this changes the contract of sendPageAndWait (returns a 
continuation) I would prefer the explicit call of flowscript functions of other 

I think the usecases are quite clear (reuse a flowscript function of another 
block and use it the same way as a local function) but we shouldn't discuss this 
 ATM. Let's wait until Pier and you have set up the base infrastructure 
(Block[s]Manager + some basic classloader isoluation) and then we will see what 
is (easily) possible and what not.

Reinhard Pötz   Independent Consultant, Trainer & (IT)-Coach 

{Software Engineering, Open Source, Web Applications, Apache Cocoon}

Re: Java components in blocks

2005-04-18 Thread Daniel Fagerstrom
Glen Ezkovich wrote:
On Apr 18, 2005, at 7:05 AM, Daniel Fagerstrom wrote:
The portal definition files define how individual portlets are 
invoked and rendered.  As I stated before, ideally these would be 
separate blocks. However, since many will contain java code, it 
sounds like many portlets would have to be a block with a matching 

A block can contain code. It is just (at least in the first step) not 
allowed to expose components. So if the portlet components need to be 
accessible from other parts of the system you need both a bundle and 
a block. But if the components only are needed internally and the 
portlet can expose all its functionality as pipeline functionality, 
it is enough with a block.

Sorry to be late to the party, but I was unsure where this discussion 
was headed and choose to keep my mouth shut. I'm glad to see to that 
blocks can have code again.;-)  I think the issue of exposing 
components is a non issue.
Did you read ?

We are after all talking about java byte code, if some one wants to 
use the jar/class file it just needs to be on the classpath.
Sure, but what if two blocks contain different versions of a jar?
The issue here is one of deployment, where to locate the class and 
which ClassLoader will load the class. It seems to me that if we have 
two component deployment levels, global and sitemap, we can pretty 
much accomplish the same thing as exposing or not exposing components.
If all jars from all blocks are put in a global sitemap it just don't 
scale. It is hard enough to keep jars in different blocks in synch 
whithin the Cocoon SVN. When external developers start to develop and 
distribute their own blocks it will stop working.

Because of that classloader isolation is needed so that a block only is 
exposed to the classes it actually depend on from its parent 
classloader. And that is complicated stuff, if you don't think so you 
can take a look at kernel in whiteboard. Things get more complicated and 
creates IMO unnecessary dependencies between blocks when you combine it 
with sitemap functionallity. Because of that complexity Pier and I 
prefer to separate the problems.


Re: Java components in blocks

2005-04-18 Thread Glen Ezkovich
On Apr 18, 2005, at 7:05 AM, Daniel Fagerstrom wrote:
The portal definition files define how individual portlets are 
invoked and rendered.  As I stated before, ideally these would be 
separate blocks. However, since many will contain java code, it 
sounds like many portlets would have to be a block with a matching 
A block can contain code. It is just (at least in the first step) not 
allowed to expose components. So if the portlet components need to be 
accessible from other parts of the system you need both a bundle and a 
block. But if the components only are needed internally and the 
portlet can expose all its functionality as pipeline functionality, it 
is enough with a block.
Sorry to be late to the party, but I was unsure where this discussion 
was headed and choose to keep my mouth shut. I'm glad to see to that 
blocks can have code again.;-)  I think the issue of exposing 
components is a non issue. We are after all talking about java byte 
code, if some one wants to use the jar/class file it just needs to be 
on the classpath. The issue here is one of deployment, where to locate 
the class and which ClassLoader will load the class. It seems to me 
that if we have two component deployment levels, global and sitemap, we 
can pretty much accomplish the same thing as exposing or not exposing 

Glen Ezkovich
HardBop Consulting
glen at

A Proverb for Paranoids:
"If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to 
worry about answers."
- Thomas Pynchon Gravity's Rainbow

Re: Java components in blocks

2005-04-18 Thread Daniel Fagerstrom
Reinhard Poetz wrote:
Daniel Fagerstrom wrote:
Maybe not, but those are areas that are rather vague anyway, we where 
the only ones who thought it had much importance the last time we 
discussed it.

Maybe it had the appearance but I can't believe this. (Recently I had 
a discussion with Sylvain and he really wants this feature too. So we 
are at least three ;-) )
Might be, we still need to know the use cases to provide a good 
solution. Any comments to what I suggested in my response? BTW I rather 
var result = cocoon.sendPageAndWait("block:myblockA://confirmDialog", 
{msg: "areYouSure"});


Re: Java components in blocks

2005-04-18 Thread Reinhard Poetz
Daniel Fagerstrom wrote:
Maybe not, but those are areas that are rather vague anyway, we where 
the only ones who thought it had much importance the last time we 
discussed it.
Maybe it had the appearance but I can't believe this. (Recently I had a 
discussion with Sylvain and he really wants this feature too. So we are at least 
three ;-) )

Reinhard Pötz   Independent Consultant, Trainer & (IT)-Coach 

{Software Engineering, Open Source, Web Applications, Apache Cocoon}

Re: Java components in blocks

2005-04-18 Thread Daniel Fagerstrom
Reinhard Poetz wrote:
Daniel Fagerstrom wrote:
So WDYT, does this make sense for your use cases?

Yes, for the pipelines part but that's not the whole story.
Just two thoughts:  Don't know what we gain when we introduce two 
separate deployment units (bundles and blocks). Maybe it's more 
confusing than helping. If necessary we can have different types of 
Sure, I called them bundles and block to make the discussion more 
concrete, we could call them component blocks and sitemap block or 
whatever. From a repository and deployment perspective they will have 
much in common so we should of course use the same mechanism as long as 

Second, I don't see our flowscript usecase
var true = cocoon.blocks.myblockA.confirmDialog("Are you sure?") or
This is a page flow and would fall into the reponsibility area of 
blocks. It could be implemented as some flowscript VPC. In that case we 
need to restrict what kind of objects that can be returned to those that 
are part of the "core" classloader. We could also have a more 
request/repsponse oriented approach and make it possible to put the 
true/false and other data in the reponse object, in that case we would 
rather get:

var result = cocoon.sendPageAndWait("block:myblockA://areYouSure");
var newCustomer = cocoon.blocks.crm.createCustomer()
This falls in the area of "bundles" and component management, if the 
Customer interface is defined in crm, the user of it must have access to 
the Customer interafce from its classloader. We could develop some 
mechanism that makes it possible to implement components in JS but that 
would not be related to flow IMO.

is covered so far, isn't it?.
Maybe not, but those are areas that are rather vague anyway, we where 
the only ones who thought it had much importance the last time we 
discussed it.


Re: Java components in blocks

2005-04-18 Thread Daniel Fagerstrom
Ralph Goers wrote:
Daniel Fagerstrom wrote:
Blocks are of course also packaged, distributed and dependency 
resolved much like the bundles above.

   --- o0o ---
So WDYT, does this make sense for your use cases?

Thanks. Yes, this makes a lot more sense.  I'm not sure how workable 
it will be, but it is possible it might be.  The only real issue I see 
is for the person trying to construct a portal.  They need:
a. A main sitemap that defines the portal sitemap components, the 
component-configurations section that defines the name of the portal 
and its profiles, and the main portal pipeline.
b. additions to cocoon.xconf (presumably through their own xconf) that 
configures components that are in the portal bundle, or possibly in 
their own bundle if they choose to implement their own features.
c. the portal definition files (these are obtained via pipelines in 
the user's main portal sitemap and might be dynamically generated).

The portal definition files define how individual portlets are invoked 
and rendered.  As I stated before, ideally these would be separate 
blocks. However, since many will contain java code, it sounds like 
many portlets would have to be a block with a matching bundle.
A block can contain code. It is just (at least in the first step) not 
allowed to expose components. So if the portlet components need to be 
accessible from other parts of the system you need both a bundle and a 
block. But if the components only are needed internally and the portlet 
can expose all its functionality as pipeline functionality, it is enough 
with a block.

  JSR-168 portlets I guess would have to be bundles, if they are 
packaged for Cocoon, as they don't contain a sitemap of any kind.
Seem reasonable.
So as I understand it, a block would have the sitemap and would 
require a companion bundle which contained the xconf file if it had 
any components that need to be configured, or if it needs to configure 
components provided in another bundle. Is that correct?
See above. The block can import and configure components as much as it like.
As I have described in previous discussions, one way to make block 
extensible and configurable is by using polymorphic sitemap rules. The 
block, e.g. a portlet, contains configurations and default content that 
are used through polymorphic sitemap rules. Then a user can extend the 
original block and overide the sitemap rules that are needed for the 

We could also let extending blocks get access to the component manager 
and classloader from the extended block whithout introducing to much 
complexity. Parent - child classloader dependencies is still easy enough 
to manage. The problem comes when the blocks start to have mutual 
depdencies on the Java level.

My only concern here is simply how many moving parts it will take to 
construct a portal.
If that becomes a problem we must of course solve that.
The main point is that Pier allready has a working system that solves 
important parts of the "bundle" aspect. According to what he have 
writen, it is used at VNU and solves a number of our current problems in 

And I feel rather confident in start building the blocks part as soon as 
I find some time for it. We use some simple block like mechanism in our 
internal webapps, and we have very good experience in. So if we start 
with those aspects we might have something much more concrete to discuss 
about in a close future. If that is enough, that is fine, if not we do 
something about it.


Re: Java components in blocks

2005-04-18 Thread Reinhard Poetz
Daniel Fagerstrom wrote:
So WDYT, does this make sense for your use cases?
Yes, for the pipelines part but that's not the whole story.
Just two thoughts:  Don't know what we gain when we introduce two separate 
deployment units (bundles and blocks). Maybe it's more confusing than helping. 
If necessary we can have different types of blocks.

Second, I don't see our flowscript usecase
var true = cocoon.blocks.myblockA.confirmDialog("Are you sure?") or
var newCustomer = cocoon.blocks.crm.createCustomer()
is covered so far, isn't it?.
Reinhard Pötz   Independent Consultant, Trainer & (IT)-Coach 

{Software Engineering, Open Source, Web Applications, Apache Cocoon}

Re: Java components in blocks

2005-04-17 Thread Ralph Goers
Daniel Fagerstrom wrote:

Blocks are of course also packaged, distributed and dependency 
resolved much like the bundles above.

   --- o0o ---
So WDYT, does this make sense for your use cases?
Thanks. Yes, this makes a lot more sense.  I'm not sure how workable it 
will be, but it is possible it might be.  The only real issue I see is 
for the person trying to construct a portal.  They need:
a. A main sitemap that defines the portal sitemap components, the 
component-configurations section that defines the name of the portal and 
its profiles, and the main portal pipeline.
b. additions to cocoon.xconf (presumably through their own xconf) that 
configures components that are in the portal bundle, or possibly in 
their own bundle if they choose to implement their own features.
c. the portal definition files (these are obtained via pipelines in the 
user's main portal sitemap and might be dynamically generated).

The portal definition files define how individual portlets are invoked 
and rendered.  As I stated before, ideally these would be separate 
blocks. However, since many will contain java code, it sounds like many 
portlets would have to be a block with a matching bundle.  JSR-168 
portlets I guess would have to be bundles, if they are packaged for 
Cocoon, as they don't contain a sitemap of any kind.

So as I understand it, a block would have the sitemap and would require 
a companion bundle which contained the xconf file if it had any 
components that need to be configured, or if it needs to configure 
components provided in another bundle. Is that correct?

My only concern here is simply how many moving parts it will take to 
construct a portal.


Re: Java components in blocks

2005-04-17 Thread Pier Fumagalli
On 17 Apr 2005, at 16:44, Ralph Goers wrote:
Pier Fumagalli wrote:
My vision is quite simple... How many _COMPONENT_ interfaces we need 
for Cocoon? Probably 3:

(well, you might have another 2 or 3 of them but do you see the 

Please take a look at the Portal and then explain how the above works 
for that.  There are a heck of a lot more components that someone 
building a portal needs to configure besides these.  Sitemap 
components are only uses in Cocoon Portlets.  While each Portal 
request is fired off by the PortalGenerator, it invokes a lot of 
elements that are configured by whoever puts together the portal.
Reading through the portal (I'm no expert here), I can't really 
understand what ties the Portal (Pluto, and all that lot), with a 
Cocoon block... I think this is more in the ballpark of "components" 
rather than Cocoon blocks and pipeline services. But again, I might be 

Someone care to explain

Re: Java components in blocks

2005-04-17 Thread Daniel Fagerstrom
Ralph Goers wrote:
Pier Fumagalli wrote:
My vision is quite simple... How many _COMPONENT_ interfaces we need 
for Cocoon? Probably 3:

(well, you might have another 2 or 3 of them but do you see the point?)
Please take a look at the Portal and then explain how the above works 
for that.  There are a heck of a lot more components that someone 
building a portal needs to configure besides these.  Sitemap 
components are only uses in Cocoon Portlets.  While each Portal 
request is fired off by the PortalGenerator, it invokes a lot of 
elements that are configured by whoever puts together the portal.
Don't have time to take any detailed look at the portal ATM, but I give 
my view on the main concepts and then you can see if they seem to help 
your use case.

In the original proposal was the idea that a block exposes both sitemap 
functionality and components. Our current idea is that we, at least 
initially handles the two areas separately. Let us for concretness call 
the sitemap aspect a block and the component aspect a bundle.

A bundle contains one or more components and some meta info. The meta 
info can be about dependecies on components in other bundles it could 
also contain default configurations and possibly other stuff. There 
might be special interface bundles that only contain the apis. A bundle 
would typically be a jar and we would store them in repositories like We could use Maven for downloading them and resolve the 
dependencies and e.g. Pier's kernel for managing them an providing 
classloader shielding.

A large part of our current blocks would be bundles rather than blocks. 
Most of the portal would probably be packaged as a bundle.

Component management is not my main expertise, but I wouldn't be 
supprised if much of what we need in this area already is developed in 
some other projects.

Blocks are at the sitemap level. It is like a small configurable and 
possibly extendable webapp the can be used as part of user webapps. Its 
main communication line with the rest of the application is the block 
protocol, it takes an URI and a request object and returns a response 
object. You can use it internally and/or mount its URI space so that 
Cocoon expose it to the external world. A block can also expose sitemap 

A block can depend on components from bundles but it doesn't expose 
components (at least we hope that it will be enough). A block can 
contain own Java code for internal use.

Block can be full application frameworks like Forrest, Lenya, Linotype 
and possibly a portal application. A WebDAV repository could be packaged 
as a block. A set of webservices could also be packaged as a block. 
Blocks can also be smaller and more specialized things like skins or the 
examples Pier gave. Maybe prtlets could make sense as blocks. A large 
application block probably is put together from a number of small blocks.

Blocks are of course also packaged, distributed and dependency resolved 
much like the bundles above.

   --- o0o ---
So WDYT, does this make sense for your use cases?

Re: Java components in blocks

2005-04-17 Thread Ralph Goers
Pier Fumagalli wrote:
My vision is quite simple... How many _COMPONENT_ interfaces we need 
for Cocoon? Probably 3:

(well, you might have another 2 or 3 of them but do you see the point?)
Please take a look at the Portal and then explain how the above works 
for that.  There are a heck of a lot more components that someone 
building a portal needs to configure besides these.  Sitemap components 
are only uses in Cocoon Portlets.  While each Portal request is fired 
off by the PortalGenerator, it invokes a lot of elements that are 
configured by whoever puts together the portal.


Re: Java components in blocks

2005-04-17 Thread Pier Fumagalli
On 16 Apr 2005, at 13:56, Daniel Fagerstrom wrote:
Torsten Curdt wrote:
Reading these discussions after the fact, having Blocks provide only
sitemap components seems to make a lot of sense
...not to me - sorry. But maybe I just missed something.
Pier is totally right: we have two different concerns.
One is the pipeline services interface and one is the
component interface of a block.
But reducing a block just to it's pipeline services basically
gives us virtual sitemap components on steroids. What about
its dependencies? Well, IIUC one argument in this discussion
was that the dependency will be satisfied through a pipeline
service - not through a component.
Block A:
 provides: a pipeline service to transform xml
 requires: a pipeline service to transform xml with a STX stylesheet
Block B:
 provides: a pipeline service to transform xml with a STX stylesheet
So block B does not provide the component with
hint "stx" but a service that could be anything
doing the job satisfying the dependency. Ok.
Now what about the component dependencies? Let's
say in order to implement the "transform-via-stx"
service block B requires a component of hint "stx".
Since the block B has its own component manager
and the component "stx" being declared in the block's
sitemap all is left is a java class level dependency
to the stx implementation. Now the question is - will
the block B provide the stx jar? Let's say yes for the
So what if the "transform-via-stx" component needs
another component? We could list all the required
component in the components section for that very block.
...but still the classes need to be available!
What if the classes are in a different block?
Essentially this means to me: As long as we don't want
to ship every block with every component it requires
I cannot see how we can get around of having blocks
also expose component services.
The idea is that if you have a component that you want to be able to 
use in several places, you package it in a certain way. Then the 
improved component handling system that Pier feel the itch to build 
can found its jar in some repository somwhere, reolve its dependencies 
and offer a shielded parent classloader with the depndencies you have 
asked for.

I don't know the exact details about Pier's vison about this, but you 
can take a look at the kernel in whiteboard for part of it and Maven 
is also a part of the equation for downöloading and dependency 
My vision is quite simple... How many _COMPONENT_ interfaces we need 
for Cocoon? Probably 3:

(well, you might have another 2 or 3 of them but do you see the point?)
How many _BLOCK_ interfaces can we have on the other hand?
"ForrestSkin", "WebMailRepository", 
Then, if each implementation of a block interface is allowed to say "To 
provide this transformer pipeline service I need the SQL transformer 
component, the XSLT component and STX component" (all those three 
simply implement the component "Transformer" Java interface, the 
problem of dependancy resolution is so easy from both sides:

On the block side, you can completely ignore classloaders and java 
code, on the component side, you're pretty much sure that the number of 
component interfaces is not going to be so big and so "volatile" in 
terms of version numbers (and therefore simplifies the classloading 

I mean, the problem right now is not that we have two versions of the 
"o.a.c.s.Serializer" (Java) interface, but that we _need_ to have in 
the same Cocoon two versions of "Fop" implementing the 
_same_precisely_exact_ Java interface...

See what I mean?

Re: Java components in blocks

2005-04-17 Thread Pier Fumagalli
On 16 Apr 2005, at 12:43, Torsten Curdt wrote:
Reading these discussions after the fact, having Blocks provide only
sitemap components seems to make a lot of sense
...not to me - sorry. But maybe I just missed something.
Pier is totally right: we have two different concerns.
One is the pipeline services interface and one is the
component interface of a block.
But reducing a block just to it's pipeline services basically
gives us virtual sitemap components on steroids. What about
its dependencies? Well, IIUC one argument in this discussion
was that the dependency will be satisfied through a pipeline
service - not through a component.
Block A:
 provides: a pipeline service to transform xml
 requires: a pipeline service to transform xml with a STX stylesheet
Block B:
 provides: a pipeline service to transform xml with a STX stylesheet
Hmm... As far as I can see, intra-block dependancy is "available" only 
through interface blocks, right?

So, the "Forrest" block, requires the "ForrestSkin" interface, and this 
is injected into it by creating a new "instance" of the "CocoonSkin" (a 
block which implements ForrestSkin).

So, now we end up with a problem: if to provide the pipeline service to 
transform XML, my "CocoonSkin" uses an XSLT, this block will depend on 
the "XSLTTransformer", if it uses STX it will depend on the 
"STXTransformer", if it uses XSLT2.0 and XQUERY I might want to use 
"SaxonTransformer" version 8.0 or greater...

You see that if a block needs to specify its COMPONENT requirements 
(not BLOCK requirements) only through interface, we'll end up having 
one interface block probably per each implementation block...

If we separate blocks and components, at this point, we can carve into 
stone that block requirements _must_ go through interfaces, components, 
actually are a completely different beast. A block exposing a PDF 
serializer for "BOOK.DTD" documents might require specifically a 
version of FOP, because its stylesheet works around some bugs into that 
particular implementation...


Re: Java components in blocks

2005-04-16 Thread Daniel Fagerstrom
Torsten Curdt wrote:
Reading these discussions after the fact, having Blocks provide only
sitemap components seems to make a lot of sense

...not to me - sorry. But maybe I just missed something.
Pier is totally right: we have two different concerns.
One is the pipeline services interface and one is the
component interface of a block.
But reducing a block just to it's pipeline services basically
gives us virtual sitemap components on steroids. What about
its dependencies? Well, IIUC one argument in this discussion
was that the dependency will be satisfied through a pipeline
service - not through a component.
Block A:
 provides: a pipeline service to transform xml
 requires: a pipeline service to transform xml with a STX stylesheet
Block B:
 provides: a pipeline service to transform xml with a STX stylesheet
So block B does not provide the component with
hint "stx" but a service that could be anything
doing the job satisfying the dependency. Ok.
Now what about the component dependencies? Let's
say in order to implement the "transform-via-stx"
service block B requires a component of hint "stx".
Since the block B has its own component manager
and the component "stx" being declared in the block's
sitemap all is left is a java class level dependency
to the stx implementation. Now the question is - will
the block B provide the stx jar? Let's say yes for the
So what if the "transform-via-stx" component needs
another component? We could list all the required
component in the components section for that very block.
...but still the classes need to be available!
What if the classes are in a different block?
Essentially this means to me: As long as we don't want
to ship every block with every component it requires
I cannot see how we can get around of having blocks
also expose component services.
The idea is that if you have a component that you want to be able to use 
in several places, you package it in a certain way. Then the improved 
component handling system that Pier feel the itch to build can found its 
jar in some repository somwhere, reolve its dependencies and offer a 
shielded parent classloader with the depndencies you have asked for.

I don't know the exact details about Pier's vison about this, but you 
can take a look at the kernel in whiteboard for part of it and Maven is 
also a part of the equation for downöloading and dependency reolution.

Then the responsibility for blocks is to deliver sitemap functionality 
rather than components. A block declare what components it depend on and 
the component system takes care of that part for it. It will, at least 
in my vision, be possible to put Java code and components within the 
block that only is intended for block internal usage.

   --- o0o ---
So the situation rigth now is that Pier have the itch to start integrate 
improved component handling with classloader shielding ito Cocoon. And I 
have the itch to start building the sitemap part of the original blocks 
proposal (actually I have even started on it although nothing is 
committed yet).

For the time beeing we are going to *assume* that is is separate 
concerns, although the blocks system will use the component system. In 
this way we reduce the complexity to a point where we feel comfortable 
to actually do things, and get experince from that, instead of spending 
a couple of more years on just discussing them.

In a next step, anyone who feel that it is necessary can integrate the 
two parts as it was intended originally. My hope is that we don't feel 
the need, as it IMHO is mixing two different architectural levels and 
it, according my current state of knowledge, means that we are creating 
a complexity nightmare for ourselves.

Also letting the block depend on each other in the way that they can 
export any interface and jar, means that they get a very tight coupling 
and all kinds of version problems. I can't see that it is scaleable to 
the level where different organizations develop blocks independently, 
that users easily can integrate.

   --- o0o ---
But this is just my view, if you feel that it is FUD and that is is much 
easier than I say, it is just to go ahead and propose better ideas and 
maybe even implement them ;)


Re: Java components in blocks

2005-04-16 Thread Torsten Curdt
> Reading these discussions after the fact, having Blocks provide only
> sitemap components seems to make a lot of sense

...not to me - sorry. But maybe I just missed something.

Pier is totally right: we have two different concerns.
One is the pipeline services interface and one is the
component interface of a block.

But reducing a block just to it's pipeline services basically
gives us virtual sitemap components on steroids. What about
its dependencies? Well, IIUC one argument in this discussion
was that the dependency will be satisfied through a pipeline
service - not through a component.

Block A:
 provides: a pipeline service to transform xml
 requires: a pipeline service to transform xml with a STX stylesheet

Block B:
 provides: a pipeline service to transform xml with a STX stylesheet

So block B does not provide the component with
hint "stx" but a service that could be anything
doing the job satisfying the dependency. Ok.

Now what about the component dependencies? Let's
say in order to implement the "transform-via-stx"
service block B requires a component of hint "stx".
Since the block B has its own component manager
and the component "stx" being declared in the block's
sitemap all is left is a java class level dependency
to the stx implementation. Now the question is - will
the block B provide the stx jar? Let's say yes for the

So what if the "transform-via-stx" component needs
another component? We could list all the required
component in the components section for that very block.
...but still the classes need to be available!

What if the classes are in a different block?

Essentially this means to me: As long as we don't want
to ship every block with every component it requires
I cannot see how we can get around of having blocks
also expose component services.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Java components in blocks

2005-04-16 Thread Bertrand Delacretaz
Le 14 avr. 05, à 17:33, Ralph Goers a écrit :
...Frankly, I'd love to see how this will even work.  If someone could 
explain how the cron block can be a block without exposing components 
then maybe I could understand.  I really want to understand how this 
could apply to the portal block, but the cron block is a lot 
Reading these discussions after the fact, having Blocks provide only 
sitemap components seems to make a lot of sense: it looks immediately 
useful, understandable and Cocoon-specific, whereas yet another 
(potentially complicated) general java component mechanism sounds a lot 
like reinventing the wheel  (I'm overly simplifying here).

About cron and similar blocks (JMS, embedded database server, etc.): 
thinking of them as unix "daemons" might help fit them nicely in the 
concept. Conceptually, I think such blocks need an initialization 
mechanism, a reconfiguration interface (Transformer?) and a status 
interface (Generator).

Basing the blocks concept on sitemap components (the grep sed ps ls awk 
sort of Cocoon) and "daemon components" (the cron mysql sendmail of 
Cocoon) might help find the right balance here.


Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Re: Java components in blocks

2005-04-15 Thread Ralph Goers
Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:
I had the same reaction at first, and then it accurred to me that if 
we went down the path of having optional code and optional sitemap in 
blocks, not only people are likely to keep them separate (ending up 
with 'sitemap blocks' and 'code blocks') but that would force us to 
reinvent the maven wheel for code blocks.

I'm not actually 100% of how this separation is going to work in real 
life, but I'm willing to sit back and watch how far along we can go 
while keeping things separate, because making them unified I fear was 
one of the reasons why blocks have been so hard of a problem to attack.

At the end, we might end up understanding that we need to reinvent the 
maven wheel, but I really hope not.

So, I suggest you to follow me in being a little more hopeful about 
it, sit back and watch the show and just trust the community in its 
collective wisdom.
What do you mean by "reinvent the maven wheel"?  If my boss ever lets me 
have some time to work on Cocoon, one of the first things I'd like to do 
is to try to introduce maven into the Cocoon build.  IMO, this has 
needed to happen for quite a while regardless of what happens with 
blocks.  We've been "reinventing" maven for far too long.

I'm not trying to get in the way. It is just that my company will be 
using the Cocoon Portal to manage the layout of all our products.  I 
really like the block concept, but if I can't apply it to the portal I 
just don't see the value of it.  The Portal block is primarily a bunch 
of components - many of which are not sitemap components.  They would 
actually need to be provided, or packaged in, the Portal block, but 
configured by the block that implements the application. In addition, it 
would make sense to have individual portlets packaged in their own 
blocks.  These could be JSR-168 portlets, which can contain JSPs and/or 
Java code, or they could be Cocoon Portlets - which are primarily sitemaps.

In short, "real blocks" could be a huge win for dealing with the Cocoon 
Portal, if they have the needed support.


Re: Java components in blocks

2005-04-15 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
Ralph Goers wrote:
Daniel Fagerstrom wrote:
For the portal block, which I still don't know that much about, I 
would assume that it would become a number of components with some 
kind of dependency description for each and a block with sitemap 
functionality and a list on what components it depend on.

Hopefully Pier can tell more about his ideas about component handling. 
My main interest is the sitemap part of the equation.


Hmmm. If blocks go down the path of only supporting sitemaps then I 
guess I'm not too interested, since none of the stuff I care about fits 
into that.
I had the same reaction at first, and then it accurred to me that if we 
went down the path of having optional code and optional sitemap in 
blocks, not only people are likely to keep them separate (ending up with 
'sitemap blocks' and 'code blocks') but that would force us to reinvent 
the maven wheel for code blocks.

I'm not actually 100% of how this separation is going to work in real 
life, but I'm willing to sit back and watch how far along we can go 
while keeping things separate, because making them unified I fear was 
one of the reasons why blocks have been so hard of a problem to attack.

At the end, we might end up understanding that we need to reinvent the 
maven wheel, but I really hope not.

So, I suggest you to follow me in being a little more hopeful about it, 
sit back and watch the show and just trust the community in its 
collective wisdom.


Re: Java components in blocks

2005-04-15 Thread Ralph Goers
Daniel Fagerstrom wrote:
For the portal block, which I still don't know that much about, I 
would assume that it would become a number of components with some 
kind of dependency description for each and a block with sitemap 
functionality and a list on what components it depend on.

Hopefully Pier can tell more about his ideas about component handling. 
My main interest is the sitemap part of the equation.

Hmmm. If blocks go down the path of only supporting sitemaps then I 
guess I'm not too interested, since none of the stuff I care about fits 
into that.


Re: Java components in blocks

2005-04-15 Thread Daniel Fagerstrom
Pier Fumagalli wrote:
On 14 Apr 2005, at 13:32, Daniel Fagerstrom wrote:

Does anyone have problems if I wipe the current "kernel" in SVN? I 
want to try and synchronize it with the changes I've made locally (and 
try to sort out a few hacks we've had to introduce in our local copy)
No problem for me. Just go ahead :)

In that case I would be interested in geting a short description of 
the involved concepts and how they cooperate. I'm thinking of: Block, 
Contract, Extension, Library, Module and Plugin.
I'm actually thinking about renaming those as I feel that the naming 
convention might be extremely misleading.

I'll try to Wikify some thoughs over the weekend (If I can log-in on 

Re: Java components in blocks

2005-04-15 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
Pier Fumagalli wrote:
On 14 Apr 2005, at 13:32, Daniel Fagerstrom wrote:

After having read your mails I agree that we at least for the time 
being, should consider component management with classloader 
isolation, a separate concern. By _assuming_ independence between 
blocks and component management, anyone who feel the itch can start 
working on class loader isolation right away. Then we can integrate 
the component management stuff in the blocks later if we feel the 
need. And if we don't, we saved ourself from considerable complexity.

I have that itch,

I hoped so :)

Does anyone have problems if I wipe the current "kernel" in SVN? I want 
to try and synchronize it with the changes I've made locally (and try to 
sort out a few hacks we've had to introduce in our local copy)
no problems for me.
and to tell you the truth, the kernel in SVN _already_ does a some 
level of classloader isolation. Thing is, I use it on a daily basis 
for an XML repository we have (in house) at VNU, and the more I use 
it, the more I see the problems of the _current_ approach.

I hit a dead end with the implementation in CVS last week when I 
wanted to upgrade JAXP from 1.2 to 1.3, running on a 1.4 JVM, but 
_not_ using the -Djava.endorsed.dirs JVM flag. I can't tell you the 
issues on trying to isolate the JAXP 1.3 contract and kernel plug-in 
from the underlying JVM, but with a bit of luck, I found what's 
wrong, and we should be up and running with the new kernel (here at 
VNU) in a week-or-so...

Same here, as long as you tell us what you are planning to do, so that 
especially Carsten and Sylvain can say if it works with their plans, 
you have my big +1.

My problem is that I'm not "paid" to work on Cocoon, so I kinda "hide" 
all this work behind changes that are required for our in-house 
XML-repository. And some of the hacks that are in our current code are 
definitely something I don't want to add to the Cocoon SVN.

Is it based on the whiteboard kernel?

Yup... It's basically that, but I've spotted a few problems using it :-(
In that case I would be interested in geting a short description of 
the involved concepts and how they cooperate. I'm thinking of: Block, 
Contract, Extension, Library, Module and Plugin.

I'm actually thinking about renaming those as I feel that the naming 
convention might be extremely misleading.

I'll try to Wikify some thoughs over the weekend (If I can log-in on 
I'm starting to like this separation more and more.

Re: Java components in blocks

2005-04-15 Thread Pier Fumagalli
On 14 Apr 2005, at 13:32, Daniel Fagerstrom wrote:

After having read your mails I agree that we at least for the time 
being, should consider component management with classloader 
isolation, a separate concern. By _assuming_ independence between 
blocks and component management, anyone who feel the itch can start 
working on class loader isolation right away. Then we can integrate 
the component management stuff in the blocks later if we feel the 
need. And if we don't, we saved ourself from considerable 

I have that itch,
I hoped so :)
Does anyone have problems if I wipe the current "kernel" in SVN? I want 
to try and synchronize it with the changes I've made locally (and try 
to sort out a few hacks we've had to introduce in our local copy)

and to tell you the truth, the kernel in SVN _already_ does a some 
level of classloader isolation. Thing is, I use it on a daily basis 
for an XML repository we have (in house) at VNU, and the more I use 
it, the more I see the problems of the _current_ approach.

I hit a dead end with the implementation in CVS last week when I 
wanted to upgrade JAXP from 1.2 to 1.3, running on a 1.4 JVM, but 
_not_ using the -Djava.endorsed.dirs JVM flag. I can't tell you the 
issues on trying to isolate the JAXP 1.3 contract and kernel plug-in 
from the underlying JVM, but with a bit of luck, I found what's 
wrong, and we should be up and running with the new kernel (here at 
VNU) in a week-or-so...
Same here, as long as you tell us what you are planning to do, so that 
especially Carsten and Sylvain can say if it works with their plans, 
you have my big +1.
My problem is that I'm not "paid" to work on Cocoon, so I kinda "hide" 
all this work behind changes that are required for our in-house 
XML-repository. And some of the hacks that are in our current code are 
definitely something I don't want to add to the Cocoon SVN.

Is it based on the whiteboard kernel?
Yup... It's basically that, but I've spotted a few problems using it :-(
In that case I would be interested in geting a short description of 
the involved concepts and how they cooperate. I'm thinking of: Block, 
Contract, Extension, Library, Module and Plugin.
I'm actually thinking about renaming those as I feel that the naming 
convention might be extremely misleading.

I'll try to Wikify some thoughs over the weekend (If I can log-in on 


Re: Java components in blocks

2005-04-15 Thread Daniel Fagerstrom
Ralph Goers wrote:
Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:
Pier Fumagalli wrote:
IMO, we should start simple and add functionality when needed. 
Remove things is much harder. Also even if we chose to go for 
alternative 4. an important message from Pier that we should take 
into account is that component exposure adds complexity. So if we 
go that way, we should have mechanisms that so that we can have 
detailed control over what components and classes a block exposes. 
A block that exposes much will be much more likely to create 
conflicts with other blocks.
Glad that we have agreement on this! :-D
Ok, you changed my mind. Let's keep the concerns separate and see 
what happens.

Frankly, I'd love to see how this will even work.  If someone could 
explain how the cron block can be a block without exposing components 
then maybe I could understand.
The cron block seem to consist of a number of components and no sitemap 
functionality so it would, at least in the first step not be a block at 
all. Pier's idea IIUC is to have a possibly Maven driven automatic 
instalation and dependency resolution of components. A block, which at a 
start is mainly about sitemap functionallity, would declare what 
components it depend on.

A big advantage with this approach is that we can start working on 
better component handling, (class loader isolation, automatic download 
and automatic dependency resolution), independently from the blocks and 
hopefully reuse some proven external technology for components.

At a later stage when we have got some experience from the more advanced 
component handling and the block system we *might* want to integrate 
them according to the original plan. But then we will know much more 
about the concequnces.

  I really want to understand how this could apply to the portal 
block, but the cron block is a lot simpler.
For the portal block, which I still don't know that much about, I would 
assume that it would become a number of components with some kind of 
dependency description for each and a block with sitemap functionality 
and a list on what components it depend on.

Hopefully Pier can tell more about his ideas about component handling. 
My main interest is the sitemap part of the equation.


Re: Java components in blocks

2005-04-14 Thread Ralph Goers
Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:
Pier Fumagalli wrote:
IMO, we should start simple and add functionality when needed. 
Remove things is much harder. Also even if we chose to go for 
alternative 4. an important message from Pier that we should take 
into account is that component exposure adds complexity. So if we go 
that way, we should have mechanisms that so that we can have 
detailed control over what components and classes a block exposes. A 
block that exposes much will be much more likely to create conflicts 
with other blocks.

Glad that we have agreement on this! :-D

Ok, you changed my mind. Let's keep the concerns separate and see what 
Frankly, I'd love to see how this will even work.  If someone could 
explain how the cron block can be a block without exposing components 
then maybe I could understand.  I really want to understand how this 
could apply to the portal block, but the cron block is a lot simpler.


Re: Java components in blocks

2005-04-14 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
Pier Fumagalli wrote:
IMO, we should start simple and add functionality when needed. Remove 
things is much harder. Also even if we chose to go for alternative 4. 
an important message from Pier that we should take into account is 
that component exposure adds complexity. So if we go that way, we 
should have mechanisms that so that we can have detailed control over 
what components and classes a block exposes. A block that exposes much 
will be much more likely to create conflicts with other blocks.

Glad that we have agreement on this! :-D
Ok, you changed my mind. Let's keep the concerns separate and see what 


Re: Java components in blocks

2005-04-14 Thread Daniel Fagerstrom
Pier Fumagalli wrote:
On 14 Apr 2005, at 10:16, Daniel Fagerstrom wrote:
Pier Fumagalli wrote:

As far as I've understood Cocoon blocks (and I might be _ENTIRELY_ 
wrong here) Cocoon blocks do not expose (for example) an XSLT Java 
transformer, but expose a transformer converting a specified format 
into another.
AFAIU, you are entirely wrong ;)

Ha... I read this differently, then... (Subject: Re: Planning Cocoon's 

On 23 Nov 2004, at 19:32, Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:
Are there any reasons not to make Pier's kernel the official base 
of Cocoon 2.3? If not, Pier should have the "permission" to move 
its kernel into an offical 2.3 directory in  our SVN whenever he 
thinks it's time for it. (... I prepare a vote after the discussion)
If the kernel is stable, should it really be 2.3 or can it be 2.2?

my suggestion would be: leave the kernel out and let's keep working 
on allowing us to deploy and ship the blocks in binary format.

classloading isolation will happen later, when the need will be 
impossible for people to avoid ;-)

My mishap? Misinterpretation? Or just one of my usual brainfarts??? :-P
I interpreted it as no classloader isolation rather than total 
classloader isolation. Anyway, lets focus on what we want rather on what 
people possibly thought once. We'll get a current update of peoples 
opinons soon enough ;)

considering what have been discussed before. Neither the less, what 
you propose makes perfect sense to me. My idea was to start 
implementing the pipline part of the blocks management system, as we 
IMO understand enough about it to be able to work on that. Then add 
the possiblity to expose components and take care of class loader 
issues in a later step.

On this you have my +1... Also because, I've been looking at a little 
tool called "Maven" :-P That already tells us the dependancies of one 
particular library against others... By using the (let's assume) 
"httpclient-x.y.z.jar" from Maven, the maven descriptor file _already_ 
tells us this "library" dependancies.

We can wrap the library into a "block" (or proto-component), and use 
the maven descriptor file to calculate dependancies, and use those as 
instructions to build the classloader structure required by (but 
separate from) blocks.
Given that you synchronize it with Reinhard who has worked on a block 
builder, you have my +1.

After having read your mails I agree that we at least for the time 
being, should consider component management with classloader 
isolation, a separate concern. By _assuming_ independence between 
blocks and component management, anyone who feel the itch can start 
working on class loader isolation right away. Then we can integrate 
the component management stuff in the blocks later if we feel the 
need. And if we don't, we saved ourself from considerable complexity.

I have that itch,
I hoped so :)
and to tell you the truth, the kernel in SVN _already_ does a some 
level of classloader isolation. Thing is, I use it on a daily basis 
for an XML repository we have (in house) at VNU, and the more I use 
it, the more I see the problems of the _current_ approach.

I hit a dead end with the implementation in CVS last week when I 
wanted to upgrade JAXP from 1.2 to 1.3, running on a 1.4 JVM, but 
_not_ using the -Djava.endorsed.dirs JVM flag. I can't tell you the 
issues on trying to isolate the JAXP 1.3 contract and kernel plug-in 
from the underlying JVM, but with a bit of luck, I found what's wrong, 
and we should be up and running with the new kernel (here at VNU) in a 
Same here, as long as you tell us what you are planning to do, so that 
especially Carsten and Sylvain can say if it works with their plans, you 
have my big +1.

Is it based on the whiteboard kernel? In that case I would be interested 
in geting a short description of the involved concepts and how they 
cooperate. I'm thinking of: Block, Contract, Extension, Library, Module 
and Plugin.

--- o0o ---
Ok, taking a look at the technical issues. IIUC, the problem that you 
describe does not depend on whether a block contains Java classes or 
libraries or not. The problem appears as soon as a block tries to 
expose a component. Then the user of the component must have get all 
the eposed interfaces from its parent classloader. And when we add 
mutual dependencies between blocks and different versions of the 
interfaces, it start feeling more like headache than fun.

PRECISELY, you got this spot on...
So let's take a look at some different levels of block issolation, 
and their properties (the pipeline is exposed in all cases):

1. No component exposing

The block doesn't expose any components at all, not even VPCs. The 
block can still contain as much own Java code as it want. It gets a 
parent classloader with the core Cocoon functionality and adds it own 
classes in its own classloader. The block must obviously be 
compatible with the Cocoo

Re: Java components in blocks

2005-04-14 Thread Pier Fumagalli
On 14 Apr 2005, at 10:16, Daniel Fagerstrom wrote:
Pier Fumagalli wrote:
On 13 Apr 2005, at 18:08, Vadim Gritsenko wrote:
Pier Fumagalli wrote:
I'm just saying that the concerns are separate: a block provides 
generators, transformers, serializers, ... to other blocks, but 
those are de-coupled from the real java components (if any) doing 
the job.

But *real* blocks, IIUC, *are* the only way to bring new (java) 
components into the system, because Cocoon core lacks all the 
optional components, and, at the minimum, consists only of 
environment, treeprocessor, and block manager.

So in extreme case xslt processor component itself is optional and 
provided by the xslt real block.

I think that we're mixing again the idea behind a Cocoon block and an 
Avalon block.

As far as I've understood Cocoon blocks (and I might be _ENTIRELY_ 
wrong here) Cocoon blocks do not expose (for example) an XSLT Java 
transformer, but expose a transformer converting a specified format 
into another.
AFAIU, you are entirely wrong ;)
Ha... I read this differently, then... (Subject: Re: Planning Cocoon's 

On 23 Nov 2004, at 19:32, Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:
Are there any reasons not to make Pier's kernel the official base of 
Cocoon 2.3? If not, Pier should have the "permission" to move its 
kernel into an offical 2.3 directory in  our SVN whenever he thinks 
it's time for it. (... I prepare a vote after the discussion)
If the kernel is stable, should it really be 2.3 or can it be 2.2?
my suggestion would be: leave the kernel out and let's keep working on 
allowing us to deploy and ship the blocks in binary format.

classloading isolation will happen later, when the need will be 
impossible for people to avoid ;-)
My mishap? Misinterpretation? Or just one of my usual brainfarts??? :-P
considering what have been discussed before. Neither the less, what 
you propose makes perfect sense to me. My idea was to start 
implementing the pipline part of the blocks management system, as we 
IMO understand enough about it to be able to work on that. Then add 
the possiblity to expose components and take care of class loader 
issues in a later step.
On this you have my +1... Also because, I've been looking at a little 
tool called "Maven" :-P That already tells us the dependancies of one 
particular library against others... By using the (let's assume) 
"httpclient-x.y.z.jar" from Maven, the maven descriptor file _already_ 
tells us this "library" dependancies.

We can wrap the library into a "block" (or proto-component), and use 
the maven descriptor file to calculate dependancies, and use those as 
instructions to build the classloader structure required by (but 
separate from) blocks.

After having read your mails I agree that we at least for the time 
being, should consider component management with classloader 
isolation, a separate concern. By _assuming_ independence between 
blocks and component management, anyone who feel the itch can start 
working on class loader isolation right away. Then we can integrate 
the component management stuff in the blocks later if we feel the 
need. And if we don't, we saved ourself from considerable complexity.
I have that itch, and to tell you the truth, the kernel in SVN 
_already_ does a some level of classloader isolation. Thing is, I use 
it on a daily basis for an XML repository we have (in house) at VNU, 
and the more I use it, the more I see the problems of the _current_ 

I hit a dead end with the implementation in CVS last week when I wanted 
to upgrade JAXP from 1.2 to 1.3, running on a 1.4 JVM, but _not_ using 
the -Djava.endorsed.dirs JVM flag. I can't tell you the issues on 
trying to isolate the JAXP 1.3 contract and kernel plug-in from the 
underlying JVM, but with a bit of luck, I found what's wrong, and we 
should be up and running with the new kernel (here at VNU) in a 

--- o0o ---
Ok, taking a look at the technical issues. IIUC, the problem that you 
describe does not depend on whether a block contains Java classes or 
libraries or not. The problem appears as soon as a block tries to 
expose a component. Then the user of the component must have get all 
the eposed interfaces from its parent classloader. And when we add 
mutual dependencies between blocks and different versions of the 
interfaces, it start feeling more like headache than fun.
PRECISELY, you got this spot on...
So let's take a look at some different levels of block issolation, and 
their properties (the pipeline is exposed in all cases):

1. No component exposing

The block doesn't expose any components at all, not even VPCs. The 
block can still contain as much own Java code as it want. It gets a 
parent classloader with the core Cocoon functionality and adds it own 
classes in its own classloader. The block must obviously be compatible 
with the Cocoon core, but there are no version interdependencies on 

Re: Java components in blocks

2005-04-14 Thread Daniel Fagerstrom
Pier Fumagalli wrote:
On 13 Apr 2005, at 18:08, Vadim Gritsenko wrote:
Pier Fumagalli wrote:
I'm just saying that the concerns are separate: a block provides 
generators, transformers, serializers, ... to other blocks, but 
those are de-coupled from the real java components (if any) doing 
the job.

But *real* blocks, IIUC, *are* the only way to bring new (java) 
components into the system, because Cocoon core lacks all the 
optional components, and, at the minimum, consists only of 
environment, treeprocessor, and block manager.

So in extreme case xslt processor component itself is optional and 
provided by the xslt real block.

I think that we're mixing again the idea behind a Cocoon block and an 
Avalon block.

As far as I've understood Cocoon blocks (and I might be _ENTIRELY_ 
wrong here) Cocoon blocks do not expose (for example) an XSLT Java 
transformer, but expose a transformer converting a specified format 
into another.
AFAIU, you are entirely wrong ;) considering what have been discussed 
before. Neither the less, what you propose makes perfect sense to me. My 
idea was to start implementing the pipline part of the blocks management 
system, as we IMO understand enough about it to be able to work on that. 
Then add the possiblity to expose components and take care of class 
loader issues in a later step.

After having read your mails I agree that we at least for the time 
being, should consider component management with classloader isolation, 
a separate concern. By _assuming_ independence between blocks and 
component management, anyone who feel the itch can start working on 
class loader isolation right away. Then we can integrate the component 
management stuff in the blocks later if we feel the need. And if we 
don't, we saved ourself from considerable complexity.

--- o0o ---
Ok, taking a look at the technical issues. IIUC, the problem that you 
describe does not depend on whether a block contains Java classes or 
libraries or not. The problem appears as soon as a block tries to expose 
a component. Then the user of the component must have get all the eposed 
interfaces from its parent classloader. And when we add mutual 
dependencies between blocks and different versions of the interfaces, it 
start feeling more like headache than fun.

So let's take a look at some different levels of block issolation, and 
their properties (the pipeline is exposed in all cases):

1. No component exposing

The block doesn't expose any components at all, not even VPCs. The block 
can still contain as much own Java code as it want. It gets a parent 
classloader with the core Cocoon functionality and adds it own classes 
in its own classloader. The block must obviously be compatible with the 
Cocoon core, but there are no version interdependencies on the Java 
level between blocks.

It can even expose its classloader to extending blocks without problems. 
The extending block must of course be compatible at the Java level with 
the extended one, but still no circular dependencies.

We can package the VPCs as (block) web services (ws) instead with:
VPCReader  - Stream -> Stream ws
VPCGenerator   - Stream -> XML (SAX) ws
VPCTransformer - XML -> XML ws
VPCSerializer  - XML -> Stream ws
by making the block protocol competent enough and introducing pipeline 
components that talk with the corresponding ws, we get something that 
works like and is as efficient as VPCs.

2. Exposing VPCs only
Like the previous alternative but exposing VPCs. If we go for this, 
Sylvain's proposal about separating VPCs from other componsnts in the 
sitemap is preferable IMO.

3. Exposing "sitemap components" only
In this alternative a block can expose components with interfaces that 
allready are defined in Cocoon core, or possibly a well defined subset 
of it. As all blocks gets a common parent classloader that contains 
these interfaces, we still don't get the "mutual dependency of forign 
blocks" nightmare.

4. Expose what you choose to

This is, AFAIU, the original block idea. It requires classloader 
isolation and dependency resolution to work.

5. Expose your classes to everyone
This is what we do today. All classes/jars from blocks are loaded into a 
common classloader that is available for everyone. We can combine the 
idea of having a block aware component manager with a common classloader.

--- o0o ---
I think we can rule out alternative 5. at once. Its hard enough to get 
it to work today when we as a community control all the blocks. It was 
no accident that we choosed to move all libraries to lib/optional. There 
is no chance that this will scale, when external organizations start to 
create blocks.

Alternative 4. would maybe be nice, but as Pier I start to doubt that 

Re: Java components in blocks

2005-04-13 Thread Pier Fumagalli
On 13 Apr 2005, at 18:08, Vadim Gritsenko wrote:
Pier Fumagalli wrote:
I'm just saying that the concerns are separate: a block provides 
generators, transformers, serializers, ... to other blocks, but those 
are de-coupled from the real java components (if any) doing the job.
But *real* blocks, IIUC, *are* the only way to bring new (java) 
components into the system, because Cocoon core lacks all the optional 
components, and, at the minimum, consists only of environment, 
treeprocessor, and block manager.

So in extreme case xslt processor component itself is optional and 
provided by the xslt real block.
I think that we're mixing again the idea behind a Cocoon block and an 
Avalon block.

As far as I've understood Cocoon blocks (and I might be _ENTIRELY_ 
wrong here) Cocoon blocks do not expose (for example) an XSLT Java 
transformer, but expose a transformer converting a specified format 
into another.

Again, an example using Forrest.
The forrest block (ForrestBlock) requires two different blocks 
implementing the following interfaces:
- ForrestRepository: a block exposing a generator that given a uri path 
(/2.1/whatsnew) generate an XML document in the  format
- ForrestSkin: a block exposing a serializer converting a document in 
the above mentioned format into something usable by a browser and 
exposing a mountable pipeline containing the resources (images, css, 
javascripts, ...) that the client will see...

The ForrestBlock might have a sitemap which might look something like 








Now, the "repository" implementation block might expose a virtual 
generator like this:




but another implementation might specify the following:




In the same way, the "skin" implementation block







but again, another implementation might do different:





  width="20" height="20" scale="yes"/>


So far, easily enough, we can see how the "ForrestBlock" interacts with 
the block interfaces it requires, and how those can be composed 
differently. Easy enough, so in the sitemap we want to use from cocoon:






Now, without considering the real java component which are doing the 
job (XSLT transformer, IMAGE reader, STX transformer, ...) the block 
implementation can be entirely developed using the technology (Avalon's 
ECM/Carsten's ECM+++) without caring too much about Java components 

You can simply deploy several versions of the same interface block in 
the same container, and given that we're taking the problem of loading 
classes out of the picture, blocks can work as they're supposed to be 
without thinking much about the crummy Java machinery behind them.

Also, think about one thing: is a transformer exposed by a cocoon block 
a specific XSL or STX or (you name it) transformer, or is it a 
pseudo-component which per se knows how to translate the input to its 

The java component "XSLT transformer" doesn't do anything "by itself", 
it becomes a "Cocoon transformer" (it transforms a specified document 
into another) only when the java XSLT component is associated with the 

But the same "Cocoon transformer" can be created by associating the STX 
"java component" with an equivalent STX stylesheet.

Now, there is also another concern that falls into this ballpark.
In my view, I think that our "ForrestBlock" block will only be allowed 
declare its requirements through interface blocks. This means that for 
a block to work properly, its requirements must be abstracted entirely 
from the specific implementations.

But a block implementation MIGHT (in my view) require a 
_very_specific_java_component_ to fulfill the contract it implements. 
For example, in the case of the "ForrestRepository" interface 
implementation, the generator exposed is abstracted entirely, but to 
implement this component I can require a SQLGenerator (Java component), 
a FileGenerator (Java component), a JcrGenerator (Java component), and 
so on and so forth.

So, in my view, either we define an interface cocoon block for each 
possible component (95% of those will only have ONE implementation), or 
we allow blocks to require specific JAva components to do their jobs, 
without relying on interfaces.

So, at the end of the day, the java componentization of how a generic 
generator (for example) exposed by a block is a completely separate, 
different, concern from the one implied in the blocks: I want a 
generator that given a URI produces a document of "book" doctype.

My 0.02 £

Re: Java components in blocks

2005-04-13 Thread Vadim Gritsenko
Pier Fumagalli wrote:
just saying that the concerns are separate: a block provides generators, 
transformers, serializers, ... to other blocks, but those are de-coupled 
from the real java components (if any) doing the job.
But *real* blocks, IIUC, *are* the only way to bring new (java) components into 
the system, because Cocoon core lacks all the optional components, and, at the 
minimum, consists only of environment, treeprocessor, and block manager.

So in extreme case xslt processor component itself is optional and provided by 
the xslt real block.


Re: Java components in blocks

2005-04-13 Thread Pier Fumagalli
On 13 Apr 2005, at 12:40, Reinhard Poetz wrote:
Pier Fumagalli wrote:
Ok, here is where I don't agree...
By adding to blocks the capability of "bringing components" with 
them, we enter a quite big minefield, imposed by the restrictions of 
the Java VM. The complexity escalates at this point as now blocks 
must be aware of their class-loading mechanism, and the component 
manager must be aware of blocks and interfaces.
For example, classes and libraries included in an interface block 
must be loaded by the parent ClassLoader of the blocks using 
(implementing, extending, requiring) them to avoid 
So, alongside blocks and their deployment graph (block A extends B, 
implements C, ... blabla ...) we need to start keep tracking also the 
classes included in those blocks, and create a completely different 
tree based on the class loading structure that those represent.
And then you get into the minefield of versioning... If it's easy to 
determine that two versions of the same block can co-exist (by using 
two separate class loaders children of the same parent) without 
creating too many problems, what happens in the case of two 
interfaces with different versions? The class loading tree should (at 
this point) become very fine-grained and start building multiple 
class-loaders for multiple versions of the same interface, and then 
build as children of those class loaders for the individual blocks 
"using" them, ...
Hmmm, are we really the first project tackling this? How did Eclipse 
solved this?
I'm not saying that we are the first, nor that it can't be solved. I'm 
just saying that the concerns are separate: a block provides 
generators, transformers, serializers, ... to other blocks, but those 
are de-coupled from the real java components (if any) doing the job.

For example, a "mailprovider" implementation used for the block 
"sendmail" will have to provide a generator that accepts URI like 
"imap://user:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/folder/id", and generates a MimeDocument 
XML stream.

It doesn't matter to the block what components will be used to generate 
the XML, I can use a single component to do this job, or I can use a 
virtual component calling god knows what generator and a number of 
different transformers to achieve the same output, it doesn't matter to 
the block using the interface implementation.

And it shouldn't matter to the block deployment frameworks whether 
those components are written in Java or JavaScript or whatever... And 
neither it should matter what kind of Java ClassLoading components do 
require to be available to blocks, right?


Java components in blocks

2005-04-13 Thread Reinhard Poetz
Pier Fumagalli wrote:
Ok, here is where I don't agree...
By adding to blocks the capability of "bringing components" with them, 
we enter a quite big minefield, imposed by the restrictions of the Java 
VM. The complexity escalates at this point as now blocks must be aware 
of their class-loading mechanism, and the component manager must be 
aware of blocks and interfaces.

For example, classes and libraries included in an interface block must 
be loaded by the parent ClassLoader of the blocks using (implementing, 
extending, requiring) them to avoid ClassCastException(s).

So, alongside blocks and their deployment graph (block A extends B, 
implements C, ... blabla ...) we need to start keep tracking also the 
classes included in those blocks, and create a completely different tree 
based on the class loading structure that those represent.

And then you get into the minefield of versioning... If it's easy to 
determine that two versions of the same block can co-exist (by using two 
separate class loaders children of the same parent) without creating too 
many problems, what happens in the case of two interfaces with different 
versions? The class loading tree should (at this point) become very 
fine-grained and start building multiple class-loaders for multiple 
versions of the same interface, and then build as children of those 
class loaders for the individual blocks "using" them, ...
Hmmm, are we really the first project tackling this? How did Eclipse solved 
Reinhard Pötz   Independent Consultant, Trainer & (IT)-Coach 

{Software Engineering, Open Source, Web Applications, Apache Cocoon}