Re: Heads-up: Traffic Server summit in October 2013

2013-10-30 Thread janI
On 30 October 2013 08:31, Ross Gardler wrote:

 Thank you so much for taking the time to hit down your thoughts for the
 event in a box. We'll include this in the project and hopefully have
 something concrete to help with some of the items.

 I do have a question for you. If the ASF provided the necessary
 equipment and accounts for you to record and stream the event do you
 have any idea how many more people would have benefited from your event?

If I may input a side note, even though the question was not directed

I, like many others, cannot afford to participate in many (or any)
conferences. Having a stream available afterwards, enables me to virtually
participate. The stream(s) need only be the important parts, like key
speech, panel discussion, important technical presentations.

Also slowly building a video catalog of important conferences/speeches
would help promote ASF, and serve as a knowledge base.

just my opinion.
jan I.


 Sent from my Windows Phone From: Leif Hedstrom
 Sent: 10/29/2013 13:38
 Subject: Re: Heads-up: Traffic Server summit in October 2013
 On Sep 20, 2013, at 8:41 PM, Leif Hedstrom wrote:

  In terms of how event in a box would have helped you, if you have any
  specific observations we would love to here them. We can't promise to
  provide everything, but we'll do our best.
  Yep, let me collect that and reply in a few days or so.

 Alright, so we completed our Summit. Overall, it was pretty successful
 I think, about 40 people attended at least one of the 2 days. Below
 are some of the thoughts I collected while organizing this.


 — Leif

 The below is also shared via this Evernote link:

 • One of the most frustrating things to deal with is getting
 appropriate A/V equipment (and software / accounts / services) to be
 able to allow for remote participation. Some ideas could be to provide
 • Actual hardware such as cameras, high end microphones
 microphones would be good), or going hog wild, advanced TP devices.
 • Software as appropriate for helping with this (streaming
 / group chats etc.)
 • Perhaps get account(s) with service providers such as
 event streaming (closed beta I think?), WebEx, Cisco/Tandberg TP or

 • A check list for all things that *must* be done per ASF
 requirements (e.g. trademarks).
 • Check list for other things that the organizer should be aware
 of. Examples:
 • Session schedules
 • Session Chairs
 • Where to post these schedules
 • How to get the word out in general. PR / Press help.
 • Tools / sites to help with registrations, schedules, calendar,
 such planning

 • How (if any) help can people get from Travel budget. How would an
 organizer look into this ?
 • Sponsoring in general. This is a big void for me personally,
 lucky to have PMC members who can get lunches and locations for our
 meetings :).

Re: Event-in-a-Box

2013-10-30 Thread janI
On 30 October 2013 22:27, Isabel Drost-Fromm wrote:

 On Wednesday, October 30, 2013 09:02:36 PM Isabel Drost-Fromm wrote:
  2) This may sound like a wildly crazy idea but looking over the mid-sized
  box - if we add a few flyers to that and (in case we want to) Apache
  to sell to happy users to me this looks like a pretty good model for a
  booth in a box. The information this estimate is based on: and

 I forgot one important source:

I never stop being amazed which goodies are hidden in our wiki, thx for the

One thing I miss in what I have read so far, is a bit of a timeline.

How long time before an event:
- should a box be reserved
- will the box arrive (be shipped)

How soon after the even:
- should be box be returned
- or sent on to next event.

I am sorry if I overlooked the information.

jan I.


Re: FW: Are you interested in proposing an OSU Senior Design Project?

2013-09-01 Thread janI
On 1 September 2013 05:30, Steven J. Hathaway wrote:

 For ASF associates that wish to contribute time and ideas for student
 senior projects, here is an opportunity hosted by Oregon State University
 in Corvallis, Oregon.

 I have already volunteered a project and will be a mentor if it is

Thx for the hint, I have added a project on behalf of AOO, which I would
like to mentor if accepted.

jan I.

 The students and professors are very anxious to support the open source
 development community.  A major hosting of Apache infrastructure is
 done at their Open System Labs ( on the Oregon State University

 Steven J. Hathaway

 From: mike bailey []
 Sent: Wednesday, August 07, 2013 2:37 PM
 Subject: Are you interested in proposing an OSU Senior Design Project?

 Colleagues --

 Have you always wanted a particular software tool developed for your use,
 but have never had the time to do it yourself?  Well then, read on.
 Have I got a deal for you!

 My name is Mike Bailey.  I am the professor who runs the OSU Computer
 Science Senior Capstone class.  The Capstone class is a 3-quarter
 (Fall, Winter, Spring) career preparation experience.
 The major piece of this is doing a significant 2-4 member team project.

 When the students come to the first class on September 23, I want to
 present them with a list of exciting, creative, and real-experience
 software engineering project possibilities.  This is where you come in.
 I am looking for you to use your needs and experience to propose those
 project possibilities.

 A web site has been setup to give you more information, and let you
 enter and edit your project proposals:**capstone/proposeproject2013.**html

 You have until September 23 to get yours in.  That is the date the
 students will see them, and will start the selection process.
 In that process, I ask the students to bid on their top 5 choices.
 I ultimately make the final project assignments, but I try to take
 their preferences into account.  I find I get better results that way.

 There will likely be more projects proposed than students teams to do them.
 *So, really sell your project.*  Definitely don't understate its cool-ness
 Give me a call or send me an email if you want to discuss cool-ness.

 After projects have been selected, we follow a client-contractor model in
 which I run the software contract company and you are one of our valued
 The students report to me, but you, as client, work directly with them to
 design the requirements, set the timeline, and approve the progress.  You
 get to assign 20% of their grades.

 Any project can be proposed from anybody.  I don't care where you are
 from, just
 that your project represents an excellent software engineering learning
 for the students.

 Do remember, however, that these are seniors. They have taken the core
 classes so
 far, but most have not taken some of the electives that would really help
 in some projects,
 such as graphics, AI, computer vision, etc.  They can learn some of those
 on the fly, but that takes some time away from the project development.
 Keep that in mind when proposing.

 If you have questions or want to discuss project possibilities, feel
 free to contact me at:

 Mike Bailey
 Professor, Computer Science
 Oregon State University
 2117 Kelley Engineering Center

 Thanks for your time -- I look forward to working with you!

 -- Mike Bailey

 Mike Bailey, PhD
 Professor, Computer Science
 3D Graphics, Scientific Visualization, GPU Computing
 Oregon State University
 2117 Kelley Engineering Center
 Corvallis, OR  97331-5501
 541-737-2542FAX: 541-737-1300

imprtant notice to all forum users.

2013-08-12 Thread janI
friday august 16 from approx. utc 17:00 and until sunday night, all forums
will be down for maintenance.

During thst time the forums might be sporadically available, but in general
there will be no response from the server.

For the main bulk of the maintenance it is not possible to show a forum
down message, but if I get a file with html, I will gladly activate that
for the periods where httpd runs.

This is the first big step in a longer maintenance plan, the following
requires only downtime og 2-3 minutes.

jan i

ps. please spread the word on your forum.

Re: imprtant notice to all forum users.

2013-08-12 Thread janI
sorry wrong mail addr.

it is solely the apache open office forums.

jan i
 On Aug 12, 2013 3:02 PM, janI wrote:

 friday august 16 from approx. utc 17:00 and until sunday night, all forums
 will be down for maintenance.

 During thst time the forums might be sporadically available, but in
 general there will be no response from the server.

 For the main bulk of the maintenance it is not possible to show a forum
 down message, but if I get a file with html, I will gladly activate that
 for the periods where httpd runs.

 This is the first big step in a longer maintenance plan, the following
 requires only downtime og 2-3 minutes.

 jan i

 ps. please spread the word on your forum.

Re: Apache Ambassadors

2013-07-01 Thread janI
On 1 July 2013 18:34, Rich Bowen wrote:

 On 06/25/2013 08:42 AM, Rich Bowen wrote:

 I'd like to do some things to make it easier for our members and
 committers to be ambassadors for Apache, and I'd like to propose a concrete
 step, inspired by Roy, from a thread on another list.

 (Eventually it might be fun to have an official Apache Ambassadors
 program, which, like the other AA, is a 12 step program. However, I've only
 figured out steps one and two: 1) Be Shane (which he's already doing), and
 2) Be like Shane (which encompasses many of the other steps.) )

 Anyways, here's the concrete suggestion:

 Design and print t-shirts for our committers that plan to attend any
 event, containing a word cloud or artistic rendering of project names
 within the outline of a huge feather and underlined with a specific message
 that we want to convey ... like I volunteer at Apache / ask me how.

 How's this for a start:**html

+1 I like it. I would think a more rounded figure in both ends might be
more balanced.

jan I.

 Rich Bowen

Re: ApacheCon 1998 and feathers

2013-06-24 Thread janI
On 24 June 2013 18:10, Rich Bowen wrote:

 Does anyone remember the full history around the large foam feather that
 was present at ApacheCon 1998? Specifically, who made it?**apache-feather

 No I dont, but please once you find out, make a blog post and lets all
remember this part of history.

jan I.

 Rich Bowen

Re: ?

2013-05-07 Thread janI
On 7 May 2013 20:03, Ulrich Stärk wrote:

 We already have a listing at [1]. It's hidden behind 2 clicks from the
 main site. We could use that
 as a starting point.



 On 07.05.2013 18:22, Noah Slater wrote:
  A note to committers@ might be a good first start. But, in general, I
  really think we need to do a better job of communicating the existing
  mailing lists we have. Perhaps a page on the main site, or on the
  site, would be a good start.
  On 7 May 2013 16:58, Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:
  On Tue, May 7, 2013 at 5:53 PM, Rich Bowen wrote:
  ...the problem with Yet Another Mailing List, which is that we don't
  know about the ones that we
  already have, and so how will people know about this one. Hmm.
  We'll tweet about it! Tell the world! Write fantastic things on it so
  that people link to it! Marketing!
  Seriously...that's a problem, but it's easier to be aware of one
  general list than tons of specialized ones.

+1 I might see the list a bit different, but never the less, I see it as an
opportunity to have committers get aquinted across projects.

I f.x. am a C++ programmer (main focus protocols, low layer stuff), heavy
project leader experience, and today PMC in openoffice...I  look for a
project that could use my experience. Such a list would be a general place
to talk about that.

Jan I.

Re: increasing GSoC visibility within the ASF

2013-04-10 Thread janI
On Apr 10, 2013 7:27 PM, Ulrich Stärk wrote:


 I perceive a low interest of our projects in GSoC. The list of projects
that submitted project ideas
 that I compiled for Sally contained 33 entries of which some are
subprojects I believe. With 138
 PMCs plus 35 podlings, this is less than one fifth of our projects.

 We only had 34 ideas one week before our application was due.

 I run into committers that are not members of their projects PMCs who are
eager to be mentors but
 have no clue about what's going on because nobody from the PMC forwarded
my emails to their dev lists.

 So the problem seems twofold: no interest and not reaching the right
people. The latter could be
 improved by simply sending to committers@ instead of pmcs@ but it's the
first that worries me.

 I believe GSoC and every other opportunity to attract new contributors to
our projects should be a
 key priority of our PMCs. Apparently it's not, for whatever reasons. I
could think of missing
 cycles, indifference, and wrong priorities.

 So what could we do to increase awareness for the opportunities GSoC
offers and that this program is
 important to the foundation? Write more emails? Ask the board to mandate
a section in board reports
 detailing the project's GSoC endeavors? Any ideas?

one suggestion would be to make an apache page,  that in short tell
1) what should a proposal contain
2) what is required with asf to be mentor (on a asf project)
3) a short part about asf and our cooperation with google
4) How to proceed.

I know you and others have e-mailed all that information, and quite a lot
more. A page (which are referenced in the e-mail) would make it easy for
someone like me, to get the information I need fast, and if I feel it, I
can always find more details.

Thx for doing a great job, and yes there could have been more
projectsbut take it positively, we have some projects.

jan I.


Re: Development.rdf and ApacheSpeakers.rdf

2012-12-30 Thread janI
Thanks I am on the maps now.

have a nice new years eve.
Jan I.

On 30 December 2012 09:19, Nick Burch wrote:

 On 29/12/12 16:14, janI wrote:

 I have added myself to development,rdf and apachespeakers.rdf and
 the change.

 However even now after a couple of days I do not show up on either map
 (mentor/speaker), can someone give me a hint what I do wrong.

 It looks like something changed on the zone back in October, which made
 the solaris cron more picky, and broke the daily svn up of the xml files.
 I've tracked down the required fix and implemented it, seems to be working
 again now, so hopefully you now show up!


Development.rdf and ApacheSpeakers.rdf

2012-12-29 Thread janI

I have added myself to development,rdf and apachespeakers.rdf and committed
the change.

I have controlled in svn that my change is active (jani). I show up on the
committers map, so the foap file should be ok.

However even now after a couple of days I do not show up on either map
(mentor/speaker), can someone give me a hint what I do wrong.

thx in advance.
jan I.