RE: SharedLibrary not works with SDK 4.11

2013-12-04 Thread David Coleman

First I made a simple application which you can see at:

First, I tested WITHOUT referencing the module, just compiling with an 
application and a module, but not actually referencing the module in the 
application.  I ran a grid of the main app and one of the modules, using both 
static link/RSLs and optimized/normal module compilation.  here are the VERY 
interesting results (with debug compilation):

(lobby == main app)
//-- with RSLs -
//  optimized
// inbox 378,681  bytes
// lobby 1,259,400  bytes
//  normal
// inbox 390,652  bytes
// lobby 1,259,402  bytes
//- static link 
//  optimized
// inbox 374,383  bytes
// lobby 2,745,913  bytes
//  normal
// inbox 1,136,169  bytes
// lobby 2,746,063  bytes

Optimized compilation of a module created a SMALLER main file and SMALLER 
module file with both RSLs and static linking - not a great surprise, since we 
all know that in theory optimization should do just that.

However what REALLY surprised me and I suspect will surprise others, is this: 
using static linkage, my optimized module was SMALLER than with RSLs.

So on the surface it really appears that Alex is right.  Static is the way to 


then i made a reference to the module in the main application, as you can see 
in the git repo.

   protected var module:AnOptimizedModule;  
  protected function 
onCreationComplete(event:FlexEvent):void {  
  }I did nothing with the module, i just referenced it:

here are the results:
//-- with RSLs -
//  optimized
// module : 73,116  bytes
// app: 7,411,954  bytes
//  normal
// module : 7,407,431  bytes
// app: 7,411,955  bytes
//- static link 
//  optimized
// module : 67,875  bytes
// app: 7,906,020  bytes
//  normal
// module : 7,825,665  bytes
// app: 7,906,020  bytes

as you can see, the compiler is clearly smart enough to move the big embedded 
image OUT of the module and include it in the main app, but it is not capable 
of the reverse which is to exclude it from the main app, depending on its 
presence in the module.

I know that this can be worked around with Interfaces, and tbh, that's what 
i've done.  but it's a workaround.  the compiler should be smart enough to 
leave [embed]'s in the module and not include them in the main app.  It's smart 
enough to move them OUT when you optimize the module.  Why can't it leave them 
IN instead, which would be the more logical behavior?  After all that is why a 
developer would most likely create a module in the first place.  And since a 
module will never be instantiated w/o loading the corresponding SWF file, what 
point could there possibly be for including the binary part of the class 
definition in the main app when it references it?  If it were a STATIC member 
of the module class then i would understand it.  but it is a public instance 
property...  Something here smells fishy to me.

At the end of the day I'm still convinced that the compiler should behave 
differently, but I see that Alex is quite right about static linking.  This is 
very encouraging!!!  Hopefully sometime next year we can add a facebook game to 
the list of applications that use Apache Flex!  (don't expect it soon, I'm up 
to my nose in a bazillion things, but this is definitely on my 
really-cool-thing-i-wanna-do list).  :)

 Date: Tue, 3 Dec 2013 20:12:32 -0800
 Subject: Re: SharedLibrary not works with SDK 4.11
 Wow.  I don't think it is supposed to do that.  Please create a simple
 test case and create a JIRA issue.
 On 12/3/13 5:53 PM, David Coleman wrote:
 For instance i have an app in flash builder with a boat load of modules
 I set one of these modules to be optimized for MyApp.mxml
 the embedded images in MyOptimizedModule end up in MyApp.mxml.
 The good thing is that MyApp and MyOptimizedModule can now be statically
 linked w/o doubling its size.  the bad thing is that now I have defeated
 the purpose of putting my assets in the module.
 can I optimize a module for MyApp without all of its embedded assets
 ending up in the optimization target?
 It is my understanding that optimizing a module for a specific
 application ends up removing all embedded assets from the module and
 storing them in the application.
 If you want i can reproduce this in a few example projects and post it up
 on my git.
  Date: Tue, 3 Dec 2013 17:19:06 -0800
  Subject: Re: SharedLibrary not works

Re: SharedLibrary not works with SDK 4.11

2013-12-04 Thread Alex Harui
 when you optimize the module.
Why can't it leave them IN instead, which would be the more logical
behavior?  After all that is why a developer would most likely create a
module in the first place.  And since a module will never be instantiated
w/o loading the corresponding SWF file, what point could there possibly
be for including the binary part of the class definition in the main app
when it references it?  If it were a STATIC member of the module class
then i would understand it.  but it is a public instance property...
Something here smells fishy to me.

At the end of the day I'm still convinced that the compiler should behave
differently, but I see that Alex is quite right about static linking.
This is very encouraging!!!  Hopefully sometime next year we can add a
facebook game to the list of applications that use Apache Flex!  (don't
expect it soon, I'm up to my nose in a bazillion things, but this is
definitely on my really-cool-thing-i-wanna-do list).  :)

 Date: Tue, 3 Dec 2013 20:12:32 -0800
 Subject: Re: SharedLibrary not works with SDK 4.11

 Wow.  I don't think it is supposed to do that.  Please create a simple
 test case and create a JIRA issue.


 On 12/3/13 5:53 PM, David Coleman

 For instance i have an app in flash builder with a boat load of modules
 I set one of these modules to be optimized for MyApp.mxml
 the embedded images in MyOptimizedModule end up in MyApp.mxml.
 The good thing is that MyApp and MyOptimizedModule can now be
 linked w/o doubling its size.  the bad thing is that now I have
 the purpose of putting my assets in the module.
 can I optimize a module for MyApp without all of its embedded assets
 ending up in the optimization target?
 It is my understanding that optimizing a module for a specific
 application ends up removing all embedded assets from the module and
 storing them in the application.
 If you want i can reproduce this in a few example projects and post it
 on my git.
  Date: Tue, 3 Dec 2013 17:19:06 -0800
  Subject: Re: SharedLibrary not works with SDK 4.11
  I don't understand the part about embedded assets.  Can you provide
  details?  The -externs option should let you keep any class out of
  You can create a shared code module or pack other classes needed by
  modules onto extra frames of the main SWF.
  On 12/3/13 4:05 PM, David Coleman
  I do agree with your numbers, (how could I not - they are spot on).
  primary issue is that WE host the rsl or the static link difference.
  the static link difference affects the size of our modules too.  So
  100% more for modules, and since we have 7.8 MB of modules (18
  popups each with animations/hd graphics etc), then we are talking
  static linking costing a lot more.
  If i can customize an RSL to service all 18 modules and the main app
  only have to distribute one file, that is even better for a new user
  the Adobe RSL's... ok we have to pay for the CDN costs... but it's
  than an extra 7.8 MB of static links for all our modules.
  Harbs pointed out the exact reason RSL is so critical to our use
  Modules are doubled.
  Now, if the modules could only statically link what is lacking in
  static links of the main application, with out optimizing them and
  pushing all the embedded assets to the main application... kinda
like a
  half-optimized module, then static link could really work for us.
  as long as an optimized module will push all the assets into the
  app, i can't optimize them to share the static links.  so they need
  own static links...
  Maybe this is something that can work!
  how can i optimize a module to share the static links of the main
  without pushing all the embedded assets in the module to the main
  does mxmlc include a metatag to exclude a class (embedded asset)
  module optimization?  so it would stay in the module while i
  for the main app, and then only have to statically link the few bits
  pieces that are lacking in each.
   Date: Tue, 3 Dec 2013 15:51:44 -0800
   Subject: Re: SharedLibrary not works with SDK 4.11
   OK, so let me make sure I understand:
   For first time users, they have to download 3MB of Assets and the
   and hopefully not the 1.4MB's of framework RSLs.
   For returning users, 3MB Assets and 600K SWF is hopefully in the
   If you switch to Apache Flex:
   First-time users will have to download either
   1) 3MB of Assets, 600K of SWF and 1.4MB of RSLs from your CDN.
   2) 3MB of Assets and 1.2MB of SWF if you statically link.
   So, Apache Flex statically linked is another 600K and represents

RE: SharedLibrary not works with SDK 4.11

2013-12-03 Thread David Coleman

the main file (for the upcoming version) is 566k, currently it is 
slightly over 600K, the assets are ~3 mb and i have implemented most 
popups as external modules, to ensure that they load from cdn only one 
time per session.

The main application is a spark application.  I use only simple objects,
 Group, List etc...  nothing uber fancy.  Most of the heavy lifting is 
done with AS3 for speed.

We have a very large number of users.  I can't statically link the libs 
because ppl expect the blinding fast load that I have achieved.  566K 
loads in the blink of an eye on even mediocre systems/connections.

Personally I would prefer to statically link the framework because RSL's
 are yet another hit the browser has to make, but we need the users to 
get into the game and play as fast as possible.  I have maintained the 
fastest load in our category on facebook for
nearly a year now.  :)  I intend/need to keep it that way.

so your short answer is a very big, yet very, very SMALL and optimized 
facebook app  which is exactly why i have to use them :)

Any way around this limitation would open the door for me to promote and
 fast-track the adoption of Apache Flex.  I need small and I need fast. 
 The rest is academic.  Once I have the tools, I'll make it happen, and 
we will migrate to Apache Flex.  Our target
Flash Player version is 10.3 for maximum penetration.

If there is any glimmer of hope to accomplish this...  tell me, and let me know 
how I can help.

 Date: Mon, 2 Dec 2013 11:22:26 -0800
 Subject: Re: SharedLibrary not works with SDK 4.11
 On 12/2/13 10:13 AM, David Coleman wrote:
 Having not tried this solution myself, this is pure speculation... but
 couldn't local storage store this?  set domain to be * and retrieve it
 from the public svn repo.  if not present the RSL manager can load it up
 and in this way we can sign it with our own Cert and validate that cert
 independent of Adobe?  Would this be workable?
 I think you'd hit local storage limits.
 RSL's are the only reason that I hesitate to migrate our Facebook app to
 apache.  it will kill our CDN.
 Just curious: Have you actually measured the difference without RSLs?  How
 big a Facebook app is this?

RE: SharedLibrary not works with SDK 4.11

2013-12-03 Thread David Coleman
that's 566k of code... the code is mostly the networking layer, and facebook 
interface controllers.

The 3 mb of assets load with the preloader and are broken into 2 modules so we 
can push art changes w/o pushing a whole new client.

The preloader is 33% of the main loading screen - what happens is you don't see
 the transition between preloader and application because I designed it 
that way, so it looks like a single process.  Basically I am already late 
loading the assets, but it is a requirement that the app be ready for 
interaction the moment the startup is done.

unfortunately, most of the assets are required.  for instance at least 1.5 to 2 
mb is consumed by the game icons which the user must see instantly, and the 
game order is dynamic so we can't separate them into multiple pages to lower 
the load.  Some minor optimizations can be made, and believe me, every few 
weeks I'm shaving a few K here or there.  But not enough to add hundreds of K 
in statically linked libs.

when i build (in debug) with static linking the size is 2,749,998  bytes vs 
1,262,589  bytes

in release there is a similar proportion:
1,225,769  bytes vs 609,402  bytes.  (with Ant builds these numbers are 
slightly smaller, which is where i get the 566K for our upcoming release).

basically the main file contains all the networking etc...  this is because the 
game must be instant-on users often claim gifts and enter the game in a flow 
which leads them directly to a popup or a slot, which means that the moment 
load is done, the app must be in gear ready to go.

is it possible to combine the framework rsls into a single file, and load it 
instead of the standard framework rsl's? So instead of loading 5 different 
rsls, I load a single optimized file that has only the classes needed for the 
app and its modules?

The standard rsls come to 1.41MB and the difference in release is 0.58 MB... 
obviously I'm not using the majority of the flex code base... can I strip this 
down somehow?

 Date: Tue, 3 Dec 2013 10:20:07 -0800
 Subject: Re: SharedLibrary not works with SDK 4.11
 Hi David,
 So you are saying that there is 566K in non-Flex code and assets to
 generate the first screen (after the preloader)?  How much of that is
 assets and how much is code?  And what Flex classes are used in that first
 screen?  Usually, folks take a second after seeing the first screen before
 they act on it, and you can often do a bunch of downloading and
 initializing in that time.  If you move everything not required for the
 first screen to a late-loaded module, you might find that the total
 framework load goes down and static linking becomes possible.  That
 wouldn't be true for some app that has a DataGrid on the first screen, but
 I don't think I'm seeing heavyweight components on your first screen.
 On 12/3/13 6:41 AM, David Coleman wrote:
 the main file (for the upcoming version) is 566k, currently it is
 slightly over 600K, the assets are ~3 mb and i have implemented most
 popups as external modules, to ensure that they load from cdn only one
 time per session.
 The main application is a spark application.  I use only simple objects,
  Group, List etc...  nothing uber fancy.  Most of the heavy lifting is
 done with AS3 for speed.
 We have a very large number of users.  I can't statically link the libs
 because ppl expect the blinding fast load that I have achieved.  566K
 loads in the blink of an eye on even mediocre systems/connections.
 Personally I would prefer to statically link the framework because RSL's
  are yet another hit the browser has to make, but we need the users to
 get into the game and play as fast as possible.  I have maintained the
 fastest load in our category on facebook for
 nearly a year now.  :)  I intend/need to keep it that way.
 so your short answer is a very big, yet very, very SMALL and optimized
 facebook app  which is exactly why i have to use them :)
 Any way around this limitation would open the door for me to promote and
  fast-track the adoption of Apache Flex.  I need small and I need fast.
  The rest is academic.  Once I have the tools, I'll make it happen, and
 we will migrate to Apache Flex.  Our target
 Flash Player version is 10.3 for maximum penetration.
 If there is any glimmer of hope to accomplish this...  tell me, and let
 me know how I can help.
  Date: Mon, 2 Dec 2013 11:22:26 -0800
  Subject: Re: SharedLibrary not works with SDK 4.11
  On 12/2/13 10:13 AM, David Coleman
  Having not tried this solution myself, this is pure speculation... but
  couldn't local storage store this?  set domain to be * and retrieve

Re: SharedLibrary not works with SDK 4.11

2013-12-03 Thread Harbs
My educated guess on the size of such an app without using RSLs (depending on 
exactly which classes you're using) is about double your current size. That's 
still manageable. You can still use modules as you do today. Of course an issue 
is going to be all the modules. Every module gets bigger without using RSLs.

Have you tried compiling without RSLs to see the actual difference in size?


On Dec 3, 2013, at 4:41 PM, David Coleman wrote:
 the main file (for the upcoming version) is 566k, currently it is 
 slightly over 600K, the assets are ~3 mb and i have implemented most 
 popups as external modules, to ensure that they load from cdn only one 
 time per session.
 The main application is a spark application.  I use only simple objects,
 Group, List etc...  nothing uber fancy.  Most of the heavy lifting is 
 done with AS3 for speed.
 We have a very large number of users.  I can't statically link the libs 
 because ppl expect the blinding fast load that I have achieved.  566K 
 loads in the blink of an eye on even mediocre systems/connections.
 Personally I would prefer to statically link the framework because RSL's
 are yet another hit the browser has to make, but we need the users to 
 get into the game and play as fast as possible.  I have maintained the 
 fastest load in our category on facebook for
 nearly a year now.  :)  I intend/need to keep it that way.
 so your short answer is a very big, yet very, very SMALL and optimized 
 facebook app  which is exactly why i have to use them :)
 Any way around this limitation would open the door for me to promote and
 fast-track the adoption of Apache Flex.  I need small and I need fast. 
 The rest is academic.  Once I have the tools, I'll make it happen, and 
 we will migrate to Apache Flex.  Our target
 Flash Player version is 10.3 for maximum penetration.
 If there is any glimmer of hope to accomplish this...  tell me, and let me 
 know how I can help.
 Date: Mon, 2 Dec 2013 11:22:26 -0800
 Subject: Re: SharedLibrary not works with SDK 4.11
 On 12/2/13 10:13 AM, David Coleman wrote:
 Having not tried this solution myself, this is pure speculation... but
 couldn't local storage store this?  set domain to be * and retrieve it
 from the public svn repo.  if not present the RSL manager can load it up
 and in this way we can sign it with our own Cert and validate that cert
 independent of Adobe?  Would this be workable?
 I think you'd hit local storage limits.
 RSL's are the only reason that I hesitate to migrate our Facebook app to
 apache.  it will kill our CDN.
 Just curious: Have you actually measured the difference without RSLs?  How
 big a Facebook app is this?

RE: SharedLibrary not works with SDK 4.11

2013-12-03 Thread David Coleman
You are right.  using static framework linkage balloons the modules beyond 
usefulness, easily double as you say, and sometimes more.

Ideally, there would be a way for me to build a special optimized single file 
RSL, and use a third party software such as Kindi SecureSWF and sign it with my 
own certificate, and then include in that RSL all the core classes needed for 
everything, app, modules, etc...

certainly the overhead for a 3rd party certificate would be minimal compared to 
the cost of linking the framework statically.  And it would be nice to trim 
down the framework to the bare essentials.

If i could hack the RSLs in this way then I could propose Apache Flex as being 
more secure and lower weight than a 4.5.1 sdk solution.  Sure I would need to 
religiously maintain the contents of the FlexCore.swf RSL, but that's no big 
deal.  perhaps i could even write some nifty tool that uses ant that scans all 
the unique classes used in the various link-report.xml's from the app and 
modules and then auto package this RSL at build time...

I'm fully aware that this would be challenging... but I'm just trying to think 
of a way to be able to take our app into the future using Apache Flex.  I don't 
want to be locked into 4.5.1 for the next 6 or more years of our application's 
projected life.  That's the lazy way out.

 Subject: Re: SharedLibrary not works with SDK 4.11
 Date: Tue, 3 Dec 2013 22:12:00 +0200
 My educated guess on the size of such an app without using RSLs (depending on 
 exactly which classes you're using) is about double your current size. That's 
 still manageable. You can still use modules as you do today. Of course an 
 issue is going to be all the modules. Every module gets bigger without using 
 Have you tried compiling without RSLs to see the actual difference in size?
 On Dec 3, 2013, at 4:41 PM, David Coleman wrote:
  the main file (for the upcoming version) is 566k, currently it is 
  slightly over 600K, the assets are ~3 mb and i have implemented most 
  popups as external modules, to ensure that they load from cdn only one 
  time per session.
  The main application is a spark application.  I use only simple objects,
  Group, List etc...  nothing uber fancy.  Most of the heavy lifting is 
  done with AS3 for speed.
  We have a very large number of users.  I can't statically link the libs 
  because ppl expect the blinding fast load that I have achieved.  566K 
  loads in the blink of an eye on even mediocre systems/connections.
  Personally I would prefer to statically link the framework because RSL's
  are yet another hit the browser has to make, but we need the users to 
  get into the game and play as fast as possible.  I have maintained the 
  fastest load in our category on facebook for
  nearly a year now.  :)  I intend/need to keep it that way.
  so your short answer is a very big, yet very, very SMALL and optimized 
  facebook app  which is exactly why i have to use them :)
  Any way around this limitation would open the door for me to promote and
  fast-track the adoption of Apache Flex.  I need small and I need fast. 
  The rest is academic.  Once I have the tools, I'll make it happen, and 
  we will migrate to Apache Flex.  Our target
  Flash Player version is 10.3 for maximum penetration.
  If there is any glimmer of hope to accomplish this...  tell me, and let me 
  know how I can help.
  Date: Mon, 2 Dec 2013 11:22:26 -0800
  Subject: Re: SharedLibrary not works with SDK 4.11
  On 12/2/13 10:13 AM, David Coleman wrote:
  Having not tried this solution myself, this is pure speculation... but
  couldn't local storage store this?  set domain to be * and retrieve it
  from the public svn repo.  if not present the RSL manager can load it up
  and in this way we can sign it with our own Cert and validate that cert
  independent of Adobe?  Would this be workable?
  I think you'd hit local storage limits.
  RSL's are the only reason that I hesitate to migrate our Facebook app to
  apache.  it will kill our CDN.
  Just curious: Have you actually measured the difference without RSLs?  How
  big a Facebook app is this?


Re: SharedLibrary not works with SDK 4.11

2013-12-03 Thread Justin Mclean

Perhaps I missing the point but you can use framework  RSLs with Apache Flex, 
however they will be cached by the users browser and may still be useful and 
give some advantages for an application that is used frequently, has high usage 
or with multiple application from the same domain. It's not going to be as good 
as the framework being cached by teh flash player but woudl still have some 
benefit. Can you do some A/B testing and see what the actual results would be 
for a small part of your users?

There's not much point in signing RSLs as it was a Flash Player feature that 
signed the RSLs not a Flex SDK feature, the Flash Player would need to change 
in order to cache the Apache or user signed RSL and that's probably not 


Re: SharedLibrary not works with SDK 4.11

2013-12-03 Thread Alex Harui
Apache Flex SDKs don't have signed RSLs that get separately cached by the
Flash Player.  Sure you can make your own RSLs and somehow hope it doesn't
get booted from the browser cache, but I don't know why it would stay in
the cache longer than a statically linked SWF.

If you do turn on RSLs in Apache Flex SDKs, it should be smart about which
RSLs get loaded and only load the ones you need and not all of them.

Modules should not increase in size if statically linked unless they are
using classes not used by the main app.  And you can build shared code
modules for your modules if needed.

So, when considering Apache Flex, first realize that you must use the
browser cache.  My logic says, if you're going to use the browser cache,
then RSLs won't help you (it would help if you are loading multiple
applications from the same domain), so statically link your main SWF and
then optimize it.  If you were to use RSLs and the cache is missed then
your total download would be much more than when statically linked, and if
your one main SWF is in the cache, the fact that it is 600K bigger because
it is statically linked shouldn't affect startup that much, if at all.

Then, if you have one main SWF that is 500K of your own code, I'm still
curious because that sounds like a lot to me.  I haven't used FaceBook's
libraries: how big is their Hello World app?

And then, if a test of 500K+RSLs when all cached and a cached 1.1MB single
SWF startup is the same, then you're back to optimizing startup.

Of course, I could be missing something.

On 12/3/13 12:52 PM, David Coleman wrote:

You are right.  using static framework linkage balloons the modules
beyond usefulness, easily double as you say, and sometimes more.

Ideally, there would be a way for me to build a special optimized single
file RSL, and use a third party software such as Kindi SecureSWF and sign
it with my own certificate, and then include in that RSL all the core
classes needed for everything, app, modules, etc...

certainly the overhead for a 3rd party certificate would be minimal
compared to the cost of linking the framework statically.  And it would
be nice to trim down the framework to the bare essentials.

If i could hack the RSLs in this way then I could propose Apache Flex as
being more secure and lower weight than a 4.5.1 sdk solution.  Sure I
would need to religiously maintain the contents of the FlexCore.swf
RSL, but that's no big deal.  perhaps i could even write some nifty tool
that uses ant that scans all the unique classes used in the various
link-report.xml's from the app and modules and then auto package this RSL
at build time...

I'm fully aware that this would be challenging... but I'm just trying to
think of a way to be able to take our app into the future using Apache
Flex.  I don't want to be locked into 4.5.1 for the next 6 or more years
of our application's projected life.  That's the lazy way out.

 Subject: Re: SharedLibrary not works with SDK 4.11
 Date: Tue, 3 Dec 2013 22:12:00 +0200
 My educated guess on the size of such an app without using RSLs
(depending on exactly which classes you're using) is about double your
current size. That's still manageable. You can still use modules as you
do today. Of course an issue is going to be all the modules. Every
module gets bigger without using RSLs.
 Have you tried compiling without RSLs to see the actual difference in
 On Dec 3, 2013, at 4:41 PM, David Coleman wrote:
  the main file (for the upcoming version) is 566k, currently it is
  slightly over 600K, the assets are ~3 mb and i have implemented most
  popups as external modules, to ensure that they load from cdn only
  time per session.
  The main application is a spark application.  I use only simple
  Group, List etc...  nothing uber fancy.  Most of the heavy lifting is
  done with AS3 for speed.
  We have a very large number of users.  I can't statically link the
  because ppl expect the blinding fast load that I have achieved.  566K
  loads in the blink of an eye on even mediocre systems/connections.
  Personally I would prefer to statically link the framework because
  are yet another hit the browser has to make, but we need the users to
  get into the game and play as fast as possible.  I have maintained
  fastest load in our category on facebook for
  nearly a year now.  :)  I intend/need to keep it that way.
  so your short answer is a very big, yet very, very SMALL and
  facebook app  which is exactly why i have to use them :)
  Any way around this limitation would open the door for me to promote
  fast-track the adoption of Apache Flex.  I need small and I need
  The rest

RE: SharedLibrary not works with SDK 4.11

2013-12-03 Thread David Coleman
The point is that WE have to host that extra file.

Therefore I would want to eliminate the need for multiple RSL's and consolidate 
them into a single smaller optimized RSL with only the necessary classes needed 
for my app, with their dependencies.

This would eliminate the need for every user generating 5n 301 hits against our 
CDN, where n==1+number of modules.

When you are talking about an app with 1.5-2M MAU the cost of 5n 301's is 
considerable, and reducing that to n 301's is a significant benefit.

 Subject: Re: SharedLibrary not works with SDK 4.11
 Date: Wed, 4 Dec 2013 08:27:52 +1100
 Perhaps I missing the point but you can use framework  RSLs with Apache Flex, 
 however they will be cached by the users browser and may still be useful and 
 give some advantages for an application that is used frequently, has high 
 usage or with multiple application from the same domain. It's not going to be 
 as good as the framework being cached by teh flash player but woudl still 
 have some benefit. Can you do some A/B testing and see what the actual 
 results would be for a small part of your users?
 There's not much point in signing RSLs as it was a Flash Player feature that 
 signed the RSLs not a Flex SDK feature, the Flash Player would need to change 
 in order to cache the Apache or user signed RSL and that's probably not 

RE: SharedLibrary not works with SDK 4.11

2013-12-03 Thread David Coleman
Actually Alex, what is the biggest culprit in our file is Greensock, and after 
that, a whole mess of engine logic needed to handle the interface with the 
games.  Also some of our legacy animations use Tweener, so for now I'm cursed 
with having to include BOTH libs in the main app.

I also think that 500K is too much and like I said, each version I whittle it 
down a little more.

I've often thought of loading the engine container as a module to remove 
another 100K or so from the main app.

How would i create a custom RSL?  Can I automate it via ant to generate it via 
the link-reports?  I'd like to keep one RSL for ALL files, app, and modules to 
increase cache hits, and not hit a different file each time.

I'm really curious to experiment with this.  It's ok if the browser cache 
expires, that's beyond my control, but 99% of the time it will be a benefit - 
I'm ok with those numbers.

 Date: Tue, 3 Dec 2013 14:27:56 -0800
 Subject: Re: SharedLibrary not works with SDK 4.11
 Apache Flex SDKs don't have signed RSLs that get separately cached by the
 Flash Player.  Sure you can make your own RSLs and somehow hope it doesn't
 get booted from the browser cache, but I don't know why it would stay in
 the cache longer than a statically linked SWF.
 If you do turn on RSLs in Apache Flex SDKs, it should be smart about which
 RSLs get loaded and only load the ones you need and not all of them.
 Modules should not increase in size if statically linked unless they are
 using classes not used by the main app.  And you can build shared code
 modules for your modules if needed.
 So, when considering Apache Flex, first realize that you must use the
 browser cache.  My logic says, if you're going to use the browser cache,
 then RSLs won't help you (it would help if you are loading multiple
 applications from the same domain), so statically link your main SWF and
 then optimize it.  If you were to use RSLs and the cache is missed then
 your total download would be much more than when statically linked, and if
 your one main SWF is in the cache, the fact that it is 600K bigger because
 it is statically linked shouldn't affect startup that much, if at all.
 Then, if you have one main SWF that is 500K of your own code, I'm still
 curious because that sounds like a lot to me.  I haven't used FaceBook's
 libraries: how big is their Hello World app?
 And then, if a test of 500K+RSLs when all cached and a cached 1.1MB single
 SWF startup is the same, then you're back to optimizing startup.
 Of course, I could be missing something.
 On 12/3/13 12:52 PM, David Coleman wrote:
 You are right.  using static framework linkage balloons the modules
 beyond usefulness, easily double as you say, and sometimes more.
 Ideally, there would be a way for me to build a special optimized single
 file RSL, and use a third party software such as Kindi SecureSWF and sign
 it with my own certificate, and then include in that RSL all the core
 classes needed for everything, app, modules, etc...
 certainly the overhead for a 3rd party certificate would be minimal
 compared to the cost of linking the framework statically.  And it would
 be nice to trim down the framework to the bare essentials.
 If i could hack the RSLs in this way then I could propose Apache Flex as
 being more secure and lower weight than a 4.5.1 sdk solution.  Sure I
 would need to religiously maintain the contents of the FlexCore.swf
 RSL, but that's no big deal.  perhaps i could even write some nifty tool
 that uses ant that scans all the unique classes used in the various
 link-report.xml's from the app and modules and then auto package this RSL
 at build time...
 I'm fully aware that this would be challenging... but I'm just trying to
 think of a way to be able to take our app into the future using Apache
 Flex.  I don't want to be locked into 4.5.1 for the next 6 or more years
 of our application's projected life.  That's the lazy way out.
  Subject: Re: SharedLibrary not works with SDK 4.11
  Date: Tue, 3 Dec 2013 22:12:00 +0200
  My educated guess on the size of such an app without using RSLs
 (depending on exactly which classes you're using) is about double your
 current size. That's still manageable. You can still use modules as you
 do today. Of course an issue is going to be all the modules. Every
 module gets bigger without using RSLs.
  Have you tried compiling without RSLs to see the actual difference in
  On Dec 3, 2013, at 4:41 PM, David Coleman wrote:
   the main file (for the upcoming version) is 566k, currently it is
   slightly over 600K, the assets are ~3 mb and i have implemented most
   popups as external modules, to ensure that they load

Re: SharedLibrary not works with SDK 4.11

2013-12-03 Thread Alex Harui

On 12/3/13 2:31 PM, David Coleman wrote:

The point is that WE have to host that extra file.

Therefore I would want to eliminate the need for multiple RSL's and
consolidate them into a single smaller optimized RSL with only the
necessary classes needed for my app, with their dependencies.
OK, but my logic says that this custom RSL (because it won't be put in the
special Flash Player cache) is just as likely to be missing from the
browser cache as a single monolithic SWF.  So maybe you should just build
one monolithic SWF.  Did you know you can package Flex Modules onto extra
frames of a SWF?  It makes your build process take longer, but then there
isn't a hit per module.  It might be one big SWF though.


RE: SharedLibrary not works with SDK 4.11

2013-12-03 Thread David Coleman
It saves us a great deal of time and resources when we have to release new art.

We can break cache on the art asset module and not have to run a full QA 
regression on the main app.  This gives us the flexibility as a company to 
deliver constantly changing content to our users w/o forcing them to download 
every file again, or dedicating our time and resources to QA of the application 
when we only want to change a single image in the game list.

It is a logistical and political need as much as it is a technical decision to 
approach it this way.

 Date: Tue, 3 Dec 2013 14:43:33 -0800
 Subject: Re: SharedLibrary not works with SDK 4.11
 On 12/3/13 2:38 PM, David Coleman wrote:
 Actually Alex, what is the biggest culprit in our file is Greensock, and
 after that, a whole mess of engine logic needed to handle the interface
 with the games.  Also some of our legacy animations use Tweener, so for
 now I'm cursed with having to include BOTH libs in the main app.
 I also think that 500K is too much and like I said, each version I
 whittle it down a little more.
 I've often thought of loading the engine container as a module to remove
 another 100K or so from the main app.
 How would i create a custom RSL?  Can I automate it via ant to generate
 it via the link-reports?  I'd like to keep one RSL for ALL files, app,
 and modules to increase cache hits, and not hit a different file each
 I'm really curious to experiment with this.  It's ok if the browser cache
 expires, that's beyond my control, but 99% of the time it will be a
 benefit - I'm ok with those numbers.
 I asked this in the other reply, but how will that save you over a single
 monolithic SWF?  If you're not in the cache, then instead of loading two
 things, one of which may contain classes you don't need until later, you
 only load what you need when you need it.

Re: SharedLibrary not works with SDK 4.11

2013-12-03 Thread Alex Harui
OK, I didn't mean to include the asset module, but for all the code
involved which you are currently pulling from the framework RSLs and then
adding your own (plus Greensock and Tweener), how will making a single
custom RSLs that may or may not be in the browser cache be better than a
single SWF that contains all of the code?


On 12/3/13 2:56 PM, David Coleman wrote:

It saves us a great deal of time and resources when we have to release
new art.

We can break cache on the art asset module and not have to run a full QA
regression on the main app.  This gives us the flexibility as a company
to deliver constantly changing content to our users w/o forcing them to
download every file again, or dedicating our time and resources to QA of
the application when we only want to change a single image in the game

It is a logistical and political need as much as it is a technical
decision to approach it this way.

 Date: Tue, 3 Dec 2013 14:43:33 -0800
 Subject: Re: SharedLibrary not works with SDK 4.11
 On 12/3/13 2:38 PM, David Coleman
 Actually Alex, what is the biggest culprit in our file is Greensock,
 after that, a whole mess of engine logic needed to handle the interface
 with the games.  Also some of our legacy animations use Tweener, so for
 now I'm cursed with having to include BOTH libs in the main app.
 I also think that 500K is too much and like I said, each version I
 whittle it down a little more.
 I've often thought of loading the engine container as a module to
 another 100K or so from the main app.
 How would i create a custom RSL?  Can I automate it via ant to generate
 it via the link-reports?  I'd like to keep one RSL for ALL files, app,
 and modules to increase cache hits, and not hit a different file each
 I'm really curious to experiment with this.  It's ok if the browser
 expires, that's beyond my control, but 99% of the time it will be a
 benefit - I'm ok with those numbers.
 I asked this in the other reply, but how will that save you over a
 monolithic SWF?  If you're not in the cache, then instead of loading two
 things, one of which may contain classes you don't need until later, you
 only load what you need when you need it.

RE: SharedLibrary not works with SDK 4.11

2013-12-03 Thread David Coleman
Upon re-reading this I realize that I didn't understand your question.

What it will save us is that in the majority of instances, we will benefit from 
the cached RSL.

And we will be able to still push smaller files so that NEW users do not see a 
jump in the time that it takes to open the app.

Competition is high in this genre of games, and being the fastest to load is 
important.  We won Best social Casino Product of 2013 this year.  Maybe if we 
were not the fastest to load we might have still won.  Maybe not.  But we are.  
And I would hazard the guess that it played a role.  Many ppl already HAVE the 
RSL's cached on their machines.  I have to offset that benefit by minimizing as 
much as possible the hit that any Apache based solution would incur.

As with any social game the first impression is the most important one.  
Especially with those who are disposed to spend real money.  I know that 
TECHNICALLY there are many reasons to just link it statically and forget about 
it.  But from a business perspective, every shred of speed that we can 
statistically extract from the app is worth it.

I can't justify moving all the framework RSL's to our CDN and storing them in 
browser only cache instead of perpetual flash player storage.  That's why I 
asked about local storage hacks.  I CAN justify putting a SINGLE file on our 
CDN, if it means greater stability (ie: new SDK) and downloading a smaller 
amount of bytes than the 4.5.1 RSL's.  a few bytes are big money when you are 
distributing them to a million ppl.

Unfortunately, that's the reality of the business side of a social app. :(

 Subject: RE: SharedLibrary not works with SDK 4.11
 Date: Tue, 3 Dec 2013 19:56:13 -0300
 It saves us a great deal of time and resources when we have to release new 
 We can break cache on the art asset module and not have to run a full QA 
 regression on the main app.  This gives us the flexibility as a company to 
 deliver constantly changing content to our users w/o forcing them to download 
 every file again, or dedicating our time and resources to QA of the 
 application when we only want to change a single image in the game list.
 It is a logistical and political need as much as it is a technical decision 
 to approach it this way.
  Date: Tue, 3 Dec 2013 14:43:33 -0800
  Subject: Re: SharedLibrary not works with SDK 4.11
  On 12/3/13 2:38 PM, David Coleman wrote:
  Actually Alex, what is the biggest culprit in our file is Greensock, and
  after that, a whole mess of engine logic needed to handle the interface
  with the games.  Also some of our legacy animations use Tweener, so for
  now I'm cursed with having to include BOTH libs in the main app.
  I also think that 500K is too much and like I said, each version I
  whittle it down a little more.
  I've often thought of loading the engine container as a module to remove
  another 100K or so from the main app.
  How would i create a custom RSL?  Can I automate it via ant to generate
  it via the link-reports?  I'd like to keep one RSL for ALL files, app,
  and modules to increase cache hits, and not hit a different file each
  I'm really curious to experiment with this.  It's ok if the browser cache
  expires, that's beyond my control, but 99% of the time it will be a
  benefit - I'm ok with those numbers.
  I asked this in the other reply, but how will that save you over a single
  monolithic SWF?  If you're not in the cache, then instead of loading two
  things, one of which may contain classes you don't need until later, you
  only load what you need when you need it.

Re: SharedLibrary not works with SDK 4.11

2013-12-03 Thread Alex Harui
OK, so let me make sure I understand:

For first time users, they have to download 3MB of Assets and the 600K SWF
and hopefully not the 1.4MB's of framework RSLs.
For returning users, 3MB Assets and 600K SWF is hopefully in the browser

If you switch to Apache Flex:
First-time users will have to download either
1) 3MB of Assets, 600K of SWF and 1.4MB of RSLs from your CDN.
2) 3MB of Assets and 1.2MB of SWF if you statically link.

So, Apache Flex statically linked is another 600K and represents an
additional 12% in download time.

I don't know what the RSL penetration is of Flex 4.5.1, but every day
folks are buying new computers and there are fewer and fewer Flex 4.5.1
apps out there in the world so the probability your first-time customers
will have those RSLs is diminishing.  Over time, more and more of your
customers will be downloading the 1.4MB of framework RSLs as well, and the
statically linked solution will be the smaller download.

Have you used ItDepends or a similar link-report analyzer to see how much
of that 600K is Greensock, Tweener and other stuff?


On 12/3/13 3:11 PM, David Coleman wrote:

Upon re-reading this I realize that I didn't understand your question.

What it will save us is that in the majority of instances, we will
benefit from the cached RSL.

And we will be able to still push smaller files so that NEW users do not
see a jump in the time that it takes to open the app.

Competition is high in this genre of games, and being the fastest to load
is important.  We won Best social Casino Product of 2013 this year.
Maybe if we were not the fastest to load we might have still won.  Maybe
not.  But we are.  And I would hazard the guess that it played a role.
Many ppl already HAVE the RSL's cached on their machines.  I have to
offset that benefit by minimizing as much as possible the hit that any
Apache based solution would incur.

As with any social game the first impression is the most important one.
Especially with those who are disposed to spend real money.  I know that
TECHNICALLY there are many reasons to just link it statically and forget
about it.  But from a business perspective, every shred of speed that we
can statistically extract from the app is worth it.

I can't justify moving all the framework RSL's to our CDN and storing
them in browser only cache instead of perpetual flash player storage.
That's why I asked about local storage hacks.  I CAN justify putting a
SINGLE file on our CDN, if it means greater stability (ie: new SDK) and
downloading a smaller amount of bytes than the 4.5.1 RSL's.  a few bytes
are big money when you are distributing them to a million ppl.

Unfortunately, that's the reality of the business side of a social app. :(

 Subject: RE: SharedLibrary not works with SDK 4.11
 Date: Tue, 3 Dec 2013 19:56:13 -0300
 It saves us a great deal of time and resources when we have to release
new art.
 We can break cache on the art asset module and not have to run a full
QA regression on the main app.  This gives us the flexibility as a
company to deliver constantly changing content to our users w/o forcing
them to download every file again, or dedicating our time and resources
to QA of the application when we only want to change a single image in
the game list.
 It is a logistical and political need as much as it is a technical
decision to approach it this way.
  Date: Tue, 3 Dec 2013 14:43:33 -0800
  Subject: Re: SharedLibrary not works with SDK 4.11
  On 12/3/13 2:38 PM, David Coleman
  Actually Alex, what is the biggest culprit in our file is Greensock,
  after that, a whole mess of engine logic needed to handle the
  with the games.  Also some of our legacy animations use Tweener, so
  now I'm cursed with having to include BOTH libs in the main app.
  I also think that 500K is too much and like I said, each version I
  whittle it down a little more.
  I've often thought of loading the engine container as a module to
  another 100K or so from the main app.
  How would i create a custom RSL?  Can I automate it via ant to
  it via the link-reports?  I'd like to keep one RSL for ALL files,
  and modules to increase cache hits, and not hit a different file each
  I'm really curious to experiment with this.  It's ok if the browser
  expires, that's beyond my control, but 99% of the time it will be a
  benefit - I'm ok with those numbers.
  I asked this in the other reply, but how will that save you over a
  monolithic SWF?  If you're not in the cache, then instead of loading
  things, one of which may contain classes you don't need until later,
  only load what you need when you need it.


RE: SharedLibrary not works with SDK 4.11

2013-12-03 Thread David Coleman
I do agree with your numbers, (how could I not - they are spot on).  The 
primary issue is that WE host the rsl or the static link difference.  and the 
static link difference affects the size of our modules too.  So it's 100% more 
for modules, and since we have 7.8 MB of modules (18 different popups each with 
animations/hd graphics etc), then we are talking about static linking costing a 
lot more.

If i can customize an RSL to service all 18 modules and the main app and only 
have to distribute one file, that is even better for a new user than the Adobe 
RSL's... ok we have to pay for the CDN costs... but it's less than an extra 7.8 
MB of static links for all our modules.

Harbs pointed out the exact reason RSL is so critical to our use case.  Modules 
are doubled.

Now, if the modules could only statically link what is lacking in the static 
links of the main application, with out optimizing them and pushing all the 
embedded assets to the main application... kinda like a half-optimized 
module, then static link could really work for us.  but as long as an optimized 
module will push all the assets into the main app, i can't optimize them to 
share the static links.  so they need their own static links...

Maybe this is something that can work!

how can i optimize a module to share the static links of the main app without 
pushing all the embedded assets in the module to the main app?  does mxmlc 
include a metatag to exclude a class (embedded asset) from module optimization? 
 so it would stay in the module while i optimize it for the main app, and then 
only have to statically link the few bits and pieces that are lacking in each.

 Date: Tue, 3 Dec 2013 15:51:44 -0800
 Subject: Re: SharedLibrary not works with SDK 4.11
 OK, so let me make sure I understand:
 For first time users, they have to download 3MB of Assets and the 600K SWF
 and hopefully not the 1.4MB's of framework RSLs.
 For returning users, 3MB Assets and 600K SWF is hopefully in the browser
 If you switch to Apache Flex:
 First-time users will have to download either
 1) 3MB of Assets, 600K of SWF and 1.4MB of RSLs from your CDN.
 2) 3MB of Assets and 1.2MB of SWF if you statically link.
 So, Apache Flex statically linked is another 600K and represents an
 additional 12% in download time.
 I don't know what the RSL penetration is of Flex 4.5.1, but every day
 folks are buying new computers and there are fewer and fewer Flex 4.5.1
 apps out there in the world so the probability your first-time customers
 will have those RSLs is diminishing.  Over time, more and more of your
 customers will be downloading the 1.4MB of framework RSLs as well, and the
 statically linked solution will be the smaller download.
 Have you used ItDepends or a similar link-report analyzer to see how much
 of that 600K is Greensock, Tweener and other stuff?
 On 12/3/13 3:11 PM, David Coleman wrote:
 Upon re-reading this I realize that I didn't understand your question.
 What it will save us is that in the majority of instances, we will
 benefit from the cached RSL.
 And we will be able to still push smaller files so that NEW users do not
 see a jump in the time that it takes to open the app.
 Competition is high in this genre of games, and being the fastest to load
 is important.  We won Best social Casino Product of 2013 this year.
 Maybe if we were not the fastest to load we might have still won.  Maybe
 not.  But we are.  And I would hazard the guess that it played a role.
 Many ppl already HAVE the RSL's cached on their machines.  I have to
 offset that benefit by minimizing as much as possible the hit that any
 Apache based solution would incur.
 As with any social game the first impression is the most important one.
 Especially with those who are disposed to spend real money.  I know that
 TECHNICALLY there are many reasons to just link it statically and forget
 about it.  But from a business perspective, every shred of speed that we
 can statistically extract from the app is worth it.
 I can't justify moving all the framework RSL's to our CDN and storing
 them in browser only cache instead of perpetual flash player storage.
 That's why I asked about local storage hacks.  I CAN justify putting a
 SINGLE file on our CDN, if it means greater stability (ie: new SDK) and
 downloading a smaller amount of bytes than the 4.5.1 RSL's.  a few bytes
 are big money when you are distributing them to a million ppl.
 Unfortunately, that's the reality of the business side of a social app. :(
  Subject: RE: SharedLibrary not works with SDK 4.11
  Date: Tue, 3 Dec 2013 19:56:13 -0300
  It saves us a great deal of time and resources when we have to release
 new art.
  We can break cache on the art asset module and not have to run a full
 QA regression on the main app

Re: SharedLibrary not works with SDK 4.11

2013-12-03 Thread Alex Harui
I don't understand the part about embedded assets.  Can you provide more
details?  The -externs option should let you keep any class out of any SWF.

You can create a shared code module or pack other classes needed by
modules onto extra frames of the main SWF.


On 12/3/13 4:05 PM, David Coleman wrote:

I do agree with your numbers, (how could I not - they are spot on).  The
primary issue is that WE host the rsl or the static link difference.  and
the static link difference affects the size of our modules too.  So it's
100% more for modules, and since we have 7.8 MB of modules (18 different
popups each with animations/hd graphics etc), then we are talking about
static linking costing a lot more.

If i can customize an RSL to service all 18 modules and the main app and
only have to distribute one file, that is even better for a new user than
the Adobe RSL's... ok we have to pay for the CDN costs... but it's less
than an extra 7.8 MB of static links for all our modules.

Harbs pointed out the exact reason RSL is so critical to our use case.
Modules are doubled.

Now, if the modules could only statically link what is lacking in the
static links of the main application, with out optimizing them and
pushing all the embedded assets to the main application... kinda like a
half-optimized module, then static link could really work for us.  but
as long as an optimized module will push all the assets into the main
app, i can't optimize them to share the static links.  so they need their
own static links...

Maybe this is something that can work!

how can i optimize a module to share the static links of the main app
without pushing all the embedded assets in the module to the main app?
does mxmlc include a metatag to exclude a class (embedded asset) from
module optimization?  so it would stay in the module while i optimize it
for the main app, and then only have to statically link the few bits and
pieces that are lacking in each.

 Date: Tue, 3 Dec 2013 15:51:44 -0800
 Subject: Re: SharedLibrary not works with SDK 4.11
 OK, so let me make sure I understand:
 For first time users, they have to download 3MB of Assets and the 600K
 and hopefully not the 1.4MB's of framework RSLs.
 For returning users, 3MB Assets and 600K SWF is hopefully in the browser
 If you switch to Apache Flex:
 First-time users will have to download either
 1) 3MB of Assets, 600K of SWF and 1.4MB of RSLs from your CDN.
 2) 3MB of Assets and 1.2MB of SWF if you statically link.
 So, Apache Flex statically linked is another 600K and represents an
 additional 12% in download time.
 I don't know what the RSL penetration is of Flex 4.5.1, but every day
 folks are buying new computers and there are fewer and fewer Flex 4.5.1
 apps out there in the world so the probability your first-time customers
 will have those RSLs is diminishing.  Over time, more and more of your
 customers will be downloading the 1.4MB of framework RSLs as well, and
 statically linked solution will be the smaller download.
 Have you used ItDepends or a similar link-report analyzer to see how
 of that 600K is Greensock, Tweener and other stuff?
 On 12/3/13 3:11 PM, David Coleman
 Upon re-reading this I realize that I didn't understand your question.
 What it will save us is that in the majority of instances, we will
 benefit from the cached RSL.
 And we will be able to still push smaller files so that NEW users do
 see a jump in the time that it takes to open the app.
 Competition is high in this genre of games, and being the fastest to
 is important.  We won Best social Casino Product of 2013 this year.
 Maybe if we were not the fastest to load we might have still won.
 not.  But we are.  And I would hazard the guess that it played a role.
 Many ppl already HAVE the RSL's cached on their machines.  I have to
 offset that benefit by minimizing as much as possible the hit that any
 Apache based solution would incur.
 As with any social game the first impression is the most important one.
 Especially with those who are disposed to spend real money.  I know
 TECHNICALLY there are many reasons to just link it statically and
 about it.  But from a business perspective, every shred of speed that
 can statistically extract from the app is worth it.
 I can't justify moving all the framework RSL's to our CDN and storing
 them in browser only cache instead of perpetual flash player storage.
 That's why I asked about local storage hacks.  I CAN justify putting a
 SINGLE file on our CDN, if it means greater stability (ie: new SDK) and
 downloading a smaller amount of bytes than the 4.5.1 RSL's.  a few
 are big money when you are distributing them to a million ppl.
 Unfortunately, that's the reality of the business side of a social
app. :(

RE: SharedLibrary not works with SDK 4.11

2013-12-03 Thread David Coleman
For instance i have an app in flash builder with a boat load of modules

I set one of these modules to be optimized for MyApp.mxml

the embedded images in MyOptimizedModule end up in MyApp.mxml.

The good thing is that MyApp and MyOptimizedModule can now be statically linked 
w/o doubling its size.  the bad thing is that now I have defeated the purpose 
of putting my assets in the module.

can I optimize a module for MyApp without all of its embedded assets ending up 
in the optimization target?

It is my understanding that optimizing a module for a specific application ends 
up removing all embedded assets from the module and storing them in the 

If you want i can reproduce this in a few example projects and post it up on my 

 Date: Tue, 3 Dec 2013 17:19:06 -0800
 Subject: Re: SharedLibrary not works with SDK 4.11
 I don't understand the part about embedded assets.  Can you provide more
 details?  The -externs option should let you keep any class out of any SWF.
 You can create a shared code module or pack other classes needed by
 modules onto extra frames of the main SWF.
 On 12/3/13 4:05 PM, David Coleman wrote:
 I do agree with your numbers, (how could I not - they are spot on).  The
 primary issue is that WE host the rsl or the static link difference.  and
 the static link difference affects the size of our modules too.  So it's
 100% more for modules, and since we have 7.8 MB of modules (18 different
 popups each with animations/hd graphics etc), then we are talking about
 static linking costing a lot more.
 If i can customize an RSL to service all 18 modules and the main app and
 only have to distribute one file, that is even better for a new user than
 the Adobe RSL's... ok we have to pay for the CDN costs... but it's less
 than an extra 7.8 MB of static links for all our modules.
 Harbs pointed out the exact reason RSL is so critical to our use case.
 Modules are doubled.
 Now, if the modules could only statically link what is lacking in the
 static links of the main application, with out optimizing them and
 pushing all the embedded assets to the main application... kinda like a
 half-optimized module, then static link could really work for us.  but
 as long as an optimized module will push all the assets into the main
 app, i can't optimize them to share the static links.  so they need their
 own static links...
 Maybe this is something that can work!
 how can i optimize a module to share the static links of the main app
 without pushing all the embedded assets in the module to the main app?
 does mxmlc include a metatag to exclude a class (embedded asset) from
 module optimization?  so it would stay in the module while i optimize it
 for the main app, and then only have to statically link the few bits and
 pieces that are lacking in each.
  Date: Tue, 3 Dec 2013 15:51:44 -0800
  Subject: Re: SharedLibrary not works with SDK 4.11
  OK, so let me make sure I understand:
  For first time users, they have to download 3MB of Assets and the 600K
  and hopefully not the 1.4MB's of framework RSLs.
  For returning users, 3MB Assets and 600K SWF is hopefully in the browser
  If you switch to Apache Flex:
  First-time users will have to download either
  1) 3MB of Assets, 600K of SWF and 1.4MB of RSLs from your CDN.
  2) 3MB of Assets and 1.2MB of SWF if you statically link.
  So, Apache Flex statically linked is another 600K and represents an
  additional 12% in download time.
  I don't know what the RSL penetration is of Flex 4.5.1, but every day
  folks are buying new computers and there are fewer and fewer Flex 4.5.1
  apps out there in the world so the probability your first-time customers
  will have those RSLs is diminishing.  Over time, more and more of your
  customers will be downloading the 1.4MB of framework RSLs as well, and
  statically linked solution will be the smaller download.
  Have you used ItDepends or a similar link-report analyzer to see how
  of that 600K is Greensock, Tweener and other stuff?
  On 12/3/13 3:11 PM, David Coleman
  Upon re-reading this I realize that I didn't understand your question.
  What it will save us is that in the majority of instances, we will
  benefit from the cached RSL.
  And we will be able to still push smaller files so that NEW users do
  see a jump in the time that it takes to open the app.
  Competition is high in this genre of games, and being the fastest to
  is important.  We won Best social Casino Product of 2013 this year.
  Maybe if we were not the fastest to load we might have still won.
  not.  But we are.  And I would hazard the guess that it played a role.
  Many ppl already HAVE the RSL's cached on their machines.  I have to

Re: SharedLibrary not works with SDK 4.11

2013-12-03 Thread Alex Harui
Wow.  I don't think it is supposed to do that.  Please create a simple
test case and create a JIRA issue.


On 12/3/13 5:53 PM, David Coleman wrote:

For instance i have an app in flash builder with a boat load of modules

I set one of these modules to be optimized for MyApp.mxml

the embedded images in MyOptimizedModule end up in MyApp.mxml.

The good thing is that MyApp and MyOptimizedModule can now be statically
linked w/o doubling its size.  the bad thing is that now I have defeated
the purpose of putting my assets in the module.

can I optimize a module for MyApp without all of its embedded assets
ending up in the optimization target?

It is my understanding that optimizing a module for a specific
application ends up removing all embedded assets from the module and
storing them in the application.

If you want i can reproduce this in a few example projects and post it up
on my git.

 Date: Tue, 3 Dec 2013 17:19:06 -0800
 Subject: Re: SharedLibrary not works with SDK 4.11
 I don't understand the part about embedded assets.  Can you provide more
 details?  The -externs option should let you keep any class out of any
 You can create a shared code module or pack other classes needed by
 modules onto extra frames of the main SWF.
 On 12/3/13 4:05 PM, David Coleman
 I do agree with your numbers, (how could I not - they are spot on).
 primary issue is that WE host the rsl or the static link difference.
 the static link difference affects the size of our modules too.  So
 100% more for modules, and since we have 7.8 MB of modules (18
 popups each with animations/hd graphics etc), then we are talking about
 static linking costing a lot more.
 If i can customize an RSL to service all 18 modules and the main app
 only have to distribute one file, that is even better for a new user
 the Adobe RSL's... ok we have to pay for the CDN costs... but it's less
 than an extra 7.8 MB of static links for all our modules.
 Harbs pointed out the exact reason RSL is so critical to our use case.
 Modules are doubled.
 Now, if the modules could only statically link what is lacking in the
 static links of the main application, with out optimizing them and
 pushing all the embedded assets to the main application... kinda like a
 half-optimized module, then static link could really work for us.
 as long as an optimized module will push all the assets into the main
 app, i can't optimize them to share the static links.  so they need
 own static links...
 Maybe this is something that can work!
 how can i optimize a module to share the static links of the main app
 without pushing all the embedded assets in the module to the main app?
 does mxmlc include a metatag to exclude a class (embedded asset) from
 module optimization?  so it would stay in the module while i optimize
 for the main app, and then only have to statically link the few bits
 pieces that are lacking in each.
  Date: Tue, 3 Dec 2013 15:51:44 -0800
  Subject: Re: SharedLibrary not works with SDK 4.11
  OK, so let me make sure I understand:
  For first time users, they have to download 3MB of Assets and the
  and hopefully not the 1.4MB's of framework RSLs.
  For returning users, 3MB Assets and 600K SWF is hopefully in the
  If you switch to Apache Flex:
  First-time users will have to download either
  1) 3MB of Assets, 600K of SWF and 1.4MB of RSLs from your CDN.
  2) 3MB of Assets and 1.2MB of SWF if you statically link.
  So, Apache Flex statically linked is another 600K and represents an
  additional 12% in download time.
  I don't know what the RSL penetration is of Flex 4.5.1, but every day
  folks are buying new computers and there are fewer and fewer Flex
  apps out there in the world so the probability your first-time
  will have those RSLs is diminishing.  Over time, more and more of
  customers will be downloading the 1.4MB of framework RSLs as well,
  statically linked solution will be the smaller download.
  Have you used ItDepends or a similar link-report analyzer to see how
  of that 600K is Greensock, Tweener and other stuff?
  On 12/3/13 3:11 PM, David Coleman
  Upon re-reading this I realize that I didn't understand your
  What it will save us is that in the majority of instances, we will
  benefit from the cached RSL.
  And we will be able to still push smaller files so that NEW users do
  see a jump in the time that it takes to open the app.
  Competition is high in this genre of games, and being the fastest to
  is important.  We won Best social Casino Product of 2013 this
  Maybe if we were not the fastest to load we might

Re: SharedLibrary not works with SDK 4.11

2013-12-02 Thread Harbs
RSLs are not enabled for Apache Flex. There have been many discussions on the 
topic. Basically, without Adobe's signatures, RSLs are more or less pointless.

On Dec 2, 2013, at 5:05 PM, FRANKLIN GARZON wrote:

 I have some problemas with SDK4.11 about the sahred library, please see this 
 bug: , ADOBE says is 
 not for this product.
 Who can help us?
 Franklin Garzón
 *Lucha hasta alcanzar tus sueños*

RE: SharedLibrary not works with SDK 4.11

2013-12-02 Thread Kessler CTR Mark J
Well they are not pointless if you host multiple applications from the same 
servers, but definitely degraded capabilities not being able to have a separate 
cache for them.


-Original Message-
From: Harbs [] 
Sent: Monday, December 02, 2013 10:11 AM
Subject: Re: SharedLibrary not works with SDK 4.11

RSLs are not enabled for Apache Flex. There have been many discussions on the 
topic. Basically, without Adobe's signatures, RSLs are more or less pointless.

On Dec 2, 2013, at 5:05 PM, FRANKLIN GARZON wrote:

 I have some problemas with SDK4.11 about the sahred library, please see this 
 bug: , ADOBE says is 
 not for this product.
 Who can help us?
 Franklin Garzón
 *Lucha hasta alcanzar tus sueños*

Re: SharedLibrary not works with SDK 4.11

2013-12-02 Thread Paul Hastings

On 12/2/2013 10:05 PM, FRANKLIN GARZON wrote:

I have some problemas with SDK4.11 about the sahred library, please see this
bug: , ADOBE says is
not for this product. Who can help us? Thanks.

i *think* that's because you're mixing RSL across SDK versions or are simply 
missing one for 4.11. are you using modules? i believe the RSL would need to be 
in the dir as your modules that use them.

might as well clear your brower's cache then test again just to be sure.

RE: SharedLibrary not works with SDK 4.11

2013-12-02 Thread David Coleman
Having not tried this solution myself, this is pure speculation... but couldn't 
local storage store this?  set domain to be * and retrieve it from the public 
svn repo.  if not present the RSL manager can load it up and in this way we can 
sign it with our own Cert and validate that cert independent of Adobe?  Would 
this be workable?

I've used local storage only for single sites before... but wouldn't it be 
possible to massage local storage to store something global, like rsls?

Or in your case, Mark, you could maybe do something similar at the application 
level, storing them at least for  your own set of applications under a base 

RSL's are the only reason that I hesitate to migrate our Facebook app to 
apache.  it will kill our CDN.

 Subject: RE: SharedLibrary not works with SDK 4.11
 Date: Mon, 2 Dec 2013 11:53:17 -0500
 Well they are not pointless if you host multiple applications from the same 
 servers, but definitely degraded capabilities not being able to have a 
 separate cache for them.
 -Original Message-
 From: Harbs [] 
 Sent: Monday, December 02, 2013 10:11 AM
 Subject: Re: SharedLibrary not works with SDK 4.11
 RSLs are not enabled for Apache Flex. There have been many discussions on the 
 topic. Basically, without Adobe's signatures, RSLs are more or less pointless.
 On Dec 2, 2013, at 5:05 PM, FRANKLIN GARZON wrote:
  I have some problemas with SDK4.11 about the sahred library, please see 
  this bug: , ADOBE 
  says is not for this product.
  Who can help us?
  Franklin Garzón
  *Lucha hasta alcanzar tus sueños*


RE: SharedLibrary not works with SDK 4.11

2013-12-02 Thread Kessler CTR Mark J
Our RSL's are from the SDK we are actively using.  Then we use custom 
flex-config files to add the runtime-shared-library-path nodes for the RSLs.  
This allows us to declare where on our servers the RSLs are.  The 4.6 Adobe 
signed ones use a custom cache for flash that doesn't easily get wiped out.  
The new ones you make will end up in the users browser cache.   Since all of 
our applications are on the same domain, we can have them share the cached RSLs.

Not sure how to go about trying to get it into the local store and then 
reference it later.  The application would be still trying to reference it from 
the server and the client browser would just offer it up out of the browser 

On a side note, I haven't tried yet, but would love to host the RSLs from a 
separate server in the domain to balance out the network load a little.


-Original Message-
From: David Coleman [] 
Sent: Monday, December 02, 2013 1:14 PM
Subject: RE: SharedLibrary not works with SDK 4.11

Having not tried this solution myself, this is pure speculation... but couldn't 
local storage store this?  set domain to be * and retrieve it from the public 
svn repo.  if not present the RSL manager can load it up and in this way we can 
sign it with our own Cert and validate that cert independent of Adobe?  Would 
this be workable?

I've used local storage only for single sites before... but wouldn't it be 
possible to massage local storage to store something global, like rsls?

Or in your case, Mark, you could maybe do something similar at the application 
level, storing them at least for  your own set of applications under a base 

RSL's are the only reason that I hesitate to migrate our Facebook app to 
apache.  it will kill our CDN.

Re: SharedLibrary not works with SDK 4.11

2013-12-02 Thread Alex Harui

On 12/2/13 10:13 AM, David Coleman wrote:

Having not tried this solution myself, this is pure speculation... but
couldn't local storage store this?  set domain to be * and retrieve it
from the public svn repo.  if not present the RSL manager can load it up
and in this way we can sign it with our own Cert and validate that cert
independent of Adobe?  Would this be workable?
I think you'd hit local storage limits.

RSL's are the only reason that I hesitate to migrate our Facebook app to
apache.  it will kill our CDN.

Just curious: Have you actually measured the difference without RSLs?  How
big a Facebook app is this?
