Re: Apache gprof profiling

2003-11-07 Thread Chris Knight
Chris Knight wrote:

Hi all, I found some mention of profiling Apache with gprof via 
google. I tried the following:

% setenv CFLAGS '-pg -DGPROF -g'
% ./configure [my configure flags]
% make; make install; cd $PREFIX
[alter the conf file to set the MaxRequestsPerChild to 1]
% bin/httpd -X
[make a request and close the connection, which should cause httpd to 
terminate normally.]

I should end up with a gmon.out file that I can then feed to gprof, 
but I'm not. Is there a step I'm missing and/or is this possible? For 
that matter, is there any official documentation regarding profiling?

(In reality I want to profile a particular module but I thought it 
would be interesting to profile all of Apache's internals as well to 
get a complete picture.)
After Jeff graciously pointed out that some gprof changes had occurred 
in 2.1-dev, I decided to give it a try and sure enough I could get a 
gmon.out file. Then, after doing a bunch of diffs, I came to the 
conclusion that the code defguarded by NO_USE_SIGACTION was removed in 
2.1 and I tried defining that, sure enough it works now. Huzzah! (Just 
thought I'd report in so someone else trying to profile 2.0 will not 
stumble across this problem.)

So the way to get profiling in 2.0.48:

% ./configure [my configure flags]
% make; make install; cd $PREFIX
[alter the conf file to set the MaxRequestsPerChild to 1]
% bin/httpd -X
[make a request and close the connection]
I had a suspicion it had something to do with signals (since you don't 
get a gmon.out unless the process dies normally). Anyways, fixed a bug 
in the code along the way. :^)

Apache gprof profiling

2003-11-03 Thread Chris Knight
Hi all, I found some mention of profiling Apache with gprof via google. 
I tried the following:

% setenv CFLAGS '-pg -DGPROF -g'
% ./configure [my configure flags]
% make; make install; cd $PREFIX
[alter the conf file to set the MaxRequestsPerChild to 1]
% bin/httpd -X
[make a request and close the connection, which should cause httpd to 
terminate normally.]

I should end up with a gmon.out file that I can then feed to gprof, 
but I'm not. Is there a step I'm missing and/or is this possible? For 
that matter, is there any official documentation regarding profiling?

(In reality I want to profile a particular module but I thought it would 
be interesting to profile all of Apache's internals as well to get a 
complete picture.)

mod_auth_ldap weirdness (no, not mod_ldap)

2003-10-06 Thread Chris Knight
Ok, so I'm running 2.0.47 with mod_ldap, mod_auth_ldap, and a bunch of 
other modules. I've already stumbled across the mod_ldap problems and 
I've disabled caching entirely (LDAPCacheEntries 0) and LDAP 
authentication seems to work generally.

However, when I ldap-protect a Location (as opposed to using the 
built-in htpasswd authentication) I get occasional (like 5% of the time) 
failures to load images and html documents. The access logs look normal 
(no 500's) and there is nothing in the error_log (no coredump or anything.)

My LDAP server is running OpenLDAP 2.0.27 and my web server is running 
OpenLDAP 2.1.22.

Any ideas what could be causing this? Is this a known problem? (Seems to 
be a fatal bug.)

Hints as to where to look? I can run gdb on the server as well as Ethereal.

Should I patch the mod_ldap stuff as well? (Does the latest CVS checkins 
contain the mod_ldap fixes?)

Relevant Location section:

Location /xyz
 AuthType Basic
 AuthName Authentication Required
 #AuthUserFile /usr/people/netmarkFTP/webdav/private/90.htpasswd
 require valid-user
 AuthLDAPEnabled on
 AuthLDAPURL ldap://myserver:389/dc=nasa,dc=gov;
 AuthLDAPAuthoritative on
 AuthLDAPBindDN cn=Manager,dc=nasa,dc=gov
 ModMimeUsePathInfo on

pool interface for shared memory?

2003-09-09 Thread Chris Knight
I would like to be able to use the existing apr_hash_t type with shared 
memory. To do so, I'd need to wrap a block of shared memory with an 
apr_pool_t type. It seems to me that this should be possible but 
reviewing the pool code, it appears it would not be possible without 
modifying pools code, perhaps to add a way to create an allocator that 
would take a block of existing memory in as input? I'd be interested to 
hear your ideas/suggestions and I'd be happy to slog some code...

Re: Spam Using SMTP Over HTTP-Proxy

2003-09-02 Thread Chris Knight
Joshua Slive wrote:

I think we've done pretty-much all we can.  I wouldn't mind putting a
little note on the homepage saying Have you secured your
proxy? and point to the correct docs.

What about sending a warning message to stderr/error_log upon startup if 
the proxy is not access controlled?

...HTTPS proxying is even worse and could be used to mount a variety of 
TCP attacks.

hello world example module...?

2003-06-24 Thread Chris Knight
Would there be any interest in including example modules with the Apache 
source distribution? And/or could a complete example module be included 
in the documentation for developers? (Personally I'd prefer it be 
included in the source distribution...The web documentation has become 
quite out of date in places and it's more likely to be current if it 
could be included in the distribution test suite.)

Yesterday, in trying to convey how to implement a module, I developed a 
hello world example module that has a handler hook that responds 
with a canned message to all requests. (It demonstrates hooks, and I 
have a slightly more complex example showing how to read per-directory 

I would have found a barebones example immensely useful and would have 
saved me much time and code-grepping.

Anyways, I've attached my hello world module. Please 
comment/correct/chastise as you see fit, I am by no means an expert. ;^
/* mod_hello_world.c
 * Written by Chris Knight, NASA Ames Research Center
 * Build using:
 * $APACHE_HOME/build/libtool gcc -c -I$APACHE_HOME/include mod_hello_world.c
 * followed by:
 * $APACHE_HOME/build/libtool --mode=link $(CC) -o $@ -fPIC $(INCLUDE) \
 *hello_world.lo $(LIBS) $(APACHE_CFLAGS) -rpath /usr/lib -avoid-version
#include httpd.h
#include http_core.h
#include http_config.h
#include ap_config.h
#include http_log.h

// Forward declaration of the module, see the bottom of this document for
// details.
module AP_MODULE_DECLARE_DATA hello_world_module;

// A struct to hold this module's configuration parameters.
typedef struct conf {
apr_pool_t *p;
char *message;
} conf;

 * Instantiate this module's configuration structure.
 * This function is called by Apache for each configuration section and is
 * passed by Apache to other module functions.
 * @param p The memory pool to be used by this module.
 * @param d The directory/location for this section?
 * @return The configuration block's pointer.
static void *create_conf(apr_pool_t *p, char *d) {
conf *c = apr_pcalloc(p, sizeof(conf));
c-p = p;
c-message = NULL;
return c;

 * Set the message in this module's configuration. This is called when
 * the HelloWorldMsg directive is encountered in a configuration section.
 * @param cmd The directive parameters ???
 * @param config The section's configuration
 * @param arg1 The message.
 * @return The error message if there is an error with this directive.
static const char *set_message(cmd_parms *cmd, void *config, const char *arg1) {
conf *c = (conf *)config;
c-message = (char *)apr_pstrdup(c-p, arg1);
return NULL;

 * Provide the response to the request.
 * @param r The request record. (Containing all of the details of the request.)
 * @return Flag indicating successful handling of the request.
int handle(request_rec *r) {
conf *conf = ap_get_module_config(r-per_dir_config, hello_world_module);

// if there is no message declared for this URI (no matching Location, 
// Directory, etc) then let another hook handle the request.
if (conf == NULL || conf-message == NULL) return DECLINED;

// otherwise, send our message to the client
ap_rprintf(r, conf-message);

// and tell Apache that we've handled the request
return OK;

 * Connect hook functions to Apache so that Apache will call them at the
 * appropriate time.
 * @param p The memory pool to use.
static void register_hooks(apr_pool_t *p) {
// The handler hooks are used to provide the response's contents for a
// successful request.
ap_hook_handler(handle, NULL, NULL, APR_HOOK_MIDDLE);

// This list details which configuration directives this module understands.
static const command_rec cmds[] = {
// The HelloWorldMsg directive takes one argument, the message to send.
AP_INIT_TAKE1(HelloWorldMsg, set_message, NULL, OR_AUTHCFG,
specify the message to send clients),
// Indicates the end of the list of directives.

// This module declaration tells Apache which configuration directives this
// module understands and which methods to call to connect the hook functions.
module AP_MODULE_DECLARE_DATA hello_world_module = {
STANDARD20_MODULE_STUFF, // always need this
create_conf, // called for each configuration section
NULL,// called for nested configuration sections (?)
NULL,// called once per server configuration
NULL,// ?
cmds,// which configuration directives do I handle?
register_hooks   // function to be called at bind-time

Re: hello world example module...?

2003-06-24 Thread Chris Knight
Jeff Trawick wrote:

Chris Knight wrote:

Would there be any interest in including example modules with the 
Apache source distribution?

Ah, fair enough. I wouldn't have thought of looking in experimental, 
however (I seemed to remember that there was an example module somewhere 
but couldn't find it yesterday). And it's certainly a lot more to 
swallow than a hello world example.

fixed -- mod_mime.c#find_ct() redux

2003-06-06 Thread Chris Knight
Justin Erenkrantz wrote:

It looks like Catacomb (0.8.0 is what I just downloaded) is doing the 
same thing in its dav_repos_set_headers as mod_dav_svn.  That hook 
runs after the fixups hooks, so it just trounces on the content-type 
that mod_mime tried to set with ModMimeUsePathInfo.
Ah, good call. I've fixed Catacomb to not do this anymore unless the 
RDBMS has Content-Type defined.

In doing some debugging, with mod_dav_fs (with DEBUG_GET_HANDLER 
defined in
repos.c) I've found that find_ct is not called to identify the type. I'm
Well, here, find_ct is called in the fixups stage.  So, I'm not sure 
what's going on for you.  Some more specifics could be helpful.
I think because content_type was already defined, it skipped calling 

assuming the inability to run PHP scripts from a DAV server is the same
problem. Bug or feature?
Note that since PHP 4.2.3, which (I believe) introduced the PHP 
handler for httpd-2.0 and removed the PHP filter, it's not possible to 
do this chaining. Implementing PHP as a filter got to be a nightmare, 
and we eventually gave up and did it as a handler instead.  One of the 
drawbacks is that PHP can't work off of virtual repositories or 
anything that has its own handler now.

(PHP requires file-backed input into its parser which kills it for 
Subversion and httpd-2.0.  I believe there may be some work to allow 
PHP to take in push-based streams like Apache httpd output filters can 
deliver - when that is ready, we can reexamine PHP as filter again and 
determine what needs to happen on httpd's side to make it all happy - 
there is definitely some work that has to be done to httpd as well.)
This is a major issue with non-fs backends...One option would be to 
re-do the filter to use a temporary file to feed to PHP (a gross hack, I 
know.) Thanks for the details/history...

Also, I would highly recommend that testing of Apache include testing 
GET handler in mod_dav_fs. There are other backends (Catacomb, ?) 
that use
mod_dav as their front-end and who handle GETs themselves and we're 
into these issues.

httpd-test's perl-framework already has some tests for WebDAV that 
does exactly this.  Feel free to help us expand our tests over on 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  -- justin
Strangely, I am not seeing the problem with mod_dav_fs anymore...Perhaps 
I was hallucinating...I guess it works for me. :^o

Good news is I now have a much firmer grasp of the internal workings of 

Is there an active project to write/improve the documentation of these 
internal workings?

Re: automatic type identification (by extension) in virtual DAV repositories

2003-05-31 Thread Chris Knight
André Malo wrote:

* Chris Knight wrote:


So, Catacomb and other mod_dav backends that handle GET requests would
like to have the Content-Type of resources be automatically identified
based on the path information of that resource in the same manner as
file resources.
How would I best approach this problem? It appears that the mod_dav.c
hooks are defined as MIDDLE as is the mod_mime.c hooks...Should I force
a specific ordering of execution? Only other problem is find_ct in
mod_mime.c wants to see the finfo structure which doesn't apply to
virtual resources.

ModMimeUsePathInfo was created for this purpose IIRC.

HTH, nd

But it does not function in this circumstance. I believe 
ModMimeUsePathInfo turns on calls to find_ct but find_ct relies on 
filename which only goes down to the Location (the root of the 
Catacomb server.) I could hack the filename if I can get to it before 
find_ct is called (as detailed in my second paragraph) but that's 
certainly a poor solution.

Re: automatic type identification (by extension) in virtual DAV repositories

2003-05-31 Thread Chris Knight
Justin Erenkrantz wrote:

--On Friday, May 30, 2003 2:34 AM +0200 André Malo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

ModMimeUsePathInfo was created for this purpose IIRC.

Indeed.  The only caveat is that ModMimeUsePathInfo shouldn't 
necessarily be enabled on resources that you edit.  The problem comes 
into play when filters are applied and the transmitted representation 
differs from the on-disk (in-storage) resource.  (This is actually a 
major collision with REST that WebDAV never quite solved cleanly - it 
just assumes that the resource == representation.)
Note that Content-Type identification would only come into play when the 
Content-Type was not explicitly identified by the original PUT (as 
happens with the Win32's Web Folders client and the Cadaver client and 
surely many others.) Would it be better, instead, to not send a 
Content-Type header at all? (It appears that find_ct defaults to 
text/plain if it's unable to determine type by extension, should it 
instead do nothing?)

The best example is with mod_include'd files.  With ModMimeUsePathInfo 
On, there is no way to disable the output filters when communicating 
with a DAV client.  Therefore, the solution is to mount the repository 
twice - once as read-only with ModMimeUsePathInfo On and another one 
with it Off so that the DAV clients can modify without having the 
filters executed and get the 'raw' representation.

Hope that makes sense.  If not, I can try to clarify.  -- justin
Already addressed by the WebDAV spec, see:

And, of course, this issue is peripheral to Content-Type identification.

automatic type identification (by extension) in virtual DAV repositories

2003-05-30 Thread Chris Knight
So, Catacomb and other mod_dav backends that handle GET requests would 
like to have the Content-Type of resources be automatically identified 
based on the path information of that resource in the same manner as 
file resources.

How would I best approach this problem? It appears that the mod_dav.c 
hooks are defined as MIDDLE as is the mod_mime.c hooks...Should I force 
a specific ordering of execution? Only other problem is find_ct in 
mod_mime.c wants to see the finfo structure which doesn't apply to 
virtual resources.

I can't call find_ct directly, nor can I get at the mime_dir_config 
information to map the extension back to a Content-Type. Ideas?

It seems to me that the mime_dir_config information should be made 
public or at least some methods for converting extension to Content-Type 
(and visa-versa?)

Re: mod_dav overhaul

2003-05-29 Thread Chris Knight
Ben Collins-Sussman wrote:


I'm writing because I plan to do some major overhauling of mod_dav.
No need to fear, because I'm essentially a disciple of gstein.  :-)
I'm reasonably familiar with mod_dav code already, because I'm
intimate with the mod_dav_svn provider (Subversion's main server.)

Yes yes yes! If you need help, I'm a willing sucker/victim/volunteer. 
;^o As is, I'm sure, all of the Catacomb back-end developers. (I've cc'd 
the Catacomb mailing list.) Perhaps it would be worthwhile to branch off 
to a sub mailing list for this effort?

guidance requested - how to get handler to work with GET in mod_dav_fs

2003-05-27 Thread Chris Knight
I'd like to have handlers (from the http_request module, created by the 
Action and AddHandler directives) properly handle output sent from the 
mod_dav_fs module (with DEBUG_GET_HANDLER turned on.)

For example, if mod_dav_fs handles a GET to a text/html file and I've 
added Action text/html /cgi-bin/footer.cgi, it should hand off the 
html document to the footer.cgi script for further processing.

Is it the responsibility of the module responding to the GET to hand off 
to these handlers or should this be the default/core behavior of Apache?

If not, can someone point me in the direction of how to hand off to a 
http_request handler?

This functionality is critical for mod_dav backends.


any way for a module to call (mod_access) int check_dir_access(request_rec*rec)?

2003-03-11 Thread Chris Knight
I am writing a module that would very much like to find out if a 
particular user has access to a particular URI (not the URI that got to 
my module). Is there any way through an inter-module framework or the 
like to call this function from within my module? I'd rather not 
formulate another HTTP request just to test this.

If you must know why, I'm working on a mod_dav submodule and we'd like 
to not display information in PROPFIND that the user shouldn't be able 
to read via any other method.

My apologies if this is not the correct list to ask this question.